[crossfire] [IDEA] Reagents for cast magic

2005-10-14 Thread Alberto Sáez Lodeiros
I was playing Ultima Online much time, and i have an idea from this game.
At Ultima Online, the players need reagents to cast spells, for
example, to cast "lightning" it's required to have 1 mandrake root, 1
nightshade flower and 1 black pearl, and each spell has his own
reagents convination, but there are only 6 or 7 reagents. In ultima
online they was bloodmoss, black pearl, mandake root, spider silk, and
two more that i do not remember at now.

I was thinking that you can try this thing, and this way will balance
the sorcerers power and more people will try warriors and other and
not only sorcerers
Can you set a test server to test this.
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crossfire mailing list

Re: [crossfire] [IDEA] Reagents for cast magic

2005-10-14 Thread Alberto Sáez Lodeiros
Or U can create a new spell type called something like "Reagented
Spells". This will be something like Evocation, Sorcery, Summoning or
so, but this spells needs then a reagent convination, but I prefer
that all spells need a reagent convination.
This way will made that spellcasters must search the reagents (or buy
then), and made game more balanced.

I think the "food effect" is a good idea too. Not only poisoned food,
but depending your race (better than your class [proffesion]) some
food may do some spacial damage, not only like zombies corpses with
the dragon race. On this way you must be carefull with your "diet"
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[crossfire] More server speed reducing the objects number

2005-10-15 Thread Alberto Sáez Lodeiros
(Before that, sorry for my english, I'm from Spain, and there are some
expressions i don't know very well)

I was thinking that the MetalForge server can goes faster (or simply
save RAM?) reducing the objects in the world. I refer to reduce the
number the objects, not monsters.

One way to do this is making "corpses-containers", as some CF players
disscuss at #crossfire IRC channel.

For those who weren't there at October 15, the questions is this:

"When a player kill a monster, this monster drops it's loot to the
floor, creating on this way some more object. So the idea is that
instead the killed monster drop all the loot, only appear it's corpse,
and then, when the player "apply" the corpse, this opens like a
briefcase or chest, containing all the monster's loot."

We have disscussed the way to do this, and like we talk about, the best way is:
1.- Spawn
2.- Create random Loot
3.- Die
4.- Create container
5.- Move loot to container
6.- Put container in monster

Well, the idea is reduce the objects over the map/s

And this is all. I think this is a good idea.. :)
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[crossfire] Houses system for guilds

2005-10-15 Thread Alberto Sáez Lodeiros
Hi again!!!

I have in CF a party with some more players, but we treat this party
as a guild. This is, we have rules, a tribute, ranks, and so on. So we
need a place to store all party/guild treasure.

I was thinking that U can create a "guilds' city". This is not a new
city exactly. This is a (initially) blank map, where each guild can
BUY a headcuartee. This "city", can be accesible from a magic portal
(teleport) in scorn or navar city.

The guildmaster must pay to a map developer the amount estimated, and
the the developer will create a new house in this "blank map". Also
can be a requisite to be at least 5 members in the guild to build this

Another way to do this is to create a hall, and here, to set a magic
portal to a guild appartament, but this appartament will be the same
for each member of the guild. The requisites to enter the hall, can be
the same with the "blank map" idea.

Personally, i like more the "blank map" idea, because in this way, we
can create our own city.
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Re: [crossfire] More server speed reducing the objects number

2005-10-15 Thread Alberto Sáez Lodeiros
Ok yes, i refer to reduce the visible objects...

Also U can made when a player dies, he leaves a "gravestone-container"
with his items in the inventory.

This will made players more carefull before try to kill stronger enemyes...

This is only a gameplay idea, but the important i think is the
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Re: [crossfire] More server speed reducing the objects number

2005-10-15 Thread Alberto Sáez Lodeiros
It remains the empty corpse.

But you can set any kind of timer wich makes corpse-container
dissapear after a concrete time, for example 5 minutes
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Re: [crossfire] Re: Houses system for guilds

2005-10-15 Thread Alberto Sáez Lodeiros
I know guilds of Crossfire, but i saw that all the altars are already taken...
I refer to the altar in the Guilds House at Scorn.

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[Crossfire] Installation frontend (Linux/Unix only)

2005-10-15 Thread Alberto Sáez Lodeiros
I like so much Crossfire, and I like and want to colaborate the
project. The inconvenient is that i don't know how to do maps nor
Python programming. But i know Tcl/Tk and some Visual Basic

I know very well how Tcl/Tk is, and i use GAMBAS to create Visual
Basic like programs, so i can create a frontend (using better Tcl/Tk)
to install Crossfire under Linux/Unix systems.
This frontend will have two options:

1.- Install in base of a rpm Crossfire packet
2.- Compile the Crossfire source code.

The problem is that i do not how to "construct" the rpm packet.

Initially, the program will be only a frontend, this is, the program
will call the appropiate Linux/Unix commands to install the rpm or
compile the source. This will help newbie users install Crossfire

If you are interested, I can start in two or three days and I can
finish a test version (ALPHA?) in three days. Maybe some more time,
because of the university studies don't leave me much time.

I will do I can.


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[Crossfire] Installation frontend (Linux/Unix only)

2005-10-15 Thread Alberto Sáez Lodeiros
I like so much Crossfire, and I like and want to colaborate the
project. The inconvenient is that i don't know how to do maps nor
Python programming. But i know Tcl/Tk and some Visual Basic

I know very well how Tcl/Tk is, and i use GAMBAS to create Visual
Basic like programs, so i can create a frontend (using better Tcl/Tk)
to install Crossfire under Linux/Unix systems.
This frontend will have two options:

1.- Install in base of a rpm Crossfire packet
2.- Compile the Crossfire source code.

The problem is that i do not how to "construct" the rpm packet.

Initially, the program will be only a frontend, this is, the program
will call the appropiate Linux/Unix commands to install the rpm or
compile the source. This will help newbie users install Crossfire

If you are interested, I can start in two or three days and I can
finish a test version (ALPHA?) in three days. Maybe some more time,
because of the university studies don't leave me much time.

I will do I can.


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Re: [crossfire] More server speed reducing the objects number

2005-10-16 Thread Alberto Sáez Lodeiros
The way to do this problem, can be:

1.- If the monster has more than an loot object (2 or more objects),
then use the corpse-container.
2.- If the monster has only one object to loot, then drop this object
to the floor.
3.- If the monster has zero object to loor, then nothing appears. No
corpse container, none objects.

I saw that many dungeons was filled with hundred of object. We will
supose that into this dungeon were 50 enemyes, and each enemy had 4
objects to loot. At now, when all monsters die, there will be 200
vsible objects, but, with corpse-container idea, only 50, one for each
monster. But, in case of any monster hasn't objects to loot, there
will be less than 50 visible objects.

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Re: [crossfire] More server speed reducing the objects number

2005-10-16 Thread Alberto Sáez Lodeiros
> Mark Wedel wrote:
>   Downsides:
> 1) Monsters that pick up loot would now need to do more work (instead of the
> objects of 5 dead creatures merging, they would be all seperate, instead of 
> the
> common objects merging.

Monsters can pick up only the objects over the flor, but not into the
Or maybe, when the monster is over the corpse-container, check the
object into it, and then move one random object from corpse-container
to monster inventory.

> 2) point 2 from above- fire effects may now have more objects to check for
> destruction because they don't merge.

When a fire spell (for example) burns the corpse, you can make a
simple python routine, which destroy all objects into the
corpse-container. Or simply, the same thing that occurs when fire
reaches a chest, which is also a container.

>   All that said, I'd think this should be more driven by actually thinking 
> this
> is a good or bad feature, not memory or performance reasons.

You can set a timer in the corpse which will destroy the corpse and
all its contens, past 5 minutes, for example. In this way, we will not
wait for server resets to clean the maps.

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Re: [crossfire] [IDEA] Reagents for cast magic

2005-10-16 Thread Alberto Sáez Lodeiros
> Mark Wedel wrote:
> 2) PRices for reagants, especially for high level spells, could be quite 
> costly.
> 1000 pp to cast comet?

I think instead set an high price to the high level spells reagents, i
think it's better to set those reagents not buyable. This is, those
reagent can only be found onto a dungeon, killing a hard monster, or
they are "hidding" in a chest of this dungeon.
This is because when i am level 80, i will have enough money to buy
this "ultimate" reagents.

> 3) Reagants should be quite light, so that you can carry a bunch of them 
> without
> much effect on weight (or perhaps give players a reagant pouch that reduces
> weight quite a bit).

Yes, i refer a reagent, something like an herb, a black pearl,
etc...all those light

> 4) Not all spells should necessarily require reagants.  Most lower level 
> spells
> perhaps shouldn't, with more requirement for higher level spells.
> 5) Use of reagants should be similar to arrows, eg, happens automatically.
> Player shouldn't have to be fumbling through their inventory for them.

Yes, one reagent must be of one-use. It consumes (like arrows) once
the player cast a spell requiring the reagents

> 6) Could perhaps be interesting to have alternate reagants for spells with
> different effects (less or more powerful, etc).

This is also a good idea, but i refer to reagent like requisite, not complement.

And i have found another good thing. Using reagents, will not allow
players to cast spells massively. I think this yesterday, playing CF.
I start to cast "Burning Hands" massively, to try to kill dozens of
hill giants. With reagents, I must be carefull with spellcasting. Or
maybe, i must go to kill hill giants with other mages, or maybe need
to go with a team.

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Re: [crossfire] [IDEA] Reagents for cast magic

2005-10-16 Thread Alberto Sáez Lodeiros
Yes, this is also a good idea.

But then there must be two class of "objects to cast magic":

1.- Reagents: herbs or so neccesary to cast the spell
2.- Power Ups: or a kind of talisman wich will power up the spell's power.

I refer reagent like something obligatory to cast spell. Without them,
the spell doesn't work anyway.

I you set reagents like something optional, the spellcaster can cast
spells masivelly (with less power, like you say, but possible to
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Re: [crossfire] More server speed reducing the objects number

2005-10-17 Thread Alberto Sáez Lodeiros
I saw yesterday, playing at Metalforge server, a kind of corpse, not
from a monster, which was a container. I haven't take a screenshot,
but that corpse was gray and small. Not like corpses like monsters
leave when die.

I don't know i you have seen this before, you ca use the code of this
to work on this idea :)

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Re: [crossfire] [IDEA] Reagents for cast magic

2005-10-17 Thread Alberto Sáez Lodeiros
>   The problem is that either you make the reagents common enough that finding
> them isn't much an issue, or they are so rare that finding them becomes a real
> pain, basically making some spells uncastable.

Yes, i think that Ultimate spells reagents, must be hard to fing, but
not impossible. For example, imagine a spell called "Apocalipse". This
will need "Volcanic dust", "Eye of a Dread" and "Spider Silk". Maybe
Spider Silk is easy to earn, but to kill a Dread monster, is quite
more difficult, but not impossible. The Volcanic Dust, can be found in
a Demon's Volcan, where you need to kill some hard demons or
Behemoths, or so. And also, if U are level 200, not all Dreads will
leave an eye, so U can cast Apocalipse 5 times. No more. This is, the
"Ultimate reagents" can't be bought anyway, except any player have
sold them, and if this is the case, it's costs will be nearly

>   Getting the balance of them being common enough but not too common is very
> difficult.

The same as above ^

>   If playing for 3 hours is a tough dungeon only gets me enough reagents for 5
> comets, that pretty much makes the comet spell useless.

Not necesarily to play 3 hours. I thing the hardiest job is to know
where those Ultimate Reagents are. And also, player must be powerfull
enough to try to retrieve those reagents. A reagent can be Wyvern's
Wing, so, a level 1 player, can't go to Scorn's Jail and killl those
wyvern's, but when he becomes level 7, he can.
The most common reagents will be for the most common spells, but the
reagents must have a "union" with the spells. This is, Burning Hands
can have Sulfur and Ogre's Finger, but no an Icecube and Goblin's

>   If I found 200, no real issue on reagents then.

Of course, more common spells will have common reagents, but uncommon
spells, will have uncommon reagents.
Also, reagents (common or uncommon) must be considered like a
treasure. If they are buyable, you can set the price of each 5 gold
coins, or 10 gold coins. And if they are not buyable, the player will
not found 200 ultimate reagents, and then he will cast those ultimate
spells carefully.

>   My thought however is that if reagents cost money, it will start taking 
> wealth
> from the players at a fairly low level (say 10?)  So player is constantly 
> buying
> reagents, using up his money

I think 5 or 10 gp is not an high prize, but the issue is that the
caster be carefull and don't cast spells massively, because reagents
consumes. Also, this will make caster to use different spells, not
only icestorm and Burning hands, because those spells, destroy the
objects droped by killed monsters.

>   So how wealthy the character will be at high level is hard to determine.
> Constantly sucking money from the character may make it so characters are not
> incredibly wealthy.  Or it perhaps add the dimension earlier on that 'abc is 
> the
> best spell damage wise, but not reagent cost wise'.

Yes, then the best spell is the more destructive spell necessarily. It
will be the most cheap in the sense of reagent cost/kind.

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Re: [crossfire] burned or charred objects (was: More server speed reducing the objects number)

2005-10-17 Thread Alberto Sáez Lodeiros
I think this is too long to make. I think is better to destroy the

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Re: [crossfire] [IDEA] Reagents for cast magic

2005-10-17 Thread Alberto Sáez Lodeiros
> Alberto,
> Your not by chance the person from IRC who was asking about having
> played UO (Ultima Online) are you?
> Both the reagents and the loot in corpse ideas reminds me of UO.
> Josh

Yes, at IRC I'm Amra :)
And yes, I have played UO many time, and I liked those two details
much, but now I like CF more than UO. :P (It's true)

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Re: [crossfire] burned or charred objects (was: More server speed reducing the objects number)

2005-10-18 Thread Alberto Sáez Lodeiros
2005/10/18, Brendan Lally <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On 10/17/05, Mitch Obrian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > We don't have the artists to create corpses for the
> > diffrent monsters.
> >
> Could the existing monster graphics be (ab)used to appear corpse like?
> I am thinking of something like rendering the image to a plane,
> rotating backwards 45 degrees, then colourshifting towards grey. If
> that produced usable results it may be possible to autogenerate all of
> the corpse graphics.

I can help to do this in a test crossfire graphics. I know The Gimp
very well, so i can do this easily for some graphics, then, i can send
to the mailing list some of then so you can see them.

So, it those looks good, i can "transform" all graphics.

The problem is where can I retireve the CF graphics?

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[crossfire] [Re]Player Owned Shops

2006-03-19 Thread Alberto Sáez Lodeiros
I think this is a good idea.

The problem of hihg leveled items to be sold at low plat, can be solved
relatively easy: I dont know how the source code does this, but the
idea is this: all items have a value (or variable, i supose) that store
the selling prize in normal shops. So, you can set the minimun selling
prize for player's shops at 1/3 less than normal shops. A sample of
this could be: We have a Bonecrusher, and we can sell it for 300
platinum at a normal shop in Scorn, then, the minimun prize of
Bonecrusher in our shop will be: 3000 - 3000 * 1/3 = 2000. So, the
formulae can be [ Real_Prize - Real_Prize * 1/3 ].

I have write 1/3, but it can be more or less, it was just a sample.-- Powered By SuSE Linux 10.0
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[crossfire] [Crossfire] [Idea] Spells inmediate effects

2006-03-21 Thread Alberto Sáez Lodeiros
I was playing CF and killing dreads while I realize that most common
spells have no secondary effect. I think that a more realistic effect
of cold spells can be, appart of damage, of course, to "slow" the
player by the chill effect.

More other spells can have other secondary effects, like "create bomb":
if a player is hit by the explosion, he will move arround, like "fear"
Other example: If a fire dragon hits you with fire, he can burn a
random cloth, scroll/book or woodmade items (arrows, bow, etc...). Not
burn all items, just a random one. Maybe this is a very hard effect,
but is only an example.

This effects will made killing ranged magical monsters a bit harder,
and the player will need a better strategy before stay in from of him,
casting burning hands all the time.-- Powered By SuSE Linux 10.0
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[crossfire] [Crossfire] CF promo video

2006-03-22 Thread Alberto Sáez Lodeiros
Hi all

Last days, I have returned to the world of CF after a problem with Motherboard, Processor and RAM Memory.

As you know, when a game is well known by many many players aroud the
world, it becomes more and more funny. OK, then, i was thinking ways to
promo Crossfire, I say Crossfire "general", not a concrete server
(cat2, Metalforge, schmorp...). And a cool idea can be a "Promotion
This is a In-Game video of Crossfire, with a presentation and so on, a
player fighting with a Dread, and with a high level monster, a PvP duel
and all exciting things who CF offers the player.

I was looking for a program to record a video of the desktop, and I
have found one, called "vnc2swf". It allows to save in swf format a vnc

Can you tell me if you like the idea? Do you know any other program
like "vnc2swf"? What kind of music do you like for the video
(electronical or heavy metal/rock, classical)? What kind of promo
video/s do you like before (WoW videos, UA videos, Lineage videos...)?
etc...-- Powered By SuSE Linux 10.0
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[crossfire] [Re] [Crossfire] CF promo video

2006-03-22 Thread Alberto Sáez Lodeiros
I dont know if SWF flash files are editable. i can tell you that it
doesnt matter because I need them in avi format or any other editable
video format.

The conversion from swf to avi can be made with "Winmpg". This is a
program for wind*ws to convert swf to avi, mpeg and many more, and when
i had the avi file, i can edit it with "avidemux", "main actor" or any
other video editor under Linux.

See this page for more info:    http://www.winmpg.com-- Powered By SuSE Linux 10.0
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[crossfire] [Re] [Crossfire] [Idea] Spells inmediate effects

2006-03-22 Thread Alberto Sáez Lodeiros
I dont speak on spells effects in the world. I say effects in the player hitted by the spell.

I dont know how to program this at Python, but it can be something like this (Visual Basic like code):

if playerHitByExplosion(PlayerID) then


Public Sub castFear()
(here goes the general code for Fear effects)

end sub

Public Sub CastConfussion()
(code for confussion)

end sub
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[crossfire] [Re] [Crossfire] CF promo video

2006-03-24 Thread Alberto Sáez Lodeiros
Ey, xvidcap sounds good. I have tryed vnc2swf, but the performance goes
down, because the computer must support the vnc session, the crossfire
game inside the vnc session, and the vnc2swf program, just getting his
own part of processor threat.

Thanks for this discover :P-- Powered By SuSE Linux 10.0
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[crossfire] [Re] Jeweler skill

2006-03-24 Thread Alberto Sáez Lodeiros
The jeweler skill can be use for some things like those:

1.- More Jeweler skill will allow the player to modify  more powerfull rings/amulets

2.- The player can fail to apply the modification. With more Jeweler
skill, the player will fail less. To fail a modification can destroy or
make a cursed/bad ring/amulet

3.- If the player needs some "ingredients" to modify a ring, for
example [Ring+30Acid] + [Scroll of Resist Fire] + [10 Saphires] =
[Ring+30Acid+10Fire], then, with more skill at Jeweler, you will need
less Sapphires

4.- Initially, you can only make simple rings. This is, you can only
modify rings in one aspect, for example, only adding one ressitance, +1
STR, etc..., but if you level up, you will be allowed to make more
complex modifications, for expample, adding more than one resistance
plus two or more Stats or all you want.*
And all this gives me a cool idea, but i dont know if its implementation is hard or not.
The idea is based on wands/rods/staffs. There can be objects with
spells imbued on them, for example, a ring with the "Holy Word" inside.
Then, the player will be allowed to cast "Holy Word" and s/he dont need
the praying skill, just need a determinated level of "Use Magic
Object". Of course, the spell on the ring is infinite: The player will
drain his/her mana or grace.

Jewelers can make those rings. For example: [Ring(int+1)] +[ [Scroll of
Imbuing] OR [Potion of Improvement] ] +  [Scroll of Banishment
(lvl 30)] + [160 diamonds] = Ring(int+1) of Banishment(lvl 30).
I will explain how i tell 160 diamonds: If the ring has one or more
skills [int+1; speed+2, resist slow +20, etc...), we will need 10
diamonds for each such "skill", in this example, we only need 10. Then,
for each level of the imbued spell (in this case 30 levels of
Banishment), we will need 5 aditional, so here, we will need 5*30
diamonds. Then, the total diamonds will be "10 + 5*30" diamonds.
But the thing is not so easy. Not all jewelers will be able to do this.
You will need some aditional skills, imbuing spells. You will need a
literacy and transcription skill at half level that the inbued spell
is. It is suposed that you have to READ and WRITE the magical runes
from the scroll to the ring or amulet. In this case, you will need a
certain level of yewelry and level 15 literacy and 15 transcription.
This will made the item much balanced, because the jeweler will need
many diamonds to make powerfull rings, an high literacy skill and
transcription, maybe an high jeweler skill and a "Scroll of Imbuing",
who can be a semi-rare object (or it costs much in shops).
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Re: [crossfire] [Re] Jeweler skill

2006-03-24 Thread Alberto Sáez Lodeiros
> 4.- Initially, you can only make simple rings. This is, you can only modify> rings in one aspect, for example, only adding one ressitance, +1 STR,
> etc..., but if you level up, you will be allowed to make more complex> modifications, for expample, adding more than one resistance plus two or> more Stats or all you want.> *> And all this gives me a cool idea, but i dont know if its implementation is
> hard or not.[...]Thats an good idea! But that requires more changes than i want to do atthe moment. Propably after i implemented a plugin with points 1-3.Robin

If this is hard to implement, you can set this not for the
amount of modifications at the same time. Low level jewelers can add
only modifications to rings with less than 2 "enchantments" on it. If
you level up jewelry, you will be allowed to add one modification to
rings with more that one "enchantments" An example of this: I am level
1 jewelry and i have a "Ring(resist Acid +10)" then, i can only apply
ONE modification, then i can add to that ring "resist Fire +10". 
When i reach level 4, i can add 2 modifications. I supose that we can
add a number of modifications equals to our jewelry level divided per
2, and then, i can add another modification to my new "Ring(resist Acid
+10)(resist Fire +10)"
I think that 1 more modification for each 2 level is good enought.
Maybe much good. Or you can set a maximun modifications to a fixed
number, for example 10. Or you can also use the item power skill of the
jeweler. I have to think about...-- Powered By SuSE Linux 10.0
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[crossfire] JCrossfire and Web playing

2006-03-27 Thread Alberto Sáez Lodeiros
Hi all :D

Some months ago, I have discovered a source-port for Quake2 in JAVA. This is called Jake2.
You can see the web page here: http://www.bytonic.de/html/jake2.html

Then, you will ask...Quake2 on JAVA, maybe cool...but what is matter?
The cool thing is that you can play Quake2 using your web browser, if
it has JWS (Java Web Start) installed and supported. Also needed JRE
1.4. I have see also a port of crossfire, using JAVA, then, a cool
idea, can be to play CF over the web browser, usin also JWS. This can
allow to play CF without any installation, compilation or so on, or
maybe, players who can't download software fron the web, to play
Crossfire. For example, from a University, from the job, and more.

I have tested the Jake2, and he goes at same speed than normal Quake2 (using Linux).

Also, JCrossfire is more playable over windows than the GTK version (i
have tested gcfclient on windows, and it is really slow) But the very
best of JCrossfire over the browser is that the user will be playing
the last version released of JCrossfire.-- Powered By SuSE Linux 10.0
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