Re: [computer-go] Random weighted patterns

2009-07-20 Thread Isaac Deutsch
I'm about to implement this. Since I have multiple features (patterns,  
is in atari, is adjacent to last play, etc.), the weight is the  
product of the weight of all matching features.

I'm thinking about having a table of weights, storing the sum of each  
row and the total (like Rémi suggested). I want to do this  
incrementally, so if I find a new feature match in a position, I can  
multiply its weight by the feature's weight. If I remove a feature, I  
can divide.

My question/problem: How do I deal with features that have a weight of  
zero? I'm sure there are certain 3x3 patterns that have the weight  
zero, such as


with * to be played. It's clear that when this pattern matches, the  
total weight is set to zero. How do I find the resulting weight when  
removing this pattern, though? Since I can't divide by zero, I would  
have to reconstruct the weight by checking all features, which would  
be relatively slow. Is there a way this can be avoided, such as  
setting all weights to a very low value instead of zero?

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Random weighted patterns

2009-07-20 Thread Juho Pennanen

Isaac Deutsch kirjoitti:
My question/problem: How do I deal with features that have a weight of 
zero? I'm sure there are certain 3x3 patterns that have the weight zero, 
such as


with * to be played. It's clear that when this pattern matches, the 
total weight is set to zero. 

Hmm. Say this is a black group, surrounded by white stones and involved 
in an unsettled semeai:


W needs to play in one of the liberties, and they all match your pattern.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Random weighted patterns

2009-07-20 Thread Isaac Deutsch
In my example, #=border/edge of the board, not black. I was just  
trying to come up with an example feature that might have weight zero  
to illustrate my problem.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Random weighted patterns

2009-07-20 Thread Juho Pennanen

Isaac Deutsch kirjoitti:
In my example, #=border/edge of the board, not black. I was just trying 
to come up with an example feature that might have weight zero to 
illustrate my problem.

I see. I was already thinking there may be no 3x3 patterns that should 
never be played. But I cannot think of a counter example to your corner 

Assuming your multiplicative weighting is the best way in the first 
place, then the epsilon-sized minimum weight seems reasonable.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Random weighted patterns

2009-07-20 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Isaac Deutsch wrote:
 I'm about to implement this. Since I have multiple features
 (patterns, is in atari, is adjacent to last play, etc.), the weight
 is the product of the weight of all matching features.

 I'm thinking about having a table of weights, storing the sum of
 each row and the total (like Rémi suggested). I want to do this
 incrementally, so if I find a new feature match in a position, I can
 multiply its weight by the feature's weight. If I remove a feature,
 I can divide.

 My question/problem: How do I deal with features that have a weight
 of zero? I'm sure there are certain 3x3 patterns that have the
 weight zero, such as


 with * to be played. It's clear that when this pattern matches, the
 total weight is set to zero. How do I find the resulting weight when
 removing this pattern, though? Since I can't divide by zero, I would
 have to reconstruct the weight by checking all features, which would
 be relatively slow. Is there a way this can be avoided, such as
 setting all weights to a very low value instead of zero?

Cache what features you have, then recomputing the weight will be fast.

GNU Go incrementally keeps track of the following features:

Black suicide (true/false)
White suicide (true/false)
Black self-atari (true/false)
White self-atari (true/false)
Number of stones captured by black move (0, 1, 2, 3+)
Number of stones captured by white move (0, 1, 2, 3+)
Color to the southeast (empty, white, black, off board)
Color to the northeast (empty, white, black, off board)
Color to the northwest (empty, white, black, off board)
Color to the southwest (empty, white, black, off board)
Color to the east (empty, white, black, off board)
Color to the north (empty, white, black, off board)
Color to the west (empty, white, black, off board)
Color to the south (empty, white, black, off board)

This information is stored in 24 bits of an integer. The 16 bits
related to the local 3x3 pattern are mapped by table lookup to the
1107 rotation/mirroring invariant patterns. The remaining 8 bits are
mapped to the following features:

Opponent suicide (1 bit)
Our self-atari (1 bit)
Opponent self-atari (1 bit)
Our captures (2 bits)
Opponent captures (2 bits)

by simple bit transposition depending on color to play. Additionally
nearness to the previous move is added as a feature giving 1107*256
combinations, which are finally mapped to pattern weight by table

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Random weighted patterns

2009-07-20 Thread Isaac Deutsch
Thanks to both for the elaborate feedback! I was wondering about  
pattern symmetry, too, and I also had a lookup table in mind since  
there are only about 65000 combinations (and only a fraction of them  

I had another idea for the zero weight problem: Keep a counter of how  
many times this weight was multiplied by zero. This counter can be  
stored in 1 byte or less, depending on the number of features. If the  
counter is 0, the weight is the floating point value. Else, the weight  
is zero. When adding a zero-weight-feature, increase the counter by  
one, else decrease it by one.

This way, the weight doesn't have to be recomputed, although it uses  
slightly more memory than nicely packing the features in an int like  
in GNU Go. It seems like the rounding errors that are accumulated this  
way are insignificant, according to my tests.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Random weighted patterns

2009-07-16 Thread Steve Kroon

This code should work with r -= weights[i++] in the loop body, and comes down 
to a linear search through
cumulative sum of the weights.  If the weights will be static for a number of 
selections, you can store the
cumulative weights in an array and use binary search for selecting the move.  
So setting up the table is O(n),
but selecting moves based on those weights is O(log n).

If the weights are constantly being updated, there's a tradeoff between Peter's 
code and the tree-based approach:
Peter's code is O(1) for updating weights and O(n) for selections, while the 
tree-based approach is O(log n) for updates
and selections.

[You can get practically quicker selection using Peter's code if you keep the 
weights sorted in decreasing order, but then updates
become O(n) worst-case (probably O(1) amortized, though).]


On Thu, 16 Jul 2009, Don Dailey wrote:

In the loop i is always zero.   I think your code is wrong.

You probably meant to loop over all the weights (or I should say on average 
half the weights),  and this code is slow if there are a lot of weights.

2009/7/16 Peter Drake
  I must be missing something. Isn't the obvious trick:
int r = random(sum of weights);
int i = 0;
while (r  weights[i]) {
r -= weights[i];
return i;

This way, you only have to generate one random number.

Peter Drake

On Jul 15, 2009, at 8:55 PM, Zach Wegner wrote:

  On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 10:37 PM, David 
So many complex ideas :)  Why not just multiply the weight of each 

by a random number and pick the biggest result?


  That involves generating N random numbers and then doing N-1
  comparisons. The n-ary tree has only 1 random number and log N
  comparisons, but has to be
  incrementally updated (log N adds).

  Also, I don't think the distribution is the same. Imagine two moves a
  and b, with weights 2 and 1. The probabilities should be a=2/3 b=1/3,
  but if you select two random numbers in a finite range, there's only a
  1/4 chance that the second number is more than twice the first, which
  is needed for b to be selected. I could be wrong here though.

  computer-go mailing list

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Steve Kroon | Computer Science Division, Stellenbosch University
(084) 458 8062 (Cell) | (086) 655 4386 (Fax) | kroonrs (Skype) |
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Random weighted patterns

2009-07-16 Thread George Dahl
Thanks! I had never seen the alias method before and it is quite ingenious!
- George

On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 3:04 AM, Martin wrote:
 If you want to take many samples from a fixed, or infrequently changing,
 distribution, you can do it in O(1) time per sample, with O(n) initial setup
 costs. This is quite clever and goes by the name of alias method.
 See, page 107-111

 For weighted patterns, the row sum method by Rémi is probably hard to beat.
 It was discussed here a while ago.

 computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Random weighted patterns

2009-07-15 Thread Darren Cook
 When using patterns during the playout I had improvised some code to
 select patterns randomly, but favour those with higher weights more or
 less proportionally to the weight..

How many patterns, and are the weights constant for the whole game?

If relatively few, and constant, you can make a lookup table (with e.g.
1024 entries) where the number of entries for each pattern is
proportional to its weight. You then choose with a 0..1023 random number.

When more patterns, but only a few distinct weights you can split them
into buckets. E.g. a bucket of weight 1 patterns, weight 1.5 patterns,
weight 2 patterns, etc. The weight of each bucket is the number of
patterns in it times the pattern weight. You first choose a bucket (e.g.
using the above lookup table algorithm), then choose uniformly from
within the bucket.


P.S.  I suspect you have already came up with the above algorithms. I
had the same question before, and like you realized it wasn't quite as
easy as I thought it would be. I'd also like to hear what the standard
computer science approach is, if there is one. (I just saw Jason's
reply; do you have a good reference describing row sum in more detail?)

Darren Cook, Software Researcher/Developer  (Shodan Go Bet - who will win?) (Multilingual open source semantic network) (About me and my work) (My blogs and articles)
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Random weighted patterns

2009-07-15 Thread Peter Drake
You might look in the genetic algorithm literature, where they have to  
do this for fitness-proportional reproduction. A useful buzzword is  
roulette wheel.

Peter Drake

On Jul 15, 2009, at 4:06 PM, Mark Boon wrote:

When using patterns during the playout I had improvised some code to
select patterns randomly, but favour those with higher weights more or
less proportionally to the weight..

I was wondering though if there's an established algorithm for
something like this. To be a little more precise, if I have a set of
values and two of those are represented by A and B. If A is twice as
high as B it should have twice the chance to be selected. If there's a
third value C that is 1.5 times A then it should be 1.5 times as
likely to be selected as A and 3 times as likely as B. Etc.

There are many strategies I can think of that make a randomly weighted
selection from a set. But none of them are really straightforward. So
I'd be interested to hear how others handled something like this. And
if there's maybe a standard known algorithm, this kind of thing must
appear in a lot of fields.

computer-go mailing list

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Re: [computer-go] Random weighted patterns

2009-07-15 Thread Michael Williams

If your weights are all between 0 and 1:

   double r = rand(0 to 1)
   int i = rand(0 to weightCount - 1)
until weight[i]  r

I think that's right.

Mark Boon wrote:

When using patterns during the playout I had improvised some code to
select patterns randomly, but favour those with higher weights more or
less proportionally to the weight..

I was wondering though if there's an established algorithm for
something like this. To be a little more precise, if I have a set of
values and two of those are represented by A and B. If A is twice as
high as B it should have twice the chance to be selected. If there's a
third value C that is 1.5 times A then it should be 1.5 times as
likely to be selected as A and 3 times as likely as B. Etc.

There are many strategies I can think of that make a randomly weighted
selection from a set. But none of them are really straightforward. So
I'd be interested to hear how others handled something like this. And
if there's maybe a standard known algorithm, this kind of thing must
appear in a lot of fields.

computer-go mailing list

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Re: [computer-go] Random weighted patterns

2009-07-15 Thread Don Dailey
I think you could do this with a binary tree - at each node keep a total of
the weight values of the subtree below the node.

If the pattern was hashed, then each bit could define a branch of the tree,
0 = left branch 1 = right branch.

Then you have a very simple divide and conquer algorithm.   The tree would
not be perfectly balanced, but even with a lousy (fast) hash function it
would be more than adequate. You could have a massive populations of
things to select from probabilistically and this would still be very fast.

- Don

On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 7:06 PM, Mark Boon wrote:

 When using patterns during the playout I had improvised some code to
 select patterns randomly, but favour those with higher weights more or
 less proportionally to the weight..

 I was wondering though if there's an established algorithm for
 something like this. To be a little more precise, if I have a set of
 values and two of those are represented by A and B. If A is twice as
 high as B it should have twice the chance to be selected. If there's a
 third value C that is 1.5 times A then it should be 1.5 times as
 likely to be selected as A and 3 times as likely as B. Etc.

 There are many strategies I can think of that make a randomly weighted
 selection from a set. But none of them are really straightforward. So
 I'd be interested to hear how others handled something like this. And
 if there's maybe a standard known algorithm, this kind of thing must
 appear in a lot of fields.

 computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

RE: [computer-go] Random weighted patterns

2009-07-15 Thread David Fotland
So many complex ideas :)  Why not just multiply the weight of each pattern
by a random number and pick the biggest result?


 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:computer-go-] On Behalf Of Mark Boon
 Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 4:07 PM
 To: computer-go
 Subject: [computer-go] Random weighted patterns
 When using patterns during the playout I had improvised some code to
 select patterns randomly, but favour those with higher weights more or
 less proportionally to the weight..
 I was wondering though if there's an established algorithm for
 something like this. To be a little more precise, if I have a set of
 values and two of those are represented by A and B. If A is twice as
 high as B it should have twice the chance to be selected. If there's a
 third value C that is 1.5 times A then it should be 1.5 times as
 likely to be selected as A and 3 times as likely as B. Etc.
 There are many strategies I can think of that make a randomly weighted
 selection from a set. But none of them are really straightforward. So
 I'd be interested to hear how others handled something like this. And
 if there's maybe a standard known algorithm, this kind of thing must
 appear in a lot of fields.
 computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Random weighted patterns

2009-07-15 Thread Darren Cook
 So many complex ideas :)  Why not just multiply the weight of each pattern
 by a random number and pick the biggest result?

Good for 5 patterns, not so good for 5000 patterns.


computer-go mailing list

RE: [computer-go] Random weighted patterns

2009-07-15 Thread David Fotland
You would only do this for patterns that match in a position.  For Many
Faces that is typically a few dozen.  Many Faces only has about 1800 total
patterns in its go knowledge base.  Playouts use Mogo patterns, about a
dozen total.


 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:computer-go-] On Behalf Of Darren Cook
 Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 8:47 PM
 To: computer-go
 Subject: Re: [computer-go] Random weighted patterns
  So many complex ideas :)  Why not just multiply the weight of each
  by a random number and pick the biggest result?
 Good for 5 patterns, not so good for 5000 patterns.
 computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Random weighted patterns

2009-07-15 Thread Zach Wegner
On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 10:37 PM, David wrote:
 So many complex ideas :)  Why not just multiply the weight of each pattern
 by a random number and pick the biggest result?


That involves generating N random numbers and then doing N-1
comparisons. The n-ary tree has only 1 random number and log N
comparisons, but has to be
incrementally updated (log N adds).

Also, I don't think the distribution is the same. Imagine two moves a
and b, with weights 2 and 1. The probabilities should be a=2/3 b=1/3,
but if you select two random numbers in a finite range, there's only a
1/4 chance that the second number is more than twice the first, which
is needed for b to be selected. I could be wrong here though.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Random weighted patterns

2009-07-15 Thread Peter Drake

I must be missing something. Isn't the obvious trick:

int r = random(sum of weights);
int i = 0;
while (r  weights[i]) {
r -= weights[i];
return i;

This way, you only have to generate one random number.

Peter Drake

On Jul 15, 2009, at 8:55 PM, Zach Wegner wrote:

On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 10:37 PM, David 
So many complex ideas :)  Why not just multiply the weight of each  

by a random number and pick the biggest result?


That involves generating N random numbers and then doing N-1
comparisons. The n-ary tree has only 1 random number and log N
comparisons, but has to be
incrementally updated (log N adds).

Also, I don't think the distribution is the same. Imagine two moves a
and b, with weights 2 and 1. The probabilities should be a=2/3 b=1/3,
but if you select two random numbers in a finite range, there's only a
1/4 chance that the second number is more than twice the first, which
is needed for b to be selected. I could be wrong here though.

computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Random weighted patterns

2009-07-15 Thread Don Dailey
In the loop i is always zero.   I think your code is wrong.

You probably meant to loop over all the weights (or I should say on average
half the weights),  and this code is slow if there are a lot of weights.

2009/7/16 Peter Drake

 I must be missing something. Isn't the obvious trick:
 int r = random(sum of weights);
 int i = 0;
 while (r  weights[i]) {
 r -= weights[i];
 return i;

 This way, you only have to generate one random number.

 Peter Drake

 On Jul 15, 2009, at 8:55 PM, Zach Wegner wrote:

 On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 10:37 PM, David

 So many complex ideas :)  Why not just multiply the weight of each pattern

 by a random number and pick the biggest result?


 That involves generating N random numbers and then doing N-1
 comparisons. The n-ary tree has only 1 random number and log N
 comparisons, but has to be
 incrementally updated (log N adds).

 Also, I don't think the distribution is the same. Imagine two moves a
 and b, with weights 2 and 1. The probabilities should be a=2/3 b=1/3,
 but if you select two random numbers in a finite range, there's only a
 1/4 chance that the second number is more than twice the first, which
 is needed for b to be selected. I could be wrong here though.

 computer-go mailing list

 computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Random weighted patterns

2009-07-15 Thread Don Dailey
On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 11:37 PM, David Fotland fotl...@smart-games.comwrote:

 So many complex ideas :)  Why not just multiply the weight of each pattern
 by a random number and pick the biggest result?

This is fine if you are looking for the slowest algorithm you can find.
But it does have the merit of being straightforward, which is what he was
asking for.

The binary approach is O(log n) time on average, very efficient.   Your
approach is O(n).   It's like the difference between doing a binary search
to find something or scanning the whole list sequentially.

If you are looking at less than 5 or 10 patterns there may not be much
difference, but I assumed he was choosing among many patterns.

- Don


  -Original Message-
  From: [mailto:computer-go-] On Behalf Of Mark Boon
  Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 4:07 PM
  To: computer-go
  Subject: [computer-go] Random weighted patterns
  When using patterns during the playout I had improvised some code to
  select patterns randomly, but favour those with higher weights more or
  less proportionally to the weight..
  I was wondering though if there's an established algorithm for
  something like this. To be a little more precise, if I have a set of
  values and two of those are represented by A and B. If A is twice as
  high as B it should have twice the chance to be selected. If there's a
  third value C that is 1.5 times A then it should be 1.5 times as
  likely to be selected as A and 3 times as likely as B. Etc.
  There are many strategies I can think of that make a randomly weighted
  selection from a set. But none of them are really straightforward. So
  I'd be interested to hear how others handled something like this. And
  if there's maybe a standard known algorithm, this kind of thing must
  appear in a lot of fields.
  computer-go mailing list

 computer-go mailing list

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