Re: Russia Intercepts US Military Communications?

2003-04-03 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold
At 2:15 PM -0500 4/1/03, Ian Grigg wrote:
Some comments from about a decade ago.

The way it used to work in the Army (that I
was in) within a battalion, is that there was
a little code book, with a sheet for a 6 hour
stretch. Each sheet has a simple matrix for
encoding letters, etc.  Everyone had the same
sheet, and they were created centrally and
distributed from there.  If any sheets were
lost, it was a major disaster.
All soldiers were taught to code up the messages,
it was one of the more boring lessons.  In
practice, corporals and seargeants did most
of the coding, but it was still a slow and
cumbersome process.
The Army actually has a training course (from 1990) on-line that 
describes such a system in detail. The cipher system, called DRYAD is 
covered in 
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Kashmir crypto

2003-03-31 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold
While Googling for material on SINCGARS, I found an article about 
crypto in the India/Pakistan conflict. Old style cryptanalysis isn't 
dead yet:

Arnold Reinhold

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Re: Russia Intercepts US Military Communications?

2003-03-31 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold
At 2:10 PM -0500 3/31/03, reusch wrote:

Nosing around on the same site, one finds
"How military radio communications are intercepted"
Searching for SINCGARS indicates that all US military radios have
encryption capabilities, which can be turned off.  Several, in use,
key distribution systems are mentioned.  Perhaps these systems or even
encryption, with infrequently changed keys are, as you suggest, too
inconvenient to use under the conditions.  -MFR
There is a lot of material on SINCGARS available on line via Google. 
This is a low-VHF system used primarily by U.S. ground forces and 
those who want to talk to them.  It offers both frequency hopping and 
Type-1 encryption (at least the newer models) and can also be used in 
single channel, unsecured mode to talk to older VHF-FM radios. 
According to one source, about 164,000 SINCGARS radios have been 
fielded and all older VRC-12 radios should have been replaced by 2001.

The key management systems (nightmare may be a better term) are 
described in considerable detail in . It's from 1996 
and makes very interesting reading. For example, radios have to have 
their time set to within 0.4 sec of GMT. It's easy to believe that 
units switch to un-encrypted modes under the stress of battle.

Even tho the radios seem quite versatile, the usage is extremely 
hierarchical.  News reports have stated that one advance in this war 
is that the daily "tasking order" can now be distributed 
electronically.  This probably includes all the material needed to 
set up the SINCGARS (frequency hop list, frequency hopping keys, 
communications security keys, call sign lists, network IDs, etc.). 
That may make things a little better than in 1996.

I went to a lecture at MIT by someone for the US Army talking about 
the "soldier of the future," an integrated body 
armor/backpack/electronics system. I asked about encryption and he 
said it was Army doctrine not to use it at the intra-squad level. 
Key management is one of the issues. That is consistent with the 
number of SINCGARs radios produced. So there should be plenty of open 
voice traffic to analyze.

Arnold Reinhold

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Re: Active Countermeasures Against Tempest Attacks

2003-03-11 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold
At 11:43 PM -0800 3/10/03, Bill Stewart wrote:
At 09:14 AM 03/10/2003 -0500, Arnold G. Reinhold wrote:
On the other hand, remember that the earliest Tempest systems
were built using vacuum tubes. An attacker today can carry vast amounts
of signal processing power in a briefcase.
And while some of the signal processing jobs need to scale with the 
target systems,
as computer clock speeds get faster, the leakage gets higher and
therefore shielding becomes harder and leakage gets higher.
Most of the older shielding systems can do fine with the 70 MHz 
monitor speeds,
but the 3 GHz CPU clock speed is more leaky.  Millimeter wavelengths are
_much_ more annoying.
All in all I would not put much faith in ad hoc Tempest protection. 
Without access to the secret specifications and test procedures, I 
would prefer to see highly critical operations done using battery 
powered laptops operating in a Faraday cage, with no wires crossing 
the boundary (no power, no phone, no Ethernet, nada).  In that 
situation, one can calculate shielding effectiveness from first 
suggests US government requirements for a shielded enclosure are 60 
db minimum.
Back when most of the energy lived at a few MHz, it was easy to make 
that had air vents that didn't leak useful amounts of signal.  It's 
harder today.
So take your scuba gear into your Faraday cage with you :-)
One of my pet ideas is to used older, 1990's vintage, laptops for 
secure processing, e.g. reading PGP mail, generating key pairs, 
signing submaster keys, etc.  They are cheap enough to dedicate to 
the task, they'd be off most of the time thereby reducing 
vulnerability, older operating systems and firmware have fewer 
opportunities for mischief and most viruses won't run on the old 
software.  Easier shielding due to lower clock rate is an advantage I 
hadn't thought of before.

Basically, if you've got a serious threat of TEMPEST attacks,
you've got serious problems anyway...
You could say that about strong crypto in general. Anyone with 
valuable information stored on a computer has lots to worry about.

Arnold Reinhold

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Re: Active Countermeasures Against Tempest Attacks

2003-03-10 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold
At 9:35 PM -0500 3/8/03, Dave Emery wrote:
On Fri, Mar 07, 2003 at 10:46:06PM -0800, Bill Frantz wrote:
 The next more complex version sends the same random screen over and over in
 sync with the monitor.  Even more complex versions change the random screen
 every-so-often to try to frustrate recovering the differences between
 screens of data on the monitor.
Five or six years ago I floated the suggestion that one could do
worse than phase lock all the video dot clock oscillators in a computer
room or office to the same master timing source. This would make it
significantly harder to recover one specific monitor's image by
averaging techniques as the interference from nearby monitors would have
exactly the same timing and would not average out as it does in the more
typical case where each monitor is driven from a video board with a
slightly different frequency dot clock (due to aging and manufacturing
The dot clock on a megapixel display is around 70 MHz, or 14 
nanoseconds per pixel. Syncing that over some distance is not 
trivial. Remember the speed of light is 1 nanosecond/foot. On the 
other hand, I think syncing the sweep signals would be enough to 
implement your idea and that should not be hard to do, possibly even 
in software since they are created on the video card.

Effectiveness is another matter. The attacker could use a directional 
antenna to separate out monitors. Even if his equipment was outside 
the building, the windows would act like an antenna whose radiation 
pattern would be different for the different monitors in the room. 
The attacker might be able to discriminate between different monitors 
just by driving his van around outside.

Even if he can't distinguish between different monitors, he still 
gets a signal that is the sum of the content on each monitor.  That 
is analogous to a book code and likely just as secure, i.e. not very.

Modifying existing video boards to support such master timing
references is possible, but not completely trivial - but would cost
manufacturers very little if it was designed in in the first place.
Modifying existing monitors to shield the video signal wouldn't cost 
that much either. As I understand it the big expense in Tempest rated 
equipment is the testing  and the tight manufacturing control needed 
to insure that the monitors produced are the same as the ones tested.

And of course one could "improve" the shielding on the monitor
with the dummy unimportant data so it radiated 10 or 20 db more energy
than the sensitive information monitor next to it.   In many cases this
might involve little more than scraping off some conductive paint or
removing the ground on a cable shield.
Simply buying some class A monitors for the dummy data might do what 
you want, but I'm not sure 10-20 db of reduced signal to background 
buys you much.  I've heard numbers of 100 db or more required for 
effective Tempest shielding, with Class B shielding (the higher grade 
FCC requirement) buying you 40-50 db. See for example

I am sure that it would take little effort with a spectrum
analyzer and some hand tools to defeat most of the EMI suppression
in many monitors and whilst this would not be entirely legal under
FCC rules (at least for a manufacturer or dealer) it probably would
be closer to legal than deliberately creating rf interference
with an intentionally radiating jammer.
I imagine, however, that the usefulness of the RF radiated by a
modern TFT flat panel display fed with DVI digital video is already much
less as there is no serial stream of analog pixel by pixel video energy
at any point in such an environment.  Most TFTs do one entire row or
column of the display at a time in parallel which does not yield an
easily separated stream of individual pixel energy.   Thus extracting
anything resembling an image would seem very difficult.
The signal is still serialized in digital form at some point on a 
pixel by pixel basis.  Because flat panels do not have the high-power 
sweep signals of CRT monitors, the overall shielding needed to meet 
Class B may be less.  That might make life easier for attackers.

This does suggest one simple approach that might be useful for flat 
panels displaying sensitive text: chose foreground and back ground 
colors that have the same number of on and off bits in each color 
byte pair, e.g. foreground red and background red each have three 
bits on, both blues have four bits on, both greens have five bits on. 
That might make background and foreground more difficult to 
distinguish via RF radiation in an all digital system.

So perhaps the era of the simplest to exploit TEMPEST threats
is ending as both optical and rf TEMPEST is much easier with raster
scan pixel at a time CRT displays than it is with modern more parallel
flat panel display designs.
On the other hand, remember that the earliest Tempest systems were 
built using vacuum tu

Re: Active Countermeasures Against Tempest Attacks

2003-03-09 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold
At 10:46 PM -0800 3/7/03, Bill Frantz wrote:
It has occurred to me that the cheapest form of protection from tempest
attacks might be an active transmitter that swamps the signal from the
computer.  Such a transmitter would still be legal if its power output is
kept within the FCC part 15 rules.
Take, for example, the signal from a CRT monitor.  The monitor signal
consists of large signals which are the vertical and horizontal sync
pulses, and smaller signals which are the levels of each of the phosphor
The simplest countermeasure would be random RF noise which is many orders
of magnitude stronger than the signal from the monitor.  However, with this
system, the attacker can average many fields from the monitor and perhaps
still recover the signal because any give pixel is the same, while the
noise is random.  (Or at least the pixels change slowly compared with the
fields, giving lots of data to average.)
The next more complex version sends the same random screen over and over in
sync with the monitor.  Even more complex versions change the random screen
every-so-often to try to frustrate recovering the differences between
screens of data on the monitor.
Can such a device be built and still stay within the Part 15 rules?

Cheers - Bill

Part 15 is pretty complex, but reading a summary at suggests a number of 
problems. First there are dozens of bands where intentional radiators 
are not permitted to operate (15.205). Designing a noise source that 
avoided all these band might be difficult.

Second, the permitted signal levels associated with intentional 
radiators (15.209) are very similar to those permitted for 
unintentional radiators (15.109), including most consumer grade CRT 
monitors (Class B). Commercial monitors (Class A) are permitted 
higher levels of radiation, but I suspect most monitors made today 
are Class B.

Now the radiation from a monitor is mostly sweep signals and the 
like, which carry no information. The signals that drive the CRT guns 
are much weaker. But I suspect you will need the noise to be much 
more powerful to obliterate the signal carrying data. The situation 
is even worse if the attacker suspects what the data may contain. He 
can then use correlation techniques to find the data well below the 
noise level.

I'd also point out that the noise source has be be co-located with 
the data signal. Otherwise, the attacker can use a directional 
antenna to capture the noise signal without the data signal, allowing 
it to be subtracted from the data+noise signal.  Similarly, it will 
be vital to change the noise pattern whenever the content of the CRT 
changes, otherwise the attacker who had reason to suspect when the 
screen changed can subtract data1+noise from data2+noise to get 
data2-data1, which is likely to leak a lot of information.

I suspect it would be cheaper to shield the CRT or operate in a Faraday cage.

Arnold Reinhold

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Re: Wiretap Act Does Not Cover Message 'in Storage' For Short Period

2003-03-06 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold
At 4:57 PM -0500 3/5/03, John S. Denker wrote:
Tim Dierks wrote:

 In order to avoid overreaction to a nth-hand story, I've attempted to
 locate some primary sources.
 Konop v. Hawaiian Airlines:
[US v Councilman:]
Well done.  Thanks.

 I'd be interested in any opinions on how this affects the government's
 need to get specific wiretap warrants; I don't know if the law which
 makes illicit civilian wiretapping illegal is the same code which
 governs the government's ability (or lack thereof) to intercept
0) IANAL.  But as to the question of "same code", the
answer is clearly "no".
I2ANAL, but I don't think that's clear at all, unless your are 
talking about specific paragraphs within the Wiretap Act and the 
Stored Communications Act.

1) As to government-authorized intercepts, see

which gives a plain-language discussion of at least
eight different standards under which some sort of
authorization could be obtained.
Also note that neither Konop nor Councilman involved
government intercepts, so you can't learn anything about
authorized intercepts by studying them.  Also note that
post-9/11 laws have superseded everything you might
previously have known on the subject.
The Konop decision specifically talks about government intercepts. 
See section B7, for example. They even discuss the post 9/11 
situation in B6.

2) As to intercepts by civilians, it's wrong, and it
may be punishable under many different theories and
standards, including invasion of privacy, copyright
infringement, computer trespass, computer vandalism,
simple theft of things of value, and who-knows-what
Add the Railway Labor Act in this case.

4) Crypto-related sidelight: I wonder what would
have happened if Konop had encrypted his sensitive
data. (eBook format or the like. :-)  Then could he
have used the draconian provisions of the DMCA
against his opponent (Hawaiian Airlines)?
There are some who would argue that the simple password protection 
scheme Knopp used would be a "technological protection" covered under 
DMCA.  However, the penalty for access to protected material, as 
opposed to trafficking in technology, is a $2000 fine, which may not 
seem draconian to an airline.

Arnold Reinhold

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Re: AES-128 keys unique for fixed plaintext/ciphertext pair?

2003-02-21 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold
At 2:18 PM -0800 2/19/03, Ed Gerck wrote:

Anton Stiglic wrote:

 > The statement was for a plaintext/ciphertext pair, not for a random-bit/
 > random-bit pair. Thus, if we model it terms of a bijection on random-bit
 > pairs, we confuse the different statistics for plaintext, ciphertext, keys
 > we include non-AES bijections.

 While your reformulation of the problem is interesting, the initial question
 was regarding plaintext/ciphertext pairs, which usually just refers to the
 of elements from {0,1}^n, {0,1}^n, where n is the block cipher length.

The previous considerations hinted at but did not consider that a
plaintext/ciphertext pair is not only a random bit pair.

Also, if you consider plaintext to be random bits you're considering a very
special -- and least used -- subset of what plaintext can be. And, it's a
much easier problem to securely encrypt random bits.

The most interesting solution space for the problem, I submit, is in the
encryption of human-readable text such as English, for which the previous
considerations I read in this list do not apply, and provide a false sense of
strength. For this case, the proposition applies -- when qualified for  the

Maybe I'm missing something here, but the unicity rule as I 
understand it is a probabilistic result.  The likelihood of two keys 
producing different natural language plaintexts from the same cipher 
text falls exponentially as the message length exceeds the unicity 
distance, but it never goes to zero. So unicity can't be used to 
answer the original question* definitively.

I'd also point out that modern ciphers are expected to be secure 
against know plaintext attacks, which is generally a harsher 
condition than knowing the plaintext is in natural language. 
Furthermore they are usually subject to chosen plaintext attack which 
is always harsher.

Arnold Reinhold

* Here is the original question. It seems clear to me that he is 
asking about all possible plaintext bit patterns:

At 2:06 PM +0100 2/17/03, Ralf-Philipp Weinmann wrote:
I was wondering whether the following is true:

"For each AES-128 plaintext/ciphertext (c,p) pair there
 exists exactly one key k such that c=AES-128-Encrypt(p, k)."

Of course we can look at the generalized case of Rijndael
with block size == key size and ask the same question. I'd
be happy with an answer for AES-128 nonetheless.

At first I thought this was a trivial question since the round
function minus AddRoundKey is bijective. But I haven't been
able to come up with anything thus far, so I thought I'd
ask the list.

Any ideas?


p.s.: I am familiar with Wernsdorf's paper, but it hasn't
  helped me thus far.

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Re: AES-128 keys unique for fixed plaintext/ciphertext pair?

2003-02-18 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold
At 5:45 PM -0600 2/18/03, Matt Crawford wrote:

 > ... We can ask what is the

 probability of a collision between f and g, i.e. that there exists
 some value, x, in S such that f(x) = g(x)?

But then you didn't answer your own question.  You gave the expected
number of collisions, but not the probability that at least one

That probability the sum over k from 1 to 2^128 of (-1)^(k+1)/k!,
or about as close to 1-1/e as makes no difference.

But here's the more interesting question. If S = Z/2^128 and F is the
set of all bijections S->S, what is the probability that a set G of
2^128 randomly chosen members of F contains no two functions f1, f2
such that there exists x in S such that f1(x) = f2(x)?

In general, if G has n randomly chosen members of F, isn't the answer 
just 1/e**(n**2)?  There are n**2 pairs of functions in G (ok 
n*(n-1)) and the probability of no collision for each pair is 1/e as 
you point out above.

G is a relatively miniscule subset of F

Just plain minuscule:  |G| = 2**128,  |F| = (2**128)!  ~= 2**(2**135)

but I'm thinking that the
fact that |G| = |S| makes the probability very, very small.

Even if |G| << |F| that is true.  If G contains 5 functions, there 
are 20 pairs and 1/e**20 ~= 2.06E-9.

Arnold Reinhold

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Re: AES-128 keys unique for fixed plaintext/ciphertext pair?

2003-02-18 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold
At 1:09 PM +1100 2/18/03, Greg Rose wrote:

At 02:06 PM 2/17/2003 +0100, Ralf-Philipp Weinmann wrote:

"For each AES-128 plaintext/ciphertext (c,p) pair there
 exists exactly one key k such that c=AES-128-Encrypt(p, k)."

I'd be very surprised if this were true, and if it was, it might 
have bad implications for related key attacks and the use of AES for 

Basically, block encryption with a given key should form a 
pseudo-random permutation of its inputs, but encryption of a 
constant input with a varying key is usually expected to behave like 
a pseudo-random *function* instead.

Here is another way to look at this question. Each 128-bit block 
cipher is a 1-1 function from the set S = {0,1,...,(2**128-1)] on to 
itself, i.e. a bijection. Suppose we have two such functions f and g 
that are randomly selected from the set of all possible bijections 
S-->S (not necessarily ones specified by AES). We can ask what is the 
probability of a collision between f and g, i.e. that there exists 
some value, x, in S such that f(x) = g(x)?  For each possible x in S, 
the probability that f(x) = g(x) is 2**-128. But there are 2**128 
members of S, so we should expect an average of one collision for 
each pair of bijections.

If the ciphers specified by AES behave like randomly selected 
bijections, we should expect one collision for each pair of AES keys 
or 2**256 collisions.  Just one collision violates Mr. Weinmann's 
hypothesis.  So it would be remarkable indeed if there were none. 
Still it would be very interesting to exhibit one.

For ciphers with smaller block sizes (perhaps a 32-bit model of 
Rijndael), counting collisions and matching them against the expected 
distribution might be a useful way to test whether the bijections 
specified by the cipher are randomly distributed among all possible 

Arnold Reinhold

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RE: Columbia crypto box

2003-02-12 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold
At 11:21 AM -0500 2/11/03, Trei, Peter wrote:

I totally agree that WEP has/had problems well beyond the export issue,
but that's not my point. A product which cannot be exported will not be
developed, generally speaking.

I quote from AC2 (Schneier), page 615 (which was published in 1996):

"The State Department does not approve of the export of products with
strong encryption, even those using DES. [...] The Software Publishers
Association (SPA) has been negotiating with the government to ease
export license restrictions. A 1992 agreement between them and the
State Department eased the export license rules for two algorithms,
RC2 and RC4, as long as the key size is 40 bits or less."

So, it doesn't matter how espionage-enabled CDMF was, if you
wanted to export crypto for general use, you were stuck with
RC2 or RC4. This situation eased slightly (to 56 bits) around
1997, but did not reach today's conditions until 2000.  The
AMMS system cited above dates to 1995.


I might add that using RC4 with a key composed of a 40-bit secret and 
an IV transmitted in the clear would not necessarily qualify 
automatically under that 1992 agreement. It is quite possible that 
the foolishly short 24-bit IV in WEP was the result of real or 
anticipated pressure from the export control folks.

(It feels weird to be citing Schneier as a historical document).

Indeed, but it is important to remember just how thickheaded the 
anti-crypto effort of the '80s and '90s was and how much damage it 

Arnold Reinhold

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Re: Columbia crypto box

2003-02-10 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold
At 6:12 PM -0500 2/10/03, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:

In message , David Wagner writes:

Trei, Peter wrote:

The weird thing about WEP was its choice of cipher. It used RC4, a
stream cipher, and re-keyed for every block. . RC4 is
not really intended for this application. Today we'd
have used a block cipher with varying IVs if neccessary

I suspect that RC4 was chosen for other reasons - ease of
export, smallness of code, or something like that. It runs fast,
but rekeying every block loses most of that advantage.

It's hard to believe that RC4 was chosen for technical reasons.
The huge cost of key setup per packet (equivalent to generating 256
bytes of keystream and then throwing it away) should dominate the other
potential advantages of RC4.

I'm not sure you're right.  While 40-50% of packets are about 40 bytes
long -- see for some
older statistics -- most *bytes* are carried by larger packets.  From
that same site, about 75% of the bytes are carried by packets over 500
bytes long.

A quick awk script suggests that given that packet size distribution,
the total workload to use WEP-style encryption is about double the
number of bytes.  The overhead is thus substantial -- but RC4's cost
per byte is quite low, so it was probably a net win.  Other studies
suggest that LAN packet size distribution is somewhat different, with
more large packets; that would lower the overhead.


It's worth remembering that the original WEP used 40 bit keys. For 
some time, RC4 with 40 bit keys was the only crypto system that could 
be exported without a license.  It's hard for me to believe that 
export concerns were not the primary factor in the initial choice of 

Arnold Reinhold

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Re: [IP] Master Key Copying Revealed (Matt Blaze of ATT Labs)

2003-01-29 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold
I took a look at the "MIT Guide to Lock Picking"  August 1991 revision at

It says:

"9.10 Master Keys
Many applications require keys that open only a single lock and keys 
that open a group of locks. The keys that open a single lock are 
called change keys and the keys that open multiple locks are called 
master keys. To allow both the change key and the master key to open 
the same lock, a locksmith adds an extra pin called a spacer to some 
of the pin columns. See Figure 9.8. The effect of the spacer is to 
create two gaps in the pin column that could be lined up with the 
sheer line. Usually the change key aligns the top of the spacer with 
the sheer line, and the master key aligns the bottom of the spacer 
with the sheer line (the idea is to prevent people from filing down a 
change key to get a master key). In either case the plug is free to 

The parenthetical comment suggests awareness of the general 
vulnerability Matt exploited, but I suspect that had the authors 
known the multiple partial copy trick Matt described, they would have 
published it.

Arnold Reinhold

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Re: [IP] Master Key Copying Revealed (Matt Blaze of ATT Labs)

2003-01-24 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold
At 6:16 PM -0800 1/23/03, Harvey Acker wrote:

The content, once extracted, was interesting to
someone who did not know how locks worked, but the
attack was obvious as soon as one read the description
of how master keys worked.

I knew how master keys worked. I had one when I was at MIT and I've 
picked a few locks myself. I know a little crypto too, but I didn't 
think of this attack.  Lots of things are obvious once you've read 

To dress this up with "P(H-1) key blanks", "rights
amplification", oracles, and other crypto analogies,
was silly.

I'm sure there is street argot for most of these terms, but Matt's 
paper is great tutorial on what they mean in a practical, physical 
setting.  Anyway, it got his picture in New York Times:

At 9:38 AM -0800 1/24/03, Len Sassaman wrote:
This is a rather clever technique for discovering the second key of a
dual-keyed lock; however, it wasn't previously unknown.

I do give Matt a lot of credit for having come up with it independently,
though I think it is worth pointing out that any good locksmith would
already have been aware of this.

It was described to me in 1997, when I first started working with
locksmithing, as a way of determining a given lock's change key knowing
only the master key (and having access to the lock, but not the ability or
desire to disassemble it.) Using this to find a change key when you have a
master key isn't nearly as interesting from the point of view of an
attacker, but is the more common use of this technique in the locksmithing

If all the master cuts are higher than the change cuts, I believe you 
can carry out Len's procedure with a single blank. You start with the 
master key and file it down one pin position at a time until it 
becomes the change key.

The apparently common restrictions on where the master cuts can be 
relative to the change cuts would seem to severely limit the number 
of possible master keys for any given lock style.  It might well be 
possible to construct a priori a set of all possible master keys for 
a given lock style. This would make such systems vulnerable to 
someone who lacks even a change key. A careful lock picker could also 
deduce a lot of information on where the master cuts are.

Arnold Reinhold

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Re: DOS attack on WPA 802.11?

2002-12-08 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold
At 10:48 PM -0500 11/29/02, Donald Eastlake 3rd wrote:


If you want to play with this as in intellectual exercise, be my guest. 
But the probability of changing the underlying IEEE 802.11i draft
standard, which would take a 3/4 majority of the voting members of IEEE
802.11, or of making the WiFi Alliance WPA profiling and subseting of
802.11i incompatible with the standard, are close to zero.

Cryptographic standards should be judged on their merits, not on the 
bureaucratic difficulties in changing them. Specs have been amended 
before. Even NSA was willing to revise its original secure hash 
standard. That's why we have SHA1.  If I am right and WPA needlessly 
introduces a significant denial of service vulnerability, then it 
should be fixed. If I am wrong, no change is needed of course.

Check out the President's message for September 202 at the 
Association of Old Crows web site ("Serving the Electronic Warfare 
and Information Operations Community"):

Arnold Reinhold

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Re: DOS attack on WPA 802.11?

2002-12-08 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold
At 12:48 AM +0100 11/30/02, Niels Ferguson wrote:

There will be a stronger variant of WPA: The TGi AES-based protocol. It
just isn't finished yet.

Is this 802.11i or something that will be available sooner?


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Re: DOS attack on WPA 802.11?

2002-11-29 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold
At 4:57 AM +0100 11/19/02, Niels Ferguson wrote:

At 21:58 18/11/02 -0500, Arnold G Reinhold wrote:


Third, a stronger variant of WPA designed for 11a could also run on
11b hardware if  there is enough processing power, so modularization is
not broken.

But there _isn't_ enough processing power to run a super-Michael. If there
were, I'd have designed Michael to be stronger.

I'm not sure that is true for all existing 802.11b hardware. And 
vendors of new 802.11b hardware could certainly elect to support the 
stronger variant of WPA.

Maybe you are suggesting is to add yet another cryptographic function; the
current Michael for existing hardware and a super-Michael for newer 802.11a
hardware. Developing super-Michael would cost a couple of month and a lot
of money. I would consider that a waste of effort that should have been
spent on the AES-based security protocols. That is where we are going, and
we need to get there ASAP. It is perfectly possible to design 802.11a
hardware today that will be able to implement the future AES-based security
protocols. That is what software updates are for.

That is what I am suggesting. If a stronger version of Michael is too 
expensive to develop, there is still the option of using a standard 
message authentication function, say an HMAC based on MD5 or an AES 
solution. I spoke to several 802.11a/g chip-set vendors at Comdex and 
they seem to be allowing extra processing power to support 11i. 
Intersel said they were using 20% of available MIPS.


[regarding my suggestion to rotate the Michael output words in a key 
dependant way:]


Those are standard design questions. I looked at better mixing at the end
of the Michael function and decided against it. It would slow things down
and the attack that changes the last message word and the MIC value had
much the same security bound as the differential attack that does not
change the MIC value. There is no point in strengthening one link of the
chain if there is another weak link as well. Of course, this isn't how I
normally design cryptographic functions, but Michael is a severely
performance-limited design.


I have responses to your concerns about using SHA and the issue of 
re-keying, but you point out:

It would be easier just to ask
for 128 key bits from the key management system. It has a PRF and should be
able to do it.

That would be fine. You only need ten additional keying bits for 
arbitrary rotation of the two output words. Maybe an additional bit 
to optionally swap the words. This only adds a few instructions per 

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Re: DOS attack on WPA 802.11?

2002-11-19 Thread Arnold G Reinhold

[please ignore previous mesage, sent by mistake -- agr]
On Sat, 16 Nov 2002, Niels Ferguson wrote:

> At 18:15 15/11/02 -0500, Arnold G Reinhold wrote:
> >I agree that we have covered most of the issues. One area whre you have
> >not responded is the use of WPa in 802.11a. I see no justification for
> >intoducing a crippled authentication there.
> >From the point of the standard there is little difference between 802.11,
> 802.11a, and 802.11b. The differences are purely in the PHY layer. That is,
> the exact radio modulations are different, but the whole MAC layer is
> identical. It would break modularisation to link a MAC layer feature to a
> PHY layer feature.
> The other reason is that 802.11a hardware is already being shipped, and the
> AES-based cryptographic protocol has not been finalised.

Modularization is a poor excuse for shipping a cryptographically weak
product. Second in this case the PHY layer does affect a MAC layer
feature. 802.11a is much faster than 11b. That makes Michael
even more vulnerable to attack.  If Michael is subject to one forged
packet per year on 11b, it is vulnerable to one every 10 weeks or so in
11a. Third, a stronger variant of WPA designed for 11a could also run on
11b hardware if  there is enough processing power, so modularization is
not broken.

As for shipped hardware, does anyone know that it couldnot run with a
stronger version of Michael? And a few shipped units, is far less
justification than the 10's of millions of 802.11b units out there.

> >Also here is one more idea for possibly improving Michael.
> >
> >Scramble the output of Michael in a way that depends on the MIC key, K.
> >This could be as simple as rotating each output word a number of bits
> >derived from K. Or you could generate a 8 by 8 permutation from K and
> >apply it to the bytes in the Michael output. you might even be able to use
> the
> >small cipher that is used to generate the individual packed encryption
> >keys in WPA.
> >
> >This would break up an attack that depends on messing with the bits of the
> >MIC in the message. It does nothing for attacks on parts of the message
> >body. Any additional integrety check on the message would catch that,
> >however.
> This would provide at most a very marginal security improvement. A
> differential attack can leave the final MIC value unchanged, and adding an
> extra encryption would not help. See the Michael security analysis for
> details.

A marginal improvement on a marginal algorithm can be worthwhile. It does
break up one attack mode at negligable cost. It might prevent other
attacks that have not been envisioned.

> Rotating the output in a key-dependent way is dangerous. You expose the
> rotation constants to discovery using a differential attack.

If the rotation constants are derived from the MIC key using a strong hash
(e.g. SHA1) there is little risk of recovering key bits. Since this only
needs to be done when the MIC key changes, the computation time should be

There is a risk that an attacker who is doing an exhaustive key search
could use knowledge of the rotation bits to rule out most trial keys with
just a hash computation. But even if they could completely test all MIC
key candidates with just the hash, that would require 2**63 SHA1 trials to
recover the MIC key on average. That is a reasonable level of security
compaired to WPA, and with 10 rotation bits we are very far from even that

Another cheap varient would be to derive the rotation constants from the
hash of the last two MIC keys. This eliminates even this minute risk.

> Additional integrety checks would require extra cycles, which we could also
> have spent on a more secure Michael version.

I wasn't suggesting they be done by 802.11, but by  higher layers.

With greetings form Las Vegas,

Arnold Reinhold

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Re: DOS attack on WPA 802.11?

2002-11-19 Thread Arnold G Reinhold
I agree that we have covered most of the issues. One area whre you have
not responded is the use of WPa in 802.11a. I see no justification for
intoducing a crippled authentication there.

Also here is one more idea for possibly improving Michael.

Scramble the output of Michael in a way that depends on the MIC key, K.
This could be as simple as rotating each output word a number of bits
derived from K. Or you could generate a 8 by 8 permutation from K and
apply it to the bytes in the Michael output. you might even be able to use the
small cipher that is used to generate the individual packed encryption
keys in WPA.

This would break up an attack that depends on messing with the bits of the
MIC in the message. It does nothing for attacks on parts of the message
body. Any additional integrety check on the message would catch that,

On  the other hand it is very cheap and might interfere with future more
sophisticated attacks.

Arnold Reinhold

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Re: DOS attack on WPA 802.11?

2002-11-13 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold
At 11:40 PM +0100 11/11/02, Niels Ferguson wrote:

At 12:03 11/11/02 -0500, Arnold G. Reinhold wrote:

One of the tenets
of cryptography is that new security systems deserve to be beaten on
mercilessly without deference to their creator.

I quite agree.

I hope you won't mind another round then.

>2. Refresh the Michael key frequently. This proposal rests on WPA's

This has no effect on the best attack we have so far. The attack is a
differential attack, and changing the key doesn't change the probabilities.

Tell me if I understand this attack correctly. Bob intercepts a 
packet he knows contains a certain message, even though it is WPA 
encrypted, say "Transfer one hundred dollars from Alice's account to 
Bob's account. Have a nice day."  (Maybe he know what time it was 
sent, or the length, whatever.) Because WPA uses a stream cipher, Bob 
can create a message that will decrypt with the same key to "Transfer 
one million dollars from Alice's account to Bob's account. Have a 
nice day."  This was one of the problems with WEP.

WPA is designed to prevent this kind of forgery by adding a 64-bit 
MIC. Even so, I could send lots of packets containing the million 
dollars message but with random stuff in the MIC field (or in the 
"Have a nice day" part that Bob knows nobody reads) and if I do this 
enough times I will accidently create a packet with a valid MIC.  If 
MIC were really strong, this would take about 2**64 tries, a big 
enough number not to worry about.  But because Michael is puny, you 
were able to find some clever tricks for picking the randomizing data 
so that only about 2**29 (aka half a billion) tries are needed. 
Furthermore, you are worried that there might be a way that requires 
only 2**20 (about a million) tries.  And because we are trying MIC 
codes at random, the MIC key in use at the moment doesn't matter. 
Eventually Bob gets lucky and the packet goes through.

The logic behind your countermeasure is that forgery attempts are 
very easy to detect and by shutting down for a minute after 2 forgery 
attempts within one second, Bob needs an average of half a million 
minutes to get his packet through, or about one year. And that's an 
acceptable risk.

If I got this right, here are a couple of observations. Assume for a 
moment WPA as is, but with your time out countermeasure turned off.

1. Bob only gets that one packet through.  If he wants another packet 
he has to start all over with another million or more attempts. So 
that packet had better be worth the effort.

2. This forgery only affects the 802.11 layer. If the "Transfer one 
million dollars" message has an electronic signature or another layer 
of protection, this attack does nothing to defeat that.

3. The network will get and detect hundreds of thousands of copies of 
the forged message before a valid one gets through. If Bob is 
tampering with the MIC code, they will all be identical. If Bob is 
munging an unimportant section of the message, they will still be 
highly correlated. So we will have hours, maybe days of warning that 
someone is attacking our system and exactly what Bob is trying to do. 
Even if we were asleep and he succeeds, we would know about the 
attack and what message he was trying to send.

4. Bob has to do a lot of transmitting and we will have hours or days 
of warning to track him down with direction finding equipment.

This is not a very attractive attack from Bob's point of view.  He 
must find a single packet so valuable it is worth all risk and time 
involved in mounting this attack. He telegraphs his scheme well in 
advance of its success. He risks being caught in the act and he 
leaves a trail of evidence that can be used to catch him, say when he 
cleans out that bank account. It sounds like a Woody Allen movie 
scenario. ("What does this note mean 'I have a bun'?" "It says 'gun'" 
"Hey Charlie does this look like a 'b' or a 'g' to you?")

Furthermore, if I got this right, a filter could be turned on that 
simply blocked the packet Bob is attempting to send when it finally 
gets a valid MIC. For extra credit, you could do the following: 
automatically detect forgery attempts and devise a filter for them 
(say, look for the constant region of the forgeries). When a valid 
packet comes through that matches the filter, reject it and force a 
key change.  The transport layer will request a retry. If, by chance, 
the packet was legit, the station that sent it can send it again and 
the Internet goes on. Bob on the other hand, needs another million 
tries, after which the same thing will happen.

Any security hole is a matter for concern, but if my understanding is 
correct, I am more convinced that a valid alternative to your time 
out countermeasure is for WPA to tell us we are under attack and let 
us log the forgery

Possible fixes for 802.11 WPA message authentication

2002-11-11 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold
Here are some thoughts that occur to me for improving the security of 
802.11 WPA message authentication (MIC), based on what I read in 
Jesse Walker's paper

One approach is to second guess Niels Ferguson and try to find a 
different combination of operations that will produce greater 
security than his Michael algorithm. That is a worthy research idea 
and might even be automated, since there are relatively few 
possibilities given the tight computation time budget.  My guess is 
that Niels has done a good job and, in any case, revisiting the 
Michael design not likely to produce anything that can be implemented 
before WPA is introduced. So this doesn't seem the most productive 
place to look right now.

A different approach might be to select an MIC algorithm that is much 
stronger but breaks the bank on computing time for older access 
points, yet still works on existing cards. One could then have two 
variants, WPA and WPA-XS (extra strength). Sites that wanted the best 
security would have to junk older access points. XS could also be 
required for 802.11a, the new, faster standard for the 5 GHz band, 
which will presumably require beefier access points anyway.

A third approach for the short term would be to leverage Michael, 
i.e. use Michael as is and add stuff that makes the WPA MIC harder to 
break. Then all the cryptoanalytical work done to date on Michael 
remains valid. Here are several approaches I have come up with. For 
this discussion call the Michael key produced under WPA as it exists 
K. I am not proposing any change in the way K is generated or 

1. Shuffle the order of the message words stirred into Michael.  For 
example, divide the message payload into four blocks. Let L be the 
length of the payload in words (after padding). Compute M = L/4 (a 
shift).  Then the blocks are [0 to M-1]. [M to 2M-1], [2M to 3M-1] 
and [3M to L]. At the time a new K is created, compute a randomized 
permutation of 4 elements and four randomized "order-determining" 
bits, all derived securely from K.  Then for each packet, compute the 
Michael hash of the blocks in the order of the permutation, with the 
additional wrinkle that each block is hashed in either ascending 
order or descending order, based on the value of the corresponding 
bit. Note that each word is hashed exactly once and the added 
overhead is modest and outside the Michael inner loop.

A 4 element permutation has 4.5 bits of entropy, with the four 
order-determining bits, that adds at total 8.5 bits to Michael's 
strength. The same concept with 8 blocks would add 23 bits. The 
source and destination addresses are also hashed. They can simply be 
considered part of the payload, or they can be hashed separately, 
before any of the blocks or at the end, again determined by K, to add 
additional variability.

Since the MIC generated here is exactly the same as the original 
Michael MIC of the permuted message, there is no reduction in Michael 
security.  This method breaks down for very short packets, however 
computation time is presumably less of an issue for short packets, so 
we should be able to come up with something in these cases. Perhaps 
we could apply the permutation to data word bytes and use the order 
determining bits to specify a shift.

2. Refresh the Michael key frequently. This proposal rests on WPA's 
need to keep packet order in sync for the IV counter.  I propose 
generating a sequence of 64-bit sub-keys derived from K using a 
reasonably secure algorithm and using them instead of K to key 
Michael.  Since each sub-key gets very little exposure, breaking 
Michael become much more difficult.

2a. Here is one way to generate the sub-key sequence: Create an 
instance of RC4 in software and initialize it using K as the RC4 key. 
Then generate 8 cipher bytes each time a new sub-key is needed.  One 
could do this for every MIC that is generated. This would require 
eight RC4 cypherbyte generations per packet.   A 258-byte RC4 state 
{i, j, S} will be required for each active K and the RC4 key setup 
will need to be performed each time K is changed. For extra credit, 
one can discard the first 256 cipherbytes, though I think that is 
overkill here.

2b. If that is too much overhead, one could generate one cipherbyte 
for each packet and change keys every time eight had been 
accumulated.  Each Michael key only gets used eight times.  This 
computation and storage load does not seem like a lot to me, but If 
it is too much here is a yet another approach:

2c. This one makes me a bit nervous, but it is worth putting on the 
table.  A new RC4 key is generated for every packet fragment sent. 
Borrow one bit from each such key. The bit number used might be 
derived from K. Accumulate the bits in a series of 32 bit word, say 8 
of them.  When you have accumulated them, use them to compute a new 
sub-key, either by adding them pair-wise, or, better, using Mich

Re: DOS attack on WPA 802.11?

2002-11-11 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold
I appreciate Niels Ferguson responding to my concerns in such detail. 
I don't want to give the impression that I object to WPA on the 
whole. That is why I said "major and welcome improvement" in my 
opening sentence. I am particularly mollified by Niels' statement 
that "most existing cards will be useable with 802.11i by putting a 
lot of the cryptographic processing onto the laptop."  If AES based 
solutions are available in a year or two that do not require selling 
all our old hardware on eBay, then WPA is indeed good news.

Still, I feel additional discussion is in order.  One of the tenets 
of cryptography is that new security systems deserve to be beaten on 
mercilessly without deference to their creator.  And I would argue 
that the Michael countermeasure is no ordinary design tradeoff. It is 
rather like a doctor prescribing a drug with severe side effects on 
the theory that it is the only way to save the patient's life, 
something that should be done only with the greatest caution:

o First, the doctor should be sure that the side effects aren't as 
bad as the disease.
There is a community of "wardrivers," people who look for 802.11b 
networks they can access. Even assuming most of them are ethical 
hacker types, who will good naturedly find something else to do when 
WPA starts to spread, there might be a few who are less sporting 
about it.  All they have to do is write some code that sends a couple 
of bad packets every minute or so to any network it finds.  This 
won't even be noticed by 802.11 nets that aren't using WPA, but those 
that are will be severely disrupted. Guess what will happen? The 
network administrators attacked will turn WPA off.  As word spreads, 
other net admins won't even bother turning it on.  They are 
overburdened anyway and installing WPA won't be a picnic.

Here is a story from today's Security Wire Digest:

At 2:00 AM -0600 11/11/02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
By Michael Fitzgerald
The results of the second World War Drive are in, and they don't look good
for wireless security.

Of the almost 25,000 wireless access points surveyed, only 35 percent used
Service Set Identifier (SSID), a default security feature in the 802.11b
protocol. Only 28 percent had Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) enabled. Of
those using SSID, less than 4 percent also use WEP. The issue comes down
to management information system (MIS) staffing, says Pete Shipley, an
independent security consultant.

"It's a key distribution problem," Shipley says. "When you're in the
corporate environment with a large number of laptops deploying wireless,
without encryption you pretty much hand out a wireless card and it works.
With WEP, you have to configure the system."

While not difficult, the effort requires time, and MIS staffs typically
have more pressing issues than wireless security. Shipley thinks that as
security becomes more important to companies, they will revisit their
wireless security setup.

I would argue that the Michael countermeasure DOS attack breaks WPA 
security as effectively as a cryptographic attack. It's simple, it's 
practical, it's specific to WPA, and could even be spread by virus. 
And if such an attack occurs, it will generate as much bad press as a 
cryptographic attack. How will the WiFi Alliance respond? Issue a 
press release pointing out that other DOS possibilities exist in 
ordinary 802.11? And how much credibility will be left when 802.11i 
is finally ready?

o Second, the doctor should be certain of the diagnosis.
Is the patient's life really in danger? In this case that means 
asking how easy it really is to break Michael. Normally, 
cryptographers should be extremely conservative in assessing the 
strength of an algorithm.  But when the response to perceived 
weakness is to add a different vulnerability,  I would argue that the 
test should be what is realistic, not the ultra conservative worst 
case.  The Intel article said the best known attack is a 29-bit 
differential cryptanalysis. How practical is that? Does it require 
vast amounts of chosen plain text?

If there is no practical Michael busting attack on the horizon, than 
the objection to allowing users to turn the countermeasure off, 
perhaps with a warning that doing so risks security, seems harder to 

o Third, the doctor should be certain that no other treatments are available.
The question of whether a significantly stronger MIC can be created 
within the limited computational budget available is still an 
interesting one. I hope more details about the algorithm and the 
constraints, both in time and space for object code, will be 
available very soon, if they are not already.  If something markedly 
better were developed in the next few months, perhaps the WiFi 
Alliance could be persuaded to drop it in before release.  At worst, 
work in this area could be a useful backup in case AES-based 
solutions prove too cumbers

Re: Windows 2000 declared secure

2002-11-07 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold
ware. A system might 
want to know whether an individual is still in the building before 
granting access through an inside terminal

o Training requirements and awareness maintenance for users, 
operators and administrators, including frequency and specific topics 
to be covered

o Legal forms -- security notices, employee agreements, acceptable 
use policies, etc.

I can envision this stuff evolving into something like the fire 
protection regulations that every architect has to either follow or 
request a waver.

Arnold Reinhold

At 6:38 AM -0500 11/4/02, Jonathan S. Shapiro wrote:
I'm answering this publicly, because there is a surprise in the answer.

On Sun, 2002-11-03 at 13:12, Arnold G. Reinhold wrote:

"Jonathan S. Shapiro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>... If a
>reputable group of recognized computer scientists were to publish a well
>thought out set of evaluation criteria...

If I may ask a naive question, couldn't such a set of evaluation
criteria be abstracted from the design goals of Eros?

Funny you should ask that. First, I need to correct my original
statement: one needs both evaluation criteria and an effective
requirement set for a secure OS. The Common Criteria evaluation process
needs to be augmented with quantitative tests on the actual software
artifact, but it's actually pretty good.

Requirements, on the other hand, is a tough problem. David Chizmadia and
I started pulling together a draft higher-assurance OS protection
profile for a class we taught at Hopkins. It was drafted in tremendous
haste, and we focused selectively on the portions of CC we would cover
in class, but it may provide some sense of how hard this is to actually

Sorry about the formatting errors - it's an automatically generated
document that needs cleanup.

The difficulty in drafting a PP like this is avoid specifying solutions.
A PP is supposed to be a requirements document. Unfortunately, you get
into quandries. Some of the requirements we think are important can be
done in capability systems but not in non-capability systems (at least
based on published verifications to date). It becomes tempting at that
point to introduce requirements that can *only* be done by capability

Also, much is present only by reading between the lines. An annotated
document is needed in order to really make any headway on understanding
what is implied by some of the requirements.

Also there is no reason such a document need be as voluminous as
existing criteria.  It is high time we departed from the quality
industries practice of focusing on tangential issues, ignoring
substance and generating mountains of paper as a proxy for

Having read a number of existing protection profiles, I have to say that
people have done quite well on this. There *is* some unneeded bulk, but
this is primarily due to conventions that yield consistently styled
documents. Once you understand how to read one PP you can read pretty
much any PP. A modest amount of size expansion is a reasonable price to


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DOS attack on WPA 802.11?

2002-11-07 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold
The new Wi-Fi Protected Access scheme (WPA), designed to replace the 
discredited WEP encryption for 802.11b wireless networks, is a  major 
and welcome improvement. However it seems to have a significant 
vulnerability to denial of service attacks. This vulnerability 
results from the proposed remedy for the self-admitted weakness of 
the Michael message integrity check (MIC) algorithm.

To be backward compatible with the millions of 802.11b units already 
in service,  any MIC algorithm must operate within a very small 
computing budget. The algorithm chosen, called Michael,  is spec'd as 
offering only 20 bits of effective security.

According to an article by Jesse Walker of Intel :

"This level of protection is much too weak to afford much benefit by 
itself, so TKIP complements Michael with counter-measures. The design 
goal of the counter-measures is to throttle the utility of forgery 
attempts, limiting knowledge the attacker gains about the MIC key. If 
a TKIP implementation detects two failed forgeries in a second, the 
design assumes it is under active attack. In this case, the station 
deletes its keys, disassociates, waits a minute, and then 
reassociates. While this disrupts communications, it is necessary to 
thwart active attack. The countermeasures thus limits the expected 
number of undetected forgeries such an adversary might generate to 
about one per year per station."

Unfortunately the countermeasures cure may invite a different 
disease. It would appear easy to mount a denial of service attack by 
simply submitting two packets with bad MIC tags in quick succession. 
The access point then shuts down for a minute or more. When it comes 
back up, one repeats the attack.  All the attacker needs is a laptop 
or hand held computer with an 802.11b card and a little software. 
Physically locating the attacker is made much more difficult than for 
an ordinary RF jammer by the fact that only a couple of packets per 
minute need be transmitted. Also the equipment required has innocent 
uses, unlike a jammer, so prosecuting an apprehended suspect would be 
more difficult.

The ability to deny service might be very useful to miscreants in 
some circumstances. For example, an 802.11b network might be used to 
coordinate surveillance systems at some facility or event.  With 
802.11b exploding in popularity, it is impossible to foresee all the 
mission critical uses it might be put to.

Here are a couple of suggestions to improve things, one easier, the 
other harder.

The easier approach is to make the WPA response to detected forgeries 
more configurable.  The amount of time WPA stays down after two 
forgeries might be a parameter, for example.  It should be possible 
to turn the countermeasures off completely. Some users might find the 
consequences of forgeries less than that of lost service. For a firm 
offering for-fee public access, a successful forgery attack might 
merely allow free riding by the attacker, while denied service could 
cost much more in lost revenue and reputation.

Another way to make WPA's response more configurable would be for the 
access point to send a standard message to a configurable IP address 
on the wire side when ever it detects an attack. This could alert 
security personal to scan the parking lot or switch the access point 
to be outside the corporate firewall. The message also might quote 
the forged packets, allowing them to be logged.  Knowing the time and 
content of forged packets could also be useful to automatic radio 
frequency direction finding equipment. As long as some basic hooks 
are in place, other responses to forgery attack could be developed 
without changing the standard.

The harder approach is to replace Michael with a suitable but 
stronger algorithm (Michelle?).  I am willing to assume that 
Michael's designer, Niels Ferguson, did a fine job within the 
constraints he faced. But absent a proof that what he created is 
absolutely optimal, improving on it seems a juicy cryptographic 
problem. How many bits of protection can you get on a tight budget? 
What if you relaxed the budget a little, so it ran on say 80% of 
installed access points? A public contest might be in order.

Clearly, WPA is needed now and can't wait for investigation and 
vetting of a new MIC. But if a significantly improved MIC were 
available in a year or so, it could be included as an addendum or as 
as part of the 802.11i specification.  Some might say that 802.11i's 
native security will be much better, so why bother? My answer is that 
802.11i will not help much unless WPA compatibility is shut off.  And 
with so many millions of 802.11 cards in circulation that are not 
".11i" ready, that won't happen in most places for a long time. On 
the other hand, an upgraded MIC could  be adopted by an organization 
that wished improved security with modest effort. Backward 
compatibility could be maintained, with a co

Re: New Protection for 802.11

2002-11-06 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold
See the following two Intel links with detailed discussions of TKIP 
and Michael which i found via Google:

Increasing Wireless Security with TKIP

Forwarded from: "eric wolbrom, CISSP", sa ISN-a...

Mark Joseph Edwards
October 23, 2002

For a more in-depth look at wireless encryption technology, especially
WEP and TKIP, be sure to read two articles from Intel. The first
article discusses encryption key management in both WEP and TKIP
protocols, and the second article discusses TKIP in considerable


Gojko Vujovic

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Re: M-209 for sale on EBay

2002-10-30 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold
I'd have to agree with Jim.  I have some WW II military radios in my 
basement and they look pretty pristine on the inside.  Military 
equipment is built for long shelf life.  Even stuff that's seen a lot 
of service often cleans up nicely. Also the (unmet) minimum bid for 
the M-209 on Ebay was $3000. It's hard to see how someone could make 
a small quantity of something that mechanically complex and make much 
money selling them for $3000 each.

Arnold Reinhold

At 5:34 PM -1000 10/28/02, Jim Gillogly wrote:
Jay D. Dyson wrote:

On Sun, 27 Oct 2002, Jeffrey I. Schiller wrote:

There's an M-209 for sale on EBay:

Auction closes in about 4 hours and no one has bid...

	Small wonder.  The unit in question appears to have a distinct
lack of wear and no sign of degradation from regular use.  Having worked
with U.S. military hardware (mid 1980s) that was from the Korean conflict
era, I can attest that *nothing* ever came our way that was that 
pristine. This in itself leads me to believe the item up for bid is 
a replica.

I'm not convinced by this argument -- but then I have a vested
interest in not being convinced.  I have an apparently nearly identical
M-209-B, also unused before I got it.  Since then I've encrypted a
couple of thousand characters on it; it works perfectly, and matches
the behavior of a real M-209.  The story was that it was part
of a cache of surplus M-209's that were produced but never needed in
WW2, and they "turned up" decades later.  I bought mine perhaps 10
years ago.  The accessories were also in perfect condition: an extra
roll of tape, the ink and pad tubes, and the khaki carrying case.
The manual seemed to me convincing: the realistic WW2-style paper
was yellowed but unused, and the staples had rusted, suggesting
that it had been bound a good long time before I bought it.

I think mine is real, and by extension I have no reason to doubt
that the one on eBay is also real.  Have you ever heard of anyone
making M-209 replicas?  If you were going to that much trouble,
why not do it with Enigmas instead?  They're much better known,
more secure (for what it's worth at that security level), and have
a much higher potential street value.

	Jim Gillogly

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Re: Palladium -- trivially weak in hw but "secure in software"??(Re: palladium presentation - anyone going?)

2002-10-22 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold
At 4:52 PM +0100 10/22/02, Adam Back wrote:

Remote attestation does indeed require Palladium to be secure against
the local user. 

However my point is while they seem to have done a good job of
providing software security for the remote attestation function, it
seems at this point that hardware security is laughable.

I think the most important phrase above is "at this point." Palladium 
is still being designed.  I'd argue that the software/firmware 
portion is the trickiest to get right. It seems rational for 
Microsoft to let that design mature, then analyze the remaining 
hardware threats and turn the hardware engineers loose to try to plug 

Palladium has to be viewed in the larger context of a negotiation 
between Microsoft and Hollywood (I include here all the content 
owners: movie studios, recording industry, book publishers, etc. ). 
Hollywood would prefer a completely closed PC architecture, where 
consumers' use of the computer could be tightly monitored and 
controlled.  They perceive general purpose computing as we know and 
love it to be a mortal threat to their continued existence. Keeping 
the content of DVDs and future media locked up is not enough in their 
eyes. They want all material displayed to be checked for watermarks 
and blocked or degraded if the PC owner hasn't paid for the content.

Microsoft wants to preserve general purpose computing because it 
realizes that in a closed architecture, the OS would become a mere 
commodity component and the consumer electronics giants would 
eventually displace Microsoft. On the other hand, Microsoft needs 
Hollywood provide the kind of content that will drive PC sales and 
upgrades. The base line PC platform of today or even two years ago is 
powerful enough for most consumers and businesses. People are keeping 
their PCs longer and not upgrading them as often. Most everyone who 
wants a PC (at least in North America) already has one. Microsoft 
needs something new to drive sales.

I expect Microsoft and Hollywood to haggle over the final specs for 
Palladium PCs and no doubt additional hardware protection measures 
will be included.  The actual spec may well be kept secret, with NDA 
access only. Hollywood will hold two strong card at the table: its 
content and the threat of legislation.  I'm sure Senator Hollings is 
watching developments closely.

The big question in my mind is how to get PC consumers a place at the 
bargaining table. It seems to me that PC consumers have three tools: 
votes, wallets and technology. The Internet is well suited to 
political organizing. Remember the amount of mail generated by the 
modem tax hoax? Consumer boycotts are another powerful threat, given 
how powerful and upgradable existing computer already are. Technology 
can provide an alternative way to gain the benefits that will be 
touted for controlled computing.  Anti-virus and anti-DDS techniques 
come to mind. Also, since I expect an eventual push to ban 
non-Palladium computers from the Internet, alternative networking 
technology will be important.

The Palladium story is just beginning.

Arnold Reinhold

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Re: palladium presentation - anyone going?

2002-10-21 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold
At 10:52 PM +0100 10/21/02, Adam Back wrote:

On Sun, Oct 20, 2002 at 10:38:35PM -0400, Arnold G. Reinhold wrote:

There may be a hole somewhere, but Microsoft is trying hard to get
it right and Brian seemed quite competent.

It doesn't sound breakable in pure software for the user, so this
forces the user to use some hardware hacking.

They disclaimed explicitly in the talk announce that:

| "Palladium" is not designed to provide defenses against
| hardware-based attacks that originate from someone in control of the
| local machine.

However I was interested to know exactly how easy it would be to
defeat with simple hardware modifications or reconfiguration.

You might ask why if there is no intent for Palladium to be secure
against the local user, then why would the design it so that the local
user has to use (simple) hardware attacks.  Could they not, instead of
just make these functions available with a user present test in the
same way that the TOR and SCP functions can be configured by the user
(but not by hostile software).

One of the services that Palladium offers, according to the talk 
announcement, is:

b. Attestation. The ability for a piece of code to digitally sign
or otherwise attest to a piece of data and further assure the
signature recipient that the data was constructed by an unforgeable,
cryptographically identified software stack.

It seems to me such a service requires that Palladium be secure 
against the local user. I think that is the main goal of the product.

For example why not a local user present function to lie about TOR
hash to allow debugging (for example).

Adam Back wrote:
>- isn't it quite weak as someone could send different information to
>the SCP and processor, thereby being able to forge remote attestation
>without having to tamper with the SCP; and hence being able to run
>different TOR, observe trusted agents etc.

There is also a change to the PC memory management to support a
trusted bit for memory segments. Programs not in trusted mode can't
access trusted memory.

A "trusted bit" in the segment register doesn't make it particularly
hard to break if you have access to the hardware.

For example you could:

- replace your RAM with dual-ported video RAM (which can be read using
alternate equipment on the 2nd port).

- just keep RAM powered-up through a reboot so that you load a new TOR
which lets you read the RAM.

Brian mentioned that the system will not be secure against someone 
who can access the memory bus.  But I can see steps being taken in 
the future to make that mechanically difficult. The history of the 
Scanner laws is instructive. Originally one had the right to listen 
to any radio communication as long as you did not make use of the 
information  received. Then Congress banned the sale of scanners that 
can receive cell phone frequencies. Subsequently the laws were 
tightened to require scanners be designed so that their frequency 
range cannot be modified.  In practice this means the control chip 
must be potted in epoxy.  I can see similar steps being taken with 
Palladium PCs. Memory expansion could be dealt with by finding a way 
to give Palladium preferred access to the first block of physical 
memory that is soldered on the mother board.

Also there will be three additional x86 instructions (in microcode)
to support secure boot of the trusted kernel and present a SHA1 hash
of the kernel code in a read only register. 

But how will the SCP know that the hash it reads comes from the
processor (as opposed to being forged by the user)?  Is there any
authenticated communication between the processor and the SCP?

Brian also mentioned that there would be changes to the Southbridge 
LCP bus, which I gather is a local I/O bus in PCs.  SCP will sit on 
that and presumably the changes are to insure that the SCP can only 
be accessed in secure mode.

At 12:27 AM +0100 10/22/02, Peter Clay wrote:
I've been trying to figure out whether the following attack will be
feasible in a Pd system, and what would have to be incorporated to prevent
against it.

Alice runs "trusted" application T on her computer. This is some sort of
media application, which acts on encoded data streamed over the
internet. Mallory persuades Alice to stream data which causes a buffer
overrun in T. The malicious code, running with all of T's privileges:

- abducts choice valuable data protected by T (e.g. individual book keys
for ebooks)
- builds its own vault with its own key
- installs a modified version of T, V, in that vault with access to the
valuable data
- trashes T's vault

The viral application V is then in an interesting position. Alice has two

- nuke V and lose all her data (possibly including all backups, depending
on how backup of vaults works)
- allow V to act freely

There are two cases here. One is a buffer overflow in one of the 
trusted "agents" running in P

Re: palladium presentation - anyone going?

2002-10-20 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold
At 7:15 PM +0100 10/17/02, Adam Back wrote:

Would someone at MIT / in Boston area like to go to this [see end] and send a
report to the list?

I went. It was a good talk. The room was jam packed. Brian is very 
forthright and sincere. After he finished speaking, Richard Stallman 
gave an uninvited rebuttal speech,  saying Palladium was very 
dangerous and ought to be banned.  His concerns are legitimate, but 
the net effect, I think, was to make the Q&A session that followed 
less hostile.

Palladium sets up a separate trusted virtual computer inside the PC 
processor, with its own OS, called Nexus, and it own applications, 
called agents. The trusted computer communicates with a security 
co-processor on the mother board,  and has a secure channel to your 
keyboard and mouse and to a selected window on your CRT screen.

How to prevent the secure channel to the on-screen window from being 
spoofed is still an open problem. Brian suggested a secure mode LED 
that lights when that window has focus or having the secure window 
display a mother's-maden-name type code word that you only tell 
Nexus.  Of course this doesn't matter for DRM since *your* trusting 
the window is not the issue.

All disk and network I/O is done thru the untrusted Windows OS on the 
theory that the trusted machine will encrypt anything it wants to 
keep private. Windows even takes care of Nexus scheduling.

A major design goal is that all existing software must run without 
change. Users are not required to boot Palladium at all, and are to 
be able to boot it long after Windows has booted.

Might help clear up some of the currently
unexplained aspects about Palladium, such as:

- why they think it couldn't be used to protect software copyright (as
the subject of Lucky's patent)

The specific question never came up. As Brain did say, Palladium is 
just a platform. People can built whatever they want on top of it. 
It seemed clear to me that the primary goal is DRM, but as someone 
else in the audience said (approximate quote) "We always hear that 
you can't do this or that without trusted hardware. Well, this is 
trusted hardware."  I don't see why anyone would think protecting 
software copyright could not be done.

- are there plans to move SCP functions into processor?  any relation
to Intel Lagrange

No. The SCP is based on a smart card core and is to be a "light 
weight, low pin count chip" with a target cost of $1 in volume.  I 
presume future deals between MS and Intel are always possible.

The SCP will support several algorithms, including 2048-bit RSA, 
128-bit AES, SHA1, an HMAC. They may include another cipher and 
another hash. There will also be a FIPS140-2 Random Number Generator 
and several monotonic counters, but no time of day clock. Each chip 
will have a unique RSA key pair, an AES key and a HMAC key. The only 
key that the SCP will reveal to the outside is the RSA public key and 
it will only do that once per power up cycle.

- isn't it quite weak as someone could send different information to
the SCP and processor, thereby being able to forge remote attestation
without having to tamper with the SCP; and hence being able to run
different TOR, observe trusted agents etc.

There is also a change to the PC memory management to support a 
trusted bit for memory segments. Programs not in trusted mode can't 
access trusted memory. Also there will be three additional x86 
instructions (in microcode) to support secure boot of the trusted 
kernel and present a SHA1 hash of the kernel code in a read only 
register.  There may be a hole somewhere, but Microsoft is trying 
hard to get it right and Brian seemed quite competent.

I notice at the bottom of the talk invite it says

| "Palladium" is not designed to provide defenses against
| hardware-based attacks that originate from someone in control of the
| local machine.

but in this case how does it meet the BORA prevention.  Is it BORA
prevention _presuming_ the local user is not interested to reconfigure
his own hardware?

Near as I can see, the real trust comes from the RSA key pair stored 
in the SCP and a cert on that key from the SCP manufacturer.  There 
is no command to obtain the private key from the SCP.  Presumably 
they leverage smart card technology plus what ever tricks they think 
of to make it hard to get that key.   Differential power analysis or 
HNO3 might do the trick. We'll have to wait and see.

Will it really make any significant difference to DRM enforcement
rates?  Wouldn't the subset of the file sharing community who produce
DVD rips still produce Pd DRM rips if the only protection is the
assumption that the user won't make simple hardware modifications.

The real question from Microsoft's stand point is will the 
entertainment industry be satisfied with Palladium's level of 
security and release content that can play on Palladium equipped PCs? 
DVDs aren't Hollywood's main problem.  Movies are becoming available 
online long before the D

Re: Microsoft marries RSA Security to Windows

2002-10-15 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

At 8:40 AM -0700 10/11/02, Ed Gerck wrote:
>"Arnold G. Reinhold" wrote:
>> I can see a number of problems with using mobile phones as a second
>> channel for authentication:
>Great questions. Without aspiring to exhaust the answers, let me comment.
>> 1. It begs the question of tamper resistant hardware. Unless the
>> phone contains a tamper resistant serial number or key, it is
>> relatively easy to clone. And cell phones are merging with PDAs. If
>> you have secure storage, why not implement a local solution on the
>> PDA side?
>Cloning the cell phone has no effect unless you also have the credentials
>to initiate the transaction. The cell phone cannot initiate the authentication
>event. Of course, if you put a gun to the user's head you can get it all but
>that is not the threat model.

If we're looking at high security applications, an analysis of a 
two-factor system has to assume that one factor is compromised (as 
you point out at the end of your response). I concede that there are 
large classes of low security applications where using a cell phone 
may be good enough, particularly where the user may not be 
cooperative. This includes situations where users have an economic 
incentive to share their login/password, e.g. subscriptions, and in 
privacy applications ("Our logs show you accessed Mr. Celebrity's 
medical records, yet he was never your patient." "Someone must have 
guessed my password." "How did they get your cell phone too?") Here 
the issue is preventing the user from cloning his account or denying 
its unauthorized use, not authentication.

>A local solution on the PDA side is possible too, and may be helpful where
>the mobile service may not work. However, it has less potential for wide
>use. Today, 95% of all cell phones used in the US are SMS enabled.

What percentage are enabled for downloadable games? A security 
program would be simpler than most games.  It might be feasible to 
upload a new "game" periodically for added security.

>> 2. Even if the phone is tamperproof, SMS messages can be intercepted.
>> I can imagine a man-in-the-middle attack where the attacker cuts the
>> user off after getting the SMS message, before the user has a chance
>> to enter their code.
>Has no effect if the system is well-designed. It's possible to make 
>it mandatory
>(under strong crypto assurances) to enter the one-time code using the *same*
>browser page provided in response to the authentication request -- which
>page is supplied under server-authenticated SSL (no MITM).

You may be right here, though assuming SSL lets one solve a lot of 
security problems associated with traditional password login.

>> 3. Cell phones don't work everywhere. Geographic coverage is limited.
>> Most U.S. phones don't work overseas. Reception can fail inside
>> buildings and cell phone use is prohibited on commercial airplanes
>> in-flight (the airlines are planning to offer Internet access in the
>> near future). And what happens if I choose to TEMPEST shield my
>> facility?
>No solution works everywhere. Cell phones are no exception. But it is
>possible to design the system in a such a way that the user can use 
>a different
>access class (with less privileges, for example) if the cell phone does
>not work. After all, the user is authenticated before the message is sent to
>the cell phone.
>That said, cell phone coverage is becoming ubiquitous and the solution also
>works with pagers (while they still exist), email accounts (blackberrys) and
>other means of communication -- including voice.

Security tokens work everywhere I can think of.  I'm not sure the 
cell companies are spending much to push into rural areas given the 
current economy.  Might be a new market for Iridium, but that doesn't 
work well inside buildings.

>> 4. The cell phone network can get clogged in times of high stress,
>> e.g. a snow storm at rush hour, a natural disaster or a terrorist
>> incident. Presumably some people who use two factor authentication
> > have important work to do. Do you want them to be locked out of their
>> computers at such critical times?
>Let's be careful with generalizations. During the tragic events of 9/11, cell
>phones emerged as the solution for communication  under a 
>distributed terrorist

The WTC collapse took out a major portion of lower Manhattan's 
landline capacity. Cell phones were better than nothing, but many 
people experienced difficulty placing calls.  It is simply too 
expensive to design a switched system to handle all the calls people 
want to make in a major crisis. Military systems include priority 

Re: Microsoft marries RSA Security to Windows

2002-10-15 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

I can see a number of problems with using mobile phones as a second 
channel for authentication:

1. It begs the question of tamper resistant hardware. Unless the 
phone contains a tamper resistant serial number or key, it is 
relatively easy to clone. And cell phones are merging with PDAs. If 
you have secure storage, why not implement a local solution on the 
PDA side?

2. Even if the phone is tamperproof, SMS messages can be intercepted. 
I can imagine a man-in-the-middle attack where the attacker cuts the 
user off after getting the SMS message, before the user has a chance 
to enter their code.

3. Cell phones don't work everywhere. Geographic coverage is limited. 
Most U.S. phones don't work overseas. Reception can fail inside 
buildings and cell phone use is prohibited on commercial airplanes 
in-flight (the airlines are planning to offer Internet access in the 
near future). And what happens if I choose to TEMPEST shield my 

4. The cell phone network can get clogged in times of high stress, 
e.g. a snow storm at rush hour, a natural disaster or a terrorist 
incident. Presumably some people who use two factor authentication 
have important work to do. Do you want them to be locked out of their 
computers at such critical times?

5. Cell phones are vulnerable to denial of service attacks. A simple 
RF jammer could prevent an individual or an entire building from 
accessing their computers.

6. People are generally cavalier about their cell phones. They wear 
them on belt pouches, leave them in cars and gym lockers, let 
strangers borrow them. I left mine in a coat pocket that I checked at 
a restaurant and ended up with a $40 long distance bill. Habits like 
that are hard to change. On the other hand, a token that goes on a 
key chain or is worn as jewelry taps into more security conscious 
cultural behavior.  Human factors are usually the weak link in 
security, so such considerations are important.

7. It's a tax on logins. SMS messages aren't free.

8. If I lose my token, I can use my cell phone to report it promptly. 
If I lose my cell phone...

9. Improved technology should make authentication tokens even more 
attractive. For one thing they can be made very small and waterproof. 
Connection modes like USB and Bluetooth can eliminate the need to 
type in a code, or allow the PIN to be entered directly into the 
token (my preference).

10. There is room for more innovative tokens. Imagine a finger ring 
that detects body heat and pulse and  knows if it has removed. It 
could then refuse to work, emit a distress code when next used or 
simply require an additional authentication step to be reactivated. 
Even implants are feasible.

Arnold Reinhold

At 8:56 AM -0700 10/9/02, Ed Gerck wrote:
>Tamper-resistant hardware is out, second channel with remote source is in.
>Trust can be induced this way too, and better. There is no need for 
>PRNG in plain
>view, no seed value known. Delay time of 60 seconds (or more) is fine because
>each one-time code applies only to one page served.
>Please take a look at:
>Microsoft's move is good, RSA gets a good ride too, and the door may open
>for a standards-based two-channel authentication method.
>Ed Gerck
>"Roy M.Silvernail" wrote:
>> On Tuesday 08 October 2002 10:11 pm, it was said:
>> > Microsoft marries RSA Security to Windows
>> >
>> [...]
>> > The first initiatives will centre on Microsoft's licensing of RSA SecurID
>> > two-factor authentication software and RSA Security's 
>>development of an RSA
>> > SecurID Software Token for Pocket PC.
>> And here, I thought that a portion of the security embodied in a SecurID
>> token was the fact that it was a tamper-resistant, independent piece of
>> hardware.  Now M$ wants to put the PRNG out in plain view, along with its
> > seed value. This cherry is just begging to be picked by some blackhat,
> > probably exploiting a hole in Pocket Outlook.

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Re: unforgeable optical tokens?

2002-09-24 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

It might be possible to get the same effect using a conventional 
silicon chip. I have in mind a large analog circuit, something like a 
multi-stage neural network. Random defects would be induced, either 
in the crystal growing process or by exposing the wafer at one or 
more stages with a spray of pellets or chemicals. The effect would be 
to cut wires and alter component values such as resistances,  zener 
diode break down voltages, transistor gains.

Critical parts of the circuit would be protected by a passivation 
layer or would  simply designed with  larger geometries to make them 
less sensitive. Multiple inputs would be driven by D/A converters, 
either in parallel or through a charge coupled analog shift register. 
There would be enough "stuff' in the middle to make it impractical to 
characterize the entire circuit from the inputs. One could use very 
small geometries for the network and still get high circuit yield 
since defects are something we want.

The advantage of this approach over a optical system is that it would 
be very easy to interface with existing technology -- smart cards, RF 
ID, dongles, etc.

Arnold Reinhold

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Re: building a true RNG

2002-07-29 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

At 12:20 PM -0700 7/29/02, David Honig wrote:
>"Whether there is a need for very high bandwidth RNGs" was discussed
>on cypherpunks a few months ago, and no examples were found.
>(Unless you're using something like a one-time pad where you need
>a random bit for every cargo bit.)  Keeping in mind that
>a commerical crypto server can often accumulate entropy during
>off-peak hours. 

It's been discussed here some time back as well. If you believe your 
crypto primitives are infeasible to break, a crypto-based PRNG with a 
long enough random seed should be indistinguishable from a true, 
perfect RNG. If you are only confident that your crypto primitives 
are expensive to break, then using a true RNG for keys and nonces, 
rather than deriving them all from one PRNG, adds security.

This suggest a continuum of solutions: Construct a crypto PRNG and 
periodically (once enough has accumulated) stir your entropy source 
into it's state in some safe way. If you extract entropy slower than 
you put it in you can expect the equivalent of of a true RNG. If you 
extract entropy faster than you put it in, the system degrades 
gracefully in the sense that someone who expends the effort to break 
the number generation scheme only gets to read messages since the 
last entropy update.

The reason for batching entropy input is to prevent someone who has 
broken your system once from discovering each small entropy input by 
exhaustive search.  (There was a nice paper pointing this out in. If 
someone has the reference...)

Arnold Reinhold

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Re: building a true RNG (was: Quantum Computing ...)

2002-07-23 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

At 3:39 PM -0700 7/22/02, David Honig wrote:
>At 04:24 PM 7/22/02 -0400, John S. Denker wrote:
>>A detuned FM card is a bad idea, because it is just
>>begging the opponent to sit next door with an FM
>So work in a Faraday cage...
At 8:21 PM -0400 7/22/02, John S. Denker replied:
>Tee, hee.  Have you ever worked in a Faraday cage?
>Very expensive.  Very inconvenient.

You don't have to put yourself inside the cage, just the FM radio. 
several layers of aluminum foil should work. The radio can run on 
batteries. Getting the audio out without allowing FM signal in is a 
bit tricky. The bast answer is to use fiber optics to carry the 
audio, but a good low-pass filter should work. Instead of detuning 
the receiver, tune it to the strongest station in your area. You'll 
know the shielding is effective when the signal is no longer 
detectable.  Of course if an attacker gets a high power transmitter 
close to you, all bets are off, but simply listening to another 
receiver nearby tuned to the same station would make such an attack 

The same technique with a portable TV set and a video digitizer 
should be a good source of high bandwidth noise. In both cases you 
are just using the receivers as high gain amplifiers of the thermal 
noise at the antenna terminals.

Arnold Reinhold

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Re: It's Time to Abandon Insecure Languages

2002-07-21 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

Language wars have been with us since the earliest days of computing 
and we are obviously not going to resolve them here.  It seems to me 
though, that cryptographic tools could be use to make to improve the 
reliability and security of C++ by providing ways to manage risky 

I have in mind a modified development environment that detects 
dangerous programming instances like pointer arithmetic,  assignments 
in "if" statements, C (as opposed to C++) strings, char array 
declarations, maloc's etc.  Methods where such usage is necessary 
would be signed by the author and one or more reviewers, with the 
signature embedded inside a special comment statement.  The 
development environment would then check whether only approved usages 
are present and, if so, sign the executable file. Final versions of 
code would be built on trusted servers whose compilers could not be 
tampered with and whose private key is not accessible to the 

Implementing such an environment should not be difficult. No real 
language changes would be involved, beyond reserving a standardized 
comment prefix for signatures. Most programmers would only be able to 
employ safe objects and constructs.  The few instances where 
dangerous usages were really needed would be limited, visible and 
require authorization.

Arnold Reinhold

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Re: ciphersaber-2 human memorable test vectors

2002-03-31 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

Human memorable test vectors are a great idea and very much in the 
spirit of Ciphersaber, which is to enable oral transmission of strong 
cryptography.  Test vectors are vital, particularly for a string 
cipher, because even an erroneous implementation will decrypt the 
ciphertext it produces.

The good news is that Ciphersaber/RC4 implementations are so 
sensitive to signed vs unsigned chars errors that they should be 
detected even by a test vector with all high order bits zeroed. The 
S-array will be totally screwed up. It's a very common problem.

A more subtle problem is detecting attempts to use C strings to store 
keys.  That will work fine unless there is a zero byte in the IV. I 
got tripped up by that indirectly because I was using Chipmunk Basic, 
which implements Basic strings as C strings. I only found out when I 
got complaints that one of the test vectors I published was bad.

I think screwing around with compression is more trouble than it's 
worth. Another approach might be to look for human memorable hex as 
the ciphertext or maybe just the IV, e.g. "00112233445566778899"  or 
"badbad00badbad00" But that would be for extra credit.  Adam's 
vectors accomplish most of what is needed.

Arnold Reinhold

Test vector trivia: anyone remember what "RYRYRYRYRY" was for and why?

At 11:02 PM + 3/29/02, Adam Back wrote:
>On Fri, Mar 29, 2002 at 01:49:30PM -0800, Bill Frantz wrote:
>> At 10:15 AM -0800 3/26/02, Adam Back wrote:
>> >In general purely human readable test vectors are not ideal as they
>> >are 7 bit, and there have been cases where implementation errors or
>> >related to the 7th bit (for example one blowfish implementation had
> > >problems with signd / unsigned chars), but it is kind of an
>> >interesting though experiment.
>> If this issue seems to be a problem for a particular cypher, there are a
>> couple of ways to try to solve it:
>> * Compress out the eighth bit (requiring 10 characters for a 64 bit block
>> cypher instead of 8).
>That would work.
>> * Remember a pattern of high order bits.  Something like  would be
>> relatively easy to remember, and would help mitigate signed vs. unsigned
>> number problems on 32 bit machines.
>No guarantees about what the rest of the test vector would look like
>if you choose an easily rememberable high order bit set as the key
>(which was where the blowfish problem arose if I recall).  Or perhaps
>you were suggesting ORing them into the otherwise 7 bit test vector
>and having the additional constraint that the other outputs had the
>same or equally memorable high bit pattern.  That would be plausible.
>Any takers on ciphersaber-2 test vectors which are also topical and
>amusing english phrases?
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Re: crypto question

2002-03-29 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

At 12:23 PM -0700 3/24/02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
or just security proportional to risk ...

While a valid engineering truism, I have a number of issues with that dictum:

1.  It is too often used as an excuse for inaction by people who are 
poorly equipped to judge either risk or cost.  We've all encountered 
the "experts on tap, not on top" attitude of many managements.  There 
was a good reason the U.S. centralized all crypto in the NSA after WW 
II. Managers in organizations like the State Department simply 
ignored known security compromises.  Communications security never 
had a high priority with functional managers, so it was taken away 
from them.

2. Costs are often overstated or quoted out of context. A $1000 
coprocessor that can verify 100 keys per second ends up costing under 
a millicent per verification, even allowing a large factor for peak 
demand.  The added cost to store long keys is tiny. Good engineering 
(often the biggest cost) can be spread over many applications. Cost 
of keeping up with security patches is likely modest compared to 24/7 
watchman security for a physical location.

3. The nature of risk is very different in cyberspace. Many 
cryptographic techniques introduce single points of failure.  Bonnie 
and Clide can't rob all the banks at once, but the wily hacker might. 
It may be cheaper to employ bullet-proof solutions than to really 
understand the risks in "good enough" approaches.

4. There is also the question of risk to whom. Many businesses seem 
to assume the the government will pick up the tab for a major cyber 
terrorism incident.  If business execs can say with a straight face 
that basic accounting principals are too difficult for them to grasp, 
imagine what they will say about a massive crypto failure. So in a 
sense taxpayers and  consumers are being asked to insure some of 
these risks.  I suspect they would gladly pay the added costs 
(pennies) to apply the best available technology.

5. There is a failure to distinguish between components and systems. 
It may be true that any real world system has holes, but that is no 
reason to give up on perfecting the tools used to build these 
systems. Incorporating known weaknesses into new designs is not 
justifiable, absent a compelling, fact-based, cost/security analysis.

Arnold Reinhold

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Re: crypto question

2002-03-23 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

There are groups with lots of money and dedicated, trained agents who 
are willing to die that would dearly like to steal a nuclear weapon. 
So far, they have not succeeded (if they do, I fear we will know 
about it quickly).  So someone has been able to do physical security 

The problem is doing it in a way that is affordable and doesn't 
require an army. Designing computers that can detect an attack seems 
worth exploring. FIPS-140 envisions such an approach when it talks 
about wrapping security modules in a mesh of insulated wire whose 
penetration tells the module to zeroize.

I'm not sure what changes in your argument if you delete the word 
"physical."  Perhaps we should all just give up with this security 

Arnold reinhold

At 11:28 PM -0600 3/21/02, Jim Choate wrote:
>As someone who spent 5 years doing all the physical security for a major
>university I can say that ALL physical systems can be broken. No
>exception. The three laws of thermodynamics apply to security systems as
>There is ALWAYS a hole.
>On Thu, 21 Mar 2002, Arnold G. Reinhold wrote:
>> It's not clear to me what having the human present accomplishes.
>> While the power was out, the node computer could have been tampered
>> with, e.g. a key logger attached.
>> Who said you were allowed to lose power and stay secure? Laptops are
>> pretty cheap and come with multi-hour batteries.  There should be
>> enough physical security around the node to prevent someone from
>> "tripping" power.
>> One approach might be to surround a remote node with enough sensors
>> so that it can detect an unauthorized attempt to physically approach
>> it.
> --
> There is less in this than meets the eye.
> Tellulah Bankhead

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Re: crypto question

2002-03-21 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

At 8:52 PM -0800 3/20/02, Mike Brodhead wrote:
> > The usual good solution is to make a human type in a secret.
>Of course, the downside is that the appropriate human must be present
>for the system to come up properly.

It's not clear to me what having the human present accomplishes. 
While the power was out, the node computer could have been tampered 
with, e.g. a key logger attached.

>In some situations, the system must be able to boot into a working
>state.  That way, even if somebody accidentally trips the power-- I've
>had this happen on production boxen --the system outage lasts only as
>long as the boot time.  If a particular human (or one of a small
>number of secret holders) must be involved, then the outage could be
>measured in hours rather than minutes.

Who said you were allowed to lose power and stay secure? Laptops are 
pretty cheap and come with multi-hour batteries.  There should be 
enough physical security around the node to prevent someone from 
"tripping" power.

One approach might be to surround a remote node with enough sensors 
so that it can detect an unauthorized attempt to physically approach 
it. Web cams are pretty cheap. Several cameras and/or mirrors would 
be required to get 4Pi coverage.  Software could detect frame to 
frame changes that indicated an intrusion. The machine would be kept 
in a secure closet or cabinet. The the machine would be set up in 
what ever location by a trusted person or team and would remain 
"conscious" from then on. Entry would be authorized via an 
authenticated link. Any unauthorized entry would result in the node 
destroying it's secrets. It would then have to be replaced.

>Don't forget that Availability is also an important aspect of
>security.  It all depends on your threat model.

The approach I outlined offers very high availability.

Arnold Reinhold

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Re: Optical Time-Domain Eavesdropping Risks of CRT Displays

2002-03-15 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

An historical note: In the early 1970's I did some contract 
programming work at the Air Force Cambridge Research Lab at Hanscom 
Field in Bedford, Mass.  Their main computer was a CDC 6600, a super 
computer in its day (60-bit words, 10 MHz clock).

The wall separating the computer room from the hallway had a large 
picture window facing the console, with its two (vector-scanned) 
There were curtains on the window that were to be  drawn whenever 
classified programs were run. In addition, I was told, there was a 
large board that the operators were supposed to place over the 
console.  I don't know if these precautions were based on analyses 
similar to Kuhn's excellent paper or general paranoia, but there is a 
lot to be said for the later.

Arnold Reinhold

At 1:09 PM + 3/12/02, Peter Fairbrother wrote:
> > John Young wrote:
>> Markus Kuhn has released this after learning of
>> Joe Loughry's announcement.
>> -
>> Announced 5 March 2002.
>> To be presented at IEEE Oakland conference, May 2002
> >
>> Optical Time-Domain Eavesdropping Risks of CRT Displays
>> Markus G. Kuhn
>> University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory
>> JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 0FD, UK
>> Abstract
>I've snipped the abstract, because it's dry as ditchwater. I can only
>recommend you read this, or at least look at the pictures, if you haven't
>Makes Tempest look like a toy. Nice (?) one, Markus.
>-- Peter Fairbrother
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RE: Cringely Gives KnowNow Some Unbelievable Free Press... (fwd)

2002-02-26 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

At 11:49 AM -0800 2/25/02, bear wrote:
>The "secure forever" level of difficulty that we used to believe
>we got from 2kbit keys in RSA is apparently a property of 6kbit
>keys and higher, barring further highly-unexpected discoveries.

Highly-unexpected?   All of public key cryptography is build on 
unproven mathematical assumptions. Why should this be the last 
breakthrough? If you plot the curve of what key length was considered 
long enough as a function of time, it doesn't look very good.

Perhaps it is time to stop claiming "secure forever" altogether until 
solid mathematical proofs of security are available.

>I predict that Elliptic-Curve systems are about to become more

I'm not completely comfortable with Elliptic-Curve systems. The 
mathematics is relatively young and has seen a lot of progress. Yet 
typical EC key length recommendations are based on the assumption 
that there is no way to calculate discrete logs in EC groups that is 
any faster than the general algorithm that applies to all finite 
groups. That sounds pretty aggressive to me.

If we are going to have to upgrade OpenPGP standards in light of the 
Bernstein paper, I would suggest a standard that combines RSA, EC 
and, if possible, a third PK system whose algorithm is based on an 
apparently independent problem.  The advantage of double or triple 
encryption is that a breakthrough in one problem area does not 
immediately compromise all your previously encrypted data. And you 
can upgrade the component key in question and distribute it signed 
with the old key, without have to start from scratch in establishing 
trust. Most personal computers are capable of this level of security. 
Why settle for less?

Arnold Reinhold

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Re: Report on a James Bamford Talk at Berkeley

2002-02-22 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

At 4:42 PM -0500 2/17/02, R. A. Hettinga wrote:
>Report on a
>James Bamford Talk at Berkeley
>James Bamford is the author of The Puzzle Palace and Body of Secrets, books
>about the National Security Agency. He is visiting Berkeley in the School
>of Public Policy, and gave a talk entitled "Intelligence Failures that Led
>to the September 11th Attacks."
>NSA was created after WWII from the code breaking activity that had
>proceeded during the war. At the time it was created, no one but a couple
>of people even knew it had been created. NSA stands for no such agency, or
>never say anything, or after Puzzle Palace, not secret anymore. To
>illustrate how secret NSA is, after Puzzle Palace was published, Bamford
>went on a book tour. At one point he was scheduled onto a PBS show where
>the other guest was Sen. Bill Bradley. Prior to the show, the Senator asked
>Bamford why he was on the show, and he explained that he had written a book
>on the NSA. Bradley asked him what that was, and Bamford explained. Then
>Bradley went on the show to explain his ideas for the economy, or whatever,
>and then the interview switched to Bamford. Bamford explained that the NSA
>was a secret agency. The interviewer said "How secret?" And, naturally,
>Bamford did not pass on the opportunity to say that it was so secret that
>not even Sen. Bradley knew about it. Bradley was not pleased.

Nonsense! The NSA's existence and purpose hasn't been much of a 
secret since the early 60's, long before The Puzzle Palace was 
published in 1982.  Kahn has a chapter on NSA in The Codebreakers, 
which came out in 1967, and that chapter wasn't much of a revelation 
even back then. No wonder Bradley was not pleased. He'd been 

>About NSA: it is 38,000 people, 50 buildings, on a campus in Maryland, in
>suburban Washington DC. The have the most powerful computers in the world,
>1.6 million tapes in their tape library [tapes?].

The helical scan system, later commercialized as the video tape 
recorder, was invented for NSA so they could record whole swaths of 
the radio spectrum for later analysis. Instead of monitoring each 
station, they could go back and replay the tapes once they knew what 
to look for. I believe they attempted to record the entire HF 
spectrum continuously from multiple locations. 1.6 million tapes 
sounds low if anything.

>Basically they do signals
>intelligence, listening to phone calls, faxes, email, and any sort of

Other signals as well, such as missile telemetry, satellite control, 
unintended emissions and all types of radar. (I believe one of the 
arms control treaties prohibits the U.S. and Russian from encrypting 
missile test telemetry.)

>To do this they have extensive facilities all around the
>world. One technique that Bamford mentioned was how they capture microwave
>signals. Microwave, unlike high frequency signals [HF are actually lower
>frequency than microwave, in case you care], do not bounce off the
>ionosphere and travel in a straight line. Towers must be line of sight from
>each other. So how's the NSA going to listen to this? Answer is that some
>of the radiation goes past the receiving station, and continues in its
>straight line out into space. The NSA has satellites out there to grab the
>signals. [Bamford described the satellites as geosynchronous, but that
>wouldn't work.]

I think Bamford got it close to right on this one.  Aviation Week has 
reported on NSA geosynchronous satellite launches from time to time. 
See also and

There are several problems with low earth orbit satellites as 
listening systems. First, they only able to monitor any given spot 
for a short time. Target countries can shut off systems of interest 
while the satellite is overhead.  The second is that low earth orbit 
satellites can be attacked more easily and quickly in time of war. 
The U.S. at one time had an air launched missile that could do this. 
Geosynchronous orbit takes more energy and a longer time to get to.

Finally, a directional antenna on a low earth orbit satellite has to 
be steered very rapidly as the satellite moves over its target. That 
is very hard to do mechanically, and electronically steered antennae 
have narrow bandwidths, not what NSA wants for monitoring.  A 
geosynchronous monitoring satellite can have a huge, light weight 
parabolic mesh pointed at Earth. It only needs to steer very slowly, 
if at all. Remember that while signal strength drops as the square of 
the distance, a parabolic antenna's gain grows as the square of its 
diameter.  Geosynchronous orbit is about 50 times higher than typical 
low earth orbits used by NSA, so a 50 times wider antenna gets you to 
beak-even on signal strength.

NSA also uses satellites in 12-hour semi-synchronous elliptical 
orbits for 

Re: Welome to the Internet, here's your private key

2002-02-08 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

At 5:12 PM +0100 2/8/02, Jaap-Henk Hoepman wrote:
>I think there _are_ good business reasons for them not wanting the users to
>generate the keys all by themselves. Weak keys, and subsequent 
>compromises, may
>give the CA really bad press and resulting loss of reputation (and this
>business is built on reputation anyway).

If the CA has nothing to do with key generation in the first place, 
I'm not sure how weak keys would affect the CA's reputation. "We had 
nothing to do with making that key, we just signed it" is a concept 
even the general public can understand. And the risk of weak keys 
seems small compared to the myriad ways a user's private key can be 
compromised.  If the CA has any access to private keys, any 
compromise can be blamed on the CA and diminish their reputation.

>So: there are good reasons not to
>let the CA generate the private key, but also good reasons to not let the user
>generate the keys all by himself.
>So the question is: are there key generation protocols for mutually 
>parties, that would give the CA the assurance that the key is generated using
>some good randomness (coming from the CA) and would give the user 
>the guarantee
>that his private key is truly private. Also, the CA should be able to verify
>later that the random data he supplied was actually used, but this should not
>give him (too much) advantage to find the private key.

It's hard to see how to establish a secure protocol between the 
user's machine and the CA without a good source of randomness on the 
user's machine in the first place.  You can't presume there's a 
shared secret.

Simply providing an applet or plug-in to generate keys would seem 
sufficient.  The CA could maintain a list of approved smart cards 
based on inspecting their source code.  They might even let approved 
smart card vendors embed a signing key in the smart card to let the 
CA know that the user key had been generated by an approved device. 
Such a system could be defeated but it's not clear why anyone would 
have the motivation to do so. If someone wants to create a 
compromised key incident, they merely have to leak a key.

Arnold Reinhold

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Re: Welome to the Internet, here's your private key

2002-02-07 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

At 6:18 PM -0500 2/5/02, Ryan McBride wrote:
>On Tue, Feb 05, 2002 at 11:16:40AM -0800, Bill Frantz wrote:
>> I expect you could initialize the random data in that memory during
>> manufacture with little loss of real security.  (If you are concerned about
>> the card's manufacturer, then you have bigger problems.  If anyone does,
>> the manufacturer has the necessary equipment to extract data from secret
>> parts of the card, install Trojans etc.)
>"They say a secret is something you tell one other person"
>  -- U2, "The Fly"
>While it is true that most users of smartcards will choose to simply
>trust the manufacturer, paranoid users could use a n choose m type of
>approach to achieve a certain level of assurance. In most cases
>verifying that a card is trojan free is a destructive process, so the
>user would test a relatively low percentage of cards and make the
>penalty for cheating high enough to ensure that the manufacturer stays

One criteria for a cryptographic system that is rarely mentioned is 
auditability. To the maximum extent possible users should be able to 
verify every component of the system that affects security. We have 
gotten too used to systems so bloated that they no one can know 
what's in them. There are historic reasons for this but that is no 
excuse. Finding out how to simplify systems is far more important 
today than designing the next great cipher.  A great virtue of doing 
all crypto on a smart card is that they can be verified, at least 
with some effort.

>Having the manufacturer provide the random data changes the burden of
>proof drastically - there is no way for to _prove_ that they did not
>retain a copy of the random data, while it can be proved that they did
>not try to cheat simply by testing all the cards.

And creates a potential legal liability  for the smart card 
manufacturer. This gets to the original question of this thread. I 
wonder why the CA's lawyers let them generate private keys 
themselves. If it ever came out that private keys were misused by CA 
employees or even someone who penetrated their security, they would 
be legally defenseless, all the gobbledygook in their practice 
statements not withstanding. There is no good business reason for a 
CA to generate private keys and very powerful business reasons for 
them not to.

Arnold Reinhold

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RE: Welome to the Internet, here's your private key

2002-02-05 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

I'd argue that the RSA and DSA situations can be made equivalent if 
the card has some persistent memory. Some high quality randomness is 
needed at RSA key generation.  For the DSA case, use 256 bits of 
randomness at initialization to seed a PRNG using AES, say. Output 
from the PRNG could be then used to provide the nonces for DSA.  For 
extra credit, PRNG seed could be xor'd periodically with whatever 
randomness is available on chip.

The resulting DSA system requires about the same randomness at 
initialization as RSA. The additional vulnerability introduced 
requires breaking AES to exploit, even if no further randomness is 
available.  All things considered, I'd trust an AES PRNG more than a 
smart card RNG whose long term quality I cannot assess. Better to use 
both, of course.

Arnold Reinhold

At 3:09 PM -0700 2/4/02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>One could claim that one of the reasons for using RSA digital signatures
>with smart cards rather than DSA or EC/DSA is the DSA & EC/DSA requirement
>for quality random number generation as part of the signature process.


>Cards with quality random numbers ... can
>1) do on card key-gen
>2) use DSA or EC/DSA
>3) remove dependency on external source to include random number in message
>to be signed.
>DSA & EC/DSA because they have a random number as parting of the signing
>process precludes duplicate signatures on the same message ... multiple
>messages with the same content & same exact signature is a replay. DSA &
>EC/DSA doing multiple signings of the same content will always result in a
>different signature value.
>I've heard numbers on many of the 8bit smartcards ... power-cycle the card
>each time it is asked to generate a random number  do random number
>generation 65,000 times and look at results. For some significant
>percentage of 8bit cards it isn't unusual to find 30 percent of the random
>numbers duplicated.

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Re: Cringely Gives KnowNow Some Unbelievable Free Press... (fwd)

2002-02-01 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

At 7:38 AM -0800 1/29/02, Eric Rescorla wrote:
>Ben Laurie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Eric Rescorla wrote:
>> BTW, I don't see why using a passphrase to a key makes you vulnerable to
>> a dictionary attack (like, you really are going to have a dictionary of
>> all possible 1024 bit keys crossed with all the possible passphrases?
>> Sure!).
>Unfortunately, "dictionary attack" is used differently by different
>people. There are two different kinds of attacks here:
>(1) A brute-force attack such as is used by Crack where you
>successively try a small subset of the passphrase space in
>the expectation that it is the space that people are likely
>to populate. (This is what RFC 2828 calls a dictionary attack).
>(2) A table-driven attack where you have an enormous table
>(say of passphrases to keys) and just do a lookup in the table.
>I was referring to the former, which is quite practical against
>such a system. The latter probably consumes too much memory to
>be practical.

I think there are significant advantages to a passphrase-derived 
public key system. It allows total portability and the encryption 
hardware can be totally zeroized between uses.  One of the biggest 
threats to modern cryptosystems is their large electronic footprint 
that leaves too much room to hide things.

Passphrase-derived public keys also allow very long term storage of 
keys (e.g. on acid free paper in a vault) without worries about 
deterioration of media or inability to read old formats.

Method 2 is totally impossible in systems that use long salt (48 bits 
or more) or probably unique salt e.g an e-mail address or complete 
phone number.

Here are three very practical techniques to protect against Method 1:

The first is aggressive key stretching that burns up on the order of 
1 second of processing time and utilizes silicon-consuming resources 
like memory and 32-bit multiplies.

The second is for the system itself to suggest strong passphrases. 
Users could ignore the suggestion but nothing can protect a user who 
is not willing to follow recommended precautions. With good key 
stretching even a 5 word diceware passphrase (64-bit entropy) would 
provide strong protection.

The third would be to combine the password and salt with a secret 
stored in the encryption device. This makes the key dependent on the 
device, but requires the attacker to capture both the device and the 

Arnold Reinhold

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Re: Fingerprints (was: Re: biometrics)

2002-01-28 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

There is some interesting information at 
They make the point that finger scanning differs from finger printing 
in that what is stored is a set of recognition parameters much 
smaller than a complete fingerprint image.  So there is no need for a 
lengthily process to acquire an initial image. Presumably this also 
makes finger scan data proprietary, since each vendor will use a 
different recognition algorithm.

Finger Scan also has a page on accuracy where they debunk other 
vendors' claims of 0.01% false reject/ 0.001% false accept, but tell 
you to e-mail them for the real numbers.

Arnold Reinhold

At 5:07 PM -0600 1/28/02, Rick Smith at Secure Computing wrote:
>At 02:46 PM 1/28/2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>The process took about 20-30 minutes;
>Have you been fingerprinted before? Did it take that long in that 
>case? In my own experience, it only takes a few minutes to be 
>fingerprinted on a standard card and, in theory, they should be able 
>to build a database from high-res fingerprint card images. Some 
>small percentage of the population has prints that are unusually 
>hard to read. It might be time consuming to put such a person's 
>prints onto a card.
>Or perhaps it takes 20 minutes of ablutions and purifications to 
>copy a fingerprint card, so they figure they might as well make the 
>subject wait, too.
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]roseville, minnesota
>"Authentication" in bookstores

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A risk with using MD5 for software package fingerprinting

2002-01-27 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

The cryptographic hash function MD5 is often used to authenticate 
software packages, particularly in the Unix community. The MD5 hash 
of the entire package is calculated and its value is transmitted 
separately. A user who downloads the package computes the hash of the 
copy received and matches the value against the original.

Putting aside the question of how the the hash value can be safely 
transmitted separately, there is a potential attack on this method 
due to the 128 bit length of the MD5 hash output.

If all the individuals having input to the creation of the original 
software package are trustworthy, then 128 bits would appear to 
provide adequate security. A man-in-the-middle attacker would have to 
solve a 128 bit problem to create a Trojan horse infected package 
that passed the hash verification. That is considered computationally 
infeasible, at least until the advent of quantum cryptography.

One might think the above argument proves MD5 is sufficient, since if 
an attacker had an agent working inside the organization that 
produced the package, the agent could simply insert the Trojan 
software patch in the original package. However such an insertion is 
very risky. A sophisticated software company would likely have code 
reviews that would make introduction of the Trojan code difficult. In 
an open source model, anyone could detect the insertion. The 
insertion would then be foiled, the agent would be uncovered and the 
technical means that the Trojan employed would be compromised.

A safer attack would be for the agent to insert an apparently 
innocent modification to the package selected so that the MD5 hash of 
the package with the Trojan code matches the hash of the original 
package. Since the attacker controls the Trojan code, calculating the 
value of this modification is subject to the birthday paradox and 
presents presents a 64-bit problem. Solving such a problem is within 
the means of a well-funded attacker today.

The modification could be designed to get past code reviews in a 
number of ways. For example, 64 low order bits in a JPEG icon might 
be altered. The agent would have to be in a position to make the last 
modification to the software package prior to release and to send a 
final pre-release version of the package to the attacker, but those 
are hardly insurmountable hurdles.  In the open source model, where 
new releases can be frequent, it may suffice to carry out this attack 
only occasionally, say to recover private keys.

The obvious solution to this problem is to use a wider hash. For 
example, SHA-256 would present an group using this attack with a 
128-bit problem. Even SHA1 would be preferable, making such an attack 
an 80  bit problem.  The cost of using a wider hash in this situation 
is trivial. It would seem the prudent thing to do.

Arnold Reinhold

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Diceware for picking Unix passwords

2002-01-25 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

Prodded by comments about password cracking in another thread, I've 
added a table to my Diceware FAQ for selecting 
random characters out of the ninety five printable symbols in 7-bit 
Ascii. The intent is to provide a practical and secure way to choose 
passwords as strong as Unix allows.

Below is what I've added. It's best viewed in a monospace font like 
courier. Comments are welcome.

Arnold Reinhold


How do I use dice to create random character strings?

To create passwords of maximum strength for a given number of 
characters, you must use all available symbols. This is especially 
important for most Unix systems where passwords are limited to eight 
characters from the 7-bit ASCII printable character set. In 
particular, Unix "root" passwords should always be constructed in 
this way! The following set of three tables allows you to create such 
a password.

Roll a die three times (or roll three dice) for each character and 
then select one of the following three tables, based on what the 
first die says:

If first roll=1 or 2 3 or 4 5 or 6

Second RollSecond RollSecond Roll

  1  2  3  4  5  6   1  2  3  4  5  6   1  2  3  4  5  6

T  1 A  B  C  D  E  F   a  b  c  d  e  f   !  @  #  $  %  ^
h  2 G  H  I  J  K  L   g  h  i  j  k  l   &  *  (  )  -  =
i  3 M  N  O  P  Q  R   m  n  o  p  q  r   +  [  ]  {  }  \
r  4 S  T  U  V  W  X   s  t  u  v  w  x   |  ~  ;  :  '  "
d  5 Y  Z  0  1  2  3   y  z  ~  _  sp <  >  /  ?  .  ,
6 4  5  6  7  8  9

Note: Roll all three dice again whenever a blank appears in the 
table. The table entry "sp" means a space character. If you do not 
want spaces in you password, roll all three dice again.

Repeat this procedure eight times to get a maximal strength Unix 
password. Each random character adds 6.55 bits of entropy. Eight 
characters provides 52.4 bits of entropy.


224 T
131 C
553 }
215 Y
465 ,
334 u
326 roll again
535 /
364 x

The password is then:


Easy to remember? Hardly, but it is the only type of password that 
provides full security on Unix systems. Only such passwords should be 
used for root and administrative accounts or high security user 
accounts. If security is less of a concern for user accounts, then 
eight characters from the first table can be used.

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: password-cracking by journalists... (long, sorry)

2002-01-22 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

At 5:16 PM -0500 1/21/02, Will Rodger wrote:
>Arnold says:
>>You can presumably write your own programs to decrypt your own 
>>files. But if you provide that service to someone else you could 
>>run afoul of the law as I read it. The DMCA prohibits trafficking 
>>in technology that can be used to circumvent technological 
>>protection measures. There is no language requiring proof than 
>>anyone's copyright was violated.  Traffic for hire and it's a 
>I think there's a good argument to the contrary.
>The DMCA only bans trafficking in devices whose _primary_ purpose is 

No, DMCA bans trafficking in devices whose primary purpose is 
*circumvention.*   I'm not trying to nit pick, it's an important 
point. DMCA creates a whole new class of proscribed activity, 
circumvention, that does not require proof of infringement.

As for the phrase "primary purpose," I can easily see a judge 
accepting the argument that the primary purpose of a tool that breaks 
encryption is circumvention as defined in this act. In the 2600 case, 
the defense argued that DeCSS was also useful for playing purchased 
DVDs on Linux machines and for fair use. The courts dismissed this 

>And it only applies to works "protected by this Title," that is, 
>Title 17, which is the collection of laws pertaining to copyright.

Right, but just about everything written today is copyrighted from 
the moment of creation. You have to go out of your way (or work for 
the U.S. government) to place new works in the public domain.

>There was a very long, drawn out discussion of what would be banned 
>and what not before passage. It included all sorts of people 
>traipsing up to Capitol Hill to make sure that ordinary research and 
>system maintenance, among other things, would not be prosecuted. 
>Bruce Schneier was among those who talked to the committees and was 
>satisfied, as I recall, that crypto had dodged a bullet. I'm not 
>saying that Bruce liked the bill, just that this particular fear was 
>lessened greatly, if not eliminated, by the language that finally 

I've heard that story as well. I don't know if he saw the final 
language, how long he had to study it or what he based that opinion 
on.  Maybe there is some statement in the legislative history, which 
is only what the legislators said about the bill, that might be 
helpful in court. Absent that, we have to rely on what the law 
actually says. Bruce's opinion of what the law means would carry no 
weight in court.

>>Now a prosecutor probably wouldn't pursue the case of a 
>>cryptographer who decoded messages on behalf of parents of some kid 
>>involved in drugs or sex abuse. But what if the cryptographer was 
>>told that and the data turned out to be someone else's? Or if the 
>>kid was e-mailing a counselor about abuse by his parents? Or the 
>>government really didn't like the cryptographer because of his 
>>political views?
>It all gets down to knowingly doing something, right? If our 
>cryptographer acted in good faith, he wouldn't be prosecuted -- the 
>person who set him up would be.

I see nothing in the law that exempts you from liability if you 
didn't know you acted without authorization of the copyright holder. 
There is a provision, 1203(c)(5), that lets a court reduce reducing 
civil damages if you didn't know.  That presumably does not apply to 
the criminal provisions and prosecutors are notorious for doing 
whatever it takes if they want to get someone.  See, for example

>>There is also the argument that Congress only intended to cover 
>>tools for breaking content protections schemes like CSS and never 
>>intended to cover general cryptanalysis.   You might win with that 
>>argument in court (I think you should), but expect a 7 digit legal 
>>bill.  And if you lose, we'll put up a "Free Will" web site.
>No argument there!
As for the legal situation before the DMCA,  the Supreme Court 
issued a ruling last year in a case, Barniki v. Volper,  of a 
journalist who broadcast a tape he received of an illegally 
intercepted cell phone conversation between two labor organizers. 
The court ruled that the broadcast was permissible.
>>>The journalist received the information from a source gratis. 
>>>That's different from paying for stolen goods, hiring someone to 
>>>eavesdrop, or breaking the law yourself. The First Amendment 
>>>covers a lot, in this case.
>>Correct. The Barniki opinion pointed out that the journalists were 
>>not responsible for the interception.  But journalists receive 
>>purloined data from whistle-blowers all the time. Suppose in the 
>>future it was one of those e-mail messages with a cryptographically 
>>enforced expiration date? A journalist who broke that system might 
>>be sued under DMCA.  That possibility might not frighten the WSJ, 
>>but what about smaller news organizations?
>Fair enough. But wh

Re: password-cracking by journalists...

2002-01-21 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

At 8:57 PM -0800 1/20/02, Karsten M. Self wrote:
>Note that my reading the language of 1201 doesn't requre that the work
>being accessed be copyrighted (and in the case of Afghanistan, there is
>a real question of copyright status), circumvention itself is
>sufficient, regardless of status of the specific work accessed:
>17 USC 1201(a)(1)(A):
>No person shall circumvent a technological measure that
>effectively controls access to a work protected under
>this title.
>...if the measure controls access to _a_ work protected under 17 USC,
>than _any_ circumvention is illegal, whether or not that circumvention
>affects a protected work?
>I don't see the statuatory exceptions as covering the case of the WSJ.

Circumvention is defined in 17 USC 1201 (a) (3):

"As used in this subsection - (A) to ''circumvent a technological 
measure'' means to descramble a scrambled work, to decrypt an 
encrypted work, or otherwise to avoid, bypass, remove, deactivate, or 
impair a technological measure, without the authority of the 
copyright owner; ...

I'd read that as implying that the law is talking about a copyrighted 
work; otherwise if someone encrypts text in the public domain, no one 
would be allowed to decrypt it. But an aggressive prosecutor might 
adopt your interpretation. It's a very poorly written law with great 
potential for abuse.

Arnold Reinhold
Who is not a lawyer and is not offering legal advice

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Re: password-cracking by journalists...

2002-01-20 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

At 7:38 PM -0500 1/19/02, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
>In message 
> Syreeni writes:
>>On Thu, 17 Jan 2002, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
>>>For one thing, in Hebrew (and, I think, Arabic) vowels are not normally
>>If something, this would lead me to believe there is less redundancy in
>>what *is* written, and so less possibility for a dictionary attack.
>>>Also, there are a few Hebrew letters which have different forms when
>>>they're the final letter in a word -- my understanding is that there are
>>>more Arabic letters that have a different final form, and that some have
>>>up to four forms: one initial, two middle, and one final.
>>At least Unicode codes these as the same codepoint, and treats the
>>different forms as glyph variants. Normalizing for these before the attack
> >shouldn't be a big deal.

Arabic Unicode is based on ISO 8859/6 so this was presumably the case 
before Unicode as well.

> >
>>>Finally, Hebrew (and, as someone else mentioned, Arabic) verbs have a
>>>three-letter root form; many nouns are derived from this root.
>>This would facilitate the attack, especially if the root form is all that
>>is written -- it would lead us expect shorter passwords and a densely
>>populated search space, with less possibility for easy variations like

I'm not sure why someone would only write the root. I don't think 
it's any more natural for speaker of those languages than writing 
Latin roots would be for English speakers.

>Right -- there are factors pushing in both directions, and I don't know
>how it balances.

A few more factors:

1. Neither Hebrew nor Arabic have capitalization the way Latin does. 
This reduces opportunities for variation. The Hebrew final forms make 
up for that to a small degree.  They are treated as different code 
points in all encodings*, by the way.

2. Almost all Hebrew encodings* include the Latin letters as well. 
In 7-bit ASCII Hebrew, the Hebrew alphabet replaces the lowercase 
Latin letters. In IBM-PC and ISO 8859/8  encodings, the Hebrew 
alphabet is in the upper 128 characters, with the lower 128 printable 
characters being standard ASCII. So a Hebrew user could mix Latin and 
Hebrew characters if they wished.  I suspect most Arabic computer 
users have easy access to Latin characters too.

3. Arabic and Hebrew users might be counseled to selectively use 
vowels or diacritical marks in their passwords.

4. People outside the U.S. are less likely to be mono-lingual. 
Someone from Israel for example might be expected to know several 
languages among Hebrew, Arabic, Aramaic, English, Russian, Yiddish 
and Ladino.

5. Unicode includes an extended Arabic-encoding with 96 additional 
letter/diacritic forms used in non-Arabic languages that use Arabic 
alphabet, including 9 for Pashto. I don't know if these are available 
in consumer PC's yet.

6. Finally users of these or other non-Latin alphabet languages might 
well choose to transliterate their password into Latin characters to 
make them easy to enter on any computer.

>Your mention of Unicode, though, brings up another point:  the encoding
>that's used can matter, too.  If UCS-2 or UCS-4 (16 and 31-bit
>encodings) are used, I believe that there are many constant bits per
>character.  Even UTF-8 would have that effect.

I think the analysis depends on the type of password system employed. 
In a properly designed system that places no restriction on password 
length and applies a cryptographic hash to the password input + ample 
salt, the existence of constant bits per character in some encodings 
has no effect. The entropy of the password is determined by the 
symbol space the user is employing, not the internal encoding.

Systems like these are probably best attacked by trying long lists of 
likely passwords, preferably guided by whatever personal information 
is known about the password creator.

If the password bit length is limited to a low number, e.g. the Unix 
56-bit limit,  switching to 16-bit or 32-bit per character encoding 
would be disastrous. As far as I know, no one does this. I don't know 
if any implementations attempt to accept UTF-8 encoding. There are 
clearly some pitfalls there.

On the other hand, the Unix password system, particularly those where 
the hashed password can be obtained by an attacker, is so broken that 
any natural language password is going to be weak.  Random 8 
character passwords from a 26 letter alphabet, will only have 38 bits 
of entropy.  A dictionary attack is quite feasible at that size. A 
random password with 6 letters, one digit and one special character 
(typical of what users are counseled to choose) has 42 bits.  A 
random password using the full 96 printable ASCII character set only 
gets you to 53 bits of entropy. Stamping out the 8 character Unix 
password limit would be a good use of Homeland Defense money.

Arnold Reinhold

*At least all those listed in Narshon and Rosenschein, "The 

Re: password-cracking by journalists...

2002-01-20 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

At 4:12 PM -0500 1/18/02, Will Rodger wrote:
>>This law has LOTS of unintended consequences.  That is why many 
>>people find it so disturbing.  For example, as I read it, and I am 
>>*not* a lawyer, someone who offered file decryption services for 
>>hire to people who have a right to the data, e.g. the owner lost 
>>the password, or a disgruntled employee left with the password, or 
>>a parent wants to see what was stored on their child's hard drive, 
>>could still be charged with committing a felony.
>If it's your copyright, it's still yours. The law recognizes that.

You can presumably write your own programs to decrypt your own files. 
But if you provide that service to someone else you could run afoul 
of the law as I read it. The DMCA prohibits trafficking in technology 
that can be used to circumvent technological protection measures. 
There is no language requiring proof than anyone's copyright was 
violated.  Traffic for hire and it's a felony.

Now a prosecutor probably wouldn't pursue the case of a cryptographer 
who decoded messages on behalf of parents of some kid involved in 
drugs or sex abuse. But what if the cryptographer was told that and 
the data turned out to be someone else's? Or if the kid was e-mailing 
a counselor about abuse by his parents? Or the government really 
didn't like the cryptographer because of his political views?

There is also the argument that Congress only intended to cover tools 
for breaking content protections schemes like CSS and never intended 
to cover general cryptanalysis.   You might win with that argument in 
court (I think you should), but expect a 7 digit legal bill.  And if 
you lose, we'll put up a "Free Will" web site.

>>As for the legal situation before the DMCA,  the Supreme Court 
>>issued a ruling last year in a case, Barniki v. Volper,  of a 
>>journalist who broadcast a tape he received of an illegally 
>>intercepted cell phone conversation between two labor organizers. 
>>The court ruled that the broadcast was permissible.
>The journalist received the information from a source gratis. That's 
>different from paying for stolen goods, hiring someone to eavesdrop, 
>or breaking the law yourself. The First Amendment covers a lot, in 
>this case.

Correct. The Barniki opinion pointed out that the journalists were 
not responsible for the interception.  But journalists receive 
purloined data from whistle-blowers all the time. Suppose in the 
future it was one of those e-mail messages with a cryptographically 
enforced expiration date? A journalist who broke that system might be 
sued under DMCA.  That possibility might not frighten the WSJ, but 
what about smaller news organizations?

>> So the stolen property argument you give might not hold. The 
>>change wrought by the DMCA is that it makes trafficking in the 
>>tools needed to get at encrypted data, regardless whether one has a 
>>right to (there is an exemption for law enforcement) unlawful.
>There's language governing that in the statute. Trafficking in tools 
>specifically designed to break a given form of copy protection is 
>one thing. The continued availability of legal tools for 
>cryptanalysis and legitimate password cracking is another. As bad as 
>the DMCA is, it's not _that_ bad.

I've read the statute very carefully and I never found such language. 
(You can read my analysis at It's certainly 
possible that I overlooked something. Perhaps you could cite the 
language you are referring to?

Arnold Reinhold

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Re: password-cracking by journalists...

2002-01-18 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

At 9:41 AM -0500 1/18/02, Will Rodger wrote:
>Arnhold writes:
>>Another interesting question is whether the reporters and the Wall 
>>Street Journal have violated the DCMA's criminal provisions. The al 
>>Qaeda data was copyrighted (assuming Afghanistan signed one of the 
>>copyright conventions--they may not have), the encryption is 
>>arguably a "technological protection measure" and the breaking was 
>>done for financial gain.
>That, I think, is an unintended consequence of the law, but I bet 
>there's a lawyer somewhere who'd take a crack at it. More important 
>is the origin of the info. itself: were it peacetime you'd have a 
>pretty clear case of receiving stolen property. Add to that certain 
>trade-secret laws in various of the 50 United States, and you could 
>do a long time in the slammer over this...
>Will Rodger

This law has LOTS of unintended consequences.  That is why many 
people find it so disturbing.  For example, as I read it, and I am 
*not* a lawyer, someone who offered file decryption services for hire 
to people who have a right to the data, e.g. the owner lost the 
password, or a disgruntled employee left with the password, or a 
parent wants to see what was stored on their child's hard drive, 
could still be charged with committing a felony.

As for the legal situation before the DMCA,  the Supreme Court issued 
a ruling last year in a case, Barniki v. Volper,  of a journalist who 
broadcast a tape he received of an illegally intercepted cell phone 
conversation between two labor organizers.  The court ruled that the 
broadcast was permissible.  So the stolen property argument you give 
might not hold. The change wrought by the DMCA is that it makes 
trafficking in the tools needed to get at encrypted data, regardless 
whether one has a right to (there is an exemption for law 
enforcement) unlawful.

Arnold Reinhold

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: password-cracking by journalists...

2002-01-17 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

At 9:15 AM -0500 1/16/02, Steve Bellovin wrote:
>A couple of months ago, a Wall Street Journal reporter bought two
>abandoned al Qaeda computers from a looter in Kabul.  Some of the
>files on those machines were encrypted.  But they're dealing with
>that problem:
>   The unsigned report, protected by a complex password, was
>   created on Aug. 19, according to the Kabul computer's
>   internal record. The Wall Street Journal commissioned an
>   array of high-speed computers programmed to crack passwords.
>   They took five days to access the file.
>Does anyone have any technical details on this?  (I assume that it's
>a standard password-guessing approach, but it it would be nice to know
>for certain.  If nothing else, are Arabic passwords easier or harder
>to guess than, say, English ones?)

Outside of the good possibility that they might be quotations from 
Islamic religious texts, why would you think Arabic passwords are any 
easier to guess?

Another interesting question is whether the reporters and the Wall 
Street Journal have violated the DCMA's criminal provisions. The al 
Qaeda data was copyrighted (assuming Afghanistan signed one of the 
copyright conventions--they may not have), the encryption is arguably 
a "technological protection measure" and the breaking was done for 
financial gain.

"17 USC 1204 (a) In General. - Any person who violates section 1201 
or 1202 willfully and for purposes of commercial advantage or private 
financial gain -(1) shall be fined not more than $500,000 or 
imprisoned for not more than 5 years, or both, for the first 

BTW: The 2600 Magazine defense team has filed an appeal for en banc 
review of the 2nd Circuit's DMCA opinion:


Press Release:

Arnold Reinhold

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: Linux-style kernel PRNGs and the FIPS140-2 test

2002-01-16 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

At 7:10 PM -0500 1/15/02, Adam Fields wrote:
>"Arnold G. Reinhold" says:
>> This result would seem to raise questions about SHA1 and MD5 as much
>> as about the quality of /dev/random and /dev/urandom.  Naively, it
>> should be difficult to create input to these hash functions that
>> cause their output to fail any statistical test.
>I would think that this would only be relevant if there was a
>correlation between inputs and outputs. Lack of entropic skew across
>the bits of the output shouldn't give any clues to the specific input,
>unless the outputs are clumping across the output
>space. Theoretically, the hash functions ought to be able to output
>every bit string in the output space, so you'd realistically expect a
>fair number of runs.
>You're right - it should be difficult to create inputs to the hash
>functions that cause their output to fail a distribution test, but
>doing so casts doubt on the randomness of the inputs, not the
>distribution space of the hash.

Quite the opposite. The only thing you should be able to determine 
from the output of a good hash is whether two input strings are 
identical.  You pretty much acknowledge that in your first paragraph. 
You shouldn't be able to tell the difference between a random string 
and the sequence n || n+1 || n+2 || ... . Even a mediocre hash should 
make it impossible to  distinguish between a good random input string 
and a not-so-good one.  That is one of the criticisms of the Pentium 
RNG: the whitening hardware prevents one from analyzing the 
underlying randomness of the generator hardware.  Any statistical 
irregularities in the output of a hash like SHA1 or MD5 are far more 
like to be an artifact of the hash algorithm rather than some 
regularity in the input.

Arnold Reinhold

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: Linux-style kernel PRNGs and the FIPS140-2 test

2002-01-15 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

This result would seem to raise questions about SHA1 and MD5 as much 
as about the quality of /dev/random and /dev/urandom.  Naively, it 
should be difficult to create input to these hash functions that 
cause their output to fail any statistical test.

Arnold Reinhold

At 3:23 PM -0500 1/15/02, Thor Lancelot Simon wrote:
>Many operating systems use "Linux-style" (environmental noise
>stirred with a hash function) generators to provide "random"
>and pseudorandom data on /dev/random and /dev/urandom
>respectively.  A few modify the general Linux design by adding an
>output buffer which is not stirred so that bits which have already
>been output are not stirred into the pool of "new" "random" data
>(IMO, not doing this is insane, but that's a different subject).
>The enclosed implementation of the FIPS140-1/2 statistical test
>appears to show that such generators fail the "runs" test quite
>regularly.  Interestingly, the Linux generator seems to do better
>the longer you let it run (which, perhaps, suggests that quite a
>bit of data should be run through it at boot time and discarded)
>but other, related generators do not.
>The usual failure mode is "too many runs of 1 1s".  Using MD5
>instead of SHA1 as the mixing function, the Linux generator
>also displays "too many runs of 1 0s".  I have not yet seen
>other failure modes from these generators.
>To reproduce my results, just compile the enclosed and do
>"a.out < /dev/urandom" on your platform of choice.
>Attachment converted: Arnold's iMac:fips140.c (TEXT/ttxt) (0011EDDD)

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Re: CFP: PKI research workshop

2002-01-14 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

At 12:09 PM -0500 1/14/02, John S. Denker wrote:
>Returning to PKI in particular and software defects in
>particular:  Let's not make this a Right-versus-Wrong
>issue.  There are intricate and subtle issues here.
>Most of these issues are negotiable.
>In particular, you can presumably get somebody to insure
>your whole operation, for a price.  In the grand scheme
>of things, it doesn't matter very much whether you (the
>PKI buyer/user) obtain the insurance directly, or whether
>the other party (the PKI maker/vendor) obtains the insurance
>and passes the cost on to you.  The insurer doesn't much
>care; the risk is about the same either way.

The point is that the risks are not the same. A CA can lower the cost 
of insurance it sells by taking additional precautions to reduce 
risk.  The CA is also in a better position to estimate the true 
premium. A third party has to charge a very high premium since it is 
in a poorer position to make an accurate assessment of the risk.

There would be a way for third parties to reduce their risk if some 
simple mechanism existed for independent verification of 
certificates. I once proposed that all PGP users display a small card 
containing their key fingerprint in a window near their front door. 
The corporate equivalent would be for organizations to display a hash 
of a master signing key in their main and branch lobbies. Anyone 
could then verify this key if they wanted to. There might be a bounty 
for discovering any irregularity. A network of certificate insurers 
might develop who would go from office to office recording 
fingerprints  and then selling lists by subscription along with a 
guarantee of reimbursement for damages up to a certain amount if any 
of their data were incorrect.

Arnold Reinhold

The Cryptography Mailing List
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PAIIN crypto taxonomy (was Re: CFP: PKI research workshop)

2002-01-03 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

The PAIIN model (privacy, authentication, identification, integrity, 
non-repudiation) is inadequate to represent the uses of cryptography. 
Besides the distinction between privacy and confidentiality, I'd like 
to point out some additional uses of cryptography which either don't 
fit at all or are poorly represented in this model:

Anonymity - the ability to communicate without messages being 
attributed to the sender (e.g. remailers).

Confidential verification -- the ability to verify information 
without disclosing it (e.g. zero knowledge proofs).

Fragmentation -- dividing control over information among several parties.

Invisibility -- the ability to communicate or store information 
without being detected. This includes stegonography, low probability 
of observation communication techniques such as low power spread 
spectrum, and measures against traffic analysis such as link 

Proof of trespass -- The ability to demonstrate that anyone having 
access to data knew they were doing so without authorization, (e.g. 
for trade secret and criminal evidence law).

Remote randomization -- the ability for separated parties to 
create fair and trusted random quantities.

Resource taxing -- techniques to prove a minimum expenditure of 
computing resources  e.g. hash-cash.

Time delay -- making information available but not immediately.

Transmission assurance -- anti-jam and anti censorship technology.

Use control -- the whole digital rights management scene.

I'm not suggesting this is a complete list or the best breakdown, but 
I hope is shows that the cryptographic imagination goes beyond PAIIN.

Arnold Reinhold

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Re: Steganography & covert communications - Between Silk andCyanide

2001-12-31 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

At 2:59 PM -0800 12/30/01, John Gilmore wrote:
>Along these lines I can't help but recommend reading one of the best
>crypto books of the last few years:
>   Between Silk and Cyanide
>   Leo Marks, 1999

>This wonderful, funny, serious, and readable book was written by the
>chief cryptographer for the 'nefarious organization' in England which
>ran covert agents all over Europe during WW2 -- the Special 
>Operations Executive.

What makes this book so excellent is that Marks was not just the 
chief cryptographer at SOE, he was the *only* cryptographer. He got 
to do everything. A young amateur crypto enthusiast, he didn't make 
the cut for Bletchley after basic cryptanalysis training due to a bad 
case of smart ass and was sent down to SOE. He almost failed to get 
that job when it took him all day to decipher a test message. He 
didn't realize he had been supplied the key.

>... He taught the receiving code
>clerks in England how to decode even garbled messages, rather than
>asking agents to re-send them.  (Re-sends of the same text gave the
>enemy even more trivial ways to crack the codes.)

More important, it sharply increased their risk of being caught by 
German radio direction finders. Agents had been captured or shot in 
the middle of re-transmissions.

At 1:21 PM + 12/31/01, Ben Laurie wrote:
>David Honig wrote:
> > Unbeknown to the latter, Marks had already cracked General de Gaulle's
>> private cypher in a spare moment on the lavatory. -from the obit of Leo
>> Marks, cryptographer
>But this was because it was, in fact, one of his own ciphers.

That's not quite fair to Mr. Marks. General de Gaulle used a double 
transposition cipher similar to the one the OSE had been using since 
before Marks got there, though Marks had to discover this on his own. 
Marks' codemaking efforts were directed toward improving that cipher 
and replacing it with a one-time pad. One advantage of the one time 
pad was that messages could be short, reducing the DF risk. Double 
transposition cipher required a minimum length, 200 letters, lest 
they simply be anagramed.

I have a review of the book at

Arnold Reinhold

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RE: Stegdetect 0.4 released and results from USENET search available

2001-12-30 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

At 2:47 PM -0800 12/28/01, Bill Stewart wrote:
>So tracing a single transmission may be hard, but tracing an ongoing pattern
>is easier, unless there's a trusted Usenet site in some
>country where you don't have jurisdiction problems.
>That means that A.A.M + PGP is fine for an occasional
>"Attack at Dawn" message, but not necessarily for routine traffic.

A background stream of ordinary, unencrypted voice and e-mail to 
family and friends, plus some pre-established code phrases, is all 
one needs for the occasional "Attack at Dawn" message. From press 
reports, that appears to be what the September 11 cell used.

>So it helps to add an extra step - posting the anonymous message
>through a web2news gateway through an anonymizer,
>or a mail2news gateway from a webmail account from a cybercafe,
>or mail2news through an open relay somewhere in the world
>(since open relays are usually people who haven't bothered
>configuring their mail systems, and are less likely to keep logs
>unless that's the default, plus you can spread your messages
>among lots of different relays.)

I would assume cybercafes are prime targets for signal intelligence 
organizations and all e-mail traffic they generate is recorded. More 
generally, imagine you are a consultant to some nefarious 
organization and think about what it would take to convince them that 
the method you propose is safe, capable of being taught to their 
covert agents, and tolerant of the inevitable slip ups in the field 
(and remember their attitude toward warrantee disclaimers).

All this is fun speculation, but avoids the original question in the 
thread: is it possible to reliably detect stego use, given certain 
weakness in many widely available methods?

Arnold Reinhold

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Re: Stegdetect 0.4 released and results from USENET searchavailable

2001-12-28 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

At 4:33 AM -0500 12/28/01, Niels Provos wrote:
>In message <v04210101b84eca7963ad@[]>, "Arnold G. Reinhold" writes:
>>I don't think you can conclude much from the failure of your
>>dictionary attack to decrypt any messages.
>We are offering various explanations.  One of them is that there is no
>significant use of steganography.  If you read the recent article in
>the New York Times [1], you will find claims that "about 0.6 percent
>of millions of pictures on auction and pornography sites had hidden

I certainly can't imagine any group or activity that would generate 
the hundreds of thousands of stego messages a 0.6 percent rate 

>>2. The signature graphs you presented for several of the stego
>>methods seemed very strong. I wonder if there is more pattern
>>recognition possible to determine highly likely candidates. I would
>>be interested in seeing what the graphs look like for the putative
>>false alarms you found. It also might be interesting to run the
>>detection program on a corpus of JPEGs known NOT to contain stego,
>>such as a clip art CD.
>The following slides contain examples of false-positives
>In my experience, eliminating false-positives is not quite that easy.
>Some graphs look like they should have steganographic content even
>though they do not.  Any test will have a false-positive rate, the
>goal is to keep it very low.

In general you are of course correct. But this particular case may be 
an exception. I am not a stego maven, and before reading your paper, 
it never occurred to me that some stego software would be designed to 
place message bits in the first n available slots. Spreading them 
pseudo-randomly seems so easy and so obvious a win.  However, since 
much software out there does use first n slot message placement, 
detection of such messages may be possible with a very high signal to 
noise ratio. The graphs in your papers, with very flat tops and 
bottoms and steep skirts suggest that to me.  They are very different 
from the false-positive graphs in the slides above. It may possible 
to distinguish them with high enough confidence to be able to assert 
the presence of stego messages even if they cannot be decrypted.

Arnold Reinhold

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Re: CFP: PKI research workshop

2001-12-27 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

It seems to me that a very similar argument can be made regarding the 
need (or lack there of) for a national identity card.  Organizations 
that require biometric identity can simply record that information in 
their own databases. The business most widely cited as needing 
national ID cards, the airlines, already maintain elaborate customer 
databases for their frequent flyer programs. Adding biometrics, with 
mileage points or faster check-in as incentive, would be easy enough. 
Your frequent flyer application would authorize the airline to 
compare your  identifying data with security databases at other 
airlines, credit bureaus, the government, etc.

If photo matching software is unable to validate two photos of you 
from different databases, both would be displayed next time you check 
in. If the clerk decides they match, that would be recorded. If the 
discrepancy is major, you would be taken aside and the matter 
investigated. Over time, the confidence in any individual's record 
would grow as more use is made of it. There is still the problem of 
protecting the database from alteration, but that applies to whatever 
database would be used to issue national ID cards as well.

Even if high speed data lines are not available at all gates, 
reservations are normally made well in advance, so a passenger list 
with biometrics could be prepared overnight and delivered to each 
gate in printed form (for photos) or on a CD-RW.  Last minute 
reservations could be handled by slower data links or the maker would 
simply be subject to a higher level of scrutiny. Passport numbers 
could be requested at the time of an international reservation and 
checked with the issuing government well before flight. Government's 
that don't cooperate would have their citizens subject to additional 
scrutiny. During times of heightened alert, additional cross checking 
can be implemented.

None of this is particularly hard and all the issues of of forged, 
revoked, stolen or cursorily examined ID cards go away. So do the 
issues of abuse where petty officials confiscate your ID card leaving 
you helpless.

Arnold Reinhold

At 8:22 AM -0700 12/27/01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>it isn't that you move it to a central authority  you move it to an
>authority that typically is already established in association with
>authorization ... aka in normal business operation, a business relationship
>is established that typically consists of creating an account record that
>has various privileges associated with that account/entity. For
>authentication purposes a public key can be bound to that account and/or
>set of privileges. This goes on in the world today  and would continue
>to regardless of whether x.509 identity certificates were issued or not.
>given that businesses have to play the registration function for
>authorization & privileges ... aka normal procedure doesn't allow somebody
>to walk into a random bank and withdraw funds from a random account ...
>regardless of who they are ... aka indentity doesn't magically enable a
>person to withdraw funds from an arbritrary account ... ability to withdraw
>funds typically is a privilege associated with whether or not some entity
>is authorized to perform that function for a specific account. As such, the
>financial institution has to register lots of information for the account
>... also registering a public key is consistent with the existing business
>processes, liability, administrative and management infrastructure.
>In effect, large numbers of business processes already exist for
>registration, administration, and management of authentication information
> and having a certificate in the loop doesn't eliminate those business
>processes (whether or not I had a certificate  there still would have
>to be something registered that some attribute of "me" has authorization to
>do certain things). Doing business flow and informatioin management
>optimization just demonstrates that given existing business infrastructures
>for registration, administration and management which also includes
>certificates it is usually trivially possible to demonstrate that the
>actual certificates are redundant, superfulous and extraneous ... aka
>directly registering the public key and providing direct binding between
>the authentication process and the authorization process  eliminating a
>possibly huge number of extraneous and unnecessary business entities and
>business processes associated with certificate-based operation.
>There doesn't have to be any single central authority in a certificateless
>model. There can be all sorts of authorities for all sorts of infomation
> which could be also hypothesized for a certificate-based certification
>and authentication model. However, the certificateless exercise typically
>trivially demonstrates that any certificate-based solution duplicates
>existing business processes which aren't going to be eliminated. Therefor,
>it is then po

Re: Stegdetect 0.4 released and results from USENET searchavailable

2001-12-26 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

This is an nice piece of work, but I have a couple of comments:

1. The paper asserts "Even if the majority of passwords used to hide 
content were strong, there would be a small percentage of weak 
passwords ... and we should have been able to find them."  That might 
be true if there are a large number of stego users independently 
selecting passwords, but it's not a compelling argument if stego is 
being employed by a few sophisticated terrorist  organizations, as 
suggested by the April 1991 Newsday article, . It 
is quite likely that such organizations  train users to select strong 
passwords or passphrases. Indeed, since the stego systems use 
symmetric keys, field cells would have to be assigned passwords prior 
to deployment. In all likelihood this would be done by a central 
communications group, with good crypto skills.

Even if some cells did use weak passwords, they are likely to derive 
them from languages and religious quotes  that I suspect are not well 
represented in your dictionary. There is also the possibility that 
the terrorist organizations modified published stego programs or 
built their own from scratch, perhaps to incorporate public key 
methods. In that case, a dictionary attack is hopeless.

I don't think you can conclude much from the failure of your 
dictionary attack to decrypt any messages.

2. The signature graphs you presented for several of the stego 
methods seemed very strong. I wonder if there is more pattern 
recognition possible to determine highly likely candidates. I would 
be interested in seeing what the graphs look like for the putative 
false alarms you found. It also might be interesting to run the 
detection program on a corpus of JPEGs known NOT to contain stego, 
such as a clip art CD.

3. If you did succeed in decrypting one of Osama Bin Laden's 
missives, wouldn't he have a case against you under DMCA?

Arnold Reinhold

At 12:16 PM -0500 12/21/01, Niels Provos wrote:
>I just released Stegdetect 0.4.  It contains the following changes:
> - Improved detection accuracy for JSteg and JPhide.
> - JPEG Header Analysis reduces false positives.
> - JPEG Header Analysis provides rudimentary detection of F5.
> - Stegbreak uses the file magic utility to improve dictionary
>   attack against OutGuess 0.13b.
>You can download the UNIX source code or windows binary from
>The results from analyzing one million images from the Internet Archive's
>USENET archive are available at
>  After scanning two million images from eBay without finding any
>  hidden messages, we extended the scope of our analysis.
>  This page provides details about the analysis of one million images
>  from the Internet Archive's USENET archive.
>  Processing the one million images with stegdetect results in about
>  20,000 suspicious images. We launched a dictionary attack on the
>  JSteg and JPHide positive images.  The dictionary has a size of
>  1,800,000 words and phrases.  The disconcert cluster used to
>  distribute the dictionary attack has a peak performance of roughly
>  87 GFLOPS.
>  However, we have not found a single hidden message.
>Comments and feedback are welcome.  We have an FAQ at
>Regards and a merry Christmas,
>  Niels Provos
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Re: FreeSWAN & US export controls

2001-12-11 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

At 12:18 AM -0600 12/11/01, Jim Choate wrote:
>On Mon, 10 Dec 2001, John Gilmore wrote:
>> NSA's export controls.  We overturned them by a pretty thin margin.
>> The government managed to maneuver such that no binding precedents
>> were set: if they unilaterally change the regulations tomorrow to
>> block the export of public domain crypto, they wouldn't be violating
>> any court orders or any judicial decisions.  I.e. they are not BOUND
>> by the policy change.
>That's not accurate. There have been several court rulings finding source
>code and such protected by the 1st. This would provide a lever that was
>not there previously.

In the most recent ruling, Universal v. Remerdez/Eric Corley 
(00-9185), , the US Court of 
Appeals for the Second Circuit declined to overturn an injunction 
against the posting of DeCSS on the Internet. The Court held that 
software was speech, but did not enjoy the level of First Amendment 
protection accorded to pure speech because it is functional with 
little human intervention. This is a very disturbing precedent which 
I hope will be reversed on appeal, but given the post-9/11 mood and 
the limited technological understanding of most judges, I wouldn't 
count on it. Also I believe the U.S. Supreme Court has upheld export 
controls in the past, the First Amendment notwithstanding.

Having a body of open source crypto software that is not entangled by 
any U.S. input is not a foolish idea.  Surely there are good 
programers outside the U.S. who understand the importance of making 
FreeSWAN work seamlessly with Linux.

Arnold Reinhold

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Re: Japan Broke U.S. Code Before Pearl Harbor, Researcher Finds

2001-12-10 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

At 10:50 PM -0800 12/8/01, Paul Krumviede wrote:
>while not really cryptography related, i'd suggest a reading of the chapter
>"prologue to pearl harbor" of herbert bix's "hirohito and the making of
>modern japan" before taking seriously anything other than the finding that the
>japanese may have broken one (or more) american cipher.

I'd add "The Broken Seal," by Ladislas Farago, which discusses the 
cryptography as well.

The fact that Japan was breaking U.S. codes (not ciphers) is nothing 
new, though it would be interesting to know which systems the new 
researchers claim were broken. Kahn discusses the weakness of U.S. 
diplomatic codes at length in "The Codebreakers," 1967. See Chapter 
15, especially p. 495. The most secure encryption system the U.S. 
State department used at the time was the M-138 strip cipher, which 
is cryptographically identical to the Jefferson wheel. However, 
according to Kahn, the Japanese did not break that one. Other U.S. 
diplomatic codes were notoriously weak. Kahn describes one incident 
in which a retiring U.S. diplomat delivered his farewell speech in 
GRAY code.  Kahen even says "The nonsecrecy of the State Department 
codes inhibited negotiations with the moderates in Japan," referring 
to the summer and fall of 1941.

>comments on japanese surprise at the (long-standing) american insistence
>on withdrawal from china seem akin to japanese hopes in mid-1945 that
>somehow the soviets could be persuaded to intervene on their behalf
>to avoid surrendering... (on this subject, richard frank's "downfall" has
>some interesting analysis of what the americans were learning from the
>various japanese ciphers in 1945, including the diplomatic and military

U.S. foreign policy had opposed foreign colonization of China since 
the Opium wars of the 19th century. Far from being surprised by the 
U.S. response to Japan's November 20 cable, there is plenty of 
evidence that the Tojo government was counting on it to get the 
Emperor's final approval for their elaborate war plans, which were 
already in motion.

As for the "lesser-known command, "Climb Mt. Tsukuba," which meant 
return [for the Pearl Harbor attack force]",  its primary use would 
have been in case the Japanese got an indication that the U.S. knew 
of the impending attack. The Japanese were very worried that the 
attack force, which was the heart of their Navy, might be discovered 
and pounced on by the American Navy, thousands of miles from Japan. 
This, of course, is exactly what happened six months later at the 
Battle of Midway.

Arnold Reinhold

>--On Friday, 07 December, 2001 11:09 -0500 "R. A. Hettinga" 
>>Japan Broke U.S. Code Before Pearl Harbor, Researcher Finds
>>Asia: Discovery is based on papers unearthed in Tokyo. They show attack
>>may have been prompted by belief that Washington had decided on war. By
>>Times Staff Writer
>>December 7 2001
>>TOKYO -- Toshihiro Minohara made a startling discovery while digging
>>through the U.S. National Archives in College Park, Md., last summer.
>>While researching secret codes used prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor
>>60 years ago, the young Japanese American professor stumbled upon a
>>document, declassified by the CIA about five years ago, that proved that
>>Tokyo had succeeded in breaking the U.S. and British diplomatic codes. A
>>few microfilmed documents, showing the Japanese translations of the
>>telegrams, were attached.
>>Minohara knew he was on to something important: For decades it was widely
>>believed that Japan, then a developing country with a fierce rivalry
>>between its army and navy, hadn't been up to measure when it came to
>>code-breaking, particularly the documents of the Americans.
>>"We are so . . . arrogant," said Donald Goldstein, a professor at the
>>University of Pittsburgh and co-author of "At Dawn We Slept: The Untold
>>Story of Pearl Harbor." "It's very possible they could have broken our
>>code, so why shouldn't they have?"
>>Research in Tokyo Confirms Findings
>>Further research by a colleague in Japan confirmed the findings--and may
>>shed light on the mind-set that caused Japan's last holdouts for peace to
>>opt for war just weeks before the attack, Minohara said this week.
>>When Minohara sent fellow Kobe University teacher Satoshi Hattori to check
>>Japan's diplomatic archives in Tokyo, he wasn't optimistic: Most
>>top-secret documents were burned after being read in wartime Japan. Those
>>that remained were confiscated by the U.S. during the occupation that
>>followed Japan's 1945 defeat; they are now housed in U.S. archives.
>>But Hattori unearthed a folder marked "Special Documents," containing 34
>>communiques that would have been easy to overlook--and apparently have
>>been by other

Re: I-P: Papers Illuminate Pearl Harbor Attack

2001-12-08 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

This story smells of revisionism.  The events leading up to Pearl 
harbor are throughly chronicled in the first chapter of David Kahn's 
classic, The Codebreakers. In particular:

o The Tojo government, regarded as militarist, came into power in 
October 1941 (Togo was Tojo's foreign minister)

o The order to attack Pearl Harbor was promulgated on November 4

o The last ship of the Pearl Harbor strike force, the aircraft 
carrier Kuikaku, reached the fleet assembly point  in the Kuriles on 
November 19

o Japan presented its ultimatum to the U.S. on November 20, which 
would have required the U.S. to acquiesce to Japan's conquests in 
Asia and supply her with oil

o On November 25, the the Pearl Harbor strike force was ordered to 
leave on it mission at 6 am the next day

o The reply U.S. that the delivered to Japan on November 26 came 
"after a week of frantic ... consultations ..." (Kahn). These may 
have led to the Chinese cables reported in the story and created a 
flicker of hope among whatever doves remained in the Japanese 
government. It was not a close situation, however. Had the U.S. been 
willing to accede to Japan's terms, the strike could have been called 
off, but the die had been cast and Japan's war preparations were well 
under way. (Remember that Pearl Harbor was but one of many places 
that Japan attacked 60 years ago today).

As for the notion that "Japan may have tried to warn the United 
States about the attack," this is no doubt the famous 14-part 
telegram breaking off negotiations that was to be delivered to the 
Secretary of State Cordell Hull at 1 pm Washington time (7:30 am 
Honolulu time), 25 minutes before the first bomb fell.  The U.S. had 
intercepted and decoded the first 13 parts that telegram early on 
December 7. The last part and the portentous instruction to deliver 
it at 1 pm were recovered later that morning.  Secretary Hull was 
concerned about looking properly upset when he was handed the 
official copy by the Japanese ambassador, lest the ambassador suspect 
that Hull had already seen it. Kahn describes how Army attempts to 
deliver a final warning to Pear Harbor were bollixed up by 
communications problems.

Arnold Reinhold

At 11:33 AM -0500 12/6/01, R. A. Hettinga wrote:
>--- begin forwarded text
>Status:  U
>From: "Arnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: I-P: Papers Illuminate Pearl Harbor Attack
>Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2001 09:12:58 -0500
>Reply-To: "Arnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>DECEMBER 05, 19:33 ET
>Papers Illuminate Pearl Harbor Attack
>Associated Press Writer
>KOBE, Japan (AP) - Japan may have attacked Pearl Harbor because decoded U.S.
>cables did not prepare its leaders for American demands that the imperial
>army withdraw from China and Southeast Asia, a Japanese scholar said
>Previously classified Foreign Ministry documents reveal a turning point that
>may have persuaded doves in the Japanese government that war with the United
>States was necessary, Kobe University law professor Toshihiro Minohara said.
>``The discovery will probably help reevaluate the history of this period,''
>Minohara told The Associated Press before announcing his findings.
>That turning point came in November 1941, just weeks before the Dec. 7
>attack that killed 2,390 and plunged America into World War II.
>Japan and the United States had been at odds for years over the imperial
>army's march through Asia. On Nov. 22, 1941, Tokyo intercepted a Chinese
>telegram saying the United States would propose allowing Japan to keep its
>colonies if it abandoned further aggression, Minohara said. The telegram was
>sent from the Chinese Embassy in Washington to Chinese government officials
>in the wartime capital of Chungking, now Chongqing.
>The sudden possibility of a compromise strengthened the position of Foreign
>Minister Shigenori Togo, who opposed war with the United States and was
>trying to persuade militarists in the government to back down, Minohara
>But the official U.S. position sent to Japan on Nov. 26 was entirely
>different: Agree to withdraw from China and Southeast Asia or say goodbye to
>a diplomatic solution.
>That message, sent to Japan's embassy in Washington by then-Secretary of
>State Cordell Hull, was interpreted as an ultimatum and convinced pacifists
>in the Japanese government that war was inevitable.
>``I was so shocked I even felt dizzy,'' Togo later wrote in his memoirs.
>``At this point, we had no choice but to take action.''
>Researchers also said Japan broke secret codes employed by the United
>States, Britain, China and Canada between May 18, 1941, and Dec. 3, 1941,
>Kyodo News Agency reported.
>Kobe University professor Makoto Iokibe said that ``defies the common
>belief...that Japan was behind in the information war against the U.S. and
>others,'' the agency

More on Drivers' Licenses

2001-11-09 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

Noah Silva recently brought this interesting 1994 article on DMV data 
exchange by Simson Garfinkel to the attention of the 


The article discusses the  AAMVAnet system and the extent to which 
the threat of revocation of driver's license is already being used as 
a tool for social control.  It's also clear that the state DMVs are 
in a unique position to provide identity information for a future PKI.

I did some poking around on Google to see what has been happening in 
this  area since then. I found the American Association of Motor 
Vehicle Administrators web site which announces:

"On October 24, 2001, AAMVA's Executive Committee passed a resolution 
creating a  Special Task Force on Identification Security to develop 
a strategy on enhancing the issuance of secure identification 
credentials for driver licensing and  photo ID purposes, and to 
develop short- and long-term priorities and actions."

They already have a standard for Driver IDs that is available on-line (full text)

It is a very through and detailed document that builds on a raft of 
existing international standards (smart cards, bar codes, JPEG, etc.) 
and US DMV and LE practices (data dictionaries, encodings, 
fingerprint and signature storage, etc.).  It does not prescribe any 
card technology, but sets standards to be used if a technology is 

What is strikingly to me about the document is the complete lack of 
cryptographic standards. The document specifically discourages 
encryption of machine readable data unless required by law. In a very 
interesting Appendix H on physical security measures, digital 
signatures are mentioned only in passing under Machine Readable Data:

"Common techniques to ensure data integrity include:

   ­ Check digits and data encryption (presumably with public key encryption)

­ For IC cards, tamper detection and chip disabling; and digital 
signatures for all data written to the chip."

That's it! There is a set of proposed revisions to the standard, but 
they are only accessible to AAMVA  members.  I don't know if the 
revisions  address crypto issues, but from the quote above,  I 
suspect they have a long way to go.

Arnold Reinhold

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NYT article on steganography

2001-10-30 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

[More alarmist than I would expect from Ms. Kolata. Many sources 
quoted who claim to have seen lots of stego, but won't give details. 
-- agr]

Veiled Messages of Terrorists May Lurk in Cyberspace

October 30, 2001


Investigators say terrorists may be using a stealthy method
of sending messages through the Internet called

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DOD goes to Smart Card ID's

2001-10-26 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold


"The U.S. defense department has ordered chip-based ID cards for 4.3 
million military
  personnel over the next 18 months to tighten security on access to 
buildings, including the
  Pentagon (news - web sites), and to computer networks, including 
access to encrypted
  e-mail and online transactions."


``This is extremely important, not only to us, but to the whole smart 
card industry. It's the
  biggest Java-based smart card order yet,'' ActivCard Senior Vice 
President Tom Arthur told
  Reuters at annual chip card congress Cartes 2001.'

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Re: RC4 [was: RE: Passport Passwords Stored in Plaintext]

2001-10-23 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

At 10:04 AM -0400 10/22/2001, Adam Shostack wrote:
>On Sun, Oct 21, 2001 at 04:11:19PM -0700, Jeff Simmons wrote:
>| On Sunday 21 October 2001 02:52 pm, you wrote:
>| >Designing protocols is a hard field, and
>| >there seem to be lots of mistakes made when people use RC4.  Is that
>| >because its a bad cipher?  No, its because people aren't used to
>| >working with it.  Because of that, I tend to look askew at RC4 based
>| >systems.
>| Are you referring to RC4 in particular, or streaming cyphers in
>| general?  And if it's just RC4, do you have a streaming cypher that
>| you prefer to it?
>Good question; the problems with RC4 have been a mix of not knowing
>how to use stream ciphers ("Don't cross the streams!") and issues with
>RC4 (needing to discard the first little chunk of stream as it gets up
>to speed.
>I've seen people go to RC4 for speed more than for its stream cipher
>nature.  I tend to push towards block ciphers, simply because we in
>the public world have a lot more experience using them.
>"It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once."
>  -Hume

An important advantage of RC4 is that it is easy to reproduce from 
memory. If efforts to suppress cryptography ever intensify enough, it 
may be the only cipher that is widely available.

There was a news report on NPR this morning that the U.S. Nuclear 
Regulatory Commission has taken down its Web site 
after a request by the Department of Defense to remove material that 
might be helpful to terrorists. The site now says:

"In support of our mission to protect public health and safety, the 
NRC is performing a review of all material  on our site. In the 
interim, only select content will be available. We appreciate your 
patience and understanding during these difficult times."

The same could happen at NIST some day.  Your tag line is 
particularly apt here.

Arnold Reinhold

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Re: Scarfo "keylogger", PGP

2001-10-16 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

At 12:09 AM + 10/16/2001, David Wagner wrote:
>It seems the FBI hopes the law will make a distinction between software
>that talks directly to the modem and software that doesn't.  They note
>that PGP falls into the latter category, and thus -- they argue -- they
>should be permitted to snoop on PGP without needing a wiretap warrant.
>However, if you're using PGP to encrypt email before sending, this
>reasoning sounds a little hard to swallow.  It's hard to see how such a
>use of PGP could be differentiated from use of a mail client; neither
>of them talk directly to the modem, but both are indirectly a part of
>the communications path.  Maybe there's something I'm missing.

Reading between the lines, I think the FBI is taking the position 
that e-mail stored on your computer, either before or after you send 
it, is a business record and not an electronic communication. Thus 
they would also claim the right to key-log a mail client when it was 
off line under the authority of just a search warrant, without a wire 
tap order. In effect, they seem to be claiming that only instant 
messaging is protected under anti-wiretapping laws.

>If you're using PGP to encrypt stored data only, though, then I can
>see how one might be able to make a case that use of PGP should be
>distinguished from use of a mail client.
>Does anyone know what PGP was used for in this case?  Was it used only
>for encrypting stored data, or was it also used from time to time for
>encrypting communications?

Press reports said PGP was used to encrypt gambling records. The 
defense challenged the keylogging on the grounds that it must have 
intercepted electronic communications as well, and therefore went 
beyond the authority of the FBI'ssearch warrant.

It also seems that the FBI used two separate tools on Scarfo's computer:

1. an only-when-the-modem's-off key logger

2. a tool to capture the passphrase when it was entered into the PGP 
dialog box.

One way to create the latter tool is to simply use the PGP source 
code to make a doctored version of PGP that saves the passphrase in a 
hidden file or even e-mails it and the secret key to a special 
address. This possibility suggests that it is a mistake to include 
the full PGP version number in plaintext, as is done in the present 
PGP message format. Doing so allows any attacker to prepare a 
doctored program that matches the target's version in advance, 
reducing the number of surreptitious entries needed. This may not 
matter much to the FBI (which apparently made five entries is this 
case) but could be significant to an attacker with fewer resources, 
e.g. a terrorist cell.

Transmitting the software version enclar may also help in creating a 
capture tool that knows where keying information is stored in memory. 
If there is a need to alert the receiving program as to the format of 
the encrypted message, a message format code should be used, not the 
software version number.

Arnold Reinhold
(who is not a lawyer)

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2001-10-05 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

I too am very nervous about the prospect of national ID cards.  I 
have an idea for a possible compromise, but I have not made up my 
mind on it. I'm interested in hearing other people's opinions.

The idea is a federal standard for secure  drivers' licenses. These 
would be cards containing a chip that stores an electronically signed 
and time stamped data file consisting of the driver's name, date of 
birth, height, address, photo, and scanned signature, as well as 
endorsements such as truck, school bus, motorcycle and hazmat 
operator licenses. All this information is contained in existing 
drivers' licenses, but in a way that is too easy to forge.

The licenses would still be issued by the states so there would be no 
new bureaucracy.  People who don't drive could get "proof of age" 
cards using the same technology. Many states now issue such cards in 
conventional formats for liquor purchase. There would be pressure to 
expand the use of these licenses to other uses. That has already 
happened for conventional DLs with liquor purchase and airline 
boarding. Some new uses might be acceptable, e.g. using the cards to 
contain  pilot or boating licenses. Limitations on new uses could be 
included in the enabling legislation.

The security model of the card would be privacy oriented, i.e. 
limiting who could access the cards to authorized users and the 
owner. The integrity of the information would come from the 
electronic signatures.  As I understand it, much of the forgery of 
DLs that now takes place involves unauthorized use of the equipment 
that produces legitimate cards. The secure DL would cut down on this 
because the information on the card would be signed by by the 
operator of the equipment, making the forgery more traceable. The 
data would also be signed using a key that is only available at a 
central location and a copy of the signed info would be retained in 
the driver database (this information is already collected anyway). 
This would make it more difficult to change just the photo on the 
license, for example.

The main difference between a secure driver's license and a national 
ID is that there would be no new requirement to obtain or carry the 
card.  One can look at it as the nose in the camel's tent or as a way 
to deflect pressure for more Draconian solutions.


Arnold Reinhold

At 1:47 PM -0400 10/3/2001, R. A. Hettinga wrote:
>--- begin forwarded text
>Status:  U
>From: "National Review D.C." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Wed,  3 Oct 2001 13:58:40 +
>Washington Bulletin: National Review's Internet Update for
>October 3, 2001
>[The worse way to fight terrorism]
>Only a bare majority of Americans--51 percent--support the creation of a
>national identity card, according to a new poll by Fabrizio, McLaughlin
>& Associates. This is a substantial loss of support since the Pew
>Research Center found 70 percent endorsing the concept in a survey it
>conducted immediately after the September 11 attacks.
>Yet plenty of warning signs remain. Westerners are only demographic
>group with a majority opposing ID cards (53 percent) and senior citizens
>are the only segment with a plurality against it (47 percent).
>Republicans and men are evenly split on the issue, with Democrats and
>women likely to favor it. Most troubling, however, may be that the poll
>shows overall support jumping to 61 percent when the ID card is
>described as ìa measure to combat terrorism and make the use of false
>identities more difficult.î
>If ever the American public was primed to accept an ID card, the time is
>now. A recent Washington Post survey reports that 64 percent of
>Americans say they trust the federal government to do the right thing
>ìnearly alwaysî or ìmost of the timeî--the highest level of trust
>recorded since 1966 and twice the level measured just a year ago. ìThis
>is the most collective mood weíve seen in America for a long time,î
>Democratic pollster Celinda Lake told the New York Times. ìAnd itís
>coming off one of the most individualistic eras in American history.î
>The Bush administration already has signaled through a spokesman that it
>does not support the idea, though several members of Congress have
>embraced it and House immigration subcommittee chairman George Gekas, a
>Pennsylvania Republican, says ID cards will definitely receive
>consideration. Oracle CEO Larry Ellison has said his company, a leader
>in databases, would donate the software to make it happen.
>Conservatives must oppose these internal passports with vigor. They may
>be promoted now as tools for combating terrorism, but their potential
>for abuse is enormous. How long before the federal government a

Re: Historical PKI resources

2001-10-05 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

At 11:10 AM -0800 1/5/2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>  I have found significant information about PKI as it exists today,
>> but am looking for some background information.  I'm looking for
>> information about the history of PKI, how and where it started, how it
> > developed, etc.

You might also look for information on the NSA's STU-III secure 
telephone system which I believe uses a form of PKI.  There is a fair 
amount of information about it available on the web.

Arnold Reinhold

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NSA upgrade plans

2001-10-05 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

There is an interesting article in Federal Computer Week that 
says NSA planning a major effort to modernize the nation's 
cryptoystems "which are rapidly growing obsolete and vulnerable." 
They quote Michael Jacobs, head of NSA's information Assurance 
Directorate as saying the the underlying encryption algorithms are 
nearing the end of their life expectancy.

There were hints in the past that NSA used 90-bit keys for some 
ciphers. I wonder if that is the issue or if they see the quantum 
computing handwriting on the wall and plan to go to 256-bit (or 
larger) keys.

Arnold Reinhold

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Re: Best practices/HOWTO for key storage in small office/home office setting?

2001-10-01 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

Here are a few suggestions:

o Use mini-CD-R's for key storage. There is even a rectangular, 
credit-card sized format available. (Note that mini-CDs are not 
compatible with slot loading CD drives.)

o Perform all encryption, signing, etc. on a lap top or palm top that 
is kept in a safe or on your person when not in use and is never 
connected to a network.  Transfer files via floppy or memory cards. 
Standard PC's that are physically accessible to strangers or 
connected to networks are not safe for storage of unencrypted keys, 
even for a moment.

o Use strong, randomly selected passphrases, see e.g.

o Use Macs, particularly pre-OS-X. The OS has fewer hooks for viruses 
and worms and there are fewer virus templates out there. That doesn't 
mean these machines can't be broken into, only that it takes more 

o Safes should be backed up by a good alarm company. Even the best 
safes afford protection against attack for a matter of hours.

I have some links to information on safes at

Arnold Reinhold

At 11:26 PM -0700 9/30/2001, Greg Broiles wrote:
>Are list members aware of any helpful resources describing best 
>practices or HOWTOs for protecting cryptographic keys in a small 
>office/home office setting?
>I'm aware of the following approaches, given the assumption that 
>good physical security is unavailable -
>1.  Store keys & etc on hard disk inside a laptop which is kept 
>in a safe or similar when not in use
>2.  Store keys & etc on -
>a.  hard disk in removable carrier
>b.  3.5" floppy/CD/CD-R[W]/Zip disk
>c.  PCMCIA hard disk
>d.  PCMCIA memory
>e.  Compact Flash hard disk
>f.  Compact Flash memory
>g.  Storage-only smartcard
>.. each of which are stored in safe when not in use
>3.  Generate & use keys on crypto smartcard (like Schlumberger's 
>Cryptoflex) which is stored in safe when not in use
>4.  Generate & use keys in dedicated crypto processor board
>5.  Generate & store or generate & use keys stored across 
>network in encrypted form
>Obviously, much of the above just rewrites a hard problem (protect 
>this room) into an easier but not entirely solved problem (protect 
>the interior of this safe); and it ignores security for the keys 
>while in active use versus hostile or sloppy software which may be 
>running on the host. It also ignores the use of keystroke recorders 
>or visual/audio surveillance systems to gather content which is 
>available outside of the crypto envelope/tunnel. I'm trying to come 
>up with a list of things people can do to improve (not perfect) 
>their security, with modest expenditures and a little bit of extra 
>effort during operations.
>Also, is anyone aware of a currently shipping crypto smartcard 
>reader/card/driver bundle which integrates well with any flavor of 
>PGP or S/MIME mail software? The only example I'm aware of is 
>Litronic's NetSign bundle (Cryptoflex + serial card reader + 
>MSIE/Netscape drivers for $99) which apparently doesn't support USB 
>nor PGP.
>Greg Broiles
>"We have found and closed the thing you watch us with." -- New Delhi 
>street kids
>The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: New encryption technology closes WLAN security loopholes

2001-09-21 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

At 10:34 AM -0400 9/20/2001, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
>"R. A. Hettinga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> [1] "New encryption technology closes WLAN security loopholes"
>> Next Comm has launched new wireless LAN security technology called
>> Key Hopping. The technology aims to close security gaps in Wired
>> Equivalent Privacy (WEP). It uses the MD5 (message digest, version 5)
>> algorithm that allows for rapid changes in encryption keys used, some
>> as often as every three seconds, denying hackers the time they need
>> to piece together an encryption pattern.
>We don't need a new proprietary technology. IPSec tunnels from the
>wireless node to the base station work just fine, and are actually
>secure on top of it!

This sounds a lot like a proposal I made to improve 802.11 WEP 
security after the first round of attacks in February.  I've been working on 
updating the proposal in light of the Shamir, et al, paper. One 
difficulty is getting a good upper bound on the number of packets 
transmitted per second. None the less, it's clear that at least with 
the 128-bit versions of 802.11b, you can get reasonable security by 
frequent key changes. With 40-bit it's hard to avoid at least one 
byte being compromised, which would reduce the problem to attacking a 
32-bit encryption every few seconds.  On the other hand, the original 
40-bit WEP encryption could be brute forced with an office full of 
desktop PCs.

As I understand things, and please correct me if I am misinformed, 
IPSec is still quite complex to install and setup. Many 802.11b users 
are individuals or small offices. Until IPSec is user friendly enough 
for them, a solution that restores WEP to a reasonable level of 
privacy is worthwhile.

While we are on the topic, it seems to me that the other implication 
of 802.11 is that the Ethernet backbone in most offices can no longer 
be considered secure. It is too easy for someone to install a 802.11 
base station without permission inside the corporate firewall. It may 
be that the only way to maintain corporate security is for every 
computer in an organization to use IPSec, with keys authorizing 
connection to the network transmitted out-of-band, (e.g. by hand).

Arnold Reinhold

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Re: Congress mulls crypto restrictions in response to attacks

2001-09-14 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

The big argument for a crypto ban is "the need for intelligence." Yet 
Jane Garvey, the head of the FAA, was quoted on the radio (WBUR) this 
morning as saying the FAA's security measures were not designed to 
stop someone who was willing to die in an attack.  If the steady 
stream of suicide bombings in the middle east in the past year was 
not considered a credible indication of a new threat, what would be 
needed? An intercepted status report on the plan from Bin Ladin 
himself?  When a stolen nuclear weapon is set off on a yacht in the 
East River, we'll no doubt be told they never thought about the boat 

The "intelligence" that is needed is the brain power kind, not the 
information kind.

Arnold Reinhold

Note to WTC copycat terrorists: don't try this on El Al.

At 4:59 PM -0400 9/13/2001, Declan McCullagh wrote:
>   Congress Mulls Stiff Crypto Laws
>   By Declan McCullagh ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>   1:45 p.m. Sep. 13, 2001 PDT
>   WASHINGTON -- The encryption wars have begun.
>   For nearly a decade, privacy mavens have been worrying that a
>   terrorist attack could prompt Congress to ban
>   communications-scrambling products that frustrate both police wiretaps
>   and U.S. intelligence agencies.

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RE: The tragedy in NYC

2001-09-13 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

At 9:20 AM +0300 9/13/2001, Amir Herzberg wrote:
>In fact, if giving up crytpto completely would help substantially to protect
>against terror, I'll support it myself. But...
>The real argument is simple: there is no evidence or convincing argument why
>shutting down crypto will substantially help defend against terrorism. It is
>a popular, easy solution, good for politicians as it is an easy `sell` to
>the public, but not effective. That's why we should defend against it; the
>negligible help it may provide to law-enforcement is not worth its cost in
>loss of privacy and commerce, in the loss of freedom, and in the dangers of
>abuse by government.
>Best, Amir Herzberg

I would go one step further: the U.S. Government's misguided effort 
to suppress crypto is a root cause of the massive vulnerability of 
the United States information infrastructure.  Manufacturers of 
commercial operating systems and application software have sharply 
limited the security features they include out of fear that their 
products will be subject to export controls.  If security isn't built 
into foundation products, it can't be bolted on later.

Some say the reason security is lacking is that no one wants to pay 
for it, but the software we use is bloated with features most people 
don't need or want.  Absent export controls I believe free markets 
would have produced good security solutions because companies need 
any competitive edge they can find.

In addition, many of the anti-crypto measures the government has 
suggested in the past, such as key escrow, only create new 
vulnerabilities. In time the security at escrow storage sites would 
have degenerated to the joke level we saw at our airports.

The Pandora's box of strong crypto was opened long ago. The bad guys 
already have it. The question is when will the good guys start using 
it for real?

Arnold Reinhold

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Re: Rijndael in Assembler for x86?

2001-09-10 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

There are a number of implementations listed on the Rijndael home 
page  including a 
GPL'd 80186 version by Rafael R. Sevilla . It says

;; Note that the only 80186 instructions here are shr/shl instructions
;; with multibit counts, and these only appear in the key expansion
;; function.

so it might not be that hard to adapt to x86.

Arnold Reinhold

At 4:23 PM -0400 9/9/2001, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
>Does anyone have an open source implementation of Rijndael in
>assembler for the Pentium?

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Re: Sen. Hollings plans to introduce DMCA sequel: The SSSCA

2001-09-09 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

At 9:27 PM -0400 9/8/2001, Jay Sulzberger wrote:
>On Sat, 8 Sep 2001, Harald Koch wrote:
>> > It would be a civil offense to create or sell any kind of
>> > computer equipment that "does not include and utilize certified
>> > security technologies" approved by the federal government.
>> Doesn't this allow the government to (finally?) control *domestic*
>> encryption technology also? Ominous...
>> --
>> Harald Koch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>The Hollings bill simply outlaws private ownership of home computers. It
>requires the Ministry of Infotainment to have permanent irremovable root
>privileges on every personal computer.  The Ministry is required to run a
>complete log of every read and write to the hard disk and of all
>connections to the Net.

I think the key point is that it doesn't outlaw private ownership of 
home computers. It merely requires all home computers to include 
provisions that allow the State to control what it is used for and to 
trace any information it produces. In this regard it is exactly the 
same as the laws in the old Soviet Union that forbid private 
ownership of a typewriter unless it was registered with the local 
police department, with a typing sample provided.

At least the enemy has finally removed his mask.

Arnold Reinhold

"1984 wasn't a novel, it was just another high-tech product plan with 
an unrealistic ship date."

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CIA funds anonymous web surfing

2001-08-31 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

Today's Boston Globe and New York Times report that the CIA is 
funding Sefeweb technology that lets users surf the Web anonymously. 
The parent agency of the Voice of America is negotiating a license 
for the technology to use in bypassing China's 'Net censorship.

"The US-funded network of proxy servers running Triangle Boy would 
provide a ''dynamic, constantly changing set of access points through 
which Internet surfers in China can connect to VOA and to other Web 
sites that are typically blocked,' Hsu [Safeweb CEO] said." 

So if a U.S. citizen working as a programmer on this project visits 
China to deliver a paper at a conference and is arrested for 
conspiracy to violate China's laws, will the U.S. consider the arrest 
and subsequent prosecution a legitimate expression of Chinese 

Arnold Reinhold

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Re: If we had key escrow, Scarfo wouldn't be a problem

2001-08-16 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

At 5:33 PM -0500 8/15/2001, Jim Choate wrote:
>On Wed, 15 Aug 2001, Michael Froomkin - U.Miami School of Law wrote:
>> To be clear, I am *NOT* arguing for key escrow.  Just saying that since
>> I'm against it, I accept that there may be scope for judicious,
>> paper-trail oriented, key logging. 
>Of course there is, the question is does one use the key logging to get
>probable cause; or as the 4th requires probable cause to do the key
>The current trend is to use surveillance technology to obtain 'probable
>cause', this is in direct opposition to the letter and intent of the 4th.
>Got a warrant, scan, search, collect all you want. Don't have a warrant
>then leave people the hell alone.

I don't think anyone in the Scarfo case is denying the need for 
probable cause. The issue, as I understand it, is whether an ordinary 
search warrant, which the FBI got, is enough or whether a 
more-difficult-to-obtain electronic surveillance order was required.

Arnold Reinhold

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Re: moving Crypto?

2001-08-03 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

At 9:25 AM -0400 8/1/2001, Derek Atkins wrote:
>There are many alternative conferences than Crypto, and many of them
>are already outside the US.  Indeed, the IACR already runs EuroCrypt
>and AsiaCrypt.
>Personally, I think that trying to move Crypto is just an
>over-reaction to the current situation.  If the situation really does
>get worse (and the egg-in-face arrest wasn't an abberation) then
>perhaps the conference should get moved to a more friendly North
>American country.

I don't think it is an overreaction. Would you hold a political 
science conference in China right now?  Moving to Canada would be an 
important statement.  I'd prefer Toronto because it's a fairly 
central location, but Vancouver is cool too.


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Re: Effective and ineffective technological measures

2001-07-29 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

At 11:20 AM +0200 7/29/2001, Alan Barrett wrote:
>The DMCA said:
> > 1201(a)(1)(A):
>>No person shall circumvent a technological measure that effectively
>>controls access to a work protected under this title.
>What does "effectively" mean here?

The law attempts to define it:

'1201(a)(3)(B) a technological measure ''effectively controls access to a
   work'' if the measure, in the ordinary course of its operation,
   requires the application of information, or a process or a
   treatment, with the authority of the copyright owner, to gain
   access to the work.'

>If it has its plain english meaning, then one could argue that ROT13,
>CSS (and anything else that can easily be broken) are *ineffective*
>technological measures, so circumventing them is not prohibited by this
>clause.  Distinguishing effective measures from ineffective measures
>might reduce to measuring the resources required to break them.
>Or does the clause really mean "No person shall circumvent a
>technological measure that *purports to control* access to a work
>protected under this title"?

I suspect most judges would interpret "the ordinary course of its 
operation" the latter way.  Clearly Judge Kaplan was not impressed by 
the fact that CSS was broken by a high school kid.  There is also the 
argument that if a measure is really effective in plain English 
meaning, you don't *need* an anti-circumvention law.

Whether the anti=circumvention provision is constitutional, since it 
eliminates fair use, is another question. There is an excellent 
"Twiki" site at Harvard Law School that has many of these arguments 
and also allows others to contribute:

Arnold Reinhold

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Re: Criminalizing crypto criticism

2001-07-27 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

At 1:56 AM -0400 7/27/2001, Declan McCullagh wrote:
>On Thu, Jul 26, 2001 at 10:53:02PM -0400, David Jablon wrote:
>> With these great new laws, there is no longer any risk of being legally
>> criticised for using even the most glaringly flawed cryptography 
>>-- just use it
>> for Copy Protection, and TADA!  Negative criticism magically disappears.
>> Almost by definition.
>> Flaws can only be exposed by those who won't show their work,
>> or from anonymous sources, who nobody will trust without confirmation [...]
>> We seem to be entering the twilight zone -- the end of an exciting,
>> but brief era -- of public cryptography.
>The DMCA may be bad, but it's not *that* bad. It contains a broad
>prohibition against circumvention ("No person shall circumvent a
>technological measure that effectively controls access") and then has
>a bunch of exceptions.
>One of those -- and you can thank groups like ACM for this, if my
>legislative memory is correct -- explicitly permits encryption
>research. You can argue fairly persuasively that it's not broad
>enough, and certainly 2600 found in the DeCSS case that the judge
>wasn't convinced by their arguments, but at least it's a shield of
>sorts. See below.

If you read the language carefully, you will see that 1201g only 
permits *circumvention* as part of cryptographic research (and then 
only under limited circumstances). There is nothing in the law that 
allows publication of results.

Even the recent Shamir, et. al. paper on RC4 and WEP could arguably 
violate DMCA. WEP could be considered a TPM since it protects 
copyrighted works (e.g. e-mail). More importantly RC4 could be used 
in some other copy protection system that we don't know about -- it's 
use might even be a trade secret.  There is simply no way to 
guarantee that a given cryptoanalytic result doesn't compromise some 
TPM. Even software that breaks Ceaser ciphers could be actionable. 
DCMA is *that* bad.

Arnold Reinhold

>PS: Some background on Sklyarov case:
>PPS: Note you only get the exemption if you make "a good faith effort
>to obtain authorization before the circumvention." Gotta love
>Congress, eh?
>`(1) DEFINITIONS- For purposes of this subsection--
>`(A) the term `encryption research' means activities necessary to
>identify and analyze flaws and vulnerabilities of encryption
>technologies applied to copyrighted works, if these activities are
>conducted to advance the state of knowledge in the field of encryption
>technology or to assist in the development of encryption products; and
>`(B) the term `encryption technology' means the scrambling and
>descrambling of information using mathematical formulas or algorithms.
>provisions of subsection (a)(1)(A), it is not a violation of that
>subsection for a person to circumvent a technological measure as
>applied to a copy, phonorecord, performance, or display of a published
>work in the course of an act of good faith encryption research if--
>`(A) the person lawfully obtained the encrypted copy, phonorecord,
>performance, or display of the published work;
>`(B) such act is necessary to conduct such encryption research;
>`(C) the person made a good faith effort to obtain authorization
>before the circumvention; and
>`(D) such act does not constitute infringement under this title or a
>violation of applicable law other than this section, including section
>1030 of title 18 and those provisions of title 18 amended by the
>Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986.
>`(3) FACTORS IN DETERMINING EXEMPTION- In determining whether a person
>qualifies for the exemption under paragraph (2), the factors to be
>considered shall include--
>`(A) whether the information derived from the encryption research was
>disseminated, and if so, whether it was disseminated in a manner
>reasonably calculated to advance the state of knowledge or development
>of encryption technology, versus whether it was disseminated in a
>manner that facilitates infringement under this title or a violation
>of applicable law other than this section, including a violation of
>privacy or breach of security;
>`(B) whether the person is engaged in a legitimate course of study, is
>employed, or is appropriately trained or experienced, in the field of
>encryption technology; and
>`(C) whether the person provides the copyright owner of the work to
>which the technological measure is applied with notice of the findings
>and documentation of the research, and the time when such notice is
>Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a)(2), it is not a
>violation of that subsection for a person to--
>`(A) develop and employ technological means to circumvent a

Attention CipherSaber Users!!

2001-07-27 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

A draft paper by Scott Fluhrer, Itsik Mantin and Adi Shamir was 
released on July 25, 2001 and announces new attacks on the RC4 cipher 
that is the basis for CipherSaber-1. Some of these attacks 
specifically involve the use of an IV with a secret key, the very 
scheme used in CipherSaber.  Prof. Shamir states in an e-mail 
accompanying the release:

"Attached you will find a new paper which describes a truly practical 
direct attack on WEP's cryptography. It is an
extremely powerful attack which can be applied even when WEP's RC4 
stream cipher uses a 2048 bit secret key (its maximal size) and 128 
bit IV modifiers (as proposed in WEP2). The attacker can be a 
completely passive eavesdropper (i.e., he does not have to inject 
packets, monitor responses, or use accomplices) and thus his 
existence is essentially undetectable. It is a pure known-ciphertext 
attack (i.e., the attacker need not know or choose their 
corresponding plaintexts). After scanning several hundred thousand 
packets, the attacker can completely recover the secret key and thus 
decrypt all the ciphertexts. The running time of the attack grows 
linearly instead of exponentially with the key size, and thus it is 
negligible even for 2048 bit keys."

The paper itself, titled "Weaknesses in the Key Scheduling Algorithm 
of RC4," has been posted at (in PDF 
format) and  at 
(in Postscript).

WEP is an encryption system used with 802.11 wireless Ethernet that 
employs RC4, but the attack affects CipherSaber as well.  Note that 
"several hundred thousand" separate CipherSaber messages encrypted 
with the same key would have to be collected for this attack to 
succeed.  None the less, from a cryptographic standpoint, this is too 
close for comfort.

Accordingly I recommend that CipherSaber users switch to 
CipherSaber-2 with a parameter N=20 or larger. The RC4 state vector 
will thus be mixed 20 times instead of once. This large a value for N 
is probably overkill, but until there is time to fully digest the 
implications of this paper, it is better to err on the safe side.  If 
this is impractical for any reason, I recommend changing keys on a 
regular basis to limit the amount of traffic encrypted with any one 
CipherSaber key (even though the IVs differ).

If and when a consensus develops on the best way to fix RC4, I will 
announce a corresponding version of CipherSaber. Visit the 
CipherSaber page periodically for 
updated information.

Arnold Reinhold

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Re: Crypto hardware

2001-07-16 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

At 11:09 AM -0700 7/12/2001, Jurgen Botz wrote:

>Set up a PC with CA software and a smart card reader and put
>your CA cert/key on a smart card and you have your tamperproof
>CA master... the only weak link in the certificate generation
>process is the CA's secret key, so that's really the only thing
>you need to protect.  From a security standpoint everything
>else should be as transparent as possible, so ideally you want
>a box running open source software rather than a proprietary
>appliance and isolate the critical part of the process to
>something that can be made very tamperproof and has well known
>specs/intefaces... i.e. a smart card.

The CA's secret key is not the only weak link. There is also the the 
software that submits certs to be signed to the "tamper proof" smart 
card. If I can gain control of that software, it is a simple matter 
to have your smart card sign any cert I want. And if I get root on 
your off-the-shelf PC, such an attack would not be hard to mount.

At the very least, one needs some audit trail maintained inside the 
tamper proof module and a tamper proof means to display that audit 

Arnold Reinhold

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Re: septillion operations per second

2001-06-21 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

At 12:16 PM +0200 6/20/2001, Barry Wels wrote:
>In James Bamford's new book 'Body of Secrets' he claims the NSA is 
>working on some FAST computers.
>The secret community is also home to the largest collection of 
>hyper-powerful computers, advanced mathematicians and skilled 
>language experts on the planet.
>Within the city, time is measured in femtosecondsone million 
>billionth of a second, and scientists work in secret to develop 
>computers capable of performing more than one septillion 
>(1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) operations every second.
>If they ever build such a computer (or 1.000.000 of them) what would 
>that mean for today's key lengths ?
>I am curious how long a computer capable of a septillion operations 
>per second would take to crack one 128 bit or 256 bit key.
>Or a RSA 1024 or 2048 bit key for that matter ...

One septillion =  10**24 or about 2**80. If you assume 1000 
operations to test a key, a septillion ops per second machine tests 
about 2**70 keys per second. For a 128 bit key, that means you need 
about 2**57 seconds on average to find a key, or about 4.6 billion 
years, the age of the Earth.  A million of them (not likely) would do 
the job in only 4600 years.

Arnold Reinhold

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: Thermal Imaging Decision Applicable to TEMPEST?

2001-06-13 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

At 8:57 AM -0700 6/12/2001, John Young wrote:
>The Supreme Court's decision against thermal imaging appears
>to be applicable to TEMPEST emissions from electronic devices.
>And is it not a first against this most threatening vulnerability
>in the digital age? And long overdue.
>Remote acquisition of electronic emissions, say from outside a
>home, are not currently prohibited by law as far as I know. And
>the language of the thermal imaging decision makes it applicable
>to any technology not commonly in use.

This decision(Kyllo v. US) is important and very welcome, but I am 
not sure you are right about the prior status of TEMPEST. There was 
an earlier decision (Katz v. US, 1967), cited in the Kyllo decision, 
that "involved eavesdropping by means of an electronic listening 
device placed on the outside of a phone booth." The court held back 
then that doing this without a warrant violated the Fourth Amendment. 
I can't see how this would fail to apply to TEMPEST.

TEMPEST is not shut down by any means. This decision applies to homes 
and places where there is an reasonable expectation of privacy (like 
a phone booth). The status of computers in offices, cars, and public 
places is less clear. Your data stored on someone else's computer 
outside you home is apparently not protected (they got Kyllo's 
electric bills legally without a warrant). In any event, the NSA can 
still use TEMPEST against foreign nationals and overseas, the FBI can 
use it against US nationals with a warrant, and the government can, 
de facto, use it secretly, as many people believe they now use 
wiretapping, to develop information that leads to other evidence that 
is admissible.

The other interesting thing about Kyllo is that the Court clearly 
needed the help of a good physicist.  If you read the oral arguments, 
508.pdf you'll see that no one in the court had a basic understanding 
of the science. The case involved a bust for growing marijuana. The 
police had obtained Kyllo's electric bills (no warrant required) and 
found he used a lot of power.  Since power usage varies a lot among 
houses, this was not considered sufficient to get a search warrant. 
They then used the thermal imager. The government claimed they only 
used the imager to verify that a lot of heat was being produced in 
the house. No one pointed out that, except for highly unlikely 
circumstances (e.g. someone running a lighthouse or charging a LOT of 
batteries in the basement), essentially all the electricity consumed 
by a house is converted to heat.  Discovering that the house radiated 
a lot of heat added no new information to what the utility bills 
said. The defense claimed it was the presence of specific hot spots 
in the image that made the warrant issuable and that these revealed 
what was happening inside the house.

There is also some physically unrealistic stuff in the dissenting 
opinion. Justice Stevens suggests that "the rare homeowner who wishes 
to engage in uncommon activities that produce a large amount of heat 
[can] make sure that the surrounding area is well insulated." Unless 
the homeowner is planning to set her house on fire, that won't work. 
The heat has to escape somewhere. A system that spread the heat so 
evenly that a thermal imager couldn't detect the source is far beyond 
the abilities of a homeowner to construct.

This is a great science and law case.

Arnold Reinhold

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Re: McNealy -- Get over it, Part Two (was Re: BNA's Internet LawNews (ILN) - 05/30/2001)

2001-06-04 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

At 11:24 PM -0400 6/3/2001, Dan Geer wrote:
>|   >> Scott McNealy of Sun Microsystems, who earlier stated that
>|   >> there is no privacy and that people should get it over it,
>|   >> now claims in a Washington Post editorial that absolute
>|   >> privacy policies are disasters waiting to happen, writing
>|   >> that the private industry has done a pretty good job so far
>|   >> of regulating itself.
>|   > >
>|   Scott writes: "I have agreed to let my car company, for instance,
>|   track my every move through GPS satellites. Some people might
>|   consider that an invasion of privacy, but I find it comforting to
>|   know that, should my air bag deploy, they know where I am and can
>|   send help."
>|   Why is it necessary to track a car's exact location at all times just
>|   to know it's position when the air bag deploys?
>The point is not that there might be another way, the point is
>that understanding the bargain to be as he describes it, Scott
>finds it an acceptable one.  He is far from alone, I'd wager.

I agree that consumers are all too willing to sell the privacy for 
cheap, but my point is that the bargain is being misrepresented. 
Scott, who I suspect is motivated by a desire to sell servers, has 
been saying that protecting the privacy of consumer records is 
impractical and anyway there are some benefits to relinquishing 
privacy. When the  example benefits do not, in fact,  require privacy 
to be compromised, that is a deception.

As to the first point, that privacy laws are impractical, I've 
created a Web page with an actual US privacy law that covers one 
narrow type of computer record.  Identifying information as to the 
type of record has been deleted. You have to guess what it is. Take 
the quiz at

Arnold Reinhold

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: McNealy -- Get over it, Part Two (was Re: BNA's InternetLawNews (ILN) - 05/30/2001)

2001-05-31 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

At 4:54 PM +0100 5/31/2001, Matthew Pemble wrote:
>"Arnold G. Reinhold" wrote:
>>  Why do I have to be tracked 7/24?
>> Arnold Reinhold
>You don't.  You (and I) should have the choice, whether it is to use
>another car leasing company or another mobile phone service provider.
>Scott also should have the choice.

As I understand the new FCC E911 rules, we soon 
won't have a choice, at least in the U.S. Mobile phones will be 
required to include tracking capability, supposedly to allow faster 
response to 911 calls.  Again, there is no reason microprocessor in 
the phone couldn't detect a 911 call and send out a position report 
only then, but we will probably be tracked whenever the phone is on. 
At least there is a law limiting what the phone companies can do with 
this data (47USC222), but I don't expect law enforcement, at least, 
to have any trouble accessing it.

Second, I'm not sure I buy the choice argument. What happens, for 
example, when auto insurers demand that you have car tracking on at 
all times? A little database listing speed limits on all roads, the 
location of stop sign, etc. would make it easy to spot unsafe 
drivers. Add in the location of bar parking lots, adult book stores, 
neighborhoods where drugs are dealt, etc. and the insurance company 
can reduce its risks even further. You say switch to an insurer that 
doesn't make those demands? Try finding health insurance that doesn't 
make you sign away your rights to control access to your medical 

>I suppose we ought to remember that we are concerned about encroaching
>invasion of privacy not for its own sake, but to prevent more serious
>breaches of privacy.  If you can afford as many lawyers as Scott to cya,
>maybe you can afford to care somewhat less than us peons?

If anything Scott is at more risk. Think kidnappers. Think 
terrorists. Think insider trading ("Scott has visited ZorchCorp twice 
in the last week, time to buy!"). And he better not have a mistress. 
Of course the real reason Scott is saying "Get over it" is that he 
estimated how many servers will be needed to collect, store and 
data-mine all this tracking info.

Arnold Reinhold

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Re: McNealy -- Get over it, Part Two (was Re: BNA's Internet LawNews (ILN) - 05/30/2001)

2001-05-31 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

At 10:10 AM -0400 5/30/2001, R. A. Hettinga wrote:
>At 9:01 AM -0400 on 5/30/01, BNA Highlights wrote:
>> Scott McNealy of Sun Microsystems, who earlier stated that
>> there is no privacy and that people should get it over it,
>> now claims in a Washington Post editorial that absolute
>> privacy policies are disasters waiting to happen, writing
>> that the private industry has done a pretty good job so far
>> of regulating itself.
> >

Scott writes: "I have agreed to let my car company, for instance, 
track my every move through GPS satellites. Some people might 
consider that an invasion of privacy, but I find it comforting to 
know that, should my air bag deploy, they know where I am and can 
send help."

Why is it necessary to track a car's exact location at all times just 
to know it's position when the air bag deploys? The radio that send 
the message "Air-bag deployment on car US CA 9XYZ123"  can simply 
include a position report. Yeah, it's a few more bits, but the radio 
had better be pretty survivable if I'm going to rely on it for crash 
reporting and, anyway, the cellular system that receives the message 
can do a location check as well.

Another benefit Scott suggests to compensate me for letting myself be 
tracked is the ability to be told of nearby restaurants and other 
services, based on my preferences.  But again, why not just let me 
push a button that says "I'm hungry" and send out a position report 
then? Why do I have to be tracked 7/24?

Arnold Reinhold

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