Re: [proxy] Site Generation Issues...

2005-08-30 Thread Leo Simons
The permissions on the live webserver are still wrong:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ls -alh | egrep '^d'
drwxrwxr-x8 apbackup apbackup 4.0K Aug 28 08:50 .
drwxrwxr-x   28 apbackup apbackup 4.0K Aug 29 14:40 ..
drwx--4 apbackup apbackup 4.0K Aug 28 15:50 apidocs
drwx--4 apbackup apbackup 4.0K Aug 28 15:50 clover
drwx--3 apbackup apbackup 4.0K Aug 28 15:50 images
drwx--2 apbackup apbackup 4.0K Aug 28 15:50 style
drwx--3 apbackup apbackup 4.0K Aug 28 15:50 xref
drwx--3 apbackup apbackup 4.0K Aug 28 15:50 xref-test

I'm not too sure about the details of rsync, how it is set up between
minotaur and ajax nor how to trigger a permission update. I did 'touch' a
few directories, maybe that'll make the problem go away. I don't have karma
on ajax to chmod the files for you.

What should always work is

 rm -r /www/

On minotaur. Then, wait at least 8 hours (I think). The files should be gone
from ajax after that. Then, re-deploy the files on minotaur with a correct

I suggest you guys fix your website deployment process to ensure that any
file that is created is actually created with the correct permissions.

Oh, and response time from infrastructure can often be a week or more. We
are lacking volunteers.



On 30-08-2005 03:01, James Carman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 That trick didn't work.  Anyone else have any ideas?  I never heard anything
 back from the infrastructure team.
 -Original Message-
 From: James Carman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 9:54 AM
 To: 'Jakarta Commons Developers List'
 Subject: RE: [proxy] Site Generation Issues...
 Well, I touched all the files in
 /www/, so I hope that works.  But,
 I'm somewhat doubtful, because I completely blasted that directory's
 contents before I did the site:sshdeploy.
 -Original Message-
 From: Brett Porter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 9:40 AM
 To: Jakarta Commons Developers List
 Subject: Re: [proxy] Site Generation Issues...
 It looks fine when viewed directly from minotaur, it seems the
 permissions are wrong on the live webserver (which is not minotaur). IF
 the permissions were wrong before and you fixed them, maybe they weren't
 synced - try touching the directory so it is synced again.
 Failing that, I suggest sending a query to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
 dropping in to #asfinfra on
 James Carman wrote:
 Sorry to be such a pest, folks.  Almost everything is looking good.  I
 Proxy to the main Jakarta Commons page.  I also switched Proxy to use the
 Jakarta Commons LF.  The only problem I see is that any of the project
 reports that goes into a subdirectory (clover, Javadocs, etc.), causes a
 403 Forbidden error.  I would assume that the directories are not
 readable, but how do I change them?  I looked at Commons Clazz's apidocs
 directory (on and it's set up like:
 drwxrwxr-x  4 dirkv  jakarta 512 Jan  4  2005 apidocs
 Commons Proxy's apidocs directory looks like:
 drwxrwxr-x  4 jcarman  jakarta 512 Aug 27 23:49 apidocs
 Again, I hate to be such a bother, but I'm sure one of you guys will
 immediately know what to do and you'll probably point me to a link on the
 Apache site so as to say RTFM, gracefully. :-)
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Re: moving JAM to org.apache.jam

2004-03-26 Thread Leo Simons
Noel J. Bergman wrote: [comments on stuff about JAM by Patrick Calahan]
For those on the CC list: JAM is a metadata library combining features 
of the reflection API, JSR 175, commons-attributes, JClass and some 
other projects:

that Patrick just introduced on [EMAIL PROTECTED] First impression: 
good stuff! Seems like a much better implementation of something I 
thought about here:

it would be so cool if you (Patrick) and Leo Sutic (the guy who wrote 
the current commons-sandbox-attributes) could get together and merge 
these two codebases (commons-attributes has some strengths that jam 
seems to lack, like being smaller and having what seems like a cleaner 
and easier runtime API, and vice versa the same is true of course) into 
a new de facto standard.

Though I can't commit time to help coding right now, I'll volunteer to 
otherwise help you out with a quick progression through whatever process 
into whatever final destination. As to destination, jakarta-commons 
seems a natural choice to me. As to process, if jakarta-commons wants 
the code, you have a CLA on file, and the code was developed completely 
within an ASF repo @ xmlbeans, I don't think we need to have this go 
through incubation. It would just be up to jakarta-commons to accept it. 
The package name then would probably become org.apache.commons.meta or 
something like that.

Please direct replies to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and drop the CC list.

- Leo Simons

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[HiveMind] hivemind and avalon, revisited

2003-09-13 Thread Leo Simons
Henri Yandell wrote:
So how is Hivemind different to Avalon?
Here we go again :D. I'll join in here to help get a sensible answer.
Lets see if we can document it somewhere this time
(same content as this e-mail posted to the wiki)
it's a more involved question than it seems...

The problem domain for HiveMind and core Avalon is nearly the same;
the general role of HiveMind in any application will be fairly similar
to that of something like Avalon-Fortress or Avalon-Excalibur: providing
configuration management, dependency setup, component instantiation, etc
= Design differences =

Avalon takes that problem domain, then adds a strong containment
concept (Avalon-Phoenix / Avalon-Merlin) in places, which comes with
additional security, various kinds of standalone features, and
corresponding extra setup.
What avalon also adds everywhere is a strong emphasis on several
patterns, like Inversion of Control, and a very rigid lifecycle (rules
that boil down to set up logging then dependencies then create worker
threads that are encoded in interfaces and enforced by containers) on
every component. All this makes avalon rather heavy to apply a system.
That's a disadvantage (lot of work, very much nonoptional dependency,
some flexibility lost) and an advantage (rigid, clean, structured,
common setup).

HiveMind simply makes a few different choices, with its own set of
advantages and disadvantages. There's no IoC, and various bits are /way/
more dynamic than is desireable in an IoC environment. Looking past all
the features and history of both frameworks, this, IMO, is the
actual big difference.
Which answers the implicit question So why not combine HiveMind and
Avalon into a single project?: there are a few core design choices that
are different between HiveMind and Avalon that make the two distinctly

I might summarize that as Avalon is a very rigid kind of component
framework, HiveMind acts a lot more like component 'glue'.
= Concrete differences =

For component writers and application assemblers (people who take a set 
of components and wire them together to make them actually do 
something), the differences are actually rather small. To
show how small, I wrote

which shows you how your component can be portable across avalon, pico,
spring, webwork/xwork, and I've now added HiveMind as well. Probably not 
too accurate, though.

= Other frameworks =

Howard M. Lewis Ship wrote:
So there's definiately some overlap with Avalon.  If I didn't have my day job, and the remaining
work on Tapestry in Action, I'd love to survey all the current microkernels, including Avalon,
Spring, Pico and so forth. 
I'm trying to maintain a wiki page to that effect:

but its been difficult for me placing HiveMind in any kind of box, 
especially as its moving rather fast.

hope this helps,


- Leo

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Re: [HiveMind] hivemind and avalon, revisited

2003-09-13 Thread Leo Simons
Howard M. Lewis Ship wrote:
HiveMind simply makes a few different choices, with its own set of
advantages and disadvantages. There's no IoC, and various bits are
/way/ more dynamic than is desireable in an IoC environment.
Looking past all the features and history of both frameworks,
this, IMO, is the actual big difference.
We need an industry standard definition of IoC then.
indeed! I'll babble a bit more, see if we can converge on some common 

As I understand it, IoC means that a container is responsible for
instantiating services, managing them, configuring them, connecting
them together, and providing some amount of lifecycle support.
Here's the terminology as avalon pioneered it (much narrower scope):

Inversion of Control -- means exactly what it says: that your components 
are all set up completely from the top down (or from the outside in in 
the container-component view).

This has farreaching consequences when universally applied. A component 
is only allowed to do what it is told. It is not normally allowed to do 
anything else, like look things up on its own (through JNDI for example, 
or any other kind of registry).

That's it. IoC is not about lifecycle management, instantiation 
management, configuration, or anything like that. It's a concept.

Okay, but what do you tell a component to do? That is where 
instantiation, management, composition, configuration, logging and 
similar aspects can come into play. All of those are concerns (among 
others) that /can/ exist in the relationship between container and 

Avalon makes the choice to draw big black lines between each of those 
concerns, and encode those choice rather bluntly and intrusively into 
interfaces, and hence, into all avalon components. This leads to a 
distinct component lifecycle. Avalon also makes the choice to enforce 
seperation of API and implementation (components can only access other 
components through interfaces), and several others.

But all that doesn't /have/ to exist to call it IoC, nor is anything 
said about the complexity of the container-component contract, nor is 
anything said about which concerns that the container manages for a 
component. For example, PicoContainer is definately all about IoC, but 
it doesn't support any of the management, configuration, or logging 
concerns that avalon and hivemind do try to address, therefore it 
doesn't need any kind of lifecycle either.

The only two things pico supports is composition (providing a component 
with its dependencies) and configuration (providing a component with 
user-designated runtime state). To achieve that, it does have to handle 
component instantiation as well, but tries to offload as much of that as 
possible to adaptors. You might see Pico as pure/minimal IoC with 
everything else stripped out.

Now, you can /use/ HiveMind for an IoC setup. The big difference with 
avalon is that you can just as easily use HiveMind for a non-IoC setup. 
HiveMind itself (disclaimer: gathered from just a few quick glances at 
the sourcecode) also isn't totally saturated with IoC. Thus, HiveMind is 
more like component glue (much like Spring framework, which is 
remarkably similar on the surface).

To IoC or not to IoC is left up to the HiveMind user. Right?

OTOH, If you don't buy into IoC, you won't buy into Avalon.

 Outside of lifecycle support, HiveMind has all of that, mostly via
 the BuilderFactory.
And this is something where we perhaps should attempt to foster some 
interoperability. Avalon-Fortress has a component factory concept; so 
does Pico (though they call it adapter now), so does hivemind. Figure 
out a way to share these factories cross-container and we might be 
halfway there.

Of course, interoperability is not a sexy job; it is much more fun to 
code from scratch. I have been known to start from scratch several times 
a week.

I might summarize that as Avalon is a very rigid kind of component
framework, HiveMind acts a lot more like component 'glue'.
I always like glue.  Smells funny!

Close enough; added a few changes (large documenats are a pain in a
Wiki, however, perhaps this should be split into multiple pages?)
volunteering? ;)
SoC IoC SAI DecP and AOP-lite  HiveMind's geek code!
hey, that's a wiki too! Meaning you're free (actually obliged according 
improve on its contents :D


- Leo

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Re: [GUMP] Build Failure - commons-attributes

2003-08-21 Thread Leo Simons
Leo Sutic wrote:
From: Sam Ruby [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

This email is autogenerated from the output from:

Buildfile: build.xml does not exist!
Build failed
It's a Maven project. How do I solve this? I note that
some other sandbox projects have build.xmls that duplicate
the Maven functionality. Is this the only way or is there
a better one?
at the moment, its the only way. For the avalon cvs repo I wrote a 
script that works a little differently, but I wouldn't recommend using 
that @ commons. There exist plans (in my head) to allow maven/gump 
integration) but none exists atm.

Take a look at the documentation for the 'ant' and 'gump' plugins. You 
can generate the relevant files like so:

maven ant
maven gump

- other Leo

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Re: [logging] To depend or not to depend?

2003-02-09 Thread Leo Simons
robert burrell donkin wrote:

On Saturday, February 8, 2003, at 08:16 PM, Leo Simons wrote:

James Strachan wrote:

Would it be acceptable

to add a getName() or something similar to the Log interface and the
implementations? That way, we can fully implement the avalon-framework
Logger contract on top of commons-logging.

Seems reasonable to me. I guess it won't break anyones code who just use
commons-logging to log. The only risk is people who implement Log,

yep. It is a backwards-incompatible change there.

losing backward compatibility seems to me like it might open up a whole 
can of worms. i worry that here in the commons we'd be left with major 
incompatible problems between components based on the version of 
commons-logging that they used.

a lot of time and debate was spent on the Log interface. as far as the 
original idea is concerned, it's exactly right the way it is. once we 
start changing the original concept, when do we stop?

rather than dive in and make changes to something which took literally 
months of debate to get right (ie the Log interface), i'd prefer it if 
we could look around for a solution which would preserve backwards 
compatibility for this critical interface.

wouldn't it be better to either extend Log or create a Logger class 
which implements Log but which has the extra method(s) that leo needs?

The problem is precisely in implementing such a Logger; you need the 
right logger name in order to do something requiring that name. The 
obvious change is to change the constructor signature to

CommonsLogger( Log log, String name ) { ... }

I need to do some thinking on the impact this has on code that needs to 
create the loggers. Obviously, the avalon-framework Logger has a teeny 
weeny little bit of information exposed which Log doesn't expose, and 
there is no optimal route around it.

I think the new constructor is more acceptable than the change to Log, 
meaning the additional method is unneccessary. The silly part is that 
the logging name is known inside all the things Log abstracts away from, 
yet not available through the interface. No API is ever perfect :D

Regardless, I think adding an additional base class or interface which 
does provide the extra information is not a good idea: you keep the same 
problem where components will depend on the new release with the new 
interface in it.

ah, the wonderful world of spending hours deciding on a single method :D


- Leo

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Re: [logging] To depend or not to depend?

2003-02-08 Thread Leo Simons
Leo Simons wrote:

What is probably perfectly doable is providing:

package org.apache.avalon.framework;

public class CommonsLoggingLogger implements Logger


this is on the TODO. Not for an upcoming avalon-framework 4.1.4, but it 
might very well be in 4.1.5.

okay, so I took a closer look and just implemented this as it's real 
easy to do. I actually did

public final class CommonsLogger implements Logger, Log { /* ... */ }

as that makes life even easier on component developers. One method 
causes problems:

interface Logger
 * Create a new child logger.
 * The name of the child logger is 
 * Throws codeIllegalArgumentException/code if name has an 
empty element name
 * @param name the subname of this logger
 * @return the new logger
Logger getChildLogger( String name );

as [current-loggers-name] is not exposed by Log. Would it be acceptable 
to add a getName() or something similar to the Log interface and the 
implementations? That way, we can fully implement the avalon-framework 
Logger contract on top of commons-logging.


- Leo

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Re: [logging] To depend or not to depend?

2003-02-08 Thread Leo Simons
James Strachan wrote:

Would it be acceptable

to add a getName() or something similar to the Log interface and the
implementations? That way, we can fully implement the avalon-framework
Logger contract on top of commons-logging.


Seems reasonable to me. I guess it won't break anyones code who just use
commons-logging to log. The only risk is people who implement Log,

yep. It is a backwards-incompatible change there.

but since
most of the implementations are inside commons-logging, it doesn't seem too


BTW did you mean to CC [EMAIL PROTECTED] or did you mean avalon-dev? :)

the latter of course. Silly me :D

I've attached a patch which adds a 'public String getName()' method to 
Log and all implementations (relative to jakarta-commons/logging).


- Leo
? Log.getName-patch.txt
Index: src/java/org/apache/commons/logging/
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -u -r1.13
--- src/java/org/apache/commons/logging/Log.java15 Jun 2002 18:13:01 - 
+++ src/java/org/apache/commons/logging/Log.java8 Feb 2003 20:09:15 -
@@ -275,4 +275,12 @@
 public void fatal(Object message, Throwable t);
+ * p Get the name associated with this Log. /p
+ *
+ * @return the Log name
+ */
+public String getName();
Index: src/java/org/apache/commons/logging/impl/
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4
--- src/java/org/apache/commons/logging/impl/   17 Jul 2002 16:42:40 
-  1.4
+++ src/java/org/apache/commons/logging/impl/   8 Feb 2003 20:09:16 
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
 public Jdk14Logger(String name) {
 logger = Logger.getLogger(name);
+   logName = name;
@@ -107,6 +108,10 @@
 protected Logger logger = null;
+/** Name of the logger */
+protected String logName = null;
 // - Public Methods
 private void log( Level level, String msg, Throwable ex ) {
@@ -278,6 +283,16 @@
 public void warn(Object message, Throwable exception) {
 log(Level.WARNING, String.valueOf(message), exception);
+ * Get the name associated with this Log.
+ *
+ * @return the Log name
+ */
+public String getName() {
+return logName;
Index: src/java/org/apache/commons/logging/impl/
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -r1.8
--- src/java/org/apache/commons/logging/impl/  23 Nov 2002 
03:49:40 -  1.8
+++ src/java/org/apache/commons/logging/impl/  8 Feb 2003 
+20:09:16 -
@@ -293,4 +293,13 @@
 public boolean isWarnEnabled() {
 return category.isEnabledFor(Priority.WARN);
+ * Get the name associated with this Log4J Logger.
+ *
+ * @return the Log name
+ */
+public String getName() {
+return category.getName();
Index: src/java/org/apache/commons/logging/impl/
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1
--- src/java/org/apache/commons/logging/impl/   23 Nov 2002 03:50:13 
-  1.1
+++ src/java/org/apache/commons/logging/impl/   8 Feb 2003 20:09:16 
@@ -291,4 +291,13 @@
 public boolean isWarnEnabled() {
 return logger.isEnabledFor(Priority.WARN);
+ * Get the name associated with this Log4J Logger.
+ *
+ * @return the Log name
+ */
+public String getName() {
+return logger.getName();
Index: src/java/org/apache/commons/logging/impl/
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2
--- src/java/org/apache/commons/logging/impl/  17 Jul 2002 16:42:40 
-  1.2
+++ src/java/org/apache/commons/logging/impl/  8 Feb 2003 20:09:16 
@@ -90,6 +90,10 @@
 protected Logger logger = null;
+/** Name of the logger */
+protected Logger logName = null;

Re: custom metatdata attributes

2003-01-07 Thread Leo Simons
Jakob Praher wrote:

hi all,

as we (Leo and I) have talked about custom metadata attribute support
for java lately, I wanted to know whether this should be done inside
avalon, or should be delegated to another (jakarta) project.

according to KISS, it should be a standalone library. There's lots of 
locations where something like that can be done. Sice Jakarta Commons 
already has some stuff regarding this in their sandbox I figured we'd 
start there.

if inside avalon, I was wondering what approach towards implementing
them should be taken. (class augmentation, manifest files, ...)

I'm leaning towards parsing of

/** @attribute SomeClassNameAttribute(blaat) */
class MyClass

where an ant+qdox solution is run over this at build time. Such an 
AttributeParserTask could generate lots of stuff. The most important 
thing to agree on the syntax of the source files; you can always plug in 
lots of different generators.

I would probably be most comfortable with this ending up in an xml file 
coupled to the class, ie something like:

			string value=blaat/

or maybe adopt the SOAP serializers from Axis for generation of 
everything inside attribute/. Something like that. (I believe .Net 
uses SOAP for serialization by default.) That's mostly because it is 
consistent with the approach avalon currently takes.

I am curious about your opinons,

me too :D I am actually waiting for a reply from some of the people 
who've done a lot of the meta/attribute stuff currently in place @ 
avalon, in particular Peter Donald (hi pete!). I suspect he's still 
catching up wrt e-mail...holidays y'know.

and I am interested in helping with the

That'd be neat! If you feel like getting started, the easiest thing to 
do is to probably check out jakarta-commons-sandbox, take the attribute 
code in there and run with it, then send patches to the commons list. 
I'm still orienting myself (still need to take a look at qdox/xdoclet 

The alternative is to try and drag requirements out of a broad group of 
people (I suspect potential interest is big :), but I'm guessing that's 
going to be difficult given the rather 'distributed' nature of that group.

We'll go with the flow from there (I haven't been particularly active in 
commons before, but I believe I have commit rights to commons sandbox, 
so if there's no response it's probably okay for us to work on it there).


- Leo

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[general][attributes][clazz][A5] metadata the java world

2003-01-03 Thread Leo Simons
Hi gang,

(commons peeps, my first post here I think, did read but couldn't find 
anything on mailing list conventions so hope all is ok)

read a few books on .net 'n stuff last week. Got me thinking again on 
metadata in the java world. I'm gonna throw an overview of various stuff 
out at y'all, along with some thoughts. Additions/corrections much 
needed I suspect ;)


.net stores metadata in compiled tables, basically mapping a reference 
(to a class, object, method, whatever) to a serialized representation of 
an attribute. An attribute is simply a serializable object extending a 
base Attribute class, very bean-like in nature.

In C#, you apply attributes to objects by placing the constructor for 
the attribute between square brackets, and optionally including a list 
of properties to set.

here's how'd might work in Java.Net pseudocode:

  [Avalon.Attributes.Lifestyle(singlethreaded, poolable=true)]
  class MyClass {}

  class MyClass2 {}

would be preprocessed into something like:

  class MyClass
static public Attributes[] _att;
  _att = new Attributes[1];
  _att[0] = new Avalon.Attributes.Lifestyle(singlethreaded);

  class MyClass2
static public Attributes[] _att;
  _att = new Attributes[1];
  _att[0] = new Avalon.Attributes.Lifestyle(threadsafe);

and the _att stuff is then serialize()d and stored into a table, ie 
resulting in something like (in some hypothetical serialization format I 
just made up):


When the class loads, the attributes are deserialized and are then 
easily accessible through introspection tools, ie you have something like

class AttributeUtil
	public static boolean isSet(Object o,
			String attributeName) { ... };
	public static Attribute getAttribute(Object o,
			String attributeName ) { ... };

There's more to it of course (for example, if you leave out constructor 
argument and property info, you can leave off the (), and you can also 
often do without the full package spec), but the basic idea is simple 


As putting [] in your sourcefiles is a bit troublesome (most editors 
won't cope, for one), Pete (or someone else, doesn't matter, but he was 
the first to commit some code dealing with this that I saw) had the 
bright and obvious idea some time ago to put the metadata in the javadoc 
comments instead, ie the modified example becomes:

   * @attribute Avalon.Attributes.Lifestyle(singlethreaded,
   *   poolable=true)
  class MyClass {}

   * @attribute Avalon.Attributes.Lifestyle(threadsafe)
  class MyClass2 {}

and as it is somewhat cumbersome to do actual preprocessing, the idea 
was to just store the metadata information somewhere well-known (where 
the utility classes would know how to find it). So instead of


what we get is:

	Lifestyle type=singlethreaded
		poolable value=true/

	Lifestyle type=threadsafe/

So far so good. Of course, with a verbose xml format for storing the 
metadata information, it is also possible to edit and maintain the xml 
files by hand.

There's one big difference though: with .Net, basically their designers 
figured out a compact way to specify the metadata by closely tying their 
semantics to objects. The way we're going now, with the metadata dtds, 
we loose some compactness, but more importantly the close ties are gone. 
Custom metadata is more difficult with the avalon setup.

(note: none of the above actually works; it's just pseudocode examples)
			Commons Attributes

Commons Attributes (which I just took a first look at) is more similar 
to the .Net setup. It also uses QDox for parsing, but instead of 
defining some xml scheme, simply stores a serialized properties file. 
This is neat and simple (there's very little code neccessary to make it 
all work, the attribute parsing being handled by QDox).

Commons Attributes atm doesn't define a standard location to store 
attribute properties, nor does it contain code to automatically