Re: [math] design patterns (was Re: cvs commit: jakarta-commons-sandbox/math/src/java/org/apache/commons/math/

2003-07-04 Thread J.Pietschmann
Mark R. Diggory wrote:
Yes it is clearer, just for reference, my GC discussion at the beginning 
of this thread involved an article I read awhile back, this article 
suggested that objects that are created within a "static" method can get 
"stronger references" (or something along these lines) than their 
non-static counterparts and as such never actually get garbage collected 
over the life of the JVM.
There are no stronger references than ordinary references. Except
perhaps j.l.r.PhantomReference (somebody out there who knows what's
this actually good for?) There are weaker references though.
Perhaps it was meant said objects were referenced by static data,
in which case they of course wont be GCd. Unless the object refers
to further, perhaps continually growing data structures, this
shouldn't cause problems even in a long running server.
There are of course several other arguments against static methods
and especially against using static data: enterprise java beans
can't have static methods at all, and static data can easily become
a headache in multithreaded environments.

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Re: [math] design patterns (was Re: cvs commit: jakarta-commons-sandbox/math/src/java/org/apache/commons/math/

2003-07-04 Thread Mark R. Diggory
robert burrell donkin wrote:

a slightly more sophisticated approach would be to make the utility 
delegate to a singleton instance of a object which can also be constructed.
 the user can then choose whether to construct an instance and then 
configure it or use the utility and use the standard settings. the 
library should *not* expose the singleton delegate or allow the user to 
set any state on that object. the user *must* create an instance in 
order to use any advanced features. this is the pattern that i would 
advocate for advanced booch utilities.

Hopefully my new experimental architecture alleviates this issue for 
univariate stats. There are currently three ways to get at the 
individual stats in my experimental refactoring. Static StatUtils, 
Non-static Univariate implementations and Direct Instantiation of a 
particular "UnivariateStatistic".

Various FrontEnd's <-- delegate to <-- Individual Stats.

<--StatUtils <|Individual UnivariateStatistics
<--Univariates <--|<--  (Mean, Var, Std, Sum, SumSq,
<--Directly <-|   SumLog, Skew, Kurt, Percentile...)
The individual UnivariateStatistic's house the "guts" of the algorithms 
for both store based and storeless based calculations. You could 
instantiate these directly, call static instances of them via the 
StatUtils or Pickup a Univariate framework that will provide a "Standard 
Set" of them to work on a Storage Implementation.

why? well, now consider the case when you allow the user to configure 
the booch utility directly (this is the beanutils case). now, so that 
you can isolate threads in different server side contexts, you need to 
use a pseudo-singleton - a singleton that is a singleton for each server 
side context rather than per classloader. this turns out to be 
non-trivial when you realize that every time a context is disposed of, 
everything needs to be garbage collected and that users are going to 
want to be able to subclass the bean pseudo-singleton.

i hope this is a bit clearer now.

- robert
Yes it is clearer, just for reference, my GC discussion at the beginning 
of this thread involved an article I read awhile back, this article 
suggested that objects that are created within a "static" method can get 
"stronger references" (or something along these lines) than their 
non-static counterparts and as such never actually get garbage collected 
over the life of the JVM. I can't, for the life of me, find this article 
again to backup my statement... Which leads me to think it was a Red 
Herring. :-(


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Re: [math] design patterns (was Re: cvs commit: jakarta-commons-sandbox/math/src/java/org/apache/commons/math/

2003-06-23 Thread Mark R. Diggory
robert burrell donkin wrote:

On Friday, June 20, 2003, at 05:34 PM, Phil Steitz wrote:

I keep reminding myself, we are the developers, there is always room 
for refactoring in the future. If there becomes a clear hindrance 
with the use of static methods, then we can refactor them into a 
class that needs to be instantiated. This is not too difficult to 
Not for us, maybe, but it could be a real pain for the users who have 
written code using the static methods directly. We also need to keep 
reminding ourselves that what we are developing is a library for 
others to use.  Refactoring public interfaces post release is a slow 
and painful process. Given that MathUtils and StatUtils are going to 
be public, we need to be committed to supporting the static methods 
that they will expose.  I am personally OK with this, as long as we 
limit the scope to relatively trivial computational methods.

we came across this very problem in beanutils not too long ago. 
beanutils was originally written to use static utility methods. we 
ended up creating (pseudo-)singletons that do the actual work. this 
has turned out to have more than a few wrinkles (since jakarta 
components are designed to be used in server applications, there's a 
lot to think about when it comes to ensuring that objects can be 
garbage collection and that different web applications use independent 
versions of configurable library code).

i personally think that there is probably room for a few headline 
classes of this type at the top of the hierarchy in order to make 
things easy for basic users. but i would probably advise developers of 
library code to prefer concrete objects for advanced classes. 
experience has shown that these may need to be sub-classed or have to 
make use of the strategy pattern later. i would say that retro-fitting 
these capabilities to an existing library can prove to be very 

anyway, i'll be interested to see what J.Pietschmann comes up with.

- robert

This is a really strong point Robert, I know there are real issues with 
objects that get created from a static point not getting garbage 
collected from some applications I worked on, I shouldn't have assumed 
it wasn't an issue in the server env. I'd have to say, this is the 
strongest point I've seen so far for singleton object usage over static 
util usage and its quite convincing to me.

I think I actually have somewhat of an interesting solution to this. 
But I want to get it fully formalized to present to the group, I have an 
alternative implementation of some of the stat/StatUtil classes that I 
will present to the group within the next day or so.


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Re: [math] design patterns (was Re: cvs commit: jakarta-commons-sandbox/math/src/java/org/apache/commons/math/

2003-06-20 Thread J.Pietschmann
Phil Steitz wrote:
The limitation on 
overriding is a serious concern and that is why in an earlier post, I 
suggested that we never use static methods for complex algorithms. An 
argument could be made that it would have been better to implement the 
methods in StatUtils as instance methods and to provide a (singleton) 
instance factory for users.
Have a look at UnivariateRealSolverFactory and check whether you
like my approach to cater for both simplicity and flexibility.

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Re: [math] design patterns (was Re: cvs commit: jakarta-commons-sandbox/math/src/java/org/apache/commons/math/

2003-06-20 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Phil Steitz wrote:

Mark R. Diggory wrote:

David Graham wrote:

I see no correlation between AOP and static methods, nor any 
correlation between static methods an increased code 
maintainability.  There is nothing magic about static methods that 
make them more maintainable than non-statics.



The discussion is growing somewhat repetative, OT and monotonic, 
unless anyone has a clearly differing view than whats been already 
voiced, I suggest we move on to more interesting development related 
topics, your probibly welcome to continue this discussion on the 
jakarta commons users/interest list.

I agree that this could go on and on and we should get back to work, 
but I think that David's main point -- that static methods limit 
flexibility and are not really necessary to support utility 
functionality -- is a good one and one which we should keep in mind.  
The limitation on overriding is a serious concern and that is why in 
an earlier post, I suggested that we never use static methods for 
complex algorithms. An argument could be made that it would have been 
better to implement the methods in StatUtils as instance methods and 
to provide a (singleton) instance factory for users. I think that this 
is a better general approach, but for the simple computational methods 
in StatUtils and MathUtils, convenience and efficiency outweigh the 
extensibility concern.

True, there is a balance that needs to be maintained between 
extensibility and efficiency/ease of use.  David's comments about lack 
of extensibility in static methods is valuable. But, I certainly don't 
believe that static usage or instantiable objects are either right or 
wrong. They both have their place. I believe we based the design of the 
static utilities on the current Math design for consistency (not only in 
static aspects, but return value domain and behavior).

I keep reminding myself, we are the developers, there is always room for 
refactoring in the future. If there becomes a clear hindrance with the 
use of static methods, then we can refactor them into a class that needs 
to be instantiated. This is not too difficult to accomplish.

Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

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Re: [math] design patterns (was Re: cvs commit: jakarta-commons-sandbox/math/src/java/org/apache/commons/math/

2003-06-19 Thread Rob Leland
David Graham wrote:

Static methods are a necessary evil in OO languages and should be 
avoided when possible.

I disagree. Static functions are similar to Aspect Oriented 
Programming, such as AspectJ which centrializes
code across many classes that is similar in functionality. This 
eliminates duplicate code, and increases maintainability.

I see no correlation between AOP and static methods, nor any 
correlation between static methods an increased code maintainability.  
There is nothing magic about static methods that make them more 
maintainable than non-statics.

Any time code is in --one-- place and not scattered across multiple 
classes this increases maintainability.
The fact that the methods are static is beside the point.


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Re: [math] design patterns (was Re: cvs commit: jakarta-commons-sandbox/math/src/java/org/apache/commons/math/

2003-06-19 Thread Mark R. Diggory
David Graham wrote:

Static methods are a necessary evil in OO languages and should be 
avoided when possible.

I disagree. Static functions are similar to Aspect Oriented 
Programming, such as AspectJ which centrializes
code across many classes that is similar in functionality. This 
eliminates duplicate code, and increases maintainability.

I see no correlation between AOP and static methods, nor any 
correlation between static methods an increased code maintainability.  
There is nothing magic about static methods that make them more 
maintainable than non-statics.



The discussion is growing somewhat repetative, OT and monotonic, unless 
anyone has a clearly differing view than whats been already voiced, I 
suggest we move on to more interesting development related topics, your 
probibly welcome to continue this discussion on the jakarta commons 
users/interest list.


Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

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Re: [math] design patterns (was Re: cvs commit: jakarta-commons-sandbox/math/src/java/org/apache/commons/math/

2003-06-19 Thread Rob Leland

Static methods are a necessary evil in OO languages and should be 
avoided when possible.  
I disagree. Static functions are similar to Aspect Oriented Programming, 
such as AspectJ which centrializes
code across many classes that is similar in functionality. This 
eliminates duplicate code, and increases maintainability.


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Re: [math] design patterns (was Re: cvs commit: jakarta-commons-sandbox/math/src/java/org/apache/commons/math/

2003-06-19 Thread Mark R. Diggory
David Graham wrote:

I agreed with you upto that last sentence, My viewpoint: The whole 
point of the java.util.Math class is that the functions are so 
"standardized" and so "final" (on top of that mostly "native") that 
they shouldn't really ever be "overridable", they are "utility" 
functions that one can "rely" to be of a specific 
mathematical/numeric behavior. They are static as well to be easily 

Attaching methods to number objects makes them easily accessible too.

IMHO, Static functions are the closest Java ever comes to allowing 
developers to define their own "operators". They are as analogous to 
the concept of mathematical functions as you can get. Did you ever 
write -1.cos() in Calculus? no, you wrote cos(-1) , and in java 

This isn't calculus, this is OOP.  I'm of the opinion that in OOP you 
should always be passing messages to objects and static methods 
violate that principal.  If I want to find the cosine of some number 
variable x it's more natural OOP to say x.cos().  cos(x) is a very 
procedural (read C) way of thinking and unnecesarily limits your 
implementation possibilities.
True, but algorithms are easier to understand/debug when they are in a 
familiar syntax. I tend to think that "OOP you should always be passing 
messages to objects" is also something that can "limit" implementation 
possibilities as well. And philosophize a little, its always in the 
"cracks" where the interesting things grow. Is it in the conflict 
between procedural and OOD that elegant designs arise?

There was a time I actually wrote my own primitive wrapper library. But, 
now I do feel a little differently about it now, in a procedurally 
implemented OO language like Java there as to be some point where the 
procedural and the OO aspects meet. I really hope for myself, to look 
deeper into Aspect Oriented Design to see if that is something that can 
fill that conceptual gap.

Anyways, this discussion is purely academic because we're constrained 
by what Java actually allows.  I'll let you math wizards get back to 
work ;-).


Always do feel free to "enthusiastically" join in when the subject 
interests you. :-)

Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

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Re: [math] design patterns (was Re: cvs commit: jakarta-commons-sandbox/math/src/java/org/apache/commons/math/

2003-06-19 Thread Mark R. Diggory
David Graham wrote:

--- David Graham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Maybe I'm unique, but
> > > sometimes I find that Java (as well as other languages) gets in 
my way
> >rather
> > > than letting me solve the problem at hand in a natural way.
> You're not alone in that belief.  I've heard several people comment 
> how easy it is to code Smalltalk when exploring new solutions.
> > >For example, one
> > > thing I would have liked to see is the ability to invoke 
methods by the
> >same
> > > name either via static class methods or via instance methods of 
> > > (where
> > > appropriate and useful, of course).  I don't have enough 
experience with
> >Java
> > > to know if that's possible, though I suspect it would be 
difficult at
> >least.
> Static methods are a necessary evil in OO languages and should be 
> when possible.  The entire Java Math class is a perfect example of 
> design because it's just a bunch of static methods. 

See my comment below.

> It would have been
> *much* simpler to make numbers objects and allow -1.abs() type 
> Anyways, my main point is that statics exist in Java to make 
certain things
> easier, not to allow the type of thing you describe.

I disagree.  IMHO, in good OO design there is a place for utility 
classes that
encapsulate operations on objects, apart from the objects themselves.
Call me a brute, but Math.max(x,y) is more natural syntax to me than 
The reason to avoid static methods in Java, IMHO, is that they cannot be
overriden, not that using utility classes in general is "bad design".

I agreed with you upto that last sentence, My viewpoint: The whole point 
of the java.util.Math class is that the functions are so "standardized" 
and so "final" (on top of that mostly "native") that they shouldn't 
really ever be "overridable", they are "utility" functions that one can 
"rely" to be of a specific mathematical/numeric behavior. They are 
static as well to be easily accessible.  IMHO, Static functions are the 
closest Java ever comes to allowing developers to define their own 
"operators". They are as analogous to the concept of mathematical 
functions as you can get. Did you ever write -1.cos() in Calculus? no, 
you wrote cos(-1) , and in java Math.cos(-1). And, unless some genius 
comes along and shows us a better way to compute cos(-1), your going to 
want to rely on a standard implementation that everyone uses to do 
cos(), otherwise you go an write your own class.

Another example of  this the finality of java.lang.Number's like Double, 
Integer, etc. At first when I started to work with them, I wanted to be 
able to do things like

Double x = new MyDouble(1.0);
Double y = new MyDouble(2.0);
Double z = x.add(y);
But, this again introduces room for a sort of operator overloading which 
Java works hard to avoid (KISS).  I now see why this is unfavorable.

MathUtils and StatUtils fall under this branch of design, they are die 
hard final implementations of a specific function that will be capable 
of being relied on in a similar fashion as the Math class.

Exactly.  Any time you need a utility class with static members you 
can replace it with a Singleton object with non-static methods. 

If there are other reasons for making methods static, then this just 
introduces unnecessary complexity. Math.pow(x,y) is always much easier 
to do than

Math math = Math.newInstance();
(not that, this is very hard at all either).

Now, the benefit of having both StatUtils and AbstractStoreUnivariate, 
is that you now have easy static reliable, final access via StatUtils 
when you want it, and you can override/extend the capabilities of 
AbstractStoreUnivariate when you want to create a custom implementation 
of an approach.   Tim, Phil and Al were quite right to have me rollback 
what I had initially committed, this is far more flexible. Flexibility 
is very important in the initial stages of project development.

Finally, I really feel Aspect Oriented Programming ( 
really takes OOP to the next level where some class/objects are now 
acting as functional relationships between other classes/objects. I 
would be more interested in how AOP could be applied to our libraries vs 
good ol' OOP.

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Re: [math] design patterns (was Re: cvs commit: jakarta-commons-sandbox/math/src/java/org/apache/commons/math/

2003-06-19 Thread ericpabst

  It sounds like the pattern you're proposing is the Strategy design
pattern (see "Design Patterns" by the four authors).  Basically, an object
has multiple possible delegate objects, each of which implement a common
interface.  Then, as the state changes, the strategy can switch from one to
another.  This makes it transparent to the caller that multiple strategies
are being used, and that they are even changing, but allows for good
encapsulation, flexibility, and extensibility.

  As for invoking using either static methods or instance methods, the
Commons Bean-Utils does this.  There's a BeanUtils simpleton (all static
methods) that delegates to a BeanUtilsBean, which can be instantiated,
extended, etc.  So, the most common/shared version is accessible from
either way, but any specialized version must be instantiated yourself and
called directly.

  Design Patterns are a great way to make Java do what we want it to.

Eric Pabst

| |   Al Chou |
| |>|
| |   |
| |   06/18/03 08:32  |
| |   PM  |
| |   Please respond  |
| |   to "Jakarta |
| |   Commons |
| |   Developers List"|
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  |To:  Jakarta Commons Developers List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  |Subject: [math] design patterns (was Re: cvs commit:

--- Phil Steitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- Tim O'Brien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Tue, 17 Jun 2003, Mark R. Diggory wrote:
> We all agree that the optimized double[]|-> double computations should be
> reused.  The problem with the above is that you can't "dynamically"
> reorganize
> class hierarchies.  UnivariateImpl either "is" an AbstractStoreUnivariate
> it
> "is not".  IMHO, it is not.  If we want to define an abstract base class
> everything, it needs to contain only the things that *all* Univariates
> *always*
> implement.  Throwing runtime exceptions when an instance is not a "full
> instance" is not acceptable.

Off topic here, but not having been a practicing OO programmer for very
(though having read books on C++, Java, and Objective-C over the past
years), and that mostly in Ruby, which is dynamically typed, I'm of two
here.  While I support a clear inheritance hierarchy and understand and
the desire to have an object be of either one class or another, it doesn't
bother me quite as much as it does Phil and Tim for an object to delegate
different classes under different circumstances.  I would prefer that
commons-math be easy for users to use than for it to stick closely to
Java designs just for the sake of staying Java-ish.  Maybe I'm unique, but
sometimes I find that Java (as well as other languages) gets in my way
than letting me solve the problem at hand in a natural way.  For example,
thing I would have liked to see is the ability to invoke methods by the
name either via static class methods or via instance methods of objects
appropriate and useful, of course).  I don't have enough experience with
to know if that's possible, though I suspect it would be difficult at

In any case, to keep our hierarchy design simple and clear, I do support
factoring out the StatUtils class.  As Einstein said, make it as simple as
possible (but no simpler).  I just want to see us keep an open mind about
designs in the future if they turn out to be worthwhile, even if not
the way "everybody else does it".


Albert Davidson Chou

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