Re: [CTRL] Y2K Overhype (Re: [CTRL] OEN 12/27/98)

1998-12-30 Thread Teo1000

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/29/98 4:57:52 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 So true, so true. Whether it turns out to be a bona fide catastrophe or
 a pretext for martial law, I think we need to start converting our anxieties
 about it into action, and use it as an opportunity for community building,
 community agriculture to guarantee continuity of our food supply, etc. Call
 a kook, but I think we need to steal the ball and take it back down the


Could not agree more Charles.  When you SIGHT the ball let me know and then we
can TRY to steal it back and then go back down the court!  :)

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Re: [CTRL] Charles: vs. socialism, vs. capitalism, what now?

1998-12-30 Thread Sno0wl

 -Caveat Lector-

Neat post, Charles!  CrappleSoft--that's really a good one! LOL!!!


On 26 Dec 98 , [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 But technology, of course, is a two-edged sword. There are many, many
 potential technological solutions that could help us set ourselves free, but
 they must be solutions that are developed and initiated independently of the
 established system. We must learn to survive independently in the midst of
 Babylon's house, if for no other reason than to prove it can be done. Why not
 set up an independent international network of Internet servers based on
 packet radio? Why not set up an online bartering system and opt out of the
 Beast system entirely? Why not organize corps of volunteer knowledge workers
 and guerilla information activists to develop the software and hardware that
 would be necessary to set up these alternatives? All we really need is food,
 shelter and a little time.

 There is no end to the possibilities, if people actually got together and
 started DOING something. Again, it's important to debate economic issues as
 thoroughly as one might beat a dead horse, but it is also extremely important
 to put ideas into action. When our leaders are derelict and corrupt, we must
 lead ourselves; when the system has deteriorated beyond repair, it is up to US
 to build a new one. Failing this, we embrace the idea of controlled dissent
 with open arms.

 And the tools we need are sitting right here in front of us. Stop thinking of
 your computers as boxes with microchips and circuits inside. Start thinking of
 them as infinitely malleable blocks of clay, or as cans of paint with your own
 mind serving as an infinite canvas. Start thinking about the possibilities.
 Start thinking.

 I came to a snare in the woods kind of half-assed covered in some leaves. I
 spent years staring at it in muted anger. Then I spent some more years
 pointing at it in a rage and yelling at others to come help me stare and point
 at it. Finally I realized that the snare was not only doing its work quite
 well, it had actually managed to entrap many more than it would have caught if
 I'd just ignorantly stepped into it and been caught. Then, finally, I
 remembered the knife in my back pocket. I took it out and cut the rope, and
 I've been pretty happy ever since.

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Bethlehem; 90s Revision

1998-12-30 Thread Sno0wl

 -Caveat Lector-

I loved it! Manger rash, indeed!!!  LOL!!!


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1998-12-30 Thread RGates8254

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/29/98 10:08:04 AM Mountain Standard Time,

  The British Army on the Rhine have been recalled for crowd control
  and British Newspapers eg. Scotsman have beeb pedalling the preperatory
  ground for Martial Law given the necessity.
  Major governments in the world are seriously concerned about looting/rioting
other such problems.  Personally believe that to be understanderable.
Look at what happened in LA after the OJ simpson verdict.  People, using
the excuse of the verdict, went absolutly nuts and burned/looted everything in
sight.  What happens was in a perceived crisis, basic survival, or criminal
elements seem to come out in full force.
  IF all the Y2K "doom and gloom" predictions come true, i.e. loss of power,
air travel, trains, so on, many nations will likely see a restless population,
many of which will be inclined to riot/loot and burn everything in sight.

  However my Discussion group in Edinburgh, Scotland think that the problem
  could have been easily and quickly spotted by some of the most logical
  and pragnatic minds in the world ie. computer scientists - many years ago.
  Computer minds knew about this problem in the 60s, but those great minds
looked at the rapid advancement of technology, and everything else and figured
that by the time we got to the 90s NOBODY would even consider using old
main frames with 60s code in them.  Further that people in that era and time
could worry about all those problems...after to those who lived in the 60s,
2000 wasn't
going to happen for 30-35 years so why worry about it.
 Guess what.  Governments and  institutions continue to use old code and old
  As I recall from my reading their is already some kind of problem with the
year 2019, and 2030.  Are the computer geeks and guru's bothering with
those problems?  NO!  Why not?  Because they are worried about more
 immediate problems, and figure they will deal with those problems down the
  The truth be known, human nature never changes.

  In the UK, there is some publicity from Banks and Bureaus re dealing with
  but as usual - there is this mind - numbing blanket of media silence,
  whilst the TV continues with its other agendas.
  The media will do what it always does, and will continue to do.  That being
to not seriously bother with Y2K coverage and  problems until two to three
or perhaps days before it happens.
  Take any issue in the media.  For example US Super Bowl coverage in
will seriously begin 1-3 days BEFORE the Super Bowl.
  Serious coverage of the Senate impeachment trail will start trickling out
1-3 days
before the trial is expected to start.
  Should the US or UK bomb Iraq again serious coverage will start either at,
or just
after the first bombs start falling.
   Speaking of that, supposedly nobody knew
when the US would strike Iraq, yet the media was all in place on top of the
information ministry in Bagdad, AND supposedly  CNN reporter Christian
Amonpour had to drive 19 hours over the desert to get into Bagdad for the
start of coverage.  And people are expected to believer that NOBODY knew
when the bombs would start falling.  Anybody that believes that, I got a
in brooklyn for sale.
  In 1988 many people in the Pacific Northwest will remember that as the
year of the fires in Yellowstone Park.  I happened to be visiting West
Yellowstone, watching all the reporters doing their thing for the nightly
 national news casts.   TV reporters from all the networks were assembled
in a line, spaced about 3 feet apart doing their standups in front of network
cameras.   I noticed junior grade people running up to their networks guys
with papers.  All of a sudden people are scurrying around, packing up etc
etc.  I asked one of the reporters "Hey, whats going on?"  The reporter said
some big hurricane or storm was expected to hit Texas and cause alot of
 damage so they were headed down to cover that.  I asked something to the
effect of "Well the fires are still going..."  To which his response went
something to the effect of:  'Well we in the news business, especially
the TV side, go in a figurative sense to one smoking dead body to the
newest smoking dead body and Texas is where the next smoking dead body is...'
  Needless to say, Y2K will not be a smoking dead body until perhaps as late
as Dec 28th, 1999.  Thats the way the business works.


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1998-12-30 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-



 Los Angeles Times - DAILY PILOT
 Saturday, December 26, 1998 By HUSEIN MASHN

 Fund-raising probe finds "serious problems," Cox says

Republican congressman hints that link between Democratic
Party and sale of satellites to China will be 'shocking.'

 WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Serious problems have been uncovered by
 a six-month congressional investigation into the connection
 between Democratic Party fund raising and the transfer of
 sensitive satellite technology to the People's Republic of
 China, says Rep. Chris Cox of Newport Beach, who oversaw the

 The classified final draft of the $1.5 million, 1,800-page
 study will be completed today, Cox said.

 "The select committee has uncovered exceptionally serious
 problems in the area of our jurisdiction," Cox said. "If it
 was publicly known, it would be shocking, indeed." Cox
 chaired the select committee, which includes members of both
 parties who looked into an alleged transfer of sensitive
 satellite technology to China from Loral Space 
 Communications Co. and Hughes Electronics Corp.

 Loral received a waiver from the Clinton administration to
 sell the technology, which the congressional committee
 alleges could be a threat to national security. The waiver
 was granted while the Justice Department was investigating
 Loral Chairman Bernard Schwartz, who gave the Clinton-Gore
 re-election campaign more than $600,000, more than any other
 single contributor.

 "I've really been working long hours with members of my
 staff to meet the Jan. 2 deadline," Cox said. "We have
 finished the investigation and are now writing the report."
 Cox said criminal investigations also are being conducted
 regarding transactions between Loral, Hughes Aircraft and

 Although the report is classified and has been successfully
 guarded from being leaked to the media, Cox said the select
 committee will attempt to "declassify as much of the report
 as possible," by early next year.

 "We have in recent months been focusing on [Chinese]
 espionage directed against U.S. military technology," Cox
 said earlier this week. "We'll have Christmas Day off, but
 then we'll be back to work Saturday."


 On Chris Cox's page is a link to

 which gives:

 Wednesday, August 19, 1998

 China inquiry is under veil of secrecy

 GOVERNMENT: Cox and other committee members begin hearing
 from analysts about the rocket/satellite explosion and


 The Orange County Register

 WASHINGTON -- Code-word classification. Secure space.
 Security briefing. It sounds very Tom Clancy-ish. But those
 phrases have become part of Rep. Christopher Cox's
 vocabulary as his select committee on China has gotten down
 to work. For three days this week, the nine-member panel is
 hearing from top intelligence community analysts.

 Just what happened in February 1996 when a Chinese rocket
 exploded when it was about to launch an American sat? And in
 that aftermath, did Loral Space Systems, the satellite's
 builder, pass on secrets to the Chinese government? If so,
 why should we care?

 So far, everything the committee has been told has come via
 classified, secure briefings. In a town where leaks and
 partisan bickering are as expected as a hot, humid August,
 so far Cox, R-Newport Beach, and the ranking Democrat, Rep.
 Norman Dicks of Washington, have managed to keep rank
 politics out of this inquiry. And they are being very
 careful not to divulge anything that might remotely resemble
 a leak.

 What they will say is that after listening to the country's
 highest-level intelligence community officials, they want to
 not only know about what information the Chinese got but
 whether the Chinese passed on that information to unsavory
 regimes that could use them for no good. "When technology is
 transferred to Beijing it doesn't stop there," Cox said in
 an interview this week. "There is substantial evidence of
 technology transfers to countries that pose a much more
 serious short-term threat to the United States."

 When the committee meets, security is tight. Even the room
 where the panel meets — tucked away in the Capitol's attic —
 is unknown to most members of Congress. To get there,
 members use an unmarked elevator, set apart from the
 Capitol's crypt by a burgundy velvet rope. A sign reads:
 "Authorized Personnel Only." The elevator opens onto a stark
 white hallway. A heavy door is shut. There's a combination
 lock on the outside. A Capitol Police officer stands guard.
 The windowless hearing room is routinely swept for
 electronic surveillance.

 As the ranking 


1998-12-30 Thread EASTERISLE

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/19/98 8:48:00 PM, Kenn wrote:

Also, three Brits and a New Zealander were recently beheaded in barabric
who were videotaped before
their deaths confessing they were there for the purpose of setting up an
satellite aerial. For more
info, go to:

Interesting -- there were some reports in 1996 that the NSA assisted the
Russian military in targeting Chechnyan resistance leader Dudayev by homing in
on his cell phone signal, and utterly bombarding the whole area with rockets,
killing him and everything near him. I can understand why the Chechnyans would
be a little unpleased to see an ECHELON aerial go up...


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Re: [CTRL] (no subject)

1998-12-30 Thread E Mael

 -Caveat Lector-

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
(For the rest of the list, THIS New England Yankee has NO idea what Lynne
is babbling about.)


... mmm, says a lot.

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1998-12-30 Thread KA

 -Caveat Lector-

On Tue, 29 Dec 1998, nurev wrote:
 OK. I should have said that Adam and Eve were promised a Savior, and that
 the promise they passed on got distorted in many cultures up to the time of
 Noah -- but you have to sometimes try to cut these posts short when you
 think you've made the essential point.

There were no such persons as Adam and Eve for sure, and the existence
of Noah is highly doubtfull. How do you feel about Mickey Mouse and
Donald Duck? How about the tooth fairy?

Well, as I stated in my own responses, it all boils down to a matter of

Almost all ancient cultures WORLDWIDE have legends/myths regarding a
terrible flood, replete with their own 'Noah' who saves at least a
remnant of the people/flora/fauna...and archeological digs worldwide HAVE
found evidence of a catastrophic flood at the same geological layer -- so
there would seem to be SOME basis in fact for such legends...

  It is by FAITH alone that one is saved, not by turning THINGS into icons
  and worshipping them...

People don't need to be saved for being born. They need to be saved
from the insanity of people like you.

_I_ posted the statement you're responding to...the point I was trying to
make is that he's expending a lot of energy into making THINGS into
objects of worship...

It boils down to the fact that ANY religion is a 'leap of faith'...and
one wastes one's time by trying to argue 'objective scientific facts' on
such a subject...


   Ring out the old, ring in the new,
 Ring happy bells, across the snow;
 The year is going, let him go;
   Ring out the false, ring in the true.

 -- Tennyson:  In Memoriam

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Re: [CTRL] Who said the African AIDS crisis is part of aconspiracy?

1998-12-30 Thread G Kuric

 -Caveat Lector-

-Caveat Lector-What the hell is WRONG with this woman?  Why is she having
sex with
someone who she's afraid would beat her -- for ANY reason?

It may be necessary to spend time in 3rd world cultures to understand the
societal perspective.

About 10 years ago I spent some time in such a country. Some brave female
activists from the US had come down and were attempting to change the
consciousness and conditions of the local women.  They were setting up
clinics, day care, education, that type of thing.

The reproductive education was offered on the country's only radio station.
I was shocked - the information was presented on a very basic 6th grade
level.  *Ladies, let's talk about our bodies* and they would start at
ground 0 - ovaries, uterus, little sperms swimming, etc.  When they came to
the self-esteem part I cried when I realized the perspective - "Ladies, now
you are going to receive some modern information.  No one has the right to
beat you.  You own your body and don't have to let your man hit you..."  It
was going to be a very long haul.

The county that I live in within the US has a higher teenage unmarried
pregnancy rate than Harlem.  The local hospital routinely delivers a dozen
12-year old girls a year.  From personal experience I can tell you that 50%
of these girls were impregnated by a male family member, and by force.  The
little women's shelter is always full.  The local men won't use condoms,
either.  There isn't even a health dept. to run HIV tests.  The other 40
counties that surround me are the same.  Convincing a local woman with no
education, no skills, no vehicle, no money and no place to go with four
kids that she needs to leave the man who beats her is a long haul here,
too, and lots of your tax dollars are spent trying to do just that.



CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Who said the African AIDS crisis is part of aconspiracy?

1998-12-30 Thread Scramjet1

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/30/1998 8:40:54 AM, you wrote:

The county that I live in within the US has a higher teenage unmarried

pregnancy rate than Harlem.

Forgive me, Gail, but as a resident of Harlem, I'd like you to, please, tell
me 1) what the actual, quantified pregnancy rates that you, here, are
comparing, 2) when my neighborhood became a metric for this sort of careless
analogy, and 3) if you are a white person.


Harry Allen

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] (no subject)

1998-12-30 Thread AGiles7207

 -Caveat Lector-

The way you came across on this list, came across as being cranky.  As you
VERY well know on AOL, hit the reply button and if there is NO SUBJECT line,
well, the rest is history.  I WAS replying to another's post, so maybe it
should be brought up to the whole list to put something in the subject line,
now does that make sense?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Skullpuffery

1998-12-30 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


WSWS : History

Interview with David King at the opening of his exhibition The Commissar

"There was no political continuity between Lenin and Stalin. Stalin and his
regime destroyed the revolution."

By Stefan Steinberg
29 December 1998

First of all, I asked David King about the background to the exhibition.

You must understand there is not a lot of money around for staging such an
exhibition. It has taken some time to get off the ground. This is the third
venue. The first was in Vienna, the second in Milan. And the thing is sort
of gathering momentum The exhibition here in Berlin looks good and on the
whole I am very pleased with it.

What is good about the exhibition is that it is a chance to see original
material as well as reproductions from prints. Everything for example in
the vitrine cabinets are originals and you have a real chance to see where
the material came from, whether it's from newspapers, magazines or
documents. The exhibition is spread over the whole house, in all 10 rooms,
and up until now there has been a lot of media interest.

What sort of reactions has the exhibition provoked?

Well, there have been hardly any hostile reactions. Nobody can argue with
the material I have collected. On the basis of what is exhibited here
nobody can defend Stalin or Stalinism. There was, however, an amusing
experience in Milan. Four visitors to the exhibition approached me there
and complimented me on having done the retouching. [ laughs] They thought
it was some sort of art show--I find that very funny. But interestingly
enough you sometimes get a similar reaction in Moscow as well because some
of the pictures are so imprinted on people's minds, for example--the
picture of Lenin and Gorky together. There is this very strange, very long,
narrow print featuring Lenin and Gorky together, which everybody has seen
and knows--but no negative is such a shape. In fact, the picture has been
cut and retouched from a group photo taken of delegates to the Second World
Congress of the Communist International. When they see the whole original
print featuring 25 people, then in Moscow I get quizzical looks; they are
asking themselves--"Can this be the case?"

How and when did you begin your work?

I first started collecting material in 1970. I went to Russia and asked for
material about Trotsky and there wasn't any. I was asked why I was
interested in Trotsky. Stalin was important for the revolution, not
Trotsky, they said. When I came back to London I was determined to do a
visual history--as far as possible, a truthful, visual history of what
happened in the Soviet Union. I have been collecting ever since and
obviously from a socialist perspective, i.e., not like Richard Pipes and
Robert Conquest [Cold War/anti-communist historians]. And another thing--at
that time in the late sixties, an enormous amount of stuff was being
written on politics, including Trotsky's ideas, but people were not exactly
reading it all. However, when my co-worker Francis [Wyndham] and I did the
first pictorial Trotsky biography in 1972, 25,000 copies were sold. You saw
people reading the book on the tube train, it was a big thing at the time,
with a paperback edition by Penguin, one of Britain's main publishers. Our
thinking then was to communicate something of Trotsky's ideas and so
encourage people to read more about and from him.

I asked King his opinion of the relevance of his work in light of the
current campaign, accompanying the publication of the Blackbook of
Communism, that equates Lenin and the gains of the Russian Revolution with
Stalin and Stalinism.

Well naturally I disagree with such a thesis. It is very difficult to do
what I am doing at this period of time, but of course there was no
political continuity between Lenin and Stalin. Stalin and his regime
destroyed the revolution, he destroyed the hopes of communism. You only
have to take a look at the pictures in room 3 of the exhibition. Featured
there are the NKVD secret police photos of ordinary, completely innocent
citizens who were taken away by Stalin's goons--men, women and children
pulled out of their houses and shot. They didn't even go to the gulag.

Are there any plans for further venues, or perhaps taking the exhibition to

Not at the moment. I know for a fact there would be great difficulties
taking it to Moscow. Did you know they want to restore the monument of
Felix Dzerzhinsky, which is the symbol for the power of the KGB apparatus?
It used to stand directly before the Lubyanka prison in Moscow. The
majority of Zyuganov's Communist Party deputies voted for the restoration
of the statue. It's really frightening because in the chaos of the Soviet
Union, these guys [the KGB] have been standing in the background. Now they
say, "Our hands are clean, give us a chance to control things." It
demonstrates perhaps that my exhibition isn't just a dry historical
exercise. It raises and attempts to clarify questions 

[CTRL] Science Society

1998-12-30 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


WSWS : News  Analysis : Science  Technology

Marxist standpoint on "Science and Society" debated at British university

By our correspondent
29 December 1998

The Socialist Equality Party was invited to present a guest lecture on
"Science and Society" to a postgraduate course entitled Biotechnology and
Public Affairs. Organised by biochemistry lecturer Dr. David James at the
University of Canterbury, Kent, the course is attended by students taking
their Masters degree in biochemistry.

Dr. James had first met members of the SEP campaigning on the campus with
the book Human BSE: Anatomy of a Health Disaster
[], earlier this year. Most
outside speakers invited to address the course are from the pharmaceuticals
industry, including representatives of major corporations such as Unilever,
SmithKline Beecham and Glaxo Wellcome. Although not a socialist, Dr. James
thought it important that his students have an opportunity to hear an
alternative perspective to that of the multinational companies.

The students listened attentively to the talk, entitled "Science and
Society, a Socialist Perspective", given by Chris Talbot, a member of the
SEP who is a lecturer in mathematics.

A wide variety of questions were raised by the students at the end of the
lecture and Dr. James was pleased at the interest they showed, which he
remarked was in contrast to the poor response the industry speakers usually
received. He invited the SEP to present a lecture to the course next year,
but allowing two hours instead of one, so that there would be more time for
questions and discussion.

Following the talk, Dr. James asked Chris Talbot to clarify what was meant
by "objective truth". Talbot explained that this was obviously a vast
issue, but he could use the example of Newtonian mechanics to illuminate
the matter. "Nobody would doubt the accuracy with which the motion of
rockets and satellites could be predicted on the basis of Newton's laws.
Whilst tiny discrepancies might arise, which would need Einstein's Theory
of General Relativity to explain, Newton's theory was adequate and provided
scientists with objective truth. Many, many other scientific theories had
been tested out and applied in practice, like Newtonian mechanics, and
provide us with truth about the material world. The postmodernists have
seized upon the disputes and controversies which arise in the course of the
development of science and use this to give a false picture of science as a
whole--implying that it is entirely relative."

One student asked, "Aren't these huge companies shooting themselves in the
foot? If they take all the wealth, they won't be able to sell their
products any longer." Talbot replied, "It is true that in their pursuit of
profits the big corporations are entirely at the mercy of the market. The
prices they charge and the huge profits they make are determined ultimately
by the laws of capitalist economics. In the sense that there is growing
instability and collapse in the world market, even whilst they are raking
in billions they are "shooting themselves in the foot". Even those like
George Soros, who recognise this instability, can do nothing about it. In
the event of a downturn, or a fall in profits, these companies downsize and
thousands are thrown out of a job. Capitalism cannot provide a secure
future for the vast majority of the population."

Dr. James asked, "How are you going to organise the very costly research
which is necessary in the development of drugs, etc.? How can it be done
otherwise than by large companies?" A student answered this by saying, "You
can't look at it in that way--of how to make a profit." Public funding of
science was recognised as an alternative.

Another student raised the difference between present-day science and
science in the past. "The equipment is really expensive today, compared to
that used in the time of Einstein. At that time, it was more about ideas,
but now it's about using those ideas, which is more expensive." Talbot
stressed that the international collaboration that is needed for current
science is actually being held back by competition between private
companies and between nation states. "The resources should be publicly
owned and democratically organised on a world scale."

Dr. James questioned whether there really were cuts taking place in
science. His department had recently received a government grant for
hundreds of millions of pounds, and he thought there was still plenty of
money available. Talbot accepted that the Labour government in Britain had
increased funding for research in biochemistry "because they believe it is
a key area to attract investment. But overall there has been only a tiny
increase in the amount given to scientific research by the Labour
government, after many years of cutbacks. On a world scale evidence in the
UNESCO report and other material cited in the lecture demonstrated clearly

[CTRL] Russiana: 12-29

1998-12-30 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From Int'l Herald Tribune

Paris, Wednesday, December 30, 1998

Hazed and Hating It: Russian Draftees Flee Army

By Daniel Williams Washington Post Service

ST. PETERSBURG - Volodya, with a boyish fuzz on his lean young man's
cheeks, detailed his ordeal in slang he picked up during a short, brutal
stay in the Russian Army.

''Grandfathers'' - that is, senior soldiers in his unit - had ''hung'' him
with an arbitrary debt. When he didn't pay, the grandfathers taught him to
''fly'' - meaning they kneed him with such force that he was lifted off the
barracks floor.

Fearing he would end up in a ''zinc box,'' Volodya deserted, fled to St.
Petersburg and hid in the anonymous high-rise neighborhoods of the city's
periphery. Zinc box is what soldiers call the metal coffins used for
military dead.

Volodya has joined the legion of deserters and draft dodgers on the run
from the army, a once-proud institution that has become a chamber of
horrors spread across 11 time zones. Unrestrained hazing and material
deprivation await youths who answer their country's call to serve.
Killings, suicides and depraved forms of abuse are the backdrop of a
soldier's life.

The beatings aggravate already inhumane conditions brought on by Russia's
seven-year economic tailspin and deep cuts in military spending. Barracks
are often unheated, and soldiers go without pay for months. Units trained
for tank warfare sometimes pick potatoes to make money. Corrupt generals
use their troops as free labor to build country homes or to maintain their

During the autumn draft season in St. Petersburg and the rest of Russia,
tales told by young men like Volodya were making it difficult to fill
quotas. Recruiters complained that health certificates were forged, illness
being one way to avoid the draft.

After exemptions are handed out for schooling and other reasons, the
leftovers are often ill-suited for army service, they say. Draftees say
recruiters will illicitly exempt them for a $2,000 bribe. Doctors on the
take will provide fake diagnoses for about the same price.

Russia's 1.2-million-member army is fed with 150,000 new draftees every six
months. No one seems to have exact figures for the number of draft evaders,
although only about half the conscripts actually end up in the service,
said Alexander Uzhanov, a Defense Ministry spokesman. About 15 percent do
not bother to respond to draft notices and an additional 20 percent try to
get out on health grounds.

Mr. Uzhanov could not account for the rest. Commanders complain that drug
addicts, alcoholics and criminals are being admitted to the army in large

The Defense Ministry says 42,000 deserters are on the lam at any time.

Defense officials are defensive or dismissive about complaints that the
service is brutal. But hardly a month goes by without some scandal
involving soldiers reaching the public eye.

Last month on a base near Volgograd, two captured soldiers who had been
absent without leave were punished with confinement in a pit on a firing
range. Overnight, the hole collapsed, burying them alive. One of the
soldiers died before they were discovered; the other survived.

In September, a sailor on duty aboard a nuclear submarine shot and killed
eight of his comrades, then shot himself. Officers said he was ''mentally
unfit''; friends said he had been hazed.

During the draft call last spring, Russian television broadcast a videotape
that has left an indelible image on the national consciousness. In a
sadistic hazing ritual, burly older men marched down a row of junior
soldiers and kneed each one in the chest. In response to orders to stop
such assaults, commanders at a base in the northern Caucasus require
soldiers to strip for inspection every week. That way, the officers can
check for bruises hidden by clothing - and the recruits' fearful silence.

''I volunteered,'' said Volodya of his five-month career in a unit of the
railroad troops, which provide security along Russia's vast locomotive

''The grandfathers wanted money. They didn't care how I got it - stealing,
begging. When I didn't pay, they hit me in the chest. Kicked me around the
room. The officers in charge, they looked the other way.''

Volodya's eyes shifted nervously to one side. The sound of shuffling
footsteps behind him on the ice-glazed sidewalk made him fidget. He lives a
life of suspicion and hides at a friend's house. On occasion, he borrows a
neighbor's baby and takes it for a stroll just to get outside.

''It's camouflage,'' he said sheepishly. ''Police don't stop you if you're
tending a child.''

He was visiting the offices of the Soldiers' Mothers Committee, a St.
Petersburg organization with roots in protests against the war in Chechnya.

Earlier, mothers of soldiers missing in Chechnya came to the committee for

[CTRL] CAUS - Citizens Against UFO Secrecy - home page

1998-12-30 Thread flw

Interesting informative UFO anti secrecy org.

 CAUS - Citizens Against UFO Secrecy - home page.url

[CTRL] Return To Cold War Days

1998-12-30 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

In past CNNS press release it was pointed out that a return
to the old Cold War scenario seemed likely. Since that press
release, Russia has recalled her ambassadors from both the
U.S. and the U.K. Such a recall of ambassadors is historically
quite serious: for example, after Pearl Harbor, Japan recalled
her ambassador to the U.S. Yet the Russian recall of Ambassadors
has been treated as if it's no big deal by U.S. mass media,
who've merely mentioned it in passing. Also ominous is the
re-uniting of Russia with Ukraine and possible re-uniting
with Belarus (sp?) Also, when dying Yeltsin finally does die,
that is likely to lead to further disaffection between U.S.
and Russia. Also, Iraq situation not resolved but worse than
ever after extravagant dumping of $500 million worth of bombs;
Iraq, client state of Russia, now more defiant than ever. If
further war breaks out between U.S. and Iraq, that's bound to
further alienate the Russians. Below is article from NYTimes
business section indicating Russia is defaulting on its debt
to big bankers; powerful big bankers aren't going to like that.

  December 30, 1998

Russia Fails to Make $362 Million Bank Payment


 Related Articles

   Issues in Depth: Russia's Turmoil


   Join a Discussion on Russia's Turmoil


 W ASHINGTON -- Russia on Tuesday failed to make a $362 million
 payment on Soviet-era debt that it owes to commercial banks around
 the world, a move that U.S. officials, the International Monetary
 Fund and lenders to Russia fear could signal a growing movement in
 Moscow to simply default on the country's obligations.

 The lenders, led by Bank of America, stopped short of calling
 Tuesday's action a default, even though it appeared to be exactly

 In August, in the midst of the devaluation of the ruble and the
 firing of the economic reformers who had negotiated a bailout of
 the country with the International Monetary Fund, Russia failed to
 pay hundreds of millions of dollars it owed to foreign governments.
 But Tuesday's action was the first in which it failed to pay
 private creditors, on whom the country's chances of economic
 recovery hinge.

 Russia needed to reach agreement with 95 percent of its creditors
 to restructure its debt, essentially allowing it to pay the money
 back over a far longer period of time. But only 72 percent of those
 creditors gave approval to a plan under which the commercial banks
 would accept government-issued bonds as an alternative to cash.
 Russia insists that it only needed to win the approval of
 two-thirds of the creditors, and therefore it is not technically in

 "Officially, the issue of default does not exist at this point,"
 Vladimir Yatsenko, an aide to the chairman of Vnesheconombank,
 Russia's paying agent, was quoted as saying in a Bloomberg News
 dispatch from Moscow.

 Bank of America said through a spokesman that it was seeking
 clarification of Yatsenko's reported statement but that the 95
 percent approval requirement from creditors remained unchanged.

 The payment itself is not a major problem for the banks, and the
 markets had long ago anticipated that Russia would find itself
 unable to pay, or simply would be unwilling to do so. But the
 signal that Russia's action sent seems bound to reverberate in
 capitals around the world, especially in Washington.

 International economic officials said they suspected that Russia
 had decided to simply default on selected foreign debt. "The
 question," said one official who has been engaged in discussions
 with the Russians, "is whether this is an act of desperation or a
 negotiating tactic."

 One possibility is that the government of President Boris Yeltsin
 has determined that there is little chance that private banks will
 lend it money for years to come, even if Russia begins to collect
 taxes, impose fiscal austerity, and come to terms with the IMF over
 a new loan package. With no relationship left to destroy with the
 commercial banks, this theory goes, the Russians have simply made a
 determination to halt repayments.

 But others believe that the default may simply amount to a
 negotiating strategy, to force the banks to restructure the debt on
 Moscow's terms. "This may be their equivalent of an offer we can't
 refuse," one banker dealing with Russia said last week. "They want
 us to think that the choice is between getting something -- who
 knows how much -- someday, or getting nothing at all."

 The Russians have been engaged in a parallel negotiation with other
 governments to which it owes money, a 

[CTRL] Secret Deals, Awkward Bargain

1998-12-30 Thread flw

A little (tiny) tip of the huge secret government Iceberg.

 Secret Deals, Awkward Bargain.url

[CTRL] Rethinking AIDS WebSite

1998-12-30 Thread Agent Smiley

 -Caveat Lector-

 A HREF=""Click here: HIV  AIDS - Rethinking
AIDS WebSite - Homepage/A

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] Russia heads for debt default

1998-12-30 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

Russia heads for debt default

Tuesday, 29 December 1998 22:48 (GMT)

(UPI Focus)
Russia heads for debt default
   LONDON, Dec. 29 (UPI) - Russia is heading for default on $22 billion
of commercial debt dating back to the Soviet era as industry sources
expressed doubt it could meet a deadline for a $362 million payment to
western commercial banks.
   As Russian officials met with Club of London creditors there was no
indication that Moscow had met the deadline.
   One banking source said, "If they fail to pay as expected, they'll
be in technical default."
   Financial sources said that as of late tonight, Russia had failed to
secure overwhelming agreement of creditors to restructure the payment.
The government needed to secure 95 percent support from its creditors to
restructure the payment it missed on Dec. 2 into new bonds. Last week,
Russian officials indicated they had only 72 percent approval.
   Today marks the end of a grace period during which Russia could have
made the payment without being in default. For several months now Russia
has been campaigning to restructure a part of its foreign debt to reduce
its overall debt burden.
   The strategy is crucial to Moscow's bid to reduce Russia's budget
deficit. As part of the program, Russia wants to reschedule about $7
billion in payments owed since the Soviet era to banks and governments
and due next year.
   The International Monetary Fund (IMF) suspended payments on a $22.6
billion loan package it negotiated after Russia defaulted on 281 billion
rubles ($13.4 billion) of domestic debt in mid-August.
   Russia also defaulted on some of its Soviet-era debt to sovereign
creditors, missing an interest payment on 751.5 million deutsche marks
($449.8 million) due to Germany in August.
   It paid only 48.5 million marks of the 800 million marks due in
interest payments on loans from government creditors due Aug. 20.
   But payments to sovereign creditors, said to total $5.4 billion next
year, can only be restructured after the IMF approves a loan program for
Russia. IMF officials have said they plan to return to Moscow in January
to examine Russia's state budget. The budget is currently being debated
in Russian parliament.
   Copyright 1998 by United Press International.
   All rights reserved.

Copyright 1998 by United Press International

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Drug dealer's prison death raises storm in Turkey

1998-12-30 Thread Agent Smiley

  Drug dealer's prison death raises storm in Turkey

  ISTANBUL, Dec 29 (AFP) - The mysterious suicide of a drug trafficker
  who had accused the police of links to organised crime sparked a storm
  of questions in the Turkish press on Tuesday.

  An official inquiry into the death of Huseyin Uzun, found hanged on
  Saturday in the toilets at the Organised Crime Bureau in Istanbul,
  ruled on Monday that the jailed drugs trafficker had committed

  Huseyin gave himself up to police last week and the press said he had
  made a lengthy confession accusing high-ranking Istanbul police
  officials of taking bribes from drugs barons.

  His accusations focused on the former chief of the anti-drugs squad
  =46erruh Tankus, who was sacked from his post last week.

  Tankus, who was demoted to the rank of local police station chief,
  accused his superiors of taking four million dollars in bribes from
  mafia bosses in return for his dismissal after his crackdown on the
  drugs trade.

  Uzun's lawyer disputed the suicide verdict, arguing that his 180-
  centimetres (six foot) tall client could not have hanged himself in
  the alleged space, which was only 150 centimetres (five feet) high.

  He said: "A suicide should look like a suicide."

  The Turkish press asked Tuesday whether Uzun had been silenced by the
  men he had accused or by his police questioners. The press also mooted
  the idea that he had been killed by the mafia.

  The popular daily Sabah said: "Scandals which can overthrow a
  government in a civilised country are accepted in our country as
  ordinary events."

  The government of outgoing premier Mesut Yilmaz collapsed last month
  amid allegations of the premier's links with organised crime.

 *  The Activist  *
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   It is about the world we have borrowed from our children !!

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Drug dealer's prison death raises storm in Turkey

ISTANBUL, Dec 29 (AFP) - The mysterious suicide of a drug trafficker
who had accused the police of links to organised crime sparked a storm
of questions in the Turkish press on Tuesday.

An official inquiry into the death of Huseyin Uzun, found hanged on
Saturday in the toilets at the Organised Crime Bureau in Istanbul,
ruled on Monday that the jailed drugs trafficker had committed

Huseyin gave himself up to police last week and the press said he had
made a lengthy confession accusing high-ranking Istanbul police
officials of taking bribes from drugs barons.

His accusations focused on the former chief of the anti-drugs squad
=46erruh Tankus, who was sacked from his post last week.

Tankus, who was demoted to the rank of local police station chief,
accused his superiors of taking four million dollars in bribes from
mafia bosses in return for his dismissal after his crackdown on the
drugs trade.

Uzun's lawyer disputed the suicide verdict, arguing that his 180-
centimetres (six foot) tall client could not have hanged himself in
the alleged space, which was only 150 centimetres (five feet) high.

He said: "A suicide should look like a suicide."

The Turkish press asked Tuesday whether Uzun had been silenced by the
men he had accused or by his police questioners. The press also mooted
the idea that he had been killed by the mafia.

The popular daily Sabah said: "Scandals which can overthrow a
government in a civilised country are accepted in our country as
ordinary events."

The government of outgoing premier Mesut Yilmaz collapsed last month
amid allegations of the premier's links with organised crime.

   *  The Activist  *
 This is not about the world that we inherited from our forefathers,
 It is about the world we have borrowed from our children !!

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Re: [CTRL] What Koestler actually said

1998-12-30 Thread Kenn Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

The Thirteenth Tribe, Appendix 4:


 While this book deals with past history, it unavoidably carries
 certain implications for the present and future.
In the first place, I am aware of the danger that it may be
 maliciously misinterpreted as a denial of the State of Israel's right
 to exist.  But that right is not based on the hypothetical origins
 of the Jewish people, nor on the mythological covenant of
 Abraham with God; it is based on international law -i.e., on
 the United Nations' decision in 1947 to partition Palestine, once
 a Turkish province, then a British Mandated Territory, into an
 Arab and a Jewish State.  Whatever the Israeli citizens' racial
 origins, and whatever illusions they entertain about them, their
 State exists dejure and defacto, and cannot be undone, except by
 genocide.  Without entering into controversial issues, one may
 add, as a matter of historical fact, that the partition of Palestine
 was the result of a century of peaceful Jewish immigration and
 pioneering effort, which provide the ethical justification for the
 State's legal existence.  Whether the chromosomes of its people
 contain genes of Khazar or Semitic, Roman or Spanish origin,
 is irrelevant, and cannot affect Israel's right to exist-nor the
 moral obligation of any civilized person, Gentile or Jew, to
 defend that right.  Even the geographical origin of the native
 Israeli's parents or grandparents tends to be forgotten in the
 bubbling racial melting pot.  The problem of the Khazar infusion
 a thousand years ago, however fascinating, is irrelevant to modern

 The Jews who inhabit it, regardless of their chequered origins,
   possess the essential requirements of a nation: a country of their
   own, a common language, government and army.  The Jews of
   the Diaspora have none of these requirements of nationhood.
   What sets them apart as a special category from the Gentiles
   amidst whom they live is their declared religion, whether they
   practise it or not.  Here lies the basic difference between Israelis
   and Jews of the Diaspora.  The former have acquired a national
   identity; the latter are labelled as Jews only by their religion - not
   by their nationality, not by their race.
This, however, creates a tragic paradox, because the Jewish
   religion - unlike Christianity, Buddhism or Islam - implies
   membership of a historical nation, a chosen race.  All Jewish
   festivals commemorate events in national history: the exodus from
   Egypt, the Maccabean revolt, the death of the oppressor Haman,
   the destruction of the Temple.  The Old Testament is first and
   foremost the narrative of a nation's history; it gave monotheism
   to the world, yet its credo is tribal rather than universal.  Every
   prayer and ritual observance proclaims membership of an
   ancient race, which automatically separates the Jew from the
   racial and historic past of the people in whose midst he lives.  The
   Jewish faith, as shown by 2ooo years of tragic history, is nation-
   ally and socially self-segregating.  It sets the Jew apart and invites
   his being set apart.  It automatically creates physical and cultural
   ghettoes.  It transformed the Jews of the Diaspora into a pseudo-
   nation without any of the attributes and privileges of nationhood,
   held together loosely by a system of traditional beliefs based on
   racial and historical premisses which turn out to be illusory.
 Orthodox jewry is a vanishing minority.  Its stronghold was
   Eastern Europe where the Nazi fury reached its peak and wiped
   them almost completely off the face of the earth.  Its scattered
   survivors in the Western world no longer carry much influence,
   while the bulk of the orthodox communities of North Africa, the
   Yemen, Syria and Iraq emigrated to Israel.  Thus orthodox
   Judaism in the Diaspora is dying out, and it is the vast majority
   of enlightened or agnostic Jews who perpetuate the paradox

   by loyally clinging to their pseudo-national status in the belief
  that it is their duty to preserve the Jewish tradition.
It is, however, not easy to define what the term 'Jewish
  tradition' signifies in the eyes of this enlightened majority, who
  reject the Chosen-Race doctrine of orthodoxy.  That doctrine
  apart, the universal messages of the Old Testament - the enthrone-
  ment of the one and invisible God, the Ten Commandments,
  the ethos of the Hebrew prophets, the Proverbs and Psalms - have
  entered into the mainstream of the judeo-Helenic-Christian
  tradition and become the common property ofjew and Gentile
After the destruction of Jerusalem, the Jews ceased to have a
  language and secular culture of their own.  Hebrew as a vernacular
  yielded to Aramaic before the beginning of the Christian era;
  the Jewish scholars and poets in Spain wrote in Arabic, others
  later in German, Polish, Russian, 

[CTRL] Iraq Fiasco

1998-12-30 Thread Agent Smiley

 -Caveat Lector-

 A HREF=""Iraq Action Coalition --

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] No longer in services

1998-12-30 Thread Bill Burke

 -Caveat Lector-

Caveat Lector.  Take shepard@threelefties off CTR  list.
Thank you Bill Burke

Bill Burke wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

   Thanks for the information that you supply.  I am living the inet for
 a while and no longer need for you information CTRL.
 Bill Burke

 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
 screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1998-12-30 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 12/19/98 8:48:00 PM, Kenn wrote:

 Also, three Brits and a New Zealander were recently beheaded in barabric
 who were videotaped before
 their deaths confessing they were there for the purpose of setting up an
 satellite aerial. For more
 info, go to:

 Interesting -- there were some reports in 1996 that the NSA assisted the
 Russian military in targeting Chechnyan resistance leader Dudayev by homing
 on his cell phone signal, and utterly bombarding the whole area with
 killing him and everything near him. I can understand why the Chechnyans
 be a little unpleased to see an ECHELON aerial go up...

IIRC, that report was definitely confirmed by Russian sources. The Russians
could have taken out only Dudayev--the NSA had that precise a triangulation on
his signal--but they went in with their usual chainsaw approach and flattened
everything and everyone. This should draw a very interesting lesson for all
conspirators--use landlines for your communications wherever possible; don't
use cell phones or portable phones. (Personal experience: my wife is a
volunteer counselor for our local domestic violence hotline, and takes calls
at home forwarded from an answering service. One evening I was watching
*X-Files* on the TV in our bedroom while she was using the portable phone in
the living room. On the TV, Scully was talking on the phone, and it took me a
couple of minutes to realize that the soundtrack was *not* was my
wife talking to her client! Since that incident, she is *very* careful to use
only the wired phones to take hotline calls, and has warned other counselors
to do the same. I've also picked up cell phone conversations on my TV, usually
from passing cars. Cell phones and mobile phones are, after all, essentially
radio transcievers...)


Robert F. Tatman
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Polls

1998-12-30 Thread Gavin Phillips

 -Caveat Lector-

Good job Jim. You've taken the time to research the subject and your
conclusions verify what many others are saying, which is, that these Clinton
polls showing him to be very popular are nonsense. After having read
"Votescam" by the Collier brothers (both are now dead) I'm in  agreement with
you that the voting system in this country is totally compromised. What do you
think of the book? Gavin.

 Hey, Jerry! Polling is a "discipline"??? A discipline in high risk, high
 stakes deception maybe -- when practised by the Big 5 TV networks (FOX now
 aboard in that elite group). Also, your assertion that "the American
 people" "elected" Clinton twice is merely an act of faith on your part, as
 it has been made illegal in every state but New Hampshire to exersize
 citizen checks and balances on the computerized vote count. That's right,
 just like in tin horn dictatorships, or Communist countries, any American
 citizen who tries to double check the vote at the neighborhood precinct
 will be met with police power and eventually arrested if they insist.

 First to polling:

 Who are these polling "practitioners" who know the "ins and outs"?? Please
 read SuperPollsters: How They Measure and Manipulate Public Opinion in
 America by David W. Moore, who himself has been a pollster for 26 years.
 The book is endorsed by David Broder of the Washington Post, so it can
 hardly be dismissed by people like yourself, who believe that the polls are
 "scientific." Here is a sentence from the concluding paragraphs of the
 book: "There is still a tendency for media polls to create the illusion of
 public opinion, by asking forced-choice questions on some topics that are
 unfamiliar to most people. And public opinion about most topics is not as
 fully explored as it was for the Persian Gulf War, often resulting in
 misleading conclusions about its stability and precision." end of quote.
  And then the concluding sentence ends with, " . . . polling can, indeed,
 provide a continuous monitoring of the elusive pulse of democracy. More or

 This is the polling industry speaking. I charge without doubt that the
 polling by the 5 Big TV networks on Clinton is weighted and dishonest. Who
 are they polling? Exactly how is the poll conducted? It's permissable to
 question and scrutinize ANYTHING in the election process EXCEPT 1) How
 polls are done and who is polled; 2) how the votes are "counted" by the
 computer programs (I have yet to talk to one county official who signs
 election results as "true" who can even name the person who programmed the
 computer which counted the votes!!!)  and yet, we are supposed to run
 our entire country based on these daily polls, and the computerized vote
 counting, -- and also on that complete hoax known as "exit polling" 
  The ENTIRE argument of the sorry rabble of Clintonistes on the talk shows
 is -- THE POLLS and the COMPUTERIZED VOTE COUNTS of the last two
 Presidential elections. What a gullible nation we have become.

 I'm sorry to have to refer to my own website, but
 contains much much more information on the unverifiable and riggable nature
 of exit polls and computerized voting, as well as numerous referrals to
 experts and articles (some in the establishment press) which back up the
 position I have stated above. I list 4 or 5 of them below for those who
 won't have time to do further research. Furthermore:

 Howard Phillips of Conservative Caucus published that his wife was called
 for a poll on Clinton, -- but the pollsters exited the phone call after she
 answered to one of the "lead in" questions/comments by stating that she was
 not "the lady head of the house", but her husband was head of the house. A
 caller on WLW radio (50,000 watt clear channel voice, Cincinnati, Ohio) on
 Saturday morning December 26 relayed that his sister in Georgia was called
 for a poll about Clinton, but hung up on when she said she had not voted
 for Clinton. These are anecdotal, but one would be stretching to dismiss
 them out of hand.

 Is any rational person supposed to believe that while 60% of the voting
 public voted against Clinton, that 70% now support him even after he's
 shown to be an adulterer, liar, perjurer . . .? Right. WHO ARE THE BIG
 MEDIA-paid POLLSTERS POLLING? The Big Media really blew its cover when it
 published on the day after the first wave of recent Iraq bombings -- that
 70% of the people thought there was no connection between the imminent
 impeachment vote and the sudden Iraq bombings Right. Who in hades are
 these big media-paid pollsters polling?

 And, you are on a conspiracy research list, and you're putting out the bunk
 that Clinton is the one responsible for the economy? He's giving the
 Alan Greenspan crowd, The Ruling Elite, what they want, and Greenspan keeps
 the interest rates down. Also, the economy is only great for the Vultures
 on Wall Street, the average working man is groaning under 

Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Fwd: **Press statement** `Special Naval Security Task]

1998-12-30 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

Agent Smiley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   MOSOP has joined other Niger Delta community groups in expressing its
   deep concern over the announced formation of a Naval Special Security
   Task Force to police the Delta.
   According to a Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) report on December
   25th, the Nigerian military authorities are creating the Task Force to
   `protect oil installations against vandalisation'.  This announcement
   was credited to the Chief of Naval Staff, Rear Admiral Jubril Anyinah
   during a courtesy call on the Military Administrator of Rivers State,
   Group Captain Sam Ewang.
   Delta communities are interpreting the formation of the Task Force as an
   ominous sign that the military authorities are consolidating their
   political control over oil producing areas - and the country's main
   source of income - in preparation for a shift of power to civilian
   administration in 1999.

It appears that the Nigerian military are responding to orders from their
colonial masters. -- Bob

Shell Expects Peaceful End to Nigeria Ultimatum


LAGOS, Dec 29 (Reuters) - Royal/Dutch Shell's Nigerian oil-producing unit said
on Tuesday it was working towards a peaceful end to an ultimatum on oil
multinationals to leave Ijaw areas in the main oil region.

Ethnic Ijaw youth groups scattered across Nigeria's oil delta issued a joint
ultimatum early this month on oil firms to leave their land by December 30 or
face unspecified action, alleging pollution of land and deprivation of oil

"We're in dialogue with their representatives. All parties are reasonable and
we expect a peaceful end," a Shell company spokesman told Reuters.

Ijaw National Congress (INC), the umbrella body for various Ijaw interest
groups, on Tuesday dissociated itself from the ultimatum by the youths.

"We believe that our problems with the federal government can be solved
through dialogue," Edwin Clark, spokesman of the INC said in a statement in
the southern oil town of Warri.

The statement said the decision to ask oil majors to leave "was never tabled
before the highest decision making body of the Ijaw nation" and could not be
binding on all Ijaws.

An upsurge of violence by armed militants, including sabotage and seizure of
oil installations, have affected Nigeria's oil output in recent months.

Shell, which pumps about half of the nation's output of some two million
barrels per day (bpd) from mainly onshore facilities, has been most vulnerable
to the disruptions.

The ultimatum to oil companies comes at a critical time for Nigeria, Africa's
most populous country of 108 million as it grapples with severe economic
problems while military ruler General Abdulsalami Abubakar prepares to step
down for elected civilians in May.

The military authorities have so far not taken any action against the armed
Ijaw militants, possibly because of the fear of adverse publicity by the oil

Shell is the biggest foreign oil operator in Nigeria. Other companies include
U.S.-based Mobil Corp, Chevron, Texaco Inc, Italy's Agip and France's Elf

Copyright 1998 Reuters Limited.All rights reserved.

Robert F. Tatman
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] nurev learning about birth control pills

1998-12-30 Thread Jim Condit Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-

Perhaps, nurev, you're too young to remember how many times in the last 40
years the predators at Planned Parenthood have come on with their
mock-teary act about how women who used such and such a birth control pill
should get themselves medically checked; there have been MANY deaths from
birth prevention (anti-baby) pills, which are also anti-woman --- and which
have led to untold unhappiness as every woman who's man demands she use
birth control has the realization at some level that she is being used a
sex vessel rather than treated as a person. Information on this subject can
be obtained from American Life League in, I believe, Vienna, Va. May I
recommend some research to back up your invective? Jim Condit Jr.

On Tuesday, December 29, 1998 9:15 PM, nurev [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  -Caveat Lector-

   Are you telling us you are against birth control pills, too?

  Absolutely. Better to call them birth prevention pills, or anti-baby
  They do tremendous harm to women, too. This is where the many
  religions bit the dust (again) in following the demonic Margaret
  while the Roman Catholic Church has been consistent and held firm.

 They don't do tremendous harm to women at all. You do tremendous harm
 women by spreading primitive unscientific superstitious bullshit.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Apology to Zaharis

1998-12-30 Thread Jim Condit Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-

Oh, dear! I didn't realize Zaharis was one of our fellow contributors when
I said "he was an idiot" on the point of a man's responsibility beginning
at birth to the unborn child and the woman. The way Lee quoted him I
thought Zaharis was some kind of Cultural Icon like Hugh Hefner that I just
hadn't heard about yet, in the case of cultural icons of the left, I feel
free to use such invective, just as the left uses such against Joseph
McCarthy. However, as Zaharis is a fellow contributer, I want to amend my
comment to just say that "he (or she) is as wrong as he can be" on that
point. Sorry for the name-calling! Jim Condit Jr.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] nurev learning about birth control pills

1998-12-30 Thread Jim Kinney

 -Caveat Lector-

Huh?  Most of the women I know who are on the pill have chosen to be on
it, not because their 'man' has demanded it..  They see it as a personal
choice that allows them to decide what happens to their bodies.  I admit
that there are risks involved n the pill..  the first generation of the
pill used mega-doses of hormones that are not especially safe and the
third generation pills have not yet been adequately tested, but all in
all I think that it is a woman's choice, with full knowledge of the
dangers.. and none of the men I know have ever 'demanded' it from
anyone..  Maybe you should find a new group of people.

-Original Message-
From:   Jim Condit Jr. [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Wednesday, December 30, 1998 1:48 PM
Subject:Re: [CTRL] nurev learning about birth control

[snip] every woman who's man demands she use
birth control has the realization at some level that she is
being used a
sex vessel rather than treated as a person.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1998-12-30 Thread Jim Kinney

 -Caveat Lector-

I've also seen shows pointing it out as a hoax..  It may or may not be
true, but there is still a 'leap of faith' on whether or not you want to
believe in it.

-Original Message-
Sent:   Wednesday, December 30, 1998 2:59 PM

 -Caveat Lector-

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
It boils down to the fact that ANY religion is a 'leap of
one wastes one's time by trying to argue 'objective scientific
facts' on
such a subject...


you have not seen the film about the ark on mount ararat. it is
there. any
more leaps of faith, june? it was archeological

ever so sweetly


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list.
Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are
sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths,
misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and
minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being
said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always
suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust
denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: Nolympics list and update

1998-12-30 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

: From: S. Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
: Subject: Nolympics list and update
: Date: Wednesday, December 30, 1998 1:12 AM
: Hi all!
: At long last, the Nolympics mail list is up and ready for business.
(Thanks to the folks at for their invaluable assistance in getting
the list functioning properly!)
: The goal of the Nolympics list is to facilitate the efforts of all people
working to end gun control at the Olympics.  The list is a two-way list
which means that you are encouraged to post your own thoughts, ideas,
suggestions, questions, and to help others who have questions or problems.
If we're going to succeed, it needs to be a group effort!
: Please keep posts as brief as possible, stay "on topic", and refrain from
posting unnecessary messages.  Doing so will keep the volume of mail down
so that people don't get overwhelmed and can stay focused.
: This is NOT a list for debate about the Second Amendment or the merits of
gun control.  There are plenty of other lists for that.  This list is for
people who choose to work on the "Gun Control and Olympics" problem.
: The list owner (me) reserves the right to remove subscribers who persist
in violating the list rules after adequate notice of violation has been
: To subscribe to the Nolympics list, send a message to:
: In the body of the message put:
:   subscribe nolympics
: You will then get further instructions and full information by return
mail.  You can unsubscribe at any time, so consider joining us!  (Expect
some minor delays, since I'm sure there are some bugs I haven't found yet!)
: If you have your own web page, _please_ consider linking to the Nolympics
site -
: In other news, it has now come to light that the Salt Lake Olympics bid
committee spent $10,000 on - you guessed it! - FIREARMS which were given to
various International Olympic Committee members prior to Salt Lake City
being named as the site for the 2002 Olympics.
: Whether these very expensive rifles and shotguns were "gifts" or "bribes"
will ultimately be decided by those investigating alleged bribery by the
Olympic bid committee, but half of them were "billed after the IOC enacted
rules that barred its members from receiving gifts worth more than $50
initially and later $150".  And whether the recipients of these firearms
are even allowed to possess them in their own countries is unknown, since
the list of recipients hasn't been released.
: The rifles and shotguns were manufactured by Utah's famed Browning
: You can read the story at:
: Now, it's shameful enough that there are allegations of bribery
surrounding the Salt Lake City Olympics.  It's even worse when that alleged
bribery involves "gifts" of firearms to officials who are actively working
to subvert the right of Americans to keep and bear arms.  Apparently these
officials believe that wealthy, elitist Olympics officials have the right
to firearms, but ordinary American citizens, even those who have been
subjected to a rigorous background check, do not "deserve" that same right.
: But it's even worse...  Those of you who have ever purchased a firearm
are no doubt familiar with the BATF's Form 4473 (a permanent record of all
firearms transfers which the BATF somehow maintains is _not_ gun
registration), without which one cannot purchase a firearm from a
manufacturer, dealer or Federal Firearms Licensee.
: Question 9a asks: "Are you the actual buyer of the firearm listed on this
form?  If you answer 'no' to this question, the dealer cannot transfer the
firearm to you."  I've been told that this question is intended to prevent
a person from buying firearms and transferring them to people who may not
legally purchase them.  Yet it appears that the SL Olympics bid committee
folks not only purchased firearms not intended for their own personal use,
they transferred them to persons not legally permitted to purchase them!
: Were the IOC officials who received the firearms eligible to purchase
them?  Probably not.  The BATF has this to say on the subject:
: "An alien who is legally in the United States will be considered to be a
resident of a State for the purpose of complying with the GCA if he has
resided in that State continuously for at least 90 days before purchasing a
firearm. Note, however, that even a legal resident alien 

[CTRL] Impeachment Blue Print

1998-12-30 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From Wash Post

Lott Maps Impeachment Blueprint

By Larry Margasak
Associated Press Writer
Wednesday, December 30, 1998; 11:45 a.m. EST

WASHINGTON (AP) -- House prosecutors say they want to call witnesses at
President Clinton's impeachment trial, which could begin Jan. 7 under a
blueprint that Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott proposed to Democrats.

The all-Republican prosecution team, holding its first strategy session
Tuesday, did not decide who might be summoned to testify before the Senate,
several of its members said. The House now must await a Senate timetable
and a decision on whether witnesses will be permitted.

In interviews with The Associated Press, neither Lott nor Senate Democratic
leader Tom Daschle endorsed the plan of the 13-member prosecution team to
call witnesses.

Lott said he believed a trial could be held without witnesses. ``Are
witnesses required? I don't think so,'' he told the AP.

Senators from both parties have said they wanted to avoid a trial longer
than several weeks, and it was unclear whether a decision to allow
witnesses would make a quick trial impossible.

Sen. Mike DeWine, R-Ohio, said today that censuring Clinton would weaken
the presidency.

If a Senate trial was short-circuited by censure, the president's defenders
would view the House impeachment vote as ``a naked exercise of partisan
political power,'' but would never have a chance to win acquittal for
Clinton, DeWine said. ``And those who wish to remove the president will
forever be denied the opportunity to be heard by the Senate.

``Denied the closure of a trial, I fear that censure would not end the
civic ugliness in which we are currently mired,'' he said.

Lott has begun addressing a timetable, said a Senate Democratic leadership
source, speaking on condition of anonymity. Lott told Daschle that the
trial could get its ceremonial start on Jan. 7, with senators getting sworn
in as jurors by Chief Justice William Rehnquist, the source said. The trial
could begin in earnest Jan. 11, under Lott's plan.

The source said Daschle, D-S.D., has not agreed to the dates and neither
has the White House. But the proposal shows that the Senate is prepared to
move fast to try Clinton on two articles of impeachment -- accusing him of
grand jury perjury and obstruction of justice in attempting to conceal an
extramarital affair with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky.

Rep. Bill McCollum, R-Fla., a senior member of the team of so-called
managers, said a consensus emerged on calling witnesses without any formal
votes in Tuesday's closed-door session.

``There was no show of hands. But I am anticipating, based on everything
we've discussed in there today, that there would be witnesses, we would
present witnesses. I don't think there's any question about that,'' he told

Although no one was discussing names publicly, potential witnesses
conceivably could include Ms. Lewinsky, presidential secretary Betty Currie
and presidential friend Vernon Jordan.

Lott said he wants senators to vote on removing Clinton from office before
seriously considering censure as an alternative. ``I would prefer that
there would be a vote on the articles of impeachment,'' he said.

Daschle said the question about witnesses hadn't been resolved. ``It's fair
to say that Senator Lott and I are both comfortable with proceeding without
witnesses,'' he said, adding that it was a matter that would have to be
discussed in party caucuses.

He also said he has asked some senators to draft censure resolutions.
``There are a lot of different wordings. There are a lot of different
scenarios,'' he said.

At the White House, advisers were encouraged by the extensive talk of
censure among senators. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch,
R-Utah, said a censure would be ``a powerful tool'' against Clinton.

Speaking at a business seminar in Seatac, Wash., Hatch said Monday that
censure was ``the only option left'' because two-thirds of the Senate would
not vote to convict Clinton and remove him from office.

One adviser to the White House, who spoke only on condition of anonymity,
said Clinton's defense team would like the chance to ``dissect the
evidence'' in an opening presentation.

The adviser said some in the White House were interested in seeing how many
senators might vote in favor of recessing the trial, if such a motion was
made early on.

``If there are 38 votes or 40 votes, that might send a signal that there
can't be a conviction and add pressure to accept censure,'' said the
adviser, describing one scenario that has been discussed.

Only 34 of the 100 senators are needed to assure Clinton's acquittal. There
will be 45 Democratic senators and 55 Republicans in the new Congress.

The House team has several formal prosecutors who said their professional
experience told them that witnesses were needed -- especially in areas
where Clinton's defense team contests the documentary evidence.

``I personally, as a 

[CTRL] Euro(n) the Way

1998-12-30 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From Int'l Herald Tribune

Paris, Monday, December 28, 1998

As Europe Aligns Its Currencies, Disunity Persists in Pricing


By Edmund L. Andrews New York Times Service

KRONBERG, Germany - Klaus Gossens built his career by thinking more like a
European than a German. As head of European trade management at Braun AG,
he has nurtured one of the best-known European brand names for such
household gadgets as coffeemakers, spice-grinders and electric shavers.

So, as much of Europe takes a huge step toward unity by introducing a
single currency, the euro, why is Mr. Gossens worried?

His problem is pricing. A Braun Flex Integral shaver sells for about $90 in
Spain, $103 in the Netherlands, $118 in Germany and $124 in France. There
are similar variations for countless other products, from Chanel perfume to
Volkswagen sedans to Levi's jeans to Bayer aspirin.

And French or German consumers are not the only ones who pay more. Europe's
biggest retailers themselves often pay their suppliers different prices in
different countries.

''Until now, buyers tolerated those differences,'' Mr. Gossens said at
Braun's headquarters in Kronberg, north of Frankfurt. ''But they aren't
tolerating them anymore. We are entering a situation where everything is
very transparent. If I am a buyer and I don't get satisfactory answers
about prices, I'll go off to another company.''

That may sound like Economics 101, but until recently Europeans have been
fighting it. Though the European Union abolished most trade barriers among
member countries several years ago, European retail markets remain
stubbornly balkanized.

Now, as 11 countries prepare to start using the euro as their common
currency Friday, the crazy-quilt system has become a battleground. The euro
should theoretically make it much easier to compare prices and to pounce on
discrepancies. It is also likely to give a new lift to cross-border
transactions within Europe, because it will eliminate exchange-rate
fluctuations and the cost of hedging against them.

Though the new bills and coins will not begin circulating until 2002, the
euro is already quite real. The participating countries - Germany, France,
Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Austria, Spain, Portugal,
Ireland and Finland - will permanently lock their exchange rates to the
euro on New Year's Eve and surrender control over monetary policy to the
new European Central Bank. Some stores already are posting prices in euros
and plan to start dealing in euros on credit-card purchases as early as
next week. Banks are required to let their customers keep their accounts in
euros or the local currency, and all interbank transfers will be cleared in

Companies such as DaimlerChrysler AG and Siemens AG are converting their
books and prodding suppliers to deal in euros as quickly as possible.

Big retailers such as Carrefour SA in France and Metro AG in Germany are
beefing up their computer systems to catch suppliers' pricing
discrepancies. Car companies are grudgingly bringing prices into closer
alignment from country to country. Computer manufacturers, generating more
sales through the borderless Internet, are doing the same.

Still, those who expect Adam Smith's invisible hand to swiftly eliminate
price differences are likely to be disappointed. European prices are rooted
in big social and institutional differences that companies have learned to

Consumer buying power, for example, is much weaker in Spain and Portugal,
where personal incomes are about 25 percent lower than the European
average. Aspirin is more expensive in Germany in part because laws aimed at
protecting small pharmacies prohibit supermarkets from selling it.
Groceries are expensive in Paris; the city has prohibited high-volume
hypermarkets within its boundaries. Sales taxes and luxury taxes also vary.

''I think the euro will bring lower prices over all but that the price
differences will be more or less the ones we have right now,'' said
Stephane Douchy, a market analyst at Test-Achats, a consumer research
association based in Brussels.

With the euro, ''there will be greater price transparency,'' added Harald
Muenzberg, a retail industry expert at Gemini Consulting in Bad Homburg,
Germany. Still, he said, it will remain ''relatively difficult'' to figure
out prices.

''There are many different prices for many different products,'' he added.
''There are discounts, advertising allowances, rebates. All of that leads
to different pricing.''

For people such as Mr. Gossens of Braun, which is owned by Gillette Corp.,
it adds up to big struggles ahead. ''Our customers are coming to us and
saying, 'We want to pay the lowest prices possible,''' he said. ''But what
is that?''

The customers Mr. Gossens has in mind are people such as Vincent de Meaux,

[CTRL] Impeachment Resources

1998-12-30 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


one can read all about impeachment

The Internet carries only a limited amount of reputable information on
impeachment and censure. For those interested in developing a better
understanding of these processes, JURIST: The Law Professors' Network
recommends resources in the following categories:

•Impeachment Primers: guides for the perplexed
•Constitutional and Statutory Provisions on Impeachment: black-letter law
•Impeachments in History: including Andrew Johnson and Watergate
•Impeachment Procedures: Senate trial, general process
•Cases on Impeachment: from the Supreme Court of the United States
•Censure: selections from Censure: A JURIST Mini-Guide
•Clinton Controversy: the present crisis
•Academic Opinion: what law professors are saying
•Public Opinion: polls + your comments; contact your member of Congress
•Further Reading: recommended books and articles


The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] United States of Urantia

1998-12-30 Thread Dave Ford

 -Caveat Lector-

Kind of reminds you of the horse hockey that the bible spews out or what the
believers say that you should believe in any way.  The same kind of research
done there brings up the same questions of believability.  Many so called
facts are just that, so called.   Much of what is written in the bible occured
many years after the death of Jesus [new testement I mean] .  Fact,  folklore,
embellished ideas to fit a certain groups core beliefs,  background,
socialization, or opinions.
Some say the bible is inspired writings, I`m sure it is.  But directly from
god?  That`s open to interpretation of the reader.  The old testement is a
wonderful  series of stories of a certain people`s history.
I would certainly bet that handyman has never even flipped through the Urantia
book. much less read it.  This book is open to a person`s  own interpretations
and beliefs but you must first it read before you can interpret or judge it.
It won`t bite you.
Some people think that the Urantia book is for forward looking individuals, a
college course if you will, and that the bible was just a warm up, a primer.
You should read and judge things for youself .   Who knows,maybe there is
something to learn here.And what`s wrong with learning something even
something new?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] nurev learning about birth control pills

1998-12-30 Thread EASTERISLE

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/30/98 7:46:04 PM, you wrote:

Huh?  Most of the women I know who are on the pill have chosen to be on
it, not because their 'man' has demanded it..  They see it as a personal
choice that allows them to decide what happens to their bodies.  I admit
that there are risks involved n the pill..

True, most women CHOOSE to take the pill, but it's only because no other safe,
equally effective method has been developed, 100% for lack of trying. Methinks
medical science could come up with a better way to control fertility, what
with all their fantastic god-like technology. And most of the women I've
spoken to on the issue begrudge the fact that better methods haven't been
developed. There's a conspiracy for you. With 80,000 women being diagnosed
with breast cancer every year, you've gotta look hard at something like


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] nurev learning about birth control pills

1998-12-30 Thread KA

 -Caveat Lector-

On Wed, 30 Dec 1998, Jim Kinney wrote:
Huh?  Most of the women I know who are on the pill have chosen to be on
it, not because their 'man' has demanded it..  They see it as a personal
choice that allows them to decide what happens to their bodies.

I wonder what he has to say about those women who voluntarily choose to
have their tubes tied as a method of permanent birthcontrol...


   Ring out the old, ring in the new,
 Ring happy bells, across the snow;
 The year is going, let him go;
   Ring out the false, ring in the true.

 -- Tennyson:  In Memoriam

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] DISPATCH # 113 -- the weekly newsletter of ParaScope

1998-12-30 Thread ParaScope

 -Caveat Lector-

S O M E T H I N G   S T R A N G E   I S   H A P P E N I N G


Quotes of the Year

In an extended year-end quote collection, this edition of the ParaScope
Dispatch offers a tiny sampling of how some of the TV's most highly paid
psychics (often called "political commentators") were less accurate than a
Magic 8-Ball during 1998.

"If he's not telling the truth...his presidency is numbered in days. This
thing is not going to drag outIf he's not telling the trutch and the
evidence shows that, [he] will resign, perhaps this week."

--Longtime critic of wasteful federal spending and recipient of government
subsidies for his New Mexico ranch, ABC's Sam Donaldson on President Bill
Clinton's future, Jan. 25, 1998


"There is, ladies and gentlemen, absolutely no possibility that a so-called
'semen-stained dress' exists."

--Former Ku Klux Klan chair-catcher and discoverer of Al Capone's empty vault,
now CNBC's not-ready-for-NBC-primetime gabmeister Geraldo Rivera, a self-
admitted "friend" and Clinton-booster, July 8, 1998.


"There will be no impeachment hearings before January 1999."

--Bombastic prognosticator and General Electric (owner of NBC) corporate
lapdog, John "WRONG!" McLaughlin, July 31, 1998.


"It's going to be Custer's Last Stand for the Democrats in November. They will
be absolutely obliterated."

Former Clinton pollster, political advisor and prostitute aficionado turned TV
whore and political commentator Dick Morris, Sept. 14, 1998.


Rant of the Week: “Just Do It”

Every week we pick the wackiest, scariest, nastiest or funniest rant from the
hundreds of letters received by us here at ParaScope headquarters, and present
it to you as our Rant of the Week. This week, “Pogel” points out that actions
speak louder than words, as evidenced by Hitler, the Jews, and the grass, or
the roots, or the grassroots. Or something like that. Enjoy.

"Hallo ! people been writing for 2,000 years,not many did something about it.
the last one was HITLER and look what the goveernments did. all because they
were under jewish control,so they commited all the crimes. working for jews
,they brought genocite to the german people and the decline of the west,and we
are so stupit and pay for it. if the upper classes are not willing to do
anything,then who will??? the grass root?they dont have any leader ship. so
stop writing and do it over throw the government,that is the only way. good


All rants are printed “as is,” with spelling and grammar goofs left
uncorrected. Some rants may be edited for brevity or clarity, to the extent
such a thing is possible. If you’ve got a rant you’d like to share, send it to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with “possible rant” in the subject line of your letter.


Coming Up This Week!

Catch a number of great stories this week on the ParaScope web and AOL sites,
including daily updates to our Conspiracy Newsline and Daily Dose features.
Among the articles you'll want to check out:

Fortean Slips: "Deep Space Slips" Special Edition!

Outer Space Underwear Overload: The greatest danger facing astronauts isn't G-
forces or malfunctioning oxygen tanks -- it's their dirty underwear.

In the Oily Days of Evolution: What does the geological origin of petroleum
have to do with the biological origin of life on Earth? And is it possible
that oil will prove that extraterrestrial life exists?

Stonehenge's Asteroid Defense Initiative: An astronomer claims to have
discovered the true purpose of Stonehenge -- to serve as an early-warning
system for asteroids and meteors on a collision course with Earth!


Subliminal CIA?

In 1958, the American public faced a frightening question: could subliminal
messages be used to influence the unsuspecting? The anecdotal evidence seemed
to confirm the Big Brotherish power of subliminals. Naturally, the CIA checked
it out. Dossier revisits the dawn of the mind wars, with an updated special
report -- complete with documentation -- that unveils the secret story of the
agency's investigation of hidden persuasion.


Kidding Gullible Believers: The Truth Behind the "KGB UFO Files"

Hollywood loves sequels, so it shouldn't be surprising, after the high-ratings
hoopla surrounding the Ray Santilli "alien autopsy" footage a couple of years
ago, that a new UFOlogical blockbuster was recently unleashed. On September
13, cable network TNT broadcast "The Secret KGB UFO Files," a slick and
entertaining  program hosted by Roger Moore. And while this program featured
some interesting Soviet Air Force gun camera footage, the bulk of it was spent
in an excruciating examination of yet another "UFO crash/alien autopsy" farce.
J. Antonio Huneeus, who was interviewed for the program, shares his authentic
views of this bogus footage, and explains how his on-camera comments were
edited to give the appearance that he believed the footage was real, when he
in fact 

[CTRL] Copyright Fair use provisions

1998-12-30 Thread Jabriol

 -Caveat Lector-


I am looking into copyrights, and the abilty to use intersting articles,
solely for the purpose of information and education. on private
distribution list.

example.. new articles in particular

thank you in advance

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Polls

1998-12-30 Thread JYester

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/30/98 12:42:01 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 After having read
  "Votescam" by the Collier brothers (both are now dead)

The book was a bombshell, but I somehow missed the fact that they BOTH are now
dead? Do you have details?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Urantia : The Great Cult Mystery

1998-12-30 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

reviews/0879759550/rileygenterpriseA/002-3013855-6230800" Reviews:
Urantia : The Great Cult M /A
One point of view, with a couple of others thrown in for good measure.

Urantia : The Great Cult Mystery
by Martin Gardner
Try express shopping with
1-ClickSM and Gift Click Our Price: $19.57
You Save: $8.38 (30%)
Usually ships in 2-3 days
Hardcover - (April 1995) 445 pages

 at a glance  reviews  customer comments  if you like this book...
table of contents
Keyword Search
Full search: Books, Music, or Video

Urantia : The Great Cult Mystery
by Martin Gardner
Try express shopping with
1-ClickSM and Gift Click Our Price: $19.57
You Save: $8.38 (30%)
Usually ships in 2-3 days
Hardcover - (April 1995) 445 pages

Table of Contents
1. The Urantia Book
2. Dr. William Sadler
3. Dr. John Kellogg
4. Ellen White's Plagiarisms
5. The Living Temple
6. Wilfred Custer Kellogg
7. The Revelation Begins
8. Harold Sherman and Harry Loose
10. Science in The Urantia Book, Part I
11. Science in The Urantia Book, Part II
12. Adventist Influence on The Urantia Book
13. Sadler and Sister White
14. Did Sadler Contribute to the Papers? Part I
15. Did Sadler Contribute to the Papers? Part II
16. Plagiarisms in The Urantia Book
17. Bitter Schisms
18. Joe Pope and the New Teachers
19. The Great Rebellion
App. A. Books by William Sadler, Sr.
App. B. Books by Harold Sherman
App. C. Sherman's Letter to Sadler
App. D. The Story of Joseph of Arimathaea
App. E. Unusual Words and Phrases that Sadler and The Urantia Book Have
in Common
App. F. Acknowledgments
Name Index

The media has temporarily turned its large but constantly blinking eye
away from cult-of-the-day reportage after the Waco conflagration, but
such organizations continue to collect adherents. Martin Gardner, best
known as mathematical-games-meister for Scientific American, turns his
refreshingly unblinking gaze on the origin and continuing growth of the
Urantian cult, whose members believe they are receiving corrigenda to
the Bible from celestial beings. A marvellous study of the ways in which
the zaniest ideas can be propagated through society.
From Booklist , April 1, 1995
The Urantia Book is at the center of one of the more interesting
esoteric American sects in a century full to bursting with them. As
such, it was bound to attract premier debunker Gardner's attention.
Gardner begins by regrettably briefly recapitulating the book itself and
 summarizing the history of the Urantians' connections with Sister Ellen
White and the Seventh-Day Adventists and other fin de sie{…}cle
religionists, and he closes with a panorama of the present state of the
Urantia movement and its reforms and schisms. But Gardner uses the core
of his text to establish, by textual analysis and other tools, Dr.
William Sadler as The Urantia Book's main, if not sole, author. Whether
he succeeds in this endeavor each reader will decide individually; his
case is certainly remarkably compelling. There are a few flaws, for the
sheer weight of facts unearthed by his research sometimes overpowers the
thread of his argument. And sometimes Gardner allows himself to wax
sarcastic at an especially egregious example of inanity. But then, who
wouldn't? Dennis Winters
Copyright© 1995, American Library Association. All rights reserved

Martin Gardner, one of America's most acclaimed science writers, has
here compiled the first complete history of a growing, modern religious
cult. Gardner traces the cult's beginnings back to its "bible," The
Urantia Book, a book supposedly revealed solely by celestial beings to
correct the flaws in the traditional Bible. Published in 1955 under the
direction of cult leader Dr. William Sadler, The Urantia Book (Urantia
is the cult's name for the earth) is the largest work ever said to have
been channeled by unseen higher beings through human contacts. It
differs from earlier channeled "bibles" in that it contains a vast
amount of modern science as well as a detailed biography of Jesus
Christ, complete with facts not found in the Gospels. As a result, many
scientists and scholars are dedicated Urantians. In addition to
discussing the beliefs of the Urantia cult, Gardner reveals two major
developments that threaten to splinter the movement. The first is a
sectarian rift that has split the movement into two major competing
factions. The second is the growing belief of hundreds of Urantians that
they, too, are receiving their own messages from the celestials, who
they claim are preparing Urantia for a new revelation intended to usher
in a utopia of