[css-d] Padding missing in IE6 quirks mode

2006-12-12 Thread Pete Lasko
If you view http://www.yammr.com/padding.html in IE, you will see  
that the image has no padding. Is there a workaround for this?  
Unfortunately due to some DOM bugs I can't get figured out I can't  
use a strict doctype for IE. I can easily put a div around the image,  
but wondered if anyone had the skinny on this. Here is a strict  
version: http://www.yammr.com/padding-strict.html

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[css-d] PNG Hack in for IE 6. Any thoughts?

2006-11-17 Thread Pete Lasko

I'm using a PNG hack (bgsleight.js --  http://www.allinthehead.com/ 
retro/289/sleight-update-alpha-png-backgrounds-in-ie) here: http:// 

I'm having a couple of problems.

1) The positioning on the li background (right side) isn't being  
applied. I'm guessing that it is because the filter is taking over  
just not working right. I could fix this by adding a span  
(dynamically) absolutely positioned inside the a, but I'd prefer a  
CSS solution if at all possible.

2) Not a PNG problem, but the right edge of my button isn't  
clickable, and I'm not sure I see a way around this. I could write a  
simple javascript behavior that adds an onclick to the li, which  
might be what I'll end up doing if I can't find a pure css solution.  
At this point, though, things are getting silly with the hacks and  
javascript.  I could live with the edge not being clickable, as well,  
but it would bother me over time.

3) A Non issue - The right side of the image doesn't color change  
because of IE:hover issues, but that is easily fixed. However, even  
normal hovering on the a tag is spotty in IE. I haven't spent any  
time on this issue yet though.

Does anyone know of a way to fix the positioning issue?  Thats the  
main one. If you have any suggestions on anything else, I'm open to a  
better way of doing this.

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] ALA style Footer + Ajax = IE 6 Problems

2006-10-26 Thread Pete Lasko
I wrote about this once, but not having gotten a response, I felt  
like I should clean up the page, validate everything and try again.  
Its all valid now, and hopefully more clear.

This page:  http://yammr.com/footer.html  is displaying a problem  
with the height of my updated elements not being recognized by the  
rest of the page, pushing the content behind the footer. You can see  
the desired results with Firefox, or the Safari nightly build. If I  
remove the doctype IE renders this fine. This makes me wonder if its  
and IE problem or just me not understanding something well enough.

Thanks for looking,

P.S.  If you feel this clarified reposting is spam, let me know, and  
I won't do it again.
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Dynamic Content Falling Behind Absolute Footer in IE (standards mode, but not quirks)

2006-10-23 Thread Pete Lasko
In IE in Standards Mode, my Ajax-updated content is being pushed  
behind the footer. As far as I can tell, this isn't a hasLayout  
issue. Please Correct me if I'm wrong here, but as I understand it,  
all the important elements here have layout, and should be behaving  

To see the expected behavior visit http://yammr.com/quirks.html
To see the page misbehaving in Standards Mode see http://yammr.com/ 

The only real differences between the two pages is the doctype at the  
top of strict.html.

The end goal here is to have a center aligned header/body/absolute  
footer layout that works properly in major browsers and allow for  
dynamic resizing of inner elements. I hope this goal isn't too lofty.
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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[css-d] Fwd: tricky float and container height issue.

2005-05-06 Thread Pete Lasko
At http://lasko.org/uploads/buypage
I have a little page I'm working on. Its all CSS layout, and I'm using 
some javascript to clone the select lists. Use the topmost selectlist 
to clone nodes untill it should expand the floated element that 
contains it (pink background). Rather than growing the container, the 
lists seem to drop out of the container. The lower elements react 
appropriately, but I'd like to find a solution to this issue once and 
for all. Containers seem to lose respect for the height of their 
floated children.

Thank you.
P.S. Anyone know why my right column shrinks a tiny bit when I run my 
javascript? Its freaking me out.

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