Re: IB Plugin help

2009-04-05 Thread josh hughes

Hi Jon,

I tried compiling the project you attached but I was still getting  
Assertion Failures so I built the project from scratch again and it  
loads into IB without Assertion Failures (I think there is definitely  
something not setup right in the project you attached!).

O.k First off, just to check; you are adding the framework to your  
live app, i.e...

in Groupes  Files (in your live app!):

Browse to Frameworks and select Other Frameworks.
Right click (ctl click) and navigate to Add-Existing Frameworks.
In the open panel, browse to and select /Library/ 

Click Add.

Other Frameworks should now look something like this:

Other Frameworks/

It Is important your live app has the framework added to it as your  
plugin is dependent  on it and will crash if it's not there!

Sorry if you are already doing this, I thought It's better to make  
sure as this is quite important!

Secondly, I think the reason IB keeps opening the new document window  
when you try and reopen the .xib is because the encoder is failing to  
encode the @TextLength  property as it is not KVC-Compliant, so the  
component crashes when you try to save the xib, hence it also crashes  
when you try to decode/open the doc.

I noticed that the component's console was spewing out errors when I  
tried to save or reopen an .xib the the component in it (in a live app):

009-04-05 12:32:51.436 Interface Builder[26488:10b] An exception was  
thrown during execution of an NSScriptCommand...
2009-04-05 12:32:51.438 Interface Builder[26488:10b]  
[JTextLengthFormatterView 0xaa82730 valueForUndefinedKey:]: this  
class is not key value coding-compliant for the key TextLength.

I changed:
	[[keyPaths objectForKey:IBAttributeKeyPaths] addObjectsFromArray: 
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@TextLength, nil]];

	[[keyPaths objectForKey:IBAttributeKeyPaths] addObjectsFromArray: 
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@textLength, nil]];

and this seems to have stopped the crashing when reopening the .xib.

I have the project working here and can send you a .zip if you like?

Hope this helps.

All the best,

On 5 Apr 2009, at 01:10, wrote:

Sorry for going quiet like that! I got distracted!

No problem! :)

I think that the fact IB is asking you to create a new document is a
good thing!

Actually, not in this case.  The plugin seems to work fine within  
its project, so I decided to try and install it so I could use it  
in my other (live) project.  I created a new window xib  
(imaginatively called test), put a textfield on it and saved it.   
Then, I added the formatter to the textfield, gave it a value of 5  
and saved that.  On re-open, IB then asked me what sort of resource  
to create - test was corrupted I suppose.

I believe that when the project builds, the compiler automatically
launches the target/s (in this case an IB Plugin Component/bundle)
which in turn loads the plugin into IB and asks for you to create a
new document (to test it out)!?

So I think so far things are looking good!

In the case of the plug-in only, yes, it seems viable.  However,  
live is not the case.

However, when I compiled the project, the component crashed IB,
warning about an Assertion Failure:

Assertion Message: Two plug-ins
com.JTAENTERPRISESLLC.JTAENTLLCTextLengthLimiter) both integrate a
class description for the class JTAENTLLCTextLengthLimiterFormatter.
The primary definition for the class should only come from one plug-
in; the other plug-in should be declaring a category. Declaring a
category is accomplished by omitting the super class from
classdescription file.

I have no idea where any of this is coming from or how to fix it!

I think I fixed that in the attached zip.  Not sure what I did,  
other than to make sure all my names matched up in the appropriate  
places (I think the error was in the Limiter.m file).

I did try replicating (more or less) the project from scratch and  

seemed to get rid of the Assertion Failure and the plugin seemed to
load o.k.

Check out the attachment!

I also tested your plugin re-deux in my live environment and got  
the same result.  An xib wherein the plug-in is employed seems to  
get corrupted and IB then asks for a new resource to create.

Give that a shot.  Put your plug-in (or mine) in some frameworks  
directory, add it to IBs prefs-plug-ins, and add it to a project.   
Create a new window.xib, add a textfield, then use the formatter.   
Save and close the xib.  Upon re-load it should crash (IB won't  
crash though - just the xib is corrupted).

One thing I did notice about my plug-in is that the required  
framework seems to want the ibplugin file.  I don't know how to  
revert that to the .framework file.  Although, in yours, it is  
pointing to the .framework file 

Re: IB Plugin help

2009-04-05 Thread jmunson


Thank you Kevin and Josh!


To clear up the assertion error, Clean All Targets.  There was some  
junk not getting dumped out of the project on successive builds.

Also, you nailed it with the TextLength key. HomerDoh!/Homer  I  
took Apple's file comment of MyFirstKey literally.  While not  
terribly new with KVC, this is my first plugin and I thought Apple may  
be doing something different.  So, I took the comment at face value.

After changing TextLength to textLength, the plugin operates as expected.


1.  Yes.


Here's the output of the two terminal commands:

1st command (known):

com.JTAENTERPRISESLLC.JTAENTLLCTextLengthLimiterFormatter =  

2nd command (loaded):


I do have two remaining questions:

1.  How do I change that blue cube (which displays when the textfield  
is selected) to my graphic (like NSNumberFormatter and NSDateFormatter)?

2.  When I deploy my application do I need to deploy my plugin to the  
Library/Frameworks directory on the client machine, or is it enough to  
bundle it with my application?

Many Thanks!!!

Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II

Quoting josh hughes

Hi Jon,

I tried compiling the project you attached but I was still getting
Assertion Failures so I built the project from scratch again and it
loads into IB without Assertion Failures (I think there is definitely
something not setup right in the project you attached!).

O.k First off, just to check; you are adding the framework to your
live app, i.e...
in Groupes  Files (in your live app!):

Browse to Frameworks and select Other Frameworks.
Right click (ctl click) and navigate to Add-Existing Frameworks.
In the open panel, browse to and select /Library/
Click Add.

Other Frameworks should now look something like this:

Other Frameworks/

It Is important your live app has the framework added to it as your
plugin is dependent  on it and will crash if it's not there!

Sorry if you are already doing this, I thought It's better to make
sure as this is quite important!

Secondly, I think the reason IB keeps opening the new document window
when you try and reopen the .xib is because the encoder is failing to
encode the @TextLength  property as it is not KVC-Compliant, so the
component crashes when you try to save the xib, hence it also crashes
when you try to decode/open the doc.

I noticed that the component's console was spewing out errors when I
tried to save or reopen an .xib the the component in it (in a live app):

009-04-05 12:32:51.436 Interface Builder[26488:10b] An exception was
thrown during execution of an NSScriptCommand...
2009-04-05 12:32:51.438 Interface Builder[26488:10b]
[JTextLengthFormatterView 0xaa82730 valueForUndefinedKey:]: this
class is not key value coding-compliant for the key TextLength.

I changed:
[[keyPaths objectForKey:IBAttributeKeyPaths] addObjectsFromArray:
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@TextLength, nil]];

[[keyPaths objectForKey:IBAttributeKeyPaths] addObjectsFromArray:
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@textLength, nil]];

and this seems to have stopped the crashing when reopening the .xib.

I have the project working here and can send you a .zip if you like?

Hope this helps.

All the best,

On 5 Apr 2009, at 01:10, wrote:

Sorry for going quiet like that! I got distracted!

No problem! :)

I think that the fact IB is asking you to create a new document is a
good thing!

Actually, not in this case.  The plugin seems to work fine within
its project, so I decided to try and install it so I could use it  
  in my other (live) project.  I created a new window xib
(imaginatively called test), put a textfield on it and saved it.   
  Then, I added the formatter to the textfield, gave it a value of  
5   and saved that.  On re-open, IB then asked me what sort of   
resource  to create - test was corrupted I suppose.

I believe that when the project builds, the compiler automatically
launches the target/s (in this case an IB Plugin Component/bundle)
which in turn loads the plugin into IB and asks for you to create a
new document (to test it out)!?

So I think so far things are looking good!

In the case of the plug-in only, yes, it seems viable.  However,
live is not the case.

However, when I compiled the project, the component crashed IB,
warning about an Assertion Failure:

Re: IB Plugin help

2009-04-05 Thread Brandon Walkin
I haven't yet made an IB plugin with a custom formatter, but I'd  
assume you change that image the same way you change the image that  
appears in the document window. Return your own image in the - 
ibDefaultImage method in your integration category.

On 5-Apr-09, at 9:31 AM, wrote:

1.  How do I change that blue cube (which displays when the  
textfield is selected) to my graphic (like NSNumberFormatter and  


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Re: IB Plugin help

2009-04-05 Thread jmunson


Is this the proper way to do that:

- (NSImage *)ibDefaultImage
	NSBundle *myBundle = [NSBundle  

NSString *someString = [myBundle pathForResource:@SomePic 
	NSImage *someImage = [[[NSImage alloc]  
initWithContentsOfFile:someString] autorelease];

return someImage;

When I ran it, I got the nifty little icon rep of plug-in.

Many Thanks!!!

Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II

Quoting Brandon Walkin

I haven't yet made an IB plugin with a custom formatter, but I'd assume
you change that image the same way you change the image that appears in
the document window. Return your own image in the -ibDefaultImage
method in your integration category.

On 5-Apr-09, at 9:31 AM, wrote:

1.  How do I change that blue cube (which displays when the   
textfield is selected) to my graphic (like NSNumberFormatter and   


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Re: IB Plugin help

2009-04-05 Thread Kevin Cathey

Hi Jon,

Here are my responses to your responses to my responses :):


There are obviously two modes for using an IB Plugin: developing it,  
and then actually using it as if it was just another plugin on the  
system. In the case you are developing the plugin, the best way to do  
this comes by default when you created the IB plugin project: just hit  
Build and Go and Xcode will pass along information to IB to load the  
development version of your plugin. Again, this works out of the box.

But as you asked, how do we get a plugin from development into  
installation mode where I don't have to be debugging my plugin from  
Xcode to use it? There are a few ways of doing this of course. One way  
which I use to develop plugins is to build what is called a  
distribution root. A root is a built version of your project that,  
when the build is finished, is put in a folder (the Installation  
Build Products Location, or DSTROOT which is by default /tmp/ 
PROJECT_NAME.dst) that has a hierarchy of subfolders that mimics the  
layout on disk. The layout is determined by each Xcode target's  
Installation Directory (INSTALL_PATH). For example, let's say I have  
a MyPluginProject Xcode project that has the two standard IB plugin  
targets, MyPlugin for the plugin, and MyFramework for the framework.  
For the framework target, I set the Installation Directory to / 
Library/Frameworks (set by default). And for the plugin target, I set  
the Installation Directory to /Library/Frameworks/ 
MyFramework.framework/Resources (also set by default).

Now, from the command line, I use the CLI to Xcode called xcodebuild.  
If I run the install command, then Xcode will build my project,  
create the folder specified by my DSTROOT, and then install each of  
the built targets into the appropriate subfolders based upon their  
Installation Directory. The install command might look like this:

sudo xcodebuild install -configuration Release -target All

This invokes xcodebuild to build the All target (added by default in  
IB plugin projects) of the project in the CWD using the Release  
configuration. If I then look in /tmp, I will see the following  
folder: MyPluginProject.dst. And inside of that folder, I get the  
following layout of folders:

... other framework stuff
... and it's  

Then, to install the distribution root on my system, all I need to  
do is the following command:

sudo ditto /tmp/MyPluginProject.dst /

And this will copy the contents of the distribution root folder in  
/, effectively placing each item exactly where it needs to go. At  
this point, the framework and plugin are installed, and if I open up  
IB, go to the Preferences, and add the plugin from /Library/ 
Frameworks, then I'm done.

So, to review. To install a plugin, assuming I started with standard  
IB plugin template, I do the following:

(1) Set the Installation Directory for the plugin and framework to  
where it should be installed. The framework, by default, will be / 
Library/Frameworks, which is good. The plugin, by default, will be / 
Library/Frameworks/MYFRAMEWORK.framework/Resources. That also is  
fine. If you change the name of your framework, however, be sure to  
reset the installation directory.

(2) From the directory from plugin Xcode project lives in, build a  
distribution root by running the following: sudo xcodebuild install - 
configuration Release -target All

(3) To install the built root, run: sudo ditto /tmp/ 

(4) In IB, under the Preferences, add your plugin by finding the  
framework in /Library/Frameworks.

(5) Enjoy!

But what if I want to change some things about your plugin later on?  
Do you have to build a root and install each time you want to check a  
change your are working on? No! If you change your plugin and want to  
test it quickly, you just hit Build and Go like you did when you  
first developed the plugin. Xcode will pass this information to IB,  
and IB will use your development version, NOT your installed version.  
How does it know the difference? When you run from Xcode, Xcode sets  
up the current working directory and then passes a flag that IB uses  
to open your plugin. Since the CWD is set to your build products  
folder, it uses the the plugin from there instead.

This way, you can work on your plugin for awhile, making changes and  
testing in IB. Then, when you are satisfied, you can build a root,  
install it, and then go along your merry way using the new version  

Re: IB Plugin help

2009-04-04 Thread Ricky Sharp

On Apr 3, 2009, at 7:39 PM, wrote:

I have one more question:  How does one replace the blue cube object  
icon that tags on the text field with my formatter's graphic?

That, I do not know how to do.   I'll definitely update the my example  
though if I or someone else figures it out.

Ricky A. Sharp
Instant Interactive(tm)


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Re: IB Plugin help

2009-04-04 Thread Ricky Sharp

On Apr 3, 2009, at 8:28 PM, wrote:

OK, now I have one more question.

I'd like to install and use my plug-in.  However, when accessing  
IB's preferences-Plug-ins and attempting to add the plug-in I get:   
1) when simply adding the ibplugin an error that states the file is  
missing necessary resources and to reinstall the bundle, or 2) when  
opening the framework folder no error but also nothing else either.

What else did I miss

This actually depends on what you'd like to do.  For my own apps, I do  
what is documented in the ReadMe file from my sample plugin (see the  
'Installation' section).

In my case, I put the IBPlugin into the framework's resources folder:

+ MyIBPluginFramework.framework
  + Versions
+ A
  + Resources
+ MyIBPlugin.ibplugin

NOTE: There are other files/folders too; above just shows specifically  
where the plugin resides.

Ricky A. Sharp
Instant Interactive(tm)


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Re: IB Plugin help

2009-04-04 Thread jmunson



Still getting no action after attempting to add my plug-in to IB.   
No error either.

I compared my target property settings with yours and BGHUD to be sure  
I hadn't goofed on something - everything seems well there (I reverted  
my settings which were retrieved from someone else's post to what I  
think are the default settings and that cleared up any previous errata).

I cleaned my targets and recompiled.  No errors of course.

I moved the ibplugin file to the location you shared below.

I copied the release framework folder to the ~/library/frameworks  
section of my disk.

Attempting to add that to IB results in no-action (through  
Preferences-Plug-ins).  No message, no action, nothing.

Double-clicking the ibplugin results in the same thing.

ARRRGGGHHH :/  does charlie brown head-banging-on-wall-thing

What am I missing?

I'd be happy to zip up and send the project to someone (nothing  
spectacular in it after all) who would like to take a look at it.

Thanks for any further help!!!

Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II

Quoting Ricky Sharp

On Apr 3, 2009, at 8:28 PM, wrote:

OK, now I have one more question.

I'd like to install and use my plug-in.  However, when accessing   
IB's preferences-Plug-ins and attempting to add the plug-in I get:  
  1) when simply adding the ibplugin an error that states the file   
is missing necessary resources and to reinstall the bundle, or 2)   
when opening the framework folder no error but also nothing else   

What else did I miss

This actually depends on what you'd like to do.  For my own apps, I do
what is documented in the ReadMe file from my sample plugin (see the
'Installation' section).

In my case, I put the IBPlugin into the framework's resources folder:

+ MyIBPluginFramework.framework
  + Versions
+ A
  + Resources
+ MyIBPlugin.ibplugin

NOTE: There are other files/folders too; above just shows specifically
where the plugin resides.

Ricky A. Sharp
Instant Interactive(tm)


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Re: IB Plugin help

2009-04-04 Thread jmunson


Well, I don't know that I did anything different as I haven't changed  
anything since the last email...

But now the plugin is showing up in IB...


Oh well, hopefully that will be the end of the drama...

Thanks everyone!!!

Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II

Quoting josh hughes

Hi Jon,

This might be a bit random as I've only just started reading this thread.

I was wondering if you have a copy files build phase setup for your   

When I'm building an IBPlugin I usually create a new copy files build
phase for the framework target with /Library/Frameworks as the
destination and drag in the framework from the Products group. This way
the framework is automatically copies the framework to the right
location at build time.

b.t.w you said that:
I copied the release framework folder to the ~/library/frameworks   
section of my disk.

maybe try /Library/Frameworks rather than ~/Library/Frameworks.

Also, make sure to add the framework to any project you wish to use it in!

Sorry if this is irrelevant or you have already done so!

Hope this helps,


p.s send a zip to my address if you like, no guaranties!

On 4 Apr 2009, at 15:47, wrote:



Still getting no action after attempting to add my plug-in to IB.  
  No error either.

I compared my target property settings with yours and BGHUD to be   
sure I hadn't goofed on something - everything seems well there (I   
reverted my settings which were retrieved from someone else's post   
to what I think are the default settings and that cleared up any   
previous errata).

I cleaned my targets and recompiled.  No errors of course.

I moved the ibplugin file to the location you shared below.

I copied the release framework folder to the ~/library/frameworks   
section of my disk.

Attempting to add that to IB results in no-action (through   
Preferences-Plug-ins).  No message, no action, nothing.

Double-clicking the ibplugin results in the same thing.

ARRRGGGHHH :/  does charlie brown head-banging-on-wall-thing

What am I missing?

I'd be happy to zip up and send the project to someone (nothing   
spectacular in it after all) who would like to take a look at it.

Thanks for any further help!!!

Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II

Quoting Ricky Sharp

On Apr 3, 2009, at 8:28 PM, wrote:

OK, now I have one more question.

I'd like to install and use my plug-in.  However, when   
accessing  IB's preferences-Plug-ins and attempting to add the   
plug-in I get:  1) when simply adding the ibplugin an error that   
states the file  is missing necessary resources and to reinstall   
the bundle, or 2)  when opening the framework folder no error   
but also nothing else  either.

What else did I miss

This actually depends on what you'd like to do.  For my own apps, I do
what is documented in the ReadMe file from my sample plugin (see the
'Installation' section).

In my case, I put the IBPlugin into the framework's resources folder:

+ MyIBPluginFramework.framework
+ Versions
  + A
+ Resources
  + MyIBPlugin.ibplugin

NOTE: There are other files/folders too; above just shows specifically
where the plugin resides.

Ricky A. Sharp
Instant Interactive(tm)


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Re: IB Plugin help

2009-04-04 Thread jmunson


So, not the end of the drama.

The plugin shows in the list and is available in IB.

However, when I use it, my xib gets toasted - on next open IB asks  
what file I'd like to create.  I had to restore a prior backup to  
rescue my xib.

Any thoughts anyone?


Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II



Well, I don't know that I did anything different as I haven't changed
anything since the last email...

But now the plugin is showing up in IB...


Oh well, hopefully that will be the end of the drama...

Thanks everyone!!!

Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II

Quoting josh hughes

Hi Jon,

This might be a bit random as I've only just started reading this thread.

I was wondering if you have a copy files build phase setup for your  

When I'm building an IBPlugin I usually create a new copy files build
phase for the framework target with /Library/Frameworks as the
destination and drag in the framework from the Products group. This way
the framework is automatically copies the framework to the right
location at build time.

b.t.w you said that:
I copied the release framework folder to the ~/library/frameworks   
 section of my disk.

maybe try /Library/Frameworks rather than ~/Library/Frameworks.

Also, make sure to add the framework to any project you wish to use it in!

Sorry if this is irrelevant or you have already done so!

Hope this helps,


p.s send a zip to my address if you like, no guaranties!

On 4 Apr 2009, at 15:47, wrote:



Still getting no action after attempting to add my plug-in to   
IB.   No error either.

I compared my target property settings with yours and BGHUD to be   
 sure I hadn't goofed on something - everything seems well there  
(I   reverted my settings which were retrieved from someone else's  
 post  to what I think are the default settings and that cleared  
up  any  previous errata).

I cleaned my targets and recompiled.  No errors of course.

I moved the ibplugin file to the location you shared below.

I copied the release framework folder to the ~/library/frameworks   
 section of my disk.

Attempting to add that to IB results in no-action (through
Preferences-Plug-ins).  No message, no action, nothing.

Double-clicking the ibplugin results in the same thing.

ARRRGGGHHH :/  does charlie brown head-banging-on-wall-thing

What am I missing?

I'd be happy to zip up and send the project to someone (nothing
spectacular in it after all) who would like to take a look at it.

Thanks for any further help!!!

Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II

Quoting Ricky Sharp

On Apr 3, 2009, at 8:28 PM, wrote:

OK, now I have one more question.

I'd like to install and use my plug-in.  However, when
accessing IB's preferences-Plug-ins and attempting to add the
plug-in I get:  1) when simply adding the ibplugin an error that  
  states the file  is missing necessary resources and to   
reinstall  the bundle, or 2)  when opening the framework   
folder no error  but also nothing else  either.

What else did I miss

This actually depends on what you'd like to do.  For my own apps, I do
what is documented in the ReadMe file from my sample plugin (see the
'Installation' section).

In my case, I put the IBPlugin into the framework's resources folder:

+ MyIBPluginFramework.framework
+ Versions
 + A
   + Resources
 + MyIBPlugin.ibplugin

NOTE: There are other files/folders too; above just shows specifically
where the plugin resides.

Ricky A. Sharp
Instant Interactive(tm)


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Re: IB Plugin help

2009-04-04 Thread Jonathan Hess

On Apr 4, 2009, at 1:48 PM, wrote:

However, when I use it, my xib gets toasted - on next open IB asks  
what file I'd like to create.  I had to restore a prior backup to  
rescue my xib.

Hey Jon -

Could you describe the failure in a little more detail? Are you  
running your plug-in and IB in the debugger? If so, is there an  
exception being raise?

Jon Hess


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Re: IB Plugin help

2009-04-04 Thread jmunson


Thank you for your reply.

If I run the plug-in in debug mode, I DO get an assertion failure:

Assertion Message: Two plug-ins  
com.JTAENTERPRISESLLC.JTAENTLLCTextLengthLimiter) both integrate a  
class description for the class JTAENTLLCTextLengthLimiterFormatter.  
The primary definition for the class should only come from one  
plug-in; the other plug-in should be declaring a category. Declaring a  
category is accomplished by omitting the super class from  
classdescription file.

  0. Interface Builder0x4d29 [IBApplication  
  1. InterfaceBuilderKit  0x0038d242 [IBClassDescriber  

  2. InterfaceBuilderKit  0x002c4033 [IBPlugin didLoad]
  3. InterfaceBuilderKit  0x002c389f [IBPluginController  
  4. InterfaceBuilderKit  0x002ca5e3 [IBPluginController  
  5. InterfaceBuilderKit  0x002ca519 [IBPluginController  

  6. Interface Builder0x23db [IBApplication finishLaunching]
  7. AppKit   0x950c73a3 [NSApplication run]
  8. AppKit   0x950948a4 NSApplicationMain
  9. Interface Builder0x4eca [IBApplication changeInspectorMode:]
 10. ???  0x3

I don't know how to fix that.  I don't know why it thinks I have two plug-ins.

If I run in release mode, it appears to load up and function EXCEPT  
upon re-loading a nib.  I hadn't been running in debug mode once I got  
the plug-in actually working correctly, so there's got to be a change  
I made that caused this (that would be a Homer doh moment).

What I mean is, if I put it in a live project by putting the framework  
in a more public place (like Library/Frameworks), then add it to a  
project, start IB, go into prefs-plugins and add it there, create a  
window nib, add a textfield to the window, then add the formatter,  
fill in the limit value, and save it, then close the nib, re-opening  
the nib results in IB asking what type of resource I'd like to create.

I also noticed that under required frameworks the ibplugin file is  
displayed instead of the .framework file.  I don't know how to fix  
that either.

I'll be happy to forward the project to you if you'd like a gander,  
the file is 2.7mb in size.


Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II

Quoting Jonathan Hess

On Apr 4, 2009, at 1:48 PM, wrote:

However, when I use it, my xib gets toasted - on next open IB asks   
what file I'd like to create.  I had to restore a prior backup to   
rescue my xib.

Hey Jon -

Could you describe the failure in a little more detail? Are you running
your plug-in and IB in the debugger? If so, is there an exception being

Jon Hess


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Re: IB Plugin help

2009-04-04 Thread jmunson


Just want to pass on some further information.

After that last post, the assertion error really bothered me.  So,  
after a while of careful inspection (to the limits of what I know), I  
decided to and clean[ed] all targets of both the debug and release  
builds and re-compiled.  In the plug-in project, runs of both debug  
and release went smoothly - IB loaded the plug-in, I was able to use  
it, close and re-open nibs successfully.  No errors.

Deploying the plug-in is proving difficult.

I copied the release framework to Library/Frameworks.  I also copied  
the framework into the frameworks section of a live project.  I then  
created a test.xib in my live project, which I subsequently opened.   
In the Preferences-Plug-ins pane for IB, I attempted to add the  
plug-in.  I got nothing - no error, nor plug-in.

I then added the ibplugin file to the Resources folder of the version  
A of the framework.

I then repeated the process of copying.  This time, the plug-in  
appeared in IB.  I added a textfield to test.xib, and applied the  
plug-in to it.  I saved and closed the file.  Upon re-open, IB didn't  
open the xib, but popped up the standard create a resource dialog -  
test had gotten kaboshed.

I do notice that the Required Frameworks is displaying the .ibplugin  
file instead of the expected .framework file.  I don't know if that is  
related or not.

Again, I'll be happy to send up the project should you want to see it.


Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II

Quoting Jonathan Hess

On Apr 4, 2009, at 1:48 PM, wrote:

However, when I use it, my xib gets toasted - on next open IB asks   
what file I'd like to create.  I had to restore a prior backup to   
rescue my xib.

Hey Jon -

Could you describe the failure in a little more detail? Are you running
your plug-in and IB in the debugger? If so, is there an exception being

Jon Hess


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Re: IB Plugin help

2009-04-04 Thread Kevin Cathey

Hi Jon,

Let's see if we can't get this figured out.

So the current problem you are having is that you cannot deploy an  
IBPlugin for use on your system, correct? If so, I have a few questions.

(1) How are you installing the plugin and framework? Are you placing  
both them in /Library/Frameworks, with the plugin inside the  
framework's resources folder?
(2) What is the bundle identifier for your framework (from the  
Properties tab in the target for your framework)? And what is the  
identifier for your plugin?
(3) Do you mind sending the output of running the following commands  
in Terminal (assuming you are running IB 3.1.2; if you are running  
3.1.1, then replace 3.1.2 with 3.1.1, and so forth):

defaults read IBKnownPluginPaths.3.1.2
defaults read IBLoadedPluginIdentifiers. 


Kevin Cathey


Just want to pass on some further information.

After that last post, the assertion error really bothered me.  So,  
after a while of careful inspection (to the limits of what I know),  
I decided to and clean[ed] all targets of both the debug and  
release builds and re-compiled.  In the plug-in project, runs of  
both debug and release went smoothly - IB loaded the plug-in, I was  
able to use it, close and re-open nibs successfully.  No errors.

Deploying the plug-in is proving difficult.

I copied the release framework to Library/Frameworks.  I also copied  
the framework into the frameworks section of a live project.  I then  
created a test.xib in my live project, which I subsequently opened.   
In the Preferences-Plug-ins pane for IB, I attempted to add the  
plug-in.  I got nothing - no error, nor plug-in.

I then added the ibplugin file to the Resources folder of the  
version A of the framework.

I then repeated the process of copying.  This time, the plug-in  
appeared in IB.  I added a textfield to test.xib, and applied the  
plug-in to it.  I saved and closed the file.  Upon re-open, IB  
didn't open the xib, but popped up the standard create a resource  
dialog - test had gotten kaboshed.

I do notice that the Required Frameworks is displaying the .ibplugin  
file instead of the expected .framework file.  I don't know if that  
is related or not.

Again, I'll be happy to send up the project should you want to see it.


Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II


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IB Plugin help

2009-04-03 Thread Jon C. Munson II

OK, I've read through the IB plug-in programming guide.  That document
essentially, as an example, discusses a highly simplistic NSButton
derivative that doesn't have any code behind it.

So, I'm a bit stuck.

The object I'd like to make a plug-in of is an NSFormatter subclass.

Is there an example of how to make a plug-in of this type?  Is it possible
to examine either NSDateFormatter or NSNumberFormatter to see how that was
done?  If so, where may I find them?


Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II


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RE: IB Plugin help

2009-04-03 Thread Jon C. Munson II

I've muddled along as far as I can go and I need further assistance.

Here's what I've done so far:

1.  Created a plug-in project.
2.  Edited the class description file to contain two entries, my plug-in
class and the superclass of NSFormatter (I was able to find and looked at
the same file for both NSDateFormatter and NSNumberFormatter).
3.  changed the ...View default .h and .m files to ...Formatter .h and .m,
and updated any other files pointing at same.  Also set the base class to
NSFormatter from NSView (which was the default template value).
4.  Edited the library nib - removed the Example button, button view, label
 line for such, leaving the template view stuff up top.  Dropped an
ImageWell on the template view and pointed that to a custom icon.  Added an
object and set that to my ...Formatter class.  Bound the representedObject
of the view (containing the ImageWell) to that object.
5.  Edited the inspector nib - removed everything but the first label and
text field, changing the label to read Length.  Set the Value binding of
the text field to inspectedObjectsController.selection.length.
6.  Edited the ...Integration file, replacing the comments with my length (
@Length ) property.

Compiled and ran the plug-in.

IB pops up and the library displays an entry for my plug-in.  However, I get
a disclosure triangle (no objects show below), that leads to My Company (a
book), and then to Objects (another book).

What am I missing???


Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II


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Re: IB Plugin help

2009-04-03 Thread Ricky Sharp

On Apr 3, 2009, at 6:43 PM, wrote:

I found one mistake where I didn't change the IBInspector class of  
File's Owner in the Inspector.xib to my Inspector subclass.  Doing  
that gave me an entry in the bottom box of the library, but no  
object in the middle pane...  How do I fix that?  Also, the image  
isn't displaying either.  I'm still getting the book entries under  
the Formatter name.

That being said, I also notice that my Inspector subclass doesn't  
have any sort of reference to my Formatter object.  Is it supposed  
to?  I should think it may need one.  The dox don't really go into  
that so I don't know for certain.  So, do I code it into the .h?   
And also the .m?

Boy, I wish there was an example to follow...

See the following for an example:

Ricky A. Sharp
Instant Interactive(tm)


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Re: IB Plugin help

2009-04-03 Thread jmunson


Thank you, that was/is a big help.

I also found BGHUDAppKit which was/is also invaluable help.

Between those two good examples I think I got my plug-in working  
(using it live is what remains to be seen).

I have one more question:  How does one replace the blue cube object  
icon that tags on the text field with my formatter's graphic?


Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II

Quoting Ricky Sharp

On Apr 3, 2009, at 6:43 PM, wrote:

I found one mistake where I didn't change the IBInspector class of   
File's Owner in the Inspector.xib to my Inspector subclass.
Doing that gave me an entry in the bottom box of the library, but   
no object in the middle pane...  How do I fix that?  Also, the   
image isn't displaying either.  I'm still getting the book   
entries under the Formatter name.

That being said, I also notice that my Inspector subclass doesn't  
 have any sort of reference to my Formatter object.  Is it supposed  
 to? I should think it may need one.  The dox don't really go into   
that so I don't know for certain.  So, do I code it into the .h?
And also the .m?

Boy, I wish there was an example to follow...

See the following for an example:

Ricky A. Sharp
Instant Interactive(tm)


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Re: IB Plugin help

2009-04-03 Thread jmunson

OK, now I have one more question.

I'd like to install and use my plug-in.  However, when accessing  
IB's preferences-Plug-ins and attempting to add the plug-in I get:   
1) when simply adding the ibplugin an error that states the file is  
missing necessary resources and to reinstall the bundle, or 2) when  
opening the framework folder no error but also nothing else either.

What else did I miss


Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II

Quoting Ricky Sharp

On Apr 3, 2009, at 6:43 PM, wrote:

I found one mistake where I didn't change the IBInspector class of   
File's Owner in the Inspector.xib to my Inspector subclass.
Doing that gave me an entry in the bottom box of the library, but   
no object in the middle pane...  How do I fix that?  Also, the   
image isn't displaying either.  I'm still getting the book   
entries under the Formatter name.

That being said, I also notice that my Inspector subclass doesn't  
 have any sort of reference to my Formatter object.  Is it supposed  
 to? I should think it may need one.  The dox don't really go into   
that so I don't know for certain.  So, do I code it into the .h?
And also the .m?

Boy, I wish there was an example to follow...

See the following for an example:

Ricky A. Sharp
Instant Interactive(tm)


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