
2008-05-28 Thread vinitha

   I've build an email application,which doesn't using any email
clients.In this application i've to extract emails and email addresses
from other email clients(example,entourage etc).Which method
can i use for it?I searched this topic,then i got some topics related
to apple script.Is it right way to solve this problem?Or any other way
in cocoa?How can i import mailboxes to my email application?Hope
anybody can help me.



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Re: NSTExtView

2008-05-22 Thread vinitha
> On 22 May '08, at 8:42 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> [str initWithString:[self messageField]];
> Well, that's the problem. You initialized the attributed string from a
> plain string, which means it gets no formatting.
> If your text is in an NSTextField, call -attributedStringValue on it
> to get the text with styles.
> —Jens
I hope you could understand my question,

I've a Textview  contains the string

"Sample mail   bold italic



Sample mail   bold italic



2008-05-22 Thread vinitha
i've set the bold menu item by setting the action addFontTrait in 
fontmanager.Now it is working i can give the data's as bold italic etc in

I tried to convert it to HTML form by using the code.
  NSString * aTitle = @"Sample";
  NSArray*excluded = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:  
@"doctype",@"p",@"meta",@"xml",@"span",  nil];
  NSDictionary*attr = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
  aTitle, NSTitleDocumentAttribute,excluded,
  [NSNumber numberWithInt: NSASCIIStringEncoding],
  NSData*tData = [str dataFromRange: NSMakeRange(0, [str length])
documentAttributes: attr error: nil];

It giving html code, but it doesn;t giving ,, and colour tags
corresponding to the texts in textview.

Another qustion is how can i display this html code in my textview,I've tried

 NSDictionary ** dict = &attr;
  NSData*tData = [str dataFromRange: NSMakeRange(0, [str length])
documentAttributes: attr error: nil];
NSAttributedString *attrString = [[NSAttributedString 
 documentAttributes: dict];
   [[htmlView textStorage] setAttributedString: attrString];

But it also displays the same string not html code.

More speccific
 My first question is how can i get underlinetext or italictext to
unerlinetext  or  italictext  etc...

SEcond question is How can write html code to textView?if NSData gives
html code.
I've found another prooblem in my application,I clicked on the zoom button
of the window in interface builder3.0,Now i couldn;t open that window and
couldn't load at run time.Expecting reply.



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NSWindow in main nib.

2008-05-22 Thread vinitha
I posted a qustion that about wndow zoom  button.Now i got the window by
setting all the intial positions.



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Pantomime in xcode3.0

2008-05-20 Thread vinitha
  I'm using pantomime for sending mail without using mail client.I could
use this framework to send attachments by using the following code.

  [message setContentType:@"multipart/mixed"];
  [message setContentTransferEncoding: PantomimeEncodingBase64];
  [message setCharset: @"us-ascii"];
  [message setContentDisposition: PantomimeAttachmentDisposition];
  [message setFilename:fileNames];
  [message setContent:[newFile contentsAtPath:file]];

I could also send text document by using following code.

  [message setContentType:@"text/html"];
  [message setContentTransferEncoding: PantomimeEncodingNone];
  [message setCharset: @"us-ascii"];
  [message setContent:[[self messageToSend]dataUsingEncoding: 
But in this [message setContent] can set only one content at a time so How
can i send both attachment and text using this framework?Is there any way
to send both of them?Please help me.



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html question

2008-05-19 Thread vinitha
I want to convert string to its corresponding values.I found a method in
NSAttributedString  initWithHtml,i think it will convert HTML to
attributed string.I found 3 attributes
 NSString *NSExcludedElementsDocumentAttribute;
NSString *NSTextEncodingNameDocumentAttribute;
NSString *NSPrefixSpacesDocumentAttribute;  for generating html ,but How
to use it,I used it with NSDictionary but does not generating HTML code.

more specific::i want to convert the simple file to html file which
contains <,> and html tags.

ie,If a ftext ile contains simple word ,,


then i've to get html file contains,,,


I've already posted a question related to my topic.i got 2 responses and
tried it also,but couldn;t create html code.,so if there is a way in cocoa
please suggest me?If i there is no way to create html code for
corresponding file then also reply me.Please help me i'm new to cocoa. I
googled the topic but didin;t get much results for helping me.If u can
give any hint it will really help me.



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string to html.

2008-05-16 Thread vinitha

I've to convert text or image to its corresponding html code.
i've done

setContentType: @"text/html";
setCharset: @"us-ascii"

 NSDictionary*attr = [NSDictionary

 NSAttributedString*textValue = [[NSAttributedString alloc]
 initWithString: [self messageField]];//where messageField returns string.
 NSData*tData = [textValue dataFromRange: NSMakeRange(0, [[self
messageField] length])
 documentAttributes: attr error: nil];

tData still giving the text value not it scoresponding html code.So is it
right way?or Am i mis anything here?Anybody can help me?



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2008-05-15 Thread vinitha
I'm using xcode3.0 and objective c.Is there any way to generate html from
the plain test or images?Actualy i've to send mail in both the way in
normal way and its html view also.So cocoa provide any features to
this?Anybody can help me?



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Pantomime working well.

2008-05-14 Thread vinitha
ok,Pantomime framework is working fine now,I've given wrong
port,sory.Thanks to Ludovic Marcotte for helping me.



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Anybody using Pantomime or mail-core framework?

2008-05-12 Thread vinitha
I'm used pantomime framework to send mail without using any email
client.But the connection is established,after that serviceInitialized
method doesn't run.I given correct server,name and password.Anybody can
help me?

When the try to use Mailcore framework,the connectToServer function
throwing unknown exception,here also i've given correct initial
values.Please help me.

I've posted the my doubt in pantomime mailing list ,but no responce.And in
mail-core i couldn't find much help.So if any help available please help
me.I already having the example codes.I used it,but same error.



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How to send email without using email client

2008-05-08 Thread vinitha
I'm working with mac 10.5 and xcode3.0.I've to send email from an
application with out using any email client.When i try to use message
framework,It doesn't work.(deliverMessage always returns no)Is there any
any way to send email from my application without using any email
client,and i've to send attachments also.

My other question is about vector graphics,Is there any way to implement
SVG in my cocoa application?Is there anyway to draw vector graphics other
than using GCDrawKit (because still it doesn't provide any
documentation).As a beginner i found it is really difficult to work with
GCDrawKit without documentation.



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How to send email without using email client

2008-05-08 Thread vinitha ks

I'm working with mac 10.5 and xcode3.0.I've to send email from an
application with out using any email client.When i try to use message
framework,It doesn't work.(deliverMessage always returns no)Is there any
any way to send email from my application without using any email
client,and i've to send attachments also.

My other question is about vector graphics,Is there any way to implement
SVG in my cocoa application?Is there anyway to draw vector graphics other
than using GCDrawKit (because still it doesn't provide any
documentation).As a beginner i found it is really difficult to work with
GCDrawKit without documentation.


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2008-05-05 Thread vinitha ks
I'm trying to do some database applications using cocoaMySql framework.This is 
my first database application. could connect with the database,and accesses the 
table of particular databases.But i couldn't access Fields.Is there any help or 
documentation available for using cocoaMysql?I didn't get the idea from the 
code itself.How can i access the fields?I think in that example tableSource 
class have loadTable function.How we can processes the queries?

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How can i connect to database?

2008-04-29 Thread vinitha

   I'm working in xcode3.0 in leopard machine in  cocoa application and
using objective c.How can i connect to database in my cocoa
application?And how can i make final exe of my project?



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How can i connect to database?

2008-04-29 Thread vinitha

   I'm working in xcode3.0 in leopard machine in  cocoa application and
using objective c.How can i connect to database in my cocoa
application?And how can i make final exe of my project?



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