Re: problems with JAVA

2001-11-02 Thread Sergio Carvalho

You may be refering to the stack limit bug. You can hop around it by doing: 
 ulimit -s 2048 
before executing java programs. No need to downgrade the JDK.

On Fri, 2 Nov 2001 09:47:31 +0100, Adnan Zelkanovic wrote:
From: Adnan Zelkanovic [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 If you have problems to run/compile Cocoon/Tomcat etc. on your machine under
 Linux, then the problem could be jdk1.3.1
 If you are using jdk1.3.1 you have to install jdk1.3.0, because jdk1.3.1 has
 problems on some Linux-systems. For example, jdk1.3.1 doesn't run on my
 SuSE-Linux-7.2 so I installed jdk1.3.0 and now everything works ...
 Mit freundlichen Grüßen
 Adnan Zelkanovic
 allgäuNet.Onlinedienste GmbH
 Nebelhornstraße 8
 86807 Buchloe
 Tel. (08241) 96869-33
 Fax  (08241) 96869-26
 ein Unternehmen der abc.Mediengruppe
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Re: how to implement a dynamic sitemap?

2001-10-25 Thread Sergio Carvalho

Christer Lindh wrote:

 As far as I've understood C2, there is now a quite static sitemap 
 which tells what request gets what XSL. This is too static for my 
 needs, I would like to do a bunch of calculations and then decide on 
 what XSL to use. Is there any way I can accomplish this with C2?

One possible way is to use an action to define a sitemap variable with 
the name of the chose stylesheet.
Your mathcer would then look like:
  map:act type=xsl-chooser
   map:transform src=stylesheets/{chosen-xsl}


 I have my own producer today with Cocoon 1 which creates Documents 
 from data in my database, and these are then assigned an XSL depending 
 on a bunch of parameters (from the database and user environment as 
 well), ie I add PI:s to the Document DOM dynamically.


 So - is it possible to use classic cocoon1.8 processing instructions 
 with cocoon2, instead of specifying processing stages in the sitemap?


 If not, can I do my own implement of the Sitemap interfaces and get C2 
 to use those instead?  My classes would act just like a sitemap (as 
 the interfaces are the same) but get it's daata from database instead 
 of a XML file in the filesystem.




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Re: JSP generator error.

2001-10-18 Thread Sergio Carvalho
  ] (/cocoon/jsp/hello)
 HttpProcessor[8080][3]/CachingEventPipeline: Recycling of
 DEBUG   (2001-10-17) 18:59.00:968   [cocoon  ] (/cocoon/jsp/hello)
 HttpProcessor[8080][3]/DefaultPool: Returning a
 org.apache.cocoon.generation.JspGenerator to the pool
 DEBUG   (2001-10-17) 18:59.00:968   [cocoon  ] (/cocoon/jsp/hello)
 HttpProcessor[8080][3]/DefaultPool: Returning a
 org.apache.cocoon.transformation.TraxTransformer to the pool
 DEBUG   (2001-10-17) 18:59.00:968   [cocoon  ] (/cocoon/jsp/hello)
 HttpProcessor[8080][3]/DefaultPool: Returning a
 org.apache.cocoon.components.pipeline.CachingEventPipeline to the pool
 DEBUG   (2001-10-17) 18:59.00:968   [cocoon  ] (/cocoon/jsp/hello)
 HttpProcessor[8080][3]/CachingStreamPipeline: Recycling of
 DEBUG   (2001-10-17) 18:59.00:968   [cocoon  ] (/cocoon/jsp/hello)
 HttpProcessor[8080][3]/DefaultPool: Returning a
 org.apache.cocoon.serialization.HTMLSerializer to the pool
 DEBUG   (2001-10-17) 18:59.00:968   [cocoon  ] (/cocoon/jsp/hello)
 HttpProcessor[8080][3]/DefaultPool: Returning a
 org.apache.cocoon.components.pipeline.CachingStreamPipeline to the pool
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Re: Enterprise applications

2001-10-03 Thread Sergio Carvalho

You might want to search the archives. There was some activity around
cocoon-J2EE integration. I don't know how far has that prgoressed.

On Wed, 3 Oct 2001 18:56:38 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm looking to a homegrown datasource to Cocoon and I came across this
 piece in the docs.
 Cocoon allows you to specify a pooled data source that you can use for
 throughout the Cocoon system. There are two different types of data sources:
 JDBC and J2EE. The difference is in who controls the connection. The JDBC data
 source lets Cocoon handle all the pooling logic. The J2EE data source tells
 Cocoon how to pull the DataSource object from a J2EE container (thats Java 2
 Enterprise Edition)--the major caviat is that Cocoon must be installed as part
 of a Enterprise Application.
 Is there a document somewhere that tells me how to install Cocoon as part of
 Enterprise Application?
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Re: Get Cocoon Working

2001-10-01 Thread Sergio Carvalho

Look on cocoon/WEB-INF/logs for a more detailed error description.

On Mon, 1 Oct 2001 15:08:54 -0700 , Lakshmi Anantharaman wrote:
From: Lakshmi Anantharaman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 What is going wrong . I am able to start tomcat wih Cocoon installed but not
 able to view .xml files . The follwing is the error thrown
 HTTP Status 503 - Servlet org.apache.cocoon.Cocoon is currently unavailable
 The requested service (Servlet org.apache.cocoon.Cocoon is currently
 unavailable) is not currently available. 
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Re: Tomcat 4.0 + Cocoon2 rc1 on RedHat 6.2

2001-09-25 Thread Sergio Carvalho

If you are using a recent linux, like Suse 7.1/7.2 or RH 7.1, try doing:
ulimit -s 1024
before launching any Java application. This is a documented bug, and is a side
effect of a bug correction in recent glibc (JDK relied on the erroneous

On Mon, 24 Sep 2001 17:05:08 -0600, Lajos Moczar wrote:
From: Lajos Moczar [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi all:
 I tried this install today, using JDK 1.2.2_006. The Tomcat code is the 
 4.0 release version and Cocoon2 is the version announced this morning. 
 When I access http://localhost:8080/cocoon, Tomcat core dumps with stuff 
 like this (in catalina.out):
 SIGSEGV   11*  segmentation violation
  si_signo [11]: SIGSEGV   11*  segmentation violation
  si_errno [0]: Success
  si_code [0]: SI_USER [pid: 0, uid: 0]
 Full thread dump Classic VM (1.2.2_006, green threads):
  Thread-16 (TID:0x40e40510, sys_thread_t:0x9252658, state:R) prio=5
  at java.lang.ClassLoader.findLoadedClass(Native Method)
  at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
  at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
 p(Unknown Source)
 p(Unknown Source)
 Has anyone else seen this? I've never successfully run any Cocoon2 build 
 on my Linux Box with any version of Catalina. Getting kinda frustrating. 
 Any ideas will be welcome.
 Lajos Moczar
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Re: Documentation of sitemap syntax, XSP-Logicsheets and configuring for actions

2001-09-25 Thread Sergio Carvalho

1) I think you have to use the cocoon: protocol to refer to internal resources
for parts in map:part
2) Dunno...
3) Since Cocoon pipelines its content, when an XSP page is being processed there
is no guarantee that HTTP output hasn't already begun. So, using C2's
architecture, it is impossible to have a response taglib.

On Tue, 25 Sep 2001 13:34:41 +0200, Arno Illmann wrote:
From: Arno Illmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Dear Cocoon Users and Developers, 
 Ahead I beg your pardon for my germlish. Following a few questions about
sitemap syntax, XSP-Logicsheets and configuring for actions. I think these
questions are a good example for the questions of a c2 idiot v0.2RC1 0:) . The
answers should be added in the below mentioned documentations and what I can do
is supplie it in xdoc format to Jeremy Aston and his The Cocoon Two Idiots
Guide at .
 1) Where to find additional detailed syntax and usage of sitemap tags?
 A few days ago I tried to put out i.e. a HTML head with caching information,
but it doesn't do it (was not parsed or outputted). I found some snippets on
this mailing list. My test was (map:aggregate did it):
 map:match pattern=welcome
 map:aggregate element=page 
  map:part src=docs/static.xml element=arno 
  map:part src=docs/dynamic.xsp element=illmann 
 map:transform src=stylesheets/simple-page2html.xsl/
 map:act type=http-header-action
   map:parameter name=expires value=0/
   map:parameter name=Pragma value=no-cache/
   map:parameter name=Cache-Control value=no-cache/
 The very helpful overview/documentation v1.0 from Berin Loritsch (to find in
thread cocoon 2 tutorial) or the profound documentation on the Cocoon 2 Site
about sitemap tags don't provide this information.
 2) A next question is about the (deprecated?) built-in XSP logicsheets, i.e
(\src\org\apache\cocoon\components\language\markup\xsp\java\request.xsl) or
 I know, i should work with actions in the sitemap, but where can I find the
corresponding elements in c2?
 3) Why is the request taglib in use and the response taglib not, respectivly
is an action set defined for i.e HTTP reguest and where to find those in the
cocoon code base. Respectivly can someone give an overview of the contents  and
a what-to-do-with-it (beside building a war file) of these folders in
 Concerning Carsten Ziegelers mail in thread Apache Cocoon 2 RC Release [ ...
The schedule for the final version of Cocoon 2 is estimated at 4-6 weeks from
today. This heavily depends on the feedback of the current Cocoon 2 users. We
expect that the changes between the release candidate and the final version only
concern documentation updates. But this is a very difficult and time consuming
task. ...] I will post this to cocoon-dev too. I hope this is o.k. and
constructive. If it's the wrong place for documentation feedback, let me know.
 Thanks in advance and congratulations and many thanks to the C2 developer team
for releasing RC1!
 Best regards, Arno Illmann
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Re: [c1] Cocoon / Tomcat / XSL Files

2001-09-25 Thread Sergio Carvalho

If you are using apache on the frontend, you can use mod_rewrite to forbid any
^.*xsl$ request. See the URL rewriting guide:

On Tue, 25 Sep 2001 13:53:09 -0400, Brent L Johnson wrote:
From: Brent L Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I'm not sure this is really the best mailing list to direct this to - but
 since it is directly related to Cocoon I'll try anyways.
 I'm using ESQL in many different documents for reading info out of a
 database.  The problem is, the database username and passwords are stored in
 cleartext in the XSL document, and someone could simply read the HTML source
 and pick out the namespaces and read the XSL documents (thus getting access
 to not only the code used to create most of the dynamic pages, but DB
 usernames and passwords).
 Does anyone know if I can restrict access to .xsl files using Apache +
 Tomcat + Cocoon1 ??
 - Brent
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Re: Cocoon and J2EE

2001-09-21 Thread Sergio Carvalho

Why do you need HTTP requests? EJBs are not in any way tied to web platforms,
and in fact, neither is Cocoon. You should try to abstract HTTP out of the

On Thu, 20 Sep 2001 18:40:47 -1000, Russell Castagnaro wrote:
From: Russell Castagnaro [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Aloha Chris,
 I'm trying to do this now.  Its not all that easy, but not impossible.
 My biggest problem is trying to use cocoon in the EJB layer when you
 have no access to an http request.  Sometimes you have to create a
 request-like object that can be difficult.

Sergio Carvalho

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Re: Cocoon and J2EE (How about setting up EJB support in Cocoon?)

2001-09-21 Thread Sergio Carvalho

I am not particularly fond of XSP. I fail to understand how does XSP is any
better than JSP scripts designed to produce XML -- apart from a better
integration with Cocoon's SAX pipeline. I feel that JSP tends to have better
support, a larger development community and available codebase. J2EE
integration, and EJB call methods are an excellent example of JSP having a
larger codebase available. JSPs are an integral part of the J2EE platform and
can easily cooperate with EJB containers.

I hate bashing on good work. I have used XSPs in the past, both in C1 and C2,
and I know they are powerful, solid and overall an excellent work. The question
here is that, in my opinion, they do not provide enough of a paradigm shift to
justify choosing XSPs over the de facto standard - JSPs.

So, to sum up my option, I justify the positioning of EJB integration at the
generator level, by looking at EJB calls as calls to the business layer. If they
are calls to the business layer, no more processing is to be done on the upper
layers. Only input validation, and output aggregation and presentation
processing should happen. A generator fits this scenario in the simplest form

Cocoon may provide more than the presentation layer, however, and in this case,
a logicsheet is called for. However, implementing an XSP logicsheet, we would be
duplicating the effort done in the JSP implementation, which is satisfactory. 



On Fri, 21 Sep 2001 09:41:03 +0200, Michael Homeijer wrote:
From: Michael Homeijer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 After a quick look at the files, I have to following question about your
 Why did you choose not to write a logic sheet? One of the benefits of a
 logic sheet
 would be that you can add your own code in xsp in addition to the code that
 be generated to call the EJB.
 Other comment on Cocoon and J2ee:
 One of the things that we did to interact with bean was to standardize
 result sets
 that were returned by beans. These result are transformed by an object that
 xmlfragment and while the resultset is transformed to XML, additional custom
 can be done by writing custom classes (eg. whe have an inner class that can
 URLEncode attributes).
 The code we write is now as easy as (in an xsp page):
 InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
 WebPollXMLHome eh = (WebPollXMLHome)ic.lookup(WebPollXML);
 WebPollXMLRemote er = eh.create();
 Collection poll = er.getCurrentPoll();
 A logic sheet could even simplify this a bit more.
 For the bean side, we generate so called DataAccessObject's (See j2ee
 pattern catalog from sun) based on
 sql in a xml component definition file.
 I have thought about how something like this would fit into Cocoon (even
 some sort of xsp language for EJBs,
 but lets stay on the ground for now ;-)) but the approach we now have uses a
 proprietary ejb result format we defined ourselves.
 (Maybe this could be handled by some construction xsp:expr in the xsp
 logic sheet uses).
 If anybody is interested in integrating EJB support in Cocoon, i'd be
 willing to help.
 Any ideas on how to set this up? Do we need some kind of voting on the
 mechanism used? Other ideas?
 -Original Message-
 From: Sergio Carvalho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: donderdag 20 september 2001 15:08
 Subject: Re: Cocoon and J2EE
 Ok, just posted it here:
 On Thu, 20 Sep 2001 14:18:41 +0200, Martin Kavalar wrote:
 From: Martin Kavalar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Cocoon and J2EE

2001-09-20 Thread Sergio Carvalho

At my last company, I created a proof-of-concept Ejb generator. It did work,
although it needs some optimizing to be placed in a production environment. As
it is too big to send to the list (1.9Mb tar.gz), I'm sending it to Chris, who
started the thread. Feel free to use it at will. It might be a good starting

On Fri, 14 Sep 2001 15:46:52 +0100, Chris  Loftus wrote:
From: Chris  Loftus [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I'm thinking about integrating Cocoon XSP and J2EE JSPs/Servlets/EJBs. What 
 experience do people have with doing this? What are the pitfalls, how easy 
 is it to make XSP part of a J2EE web application so that security 
 constraints are applied?
 Many thanks
 Chris Loftus
 Training Manager
 JayDee Technology Ltd
 Minerva House
 Lower Bristol Road
 Bath, BA2 9ER
 Tel:   +44 (0)1970 832554 (Teleworking office)
 Tel:   +44 (0)1225 789255 (Bath office)
 Mobile:  +44 (0)7879 897712
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Re: Cocoon and J2EE

2001-09-20 Thread Sergio Carvalho

Ok, just posted it here:

On Thu, 20 Sep 2001 14:18:41 +0200, Martin Kavalar wrote:
From: Martin Kavalar [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Could someone please post a url where i can download it? Thanks a lot!
 Sergio Carvalho wrote:
 At my last company, I created a proof-of-concept Ejb generator. It did work,
 although it needs some optimizing to be placed in a production environment.
 it is too big to send to the list (1.9Mb tar.gz), I'm sending it to Chris,
 started the thread. Feel free to use it at will. It might be a good starting
 On Fri, 14 Sep 2001 15:46:52 +0100, Chris  Loftus wrote:
 From: Chris  Loftus [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I'm thinking about integrating Cocoon XSP and J2EE JSPs/Servlets/EJBs. What 
 experience do people have with doing this? What are the pitfalls, how easy 
 is it to make XSP part of a J2EE web application so that security 
 constraints are applied?
 Many thanks
 Chris Loftus
 Training Manager
 JayDee Technology Ltd
 Minerva House
 Lower Bristol Road
 Bath, BA2 9ER
 Tel:   +44 (0)1970 832554 (Teleworking office)
 Tel:   +44 (0)1225 789255 (Bath office)
 Mobile:  +44 (0)7879 897712
 Visit PlanetJava's website for a wealth of free 
 Java resources
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 If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you
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Re: [C2] Generator

2001-09-17 Thread Sergio Carvalho

A Cocoon Generator is a class that implements the 
org.apache.cocoon.generation.Generator interface. The best examples are Cocoon's 
existing generators, all in the generation package. You may want to start by 
subclassing AbstractGenerator and building from there.

There are better people out there to help you, but right now everyone seems to be
on vacation. Hey, it's time to enjoy the sun! 

On Mon, 6 Aug 2001 10:21:24 +0200, arnaud De-brem [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 does anyone knows where to find more documentation about
 Generator in Cocoon2? I want to make a new Generator. Does anyone do that
 Where can I find examples or documentations ???
 For my new Generator, I want to pass a new XML to the transform tag.
 This XML is create dynamically by the Generator
 Anyone can help me ??
 best regards
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Re: xml compressing

2001-09-04 Thread Sergio Carvalho

On Tue, 4 Sep 2001 20:33:33 +0700, Andrew Answer wrote:
From: Andrew Answer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hello cocoon-users,
   I have some questions about C2 environment...
   1. Anybody know can i compress my xml/xsp files before publishing it?
   I want to use on-the-fly compressing util like XMLPPM
   (  It's can decrease my traffic.
   Need i change MIME-type of HTTP header for automatic decompression
   files on the user? May be i must change files extension?

I guess the best way would be with mod_gzip on apache. It does work if you
access cocoon with mod_proxy. I have never used it with mod_jk, so I can't tell
if it works.

   2. Can I precompile my site into .class files for speed increasing?
   How to do this?

You probably don't need this. The compilation occurs only on the first access,
and never again. 


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Re: [C2b2]sub sitemap error?

2001-08-31 Thread Sergio Carvalho

I also have the same doubt. Why do matchers behave different from other
components? For transformers, it is enough to say:
 map:transformers default=xslt /
But for matchers, one has to declare:
 map:matchers default=wildcard
  map:matcher name=wildcard


On Fri, 31 Aug 2001 13:05:22 -0600 (Mountain Daylight Time), Michael McKibben
From: Michael McKibben [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hello, I am using Coccon2 beta2 on Tomcat 3.2.2, and I am trying to
 understand an error I am seeing in a sub sitemap of mine.
 Basically, in my sub sitemap I have the following line in my sitemap file:
 map:matchers default=wildcard/
 It was my understanding that this would use the inherited wildcard
 matcher defined in the parent sitemap as the default. But when I try to
 access my sub site, I get an internal server error explaining that the
 component for hint wildcard cannot be found.
 Looking at the example sub sitemap that comes with cocoon2 I noticed that
 it adds a matcher definition (even though it is already defined in the
 parent sitemap).
 map:matchers default=wildcard
  map:matcher name=wildcard
 Now, I can add the line in my sub sitemap similar to the example sub
 sitemap and make it work. My question is WHY? Is this a bug? It feels
 awkward that all the other components inherit from the parent sitemap
 except for matchers! But maybe there is a good reason for this. Any ideas?
 P.S. Here is the verbatim exception info I am seeing:
 type internal-server-error
 message UnnamedSelector: ComponentSelector could not find the component
 for hint: wildcard
 description org.apache.avalon.framework.component.ComponentException:
 UnnamedSelector: ComponentSelector could not find the component for hint:
 sender org.apache.cocoon.servlet.CocoonServlet
 source Cocoon servlet
 org.apache.avalon.framework.component.ComponentException: UnnamedSelector:
 ComponentSelector could not find the component for hint: wildcard
 org.apache.avalon.framework.component.ComponentException: UnnamedSelector:
 ComponentSelector could not find the component for hint: wildcard



   at org.apache.cocoon.sitemap.Handler.process(
   at org.apache.cocoon.sitemap.Manager.invoke(
   at org.apache.cocoon.sitemap.Handler.process(
   at org.apache.cocoon.sitemap.Manager.invoke(
   at org.apache.cocoon.Cocoon.process(
   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
   at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.service(

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Re: [Offtopic] HTML content (was: Separation of Logic and Content)

2001-08-29 Thread Sergio Carvalho

On Wed, 29 Aug 2001 16:51:55 +0200 (CEST), Arnaud Vandyck wrote:
From: Arnaud Vandyck [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2001 14:14:39 
 From: Beat De Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   # # ##   # # ### # # #
   ### ##   # ####   ## #
   # #   # ##   # ### # # # #
   #  #  # ##   #####  #  # #
   #   # # ##   # ### # #
   ### ##   # ### # #
   # # ##   # ### # ###

No shouting, please. If HTML bothers you, I suggest getting a mail client that
can handle it. Possible options:
 * Sylpheed (I use this)
 * Mozilla/Netscape 6
 * MS Outlook
 * A zillion others, including text-based ones if you prefer.

I don't use HTML, but I understand why people use it. It's not that much of a
problem, and certainly does not require that much of a reaction.



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Re: Illegal target of jump or branch WHYYYYYYYYY?!?!

2001-08-18 Thread Sergio Carvalho

Without at least a simple sketch of what you want to do with your XSP script, 
it's impossible to suggest a workaround. As a general rule, you never need 
to get anywhere near the 64k limit, and hitting it suggests your code needs
some heavy refactoring. 

As a side note, if some developers are following this list, the idea of code 
like what you described:
 foo:bar /xsp:logic else { do_else_stuff() } /xsp:logic 
gives me the creeps. Its hard to read, and prone to breaking if foo:bar / 
changes its internal implementation. 

XSP has the potential to be even harder to maintain than Perl. Some restrictions
 on logicsheets should be imposed, to avoid future problems.

On Sat, 18 Aug 2001 20:08:28 +0100, Luis Gois [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi! This one is driving me to insanity for sure!!! I have a xml to which
 I apply a couple of logicsheets. Everything worked fine until I had to
 insert an if ... else ...  test condition. The if ... was already
 there, and when I've put the else ... on my XSP page, I got this error
 Illegal target of jump or branch at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Native
 I'm aware of the 64k limit per class, so, I've checked the .class
 generated and, in fact, it was almost 80kB (with or without the
 else... ... so, my guess is that the else is forcing a jump to
 beyond the 64kB limit).
 Reading through the mail archives, I couldn't  find any cure for my
 problem, only some patches to it, like xinclude stuff and so on. Could
 you share with me some of the techniques you might have used to overcome
 this limitation (this is a very annoying limitation for XSP. We just
 have to open a .java generated file to see what is making our pages grow
 and grow because of XML code).
 Luis Gois
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Re: Sitemap and Action

2001-08-14 Thread Sergio Carvalho

Thanks for sharing your solution. C2 is in its infancy, in terms of user 
base, so the rate of new users is high. Use cases are always helpfull.

Yes, actions are one possible way to do it. They are definitely the 
correct way if you think of CMS in terms of an adapting sitemap.

One other, equally valid solution would be to think of it in terms of a 
configurable generator. In other words, a generator that multiplexes a 
set of datasources, and selects the correct one for each request.

Ling Kok Choon wrote:

   I am developing a WEB Page Content Management System. This system able to create a 
new web 
 page within cocoon2 environment. Because user can add new page, delete page, add 
folder with the 
 content management system, so I will need a dinamic sitemap to handler all the 
   I start to find out the solution to dinamically generate a sitemap, but fail. But 
at the time 
 i found a very powerfull feature in cocoon2 that is Action. Here is how i use action 
to get a 
 dinamic Sitemap:
!-- here i register my action --
map:action name=path-selector src=action.PathSelector/  
!-- here is the aggregation part -- 
!-- here is the center part of the aggregation -- 
!-- Note: the web page is a aggregated page, it aggregated from 5 smaller part 
!-- The path-selector action return the requested path URL and XSLPath for this 
web page --
!-- path-selection action will search the database to get the centerXSLPath and 
return to
 the sitemap -- 
 map:match pattern=**.agg
map:act type=path-selector  
  map:parameter name=skel  value=false / 
  map:parameter name=template  value=1 / 
  map:generate src={path}/ 
  map:transform src={centerXSLPath}/ 
  map:serialize type=html/   
 !-- here is the foot_note of the aggregation page-- 
 !-- this part will only show the copyright information and address --
  map:match pattern=foot_note.xml
  map:generate src=xml/foot_note.xml/ 
  map:transform src=stylesheet/foot_note.xsl/
  map:serialize type=html/   
 !-- here is the side_menu of the aggregation page-- 
 !-- here we use the dummy xml file, because we don't have any infomation to put 
 !-- this part is only contain picture and javascript --   
  map:match pattern=side_menu.xml
  map:generate src=xml/dummy.xml/ 
  map:transform src=stylesheet/side_menu.xsl/
  map:serialize type=html/   
  !-- here is the Navigation Link of the aggregation page--  
  !-- User may use the Content Management System to select which page will be 
linked --
  !-- and the linked page information will stored in database. -- 
  !-- This link will be generated according the information from database -- 
  !-- and we use esql tanglib to connect to the database -- 
  map:match pattern=links.xml
   map:generate type=serverpages src=xml/link.xsp/ 
   map:transform src=stylesheet/links.xsl/   
 !-- here is the aggregation mapping -- 
  map:match pattern=**.xml
map:act type=path-selector 
   map:parameter name=skel  value=true /
   map:aggregate element=page 
 map:part src={path} element=maincontent 
 map:part src=foot_note.xml element=foot_note 
 map:part src=side_menu.xml element=side_menu 
 map:part src=links.xml element=links 
   map:transform src={aggXSLPath}/ 

map:serialize type=html/   

   map:match pattern=**.gif
  map:act type=path-selector
  map:read src={path} mime-type=image/gif/  
   map:match pattern=**.css
  map:act type=path-selector
  map:read src={path} mime-type=text/css/  
   map:match pattern=**.jpg
   map:act type=path-selector
   map:read src={path} mime-type=image/jpg/  
   map:match pattern=**.png
   map:act type=path-selector
  map:read src={path} mime-type=image/png/  
   map:match pattern=**.swf
  map:act type=path-selector

Re: C1 vs C2 - Speed and Stability

2001-08-06 Thread Sergio Carvalho

C2 may provide large advantages when processing large files - depending on what 
you do with the data. C1 uses DOM for handling the XML files, which requires the 
construction of the entire document model in each stage. C2 uses SAX, which is 
event based, and allows for the XML data input to be treated as a piped stream.
In C2, all stages of processing may work at the same time on the data, without 
ever creating a complete model of the source in memory, and additionally producing 
some results before processing is complete (as the stream starts falling off the 
end of the pipeline).

Obviously, not all operations fit the stream model. One obvious example is 
sorting, at any given stage, which forces a stall in the pipeline until all data
is received. 

C2's API has stabilized, so you may want to start porting efforts. Start with a 
proof-of-concept, to measure performance increase and decide from that. C2 has
definitely passed the point where it is worth the evaluation effort. 

On Mon, 06 Aug 2001 14:12:35 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rajkumar, Joseph) wrote:
 Hi Folks
 I have Apache-1.3.20+Tomcat-3.2.2+Cocoon-1.8.2 running
 in a production system.
I do realise that Cocoon-1 is not in development any more and
 that Cocoon2-Beta2 is available.
I do run across xml files that take quite a while to display ie in
 the order of 1 to 2 minutes. These are large xml files though.
My question is: Will I be able to realise any significant performance
 improvements if I switch from C1 to C2 using the same Apache+Tomcat
 (3.2.2 or 3.2.3).
We are a little concerned about shipping Cocoon2-beta2 but I would
 mind if there is significant performance increases.
Any opinions and thoughts on why I should switch over to Cocoon2 or
 why I should wait for a final release of Cocoon2 would be greatly
 Joseph Rajkumar
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Re: perfomance inprovements to c2

2001-07-28 Thread Sergio Carvalho

A few months ago there was a religious war here with a spark somewhat like this.

Summarizing what I remember correctly about it:
 a) Most people around here don't believe the speed gains justify the extra work,
extra complexity and extra portability problems.
 b) If you or anyone do feel otherwise, you are free to start a project to interface 
cocoon with a native XML library. You'll get help here, but not much enthusiasm.

I'm hoping to stop a Java vs C religious war here...

On Sat, 28 Jul 2001 16:00:31 +0100 (BST), java guru [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I am looking into improving the performance of c2
 for specific platforms..
 Following are the queries i have ... they might be
 silly...but any input is highly appreciated...
 1. c2 uses the parser and xslt parser developed in
 2. Is it possible to use platform specific c++ version
 of them wrapped around java may be using jni / some
 other stuff.. Like the wrap arounds are used for java
 3. Shouldnt it improve the performance of c2?(atleast
 if we know the target application platform)
 Thanks and have great day
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Re: how to pass XML as a string to cocoon servlet?

2001-07-27 Thread Sergio Carvalho

What is you java code? A Servlet? An ejb? A command-line app? Answers are 
different for each case. 

On Thu, 26 Jul 2001 17:48:29 -0600, Bala Sadras [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My java code generates xml dynamically, which I want to pass on to cocoon
 servlet to convert it to html string and get that html string from cocoon.
 How can I do that?.  Your help is much appreciated.
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Re: Servlet generator, help needed

2001-07-19 Thread Sergio Carvalho

On Thu, 19 Jul 2001 17:21:52 +0200 (CEST), Giacomo Pati [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Quoting Jean-Marc Borer [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Hello guys,
  I am new to Cocoon, but not to web application development and XML. We
  are currently evaluating Cocoon to see if it fits out needs. We develop
  web applications based on servlets. In a MVC (model view controller)
  model, we expect to use servlets as controllers, Cocoon for the view and
  we have our own database layer for the model. Our servlets are
  responsible to produce the XML (from information extracted of the
  database) and tranmit it to the Cocoon pipeline for the rendition.
  However our static pages will be written in XML and processed by Cocoon
  in the usual way.
  What is the best way to implement this? Subclass the ServletGenerator
  class and build our owns?
 No, Cocoon was not build to be used that way. Best is you rewrite your servlet 
 as Actions and put it at the begining of your pipeline definitions in the 

Why not? Why can't the servlets be used as Generators, and feed cocoon like any
other generator? Cocoon can be used as a complete solution, but I see no valid reason
to avoid using (part of) it as a presentation layer. With aggregation and caching, 
it's probably the best software out there for the job.

I don't know if there is a Servlet Generator, but that's another totally 
different story.
  Thanks in advance for any help. Cheers,
  Jean-Marc Borer
  Solution center Engineer
  InfoDesign Communications
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Re: Servlet generator, help needed

2001-07-19 Thread Sergio Carvalho

Thanks dims. It was not me asking, but Jean-Marc Borer. I was just surprised 
at how strongly Giacomo discouraged using Cocoon as a presentation engine. 
I use Cocoon that way with Jsp pages. Its a great way to convert legacy apps, 
decoupling presentation.

On the other hand, I didn't know about URLGenerator. Living and learning.

On Thu, 19 Jul 2001 09:24:30 -0700 (PDT), Davanum Srinivas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Just use the URLGenerator to read the XML stream via a URL and feed it to Cocoon2.

Sergio Carvalho

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Re: forms in coocon2, is SchemoX dead ?

2001-07-16 Thread Sergio Carvalho

I also need form generation and validation. I am basing mu implementation 
in XFDL, a W3C recomendation for generic business forms (not wonly web-based, but 
paper-based ones too).

If there's interest in a joint effort, I think we could set up a repository
somewhere (sourceforge...) and release it under a BSD type license. Reply if 

On Mon, 16 Jul 2001 16:39:26 +0100 (BST), java guru [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have posted similar requirement sometime back but no
 response...Meantime here is what i found
 1. XForm from nanoworks
 I tried this but didnt feel comfortable to fit in with
 I think the form processing in c2 with form-validator
 stuff is slowly moving towards this goal of full blown
 form processing and validation..
 I was really(and desperately) looking for simple and
 effective mechanism to describe forms in xml and have
 someother component deal with preparing form and
 handling the validation stuff...Hope that arrives
  --- Thorsten Mauch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hi
  Does anyone knows a MVC  framework for from
  processing in cocoon2 ?
  I downloaded the CVS from SchemoX , but the last
  change was in January. So
  it my impression is that SchemoX is dead. Is this
  correct ?
  Are there other projetcs related to Form processing
  Thanx Thorsten
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Re: Does Cocoon return the Request Object as XML?

2001-07-13 Thread Sergio Carvalho

C2 has a RequestGenerator which produces the current request as an XML document. I 
don't know about C1, though.

On Fri, 13 Jul 2001 02:13:31 -0400, DD [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I want to get the Request Object (i.e. what is either POSTed or from GET) as XML. 
Currently, I am using ASP.Net, and the request object is returned as a 
NameValueCollection which is similar to a Dictionary object, or a Hashtable. I have 
to then convert it all into XML myself to then send to an XSL page or to a database. 
I want to have the request object already in XML and figured if anyone had done it, 
cocoon had. Is it?

Sergio Carvalho

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Re: Sorting search results in Cocoon

2001-07-11 Thread Sergio Carvalho

The most efficient way would be to limit the XML source - having the search engine do 
the sorting and limiting for yourself. That being impossible, you can do it with an 
XSLT transformation for sorting:
and another to select the topmost N:

You can get better help at XML/XSL specific mailing lists.

On Tue, 10 Jul 2001 15:27:19 -0400, Jason Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm kind of new at this whole XML/XSP/XSL thing, so if this has a simple
 please bear with me.
 Here's the situation: I have a search engine that passes out search results
 as XML
 to anything that can make a HTTP request to it. When it returns the results,
 it looks 
 something like this:
   nameResult 1/name
   descriptionThis is result 1/description
   nameResult 2/name
   descriptionThis is another result/description
 The result elements can be repeated infinitely depending on how many
 results the engine finds that match search query. score is the search
 ranking against the search query; the rest of the elements in result are 
 The search engine returns ALL matches at once in one big XML file. There
 could be a dozen search results, 100, or 1.
 How would one go about limiting those results in Cocoon? Say I get 100
 but I only want to display the top 10 results by score. I'm assuming XSP
 is the answer, but I've been going nuts trying to get this stuff to work.
 I have O'Reilly's Java and XML on back-order, so hopefully that can clear
 up my confusion, but until then, anybody got any ideas or some direction
 for me?
 Thanks for any help.
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Re: How to run cocoon2 without X11

2001-07-06 Thread Sergio Carvalho

You can, alternatively, disable batik alltogether, if you don't use it. Search  
sitemap.xmap for components using fop - I think its just the FOPSerializer, and 
associated pipelines.

On Fri, 6 Jul 2001 19:13:00 +0200 (CEST), Marcus Crafter 
 On Fri, 6 Jul 2001, C. Gaffga wrote:
  How can I run cocoon 2 without X11. Why is a Display needed???
   An Xserver is needed due to the batik library fop uses. batik uses
   java's graphics code, which in turn requires the Xserver.
   If you don't have an xserver on your system, and can't set the DISPLAY
   variable to one, then try out xvfb. xvfb gives you an 'in-memory'
   xserver, which doesn't require any display hardware to run.
   $ Xvfb :1 -screen 0 800x600x8 
   $ export DISPLAY=:1
   $ $TOMCAT_HOME/bin/ -f server.xml
   Hope that helps.
  ,,$,  Marcus Crafter
 ;$'  ':Computer Systems Engineer
 $: :   Open Software Associates GmbH
  $   o_)$$$:   82-84 Mainzer Landstrasse
  ;$,_/\ :'   60327 Frankfurt Germany
' /( 
   .Business Hours : +49 69 9757 200
 :   After Hours: +49 69 49086750
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Re: C2: Sitemap problem

2001-07-04 Thread Sergio Carvalho

Have a look at Cocoon's log, in webapps/cocoon/WEB-INF/logs/cocoon.log 

There should be a more descriptive exception there.

On Tue, 3 Jul 2001 14:46:20 -0300, Martin Mauri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Cocooners,
 I've posted this message some time ago, but I had no response, so I'll try
 The fact is that I'm trying to get C2 running, I've got Tomcat 3.2.1 over
 Win ME and after reading the installation documentation and starting Tomcat,
 I point with mt browser to http://localhost:8080/ and then C2 tries to
 compile the sitemap, but I get the following error:
 Cocoon 2 - Internal server error
 type internal-server-error
 message The sitemap handler's sitemap is not available.
 description org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: The sitemap handler's
 sitemap is not available.
 sender org.apache.cocoon.servlet.CocoonServlet
 source Cocoon servlet
 org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: The sitemap handler's sitemap is not
 org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: The sitemap handler's sitemap is not
  at org.apache.cocoon.sitemap.Manager.setupProcessing(
  at org.apache.cocoon.sitemap.Manager.invoke(
  at org.apache.cocoon.Cocoon.process(
  at org.apache.cocoon.servlet.CocoonServlet.service(
  at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
  at org.apache.tomcat.core.ServletWrapper.doService(
  at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.service(
  at org.apache.tomcat.core.ServletWrapper.service(
  at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.service(
 any idea?
 Lic. Martin O. Mauri
 Profesion + Auge A.F.J.P
 Parana 666 - Cap. Federal
 TE: (011) 4373-7786/7 int: 422
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Re: Help... C2- How to dynamically create new pages without recompiling sitemap?

2001-07-03 Thread Sergio Carvalho

On Wed, 04 Jul 2001 00:01:05 +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear Cocoon users
 We are in the midst of implementing a publishing tool using Cocoon 2. We
 understand that in order to add a new web page into the system, we will
 need to update the sitemap file and recompile this. We may need to
 restart Tomcat as well in order for the system to recognise the new web

You don't need to restart tomcat. Cocoon should notice the changed sitemap and reload 
it. This is happening and working perfectly with the main sitemap. For sub-sitemaps, 
though, I've been having problems. Cocoon doesn't seem to detect the changed sitemap, 
and keeps using the old one. I've been using the workaround of requesting the URL with 
a cocoon-reload=true parameter, but I want to find out what's happening. 

You'll probably want to change sitemap recompiling to synchronous. It is set to 
asynchronous by default. Have a look at the bottom of cocoon.xconf.

 Please let me know if the above assumptions are correct. Perhaps we are
 using it wrongly.
 However, we are building a system to allow the content owners to
 dynamically add new web pages. If the above conditions are true, and our
 system has about 10 content owners, must we restart Tomcat and recompile
 the sitemap each time the owners add new pages?

Here, it'd be probably better if each user has his own sitemap, mounted from the main 
sitemap. This makes it so that a user sitemap change doesn't force a site-wide sitemap 
recompile. Only the local sitemap gets recompiled.

 Please help... We are rushing to implement this system in 2 weeks time
 and really need all the help we can.

Good luck, and don't forget to write back with the results :-)

Sergio Carvalho

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Re: Forms handling with cocoon

2001-06-28 Thread Sergio Carvalho

I think Cocoon is pretty much up to the job. w3c already has the business form 
definition language part done for you (I think it's called XFDL). You'd make a great 
service to the community by creating the XSLT framework for using XFDL to present, and 
client-side-validate business forms. And open-sourcing it... *grin* I know I'd use it 
right now if I had it.


On Thu, 28 Jun 2001 17:58:54 +0200

 I'm new to cocoon and have the following question:
 Is cocoon the right tool to server the presentation layer of a business
 applikation which deals with a lot of forms of business oriented data which
 is provided by ejb's from a web app server like jboss or weblogic.
 We have the forms for order processing, masterdata handling etc. We need a
 lot of input fields, field checking against dynamic data, changing
 navigation between pages.
 We are very impressed of handling of content with xml like cocoon does so
 it could be rendered in different designs on different devices(browsers,
 pda's, wap). But is it for this kind of apps ore more for contents like
 publishing, news, multimedia?
 Are there projects which are using it for apps in the described area?
 Viele Gruesse
 Best Regards
 Dirk Osterkamp
 Lynx-forw@rd GmbH, Johanniskirchplatz 6, D-33615 Bielefeld, Germany
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Re: Cocoon as a web reporting engine

2001-06-27 Thread Sergio Carvalho

On Wed, 27 Jun 2001 10:53:37 -0700
Tran, Minh-Quan B [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 How do you configure to feed the result onto a cocoon pipeline?  As I
 understand, the way cocoon get to serve a request is through a certain uri
 pattern, let say, http://localhost/cocoon/something.xml...  From a JSP page,
 when you're finished constructing XML data, how can you feed the data to a
 cocoon producer?  I have the same need as Darrel but are still struggling to
 find the way.  Please help.

You have Cocoon get the request, not the JSP page. On the matching pipeline, use the 
JspGenerator as the XML source, and then process the XML stream at will with the other 
transformers/serializers. There's an example in the samples directory on the 

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Re: SV: ident and spaces (Netscape problem)

2001-06-26 Thread Sergio Carvalho

As a general rule, when removing the DOCTYPE removes a 'bug' on mozilla, it's just 
that mozilla is behaving correctly as per the standard (the one DOCTYPE refers to!), 
and reverts to quirk-mode when there's no DOCTYPE.

I had the same problem with image layout (which was introducing spurious space). In my 
case, I solved it with a CSS stylesheet changing image layout to block. 

Can you give specifics as to what layout problem are you having?


On Mon, 25 Jun 2001 14:16:26 +0200
Pål Wester [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I found out that if i remove the DOCTYPE definition
 on top of the produced page, I get rid of the problem.
 Is there any way to keep the formatting and get rid of
 the DOCTYPE at the first line? I've tried changing it to
 loose, but thats not good either.
 mvh: Pål Wester
 høgskoleingenør/programmerer as, stortingsgt 30, 0161 Oslo
 direkte: 22 01 66 34, 906 900 62
 tlf: 22 01 66 34, fax: 22 01 66 21 - icq:103476059
   -Opprinnelig melding-
   Fra: Pål Wester [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sendt: 25. juni 2001 12:57
   Til: Cocoon
   Emne: ident and spaces
   HI there...
   I'm having problems with the fact that cocoon pages
   removes spaces, tabs and linefeed. It seems that
   Netscape 6 parse the pages differently...
   How can I preserve the spaces on the output??
   mvh: Pål Wester
   høgskoleingenør/programmerer as, stortingsgt 30, 0161 Oslo
   direkte: 22 01 66 34, 906 900 62
   tlf: 22 01 66 34, fax: 22 01 66 21 - icq:103476059

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C2: Passing parameters to aggregated content

2001-06-22 Thread Sergio Carvalho


I need to find a way of passing paramaters to generated content. Something like 
passing the site section to be used in a local menu, like this:

   map:match pattern=
map:parameter name=siteSection value=/frontPage /
map:aggregate element=page
 map:part src=sectionMenu element=layout-rightbar /

to be used like this:

   map:match pattern=sectionMenu
map:generate type=serverpages src=datasources/menu.xsp
 map:parameter name=rssChannelSection value={siteSection} /
However, the {section} comes out null... Do I have to write some action to pass 
parameters onto the sitemap?

Thanks for any help,


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Re: Problem with my query

2001-06-16 Thread Sergio Carvalho

On Wed, 13 Jun 2001 10:07:07 -0500
Gustavo Mejia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 And now It works, but now what I wanto to do i to make variable the criteria of
 my query, yes, something like
 esql:queryselect * from employee where empno=MY_VARIABLE/esql:query
 Do you know how can I do that ?

See my post on the thread with subject How to pass sitemap parameters to XSP. It 
should place you on the right track.

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Re: Transformations to PS

2001-06-14 Thread Sergio Carvalho

On Wed, 13 Jun 2001 22:22:56 +0200 (MET DST)
Uli Mayring [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 rOn Wed, 13 Jun 2001, H. Whitlock wrote:
  I'm a newbie just beginning to pull together a transformation system (and
  later, dynamic web component)for my organization. I have started small,
  working with XSL to create only HTML and PDF formats. Today a coworker asked
  me about generating Postscript.  I blithely answered, of course, thinking
  that PS comes before PDF. However, now that I think about it, I'm not sure
  if Cocoon's transformation tools can do this for me. We don't need something
  formed for the browser or Adobe viewer, but rather something to go straight
  to the printer without that interim processing. Any ideas?
 Can't be done out of the box. You either have to write an equivalent to
 fop, only for generating PostScript instead of PDF (but how to deal with
 output device specific information??) or you convert the PDF put out by
 fop to PostScript with some tool (GhostScript, Acrobat Reader etc.)

Most linux dists come with pstools, which include a pdf2ps executable. You can always 
use that.


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Re: Presenting a Cocoon challenger: Lagoon

2001-06-01 Thread Sergio Carvalho

On Thu, 31 May 2001 22:25:43 +0200
Mikael Ståldal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 At 15:38 2001-05-18 +0200, Sérgio Carvalho wrote:
 Most times, a better alternative to offline content generation - when used 
 as a cache - is to use a real frontside cache. Squid, for example, can be 
 setup to do blind front side caching (blind, in the sense that it ignores 
 HTTP response headers, and always assumes a configured TTL for the pages).
 I haven't tried Squid, but how does it know when a page expires? To use the 
 same TTL for all pages is not useful for sites with any dynamic content. 
 How does it know which pages to update often, and which pages to not cache 
 at all?

(This is slightly offtopic, but I think is usefull for cocoon users, so I post anyway)

In most sites you have a mixture of four types of content: 
 1) Static, long-time cacheable content. ex: images, static pages.
 2) Semi-static, content generated dynamically, with a known expiry date. ex: news 
headline pages, weather pictures. You can cache these for a couple of hours to a full 
 3) Semi-dynamic, dynamically generated content, which should be updated on every 
request, but can be cached for short periods of time. The most common example is forum 
posts. You can update a forum every five minutes and get a workable forum. Even short 
cache periods - say one minute - make wonders for server load.
 4) Dynamic. Full dynamic pages, which must be updated on every request. Operation 
results, user-specific pages, etc

for user-specific pages, you can sometimes change a type 4 onto a type 3 with a 
redirect - such as when you just want to set user preferences for field ordering and 

Front-side caching, (aka accelerator-mode proxying) can be useful on types 1-3. How do 
you define the TTL? Two options: 
 a) Have the various content types in different URL spaces - such that you can match 
them against a regexp. Then, set fixed TTLs for each one.
 b) Have the dynamic server produce valid TTLs for dynamic pages.

a) is easier to implement. b) is more elegant. Choose the one that fits you best. I 
usually try for the easy way first, and if that's to cumbersome, go for b).

Hope I helped,


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