Re: [Cooker] Re: [CHRPM] drakxtools-9.1-5mdk

2003-02-24 Thread Brad Chamberlin
 On Mon, 2003-02-24 at 09:16, Thierry Vignaud wrote:
  drakgw: internet connection sharing
  - clean up tools embeddeding in the mcc
o make it hard to freeze the mcc
o make tools loo better when embedded (no embedded wait messages,

why don't we just get rid of mcc embedding, IMHO it's pretty pointless
and looks really lame now with the new theme's?

is there really a point to embedding the tools in mcc? advantages?

why not just make mcc a launcher for the drakTools?


Re: [Cooker] mdkkdm - project goals? (So we can help)

2003-02-03 Thread Brad Chamberlin
On Mon, 2003-02-03 at 22:00, Ben Reser wrote:
  'hey guys give Laurent the time to finish his program and make noise
 I think the whole thing is laughable.  Mandrake whines about not having
 enough money to support their developers.  But then goes and redevelopes
 the proverbial wheel.  There are tons of things that have received far
 more complaints in reviews.  Far more innovating things Laurent could be
 doing with his time, than simply rewriting a DM.

I agree...and the point of complaining wasn't that the DM sucked (which in my opinion 
it does)
it's that it they re-wrote KDM instead of creating a new Mandrake no matter how good it was (it could have been the best damn DM
ever created) it shouldn't have *become* KDM


[Cooker] Installation beta 3 - Servers installed

2003-02-02 Thread Brad Chamberlin
I know this was brought up before as to if we really need this
screen...and I am not sure that we do...but if we are going to keep it I
have a suggestion:

instead of listing them like cups, proftp, ..., etc I think it would
be more useful to actually list them and give a brief description of
what they are used for and what packages they selected to get them
installed...something like:

You are about to install the following servers 
and will be turned on by default

Deselect the ones you do not want installed:

(x) Cups:
  Printer stuff blah, blah, required for printing setup

(x) ProFtp:
   Ftp server blah, blah,

| Back || Next |

or something along those lines.  At the very least I think we should
list them and describe what they are for and what packages use them.


[Cooker] Bitstream Fonts

2003-01-22 Thread Brad Chamberlin

From FootNotes ( and OSNews:

The GNOME Foundation has entered into an agreement with Bitstream who
will donate ten high quality fonts to be used with free software (KDE,
XFree86, Gnome as well as others). This means distributions can finally
ship free desktops/applications with a set of high quality fonts.

here is the official press release:

hopefully it won't take too long to actually release them...I wonder if
it's too much wishful thinking for addition to 9.1?

Re: [Cooker] IMO: How Mandrake 9.1 Can Be The 'Killer App' forDesktop Linux

2003-01-17 Thread Brad Chamberlin
 It's not the just the fonts, it's MCC in general that's very unresponsive.
 Even enabling the log window undrneath shows nought.
 The only way to check is a glance at cpu and/or mem activity=:o(
 MCC needs a lot more polishing, imho.

This is something that is going to need fixed...even if it is 
working correctly underneath...Users DO need sufficient feedback, 
especially windows/mac converts.

I totally agree that MCC needs a lot of work...infact I have been thinking
about this for a while too, ergonomics/usability:

I started it about a month or so before the holiday season and have just now
started to work on it again...

Anybody that want's to help go through and totally trash MCC in terms of
usability and ergonomics let me know.


Re: [Cooker] Package verification

2003-01-16 Thread Brad Chamberlin

 rpmdrake/urpmi already verifies the gpg signature, so what else do you

I think he's talking about the system installer...not the package
installer, which also checks for sig's.  During the install the first
(or at least one of the first) steps asks if you want to verify your
install cd's 


Re: [Cooker] rpmdrake and its popup windows

2002-10-18 Thread Brad Chamberlin
 I think the treeview and the wizard could work together quite nicely,
 afterall it's just a form that has a basic set of operations: choose the
 programs to install - wait for them to download/copy - (check the gpg
 keys) - install them - return to the beginning.

rpmdrake is not what should become a wizard...the actuall installer is what
should become a wizard, no tree's here that i remember...

you should be able to select the rpm's you want installed through
rpmdrake like you currently do, but when you click the install button
it then brings up the installer wizard much like the old rpmdrake and 
installer worked...

a lot of that could be cut out now and simplified though probably.

then, like the previous post said, wait to check the gpg sig's after 
all have been downloaded and display any errors.

remember that the installer can be run outside of rpmdrake...
like right clicking an rpm in konq. - open with - Software Installer.
(which should be the default if just clicked but for me it opens in kpackage)

currently this is what i get...

this is what my intial email was about, you get two bad sig popups right in a 

2. many apps use popup windows for questions/warnings/etc, they
   are generally considered as good UI design

they are a good thing, but like any good thing too many is not


Re: [Cooker] rpmdrake and its popup windows

2002-10-17 Thread Brad Chamberlin
I agree too, and why does it have to warn me twice in a row (two differnt 
popup windows that are almost identical) warning me about gpg or other 

what was wrong with the old rpminstaller

something like this again I think would me much prefered.


[Cooker] OSNews Review

2002-10-17 Thread Brad Chamberlin
I wanted to point out to everyone the OSNews review here

harshly true and to the point...

Re: [Cooker] rpmdrake and its popup windows

2002-10-17 Thread Brad Chamberlin
You can either import the key...
or rpmdrake -no-verify-rpm

yes, i realize this...and that is what I do, but that's not the point


Re: [Cooker] OSNews Review

2002-10-17 Thread Brad Chamberlin
I in no way meant to cause a flame war by posting the link
to that review.

Do I agree with everything she says, of course not, but she does make 
*some* good points.

Why did I post it:

to let you know the review was out there, regardless of your personal
opinion of Eugenia OSNews is a fairly popular site read by many and now, 
like i knew it would all along, has been posted on Slashdot.

it is good to be aware of reviews/criticizms of your product no matter
what you are selling, and regardless of who wrote them.  The key to 
making any product better is by listening to the people that use your
products (or even potential users) you can argue that she doesn't
really use linux and I wouldn't disagree with you, but unfortunatly many 
people do have the same opinions she holds.  

It is pointless to post to this list and complain and trash Eugina...
it is much more productive to read what anyone has to say and see if he/she 
makes a valid point and LOOK for ways to improve your product.  Even if she 
only made one good point out of all of that, and that one opinion helped to 
change one single part of one application for the better it would be worth 

it doesn't matter if the review is 95% opinion, most reviews are...if it had 
been more favoriable this wouldn't be an issue.  

just my  $0.02

Re: [Cooker] repost: follow-up to 9.0 and next

2002-10-03 Thread Brad Chamberlin

Here is what I initially posted on mandrakeforum but I wanted to know 
what others thought of this idea...

part of the problem is that there are too many places users are reporting
bugs (cooker, expert, forum,  alt.os.linux.mandrake, and many others)

I was going to suggest creating a fool-proof bug reporting wizard in MCC 
so that anybody, no matter how technically advanced or challenged they are, 
can report legitamate bug reports that are helpfull

Looks like one has already been started!
while pulling out every perl script I could find that deals with MCC so I 
could try my hand at hacking at it I found drakebug and drakebug_report

I think this is definetly a step in the right direction but still needs a lot 
of improvement. 

Here is what I think should happen with this

-user has a problem
-user wants to report problem
-user launches MCC - launches DrakeBugWizard (or whatever)
-wizard guides them through series of easy question about the problem and 
automatically creates a report about system statistics + questions/answers 
from wizard and either
(-) mails them somewhere automatically, or if email isn't available...
(-) sends you to (???), or if the net is not up...
(-) export report to text file

-then autoreply tells user Thanks...problem is being looked at by our 

It's just a thought I had.


Re: [Cooker] RPMDrake

2002-10-03 Thread Brad Chamberlin

I have grown to love the new RPMDrake, at first I was a little unsure, but 
after using it for a while I think it has promise.

You can view the files of an rpm by right clicking on the information window
and selecting Maximum information

I agree it would probably be better to have a tab on the information window
so that you can have the description/depends on one tab and a file list on the 


On Thursday 03 October 2002 10:06 am, Palmer, Hilary wrote:
 For the next version for RPMDrake could you make it more like the previous
 version?  I liked being able to switch between Install/Remove and being
 able to see what files are included with the package.

[Cooker] SUB cooker

2001-02-05 Thread Brad Chamberlin