Re: [Community-Discuss] [members-discuss] AFRINiC costs

2022-08-01 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear Paul, 

Without commenting on the veracity of your source of information, we can 
confirm that 2 sitting directors and 2 ex-directors appeared before the Supreme 
Court on 25th July 2022 in respect of one of the three contempt cases. 

In line with the transparency policy and standard practice, the finance report 
will provide related costs for the aforesaid court appearance. Presently, as 
you are aware, the board has no quorum as such, publication of any 
finance-related report will be delayed as all financial-related reports are; 
prior to publication, reviewed by the Finance Committee, the latter being a 
sub-committee of the board. 

We, therefore, count on your patience until the publication of the finance 

AFRINIC Communication

> On 26 Jul 2022, at 10:07, Paul Wollner  wrote:
> I have heard that in yesterday mornings contempt session, all the 
> ex-directors were present and represented by the same lawyer as AFRINIC. 
> Please confirm for the members the following: 
> 1. Who paid their travel and legal cost?
> 2. The estimated cost amounts to 5 usd. It’s quite a large amount, as it 
> nearly equals to the annual salary of 4 Afrinic staff. 
> Please confirm if the estimated cost below are in fact true:
> Seat 1 Habib (Tunisia)
> ($3293 = Flight, Hotel = $3677)
> Seat 2 Emmanuel (Nigeria)
> ($3862 = Flight, Hotel = $3677)
> Seat 5 Angola Syvio -(Angola)
> ($3454 = Flight, Hotel = $3677)
> Seat 6 Abdalla (Kenya)
> ($3907 = Flight, Hotel = $3677)
> Seat 7 Seun (nigeria)
> ($3862 = Flight, Hotel = $3677)
> Seat 8 Benjamin  (Ghana)
> ($4913 = Flight, Hotel = $3677)
> Grand total: $51,353 usd
> Paul
> ___
> Members-Discuss mailing list

Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] AFRINIC Finance Webinar: The Outcomes

2022-07-28 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear Colleagues,


AFRINIC would like to thank all the members who participated in the AFRINIC 
Finance webinar. We are pleased to share a short blog we have prepared 
following our Finance webinar. 




An Audio recording of the webinar is available here.




We shall inform you of other upcoming webinars on our key activities during the 
year. We hope that you will find the blog informative.





AFRINIC Communications.




Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] AFRINIC Code of Conduct Violations

2022-06-27 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear Colleagues,

Recently, we have observed that the mailing lists are going out of control with 
members violating the AFRINIC Code of conduct guidelines including;

Discussions that do not meet the intended purpose of the list
Personal attacks, defamatory and other discriminatory comments
Behavior and remarks that gave offense and discriminated based on social, 
cultural, ethic and personal differences
Harassment and other conduct that created an intimidating or offensive 
As well as an overall lack of respect to one another.

AFRINIC recognises one's freedom of expression as well as the right of each 
individual or entity to protect its rights. However, for us to be  able to call 
ourselves a community there are certain common grounds and understanding that 
we ALL need to adhere to, in this case it is the AFRINIC code of conduct. 

Henceforth, the AFRINIC community-discuss mailing list will be moderated, until 
further notice. 
All emails sent to the community-discuss list will be archived on 
(, including 
the ones that will not be approved to be received by the mailing list members.
Only emails approved by the moderators will be received by the mailing list 
members and will be archived on 
The moderation itself will be carried out based on advice from the Governance 
Committee under 3.1.7 of the Governance committee TOR.

The emails that were sent to the community-discuss mailing list from moderation 
till the time of sending out this email will be reviewed and archived to the 
provided links based on the above criteria.

We urge you to read the AFRINIC Code of Conduct and make sure you are up to 
date on the processes that safeguard the discussion and community-driven 
policies at the heart of AFRINIC. ( 

After testing  this new setup, we will seek guidance from the community on how 
they have experienced it and if they have any recommendations, advice or 
reforms they see fit to deal with these issues in the long run.

Your valuable collaboration on this is highly appreciated.

Eddy Kayihura M.
Chief Executive Officer
African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC) Ltd.


Chers collègues,

Récemment, nous avons constaté que les listes de diffusion devenaient 
incontrôlables et que certains membres enfreignaient les lignes directrices du 
code de conduite d'AFRINIC ;

Des discussions qui ne répondent pas à l'objectif de la liste.
Des attaques personnelles, des commentaires diffamatoires et autres 
commentaires discriminatoires.
Comportement et remarques offensantes et discriminatoires basées sur des 
différences sociales, culturelles, éthiques et personnelles.
harcèlement et autres comportements créant un environnement intimidant ou 
ainsi qu'un manque général de respect envers les autres.

AFRINIC reconnaît la liberté d'expression de chacun ainsi que le droit de 
chaque individu ou entité à protéger ses droits. Cependant, pour que nous 
puissions nous appeler une communauté, il existe certaines bases communes et 
une compréhension que nous devons TOUS respecter, dans ce cas, il s'agit du 
code de conduite d'AFRINIC.

Dorénavant, la liste de diffusion AFRINIC community-discuss sera modérée, 
jusqu'à nouvel ordre.
Tous les e-mails envoyés à la liste de discussion communautaire seront archivés 
sur (, y 
compris ceux qui ne seront pas approuvés sur la liste de diffusion.
Seuls les courriels approuvés par les modérateurs seront reçus par les membres 
de la liste de diffusion et seront archivés sur 
( messages 
La modération elle-même sera effectuée sur la base des conseils du comité de 
gouvernance, conformément au point 3.1.7 des termes de référence du comité de 

Les courriels qui ont été envoyés à la liste de diffusion community-discuss 
depuis la modération jusqu'au moment de l'envoi de ce courriel seront examinés 
et archivés sur les liens fournis en fonction des critères ci-dessus.

Nous vous invitons à lire le code de conduite d'AFRINIC et à vous assurer que 
vous êtes au courant des processus qui protègent la discussion et les 
politiques communautaires au cœur d'AFRINIC. ( 

Après avoir testé cette nouvelle configuration, nous demanderons l'avis de la 
communauté sur cette nouvelle configuration et si elle a des recommandations, 
des conseils ou des réformes qu'elle juge appropriées pour traiter ces 
questions à long terme.

Votre précieuse collaboration à ce sujet est très appréciée.

Eddy Kayihura M.
Directeur général
African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC) Ltd.

زملائي الأعزاء،

لقد لاحظنا مؤخرًا أن القوائم البريدية تخرج عن نطاق السيطرة مع أعضاء ينته

[Community-Discuss] RIRs Message to the AFRINIC Community

2022-06-19 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear AFRINIC Members and Community,

In the context of the ongoing challenges faced by AFRINIC, the other Regional 
Internet Registries, APNIC, ARIN, RIPE NCC and LACNIC have sent a message to 
the AFRINIC Community.

We invite you to read the message published at: 

AFRINIC Communications


Chers membres et communauté d'AFRINIC,

Dans le contexte des enjeux actuels auxquels fait face l'AFRINIC, les autres 
Registres Internet régionaux, APNIC, ARIN, RIPE NCC et LACNIC ont envoyé un 
message à la Communauté AFRINIC.

Nous vous invitons à lire le message publié sur : 

Communications AFRINIC


أعزائي أعضاء ومجتمع AFRINIC ،

في سياق التحديات المستمرة التي تواجهها AFRINIC ، قامت سجلات الإنترنت الإقليمية 
الأخرى و APNIC و ARIN و RIPE NCC و LACNIC بإرسال رسالة إلى مجتمع AFRINIC.

ندعوك لقراءة الرسالة المنشورة على: 

AFRINIC للاتصالات


Caros Membros AFRINIC e Comunidade,

No contexto dos actuais desafios enfrentados pela AFRINIC, os outros Registos 
Regionais de Internet, APNIC, ARIN, RIPE NCC e LACNIC enviaram uma mensagem à 
Comunidade AFRINIC.

Convidamo-lo a ler a mensagem publicada em: 

Comunicações AFRÍNICAS___
Community-Discuss mailing list


2022-06-01 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear Mr. Sookun,

We refer to your query with regards to corporations being represented by 

As you are aware, AFRINIC's Resource Members are legal entities (i.e. 
companies) which can only act through their respective representative(s).

In regard to article 12.14(9), you will note that same reads as follows:

"Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Article, where a proposal is made 
by a Resource Member, the Board shall have discretion as to whether notice of 
such proposal should be given to members. Corporations may act by 
representative. A corporate body, which is a Member, may appoint "A" 
representative to attend an Annual General Members’ Meeting on its behalf in 
the same manner as that in which it could appoint a proxy."

In this respect, whilst a resource-member may have multiple contacts, it is 
allowed to select a representative of its choice to attend the AFRINIC's AGMM. 

As for your questions - Do the Bylaws prevent in any way, for a Resource Member 
to be represented by ONE “group” of two persons? The two persons being ONE 
representative of the Resource Member? Kindly be informed that these questions 
do not arise for the simple reason that article 12.14(9) is clear and explicit. 
The bylaws is a legal document and is also an agreement between AFRINIC and its 
members, as well as an agreement amongst the members themselves. As such, we 
cannot unfortunately add or import words not forming part of the bylaws, and 
the bylaws must be applied as is, unless and until the provision in question is 

Therefore, where a company has delegated for example two persons to attend the 
AGMM, only one of them will be admitted to the main AGMM Room (subject to 
covid-19 sanitary restriction - i.e. 50 pax) and the other person will again, 
subject to covid-19 sanitary restriction, be admitted to the secondary room 
where the latter will be able to follow the proceedings as an 'observer only. 

You will appreciate that AFRINIC has a member-base of approximately 2,000 
resource-members and it would be wholly unfair to allow any one resource-member 
to be represented by a group of persons thus depriving other eligible 
resource-members from also ensuring attendance and effectively participate at 
an AGMM.  

We hope you have been enlightened by the above. In case you still need further 
clarification, please do inform us and we shall arrange a meeting with our 
Legal Officer who will assist accordingly.


AFRINIC Communications

> On 1 Jun 2022, at 19:18, Ish Sookun  wrote:
> Dear AFRINIC Legal,
>> On 31 May 2022, at 16:23,  wrote:
>> 5.1  You may access the AGMM 2022 online platform via the following url 
>> . You will receive 
>> a special token by Wednesday, 01 June 2022, that will enable you to log onto 
>> the online platform and participate in the AGMM 2022. You are further 
>> informed that since a corporation may be represented by ONE representative 
>> at the AGMM, once a representative of a Resource Member has accessed the 
>> AGMM platform, no-other will be able to access the same using the same 
>> token. All other interested persons may, however, follow the AGMM 
>> proceedings through AFRINIC’s youtube channel.
> I read Article 12.14(9) of the AFRINIC Bylaws. It says that corporations may 
> act by representative. In the above you say ONE representative. Nowhere in 
> the Bylaws or the Companies Act 2001 of Mauritius, the word “representative” 
> is defined as being ONE “person”.
> Can you please help me understand this? Do the Bylaws prevent in any way, for 
> a Resource Member to be represented by ONE “group” of two persons? The two 
> persons being ONE representative of the Resource Member?
> Regards,
> ———
> Ish Sookun
> Systems Architect @ La Sentinelle Ltd
> ___
> Members-Discuss mailing list

Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Announcement of Final Candidate Slate for Open Seat on the AFRINIC Governance Committee

2022-05-10 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear Members and Community,

NOMCOM 2022 is pleased to announce the following final candidate slate for the 
open seat on the AFRINIC Governance Committee.

Candidates Full Names for the AFRINIC Governance Committee Election 
Candidate(s) Slate for Election 2022

1. Mrs Maud Adjeley Ashong Elliot - CV available at

Full candidates information has been published at 

The community and members are hereby invited to view candidates details and 
express any comments about the suitability of the candidates for the board 
position using the comment section at the URL above.

This time the election will be conducted  both in-person on the AGMM date and 
electronically; electronic voting will start on 19th May 2022; it will be 
concluded on 3rd June 2022 during the Annual General Members’ Meeting (AGMM). 
AGMM as well this time will be held both physically and online (virtually).

Electronic voting will be available on MyAFRINIC Portal

Information about electronic voting is available at:

Please read the AFRINIC Privacy Policy at

For any queries or clarification, please contact the nominations committee by 
email at nomcom2022[at]



Chers membres et communauté,

NOMCOM 2022 a le plaisir d'annoncer la liste finale suivante de candidats pour 
le siège ouvert au sein du Comité de Gouvernance d'AFRINIC.

Noms complets des candidats pour l'élection du Comité de gouvernance d'AFRINIC 
Liste des candidats pour l'élection 2022

1. Mme Maud Adjeley Ashong Elliot - CV disponible sur

Les informations complètes sur les candidats ont été publiées sur 

La communauté et les membres sont invités à consulter les informations sur les 
candidats et à exprimer leurs commentaires sur la convenance des candidats aux 
postes du conseil d'administration en utilisant la section des commentaires à 
l'URL ci-dessus.

Cette fois, l'élection se déroulera à la fois en personne le jour de l'AGMM et 
par voie électronique ; le vote électronique commencera le 19 mai 2022 et se 
terminera le 3 juin 2022 lors de l'assemblée générale annuelle des membres 
(AGMM). L'AGMM se tiendra également cette fois-ci à la fois physiquement et en 
ligne (virtuellement).

Le vote électronique sera disponible sur le portail MyAFRINIC

Des informations sur le vote électronique sont disponibles sur :

Veuillez lire la politique de confidentialité d'AFRINIC à l'adresse

Pour toute question ou clarification, veuillez contacter le comité des 
nominations par email à nomcom2022[at]



أعزائي الأعضاء والمجتمع ،

يسر NOMCOM 2022 أن تعلن عن قائمة المرشحين النهائية التالية للمقعد المفتوح في 
لجنة الحوكمة AFRINIC.

الأسماء الكاملة للمرشحين لقائمة مرشح (مرشحي) لجنة الحوكمة AFRINIC لانتخابات 2022

1. السيدة Maud Adjeley Ashong Elliot - السيرة الذاتية متوفرة على

تم نشر معلومات المرشحين الكاملة على

تتم دعوة المجتمع والأعضاء لعرض تفاصيل المرشحين والتعبير عن أي تعليقات حول مدى 
ملاءمة المرشحين لمنصب مجلس الإدارة باستخدام قسم التعليقات في عنوان URL أعلاه.

هذه المرة ستجرى الانتخابات شخصيًا في تاريخ AGMM وإلكترونيًا ؛ سيبدأ التصويت 
الإلكتروني في 19 مايو 2022 ؛ سيتم اختتامه في 3 يونيو 2022 خلال الاجتماع السنوي 
العام للأعضاء (AGMM). سيعقد AGMM أيضًا هذه المرة جسديًا وعبر الإنترنت (تقريبًا).

سيكون التصويت الإلكتروني متاحًا على بوابة MyAFRINIC

تتوفر معلومات حول التصويت الإلكتروني على:

يرجى قراءة سياسة الخصوصية AFRINIC على

لأية استفسارات أو توضيحات ، يرجى الاتصال بلجنة الترشيحات عبر البريد الإلكتروني 
على nomcom2022 [at]

أفرينك نومكوم 2022


Caros Membros e Comunidade,

NOMCOM 2022 tem o prazer de anunciar o seguinte quadro final de candidatos para 
o lugar aberto no Comité de Governação AFRINIC.

Candidatos Nomes completos para a Comissão de Governação de AFRINIC 
Candidato(s) à eleição Slate for Election 2022

1. Sra. Maud Adjeley Ashong Elliot - CV disponível em

Informação completa sobre os candidatos foi publicada em 

A comunidade e os membros são convidados a ver os detalhes dos candidatos e a 
expressar quaisquer comentários sobre a aptidão dos candidatos para o cargo de 
direcção utilizando a secção de comentários no URL acima.

Desta vez a eleição será realizada pessoalmente na data da AGMM e 

[Community-Discuss] Announcement of Final Candidate Slate for AFRINIC Board Elections

2022-05-10 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear Members and Community,

NOMCOM 2022 is pleased to announce the following final candidates slate for 
each respective seat on the AFRINIC Board:

Candidates Full Names for the Region: Northern Africa | Seat 1

1. Prof. Habib Youssef  - CV available at

Candidates Full Names for the Region: Western Africa | Seat 2 

2. Mr. Amin A. Dayekh - CV available at

3. Dr. Emmanuel Adewale Adedokun - CV available at

Candidates Full Names for the Region: Independent | Seat 7

4. Mrs Clara Mramba - CV available at 

5. Mrs Grace Githaiga - CV available at

Full candidates information has been published at 

The community and members are hereby invited to view candidates details and 
express any comments about the suitability of the candidates for the board 
position using the comment section at the URL above.

This time the election will be conducted both in-person on the AGMM date and 
electronically; electronic voting will start on 19th May 2022. 

Electronic voting will be available on MyAFRINIC Portal

Information about electronic voting is available at:

Please read the AFRINIC Privacy Policy at

For any queries or clarification, please contact the nominations committee by 
email at nomcom2022[at]


Chers membres et communauté,

NOMCOM 2022 a le plaisir d'annoncer la liste finale des candidats suivants pour 
chaque siège respectif au conseil d'administration d'AFRINIC :

Noms complets des candidats pour la région : Afrique du Nord | Siège 1

1. Prof. Habib Youssef - CV disponible sur

Candidats Noms complets pour la région : Afrique de l'Ouest | Siège 2 

2. M. Amin A. Dayekh - CV disponible sur

3. Dr. Emmanuel Adewale Adedokun - CV disponible sur

Noms complets des candidats pour la région : Indépendant | Siège 7

4. Mme Clara Mramba - CV disponible sur 

5. Mme Grace Githaiga - CV disponible sur

Les informations complètes sur les candidats ont été publiées sur 

La communauté et les membres sont invités à consulter les détails des candidats 
et à exprimer tout commentaire sur la convenance des candidats au poste de 
membre du conseil d'administration en utilisant la section commentaire à l'URL 

Cette fois, l'élection se déroulera à la fois en personne à la date de l'AGMM 
et par voie électronique ; le vote électronique commencera le 19 mai 2022. 

Le vote électronique sera disponible sur le portail MyAFRINIC

Des informations sur le vote électronique sont disponibles sur :

Veuillez lire la politique de confidentialité d'AFRINIC à l'adresse

Pour toute question ou clarification, veuillez contacter le comité des 
nominations par email à nomcom2022[at]


أعزائي الأعضاء والمجتمع ،

يسر NOMCOM 2022 أن تعلن عن قائمة المرشحين النهائية التالية لكل مقعد على حدة في 
مجلس إدارة AFRINIC:

الأسماء الكاملة للمرشحين للمنطقة: شمال إفريقيا | المقعد 1

1. الأستاذ حبيب يوسف - السيرة الذاتية متوفرة على

الأسماء الكاملة للمرشحين للمنطقة: غرب إفريقيا | المقعد 2

2. السيد أمين أ.دايك - السيرة الذاتية متوفرة على

3. د.إيمانويل أديوال أديوكون - السيرة الذاتية متاحة على

الأسماء الكاملة للمرشحين للمنطقة: مستقل | مقعد 7

4. السيدة كلارا مرامبا - السيرة الذاتية متوفرة على

5. السيدة Grace Githaiga - السيرة الذاتية متاحة على

تم نشر معلومات المرشحين الكاملة على

تتم دعوة المجتمع والأعضاء لعرض تفاصيل المرشحين والتعبير عن أي تعليقات حول مدى 
ملاءمة المرشحين لمنصب مجلس الإدارة باستخدام قسم التعليقات في عنوان URL أعلاه.

هذه المرة ستجرى الانتخابات شخصيًا في تاريخ AGMM وإلكترونيًا ؛ سيبدأ التصويت 
الإلكتروني في 19 مايو 2022.

سيكون التصويت الإلكتروني متاحًا على بوابة MyAFRINIC

تتوفر معلومات حول التصويت الإلكتروني على:

يرجى قراءة سياسة الخصوصية AFRINIC على

لأية استفسارات أو توضيحات ، يرجى الاتصال بلجنة الترشيحات عبر البريد الإلكتروني 
على nomcom2022 [at]

أفرينك نومكوم 2022


Caros Membros e Comunidade,

NOMCOM 2022 tem o prazer de anunciar os s

[Community-Discuss] Governance Committee Communique

2022-04-28 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear Community,

On April 23rd and 24th 2022, the GovCom had a 2-day face-to-face working 
session for the purposes of the assignment in reference to the Board's 
resolution 202202.677, whereby, the GovCom met as a result of a board's request 
where it had been mandated to undertake a Bylaws' amendment exercise and 
recommend workable solutions by the end of April 2022 in order to address the 
situation caused by casual vacancies at the level of the Board.
In the spirit of transparency and good governance mechanisms, GovCom feels 
compelled to share with the AFRINIC Members and Community at large, the 
observations and recommendations GovCom made to the Board of AFRINIC after the 
legal team was solicited on specific issues only and on as a "when and 
required" basis discussions on the matters at hand.
For the sake of clarity and ease of reference, the relevant sections of the 
2007, 2016, and 2020 AFRINIC By-Laws are repeated below:
By-laws 2007:
11.4 For the avoidance of doubt, the sequential election of Elected Directors 
prevailing at the date of adoption of this Constitution shall be continued so 
that, on the expiry of the respective terms of office of Elected Directors, the 
Directors shall be elected in the following sequence:
(i) Election for Directors representing Northern Africa and Western Africa;
(ii) Election for Directors representing the Indian Ocean and Central Africa; 
(iii) Election for Directors representing Southern Africa and Eastern Africa.

11.5 The Primary Directors and the Alternate Directors shall be elected by 
Members on the date of each Annual General Meeting every three years. For the 
avoidance of doubt, the election of Directors shall not be considered as being 
part of the annual General Meeting but the proceedings of such election shall, 
subject to Article 10.15 above, be the same as for a General Meeting.

11.7 In the case where there is no eligible candidate for a particular region, 
the Director already in office in the particular seat shall be deemed to have 
been elected for one further term.

11.12 The Directors shall have power at any time and from time to time to 
appoint any person to be a Director to fill a casual vacancy in the Board. Any 
Director so appointed shall hold office only until the next following Annual 
General Meeting at which Directors are elected and shall then be eligible for 

By-Laws 2016:
13.5 Each of the following six sub-regions of Africa shall be represented by 
one Director as indicated below:
(i) Northern Africa (seat 1);
(ii) Western Africa (seat 2);
(iii) Indian Ocean (seat 3);
(iv) Central Africa (seat 4);
(v) Southern Africa (seat 5); and
(vi) Eastern Africa (seat 6).

Each Director elected under Articles 13.4(i) and 13.4(ii) of this Constitution 
shall hold office for a term of three years, which term of office shall expire 
on the date of the Annual General Members' Meeting held on or around the third 
anniversary of the date of appointment of such Elected Director. Subject to 
Article 13.6, such Director shall be eligible for re-election on the expiry of 
his term of office.

13.6 For the avoidance of doubt, the sequential election of Directors elected 
under Article 13.4 (i) of this Constitution, prevailing at the date of adoption 
of this Constitution shall be continued so that, on the expiry of the 
respective terms of office of Directors, they shall be elected in the following 
(i) Election for Directors representing Northern Africa and Western Africa;
(ii) Election for Directors representing the Indian Ocean and Central Africa; 
(iii) Election for Directors representing Southern Africa and Eastern Africa.
13.14 The Directors shall have power at any time and from time to time to 
appoint any person to be a Director to fill a casual vacancy in the Board. Any 
Director so appointed shall hold office only until the next following Annual 
General Members' Meeting at which Directors are elected and shall then be 
eligible for re-election.

By-Laws 2020:
13.6) For the avoidance of doubt, the sequential election of Directors elected 
under Article 13.4(i) of this Constitution, prevailing at the date of adoption 
of this Constitution shall be continued so that, on the expiry of the 
respective terms of office of Directors, they shall be elected in the following 
The election for Directors representing Northern Africa and Western Africa;
The election for Directors representing the Indian Ocean and Central 
Africa; and
The election for Directors representing Southern Africa and Eastern Africa.

13.7) Election mechanism
Except for the Chief Executive Officer, and subject to Articles 13.10 and 
13.11, all other Directors shall be elected by Resource and Registered Members 
on the date of each Annual General Members’ Meeting.
Six directors representing each of the regions listed in Article 13.5 shall be 
elected according to Article 13.6.
Two Region-Independent Directors repre

Re: [Community-Discuss] [members-discuss] Call for Nominations for open AFRINIC Board of Directors Seat

2022-04-04 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear Mr Ajao,

Thank you for your query.  We understand your concern.

The information you pointed at is conform to the Board resolution 202202.676 
that was passed during a Board Meeting held on 2 March 2022 
( The board resolution was 
published  2 days after on 4 March as per normal procedures but the update on 
the page of Board tenure was the one that was unfortunately delayed. 

We wish to appraise you that the Comms Team effectively received an internal 
ticket on 31st March 2022 to update the website in this regard. The update 
however was done on 2 April 2022 at 00:03.

We hope the above clarifies the issue of the delayed update on the website.


Ashil Oogarah
Communications Team Lead

> On 4 Apr 2022, at 16:16, Dewole Ajao via Community-Discuss 
>  wrote:
> I’ve taken this to the community-discuss list because apparently I can’t 
> email the Board email address unless a moderator approves of it. 
> I’m also not sure if the NOMCOM members (or the Board) are on the 
> members-discuss mailing list (as I've not seen any acknowledgement from them 
> or the board either). 
> As at the time I wrote this email last Friday, 
> showed Seat 6 as being up for renewal 
> in June 2022. My attention has been drawn to the fact that it now reads June 
> 2023 along with Seat 3 and Seat 8. Seeing that the page was "Last Modified on 
> - 02 April 2022", and explanation is in order from the Comms team or whomever 
> it was that updated the content?
> Thank you NOMCOM, Board, and Comms as you respond to my requests for 
> clarification above and below, please.
> Many thanks,
> Dewole.
> - Original Message -
> From: Dewole Ajao 
> To: comms 
> Cc: AfriNIC Discuss , AfriNIC Board of 
> Directors' List 
> Sent: Fri, 01 Apr 2022 18:06:37 +0100 (WAT)
> Subject: Re: [members-discuss] Call for Nominations for open AFRINIC Board of 
> Directors Seat
> Thanks for the announcement and for the work you are putting in, NOMCOM 2022. 
> I have a few questions/comments/observations that I'd appreciate some help 
> getting clarity on, please. 
> 1. I notice that the proposed election timetable starts with a call for 
> nominations with date of 21st March 2022 (but today is 1st April, 2022). 
> Typographical error perhaps? 
> 2. Your announcement contains the following statement: " In order to have 
> more inclusivity and diversity on the AFRINIC Board, women and persons with 
> disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply as nominees for all the open 
> Seats, but especially for Seat 7 (Region-Independent) and will be highly 
> ranked above all others." 
> Could NOMCOM please help the membership better understand what the NOMCOM 
> means by ranking some nominees highly above others in a democratic process, 
> please? 
> 3. I went over to [ | 
> ] and found that with the exception of 
> Seat 3 and Seat 8 which have terms ending in June 2023, all the other seats 
> have terms ending in June 2022. 
> While I would like to be educated about how we get back to the staggered 
> terms as per the design of the Bylaws, I am also curious to know where one 
> may look to find the guidelines under which the NOMCOM 2022 is operating 
> since Section 9.2 of the Bylaws states: 
> " 9.2) The NomCom shall report to the Board and operate under such guidelines 
> as may be prescribed by the Board. " 
> I apologize in advance if this is already published or was shared in previous 
> communication. 
> 4. In addition to the seats with term ending indicated as June 2022, there is 
> Seat 4 which was held by the Late Serge Ilunga (God rest his soul). I think I 
> must have missed the communication regarding filling that seat (i.e. apart 
> from the call for Expressions of Interest dated January 28; in that 
> announcement, it is stated that " Any appointment to this vacant seat will be 
> for a period until the next AFRINIC Annual General Members Meeting (AGMM) in 
> June 2022 ." 
> The wording leads one to the assumption that an election will be conducted to 
> fill that seat in June 2022 but that appears not to be the case at the 
> moment. What is the plan? I believe NOMCOM members will have full clarity on 
> this and be able to help, but I have copied the Board mailing list as well to 
> get a better understanding in case it has to come from there. I'm hoping all 
> the NOMCOM members are on the members-discuss mailing list. Happy to forward 
> this to the NOMCOM 2022 mailing list once their address is shared :-) 
> 5. I also see in section 13.2 of the Bylaws ( [ 
> | Bylaws - AFRINIC - Regional Internet 
> Registry for Africa ] ) that the election process will be approved by the 
> Board. " 13.2) The election of the Directors of the company shall be carried 
> out in line with the Elect

[Community-Discuss] Reminder: Invitation to the AF* Public Meeting

2022-03-30 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear Colleagues,

The AF* are organisations that support Internet development in Africa uniting 
the Technical community in the African Internet Ecosystem. In the last AF* 
Public meeting, during the Africa Internet Summit 2021 
( ), The AF* committed to 
activities and initiatives for the year 2021-2022 that aimed at growing the 
digital capacity of the Internet Ecosystem in Africa.  We hereby invite you for 
the AF* Public Webinar with the objective of:

• Engaging the Internet community,.
• Discussions with the African Internet community on issues and 
challenges faced in our ecosystem,
• Reporting AF* achievements since last public meeting, and
• Discussing the future and the evolution of the ecosystem - 

Meeting Details

Af* Public Meeting
Date: 31st March 2022
Time: 12:00 - 14:00 UTC
Venue: Online

Draft Agenda

12:00 - 12:15  - Opening remarks and introduction of each AF* Organisation
12:15 - 12:25  - AF* activity report by Secretariat
12:25 - 13:05 - Panel Discussion 1 : “The evolution of the AF* Ecosystem: 
challenges and opportunities”
• Evolution of technologies ( emerging networks, solutions, services…), 
impact on the ecosystem
• Learning from the past, how could Africa play a better role looking 
into the future ?
• How should the AF* evolve to cope with the future?

13:05- 13:10 Break

13:10 - 13:50 - Panel Discussion 2 : “Improving the level and quality of 
participation, building the future”
• Issue of participation of locals in Policy Development Process, fora, 
engagements, meeting.
• How to attract the big muted
• Building a vibrant AF* community capable of leading the future

13:50- 14:00 Open mic and Closing Remarks

We look forward to meeting and engaging with you during this webinar.

More information on AF* at 

Thank You.

Kind Regards,

Eddy Kayihura 
Chief Executive Officer
African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC) Ltd.


Chers collègues,

Les AF* sont des organisations qui soutiennent le développement de l'Internet 
en Afrique en unissant la communauté technique dans l'écosystème Internet 
africain. Lors de la dernière réunion publique de l'AF*, pendant le Sommet 
Internet Africain 2021 ( ), 
les AF* se sont engagés à mener des activités et des initiatives pour l'année 
2021-2022 visant à renforcer le développement de l'écosystème des TIC en 

Nous vous invitons par la présente à participer au webinaire public de l'AF* 
dont l'objectif est de :

• Engager la communauté Internet.
• Discuter avec la communauté Internet africaine sur les questions et 
les défis rencontrés dans notre écosystème,
• Rapporter les réalisations de l'AF* depuis la dernière réunion 
publique, et
• Discuter de l'avenir et de l'évolution de l’écosystème  - 

Détails de la réunion

Réunion publique de l'AF*
Date : 31 mars 2022
Heure : 12:00 - 14:00 UTC
Lieu : En ligne
Inscription : 


12:00 - 12:15 - Remarques d'ouverture et présentation de chaque organisation 
12:15 - 12:25 - Rapport d'activité AF* par le Secrétariat
12:25 - 13:05 - Panel de discussion 1 : "L'évolution de l'écosystème AF* : 
défis et opportunités".
Evolution des technologies ( réseaux émergents, solutions, services...), impact 
sur l'écosystème
Tirer les leçons du passé, comment l'Afrique pourrait-elle jouer un meilleur 
rôle dans le futur ?
Comment l'AF* doit-elle évoluer pour faire face à l'avenir ?

13:05- 13:10 Pause

13:10 - 13:50 - Panel de discussion 2 : "Améliorer le niveau et la qualité de 
la participation, construire l'avenir".
La question de la participation des populations locales dans le processus de 
développement des politiques, les forums, les engagements, les réunions.
Comment attirer les grands muets ?
Construire une communauté AF* dynamique, capable de mener l'avenir.

13:50- 14:00 Micro ouvert et remarques de clôture

Nous nous réjouissons de vous rencontrer et de dialoguer avec vous au cours de 
ce webinaire.

Plus d'informations sur AF* sur 

Nous vous remercions.


Eddy Kayihura 
Directeur général
African Network Informati

[Community-Discuss] Call for Presentations for AIS'22 is Open

2022-03-22 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear Colleagues,

The African Internet Summit 2022 (AIS’22) Secretariat is pleased to announce 
the Call for Technical Presentation abstracts from the African Internet 
Community wishing to make presentations during the meeting that will take place 
from 30th May-3rd June 2022. Over the past two years, the meeting has been 
taking place online, however, AIS'22 will take a Hybrid format. Here, the focus 
is on seamless collaboration and on content sharing both in-room and online 
making the meetings as intuitive and straightforward as face-to-face meetings. 
Remote delegates will join the meeting online while In-person /onsite delegates 
will sit together in a dedicated meeting venue.

The Technical presentations sessions have provided a forum for both experienced 
and new delegates to discuss technical topics related to Internet development 
in Africa.

To enrich the discussions and share knowledge with the community at AIS’22, we 
are seeking presentations on a wide range of issues, broadly related to access, 
development and digitization of the Internet in Africa. The Presentation can be 
in the form of a presentation during a session, a tutorial, or a demonstration.

We are specifically interested in presentations focusing on:

Internet Governance.
Internet Measurements.
Core Internet Infrastructure.
Community networks.
Business Practices and Higher Education in the Age of Technology
Network data security and management, attack mitigation.
IP network architecture, sizing, configuration and administration.
Routing and switching protocols, including unicast, multicast, anycast, SDN, 
Cloud Computing.
Open Data/Big Data.
Technology and Content Production.
 Relations between Mobile Operators and the Internet Community
Applications for end-users (e.g. e-mail, HTTP, DNS, NFVs, etc.)
Peering, Internet traffic exchange, IXPs

The submission deadline is 8th April 2022. 

Kindly read the Speaker Guidelines carefully before submitting your proposal.

AIS’22  Speaker Guidelines

Presentations should be 10 minutes long, with 10 minutes of Q&A at the end of 
each presentation.
The presenter should articulate their presentation slowly allowing room for 
The maximum time allotted per presentation will not exceed 25 minutes.
The Presenter will be required to use the AIS'22 Presentation Template. 
Available for download at :
The presenter(s) will be required to upload their final presentation in PDF 
format, no later than five (5) days prior to the presentation date.
 Presenters are responsible for producing any handouts if required. There are 
usually approximately 200 delegates in each session.
Presentations with marketing and/or commercial content will not be considered.

Read  more about the Speaker's obligations in the Meeting Etiquette here >>

How to submit a Presentation Proposal 

1. Please submit your Presentation Proposal at >>

2. Fill in the online form with the requested information.

3. In the Speakers section, provide your abstract, your biography and slides.

 Should  you experience any challenges please do not hesitate to contact us

Important dates to note:

Deadline for submitting Presentation Abstracts – 8th April 2022
Deadline for submission of draft presentations – 15th April 2022
Submission of final presentation – 22nd April 2022
Recording presentations - 22nd April 2022
Dry runs will take place from 24th - 26th May 2022, exact dates and timings for 
speakers only will be announced at a later date.

Please note that due to the limited time allocated to technical presentations 
in the agenda, only shortlisted abstracts will be slotted in the agenda. All 
selected presenters will be notified of the status of their presentation 
abstract making it to the AIS’22 Agenda.

We hope that you can join us and request that you disseminate this among your 

Kind Regards,

The AIS'22 Secretariat 


Chers collègues,

Le Secrétariat du Sommet Africain de l'Internet 2022 (AIS'22) a le plaisir 
d'annoncer l'appel à résumés de présentations techniques de la part de la 
communauté Internet africaine souhaitant faire des présentations lors de la 
réunion qui aura lieu du 30 mai au 3 juin 2022. 

Au cours des deux dernières années, la réunion s'est déroulée en ligne, mais 
AIS'22 adoptera un format hybride. Dans ce cas, l'accent est mis sur une 
collaboration transparente et sur le partage de contenu à la fois en salle et 
en ligne, ce qui rend les réunions aussi intuitives et directes que les 
réunions en face à face. Les délégués à distance rejoindront la réunion en 
ligne, tandis que les délégués en personne ou sur place seront réunis dans un 
lieu de réunion dédié.

Les sessions de présentations techniques ont fourni un forum aux délégués 
expérimentés et aux no

[Community-Discuss] Registration for the Africa Internet Summit 2022 (AIS 22) is now Open

2022-03-21 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear Colleagues,

It is with great pleasure that we inform you that registration for the AIS'22 
meeting is now open. AIS'22  will take place from 30 May to 3 June 2022 in a 
Hybrid Meeting format and will run from 9:00-13:00 UTC. Delegates will be able 
to participate in the AIS’22 Meeting both onsite and online. As per the current 
COVID protocol, a maximum of 50 delegates will be allowed at the venue and 
onsite registration will be on a first come first serve basis. AIS’22  will 
take place in Mauritius and via the online platform Meetecho.

You can now register online and check out more information about the Meeting on 
the AIS'22 Website here>> 

While registering you may choose to subscribe to the mailing list at to receive 
meeting updates and engage with other delegates meeting participants via the 
AIS’22 mailing list

We look forward to seeing you soon for AIS'22.

Kind Regards,

The AIS'22 Team


Chers collègues,

C'est avec un grand plaisir que nous vous informons que les inscriptions pour 
la réunion AIS'22 sont désormais ouvertes. AIS'22 aura lieu du 30 mai au 3 juin 
2022 dans un format de réunion hybride et se déroulera de 9:00 à 13:00 UTC. Les 
délégués pourront participer à la réunion AIS'22 à la fois sur place et en 
ligne. Conformément au protocole COVID actuel, un maximum de 50 délégués sera 
autorisé sur le site et l'inscription sur place se fera sur la base du premier 
arrivé, premier servi. L'AIS'22 aura lieu à l'île Maurice et via la plateforme 
en ligne Meetecho.

Vous pouvez dès à présent vous inscrire en ligne et obtenir de plus amples 
informations sur la réunion sur le site web d'AIS'22 ici>> 

Lors de votre inscription, vous pouvez choisir de vous inscrire sur la liste de 
diffusion afin de recevoir les mises à jour de la réunion et d'échanger avec 
les autres délégués participants à la réunion via la liste de diffusion de 

Nous nous réjouissons de vous voir bientôt pour AIS'22.

Bien à vous,

L'équipe de l'AIS'22


زملائي الأعزاء،

إنه لمن دواعي سروري البالغ أن نعلمكم أن التسجيل في اجتماع AIS'22 مفتوح الآن. 
سيعقد AIS'22 في الفترة من 30 مايو إلى 3 يونيو 2022 في تنسيق اجتماع مختلط وسيعمل 
من 9: 00-13: 00 بالتوقيت العالمي. سيتمكن المندوبون من المشاركة في اجتماع AIS’22 
سواء في الموقع أو عبر الإنترنت. وفقًا لبروتوكول COVID الحالي ، سيتم السماح بحد 
أقصى 50 مندوبًا في المكان وسيكون التسجيل في الموقع على أساس من يأتي أولاً يخدم 
أولاً. ستقام AIS’22 في موريشيوس وعبر منصة Meetecho عبر الإنترنت.

يمكنك الآن التسجيل عبر الإنترنت والاطلاع على مزيد من المعلومات حول الاجتماع على 
موقع AIS'22 هنا >> 

أثناء التسجيل ، يمكنك اختيار الاشتراك في القائمة البريدية في لتلقي تحديثات 
الاجتماع والمشاركة مع المندوبين الآخرين المشاركين في الاجتماع عبر القائمة 
البريدية لـ AIS’22

نتطلع إلى رؤيتك قريبًا في AIS'22.

أطيب التحيات،

فريق AIS'22

Caros Colegas,

É com grande prazer que vos informamos que a inscrição para a reunião da AIS'22 
está agora aberta. A AIS'22 terá lugar de 30 de Maio a 3 de Junho de 2022 em 
formato de Reunião Híbrida e decorrerá das 9:00-13:00 UTC. Os delegados poderão 
participar na Reunião AIS'22, tanto no local como em linha. De acordo com o 
protocolo actual da COVID, será permitido um máximo de 50 delegados no local e 
a inscrição no local será feita por ordem de chegada. A AIS'22 terá lugar na 
Maurícia e através da plataforma online Meetecho.

Pode agora registar-se online e consultar mais informações sobre a Reunião no 
site da AIS'22 aqui>> 

Ao registar-se pode optar por subscrever a lista de correio para receber 
actualizações da reunião e envolver-se com outros delegados participantes da 
reunião através da lista de correio da AIS'22

Esperamos vê-lo em breve para o AIS'22.


A equipa da AIS'22___
Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Invitation to the AF* Public Meeting

2022-03-16 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear Colleagues,

The AF* are organisations that support Internet development in Africa uniting 
the Technical community in the African Internet Ecosystem. In the last AF* 
Public meeting, during the Africa Internet Summit 2021 
(, The AF* committed to activities and initiatives for 
the year 2021-2022 that aimed at growing the digital capacity of the Internet 
Ecosystem in Africa.  We hereby invite you for the AF* Public Webinar with the 
objective of:

• Engaging the Internet community,.
• Discussions with the African Internet community on issues and 
challenges faced in our ecosystem,
• Reporting AF* achievements since last public meeting, and
• Discussing the future and the evolution of the ecosystem -

Meeting Details

Af* Public Meeting
Date: 31st March 2022
Time: 12:00 - 14:00 UTC
Venue: Online

Draft Agenda

12:00 - 12:15  - Opening remarks and introduction of each AF* Organisation
12:15 - 12:25  - AF* activity report by Secretariat
12:25 - 13:05 - Panel Discussion 1 : “The evolution of the AF* Ecosystem: 
challenges and opportunities”
• Evolution of technologies ( emerging networks, solutions, services…), 
impact on the ecosystem
• Learning from the past, how could Africa play a better role looking 
into the future ?
• How should the AF* evolve to cope with the future?

13:05- 13:10 Break

13:10 - 13:50 - Panel Discussion 2 : “Improving the level and quality of 
participation, building the future”
• Issue of participation of locals in Policy Development Process, fora, 
engagements, meeting.
• How to attract the big muted
• Building a vibrant AF* community capable of leading the future

13:50- 14:00 Open mic and Closing Remarks

We look forward to meeting and engaging with you during this webinar.

More information on AF* at

Thank You.

Kind Regards,

Eddy Kayihura 
Chief Executive Officer
African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC) Ltd.


Chers collègues,

Les AF* sont des organisations qui soutiennent le développement de l'Internet 
en Afrique en unissant la communauté technique dans l'écosystème Internet 
africain. Lors de la dernière réunion publique de l'AF*, pendant le Sommet 
Internet Africain 2021 (, les AF* se sont engagés à 
mener des activités et des initiatives pour l'année 2021-2022 visant à 
renforcer le développement de l'écosystème des TIC en Afrique.  

Nous vous invitons par la présente à participer au webinaire public de l'AF* 
dont l'objectif est de :

• Engager la communauté Internet.
• Discuter avec la communauté Internet africaine sur les questions et 
les défis rencontrés dans notre écosystème,
• Rapporter les réalisations de l'AF* depuis la dernière réunion 
publique, et
• Discuter de l'avenir et de l'évolution de l’écosystème  -

Détails de la réunion

Réunion publique de l'AF*
Date : 31 mars 2022
Heure : 12:00 - 14:00 UTC
Lieu : En ligne
Inscription :


12:00 - 12:15 - Remarques d'ouverture et présentation de chaque organisation 
12:15 - 12:25 - Rapport d'activité AF* par le Secrétariat
12:25 - 13:05 - Panel de discussion 1 : "L'évolution de l'écosystème AF* : 
défis et opportunités".
Evolution des technologies ( réseaux émergents, solutions, services...), impact 
sur l'écosystème
Tirer les leçons du passé, comment l'Afrique pourrait-elle jouer un meilleur 
rôle dans le futur ?
Comment l'AF* doit-elle évoluer pour faire face à l'avenir ?

13:05- 13:10 Pause

13:10 - 13:50 - Panel de discussion 2 : "Améliorer le niveau et la qualité de 
la participation, construire l'avenir".
La question de la participation des populations locales dans le processus de 
développement des politiques, les forums, les engagements, les réunions.
Comment attirer les grands muets ?
Construire une communauté AF* dynamique, capable de mener l'avenir.

13:50- 14:00 Micro ouvert et remarques de clôture

Nous nous réjouissons de vous rencontrer et de dialoguer avec vous au cours de 
ce webinaire.

Plus d'informations sur AF* sur

Nous vous remercions.


Eddy Kayihura 
Directeur général
African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC) Ltd.


زملائي الأعزاء،

AF * هي منظمات تدعم تطوير الإنترنت في إفريقيا وتوحيد المجتمع التقني في النظام 
البيئي الأفريقي للإنترنت. في الاجتماع العام الأخير AF * ، خلال قمة إفريقيا 
للإنترنت 2021 ( ، التزم صندوق AF * بالأنشطة والمبادرات 
لعام 2021-2022 التي تهدف إلى زيادة القدرة الرقمية النظام البيئي للإنترنت في 
إفريقيا. ندعوك بموجب هذا إلى ندوة الو

[Community-Discuss] Join us for the MyAFRINIC V2.0 Alpha Release - Become Beta Tester

2022-03-10 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Version française ci-dessous


Dear Colleagues,


AFRINIC did the soft launch of an alpha version of the MyAFRINIC v2 on 20th 
December 2021. 


We are pleased to announce the recent stable version was deployed earlier in 
February 2022, which allows us to test the portal’s functionality through 
valuable user feedback. This approach will allow us to build towards the second 
version of MyAFRINIC based on the needs of the platform users. 


We are opening this opportunity to our community members to be Beta Testers 
during the Alpha Release. Beta testers will:

Get “early” access to new features on the MyAFRINIC Platform.
Be able to provide their input on the MyAFRINIC v2 roadmap.
An opportunity to propose features and ideas for the next generation MyAFRINIC 
Test and give feedback on the beta release of the MyAFRINIC v2.
Receive regular updates on the product increments
Should you be interested, all we need to get you started is to register using 
the link below>>


This alpha testing will run until 30th March 2022.  

We currently have a bare-bone version of MyAFRINIC v2, and, therefore, we are 
grateful for your continual and valuable feedback as we improve on this version 
in future releases.  

See more details at>>

Thank you.



Keessun Fokeerah,

Head of Registry Products,

African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)

Contact us via or

Chers collègues,
AFRINIC a lancé une version alpha de MyAFRINIC v2 le 20 décembre 2021. 
Nous avons le plaisir d'annoncer la récente  version stable qui a été déployée 
plus tôt en février 2022. Celle-ci nous permettra de tester les fonctionnalités 
du portail grâce aux précieux commentaires des utilisateurs. Cette approche 
nous permettra de développer la deuxième version de MyAFRINIC en fonction des 
besoins des utilisateurs de la plateforme.
Nous offrons l'opportunité aux membres de notre communauté d'être des 
bêta-testeurs pendant la version alpha. Les bêta-testeurs pourront :
· Avoir un accès " en amont " pour aux nouvelles fonctionnalités de la 
plateforme MyAFRINIC.
· Donner leur avis sur la feuille de route de MyAFRINIC v2.
· Avoir une opportunité de proposer des fonctionnalités et des idées 
pour la prochaine génération de MyAFRINIC v2.
· Tester et donner leur avis sur la version bêta de MyAFRINIC v2.
Recevoir des mises à jour régulières sur les nouvelles versions de produits
Si vous êtes intéressé, il vous suffit de vous inscrire en utilisant le lien 
Ce test alpha se déroulera jusqu’au 30 Mars 2022.  
Nous disposons actuellement d'une version basique de MyAFRINIC v2, et nous vous 
remercions donc de nous faire part de vos commentaires afin que nous puissions 
l’améliorer dans les prochaines versions.  
 Voir plus de détails sur 

Nous vous remercions.
 Keessun Fokeerah,
 Head of Registry Products

 African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)

Contactez-nous via  ou 







Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Update on the complaint lodged against AFRINIC at the Competition Commission of Mauritius

2022-02-17 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear Colleagues,

An anonymous complaint was lodged against AFRINIC in September 2021 at the 
Competition Commission of Mauritius ("CCM") pertaining to alleged 
anti-competitive conduct on the part of AFRINIC with respect to the transfer of 

The CCM had found no such restrictive business practice on the part of AFRINIC 
within the meaning of the Competition Act 2007; and the inquiry has been closed 
with no further action. This was documented in their letter dated 22 December 
2021, Unfortunately however, we cannot publicly share the CCM’s letter.  

As a community driven membership based organisation, there are committees, 
working groups and processes set in place to address any issues that might need 
to be addressed. 

We shall continue to collaborate with all institutions, government or 
otherwise, and continue to deliver on our functions as responsible Regional 
Internet Registry.

Kind Regards,

Eddy Kayihura,
Chief Executive Officer,
African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)


Chers collègues,

Une plainte anonyme a été déposée contre AFRINIC en septembre 2021 auprès de la 
Competition Commission of Mauritius ("CCM") concernant un comportement 
anticoncurrentiel présumé de la part d'AFRINIC en matière de transfert de 

La CCM n'a trouvé aucune pratique commerciale restrictive de la part d'AFRINIC 
au sens de la loi sur la concurrence de 2007, et l'enquête a été classée sans 
suite. Ceci a été documenté dans leur lettre datée du 22 décembre 2021, mais 
nous ne pouvons malheureusement pas partager publiquement la lettre de la CCM.  

En tant qu'organisation basée sur l'adhésion et dirigée par la communauté, des 
comités, des groupes de travail et des processus ont été mis en place pour 
répondre à toutes les questions qui pourraient être abordées.

Nous continuerons à collaborer avec toutes les institutions, gouvernementales 
ou autres, et à remplir nos fonctions de Registre Internet régional responsable.


Eddy Kayihura,
Directeur général,
Centre africain d'information sur les réseaux (AFRINIC)


زملائي الأعزاء،

يسعدني أن أشارككم الحكم الصادر بالأمس ، 14 فبراير 2022 ، في قضية الاستئناف 
المرجع Cloud Innovation Ltd vs African Network Information Center (AfriNIC) 

تم رفع هذه القضية ردًا على خطاب أرسلته AFRINIC إلى Cloud Innovation Limited 
بتاريخ 10 مارس 2021 وفقًا لأحكام اتفاقية خدمة التسجيل (RSA) حيث أكدت AFRINIC أن 
Cloud Innovation Ltd كانت ولا تزال تنتهك RSA.

ينبع هذا الاستئناف من طلب Cloud Innovation Limited للأمر المؤقت ، والذي تم منحه 
في البداية لصالحها في 29 مارس 2021 ، ولكن بعد ذلك ألغاه القاضي الموقر في 
الدوائر في 07 يوليو 2021. استأنفت Cloud Innovation Limited ضد هذا الحكم ، و 
عُقدت جلسة الاستماع في 27 يناير 2022.

لا شك أن هذا يعد معلمًا أساسيًا لـ AFRINIC ، ونود أن نشكر الفريق وأصحاب المصلحة 
لدينا على دعمهم المستمر.

وببساطة ، فإن دائرة الاستئناف في المحكمة العليا لموريشيوس ، بعد أن نظرت في 
الحجج المقدمة من كلا الجانبين ، رفضت الاستئناف. بعبارة أخرى ، حازت AFRINIC على 
هذا النداء.

أطيب التحيات،

إيدي كاييهورا ،
الرئيس التنفيذى،
المركز الأفريقي لمعلومات الشبكة (AFRINIC)


Caros Colegas,

Tenho o prazer de partilhar convosco o julgamento mais esperado e favorável 
para a AFRINIC proferido ontem, 14 de Fevereiro de 2022, no processo de recurso 
ref Cloud Innovation Ltd contra African Network Information Centre (AfriNIC) 

Recordará que este recurso decorre do pedido de injunção provisória da Cloud 
Innovation Ltd, que foi inicialmente concedido a seu favor a 29 de Março de 
2021, mas depois anulado pelo Meritíssimo Juiz das Câmaras a 07 de Julho de 
2021. A Cloud Innovation Ltd tinha recorrido dessa sentença e a audiência teve 
lugar a 27 de Janeiro de 2022.

Simplificando, a Divisão de Apelação do Supremo Tribunal das Maurícias, após 
ter considerado os argumentos de ambas as partes, indeferiu o recurso. Por 
outras palavras, a AFRINIC ganhou o recurso.

Para vossa informação, é relevante acrescentar que este caso tinha começado na 
sequência da nossa carta datada de 10 de Março de 2021 emitida à Cloud 
Innovation Ltd, em conformidade com as disposições do Acordo de Serviço de 
Registo (RSA) segundo o qual a AFRINIC alegou que a Cloud Innovation Ltd 
estava, e continua a estar, em violação do RSA.

Sem dúvida, este é um marco importante para a AFRINIC e gostaríamos de 
agradecer à equipa e às nossas partes interessadas pelo seu apoio continuado.  

Por outro lado, aproveito também esta oportunidade para informar que na 
sequência de uma queixa anónima apresentada contra a AFRINIC em Setembro de 
2021 na Comissão da Concorrência das Maurícias ("CCM") relativa a uma alegada 
conduta anticoncorrencial por parte da AFRINIC no que diz respeito à 
transferência de recursos, pode observar que a CCM, por carta datada de 22 de 
Dezembro de 

Re: [Community-Discuss] Board minutes discrepancies...

2022-02-15 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear Mr DeLong,

Thank you for bringing this our attention. 

We have updated the website with the Board minutes of 13 November 2021.


AFRINIC Communication


> On 13 Feb 2022, at 07:50, Owen DeLong via Community-Discuss 
>  wrote:
> I note with interest in reviewing the board minutes from 24 November, 2021, 
> the following items:
> 2.1.2 dated 8 November 2021
> Resolution 202111.656
> The board approved the minutes of the Board Meeting held on 8 November 2021.
> Proposed BE. Seconded HY. Resolution passed unanimously.
> While there are, indeed, minutes from that date, they are not minutes of a 
> Board Meeting, but rather minutes of
> a discussion wherein those present determined that the meeting had not met 
> the requirements in order to hold
> a board meeting and the discussion was then disbanded. No Board Meeting took 
> place because no Board Meeting
> was properly noticed and some Board Members did not make a timely response 
> waiving notice.
> As such, I believe the motion was improper and that the board should make a 
> correction here.
> On the other hand, there’s also:
> 2.1.3 dated 13 November 2021
> Resolution 202111.657
> The board approved the minutes of the Board Meeting held on 13 November 2021.
> Proposed HY. Seconded BE. Resolution passed unanimously.
> The web site where the other minutes are visible (including the ones from 
> which I obtained
> the above fragments) is here:
> It does not contain minutes for a meeting held on 13 November 2021. Only 8 
> November 2021
> and 24 November 2021 have minutes on that page.
> Could staff, the board, or whoever is responsible during the current phase of 
> the moon please
> provide the minutes of 13 November 2021 to the community?
> Thanks,
> Owen
> ___
> Community-Discuss mailing list

Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Cloud Innovation Ltd vs AFRINIC (SCR 5C/30/21) Court Update

2022-02-15 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to share with you the ruling delivered yesterday, 14 February 
2022, in the appeal case ref Cloud Innovation Ltd vs African Network 
Information Centre (AfriNIC) Ltd. 

This case was filed in response to a letter that AFRINIC sent to Cloud 
Innovation Ltd dated 10 March 2021 pursuant to the provisions of the 
Registration Service Agreement (RSA) whereby AFRINIC contended that Cloud 
Innovation Ltd was, and continues to be, in breach of the RSA.

This appeal stems from Cloud Innovation Ltd’s application for Interim 
Injunction, which was initially granted in its favour on 29 March 2021, but 
then set aside by the Honourable Judge in Chambers on 07 July 2021. Cloud 
Innovation Ltd had appealed against that judgement, and the hearing took place 
on 27 January 2022.

To put it simply, the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of Mauritius has, 
after having considered the arguments from both sides, dismissed the appeal. In 
other words, AFRINIC has won this appeal.

No doubt, this is an essential milestone for AFRINIC, and we wish to thank the 
team and our stakeholders for their continued support. 

Kind Regards,

Eddy Kayihura,
Chief Executive Officer,
African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC) 


Chers collègues,

J'ai le plaisir de vous faire part de ce jugement rendu hier, 14 février 2022, 
dans l'affaire en appel réf Cloud Innovation Ltd vs African Network Information 
Centre (AfriNIC) Ltd. 

Cette affaire a été déposée en réponse à un courrier qu’AFRINIC a envoyé à 
Cloud Innovation Ltd en date du 10 mars 2021 conformément aux dispositions du 
Registration Service Agreement (RSA), dans lequel l'AFRINIC soutenait que Cloud 
Innovation Ltd était, et continue d'être, en infraction avec le RSA.

Cet appel découle de la demande d'injonction provisoire de Cloud Innovation 
Ltd, qui a été initialement accordée en sa faveur le 29 mars 2021, mais ensuite 
annulée par l'honorable juge en chambre le 7 juillet 2021. Cloud Innovation Ltd 
a fait appel de ce jugement, et l'audience a eu lieu le 27 janvier 2022.

En bref, la division d'appel de la Cour suprême de Maurice a, après avoir 
examiné les arguments des deux parties, rejeté l'appel. En d'autres termes, 
AFRINIC a gagné cet appel.

Il s'agit sans aucun doute d'une étape essentielle pour l'AFRINIC, et nous 
souhaitons remercier l'équipe et nos parties prenantes pour leur soutien 


Eddy Kayihura,
Directeur général,
African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC) 


زملائي الأعزاء،

يسعدني أن أشارككم الحكم الصادر بالأمس ، 14 فبراير 2022 ، في قضية الاستئناف 
المرجع Cloud Innovation Ltd vs African Network Information Center (AfriNIC) 

تم رفع هذه القضية ردًا على خطاب أرسلته AFRINIC إلى Cloud Innovation Limited 
بتاريخ 10 مارس 2021 وفقًا لأحكام اتفاقية خدمة التسجيل (RSA) حيث أكدت AFRINIC أن 
Cloud Innovation Ltd كانت ولا تزال تنتهك RSA.

ينبع هذا الاستئناف من طلب Cloud Innovation Limited للأمر المؤقت ، والذي تم منحه 
في البداية لصالحها في 29 مارس 2021 ، ولكن بعد ذلك ألغاه القاضي الموقر في 
الدوائر في 07 يوليو 2021. استأنفت Cloud Innovation Limited ضد هذا الحكم ، و 
عُقدت جلسة الاستماع في 27 يناير 2022.

وببساطة ، فإن دائرة الاستئناف في المحكمة العليا لموريشيوس ، بعد أن نظرت في 
الحجج المقدمة من كلا الجانبين ، رفضت الاستئناف. بعبارة أخرى ، حازت AFRINIC على 
هذا النداء.

لا شك أن هذا يعد معلمًا أساسيًا لـ AFRINIC ، ونود أن نشكر الفريق وأصحاب المصلحة 
لدينا على دعمهم المستمر.

أطيب التحيات،

إيدي كاييهورا ،
الرئيس التنفيذى،
المركز الأفريقي لمعلومات الشبكة (AFRINIC) 


Caros Colegas,

Tenho o prazer de partilhar convosco a decisão proferida ontem, 14 de Fevereiro 
de 2022, no processo de recurso ref Cloud Innovation Ltd contra African Network 
Information Centre (AfriNIC) Ltd. 

Este caso foi arquivado em resposta a uma carta que a AFRINIC enviou à Cloud 
Innovation Ltd com data de 10 de Março de 2021, em conformidade com as 
disposições do Acordo de Serviço de Registo (RSA) em que a AFRINIC alegava que 
a Cloud Innovation Ltd estava, e continua a estar, em violação da RSA.

Este recurso decorre do pedido de injunção provisória da Cloud Innovation Ltd, 
que foi inicialmente concedido a seu favor a 29 de Março de 2021, mas depois 
anulado pelo Meritíssimo Juiz das Câmaras a 07 de Julho de 2021. A Cloud 
Innovation Ltd tinha recorrido dessa sentença, e a audiência teve lugar a 27 de 
Janeiro de 2022.

Para simplificar

[Community-Discuss] AFRINIC CEO Monthly Updates - January 2022

2022-02-14 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear Colleagues,

It is my hope that you have started 2022 on a good note. I have recorded this 
first CEO Monthly update and will keep rotating between email and video updates 
as the year goes.

Please watch the January 2022 update here >> Watch video:

Thanks again for being part of our journey. 

I wish you a safe and prosperous 2022.

Thank you.

Kind Regards,

Eddy Kayihura,
Chief Executive Officer,
African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC) 

Chers collègues,

J'espère que vous avez commencé l'année 2022 sur une bonne note. J'ai 
enregistré cette première mise à jour mensuelle  et cette année je continuerai 
à alterner entre des mises à jour par email et par vidéo.

La mise à jour de janvier 2022 est disponible  ici>> Regardez la vidéo:

Merci encore de faire partie de notre parcours. 

Je vous souhaite une année 2022 pleine de succès et de prospérité.



Eddy Kayihura,
Chief Executive Officer,
African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC) 


زملائي الأعزاء،

آمل أن تكون قد بدأت عام 2022 بشكل جيد. لقد سجلت هذا التحديث الشهري الأول للمدير 
التنفيذي وسأستمر في التناوب بين تحديثات البريد الإلكتروني والفيديو مع مرور 

برجاء مشاهدة تحديث يناير 2022 هنا >> شاهد الفيديو

شكرا مرة أخرى لكونك جزء من رحلتنا. أتمنى لكم 2022 آمنة ومزدهرة.

شكرا لك.

أطيب التحيات،

إيدي كاييهورا ،
الرئيس التنفيذى،
المركز الأفريقي لمعلومات الشبكة (AFRINIC)


Caros Colegas,

É minha esperança que tenham começado 2022 com uma boa nota. Gravei esta 
primeira actualização mensal do CEO e continuarei a rodar entre actualizações 
por correio electrónico e vídeo ao longo do ano.

Por favor, veja a actualização de Janeiro de 2022 aqui >> Ver vídeo

Mais uma vez obrigado por fazer parte da nossa viagem. Desejo-vos um 2022 
seguro e próspero.


Cordiais cumprimentos,

Eddy Kayihura,
Chefe do Executivo,
Centro de Informação da Rede Africana (AFRINIC)
Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Filling of Casual Vacancy for Seat 4 on the AFRINIC Board

2022-01-28 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear AFRINIC Members and Community,

The AFRINIC Board hereby calls for Expression of Interest (EOI) from persons 
residing in the Central African sub-region who wish to be considered for 
appointment to fill a casual vacancy for Seat 4 on the Board in terms of 
Article 13.14 of the AFRINIC Bylaws. Any appointment to this vacant seat will 
be for a period until the next AFRINIC Annual General Members Meeting (AGMM) in 
June 2022.

In line with Article 13.10 of the AFRINIC bylaws, no person shall be appointed 
or hold office as a Director if he is a person who:  

(i) is under 18 years of age;
(ii) is an undischarged bankrupt;
(iii) would, but for the repeal of Section 117 of the Companies Act 1984 of 
Mauritius, be prohibited from being a Director or promoter of, or being 
concerned or taking part in the management of, a company within the meaning of 
that Act;
(iv) is prohibited from being a director or promoter of or being concerned or 
taking part in the management of a company under Sections 337 or 338 of the 
Companies Act Act;
(v) is not a natural person; or (vi) has been adjudged to have been of unsound 
(vii) by virtue of the constitution of a company, does not comply with any 
qualifications for directors.

Anyone who expresses interest shall be available and committed to participate 
in Board meetings and other AFRINIC activities (face-to-face and online). 
If you would like to be considered for the vacant seat, please complete the 
form here>> 

Applications should be received no later than 23:59 UTC on 11 February 2022. 


Eddy Kayihura 


Chers membre et communauté d'AFRINIC,

Le Conseil d'administration d'AFRINIC lance un appel à manifestation d'intérêt 
auprès des personnes résidant en Afrique australe qui souhaitent être 
considérées pour une éventuelle nomination au poste vacant du siège 4 du 
Conseil d'administration, conformément à l'article 13.14 des statuts d'AFRINIC. 
 Toute nomination à ce siège vacant se fera pour une période allant jusqu'à la 
prochaine AGMM d'AFRINIC, en juin 2022. 

Conformément à l'article 13.10 des statuts d’AFRINIC, nul ne peut être nommé ou 
occuper un poste de directeur si il / elle :

(i) est âgé de moins de 18 ans ; 
(ii) est un failli non libéré ; 
(iii) serait, sans l'abrogation de la section 117 du Companies Act 1984 de 
Maurice, il lui serait interdit d'être directeur ou promoteur, ou d'être 
concerné ou de prendre part à la gestion d'une entreprise. d'être concerné ou 
de prendre part à la gestion d'une société au sens de la au sens de cette loi ;
 (iv) n'a pas le droit d'être un directeur ou un promoteur, ni d'être concerné 
ou de prendre part à la gestion d'une société au sens de cette loi. ou de 
participer à la gestion d'une société en vertu des articles 337 ou 338 de la 
loi sur les sociétés ; 
(v) n'est pas une personne physique ; ou (vi) a été jugé comme n'étant pas sain 
 (vii) en vertu de la constitution d'une société, ne satisfait pas à l'une 
quelconque des qualifications pour les directeurs. 

Si vous souhaitez être considéré pour le siège vacant, veuillez remplir le 
formulaire à 
 au plus tard le 11 février 
2022  à 23h59 UTC. 

 Eddy Kayihura



أعزائي أعضاء ومجتمع AFRINIC ،

يدعو مجلس إدارة AFRINIC بموجب هذا إلى إبداء الاهتمام من الأشخاص المقيمين في 
المنطقة الفرعية لوسط إفريقيا الذين يرغبون في النظر في تعيينهم لملء شاغر عرضي 
للمقعد 4 في مجلس الإدارة بموجب المادة 13.14 من اللوائح الداخلية لـ AFRINIC. 
سيكون أي تعيين في هذا المقعد الشاغر لفترة حتى الاجتماع التالي المقرر بانتظام في 
AFRINIC AGMM ، في يونيو 2022.

تماشياً مع المادة 13.10 من اللوائح الداخلية لـ AFRINIC ، لا يجوز تعيين أي شخص 
أو تولي منصب مدير إذا كان شخصًا:

(ط) لم يبلغ من العمر 18 عامًا ؛
(2) إفلاس غير مبرر ؛
(3) ، لولا إلغاء القسم 117 من قانون الشركات لعام 1984 لموريشيوس ، يُحظر من أن 
يكون مديرًا أو مروجًا لشركة أو مهتمًا أو يشارك في إدارة شركة بالمعنى المقصود في 
ذلك القانون ؛
 (4) يحظر عليه أن يكون مديرًا أو مروجًا أو أن يكون مهتمًا أو يشارك في إدارة 
شركة بموجب المادتين 337 أو 338 من قانون الشركات ؛
 (5) ليس شخصًا طبيعيًا ؛ أو (6) حكم عليه بأنه كان مختل العقل.
 (7) بموجب دستور الشركة ، لا يتوافق مع أي مؤهلات للمديرين.

يجب أن يكون أي شخص يعرب عن اهتمامه متاحًا وملتزمًا بالمشاركة في اجتماعات مجلس 
الإدارة وأنشطة AFRINIC الأخرى (وجهًا لوجه وعبر الإنترنت). إذا كنت ترغب في 
الحصول على المقعد الشاغر ، يرجى إكمال النموذج على: 
 ، في موعد لا يتجاوز الساعة 
23:59 بالتوقيت العالمي المنسق في 11 فبراير 2022.

إيدي كاييهورا
الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة AFRINIC




[Community-Discuss] Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) for two positions in the Appeal Committee

2022-01-28 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear colleagues,
A call for Expression of Interest (EOI) is hereby made for the two positions in 
the AFRINIC Policy Development Appeal Committee. A  former PDWG Co-Chair is 
eligible for one position and an active participant of the PDWG is eligible for 
the other position.

More information on the AFRINIC Policy Development Appeal Committee is 
available here >> 

The deadline for application for these positions is 11th February 2022. 

Please send your application to>> legal[at]

We look forward to receiving your application.

Yours Sincerely, 
Eddy Kayihura 


Chers collègues,
Un appel à manifestation d'intérêt est ouvert pour les deux postes du Comité 
d'appel pour l'élaboration des politiques d'AFRINIC. Les parties représentantes 
doivent être un ancien coprésident du PDWG et un participant actif du PDWG.

La date limite de candidature pour ces postes est le 11 février 2022. Veuillez 
envoyer votre candidature à legal[at]

Pour plus d'informations sur le Comité d'appel pour l'élaboration des 
politiques d'AFRINIC, voir :

Nous nous réjouissons de recevoir votre candidature.

Eddy Kayihura

زملائي الاعزاء،
يتم إجراء دعوة للتعبير عن الاهتمام (EOI) بموجب هذا المنصبين في لجنة استئناف 
تطوير سياسة AFRINIC. الرئيس المشارك السابق لـ PDWG مؤهل لمنصب واحد والمشارك 
النشط في PDWG مؤهل لشغل منصب آخر.

يتوفر المزيد من المعلومات حول لجنة استئناف تطوير سياسة AFRINIC هنا >>

الموعد النهائي لتقديم الطلبات لهذه الوظائف هو 11 فبراير 2022.

الرجاء إرسال طلبك إلى >> legal [at]

ونحن نتطلع إلى تلقي طلبك.

تفضلوا بقبول فائق الاحترام،
إيدي كاييهورا
الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة AFRINIC

Caros colegas,
É feito um apelo à expressão de interesse (EOI) para as duas posições no Comité 
de Apelo para o Desenvolvimento da Política AFRINIC. Um antigo co-presidente do 
PDWG é elegível para uma posição e um participante activo do PDWG é elegível 
para a outra posição.

Mais informações sobre o Comité de Apelo para o Desenvolvimento de Políticas da 
AFRINIC estão disponíveis aqui >>

O prazo para a candidatura a estas posições é 11 de Fevereiro de 2022.

Por favor envie a sua candidatura para>> legal[at]

Aguardamos com expectativa a recepção da sua candidatura.

Eddy Kayihura

Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Feedback and Update on ID Verification on the DBWG Mailing list

2022-01-28 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear community and members,

We thank you for the feedback received on the ID verification process that is 
currently ongoing. So far, more than 70 percent of the subscribers (57 out of 
79) of the DBWG mailing list have gone through the ID verification process. 

We would like to clarify that  we are using the DBWG mailing list as a platform 
for piloting the project of ID verification on mailing lists at AFRINIC. 

We intend to use the experience from this pilot as well as all the feedback we 
received on the different mailing lists to make a proper assessment of the 

The decision on the way forward for the various mailing lists will be done 
after the consultation of the members of these lists in light of the above 

We wish to also highlight that the members-discuss list has not been considered 
for the ID verification. 

We again thank you for your feedback on this process. 



Chère communauté et chers membres,

Nous vous remercions pour les commentaires reçus sur le processus de 
vérification d'identité qui est actuellement en cours. Jusqu'à présent, plus de 
70 % des abonnés (57 sur 79) de la liste de diffusion du DBWG sont passés par 
le processus de vérification d'identité. 

Nous tenons à préciser que nous utilisons la liste de diffusion du DBWG comme 
plateforme pour piloter le projet de vérification d'identité sur les listes de 
diffusion à AFRINIC. Nous avons l'intention d'utiliser l'expérience de ce 
pilote ainsi que tous les commentaires que nous avons reçus sur les différentes 
listes de diffusion pour faire une évaluation correcte du processus.

La décision sur la marche à suivre pour les différentes listes de diffusion 
sera prise après la consultation des membres de ces listes à la lumière des 
résultats ci-dessus.

Nous souhaitons également souligner que la liste de discussion des membres n'a 
pas été prise en compte pour la vérification d’identité.

Nous vous remercions encore pour vos commentaires sur ce processus. 


L'équipe AFRINIC
Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Update on the ID verification process on the DBWG mailing list

2022-01-25 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear colleagues,

Thank you for the feedback we have received on the new ID verification platform 
on the AFRINIC DBWG mailing list. So far we have completed the verification of 
55 users out of the total of 74 on the AFRINIC DBWG mailing list.

We have resolved several issues on technicalities on the ID verification form 
following the feedback we received. 

We are still hearing you and working on improving the process as we continue to 
receive more feedback from our community.

Following the concerns raised on data protection, we would like to reassure our 
community that the ID Verification process is handled entirely by an accredited 
party SumSub ( and AFRINIC will only  keep name, email and 
the results of ID verification.

The ID verification documents submitted on the SumSub platform are subsequently 
destroyed following the ID verification as per our agreement with SumSub.

We hope that above brings clarifications to some of your concerns and we 
welcome more comments as we go through this process.

Once the process is complete with the DBWG mailing list, we will draw some 
conclusion and advise on the next steps.



Chers collègues,

Nous vous remercions pour les commentaires que nous avons reçus sur la nouvelle 
plateforme de vérification d'identité sur la liste de diffusion du DBWG 
AFRINIC. Jusqu'à présent, nous avons terminé la vérification de 55 utilisateurs 
sur un total de 74 sur la liste de diffusion du DBWG d'AFRINIC.

Nous avons résolu plusieurs problèmes techniques sur le formulaire de 
vérification d'identité, suite aux commentaires que nous avons reçus. 

Nous continuons à vous écouter et à travailler à l'amélioration du processus au 
fur et à mesure que nous recevons des commentaires de notre communauté.

Suite aux préoccupations soulevées sur la protection des données, nous 
souhaitons rassurer notre communauté que le processus de vérification 
d'identité est entièrement géré par une partie accréditée SumSub 
( et AFRINIC ne conservera que le nom, l'email et les 
résultats de la vérification d'identité.

Le processus de vérification d'identité est entièrement géré par une partie 
accréditée, SumSub (

Les documents de vérification d'identité soumis sur la plateforme SumSub sont 
ensuite détruits après la vérification d'identité, conformément à notre accord 
avec SumSub.

Nous espérons que ce qui précède apporte des éclaircissements à certaines de 
vos préoccupations et nous serons heureux de recevoir d'autres commentaires au 
fur et à mesure de l'avancement de ce processus.

Une fois le processus terminé avec la liste de diffusion du DBWG, nous tirerons 
quelques conclusions et conseillerons sur les prochaines étapes.


Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] ID verification on the Database Working Group mailing list

2022-01-20 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear colleagues,

AFRINIC is now introducing  an ID verification process for our mailing lists. 
This is part of our “Know Your Customer” (KYC) measures that aims at addressing 
any abuses on the AFRINIC community mailing lists and making our online 
community a place where people can better engage and learn from and with their 

The ID verification will start its application with the Database Working Group 
mailing list and will follow a simple process, before embarking on the other 
AFRINIC community mailing lists. Thank you for your constructive feedback as we 
seek to continue improving the process.

You are kindly invited to start the process by filling out this form: 

Subscribers to this mailing list have until the 20th of February 2022 to 
complete their ID verification.

We encourage all subscribers to take necessary steps before the above timeframe 
has elapsed.

Kindly note that after the 20th of February 2022, the messages of the 
subscribers who have not completed the KYC check will be automatically rejected.



Chers collègues,

AFRINIC introduit un processus de vérification d'identité pour nos listes de 
diffusion. Ceci fait partie de nos mesures "Know Your Customer" (KYC) qui 
visent à traiter tout abus sur les listes de diffusion de la communauté AFRINIC 
et à faire de notre communauté en ligne un lieu où les gens peuvent mieux 
s'engager et apprendre de et avec leurs collègues.

La vérification d'identité commencera par la liste de diffusion du Groupe de 
travail sur les bases de données (DBWG) et suivra un processus simple, avant de 
s'étendre aux autres listes de diffusion de la communauté AFRINIC. Nous vous 
remercions de vos commentaires constructifs, car nous cherchons à continuer à 
améliorer le processus.

Vous êtes cordialement invités à commencer le processus en remplissant ce 
formulaire : 
Les abonnés à cette liste de diffusion ont jusqu'au 20 février 2022 pour 
procéder à la vérification de leur identité.

Nous encourageons tous les abonnés à prendre les mesures nécessaires avant que 
le délai ci-dessus ne soit écoulé. 

Veuillez noter qu'après le 20 février 2022, les messages des abonnés qui 
n'auront pas effectué la vérification KYC seront automatiquement rejetés.

L'équipe AFRINIC___
Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Homage to Serge Illunga Kabwika

2021-12-29 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear Colleagues,

We wish to inform you that a ceremony will take place  to pay homage to Serge 
Illunga Kabwika today 29 December 2021 from 16:00 UTC. 

We invite you  to bring your support and accompany the family and friends of 
Serge in these difficult moments. 

You may follow the ceremony online at the following link:

You may also share your thoughts, memories and condolences in the comment 
section of the webpage at:

Our prayers and thoughts are with Serge’s family and friends.

Kind Regards,

Eddy Kayihura,
Chief Executive Officer,
African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC) 

Chers collègues,

Nous souhaitons vous informer qu'un de la tenue d'une cérémonie d'hommage à 
Serge Illunga Kabwika aura lieu aujourd'hui 29 décembre 2021 à partir de 16h00 

Nous vous invitons à apporter votre soutien et à accompagner la famille et les 
amis de Serge dans ces moments difficiles. Vous pouvez suivre la cérémonie en 
ligne sur le lien suivant :

Vous pouvez également partager vos pensées, vos souvenirs et vos condoléances 
dans la section des commentaires de la page web à l'adresse suivante :

Nos prières et nos pensées vont à la famille et aux amis de Serge.

Eddy Kayihura,
Chief Executive Officer,
African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)


زملائي الأعزاء،

نود أن نعلمكم أنه سيُقام حفل لتكريم سيرج إلونجا كابويكا اليوم 29 ديسمبر 2021 من 
الساعة 16:00 بالتوقيت العالمي المنسق.

سيقام الحفل عبر الإنترنت. ندعوك لتقديم دعمك ومرافقة عائلة وأصدقاء سيرج في هذه 
اللحظات الصعبة. يمكنكم متابعة الحفل على الرابط التالي:؟pwd=ZGpxUklnQndSOGd5TjdJQjd5UGxRZz09

يمكنك مشاركة أفكارك وذكرياتك وتعازيك في قسم التعليقات بصفحة الويب على:

صلواتنا وأفكارنا مع عائلة سيرج وأصدقائه.

أطيب التحيات،

إيدي كاييهورا ،
الرئيس التنفيذى،
المركز الأفريقي لمعلومات الشبكة (AFRINIC)


Caros Colegas,

Desejamos informar que terá lugar uma cerimónia para prestar homenagem a Serge 
Illunga Kabwika hoje 29 de Dezembro de 2021 a partir das 16:00 UTC.

Convidamo-lo a trazer o seu apoio e a acompanhar a família e amigos de Serge 
nestes momentos difíceis. Poderá seguir a cerimónia no seguinte link:

Convidamo-vos também a todos a partilhar os vossos pensamentos, memórias e 
condolências na secção de comentários da página web em:

As nossas orações e pensamentos estão com a família e amigos de Serge.


Eddy Kayihura,
Chief Executive Officer,
African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)
Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Reminder on the Code of Conduct

2021-12-09 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear colleagues,

We have taken note of recent posts on this mailing list. We would like to 
remind members of our community that we should always engage in a polite and 
respectful manner on the mailing list. This will help create a better platform 
where people will feel comfortable to contribute and  participate in 

We therefore urge you all to read the AFRINIC Code of Conduct to make sure you 
are up to date on the processes that safeguard the discussion and 
community-driven policies at the heart of AFRINIC.

Please read the following blog post for more information on the AFRINIC Code of 

AFRINIC Communications


Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Call for volunteers on the AFRINIC Governance Committee

2021-12-02 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear colleagues,

The AFRINIC Governance Committee advises the AFRINIC Board, AFRINIC Membership 
and the community on matters of corporate governance. For more information, see 

[Community-Discuss] Call for Volunteers on the ASO AC/NRO NC

2021-12-02 Thread AFRINIC Communication
[French, Arabic and Portuguese versions below]

Dear AFRINIC members and community,

The AFRINIC Board hereby calls for volunteers who wish to be considered for 
appointment to the ASO AC/NRO NC.

One of the three AFRINIC representatives in the NRO NC is appointed by the 
AFRINIC Board, and the Board intends to appoint one community volunteer for a 
one-year term, from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022. The current Board 
Appointee to the NRO NC / ASO AC is Mrs Wafa Dahmani Zaafouri and her term is 
due to end on 31 December 2021.

The responsibilities for the ASO AC/NRO NC include:

• Overseeing the Global Policy Development Process (GPDP).
• Providing recommendations to the ICANN Board concerning the recognition 
of new RIRs.
• Defining procedures to appoint Directors to serve in the ASO’s two seats 
(Seat 9 and Seat 10) on the ICANN Board of Directors and to serve on other 
ICANN bodies.
• Providing advice to the ICANN Board on Internet number resource 
allocation policy, in conjunction with the RIRs.
• Developing procedures for conducting business in support of their 
responsibilities, in particular for the appointment of an ASO AC Chair and 
definition of the Chair’s responsibilities.

Volunteers for the NRO NC/ASO AC seat are invited to send a brief biography, 
and their reasons for seeking appointment, to legal at afrinic. net, no later 
than 23:59 UTC on 16 December 2021. Existing appointees for the NRO NC/ASO AC 
seats are eligible to volunteer for re-appointment.


Subramanian Moonesamy

Chairman, AFRINIC Board of Directors


Chers membres et communauté AFRINIC,

Le conseil d'administration de l'AFRINIC lance un appel aux volontaires qui 
souhaitent être pris en considération pour une nomination à l'ASO AC/NRO NC.

Un des trois représentants de l'AFRINIC au sein du NRO NC est nommé par le 
conseil d'administration de l'AFRINIC, et le conseil d'administration a 
l'intention de nommer un volontaire de la communauté pour un mandat d'un an, du 
1er janvier 2021 au 31 décembre 2022. La personne actuellement nommée au 
conseil d'administration du NRO NC / ASO AC est Mme Wafa Dahmani Zaafouri et 
son mandat doit prendre fin le 31 décembre 2021.

Les responsabilités de l'ASO AC/NRO NC sont les suivantes:

- Superviser le processus d'élaboration des politiques mondiales (GPDP).
- Fournir des recommandations au conseil d'administration de l'ICANN 
concernant la reconnaissance des nouveaux RIR.
- Définir les procédures de nomination des directeurs pour les deux sièges 
de l'ASO (siège 9 et siège 10) au conseil d'administration de l'ICANN et pour 
les autres organes de l'ICANN.
- Fournir des conseils au conseil d'administration de l'ICANN sur la 
politique d'attribution des ressources de numéros Internet, en liaison avec les 
- Développer des procédures pour la conduite des affaires à l`appui de 
leurs responsabilités, en particulier pour la nomination d`un président de 
l`ASO AC et la définition des responsabilités du président.

Les volontaires pour le siège du NRO NC/ASO AC sont invités à envoyer une brève 
biographie, ainsi que les raisons de leur candidature, à legal at, 
au plus tard à 23:59 UTC le 16 décembre 2021. Les personnes déjà nommées pour 
les sièges du NRO NC/ASO AC peuvent se porter volontaires pour un nouveau 


Subramanian Moonesamy

Chairman, AFRINIC Board of Directors


أعزائي أعضاء ومجتمع AFRINIC ،

يدعو مجلس AFRINIC بموجب هذا المتطوعين الذين يرغبون في النظر في تعيينهم في ASO 

يتم تعيين أحد ممثلي AFRINIC الثلاثة في NRO NC من قبل مجلس إدارة AFRINIC ، 
ويعتزم مجلس الإدارة تعيين متطوع واحد من المجتمع لمدة عام واحد ، من 1 يناير 2022 
إلى 31 ديسمبر 2022. عضو مجلس الإدارة الحالي المعين في NRO NC / ASO AC هي السيدة 
وفاء الدهماني زعفوري ومن المقرر أن تنتهي ولايتها في 31 ديسمبر 2021.

تشمل مسؤوليات ASO AC / NRO NC ما يلي:

• الإشراف على عملية تطوير السياسة العالمية (GPDP).
• تقديم توصيات إلى مجلس إدارة ICANN فيما يتعلق بالاعتراف بسجلات الإنترنت 
الإقليمية الجديدة.
• تحديد إجراءات تعيين المديرين للعمل في مقعدي ASO (المقعد 9 والمقعد 10) في مجلس 
إدارة ICANN والعمل في هيئات ICANN الأخرى.
• تقديم المشورة إلى مجلس إدارة ICANN بشأن سياسة تخصيص موارد رقم الإنترنت ، 
جنبًا إلى جنب مع RIRs.
• تطوير إجراءات لممارسة الأعمال لدعم مسؤولياتهم ، ولا سيما لتعيين رئيس ASO AC 
وتحديد مسؤوليات الرئيس.

تمت دعوة المتطوعين في مقعد NRO NC / ASO AC لإرسال سيرة ذاتية موجزة ، وأسباب 
طلبهم للتعيين ، إلى العنوان القانوني على موقع ، في موعد لا يتجاوز 
الساعة 23:59 بالتوقيت العالمي المنسق ف 16 ديسمبر 2021. المعينون الحاليون في NRO 
NC / مقاعد ASO AC مؤهلة للتطوع لإعادة التعيين.

سوبرامانيان مونسامي

رئيس مجلس إدارة AFRINIC


Caros membros e comunidade AFRINIC,

O Conselho AFRINIC convoca por este meio os voluntários que desejem ser 
considerados para nomeação para a ASO AC/NRO NC.

Um dos três representantes da AFRINIC no NRO NC é nomeado pelo Cons

[Community-Discuss] AFRINIC Code of Conduct - New Version

2021-10-13 Thread AFRINIC Communication

[French, Portuguese, Arabic versions below]

Dear colleagues,

It is with great pleasure that we announce  the publication of a new version of 
the AFRINIC Code of Conduct, with effect from 6 October 2021 at :

The revised Code of Conduct is the result of a review exercise conducted by the 
Governance Committee in consultation with  the AFRINIC community.
We encourage our community members to take cognisance of the content of this 
revised Code of Conduct which includes, inter-alia,  a new section on 
“Understanding the Warning Process on the AFRINIC mailing lists”. 

AFRINIC Communications


Chers collègues,

C'est avec grand plaisir que nous vous annonçons la publication d'une nouvelle 
version du Code de conduite d'AFRINIC, avec effet au 6 octobre 2021.

Le Code de conduite révisé est le résultat d'un exercice de revue mené par le 
Comité de gouvernance en consultation avec la communauté d'AFRINIC.
Nous encourageons les membres de notre communauté à prendre connaissance du 
contenu de ce Code de conduite révisé qui comprend, entre autres, une nouvelle 
section intitulée "Understanding the Warning Process on the AFRINIC mailing 

Communications AFRINIC


زملائي الاعزاء،

إنه لمن دواعي سروري أن نعلن عن نشر نسخة جديدة من مدونة قواعد السلوك AFRINIC ، 
اعتبارًا من 6 أكتوبر 2021 على:

مدونة قواعد السلوك المعدلة هي نتيجة لعملية مراجعة أجرتها لجنة الحوكمة بالتشاور 
مع مجتمع AFRINIC.
نحن نشجع أعضاء مجتمعنا على الإلمام بمحتوى مدونة قواعد السلوك المنقحة هذه والتي 
تتضمن ، من بين أمور أخرى ، قسمًا جديدًا حول "فهم عملية التحذير في القوائم 
البريدية لـ AFRINIC".

AFRINIC للاتصالات


Caros colegas,

É com grande prazer que anunciamos a publicação de uma nova versão do Código de 
Conduta AFRINIC, com efeito a partir de 6 de outubro de 2021.

A revisão do Código de Conduta é o resultado de um exercício de revisão 
conduzido pelo Comitê de Governança, em consulta com a comunidade AFRINIC.
Nós encorajamos nossos membros da comunidade a tomar conhecimento do conteúdo 
deste Código de Conduta revisado que inclui, entre outras coisas, uma nova 
seção sobre "Compreendendo o processo de advertência nas listas de correio da 

Comunicações AFRINIC
Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Call for Presentations for AFRINIC-34 is Open

2021-10-08 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear Colleagues,

The African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC) is pleased to announce the 
Call for Technical Presentation abstracts for AFRINIC Community members wishing 
to make presentations during the AFRINIC-34 Online meeting that will take place 
from 15th-18th November 2021.

The Technical presentations sessions have provided a forum for both experienced 
and new delegates to discuss technical topics related to Internet in Africa. 
These Presentations are slotted for the 16th November 2021 from 11:20-13:30 UTC 
in the AFRINIC-34 Online Agenda.

To enrich the discussions and share knowledge with the community at AFRINIC-34 
Online, we are seeking presentations on a wide range of issues, broadly related 
to access, development and digitization of the Internet in Africa. Your 
contribution can be in the form of a presentation during a session, a tutorial, 
or a demonstration.

We are specifically interested in presentations focusing on:

Internet Governance.
Internet Measurements.
Core Internet Infrastructure.
Community networks.
Business Practices and Higher Education in the Age of Technology
Network data security and management, attack mitigation.
IP network architecture, sizing, configuration and administration.
Routing and switching protocols, including unicast, multicast, anycast, SDN, 
Cloud Computing.
Open Data/Big Data.
Technology and Content Production.
Relations between Mobile Operators and the Internet Community
Applications for end users (e.g. e-mail, HTTP, DNS, NFVs, etc.)
Peering, Internet traffic exchange, IXPs

The submission deadline is 22nd October 2021.

Kindly read the Guidelines carefully before submitting your proposal.

AFRINIC-34 Speaker Guidelines

Presentations should be approximately 10 minutes long, with 10 minutes of Q&A 
at the end of each presentation.
The maximum time allotted per presentation will not exceed 25 minutes.
The presenter(s) will be required to upload their final presentation in PDF 
format, no later than five (5) days prior to the presentation date.
Presentations with marketing and/or commercial content will not be considered.

Read  more about the Speaker's obligations  in the Online  Meeting Etiqutte 

How to submit a Presentation Proposal 

1. Please submit your Call for Presentation 

2. Fill in the online form with the requested information.

3. In the Speakers section, provide your abstract, your biography and slides.

Should  you experience any challenges please do not hesitate to contact us 

Important dates to note:

Deadline for submitting Presentation Abstracts – 22nd October 2021
Deadline for submission of draft presentations – 29th October 2021
Submission of final presentation –3rd November 2021

Dry runs will take place from 08 to 10 November, exact dates and timings for 
speakers only will be announced at a later date

Please note that due to the limited time allocated to technical presentations 
in the agenda, only shortlisted abstracts will be slotted in the agenda. All 
selected presenters will be notified on the status of their presentation 
abstract making it to the AFRINIC-34 Agenda.

We hope that you can join us and request that you disseminate this call to 
other lists where it might be of interest.

Kind Regards,

The AFRINIC-34 Team

Chers collègues,

AFRINIC a le plaisir de vous inviter à participer à l'appel à présentations 
techniques pour les membres de la communauté AFRINIC qui souhaitent faire des 
présentations lors de la réunion AFRINIC-34 en ligne qui aura lieu du 15 au 18 
novembre 2021.

Les sessions de présentations techniques ont fourni un forum pour les délégués 
chevronnés ainsi que pour les nouveaux délégués afin de discuter des sujets 
techniques liés à l'Internet en Afrique. Ces présentations sont prévues pour le 
16 novembre 2021 de 11:20 à 13:30 UTC dans l'agenda en ligne d'AFRINIC-34.

Afin d'enrichir les discussions et de partager les connaissances avec la 
communauté d'AFRINIC-34 Online, nous recherchons des présentations sur un large 
éventail de questions, largement liées à l'accès, au développement et à la 
numérisation de l'Internet en Afrique. Votre contribution peut prendre la forme 
d'une présentation lors d'une session, d'un tutoriel ou d'une démonstration.

Nous sommes particulièrement intéressés par des présentations portant sur :

La gouvernance de l'Internet.
Mesures de l'Internet.
L'infrastructure Internet de base.
Les réseaux communautaires.
Pratiques commerciales et enseignement supérieur à l'ère de la technologie.
Sécurité et gestion des données de réseau, atténuation des attaques.
Architecture, dimensionnement, configuration et administration des réseaux IP.

[Community-Discuss] Enforcing the Code of Conduct

2021-10-04 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear community members,

The AFRINIC community mailing list has been observing a large volume of traffic 
lately mostly related to the ongoing legal issues AFRINIC is currently 

It is understandable that different sides and individuals will have apposing 
views and perspectives on the situation. AFRINIC has  always endeavoured to 
create an open and safe space for sharing thoughts, comments and critics as 
long as they were done in a constructive, useful manner and without any 
personal attacks.

We had made it a point of not interfering with the flow of the discussions 
recently and have settled with sending reminders.

However and despite the several reminders sent to this list on the Code of 
Conduct, we continue to see several potential breaches and personal attacks 
being thrown against community members and this is not acceptable. 

Moving forward, AFRINIC will not tolerate any misdeeds on this mailing list. 

Once a breach is reported, AFRINIC will take immediate actions and offenders 
will be subject immediately to a moderation for a period of 30 days 

It is now time that we put our acts together as a community and as always we 
rely on your support and understanding.

AFRINIC Communications

Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] Lu Heng + Larus and the Number Resource Society

2021-09-27 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear Nigel,

We thank you for bringing this to our attention.

The message was not targeted towards you per se but rather those that produce 
and propagate such content within the AFRINIC membership and community.

We appreciate our community's kind understanding and support.


AFRINIC Communication

> On 28 Sep 2021, at 08:48, Nigel Kukard  wrote:
> On 9/27/21 12:28, AFRINIC Communication wrote:
>> Dear community members,
>> AFRINIC has  taken note of a post together with a corresponding attachment 
>> that contains inaccuracies and presented out of context on this thread 
>> (
>> <>)
>>  and was aimed at causing damage and prejudice to AFRINIC as Regional 
>> Internet Registry for the African region.
> I was complaining that I too were getting unsolicited mails in a thread that 
> others were also complaining and providing samples. How is my post out of 
> context?
> How is me complaining about getting unsolicited mails aimed at causing damage 
> and prejudice to AFRINIC?
> Why am I being publicly targeted and singled out?
>> AFRINIC wishes to inform its community that the information contained in the 
>> said attachment are presently the subject of several ongoing cases involving 
>> AFRINIC and Cloud Innovation Ltd as well as an ongoing police investigation 
>> in respect of a matter reported for misappropriation of IP number resources.
> Yes, we know that. Your members are complaining about getting unsolicited 
> communications involving email and phone calls and sharing this with each 
> other on a COMMUNITY mailing list and discussing it.
>>  AFRINIC will not comment thereon but reserves its rights to apply its Code 
>> of Conduct against all persons making use of its mailing lists for the 
>> purposes of causing damage and harm to AFRINIC and to take such action as it 
>> may be advised.
> Literally my second post, second complaint about getting unsolicited 
> communications and I'm being threatened by AFRINIC with action because I'm 
> causing damage and prejudice to AFRINIC?
> -N
>> We have also noticed that some community members are not upholding the code 
>> of conduct in their exchanges.
>> We urge you all to read the AFRINIC Code of Conduct to make sure you are up 
>> to date on the processes that safeguard the discussion and community-driven 
>> policies at the heart of AFRINIC.
>> The code of conduct ensures that discussions are kept professional and that 
>> individuals are protected against defamatory, derogatory and personal 
>> attacks.
>> Please read the following blog post for more information on the AFRINIC Code 
>> of Conduct: 
>> <>
>> AFRINIC Communication
>>> On 26 Sep 2021, at 19:03, Sander Steffann  
>>> <> wrote:
>>> Hi Omo,
>>>> Thanks.  I was trying to understand the dialogue between you and Lu and 
>>>> the "clarification".  How do you mean "may be of influence"?   
>>> At AFRINIC meetings I have seen many cases where there was a lot of 
>>> "steering" (people being sent to the microphones with pre-defined 
>>> statements they didn't write themselves, but where it was pretended that it 
>>> was their own opinion) which I have never seen at other RIRs. AFRINIC seems 
>>> to be unique in the way there are plays for power and influence that are 
>>> undermining the true bottom-up way, and people seem to accept this as 
>>> normal. In other regions there is much less hierarchy (we have no CoE for 
>>> example) and everybody is treated more equally.
>>> The "power games" I have seen in AFRINIC at all levels (board, management, 
>>> RPD, community) and the distrust between for example Anglophone and 
>>> Francophone parts of the community make it very hard to run a true 
>>> bottom-up system. Such behaviour in AFRINIC and its community make it very 
>>> vulnerable to top-down influences, because the framework for such 
>>> influences is already there.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Sander
>>> PS: I am only part of the global internet community, not directly of the 
>>> AFRINIC community. I can therefore only state how I see things from the 
>>> outside. I am sure there are many things I interpret differently because of 
>>> my different background. Please do not take offence, I only try to hold up 
>>> a mirror. I have no personal, commercial or financial stake in AFRINIC, but 
>>> I do care about the bottom-up principle and fairness. Those are the only 
>>> reasons I speak up on AFRINIC mailing lists.

Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] Lu Heng + Larus and the Number Resource Society

2021-09-27 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear community members,

AFRINIC has  taken note of a post together with a corresponding attachment that 
contains inaccuracies and presented out of context on this thread 
 and was aimed at causing damage and prejudice to AFRINIC as Regional Internet 
Registry for the African region.

AFRINIC wishes to inform its community that the information contained in the 
said attachment are presently the subject of several ongoing cases involving 
AFRINIC and Cloud Innovation Ltd as well as an ongoing police investigation in 
respect of a matter reported for misappropriation of IP number resources. 
AFRINIC will not comment thereon but reserves its rights to apply its Code of 
Conduct against all persons making use of its mailing lists for the purposes of 
causing damage and harm to AFRINIC and to take such action as it may be advised.

We have also noticed that some community members are not upholding the code of 
conduct in their exchanges.

We urge you all to read the AFRINIC Code of Conduct to make sure you are up to 
date on the processes that safeguard the discussion and community-driven 
policies at the heart of AFRINIC.

The code of conduct ensures that discussions are kept professional and that 
individuals are protected against defamatory, derogatory and personal attacks.

Please read the following blog post for more information on the AFRINIC Code of 

AFRINIC Communication

> On 26 Sep 2021, at 19:03, Sander Steffann  wrote:
> Hi Omo,
>> Thanks.  I was trying to understand the dialogue between you and Lu and the 
>> "clarification".  How do you mean "may be of influence"?   
> At AFRINIC meetings I have seen many cases where there was a lot of 
> "steering" (people being sent to the microphones with pre-defined statements 
> they didn't write themselves, but where it was pretended that it was their 
> own opinion) which I have never seen at other RIRs. AFRINIC seems to be 
> unique in the way there are plays for power and influence that are 
> undermining the true bottom-up way, and people seem to accept this as normal. 
> In other regions there is much less hierarchy (we have no CoE for example) 
> and everybody is treated more equally.
> The "power games" I have seen in AFRINIC at all levels (board, management, 
> RPD, community) and the distrust between for example Anglophone and 
> Francophone parts of the community make it very hard to run a true bottom-up 
> system. Such behaviour in AFRINIC and its community make it very vulnerable 
> to top-down influences, because the framework for such influences is already 
> there.
> Cheers,
> Sander
> PS: I am only part of the global internet community, not directly of the 
> AFRINIC community. I can therefore only state how I see things from the 
> outside. I am sure there are many things I interpret differently because of 
> my different background. Please do not take offence, I only try to hold up a 
> mirror. I have no personal, commercial or financial stake in AFRINIC, but I 
> do care about the bottom-up principle and fairness. Those are the only 
> reasons I speak up on AFRINIC mailing lists.
> ___
> Community-Discuss mailing list

Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Registration for AFRINIC-34 Opens

2021-09-22 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear Colleagues, 

It is with great pleasure that we inform you that registration for  the 
AFRINIC-34 Online meeting is now open. AFRINIC-34  Online will take place from 
15 - 18 November 2021 and will run from 9:00-13:00 UTC.

You can now register online  and check out more information about the Meeting 
on the AFRINIC-34 Online Website here>> 

AFRINIC-34 Online will take place on Meetecho which will be the Online Meeting 
platform. Please read more about the platform at: 

While registering you may choose to subscribe to the 
 mailing list to receive meeting updates and 
engage with other  AFRINIC-34 Online delegates meeting participants via the 
mailing list 
We look forward to seeing you online soon for AFRINIC-34 Online.

Kind Regards,

The AFRINIC-34 Team


Chers collègues,

C'est avec un grand plaisir que nous vous informons que les inscriptions pour 
la réunion AFRINIC-34 Online sont maintenant ouvertes. AFRINIC-34 Online aura 
lieu du 15 au 18 novembre 2021 et se tiendra de 9:00 à 13:00 UTC.

Vous pouvez dès à présent vous inscrire en ligne et avoir  plus d'informations 
sur la réunion sur le site d'AFRINIC-34 

AFRINIC-34 Online se déroulera sur Meetecho qui sera la plateforme de réunion 
en ligne. Pour en savoir plus sur cette plateforme, veuillez consulter le site 

Lors de votre inscription, vous pouvez choisir de vous inscrire à la liste de 
diffusion  pour 
recevoir les mises à jour de la réunion et échanger avec les autres 
participants à la réunion des délégués AFRINIC-34 Online via la liste de 
diffusion .
Nous nous réjouissons de vous voir bientôt en ligne pour AFRINIC-34 Online.

Bien à vous,

L'équipe d'AFRINIC-34


زملائي الأعزاء،

إنه لمن دواعي سرورنا أن نعلمكم أن التسجيل في اجتماع AFRINIC-34 عبر الإنترنت 
مفتوح الآن. سيعقد AFRINIC-34 Online في الفترة من 15 إلى 18 نوفمبر 2021 وسيعمل 
من 9:00 إلى 13:00 بالتوقيت العالمي المنسق.

يمكنك الآن التسجيل عبر الإنترنت والاطلاع على مزيد من المعلومات حول الاجتماع على 
موقع AFRINIC-34 على الإنترنت هنا >> 

سيعقد AFRINIC-34 Online على Meetecho الذي سيكون منصة الاجتماعات عبر الإنترنت. 
يرجى قراءة المزيد عن المنصة على: 

أثناء التسجيل ، يمكنك اختيار الاشتراك في القائمة البريدية  لتلقي تحديثات 
الاجتماع والمشاركة مع المشاركين الآخرين في اجتماع مندوبي AFRINIC-34 عبر 
الإنترنت عبر القائمة البريدية 

نتطلع إلى رؤيتك عبر الإنترنت قريبًا من أجل AFRINIC-34 Online.

أطيب التحيات،

فريق AFRINIC-34


Caros Colegas,

É com grande prazer que vos informamos que a inscrição para a reunião 
AFRINIC-34 Online está agora aberta. AFRINIC-34 Online terá lugar de 15 a 18 de 
Novembro de 2021 e decorrerá das 9:00 às 13:00 UTC.

Pode agora registar-se online e consultar mais informações sobre a Reunião no 
sítio web online AFRINIC-34 aqui>> 

AFRINIC-34 Online terá lugar em Meetecho que será a plataforma da Reunião 
Online. Por favor, leia mais sobre a plataforma em: 

Ao registar-se pode optar por subscrever a lista de correio  para receber 
actualizações da reunião e envolver-se com outros delegados de AFRINIC-34 
Online que participam na reunião através da lista de correio 
Esperamos vê-lo em breve online para AFRINIC-34 Online.


A equipa AFRINIC-34

Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Fwd: [members-discuss] Legal update Aug 25th 2021 - with translation

2021-08-25 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear Community,

Please see a message that was shared with members earlier.

Kind regards,

AFRINIC Communications

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: AFRINIC Communication 
> Subject: Fwd: [members-discuss] Legal update Aug 25th 2021 - with translation
> Date: 25 August 2021 at 22:25:19 GMT+4
> To: members-discuss 
> [French, Arabic and Portuguese versions below]
> Dear Members,
> AFRINIC is pleased to inform you that, in regard to its application made last 
> week whereby it sought the removal of the existing Provisional Attachment 
> Order or alternatively, a reduction of the amount of money frozen in its bank 
> accounts, the matter was called before the Honourable Judge in Chambers of 
> the Supreme Court of Mauritius this morning and whilst its prayer for the 
> removal of the Provisional Attachment Order has not been acceded to at this 
> stage, more so that it is connected to another substantive case for the 
> validation of the said attachment order, yet the Learned Judge has acceded to 
> AFRINIC's prayer to have access to part of its funds so as to meet its vital 
> expenses for the months of July & August 2021. 
> Thus today's outcome is a huge relief for AFRINIC as it will be able to pay, 
> amongst others, the salaries of its staff for the month of August as well as 
> those staff who could not get paid in July. 
> As regards all other connected cases, we assure you that AFRINIC is pursuing 
> its defence against all claims made by Cloud Innovation and we hold full 
> confidence in the justice system. 
> Still, if the validation case is not resolved expeditiously, do note that 
> AFRINIC will have to renew its prayer for access to its funds before the 
> Learned Judge for the purposes of meeting its vital expenses for the month of 
> September 2021.
> We rely on your usual understanding and support.
> Kind regards,
> Eddy Kayihura 
> Chief Executive Officer 
> ………..
> Chers Membres,
> AFRINIC a le plaisir de vous informer que  sa demande faite la semaine 
> dernière, quant à l’annulation de l'ordonnance de saisie provisoire existante 
> ou, alternativement, une réduction du montant du gel sur ses comptes 
> bancaires, a été appelée devant l'honorable juge de la  chambre commerciale  
> de la Cour suprême de Maurice en ce jour. Et bien que notre  demande 
> d’annulation de l'ordonnance de saisie provisoire n'ait pas été acceptée à ce 
> stade, vue qu'elle est liée à l’affaire de fond encore pendante, le juge a 
> néanmoins accédé à la demande d'AFRINIC d'avoir accès à une partie de ses 
> fonds afin de faire face à ses dépenses vitales relatives  aux mois de 
> juillet et août 2021.
> Ainsi, cette décision  du Juge  est un énorme soulagement pour AFRINIC qui 
> pourra honorer, entre autres, les salaires de son personnel du mois d'août 
> ainsi que ceux impayés en juillet.
> En ce qui concerne toutes les autres affaires connexes encore pendantes, nous 
> voulons vous assurer qu'AFRINIC maintient et améliore  sa défense contre 
> toutes les réclamations faites par Cloud Innovation et tout en faisant  une 
> pleine confiance dans le système judiciaire.
> Cependant si notre demande d’annulation de l’ordonnance de saisie provisoire 
> n'est pas traitée rapidement, AFRINIC devra soumettre une nouvelle demande 
> d'accès à ses fonds devant le juge afin de faire face à ses dépenses 
> relatives  au mois de septembre 2021.
> Nous vous remercions  pour votre compréhension et votre soutien continu.
> Eddy Kayihura
> Directeur General
> ……..
> الأعضاء الأعزاء ،
> يسر AFRINIC أن تعلمكم أنه فيما يتعلق بطلبها الذي قدمته الأسبوع الماضي والذي 
> سعت بموجبه إلى إلغاء أمر الحجز المؤقت الحالي أو ، بدلاً من ذلك ، تخفيض مبلغ 
> الأموال المجمدة في حساباتها المصرفية ، فقد تم استدعاء الأمر أمام المحترم. 
> قاضي في غرف المحكمة العليا لموريشيوس هذا الصباح وأثناء صلاته من أجل إزالة أمر 
> الحجز المؤقت لم يتم الانضمام إليه في هذه المرحلة ، أكثر من كونه مرتبطًا بقضية 
> موضوعية أخرى للمصادقة على أمر الحجز المذكور ومع ذلك ، وافق القاضي المتعلم على 
> صلاة AFRINIC للوصول إلى جزء من أموالها لتغطية نفقاتها الحيوية لشهري يوليو 
> وأغسطس 2021.
> وبالتالي ، فإن نتيجة اليوم هي مصدر ارتياح كبير لـ AFRINIC لأنها ستكون قادرة 
> على دفع ، من بين أمور أخرى ، رواتب موظفيها لشهر أغسطس وكذلك الموظفين الذين لم 
> يتمكنوا من الحصول على رواتبهم في يوليو.
> فيما يتعلق بجميع القضايا الأخرى ذات الصلة ، نؤكد لك أن AFRINIC تتابع دفاعها 
> ضد جميع الادعاءات المقدمة من Cloud Innovation ولدينا ثقة كاملة في نظام 
> العدالة.
> ومع ذلك ، إذا لم يتم ح

[Community-Discuss] Reminder on the AFRINIC Code of Conduct

2021-08-24 Thread AFRINIC Communication
 Dear Colleagues,

We urge you all to read the AFRINIC Code of Conduct to make sure you are up to 
date on the processes that safeguard the discussion and community-driven 
policies at the heart of AFRINIC.

The code of conduct ensures that discussions are kept professional and that 
individuals are protected against defamatory, derogatory and personal attacks.

Please read the following blog post for more information on the AFRINIC Code of 

Kind regards,

AFRINIC Communications


Chers collègues,

Nous vous invitons à lire ce document pour vous assurer que vous êtes au 
courant de notre code de conduite et des processus qui protègent la discussion 
et les politiques communautaires au cœur d'AFRINIC.

Le code de conduite garantit que les discussions restent professionnelles et 
que les individus sont protégés contre les attaques diffamatoires, 
désobligeantes et personnelles.

Veuillez lire le blog suivant sur le code de conduite d'AFRINIC :


AFRINIC Communications

Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] [members-discuss] Joint statement on the current AFRINIC situation from the African Regional RENs

2021-08-11 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Mr Wollner,

The Code of Conduct was not applied as Mr. Habib publicly apologised to the 
mailing list.


AFRINIC Communications

> On 11 Aug 2021, at 11:15, Paul Wollner  wrote:
> I am curious as to why AFRINIC is silent when comes to enforcing CoC on its 
> vice chairman of the board? Why has the board member not resigned after such 
> an improper public comment?
> Regards
> Paul
>  On Tue, 03 Aug 2021 11:41:29 +0200 habib.youssef via Members-Discuss 
>  wrote 
> Thanks Boubakar, Yousef and Matthews for your support.
> What Lu Heng and company have started to do since several years to go is 
> criminal by all standards.
> I hope Afrinic will get out stronger from crisis.
> --Habib.
> Sent from my Galaxy
>  Original message 
> From: Boubakar Barry  >
> Date: 03/08/2021 08:49 (GMT+01:00)
> To: Members Discuss  >
> Subject: [members-discuss] Joint statement on the current AFRINIC situation 
> from the African Regional RENs
> Dear All,
> On behalf of the three African regional RENs, please find attached our joint 
> statement on the current situation at AFRINIC.
> It says:
> ---
> ASREN, UbuntuNet Alliance and WACREN are the regional research and education 
> networks interconnecting national research and education networks (NRENs) 
> across the continent (Northern Africa, Eastern and Southern Africa, West and 
> Central Africa).
> African RENs provide connectivity and other services to millions of end users 
> in the education and research community (students, faculty, researchers, 
> administrators, etc.), and INRs are critical for the delivery of these 
> services. 
> The REN community is following with interest but also with concern the heated 
> debate on the current lawsuit against AFRINIC that led to the freezing of its 
> bank accounts, thus jeopardizing its operations.
> Many years ago, members of the REN community expressed concerns about a risk 
> for AFRINIC, when a resource member publicly said that AFRINIC will face 
> bankruptcy if it dares consider reclaiming resources that many members 
> thought were assigned wrongly, or at least were not used as initially 
> indicated. It was, at that time, recommended to address this issue seriously.
> And here we are.
> Anyway:  the current situation is very serious and our community and the 
> friends of the African Internet community should stand together and fight 
> against those who want to destroy and bury AFRINIC.
> Yes, there are things to improve at AFRINIC. But in this critical situation, 
> we urge all to stand by and support the Board and Management of our 
> organization.
> We say no to any attempt to move the management of Internet number resources 
> attributed to Africa to any other organization.
> Therefore, we, as representatives of the African REN community, express our 
> full support to AFRINIC Board and Management and invite all Africans and 
> friends of Africa to do the same.
> Signed:
> For ASREN ( ): Dr. Yousef Torman, 
> Co-MD
> For Ubuntunet Alliance ( ): Dr. 
> Matthews Mtumbuka, CEO
> For WACREN ( ): Dr. Boubakar Barry, CEO
> Best wishes,
> Boubakar Barry
> -- 
> CEO/Directeur Général, WACREN
> Web: 
> ***Keep it simple, as simple as possible, but not simpler. (A. Einstein)***
> ___ 
> Members-Discuss mailing list 
> ___
> Community-Discuss mailing list

Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] [members-discuss] [rpd] Unaddressed queries by AFRINIC during AGMM

2021-08-05 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear Mr Wollner,

This is a follow-up to our previous response to you regarding questions.

We have planned to address these questions through a series of webinars. 
However, these AFRINIC webinar series that we started on 19 July 2021 
( have since been 
put on hold for now due to ongoing matters. 

We shall communicate the new dates for the webinar series in due course.


AFRINIC Communications

> On 3 Aug 2021, at 13:33, Paul Wollner  wrote:
> Dear AFRINIC, 
> It has been just over a month now since the mail below was sent and I feel 
> that we still do not have any direct answer on the 4 questions that were 
> raised.
> Can we please get a clearcut answer from AFRINIC on these questions?
> Regards
> Paul Wollner
>  On Fri, 02 Jul 2021 14:24:05 +0200 Paul Wollner 
>  wrote 
> Mr. Kayihura,
> I refer to your email dated 30 June 2021.
> In it, you claim that Questions 1 to 3 were addressed during the open mic 
> session held on 4 June 2021.
> The reality is that none of those questions were satisfactorily answered. 
> They were addressed to the extent that the questions were acknowledged, then 
> an attempt was made to obfuscate them and answer different questions while 
> pretending to answer the questions asked, then a claim was made that the 
> questions would be answered at a later date.
> In reality, no such answer has been forthcoming from AFRINIC. We recognize 
> that these questions are likely inconvenient and come at what is almost 
> certainly an inopportune time to be asking. Nonetheless, these are valid 
> questions and as a resource member, we feel that we are being held at unfair 
> disadvantage if AFRINIC will not provide a clear and direct answer to each of 
> the questions about how it interprets policies in these areas.
> There’s too much at stake to allow AFRINIC staff to simply make it up as they 
> go a long. We need a public commitment to the official interpretation of 
> these areas of potential ambiguity in the current policy regime.
> As to the fourth item, while it is not our intent to micro-manage AFRINIC 
> staff decisions, it is our conclusion that even if Madhvi did not actively 
> participate in the fraudulent resource registrations and embezzlement, she 
> surely must have either turned a blind eye (aiding and abetting) or she 
> failed to notice it which at best displays a level of incompetence and 
> failure to meet her duty of care in such a position.
> In summary, we renew our request for factual, reliable, direct answers to 
> each of the queries and request that AFRINIC eschew further obfuscation and 
> sophistry in the process.
> Thank you.
> Paul Wollner
>  On Wed, 30 Jun 2021 13:04:19 +0200 Eddy Kayihura  
> wrote 
> Mr Wollner,
> I refer to your email dated 24 June 2021.
> Questions 1 to 3 were addressed during the open mic session held on 4 June 
> 2021 and we undertook an action to organise a webinar within 2 months to 
> discuss with the community the definition of “need-based” in the AFRINIC 
> policies and bylaws.
> We are delighted to see that the discussion amongst the community has already 
> started.
> Regarding question 4, we cannot penalise a staff member unless we find 
> concrete proof of their involvement in the misappropriation of the IP 
> resources. As of now, we do not have such evidence on any of AFRINIC’s 
> current staff members. 
> The appropriate channel for such inquiry or complaint is to submit it via our 
> Whistleblowing platform. 
> Regards,
> Eddy Kayihura
> Chief Executive Officer,
> African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)
> .
> M. Wollner,
> Je me réfère à votre courriel du 24 juin 2021.
> Les questions 1 à 3 ont été abordées lors de la session 'open mic' qui s'est 
> tenue le 4 juin 2021 et nous avons entrepris une action visant à organiser un 
> webinaire dans un délai de 2 mois afin de discuter avec la communauté de la 
> définition de "need-based" dans les politiques et les statuts d'AFRINIC.
> Nous sommes ravis de voir que la discussion au sein de la communauté a déjà 
> commencé.
> En ce qui concerne la question 4, nous ne pouvons pas pénaliser un membre du 
> personnel à moins de trouver des preuves concrètes de son implication dans la 
> manipulation non autorisée des ressources IP. A ce jour, nous n'avons pas de 
> telles preuves sur aucun des membres actuels du personnel d'AFRINIC.
> Le canal approprié pour une telle requête ou plainte est de la soumettre via 
> notre plateforme de whistleblowing.
> Cordialement,
> Eddy Kayihura
> Directeur général,
> African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC) 
> ___ 
> RPD mailing list 
> __

[Community-Discuss] Reminder on the AFRINIC Code of Conduct

2021-08-02 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear Colleagues,

We urge you all to read the AFRINIC Code of Conduct to make sure you are up to 
date on the processes that safeguard the discussion and community-driven 
policies at the heart of AFRINIC. 

The code of conduct ensures that discussions are kept professional and that 
individuals are protected against defamatory, derogatory and personal attacks.

Please read the following blog post for more information on the AFRINIC Code of 

Kind regards,

AFRINIC Communications


Chers collègues,

Nous vous invitons à lire ce document pour vous assurer que vous êtes au 
courant de notre code de conduite et des processus qui protègent la discussion 
et les politiques communautaires au cœur d'AFRINIC. 

Le code de conduite garantit que les discussions restent professionnelles et 
que les individus sont protégés contre les attaques diffamatoires, 
désobligeantes et personnelles.

Veuillez lire le blog suivant sur le code de conduite d'AFRINIC :


AFRINIC Communications
Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] [members-discuss] Update on legal case

2021-07-28 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Mr Leo,

Please refrain from making a personal attack on this mailing list.

Please consider this email as a first warning.

We shall be obliged to moderate your emails should you continue with such 


AFRINIC Communications

> On 28 Jul 2021, at 15:43, Leo S  wrote:
> Yes I agree It's just that the management of AFRINIC may have changed with 
> previous years.
> Although some people in the community questioned Cloud Innovation Ltd in the 
> past few years, AFRINIC did not take any action, but now it has taken action. 
> Maybe Cloud Innovation Ltd did not use their money well. Lead to the current 
> ending, Cloud Innovation Ltd losing ground in management team of AFRINIC
> On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 5:31 PM Ali Hussein  > wrote:
> It is a political game. Hence my post of yesterday. This is a wider 
> conversation about African Internet Resources and who controls them. Let's be 
> very careful not to be looped into non-issues. The MOST IMPORTANT 
> conversation we MUST have is this:-
> 1. Who controls AFRINIC today.
> 2. Who will control it tomorrow.
> 3. Who is out to ensure that Board Members are aligned to which grouping. 
> 4. Who are these groups?
> 5.  Corporate Governance is a major issue here. Whilst I believe this is 
> being handled and that it's a process we must be clear going forward that 
> shedding light on all matters is super-critical. Light has a way of removing 
> all crawling things out of the shadows and into the light. The Board's 
> Fiduciary Responsibility has never been more important than ever. 
> Ali Hussein
> Digital Transformation
> Tel: +254 713 601113
> Twitter: @AliHKassim
> Skype: abu-jomo
> LinkedIn: 
> Any information of a personal nature expressed in this email are purely mine 
> and do not necessarily reflect the official positions of the organizations 
> that I work with.
> On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 9:46 AM Leo S  > wrote:
> Very funny, it looks like a political game
> On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 2:33 PM Noah>> 
> wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 27, 2021 at 6:43 PM Owen DeLong via Community-Discuss 
>>> wrote:
>> On Jul 27, 2021, at 00:35, Omo Oaiya > > wrote:
>>> On 27 Jul 2021, at 07:54, Ronald F. Guilmette >> > wrote:
>>> In any case, the data at the link above demonstrates quite persuasively that
>>> there *is* some finite non-zero business relationship between Africa on 
>>> Cloud
>>> on the one hand and Cloud Innovation on the other hand.  I personally have
>>> no idea what that relationship is, or what it may signify, and thus I
>>> personally do not care to jump to any specific conclusion about that
>>> relationship, or its possible significance or insignificance.  But to try
>>> to deny that there exists -any- relationship whatsoever, in spite of the
>>> clear evidence, is worse than disingenuous.  It is silly.
> I did not deny that a relationship exists. I pointed out that there is no 
> evidence presented to indicate that it is anything more than 
> customer/supplier. 
> In the last board elections where Elkins defeated Paul Wolner, there were 
> multiple resource members who received phone calls from HongKong asking them 
> to vote for Wolner.  
> Check the archives.
> Noah
> ___
> Community-Discuss mailing list
> ___
> Community-Discuss mailing list
> ___
> Community-Discuss mailing list

Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] [members-discuss] Update on legal case

2021-07-27 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear colleagues, 

AFRINIC will be shedding some light on the developments in the legal case and 
the freezing of AFRINIC Financial Accounts soon.

We appreciate your patience.


AFRINIC Communications

> On 27 Jul 2021, at 15:50, Anthony Ubah  wrote:
> Hi Ali,
> Apt. I quite agree with your view on Mauritius legal system.
> Best Regards,
> Anthony
> On Tue, Jul 27, 2021 at 5:50 AM Ali Hussein  > wrote:
> I have been following this saga for a few days now and I can't help but 
> wonder (And this is aside from discussing the case of Cloud Innovation and 
> AfriNIC) I want to address the process of Mauritian law. 
> How does a court in Mauritius freeze the bank accounts of another company 
> through ex parte proceedings? For those who might not understand what I mean 
> - ex parte is done with respect to or in the interests of one side only or of 
> an interested outside party. This is a basic tenet in law. Was Afrinic given 
> an opportunity to defend itself before these orders to freeze its accounts 
> were given? Or were summons given and Afrinic ignored them? 
> If the former is true then maybe it's time to address the issue of the 
> domicility of Afrinic. Maybe Mauritius is too hostile for a Pan-African-based 
> organization. How else do you interpreter this? A court giving an 
> unprecedented ex parte ruling against an African Organization in favor of a 
> Hongkong-based organization who we are all clear is a purveyor of African IP 
> Addresses to organizations outside of Africa as its core business model. 
> Let's put aside all this hullabaloo of ohh...The board didn't do this...Oooh 
> the board should have done this! and let's address the elephant in the room. 
> Everything else is a sideshow. 
> Ali Hussein
> Digital Transformation
> Tel: +254 713 601113
> Twitter: @AliHKassim
> Skype: abu-jomo
> LinkedIn: 
> Any information of a personal nature expressed in this email are purely mine 
> and do not necessarily reflect the official positions of the organizations 
> that I work with.
> On Tue, Jul 27, 2021 at 11:31 AM Ronald F. Guilmette  > wrote:
> In message < 
> >, 
> Owen DeLong>> wrote:
> >> That is certainly NOT a document that I have seen.
> >
> >Understandable, since as I stated, it was a private message sent by
> >Respondent to Petitioner.
> >
> >I am seeking approval from our legal team to provide it.
> Well, no offense Owen, but I also have in my posession a document that
> definitively proves that you are Satan.  I would like to share that
> with everyone, but my lawyer won't let me.  Until he does however
> I think that everyone should just take it on faith, because I'm
> always right and I never lie.
> :-)
> Regards,
> rfg
> ___
> Community-Discuss mailing list
> ___
> Community-Discuss mailing list
> ___
> Community-Discuss mailing list

Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] Share About Cloud Innovation Ltd and their business

2021-07-26 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear Colleagues,

We kindly ask you all to refrain from continuing with this thread as it seems 
to be mostly geared towards personal attacks.

Regardless of the motive, AFRINIC may be forced to issue warnings to those who 
do not comply and choose to ignore this message.

Also please refer to the email sent this morning on the AFRINIC Code of 

AFRINIC Communications


Chers collègues,

Nous vous invitons à vous abstenir de poursuivre ce fil de discussion, car il 
semble être principalement orienté vers des attaques personnelles.

Quel qu'en soit le motif, l'AFRINIC pourrait être contrainte d'émettre des 
avertissements à ceux qui ne se conforment pas et choisissent d'ignorer ce 

Veuillez également vous référer à l'email que nous avons envoyé ce matin sur le 
code de conduite de l'AFRINIC :

AFRINIC Communications

> On 26 Jul 2021, at 15:39, Anthony Ubah  wrote:
> Dear Leo S,
> You are churning out awesome figures here, unarguably so. However, I wish you 
> can spare some time to responded to my question on motive.
> While this is all now glaring, it is important to know if you are here 
> shedding light, providing heat, or fanning smokes into our eyes? 
> You seem to be baiting the community with your posts. "This is good news for 
> ISPs who rent IP from them, No need to change the IP address for the end 
> user."
> Regards,
> Anthony
> On Mon, Jul 26, 2021 at 4:01 AM Leo S  > wrote:
> These addresses are worth more than 100 million US dollars. If the address is 
> revoked. For them, they will face a loss of 90% of their income Forced to 
> close business. They will go all out, For Cloud Innovation Ltd, this is more 
> than 100 million US dollars in cash. For AFRINIC it's a mere $10,000 USD. 
> Actions that can be taken in the face of such a large amount of money so I 
> think AFRINIC may fail finally or compromise.
> This is good news for ISPs who rent IP from them, No need to change the IP 
> address for the end user.
> On Mon, Jul 26, 2021 at 11:30 AM Ibeanusi Elvis  > wrote:
> Hello, 
> This is information of whatever anyone might choose to call it from Leo, 
> shades no light to present discussion at hand.
> To me, this is a clear defamation and personal attack to this "Lu Heng” guy. 
> This is a clear violation of the Code of Conduct and there should be no 
> question whether this is a personal attack or not. 
> Best, 
> Elvis.
> > On Jul 26, 2021, at 11:04, Ronald F. Guilmette  > > wrote:
> > 
> > In message 
> >  > >
> > Wijdane Goubi>> 
> > wrote:
> > 
> >> *He also plundered tens of thousands of IP addresses from RIPE and A few
> >> years later sold to vodafone and earned millions of dollars. He is smart
> >> and knows who should pay the money to.
> >> 
> >>> Leo's statement here hints that this guy called Lu Heng has engaged in
> >> some sort of bribing. How is this not personal attack defamation?
> > 
> > I am forced to agree that Leo's second sentence, as quoted above, contitutes
> > "casting aspersions" and in the absence of hard supporting evidence it was
> > inappropriate, uncalled for, and contributed only heat and no light to
> > the present discussion.
> > 
> > I made the exact same sort of mistake myself, right here on this mailing
> > list, back in 2016, and later publicly apologized for that.  Perhaps that
> > explains why I am less inclined that others to make a huge issue out of
> > such utterances when they are made in the heat of the moment and without
> > adequate thought.
> > 
> > I think that it should be sufficient to politely ask Leo to retract that
> > one sentence, to apologize, and then let it go at that.  We already have
> > more than enough wars to fight, tribal and otherwise, and we shouldn't be
> > looking for reasons to start up new ones just based on this or that
> > ill-considered statement that may be made by any of us during those times
> > when our passions override our reason.
> > 
> > 
> > Regards,
> > rfg
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > Community-Discuss mailing list
> > 
> > 
> > 
> ___
> Community-Discuss mailing list
> ___

[Community-Discuss] Reminder on the AFRINIC Code of Conduct

2021-07-26 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear Colleagues,

We would like to remind you all to adhere to the AFRINIC code of conduct which 
ensures that discussions are kept professional especially in times of 
uncertainty and misinformation.

It is only natural that people with different opinions, values and perspectives 
would find themselves in situations where they do not see eye to eye. We ask 
you to share your thoughts while being mindful of others’ opinions, values, and 

We would like to thank the active community members who have reached out, 
publicly or privately voicing their trust and support to the organisation.

We also appreciate that others are still waiting on more information to be 
shared and we renew our promise to share everything we can when it is legally 
possible to do so.

AFRINIC has and always will serve the best interests of the African continent 
and its members who are working on building our African digital future. AFRINIC 
also recognises its role as a player in the global Internet administration 
system and all decisions made take that fact into consideration. 

Please read the following blog post for more information on the AFRINIC Code of 

Kind regards,

AFRINIC Communications


Chers collègues,

Nous souhaitons vous rappeler à tous d'adhérer au code de conduite de l'AFRINIC 
qui garantit que les discussions restent professionnelles, surtout en période 
d'incertitude et de désinformation.

Il est tout à fait naturel que des personnes ayant des opinions, des valeurs et 
des perspectives différentes se retrouvent dans des situations où elles ne sont 
pas d'accord. Nous vous demandons de partager vos pensées tout en étant 
attentif aux opinions, valeurs et perspectives des autres.

Nous tenons à remercier les membres actifs de la communauté qui nous ont fait 
part, publiquement ou en privé, de leur confiance et de leur soutien à 

Nous apprécions également le fait que d'autres attendent toujours plus 
d'informations à partager et nous renouvelons notre promesse de partager tout 
ce que nous pouvons quand il est légalement possible de le faire.

AFRINIC a toujours servi et servira toujours les meilleurs intérêts du 
continent africain et de ses membres qui travaillent à la construction de notre 
avenir numérique africain. AFRINIC reconnaît également son rôle d'acteur dans 
le système mondial d'administration de l'Internet et toutes les décisions 
prises tiennent compte de ce fait.

Veuillez lire l'article de blog suivant pour plus d'informations sur le Code de 
conduite d'AFRINIC :


AFRINIC Communications
Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] Final Call for Comments on Code of Conduct

2021-07-17 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear community,

We have taken note of your concerns and feedback on using third party 
mechanisms for comment purposes due to privacy and usage of personal data 

Please note that under the "Disqus" functionality, you may opt to post without 
signing onto the platform by clicking the checkbox "I'd rather post as a 
guest”, which appears at the bottom after clicking on the “Name" field. 

You may also share your comments on the mailing list by replying to the 
original thread.

We would also like to share with the community that we are currently working on 
implementing a Single Sign On (SSO) Solution as part of our MyAFRINICv2 roadmap.

Thank you for the feedback.


AFRINIC Communications  


> On 17 Jul 2021, at 06:20, Owen DeLong via Community-Discuss 
>  wrote:
>> On Jul 16, 2021, at 13:58 , Ronald F. Guilmette  
>> wrote:
>> In message <>, 
>> Frank Habicht  wrote:
>>> ... which says: "Please use the comment feature at the bottom of this
>>> page to submit your comments."
>>> and there, in order to send something, I have to:
>>> -  "LOG IN WITH" "D" (disqus) or "F" (facebook) or "T" (twitter),
>>>   or "G" (google)
>>> can it please be made possible for an ordinary person to send a message
>>> to AfriNIC directly without passing through third parties and forcing us
>>> (interested parties) to subscribe to 3rd parties?
>> +1
>> I am with Frank 100% on this point.
>> I am already being forced to sign up with this or that commercial company
>> on a daily basis, just to accomplish simple tasks.  And those companies
>> then see fit to monetize *my* personal information.
>> There is no excuse for AFRINIC to force people to create accounts with
>> third-party commercial companies just in order to be able to comment
>> on AFRINIC policy matters.
>> Regards,
>> rfg
>> ___
>> Community-Discuss mailing list
> +1 — This is ridiculous.
> Owen
> ___
> Community-Discuss mailing list

Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Reminder on the AFRINIC Code of Conduct

2021-07-16 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear Colleagues,

We urge you all to read the AFRINIC Code of Conduct to make sure you are up to 
date on the processes that safeguard the discussion and community-driven 
policies at the heart of AFRINIC. 

The code of conduct ensures that discussions are kept professional and that 
individuals are protected against defamatory, derogatory and personal attacks.

Please read the following blog post for more information on the AFRINIC Code of 

Kind regards,

AFRINIC Communications


Chers collègues,

Nous vous invitons à lire ce document pour vous assurer que vous êtes au 
courant de notre code de conduite et des processus qui protègent la discussion 
et les politiques communautaires au cœur d'AFRINIC. 

Le code de conduite garantit que les discussions restent professionnelles et 
que les individus sont protégés contre les attaques diffamatoires, 
désobligeantes et personnelles.

Veuillez lire le blog suivant sur le code de conduite d'AFRINIC :


AFRINIC Communications

Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Final Call for Comments on Code of Conduct

2021-07-16 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear Colleagues,

Consistent with the Governance Committee’s Terms of Reference 
(, the Committee had been requested by AFRINIC’s 
Chief Executive Officer to review the current Code of Conduct. 

On 31 March 2021, a Call for Comments was launched for one month.

The Governance Committee has considered the input received from the Community 
and thus proposes the following draft new Code of Conduct for the Community’s 
final review which shall be open for 3 weeks. 

Please comment on:

The deadline for this final review shall end on 5 August 2021.

The Governance Committee looks forward to continuous beneficial engagement with 
its stakeholders.

Governance Committee
Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Statement from the Number Resource Organization on allegations against AFRINIC

2021-07-13 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear Colleagues,

Please find below a statement from the Number Resource Organization on 
allegations against AFRINIC.

AFRINIC plans to organise a series of webinars that aim to bring together 
AFRINIC members and the community to discuss key aspects of the distribution of 
Internet Number Resources in Africa and its management structures with the 
first webinar set for 22 July 2021.

The AFRINIC Webinar Series will also cover among other topics, the RIR 
ecosystem, Policy Development Process, the “needs-based” approach, the Internet 
Number Resource distribution policies and the Registration Services Agreement.

We invite you to participate in the AFRINIC Webinar Series to discuss and 
express your views on the subject.  

The dates and registration links for the Webinar Series will be provided in 
subsequent announcements on the AFRINIC mailing lists and Website.

Thank You.

 AFRINIC Communication
Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] New court case against AFRINIC

2021-05-31 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear colleagues,

This is to update the community on the latest developments on the legal side.

A petition has been made by a Resource Member, Cloud Innovation Limited, before 
the Supreme Court of Mauritius seeking, inter-alia, the status of a Registered 
Member and a financial compensation in the sum USD 1.8 billion. This petition 
was served on AFRINIC on 26 May 2021 and the matter is being resisted.

Our legal team will provide an update at the AFRINIC Services Session at the 
AIS’21 Online Meeting on Thursday 3 June during a lighting talk to the 
community on all ongoing legal cases that AFRINIC is involved with. 

AFRINIC Communications
Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Blog this week

2021-05-11 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to publish a blog this week on IPv6 Extension Headers.

We are looking to publish more blog posts relevant to the AFRINIC community. We 
invite network operators with experience in deploying IPv6 to share with us 
their experiences and lessons learnt.

Our blog contribution guidelines is published at:

If anyone is interested, please contact us at

AFRINIC Communications and PR Team

Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Registration Opens for the second AFRINIC IPv6 & RPKI e-Deployathon 2021

2021-05-10 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear Community,
AFRINIC is the only RIR with IPv4 addresses in its free pool --- 1,828,096 
million, to be specific. This is, of course, grossly inadequate to meet 
Africa’s current IP address needs, making IPv6 the only sustainable way to 
continue to grow the potential of the Internet in Africa.

As of today, that’s why after having trained over 6000 engineers from 50 
countries, in 2018, we designed and organised the world’s first deployathon as 
a mechanism to shorten the time between learning about IPv6 and actually 
implementing it. 

In 2020, we redesigned the event and organised it entirely online. 
Nevertheless, 30 organisations from 14 countries were able to accomplish 24 
deployment KPIs:

• 7 validated route6 object
• 4  address plans in IPAMS
• 4 advertised IPv6 prefixes
• 2 validated RPKI ROA objects
• 2 IPv6 traffic from test VLAN
• 1 IPv6-enabled DNS
• 1 DNSSEC IPv6 signed IPv6 reverse zone
• 1 IPv6-enabled website
• 1 IPv6-enabled email
• 1 network with IPv6 user traffic

If selected, you will get the same step by step guidance, tools and techniques 
we’ve perfected in 8 (e-)Deployathons and +100 helpdesk calls to help you move 
your IPv6 deployment one clearly measurable step forward in full accordance 
with your network change management processes.

Date: 25th May to 27th May
Time: 4 hours each day
Location: Zoom (but we promise it will be fun 😂)
Eligibility: Qualified engineers from any country in Africa

If you are an engineer who runs a network and believe that you can make one 
concrete visible step towards IPv6 deployment (or advance your stalled IPv6 
deployment), apply for a spot here -
(Only 35 spots available)

Deadline for application:16th May 2021. 

For more information and queries about e-Deployathons, please contact: 
Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Announcement of Final Candidate Slate for Open Seat on the AFRINIC Governance Committee

2021-05-05 Thread AFRINIC Communication
[French, Arabic and Portuguese versions below]

Dear Members and Community,

NomCom2021 is pleased to announce the following final candidate slate for the 
open seat on the AFRINIC Governance Committee.

Candidate Full Name

• Simon Msafiri Balthazar

Full candidate information has been published at 

The community and members are hereby invited to view candidate details and 
express any comments about the suitability of the candidate for the Governance 
committee position using the comment section at the URL above.

This time the election will be conducted electronically; electronic voting will 
start on 20th May 2021; it will be concluded on 4th June 2021 during the Annual 
General Members’ Meeting (AGMM). AGMM as well this time will be held online 

Electronic voting will be available on MyAFRINIC Portal 

Information about electronic voting is available at: 

Please read the AFRINIC Privacy Policy at 

For any queries or clarification, please contact the Nomination Committee by 
email at nomcom2021[at] 



Chers membres et communauté,

NomCom2021 a le plaisir d'annoncer la liste finale de candidats pour le siège 
ouvert du Comité de Gouvernance d'AFRINIC.

Nom complet du candidat:

- Simon Msafiri Balthazar

Les informations détaillées sur le candidat ont été publiées à 

La communauté et les membres sont invités à consulter les informations sur le 
candidat et à exprimer tout commentaire sur leur aptitude à occuper le poste au 
poste du comité de gouvernance en utilisant la section commentaire à l'URL 

Cette fois, l'élection se déroulera par voie électronique ; le vote 
électronique commencera le 20 mai 2021 et se terminera le 4 juin 2021 lors de 
l'assemblée générale annuelle des membres (AGMM). L'AGMM se tiendra également 
cette fois-ci en ligne (virtuellement).

Le vote électronique sera disponible sur le portail MyAFRINIC .

Des informations sur le vote électronique sont disponibles sur : 

Veuillez lire la politique de confidentialité d'AFRINIC à l'adresse .

Pour toute question ou clarification, veuillez contacter le Comité de 
Nomination par email à nomcom2021[at] 



أعزائي الأعضاء والمجتمع ،

يسر NomCom2021 أن تعلن عن قائمة المرشحين النهائية التالية للمقعد المفتوح في 
لجنة الحوكمة AFRINIC.

المرشح الاسم الكامل

• سيمون مسافيري بالتازار

تم نشر معلومات المرشح الكاملة على 

تتم دعوة المجتمع والأعضاء بموجب هذا لعرض تفاصيل المرشح والتعبير عن أي تعليقات 
حول مدى ملاءمة المرشح لمنصب لجنة الحوكمة باستخدام قسم التعليقات في عنوان URL 

هذه المرة ستجرى الانتخابات الكترونيا. سيبدأ التصويت الإلكتروني في 20 مايو 2021 
؛ سيتم اختتامه في 4 يونيو 2021 خلال الاجتماع السنوي العام للأعضاء (AGMM). سيعقد 
AGMM أيضًا هذه المرة عبر الإنترنت (تقريبًا).

سيكون التصويت الإلكتروني متاحًا على بوابة MyAFRINIC 

تتوفر معلومات حول التصويت الإلكتروني على: 

يرجى قراءة سياسة الخصوصية AFRINIC على 

لأية استفسارات أو توضيحات ، يرجى الاتصال بلجنة الترشيحات عبر البريد الإلكتروني 
على nomcom2021 [at] 

نومكوم 2021


Caros membros e comunidade,

O NomCom2021 tem o prazer de anunciar a seguinte lista de candidatos finais 
para uma vaga no Comitê de Governança da AFRINIC.

Nome Completo do Candidato

• Simon Msafiri Balthazar

As informações completas do candidato foram publicadas em 

A comunidade e os membros são convidados a visualizar os detalhes do candidato 
e expressar quaisquer comentários sobre a adequação do candidato ao cargo de 
comitê de governança usando a seção de comentários no URL acima.

Desta vez, a eleição será realizada eletronicamente; a votação eletrônica terá 
início em 20 de maio de 2021; será concluído em 4 de junho de 2021 durante a 
Assembleia Geral Anual dos Membros (AGMM). A AGMM t

[Community-Discuss] Announcement of Final Candidate Slate for AFRINIC Board Elections

2021-05-05 Thread AFRINIC Communication
[French, Arabic and Portuguese versions below]

Dear Members and Community,

NomCom 2021 is pleased to announce the following final candidates slate for 
Seat 5 (Southern Africa) on the AFRINIC Board:

Candidates Full Name:

1. Vika William Mpisane -  CV available at 

2. Paul Wollner – CV available at 

3. Mark Elkins -  CV available at 

Full candidates information has been published at 

The community and members are hereby invited to view candidates details and 
express any comments about the suitability of the candidates for the board 
position using the comment section at the URL above.

This time the election will be conducted electronically; electronic voting will 
start on 20th May 2021; it will be concluded on 4th June 2021 during the Annual 
General Members’ Meeting (AGMM). AGMM as well this time will be held online 

Electronic voting will be available on MyAFRINIC Portal

Information about electronic voting is available at:

Please read the AFRINIC Privacy Policy at

For any queries or clarification, please contact the nominations committee by 
email at nomcom2021[at]



Chers membres et communauté,

Le NomCom 2021 a le plaisir d'annoncer la liste finale des candidats suivants 
pour le siège 5 (Afrique australe) du Conseil d'administration d'AFRINIC :

Candidats: Nom et Prénom :

1. Vika William Mpisane - CV disponible à

2. Paul Wollner - CV disponible à

3. Mark Elkins - CV disponible à

Les informations détaillées sur les candidats ont été publiées sur 

La communauté et les membres sont invités à consulter les informations sur les 
candidats et à exprimer tout commentaire sur l'adéquation des candidats au 
poste de membre du conseil d'administration en utilisant la section commentaire 
à l'URL ci-dessus.

Cette fois, l'élection se déroulera par voie électronique ; le vote 
électronique commencera le 20 mai 2021 et se terminera le 4 juin 2021 lors de 
l'assemblée générale annuelle des membres (AGMM). L'AGMM se tiendra également 
cette fois-ci en ligne (virtuellement).

Le vote électronique sera disponible sur le portail MyAFRINIC

Des informations sur le vote électronique sont disponibles sur :

Veuillez lire la politique de confidentialité d'AFRINIC à l'adresse

Pour toute question ou clarification, veuillez contacter le comité des 
nominations par email à nomcom2021[at]



أعزائي الأعضاء والمجتمع ،

يسر NomCom 2021 أن تعلن عن قائمة المرشحين النهائية التالية للمقعد 5 (جنوب 
إفريقيا) في مجلس إدارة AFRINIC:

الاسم الكامل للمرشحين:

1. Vika William Mpisane - السيرة الذاتية متاحة على

2. Paul Wollner - السيرة الذاتية متوفرة على

3. مارك إلكينز - السيرة الذاتية متاحة على

تم نشر معلومات المرشحين الكاملة على

تتم دعوة المجتمع والأعضاء لعرض تفاصيل المرشحين والتعبير عن أي تعليقات حول مدى 
ملاءمة المرشحين لمنصب مجلس الإدارة باستخدام قسم التعليقات في عنوان URL أعلاه.

هذه المرة ستجرى الانتخابات الكترونيا. سيبدأ التصويت الإلكتروني في 20 مايو 2021 
؛ سيتم اختتامه في 4 يونيو 2021 خلال الاجتماع السنوي العام للأعضاء (AGMM). سيعقد 
AGMM أيضًا هذه المرة عبر الإنترنت (تقريبًا).

سيكون التصويت الإلكتروني متاحًا على بوابة MyAFRINIC

تتوفر معلومات حول التصويت الإلكتروني على:

يرجى قراءة سياسة الخصوصية AFRINIC على

لأية استفسارات أو توضيحات ، يرجى الاتصال بلجنة الترشيحات عبر البريد الإلكتروني 
على nomcom2021 [at]

نومكوم 2021


Caros Membros e Comunidade,

O NomCom 2021 tem o prazer de anunciar os seguintes candidatos finais ao lugar 
5 (África Austral) no Conselho da AFRINIC

Nome completo dos candidatos:

1. Vika William Mpisane - CV disponível em

2. Paul Wollner - CV disponível em

3. Mark Elkins - CV disponível em

[Community-Discuss] Blog Published this week

2021-04-15 Thread AFRINIC Communication
[Français au bas]

Dear community, 

As we find ourselves turning to the Internet more and more to manage our lives, 
internet routing and security becomes an increasingly important topic. This is 
why Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) is crucial.

This week we share yet another blog from our guest writer Alfred Arouna. In the 
end, you will be better placed to get started with RPKI. 

Read more here >> 

AFRINIC Communications and PR Team 


Chère communauté, 

Alors que nous nous tournons de plus en plus vers l'internet pour gérer nos 
activités, le routage et la sécurité de l'internet deviennent un sujet de plus 
en plus important. C'est pour cela que RPKI est un element crucial.

Cette semaine, nous partageons un autre blog de notre auteur invité Alfred 
Arouna. À la fin, vous serez en mesure de mieux vous familiariser avec RPKI. 

Pour en savoir plus, cliquez ici >> 

AFRINIC Communications and PR Team 

Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Reminder: Call for comments is Open on the AFRINIC Community Code of Conduct

2021-04-14 Thread AFRINIC Communication
[Sent on behalf of the AFRINIC Governance Committee]

[Version en français au bas]

Dear community,

On 31 August 2020, the Chief Executive Officer of AFRINIC pursuant to Article 
3.1.7 of the Governance Committee’s Terms of Reference requested the 
committee’s assistance as follows:

1. Examine the text of the code of conduct to determine if updates 
are needed; 

2. Consider if there are situations that may arise which are not 
adequately covered in the current text;

3. Advise on the process through which updates to the text can be 
made, discussed with the members and community, and finally approved;

4. Make such other recommendations as the Governance Committee may 
deem appropriate.  

In furtherance of the above, the Governance Committee has at its meeting  held 
on 30 March 2021 decided to engage in a consultation process with its 
stakeholders which shall be opened from 01 April 2021 to 30 April 2021.

You are hereby invited to share your valuable views and comments in respect of 
the above at  

You may also consult the provisions of AFRINIC’s existing Code of Conduct at  >.

The Governance Committee wishes to thank its stakeholders in advance for their 
valuable contribution and looks forward to continuous beneficial engagement.

Mr Daniel Nanghaka

Chair, Governance Committee


Cher communauté,

Le 31 août 2020, le Directeur général d'AFRINIC, conformément à l'article 3.1.7 
des termes de référence du Comité de gouvernance, a demandé l'assistance du 
comité comme suit :

1. Examiner le texte du code de conduite pour déterminer si des mises à jour 
sont nécessaires 

2. Examiner s'il existe des situations susceptibles de se produire qui ne sont 
pas couvertes de manière adéquate par le texte actuel ;

3. Donner des conseils sur le processus par lequel les mises à jour du texte 
peuvent être faites, discutées avec les membres et la communauté, et finalement 

4. Faire toute autre recommandation que le comité de gouvernance peut juger 
comme étant appropriée.  

Dans le cadre de ce qui précède, le Comité de gouvernance a décidé, lors de sa 
réunion du 30 mars 2021, d'engager un processus de consultation avec ses 
parties prenantes qui sera ouvert du 1er avril 2021 au 30 avril 2021.

Vous êtes par la présente invités à partager vos points de vue et commentaires 
sur ce qui précède à l'adresse . 


Vous pouvez également consulter les dispositions du code de conduite existant 
d'AFRINIC à l'adresse  

Le Comité de gouvernance souhaite remercier à l'avance ses parties prenantes 
pour leur précieuse contribution et se réjouit d'un engagement bénéfique 

M. Daniel Nanghaka

Président du Comité de gouvernance

Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Register for the AFRINIC webinar '' Choose the proper Transition Technique for Your IPv6 Deployment''

2021-04-08 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear Colleagues,

AFRINIC is pleased to announce its second Internet Technologies series of 
webinars for 2021, titled: “Choose the proper Transition Technique for Your 
IPv6 Deployment.” 

For a long time, IPv4 has been readily available. This is no longer the case as 
currently, AFRINIC has an available but limited pool of IPv4 resources (~1.8 
million) to be issued in its coverage region. 

To be future proof, we need to deploy IPv6. However, there will still be a 
coexistence between IPv4 and IPv6. We all can’t turn off IPv4 in one go, can 
we? Hence the need for IPv6 transition techniques.

Upon completing this webinar, you will be able to:

• Identify the correct transition technique to enable access to IPv4 
and IPv6 Internet
• Understand the required feature-sets for each of the transition 
• Audit your network infrastructure for a selected transition technique
• Prototype the implementation of a chosen transition technique 

Please use the following link to register, and don't forget to add the event to 
your calendar: 

Date: Thursday 15th April 2021

Time: 12:30 UTC

Language: English

See you at the webinar!


AFRINIC  Capacity Building team___
Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Final Reminder: The call for nomination for an open seat on the Governance Committee will close today 8 April 2021

2021-04-07 Thread AFRINIC Communication
[French, Arabic and Portuguese versions below]

Dear colleagues,

The call for nomination for an open seat on the Governance Committee will close 
today 8 April 2021 at 23:59 UTC  

The AFRINIC Governance Committee is a standing committee whose purpose is to 
advise the AFRINIC Board, AFRINIC Membership, and the community, on matters of 
NomCom is hereby calling for nominations from the community for one Governance 
Committee position up for election, to serve a three-year term from 1 January 
2022 to 31 December 2024. The seat is currently held by Dr. Alioune Badara 

The Nomination Committee (NomCom2021) wishes to receive Nominations from all of 
the AFRINIC sub-regions and are explicitly looking for both Gender and Language 
diversity although a working understanding of the English language is required.
The GC Charter is available at 

The nomination and election process is available at 

Nomination Requirements:
• GC members shall be resident in the AFRINIC service region.
• None of the elected members may be an AFRINIC Director or an AFRINIC 
• A valid nomination must originate from or be submitted by an 
authorized and registered contact person of the nominating member organization. 
The nomination must also be seconded/endorsed by at least one additional 
AFRINIC member, different from the nominating member organization. Nominators 
and seconders/endorsers must all be AFRINIC members in good standing.
• Self-nominations are permitted and must be endorsed by 2 distinct 
AFRINIC members in good standing.

To nominate yourself or a candidate of your choice, please complete the 
nomination form at 

Deadline for Nominations
The Closure of the Candidate Nomination period is 8th April 2021 at 23:59UTC 

Please note that the election will take place during the AFRINIC-33 will be 
held online due to COVID-19 Pandemic situation the whole world is in now.

Notice: Please note that any person convicted on crime involving dishonesty; 
fraud or breach of trust shall not be considered for this position.


In view of the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, AFRINIC Community Meetings, 
including both its AGMM and the Public Policy Meeting (i.e. AFRINIC-33 meeting 
AIS21) will be held online. The following timeline shall be used as far as 



NomCom 2021


Chers collègues,

L'appel à candidatures pour un siège ouvert au comité de gouvernance se 
clôturera aujourd'hui 8 avril 2021 à 23 h 59 UTC. 

Le Comité de gouvernance d'AFRINIC est un comité qui a pour but de conseiller 
le Conseil d'administration d'AFRINIC, les membres d'AFRINIC et la communauté 
sur les questions de gouvernance.
Par la présente, le NomCom lance un appel à candidatures auprès de la 
communauté pour un poste du Comité de gouvernance à élire, pour un mandat de 
trois ans allant du 1er janvier 2022 au 31 décembre 2024. Ce siège est 
actuellement occupé par le Dr Alioune Badara Traore.

Le Comité de Nomination (NomCom2021) souhaite recevoir des nominations de 
toutes les sous-régions d'AFRINIC et recherche explicitement une diversité de 
genre et de langue, bien qu'une compréhension pratique de la langue anglaise 
soit requise.
La charte du CG est disponible sur 

Le processus de nomination et d'élection est disponible à l'adresse 

Conditions de nomination :
- Les membres du CA doivent résider dans la région de service d'AFRINIC.
- Aucun des membres élus ne peut être un directeur d'AFRINIC ou un 
employé d'AFRINIC.
- Une nomination valide doit provenir ou être soumise par une personne 
de contact autorisée et enregistrée de l'organisation membre qui propose la 
nomination. La candidature doit également être appuyée/approuvée par au moins 
un autre membre d'AFRINIC, différent de l'organisation membre qui a présenté la 
candidature. Les nominateurs et les seconds/appuyeurs doivent tous être des 
membres AFRINIC en règle.
- Les auto-nominations sont autorisées et do

[Community-Discuss] Reminder: The call for nomination for open AFRINIC Board of Directors Seat will close tomorrow 8 April 2021

2021-04-07 Thread AFRINIC Communication
[French, Arabic and Portuguese versions below]

Dear AFRINIC Members,

The call for nomination for the Seat 5 on AFRINIC’s Board is still open. The 
call for nomination will close tomorrow 8 April 2021. 

●  Seat 5 (Southern African), to serve a three-year term in terms of 
Article 13.5 and 13.6 of the AFRINIC Bylaws. This seat is currently held by 
Vika William Mpisane

A natural person residing in the above region may be nominated (for that 
sub-region) in compliance with the provisions of Section 12.14 of the by-laws 
( ).

●  Nominations may be made by

(1) an AFRINIC member in good standing or

(2) in case of self-nomination, be formally endorsed by at least two (2) 
AFRINIC members in good standing

●  A member can nominate only one candidate and may second any number of 

●  A nominee is required to

(i) have participated in at least two (2) AFRINIC events (physically or online) 
in the past three (3) years;

(ii) have at least five (5) years of professional experience in an area 
relevant to AFRINIC’s activities, such as Internet Resource Management, ICT, 
policy development, finance, audit, and HR management;

●  A Nominee

(i) should not, at the time of nomination, be a member of a decision-making 
body (such as a Board) of an organization which may actually or potentially 
create any conflict of interest for the nominee’s eventual function as a 

(ii) must at all times be available and committed to participating in Board 
meetings and other AFRINIC activities (face-to-face and online);

(iii) Demonstrate a clear understanding of AFRINIC’s bylaws.

(iv) show previous active participation on membership mailing list discussion 
in the past three (3) years.

Nominees are further required to take note of the following as stipulated in 
Section 13.10 of the AFRINIC bylaws:

No person shall be appointed or hold office as a Director if he is a person who:

(i) is under 18 years of age;

(ii) is an undischarged bankrupt;

(iii) would, but for the repeal of Section 117 of the Companies Act 1984 of 
Mauritius, be prohibited from being a Director or promoter of, or being 
concerned or taking part in the management of, a company within the meaning of 
that Act;

(iv) is prohibited from being a Director or promoter of or being concerned or 
taking part in the management of a company under Sections 337 or 338 of the Act;

(v) is not a natural person; or

(vi) has been adjudged to have been of unsound mind.

To nominate yourself or a person of your choice, please complete the nomination

form available here. 

The nomination period shall end on 8th April 2021 at 23:59 UTC

Note: Nominees whom the Nom Com has selected as candidates should make 
arrangements to attend AFRINIC-33 in-person or online on the Day of the 
Election (04 June 2021). They will be afforded an opportunity to introduce 
themselves and make a short presentation to the AGMM. Nominees are called upon 
to send a short video presentation to the member list as well as to the NoMCom 
with a campaign statement, if they so wish, and a short biography.

NomCom wishes to receive Nominations from all of the AFRINIC sub-regions. 
Gender and Language diversity balance is strongly encouraged while a working 
understanding of the English language would be highly beneficial.

More information on the election process, is available at 


In view of the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, AFRINIC Community Meetings, 
including both its AGMM and the Public Policy Meeting (i.e. AFRINIC-33 meeting 
AIS21) will be held online. The following timeline shall be used as far as 

13th March 2021 call for nominations

8th April 2021 close of nominations

30th April 2021 Publication of candidates

5th May 2021 opening of public comments to the candidates

20th May 2021 e-voting and proxy registration open

29th May 2021 close of proxy registration

4th June 2021   Election day and end of electronic voting



Chers membres d'AFRINIC,

L'appel à candidature pour le siège 5 du conseil d'administration d'AFRINIC est 
toujours ouvert. L'appel à candidature sera clôturé demain 8 avril 2021. 

● Siège 5 (Afrique australe), pour un mandat de trois ans, conformément aux 
articles 13.5 et 13.6 des statuts d'AFRINIC. Ce siège est actuellement occupé 
par Vika William Mpisane.

Une personne physique résidant dans la région ci-dessus peut être désignée 
(pour cette sous-région) conformément aux dispositions de l'article 12.14 des 
statuts ( 

[Community-Discuss] Registration for AIS'21 Online is still Open

2021-04-02 Thread AFRINIC Communication
[French, Arabic and Portuguese versions below]

Dear Colleagues, 

We are pleased to inform you that the registration for The Africa Internet 
Summit 2021 (AIS’21) Online is now open. Delegates are required to register for 
the conference that will take place online from 31 May to 4 June 2021 at 

The deadline for registration is 21st May 2021.

The Africa Internet Summit (AIS) is an annual, regional, multi-stakeholder ICT 
conference. It is the pinnacle educational and business ICT event in Africa 
where key players in the Internet industry can interact with the global 
Internet community. The African Internet community, drawn from academia, public 
and private sectors, technical organisations, governmental institutions and 
civil society, interact on Internet issues and Internet development in general. 
Our audience benefits from various panels of international experts who deliver 
insightful knowledge of ICT technologies.

We will share with you the details on how to join the online meeting in due 
course. Delegates are required to register for the meeting in order to access 
the platform.
Please note while registering you may choose to subscribe to the  mailing list 
to receive updates about the event and engage with meeting participants via the 
mailing list 

We look forward to seeing you soon online for AIS’21.

Kind Regards,

AIS’21 Meeting Team  


L'inscription en ligne pour le Sommet Africain de l'Internet 2021 (AIS'21) est 
maintenant ouverte

Chers collègues,

Nous avons le plaisir de vous informer que l'inscription au Sommet Africain de 
l'Internet 2021 (AIS'21) en ligne est maintenant ouverte. Les délégués doivent 
s'inscrire à la conférence qui se déroulera en ligne du 31 mai au 4 juin 2021 à 
. La date limite d'inscription est 
le 21 mai 2021.

L'Africa Internet Summit (AIS) est une conférence annuelle, régionale et 
multipartite sur les TIC. Il s'agit de l'événement éducatif et commercial le 
plus important dans le domaine des TIC en Afrique, où les acteurs clés du 
secteur de l'Internet peuvent interagir avec la communauté Internet mondiale. 
La communauté Internet africaine, issue du monde universitaire, des secteurs 
public et privé, des organisations techniques, des institutions 
gouvernementales et de la société civile, interagit sur les questions liées à 
l'Internet et au développement de l'Internet en général. Notre audience 
bénéficie de divers panels d'experts internationaux qui apportent des 
connaissances approfondies sur les technologies de l'information et de la 

Nous vous communiquerons les détails sur la façon de rejoindre la réunion en 
ligne en temps voulu. Les délégués doivent s'inscrire à la réunion pour pouvoir 
accéder à la plateforme.
Veuillez noter qu'au moment de l'inscription, vous pouvez choisir de vous 
abonner à la liste de diffusion 
 pour recevoir des mises à jour sur 
l'événement et échanger avec les participants à la réunion via la liste de 

Nous nous réjouissons de vous voir bientôt en ligne pour l'AIS'21.


L'équipe de la réunion AIS'21 


تم فتح باب التسجيل عبر الإنترنت لقمة إفريقيا للإنترنت 2021 (AIS’21)

زملائي الأعزاء،

يسعدنا إبلاغكم أن التسجيل في مؤتمر قمة إفريقيا للإنترنت 2021 (AIS’21) عبر 
الإنترنت مفتوح الآن. يتعين على المندوبين التسجيل في المؤتمر الذي سيعقد عبر 
الإنترنت في الفترة من 31 مايو إلى 4 يونيو 2021 على 
. آخر موعد للتسجيل هو 21 مايو 2021.

قمة الإنترنت الأفريقية (AIS) هي مؤتمر سنوي إقليمي متعدد الأطراف لتكنولوجيا 
المعلومات والاتصالات. إنه حدث تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات التعليمية والتجاري 
الأبرز في إفريقيا حيث يمكن للاعبين الرئيسيين في صناعة الإنترنت التفاعل مع مجتمع 
الإنترنت العالمي. يتفاعل مجتمع الإنترنت الأفريقي ، المؤلف من الأوساط الأكاديمية 
والقطاعين العام والخاص والمنظمات الفنية والمؤسسات الحكومية والمجتمع المدني ، 
بشأن قضايا الإنترنت وتطوير الإنترنت بشكل عام. يستفيد جمهورنا من مجموعات متنوعة 
من الخبراء الدوليين الذين يقدمون معرفة ثاقبة بتقنيات تكنولوجيا المعلومات 

سنطلعك على التفاصيل حول كيفية الانضمام إلى الاجتماع عبر الإنترنت في الوقت 
المناسب. يجب على المندوبين التسجيل في الاجتماع من أجل الوصول إلى المنصة.
يرجى ملاحظة أنه أثناء التسجيل يمكنك اختيار الاشتراك في القائمة البريدية 

[Community-Discuss] Blog published this week

2021-04-01 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear community,

We are pleased to share with you a blog by our guest author this week, Roderick 
Fanou, PhD, published at:

We are looking to publish more blog posts relevant to the AFRINIC community. We 
invite you to read our blog contribution guidelines at:  

If anyone is interested please contact us at

AFRINIC Communications and PR Team


Chère communauté,

Nous avons le plaisir de partager avec vous un blog de l'auteur invité de cette 
semaine, Roderick Fanou, PhD, publié à l'adresse suivante :

Nous souhaitons publier d'autres articles de blog qui intéressent la communauté 
AFRINIC. Nous vous invitons à lire les directives pour toute contribution au 
blog d'AFRINIC à l'adresse suivante :  

Si vous êtes intéressé(e), veuillez nous contacter à l'adresse

AFRINIC Communications and PR Team

Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Call for comments is Open on the AFRINIC Community Code of Conduct

2021-03-31 Thread AFRINIC Communication
[Sent on behalf of the AFRINIC Governance Committee]

[Version en français au bas]

Dear community,

On 31 August 2020, the Chief Executive Officer of AFRINIC pursuant to Article 
3.1.7 of the Governance Committee’s Terms of Reference requested the 
committee’s assistance as follows:

1. Examine the text of the code of conduct to determine if updates 
are needed; 

2. Consider if there are situations that may arise which are not 
adequately covered in the current text;

3. Advise on the process through which updates to the text can be 
made, discussed with the members and community, and finally approved;

4. Make such other recommendations as the Governance Committee may 
deem appropriate.  

In furtherance of the above, the Governance Committee has at its meeting  held 
on 30 March 2021 decided to engage in a consultation process with its 
stakeholders which shall be opened from 01 April 2021 to 30 April 2021.

You are hereby invited to share your valuable views and comments in respect of 
the above at  

You may also consult the provisions of AFRINIC’s existing Code of Conduct at  >.

The Governance Committee wishes to thank its stakeholders in advance for their 
valuable contribution and looks forward to continuous beneficial engagement.

Mr Daniel Nanghaka

Chair, Governance Committee


Cher communauté,

Le 31 août 2020, le Directeur général d'AFRINIC, conformément à l'article 3.1.7 
des termes de référence du Comité de gouvernance, a demandé l'assistance du 
comité comme suit :

1. Examiner le texte du code de conduite pour déterminer si des mises à jour 
sont nécessaires 

2. Examiner s'il existe des situations susceptibles de se produire qui ne sont 
pas couvertes de manière adéquate par le texte actuel ;

3. Donner des conseils sur le processus par lequel les mises à jour du texte 
peuvent être faites, discutées avec les membres et la communauté, et finalement 

4. Faire toute autre recommandation que le comité de gouvernance peut juger 
comme étant appropriée.  

Dans le cadre de ce qui précède, le Comité de gouvernance a décidé, lors de sa 
réunion du 30 mars 2021, d'engager un processus de consultation avec ses 
parties prenantes qui sera ouvert du 1er avril 2021 au 30 avril 2021.

Vous êtes par la présente invités à partager vos points de vue et commentaires 
sur ce qui précède à l'adresse . 


Vous pouvez également consulter les dispositions du code de conduite existant 
d'AFRINIC à l'adresse  

Le Comité de gouvernance souhaite remercier à l'avance ses parties prenantes 
pour leur précieuse contribution et se réjouit d'un engagement bénéfique 

M. Daniel Nanghaka

Président du Comité de gouvernance___
Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Call for Presentations for AIS'21 Online is Open

2021-03-30 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear Colleagues,

We invite all individuals wishing to make presentations during AIS’21 to be 
held online, from 31 May to 4 June 2021 to submit proposals and/or abstracts. 

To enrich the discussions and share knowledge with the technical community at 
AIS’21, we are seeking presentations of a wide range of issues, broadly related 
to growth, access and development of Internet in Africa. 

We are specifically interested in presentations focusing on the following areas:

• The Internet and Sustainable Development
• Internet Governance
• Business Practices and Technology
• E-governance
• Cyber Security
• Core Internet Infrastructure
• Access, Utility and Development
• Internet Number Resources Management
• Internet Measurements
• Higher Education in the Age of Technology
• Cloud Computing
• Open Data/Big Data
• Technology and Content Production
• Relations between Mobile Operators and the Internet Community
• Internet of Things
• Industry 4.0
• Artificial Intelligence
• Mobile Applications
• IPv6
• Peering and Interconnection
• IXPs

Speakers’ Guidelines

• The maximum time allotted per presentation will not exceed 30 minutes.
• The presenter(s) will be required to upload their final presentation 
in PDF format, no later than five (5) days prior to the presentation date.
• Presenters are responsible for producing any handouts if required. 
There are usually approximately 200 delegates in each session. Presentations 
with marketing and/or commercial content will not be considered.

How to submit a Presentation Proposal

Please submit your proposal via 

• Fill in the online form with the requested information
• Click on 'Submit'  at Step 4 of the form to complete your submission. 

Important dates to note

• Deadline for submitting an application - 26 April 2021
• Notification of acceptance of application - 6 May 2021
• Submission of presentation - 25 May 2021

AIS’21 Meeting Team


Chers collègues,

Nous invitons toutes les personnes souhaitant faire des présentations lors 
d'AIS'21 qui se tiendra en ligne, du 31 mai au 4 juin 2021, à soumettre des 
résumés ou des propositions de présentations. 

Afin d'enrichir les discussions et de partager les connaissances avec la 
communauté technique lors d’AIS'21, nous recherchons des présentations d'un 
large éventail de questions, largement liées à la croissance, l'accès et le 
développement de l'Internet en Afrique. 

Nous sommes particulièrement intéressés par des présentations portant sur les 
domaines suivants :
L'Internet et le développement durable
Gouvernance de l'Internet
Pratiques commerciales et technologie
la cybersécurité
Infrastructure Internet de base
Accès, utilité et développement
Gestion des ressources numériques de l'internet
Mesures de l'internet
L'enseignement supérieur à l'ère de la technologie
Informatique en nuage
Données ouvertes / Big Data
Technologie et production de contenu
Relations entre les opérateurs mobiles et la communauté Internet
Internet des objets
Industrie 4.0
Intelligence artificielle
Applications mobiles
Peering et Interconnexion
Directives pour les orateurs

- La durée maximale allouée par présentation ne dépassera pas 30 
- Le ou les présentateurs devront télécharger leur présentation finale 
en format PDF, au plus tard cinq (5) jours avant la date de la présentation.
- Les présentateurs sont responsables de la production de tout document 
à distribuer si nécessaire. Il y a généralement environ 200 délégués par 
session. Les présentations ayant un contenu marketing et/ou commercial ne 
seront pas prises en compte.

Comment soumettre une proposition de présentation

Veuillez soumettre votre proposition via 

Remplissez le formulaire en ligne avec les informations demandées.

Cliquez sur "Submit" à l'étape 4 du formulaire pour finaliser votre soumission. 

Dates importantes à noter

Date limite de soumission d'une candidature - 26 avril 2021
Notification d'acceptation de la demande - 6 mai 2021
Soumission de la présentation - 25 mai 2021

AIS’21 Meeting Team
Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Reminder: Call for Nominations - AFRINIC Governance Committee (GC) Members

2021-03-28 Thread AFRINIC Communication
[French, Arabic and Portuguese versions below]

Dear colleagues 

The AFRINIC Governance Committee is a standing committee whose purpose is to 
advise the AFRINIC Board, AFRINIC Membership, and the community, on matters of 
NomCom is hereby calling for nominations from the community for one Governance 
Committee position up for election, to serve a three-year term from 1 January 
2022 to 31 December 2024. The seat is currently held by Dr. Alioune Badara 

The Nomination Committee (NomCom2021) wishes to receive Nominations from all of 
the AFRINIC sub-regions and are explicitly looking for both Gender and Language 
diversity although a working understanding of the English language is required.
The GC Charter is available at 

The nomination and election process is available at 

Nomination Requirements:
• GC members shall be resident in the AFRINIC service region.
• None of the elected members may be an AFRINIC Director or an AFRINIC 
• A valid nomination must originate from or be submitted by an 
authorized and registered contact person of the nominating member organization. 
The nomination must also be seconded/endorsed by at least one additional 
AFRINIC member, different from the nominating member organization. Nominators 
and seconders/endorsers must all be AFRINIC members in good standing.
• Self-nominations are permitted and must be endorsed by 2 distinct 
AFRINIC members in good standing.

To nominate yourself or a candidate of your choice, please complete the 
nomination form at 

Deadline for Nominations
The Closure of the Candidate Nomination period is 8th April 2021 at 23:59UTC 

Please note that the election will take place during the AFRINIC-33 will be 
held online due to COVID-19 Pandemic situation the whole world is in now.

Notice: Please note that any person convicted on crime involving dishonesty; 
fraud or breach of trust shall not be considered for this position.


In view of the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, AFRINIC Community Meetings, 
including both its AGMM and the Public Policy Meeting (i.e. AFRINIC-33 meeting 
AIS21) will be held online. The following timeline shall be used as far as 



NomCom 2021


Chers collègues 

Le Comité de gouvernance d'AFRINIC est un comité qui a pour but de conseiller 
le Conseil d'administration d'AFRINIC, les membres d'AFRINIC et la communauté 
sur les questions de gouvernance.
Par la présente, le NomCom lance un appel à candidatures auprès de la 
communauté pour un poste du Comité de gouvernance à élire, pour un mandat de 
trois ans allant du 1er janvier 2022 au 31 décembre 2024. Ce siège est 
actuellement occupé par le Dr Alioune Badara Traore.

Le Comité de Nomination (NomCom2021) souhaite recevoir des nominations de 
toutes les sous-régions d'AFRINIC et recherche explicitement une diversité de 
genre et de langue, bien qu'une compréhension pratique de la langue anglaise 
soit requise.
La charte du CG est disponible sur 

Le processus de nomination et d'élection est disponible à l'adresse 

Conditions de nomination :
- Les membres du CA doivent résider dans la région de service d'AFRINIC.
- Aucun des membres élus ne peut être un directeur d'AFRINIC ou un 
employé d'AFRINIC.
- Une nomination valide doit provenir ou être soumise par une personne 
de contact autorisée et enregistrée de l'organisation membre qui propose la 
nomination. La candidature doit également être appuyée/approuvée par au moins 
un autre membre d'AFRINIC, différent de l'organisation membre qui a présenté la 
candidature. Les nominateurs et les seconds/appuyeurs doivent tous être des 
membres AFRINIC en règle.
- Les auto-nominations sont autorisées et doivent être soutenues par 2 
membres distincts d'AFRINIC en règle.

Pour vous nommer ou nommer un candidat de votre choix, veuillez remplir le 
formulaire de nomination à l'adresse

[Community-Discuss] Reminder: Call for Nominations for open AFRINIC Board of Directors Seat

2021-03-28 Thread AFRINIC Communication
[French, Arabic and Portuguese versions below]

Dear AFRINIC Members,

The Nomination Committee (NomCom2021) is pleased to announce that the 
nomination process for AFRINIC’s Board is opened for the below seat:

●  Seat 5 (Southern African), to serve a three-year term in terms of 
Article 13.5 and 13.6 of the AFRINIC Bylaws. This seat is currently held by 
Vika William Mpisane

A natural person residing in the above region may be nominated (for that 
sub-region) in compliance with the provisions of Section 12.14 of the by-laws 
( ).

●  Nominations may be made by

(1) an AFRINIC member in good standing or

(2) in case of self-nomination, be formally endorsed by at least two (2) 
AFRINIC members in good standing

●  A member can nominate only one candidate and may second any number of 

●  A nominee is required to

(i) have participated in at least two (2) AFRINIC events (physically or online) 
in the past three (3) years;

(ii) have at least five (5) years of professional experience in an area 
relevant to AFRINIC’s activities, such as Internet Resource Management, ICT, 
policy development, finance, audit, and HR management;

●  A Nominee

(i) should not, at the time of nomination, be a member of a decision-making 
body (such as a Board) of an organization which may actually or potentially 
create any conflict of interest for the nominee’s eventual function as a 

(ii) must at all times be available and committed to participating in Board 
meetings and other AFRINIC activities (face-to-face and online);

(iii) Demonstrate a clear understanding of AFRINIC’s bylaws.

(iv) show previous active participation on membership mailing list discussion 
in the past three (3) years.

Nominees are further required to take note of the following as stipulated in 
Section 13.10 of the AFRINIC bylaws:

No person shall be appointed or hold office as a Director if he is a person who:

(i) is under 18 years of age;

(ii) is an undischarged bankrupt;

(iii) would, but for the repeal of Section 117 of the Companies Act 1984 of 
Mauritius, be prohibited from being a Director or promoter of, or being 
concerned or taking part in the management of, a company within the meaning of 
that Act;

(iv) is prohibited from being a Director or promoter of or being concerned or 
taking part in the management of a company under Sections 337 or 338 of the Act;

(v) is not a natural person; or

(vi) has been adjudged to have been of unsound mind.

To nominate yourself or a person of your choice, please complete the nomination

form available here. 

The nomination period shall end on 8th April 2021 at 23:59 UTC

Note: Nominees whom the Nom Com has selected as candidates should make 
arrangements to attend AFRINIC-33 in-person or online on the Day of the 
Election (04 June 2021). They will be afforded an opportunity to introduce 
themselves and make a short presentation to the AGMM. Nominees are called upon 
to send a short video presentation to the member list as well as to the NoMCom 
with a campaign statement, if they so wish, and a short biography.

NomCom wishes to receive Nominations from all of the AFRINIC sub-regions. 
Gender and Language diversity balance is strongly encouraged while a working 
understanding of the English language would be highly beneficial.

More information on the election process, is available at 


In view of the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, AFRINIC Community Meetings, 
including both its AGMM and the Public Policy Meeting (i.e. AFRINIC-33 meeting 
AIS21) will be held online. The following timeline shall be used as far as 

13th March 2021 call for nominations

8th April 2021 close of nominations

30th April 2021 Publication of candidates

5th May 2021 opening of public comments to the candidates

20th May 2021 e-voting and proxy registration open

29th May 2021 close of proxy registration

4th June 2021   Election day and end of electronic voting



Chers membres d'AFRINIC,

Le comité de nomination (NomCom2021) a le plaisir de vous annoncer que le 
processus de nomination au conseil d'administration d'AFRINIC est ouvert pour 
le siège ci-dessous :

● Siège 5 (Afrique australe), pour un mandat de trois ans, conformément aux 
articles 13.5 et 13.6 des statuts d'AFRINIC. Ce siège est actuellement occupé 
par Vika William Mpisane.

Une personne physique résidant dans la région ci-dessus peut être désignée 
(pour cette sous-région) conformément aux dispositions de l'article 12.14 des 
statuts ( 

Re: [Community-Discuss] Peering DB Satisfaction Survey

2021-03-26 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear colleagues,

Following the survey that Peering DB launched last year and where your 
participation was sought, we are pleased to invite you to read the results of 
the survey published in the blog at


Ashil Oogarah


Chers collègues,

Suite à l'enquête que Peering DB a lancée l'année dernière et pour laquelle 
votre participation avait été sollicitée, nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter 
à lire les résultats de l'enquête publiés sur le blog à:


Ashil Oogarah

> On 2 Nov 2020, at 14:49, AFRINIC Communication  wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> PeeringDB wants input from network operators, exchange operators, facility 
> providers, content distributors and anyone who uses the interconnection 
> database. PeeringDB is running an anonymous satisfaction survey and would 
> like your feedback.
> Please read the blog about the survey at : 
> <>
> Ashil Oogarah
> ___
> Community-Discuss mailing list

Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] Ernest Byaruhanga

2021-03-24 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear community,
This email is meant to be a response to Mr. Guilmette’s email in an attempt to 
hopefully reach a common ground where useful information can be exchanged on 
the list without the need to breach our code of conduct.
This is being shared with the list for the sake of transparency, clarity and 
for it to be on public record.
Good!  Because now I may perhaps be able to finish making the point
that I tried to make during the recent Zoom meeting... before my mic
was improperly and uncerimoniously muted.
Mr. Guilmette, your intervention that lasted roughly 5 minutes was interrupted 
by the moderator as you had gone off of the topic of the session. The session’s 
topic was “Public Persecution vs. Constructive Criticism on AFRINIC mailing 
lists” while your intervention was, as in this email, about legal actions taken 
against individuals. Thus, it was absolutely within the moderators right to end 
your intervention and listen to others that wanted to address the critical 
topic at hand.
That point was just that I personally find it highly disingenuous that
the management of AFRINIC has taken the time to manufacture a great
fuss over my rather modest and most probably PERFECTLY LEGAL exercise
of free speech...  an exercise of free speech of a kind that is only
sporadically and inconsistantly criminalized in a few remaining rather
backwards national jurisdictions... even while AFRINIC management has
apparently NOT found the time or energy to even make any inquiry, over
the past entire year, about the status of the vastly more real, vastly
more serious, and vastly more impactful case against Ernest Byaruhanga.
Mr. Guilmette, as AFRINIC has explained repeatedly, there are risk factors that 
come with allowing you and/or others to continuously use the mailing lists to 
slander and attack African national jurisdictions,  especially the one that is 
currently deciding on the fate of the reclaimed resources.
AFRINIC needs to be extremely vigilant on all risk factors that can potentially 
undermine its ability to reclaim misappropriated resources. A point that you 
seemed to appreciate in some of your emails.
In addition to vast gobs of IPv4 address space, Ernest Byaruhanga also
stole from AFRINIC most of the remaining threads of its already badly
tattered global reputation.  What has either maganement or the board
done in the way of seeking justice with respect to Ernest Byaruhanga
over the past year and a half, since his massive thefts were discovered
and made public?  Anything?  Anything at all?
Mr. Guilmette, how the organization plans to reclaim back every single African 
IP address that was misappropriated over the years and how AFRINIC plans to 
hold those responsible for these acts accountable is not a matter of public 
record at this point in time.
While we understand that your concern lies with the immediate prosecution of 
individuals, the reclamation of the resources and more headlines, our 
priorities as custodians of the African internet number resources are ordered 
differently with the reclamation being our top concern followed by anything 
P.S.  Most shockingly, even to this day Ernest Byaruhanga has not been
charged with any crime in any country.  Thus, no international Red Notice
has been issued for his arrest, his passport is fully functional and
unblemished, and he is thus free to spend his weekends lazing on the
beaches in the south of France if he so chooses, coming and going from
Uganda to any other part of the world as may suit his fancy.

I ask the community to consider whether or not this is as it should be,
and if not, why it seems that nobody except me even gives a damn, one way
or another.
Mr. Guilmette, you have clearly been given every right to speak your mind 
freely and openly even beyond what many consider to be a “decent exchange of 
thoughts and critics”. You have been given the benefit of the doubt time and 
time again as you have been bringing forward useful information that has aided, 
to some degree, in unravelling issues related to the misappropriation of 
African resources.
AFRINIC has taken every measure to try to benefit from what you have to offer 
while communicating that we prefer to have a more civilized exchange. We ask 
you yet again to re-examine if you are not alienating yourself and your cause 
here by your actions.
We look forward to your future constructive criticism. However, if you are 
found in breach of our code of conduct you will be dealt with as anyone else on 
the list. There are no personal agendas or vendettas, just an attempt to 
rebuild our community and fix what needs to be mended.
The AFRINIC Communications and PR team

> On 24 Mar 2021, at 00:19, Ronald F. Guilmette  wrote:
> AFRINIC Communication  wrote:
>> The moderation period of Mr. Ronald Guilmette is now over.
> Good!  Because now I may perhaps be able to finish making the point
> that I tried to 

Re: [Community-Discuss] Breach of the Code of Conduct by Mr Ronald Guilmette

2021-03-23 Thread AFRINIC Communication
[Version en français au bas]

Dear community,

The moderation period of Mr. Ronald Guilmette is now over. 


AFRINIC Communications & PR Team


Chère communauté,

La période de modération de M. Ronald Guilmette est maintenant terminée. 


AFRINIC Communications & PR Team

> On 23 Feb 2021, at 22:51, AFRINIC Communication  wrote:
> Dear AFRINIC community members,
> Mr. Ronald Guilmette has repeatedly violated the code of conduct of the 
> AFRINIC community mailing list despite being notified of this on several 
> occasions including the following:
> On the 31st of August 2020, AFRINIC’s CEO filed a complaint against Mr. 
> Guilmette due to the violation of Code of Conduct on the Community mailing 
> list to the Governance Committee (Gov Com)
> The complaint was later referenced in the blogpost AFRINIC published on the 
> code of conduct: safeguarding the processes that built the Internet.  
> As a result, Mr. Guilmette was officially notified by the Gov Com of the 
> investigation of a possible breach of the AFRINIC code of conduct to which he 
> offered the following response.
> We have not taken action against Mr. Guilmette till now as we are still 
> waiting for the result of the above investigation.
> However, due to the repeated personal attacks that Mr. Guilmette launches 
> against others that may or may not be subscribed to the list, in addition to 
> the statements, in his last email, pertaining explicitly to the Supreme Court 
> of Mauritius that could expose him to legal actions for an offence known as 
> ‘’Scandalising the Court’’ and that may jeopardise AFRINIC’s position in 
> front of the Mauritian court. 
> In light of the above AFRINIC has taken action in this matter to preserve the 
> open and inclusive nature that this community is founded upon.
> Mr. Guilmette’s posts  to the community mailing list will be subject to 
> moderation for a period of 30 days effective immediately as of 23 February 
> 2021. 
> This means:
>   • Mr. Guilmette will continue to receive emails as the rest of the 
> mailing list subscribers.
>   • Mr. Guilmette’s emails to the list will be subjected to approval from 
> the mailing list moderator to guarantee that his posts are in line with the 
> Code of Conduct.
>   • In case the moderator finds the content of the email in breach the 
> email will be dropped and will not be forwarded to the list, otherwise Mr. 
> Guilmette’s email will go through after review.
>   • Finally Mr. Guilmette’s last post will be removed from the mailing 
> list archives.
> We rely on our community’s usual collaboration to create a healthy space for 
> discussion where we can trust each other and hope you will endeavour to 
> continue to promote meaningful interactions on this mailing list in line with 
> our code of conduct in place.
> Regards,
> AFRINIC Communications & PR Team.

Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] The Africa Internet Summit 2021 (AIS’21) Online Registration is Open

2021-03-22 Thread AFRINIC Communication
[French, Arabic and Portuguese versions below]

Dear Colleagues, 

We are pleased to inform you that the registration for The Africa Internet 
Summit 2021 (AIS’21) Online is now open. Delegates are required to register for 
the conference that will take place online from 31 May to 4 June 2021 at 

The deadline for registration is 21st May 2021.

The Africa Internet Summit (AIS) is an annual, regional, multi-stakeholder ICT 
conference. It is the pinnacle educational and business ICT event in Africa 
where key players in the Internet industry can interact with the global 
Internet community. The African Internet community, drawn from academia, public 
and private sectors, technical organisations, governmental institutions and 
civil society, interact on Internet issues and Internet development in general. 
Our audience benefits from various panels of international experts who deliver 
insightful knowledge of ICT technologies.

We will share with you the details on how to join the online meeting in due 
course. Delegates are required to register for the meeting in order to access 
the platform.
Please note while registering you may choose to subscribe to the  mailing list 
to receive updates about the event and engage with meeting participants via the 
mailing list 

We look forward to seeing you soon online for AIS’21.

Kind Regards,

AIS’21 Meeting Team  


L'inscription en ligne pour le Sommet Africain de l'Internet 2021 (AIS'21) est 
maintenant ouverte

Chers collègues,

Nous avons le plaisir de vous informer que l'inscription au Sommet Africain de 
l'Internet 2021 (AIS'21) en ligne est maintenant ouverte. Les délégués doivent 
s'inscrire à la conférence qui se déroulera en ligne du 31 mai au 4 juin 2021 à 
. La date limite d'inscription est 
le 21 mai 2021.

L'Africa Internet Summit (AIS) est une conférence annuelle, régionale et 
multipartite sur les TIC. Il s'agit de l'événement éducatif et commercial le 
plus important dans le domaine des TIC en Afrique, où les acteurs clés du 
secteur de l'Internet peuvent interagir avec la communauté Internet mondiale. 
La communauté Internet africaine, issue du monde universitaire, des secteurs 
public et privé, des organisations techniques, des institutions 
gouvernementales et de la société civile, interagit sur les questions liées à 
l'Internet et au développement de l'Internet en général. Notre audience 
bénéficie de divers panels d'experts internationaux qui apportent des 
connaissances approfondies sur les technologies de l'information et de la 

Nous vous communiquerons les détails sur la façon de rejoindre la réunion en 
ligne en temps voulu. Les délégués doivent s'inscrire à la réunion pour pouvoir 
accéder à la plateforme.
Veuillez noter qu'au moment de l'inscription, vous pouvez choisir de vous 
abonner à la liste de diffusion 
 pour recevoir des mises à jour sur 
l'événement et échanger avec les participants à la réunion via la liste de 

Nous nous réjouissons de vous voir bientôt en ligne pour l'AIS'21.


L'équipe de la réunion AIS'21 


تم فتح باب التسجيل عبر الإنترنت لقمة إفريقيا للإنترنت 2021 (AIS’21)

زملائي الأعزاء،

يسعدنا إبلاغكم أن التسجيل في مؤتمر قمة إفريقيا للإنترنت 2021 (AIS’21) عبر 
الإنترنت مفتوح الآن. يتعين على المندوبين التسجيل في المؤتمر الذي سيعقد عبر 
الإنترنت في الفترة من 31 مايو إلى 4 يونيو 2021 على 
. آخر موعد للتسجيل هو 21 مايو 2021.

قمة الإنترنت الأفريقية (AIS) هي مؤتمر سنوي إقليمي متعدد الأطراف لتكنولوجيا 
المعلومات والاتصالات. إنه حدث تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات التعليمية والتجاري 
الأبرز في إفريقيا حيث يمكن للاعبين الرئيسيين في صناعة الإنترنت التفاعل مع مجتمع 
الإنترنت العالمي. يتفاعل مجتمع الإنترنت الأفريقي ، المؤلف من الأوساط الأكاديمية 
والقطاعين العام والخاص والمنظمات الفنية والمؤسسات الحكومية والمجتمع المدني ، 
بشأن قضايا الإنترنت وتطوير الإنترنت بشكل عام. يستفيد جمهورنا من مجموعات متنوعة 
من الخبراء الدوليين الذين يقدمون معرفة ثاقبة بتقنيات تكنولوجيا المعلومات 

سنطلعك على التفاصيل حول كيفية الانضمام إلى الاجتماع عبر الإنترنت في الوقت 
المناسب. يجب على المندوبين التسجيل في الاجتماع من أجل الوصول إلى المنصة.
يرجى ملاحظة أنه أثناء التسجيل يمكنك اختيار الاشتراك في القائمة البريدية 

[Community-Discuss] Reminder: Call for Nominations - AFRINIC Governance Committee (GC) Members

2021-03-19 Thread AFRINIC Communication
[French, Arabic and Portuguese versions below]

Dear colleagues 

The AFRINIC Governance Committee is a standing committee whose purpose is to 
advise the AFRINIC Board, AFRINIC Membership, and the community, on matters of 
NomCom is hereby calling for nominations from the community for one Governance 
Committee position up for election, to serve a three-year term from 1 January 
2022 to 31 December 2024. The seat is currently held by Dr. Alioune Badara 

The Nomination Committee (NomCom2021) wishes to receive Nominations from all of 
the AFRINIC sub-regions and are explicitly looking for both Gender and Language 
diversity although a working understanding of the English language is required.
The GC Charter is available at 

The nomination and election process is available at 

Nomination Requirements:
• GC members shall be resident in the AFRINIC service region.
• None of the elected members may be an AFRINIC Director or an AFRINIC 
• A valid nomination must originate from or be submitted by an 
authorized and registered contact person of the nominating member organization. 
The nomination must also be seconded/endorsed by at least one additional 
AFRINIC member, different from the nominating member organization. Nominators 
and seconders/endorsers must all be AFRINIC members in good standing.
• Self-nominations are permitted and must be endorsed by 2 distinct 
AFRINIC members in good standing.

To nominate yourself or a candidate of your choice, please complete the 
nomination form at 

Deadline for Nominations
The Closure of the Candidate Nomination period is 8th April 2021 at 23:59UTC 

Please note that the election will take place during the AFRINIC-33 will be 
held online due to COVID-19 Pandemic situation the whole world is in now.

Notice: Please note that any person convicted on crime involving dishonesty; 
fraud or breach of trust shall not be considered for this position.


In view of the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, AFRINIC Community Meetings, 
including both its AGMM and the Public Policy Meeting (i.e. AFRINIC-33 meeting 
AIS21) will be held online. The following timeline shall be used as far as 



NomCom 2021


Chers collègues 

Le Comité de gouvernance d'AFRINIC est un comité qui a pour but de conseiller 
le Conseil d'administration d'AFRINIC, les membres d'AFRINIC et la communauté 
sur les questions de gouvernance.
Par la présente, le NomCom lance un appel à candidatures auprès de la 
communauté pour un poste du Comité de gouvernance à élire, pour un mandat de 
trois ans allant du 1er janvier 2022 au 31 décembre 2024. Ce siège est 
actuellement occupé par le Dr Alioune Badara Traore.

Le Comité de Nomination (NomCom2021) souhaite recevoir des nominations de 
toutes les sous-régions d'AFRINIC et recherche explicitement une diversité de 
genre et de langue, bien qu'une compréhension pratique de la langue anglaise 
soit requise.
La charte du CG est disponible sur 

Le processus de nomination et d'élection est disponible à l'adresse 

Conditions de nomination :
- Les membres du CA doivent résider dans la région de service d'AFRINIC.
- Aucun des membres élus ne peut être un directeur d'AFRINIC ou un 
employé d'AFRINIC.
- Une nomination valide doit provenir ou être soumise par une personne 
de contact autorisée et enregistrée de l'organisation membre qui propose la 
nomination. La candidature doit également être appuyée/approuvée par au moins 
un autre membre d'AFRINIC, différent de l'organisation membre qui a présenté la 
candidature. Les nominateurs et les seconds/appuyeurs doivent tous être des 
membres AFRINIC en règle.
- Les auto-nominations sont autorisées et doivent être soutenues par 2 
membres distincts d'AFRINIC en règle.

Pour vous nommer ou nommer un candidat de votre choix, veuillez remplir le 
formulaire de nomination à l'adresse

[Community-Discuss] Reminder: Call for Nominations for open AFRINIC Board of Directors Seat

2021-03-19 Thread AFRINIC Communication
[French, Arabic and Portuguese versions below]

Dear AFRINIC Members,

The Nomination Committee (NomCom2021) is pleased to announce that the 
nomination process for AFRINIC’s Board is opened for the below seat:

●  Seat 5 (Southern African), to serve a three-year term in terms of 
Article 13.5 and 13.6 of the AFRINIC Bylaws. This seat is currently held by 
Vika William Mpisane

A natural person residing in the above region may be nominated (for that 
sub-region) in compliance with the provisions of Section 12.14 of the by-laws 
( ).

●  Nominations may be made by

(1) an AFRINIC member in good standing or

(2) in case of self-nomination, be formally endorsed by at least two (2) 
AFRINIC members in good standing

●  A member can nominate only one candidate and may second any number of 

●  A nominee is required to

(i) have participated in at least two (2) AFRINIC events (physically or online) 
in the past three (3) years;

(ii) have at least five (5) years of professional experience in an area 
relevant to AFRINIC’s activities, such as Internet Resource Management, ICT, 
policy development, finance, audit, and HR management;

●  A Nominee

(i) should not, at the time of nomination, be a member of a decision-making 
body (such as a Board) of an organization which may actually or potentially 
create any conflict of interest for the nominee’s eventual function as a 

(ii) must at all times be available and committed to participating in Board 
meetings and other AFRINIC activities (face-to-face and online);

(iii) Demonstrate a clear understanding of AFRINIC’s bylaws.

(iv) show previous active participation on membership mailing list discussion 
in the past three (3) years.

Nominees are further required to take note of the following as stipulated in 
Section 13.10 of the AFRINIC bylaws:

No person shall be appointed or hold office as a Director if he is a person who:

(i) is under 18 years of age;

(ii) is an undischarged bankrupt;

(iii) would, but for the repeal of Section 117 of the Companies Act 1984 of 
Mauritius, be prohibited from being a Director or promoter of, or being 
concerned or taking part in the management of, a company within the meaning of 
that Act;

(iv) is prohibited from being a Director or promoter of or being concerned or 
taking part in the management of a company under Sections 337 or 338 of the Act;

(v) is not a natural person; or

(vi) has been adjudged to have been of unsound mind.

To nominate yourself or a person of your choice, please complete the nomination

form available here. 

The nomination period shall end on 8th April 2021 at 23:59 UTC

Note: Nominees whom the Nom Com has selected as candidates should make 
arrangements to attend AFRINIC-33 in-person or online on the Day of the 
Election (04 June 2021). They will be afforded an opportunity to introduce 
themselves and make a short presentation to the AGMM. Nominees are called upon 
to send a short video presentation to the member list as well as to the NoMCom 
with a campaign statement, if they so wish, and a short biography.

NomCom wishes to receive Nominations from all of the AFRINIC sub-regions. 
Gender and Language diversity balance is strongly encouraged while a working 
understanding of the English language would be highly beneficial.

More information on the election process, is available at 


In view of the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, AFRINIC Community Meetings, 
including both its AGMM and the Public Policy Meeting (i.e. AFRINIC-33 meeting 
AIS21) will be held online. The following timeline shall be used as far as 

13th March 2021 call for nominations

8th April 2021 close of nominations

30th April 2021 Publication of candidates

5th May 2021 opening of public comments to the candidates

20th May 2021 e-voting and proxy registration open

29th May 2021 close of proxy registration

4th June 2021   Election day and end of electronic voting



Chers membres d'AFRINIC,

Le comité de nomination (NomCom2021) a le plaisir de vous annoncer que le 
processus de nomination au conseil d'administration d'AFRINIC est ouvert pour 
le siège ci-dessous :

● Siège 5 (Afrique australe), pour un mandat de trois ans, conformément aux 
articles 13.5 et 13.6 des statuts d'AFRINIC. Ce siège est actuellement occupé 
par Vika William Mpisane.

Une personne physique résidant dans la région ci-dessus peut être désignée 
(pour cette sous-région) conformément aux dispositions de l'article 12.14 des 
statuts ( 

Re: [Community-Discuss] March 2021 Updates

2021-03-18 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Hi Sylvain,

Thanks for sending us this feedback.

We have added the points you highlighted at:
in the report.


Ashil Oogarah

On behalf of the Communications & PR Team

> On 18 Mar 2021, at 00:11, Sylvain Baya  wrote:
> Dear AfriNIC's Community, 
> Hope you are doing well!
> Le mer. 17 mars 2021 17:58, AFRINIC Communication  <>> a écrit :
> Hi Jordi,
> Thanks for sending us this feedback.
> I have updated the report by adding this point that we missed.
> <>
> Hi Ashil and Eddy,
> ...i have read it before and i had a similar feeling 
> as Jordi, who expressed an idea which seems to 
> add more balanced :-) ...btw, could you, please, 
> also add the full ideas of mine, on the topic, that 
> i have posted here [1] since that webinar's day ?
> Thanks.
> __
> [1]: < 
> <>>
> Shalom,
> --sb.
> Regards,
> Ashil Oogarah
> On behalf of the Communications and PR Team
>> On 17 Mar 2021, at 13:11, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via Community-Discuss 
>>>> wrote:
>> [...]
> ___
> Community-Discuss mailing list

Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Registration Opens for the first AFRINIC IPv6 & RPKI e-Deployathon 2021

2021-03-18 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear Community,

AFRINIC is pleased to invite you to register for its first IPv6 & RPKI 
e-Deployathon for 2021. 
AFRINIC is the only RIR with IPv4 addresses in its free pool, 1,866,240  to be 
specific. This is, of course, grossly inadequate to meet Africa’s current IP 
address needs, making IPv6 the only sustainable way to continue to grow the 
potential of the Internet in Africa.
As of today, that’s why after having trained over 6000 engineers from 50 
countries, in 2018, we designed and organised the world’s first deployathon as 
a mechanism to shorten the time between learning about IPv6 and actually 
implementing it.
In 2019, we ran 5 deployathons in which 55 network operators have participated 
and, within 3-4 days, were able to accomplish 146 deployments KPIs.
In 2020, we redesigned the event and organised it entirely online. 
Nevertheless, 30 organisations from 14 countries were able to accomplish 23 
deployment KPIs:
7 validated route6 object
4  address plans in IPAMS
4 advertised IPv6 prefixes
2 validated RPKI ROA objects
2 IPv6 traffic from test VLAN
1 IPv6-enabled DNS
1 IPv6-enabled website
1 IPv6-enabled email
1 network with IPv6 user traffic

If selected, you will get the same step by step guidance, tools and techniques 
we’ve perfected in 7 (e-)Deployathons and 91 helpdesk calls to help you move 
your IPv6 deployment one clearly measurable step forward in full accordance 
with your network change management processes.
Date: 30th March to 1st April 2021
Time: 9:00 to 13:00 UTC (4 hours each day)
Location: Zoom 
Eligibility: Qualified engineers from any country in Africa
Main Language: English
Register here: 
Deadline for applying: 22 March 2021

If you are an engineer who runs a network and believe that you can make one 
concrete visible step towards IPv6 deployment (or advance your stalled IPv6 
deployment), apply for a spot here. 

Only 35 spots are available for this webinar.

Read the AFRINIC Privacy Policy here: 

For more information and queries about e-Deployathons, please contact: 

AFRINIC Capacity Building Team

Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] March 2021 Updates

2021-03-17 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Hi Jordi,

Thanks for sending us this feedback.

I have updated the report by adding this point that we missed.


Ashil Oogarah

On behalf of the Communications and PR Team

> On 17 Mar 2021, at 13:11, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via Community-Discuss 
>  wrote:
> Hi Eddy,
> Unless I’m missing it, I believe that the summary of the community 
> consultation webinar is missing a key point that I made.
> I stated that the only way for removing anything (even porn, terrorism, etc., 
> which by the way are extreme cases, that never happened in any RIR or IETF 
> mailing list, unless I missed it), is by means of a court order.
> Expanding that, this is also the way to ensure that AFRINIC has no 
> responsibility if something like that happens. AFRINIC can demonstrate in 
> that case that:
> It was not AFRINIC posting.
> AFRINIC noticed that this may be illegal and asked the authorities to confirm 
> if it should be removed.
> AFRINIC clearly is not liable for that, it is just a “record keeper”.
> Regards,
> Jordi
> @jordipalet
> El 17/3/21 9:51, "Eddy Kayihura">> 
> escribió:
> [French, Arabic, and Portuguese versions below]
> Dear Colleagues,
> I hope you are keeping well. Please find below updates detailing AFRINIC 
> activities in March 2021.
> Community Consultative webinar
> I would like to thank our community members who attended the “Public 
> Persecution vs. Constructive Criticism on AFRINIC Mailing lists”Community 
> Consultative Webinar. We had a total of 68 participants in the webinar. The 
> AFRINIC mailing list is an essential avenue for policy building and 
> continuous dialogue - our community’s heartbeat, where we engage in open, 
> respectful discussions, on matters of importance to the African Internet 
> community. From this webinar, we understood your perspective and we now pave 
> the way for other such-like webinars where we listen to the views of our 
> community. 
> This webinar showed the sense of goodwill from our community, the desire for 
> teamwork in our community, and the trust you have for AFRINIC. I wish to 
> assure our community that we will make sure to address the concerns raised in 
> the shortest time possible to see us get to a point where it is safe to 
> contribute to discussions on the mailing list.  We want to ensure that we 
> create an environment that is conducive enough and helpful for everyone to 
> participate freely and where people are safe to contribute. An executive 
> summary 
>  for the webinar has been published.
> AIS’21 Online
> The  African Internet Summit (AIS’21) Online / AFRINIC 33 will take place on 
> 31st May- 4th June 2021.
> Registration  for this meeting 
> is now open, and delegates are requested to register before 21st May 2021. 
> The virtual session will follow the tentative program below:
>   31   May 2021   -AfNOG Technical Session 
>1June 2021   -Af* Meeting
>2-3 June 2021  -AFRINIC-33 Public Policy Meeting
>4 June 2021  -   Annual General Members Meeting (AGMM).
> Updates on the Mailing list clean up Exercise
> To safeguard the community from being subject to inappropriate behaviours, we 
> have developed mechanisms to verify and authenticate the mailing lists’ 
> users. The terms of use are now approved and we are working on its 
> implementation starting with the community-discuss mailing list.
> AFRINIC Office Closure
> There has been another wave of COVID-19 infections in Mauritius. The 
> Mauritian authorities have announced a countrywide lockdown in the next two 
> weeks. For our staff’s safety and to comply with the government directives, 
> the AFRINIC office will remain closed for any walk-in services during this 
> time. We have put in place measures to ensure that all our services are 
> available, albeit online and the AFRINIC Team is in a position to provide 
> services.
>  Appreciation to all Volunteers in the African Internet Community
> Our community is backed up by men and women who have given their time and 
> even expertise towards various projects and in different groups and I would 
> not end this update without appreciating our community members who double up 
> as volunteers engaging in discussions on the mailing lists. Moreover, they 
> take time out of their busy schedules to participate in consultative sessions 
> whenever they are called upon. I think it is only fair that I acknowledge 
> these groups: The Board Members, the members of all working groups and our 
> volunteer translators. Thank you for your service.
> I wish you well as we pursue our common goals and aspirations.
> Thank You.
> Kind Regards,
> Eddy Kayihura,
> Chie

[Community-Discuss] Reminder: Webinar Invitation - Internet Routing Registry: Zero to Hero

2021-03-16 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear Colleagues,

AFRINIC is pleased to kick off with the first training webinar series of  2021 
on the topic ‘Internet Routing Registries’.

Internet Routing Registries (IRRs) facilitate the validation of routing 
information by other network operators on a global scale and form one of the 
fundamental building blocks of routing security on the Internet.

As a network operator, documenting and regularly updating routing policies as 
well as other related route announcements is the best common operational 
practice. It is also one of the Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security 
(MANRS') actions that a network operator can implement to demonstrate a 
commitment to running a safe and resilient Internet. 

In this webinar, you will learn how to implement your routing policy in the 
AFRINIC free IRR service as well as how to use it for various key network 

By the end of this session, participants should be able to:

• Identify the various IRR objects and the function of each
• Implement their routing policies in the IRR using the aut-num(AS) 
• Generate BGP filters from the IRR for their network operating systems

Please use the following link to register, and don't forget to add the event to 
your calendar:

Date: 18th March 2021
Time: 12:30 UTC 

This webinar will be in English, and as usual, we will also organise the French 
version that will be announced at a later date.

See you at the webinar!


AFRINIC  Capacity Building team___
Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Call for Nominations for open AFRINIC Board of Directors Seat

2021-03-13 Thread AFRINIC Communication
[French, Arabic and Portuguese versions below]

Dear AFRINIC Members,

The Nomination Committee (NomCom2021) is pleased to announce that the 
nomination process for AFRINIC’s Board is opened for the below seat:

●  Seat 5 (Southern African), to serve a three-year term in terms of 
Article 13.5 and 13.6 of the AFRINIC Bylaws. This seat is currently held by 
Vika William Mpisane

A natural person residing in the above region may be nominated (for that 
sub-region) in compliance with the provisions of Section 12.14 of the by-laws 

●  Nominations may be made by

(1) an AFRINIC member in good standing or

(2) in case of self-nomination, be formally endorsed by at least two (2) 
AFRINIC members in good standing

●  A member can nominate only one candidate and may second any number of 

●  A nominee is required to

(i) have participated in at least two (2) AFRINIC events (physically or online) 
in the past three (3) years;

(ii)have at least five (5) years of professional experience in an area relevant 
to AFRINIC’s activities, such as Internet Resource Management, ICT, policy 
development, finance, audit, and HR management;

●  A Nominee

(i) should not, at the time of nomination, be a member of a decision-making 
body (such as a Board) of an organization which may actually or potentially 
create any conflict of interest for the nominee’s eventual function as a 

(ii) must at all times be available and committed to participating in Board 
meetings and other AFRINIC activities (face-to-face and online);

(iii) Demonstrate a clear understanding of AFRINIC’s bylaws.

(iv) show previous active participation on membership mailing list discussion 
in the past three (3) years.

Nominees are further required to take note of the following as stipulated in 
Section 13.10 of the AFRINIC bylaws:

No person shall be appointed or hold office as a Director if he is a person who:

(i) is under 18 years of age;

(ii) is an undischarged bankrupt;

(iii) would, but for the repeal of Section 117 of the Companies Act 1984 of 
Mauritius, be prohibited from being a Director or promoter of, or being 
concerned or taking part in the management of, a company within the meaning of 
that Act;

(iv) is prohibited from being a Director or promoter of or being concerned or 
taking part in the management of a company under Sections 337 or 338 of the Act;

(v) is not a natural person; or

(vi) has been adjudged to have been of unsound mind.

To nominate yourself or a person of your choice, please complete the nomination

form available here.

The nomination period shall end on 8th April 2021 at 23:59 UTC

Note: Nominees whom the Nom Com has selected as candidates should make 
arrangements to attend AFRINIC-33 in-person or online on the Day of the 
Election (04 June 2021). They will be afforded an opportunity to introduce 
themselves and make a short presentation to the AGMM. Nominees are called upon 
to send a short video presentation to the member list as well as to the NoMCom 
with a campaign statement, if they so wish, and a short biography.

NomCom wishes to receive Nominations from all of the AFRINIC sub-regions. 
Gender and Language diversity balance is strongly encouraged while a working 
understanding of the English language would be highly beneficial.

More information on the election process, is available at


In view of the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, AFRINIC Community Meetings, 
including both its AGMM and the Public Policy Meeting (i.e. AFRINIC-33 meeting 
AIS21) will be held online. The following timeline shall be used as far as 

13th March 2021 call for nominations

8th April 2021 close of nominations

30th April 2021 Publication of candidates

5th May 2021 opening of public comments to the candidates

20th May 2021 e-voting and proxy registration open

29th May 2021 close of proxy registration

4th June 2021   Election day and end of electronic voting



Chers membres d'AFRINIC,

Le comité de nomination (NomCom2021) a le plaisir de vous annoncer que le 
processus de nomination au conseil d'administration d'AFRINIC est ouvert pour 
le siège ci-dessous :

● Siège 5 (Afrique australe), pour un mandat de trois ans, conformément aux 
articles 13.5 et 13.6 des statuts d'AFRINIC. Ce siège est actuellement occupé 
par Vika William Mpisane.

Une personne physique résidant dans la région ci-dessus peut être désignée 
(pour cette sous-région) conformément aux dispositions de l'article 12.14 des 
statuts (

● Les nominations peuvent être faites par

(1) un membre AFRINIC en règle ou

(2) en cas d'auto-nomination, être formellement avalisée par au moins deux (2) 
membres d'AFRI

[Community-Discuss] Call for Nominations - AFRINIC Governance Committee (GC) Members

2021-03-13 Thread AFRINIC Communication
[French, Arabic and Portuguese versions below]

Dear colleagues 

The AFRINIC Governance Committee is a standing committee whose purpose is to 
advise the AFRINIC Board, AFRINIC Membership, and the community, on matters of 
NomCom is hereby calling for nominations from the community for one Governance 
Committee position up for election, to serve a three-year term from 1 January 
2022 to 31 December 2024. The seat is currently held by Dr. Alioune Badara 

The Nomination Committee (NomCom2021) wishes to receive Nominations from all of 
the AFRINIC sub-regions and are explicitly looking for both Gender and Language 
diversity although a working understanding of the English language is required.
The GC Charter is available at
The nomination and election process is available at
Nomination Requirements:
• GC members shall be resident in the AFRINIC service region.
• None of the elected members may be an AFRINIC Director or an AFRINIC 
• A valid nomination must originate from or be submitted by an 
authorized and registered contact person of the nominating member organization. 
The nomination must also be seconded/endorsed by at least one additional 
AFRINIC member, different from the nominating member organization. Nominators 
and seconders/endorsers must all be AFRINIC members in good standing.
• Self-nominations are permitted and must be endorsed by 2 distinct 
AFRINIC members in good standing.

To nominate yourself or a candidate of your choice, please complete the 
nomination form at
Deadline for Nominations
The Closure of the Candidate Nomination period is 8th April 2021 at 23:59UTC 

Please note that the election will take place during the AFRINIC-33 will be 
held online due to COVID-19 Pandemic situation the whole world is in now.

Notice: Please note that any person convicted on crime involving dishonesty; 
fraud or breach of trust shall not be considered for this position.


In view of the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, AFRINIC Community Meetings, 
including both its AGMM and the Public Policy Meeting (i.e. AFRINIC-33 meeting 
AIS21) will be held online. The following timeline shall be used as far as 



NomCom 2021


Chers collègues 

Le Comité de gouvernance d'AFRINIC est un comité qui a pour but de conseiller 
le Conseil d'administration d'AFRINIC, les membres d'AFRINIC et la communauté 
sur les questions de gouvernance.
Par la présente, le NomCom lance un appel à candidatures auprès de la 
communauté pour un poste du Comité de gouvernance à élire, pour un mandat de 
trois ans allant du 1er janvier 2022 au 31 décembre 2024. Ce siège est 
actuellement occupé par le Dr Alioune Badara Traore.

Le Comité de Nomination (NomCom2021) souhaite recevoir des nominations de 
toutes les sous-régions d'AFRINIC et recherche explicitement une diversité de 
genre et de langue, bien qu'une compréhension pratique de la langue anglaise 
soit requise.
La charte du CG est disponible sur
Le processus de nomination et d'élection est disponible à l'adresse
Conditions de nomination :
- Les membres du CA doivent résider dans la région de service d'AFRINIC.
- Aucun des membres élus ne peut être un directeur d'AFRINIC ou un 
employé d'AFRINIC.
- Une nomination valide doit provenir ou être soumise par une personne 
de contact autorisée et enregistrée de l'organisation membre qui propose la 
nomination. La candidature doit également être appuyée/approuvée par au moins 
un autre membre d'AFRINIC, différent de l'organisation membre qui a présenté la 
candidature. Les nominateurs et les seconds/appuyeurs doivent tous être des 
membres AFRINIC en règle.
- Les auto-nominations sont autorisées et doivent être soutenues par 2 
membres distincts d'AFRINIC en règle.

Pour vous nommer ou nommer un candidat de votre choix, veuillez remplir le 
formulaire de nomination à l'adresse
Date limite de dépôt des candidatures
La clôture de la période de nomination des candidats est fixée au 8 avril 2021 
à 23:59UTC. 

Veuillez noter que l'élection aura lieu pendant l'AFRINIC-33 et se tiendra en 
ligne en raison de la situation de pandémie de COVID-19 dans laquelle le monde 

[Community-Discuss] Webinar Invitation - Internet Routing Registry: Zero to Hero

2021-03-09 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear Colleagues,

AFRINIC is pleased to kick off with the first training webinar series of  2021 
on the topic ‘Internet Routing Registries’.

Internet Routing Registries (IRRs) facilitate the validation of routing 
information by other network operators on a global scale and form one of the 
fundamental building blocks of routing security on the Internet.

As a network operator, documenting and regularly updating routing policies as 
well as other related route announcements is the best common operational 
practice. It is also one of the Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security 
(MANRS') actions that a network operator can implement to demonstrate a 
commitment to running a safe and resilient Internet. 

In this webinar, you will learn how to implement your routing policy in the 
AFRINIC free IRR service as well as how to use it for various key network 

By the end of this session, participants should be able to:

• Identify the various IRR objects and the function of each
• Implement their routing policies in the IRR using the aut-num(AS) 
• Generate BGP filters from the IRR for their network operating systems

Please use the following link to register, and don't forget to add the event to 
your calendar:

Date: 18th March 2021
Time: 12:30 UTC 

This webinar will be in English, and as usual, we will also organise the French 
version that will be announced at a later date.

See you at the webinar!


AFRINIC  Capacity Building team
Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Reminder: Participate in AFRINIC's Community Consultative webinar

2021-03-03 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear colleagues, 

This is a reminder about our Community Consultative webinar on the topic of 
‘’Public Persecution vs. Constructive Criticism on AFRINIC mailing lists”, 
scheduled on Thursday 4 March 2021.

After several concerns raised from community members on the virulence of 
exchanges on AFRINIC mailing lists, AFRINIC had to make very difficult 
decisions regarding how to best apply the community code of conduct to the 
public mailing lists in an attempt to safeguard the community from being 
subject to these inappropriate behaviours while allowing people to express 
thoughts and critics freely. 

AFRINIC does not take such decisions lightly and is in need of guidance from 
the community on the best way moving forward on dealing with the cases that 
clearly mix public harassment with useful feedback. 

Community members are invited to discuss measures to foster a safe and 
all-inclusive environment where community members, volunteers as well as 
AFRINIC staff feel supported and comfortable serving this community and 
exchanging ideas without the fear of being publicly harassed and personally 

It is key that we as a community have clear guidelines that allow us to prevent 
constructive criticism from turning into public persecution and slander. This 
is key to the creation of a safe and dynamic environment where opinions and 
ideas can flow freely and openly without fear of attack.


   • 10:00 - 12:00  UTC 

Language: We are working on ensuring that live interpretation services (French/ 
English) will be made available for this session so that the community can 
express their thoughts in the language that they feel most comfortable using 
and the session will be recorded.

Target: AFRINIC community members and any other person interested in how 
AFRINIC manages mailing lists.

Register in advance for this Webinar: 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information 
about joining the meeting.

Kindly take note of AFRINIC’s Privacy policy with regards to protecting your 
privacy, confidentiality and security of the data that you provide us when 
using our website, contact our office, or when interacting with us. 


AFRINIC Communications and PR Team.


Chère collègues, 

Nous tenons à vous rappeler qu'un webinaire consultatif communautaire aura lieu 
le jeudi 4 mars 2021 sur le thème "Persécution publique contre critique 
constructive sur les listes de diffusion AFRINIC".

À la suite de préoccupations soulevées par des membres de la communauté sur la 
virulence des échanges sur les listes de diffusion AFRINIC, AFRINIC a dû 
prendre des décisions très difficiles concernant la meilleure façon d'appliquer 
le code de conduite de la communauté aux listes de diffusion publiques afin de 
protéger la communauté contre ces comportements inappropriés tout en permettant 
aux gens d'exprimer librement leurs pensées et leurs critiques. 

L'AFRINIC ne prend pas de telles décisions à la légère et a besoin des conseils 
de la communauté sur la meilleure façon d'avancer dans le traitement des cas 
qui mêlent clairement le harcèlement public et un retour d'information utile. 

Les membres de la communauté sont invités à discuter des mesures visant à 
favoriser un environnement sûr et inclusif où les membres de la communauté, les 
bénévoles ainsi que le personnel d'AFRINIC se sentent soutenus et à l'aise pour 
servir cette communauté et échanger des idées sans craindre d'être harcelés 
publiquement et attaqués personnellement.

Il est essentiel qu'en tant que communauté, nous disposions de directives 
claires qui nous permettent d'éviter que les critiques constructives ne se 
transforment en persécution publique et en calomnie. C'est la clé de la 
création d'un environnement sûr et dynamique où les opinions et les idées 
peuvent circuler librement et ouvertement sans crainte d'être attaquées.

Horaire : 

   - 10:00 - 12:00 UTC 

La langue : Nous nous efforçons de faire en sorte que des services 
d'interprétation en direct (français/anglais) soient disponibles pour cette 
session afin que la communauté puisse exprimer ses pensées dans la langue 
qu'elle se sent le plus à l'aise d'utiliser et que la session soit enregistrée.

Cible : Les membres de la communauté AFRINIC et toute autre personne intéressée 
par la manière dont AFRINIC gère les listes de diffusion.

Inscrivez-vous à l'avance pour ce webinaire : 

Suivant votre inscription, vous recevrez un courriel

[Community-Discuss] New version of AFRINIC Bylaws (Constitution) Published

2021-03-02 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that the new version of the AFRINIC bylaws 
(Constitution) is now published 

This version includes the following amendments that were approved by our 
membership during the last AFRINIC AGMM on 18 September 2020.

• Amendment to the section ‘Associate Membership’ (article 1.1).
• Amendment to the section ‘Board’ (article 1.1).
• Amendment to the section ‘Company’ (article 1.1).
• Amendment to the section ‘Name’ (article 2.1).
• Amendment to the section ‘Registered office’ (article 5.1).
• Amendments to the section ‘Membership’ (article 6.1).
• Amendments to the section ‘Powers of Members’ (article 7.2).
• Addition of a new section 9.1A under ‘Nomination Committee’ (article 
• Amendment to the section ‘Proceedings at Annual General Members 
Meeting’ [article 12.7]
• Amendment to the section ‘Proxies’ [article 12.12 (i)]
• Amendment to the section ‘Appointment of Directors’ (article 13.14)
• Amendment to the section ‘The Council of Elders’ (article 16.4)
• Amendment to the section ‘Common Seal, Authentication of Documents’ 
(article 23.9)
• Further amendments to sections 5, 11 and 12 [articles 5.2, 11.4, 
12.2(i), 12.11(i), 12.11(vi), 12.11(xi), and 12.13(ii)]

The new version of the bylaws is published at:

AFRINIC Communications & PR Team


Chers collègues,

Nous sommes heureux d'annoncer que la nouvelle version des statuts de l'AFRINIC 
(Constitution) est maintenant publiée 

Cette version inclut les amendements suivants qui ont été approuvés par nos 
membres lors de la dernière assemblée générale de l'AFRINIC le 18 septembre 

- Amendement à la section "Membres associés" (article 1.1).
- Amendement à la section "Conseil d'administration" (article 1.1).
- Amendement à la section "Société" (article 1.1).
- Modification de la rubrique "Nom" (article 2.1).
- Modification de la rubrique "Siège social" (article 5.1).
- Modification de la section "Membres" (article 6.1).
- Modification de la section "Pouvoirs des membres" (article 7.2).
- Ajout d'une nouvelle section 9.1A dans la section "Comité de 
nomination" (article 9.1).
- Modification de la section "Délibérations de l'assemblée générale 
annuelle des membres" [article 12.7].
- Modification de la section "Procurations" [article 12.12 (i)].
- Modification de la section "Nomination des administrateurs" (article 
- Modification de la section "Le Conseil des sages" (article 16.4)
- Modification de la section "Sceau commun, authentification des 
documents" (article 23, paragraphe 9)
- Autres amendements aux sections 5, 11 et 12 [articles 5.2, 11.4, 
12.2(i), 12.11(i), 12.11(vi), 12.11(xi) et 12.13(ii)

Les nouveaux statuts sont publiés à l'adresse suivante :

AFRINIC Communications & PR Team

Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] AFRINIC Blog; Inclusion and diversity in the African Internet Ecosystem

2021-03-02 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear colleagues,

The African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC) works towards achieving its 
vision of “A secure and accessible Internet for sustainable digital growth in 
Africa”. This has been done through facilitating open, all-inclusive arenas 
where people from different origins and different backgrounds come together in 
technical workshops, policy discussions as well as public meetings and mailing 

As secretariat to the AFRINIC community, it is our responsibility to foster a 
safe and all-inclusive environment where community members, volunteers as well 
as AFRINIC staff feel supported and comfortable serving this community without 
the fear of being personally attacked or insulted.

This blog post aims to highlight some of the efforts AFRINIC has put forward 
for inclusiveness and safeguarding the community which is a key component of 
what any community is founded upon.

We invite you to read the blog post at:

AFRINIC Communications and PR Team


Chers collègues,

AFRINIC se consacre à la réalisation de sa vision d'un "Internet sûr et 
accessible pour une croissance numérique durable en Afrique". Pour ce faire, il 
facilite la création d'espaces ouverts et inclusifs où des personnes d'origines 
et de milieux différents se réunissent dans le cadre d'ateliers techniques, de 
discussions politiques, de réunions publiques et de listes de diffusion.

En tant que secrétariat de la communauté AFRINIC, il est de notre 
responsabilité de favoriser un environnement sûr et inclusif où les membres de 
la communauté, les bénévoles ainsi que le personnel d'AFRINIC se sentent 
soutenus et à l'aise pour servir cette communauté sans craindre d'être 
publiquement attaqués ou insultés. 

Ce blog vise à mettre en évidence certains des efforts que l'AFRINIC a mis en 
avant pour l'inclusion et la sauvegarde de la communauté qui est un élément clé 
de ce sur lequel toute communauté est fondée.

Nous vous invitons à lire le blog à l'adresse suivante :

AFRINIC Communications and PR Team

Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Notice to the ASO Community on Rejection Action to ICANN Board Resolutions on FY22 IANA Budget

2021-03-01 Thread AFRINIC Communication
[Sent on behalf of the ASO]
Dear RIR Community,

On 8 February 2021, the ICANN Board of Directors adopted resolutions regarding 
the following:

• FY22 IANA Budget 

The approved FY22 IANA Budget is available at

This resolution (FY22 IANA Budget) is subject to Rejection Action Petitions 
from the community.

The Address Supporting Organization as a Decisional Participant received a 
notice from the ICANN Secretary pursuant to Section 22.4(a)(v) of the ICANN 

Any member of the ASO community can submit a rejection petition on the matter. 
If you are interested in submitting a Rejection Action Petition to the ASO, 
please consult Section 2 of Annex D of the ICANN Bylaws for the requirements 
which must be met by a Rejection Action Petition. 

The period for submitting rejection petitions commenced on 19 February 2021 and 
will end on Friday 13 March 2021 at 07:59 UTC. 

Any Rejection Action Petition should be sent to the ASO Secretariat ( 
secretariat [at]  ) before the deadline.

Kind Regards

ASO Secretariat___
Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Call for comments for Terms of Use for AFRINIC Mailing lists is closed

2021-03-01 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear community,

We would like to inform you that the call for comments is now closed and thank 
you for your comments on the Terms of Use for our mailing lists.

We will now proceed with collecting and working on the comments received.


Communications and PR Team  


Chère communauté,

Nous vous informons que l'appel à commentaires est désormais fermé et vous 
remercions de vos commentaires sur les conditions d'utilisation de nos listes 
de diffusion.

Nous allons maintenant procéder à la compilation et à l'analyse des 
commentaires reçus.


L'Équipe de communication et de relations publiques 
Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Reminder : Participate in AFRINIC's Community Consultative webinar

2021-03-01 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear community, 
This is a reminder about our Community Consultative webinar on the topic of 
‘’Public Persecution vs. Constructive Criticism on AFRINIC mailing lists”, 
scheduled on Thursday 4 March 2021.
After several concerns raised from community members on the virulence of 
exchanges on AFRINIC mailing lists, AFRINIC had to make very difficult 
decisions regarding how to best apply the community code of conduct to the 
public mailing lists in an attempt to safeguard the community from being 
subject to these inappropriate behaviours while allowing people to express 
thoughts and critics freely.
AFRINIC does not take such decisions lightly and is in need of guidance from 
the community on the best way moving forward on dealing with the cases that 
clearly mix public harassment with useful feedback. 
Community members are invited to discuss measures to foster a safe and 
all-inclusive environment where community members, volunteers as well as 
AFRINIC staff feel supported and comfortable serving this community and 
exchanging ideas without the fear of being publicly harassed and personally 
It is key that we as a community have clear guidelines that allow us to prevent 
constructive criticism from turning into public persecution and slander. This 
is key to the creation of a safe and dynamic environment where opinions and 
ideas can flow freely and openly without fear of attack.
• 10:00 - 12:00  UTC 
Language: We are working on ensuring that live interpretation services (French/ 
English) will be made available for this session so that the community can 
express their thoughts in the language that they feel most comfortable using 
and the session will be recorded.
Target: AFRINIC community members and any other person interested in how 
AFRINIC manages mailing lists.
Register in advance for this Webinar:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information 
about joining the meeting.

Kindly take note of AFRINIC’s Privacy policy with regards to protecting your 
privacy, confidentiality and security of the data that you provide us when 
using our website, contact our office, or when interacting with us.

AFRINIC Communications and PR Team.


Chère communauté, 
Nous tenons à vous rappeler qu'un webinaire consultatif communautaire aura lieu 
le jeudi 4 mars 2021 sur le thème "Persécution publique contre critique 
constructive sur les listes de diffusion AFRINIC".
À la suite de préoccupations soulevées par des membres de la communauté sur la 
virulence des échanges sur les listes de diffusion AFRINIC, AFRINIC a dû 
prendre des décisions très difficiles concernant la meilleure façon d'appliquer 
le code de conduite de la communauté aux listes de diffusion publiques afin de 
protéger la communauté contre ces comportements inappropriés tout en permettant 
aux gens d'exprimer librement leurs pensées et leurs critiques.
L'AFRINIC ne prend pas de telles décisions à la légère et a besoin des conseils 
de la communauté sur la meilleure façon d'avancer dans le traitement des cas 
qui mêlent clairement le harcèlement public et un retour d'information utile. 
Les membres de la communauté sont invités à discuter des mesures visant à 
favoriser un environnement sûr et inclusif où les membres de la communauté, les 
bénévoles ainsi que le personnel d'AFRINIC se sentent soutenus et à l'aise pour 
servir cette communauté et échanger des idées sans craindre d'être harcelés 
publiquement et attaqués personnellement.
Il est essentiel qu'en tant que communauté, nous disposions de directives 
claires qui nous permettent d'éviter que les critiques constructives ne se 
transforment en persécution publique et en calomnie. C'est la clé de la 
création d'un environnement sûr et dynamique où les opinions et les idées 
peuvent circuler librement et ouvertement sans crainte d'être attaquées.
Horaire : 
- 10:00 - 12:00 UTC 
La langue : Nous nous efforçons de faire en sorte que des services 
d'interprétation en direct (français/anglais) soient disponibles pour cette 
session afin que la communauté puisse exprimer ses pensées dans la langue 
qu'elle se sent le plus à l'aise d'utiliser et que la session soit enregistrée.
Cible : Les membres de la communauté AFRINIC et toute autre personne intéressée 
par la manière dont AFRINIC gère les listes de diffusion.
Inscrivez-vous à l'avance pour ce webinaire :
Suivant votre inscription, vous recevrez un courriel de confirmation contenant 
des informations sur la participation à la réunion.

Veuillez prendre note de la politique de confidentialité d'AFRINIC en ce qui 
concerne la protection de votre vie privée, la confidentialité

[Community-Discuss] Reminder: Call for Public Comments on the 2020 IANA Performance Matrix Summary Report

2021-02-24 Thread AFRINIC Communication
[Sent on behalf of the IANA Numbering Services Review Committee]

Dear colleagues,

This is a reminder that the IANA Review Committee (IANA 
RC)  has launched a 
public comment period of 30 days, seeking comments and input from the community 
on the IANA numbering services performance and the 2020 IANA Performance Matrix 
Summary Report. 

Some background: 
As a result of the successful IANA Stewardship transition in 
, the IANA Numbering 
Services are now being managed through an SLA  
between ICANN and the five Regional Internet 
Registries (RIRs).

As part of the result of the IANA Stewardship transition, the IANA RC was 
established in 2016. The IANA RC is composed of representatives from each RIR 
region and advises and assists the RIRs in the review of the IANA Numbering 

The IANA services are today provided by Public Technical Identifiers (PTI), 
which publishes monthly performance reports on the IANA Numbering 

Based on these monthly performance reports, the five RIRs have produced the 
2020 IANA Performance Matrix Summary Report. 

The IANA RC encourages all members of the Internet number community to review 
the public IANA Performance Matrix Summary Report.

Comments on the IANA service performance should be sent to: iana-performance 
[at] nro [dot] net.

The IANA RC will publish an annual report in March 2021, as advice to the NRO 
EC with its evaluation of the IANA Numbering services. The report will be based 
on the IANA Performance Matrix Summary Report, as well as any input gathered on 
the performance from the global number community.

The public comment period ends on Friday, 5 March 2021 at 23:59 UTC.

All public comments will be published on the NRO Website in the dedicated IANA 
RC section  
, and will be considered as input to the 
final report by IANA. At the end of the 30-day public comment period, the IANA 
RC will meet and evaluate all input to the final report.

The final IANA RC 2020 Report will be published at 

Kind regards,

Bertrand Cherrier
Chair, IANA Numbering Services Review Committee

Further Information

IANA Numbering Services Review Committee  

Public Technical Identifiers (PTI)  

IANA Stewardship Transition Archive 

The SLA for the IANA Numbering Services  

IANA Stewardship Transition Number Community 

IANA RC Report 2019  

IANA RC Report 2018  

IANA RC Report 2017  
Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Participate in AFRINIC’s webinar on “Public Persecution vs. Constructive Criticism on AFRINIC mailing lists”

2021-02-24 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear Community members, 

AFRINIC would  like to invite you to an upcoming webinar to consult with its 
community on the topic of ‘’Public Persecution vs. Constructive Criticism on 
AFRINIC mailing lists”, scheduled on Thursday 4 March 2021.

After several concerns raised from community members on the virulence of 
exchanges on AFRINIC mailing lists, AFRINIC had to make very difficult 
decisions regarding how to best apply the community code of conduct to the 
public mailing lists in an attempt to safeguard the community from being 
subject to these inappropriate behaviours while allowing people to express 
thoughts and critics freely.

AFRINIC does not take such decisions lightly and is in need of guidance from 
the community on the best way moving forward on dealing with the cases that 
clearly mix public harassment with useful feedback. 

Community members are invited to discuss measures to foster a safe and 
all-inclusive environment where community members, volunteers as well as 
AFRINIC staff feel supported and comfortable serving this community and 
exchanging ideas without the fear of being publicly harassed and personally 

It is key that we as a community have clear guidelines that allow us to prevent 
constructive criticism from turning into public persecution and slander. This 
is key to the creation of a safe and dynamic environment where opinions and 
ideas can flow freely and openly without fear of attack.,


• 10:00 - 12:00  UTC (Ghana, Côte D'Ivoire)
• 11:00 - 13:00 UTC WAT (Nigeria, Cameroon)
• 14:00 - 16:00 UTC SAST (South Africa, Eswatini, Lesotho)
• 15:00 - 17:00 UTC EAT (Kenya, Uganda)
• 16:00 - 18:00 GST (Mauritius, Seychelles)

Language: English 

Target: AFRINIC community members and any other person interested in how 
AFRINIC manages mailing lists

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information 
about joining the meeting.

AFRINIC Stakeholder Engagement Team
Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Breach of the Code of Conduct by Mr Ronald Guilmette

2021-02-23 Thread AFRINIC Communication
[Version en français]

Chers membres de la communauté AFRINIC,

M. Ronald Guilmette a enfreint à plusieurs reprises le code de conduite de la 
liste de diffusion de la communauté AFRINIC, bien qu'il en ait été informé à 
plusieurs reprises, notamment dans les cas suivants

Le 31 août 2020, le DG d'AFRINIC a déposé une plainte contre M. Guilmette pour 
violation du code de conduite de la liste de diffusion communautaire auprès du 
Comité de gouvernance (Gov Com)

La plainte a ensuite été référencée dans le blog d'AFRINIC publié sur le code 
de conduite : sauvegarder les processus qui ont construit l'Internet.

En conséquence, M. Guilmette a été officiellement informé par le Gov Com de 
l'enquête sur une possible violation du code de conduite AFRINIC à laquelle il 
a apporté la réponse suivante.

Nous n'avons pas pris de mesures contre M. Guilmette jusqu'à présent, car nous 
attendons toujours le résultat de l'enquête susmentionnée.

Cependant, en raison des attaques personnelles répétées que M. Guilmette lance 
contre d'autres personnes, inscrites ou non sur la liste, en plus des 
déclarations, dans son dernier courriel, concernant explicitement la Cour 
suprême de Maurice, qui pourraient l'exposer à des poursuites judiciaires pour 
un délit connu sous le nom de ''Scandalisation de la Cour'' et qui pourraient 
mettre en péril la position de l'AFRINIC devant la cour mauricienne. 

À la lumière de ce qui précède, l'AFRINIC a pris des mesures dans cette affaire 
pour préserver la nature ouverte et inclusive sur laquelle cette communauté est 

Les messages de M. Guilmette sur la liste de diffusion de la communauté seront 
soumis à une modération pendant une période de 30 jours à compter du 23 février 

Cela signifie que :

- M. Guilmette continuera à recevoir des courriels comme le reste des 
abonnés à la liste de diffusion.
- Les courriels de M. Guilmette à la liste seront soumis à 
l'approbation du modérateur de la liste de diffusion afin de garantir que ses 
messages sont conformes au code de conduite.
- Si le modérateur estime que le contenu du courriel est contraire au 
code de conduite, le courriel sera supprimé et ne sera pas transmis à la liste, 
sinon le courriel de M. Guilmette sera examiné.
- Enfin, le dernier message de M. Guilmette sera supprimé des archives 
de la liste de diffusion.

Nous comptons sur la collaboration habituelle de notre communauté pour créer un 
espace de discussion sain où nous pouvons nous faire confiance et nous espérons 
que vous vous efforcerez de continuer à promouvoir des interactions 
constructives sur cette liste de diffusion conformément à notre code de 
conduite en vigueur.


AFRINIC Communications & PR Team.

Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Breach of the Code of Conduct by Mr Ronald Guilmette

2021-02-23 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear AFRINIC community members,

Mr. Ronald Guilmette has repeatedly violated the code of conduct of the AFRINIC 
community mailing list despite being notified of this on several occasions 
including the following:

On the 31st of August 2020, AFRINIC’s CEO filed a complaint against Mr. 
Guilmette due to the violation of Code of Conduct on the Community mailing list 
to the Governance Committee (Gov Com)
The complaint was later referenced in the blogpost AFRINIC published on the 
code of conduct: safeguarding the processes that built the Internet.

As a result, Mr. Guilmette was officially notified by the Gov Com of the 
investigation of a possible breach of the AFRINIC code of conduct to which he 
offered the following response.
We have not taken action against Mr. Guilmette till now as we are still waiting 
for the result of the above investigation.

However, due to the repeated personal attacks that Mr. Guilmette launches 
against others that may or may not be subscribed to the list, in addition to 
the statements, in his last email, pertaining explicitly to the Supreme Court 
of Mauritius that could expose him to legal actions for an offence known as 
‘’Scandalising the Court’’ and that may jeopardise AFRINIC’s position in front 
of the Mauritian court. 

In light of the above AFRINIC has taken action in this matter to preserve the 
open and inclusive nature that this community is founded upon.

Mr. Guilmette’s posts  to the community mailing list will be subject to 
moderation for a period of 30 days effective immediately as of 23 February 

This means:

• Mr. Guilmette will continue to receive emails as the rest of the 
mailing list subscribers.
• Mr. Guilmette’s emails to the list will be subjected to approval from 
the mailing list moderator to guarantee that his posts are in line with the 
Code of Conduct.
• In case the moderator finds the content of the email in breach the 
email will be dropped and will not be forwarded to the list, otherwise Mr. 
Guilmette’s email will go through after review.
• Finally Mr. Guilmette’s last post will be removed from the mailing 
list archives.

We rely on our community’s usual collaboration to create a healthy space for 
discussion where we can trust each other and hope you will endeavour to 
continue to promote meaningful interactions on this mailing list in line with 
our code of conduct in place.


AFRINIC Communications & PR Team.
Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] Notice to all the legacy netblocks holders in AfriNIC

2021-02-05 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear Frank,

AFRINIC  has not approved any application for IP space for the purpose of 
leasing despite having received such requests.



> On 5 Feb 2021, at 09:07, Frank Habicht  wrote:
> Hi Owen,
> On 05/02/2021 03:56, Owen DeLong wrote:
>>> On Feb 2, 2021, at 4:29 AM, Noah >> > wrote:
>>> FWIW, an LIR in Afrinic documentation means: “*Any Network Operator
>>> that provides Internet services to distinct end-users and end-sites.*”
>>> In the same context, LIRs are allocated  IPv4 space of type Provider
>>> Aggregatable “Allocated PA”.
>> Yes. It does not specify the type of internet services. Are you arguing
>> that the leasing of address blocks is not an internet service?
> My initial 'gut' response was "YES" - leasing is not a service as
> intended. But: I didn't check the scripture, IANAL, and I don't want to
> get into *that* discussion.
> But I have just one question:
> Is *leasing* the kind of use, for which the IP space was applied for and
> justified?
> AfriNIC staff: has any LIR applied for IP space for the purpose of
> *leasing* and received IP address space?
> Thanks,
> Frank
> ___
> Community-Discuss mailing list

Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] Lancement du cours "IPv6 Foundations" en Français

2021-02-05 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Bonjour Rachad,

Il n'y a pas de date limite pour commencer le cours. Il s'agit d'un cours 
autodidacte, vous pouvez y accéder à tout moment.



> On 5 Feb 2021, at 11:45, Sanoussi Rachad  wrote:
> Merci AFRINIC pour cette opportunité que vous nous offrez. Y a t'il un 
> deadline ? Quand commenceront nous le cours ? 
> On Thu, Feb 4, 2021, 7:40 AM AFRINIC Communication  <>> wrote:
> [English version below]
> Chers collègues,
> AFRINIC a le plaisir d'annoncer le lancement du cours en ligne "IPv6 
> Foundations". Grâce à ce cours, vous allez acquérir une base solide des 
> principes de la mise en réseau IPv6, et à la fin du cours, vous devriez être 
> en mesure de:
> - Expliquer les raisons pour lesquelles le déploiement d'IPv6 est 
> essentiel à la croissance de l'Internet
> - Identifier les différents types d'adresses IPv6 et leurs cas 
> d'utilisation
> - Décrire comment sont générés les identificateurs d'interface 
> EUI-64, sémantiquement opaques et pseudo-aléatoires
> - Énumérer les différences entre IPv6 et IPv4 au niveau des 
> paquets
> - Expliquer l'utilisation des en-têtes d'extension IPv6
> - Identifier les équivalents IPv6 pour chaque fonctionnalité IPv4 
> que vous utilisez dans votre réseau.
> Ce cours est maintenant ouvert à l'inscription sur:  
> <>
> On behalf of AFRINIC Capacity Building Team
> ………
> Launch of the IPv6 Foundations Course in French
> Dear colleagues,
> AFRINIC is pleased to announce the launch of the e-learning course "IPv6 
> Foundations (French Version)". Through this course, you will build a solid 
> foundation in IPv6 networking principles, and by the end of the course you 
> should be able to:
> - Explain why the deployment of IPv6 is essential for the growth 
> of the Internet
> - Identify the different types of IPv6 addresses and their use 
> cases
> - Describe how EUI-64, semantically opaque and pseudo-random 
> interface identifiers are generated 
> - List the differences between IPv6 and IPv4 at the packet level
> - Explain the use of IPv6 extension headers
> - Identify the IPv6 equivalents for each IPv4 feature you use in 
> your network.
>   This course is now open for registration at 
> <>.
> An nom du Capacity Building Team d'AFRINIC
> ___
> Community-Discuss mailing list
> <>
> <>
> Rachad

Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Call for Public Comments on the 2020 IANA Performance Matrix Summary Report

2021-02-04 Thread AFRINIC Communication
[Sent on behalf of the IANA Numbering Services Review Committee]
Dear colleagues,
As you may be aware, as a result of the successful IANA Stewardship transition 
in 2016 > , the IANA Numbering 
Services are today being managed through an SLA > between ICANN and the five Regional Internet 
Registries (RIRs).
As part of the result of the IANA Stewardship transition, the IANA Numbering 
Services Review Committee (IANA RC) > was established in 2016. The IANA RC is composed 
of representatives from each RIR region, and advises and assists the RIRs in 
the review of the IANA Numbering Services.
The IANA services are today provided by Public Technical Identifiers (PTI), 
which publishes monthly performance reports on the IANA Numbering Services. 
Based on these monthly performance reports, the five RIRs have produced the 
2020 IANA Performance Matrix Summary Report. 
30 Day Public Comment Period
The IANA RC is now launching a public comment period of 30 days, seeking 
comments and input from the community on the IANA numbering services 
performance and the 2020 IANA Performance Matrix Summary 
The IANA RC encourages all members of the Internet number community to review 
the public IANA Performance Matrix Summary Report.
Comments on the IANA service performance should be sent to: iana-performance 
[at] nro [dot] net.
The IANA RC will publish an annual report in March 2021, as advice to the NRO 
EC with its evaluation of the IANA Numbering services. The report will be based 
on the IANA Performance Matrix Summary Report, as well as any input gathered on 
the performance from the global number community.
The public comment period ends on Friday, 5 March 2021 at 23:59 UTC.
All public comments will be published on the NRO Website in the dedicated IANA 
RC section >, and will be considered as input to the 
final report by IANA. At the end of the 30-day public comment period, the IANA 
RC will meet and evaluate all input to the final report.
The final IANA RC 2020 Report will be published at 
Kind regards,
Bertrand Cherrier
Chair, IANA Numbering Services Review Committee
Further Information
IANA Numbering Services Review Committee >
Public Technical Identifiers (PTI) >
IANA Stewardship Transition Archive 
The SLA for the IANA Numbering Services >
IANA Stewardship Transition Number Community Proposal 
IANA RC Report 2019 >
IANA RC Report 2018 >
IANA RC Report 2017 >

Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] Lancement du cours "IPv6 Foundations" en Français

2021-02-04 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Bonjour Jean Paul,

Oui, vous pouvez vous joindre au cours. Le cours est destiné aux débutants et à 
ceux qui sont intéressés d'acquérir des connaissances sur l’IPv6.



> On 4 Feb 2021, at 11:57, Jean Paul NKURUNZIZA via Community-Discuss 
>  wrote:
> Bonjour, 
> Merci pour ce message. 
> Est ce qu'une personne ayant très peu de connaissances techniques en matière 
> de réseaux informatique peut participer à ce cours ?
> Cordialement
>  Burundi Youth Training Centre : Vice Président
> Skype : jpnkurunziz 
> Facebook :
> Twitter : @nkurunzizajp 
> Linkedin :
> Tel : +257 79 981459
> Le jeudi 4 février 2021 à 09:40:53 UTC+2, AFRINIC Communication 
>  a écrit :
> [English version below]
> Chers collègues,
> AFRINIC a le plaisir d'annoncer le lancement du cours en ligne "IPv6 
> Foundations". Grâce à ce cours, vous allez acquérir une base solide des 
> principes de la mise en réseau IPv6, et à la fin du cours, vous devriez être 
> en mesure de:
> - Expliquer les raisons pour lesquelles le déploiement d'IPv6 est 
> essentiel à la croissance de l'Internet
> - Identifier les différents types d'adresses IPv6 et leurs cas 
> d'utilisation
> - Décrire comment sont générés les identificateurs d'interface 
> EUI-64, sémantiquement opaques et pseudo-aléatoires
> - Énumérer les différences entre IPv6 et IPv4 au niveau des 
> paquets
> - Expliquer l'utilisation des en-têtes d'extension IPv6
> - Identifier les équivalents IPv6 pour chaque fonctionnalité IPv4 
> que vous utilisez dans votre réseau.
> Ce cours est maintenant ouvert à l'inscription sur:  
> <>
> On behalf of AFRINIC Capacity Building Team
> ………
> Launch of the IPv6 Foundations Course in French
> Dear colleagues,
> AFRINIC is pleased to announce the launch of the e-learning course "IPv6 
> Foundations (French Version)". Through this course, you will build a solid 
> foundation in IPv6 networking principles, and by the end of the course you 
> should be able to:
> - Explain why the deployment of IPv6 is essential for the growth 
> of the Internet
> - Identify the different types of IPv6 addresses and their use 
> cases
> - Describe how EUI-64, semantically opaque and pseudo-random 
> interface identifiers are generated 
> - List the differences between IPv6 and IPv4 at the packet level
> - Explain the use of IPv6 extension headers
> - Identify the IPv6 equivalents for each IPv4 feature you use in 
> your network.
>   This course is now open for registration at 
> An nom du Capacity Building Team d'AFRINIC
> ___
> Community-Discuss mailing list
> <>
> <>
> ___
> Community-Discuss mailing list

Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Lancement du cours "IPv6 Foundations" en Français

2021-02-03 Thread AFRINIC Communication
[English version below]

Chers collègues,
AFRINIC a le plaisir d'annoncer le lancement du cours en ligne "IPv6 
Foundations". Grâce à ce cours, vous allez acquérir une base solide des 
principes de la mise en réseau IPv6, et à la fin du cours, vous devriez être en 
mesure de:
- Expliquer les raisons pour lesquelles le déploiement d'IPv6 est 
essentiel à la croissance de l'Internet
- Identifier les différents types d'adresses IPv6 et leurs cas 
- Décrire comment sont générés les identificateurs d'interface 
EUI-64, sémantiquement opaques et pseudo-aléatoires
- Énumérer les différences entre IPv6 et IPv4 au niveau des paquets
- Expliquer l'utilisation des en-têtes d'extension IPv6
- Identifier les équivalents IPv6 pour chaque fonctionnalité IPv4 
que vous utilisez dans votre réseau.

Ce cours est maintenant ouvert à l'inscription sur:

On behalf of AFRINIC Capacity Building Team

Launch of the IPv6 Foundations Course in French

Dear colleagues,

AFRINIC is pleased to announce the launch of the e-learning course "IPv6 
Foundations (French Version)". Through this course, you will build a solid 
foundation in IPv6 networking principles, and by the end of the course you 
should be able to:
- Explain why the deployment of IPv6 is essential for the growth of 
the Internet
- Identify the different types of IPv6 addresses and their use cases
- Describe how EUI-64, semantically opaque and pseudo-random 
interface identifiers are generated 
- List the differences between IPv6 and IPv4 at the packet level
- Explain the use of IPv6 extension headers
- Identify the IPv6 equivalents for each IPv4 feature you use in 
your network.
  This course is now open for registration at

An nom du Capacity Building Team d'AFRINIC
Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] AFRINIC and ATU sign a MoU to seal their Collaboration

2021-02-03 Thread AFRINIC Communication
[Version en français au bas] 

Dear colleagues,

AFRINIC is pleased to announce it has sealed its collaboration through the 
signature of a MoU with the African Telecommunications Union.

Please read more on this collaboration:

AFRINIC Communications Team


Chers collègues,

AFRINIC a le plaisir d'annoncer qu'il a scellé sa collaboration par la 
signature d'un protocole d'accord avec l'Union africaine des télécommunications.

Pour en savoir plus sur cette collaboration :

Équipe de communication AFRINIC


Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] Call for Comments on the AFRINIC Mailing Lists Terms of Use

2021-02-02 Thread AFRINIC Communication
[French Version below]

[Version en français au bas]

Chers collègues,

L'AFRINIC fait office de secrétariat et de facilitateur pour soutenir les 
discussions communautaires et le processus d'élaboration des politiques. Pour 
remplir ce mandat, AFRINIC fournit un certain nombre de plateformes inclusives, 
transparentes et ouvertes qui comprennent des réunions publiques et des listes 
de diffusion.

Suite aux plaintes reçues de plusieurs membres de la communauté sur la 
virulence des échanges sur les listes de diffusion d'AFRINIC et le nombre 
croissant de messages isolés provenant d'alias incognito que la communauté a 
surnommés " Internet trolls", nous avons publié un blog en septembre 2020 sur 
le Code de conduite.

Malheureusement, cela n'a pas eu d'effet dissuasif et, par conséquent, 
l'inscription d'un abonné à notre liste de diffusion communautaire a été 
révoquée à la suite d'un précédent avertissement adressé à ce dernier.


Nous attendons également les réactions du comité de gouvernance concernant deux 
demandes faites par le DG d'AFRINIC en août 2020 :

- Violation du code de conduite sur la liste de diffusion communautaire 

- Révision du code de conduite [].

Toutefois, AFRINIC a travaillé sur un plan d'action qui permettra la 
vérification et l'authentification des utilisateurs de ses listes de diffusion 
dans notre effort pour protéger la communauté contre les comportements 
inappropriés. Dans un premier temps, nous avons élaboré un nouveau cadre pour 
les conditions d'utilisation des listes de diffusion AFRINIC qui régira 
l'abonnement aux listes de diffusion AFRINIC.

À cet égard, nous vous invitons à nous faire part de vos précieux commentaires 
sur les conditions d'utilisation des listes de diffusion AFRINIC  dans la 
section "Commentaires" de la page 

Nous attendons avec impatience de recevoir vos commentaires d'ici le 28 février 

AFRINIC tiendra compte de vos commentaires et prendra ensuite les mesures 
qu'elle jugera appropriées.

Ashil Oogarah
Au nom de l'équipe AFRINIC Communications et RP

> On 2 Feb 2021, at 15:17, AFRINIC Communication  wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> AFRINIC acts as the secretariat and facilitator to support community 
> discussions and the policy development process. To deliver on this mandate, 
> AFRINIC provides a number of inclusive, transparent and open platforms that 
> include public meetings and mailing lists.
> Following complaints received from several community members on the virulence 
> of exchanges on AFRINIC mailing lists and the growing number of one-off posts 
> from incognito aliases that the community dubbed as “Internet trolls”, we 
> published a blog in September 2020 on the Code of Conduct. 
> <>
> Unfortunately, that did not act as a deterrent and consequently, the 
> subscription of one subscriber to our Community mailing list was revoked 
> following previous warning issued to the latter.
> (
> <>)
> We are also awaiting the feedback from the Governance Committee pertaining to 
> two requests made by the AFRINIC CEO in August 2020:
> - Violation of Code of Conduct on Community mailing list 
> [ 
> <>]
> -  Code of Conduct Review [ 
> <>].
> In the meantime, however, AFRINIC has been working on a plan of actions that 
> will allow for verification and authentication of users of its mailing lists 
> in our effort to safeguard the community from being subject to inappropriate 
> behaviours. As a first step, we have developed a new set of AFRINIC Mailing 
> Lists Terms of Use that will govern one’s subscription to AFRINIC mailing 
> lists.
> <>
> In this respect, we hereby invite you to provide us with your valuable 
> feedback on the aforesaid AFRINIC Mailing Lists Terms of Use in the comments 
> section of the page 
> (https://

[Community-Discuss] Call for Comments on the AFRINIC Mailing Lists Terms of Use

2021-02-02 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear colleagues,

AFRINIC acts as the secretariat and facilitator to support community 
discussions and the policy development process. To deliver on this mandate, 
AFRINIC provides a number of inclusive, transparent and open platforms that 
include public meetings and mailing lists.

Following complaints received from several community members on the virulence 
of exchanges on AFRINIC mailing lists and the growing number of one-off posts 
from incognito aliases that the community dubbed as “Internet trolls”, we 
published a blog in September 2020 on the Code of Conduct. 

Unfortunately, that did not act as a deterrent and consequently, the 
subscription of one subscriber to our Community mailing list was revoked 
following previous warning issued to the latter.


We are also awaiting the feedback from the Governance Committee pertaining to 
two requests made by the AFRINIC CEO in August 2020:

- Violation of Code of Conduct on Community mailing list 

-  Code of Conduct Review [ 

In the meantime, however, AFRINIC has been working on a plan of actions that 
will allow for verification and authentication of users of its mailing lists in 
our effort to safeguard the community from being subject to inappropriate 
behaviours. As a first step, we have developed a new set of AFRINIC Mailing 
Lists Terms of Use that will govern one’s subscription to AFRINIC mailing lists. 

In this respect, we hereby invite you to provide us with your valuable feedback 
on the aforesaid AFRINIC Mailing Lists Terms of Use in the comments section of 
the page ( 

We look forward to receiving your feedback by 28 February 2021.

AFRINIC shall consider your input and thereafter, take such actions as it may 
deem appropriate.

Ashil Oogarah
On behalf of the AFRINIC Communications and PR Team___
Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Blog: A Comprehensive audit of the AFRINIC WHOIS Database

2021-01-25 Thread AFRINIC Communication
[Version en français au bas]

Dear colleagues,

We have published a blog on the comprehensive audit of all IPv4 number 
resources in the AFRINIC WHOIS Database. The blog also highlights what has been 
done so far at AFRINIC in the wake of the findings of the audit. 

Read the blog at:

Ashil Oogarah
On behalf of the Communications and PR Team

Chers collègues,

Nous avons publié un blog sur l'audit complet de toutes les ressources 
numériques IPv4 dans la base de données WHOIS d'AFRINIC. Le blog met également 
en évidence ce qui a été fait jusqu'à présent à AFRINIC à la suite des 
conclusions de l'audit. 

Lisez le blog à l'adresse suivante :

Ashil Oogarah
Au nom de l'équipe de Communications et des Relations Publiques

Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] ASO AC & IANA RC Teleconferences: Invitation for the Community to Participate as Observers

2021-01-08 Thread AFRINIC Communication
[Sent on behalf of the ASO AC and IANA RC]

 Dear Colleagues,   
The ASO [1] is one of ICANN’s three Supporting Organizations. They review and 
develop recommendations on Internet Protocol (IP) address policy and advise the 
ICANN Board on policy issues relating to the operation, assignment, and 
management of IP addresses. The ASO Address Council (ASO AC) [2] hold monthly 
teleconferences, usually on the first Wednesday of each month, with exceptions 
to avoid clashes with Regional Internet  Registry meetings and other meetings 
relevant to the Internet Numbers Community.

Likewise, the IANA Review Committee (IANA RC) [3] advises the NRO EC in its 
annual review of the service level of the IANA Numbering Services provided to 
the Regional Internet Registries. The IANA RC hold three or four teleconference 
meetings each year, on dates agreed by the members to prepare their annual 

The dates for the 2021 meetings of both groups are currently being updated and 
are available at the following links:

 ASO AC Meeting Schedule:

  IANA RC Meetings Schedule:

Both the ASO AC and the IANA RC meetings are open to observers. Zoom 
information is published at the above URLs on the eve of each meeting.


[1] Address Supporting Organization:

[2] Address Supporting Organization Address Council:

[3] IANA Review Committee:

Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Clarifications on the Terms of Use - AFRINIC WHOIS Database

2020-12-28 Thread AFRINIC Communication
[Version en français au bas]

Dear community,

There has been some discussion on the list related to the terms of use of the 
WHOIS Database. Allow me to try to clarify the terms that govern access to the 

Accessing, querying and using the AFRINIC WHOIS Database is governed by the 
“Terms of Use” document available on the following page: . 

The “Terms of Use” document describes the process for demonstrating legitimate 
need for high-volume queries or bulk access to the AFRINIC WHOIS Database. 
However, the document clearly states that such access will be subject to the 
relevant laws of the Republic of Mauritius. One of the relevant laws, in this 
context, is the Data Protection Act 2017 (“the DPA”) of the Republic of 
Mauritius  which protects personal data of individuals. Hence, the need for a 
redacted AFRINIC WHOIS Database. 

We have taken note that the above clarification might need to be detailed more 
explicitly on the Bulk WHOIS request form page on the AFRINIC website 
 to better manage expectations in the future. 


Ashil Oogarah
On behalf of the Communications and PR Team

Chère communauté,

Il y a eu des discussions sur la liste relative aux conditions d'utilisation de 
la base de données WHOIS. Permettez-moi d'essayer de clarifier les conditions 
qui régissent l'accès à la base de données.

L'accès, l'interrogation et l'utilisation de la base de données AFRINIC WHOIS 
sont régis par le document “Terms of Use" disponible sur la page suivante : 

Le document “Terms of Use" décrit le processus permettant de démontrer le 
besoin légitime d'effectuer des requêtes à grand volume ou d'accéder à la base 
de données AFRINIC WHOIS pour des données en 'bulk'. Toutefois, le document 
indique clairement que cet accès sera soumis aux lois pertinentes de la 
République de Maurice. L'une des lois pertinentes, dans ce contexte, est la loi 
sur la protection des données 2017 ("DPA") de la République de Maurice qui 
protège les données personnelles des individus. D'où la nécessité d'une base de 
données AFRINIC WHOIS rédigée. 

Nous avons pris note qu'une clarification  pourrait nécessiter d'être détaillée 
plus explicitement sur la page du formulaire de demande 'bulk' WHOIS sur le 
site web AFRINIC 
 afin de mieux gérer les attentes à l'avenir. 


Ashil Oogarah
Au nom de l'équipe de communication et de relations publiques

Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] [afnog] Updates on the misappropriation of IPv4 resources

2020-12-23 Thread AFRINIC Communication
[Version en français au bas]

Dear Colleagues,

This community mailing list was designed with the purpose of conducting healthy 
discussions between AFRINIC members and non-members alike around AFRINIC and 
its related activities.

The list is not subject to any moderation or censorship as we trust that the 
community at all times acts according to the guidelines agreed upon in the code 
of conduct. 

However any behavior deemed as offensive, discriminatory, intimidating or that 
includes personal attacks will not be tolerated and will be dealt with 
according to the process laid out in the code of conduct.

You are all hereby reminded to abide by the AFRINIC Code of Conduct when 
interacting with the AFRINIC community at all times.

I urge you all to read this to make sure you are up to date on our code of 
conduct and the processes that safeguard the discussion and community-driven 
policies at the heart of AFRINIC. 

Ashil Oogarah

On behalf of the AFRINIC Communications and PR Team


Chers collègues,

Cette liste de diffusion communautaire a été conçue dans le but de mener des 
discussions saines entre les membres et les non-membres de l'AFRINIC autour de 
l'AFRINIC et de ses activités connexes.

La liste n'est soumise à aucune modération ou censure car nous sommes 
convaincus que la communauté agit à tout moment selon les directives convenues 
dans le code de conduite. 

Cependant, tout comportement jugé offensant, discriminatoire, intimidant ou qui 
inclut des attaques personnelles ne sera pas toléré et sera traité selon le 
processus établi dans le code de conduite.

Il vous est rappelé à tous de respecter le code de conduite AFRINIC dans vos 
interactions avec la communauté AFRINIC à tout moment.

Je vous invite tous à lire ceci pour vous assurer que vous êtes à jour sur 
notre code de conduite et les processus qui sauvegardent la discussion et les 
politiques communautaires au cœur de l'AFRINIC. 

Ashil Oogarah

Au nom de l'équipe Communications et RP d'AFRINIC

> On 23 Dec 2020, at 17:07, Emem William  wrote:
> Dear Ronald,
> Thanks for the information.
> In your comprehensive routing data, I noticed that the following name stands 
> out quite often, PEG Tech Inc. It seems like they are providing a lot of 
> route to those ranges. I am wondering if you have done any research about 
> them?
> Also why is Seacom still routing stolen AFRINIC IP? As you have rightfully 
> pointed out 
>  , they seem to be the only upstream 
> provider that still routes Afrinic’s stolen IP.
> Cheers,
> Emem William
> On Wed, Dec 23, 2020, 02:23 Ronald F. Guilmette  > wrote:
> In message>>, 
>  wrote:
> >Ronald F Guilmette are you a real person or using some fake name?
> I am a real person and this is my real name.
> Who are YOU?  An what is YOUR real name?
> >You are like ghost on internet.Do you have any linkedin profile or company?
> That is correct.  I am indeed a "ghost" as regards to social media.  And
> that is certainly by intent.
> Unlike most people these days, I have always been concerned with my
> personal privacy, and thus, unlike most people these days, I have
> elected NOT to splatter out my entire life story onto the Internet
> for people I don't know to snoop on.
> If anyone wants to know anything about me, they can ask me.
> >I am wondering if you are not LIR or member of Afrinic then why are you even
> >part of this community mailing list or why you are taking so much interest
> >in community mailing list?
> I am so glad you asked.
> Here in the United States, there has been a long running TV ad campaign
> that promotes tourism to the city of Las Vegas, Nevada.  The tag line
> contained in each of these TV commericals is well known here... "What
> happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas."  (The idea being sold is that people
> can go to Las Vegas, act crazy, and tnen go back to their hometowns
> without anyone there knowing about their crazy behavior in "Vegas".)
> Unfortunately, what happens in the African part of the Internet most
> definitely DOES NOT stay just in the African part of the Internet.  It
> spills out and affects me here, 10,000+ miles and entire oceans away.
> Such is the nature of the Internet, in case you are not aware.
> It has REPEATEDLY been the case that stolen or squatted AFRINIC administered
> IPv4 address blocks have been used, both to spam me and to try to hack me,
> and also and likewise, probably hundreds of millions more Internet users,
> all around the world.
> I am not amused.  And thus, whether I like it or not, I have been effectively
> -foerced- to pay attention to the crap coming out of "African" IP address

[Community-Discuss] 2020/21 ICANN Board Seat 9 Elections: Comment Phase Open

2020-12-22 Thread AFRINIC Communication
[Sent on behalf of the ASO AC] 

21 DECEMBER 2020

Dear colleagues,

In line with the ICANN Address Supporting Organization (ASO) Memorandum of 
Understanding (MoU)[1] and the ICANN Bylaws[2], the Address Supporting 
Organization Address Council (ASO AC) has issued a call for nominations for 
Seat 9 of the ICANN Board of Directors.

The selected candidate will serve for a three-year term, which will begin at 
the conclusion of the ICANN Annual General Assembly during the ICANN 72 
Meeting, scheduled from 23-28 October 2021 in Seattle, USA. 

Following a call for candidates, the ASO AC is pleased to announce that the 
following candidates have been nominated (sorted by their first name):

Alan Barrett - 

Johan Helsingius - 

Kemly Camacho Jímenez - 

Margarita Valdes - 

Nigel Titley - 

Patrick W. Gilmore - 

Peter Thimmesch - 

Ron da Silva - 

Sean Kennedy - 

Wafa Zaafouri - 

Comment Phase
The comment phase will begin on 21 December 2020 and will end at 23.59 UTC on 
30 March 2021. Comments can be submitted for candidates by clicking on the link 
next to their name above and adding a comment to their biography.

Please note that, as per section 9.4.5 of the ASO AC Operating Procedures [3], 
all comments will be moderated by the ASO Secretariat prior to being published 
on the ASO website.

For more information on the ICANN Board of Directors Seat 9 election process, 
please go to

[1] ICANN Address Supporting Organization (ASO) MoU 

[2] ICANN Bylaws: 

[3] ASO AC Operating Procedures
Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] [afnog] Updates on the misappropriation of IPv4 resources

2020-12-20 Thread AFRINIC Communication
[Version en français au bas]

Dear AFRINIC Community,

AFRINIC is governed by certain processes, PDP policies and legal frameworks 
that we need to comply with as an organisation. We can only act within the 
established framework or the ramifications could be extremely damaging. 

Access to the bulk whois data is granted once anyone who requires the data 
fully completes the process published at:

We welcome any information provided on the misappropriation of Internet number 
resources. However, as mentioned above, at this stage, we are unable to comment 
on what we know or do not know regarding the information shared. 

We trust that once we are able to publish the audit report, it will bring 
clarifications to the community's concerns on the misappropriation of Internet 
number resources.


Ashil Oogarah
on behalf of AFRINIC Communications and PR Team


Chère Communauté d'AFRINIC,

AFRINIC est régie par certains processus, politiques et cadres juridiques que 
nous devons respecter en tant qu'organisation. Nous ne pouvons agir dans ce 
cadre établi, sinon les conséquences pourraient être extrêmement dommageables. 

L'accès aux données whois est accordé une fois que toute personne ayant besoin 
de ces données complète le processus publié à

Toute information sur la manipulation non autorisée des ressources numériques 
Internet est la bienvenue. Toutefois, comme mentionné ci-dessus, nous ne sommes 
pas en mesure, à ce stade, de faire des commentaires sur ce que nous savons ou 
ne savons pas concernant les informations partagées. 

Nous espérons qu'une fois que nous serons en mesure de publier le rapport 
d'audit, il apportera des éclaircissements sur les préoccupations de la 
communauté concernant la manipulation non autorisée des ressources numériques 


Ashil Oogarah
au nom de l'équipe Communications et RP d’AFRINIC

> On 20 Dec 2020, at 04:20, Ronald F. Guilmette  wrote:
> In message <>, 
> ""  wrote:
>> @Mr. Ronald I was reading your email and findings over and over again 
>> yesterday
>> night and this morning... Thank you very much for bringing all of this into
>> our attention and YES - we "will" or "have"
>> to do whatever it's necessary to revert this situation and to ensure
>> that AFRINIC returns to AFRINIC as it should be.
> Thank you for yor support.
> I suppose that it should be apparent to all that I am upset and angry
> about many of the things that have gone on within the AFRINIC region.
> But the various IP block thefts themselves are, to my way of thinking,
> the least of it all.
> Quite some time ago now, Eddy announced to everyone that AFRINIC was
> going to be performing an exhaustive audit of all AFRINIC WHOIS changes,
> back to the beginning of time, with the intent obviously being to ferret
> out any -more- instances of questionable IPv4 allocations, above and
> beyond those that I and journalist Jan Vermeulen already brought to
> light last year (2019).  Eddy even said that technical personnel and
> representatives of one of the more senior RIRs (APNIC) were being
> brought in to help with this effort.
> That was many MANY months ago now.  (Also, as I'm sure many of you know,
> Ernest's malfeasance has been known about by the AFRINIC Board and
> management for over an entire calendar year now.)
> So this raises the obvious question:  Why didn't Eddy and the Board
> already know about the apparent connections bewteen the AFRINIC IPv4
> allocations held by Mr. Abizeid and Mr. Mehta long long before my
> posting the other day about those?  And if they did know, then why did
> they elect to give both Mr. Abizeid and Mr. Mehta a pass, allowing
> them both to *keep* the sizable AFRINIC IPv4 allocations that appear
> to have been provided to them... presumably in fundamentally crooked
> transactions... by the now disgraced and long ago terminated ex-employee
> Ernest Byaruhanga?
> It has to be one or the other.  There is no third possibility.
> Either Eddy & the Board knew, and elected to do nothing and keep silent,
> or else their much heralded "exhaustive audit" of the history of all
> AFRINIC allocations was so fundementally flawed and incomplete that
> it failed to catch obviously questionable allocations of great swaths
> of AFRINIC non-legacy IPv4 address space, totaling well over a million
> IPv4 addresses.
> I'm not sure which of these two possibilities is worse.  Either the
> so-called "audit" was done in a glaringly incompetent manner, or else
> Eddy and the Board have been complicit in trying to sweep under the
> carpet the questionable nature of the sizable AFRINIC IPv4 allocations
> held by -both- Mr. Abizeid -and- Mr. Mehta... neither of whom is either
> lo

[Community-Discuss] Extension of the deadline for the Call for Volunteers on the NomCom 2021 |28 December 2020

2020-12-18 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear colleagues,

Please note that the deadline for the call for volunteers on the Nomination 
Committee (NomCom) 2021 has been extended to 28 December 2020.

If  you are interested in serving on the 2021 NomCom, then please send your 
expression of interest, including a short biography, by email to legal at 
afrinic dot net by 28 December 2020 (23:59 UTC). 

AFRINIC Communication

[French, Arabic and Portuguese versions below]

Dear AFRINIC members and community,

The AFRINIC Board is required to appoint a Nomination Committee (NomCom) every 
year, in terms of article 9 of the Bylaws < 

On behalf of the Board, I hereby call for volunteers from the community to fill 
three open positions on the 2021 NomCom. If you are interested in serving on 
the 2021 NomCom, then please send your expression of interest, including a 
short biography, by email to legal at afrinic dot net by 18 December 2020 
(23:59 UTC).

However, as per Article 9.1 of the Bylaws, no person domiciled in a region 
whose Board seat is open for renewal may be a member of the Nomcom.

The duties of the NomCom, and the elections to be held are described below.

Election process and guidelines

The current version of the Board election process and guidelines are published 
at  < 
<>>>. It provides additional 
information about NomCom responsibilities, the election process, and timelines.

Nomcom Composition and Responsibilities:

According to Section 9 of the AFRINIC by-laws, a Nominations Committee (NomCom) 
appointed by the Board must work to ensure that appropriate candidates are 
nominated to contest for open seats and that all elections are successfully 
conducted according to current procedures.

The AFRINIC Bylaws state that NomCom must have four members, appointed by the 
Board. The Board’s practice is to appoint the four members as follows;

- One member selected from within the AFRINIC Board;
- Three members selected by the AFRINIC Board from the community.

In terms of section 9.1 of the Bylaws:
- No candidate for election to the Board may be a member of the NomCom;
- No person domiciled in a region whose Board seat is open for renewal may be a 
member of the NomCom; this means that the 2021 NomCom may not include people 
who reside in the Southern Africa region.

Responsibilities of the NomCom are defined in section 9 of the AFRINIC Bylaws 
and include the following:

- Report to the Board and follow guidelines set by the Board;
- Call for candidates for all open positions;
- Prescribe criteria and qualifications for eligibility to stand for election;
- Interview candidates, if appropriate, prior to finalising the slate of 
- Finalise the list of candidates for every election;
- Supervise the conduct of the polls by the Election Committee on election day.

The Board further expects NomCom members to:

- be neutral; to have no interest in the results of the elections;
- be trusted members of the AFRINIC community;
- have good knowledge of the AFRINIC business environment;
- preferably possess prior NomCom experience in the I* ecosystem;
- do their best to fulfil their responsibilities.

NomCom members do not receive any remuneration.

AFRINIC staff will provide logistical support to the NomCom throughout their 
mandate. Such support includes publication of the list of nominees, a 
compilation of comments, mailing list moderation, website update, communication 
with nominees and other duties pertaining to the roles and responsibilities of 
the NomCom. Travel support will be provided for the NomCom Chair to attend the 
AGMM at which the elections are held.

Election to be held at the AGMM 2021:

AFRINIC Board of Directors elections:

The following Board seat is up for election by the AFRINIC Membership in 2021:

• Seat 5 (Southern Africa), to serve a three-year term from mid-2021 to 
mid-2024. This seat is currently held by Mr Vika William Mpisane

Policy Development Working Group (PDWG):
One PDWG co-chair position is up for election by the Policy Development Working 
Group.The seat is currently filled by Mr 
Moses Serugo. Terms begin and end during the public policy meeting where the 
election is held.

Governance Committee:
One Governance Committee position is up for election by the AFRINIC Membership, 
to serve a three-year term from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2024. The seat is 
currently held by Dr Alioune Badara Traore.

How to Volunteer:

If  you are interested in serving on the 2021 NomCom, then please send your 
expression of interest, including a short biography, by email to legal at 
afrinic dot net by 18 December 2020 (23:59 UTC). 

Subramanian Moonesamy

AFRINIC Board Chairman


Chers membres et communauté AFRINIC,

  1   2   3   >