Re: [crossfire] Crossfire server code cleanup/janitorial

2014-04-22 Thread Juha Jäykkä
> - Variable length arrays (may be useful in future)

Which the C11 standard kindly removed. The stupidest decision by any standards 
committee ever: to remove perhaps the most important improvement in the 
previous standard just because some fool compiler manufacturer had not been 
able to implement it in ten years.

> It would be nice to sit down and come up with a roadmap. I've been doing
> so much 'cleanup' work lately because I didn't have anything specific in
> mind to work on.

What happened to that rebalancing-related roadmap from a few years ago? Did it 
ever get finished? I must admit I have not even logged on to a Crossfire 
server for years, which is pretty sad.

I will go back to my cave now. ;)

| Juha Jäykkä, |
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Re: [crossfire] TODO list

2010-03-31 Thread Juha Jäykkä
> them.  But maybe this just goes back to me playing a troll character at one
> time, and having to deal with carrying large amounts of food (due to the
>  trolls bonus is HP regeneration, food usage goes up).

Fireborn have the same thing, they also need lots of food. So these two races 
need serious tweaking if food is removed as a stat (and I think wraiths as 
well, since they have the advantage of not requiring any food).

I have had times where my fireborn was in trouble killing the monsters faster 
than food stat went down, so I would say that food is not too abuntant at all!

Also, dragons' ability gains by food must be tweaked if food is reduced in any 
significant amount.

>  and eat it like nothing has happened.  Just adding some form of rotting
>  would probably reduce available food by a bit.

Indeed, this is nice. Of course, lembas etc might not rot at all and hearts 
and livers rot faster than apples or cooked meat...

After one gets create food spells, food becomes moot anyway in any case 
(except the special food and dragons).

        | Juha Jäykkä, |
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Re: [crossfire] Bug 2789515: output-count broken since 1.11 server

2009-08-07 Thread Juha Jäykkä
> After looking over the server code, it seems quite clear to me that
> mwedel's suggestion to move it to the client is a good idea.

Do you have any idea how this affects the latency on longer network links and 
when there are huge numbers of messages flowing? The output-count helped me a 
lot sometimes.

> Comments welcome.  The changes are sitting in my SVN checkout, but I'll
> hold back a bit in case there is any life out there that cares.

Contrary to you expectations, someone answered? =)


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Re: [crossfire] clients

2009-04-07 Thread Juha Jäykkä
> As long as x11 doesn't have a maintainer, it will be considered
> unsupported, and disabled by default in configure (you'll have to pass an
> explicit --enable argument to build it).  Binaries will not be included
> in releases.

Just my quick thought: this seems like a very nice solution. Good work.


P.S. Didn't try the new version - yet.

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Re: [crossfire] What about a gameplay revolution?

2009-01-09 Thread Juha Jäykkä
>   Following previous discussion about highest skill level determining hit
> points, one could refine it further such that highest skill level of those
> associated skills determines hit points.

That sounds good. This would certainly deter too many class-defections. I 
still think that something else besides hit points must also be tied to this 
skill level, but I'm not sure what. Perhaps the types of quest rewards you're 
given could be one. And item_power could be checked against this level, too.

>   But I'm also sort of inclined that not all classes should necessarily
> have all skills available (or even most).

So I've noticed. =) And I disagree, but that's a matter of taste. It'll 
eventually be up to Lalo I think. I'm happy with both, but I'm happier with 
freely learnable skills. Even the system you proposed later, which dumps the 
classes alltogether and simply has skills.

>   Some skills are ones that I'd say are not as adventure related (item
> creation skills, etc), and so sure, everyone can have those.

Yes. And a way of getting decent xp in them too. Perhaps there could be three 
types of skills: primary and secondary class -based skills and a third set of 
general-purpose skills. The class-skills are those that gain XP by killing 
monsters and completing quests and they either can or cannot be learned by 
everyone and the third set has a different xp table and all, for creating 
rings, arrows, scrolls, even mining and fishing if we come to that.

There are a lot of different ways to handle class-skills. At least the 
following come to mind:

1) Primary skills cannot be learned, secondary can

2) Both can be learned, but your class-primaries need less XP to advance

3) Your class-primary must always be at least 2x your highest secondary level 
(perhaps you'd change classes otherwise?), but they are both learnable

4) They are both free to learn, you just have the primary initially

There are also some mixes of the four that can be quite ok, too, like take 
both 2) and 3) and you have pretty heavy punishment for fighting wizards.


| Juha Jäykkä,|
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Re: [crossfire] [Rebootworld] Priests and prayers and cults

2009-01-06 Thread Juha Jäykkä
>   If a magic user wants to get the basher reward, maybe not a problem. 
> That said, just as the scorn nobility quest is a chain quest (you have to
> do them in order), same could basically be true for these class based
> quests.  If you've done the first 4 as a wizard, and try to get the fighter
> reward for the fifth one, they might say 'who the hell are you?' type of
> thing.
>   Or maybe base it on skill level.  The fighter guild may not care about
> order of quests, but they are not going to give out some good item to some
> newbie fighter, even if the character has lots of exp.  However, if the
> character has 10 levels of a fighter type skill, that may be considered
> good enough for them to give the reward.

Sounds fair enough. The reward might also not be static at all, but depend on 
the skill level. Or perhaps even the number of previous same-type quest 
rewards given to the player. So if you suddenly decide you want the basher 
reward after first getting 10 wizard rewards, you'd get the "low-level" 


| Juha Jäykkä,|
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Re: [crossfire] What about a gameplay revolution?

2009-01-06 Thread Juha Jäykkä
>   And just like spell books having been made more available by the bookshop
> (sells common spells but at inflated prices), same could perhaps be true of
> recipes - finding more recipes should be easier to do, but maybe it costs
> something.

This sounds reasonable and actually quite good, too.

> don't think there is necessary a right or wrong answer to it, but that
> answer probably needs to be decided.

Yup. And you raised a good point about reducing xp when not using skills. 
Something else would need to be done - or nothing.

>   This sort of goes back to that decision above - should crossfire have
> stricter classes, or should classes be meaningless (aside from starting
> skills).

I'd prefer to find a middle ground. Something where we can let everyone be 
capable of using all skills, but with some class-features still intact so 
that there is no way a basher can become as good a magic-user as a wizard. 
Perhpas simply requiring the "main skill", i.e. whatever is tied to the 
class, to always be higher than any other skill? Or higher than all other 
skills combined (this would need some adjustment on first level). There could 
be a guild whose services are necessary to gain a new level (or something) 
and the guild would simply kick you out if you violate the above rule. Or 

>   Yes - race bound items should be used more.

Could not agree more.


| Juha Jäykkä,|
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Re: [crossfire] What about a gameplay revolution?

2009-01-01 Thread Juha Jäykkä
> > Nice point. Perhaps the recipies should be force-objects on the
> > character?
>   Yes - that would work.  It would also allow something along the line of
> 'what recipes do I know'.  Instead of having to jot down recipes you find
> in the game someplace else (or keep all those scrolls), one could get a
> listing of all recipes you found, etc.

This would imply that one cannot learn recipies by talking to other players, 
would it not? That may be good but it could also be bad. (I'm assuming a 
character cannot create items whose recipies are unknown to the character.) 
Either some recipies would have to be much more common or there would need to 
be a shop for them.

>   I think you do have a valid point.  One problem (IMO - others don't see
> it this way) is that any class can pick up any skill.  So while racial
> bonuses do matter, what class you start with doesn't have much impact.

I belong to the sect which supports almost meaningless classes, but there 
would need to be some incentive to specialise in a single class. Somewhere in 
this (or some other?) thread the suggestion of using the highest skill level 
for HP and perhaps something else, too, would be one step in that direction. 
Another might be gradual loss of skills if they are unused. That would 
definitely be realistic, but would it be fun? I don't know (I usually only 
play heavy magic users without much focus on melee so it would not matter 
much to my style of playing).

>   Another possibility is limiting certain items by class and/or race. 
> Maybe only spellcasters can use a wand in their hand instead of some other
> weapon.  If like above, that wand has affinities for spellcasting type
> skills, it effectively gives them a leg up.  Likewise, certain weapons
> should probably only be usable by fighter.  If we want to prevent fighters
> from be mages, mages also shouldn't be able to be fighters.

I agree that the prevention must go both ways, but I have always disliked the 
[A]D&D way of class preventing use of an item. There might be a skill to use 
wand (one that magic users initially have) or something, but not a total 
block. Also, to increase the effectiveness of wands in magic users' hands, 
their power might be tied not only to the level of the wand, but also to the 
magic-skill-level of the user, or even Pow score or something (Str gives 
fighters bonus to damage, why not Pow to wands?).

Also, it might be nice to have race-bound items. There's a lot more basis for 
requiring a certain race to use an item - no other race has a fireborn's 
tentacles or an elf's pointy ears, for example; skills to use items can be 
acquired, racial features cannot - especially racial "mystical" features 
like "elven soul" or something. Bind items to those and they effectively 
belong to that race (there might be a quest brewing here, too...)

A little less drastic race-item would be one which acquires an extra powers 
(or loses some) or becomes more (or less!) powerful when wielded by members 
of certain race(s). A mystic dwarven battle axe might give an 
additional "slay orcs" power when wielded by a dwarf etc. (And if wielded by 
an orc it might behave as a Damned weapon?)


| Juha Jäykkä,|
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Re: [crossfire] [Rebootworld] The true (hi)story

2008-12-31 Thread Juha Jäykkä
I know Lalo already replied to this, but I find the topic so funny that I'll 
just reply, too.

> - where is the super technology that was used to create the new world?

This is valid, nothing funny.

> - why do inhabitants of this world fighting, instead of cooperating to
> become more powerful?

The same could be asked of the people of Earth. Not seeing much of this 
around. There is definitely an end coming to Earth, when Sun reaches the end 
of its main sequence stage and goes red giant, so the situation is actually 
similar (except we know approximately the absolute maximum amount of time we 
have left before our world is incinerated).

> - why aren't inhabitants formed to this history during their childhood, and
> left in ignorance? you'd definitely want "endoctrined" people to work
> together and don't waste time fighting each other

Again, look at Earth. Quite a few people have no idea of the atrocities of the 
crusades, for example. And I would guess some don't even know about the world 
wars and there are definitely some who claim that there was no holocaust. And 
even those who know history (as it is written in their respective countries) 
still go around killing, stealing, whatever. While the Elves should probably 
be "better", why should be think the humans of rebootworld would be any saner 
than those here on Earth?

Asking these whys is a *very* good question, unfortunately they are questions 
that apply to Earth as well, so perhaps that is rationale enough for them to 
apply to rebootworld as well? Rationality, reason and human behaviour do not 
seem to belong together - as sad as that is.


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Re: [crossfire] [Rebootworld] Priests and prayers and cults

2008-12-31 Thread Juha Jäykkä
> 4) could also have competing quests.  Maybe half a dozen different folks
> want the goblin king killed.  Player has to decide which one he really goes
> for (an example here could be that basically all the different classes
> (skills) want him killed and give some form of exp reward or maybe
> something different.  In this way, every class can get something from it -
> do you want that fighter experience of praying experience.  Sort of
> counters the problem I mentioned above with only healers having quests for
> exp.  This also helps out the problem where in a sense, you don't have to
> write as many quests - a bunch of quests could use the same maps.

This sounds excellent. There is a big problem in 1.x giving mainly weapons as 
quest rewards. The above would both help that AND help keeping map-making 
work at a sane level. There should be some way of handling parties, though, 
in this case. And also perhaps a way to prevent the magic-using class from 
getting the basher reward. Perhaps most quests would be given out by 
guilds/kings/temples/ and they might not accept you 
since you "are too low in bashing level/have too little reputation/are of 
wrong religion/pick your favourite again".


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Re: [crossfire] Platform statement

2008-12-31 Thread Juha Jäykkä
>   Yes, skills give spells and mana.  One could change it so that the
> highest skill you have determines hit points.  This has an interesting side
> benefit of it would be incentive for folks to focus on certain skills.

I very much like this idea. It would give us the possibility of encouraging 
fighters to stay fighters while not enforcing anything. Perhaps something 
else could be tied to the best skill as well to further encouragement?

>   Clearly, zooming out is useful for finding things.  But what I'm not sure
> is how that interacts in the game.  Is it purely just a mechanism to help
> one find their bearings (I'm in the wilderness someplace, I zoom out, and
> now I can see where Scorn is relative to me).  That helps me travel back to
> Scorn, but if I'm still moving at a slow pace, then I probably go back into
> 'normal' zoom level - once I know I have to travel southeast, being zoomed
> out probably doesn't do me much good.  Now I may zoom out now and again to
> get my bearings, but I don't see myself playing the game in a zoomed out
> mode.

I thought the idea here was something like this: in all zoom levels, moving 
one "square" on the map takes N seconds on *real clock* time; on zoomed out 
mode, you'd therefore "move faster". That would be the advantage and I like 
the idea.

But that brings with it a problem when someone else is playing at the same 
map, but fully zoomed in: would that player see the other dash by at 
unbelievable speed or what? If using transports would be the only way to 
travel at zoomed out modes, that could be explained; the only other solution 
I can think of is that the different zoom-levels are actually different maps. 
That implies that, either you have many different maps covering all the world 
or you cannot zoom in everywhere - just where appropriate maps exist. On the 
other hand, if all "base maps" are at the most zoomed in level, the server 
could generate the zoomed out maps on demand, solving the problem of not 
having maps of every place at different levels (and keeping them in sync) and 
also that of other playes moving at incredible speed.

Coding-wise, I have no idea how difficult that would be to introduce in cf.


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Re: [crossfire] What about a gameplay revolution?

2008-12-23 Thread Juha Jäykkä
 of is somehow related to the skill levels. Perhaps 
item powers should look at skill levels instead of the total? Something along 
the lines of rings need evocation, amulets sorcery, daggers 
one-handed-weapons etc. And after that we need to prevent fighters from 
reaching high evocation levels... Anyone any ideas? Or is the whole thing 
totally unnecessary?

>   I was thinking about this.  Items below some condition could be worth 0
>   A quick thought could be that most of that stuff has 'condition 0' 
> denoting it is broken crap (useful for materials and repair), and another
> else has 'condition 100'.  At least that one, on that initial pass, we'd

Perhaps everything dropped by an orc should either be 50% or 0% condition? It 
would be natural for the weapons to NOT be at 100% and something should also 
be totally crap. I think 0% should be irreparable: perhaps those items should 
just vanish like some arrows?

>   For the forks, most likely we could take much of changes they've made to
> the server code and use it ourselves, because that work would also likely
> be under GPL (GPL license says derivations must also be under GPL)

Why don't we do that, then?


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Re: [crossfire] What about a gameplay revolution?

2008-12-21 Thread Juha Jäykkä
or example.

A related question: is there something preventing us from profiting from the 
work done at forks of cf? It seems some of them already have some of the 
features we desire. Heck, I don't even know if cf is GPL, BSD or what it 


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Re: [crossfire] Release 1.12

2008-12-21 Thread Juha Jäykkä
> > (Maybe there should be a vote on rolling back / not merging the rebalance
> > changes.  Personally I love them.  But I've seen some people claim
> > they're not finished enough for release.)
> Given that we don't have anyone wishing to coordinate content and maps and
> make them coherent and fun, I have no intention to do massive changes to

Two things. First, I'd like to coordinate, but I don't feel like I'm enough of 
a member of the community here.

Second, I'd like to see a short review of the differences between branch and 
trunk before voicing an option on what Lalo proposed. Also, I thought the 
rebalance stuff would eventually be getting to whatever 2.0 will be - i.e. 
even with the latest discussion about future development, the rebalance would 
still be there. I think the rebalance was a good thing and should not be 
killed off.


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Re: [crossfire] Seeking life...

2008-11-03 Thread Juha Jäykkä
> - there is no common goal, so everyone is doing his own stuff
> - there is no leadership who could define areas
> solutions:
> - define a common goal => need some leaders
> - enforce content rules (reject maps that don't integrate into the timeline
> / overall story)

Heartily agreed! I have had no time for cf (I haven't even played it!) for 
over a year now. Expect this state of affairs to continue until next summer 
(with *very* good luck, just next January). At that point I'd be more than 
happy to take on any task given me by the leader(s).

Do we need a leader election?-o


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Re: [crossfire] Maps for spellcasters (and melee vs. ranged attacks)

2008-09-22 Thread Juha Jäykkä
I'm a bit late replying due, but...

1) Instead of no_spells, use player-moving floor tiles (I don't remember the 
name of the archetype): no way of getting close to monster, but spells and 
missiles still can. This needs a monster which will not close in itself, 
though. And is less than elegant since it means there is absolutely no way of 
using melee, *at* *all*.

2) I find it frustrating to have maps impossible or almost impossible to 
finish with a certain type of character - party-maps aside, the rest of the 
maps should be doable with any kind of character, given a proper level etc. 
If a melee-fighter needs son über-weapon to finish the map, then it's ok for 
the spellcaster to need a comparably hard-to-come-by spell, but I think 
that's it. And most maps should need neither.

Which brings me to another point: I'm still keen on being able to devise new 
equipment and spells on the fly, something like enchanting weapons on the 

But since I'm in a hurry... later!


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Re: [crossfire] Resistance calculation

2008-05-23 Thread Juha Jäykkä
> Both apply a ring resist+30. Then one of them has resistance 51, the
> other comes out with 36. What happened? The first one started out with

Even though I know how resistances are computed and understand the formula, I 
have to agree, this is highly confusing for anyone who does not.

I second the idea that something is changed about this, but overrall the 
current system is quite good. The fact that having *any* negative resistance 
prevents total immunity is good. The fact that using 4 resist fire +25 items 
does not give 100% resistance is good.

But there are problems as well, like the above and:

> Concerning race penalties: Take a fireborn, whose fire immunity evens
> out the severe penalty of not being able to wear weapons and armour,
> but is broken by any item that does fire vulnerability. The race
> immunity should IMO be untouchable.

I second this, too. At least as long as racial vulnerabilities cannot be 
totally overcome by items, the immunities should not be changed either 
(except perhaps by damned items). The proposed spell to lower resistances is 
a good one, though I wonder what it would do to resist magic +100 creatures? 
=) With regard to fireborns, btw, I think the immunity to fire should be 
unbreakable unless some of the limitations are significantly reduced. The 
fire immunity is about the only thing keeping low level fireborns alive (and 
quite often high level as well).

> One thing that should be avoided though is stacking potion effects.

Good point.


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Re: [crossfire] Spell rebalancing notes/thoughts

2008-04-05 Thread Juha Jäykkä
>   That's not to say all parts of the game should just be combat - getting
> elected mayor, etc, is reasonable, but that is a bit different than
> adventuring.

I'd like to establish my own city... Or at least build a headquarters for my 
adventuring band (should I ever get one together). Building a building is 
already possible with acme (I gather - haven't actually tested), but getting 
npc's to move over to your city might be nice, too.

This, of course, produces a problem: is the number of npc's fixed or should 
they reproduce? If the number is fixed, moving would mean depleting other 
places, which may or may not be desirable. If they reproduce, some must also 
die... again, we may or may not want that. One thing is certain, though: the 
npc who gives quest related information in Scorn should always live in Scorn 
and not move elsewhere. (Perhaps if the quest is not at all Scorn-related, 
this could be relaxed.) The npc could travel around, though, but should 
definitely be in Scorn almost always (but could go home to sleep at night 

>   It may not be bad to have NPCS to help provide clues, like the old mage
> saying "I wouldn't venture into the caves with less than half a dozen
> potions".

I'd say "of course they should provide clues". It's just a matter of getting 
around writing them. All in all, some more clues about various places around 
the world might be nice - if someone just wrote them! =) I could drop in a 
few npcs for the few places I know of, but I haven't really looted every 
single dungeon in the game and I do not know the point or story behind quite 
a few places I've been to. For example the elven tree houses North-West of 
Scorn or the archaeological dig East of Scorn, the whaling village (and the 
antarctic island you can get to from there) etc. I have no idea about the 
stories behind those. Skud's tower looks unfinished etc.

> have regen go up even faster - the idea being here that character is
> presumably in a 'safe' location if they are not taking damage or doing
> combat, so why not have them get stats back faster.

Sounds good, but does it incur much load for the server? The more different 
things we offload to the server, the sooner we need to start thinking about 
multithreading it... (if we are to support really massively multiplayer 
stuff, of the order of tens or hundreds of players).

>   And within crossfire, that could also work - have fewer tougher monsters
> that are more interspersed with open space.

Sounds good, too. Some puzzles would be nice, too. Although I admit puzzles 
are really difficult to invent in a game like this.


| Juha Jäykkä, [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
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Re: [crossfire] Spell rebalancing notes/thoughts

2008-03-08 Thread Juha Jäykkä
> >   If a fighter has a tactic to defeat a monster and take no damage, that
> > is no problem, as long as he can't do it a lot faster.  For example,
> I'd rather see different classes meaning different tactics and possibly
> different time...

I tend to agree with Nicolas here. It is not a problem if it takes longer to 
gain a level as an X than as an Y. But that would need to be balanced by a 
high level X being more powerful than high level Y, otherwise I don't see 
many people playing X at all. OTOH, perhaps even that is not a problem: in 
many fantasy worlds, being a powerful wizard takes decades of study, whereas 
becoming a powerful fighter is much faster. It's also quite logical: a 
60-year fighter won't be quite so agile and enduring as a 30-year old, 
whereas in a wizard, the age is not so much of an issue. But since we do not 
have character ages in the game, I'm not sure how applicaple this is.


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Re: [crossfire] GTK V2 client default layout and map size

2008-02-21 Thread Juha Jäykkä
> I think that I suggested a solution a long time ago: highlighting the
> changes for the protections.  Basically, every time a protection changes

Something like this would be very helpful. Perhaps accompanied by a warning 
sound (should the user have sounds), too. This has been so big a problem, 
that I have considered writing a small script to recast all protection spells 
whenever they expire, but never got around to do that. 

> >   Ideally something like a spell monitor would be nice - protections on
> That would require a bit more coding effort, but that would certainly be

Wait a second, I don't quite follow you now. Don't we already have this? At 
least protection spells cause a message "your protection from X is running 
out" some time before it actually runs out. Could we not use the same code 
(base) for an overall monitor? This warning was actually so big improvement 
when it was introduced that it probably was the main reason I did not write 
the above mentioned script.

> That's right, but this also has a cost: a top-level window has some
> decorations that can take valuable space on smaller screens.  So if you
> have a small display, then it is better to have as much as possible
> inside a single main window.

You can always request a decorless window from the window manager. I think any 
decent ;) window manager disregards the application's request, though, since 
it should be the user, who decides that. But the user with such a window 
manager can always tell the WM to remove the decors if they are too big. 
Unfortunately, according to the above requirement, I know just two 
decent window managers and I know no one who uses either. Luckily most wm's 
are almost decent and can add/remove decors when user wants. 

> I couldn't agree more.  All options that are currently hidden behind
> some strange combinations of button clicks and modifiers would be much
> more discoverable by the users if there was some kind of context menu for

Agreed. Although, I hate menus - shortcut keys and mouse-key-click -combos are 
so much faster, when you know the magic combo. But, like you already noted, 
these have the problem of being obscure and hard to remember (unless you use 
them frequently), so having a "slow" way of accessing these functions is very 


| Juha Jäykkä, [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
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Re: [crossfire] GTK V2 @ 640x480!

2008-02-17 Thread Juha Jäykkä
> >
> >

These two are gorgeous! Note one point below, though. And my apologies if my 
previous email sounded to hostile. It was not meant as such. I was simply 
concerned (as I said).

As what comes to actually making the widgets float and be rearrangeable, I 
think it should not be very difficult to look at the freeciv client code and 
see how it's done. I will do it, it this is still relevant next autumn - 
before that, I have no time to spare. That's why I've not been helping with 
the balancing, new spell system etc either, I'm sorry about that.

> And what about making the map 50% larger? like, tiles 48x48?

There has been (I do not know about the newest trunk) a bug in the map scaling 
algorithm. I have used the 50% map extensively and it has a bug which makes 
places disappear from map-window (you can click to see them, though). Is this 
a known bug? If so, skip the rest. =)

This happens, for example, with certain types of "hole" on "hills". One of the 
holes close to Scorn vanishes this way. I think it is the place where there 
are lots of earth walls to bash. It may be the ogre chief cave as well. I do 
not have any copies of cf installed at the moment, so I cannot check.


| Juha Jäykkä, [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
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Re: [crossfire] GTK V2 client default layout and map size

2008-02-15 Thread Juha Jäykkä

I've been following the discussion on client layouts with great concern. What 
makes me concerned is the fact that most people seem to be fixed on the idea 
that a) the game window dimensions equal screen resolution and b) the window 
layout is (at least almost) fixed.

For point a) please note that some people (at least me) never use full screen 
size windows for any purpose (except on my htpc, but that does not even have 
a keyboard and mouse so I won't be playing on it) and the current unability 
to let the window manager resize the window is simply absurd. If a user wants 
to resize crossfire window to 20x20 pixels, it's the user's problem when if 
becomes totally useless. Almost all programs scale their internal window 
widget sizes according to the window size (or introduce scroll bars). Why 
would crossfire not do this? For the map-view-widget this would probably be 
pointless, but at least everything else could scale. Even the map widget 
could scale at least is tile-size steps: if 16x16 tiles no longer fit on 
whatever size the user adjusted the window to, then only draw 15x15 - and 
leave some blank if the actual size is 15.5x15.5 or resize the info widgets 
to fill that space.

For point b) Raphaël already noted GIMP, my example would have been from 
gaming: FreeCiv. It has *exactly* the same situation as crossfire: a current 
map view based on tiles and some informative widgets displaying, for example, 
an overview of the whole world map etc. If you resize the window, the map 
view shrinks etc. No fixed map window sizes or anything. User can do whatever 
one likes, even float some of the widgets to separate windows (I would not 
like that feature myself in a real-time game like CF, but rearranging the 
widgets within the master window would be useful).

Is there a reason for points a) and b) being as they are 1) now, 2) in the 
future? I hope there is no reason to keep them such in the future...


        | Juha Jäykkä, [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
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Re: [crossfire] Map logical linking

2008-02-03 Thread Juha Jäykkä
> Proposal for logically linking maps:
> * in one of the maps, probably the one with quest starting point or quest
> end, describe the quest in the lore field, and include what maps are linked
> to the quest, maybe more information like player level or reward? Minimum
> is the linked maps
> * in each quest map, add in the lore a reference to the quest and the map
> with all the information
> Opinions? Suggestions?

I would vote for obligatory lore fields in all maps (old and new) describing 
the above mentioned minimum. It is extremely frustrating to stumble upon a 
map, especially in the editor, and not know what it is related to.


    | Juha Jäykkä, [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
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Re: [crossfire] New plugin: citylife - help needed

2008-02-03 Thread Juha Jäykkä
> Since the players are heroes, they could be opinion-makers and trend-
> setters.  If they are seen favouring one shop, the NPCs will start
> preferring that one as well.  If they avoid one, its popularity with the
> general populace will drop very fast...

Yea, this is reasonable, but in case there are no players around, I think my 
idea is worth having anyway. And when players eventually turn up, giving the 
players more impact than npcs could will be implemented either in the way you 
describe. It has the same idea as my proposal, but it has perhaps more ingame 
consistency in it.


    | Juha Jäykkä, [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
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Re: [crossfire] New plugin: citylife - help needed

2008-02-03 Thread Juha Jäykkä
>   If I'm running a private server and don't log in for a few days, it would
> be annoying for all the shops to be closed.

This should not be a problem: it should be easy to only count "active" ticks 
(i.e. ticks when someone is actually logged on to the server) when 
considering which shops thrive and which die.

>   Related to that you are likely to get some towns that may not be used
> much even on active servers - if I have a private server, I'm likely only
> working in one town at a time.

This is more difficult. Perhaps the npcs themselves could help with this? 
Perhaps the npcs could be made to go to the shops as well? They might not 
need to buy anything, just enter and exit. Also, their influence in 
determining whether a shop lives or dies could be made orders of magnitude 
lower than players' influence.

What I have in mind, is that if no player visits a shop in Scorn, the npcs can 
keep the shops alive, but as soon as players start visiting the shops, 
their "vote" counts so much more that if players do not go to shop A at all, 
the npcs' influence can't keep that alive. Some kind of differential metric 
between the shops, not an absolute one. An npc entering the shop is worth 
one "life point" for the shop, while a player is worth a 100. Then, whenever 
the lowest scoring shop is, say, 1000 points below the next lowest scoring, 
it dies. Also, this means that whenever the highest scoring shop is that 1000 
above the next, it should expand its business...

> that driven more my player actions - eg, folks can by plots of lands
> outside of cities, etc or what not.

This sounds nice. But... how do we keep track of who owns what? And how do the 
players find out if the beautiful spot they fancy is already owned by 

>   At some level, if we let a player do it, then we could also let NPC's do
> it (some number of NPC's buy farms or whatever)

Naturally, the npcs must basically be able to do whatever the players do. I'd 
like to see them enter dungeons themselves and join parties with players as 
well. Though the last type of npc probably would not be controlled by the sim 
code (if we choose to use that). (And I do not count the current hired hands 
in Scorn as npcs. They do nothing unless you hire them - not really very "c" 
in npc.)


| Juha Jäykkä, [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
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Re: [crossfire] Weather code

2008-01-31 Thread Juha Jäykkä
> not even sure I have ever seen it in use, and presently do not see it

I have used it, but it has two drawbacks: it only ever seems to make snow fall 
on the ground, making all the world (well, the parts I checked) basically a 
big puddle of water (making moving very slow unless you levitate). The second 
drawback is that with slower "weather speeds" (I fail to recall what the real 
name of the setting is) it never does anything and the moment it starts to do 
something (i.e. fast enough to be noticed), it changes way too fast (and 
produces the puddles).

IMO it's absolutely useless as is. And I agree with Kevin: there are more 
important things to work at at the moment.


    | Juha Jäykkä, [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
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Re: [crossfire] Balance changes

2008-01-04 Thread Juha Jäykkä
>   I think many recipes may be too hard (or do not generate enough of an
>   item) for the ingredients required - that is certainly another balance
>   issue there -  alchemy has never been balanced, it should be done.  But
>   that isn't quite as  main part of the game as say magic and fighting is,
>   and is also balance in a  different nature (difficulty of ingredients,
>   difficulty of recipes, etc) 

This certainly has been an issue - both with alchemy and other item creation 
skills as well. (I will use alchemy as a synonym to item creation skill.) 
Basically, an arrow of slaying X should be equally difficult to create as 
actually going to kill X. Of course, some characters will have easier time 
killing X than others (follower of gaea killing a dread is probably having a 
lot easier task than someone else), so the best situation would be where 
creating Y of slaying X is easy for a character who would have a hard time 
killing X and not so easy for others. That would be difficult to do, though.

All in all, just try to keep creating things about as difficult as producing 
the same effect without the item. Arrows of slaying are easy: the kill a 
single monster, so the effect is quite clear. Obviously, rod of lightning 
bolt is a little more difficult to judge...

>   Just doing damage/range gains per level may be workable with the revised 
> monsters.  In the past, that didn't work when a first level monster had 20
> hp and the level 20 monster had 2000 - there just wasn't any good way to
> scale up the damage on the spell properly.  But it is probably too early to
> really say if that is the case.

There is an infinite amount of functions to choose from. There *is* a suitable 
function to scale up the damage no matter how the monsters' HP scale. The 
question is how to figure out the correct function...

>   But the other issue with different versions is a mix of area vs damage. 

Is this really so hard? Can't we just say that a spell with maximum inflicted 
damage (on stationary targets) of X hit points costs f(X) mana points? That 
way, a bullet which hits a single target and has maximum damage X, costs 
f(X); a bolt which has maximum damage Y per square and envelops N squares, 
costs f(Y*N) etc. That would be quite fair and it would really discourage the 
use of area effect spells against individual targets (although that is the 
player's choice, not something we want to prevent).

>   The harder part IMO is trying to sort that out on the server side.  It is 
> fairly straight forward to say 'a fireball of radius=3, base damage=20, 
> duration=5 cost X sp' and 'a fireball of radius=6, base damage=10,
> duration=6 costs y SP' an balance out those SP or other values.

Could we not use small/medium/large balls/bolts/cones for this? It would be 
less flexible, but easier for players. The damage could scale the same way, 
but damage/area would be less for the large versions than medium than small. 
Total (maximum) damage would be the same. Even if we let players specify the 
kind of spell they want (which is, btw, a nice touch, I think!) the above 
mentioned f(X) -method of figuring out the sp cost should work fine. 

I also think players should be able to create more powerful bullets as well, 
not just balls/cones/bolts. I might well imagine a situation where a player 
has enough mana to cast a bunch of bullets at a single target, but would 
prefer using a single, more powerful bullet to achieve the same result 
faster. Oh, this also means, that we need to discard the easiest method of 
handling player-adjustable area/damage: we cannot simply fix the maximum 
damage of a given spell (and let the player just alter the area). What we CAN 
do, however, is fix the function f to be the same for all spells (except 
perhaps the "fifth" element weaponmagic spells which almost no monster has 
protection against). (I really hope this "fifth element" we discussed in the 
summer is part of what Mark's doing now.)

One further note: perhaps maximum damage in all of the above should really 
be "expectation value of damage" instead. It's more fair since for any large 
area of effect spell you expect never to actually achieve the maximum 
damage - too low probablility - whereas for bullets you expect to achieve it 
every now and then.

>   Traps need to be retuned for higher HP.

Can't we just bind trap damage to dungeon level? If a 1st level player enters 
a 50th level dungeon, he is expected to die - it does not matter if it's a 
monster or a trap that kills him. This would solve the problem that traps are 
either harmless to higher level characters or immediate death to lower level 

>   What would probably be good to add to crossfire, especially for traps, is
>   some idea of bleeding wounds.

Could this not be done with a new type of disease? 


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Re: [crossfire] Balance changes

2008-01-03 Thread Juha Jäykkä
> Having the action take a long time would just be perceived as lag, and
> so should be avoided if at all possible.

Brewing potions (or beer!) could easily have a time lag: it takes time for the 
stuff to brew. BUT it does not mean the player should stand immobile: the 
player should keep the forge hot while the steel is heating etc. Hammering 
the blade into shape DOES take some time, but if we make the preparations 
time consuming (without making the player immobile), the balance can be 
achieved without making the hammering last too long. This has two advantages: 
scripting does not make it any faster and it is realistic (except for the 
hammering-takes-no-time-part, which is game-technically required so that 
players don't think it's lagging or get bored): it takes some time to heat a 
forge, it takes some time for the metal to heat up etc.

> Adopting a similar system to the one used by rods now to prevent
> overuse may be most appropriate.

I have never created a rod. How does this happen?


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Re: [crossfire] combat notes

2007-12-11 Thread Juha Jäykkä
> mean there will be less npc hunter
> that catches wild monster, and means ther will be wild monster in
> bigworld outdoor? :D

Hey! This is a wonderful idea: training centers must be filled by players. For 
a price, of course. Put big notices in central Scorn (and other cities): "TCI 
will pay 5 gold for a goblin, 10 gold for an ogre etc upon delivery to the 
relevant TCI installation."

Something like this is already done with guilds' second floor which need a 
Spectre to "open", so the functionality definitely is there. All that needs 
to be added is a persistent repository of monsters and 
the "monster-for-money" -exchange facility. No need for generators and easy 
way to make some little money if you know how to bring about big numbers of 

There might even be some monster infestations here and there around bigworld 
and some NPCs hunting them. A totally autonomous bot might be too difficult 
to code, but if the infested areas do not move around (which they optimally 
should!), the bot could just walk from TCI to infestation, charm some goblins 
and walk back with them. That would add some depth to the world.


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Re: [crossfire] combat, spell & monster balance

2007-11-04 Thread Juha Jäykkä
hat expectation is based largely on exp of creature - at level 40,
> killing level 5 creatures is a lot less dangerous than when you were level
> 50, but the amount of exp you get, related to how much you need for next

An extra 0 here?

> level, is such it probably isn't worthwhile.


>   Likewise, a level 5 character could attempt to take on higher level
> monsters, with it being appropriately more difficult, but they also get a
> greater reward.

This reminds me of the problem with a team of 50th and 5th level character... 
How to handle the exp so that the 5th level character does not jump to 25th 
level in a couple of minutes?

>   A lot of monster speed was really slow, relative to players.  There are
> very few monsters that players can't easily outrun, because the speed of
> them is so slow.  I'd almost say that speed of most monsters should be
> increased, but that changes balance a whole bunch, so having slow monsters
> isn't that big a deal for the most part.

I think players were too fast relative to everything else. While traveling the 
big worldmap would be very boring if players were too slow, I also think it 
is very stupid for characters to be able to outrun magic bullets, speedballs, 
magic missiles and such, which currently is almost trivial. Since monsters 
are slow, spells are slow and we want to make battles longer (or at least 
slower-paced), I think slowing down players is really the right way to go - 
like you already have done.


| Juha Jäykkä, [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
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Re: [crossfire] combat, spell & monster balance

2007-11-03 Thread Juha Jäykkä
> though the player level is higher and does more damage.  A lot of this is
> based on maps - most low level maps are just maps full of monsters, where
> as when you start to get higher, the maps tend to be more sparse.  If it
> took 5 seconds to kill a kobold, that would be really annoying really fast,
> but taking 5 seconds (or longer) to kill a dragonman likely wouldn't.

Agreed. But, then again, it should not take too long. I remember a time the 
only way for my mage to kill cyclops or dragonmen was leprosy... The amount 
of waiting in Meganthrop*'s castle was not fun.

> potions, spells, scrolls, etc to regain HP.  In fact, it seems reasonable
> that at higher levels, there may be monsters who %death > 100, implying
> that a character can not survive a 1 on 1 battle without using magical
> healing

True, but this also applies to lower levels. At 1st level, any dragon is a 
sure death.

> - One way in which i'm balancing monsters is by the speed they have - most
> monsters have a speed of less than 0.25, and many are only at 0.1 -> 0.2.
> Doubling a monsters speed from 0.2 to 0.4 effectively doubles how dangerous
> it is (more attacks in that time period) - I expect that may be a way a lot
> of the more powerful monsters get adjusted to make up for their loss of hp
> (that and increasing resistance values if they are currently low)

That's a nice way, as long as the monsters are not unplayably fast (without 
good reason - some creatures might be ok if there is lore to explain their 
unnatural speed).

>   Just sme random observations and thoughts.

Likewise. =)


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Re: [crossfire] Spell idea: Elemental skills

2007-10-29 Thread Juha Jäykkä
 they wanted to keep their freedom and so they continued the
quest and finally figured out a way of tapping into elemental magic
without binding their spirits (although it was less powerful this way).
They also figured out that the "magic element" also could be used to
bring about non-magical things: the weaponmagic-spells.

Hm.. perhaps we could even make that rite part of the game: every
mana-caster starts as an unbound sorcerer, but later on they can do the
rite if they wish. Similar to a dragon eating an ancient elemental
residue. One thing that must be given a careful though here is that there
must be some reason to focus on an element instead of staying a
generalist. One reason would be to make *some* spells inaccessible to
generalists (and even different-type elementalists?). This would be very
easy if we made some spells level above 50th (if we use my idea of a
sorcerer casting elemental spells at half level), but that might result
in changing the type only after 50th level (which may not be bad, though:
the rite may be so demanding that no low-level character can do it).
Other solutions exist, too, I believe.

Last thing I want to say is that I really think some generalist (i.e.
capable of learning every spell, although at significantly lower level
than specialists) wizard type is required.


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Re: [crossfire] Project: Slow down combat

2007-10-02 Thread Juha Jäykkä
l any relevant number of orcs and when the
caster has leveled up the player no longer wants to even hear the mention
of an orc, which is not about the toughest monster one's fireballs can

High level spells need a lot of thought. Things like frost nova should
definitely be very high level or quest-spells. On the other hand,
destruction is nearly useless at the moment but it is currently the
highest-level spell there is... strange. I think some of the very highest
level spells might not be combat-related at all, but this needs a little
more dynamical playing world. (Thinking of combat spells one thought
appeals a lot to me: earthquake... think of what that could do in a

That's it this time; this has been written during a couple of evenings so
if it is incoherent in places, please bear with me!


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Re: [crossfire] Project: Slow down combat

2007-09-20 Thread Juha Jäykkä
>   This gives another way to tune monsters.  Now you can have monsters that
> move really quickly, but perhaps don't attack very fast - things that are
> hard to run from.  And you could have other monsters that move slowly, but

One example that comes to mind is dragon breath - at the moment dragons 
basically have unlimited mana and dragonbreath/icestorm/poison 
cloud/lightning at very quick casting times at their disposal. While the 
flying dragons (can they really fly in dungeons?) are supposedly quite fast 
and not easily outrun by PCs, they might well take some time between using 
their breath weapons.

Of course this makes dragons easier prey than currently, which is bad I think 
(dragons should be tough), but that could easily be fixed in some other 

Generally, I like Mark's idea.


Juha Jäykkä, Application specialist
non-e mail: CSC, P.O. Box 405, FI-02101 Espoo, Finland
phone: 09-457 2280

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Re: [crossfire] Redo wc/ac/armor (+dodge)

2007-08-03 Thread Juha Jäykkä
> > Remove this bonus from pretty much all armor currently in the game,
> > and/or perhaps add penalty for most of the armors.
> Keep ac of armour. But this value will reduce dodge.  So a plate mail
> with ac 5 will reduce the dodge value by 5.

So we'd have AC, armour (resist_physical) and dodge? Three things? Not
good, imo.

> Let us discuss a little bit more about a dodge skill.  It would have
> some advantages having dodge as a skill.  This way you're able to keep
> up with wc and also mages will be able to dodge without the need to
> train physical combat...

Agreed. Some incarnation of D&D has a skill "tumbling" which in essence
is the same as "dodge" here. It can be improved by the skill point
system. Perhaps we need that 10% XP pool, after all, but make it
allocatable ONLY to those skills which cannot advance in any other way,
perhaps? Or even make the 10% player-selectable?

Or simply let dodge gain XP from missing attacks? Like 1 XP per missed
damage? This needs a major change in the server: currently (I think) the
player will not even know whether the monster has tried to hit and missed
or not tried at all. And I think damage is computed only after hit is
scored, that would need to change as well.

One more thing: would dodge help evade things like magic missile? I think
not, since they are spells and supposedly "guided" (missile). It might be
ok to help evade comets, asteroids and other non-guided stuff (firebolt
comes to mind), though (not lightnings, they are supposed to be too fast).

> But wc will increase with a skill which may reach level 100, dexterity
> will stay around 30.
> You won't be able to dodge anything on higher levels.

True, unless we ramp up the maximum stats to 100 - not likely (I'd up
them to at least 40-50 range, because fireborns, for example, can easily
get Pow > 30 with very little equipment - their maximum Pow with all
equip should be more than that of other races.). Dodge needs to rise with

> > certianly races/classes may get a dodge bonus,
> This will make it easier on lower levels.  But at high level the problem
> will still exists.

This is the old problem with racial/class bonuses all again! We should
decide here and now that all racial/class bonuses need to either a) not
exist or b) improve with level, as fireborn ac and dragon
resist_physical do at the moment. (This does no apply to such things as
fireborns' resist_fire +100 or undeads' disease immunity or even
fireborns' extra "fingers" - just numerical bonuses (except those that
are already maximal).)

> That forces mages to learn physical combat to avoid being killed on
> higher levels.

Or avoid melee and missiles - like in many pen&paper rpgs. Though it is
sometimes pretty difficult in CF.

> Sounds reasonable.  But than we need to increase the enchanting level.
> A maximum armour enchanting up to +4 won't have such a big impact than
> ac +4.  One ac point is worth a 5% chance (due to the d20).


> And will it take effect on all resistances or just physical?

Why would it? Just AC is being altered and it never affected any other
resistances anyway. BUT I'd alter the alchemy/jewellery/etc as per one of
my earlier posts and that would enable you to alter the other resistances
of items as well.

Perhaps it might also be nice to limit the total sum of bonuses an item
can give by something else than jeweller/etc level as well: iron rings
might be able to give less bonuses than mithril rings?

> Do we want to stay with the d20 based system?  It allows us just 5%
> steps.  We don't need to implement pen & paper systems.

I can only see one problem with 5% steps: it means 5% of the attacks hit
no matter what. This might be considered unrealisticly high. But since
beings with AC 100 are pretty tough anyway, they'd probably have so good
resist_physical as well that those who should not realistically be able
to hit them will not do any damage even when they hit.


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Re: [crossfire] Priority feature list

2007-07-26 Thread Juha Jäykkä
>   I agree that in principle, most of the classes and races should be
> about equal in power/balance.  A certain race/class shouldn't always be
> the best to play. And in broad terms, fighters and spell casters should
> be about equal.

Agreed and an Nth level fighter should be better in melee than an Nth
sorcerer - if we keep the class distinctions. If not, Nth level member of
warrior's guild should be better in melee than Nth level member of
wizards' guild.

One question, though: do we need the overall level at all? We could bind
HP, dragon abilities etc to the relevant skill level or, in case of
dragon abilities and such that are not related to any skill, to the
highest skill level. (If highest skill level is pyromancy when dragon
eats the ancient elemental residue, we track pyro as long as it is
highest. If clawing exceeds it, we switch to trackin clawing, but do NOT
forget how many levels the dragon had already gained in pyro.) I
especially like the idea that the accuracy of melee and missile weapons
would increase with the relevant skill. Perhaps AC could also increase
(and really, we should change this to "higher better"; the lower better
system is a D&D relic), when "evading attacks" skill improves?

>   However, I don't think all races/classes have to be equal.  I know in
> the past, certain races were made available, but made available as
> 'challenge' classes, for lack of better term  For those players who
> have played a lot, you can now play this other race for a different
> experience, as well as something a bit more challenging.

Agreed here as well. The "balance" I was referring to, is just that there
should be some point in playing all races/classes. If it's harder in the
beginning, it should be more rewarding in the end. For example, fireborns
are immune to fire, very magical, but fear cold and are physically weak -
this is about what the game tells in character selection phase. I think
this should mean that fireborns make better spell casters than any race
which is not "very magical", but on the other hand they should never be
able to carry as much loot as a troll. If, furthermore, we want to keep
some races more challenging, like fireborns really are, that's ok, as
long as there is some in-game reward for it as well (like dragon
immunities or fireborns being the best spellcasters possible). Hard to
play means you must be more careful, think more beforehand and so on, but
I do not think just thinking and being careful are goals for our players,
the in-game rewards are.


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Re: [crossfire] xp gaining

2007-07-24 Thread Juha Jäykkä
>   IMO, adding new regions when characters reach the cap is completely 
> unrealistic, so I dismiss it as an option.  Sure, it sounds great, and
> could happen, but past experience shows it won't happen.  Making a

Ok, you're more experienced on that, I trust your judgement. How about
the kingdom and politics side? Could that be implemented? Or researching
new spells or items?

>   the other problem with this, and the other idea of limiting exp gain
> based on overall level, is that it really means you need balance your
> skill usage as you advance your character.

It does not have to be overall level, it could equally well be the
highest skill level as well. Or, when killing monsters, it could even be
the skill you use to kill it (although then we again will have high level
characters in low level maps when they start a new skill).

>   I personally dislike games that force some style of playing.  I'd
> dislike crossfire if I say 'I must improve my evocation skill right
> now, because if I don't, I won't ever be able to get very good at it'.

That's true, it's not very nice. But "if I do not improve my evocation
now, improving it later will be more difficult" is ok with me. It's like
growing older: it's easier to learn new things when you're young and
becomes harder with age. (At least that's the common belief, I do not
know if it's true.)

> Whenever a character gains exp through any method, some portion (<10%)
> goes into a reserved pool - these exp don't go into any specific skill,
> but do count for overall level.

That might be a good solution. Anyone any objections or other thoughts on

>   And maybe the game should be that way - really focus on just a couple
> skills per character.  But that really has to be clearly documented - I

I think it should. It should not enforce it, but it should make it much
more difficult to be exceptionally good at very many skills. This fosters
both class distictivity and multiplayer adventuring.

> basically messed up and I should start a new one.  I much prefer games
> that are forgiving - maybe you didn't make ideal choices, but what you
> did before doesn't have a huge impact now.



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Re: [crossfire] Priority feature list

2007-07-24 Thread Juha Jäykkä
;s an artificial limitation into what a character can do in a world. I
dislike those. I even dislike the fact that I cannot simply break any
wall I choose (but realise that it is something that can not be changed
without huge amounts of work). Segregating players into different areas
is something that is not necessary in my opinion. I believe there are
other ways to prevent abuse as well.

> Having regions for the same level will increase the fun for the players.
> I saw so much newbies unable to find suitable dungeons.  Some got their

That's a totally different thing. It would be difficult to find dungeons
even with level-based segregation if there are not enough clues around.
If there are enough clues around, there should in no case be any
difficulty. Warnings when entering a too difficult dungeon, otoh, would
be nice to have for players how, for example, get lost or simply want to
try to take it to the limit.

> fun spoiled by high level characters boosting them ten or more levels by
> a short party at a high level map.  I think xp sharing in a party is
> very bad and should be disabled.

Two things here: 1) joining a party is voluntary, so if someone
voluntarily spoils his game, why should we care? 2) sharing xp in a party
is paramount, especially if we move towards "healers stand back and cast
cure wounds and do not kill monsters" -type of play. Xp sharing can be
tuned, however. It would be, for example, be possible to not give any xp
to party members who are 10 levels lower than the guy killing the monster
is. Or, we could figure out other ways to prevent people from spoiling
their gameplay.

> And did you never saw a character above level 100 harvesting in raffle1?

Raffle1 is generally accepted to be a map that should not exist. Not with
all those generators around.


| Juha Jäykkä, [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
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Re: [crossfire] xp gaining (was: Priority feature list)

2007-07-23 Thread Juha Jäykkä
function look like. We can easily make the modification dependant upon
Heaviside(monster_level-character_level), where Heaviside is the
Heaviside unit step function. Or anything like that. If the problem is in
altering xp gained from monster, altering the function does not solve it.
I do not personally see from Mark's explanation, what the problem really
is. It looks like it was simply implemented suboptimally.

> Fix that.  Don't make high level items equipable for low level
> characters.

Apart from rods, they aren't: they have item power specifically to
prevent low lever characters from using high level stuff. The item powers
are quite strange for some items, though.

> >   Also, the crossfire exp table is almost an exponential system, where
> > as AD&Dv3 is more linear (the exp needed for level 20 is 10 times that
> > of level 2).  So adding this extra adjustment really just amounts to
> > extra penalty/bonus.
> Making level 100 as hard to reach as level 115 is right now, won't make
> level 101 characters more likely even if the xp table is more linear.

I do not think Mark was referring to level caps here. What he said is
true: D&D 3rd ed has (almost? I'd need to get up, go to bookshelf and
check...) linear xp tables, crossfire does not. Crossfire has
~exponential xp tables. Though I am at a loss at to how he reached the
conclusion that is is a penalty/bonus. If all the current monsters are
given the "correct" level and killing the monsters at "right" (i.e. when
you are at the same level as the monster) level gives you the listed XP,
there is absolutely NO difference from the current situation UNLESS you
kill too easy monsters, which would get penalised (which was the whole
point). Linearity vs. exponentiality has nothing to do with it. The only
thing that has is the modification-function, which must give listed XP
when killing monsters at proper level AND monster XP(level)-function must
follow the same formula as player XP(level)-function. (Unless we want to
make it so that reaching level N from N-1 needs more kills than N-1 from
N-2 etc, but even that has nothing to do with penalising for killing too
easy monsters.).

> But rebalance the gaps, make it more linear.

Actually, the form of the XP(level) function is totally irrelevant. It
may even be logarithmic. The only thing that matters is that what you DO
(kill monsters, do alchemy, read scrolls, use wands etc) gives you XP
according to the same function. This is, of course, provided there are
difficulty levels in what you do: I think woodsman gives the same amount
of XP for all food, a reflection of the fact that it is equally easy to
identify an orc chop as a dragon steak, whereas brewing a very complex
potion (level 10 potion, say) is harder than brewing a simple (level 1)
potion, so the former should give such an amount of XP that it advances
you equally towards 11th level as the simple potion advances you towards
2nd level. If we always follow the method of "completing a task that has
difficulty level N gives M% of the XP needed to advance from level N to
N+1", it never matters what the XP(level) function looks like.

Keeping the function exponential, however, is intuitive. It is easy to
think that advancing from 10th to 11th level needs 10 times the xp of
advancing from 1st to 2nd (or any such). If the function is very
complicated, figuring out the correct amount of xp becomes a pita.

Making the function linear, on the other hand, makes things very easy:
every potion would just give the exact same amount of xp; same for the
monsters. What you need to think about now, is the level. Is this monster
worth M% of the difference between 10th and 11th levels or 11th and 12th?
Since there are only ~100 levels to choose from, but exponential xp
tables give you easily tens or hundreds of millions of xp values to
choose from, I'd say exponential table is easier - and safer when
introducing new things (the choice of correct level has less impact than
in linear system).

> > > No, it's not.  But don't make monsters getting a higher level than
> > > the maximum of the xp table.
> > Sure we should. High level (150) monsters you can only kill with 4
> > 100+ level players.
> No, we shouldn't.  ;)

Err... I do not quite agree here. It is a very intriguing idea to have
monsters that are simply too powerful for (practically) any character to
kill. Whether the xp table goes up to the level of the monster is
irrelevant, though. What does it matter if there is 100 lines instead of
150 in the exp_table file? (I know it's not organised one per line, but
that's easier to write.)

It can always be extended any way the server admin sees fit. And if
someone creates a 110th level region in the world, even the offi

Re: [crossfire] Priority feature list

2007-07-20 Thread Juha Jäykkä
ation of two rings
and an amulet from the spell casting point of view. Not to mention there
are weapons and armour with spell casting bonuses as well (you left
torso, hands and weapon slots free in your example; I assume Idaten
boots). Also, I think "of Magi" is an artefact modifier which can apply
to pretty much any item, at least I think it can apply to armours (I have
a character with a crown of magi - I'm not sure if its random or unique
item, cannot recall).

> "reorganizing the entire world" thread:

I have read that and I dislike the idea of segregating players of
different levels. Much better would be warning signs immediately after
entering a dungeon - or the "magic mouth" -kind of warning someone
suggested: "You get the feeling this dungeon is extremely dangerous/very
easy". Of course, high level players repeatedly cleansing low-level
dungeons for various reasons is a problem. Testground for new spells
might help that, though. (I admit having gone out to newbie tower to test
some new stuff and spells.)

> Don't make CF2 compatibel with CF1.x and everybody has to start with
> level 1.  This is necessary after big changes in the system.

Ok. No argument here.

> I'm still a friend of having quests only solvable once for each
> character.  No rerun possible.  How often will King Arthurs Excalibur be
> stolen by the same crowd?

How about a party solving a quest? Should each character who participated
be prevented from doing it again or only the one who "receives" the quest
and the reward? This sounds like a nice idea, but I am also afraid it
means that soon some characters will have nothing else except the random
hack-and-slash dungeons left.

> But don't mix up the regions.  So you don't have to care about rebalance
> the system again, because you have well balanced lower level regions.
> If player with powerful items from high level regions are able to
> harvest on lower level regions the balance is gone...

That should be pointless. If you can go kill dragons with impunity and
get 10 gold from each one's hoard, there is no point harvesting the
few dozen silver you get from newbie tower. Also, gearing towards D&D 3rd
edition -type XP system might help. In the mentioned system, a 20th level
fighter killing a kobold gets no XP what so ever. Thus you can't even
level up by map camping in newbie tower (waiting for the generators to
spawn you a million orcs).

> >   IMO, pretty much every generator could be removed from the game and
> Yes, or make them run out of monsters.  And hidden.  Or how do you
> explain a "monster generator" in the real world? ;-)

Aah, that would be a nice solution! It would fit nicely in a "real" game
world even.

Ok, now the summary - if anyone bothered reading this far... =) Numbering
is as in original post. And I will try to be brief, not mention any
specifics and only write what I feel has been agreed upon by all posters.

1) Quest rewards must be rebalanced to be usable to all characters
solving the quests.

2) Races must be rebalanced and allowed race-specific items (or at least
feature-specific, like "human(like) finger" or "human(like) torso").
Class balancing is also warranted, but there has also been a proposition
to scrap classes as they now exist alltogether. Finally, (magically
adjusted) max stat limits should be increased and maximum magical bonuses
for items specified. (Just got an idea: what if magic bonuses from items
stacked up non-linearly like resistances do? That would make it a lot
harder to get to maximum?)

3) Maximum level should stay. Perhaps even be lowered, but made much
harder to reach in any case.

4) This was not commented much, so I take it everyone agrees that all
spell casting "fields" (i.e. all separate deities, evocation, pyromancy,
summoning and sorcery) should have equally powerful "best" spells.
Preferably even equally powerful "best" spell for each spell level (or
few levels); i.e. not just have the ultimate most powerful spells equally
powerful, but the best first level spells as well and 10th and 20th and
so on. No need to have them equal at every single level, but every few.
Preferably when the previous best spell has become almost useless against
monsters the character is supposed to be fighting. I.e. if spark shower
is the best sorcery spell at 1st level and since is useless against 10th
level monsters, at 10th level there should be another spell which should
equal whatever other spell "fields" have acquired by 10th level.

5) Spells need to become more useful compared to running into monsters.
No definite solution was found for this yet.

6) This was not in my original list. This is the alchemy/jewellery/etc
change I propos

Re: [crossfire] Priority feature list

2007-07-19 Thread Juha Jäykkä
>   I think the issue is more to reduce weapon speed, and less so actual
> speed. High level characters have weapon speed 5+ - that really isn't

Ah, what I meant was to reduce damage dealt per unit of *real* time, so
this is exactly the situation you described: changing weapon speed by *A
and tick length by /A gives no change in damage dealt per unit of real
time. The problem was "dying before able to react" and that refers to
real time since it is the player who needs to react, not the character.
Thus reducing weapon speed would be an excellent solution. That would
immediately mean also that spells become relatively more effective. There
may even be no need to alter them at all (at least not from "they are
useless because sword/karate is so much faster" -perspective).

> think charactes can get speed 2.0+ without a huge amount of difficulty,
> and that causes problems.  Except in rare circumstances, speeds above
> 1.0 (which means 1 move/tick) shouldn't really be allowed.

Well, outrunning magic missiles, speedballs etc is not difficult, but I
think it should be, so I agree: max speed down (or spell speed up).

>   Hopping between exits is a problem - it could be changed so that
> monsters follow the players, but there will always be cases where even
> that isn't foolproof (monster too big to fit in previous map).  More
> use of tiled maps would sort of fix this problem, but at some point,
> map hopping can be seen as a tactic (at higher levels, things like word
> of recall and town portal could effectively allow the same thing, and I
> think most people would agree that monsters shouldn't be able to follow

I'd prefer tiling since that would be "natural" - exits as they currently
work are more or less teleporters. This brings with it a myriad of game
world -questions: why are there so many teleporters around? Who created
them? Why? Etc.

More later, Jürgen made a nice summary - I'll reply to that.


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Re: [crossfire] Priority feature list

2007-07-17 Thread Juha Jäykkä
> > First, most quest-reward and artefact items are weapons. This makes
> Scripting, scripting. Of course need to design quests for that
> particular reward :)

Cannot we alter some existing ones as a first aid? Inventing dozens of
new quests is quite a big task.

> There will always be a maximum level. It can be 112, it can be 200, it
> can be 100. But there will always be a maximum :)

Using arbitrary precision arithmetic library (like GNU MP) makes that
limit limited only by the amount of digits the server can store in its
virtual memory - which will probably be growing faster than any character
gains levels, so in practice there would be no limit. Even a less radical
method of using 64- or 128-bit integers to represent experience, I think
we could increase the "bitness" of the experience-variable faster than
anyone can consume the bits.

Anyway, this is not what I was after. I was after the fact that there is
a hard-coded value "MAX_LEVEL" (or MAX_64BIT_INTEGER, for that matter)
used in the code. Is *this* doable? In that case increasing the maximum
level would be very easy, no matter how it is represented.

> My opinion: let's keep things as they are for level, but rebalance how
> you gain experience, maybe.

That's otherwise ok, but what about old characters at 110th level? At the
least we'd need to give them some new levels to achieve.

Something needs to be done about generators, however. It is currently too
easy to sit around, letting a generator spawn a map full of monsters,
kill them but not the generator and repeat until 110th level. This is
particularly easy in Hell, where the monsters give zillion XP, there is a
grate behind which to recuperate and numerous generators spawning more
and more cannon fodder.

> > Fourth, the spell system needs rebalancing. First, meteor swarm and
> That's part of the whole game balance.

Isn't it all? =) I thought we were discussing specific points of concern
with regards to whole game balance.

> My opinion is to totally rebalance combat / spells / speed. Reduce
> speed, add more "strategic" elements to the game. Make it so you can
> actually use rune/trap writing to lure monsters, and so on.

That's fine. It is also huge task... sounds like a challenge, I'm on!
BTW, runes are essentially single-shot devices, so they might well be
significantly more powerful than currently (or, rather, more powerful
*compared to other spells* than currently). Traps are more difficult
because they can contain arbitrary spells. But what works for traps works
for runes as well - and runes still need more power imho.


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Re: [crossfire] Priority feature list

2007-07-17 Thread Juha Jäykkä
> There has been some discussion on speed/combat balance (basically:
> reduce speed, so combats take some more time, and enable players to
> actually flee before getting killed easily), though it isn't on the
> page. Could this be added to the list, or is it something not everyone
> agrees on?

I tend to disagree. Someone pointed out that reducing speed tends to turn
the game from a "real-time" one to a turn based one, which I dislike.
Another way of achieving the same result is to reduce the *damage* dealt
by . That way, monsters and players could still move
"real-time"ish, but you could still escape.

By the way, I have rarely encountered a situation I was not able to flee
from. Almost all places can even be solved by simply jumping back and
forth from the map (using normal exits, no spells) to gradually wear down
the opponent(s).

Some exceptions come to mind, but only when entering the map for the
first time ever (i.e. when I do not know how to escape). The sole
exception to this is Wist's Tower (or is it Twis?) in Lake Country,
where, after walking all the way to the top and killing the two Balrogs,
you can choose to meet a few big_wizards... That's a place I am not able
to escape (by a not-high-enough character) from even if I know the map -
you need a key from one of the wizards to exit the map (being entered
through a trap door you cannot use that way to escape). Word of recall
works there, but the delay is too much for almost any character - the
wizards kill you before you are recalled.


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Re: [crossfire] Priority feature list

2007-07-17 Thread Juha Jäykkä
tive to simply karate chop or weapon slash everything you bump
into. This ought to change. At the moment, if I had to advise someone in
creating a new character, I'd probably suggest troll figther or such.
Easiest to stay alive at low levels and at high levels it makes no
difference - everyone just runs into monsters anyway.

There probably are other things not mentioned on the wiki as well, but I
don't recall any at the moment.

[1] It's easy to increase mana regen bonus with good weapons, arnour etc
and while there are rings and amulets for fireborns to increase theirs,
it very quickly occurs that those who can use good armour and weapons,
surpass fireborns' mana regeneration ability. While the bonus is still
there, it is more than balanced by the no weapons and no armour
hindrance. Same goes to most stat scores with respect to anyone who
cannot use weapons or armour.


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