Xindice and Cocoon

2002-08-18 Thread praktikant

I get this when I go to the site. Source code (xml) instead of data (also
I use Win 2k, Tomcat 4.0.4, Cocoon 2.0.3 (compiled on Java 1.3.x), Xindice
1.0, Java SDK 1.3.1_04 

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Re: J2EE needed? UserTransaction not found..

2002-08-18 Thread Stephan Michels

On Sun, 18 Aug 2002, Jan wrote:

> > Where do you get this error?
> On startup.

Urgh :-| Can you this more explain?! Tomcat? Version? Version of Cocoon?
Install method? Parameters?

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Cocoon and Xindice

2002-08-18 Thread praktikant

I'm a newbie. I tried to use the /db/addressbook shipped with Xindice. I've
found some examples on But the examples didn't run
If I try to run this :  (db_test.xml)";>";
  34 S. Colon St.
  9967 W. Shrimp Ave.


I only get the xml-source (above) on the Browser! ???

This is the part of the sitemap.xmap:

if I type this 
in my browser I get all data about John.
So I ask you some questions:

Do you know what I have done wrong?
How do cocoon know which DB I want to use in the xml-file?

I use Win 2k, Tomcat 4.0.4, Cocoon 2.0.3 (compiled on Java 1.3.x), Xindice
1.0, Java SDK 1.3.1_04

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How to redirect Request in sitemap

2002-08-18 Thread Murari

Hello Friends,
How to redirect request object  within the pipeline depending upon the
request value.
I tried  

Murari Dhoot

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2002-08-18 Thread Martin Geissler

Look at

or the docs of the Apache FOP Project


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RE: Status of new functionality

2002-08-18 Thread Carsten Ziegeler

The official state of the session and authentication management is alpha,
but this stuff is a donation of my company. It is used in production
environment over more than a year now - so they are more stable and
working than you could expect from alpha software - you can consider
them at least as beta.

An official beta will not happen so soon - we have to solve some
heavy issues for the 2.1 release - I hope we can have an alpha release
in one month and then one or two months later a beta release.


Carsten Ziegeler Chief Architect Open Source Group, S&N AG
 Cocoon Consulting, Training and Projects

-Original Message-
From: Greg Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2002 5:52 AM
Subject: Status of new functionality

I'm trying to create a Webapp with Cocoon and most of the functionality is
simple. The same stuff that the Session Management and Authentication is
going to satisfy.
Does anyone know when this functionality will be released as Beta ( I'm
under the impression it is still in Alpha)?
Anyone using the Alpha version? If so, how is it working out for you?

- Thanks

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2002-08-18 Thread MJ Ray

Justin Fagnani-Bell wrote:
> So I do some searching on on and sure enough URLs in XHTML have 
> to use '&' instead of '&'. Arrgh, I know this will cause problems 
> once people who are used to normal HTML start using this.  [...]

I remember it being the same in HTML attributes too.  The HTML 2.0 spec even
explicitly says so.  For a blast from the past (well, 1995), see
Maybe the "normal HTML" wasn't so normal...

I also remember a particularly annoying bug with an early version of
Netscape (or maybe a late Mosaic) that did something odd with entity
expansions of URLs typed into the location bar, as a side-effect of the
above requirement.

Hope that helps,

|-[ Luminas internet applications ]-|

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RE: esql patch for paging and ResultSets from Oracle stored procs

2002-08-18 Thread neil

Here is a small patch to esql.xsl r1.13.2.8

1) fix runtime compilation error described in a previous posting to this thread
copy the type from 
directly into the generated code rather than use reflection as in EsqlQuery.getType()
(which should be removed if this patch is applied). Argument for doing this was 
presented in my
previous posting.

2) add paging for result set obtained from a column


sessionData.getRow() - 


Index: src/java/org/apache/cocoon/components/language/markup/xsp/java/esql.xsl
RCS file: 
retrieving revision
diff -u -b -r1.13.2.8 esql.xsl
--- src/java/org/apache/cocoon/components/language/markup/xsp/java/esql.xsl 11 Aug 
2002 20:08:57 -
+++ src/java/org/apache/cocoon/components/language/markup/xsp/java/esql.xsl 19 Aug 
+2002 01:06:50 -
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@


 creates a nested query like block that uses the result set obtained from 
a column as current result set.
   // nested result set
 if (_esql_query != null) {
 _esql_query = new EsqlQuery((ResultSet) );
+  try {
+_esql_query.setMaxRows( Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf().trim()) );
+  } catch (NumberFormatException e) {}
+  try {
+_esql_query.setSkipRows( Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf().trim()) );
+  } catch (NumberFormatException e) {}

@@ -1098,7 +1114,8 @@

-Original Message-
From: neil [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, 19 August 2002 9:57 AM
To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'; Cocoon-Users (E-mail)
Subject: RE: esql patch for paging and ResultSets from Oracle stored

I would rather esql copied the type from 
directly into the generated code than use reflection as in EsqlQuery.getType() to get 
the int value (this is a change
made after cocoon-2.0.3). The generated code is DBMS specific either way so there is 
nothing wrong with it referencing
a DBMS specific class.

SQLTransformer has to use reflection because its acting as an interpreter and 
executing the queries directly rather than generating
code to do so.

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Re: Deployed Cocoon 2.0.3 on JBoss 3.0.1RC1

2002-08-18 Thread Vegan Portal

 --- snpe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb: > On Wednesday 07
August 2002 04:21 pm, Vegan Portal
> wrote:
> ...
> > Agh, at least have I learnt how to build and
> > customize JBoss from scratch...
> > This running version of JBoss is OK for me,
> although
I'm deleting old posts because my mailbox gets full
and I found I did not answer this question.
First, I want to mention that even manual replacement
and tricking up with JBoss sources did not solve the
problem of JBoss not correctly registering Cocoon's
components starting with sitemap as JNDI services,
using WAR or EAR. I'm not that experienced with Java
and don't have time to ponder this further, so I've
given up and wait till JBoss 3.1 is more mature. That
means I'm using Jetty now, hopefully I won't have to
customize Web container soon.
Sevond, there are usually binary versions of
JBoss/Tomcat with exact same output as I was able to
achieve at available. The only
justification of rebuilding the sources is that you
need special Tomcat version and you want to access
J2EE from Cocoon.
That cleared up, I will give just short guide, because
I don't think anybody really needs this (for Linux,
hope doesn't matter):
1) Make sure your JDK is correctly installed
2) In JBoss source root directory, run sh
3) Switch to catalina subdir (this is not Tomcat
source, just sources to ceonnect it), edit properties
file to point to binary distribution of Tomcat
unpacked somewhere in your system, run there.
4) Copy results of first build to your new JBoss
runtime directory, add two files of second build to
server/default/deploy directory, delete web container
related subdirectory containing Jetty from there, copy
Tomcat release as subdir to root of your new JBoss and
alter the XML file from second build in deploy
directory to point to it.
5) Copy desired cocoon.war in same deploy directory
6) Being in your new JBoss root, run sh ./bin/,
watch the log for problems.
7) Try access Cocoon at localhost:8080/cocoon.
8) If you see the starting page, congratulation!
Now, this is a very rough guide ommiting many details,
but if somebody really wants to have more detailed
description, I will go once again through it, document
and post the results here. Nevertheless, as said
before, I'm affraid this hassle is not needed and
well, JBoss sucks anyway...
HTH, Peter.


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RE: esql patch for paging and ResultSets from Oracle stored procs

2002-08-18 Thread neil

I would rather esql copied the type from 
directly into the generated code than use reflection as in EsqlQuery.getType() to get 
the int value (this is a change
made after cocoon-2.0.3). The generated code is DBMS specific either way so there is 
nothing wrong with it referencing
a DBMS specific class.

SQLTransformer has to use reflection because its acting as an interpreter and 
executing the queries directly rather than generating
code to do so.

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2002-08-18 Thread Bobrs

Please All,
   Somebody know some links of tutorial specific
of transformation XML to PDF !?!?!?


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Re: SQLTransformer good, ESQL good!

2002-08-18 Thread Christian Haul

On 18.Aug.2002 -- 09:14 PM, Jan Willem Penterman wrote:
> > This is _really_ strange. 
> Erm, _I_ am really strange...
> I had my esql:pool tag within the esql:query...
> Aargh!

Glad to hear this is not esql related :-)

Mind you, no-one else spotted it either.

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RE: SQLTransformer good, ESQL good!

2002-08-18 Thread Jan Willem Penterman

> This is _really_ strange. 

Erm, _I_ am really strange...
I had my esql:pool tag within the esql:query...


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Packaging a cocoon web application

2002-08-18 Thread Leszek Gawron

I have quite a problem that I think some of you also might have.
I'd like to package my web application along with cocoon to make a nice one
file .war "automatic" installation package. I have already found that there is
a special build target for cocoon that produces a framework with no examples
or docs ( "clean-webapp" it is ). The problem is that my cocoon app consists
of one automounted directory, jdbc driver declaration in web.xml and
datasource definition in cocoon.xconf, so some files (apart from adding) have
to be modified also.

I do not want to modify cocoon's build.xml file because that would lead me to
changing it every time i download new distribution.
Is there any simple solution for my problem?
 | /  \ |Leszek Gawron//  \\
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Re: SQLTransformer good, ESQL bad

2002-08-18 Thread Christian Haul

On 18.Aug.2002 -- 07:19 PM, Jan Willem Penterman wrote:
> > Could you please try to find if your logs contain something 
> > like "could not acquire a Connection -- waiting" and set the 
> > parameter 1 in the 
> > declaration of the transformer in sitemap.xmap?
> No only the 'no suitable driver' error when calling the esql page..
> And SQLTransformer works just fine with 1 connection attempt.

This is _really_ strange. The real stuff is handled by Avalon Excalibur
for both approaches. There should not be any difference. As I don't have
MySQL here, I cannot test. And there *are* users on this list who use
this combination. So it appears to be related to your particular 
setup. But... (goto begin of loop)
> Is the way I call the esql sheet any good? :
> ..
>  logger="sitemap.generator.serverpages" name="serverpages" pool-grow="2"
> pool-max="32" pool-min="4"
> src="org.apache.cocoon.generation.ServerPagesGenerator"/>

Um, I don't know. Looks good, but I seem to remember that pool
parameters don't work with server pages. But *I* don't *know*.
If removing the pool-* attributes changes anything, it would be
nice to know.

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Re: IS an XSP Transformer Possible?

2002-08-18 Thread Vadim Gritsenko

Steven Punte wrote:

>In the cocoon environment, XSP provides a great
>way of address problems that don't fit into 
>the paradigm of an existing generator.
>However, XSP can only be used at the first
>step in a pipeline.
>I find myself writing lots of custom transformers
>to address issues that don't fit into any 
>of the existing standard generators.
>Would there be a way to write an XSP Transformer?
>How about we call this "XST" for now. 

I have prototype working, I named it XSPT. Did not had time to complete.

I was thinking to implement XSPT on top of STX language 


> Some of
>it's characteristics would be:
>o  A conventional transformer class would exits.
>o  In a pipeline, one would specify the above 
> transformer and a particular xst file.
>o  The xst file would be compile automatically
> when needed.
>o  A basic internal design would simply allow
> hooks to the various SAX events (i.e. start and
> end of element and document).
>o  Output events could be nicely written as in xsp
> like "string"
>o  Perhaps a more a more interesting internal
> model would come with a stack to facilitate
> more complex processing.
>Steve Punte
>Candlelight Software

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RE: SQLTransformer good, ESQL bad

2002-08-18 Thread Jan Willem Penterman

> Could you please try to find if your logs contain something 
> like "could not acquire a Connection -- waiting" and set the 
> parameter 1 in the 
> declaration of the transformer in sitemap.xmap?

No only the 'no suitable driver' error when calling the esql page..
And SQLTransformer works just fine with 1 connection attempt.

Is the way I call the esql sheet any good? :





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Re: IS an XSP Transformer Possible?

2002-08-18 Thread Nicola Ken Barozzi

Steven Punte wrote:
> In the cocoon environment, XSP provides a great
> way of address problems that don't fit into 
> the paradigm of an existing generator.
> However, XSP can only be used at the first
> step in a pipeline.
> I find myself writing lots of custom transformers
> to address issues that don't fit into any 
> of the existing standard generators.
> Would there be a way to write an XSP Transformer?
> How about we call this "XST" for now.  Some of
> it's characteristics would be:

I had started myself to write such a Transformer, but then I just didn't 
have enough energy and motivation to continue.
If you want, I can give you some sugestions:

> o  A conventional transformer class would exits.

XSTTransformer, from which all XSTTransformers extend.

> o  In a pipeline, one would specify the above 
>  transformer and a particular xst file.


> o  The xst file would be compile automatically
>  when needed.

Ok. There is a system in Cocoon that can make you do this, look in the 

> o  A basic internal design would simply allow
>  hooks to the various SAX events (i.e. start and
>  end of element and document).
 > o  Perhaps a more a more interesting internal
 >  model would come with a stack to facilitate
 >  more complex processing.

I wrote this thing but it was complicated to debug, since there were no 
tools at that time to make code easier.
If I would do it now, I would look at Jakarta Commons Digester, which 
has an XML descriptor that specifies what to do for certain conditions 
and can be used to do just that.

> o  Output events could be nicely written as in xsp
>  like "string"

Each output could simply be a call to am XSP Generator that does not 
close the Document.

Nicola Ken Barozzi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 - verba volant, scripta manent -
(discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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Re: Versions

2002-08-18 Thread Bobrs

Huummm... sorry friends !!! I was forget a step !!! copy the parser's files
tomcar directory !!!

 thanks All !!!

Johann Romefort wrote:

> Did you already follow the steps at
> ?
> Could you send us a more detailed description of the problem (stacktrace,
> when it happens,
> etc..)
> Regards,
> johann
> - Original Message -
> From: "Bobrs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2002 4:09 PM
> Subject: Versions
> > I would like to know what the version (tomcat, cocoon, jdk) I need use
> > to run the cocoon !??!?
> >  I am using jdk 1.3.1 + tomcat 4.0 + cocoon 2.0.2.. but I dont get
> > run the cocoon !!!
> >
> > Thanks..
> >
> >
> > -
> > Please check that your question  has not already been answered in the
> > FAQ before posting. 
> >
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> >
> -
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Re: Versions

2002-08-18 Thread Johann Romefort

Did you already follow the steps at ?
Could you send us a more detailed description of the problem (stacktrace,
when it happens,



- Original Message -
From: "Bobrs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2002 4:09 PM
Subject: Versions

> I would like to know what the version (tomcat, cocoon, jdk) I need use
> to run the cocoon !??!?
>  I am using jdk 1.3.1 + tomcat 4.0 + cocoon 2.0.2.. but I dont get
> run the cocoon !!!
> Thanks..
> -
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IS an XSP Transformer Possible?

2002-08-18 Thread Steven Punte

In the cocoon environment, XSP provides a great
way of address problems that don't fit into 
the paradigm of an existing generator.

However, XSP can only be used at the first
step in a pipeline.

I find myself writing lots of custom transformers
to address issues that don't fit into any 
of the existing standard generators.

Would there be a way to write an XSP Transformer?
How about we call this "XST" for now.  Some of
it's characteristics would be:

o  A conventional transformer class would exits.
o  In a pipeline, one would specify the above 
 transformer and a particular xst file.
o  The xst file would be compile automatically
 when needed.
o  A basic internal design would simply allow
 hooks to the various SAX events (i.e. start and
 end of element and document).
o  Output events could be nicely written as in xsp
 like "string"
o  Perhaps a more a more interesting internal
 model would come with a stack to facilitate
 more complex processing.

Steve Punte
Candlelight Software

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Internal references for sendmail

2002-08-18 Thread Paul Pattison

I'm writing a small web app that sends users an email with either an HTML or
PDF attachment.  This attachment is generated by Cocoon.  I've been using
the sendmail logicsheet to send the email, but it requires an absolute path
to the attachment.  Since my attachment is generated by Cocoon, I would like
to use an internal reference like cocoon:/somefile.html.  Is this possible?
I'm willing to work on this, but haven't developed anything with Cocoon yet.
Does anyone have any tips or clues for me?



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Re: Making a new Action

2002-08-18 Thread Kenny Chow

Rather than writing actions in an xsp, I write actions
in Cocoon way, in pure .java files.

I found this approach is easier and more reusable;
and the source has provided sufficient example actions
that we can learn from. An alternative to Cocoon
action could be logicsheets which I found somewhat
encapulating but with a steeper learning curve. (you
have to be familiar with XSL and mix it with Java

   One disadvantage I could think of about actions is
once an action (either in jar or in classes) is
modified, I have to restart the servlet engine for

--- Litrik De Roy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For my project I have used XSP to write actions.
> Advantages:
> - The is no need to do manual compiles. Cocoon will
> compile it when the
> source has changed.
> - The XSP can be stored in a location relative to a
> subsitemap instead of
> the WEB-INF directory.
> It took me a while to figure out how to do it
> (almost no documentation and
> only a few entires in the mailing list archive).
> If you need some help, let me know and I'll post a
> summary.
> Litrik De Roy
> - Original Message -
> From: "Geoff Howard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, August 17, 2002 12:51 AM
> Subject: RE: Making a new Action
> >
> > > Actions are java code which i write seperatly
> from everything else.
> >
> > right.
> >
> > > Do i save this file as or .jsp?
> >
> > .java, and then you compile it.
> >
> > > What directories do i have to place in into in
> order for it to properly
> > compile
> >
> > you can compile it from anywhere, but you need
> your classpath set up to
> > include anything mentioned in your .java file.
> >
> > > and for the sitemap to see it?
> >
> > after it's compiled, place it in WEB-INF/classes
> (if you've used a package
> > declaration, remember to duplicate the directory
> structure of the
> package).
> > Alternatively you can jar it up with any other
> classes you create and
> place
> > it in WEB-INF/lib
> >
> > > Does this compiling happen automatically or do i
> have to do it manually?
> >
> > manually.
> >
> > Hope that helps,
> > Geoff Howard
> >
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Re: How to send a parameter of type "long" to a FormValidator

2002-08-18 Thread Christian Haul

On 18.Aug.2002 -- 04:53 AM, Antonio Gallardo Rivera wrote:
> Can be the problem of update in the tutorial this?
> Please see the mode attribute.

This is not related to form validation but to the database actions from
the modular package. The given mode creates a new autoincrement value
by querying the database for the current max value and adds 1 to it.


Please follow up summarizing your problem and which suggested solution
/ information worked for you when you consider your problem
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Re: How to send a parameter of type "long" to a FormValidator

2002-08-18 Thread Christian Haul

On 18.Aug.2002 -- 04:06 AM, Antonio Gallardo Rivera wrote:
> Sorry, but I am not validatong a session id.

Yes, that's what I understood. You're validating a form parameter.

> The parameter is the key of the table department. His name is: id
> Then after the message:

?? this should be unrelated ??

>   Thread-14/AbstractValidatorAction: Validating parameter: id
>   Thread-14/AbstractValidatorAction: Validating long parameter id (encoded in a 
> string: true)
>   Thread-14/FormValidatorAction: Validation failed for parameter id

>From looking at the code, it appears that id cannot be parsed as long.
Maybe it is null? Please look at the parameters as reported in core.log
and post the validation rules.


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2002-08-18 Thread Bobrs

I would like to know what the version (tomcat, cocoon, jdk) I need use
to run the cocoon !??!?
 I am using jdk 1.3.1 + tomcat 4.0 + cocoon 2.0.2.. but I dont get
run the cocoon !!!


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Re: How to send a parameter of type "long" to a FormValidator

2002-08-18 Thread Antonio Gallardo Rivera

Can be the problem of update in the tutorial this?

Please see the mode attribute.

Antonio Gallardo

El Domingo, 18 de Agosto de 2002 03:25, Christian Haul escribió:
> On 18.Aug.2002 -- 01:09 AM, Antonio Gallardo Rivera wrote:
> > I am trying the tutorial example that comes with Cocoon.
> >
> > When I try to create a employe or update a department. I always get this
> > error in the sitemap.log file:
> >
> > Thread-14/AbstractValidatorAction: Validating long parameter department
> > (encoded in a string: true)
> >
> > Then, my question is: How I can send a parameter of type "long" in a
> > request string? Is there another method todo that?
> This is no error but a debug message (change log level to turn it off). It
> says that the value is passed as a java instance of String. This is correct
> for request parameters as they are indeed strings.
> In case you were validating e.g. session attributes, they would not be
> encoded as Strings but be of the required type.
> So, if form validation fails, it has another cause. Usually, it says
> "validating parameter foo, foo should (something) and it (is / does) not."
> HTH.
>   Chris.
> Please follow up summarizing your problem and which suggested solution
> / information worked for you when you consider your problem
> solved. Add "SUMMARY: " to the subject line. This will make FAQ
> generation and searching the list easier. In addition, it makes
> helping you more fun. Thank you.

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Re: J2EE needed? UserTransaction not found..

2002-08-18 Thread Jan

> Where do you get this error?
On startup.

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Re: How to send a parameter of type "long" to a FormValidator

2002-08-18 Thread Antonio Gallardo Rivera

Sorry, but I am not validatong a session id.
The parameter is the key of the table department. His name is: id
Then after the message:

Thread-14/AbstractValidatorAction: Validating parameter: id
Thread-14/AbstractValidatorAction: Validating long parameter id (encoded in a 
string: true)
Thread-14/FormValidatorAction: Validation failed for parameter id

What is wrong? As you can see the form validator tell me the id parameter 

Antonio Gallardo

El Domingo, 18 de Agosto de 2002 03:25, Christian Haul escribió:
> On 18.Aug.2002 -- 01:09 AM, Antonio Gallardo Rivera wrote:
> > I am trying the tutorial example that comes with Cocoon.
> >
> > When I try to create a employe or update a department. I always get this
> > error in the sitemap.log file:
> >
> > Thread-14/AbstractValidatorAction: Validating long parameter department
> > (encoded in a string: true)
> >
> > Then, my question is: How I can send a parameter of type "long" in a
> > request string? Is there another method todo that?
> This is no error but a debug message (change log level to turn it off). It
> says that the value is passed as a java instance of String. This is correct
> for request parameters as they are indeed strings.
> In case you were validating e.g. session attributes, they would not be
> encoded as Strings but be of the required type.
> So, if form validation fails, it has another cause. Usually, it says
> "validating parameter foo, foo should (something) and it (is / does) not."
> HTH.
>   Chris.
> Please follow up summarizing your problem and which suggested solution
> / information worked for you when you consider your problem
> solved. Add "SUMMARY: " to the subject line. This will make FAQ
> generation and searching the list easier. In addition, it makes
> helping you more fun. Thank you.

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Re: SQLTransformer good, ESQL bad

2002-08-18 Thread Christian Haul

On 17.Aug.2002 -- 11:13 PM, Jan Willem Penterman wrote:
> I'm sorry to the spam the list like this, but now I've got the feeling
> I'm really getting somewhere:
> I've set up cocoon-2.0.3 binary release for j2sdk1.4 and added a pool
> for MySQL Connector/J .
> Now I've actually managed to get some row data from a MySQL database
> using SQLTransformer!
> But with ESQL it still fails in:
> org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Exception in
> ServerPagesGenerator.generate(): java.lang.RuntimeException: Error
> opening connection to dburl: : No suitable driver

Jan, this is hardly believable. Since both use the same pool and almost
the same code to obtain the pool, it is highly unlikely that one is
successfull and the other one isn't.

One difference exists, though: SQLTransformer retries 5 times to get a
connection while ESQL doesn't.

Could you please try to find if your logs contain something like
"could not acquire a Connection -- waiting" and set the parameter
1 in the declaration of the
transformer in sitemap.xmap?

If this is indeed the case, we could add similar functionality to ESQL.

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fingerprint: 99B0 1D9D 7919 644A 4837  7D73 FEF9 6856 335A 9E08

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Re: How to send a parameter of type "long" to a FormValidator

2002-08-18 Thread Christian Haul

On 18.Aug.2002 -- 01:09 AM, Antonio Gallardo Rivera wrote:
> I am trying the tutorial example that comes with Cocoon.
> When I try to create a employe or update a department. I always get this error 
> in the sitemap.log file:
> Thread-14/AbstractValidatorAction: Validating long parameter department 
> (encoded in a string: true)
> Then, my question is: How I can send a parameter of type "long" in a request 
> string? Is there another method todo that?

This is no error but a debug message (change log level to turn it off). It says
that the value is passed as a java instance of String. This is correct for request
parameters as they are indeed strings.
In case you were validating e.g. session attributes, they would not be encoded as
Strings but be of the required type.

So, if form validation fails, it has another cause. Usually, it says "validating
parameter foo, foo should (something) and it (is / does) not."


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/ information worked for you when you consider your problem
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helping you more fun. Thank you.

C h r i s t i a n   H a u l
fingerprint: 99B0 1D9D 7919 644A 4837  7D73 FEF9 6856 335A 9E08

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Re: Making a new Action

2002-08-18 Thread Litrik De Roy

For my project I have used XSP to write actions.

- The is no need to do manual compiles. Cocoon will compile it when the
source has changed.
- The XSP can be stored in a location relative to a subsitemap instead of
the WEB-INF directory.

It took me a while to figure out how to do it (almost no documentation and
only a few entires in the mailing list archive).

If you need some help, let me know and I'll post a summary.

Litrik De Roy

- Original Message -
From: "Geoff Howard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, August 17, 2002 12:51 AM
Subject: RE: Making a new Action

> > Actions are java code which i write seperatly from everything else.
> right.
> > Do i save this file as or .jsp?
> .java, and then you compile it.
> > What directories do i have to place in into in order for it to properly
> compile
> you can compile it from anywhere, but you need your classpath set up to
> include anything mentioned in your .java file.
> > and for the sitemap to see it?
> after it's compiled, place it in WEB-INF/classes (if you've used a package
> declaration, remember to duplicate the directory structure of the
> Alternatively you can jar it up with any other classes you create and
> it in WEB-INF/lib
> > Does this compiling happen automatically or do i have to do it manually?
> manually.
> Hope that helps,
> Geoff Howard

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Re: CVS Snapshot: ConfigurationException

2002-08-18 Thread Stephan Michels

On Sat, 17 Aug 2002, Jan Willem Penterman wrote:

> Somebody pointed me to the fact that I'd be better off using the most
> recent CVS snapshot because I would get more support in getting problems
> so solved (true), so I've taken a step back from my mysql problems,
> upgraded to j2sdk14 en got the latest CVS snapshot.
> Built cocoon.war with .\build.bat -Dinclude.webapps.libs=yes webapps
> Put it in the right place, restarted Tomcat,
> http://localhost:8080/cocoon
> And this is what I get:
> org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.ConfigurationException: Cannot
> get component selector for 'transform' at
> jndi:/localhost/cocoon/sitemap.xmap:377:59
> Now what? :)

The CVS HEAD is most of the time stable, but sometimes it is broken. So
you got a bad day ;-)

The problem was the upgrade of the Avalon libs on the friday(I think).

Stephan Michels.

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Re: J2EE needed? UserTransaction not found..

2002-08-18 Thread Stephan Michels

On Fri, 16 Aug 2002, Jan wrote:

> It seems to be that Cocoon uses J2EE (witch I do not have) for it uses 
>javax.transaction.UserTransaction.. is this correct or have I possibly done something 
>wrong during the build process?
> The whole trace is included below.
> Oh by the way: The link is in a class within the scratchpad, so... maybe this will 
>be solved and is just for the moment?
> Cheers,
> Jan
> java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 

After a look into the J2EE specs, I see that the JTA is part of J2EE. The
Slide Class uses the JTA, and lib can be found at the moment in
src/scratchpad/lib. I think this must be removed in the next time, because
there exists problems with SUN licence and the APACHE licence, I think.

But you shouldn't get a compilation error with the current CVS HEAD.

Where do you get this error?


 Stephan Michels   EMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ICQ: 115535699Tel: +49-030-314-21583

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