[css-d] paragraph margins next to a float

2009-02-10 Thread Fractal Moonshine
My first CSS experiment, after many years of HTML 3.2:


What's the best way to give the paragraph in the middle of the right side of 
the page a margin? When I add a margin, padding, or a percentage width to #main 
p { }, all the space is on the right side of the wrapper. #wrapper, the 
grandparent of #main, has a 30px margin and 10px padding all around. I'm 
surprised #main didn't inherit those values.

-- Doug

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Re: [css-d] Styles show up wrong in IE6

2009-02-10 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Christopher R wrote:

> I was hoping someone would know what is going wrong with IE6, all other
> browsers show it perfectly, I'm currently on digest mode FYI

Can't debug IE6 based on styles only.
CSS bugs almost always pop up their heads because of the context a 
styled element is in, so we have to see the entire markup/CSS to figure 
out what's bugging IE6 in your case.

Link please.

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Re: [css-d] One Bug catched

2009-02-10 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Ib Jensen wrote:

> Is it the same bug in the Header or another ?

That's IE's old "auto-expansion" bug - no respect for declared dimensions.

You can try adding the following - verbatim...

* html #meta-information { overflow: hidden;}
div#navbar {position: relative; z-index: 1;}

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[css-d] Styles show up wrong in IE6

2009-02-10 Thread Christopher R
This style does not show up in IE6

#contactinfo p {
font-size: small;
font-style: italic;
width: 275px;
font-size: 70%;
top: 97%;
right: 395%;
position: relative;

This style is stretched on the width in IE6

.myface {
height: 80px;
width: 100px;
position: absolute;
background-color: blue;
bottom: 75%;
left: 220%;

I was hoping someone would know what is going wrong with IE6, all other
browsers show it perfectly, I'm currently on digest mode FYI

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Re: [css-d] One Bug catched

2009-02-10 Thread Ib Jensen
2009/2/11, Gunlaug Sørtun :
> Ib Jensen wrote:
>>> Ironically it is the link to gunlag!
>> I think Gunlaug has something to say / write about that.
> Not a CSS problem - and it's fixed now ;-)

Phwww, no slapping :-]

>> The most important is in the Content-area, where IE 6.x are placing
>> the text at about the top of the second picture, (Some float-bug ?)
> One of IE's old "float/clear bugs".

guessed right, this time ;-]

> The addition of...
> .elastisches-bild { clear: left;}
> ...will make IE6, and also IE7 since it has the same bug, behave as you
> intended.


Is it the same bug in the Header or another ?

Regards / Mhv.
Ib K. jensen - http://ikjensen.dk
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Re: [css-d] One Bug catched

2009-02-10 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Ib Jensen wrote:

>> Ironically it is the link to gunlag!

> I think Gunlaug has something to say / write about that.

Not a CSS problem - and it's fixed now ;-)

> Link: http://ikjensen.dk/test/

> The most important is in the Content-area, where IE 6.x are placing 
> the text at about the top of the second picture, (Some float-bug ?)

One of IE's old "float/clear bugs".

The addition of...

.elastisches-bild { clear: left;}

...will make IE6, and also IE7 since it has the same bug, behave as you

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Re: [css-d] css question

2009-02-10 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Feb 11, 2009, at 8:20 AM, Ib Jensen wrote:

> #sidebar {position: relative;}
> #sidebar {position: relative}
> Are both of these writings correct,


> or are there any differencies in
> which version of ccs you are using in connection to (x)HTML.


Note: I make it a habit of always terminate a rule with a semi-column,  
even if it is the last one in a block.

Philippe Wittenbergh

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[css-d] css question

2009-02-10 Thread Ib Jensen
The below css is ripped from another thread

#sidebar {position: relative;}

#sidebar {position: relative}

Are both of these writings correct, or are there any differencies in
which version of ccs you are using in connection to (x)HTML.

Regards / Mhv.
Ib K. jensen - http://ikjensen.dk
css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
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Re: [css-d] One Bug catched

2009-02-10 Thread Ib Jensen
2009/2/10, Ian Young :
>> -Original Message-
>> From: css-d-boun...@lists.css-discuss.org [mailto:css-d-
>> boun...@lists.css-discuss.org] On Behalf Of Ib Jensen
>> Sent: 10 February 2009 22:46
>> To: David Laakso
>> Cc: css-d@lists.css-discuss.org
>> Subject: Re: [css-d] One Bug catched

> Looks pretty straight forward. On line 232 you have missed an end tag for
> the list. Although the validator has come up with 20 errors, they are all
> connected with that one error.
> Ironically it is the link to gunlag!
> http://www.gunlaug.no/contents/toc_7a.html";>gunlaug
> Cheers
> Ian

I think Gunlaug has something to say / write about that.

I've missed two , and that gave 20 errors.
They are fixed now and the page validates.

Regards / Mhv.
Ib K. jensen - http://ikjensen.dk
css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
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Re: [css-d] One Bug catched

2009-02-10 Thread Ian Young
> -Original Message-
> From: css-d-boun...@lists.css-discuss.org [mailto:css-d-
> boun...@lists.css-discuss.org] On Behalf Of Ib Jensen
> Sent: 10 February 2009 22:46
> To: David Laakso
> Cc: css-d@lists.css-discuss.org
> Subject: Re: [css-d] One Bug catched
> The Validator don't like my menu very much.
> But i'll have a look at it and see what to be done.
> --

Looks pretty straight forward. On line 232 you have missed an end tag for
the list. Although the validator has come up with 20 errors, they are all
connected with that one error.
Ironically it is the link to gunlag!




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Re: [css-d] One Bug catched

2009-02-10 Thread Ib Jensen
The Validator don't like my menu very much.

But i'll have a look at it and see what to be done.

Regards / Mhv.
Ib K. jensen - http://ikjensen.dk
css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
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Re: [css-d] One Bug catched

2009-02-10 Thread David Laakso
Ib Jensen wrote:
> or more
> Hi
> Link: http://ikjensen.dk/test/
> I've catched some kind of bug here.
> The most important is in the Content-area, where IE 6.x are placing
> the text at about the top of the second picture, (Some float-bug ?)
> and FF2.x are placing the text at the top of the first picture.
> The second is in the header.
> Where there are some differences between FF2.x and IE6.x in measuring
> the height of the Header. (Problably some float-bug too ?)

Track and fix the machine errors [1]. This may not help whatsoever in 
bringing IE 7/6 on board. But it will give you a better shot at getting 
help from the list for both those browsers if you do your part first... :-)


A thin red line and a salmon-color ampersand forthcoming.


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Re: [css-d] importing text / html using CSS

2009-02-10 Thread Kevin Rodenhofer
If you don't have access to, or don't feel comfortable with, server side 
options, there are some Javascript and/or Ajax alternatives. Email me 
off group if you'd like some examples.

Dr Grover B Proctor Jr wrote:
 >From a relative beginning in CSS (though an experienced HTML-er): Is 
there a
> way using CSS to import the contents of a text file (and/or an .HTML file)
> into a web page? I'm trying to boilerplate the same content on several
> pages, and if each could call on a single file, I could update all files by
> only updating the one external file. Thanks.
> Dr. Grover B. Proctor, Jr.
> __
> css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
> http://www.css-discuss.org/mailman/listinfo/css-d
> List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
> List policies -- http://css-discuss.org/policies.html
> Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

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[css-d] One Bug catched

2009-02-10 Thread Ib Jensen
or more


Link: http://ikjensen.dk/test/

I've catched some kind of bug here.

The most important is in the Content-area, where IE 6.x are placing
the text at about the top of the second picture, (Some float-bug ?)
and FF2.x are placing the text at the top of the first picture.

The second is in the header.
Where there are some differences between FF2.x and IE6.x in measuring
the height of the Header. (Problably some float-bug too ?)

Regards / Mhv.
Ib K. jensen - http://ikjensen.dk
css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

Re: [css-d] importing text / html using CSS

2009-02-10 Thread David Laakso
Dr Grover B Proctor Jr wrote:
> I'm trying to boilerplate the same content on several
> pages, and if each could call on a single file, I could update all files by
> only updating the one external file. Thanks.

See SSI:

Do you have a CSS question as well :-) ?


A thin red line and a salmon-color ampersand forthcoming.


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Re: [css-d] Layout help in IE

2009-02-10 Thread Jonathon Suggs
Thanks so much!

I ended up pretty much doing a pseudo re-write and I loosely based it off
the yui grid layout

As far as I can tell it is now working in (most) all browsers.

If anyone sees any glaring mistakes, please let me know.  (css) design is
not my strongest suit and I'm still focusing on features, so any pointers
would be welcome.  Eventually I'll probably contract out for a more
"professional" design, but that will be once I get the base featureset a
little further along.


On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 4:47 PM, Gunlaug Sørtun  wrote:

> Jonathon Suggs wrote:
>  I'm needing some help with my layout in IE (common request, I know).
>>  It is fine in FF, Opera (min), etc but sometimes has large gaps in IE6/7.
>> http://www.murmp.com
> The addition of...
> #sidebar {position: relative;}
> ...seems to stabilize that part in IE6.
> You have a 'min-width' on #main that acts as a 'hasLayout' trigger in
> IE7 and causes #main to drop on narrow windows. If you don't want that
> drop you should remove 'min-width' from that element.
> regards
> --
> http://www.gunlaug.no

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Re: [css-d] importing text / html using CSS

2009-02-10 Thread Jack Timmons
2009/2/10 Dr Grover B Proctor Jr 

> >From a relative beginning in CSS (though an experienced HTML-er): Is there
> a
> way using CSS to import the contents of a text file (and/or an .HTML file)
> into a web page? I'm trying to boilerplate the same content on several
> pages, and if each could call on a single file, I could update all files by
> only updating the one external file. Thanks.


But you can use PHP:

-Jack Timmons
Twitter: @jorachim
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[css-d] importing text / html using CSS

2009-02-10 Thread Dr Grover B Proctor Jr
>From a relative beginning in CSS (though an experienced HTML-er): Is there a
way using CSS to import the contents of a text file (and/or an .HTML file)
into a web page? I'm trying to boilerplate the same content on several
pages, and if each could call on a single file, I could update all files by
only updating the one external file. Thanks.

Dr. Grover B. Proctor, Jr.


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Re: [css-d] IE6 haslayout solution needed

2009-02-10 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
WEZ! wrote:

> Is there a place on teh web you would recommend looking to find 
> solutions to css layouts in IE?

These documents on PIE may help...

> I've read through the 'on having layout' numerous times but ever 
> situation always seem different enough never to know a solid 
> solution.

The keys to the "solid solutions" are buried deep in the old and pretty
buggy Trident engine - better left to the IE-team, while articles
written by web developers only extract, dissect, look at and correct for
bits and pieces as they appear buggy on screens, and only at levels and
depths the various web developers are/feel comfortable on - not very
deep or "solid" beyond the case at hand for the most part.

Wouldn't do much good if someone who can rip the Trident engine apart
tried to write articles about how to deal with it in a broad sense, as
these articles would end up being very long, tedious and for the most
part pretty incomprehensible for the average web developer - in short: a
complete waste of time for all parties.

The 'hasLayout' article is actually quite deep and relatively solid in
its core, but at times we simply had to leave out the long passages that
might have been useful in explaining some obscure details to a few
developers. Otherwise we would have ended up with an article that were
maybe 10-20 times as long and which nobody would bother to read, and
that really would have been a waste of time and effort.

We tried to compensate by linking to whatever we could find, or found it
necessary to create, on other sites/documents, but something will always
be missing or out of sync by such an approach.

> I feel every time I start a new layout I invariable get to the point 
> where I ask  for some IE help. Sigh.

No big deal. Make notes every time, so maybe you'll get a better
understanding of how old IE works - before it's gone...

You'll still have a few years to catch up on it :-)

In time you may become confident enough to apply a browser agnostic
approach to web design...

...and just beat the most buggy browsers (IE6 and 7 for the time being)
into submission when they act up.

"Experience" is the key factor, so just keep on practicing.

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Re: [css-d] IE6 haslayout solution needed

2009-02-10 Thread WEZ!
Wow you guys rock. I've worked off Georg's example but I think David 
had the same idea. Is there a place on teh web you would recommend 
looking to find solutions to css layouts in IE? I've read through the 
'on having layout' numerous times but ever situation always seem 
different enough never to know a solid solution. Not to mention the 
variety of varied bugs.

I feel every time I start a new layout I invariable get to the point 
where I ask  for some IE help. Sigh.

Thanks again people the help is awesome.

Wesley Lamont

>I think you want IE to behave like for this reworked example of your page...
>Reverse engineering works best in such cases - make standard compliant
>browsers simulate IE6/7 behavior, as described here...
>In practice for your page, you simply replace existing styles for
>#leftcontentcolumn with the following...
>#leftcontentcolumn {
>overflow: hidden;
>background : #aaa url(images/valid-xhtml10.png) no-repeat scroll top;
>* html #leftcontentcolumn {
>overflow: visible;
>height: 1%
>...and IE6 and the others will line up those columns just fine, and in
>identical-looking ways.
>>I assume its actually possible to get this to work in IE6.
>The expression used (on #layout) is for quirks mode only, and makes IE6
>in standard mode freeze, or rather go into an endless loop, at end-points.
>Either force IE6 into quirks mode like I have done in the example page,
>or choose one of the mode independent expressions described here...
>   Georg

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Re: [css-d] IE7 Images in unordered lists

2009-02-10 Thread Ian Young

> -Original Message-
> From: css-d-boun...@lists.css-discuss.org [mailto:css-d-
> boun...@lists.css-discuss.org] On Behalf Of Philippe Wittenbergh
> Sent: 10 February 2009 12:51
> To: CSS-D
> Subject: Re: [css-d] IE7 Images in unordered lists
> 1. If you're testing IE 8 beta, you should upgrade to IE 8 rc1 - a
> world of differences.
> 2. I have similar lists as yours on one of my sites, and IE8 [1]
> handles them perfectly fine, just like Gecko/WebKit/Opera. I haven't
> had time to test what it does in 'IE 7 emulation mode'.
> 3. What you need is 'fix' IE 7/6 in a transparent way (invisible to
> modern browsers). Don't hack living browsers, it will hurt you in the
> short, medium and long term.

Ok I have installed new IE8 and everything is working fine now (apart from
IE's usually very slow loading).
Have taken conditional out altogether and both IE8 and IE7 work great.

Thanks again for all help.

I confess I had delayed installing IE8 as hadn't been at all impressed with
the Beta version.
Done now..


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Re: [css-d] IE7 Images in unordered lists

2009-02-10 Thread David Laakso
Ian Young wrote:
> Phillipe's changes plus following changes to David's conditional.

David's conditional? What conditional. I simply added Philippe's 
suggestion to your page and uploaded it. No more. No less.


A thin red line and a salmon-color ampersand forthcoming.


css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
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Re: [css-d] IE7 Images in unordered lists

2009-02-10 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Feb 10, 2009, at 9:39 PM, Ian Young wrote:

> Now the following changes seem to make it work - no idea why.
> Phillipe's changes plus following changes to David's conditional.
> Defies logic.

Wrong approach.

1. If you're testing IE 8 beta, you should upgrade to IE 8 rc1 - a  
world of differences.
2. I have similar lists as yours on one of my sites, and IE8 [1]  
handles them perfectly fine, just like Gecko/WebKit/Opera. I haven't  
had time to test what it does in 'IE 7 emulation mode'.
3. What you need is 'fix' IE 7/6 in a transparent way (invisible to  
modern browsers). Don't hack living browsers, it will hurt you in the  
short, medium and long term.

[1] the one that comes with the Windows7 beta demo, running in a VM.

Philippe Wittenbergh

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Re: [css-d] IE7 Images in unordered lists

2009-02-10 Thread Ian Young

> -Original Message-
> From: css-d-boun...@lists.css-discuss.org [mailto:css-d-
> boun...@lists.css-discuss.org] On Behalf Of Ian Young
> Sent: 10 February 2009 12:27
> To: 'David Laakso'
> Cc: 'CSS-D'
> Subject: Re: [css-d] IE7 Images in unordered lists
> > -Original Message-
> > From: David Laakso [mailto:da...@chelseacreekstudio.com]
> > Sent: 10 February 2009 12:04
> > To: Ian Young
> > Cc: 'CSS-D'
> > Subject: Re: [css-d] IE7 Images in unordered lists
> >
> > Ian Young wrote:
> > >>
> > >>> IE7 has huge margins between the lists.
> > >>>
> > >>> What's the fix for this?
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>> Test page at
> > >>> http://www.iyesolutions.co.uk/templates/db-test/IE7-menutest.html
> > >>> with CSS
> > >>> included.
> > >>>
> > >> The white-space between each  is taken up space.
> > >> options:
> > >> 1. remove the white-space : xx
> > >> or
> > >> 2. li {float:left; clear:left}
> > >> or ...
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > > Neither option makes any difference. Or am I missing something?
> > >
> > > Ian
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> > Philippe's suggestion [2] seems to work on this end...
> > 
Ok folks, it would appear it has to do with the IE8 beta that is on my
system that is supposed to be emulating IE7 and clearly isn't.

Now the following changes seem to make it work - no idea why.

Phillipe's changes plus following changes to David's conditional.

Defies logic.

But presumably the changes to the li rule make it work in IE7 but need the
addition of conditional for IE8.

I apologise if I have sent you chaps up the wrong path and thanks for all
your help.


css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
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Re: [css-d] IE7 Images in unordered lists

2009-02-10 Thread Ian Young
> -Original Message-
> From: David Laakso [mailto:da...@chelseacreekstudio.com]
> Sent: 10 February 2009 12:04
> To: Ian Young
> Cc: 'CSS-D'
> Subject: Re: [css-d] IE7 Images in unordered lists
> Ian Young wrote:
> >>
> >>> IE7 has huge margins between the lists.
> >>>
> >>> What's the fix for this?
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Test page at
> >>> http://www.iyesolutions.co.uk/templates/db-test/IE7-menutest.html
> >>> with CSS
> >>> included.
> >>>
> >> The white-space between each  is taken up space.
> >> options:
> >> 1. remove the white-space : xx
> >> or
> >> 2. li {float:left; clear:left}
> >> or ...
> >>
> >>
> >>
> > Neither option makes any difference. Or am I missing something?
> >
> > Ian
> >
> >
> >
> Philippe's suggestion [2] seems to work on this end...

Not on my system it doesn't. Sorry David.

I did try a number of those changes to no avail.
I have IE7/8 on Vista could that be the problem?
Interestingly if I remove .nav2 a, it works fine in IE7 but, of course not
on the others. Display:block is clearly the issue and I have tried display

I have just fired up an old laptop with XP and IE7 and yes, the above works.

Now does that point us in direction?

Thanks all so far.


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Re: [css-d] IE7 Images in unordered lists

2009-02-10 Thread Ian Young
> -Original Message-
> From: Lewis, Matthew [mailto:m...@xhtml.co.nz]
> Sent: 10 February 2009 11:51
> To: Ian Young
> Subject: Re: [css-d] IE7 Images in unordered lists
> .nav2 ul
> should be
> ul .nav2

Makes no difference

> remove
>   .nav2 {list-style:none;margin:20px 0 0 0; padding:0;}
> hope this works

That makes it worse and does nothing for extra space.


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Re: [css-d] IE7 Images in unordered lists

2009-02-10 Thread David Laakso
Ian Young wrote:
>>> IE7 has huge margins between the lists.
>>> What's the fix for this?
>>> Test page at
>>> http://www.iyesolutions.co.uk/templates/db-test/IE7-menutest.html
>>> with CSS
>>> included.
>> The white-space between each  is taken up space.
>> options:
>> 1. remove the white-space : xx
>> or
>> 2. li {float:left; clear:left}
>> or ...
> Neither option makes any difference. Or am I missing something?
> Ian

Philippe's suggestion [2] seems to work on this end...


A thin red line and a salmon-color ampersand forthcoming.


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Re: [css-d] IE6 haslayout solution needed

2009-02-10 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
WEZ! wrote:

> http://www.avize.com.au/tyredoctor/tyredoctor1.html

> Now good-ol IE6 decides that something with haslayout (width:100% or 
> any other method) next to a float is treated as though it is floated 
> and then dropped.

I think you want IE to behave like for this reworked example of your page...

Reverse engineering works best in such cases - make standard compliant
browsers simulate IE6/7 behavior, as described here...

In practice for your page, you simply replace existing styles for
#leftcontentcolumn with the following...

#leftcontentcolumn {
overflow: hidden;
background : #aaa url(images/valid-xhtml10.png) no-repeat scroll top;

* html  #leftcontentcolumn {
overflow: visible;
height: 1%

...and IE6 and the others will line up those columns just fine, and in
identical-looking ways.

> I assume its actually possible to get this to work in IE6.

The expression used (on #layout) is for quirks mode only, and makes IE6
in standard mode freeze, or rather go into an endless loop, at end-points.

Either force IE6 into quirks mode like I have done in the example page,
or choose one of the mode independent expressions described here...

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Re: [css-d] IE6 haslayout solution needed

2009-02-10 Thread David Laakso
WEZ! wrote:
> Heya All,
> I seem to have run up against a IE6 haslayout bug which I can't seem 
> to find a solution for (as per usual).
> http://www.avize.com.au/tyredoctor/tyredoctor1.html
> Wesley Lamont

This may help keep it from auto expanding and doubling the margin---
* html #leftcontentwrapper {overflow-x: hidden;height:1%;}/*add*/
* html #leftcontentcolumn { overflow-x: hidden;display:inline;}/*add*/
And validate.


A thin red line and a salmon-color ampersand forthcoming.


css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
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Re: [css-d] IE7 Images in unordered lists

2009-02-10 Thread Ian Young

> -Original Message-
> From: Philippe Wittenbergh [mailto:e...@l-c-n.com]
> Sent: 10 February 2009 11:21
> To: CSS-D
> Cc: Ian Young
> Subject: Re: [css-d] IE7 Images in unordered lists
> On Feb 10, 2009, at 7:24 PM, Ian Young wrote:
> > IE7 has huge margins between the lists.
> >
> > What's the fix for this?
> >
> >
> >
> > Test page at
> > http://www.iyesolutions.co.uk/templates/db-test/IE7-menutest.html
> > with CSS
> > included.
> The white-space between each  is taken up space.
> options:
> 1. remove the white-space : xx
> or
> 2. li {float:left; clear:left}
> or ...
Neither option makes any difference. Or am I missing something?


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Re: [css-d] IE6 haslayout solution needed

2009-02-10 Thread WEZ!
All assistance is appreciated Stefan.

and don't think I gave display:inline-block a go so who knows it could work.
I think that is one of the things that bugs me (no pun intended) is 
the randomness of the cause and solutions.

Ohh well back to it

Wesley Lamont

>If the problem is ie rendering block level elements could you not
>trigger haslayout then, declare the element as an in-line element?
>I feel I might not be understand this problem very well but I thought
>I might throw this out to you anyhow, as it might help solve the
>Stefan B
>On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 10:45 AM, WEZ!  wrote:
>>>  haslayout is really annoying but quite an easy one to resolve, usual
>>>  methods are to use relative positioning or the zoom property to force
>>>  and element to have layout in ie.
>>  ahh but this is the issue where haslayout has been triggered with a width. I
>>  actually need haslayout not to be triggered in this case. Yes triggering
>>  haslayout is quite easy. Removing that without breaking layout is much more
>>  difficult.
>>  This is the negative version of haslayout where its presense causes IE to
>>  render blocks incorrectly.
>>  In response to Lourens. I'm pretty sure I've tried that in my seemingly
>>  endless tests but I'll give it a run through again. I'm not sure if the
>>  entire content cannot have any haslayout triggers which would be impossible
>>  due to any images  having layout innately.
>>  Wesley Lamont
>>>  zoom:1;
>>>  position: relative or absolute;
>>>  height: 1%;
>>>  http://www.satzansatz.de/cssd/onhavinglayout.html
>>>  http://csscreator.com/node/33634
>>>  cheers
>>>  Stefan B
>>>  On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 10:27 AM, WEZ!  wrote:

   Heya All,

   I seem to have run up against a IE6 haslayout bug which I can't seem
>  >>>  to find a solution for (as per usual).
>  >>>
>  >>>  I have a two column layout. The right one is fixed width and floated
>  >>>  right. The left one has negative margins to match the right column
   and is variable width. Now good-ol IE6 decides that something with
   haslayout (width:100% or any other method) next to a float is treated
   as though it is floated and then dropped.

   I've been running through all manner of potential solutions to no
   avail. It seems this is an unsolvable problem with the layout I have
   tried to implement. I thought I would ask the crowd here before I
   take any drastic actions. I assume its actually possible to get this
   to work in IE6.

   Anyway website is here:

   Thanks for that help

   Wesley Lamont
   css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
   List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
   List policies -- http://css-discuss.org/policies.html
>>>   > Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/
>>>   >

css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

Re: [css-d] IE7 Images in unordered lists

2009-02-10 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Feb 10, 2009, at 7:24 PM, Ian Young wrote:

> IE7 has huge margins between the lists.
> What's the fix for this?
> Test page at
> http://www.iyesolutions.co.uk/templates/db-test/IE7-menutest.html  
> with CSS
> included.

The white-space between each  is taken up space.
1. remove the white-space : xx
2. li {float:left; clear:left}
or ...

Philippe Wittenbergh

css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

Re: [css-d] IE7 Images in unordered lists

2009-02-10 Thread Ian Young
> -Original Message-
> From: lorr...@gmail.com [mailto:lorr...@gmail.com] On Behalf Of Lourens
> Thalen
> Sent: 10 February 2009 10:37
> To: Ian Young
> Cc: css-d@lists.css-discuss.org
> Subject: Re: [css-d] IE7 Images in unordered lists
> Try overflow: hidden... IE reserves space for line-height...
> 2009/2/10 Ian Young :
> > Hi Folks,
> >
> >
> >
> > I have a menu with images for the links. FF, Opera, Safari, Chrome
> all
> > render ok. IE7 has huge margins between the lists.
> >
> > What's the fix for this?
> >
> >
> >
> > Test page at
> > http://www.iyesolutions.co.uk/templates/db-test/IE7-menutest.html
> with CSS
> > included.

Tried that but to no avail. However, as height is specified in each of the
classes, not sure how this would help.
Where exactly were you thinking about the overflow hidden?


css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
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Re: [css-d] IE6 haslayout solution needed

2009-02-10 Thread Stefan
> This is the negative version of haslayout where its presence causes IE to
> render blocks incorrectly.

If the problem is ie rendering block level elements could you not
trigger haslayout then, declare the element as an in-line element?
I feel I might not be understand this problem very well but I thought
I might throw this out to you anyhow, as it might help solve the


Stefan B

On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 10:45 AM, WEZ!  wrote:
>> haslayout is really annoying but quite an easy one to resolve, usual
>> methods are to use relative positioning or the zoom property to force
>> and element to have layout in ie.
> ahh but this is the issue where haslayout has been triggered with a width. I
> actually need haslayout not to be triggered in this case. Yes triggering
> haslayout is quite easy. Removing that without breaking layout is much more
> difficult.
> This is the negative version of haslayout where its presense causes IE to
> render blocks incorrectly.
> In response to Lourens. I'm pretty sure I've tried that in my seemingly
> endless tests but I'll give it a run through again. I'm not sure if the
> entire content cannot have any haslayout triggers which would be impossible
> due to any images  having layout innately.
> Wesley Lamont
>> zoom:1;
>> position: relative or absolute;
>> height: 1%;
>> http://www.satzansatz.de/cssd/onhavinglayout.html
>> http://csscreator.com/node/33634
>> cheers
>> Stefan B
>> On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 10:27 AM, WEZ!  wrote:
>>>  Heya All,
>>>  I seem to have run up against a IE6 haslayout bug which I can't seem
>>>  to find a solution for (as per usual).
>>>  I have a two column layout. The right one is fixed width and floated
>>>  right. The left one has negative margins to match the right column
>>>  and is variable width. Now good-ol IE6 decides that something with
>>>  haslayout (width:100% or any other method) next to a float is treated
>>>  as though it is floated and then dropped.
>>>  I've been running through all manner of potential solutions to no
>>>  avail. It seems this is an unsolvable problem with the layout I have
>>>  tried to implement. I thought I would ask the crowd here before I
>>>  take any drastic actions. I assume its actually possible to get this
>>>  to work in IE6.
>>>  Anyway website is here:
>>>  http://www.avize.com.au/tyredoctor/tyredoctor1.html
>>>  Thanks for that help
>>>  Wesley Lamont
>>>  __
>>>  css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
>>>  http://www.css-discuss.org/mailman/listinfo/css-d
>>>  List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
>>>  List policies -- http://css-discuss.org/policies.html
>>  > Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/
>>  >
css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
List policies -- http://css-discuss.org/policies.html
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

Re: [css-d] IE6 haslayout solution needed

2009-02-10 Thread WEZ!
>haslayout is really annoying but quite an easy one to resolve, usual
>methods are to use relative positioning or the zoom property to force
>and element to have layout in ie.

ahh but this is the issue where haslayout has been triggered with a 
width. I actually need haslayout not to be triggered in this case. 
Yes triggering haslayout is quite easy. Removing that without 
breaking layout is much more difficult.

This is the negative version of haslayout where its presense causes 
IE to render blocks incorrectly.

In response to Lourens. I'm pretty sure I've tried that in my 
seemingly endless tests but I'll give it a run through again. I'm not 
sure if the entire content cannot have any haslayout triggers which 
would be impossible due to any images  having layout innately.

Wesley Lamont

>position: relative or absolute;
>height: 1%;
>Stefan B
>On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 10:27 AM, WEZ!  wrote:
>>  Heya All,
>>  I seem to have run up against a IE6 haslayout bug which I can't seem
>>  to find a solution for (as per usual).
>>  I have a two column layout. The right one is fixed width and floated
>>  right. The left one has negative margins to match the right column
>>  and is variable width. Now good-ol IE6 decides that something with
>>  haslayout (width:100% or any other method) next to a float is treated
>>  as though it is floated and then dropped.
>>  I've been running through all manner of potential solutions to no
>>  avail. It seems this is an unsolvable problem with the layout I have
>>  tried to implement. I thought I would ask the crowd here before I
>>  take any drastic actions. I assume its actually possible to get this
>>  to work in IE6.
>>  Anyway website is here:
>>  http://www.avize.com.au/tyredoctor/tyredoctor1.html
>>  Thanks for that help
>>  Wesley Lamont
>>  __
>>  css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
>>  http://www.css-discuss.org/mailman/listinfo/css-d
>>  List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
>>  List policies -- http://css-discuss.org/policies.html
>  > Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/
>  >

css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
List policies -- http://css-discuss.org/policies.html
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

Re: [css-d] IE7 Images in unordered lists

2009-02-10 Thread Lourens Thalen
Try overflow: hidden... IE reserves space for line-height...

2009/2/10 Ian Young :
> Hi Folks,
> I have a menu with images for the links. FF, Opera, Safari, Chrome all
> render ok. IE7 has huge margins between the lists.
> What's the fix for this?
> Test page at
> http://www.iyesolutions.co.uk/templates/db-test/IE7-menutest.html with CSS
> included.
> I have tried a few tweaks but none seem to work.
> Cheers
> Ian
> Ian Young
> Director
> IY e-Solutions
> __
> css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
> http://www.css-discuss.org/mailman/listinfo/css-d
> List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
> List policies -- http://css-discuss.org/policies.html
> Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

met vriendelijke groet,

Lourens Thalen
css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
List policies -- http://css-discuss.org/policies.html
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

Re: [css-d] IE6 haslayout solution needed

2009-02-10 Thread Stefan
haslayout is really annoying but quite an easy one to resolve, usual
methods are to use relative positioning or the zoom property to force
and element to have layout in ie.

position: relative or absolute;
height: 1%;



Stefan B

On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 10:27 AM, WEZ!  wrote:
> Heya All,
> I seem to have run up against a IE6 haslayout bug which I can't seem
> to find a solution for (as per usual).
> I have a two column layout. The right one is fixed width and floated
> right. The left one has negative margins to match the right column
> and is variable width. Now good-ol IE6 decides that something with
> haslayout (width:100% or any other method) next to a float is treated
> as though it is floated and then dropped.
> I've been running through all manner of potential solutions to no
> avail. It seems this is an unsolvable problem with the layout I have
> tried to implement. I thought I would ask the crowd here before I
> take any drastic actions. I assume its actually possible to get this
> to work in IE6.
> Anyway website is here:
> http://www.avize.com.au/tyredoctor/tyredoctor1.html
> Thanks for that help
> Wesley Lamont
> __
> css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
> http://www.css-discuss.org/mailman/listinfo/css-d
> List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
> List policies -- http://css-discuss.org/policies.html
> Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/
css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
List policies -- http://css-discuss.org/policies.html
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

Re: [css-d] IE6 haslayout solution needed

2009-02-10 Thread Lourens Thalen
You can try giving the left column a width: auto ?

2009/2/10 WEZ! :
> Heya All,
> I seem to have run up against a IE6 haslayout bug which I can't seem
> to find a solution for (as per usual).
> I have a two column layout. The right one is fixed width and floated
> right. The left one has negative margins to match the right column
> and is variable width. Now good-ol IE6 decides that something with
> haslayout (width:100% or any other method) next to a float is treated
> as though it is floated and then dropped.
> I've been running through all manner of potential solutions to no
> avail. It seems this is an unsolvable problem with the layout I have
> tried to implement. I thought I would ask the crowd here before I
> take any drastic actions. I assume its actually possible to get this
> to work in IE6.
> Anyway website is here:
> http://www.avize.com.au/tyredoctor/tyredoctor1.html
> Thanks for that help
> Wesley Lamont
> __
> css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
> http://www.css-discuss.org/mailman/listinfo/css-d
> List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
> List policies -- http://css-discuss.org/policies.html
> Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

met vriendelijke groet,

Lourens Thalen
css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
List policies -- http://css-discuss.org/policies.html
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] IE6 haslayout solution needed

2009-02-10 Thread WEZ!
Heya All,

I seem to have run up against a IE6 haslayout bug which I can't seem 
to find a solution for (as per usual).

I have a two column layout. The right one is fixed width and floated 
right. The left one has negative margins to match the right column 
and is variable width. Now good-ol IE6 decides that something with 
haslayout (width:100% or any other method) next to a float is treated 
as though it is floated and then dropped.

I've been running through all manner of potential solutions to no 
avail. It seems this is an unsolvable problem with the layout I have 
tried to implement. I thought I would ask the crowd here before I 
take any drastic actions. I assume its actually possible to get this 
to work in IE6.

Anyway website is here:

Thanks for that help

Wesley Lamont
css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
List policies -- http://css-discuss.org/policies.html
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] IE7 Images in unordered lists

2009-02-10 Thread Ian Young
Hi Folks,


I have a menu with images for the links. FF, Opera, Safari, Chrome all
render ok. IE7 has huge margins between the lists.

What's the fix for this?


Test page at
http://www.iyesolutions.co.uk/templates/db-test/IE7-menutest.html with CSS


I have tried a few tweaks but none seem to work.






Ian Young


IY e-Solutions



css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
List policies -- http://css-discuss.org/policies.html
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Re: [css-d] Problems with Photo Gallery Reverting to Background Image After Clicked

2009-02-10 Thread mx . cssdee
Hey :)

I've had a look at the code and tested this in FF3 and it seems to work  
Clicking on an image it remains there even if I move either the horiz or  
vert scrollbars.

However, clicking anywhere on the page reverts it back to its default image  
(since the link you originally clicked is no longer 'active').
It's a very good pure CSS image gallery! I'm unsure if this can be  
prevented without the use of Javascript but I'll have a play and see what I  
can come up with.

~Mx (:

On Feb 10, 2009 3:53am, "S. Reets"  wrote:
> Hi, I'm fairly new to CSS - can someone please help me understand what  
I'm doing wrong here, and help me find a solution? Thanks a million!
> Problem: After clicking a gallery thumbnail, clicking a scrollbar to  
scroll (horizontal scrollbar or vertical page scrollbar) makes the image  
revert back to the background image. Any way to stop that? I'd like the  
clicked image to stay put until another thumbnail is clicked. I guess I  
could remove the background image, but I don't want a large page  
of 'nothing-ness' while people scroll. Is there a solution? Thank you!
> Page: http://www.ficarradesignassociates.com/portfolio2.htm >
> __
> css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
> http://www.css-discuss.org/mailman/listinfo/css-d
> List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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