Re: RFR: 8272137: Make Collection and Optional classes streamable

2021-08-16 Thread liach
On Mon, 9 Aug 2021 12:28:23 GMT, CC007  

> create Streamable and ParallelStreamable interface and use them in Collection 
> and Optional

With modern java, you can always create a `Streamable` on your own (and have 
specifications/documentations that a simple `Supplier` lacks) and implement it 

public interface Streamable {
  Stream stream();
  static Streamable ofIterable(Iterable iterable) {
return () ->, false);

The lack of such an interface in the JDK is not really a problem.

> Are you suggesting that there are deeper architectural issues with the 
> hierarchy-heavy collection stack?

I am saying that your sample project has unnecessarily many interfaces for your 
collection model, where many of them have little virtue on their own. This 
interface mash is susceptible to accidentally introducing unwanted features 
into the hierarchy and having method or specification clashes for 

Looking back on identifying efficiently streamable objects, people can usually 
find efficient streams by the method return types. Your interface doesn't allow 
people to identify `BufferedReader.lines()` as an efficiently streamable 
target, for instance.
In addition, I think the main purpose of `` is to allow using 
it in stream flatmapping than to promote stream creation with optionals.



Proposal: Replace foreach loop with Iterable.forEach in String.join(CharSequence, Iterable)

2021-08-16 Thread Donald Raab
The following code:

for (CharSequence cs: elements) {

Can be replaced with:


This would have the minor benefit of making it safe to use String.join with 
synchronized collections without requiring a client side lock. There are likely 
other opportunities like this in the JDK. 

Also, with the addition of forEach on Iterable, and Predicate in Java 8, the 
following design FAQ is outdated.



Re: RFR: 8272137: Make Collection and Optional classes streamable

2021-08-16 Thread CC007
On Mon, 9 Aug 2021 12:28:23 GMT, CC007  

> create Streamable and ParallelStreamable interface and use them in Collection 
> and Optional

The List and Collection interface was almost directly taken from java.util 
(apart from the small feature interfaces, that I extracted from them), so it 
would make sense that those classes use an older design.

Are you suggesting that there are deeper architectural issues with the 
hierarchy-heavy collection stack? Would it be better if a list contained a 
collection, rather than inheriting from it? If that is the case, anything that 
is proposed in this PR is merely aiming at symptoms of a possibility much 
larger underlying problem, which might require going back to the drawing board 
for all collection related features.



Re: RFR: 8272137: Make Collection and Optional classes streamable

2021-08-16 Thread liach
On Mon, 9 Aug 2021 12:28:23 GMT, CC007  

> create Streamable and ParallelStreamable interface and use them in Collection 
> and Optional

You can view the mailing lists at and subscribe there.
If you want to send a mail, just send one to say `jdk-dev` at 
`` (and carbon copy if you reply to a specific person so the 
list can see a copy)

On a separate note, @CC007 your model falls back to the fairly-old inheritance 
vs embodiment (extending a class vs using it as a field) debate. Nowadays, I 
think Java has evolved to reduce excessive reliances on inheritances, as there 
can be clashes (for example, a class cannot implement a comparator for two 
different type arguments). Also due to these potential of clashing, in a lot of 
java code, interface implementation classes avoid implementing multiple 
interfaces at once.



Re: RFR: 8272137: Make Collection and Optional classes streamable

2021-08-16 Thread CC007
On Mon, 9 Aug 2021 12:28:23 GMT, CC007  

> create Streamable and ParallelStreamable interface and use them in Collection 
> and Optional

Also, sorry for my Millennial lack of knowledge of older communication methods, 
but if I wanted to reply to a specific thread in a mailing list, how would I do 
that? Does it require certain content in the subject and/or quoted text in the 
message body?

It does feel way less intuitive than just clicking the comment box or clicking 
`... -> Quote reply` on a comment in this PR



Re: RFR: 8272137: Make Collection and Optional classes streamable

2021-08-16 Thread CC007
On Mon, 16 Aug 2021 03:39:02 GMT, Tagir F. Valeev  wrote:

>> create Streamable and ParallelStreamable interface and use them in 
>> Collection and Optional
> Mostly agreed with Brian. Judging from 7 years of using Stream API, I can say 
> that this abstraction would not solve any real problem. If you need a way to 
> create many identical streams on demand, just accept `Supplier>`. 
> This allows more flexibility for clients. They can not only supply 
> `myCollection::stream` or `myOptional::stream` but also `() -> 
>`, `() -> IntStream.range(...).boxed()`, `() -> 
>` or whatever else. A dedicated 
> `Streamable` interface is too limited and will require adapters in many cases 
> but you can already adapt anything to `Supplier>`. People already 
> use `Supplier>` idiom pretty often, so creating a new `Streamable` 
> interface would add an API mess: some people would stick with `Supplier` and 
> others would migrate to `Streamable`. So I vote to reject this PR.
> I said "mostly" because I think that PR is a good starting point for 
> discussion. It's much easier to explain which enhancement you are proposing 
> if you already present some code. And we are already at corelibs-dev, as PR 
> comments are mirrored there, and for some people, it's more comfortable to 
> discuss via GitHub interface, as you don't have to subscribe and get tons of 
> unrelated e-mails, you can concentrate on a single discussion only. So in my 
> opinion, it's completely ok to write code and create a PR before the 
> discussion, even if it's likely to be thrown away.

It is fine that the pull request is closed for now, but I agree with @amaembo 
that if this conversation is indeed mirrored there, then it shouldn't be a 
problem to discuss the proposal here, along with the proposed changes.

I actually worked out a usecase (See:, where I partially 
reimagined the Collection interface stack and its neighboring 
interfaces/classes. I also added a `Demo` class to show how I imagined to use 
these interfaces and to show how the granularity of these interfaces can be 

The fact that I have to create copies of interfaces and delegates for 
implementations makes me feel like something is lacking in the collection stack 
and that for this usecase `Supplier` wouldn't cut it, but feel free to fork 
and refactor my code to prove me wrong.

PS: while creating the Demo class, I noticed that it couldn't be analyzed if 
the return value of a method with type ` & 
Addable & Iterable & RandomAccess>` could be safely cast to a 
new local variable with type ` & Addable` 
and that you can't declare variables of type ` & 
Addable` (it won't let you use the `&` when using the `?`), but I 



RFR: 8272369: java/io/File/ failed with "RuntimeException: java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: /run/user/0"

2021-08-16 Thread Brian Burkhalter
This change proposes to exclude `/run/user` mounts from the test when run on 
Linux as they can "disappear" while the test is running.


Commit messages:
 - 8272369: java/io/File/ failed with "RuntimeException: 
java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: /run/user/0"

  Stats: 15 lines in 1 file changed: 7 ins; 4 del; 4 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/5136/head:pull/5136


Re: RFR: 8272398: Update DockerTestUtils.buildJdkDockerImage()

2021-08-16 Thread Mikhailo Seledtsov
On Mon, 16 Aug 2021 23:48:46 GMT, Igor Ignatyev  wrote:

>> Please review this change that updates the buildJdkDockerImage() test 
>> library API.
>> This work originated while working on "8195809: [TESTBUG] jps and jcmd -l 
>> support for containers is not tested".
>> The initial intent was to extend the buildJdkDockerImage() API of 
>> DockerTestUtils to accept custom Dockerfile content.
>> As I analyzed the usage of buildJdkDockerImage() I realized that:
>>   - 2nd argument "dockerfile" is always the same: "Dockerfile-BasicTest"
>>   its use has been obsolete for some time, in favor of Dockerfile 
>> generated by DockerTestUtils
>>   - 3rd argument "buildDirName" is also always the same: "jdk-docker"
>> Hence I thought it would be a good idea to simplify this API and make it 
>> up-to-date.
>> Also, since the method signature is being updated, I thought it would be a 
>> good idea to also change the name to use more generic container terminology:
>> buildJdkDockerImage() --> buildJdkContainerImage()
> test/lib/jdk/test/lib/containers/docker/ line 179:
>> 177:  * @throws Exception
>> 178:  */
>> 179: public static void buildImage(String imageName, Path buildDir) 
>> throws Exception {
> it seems there are no users of this method, do we need to keep it public?

Sounds good. Will do.



Re: RFR: 8272124: Cgroup v1 initialization causes NullPointerException when path contains colon

2021-08-16 Thread Mikhailo Seledtsov
On Mon, 16 Aug 2021 17:25:57 GMT, Harold Seigel  wrote:

> Please review this small fix for JDK-8272124.  The fix puts a limit of 3 when 
> splitting self cgroup lines by ':' so that Cgroup paths won't get truncated 
> if they contain embedded ':'s.  For example, an entry of 
> "11:memory:/user.sli:ce" in a /proc/self/cgroup file will now result in a 
> Cgroup path of "/user.sli:ce" instead of "/user.sli".
> The fix was tested with Mach5 tiers 1 and 2, and Mach5 tiers 3-5 on Linux x64 
> and Linux aarch64.
> Thanks, Harold

Changes look good to me.


Marked as reviewed by mseledtsov (Committer).


Re: RFR: 8272398: Update DockerTestUtils.buildJdkDockerImage()

2021-08-16 Thread Igor Ignatyev
On Mon, 16 Aug 2021 23:31:41 GMT, Mikhailo Seledtsov  

> Please review this change that updates the buildJdkDockerImage() test library 
> API.
> This work originated while working on "8195809: [TESTBUG] jps and jcmd -l 
> support for containers is not tested".
> The initial intent was to extend the buildJdkDockerImage() API of 
> DockerTestUtils to accept custom Dockerfile content.
> As I analyzed the usage of buildJdkDockerImage() I realized that:
>   - 2nd argument "dockerfile" is always the same: "Dockerfile-BasicTest"
>   its use has been obsolete for some time, in favor of Dockerfile 
> generated by DockerTestUtils
>   - 3rd argument "buildDirName" is also always the same: "jdk-docker"
> Hence I thought it would be a good idea to simplify this API and make it 
> up-to-date.
> Also, since the method signature is being updated, I thought it would be a 
> good idea to also change the name to use more generic container terminology:
> buildJdkDockerImage() --> buildJdkContainerImage()

Changes requested by iignatyev (Reviewer).

test/lib/jdk/test/lib/containers/docker/ line 145:

> 143: 
> 144: // Create an image build/staging directory
> 145: Path buildDir = Paths.get(".", "image-build");

to make it more robust and possible to have more than one container within a 
test, I'd use `imagName` + "image-build" as build dir name.

test/lib/jdk/test/lib/containers/docker/ line 179:

> 177:  * @throws Exception
> 178:  */
> 179: public static void buildImage(String imageName, Path buildDir) 
> throws Exception {

it seems there are no users of this method, do we need to keep it public?



Re: RFR: 8272398: Update DockerTestUtils.buildJdkDockerImage()

2021-08-16 Thread Igor Ignatyev
On Mon, 16 Aug 2021 23:47:04 GMT, Igor Ignatyev  wrote:

>> Please review this change that updates the buildJdkDockerImage() test 
>> library API.
>> This work originated while working on "8195809: [TESTBUG] jps and jcmd -l 
>> support for containers is not tested".
>> The initial intent was to extend the buildJdkDockerImage() API of 
>> DockerTestUtils to accept custom Dockerfile content.
>> As I analyzed the usage of buildJdkDockerImage() I realized that:
>>   - 2nd argument "dockerfile" is always the same: "Dockerfile-BasicTest"
>>   its use has been obsolete for some time, in favor of Dockerfile 
>> generated by DockerTestUtils
>>   - 3rd argument "buildDirName" is also always the same: "jdk-docker"
>> Hence I thought it would be a good idea to simplify this API and make it 
>> up-to-date.
>> Also, since the method signature is being updated, I thought it would be a 
>> good idea to also change the name to use more generic container terminology:
>> buildJdkDockerImage() --> buildJdkContainerImage()
> test/lib/jdk/test/lib/containers/docker/ line 145:
>> 143: 
>> 144: // Create an image build/staging directory
>> 145: Path buildDir = Paths.get(".", "image-build");
> to make it more robust and possible to have more than one container within a 
> test, I'd use `imagName` + "image-build" as build dir name.

you also don't need to have `.` as a first argument, `Paths.get("x")` returns 
you a path to "x" in current directory.



Withdrawn: 8272137: Make Collection and Optional classes streamable

2021-08-16 Thread Kevin Rushforth
On Mon, 9 Aug 2021 12:28:23 GMT, CC007  

> create Streamable and ParallelStreamable interface and use them in Collection 
> and Optional

This pull request has been closed without being integrated.



Re: RFR: 8272398: Update DockerTestUtils.buildJdkDockerImage()

2021-08-16 Thread Mikhailo Seledtsov
On Mon, 16 Aug 2021 23:31:41 GMT, Mikhailo Seledtsov  

> Please review this change that updates the buildJdkDockerImage() test library 
> API.
> This work originated while working on "8195809: [TESTBUG] jps and jcmd -l 
> support for containers is not tested".
> The initial intent was to extend the buildJdkDockerImage() API of 
> DockerTestUtils to accept custom Dockerfile content.
> As I analyzed the usage of buildJdkDockerImage() I realized that:
>   - 2nd argument "dockerfile" is always the same: "Dockerfile-BasicTest"
>   its use has been obsolete for some time, in favor of Dockerfile 
> generated by DockerTestUtils
>   - 3rd argument "buildDirName" is also always the same: "jdk-docker"
> Hence I thought it would be a good idea to simplify this API and make it 
> up-to-date.
> Also, since the method signature is being updated, I thought it would be a 
> good idea to also change the name to use more generic container terminology:
> buildJdkDockerImage() --> buildJdkContainerImage()

@hseigel Could you please review when you have a chance ?

  - ran jdk/containers and hotspot/containers tests on
 - OL 7.9 with Docker
 - OL 8.3 with Podman
 - OL 8.3 aarch64 with Podman



JPackage and ask for microphone permissions broken on OSX...

2021-08-16 Thread Filteredaccount1
Hi Core-libs-dev,

I’m trying to report an issue with JPackage on recent versions of OSX.

Problem is, the microphone permissions aren’t granted to applications created 
by jpackage. The resulting recorded 16 bit PCM line in samples files are the 
correct duration, but don’t have any sound (samples all set to 0).

System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Privacy -> Microphone
(application never asks for permissions)

Otherwise, the only workaround I can figure out is to have the app launch then 
bootstrap itself using Runtime and grant applications to the (when 
it calls itself from `java`)

There are various reports of this on the Internet - but I’m wondering if the 
JPackage team is aware of the issue.

This pretty much shows the solution - needs a bit of Objective C though.

Reproducing the problem: JPackage any java sound recording app on latest OSX, 
run it... will be unable to capture sound. Run the same code from the command 
line, via classpath or modules... it will record audio after asking the user to 
grant microphone permissions to

It would be great if this is fixed in JDK 17.

Many Thanks,

Ben S

RFR: 8272398: Update DockerTestUtils.buildJdkDockerImage()

2021-08-16 Thread Mikhailo Seledtsov
Please review this change that updates the buildJdkDockerImage() test library 

This work originated while working on "8195809: [TESTBUG] jps and jcmd -l 
support for containers is not tested".
The initial intent was to extend the buildJdkDockerImage() API of 
DockerTestUtils to accept custom Dockerfile content.
As I analyzed the usage of buildJdkDockerImage() I realized that:
  - 2nd argument "dockerfile" is always the same: "Dockerfile-BasicTest"
  its use has been obsolete for some time, in favor of Dockerfile generated 
by DockerTestUtils
  - 3rd argument "buildDirName" is also always the same: "jdk-docker"

Hence I thought it would be a good idea to simplify this API and make it 

Also, since the method signature is being updated, I thought it would be a good 
idea to also change the name to use more generic container terminology:
buildJdkDockerImage() --> buildJdkContainerImage()


Commit messages:
 - Updated buildJdkDockerImage, changed signature and renamed to 
 - Proposed docker build API updates

  Stats: 68 lines in 17 files changed: 20 ins; 15 del; 33 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/5134/head:pull/5134


RFR: 8269559: AArch64: Implement string_compare intrinsic in SVE

2021-08-16 Thread TatWai Chong
This patch implements string_compare intrinsic in SVE.
It supports all LL, LU, UL and UU comparisons.

As we haven't found an existing benchmark to measure performance impact,
we created a benchmark derived from the test [1] for this evaluation.
This benchmark is attached to this patch.

Besides, remove the unused temporary register `vtmp3` from the existing
match rules for StrCmp.

The result below shows all varients can be benefited largely.
Command: make exploded-test TEST="micro:StringCompareToDifferentLength"

Benchmark(size)  Mode  Cnt   Score Speedup Units
compareToLL  24  avgt   10  1.0x   ms/op
compareToLL  36  avgt   10  1.0x   ms/op
compareToLL  72  avgt   10  1.0x   ms/op
compareToLL 128  avgt   10  1.4x   ms/op
compareToLL 256  avgt   10  1.8x   ms/op
compareToLL 512  avgt   10  2.7x   ms/op
compareToLU  24  avgt   10  1.6x   ms/op
compareToLU  36  avgt   10  1.8x   ms/op
compareToLU  72  avgt   10  2.3x   ms/op
compareToLU 128  avgt   10  3.8x   ms/op
compareToLU 256  avgt   10  4.7x   ms/op
compareToLU 512  avgt   10  6.3x   ms/op
compareToUL  24  avgt   10  1.6x   ms/op
compareToUL  36  avgt   10  1.7x   ms/op
compareToUL  72  avgt   10  2.2x   ms/op
compareToUL 128  avgt   10  3.3x   ms/op
compareToUL 256  avgt   10  4.4x   ms/op
compareToUL 512  avgt   10  6.1x   ms/op
compareToUU  24  avgt   10  1.0x   ms/op
compareToUU  36  avgt   10  1.0x   ms/op
compareToUU  72  avgt   10  1.4x   ms/op
compareToUU 128  avgt   10  2.2x   ms/op
compareToUU 256  avgt   10  2.6x   ms/op
compareToUU 512  avgt   10  3.7x   ms/op



Commit messages:
 - 8269559: AArch64: Implement string_compare intrinsic in SVE

  Stats: 550 lines in 12 files changed: 447 ins; 12 del; 91 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/5129/head:pull/5129


RFR: 8272541: Incorrect overflow test in Toom-Cook branch of BigInteger multiplication

2021-08-16 Thread Brian Burkhalter
Please consider this change which would modify a conditional `a + b > c` where 
the left side variables are `int`s and the right side is 
`(long)Integer.MAX_VALUE + 1`. The change is to cast the left side variables to 


Commit messages:
 - 8272541: Incorrect overflow test in Toom-Cook branch of BigInteger 

  Stats: 30 lines in 2 files changed: 18 ins; 3 del; 9 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/5130/head:pull/5130


Re: 'Condition is always false' in 'BigInteger#multiply(BigInteger, boolean)'

2021-08-16 Thread Brian Burkhalter
Hello Andrey,

Indeed that appears to be incorrect. I filed [1] to track it.




On Aug 15, 2021, at 2:12 AM, Andrey Turbanov>> wrote:

I found suspicious condition in method
"java.math.BigInteger#multiply(java.math.BigInteger, boolean)"
It's detected by IntelliJ IDEA inspection 'Constant conditions & exceptions'

if (bitLength(mag, mag.length) +
   bitLength(val.mag, val.mag.length) >

Method bitLength returns 'int', hence the left operand of '>'
comparison is 'int' too.
But the right operand of '>' comparison is 'long' with value ==
Integer.MAX_VALUE + 1.
It means this condition is always false.

BigInteger a = new BigInteger(1073742825, ThreadLocalRandom.current());
BigInteger b = new BigInteger(1073742825, ThreadLocalRandom.current());
BigInteger c = a.multiply(b);

Re: RFR: 8153490: Cannot setBytes() if incoming buffer's length is bigger than number of elements we want to insert. [v4]

2021-08-16 Thread Lance Andersen
On Mon, 24 May 2021 11:18:57 GMT, Mitsuru Kariya 

>> Fix `SerialBlob.setBytes(long pos, byte[] bytes, int offset, int length)` in 
>> the following cases:
>> 1. `pos - 1 + bytes.length - offset > this.length() && pos - 1 + length <= 
>> this.length()`
>>The original implementation throws `ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException` but 
>> this case should end successfully.
>> 2. `pos - 1 + length > this.length()`
>>The original implementation throws `ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException` but 
>> this case should end successfully. *1
>> 3. `pos == this.length() + 1`
>>The original implementation throws `SerialException` but this case should 
>> end successfully. *2
>> 4. `length < 0`
>>The original implementation throws `ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException` but 
>> this case should throw `SerialException`.
>> 5. `offset + length > Integer.MAX_VALUE`
>>The original implementation throws `ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException` (or 
>> `OutOfMemoryError` in most cases) but this case should throw 
>> `SerialException`.
>> Additionally, fix `SerialClob.setString(long pos, String str, int offset, 
>> int length)` in the following cases:
>> 1. `offset > str.length()`
>>The original implementaion throws `StringIndexOutOfBoundsException` but 
>> this case should throw `SerialException`.
>> 2. `pos - 1 + str.length() - offset > this.length() && pos - 1 + length <= 
>> this.length()`
>>The original implementation throws `ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException` but 
>> this case should end successfully.
>> 3. `pos - 1 + length > this.length()`
>>The original implementaion throws `SerialException` but this case should 
>> end successfully. *3
>> 4. `pos == this.length() + 1`
>>The original implementaion throws `SerialException` but this case should 
>> end successfully. *4
>> 5. `length < 0`
>>The original implementation throws `StringIndexOutOfBoundsException` but 
>> this case should throw `SerialException`.
>> 6. `offset + length > Integer.MAX_VALUE`
>>The original implementation throws `ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException` (or 
>> `OutOfMemoryError` in most cases) but this case should throw 
>> `SerialException`.
>> The javadoc has also been modified according to the above.
>> *1 The documentation of `Blob.setBytes()` says, "If the end of the Blob 
>> value is reached while writing the array of bytes, then the length of the 
>> Blob value will be increased to accommodate the extra bytes."
>> *2 The documentation of `Blob.setBytes()` says, "If the value specified for 
>> pos is greater than the length+1 of the BLOB value then the behavior is 
>> undefined."
>>So, it should work correctly when pos == length+1 of the BLOB value.
>> *3 The documentation of `Clob.setString()` says, "If the end of the Clob 
>> value is eached while writing the given string, then the length of the Clob 
>> value will be increased to accommodate the extra characters."
>> *4 The documentation of `Clob.setString()` says, "If the value specified for 
>> pos is greater than the length+1 of the CLOB value then the behavior is 
>> undefined."
>>So, it should work correctly when pos == length+1 of the CLOB value.
> Mitsuru Kariya has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   Modify javadoc for consistency

In process



RFR: 8272124: Cgroup v1 initialization causes NullPointerException when path contains colon

2021-08-16 Thread Harold Seigel
Please review this small fix for JDK-8272124.  The fix puts a limit of 3 when 
splitting self cgroup lines by ':' so that Cgroup paths won't get truncated if 
they contain embedded ':'s.  For example, an entry of "11:memory:/user.sli:ce" 
in a /proc/self/cgroup file will now result in a Cgroup path of "/user.sli:ce" 
instead of "/user.sli".

The fix was tested with Mach5 tiers 1 and 2, and Mach5 tiers 3-5 on Linux x64 
and Linux aarch64.

Thanks, Harold


Commit messages:
 - 8272124: Cgroup v1 initialization causes NullPointerException when path 
contains colon

  Stats: 3 lines in 2 files changed: 0 ins; 0 del; 3 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/5127/head:pull/5127


Re: RFR: 8268788: Annotations with lambda expressions can still cause AnnotationFormatError [v3]

2021-08-16 Thread Sergei Ustimenko
On Mon, 16 Aug 2021 13:56:44 GMT, Sergei Ustimenko 

>> Change #3294 helps to avoid `AnnotaionFormatException` in 
>> `sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotationInvocationHandler.validateAnnotationMethods`.
>>  While it fixes the case with e.g. `Runnable`  that generates the synthetic 
>> method without parameters, validation still fails on synthetic methods that 
>> have parameters e.g. `Function`, `BiFunction`, etc.
>> This change removes the restriction on parameters count to be zero i.e. 
>> lambdas with parameters
>> would be skipped from validation.
> Sergei Ustimenko has updated the pull request with a new target base due to a 
> merge or a rebase. The pull request now contains one commit:
>   8268788: Annotations with lambda expressions can still cause 
> AnnotationFormatError

Hi, that would be great if anyone would have time to take a quick look on this 
pull request. I hope this change is still relevant and I am happy to have any 
feedback from you. Thanks!



Integrated: 8272297: FileInputStream should override transferTo() for better performance

2021-08-16 Thread Brian Burkhalter
On Thu, 12 Aug 2021 01:16:04 GMT, Brian Burkhalter  wrote:

> Please consider this request to add an override 
> `` with improved performance 
> if the parameter is a `FileOutputStream`.

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: 82688258
Author:Brian Burkhalter 
Stats: 148 lines in 2 files changed: 148 ins; 0 del; 0 mod

8272297: FileInputStream should override transferTo() for better performance

Reviewed-by: alanb



Re: RFR: 8272137: Make Collection and Optional classes streamable

2021-08-16 Thread Paul Sandoz
On Sun, 15 Aug 2021 01:43:32 GMT, Brian Goetz  wrote:

> To reiterate: These issues were explored in the JSR 335 EG and it was agreed 
> that this abstraction did not carry its weight. 

Yes, we explored this when the Stream API was being designed. It's hard, if not 
impossible, to capture all decisions for posterity. In the passing years I 
don't think anything significantly new has arisen for us to revisit that 



Re: RFR: 8268788: Annotations with lambda expressions can still cause AnnotationFormatError [v3]

2021-08-16 Thread Sergei Ustimenko
> Change #3294 helps to avoid `AnnotaionFormatException` in 
> `sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotationInvocationHandler.validateAnnotationMethods`.
>  While it fixes the case with e.g. `Runnable`  that generates the synthetic 
> method without parameters, validation still fails on synthetic methods that 
> have parameters e.g. `Function`, `BiFunction`, etc.
> This change removes the restriction on parameters count to be zero i.e. 
> lambdas with parameters
> would be skipped from validation.

Sergei Ustimenko has updated the pull request with a new target base due to a 
merge or a rebase. The pull request now contains one commit:

  8268788: Annotations with lambda expressions can still cause 


  Stats: 8 lines in 2 files changed: 5 ins; 1 del; 2 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/4642/head:pull/4642


RFR: JDK-8272326 java/util/Random/ had two Gaussian fails

2021-08-16 Thread Jim Laskey and expect successive calls to 
nextLong to reproduce the same sequence of values. SecureRandom, by its nature, 
does not follow this requirement. The patch filters out SecureRandom from these 


Commit messages:
 - Filter out SecureRandom

  Stats: 5 lines in 2 files changed: 3 ins; 0 del; 2 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/5124/head:pull/5124


Re: RFR: 8272137: Make Collection and Optional classes streamable

2021-08-16 Thread Kevin Rushforth
On Sun, 15 Aug 2021 02:45:17 GMT, CC007  

>> create Streamable and ParallelStreamable interface and use them in 
>> Collection and Optional
> I read through [these 
> posts](
>  and while I did see good reasons for not moving stream to Iterable, I didn't 
> see any mention of a separate Streamable-like interface, so could you 
> elaborate on that it "did not carry its weight"?

@CC007 Please follow the course of action that @briangoetz has requested. This 
needs to be discussed on the appropriate mailing list (core-libs-dev in this 
case) prior to submitting a pull request. It is premature to review this PR.

I invite you to refer to the [OpenJDK Developers' 
Guide](, specifically the [Socialize your 
change]( section.



Re: RFR: 8272297: FileInputStream should override transferTo() for better performance [v2]

2021-08-16 Thread Alan Bateman
On Sun, 15 Aug 2021 16:51:59 GMT, Roman Kennke  wrote:

> Having followed both #4263 and this PR from the sidelines, may I ask why for 
> #4263 much more rigorous testing is asked but not here? E.g. test for NPE, 
> random-sized files/buffers, random position, return value, comprehensive JMH 
> tests to show performance, etc? I'm all for high quality standards and good 
> test coverage, but why are we seemingly measuring with double standards?

I don't think your comment is fair. The FIS PR is modest, covering one 
scenario, it's easy to review. The serious bugs that we pointed out have been 
addressed and test coverage has been added. The Channels PR is much more 
ambitious and is trying to cover a matrix of scenarios involving file channel 
and selectable channels, lots of corner cases and potential issues, and will 
require a lot of review cycles. None of the scenarios had any test coverage 
initially. This has been partially addressed but the proposal is still 
unwieldy, hence the discussion on reducing the scope to something manageable.
