[css-d] Safari a:hover problem

2008-02-01 Thread John Gribben


Does anybody know how to fix the bug in Mac Safari that prevents the display
of a:hover effects in anchors placed within list items?


I've tried setting both the parent  and  to display: block and
position: relative, as recommended by a couple of Googled articles, but this
hasn't helped.





John Gribben

Pedrera, Inc.

215 348 7446


http://www.pedrera.com <http://www.pedrera.com/> 


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[css-d] Suckerfish Drop-Down breaks on IE6

2008-02-04 Thread John Gribben


I'm trying to make a sucker-fish-style drop-down menu (a hybrid that also
uses sprites for the top level items), but it's not working on IE6.


There seems to be a problem with the content div that sits immediately below
the menu.  If I isolate the menu from all other code on the page, it works
fine. But if I place just one div beneath the menu, on IE6, the drop-down
disappears after my cursor passes over the first menu item.  It's as if the
z-index of the adjacent item exceeds that of the drop-down, although this is
not the case.  Here is the page with the example:







John Gribben

Pedrera, Inc.

215 348 7446


http://www.pedrera.com <http://www.pedrera.com/> 


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Re: [css-d] Suckerfish Drop-Down breaks on IE6

2008-02-08 Thread John Gribben
> John Gribben wrote:
> >
> > http://windows.pedrera.com/clients/greenbaum/nav.asp
> There is a conceptual problem and a bug.
> z-index does apply to positioned elements only. Some of your z-indexes
> are set on non-positioned elements. Remove them, they are distracting.
>  From the inside:
> The second level has z-index+position, but it is nested inside
> positioned elements without z-index, and finally sitting inside a float.
> The bug: both the navigation and the following div are floats. The
> positioned element without z-index does not escape from this float in
> IE, but locks the descendant positioned elements with z-index in.
> In IE, you'll have to set position:relative and z-index from the outside.
> Ingo
> --
> http://www.satzansatz.de/css.html

Hi Ingo,

Thanks a lot for your help.

I removed the extraneous z-indexes as you advised, and removing the
positioning from the float adjacent to the navigation seems to have fixed
the problem.  I'm not sure if this is what you meant by setting position and
z-index from the outside.

Take care,

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] Suckerfish Drop-Down breaks on IE6

2008-02-12 Thread John Gribben

> > I removed the extraneous z-indexes as you advised, and removing the
> > positioning from the float adjacent to the navigation seems to have
> fixed
> > the problem.  I'm not sure if this is what you meant by setting position
> and
> > z-index from the outside.
> >
> > Take care,
> > John
> >
> Hi,
> no, I meant setting position:relative and z-index on the navigation
> #primarynav itself.
> regards,
> Ingo
> --
> http://www.satzansatz.de/css.html


Thanks a lot for your clarification.  I made the change to the #primarynav
div, and now it works!



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[css-d] IE Printing Problem

2008-03-19 Thread John Gribben
Hi everyone,


I'm running into a problem getting a site to print out correctly in IE. The
first page is okay, but the succeeding pages are a disaster (the main
content is broken into several pages and then disappears). 


We created a print style sheet that hid mostly everything but the main
content, but the client wants the appearance of the screen styles to persist
in printouts:-(. 


Research indicates that removing floats should fix this problem, but that's
not working for me - and I don't know how I'm going to be able to retain the
layout if I lose the floats. 


Does anybody have any experience with this issue?





John Gribben

Pedrera, Inc.

215 348 7446


 <http://www.pedrera.com/> http://www.pedrera.com

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[css-d] IE7 Margin Jumps On Hover

2008-10-21 Thread John Gribben


I'm having a problem similar to the one posted with the subject "Odd Jumping
Behavior on Hover - IE Only of Course."


Here is my example:




In IE7, when I hover the cursor over any of the links in the secondary
navigation column (the grey column on the left), the callout box that is
floated to the right of the main content area (the callout with the subhead
"Ready to learn more?") jumps to the left.  The left margin that is applied
to the callout disappears, and the callout is jammed against the copy.


This margin leap is triggered by the application of a background image to
the span tag that surrounds the secondary navigation text when it's parent
anchor tag is hovered over:


#secondarynav.services ul li a:hover span


background: url(../Images/Icon_NavSecArrow_Services.gif) 1.8em
0.3em no-repeat;



If I comment out the above background change, the margin leap does not


Does anybody know of a way to prevent this leap from happening?





John Gribben

Pedrera, Inc.

215 348 7446


http://www.pedrera.com <http://www.pedrera.com/> 


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[css-d] Floating Divs Over Flash

2007-05-01 Thread John Gribben


Does anyone have any experience floating HTML elements over Flash via
absolutely-positioned divs?  I know that this is possible with the most
up-to-date browsers, but I'm not aware of how wise this is in terms of
backward-compatibility.  Can anyone point to successful examples of this?





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[css-d] Firefox Wmode Bug

2007-05-29 Thread John Gribben


Does anyone have any experience dealing with the bug in Firefox that
disables mouseover events in Flash when the animation file is placed in an
absolutely positioned element and the Wmode parameter of the animation is
set to "transparent" or "opaque"?  I've built a page where an animation is
positioned beneath some other elements, and a button is not clickable in






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[css-d] Feedback Requested

2007-06-11 Thread John Gribben


I really appreciate the help I've received from this list.  Can anybody give
me feedback on this site:




I don't have any specific questions.  I was just wondering if anybody can
catch anything radically off.  We're targeting MSIE 6/7 and Win/Mac Firefox
+ Netscape.






css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Feedback Requested

2007-06-12 Thread John Gribben
Thanks to all who responded to my post!  This list continues to be a
valuable source of support.


Take care,



css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] CSS Framesworks

2007-06-14 Thread John Gribben


I've been reading the article in ALA about CSS Frameworks, and I was
wondering if there is any consensus in the group about abstracting style
sheets into multiple files.  We haven't done that yet, although it seems
like a good idea (and an upcoming project would benefit from it). Is this a
common practice?  How serious a drawback is the multiplication of HTTP





John Gribben

Pedrera, Inc.


http://www.pedrera.com <http://www.pedrera.com/> 


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[css-d] Type Sizing

2007-07-24 Thread John Gribben
Hello everybody,


I've been struggling with reliable alternatives to pixel-based type sizing
methods, but I haven't been able to find any.  I've read many articles on
this subject.  It's perhaps the aspect of standards-based coding that for
some reason I find the most confusing.


Here is an example:




With this template, I used a percentage (62.5%) to set the root parent size
for the body and then used em units to set the size of all child elements.
This seemed to work well on IE 7, Firefox 2, and Safari 3 on my system (Win
XP 2002, SP2), but on my boss's machine (which is, I think, basically
identical to mine), the sizing method doesn't work on IE 7.  The text is too
large, as if the Text Size were set to "Larger."  I checked his browser
settings - the Text Size was set to "Medium" (as it was for my browser).


Am I missing something?  We have the same versions of IE, our Text Size
settings are the same, but his browser is rendering the type larger than
mine by an order of magnitude.





John Gribben

Pedrera, Inc.

215 348 7446


http://www.pedrera.com <http://www.pedrera.com/> 


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[css-d] Disappearing Primary Nav

2007-08-24 Thread John Gribben
Hi everyone,


A client is unable to view the primary navigation on this site:




They claim to be having this problem with the latest version of Firefox on
XP.  I've tested with this browser and don't have the problem.  Can anybody
spot something I am doing wrong?




John Gribben

Pedrera, Inc.

215 348 7446


http://www.pedrera.com <http://www.pedrera.com/> 


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] IE6 Content Duplication

2007-08-30 Thread John Gribben
Hello everybody,


I'm having a weird problem with IE6.  I am coding a page with a series of
nested divs.  In IE6, a fragment of the content in the last div is
duplicated at the bottom of the series.  Here's the page:




At the bottom of the page, part of the final list item ("Pest Control") is
weirdly duplicated.


Has anybody experienced this before?





John Gribben

Pedrera, Inc.

215 348 7446


http://www.pedrera.com <http://www.pedrera.com/> 


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] IE6 Content Duplication

2007-08-31 Thread John Gribben
Most probably it is related to the double html comments in your file. 
Remove them. See PIE for a start.

We see those duplicated characters in tight float settings, near 
elements with display:none, or hidden inputs, but mostly after double 
html comments. Sometimes a float plus single html comment will do. 
Whether such an trigger takes two or more characters, is a little academic.



That was it!  Thank you very much Ingo!

And thanks to everybody who responded to my query!

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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[css-d] IE Navigation Flicker (non-bg-image related)

2007-09-20 Thread John Gribben


I'm trying to put together a liquid primary navigation panel (five items,
with each  assigned 20% width), and it is working fine on Firefox, but
on IE 6-7, the last item on the right is flickering:




It seems as though IE considers the last item to be just on the edge of the
acceptable width for the list.


Does anybody know how to address this problem?





John Gribben

Pedrera, Inc.

215 348 7446


http://www.pedrera.com <http://www.pedrera.com/> 


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[css-d] Safari Overflow Bug

2007-11-01 Thread John Gribben
Hello everybody,


I am having a problem on Mac Safari with a navigation list that uses CSS




On Mac Safari, the drop-down menus beneath the primary navigation are
inaccessible because they are overlapped by the anchor areas of the
navigation.  If you mouse over the drop-downs, you activate the hover style
of the navigation items.  It appears that the overflow property, set to
"hidden" on the primary navigation stuff, is being ignored.


Does anybody have any experience with this issue?





John Gribben

Pedrera, Inc.

215 348 7446


http://www.pedrera.com <http://www.pedrera.com/> 


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[css-d] Layout Basics: Floats, Position, Overflow

2009-10-30 Thread John Gribben


I have a question involving the effect of the position and overflow
properties on floats.  My example is a simple two-column layout.  The left
column, called "Main_Nav," is floated left and assigned a width (270px); the
right column, called "Details," not floated nor assigned a width, is given a
left-margin equivalent to the width of the navigation column.  In IE7 and
various versions of Firefox on PC this works to create a liquid layout in
which the Details column expands to fill the width of the browser unoccupied
by Main_Nav.  Here are the CSS rules for these columns:




float: left;

width: 270px;

display: inline;

overflow: hidden;





margin: 0 0 0 270px;

position: relative;

overflow: hidden;



Here is an example of this layout:




Now I realize there are things on this page not exactly kosher from a
standards-compliant perspective.  We are using a table to provide a big easy
control for people to toggle the visibility of the Main_Nav column.  But the
thing I wanted to ask about concerns the necessity of setting the position
and overflow properties on the Details column.  This column needs to contain
.NET controls which render a variety of UI widgets such as draggable list
items and collapsible panels and whatnot.  I discovered that unless I
applied the position and overflow properties as above the layout would break
in IE7 and IE8 when a user interacted with these widgets.  


Although satisfied that the problem appears to have been fixed, I am curious
to know why this was necessary.  I realize this involves some very basic
concepts.  I would appreciate it if anyone could let me know whether there
is something incorrect about this layout.





John Gribben

Pedrera, Inc.

215 348 7446


http://www.pedrera.com <http://www.pedrera.com/> 


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