[Cooker] Sendmail Virtual Domains are broken in Cooker

2002-06-12 Thread Joseph T Watson


I have been using sendmail with linuxconf virtual mail accounts since MDK 
7.1 and with little trouble until MDK 8.2 came out.  With 8.2 and cooker, 
sendmail will not recognize virtual domains as a domain to be delivered 
locally, and it gives you the "mail loops back to me" error.  I am 
configuring it with Linuxconf and it always just worked.  After much messing 
around, I downloaded the src rpm for sendmail from 8.1 and recompiled it on 
my 8.2 install, and that fixed it.

I an not sure what the problem is, but something changed between 
sendmail-8.11.6-3mdk and sendmail-8.12.1-4mdk that broke virtual domains with 
linuxconf as a configuration tool.

One thing that I noticed is that linuxconf expected there to be a 
/usr/bin/makemap, and there is only a /usr/sbin/makemap.  In 
sendmail-8.11.6-3mdk there is both /usr/bin/makemap and /usr/sbin/makemap.  I 
tried copying /usr/sbin/makemap to /usr/bin/makemap, but it did not work.  
Maybe someone can figure this out.

Thanks much for the Great product.  If I can be of any help, let me know.


[Cooker] Postfix

2002-04-08 Thread Joseph T Watson


I am not sure if this is the right list to ask this, but I have run into a 
dead-end looking for info on this.  So if someone knows where I can find 
documation regarding this, please point me there.

I would like to try out postfix, but I need to use virtual domains, and I 
need a nice GUI to add users, domains, and so on.  The reason is that my 
costomer is not a linux user, and would be lost if he had to use manual 
stuff.  So can postfix deliver to Linuxconf virtual domains??

Any help would be great


[Cooker] Sendmail

2002-04-08 Thread Joseph T Watson


I am trying to use sendmail with linuxconf virtual users in MDK 8.2, but it 
seems to be completely broken.  Sendmail will relay messages, and deliver to 
the default domain, but will not deliver to a virtual domain.  I can't figure 
out where the problem lies.  I know that I am setting it up wright because I 
have sendmail with linuxconf virtual domains running on a 7.0, 7.2, two 
8.1's, and now I am trying a 8.2 distribution and suddenly it stops working.  
Here is a rundown of what I can see.  

Like I stated above, I can make it relay, and deliver to the default domain.  
But I can not make a virtual domain work.  If I add the virtual domain to 
/etc/mail/local-host-names, then it will deliver the virtual domain mail to 
the default domain mail boxes.  I also see that sendmail was looking for 
makemap under /usr/bin/makemap, but it is under /usr/sbin/makemap.  I fixed 
this but it did not help.  

I don't know if this is a sendmail problem or a linuxconf problem??  

I don't know if this is a MDK package problem or is it in linuxconf or 

Maybe I should be asking another list??

Any help would be great.


Re: [Cooker] Control Center in Beta 4

2002-03-06 Thread Joseph T Watson

On Wednesday 06 March 2002 12:48 pm, Joseph T Watson wrote:
> Hello
>   I just installed the beta 4 release and the install went very smoolth,
> just like I would expect from a Mandrake Product.
> One little glitch that I found was in the Control Center.  When I click on
> the Add/Remove Software to bring up RpmDrake, the hole interface goes
> bye-bye and I don't get Rpmdrake.  So I just start it from the KMenu and
> all works as expected.  So it appears there is a small glitch in MDK
> Control Center.
> Great job everyone.
> Joseph

Let me Add some info to my post to maybe help out.  Here is the error messages

[root@Smokey jtwatson]# mcc
modprobe: Can't locate module floppy
nb page :  5

Now I clicked on the Add/Remove Software and here is what I got.

Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference at 
/usr/X11R6/bin/drakconf.real line 555,  line 3.
[root@Smokey jtwatson]#

Hope this helps


[Cooker] Control Center in Beta 4

2002-03-06 Thread Joseph T Watson


I just installed the beta 4 release and the install went very smoolth, just 
like I would expect from a Mandrake Product.  

One little glitch that I found was in the Control Center.  When I click on 
the Add/Remove Software to bring up RpmDrake, the hole interface goes bye-bye 
and I don't get Rpmdrake.  So I just start it from the KMenu and all works as 
expected.  So it appears there is a small glitch in MDK Control Center.

Great job everyone.


Re: [Cooker] KDE File Association problem?

2002-03-03 Thread Joseph T Watson

Well I am running Bata 3, and this is not a problem in KDE.  Is this problem 
later then Bata 3?


On Sunday 03 March 2002 12:02 am, you wrote:
> I still with the most current kde-base and cooker can not proprely open
> directorys on the desktop   I have to re associate them every time i boot
> the machine.   Does anyone know of a way to make the associations stay ?
> I am associating it ot
> kfmclient openProfile filemanagement
> and that works fine, works great.  even if i log out and log back in..
> but when i reboot its all gone again..

[Cooker] PostgreSQL

2001-05-29 Thread Joseph T Watson


I am wondering if postgreSQL is going to be updated soon???  LM 8.0
comes with 7.0.3, and there is a few long awaited features in 7.1 that
would be awesome to have.



[Cooker] What is kapm-idled

2001-05-29 Thread Joseph T Watson


I have noticed a process soaking up a lot of proccessor time, and am
trying to figure out what it is??  Does anyone know what kapm-idled is
and why it uses so much of the processor?  Do I have something
configured wrong?  Below is a list of the processes and as you can see
it is using way more then its share of the processor, the bottom listing
is after the computer was running and being used for about 3 hours.

   Any help would be great.


3 root   9   0 00 0 SW0.0  0.0  24:55 kapm-idled
 6027 jtwatson   9   0 19360  18M 10148 S 0.0  7.5   4:29
 1345 root  10   0 60596  59M  2116 S 0.7 23.6   1:57 X
 1820 jtwatson   9   0 19040  18M 12768 S 0.0  7.4   0:54 kdeinit
 4842 root  11   0  1080 1080   852 R 0.3  0.4   0:35 top
 1629 jtwatson   9   0  9116 9116  7656 R 0.5  3.5   0:29 kdeinit
  978 root   9   0   616  616   504 S 0.1  0.2   0:12 syslogd
   73 root   9   0  2032 2032   576 S 0.0  0.7   0:10
 1463 jtwatson   9   0 10020 9.8M  8732 S 0.0  3.9   0:07 kdeinit
 1453 jtwatson   9   0  7680 7676  7000 S 0.0  3.0   0:05 kdeinit
1 root   8   0   528  528   460 S 0.0  0.2   0:04 init
 1436 jtwatson  11   0  4020 4020  2316 S 0.0  1.5   0:04 artsd
 1460 jtwatson   8   0 10292  10M  9076 S 0.0  4.0   0:03 kdeinit
 1349 root   9   0  7648 7648  6484 S 0.0  2.9   0:01 kdm

Re: [Cooker] Aurora development dead?

2001-05-29 Thread Joseph T Watson

Digital Wokan wrote:

> I got tired of Aurora trying to make status and errors look pretty.  I
> finally "rpm -e"'d the Aurora packages, and I intend to continue doing
> so after every system install until they become an optional part of the
> install (kinda like starting X at boot is optional... hint, hint,
> Mdksoft).

Well, all I need to do is fire up Mandrake Control Center and under Boot -
Boot Config, uncheck the "Launch Aurora at boot time" option, and it goes
away!!!  Seems kind of optional to me!

[Cooker] DrakeRPM HELP!!!

2001-05-26 Thread Joseph T Watson


I have had a problem with DrakeRPM for last 2 releases of mandrake
now.  The problem is with adding rpm sources!  I can remove a source no
problem, but I cant add one  When I try to add a new soruce, all
seems to work but then when I reopen the "Define Sources" dialog, the
newly added source is not there anymore?  Also the list of rpms does not
contain any new rpms.  The only work around I find for this is to use
the comand line for urpmi, and add sources that way.   Am I doing
something wrong, or is drake rpm broken?



Re: [Cooker] Install problems in 8.0 (LBA prob?)

2001-05-26 Thread Joseph T Watson

Anton Graham wrote:

> I tried installing 8.0 on a friend's 800Mhz Thunderbird box and ran into
> some problems with diskdrake.  The first install attempt seemed to go
> well, I set up the partitions within driskdrake, but I got the dreaded
> "LI" on reboot.  Several attempts to reinstall lilo gave the same
> results.  I tried changing bootloaders to GRUB and got "GRUB" on the
> screen and no more.
> Looking at the partion tables with another utility (Rannish Partition
> Manager) showed a fairly scrambled partition table, though I was able to
> boot from floppy if the floppy had a kernel on it.
> Pre-generating the partition table with Rannish, diskdrake gave errors
> about being unable to read the partition table.  I aborted the install
> at that point.
> It is interesting to note that the Luser was insistent on placing the
> Linux partitions in the last 4G of a 46G device, and so the boot loaders
> would have needed to operate in LBA mode.
> The diskdrake error is of more concern, however, as the text installer
> actually presented a proposed partition table and wanted to format the
> whole drive.
> --
> Anton GrahamGPG ID: 0x18F78541
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> RSA key available upon request
> "I got everybody to pay up front...then I blew up their planet."
> "Now why didn't I think of that?"
>   -- Post Bros. Comics


Just a though, I have had problems with installing, and the problems
were about the same, but I was not able to finnish the install.  What I
found out is I had two drives on the same cable, and one was UDMA 66 and
the other was 33.  For some reason this causes problems with the install,
but not with operation once I managed to get in installed??   I
removed the second drive and all installed well, then I adjusted the
partions around after the install.

Hope this helps!!

[Cooker] KDE 2.0

2000-12-11 Thread Joseph T Watson


I am looking for some answers to a few questions of mine.  I want to
upgrade to KDE 2.0.1 from 2.0 but don't want to try source code.  I see
that in cooker there is kde 2.1 rpms, and am wondering what the version
numbering is meaning.  Is this kde 2.0.1?  Also is there any warnings
about installing the development set of rpms right now.  I just don't
want to mess up my system by jumping the gun and not be able to go back
to the 2.0 release easily.  I kind of depend on being able to use this
computer :)   So any insight would be welcome.  I am running Linux
Mandrake 7.2, and I must say it is a AWESOME distribution, GREAT JOB!!!

Thanks Much


Re: [Cooker] Kernel Configuration

2000-12-04 Thread Joseph T Watson


> Maybe you can try to download the kernel-2.2.17-29mdk.src.rpm (it should be at 
>version 29mdk by now) from a cooker mirror and do and rpm -i.
> Then, go to your RPM/SPECS/ directory and edit the kernel-2.2.spec file (remember to 
>make a copy of the .spec file first, so you can make a .diff file later --> share 
>your findings with us). Put your new sources in the RPM/SOURCES direcotry and see if 
>it works --> rpm -ba kernel-2.2.spec


I am quite new to building rpm's, but am real intrested in learning so I
can build my own rpms or help in instances like this.  The above info is
a little over my head.  Could you point me to some reading that would
help me learn how to do the above in a little more detail?  Also what
findings would you like me to report?  Findings on DRBD-dev or the

Thanks for the responce,  the SPEC file  is what I was looking for, 
Thanks Much!!


[Cooker] Kernel Configuration

2000-12-03 Thread Joseph T Watson


I have a question.  I want to a patch the kernal with Alans Pre
2.2.18pre18 patch (pre-patch-2.2.18-18.bz2), and Andreas VM Patch
(VM-global-2.2.18pre18-7.bz2).  This will be for use with the latest
DRBD-dev cvs tree.

My question.  I want to keep the kernel options the same as they are now
in Mandrake 7.2's 2.2.17-21mdk kernal.  When you run "make xconfig" and
exit and save, there is a /usr/src/linux/.config file created.  If this
file is not there, where does the config come from.  Is there a default,
or can it query the running kernel.  Any way, how do I load the config
for any of the mandrake kernels such as the linus, SMP, secure, pcmcia ,
etc...  Can I get the .config file some where??  Please fill me in if
you can.



Re: [Cooker] Usparc Corp1.0 to LM 7.1 ssh problem

2000-10-19 Thread Joseph T Watson

T Korte wrote:

> When I try to start an x app on my LM 7.1 box while logged in from my Corporate
> 1.0 box I get the following:
> --
> [tkorte@sparky tkorte]$ ssh bart
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password:
> Last login: Thu Oct 12 09:14:23 2000
> [tkorte@bart tkorte]$ xclock &
> [1] 830
> [tkorte@bart tkorte]$ channel 0: istate 4 != open
> channel 0: ostate 64 != open
> X connection to bart.my.net:10.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).
> [1]+  Exit 1  xclock
> [tkorte@bart tkorte]$
> ---
> Any suggestions?
> Tom Korte

I just ran into this problem and I was told by a guy on the ssh mailing list that
it is a bug in the 2.1 version, upgrade to the 2.2.0p(ort).  I tried this form the
cooker rpm's and got a dependency problem

rpm(VersionedDependencies) <= 3.0.3-1

Any help with problem would be greatly appreciated

thanks,  Joseph

[Cooker] Linuxconf Web Interface

2000-10-02 Thread Joseph T Watson


I am looking for help getting linuxconf web interface going on
Mandrake 7.1.
It just dosent seem to want to work, I have enabled it under
networking-misc-linuxconf network access, but it still wont work.

[root@blizzard jtwatson]# rpm -q linuxconf

I had no problems on 7.0

Can anyone give me some advice.

Thanks in advance!
