Re: XSP page - dynamic link generation

2003-06-27 Thread Alexandre Victoor
If think you should use xsp:attribute :
xsp:attribute name=href

At 11:09 27/06/2003 +0100, you wrote:

Hi all,

I'm trying to create a dynamic link generated by a xsp page.
Inside the html code:
a href=insert linkLink to some page/a
I want to replace the insert link with a value passed back by a object 

E.g. This is what I trying at the moment
//get someObject from somewhere
a href=xsp:exprsomeObject.getURL()/xsp:exprLink 
to some page/a
I get back a error from cocoon complaining about the '' of the xsp:expr 
Original Exception: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The value of attribute 
href must not contain the '' character

Any one any ideas how to solve this.


Stephen Greene

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ThreadLocal with cocoon?

2003-06-23 Thread Alexandre Victoor
I would like to know if it is safe to use threadlocal variables in actions 
and xsps.  I don't know if the components called by the sitemap are always 
supposed to be executed inside the same thread. I have looked at the logs 
and the actions and the xsps seems to use the same thread for a given 
request treatment. But I don't know if it would be true on a production 
environment or with another sitemap implementation... Is there any docs 
about multi-threading in cocoon?
Thanks for your help


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Re: Desperately need help with installing Cocoon on webLogic 7

2003-06-12 Thread Alexandre Victoor
Hello Anne
I have tried by mistake to install Cocoon 2.0.4 compiled for the jdk1.4 on 
weblogic 7. I had the same error page you have.
With cocoon compiled for the jdk1.3 there is no problem at all.
Hope it helps


At 20:34 11/06/2003 -0700, you wrote:
Dear all,

I am really really stuck with trying to get Cocoon 2.0.4 to work on 
webLogic 7.  Does anyone has a step-by-step guide that can help me?  I 
followed the instruction on the installation page, but I am keep getting 
the following error:

type fatal

message Cocoon was not initialized.

description Cocoon was not initialized. Cannot process request.

sender org.apache.cocoon.servlet.CocoonServlet

source Cocoon servlet


Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks alot in advance for your help.



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Re: problem with setting up cocoon in webLogic

2003-06-11 Thread Alexandre Victoor
What version of weblogic are you using? If I am not wrong, Cocoon2 works 
under weblogic 6.1 sp4 but not under weblogic 6.1 sp2...


Anne Kwong wrote:
Dear all,
I  followed the instruction and is able to set up the CocoonServlet on 
weblogic.  However, when I tried to bring up localhost:7001/cocoon/, I am 
getting the following error:

type fatal

message Cocoon was not initialized.

description Cocoon was not initialized. Cannot process request.

sender org.apache.cocoon.servlet.CocoonServlet

source Cocoon servlet

Could someone please help me out?



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Re: forwarding paremeter to xsp

2003-06-06 Thread Alexandre Victoor
you can pass the parameter explicitely in the sitemap :
map:match pattern=**.info
map:generate type=serverpages src=process.xsp
map:parameter name=infoparam value={1}/
map:serialixe type=xml/
and then you can use it process.xsp :

xsp:exprparameters.getParameter(infoparam,default value)/xsp:expr

Hope it helps


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Re: empty html tags

2003-06-04 Thread Alexandre Victoor
Thanks for your response
I am using cocoon 2.0.4, I will try with a new version.

At 21:50 03/06/2003 +0200, you wrote:
Hello Alexandre,

what Cocoon and Xalan version are you using? I have Cocoon 2.0.5-dev (with 
Xalan 2.3.1) and 2.1m3-dev (with Xalan 2.5.1-dev (2003-05-06)).

With both versions script/ and style/ are serialized to 
script/script and style/style.


Alexandre Victoor wrote:
Is there a simple solution to avoid unwanted transformations like 
DEFANGED_script/script - DEFANGED_script/
I tried to add cdata-section-elements parameters to the html serializer 
but it doesn't work. I would rather like not to add comments or blank 
spaces inside my tags.
Thanks for your help.

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empty html tags

2003-06-03 Thread Alexandre Victoor
Is there a simple solution to avoid unwanted transformations like 
script/script - script/
I tried to add cdata-section-elements parameters to the html serializer but 
it doesn't work. I would rather like not to add comments or blank spaces 
inside my tags.
Thanks for your help.


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Re: XSL question

2002-03-25 Thread Alexandre Victoor

you need to declare your parameter at the beginiing of the stylesheet :

xsl:param name=yourparam/

xsl:template match=/

Then in the body of your stylesheet, $yourparam  gives you the value of the 

Good luck

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Re: C2 too slow

2002-02-14 Thread Alexandre Victoor

I think that some extra Mb of RAM on your system would be very useful. 64Mb 
are not enough.


At 11:31 14/02/2002 +0200, you wrote:
Hi everybody.
I am a newbie. My problem is compiling and executing time.
Compiling takes 30 min for the first time , and executing also takes 7-9 
min for  first time.
What is the prob.?
My system is p3 750 64 mb ram
Thanks in advance

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Re: Cocoon1 - Cocoon2

2002-02-13 Thread Alexandre Victoor

Here is a dummy generator that parses a string and gives the sax events to 
cocoon. Hope that is what you need.
 From my experience I can tell that it is not the best thing to do with 


import  org.apache.avalon.framework.parameters.Parameters;
import  org.apache.cocoon.generation.Generator;
import  org.apache.cocoon.environment.SourceResolver;
import  org.apache.cocoon.xml.XMLConsumer;
import  org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException;

import  org.xml.sax.XMLReader;
import  org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import  org.xml.sax.SAXException;

import  java.util.Map;
import  java.util.Enumeration;

 * A dummy generator for cocoon2
public class DummyGenerator implements Generator {

protected XMLConsumer   _xmlConsumer;

public DummyGenerator() {

public void generate() throws IOException, SAXException, ProcessingException {

try {
XMLReader parser = 


new InputSource(
new StringReader(
pagetitleHello !/titlecontentparaThis is the result 
of a dummy producer!/para/content/page)
} catch ( Exception e ) {
throw new ProcessingException(e);
public void setConsumer(XMLConsumer consumer) {
_xmlConsumer = consumer;
public void setup(SourceResolver resolver, Map objectModel, String src, Parameters 
throws ProcessingException, SAXException, 
IOException {

System.out.println(setup method);


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RE: Cocoon1 - Cocoon2

2002-02-13 Thread Alexandre Victoor

How can I do that ? Should I implement the Generator interface too
in my servlet, or do the HTTP request thing what Jupin suggested ?
Or is there any other way to do that ? I saw plenty of exapmles
which use JSP, HTML, XSP and other thing as a generator, but nowhere
a simple Java (servlet) code.

Well the answer is to put the URL of your servlet in the sitemap :

map:match pattern=servlet.html
 map:generate src=http://localhost:8080/alexcocoon/AlexServlet; 
/  !-- servlet that gives an XML response --
 map:transform src=stylesheets/simple-page2html.xsl/
 map:serialize type=html/

Good luck Geza


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Re: c2: scales badly compared to c1

2002-02-11 Thread Alexandre Victoor

Thanks for your answers guys !!
I look forward to test the next release of cocoon.


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Re: c2: scales badly compared to c1

2002-02-08 Thread Alexandre Victoor


I am also migrating from C1 to C2. I have tried to migrate changing as lessc
 ode as possible. I have noticed that if I use a very basic generator, 
which doesn't use the avalon framework, the amount of memory used by cocoonk
 eep increasing at each request. Well that's quite normal I guess since myg
 enerator can't be recycled...
The real bad thing that I can reproached to C2 is the amount of memory usedb
 y the sitemap. Even with a simple one, about 30MB of memory are used... Ist
 here a way to reduce this amount ?


At 18:34 08/02/2002 +0100, you wrote:
I have a c1 application and migrated it to c2.

I have both (c1 and c2) running in the same environment (tomcat 3.3) on
the same machine.

I did a first very basic performance test by just hiting the reload
button of my browser several times very quickly and found:

single request processing time: 10 ms
multiple requests: 15 ms, 20 ms, 16 ms,...

single request processing time: 10 ms
multiple requests: 500 ms, 4000 ms, 6000 ms,...

where does it get stuck? is something blocking? how to find out? anyone
with similar experiences?

Hans-Günter Stein
Vorstand, SiteOS AG
Weißenfelderstraße 3
85551 Kirchheim/Heimstetten (München)

Tel. +49 - 89 - 90 77 66 00

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RE: Html generator question

2002-02-01 Thread Alexandre Victoor

Thanks a lot guys :-)


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Html generator question

2002-01-31 Thread Alexandre Victoor

Hello everyone
Thanks Vadim for the response to my last question.
I am using now the HTML generator to retrieve html from other sites. Since 
the html I get is not well formed, Jtidy logs a lot of warning. Is it 
possible to decrease the verbosity of Jtidy ?
The second part of my question is : is it possible to cache the result of 
an html generator ? I would like to do the generation, put the result in 
the cache and refresh it every 10 minutes... Do I need to specify something 
in the sitemap ?
Thanks for your help


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C1 - C2

2002-01-30 Thread Alexandre Victoor

I have a web site under Cocoon1 and I am willing to update to Cocoon2. 
Under Cocoon1, I use my own producer for all the requests.
Because my boss doesn't want me to spend too much time on it, I have too 
change as less code as possible, even if the implementation is temporary 
and that will change it later. What is the best solution ? Implement my own 
C2 generator or use a servelt as a generator ?


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Re: find xml files in a directory, list them and render to html

2001-11-12 Thread Alexandre Victoor

I think Ant would be very useful for you. With Ant it is easy to launch 
your JUnit tests, copy/move files and launch other java programs.

At 11:46 12/11/2001 +0100, you wrote:

For our test framework we have this workaround:

1. Buildprocess
2. create junit test
3. create html from junitreports, versioning etc.

What I want:

1. move xml files to a specific cocoon folder
2. list the xml files (Directory Generator ??)
3. Create html output (xsl)

Nr. 3 is fine...

How can I do step 2; list files and open them from there? There is an
increasing number of files, creating the directory should be dynamic. What
about the links?

Any ideas??

Erik Stunkat
POET Software
Hamburg, Germany
+49(0)40 60990-303

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newbie: repository folder

2001-09-21 Thread Alexandre Victoor

I am using Cocoon 1.8 with Tomcat 3.2
In, by default  processor.xsp.repository = ./repository
I have tried to write processor.xsp.repository = 
${tomcat.home}/bin/repository so that the repository folder is always 
created at the same place. But that doesn't work... Is there a solution 
beside using an absolute hard-coded path ?


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Cocoon error page

2001-09-12 Thread Alexandre Victoor

I am a new tomcat-cocoon user. When the producer argument given to Cocoon 
is bad, Cocoon give an error page Error found handling the request. with 
the java stacktrace below. On my production site, I don't want the users to 
see the java stacktrace. How can I configure Cocoon to return a static 
page. Thanks for your help.

PS: I am using Cocoon 1.8.2

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