Re: [Cryptography] encoding formats should not be committee'ized

2013-10-03 Thread Stephan Neuhaus
On 2013-10-03 09:49, Peter Gutmann wrote:
 Jerry Leichter writes:
 My favorite more recent example of the pitfalls is TL1, a language and
 protocol used to managed high-end telecom equipment.  TL1 has a completely
 rigorous syntax definition, but is supposed to be readable.
 For those not familiar with TL1, supposed to be readable here means encoded
 in ASCII rather than binary.  It's about as readable as EDIFACT and HL7.

Then that puts it in the same category as HBCI version 1.  Sure, it was
rigorous.  Sure, it was unambiguous.  Sure, it was ASCII-encoded.  But
human-readable?  I implemented that protocol once, and can assert that,
after reading more HBCI messages than was probably good for me, I felt
decidedly less than human.


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Re: [Cryptography] The paranoid approach to crypto-plumbing

2013-09-17 Thread Stephan Neuhaus
On 2013-09-17 07:37, Peter Gutmann wrote:
 Tony Arcieri writes:
 On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 9:44 AM, Bill Frantz wrote:
 After Rijndael was selected as AES, someone suggested the really paranoid
 should super encrypt with all 5 finalests [...].

 I wish there was a term for this sort of design in encryption systems beyond
 just defense in depth. AFAICT there is not such a term.

 How about the Failsafe Principle? ;)
 How about Stannomillinery?

I like Stannopilosery better, but the first half is a keeper.  Or,
perhaps a bit incongruously, Stannopsaffery.


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Re: [Cryptography] Hashes into Ciphers (was Re: FIPS, NIST and ITAR questions)

2013-09-04 Thread Stephan Neuhaus

On 2013-09-04 16:37, Perry E. Metzger wrote:

Phil Karn described a construction for turning any hash function into
the core of a Feistel cipher in 1991. So far as I can tell, such
ciphers are actually quite secure, though impractically slow.

Pointers to his original sci.crypt posting would be appreciated, I
wasn't able to find it with a quick search.

I remember having reviewed a construction by Peter Gutmann, called a 
Message Digest Cipher, at around that time, which also turned a hash 
function into a cipher.  I do remember that at that time I thought it 
was quite secure, but I was just a little puppy then.  Schneier reviews 
this construction in Applied Cryptography and can't find fault with it, 
but doesn't like it on principle (using the hash function for something 
for which it is not intended).

It works like this. Let h be the incremental hash function, i.e., the 
compression function that you use to hash data piecewise.  In 
programming terms, this function is usually called XXXUpdate() if XXX is 
the name of the hash function. Then, if P(1), ..., P(n) are your 
plaintext blocks and K is your key, compute:

  C(1) = P(1) XOR h(IV, K)
  C(j) = P(j) XOR h(C(j-1), K),   for 1  j = n.

Decryption is a very similar operation:

  P(1) = C(1) XOR h(IV, K)
  P(j) = C(j) XOR h(C(j-1), K),   for 1  j = n.

It's just running the compression function in CFB mode.


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Re: A slight modification of my comments on PKI.

2010-07-30 Thread Stephan Neuhaus

On Jul 29, 2010, at 22:23, Anne  Lynn Wheeler wrote:

 On 07/28/2010 10:34 PM, wrote:
 The design goal for any security system is that the number of
 failures is small but non-zero, i.e., N0.  If the number of
 failures is zero, there is no way to disambiguate good luck
 from spending too much.  Calibration requires differing outcomes.
 Regulatory compliance, on the other hand, stipulates N==0 failures
 and is thus neither calibratable nor cost effective.  Whether
 the cure is worse than the disease is an exercise for the reader.
 another design goal for any security system might be security proportional 
 to risk. 

Warning:  self-promotion (well, rather: project promotion) ahead.

This is exactly what we are trying to do in an EU project in which I'm 
involved. The project, called MASTER, is more concerned with regulatory 
compliance than security, even though security of course plays a large role.

The insight is that complex systems will probably never have N = 0 (in Dan's 
terms), so we will have to calibrate the controls so that the N becomes 
commensurate with the risk.  To do this, we have two main tools:

First, there is a methodology that describes in detail how to break down your 
high-level regulatory goals (which we call control objectives) into actionable 
pieces. This breakdown tells you exactly what you need to control, and how. It 
is controlled by risk analysis, so you can say at any point why you made 
certain decisions, and conversely, if a regulation changes, you know exactly 
which parts of your processes are affected (assuming the risk analysis doesn't 
have to be completely redone as part of the regulatory change).

Second, as part of this breakdown process, you define, for each broken-down 
control objective, indicators.  These are metrics that indicate (1) whether the 
process part you are currently looking at is  compliant (i.e., has low enough 
N), and (2) whether this low N is pure luck or the result of well-placed and 
correctly functioning controls.

One benefit of having indicators at every level of breakdown is that you get 
metrics that mean something *at this level*. For example, at the lowest level, 
you might get number of workstations with outdated virus signatures, while at 
the top you might get money spent in the last year on lawsuits asserting a 
breach of privacy. This forces one to do what Andrew Jaquith calls 
contextualisation in his book, and prevents the approach sadly taken by so 
many risk analysis papers, namely simply propagating risk values from the 
leaves of a risk tree to the root using some propagation rule, leaving the root 
with a beautifully computed, but sadly irrelevant, number. Another benefit is 
that if some indicator is out of some allowed band, the remedy will usually be 
obvious to a person working with that indicator. In other words, our indicators 
are actionable.

The question of whether the cure is worse than the disease can't be settled 
definitively by us.  We have done some evaluation of our approach, and 
preliminary results seem to indicate that users like it. (This is said with all 
the grains of salt usually associated with preliminary user studies.) How much 
it costs to deploy is unknown, since the result of our project will be a 
prototype rather than an industrial-strength product, but our approach allows 
you to deploy only parts.


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Re: Against Rekeying

2010-03-25 Thread Stephan Neuhaus

On Mar 23, 2010, at 22:42, Jon Callas wrote:

 If you need to rekey, tear down the SSL connection and make a new one. There 
 should be a higher level construct in the application that abstracts the two 
 connections into one session.

... which will have its own subtleties and hence probability of failure.

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Re: Possibly questionable security decisions in DNS root management

2009-10-23 Thread Stephan Neuhaus

On Oct 22, 2009, at 16:12, Perry E. Metzger wrote:

I don't think anyone is smart enough to understand all the  
implications of this across all the systems that depend on the DNS,  
especially as we start to trust the DNS because of the authentication.

We trust the DNS already. As far as I can follow the discussion,  
that's part of the problem.



PS: If your point is that DNSSEC will not solve the problem, I agree.

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Re: [Barker, Elaine B.] NIST Publication Announcements

2009-10-02 Thread Stephan Neuhaus

On Oct 1, 2009, at 16:46, Perry E. Metzger wrote:

It is also completely impossible to prove you've deleted a
record. Someone who can read the record can always make a copy of
it. Cryptography can't fix the DRM problem.

Sorry, I should have clarified that. We don't want to verify that Bob  
has in fact deleted the patient record, we just want to verify whether  
Bob *claims* to have deleted the patient record *within the time span  
given*. If Alice later finds out that Bob has lied, she will have this  
signed claim, with which she can take him to court.



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Re: [Barker, Elaine B.] NIST Publication Announcements

2009-10-01 Thread Stephan Neuhaus

On Sep 30, 2009, at 06:25, Peter Gutmann wrote:

Stephan Neuhaus writes:

Is there something that could be done that would *not* require a  
TTA? (I have

almost given up on this, but it doesn't hurt to ask.)

I think you've abstracted away too much information to provide a  
answer, but if all you want is a proof of something being done at  
time X
that'll stand up in court then what's wrong with going to a notary?   
This has
worked just fine for... centuries? without requiring the pile of  

cryptoplumbing that people seem to want to attach to it.

In this case, it's because Alice and Bob are not people, but services  
in an SOA, dynamically negotiating a variation of an SLA. If that SLA  
specifies, for example, that patient records must be deleted within  
three days of checking the patient out of the hospital, then it will  
be somewhat impractical to go to a notary public every time they  
delete a patient's record.

I completely agree with your sentiment that cryptoplumbing should  
not be used when there are other working solutions, but in this case,  
I think it will be unavoidable.



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Re: [Barker, Elaine B.] NIST Publication Announcements

2009-09-29 Thread Stephan Neuhaus

On Sep 26, 2009, at 18:31, Perry E. Metzger wrote:

SP 800-102 is intended to address the timeliness of the digital
signatures generated using the techniques specified in Federal
Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 186-3. [...] SP 800-102  

methods of obtaining assurance of the time of digital signature
generation using a trusted timestamp authority that is trusted by both
the signatory and the verifier.

In the project in which I am involved we have just this problem, but  
we also have the problem that we can't require the participating  
parties to use a TTA. I have been attacking this problem from several  
angles but have not come to a solution.

The setup is this:

Alice advertises that she wants a job done. One of the constraints is  
that she wants it done by tomorrow, 10am.  A number of Bobs apply for  
the job.  Alice trusts none of the Bobs and the Bobs do not trust  
Alice.  Alice doesn't even know the Bobs beforehand.  Based on some  
criterion, Alice chooses a particular Bob.  For business reasons,  
Alice can't force Bob to use a particular TTA, and it's also  
impossible to stipulate a particular TTA as part of the job  
description (the reason is that Alice and the Bobsgreat band name  
BTW---won't agree to trust any particular TTA and also don't want to  
operate their own).

Is there something that could be done that would *not* require a TTA?  
(I have almost given up on this, but it doesn't hurt to ask.)



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Re: Source for Skype Trojan released

2009-09-04 Thread Stephan Neuhaus

On Aug 31, 2009, at 13:20, Jerry Leichter wrote:

It can “...intercept all audio data coming and going to the Skype  

Interesting, but is this a novel idea? As far as I can see, the  
process intercepts the audio before it reaches Skype and after it has  
left Skype. Isn't that the same as calling a keylogger a PGP Trojan?

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Re: combining entropy

2008-10-24 Thread Stephan Neuhaus

On Oct 24, 2008, at 14:29, John Denker wrote:

On 09/29/2008 05:13 AM, IanG wrote:

My assumptions are:

* I trust no single source of Random Numbers.
* I trust at least one source of all the sources.
* no particular difficulty with lossy combination.

If I have N pools of entropy (all same size X) and I pool them
together with XOR, is that as good as it gets?


The second assumption suffices to prove the result,
since (random bit) XOR (anything) is random.

Ah, but for this to hold, you will also have to assume that the N  
pools are all independent.  If they are not, you cannot even guarantee  
one single bit of entropy (whatever that is).  For example, if N =  
2, your trusted source is pool 1, and I can read pool 1 and control  
pool 2, I set pool 2 = pool 1, and all you get is zeros. And that  
surely does not contain X bits of entropy for any reasonable  
definition of entropy.



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Re: Randomness testing Was: On the randomness of DNS

2008-08-04 Thread Stephan Neuhaus

On Aug 3, 2008, at 13:54, Alexander Klimov wrote:

If your p-value is smaller than the significance level (say, 1%)
you should repeat the test with different data and see if the
test persistently fails or it was just a fluke.

Or better still, make many tests and see if your p-values are  
uniformly distributed in (0,1). [Hint: decide on a p-value for that  
last equidistribution test *before* you compute that p-value.]



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German banks liable for phishing (really: keylogging) attacks

2008-07-04 Thread Stephan Neuhaus
This article:,1518,563606,00.html  
(sorry, German only) describes a judgment made by a German district  
court which says that banks are liable for damages due to phishing  
attacks.  In the case in question, a customer was the victim of a  
keylogger even though he had the latest anti-virus software installed,  
and lost 4000 Euro. The court ruled that the bank was liable because  
the remittance in question had demonstrably not been made by the  
customer and therefore the bank had to take the risk.

Even though phishing and keylogging are not really related, this  
ruling is remarkable because courts had almost always ruled in favor  
of the banks in the past.  So it could set an important precedence.



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Re: The wisdom of the ill informed

2008-07-01 Thread Stephan Neuhaus

On Jul 1, 2008, at 17:39, Perry E. Metzger wrote:

Ed, there is a reason no one in the US, not even Wells Fargo which you
falsely cited, does what you suggest. None of them use 4 digit PINs,
none of them use customer account numbers as account names. (It is
possible SOMEONE out there does this, but I'm not aware of it.)

Many German savings banks use account numbers as account names (see,  
), as does, for example, the Saarländische Landesbank ( 
). Most will not use 4-digit PINs, though.

I understand
some European banks even do stuff like mailing people cards with one
time passwords.

Do you mean TANs (TransAction Numbers)? TANs are used to authorize  
transactions that could affect your account balance.  So stealing the  
PIN will let you look at the balance, but will not let you steal money  
(through this channel).

(Or maybe you knew all this already and I just missed the irony.)


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Re: defending against evil in all layers of hardware and software

2008-04-29 Thread Stephan Neuhaus

On Apr 28, 2008, at 23:56, Perry E. Metzger wrote:

If you have a rotten apple engineer, he will be able to hide what he's
trying to do and make it look completely legit. If he's really good,
it may not be possible to catch what he's done EVEN IN PRINCIPLE.

Fred Cohen proved in 1984 in his Computer Viruses, Theory and  
Experiments[1] that Program P is a virus is undecidable. I assume  
that this result can be applied to hardware in the form that Chip C  
contains malicious gates is also undecidable. (Caveat: Cohen seems to  
make the fundamental assumption that there is no fundamental  
distinction between code and data, something that need not necessarily  
hold everywhere inside a computer chip.)



[1] See for example

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Re: crypto class design

2007-12-19 Thread Stephan Neuhaus

On Dec 17, 2007, at 17:38, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

So... supposing I was going to design a crypto library for use within
a financial organization, which mostly deals with credit card numbers
and bank accounts, and wanted to create an API for use by developers,
does anyone have any advice on it?

The one thing that I think is most important is not to use the bunch  
of functions approach, but rather an integrated approach that  
directly supports the use cases and protects against misuse.

Intend to skim the OpenSSL design and Gutmann's Design of a
Cryptographic Security Architecture for ideas.

There you have examples of both approaches.



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Re: The bank fraud blame game

2007-07-02 Thread Stephan Neuhaus

Peter Gutmann wrote:

Given that all you need for this is a glorified pocket calculator, you could
(in large enough quantities) probably get it made for  $10, provided you shot
anyone who tried to introduce product-deployment DoS mechanisms like smart
cards and EMV into the picture.

That seems exactly to be the problem.  Germany's e-health card would be 
a prime candidate for technology that could boost the use of such 
pinpads, but unfortunately the card will contain a smart card.  (The 
device has a host of other problems too, don't get me started.)



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Re: Free Rootkit with Every New Intel Machine

2007-06-21 Thread Stephan Neuhaus

Peter Gutmann wrote:

-- Snip --

This is very scary.  I bet that our Minister of the Interior would love 
it, though, since he has been pushing a scheme for stealth examination 
of suspects' computers (called Federal Trojan).  Technology like this 
would be a large first step towards making this possible.

- Built in web interface on every machine (port 16994)

Apart from all the other things that are wrong with this scheme,

* you can't trust the output of netstat anymore;
* in other words, what you see with netstat may not be the same as what 
someone else sees with nmap; and
* if the web interface has a vulnerability, you have an unshutdownable 
vulnerable service running on your machine.



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German CA TrustCenter insolvent

2005-09-26 Thread Stephan Neuhaus

Original article at

It seems that the German TC TrustCenter GmbH (formerly TC TrustCenter 
AG) is now insolvent.  TrustCenter was accredited to issue qualified 
signatures, which is what you need in Germany if you want your digital 
signature to be as binding as your handwritten one.

It is as yet unclear why TrustCenter ran out of money, but the fact that 
German banks sold their TrustCenter stocks to BeTrusted (now part of 
Cybertrust) in 2004 shows that the banks had lost their confidence in PKI.

An interesting question is of course what happens with TrustCenter's 
private keys.  Are they being auctioned off to the highest bidder?


fn:Stephan Neuhaus
org;quoted-printable:Universit=C3=A4t des Saarlandes;Department of Informatics
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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-09-07 Thread Stephan Neuhaus

Peter Gutmann wrote:

Alaric Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In my opinion, PSK has the same problems as all symmetric encryption, its
great if you can share the secret securely, but distribution to the masses
makes it infeasible.

Exactly, PSK's are infeasible, and all those thousands of web sites that have
successfully employed them for a decade or more are all just figments of our
imagination.  By extension, ATMs are also infeasible.

I don't know about New Zealand, but in Germany, ATM PINs (and 
homebanking TAN lists) are sent in special envelopes that you can't see 
through, even when holding them against a light.  That's exactly the 
sort of distribution method that would be needed for PSKs to have 
desirable security properties and to make them feasible, and that's 
exactly the distribution method that Joe's Used Condoms can't use 
because it's too expensive.  Also, it would preclude doing business with 
someone you don't already know.

Also, phishing isn't done on all those thousands of web sites that have
successfully employed [passwords] for a decade or more; it's just done 
on those where there's money to be had.  Where it's done, it very often 
works.  How is that a successfuly employed security model?

Sarcasm aside for a minute, several people have responded to the PSK thread
with the standard passwords don't work, whine moan complain response that
security people are expected to give whenever passwords are mentioned.  It's
all the user's fault, they should learn how to use PKI.

I think you're talking about me here, so I think I should clear some 
things up.  First of all, I don't think that users should learn how to 
use PKI.  I don't use PKI (much) because I think it's too bloody 
complicated, and I am certainly an educated user.  I wouldn't dare foist 
 PKI on uneducated users.  (There is a great parody by Stenkelfeld, a 
German radio comedy show, about the difficult HBCI procedure then in use 
at Haspa, the largest German savings bank.  It's in German, but I can 
get you an MP3 if you want.  And there isn't even that much I in HBCI's 
PKI.) But I'm no expert on PKI, so I asked a question instead, namely 
whether PKI wasn't going to make it for the web.  Second, I also didn't 
say that passwords didn't *work*, I said that they had *storage and 
management issues* that certificates did not have and that their 
deployment would be problematic because of that, and I stand by that.

The reason for my opinion has nothing to do with any knee-jerk standard 
reaction in relation to passwords, except perhaps for the problem of 
transferring them securely; see above.  (I think the problem is real 
under many threat models; you may disagree.) Rather, it is my impression 
that a switch to TLS-PSK would not just be a client-side thing, but that 
server code would have to be changed also, and that it is this issue 
which will prevent widespread deployment of TLS-PSK.  This has nothing 
to do with what users want or can do, and it has nothing to do with the 
technical feasibility of passwords.

The failing is in the security community.

We completely agree.  We have failed to produce practical and secure 
solutions.  To repeat, I especially agree that PKI is a solution in 
search of a problem, and that it's not practical for web commerce.

I also agree that password authentication is not inherently poor, and if 
we could turn the clock back ten years, that's what we should do.  I 
also agree that passord-based authentication was trivial to 
implement---ten years ago!  Today it's not going to be anyway near trivial.

Here's my proposal for an unmistakable TLS-PSK based authentication mechanism
for a browser: [...]

If I were a phisher, I'd set up a web site having normal text boxes for 
username and password.  On it, I'd put a link why isn't the URL bar 
blue? and use some technical mumbo-jumbo about how for technical 
reasons, the feature needed to be disabled in the browser, but that the 
passwords were of course secure (there was a posting on this list to the 
effect that a bank actually did this or something very similar).  Or 
maybe that this particular browser isn't supported with TLS-PSK (DiBa 
doesn't support anything but IE, for example, and logins will 
mysteriously fail if attempted with any other browser).  I bet that'd 
work, no matter how unspoofable the TLS-PSK password entry were.

It doesn't solve *all* phishing problems, but it's a darn sight better than
the mess we're in now.

OK, I'm willing to concede that I probably don't understand many of the 
issues, technical or otherwise, and that I don't have a solution to 
offer myself, so I'll shut my trap (except if directly challenged, or in 
private email) until someone has made a decent try to get browser makers 
to support both TLS-PSK and to include unspoofable password entry 
methods.  Then we'll see how merchants react to this and what the 
ultimate consequences are.



Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-09-01 Thread Stephan Neuhaus

James A. Donald wrote:
But does not, in fact, prevent. 

Let me rephrase that.  Are we now at a point where we must admit that 
PKI isn't going to happen for the Web and that we therefore must face 
the rewriting of an unknown (but presumably large) number of lines of 
code to accomodate PSKs?  If that's so, I believe that PSKs will have 
deployment problems as large as PKI's that will prevent their widespread 

That's because PSKs (as I have understood them) have storage and 
management issues that CA certificates don't have, four of which are 
that there will be a lot more PSKs than CA certificates, that you can't 
preinstall them in browsers, that the issue of how to exchange PSKs 
securely in the first place is left as an exercise for the reader (good 
luck!), and that there is a revocation problem.

To resolve any of those issues, code will need to be written, both on 
the client side and on the server side (except for the secure exchange 
of PSKs, which is IMHO unresolvable without changes to the business 
workflow).  The client side code is manageable, because the code will be 
used by many people so that it may be worthwhile to spend the effort. 
But the server side?  There are many more server applications than there 
are different Web browsers, and each one would have to be changed.  At 
the very least, they'd need an administrative interface to enter and 
delete PSKs.  That means that supporting PSKs is going to cost the 
businesses money (both to change their code and to change their 
workflow), money that they'd rather not spend on something that they 
probably perceive as the customer's (i.e., not their) problem, namely 

Some German banks put warnings on their web pages that they'll never ask 
you for private information such as passwords.  SaarLB 
( even urges you to check the certificate 
fingerprint and provides well-written instructions on how to do that. 
In return, they'll assume no responsibility if someone phishes your PIN 
and TANs. They might, out of goodwill, reimburse you.  Then again, they 
might not.  I believe that SaarLB could win in court.  So where is the 
incentive for SaarLB to spend the money for PSK support?


fn:Stephan Neuhaus
org;quoted-printable:Universit=C3=A4t des Saarlandes;Department of Informatics
adr;quoted-printable:;;Postfach 15 11 50;Saarbr=C3=BCcken;;66041;Germany
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-30 Thread Stephan Neuhaus

Peter Gutmann wrote:

And that's it's killer feature: Although you can still be duped into handing
out your password to a fake site, you simply cannot connect securely without
prior mutual authentication of client and server if TLS-PSK is used.

If I have understood the draft correctly, using PSKs means that the 
server and the client have a shared secret that they must communicate 
securely beforehand, and that they use some form of ZKP to assure the 
other party that they know that secret without revealing it.

If that's indeed so, wouldn't this have key management and storage 
issues that PK was designed to prevent in the first place?  Also, the 
prior secure exchange of secrets would seem to preclude communication 
between entities that don't know each other.  That, however, is how many 
businesses (including ebay, in whose name much phishing spam is 
generated) operate.  Additionally, I don't think that this is just a UI 
issue; after all, both the client and the server must somehow manage the 
PSKs.  There are probably expiration and revocation problems: what if my 
computer gets stolen and I can't get at my PSK? Does this mean that I 
can't do business with my bank anymore? What if I suspect that someone 
has stolen my PSK (for example with the same javascript attack that 
phished my password)? And so on and so on.

I'm not saying that the idea is bad, far from it; I'm just saying that 
there are probably many practical problems to be solved before this can 
be widely deployed.

Or perhaps I haven't understood the draft correctly.

What'd be necessary in conjunction with this is two small changes to the
browser UI:

...and the PSK management code in the server and in the client.


fn:Stephan Neuhaus
org;quoted-printable:Universit=C3=A4t des Saarlandes;Department of Informatics
adr;quoted-printable:;;Postfach 15 11 50;Saarbr=C3=BCcken;;66041;Germany
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: AES cache timing attack

2005-06-20 Thread Stephan Neuhaus

Peter Gutmann wrote:

Stephan Neuhaus [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Concerning the practical use of AES, you may be right (even though it would
be nice to have some advice on what one *should* do instead). 

Definitely.  Maybe time for a BCP, not just for AES but for general block

I think so.

I find it pretty alarming that in spite of all the review that AES
got, [resistance to timing attacks] was not met, and in an exploitable
fashion to boot.

Well, it depends on what your design assumptions were.  [...] In fact I'd say
it's actually not possible to certify resistance
to timing attacks across all possible CPUs, because it'll always be possible
to find some oddball CPU for which an AES-critical instruction somewhere has
some weird characteristic that helps in an attack.

True, but what we have here is not some oddball CPU, but the fact that a 
natural AES implementation on one of the most popular CPUs in existence 
today has this problem.  It's a problem because the algorithm (and by 
extension, any natural implementation of it) isn't supposed to be 
vulnerable to a timing attack.

Lets say you want constant timing for at least the most common CPU family,
x86.  [...]

So in the end you've got an algorithm design that happens to be resistant to
timing attacks on the D0 stepping of a Northwood-core Intel P4.  Anything else
and all bets are off.  This doesn't seem very useful to me.

I don't know.  That cache accesses are faster than memory accesses is 
not exactly new.

I agree totally that we shouldn't insist on constant-time 
implementations across all possible architectures.  This way madness 
lies.  But the fact that it is apparently difficult to produce a fast 
constant-time implementation on the P4 is definitely a warning sign, 
especially when resistance to timing attacks was an explicit design 

How can we get fast constant-time implementations? (Or even just an 
implementation that is resistant to timing attacks, which isn't 
necessarily the same thing?)  I don't know.  But what you can't do is 
solicit a cipher that is supposed to be free of timing attacks and then, 
when one is found, say, well, don't do that then :-)

I think this says more about the standardization and review process than
about AES.

I think the standardisation process went about as well as can be expected,
given Newtonian physics-level assumptions about how CPUs work.

Again, I don't know.  That cache accesses are faster than memory 
accesses is very much inside the limits of Newtonian physics-level 
assumptions. If the standardizers had had a testable, implementable 
phrasing of their design requirements, this embarrassing mistake could 
have been avoided.  Granted, I don't see at the moment how you could 
phrase this so that the word cache does not already appear somewhere, 
but I feel that this should have been possible.  It's just good 
engineering practice.

IIRC, the timing resistance was accepted on a theoretical argument (that 
table accesses take constant time); nobody actually tried it out before 
accepting it.  If they had, they would have seen that the implementation 
was not constant-time.  I think this is bad and I still think that the 
fault lies with the standardization process.


fn:Stephan Neuhaus
org;quoted-printable:Universit=C3=A4t des Saarlandes;Department of Informatics
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