Re: RFR: 8322292: Rearrange comparison of fields in Record.equals()

2023-12-18 Thread Hannes Greule
On Mon, 18 Dec 2023 13:42:35 GMT, Sergey Tsypanov  wrote:

> Currently if we create a record it's fields are compared in their declaration 
> order. This might be ineffective in cases when two objects have "heavy" 
> fields equals to each other, but different "lightweight" fields (heavy and 
> lightweight in terms of comparison) e.g. primitives, enums, 
> nullable/non-nulls etc.
> If we have declared a record like
> public record MyRecord(String field1, int field2) {}
> It's equals() looks like:
>   public final equals(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
> equals(Lcom/caspianone/openbanking/productservice/controller/MyRecord;Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
>  [
>   // handle kind 0x6 : INVOKESTATIC
> java/lang/runtime/ObjectMethods.bootstrap(Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodHandles$Lookup;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/invoke/TypeDescriptor;Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodHandle;)Ljava/lang/Object;
>   // arguments:
>   com.caspianone.openbanking.productservice.controller.MyRecord.class,
>   "field1;field2",
>   // handle kind 0x1 : GETFIELD
> com/caspianone/openbanking/productservice/controller/MyRecord.field1(Ljava/lang/String;),
>   // handle kind 0x1 : GETFIELD
>   com/caspianone/openbanking/productservice/controller/MyRecord.field2(I)
> ]
> Lcom/caspianone/openbanking/productservice/controller/MyRecord; L0 L1 0
> LOCALVARIABLE o Ljava/lang/Object; L0 L1 1
> This can be improved by rearranging the comparison order of the fields moving 
> enums and primitives upper, and collections/arrays lower.

Generally, this is a good idea. A few comments:

1. Arrays are compared by reference rather than element-wise, so they 
should/could be at the beginning similar to enums, not at the end.
2. You are sorting the array passed to the bootstrap method. This might be 
observable to callers, potentially causing problems, especially when e.g. 
creating the method handle for equals first, and then for toString with the 
same array.
3. What's the test situation here? Is there enough coverage for things like 
that already?


PR Comment:

Re: Omission in javadoc Stream.toArray(): Safe array contract stipulation

2023-12-18 Thread Stuart Marks

Hi Reinier,

I see you asked this here as well as on Stack Overflow. I'll repeat my answer from 
Stack Overflow here and then continue with some additional discussion.

Quick recap: Collection::toArray has a requirement that the returned array be 
"safe", whereas Stream::toArray has no such requirement. In my earlier Stack 
Overflow answer (which you quoted) I mentioned something like "if [Stream.toArray] 
were to violate its spec", and you asked, what spec?

My answer:

I probably mistakenly assumed that the Stream::toArray spec had the same "safety" 
requirements as Collection::toArray. That was our intent, as I recall, but it 
didn't make it into the spec. 

Now to your questions in this email.

The second question, where to report this, is right here! We can discuss this and 
file bugs/PRs etc. if necessary depending on the outcome of the discussion.

The first question has some subtlety to it. Should we not update the specification 
for Stream::toArray to have the same "safety" requirement as Collection::toArray?

I guess a change would serve to clarify the specification. The developer of a 
clean-room implementation of streams might reasonably think that, if the stream 
source is an array, that this array can simply be returned from toArray(). However, 
that violates the intent (which is pretty clear in my memory) that the returned 
array be freshly created. Usually, adding assertions to interfaces creates a danger 
of invalidating existing implementations. However, I don't think returning an 
existing array, especially one that might be aliased, was ever considered to be 
valid behavior. Thus, a spec change would be more like filling a gap that shouldn't 
have been there in the first place, not adding a new semantic requirement.

As a practical matter, there are few third-party implementations, this requirement 
is almost impossible to test, and any callers of toArray() won't change. That is, if 
they're currently using the returned array, they'll continue using it; but if they 
want 100% assurance the array isn't aliased, they'll continue to make a defensive 
copy. So, it doesn't seem like changing the spec will have any practical impact.

Have I answered your questions?


On 12/14/23 5:46 AM, Reinier Zwitserloot wrote:

Hi core libs team,

I think I found a rather inconsequential and esoteric bug, though the term is 
somewhat less objectively defined when the problem exists solely in how complete 
some method’s javadoc is.

Two questions: Is there a plausible argument that the javadoc as is, shouldn’t be 
updated? If not, what’s the right place to report this javadoc ‘bug’?

The issue:

A snippet of the javadoc of Collection.toArray, from current HEAD jdk22u:

    The returned array will be "safe" in that no references to it are
     * maintained by this collection.  (In other words, this method must
     * allocate a new array even if this collection is backed by an array).
     * The caller is thus free to modify the returned array.

The javadoc of Stream.toArray, from current HEAD jdk22u - has no such rider 
anywhere in its documentation nor on the javadoc of the Stream interface, nor on 
the package javadoc. The javadoc is quite short; the complete docs on toArray():

     * Returns an array containing the elements of this stream.
     * This is a terminal
     * operation.
     * @return an array, whose {@linkplain Class#getComponentType runtime 
     * type} is {@code Object}, containing the elements of this stream

The more usually used variant taking a function that makes the array has slightly 
longer javadoc, but it similarly makes no mention whatsoever about the contract 
stipulation that any implementors must not keep a reference.

A snippet from Stuart Marks on a stack overflow question about a to the asker 
weird choice about stream’s toList()’s default implementation 

@Holger The extra step in the default implementation is there to force a defensive 
copy if |this.toArray| were to violate its spec and keep a reference to the 
returned array. Without the defensive copy, it would be possible to modify the 
list returned from the default |toList| implementation.

Which leads to the obvious question: Where is that ’spec’ that Stuart is referring 
to? Either the javadoc is the spec and therefore the javadoc is buggy, in that it 
fails to mention this stipulation, or the spec is elsewhere, in which case surely 
the javadoc should link to it or copy it.

Possibly this is jus filed away as: “Unlike with Collection, Stream instances are 
disposable; after a terminal operation (and toArray is terminal) has been invoked 
on it, that stream object has ceased being useful. Therefore, there is no 
perceived value to caching any created array, therefore, it doesn’t need mentioning".

Except, as 

Withdrawn: 8321637: Simplify if statement in ArraysSupport::hugeLength

2023-12-18 Thread John Jiang
On Sat, 9 Dec 2023 23:19:52 GMT, John Jiang  wrote:

> It looks the `else-if` and `else` clauses in method 
> `ArraysSupport::hugeLength` could be simplified by `Math::max`.

This pull request has been closed without being integrated.



Re: RFR: 8321637: Simplify if statement in ArraysSupport::hugeLength

2023-12-18 Thread John Jiang
On Tue, 19 Dec 2023 03:44:26 GMT, Stuart Marks  wrote:

>> It looks the `else-if` and `else` clauses in method 
>> `ArraysSupport::hugeLength` could be simplified by `Math::max`.
> This change would make the code shorter, but in my opinion, it obscures 
> what's going on. This code tries to be very careful about avoiding problems 
> caused by integer overflow/wraparound, and in order to do that, it needs to 
> make sure that the full range of int values is handled properly. With the 
> explicit if/else code, this is clear. Using Math.max() instead tends to make 
> this obscure.
> This came up previously; see

Thanks for your clarification!

Just closed this PR and JBS.


PR Comment:

Re: RFR: 8321637: Simplify if statement in ArraysSupport::hugeLength

2023-12-18 Thread Stuart Marks
On Sat, 9 Dec 2023 23:19:52 GMT, John Jiang  wrote:

> It looks the `else-if` and `else` clauses in method 
> `ArraysSupport::hugeLength` could be simplified by `Math::max`.

This change would make the code shorter, but in my opinion, it obscures what's 
going on. This code tries to be very careful about avoiding problems caused by 
integer overflow/wraparound, and in order to do that, it needs to make sure 
that the full range of int values is handled properly. With the explicit 
if/else code, this is clear. Using Math.max() instead tends to make this 

This came up previously; see


PR Comment:

Re: RFR: 8321688: Build on linux with GCC 7.5.0 fails after 8319577 [v2]

2023-12-18 Thread Guoxiong Li
On Sun, 17 Dec 2023 13:25:00 GMT, Guoxiong Li  wrote:

>> Hi all,
>> This patch fixes the building failure introduced by 
>> [JDK-8319577]( in old GCC 
>> version (linux & GCC 7.5.0 locally).
>> Thanks for the review.
>>  Best Regards,
>> -- Guoxiong
> Guoxiong Li has updated the pull request with a new target base due to a 
> merge or a rebase. The incremental webrev excludes the unrelated changes 
> brought in by the merge/rebase. The pull request contains four additional 
> commits since the last revision:
>  - Bump the needed version of GCC.
>  - Revert previous change.
>  - Merge branch 'master' into JDK-8321688
>  - JDK-8321688

> Have you tested with gcc 9? Or is this just supposition based on gcc9 having 
> removed the experimental
status for C++17?

I have not tested GCC 8 and 9. @sviswa7 seems to test them.

> I have verified that with the above change the builds (release, fastdebug, 
> slowdebug) all succeed with GCC 8.4.0 as well as prior GCC like GCC7.5.0 and 
> the test/jdk/java/util/Arrays/ passes successfully with these 
> builds.

Thanks for your tests. But from the description of the [GCC 
document](, shown below, it may be 
good to skip GCC 8 and use GCC 9 directly if we want to switch to C++17.

>  Some C++17 features are available since GCC 5, but support was experimental 
> and the ABI of C++17 features was not stable until GCC 9.

What do you think about it?


PR Comment:

Re: RFR: 8321688: Build on linux with GCC 7.5.0 fails after 8319577 [v2]

2023-12-18 Thread Sandhya Viswanathan
On Sun, 17 Dec 2023 13:25:00 GMT, Guoxiong Li  wrote:

>> Hi all,
>> This patch fixes the building failure introduced by 
>> [JDK-8319577]( in old GCC 
>> version (linux & GCC 7.5.0 locally).
>> Thanks for the review.
>>  Best Regards,
>> -- Guoxiong
> Guoxiong Li has updated the pull request with a new target base due to a 
> merge or a rebase. The incremental webrev excludes the unrelated changes 
> brought in by the merge/rebase. The pull request contains four additional 
> commits since the last revision:
>  - Bump the needed version of GCC.
>  - Revert previous change.
>  - Merge branch 'master' into JDK-8321688
>  - JDK-8321688

Let us restrict the build to GCC 8.4.0 with the following change:
`diff --git a/src/java.base/linux/native/libsimdsort/simdsort-support.hpp 
index c73fd7920d8..2a2946cff82 100644
--- a/src/java.base/linux/native/libsimdsort/simdsort-support.hpp
+++ b/src/java.base/linux/native/libsimdsort/simdsort-support.hpp
@@ -31,9 +31,9 @@
 #define assert(cond, msg) { if (!(cond)) { fprintf(stderr, "assert fails %s 
%d: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, msg); abort(); }}

-// GCC >= 7.5 is needed to build AVX2 portions of libsimdsort using C++17 
-#if defined(_LP64) && (defined(__GNUC__) && ((__GNUC__ > 7) || ((__GNUC__ == 
7) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 5
+// GCC >= 8.4 is needed to build AVX2 portions of libsimdsort using C++17 
+#if defined(_LP64) && (defined(__GNUC__) && ((__GNUC__ > 8) || ((__GNUC__ == 
8) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 4

\ No newline at end of file
I have verified that with the above change the builds (release, fastdebug, 
slowdebug) all succeed with GCC 8.4.0 as well as prior GCC like GCC7.5.0 and 
the test/jdk/java/util/Arrays/ passes successfully with these 


PR Comment:

Re: RFR: 8294960: Convert java.base/java.lang.invoke package to use the Classfile API to generate lambdas and method handles [v2]

2023-12-18 Thread Adam Sotona
On Sat, 16 Dec 2023 15:54:57 GMT, Chen Liang  wrote:

>> Adam Sotona has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
>> commit since the last revision:
>>   added missing comment
> src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/invoke/ 
> line 548:
>> 546: static ClassDesc classDesc(Class cls) {
>> 547: return cls.isHidden() ? 
>> ClassDesc.ofInternalName(cls.getName().replace('.', '/'))
>> 548:   : 
>> ClassDesc.ofDescriptor(cls.descriptorString());
> That said, all the usages already anticipate a valid `ClassDesc` that can be 
> encoded in bytecode except `implClass`. You should make 2 versions of 
> `classDesc()`, one that eagerly throws for all other usages, and another 
> special version that handles hidden class conversion (with the same code as 
> existing method) for 

Split, thank you.

> src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/invoke/ 
> line 162:
>> 160: } else {
>> 161: Class src;
>> 162: if (arg == functional || functional.isPrimitive()) {
> `arg == functional` avoids a cast, though it's not in parity with the older 
> code. Should probably restore the old cast that takes a source argument to 
> avoid adding `==` checks to avoid casts.

Original cast is avoided when class names (derived from descriptors, derived 
from classes) are equal.
Correct me, please, but I think that this simple `arg == functional` check does 
the same job, without unnecessary String conversions and comparisons.
Or is there a case, where the cast is missing or added incorrectly?


PR Review Comment:
PR Review Comment:

Re: RFR: 8320919: Clarify Locale related system properties [v8]

2023-12-18 Thread Naoto Sato
> This is a doc change to clarify what the `Default Locale` is, and how it is 
> established during the system startup using the system properties. Those 
> locale-related system properties have existed since the early days of Java, 
> but have never been publicly documented before. It is also the intention of 
> this PR to clarify those system properties and how they are overridden. A 
> corresponding CSR has been drafted.

Naoto Sato has updated the pull request with a new target base due to a merge 
or a rebase. The pull request now contains 15 commits:

 - Reflects review comments
 - Reflects review comments
 - Reflects review comments
 - Reflects review comments
 - Review comments
 - Update src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/
   Co-authored-by: Justin Lu 
 - Update src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/
   Co-authored-by: Justin Lu 
 - Update src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/
   Co-authored-by: Justin Lu 
 - Update src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/
   Co-authored-by: Justin Lu 
 - 6th draft
 - ... and 5 more:


  Stats: 81 lines in 1 file changed: 71 ins; 0 del; 10 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/17065/head:pull/17065


Re: RFR: 8259637: returns different values for same path [v2]

2023-12-18 Thread Brian Burkhalter
> Modify the `collapse()` function to remove each instance of ".." when the 
> path is absolute and there is no preceding name.

Brian Burkhalter has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
commit since the last revision:

  8259637: Use Stream.of in test


  - all:
  - new:

 - full:
 - incr:

  Stats: 14 lines in 1 file changed: 0 ins; 7 del; 7 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/17089/head:pull/17089


[jdk22] RFR: 8321514: UTF16 string gets constructed incorrectly from codepoints if CompactStrings is not enabled

2023-12-18 Thread Aleksei Voitylov
Hi all,

This pull request contains a backport of commit 
 from the [openjdk/jdk]( repository.

The commit being backported was authored by Aleksei Voitylov on 14 Dec 2023 and 
was reviewed by Roger Riggs.



Commit messages:
 - Backport fde5b16817c3263236993f2e8c2d2469610d99bd

  Stats: 27 lines in 2 files changed: 25 ins; 0 del; 2 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/18/head:pull/18


Withdrawn: 8310901: Convert String::newStringNoRepl with Latin-1 to String::newStringLatin1NoRepl

2023-12-18 Thread duke
On Mon, 26 Jun 2023 15:25:08 GMT, Glavo  wrote:

> Added a new method `newStringLatin1NoRepl` to the `JavaLangAccess`.
> Reasons:
> * Most use cases of `newStringNoRepl` use `ISO_8859_1` as the charset, 
> creating a new shortcut can make writing shorter;
> * Since all possible values of `byte` are legal Latin-1 characters, 
> `newStringLatin1NoRepl` **will not throw `CharacterCodingException`**, so 
> users can make the compiler happy without using useless try-catch statements.

This pull request has been closed without being integrated.



Re: RFR: 8320707: Virtual thread test updates

2023-12-18 Thread Chris Plummer
On Sat, 16 Dec 2023 17:25:20 GMT, Alan Bateman  wrote:

> A lot of test changes have accumulated in the loom repo, this includes both 
> new tests and updates to existing tests. Some of these updates can be brought 
> to the main line. This update brings over:
> - The existing tests for pinning use synchronized blocks. In preparation for 
> changes to allow carrier thread be released when a virtual thread parks 
> holding a monitor or blocks on monitorenter, these tests are changed to pin 
> by having a native frame on the stack. This part includes test infrastructure 
> to make it easy to add more tests that do operations while pinned. The tests 
> still test what they were originally created to test of course.
> - The test for the JFR jdk.VirtualThreadPinned event is refactored to allow 
> for additional cases where the event may be reported.
> - ThreadAPI is expanded to cover test for uncaught exception handling.
> - GetStackTraceWhenRunnable is refactored to not use a Selector, otherwise 
> this test will be invalidated when blocking selection operations release the 
> carrier.
> - StressStackOverflow is dialed down to run for 1m instead of 2mins.
> - The use of CountDownLatch in a number of tests that poll thread state has 
> been dropped to keep the tests as simple as possible.

Can you explain your motivation for using AtomicBoolean with a polling loop 
rather than CountDownLatch(1)? I'm working on a test where I just added a 
CountDownLatch(1) and am wondering if I should do the same, but I'm not sure if 
there is something about these tests that is motivating the change.


PR Comment:

Re: RFR: 8259637: returns different values for same path [v2]

2023-12-18 Thread Brian Burkhalter
On Sun, 17 Dec 2023 08:53:15 GMT, Alan Bateman  wrote:

>> Brian Burkhalter has updated the pull request incrementally with one 
>> additional commit since the last revision:
>>   8259637: Use Stream.of in test
> test/jdk/java/io/File/ line 98:
>> 96:   "/b/c"));
>> 97: 
>> 98: return;
> You could use Stream.of here, e.g.
> return Stream.of(
> Arguments.of("/../../../../../a/b/c", "/a/b/c"),
> Arguments.of("/../../../../../a/../b/c", "/b/c"),
> Arguments.of("/../../../../../a/../../b/c", "/b/c"),
> Arguments.of("/../../../../../a/../../../b/c", "/b/c"),
> Arguments.of("/../../../../../a/../../../../b/c", "/b/c")
> );

So changed in cd2b3776463ddc95b36f7b65be12da7ac2686c53.


PR Review Comment:

Re: RFR: 8321637: Simplify if statement in ArraysSupport::hugeLength

2023-12-18 Thread John Jiang
On Sat, 9 Dec 2023 23:19:52 GMT, John Jiang  wrote:

> It looks the `else-if` and `else` clauses in method 
> `ArraysSupport::hugeLength` could be simplified by `Math::max`.

Could this simple PR be reviewed?


PR Comment:

Re: RFR: 8321688: Build on linux with GCC 7.5.0 fails after 8319577 [v2]

2023-12-18 Thread Kim Barrett
On Sun, 17 Dec 2023 13:25:00 GMT, Guoxiong Li  wrote:

>> Hi all,
>> This patch fixes the building failure introduced by 
>> [JDK-8319577]( in old GCC 
>> version (linux & GCC 7.5.0 locally).
>> Thanks for the review.
>>  Best Regards,
>> -- Guoxiong
> Guoxiong Li has updated the pull request with a new target base due to a 
> merge or a rebase. The incremental webrev excludes the unrelated changes 
> brought in by the merge/rebase. The pull request contains four additional 
> commits since the last revision:
>  - Bump the needed version of GCC.
>  - Revert previous change.
>  - Merge branch 'master' into JDK-8321688
>  - JDK-8321688

src/java.base/linux/native/libsimdsort/simdsort-support.hpp line 35:

> 33: 
> 34: // GCC >= 9.1 is needed to build AVX2 portions of libsimdsort using C++17 
> features
> 35: #if defined(_LP64) && (defined(__GNUC__) && ((__GNUC__ > 9) || ((__GNUC__ 
> == 9) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 1

Have you tested with gcc 9?  Or is this just supposition based on gcc9 having 
removed the experimental
status for C++17?


PR Review Comment:

RFR: 8322292: Rearrange comparison of fields in Record.equals()

2023-12-18 Thread Sergey Tsypanov
Currently if we create a record it's fields are compared in their declaration 
order. This might be ineffective in cases when two objects have "heavy" fields 
equals to each other, but different "lightweight" fields (heavy and lightweight 
in terms of comparison) e.g. primitives, enums, nullable/non-nulls etc.

If we have declared a record like

public record MyRecord(String field1, int field2) {}

It's equals() looks like:

  public final equals(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
  // handle kind 0x6 : INVOKESTATIC
  // arguments:
  // handle kind 0x1 : GETFIELD
  // handle kind 0x1 : GETFIELD
Lcom/caspianone/openbanking/productservice/controller/MyRecord; L0 L1 0
LOCALVARIABLE o Ljava/lang/Object; L0 L1 1

This can be improved by rearranging the comparison order of the fields moving 
enums and primitives upper, and collections/arrays lower.


Commit messages:
 - 8322292: Update copyright
 - 8322292: Shift arrays and Iterables down
 - Improve Record.equals()

  Stats: 12 lines in 1 file changed: 9 ins; 0 del; 3 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/17143/head:pull/17143


Re: RFR: 8275338: Add JFR events for notable serialization situations [v3]

2023-12-18 Thread Raffaello Giulietti
> Adds serialization misdeclaration events to JFR.

Raffaello Giulietti has updated the pull request incrementally with one 
additional commit since the last revision:

  Event enabled on profile.jfc but disabled on default.jfc.


  - all:
  - new:

 - full:
 - incr:

  Stats: 37 lines in 5 files changed: 27 ins; 6 del; 4 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/17129/head:pull/17129


Re: RFR: 8275338: Add JFR events for notable serialization situations [v2]

2023-12-18 Thread Erik Gahlin
On Sat, 16 Dec 2023 01:27:17 GMT, Erik Gahlin  wrote:

>> Raffaello Giulietti has updated the pull request incrementally with one 
>> additional commit since the last revision:
>>   Restrict accessibility of nested classes.
> It seems correct to have the event disabled in both configurations. It's not 
> hard to imagine pathological cases where millions of stream objects are 
> created, which would create overhead and flood event buffers, making JFR not 
> usable.
> That said, I wonder how many will actually use, or find out about the event, 
> if they need to edit the .jfc file or specify 
> -XX:StartFlightRecording:jdk.SerializationMisdeclaration#enabled=true on 
> command line? 
> How important is the stack trace when diagnosing serialization 
> misdeclarations?
> We faced a similar situation with the Finalization event a couple of years 
> ago, but we were able to make the event periodic and enabled by default with 
> some VM magic. An event that is enabled by default will probably be seen by 
> 10 000 times as many users, so it might be worth considering other 
> approaches, even if they are harder to implement, or we lose some of the 
> information.

> @egahlin Yes, disabled by default means less overhead in the usual case.
> On the other hand, the checks and the events generation are done for 
> serializable classes that actually actively participate in serialization, 
> lazily, and just once per class, so maybe they are not as invasive and might 
> be "always enabled". Pathological cases with millions of serializable classes 
> might indeed lead to problems with "always enable", although they should be 
> quite rare.

If it's once per class per JVM, I think it's fine to enable it in profile.jfc. 
It's meant to have low overhead (around 1%) for the typical application, but OK 
with higher in pathological cases. Loading/initiating a class has a cost, so it 
will likely dominate.

> I don't think that stack traces are that useful for this kind of event, since 
> they are mostly related to the static class structure rather than to runtime 
> characteristics. Looking at the event itself should help in locating the 
> problem quickly: it reports the class, the member, and what's questionable 
> with it.

If we were to make the event periodic, it's hard to keep the stack trace 
around, at least in Java, so I wanted to know how important it is. Now if we 
can have it in profile.jfc, I think it's fine to keep it. If you think the 
stack trace has no use at all, then you could remove it and perhaps also the 
thread using the RemoveFields annotation.


PR Comment:

Re: RFR: 8311218: fatal error: stuck in JvmtiVTMSTransitionDisabler::VTMS_transition_disable [v7]

2023-12-18 Thread Serguei Spitsyn
On Fri, 15 Dec 2023 10:49:56 GMT, Serguei Spitsyn  wrote:

>> This fix is for JDK 23 but the intention is to back port it to 22 in RDP-1 
>> time frame.
>> It is fixing a deadlock issue between `VirtualThread` class critical 
>> sections with the `interruptLock` (in methods: `unpark()`, `interrupt()`, 
>> `getAndClearInterrupt()`, `threadState()`, `toString()`), 
>> `JvmtiVTMSTransitionDisabler` and JVMTI `Suspend/Resume` mechanisms.
>> The deadlocking scenario is well described by Patricio in a bug report 
>> comment.
>> In simple words, a virtual thread should not be suspended during 
>> 'interruptLock' critical sections.
>> The fix is to record that a virtual thread is in a critical section 
>> (`JavaThread`'s `_in_critical_section` bit) by notifying the VM/JVMTI about 
>> begin/end of critical section.
>> This bit is used in `HandshakeState::get_op_for_self()` to filter out any 
>> `HandshakeOperation` if a target `JavaThread` is in a critical section.
>> Some of new notifications with `notifyJvmtiSync()` method is on a 
>> performance critical path. It is why this method has been intrincified.
>> New test was developed by Patricio:
>>  `test/hotspot/jtreg/serviceability/jvmti/vthread/SuspendWithInterruptLock`
>> The test is very nice as it reliably in 100% reproduces the deadlock without 
>> the fix.
>> The test is never failing with this fix.
>> Testing:
>>  - tested with newly added test: 
>> `test/hotspot/jtreg/serviceability/jvmti/vthread/SuspendWithInterruptLock`
>>  - tested with mach5 tiers 1-6
> Serguei Spitsyn has updated the pull request incrementally with one 
> additional commit since the last revision:
>   review: improve an assert message

Alan and Leonid, thank you for review!
Will push after the final mach5 testing is completed.


PR Comment:

Re: RFR: 8311218: fatal error: stuck in JvmtiVTMSTransitionDisabler::VTMS_transition_disable [v8]

2023-12-18 Thread Serguei Spitsyn
> This fix is for JDK 23 but the intention is to back port it to 22 in RDP-1 
> time frame.
> It is fixing a deadlock issue between `VirtualThread` class critical sections 
> with the `interruptLock` (in methods: `unpark()`, `interrupt()`, 
> `getAndClearInterrupt()`, `threadState()`, `toString()`), 
> `JvmtiVTMSTransitionDisabler` and JVMTI `Suspend/Resume` mechanisms.
> The deadlocking scenario is well described by Patricio in a bug report 
> comment.
> In simple words, a virtual thread should not be suspended during 
> 'interruptLock' critical sections.
> The fix is to record that a virtual thread is in a critical section 
> (`JavaThread`'s `_in_critical_section` bit) by notifying the VM/JVMTI about 
> begin/end of critical section.
> This bit is used in `HandshakeState::get_op_for_self()` to filter out any 
> `HandshakeOperation` if a target `JavaThread` is in a critical section.
> Some of new notifications with `notifyJvmtiSync()` method is on a performance 
> critical path. It is why this method has been intrincified.
> New test was developed by Patricio:
>  `test/hotspot/jtreg/serviceability/jvmti/vthread/SuspendWithInterruptLock`
> The test is very nice as it reliably in 100% reproduces the deadlock without 
> the fix.
> The test is never failing with this fix.
> Testing:
>  - tested with newly added test: 
> `test/hotspot/jtreg/serviceability/jvmti/vthread/SuspendWithInterruptLock`
>  - tested with mach5 tiers 1-6

Serguei Spitsyn has updated the pull request with a new target base due to a 
merge or a rebase. The pull request now contains 10 commits:

 - Merge
 - review: improve an assert message
 - review: moved a couple of comments out of try blocks
 - review: moved notifyJvmtiDisableSuspend(true) out of try-block
 - review: 1) replace CriticalLock with DisableSuspend; 2) minor tweaks
 - review: (1) rename notifyJvmti method; (2) add try-final statements to 
VirtualThread methods
 - Resolved merge conflict in
 - added @summary to new test
 - add new test
 - 8311218: fatal error: stuck in 


  Stats: 229 lines in 15 files changed: 196 ins; 0 del; 33 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/17011/head:pull/17011


Re: RFR: 8275338: Add JFR events for notable serialization situations [v2]

2023-12-18 Thread Raffaello Giulietti
On Sat, 16 Dec 2023 01:27:17 GMT, Erik Gahlin  wrote:

>> Raffaello Giulietti has updated the pull request incrementally with one 
>> additional commit since the last revision:
>>   Restrict accessibility of nested classes.
> It seems correct to have the event disabled in both configurations. It's not 
> hard to imagine pathological cases where millions of stream objects are 
> created, which would create overhead and flood event buffers, making JFR not 
> usable.
> That said, I wonder how many will actually use, or find out about the event, 
> if they need to edit the .jfc file or specify 
> -XX:StartFlightRecording:jdk.SerializationMisdeclaration#enabled=true on 
> command line? 
> How important is the stack trace when diagnosing serialization 
> misdeclarations?
> We faced a similar situation with the Finalization event a couple of years 
> ago, but we were able to make the event periodic and enabled by default with 
> some VM magic. An event that is enabled by default will probably be seen by 
> 10 000 times as many users, so it might be worth considering other 
> approaches, even if they are harder to implement, or we lose some of the 
> information.

@egahlin Yes, disabled by default means less overhead in the usual case.

On the other hand, the checks and the events generation are done for 
serializable classes that actually actively participate in serialization, 
lazily, and just once per class, so maybe they are not as invasive and might be 
"always enabled". Pathological cases with millions of serializable classes 
might indeed lead to problems with "always enable", although they should be 
quite rare.

I don't think that stack traces are that useful for this kind of event, since 
they are mostly related to the static class structure rather than to runtime 
characteristics. Looking at the event itself should help in locating the 
problem quickly: it reports the class, the member, and what's questionable with 

Or am I misunderstanding your points?


PR Comment:

Integrated: 8259637: returns different values for same path

2023-12-18 Thread Brian Burkhalter
On Wed, 13 Dec 2023 19:37:15 GMT, Brian Burkhalter  wrote:

> Modify the `collapse()` function to remove each instance of ".." when the 
> path is absolute and there is no preceding name.

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: b98d13fc
Author:Brian Burkhalter 
Stats: 37 lines in 2 files changed: 30 ins; 1 del; 6 mod

8259637: returns different values for same path

Reviewed-by: alanb



Re: RFR: 8294960: Convert java.base/java.lang.invoke package to use the Classfile API to generate lambdas and method handles [v4]

2023-12-18 Thread Adam Sotona
> java.base java.lang.invoke package heavily uses ASM to generate lambdas and 
> method handles.
> This patch converts ASM calls to Classfile API.
> This PR is continuation of
> Any comments and suggestions are welcome.
> Please review.
> Thank you,
> Adam

Adam Sotona has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
commit since the last revision:

  Apply suggestions from code review
  Co-authored-by: liach <>


  - all:
  - new:

 - full:
 - incr:

  Stats: 145 lines in 7 files changed: 51 ins; 55 del; 39 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/17108/head:pull/17108


Re: RFR: 8294960: Convert java.base/java.lang.invoke package to use the Classfile API to generate lambdas and method handles [v2]

2023-12-18 Thread Adam Sotona
On Sat, 16 Dec 2023 16:53:26 GMT, Chen Liang  wrote:

>> Adam Sotona has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
>> commit since the last revision:
>>   added missing comment
> src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/invoke/ line 1295:
>> 1293: public Optional describeConstable() {
>> 1294: try {
>> 1295: var params = new ClassDesc[parameterCount()];
> We can probably handle like this:
> var retDesc = returnType().describeConstable();
> if (retDesc.isEmpty())
> return Optional.empty();
> if (parameterCount() == 0)
> return Optional.of(MethodTypeDesc.of(retDesc.get()));
> var params = new ClassDesc[parameterCount()];
> for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
> var paramDesc = parameterType(i).describeConstable();
> if (paramDesc.isEmpty())
> return Optional.empty();
> params[i] = paramDesc.get();
> }
> return Optional.of(MethodTypeDesc.of(returnType().get(), params));
> To avoid creating exceptions and allocating array when the params array is 
> empty.

yes, it looks better, thanks.

> src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/classfile/impl/
>  line 379:
>> 377: @Override
>> 378: public ClassEntry classEntry(ClassDesc classDesc) {
>> 379: if (classDesc == ConstantDescs.CD_Object) {
> What causes the slow lookup of Object CE? If it's because that hashing needs 
> to compute the substring first, I recommend changing the hashing algorithm if 
> that's the case.

Right, I'll take this specific shortcut back and will think about more generic 
performance improvement.


PR Review Comment:
PR Review Comment:

Re: RFR: 8294960: Convert java.base/java.lang.invoke package to use the Classfile API to generate lambdas and method handles [v2]

2023-12-18 Thread Adam Sotona
On Sat, 16 Dec 2023 16:49:26 GMT, Chen Liang  wrote:

>> Adam Sotona has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
>> commit since the last revision:
>>   added missing comment
> src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/invoke/ line 2290:
>> 2288: int accessFlags;
>> 2289: try {
>> 2290: ClassModel cm = 
>> java.lang.classfile.ClassFile.of().parse(bytes);
> No need for fully-qualified name.

Unfortunately there is conflict with MethodHandles.Lookup.ClassFile


PR Review Comment:

Re: RFR: 8294960: Convert java.base/java.lang.invoke package to use the Classfile API to generate lambdas and method handles [v2]

2023-12-18 Thread Adam Sotona
On Sat, 16 Dec 2023 16:42:09 GMT, Chen Liang  wrote:

>> Adam Sotona has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
>> commit since the last revision:
>>   added missing comment
> src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/invoke/ 
> line 1519:
>> 1517: //  double  - d2i,i2b   d2i,i2s  d2i,i2cd2i
>>   d2l  d2f  <->
>> 1518: if (from != to && from != TypeKind.BooleanType && to != 
>> TypeKind.BooleanType) try {
>> 1519: cob.convertInstruction(from, to);
> Need an intermediate int if you are converting from long/float/double to 
> byte/short/char.

Will fix, thanks.


PR Review Comment:

Re: RFR: 8294960: Convert java.base/java.lang.invoke package to use the Classfile API to generate lambdas and method handles [v3]

2023-12-18 Thread Adam Sotona
On Sat, 16 Dec 2023 16:37:16 GMT, Chen Liang  wrote:

>> Adam Sotona has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
>> commit since the last revision:
>>   Apply suggestions from code review
>>   Co-authored-by: liach <>
> src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/invoke/ 
> line 468:
>> 466: }
>> 467: 
>> 468: private void emitStoreInsn(BasicType type, int index) {
> If we are going to use `localsMap` in every removed `emitStoreInsn`, perhaps 
> we should restore it instead? Will also make it easier to move away from 
> localsMap to CodeBuilder's tracking system.

Right, I'll restore emitLoadInsn and emitStoreInsn


PR Review Comment:

Re: RFR: 8294960: Convert java.base/java.lang.invoke package to use the Classfile API to generate lambdas and method handles [v2]

2023-12-18 Thread Adam Sotona
On Sat, 16 Dec 2023 16:32:23 GMT, Chen Liang  wrote:

>> Adam Sotona has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
>> commit since the last revision:
>>   added missing comment
> src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/invoke/ 
> line 1145:
>> 1143: private static Opcode popInsnOpcode(BasicType type) {
>> 1144: switch (type) {
>> 1145: case I_TYPE:
> Should restore the enhanced switch syntax

Will fix, thanks.


PR Review Comment:

Re: RFR: 8294960: Convert java.base/java.lang.invoke package to use the Classfile API to generate lambdas and method handles [v2]

2023-12-18 Thread Adam Sotona
On Sat, 16 Dec 2023 16:12:05 GMT, Chen Liang  wrote:

>> Adam Sotona has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
>> commit since the last revision:
>>   added missing comment
> src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/invoke/ 
> line 1171:
>> 1169: 
>> cob.getfield(ClassDesc.ofInternalName("java/lang/invoke/MethodHandleImpl$CasesHolder"),
>>  "cases",
>> 1170: CD_MethodHandle.arrayType());
>> 1171: int casesLocal = extendLocalsMap(new Class[] { 
>> MethodHandle[].class });
> We should look into replacing the local map with `CodeBuilder.allocateLocal` 
> etc. in the future.

Yes, however actual API does not match directly.
It would require an extension of the API or more significant refactoring of 


PR Review Comment:

Re: RFR: 8294960: Convert java.base/java.lang.invoke package to use the Classfile API to generate lambdas and method handles [v3]

2023-12-18 Thread Adam Sotona
> java.base java.lang.invoke package heavily uses ASM to generate lambdas and 
> method handles.
> This patch converts ASM calls to Classfile API.
> This PR is continuation of
> Any comments and suggestions are welcome.
> Please review.
> Thank you,
> Adam

Adam Sotona has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
commit since the last revision:

  Apply suggestions from code review
  Co-authored-by: liach <>


  - all:
  - new:

 - full:
 - incr:

  Stats: 4 lines in 2 files changed: 0 ins; 0 del; 4 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/17108/head:pull/17108