For you to say that the health care in Cuba is better than the United States 
may be the dumbest statement I have ever heard.

Given the mean to tell me that you would fly to Cuba to have open 
heart surgery instead of having it done by a specialist here?

You answered no...I'm certain...which means then, that health care is NOT 
better in Cuba.

You are free to move to Cuba, collect your $3 a month wage and enjoy that 
health care.

Do not confuse health care costs with health care.  There is a world of 
difference between the two.  Socializing our health care system will not only 
hurt our economy...but it will ruin medicine in the United States.

You can do some things to fix the cost...without changing the entire system.    

85% of the population is perfectly happy with their health care.  So you want 
to wreck what the 85% enjoy so that the 15% get free health care coverage?  
That's like having 85% of a restaraunt's clientele perfectly happy with the 
food at a given restaurant...but in order to please the other 15%, we bulldoze 
the building.  Makes just as much sense as bulldozing the current system to 
satisfy the few, and to satisfy the socialists (Obama, Reid, Pelosi) who want 
more and more government control over every facet of our lives.

Expand medicare to cover those who legitimately cannot afford health care.  I'm 
not talking about those who whine that they can't afford insurance but have two 
cars, a house they can't afford, cell phones, top tier cable tv and other 

How about if we actually let the free market work for insurance like it does 
almost every other industry.  There are only so many companies I am allowed to 
buy insurance from.  Those are federal regulations and state regulations, and 
it benefits the insurance company ensuring them of a monopoly of sorts.  Let me 
buy my health insurance anywhere I want - provided they meet federal 
regulations.  That will increase choice of product dramatically, which will 
increase competition, which will drive down prices and improve service.  The 
free markets have NOT been tried with insurance.

Loser pays as part of Tort reform.  If you file a bogus lawsuit and lose, you 
pay the cost of the legal fees for the doctor or pharmacuetical company you 
just sued.  That would just about put an end to the frivelous and phony 
lawsuits.  Doctors and drug companies and anybody else who can be sued pay 
huge, huge fees for insurance...which of course if passed along to the 
consumer.  Won't happen though.  Why?  The majority of congress are lawyers.

No...there are plenty of things that can be done besides turning us into a 
socialist country.

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