Remote access to xindice

2003-03-09 Thread Yury Mikhienko
Hi All!

I use the Xindice v1.1 starting on Tomcat 4.1.12 like webapp, and cocoons(v 2.0.4) 
XMLDBSource works properly with xindice db if I use the xmldb:xindice///db/... 
collection resource path.
But now I want have the remote access to xindice db (with using the xmldb api) and I 
dont understand how I can implement this :((
If I try use the  XMLDBSource with xmldb:xindice//hostname/db/... path , it does'nt 
May be anyone get me any way to implement the client (and Server side configuration) 
for remote access and works with xindice db.

Thanks for advice.

Best regards,
Yury Mikhienko.
IT engineer, ZAO Mobicom-Kavkaz

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Some results on cocoon debug attempt

2003-03-09 Thread Leszek Gawron
I tried to debug some cocoon parts. Here is what I achieved. I would be
grateful for any feedback. The attempt were made on WinXP

The easiest way to run cocoon set up with remote debugging is to run
cocoon.bat servlet-debug

and now: 
1. JSwat 2.3:
a) attach to cocoon 
b) set source path to :
- {cocoon-cvs-home}\src\java
- {your-win-profile}\Local Settings\Temp\Jetty____\cocoon-files
c) if you want to debug cocoon core:
- set breakpoint providing:
- class name
- line number/method name
d) if you want to debug xsp:
- run it at least once to have .java file generated
- browse class hierarchy (there is a special view for that in jSwat),
  select the appropriate class and place a breakpoint
e) hit the page you want to debug in a browser - the execution will stop at
f) now you can run your code by steps. source browser will show you the
current position

Everything works quite fine but jSwat functionality is not enough for us.
So lets switch to:
2. Eclipse
a) do build eclipse-project
b) edit {cocoon-cvs-home}\build\webapp\WEB-INF\web.xml to change the
location of cocon temporary files. All you have to do is to uncomments
this section:
You have to have all source files to be placed relatively from your
project home.
c) Run eclipse
d) do File - Import and point to your cocoon directory
e) be patient ... :)
f) add additional source path: {cocoon-cvs-home}\build\webapp\WEB-INF\work
g) prepare new remote debug configuration (choose your current project so
eclipse will be able to resolve sources)
h) attach to cocoon VM
i) browse your project for appropriate class, open the source file and set
a breakpoint in a place you want to.
j) hit the page - wait for breakpoint to be triggered
k) eclipse will open a source file and from now on you can step through
the code.

Everything would be fine but Eclipse does not want to work with XSP generated
java files properly. When first run the .java file is being generated from xsp
so from now on it is visible from eclipse IDE. You can compile it (if you add
all cocoon libraries to your project), you can also set a breakpoint. The
execution will be stopped at breakpoint but you will get a message that
eclipse cannot find source for this class. I've tried any combination and
still eclipse is not aware of the source. It works for any other classes
though (not generated).

Does anyone have some experience with eclipse?
 | /  \ |Leszek Gawron//  \\
\_\\  //_/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  _\\()//_
 .'/()\'. Phone: +48(600)341118 / //  \\ \
  \\  //  recursive: adj; see recursive  | \__/ |

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Auth components

2003-03-09 Thread JD Daniels
Hi everyone,

I am wondering how to automatically create a user context.

My login will create a guest user if no parameters are passed.
How do I make a guest user without calling the auth-action?

Ie, to load this page
   map:match pattern=testpage
map:act type=auth-protect
 map:parameter name=handler value=protection-handler/
 map:generate src=docs/test.xml/
 map:transform src=resources/styles/2html.xsl/

I always have to perform a login with blank fields to generate the guest
user. How do I do this automatically?


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sorry for asking these here :-(

2003-03-09 Thread Richard Cunliffe


I have to questions:

 Im not sure if this cocoon or my inability to do
 XSL, but I have my web page images in an images folder, under the root
 directory soundpool. Everything was looking good until I checked the site
 in netscape, when I found the images were not working. I consequently
 checked other on other computers, and they were not working there either. Do
 I need to included something in my sitemap to tell cocoon where the images
 are. If this is not the case, could someone please tell me how to get them
 to work.

 My next question is a DTD question  sorry

I have some SQL statements in my XML
code to query a MySQL database, and I now want to display the results, but how
do I define this SQL query in the XML in my DTD??

Sorry for asking these questions here, your help would be
very much appreciated.


Re: XUpdate

2003-03-09 Thread Josema Alonso
I remember I built the javadoc that came with the transformer and it was
pretty easy to use starting there. I suggest you do the same.
Anyway if you want a snippet I can give you this.

The transformer is declared in the sitemap this way:
   map:transformer name=xmldb

Then is used on a pipeline like any other transformer. The syntax it uses
for XUpdate queries for example is:
xindice:query type=update oid=xmldb-object-id
  xu:modifications version=1.0 xmlns:xu=;
xu:remove select=/person/[EMAIL PROTECTED] = 'home']/
xu:update select=/person/[EMAIL PROTECTED] = 'work']

As I said is pretty straightforward.

Hope it helps.

- Original Message -
From: Irving Salisbury
Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2003 5:38 AM
Subject: Re: XUpdate

This is great news.  I don't suppose there are any preliminary docs on this
as far as what type of XML it is looking for, etc?  I can go rooting around
in the source, but any docs or even any examples that make use of it would
be a huge help.



Josema Alonso wrote:

Hey, Irv

There's a XMLDBTransformer available. It was in Scratchpad but it was moved
to a new xmldb block in the CVS repository.
Please, checkout a fresh 2.1 from CVS and you'll foun it there or at its

I have used it succesfully quite a while ago.


- Original Message -
From: Irving Salisbury [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 08, 2003 7:54 PM
Subject: XUpdate

I am interested in using xupdate commands to xindice from within Cocoon.
 First, is there something like an XUpdateTransformer that would allow
me to do this within a pipeline?  If not, are there any actions, etc
that help out?  If anyone has any links that would be helpful, that
would be great.



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Re: XUpdate

2003-03-09 Thread Irving Salisbury
That does seem pretty straightforward.  Thanks.  


Josema Alonso wrote:

I remember I built the javadoc that came with the transformer and it was
pretty easy to use starting there. I suggest you do the same.
Anyway if you want a snippet I can give you this.
The transformer is declared in the sitemap this way:
  map:transformer name=xmldb
Then is used on a pipeline like any other transformer. The syntax it uses
for XUpdate queries for example is:
xindice:query type=update oid=xmldb-object-id
 xu:modifications version=1.0 xmlns:xu=;
   xu:remove select=/person/[EMAIL PROTECTED] = 'home']/
   xu:update select=/person/[EMAIL PROTECTED] = 'work']
As I said is pretty straightforward.

Hope it helps.

- Original Message -
From: Irving Salisbury
Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2003 5:38 AM
Subject: Re: XUpdate
This is great news.  I don't suppose there are any preliminary docs on this
as far as what type of XML it is looking for, etc?  I can go rooting around
in the source, but any docs or even any examples that make use of it would
be a huge help.


Josema Alonso wrote:

Hey, Irv

There's a XMLDBTransformer available. It was in Scratchpad but it was moved
to a new xmldb block in the CVS repository.
Please, checkout a fresh 2.1 from CVS and you'll foun it there or at its
I have used it succesfully quite a while ago.

- Original Message -
From: Irving Salisbury [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 08, 2003 7:54 PM
Subject: XUpdate

I am interested in using xupdate commands to xindice from within Cocoon.
First, is there something like an XUpdateTransformer that would allow
me to do this within a pipeline?  If not, are there any actions, etc
that help out?  If anyone has any links that would be helpful, that
would be great.


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Re: writing excel files with merge and coloured cells

2003-03-09 Thread Andrew C. Oliver
Yes the colors work.  I do not think I ever implemented merged cells at 
the serializer level.


Rapcewicz, Chris wrote:


I am currently running Cocoon 2.0.4 on Tomcat 4.1 and I am interested 
in creating excel files which have coloured cells and also cells that 
are merged. I tried generating an xml from gnumeric and using this, 
but found that neither the coloured cells nor the merged cells were 

Before I start trying to debug, I was wondering if this functionality 
is supported?


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Re: AW: writing excel files with merge and coloured cells

2003-03-09 Thread Andrew C. Oliver
Thats single threaded btw.  See what happens if a few people hit it at once.

Gerald Michalitz wrote:

I am using the bsf (bean scripting framework) in with I use vb and 
object rexx to create excel and use existing excel files
with this you can use ole objects like excel to work with
a little sample code:

?xml version=1.0?

!DOCTYPE page [

!ELEMENT page (title?, content)


!ELEMENT content (para+, konto)


!ELEMENT account (#PCDATA)

!ATTLIST account



?xml-stylesheet type=text/xsl?


titleXSL-Transformation of a XML-file to a HTML-file or to a 


paraThis is an example:/para

account number=27/



xls file

!--The component and its script are in the lxslt namespace and define 

implementation of the extension.--

lxslt:component prefix=my-ext functions=something

lxslt:script lang=rexx


/* something rexx - [Object] Rexx, ---gm, 2003-03-06, pitten - austria*/

My_Excel = .OLEObject~New(Excel.Application)

infile = e:\allesmist\dvoexport.xls


row = 1

column = 'B'

number = My_Excel~Cells(row,column)~Value

return The amount is= number


::requires OREXXOLE.CLS




xsl:template match=account

xsl:value-of select=my-ext:something(string(@account))/ 




with object rexx or vb or js you can do all what excel/word can do





-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
*Von:* Rapcewicz, Chris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*Gesendet:* Donnerstag, 6. März 2003 21:28
*Betreff:* writing excel files with merge and coloured cells

I am currently running Cocoon 2.0.4 on Tomcat 4.1 and I am
interested in creating excel files which have coloured cells and
also cells that are merged. I tried generating an xml from
gnumeric and using this, but found that neither the coloured cells
nor the merged cells were present.
Before I start trying to debug, I was wondering if this
functionality is supported?

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refering to:

2003-03-09 Thread Thorsten Scherler
Hello group,

I wrote a HowTo:

I would need some help with it. Can anyone please have a look.
Thank you very much!
King regards
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2003-03-09 Thread Wout Perquin 2
Hi All,
I try to run the XSP examples in the Cocoon Developer's Handbook.
The 2nd XSP example, with the abc.xsl logicsheet doesnt work.
If there is somebody who got this working can you please let me know,
because I want to ask some questions.

I also tried the logicsheet examples as explained in but also no
success.  Besides these examples do not tell what to code in the pipeline.

If anybody has some good advice on logicsheets, please let me know.
Many thanks, Wout Perquin

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Re: Logicsheets

2003-03-09 Thread Amelie Cordier
 Hi All,
 I try to run the XSP examples in the Cocoon Developer's Handbook.
 The 2nd XSP example, with the abc.xsl logicsheet doesnt work.
 If there is somebody who got this working can you please let me know,
 because I want to ask some questions.

 I also tried the logicsheet examples as explained in but also no
 success.  Besides these examples do not tell what to code in the

 If anybody has some good advice on logicsheets, please let me know. Many
 thanks, Wout Perquin

Could you please give more details about your problem ... because it's
hard to help you now.

Did you correctly decrlare the logicsheet in the cocoon.xconf ? Did you
restart your server?



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Re: Generating dynamic attributes in xsp [OK]

2003-03-09 Thread Amelie Cordier
 Amelie Cordier wrote:
 Hi again.

 To sum up,  I'm trying to use request parameters in a logicsheet that
 I've made on my own.

 According to Marco's suggestions (thanks a lot Marco!), I've tried
 this :

 In the .xsp :

 yearxsp-request:get-parameter name=yearparam//year

 In the logicsheet :

 xsl:template match=mytag:year[year or @year]
   xsl:variable name=mavar
 xsl:call-template name=get-string-parameter
  xsl:with-param name=nameyear/xsl:with-param

 My problem is the following : as soon as I use my logicsheet tags,
 the value of xsp-request:get-parameter name=year is lost.

 Example :

  xsp-request:get-parameter name=year/ = returns the value of the
 parameter year

yearxsp-request:get-parameter name=year/ /year

  = returns nothing !!! or better, something like that :
  (XSPRequestHelper.getParameter(objectModel, year, null, null,

 Is there something to do in the sitemap level?
 Just to know : is there anybody who tried this once? Am I trying to
 do something impossible?

 Try to use get-parameter instead of get-string-parameter. That
 should return the node as well. But you need to insert the variable
 with copy-of, not value-of and in a place where it can safely expand
 to a xsp:expr/.



Ok, now it works perfectly with get-nested-content instead of get-parameter.

I found this in a quite old mail in this mailing list.

Thanks a lot to everybody

Best regards


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