Re: [Crm-sig] **NEW ISSUE** Ordinal Property for E55 Type

2019-01-09 Thread Christian-Emil Smith Ore
Dear all,

Sorry for joining the discussion so late.

The  “Pxx conceptually follows “ can be used to create a (partial) ordering of 
concepts (classes).

It is at a first view, a handy property.

However, it may be problematic to use types as qualification of other types in 
this way. For example, according to the modeling principles document one should 
avoid concepts like ‘large’ and ‘small’ (e.g. a large mouse and a small 
elephant) as well as “good” and “bad”.

The last two examples are examples where the relations are defined according to 
a predefined linear scale/dimension.

 The first example is not generally true. OED:

“1. Estimated by average; i.e. by equally distributing the aggregate 
inequalities of a series among all the individuals of which the series is 

2. a. Equal to what would be the result of taking an average; medium, ordinary; 
of the usual or prevalent standard.”

I question if such a property is a good idea inside the type hierarchy. ​



From: Crm-sig  on behalf of George Bruseker 

Sent: 04 January 2019 15:13
To: Martin Doerr
Subject: Re: [Crm-sig] **NEW ISSUE** Ordinal Property for E55 Type

Dear all,

Overall, I would say it sounds like a good proposition. I post my replies to 
Martin’s queries below.

With regards to label, I agree with Franco that greater/lesser is not right, 
but I’m also not sure that follows/precedes is a good terminology either. I 
don’t think it is very heuristically useful phrasing to say that ‘good' 
precedes ‘poor’.

In this case, because it is quite a technical matter, could we not make the 
label somewhat technical? Something like, is_ordinal_superior_to / 
is_ordinal_inferior_of? By qualifying the superior, we make clear we mean in 
the sense of some abstract scale rather than general greatness.

Dear All,

Very nice all that, but the critical question for a concept to enter CRM base 

What is the scientific question in an information integration environment, that 
needs this property to make the relevant connection/ inference,

To me it meets a known need in documentation where we have various qualitative 
relations of greater/lesser than some other concept. This happens also in 
conservation (conservation state = good, poor), in risk analysis (‘high’, 
‘low’) and so on. I think the function it would serve is to be able to not lose 
these differentiations and to be able to query on them.

Which of these objects are in poor state and high risk of damage?

and further:

Why is that proposed for CRM base and not for SKOS?

We control CRMbase?

and finally:

What is the coverage of problems that benefit from this property?

Questions of qualitative judgments expressed relative to one another 
encountered CH documentation.

These concerns are part of the methodology we follow, and most substantial. We 
must make sure they appear in the "principles".






On 1/3/2019 7:32 PM, Stephen Stead wrote:
Excellent then the revised property, scope note and examples would be:-

Pxx conceptually follows (conceptually precedes)
Domain: E55 Type
Range: E55 Type
Quantification: many to many (0,n:0,n)

This property allows instances of E55 Type to be declared as having an order 
relative to other instances of E55 Type, without necessarily having a specific 
value associated with either instance.  This allows, for example, for an E55 
Type instance representing the concept of "good" to follow the E55 Type 
instance representing the concept of "average". This property is transitive, 
and thus if "average" follows "poor", then "good" also follows "poor". In the 
domain of statistics, types that participate in this kind of relationship are 
called "Ordinal Variables"; as opposed to those without order which are called 
"Nominal Variables". This property allows for queries that select based on the 
relative position of participating E55 Types.

  * Good (E55) conceptually follows Average (E55)
  * Map Scale 1:1 (E55) conceptually follows Map Scale 1:2 (E55)
  * Fire Hazard Rating 4 (E55) conceptually follows Fire Hazard Rating 3 (E55)

How does that seem?

Stephen Stead
Paveprime Ltd
35 Downs Court Rd
Purley, Surrey
Tel +44 20 8668 3075
Fax +44 20 8763 1739
Mob +44 7802 755 013
LinkedIn Profile

Crm-sig mailing list<>


 Dr. Martin Doerr

 Honorary Head of the
 Center for Cultural Informatics

 Information Systems Laboratory
 Institute of Computer Science
 Foundation for Research and Technology

Re: [Crm-sig] **NEW ISSUE** Ordinal Property for E55 Type

2019-01-08 Thread Martin Doerr

Dear All,

I propose to put the Ordinal Property into CRMSci:

Except for map scale, which is actually numerical,
it appears to me that it has to do with evaluative tasks, summarizing 
complex criteria into some overall measure for sake of decision support, 
which are the scope of CRMSci. I suggest to relate it to Ordered 
Collection, explicitly or implicitly in the scope note. I cannot imagine 
the property going across different Ordered Collections, and it should 
comprise all values of an Ordered Collection.

I assume it should be related to observation/evaluation, and be 
described as related to  the dimension concept. May be it should be 
related in the scope note to quality (including risk) assessment.


About cartographic scale: LRM and tentative mapping to LRMoo:



Cartographic scale

A ratio of distances in a cartographic expression to the actual 
distances they represent

F2 Expression (instantiated as E36 Visual Item).P2 has type:E55 Type 
{Cartographic image}.P138 represents {P138.1 has type E55 Type = 
“scale”}: E1 CRM Entity

Previous mappping

How do the geographers / OGC deal with map scale?



On 1/7/2019 7:00 PM, Robert Sanderson wrote:

I agree with Thanasis. If ranked_higher_than / ranked_lower_than is 
out of scope when there are clear use cases across the range of 
domains covered by the CRM, then it seems that narrower and broader 
should be deprecated in favor of SKOS and simply leave E55 Type as the 
merge point.

Another need that we have for this is description of material 
qualities for conservation reference collections, where some materials 
are more/less  flammable, acidic, dangerous or similar than others 
without a clear scale.  My original proposed modeling solution was to 
use a dimension but that was not deemed appropriate due to the lack of 
reproducible measurement, however in order to find “more flammable 
than” we need to either use a dimension or to have this ranking.

I disagree with Martin’s assertion about what information systems will 
do. If the property is declared as transitive, then with inferencing 
in a graph store, all you need to do is search for ranked_higher_than 
to find all of the higher ranked resources. Compared to using an 
rdf:List, which is notorious for being hard to use in queries.

And a Happy New Year to everyone ☺


*From: *Crm-sig  on behalf of Athanasios 

*Reply-To: *Athanasios Velios 
*Date: *Monday, January 7, 2019 at 1:59 AM
*To: *"" 
*Subject: *Re: [Crm-sig] **NEW ISSUE** Ordinal Property for E55 Type

Why was "broader/narrower" included in the CRM? Similar arguments could

be made about that property, no?


P.S. The example "Good->Average->Bad" and "Very good->Good->Bad" is

indeed a terminology matching exercise, but we still need to reason on

the fact that average condition objects rank before bad condition objects.

On 07/01/2019 09:18, Martin Doerr wrote:

Dear All,

On 1/7/2019 8:02 AM, Stephen Stead wrote:

Hi all

Happy New Year

The property name: Perhaps we should borrow from the
nomenclature of

ordinal statistics and use

ranked higher than (ranked lower than)

Hi Martin

Excellent questions!

1] Research questions that are enabled:-

I envisaged questions of the form that Athanasios has suggested as

well as the opposite; “Where are examples of “x” object type
that have

a condition of “y” or better that I can have access to for


In the map world I also thought of the integration question

the planning of this expedition was there a map at “x” scale
or larger

published and available within “y” distance of the expedition

headquarters”. This was the type of question envisaged in the

Cloud project.

I have the impression that these are indeed the only research

at a factual level (about particulars), that are supported by such a

property. The scope of the CRM is deliberately restricted to this

in order to maintain a clear modularity against, in particular,

terminological systems. With "broader/narrower" we maintain a minimal

interface to such systems.

The above examples are about inclusion of categories, yet another much

more specialized case of getting something of type x and narrower. In

case of a few qualities, the retrieval problem can easily be solved by

enumeration. The underlying IT system will anyway do nothing else than

expanding the "y" or better. The example also shows that the sense of

the ordering is quite diverse: "better", or "higher resolution" etc.,

are not implied by one general property.

Re: [Crm-sig] **NEW ISSUE** Ordinal Property for E55 Type

2019-01-07 Thread Martin Doerr

Dear Robert, all,

On 1/7/2019 7:00 PM, Robert Sanderson wrote:

I agree with Thanasis. If ranked_higher_than / ranked_lower_than is 
out of scope when there are clear use cases across the range of 
domains covered by the CRM, then it seems that narrower and broader 
should be deprecated in favor of SKOS and simply leave E55 Type as the 
merge point.

Well, I think that needs a more detailed discussion. broader/narrower is 
the fundamental semantics of thesauri, and can hardly be compared in 
relevance to the ranking property proposed, or others such as BTP etc. 
But indeed, we explicitly declare in the CRM that detailed modelling of 
terms, i.e., meta-properties, is not intended so far in the CRM.

Another need that we have for this is description of material 
qualities for conservation reference collections, where some materials 
are more/less  flammable, acidic, dangerous or similar than others 
without a clear scale.  My original proposed modeling solution was to 
use a dimension but that was not deemed appropriate due to the lack of 
reproducible measurement, however in order to find “more flammable 
than” we need to either use a dimension or to have this ranking.

Sure, I have *NOT questioned at all* the need for this property. I have 
argued for keeping CRMbase in a reasonable frame. I am further not 
convinced that this property is actually the cure for all fuzzy and 
discrete ranking problems. I simply find it not yet well studied.

One absolutely vital question of methodology is how to restrict by 
functional criteria a module of an ontology. Otherwise, we end up in a 
great mess many other teams have encountered, and we started with in the 
first days of the CRM.

I disagree with Martin’s assertion about what information systems will 
do. If the property is declared as transitive, then with inferencing 
in a graph store, all you need to do is search for ranked_higher_than 
to find all of the higher ranked resources. Compared to using an 
rdf:List, which is notorious for being hard to use in queries.

My argument was different: a) we can use broader/narrower if we add a 
"pyramid" of broader terms on ranked lists.

B) If the properties is transitive, the triple or graph store will 
collect all respective terms internally, and then query them. That was 
my argument. About difficulties using a list in queries, well, it is a 
question of UI.

By the way, the scale of maps is defined in LRM as a property. So we 
should look at this first. Why do we need a scale of a map? Because on 
paper, it is an indication of the resolution, but not the actual 
resolution. This becomes more and more obsolete with digital maps, and 
is equally inadequate for very old maps.

All the best,


And a Happy New Year to everyone ☺


*From: *Crm-sig  on behalf of Athanasios 

*Reply-To: *Athanasios Velios 
*Date: *Monday, January 7, 2019 at 1:59 AM
*To: *"" 
*Subject: *Re: [Crm-sig] **NEW ISSUE** Ordinal Property for E55 Type

Why was "broader/narrower" included in the CRM? Similar arguments could

be made about that property, no?


P.S. The example "Good->Average->Bad" and "Very good->Good->Bad" is

indeed a terminology matching exercise, but we still need to reason on

the fact that average condition objects rank before bad condition objects.

On 07/01/2019 09:18, Martin Doerr wrote:

Dear All,

On 1/7/2019 8:02 AM, Stephen Stead wrote:

Hi all

Happy New Year

The property name: Perhaps we should borrow from the
nomenclature of

ordinal statistics and use

ranked higher than (ranked lower than)

Hi Martin

Excellent questions!

1] Research questions that are enabled:-

I envisaged questions of the form that Athanasios has suggested as

well as the opposite; “Where are examples of “x” object type
that have

a condition of “y” or better that I can have access to for


In the map world I also thought of the integration question

the planning of this expedition was there a map at “x” scale
or larger

published and available within “y” distance of the expedition

headquarters”. This was the type of question envisaged in the

Cloud project.

I have the impression that these are indeed the only research

at a factual level (about particulars), that are supported by such a

property. The scope of the CRM is deliberately restricted to this

in order to maintain a clear modularity against, in particular,

terminological systems. With "broader/narrower" we maintain a minimal

interface to such systems.

The above examples are about inclusion of categories, yet another much

more specialized case of getting somethin

Re: [Crm-sig] **NEW ISSUE** Ordinal Property for E55 Type

2019-01-07 Thread Robert Sanderson

I agree with Thanasis. If ranked_higher_than / ranked_lower_than is out of 
scope when there are clear use cases across the range of domains covered by the 
CRM, then it seems that narrower and broader should be deprecated in favor of 
SKOS and simply leave E55 Type as the merge point.

Another need that we have for this is description of material qualities for 
conservation reference collections, where some materials are more/less  
flammable, acidic, dangerous or similar than others without a clear scale.  My 
original proposed modeling solution was to use a dimension but that was not 
deemed appropriate due to the lack of reproducible measurement, however in 
order to find “more flammable than” we need to either use a dimension or to 
have this ranking.

I disagree with Martin’s assertion about what information systems will do. If 
the property is declared as transitive, then with inferencing in a graph store, 
all you need to do is search for ranked_higher_than to find all of the higher 
ranked resources. Compared to using an rdf:List, which is notorious for being 
hard to use in queries.

And a Happy New Year to everyone ☺


From: Crm-sig  on behalf of Athanasios Velios 

Reply-To: Athanasios Velios 
Date: Monday, January 7, 2019 at 1:59 AM
To: "" 
Subject: Re: [Crm-sig] **NEW ISSUE** Ordinal Property for E55 Type

Why was "broader/narrower" included in the CRM? Similar arguments could
be made about that property, no?


P.S. The example "Good->Average->Bad" and "Very good->Good->Bad" is
indeed a terminology matching exercise, but we still need to reason on
the fact that average condition objects rank before bad condition objects.
On 07/01/2019 09:18, Martin Doerr wrote:
Dear All,

On 1/7/2019 8:02 AM, Stephen Stead wrote:

Hi all

Happy New Year

The property name: Perhaps we should borrow from the nomenclature of
ordinal statistics and use

ranked higher than (ranked lower than)

Hi Martin

Excellent questions!

1] Research questions that are enabled:-

I envisaged questions of the form that Athanasios has suggested as
well as the opposite; “Where are examples of “x” object type that have
a condition of “y” or better that I can have access to for comparative

In the map world I also thought of the integration question “During
the planning of this expedition was there a map at “x” scale or larger
published and available within “y” distance of the expedition
headquarters”. This was the type of question envisaged in the Arctic
Cloud project.

I have the impression that these are indeed the only research questions
at a factual level (about particulars), that are supported by such a
property. The scope of the CRM is deliberately restricted to this level,
in order to maintain a clear modularity against, in particular,
terminological systems. With "broader/narrower" we maintain a minimal
interface to such systems.

The above examples are about inclusion of categories, yet another much
more specialized case of getting something of type x and narrower. In
case of a few qualities, the retrieval problem can easily be solved by
enumeration. The underlying IT system will anyway do nothing else than
expanding the "y" or better. The example also shows that the sense of
the ordering is quite diverse: "better", or "higher resolution" etc.,
are not implied by one general property. each ordered collection will
have different senses.

Any ordered collection can be expanded by a set of ((n-1)**2)/2
"pyramid" of generalizations, which effectively represent the order.
This solution is effective for smaller sorted sets. Map scales may be a
different case, the only one I am currently aware of.

2] Reasons for CRM rather than SKOS:-

As George says we control CRMbase and not SKOS 😊. More substantially
the solution of skos:OrderedCollection does not allow the integration
of different terms from different sources into the same term ordered
collection without physically merging them. While that could be
overcome (it scales like a bag of bolts) the more substantial problem
is it does not allow branching paths through the collection; for
example Excellent > Good > Poor and Excellent > Average > Poor is not
possible. Another concern is that all Collections are automatically
ordered by their position in the implemented list: that is all
collections are ordered even if there is no such ordering in the real

The question of integrating different ordered collections of terms is
definitely out of scope of the CRM, and a question of terminology
mapping, and definitely not solved in any way by such a property.

We cannot solve all the problems of the world. We explicitly recommend
SKOS as complementary, in order to maintain some order between
standardization efforts. We have discussed with the NKOS group for many
years the need to standardized specializations of "

Re: [Crm-sig] **NEW ISSUE** Ordinal Property for E55 Type

2019-01-07 Thread Athanasios Velios
>> Museology: Do different collection management regimes materially
>> affect the short, medium and long term collection conservation
>> Material Science: which materials have survived best
>> Cultural Heritage Geo-informatics: What map scales were available,
>> when, for what and for/by whom.
>> Risk Management: What is the current state across institutions. What
>> is the history of risk classification across the
>> domain/region/institution type
>> Audience Research: Many institutions are starting to collect Likert
>> scale data as part of the feedback on exhibitions. This could then be
>> linked to exhibition content to gain insight into the affective museum
>> experience. This is what Erin Canning is working on.
> We should not confuse the question of standardizing ordered value sets
> with providing a link between the terms. The link does not solve that at
> all.
> I would argue we are out of scope of CRMbase.
> Best,
> Martin
>> Rgds
>> SdS
>> Stephen Stead
>> Tel +44 20 8668 3075
>> Mob +44 7802 755 013
>> E-mail <>
>> LinkedIn Profile
>> *From:*Crm-sig  *On Behalf Of *Martin Doerr
>> *Sent:* 03 January 2019 17:56
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* Re: [Crm-sig] **NEW ISSUE** Ordinal Property for E55 Type
>> Dear All,
>> Very nice all that, but the critical question for a concept to enter
>> CRM base is:
>> What is the scientific question in an information integration
>> environment, that needs this property to make the relevant connection/
>> inference,
>> and further:
>> Why is that proposed for CRM base and not for SKOS?
>> and finally:
>> What is the coverage of problems that benefit from this property?
>> These concerns are part of the methodology we follow, and most
>> substantial. We must make sure they appear in the "principles".
>> Best,
>> Martin
>> On 1/3/2019 7:32 PM, Stephen Stead wrote:
>> Excellent then the revised property, scope note and examples would
>> be:-
>> *Pxx conceptually follows (conceptually precedes)*
>> Domain: E55 Type
>> Range: E55 Type
>> Quantification: many to many (0,n:0,n)
>> This property allows instances of E55 Type to be declared as
>> having an order relative to other instances of E55 Type, without
>> necessarily having a specific value associated with either
>> instance.  This allows, for example, for an E55 Type instance
>> representing the concept of "good" to follow the E55 Type instance
>> representing the concept of "average". This property is
>> transitive, and thus if "average" follows "poor", then "good" also
>> follows "poor". In the domain of statistics, types that
>> participate in this kind of relationship are called "Ordinal
>> Variables"; as opposed to those without order which are called
>> "Nominal Variables". This property allows for queries that select
>> based on the relative position of participating E55 Types.
>> Examples:
>>   * Good (E55) /conceptually follows/ Average (E55)
>>   * Map Scale 1:1 (E55) /conceptually follows/ Map Scale
>> 1:2 (E55)
>>   * Fire Hazard Rating 4 (E55) /conceptually follows/ Fire Hazard
>> Rating 3 (E55)
>> How does that seem?
>> Rgds
>> SdS
>> Stephen Stead
>> Director
>> Paveprime Ltd
>> 35 Downs Court Rd
>> Purley, Surrey
>> UK, CR8 1BF
>> Tel +44 20 8668 3075
>> Fax +44 20 8763 1739
>> Mob +44 7802 755 013
>> E-mail <>
>> LinkedIn Profile
>> ___
>> Crm-sig mailing list
>>  <>
>> --
>> ---

Re: [Crm-sig] **NEW ISSUE** Ordinal Property for E55 Type

2019-01-07 Thread Carlisle, Philip
Dear all,
I have to agree with Martin. I’d go even further and advocate the removal of 
P127 has broader term. This property only accounts for the BTG relationship and 
only raises the question as to why the other BT/NT relationships aren’t 
represented or the associative relationship or the equivalent for that matter.

Surely it is better to continue to point users to the recognized international 
‘de facto’ standard(SKOS) or the actual standard (ISO 25964) and, if there is a 
real need for such properties, to argue for them to be included in the relevant 


Phil Carlisle
Interim Listing Information Manager
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From: Crm-sig [] On Behalf Of Martin Doerr
Sent: 07 January 2019 09:19
Subject: Re: [Crm-sig] **NEW ISSUE** Ordinal Property for E55 Type

Dear All,

On 1/7/2019 8:02 AM, Stephen Stead wrote:
Hi all
Happy New Year
The property name: Perhaps we should borrow from the nomenclature of ordinal 
statistics and use
ranked higher than (ranked lower than)

Hi Martin
Excellent questions!

1] Research questions that are enabled:-
I envisaged questions of the form that Athanasios has suggested as well as the 
opposite; “Where are examples of “x” object type that have a condition of “y” 
or better that I can have access to for comparative observations”
In the map world I also thought of the integration question “During the 
planning of this expedition was there a map at “x” scale or larger published 
and available within “y” distance of the expedition headquarters”. This was the 
type of question envisaged in the Arctic Cloud project.

I have the impression that these are indeed the only research questions at a 
factual level (about particulars), that are supported by such a property. The 
scope of the CRM is deliberately restricted to this level, in order to maintain 
a clear modularity against, in particular, terminological systems. With 
"broader/narrower" we maintain a minimal interface to such systems.

The above examples are about inclusion of categories, yet another much more 
specialized case of getting something of type x and narrower. In case of a few 
qualities, the retrieval problem can easily be solved by enumeration. The 
underlying IT system will anyway do nothing else than expanding the "y" or 
better. The example also shows that the sense of the ordering is quite diverse: 
"better", or "higher resolution" etc., are not implied by one general property. 
each ordered collection will have different senses.

Any ordered collection can be expanded by a set of ((n-1)**2)/2 "pyramid" of 
generalizations, which effectively represent the order. This solution is 
effective for smaller sorted sets. Map scales may be a different case, the only 
one I am currently aware of.

2] Reasons for CRM rather than SKOS:-
As George says we control CRMbase and not SKOS 😊. More substantially the 
solution of skos:OrderedCollection does not allow the integration of different 
terms from different sources into the same term ordered collection without 
physically merging them. While that could be overcome (it scales like a bag of 
bolts) the more substantial problem is it does not allow branching paths 
through the collection; for example Excellent > Good > Poor and Excellent > 
Average > Poor is not possible. Another concern is that all Collections are

Re: [Crm-sig] **NEW ISSUE** Ordinal Property for E55 Type

2019-01-07 Thread Martin Doerr
rking on.

We should not confuse the question of standardizing ordered value sets 
with providing a link between the terms. The link does not solve that 
at all.

I would argue we are out of scope of CRMbase.





Stephen Stead

Tel +44 20 8668 3075

Mob +44 7802 755 013

E-mail <>

LinkedIn Profile

*From:*Crm-sig  *On Behalf Of *Martin Doerr
*Sent:* 03 January 2019 17:56
*Subject:* Re: [Crm-sig] **NEW ISSUE** Ordinal Property for E55 Type

Dear All,

Very nice all that, but the critical question for a concept to enter 
CRM base is:

What is the scientific question in an information integration 
environment, that needs this property to make the relevant 
connection/ inference,

and further:

Why is that proposed for CRM base and not for SKOS?

and finally:

What is the coverage of problems that benefit from this property?

These concerns are part of the methodology we follow, and most 
substantial. We must make sure they appear in the "principles".



On 1/3/2019 7:32 PM, Stephen Stead wrote:

Excellent then the revised property, scope note and examples
would be:-

*Pxx conceptually follows (conceptually precedes)*

Domain: E55 Type

Range: E55 Type

Quantification: many to many (0,n:0,n)

This property allows instances of E55 Type to be declared as
having an order relative to other instances of E55 Type, without
necessarily having a specific value associated with either
instance.  This allows, for example, for an E55 Type instance
representing the concept of "good" to follow the E55 Type
instance representing the concept of "average". This property is
transitive, and thus if "average" follows "poor", then "good"
also follows "poor". In the domain of statistics, types that
participate in this kind of relationship are called "Ordinal
Variables"; as opposed to those without order which are called
"Nominal Variables". This property allows for queries that select
based on the relative position of participating E55 Types.


  * Good (E55) /conceptually follows/ Average (E55)

  * Map Scale 1:1 (E55) /conceptually follows/ Map Scale
1:2 (E55)

  * Fire Hazard Rating 4 (E55) /conceptually follows/ Fire Hazard
Rating 3 (E55)

How does that seem?



Stephen Stead


Paveprime Ltd

35 Downs Court Rd

Purley, Surrey


Tel +44 20 8668 3075

Fax +44 20 8763 1739

Mob +44 7802 755 013

E-mail <>

LinkedIn Profile


Crm-sig mailing list  <>


  Dr. Martin Doerr
  Honorary Head of the

  Center for Cultural Informatics
  Information Systems Laboratory

  Institute of Computer Science
  Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)
  N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton,

  GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece
  Vox:+30(2810)391625  <>   


  Dr. Martin Doerr
  Honorary Head of the

  Center for Cultural Informatics
  Information Systems Laboratory

  Institute of Computer Science
  Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)
  N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton,

  GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece


 Dr. Martin Doerr

 Honorary Head of the
 Center for Cultural Informatics

 Information Systems Laboratory
 Institute of Computer Science
 Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)

 N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton,
 GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece


Re: [Crm-sig] **NEW ISSUE** Ordinal Property for E55 Type

2019-01-07 Thread Martin Doerr

Stephen Stead

Tel +44 20 8668 3075

Mob +44 7802 755 013

E-mail <>

LinkedIn Profile

*From:*Crm-sig  *On Behalf Of *Martin Doerr
*Sent:* 03 January 2019 17:56
*Subject:* Re: [Crm-sig] **NEW ISSUE** Ordinal Property for E55 Type

Dear All,

Very nice all that, but the critical question for a concept to enter 
CRM base is:

What is the scientific question in an information integration 
environment, that needs this property to make the relevant connection/ 

and further:

Why is that proposed for CRM base and not for SKOS?

and finally:

What is the coverage of problems that benefit from this property?

These concerns are part of the methodology we follow, and most 
substantial. We must make sure they appear in the "principles".



On 1/3/2019 7:32 PM, Stephen Stead wrote:

Excellent then the revised property, scope note and examples would

*Pxx conceptually follows (conceptually precedes)*

Domain: E55 Type

Range: E55 Type

Quantification: many to many (0,n:0,n)

This property allows instances of E55 Type to be declared as
having an order relative to other instances of E55 Type, without
necessarily having a specific value associated with either
instance.  This allows, for example, for an E55 Type instance
representing the concept of "good" to follow the E55 Type instance
representing the concept of "average". This property is
transitive, and thus if "average" follows "poor", then "good" also
follows "poor". In the domain of statistics, types that
participate in this kind of relationship are called "Ordinal
Variables"; as opposed to those without order which are called
"Nominal Variables". This property allows for queries that select
based on the relative position of participating E55 Types.


  * Good (E55) /conceptually follows/ Average (E55)

  * Map Scale 1:1 (E55) /conceptually follows/ Map Scale
1:2 (E55)

  * Fire Hazard Rating 4 (E55) /conceptually follows/ Fire Hazard
Rating 3 (E55)

How does that seem?



Stephen Stead


Paveprime Ltd

35 Downs Court Rd

Purley, Surrey


Tel +44 20 8668 3075

Fax +44 20 8763 1739

Mob +44 7802 755 013

E-mail <>

LinkedIn Profile


Crm-sig mailing list  <>


  Dr. Martin Doerr
  Honorary Head of the

  Center for Cultural Informatics
  Information Systems Laboratory

  Institute of Computer Science
  Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)
  N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton,

  GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece
  Vox:+30(2810)391625  <>   


 Dr. Martin Doerr

 Honorary Head of the
 Center for Cultural Informatics

 Information Systems Laboratory
 Institute of Computer Science
 Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)

 N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton,
 GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece


Re: [Crm-sig] **NEW ISSUE** Ordinal Property for E55 Type

2019-01-07 Thread Stephen Stead
Hi all

Happy New Year

The property name: Perhaps we should borrow from the nomenclature of ordinal 
statistics and use

ranked higher than (ranked lower than)


Hi Martin 

Excellent questions!


1] Research questions that are enabled:-

I envisaged questions of the form that Athanasios has suggested as well as the 
opposite; “Where are examples of “x” object type that have a condition of “y” 
or better that I can have access to for comparative observations”

In the map world I also thought of the integration question “During the 
planning of this expedition was there a map at “x” scale or larger published 
and available within “y” distance of the expedition headquarters”. This was the 
type of question envisaged in the Arctic Cloud project.


2] Reasons for CRM rather than SKOS:-

As George says we control CRMbase and not SKOS 😊. More substantially the 
solution of skos:OrderedCollection does not allow the integration of different 
terms from different sources into the same term ordered collection without 
physically merging them. While that could be overcome (it scales like a bag of 
bolts) the more substantial problem is it does not allow branching paths 
through the collection; for example Excellent > Good > Poor and Excellent > 
Average > Poor is not possible. Another concern is that all Collections are 
automatically ordered by their position in the implemented list: that is all 
collections are ordered even if there is no such ordering in the real world.


3] Coverage of problems:-

Collection management: questions of collection morbidity, storage effectiveness 
and process validation

Museology: Do different collection management regimes materially affect the 
short, medium and long term collection conservation

Material Science: which materials have survived best

Cultural Heritage Geo-informatics: What map scales were available, when, for 
what and for/by whom.

Risk Management: What is the current state across institutions. What is the 
history of risk classification across the domain/region/institution type

Audience Research: Many institutions are starting to collect Likert scale data 
as part of the feedback on exhibitions. This could then be linked to exhibition 
content to gain insight into the affective museum experience. This is what Erin 
Canning is working on.





Stephen Stead

Tel +44 20 8668 3075 

Mob +44 7802 755 013

E-mail  <>

LinkedIn Profile  <>


From: Crm-sig  On Behalf Of Martin Doerr
Sent: 03 January 2019 17:56
Subject: Re: [Crm-sig] **NEW ISSUE** Ordinal Property for E55 Type


Dear All,


Very nice all that, but the critical question for a concept to enter CRM base 


What is the scientific question in an information integration environment, that 
needs this property to make the relevant connection/ inference,


and further:


Why is that proposed for CRM base and not for SKOS?


and finally:


What is the coverage of problems that benefit from this property?


These concerns are part of the methodology we follow, and most substantial. We 
must make sure they appear in the "principles".






On 1/3/2019 7:32 PM, Stephen Stead wrote:

Excellent then the revised property, scope note and examples would be:-


Pxx conceptually follows (conceptually precedes)

Domain: E55 Type

Range: E55 Type

Quantification: many to many (0,n:0,n)


This property allows instances of E55 Type to be declared as having an order 
relative to other instances of E55 Type, without necessarily having a specific 
value associated with either instance.  This allows, for example, for an E55 
Type instance representing the concept of "good" to follow the E55 Type 
instance representing the concept of "average". This property is transitive, 
and thus if "average" follows "poor", then "good" also follows "poor". In the 
domain of statistics, types that participate in this kind of relationship are 
called "Ordinal Variables"; as opposed to those without order which are called 
"Nominal Variables". This property allows for queries that select based on the 
relative position of participating E55 Types.



  * Good (E55) conceptually follows Average (E55)

  * Map Scale 1:1 (E55) conceptually follows Map Scale 1:2 (E55)

  * Fire Hazard Rating 4 (E55) conceptually follows Fire Hazard Rating 3 (E55)


How does that seem?




Stephen Stead


Paveprime Ltd

35 Downs Court Rd

Purley, Surrey 


Tel +44 20 8668 3075 

Fax +44 20 8763 1739

Mob +44 7802 755 013

E-mail  <>

LinkedIn Profile  <>


Re: [Crm-sig] **NEW ISSUE** Ordinal Property for E55 Type

2019-01-05 Thread Athanasios Velios
A recent example of the usefulness of such a property is from the
integration of the 3 condition survey databases of the Ashmolean Museum
where we were trying to identify the percentage of the collection which
requires conservation work across metal objects, scrolls and textiles.
Each condition survey had different options for "general condition".
E.g. what was "good - average - bad" in one, was "excellent - good -
poor" in another. One query could be: how many objects have condition
marked with an option which does not have an ordinal follower (i.e. the
last in each list).

I agree with George about not assigning value in the label. Why would
"large" be after "small"? In fact, in conservation "good" is almost
always before "poor". I think the same applies to inferior/superior. I
would suggest:

ordinally after (ordinaly before)

skos:OrderedCollection looks good, but isn't too closely linked to RDF?
I am reading that it depends on RDF collections and any reasoning might
be too generic.

Happy New Year.


On 04/01/2019 15:00, Thomas Francart wrote:
> Hello
> Le jeu. 3 janv. 2019 à 19:05, Martin Doerr  > a écrit :
> Dear All,
> Very nice all that, but the critical question for a concept to enter
> CRM base is:
> What is the scientific question in an information integration
> environment, that needs this property to make the relevant
> connection/ inference,
> and further:
> Why is that proposed for CRM base and not for SKOS?
> SKOS already deals with this use-case using skos:OrderedCollection.
> Thomas
> and finally:
> What is the coverage of problems that benefit from this property?
> These concerns are part of the methodology we follow, and most
> substantial. We must make sure they appear in the "principles".
> Best,
> Martin
> On 1/3/2019 7:32 PM, Stephen Stead wrote:
>> Excellent then the revised property, scope note and examples would
>> be:-
>> __ __
>> *Pxx conceptually follows (conceptually precedes)*
>> Domain: E55 Type
>> Range: E55 Type
>> Quantification: many to many (0,n:0,n)
>> __ __
>> This property allows instances of E55 Type to be declared as
>> having an order relative to other instances of E55 Type, without
>> necessarily having a specific value associated with either
>> instance.  This allows, for example, for an E55 Type instance
>> representing the concept of "good" to follow the E55 Type instance
>> representing the concept of "average". This property is
>> transitive, and thus if "average" follows "poor", then "good" also
>> follows "poor". In the domain of statistics, types that
>> participate in this kind of relationship are called "Ordinal
>> Variables"; as opposed to those without order which are called
>> "Nominal Variables". This property allows for queries that select
>> based on the relative position of participating E55 Types.
>> __ __
>> Examples:
>>   * Good (E55) /conceptually follows/ Average (E55)
>>   * Map Scale 1:1 (E55) /conceptually follows/ Map Scale
>> 1:2 (E55)
>>   * Fire Hazard Rating 4 (E55) /conceptually follows/ Fire Hazard
>> Rating 3 (E55)
>> __ __
>> How does that seem?
>> Rgds
>> SdS
>> __ __
>> Stephen Stead
>> Director
>> Paveprime Ltd
>> 35 Downs Court Rd
>> Purley, Surrey 
>> UK, CR8 1BF
>> Tel +44 20 8668 3075 
>> Fax +44 20 8763 1739
>> Mob +44 7802 755 013
>> E-mail 
>> LinkedIn Profile
>> __ __
>> ___
>> Crm-sig mailing list
> --
>   Dr. Martin Doerr
>   Honorary Head of the
>   Center for Cultural Informatics
>   Information Systems Laboratory
>   Institute of Computer Science
>   Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)
>   N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton,
>   GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece
>   Vox:+30(2810)391625
>   Web-site:
> ___
> Crm-sig mailing list
> --
> *
> *
> *Thomas Francart* -*SPARNA*
> Web de _données_ | Architecture de l'_information_ | Accès aux
> _connaissances_
> blog : 

Re: [Crm-sig] **NEW ISSUE** Ordinal Property for E55 Type

2019-01-04 Thread Thomas Francart

Le jeu. 3 janv. 2019 à 19:05, Martin Doerr  a écrit :

> Dear All,
> Very nice all that, but the critical question for a concept to enter CRM
> base is:
> What is the scientific question in an information integration environment,
> that needs this property to make the relevant connection/ inference,
> and further:
> Why is that proposed for CRM base and not for SKOS?

SKOS already deals with this use-case using skos:OrderedCollection.


> and finally:
> What is the coverage of problems that benefit from this property?
> These concerns are part of the methodology we follow, and most
> substantial. We must make sure they appear in the "principles".
> Best,
> Martin
> On 1/3/2019 7:32 PM, Stephen Stead wrote:
> Excellent then the revised property, scope note and examples would be:-
> *Pxx conceptually follows (conceptually precedes)*
> Domain: E55 Type
> Range: E55 Type
> Quantification: many to many (0,n:0,n)
> This property allows instances of E55 Type to be declared as having an
> order relative to other instances of E55 Type, without necessarily having a
> specific value associated with either instance.  This allows, for example,
> for an E55 Type instance representing the concept of "good" to follow the
> E55 Type instance representing the concept of "average". This property is
> transitive, and thus if "average" follows "poor", then "good" also follows
> "poor". In the domain of statistics, types that participate in this kind of
> relationship are called "Ordinal Variables"; as opposed to those without
> order which are called "Nominal Variables". This property allows for
> queries that select based on the relative position of participating E55
> Types.
> Examples:
>   * Good (E55) *conceptually follows* Average (E55)
>   * Map Scale 1:1 (E55) *conceptually follows* Map Scale 1:2 (E55)
>   * Fire Hazard Rating 4 (E55) *conceptually follows* Fire Hazard Rating
> 3 (E55)
> How does that seem?
> Rgds
> SdS
> Stephen Stead
> Director
> Paveprime Ltd
> 35 Downs Court Rd
> Purley, Surrey
> UK, CR8 1BF
> Tel +44 20 8668 3075
> Fax +44 20 8763 1739
> Mob +44 7802 755 013
> E-mail
> LinkedIn Profile
> ___
> Crm-sig mailing 
> listCrm-sig@ics.forth.gr
> --
>  Dr. Martin Doerr
>  Honorary Head of the
>  Center for Cultural Informatics
>  Information Systems Laboratory
>  Institute of Computer Science
>  Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)
>  N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton,
>  GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece
>  Vox:+30(2810)391625
>  Email:
>  Web-site:
> ___
> Crm-sig mailing list


*Thomas Francart* -* SPARNA*
Web de *données* | Architecture de l'*information* | Accès aux
blog :, site :, linkedin :
tel :  +33 (0), skype : francartthomas

Re: [Crm-sig] **NEW ISSUE** Ordinal Property for E55 Type

2019-01-04 Thread George Bruseker
Dear all,

Overall, I would say it sounds like a good proposition. I post my replies to 
Martin’s queries below.

With regards to label, I agree with Franco that greater/lesser is not right, 
but I’m also not sure that follows/precedes is a good terminology either. I 
don’t think it is very heuristically useful phrasing to say that ‘good' 
precedes ‘poor’.

In this case, because it is quite a technical matter, could we not make the 
label somewhat technical? Something like, is_ordinal_superior_to / 
is_ordinal_inferior_of? By qualifying the superior, we make clear we mean in 
the sense of some abstract scale rather than general greatness.

> Dear All,
> Very nice all that, but the critical question for a concept to enter CRM base 
> is:
> What is the scientific question in an information integration environment, 
> that needs this property to make the relevant connection/ inference,

To me it meets a known need in documentation where we have various qualitative 
relations of greater/lesser than some other concept. This happens also in 
conservation (conservation state = good, poor), in risk analysis (‘high’, 
‘low’) and so on. I think the function it would serve is to be able to not lose 
these differentiations and to be able to query on them. 

Which of these objects are in poor state and high risk of damage? 

> and further:
> Why is that proposed for CRM base and not for SKOS?

We control CRMbase?

> and finally:
> What is the coverage of problems that benefit from this property?

Questions of qualitative judgments expressed relative to one another 
encountered CH documentation.

> These concerns are part of the methodology we follow, and most substantial. 
> We must make sure they appear in the "principles".




> Best,
> Martin
> On 1/3/2019 7:32 PM, Stephen Stead wrote:
>> Excellent then the revised property, scope note and examples would be:-
>> Pxx conceptually follows (conceptually precedes)
>> Domain: E55 Type
>> Range: E55 Type
>> Quantification: many to many (0,n:0,n)
>> This property allows instances of E55 Type to be declared as having an order 
>> relative to other instances of E55 Type, without necessarily having a 
>> specific value associated with either instance.  This allows, for example, 
>> for an E55 Type instance representing the concept of "good" to follow the 
>> E55 Type instance representing the concept of "average". This property is 
>> transitive, and thus if "average" follows "poor", then "good" also follows 
>> "poor". In the domain of statistics, types that participate in this kind of 
>> relationship are called "Ordinal Variables"; as opposed to those without 
>> order which are called "Nominal Variables". This property allows for queries 
>> that select based on the relative position of participating E55 Types.
>> Examples:
>>   * Good (E55) conceptually follows Average (E55)
>>   * Map Scale 1:1 (E55) conceptually follows Map Scale 1:2 (E55)
>>   * Fire Hazard Rating 4 (E55) conceptually follows Fire Hazard Rating 3 
>> (E55)
>> How does that seem?
>> Rgds
>> SdS
>> Stephen Stead
>> Director
>> Paveprime Ltd
>> 35 Downs Court Rd
>> Purley, Surrey
>> UK, CR8 1BF
>> Tel +44 20 8668 3075 
>> Fax +44 20 8763 1739
>> Mob +44 7802 755 013
>> E-mail 
>> LinkedIn Profile 
>> ___
>> Crm-sig mailing list
> -- 
>  Dr. Martin Doerr
>  Honorary Head of the 
>  Center for Cultural Informatics
>  Information Systems Laboratory  
>  Institute of Computer Science 
>  Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)   
>  N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton, 
>  GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece 
>  Vox:+30(2810)391625  
>  Email:   
>  Web-site:  
> ___
> Crm-sig mailing list

Re: [Crm-sig] **NEW ISSUE** Ordinal Property for E55 Type

2019-01-03 Thread Martin Doerr

Dear All,

Very nice all that, but the critical question for a concept to enter CRM 
base is:

What is the scientific question in an information integration 
environment, that needs this property to make the relevant connection/ 

and further:

Why is that proposed for CRM base and not for SKOS?

and finally:

What is the coverage of problems that benefit from this property?

These concerns are part of the methodology we follow, and most 
substantial. We must make sure they appear in the "principles".



On 1/3/2019 7:32 PM, Stephen Stead wrote:

Excellent then the revised property, scope note and examples would be:-

*Pxx conceptually follows (conceptually precedes)*

Domain: E55 Type

Range: E55 Type

Quantification: many to many (0,n:0,n)

This property allows instances of E55 Type to be declared as having an 
order relative to other instances of E55 Type, without necessarily 
having a specific value associated with either instance.  This allows, 
for example, for an E55 Type instance representing the concept of 
"good" to follow the E55 Type instance representing the concept of 
"average". This property is transitive, and thus if "average" follows 
"poor", then "good" also follows "poor". In the domain of statistics, 
types that participate in this kind of relationship are called 
"Ordinal Variables"; as opposed to those without order which are 
called "Nominal Variables". This property allows for queries that 
select based on the relative position of participating E55 Types.


  * Good (E55) /conceptually follows/ Average (E55)

  * Map Scale 1:1 (E55) /conceptually follows/ Map Scale 1:2 (E55)

  * Fire Hazard Rating 4 (E55) /conceptually follows/ Fire Hazard 
Rating 3 (E55)

How does that seem?



Stephen Stead


Paveprime Ltd

35 Downs Court Rd

Purley, Surrey


Tel +44 20 8668 3075

Fax +44 20 8763 1739

Mob +44 7802 755 013


LinkedIn Profile

Crm-sig mailing list


 Dr. Martin Doerr

 Honorary Head of the
 Center for Cultural Informatics

 Information Systems Laboratory
 Institute of Computer Science
 Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)

 N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton,
 GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece


Re: [Crm-sig] **NEW ISSUE** Ordinal Property for E55 Type

2019-01-03 Thread Stephen Stead
Excellent then the revised property, scope note and examples would be:-

Pxx conceptually follows (conceptually precedes)

Domain: E55 Type

Range: E55 Type

Quantification: many to many (0,n:0,n)

This property allows instances of E55 Type to be declared as having an order
relative to other instances of E55 Type, without necessarily having a
specific value associated with either instance.  This allows, for example,
for an E55 Type instance representing the concept of "good" to follow the
E55 Type instance representing the concept of "average". This property is
transitive, and thus if "average" follows "poor", then "good" also follows
"poor". In the domain of statistics, types that participate in this kind of
relationship are called "Ordinal Variables"; as opposed to those without
order which are called "Nominal Variables". This property allows for queries
that select based on the relative position of participating E55 Types.


  * Good (E55) conceptually follows Average (E55)

  * Map Scale 1:1 (E55) conceptually follows Map Scale 1:2 (E55)

  * Fire Hazard Rating 4 (E55) conceptually follows Fire Hazard Rating 3

How does that seem?



Stephen Stead


Paveprime Ltd

35 Downs Court Rd

Purley, Surrey 


Tel +44 20 8668 3075 

Fax +44 20 8763 1739

Mob +44 7802 755 013


LinkedIn Profile

Re: [Crm-sig] **NEW ISSUE** Ordinal Property for E55 Type

2019-01-03 Thread Franco Niccolucci
Dear Steve

You are right. 

X < Y is equivalent to "X precedes Y" or "Y follows X” in an ordered set

So: “Good (condition) follows Poor (Condition)” “Small precedes Large” etc.

No snag, I just messed the concepts. To my excuse, it is not uncommon when the 
E55 Type of one’s age (decidedly) follows E55 Type = Young.



Prof. Franco Niccolucci
Director, VAST-LAB
PIN - U. of Florence
Scientific Coordinator

ACM Journal of Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) 

Piazza Ciardi 25
59100 Prato, Italy

> Il giorno 3 gen 2019, alle ore 18:00, Stephen Stead  ha 
> scritto:
> Hi Franco, All
> Happy New Year
> If we change to Franco's suggested labels (which I think there is a strong 
> case for) I am confused by the order he suggests as this seems to me to be 
> the reverse of the original property. So to get the same ordering I would 
> expect:- 
> Pxx conceptually follows (conceptually precedes)
> Now if that means, to some, the opposite of the original property then we may 
> have hit a snag with the suggested new property labels.
> Rgds
> SdS
> Stephen Stead
> Tel +44 20 8668 3075 
> Mob +44 7802 755 013
> E-mail
> LinkedIn Profile
> -Original Message-
> From: Franco Niccolucci  
> Sent: 03 January 2019 08:10
> To:
> Cc: crm-sig 
> Subject: Re: [Crm-sig] **NEW ISSUE** Ordinal Property for E55 Type
> This proposal makes sense to me, and I would strongly support it.
> Only, the name “is conceptually greater” is not completely appropriate, in my 
> opinion. For example, “Good” is not ‘greater' than “Poor”: it is ‘better’; 
> “Old” is not ‘greater' than “Young” - actually, except for wines, it is worst 
> :)
> Maybe “conceptually precedes”, and “conceptually follows” for the reverse? 
> This would reflect the ordinal character of the concerned types in a neutral 
> way. Being a little cryptic would convey the generic value of a pre-defined 
> order to the reader.
> I am aware that such names are only labels, and in principle can be anything. 
> But since we are christening the new property, a little effort to choose a 
> more significant one could be done.
> Furthermore, this introduction of ordinality leads me to ask “who said 
> that?”: if some orders may be considered factual, e.g “heavy” is greater than 
> “light", others are possibly not, being the consequence of a subjective 
> appreciation: is “handmade” greater than “industrial”? But this is another 
> story.
> Franco
> Prof. Franco Niccolucci
> Director, VAST-LAB
> PIN - U. of Florence
> Scientific Coordinator
> Editor-in-Chief
> ACM Journal of Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) 
> Piazza Ciardi 25
> 59100 Prato, Italy
>> Il giorno 3 gen 2019, alle ore 06:49, Stephen Stead  
>> ha scritto:
>> During the discussions at the CRM-SIG meeting during November 2018 in Berlin 
>> the problem of dealing with instances E55 Type that have ordinal 
>> relationships with other instances of E55 Type came up. There were a number 
>> of use cases explored including:-
>>  • Condition report status values like Excellent, Good, Average, Poor, 
>> Critical where being able to query for all items that were below “Average” 
>> or “Good” and above would be useful.
>>  • Map scales expressed as types
>>  • Fire Hazard Ratings
>> This lead Robert and I to suggest that a new property be created that 
>> allowed this kind of ordinal relationship to be expressed. The 
>> quantification allows for parallel hierarchies, e.g. if someone has a type 
>> that is “slightly better than average but not quite good”, then they could 
>> align that with an existing hierarchy of Good > Average by saying that it is 
>> greater than “Average” and that “Good” is greater than both it and Average.
>> Pxx is conceptually greater than (is conceptually less than)
>> Domain: E55 Type
>> Range: E55 Type
>> Quantification: many to many (0,n:0,n)
>> This property allows instances of E55 Type to be declared as having an order 
>> relative to other instances of E55 Type, without necessarily having a 
>> specific value associated with either instance.  This allows, for example, 
>> for an E55 Type instance representing the concept of "good" to be greater 
>> than the E55 Type instance representing the concept of "average". This 
>> property is transitive, and thus if "average" is greater than "poor", then 
>> "goo

Re: [Crm-sig] **NEW ISSUE** Ordinal Property for E55 Type

2019-01-03 Thread Stephen Stead
Hi Franco, All
Happy New Year
If we change to Franco's suggested labels (which I think there is a strong case 
for) I am confused by the order he suggests as this seems to me to be the 
reverse of the original property. So to get the same ordering I would expect:- 
Pxx conceptually follows (conceptually precedes)
Now if that means, to some, the opposite of the original property then we may 
have hit a snag with the suggested new property labels.

Stephen Stead
Tel +44 20 8668 3075 
Mob +44 7802 755 013
LinkedIn Profile

-Original Message-
From: Franco Niccolucci  
Sent: 03 January 2019 08:10
Cc: crm-sig 
Subject: Re: [Crm-sig] **NEW ISSUE** Ordinal Property for E55 Type

This proposal makes sense to me, and I would strongly support it.

Only, the name “is conceptually greater” is not completely appropriate, in my 
opinion. For example, “Good” is not ‘greater' than “Poor”: it is ‘better’; 
“Old” is not ‘greater' than “Young” - actually, except for wines, it is worst :)

Maybe “conceptually precedes”, and “conceptually follows” for the reverse? This 
would reflect the ordinal character of the concerned types in a neutral way. 
Being a little cryptic would convey the generic value of a pre-defined order to 
the reader.

I am aware that such names are only labels, and in principle can be anything. 
But since we are christening the new property, a little effort to choose a more 
significant one could be done.

Furthermore, this introduction of ordinality leads me to ask “who said that?”: 
if some orders may be considered factual, e.g “heavy” is greater than “light", 
others are possibly not, being the consequence of a subjective appreciation: is 
“handmade” greater than “industrial”? But this is another story.


Prof. Franco Niccolucci
Director, VAST-LAB
PIN - U. of Florence
Scientific Coordinator

ACM Journal of Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) 

Piazza Ciardi 25
59100 Prato, Italy

> Il giorno 3 gen 2019, alle ore 06:49, Stephen Stead  ha 
> scritto:
> During the discussions at the CRM-SIG meeting during November 2018 in Berlin 
> the problem of dealing with instances E55 Type that have ordinal 
> relationships with other instances of E55 Type came up. There were a number 
> of use cases explored including:-
>   • Condition report status values like Excellent, Good, Average, Poor, 
> Critical where being able to query for all items that were below “Average” or 
> “Good” and above would be useful.
>   • Map scales expressed as types
>   • Fire Hazard Ratings
> This lead Robert and I to suggest that a new property be created that allowed 
> this kind of ordinal relationship to be expressed. The quantification allows 
> for parallel hierarchies, e.g. if someone has a type that is “slightly better 
> than average but not quite good”, then they could align that with an existing 
> hierarchy of Good > Average by saying that it is greater than “Average” and 
> that “Good” is greater than both it and Average.
> Pxx is conceptually greater than (is conceptually less than)
> Domain: E55 Type
> Range: E55 Type
> Quantification: many to many (0,n:0,n)
> This property allows instances of E55 Type to be declared as having an order 
> relative to other instances of E55 Type, without necessarily having a 
> specific value associated with either instance.  This allows, for example, 
> for an E55 Type instance representing the concept of "good" to be greater 
> than the E55 Type instance representing the concept of "average". This 
> property is transitive, and thus if "average" is greater than "poor", then 
> "good" is also greater than "poor". In the domain of statistics, types that 
> participate in this kind of relationship are called "Ordinal Variables"; as 
> opposed to those without order which are called "Nominal Variables". This 
> property allows for queries that select based on the relative position of 
> participating E55 Types.
> Examples:
>   * Good (E55) is conceptually greater than Average (E55)
>   * Map Scale 1:1 (E55) is conceptually greater than Map Scale 1:2 
> (E55)
>   * Fire Hazard Rating 4 (E55) is conceptually greater than Fire Hazard 
> Rating 3 (E55)
> Comments Welcome
> SdS & Robert S
> ___
> Crm-sig mailing list

Re: [Crm-sig] **NEW ISSUE** Ordinal Property for E55 Type

2019-01-03 Thread Дарья Юрьевна Гук
Average->Good: next step of charachteristics in direction of increasing

With kind regards,
Daria Hookk

Senior Researcher of
the dept. of archaeology of
Eastern Europe and Siberia of 
the State Hermitage Museum,
PhD, ICOMOS member

191186, Санкт-Петербург, Дворцовая наб.34
Тел. (812) 3121966; мест. 2548
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Re: [Crm-sig] **NEW ISSUE** Ordinal Property for E55 Type

2019-01-03 Thread Franco Niccolucci
This proposal makes sense to me, and I would strongly support it.

Only, the name “is conceptually greater” is not completely appropriate, in my 
opinion. For example, “Good” is not ‘greater' than “Poor”: it is ‘better’; 
“Old” is not ‘greater' than “Young” - actually, except for wines, it is worst :)

Maybe “conceptually precedes”, and “conceptually follows” for the reverse? This 
would reflect the ordinal character of the concerned types in a neutral way. 
Being a little cryptic would convey the generic value of a pre-defined order to 
the reader.

I am aware that such names are only labels, and in principle can be anything. 
But since we are christening the new property, a little effort to choose a more 
significant one could be done.

Furthermore, this introduction of ordinality leads me to ask “who said that?”: 
if some orders may be considered factual, e.g “heavy” is greater than “light", 
others are possibly not, being the consequence of a subjective appreciation: is 
“handmade” greater than “industrial”? But this is another story.


Prof. Franco Niccolucci
Director, VAST-LAB
PIN - U. of Florence
Scientific Coordinator

ACM Journal of Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) 

Piazza Ciardi 25
59100 Prato, Italy

> Il giorno 3 gen 2019, alle ore 06:49, Stephen Stead  ha 
> scritto:
> During the discussions at the CRM-SIG meeting during November 2018 in Berlin 
> the problem of dealing with instances E55 Type that have ordinal 
> relationships with other instances of E55 Type came up. There were a number 
> of use cases explored including:-
>   • Condition report status values like Excellent, Good, Average, Poor, 
> Critical where being able to query for all items that were below “Average” or 
> “Good” and above would be useful.
>   • Map scales expressed as types
>   • Fire Hazard Ratings
> This lead Robert and I to suggest that a new property be created that allowed 
> this kind of ordinal relationship to be expressed. The quantification allows 
> for parallel hierarchies, e.g. if someone has a type that is “slightly better 
> than average but not quite good”, then they could align that with an existing 
> hierarchy of Good > Average by saying that it is greater than “Average” and 
> that “Good” is greater than both it and Average.
> Pxx is conceptually greater than (is conceptually less than)
> Domain: E55 Type
> Range: E55 Type
> Quantification: many to many (0,n:0,n)
> This property allows instances of E55 Type to be declared as having an order 
> relative to other instances of E55 Type, without necessarily having a 
> specific value associated with either instance.  This allows, for example, 
> for an E55 Type instance representing the concept of "good" to be greater 
> than the E55 Type instance representing the concept of "average". This 
> property is transitive, and thus if "average" is greater than "poor", then 
> "good" is also greater than "poor". In the domain of statistics, types that 
> participate in this kind of relationship are called "Ordinal Variables"; as 
> opposed to those without order which are called "Nominal Variables". This 
> property allows for queries that select based on the relative position of 
> participating E55 Types.
> Examples:
>   * Good (E55) is conceptually greater than Average (E55)
>   * Map Scale 1:1 (E55) is conceptually greater than Map Scale 1:2 
> (E55)
>   * Fire Hazard Rating 4 (E55) is conceptually greater than Fire Hazard 
> Rating 3 (E55)
> Comments Welcome
> SdS & Robert S
> ___
> Crm-sig mailing list