[CGUYS] Good to know...

2009-10-20 Thread Jeff Morris
This is a great article.  Enjoy! 


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Re: [CGUYS] COMPUTERGUYS-L Digest - 10 Sep 2009 - Special issue (#2009-870)

2009-09-10 Thread Jeff Morris

There is an old saying, and judging by the posts on here it is 100% accurate:  
You can't reason people out of positions they didn't reason themselves into.  
Too many people are partisan without ever really thinking about things.  

What I am looking for is the truth about health care.  Obama didn't write the 
bill and he hasn't read it.  Much of it is so vague it's impossible to tell 
what they mean...and that means it will be decided by some radical judge when 
the lawsuits are filed.

One can draw some conclusions from the health care debate...this chief among 
them:  Obama is a radical liberal at best...a socialist at worst.  Same with 
Pelosi and Reid.  I can't imagine any clear thinking person anywhere wants our 
country run by radicals of any party.

Educate yourself.  Keep an open mind.  Gather all the facts, then make up your 
mind.  Too many people make up their minds and ignore the facts if they don't 
agree with their position.  We have plenty of those people in this list, that's 
for sure.

Watch the link if you have an open mind.  If you want the truth, and what's 
best for the country.  If you are a socialist, at least be honest and admit it 
because that's the direction the democrats in Washington are taking us.

I find this to be true also:  The greedy aren't the capitalists.  They are 
trying to make a living and I say power to them.  It's the socialists who are 
selfish and greedy and I might add, cowardly.  They want somebody else to give 
them everything because they lack the intestinal fortitude to work hard.  They 
are spoiled brats who can't fend for themselves, or who waste the money they do 
have living in homes they can't afford, driving cars they can't afford, while 
living a lifestyle they can't afford.  They CHOOSE not to buy insurance...so we 
need to subtract them from the 15% without insurance in this country...and that 
leaves us with 5 to 7% of our population uninsured.

It is insane to wreck our health care system for drug addicts, the mentally ill 
and the lazy.

Obama claims that nationalizing health care will create jobs.  The only jobs 
that will be created are government jobs.  Government produces no wealth and 
adds absolutely nothing to the gross national product.

Obama claims that nationalizing health care will reduce the deficit.  It's a 
lie, plain and simple.  He can't be that stupid to think increasing the 
national debt by 9 trillion dollars reduces the debt, the deficit or will 
balance the budget.  We have a segment of our population who must never have 
studied math...those numbers don't add up.

Final straw:  The politicians and the unions in this country are exempt.  
Politicians, or soon to be known as the ruling class, will have BETTER health 
care plans than you and I if this insanity known as Obamacare passes.  Why?  
Well...they are the elite ruling class, we are the masses.  And the 
unions...well, the unions destroyed the auto industry.  That's not a debatable 
point.  This is payback for supporting Obama, same as funding the south 
american oil company was payback to Soros for his support...he just happened to 
have invested heavily in that company a few months earlier.  Can anyone say, 
"insider trading"?

Corrupt from top to bottom, the Obama administration and the democrat party is.

That's the way it is.

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[CGUYS] Intensive care unit

2009-09-07 Thread Jeff Morris
For you to say that the health care in Cuba is better than the United States 
may be the dumbest statement I have ever heard.

Given the choice...you mean to tell me that you would fly to Cuba to have open 
heart surgery instead of having it done by a specialist here?

You answered no...I'm certain...which means then, that health care is NOT 
better in Cuba.

You are free to move to Cuba, collect your $3 a month wage and enjoy that 
health care.

Do not confuse health care costs with health care.  There is a world of 
difference between the two.  Socializing our health care system will not only 
hurt our economy...but it will ruin medicine in the United States.

You can do some things to fix the cost...without changing the entire system.

85% of the population is perfectly happy with their health care.  So you want 
to wreck what the 85% enjoy so that the 15% get free health care coverage?  
That's like having 85% of a restaraunt's clientele perfectly happy with the 
food at a given restaurant...but in order to please the other 15%, we bulldoze 
the building.  Makes just as much sense as bulldozing the current system to 
satisfy the few, and to satisfy the socialists (Obama, Reid, Pelosi) who want 
more and more government control over every facet of our lives.

Expand medicare to cover those who legitimately cannot afford health care.  I'm 
not talking about those who whine that they can't afford insurance but have two 
cars, a house they can't afford, cell phones, top tier cable tv and other 

How about if we actually let the free market work for insurance like it does 
almost every other industry.  There are only so many companies I am allowed to 
buy insurance from.  Those are federal regulations and state regulations, and 
it benefits the insurance company ensuring them of a monopoly of sorts.  Let me 
buy my health insurance anywhere I want - provided they meet federal 
regulations.  That will increase choice of product dramatically, which will 
increase competition, which will drive down prices and improve service.  The 
free markets have NOT been tried with insurance.

Loser pays as part of Tort reform.  If you file a bogus lawsuit and lose, you 
pay the cost of the legal fees for the doctor or pharmacuetical company you 
just sued.  That would just about put an end to the frivelous and phony 
lawsuits.  Doctors and drug companies and anybody else who can be sued pay 
huge, huge fees for insurance...which of course if passed along to the 
consumer.  Won't happen though.  Why?  The majority of congress are lawyers.

No...there are plenty of things that can be done besides turning us into a 
socialist country.

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[CGUYS] Interesting insight...

2009-09-06 Thread Jeff Morris
What was that the sheep said in Animal Farm?  Obaama good, republicans 

Interesting insight...don't watch this if you are a narrow-minded zealot who 
refuses to let the facts stand in the way of your opinion.


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Re: [CGUYS] COMPUTERGUYS-L Digest - 28 Aug 2009 to 29 Aug 2009 - Special issue (#2009-814)

2009-08-30 Thread Jeff Morris

Thought you guys would like this, especially the nitwit liberals who post their 

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2007-08-18 Thread Jeff Morris


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Re: [CGUYS] Bill Nye, the anti-God "Science Guy"

2007-08-18 Thread Jeff Morris
I'm going to remove myself from membership from this list.  I was a member 
years ago and what a great list it was.  I enjoy helping people with computer 
problems when I can...but more importantly, I learned a lot from the members of 
this list.  I haven't been a member for a few years and rejoined.

My question is a simple one.  When did this list get hijacked by extremists who 
think it's a forum to insist on socialized medicine and to bash Christians?

What does that have to do with computers?

For the record...I don't know any Christian who thinks the moon actually lights 
up.  We don't think it's made of cheese either.  But it really doesn't matter, 
because this is a computer list, or at least it used to be.  My personal 
beliefs should never be discussed and neither should yours.  Who cares what 
your political views are?

It's too bad.  I wish there was a moderator who would take control because I 
don't want to hear liberals spouting their lunacy any more than I want to read 
the extreme right venting theirs.  I want to learn more about computers, and I 
want to help others if I can.

A good moderator would insist that we stick to the topic.  I would be thrilled 
if that would happen.  Obviously there isn't a moderator.  This is no place for 

I know you don't care.  I don't care that you don't care.  I wanted to voice my 
opinion about it before I left.  It's too bad...

For those of you who do stick to topic of computers and I know you are 
here...good luck and thank you for the help I have received here over the years.

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Re: [CGUYS] Sicko -- discussion location

2007-08-16 Thread Jeff Morris
I have never had any problems with health care in the United States.  NONE.  My 
family has always received great care.  We are not rich, and we live in a rural 
area in the midwest.  Our EMT's are volunteers and our hospital is non-profit 
and operates in the black.


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[CGUYS] Sicko -- discussion location

2007-08-15 Thread Jeff Morris
Here's a little different take on the Canadian Health Care System by someone 
who lived in Canada for years...worth reading.

Socializing the health care industry would be biggest mistake this country has 
ever made.  Post Office vs Fed Ex.  Enough said.

Follow the link below to read the truth about the socialized Canadian Health 
Care System.


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Re: [CGUYS] Sicko -- discussion location

2007-08-13 Thread Jeff Morris

Not trying to start a war here...but if people can post their links, so can I.  
Not everybody agrees with Michael Moore's health care ideas.  Above is a link 
to an article about one noted physician with some facts that may make you 
rethink socialism.  The health care systems in socialized countries leave much 
to be desired.

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Re: [CGUYS] Background programs running

2007-08-05 Thread Jeff Morris
Guess it would be helpful to know the operating system...windows XP.  Sorry.

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[CGUYS] Background programs running

2007-08-05 Thread Jeff Morris
One thing I've noticed on my computer is that a lot of programs are running in 
the background, some of which do not need to be running.

Question...can you direct me to a good source so I can figure out what some of 
these things are and put an end to the things that do not need to run?  Is 
there a good program (inexpensive or free) that can make the adjustments and 
close down those things which do not need to be running?

I do a lot of graphics work and that can bog down the computer by itself...does 
not need the help of those additional useless programs.

Thank you.


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