Re: RFR: 8015831: Add lint check for calling overridable methods from a constructor [v7]

2023-01-12 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Thu, 12 Jan 2023 21:28:12 GMT, Archie L. Cobbs  wrote:

>> My point is about who puts ThisRef in the set to begin with. It seems to me 
>> that ThisRef is put there at the start of a method analysis. After which, 
>> there's several code points where we say "if there's a direct ThisRef in the 
>> set, do this, otherwise, if there's an indirect ThisRef in the set, do 
>> that". But the ThisRef (whether indirect or direct) seems set once and for 
>> all (when we start the analysis, and then inside visitApply). 
>> There is also this bit in `visitReference`:
>> case SUPER:
>> if (this.refs.contains(
>> receiverRefs.add(;
>> if (this.refs.contains(ThisRef.indirect()))
>> receiverRefs.add(ThisRef.indirect());
>> break;
>> But this doesn't change what I'm saying - there seems to be a general 
>> property when we execute this analysis which says whether the current 
>> execution context has a direct `this` or not. This seems to me better 
>> captured with a boolean, which is then fed back to all the other various 
>> downstream ref creation.
>> The main observation, at least for me, is that the code unifies everything 
>> under refs, when in reality there are different aspects:
>> * the set of variables that can point to this, whether directly or 
>> indirectly (this is truly a set)
>> * whether the current context has a direct or indirect this (this seems more 
>> a flag to me)
>> * whether the expression on top of stack is direct/indirect this reference 
>> or not (again, 3 possible values here) - but granted, there `depth` here to 
>> take into account, so you probably end up with a set (given that we don't 
>> want to model a scope with its own set)
>> When reading the code, seeing set expression like containment checks or 
>> removals for things that doesn't seem to be truly sets (unless I'm missing 
>> something) was genuinely confusing me.
> I get what you're saying - it seems silly to model what is essentially a 
> fixed, boolean property with the membership of a singleton in a set field, 
> rather than with a simple boolean field.
> There is a conceptual trade-off though... a lot of the code relates to 
> converting `Ref`'s from one type to another. For example, as pointed out 
> above, a method invocation might convert a `ExprRef` to a `ThisRef`, then to 
> a `ReturnRef`'s, etc. Having these things all be considered part of the same 
> family helps conceptually. The fact that a direct `ThisRef` is a singleton is 
> just a coincidence in this way of looking at things.
> The benefit is the simplicity of being able to think of the data model as 
> "just a set of references".
> For example, methods like `RefSet.replaceExprs()` become less elegant (or 
> basically impossible) if there have to be special cases for each type of 
> reference, whereas currently we can do clean stuff like this:
> @Override
> public void visitReturn(JCReturn tree) {
> scan(tree.expr);
> refs.replaceExprs(depth, ReturnRef::new);
> }
> But I'm also realizing now that several places can be cleaned up by taking 
> this event further. E.g., we should replace this code:
> if (refs.contains(
> outerRefs.add(;
> if (refs.contains(ThisRef.indirect()))
> outerRefs.add(OuterRef.indirect());
> with something like this:
> refs.mapInto(outerRefs, ThisRef.class, OuterRef::new);
> I will go through and refactor to do that and clean things up a little more.
>> When reading the code, seeing set expression like containment checks or 
>> removals for things that doesn't seem to be truly sets (unless I'm missing 
>> something) was genuinely confusing me.
> Probably my fault for not providing better documentation of the overall "set 
> of references" conceptual approach. FWIW I added a little bit more in 
> f83a9cf0.

> ```java
> ```java
>  if (refs.contains(
> outerRefs.add(;
> if (refs.contains(ThisRef.indirect()))
> outerRefs.add(OuterRef.indirect());
> ```
> with something like this:
> ```java
> refs.mapInto(outerRefs, ThisRef.class, OuterRef::new);
> ```
> ```

This sounds like a good idea, that idiom is quite widespread, so it should help 
avoiding repetition.



Re: RFR: 8015831: Add lint check for calling overridable methods from a constructor [v7]

2023-01-12 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Thu, 12 Jan 2023 19:12:27 GMT, Archie L. Cobbs  wrote:

>> Uhm. Turns out I probably did not understand the filter correctly, and now 
>> I'm more dubious about what it actually does. Say you have this hierarchy:
>> interface A { }
>> class B {
>>  B() {
>>   A a = (A)this;
>>   ...
>>   }
>>  }
>>  class C extends B implements A { }
>>  ```
>> Pathological case, I know. But the filtering will end up dropping the 
>> expression Ref on the floor, right? (because B and A are unrelated).
>> But the filtering will end up dropping the expression Ref on the floor, 
>> right? (because B and A are unrelated).
> Ah, I see what you mean.
> Here's a more complete example:
> public class CastLeak {
> public CastLeak() {
> ((CastLeak)(Runnable)this).mightLeak();
> }
> public void mightLeak() {
> }
> }
> That would be a leak for any subclass that implements `Runnable`. Yet no 
> warning is generated.
> So the filtering by expression type is going to potentially create false 
> negatives. But it also eliminates a bunch of false positives. And the false 
> negatives are probably all somewhat pathological like the example above.
> So I still think it's worth doing.

Ok - I thought false negative was the thing to absolutely avoid - and that was 
the no. 1 concern. I think a possible approach to keep both the filtering and 
the code more or less similar to what you have, is to save the type of the 
expression in the ExprRef. Then, I believe that, at the end of scan() you can 
just get whatever type is there, and check that it's the correct one, if not 
drop it.



Re: RFR: 8015831: Add lint check for calling overridable methods from a constructor [v7]

2023-01-13 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Thu, 12 Jan 2023 21:04:09 GMT, Archie L. Cobbs  wrote:

>> but what if `m` is a static method in a separate compilation unit? Should it 
>> be able to observe a partially initialized Foo?
> Caring about the proper initialization of any class in the _current_ 
> compilation unit is an explicit non-goal.
> We only care about bugs where a superclass and subclass are in separate 
> compilation units.

So, to clarify, in this case:

import java.util.*;

class B {
final Object ref;

 private B(Object ref) {
  this.ref = ref;

Even though `this` leaks to a method clearly before it is fully initialized, we 
do not care because there can be no subclass involved observing this. I guess I 
was confused because, while subclasses are a particularly sneaky case where 
uninitialized values can show up, the above leak seems potentially dangerous as 
well - we're effectively leaking a class whose final field has not been 

That said, if that was discussed, and it was decided for the warning not to 
deal with this case, that's ok.



Re: RFR: 8015831: Add lint check for calling overridable methods from a constructor [v7]

2023-01-13 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Fri, 13 Jan 2023 11:05:51 GMT, Maurizio Cimadamore  

>> So, to clarify, in this case:
>> import java.util.*;
>> class B {
>> final Object ref;
>>  private B(Object ref) {
>>   Foo.consume(this);
>>   this.ref = ref;
>>   }
>>  }
>> Even though `this` leaks to a method clearly before it is fully initialized, 
>> we do not care because there can be no subclass involved observing this. I 
>> guess I was confused because, while subclasses are a particularly sneaky 
>> case where uninitialized values can show up, the above leak seems 
>> potentially dangerous as well - we're effectively leaking a class whose 
>> final field has not been initialized!
>> That said, if that was discussed, and it was decided for the warning not to 
>> deal with this case, that's ok.
> Perhaps my confusion might come from the name `this-escape` of the lint 
> warning - which seems overpromising in this respect. But I looked at the 
> description of the lint warning using `javac --help-lint` and I got this:
> this-escape  Warn when a constructor invokes a method that could 
> be overriden in a subclass;
> Which indeed aligns well with what this PR is doing. So that's ok.

Something seems to be up with the lint description for this-escape - compare 

  serial   Warn about Serializable classes that do not have a 
serialVersionUID field. 
 Also warn about other suspect declarations in 
Serializable and Externalizable classes and interfaces.

with this:

  this-escape  Warn when a constructor invokes a method that could be 
overriden in a subclass;
such a method would execute before the subclass constructor completes its 

Indentation seems to be missing, which causes readability issues in the 
`--help-lint` output.



Re: RFR: 8015831: Add lint check for calling overridable methods from a constructor [v7]

2023-01-13 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Fri, 13 Jan 2023 10:58:33 GMT, Maurizio Cimadamore  

>> Caring about the proper initialization of any class in the _current_ 
>> compilation unit is an explicit non-goal.
>> We only care about bugs where a superclass and subclass are in separate 
>> compilation units.
> So, to clarify, in this case:
> import java.util.*;
> class B {
> final Object ref;
>  private B(Object ref) {
>   Foo.consume(this);
>   this.ref = ref;
>   }
>  }
> Even though `this` leaks to a method clearly before it is fully initialized, 
> we do not care because there can be no subclass involved observing this. I 
> guess I was confused because, while subclasses are a particularly sneaky case 
> where uninitialized values can show up, the above leak seems potentially 
> dangerous as well - we're effectively leaking a class whose final field has 
> not been initialized!
> That said, if that was discussed, and it was decided for the warning not to 
> deal with this case, that's ok.

Perhaps my confusion might come from the name `this-escape` of the lint warning 
- which seems overpromising in this respect. But I looked at the description of 
the lint warning using `javac --help-lint` and I got this:

this-escape  Warn when a constructor invokes a method that could be 
overriden in a subclass;

Which indeed aligns well with what this PR is doing. So that's ok.



Re: RFR: 8015831: Add lint check for calling overridable methods from a constructor [v7]

2023-01-13 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Fri, 13 Jan 2023 15:08:59 GMT, Archie L. Cobbs  wrote:

>>> I guess I was confused because, while subclasses are a particularly sneaky 
>>> case where uninitialized values can show up, the above leak seems 
>>> potentially dangerous as well...
>> Yes - and this very question did come up in the discussions around this 
>> warning (see amber-dev).
>> The decision was to go with drawing the "warning boundary" at the 
>> compilation unit. The reasoning is that (a) this aligns with the compiler's 
>> "knowledge boundary", i.e., we can know for sure from code inspection, and 
>> also (b) focuses the warning on the particularly pernicious aspect of these 
>> bugs, which is that they arise from the non-obvious interaction among two or 
>> more files - even when looking at any single one of those files, there 
>> doesn't seem to be any apparent problem. In other words, we decided "not to 
>> try to save any single source code from itself".
>> But I think it's still an interesting question. Maybe experience will 
>> provide more guidance over time.
>> Something seems to be up with the lint description for this-escape - compare 
>> this:
> Oops, will fix - thanks.

> The decision was to go with drawing the "warning boundary" at the compilation 
> unit. The reasoning is that (a) this aligns with the compiler's "knowledge 
> boundary", i.e., we can know for sure from code inspection, and also (b) 
> focuses the warning on the particularly pernicious aspect of these bugs, 
> which is that they arise from the non-obvious interaction among two or more 
> files

Sorry for being picky - you mention this "compilation unit" boundary before, 
but this is not really the reason here. Note that in my example B constructor 
calls out to a static method that is "outside" the boundary. The reason as to 
why my example is not flagged is simply that "escaping" is defined as "escaping 
into a subclass method", not just "escaping from the constructor (into some 
other compilation unit)".



Re: RFR: 8015831: Add lint check for calling overridable methods from a constructor [v10]

2023-01-16 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Fri, 13 Jan 2023 22:48:59 GMT, Archie L. Cobbs  wrote:

>> This PR adds a new lint warning category `this-escape`.
>> It also adds `@SuppressWarnings` annotations as needed to the JDK itself to 
>> allow the JDK to continue to compile with `-Xlint:all`.
>> A 'this' escape warning is generated for a constructor `A()` in a class `A` 
>> when the compiler detects that the following situation is _in theory 
>> possible:_
>> * Some subclass `B extends A` exists, and `B` is defined in a separate 
>> source file (i.e., compilation unit)
>> * Some constructor `B()` of `B` invokes `A()` as its superclass constructor
>> * During the execution of `A()`, some non-static method of `` could 
>> get invoked, perhaps indirectly
>> In the above scenario, `` would execute before `A()` has returned and 
>> before `B()` has performed any initialization. To the extent `` 
>> accesses any fields of `B` - all of which are still uninitialized - it is 
>> likely to function incorrectly.
>> Note, when determining if a 'this' escape is possible, the compiler makes no 
>> assumptions about code outside of the current compilation unit. It doesn't 
>> look outside of the current source file to see what might actually happen 
>> when a method is invoked. It does follow method and constructors within the 
>> current compilation unit, and applies a simplified 
>> union-of-all-possible-branches data flow analysis to see where 'this' could 
>> end up.
>> From my review, virtually all of the warnings generated in the various JDK 
>> modules are valid warnings in the sense that a 'this' escape, as defined 
>> above, is really and truly possible. However, that doesn't imply that any 
>> bugs were found within the JDK - only that the possibility of a certain type 
>> of bug exists if certain superclass constructors are used by someone, 
>> somewhere, someday.
>> For several "popular" classes, this PR also adds `@implNote`'s to the 
>> offending constructors so that subclass implementors are made aware of the 
>> threat. For one example, `TreeMap(Map)` invokes `putAll()` and `put()`.
>> More details and a couple of motivating examples are given in an included 
>> [doc 
>> file](
>>  that these `@implNote`'s link to. See also the recent thread on `amber-dev` 
>> for some background.
>> Ideally, over time the owners of the various modules would review their 
>> `@SuppressWarnings("this-escape")` annotations and determine which other 
>> constructors also warranted such an `@implNote`.
>> Because of all the`@SuppressWarnings` annotations, this PR touches a bunch 
>> of different JDK modules. My apologies for that. Adding these annotations 
>> was determined to be the more conservative approach, as compared to just 
>> excepting `this-escape` from various module builds globally.
>> **Patch Navigation Guide**
>> * Non-trivial compiler changes:
>> * `src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/code/`
>> * `src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/code/`
>> * `src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/comp/`
>> * `src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/tree/`
>> * 
>> `src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/comp/`
>> * 
>> `src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/resources/`
>> * 
>> `src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/resources/`
>> * Javadoc additions of `@implNote`:
>> * `src/java.base/share/classes/java/io/`
>> * `src/java.base/share/classes/java/io/`
>> * `src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/`
>> * `src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/`
>> * `src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/`
>> * `src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/`
>> * `src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/`
>> * `src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/`
>> * `src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/`
>> * `src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/`
>> * New unit tests
>> * `test/langtools/tools/javac/warnings/ThisEscape/*.java`
>> * **Everything else** is just adding `@SuppressWarnings("this-escape")`
> Archie L. Cobbs has updated the pull request incrementally with two 
> additional commits since the last revision:
>  - Fix bug where field initializer warnings could be incorrectly suppressed.
>  - Consolidate all the unit tests that generate warnings into one.

line 1096:

> 1094: 
> 1095: // Perform the given action within a new scope
> 1096: private  void visitScoped(boolean promote, Runnable action) {


Re: RFR: 8015831: Add lint check for calling overridable methods from a constructor [v9]

2023-01-16 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Fri, 13 Jan 2023 21:28:51 GMT, Archie L. Cobbs  wrote:

>> src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/comp/
>>  line 1088:
>>> 1086: private  void visitLooped(T tree, Consumer 
>>> visitor) {
>>> 1087: visitScoped(tree, false, t -> {
>>> 1088: while (true) {
>> I have also been thinking if the loop analysis could go wild and execute a 
>> large, unbound number of times. But it seems from Archie's experiments that 
>> this probably won't occur in "normal" code and worst case scenario if that 
>> were to occur we can always limit the number of times we will process loops 
>> to a set number of times
> The number of times around any single loop is bounded by the number of new 
> references that can possibly be created during the analysis of that loop.
> That number is at most 2 * (1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + N) where N is the number of 
> parameters and/or variables declared in that scope (the 2 is for direct or 
> indirect, and the 1's are for each of the singleton reference types 
> `ThisRef`, `OuterRef`, `ExprRef`, and `ReturnRef`).
> If you have nested scopes A, B, C each with Na, Nb, and Nc variables declared 
> therein (respectively), then the bound would be something like 2 * (1 + 1 + 1 
> + 1 + Na + (Na * Nb) + (Na * Nb * Nc)) worst case (waving hands here).

I have played a bit with the patch, trying to disable certain features. The 
main reason to deal with loops and recursive calls the way the patch does is to 
eliminate false positives. If we see a loop, and we can't perform the analysis 
multiple times (as the PR does), then we'd have to conclude that the loop can 
be potentially escaping (as we might have missed an local var update). Same 
goes for recursive calls (e.g. a recursive call would be treated as escaping). 
Same goes for analyzing invoked methods that fall in the same compilation unit. 
If we don't do that, more methods might look as "escaping".

So, here's what I found:

* compiling the JDK with the current patch produces 2376 warnings
* disabling support for recursive calls produces 2427 warnings
* treating all method calls inside a loop to be escaping produces 2464 warnings
* disabling scanning of methods in same compilation unit produces  4317 warnings

(Note: the patches I used to do this analysis are a bit blunt, and perhaps can 
be made a bit less conservative, which might result in less false positives 
added - I just went for the simplest possible approach, just to test the 
contribute of each analysis).

This seems to suggest that even a blunt approach to deal with recursion and 
loop does not result in a significant increase of false positives (~2% more). 
That said, disabling scanning of methods in the same compilation unit results 
in a big impact in terms of false positive (~100% increase).

So, I'm pretty confident that, should performance problems arise, we could 
probably dial back the analysis not to do loops (or to do them in a bounded 
way, as Vicente suggest, which is much better of what I tried here) - and that 
will probably give us the same results we have today (or a very very minor 
increase of false positives). But scanning of dependent methods in same 
compilation unit seems to be more or less a must-have.



Re: RFR: 8015831: Add lint check for calling overridable methods from a constructor [v9]

2023-01-16 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Mon, 16 Jan 2023 16:29:31 GMT, Archie L. Cobbs  wrote:

> It looks like you might be counting the "here via invocation" lines as 
> separate warnings. These are really part of the previous `possible 'this' 
> escape` line, e.g.:

yes, I really did the simplest possible thing (e.g. just counting the number of 
escape-this warnings, regardless of their kinds). Perhaps some of my 
measurements might be skewed as a result - but I think that magnitude-wise they 
are still telling.
> ```
> .../java/awt/ Note: possible 'this' escape before subclass is 
> fully initialized
> init(title, null);
> ^
> .../java/awt/ Note: previous possible 'this' escape happens 
> here via invocation
> SunToolkit.checkAndSetPolicy(this);
>  ^
> ```
> Semi-related... I was also curious what would happen if we changed the 
> semantics of the warning from "subclass must be in a separate compilation 
> unit" to "subclass must be in a separate package".

To be fair, this is what my brain was reading when you talked about 
"compilation unit" - but then saw that the code was doing it differently. You 
see, for "sealed" classes we have a notion of "maintenance domain". E.g. the 
classes in a `permits` clause of a `sealed` declaration must belong to the same 
module (if available) or same package (if no module is available). That's how 
you get the exhaustiveness analysis and all the goodies, by essentially making 
a close-world assumption on the classes that are passed to javac for a given 
compilation task. I think it would make a lot of sense to apply these very same 
boundaries to the escape-this analysis (and, in fact, when looking at warnings 
coming out of the JDK, I often found false positives that were caused by this).
> I'm not proposing we change this definition, and obviously there are 
> trade-offs in where you draw this boundary, but was curious anywan (at one 
> point I thought it might be worth having an option for this, e.g., with 
> variants like `-Xlint:this-escape` vs. `-Xlint:this-escape:package`, or even 
> `-Xlint:this-escape:module`, etc.).

Perhaps - but, as said above, `sealed` already does this by default - so 
there's a (strong) precedent, I believe, should we want to bend the analysis 
that way.
> In any case, here are the results:
> * Warnings for subclass in separate compilation unit: 2093
> * Warnings for subclass in separate package: 1334
> So a 36% reduction - not too surprising since the JDK includes a bunch of 
> non-public implementation classes.

That corresponds to what I've sampled (unscientifically).



[jdk20] RFR: 8300275: SegmentScope.isAccessibleBy returning incorrect values

2023-01-17 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
The implementation of MemorySessionImpl::isAccessibleBy is incorrect, and ends 
up always returning `false` for scopes associated with shared arenas.
This patch rectifies that, and adds some tests.


Commit messages:
 - Fix bug in MemorySessionImpl::isAccessibleBy

  Stats: 24 lines in 2 files changed: 19 ins; 2 del; 3 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/110/head:pull/110


Re: [jdk20] RFR: 8300275: SegmentScope.isAccessibleBy returning incorrect values [v2]

2023-01-18 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
> The implementation of MemorySessionImpl::isAccessibleBy is incorrect, and 
> ends up always returning `false` for scopes associated with shared arenas.
> This patch rectifies that, and adds some tests.

Maurizio Cimadamore has updated the pull request incrementally with one 
additional commit since the last revision:

  Update copyrights


  - all:
  - new:

 - full:
 - incr:

  Stats: 2 lines in 2 files changed: 0 ins; 0 del; 2 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/110/head:pull/110


[jdk20] Integrated: 8300275: SegmentScope.isAccessibleBy returning incorrect values

2023-01-18 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Tue, 17 Jan 2023 18:30:16 GMT, Maurizio Cimadamore  

> The implementation of MemorySessionImpl::isAccessibleBy is incorrect, and 
> ends up always returning `false` for scopes associated with shared arenas.
> This patch rectifies that, and adds some tests.

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: b9275a8e
Author:    Maurizio Cimadamore 
Stats: 26 lines in 2 files changed: 19 ins; 2 del; 5 mod

8300275: SegmentScope.isAccessibleBy returning incorrect values

Reviewed-by: alanb, jvernee



Re: RFR: 8294982: Implementation of Classfile API [v12]

2023-02-03 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Fri, 3 Feb 2023 14:31:24 GMT, Adam Sotona  wrote:

>> This is root pull request with Classfile API implementation, tests and 
>> benchmarks initial drop into JDK.
>> Following pull requests consolidating JDK class files parsing, generating, 
>> and transforming 
>> ([JDK-8294957]( will chain to 
>> this one.
>> Classfile API development is tracked at:
>> Development branch of consolidated JDK class files parsing, generating, and 
>> transforming is at:
>> Classfile API [JEP]( and [online 
>> API 
>> documentation](
>>  is also available.
>> Please take you time to review this non-trivial JDK addition.
>> Thank you,
>> Adam
> Adam Sotona has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   Classfile API moved under jdk.internal.classfile package

src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/classfile/ line 

> 92:  * are permitted.
> 93:  */
> 94: enum Kind {

Not sure how to interpret this. This seems to refer to an attribute - e.g. 
where is an attribute allowed - rather than to the element (e.g. the 
declaration to which the attribute is attached). All the constants are unused, 
so hard to make sense of how this is used.

src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/classfile/ line 774:

> 772:  */
> 773: public static AttributeMapper standardAttribute(Utf8Entry name) {
> 774: int hash = name.hashCode();

If we have a map, why do we need this "inlined" map here? Performance reasons?

line 41:

> 39:  * part of the constant pool.
> 40:  */
> 41: public sealed interface BootstrapMethodEntry

Usages of this seem all to fall into the `constantpool` package - does this 
interface belong there?

src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/classfile/ line 40:

> 38:  * to the end of the buffer, as well as to create constant pool entries.
> 39:  */
> 40: public sealed interface BufWriter

What is the relationship between this and ClassReader? Is one the dual of the 
other - e.g. is the intended use for BufWriter to write custom attributes, 
whereas ClassReader reads custom attributes?

src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/classfile/ line 104:

> 102:  * found
> 103:  */
> 104: default List verify(Consumer debugOutput) {

not super sure whether `verify` belongs here - could be another component in 
the `components` package?

src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/classfile/ line 34:

> 32:  * Models the generic signature of a class file, as defined by JVMS 4.7.9.
> 33:  */
> 34: public sealed interface ClassSignature

It is a bit odd to have Signature and XYZSignature in the API with the latter 
not extending the former. I think I get what the API is aiming for though - 
e.g. Signature is for modelling low-level "portions" of the signature 
attributes, whereas ClassSignature, MethodSignature and friends are there to 
model the signature attribute attached to a class, method, etc.

src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/classfile/ line 58:

> 56:  * Main entry points for parsing, transforming, and generating classfiles.
> 57:  */
> 58: public class Classfile {

class or interface? (bikeshed, I realize)

src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/classfile/ line 197:

> 195:  * @return the classfile bytes
> 196:  */
> 197: public static byte[] build(ClassDesc thisClass,

The "build" methods here seem regular - e.g. build { class, module } x { byte 
array, path }. As a future improvement, perhaps capturing the "sink" of a build 
process might be helpful - so that you can avoid overloads between array and 
path variants. (e.g. `build( toByteArray(arr))`, or 

src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/classfile/ line 346:

> 344: public static final int MAGIC_NUMBER = 0xCAFEBABE;
> 345: 
> 346: public static final int NOP = 0;

Not sure how I feel about the constants being here. It seems to me that they 
can be moved to more appropriate places - e.g. Instructor, TypeAnnotation (for 
the TAT ones), ConstantPool (for the TAG ones).

The classfile versions, OTOH, do seem to belong here.

src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/classfile/ line 202:

> 200: default CodeBuilder block(Consumer handler) {
> 201: Label breakLabel = newLabel();
> 202: BlockCodeBuilderImpl child = new BlockCodeBuilderIm

Re: RFR: 8294982: Implementation of Classfile API [v12]

2023-02-03 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Fri, 3 Feb 2023 17:46:32 GMT, Maurizio Cimadamore  

>> Adam Sotona has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
>> commit since the last revision:
>>   Classfile API moved under jdk.internal.classfile package
> src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/classfile/ line 346:
>> 344: public static final int MAGIC_NUMBER = 0xCAFEBABE;
>> 345: 
>> 346: public static final int NOP = 0;
> Not sure how I feel about the constants being here. It seems to me that they 
> can be moved to more appropriate places - e.g. Instructor, TypeAnnotation 
> (for the TAT ones), ConstantPool (for the TAG ones).
> The classfile versions, OTOH, do seem to belong here.

Actually, we also have a ClassfileVersion class, so that could be a better 
place for version numbers?



Re: RFR: 8294982: Implementation of Classfile API [v12]

2023-02-07 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Mon, 6 Feb 2023 12:41:44 GMT, Adam Sotona  wrote:

>> src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/classfile/ line 
>> 75:
>>> 73:  * The kind of target on which the annotation appears.
>>> 74:  */
>>> 75: public enum TargetType {
>> My IDE says this enum is not being used. I tend to believe it, since the 
>> TargetInfo sealed interface also seems to model the same thing?
> There is only one TargetInfo for all TargetTypes, so instead of 22 
> sub-interfaces of TargetInfo, the instance of TargetType enum is hold in 
> TargetInfo.

Ok, I see that now - for some reason the IDE could not find the usage... thanks



Re: RFR: 8294982: Implementation of Classfile API [v12]

2023-02-07 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Mon, 6 Feb 2023 13:55:59 GMT, Adam Sotona  wrote:

>> src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/classfile/ 
>> line 94:
>>> 92:  * are permitted.
>>> 93:  */
>>> 94: enum Kind {
>> Not sure how to interpret this. This seems to refer to an attribute - e.g. 
>> where is an attribute allowed - rather than to the element (e.g. the 
>> declaration to which the attribute is attached). All the constants are 
>> unused, so hard to make sense of how this is used.
> There are at least 72 usages of AttributedElement.Kind across the Classfile 
> API.
> Do you suggest to rename it to something else (for example Location)?

Uhm - I can't see these usages... something seems to be off with my IDE 
configuration. I did a grep and I now saw the uses. That said, having the 
Kind/Location inside AttributedElement still looks weird to me. The "places 
where an attribute can appear" is a property of an `Attribute`, not of an 
attributed element (which is used to model elements which can have attributes).

>> src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/classfile/ line 774:
>>> 772:  */
>>> 773: public static AttributeMapper standardAttribute(Utf8Entry name) 
>>> {
>>> 774: int hash = name.hashCode();
>> If we have a map, why do we need this "inlined" map here? Performance 
>> reasons?
> Yes, performance is the main reason.
> I'll note to do a fresh differential performance benchmarks with a HashMap.




Re: RFR: 8294982: Implementation of Classfile API [v12]

2023-02-07 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Mon, 6 Feb 2023 14:09:08 GMT, Adam Sotona  wrote:

>> src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/classfile/ 
>> line 41:
>>> 39:  * part of the constant pool.
>>> 40:  */
>>> 41: public sealed interface BootstrapMethodEntry
>> Usages of this seem all to fall into the `constantpool` package - does this 
>> interface belong there?
> `BootstrapMethodEntry` is not a constant pool entry, but 
> `BootstrapMethodsAttribute` entry.
> It might be rather moved under `attribute` package and renamed to 
> `BootstrapMethodInfo` to follow the same pattern as other attributes/infos.

I know it's part of an attribute - but reading the javadoc:

 * Models an entry in the bootstrap method table.  The bootstrap method table
 * is stored in the {@code BootstrapMethods} attribute, but is modeled by
 * the {@link ConstantPool}, since the bootstrap method table is logically
 * part of the constant pool.
 And also, seeing the method:
 * {@return the constant pool associated with this entry}
ConstantPool constantPool();

It seems like the API is doing the (justifiable) trick of making BSMs look like 
if they are first-class CP entries (even if not specified that way in the 
JVMLS). I think that's a fine move, but if we go down that path we should be 
honest, and put this class in constantpool. At least this is my 0.02$.



Re: RFR: 8294982: Implementation of Classfile API [v12]

2023-02-07 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Mon, 6 Feb 2023 14:32:12 GMT, Adam Sotona  wrote:

>> src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/classfile/ line 
>> 34:
>>> 32:  * Models the generic signature of a class file, as defined by JVMS 
>>> 4.7.9.
>>> 33:  */
>>> 34: public sealed interface ClassSignature
>> It is a bit odd to have Signature and XYZSignature in the API with the 
>> latter not extending the former. I think I get what the API is aiming for 
>> though - e.g. Signature is for modelling low-level "portions" of the 
>> signature attributes, whereas ClassSignature, MethodSignature and friends 
>> are there to model the signature attribute attached to a class, method, etc.
> The confusion come from simplified name. Signature probably should be called 
> JavaTypeSignature according to the spec. ClassSignature and MethodSignature 
> could not extend it, as it would not respect the reality. Each of them are 
> completely different species. Signature (or JavaTypeSignature) on the other 
> side has many sub-types.

I think you mean `TypeSignature` from JLS 4.3.4 ? If so, I get it. To me it 
looks as if "Signature" really means "TypeSignature" - then it would make sense 
as to why `MethodSignature::arguments` returns a `List` (e.g. 
because it should be `List`, as in the spec).

Also, from a modelling perspective, I see other problems too - in the JVMS, 
type signatures are defined as follows:



So I'd roughly expect a type with 4 subclasses (type, then class <: type, array 
<: type, tvar <: type).

But the Signature class currently has other subclasses too - such as 
`ThrowableSig` - which is really only an (optional) part of method signatures. 
And, similarly, it also has `TypeParam`, which is a part of method/class 
signature - but is _not_ a type signature per se.

Summing up, it seems to me that the naming issue (which is not that important) 
hides a bigger modelling issue.



Re: RFR: 8294982: Implementation of Classfile API [v12]

2023-02-07 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Mon, 6 Feb 2023 14:35:43 GMT, Adam Sotona  wrote:

>> src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/classfile/ line 39:
>>> 37:  */
>>> 38: public enum Opcode {
>>> 39: NOP(Classfile.NOP, 1, Kind.NOP),
>> This also duplicates the constants in classfile...
> On the contrary, it has been deduplicated. Opcode is referencing numeric 
> constants stored in Classfile.

sure, but my question is - once you have a nice enum that is 1-1 with the 
opcodes - why would a client want to use the low-level opcode bytes? Shouldn't 
the API only deal with Opcodes? (and, in the rare occurrence where a client 
wants to really know the int value of an opcode, they can do e.g. 



Re: RFR: 8294982: Implementation of Classfile API [v12]

2023-02-07 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Tue, 7 Feb 2023 12:23:05 GMT, Adam Sotona  wrote:

>> Uhm - I can't see these usages... something seems to be off with my IDE 
>> configuration. I did a grep and I now saw the uses. That said, having the 
>> Kind/Location inside AttributedElement still looks weird to me. The "places 
>> where an attribute can appear" is a property of an `Attribute`, not of an 
>> attributed element (which is used to model elements which can have 
>> attributes).
> `AttributedElement::attributedElementKind` identifies the one kind of the 
> attributes holder.
> The "places where an attribute can appear" is available through 
> `AttributeMapper::whereApplicable` and matched against 
> `AttributedElement::attributedElementKind`.
> We may consider to hide or remove this auxiliary method, as 
> `AttributedElement::attributedElementKind` might be computed from the 
> ClassfileElement instance type.

Still, there seems to be a modelling issue here. The property of "where could 
this attribute go" is a property of the attribute. Of course, for usability 
reason, an AttributedElement might expose a predicate saying "I only accept 
attributes of these kinds". But it seems to me as if the API has this 
relationship backwards, due to _where_ the Kind interface is being defined. I 
think if `Kind` was defined in `AttributeMapper` it would be a tad easier to 
understand. And, perhaps, the `attributedElementKind` name should be changed to 
something like `applicableAttributeKinds` or something like that.



Re: RFR: 8294982: Implementation of Classfile API [v12]

2023-02-07 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Tue, 7 Feb 2023 12:59:32 GMT, Adam Sotona  wrote:

>> Still, there seems to be a modelling issue here. The property of "where 
>> could this attribute go" is a property of the attribute. Of course, for 
>> usability reason, an AttributedElement might expose a predicate saying "I 
>> only accept attributes of these kinds". But it seems to me as if the API has 
>> this relationship backwards, due to _where_ the Kind interface is being 
>> defined. I think if `Kind` was defined in `AttributeMapper` it would be a 
>> tad easier to understand. And, perhaps, the `attributedElementKind` name 
>> should be changed to something like `applicableAttributeKinds` or something 
>> like that.
> The relation is that each `Attribute` is applicable in N `AttributedElements` 
> and not vice versa.
> For example `ClassModel::attributedElementKind` returns `CLASS` and for 
> example 
> `Attributes.RUNTIME_INVISIBLE_TYPE_ANNOTATIONS::applicableAttributeKinds` 
> we know it is applicable.
> However I'll try to re-visit this part of API if needed at all.

I understand what the API, in its current form, wants to do. IMHO, the same 
functionality would be better expressed if the API had a way to say:

* each attribute has a _target_, where target can be a set of CLASS, METHOD, ...
* an attribute mapper supports a set of attribute targets
* an attributed element also supports a set of attribute targets

E.g. the target of the attribute is the concept to model - then AttributeMapper 
and AttributedElement just happen to expose a set of supported targets, which 
clients can query if needed.



Re: RFR: 8294982: Implementation of Classfile API [v12]

2023-02-07 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Tue, 7 Feb 2023 14:51:06 GMT, Adam Sotona  wrote:

> Class `Signature` (aka `JavaTypeSignature`), all subclasses, 
> `MethodSignature` and `ClassSignature` are designed according to [JVMS 
> Signatures](

The production is the same as the one I quoted, but thanks for pointing me at 
the correct one. So:




So, while I can expect that `ArrayTypeSignature` *is a* `Signature` (or 
`JavaTypeSignature`), I cannot explain why `ThrowsSignature` extends 
`Signature`. That doesn't seem to follow from the production. That is, if a 
client obtains a `Signature` and wanted to pattern match, what are the cases it 
should worry about? I believe the cases are the ones listed above.

One thing I missed is that e.g. `TypeParam` is *not* a signature (which is the 
only case among the nested classes in `Signature`). But `ThrowsSignature`, 
`TypeArg` and `TypeParam` are signatures even though that doesn't seem to be 
the case when looking at the production in the JVMS. If we want to keep these 
fine, but I don't think they should extend `Signature`, either directly or 
indirectly. That is, `Signature` should be a sealed type with 4 leaves 
(base-type/array/type var/class-type).



Re: RFR: 8294982: Implementation of Classfile API [v13]

2023-02-07 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Mon, 6 Feb 2023 13:29:10 GMT, Adam Sotona  wrote:

>> This is root pull request with Classfile API implementation, tests and 
>> benchmarks initial drop into JDK.
>> Following pull requests consolidating JDK class files parsing, generating, 
>> and transforming 
>> ([JDK-8294957]( will chain to 
>> this one.
>> Classfile API development is tracked at:
>> Development branch of consolidated JDK class files parsing, generating, and 
>> transforming is at:
>> Classfile API [JEP]( and [online 
>> API 
>> documentation](
>>  is also available.
>> Please take you time to review this non-trivial JDK addition.
>> Thank you,
>> Adam
> Adam Sotona has updated the pull request incrementally with three additional 
> commits since the last revision:
>  - javadoc fixes
>  - obsolete identifiers and unused imports cleanup
>  - TypeAnnotation.TypePathComponent cleanup

 line 80:

> 78:  * well as increment and decrement expressions (both prefix and 
> postfix).
> 79:  * {@link jdk.internal.classfile.Classfile#CRT_FLOW_CONTROLLER} 
> An expression
> 80:  * whose value will effect control flow. Flowcon in the following:

This sentence seems hard to parse. If `Flowcon` is the name of an expression in 
pseudocode, perhaps using `{@code}` would help.

 line 146:

> 144:  * @param flags the range flags
> 145:  */
> 146: static CharacterRangeInfo of(int startPc,

I get that the encoding is as per JaCoCo specification. However, I also wonder 
if the API should provide better accessors and or factories to let clients just 
reason about line/columns numbers. Or, maybe, provide static helpers to do the 

line 52:

> 50: byte[] codeArray();
> 51: 
> 52: int labelToBci(Label label);

Missing javadoc here. (also, this method looks a bit odd in here - but I see 
uses e.g. in ClassPrinterImpl)

 line 132:

> 130: }
> 131: 
> 132: static ModuleAttribute of(ModuleDesc moduleName,

Some missing javadoc in this class

 line 107:

> 105:  * @param exportsTo the modules to which this package is exported
> 106:  */
> 107: static ModuleExportInfo of(PackageEntry exports,

(Here and elsewhere) - should there be factories also taking a PackageDesc 
(which seems to be an extension of the ClassDesc API, but for packages) ?

 line 72:

> 70:  * @param nestMembers the member classes of the nest
> 71:  */
> 72: static NestMembersAttribute ofSymbols(List nestMembers) {

I see that in some classes we use the `Symbols` prefix, in others we just use 
`of` - we should try to make the more consistent (in the future).

 line 68:

> 66:  * A simple stack value.
> 67:  */
> 68: public enum SimpleVerificationTypeInfo implements 
> VerificationTypeInfo {

I note that in this class we have made the decision to model all the innards 
(XYZInfo) as nested classes - while in all the other cases XYZInfo are toplevel 
types. Moving forward, we should pick something consistent.



Re: RFR: 8294982: Implementation of Classfile API [v12]

2023-02-08 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Wed, 8 Feb 2023 07:24:05 GMT, Adam Sotona  wrote:

>> **Specification:**
>> MethodSignature:
>> [TypeParameters] ( {JavaTypeSignature} ) Result {ThrowsSignature}
>> Result:
>> JavaTypeSignature 
>> VoidDescriptor
>> ThrowsSignature:
>> ^ ClassTypeSignature 
>> ^ TypeVariableSignature
>> **Reflect in API mapping:**
>> public sealed interface ClassTypeSig
>> extends RefTypeSig, ThrowableSig
>> and
>> public sealed interface TypeVarSig
>> extends RefTypeSig, ThrowableSig
>> and
>> /**
>>  * @return method signature
>>  * @param typeParameters signatures for the type parameters
>>  * @param exceptions sigantures for the exceptions
>>  * @param result signature for the return type
>>  * @param arguments signatures for the method arguments
>>  */
>> public static MethodSignature of(List 
>> typeParameters,
>>  List exceptions,
>>  Signature result,
>>  Signature... arguments) {
>> `Signature.ThrowableSig` is a `Signature` and it is a common super of 
>> `ClassTypeSig` and `TypeVarSig`.
> `TypeParam` is not a signature, because it simply is not a signature.
> Per spec:
> TypeParameter:
> Identifier ClassBound {InterfaceBound}

> `Signature.ThrowableSig` is a `Signature` and it is a common super of 
> `ClassTypeSig` and `TypeVarSig`.

I really don't follow here. ThrowableSig is a piece of a method signature, 
which starts with "^" and is followed by either a class or a typevar signature. 
You can never encounter it from the toplevel JavaTypeSignature production. It's 
ok (as I have said) to have a ThrowableSig element in the API to model the 
production, but that element should not be a subtype of Signature (at least not 
if Signature, as you claimed is meant to model the JavaTypeSignature 
production). That is, there's no "is a" relationship between JavaTypeSignature 
and ThrowableSig (at least not that I can see when looking at the productions).



Re: RFR: 8294982: Implementation of Classfile API [v13]

2023-02-08 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Wed, 8 Feb 2023 11:05:34 GMT, Adam Sotona  wrote:

> `ofSymbols` is an alternative to `of` when conflicting method parameters. In 
> such case `of` refers to CP entries and `ofSymbols` refer to independent 
> symbols describing the objects, like for example `ClassDesc`, 
> `MethodTypeDesc`, `PackageDesc`

Yes, I was noting that some classes e.g. ModuleProvideInfo do not seem to 
follow this logic:

static ModuleProvideInfo of(ClassEntry provides, ClassEntry... providesWith) { 
... }

static ModuleProvideInfo of(ClassDesc provides, List providesWith) { 
... }



Re: RFR: 8294982: Implementation of Classfile API [v13]

2023-02-08 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Wed, 8 Feb 2023 07:31:15 GMT, Adam Sotona  wrote:

> Any reference to an official specification of CharacterRangeInfo is 
> appreciated. Thanks.

There's this - which points back to javac code :-)



Re: RFR: 8294982: Implementation of Classfile API [v12]

2023-02-09 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Wed, 8 Feb 2023 13:44:13 GMT, Adam Sotona  wrote:

>> OK, I see your point now, I'll fix it.
>> Thanks
> During the fix I found the definition that `ThrowableSig` (as a super-set of 
> `ClassTypeSig` and `TypeVarSig`) IS `Signature` - that fact is critical for 
> processing.
> For example when `MethodSignature` is serialized 
> `ThrowableSig::signatureString` is critical.
> Or `ClassRemapper` depends on the inheritence:
> signature.throwableSignatures().stream().map(this::mapSignature).toList()
> however `mapSignature` could not be applied on `ThrowableSig` when it does 
> not inherit from `Signature`.

I think I also see where the current hierarchy comes from - e.g. while 
`ThrowableSig` is a part of a method signature, it is indeed used by the 
production to specify a set of signatures that belong to that set. Thanks for 
the patience.



Re: RFR: 8294982: Implementation of Classfile API [v15]

2023-02-09 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Thu, 9 Feb 2023 08:44:41 GMT, Adam Sotona  wrote:

>> This is root pull request with Classfile API implementation, tests and 
>> benchmarks initial drop into JDK.
>> Following pull requests consolidating JDK class files parsing, generating, 
>> and transforming 
>> ([JDK-8294957]( will chain to 
>> this one.
>> Classfile API development is tracked at:
>> Development branch of consolidated JDK class files parsing, generating, and 
>> transforming is at:
>> Classfile API [JEP]( and [online 
>> API 
>> documentation](
>>  is also available.
>> Please take you time to review this non-trivial JDK addition.
>> Thank you,
>> Adam
> Adam Sotona has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   AttributeElement.Kind removal (#48)

src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/classfile/ line 66:

> 64:  * @param  the type of the optional value
> 65:  */
> 66: public sealed interface Option permits Options.OptionValue {

After looking more at the usages of Options it is not clear to me as to why 
generics are needed. Lookup is always performed using a non-generic Option.Key 
- so the API code has to be unchecked anyway. In fact, I'm not even sure you 
need a `value()` method. When looking at usages, Option is mostly something you 
create when you need to pass it to something else (e.g. a constant pool, etc.). 
Since the client has created the option, it is not clear to me that the client 
has a need to access the option value (which the API implementation can access 
internally by other means).

 line 33:

> 31:  * which includes the four kinds of primitive constants, and UTF8 
> constants.
> 32:  */
> 33: public sealed interface AnnotationConstantValueEntry extends PoolEntry

Should this extend LoadableConstantEntry (and restrict it more) ?

line 80:

> 78:  * Return a List composed by appending the additions to the base list.
> 79:  * @param base The base elements for the list, must not include null
> 80:  * @param additions The ClassEntrys to add to the list, must not 
> include null

Perhaps we should use `{@code}` or {@link}` to surround type names (here and 
elsewhere). `ClassEntrys` looks particularly odd :-)

 line 76:

> 74:  *  entry
> 75:  */
> 76: BootstrapMethodEntry bootstrapMethodEntry(int index);

I note some inconsistency in naming - e.g. is `ByIndex` really needed, or a 
letfover to distinguish between different access modes (which are no longer 
there, it seems) ?

 line 98:

> 96:  T optionValue(Classfile.Option.Key option);
> 97: 
> 98: boolean canWriteDirect(ConstantPool constantPool);

Missing javadoc in these two methods.

 line 187:

> 185:  * {@return A {@link ModuleEntry} describing the module whose name
> 186:  * is encoded in the provided {@linkplain Utf8Entry}}
> 187:  * If a Module entry in the pool already describes this class,

(Here and elsewhere) - Module is capitalized. Either you use a lower case name, 
or you use a capital name, to refer to `ModuleEntry`, or `CONSTANT_Module_info` 
- e.g. a standalone `Module` with capital `M` is not a concept in this API. 
(personally I think lower case is just fine).

 line 537:

> 535:  * @param  the type of the entry
> 536:  */
> 537:  T maybeClone(T entry);

This feels a more primitive operation than the name suggests. Have you 
considered making ConstantPool extend Consumer and call this 
"accept" ?

 line 62:

> 60:  * {@return whether this member is a method}
> 61:  */
> 62: boolean isMethod();

this seems surprising - after all we have separate types for methods/fields.

 line 67:

> 65:  * {@return whether this member is an interface method}
> 66:  */
> 67: boolean isInterface();

I'd prefer to see this to `MethodRefEntry`. But again, there's an

Re: RFR: 8294982: Implementation of Classfile API [v15]

2023-02-09 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Thu, 9 Feb 2023 12:57:19 GMT, Maurizio Cimadamore  

>> Adam Sotona has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
>> commit since the last revision:
>>   AttributeElement.Kind removal (#48)
> src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/classfile/constantpool/
>  line 80:
>> 78:  * Return a List composed by appending the additions to the base 
>> list.
>> 79:  * @param base The base elements for the list, must not include null
>> 80:  * @param additions The ClassEntrys to add to the list, must not 
>> include null
> Perhaps we should use `{@code}` or {@link}` to surround type names (here and 
> elsewhere). `ClassEntrys` looks particularly odd :-)

It is odd to see what is essentially a list append operation in here. IMHO, 
these helper methods, if needed (I couldn't find uses in the JDK), should 
probably be added to Collections (which probably means in the jdktypes package 
for now) - as I don't see anything really ClassEntry/ClassDesc specific about 



Re: RFR: 8294982: Implementation of Classfile API [v15]

2023-02-09 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Thu, 9 Feb 2023 08:44:41 GMT, Adam Sotona  wrote:

>> This is root pull request with Classfile API implementation, tests and 
>> benchmarks initial drop into JDK.
>> Following pull requests consolidating JDK class files parsing, generating, 
>> and transforming 
>> ([JDK-8294957]( will chain to 
>> this one.
>> Classfile API development is tracked at:
>> Development branch of consolidated JDK class files parsing, generating, and 
>> transforming is at:
>> Classfile API [JEP]( and [online 
>> API 
>> documentation](
>>  is also available.
>> Please take you time to review this non-trivial JDK addition.
>> Thank you,
>> Adam
> Adam Sotona has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   AttributeElement.Kind removal (#48)

 line 47:

> 45:  * {@return the start of the instruction range}
> 46:  */
> 47: Label startScope();

I noticed that this pattern of start/endScope is here, but also in 
ExceptionCatch, LocalVariable and LocalVariableType. Consider using a common 
interface for "instructions that are associated with a range".

 line 60:

> 58:  * viewed as an array of (possibly multi-byte) characters.
> 59:  */
> 60: int characterRangeStart();

Not sure if this belongs here - e.g. it seems to me that `characterRangeStart` 
is less useful than the labels. But I'm not super expert on how this code 
element might be used.

 line 63:

> 61:  * aload_0}).
> 62:  */
> 63: sealed interface IntrinsicConstantInstruction extends 
> ConstantInstruction

I'm not super sure of the fine-grained distinction here. The constant pool 
variant is interesting (as you can ask for the associated constant entry) - but 
the distinction between intrinsics vs. argument seems rather weak.

 line 60:

> 58:  * {@return whether the class holding the method is an interface}
> 59:  */
> 60: boolean isInterface();

This can also be tested with pattern matching on the MemberRefEntry?

 line 48:

> 46:  *   which must be of kind {@link Opcode.Kind#MONITOR}
> 47:  */
> 48: static MonitorInstruction of(Opcode op) {

There are only two cases here - perhaps also offer factories for monitor 
enter/exit? Or is creating instruction models a rare operation (e.g. because 
when adapting you always also have a CodeBuilder which has the user-friendly 

 line 39:

> 37: 
> 38: /**
> 39:  * Models an {@code instanceof} or {@code checkcast} instruction in the 
> {@code

This seems to model both `instanceof` and `checkcast`. The latter seems to 
overlap partially with `ConvertInstruction`.



Re: RFR: 8294982: Implementation of Classfile API [v15]

2023-02-10 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Fri, 10 Feb 2023 11:12:25 GMT, Adam Sotona  wrote:

>> src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/classfile/constantpool/
>>  line 33:
>>> 31:  * which includes the four kinds of primitive constants, and UTF8 
>>> constants.
>>> 32:  */
>>> 33: public sealed interface AnnotationConstantValueEntry extends PoolEntry
>> Should this extend LoadableConstantEntry (and restrict it more) ?
> `LoadableConstantEntry` and `AnnotationConstantValueEntry` are just partially 
> overlapping according to the spec.
> The biggest difference (and source of confusion) is that `StringEntry` is 
> `LoadableConstantEntry`, however not `AnnotationConstantValueEntry` and 
> `Utf8Entry` is `AnnotationConstantValueEntry`, however not 
> `LoadableConstantEntry`.

Ugh - you are right of course!

>> src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/classfile/instruction/
>>  line 60:
>>> 58:  * viewed as an array of (possibly multi-byte) characters.
>>> 59:  */
>>> 60: int characterRangeStart();
>> Not sure if this belongs here - e.g. it seems to me that 
>> `characterRangeStart` is less useful than the labels. But I'm not super 
>> expert on how this code element might be used.
> It is character range within the source code, not the bytecode.

I see - I was probably confusing myself (I wonder if the method names played 
some part in that)



Re: RFR: 8294982: Implementation of Classfile API [v15]

2023-02-16 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Wed, 15 Feb 2023 08:20:19 GMT, Adam Sotona  wrote:

>> src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/classfile/constantpool/
>>  line 537:
>>> 535:  * @param  the type of the entry
>>> 536:  */
>>> 537:  T maybeClone(T entry);
>> This feels a more primitive operation than the name suggests. Have you 
>> considered making ConstantPool extend Consumer and call this 
>> "accept" ?
> I'm not quite sure what exactly do you propose.
> `ConstantPool` should not accept anything as it is read-only, so "accept" 
> would be confusing.
> `ConstantPoolBuilder::maybeClone` is rather a `Function`, where the name 
> might be changed to `ConstantPoolBuilder::apply`.
> However there are so many "accepts" and "applies" across the API, that 
> reducing API verbosity to just these functional terms might significantly 
> decrease readability.

As I read the javadoc (I have not looked at impl yet), this method can 
effectively be used to add an entry to the constant pool (if the entry does not 
yet exist - in which case existing entry is returned).

After having looked at the implementation a bit, I think my assumption is 
correct - e.g. when calling `getfield` on a code builder, the FieldRef passed 
to the code builder is added to the constant pool using `maybeClone`.

So, in my mind at least, this `maybeClone` is the main avenue by which new 
constant pool entries are added. In builders we have a `with` method - I think 
a `with` method would also be ok here, given what the method does (ok, there is 
the wrinkle that, if the entry already exists it is not added, but that seems 
more of an optimization to avoid duplicates).



Re: RFR: 8294982: Implementation of Classfile API [v20]

2023-02-16 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Thu, 16 Feb 2023 10:41:33 GMT, Adam Sotona  wrote:

>> This is root pull request with Classfile API implementation, tests and 
>> benchmarks initial drop into JDK.
>> Following pull requests consolidating JDK class files parsing, generating, 
>> and transforming 
>> ([JDK-8294957]( will chain to 
>> this one.
>> Classfile API development is tracked at:
>> Development branch of consolidated JDK class files parsing, generating, and 
>> transforming is at:
>> Classfile API [JEP]( and [online 
>> API 
>> documentation](
>>  is also available.
>> Please take you time to review this non-trivial JDK addition.
>> Thank you,
>> Adam
> Adam Sotona has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   added 4-byte Unicode text to Utf8EntryTest

line 93:

> 91:  * @return name of the node
> 92:  */
> 93: public ConstantDesc name();

Not sure about the ConstantDesc here. Why is it better than String?

line 105:

> 103:  * @param out consumer of the printed fragments
> 104:  */
> 105: default public void toJson(Consumer out) {

there are some `public` modifiers here which can be omitted

line 140:

> 138: 
> 139: /**
> 140:  * A tree node holding {@link List} of nested nodes.

It would perhaps be beneficial to have little examples of what these different 
nodes are used for. I had to look at `ClassPrinterImpl` to get some idea.

 line 93:

> 91: 
> 92: /**
> 93:  * ClassRemapper is a {@link jdk.internal.classfile.ClassTransform}, 
> {@link jdk.internal.classfile.FieldTransform},

Maybe wrap occurrences of `ClassRemapper` with `{@code}` (here and elsewhere)

 line 168:

> 166: public void accept(ClassBuilder clb, ClassElement cle) {
> 167: switch (cle) {
> 168: case FieldModel fm ->

What about NestMembers, NestHost, PermittedSubclasses (and probably others) ?

 line 306:

> 304: 
> 305: ClassSignature mapClassSignature(ClassSignature signature) {
> 306: return ClassSignature.of(signature.typeParameters(),

Should type parameters also be mapped? (as they might have class bounds). Both 
here and in `mapMethodSignature`.

 line 43:

> 41: 
> 42: /**
> 43:  * CodeLocalsShifter is a {@link jdk.internal.classfile.CodeTransform} 
> shifting locals to

Missing `{@code}` (here and elsewhere)

 line 43:

> 41: 
> 42: /**
> 43:  * CodeRelabeler is a {@link jdk.internal.classfile.CodeTransform} 
> replacing all occurences


 * CodeRelabeler is a {@link jdk.internal.classfile.CodeTransform} replacing 
all occurrences

 line 43:

> 41: 
> 42: /**
> 43:  * CodeStackTracker is a {@link jdk.internal.classfile.CodeTransform} 
> synchronously tracking

Not sure what is meant by `synchronously`

 line 53:

> 51:  * trackedBuilder.aload(0);
> 52:  * trackedBuilder.lconst_0();
> 53:  * trackedBuilder.ifThen(...

missing closed parens?

 line 77:

> 75:   *
> 76:   * Temporary unknown stack content can be recovered by binding of a 
> {@linkplain Label} used as
> 77:   * target of a branch instruction from existing code with known 
> Stack (forward branch target),


  * target of a branch instruction from existing code with known stack 
(forward branch target),

 line 86:

> 84: /**
> 85:   * Returns tracked max stack size.
> 86:   * Returns an empty {@linkplain Optional} when Max stack size 
> tracking has been lost.


  * Returns an empty {@linkplain Optional} when max stack size

Re: RFR: 8294982: Implementation of Classfile API [v20]

2023-02-16 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Thu, 16 Feb 2023 11:27:18 GMT, Maurizio Cimadamore  

>> Adam Sotona has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
>> commit since the last revision:
>>   added 4-byte Unicode text to Utf8EntryTest
> src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/classfile/components/
>  line 43:
>> 41: 
>> 42: /**
>> 43:  * CodeRelabeler is a {@link jdk.internal.classfile.CodeTransform} 
>> replacing all occurences
> Suggestion:
>  * CodeRelabeler is a {@link jdk.internal.classfile.CodeTransform} replacing 
> all occurrences

Might want to use `{@code}` (here and elsewhere)

> src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/classfile/components/
>  line 43:
>> 41: 
>> 42: /**
>> 43:  * CodeStackTracker is a {@link jdk.internal.classfile.CodeTransform} 
>> synchronously tracking
> Not sure what is meant by `synchronously`

Might want to use `{@code}` (here and elsewhere)



Re: RFR: 8294982: Implementation of Classfile API [v20]

2023-02-16 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Thu, 16 Feb 2023 10:41:33 GMT, Adam Sotona  wrote:

>> This is root pull request with Classfile API implementation, tests and 
>> benchmarks initial drop into JDK.
>> Following pull requests consolidating JDK class files parsing, generating, 
>> and transforming 
>> ([JDK-8294957]( will chain to 
>> this one.
>> Classfile API development is tracked at:
>> Development branch of consolidated JDK class files parsing, generating, and 
>> transforming is at:
>> Classfile API [JEP]( and [online 
>> API 
>> documentation](
>>  is also available.
>> Please take you time to review this non-trivial JDK addition.
>> Thank you,
>> Adam
> Adam Sotona has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   added 4-byte Unicode text to Utf8EntryTest

line 49:

> 47:  * BoundAttribute
> 48:  */
> 49: public abstract sealed class BoundAttribute>

Understanding checkpoint: there are two variant of most of the elements: an 
*unbound* form and a *bound* form. The former is what you get by constructing 
the element from scratch using a factory. The latter is what you get when the 
element is read from the classfile.

Since bound elements have a reference to real "bytes" in some classfile, this 
distinction allows the implementation to speed up the writing of the element 
contents to the class buffer - that is, writing an unbound element goes through 
a "slow path" which involves constant pool entry creation, etc. For bound 
elements, we can, at least in some cases (e.g. when the builder supports direct 
writing) just copy the underlying bytes to the target buffer.

src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/classfile/impl/ line 30:

> 28:  * An open-chain multimap used to map nonzero hashes to indexes (of 
> either CP
> 29:  * elements or BSM entries).  Code transformed from public domain 
> implementation
> 30:  * 
> (

Could not open this link - seems to redirect to main page

src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/classfile/impl/ line 192:

> 190: return (int)s;
> 191: }
> 192: }

Watch for newlines

line 83:

> 81:  * ConstantPool.
> 82:  */
> 83: public final class SplitConstantPool implements ConstantPoolBuilder {

Not sure the "Split" prefix carries any meaning? (perhaps a leftover from 
previous iterations?)

line 217:

> 215: }
> 216: };
> 217: // Doing a full scan here yields fall-off-the-cliff 
> performance results,

Understanding checkpoint: the parent is a class reader, which holds some class 
bytes. The class reader is set up in a way that constant pool entries are read 
"on-demand" - that is, if I ask the class reader "give me CP entry 42", the 
classreader will only build that entry (assuming 42 is a valid index) and give 
me back that entry. Also, the class reader will save the read constant in an 
internal array, to avoid re-reading the classfile bytes multiple times.

So, what this code here does is: when we create an entry map, we populate the 
map with the entries from the parent reader - but we only add entries that were 
already looked up (e.g. we do not bother reading _all_ entries, and adding all 
of them to the entry map).

But, when `findEntry` is called, if we see that we can't find the entry, and we 
know that there might be constant pool entries from the parent reader still 
unread, we force a full scan of the parent reader pool and try again.


line 271:

> 269: 
> 270: private  E internalAdd(E cpi, int hash) {
> 271: int newIndex = size-parentSize;

I'm not sure I get this. The new entry is constructed with an index set to the 
pool size. That said, when we build the entry we don't yet know if the entry is 
already in the pool. The EntryMap data structure seems to have logic to detect 
duplicates (e.g. adding an already added entry is a no-op) - but this method 
seems to (a) add the CP entry to the `newEntries` array anyway and (b) happily 
return the entry with the index set to the pool size (which might, or might 
not, be the correct final index). What am I missing?


Re: RFR: 8294982: Implementation of Classfile API [v20]

2023-02-16 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Thu, 16 Feb 2023 12:46:09 GMT, Maurizio Cimadamore  

>> Adam Sotona has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
>> commit since the last revision:
>>   added 4-byte Unicode text to Utf8EntryTest
> src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/classfile/impl/
>  line 271:
>> 269: 
>> 270: private  E internalAdd(E cpi, int hash) {
>> 271: int newIndex = size-parentSize;
> I'm not sure I get this. The new entry is constructed with an index set to 
> the pool size. That said, when we build the entry we don't yet know if the 
> entry is already in the pool. The EntryMap data structure seems to have logic 
> to detect duplicates (e.g. adding an already added entry is a no-op) - but 
> this method seems to (a) add the CP entry to the `newEntries` array anyway 
> and (b) happily return the entry with the index set to the pool size (which 
> might, or might not, be the correct final index). What am I missing?

Nevermind - this method is only called if the entry is not found (using 
`findEntry`) :-)



Re: RFR: 8294982: Implementation of Classfile API [v20]

2023-02-16 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Thu, 16 Feb 2023 10:41:33 GMT, Adam Sotona  wrote:

>> This is root pull request with Classfile API implementation, tests and 
>> benchmarks initial drop into JDK.
>> Following pull requests consolidating JDK class files parsing, generating, 
>> and transforming 
>> ([JDK-8294957]( will chain to 
>> this one.
>> Classfile API development is tracked at:
>> Development branch of consolidated JDK class files parsing, generating, and 
>> transforming is at:
>> Classfile API [JEP]( and [online 
>> API 
>> documentation](
>>  is also available.
>> Please take you time to review this non-trivial JDK addition.
>> Thank you,
>> Adam
> Adam Sotona has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   added 4-byte Unicode text to Utf8EntryTest

 line 75:

> 73: static ConstantPoolBuilder of(ClassModel classModel) {
> 74: ClassReader reader = (ClassReader) classModel.constantPool();
> 75: return reader.optionValue(Classfile.Option.Key.CP_SHARING)

Question: the fact that, when transforming, the new constant pool is the same 
as the old one, plus some "appended" entries at the end, is a pretty crucial 
property to ensure that existing code that is not transformed (e.g. unknown 
attributes) remains legal after transformation. But it seems that, if the 
`CP_SHARING` option is not passed, we build a brand new constant pool, in which 
case there's no guarantee that old indices will still point to the same 
position. Doesn't that lead to issue with unknown attributes?

I guess my question is: shouldn't the semantics properties/guarantees of a 
classfile transform be specified regardless of the options being passed in? 
E.g. it's ok if using different options ends up with different performance 
model, but I'm a bit worried if options can affect correctness of the transform?

line 38:

> 36: private final List> attributes = new ArrayList<>();
> 37: 
> 38: public AttributeHolder() {

default constructor

line 54:

> 52:  */
> 53: public class BytecodeHelpers {
> 54: //public static Map constantsToOpcodes = new 
> HashMap<>(16);

Should this be removed?

line 56:

> 54: //public static Map constantsToOpcodes = new 
> HashMap<>(16);
> 55: 
> 56: public BytecodeHelpers() {

Should this also be removed (same as default constructor) ?

 line 48:

> 46: this.consumer = consumer;
> 47: FieldBuilder b = downstream;
> 48: while (b instanceof ChainedFieldBuilder cb)

I'm probably missing something - but if `b` is another chained builder, instead 
of using a loop, can't we just skip to its  `terminal` field? Also, the 
`downstream` field seems unused. (same considerations apply for 
`ChainedMethodBuilder` and `ChainedClassBuilder`).

I note that `NonTerminalCodeBuilder` seems to be already doing what I suggest 
here (e.g. skip to `terminal`).

src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/classfile/impl/ line 

> 56: import jdk.internal.classfile.jdktypes.PackageDesc;
> 57: 
> 58: public abstract sealed class ConcreteEntry {

Why the name `concrete` ? Am I missing something (e.g. existence of 
"non-concrete" pool entries?)

line 649:

> 647: if (parentMap == null)
> 648: parentMap = new IdentityHashMap<>();
> 649: int[] table = parentMap.computeIfAbsent(parent, new 
> Function() {

Can use a lambda here?

line 658:

> 656: mruParent = parent;
> 657: mruParentTable = table;
> 658: return mruParentTable[lab.getContextInfo()] - 1;

Am I correct that this code can misbehave e.g. if `computeIfAbsent` ends up 
creating a brand new `table` array - in which case, all array elements are set 
to `0` - meaning we end up returning `-1`. Is that what we want?

line 47:

> 45:  * InstructionData
> 46:  */
> 47: public class InstructionData {

As CodeImpl seems to be the only

Re: RFR: 8294982: Implementation of Classfile API [v20]

2023-02-17 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Fri, 17 Feb 2023 09:20:21 GMT, Adam Sotona  wrote:

>> src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/classfile/impl/
>>  line 563:
>>> 561:   list("attributes", "attribute", 
>>> clm.attributes().stream().map(Attribute::attributeName)))
>>> 562: .with(constantPoolToTree(clm.constantPool(), 
>>> verbosity))
>>> 563: .with(attributesToTree(clm.attributes(), verbosity))
>> Is this ok? It seems we also add class attributes in the map node (see 
>> "attributes" map node).
> Yes, the print structure does not exactly correspond to the Classfile API 
> architecture, but rather to the classfile physical structure and it is partly 
> similar to `javap` output.
> The common tree structure has been reverse-designed from the desired visual 
> representations in all supported text formats and in all verbosity levels.

Not sure I get this. It seems to me that the same attributes are being printed 
twice. But, perhaps, the first pass only creates a list with the attribute 
_names_ and then there is a later pass which print the attributes in full?

>> src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/classfile/impl/
>>  line 649:
>>> 647: if (parentMap == null)
>>> 648: parentMap = new IdentityHashMap<>();
>>> 649: int[] table = parentMap.computeIfAbsent(parent, new 
>>> Function() {
>> Can use a lambda here?
> I'll have to add relevant comment here.
> There are many places in the Classfile API, which are on critical JDK 
> bootstrap path in the follow-up integrations and using lambdas or method 
> references would cause stack overflow during JDK bootstrap.
> Using other words - these fragments cannot use lambdas as they suppose to 
> generate lambdas for JDK ;)

I suspect that was the case :-)



Re: RFR: 8303040: linux PPC64le: Implementation of Foreign Function & Memory API (Preview)

2023-02-22 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Wed, 22 Feb 2023 05:31:46 GMT, Martin Doerr  wrote:

> Implementation of "Foreign Function & Memory API" for linux on Power (Little 
> Endian) according to "Power Architecture 64-Bit ELF V2 ABI Specification".
> This PR does not include code for VaList support because it's supposed to get 
> removed by [JDK-8299736]( I've 
> kept the related tests disabled for this platform and throw an exception 
> instead. Note that the ABI doesn't precisely specify variable argument lists. 
> Instead, it refers to `` (2.2.4 Variable Argument Lists).
> Big Endian support is implemented to some extend, but not complete. E.g. 
> structs with size not divisible by 8 are not passed correctly (see `useABIv2` 
> in Big Endian is excluded by selecting 
> `ARCH.equals("ppc64le")` ( only.
> There's another limitation: This PR only accepts structures with size 
> divisible by 4. (An `IllegalArgumentException` gets thrown otherwise.) I 
> think arbitrary sizes are not usable on other platforms, either, because 
> `SharedUtils.primitiveCarrierForSize` only accepts powers of 2.
> The ABI has some tricky corner cases related to HFA (Homogeneous Float 
> Aggregate). The same argument may need to get passed in both, a FP reg and a 
> GP reg or stack slot (see "no partial DW rule"). This cases are not covered 
> by the existing tests.
> I had to make changes to shared code and code for other platforms:
> 1. Pass type information when creating `VMStorage` objects from `VMReg`. This 
> is needed for the following reasons:
> - PPC64 ABI requires integer types to get extended to 64 bit (also see 
> CCallingConventionRequiresIntsAsLongs in existing hotspot code). We need to 
> know the type or at least the bit width for that.
> - Floating point load / store instructions need the correct width to select 
> between the correct IEEE 754 formats. The register representation in single 
> FP registers is always IEEE 754 double precision on PPC64.
> - Big Endian also needs usage of the precise size. Storing 8 Bytes and 
> loading 4 Bytes yields different values than on Little Endian!
> 2. It happens that a `NativeMemorySegmentImpl` is used as a raw pointer (with 
> byteSize() == 0) while running TestUpcallScope. Hence, existing size checks 
> don't work (see As a workaround, I'm just skipping the 
> check in this particular case. Please check if this makes sense or if there's 
> a better fix (possibly as separate RFE).

Thanks for looking into this port!

src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/foreign/ line 1359:

> 1357: long size = elementCount * srcElementLayout.byteSize();
> 1358: srcImpl.checkAccess(srcOffset, size, true);
> 1359: if (dstImpl instanceof NativeMemorySegmentImpl && 
> dstImpl.byteSize() == 0) {

As Jorn said, this change is not acceptable, as it allows bulk copy 
disregarding the segment real size. In such cases, the issue is always a 
missing unsafe resize somewhere in the linker code.



Re: RFR: 8303040: linux PPC64le: Implementation of Foreign Function & Memory API (Preview) [v3]

2023-02-23 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Thu, 23 Feb 2023 07:19:24 GMT, Martin Doerr  wrote:

> Can I add them to the existing libraries? If so, what is the correct naming 
> scheme and what is needed to get them executed (adding the EXPORT alone is 
> not sufficient). Or should I create a separate test for these cases? Advice 
> will be appreciated!

There are two kinds of tests for the linker - some tests (e.g. TestDowncallXYZ 
and TestUpcallXYZ) execute end to end test with several shapes, and make sure 
that things work.

Then there are ABI specific tests (e.g. see TestXYZCallArranger). These latter 
tests are typically used to stress tests corners of specific ABIs - and they 
are easier to write as you can just provide the input (some function 
descriptor) then test that the resulting set of bindings is the expected one. 
This allows for much more in-depth testing.



Re: RFR: 8303040: linux PPC64le: Implementation of Foreign Function & Memory API (Preview) [v2]

2023-02-23 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Thu, 23 Feb 2023 04:44:18 GMT, Martin Doerr  wrote:

> Correct, `extsw` performs a `I2L` conversion. I had thought about this 
> already, but I think my current implementation is more efficient as it 
> combines register moves with the 64 bit extend. Your proposal would generate 
> separate extend and move instructions, right?

Would it be possible to generate a biding cast + move and the recognize the 
pattern in the HS backend and optimize it away as a `extsw` ?



Re: RFR: 8303040: linux PPC64le: Implementation of Foreign Function & Memory API (Preview) [v2]

2023-02-23 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Thu, 23 Feb 2023 15:02:48 GMT, Jorn Vernee  wrote:

> > > Correct, `extsw` performs a `I2L` conversion. I had thought about this 
> > > already, but I think my current implementation is more efficient as it 
> > > combines register moves with the 64 bit extend. Your proposal would 
> > > generate separate extend and move instructions, right?
> > 
> > 
> > Would it be possible to generate a biding cast + move and the recognize the 
> > pattern in the HS backend and optimize it away as a `extsw` ?
> At the moment, there is a forced indirection between the Java code and 
> downcall stub, so the JIT can not do any optimizations that have to take both 
> sides into account. The downcall stub is opaque to the JIT. (though, perhaps 
> in the long run we can add intrinsification of `linkToNative` that can 
> generate the code in the downcall stub as part of the JIT's own IR, which 
> would solve this)

I meant generating `extsw` when emitting the stub (since when we emit the stub 
we can see the bindings). But I suppose the problem there is that the VM only 
sees low level bindings such as moves, it doesn't see bindings such as casts.



Re: RFR: 8294982: Implementation of Classfile API [v20]

2023-02-28 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Tue, 28 Feb 2023 14:33:58 GMT, Adam Sotona  wrote:

>> src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/classfile/impl/ 
>> line 38:
>>> 36: private final List> attributes = new ArrayList<>();
>>> 37: 
>>> 38: public AttributeHolder() {
>> default constructor
> yes, it is a default constructor, do you suggest to remove it?

Yes, it's inside the implementation, it's not like it's used as a placeholder 
for javadoc or anything?



Re: RFR: 8303516: HFAs with nested structs/unions/arrays not handled correctly on AArch64

2023-03-03 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Thu, 2 Mar 2023 13:48:26 GMT, Jorn Vernee  wrote:

> Port of: Which adds tests 
> for nested structs/unions/arrays, and fixes an issue with nested HFAs on 
> AArch64.
> This PR also includes 
> which is required for the fix to apply cleanly.
> Moving these change sets into the mainline now seems useful for the currently 
> ongoing porting effort on PPC, as well as taking a load off of the JEP PR 
> review which will come later.

Look good (already reviewed in the panama repository)


Marked as reviewed by mcimadamore (Reviewer).


Re: RFR: 8303409: Add Windows AArch64 ABI support to the Foreign Function & Memory API

2023-03-03 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Mon, 27 Feb 2023 17:04:28 GMT, Saint Wesonga  wrote:

> There are 2 primary differences between the Windows ARM64 ABI and the 
> macOS/Linux ARM64 ABI: variadic floating point arguments are passed in 
> general purpose registers on Windows (instead of the vector registers). In 
> addition to this, up to 64 bytes of a struct being passed to a variadic 
> function can be placed in general purpose registers. This happens regardless 
> of the type of struct (HFA or other generic struct). This means that a struct 
> can be split across registers and the stack when invoking a variadic 
> function. The Windows ARM64 ABI conventions are documented at 
> For details about the Foreign Function & Memory API, see JEP 434 at 
> This change is a cherry pick of 
> and 
> from 
> and includes an additional 
> commit that introduces a VaList implementation for Windows on AArch64.

Many thanks for looking into this port!



Re: RFR: 8303604: Passing by-value structs whose size is not power of 2 doesn't work on all platforms (mainline)

2023-03-03 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Fri, 3 Mar 2023 19:27:24 GMT, Jorn Vernee  wrote:

> Port of: which fixes an 
> issue with passing structs whose size is not a power of two on SysV and 
> AArch64 platforms.

Looks good (already reviewed on Panama repo)


Marked as reviewed by mcimadamore (Reviewer).


Re: RFR: 8303582: Reduce duplication in jdk/java/foreign tests

2023-03-06 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Fri, 3 Mar 2023 15:08:01 GMT, Jorn Vernee  wrote:

> Port of: which reduces 
> duplication in the test code by switching test value generation over to a 
> common method in `NativeTestHelper`.

Looks good (already reviewed in the panama repo)


Marked as reviewed by mcimadamore (Reviewer).


Re: RFR: 8294982: Implementation of Classfile API [v49]

2023-03-07 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Mon, 6 Mar 2023 17:11:42 GMT, Adam Sotona  wrote:

>> This is root pull request with Classfile API implementation, tests and 
>> benchmarks initial drop into JDK.
>> Following pull requests consolidating JDK class files parsing, generating, 
>> and transforming 
>> ([JDK-8294957]( will chain to 
>> this one.
>> Classfile API development is tracked at:
>> Development branch of consolidated JDK class files parsing, generating, and 
>> transforming is at:
>> Classfile API [JEP]( and [online 
>> API 
>> documentation](
>>  is also available.
>> Please take you time to review this non-trivial JDK addition.
>> Thank you,
>> Adam
> Adam Sotona has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   snippets and tests synced with jdk.jfr class instrumentation source code

 line 44:

> 42: 
> 43: /**
> 44:  * CodeRelabeler is a {@link jdk.internal.classfile.CodeTransform} 
> replacing all occurrences

Nit - perhaps just use `A code relabeler is a ...` (instead of using the class 
name, which then would require another `{@code ... }`.

line 114:

> 112:  * {@snippet lang="java" class="PackageSnippets" 
> region="classInstrumentation"}
> 113:  */
> 114: package jdk.internal.classfile.components;

watch out for newline



Re: RFR: 8294982: Implementation of Classfile API [v49]

2023-03-07 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Mon, 6 Mar 2023 17:11:42 GMT, Adam Sotona  wrote:

>> This is root pull request with Classfile API implementation, tests and 
>> benchmarks initial drop into JDK.
>> Following pull requests consolidating JDK class files parsing, generating, 
>> and transforming 
>> ([JDK-8294957]( will chain to 
>> this one.
>> Classfile API development is tracked at:
>> Development branch of consolidated JDK class files parsing, generating, and 
>> transforming is at:
>> Classfile API [JEP]( and [online 
>> API 
>> documentation](
>>  is also available.
>> Please take you time to review this non-trivial JDK addition.
>> Thank you,
>> Adam
> Adam Sotona has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   snippets and tests synced with jdk.jfr class instrumentation source code

Well done. The API does a great job at mastering the complexity (and, at time, 
ad-hocness) of the Java bytecode, and expose it in a way that is principled and 
useful to developers.

src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/classfile/impl/ line 194:

> 192: return (int)s;
> 193: }
> 194: }


line 34:

> 32: 
> 33: /**
> 34:  * TargetInfoImpl

Does this javadoc add any value? Since this is implementation, we could also 
remove it.


Marked as reviewed by mcimadamore (Reviewer).


Re: RFR: 8294982: Implementation of Classfile API [v49]

2023-03-07 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Tue, 7 Mar 2023 14:48:43 GMT, Adam Sotona  wrote:

>> src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/classfile/impl/ line 
>> 194:
>>> 192: return (int)s;
>>> 193: }
>>> 194: }
>> newline!
> Here I'm also not sure I understand, the long line has bee wrapped.

I mean here (and in the other) there seems to be a missing newline at the end 
of the file

>> src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/classfile/impl/ 
>> line 34:
>>> 32: 
>>> 33: /**
>>> 34:  * TargetInfoImpl
>> Does this javadoc add any value? Since this is implementation, we could also 
>> remove it.
> This is common practise across the whole implementation. Do you suggest to 
> remove all similar javadoc from all implementation classes?

Well, if the javadoc simply states the name of the class it doesn't seem very 
useful. But I leave that decision to you.



Re: RFR: 8303684: Lift upcall sharing mechanism to AbstractLinker (mainline)

2023-03-08 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Mon, 6 Mar 2023 18:40:47 GMT, Jorn Vernee  wrote:

> Port of: which lifts the 
> sharing mechanism for upcall stubs to AbstractLinker. 
> This also speeds up upcall stub linking:

Looks good (already reviewed on Panama repo)


Marked as reviewed by mcimadamore (Reviewer).


Re: RFR: 8303001: Add test for re-entrant upcalls

2023-03-09 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Wed, 8 Mar 2023 15:51:05 GMT, Jorn Vernee  wrote:

> Add a test that tests re-entrant upcalls, which is a use-case that is 
> uncovered by testing until now.

Nice test!


Marked as reviewed by mcimadamore (Reviewer).


Re: RFR: 8304283: Modernize the switch statements in jdk.internal.foreign

2023-03-15 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Wed, 15 Mar 2023 18:10:29 GMT, Per Minborg  wrote:

> This PR proposes changing old-type switch statements to newer forms of switch.

Overall looks good. I've added a couple of optional comments for your 

 line 208:

> 206: static boolean isUnbox(Binding binding) {
> 207: return switch (binding) {
> 208: case Binding.VMStore unused -> true;

I wonder... here it might be better to capture the box/unbox nature of a 
binding in a virtual method in the binding class? E.g. isBox(), isUnbox() ?

 line 112:

> 110: return 
> flatten(sequenceLayout.elementLayout()).mul(elementCount);
> 111: }
> 112: case null, default -> throw new 
> IllegalStateException("Cannot get here: " + layout);

Since the default throws, and the switch w/o a `case null` also throws, do we 
need the `case null` here?


Marked as reviewed by mcimadamore (Reviewer).


Re: RFR: 8304283: Modernize the switch statements in jdk.internal.foreign [v2]

2023-03-16 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Wed, 15 Mar 2023 19:38:53 GMT, Jorn Vernee  wrote:

>> Per Minborg has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
>> commit since the last revision:
>>   Reintroduce missing comment
> src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/foreign/abi/
>  line 219:
>> 217: case Binding.Cast unused-> true;
>> 218: };
>> 219: }
> I'd go a bit further here and visually organize the cases as well. Also, 
> using a static import for `Binding.*`:
> Suggestion:
> static boolean isUnbox(Binding binding) {
> return switch (binding) {
> case VMStore   unused -> true;
> case BufferLoadunused -> true;
> case Copy  unused -> true;
> case UnboxAddress  unused -> true;
> case Dup   unused -> true;
> case Cast  unused -> true;
> case VMLoad   unused -> false;
> case BufferStore  unused -> false;
> case Allocate unused -> false;
> case BoxAddress   unused -> false;
> };
> }
> It's a bit unfortunate that we need variable names as well.

While I agree that some "visitor" methods would be better dealt with using 
patterns, I remain unconvinced about the box/unbox classification being modeled 
as an "operation". That's because it's a static property of the binding - e.g. 
given a binding you know whether it can be used for box/unbox/both/none. If 
this was an enum, I would encode it as a boolean field and never look back. 
Also note how the javadoc for Binding itself makes quite a lot of comments on 
box/unbox nature of bindings, and how they can have different semantics 
depending on the direction. To me it feels like that distinction is a first 
class citizen in Binding.

Perhaps, pulling together the various strings, it would maybe possible to 
define very simple records for the various bindings, with no verification and 
interpretation code (e.g. leave that to some pattern-based visitor somewhere 
else). But I think I would still expect a binding class to know whether it's 
used for unbox or not w/o having to run a complex operation all the time (given 
that the property is a constant of the binding class). The fact that we're 
using records for bindings and we can't have an abstract class also biases the 
decision a bit (otherwise we could simply use a bunch of constructor parameters 
to encode the box/unbox properties).

That said, this is all subjective. I don't have super strong opinion on this. 
The code above looks a tad odd to me, but I can live with it.



Re: RFR: 8304265: Implementation of Foreign Function and Memory API (Third Preview)

2023-03-20 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Fri, 17 Mar 2023 15:42:56 GMT, Per Minborg  wrote:

> API changes for the FFM API (third preview)
> Specdiff:
> Javadoc:

Here are the main API changes introduced in this round:

* `SegmentScope` has been simplified into a pure lifetime abstraction and moved 
into a nested class `MemorySegment.Scope`. All segments have a scope (e.g. the 
segment lifetime), which is usually the scope of some `Arena`. All the factory 
methods in `SegmentScope` to create non-closeable lifetimes have been moved to 
`Arena` (e.g. `Arena.ofAuto` and ``). This leads to a simplified 
API, which still allows to build custom arenas via simple delegation, but, at 
the same time, allows clients to use arenas with minimal indirections (e.g. 
`arena.scope()` is no longer needed in many places). Some factory names in 
`Arena` were also updated (e.g. from `openConfined` to `ofConfined`).
* `ValueLayout::OfAddress` has been moved to a toplevel class `AddressLayout`. 
Also, the method to obtain an address layout of unbounded size 
(`OfAddress::asUnbounded`) has been changed, so that it now takes the layout of 
the target region of memory pointed to by the address 
* A new *layout path* is provided to dereference an address layout. This allows 
memory segment var handle to deal with complex dereference expressions like 
* A new linker implementation, namely the *fallback linker* has been added. 
This linker is based on `libffi` and provides a very easy way to add support 
for `Linker` API, even in platforms that have limited functionalities (such as 
* The `VaList` interface has been dropped. Unfortunately, the behavior of 
`va_list` is hopelessly platform specific, and we could also never make full 
use of it in the `jextract` tool, given that parsing support `va_list` is very 
limited in `libclang`.
* The API for unsafely attaching spatial/temporal bounds to an unsafe memory 
segment has been improved and streamlined. The `MemorySegment::ofAddress` 
method is now a single, unrestricted method which turns a long address into a 
native memory segment whose base address is the provided address. The returned 
segment has a scope that is always alive, and has zero-length. To resize, or 
add new temporal bounds to an existing segments, clients can use the new 
`MemorySegment::reinterpret` methods. The logic for attaching a cleanup action 
to a memory segment has also been updated: now the cleanup action will take as 
input a shallow copy of the memory segment, in a scope that is always alive, so 
that clients can pass that copy to other functions in order to perform custom 
* We have made some changes and simplfications to the way in which runtime 
values such as `errno` are preserved, The `CapturedCallState` interface has 
been removed. Instead, there is a way to obtain a group layout of all the 
values that can be saved, given the platform in which the linker runs. Clients 
can query the layout, e.g. obtaining names for the values to be saved, and then 
create a linker option which lists all the name of the values to be saved.
* We have added support for *trivial* (or *leaf*) calls - that is native calls 
whose execution completes very quickly. This option might be useful when 
calling functions whose total execution time is comparable to that of the 
overhead of the change of the thread state from Java to native (in JNI, such 
calls are handled using *critical JNI*).


PR Comment:

Re: RFR: 8304265: Implementation of Foreign Function and Memory API (Third Preview) [v5]

2023-03-21 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Tue, 21 Mar 2023 00:35:40 GMT, Paul Sandoz  wrote:

>> Per Minborg has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
>> commit since the last revision:
>>   Add example for Option::captureStateLayout
> src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/foreign/ line 479:
>> 477:  * Otherwise, the invocation throws {@link 
>> WrongThreadException}; and
>> 478:  * {@code A} is kept alive during the invocation. For 
>> instance, if {@code A} has been obtained using a
>> 479:  * {@linkplain Arena#ofConfined() confined arena}, any attempt 
>> to {@linkplain Arena#close() close}
> Is that correct? Do you mean a shared arena?

The text is correct (you can still close a confined arena from inside an 
upcall), but I agree that perhaps using a shared arena might be a bit more 


PR Review Comment:

Re: RFR: 8304265: Implementation of Foreign Function and Memory API (Third Preview) [v5]

2023-03-21 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Tue, 21 Mar 2023 08:57:42 GMT, Per Minborg  wrote:

>> src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/foreign/ line 621:
>>> 619:  *  to a downcall handle linked with {@link 
>>> #captureCallState(String...)}}
>>> 620:  *
>>> 621:  * @see #captureCallState(String...)
>> How does a caller know what the structure may contain? Should we document 
>> the platform specific structures?
> I've added an example of how to print the platform-dependent structure. 
> Should we document anyhow?

I'm not sure about this. Honestly, the example probably doesn't help much if 
somebody didn't get the idea of what the layout might be. I think it might be 
better to say something like, `on Windows/x64 the returned layout might be as 
follows...` and then you write the code to create the layout instance 
corresponding to the returned layout. But we have to be careful to make the 
text non-normative (as the set of values might change).


PR Review Comment:

Re: RFR: 8304265: Implementation of Foreign Function and Memory API (Third Preview) [v5]

2023-03-21 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Tue, 21 Mar 2023 09:02:29 GMT, Per Minborg  wrote:

>> API changes for the FFM API (third preview)
>> Specdiff:
>> Javadoc:
> Per Minborg has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   Add example for Option::captureStateLayout

src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/foreign/ line 480:

> 478:  * Otherwise, the invocation throws {@link 
> WrongThreadException}; and
> 479:  * {@code A} is kept alive during the invocation. For 
> instance, if {@code A} has been obtained using a
> 480:  * {@linkplain Arena#ofShared()} confined arena}, any attempt to 
> {@linkplain Arena#close() close}

the description of the link still says "confined"


PR Review Comment:

Re: RFR: 8304265: Implementation of Foreign Function and Memory API (Third Preview) [v5]

2023-03-21 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Tue, 21 Mar 2023 11:58:28 GMT, Per Minborg  wrote:

>> I'm not sure about this. Honestly, the example probably doesn't help much if 
>> somebody didn't get the idea of what the layout might be. I think it might 
>> be better to say something like, `on Windows/x64 the returned layout might 
>> be as follows...` and then you write the code to create the layout instance 
>> corresponding to the returned layout. But we have to be careful to make the 
>> text non-normative (as the set of values might change).
> What about adding something like this?
> Here is a list of valid names for some platforms:
> Linux:
> "errno"
> macOS:
> "errno"
> Windows:
> "GetLastError", "WSAGetLastError" and "errno"

I'd prefer something more informal: "Examples of valid names are "errno" on 
Linux/x64, or "GetLastError" on Windows/x64". And maybe add that "The precise 
set of platform-dependent supported names can be queried using the returned 
group layout".


PR Review Comment:

Re: RFR: 8304265: Implementation of Foreign Function and Memory API (Third Preview) [v5]

2023-03-21 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Tue, 21 Mar 2023 00:54:10 GMT, Paul Sandoz  wrote:

>> Per Minborg has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
>> commit since the last revision:
>>   Add example for Option::captureStateLayout
> src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/foreign/ line 621:
>> 619:  *  to a downcall handle linked with {@link 
>> #captureCallState(String...)}}
>> 620:  *
>> 621:  * @see #captureCallState(String...)
> How does a caller know what the structure may contain? Should we document the 
> platform specific structures?

Back to @PaulSandoz  question - "how does the caller know what the structure 
contains?". The caller typically doesn't care too much about what the returned 
struct is. But it might care about which "values" can be captured. That said, 
the set of such interesting values, is not too surprising. As demonstrated in 
the example in the `Linker.capturedCallState` method, once the client knows the 
name (and "errno" is likely to be 90% case), everything else follows from there 
- as the layout can be used to obtain var handles for the required values.

But, perhaps, now that I write this, I realize that what @PaulSandoz might 
_really_ be asking is: how do I know that e.g. the returned struct will not 
contain e.g. nested structs, sequences, or other non-sense. So we might specify 
(in a normative way) that the returned layout is a struct layout, whose member 
layouts are one or more value layouts (possibly with some added padding 
layouts). The names of the value layouts reflect the names of the values that 
can be captured.

And _then_ we show an example of the layout we return for Windows/x64 (as 
that's more interesting).


PR Review Comment:

Re: RFR: JDK-8285932 Implementation of JEP 430 String Templates (Preview) [v46]

2023-03-21 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Tue, 21 Mar 2023 13:31:37 GMT, Maurizio Cimadamore  

>> Jim Laskey has updated the pull request incrementally with two additional 
>> commits since the last revision:
>>  - Tidy javadoc
>>  - Rename StringTemplate classes
> src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/ line 69:
>> 67:  * List values = st.values();
>> 68:  * }
>> 69:  * The value of {@code fragments} will be equivalent to {@code 
>> List.of("", " + ", " = ", "")},
> This is a bit hard to parse, due to the use of `the value of` (which then 
> becomes problematic in the next para, as we are talking about `values`). 
> Either change the name of the variable `values` in the snippet, or use some 
> other locution, like "the list {@code fragments} is equivalent to ..." etc.

The above comment also applies to the javadoc of the `fragments` and `values` 
methods, which use a similar way to describe their results.


PR Review Comment:

Re: RFR: JDK-8285932 Implementation of JEP 430 String Templates (Preview) [v46]

2023-03-21 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Mon, 20 Mar 2023 20:31:46 GMT, Jim Laskey  wrote:

>> Enhance the Java programming language with string templates, which are 
>> similar to string literals but contain embedded expressions. A string 
>> template is interpreted at run time by replacing each expression with the 
>> result of evaluating that expression, possibly after further validation and 
>> transformation. This is a [preview language feature and 
>> API](
> Jim Laskey has updated the pull request incrementally with two additional 
> commits since the last revision:
>  - Tidy javadoc
>  - Rename StringTemplate classes

I like the new naming scheme!

src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/ line 28:

> 26: package java.lang;
> 27: 
> 28: import java.lang.Object;

You might want to do another pass to check for unused imports

src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/ line 44:

> 42:  * {@link StringTemplate} is the run-time representation of a string 
> template or
> 43:  * text block template in a template expression.
> 44:  *

Extra newline?

src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/ line 56:

> 54:  * {@link StringTemplate} is primarily used in conjunction with a 
> template processor
> 55:  * to produce a string or other meaningful value. Evaluation of a 
> template expression
> 56:  * first produces an instance of {@link StringTemplate}, representing the 
> template

The "template of the template expression" - is this nomenclature official (e.g. 
backed by any text in the JLS?). I must admit I find it a tad jarring.

src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/ line 69:

> 67:  * List values = st.values();
> 68:  * }
> 69:  * The value of {@code fragments} will be equivalent to {@code 
> List.of("", " + ", " = ", "")},

This is a bit hard to parse, due to the use of `the value of` (which then 
becomes problematic in the next para, as we are talking about `values`). Either 
change the name of the variable `values` in the snippet, or use some other 
locution, like "the list {@code fragments} is equivalent to ..." etc.

src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/ line 324:

> 322:  * assert Objects.equals(sc, "abcxyz");
> 323:  * }
> 324:  * the last character {@code "c"} from the first string is 
> juxtaposed with the first

I was playing with this example in jshell:

jshell> var st1 = RAW."{1}"
st1 ==> StringTemplate{ fragments = [ "", "" ], values = [1] }

jshell> var st2 = RAW."{2}"
st2 ==> StringTemplate{ fragments = [ "", "" ], values = [2] }

jshell> StringTemplate.combine(st1, st2);
$7 ==> StringTemplate{ fragments = [ "", "", "" ], values = [1, 2] }

The result is obviously well-formed - but I'm not sure I can derive what the 
method does just by reading the javadoc. The javadoc says:

Fragment lists from the StringTemplates are combined end to end with the last 
fragment from each StringTemplate concatenated with the first fragment of the 

I think I see what you want to say - (e.g. the end fragment of string template 
`N` is concatenated with the starting fragment of string template `N + 1`).

src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/ line 431:

> 429:  * Java compilation unit.The result of interpolation is not 
> interned.
> 430:  */
> 431: static final StringProcessor STR = StringTemplate::interpolate;

`static final` is redundant here (we are in an interface)

src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/ line 454:

> 452:  * This interface describes the methods provided by a generalized 
> string template processor. The
> 453:  * primary method {@link Processor#process(StringTemplate)} is used 
> to validate
> 454:  * and compose a result using a {@link StringTemplate 
> StringTemplate's} fragments and values lists.

nit: `{@link StringTemplate StringTemplate's}` will probably not render as 
you'd expect (as it will all be preformat, including the `'s`).

src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/runtime/ line 47:

> 45:  */
> 46: @PreviewFeature(feature=PreviewFeature.Feature.STRING_TEMPLATES)
> 47: interface ReferenceKey {

This (and other) class are package-private. Do we still need @PreviewFeature 
for stuff like this, since it's not meant to be used publicly?

src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/comp/ line 

> 224: List.nil(), expressions);
> 225: valuesArray.type = new ArrayType(syms.objectType, 
> syms.arrayClass);
> 226: return bsmCall(names.process, 
> names.newLargeStringTemplate, syms.stringTemplateType,

nit: the indy name is irrelevant here - that said, `process` is a tad 
confusing, since it's also the name of a StringTemplate method.

src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/comp/ line 

> 250: staticArgsTypes = 
> staticArgsTypes.append(syms.stringType);
> 251:

Re: RFR: 8304265: Implementation of Foreign Function and Memory API (Third Preview) [v5]

2023-03-22 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Tue, 21 Mar 2023 09:02:29 GMT, Per Minborg  wrote:

>> API changes for the FFM API (third preview)
>> Specdiff:
>> Javadoc:
> Per Minborg has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   Add example for Option::captureStateLayout

src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/foreign/ line 694:

> 692:  * @param bitSize the padding size in bits.
> 693:  * @return the new selector layout.
> 694:  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code bitSize < 0} or {@code 
> bitSize % 8 != 0}

I'm not sure if this change in the `@throws` was deliberate - e.g. the new API 
seems to allow creation of padding layouts of zero size (which I did not 
realize). This can hide issues for code generators (e.g. I stumbled upon this 
when working on jextract, which was silently emitting zero-length paddings in 
some struct layouts). Perhaps better to revert to old semantics?


PR Review Comment:

Re: RFR: 8304265: Implementation of Foreign Function and Memory API (Third Preview) [v8]

2023-03-22 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Wed, 22 Mar 2023 14:09:07 GMT, Per Minborg  wrote:

>> API changes for the FFM API (third preview)
>> Specdiff:
>> Javadoc:
> Per Minborg has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   Improve javadocs for Linker::captureStateLayout

src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/foreign/ line 628:

> 626:  * and possibly {@linkplain PaddingLayout padding layouts}.
> 627:  * As an example, on Windows, the returned layout might contain 
> three value layouts named:
> 628:  * 

Almost there - instead of listing the names, just put a code snippet with the 
struct layout! That will make it crystal clear.

src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/foreign/ line 697:

> 695:  */
> 696: static PaddingLayout paddingLayout(long bitSize) {
> 697: if (bitSize <= 0) {

While this does the right thing, I wonder if we can do better, as it seems 
we're checking size twice - perhaps we need to customize the 
`requireBitSizeValid` function?


PR Review Comment:
PR Review Comment:

Re: RFR: 8304265: Implementation of Foreign Function and Memory API (Third Preview) [v8]

2023-03-22 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Wed, 22 Mar 2023 15:57:16 GMT, Per Minborg  wrote:

>> src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/foreign/ line 697:
>>> 695:  */
>>> 696: static PaddingLayout paddingLayout(long bitSize) {
>>> 697: if (bitSize <= 0) {
>> While this does the right thing, I wonder if we can do better, as it seems 
>> we're checking size twice - perhaps we need to customize the 
>> `requireBitSizeValid` function?
> I tried that but it turned out it can be zero in other contexts. Maybe we 
> should add back the good 'ole "allowZero" flag?

yeah , a boolean seems good enough


PR Review Comment:

Re: RFR: 8304265: Implementation of Foreign Function and Memory API (Third Preview) [v8]

2023-03-22 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Wed, 22 Mar 2023 17:34:36 GMT, Jorn Vernee  wrote:

>> Per Minborg has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
>> commit since the last revision:
>>   Improve javadocs for Linker::captureStateLayout
> src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/foreign/ line 492:
>> 490:  * Finally, the returned method handle will throw an {@link 
>> IllegalArgumentException} if the {@link MemorySegment}
>> 491:  * parameter passed to it is associated with the {@link 
>> MemorySegment#NULL} address, or a {@link NullPointerException}
>> 492:  * if that parameter is {@code null}.
> I think this isn't quite correct, as it only applies to the target address 
> parameter. Also, we don't have to mention the NPE, as that's already 
> mentioned in the package doc
> Suggestion:
>  * Finally, the returned method handle will throw an {@link 
> IllegalArgumentException} if the {@link MemorySegment}
>  * representing the target address of the foreign function is the {@link 
> MemorySegment#NULL} address.

Note: this text was just copied/adapted from toplevel javadoc and moved here. I 
think we have to say something about `null` as the text refers to `null` being 
passed as parameter to the returned MH, which is NOT covered by the package 


PR Review Comment:

Re: RFR: 8304265: Implementation of Foreign Function and Memory API (Third Preview) [v8]

2023-03-22 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Wed, 22 Mar 2023 18:04:15 GMT, Jorn Vernee  wrote:

>> Per Minborg has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
>> commit since the last revision:
>>   Improve javadocs for Linker::captureStateLayout
> src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/foreign/ line 2315:
>> 2313:  * @return {@code true}, if the provided object is also a 
>> scope, which models the same lifetime as that
>> 2314:  * modelled by this scope.
>> 2315:  */
> A `@return` tag could be used here
> Suggestion:
> /**
>  * {@return {@code true}, if the provided object is also a scope, 
> which models the same lifetime as that
>  * modelled by this scope.} In that case, it is always the case that
>  * {@code this.isAlive() == ((Scope)that).isAlive()}.
>  * @param that the object to be tested.
>  */

Oh - I didn't know you could use return tag plus other text...


PR Review Comment:

Re: RFR: 8304265: Implementation of Foreign Function and Memory API (Third Preview) [v8]

2023-03-22 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Wed, 22 Mar 2023 19:25:05 GMT, Jorn Vernee  wrote:

>> Note: this text was just copied/adapted from toplevel javadoc and moved 
>> here. I think we have to say something about `null` as the text refers to 
>> `null` being passed as parameter to the returned MH, which is NOT covered by 
>> the package javadoc.
> Ah. True. This is true about all the MS parameters as well.

Yes - although there is a distinction between passed by value and by ref. I 
wouldn't be surprised if we just threw NPE for by-value.


PR Review Comment:

Re: RFR: 8304265: Implementation of Foreign Function and Memory API (Third Preview) [v8]

2023-03-23 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Wed, 22 Mar 2023 20:07:01 GMT, Maurizio Cimadamore  

>> Ah. True. This is true about all the MS parameters as well.
> Yes - although there is a distinction between passed by value and by ref. I 
> wouldn't be surprised if we just threw NPE for by-value.

Just did a test with jshell:

jshell> Linker linker = Linker.nativeLinker();

jshell> MethodHandle handleValue = 
handleValue ==> MethodHandle(MemorySegment,MemorySegment)void

jshell> handleValue.invoke(MemorySegment.ofAddress(1), null);
|  Exception java.lang.NullPointerException
|at (#5:1)

So, yes, passing `null` for a "by-value" struct issues NPEs. I also get same 
exception when calling a method handle which passes a struct by reference:

jshell> MethodHandle handleRef = 
handleRef ==> MethodHandle(MemorySegment,MemorySegment)void

jshell> handleRef.invoke(MemorySegment.ofAddress(1), null);
|  Exception java.lang.NullPointerException
|at (#7:1)

Given what the impl does, to be fair I don't mind the NPE (it seems a good 
exception to throw if we're passing a raw `null`). But we should document it at 

It also seems like the first parameter of the downcall has somewhat better 
checks (but still NPEs):

jshell> handleRef.invoke(null, MemorySegment.ofAddress(1));
|  Exception java.lang.NullPointerException
|at Objects.requireNonNull (
|at SharedUtils.checkSymbol (
|at (#8:1)


jshell> handleRef.invoke(MemorySegment.NULL, MemorySegment.ofAddress(1));
|  Exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Symbol is NULL: MemorySegment{ 
heapBase: Optional.empty address:0 limit: 0 }
|at SharedUtils.checkSymbol (
|at (#9:1)

I think this last case is the _only_ one where IAE is warranted - as the role 
of the first parameter is special, and we can't tolerate a 
`MemorySegment::NULL` there. For all other reference parameters, the downcall 
handle should just check that they are non-null, and throw if so.


PR Review Comment:

Re: RFR: 8304265: Implementation of Foreign Function and Memory API (Third Preview) [v8]

2023-03-23 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Thu, 23 Mar 2023 10:28:23 GMT, Maurizio Cimadamore  

>> Yes - although there is a distinction between passed by value and by ref. I 
>> wouldn't be surprised if we just threw NPE for by-value.
> Just did a test with jshell:
> jshell> Linker linker = Linker.nativeLinker();
> jshell> MethodHandle handleValue = 
> linker.downcallHandle(FunctionDescriptor.ofVoid(MemoryLayout.structLayout(ValueLayout.JAVA_INT)));
> handleValue ==> MethodHandle(MemorySegment,MemorySegment)void
> jshell> handleValue.invoke(MemorySegment.ofAddress(1), null);
> |  Exception java.lang.NullPointerException
> |at (#5:1)
> So, yes, passing `null` for a "by-value" struct issues NPEs. I also get same 
> exception when calling a method handle which passes a struct by reference:
> jshell> MethodHandle handleRef = 
> linker.downcallHandle(FunctionDescriptor.ofVoid(ValueLayout.ADDRESS));
> handleRef ==> MethodHandle(MemorySegment,MemorySegment)void
> jshell> handleRef.invoke(MemorySegment.ofAddress(1), null);
> |  Exception java.lang.NullPointerException
> |at (#7:1)
> Given what the impl does, to be fair I don't mind the NPE (it seems a good 
> exception to throw if we're passing a raw `null`). But we should document it 
> at such.
> It also seems like the first parameter of the downcall has somewhat better 
> checks (but still NPEs):
> jshell> handleRef.invoke(null, MemorySegment.ofAddress(1));
> |  Exception java.lang.NullPointerException
> |at Objects.requireNonNull (
> |at SharedUtils.checkSymbol (
> |at (#8:1)
> And:
> jshell> handleRef.invoke(MemorySegment.NULL, MemorySegment.ofAddress(1));
> |  Exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Symbol is NULL: 
> MemorySegment{ heapBase: Optional.empty address:0 limit: 0 }
> |at SharedUtils.checkSymbol (
> |at (#9:1)
> I think this last case is the _only_ one where IAE is warranted - as the role 
> of the first parameter is special, and we can't tolerate a 
> `MemorySegment::NULL` there. For all other reference parameters, the downcall 
> handle should just check that they are non-null, and throw if so.

The returned method handle will throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException} if 
the {@link MemorySegment}
representing the target address of the foreign function is the {@link 
MemorySegment#NULL} address.
The returned method handle will additionally throw {@link NullPointerException} 
if any parameter of type {@link MemorySegment} is {@code null}.


PR Review Comment:

Re: RFD: Should jextract be extracted from the JDK?

2023-03-26 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore

not sure I understand your question correctly.

But if you are referring to the fact that jextract should *not* be part 
of the JDK, please note that the FFM API does _not_ include jextract. 
The jextract tool is instead made available in a standalone repository:

For which binary snapshots are also provided here:

(this change happened roughly an year ago [1]).


[1] -

On 25/03/2023 18:05, Eirik Bjørsnøs wrote:


I'll raise this periodic (?) question for discussion, but first I want 
to make it clear I have no opinion myself.

Here is the question in question:

Should jextract be extracted from the JDK? If so, would it make sense 
to do it now rather than later?

I'm asking this because I remember this being presented as an open 
question early in the introduction of project Panama. As time has 
passed by, maybe we have learned something which could influence this 

There seems to be an increasing number of questions and concerns 
related to jextract in OpenJDK, perhaps containing them in a separate 
release cycle would do good?


Re: RFR: 8303002: Reject packed structs from linker

2023-03-27 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Thu, 23 Mar 2023 18:11:18 GMT, Jorn Vernee  wrote:

> This patch adds checks in AbstractLinker to reject packed structs and structs 
> with excess padding (e.g. unnamed bitfields), since both of those are 
> currently not supported, and the ABI/spec seems too vague to base support on.

src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/foreign/ line 200:

> 198:  * 
> 199:  * 
> 200:  * Note that due to limited ABI specification coverage, none of the 
> native linker implementations supports

Is there something bigger to say here? E.g. can I pass a C int with an 
alignment other than its size? E.g. is there a requirement that the alignment 
of _all_ layouts should be identical to their natural alignment? If so, we 
should say so.


PR Review Comment:

Re: RFR: 8303524: Check FunctionDescriptor byte order when linking

2023-03-27 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Thu, 23 Mar 2023 16:47:08 GMT, Jorn Vernee  wrote:

> Linkers are strongly tied to a particular byte order, because they are tied 
> to a particular platform. So, the linker should reject layouts that have 
> another byte order. This patch implements that check.

The code changes look good, but the javadoc should be updated to reflect the 
new constraints.


PR Review:

Re: RFR: 8303524: Check FunctionDescriptor byte order when linking

2023-03-27 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Mon, 27 Mar 2023 15:09:57 GMT, Jorn Vernee  wrote:

> > The code changes look good, but the javadoc should be updated to reflect 
> > the new constraints.
> We currently have this:
> ```
> @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided function descriptor is not 
> supported by this linker.
> ```
> Which technically seems enough to cover this as well, as byte order is part 
> of the layouts that are part of the function descriptor. I'm not sure if we 
> want to get very detailed here. Different linker implementations might make 
> different decisions, at least theoretically, but this is also the case for 
> the fallback linker which e.g. rejects unions and accepts layouts with any 
> byte order.

I'm noting an asymmetry between this and I think the same arguments apply 
for/against both.


PR Comment:

Re: RFR: 8304265: Implementation of Foreign Function and Memory API (Third Preview) [v10]

2023-03-28 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Tue, 28 Mar 2023 10:56:07 GMT, Per Minborg  wrote:

>> API changes for the FFM API (third preview)
>> Specdiff:
>> Javadoc:
> Per Minborg has updated the pull request with a new target base due to a 
> merge or a rebase. The pull request now contains 22 commits:
>  - Merge with master
>  - Make fallbacklinker.c consistent with downcallLinker.cpp
>  - Add bug number
>  - Use @return
>  - Update Linker.downcallHandle() javadoc
>  - Fix typos in Arena
>  - Make checking method handle zero case
>  - Add snippet to Linker.Option.captureStateLayout()
>  - Apply RISCV port patch
>  - Improve javadocs for Linker::captureStateLayout
>  - ... and 12 more:

src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/foreign/ line 2310:

> 2308: /**
> 2309:  * {@return {@code true}, if the provided object is also a 
> scope, which models the same lifetime as that
> 2310:  * modelled by this scope}. In that case, it is always the case 
> that

This brace (after `scope`) seems spurious?


PR Review Comment:

Re: RFR: 8304265: Implementation of Foreign Function and Memory API (Third Preview) [v10]

2023-03-28 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Tue, 28 Mar 2023 13:09:45 GMT, Per Minborg  wrote:

>> > src="";>
>> It belongs to the opening brace for `{@return`. Hard to see with other curls 
>> in between.
> I would have written:
> {@return if the provided object ...
> `true` seams redundant to me but I know this style is used within the JDK.

Whoops - thanks!


PR Review Comment:

Re: RFR: 8304265: Implementation of Foreign Function and Memory API (Third Preview) [v15]

2023-03-29 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Wed, 29 Mar 2023 08:55:08 GMT, Per Minborg  wrote:

>> API changes for the FFM API (third preview)
>> Specdiff:
>> Javadoc:
> Per Minborg has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   Cleanup finality

src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/foreign/ line 410:

> 408:  * wrapping a native pointer. For instance, if such pointer points to a 
> C struct, the client might prefer to resize the
> 409:  * segment unsafely, to match the size of the struct (so that 
> out-of-bounds access will be detected by the API). If the
> 410:  * size is known statically, using an address layout with the correct 
> target layout might be preferable.


 * true size of the zero-length memory segment is known statically, using an 
address layout with the correct target layout might be preferable.


PR Review Comment:

Re: RFR: 8304265: Implementation of Foreign Function and Memory API (Third Preview) [v15]

2023-03-29 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Wed, 29 Mar 2023 22:32:20 GMT, Paul Sandoz  wrote:

>> I've updated the specs as per how I interpret the comments above. Let me 
>> know your thoughts on this.
> This is much clearer. Are the names of the struct members guaranteed to be 
> symbols that can be found up via the linker's default lookup? i.e. a small 
> set of important global variables.

While they might be defined as global variable, I wouldn't read too much into 
this. Even `errno` is not really a global variable, but some thread local value 
that the native compiler knows about (e.g. setting the global variable doesn't 
really do much). Quoting from Linux man page:

errno  is  defined  by  the ISO C standard to be a modifiable lvalue of
   type int, and must not be explicitly declared; errno may  be  a  macro.
   errno  is  thread-local;  setting  it in one thread does not affect its
   value in any other thread.

This seems to imply that errno might even be something else. Given how the 
story goes for errno, I don't think we'd want to restrict the spec to state 
that these names should be discoverable via the lookup.


PR Review Comment:

Re: RFR: 8304265: Implementation of Foreign Function and Memory API (Third Preview) [v15]

2023-03-29 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Wed, 29 Mar 2023 08:55:08 GMT, Per Minborg  wrote:

>> API changes for the FFM API (third preview)
>> Specdiff:
>> Javadoc:
> Per Minborg has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   Cleanup finality

src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/foreign/ line 396:

> 394:  *}
> 395:  *
> 396:  * Alternatively, if the size of the foreign segment is known 
> statically, clients can associate a


 * Alternatively, if the true size of the zero-length memory segment is known 
statically, clients can associate a


PR Review Comment:

Re: RFR: 8301703: java.base jdk.internal.foreign.abi.BindingSpecializer uses ASM to generate classes [v2]

2023-03-31 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Thu, 30 Mar 2023 19:55:15 GMT, Jorn Vernee  wrote:

>> Rewrite BindingSpecializer to use the new class file API.
>> Note: There is a big try/catch/finally block generated in the `specialize` 
>> method that currently uses labels. I looked at replacing this with a call to 
>> `CodeBuilder::trying` but it would require threading the nested code 
>> builders through all the `emit*` methods, which currently access the 
>> 'global' CodeBuilder instance attached to the BindingSpecializer instance. 
>> Since there didn't really seem to be a big benefit to this, I've kept that 
>> try/catch/finally block as is, using labels.
>> The current implementation could also use `CheckClassAdapter` to do 
>> additional verification on the generated bytecode (ahead of the VM's 
>> verifier). I'm not sure if the new API has a replacement for that?
> Jorn Vernee has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   use existing MTD_void constant

line 77:

> 75: private static final int CLASSFILE_VERSION = 
> ClassFileFormatVersion.latest().major();
> 76: 
> 77: private static final ClassDesc CD_Arena = desc(Arena.class);

I love that we're able to describe what we need to use at a higher-level of 
abstraction than just strings.

line 940:

> 938: }
> 939: 
> 940: private void emitInvokeStatic(Class owner, String methodName, 
> String descriptor) {

It is great to see these ad-hoc routines (most of which exist in one form or 
another in all our JDK code generators) go away!


PR Review Comment:
PR Review Comment:

Re: RFR: 8301703: java.base jdk.internal.foreign.abi.BindingSpecializer uses ASM to generate classes [v2]

2023-03-31 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Fri, 31 Mar 2023 03:24:22 GMT, Jorn Vernee  wrote:

>> Classfile API does have some sort of error reporting mechanism in 
>> verification; at least it tracks the error context.
>> The method dumping is providing a yaml tree representation of the class file 
>> to the provided Consumer, and the VerifyError itself already includes the 
>> error context. What exact specific information are you looking for that's 
>> provided by ASM? We might be able to add it to Classfile API too.
> I'm not really looking for anything specific. I'm just trying to figure out 
> if it's worth it to keep the `PERFORM_VERIFICATION` flag, and change it to 
> call the verifier in the new impl. i.e. does it catch more errors than just 
> generating and loading the class would (or does it output the errors in a 
> better format).
> I had a brief look at the implementation, and it seems that the consumer is 
> for detailed logging of the verification process. I think in this case we're 
> just interested in catching errors.
> I already tried switching the code to call 
> `Classfile.parse(newBytes).verify(null).forEach(System.err::println)`, but 
> the error I artificially introduced was already being caught during class 
> generation. So I'm wondering if having a separate verification pass will 
> actually catch any additional errors.

I believe that, in order to generate the actual bytecodes, the classfile API 
does a full verification pass (as it needs to infer the stackmap information). 
This leads me to believe that, yes, most (but probably all) errors would be 
detected simply by generating code. Maybe @asotona can clarify.


PR Review Comment:

Re: RFR: 8301703: java.base jdk.internal.foreign.abi.BindingSpecializer uses ASM to generate classes [v2]

2023-03-31 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Thu, 30 Mar 2023 19:55:15 GMT, Jorn Vernee  wrote:

>> Rewrite BindingSpecializer to use the new class file API.
>> Note: There is a big try/catch/finally block generated in the `specialize` 
>> method that currently uses labels. I looked at replacing this with a call to 
>> `CodeBuilder::trying` but it would require threading the nested code 
>> builders through all the `emit*` methods, which currently access the 
>> 'global' CodeBuilder instance attached to the BindingSpecializer instance. 
>> Since there didn't really seem to be a big benefit to this, I've kept that 
>> try/catch/finally block as is, using labels.
>> The current implementation could also use `CheckClassAdapter` to do 
>> additional verification on the generated bytecode (ahead of the VM's 
>> verifier). I'm not sure if the new API has a replacement for that?
> Jorn Vernee has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   use existing MTD_void constant

Looks great!


Marked as reviewed by mcimadamore (Reviewer).

PR Review:

Re: RFR: 8304265: Implementation of Foreign Function and Memory API (Third Preview) [v16]

2023-03-31 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Thu, 30 Mar 2023 11:28:25 GMT, Per Minborg  wrote:

>> API changes for the FFM API (third preview)
>> Specdiff:
>> Javadoc:
> Per Minborg has updated the pull request incrementally with two additional 
> commits since the last revision:
>  - Update src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/foreign/
>Co-authored-by: Maurizio Cimadamore 
> <>
>  - Update src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/foreign/
>Co-authored-by: Maurizio Cimadamore 
> <>

The class `jdk/internal/javac/` needs to be updated. It is 
currently referring JEP 434:

public enum Feature {
@JEP(number=433, title="Pattern Matching for switch", status="Fourth 
@JEP(number=432, title="Record Patterns", status="Second Preview")
@JEP(number=436, title="Virtual Threads", status="Second Preview")
@JEP(number=434, title="Foreign Function & Memory API", status="Second 
FOREIGN, // <---


PR Comment:

Re: RFR: 8300543 Compiler Implementation for Pattern Matching for switch

2023-04-17 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Fri, 17 Mar 2023 12:15:58 GMT, Jan Lahoda  wrote:

> This is the first draft of a patch for JEP 440 and JEP 441. Changes included:
>  - the pattern matching for switch and record patterns features are made 
> final, together with updates to tests.
>  - parenthesized patterns are removed.
>  - qualified enum constants are supported for case labels.
> This change herein also includes removal record patterns in for each loop, 
> which may be split into a separate PR in the future.

src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/comp/ line 879:

> 877: }
> 878: case TYPEVAR -> components(((TypeVar) 
> seltype).getUpperBound());
> 879: default -> {

The block here is redundant

src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/comp/ line 890:

> 888:  * for the sealed supertype.
> 889:  */
> 890: private List reduceBindingPatterns(Type 
> selectorType, List patterns) {

This method doesn't seem to work for the following case:

class Test {
sealed interface I permits A, B, C { }
sealed interface I3 permits I2 { }
sealed interface I2 extends I3 permits B, C { }
final class A implements I {}
final class B implements I, I2 {}
final class C implements I, I2 {}

int m(I i) {
return switch (i) {
case A a -> 1;
case I3 e -> 2;

There seems to be some ordering issue in the way we visit the patterns.

src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/comp/ line 901:

> 899: Type clazzErasure = 
> types.erasure(clazz.type);
> 900: if (components(selectorType).stream()
> 901: .map(c -> 
> types.erasure(c))



src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/comp/ line 914:

> 912: permitted.remove(bpOne.type.tsym);
> 913: bindings.append(it1.head);
> 914: for (var it2 = it1.tail; it2.nonEmpty(); it2 
> = it2.tail) {

This could be a for-each loop?

src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/comp/ line 971:

> 969: /* implementation note:
> 970:  * finding a sub-set of patterns that only differ in a single
> 971:  * column is time consuming task, so this method speeds it 
> up by:


 * column is time-consuming task, so this method speeds it up by:

src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/comp/ line 974:

> 972:  * - group the patterns by their record class
> 973:  * - for each column (nested pattern) do:
> 974:  * -- group patterns by their hashs


 * -- group patterns by their hash

src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/comp/ line 976:

> 974:  * -- group patterns by their hashs
> 975:  * -- in each such by-hash group, find sub-sets that only 
> differ in
> 976:  *the chosen column, and tcall reduceBindingPatterns and 
> reduceNestedPatterns


 *the chosen column, and call reduceBindingPatterns and 

src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/comp/ line 977:

> 975:  * -- in each such by-hash group, find sub-sets that only 
> differ in
> 976:  *the chosen column, and tcall reduceBindingPatterns and 
> reduceNestedPatterns
> 977:  *on patterns in the chosed column, as described above


 *on patterns in the chosen column, as described above

src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/comp/ line 999:

> 997:  .collect(groupingBy(pd -> 
> pd.hashCode(mismatchingCandidateFin)));
> 998: for (var candidates : groupByHashes.values()) {
> 999: var candidatesArr = candidates.toArray(s -> new 
> RecordPattern[s]);

Could this be an array constructor reference? E.g. `RecordPattern[]::new` ?

src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/comp/ line 1077:

> 1075:  */
> 1076: private List 
> reduceRecordPatterns(List patterns) {
> 1077: var newList = new ListBuffer();

Maybe `newPatterns` would be a better name?

src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/comp/ line 1079:

> 1077: var newList = new ListBuffer();
> 1078: boolean modified = false;
> 1079: for (var it = patterns; it.nonEmpty(); it = it.tail) {

for-each loop here?

src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/comp/ line 1081:

> 1079: for (var it = patterns; it.nonEmpty(); it = it.tail) {
> 1080: if (it.head instanceof

Re: RFR: 8300543 Compiler Implementation for Pattern Matching for switch [v2]

2023-04-18 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Tue, 18 Apr 2023 09:13:01 GMT, Jan Lahoda  wrote:

>> This is the first draft of a patch for JEP 440 and JEP 441. Changes included:
>>  - the pattern matching for switch and record patterns features are made 
>> final, together with updates to tests.
>>  - parenthesized patterns are removed.
>>  - qualified enum constants are supported for case labels.
>> This change herein also includes removal record patterns in for each loop, 
>> which may be split into a separate PR in the future.
> Jan Lahoda has updated the pull request incrementally with six additional 
> commits since the last revision:
>  - Fixing infinite loop where a binding pattern is replaced with a binding 
> pattern for the same type.
>  - Reflecting review comments.
>  - Fixing exhaustiveness for unsealed supertype pattern.
>  - No need to enable features after error reported.
>  - SwitchBootstraps.typeSwitch should not initialize enum classes.
>  - A prototype of avoiding enum initialization.

src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/comp/ line 953:

> 951: }
> 952: 
> 953: Set cleanedToRemove = new 
> HashSet<>(toRemove);

Another way to do this would be to compute the intersection between `toRemove` 
and `toAdd` (e.g. with `retainAll`), and then remove the intersection from both 


PR Review Comment:

Re: RFR: 8300543 Compiler Implementation for Pattern Matching for switch [v2]

2023-04-18 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Tue, 18 Apr 2023 09:13:01 GMT, Jan Lahoda  wrote:

>> This is the first draft of a patch for JEP 440 and JEP 441. Changes included:
>>  - the pattern matching for switch and record patterns features are made 
>> final, together with updates to tests.
>>  - parenthesized patterns are removed.
>>  - qualified enum constants are supported for case labels.
>> This change herein also includes removal record patterns in for each loop, 
>> which may be split into a separate PR in the future.
> Jan Lahoda has updated the pull request incrementally with six additional 
> commits since the last revision:
>  - Fixing infinite loop where a binding pattern is replaced with a binding 
> pattern for the same type.
>  - Reflecting review comments.
>  - Fixing exhaustiveness for unsealed supertype pattern.
>  - No need to enable features after error reported.
>  - SwitchBootstraps.typeSwitch should not initialize enum classes.
>  - A prototype of avoiding enum initialization.

src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/comp/ line 812:

> 810: if (l instanceof JCPatternCaseLabel patternLabel) {
> 811: for (Type component : components(selector.type)) 
> {
> 812: patterns = 
> patterns.prepend(PatternDescription.from(types, component, patternLabel.pat));

I noted that this code ends up adding redundant pattern descriptions to the 
list - for instance:

class Test {
sealed interface I1 permits B, C { }
sealed interface I2 permits B, C { }

static final class B implements I1, I2 { }
static final class C implements I1, I2 { }

 int test(Z z) {
return switch (z) {
case B c -> 2;
case C d -> 3;

In this case the list ends up with 6 elements, [ B, B, B, C, C, C ]. Given that 
the complexity of the algorithm depends on the number of patterns in the list, 
it would probably be better to use a set here and try to make the list as small 
as possible from early on.

src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/comp/ line 915:

> 913: 
> 914: for (PatternDescription pdOther : patterns) {
> 915: if (pdOther instanceof BindingPattern 
> bpOther) {

This code redundantly checks a pattern against itself, which I think we can 


PR Review Comment:
PR Review Comment:

Re: RFR: 8300543 Compiler Implementation for Pattern Matching for switch [v2]

2023-04-18 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Tue, 18 Apr 2023 13:43:17 GMT, Maurizio Cimadamore  

>> Jan Lahoda has updated the pull request incrementally with six additional 
>> commits since the last revision:
>>  - Fixing infinite loop where a binding pattern is replaced with a binding 
>> pattern for the same type.
>>  - Reflecting review comments.
>>  - Fixing exhaustiveness for unsealed supertype pattern.
>>  - No need to enable features after error reported.
>>  - SwitchBootstraps.typeSwitch should not initialize enum classes.
>>  - A prototype of avoiding enum initialization.
> src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/comp/ line 812:
>> 810: if (l instanceof JCPatternCaseLabel patternLabel) {
>> 811: for (Type component : 
>> components(selector.type)) {
>> 812: patterns = 
>> patterns.prepend(PatternDescription.from(types, component, 
>> patternLabel.pat));
> I noted that this code ends up adding redundant pattern descriptions to the 
> list - for instance:
> class Test {
> sealed interface I1 permits B, C { }
> sealed interface I2 permits B, C { }
> static final class B implements I1, I2 { }
> static final class C implements I1, I2 { }
>  int test(Z z) {
> return switch (z) {
> case B c -> 2;
> case C d -> 3;
> };
> }
> }
> In this case the list ends up with 6 elements, [ B, B, B, C, C, C ]. Given 
> that the complexity of the algorithm depends on the number of patterns in the 
> list, it would probably be better to use a set here and try to make the list 
> as small as possible from early on.

I've also found an infinite loop with this:

class Test {
sealed interface I0 permits I1, I2 { }
sealed interface I00 permits I1, I2 { }

sealed interface I1 extends I0, I00 permits B, C { }
sealed interface I2 extends I0, I00 permits B, C { }

static final class B implements I1, I2 { }
static final class C implements I1, I2 { }

int test(Object o) {
return switch (o) {
case B c -> 2;
case C d -> 3;


PR Review Comment:

Re: RFR: 8300543 Compiler Implementation for Pattern Matching for switch [v2]

2023-04-18 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Tue, 18 Apr 2023 13:54:52 GMT, Maurizio Cimadamore  

> I've also found an infinite loop with this:

I believe this has to do with the fact that the list of pattern is not a set - 
so we can end up adding the same pattern descriptions over and over.


PR Review Comment:

Re: RFR: 8300543 Compiler Implementation for Pattern Matching for switch [v2]

2023-04-18 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Tue, 18 Apr 2023 09:13:01 GMT, Jan Lahoda  wrote:

>> This is the first draft of a patch for JEP 440 and JEP 441. Changes included:
>>  - the pattern matching for switch and record patterns features are made 
>> final, together with updates to tests.
>>  - parenthesized patterns are removed.
>>  - qualified enum constants are supported for case labels.
>> This change herein also includes removal record patterns in for each loop, 
>> which may be split into a separate PR in the future.
> Jan Lahoda has updated the pull request incrementally with six additional 
> commits since the last revision:
>  - Fixing infinite loop where a binding pattern is replaced with a binding 
> pattern for the same type.
>  - Reflecting review comments.
>  - Fixing exhaustiveness for unsealed supertype pattern.
>  - No need to enable features after error reported.
>  - SwitchBootstraps.typeSwitch should not initialize enum classes.
>  - A prototype of avoiding enum initialization.

src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/comp/ line 927:

> 925: it.remove();
> 926: reduces = true;
> 927: continue PERMITTED;

the label can be dropped here as there's no nested loop


PR Review Comment:

Re: RFR: 8300543 Compiler Implementation for Pattern Matching for switch [v2]

2023-04-18 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Tue, 18 Apr 2023 09:13:01 GMT, Jan Lahoda  wrote:

>> This is the first draft of a patch for JEP 440 and JEP 441. Changes included:
>>  - the pattern matching for switch and record patterns features are made 
>> final, together with updates to tests.
>>  - parenthesized patterns are removed.
>>  - qualified enum constants are supported for case labels.
>> This change herein also includes removal record patterns in for each loop, 
>> which may be split into a separate PR in the future.
> Jan Lahoda has updated the pull request incrementally with six additional 
> commits since the last revision:
>  - Fixing infinite loop where a binding pattern is replaced with a binding 
> pattern for the same type.
>  - Reflecting review comments.
>  - Fixing exhaustiveness for unsealed supertype pattern.
>  - No need to enable features after error reported.
>  - SwitchBootstraps.typeSwitch should not initialize enum classes.
>  - A prototype of avoiding enum initialization.

src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/comp/ line 1021:

> 1019:  *on patterns in the chosen column, as described above
> 1020:  */
> 1021: var grouppedPerRecordClass =


var groupedPerRecordClass =

src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/comp/ line 1058:

> 1056: for (int i = 0; i < 
> rpOne.nested.length; i++) {
> 1057: if (i != mismatchingCandidate &&
> 1058: 
> !exactlyMatches(rpOne.nested[i], rpOther.nested[i])) {

should `exactlyMatches` be the implementation of `equals` in the 
`PatternDescriptor` class?


PR Review Comment:
PR Review Comment:

Re: RFR: 8300543 Compiler Implementation for Pattern Matching for switch [v2]

2023-04-18 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Tue, 18 Apr 2023 14:31:30 GMT, Maurizio Cimadamore  

>> Jan Lahoda has updated the pull request incrementally with six additional 
>> commits since the last revision:
>>  - Fixing infinite loop where a binding pattern is replaced with a binding 
>> pattern for the same type.
>>  - Reflecting review comments.
>>  - Fixing exhaustiveness for unsealed supertype pattern.
>>  - No need to enable features after error reported.
>>  - SwitchBootstraps.typeSwitch should not initialize enum classes.
>>  - A prototype of avoiding enum initialization.
> src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/comp/ line 1021:
>> 1019:  *on patterns in the chosen column, as described above
>> 1020:  */
>> 1021: var grouppedPerRecordClass =
> Suggestion:
> var groupedPerRecordClass =

or `patternsByRecordClass`, or `groupByRecordClass` (the latter would be 
consistent with `groupByHash` which is used below)


PR Review Comment:

Re: RFR: 8303002: Reject packed structs from linker [v5]

2023-04-18 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Tue, 18 Apr 2023 13:45:57 GMT, Jorn Vernee  wrote:

>> This patch adds checks in AbstractLinker to reject packed structs and 
>> structs with excess padding (e.g. unnamed bitfields), since both of those 
>> are currently not supported, and the ABI/spec seems too vague to base 
>> support on.
> Jorn Vernee has updated the pull request with a new target base due to a 
> merge or a rebase. The incremental webrev excludes the unrelated changes 
> brought in by the merge/rebase. The pull request contains seven additional 
> commits since the last revision:
>  - fix TestIllegalLink
>  - Merge branch 'PR_21' into RejectPacked
>  - Merge branch 'PR_21' into RejectPacked
>  - add javadoc + fixes for trailing padding
>  - fix check for padding. Add check for trailing padding too
>  - Reject packed structs and structs with extra padding
>  - Check byte order of layouts passed to linker

src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/foreign/ line 200:

> 198:  * 
> 199:  * 
> 200:  * Due to limited ABI specification coverage, all the native linker 
> implementations limit the function

`All the native linker implementations support function function descriptors 
that contain only so-called...`


PR Review Comment:

Re: RFR: 8303002: Reject packed structs from linker [v5]

2023-04-18 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Tue, 18 Apr 2023 13:45:57 GMT, Jorn Vernee  wrote:

>> This patch adds checks in AbstractLinker to reject packed structs and 
>> structs with excess padding (e.g. unnamed bitfields), since both of those 
>> are currently not supported, and the ABI/spec seems too vague to base 
>> support on.
> Jorn Vernee has updated the pull request with a new target base due to a 
> merge or a rebase. The incremental webrev excludes the unrelated changes 
> brought in by the merge/rebase. The pull request contains seven additional 
> commits since the last revision:
>  - fix TestIllegalLink
>  - Merge branch 'PR_21' into RejectPacked
>  - Merge branch 'PR_21' into RejectPacked
>  - add javadoc + fixes for trailing padding
>  - fix check for padding. Add check for trailing padding too
>  - Reject packed structs and structs with extra padding
>  - Check byte order of layouts passed to linker

src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/foreign/ line 202:

> 200:  * Due to limited ABI specification coverage, all the native linker 
> implementations limit the function
> 201:  * descriptors that they support to those that contain only so-called 
> canonical layouts. These layouts
> 202:  * have the following restrictions:

I think it's better to phrase this more or less as:

A canonical layout has the following characteristics:
* Its alignment constraint is equal to its natural alignment
* If the layout is a value layout (linkplain), its byte order matches that of 
the platform in which the JVM is executing (link to nativeOrder())
*  If the layout is a group layout (linkplain), it must not contain more 
padding layout (linkplain) elements than those strictly necessary to satisfy 
the alignment constraints of the non-padding elements of the group layout.


PR Review Comment:

Re: RFR: 8303002: Reject packed structs from linker [v5]

2023-04-18 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Tue, 18 Apr 2023 22:25:09 GMT, Maurizio Cimadamore  

>> Jorn Vernee has updated the pull request with a new target base due to a 
>> merge or a rebase. The incremental webrev excludes the unrelated changes 
>> brought in by the merge/rebase. The pull request contains seven additional 
>> commits since the last revision:
>>  - fix TestIllegalLink
>>  - Merge branch 'PR_21' into RejectPacked
>>  - Merge branch 'PR_21' into RejectPacked
>>  - add javadoc + fixes for trailing padding
>>  - fix check for padding. Add check for trailing padding too
>>  - Reject packed structs and structs with extra padding
>>  - Check byte order of layouts passed to linker
> src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/foreign/ line 202:
>> 200:  * Due to limited ABI specification coverage, all the native linker 
>> implementations limit the function
>> 201:  * descriptors that they support to those that contain only so-called 
>> canonical layouts. These layouts
>> 202:  * have the following restrictions:
> I think it's better to phrase this more or less as:
> A canonical layout has the following characteristics:
> * Its alignment constraint is equal to its natural alignment
> * If the layout is a value layout (linkplain), its byte order matches that of 
> the platform in which the JVM is executing (link to nativeOrder())
> *  If the layout is a group layout (linkplain), it must not contain more 
> padding layout (linkplain) elements than those strictly necessary to satisfy 
> the alignment constraints of the non-padding elements of the group layout.

Also, isn't it the case that, for structs, we want the size of the layout to be 
a multiple of its alignment constraint?


PR Review Comment:

Re: RFR: 8303002: Reject packed structs from linker [v5]

2023-04-18 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Tue, 18 Apr 2023 13:45:57 GMT, Jorn Vernee  wrote:

>> This patch adds checks in AbstractLinker to reject packed structs and 
>> structs with excess padding (e.g. unnamed bitfields), since both of those 
>> are currently not supported, and the ABI/spec seems too vague to base 
>> support on.
> Jorn Vernee has updated the pull request with a new target base due to a 
> merge or a rebase. The incremental webrev excludes the unrelated changes 
> brought in by the merge/rebase. The pull request contains seven additional 
> commits since the last revision:
>  - fix TestIllegalLink
>  - Merge branch 'PR_21' into RejectPacked
>  - Merge branch 'PR_21' into RejectPacked
>  - add javadoc + fixes for trailing padding
>  - fix check for padding. Add check for trailing padding too
>  - Reject packed structs and structs with extra padding
>  - Check byte order of layouts passed to linker

src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/foreign/abi/ line 

> 118: private void checkLayoutsRecursive(MemoryLayout layout) {
> 119: checkHasNaturalAlignment(layout);
> 120: checkByteOrder(layout);

for uniformity, shoudn't this check be inside an `if (layout instanceof 
ValueLayout) ...` ?


PR Review Comment:

Re: RFR: 8300543 Compiler Implementation for Pattern Matching for switch [v2]

2023-04-19 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Tue, 18 Apr 2023 09:13:01 GMT, Jan Lahoda  wrote:

>> This is the first draft of a patch for JEP 440 and JEP 441. Changes included:
>>  - the pattern matching for switch and record patterns features are made 
>> final, together with updates to tests.
>>  - parenthesized patterns are removed.
>>  - qualified enum constants are supported for case labels.
>> This change herein also includes removal record patterns in for each loop, 
>> which may be split into a separate PR in the future.
> Jan Lahoda has updated the pull request incrementally with six additional 
> commits since the last revision:
>  - Fixing infinite loop where a binding pattern is replaced with a binding 
> pattern for the same type.
>  - Reflecting review comments.
>  - Fixing exhaustiveness for unsealed supertype pattern.
>  - No need to enable features after error reported.
>  - SwitchBootstraps.typeSwitch should not initialize enum classes.
>  - A prototype of avoiding enum initialization.

src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/tree/ line 847:

> 845: /** Skip parens and return the enclosed expression
> 846:  */
> 847: //XXX: remove??

What about this?


PR Review Comment:

Re: RFR: 8303002: Reject packed structs from linker [v6]

2023-04-20 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Thu, 20 Apr 2023 01:12:44 GMT, Jorn Vernee  wrote:

>> This patch adds checks in AbstractLinker to reject packed structs and 
>> structs with excess padding (e.g. unnamed bitfields), since both of those 
>> are currently not supported, and the ABI/spec seems too vague to base 
>> support on.
> Jorn Vernee has updated the pull request incrementally with four additional 
> commits since the last revision:
>  - restrictions -> characteristics
>  - polish pt. 2
>  - polish wording
>  - review comments

Looks good.

One (optional, for future?) thing that came to mind, is that if we wanted to 
speed up the check we could compute whether a layout is canonical or not on 
construction (since for structs we already have to go through all the elements 
and check alignment).


Marked as reviewed by mcimadamore (Reviewer).

PR Review:

Re: RFR: 8300543 Compiler Implementation for Pattern Matching for switch [v4]

2023-04-21 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Fri, 21 Apr 2023 15:16:03 GMT, Maurizio Cimadamore  

>> Jan Lahoda has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
>> commit since the last revision:
>>   Replacing use of mutable callsite with a mutable state.
> src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/comp/ line 915:
>> 913:  */
>> 914: private List reduceBindingPatterns(Type 
>> selectorType, List patterns) {
>> 915: Set existingBindings =
> Playing some more - I found this example:
> class Test {
> sealed interface I permits C, D { }
> non-sealed interface C extends I { }
> non-sealed interface D extends I { }
> interface F { }
>  int test(Z o) {
> return switch (o) {
> case C c -> 1;
> case D d -> 2;
> };
> }
> }
> Which compiles correctly, but it doesn't look exhaustive to me (because of F) 
> ?

Also, surprisingly, if I make C and D classes (instead of interfaces):

class Test {
sealed interface I permits C, D { }
final class C implements I { }
final class D implements I { }

interface F { }

 int test(Z o) {
return switch (o) {
case C c -> 1;
case D d -> 2;

I get errors like: error: incompatible types: Z cannot be converted to Test.C
case C c -> 1;
  where Z is a type-variable:
Z extends I,F declared in method test(Z)

Which seems odd?


PR Review Comment:

Re: RFR: 8300543 Compiler Implementation for Pattern Matching for switch [v4]

2023-04-21 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Fri, 21 Apr 2023 10:56:55 GMT, Jan Lahoda  wrote:

>> This is the first draft of a patch for JEP 440 and JEP 441. Changes included:
>>  - the pattern matching for switch and record patterns features are made 
>> final, together with updates to tests.
>>  - parenthesized patterns are removed.
>>  - qualified enum constants are supported for case labels.
>> This change herein also includes removal record patterns in for each loop, 
>> which may be split into a separate PR in the future.
> Jan Lahoda has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   Replacing use of mutable callsite with a mutable state.

src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/comp/ line 915:

> 913:  */
> 914: private List reduceBindingPatterns(Type 
> selectorType, List patterns) {
> 915: Set existingBindings =

Playing some more - I found this example:

class Test {
sealed interface I permits C, D { }
non-sealed interface C extends I { }
non-sealed interface D extends I { }

interface F { }

 int test(Z o) {
return switch (o) {
case C c -> 1;
case D d -> 2;

Which compiles correctly, but it doesn't look exhaustive to me (because of F) ?


PR Review Comment:

Re: RFR: 8300543 Compiler Implementation for Pattern Matching for switch [v4]

2023-04-21 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
On Fri, 21 Apr 2023 15:17:37 GMT, Maurizio Cimadamore  

>> src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/comp/ line 915:
>>> 913:  */
>>> 914: private List reduceBindingPatterns(Type 
>>> selectorType, List patterns) {
>>> 915: Set existingBindings =
>> Playing some more - I found this example:
>> class Test {
>> sealed interface I permits C, D { }
>> non-sealed interface C extends I { }
>> non-sealed interface D extends I { }
>> interface F { }
>>  int test(Z o) {
>> return switch (o) {
>> case C c -> 1;
>> case D d -> 2;
>> };
>> }
>> }
>> Which compiles correctly, but it doesn't look exhaustive to me (because of 
>> F) ?
> Also, surprisingly, if I make C and D classes (instead of interfaces):
> class Test {
> sealed interface I permits C, D { }
> final class C implements I { }
> final class D implements I { }
> interface F { }
>  int test(Z o) {
> return switch (o) {
> case C c -> 1;
> case D d -> 2;
> };
> }
> }
> I get errors like:
> error: incompatible types: Z cannot be converted to Test.C
> case C c -> 1;
>  ^
>   where Z is a type-variable:
> Z extends I,F declared in method test(Z)
> Which seems odd?

Nevermind - these issues are due to a misunderstanding of the rules with 
intersection types - e.g. given A & B, if a pattern covers _any_ of A, B, then 
it covers A & B.

Similarly, the second issue I reported is in reality caused by the fact that in 
the snippet with `class`, I also added `final` which then makes I & F a type 
with no concrete witnesses (so cast will always fail from there to either C/D).


PR Review Comment:

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