Re: Cannot power off

2003-03-06 Thread Thierry de Coulon
Well, check that APM (Advanced Power Managment, or is it PMUD on PPC?) is 
working. You'll need this to hav an auto-power-down. It works on an iBook, so 
it should on an iMac.


On Thursday 06 March 2003 12:49, Matthieu Amiguet wrote:
 I installed Mandrake 8.2 on a iMac DV 400 (slot loading) and things work
 pretty well (see my preceeding mails), but I am not able to power off the
 halt, shutdown -h and poweroff do work in the sense that they cleanly stop
 the system, but they do not really power off the hardware and I have to do
 it by hand.
 I know it's not that serious, but I would really prefer if software power
 off was available.
 Anyone knowing what to do?


I heard if you play the Windows XP CD backwards, you get a satanic message.
That's nothing, if you play it forward, it installs Windows XP

Re: Beta 2 on white ibook??

2003-02-08 Thread Thierry de Coulon
On Saturday 08 February 2003 14:58, Christopher Molnar wrote:
 Before I go and once again blow away a working OS/X install and install
 Beta 2 can anyone tell me (hopefully someone with a white ibook) if the
 following items are working properly:

 1) Internal modem

Did not try but I doubt. AFAIK the modem in the new iBook is a software modem. 
Does not work on Yellow Dog (video output does not either)

 2) Power management (I need to be able to close lid, re-open, have a
 working kde session and not a loud feedback sound over the speaker)

 3) USB Ports recognizing things like a mobile phone (motorola) and HP
 Digital Camera.

Basically (should not be mandrake-dependent) it depends on HOW your camera 

- if it conforms to usb-storage there should be no problem
- if it uses a proprietary way (such as Canon cameras) it might work with 
gphoto2, but then I was never able to compile the latest version on ppc

 If anyone has any experience with any of this I'd like to hear about it.



I heard if you play the Windows XP CD backwards, you get a satanic message.
That's nothing, if you play it forward, it installs Windows XP

Re: Beta 2 on white ibook??

2003-02-08 Thread Thierry de Coulon
On Saturday 08 February 2003 16:54, Christopher Molnar wrote:

 In the meantime OS/X seems pretty stable for my needs - just a little
 slower than I would like it.


Well, I have both and choose at boot time. I am pretty happy with YDL 2.3 at 
the time. I do like Mandrake (on my PC) but for the time being YDL runs 
better (at least on a rev2 iBook). Power Managment works mostly (however not 
closing the screen), my camera works (but it's an Olympus and connects as 
usb-storage - I don't use gPhoto but wrote a small tcl/tk program instead).
I'm afraid the modem problem will remain as long as Apple does not disclose 
the informations


I heard if you play the Windows XP CD backwards, you get a satanic message.
That's nothing, if you play it forward, it installs Windows XP

Re: Mandrake PPC 9.1 Beta2

2003-02-07 Thread Thierry de Coulon
Well, lets compare with my (working) configuration on YDL. Could you try ot?

On Friday 07 February 2003 00:56, Adrian Rawlings wrote:
 Hi all... I have an ibook 2.2 (released in Nov 2002?)  With the beta2 it
 does a wonderful job autodetecting my ethernet port and my airport card. 
 Congrats! Now the bad news... still no sound and the video (with or without
 benh) still shows thin black scrolling horizontal lines in X.  If anyone
 has any ideas as to where I'm screwing up, or ? lemme know.  Thanks!
 XF86Config-4 sample:

  Identifier monitor1
 VendorName Apple
 ModelName iBook2 1024x768
 HorizSync 28.0-49.0
 VertRefresh 43.0-72.0

I have:  HorizSync 31.5-57.0
   VertRefresh 50-70

 #later on
 Section Device
 Identifier device1
 VendorName ATI
 BoardName ATI Radeon
 Driver radeon
 BusID PCI:0:16:0
 Option DPMS
 Option AGPMode true

Here I have Driver fbdev, as Stew pointed out this may be the central point


I heard if you play the Windows XP CD backwards, you get a satanic message.
That's nothing, if you play it forward, it installs Windows XP

Re: New benh-mdk kernel build

2003-01-29 Thread Thierry de Coulon
On Wednesday 29 January 2003 00:13, Stew Benedict wrote:

 On my Lombard, the trackpad is adb, not sure on the newer machines.

On the iBook2.rev2 as well. I know that because on YDL I have to run a mouse 
configuration utility at the command line if I forget the USB mouse to get X 
to use the touchpad (not a trackpad unfortunately... I love IBM's trackpad).

Did not have time to test the new kernel yet. Will try to do it some time.


I heard if you play the Windows XP CD backwards, you get a satanic message.
That's nothing, if you play it forward, it installs Windows XP

Re: ppc beta1 on ibook2.rev2

2003-01-24 Thread Thierry de Coulon
On Thursday 23 January 2003 23:35, wolfgang wrote:
 i tried yellow dog too, but when i booted from the cd the ibook was
 powering off after some seconds instead of installing anything...
 did i do something wrong? (i'm a newbie on macintosh...)

 thanks, wolfgang

and Daniel wrote

 I don't think the Radeon 7500 is supported with ydl. The Radeon
 Mobility (the 600 and 700mhz machines shipped before the lastest ibook
 update) is supported by Ydl 2.3 and I suppose mdk 9.1 beta also (tried a
 pretty recent cooker release on my radeon mobility ibook some weeks ago,

OK so it first depends on what we call YDL 2.3. The download / retail
version installs, but with a distorted screen (both console and X).

However, you can download a series of files from YDL's site. You install
 those rpms and everything works (including the iBooks buttons for sound,
 screen and CD eject but I don't know if that's a YDL or a Linux-PPC feature.

The list of the new rpms is:


don't know if this give a clue. Anyway my iBook 800Mhz (12) is happily
running YDL 2.3+. If there is any data I can provide to help, just ask.
AFAIK YDL is Red Hat based, and so is (was?) Mandrake, so I suppose what
works for them should work for us (or am I just speaking nonsense??).


I heard if you play the Windows XP CD backwards, you get a satanic message.
That's nothing, if you play it forward, it installs Windows XP

Re: ppc beta1 on ibook2.rev2

2003-01-23 Thread Thierry de Coulon
On Thursday 23 January 2003 16:05, Wolfgang Hovest wrote:
 hi there,

 i recently bought an ibook800
 with the 9.1-beta-release it's even worse. the tft is getting black
 immediately when i try the gui-install, and if i choose intall-text, at
 the time the installer asks for the resolution, it starts the xserver
 (which i'm able to see), asks if it's ok - thats the last i can see
 regardless i answer yes or no  - it's getting black again, and i can't
 complete the install...

I've got an iBook2.rev2 as well. I tried 8.2 with the same results. I'd 
welcome Mandrake on my iBook because I use it on my main machine.

To Wolfgang (if you want Linux now), and to the developpers if you're 
looking for a solution: Yellow Dog Linux release 2.3 works perfectly on the 
iBook (but you have to download and install a few new rpms to get Xfree 
running fine.

I am not able to get any informations out of this (except they upgraded the 
kernel) but developpers may.


I heard if you play the Windows XP CD backwards, you get a satanic message.
That's nothing, if you play it forward, it installs Windows XP