[CTRL] Fwd: Weekly Analysis -- April 12, 1999

1999-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan


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Global Intelligence Update
April 12, 1999

Weekly Analysis: Asia in the Global System


There were more important things going on than Kosovo last week.
The U.S.-Chinese summit turns our attention to core global
issues, such as the relationship between the United States on one
hand and the two great Eurasian powers, Russia and China, on the
other hand.  The prognosis is not good.


As the war in Kosovo lurches on, there remain broader and more
lasting issues to consider than the mysteries of NATO policy
making.  More important matters were being dealt with in
Washington as President Clinton met with Chinese Premier Zhu
Rongji.   Beyond the question of U.S.-Chinese relations, the
entire issue of Asia's status in the world system was on the
table.  To be sure, there was a fundamental connection between
the events in Kosovo and the summit in Washington.  The fate of
Kosovo province is, from a broad perspective, quite unimportant.
What is most significant about Kosovo is that it is the occasion
of the first, sharp disagreement between the United States and
Russia since the collapse of the Soviet Union.  As U.S.-Russian
relations deteriorate, U.S.-Chinese relations necessarily
improve. Russia and China are in the process of entering into
what they call a "strategic alliance" whose primary purpose, in
our opinion, is to limit the power of the United States globally,
and particularly in Eurasia.  Indeed, depending on how far this
relationship goes, we could be seeing the reemergence of the
Eurasian pact that seemed to be in place from 1948 until about
1962.  We have spent a great deal of time recently discussing the
evolution of events in Russia, but relatively little discussing
Asia.  Zhu's visit is an opportunity to consider the other part
of the Eurasian geopolitical equation and, more importantly, the
role of Asia.

1998 was very much the year of Asia and economics. It was as if
the entire globe was obsessed with one issue: how bad will the
Asian meltdown be and how badly will it affect the rest of the
world?  In a sense, the obsession has died down because we have
the answer. The Asian meltdown is extremely serious, but it is
more serious for some countries than others. From a global
perspective, it has been a depressant, but not a terrible
depressant. Neither Europe nor the United States has been dragged
into recession by the decline in Asia and it appears that if
recession is in the cards for either, the causes will be cyclical
and internal, rather than of Asian origin.  In other words, Asia
turned out to be much more important to Asia than to the global
economy.  No doubt many sectors in the United States and Europe
were badly hurt by the Asian depression, but there is no escaping
the fact that, taken as a whole, the broad claims of global
interdependence did not bear up to empirical or historical

This logically reduces the importance of Asia to the world, at
least on the economic level. We have seen Asia collapse in
extreme and unexpected ways, and the consequences to the rest of
the world were simply not that important, when taken as a whole.
With that information integrated into the global knowledge base,
it was inevitable that Asia, understood in primarily economic
terms, would be relegated to a secondary role. Whether Asia
recovers and to what extent, is an important issue, but not an
earth shaking one. The earth will do quite well under any

Now, there is no question but that Asia has bottomed out for the
short-term. What is less clear is whether the bottoming is merely
the beginning of a cyclical upturn in a general downtrend or
whether it represents a historical bottom from which new heights
will be reached. In our view it is likely the former rather than
the latter. Japan, far more than China, remains the engine
driving the Asian economy. Japan has not made serious strides to
solve its problems. Indeed, it has been moving in the opposite
direction by reducing Bank of Japan rates to absurdly low levels
in a desperate attempt to stabilize the banking system. As a
consequence of this strategy, Japan deals with a short-term
problem at the expense of exacerbating the long-term problem.

Japan's fundamental problem remains extraordinary economic
inefficiency as reflected in unsupportable rates of return on
capital. The inefficiency of Japan's economy means both that its
ability to generate investment capital internally is severely
limited and that its ability to utilize what investment capital
it has available is similarly limited. As a result, Japan is like
a bird that just can't get off the ground.  Japan is now in a
historical bind, which means that it will continue to fall
behind.  It is in a downward 

[CTRL] NATO Ministers Meet

1999-04-12 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "NATO drew up a plan for landing ground troops in Kosovo as far back as
last summer ... "

NATO Foreign Ministers Gather

.c The Associated Press

BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) -- With no end to the air war against Yugoslavia in
sight, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and fellow NATO foreign
ministers gathered at alliance headquarters today for a brief show of unity.

The 19 NATO foreign ministers want to use the meeting, called by Albright
last week, to show Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic that the alliance is
holding together despite his tough resistance to the bombing campaign, now in
its 19th day.

Arriving in Brussels on Sunday, Albright said the Serbian onslaught against
ethnic Albanians in Kosovo means fewer Serb troops will be permitted to
remain in the province than previously proposed.

In another policy shift bound to anger Milosevic, Albright did not rule out
partitioning Kosovo as part of a settlement, provided there are ways to
protect Orthodox Christian holy sites.

``Lots of parts of Rambouillet have been overtaken by events,'' Albright said
of the accord, negotiated outside Paris, that was rejected by the Serbs and
accepted by the Kosovo Albanians last month.

Albright said ``there has to be recognition'' of the Serb offensive that has
forced the expulsion of more than one-third of the ethnic Albanians in what
the United States has denounced as a ``scorched-earth'' campaign.

More than 100 fresh aircraft were en route to the war zone to step up the air
operations against Yugoslav army and police forces who have been waging a
systematic campaign to empty Kosovo of its ethnic Albanian inhabitants.

Military and political leaders insist the airstrikes have been effective in
damaging the Yugoslav military's support network, and in recent days, hitting
ground forces in Kosovo.

Military briefers say Serb activity in Kosovo has slowed and that most
Yugoslav forces are now dispersing and defending against the allied air

Senior NATO diplomats say the four-hour foreign ministers' meeting will
stress the need for a political solution for the province and its 2 million
inhabitants, 90 percent of whom are ethnic Albanians.

Albright was also expected to meet later today with rebel Kosovo Liberation
Army representative Jakup Krasniqi.

What kind of political agreement is now possible in Kosovo is a much more
difficult question than it was just three weeks ago. Originally, the basis
for any settlement was the agreement worked out at Rambouillet in February
and March. That agreement called for a wide autonomy for the province within

Now, as one NATO ambassador put it, the Rambouillet framework is looking less
realistic, but so far no viable alternatives have emerged.

The introduction of ground forces in Kosovo is a subject that will not go
away. Officially, NATO says ground troops will only enter the province in a
``permissive environment,'' either as part of the originally planned NATO
implementation force or some sort of force to escort refugees back.

NATO considered plans for a land invasion of Kosovo as far back as last
summer, one among a large number of options studied at the time. That plan
was put on the shelf and so far, senior diplomats say, no one has proposed
reviving it. Nonetheless, much of the military analysis for a ground
intervention has been done. Initiating one, however, would take considerable

In what one top NATO diplomat described as ``an interesting role reversal,''
some members of Congress have been calling for ground forces and several
other allies seem ready to go that way.

For the moment, however, both political and military officials say the air
campaign has a lot of time left before it will have run its course.

Another problem faced by the ministers is the harmful effect the bombing is
having on relations with Russia. Moscow has severed relations with NATO and
most of the activities of the NATO-Russia Permanent Joint Council, created
two years ago in Paris, have been put on hold.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] After-the-War Scenarios

1999-04-12 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "The Serbs and elements of the Kosovo Liberation Army are likely to
CONTINUE fighting and seek to rearm for future war -- the Yugoslavs with the
aid of Russian nationalists and the KLA with possible help from Muslims in
Iran ...
 "30,000 NATO peacekeepers have been stationed in Bosnia for FOUR YEARS
now -- and still no end to their mission is in sight."

Post-War Kosovo Scenarios Eyed

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- When NATO bombs and missiles stop striking Serb military
targets across Yugoslavia, what might the political map of the Serbian
province of Kosovo look like? And who will be living there?

Foreign policy analysts suggest four leading scenarios for the province's
future once the conflict between the military alliance and Yugoslav President
Slobodan Milosevic's forces ends:

A NATO-led force accompanies ethnic Albanians back into Kosovo after Serb
army and police forces pull out of the province. This is the most optimistic
picture and tracks the Clinton administration's goals.

The Albanian Kosovars, a majority of the province's population, would live in
peace but in a devastated land that would need international help to be
rebuilt. Living under NATO or U.N. protection for at least several years, the
Kosovars may or may not gain the autonomy NATO is pushing for -- or the
independence for which they have been fighting.

Milosevic's forces hunker down and absorb the NATO pounding while mopping up
their ethnic cleansing campaign, which could slow or even stop. Serbs have
swept about half the 2 million people out of Kosovo since February 1998 --
the majority since NATO airstrikes began March 24.

NATO could declare it has achieved its military goal of degrading Serb forces
until they no longer threaten Kosovars in the province, which once was 10
percent Serbian. Refugees in neighboring nations or European camps might
never return.

Milosevic negotiates a peace deal -- perhaps with the help of a friendly
nation such as Russia -- to withdraw Serb forces from all or part of Kosovo
and allow refugees to return under international protection. This could
result in a real or de facto partition along ethnic lines or demilitarized

Speaking to reporters Sunday, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright did not
rule out a partition of Kosovo, so long as there are ways to protect Orthodox
Christian sites. But Defense Secretary William Cohen and White House chief of
staff John Podesta, in separate television interviews, dismissed any idea of

NATO airstrikes, alone or with ground troops, drive Serb forces from Kosovo.
President Clinton has repeatedly ruled out ground troops for such an
operation, although a growing number of members of Congress want him to
consider it.

Ethnic Albanians could return, enjoying de facto or real independence with a
demilitarized no-man's land between Serbia and Kosovo guarded by
international peacekeepers.

But war is messy and politics unpredictable, and almost anything can happen
-- from the war spreading to neighboring Macedonia and Albania and beyond, to
the Western-leaning Montenegro government splitting from Yugoslavia, leaving
Serbia alone in the onetime six-nation federation that mostly dissolved in
earlier this decade.

``This is a long, drawn-out chess game. We may know two or three moves in
advance, but not much beyond that,'' said Janusz Bugajski, director of East
European studies at the private Center for Strategic and International
Studies in Washington.

Anthony Cordesman, also at the center, said none of the possible outcomes is
``particularly attractive'' because the United States and NATO would be left
more deeply entangled in the Balkans than ever, and for years to come.

For four years, 30,000 NATO peacekeepers have been stationed in Bosnia and no
end is in sight for their mission. Proposed for Kosovo is a 28,000-member
NATO-led force, including 4,000 Americans.

The Serbs and the most radical elements of the Kosovo Liberation Army also
will likely continue fighting in pockets of Kosovo or Yugoslavia and seek to
rearm for future war -- the Yugoslavs with the aid of Russian nationalists
and the KLA with possible help from Muslims in Iran, Cordesman said.

Bosnia and Macedonia -- both former Yugoslav states -- could be further
destabilized as the possibility of Kosovo independence remains ``a time
bomb,'' he said.

Ivo Daalder, a former White House official who worked on Bosnia matters,
views the most likely outcome under current conditions as partition of Kosovo
populated by returned ethnic Albanians, allowing both NATO and Milosevic to
declare a measure of victory.

NATO would not accept Serb control of a Kosovo emptied of most of its ethnic
Albanians because it would be too great a blow to the 19-nation alliance on
its 50th anniversary and in its first offensive military campaign, said
Daalder, now affiliated with the Brookings Institution.

CTRL is a 

[CTRL] Former CIA Director Under Investigation

1999-04-12 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Justice, CIA Probe Ex-Chief Deutch

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- CIA technicians found 31 secret files in the unsecured
personal computer at the home of the former Director John Deutch shortly
after he stepped down as the nation's top spy, it was reported Sunday.

The Central Intelligence Agency turned the case over to the Justice
Department, which investigated for a year before deciding not to file
charges, Newsweek magazine said.

The Justice Department returned the case to the CIA, which Newsweek said was
preparing a critical report and considering revocation of Deutch's security

Agency spokesman Bill Harlow said he was familiar with the Newsweek story but
could not comment. The newsmagazine said Deutch would not comment, and a call
to his Massachusetts home was not returned immediately Sunday.

Quoting Justice Department sources, the magazine said Deutch's mishandling of
classified material came to light shortly after he resigned in December 1996.
He was to continue as a consultant.

Agency technicians went to his home for a routine check to ensure CIA
procedures were being followed to protect secrets, Newsweek said in its issue
appearing on newsstands Monday. They found 31 classified national security
documents on his personal computer, even though he had a secure agency
computer at home, the report said.

During the Justice Department investigation, Deutch was reappointed to a
federal panel that studies how to combat proliferation of weapons of mass
destruction and was given top security clearances, Newsweek said.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Former CIA Director Under Investigation

1999-04-12 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Isn't the real question why he transferred documents from a CIA Secure
Computer to his own "personal" computer; had he sent these documents to

This amounts to theft in office, does it not the moment this material
was transferred, which obviously it had to be transferred, to his own
personal computer, which means for his own personal use?

Who is selling the secrets?


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Opening the Tomb of Jesus

1999-04-12 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

The Church of the Holy Sepulcre was built more than 300 years after
the death of Jesus. The spot was picked at random. No one knows where
Jesus was buried.

This story is religious wishful thinking.


Kris Millegan wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 A HREF="http://www.sightings.com/ufo2/jesus.htm"SIGHTINGS/A

 Opening the Tomb of Jesus
 By David Yount
 © 1999 Scripps Howard News Service

 The opening of Jesus' tomb in Jerusalem may be imminent, and if
 Christendom is not enthralled by the prospect, it is little wonder. The
 whole point of the Christian faith is that the tomb is empty. As the
 angel announced, "He is not here; he has risen."

 Still, there is expectancy that the tomb will reveal artwork or other
 signs of veneration by the earliest believers in Christ's resurrection.
 No one has laid eyes on the tomb for nearly two centuries, and the dawn
 of the third Christian millennium seems to be a fitting time to
 rediscover the site.

 The tomb is believed to rest within an edicule (or "little house")
 within Jerusalem's Church of the Holy Sepulcher. The surrounding shrine
 is an ornate 19th century construction in danger of collapse. It was
 damaged by fire in 1808 and further weakened by an earthquake in 1927,
 after which a makeshift framework of steel girders was erected to prop
 it up.

 The reason the grave has gone so long unopened is because competing
 church authorities with rights over the sepulcher have seldom agreed on
 anything. But they did authorize a new dome in 1996 and now plan
 extensive internal renovations.

 Martin Biddle, a 62-year-old Oxford professor of medieval archaeology,
 predicts the next step will be to bring down and rebuild the edicule,
 exposing the tomb. Biddle and his wife have spent a decade surveying the
 site, using ancient sources and modern photogrammetry. They are
 convinced that beneath four internal coverings is the burial place
 excavated by the Emperor Constantine in 325.

 "Originally the tomb was burrowed into a rocky hill slope," Biddle
 recently told Stuart Wavell of the Sunday Times of London. "Constantine
 cut away all the rock except a plug containing the rock-cut tomb. It was
 that plug which he embellished with marble decoration, and the remains
 of which are inside the edicule."

 Constantine's shrine survived for 600 years before its destruction in
 1009. Since then, there have been three further constructions enclosing
 the tomb.

 "Once the outer skin is off," Biddle predicts, "I think that will leave
 a kind of jagged tooth, which will be the wreck of the previous edicule.
 Then, poking out of that will be the remains of the original rock-cut
 tomb, about five feet high. It will probably include a shelf sticking
 out from a rock wall."

 The tomb appears to have been accessible to believers for a century
 following the crucifixion, until Hadrian had it covered with rubble to
 erect a pagan temple in 135. Then, about 30 years before Constantine's
 excavation, the scholar Eusebius located Golgotha, the place of Jesus'
 crucifixion, leading the emperor's engineers to discover the gravesite.

 Biddle does not believe the tomb will tell us anything we do not already
 know about Jesus. "I believe Jesus was a historical figure who is very
 well-evidenced," he says. "Not many people have four different, almost
 contemporary biographies that survive."

 David Yount's latest book is ''Spiritual Simplicity'' (Simon 
 Schuster). Visit him at www.erols.com/dyount.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Re: [CTRL] Clinton Urged to Plan Ground War

1999-04-12 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

Amelia Kay Edgeman wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 Joshua 2,
 Now we must persuade/convince Clinton to use ground forces!! In a war we
 have no business being in to begin with.  Why do i keep getting a
 picture of those running this fiasco somewhere giggling hysterically
 sayig, "Now, lets see if they will beg us to send in ground troops!  Ha,
 ha, ha.  They are sooo stupid!" laughing at "us" the average American
 taxpayers who are paying for a war we don't want to begin with.

It's called elitism Amelia, and every nation, country, tribe, or group
has their elite. They are usually intelligent competent and ambitious.
They know that they are smarter than most people. Once they achieve
in their group they come to believe that they deserve it.

The truth is that the average American IS too stupid to deal with the
complexities of world domination. The average American is still a
while the elites have already moved on to being internationalists.

Democracy and institutionalized elitism don't mix. One MUST dominate
other. Well, it's obvious that average Americans aren't the ones in
even if the Constitution says we are supposed to be.

 we have been watching Monica, the Chinese have been carting all the
 goods out the back door.  Now, instead of whether we should be there at
 all, we are debating whether or not to send ground troops.

 Speaking of which, they will be going right into the depleted uranium,
 won't they?

I'm seeing reports that allege NATO's use of DU.

 Can we ask troops to go into an area just bombed with this
 stuff?  I wouldn't want to go.  But then I didn't want it used to begin
 with.  But then what I think doesn't count with the "powers that be."
 We've been distracted with Monica, all the other stuff while the Chinese
 steal everything and our attention is diverted aways to something flashy
 and bright

Don't blame the Chinese for being smart. All countries spy on each
and try to steal important information. Blame American Big Business
has a long history of treason. Blame the corporations' political elite
who are all bought. Bob Dole is a front man for the Croats and has
laws intended to cripple the Serbs. Every country that can afford it
an American politician. Don't blame those countries. Blame the

It is unfortunate that several countries own our President. It is more
unfortunate that some of those are our potential enemies.

 while in the shadows all kinds of things go on, like the
 Iraqi children dying by the thousands.  Are we going to Angola,

 Also, isn't our own War Between the States an example of a nation being
 held together/preserve the union at all cost?  That would make the Pres
 of Yugo sort of like Lincoln.

It's OK to forcefully preserve the cohesion of your country unless you
are Russia or their cousins the Serbs.

 Maybe no ethnic cleansing per se (you
 never met my Grandmother) but plenty of homes burned over the heads of
 families in our own country (See Sherman's march, etc.)  I am not
 comparing the autrocities in Kosova (if they are as reported) with those
 of the civile war in this country.  What I am saying is that the
 philosophy is similar.
 Preserve the union at all costs.

By the way. Kosova is what you call it if you are pro Albanian
Kosovo is the province in southern Serbia. Pay attention how the
heads pronounce this word and get a hint as to what their bias is.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-04-12 Thread Phil Chapman

 -Caveat Lector-

Say Kris,

Is there any chance you could change your style so as to get around the
attachment prob?  Otherwise, enjoy the heck out of your posts.


-Original Message-
From: Kris Millegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, April 12, 1999 2:11 AM

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [MC] Beatles, Rock Roll and Mind Control: The Aquarian Conspiracy

1999-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan

A bit long but quite an interesting read!
Love  Light
--- FORWARD, Original message follows ---

Date: Monday, 12-Apr-99 05:02 AM

From: Rodger Stevenson \ Internet:([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Subject: PARA-DISCUSS: Beatles, RockRoll and Mind Control: The Aquarian

Paranormal Research Primer Discussion List

The Posting...

From: "Charmaine Ferreira - Apocalypse Project" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 13:54:12 -800
Subject: (Fwd) Beatles, RockRoll and Mind Control: The Aquarian Conspi
--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date:  Sat, 10 Apr 1999 21:36:48 EDT
Subject:   Beatles, RockRoll and Mind Control: The Aquarian
To:[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], debwright@kconline



Beatles, RockRoll and Mind Control

I am one of those who grew up with The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Bob
Dylan, Neil Young, Black Sabbath, Alice Cooper, Led Zeppelin etc. I
thought it was GREAT music and I was totally into it.

I am a musician and a composer myself, influenced from the artists and
groups above. At that time, in my teens and twenties I was not very well
 educated on the situation on this planet, even though I thought
something must be very wrong. Often I thought the rock musicians had the

I know many of you might feel the same and therefore you may get upset
about what I'm now going to tell you. But believe me, I've gone through
all that myself, and after all - I WAS a rock musician too. The story,
though, that I will tell you makes a whole lot of sense (unfortunately)
and the glamour of rock music fades quite a bit.

The following is an excerpt from Dr. John Coleman's excellent book "The
Committee of 300", which is very informative on the subject of the
Illuminati and is highly recommended. Very much of what he "predicted"
in the early 80's happened exactly the way he said it would. The book in
 itself is from the early 90's.

The Beatles and the

Aquarian Conspiracy

An outstanding example of social conditioning to accept change, even
when it is recognized as unwelcome change by the large population group
in the sights of Stanford Research Institute, was the "advent" of the
BEATLES. The Beatles were brought to the United States as part of a
social experiment which would subject large population groups to
brainwashing of which they were not even aware.

When Tavistock brought the Beatles to the United States nobody could
have imagined the cultural disaster that was to follow in their wake.
The Beatles were an integral part of "THE AQUARIAN CONSPIRACY," a living
 organism which sprang From "THE CHANGING IMAGES OF MAN," URH  (489)-
2150-Policy Research Report No. 4/4/74. Policy Report pre-pared by  SRI
Center for the study of Social Policy, Director, Professor Willis

The phenomenon of the Beatles was not a spontaneous rebellion by youth
against the old social system. Instead it was a carefully crafted plot
to introduce by a conspiratorial body which could not be identified, a
highly destructive and divisive element into a large population group
targeted for change against its will. New words and new  phrases--
prepared by Tavistock(1)-- were introduced to America along  with the
Beatles. Words such as "rock" in relation to music sounds,  "teenager,"
"cool," "discovered" and "pop music" were a lexicon of  disguised code
words signifying the acceptance of drugs and arrived with  and
accompanied the Beatles wherever they went, to be "discovered" by
"teenagers." Incidentally, the word "teenagers" was never used until
just before the Beatles arrived on the scene, courtesy of the Tavistock
Institute for Human Relations.

As in the case of gang wars, nothing could or would have been
accomplished without the cooperation of the media, especially the
electronic media and, in particular, the scurrilous Ed Sullivan who had
been coached by the conspirators as to the role he was to play. Nobody
would have paid much attention to the motley crew from Liverpool and the
 12-atonal system of "music" that was to follow had it not been for an
overabundance of press exposure. The 12-atonal system consisted of
heavy, repetitive sounds, taken from the music of the cult of Dionysus
and the Baal priesthood by Adorno and given a "modern" flavor by this
special friend of the Queen of England and hence the Committee of 300.

Tavistock and its Stanford Research Center created trigger words which
then came into general usage around "rock music" and its fans. Trigger
words created a distinct new break-away largely young population group
which was persuaded by social engineering and conditioning to believe
that the Beatles really were their favorite group. All trigger words
devised in the context of "rock music" were designed for 

[CTRL] Chinese Money Was Routed Through Lippo Link to the Clinton Campaign

1999-04-12 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

Chinese Money Was Routed Through Lippo Link to the Clinton Campaign - Chinese
military intelligence officers diverted illegal campaign donations to the
Clinton-Gore Re-Election Committee through a Hong Kong bank controlled by an
Indonesian family with long-standing ties to President Clinton, authorities
said. . .   Federal law enforcement officials, congressional investigators
and others said several hundred thousand dollars in cash went to the campaign
through several emissaries handpicked by the People's Liberation Army (PLA).
. .   The money, the sources said, originated in Beijing and initially was
routed by the PLA to China Resources Holding Company Ltd. in Hong Kong. From
there, it was transferred to the Hong Kong Chinese Bank -- jointly owned by
the Chinese government and Lippo Group, a multibillion-dollar Indonesian
conglomerate owned by longtime Clinton supporters Mochtar and James Riady,
the sources said. . .   Eventually, the cash was moved to other banks, then
wired to the emissaries, who distributed it to the Clinton-Gore campaign and
to other state and federal races, the sources said. . .

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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1999-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

 As far as I know, I am an aol captive. I have checked my mail preferences
and there doesn't seem to be much I can do. I haven't bumped-up to 4.0. I
dunna know if that makes any difference. You might try viewing at archives;

If anyone understands aol mail and can suggest anything, please do.


In a message dated 4/12/99 5:04:11 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Say Kris,

Is there any chance you could change your style so as to get around the

attachment prob?  Otherwise, enjoy the heck out of your posts.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] OEN 4/12/99

1999-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe/A
India's Missiles

India, Defying China and the U.S., Test-Fires New Missile

Agni II Ballistic Missile Has Range of 1250 Miles

INDIA successfully test-fired Agni II, a locally developed intermediate
range ballistic missile (IRBM) to a distance of 1,250 miles off its
eastern coast yesterday.
It did so despite pressure from the United States and China to abandon
the project and prevent a missile race in the region. Pramod Mahajan,
the information minister said: "It was a perfect textbook fashion

A warning had been issued to prevent planes and ships from straying near
the trajectory of the 23-yard-long Agni (Fire) II. The extended range
missile weighs 19 tons and uses a mixture of liquid and solid fuel. It
is also capable of carrying a 1,000-ton conventional or nuclear warhead.
George Fernandes, the defence minister, and Dr A P J Abdul Kalam, his
scientific adviser and the architect of India's advanced missile
programme, were at the test-firing range on Wheelers Island in Orissa

Neighbouring Pakistan, with whom India has fought three wars since
independence 52 years ago, was informed of the test under an agreement
signed last month. Its government has criticised Delhi for upping the
security ante in South Asia. Sartaj Aziz, Pakistani foreign minister
said: "Since they [India] have gone ahead and tested the missile we
would probably have to respond, but we will make a decision in a day or

Officials in Delhi said Agni II was a "contentious issue" in the nuclear
talks with America after India's nuclear tests last May and a source of
tension with China. An analyst with the Institute for Defence Studies
and Analyses at Delhi said: "The stakes for India will rise now that
India has gone ahead and test-fired Agni II."

The missile test comes at a difficult time for the Hindu nationalist-led
coalition government. One of its principal allies has threatened to
withdraw support later this week, forcing it out of power. But the
government denied the test had anything to do with its internal crisis.

The Agni has two variants - one with a 950-mile range that was
successfully tested in 1994, declared a "technology demonstrator" and
shelved under pressure from Western countries eager to prevent a missile
race in Asia, and the second, with a 1,250-1,600 mile range test-fired
yesterday. Defence planners said Agni II armed with a nuclear warhead
would be India's deterrent against China, with whom it has an unresolved
territorial dispute over which the two fought a war in 1962.

In a nationwide television broadcast, Atal Behari Vajpayee, the Prime
Minister, said India could not depend on anyone for its national
security and had to develop its own capability. He reiterated India's
stand on its no first use of nuclear weapons and said it wanted peace
and harmony in the region. He has already stated that fear of China's
nuclear and missile capability and mistrust between the two had prompted
India to become a nuclear weapon state by carrying out multiple tests
last May.

The London Telegraph, April 12, 1999

Internet Commerce

Banks Form Group to Guarantee Online Trading


International banks are preparing to offer financial guarantees for
companies trading over the internet, in an initiative that should
encourage large-scale electronic commerce.

A group of banks including ABN Amro of the Netherlands, Barclays Bank in
the UK, Deutsche Bank in Germany and Chase Manhattan and Citibank in the
US has formed a joint venture, Identrus, to complete the project.

The group, based in New York, is in negotiations to add Canadian
Imperial Bank of Commerce and Sanwa Bank of Japan, giving it a broader
geographical spread.

Identrus would provide a business with an assurance about the identities
of companies it planned to trade with over the internet.

This could be backed up by a financial guarantee from one of Identrus's

Visa, the international card payments group, has found that even though
internet transactions account for less than 1 per cent of its EU
turnover, they give rise to 47 per cent of its disputes and frauds.

Business-to-business e-commerce is set to grow from about $15bn a year
to $1,300bn in the US alone by 2003, according to forecasts from
Forrester Research, the technology research group.

But Guy Tallent, president and chief executive of Identrus, said
businesses needed to know they could rely on their trading partners
before e-commerce could fulfil these hopes. "Unless you have an
electronic identity and the ability to trust the holder and signer of
that identity, e-commerce can't take place," he said.

Identrus depends on tested international contract law and therefore
hopes to avoid some of the legal uncertainties that have plagued
internet business. Tests are now starting between member banks with the
aim of being fully operational by 

[CTRL] Proceed to victory! Kosovo mine to yield $3 TRILLION + over 5 years.

1999-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:514162""Proceed to victory!" Kosovo
mine to yield $3 TRILLION + over 5 years.
Subject: "Proceed to victory!" Kosovo mine to yield $3 TRILLION + over 5
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (DSharp673)
Date: Sun, Apr 11, 1999 7:54 PM

Behold the New World Order.  Like most wars, the Kosovo war is about money---
big money.  It has nothing to do with ethnic cleansing, genocide, or
atrocities.  It’s all about money.  FOLLOW THE MONEY.  The NATO powers are
making a bold power grab to control a mining complex in Kosovo.

"Last May, Mytilinaios SA [a Greek mining company] signed a five-year
worth $519 billion, with the state-owned RMHK Trepca [located in Kosovo] and
the Serbian agency of foreign trade, in which Mytilinaios will forward one
third of the mineral production in the international market and also upgrade
mining equipment and facilities.  Trepca mines are on the list of companies
soon to be privatised, thus allowing the Greek company to buy stock."

[Reference http://www.ana.gr/hermes/1998/feb/mining.htm]

The state-owned Trepca mining complex (Stari Trg) is worth about $5 billion as
a piece of real estate.  Earning potential, however, is a different matter.
The mine has not been sold.  The referenced $519 billion contract with Greece
obligates the state-owned mining facility to deliver one third of the minerals
it produces over five years to Mytilinaios SA, the Greek mining company.  This
suggests that the remaining two thirds of minerals produced over five years
could be sold at a comparable price to other mining companies.  The grand
would be $1.56 TRILLION—paid to the owner of the mining complex--for minerals
produced over five years.  Keep in mind that $1.56 TRILLION would be wholesale
cost. We haven’t even discussed markup yet.

Mining companies like Mytilinaios SA will sell minerals produced from the
mine—lead, zinc, cadmium, gold, silver—to the international market at a marked
up price.  If the markup is 200 percent, the net profit would be $1.56
TRILLION.  This would be the net gain if NATO played by the rules and allowed
countries to honor their agreements with Serbia.  But what if NATO were to
steal the mine?  If NATO takes over the mine in Kosovo, then the profit is
potentially doubled.  That would give NATO about 3 TRILLION over five years
minus a few billion to cover labor and maintenance of the mining equipment.
We're talking big bucks.  And it will be divided among mining companies in
nations.  Is it any wonder that U.S. politicians are foaming at the mouth? If
NATO loses this war, certain politicians will think their pockets have been

"Russia is a basket case.  They cannot do anything...  We cannot be disuaded
from proceeding to victory...  The debate should not be about how or why we
involved..., that is academic now.  We must proceed to victory."
  -- Senator John McCain - 4/9/99

Behold the New World Order.

 Dave Sharp

The following New York Times article from July 8, 1998 describes the mine in
Kosovo, thereby putting the current NATO-Kosovo conflict in context.

[IMPORTANT NOTE: U.S. intelligence has apparently blocked access to
http://www.yugolsavia.com.  It is my understanding that this web site contains
information about the coveted mines in Kosovo.]

July 8, 1998, Wednesday – The New York Times [page A4]
Foreign Desk

Stari [Trg] Journal;
Below It All in Kosovo, A War's Glittering Prize

The metal cage tumbled to the guts of the Stari [Trg] mine, with its
glittering veins of lead, zinc, cadmium, gold and silver, its stagnant pools
water and muck, its steamy blasts, its miles of dank, gloomy tunnels and
its vast stretches of Stygian darkness.

As the iron box rattled and squealed on the ear-popping journey,
dropping at 18 feet a second, it left behind the potent symbols of
nationalism and ethnic identity scattered in disarray on the ground above.
Instead, in the shrill cacophony, it exposed the real worth of Kosovo.

The medieval Serbian monasteries and churches, crumbling mosques with
silver domes and spindly minarets and a dark stone tower brooding over
the Field of Blackbirds, where the Turks wiped out Serbian nobles 600
years ago and began 500 years of Ottoman rule, seemed to evaporate in
the thin air.

The fighting between the rebels of the Kosovo Liberation Army, with their
intoxicating visions of an independent state, and the 50,000 Serbian
soldiers and special policemen, who rule the province of Kosovo like a
plantation, touched no one here. Neither did the rattle of gunfire, the thud
of mortars, the anguish of refugees and bodies of the recently killed.

Half a mile underground, hissing rubber air hoses were looped along
tunnel walls and small lights hooked on the hard hats of miners bobbed in
the inky universe. Worm-like diesel loaders 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Federal Jurisdiction Restricted !

1999-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan

From: "David Crockett Williams" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Federal Jurisdiction restricted. Imperative info for drug war prisoners!

This is NOT considered legal advice. This is provided for educational and
informational purposes!

Anyone concerned with the War on Drugs, below is info
regarding a recent Supreme Court Case, which basically says
the following:   The federal government is prohibited by the
Constitution from assuming any police power within a
state, ie, the Federal bureau's of the DEA, FBI, ATF,
etc. have NO JURISDICTION in any state! only in federal
districts, or on federal property, which they need to
prove is 'federally owned'. [The Chief Justice made clear
that under the Constitution, the federal government was specifically
restrained from exercising any general police
power whatsoever with in a State which is not specifically enumerated in
the Constitution.]

1. Supreme Court ends Federal Police Power
2. Article from Media Bypass Magazine
3. Motion To Dismiss for Lack of Territorial Jurisdiction


The Supreme Court ruled in United States v. Lopez, No. 93-1260, 115 S. Ct.
1624, 131 L. Ed. 2d 626, handed down regarding a
Texas firearms case, that "The federal government has nothing approaching a
police power" to exercise in the States of the Union. This case is HUGE. It
virtually destroys, overnight, the Federal Government's ability to lawfully
enforce in the States, practically everything. It properly recognizes and
the basic (but forgotten) principle of law regarding JURISDICTION, BOTH
over subject matter, AND territory.

United States v. Lopez may be found by going to

Since the States of the Union ALL have their OWN SOVEREIGN Governments,
separate, AND NOT UNDER THE CONTROL, of the
NOT UNDER FEDERAL CONTROL (enclaves, military bases, Federal building
leases, etc.) (The only crimes authorized in the Constitution for Federal
prosecution are Treason, Piracy
and Counterfeit.)

The Interstate Commerce Act DOES NOT APPLY to activities
THAT DO NOT INVOLVE MORE THAN ONE STATE, so the Federal Government cannot
claim any legal right to interfere with
ANY activity on State (or private) land, in any State in
the Nation. It is up to the State, and State law, to
address those issues.


The Lopez Decision

More than 60 percent of federal prisoners are locked up
for IRS violations, political and victimless crimes, etc.
They and most other federal prisoners are incarcerated in violation of the
Constitution of the United States. Every
one of them, except those being held for the crimes of
treason, piracy on the high seas, counterfeiting gold or
silver coin or committing a criminal act in Washington,
D. C. or on some military reservations, can be freed from
the sentences imposed upon them by the federal courts .
Every word you have just read is true.

This was proven as recently as April 26, 1995 in the Supreme Court's
landmark Lopez decision. This writer believes that federal prisoners who do
not fall into the categories
enumerated above can get out of prison by filing a writ of
habeas corpus and an appeal of their conviction based on challenging
federal jurisdiction to bring charges against
them for crimes they were convicted of, if they occurred
within the borders of a state.

Consider a magician's performance. He distracts you by
directing your attention to his right hand while his left
hand is placing the coin in your ear. That is what the
corrupt employees of the federal executive branch have
been doing to our nation's citizens for over a century.
They direct your attention to charges and long-established procedures, and
defendants trying to fight their individual charges fail to note the deft
hand which steals their
freedom by fraudulently asserting authority they do not

More than a century ago, attorneys seized inordinate power
in the court system. Prior to that time, every person who
was charged in federal court with a crime that allegedly
occurred within the borders of a state, and who challenged federal
territorial jurisdiction, gained his freedom by
either having his case dismissed or his conviction overturned
and being set free. Consider the following passage, quoted
in the 1995 Lopez decision, where the Great Chief Justice
John Marshall made clear in his famous decisions of New York
v. Milne 36 U.S. (11 Pet.) 102 (1837) and People v. Godfrey
17 Johns. 225 (N.Y., 1819) that the federal government is prohibited by the
Constitution from assuming any police

[CTRL] Fwd: Bugliosi BS on JFK Assassination

1999-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan

New York Daily News
Original Story Date: 050497
Original Story Section: Media Business

Manson Murders
To JFK Killing

The man who put Charles Manson
away and slammed O.J. Simpson in
print is now turning his sharp
prosecutorial skills to another big
case: the JFK assassination.

But unlike the scores of other  [Image]
writers who have taken on the
much-studied subject, "Helter Skelter"
author Vincent Bugliosi is going to
argue that the killing wasn't a

"My view is Lee Harvey Oswald acted
alone," Bugliosi told the Daily News

In the book, which will be published by
W.W. Norton next year and probably span
two volumes, Bugliosi plans to demolish
many of the conspiracy theories that
have cropped up during the past 34
years since that November 22, 1963
murder in Dallas.

"A lot of these theories seem to be
valid but when you put them under a
microsope, they fall apart," said the
former Los Angeles district attorney.

In fact, he's got the long knives out
for one pop theory of the assassination
that made it to film as Oliver Stone's
"J.F.K.", that the U.S. government had
a hand in knocking off the President.

Bugliosi said he turned into an
anti-conspiracy buff when he was called
on four years ago to play the role of
the prosecuting attorney in "The Trial
of Lee Harvey Oswald," the mammoth
26-hour courtroom drama on British TV.

To many publishing insiders, Bugliosi's
take sounds a lot like that of author
Gerald Posner, who wrote the 1993 best
seller, "Case Closed: Lee Harvey Oswald
and the Assassination of J.F.K."

But Starling Lawrence, editor in chief
at Norton, is banking on the star power
of Bugliosi.

"There were a lot of other books
written about the Charles Manson case,
but the book everyone remembers is
'Helter Skelter.' " he said.

[CTRL] Robertson Avoiding Media Scrutiny In Lippo - Chinagate Soft Money Probe

1999-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:514153"Robertson Avoiding Media
Scrutiny In Lippo - "Chinagate" Soft Money Probe
Subject: Robertson Avoiding Media Scrutiny In Lippo - "Chinagate" Soft Money
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Randall Gorman)
Date: Mon, Apr 12, 1999 7:25 AM
Message-id: 7ero2l$7r7$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Now on the American Atheists web site...


   Congress and the news media are looking into scandals involving everything
from Chinese espionage to improper campaign contributions.  But despite his
business and personal ties to several major names in this story,
Pat Robertson has more "Teflon" than Bill Clinton!  And Robertson's curious
position on China is dividing the religious right.

   Visit us on the world wide web at http://www.atheists.org/flash.line for
news, analysis and commentary.

Contact our  Internet Representative at
Subscribe to AANEWS:Info at
or  email  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
** Visit us.http://www.atheists.org
**   http://www.americanatheist.org
A HREF="http://www.atheists.org/flash.line/roberts3.htm"ROBERTSON "OFF THE


Congress and the newsmedia are investigating charges of Chinese
espionage and improper campaign financing. Despite his ties to many
players in the story, though, televangelist Pat Robertson seems to have
more "teflon" than Bill Clinton.

Web Posted: April 11, 1999

t is a serpentine trail of corporations, government and intelligence
agencies, political operatives, business tycoons and influence peddlers.
And some insist that it is one linking the Chinese government to illegal
contributions poured into American political campaigns, including the
1992 and 1996 presidential elections.

   Today's Washington Times purports to tell some of the story, in an
article which charges that "Chinese military intelligence officers
diverted illegal campaign donations to the Clinton-Gore Reelection
Committee" through a bank in Hong Kong, and the powerful Riady family of
Indonesia which controls the giant Lippo Group conglomerate. A host of
other names are mentioned, including Mochtar and James Riady, Democratic
Party operatives John Huang and Charlie Trie, and even former Associate
Attorney General Webster Hubbell. Believe the Times, or the others hot
on the trail of "soft money" -- the kind which comes from sources
prohibited from contributing to American political campaigns, but is
funneled through legitimate contributors -- and this is all about folks
doing business with the Peoples' Republic of China, and trying to
influence U.S. policy in the process.

   One name is conspicuously absent, though, from the Washington Times
report on Lippo Group involvement with the "Chinagate" controversy --
televangelist Pat Robertson. Once again, Robertson seems to have fallen
through the media cracks in stories which go to excruciating lengths to
link the ruling Chinese elite with the Democratic political machine.
Robertson, of course, is no Democrat, and is much more at home on the
religious right fringes of the Republican Party which his Christian
Coalition courts so assiduously. Most Americans know Robertson for his
involvement with the CC, which he founded in 1989 before handing the
group over to political boy-wonder Ralph Reed, or as the avuncular host
of the Christian Broadcasting Network's "700 Club" program. When
Robertson appears on camera, he's often talking about the need for
prayer, more donations, or issuing warnings about the "New World Order"
of godless international financiers and political leaders bent on
eroding American sovereignty.

   Behind the scenes, though, Robertson is a different man. In fact,
both Robertson and his son, Timothy, are believed to maintain extensive,
high-level contacts within the Chinese government. Pat Robertson is also
emerging as a financial player on the world scene; he recently struck a
deal with the Bank of Scotland to provide "virtual" or "officeless"
financial services, and he moved on to the Board of the Directors of the
once-trendy Laura Ashley company. He is a partner in a "no news, no sex,
no violence" cable-satellite television venture which covers much of
Asia and, yes, an intricate network of media outlets in China. Robertson
is also a close friend and business partner of the same Riady family
whose Lippo Group conglomerate is frequently mentioned in connection

[CTRL] (no subject)

1999-04-12 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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1999-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan

The Pentagon, Virginia
USAF officials have confirmed that the White House has a history
of bungling missile strikes, in particular targeting the Air
Launched Cruise missile (ALCM).  One specific example cited was
the un-successful 1996 DESERT STRIKE operation where USAF ALCM
cruise missiles with fragmentary warheads were mis-targeted on
hardened Iraq bunkers on White House orders.

The White House bypassed the USAF Air Combat Command (ACC) and
directly ordered B-52s to fire the ALCMs on to the Iraqi
bunkers.  The frag warheads exploded harmlessly outside the Iraq
bunkers, causing no damage.  The Iraq bunker was destroyed later
by a second, follow on, strike of NAVY Tomahawk missiles with
conventional blast explosive warheads.

The Persian Gulf
U.S. NAVY and U.S. MARINE F-18 Hornets bombed an Iraqi
"SILKWORM" site that posed a threat to U.S. Naval forces in the
Persian Gulf.  The Chinese made SILKWORM is a improved copy of
the Russian STYX anti-ship cruise missile.  Iraq and Iran both
own large numbers of SILKWORM missiles.  A British warship
dodged Silkworm missiles during the Gulf war and the U.S. Navy
used the 16 inch guns from a battleship to bombard Iraqi
SILKWORM sites during the Gulf War.

The Pentagon, Virginia
The Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) has awarded
Motorola a $219 million contract to supply satellite
communications for the Pentagon.  Motorola won a three year
contract to provide mobile phones, pagers and other
communications services operating with the Iridium LLC mobile
satellite system.

"The contract will allow users to buy all Iridium products, to
include secure handsets when they are available," stated a DISA

Iridium is a global communications satellite business that
includes Motorola and China Great Wall Industries.  Motorola
invented Iridium, builds the phones and even makes parts of the

Great Wall used China Aerospace Long March rocket to put some of
the Iridium satellites into orbit (and was paid very well to do
it). The system can best be described as cell phones in space.

If you would like to see an Iridium phone you can view it in
Bill Clinton's hands at my web site. There is a real neato photo
of Bill at a Motorola Iridium factory from the 1996 campaign.


Motorola delayed the flight of two Iridium satellites on
Chinese Long March booster and shipped both satellites back to
America.  An Iridium official told Aviation Week that the
satellites were exposed to "environmental conditions" during
processing in China.  The satellites were replacements and the
delay is not expected to effect the Iridium system operation.

In addition, Motorola used former White House National Security
Advisor Dr. Richard Barth to lobby for encrypted Iridium control
systems to be exported to China.  In 1995, Barth wrote to the
White House "while we now are not yet applying for licenses for
encrypted systems for satellite system positioning, we may
within months be applying for such licenses for our Iridium


Motorola has also been accused of helping Beijing build missiles
with multiple nuclear warheads:


Beyond The Loral-Hughes Controversy: A Decade of US Satellite
Transfers And Their Military Significance, by Henry Sokolski,
Executive Director, The Nonproliferation Policy Education
Center, 1-202-466-4406

Specific Technology Transferred Validated Chinese upper stage
separation technology, vibrational and load coupling analysis,
attitude control, and payload mounting.  Two Motorola
communication satellites were to be delivered with a kick motor
and new satellite dispenser of Chinese design.  To assure
successful launch, the contractor demanded that the Chinese
prove that the Chinese systems would work properly and do the
job.  Concerns included the properly timed release of the
satellites, the mounting of the satellites in the delivery bus
(would the two satellites break from their moorings due to
improper vibrational and load coupling analysis), would the
delivery bus's attitude control be stabilized by the release of
the fast satellite, and would the kick motor generate too little
or too much thrust at the wrong time.

Military Significance Helped China master the technology needed
to develop its own multiple independently targetable re-entry
vehicles for the new solid rocket intercontinental ballistic
missile it is trying to drive from SS-25 missile technology with
the Russians.

1 if by land, 2 if by sea.  Paul Revere - encryption 1775
Charles R. Smith
SOFTWAR http://www.softwar.net  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Pcyphered SIGNATURE:

Re: [CTRL] Opening the Tomb of Jesus

1999-04-12 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

I am glad to hear that - they opened the tomb of the pharoahs, for
alleged scientific purposes, and looted and ransacked the graves.  We
have many grave robbers ihere in America and around the world.   This
made me sick.

Might add also, the Calverts of Maryland - it was their dream to have a
colony where all religions would leave in peace, and they didand
then, the little churchyard where Lord Baltimore - Cecil Calverts
family, is being desecrated by experiments - keeping in mind that
Maryland has a huge DNA center... their bodies lie in lead coffins and
have since before the Revolution.   These ghouls are drilling holes in
the coffins to see what the air is like.  There are laws that this type
of tampering cannot be done without the permission of the family, and
there are plenty around Maryland who could have done so.

If these creatures believe the will open the grave of Jesus Christ, will
they cast lots once more for the remains of what they believe to be his
.   Who ordered this desecrationand you are quiete correct,  it is
not what they are looking for, and not what they will find.you know,
they have already dug up the grave of the unknown soldier.as of

DNA is being tested but if I were them, I would be a little careful -
curiosity is one thing, but ghoulishness is another.

This is collective, organized ignorance at its worst.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
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1999-04-12 Thread Phil Chapman

 -Caveat Lector-


That's a good answer, it seems!  And quick, too!   Thanks.  "Attachments"
seem to be a breeding ground for bad karma.   Far as I can tell, going
through "archives" is pretty slick, i.e. safe and fast.   Now, maybe I can
read you in peace-- w/o crashing half the time.   Thanks, again.

Chap, out

-Original Message-
From: Kris Millegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, April 12, 1999 10:41 AM

 -Caveat Lector-

 As far as I know, I am an aol captive. I have checked my mail preferences
and there doesn't seem to be much I can do. I haven't bumped-up to 4.0. I
dunna know if that makes any difference. You might try viewing at archives;

If anyone understands aol mail and can suggest anything, please do.


In a message dated 4/12/99 5:04:11 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Say Kris,

Is there any chance you could change your style so as to get around the

attachment prob?  Otherwise, enjoy the heck out of your posts.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Opening the Tomb of Jesus

1999-04-12 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

Let's hope they don't try to clone Jesus.  We are within several years of
having that technology in the public sector.  Actually, we do have the
technology.  It'll just take more attempts then the average individual is
willing to take.  I believe it was over 100 attempts before they cloned


 From: Colleen Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Opening the Tomb of Jesus
 Date: Monday, April 12, 1999 9:49 AM

  -Caveat Lector-

 I am glad to hear that - they opened the tomb of the pharoahs, for
 alleged scientific purposes, and looted and ransacked the graves.  We
 have many grave robbers ihere in America and around the world.   This
 made me sick.

 Might add also, the Calverts of Maryland - it was their dream to have a
 colony where all religions would leave in peace, and they didand
 then, the little churchyard where Lord Baltimore - Cecil Calverts
 family, is being desecrated by experiments - keeping in mind that
 Maryland has a huge DNA center... their bodies lie in lead coffins and
 have since before the Revolution.   These ghouls are drilling holes in
 the coffins to see what the air is like.  There are laws that this type
 of tampering cannot be done without the permission of the family, and
 there are plenty around Maryland who could have done so.

 If these creatures believe the will open the grave of Jesus Christ, will
 they cast lots once more for the remains of what they believe to be his
 .   Who ordered this desecrationand you are quiete correct,  it is
 not what they are looking for, and not what they will find.you know,
 they have already dug up the grave of the unknown soldier.as of

 DNA is being tested but if I were them, I would be a little careful -
 curiosity is one thing, but ghoulishness is another.

 This is collective, organized ignorance at its worst.


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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Re: [CTRL] Clinton Urged to Plan Ground War

1999-04-12 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Clinton was sold to Americans by the hucksters like a pound of

Today on the news, you see in his face the lies he has told, you look at
those surrounding him, you feel the contempt most have - today he said
the Serbs were setting people on fire and they were burnt to death.

And then showed the news..it looked like WACO, only much worse.
Now who set that on fire, and all the bodies caught amidst this
holocost.one that Madame Albright, this obnoxious, bullish, sadistic
woman created he selfshe caused the cremation of the innocents.
She has returned to the scene of her crimes, as any criminal would.

I still remember the kids at Ohio State University booing and hissing
Cohen and Albright who were shocked, while Clinton rather thought it was

Clinton isn't laughting these days; having aligned himself with his
enemies for his own protection, he now seeks to blame others for what he
has done, while hiding behind the skirts of this obnoxious woman he
sends on missions of peace.

Someone ought to write a song about them - the Butcher of Reno, the
Butcher of the Balkans, and the Coward in the White House.   They say
truth lives on in music and legend;  but even the historians will be
working overtime trying to clean up Clinton's actions.

And they stood every man in his place -
well, that puts Clinton a little lower than most, a little higher than
some - but the American people will hopefully arise to the occasion, and
VOTE THEM ALL OUT - the good, the bad, and the uglythats the only
way to get them out.


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Foam Cancels Biological, Chemical Weapons in Moments

1999-04-12 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-


Foam Cancels Biological, Chemical Weapons in Moments
March 16, 1999 (ENS) -

A sudsy foam created from ordinary substances found in common household
products could be a first line of defense against a terrorist release of
chemical or biological warfare agents. The single decontaminant is
effective against all chemical and biological agents.  Researchers at the
Department of Energy's Sandia National Laboratories have created a foam
that begins neutralizing both chemical and biological agents in minutes.
Because it is not harmful to people, it could be dispensed on the disaster
scene immediately, even before casualties are evacuated.   Foam developer
Maher Tadros test sprays his creation. (Photos courtesy Sandia National
Laboratory) "Whatever you do, it's best to act very quickly," says
co-developer Maher Tadros of Sandia. "This foam can start neutralizing an
agent or combinations of agents right away, even before you know what
you're dealing with."  In laboratory tests at Sandia the foam destroyed
simulants of the most worrisome chemical agents (VX, mustard, and soman)
and killed a simulant of anthrax, the toughest known biological agent.
Against the anthrax simulant, after one hour only one anthrax spore out of
10 million was still alive.  The U.S. has a number of strategies to deter a
chemical or biological attack from ever occurring in this country, says
Greg Thomas, Sandia program manager for chem-bio nonproliferation. "But if
we are attacked," he says, "we'll need to have the tools available to
respond."  Sandia has discussed deploying the foam with various military
organizations, police departments, subway systems, national laboratories,
and an international airport.  Like a fire retardant, the foam could be
sprayed from handheld canisters. It also works as a fire retardant. For
open areas, airports could have trucks to dispense foams over runways.
Ideally, tanks of the foam could be incorporated into the fire sprinkler
systems of high-profile government buildings or other potential targets -
embassies, congressional buildings, the White House, subways, and the New
York Stock Exchange, for instance.  International law prohibits the Sandia
researchers from possessing real chemical or biological agents, but they
have taken samples of the foam to the Illinois Institute of Technology in
Chicago where the foam was tested against actual VX, mustard gas, and
soman.  In those tests the foam neutralized half the remaining chemical
agent molecules every two to 10 minutes, depending on the agent. For most
chemical agents the contamination remaining after one hour of exposure to
the foam is insignificant.  The foam neutralizes viral particles in
minutes, as well. "It has performed superbly for all the agents we have
tested it against," Tadros says.   Researcher Mark Tucker compares petri
dishes in his Sandia lab. More tests planned for April will pit the foam
against real anthrax and other bacterial spores.  "If you can kill spores,
you can kill germinating bacteria and you can deactivate viruses," says
foam co-developer Mark Tucker of Sandia. "Spores are the most difficult."
The foam neutralizes chemical agents in much the same way a detergent lifts
an oily spot from a stained shirt. Its surfactants, like those in hair
conditioner, and mild oxidizing substances, like those in toothpaste, begin
to chemically digest the chemical agent, seeking out the phosphate or
sulfide bonds holding the molecules together and chopping the molecules
into nontoxic pieces.  How the foam kills bacterial spores still is not
well understood, says Tucker adds. The researchers suspect the surfactants
poke holes in the spore's protein armor, allowing the oxidizing agents to
attack the genetic material inside.  Research papers on the work have been
presented at various technical gatherings of the chem-bio defense
community, most recently at the National Research Council Workshop on
Chem-bio Warfare Physical Protection and Decontamination in Washington,
D.C., January 25 to 26.  Sandia has filed for a patent on the substance,
tentatively called Decon Foam 100.  Currently available sprays, fogs, or
other decontaminating products typically are based on bleach, chlorinated
solvents, or other hazardous or corrosive materials, Tadros says. And many
new and emerging decontaminants are designed to work against only a limited
number of either chemical or biological agents.  They also are expensive,
he says. A new nerve-agent decontaminant made in Germany, for example,
costs about $150 a pound. The Sandia foam, in comparison, could be produced
for about 15 cents a pound, Tadros estimates.  The U.S. Department of
Energy is funding development of the foam as part of its larger Chemical
and Biological Nonproliferation Program. The program, initiated through the
Weapons of Mass Destruction Act of 1996, seeks to develop intelligence
capabilities, sensors, and other technologies that allow the 

[CTRL] impeach this

1999-04-12 Thread E Mael

 -Caveat Lector-

* It's Over

The impeachment has ended.
The results are now known.
The will of the Congress
Has clearly been shown.
So let's all get together,
Let the bitterness pass.
I'll hug your elephant
And you kiss my ass.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] OEN 4/12/99

1999-04-12 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

 From: Kris Millegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [CTRL] OEN 4/12/99
 Date: Monday, April 12, 1999 8:42 AM


 A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin

 Ex-CIA Director Mishandled Secret Information, Newsweek Says

 DOJ, CIA Probe Security Breaches

 NEW YORK, April 11 /PRNewswire/ -- Former CIA director John Deutch has
 been investigated for repeatedly mishandling classified information,
 Newsweek reports in the current issue. According to Justice sources,
 Deutch routinely took work home, removing highly sensitive intelligence
 materials from CIA headquarters and accessing them on his unsecured
 personal computer -- even though he had a secure CIA computer at home.

 The Justice Department and the CIA began investigating Deutch after he
 stepped down as CIA chief in December 1996, after agency technicians
 went to his home to remove secure computer equipment that allowed him to
 view highly classified material he would no longer be authorized to see,
 reports Washington Correspondent Daniel Klaidman in the April 19, 1999
 issue (on newsstands Monday, April 12). To their astonishment, the
 technicians discovered 31 secret files on his personal computer. The
 documents included intelligence on the 1996 terrorist attack on Khobar
 Towers in Saudi Arabia, reports on Iraq -- even a memo Deutch had
 written to President Clinton. Investigators say the computer was
 potentially vulnerable to hackers.

 The Justice Department, which investigated the case for more than a
 year, decided not to press criminal charges, and has referred the matter
 back to the CIA. Officials close to the case say that the CIA's
 inspector general is preparing a ``scathing'' report about Deutch's
 alleged security breaches, and the agency is considering whether to
 revoke his security clearances. Deutch declined to comment and his
 lawyers did not return phone calls. While some officials attribute the
 carelessness to arrogance, others liken it to absent- mindedness. One
 source close to the investigation says, ``It's one thing to be sloppy.
 This was reckless.'' Ironically, the inquiry languished until last
 month, when Energy Secretary Bill Richardson tapped Deutch to sort out
 allegations that China had penetrated the nation's top secret nuclear
 labs, Klaidman reports. A few days after the appointment, Deutch
 withdrew from the job, citing ``other commitments.''

 But the CIA itself has come under suspicion in the China spying case. In
 a related story, Klaidman and Investigative Correspondent Mark Hosenball
 report that law enforcement and intelligence agencies are trying to put
 aside turf squabbles and work together on the stolen technology issue.
 They are planning to assemble a task force -- code-named ``Golden
 Tiger'' -- to crack down on the growing number of such unsolved cases.
 Investigators are still trying to determine if Beijing illegally
 obtained U.S. satellite technology from Hughes Aerospace and Loral Space
  Communications, two American manufacturers that sold commercial
 satellites to Beijing. Newsweek has learned that investigators want to
 know if CIA case officers who routinely debriefed Hughes corporation e
 xecutives about their dealings with China withheld knowledge regarding
 information transfers about the satellites to protect the spy agency's
 rapport with the company.

 PR Newswire, April 11, 1999

Why the heck does Deutch STILL have clearance?


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Re: [CTRL] Proceed to victory! Kosovo mine to yield $3 TRILLION +over 5years.

1999-04-12 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-


This article is an excellent find!  It is this kind of evidence that will
explain why we are messing with Kosovo.  I believe that this isn't the
whole package, but is a mighty good portion of it.

 From: Kris Millegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [CTRL] "Proceed to victory!" Kosovo mine to yield $3 TRILLION
+over 5years.
 Date: Monday, April 12, 1999 8:45 AM

  -Caveat Lector-

 from alt.conspiracy
 As always, Caveat Lector.
 A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:514162""Proceed to victory!"
 mine to yield $3 TRILLION + over 5 years.
 Subject: "Proceed to victory!" Kosovo mine to yield $3 TRILLION + over 5
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (DSharp673)
 Date: Sun, Apr 11, 1999 7:54 PM
 Message-id: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Recommended Reading

1999-04-12 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

If you can find it (it's probably out of print), check out Eugene FitzMaurice,
*The Hawkeland Cache* (Wyndham Books, 1980; Berkeley Books, 1982). The book is
a mother lode of information about the Jesuits and their hidden history--drawn
from completely legitimate sources, a number of which I have confirmed
independently. It is also a highly cynical, even sardonic, commentary on elite
politics and the Invisible Government. A small sample:

"Special Forces-staffed, C.I.A.-financed, Special Operations Groups were first
used in Vietnam, where they operated intelligence networks in the north, led
the [unsuccessful] raid on the Son Tay prison camp, carried out
assassinations, and engaged in psychological warfare. [See Operation Phoenix,
run by Edward Lansdale.] After the fall of Vietnam, they were employed around
the world to establish, maintain, and destabilize governments which the United
States wished to either support or destroy.

"Every government which America wanted to influence needed men for one of
these operations at some time. S.O.G. teams often equipped, trained, and led
insurgent elements against governments which they had earlier established out
of other insurgent elements. The only constant was that every government
established with American help was rightist and every government destabilized
had started to move left.

"The Committee of Estimate...had long agreed that wars of national liberation
would sweep the third world, driven by a force stronger than great-power
allegiances. The American government was urged to accept the fact that people
suffered as much under repressive fascists as they did under repressive
communists. Ingersoll the financier knew that American capitalism could not be
transplanted to third world nations, but it could be adapted to them. If for
no other reason, he argued, aid should be given as freely to lieftist
insurgents as to right-wing statists.

"No one listened. This was because the highest levels of government are made
up of nonprofessionals, academics, and planners who are always new to power.
The liberal observer who studies government is always shocked by the
transformation which overtakes him when he becomes the government. Having
achieved his advisory power by arguing that politics must be liberalized, he
fears that if he puts his plans into effect his own patriotism will be
questioned. And so these men become even more rigid in the exercise of power,
in the maintenance of rightist countries, than the professional politician who
appreciates the beauty of opportunism.

"An occasional exception to this is the man who shuttles between government
and business. These lawyers (who are, after all, businessmen), bankers, and
brokers are schooled only in the exercise of power. They have no constituency
except their own ego and the partners who let them go in the hope that they
will one day return with new business. The advice of such men is both valued
and suspect. It takes a catastrophe for them to be heeded." (pp.31-32)

Robert F. Tatman
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Re: [CTRL] impeach this

1999-04-12 Thread Yardbird

 -Caveat Lector-

*It's true

The impeachment has ceased
but the brown-nosing has just begun
for all the Democrats are on their knees
ready and willing to *serve* Clinton


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] No Prosecution for Ex-CIA Chief

1999-04-12 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Ex-CIA Chief Won't Be Prosecuted

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Justice Department has declined to prosecute former
CIA Director John Deutch for keeping secret files on his unsecured personal
computer at home after he stepped down as the nation's top spy, a department
official said today.

But the department recently sent the case back to the CIA for possible
disciplinary action after it concluded Deutch's actions were reckless rather
than criminal, this official said, requesting anonymity.

The CIA is preparing a critical report and considering revocation of the
security clearances Deutch still has as a government consultant, Newsweek
magazine reported Sunday.

Newsweek disclosed that in late 1996, CIA technicians found 31 secret files
on Deutch's home computer. The CIA spent a year weighing the case before
sending it to the Justice Department and the department spent another year
reaching its decision, the magazine said.

CIA spokesman Bill Harlow said he was familiar with the Newsweek story but
could not comment. The newsmagazine said Deutch would not comment, and a call
to his Massachusetts home was not returned.

Quoting Justice Department sources, the magazine said Deutch's mishandling of
classified material came to light shortly after he resigned in December 1996.

Agency technicians went to his home for a routine check to ensure CIA
procedures were being followed to protect secrets, Newsweek said. They found
31 classified national security documents on his personal computer, even
though he had a secure agency computer at home, the report said.

During the Justice Department investigation, Deutch was reappointed to a
federal panel that studies how to combat proliferation of weapons of mass
destruction and was given top security clearances, Newsweek said.

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[CTRL] Rothschild Garage Sale

1999-04-12 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Rothschild Art Collection Sold

.c The Associated Press

LONDON (AP) -- In the sumptuous surroundings of auctioneers Christie's, the
portraits by Dutch master Frans Hals, the richly illustrated 16th-century
religious manuscripts and lavish furniture built for King Louis XVI look
quite at home.

But behind them lies the tale of a famous family brought low by Nazi

Christie's is selling 250 artworks from the collection put together last
century by Barons Albert and Nathaniel von Rothschild, scions of the Austrian
arm of the 250-year-old banking dynasty and both avid collectors.

Within hours of annexing Austria in March 1938, the Nazis seized the
Rothschilds' beloved artworks and it was only in February that the Austrian
government agreed to return them. But the Rothschilds can no longer afford
such luxuries.

``In the war, the palace in which this collection was exhibited was reduced
to rubble, and so were their investments, factories and their
wealth-producing powers,'' Christie's chairman Lord Hindlip said at a news
conference Monday.

``The Rothschilds ... really have no alternative but to sell,'' he said.

The sale on July 8 is expected to realize more than $40 million.

At the end of the war, American soldiers discovered the Rothschild collection
hidden in a ski resort in the Austrian Tyrol. From 1947, it went on display
in leading museums, including Vienna's Kunsthistorisches Museum and the
Austrian Gallery.

But last year, Culture Minister Elisabeth Gehrer granted permission for the
works to be exported, saying she wanted to overturn the ``immoral decisions''
taken at war's end.

``It breaks my heart to see these things being sold: they are the last of my
childhood,'' Albert's granddaughter, Baroness Bettina der Rothschild, said in
a recent interview with The New York Times.

Hindlip called the collection ``the most exciting I have seen in my 36-odd
years at Christie's.''

Among the highlights of the 31 paintings to be sold are three Hals portraits,
including one of the Amsterdam merchant Tieleman Roosterman, splendid in
black suit with white ruff and cuffs. It alone is expected to fetch up to
$5.6 million.

The furniture collection includes a lavishly worked wooden commode built by
cabinetmaker Jean-Henri Riesener for Louis XVI's Fontainebleau palace in 1778
but later moved to Versailles. It carries an estimate of $2.4 million to $4

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] German Debate over Role in NATO

1999-04-12 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "`We have a responsibility toward our allies in NATO [to support the
airstrikes in Yugoslavia],'' argued German Chancellor Schroeder. "We ALSO
sic have a responsibility toward the people of Kosovo.''

Schroeder Backed on Kosovo Stand

.c The Associated Press

BONN, Germany (AP) -- Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder won broad support from his
party today for his stand on bombing Yugoslavia after he rejected calls by
left-wingers for a stop to NATO's air assault.

Schroeder, speaking at a special convention of his Social Democrats, insisted
Germany's credibility as a NATO ally was at stake in a conflict that has
launched its military into combat for the first time since World War II.

``We have a responsibility toward our allies in NATO,'' Schroeder declared in
a speech kicking off an afternoon of debate. ``We also have a responsibility
toward the people of Kosovo, who have become victims of the most gruesome
human rights violations.''

Kosovo overshadowed a meeting originally called to elect Schroeder as new
party chairman, bolstering his authority in the 6-month-old government. His
leftist rival, Oskar Lafontaine, quit that post and the finance minister's
job last month in a power struggle.

Running unopposed, Schroeder, a centrist, was elected today by 370 of 493
delegates, or 76 percent. The less than overwhelming support was a sign that
many Social Democrats feel Schroeder doesn't represent the party's soul,
having stayed aloof from its core left-wing beliefs and now going against its
decades-old anti-war tradition.

But with the party now forced to make hard choices in government, a large
majority of delegates backed the government's staunch commitment to the NATO
campaign in a show of hands.

Addressing his critics, Schroeder repeated NATO's argument that continued
airstrikes -- which include German Tornado warplanes -- are necessary to
force Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic agree to peace in Kosovo and a
return of ethnic Albanian refugees.

``An end to airstrikes would not bring us one millimeter closer to this
goal,'' he said.

That stand has provoked vocal objections from a leftist minority in the party
as well as the once thoroughly pacifist Greens, Schroeder's junior coalition

But a motion by left-wingers and the Social Democrats' radical youth
organization calling on the government to press for an end to the airstrikes
and fresh Kosovo peace talks was rejected at the convention.

Though its defeat had seemed certain from the outset, the move indicated the
depth of unease among many Germans about their country's assertive new role
in the post-Cold War world.

``It must be possible to replace military logic with political logic,'' said
Andrea Nahles, head of the youth wing.

Schroeder argued forcefully for his stand in an hourlong speech, saying that
Germany had a special responsibility to stand firm against Milosevic
precisely because of its Nazi past.

``Especially as Germans, our response must be clear: We must never again
allow murder, expulsions and deportations to be tolerated by politicians,''
he said.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Serbia Invokes Alliance with Russia-Belarus

1999-04-12 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Yugoslavia Wants Russian Alliance

.c The Associated Press

BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (AP) -- Yugoslavia's parliament voted today to join an
alliance with Russia and Belarus, an action aimed at getting military help to
stop NATO airstrikes. Russia said membership can't be granted instantly.

Serbian Premier Mirko Marjanovic said after the parliament vote that it was
``normal'' for Yugoslavia to join the union with its historic Christian
Orthodox allies.

``It is yet another way to resist the NATO aggression,'' Marjanovic said.

The NATO alliance says airstrikes will continue until Yugoslav President
Slobodan Milosevic withdraws military and police forces cracking down on
separatist rebels in the southern province of Kosovo.

Milosevic requested membership in a letter to Russian President Boris Yeltsin
that was delivered to the Russian Foreign Ministry on Sunday.

``Moscow positively regards the idea of Yugoslavia's membership in the union
of Russia and Belarus, and corresponding orders have been given to study this
issue,'' Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov told reporters in Moscow today.

But Ivanov and other Russian officials have cautioned Yugoslavia that
membership can't be granted quickly. Ivanov said last week that NATO
operations against Yugoslavia were likely to be over before the country could
be included in an expanded union.

The pro-Western leaders of Montenegro, Serbia's partner in the Yugoslav
federation, dismissed the federal parliament's resolution.

Predrag Popovic, deputy speaker of the Montenegrin legislature, described the
proposed union as Milosevic's ``last and desperate effort to save his power
and the ideology of which he is a slave.''

Russia and Belarus haggled for months before their union deal was completed
in 1997, and the incorporation of Yugoslavia into the alliance could present
even more difficulties than the original agreement.

Even if Yugoslavia is admitted, it wouldn't automatically mean military aid.
The union calls for military cooperation, among other things, but also
envisions extensive political and economic ties, including the possibility of
a single currency.

The Russia-Belarus union remains largely an agreement on paper. Both
countries have deeply troubled economies and neither has been able to offer
much assistance to the other.

Ivanov reiterated that Russia doesn't want to get involved in the Yugoslav
conflict militarily and ``targets all its efforts'' at preventing the
conflict from spreading.

The idea of a union between Russia, Belarus and Yugoslavia is popular among
many politicians in Russia, though some, including Yeltsin, have said that
now is not the best time to consider it.

The notion of a Slavic union is particularly popular among Russian
Communists, who regret the breakup of the Soviet Union.

Throughout its troubled history, Yugoslavia always has been against any
domination from either the West or the East and has jealously defended its

The motion passed in each house without a dissenting vote. In a statement,
the Yugoslav parliament called the proposal ``a historic step of great
importance to Yugoslavia's people.''

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Russia Sends Armored Convoy to Serbia

1999-04-12 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Hungary, Russia Reach Deal on Convoy

.c The Associated Press

BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) -- Hungary and Russia struck a deal today allowing a
convoy of Russian trucks to proceed to Yugoslavia, Hungary's prime minister
told Parliament.

Hungary stopped the convoy of 73 trucks at its border with Ukraine on
Saturday, denying entry because five of the vehicles were armor-plated. The
vehicles violated the 1998 U.N. arms embargo on Yugoslavia, Hungarian
officials said.

The Russians said the convoy was carrying humanitarian aid for embattled
Yugoslavia and that the armored vehicles were deployed ``to protect personnel
providing humanitarian aid.''

Moscow threatened dire consequences if the matter wasn't resolved quickly.

Under the deal struck today, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said Russia would
send home the five armored vehicles after their loads were transferred to
other vehicles.

``With this agreement, the Hungarian government regards the issue over and
closed,'' Orban said.

Two Hungarian observers will accompany the trucks stalled at the Zahony
border crossing from Ukraine, 150 miles east of Budapest. Four gasoline
tankers will also be allowed to travel with the convoy, Orban said.

NATO officials in Brussels, Belgium, said the armored vehicles and fuel could
have been used militarily. NATO spokesman Jamie Shea said the trucks and fuel
would have been ``a direct military asset.''

Convoy leader Vladimir Bashkirtsev accused Hungary of stopping the trucks
under pressure from NATO, the ITAR-Tass and Interfax news agencies reported.

Hungary, the former Soviet satellite bordering Yugoslavia, now is a member of
the NATO alliance launching airstrikes on Yugoslav forces.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-04-12 Thread U.P. Secr

 -Caveat Lector-

The peoples have no say.
All economic and political power is concentrated in the trans-
national corporations, their mass media monopoly and their

And from their point of view people are only of interest

1. - as slave labour, only to be kept barely alive at minimum
existence level,
- this giving rise to the general class struggle -

but at the same time also

2. - as consumers to keep the profit machinery running at
maximum speed.
The great potential of this other more pleasant role of ours so
far has only been exploited to a very limited extent and only
for defensive purposes.

So let us expand the class struggle with exploiting this
potential in an OFFENSIVE strategy:

Let us utilize the contradictions existing within the robbers'
castle to our advantage and disarm their imperialist struggle
over markets and resources before it now once again will lead
to world war.

Let us utilize the fact that it is our money the robbers are
fighting over, and play the predators out against eachother,
before they succeed in completing the monopolization process.

Why should we always remain on the defensive although the
salesmen are completely dependent on our willingness to buy
their products !


the consumers' power may be utilized for internationalization
of the corporations.
This strategy of the formative World Parliament of THE UNITED
PEOPLES for saving our planet has web site address
http://www.unitedpeoples.net   (under construction).


the consumers' power may be utilized for the people's takeover
of the ownership or part of the profits of national companies
or local corporate production or distribution enterprises.

In each country a United Peoples Party or, to start with, a
Consumers' Power Committee, "CPC", comprising all progressive
organisations, movements and individuals is formed.
The CPC may comprise a group of neighbouring countries.

The analysis of the market and identification of the products
and enterprises to be targeted is carried out by progressive
professional economists/NGOs/students under the guidance of
the CPC.

The enduring motivation and consent of the members of the CPC
organisations and rest of the population first of all is
achieved by setting up a precise and prioritized list of the
welfare benefits their contributions will bring about, and by
means of an independent control with openly published
accounting of the outcome.
The list should include easily perceptible and visible items.

The tasks of the members will be, as consumers, to buy,
respectively boycott continuously or for a specified period of
time the products pointed out by the CPC, and to motivate rest
of the population to do the same.


Three enterprises, A, B and C, are selling almost identical
products and share the market as follows:

Shares of market:
A   B C

A   B C

Depending on the market, the strength of the CPC, etc., each
one of the enterprises is asked either

A) - if it is willing to turn over the ownership to the people,
if it is chosen as the only one to survive, the stockholders'
invested money to be paid back over a specified period of time,


B) - how great share of its extra profits it will allot to the
people, if it is chosen as the only one or one of the few
enterprises whose products will not be boycotted.

If, for example, A and B bid highest, the CPC may choose to let
A and B share C's market and share C's profit with the people,
rather than let either A or B get complete monopoly:

Shares of market:

xxxx  xx

Everything of course will be based on a written agreement



Population: 120 millions

The CPC will include at least Bangladesh Agricultural Farm
Labour Federation with 100.000 members spread all over the
countryside, the Bangladesh Garment Workers  Employees
Federation in the cities and the Revolutionary Unity Front
with 6 member organisations.

At least in this context it is a great advantage that only very
few people have TV-sets. People therefore are not so brain-
washed as in other countries.

Two thirds of the population being illiterate, people are used
to the personal communication that the members of the CPC
organisations will use in meetings all over the country.

And the corporations cannot counteract the campaign by means of
their TV monopoly.

Only the two radio stations (governmental) may become a problem.


Population: 60 millions

The progressive trade unions with 200.000 members, the Assembly
of The Poor in the rural areas, the Slum People in the urban
areas and the Fisherfolk's Federation 

[CTRL] McDougal Innocent of Obstruction

1999-04-12 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

McDougal Innocent of Obstruction
Monday, April 12, 1999; 1:19 p.m. EDT

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) -- Susan McDougal was found innocent of obstructing
Kenneth Starr's Whitewater investigation and the judge declared a mistrial
today on the other two charges against her.
U.S. District Judge George Howard Jr. declared the mistrial on two criminal
contempt counts just before jurors delivered the innocent verdict in the
``I had a fair trial and my day in court and I thank you for that,'' Mrs.
McDougal told the judge in court after the jury left the courtroom.
Prosecutor Mark Barrett said a retrial is ``obviously an option.'' Barrett
said he hoped prosecutors would decide within a couple of weeks whether to
try again.
Mrs. McDougal hugged her fiance, Pat Harris, and her attorney, Mark
Mrs. McDougal was charged with obstruction and criminal contempt for
refusing to testify to grand juries in the Whitewater probe in 1996 and in
She said her refusal was based on her fear that she would be charged with
perjury unless she falsely testified against the Clintons.
© Copyright 1999 The Associated Press

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Rothschild Garage Sale

1999-04-12 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

I would want to see the bills of sale on some of this stuff.   The
"Bauer" Garage Sale, will just drain more yankee doodle dollars
awaywonder what the Albright family has done with the treasures they
stole, and if the timing on this one, is not rather unusual.

Years ago, I was told by a curator at  a Museum, about a lot of the Nazi
treasures that disappeared, and who had them.he said now and then, a
piece or item will turn up.Rothschild means "Red Shield", and was
the name they took before the House of Rothschild was built.

I am more than just curious about from whence some of the paintings
came.ever read a book called 'the Plot"...and the crap they put into
history about Rothschild is just so much propaganda.

Whoever wrote this story about poor old Rothschild's Garage Sale, should
have dug a little deeped; he might have gotten a Pulitizer.

Why does the Department of Interior withhold the list of Nazi war loot
stolen by Hitler and the boyswell at least, they did not get the
spear that pierced the side of Christ.returned by George Patton, to
the museum from whence it cameJames Carter, President, also returned
the turquoise Hungarian Crown to its rightful owner.

Where did Rothchild, or Bauer, get all that money; I am more than just
curious Yellowbird.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-04-12 Thread MsCntryLdy

 -Caveat Lector-

Kris...when you send something in mail from AOL that is too long, they
automatically change it into an attachment.  No way around that I am afraid.
I don't open attachments either.  Maybe one way you could get around it is to
put half of an article on one mailing if it looks pretty long, then post the
other half as a 'continuation'.  Just a thought.

Also on AOL

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Global Peace Walk Report 12Apr99 PEACE is Victory!, Peace is The Target

1999-04-12 Thread David Crockett Williams

 -Caveat Lector-

Report of 12 April 99:  Global Peace Walk 1999-2000
from David Crockett Williams, Coordinator
Global Emergency Alert Response
General Agency Services

First, a suggestion:  On the television coverage of the public gatherings in
Belgrade, the local people are wearing a symbol of a target with a question
mark inside the center.  Since peace itself is the real target and only true
peace represents any victory over war itself, the idea comes to mind of a
new peace symbol to represent this idea which, if popularized, may unify
people around the world:  A target with the peace symbol in the center, or
even a more complicated graphic where the center of the target "bull's eye"
is a graphic of the globe with the peace symbol overlaid in the center.  If
anyone can help produce such graphic we would like to help promote it.

Again, please consider the value of coordinating a regular local Global
Peace Walk in your community to rally the various survival issue group
members together in a united front campaign for "Global Peace Now!" and the
recognition that "Only Peace is Victory!"  One suggestions is to end a
weekly short Global Community Peace Walk at the city hall in time for the
walkers to offer weekly brief public comments to their city councils.  More
on local walks at http://www.angelfire.com/on/GEAR2000/gcpw.html

The purpose of the Global Peace Walk is to take the first step towards
"Global Peace Now!" by bringing this out as a strong prayer, not only as a
slogan or motto but to foster its acceptance all around the world as a
universal human resolve, as the first step towards the actual manifestation
of a lasting era of global peace and prosperity by recognizing the latent
spiritually united nation of all of humanity related as one family by human
beings' divine/natural connection to all life on Earth, i.e., All Our

This is a time to pay attention to the wisdom of the indigenous
spiritual leaders and to recognize the United Nations International Decade
of the World's Indigenous Peoples 1995-2004, and the year 2000 as the UN
International Year for a Culture of Peace.

Reverend Yamato stopped by here for a brief lunchtime visit three days ago
with the core group of Global Peace Walkers (Tsuyoshi, Hiromi, Samuel, and
Christopher) on the way to New Mexico for the 5th annual Global Peace Walk
from Taos to Santa Fe, April 22-26.  We had a chance to discuss the urgent
need to address the war in Yugoslavia by accelerating locally coordinated
Global Peace Walk activities described following New Mexico information
below.  The walkers have a laptop computer along so those interested may
also email to Global Peace Walk at [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Every year the annual Global Peace Walk starts from Kit Carson Park in
Taos with a sunrise prayer ceremony on Earth Day, April 22nd, planting
the peace tree with native elders.

Then the NM 1999 schedule is:
4/23 The walk starts from south end of Taos to Picuris Pueblo;
4/24 Picuris Pueblo to Chimayo;
4/25 Chimayo to Pojaque;
4/26 Pojaque to Sante Fe Plaza at noon.

Everyone is invited to join and camp along the way.
Come prepared as this is a survival training/camping walk, all the way.
There may be a camp established for folks gathering before April 22nd,
details to be posted on GEAR2000 website below and advised in following
posts as known.

For more details the local contact person in Taos is Martha Bourke, phone
505-758-7078 (home), 758-5819 (work); 758-7248 (work fax); PO Box 784 Taos,
NM 87571.  Holy Family Church (2nd night's campsite provider) 505-351-4360
contact is Father Miguel Mateo.  Picuris Pueblo Ranger is Karin Rael
505-587-2519, Fax 505-587-1071, Address: PO Box 127, Penasco, NM 87553, this
pueblo always welcomes GPW every year. Governor's name is Manuel Archuleta.

Taos, NM, is the first city whose mayor proclaimed it as a Global Peace Zone
(1995) and Santa Fe is the first city whose mayor proclaimed a Global Peace
Walk Day (26Apr).  This is the reason for this annual route of the Global
Peace Walk, to honor the leadership of these city mayors whose support has
inspired numerous other city mayors to make similar proclamations of
support, see partial list and texts at
http://www.angelfire.com/on/GEAR2000/listproc.html .

At the gathering in Taos this year the final schedule for Global Peace Walk
2000 arrival in Washington, DC, will be determined.  The original target
date will be changed to reflect the schedule of about 10 days walking time
from DC to the UN in New York to arrive for the United Nations 55th
anniversary on October 24th.  The ceremony to rededicate the Washington
Monument as a symbol of peace will likely be in the area of October 12th,
Columbus Day instead of September 19, 2000, the annual UN opening and
International Day of Peace which will be observed in another city en route
to DC.

T-Shirts are now available to 


1999-04-12 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-


Here it is.  Some of this information is from the Consumer Research
and much is from my own personal experience.

This is a complete reference list, so don't let its length daunt you.
of a substantial amount of junk mail.  But if you are one of those hard
anti-junk mail types who is interested in truly ending junk mail (like I
follow all of these steps and enjoy the 99.44% junk-free good life!

Just being aware not to freely give out your name, address and phone
every time a business asks for it is the best thing you can do to curb
amount of junk mail (and telemarketing calls...) you receive.

Good luck!

* * * * * *

End Junk Mail

It requires time, paper, postage, envelopes, and awareness, but IT REALLY
A little bit of elbow grease will save you many, many hours of future
junk mail
handling and disposal.  By following these tips you will literally
conserve TONS
of paper and vast amounts of water and other precious resources per year,
has a direct and substantially positive effect on our environment.

1.  First and foremost, contact the Direct Marketing Association's (DMA)
Preference Service, P.O. Box 9008, Farmingdale, NY 11735-9008 and have
include you in their "delete" file which is sent to subscribing
several times a year.  DMA is the largest existing source of junk mail.

2.  To stop receiving those PRE-APPROVED credit card offers, contact the
three" credit organizations and tell them to remove your name and address
all lists they sell, rent, or give out to other organizations for
purposes.  You can do this by calling 1-888-567-8688, which will remove
name from all three lists, or you can contact them separately to the
and phone numbers below.

Equifax Options
Equifax Marketing Decision Systems
P.O. Box 740123
Atlanta, GA 30374-0123
(800) 556-4711 (California only)

Experian (TRW)
Target Marketing Services Division
Attn: Consumer Opt-Out
P.O. Box 919
Allen, TX 75013
(800)-EXPERIAN (397-3742)

Trans Union
Name Removal Option
P.O. Box 7245
Fullerton, CA 92637
(800) 680-7293

3.  Contact every organization you belong to or do business with and tell
to please have your name, address, and other account information used
only for
the matters directly relating to your account and that you do not want
them to
use, sell, rent, or give your account information to other organizations
soliciting purposes.  (Mortgage company, catalog and magazine companies,
frequent flyer or travel programs, cable TV, phone company, car
insurance, etc.)
Anyone who sends you a bill may be selling your name.  Don't forget about
personal bank and credit card company, as they are the source of huge
amounts of
junk mail (Citibank and American Express are the worst offenders).

4.  Don't unconsciously and automatically give out your full name,
social security number or phone number just because someone asks you for
Only give out information that is truly needed for the purpose at hand,
and no

5.  Write the following organizations and let them know that you want
your name
and/or address removed from all of their direct marketing lists.  If junk
is addressed to "current resident", make sure you tell them you are the
current resident.  Many of these companies subscribe to DMA, but junk
mail will
cease much sooner if you write to them directly.

Advo Incorporated
Delivery Services
1001 W. Walnut Street
Compton, CA 90220-5191


Advo, Inc.
One Univac Lane
Windsor, CT  06095
(they do coupons, product samples, etc.)

Val-Pak Coupons
Direct Marketing
P.O. Box 13428
St. Petersburg, FL 33733


Val-Pak Direct
Marketing Systems, Inc.
PO Box 93505
Las Vegas, NV  89193-3505
(they do local coupons)

Harte-Hanks (Pennysaver or Potpourri)
2830 Orbiter St.
Brea, CA 92821

Cox Direct / Carol Wright
P.O. Box 13428
St. Petersburg, FL 33733
(include your mailing label)

Donnelly Database Ops.
1235 N. Ave.
Nevada, IA 50201

And if you're a resident of the Bay Area:

The Adworks for San Francisco
P.O. Box 225002
San Francisco, CA  94122
(they do local coupons)

Great Expectations
San Francisco/Marin County Centre
P.O. Box 995
Horsham, PA  19044-9442
(dating service direct marketing)

6.  Notify these Mailing List Brokers and ask to be placed in their

R.L. Polk  Company
Attn:  Name Deletion File
List Compilation and Development
6400 Monroe Boulevard
Taylor, MI 48180-1814

MetroMail Corporation
List Maintenance
901 West Bond
Lincoln, NE 68521

Database America
Compilation Department
100 Paragon Drive
Montvale, NJ 07645-4591

7.  Contact each company that sends junk mail to your address (write to
return mailing address, don't use biz reply) and tell them to remove your
and/or address from their marketing list, 

[CTRL] Bill: using PAPER JUNK MAIL as fuel

1999-04-12 Thread Edward Britton

 -Caveat Lector-


Why would I want to end junk mail? A friend of mine, with the help of some
of his neighbors, gets on as many junk mail lists as possible. During the
year, he takes the bulk paper, turns it into liquid pulp, pours it into
forms, sets the forms out to dry and  it and generates enough fuel to heat
his house (in Fairfax, Va.) for the entire winter.

Whether these companies realize it or not, they are giving us a valuable
resource. :-)


At 03:10 PM 4/12/99 EDT, you wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-


Here it is.  Some of this information is from the Consumer Research
and much is from my own personal experience.

"From the rage of today's downtrodden comes the revenge
of tomorrow's revolutionary force." Edward Britton   
Reality Pump: http://www.onelist.com/subscribe.cgi/Reality_Pump2

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-04-12 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From San Francisco Bay Guardian

Truth be told?
Are e-mail dispatches from Kosovo compromising the news media's coverage of
the war in Yugoslavia?

By Brooke Shelby Biggs

Big surprise: the mainstream media is screwing up its coverage of the war in
Kosovo. In all likelihood what you're probably seeing on your daily
newspaper's front page is the strict NATO/U.S. Defense Department party
line. That isn't news. It's propaganda.

More surprising, though, is the eagerness with which the "alternative press"
online is acting as a mouthpiece for "the other side" in the matter: Serbian
nationals. We're confronted, often on a daily basis, with voices from within
the battle zone "exposing" NATO atrocities against Serbs and debunking
reports of ethnic cleansing. When it comes right down to it, these
self-appointed Serbian mouthpieces are themselves simply parroting another
source of political propaganda, only this time it's Slobodan Milosevic's
regime. Even when independent Serb citizens discuss the subject, it's clear
they've been influenced by the incessant propagandizing and lack of real
information presented by Yugoslavia's state-run media.

Online media is drawing the traditional media into the unsettling arena of
"he said, she said" as news. There are two factors at work here: the media's
penchant for simplifying everything into good guy vs. bad guy, and the
paucity of independent journalists in Yugoslavia (most have been expelled or
executed). So in place of real reporting, we're offered a flood of
unmediated dispatches from nonjournalists often with a personal interest in
how the war is fought and how it ends. NPR features the impossibly
sympathetic Albanian Kosovar teenager; Salon offers us the self-righteous
Serbian citizens (with disclaimer). Wired News publicized the "cyber-monk"
of Kosovo. CNN is branding its Kosovo e-mail regurgitation as "In-Depth."
This isn't really news, it's hearsay. But because we have no truly reliable
sources of news on Kosovo, responsible journalists are looking to the Net to
recruit Yugoslavs as amateur correspondents. These people have no ethical
mandate to be unbiased any more than the government of Yugoslavia or the
U.S. Defense Department does.

Journalists clearly hope to uncover some rational, human voice that will
make sense of the tragedy in Yugoslavia. We continue to hope that the
Internet will be a great tool of the truth rather than a powerful means of
disseminating propaganda. But in our search for man-on-the-street analysis,
we often further empower the propagandists. We know the reports from NATO,
Russia, and Yugoslavia are tainted with misinformation and lies, but we
presume the vox populi is independent and objective.

Online journalists have fought long and hard to break free of the
characterization that we report whatever we hear and throw editorial
judgment to the wind. Our critics have said that online news doesn't employ
those "gatekeeping" skills critical to good reporting. They claim we tend to
mix conjecture and theory with hard news such that it is impossible to tell
which is which. We've made it hard on ourselves too: the theory of
disintermediation claimed that the Net's purpose was to strip out the
middleman (in the case of media, that's often the editor) and create a
one-to-one, producer-to-consumer media model. Now we talk about
"reintermediation" and call ourselves "filters" rather than "gatekeepers."
Still, we have accepted this mantle with the intent to "add value" by
weeding out the obtuse and irrelevant and deliver the meaningful and

But we fail to do that with these tricky little "straight from the source"
features. We remove ourselves journalistically from our duty to analyze and
add context to the statements of our sources. We remove ourselves from
accountability. And in so doing, we ultimately damage the legitimacy of
Internet-borne news.

Brooke Shelby Biggs is news editor for the MoJo Wire (Mother Jones magazine
online) and a research fellow at Harvard Law School's Berkman Center for
Internet and Society.

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Amazon laughs least
Amazon.com wants you to participate in its Web site. But you better figure
out what the unwritten rules for doing so are before you do.

By Brooke Shelby Biggs

Last week I wrote a column describing Amazon.com's customer reviews as an
excellent source of amateur humor. Specifically, I referred to several
customer reviews of Family Circus cartoonist Bil Keane's book Daddy's Cap Is
on Backwards. The reviews were hilarious send-ups of overserious New York
Review of Books-style essays, ironically addressing the book's content as
deeply culturally significant. Hell, maybe it is. Who am I, or Amazon for
that matter, to say?

At the very least the spoof reviews were "easter eggs" -- hidden goodies
within the site that made users 

[CTRL] COMMENTS Re: CIA-DOJ Case: Cracks opening wider, dayling shinging in!

1999-04-12 Thread David Crockett Williams

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Mike Ruppert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, April 12, 1999 11:17 AM
Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] Re: CIA-DOJ Case: Cracks opening wider, dayling
shinging in!

From: "Mike Ruppert" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hey Everybody - slow down!

This effort at downward departure has already failed and it would never
succeeded anyway. Almost two years ago in 1997 I was subpoenaed as an
Witness in the L.A. case of the U.S. v Edward Hodge on just the same
I have given expert testimony on narcotics and dangerous drugs
time in state and local courts and I am an expert on CIA involvement.

The Judge, Robert Takasugi, after six or seven continuances, and after the
government flew in a senior U.S. attorney from Washington, gave the
defendant a six point reduction in an apparent deal to not call me to the

The courts don't have to do anything they don't want to. I had a
with several attorneys after this message first appeared and it was
that this particular attorney had a paying client, a real drug dealer, and
he ran up his bill niceley.

We all must be judicious about what we spend our energy on. These lists
our activities, as we grow successful, will attract hundreds of
disinformation messages designed to fragment our focus and energy.
got to be mature enough to check stuff out before we trumpet things as the
answer to our prayers.

That only breeds additional disappointment.

Case in point: The current lunacy based on the Media Bypass article and a
four year old Supreme Court decision.

Mike Ruppert

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, April 12, 1999 8:54 AM
Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] Re: CIA-DOJ Case: Cracks opening wider,   dayling
shinging in!


The article, "CIA Complicity..." is very interesting, however, if I may
a worthwhile suggestion, I have often wondered why some lawyer don't use
defense to any big drug defense case that fact that there exists in this
Country today, a DOUBLE STANDARD OF JUSTICE, one for me and you, and one
all of the thugs that are selling dope under the guise of they being the
"Government."  Also, that to prosecute even one drug case the second
kicks in also, and that is SELECTIVE PROSECUTION.  This means that they
selected the person that they wanted to prosecute over the others, the
that are selling it, ostensibly claiming that because they are a Mafioso
clown that they have an immunity to prosecution by virtue of the fact that
they are doing it under color of law, but strictly in violation of the
Now, if any lawyer had the guts and ability to use these two defenses
effectively it would become an effective defense to any drug case
prosecution.  There is an abundance of case law that selective prosecution
a defense to any prosecution.  Also, it is likewise a defense to operate a
double standard of justice, one set of laws for one set of people like in
Kosovo.  These two defenses are powerful and if developed and presented
would throw a monkey wrench into the thug's mechanism.
Now, we have the problem like in many states, that you are not going to
a lawyer that has the guts and ability to take on the murderous thugs.  It
essential to this kind of defense that one put on proof of the
drug operation, like here, where I live and elsewhere where cocaine or
is sold on the side of the street under the supervision of the local law
enforcement.  By calling these law enforcement people, enough of them to
catch them in their lies, and presenting proof that they are selling it,
permitting it, and covering it up, how could one loose?  I hope that this
gets the ball rolling and gets the "government" dope dealers in jail, and
their playhouse torn up.  How much profit do they make a year, I read
it is 114 BILLION dollars per year.  Where does this money go and who gets
it?  People, we need to do some homework.
Oscar B. Ladner

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Historic Friendly Fire - The WW II Glenn Miller ...

1999-04-12 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

Did anyone else read a statement in our newspapers last year that came out of
France that claimed that Glenn Miller had died of a heart attack in a Paris
brothel?  I was astounded, but here was no further comment nor a retraction.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Rockin' In The Free World

1999-04-12 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From Boston Globe

US to send 82 more warplanes

Reserves facing call-up to stop 'ethnic cleansing,' Pentagon says for first

By Mary Leonard and Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, 04/11/99

WASHINGTON - Heeding warnings that an even ''greater humanitarian disaster''
loomed for hundreds of thousands of ethnic Albanians trapped in Kosovo than
for the more than half million who have fled the province in the past 18
days, the Pentagon announced yesterday that 82 more US warplanes were
joining NATO's air campaign to crush Yugoslav forces.

The Pentagon also, for the first time, said US reservists may be called up
in the campaign to stop Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic's ''ethnic
cleansing'' - a term coined by Serbs to describe the forced removal of
another ethnic group.

The plight of ethnic Albanians hiding in the mountains and forests of Kosovo
is ''a bigger problem than the refugees here,'' said Ilaz Ramajli, a Kosovo
official in Albania. ''The refugees here arrived and do not have to fear for
their lives. They are not being attacked.''

Ramajli, an aide to ethnic Albanian leader Ibrahim Rugova, pleaded for NATO
to airdrop food and medical aid to the Albanian Kosovars, who have been
driven from their homes in the last two weeks by Serb police and
paramilitary units.

US officials estimate that up to 750,000 ethnic Albanians are displaced
inside Kosovo, many in hiding, without food or adequate clothing, and some
the victims of atrocities. ''They aren't living in luxury, and they aren't
being treated very nicely,'' Major General Charles Wald said at the

At NATO headquarters in Brussels, spokesman Jamie Shea said the alliance was
''very concerned'' but had no ''miracle solution'' for reaching the
endangered Kosovar Albanians, many of whom were pushed back into the country
after Yugoslavia closed Kosovo's borders Wednesday.

The US response is not an airdrop over Kosovo - up to now such low-altitude
air missions have been considered too risky for alliance pilots. Instead,
the Pentagon is adding the 82 fighters, tankers, and transports to the 400
aircraft it has already committed to NATO to intensify the air war over
Yugoslavia and its Serbian province, Kosovo.

''The addition of these aircraft will ... expand the number of strikes over
any 24-hour period and give us more deep-strike capacity,'' said Pentagon
spokesman Kenneth H. Bacon, adding that he expected other NATO allies to
enhance their forces in a matter of days, too.

''Basically, it will allow us to increase the intensity of the air campaign
over Kosovo and Yugoslavia,'' Bacon said.

The aircraft, which were requested by the NATO commander, General Wesley K.
Clark, and will join some 200 other allied warplanes in the force, include
24 F-16 fighters armed with HARM antiradar missiles; 4 tank-killing A-10
Thunderbolt attack aircraft; 6 radar-jamming EA-6B Prowlers; 39 KC-135s and
2 KC-10s, both refueling tanker aircraft; and 7 C-130 transports. The
Pentagon has promised 24 Apache helicopter gunships, but Wald said yesterday
it could take a month for them all to be in operation.

Bacon also said the expanding air campaign could require the call-up of
reserve military personnel. So far, enough reserve tanker pilots have
volunteered to fly support missions, ''but if we reach a point where we
exhaust the volunteer pool, then we probably would have to seek a reservist
call-up for pilots,'' Bacon said.

Because certain other military specialties exist only in the reserves, Bacon
said ''it's conceivable'' there would have to be additional calls on

Even with signs that NATO was widening the war, cloudy weather hampered its
operations Friday night. Three out of four air missions were canceled, said
Colonel Konrad Freytag, a NATO spokesman, though cruise missiles were fired
from British and US ships.

Freytag confirmed that a NATO bomb struck a radio-relay tower at Golec, near
the Kosovo capital of Pristina. ''It was used mainly for military purposes,
that's why we took it out,'' Freytag said, responding to complaints from
Belgrade that the bombing knocked out Serbian TV broadcasts in Kosovo.

Pentagon officials said they would not verify reports out of Yugoslavia that
NATO bombs fell on the airport at Slatina, south of Pristina, yesterday.
Explosions also were heard at a military airport in the capital of the
Yugoslav republic of Montenegro.

As air-raid sirens sounded in Belgrade and civilians stood as human shields
on Danube bridges, the official news agency Tanjug said: ''NATO barbarians
are attempting to bomb us just a few hours before the Orthodox Easter

NATO officials said the air campaign was having an effect. ''In the last two
weeks we have inflicted a hell of a lot of damage, quite frankly, on the
Yugoslav armed forces,'' said Shea, the spokesman. He estimated that half of
the Serbs' MiG-29 aircraft had been destroyed, as had two of its three major
Army headquarters, 50 percent of its 

Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] School Vouchers: The Parent Trap]

1999-04-12 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

Mike Moxley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-

 VOUCHERS: THE PARENT TRAP Who will have the fundamental right of educating
 children: parents or politicians? By Cathie Adams, president of Texas Eagle

One of the hidden agendas in the school voucher movement is a desire by
certain politicians to channel tax dollars to parochial schools, in direct
violation of the separation of church and state. For many years, the Vatican
has sought to break down the barriers between church and state in this country
and get the same kind of state funding for its schools and salaries for its
clergy that exist in other countries such as Germany and Poland. The Curia
cannot get it through their birettas that the United States Constitution's
guarantee of religious freedom is a two-edged sword--at the same time it
protects the right of everyone to worship as they feel led, it warns us that
state support of religious institutions leads inevitably to state *control* of
those institutions, rather than the other way around. (This is the lesson of
the Grove City case.) If churches are to remain free of government
intervention, they must also remain free of government funding. QED, over and
over and over again...


Robert F. Tatman
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Historic Friendly Fire - The WW II Glenn Miller ...

1999-04-12 Thread T Nohava

 -Caveat Lector-

Read about that one years ago in the newsgroups.

 Did anyone else read a statement in our newspapers last year that
 came out of
 France that claimed that Glenn Miller had died of a heart attack
 in a Paris
 brothel?  I was astounded, but here was no further comment nor a

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: The Socialist, the Communist, the Nihilist

1999-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan

There is a new breed of activist roaming the land. These are activists
who believe that there is something fundamentally wrong with the large
corporation itself -- that it is not what corporations do wrong that is
the problem, it is corporations themselves that are the problem.

These activists believe large corporations as they exist today are
fundamentally undemocratic and cannot be reformed.  These activists
question whether corporations should be considered legal persons with the
same rights of you and I and other living human beings. They question the
very nature of the corporation.

Richard Grossman and his colleagues at the Program on Corporations,
Law and Democracy are travelling the country, encouraging activists of all
stripes to begin asking fundamental questions about citizen control of
corporations, to research the history of corporations, and to begin to
question corporate control over the citizenry.

In 1996, Grossman was in Columbus, Ohio, where he met with 25
activists from around the state for two days. One activist who attended
was Greg Coleridge.

Coleridge was born and raised and spent most of his life in Akron,
Ohio. For the past 17 years, he has been an activist with the American
Friends Service Committee -- the Quakers.

After hearing Grossman speak, Coleridge and fellow activists in Ohio
began researching the history of corporations in Ohio.

They found a speech given by Williams Jennings Bryan to the 1912
Constitutional Convention in Columbus, Ohio. Ask yourself:  Who today
would speak in such a manner?

This is what William Jennings Bryan had to say in 1912:

"The first thing to understand is the difference between the natural
person and the fictitious person, called the corporation.  They differ in
the purpose in which they are created, in the strength which they possess,
and in the restraints under which they act. Man is the handiwork of God
and was placed upon earth to carry out a Divine purpose. The corporation
is the handiwork of man and was created to carry out a money-making
policy. There is comparatively little difference in the strength of men. A
corporation may be one hundred, one thousand, or even one million times
stronger than the average man. Man acts under the restraints of
conscience, and is influenced also by a belief in the future life. A
corporation has no soul and cares nothing about the hereafter."

They found that the Ohio Supreme Court stripped Standard Oil of Ohio
of its charter for monopolizing the oil industry. The Standard Oil Trust
fled to New Jersey, the Delaware of its day.  And Standard Oil wasn't
alone. The Ohio state legislature and courts had stripped dozens and
dozens of corporations of their charters for wrongdoing. Don't do as we
tell you and you're out!

They found that the much ballyhooed Sherman Antitrust Act was a bone
thrown to activists. The act was named after John Sherman, the Senator
from Ohio. This is Senator Sherman urging his fellow members of the Senate
to pass his legislation into law: The people "are feeling the power and
grasp of these combinations, and are demanding of every [state]
legislature and of Congress a remedy for this evil, only grown into huge
proportions in recent times. . .You must heed their appeal, or be ready
for the socialist, the communist, and the nihilist. .  .Society is now
disturbed by forces never felt before. The popular mind is agitated with
problems that may disturb the social order. Among these, none is more
threatening than the inequality of condition, wealth and opportunity" that
has emerged from "the concentration of capital in vast combinations to
control production and trade and to break down competition."

Coleridge and his friends pulled together this information in a nifty
little booklet called: Citizens Over Corporations: A Brief History of
Democracy in Ohio and Challenges to Organizing in the Future.

"Corporations are a different kind of creation," Coleridge told us
recently. "There is no surprise that corporations have ended up working
against the human interest and against the common good."

So Greg, if not corporations, what?

"If we can ever get to the point of asking that question, we will
have moved forward," Coleridge says. "Just as fish think water is
necessary for existence, human beings have come to see corporations as
necessary to economic existence. It is so much accepted as a given that we
don't tend to believe that there is any other way."

Right now, Grossman, Coleridge and like minded activists around have
a lot of questions and few answers. They are busy researching how we got
ourselves into this soup -- from a situation where we controlled
corporations, to where corporations are controlling us.

For his part, Coleridge is not ashamed to admit that he doesn't know
the answer to corporate power. "The corporate culture is a century or more
in the making," he said. "It is going to take a few years for us
collectively and democratically to understand where we are, how we 

[CTRL] Check Out Lockerbie Incident Page

1999-04-12 Thread Mark Maloney

 -Caveat Lector-

It may be found at the following URL:

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Shrewd Serb Tactics Downed Stealth Jet, U.S. Inquiry Shows

1999-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan

Shrewd Serb Tactics Downed Stealth Jet, U.S. Inquiry Shows
New York Times

Print Media Edition:  Late Edition (East Coast)
New York
Apr 11, 1999

Authors:  Eric Schmitt

Document Column Name: Crisis in the Balkans: The Lost Warplane

Pagination:   1

ISSN: 03624331

Dateline: WASHINGTON, April 10


Air Force investigators now believe that Yugoslavia jury-rigged its system
of radars and communications to shoot down an F-117 stealth fighter two
weeks ago, and as part of an accelerated air campaign Pentagon officials
are sending forces that could help avoid a similar incident.

Instead, Air Force and other military officials now believe that spotters
in Serbia, and perhaps in Bosnia and along the Montenegrin coast, may have
patched together enough quick glimpses of the warplane from scattered radars
to track the elusive aircraft, however briefly, and to fire a missile at
it from a battery near Belgrade.

As part of the 82-plane buildup of American air forces in the region announced
today, the Pentagon said it would add 24 additional Air Force F-16 fighters
armed with specialized anti-radar missiles, along with six radar-jamming
Navy EA-6B Prowlers.
Copyright New York Times Company Apr 11, 1999

Full Text:

Air Force investigators now believe that Yugoslavia jury-rigged its system
of radars and communications to shoot down an F-117 stealth fighter two
weeks ago, and as part of an accelerated air campaign Pentagon officials
are sending forces that could help avoid a similar incident.

Military officials said that as a result of the inquiry they now believe
that a combination of low-tech tactics, quick learning and improvisation
came together in one brilliant moment to shoot down the premier attack
jet in America's arsenal.

The culprit, they believe, is an SA-3 surface-to-air missile. But it probably
was not used in the normal fashion, with its operators relying on their
own local radars to detect the target, which leaves them vulnerable to
NATO fighters that can home in on the radar beams.

Instead, Air Force and other military officials now believe that spotters
in Serbia, and perhaps in Bosnia and along the Montenegrin coast, may have
patched together enough quick glimpses of the warplane from scattered radars
to track the elusive aircraft, however briefly, and to fire a missile at
it from a battery near Belgrade.

They reached their conclusions, which are still under review, after extensive
interviews with the rescued pilot, a review of technical clues and an analysis
of how the Serbian air defenses have been operating.

''We think whoever did this won the lotto that night,'' said one senior
American officer.

NATO commanders are already applying the lessons learned from this incident,
the only time a manned aircraft has been hit by enemy fire during the Balkan

As part of the 82-plane buildup of American air forces in the region announced
today, the Pentagon said it would add 24 additional Air Force F-16 fighters
armed with specialized anti-radar missiles, along with six radar-jamming
Navy EA-6B Prowlers.

NATO wants those aircraft primarily to protect additional non-stealth warplanes
on their bombing runs. But those kinds of planes will also be attacking
the very network that most likely brought down the F-117.

And NATO has increasingly struck at communications nodes of the kind that
allow widely dispersed Serb radar stations to link together as they track
allied planes. This week the alliance destroyed a telephone switching center
in Pristina and a microwave relay station, also in Kosovo, even though
that caused civilian damage that NATO targeters say they usually take pains
to avoid.

The Serbs have used their long-range radar sparingly in order to avoid
an attack by NATO fighters. Still, NATO and Pentagon officials have such
respect for Yugoslavia's air defenses that low-flying attack planes like
the A-10 have flown only a handful of strike missions.

But shooting down an F-117 defied the odds. It was a longshot, low-tech
solution to a challenge posed by one of the most sophisticated warplanes
in the world, Pentagon officials said. In the end, it may have been tactics
aided by luck, and not technology, that brought down the F-117 and gave
Belgrade a propaganda windfall.

In addition to its radar-absorbing skin and radar-scattering angles, the
Nighthawk, as the F-117 is called, typically flies a zig-zag pattern to
avoid tracking.

The F-117 is not invisible, but barely visible to most radars. It is most
vulnerable when turning suddenly at low altitudes, which can reflect radar
beams to receivers, or when opening its bomb bay door.

What American military officials now suspect is that Serbian spotters,
perhaps starting with spies in Italy 

[CTRL] [6b] Treason in America -- From Aaron Burr to Averell Harriman

1999-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Treason in America -- From Aaron Burr to Averell Harriman
New Benjamin Franklin House
P. O. Box 20551
New York, New York 10023
ISBN 0-933488-32-7


The Small World of the British-Swiss Secret Service

Agents Moving Between Geneva and North America

GEN. AUGUSTINE PREVOST Commander of British forces in American Revolution in
the south; brother of James Mark, father of Sir George

COL. JAMES MARK PREVOST Second-in-command to brother Augustine against the
Americans in the South; royal administrator of British-conquered Georgia;
co-husband of Theodosia Prevost with Aaron Burr

MAJOR JOHN ANDRE Adjutant General of British Army; hanged for managing
Benedict Arnold's treason; family joined Mallet-Prevosts in forming bank now
known as Schlumberger bank; military training at Geneva University

ALBERT GALLATIN U.S. Treasury Secretary under President Jefferson; creator of
systematic attack on Hamiltonian economics; leader of free trade party
through 1830s; initiated anthropology in America

SIR GEORGE PREVOST Commander of British forces in North America, War of 1812;
Governor General of Canada; son of Augustine

North American-Based

AARON BURR U.S. Vice-President and grand spymaster against U.S.A.; husband of
Theodosia Prevost, step-father of John B. Prevost

JOHN JACOB ASTOR Financed Burr's and Gallatin's treason; backed by East India
Company; created slum system in New York

THEODOSIA PREVOST Wife of Col. James Mark Prevost; wife of Aaron Burr

COL. CHARLES WILLIAMSON British military intelligence; co-authored and
brought Burr's proposal for secession of Western U.S. to British government;
Burr's law client; New York State legislator and landlord

JOHN B. PREVOST Son of James Mark and Theodosia Prevost; stepson and
political aide to Aaron Burr; U. S. diplomat


ABRAHAM PREVOST Cousin of France's Necker and Gallatin; Principal of Geneva

PIERRE PREVOST Translator of Adam Smith and Thomas Malthus; Professor, Geneva

PAUL HENRI MALLET First author of nordic-myth Teutonic romanticism;
anti-American strategist paid by King George III of England; intimate of
Gallatin and director of his studies; his brother's wife the sister of
Augustine and James Mark Prevost


LORD SHELBURNE Intelligence overlord coordinating British-Swiss Secret Service

ETIENNE DUMONT Intimate of Gallatin; worldwide promoter and translator of
Bentham; tutor of Lord Shelburne's sons

JACQUES MALLET DU PAN British spymaster in continental Europe; cousin of
Prevost, Necker, Gallatin

ADAM SMITH East India Company operative; toured France and Switzerland in
1760 arranging Swiss contacts for war against France


JACQUES NECKER French controller of finances who conducted austerity drive to
wreck government; cousin of Gallatin, Mallet-Prevosts; father of Madame de

pps.  91-92

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [6a] Treason in America -- From Aaron Burr to Averell Harriman

1999-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Treason in America -- From Aaron Burr to Averell Harriman
New Benjamin Franklin House
P. O. Box 20551
New York, New York 10023
ISBN 0-933488-32-7



Burr's Machine Prepares
Americans Surrender

The United States Burr fled from was crippled by dissension. The previous
year, 1807, the Jefferson-Gallatin administration had responded to escalating
attacks against American shipping by imposing an embargo against all U. S.
export trade with foreign countries. To punish Britain and France for
stealing our ships, cargoes, and crews, we would prohibit our ships from
sailing anywhere they might get themselves captured!

This might have been positive it did, indeed, increase native manufacturing
by stifling foreign competition—except for the fact that Treasury Secretary
Albert Gallatin of Switzerland was put in charge of enforcing the embargo.
Under Gallatin, trade with France and her allies was completely cut off, both
by the U.S. Navy ships Gallatin employed, and the British cruisers which
dominated the Atlantic. At the same time, trade with Britain—smuggling across
the ocean and across the border with Canada—flourished under Gallatin's
peculiar enforcement. The British consul in Boston arrogantly gave "licenses"
to American shippers to pass the British blockade after running their own
country's blockade of itself.

This pathetic display of weakness by the government fed the sedition of the
New England Federalists. John Quincy Adams went public 20 years later with a
denunciation of the designs of the "Thirteen Confederates" who had plotted
with Aaron Burr to dismember the Union and who still, in 1808, were working
with England against the United States.

James Madison was elected President in 1808, and Albert Gallatin was now in
the most powerful position of his life; he continued in the Treasury post,
and was, for all major policy decisions, virtually President. Aaron Burr's
personal physician and protege, Dr. William Eustis of Boston,(1) was sworn in
on March 7, 1809, as Secretary of War. Enemies of the United States were now
in power both within the administration and in its opposition, centered in
Boston (2)

But a powerful movement to break the country out of this catastrophe was soon
to emerge under the congressional leadership of Henry Clay of Kentucky. Clay
and his followers proposed full-scale war with Britain, and the American
conquest of Canada, as the salvation of American honor and independence, and
of a revived national spirit.

Gallatin tried his best to discourage Clay's nationalists, prevailing on
President Madison to do or say nothing to give Britain, or Britain's American
opponents, a pretext for war. He published an annual report in November 1811,
warning of the drastic tax increases and higher interest rates that a war
would necessitate.

Virginia Senator William Giles introduced a bill in December 1811 to raise a
25,000-man army for five years' service. The administration had said the
nation could not afford such a military force. Giles retorted that perhaps
Treasury Secretary Gallatin lacked either the talent or the desire to defend
the national honor, that he acted as if it were more important to retire the
public debt than to provide for national defense. Giles contended that if
Gallatin were such a financial genius, he would be able to find a way to
finance the necessary measures.

The attack against Gallatin, unfortunately, also brought down the Bank of the
United States, whose 20-year charter expired without renewal in 1811. No
institution viewed as being under Gallatin's domination could be approved by
the enraged Congress.

The United States was bankrupt, insulted, without any appreciable naval
force. Henry Clay and his followers put the matter bluntly to James Madison:
either you declare war, or we get a new President in the 1812 elections. The
Second War for Independence, as it was known then, was declared on June 12,

The previous month, on May 5, Aaron Burr had returned from exile, landing in
Boston. In disguise, he made his way to Harvard University, where Harvard's
President Kirkland gave Burr a check drawn on the Harvard treasury(3) to
allow him to return to New York. Still in disguise, and still under
indictment for treason and other crimes in various states, Burr went back to
New York.

Preparing for his return, Burr's daughter Theodosia had written to Albert
Gallatin and the President's wife, Dolly Madison (who knew Aaron before she
knew lames), asking them to arrange for his indictments to be quietly
forgotten. Somehow, this was done. Burr was back, and had visited Boston, the
center of anti-American operations, just before the war began.

The first six months of war were a disaster for the United States. General
William Hull, based in Michigan, planned the defense of Detroit with
Secretary of War William Eustis, before war was declared. On his way west,
Hull's convoy was attacked by the British out of Canada, 

[CTRL] Clinton being a liar finally is lawfully official

1999-04-12 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Clinton Found in Contempt

   Judge Raps President for Deposition in Jones Case

President Clinton reaches into a crowd of military personnel
after his address at Barksdale Air Force Base. Hours later, a federal judge
found Clinton in contempt of court over his testimony in the Paula Jones
case. (Bill Haber/AP Photo)

  W A S H I N G T O N, April 12 — The Paula Jones sexual harassment case
returned to haunt President Clinton today when a federal judge found him in
contempt of court for lying under oath about Monica Lewinsky.
   Judge Susan Webber Wright ruled the president in contempt for
“willful failure” to obey her repeated orders to testify truthfully.
   “The record demonstrates by clear and convincing evidence that
the president responded to plaintiffs’ questions by giving false, misleading
and evasive answers that were designed to obstruct the judicial process.”
   In the civil contempt finding, Judge Susan Webber Wright ruled
Clinton will have to cover at least some of Jones’ legal costs.
   The contempt issue was first raised last September, when Wright
aired her “concerns” about Clinton’s deposition in the Jones case, during
which he denied having had a sexual relationship with Lewinsky.
   In the deposition, Clinton said flatly, “I have never had sexual
relations with Monica Lewinsky.”
   Wright wrote in her ruling that, “It is difficult to construe the
president’s sworn statements ... as anything other than a willful refusal to
obey this court’s discovery orders.”
   “Simply put, the president’s deposition testimony regarding
whether he had ever been alone with Ms. Lewinsky was intentionally false and
his statements regarding whether he had ever engaged in sexual relations
with Ms. Lewinsky likewise were intentionally false.”
   Consideration of the contempt issue was put off during Clinton’s
impeachment trial, which also centered around the president’s handling of
the Lewinsky affair. But shortly after the Senate acquitted Clinton, Wright
hinted in the footnote of another ruling that she would take steps “to
preserve the integrity of the Court’s proceedings and provide a means of
enforcement of its orders.”
   Wright, one of Clinton’s former law students, tossed Jones’ suit
out of court last April. Jones appealed the ruling, but agreed to settle
after Clinton offered to pay $850,000.
   Jones alleged that, while she worked as an Arkansas state
employee in 1991, then-Gov. Clinton dropped his pants and asked her to
perform oral sex upon him in a Little Rock hotel room. Clinton denied the
accusations and has attacked the case as politically motivated.
   Ironically, it was the defunct Jones case that first uncovered
Clinton’s relationship with Lewinsky and led later to his impeachment.
  White House producer Josh Gerstein contributed to this report.

NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,
this material is distributed without profit to those who
have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included
information for research and educational purposes. For
more information go to: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] First American 'from Polynesia'

1999-04-12 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-

4-12-1999, RJ wrote:

 First American 'from Polynesia'

 London Times, 4-12-99

 Los Angeles:  Thigh bones found on a California island
 could be from North America's oldest skeleton, according to
 scientists challenging American Indians' most cherished
 beliefs about the continent's population (Giles Whittell
 writes).  The bones, stored since being found in 1959, are
 now said to be from a woman who died about 13,000 years ago
 - 1,400 years earlier than first told.  The difference is
 crucial, suggesting the New World's first human beings may
 have come not by foot from Siberia, but by boat, possibly
 from Polynesia.

 "She may be the earliest inhabitant we have discovered,"
 John Johnson of Santa Barbara Museum said after a paper was
 presented on Arlington Springs Woman, outlining retesting
 using new DNA and radiocarbon dating methods.  If the date
 is correct, she would have lived when the mainland was
 roamed by woolly mammoths and covered largely by glaciers.

 from:  http://www.latimes.com/HOME/NEWS/STATE/t32648.html

 Los Angeles Times
 Sunday, April 11, 1999

 Channel Island Woman's Bones May Rewrite History

 By GARY POLAKOVIC, Times Staff Writer

 In a discovery that sheds new light on the human conquest of
 the New World, a team of scientists says that bones from an
 ancient woman who lived on the Channel Islands off Ventura
 County could be the oldest human remains ever found in North

 The extraordinary discovery provides important clues to a
 critical yet mysterious period in human history -- the end
 of the last major ice age -- when nomadic people began
 populating the Americas but left little evidence about who
 they were or where they came from.

 The woman's bones, subjected to recent reexamination after
 spending the better part of four decades in storage, join a
 growing body of ancient skeletal remains that challenges
 traditional theories that the first visitors came here from
 northern Asia by way of a land bridge to Alaska.  The new
 evidence suggests that the first settlers could have been
 Polynesians or southern Asians who arrived by boat.  Some of
 the recent remains have features more typical of Europeans,
 scientists say.

 "Bottom line is she may be the earliest inhabitant of North
 America we have discovered.  It's a find of national
 significance," said John R. Johnson, curator of anthropology
 at the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, part of the
 team involved in the research.

 The skeletal remains consist of two thigh bones scooped from
 a gully at Arlington Canyon on Santa Rosa Island 40 years
 ago.  They were tested in the 1960s and kept in their
 original soil before being encased in plaster and stored in
 the basement of the Santa Barbara museum.  Researchers at
 the museum and Channel Islands National Park recently
 decided to subject the bones to sophisticated DNA and
 radiocarbon testing methods that were not available when the
 bones were discovered.

 The tests were performed by Stafford Research Laboratories
 in Boulder, Colo., one of the nation's preeminent carbon
 dating labs.  The results showed that the bones are probably
 13,000 years old, 1,400 years older than previously thought.
 That would make the so-called Arlington Springs woman
 slightly older than the oldest known human skeletons in
 North America, which came from Montana, Idaho and Texas,
 scientists say.

 Other members of the research team included scientists from
 the University of California, Lawrence Livermore National
 Radiocarbon Laboratory, and the National Park Service.
 Results of the investigation have not yet been submitted to
 peers for critical review and have not been published in
 scientific journals.  But a paper describing the experiment
 presented March 30 at the fifth California Islands Symposium
 at the Santa Barbara museum has fueled excitement among
 leading scholars in the field.

 Two sets of tests were performed on the bones and have
 produced differing estimates of their age.  The first set
 was performed by the Stafford lab and R. Ervin Taylor,
 chairman of the anthropology department at UC Riverside,
 another respected expert in the carbon dating of skeletons.
 Those tests produced an age of 11,000 years.  Thomas W.
 Stafford, a research geochemist who runs the Stafford lab,
 performed a second set of tests on another piece of leg bone
 that was in better condition.  That test isolated a protein
 common to bones and analyzed the remaining amino acids,
 which indicated an age of about 13,000 years.  Additional
 tests on a lump of charcoal and a mouse jawbone, found
 beside the leg bones in the same stratum of soil, confirmed
 that age, Stafford said.

 Taylor said he hopes to double-check the older date by
 testing the same portion of femur that Stafford used.  But
 he vouched for the other man's expertise.  "He has a very
 good track record, he has scientific credibility and he does
 a lot of work 

[CTRL] Ulcer ( cancer) bacteria in tapwater?

1999-04-12 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-


 Ulcers on tap

 by Jon Copley
 From New Scientist, 3 April 1999

 THE SLIME THAT COATS WATER PIPES could be a haven for
 bacteria that cause stomach ulcers and gastric cancer,
 according to researchers at Robert Gordon University in

 Helicobacter pylori has been implicated in a wide
 variety of gastrointestinal diseases, from stomach
 inflammation to ulcers and even cancer.  In developed
 countries, half of people over 50 years old carry the
 bacterium in their guts, and in developing countries an
 even larger proportion of people are affected.  Several
 animals may harbour the microorganism, but so far no one
 has found a reservoir in the environment.

 Donald Reid and his colleagues in Scotland thought that
 H. pylori might thrive in biofilms.  These form when
 microorganisms colonise surfaces such as the insides of
 water pipes, often surrounding themselves with a sticky
 protective film.  "Biofilms occur naturally in all water
 distribution systems," says Reid.

 The researchers grew a biofilm inside stainless steel
 pipes in the laboratory and inoculated it with H.
 pylori.  Even after unchlorinated water was flushed
 through the pipes for 192 hours, H. pylori still
 infested the biofilm.  The team's findings will be
 published in the Journal of Applied Microbiology.

 "Anywhere there is a biofilm, there is a potential haven
 for Helicobacter pylori," says Reid.  This is
 particularly likely in unchlorinated private wells and
 water supplies in developing countries.  Although most
 public supplies in developed countries are chlorinated,
 Reid believes the bacteria could still survive inside
 the biofilm.  "Chlorine is only going to attack the
 upper layers," he says.  "By the time those are
 destroyed, the chlorine is gone."  As the biofilm builds
 up, Reid says that bacteria may be washed away a few at
 a time or occasionally released as large clumps.

 A spokesman for Severn Trent, one of the largest
 suppliers of drinking water in Britain, says there are
 no studies that show H. pylori in treated water, so it
 is not included in routine water testing.  "If a study
 showed it in treated water, we would want to investigate
 further," says the spokesman.

 © Copyright New Scientist, RBI Limited 1999


 from:  http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/99feb/germs.htm

 A New Germ Theory

 There is now little doubt that Helicobacter pylori,
 found in the stomachs of a third of adults in the United
 States, causes inflammation of the stomach lining.
 In 20 percent of infected people it produces an ulcer.
 Nearly everyone with a duodenal ulcer is infected.
 H. pylori infections can be readily diagnosed with
 endoscopic biopsy tests, a blood test for antibodies, or
 a breath test.  In 90 percent of cases the infections
 can be cured in less than a month with antibiotics.
 (Unfortunately, many doctors still haven't gotten the
 news.  A Colorado survey found that 46 percent of
 patients seeking medical attention for ulcer symptoms
 are never tested for H. pylori by their physicians.)


 H. pylori, the ulcer pathogen, confers a sixfold greater
 risk of stomach cancer, and accounts for at least half
 of all stomach cancers.  Also, the lymphoid tissue of
 the stomach can produce a low-grade gastric lymphoma
 under the influence of this bacterium.  Early reports
 indicate that the lymphoma is cured in 50 percent of
 cases by resolving the H. pylori infection -- which may
 mark the first time in medical history that cancer has
 been cured with an antibiotic.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Draft dodging, War monger Liberals

1999-04-12 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-

 from:  http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a3709d42e77ce.htm

 Kosovo: the liberals' war
 By C. Raja Mohan
 The Hindu
 NEW DELHI, April 5.

 Where have all the Western liberals gone?  Nearly two weeks into
 NATO's war against Serbia, there is barely a whimper of protest in
 either Europe or North America.  But then you can't expect Western
 peaceniks to protest against a war they themselves are waging.

 Nearly eight years ago, the U.S. Democrats came very close to
 denying the President, Mr. George Bush, the authority to wage a war
 against Iraq's Mr. Saddam Hussein.  But now it is a Democrat in the
 White House who is pursuing an open-ended war in the Balkans.  In
 Britain, many leading lights of the Labour Party and the Left had
 strongly protested against the Gulf War.  Now a Labour Prime
 Minister, Mr. Tony Blair, is among the NATO hawks on Kosovo.

 The reversal of attitudes towards war and peace among liberals is
 most visible in Germany, where the ruling alliance of Social
 Democrats and pacifist Greens has ordered the German bombers into
 combat for the first time since the end of Second World War.

 Until recently, German public opinion refused to endorse the
 participation of German armed forces even in international peace-
 keeping missions, given the sensitivities arising from the Nazi
 past.  But now there is strong support in Germany for the war
 against Serbia.

 In France, where the intelligentsia traditionally revelled in
 opposing American "Cowboy imperialism", is backing the war against
 Serbia.  The French Government, which had been promoting the idea
 of a "multipolar world" is now firmly with the United States in the
 Balkan war.

 The conservative French President, Mr. Jacques Chirac, and
 Socialist Prime Minister, Mr. Lionel Jospin, have set aside
 political differences and the traditional suspicion of the NATO
 to line up behind the bombing of Belgrade.

 Although there is some unease in Europe -- particularly among the
 former Communists and in Greece -- at the unfolding war in the
 Balkans, the measure of political unity that has emerged in the
 Continent against Serbia is unprecedented.  A war started by the
 Western liberals in the Balkans has now gained strong support from
 the conservatives -- of course, for entirely different reasons.

 The liberals have always recoiled at the idea of going to war in
 pursuit of such crass objectives as balance of power, geopolitics,
 or securing valuable natural resources such as oil.  The European
 liberals were particularly irked by what they saw as attempts by
 the U.S. to drag their nations, through the NATO, into such wars.

 They see the war in the Balkans, however, as being driven not by
 narrow national interests but by the moral imperative of preventing
 "genocide", "ethnic cleansing" and the return of "barbarism" to
 Europe.  Although many in the world may not share this view,
 there is no denying the strength of this belief in Europe, and
 the absence of any sympathy for the Serb point of view.

 When the Balkan crisis began to unfold at the turn of the 1990s,
 the then U.S. President, Mr. Bush, was extremely reluctant to get
 involved.  Despite the fact that he had successfully waged the Gulf
 War in the name of a "New world Order", Mr. Bush was determined not
 to repeat the adventure in the Balkans.

 Mr. Bush and other American conservative internationalists seemed
 to say "we don't have dog in that fight".  With no conceivable
 geopolitical interest in the Balkans, the Bush Administration was
 quite happy to leave it to the European powers to manage the
 crisis.  It was the American liberals who challenged the Republican
 policy of benign neglect and kept up the demand for a U.S. military

 In his election campaign against Mr. Bush, Mr. Clinton attacked
 the American inaction in the Balkans.  But when he took over as
 President, Mr. Clinton was equally wary of being drawn into the
 Balkan quagmire.  But as the European efforts failed and the
 political pressure from the liberals mounted, Mr. Clinton got the
 U.S. inextricably entangled into the conflict by the mid- 1990s.

 The Balkans have became the new testing ground for the convictions
 of postmodern liberal internationalism in the West.  Since the end
 of the Cold War, liberal internationalists have been the strongest
 champions of Western intervention in the internal affairs of other
 nations in pursuit of universal values.

 Discarding the earlier distrust of interventionary policies,
 induced by the Vietnam war, the liberals now sought to mobilise
 Western state power to set right every wrong in the world -- from
 human rights to environmental standards and from religious freedom
 to sexual orientation.

 Whether it was to save failing States in Somalia or Haiti, or the
 promotion of democracy in China and Myanmar, the liberals called
 for greater American activism through use of either military force

Re: [CTRL] pesticide rain!

1999-04-12 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-


 It's raining pesticides

 Fred Pearce and Debora Mackenzie
 From New Scientist, 3 April 1999

 Rain is not what it used to be.  A new study reveals
 that much of the precipitation in Europe contains such
 high levels of dissolved pesticides that it would be
 illegal to supply it as drinking water.

 Studies in Switzerland have found that rain is laced
 with toxic levels of atrazine, alachlor and other
 commonly used crop sprays.  "Drinking water standards
 are regularly exceeded in rain," says Stephan Müller, a
 chemist at the Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental
 Science and Technology in Dübendorf.  The chemicals
 appear to have evaporated from fields and become part of
 the clouds.

 Both the European Union and Switzerland have set a limit
 of 100 nanograms for any particular pesticide in a litre
 of drinking water.  But, especially in the first minutes
 of a heavy storm, rain can contain much more than that.

 In a study to be published by Müller and his colleague
 Thomas Bucheli in Analytical Chemistry this summer, one
 sample of rainwater contained almost 4000 nanograms per
 litre of 2,4-dinitrophenol, a widely used pesticide.
 Previously, the authors had shown that in rain samples
 taken from 41 storms, nine contained more than 100
 nanograms of atrazine per litre, one of them around 900

 In the latest study, the highest concentrations of
 pesticides turned up in the first rain after a long dry
 spell, particularly when local fields had recently been
 sprayed.  Until now, scientists had assumed that the
 pesticides only infiltrated groundwater directly from

 Müller warns that the growing practice of using
 rainwater that falls onto roofs to recharge underground
 water may be adding to the danger.  This water often
 contains dissolved herbicides that had been added to
 roofing materials, such as bitumen sheets, to prevent
 vegetation growing.  He suggests that the first flush of
 rains should be diverted into sewers to minimise the
 pollution of drinking water, which is not usually
 treated to remove these herbicides and pesticides.

 Meanwhile, Swedish researchers have linked pesticides to
 one of the most rapidly increasing cancers in the
 Western world.  Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, which has risen
 by 73 per cent in the US since 1973, is probably caused
 by several commonly used crop sprays, say the

 Lennart Hardell of Orebro Medical Centre and Mikael
 Eriksson of Lund University Hospital found Swedish
 sufferers of the disease were 2.7 times more likely to
 have been exposed to MCPA, a widely used weedkiller,
 than healthy people (Cancer, vol 85 p 1353).

 MCPA, which is used on grain crops, is sold as Target by
 the Swiss firm Novartis.  In addition, patients were 3.7
 times more likely to have been exposed to a range of
 fungicides, an association not previously reported.

 The patients were also 2.3 times more likely to have had
 contact with glyphosate, the most commonly used
 herbicide in Sweden.  Use of this chemical, sold as
 Round-Up by the US firm Monsanto, is expected to rocket
 with the introduction of crops, such as Roundup-Ready
 soya beans, that are genetically modified to resist
 glyphosate.  The researchers suggest that the chemicals
 have suppressed the patients' immunity, allowing viruses
 such as Epstein-Barr to trigger cancer.

 © Copyright New Scientist, RBI Limited 1999


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-04-12 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-


I'm not sure about all this 'brothers and sisters unite' stuff in the context
of International Socialism -
I agree with the basic marxism and economic theory but we all know that in
places from Russia to Ethiopia, the revolutionary class simply became a
more ruthless version of the capitalists that they had enlisted the help
of the suffering to replace.
In THEORY it sounds great, but, I never did dig those revolutionaries who
lead from the rear  'bloody in the short term'  'can't make an
without breaking a few eggs' etc ... redistribute the wealth as long as
you leave my stash alone etc
The Human Race make good greengrocers - why Tony Blair or Wild Bill Clinton
running your local shop would be a wonderful experience - but we all know
the story - give em some power and they completely transform into monsters.
That is a scientific analysis that the Human race has made with 12000 years
of scientific empirical evidence to evaluate.
Hitler may have said that England is a nation of Shopkeepers, but the Human
Race is definitely a planet of Greengrocers - and with this in mind -
please lets have plenty peaceful revolutions.
Europe and America are currently fighting over bananas - the nutritional
food for the Planet of the Apes - and my 'brothers' are 'waiting in the wings'
to change the world - well I want to help - change the world that is ...
can I become one of the 'professionals' that decides which businesses flourish
and which die  I may want a few bananas whilst I'm making up my mind :)
One of my old acquaintences was a member of the Revolutionary Communist Party,
and commenting on my lack of a job at that time in the 70's, he said -
well when we get in - everyone will get a job ... I cheered up immediately
at that prospect - there must be real hope I thought  Well, he said
at the snow on the pavement outside You'll be assigned to a work party,
given a shovel and asked to clear a section of road from the snow - if you've
got a college degree - you get to drive the lorry .. Whats wrong with a
snow-plough ? I asked !
He obviously wanted control of the Block Vote for the National Union of
Non-Union Members :)
A few deprived Serfs 'Running Riot' in the Robber Barons Castle is rhetoric
the 19th century - the reality of Global Society is more: 'tortured implantees
loose in the Death Stars prison Block' and as such I think that the old ways
of resistance to control MAY be over because we have less and less freedom
in our high tek prisons to refuse; food, instructions and less choices etc etc
However, I think that the biggest weapon of the free world and the human race
is that very substance the Death Star craves the most - INFORMATION -
Mountains of Information to be exact - and the more we supply, the more
we give - the sooner will be our victory.
Guerilla warfare in a jungle of words and concepts - conceptual overload and
contradiction, logic and irrationality - the Internet is this NOW -
Diversity of ideology, diversity of product . oh the pain and labour
trying to meticulously pigeon hole every idea, to make every analysis count
when there can only be time for one - and it must be accurate and there
is a backlog of a million more .
Slow the information flow down, however, and the Death Star will love it,
speed up amounts produced past its capacity to process - its defences
will generate holes - and in that chaos - Luke Skywalker will fly the X-Wing.
money as we know it is dead - this is the Information Age.

Andrew Hennessey
Transformation Studies Group
Edinburgh   Scotland

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Ulcer ( cancer) bacteria in tapwater?

1999-04-12 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

Bill Kingsbury wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-


  Ulcers on tap

  by Jon Copley
  From New Scientist, 3 April 1999

The question that they neglect to address is this:  Does this bacteria have any
effect on a healthy gut?  Does it only effect those that are already sick?  Does
it only go after those that have already had their intestinal flora "temperarily"
destroyed because they have used pesticides or herbicides?  Are pesticides
and herbicides removed from our clorinated tapwater?

Let's go on to the question:  Does E-Coli exsist naturally but normally does
not effect us?  How does a female dog clean up after her puppies?  Is a
reaction to e-coli because of antibiotics?

Chemical tib bits

Main Index - bookmark it, there are no return links, at least so far.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [16] Mellon's Millions

1999-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Mellon's Millions
Harvey O'Conner©1933
Blue Ribbon Books
New York, N.Y.


The Crash

DID Andrew W. Mellon aspire to the Presidency? Did the adulation heaped upon
the sponsor of the Mellon Plan by grateful business men and their press in
1927 awaken in him a desire to step from the exchequer into the White House?

If so, it was an audacious dream, but not so fantastic as it seemed later.
Why should not the dominant classes, which worshiped at the Stock Exchange
and believed that the dollar was the touchstone of all human virtue, seek to
elevate to the Presidency the most successful practitioner of the art of

Certainly the Mellon Machine in Pennsylvania did not view the proposal as
either an idle or a futile gesture. Its leaders proceeded methodically to
prepare the ground for the nomination of their chief. The trial balloon was
sent up August 13, 1927, by Samuel S. Lewis, State Treasurer of Pennsylvania.
The Secretary, he declared, was the only person with the necessary
"experience, acumen, self-control, breadth of view and other manifold
qualities of mind" for the post of Chief Executive. He was responsible for
Coolidge's popularity and the success of his Administration. "A safe, sane
and conservative man endowed with special equipment and experience along
financial and economic lines is needed," Lewis summed up.

Two days later, Governor John S. Fisher, just returned from a seance with the
inscrutable Coolidge in the Black Hills, seconded the nomination. Mellon he
felt was the "ideal man to manage the great business operations of the

The boom grew. Old Guardists hailed with delight the pros pect that the
Secretary of the Treasury might head openly the Government he had guided. The
Hearst papers spoke out for his candidacy. John Garner, Democratic leader,
agreed that Mellon "is the most powerful man in the world today. . . . He has
dominated the financial, economic and fiscal relations of the United States
for the past five years. If the Republicans are looking for a strong
candidate, they should name Mellon. I doubt very much whether the Democrats
could beat him. He believes in the moneyed interests, and they would support

The pre-nomination campaign got under way with the "thoroughness
characteristic of the Mellons," said press dispatches from Pittsburgh. A book
was to recount the Secretary's achievements. James Francis Burke, Republican
National Committee counsel and Mellon lawyer, was to aid in preparing
"educational material." The writers had been promised big money. Approached
for comment, State Chairman W. L. Mellon said that "the Secretary would have
to make any announcement of that kind when he was ready to do so."

Eastern financial and political leaders read the news joyfully. If Calvin
Coolidge did "not choose to run" in 1928, then Mellon was certainly the man.
They liked Coolidge, not only for his abhorrence of rocking the ship of
state, but because of his intimate rapport with Andrew Mellon. Certainly this
master of finance, whose steadfastness had been proved by seven years under
fire, was preferable to Herbert Hoover, officious, egotistic, shifty
Secretary of Commerce who was pulling all wires that would lead him to the
White House.

Charley Schwab even thought that Mellon would be a better vote-getter than
Hoover, whose chances he doubted against Al Smith. "I think," he confided to,
Barron, the financial journalist, "that Mellon-may be the next President. I
don't think he is too old. The people have been educated to see how he has
reduced expenses, handled national finances, and what a success he has made."

Whether he would be next President or not, the Secretary was regarded as the
dictator of Republicanism and the Warwick of the party. If he rejected the
crown himself, it was his prerogative to choose Coolidge's successor. The
Chicago Tribune professed to know that he really favored Chief justice
Hughes. Acknowledging him as the "big chief of the Eastern G. 0. P. and the
spokesman for big business," the Tribune declared his choice was decisive.
But Mellon denied the Hughes report.

His own candidacy left the more judicious conservatives agape, It fell
afoul deep-seated political prejudices, the lag in the public mind which now
accepted plutocracy but shied at a plutocrat in the White House. The
wealthiest American aspiring openly to the Presidency, what a target he would
be for the Democratic and Progressive rabble-rousers to shoot at!

Moderates felt that industry and finance assured themselves advantage enough
in picking and training the players and giving them the general line of
strategy. For the appearance of things, it would be better for the magnates
to stay on the sidelines, confident that the game was in the bag. The New
York Times viewed Mellon's nomination as "absurd to the point of
impossibility." The Secretary himself denied that he was a candidate, and W.
L. Mellon hastily retreated 

[CTRL] Fwd: Re: DdRe: Bronfman's Dallas Link!

1999-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan

I don't suppose either of you cares to be more specific.  What have you read
in Dope, Inc., for example, that your research has determined to be a

Do you disagree with the following information:

"In 1929, [Joseph P.] Kennedy joined with Blair and Co., a firm operated by
Elisha Walker, later of Kuhn, Loeb, and Jean Monnet, to bid for control of
A.P. Giannini's Transamerican Co., the controlling company for the Bank of
America.  The attempt failed, but Kennedy gained another invaluable contact.
Jean Monnet had come to North America to represent his family's liquor
business, Monnet et Cie., in dealings with the Hudson's Bay Company.  In the
period that Kennedy was working with Blair and Co., Monnet was traveling to
Shanghai on a financial mission for the League of Nations.  Given Monnet's
associations with Hudson's Bay, it is likely that more was on the agenda
than the financing of Chinese railroads.

"Papa Joe also had business liaisons with the seamier side of the illegal
distribution market.  During his own bootlegging days in Prohibition,
Kennedy entered into a coalition with Newark's Reinfeld Syndicate, 50% owned
by the Bronfman gang.  Joe retained his business dealings with the syndicate
thugs until 1946.  At that time, in preparation for the launching of his
sons' political careers, Joe sold his liquor company, Somerset Importers
Ltd., for $8 million to 'Renfield Importers'--a revised version of the
Reinfeld Syndicate.*

"As the end of Prohibition approached, Kennedy again turned to London, where
Winston Churchill personally approved the grant given to him for the British
distillers' franchise for the American market.  Through Kennedy's Somerset
Importers, Ltd. and Renfeld Importers, Kennedy marketed Dewar's scotch,
Gordon's gin, Ron Rico rum, and Haig and Haig.**

"...Kennedy acknowledged the deal by placing his accumulated fortune in the
hands of one of the inner circle of London finance:  Lazard Brothers, Ltd.
Andre Meyer, head of the New York branch of that house, became the manager
of the Kennedy Estates.  Lazard Brothers, Ltd. is owned by Viscount Cowdray
(Weetman John Churchill Pearson), who is the cousin of Winston Churchill.

"In 1936, FDR appointed Kennedy U.S. ambassador to Great BritainKennedy
quickly attached himself to the most pro-Nazi British aristocrats centered
around Lady Astor's Cliveden Set where Roundtable figures such as Lazard
Brothers' Lord Robert Brand, the Marquess of Lothian, Fabian George Bernard
Shaw and the opium-trading Sassoon family congregated to dictate Britain's
appeasement policy for the British Foreign Office

"Kennedy's unswerving loyalty to the British monarchy was rewarded; his
daughter, Kathleen Kennedy, the sister of John, Robert, and Edward, married
William Cavendish, the Marquess of Hartington.  Hartington was the son and
heir to the tenth Duke of Devonshire and his wife, Lady Mary Alice Cecil
(daughter of the fourth Marquess of Salisbury), the Duchess of Devonshire.

"...Later his son John would marry Jacueline Bouvier, whose sister Lee
married Prince Stanislaus Radziwill, a member of the Polish nobility who
traces his titles back over 500 years.  The Radziwill family, which resides
in England, established the Order of St. John of Jerusalem in Poland in 1610
and was instrumental in transplanting the order into the United States in
the early twentieth century.  While serving as ambassador in Britain, Joseph
Kennedy was made an initiate in His Majesty's Most Venerable Order of St.
John of Jerusalem."

*Hank Messick, Secret File, p. 197; Koskoff, Joseph P. Kennedy, p. 53.

**Koskoff, p. 53.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
7etpml$fbq$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
good one.  I worked with you  your org. while fielding POW/MIA family's
sad and ridiculous accusations.  There's a lot of stuff out there, and
researching it is interesting, but uh... there are a lot of conclusions
which are not based in fact.

(going to send in a secret team to the North Pole to capture Santa Claus,
even if it takes me 30 years to find him)

In article rMdQ2.1352$[EMAIL PROTECTED],
  "Joe Schlatter" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Everything that Linda minor says is true.  I know.  Elvis appeared to me
 last night in a vision and confirmed it all.

 And I am not a looney tune.  At least, not since my doc increased my

 Joe Schlatter
 Amateur radio callsign W4HH

 Martin Shackelford wrote in message [EMAIL PROTECTED]...
 Dope, Inc., in case you weren't aware, is one of the many publications
 from looney-tunes occasional presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche, who
 began as an authoritarian SDS member, then joined the more authoritarian
 Progressive Labor (which attacked SDS), then became involved with the Ku
 Klux Klan, and then the anti-environmental movement, promoting nuclear
 power at a time when facts had driven it into decline. LaRouche is not a

[CTRL] George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography, Chapter -XXI- Omaha

1999-04-12 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-


George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography --- by Webster G. Tarpley  Anton

Chapter -XXI- Omaha

On the morning of June 29, 1989, pandemonium erupted in the corridors of
in the nation's
capital. ``Homosexual Prostitution Probe Ensnares Official of Bush,
screamed the
front-page headline of the Washington Times with the kicker ``Call Boys
Midnight Tour of
White House.''

The Times reported, ``A homosexual prostitution ring is under investigation
federal and District
authorities and includes among its clients key officials of the Reagan and
military officers, congressional aides and U.S. and foreign businessmen
close ties to
Washington's political elite.''

The exposeé centered on the role of one Craig Spence, a Republican
known for his
lavish ``power cocktail'' parties. Spence was well connected. He celebrated
Independence Day
1988 by conducting a midnight tour of the White House in the company of two
teenage male
prostitutes among others in his party.

Rumors circulated that a list existed of some 200 Washington prominents who
used the call boy
service. The Number Two in charge of personnel affairs at the White House,
was responsible
for filling all the top civil service posts in the federal bureaucracy, and
Secretary of Labor Elizabeth
Dole's chief of staff, were two individuals publicly identified as patrons
the call boy ring.

Two of the ring's call boys were allegedly KGB operatives, according to a
retired general from the
Defense Intelligence Agency interviewed by the press. But the evidence
seemed to
point to a CIA
sexual blackmail operation, instead. Spence's entire mansion was covered
hidden microphones,
two-way mirrors and video cameras, ever ready to capture the indiscretions
Washington's high,
mighty and perverse. The political criteria for proper sexual comportment
long been established
in Washington: Any kinkiness goes, so long as you don't get caught. The
proverb was
that the only way a politician could hurt his career was if he were
with a dead woman or a
live boy'' in his bed.

Months after the scandal had died down, and a few weeks before he allegedly
committed suicide,
Spence was asked who had given him the ``key'' to the White House. The
Washington Times
reported that ``Mr. Spence hinted the tours were arranged by `top level'
persons, including Donald
Gregg, national security advisor to Vice President Bush''@s1 and later U.S.
ambassador to South

We have already had occasion to examine Don Gregg's role in Iran-Contra,
have observed his
curious performance when testifying under oath before congressional
Gregg indignantly
denied any connection to Spence, yet it is public record that Spence had
sponsored a dinner in
Gregg's honor in the spring of 1989 at Washington's posh Four Seasons Hotel

George Bush was less than pleased with the media coverage of the
charges and kept
abreast of the scandal as it mushroomed. The Washington Times reported in
article titled ``White
House Mute on Call Boy Scandal,'' that ``White House sources confirmed that
President Bush has
followed the story of the late night visit and Mr. Spence's links to a
homosexual prostitution ring
under investigation by federal authorities since they were disclosed June
29 in
the Washington
Times. But top officials will not discuss the story's substance, reportedly
among themselves.

``Press officers have rebuffed repeated requests to obtain Mr. Bush's
and decline to discuss
investigations or fall out from the disclosures.''@s2 By midsummer, the
had been buried.
The President had managed to avoid giving a single press conference where
would surely have
been asked to comment.

As the call boy ring affair dominated the cocktail gossip circuit in
another scandal,
halfway across the country in the state of Nebraska, peaked. Again this
knocked on the
President's door.

A black Republican who had been a leader in organizing minority support for
President's 1988
campaign and who proudly displayed a photo of himself and the President,
arm in
arm, in his Omaha
home, was at the center of a sex and money scandal that continues to rock
Cornhusker state.

The scandal originated with the collapse of the minority-oriented Franklin
Community Credit Union
in Omaha, directed by Lawrence E. King, Jr., a nationally influential black
Republican who sang the
national anthem at both the 1984 and 1988 Republican conventions. King
the subject of the
Nebraska Senate's investigation conducted by the specially created
Committee'' to probe
charges of embezzlement. In November 1988, King's offices were raided by
the FBI
and $40
million was discovered missing. Within weeks, the Nebraska Senate, which
initially opened the
inquiry to find out where the money had gone, 


1999-04-12 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-

At 03:06 PM 4-12-1999 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Kris...when you send something in mail from AOL that is too long, they
automatically change it into an attachment.  No way around that I am
afraid.  I don't open attachments either.  Maybe one way you could get
around it is to put half of an article on one mailing if it looks pretty
long, then post the other half as a 'continuation'.  Just a thought.


 Now I'm confused.  I always get your postings -without- any
 attachments -- no attachments ever -- even with postings up to
 54 Kb in size  (I do receive attachments occasionally,
 from other sources.)

 On rare occasions, I've seen AOL postings that refer to an
 attachment (after about the first 5 Kb) -- but the "attachment"
 then follows, -within- that same message.

 This may be a built-in feature of the Eudora e-mail software that
 I use.  Eudora can be used together with most any web browser.

 Eudora Lite is freeware - for Windows, Macintosh, etc.:



CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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1999-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Ay, yes, I am sure that the myraid of platforms, os's, programs and other
limiter/unifier/expanders do not always handle each piece of mail the same.
In aol land any message above 20k or so automatically is turned into an
attachment and then there is some total limit in each email.  I am sure also
that individual mail  programs and isps deal with this factor in different
ways. In looking at the local providers available and their newsgroup
availability, depth and catalog, there has been  no comparison. Aol keeps all
messages for  a long time and , myself, being a computer simpleton, I find
aol the easiest to use, in most respects, mea culpa.

I am using a mac platform, and there are very few virus that hit macs and
wouldn't cross platforms well . . .?

I generally do not forward strange posts with attachments, cuz, I like to
read 'em for I send'em, so . . . And I have a virex program on.

The virus and all is another divisive and distrustful meme, gather up the
proper tools and trek on.  It is gonna take all of us to sustain our republic
and fulfill the future. MHO

Onwards to the utmost of futures.


In a message dated 4/12/99 6:29:21 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

At 03:06 PM 4-12-1999 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Kris...when you send something in mail from AOL that is too long, they
automatically change it into an attachment.  No way around that I am
afraid.  I don't open attachments either.  Maybe one way you could get
around it is to put half of an article on one mailing if it looks pretty
long, then post the other half as a 'continuation'.  Just a thought.


 Now I'm confused.  I always get your postings -without- any
 attachments -- no attachments ever -- even with postings up to
 54 Kb in size  (I do receive attachments occasionally,
 from other sources.)

 On rare occasions, I've seen AOL postings that refer to an
 attachment (after about the first 5 Kb) -- but the "attachment"
 then follows, -within- that same message.

 This may be a built-in feature of the Eudora e-mail software that
 I use.  Eudora can be used together with most any web browser.

 Eudora Lite is freeware - for Windows, Macintosh, etc.:


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fwd: Hungary/Yugoslavia

1999-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan


Stratfor's FREE Kosovo Crisis Center -
The most comprehensive coverage of the
Kosovo Crisis anywhere on the Internet

Global Intelligence Update
April 13, 1999

Ethnic Tensions Rising in Vojvodina


The Hungarian media has been filled with stories of increasing
tension between ethnic Hungarians and the Serbian population in
the Serbian autonomous province of Vojvodina.  Should the debate
over ethnic division of southern Serbia spill over into the
north, reviving an issue suppressed in the interest of Hungary's
entry into NATO, it could spell trouble for Central European
relations for years to come.


Hungarian radio, on April 11, reported that ethnic Hungarians
living in the Vojvodina autonomous province of Serbia are
becoming increasingly wary of an influx of armed Serbian refugees
fleeing NATO attacks in Kosovo and the rest of Yugoslavia.  The
radio report went on to say that these refugees were organizing
themselves in some villages, stepping up their verbal attacks
toward ethnic Hungarians, and allegedly seizing and then dividing
up the Hungarian houses among themselves.  Jozsef Kasza, chairman
of the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians (SVM), expressed his
concern over these developments, though he attempted to downplay
the situation, saying, "This danger is not so explicit at the
moment as to allow an atmosphere of panic to prevail in
Vojvodina."  Still, reports of ethnic Hungarians being drafted
into the Serbian army have further increased tension in the
province, and Budapest has begun to express its concern about the
plight of Yugoslavia's ethnic Hungarians.

The situation in Vojvodina is not nearly a crisis -- nowhere near
the situation in Kosovo -- but the two are not unrelated.  As
NATO searches for a resolution of the Kosovo crisis, two ideas
are emerging -- the possible partition of the province along
ethnic lines and the possible use of ground troops to force a
settlement.  Both options threaten unsettling repercussions for
Vojvodina and Hungary.

First, there is the long term issue of discontiguous ethnic and
national boundaries in Europe.  Yugoslavia's constituent
republics were wracked with civil wars when they attempted to
declare independence, as enclaves of ethnic Serbs attempted to
redraw the Balkan map such that Serbia's national boundaries
matched the region's ethnic distribution.  NATO attempted to
block this process in Croatia and Bosnia, condemning it as
"ethnic cleansing" and declaring existing boundaries inviolable,
though it appears to be supporting ethnic Albanian self
determination in Kosovo.

For new NATO member Hungary, this issue hits close to home.
Major enclaves of ethnic Hungarians were left behind the newly
defined borders of neighboring Slovakia, Romania, and Serbia
following World War I.  Hungary's desire for return of those
populations and regions was suppressed under the mantle of
socialist unity during the Cold War.  And it was again forced to
abandon its claim to be protector of the rights of Hungarian
minorities in neighboring states in order to win entry into NATO.
NATO had no interest in inheriting the border disputes of new

But now NATO is fighting for an enclave of a mistreated ethnic
minority in Serbia.  It has toyed with the possibility of
matching national borders to ethnic distributions.  And suddenly
the Serbs are getting belligerent toward the Vojvodina
Hungarians.  Should the situation deteriorate in Vojvodina,
Hungary will be certain to seek a quick remedy.  And if
Vojvodina, why not reopen the question of the Hungarian
minorities of Slovakia and Romania.  Kosovo is rejuvenating a
long-term seething diplomatic problem that NATO had tried to get
Hungary to lay aside.

If the crisis in Kosovo soon ends in a diplomatic resolution,
then the Vojvodina issue may just revert to being a long-term
low-grade diplomatic irritant.  But if NATO's bombing and the
UN's diplomacy does not soon cow Milosevic, then NATO will begin
to seriously consider a ground attack.  That is not to say that
NATO will carry through with such an attack, but it must keep its
options open.  One option for a ground attack is to strike from
the north -- from Hungary, through Vojvodina, to threaten
Belgrade.  This route has an advantage over a thrust into Kosovo
as the Vojvodina terrain is open and flat, though marshy, and a
threat to Belgrade is a great deal more persuasive than a threat
to Prizren.

However, if Hungary begins to make an issue of the plight of the
Vojvodina Hungarians, neighboring Romania and Slovakia will balk
at what appears to be a NATO slicing off a chunk of Serbia for
the Hungarians like it appears to be doing for the Albanians. In
addition, Slovakia, which will have to agree to allow NATO troops
to pass through to Hungary in the event of a full-scale invasion
of Serbia, does not want to see any 


1999-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-


.frm"Mankind United vs. the Hidden Rulers

Edited by Donna Kossy


By the mid-'30s, the Great Depression had already impoverished millions.
Everybody was looking for an answer, an idealistic scheme, or even just
a shred of hope that things would get better soon. Many flocked to
utopian organizations and one of the strangest was a west coast group
whose bible was a book entitled "Mankind United."

"Mankind United" painted a grim picture of an ancient conspiracy of
evil-doers, the "Hidden Rulers," who were behind all the wars,
depressions, revolutions and injustices of the world, from day one.
These evil-doers were now plotting to make things even worse, to
literally enslave the mass of mankind. That was the bad news. The good
news was that another vast, international organization was working
against the Hidden Rulers. That was Mankind United.

The book described how the benevolent organization was formed on
Christmas day of 1875 by sixty "generous and deeply sincere men and
women" known as the Sponsors. They formed a world-wide commercial
organization, the Universal Service Corporation that would eventually
run the world for the benefit of mankind, rather than for the benefit of
the Hidden Rulers.

Because the Hidden Rulers were ruthless and determined to eliminate all
who stood in their path to power, the Sponsors were forced to work in
total secrecy; even their identities were secret. The research wing of
the Universal Service Corporation, the International Institute of
Universal Research and Administration, produced many futuristic and
fantastic inventions and devices, which also had to be kept strictly
under wraps. But eventually, the corporation's knowledge and inventions
would be shared with the world.

The book went on to detail how the Sponsors chose hundreds of talented
men and women from all over the world, called the Vigilantes, who
underwent a secret, fifteen-year training course. When the time was
right, the Vigilantes would present the Mankind United program to the
world, via a "free 30-day Program," in which the Sponsors' "well-guarded
sixty-years of discoveries and carefully prepared recommendations will
be freely offered to the human race." After the program was completed,
the entire population of the civilized world would vote on whether they
wanted to live a life of hardship and deprivation as slaves of the
Hidden Rulers, or live in the perfect utopia promised by Mankind United.

Undoubtedly, the population would select Mankind United. After ten
years, the New Age of prosperity would be ushered in. Among its benefits
would be:
•Guaranteed employment for all.
•A work schedule of four hours per day, four days a week, eight months a
year, paid vacation the rest of the time.
•Minimum salary of $3000 a year (in 1934 dollars); within ten years, all
would be paid at least $30,000 a year.
•A pension of $3000 a year for all those over 40 who'd worked 11,000
hours, for incapacitated people and all those over 60.
•Every family in the world would have a spacious, air-conditioned home,
with every convenience and gadget, fruit trees, vegetable gardens,
hothouse, athletic courts, swimming pool, playground, fountains,
waterfalls, shrubbery, trees and lawns.
•An "international auxiliary language" would be taught to everyone, in
addition to their native tongue, to promote worldwide communication and
•Education would be universal.
•All transportation would be free.
•Fear, envy, jealousy, illness and war would all be things of the past.

With hopes of living to see such a world, thousands joined Mankind
United bureaus around Los Angeles and San Francisco. Members were told
that there were 176 million members throughout the world. But at its
height in 1939 there were about 27,000 active members.

Those who attended Mankind United meetings were under the impression
that they were hearing communications that originated with the secret,
benevolent Sponsors. Their link to the Sponsors was a captivating
speaker named Arthur Bell, and known as the Division Superintendent, The
Speaker and most often, the Voice of the RightIdea. Bell told them he
was one of the Vigilantes who had studied for fifteen years at the
International Institute of Universal Research and Administration.

Bell kept members in suspense as to when the 30-day Program would begin.
He told them it couldn't begin until the Sponsors were sure that the
public would cooperate. They didn't want their inventions to fall into
the hands of the Hidden Rulers. But time was running out. The Hidden
Rulers had pledged to exterminate 600 million of the most intelligent
and religious people of earth, beginning on March 28th, 1939. Those who
escaped bombing, gassing and poisoning "would have vibrating devices
turned upon 

Re: [CTRL] impeach this

1999-04-12 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

Oh E-Mael, you be switty,

How's this- E- Mael can't rhyme for jack\
   He thinks himself a genius/
   But, when mommy and daddy be's away/
  (S)he acts like a penis

 Well, I like itthink it "exposes" you for what you are... a punk-ass
kid, who's ill- formed (and spelled) opinions, expose you for what you really
are... a bantamweight (115) trying to fight in the heavyweight division,...Oh
putz-punk...one punch..., that's really all I need...

Bill Shannon

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Michigan Live Kooks Profile/End of Da World/Web of Kooks

1999-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://mu.mlive.com/kooks/index.ssf?/kooks/profiles.frm"Michigan
Live Kooks Profile
An interesting site. Here are some of the list of articles and a very
interesting links page.

Also, I will post a few sample articles.


JKF is alive!
Was JFK killed by the FBI, the KGB, the CIA? Or was it the Mafia? Maybe
it was all of them. Maybe it was none of them, and Oswald really did act
alone. Or..is he alive?

"If is isn't real, if it isn't truth, if it isn't knowledge, if it isn't
intelligence," wrote the self-styled metaphysician, "then it isn't
Lawsonomy." Was it truth?

The Numbers Man
Numbers were not technical instruments to Norman Bloom, but sacred
symbols used by the "ONE GOD," to reveal that the messiah had arrived
 and it was NORMAN.

The Search Mission
Hampton thought of himself as a holy man, and built a sculpture that God
instructed him to make. Now it is in a museum.

The Rainbow Man
Rainbow colored afro wig. Dancing around in front cameras during
halftime at the Superbowl. Oh, yeah he's normal.

Dinosaurs extinction
They say the found it in the Bible. The dinosaurs were the result of
some obscene joke played by some perverted prankster, maybe even the

Inside the earth
First we find out that the Earth is round now we find that we are living
on the inside of a hollow planet.

Classified Insanity
"Oh, great look what I found in the want ads. It is the answer to ending
war, inflation, umemployment and athesim."

Eat Brains!
Our ancestors were cannibalistic apes, whose addiction to eating brains
caused sudden chemical changes that produced all of our distinctly human
 traits, from oversized brains to lack of fur. M...

Proving God Exists
The human race was bred over 70 million years ago from a race of
semi-intelligent dinosaurs to be the pets and servants of another race
of super-intelligent dinosaurs.Are you convinced yet?

Humans Pets
That's exactly what you were: the clever pet - of beings far more
intelligent than you are, dinosaurs.Read more
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This section will no longer be updated Copyright 1998 Michigan Live Inc.
A HREF="http://mu.mlive.com/kooks/index.ssf?/kooks/enddaworld.frm"Michigan
Live Kooks End of Da World

The archieved End of da' World page will no longer be updated


UFO landings
The aliens are coming!
Mass Landings Predicted

Global Warning:

The 12th Planet
The Cheeseburger Threat
The New World Preservation Society


Kirban's timetable for the 70's  80's
Now is the time to repent?
Aliens, God and Prophets of my
Bible Code
The End: Scheduled for the 80's
Panice in the Year 1000
Bible tells the future once again
The Truth
"Project Research"
Dommsday, Inferno, Free love
The beast  millennium bug

Earth Changes:

Shake, rattle, fall into the sea?
News of Antarctica ice breakup
Disaster day on planet earth, the good and the bad
Reading pop culture to see the furture, not again

Copyright 1998 Michigan Live Inc.

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Weird Recipes
Al Fresco's Roadkill Cuisine for the '90s
Eating Air - Jasmuheen, Breatharian
Insects in the Human Diet by Tom McRae
New York Entolmological Society Centennial Banquet Menu
Zachary Huang's Bug-Eating Page
Insects as Food? by Stephanie Bailey
Bizarre Magazine: Eating Insects

Robert W. Morgan and the Search for Bigfoot
How to Meet Bigfoot
Bigfoot: Man or Beast?
Bigfoot - Sasquatch
Sketches and Recordings of Bigfoot
Hillhouse Investigations: Bigfoot / Sasquatch / Yeti
The Paranormal: Bigfoot / Yeti
- - T O P - -

Introduction to Outsider Art
American Visionary Art Museum
Ionel Talpazan UFO Artist
Baldasare Forestiere and his Underground Labyrinth
Paul the Glass Man
The Official Howard Finster Home Page
The Phenomenology of Revelation: Paul Laffoley
Paintings by Robert Roberg
The art of Ermilio Aili
- - T O P - -

Devices that defy the laws of biology 

[CTRL] The New Age Secret Plan for World Conquest

1999-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-


Amazon.com: A Glance: The New Age Secret Plan f
Anybody read? I found the attached below commentary on the author.

The New Age Secret Plan for World Conquest
by Salem Kirban

 List Price: $7.99
Our Price: $6.39
You Save: $1.60 (20%)

Availability: Usually ships within 24 hours.
Paperback - 187 pages 1st amg edition (September 1998)
Amg Pubs; ISBN: 0899576214 ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.56 x 8.31 x 5.25
Amazon.com Sales Rank: 534,457

Copyright and disclaimer © 1996-1999, Amazon.com, Inc.
A HREF="http://mu.mlive.com/kooks/stories/19980126rapture.html"Salem
Kirban's timetable for the seventies and
Salem Kirban's timetable
for the seventies and eighties

In the early 1970's, Salem Kirban, doomsaying author of "666" and "Your
Last Goodbye," came out with two more entries for the Last Days: "I
PREDICT" and "20 REASONS Why This Present Earth May Not Last Another 10
YEARS." Many of his predictions were based simply on events that were
already in full swing: the population explosion, pollution and social
upheaval. Others were out-and-out goofy. Needless to say, Kirban and
every other prophet missed the boat on most major stories: the break-up
of the Soviet Union, the untimely death of Princess Diana and the hole
in the ozone layer to name just a few. Undaunted, Salem Kirban is still
singing the same old tune, with current titles like "The New Age Secret
Plan for World Conquest."

Here are some of Kirban's more outlandishly incorrect predictions from


* Churches will hold services in supermarkets and department stores.
* A major catastrophe in outer space will occur.
* The government will allow formerly illicit drugs to be sold in drug
stores without prescription.
* Queen Elizabeth will leave the throne, relinquishing her position to
Prince Charles.


* Because of an oxygen shortage, people will carry oxygen rejuvenation
kits in their purses and pockets.
* The frenzy whipped up by rock music and drugs will trigger a mob of
thousands of young people that will threaten to overcome the present
form of government.
* A minor civil war will erupt.
* A Bible paraphrased with obscene four-letter words and sex photos will
come out. "Churches will hail this step as 'being in tune with
* The working week will be reduced to 3 days a week.
* A near-riot will occur when thousands try to buy tickets to a
pornography trade show.


* Automobiles will be banned in the cities. Highways will be used for
nuclear powered air-busses that hover above the ground.
* Clothing will not be identified as either male or female. Women will
wear pants and men will wear skirts interchangeably. See-through clothes
will be worn freely. Lewd topless dress will become common in warm
weather as the world forsaking God follows its own devices. Some church
leaders will praise this.
* The U.S. government will institute a "negative income tax," a
guaranteed income for every citizen.


* Dangerous levels of carbon dioxide will be reached. Oxygen inhalation
stations will be at street corners, as commonplace as the mailbox.
* The penny will be discontinued.
* Marijuana will be legalized and distributed by tobacco companies.
* Garbage will be rocketed into the sun.
* A head transplant will be undertaken successfully on a well-known


* Travel from Chicago to Tokyo will take only one hour.
* The U.S. Government will control all medical facilities. Socialized
medicine will be fully in effect.


* U.S. government officials and leaders will be assassinated on a
regular basis.
* The U.S. Government will be on the verge of collapse by insurrection.
* NASA will land a human being on Mars.
* A United States of Africa will be formed.


* The United States Government will take over all food distribution
outlets and even control supermarkets.

* The amount of sunlight reaching earth will be reduced by one half.
* A severe oxygen shortage will occur. Compact oxygen masks will become
a necessity. This will cause terror and worldwide panic.
* Fresh fruits and vegetables will all but disappear. Protein cakes will
be sold.


* Air pollution will destroy trees. In some areas trees will only be
preserved in special greenhouse Museums as an oddity.
* The Capitol of the United States will move from Washington, D.C.
* China and Japan will declare war on Israel.


* The guillotine will be introduced in America.
* Dwellers in the world's big cities will be living on a diet of bacon
bits, fruit in a tube and reconstituted water.
Post-Rapture (probably late 1980's)
* An earthquake will leave 7000 dead in Jerusalem.
* A final earthquake will 


1999-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-


.frm"The New World Preservation Society

1. The New World Preservation Society

Gerry Trainor founded the New World Preservation Society to help the
world recover from an event that will look a lot like Doomsday. It won't
be the END of the world, he says, but rather a REALIGNMENT of it. And
those who manage to survive the mess will live in the new improved world
society of peace, understanding--and communication with spirits.

Trainor's early years, in Michigan, were filled with "unusual"
experiences. He nearly drowned while learning to swim, and missed a
lightning strike by just four feet. While a teenager, he saw a UFO and
also began experimenting with mental telepathy.

Trainor hadn't much thought about these experiences many years later
while he was pursuing his business career in Atlanta. Nor did he pay
much attention to the preachers and perennial doomsday prophets on the
radio. Then, a baffling incident occurred:

Trainor had an expensive car for sale and placed an ad in the paper. An
old gentleman who looked like he couldn't possibly afford the luxury
vehicle arrived to look at it. Inside his old jalopy a tape was playing.
It was a preacher's sermon about the end-times. He took the car for a
test drive, with Trainor in the passenger seat. Trainor was charmed by
him. During the drive he asked Trainor if he read the Bible and
Revelations and began "describing signs of the second coming of Jesus."
Trainor was deeply affected when he "talked about storms, famines and
earthquakes" and advised that he "pay attention to the signs around us."
Trainor never heard from the old gentleman again, but later concluded
that he could be "a messenger from God." Not too long afterwards, T
rainer began receiving end-time messages from a disembodied entity named

Trainor, who claims to have a skeptical perspective, quit his business
career to pursue the paranormal full-time. Using "automatic writing,"
Trainor began receiving messages from Nereus, a former earthling, via
his computer keyboard. Thousands of pages of advice and predictions of
the earth's future from "another plane of existence" were the result.

In 1991 Nereus began warning Trainor about the coming cataclysms. He
began one message, "Good morning. We would like to talk with you about
the amount of time there is to prepare for the shift." What Nereus meant
by "the shift" was that there were "signs" that "the earth is about to
shift on its axis." The entity went on to explain that similar shifts
had occurred about twenty times in the past million years, when the
earth was attempting to "rebalance itself."

Nereus continued his message with details of the coming cataclysms. He
warned that when the earth readjusts its axis, there will be "great
releases of pressure" between the earth's tectonic plates. This will
cause massive, unparalleled earthquakes, and "a gigantic rocking motion
or wobble as the earth spins." This, in turn will cause massive

"The waves will be so great that they will in fact destroy all life and
construction as far inland as the waves will strike. Since most of the
population of the earth is centered at the shore lines of the
continents, this will have the effect of eliminating from one third to a
half of all of the people on earth."

Nereus also told Trainor when this all might occur. He estimated that it
would happen before the year 2000, probably between '96 and '98. We can
look for the following events in the next few years:

* "Two to three years before the shift there will be an earthquake in
California of monstrous proportions. This will be the big quake that
scientists have predicted for generations. California will separate from
the mainland and much of it will sink under water."

* "The world will be stunned by the quake and the losses in life will be
in the hundreds of thousands to millions."

* "There will be increases in storms throughout the world. Areas of
drought will appear as well as areas of excessive rain and moisture."

* "The final stages of the shift will be felt as a rocking motion in the
earth. When that begins you can expect the shift to occur within less
than three months."

* "As the shift approaches, there will be a vibration and shaking that
will take place at periodic intervals. It will act much the same as a
spinning top does just prior to falling down. You will see it spin in
balance and then every once and a while it will begin to shake
uncontrollably and then jump back into balance and so on. We don't know
how long this will last, but we do know that the shaking and vibration
will get worse and worse each time it happens."

* "Finally, when the intensity is high enough during this vibration, the
plates of the earth will make gigantic moves causing earthquakes of

[CTRL] Americans Must Be Crazy

1999-04-12 Thread Mike Moxley

 -Caveat Lector-

Americans Must Be Crazy
by Joseph Farah

No matter how you slice it, the critical judgment of Americans is severely

I have been watching the polls like everyone else since the start of the
U.S. NATO aggression against Serbia and scratching my head wondering how it
is possible that so many Americans support an illegal, immoral,
incomprehensible, nonsensical war. Like many others, I assumed the polls
must be rigged by the war-crazed establishment press that conducts them.

So I decided last week we would conduct our own unbiased public opinion
survey, with the help of the respected pollster John Zogby. The results
were not encouraging for anyone hopeful Americans can hold on to the ideals
that made their country free and independent.

It seems Americans now believe they have a right -- perhaps even a duty --
to impose their will on a sovereign nation, even when the civil conflict
has no direct bearing on the vital interests of our nation. Americans
believe the president has the power to direct such military action
unilaterally, without the approval of Congress and the assent of the
people. Americans, by a slim majority, even believe President Clinton,
despite all his many moral and ethical shortcomings, and his failure to
serve the military when called, is capable of directing such action.

Watching the effects of 30 years of the deliberate dumbing-down of a people
is not a pretty sight. Americans are now certifiably insane. They are
crazy. They are suffering a mass psychosis. They have lost their own
ability to discern right from wrong.

According to the WorldNetDaily/Zogby survey conducted last week, Americans
conclude Bill Clinton possesses the moral authority and character to lead
the United States and its military through a protracted engagement in the
Balkans. True, it's hardly a mandate to wage war, with the majority
representing only 50.2 percent. But it's still shocking to me. I don't meet
people on a daily basis who believe that. I hear from them by e-mail. I see
them on talking-head shows. But I don't meet real Americans who believe
that -- so I assumed they represented a small minority of the population.

It turns out the polls conducted by CNN, Washington Post, ABC, Time, and
the rest are not out of line. Americans can no longer think for themselves.
Their minds have been co-opted by government propaganda. This is an
extremely dangerous development for the well-being of our nation.

In analyzing the results of the key question, Zogby said, "It still wasn't
a substantial vote of confidence. I mean, the country is almost evenly
split on whether or not he has the moral authority, and that suggests a
president whose wings have been fairly clipped."

Not clipped enough, Mr. Zogby. Not nearly enough.

The poll also found that 53.9 percent of those polled believe that the
bombing of civilian infrastructure targets in Yugoslavia, such as water and
power supplies, is justified. It should be pointed out that Zogby added
some, in my opinion, "loaded words" to the question as originally phrased
by WorldNetDaily. He asked if such bombing was justified to "save lives."
Nevertheless, given the response to the first question, I don't think the
results would be dramatically different without that phrase.

Democrats and Republicans alike agreed with the idea that the bombings are
justified -- even after seeing the effects of the bombings and the
resultant increase in civilian deaths.

Zogby says the numbers are understandable in light of what most Americans
have been seeing through media coverage of the war.

"What they were seeing was Americans being taken hostage, tens of thousands
of people being dislocated somewhere between 'no-man's land' and Macedonia,
and a defiant Milosevic," Zogby said. "Within this context, I think that
it's fairly easy to see why a majority would say, 'Go for it.'"

I was more hopeful that Americans were smarter than that.

Finally, only 23.9 percent of those surveyed believe Clinton ordered the
bombing attacks as a distraction from the growing Chinagate scandal.
Another 64 percent did not believe that was a factor.

Other surveys show this slim majority breaking down should Americans begin
suffering serious casualties in the Balkans war. In other words, they
approve of a war in which we inflict death and destruction on others, but
will not accept any sacrifice themselves. If that is not a surreal and
arrogant expectation of war, I don't know what is.

Have you ever watched a nation go mad before? I guess America has the
leadership it deserves.

© 1999 Western Journalism Center
"...There is no nation on earth powerful enough to accomplish our
overthrow. Our destruction, should it ever come at all, will be from
another quarter. From the inattention of the people to the concerns of
their government, from their carelessness and negligence."
- Daniel Webster

[CTRL] The Money Trail

1999-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://members.tripod.com/~VicBils/index.html"Money, money, money:
They Want It!
Rants galore.

The Money Trail

Rothschild is quoted as saying, "I don't care who the government is, let
me control the money and I will control the country."

... And, so it goes. The enemies to your freedom do not necessarily lurk
behind closed doors in Washington D.C. (although you will find many
there), nor are they necessarily engaged in some nafarious conspiracy
plotting the overthrow of government.
No, the enemies of your freedom live next door and are found in every
city and town in America. "We have met the enemy, and they are us." And,
while there is a conspiracy [An agreement, manifesting itself in words
or deeds, by which two or more persons confederate to do an unlawful
act, or to use unlawful to do an act which is lawful. - From Webster's
Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)], they do not want to overthrow the
government - they want to change government for their own agenda and
they want you to pay for it.

In 1954 The Ford Foundation President H. Rowan Gaither told Norman Dodd,
investigator for Congressman Reece's Committee, that their objective
"was to alter our life in the United States so that we can be
comfortably merged with the Soviet Union." The Soviet Union no longer
exists as we knew it. What has emerged is a much larger globalist
Virtually every major name in banking from Rockefeller to Rothschild to
Robert McNamara (president of The World Bank) has spoken of the reality
of an interlocking global economy - that what happens on Wall Street one
minute is felt in London or Tokyo the next, that the complex jigsaw
puzzle of world economy is moving into an oscillating ball that will
eventually unify nations and currencies in the global marketplace, and
that the economic forces of the earth are moving relentlessly toward a
unified world system.
If Rothschild was right about controlling the money, you control the
country, then it is pretty easy to see how Communism can fail so
conveniently for the New World Order and how basically the same people
who were communists then, are now Socialist Democrats and still running

The average American Citizen isn't going to give up his Constitution for
some World Government too easily. We and our ancestors have fought too
long and shed too much blood for it to give up easily.
The plan is for Americans to give up their freedom willingly. Socialist
reform is the only way that a one world order can be established without
a direct military confrontation.

"We can't be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary
Americans ..."
Bill Clinton (USA TODAY, 11 March 1993, page 2A)

They want "your money."

For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager
for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many
griefs. - 1 Timothy 6:10

Much of the hostility toward private wealth comes from the hatred of its
ability to insulate the citizen from the will of the state. Money
empowers resistance; it gives one the ability to buy some gold coins,
for example, and thereby hold a measure of independence from the
monetary monopoly of the state; to send children to a private school and
avoid the brainwashing of the public education monopoly; to open a
foreign bank account and provide oneself with protection against legal
confiscation schemes.
Why do you suppose the federal government waged what was essentially an
all-out war on entrepreneurs early in the century? The enemy was
degradingly called the "mob" and their product was alcohol and gambling.
The socialists in government won that war and the federal government now
controls and profits from the burgeoning alcohol and gambling business.

Putting fear into the minds of its citizens and falsifying the facts
have always been the modus operandi of those wanting to install a
Socialist-Democratic society in America. The word "survival" is never
far from the lips of those who wish to impose state power in order to
protect us from disaster, named or unnamed.

The buzzword of the nineties is "crisis."

Suppose that we were to enter a major depression as bad or worse than
1929. Then suppose a party comes along and says "Vote for us and we will
take you into the New World Order, have world trade, put you to work
again." Do you think if you and your children were starving that you
might be willing to give up your freedom so that you might feed them?
Well, that scenario may not be in the far too distant future.
It seems the current rage is a Y2K Crisis that some predict will cause
widespread outages of computers controlling everything from the banks to
electric utilities. For some, namely lawyers, they see it as a gold
mine. "This is the tobacco, the silicone breast implant, and the
asbestos abatement problem all rolled into one -- times three," said
David Stewart, who is not a 

[CTRL] Skeptic News Final

1999-04-12 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990413a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

Ric Carter, listowner of SkeptiChat, editor of SkeptiNews and co-editor of
CTRL [Conspiracy Theory Research List], has been abducted by aliens, most
likely Reptilioids or their SauroBorg collaborators, and is now undergoing
extensive medical experimentation at a remote facility.  Production of the
SkeptiNews bulletins upon which you have come to depend will be suspended
until his release, or until some brave soul volunteers to continue this
vital, grinding, yet thankless work.  It is unlikely that his abductors
can be bribed into releasing him, but if you choose to support a bribery
fund, contributions may be sent to: PO Box 888, Forestville CA 95436 USA

Those of us who were as close to Ric as is possible in this space-time
matrix are very concerned over his condition and fate.  Do not waste your
energy praying to non-existent supernatural entities for his safe return;
rather, keep the blowtorch of Skepticism burning bright.  But beware of
any messages you see in any of his usual Skeptical haunts that purport to
have originated from Ric.  We have reason to believe that certain of his
abductors, or the forces behind them, have taken control of his accounts
and may attempt to spread disinformation and conspiratorial memes under
the cover of his respected name.  Be skeptical of everything you read.

Those who can't program, manage; those who can't manage, manage programmers.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The New World Order

1999-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.cchono.com/~kimmy/newworld.htm"The New World Order/A
The New World Order

This section is for those of you who are into conspiracy theories.

There are a few interesting ties that members and conspirators of the
"New World Order" have with Lingle.

The most obvious sign of Lingle's involvement with the NWO is her
campaign logo, a rising sun. This rising sun can be found on some of her
mailing material and on her huge sign on her campaign headquarters on
Oahu. The rising sun is considered a sign of the Illuminati.
GOP webmaster, prolific letter writer, and Lingle supporter Robert
Ferguson, (the name may be familiar to readers of the Star Bulletin 
Honolulu Advertiser, a few of his anti-Fasi/anti-Cayetano/anti-Democrat
letters have been printed there) is a local Freemason.
GOP Governor from New Jersey Christine Todd Whitman, who came over here
for secret meetings with Lingle and members of the GOP has recently
spent time with The Bilderberg Group.

For those of you who don't know much about The New World Order, The
Freemasons, or the Illuminati the following links are provided:

•Illuminati Home Page
•The Illuminati's Role in the New World Order
•The Illuminati and Proofs of Conspiracy
•The Illuminati Exposed
•Counter-Culture-Illuminati - The Illuminati
New World Order:

•!Matrix: Conspiracies, Assassinations, Cover-Ups, New World Order,
•The Arc-Hive --New World Order
•Unraveling The New World Order
•Christian Updates - New World Order
•The New World Order

•Hawaii Freemasons
•Christian Updates - Freemasonry and The New World Order
•The Masonic Link to the Global Religion, New World Order and Mark of
the Beast.
•The Skull  Bones Society Role in the New World Order

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Occult and other symbols

1999-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.ummah.net/dajjal/pics.html"Occult and other symbols/A
gifs/pixs at site.

Occult and other Symbols

Last updated 11 July 1998.

SymbolShort ExplanationOn the left on the US 1-dollar note. The one-eyed
capstone is to descend to earth when the earth is almost free from
religion, that is mainly materialistic instead of spiritualistic. =
Novus Ordus Seclorum = New Secular World = Atheism
3 points of the triangle. 1 "great" light, 1 all-seeing eye, 13 letters,
13 steps, 2 forked tongues, 9 roman numerals.

MDCCLXXVI = 1776 = 1110 (Babylonian) + 666 (Arabic)

1.00 dollar (Babylonian Sexigesimal money system) = .60 (Arabic
centesimal money system)

1110 (Babylonian) x .60 (Arabic) = 666 (Arabic)

1776 reduced by numerological rules = 1+7+7+6 which reduces to 3

MDC.CLX.XVI = 1600 + 160 + 6

1600 reduced as above = 1+6+0+0 = 7

160 reduced as above = 1+6+0 = 7

16 reduced as above = 1+6 = 7

7+7+7 = 21 which finally reduces to 3

1776 -16 = 111

The symbols were first printed in the 1930s on the insistence of
President Franklin D. Roosevelt and his vice president, Henry Walker,
both masons. See Page 25, Dark Majesty, By Texe Marrs, Emissary
On the right on the US 1-dollar note. 28 Guidelines, 13 stars forming a
6-point so called 'mogen David', 13 letters, 1 Phoenix, 12 lines of
'perfect government', 13 stripes comprised of 6 dark ones - each of 3
dark lines. and 7 pure white stripes, 13 arrows, 8 claws, 13 olives, 13
olive leaves, 9 tail feathers for stability and guidance control.

Freemason logo Skull  Bones Society. Genesis Chapter 3 verse 22 in the
Bible. Just as each of the candidates for Skull  Bones membership must
pass through an initiation process, so Genesis it talking about the
ordeal of a man who passes through ritual initiation into perfection and
godhood. Page 153-154, Dark Majesty by Texe Marrs, Emissary
Publications, fax +1, 503-824-2050. Page 15-18 describes the initiation
of George Herbert Walker Bush, May 1947. It involves him being nude in a
coffin etc etc.

Page 158, Dark Majesty by Texe Marrs, Emissary
Publications. Among other things abominations like accusing of paganism
against the prophet Solomon (pbuh) found in the false Torah.

Golden Sun disk with what at fist glance appears to be a torch of light
within. But
it is the male Sun God and his Goddess facing each other at a second
glance. Fist chairman was J Richard Munro, formerly chairman of Time
Warner, Inc a company whose logo is an all-seing eye. Page 81, Dark
Majesty, Texe Marrs, Emissary Publications.

Note the anarchistic slogan of the French Revolution

The double headed eagle of freemasonry

Mysterious logo of a rider on a white horse on each issue of News from the
of Foreign Affairs. Depicts a strong, virulent, naked rider atop a
magnificent white steed. He aggressively stretches upward his right arm
in a defiant demonstration of victory and triumph. But look at the
mysterious hand gesture. Are the man's fingers symbolizing the occultic
sign of the horned devil, el diablo, or is this a mere illusion.
Revelation 6, "Come and see... behold a pale horse; and his name that
sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him". Page 129-130 Project
L.U.C.I.D. Texe Marrs, Emissary Publications.

Lucent Technologies computer nework operating system. Communications language
is Limbo and the protocols are called Styx. Lucent Technologies have moved to
Fifth Avenue. Number 5 means the number of the dead. The Inferno network
systems enables interactive TVs, Radios, phones and other electronic
equipment to be tied into the L.U.C.I.D. net. Page 149-152, Project
L.U.C.I.D, Texe Marrs, Emissary Publications.

Luciferian Logo. Crowned Serpents circle. The Swastika represents the
exclusive, ten man inner circle of the Illuminati, Ten Horns, (Revelation 13
and 17). According
to the book their goal: Cataclysmically cleanse the earth and
"illuminate the awareness" of the remaining, thinned-out populatiojn by
the year C.E. 2,000, the bright dawning of their New Millennium. Page
151, project L.U.C.I.D.. Texe Marrs, Emissary Publications. Swastika is
also an eternal sign of the sun god. Used by Hitler and the Nazis and in
 Buddhist temples, Hindu temples in India, Shinto Shrines in Japan. page
157, Dark Majesty of Texe Marrs.

Universal Police state. World system of  financial control in private hands
to dominate the political system of  each country and the economy of the
world as a whole. Implanted biochips
in each person, Universal Biometrics Card for France, USA, Britain,
Germany, China, Brazil, - every country on earth. Entire dossier of
private information, individual purchases, financial transactions,
Universal I.D. number with 6+6+6 numbers, linked to global network.
Smartcards. Electronic cages, Brain implants, mind control etc. See page
159-177 Project L.U.C.I.D, by Texe Marrs.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.

[CTRL] Russian In

1999-04-12 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From Int'l Herald Tribune

Paris, Tuesday, April 13, 1999
Yugoslavia Seeks Union With Russia and Belarus

By Michael Dobbs Washington Post Service

BELGRADE - The Yugoslav Parliament voted unanimously Monday to seek a
political union with Russia and Belarus, in what appeared to be a largely
symbolic attempt to gain support from the Slavic world in resisting the NATO
bombing campaign.
While there has been much talk about Serbian-Russian friendship over the
centuries, the vote flew in the face of a fiercely independent Yugoslav
tradition in relations with its larger Slavic brother. Yugoslavia's

former Communist ruler, Marshal Tito, broke with his Soviet patrons in 1948
and devoted much of his career to resisting calls from Moscow for closer

Serbian officials depicted the proposed alliance with Russia and Belarus as
a psychological lift for Serbs in their struggle with the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization over Kosovo. The prime minister, Mirko Marjanovic,
described the vote as ''yet another way to resist the NATO aggression.''

Both houses of the Yugoslav Parliament passed the motion for union to
standing ovations without a dissenting vote.

In the Chamber of Citizens, the lower house, 110 deputies voted for the
measure, none voted against and five abstained.

In the Chamber of the Republic, 26 deputies voted for, none against and one
abstained, the Yugoslav press agency said.

President Slobodan Milosevic of Yugoslavia wrote to President Boris Yeltsin
of Russia on Sunday to formally request membership in the alliance.

While Russian officials welcomed the application, they appeared to be in no
hurry to take action on it. Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov of Russia said that
the matter would require detailed study. He said last week that NATO
operations against Yugoslavia would probably be over before the country
could be included in an expanded union.

Concluded in 1997 after lengthy haggling, the union between Russia and
Belarus has remained largely a dead letter, in part because of the very
different personalities of Mr. Yeltsin and President Alexander Lukashenko of

Mr. Yeltsin has been wary of attempts by Mr. Lukashenko to revive the old
Soviet Union and secure a larger stage for his own political ambitions. The
addition of Yugoslavia to the union would only add a further complication.
Yugoslav leaders have been disappointed by the relatively modest support
they have received from Moscow for their resistance to NATO.

There was a brief flurry of excitement last week after the speaker of the
Russian Parliament, Gennadi Seleznev, announced that Mr. Yeltsin had
retargeted Russian nuclear missiles on NATO countries. But the report was
later denied by other Russian officials.

''Any pressure on NATO to stop this aggression is welcome,'' said the
Yugoslav Foreign Ministry's spokesman, Nebojsa Vujovic. ''We fully intend to
defend our territorial integrity and sovereignty, but we can defend
ourselves sooner with friends.''

A stream of Russian visitors, from Mr. Seleznev to Prime Minister Yevgeni
Primakov to a delegation of Russian Cossacks, have called on Mr. Milosevic
during the last two weeks to express moral support for the Serbian cause and
outrage over the continued NATO attacks. But there has been little in the
way of military support, and Mr. Yeltsin and other Russian leaders have made
it clear that Moscow wants to keep out of the Balkan imbroglio.

There have been some signs that Russia could play a significant diplomatic
role as a mediator in the event of a negotiated settlement to the conflict.
The Russian ambassador to Belgrade, Yuri Kotov, has visited Kosovo and held
talks with local Serbian officials and the moderate ethnic Albanian leader,
Ibrahim Rugova, who is being held under Serb ''protection'' at his home.

Russia has taken a paternalistic interest in the Balkans ever since Serbia
regained its independence from the Turks in 1878. When Austria-Hungary
presented Serbia with an ultimatum in 1914 following the assassination of
Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo by a Serbian patriot, Russia was the
first to come to Serbia's defense.

During World War II, the Yugoslav Partisans led by Tito looked to Moscow for
ideological leadership, but relations cooled after the war as Stalin sought
to assert his control over Yugoslavia.

After Yugoslavia was expelled from the Soviet-led Comintern in 1948, the
country gradually opened up to the West.

Most middle-class Serbs, particularly in the big cities, probably still feel
more in common with the West than with their Slavic brothers in Russia.

Via Russia Today

Yugoslavia To Join Russia-Belarus Union

BELGRADE, Apr. 12, 1999 -- (Reuters) The parliament of Yugoslavia, looking

[CTRL] Fwd: Check out Soldiers

1999-04-12 Thread Colleen Jones

 A HREF="http://members.aol.com/AngelsApe/peace.html"Click here: Soldiers

[CTRL] NATO: Uncommon Views

1999-04-12 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From Kanwa


S300PMU2 by Andrei Pinkov
Tor-M1 by Andrei Pinkov
end photos

Kanwa news April 6, 1999 The NATO entered the territorial sky of both Iraq
and Yugoslavia without any difficulty. As far as the pure military
significance is concerned, can the air force of this strongest military
group break through the air-defense systems of both Russia and China as it
did during the current air strike on Yugoslavia?

After the beginning the 1990s, a large number of Russian air-defense systems
that Iraq and Yugoslavia had never used made their appearances in Russia,
including the most advanced S300PMU1, S300PMU2, S300V, S400, BUK-M1, BUK-M2,
Tor-M1, Tunguska, and SHILKA systems. Among them, the S300PMU1, S300PMU,
TorM-1, and BUK-M1 (the naval version) have already equipped or will soon
equip the Chinese army. China has also been trying to enhance the building
of its air-defense force since the Gulf War. To this end, China has
developed the FM80, FM90, FD2000, FT2000, LY60, KS1, and QW2 air-defense
missile systems. All the above-mentioned systems are a generation more
advanced in their performances than the air-defense weapons Iraq and
Yugoslavia use. Especially, the Russian systems have formed a new fire net
that covers the ultra-high altitude, high altitude, middle altitude, low
altitude, and minimum low altitude. Thus, the area of air-defense under the
coverage of the fire net has increased. For example, the range of the S400
has been extended to 400 kilometers. In the meantime, the detective methods
have also been found to be diversified with the new systems. For instance,
the Chinese FM90 and the Russian BUK-M1, BUK-M2, and Tor-M1 are all equipped
with the TV tracking system and carry the variable-frequency radar that has
a strong anti-interference capability. The phased array radar has been used
in the S300, S400, FD2000, and TorM1 and it enables the systems to track and
attack several targets at the same time. In addition, the Tor-M1 also
possesses the capability of launching a head-on attack on the cruise
missiles that travel at a low altitude.

While proposing the air-defense theory of taking the control of the
territorial sky with the ground-to-air missiles as the major weapon (Yi Di
Zhi Kong), the Chinese military theorists emphasized strengthening their air
force. Now the Chinese air force has been equipped with the different kinds
of detective systems, including the IRST system that is installed on the
Su27. On the other hand, the stealth fighter planes and bombers may have
found it easy to escape unnoticed soon after they fulfilled their bombing
missions in such small and narrow countries as Iraq and Serbia. However, in
such large countries as China and Russia, each of which has a vast expanse
of territory, things will be different. In the time of war, they will put
more planes on patrol, use the AWACS, and resort to various detective
methods. Major General F. Ilyushin, the first chief test pilot of the Su27
and a two-time winner of the "Soviet Hero", indicated to the KWIC reporter,
"Once caught by my students with their Su27s, the US stealth attack planes
can be easily destroyed only by the guns on the Su27s". Andrei Pinkov Kanwa

From Korean Central News Agency

U.S.-led NATO aggression on Yugoslavia assailed
   Pyongyang, April 12 (KCNA) -- The United States insists that the NATO
force's military operations against Yugoslavia are a military measure for
"peace" but this is nothing but a sophism to conceal their aggressive and
criminal nature, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary.
It continues:   The Kosovo issue is an internal affair of Yugoslavia and
a matter to be settled by Yugoslavia in a responsible manner. Nobody has a
right to interfere in the issue by force of arms. Therefore, the large-scale
military operations undertaken by the U.S. with the mobilization of the NATO
forces are a brigandish armed invasion of a sovereign state in contravention
of the UN Charter and international laws, which should never be tolerated.
The NATO's acts of aggression against Yugoslavia are an indication that the
arbitrary, high-handed and aggressive nature of the United States has
reached its height.
The United States launched an aggression on Yugoslavia this time, but
nobody knows which country will be the next target of its armed assault.
Drawing attention to the vicious maneuvering of the U.S. war hawks to
provoke a new war of aggression on the Korean peninsula, the daily warns:
If the United States dare unleash a reckless war against the DPRK,
underrating its strength as other's, it will only taste a bitter cup of

From Sydney (Australia) Morning Herald

Tuesday, April 13, 1999

Belgrade plotters risking civil war in south

By MICHAEL SMITH in Podgorica


[CTRL] Fwd: RMD990411 Irish news - Weekend 10/11 April

1999-04-12 Thread Colleen Jones

News from Sinn Fein...for any Irish in particular interested.



Weekend, 10/11 April, 1999

2.  Parties  Prime Ministers to try again
3.  Man injured in loyalist bomb attack
4.  Feature: A year of living dangerously



 Calls for a totally independent investigation into the murder of
 human rights lawyer Rosemary Nelson continue as further RUC
 incompetence and disinterest in the case are exposed.

 At the same time, the British government and the RUC have been
 accused of collusion in the murder of another defence lawyer in a
 report compiled by the United Nations, to be presented tomorrow.

 Special rapporteur Param Cumaraswamy, who investigated claims of
 RUC-loyalist collusion and harassment of lawyers, demands that the
 government establishes an independent inquiry into the murder of
 Belfast lawyer Pat Finucane in 1990. In his report he says that the
 RUC also showed "complete indifference" to allegations of harassment
 and intimidation of defence lawyers.

 The report, which prominently features testimony by Rosemary Nelson,
 says revelations by investigative journalists of British Army  RUC
 collusion in murders "further substantiates" the conclusion "that
 there was possible security force collusion in the murder of Pat

 RUC members are among the suspects in the murder of Mrs Nelson, who
 was killed on March 15 by a booby-trap bomb planted underneath her
 car as it was parked outside her offices.

 Promises by the force to carry out a full and rigorous investigation
 were unmasked as fanciful last week, when it was revealed that the
 wrong date and telephone number appeared on an appeal for information
 put out by the RUC.

 And contradictory statements issued by the RUC have heightened fears
 that the investigation is a sham.

 Drawing attention to the RUC's control of the investigation,  Bairbre
 de Brun said: "Assurances were given that an independent element was
 to be introduced in the form of David Phillips, chief constable of
 Kent, and FBI legal attache John Guldo.

 "When it became clear that neither of these men were actually here in
 the six counties, a further announcement was made by the RUC that the
 deputy chief constable of Norfolk was being brought in.

 "The excuse was given that David Phillips was unable to spend time
 here but that Colin Port can."

 The Sinn Fein assembly representative for West Belfast said this move
 raised a number of questions.

 Ms de Brun asked: "Why were we told previously that David Phillips's
 involvement would provide necessary outside oversight, if in fact he
 is unable to do so?

 "Why did David Phillips express satisfaction in the day-to-day
 handling of the investigation by the RUC if he hasn't got time to
 oversee how they carry out that work?

 "Who now controls, directs and commands the investigation?

 "What outside investigation, if any, is taking place?

 "Why are contradictory statements being issued on a regular basis by
 the RUC?"

 A blundering investigation mounted by the RUC has not inspired
 confidence that a real effort is being made to find the killers. A
 faxed appeal from the RUC seeking information on the movement of
 vehicles in the Lurgan area just prior to the Nelson killing, dated
 Sunday as "the 13th". The Sunday in question actually fell on March

 The astonishing error was further compounded as telephone callers
 rang the number supplied by the RUC murder inquiry team to alert them
 of the error, only to be told by a British Telecom answering service
 that the number had been discontinued.

 This latest example of careless errors follows hard on the heels of a
 damning report by the Independent Commission for Police Complaints
 (ICPC), recently leaked to the media. The report exposed members of
 the RUC tasked with investigating complaints made by Rosemary Nelson
 of harassment by the fiorce, including death threats before her
 murder, as deliberately obstructive and dismissive.

 The inability and unwillingness of the RUC to investigate Rosemary
 Nelson's complaints led the ICPC, which was acting in a supervisory
 role, to request that the RUC be pulled off the case. Metropolitan
 Police Chief Niall Mulvilhill, together with a team of his own
 officers, took over the investigation from the RUC.

 Describing how Rosemary Nelson travelled to the United States to give
 evidence to a congressional hearing on RUC death threats and
 intimidation of defence lawyers, Ms de Brun said:

 "There is no evidence now to suggest that the RUC will be any more
 vigorous in their investigation of Rosemary Nelson's murder, and of
 any link between her killing and threats made to life by RUC

 "Suggestions that local officers are best placed 

[CTRL] Balkan Views

1999-04-12 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From The Guardian (UK)

Odd bedfellows, old slogans

The French response: Loyalties lost in the shuffle. Paul Webster reports

Monday April 12, 1999

A leftwing revolt against the Kosovo campaign has created some of the most
unlikely political and intellectual alliances since the Algerian war while
undermining Lionel Jospin's authority in the Socialist-led coalition.
Feuding over French participation in Nato strategy, so far limited to eight
bombs on Serbian targets, has wrecked long-standing human rights
partnerships, pushed old enemies into joint action, broken up a moral
consensus and revived a simplistic anti-Americanism reminiscent of the

Tensions caused by anti-war campaigns led by the interior minister,
Jean-Pierre Chevenement, and stalwart Gaullists such as Charles Pasqua, have
contributed to belligerent reactions by the prime minister and President
Jacques Chirac, whose `cohabitation' has entered a honeymoon phase with
joint daily pledges of their will to go on fighting.

De facto political alliances are astonishing enough with the Communist
leader, Robert Hue, finding himself in the anti-war lobby alongside the
National Front chairman, Jean-Marie Le Pen, while the Greens' Daniel
Cohn-Bendit, puts out much the same bellicose message as the Gaullist
chairman, Philippe Seguin.

But the moral disorder is even more eccentric, with writers like Regis
Debray and impeccable human rights activists such as Pierre Vidal-Naquet
fighting a pitched pacifist battle against a philosophical pro-war lobby led
by Henri Bernard-Levy and Andre Glucksmann.

The argument has also split families, with the writer Oliver Todd in the
pro-war camp while his son, Emmanuel, backs a pacifist group that includes
the author and former Socialist minister, Max Gallo.

Although about 60 per cent of the electorate approve of French intervention,
according to public opinion polls which also show overwhelming support for
Mr Jospin and the president, the anti-war faction is bringing more and more
opponents into the streets.

Apart from the Communist Party, which has revived the 1950s atmosphere with
slogans like `Nato go home', the anti-war faction includes the biggest
Trotskyist movements, trade unions, teachers and human rights organisations
like the movement against racism, MRAP.

Among press support is the popular weekly, Marianne, whose editor,
Jean-Francois Kahn, described Mr Chirac and Mr Jospin as `killers of the
innocents'. While the war's opponents include a strong layer of what is
known as the `moral left', the underlying rallying call is the
anti-Americanism which led Mr Debray to stigmatise France's co-operation as
sleepwalking behind American priorities.

Apart from winning over allies such as Mr Chirac's former adviser,
Marie-France Garaud, leftwing suspicion of US motives has rallied middle of
the road figures, including the former United Nations protection force
commander in the region, General Jean Cot.

In juggling with the leftwing mutiny, Mr Jospin has so far avoided a
showdown although cabinet meetings underline a chasm between the leading
pros and antis. The health minister, Bernard Kouchner, is the architect of a
policy known as `the right to interfere' to solve humanitarian crises even
in sovereign states.

The environment minister, Dominique Voynet, represents what has been
described as the most strident pro-war voice, the Greens.Ranged against them
are Communists, such as the transport minister, Jean-Claude Gayssot, and the
sports minister, Marie-Georges Buffet, who have backed marches calling for
Mr Jospin to go.

But the most troublesome case is Mr Chevenement, who resigned as defence
minister at the beginning of the Gulf war to set up his own splinter party,
the Citizens' Movement.

Because a ground war could force him to lead the pacifist faction out of Mr
Jospin's government, every gesture he makes is being intently analysed.

Allying the three strands of opposition political, moral and intellectual he
gave the whole cabinet photocopies of an article by the German writer, Hans
Magnus Enzensberger, which calls for an end to the `fantasy of omnipotent

The war could be over before anyone decides what Mr Chevenement really meant
by distributing a work condemning `global rhetoric', which, he said,
reflected `my philosophical state of mind'.

 What the world's media say

Monday April 12, 1999

Journal du Dimanche, Paris
If this war decided by Europe had not taken place, nationalism would have
won another victory, symbolising the end of a century it has drenched in
blood. Those, who by gut anti-Americanism, respectable pacifism or blind
pro-Serbianism . . . try to justify their opposition to Nato intervention
also encourage the very serious threat of nationalism that could set the
Balkans alight.
Bild Am Sonntag, Germany
When it comes to preventing genocide, the United Nations cannot issue the
orders to Nato but has to seek refuge with Nato. Nato has 

Re: [CTRL] About Kosovo

1999-04-12 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

I agree with every word you say; when Clinton places the wreath on the
tomb of the unknown soldier, is when I could see you you see in

When a soldier dies in battle, I cn see wht you seeand when the
troops go to battle, it is David sending Uriah off to war, and today I
seen more.

A thirty year old friend of my son, who returned from the Persian Gulf
died; he had the Gulf War illness, that our government refused to admit

He died, and his mother is left alone to wonder why.  At long last, he
did receive some type of a pension from the government.

Was it an anthrax innoculation that killed him, or the episode with
chemical warfare that never happened.  I do not know if he ever received
a medal, but Easter he sat at a table with my son - whom he liked very
muchand today, he is dead. The only symptom, was occasionally he
would tremble - but his death was unexpected and sudden.  So much for a
young man who never really had a choice but did have  love for his

William Jefferson Clinton is an evil man; he would do now to the
Balkans, what England has done to Ireland for hundreds of yearswhile
American turned her back.

When I see him place the wreath on the tomb of the unknown soldier, we
see him for what he is - the Coward of his Country.

We all love this country; but, it is Clinton who will live to be the
most hated President in the history of this county, for he goes to war
without just cause - and malice in his heart for the miliary.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Historic Friendly Fire - The WW II Glenn Miller Case

1999-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan


Log that may tell of Glenn Miller death to be sold

Jettisoned bombs may have hit plane

By Mara D. Bellaby, Associated Press, 04/11/99

LONDON - A military logbook that sheds light on the disappearance of the
American bandleader Glenn Miller in World War II will be up for auction
next week, and will offer a chance to own a clue to one of aviation's
most captivating puzzles.

Miller, who created the 1940s big band sound, was en route to France to
organize concerts for Allied troops when his plane disappeared over the
English Channel on a foggy December day in 1944.

No trace has ever been found of the single-engine aircraft, or of its

Bad weather was viewed as the most likely cause, until the mid-1980s,
when the flight log was produced. It suggests a more haunting theory:
Miller's plane may have been blasted out of the sky by bombs jettisoned
by a Royal Air Force squadron returning from an aborted raid on Germany.

''There are many theories ... and we'll never know for sure what
happened. But this is certainly an intriguing possibility,'' said
Stephen Maycock, an aeronautical specialist with Sotheby's, which is
auctioning the logbook on Tuesday.

The book, which belonged to the late Royal Air Force navigator Fred
Shaw, will be sold with a letter from Britain's Ministry of Defense,
bolstering the theory and a bundle of newspaper clippings and other

The items are expected to fetch $960 to $1,300.

''Glenn Miller is an extremely important character, and this is a
fascinating story that has captured people's imaginations,'' said Rachel
Aked, a Sotheby's spokeswoman.

The trombonist's fans have spent decades trying to determine what
happened to him on Dec. 15, 1944.

It was not until the mid-1980s that Shaw dug out his logbook after going
to see the film ''The Glenn Miller Story,'' which chronicles the life of
the man who recorded such songs as ''In the Mood'' and ''Moonlight

In a single entry - ''Ops. Siegen Canceled. Jettison Southern Area'' -
the logbook confirmed what Shaw had suspected: Miller's plane
disappeared on the day that Shaw's squadron aborted a bombing raid on
Siegen, Germany, and let loose their 4,000-pound bombs over the English

The bombs, which had to be discarded before the bombers could safely
land, exploded just above the water.

Shaw remembered seeing a small plane spiraling out of control after the
bombs were dropped.

''Around it, I could see the sea bubbling and blistering with the
exploding bombs. As each bomb burst, I could see the blast wave from it
radiating outwards It was obvious to me that airplane below was in
trouble,'' he once said. ''Eventually, I saw it disappear into the
English Channel.''

The downed plane was not reported, but Shaw's story was corroborated by
other squadron members. And in 1985, Britain's Ministry of Defense wrote
a letter to Shaw conceding his theory ''is certainly possible.''

''In retrospect, we now lean towards this being the most likely solution
to the `mystery,''' the department concluded.

This story ran on page A16 of the Boston Globe on 04/11/99.
© Copyright 1999 Globe Newspaper Company.


1999-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

From 4/9/99:


I think that's the top of this bull market.

SEE - http://nw3.nai.net/~virtual/sot/trendline.gif

Two major trendlines intersect at Dow 10,200 at this exact time juncture.

This is precisely where the DJIA has gone.

Thus, we are now at the logical point for the final top.

A major crash may be imminent.

SEE - http://wwfn.com/crashupdate.html

Let's hope this doesn't come in the form of global war, but this is a possibility.


J. Adams
Stock Market Update


J. Adams

"A nation of well informed men who have been taught to know and prize the rights
which God has given them cannot be enslaved. It is in the region of ignorance
that tyranny begins." - Benjamin Franklin

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[CTRL] Fwd: Day 19, Update 1 (Apr. 11; 4:00PM EST) - A Special TiM GW Bulletin on Kosovo Crisis

1999-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan


The Special "Kosovo Crisis" Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins, such as
the one enclosed below, can also be accessed at our Web site:
www.truthinmedia.org which is being updated throughout the day.

DAY 19, Update 1
Apr. 11, 1999; 4:00PM EDT


Pristina   1. NATO's Easter Bombs Kill 11-month Baby, Father;
   Mother Badly Wounded

Belgrade 2. Kragujevac Factory Hit; I've Been Drafted (From a
BG diary)

Phoenix  3. American, Not Only Russian, Volunteers for Serbia?

Phoenix  4. No Oath to Obey Orders! (By Jeff Elias Dorrance)

Budapest5. Hungary Holds Up Russian Humanitarian Convoy as Tons of
   Western Aid Disappear in Albania

Tucson   6. Beginning of the End? (by Jonathan Cummings, the


1. NATO's Easter Bombs Kill 11-month Baby, Father; Pregnant Mother Badly

PRISTINA, Apr. 11 - For some Serbs, the Orthodox Christian Easter Sunday
was anything but happy.  Three civilians, including an 11-month old baby
and her father were killed in their home during NATO's nighttime bombing of
the village Mirovac, near Podujevo in Kosovo, the Pristina Media Center
reported today.  The baby's pregnant mother, Marija Tosovic, was badly
injured.  Dead are Bozin Tosovic (30) and his daughter Bojana.  Also killed
was Dragan Dubalo (41) from Podujevo.

2. Kragujevac Factory Hit: I've Been Drafted (From a BG diary)

BELGRADE, Apr. 9 - Last week, we've told you about, and put a link at our
Web site to, a moving diary of a Belgrade 21-year old, Vojislav Stojkovic,
titled "Under the Gun."  On Orthodox Good Friday, Apr. 9, his diary read:

"Today I found out that NATO attacked the factory in Kragujevac, while the
workers were inside. Those people decided to guard the factory with their
lives, hoping that NATO wouldn't bomb it if the civilians were inside. They
were wrong. For that mistake a terrible price was paid: nobody died, but
124 were severely injured. I've seen in my life people without one leg or
one arm. I've seen the blind, the deformed and the victims of fire. But I
can't imagine more than one hundred in the same time, in the same place.

The most revolting piece of the puzzle is the fact that NATO knew very well
that the factory was full of civilians. They didn't care. NATO also knows
that the Branko's bridge is crowded with people 'protecting' it (as human
shields). Civilians. Ordinary people, just like me. Will NATO bomb them?

I received a draft call today. It's an ugly little post-card-like piece of
paper saying that I have to report on April 15th. I assume that it's a
routine check, because I didn't go through any training yet, and so they
can't mobilize me yet. And they also can't send me to training yet, because
I'm a student. So I'm quite safe for now. Or at least I hope so."

3. American, Not Only Russian, Volunteers for Serbia?

PHOENIX, Apr. 11 - We've all heard about the 60,000+ Russian volunteers who
have signed up to fight for Serbia against NATO, including some 5,000
Cossacks, the imperial Russia's fiercest warriors.

"Here on the bridge are the Russian Cossacks, the Russian officers, the
Russian generals," said one among the many Cossacks displaying a colorful
array of Tsarist uniforms, traditional sheep skin hats and impressive waxed
mustaches, who joined yesterday the Serbian "human shield" crowd, gathered
for yet another night on the Brankov bridge across the river Sava in Belgrade.

But now, the Serbs and the Russian freedom fighters are not alone.  Some
proud American veterans are also coming forth, offering to fight as
volunteers.  Capt. Richard Davidson, a retired US Navy pilot with a
distinguished military career, is one of them.  He wrote to us today (and
to other former U.S. military veterans, like Col. David Hackworth) urging a
formation of volunteer American troops to fight NATO.

"It would be a kick in the pants to O.J. Clinton if a volunteer force of
Americans could be organized for the same purpose (as the Russian
volunteers)," Capt. Davidson said.  "I'm sure there are many out there who
feel as I do.  But how many would actually put their butt on the line is,
of course, unknown.  What we are doing in Serbia is insane. But then again,
we have a leader of the Free World who is insane.  I just had my 71st
birthday, and my fighting days are behind me.  (But) a volunteer force is
worth considering.  There would be many ramifications, but maybe somewhere
out there is someone who could make such a force a reality."

4. No Oath to Obey Orders!

PHOENIX, Apr. 11 - We also received today the following comment from Mr.
Jeff Elias Dorrance, a former US Army soldier:

"This is the very first time in American history that the United States of
America has ever unleashed a major military attack against another