my 2cents

  (1) I think it would be best to get a 1.0 release of commons-math as a 
jakarta-commons subproject before any movement (the good-old KISS acronym 
comes to mind)

  (2) I am not sure to what extent math may get developed, as was stated 
in a different thread previously Java is not the best platform for 
Numerical Analysis.  That being said, I dont forsee commons-math as a 
serious Numerical Anaylsis lib, rather a convenient and useful tool to 
explore 'simple' problems.  This could be significant in research, in my 
opinion you dont really need to 'crank' up the system in most cases, and 
have a handy library that can get some nice results quickly in a Java 
setting is very valueable.  There are plenty of high-scale number 
crunchers, and most of the best performing ones will always be in F77 due 
to its static nature.  It may very well be that some of the value out of 
the math project is as an SPI to these backend 'crunchers' which provides 
a nice Java interface to interact with the rest of the world.  (leading me 
back to the beginning of this rambling...)

  (3) I am thoroughly confused as to the pros-cons of what moving this 
the apache-commons level would do.  I like the idea of a 100% java 
framework at this point (leading me back to point #1).

In summary, I think it should stay where it is for now.

      Matt Cliff            
      Cliff Consulting
      720.280.6324 (c)

      The label said install Windows 98 or better so I installed Linux.

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