[math] derivatives UnivarateRealFunction (diff'able)

2004-05-06 Thread Matt Cliff

About 4 weeks ago there was discussion w/ adding a derivative method to an 
extension of the o.a.c.m.analysis.UnivariateRealFunction interface. 

   I apologize for the time delay but I had previously contributed some 
code that made it to the expiremental branch in the project for 

  anyway at the time I just wanted to re-focus the group on this concept
as it relates to Derivates.  There is a DerivativeOperatorFactory which
creates a function D, such that D(f) = f' numerically.  The reason I did
this was to build a framework to add do numerical initial-value problems.  
A lot of these methods use as a base Taylor series approximations, and
hence there is a need for higher order derivative evaluations.

  long and short,  I thought that the DerivativeOperator approach would be 
a nice start to this without having to program a Function and it's 

   Any thoughts?

  Matt Cliff
  Cliff Consulting
  720.280.6324 (c)

  The label said install Windows 98 or better so I installed Linux.

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Re: math to apache commons was Re: [all] Separate email list for math development?

2003-11-11 Thread Matt Cliff
my 2cents

  (1) I think it would be best to get a 1.0 release of commons-math as a 
jakarta-commons subproject before any movement (the good-old KISS acronym 
comes to mind)

  (2) I am not sure to what extent math may get developed, as was stated 
in a different thread previously Java is not the best platform for 
Numerical Analysis.  That being said, I dont forsee commons-math as a 
serious Numerical Anaylsis lib, rather a convenient and useful tool to 
explore 'simple' problems.  This could be significant in research, in my 
opinion you dont really need to 'crank' up the system in most cases, and 
have a handy library that can get some nice results quickly in a Java 
setting is very valueable.  There are plenty of high-scale number 
crunchers, and most of the best performing ones will always be in F77 due 
to its static nature.  It may very well be that some of the value out of 
the math project is as an SPI to these backend 'crunchers' which provides 
a nice Java interface to interact with the rest of the world.  (leading me 
back to the beginning of this rambling...)

  (3) I am thoroughly confused as to the pros-cons of what moving this 
the apache-commons level would do.  I like the idea of a 100% java 
framework at this point (leading me back to point #1).

In summary, I think it should stay where it is for now.

  Matt Cliff
  Cliff Consulting
  720.280.6324 (c)

  The label said install Windows 98 or better so I installed Linux.

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[math] Numerical Derivative pattern q.

2003-11-11 Thread Matt Cliff
I have been scratching out an implementation of a numerical derivative to 
add to the commons-math and keep going back and forth between two 
  (all this would be in the o.a.c.math.analysis package)
  (for brevity I have omitted the prefix UnivariateReal* )

 (1) a couple classes like Differentiator (interface) and 
DifferentiatorFactory (class), where we have a method like
   Differentiator DifferentiatorFactory.getDefaultDifferentiator( 
Function f )

  and another method like double Differentiator.derivate( double x)
 or  double Differentiator.value(double x)

   this keeps the same type of pattern as that of the *Solver


  (2) Add a class like DerivativeFactory which has a method like
Function DerivativeFactory.getDefaultDerivative( Function f )

   and use the existing double Function.value( double x) to obtain the 
numerical estimate.

  I first implemented it using approach (1) but as the code and usage
turned out, it seems that (2) was easier to use (and numerically has the
same number or operations and function evaluations).

using (2) the client code would look like

public myMethod() {
   UnivariateRealFunction f = new SomeUserDefinedFunction();
   UnivariateRealFunction fprime = 
 DerivativeFactory.newInstance().getDefaultDerivative( f );

   System.out.println( f'(1.0) = + fprime.value(1.0) );


 of course the Factory could allow for multiple types of Derivatives,  the 
one I have currently implemented is a centered 5-point algorithm, which 
has an operational parameter of h (or a step-size), there may also be 
parameters to handle infinite derivative or jumps.

  Matt Cliff
  Cliff Consulting

  The label said install Windows 98 or better so I installed Linux.

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[math] implementation of Polynomial Function

2003-11-09 Thread Matt Cliff
Attached are two new files that implement a Polynomial as a 
UnivariateRealFunction and should be added to the 
org.apache.commons.math.analysis packages in both java and test 

 I do not have commit privileges and would appreciate on the the math 
contributors or members to add these.

   also, I have added a patch that will remove the firstDerivative and 
secondDerivative methods from the UnivariateRealFunction interface (and 
appropriate unit test).  This item was still pending consensus.  I plan to 
write a couple classes such as UnivariateRealDifferentiator that will give 
numeric approximates using point evaluation to achieve this.  I also plan 
to contribute UnivariateRealIntegrator pattern.

  Matt Cliff
  Cliff Consulting
  720.280.6324 (c)

  The label said install Windows 98 or better so I installed Linux.
Index: src/java/org/apache/commons/math/analysis/CubicSplineFunction.java
RCS file: 
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.1.1.1 CubicSplineFunction.java
--- src/java/org/apache/commons/math/analysis/CubicSplineFunction.java  1 Nov 2003 
16:04:12 -
+++ src/java/org/apache/commons/math/analysis/CubicSplineFunction.java  7 Nov 2003 
23:15:43 -
@@ -122,7 +122,6 @@
  * @param x the point for which the first derivative should be computed
  * @return the value
  * @throws MathException if the derivative couldn't be computed.
- * @see UnivariateRealFunction#firstDerivative(double)
 public double firstDerivative(double x) throws MathException {
 if (x  xval[0] || x  xval[xval.length - 1]) {
@@ -145,7 +144,6 @@
  * @param x the point for which the first derivative should be computed
  * @return the value
  * @throws MathException if the second derivative couldn't be computed.
- * @see UnivariateRealFunction#secondDerivative(double)
 public double secondDerivative(double x) throws MathException {
 if (x  xval[0] || x  xval[xval.length - 1]) {
Index: src/java/org/apache/commons/math/analysis/UnivariateRealFunction.java
RCS file: 
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.1.1.1 UnivariateRealFunction.java
--- src/java/org/apache/commons/math/analysis/UnivariateRealFunction.java   1 Nov 
2003 16:04:12 -
+++ src/java/org/apache/commons/math/analysis/UnivariateRealFunction.java   7 Nov 
2003 23:15:43 -
@@ -74,27 +74,4 @@
 public double value(double x) throws MathException;
- * Compute the value for the first derivative of the function.
- * It is recommended to provide this method only if the first derivative is
- * analytical. Numerical derivatives may be acceptable in some cases.
- * An implementation should throw an UnsupportedOperationException if
- * this method is not implemented.
- * @param x the point for which the first derivative should be computed
- * @return the value
- * @throws MathException if the derivative couldn't be computed.
- */
-public double firstDerivative(double x) throws MathException;
- * Compute the value for the second derivative of the function.
- * It is recommended to provide this method only if the second derivative is
- * analytical. Numerical derivatives may be acceptable in some cases.
- * An implementation should throw an UnsupportedOperationException if
- * this method is not implemented.
- * @param x the point for which the first derivative should be computed
- * @return the value
- * @throws MathException if the second derivative couldn't be computed.
- */
-public double secondDerivative(double x) throws MathException;
Index: src/test/org/apache/commons/math/analysis/InterpolatorTest.java
RCS file: 
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.1.1.1 InterpolatorTest.java
--- src/test/org/apache/commons/math/analysis/InterpolatorTest.java 1 Nov 2003 
16:04:12 -
+++ src/test/org/apache/commons/math/analysis/InterpolatorTest.java 7 Nov 2003 
23:15:43 -
@@ -89,31 +89,21 @@
 + x
 +  y=
-+ f.value(x)
-+  y'=
-+ f.firstDerivative(x)
-+  y''=
-+ f.secondDerivative(x));
++ f.value(x));
 x = 0.5;
 + x
 +  y

Re: [Math] common-math and bloated 3rd party libraries

2003-11-08 Thread Matt Cliff
On Wed, 5 Nov 2003, Mark R. Diggory wrote:

 Hmm, not to be critical, but 5.1 is almost at the end of its product
 lifecycle. Weblogic has had several releases since 5.1 that solve many
 of these issues do they not? I say this mostly to identify that there
 is a limitation as to how far back in terms of versioning we, as a new
 tool, should consider supporting. I would have attempted to deal with
 an issue like this with BEA, not neccessarily with the java community at
 large because they create too many jars (I'm saying this lightly).
 Not to nip a subject in the butt. But this has moved way off the issue
 associated with how dependent the different commons projects (and
 specifically related to math dependencies). I hope we can draw it back
 into this subject.

  I agree with minimizing the number of dependent Jar's.  I also agree 
with statements made earlier in this thread related to supporting older 
JDKs (if JDK1.2 works for your app why should use of this component force 
you to change?)

  Regarding the logging;  It has been suggested that the logging 
dependency be isolated to the test classes only on not required for the 
runtime lib.  This makes sense to me, with the caveat that we must have a 
robust exception hierarchy so that logging can be plugged in at a higher 

  Regarding the Discovery, I see only two instances where the 
DiscoveryClass is used (UnivariateRealSolverFactory, and 
DistributionFactory), both of which use only the newInstance(Class,String) 
method.  Off hand I dont see the advantage of using the DiscoveryClass 
here,  my impression is the find() methods are the 'meat' of the 

   commons-collections,  this seems only prudent to keep, as I can only
imagine that the linear algebraic routines will become more complicated,
and collections lends itself naturally to mathematical constructs.

  this leaves commons-lang, and commons-beanutils
None of these are used very extensively, however I can see how these are 
   commons-lang is used only in the MathException class,   as a trade off 
for removing logging I think that the NestableException becomes necessary.

   commons-beanutils is used by the *Transformer classes (seems good to 

  Matt Cliff
  Cliff Consulting
  720.280.6324 (c)

  The label said install Windows 98 or better so I installed Linux.

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[math] interface for UnivariateRealFunction (differentiability)

2003-11-07 Thread Matt Cliff

What is the purpose for having the firstDerivative() and 
secondDerivative() methods on a UnivariateRealFunction ?

   It is a little troubling to me to have at this level (perhaps if needed 
a subclass such as UnivariateDifferentiableRealFunction ).  Most numerical 
processes only require a function analysis, also when doing anything 
'challenging'  the differentiablity can get complicated, if not 


  Matt Cliff
  Cliff Consulting
  720.280.6324 (c)

  The label said install Windows 98 or better so I installed Linux.

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Re: [math] interface for UnivariateRealFunction (differentiability)

2003-11-07 Thread Matt Cliff
I suggest that we remove the derivative methods from the interface.  My 
thought is that in general, a user would not need to calculate and program 
the first and second derivatives.

   I'd like to put a little more thought into the Differentiable 
interface,  there are two tracks of thought here:
(1) dealing with truly differentiable functions (e.g. polynomials)
which can easily have the derivative methods exposed, and 
(2) applying the appropriate numerical diff. logic at the appropriate
place.  That is maybe something analagous to the UnivariateRealSolver 
pattern that an numerical routine such as a three-point or five-point 
forumla for the derivatives.

wrt the term Univariate I am impartial.  I would lean towards leaving it 
as is for now.  Once Multivariate functions are introduced this can be 
addressed (my preference is to get a 1.0 release out in a single 

On Fri, 7 Nov 2003, Mark R. Diggory wrote:

 Not attached to this, a Differentiable Interface would be acceptable to 
 me too.
 On another subject, maybe because of my naivety, why are these 
 interfaces called UnivariateRealFunction and not simply something more 
 generic like RealFunction? I say this strictly because of what I 
 consider an overuse of the term Univariate in many of our Classnames...
  The CubicSplineFunction is the only place, that I'm aware of, that
  truly implements these methods.  Also, these method are never called
  anywhere in the code, save the unit tests.  This includes calls
  through either the interface or the concrete classes.
  As I see it we have three choices:
  1) let it as is
  2) add a differentiable interface per Mike's suggestion.
  3) remove the derivative methods from the interface and keep them only
  on CubicSplineFunction.
  In order of preference, I choose 2, 1, 3.
  On Fri, 07 Nov 2003 15:02:46 -0500, Mark R. Diggory wrote:
 What is the purpose for having the firstDerivative() and 
 secondDerivative() methods on a UnivariateRealFunction ?
 One of the interpolating routines use the first and second
 It is a little troubling to me to have at this level (perhaps if
 needed a subclass such as UnivariateDifferentiableRealFunction ).
 This might be a good idea.  When I used the solvers to evaluate the
 inverse cumulative distribution functions, I found the
 UnivariateRealFunction interface a bit cumbersome for my needs.
 Some methods do not neccessarily need to be exposed via an interface
 they are used internally. While some UnivariateRealFunction 
 implementations may require this capability, is it required to be in
 Mark Diggory
 Software Developer
 Harvard MIT Data Center
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  Brent Worden
  To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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  Matt Cliff
  Cliff Consulting
  720.280.6324 (c)

  The label said install Windows 98 or better so I installed Linux.

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Re: [math] Proposal for Package restructuring and Class renaming

2003-11-07 Thread Matt Cliff
I agree

On Fri, 7 Nov 2003, Mark R. Diggory wrote:

 I have several modifications I'm planning to make, but in the spirit of 
 consensus I want to propose them and attempt to get some agreement. So 
 math developer opinions on the subject would be good.
 1.) o.a.c.math.stat.distributions -- o.a.c.math.distributions
 Gives this package a more generic position to hold more than just 
 stat distributions.
 2.) Like in my last emails concerning Univariate I would like to, (and 
 have done so in my checkout successfully) Make the following Class changes:
 interface o.a.c.m.stat.StoreUnivariate --
 abstract class o.a.c.m.stat.DescriptiveStatistics
 this actually becomes a factory class and uses Discovery to instantiate 
 new instances of the following implementations
 *default implementation*
 o.a.c.m.stat.StoreUnivariateImpl --
 *alternate implementations*
 o.a.c.m.stat.UnivariateImpl --
 o.a.c.m.stat.ListUnivariateImpl --
 o.a.c.m.stat.BeanListUnivariateImpl --
 The benefit of this is that the Alternate Implementations can all be 
 instantiated from the o.a.c.m.stat.DescriptiveStatistics factories 
 newInstance(...) methods. Thus alternate implementations of 
 DescriptiveStatistics can be written as Service Providers and set in the 
 environment/JVM configuration. We can now write SP's for other tools 
 like Matlab, Mathematica, JLink, C++ libraries, R, Omegahat ... the list 
 goes on and on...
 Someday, I'd like to see this design extended for Bivariate Statistics 
 and Regression Classes. Eventually for Random Number generation as well.

  Matt Cliff
  Cliff Consulting
  720.280.6324 (c)

  The label said install Windows 98 or better so I installed Linux.

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Re: [Math] common-math and bloated 3rd party librarie

2003-11-07 Thread Matt Cliff

   What is your plan for the BeanTransformer.transform() method regarding 
logging/exception throwing? (in particular as to how the current junit 
test is executing)

On Thu, 6 Nov 2003, Mark R. Diggory wrote:

 I've been experimenting with some refactoring that removes 100% of our 
 dependencies on bean-utils, The first usage was BeanTransformer, the 
 second usage was in DefaultTransformer. I rewrote DefaultTransformer to 
 not need bean-utils with only a few extra lines of code, I expect it is 
 also a bit more efficient because of the removal of extra method calls 
 to been-utils. I'm attempting to do this with BeanTransformer (but its a 
 bit more challenging as its using some bean introspection instead of 
 just attempting to turn the object into a double).
 Logging is only in a few places outside of this, I think I can remove 
 this runtime dependency. So in my book I think we reasonably accomplish 
 trimming down the runtime dependencies to the following
 And trim the compile time dependencies down to
 Does this sound at all reasonable?
  A little more investigation revels, commons-beanutils depends on
  commons-logging.  Hence, the only way to remove commons-math's
  dependency on commons-logging, is to remove commons-math's dependency
  on commons-beanutils.  So, as long as commons-math is dependent on
  commons-beanutils, nothing is gained, in terms of bloat, by removing
  the commons-logging dependency.
  My stance is to use commons-logging.
  Since I added the discovery stuff I will be its advocate.  One of the
  visions for commons-math is to create a kind of service provider API
  for math routines and break commons-math into two logical parts: the
  SPI and the default implementation.  Then, commons-math would either
  invite other service providers (Mathematica, MatLab, S-Plus, ...) to
  create adaptors or we would develop them.  The route we have chosen to
  enable the SPI is via the abstract factories.  To instantiate concrete
  factory instances, I decided to use the features provided by
  commons-discovery.  Prior to its injection, the concrete factories
  used system properties for instantiation.  This is limiting in the
  sense only one service provider can be used per JVM and in a app
  server type deployment, there may be a need to have utilize many
  different service provides for different applications.  With
  commons-discovery, the system property approach is still supported
  along with properties files and the Jar SPI specification.  The later
  two would enable the possibility of have multiple service providers
  under one JVM.  Thus, using commons-disovery nothing is lost over the
  original implementation and some nice flexibility is gained.
  My stance is to use commons-discovery.
  No one seems to be objecting to these much so won't bother defending
  our reasons for using them.
  Here's a thought.  One thing we might do to limit the proliferation of
  jars is to create a jar containing commons-math as all of its
  dependencies.  Maven has an uberjar plugin that might be the ticket to
  creating such a jar.  There ares risk with deploying such a jar as
  there might be version conflicts if other versions of the dependencies
  are deployed separately.  I'm not a big advocate of this strategy
  (I've had to many struggles working with products that came bundled
  with old version of xerces) but it might be to quell some of the
  dependency backlash.
  Brent Worden
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  Matt Cliff
  Cliff Consulting
  720.280.6324 (c)

  The label said install Windows 98 or better so I installed Linux.

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[Math] Commons Math Contributions

2003-11-05 Thread Matt Cliff

- Original Message -
From: Matt Cliff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 7:08 AM
Subject: Commons Math Contributions

   I recently download the math commons subproject and would like to help

   This is my first open source contribution effort and am looking forward
 to extending to other projects.   I have a background in Mathematics (MS
 and thesis work in Stochastic Analysis) and for the past several years
 worked as a project lead for a Java Company.

(1) What is the best way to contribute?   (submit patches to this
 mailing list or through the bug tracking system?)   Also,  will the bug
 tracking a new Math component to the Commons project?

(2) What should I be working on?  (what do we need to do to get it to a
 1.0 release?)   I would be more comfortable doing some 'maintenance' type
 work intially,  downstream I can offer more substantitve math  (I had done
 a bunch of work with DASSL and DASPK and their applications to Stochastic
 differential equations).

(3) Will there be a link on the
 http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/index.html page to the Math Compont

(4) I added a quick type-o patch for the tasks.xml doc to see if it is
 the proper format.  (this is a cvs diff output)

   looking forward to helping out.

   Matt Cliff
   Cliff Consulting
   720.280.6324 (c)

   The label said install Windows 98 or better so I installed Linux.

Index: xdocs/tasks.xml
RCS file: /home/cvspublic/jakarta-commons/math/xdocs/tasks.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 tasks.xml
--- xdocs/tasks.xml 1 Nov 2003 16:35:03 -   1.2
+++ xdocs/tasks.xml 5 Nov 2003 14:59:26 -
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
   ddClover tests show gaps in test path coverage. Get all tests to 100% 
coverage.  Also improve test data and boundary conditions coverage./dd
   dtCode review./dt
-pCode review is a continuous rpocess that all Contributors and 
Developers should practice while working on the code base./p
+pCode review is a continuous process that all Contributors and 
Developers should practice while working on the code base./p
   liJavadoc generation is still throwing warnings.  Bring the Javadoc 
into compliance (i.e. reach zero warnings)./li
   liVerify that the code matches the documentation and identify obvious 
inefficiencies or numerical problems.  All feedback/suggestions for 
improvement/patches are welcome./li

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Commons Math Contributions

2003-11-05 Thread Matt Cliff
  I recently download the math commons subproject and would like to help 

  This is my first open source contribution effort and am looking forward 
to extending to other projects.   I have a background in Mathematics (MS 
and thesis work in Stochastic Analysis) and for the past several years 
worked as a project lead for a Java Company.

   (1) What is the best way to contribute?   (submit patches to this 
mailing list or through the bug tracking system?)   Also,  will the bug 
tracking a new Math component to the Commons project?

   (2) What should I be working on?  (what do we need to do to get it to a 
1.0 release?)   I would be more comfortable doing some 'maintenance' type 
work intially,  downstream I can offer more substantitve math  (I had done 
a bunch of work with DASSL and DASPK and their applications to Stochastic 
differential equations).

   (3) Will there be a link on the 
http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/index.html page to the Math Compont page?

   (4) I added a quick type-o patch for the tasks.xml doc to see if it is 
the proper format.  (this is a cvs diff output)

  looking forward to helping out.

  Matt Cliff
  Cliff Consulting
  720.280.6324 (c)

  The label said install Windows 98 or better so I installed Linux.
Index: xdocs/tasks.xml
RCS file: /home/cvspublic/jakarta-commons/math/xdocs/tasks.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 tasks.xml
--- xdocs/tasks.xml 1 Nov 2003 16:35:03 -   1.2
+++ xdocs/tasks.xml 5 Nov 2003 14:59:26 -
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
   ddClover tests show gaps in test path coverage. Get all tests to 100% 
coverage.  Also improve test data and boundary conditions coverage./dd
   dtCode review./dt
-pCode review is a continuous rpocess that all Contributors and 
Developers should practice while working on the code base./p
+pCode review is a continuous process that all Contributors and 
Developers should practice while working on the code base./p
   liJavadoc generation is still throwing warnings.  Bring the Javadoc 
into compliance (i.e. reach zero warnings)./li
   liVerify that the code matches the documentation and identify obvious 
inefficiencies or numerical problems.  All feedback/suggestions for 
improvement/patches are welcome./li
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For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Math] Commons Math Contributions

2003-11-05 Thread Matt Cliff
  I recently download the math commons subproject and would like to help 

  This is my first open source contribution effort and am looking forward 
to extending to other projects.   I have a background in Mathematics (MS 
and thesis work in Stochastic Analysis) and for the past several years 
worked as a project lead for a Java Company.

   (1) What is the best way to contribute?   (submit patches to this 
mailing list or through the bug tracking system?)   Also,  will the bug 
tracking a new Math component to the Commons project?

   (2) What should I be working on?  (what do we need to do to get it to a 
1.0 release?)   I would be more comfortable doing some 'maintenance' type 
work intially,  downstream I can offer more substantitve math  (I had done 
a bunch of work with DASSL and DASPK and their applications to Stochastic 
differential equations).

   (3) Will there be a link on the 
http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/index.html page to the Math Compont page?

   (4) I added a quick type-o patch for the tasks.xml doc to see if it is 
the proper format.  (this is a cvs diff output)

  looking forward to helping out.

  Matt Cliff
  Cliff Consulting
  720.280.6324 (c)

  The label said install Windows 98 or better so I installed Linux.
Index: xdocs/tasks.xml
RCS file: /home/cvspublic/jakarta-commons/math/xdocs/tasks.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 tasks.xml
--- xdocs/tasks.xml 1 Nov 2003 16:35:03 -   1.2
+++ xdocs/tasks.xml 5 Nov 2003 14:59:26 -
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
   ddClover tests show gaps in test path coverage. Get all tests to 100% 
coverage.  Also improve test data and boundary conditions coverage./dd
   dtCode review./dt
-pCode review is a continuous rpocess that all Contributors and 
Developers should practice while working on the code base./p
+pCode review is a continuous process that all Contributors and 
Developers should practice while working on the code base./p
   liJavadoc generation is still throwing warnings.  Bring the Javadoc 
into compliance (i.e. reach zero warnings)./li
   liVerify that the code matches the documentation and identify obvious 
inefficiencies or numerical problems.  All feedback/suggestions for 
improvement/patches are welcome./li
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