Re: [Computer-go] [ANN] Michi - 15x15 ~6k KGS in 540 lines of Python?code

2015-03-28 Thread Andrea Carta
> I just realized - you mentioned that you are using Python to run it - if
> you use PyPy instead, you should get about 3x speedup or more.

That was a great suggestion! With PyPy michi now takes less than one minute
per move. Maybe I'll play it some more..

mr. Andrea Carta

Computer-go mailing list

Re: [Computer-go] [ANN] Michi - 15x15 ~6k KGS in 540 lines of Python?code

2015-03-27 Thread Andrea Carta
> You'll need to start reading/changing the code  - the second point is
> about the N_SIMS variable.

Well, I don't like changing other people's software, but if you wish...

> What kind of computer are you playing on?
> It might be that on Windows Python cannot use multiple processes...

Windows 7 on a I5 processor, and I'm quite sure multiprocesses is OK (I see
5 python processes running when michi is thinking). Maybe it's multicore
usage not working properly. I will investigate that.
BTW, this morning I managed to finish the game. I won by 7 points (88-81
area), that means either me or michi won depending on Komi. Let's say this
was a practical draw, meaning our level should be the same, and that
confirms michi must really be 6K on KGS.
I noticed michi got on playing for a long time after the game was settled,
despite my continual passing. For a 6K program that was a bit strange.

mr. Andrea Carta

Computer-go mailing list

Re: [Computer-go] [ANN] Michi - 15x15 ~6k KGS in 540 lines of Python?code

2015-03-26 Thread Andrea Carta
> The correct parameter is 'gtp', not '--mode gtp'.

That worked! It was necessary to insert full path of python executable
followed by full path of michi, then "gtp". Full path of michi only + gtp
throws again the same error (not a win32 application).

Other things:
- when playing (michi) against GnuGo (that was winning) I inserted a wrong
move, then typed "help" hoping to get help about getting the move back. The
program crashed.
- at the moment I'm playing myself against michi. It takes more than 3
minutes per move (13x13). Are there severals levels of play to set up?

mr. Andrea Carta

Computer-go mailing list

Re: [Computer-go] [ANN] Michi - 15x15 ~6k KGS in 540 lines of Python?code

2015-03-26 Thread Andrea Carta
> It should be enough to just enter the path to the program, make sure to
> pass the "gtp" parameter.  Try opening the shell window to investigate
> if you hit trouble.

After opening the shell window it works: is the right command to
let it work (of course I have the Python interpreter installed).
In GoGui, it does not. Selecting "" from "new program window" throws
an "invalid win32 application". The same happens selecting "michi.pyc" (the
compiled program, that also works inside the shell window). Selecting python
executable plus full path of throws "malformed response". Nothing
changes adding --mode gtp to all the commands above.

>> - can't download patterns.spats. Download stops at 247 bytes.
> Oops, thanks for the heads-up.  Fixed.

Now it works! Thanks.

mr. Andrea Carta

Computer-go mailing list

Re: [Computer-go] [ANN] Michi - 15x15 ~6k KGS in 540 lines of Python code

2015-03-25 Thread Andrea Carta
Petr Baudis> writes:

> that inspired me to try out something similar in Go over a few evening
> recently:

Very nice work, dr. Baudis!
- have you any idea how to get it to work with GoGui under Windows (I guess
it was developed under Linux)?
- can't download patterns.spats. Download stops at 247 bytes.

mr. Andrea Carta

Computer-go mailing list

Re: [Computer-go] [ANN] Imago - Go board optical recognition

2015-03-09 Thread Andrea Carta
... and again...

> - Pisa's organizers agreed on letting us take pictures (or movies, we'll
> decide later) of some games. One of the players will also contribute (he
> wants to take the pictures himself); others will probably join later on.

Pisa was a success. At least, it was on the software side; not so much on
the hardware's. The first game, my colleague took pictures with his camera,
and everything went allright - the reconstruction was completed in a matter
of few minutes. The second game, I also took pictures with my camera, but
one of the players kept bumping the table and even my tripod, creating so
many errors it required about twenty minutes to complete the reconstruction
- we'll discard this game. The third game, we recorded a video with an Ipad
mounted on a tripod: everything went right and we'll proceed with the
reconstruction as soon as we'll have enough frames extracted. The fourth
game, we tried a new program, PhotoClock, capable of taking a picture each
time one of the players pressed the keyboard (it worked as a clock): that
proved uneffective, as the players' arms were present in each picture (the
contrary of what we hoped), and we'll have to try again with a pair of
mouses instead.
In the whole, we're very satisfied. The paper will be ready at the end of
the week, but without a LaTeX template or at least the number of chars per
page we won't be able to redact it. We hope the problem will be solved soon!

mr. Andrea Carta

Computer-go mailing list

Re: [Computer-go] [ANN] Imago - Go board optical recognition

2015-02-09 Thread Andrea Carta
Petr Baudis> writes:

> I think a presentation of paper describing your system would find a very
> interested audience.

> If the system goes through sufficient prior testing, I think deploying
> it on EGC2015 would be truly awesome and I would be glad to support it.

Hi again!
I'm glad to let everyone know that:
- version 2.1 of PhotoKifu was released last week; we're now working on
version 2.5.
- Pisa's organizers agreed on letting us take pictures (or movies, we'll
decide later) of some games. One of the players will also contribute (he
wants to take the pictures himself); others will probably join later on.
- in the next days we'll make a movie of PhotoKifu analyzing a game we
recorded two years ago at the David tournament, and will post it on YouTube;
- the paper is on its way, and hopefully will be ready at the end of March.

mr. Andrea Carta

Computer-go mailing list

Re: [Computer-go] [ANN] Imago - Go board optical recognition

2015-01-17 Thread Andrea Carta
Marc Landgraf> writes:

> Out of curiosity...In the picture you linked
> ( ), how does your program read
> the position in the top left, considering the illegal stone there? 
> Or does it not have any Go rules knowledge and leaves the interpretation
> to the user? In that case it may create .sgf with illegal moves in it.
> Considering during a regular game, you will actually snapshot illegal
> positions a few times (when you take a picture between placing the stone
> and removing the captures) I'm really wondering how your program handles it.

Of course it is advisable to take every picture after the removal of the
stones possibly captured; the program expects such stones to be removed from
the goban. Otherwise, two cases are possible. First one, the player forgot
to remove the stone (or did not make in time): in such a case the program
detects the error and asks the user what to do next. Second, a suicide move
was played (willingly or not). In such a case the program checks the rules
and, if suicide is not allowed, again asks the user what to do next
(otherwise it gets on). But as this particular problem does not concern the
main algorithm, we have not made a final decision. There are other options
on the table (for example automatic error correction/stone addition).

mr. Andrea Carta
Computer-go mailing list

Re: [Computer-go] [ANN] Imago - Go board optical recognition

2015-01-17 Thread Andrea Carta
Hi mr. Baudis!

> we must have missed PhotoKifu when surveying the available software.

We're getting used to that. In Italy Go is completely unknown and everything
related goes unnoticed. Months ago I showed the program to a colleague of
mine, who shares many of my hobbies, and he asked "What is this? Chinese

> There will be a scientific conference at EGC 2015 as well:
> I think a presentation of paper describing your system would find a very
> interested audience.

That's a fantastic new! After getting no reply from Sibiu last year we were
afraid a second conference would never occur. We'll complete the paper soon
and will attend the conference. We're already checking the accomodations in

> we aimed to first test the software on series of events - in (well lit)
> Go clubs and on a larger tournament - starting the testing around now
> to have enough time to test it sufficiently and notice things like sun
> suddenly coming out of clouds, bumping the table, Go server streaming
> issues etc.

We did an extensive test in December 2012, at the Firenze Go tournament
We realised our program (then version 1.0) only worked fine under good
conditions - well lit environment, high point of view, limited number of
"disturbances" in the pictures. We encountered dim lights (gobans' surfaces
looked almost grey in the morning, completely grey in the afternoon),
average points of view (40°-50° of elevation), and up to 60-70 pictures per
game spoiled by fingers, hands, arms (sometimes of both players in the same
picture, for example:
It took us a long time, but eventually we solved all these problems. We are
now capable of analyzing without errors, taking just a bunch of
milliseconds, even this kind of pictures:
(this is probably the worst kind, speaking of "sun suddendly coming out of
the clouds")

> We also wanted to start talking around now to wms (KGS author) about
> a possibility of extending kgsGTP computer program interface of KGS
> to demonstration games.  I would recommend you to reserve enough time
> to working out these things too.

Firenze's go players did ask us for such a thing (live feed on KGS). We're
certainly going to work that out as soon as VideoKifu will be ready.

> I think a good time to start discussing this with them [EGC's organizers]
> would be after a first successful real-world tournament test (even on a
> small scale like single board).

Of course we'll let you know about the Pisa testing. We're now contacting
the organizers and will likely be able to take pictures of 3 or 4 games, and
print the Kifus immediately afterwards (in a matter of minutes, we hope).

Greetings and thanks for your interest!

mr. Andrea Carta
Computer-go mailing list

Re: [Computer-go] [ANN] Imago - Go board optical recognition

2015-01-15 Thread Andrea Carta
>   Tomas Musil (a student of mine), has created a state-of-the-art open
> source Go board optical recognition software.  We have focused on
> completely automatic runs, so it automatically detects the board corners
> and then the stones on the board, and the precision seems pretty good
> at least in reasonable lighting conditions.
>   My personal dream would be if we added video capability and further
> improved speed + reliability in time for EGC2015 (in Czech Republic)
> and were able to deploy it there to transfer large number of top boards.
> But this will depend on how much time Tomas will have after the summer
> (and we didn't actually check with EGC2015 organizers yet), so it's
> still more of just a dream.  

Hello mr. Baudis!
Musil's work is remarkable indeed. I and my fellow colleague, prof. Mario
Corsolini, studied the thesis and found it of the greatest interest, both on
the theoretical side and the practical one. BTW, Musil seems to believe that
"we have not found any other work that we can meaningfully compare our
results with"; but since november 2012 we have developed and distributed
PhotoKifu, a program aimed to reconstruct whole Go games by means of a
series of photograph. We're now releasing version 2.1 (a paper is also in
progress) and are working on version 2.5, which will implement Open CV
instead of the external (and slow) suite Image Magick. We're also working on
VideoKifu, a program that will reconstruct a game from a live video feed; we
could not develop VideoKifu before because of the slow Image Magick suite,
but Open CV will allow that.
At the moment (version 2.1) we achieve on single pictures the same - very
good - results Musil got, and take 1 to 4 seconds for picture depending on
its size. But our program is optimized for whole games, for which we have
100% stones recognition, even in the presence of hands and whole arms
between the camera and the goban (of course the stones we're looking for
must still be visible), given the pictures are not too small (I estimate at
least 1024 x 768). That requires about 1/10 of second for each picture plus
image optimization either by Image Magick or Open CV.
Of course, we too are interested in EGC 2015. We hoped to attend the
scientific conference at EGC 2013, but could not find reliable informations.
Maybe Musil will now be able to contact EGC 2015's organizers and catch
their interest: it would be a remarkable feat if we could both go and talk
about (and, of course, demonstrate) two programs making use of different
approaches. For the moment we're planning to do such a thing during the big
international Pisa tournament at the beginning of March, but the EGC 2015
would be the ideal stage.
Let us know if you're interested, of course!

mr. Andrea Carta, BSc(IT)

Computer-go mailing list