UIDatePicker displays incorrect day in UIDatePickerDateAndTime mode for zones 12+ hours ahead of defaultZone

2011-01-10 Thread Steve Mykytyn
UIDatePicker (4.2.1) shows differing dates for the modes 

  UIDatePickerDate (correct),  and

  UIDatePickerDateAndTime (incorrect) 

when the timezone you assign to the UIDatePicker is 

  - more than 12 hours ahead (east) of the systemTimeZone of the iPhone.

For example, 

  device system time zone = America/Los Angeles = GMT - 8

  Honolulu date: Dec 7, 1941 7:48am

  Tokyo date: Dec 8, 1941 3:18am

UIDatePicker will show the Tokyo date for mode

  UIDatePickerDate (correct): Dec 8, 1941

  UIDatePickerDateAndTime: Dec 7, 1941

In fact, UIDatePicker will show incorrect dates in this case for any time zone 
east of GMT + 4 (always one day before correct day)

A work-around in viewDidLoad is:

self.datePicker.datePickerMode = UIDatePickerModeDateAndTime;   

self.datePicker.minuteInterval = 1;

self.datePicker.timeZone = timeZone;

[NSTimeZone setDefaultTimeZone:timeZone];  //  *** add this line to 
force date picker to show correct date in all modes

[self.datePicker setDate:tzDate animated:YES];  

and in viewWillDisappear add:

[NSTimeZone resetSystemTimeZone];

[NSTimeZone setDefaultTimeZone:[NSTimeZone systemTimeZone]];

Not super happy about the work-around, but it should be fairly robust even if 
this bug is fixed in future.

If anyone can shed some light on this behavior, please advise.  No amount of 
fooling around with calendars, locales, etc. fixed this until i reset the 
default zone.


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Big Core Data, countForFetchRequest, and GCD

2011-03-29 Thread Steve Mykytyn
countForFetchRequest seems to bog down on really big collections of
entities.  For approx 170K entities it takes around 10 seconds on an iPhone
3GS to count them, which is a problem in a UITableView where you are trying
to display a list of entities and associated counts.

A GCD based solution, that queues up countForFetchRequest on a concurrent
queue for each entity, and then updates the corresponding cell when
finished, seems to work pretty well, although one or two big entity counts
essentially bog down all the requests behind them.  Counts are cached so
that countForFetchRequest is only called once for any entity.

Code below, can anyone suggest any further optimization or different
approaches that might be more effective?

(I'm aware of the danger of multi-threading core data - this particular
managed object context never changes and nothing is happening to it on other
threads when this read is going on)

- (void) countEntitiesNamed:(NSString *)entityName
inContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context forIndexPath:(NSIndexPath
*)indexPath {

NSNumber *rowCountObject = [self.rowCountMD valueForKey:entityName];

if (rowCountObject) return;


0), ^{

 NSEntityDescription *ed;
 NSFetchRequest  *frq;

 frq = [[[NSFetchRequest alloc] init] autorelease];
 ed = [NSEntityDescription entityForName:entityName
 [frq setEntity:ed];
 NSDate *startDate = [NSDate date];
 NSUInteger rowCount = [context countForFetchRequest:frq error:nil];
 NSTimeInterval timeInterval = -[startDate timeIntervalSinceNow];
 DLog(@"%0.2lf seconds for %d %@ ",timeInterval,rowCount,entityName);

  dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
 [rowCountMD setValue:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:rowCount]
 UITableViewCell *cell = [self.tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:indexPath];
 cell.detailTextLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ objects",
  [NSNumberFormatter localizedStringFromNumber:[NSNumber



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Re: What is the point of a host-reachability test that doesn't test the reachability of the host?

2011-06-01 Thread Steve Mykytyn
Just to add another two cents on the unreliability of pings for determining
reachability, if you are using the wi-fi service in certain airports, cafes,
etc. some wi-fi providers will respond to a ping of anything, so it will
appear you can reach any host, when in fact you can't reach anything except
the providers home page until you authenticate.

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Reusable Detail View Controller for UISplitViewController?

2015-07-31 Thread Steve Mykytyn
This seems too easy - seems to work great.  Can anyone point out a defect
with this approach?

I want to reuse the same view controller instance as the detail view
controller for a UISplitViewController - my experience is that constantly
instantiating view controllers can be sluggish.

Simply making the persistent view controller a child controller of the
newly instantiated detail view controller seems to work just fine, as in

// self.persistentDetailViewController is a view controller instantiated in

- (void) addChildToDetailController {

self.persistentDetailViewController.view.frame =

#pragma mark - Segues

- (void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender {
if ([[segue identifier] isEqualToString:@"showDetail"]) {
   NSIndexPath *indexPath = [self.tableView indexPathForSelectedRow];
   NSDate *object = self.objects[indexPath.row];
self.detailViewController = (DetailViewController *)[[segue
destinationViewController] topViewController];
   [self.detailViewController setDetailItem:object];
   self.detailViewController.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem =
   self.detailViewController.navigationItem.leftItemsSupplementBackButton =
[self addChildToDetailController];

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Xcode warning from linking to a third-party framework in both app and in framework included in app?

2015-08-18 Thread Steve Mykytyn
I'm linking to the Parse.com frameworks in both my app and in a private
framework of my own included in the app.  This generates the linker warning

Both the app and the included framework use

objc[1735]: Class PFObject is implemented in both  and
. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.

I guess I could simply make sure to only use Parse my private framework,
but it seems like this should be fixable somehow...

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Re: Xcode warning from linking to a third-party framework in both app and in framework included in app?

2015-08-18 Thread Steve Mykytyn
Turns out the way to handle this seems to be:

1. Use an Other Linker Flag:  "-weak_framework Parse" in the private
framework target

2. Don't link to Parse in the Linker Build phase in the private framework

3. Link as normal to Parse in the main app target.

Clean the build folders all around, do the builds and the warnings are all

At least on Xcode 6.4...

On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 10:23 AM, Jens Alfke  wrote:

> On Aug 18, 2015, at 8:48 AM, Steve Mykytyn  wrote:
> I'm linking to the Parse.com <http://parse.com/> frameworks in both my
> app and in a private
> framework of my own included in the app.  This generates the linker warning
> below.
> If Parse provides their library in the form of a true (dynamic) framework,
> you should use that and have both your app and your private framework link
> against it.
> If they only provide a static framework/library, you can create a target
> that builds that into a dynamic framework and exports the necessary
> symbols, then do the above.
> —Jens

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UIActivityItemSource and Facebook?

2015-10-19 Thread Steve Mykytyn
Working with the UIActivityItemSource, I'm finding that Facebook won't take
anything except an image or URL - is there any way to supply it with text?

My code works fine with Mail, Twitter, etc.

The Facebook and Messenger apps will display a supplied image, will extract
an image from a URL in preference to using the image, but don't take text.

Is it me or them?

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NSBundleResourceRequest with Initial Install Tags not available immediately?

2015-11-04 Thread Steve Mykytyn
I've got an app, with a pre-built Core Data persistent store, that I'm
trying to use with On-Demand resources,  set up with Initial Install tags.

Trying to use it on first run in the App Delegate, I'm finding that on a
real device attached to Xcode, the resources are not immediately available
on the device, but only after some delay.

The persistent store is available eventually, but not having it immediately
is leading me to all kinds of fragile attempts to keep the rest of the app
from starting up too soon.

The persistent store (gzipped) was previously just bundled with the app and
worked fine that way.

Can anyone shed any light on this?

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CloudKit queries for records with CKAssets - one or many?

2016-06-19 Thread Steve Mykytyn
I've got an app that displays 40-50 thumbnail images at a time via
CloudKit.  Right now it issues a CKQuery for each image when its
corresponding UICollectionViewCell becomes visible. (Once I have them they
are kept locally)

I could launch 1 or 2 queries to retrieve the entire batch, which would of
keep the queries per second down, but maybe be less responsive.

Anyone have any experience with something similar?

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How to create a dial keypad with autolayout?

2013-08-31 Thread Steve Mykytyn
Having done this a number of times with springs and struts, I thought a
telephone dial keypad would be a good way to learn the ins and outs of auto

- 5 rows of three buttons each
- Each button has a label (2) and optional label below (abc)
- The width of the buttons always the same.
- The height of each button changes between 3.5 and 4 inch iPhones

Seems like this should be a straightforward use of auto layout, but I can't
seem to get to a solution that does not have a very large number of
constraints, which are very finicky if you try to adjust them.

It's also very difficult to start with a row of three buttons, say, get
that right, then duplicate that row and add/fix up constraints?

Suggestions please?

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NSDateFormatter timeStyle NSDateFormatterFullStyle for dates earlier than 1970?

2014-06-11 Thread Steve Mykytyn
NSDateFormatter (iOS) does not produce time zone names (or abbreviations)
prior to January 1, 1970, instead shifting to the "GMT-08:00" style.

Is this a bug or a feature?  Judging from the tz database, it should be
able to produce names prior to 1970 if I understand tz correctly.

NSDateFormatter does correctly interpret the actual changes in time, so
that you can see the constant daylight savings in the US during World War
II, and the change from LMT (local mean time) to Standard Rail Time on
November 18, 1883.

There were certainly names for time zones, such as "Eastern War Time"
during WW II, and the tz database does contain references to W, for
example, as a letter for constructing time zone abbreviations.

Running backwards, NSDateFormatter for "Americas/Los_Angeles" produces

-- Tuesday, June 10, 2014 at 12:00:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time
-- Saturday, March 8, 2014 at 11:00:00 AM Pacific Standard Time
-- Saturday, November 2, 2013 at 12:00:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time

-- Saturday, October 24, 1970 at 12:00:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time
-- Saturday, April 25, 1970 at 11:00:00 AM Pacific Standard Time

-- Wednesday, December 31, 1969 at 11:00:00 AM GMT-08:00
-- Saturday, October 25, 1969 at 12:00:00 PM GMT-07:00

-- Saturday, September 23, 1950 at 12:00:00 PM GMT-07:00
-- Saturday, April 29, 1950 at 11:00:00 AM GMT-08:00

-- Friday, December 31, 1948 at 12:00:00 PM GMT-07:00
-- Saturday, March 13, 1948 at 11:00:00 AM GMT-08:00
-- Saturday, September 29, 1945 at 12:00:00 PM GMT-07:00
-- Sunday, February 8, 1942 at 11:00:00 AM GMT-08:00

-- Saturday, October 25, 1919 at 12:00:00 PM GMT-07:00
-- Saturday, March 29, 1919 at 11:00:00 AM GMT-08:00
-- Saturday, October 26, 1918 at 12:00:00 PM GMT-07:00
-- Saturday, March 30, 1918 at 11:00:00 AM GMT-08:00

-- Sunday, November 18, 1883 at 11:07:02 AM GMT-07:52:58

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NSCalendar and NSDates prior to October 15, 1582

2015-01-30 Thread Steve Mykytyn
The documentation for the Date and Time Programming Guide for iOS does not
seem to be telling the truth, or perhaps I'm doing something wrong.


"The Julian to Gregorian Transition

NSCalendar models the transition from the Julian to Gregorian calendar in
October 1582. During this transition, 10 days were skipped. This means that
October 15, 1582 follows October 4, 1582. All of the provided methods for
calendrical calculations take this into account, but you may need to
account for it when you are creating dates from components. Dates created
in the gap are pushed forward by 10 days. For example October 8, 1582 is
stored as October 18, 1582."

This code:

NSCalendar *calendar = [NSCalendar
 DDLog(@"calendar = %@
 NSDateComponents *components = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init];
 [components setYear:1582];
[components setMonth:10];
[components setDay:10];
 NSDate *date = [calendar dateFromComponents:components];
 DDLog(@"components2 = %@",components);
DDLog(@"date = %@",date);

yields this result:

DateLimit: calendar = gregorian 

DateLimit: components2 = 
Calendar Year: 1582
Month: 10
Day: 10

DateLimit: date = 1582-10-10 07:52:58 +

Every other calculation I've tried seems to indicate that NSCalendar
provides a proleptic Gregorian calendar - i.e. it does not adjust for the
October 15 following October 4 transition.

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Re: NSCalendar and NSDates prior to October 15, 1582

2015-02-12 Thread Steve Mykytyn
Bug report submitted.

It also turns out there are lots of interesting failures with NSDate,
NSDateFormatter, NSCalendar, NSNumberFormatter, etc. if you go sufficiently
far from the present -- 144,684 AD and 5,828,963 AD are the magic numbers
in the positive direction.

Blog post here:

iOS Project here: https://github.com/359north/nsdate-limits

NSDate is precise to the second out to around 285,426,782 AD, but some of
its compatriots let it down.

On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 11:34 AM, Greg Parker  wrote:

> > On 2015 Jan 30, at 12:32, Steve Mykytyn wrote:
> >
> > The documentation for the Date and Time Programming Guide for iOS does
> not seem to be telling the truth, or perhaps I'm doing something wrong.
> Please file a bug report.
> > On Feb 5, 2015, at 6:56 AM, Jeffrey Oleander  wrote:
> >
> > Some countries did not adopt the Gregorian adjustment until the 1750s,
> and others much later than that (Russia partially converted in 1700 but not
> completely until 1922, Turkey in 1926).  Anyway, it's not something you can
> do a neat mathematical conversion on and have it work "perfectly"
> everywhere and for every date.   What of those of us who have to deal with
> dates going back to e.g. 1200BCE?
> The Date and Time Programming Guide mentions that issue too.
> "Some countries adopted the Gregorian calendar at various later times.
> Nevertheless, for consistency the change is modeled at the same time
> regardless of locale. If you need absolute historical accuracy for a
> particular locale…"
> --
> Greg Parker gpar...@apple.com Runtime Wrangler

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Core Data: following a relationship to set a transient attribute during awakeFromFetch

2008-12-14 Thread Steve Mykytyn
I am using transient attributes as a nice and efficient way to display  
formatted data (with line breaks) in an NSTableView, and am running  
into trouble in my awakeFromFetch: method for a subclass of  

This works fine in the awakeFromFetch: when building a transient  
attribute based on permanent attributes of the object in question, but

I'm trying to follow relationships  to retrieve attributes from  
several other NSManagedObjects.

The relationship is to the correct NSManagedObject, which is a fault,  
as seen here:

12/14/08 5:50:43 PM myApp[14070] after we get it city =  
 (entity: destination_city; id:  
0x150d14e0 > ; data: )

Trying to access attributes of the relation just fails with a message  

12/14/08 5:51:19 PM myApp[14070] *** NSRunLoop ignoring exception  
'statement is still active' that raised during posting of delayed  
perform with target 0x14c90c80 and selector 'invokeWithTarget:'

Sample code:

awakeFromFetch: in my NSManagedObject subclass

NSManagedObject *city = [self valueForKey:@"city"];
NSManagedObject *state = [self primitiveValueForKey:@"state"];
NSManagedObject *country = [self primitiveValueForKey:@"country"];

	// * fails on the next statement - city is there, and marked  
as a default...

NSString *cityName = [city valueForKey:@"city_name"];
NSString *stateName = [state valueForKey:@"state_name"];
NSString *countryName = [country valueForKey:@"countryName"];

	NSString *transient_location = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@, %...@\n 
%@", cityName, stateName, countryName];

displayPatternValue is much slower than this approach and I don't want  
to denormalize my tables unless I have to do so.


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10.6 Base, 10.5 Target, runs fine on everything except Intel 10.5

2010-03-09 Thread Steve Mykytyn
Trying to build an app with base SDK 10.6, target OS 10.5.  

everything works fine on Intel 10.6, PPC 10.5, but I get a crash on PPC 10.5.  
Any suggestions?

Exception Codes: 0x0002, 0x
Crashed Thread:  0

Dyld Error Message:
  Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS_$_NSRunningApplication


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10.6 Base, 10.5 Target, runs fine on everything except Intel 10.5 (repost)

2010-03-09 Thread Steve Mykytyn
(fumbled the previous post - sorry)

Trying to build an app with base SDK 10.6, target OS 10.5.  

everything works fine on Intel 10.6, PPC 10.5, but I get a crash on INTEL 10.5. 
 Any suggestions?

Exception Codes: 0x0002, 0x
Crashed Thread:  0

Dyld Error Message:
 Symbol not found: 

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Re: 10.6 Base, 10.5 Target, runs fine on everything except Intel 10.5

2010-03-09 Thread Steve Mykytyn
I know all about separating 10.6 from 10.5 stuff.  The problem is: I've been 
testing on a 10.5 PPC machine, where everything works fine.  On 10.5 Intel, it 
does not finish starting up, just crashes out.  Never gets anywhere that I 
would use something 10.6 related.

Trying to be as clear as possible:

10.6 Intel Snow Leopard - works fine
10.5 Intel Leopard - crashes complaining about NSRunningApplication
10.5 PPC Leopard - works fine

Even if the startup sequence for an app was different between PPC and Intel, 
I'd expect to eventually crash out on both PPC and Intel if it was something 
I'm doing in the source code.

This has got to be something with the way I have the project set up, which is 
about as vanilla as you can get...

On Mar 9, 2010, at 2:45 PM, Steve Christensen wrote:

> The class NSRunningApplication only exists on 10.6 and later. Are you doing a 
> runtime check before using it?
> Class nsRunningAppClass = NSClassFromString(@"NSRunningApplication");
> if (nsRunningAppClass != NULL)
> {
>   // 10.6 case...
>   NSRunningApplication* currentApplication = [nsRunningAppClass 
> currentApplication];
>   ...
> }
> else
> {
>   // 10.5 case...
> }
> On Mar 9, 2010, at 2:30 PM, Steve Mykytyn wrote:
>> Trying to build an app with base SDK 10.6, target OS 10.5.
>> everything works fine on Intel 10.6, PPC 10.5, but I get a crash on PPC 
>> 10.5.  Any suggestions?
>> Exception Type:  EXC_BREAKPOINT (SIGTRAP)
>> Exception Codes: 0x0002, 0x
>> Crashed Thread:  0
>> Dyld Error Message:
>> Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS_$_NSRunningApplication


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Re: 10.6 Base, 10.5 Target, runs fine on everything except Intel 10.5 [KIND OF SOLVED]

2010-03-12 Thread Steve Mykytyn
Thanks to everyone for their suggestions, particularly Greg Parker for the 
unambiguous clarification.

While the safest approach is to use NSClassFromString to ensure that you can 
run in 64 bit on 10.5, I opted not to do that because it's not enough to 
actually get all 64-bit apps to work on 10.5, and it also has the downside of 
essentially requiring frequent testing on 10.5 Intel to make sure you didn't 
forget something - I'm not big on relying on humans to prevent errors, 
especially me.

In my info,plist I force Leopard to run in 32 bit:

 x86_64 10.6.0

which results in everything running fine on all platforms, and solves an issue 
involving System Configuration as well:

The issue involves the System Configuration and IOKit frameworks.  If you use 
attempt to use certain functions from the System Configuration Framework in a 
x86_64 application on 10.5.8, you will get this crash report:


Date/Time:   2010-03-09 16:37:05.849 -0800
OS Version:  Mac OS X 10.5.8 (9L31a)
Report Version:  6
Anonymous UUID:  27FDECB3-E71F-4ED5-9E76-49DA5B513E3E

Exception Codes: 0x0002, 0x
Crashed Thread:  0

Dyld Error Message:
  Symbol not found: _SCDynamicStoreCreate
  Referenced from: /Users/smykytyn/Desktop/TEST.app/Contents/MacOS/TEST
  Expected in: /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/IOKit

If you do an "nm" on the System Configuration and IOKit frameworks in the 10.5 
and 10.6 SDKs, you will see that some SCF functions in the 10.6 SDK are shown 
in both frameworks, but not in 10.5 IOKit:

Last login: Wed Mar 10 08:39:27 on console
SM-MBP:~ smykytyn$ nm 
| grep Dynamic
SM-MBP:~ smykytyn$ nm 
| grep Dynamic
0001f47f T _SCDynamicStoreCopyMultiple
0001f422 T _SCDynamicStoreCopyValue
0001f39d T _SCDynamicStoreCreate
0001f330 T _SCDynamicStoreCreateRunLoopSource
0001f582 T _SCDynamicStoreKeyCreate
0001f2c5 T _SCDynamicStoreKeyCreatePreferences
0001f1af T _SCDynamicStoreNotifyValue
0001f264 T _SCDynamicStoreSetNotificationKeys
0001f203 T _SCDynamicStoreSetValue

The Growl people had an obscure reference to this about building for 64-bit 
using the 10.5 SDK as their workaround, although I can't find it right now.

Perhaps there is some magic obvious solution to get all this to work correctly, 
but for now I'm restricting Leopard to 32-bit as I need to use these things. 

On Mar 9, 2010, at 3:25 PM, Greg Parker wrote:

> On Mar 9, 2010, at 2:57 PM, Steve Mykytyn wrote:
>> I know all about separating 10.6 from 10.5 stuff.  The problem is: I've been 
>> testing on a 10.5 PPC machine, where everything works fine.  On 10.5 Intel, 
>> it does not finish starting up, just crashes out.  Never gets anywhere that 
>> I would use something 10.6 related.
>> Trying to be as clear as possible:
>> 10.6 Intel Snow Leopard - works fine
>> 10.5 Intel Leopard - crashes complaining about NSRunningApplication
>> 10.5 PPC Leopard - works fine
>> Even if the startup sequence for an app was different between PPC and Intel, 
>> I'd expect to eventually crash out on both PPC and Intel if it was something 
>> I'm doing in the source code.
> I'm guessing that you crash on 10.5/Intel/Leopard/64-bit and do not crash on 
> 10.5/Intel/Leopard/32-bit.
> If you write anything like this and run on a system where the class is not 
> present, you will crash on 64-bit but may or may not crash on 32-bit:
>   // BAD
>   [NSRunningApplication someMethod];
> If NSRunningApplication may be absent at runtime, then you must not refer to 
> it directly, ever. You must use NSClassFromString() everywhere:
>   // GOOD
>   Class nsRunningApplicationClass = 
> NSClassFromString(@"NSRunningApplication");
>   [nsRunningApplicationClass someMethod];
> -- 
> Greg Parker gpar...@apple.com Runtime Wrangler


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Xcode 3.23 broke my code signing

2010-04-14 Thread Steve Mykytyn
Project that built fine for weeks fails to pass validation, won't run when 

Ran Xcode uninstall, reinstalled from scratch, same deal.

Other than randomly trying stuff, does anyone have a known working procedure 
for fixing this???

Hard to think of a less productive way to waste 

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Re: Xcode 3.23 broke my code signing [FIXED]

2010-04-15 Thread Steve Mykytyn
For anyone else who runs into this:

Reversion to 3.2.2 fixed the code signing issue.  Black magic apparently.

Nothing else worked.

Apologies to anyone who thinks this should have been posted to a different list.

On Apr 15, 2010, at 9:06 AM, Dave Reed wrote:

> On Apr 14, 2010, at 9:25 PM, Steve Mykytyn wrote:
>> Project that built fine for weeks fails to pass validation, won't run when 
>> installed.
>> Ran Xcode uninstall, reinstalled from scratch, same deal.
>> Other than randomly trying stuff, does anyone have a known working procedure 
>> for fixing this???
>> Hard to think of a less productive way to waste time.
> The Xcode-users list would be more appropriate but since your subject seems 
> to indicate version 3.2.3, you need to use the Apple Developer Forums 
> available at:
> http://developer.apple.com/iphone (link to them on the right after you log 
> in).
> Unrelated to the pre-release version, I did notice a temporary glitch a 
> couple days ago that seemed to be related to the itunesconnect site having 
> some temporary issues. A few hours later it was fine.
> Dave


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Core Data, Bindings, NSSearchField, and NSPopUpButton

2008-09-12 Thread Steve Mykytyn
I'm displaying a list of 100,000 or so global locations in an  
NSTableView, using an NSSearchField to help the user zero in on  
desired locations by street address, city, state, country, etc.  It  
all works fine using Core Data plus bindings.  And best of all no  
interface code...

It would be handy to add an NSPopupButton with the list of countries  
to optionally restrict the search to a specific country while looking  
for a city name in the searchfield, say.  Can't seem to find any  
relevant examples of this kind of thing with Core Data + Bindings,  
where two interface items are controlling the search.  I prefer to  
keep the interface code to zero if possible.

Suggestions on where to look or how to proceed?

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NSURLConnection willSendRequest: not behaving as expected on a 302 response - no further response after nil return

2008-10-04 Thread Steve Mykytyn

I'm using NSURLConnection to contact a URL that returns a 302
response along with some data, and then returns a 200 response with
some different data.  I want to stop it at the 302 response and get
the data that comes along with the 302 response.

To make this happen I understand the delegate method [NSURLConnection
connection: willSendRequest: redirectResponse:] should return nil.

To quote the documentation:

"Alternatively, the delegate method can return nil to cancel the
redirect, and the connection will continue to process. This has
special relevance in the case where redirectResponse is not nil. In
this case, any data that is loaded for the connection will be sent to
the delegate, and the delegate will receive a
connectionDidFinishLoading or connection:didFailLoadingWithError:
message, as appropriate."

Using tcpdump I can see the 302 response come back, along with the
expected data, but I never receive anything from further from
NSURLConnection after I return the nil above.  No "didReceiveData:"
or "connectionDidFinishLoading:" or
"connection:didFailLoadingWithError:" - zip, zilch, nada.

The code works fine for receiving 200 responses etc.

Suggestions please?

Slightly edited code below.

#pragma mark NSURLConnection delegate methods

- (NSCachedURLResponse *)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection
willCacheResponse:(NSCachedURLResponse *)cachedResponse {

return nil; //  NEVER cache responses

- (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didReceiveData:
(NSData *)data {

@try {
if ( connection && responseData ) [responseData 
@catch ( NSException *e ) {

NSLog(@"exception during didReceiveData: %@", e);

- (NSURLRequest *)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection
willSendRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request redirectResponse:
(NSURLResponse *)redirectResponse {

if(redirectResponse) {

NSHTTPURLResponse *httpResponse = (NSHTTPURLResponse *)
statusCode = [httpResponse statusCode];
if (statusCode==302) newRequest = nil; // go for the first 
return only

return request;

- (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didReceiveResponse:
(NSURLResponse *)response {

@try {

NSHTTPURLResponse *httpResponse = (NSHTTPURLResponse *)response;

statusCode = [httpResponse statusCode];

if (httpResponse) { // we know this is an NSHTTPURLResponse 
we sent it to an http:// URL

if (pageRequest==1) { // this is the first page request 
- which
should just get the redirect info and go from there

statusCode = [httpResponse statusCode];

if (statusCode==302) {

if( connection && responseData ) 
[responseData setLength:0];


else if (pageRequest==2) { // this is the second page 

statusCode = [httpResponse statusCode];

if (statusCode==200) { // success ...

if( connection && responseData ) 
[responseData setLength:0];

@catch ( NSException *e ) {

NSLog(@"exception during didReceiveResponse: %@", e);

- (void)connectionDidFinishLoading:(NSURLConnection *)connection{

@try {

NSString *tempString = [[NSString alloc] 

[dict setValue:responseData forKey:@"body"];
[dict setValue:tempString forKey:@"bodyString"];

[tempString release];

//  [connection release];connection=nil;
[responseData release];

@catch ( NSException *e ) {

NSLog(@"exception during pageRequest %d 
%@",pageRequest, e);


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NSSearchField constants in search predicate binding?

2008-11-13 Thread Steve Mykytyn
I'd like to use constant values in certain NSSearchField search  
predicate bindings, but can't seem to get them to work.  As in these  
two predicates


phoneNumber contains $value


(phoneNumber contains $value) and (countryName contains 'United States')

Is this possible, and what's the correct syntax if it is possible?

 I could not find anything obvious online, and thought the example  
above ought to work


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alias link to libcrypto not working across different OS X versions

2009-08-19 Thread Steve Mykytyn
I have an app that needs to work across recent OS X versions.  It  
links in the libcrypto.dylib, which is of course an alias.

  Path: /usr/lib/libcrypto.dylib

  Full Path: /usr/lib/libcrypto.0.9.x.dylib  (anonymized to respect  

App works fine on the dev machine with the newer OS X release, but  
when run on an older PowerPC machine with an older OS X,  app crashes

1. because it can't find /usr/lib/libcrypto.0.9.x.dylib

2. if weak-linked, it simply does not load anything and then crashes.

The older machine does not have /usr/lib/libcrypto.0.9.x.dylib, it  
has /usr/lib/libcrypto.0.9.y.dylib, which is where the alias resolves,  
but somehow the app does not get it right.

I have everything set up correctly as far as SDK and dev target  
because I can detect a weak-linked Apple framework if it's there, it's  
just this bit with libcrypto that seems to be the issue.



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Best Xcode machine mid-2019?

2019-06-28 Thread Steve Mykytyn via Cocoa-dev
My main Xcode machine is a late 2013 27-inch iMac, 24GB RAM, 3.5 GHz Core
i7 with 500GB SSD.

It works fine, but I'm wondering if an iMac Pro or a top-of-the-line 2019
iMac would be a life-changing experience.  Or just, "that's nice."

The Geekbench numbers are somewhat informative, but hoping for commentary
based on personal, direct experience.

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Re: Best Xcode machine mid-2019?

2019-06-29 Thread Steve Mykytyn via Cocoa-dev
Thanks for all the advice.  I set up the 4GB RAM disk, verified it was
putting Derived Data there, and tested against a dynamic framework I build
often.  I even rebooted to have a clean starting point.

The results were not great.  The framework normally takes between 13 and 17
seconds to build, and the first try with the RAM disk took 19.  After that
it recorded some lower times, but essentially a minor improvement, if at

A little surprising.

Anyway, determined to stick with the 2013 machine for a while longer, it's
still "good enough."

On Fri, Jun 28, 2019 at 4:58 PM Jeff Szuhay  wrote:

> Compilation is largely an i/o-bound problem. Unless the projects you work
> on are hideously
> large and would benefit from parallel processing (splitting the i/o among
> several processors),
> your current machine is quite satisfactory.
> Try this: using your current system, create a 4GB disk partition in
> memory. Then make that
> partition the “Derived Data” location.
> You can see how here: [
> http://www.blinddogsoftware.com/goodies/#CacheInYourPocket]
> If you notice an improvement in stability and decreased build time, great.
> If not, just keep
> on building great apps.
> On Jun 28, 2019, at 11:02 AM, Steve Mykytyn via Cocoa-dev <
> cocoa-dev@lists.apple.com> wrote:
> My main Xcode machine is a late 2013 27-inch iMac, 24GB RAM, 3.5 GHz Core
> i7 with 500GB SSD.
> It works fine, but I'm wondering if an iMac Pro or a top-of-the-line 2019
> iMac would be a life-changing experience.  Or just, "that's nice."
> The Geekbench numbers are somewhat informative, but hoping for commentary
> based on personal, direct experience.

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Re: Best Xcode machine mid-2019?

2019-07-01 Thread Steve Mykytyn via Cocoa-dev
The framework I'm building is written in Objective-C.  I'm waiting for
Swift to stabilize...

Looking at Activity Monitor during the build, all four CPU cores are
utilized symmetrically, the four hyper-threads somewhat less.  The disk IO
doesn't look like it's a bottleneck either.   It does seem to run faster
after a restart with no other apps running.

I suppose this isn't a pure test of compilation - as it's a framework
build, it's doing both x86 and arm builds, then lipo's them together, as
well as doing a fair bit of copying due to large on-demand asset catalogs.

It was worthwhile taking a look at the RAM disk, but I just didn't see
enough benefit in my particular case.  Whenever I go away from a pure
vanilla setup, I usually regret it later.

Thanks again for all the advice!

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On Demand Resource Trouble in Xcode 11 / iOS 13

2019-10-18 Thread Steve Mykytyn via Cocoa-dev
I'm having a problem with ODR in Xcode 11. Worked fine in Xcode 10 / iOS
12, both device and simulator.

1. I have the asset catalog in the main bundle
2. I have the Build Setting set to YES for Embed Asset Packs in Product
3. I can see that the assets are correctly copied into the bundle.
4. The Appearances of each image is set to None
5. There are no spelling errors in the asset tags
6. Using the old build system
7. The production app on the App Store works fine on iOS 12, fails on iOS

I get varying results depending on the tag and the simulator / device.

On a real iPhone 11 Pro, the method returns the tag not found error message:

Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4994 "The requested application data
doesn’t exist." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=InvalidTag}

On an iPhone 11 Pro simulator, it finds the tagged resources, but trying to
retrieve the images results in nil.

Same failures on a simulated older device / OS (6s/11.0), which worked fine
in the past.

I've tried providing images for light, dark, etc.  No luck.

Any suggestions?  At this point I'm getting ready to just avoid on demand
resources entirely...

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Code signing problem in one project...

2020-04-26 Thread Steve Mykytyn via Cocoa-dev
I'm automatically managing code signing on all my Xcode projects.  Just
today, one started refusing to validate / distribute, claiming it was
missing a private key.  All the other projects continue to build just fine.

Tried restarting Xcode, turned automatic signing on and off, deleted
derived data, removed anything old in the keychain.  No luck.

Suggested next steps?

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UITableViewHeaderFooter frames?

2020-08-11 Thread Steve Mykytyn via Cocoa-dev
I would like to get the frame of displayed UITableViewHeaderFooter views,
but unfortunately

[self.tableView.delegate tableView:self.tableView viewForHeaderInSection:i]

returns the correct UITableViewHeaderFooter based on its textLabel, but the
frame is all zeroes:

Printing description of header: >; gestureRecognizers = ; layer = >

I can get valid frames for UITableViewCells, but not the section headers.

Any suggestions?

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Tracking source of recommendation

2021-04-22 Thread Steve Mykytyn via Cocoa-dev
Glad to see this list showing a little life, so I thought I would ask a

I know how to make a link that app users can send to their friends as
email/message/post to take them to the app on the App Store.  What I would
like to do is associate the new app user upon first launch with the user
who recommended the app.  I could provide a second link in the original
email post with a scheme that would open in the app and correctly identify
the recommending user, but that seems a little clunky.

Is there a better way?

On Thu, Apr 22, 2021 at 12:00 PM  wrote:

> Send Cocoa-dev mailing list submissions to
> cocoa-dev@lists.apple.com
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> https://lists.apple.com/mailman/listinfo/cocoa-dev
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> cocoa-dev-ow...@lists.apple.com
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Cocoa-dev digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>1. Re: /Library/Application Support off limits? (Davidap)
>   (Jonathan Prescott)
> --
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2021 16:46:51 -0400
> From: Jonathan Prescott 
> To: i...@nacsport.com
> Cc: cocoa-dev@lists.apple.com
> Subject: Re: /Library/Application Support off limits? (Davidap)
> Message-ID: 
> Content-Type: text/plain;   charset=us-ascii
> Adobe, Google, etc., use the Apple security frame works and interfaces to
> temporarily elevate privileges to write their respective data to
> /Library/Application Support, which is actually where this data should go,
> based on Apple guidance.  There is extensive documentation on this whole
> issue in the Apple documentation.
> Jonathan
> --
> Subject: Digest Footer
> ___
> Cocoa-dev mailing list  (Cocoa-dev@lists.apple.com)
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> --
> End of Cocoa-dev Digest, Vol 18, Issue 28
> *

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Re: How do you handle reading a plist if it may be an array or a dictionary?

2021-05-09 Thread Steve Mykytyn via Cocoa-dev
You're creating your own problem here.  If you are controlling what the
configuration plist is, make it a dictionary at the top level with three
keys and entries:

idString - something that confirms to you that this is one of yours
array - the array you want in some cases
dictionary - the dictionary you want in some cases.

Then you deserialize it, confirm it's one of yours, and branch on which of
the latter two keys is not null.

This kind of situation can arise if you are configuring multiple apps out
of the same code base.

If you're not controlling the configuration plist, just use
NSPropertyListSerialization as noted previously and branch on what you get.

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