Re: [CTRL] Flaw in Capitalist system]

1999-05-08 Thread E Mael

 -Caveat Lector-

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
MONKEY BOY!!! NAVEL LINT!!! Listen here you wayward wad of whapit. The

part of you streamed down the pigs thigh. It contained the chromosomes

the instructions to develop a brain.

How do you write this shit anyway? Who can stand you enough to push

the keys

for you?

Does your poor mom know your up?


no, but yours knows i am. and yes the best part of me did stream down her
leg, son. and yes i know that i often repress people with my literary
acuity. and no i do not even need anyone to push my keys as i am still
fairly handy at pushing them myself. so what do you do when you are not PR
ing for a halfwit. you will never find the other half if you keep up that
yammering, son.

and i will have you keep a civil note when addressing me, if you please to
stay on the list. try to control yourself a little more, as that could
develope into incontenance and you won't be able to go outside with out a
diaper if that developes.

have a nice day



CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Purification

1999-05-08 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From Int'l Herald Tribune

""In talks with Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov of
Russia, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright insisted
recently that every Serb soldier and policeman has to
leave the rebellious province.""

Paris, Saturday, May 8, 1999

Formula to Keep Peace: Troubling Ambiguities

By Barton Gellman and Steven Mufson Washington Post
WASHINGTON - The United States and its North Atlantic
Treaty Organization allies realized a major ambition
with Russia's consent to a formula to end the war in
Kosovo. But it remains to be established whether the
formula is compatible with NATO's war aims against the
government in Belgrade.

Russia and the alliance's main powers bridged
fundamental disagreement with ambiguity. U.S.
officials stressed that the joint statement by the
Group of Seven nations and Russia was ''consistent
with'' the alliance's core demands for the removal of
Yugoslav troops in Kosovo Province and their
replacement with a well-armed force led by NATO. But
on its face, the agreement is equally consistent with
abandonment or softening of both demands.

Whether the deal becomes a reversal or a triumph for
NATO - and, conversely, for Russia - will not be
decided until events give meaning to the ''general
principles'' it sets out. Major points of silence
include whether all of Belgrade's troops have to leave
Kosovo or only some, who will decide the orders and
armaments of the foreign troops intended to become
Kosovo's effective governors and what role will be
played by the United Nations Security Council.

On central features of Kosovo's political and military
landscape that NATO insisted until now were not
negotiable, the text of Thursday's statement calls for
endorsement, adoption or decision by the Security
Council, where Russia and China hold vetoes.

Much of the meaning of the agreement hangs on the
interpretation of words such as ''effective'' - to
describe the ''civil and security presences'' meant to
lay down the law in Kosovo - and the absence of words
like ''all'' -- to describe the Yugoslav forces
required to withdraw. On this fundamental question -
who will rule Kosovo - the text specifies neither
which troops have to leave Kosovo nor which troops
will come in to keep the peace.

The United States and its allies have used ambiguity
to their advantage before, obtaining Security Council,
and therefore Russian, assent to broad language that
they later deemed adequate to authorize the war in
Kosovo and, before that, punitive expeditions against

But if they do hold firm on their substantive demands,
as U.S. and allied officials said they would, the
central question remains what it has been for more
than a month: Whether NATO will lose its taste for
bombing before its demands are accepted, in turn, by
Moscow and then Belgrade.

Because Russia has been Yugoslavia's major patron,
some U.S. and allied officials portrayed Thursday's
statement by the Group of Seven leading Western
industrialized countries plus Russia as the harbinger
of an important new lever against President Slobodan
Milosevic of Yugoslavia.

''It definitely will help in pressuring Milosevic,''
said a high-ranking White House official. ''I also
think it's conceivable that as we move forward with
this, not only can they pressure him more but it's
easier for Milosevic to say yes to the G-8 than to

Other policymakers put more emphasis on Washington's
determination to prevent collapse of pro-Western
forces on Russia's political scene, where analysts
foresee gains by angry nationalists in the election of
the State Duma, Russia's legislature, in December.
Productive negotiations with Viktor Chernomyrdin, the
Russian special envoy to the Balkans and former prime
minister, mark much improvement over Moscow's threats
last month to send an aircraft carrier to the Adriatic
Sea and to pull its peacekeeping troops out of Bosnia.

''No one wanted to see progress made in U.S.-Russian
relations fall apart because of Milosevic's
irresponsible actions,'' said an American official,
describing the view of President Bill Clinton and
President Boris Yeltsin. ''There is much more at stake
in the U.S.-Russia relationship.''

There was an internal alliance motive as well, since
many of the European allies insisted during the recent
NATO summit conference in Washington that Moscow's
participation in Kosovo must be an overriding
priority. As a U.S. official put it, ''You need to
keep enough diplomacy alive so that the allies and
Russians feel you're serious that you're trying to get
a good deal, and not lose your soul in the process.''

In talks with Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov of Russia,
Secretary of State Madeleine Albright insisted
recently that every Serb soldier and policeman has to
leave the rebellious province.

Other U.S. and allied officials said, as a 

Re: [CTRL] Michael: Flaw in Capitalist system]

1999-05-08 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

Liz Schumacher wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 joshua, u and some others may vent away--all i know is, if push comes to
 shove, i can take care of myself-and my family
 can you? (besides verbally i mean, and u cant eat those)
 tho--u may eat those,too someday.--watch those spicy expletives tho--theyll
 kill ya

Well I'm not sure what you are referring to here. I'll assume it's
about guns.
I can take care of my family too. I don't want to harm your family or
else's, and I don't know why you think that.

As for spicy expletives, they go well with spicy food and spicy sex.
everyone is blessed with whitebread tastes.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] News of Nietzche's Death Causes Turmoil (fwd)

1999-05-08 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-


(CNNS, 05/08/99) -- Subsequent to  a  report two days ago by this
news service, in which we  pointed  out  that  Friedrich  Wilhelm
Nietzche,  reputed philosopher, is dead, vast turmoil has erupted
throughout the world.

Millions  of  "well educated" persons are struggling to cope with
the news of Nietzche's  death.   With their anthropological deity
misconceptions and post-modern chic fashionabilities now crushed,
this has led to a new rash of angst, as  shown  in  items  below.
Since  the  props  against  their inner emptiness, founded on the
bulwark  of  Nietzche-ism,   now   lie  in  ruins,  international
Yuppie-ism is undergoing a profound spiritual crisis.  The  inner
abyss   of   Neo-liberal  thinking,  now  unchained  by  news  of
Nietzche's death, is suddenly manifesting in various locales:

** When an earthquake measuring 6.5 on the Richter scale hit Iran
on   Friday,  killing  8  people,  hollow  sophisticates  bravely
struggled with the  news.   "The  truth  is  relative," many were
heard to say.  But when, shortly thereafter,  a  quake  measuring
pseudo-intellectualism crumbled.  In India, hundreds of thousands
are  now  sleeping  in  the  open,  having  deserted their homes,
"following predictions of  an  impending  apocalypse on Saturday.
Vast majorities of people fear that their houses may collapse  in
a  massive  earthquake  now  that  a  number  of astrologers have
predicted a doomsday catastrophe." [1]

** According to a  report  in  the Washington Post which appeared
yesterday, huge  rumors  are  sweeping  the  Maryland  area  that
"something"  will happen on May 10th.  The Post, notably, nowhere
in  its  story  provides  specifics  on  the  contagious "rumor."
"Nobody knows where the rumor came from, and nobody knows what it
means.  But the vague message that 'something will happen'  at  a
school  or schools May 10 has many local parents unnerved, police
preparing to patrol  campuses  and  Maryland state officials even
postponing an annual standardized test."  [2] Note how this story
directly follows the previous CNNS report on Nietzche's death.

**  NATO  pilots  are  flipping  out   following   their   sudden
realization that Nietzche,  arguably  the  anti-Christ, has died.
On May 7th, now-crazed  NATO  pilots  inexplicably  turned  their
bombs  against  a  Serb  hospital and a civilian market.  Reuters
reports that 15 harmless Serbs are dead and 70 are wounded.  [3].
Not long thereafter, NATO pilots, their inner  realities  crushed
by  news  of  Nietzche's  death,  turned  their spiritual turmoil
outward by destroying the  Chinese  embassy in Belgrade.  And the
Chinese themselves, also experiencing a values  crisis  following
reports  of  the death of the famous reputed philosopher, reacted
with "rage and incomprehension."   [4].  A special United Nations
meeting was called to deal with the erupting crisis.

In  light  of  explosive worldwide reaction to the CNNS report of
May 6, 1999, in which this news service pointed out that Nietzche
is dead and that God  is  still  alive, critics are appearing and
protesting that CNNS should never have emphasized the news.   But
we  stand  by  our reportage, even while we lament the subsequent

--- Notes ---
[1] "Doomsday prediction grips India." UPI, 5/7/99.
[2]  "May 10 Rumors Rattle Region's Schools," by Linda Perlstein.
Washington Post, 5/7/99, Page A01.
[3] "NATO Bombs  Hospital,  Market,  15  Dead-Serbs," by Philippa
Fletcher. Reuters, 5/7/99.
[4] "Shocked Beijing Residents Turn  On  NATO  Over  Attack,"  by
Benjamin Kang Lim. Reuters, 5/8/99.

CNNS  (Conspiracy  Nation  News  Service)  is an INDEPENDENT news
outlet, not owned by anyone.  (But  of course, we would say that,

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy 

[CTRL] Weathering Mass Destruction

1999-05-08 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From Reagan.CoM



Thank you for your support! Picture

It's OK To Describe Suffering from Oklahoma Tornadoes but NOT NATO Bombs

Reporting News is Not Propaganda but Manipulation of the News to Deceive the Public IS 
Propaganda - Not!

By: Mary Mostert,

May 7, 1999

Berry Tramel, a staff writer for the Oklahoman, in Oklahoma City, wrote describing the 
devastation caused by tornadoes that swept through Oklahoma City and it surrounding 
areas: "I've stood in Arlington National Cemetery.
 I peered through the fence at the Murrah Building. I've interviewed dying children. 
Nothing sobered me like a walk down Windemere Drive.

"Look south, and homes by the dozens are leveled. Look north, and no home still 
stands. Block after block after block, nothing but piles of rubble, interrupted only 
by trees stripped of limb and leaf. Piles with people si
fting for valuables.

"I've seen footage of tornado damage. I've seen footage of this tornado damage. I've 
never seen anything like this. This looked like something out of World War I. This was 
a barren land."

A flurry of stories chronicled the suffering of the people, left without electricity, 
housing, telephones, and water in some cases and explained the complexities of 
removing the debris left by the tornadoes, and the pain
at the losses suffered:

"Mother and son survived the storm in a neighbor's cellar.

"He came out of the cellar and said, 'Mama, you don't have a house.' Then he looked 
down the street and said, 'Mama, I don't have one, either,'" Delma Whitaker said.

As Carpenter sat on the rain-stained mattress in the sunshine and open air of what had 
once been her childhood bedroom, she began to cry. Her mother sat beside her, pulling 
her close and offering wordless comfort.

"Carpenter shook her head as she looked at the devastation around her."

On Fox News yesterday, the Big Story was the tornado damage. With 41 known dead, and 
some towns totally wiped out, damage was described by one talking head as "looking 
like the area had been bombed back to the Stone Age."

Through the pictures and written descriptions of the suffering caused by the 
tornadoes, the American people are sympathetic to the suffering described. Does that 
constitute "propaganda" - which the dictionary describes as
 the "systematic effort to spread opinion or beliefs." Are the stories repeated hour 
after hour in an effort to get the American people to think about the tornado victims 
in a certain light - and, if so, is that bad?

Simultaneously with the tornadoes, a natural disaster, there is another swath of 
destruction taking place in Yugoslavia by design as bombers and missiles rein down on 
the people of Yugoslavia, where Bill Clinton and his f
riends in NATO are determined to "bomb the Serbs" back to the Stone Age, unless they 
agree to surrender their sovereignty as a nation. Descriptions of the suffering of the 
people who are actually being bombed back to the
Stone Age are considered "propaganda" by some and they complain. For example, the 
following e-mail protesting articles about the impact of NATO bombs prompted one of 
Mike Reagan's listeners to write:

Mike: Love the show and site. Good info, but am perturbed by excessive Serbian 
propaganda at site. Sure clinton is the C-in-C from Hell, but if we blow this, it's 
not just him that goes. If we can't defeat a two-bit tinho
rn like this, much of what your Dad achieved will be dissipated. I'm with Sen. McCain.-

Very Respectfully,

David Crow

Apparently Crow believes that descriptions of suffering caused by bombs is 
"propaganda" - but descriptions of suffering caused by tornadoes is not. The 
destruction, and the resultant suffering of the injured and the dying
, the lack of food , water, heat - and in some instances - housing are the same. For 
example, from Ivanka, a 74 year old writer in Belgrade to her daughter in America: 
"May 5th-(Phone) Power goes on, power goes off. No el
ectricity at Olga's right now. Our showers are cold, laundry is dirty, and food is 
getting spoiled. I am afraid to use elevators, as power failures are so unpredictable 
that people are getting stuck and have to be rescued
. Considering that my building is almost empty, who knows how long I'd have to wait 
for help if that happened. I have no idea how my 90 year old neighbor is handling it 
all - I've spent most of the time at Olga's.

"It's frustrating, not being able to watch the news, nor access the Internet. I wonder 
if that was the reason for strangling of our power lines - killing journalists has 
proven too costly in Public relations points... Rea
listically, the army depends the least on our country's power grid. They have 
batteries and generators, as I am sure NATO knows very well if even I can think of it.

"The food in the stores is getting 

[CTRL] EBooks

1999-05-08 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From Slate.CoM


 I Have Read the Future: At dinner. In a taxi. On the
 john. With my electronic book.

 By Jacob Weisberg

 Since the launch of Slate nearly three years ago, we've
 joked about how you'd know when online magazines were
 ready for mass consumption. It would be when you could
 take them, like print magazines, to the bathroom. Well,
 I'm here to tell you: I've read Slate on the john.

 Among the other places I have been reading Slate,
 Salon, an electronic version of the Wall Street
 Journal, and the e-texts of various novels and short
 stories, in last couple of weeks:

 Aloud to my wife in a car at night
 In a taxi, again at night
 While brushing my teeth
 On a plane without an overhead light
 Standing on the subway
 In bed
 While eating Chinese food with chopsticks

 These are situations in which reading is ordinarily
 either awkward or impossible. They present no
 challenge, however, to my new favorite gizmo, the
 Rocket eBook. I'm not what you would call an early
 adopter when it comes to consumer electronics. I don't
 have a DVD player, an MP3 player, or a Palm Pilot. But
 I'm ready to blow $499 on a Rocket as soon as I have to
 send my demo model back. This chunky little device,
 which weighs just under a pound and a half, actually
 deserves that overused epithet "revolutionary," because
 it has the power to change something as basic to human
 civilization as the way people read.

 A lot has happened since I wrote about e-books and
 libraries last fall. You can now actually buy two
 different models. One is the Softbook, which at $299
 appears less expensive than the Rocket but actually
 costs more because you must commit to spending $479 on
 books over two years as part of the package. The
 Softbook is a writing-tablet-size screen with a leather
 cover that gives off what someone must have imagined to
 be the musty scent of an old book (but is actually the
 smell of a new shoe). The Softbook's one big advantage
 is that you don't need a PC to use it. You buy books
 directly from Softbook and download them into the
 reader via a phone line. But the Softbook has two big
 disadvantages. The first is that it's poorly designed.
 The screen is hard to read, navigating text is clumsy,
 and the whole device has an unbalanced feel. The second
 drawback is it doesn't work. After reading a bit of
 preloaded text--The Sea Wolf, by Jack London--I
 couldn't download anything else, and my Softbook soon
 purged its preloaded content as well. The only other
 person I know who has a Softbook reports a similar

 By contrast, the Rocket, which is made by a Silicon
 Valley start-up called NuvoMedia, is ergonomically
 sound, with the pleasing heft of a folded-over
 paperback. The screen is superb, and you get a choice
 of large or small print as well as a variety of
 lighting settings. You can orient the text horizontally
 or vertically and position the grip for left- or
 right-handed use. And because it doesn't need to be
 held open, you can read the Rocket one-handed. In fact,
 you can even prop it up and read no-handed if you're
 eating something greasy or shaving. All you need is one
 clean finger to click the "forward" and "back" buttons
 that move the text a page at a time. The battery lasts
 for some 30 hours before needing to be recharged. And
 while the process of getting stuff to read on the
 Rocket is a bit involved, it actually works remarkably
 well. First, you load the Rocket software onto your PC.
 Second, you register your eBook and get an ID and a
 password. Third, you go to the Barnes  Noble Web site,
 which is (but won't be for long) the exclusive
 distributor of Rocket-formatted content, and make your
 e-purchase. Fourth, Barnes  Noble sends you an e-mail
 message with a Web link that allows you to download
 what you've purchased into the "Rocket Library" on your
 PC. Fifth, you transfer your book from your PC's Rocket
 Library to your Rocket, which has 4 mb of memory
 (enough to hold 20 medium-length novels). The only
 hitch I encountered in this procedure was that Barnes 
 Noble took a few hours to e-mail the link I needed to
 download books I bought. (I understand that this is not
 an uncommon problem.) Instant gratification is an
 important part of the appeal of e-books, and I found
 this delay slightly maddening.

 There are other drawbacks of the sort you would expect
 from any infant technology. Barnes  Noble stocks only
 524 eBook titles at present, an unfortunately large
 number of them in the business and self-help
 categories. You can buy Endless Referrals: Network Your
 Everyday Contacts Into Sales and Life Without Stress:
 The Far Eastern Antidote to Tension and Anxiety (which
 would seem to cancel each other out) but not Uncovering
 Clinton or The Ground Beneath Her Feet. Recent
 publications are gratuitously overpriced. The discount
 price of Angela's Ashes is $10.40 in paperback, $17.50
 in hardcover, and $20 for the eBook 

[CTRL] [ma] Washington state decriminalizes anarchy

1999-05-08 Thread Alamaine

 -Caveat Lector-

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- /\/\eta-axio/\/\ Mailing List -=-=-=-
Source: a-infos
Sender: belgrave

  A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E

Law against anarchy thrown out  Wobblies of the world, relax.
It's OK once again to be an anarchist in Washington.
  Gov. Gary Locke on Wednesday signed Senate Bill 5671,
repealing an 80-year-old law that had been passed in reaction to the
home-bred Industrial Workers of the World, radical labor activists
better known as the Wobblies.

  Under the law, it was illegal to advocate anarchy,
defined as "the doctrine that organized government should be
overthrown by force or violence."

  It was also illegal for people to "assemble for the
purpose of advocating or teaching the doctrines of criminal
anarchy," or even to possess or display "emblems of seditious and
anarchistic groups."

  Displaying the letter "A" surrounded by a circle, for
example, was a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison.

  The law was passed in 1909 and updated in 1919. It never
mentioned the IWW, but the union movement was the clear target.

  "People couldn't distinguish between a Communist and a
Wobblie," said Tacoma historian Ron Magden. "There was a great
fear in the general public -- especially in the West -- because they could
blow you up. The law made them feel safer."

  It didn't help that the Wobblies were central to two of
the more notorious incidents in state history.
  In 1916, a contingent of Wobblies was met at the dock in
Everett by a sheriff intent on keeping them from helping striking
shingle weavers. The Everett Massacre left seven dead and 50

  In 1919, IWW members and American Legionnaires faced off
in a gun battle now known as the Centralia Massacre. An IWW
member was later pulled from jail and lynched.

  After the bill was approved, though, the Wobblies paid
little attention to it, and there were few prosecutions. Sen. Adam
Kline, D-Seattle, could find only four cases that reached the state
Supreme Court, the most recent in 1941.

  But Kline said that even though the statute was an
unconstitutional violation of the right to free expression, it was
better to get rid of it -- because it might get used.

  "The law goes after speech, the display of emblems,
parades," Kline said. "The right and the left have a right to do it."'

  "Call me a paranoiac, but history is cyclical."

  Questions? Comments? Suggestions? We welcome
your feedback.

  The A-Infos News Service

/\/\eta-axio/\/\ Mailing List ~~ PROFIT COPYRIGHT ~~  a [S]F[M]H[P] Project

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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1999-05-08 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


8 May 1999


•Thousands of refugees arrive in Albania; officials
say they will accept as many as one million refugees
if necessary amid reports of a continuing influx from

•Only a handful of refugees arrive in Macedonia
despite assurances in Skopje that the borders are

•Departures under the humanitarian evacuation program
in the FYR of Macedonia yesterday were 1,914, bringing
the total to more than 34,000.

•The estimated number of refugees and displaced people
has reached more than 718,000, including 230,900 in
the FYR of Macedonia, 407,000 in Albania and 62,000 in

Major Developments


More than 5,000 refugees arrived in Albania through
the Morini crossing on Saturday and the influx was
continuing at midday. They came in tractor-wagons from
the Pec area in western Kosovo and repeated similar
stories which previous arrivals had told of mass
killings and attacks by Serbian troops using artillery
to empty villages.

Arrivals through Morini on Friday totalled an
estimated 900.

Also on Friday, UNHCR Special Envoy Dennis McNamara
paid a flying visit to Kukes and announced that
Albania would accept as many as one million refugees
if necessary.

McNamara also said that the tented camps in Kukes,
within easy artillery range of nearby Serbian
positions, must be emptied as quickly as possible and
all of the refugees moved to safer areas.

After high level discussions in the Albanian capital
of Tirana and with local officials in Kukes Mcnamara
said that "The Albanian government has agreed to take
as many refugees as necessary, as many as one million
people if that is what it takes."

"The Albanian government's gesture and decision is
extremely important to the whole humanitarian effort
at this time," McNamara said, especially given the
fact that neighboring Macedonia wants to shift as many
of the Kosovar refugees there to other countries as
soon as possible.

McNamara said the first 6,000 refugees would probably
be moved from Macedonia to the Korce region of Albania
within the next several days, with possibly tens of
thousands of others to quickly follow.

Albania already hosts the bulk of the Kosovar
refugees, around 400,000 compared with nearly 200,000
in Macedonia. Tirana has repeatedly said it welcomes
refugees to stay in the country.

McNamara said the issue of security in the Kukes area
was high on his agenda during his talks in Kukes and
Tirana and that both the government and UNHCR had
agreed "these tented camps should not be here. We are
doing everything possible to persuade the people in
the camps to leave as soon as possible."

"We are really going to press the refugees very firmly
to move to other facilities in other parts of the

He added, "We won't close the tents on top of the
refugees but we will use every method we can to
persuade them to move. We are going to tell them that
at a certain point, these camps will not be here. The
services they currently enjoy will not be here. We do
not want camps near military areas.

"'The refugees should move immediately. They should
not be here," he said.

Mcnamara also stressed UNHCR's difficult financial
condition while trying to tackle one of the biggest
and most complicated emergencies in its history. The
agency, he said, faced an immediate shortfall of at
least 40 million dollars as it tried to grapple with a
still expanding emergency.


Only a handful of people crossed to Macedonia on
Friday, including a heavily pregnant woman and a man
with a Slovenian passport. For all practical purposes,
all border crossings from Serbia to Macedonia are
closed to Kosovo refugees. Those few who arrived say
there may be up to 3,000 people stuck on the Serbian
side of the border, including some 200-300 who came by
train from Pristina Friday morning.

Meanwhile, at the Blace transit center, UNHCR is
hastily putting up tents and preparing the ground for
a possible new influx.

On Thursday, Macedonian officials gave UNHCR
assurances that refugees from Kosovo will be allowed
into the country. This followed meetings in Skopje in
which UNHCR said its staff late Wednesday witnessed an
estimated 1,000 Kosovo refugees being prevented from
entering the FYR of Macedonia. They were subsequently
forced to go back to Kosovo.


Departures under the humanitarian evacuation program
from the FYR of Macedonia to third countries totaled
1,914 on Friday, including 103 to Austria, 242 to
Canada, 112 to the Czech Republic, 162 to Denmark, 157
to Norway, 114 to Poland, 235 to Spain, 160 to Sweden,
222 to Turkey and 407 to the United States.

So far, 34,239 refugees have departed under the
program in which UNHCR has received offers for 135,000
places in 39 countries.


Information as at 8 May 1999, 06:00 GMT

Total recent displacement includes figures in Tables 1
and 2. It is emphasized that 

[CTRL] Fwd: CIA's Richard Mellon Scaife

1999-05-08 Thread Kris Millegan

The Washington Post

Scaife: Funding Father of the Right
By Robert G. Kaiser and Ira Chinoy
Washington Post Staff Writers

Sunday, May 2, 1999; Page A1 Mellon Scaife. (AP)

First of two articles

One August day in 1994, while gossiping about politics
over lunch on Nantucket, Richard Mellon Scaife, the
 Pittsburgh billionaire and patron of conservative
causes, made a prediction. "We're going to get
Clinton," Joan Bingham, a New York publisher present at
the lunch, remembers him saying. "And you'll be much
happier," he said to Bingham and another Democrat at
the table, "because Al Gore will be president."

Bingham was startled at the time, but in the years
since - as Clinton has struggled with an onslaught from
political enemies - Scaife's assertion came to seem
less and less far-fetched.

Scaife did get involved in numerous anti-Clinton
activities. He gave $2.3 million to the American
Spectator magazine to dig up dirt on Clinton and
supported other conservative groups that harassed the
president and his administration. The White House and
its allies responded by fingering Scaife as the central
figure in "a vast right-wing conspiracy that has been
  conspiring against my husband since the day he
  announced for president," as Hillary Rodham Clinton
  described it. James Carville, Clinton's former campaign
  aide and rabid defender, called Scaife "the
  archconservative godfather in [a] heavily funded war
  against the president."

  But people who know him well say that although Scaife
  is fond of conspiracy theories of many kinds, he is
  incapable of managing any sort of grand conspiracy
  himself. And months of reporting produced no evidence
  of his orchestrating any effort to "get" Clinton beyond
  his financial support. Indeed, focusing on his role in
  the crusade against Clinton can obscure the 66-year-old
  philanthropist's real importance, which is not based on
  his opposition or support for any individual
  politicians (though he once gave Richard M. Nixon $1
  million). His biggest contribution has been to help
  fund the creation of the modern conservative movement
  in America.

  By compiling a computerized record of nearly all his
  contributions over the last four decades, The
  Washington Post found that Scaife and his family's
  charitable entities have given at least $340 million to
  conservative causes and institutions - about $620
  million in current dollars, adjusted for inflation. The
  total of Scaife's giving - to conservatives as well as
  many other beneficiaries - exceeds $600 million, or
  $1.4 billion in current dollars, much more than any
  previous estimate.

  In the world of big-time philanthropy, there are many
  bigger givers. The Ford Foundation gave away $491
  million in 1998 alone. But by concentrating his giving
  on a specific ideological objective for nearly 40
  years, and making most of his grants with no strings
  attached, Scaife's philanthropy has had a
  disproportionate impact on the rise of the right,
  perhaps the biggest story in American politics in the
  last quarter of the 20th century.

  His money has established or sustained activist think
  tanks that have created and marketed conservative ideas
  from welfare reform to enhanced missile defense; public
  interest law firms that have won important court cases
  on affirmative action, property rights and how to
  conduct the national census; organizations and
  publications that have nurtured conservatism on
  American campuses; academic institutions that have
  employed and promoted the work of conservative
  intellectuals; watchdog groups that have critiqued and
  harassed media organizations, and many more.

  Together these groups constitute a conservative
  intellectual infrastructure that provided ideas and
  human talent that helped Ronald Reagan initiate a new
  Republican era in 1980, and helped Newt Gingrich
  initiate another one in 1994. Conservative ideas once
  dismissed as flaky or extreme moved into the
  mainstream, and as the liberal National Committee for

[CTRL] Fwd: S99-70, Day 46, Update 1 (May 8; 0:15AM EDT) - A Special TiM GW Bulletin on NATO's War on Serbia

1999-05-08 Thread Kris Millegan


The Special Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins on NATO's war on Serbia,
such as the one enclosed below, can also be accessed at our Web site: which is being updated throughout the day.

Issue S99-70, Day 46, Update 1
May 8, 1999; 0:15AM EDT


Nis1. NATO Hits Nis Hospital, Street Market, Killing at
  Least 16 People

Belgrade   2. NATO Sets Chinese Embassy Ablaze; Alliance to
 Unravel in Next Week or Two?

Moscow   3. An American in Moscow: "Govorite samoy po ruski;"
 Russian Military Prepares for War against NATO

Finland4. A Finnish-American: Thank You for Returning Me to
My Roots


1. NATO Hits Chinese Embassy; Hospital and Street Market in Nis, Killing at
Least 16 People and Wounding over 70

BELGRADE, May 8 - One day after Russia sold Serbia down the river in, what
the NATO leaders termed a new "peace plan" (see S99-69, Day 42, Update 1,
Item 1, May 7), NATO intensified its attacks on Serb civilians targets.  An
F-16 bomber hit a hospital and a street market in Nis, Serbia's third
largest city of 250,000, some 200km (125 miles) south of Belgrade, using
cluster bombs (which explode in the air, causing widespread damage to
buildings and residents).  At least 16 people - all civilians - were
killed, and over 70 injured.

After several hours of stonewalling even its lapdog western media, some of
which (e.g., MSNBC) had irrefutable footage of this latest
Clinton-Clark-Blair, etc. crime against humanity, NATO finally fessed up to
this mass murder.

In a tersely worded statement, the NATO Secretary-General Javier Solana,
confirmed that NATO aircraft carried out an attack, supposedly on an
airfield two miles away (!) from the residential area which was bombed.
"Unfortunately, it is highly probable that a weapon went astray and hit
civilian buildings," Solana said in a written statement.
TiM Ed.: You mean to say, Mr. Solana, that you and your NATO "supermen,"
like Gen. Wesley Kanne Clark, who early in this war exalted at the
"surgical precision" of your supposed "smart bombs," cannot come even
within two miles of your target?  Which means that if someone asked you to
bomb the White House, for example, you might just as easily hit the
National War Memorial at Arlington, Virginia?  Or the Reagan National

At the very least, the U.S. taxpayers should demand a refund for the
trillions of OUR dollars which the Pentagon has spent on, what turns out to
be, a technology which is not even as accurate as the WW II bombs.  Unless,
of course, there is a different explanation.  That Serb civilian targets
were deliberately hit.  In which case, add the term "PREMEDITATED" mass
murder to the war crimes charges that one of these days you, Mr. Solana,
along with Gen. Clark and all other NATO leaders are likely to face (see a
related story about the Canadian lawyers' filing of such a lawsuit at the

2. NATO Sets Chinese Embassy Ablaze; Alliance to Unravel in Next Week or Two?

BELGRADE, May 8 - NATO bombs hit the Chinese embassy in Belgrade shortly
before midnight Friday (May 7), setting the two-story building on fire.  No
deaths were reported initially, though a number of people were injured in
this NATO "mother of all blunders" (so far).

The sources which TiM contacted by phone, who live near the scene of the
attack, reported hearing several strong detonations which also damaged some
nearby apartment buildings.  "Our whole building shook and many windows
were broken," said one resident.  The parking lot of the hotel
"Jugoslavija" was also reportedly hit.

But since NATO had once again struck the Serb power grid, before attacking
downtown Belgrade, the city is in the dark at this moment, and our sources
are unable to confirm visually the extent of the damage, or the casualties
of this bombing (3:00AM local time).

Nevertheless, our sources in Serbia report that at least three Chinese
citizens were killed in NATO's bombing of the embassy, including Beijing's
news agency correspondent, according to a Serb TV report as of about 6:30AM
local time (yes, power had been restored by that hour).
TiM Ed.: By the way, contrary to the map of Belgrade which MSNBC, for
example, kept showing its American TV viewers all evening, the Chinese
embassy is located in the midst of a residential area in New Belgrade,
across the river Sava, and at the opposite end of town from that which the
MSNBC map showed.  That's as if NATO were to hit a target in, say New
Jersey, while aiming at one in Queens, NY.

Which only goes to show us that not only is the NATO military prowess
grossly exaggerated, but the NWO lapdog media, who have helped build up
NATO's alleged omnipotent image, can't even tell one bank of a Serb river
from another.

[CTRL] OEN 5/8/99

1999-05-08 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe/A

Gold Market

Gold Price Plunges as Britain Announces Sale of Reserves

Central Bank Overhang Goes On and On

Britain is to sell more than half its $6.5bn gold reserves over the next
few years, dealing another blow to the metal's diminishing role in the
international monetary system.

In response the gold price fell more than $8 at one stage to less than
$280 a troy ounce. Gold mining companies saw their share prices fall
sharply, with the currencies of gold producing nations also suffering.

The Treasury said it would sell 125 tonnes of gold in this financial
year. Similar amounts will be sold in succeeding years until official
holdings have been reduced from 715 to 300 tonnes.

Gold has long enjoyed a near mythical importance in the minds of central
bankers, as a hedge against inflation and a symbol of monetary

But a new generation thinks it more important to increase the return
that reserves earn.

The Treasury will replace the gold with foreign currency assets, mainly
government bonds. These will be split into roughly 40 per cent US
dollars, 40 per cent euros and 20 per cent Japanese yen - in line with
the existing composition of reserves.

Gold's share in the government's $15bn net reserves will fall from
nearly half to around 20 per cent. Studies cited by the Bank of England
last year suggest this proportion "provides a reserve composition
exposed to least risk".

The European Central Bank holds 15 per cent of its reserves as gold and
the UK would have had to contribute 140 tonnes had it chosen to join the

Initially gold will be auctioned every two months from July. Buyers will
be offered 400-ounce bars held in vaults beneath the Bank of England.
The Bank would prefer buyers to leave the gold there, although it says
"physical collection . . . will be possible".

Kelvin Williams, marketing director of South African mining group
Anglogold, argued the UK had "given everyone an opportunity to speculate
against them upfront". He was puzzled at the choice of sales method, but
is confident the market will absorb the sales "comfortably".

Yesterday's unexpected move prompted nervousness about sales by the
world's first division gold holders.

Switzerland has already signalled its willingness to sell 1,300 tonnes
after severing the franc's formal link to gold. The International
Monetary Fund is also likely to sell up to 10 per cent of its $30bn
holdings to finance poor country debt relief.

Traders are now looking nervously to the other big players - the US,
Germany, France and Italy - who have so far shown no inclination to

"The ultra-negative view, which is justifiable, is that the British are
looking to sell before everyone else," said Kamal Naqvi, analyst at
Macquarie Equities.

Gold's official role in Britain dates back at least to 1717, when Sir
Isaac Newton established the country's first gold standard.

By the beginning of this century nearly 60 countries had backed their
currencies with gold, with Britain then leading an exodus in 1931.

Gold relinquished its formal role as anchor of the international
monetary system in 1971, but by the end of that inflationary decade its
price had risen to $850 an ounce.

Despite robust private sector demand, the price has fallen two-thirds
since as central banks have sold or lent to the market.

The Financial Times, May 8, 1999

Der Fuhrer Invades Yugoslavia

NATO Bombs Chinese Embassy

We turned Belgrade light into darkness! We're Number 1!

The Chinese embassy was hit and set alight in heavy air raids on
Belgrade last night, as Nato stepped up pressure on Yugoslavia to yield
to latest international peace plans for Kosovo.

More than 20 Chinese embassy staff were taken to hospital, but officials
said none were seriously injured. The embassy was hit a few hours after
air raid sirens announced the end of a three-day lull in Nato attacks on
the capital.

Flashes came from the direction of power plants and the city was plunged
into darkness.

The attacks came as Nato prepared a diplomatic offensive to narrow
remaining differences with Russia and as the United Nations emerged from
the Kosovo sidelines with the naming of two special peace envoys and a
plan to despatch a humanitarian team to Belgrade.

Kofi Annan, UN secretary-general, named Carl Bildt, the former Swedish
premier who in 1996 and 1997 led the civilian effort to implement a
peace agreement in Bosnia, and Eduard Kukan, Slovakia's foreign
minister, as envoys to the region.

Mr Bildt said his first plan was to create an open framework for
dialogue between the UN, the European Union, Russia and the US. "There
must be more co-ordination of strategic aims," he said. "The campaign
has so far failed to stop the war and create the conditions for refugees
to return."

Mr Annan earlier said he believed Slobodan Milosevic, Yugoslav

[CTRL] CounterPunch - Is the Russian Embassy Next?

1999-05-08 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Welcome to CounterPunch/A

Is the Russian Embassy Next?

''Just let Clinton, a little bit, accidentally, send a missile. We'll
answer immediately! We don't want such impudence! To unleash a war on a
sovereign state. Without the Security Council? Without the United
Nations? It could only be possible in a time of barbarism.''

Boris Yeltsin,
at Kremlin ceremony, May 8


57 Reasons This War Sucks

Click Here For the Top Ten!


A special double issue of CounterPunch on NATO's war against Yugoslavia,

Meet the Real John McCain:

The Senate's leading warmonger. Read a psychological profile of McCain
from his time as a POW, which concludes he got thrills from killing in


Day-to-day coverage of the war, it's leaders, it's targets, its victims.
Find out why Nato war planners and the White House are desperate for a
way out of the war.
Recent CounterPunch Stories Now Online:

CounterPunch's Coverage of the War On Yugoslavia

Did the CIA Drug Paul Robeson?: New documents suggest that the black
actor and activist may have been a victim of the Agency's MK-ULTRA

The War at Pacifica's Flagship Station: Open war has broken out over the
future of the Pacifica station. The general manager and popular hosts
Larry Bensky have been fired. Others staffers are risking their
positions by violating the station's gag order.

Driving While Black: Every day police across the country pull over black
drivers based on racial profiles. The stops lack probable cause and
often result in illegal searches and arrests. CounterPunch surveys the
latest evidence from across the nation.
Arkansas Bloodsuckers:

During Bill Clinton's term as governor, the Arkansas prisons made money
by selling tainted blood from inmates to international plasma dealers.
Now thousands are dying around the world from AIDS and hepatitis.
CIA Poisoner Dies:

Sidney Gottlieb, the CIA's master chemist, died on March 10. During his
tenure, Gottlieb performed the tasks of assassin, poisoner and pimp.
Ten Who Do Good:

CounterPunch rounds up ten of the best progressive groups in the country
and tells why they do such a damn good job.

A Vain, Pompous, Brown-noser
Meet the Real Gen. Clark

Anyone seeking to understand the bloody fiasco of the Serbian war need
hardly look further than the person of the beribboned Supreme Allied
Commander, General Wesley K. Clark. Politicians and journalists are
generally according him a respectful hearing as he discourses on the
"schedule" for the destruction of Serbia, tellingly embracing phrases
favored by military bureaucrats such as "systematic" and "methodical".

The reaction from former army subordinates is very different.
"The poster child for everything that is wrong with the GO (general
officer) corps," exclaims one colonel, who has had occasion to observe
Clark in action, citing, among other examples, his command of the 1st
Cavalry Division at Fort Hood from 1992 to 1994.

While Clark's official Pentagon biography proclaims his triumph in
"transitioning the Division into a rapidly deployable force" this
officer describes the "1st Horse Division" as "easily the worst division
I have ever seen in 25 years of doing this stuff."

Such strong reactions are common. A major in the 3rd Brigade of the 4th
Infantry Division at Fort Carson, Colorado when Clark was in command
there in the early 1980s described him as a man who "regards each and
every one of his subordinates as a potential threat to his career".

While he regards his junior officers with watchful suspicion, he
customarily accords the lower ranks little more than arrogant contempt.
A veteran of Clark's tenure at Fort Hood recalls the general's "massive
tantrum because the privates and sergeants and wives in the crowded
(canteen) checkout lines didn't jump out of the way fast enough to let
him through".

Clark's demeanor to those above is, of course, very different, a mode of
behavior that has earned him rich dividends over the years. Thus, early
in 1994, he was a candidate for promotion from two to three star
general. Only one hurdle remained - a war game exercise known as the
Battle Command Training Program in which Clark would have to maneuver
his division against an opposing force. The commander of the opposing
force, or "OPFOR" was known for the military skill with which he
routinely demolished opponents.

But Clark's patrons on high were determined that no such humiliation
should be visited on their favorite. Prior to the exercise therefore,
strict orders came down that the battle should go Clark's way.
Accordingly, the OPFOR was reduced in strength by half, thus enabling
Clark, despite deploying tactics of signal ineptitude, to triumph. His
third star came down a few weeks later.

Battle exercises and war games are of course meant to test the fighting
skills of commanders and troops. The 

[CTRL] Ninth Circuit Affirms Bernstein Decision - Prohibition of crypto exports is prior restraint of free speech.

1999-05-08 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Bernstein-v-USDOJ - 9th Circuit
Partial file; total file is 85KB.  Ninth Circuit Affirms Bernstein
DecisionProhibition of crypto exports is prior restraint of free speech.

Office of the Circuit Executive
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit

BERNSTEIN V USDOJCase Number:Date Filed:97-1668605/06/99

No. 97-16686
D.C. No.
ALBRIGHT, United States Secretary of
State; WILLIAM M. DALEY, United
States Secretary of Commerce; OPINION
WILLIAM COHEN, United States
Secretary of Defense; KENNETH A.
MINIHAN, Director, United States
National Security Agency; JOHN B.
HOLUM, Director, United States Arms
Control and Disarmanent Agency;
Appeal from the United States District Court for the Northern District of
Marilyn Hall Patel, District Judge, Presiding 4215
Argued and Submitted
December 8, 1997--San Francisco, California Filed May 6, 1999
Before: Myron H. Bright,* Betty B. Fletcher, and Thomas G. Nelson, Circuit
Opinion by Judge B. Fletcher; Concurrence by Judge Bright; Dissent by Judge
T.G. Nelson 4251
Scott R. McIntosh (argued), Douglas N. Letter, United States Department of
Justice, Washington, D.C., for the defendants- appellants.
Cindy A. Cohn (argued), McGlashan  Sarrail, San Mateo, California, and Lee
Tien, Berkeley, California, for the plaintiff-appellee.
Ivan K. Fong, Covington  Burling, Washington, D.C., for amicus curiae
Electronic Privacy Information Center; Ameri- can Civil Liberties Union;
American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California; Center For Democracy
and Technology; Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility; Economic
Strategy Institute; Free Congress Research and Education Foundation; Human
Rights Watch; Independence Institute; International Information System
Security Certification Con- sortium; Internet Mail Consortium; Internet
Society; National Association of Manufacturers; Privacy International; U.S.
Public Policy Committee of the Association for Computing; Dr. Whitfield
Diffie; Dr. Peter Neumann; and Dr. Ronald Rivest.
Garrett Epps, University of Oregon School of Law, Eugene, Oregon, for amicus
curiae Silicon Valley Software Industry Coalition; Professor Keith Aoki;
Professor Margreth Barrett; Professor James Boyle; Professor Garrett Epps;
Professor Peter Jaszi; Professor David Lange; and Professor Eugene Volokh.
Brian Conboy, Wilkie Farr  Gallagher, Washington, D.C., for amicus curiae
Maynard Anderson; D. James Bidzos; 4221
National Computer Security Association; Mark Rasch; RSA Data Security, Inc.;
Dr. Eugene Spafford; and Dr. Ross Stapleton-Gray.
J. Joshua Wheeler, Charlottesville, Virginia, for amicus curiae Thomas
Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression.
Richard D. Marks, Vinson  Elkins, Washington, D.C., for amicus curiae
Association for the Advancement of Science.
B. FLETCHER, Circuit Judge:
The government defendants appeal the grant of summary judgment to the
plaintiff, Professor Daniel J. Bernstein ("Bernstein"), enjoining the
enforcement of certain Export Administration Regulations ("EAR") that limit
Bernstein's ability to distribute encryption software. We find that the EAR
regulations (1) operate as a prepublication licensing scheme that burdens
scientific expression, (2) vest boundless discretion in government officials,
and (3) lack adequate pro- cedural safeguards. Consequently, we hold that the
challenged regulations constitute a prior restraint on speech that offends
the First Amendment. Although we employ a somewhat nar- rower rationale than
did the district court, its judgment is accordingly affirmed.
A. Facts and Procedural History
Bernstein is currently a professor in the Department of Mathematics,
Statistics, and Computer Science at the Univer- sity of Illinois at Chicago.
As a doctoral candidate at the Uni- 4222
versity of California, Berkeley, he developed an encryption method -- "a
zero-delay private-key stream encryptor based upon a one-way hash function"1
-- that he dubbed "Snuffle." Bernstein described his method in two ways: in a

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Nazi Influence in Littleton

1999-05-08 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Are you sure these kids weren't just hero worshiping Bill
Clinton..kill the innocents, the unarmed, the kids and their
parentsfrom Jonesboro to Littleton - same stuff, Littleton just had
more victiims.

Most anybody is capable of murder; some call it executions, some call it
justifiable homicidebut what do you call bombing Serbia on the
orders of a sodomist who had an affair (oh pardon, a friendship) with a
potential Mossad agentwho is making big money now for disgracing the
office of the Presidency.

If Clinton were not so dangerous, he would be laughable.disarm him,
and watch the yellow streak back to Arkansas.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Rolling Stone: Star Wars

1999-05-08 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Rolling
Stone: Star Wars
Star Wars- Episode 1: The Phantom Menace
Starring Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor and Natalie Portman
Written and directed by George Lucas

You'll need the free RealPlayer to see the video. You can download it
here. Then click PLAY above.

By Peter Travers

The actors are wallpaper, the jokes are juvenile, there's no romance,
and the dialogue lands with the thud of a computer-instruction manual.
But it's useless to criticize the visual astonishment that is Star Wars
- Episode 1: The Phantom Menace. With this epic and the trilogy that
preceded it, George Lucas has built a pop-culture monument that packs
all of history - war, religion, myth, art, science and those old
reliables, good and evil - into a mystical grab bag that plays like a
kiddie cartoon. There's a less fancy explanation for why Phantom Menace
 will inspire fetishistic worship: It's loaded with cool stuff. And
reasonable facsimiles thereof are on sale at your local Force emporium.

Episode I is set thirty years earlier than the original saga, Episode
IV: A New Hope, but some things never change. A royal babe is in
trouble. Not Princess Leia; this time it's Queen Amidala (Natalie
Portman). The Trade Federation sends battleships to her planet, Naboo,
to persuade her to sign a dodgy treaty. To her rescue come two Jedi k
nights: old pro Qui-Gon Jinn (Liam Neeson) and his apprentice, Obi-Wan
Kenobi (Ewan McGregor). You'll recall that Alec Guinness played Obi-Wan
the first time, and McGregor does a deft job of matching up with him
vocally. When Federation types send in droids for the kill, the Jedis
link up with Anakin Skywalker (Jake Lloyd), a nine-year-old slave who
will grow up to marry the queen, father the twins Luke and Leia, and
turn from the Jedi cause to the dark side as Darth Vader. Got that?

Good; here's what else you should know: Phantom Menace, which cost $115
million, lacks the crude freshness that Lucas lavished on the low-budget
($10 million) original in 1977 and the fluid storytelling that director
Irvin Kershner brought to The Empire Strikes Back in 1980 - still the
best in the series. But Menace is light-years ahead of the uneasy mix of
furry Ewoks and Freudian psychology in Richard Marquand's 1983 Return of
the Jedi. As for Lucas' directing skills, his work with actors still
belongs to the "Don't emote, just stand there" school. But in terms of
visual sophistication, already discernible in 1973's American Graffiti,
Lucas ranks with the masters. He has always been more articulate with
images than with words. Harrison Ford, who played Han Solo in the
original, has famously chided Lucas, "You can type this sh--, George,
but you sure can't say it."

McGregor is saddled with lines like, "I have a bad feeling about this."
And Neeson must answer, "Be mindful of the living Force, my young
Padawan." Ouch! Is it a coincidence that Phantom Menace and James
Cameron's Titanic - whose box-office record ($1.8 billion worldwide)
Lucas is chasing - were made by men with a poet's eyes and tin ears?

Comic relief - and, boy, does this movie need it - arrives with
scene-stealer Jar Jar Binks, a gangly, floppy-eared Gungan, voiced
hilariously by Ahmed Best but otherwise a fully digital creation. Jar
Jar is an alien amphibian who lives in an underwater city and speaks in
a pidgin English that still gets the point across. "Mesa in bombad
troubles," says Jar Jar as he nabs food off plates with his long tongue
and guides the Jedis in a submarine that gets chewed by a killer fish.
Digital marvels abound, along with appearances by old favorites such as
Jabba the Hutt and Yoda, who leads the Jedi Council on the planet
Coruscant, along with Mace Windu (Samuel L. Jackson). Lucas surpasses
himself in the creature department. Jar Jar's nemesis, Boss Nass, is a
wonderfully odious menace. And Watto, the slave driver, is a fat-slob
fly who manages to levitate on tiny hummingbird wings.

The human element is hard put to keep up. Neeson has a natural warmth
but too few opportunities for humor. Portman, a beauty and a gifted
actress at eighteen, is stuck with an underwritten character - at least
Carrie Fisher was allowed to bring her verbal snap to Princess Leia. And
McGregor, a live wire in Trainspotting and Velvet Goldmine, spends the
film's first half trailing Qui-Gon like a lap dog. Happily, McGregor
comes into his own in the final scenes, suggesting that the next two
episodes, due in 2002 and 2005, will let him cut loose.

For now, the human focus is on Anakin, and the demands of the role - a
messiah and an anti-Christ - put undue pressure on Lloyd, who was eight
at the time of filming. You will search Lloyd's face in vain for the
Darth Vader to come or for the agony of a boy forced to leave behind his
slave mother, Shmi (Pernilla August), to begin his Jedi training. Lloyd
shines in the 

Re: [CTRL] Flaw in Capitalist system]

1999-05-08 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Okay you guys.this is Mother Jones talkingknock it off.

Moo Moo

Never thought I would raise such children.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] MSG, Canola, Fats

1999-05-08 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-


assult on our neurotransmitters? Canola Healthy? -

"Oils Vegetable
  and Animal - Health Risks from Processed Foods and Trans.
Fats: Enig, Ph.D."
# #

If you have more please send them to me, and I will add them to

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] (c)1998 - Purple Pigs and Stunted Crops {long}

1999-05-08 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

 EPA probing purple pigs and stunted crops

 A malady plagues some farms in western Montco and the mid-Atlantic
 region. More tests are planned.

 By Matt Stearns

 Deformed calves. Discolored crops. Purple pigs dying by the hundreds,
 then decomposing quickly.

 It isn't some Old Testament pestilence. It's a here-and-now mystery
 that has driven one farmer in western Montgomery County out of
 business and has others in the area scared for their own businesses --
 and for their health.

 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency officials will visit at least
 four farms today as part of a continuing effort to figure out what is
 going on, said Carrie Deitzel, an EPA community-involvement
 coordinator. Thus far, the long series of reported problems, first
 noted in the early 1990s, has confounded environmental and
 agricultural officials. The EPA did its most recent round of soil and
 water testing on the farms in January, and more tests will be run in
 the next few weeks. "The data we've got back so far do not indicate
 any kind of environmental or human health emergency out there,"
 Deitzel said. "We're looking at what needs to be done from here on

 Deitzel acknowledged that the lack of environmental danger did not
 mean the lack of an environmental problem. And the problem does not
 appear to be restricted to these parts.

 "This isn't an isolated thing," said Lynn Campbell Wingert, an EPA
 spokeswoman. "Throughout the mid-Atlantic region, farm animals are
 dying, and we don't know why. We're going to make any connection we
 can to figure out what is going on here."

 One farmer, Wayne Hallowell of Douglass Township, said there was no
 real way to know how many farms were involved locally because it was
 unlikely every farmer would be willing to cooperate with

 "A lot of farmers with something wrong won't tell anyone," Hallowell
 said. "They don't want the government coming in and shutting them
 down, or they're trying to sell their land. They're very tight-lipped
 on that." But problems there are -- enough that Tom Yarnall, a farmer
 for 30 years, finally gave up raising pigs on his Gilbertsville
 spread. Yarnall still grows some corn, but spends most of his time
 these days as a carpenter. "I had almost 1,000 pigs when this thing
 started," Yarnall said. "In the spring of '92, it all went downhill.
 We had whole litters die when they were born."

 More than 200 pigs died during a two-month period in 1993, Yarnall

 All displayed similar symptoms: turning a purplish color, with
 newborns just not growing to maturity.

 His crops also turned purple, and have been stunted for several years,
 Yarnall said. "The yields are way down," he said. "They just don't do

 The pigs' bodies decomposed in about half the normal time, Yarnall
 said. Generally, dead pigs decompose in two to seven days, depending
 on the surrounding climate and other variables, said Arlen Wilbers, a
 large-animal veterinarian at the Quakertown Veterinary Clinic who
 examined livestock at Yarnall's farm. "Whatever was in their system
 broke down their fat," Yarnall said. "They'd turn into slop."

 Kenneth Kephart, an associate professor of animal science at
 Pennsylvania State University, investigated the goings-on at Yarnall's
 farm. "We went at it from a lot of different directions, and
 unfortunately we came up with zero," Kephart said. "Whatever it was
 seemed to be pretty persistent. It's extremely rare that you can't
 find at least some evidence of what's going on." Kephart added that
 livestock management might have accounted for some of the problems.

 But Yarnall is not the only local farmer facing unexplained and
 unusual disease among his livestock.

 Merrill Mest said he had had a decade's worth at his farm, just a few
 miles from Yarnall's.

 "I've had health problems with cows," Mest said. "They just waste
 away. They don't grow right. Couldn't live, couldn't die. Kind of

 Other cows on Mest's farm have had displaced stomachs and cystic
 ovaries, he said.

 Wilbers, who is also Mest's veterinarian, said that some of the
 problems again might be chalked up to livestock management.

 "Some of the stuff kind of rings true" as being caused by external
 problems, Wilbers said. "But there's nothing I could specifically say.
 Nothing seems to crop up" as a definitive cause.

 Down the road at Hallowell's dairy farm, three deformed calves were
 born in a year and a half in the mid-1990s -- after nearly 50 years
 without any deformed calves being born on the land.

 One newborn calf weighed three times the typical birth weight. Another
 was born with both a testicle and a vagina. A third was born without a
 neck, without a tail and with reversed leg joints.

 During the same period, Hallowell said, several calves on his farm
 would not grow.

 "They more or less just deteriorated on us," he said. "If we hadn't
 gotten rid of them, they would 

[CTRL] Book: Dutch banks made billions trading stolen Jewish property

1999-05-08 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

5/8/99 -- 10:59 AM
Book: Dutch banks made billions trading stolen Jewish property

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands (AP) - Dutch banks made billions of dollars trading
property stolen by Nazis from the nation's Jews during World War II,
according to a book to be released in the Netherlands on Monday.
The claims reach the top of the Dutch banking system. Those accused of
profiting from the Holocaust are forerunners of the powerful banks ABN AMRO
and ING Groep, which rank among the world's largest financial institutions.

The Netherlands' Central Bank and Amsterdam Stock Exchange were also aware of
the activities, author Gerard Alders said in interviews with Dutch media
published Saturday.

In his Dutch-language book, ``Robbery, the Theft of Jewish Belongings During
World War II,'' Alders asserts that the issue was covered up by government
officials after the war for fear of a backlash.

Alders, a historian with the Netherlands State Institute for War
Documentation, said nine years of research prove the banks ``knew it was
property theft ... of that I am absolutely positive.''

He said $500 million - now worth $7 billion - was stolen by Nazis and sold by
a group of 140 stock and bond traders from over half a dozen banks. The
traders were fully aware that their activities were illegal, Alders said.

Over 75 percent of Dutch Jews - more than 100,000 people - perished in the

ABN AMRO spokesman Theo van Dijk said it was too soon to comment on the
book's claims. He added that its findings might be taken into account in an
ongoing government investigation into the role of banks during the war.

Copyright 1999 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not
be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] News of Nietzche's Death Causes Turmoil (fwd)

1999-05-08 Thread Mark McHugh

 -Caveat Lector-

Is Generalissimo Francisco Franco still dead?

Mark McHugh

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] OEN 5/8/99

1999-05-08 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Richard Shelby, the Republican chairman of the committee, said
yesterday: "Officials in the Administration and certain US aerospace
companies joined in a conspiracy of carelessness and recklessness that
allowed unlicensed, unauthorised transfers of technology."

A CONSPIRACY of "carelessness and recklessness"?
How do we parse that?
A "reckless and careless conspiracy"?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] UN Reaction

1999-05-08 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From AP

Security Council Shocked by Blast

By Nicole Winfield
Associated Press Writer
Saturday, May 8, 1999; 8:45 a.m. EDT

UNITED NATIONS (AP) -- The Security Council today
expressed shock and concern over the damage and
casualties caused by a NATO missile strike on China's
embassy in Belgrade.

China, Russia, Yugoslavia and their allies condemned
the incident as a ``barbaric'' attack that violated
international law and the Geneva Conventions
protecting diplomats. China called an emergency late
night meeting that continued until the early morning.

While apologizing for the loss of life, the United
States and its NATO allies countered that Yugoslav
President Slobodan Milosevic bore the blame for any
casualties from the NATO raids because he had refused
to comply with international demands for a peaceful
settlement in Kosovo.

China's state-run news agency Xinhua said three people
were killed.

The sparring came during nearly five hours of tough
closed-door negotiations and sometimes acrimonious
public debate. The session indicated that the incident
was certain to complicate efforts to reach a peace
agreement in Yugoslavia.

China is a permanent member of the Security Council,
where the United States and Russia are seeking
approval of a Kosovo peace plan.

NATO spokesman Jamie Shea admitted the alliance had
hit the wrong building.

``We explained to the Chinese authorities this is an
accident. We offered our sincere regrets,'' Shea told
a morning briefing at NATO headquarters in Brussels,

NATO bombs were targeting a weapons warehouse that coordinates Yugoslavia's weapons 
imports and exports, close to the Chinese Embassy during the heaviest night of bombing 
in Belgrade.

Shea could not explain how the embassy was mistaken for the Yugoslav government 

Chinese Ambassador Qin Huasun said NATO should be punished for the ``indiscriminate 
attack,'' and should also stop its air campaign immediately and unconditionally.

Yugoslavia's U.N. representative, Vladislav Jovanovic, said the bombing was not an 

``This is one accepted crime by those who have decided to stage a total war against 
Yugoslavia, against a part of Europe, against Europe as a whole,'' Jovanovic said.

``NATO would never target civilians and NATO would never target an embassy,'' Deputy 
U.S. Ambassador Peter Burleigh told the council.

Burleigh urged council members to ``look at the big picture, and the big picture is 
this: One man alone is responsible for this crisis ... and his name is Slobodan 

An exasperated Russian Ambassador Sergey Lavrov rejected his claim, saying the ``big 
picture'' was that NATO was exploiting a humanitarian crisis in Yugoslavia to 
``destroy the present world order,'' which is based on int
ernational law and the charter of the United Nations.

Arriving in Germany on a trip aimed at finding a political solution to the conflict, 
Russian envoy Viktor Chernomyrdin sharply criticized the embassy bombing.

Chernomyrdin was expected to go to Belgrade to follow up on a proposed peace plan 
worked out by the Western powers and Russia. Diplomats are hoping Russia, now taking a 
stance closer to the West, would be able to exert pr
essure on Yugoslavia to accept a peace deal.

China called the emergency meeting, hoping to condemn what it called a ``barbaric'' 
NATO missile attack on its embassy as a ``serious violation of international law.''

Instead, a consensus statement reached after nearly three hours of closed-door 
negotiations expressed the council's ``shock and concern'' over casualties and damage.

The statement, which carries no legal weight and is merely a reflection of the 
council's thinking, expressed the council's sympathy and condolences to the Chinese 
government and the families of the victims.

U.S. officials said they were pleased with the final statement. But they then had to 
sit through an open council debate in which not only Yugoslavia's allies in the Kosovo 
conflict but Iraq and Cuba, too, condemned Washin

Iraqi Ambassador Saeed Hasan said the attack on the
embassy was similar to the ``aggression'' Iraq was
suffering at the hands of Washington -- a ``pattern of
the American behavior which flouts international law
and the rights of nations and peoples.''

Japanese Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi said it was
``deplorable'' that the embassy was hit. He said Japan
would work to find peace in the Balkans as soon as

Vietnam, a longtime rival of China with which it
fought a bloody border war in 1979, said the embassy
attack was a ``serious violation of international

The Southeast Asian nation called for an ``immediate
stop'' to the bombing campaign and a ``settlement of
the issue through negotiations.''

© Copyright 1999 The Associated Press

Now as I research my recollection for the specificity
of facts concerning embassy bombings, isn't there some
precedent for retaliatory actions against the
perpetrators of the 

[CTRL] [21] The Strange Death of FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT

1999-05-08 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
The Strange Death of FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT
A History of the Roosevelt-Delano Dynasty America's Royal Family
Emanuael M. Josephson©1948
127 East 69th Street
New York 21, N. Y.




The War, which Roosevelt and his Dynastic bosses had worked so systematically
to bring about, offered the ideal approach to grooming of the United States
and the world for dictatorship and monopoly. The regimentation of industry
which the NRA had failed to attain, the war "emergency" made inevitable.
Likewise political dictatorship under the Commander-in-Chief was unavoidable
and regimentation of the nation within and without the armed forces was a

The wartime regimentation of the nation avoided revealing the true purpose,
fostering national and international trusts and monopolies of a private
character and frank dictatorship. Such "trusts" had been and still were the
pet hates of the Marxist, Communist and selfstyled "liberal" elements. The
error of the NRA and the first New Deal had been that its monopolistic
purposes were too obvious to dissemble and that was an important cause for
its failure. The conspirators now went to the opposite extreme of pretending
to fight the very things that they intended to bring about. That was the
truly Machiavellian cunning of the plan that so thoroughly deceived the
public regarding purposes of the later Dynastic activities.

The first, peacetime New Deal had openly turned over the latchstring to the
public purse to the Dynastic bankers, to Dynastic industrialists and to
relatives. They were given the cream of the graft. To the rank and file of
the nation, especially to poorer classes, it had thrown a sop in the pattern
of the Gracchi and other demagogues of history, in the form of Relief, which
was bribery for purchase of votes and a spoils system on a vaster and more
corrupt scale than has been dreamed of or dared in all of human history. The
mob was given the skimmed milk of the graft.

Historically there was nothing in Roosevelt's, or Bismarck's, New Deal that
was not an integral part of the New Deal launched by the Gracchi in ancient
Rome. There was nothing missing in FDR's program of the laws of Rome except
one. In Rome the receipt of Relief was made a hereditary privilege for 500

There was, however, an added wrinkle to FDR's appeal to the mob that was
uncalled for in Rome's. He offered to restore prosperity by abolishing
prohibition. It was soon found, as was expected by the more sober citizenry,
that prosperity was thereby restored to the liquor industries and vendors
only; and the balance of the community was richer only in glow—but poorer in
purse. The Dynasty and its allies are heavily interested in the liquor
industries. They grew richer. Their depression was relieved, as in all other
instances where the Dynasty was involved. For the rest of the nation the
depression rolled on unrelieved by the flow of liquor, except in spirits.

The unemployed were placed on Relief through the WPA, the PWA, and a host of
alphabetic and constantly changing bureaucratic agencies which in their
multiplicity and confusion justified numerous irregularities which were
introduced by deliberate plan. The dole was openly designed to discourage
people from working so as to hold down the production that would arise from
greater employment. Relief agencies such as the WPA were frankly created and
administered for the purpose of purchasing or extracting supporting votes
from the recipients.

Politically influential reliefers got more in Relief than they had earned
ever before in their lives; and they lived on the fat of the land. But the
great minority received scarcely enough to hold body and soul together. They
lived on the verge of starvation, seeing neither butter nor meat for week
after week. Malnutrition among them rose to heights which had never before
been seen in the history of the country.

In 1934, the author reported on the basis of schoolchildren visiting New York
 Ci[t]y Board of Health eye clinics, most of whom we're on Relief, that more
than a sixth were suffering of malnutrition that was so severe that it
seriously impaired their vision. The particular type of malnutrition involved
was a deficiency of vitamin A which previously had been known to exist on so
wide a scale only in poverty stricken China. Following the appearance of this
report, the author's scientif[i]c publications were stopped by a rigid
censorship, to prevent the facts becoming known. Two years later after
temporary restoration of employment had resulted in improved diets and
material improvement in nutrition, the Administration and social service
acknowledged the existence of the conditions which the author had described.

Workers under NRA were extended a minimum wage of $12 to $15 a week and
kudoes were rendered to the "right of collective bargaining." They were 

[CTRL] Fwd: Re: [CIA-DRUGS] The Two Mikes

1999-05-08 Thread Kris Millegan

!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en"
Steve Smock, here's a Porter Goss type thing again with
brRep. Henry Hyde.
blockquote TYPE=CITEMike:
brHenry Hyde,/blockquote
See below material on Charles Hayes re everybody's favorite
brsurrogate grand-dad, Rep. Henry Hyde. Keep in mind that
brCharles Hayes seems to be affiliated with a group of hackers
brwho deposed 60 corrupt congressmen by reminding them of
brwhere they had put their money. Hayes may have deliberately
brkept Hyde for an ace in the hole, or Hyde could be paralyzed.
blockquote TYPE=CITEand possibly even Janet Reno/blockquote
Her job was a pay-off for saving two mafia hit-men and their
bremployers from getting caught for doing Aronow, the cigarette
brboat racer/designer/manufacturer/dealer in Florida. Meyer
blockquote TYPE=CITEand FBI Director Judge
He may be playing Mutt-and-Jeff about releasing a memo
brre Chinagate, nice guy and Reno tough guy, since he was
brpromoted for doing Waco the way it was intended. Was he
brpromoted the day Foster was assassinated?
blockquote TYPE=CITECarlos Marcellos?/blockquote
Daniel Hopsicker explains.
pabout Henry Hyde:
How You Can Help Charles Hayes
by J. Orlin Grabbe
pnbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Please send cards and letters to Chuck Hayes at the
following address:
pnbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Charles S. Hayes
brnbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 05930-032 Wake Forest Unit
brnbsp;nbsp;nbsp; F.C.I., P.O. Box 1000
brnbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Butner, NC 27509
pnbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Contact Henry Hyde, Chairman of the House Judiciary
brnbsp;nbsp;nbsp; This committee has the authority to investigate
the activities of the
brnbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Department of Justice and the FBI in Kentucky (as
well as
brnbsp;nbsp;nbsp; elsewhere). Ask them to look into Criminal Case
No. 96-00060,
brnbsp;nbsp;nbsp; The United States vs. Chalmer C. Hayes, in the Eastern
District of
brnbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Kentucky. Explain to the Honorable Mr. Hyde that
there are
brnbsp;nbsp;nbsp; improprieties in this case. (SAMPLE LETTER SHOWN
pnbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Rep. Henry Hyde
brnbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Chairman, House Judiciary Committee
brnbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Room 2138 Rayburn Building
brnbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Washington, D.C. 20515
pnbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Phone/Fax Numbers:
brnbsp;nbsp;nbsp; House Judiciary (202) 225-3951
brnbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Rep. Henry Hyde (202) 225-4561
brnbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Fax to Rep. Hyde (202) 225-1166
pHonorable Henry Hyde
brChairman, House Judiciary Committee
brRoom 2138 Rayburn Building
brWashington, D.C. 20515
pRe: United States of America
brChalmer C. Hayes
brCase No. 96-00060
brEastern District of Kentucky
pa href="
Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 11nbsp; Num. 68
("Quid coniuratio est?")
pAsian and Worldwide Financial Commotions
By Sherman H. Skolnick
pPeregrine is going to give you a migraine.nbsp; The background of the
pEarly in 1997 we began investigating a worldwide enterprise which
brhas hadnbsp; anbsp; lownbsp; profilenbsp; outsidenbsp; ofnbsp;
thenbsp; banking and brokerage
brindustries:nbsp; PEREGRINE INVESTMENT HOLDINGS LTD. Anbsp; lotnbsp;
ofnbsp; their
brbusinessnbsp; was centered in Chicago, through a commodity brokerage,
pFew at the time had ever heard of Peregrine except those in their
brfield.nbsp; Knowledgeable sources insisted that Peregrine, in one
bror another, was closely linkednbsp; tonbsp; the American CIA.nbsp;
As critics
brof the spy agency, we naturally were interested.
pIt should come as no surprise thatnbsp; financialnbsp; intermediariesnbsp;
brvariousnbsp; stripes have been linked to or have fronted for the U.S.
brspy apparatus, ornbsp; fornbsp; foreignnbsp; versionsnbsp; ofnbsp;
thenbsp; same.nbsp; In spy
brjargon, they are called proprietaries.nbsp; Fornbsp; 

[CTRL] Presidential Treason 101

1999-05-08 Thread Bob Stokes

 -Caveat Lector-


The Creating Conditions for Presidential Treason
. . . Connecting the Dots . . .
(These summaries were prepared by: Gretchen Glass,
Treason 101 April 17, 1999 and Treason 102 May 6, 1999)

What would a President have to do to create an "enabling environment" for the
accomplishment of a mission he (or "they") had in mind...???

I. Review current mission statements of intelligence organizations to assure
direct presidential control.
A. Agencies whose mission statements give total control to the President.
1) Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
2) National Security Agency (NSA)

B. Agencies or entities whose mission statements could cause problems for the
President's future plans; they have to be modified or changed, and/or key
appointees must be placed in high level positions to increase presidential
1) The Department of Justice (DOJ), the FBI which reports directly to the
DOJ, and the Intelligence Oversight Board (IOB) which reports to the DOJ and
the President.

a) Appoint a new director of the FBI - 9/1/93.
b) Position a key figure in the DOJ
c) Issue Executive Order #12863 - 9/17/93 which revoked EO #12537 - 10/28/85
that established the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB)
and EO #12334 - 12/4/81 which established the Intelligence Oversight Board

Clinton's new EO establishes the IOB as a committee of the PFIAB and states
that the IOB "shall consider and take appropriate action with respect to
matters identified by the Director of Central Intelligence, the Central
Intelligence Agency or other agencies of the Intelligence Community."

It is at the discretion of the IOB to report, or not report, to the Attorney
General activities that the IOB believes may be unlawful or contrary to
Executive order or Presidential directive.

d) Issue Executive Order #13070 -12/16/97, an amendment to EO #12863, which
moves the authority from the Chairman of the PFIAB to the President for the
appointment of the Chairman of the IOB. It further bypasses the Chairman of
the PFIAB by making the IOB report directly to the President. This makes the
IOB Chairman the top figure in the intelligence network.

e) Position a key figure as Chairman of the IOB who now has the discretionary
authority over intelligence information brought before the PFIAB.

2) National Security Council (NSC). a) Position a key figure as the National
Security Advisor.

II. Select the key figures for future placement in critical positions
supporting the mission.

A. National Security Advisor: Samuel R. Berger, a paid lobbyist for the
Chinese while he was a partner in the international law firm of Hogan and
Hartson where he headed the firm's international trade group. Mr. Berger is
still listed as an attorney with Hogan and Hartson, therefore, as a partner,
he is still receiving benefits, directly or indirectly, from dealings with
China and Russia.

B. Chairman of the IOB: Anthony S. Harrington, is a senior partner of the
international law firm of Hogan and Hartson (with Berger) and, as a senior
partner, receives benefits, either directly or indirectly, from dealings with
China and Russia. Mr. Harrington is still listed as an attorney with Hogan
and Hartson.

C. Chairman of the PFIAB: Warren B. Rudman, is a partner in the international
law firm of Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton  Garrison with offices in
Communist China and who, as a partner, receives benefits, either directly or
indirectly, from dealings with Communist China.

D. Department of Justice with jurisdiction over the FBI 1) Appoint Assistant
Attorney General Webster Hubbell whose strong ties to the Chinese Communists
and John Huang (formerly of the Commerce Department) and his other criminal
activity are well documented.

2) Inspector General of the DOJ: Michael R. Bromwich who is/was a partner in
the Washington D.C. office of Mayer, Brown  Platt. The firm has offices in
Moscow and Beijing, with emphasis on Communist China. If he is still a
partner, on leave of absence or not, he is benefiting from the firm's
dealings with China and Russia.

III. Further revamp Executive Branch to create an "enabling environment" for
easy transfer of sensitive technology - legal or covert.

A. Issue Executive Order #12938 - 11/14/94 Proliferation of Weapons of Mass
Destruction, where Sec.3. reads:  "Sec. 3. Department of Commerce Controls.
(a.)The Secretary of Commerce shall prohibit the export of goods, technology,
or services subject to the Secretary's export jurisdiction that the Secretary
of Commerce determines, in consultation with the Secretary of State."

B. Load the Commerce Department with loyal 'appointees'.
1) The Washington Post 1/23/97: "revived allegations that the department is a
dumping ground for political appointees."

2) The Washington Post 1/24/97: "Federal personnel data suggests that the
Commerce Department may have been overstocked with political 

Re: [CTRL] News of Nietzche's Death Causes Turmoil (fwd)

1999-05-08 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Why no, I just read an article on him recently.Is he dead again?


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Population Control, Nazis, and the U.N. New World Order

1999-05-08 Thread Sam Moser

 -Caveat Lector-

Population Control, Nazis, and the U.N. New World Order
by Anton Chaitkin

The Rockefeller Foundation is the prime sponsor of public relations for the
United Nations' drastic depopulation program, which the world is invited to
accept at the UN's scheduled September conference in Cairo, Egypt.
Evidence in the possession of a growing number of researchers in America,
England, and Germany demonstrates that the Foundation and its corporate,
medical, and political associates organized the racial mass murder program
of Nazi Germany.
These globalists, who function as a conduit for British Empire geopolitics,
were not stopped after World War II. The United Nations alliance of the old
Nazi rightwing with the New Age leftwing poses an even graver danger to the
world today than the same grouping did in 1941.
Oil monopolist John D. Rockefeller created the family-run Rockefeller
Foundation in 1909. By 1929 he had placed $300 million worth of the family's
controlling interest in the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey (later called
"Exxon") to the account of the Foundation.
The Foundation's money created the medical specialty known as Psychiatric
Genetics. For the new experimental field, the Foundation reorganized medical
teaching in Germany, creating and thenceforth continuously directing the
"Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Psychiatry" and the "Kaiser Wilhelm Institute
for Anthropology, Eugenics and Human Heredity." The Rockefellers' chief
executive of these institutions was the fascist Swiss psychiatrist Ernst
Rudin, assisted by his proteges Otmar Verschuer and Franz J. Kallmann.
In 1932, the British-led "Eugenics" movement designated the Rockefellers'
Dr. Rudin as the president of the worldwide Eugenics Federation. The
movement called for the killing or sterilization of people whose heredity
made them a public burden.

The Racial Laws
A few months later, Hitler took over Germany and the Rockefeller-Rudin
apparatus became a section of the Nazi state. The regime appointed Rudin
head of the Racial Hygiene Society. Rudin and his staff, as part of the Task
Force of Heredity Experts chaired by SS chief Heinrich Himmler, drew up the
sterilization law. Described as an American Model law, it was adopted in
July 1933 and proudly printed in the September 1933 Eugenical News (USA)
with Hitler's signature. The Rockefeller group drew up other race laws, also
based on existing Virginia statutes. Otmar Verschuer and his assistant Josef
Mengele together wrote reports for special courts which enforced Rudin's
racial purity law against cohabitation of Aryans and non-Aryans.
The "T4" unit of the Hitler Chancery, based on psychiatrists led by Rudin
and his staff, cooperated in creating propaganda films to sell mercy killing
(euthanasia) to German citizens. The public reacted antagonistically: Hitler
had to withdraw a tear-jerker right-to-die film from the movie theaters. The
proper groundwork had not yet been laid.
Under the Nazis, the German chemical company I.G. Farben and Rockefeller's
Standard Oil of New Jersey were effectively a single firm, merged in
hundreds of cartel arrangements. I.G. Farben was led up until 1937 by the
Warburg family, Rockefeller's partner in banking and in the design of Nazi
German eugenics.
Following the German invasion of Poland in 1939, Standard Oil pledged to
keep the merger with I.G. Farben going even if the U.S. entered the war.
This was exposed in 1942 by Sen. Harry Truman's investigating committee, and
President Roosevelt took hundreds of legal measures during the war to stop
the Standard-I.G. Farben cartel from supplying the enemy war machine.
In 1940-41, I.G. Farben built a gigantic factory at Auschwitz in Poland, to
utilize the Standard Oil/I.G. Farben patents with concentration camp slave
labor to make gasoline from coal. The SS was assigned to guard the Jewish
and other inmates and select for killing those who were unfit for I.G.
Farben slave labor. Standard-Germany president Emil Helfferich testified
after the war that Standard Oil funds helped pay for SS guards at Auschwitz.
In 1940, six months after the notorious Standard-I.G. meeting, European
Rockefeller Foundation official Daniel O'Brian wrote to the Foundation's
chief medical officer Alan Gregg that "it would be unfortunate if it was
chosen to stop research which has no relation to war issues" so the
Foundation continued financing Nazi "psychiatric research" during the war.
In 1936, Rockefeller's Dr. Franz Kallmann interrupted his study of
hereditary degeneracy and emigrated to America because he was half-Jewish.
Kallmann went to New York and established the Medical Genetics Department of
the New York State Psychiatric Institute. The Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
published Kallman's study of over 1,000 cases of schizophrenia, which tried
to prove its hereditary basis. In the book, Kallmann thanked his long-time
boss and mentor Rudin.
Kallmann's book, published in 1938 in the USA and Nazi Germany, 

Re: [CTRL] UN Reaction

1999-05-08 Thread Mark McHugh

 -Caveat Lector-

Alamaine Ratliff wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 From AP

 Security Council Shocked by Blast

 By Nicole Winfield
 Associated Press Writer
 Saturday, May 8, 1999; 8:45 a.m. EDT

 UNITED NATIONS (AP) -- The Security Council today
 expressed shock and concern over the damage and
 casualties caused by a NATO missile strike on China's
 embassy in Belgrade.


 Now as I research my recollection for the specificity
 of facts concerning embassy bombings, isn't there some
 precedent for retaliatory actions against the
 perpetrators of the bombings?  (E.g., Kenya) There was
 a book written some years ago, either Fahrenheit 451
 or Failsafe {some 'F' book} in which an 'accidental'
 bombing of a Russian city occurred; the behind the
 scenes agreement included a tit-for-tat on New York.


I'm not sure if "Failsafe" was a book, but I do have the film on video on my
shelf.  An early 60s flic with Henry Fonda as the President dealing NYC away to
avoid total nuclear war.  A very good movie!

Mark McHugh

One Step Beyond!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: The Chemtrail Investigation

1999-05-08 Thread Colleen Jones

Here is something I pulled up that seems to have about everything in it
from the contrails to weather modification - and the stuff they are
spreading over California.

Steve probably has this - but this is all in one piece for those who can
pull it up.

Is some of this stuff killing the cattle and the other animals and
spreading all this disease.more people in this area have thise
strange bronchitis or some kind of a disorder - however, thought  I
would pass this on.

I do know one thing.the book THE WEATHER CHANGERS which came out
prior to the classification of the weather program which I think wiped
out a lot of Oklahoma recentlyI believe they mention the one thing
these oil companies and people fear the most, is law suits.

Well, if they can pay the Chinese Embassy, and the people of Serbia for
the damage they have done and will do, etc., perhaps enough law suits
filed against William J. Clinton personally, will sufficeand note it
shows the states engaged in weather modification.   the Govern of
Oklahoma knows what happened.   Weather for a Weaponwell, the Soviet
Union has the woodpecker Elf stuff, and whatever that stuff is up
there...I just remember out astronauts being awakened by the Woody
Woodpecker Song, which was an inside jokevery funny.\


1999-05-08 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-


I gave you life, but cannot live it for you.

I can teach you things, but I cannot make you learn.

I can give you directions, but I cannot be there to lead you.

I can allow you freedom, but I cannot account for it.

I can take you to church, but I cannot make you believe.

I can teach you right from wrong, but I cannot always decide for you.

I can buy you beautiful clothes, but I cannot make you beautiful inside.

I can offer you advice, but I cannot accept it for you.

I can give you love, but I cannot force it upon you.

I can teach you to share, but I cannot make you unselfish.

I can teach you respect, but I cannot force you to show honor.

I can advise you about friends, but cannot choose them for you.

I can advise you about sex, but I cannot keep you pure.

I can tell you the facts of life, but I can't build your reputation.

I can tell you about drink, but I can't say "no" for you.

I can warn you about drugs, but I can't prevent you from using them.

I can tell you about lofty goals, but I can't achieve them for you.

I can teach you about kindness, but I can't force you to be gracious.

I can warn you about sins, but I cannot make you moral.

I can love you as a child, but I cannot place you in God's family.

I can pray for you, but I cannot make you walk with God.

I can teach you about Jesus, but I cannot make Jesus your Lord.

I can tell you how to live, but I cannot give you eternal life.

I can love you with unconditional love all of my life . . .  and I will!!!



CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] [4a] Revelations of an International Spy

1999-05-08 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Revelations of an International Spy
I. T. T. Lincoln
Robert M. McBride  Company©1916
New York



AT the time of her brilliant victory over France in 1871, Germany had no navy
worth mentioning, nor had she an inch of colonial possession anywhere in the
world. The consciousness of her power, so vividly demonstrated in 1870-71,
gave a great impetus to German industrial development—aided forcefully by the
huge war indemnity exacted from France. In a few years I time the world woke
up to the fact of a new world-power—United Germany. As long as Bismarck
guided Germany there did not exist a settled colonial policy, although in
1878 Germany acquired the Marshall Islands and in 1884 Luederitzbay, New
Guinea, Togoland, and the Cameroons. Bismarck was averse to any colonial
schemes. His aim was to encourage France in her colonial aspirations and to
support her in them, hoping thereby to make France forget the loss of
Alsace-Lorraine and thus pave the way for an understanding with her.

In 1884 it was Germany and France cooperating that prevented the ratification
of a treaty which England concluded with Portugal and which would have made
England supreme in the Congo Basin. In the same year Bismarck placed himself
in agreement with Baron de Gourcel, then French Ambassador in Berlin, on the
question of opposing English policy in Africa. It was in agreement with Baron
de Gourcel that Bismarck summoned the Congo Conference of 1884. In the next
year (24th of December) Bismarck signed a delimitation treaty respecting
French and German colonies in West Africa.

Germany honestly and sincerely tried to make friends of the French Republic.
It is very important to bear this in mind—for the right understanding of
later events of which I have first-hand information. In 1887 Bismarck could
declare openly in the Reichstag that "the two governments [France and
Germany] had full confidence in the sincerity and loyalty of their mutual
relations." Now—we must allude to just another cardinal point of German
policy. Kaiser Wilhelm II, as well as Bismarck, not withstanding Germany's
alliance with Austria (1879) which in 1882 by the adhesion of Italy became
the Triple Alliance, earnestly strove to preserve their friendly relations
with Russia. On the 14th of September, 1884, the emperors of Germany, Russia
and Austria met at Skiernewice (the Emperors' armies met here during the
present war, but on a different mission) to proclaim the agreement reached
six months previous between the three countries. This also is important to
remember, i.e., cooperation between Russia, Germany, and Austria. For when
England, during and after the Boer War, found her "splendid isolation" a
great peril to her, she deliberately embarked on a policy of sowing distrust
and enmity between Germany and France on the one hand, in order to draw
France into the orbit of her diplomacy and to create antagonism between
Austria and Russia on the other, in order to break the traditional friendship
between Russia and Germany and thus use Russia and France for her own selfish
ends—the isolation and destruction of Germany. I shall, in later chapters,
disclose many of the secret schemes and plots emanating from Downing Street
for the accomplishment of this diabolical scheme. Here I merely allude to it
to point out the importance and full meaning of Germany's honest endeavors
toward friendliness with all her neighbors.

Many people trace Germany Is newer policy, her "warlike" tendencies, her
"militarism," to the ascension of the present Emperor, William II. His whole
history, life, and deeds belie all such groundless insinuations. In 1888,
before the death of his grandfather, William I, the Kaiser said: "I am quite
aware that among people in general and especially abroad, I am accused of
frivolous desires of warlike fame. I indignantly spurn these unworthy

It is true that he did not agree with Bismarck Is policy of
"non-colonization," but he continued Bismarck's policy of drawing nearer to
France and keeping good friends with Russia—whilst at the same time putting
forth every endeavor to remove causes of possible friction between his
country and England. On the 14th of June, 1890, an Anglo-German treaty was
signed, acknowledging Great Britain's supremacy over the whole basin of the
Nile (complement to Fashoda agreement with France).

In 1891, on December 4th, the Kaiser in a public speech referred to France as
"the chivalrous enemy." It was France who did not respond to the many offers
and attempts of friendship; she harbored thoughts of hatred and hopes of
revenge. She went far out of her way to prepare for them. In spite of the
political, religious, moral, social, and military gulf that separates the two
countries, France and Russia entered into an alliance (known as the Dual
Alliance) in 1895. Still the present Kaiser continued his advances toward

[CTRL] [4b] Revelations of an International Spy

1999-05-08 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Revelations of an International Spy
I. T. T. Lincoln
Robert M. McBride  Company©1916
New York

It was here that we had our secret meeting with one of the adjutants of King
Frederick VIII, Count K. I vividly remember Count K___, tall, slim, of
military bearing, which was accentuated by his exceptionally high and stiff
collar (he came in civil dress). He was always faultlessly dressed, according
to the latest London fashion, even to the single eyeglass. He looked as if he
had just been turned out of some high-class Bond Street establishment. He was
a pompous man with a tremendous self-esteem. He used to talk to us on
international matters like a schoolmaster to his boys, much to our amusement
and profit. The great advantage in Secret Service, of dealing with a
vain-glorious man, is obvious. He is fair game for the practised interrogator
when he is full of himself, his favorite topic.

From the Count I learned many things. The negotiations proceeding between
England and Russia were proceeding slowly for three reasons: The first was
Persia, the second reason was the antagonistic viewpoints, the third was the
Dardanelles. Russia was quite willing to enter into a general treaty with
England, but wanted to give it a more definite character than Grey could do
on account of the House of Commons and the Cabinet. Grey's standpoint was
that public opinion in England would not at that time support or even permit
more than a treaty removing differences and "Reibungsflache." But he let it
be understood in St. Petersburg that this treaty might and should become the
basis of a wide arrangement. Russia, just worsted by Japan, wanted Persia as
her sphere of influence, and an alliance, or at any rate, a military
convention. She also wanted free hand on the Balkans or a promise of

Grey's reply was as follows: He could not possibly plead in the House of
Commons for a treaty handing over Persia to Russia; indeed, he anticipated
difficulties in any case. He then suggested a division of Persia into three
spheres, Russian, neutral, and British; it being clearly understood that
Russia was to have a free hand for Pacific penetration in her sphere. As far
as the Balkans were concerned, it should not be included in the treaty at
all, as that would rouse Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey. It might,
indeed, prompt these Powers to wage a war for the protection of their
interests, and, as yet, they (France, Russia, and England) were not ready. It
might furthermore arouse the suspicion of Roumania—then a distrusting
neighbor of Russia—and the other Balkan States. Again, the deflection of
Italy from the Triple Alliance not yet being complete, owing to divergence of
opinion between France and Italy on Mediterranean questions, this question
should be held over, it being understood that Great Britain would support the
Russian hegemony in the Balkans. But Russia should try to get closer to
Italy, which she did.

Do you remember the Tzar's visit to the King of Italy?[1][ 1.This is by no
means a summary of what Grey said in my own words but is a resume of what
Grey actually said and wrote to several British Ambassadors in his

Constantinople was also to be left out for the same reasons. Russia, humbled
and beaten by Japan, accepted these promises. It was on this basis that the
negotiations went on. It is therefore evident that Grey deceived the House of
Commons and the people of Great Britain. The treaty negotiated with Russia
was meant by him to serve as a blind—behind it lay his further warlike
preparations to settle accounts with Germany, Russia to be thrust into the
Balkans, no mention of military matters to be made in the treaty, but
relegated to the secret military missions—this is how Grey circumvented the
opposition, the distrust of parliament.

There was a strong anti-English party in St. Petersburg, working against the
consummation of this anti-German policy. They were not unwilling to enter
into a treaty with England to remove rivalry and friction, but they were not
willing to pull the chestnuts out of the fire for England. One of their
papers, the Nasha Zhizn, thus spoke on the 4th of July, 1906: "The Russian
people would welcome a peaceful alliance with Great Britain. She sees,
however, in the attitude of the British towards Russia only a desire to
isolate Germany." This was the comprehensive scheme confirmed by Mr. Wyndham.
to enlist Italy and the Balkans.

It can be truthfully said that Grey is responsible for converting the
German-Russian friendship of centuries standing into an acute rivalry and
antagonism. He brought Russia from the Far East, he pushed Russia into the
Balkans, his policy unleashed the mad dogs of Panslavism. Just a word to my
readers. I have made just now, and in prior chapters, sensational statements
of exceptional gravity, claiming for them absolute authenticity. I have made
a challenge and a proposal in my Preface. Meanwhile, I 

[CTRL] Fwd: 05.08.99 RMNews--NATO Purposely Targeted Chinese Embassy

1999-05-08 Thread Kris Millegan

  NATO Purposely Targeted Chinese Embassy

05.08.99 RMNews "NATO purposely targeted the Chinese Embassy", says
a usually reliable Rumor Mill News Source. "It was done to derail the peace
initiative being put forward by the Russians and the Chinese."

The Source went on to say that the Big Three socialist leaders, United States,
President Clinton, Britain's Prime Minister Blair, and Germany's Chancellor
Gerhard Schroder, need to win in Yugoslavia no matter what the costs. The
precedent being set by this action will forever put an end to national
sovereignty and will usher in the One World Government.

Countries will no longer be in charge of what happens inside their borders.
An international watch dog group will oversee everything from farming to
religion. If a country refuses to comply with international treaties put forth
by  the United Nations, it will face the Serbian Solution.

Jesse Jackson threw a monkey wrench in the Big Three's bid to bring
Milosevic to his knees. Not only did Jackson go against his old friend, Bill
Clinton and travel to Belgrade, but he did it under the threat of death from
NATO bombs. The mission was successful. So successful, in fact, that Jesse
Jackson became the senior statesman and diplomat who suggested a course
of action which would end the killing.

Russian leaders agreed to broker a peace agreement between NATO and
Milosevic. When it appeared that the Russian agreement was going to be
successful in stopping the "ethnic cleansing" of Kosovo, the Big Three had
to act and act fast. The Russian agreement had Kosovo staying part of Serbia,
with no autonomy. If this were let to stand it would mean the Milosevic had
won. He had successfully cleansed part of Kosovo of Muslims. The Muslims
would not be able to turn Kosovo into a Muslim nation with its own
language, alphabet, schools, religion, army and police force.

The solution proposed by Russia would mean that all countries would be able
to control what went on within their own borders. It would mean that
California would be able to call out the National Guard or the Army if the
Atzlan Liberation Army demanded autonomy for southern California.

This solution did not fit into the plan for a one world government with no
borders and no national sovereignty. Therefore the plan had to be derailed
immediately. With the tensions rising between the United States and China,
it was decided that by striking the Chinese Embassy, the already rocky
relationship between the two countries would be further inflamed.  The more
Chinese killed, the better.

The second reason behind the choice of the Chinese Embassy was to push
China into attacking Taiwan and reclaiming the island of Formosa and
making it part of China once again. RMNews will soon be reissuing an article
written in 1996 about the coming war with China.

The Kosovo autonomy plan being put forth by the Big Three does not sit well
with either China or Russia. China still believes Taiwan belongs to them.
Russia is still having problems with provinces like Chechnya that want to
break away and become their  own country. If NATO's Serbian Solution is
successful, all groups of ethnic people, no matter where they are living, will
be able to break away from their countries and form their own autonomous
and independent nations.

Imagine what New York City will look like if the Big Three's Serbian
Solution is successful. The Puerto Ricans will declare themselves an
autonomous nation, as will the Haitians, the Russians, the Italians, the
Chinese. Each  new nation will draw its own borders and if there are border
disputes, wars will erupt.

What is the  purpose for such planned chaos?

Tribal war, the destabilization and  depopulation of the world.

After several years of chaos, confusion and mass  ethnic cleansing, the
United Nations will be asked begged to come in and bring stability and
order to the world.

The Hegelian dialectic theory of an evolving history is being played out here
with a New World Order slant. The Thesis is a world full of sovereign
nations. The Antithesis is  ethnic tribes wanting to breakaway and form their
own  nations. The Synthesis becomes  worldwide wars which cause famine,
pestilence, and massive death.

After a period of time, the survivors will beg for an end to the wars. Out of
the chaos brought about  by the Synthesis of the old Thesis and Antithesis
comes the new Thesis.  The new Thesis will be a world with no borders, no
sovereign nations, and no ethnic tribes of people. The New World Order will
finally have the One World Government they have been trying to achieve for
millennia. It will be one based on their needs and it will have very little
to do
with the desires or needs of the common people. The coming world will
seem more like the company towns or feudal kingdoms of 

[CTRL] Fwd: * The SPYder Web -- the REAL X-FILES *

1999-05-08 Thread Colleen Jones

Interesting site when you really get into it.
For anyone who is interested.


Come into my parlour.

[CTRL] Fwd: PSI TECH, Inc. Technical Remote Viewing - Oklahoma City tornado ranked as most powerful (CNN 5-07-99)

1999-05-08 Thread Colleen Jones

The government, from William Jefferson Clinton to Madeline Albright to
Cohen, to the Governor of Oklahoma know the weather modification program
was responsible for the most devastating tornado in the history of
Oklahomahere in Ohio, we are now virtually in tornado
alleyXenia, Governor John J. Gilligan knew the bible belt at that
time was the experimental station

These people...oh so secretthey are so stupid, but when they know
this program is in full force, and the people are not adequately
warnedin areas where they are not prepared or homes built for htis
type of a disasterthey are accomplices to murder.give all of the
money they want to Oklahoma to rebuildsome are told in flood areas,
get out if you do not like it.FEMA stands in line, and I imagine
Mrs. Dole will be there too with tears in her eyesno hand guns, but
it is okay to send out weather war upon an unsuspecting public.

Your news media knows about this program and remain silent; in Viet Nam
they brought on monsoons 6 months early using weather for a
weapon..Congressmen are elected every two years..that is where
you get good representation

Only on the internet have I been able to pick up this weather
stuffyet back in 1986, people who know play their little games and
suppress the truth - why, because his program has been classified..that
is why - and cui bono - well, not the USA - but remember, the United
Nations has a Resolution, where we are to "share" our weather with the
poor underdeveloped countries  only they willl not hve to pay for
any portion of this program, the USA will...


[CTRL] Am Legion Lettre

1999-05-08 Thread Alamaine

 -Caveat Lector-


President William J. Clinton
The White House
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President:

The American Legion, a wartime veterans organization of
nearly three-million members, urges the immediate
withdrawal of American troops participating in “Operation
Allied Force.”

The National Executive Committee of The American Legion,
meeting in Indianapolis today, adopted Resolution 44,
titled “The American Legion’s Statement on Yugoslavia.”
This resolution was debated and adopted unanimously.

Mr. President, the United States Armed Forces should never
be committed to wartime operations unless the following
conditions are fulfilled:

•That there be a clear statement by the President of why it
is in our vital national interests to be engaged in
•Guidelines be established for the mission, including a
clear exit strategy;
•That there be support of the mission by the U.S. Congress
and the American people; and
•That it be made clear that U.S. Forces will be commanded
only by U.S. officers which we acknowledge are superior
military leaders.

It is the position of The American Legion, which I am sure
is shared by the majority of Americans, that three of the
above listed conditions have not been met in the current
joint operation with NATO (“Operation Allied Force”).

In no case should America commit its Armed Forces in the
absence of clearly defined objectives agreed upon by the
U.S. Congress in accordance with Article I, Section 8, of
the Constitution of the United States.


   National Commander

Att: Resolution #44

cc:  Secretary of Defense
  Secretary of State
  Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
  Leadership, House and Senate
  Chairman and Ranking Democratic Member, House and
Senate Armed Services Committee

May 5-6, 1999

Resolution No. 44: The American Legion Statement on

Origin: Resolutions Sub-Committee
Submitted By: Resolutions Sub-Committee

WHEREAS, The President has committed the Armed Forces of
the United States, in a joint operation with NATO
(“Operation Allied Force”), to engage in hostilities in the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia without clearly defining
America’s vital national interests; and

WHEREAS, Neither the President nor the Congress has defined
America’s objectives in what has become an open-ended
conflict characterized by an ill-defined progressive
escalation; and

WHEREAS, It is obvious that an ill-planned and massive
commitment of U.S. resources could only lead to troops
being killed, wounded or captured without advancing any
clear purpose, mission or objective; and

WHEREAS, The American people rightfully support the ending
of crimes and abuses by the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,
and the extending of humanitarian relief to the suffering
people of the region; and

WHEREAS, America should not commit resources to the
prosecution of hostilities in the absence of clearly
defined objectives agreed upon by the U.S. Congress in
accordance with Article I Section 8 of the Constitution of
the United States; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, By the National Executive Committee of The
American Legion in regular meeting assembled in
Indianapolis, Indiana, May 5-6, 1999, That The American
Legion, which is composed of nearly 3 million veterans of
war-time service, voices its grave concerns about the
commitment of U.S. Armed Forces to Operation Allied Force,
unless the following conditions are fulfilled:

1.That there be a clear statement by the President of why
it is in our vital national interests to be engaged in
Operation Allied Force;
2.Guidelines be established for the mission, including a
clear exit strategy;
3.That there be support of the mission by the U.S. Congress
and the American people; and
4.That it be made clear U.S. Forces will be commanded only
by U.S. officers whom we acknowledge are superior military
leaders; and, be it further

RESOLVED, That, if the aforementioned conditions are not
met, The American Legion calls upon the President and the
Congress to withdraw American forces immediately from
Operation Allied Force; and, be it further

RESOLVED, That The American Legion calls upon the Congress
and the international community to ease the suffering of
the Kosovar refugees by providing necessary aid and
assistance; and, be it finally

RESOLVED, That The American Legion reaffirms its unwavering
admiration of, and support for, our American men and women
serving in uniform throughout the world, and we reaffirm
our efforts to provide sufficient national assets to ensure
their well being.

Copyright©1999 by The American Legion

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 

Re: [CTRL] SKEPTICS RE: [SC] Skeptic News - Friday #2

1999-05-08 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Jason Tiscione [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  # LANDMARK RULING ON ENCRYPTION. A presidential order limiting encryp-
  tion exports is ruled unconstitutional by a federal appeals panel ...

 You can be grateful that it took this long. If strong encryption were
 made available just a few weeks earlier, people would be finding ways
 to blame it for the Littleton high school massacre.
 Jason Tiscione
 "Damn you, Marilyn Manson!"

Whereas it was actually Marilyn Manson and Gumby using stego-PGP on their
messages to Harris  Klebold that allowed the latter to accumulate their
weapons cache via Net.merchants - if only the NSA had more funding, this
whole mess could have been prevented.  It's likely that the HAARP firings
coinciding with the Columbine incident were accidentally triggered by Def
Leopard tapes played in RSA-encrypted format, broadcast by improperly-
grounded EMF generators near the USAF Academy - these inadvertent hi-Q
patterns interfaced with Harris  Klebold's alien implants, activating
their deep-black programming.  This proves that the best protection for
US citizens is to enclose everybody in body-snug Faraday cages, so no
spurious electrical signals will ever propagate.  The Reptilioids and
their Republican dupes must be rooted out and neutralized too, of course.

  Ric "Bother, said Pooh, as Cthulhu rose from the mists" Carter

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Tiananmen's Evil Twin

1999-05-08 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

U.S. Consulate Building Set Ablaze

.c The Associated Press

BEIJING (AP) -- Protesters broke into and severely burned a U.S. consulate
building in southwest China in the worst attack yet in two days of protests
outside U.S. buildings across China, a U.S. Embassy spokesman said Sunday.

A large number of people broke into the consulate compound in Chengdu and
severely burned the consulate general's residence, said Tom Cooney, an
embassy spokesman in Beijing.

No U.S. staff were injured and Chinese police used tear gas to disperse the
crowd, he said. The demonstrators were protesting the NATO bombing of the
Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia.

Cooney also said that U.S. officials in Beijing, where the embassy was
surrounded by protesters again Sunday, were not getting adequate protection.

``We feel that we are under a state of siege here. We don't have adequate
security,'' he said. The embassy had made a strong protest to Chinese
authorities Saturday to provide better protection.

``We don't have the ability to move between our buildings like we should,''
Cooney said.

All U.S. diplomatic offices in China, except in Hong Kong, would be closed
Monday and Tuesday, Cooney said.

The communist government generally bans protests for fear they will escalate
into unrest. But officials apparently felt that stopping people from publicly
expressing outrage over the bombing of the Chinese embassy in Yugoslavia
could further inflame them and possibly turn emotions against the government.

More than 20 were injured and one person was missing in Belgrade, China's
state-run Xinhua News Agency said. A Xinhua reporter and two reporters for a
national newspaper, Guangming Daily, were killed, it said.

NATO spokesman Jamie Shea said NATO forces mistakenly hit the embassy with
``precision guided munitions.'' He said NATO offered ``sincere regrets'' to
Chinese authorities.

On Saturday, U.S. officials in Beijing advised staff and other Americans in
the Chinese capital ``to raise their security awareness,'' said spokesman
Bill Palmer. An embassy notice said there was ``the possibility for acts of
retaliation against Americans and American interests worldwide.''

Students said they were outraged because they believed NATO intentionally
targeted the Belgrade structure.

Protesters at the Chengdu consulate Saturday night scaled walls and broke
windows to break in to the building, he said. Police dispersed the crowd only
after they had ransacked the building.

``It was scary and there was a lot of damage,'' he said.

On Saturday and Sunday, more than 1,000 protesters in Beijing hurled rocks
and lumps of concrete at embassy buildings and cars in Beijing. Demonstrators
also protested outside the British Embassy.

Not since the government crushed democracy protests at Tiananmen Square on
June 4, 1989, have students and other Chinese marched through Beijing streets
in large numbers with banners and slogans.

Police pushed back demonstrators Saturday night when they tried to ram a van
and hurl a burning American flag through the U.S. Embassy's main gate.

Windows at the American compound were broken, and at least four cars
belonging to staff members were smashed. A group of protesters tried to
ignite one car and then started shoving police who stopped them.

Police stood in cordons at least six people deep in front of the main embassy
building to keep crowds back. Demonstrators broke through at least once.

Early Sunday, another wave of buses -- apparently arranged by universities --
arrived with more students.

Hundreds of police regulated the flow of protesters but did not stop the
demonstrations. Signs Sunday along the protest route showed demonstrators
which way to march.

The demonstrations in Guangzhou, a large city in southern China, involved
tens of thousands of students from more than 10 universities who converged
Saturday on the U.S., British, French, Italian and Dutch consulates, the
state-run Xinhua News Agency reported.

China's entirely state-controlled news media have heavily reported civilian
casualties from the NATO strikes, but have not reported on attacks by
Yugoslav forces on ethnic Albanians in Kosovo.

State-run television news reported the protest, a sign the government
sanctioned it.

China has its own restive ethnic regions and fears NATO has set a dangerous
precedent by attacking a sovereign nation without U.N. authorization.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust 

[CTRL] Belarus NOW Sorry It Gave Up Nukes

1999-05-08 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Belarus Keeping Nuclear Facilities

.c The Associated Press

MOSCOW (AP) -- Belarus has kept its nuclear missile facilities even though it
has given up all its atomic warheads, its president said Saturday according
to a news report.

President Alexander Lukashenko has lamented Belarus's decision to relinquish
its nuclear weapons after the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union. He gave up
the last of the weapons at the end of 1996, expressing regrets that have only
grown stronger since.

On Saturday, he said ``all launch pads have been preserved despite pressure
on the part of both NATO and Russia,'' the Interfax news agency reported.

Lukashenko made the statement in response to a reporter who asked whether
Russia would deploy nuclear missiles in Belarus if the two countries merge.
Lukashenko added that the two sides hadn't discussed the issue.

He has pushed hard to unite his nation with much larger Russia, but many
Russians are wary of the idea because Belarus' economy is one of the least
reformed among the former Soviet states and most of its 10 million people are

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Saturday #2

1999-05-08 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990508b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Global warming solution hopes dampened. (BBC) Experiments carried out from
a submarine three kilometres under the ocean have poured cold water on an
ambitious scheme to deal with global warming. The idea was to store carbon
dioxide produced by the burning of fossil fuels under the ocean, stopping it
from getting into the atmosphere and adding to the greenhouse effect. In
theory this would reduce the rate of global warming, but now a report in the
journal Science suggests that putting the idea into practice may not be so

# Also: Antarctic ice crumbling rapidly -- Bangkok overheating -- Climate
threat to coral reefs -- Greenland ice warning -- Climate change a real
worry -- Can iron cool the world? -- Saving the world's climate --

: Who'll gain most when Terrestrial greenhouse changes become irreversible:
Tibetans, Reptilioids, Bilderbergers, jellyfish, ants, gerbils, snakes, me?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Pentagon confirms depleted uranium use. (BBC) The US Dept of Defense has
confirmed that its aircraft are using depleted uranium weapons in the Kosovo
conflict.  DU is both radioactive and toxic, though Nato insists that it is
no more dangerous than any other heavy metal. Linked to Gulf War syndrome?

@ Links: The Military Toxics Project:
@ Department of Defense News Briefing
@ The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe
@ The Institute for the Protection of Nature of Serbia

: Does dropping radioactive munitions qualify the Kosovo mess as a nuclear
war? If DU hit the Chinese Embassy, is that the same as nuking China? Are
somebody's alien implants misfiring? Is NATO possessed by demons? Are you?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Pope prays for murdered Catholics. (BBC) Pope John Paul II, on the second
day of his visit to Romania, has visited a Roman Catholic cemetery at Bellu
in the south of the capital Bucharest to pay homage to people murdered for
their beliefs. Later, the Pope celebrated a Greek Catholic mass. Party on,

: Does the pope give a sh!t about murdered Atheists, Pagans, Baha'is, JWs,
Freemasons, Moslems, Buddhists, Abductees? Do you? Do you pray for anyone?
Does it help? Do they spring back to life? Is that what you prayed for? Why?

@ Links: The Holy See:
@ Orthodox Christian Information Centre:
# And: Analysis: A 1,000-year divide:
# Pope calls for Christian unity:
# Mission to heal religious rift:

: Is Xian unity possible, desirable, fantastic? Who would run a unified Xian
church? How long would it last? Would it be taken over by fundys, humanists,
Reptilioids, Republicans, advertisers, Nestorians? Who would be purged? How?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Interception Capabilities 2000 ("IC2000"). The IC2000 report on communica-
tions interception and ECHELON was approved as a working document by the
Science and Technology Options Assessment Panel of the European Parliament
(STOA). Key findings of the IC2000 report: Comprehensive systems exist to
access, intercept and process every important modern form of communications.
... The report is available at

: Who intercepts your communications? Do you purposefully generate random
noise to confuse them? Does it work? If coherent, are you compromised? How?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


# Did the CIA Drug Paul Robeson?: New documents suggest that the black
actor, singer, lawyer and activist may have been a victim of the Agency's
MK-ULTRA program. Poisoned:

# Pope and Orthodox patriarch appeal for end to Kosovo conflict. (CNN) Pope
John Paul II and Romania's Orthodox Christian patriarch combined their moral
authority Saturday in a joint appeal for an end to the Kosovo conflict, con-
demning both forced expulsions and "murderous bombings." Totally ignored, of
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


@ UFO Mind: Area 51:
@ Area 51 Random Link:
@ Area 51: Top Secret: 

[CTRL] Oops! Too Bad, Shit Happens [Repeatedly]

1999-05-08 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "In a[n admitted] handful of other high-profile mistakes, errant NATO
weapons have killed or harmed civilians. The latest example was Friday, when
cluster bombs struck a hospital Nis, killing more than a dozen people.".

Targeting To Blame in Embassy Hit

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Unlike previous mistakes in the NATO bombing campaign
against Yugoslavia when bombs or missiles misfired or landed in the wrong
spot, the precision-guided weapon that hit the Chinese embassy in Belgrade
apparently did just what it was told.

The problem, NATO officials admit, is that the alliance thought its warplanes
were hitting a different building. The error suggests a problem with
targeting, or the original identification of what to hit, although NATO
officials would not specifically say so.

The NATO plane that hit the embassy building Friday night was supposed to
bomb a Yugoslav government building called the federal Directorate of Supply
and Procurement, NATO and Pentagon spokesmen said Saturday.

The hit from an unspecified precision weapon reportedly killed four people.
It came during NATO's most concentrated onslaught on the Yugoslav capital
since launch of the first of approximately 17,000 air strikes seven weeks

In a handful of other high-profile mistakes, errant NATO weapons have killed
or harmed civilians. The latest example was earlier Friday, when cluster
bombs accidentally struck a residential neighborhood and hospital grounds in
the Yugoslav city of Nis, killing more than a dozen people.

Pentagon spokesman Kenneth Bacon said he ``would not challenge'' the premise
that in the instance of the embassy, the weapon operated correctly.

NATO's military spokesman, German Gen. Walter Jertz, said that through ``an
error in the process,'' the embassy building got mixed up with the
directorate building.

Military officials speaking on condition of anonymity said the fault likely
lies with NATO military planners in Brussels rather than with the pilot of
the plane that dropped the bomb.

``You're given a set of coordinates. If the coordinates are for the wrong
building, the pilot is not going to know,'' one official said.

NATO is still investigating the mishap, and Bacon said the alliance would
eventually provide a fuller explanation.

But alliance and Pentagon officials have said repeatedly the identification
and pursuit of targets is a painstaking process involving common sense as
well as a variety of high-tech intelligence and reconnaissance tools.

In the case of fixed targets, such as buildings, decisions about what to hit
and when are typically made far in advance. The choice is part political and
part military, and in the case of the NATO campaign involves representatives
of numerous countries.

Satellite imagery, photos from reconnaissance planes, intercepted enemy
documents or conversations, publicly available documents such as maps and
information from people on the ground all play a role, although NATO
officials will not discuss their methods in detail.

Once a target is picked, the team of pilots, navigators and support crews
spend hours preparing for flight. Pilots get a ``target folder'' from
planners ahead of the mission, said Air Force Maj. Gen. Charles Wald, a
strategic planner for the Joint Chiefs of Staff and a former fighter pilot.

Target identification and pilot preparation would have been extensive in this
case, because of the military importance of the intended target and because
Belgrade is heavily defended by Serb forces, Wald said at a briefing for

``The way targeting works ... the higher the threat, the more valued the
target, the more time you would study it. The more time you have to study it,
the better,'' Wald said.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Pope Joins Orthodox in Stop the Bombing

1999-05-08 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Pope, Orthodox Leader: Stop Bombing

.c The Associated Press

BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) -- Pope John Paul II and Romania's Orthodox Christian
patriarch combined their moral authority Saturday in a joint appeal for an
end to the Kosovo conflict, condemning both forced expulsions and ``murderous

John Paul and Patriarch Teoctist appealed ``in the name of God'' to those
``who in one way or another are responsible for the current tragedy'' to
return to the negotiating table.

The statement was issued on the second day of John Paul's historic visit to
Romania, a mainly Orthodox country that borders on Serbia. Before the visit,
some in Romania questioned inviting a religious leader from the West while
NATO was bombing fellow Orthodox in Yugoslavia.

Since the NATO attacks began March 24, John Paul has issued a series of
statements condemning the bombing as well the expulsions of ethnic Albanians
from Kosovo.

The expression of solidarity with ``those expelled from their homes, their
land, separated from their loved ones, who know the cruel reality of the
exodus,'' was considered one of the strongest statements by an Orthodox
leader on Serbia's campaign against ethnic Albanians from Kosovo. The Russian
patriarch, Alexy II, mentioned the plight of refugees during a visit to
Belgrade last month.

The two leaders mentioned expulsions in their statement before expressing
solidarity with the ``victims of murderous bombings.'' However, they didn't
specifically say that the ethnic Albanians were the victims of expulsions or
name NATO.

They called for a resumption of dialogue that would lead to a ``just and
lasting'' peace and permit the return of refugees.

The visit by John Paul was the first by a pope to a mainly Orthodox country
in nearly 1,000 years. Before returning to Rome on Sunday, the pope and the
patriarch will attend a Catholic and an Orthodox religious service.

The 78-year-old pope was bearing up well, despite a heavy schedule, although
he leaned on a silver staff for support during the morning Mass.

The pope began the second day of his visit with a stop at Belu cemetery in
southern Bucharest, where Catholic clergymen killed during the Communist
regime are buried.

He knelt in prayer for 10 minutes before the tombs, occasionally looking up
at the photographs of seven Catholics who have been proposed for
beatification, the last stage before sainthood.

Tensions between Catholics and Orthodox in Romania have come into the open
since the fall of communism, particularly with the re-emergence of Eastern
Rite Catholic churches, which retain Orthodox-style liturgy but are loyal to
the pope.

Communists in Romania and elsewhere in Eastern Europe suppressed the Eastern
Rite, turning over its property to the Orthodox.

The pope presided at an Eastern Rite service Saturday in a crowded St.
Joseph's cathedral. Organizers had handed out some 2,000 tickets for only
1,000 places in the small church and many of the faithful stood on pews to
get a glimpse of the pope.

Just before the pope arrived, an ambulance crew carried in Cardinal Alexandru
Todea, 86, who has been confined to wheelchair for years. The cardinal spent
43 years in prison or house arrest during the Communist rule, which ended in

``They tried to silence your liberty, to suffocate it, but they didn't
succeed,'' the pope said in his homily.

The pope agreed as a price for his visit not to travel to Transylvania, where
Catholics predominate. Orthodox feared their authority might be undercut.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Ted Turner Says Nuclear War Possible

1999-05-08 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

That idiot hasn't sobered up yet.someday when he does, he will
realize he sold out all his principles...but then, I always thought he
was a front man for orgnaized crime anywy.

Goodbye Tedand take Jane with you.
Goodbye and good riddance.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] China's Wheel of the Law

1999-05-08 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

China Sees Threat in Secret Sect

.c The Associated Press

BEIJING (AP) -- Shocked by throngs of meditating protesters on their front
door, Chinese leaders are preparing a methodical campaign to discredit and
rein in the martial arts sect they now see as a threat to Communist Party

President Jiang Zemin has formed a high-level task force to monitor the
group, and government operatives have started taking names and infiltrating
the sect, Chinese sources inside and outside the party said.

The swift preparations underscore how rattled senior leaders were by the
sudden sight of thousands of silent practitioners of Falun Gong, the Wheel of
Law, outside party headquarters on April 25. At once, the group was
transformed from an obscure school of Yoga-like exercises and meditation into
a challenge to the communist hold on China's future.

During the daylong protest, the devotees sat on the sidewalks around the dark
red-walled Zhongnanhai. At a late-night meeting with Premier Zhu Rongji,
demonstrators suggested that they, not communism, could save China, said a
party source who spoke on condition of anonymity.

``I'm an atheist,'' the source quoted Zhu as saying. ``You can't force me to
believe your teachings.''

It was the largest demonstration in Beijing -- internal police estimates put
the crowd at 30,000 -- since the military crushed student-led democracy
protests on Tiananmen Square 10 years ago, and it came six weeks before the
sensitive anniversary of the crackdown. On top of that, the protesters
surrounded Zhongnanhai, something the students of 1989 did not dare.

Unnerved by their brazenness, Jiang wrote a seething directive chiding
security agencies and provincial leaders for being caught unaware and
undermining a five-month clampdown on dissent to ensure peace this year.

``We called for `stability above all' but our stability has fallen through,''
the party source quoted Jiang's letter as saying. ``Our leaders must wake

The Wheel of Law has been considered politically neutral. It is one of the
many forms of qigong, a blend of Buddhist and Taoist ideas and slow
martial-arts exercise that channel unseen forces to benefit health and clear
the mind.

The Wheel of Law has become one of qigong's most popular schools since it was
founded in 1992 by Li Hongzhi, an ex-soldier who has since left China for the
United States. The Chinese government estimates its devotees number 10
million to 70 million.

Wheel of Law followers state total faith in ``Master Li'' and are convinced
practicing his teachings makes people healthier and more moral citizens. His
lectures hint of dark forces at work in the universe and suggest expert
practice brings clairvoyance and other supernatural powers.

After a magazine article by an eminent scientist warned Chinese youths to
stay away from the Wheel of Law, followers thought their practice was under
threat. They converged on Beijing from several provinces to demand legal
protection for the Wheel of Law.

But the party source contends their demands went far beyond that: The small
group of demonstrators who confronted Zhu wanted state media coverage of
their teachings and special meeting areas -- privileges granted only to
party-approved groups.

Organizers of Wheel of Law activities in Beijing reached by telephone
declined comment on the Zhu meeting or the demands. One said all participants
in the meeting had left the capital.

Party leaders are convinced by the demonstration that the group is
disciplined and well-organized, despite its claims to have no hierarchy. In
their eyes, the Wheel of Law verges on the semi-religious secret societies
that sought to overthrow unjust emperors.

Leaders will have to move carefully against the group. Unlike the cults they
dealt with ruthlessly in the past, the Wheel of Law is prominent in big
cities -- where unemployed workers are already angry with government
policies, said Wang Shan, an author and political commentator.

A special task force headed by Vice President Hu Jintao and Luo Gan, the
party's senior law-and-order official, is coordinating strategy against the
Wheel of Law, the party source said.

Officials ordered qigong practitioners and masters to register with
authorities in the early 1990s, said Nancy Chen, an anthropologist at the
University of California at Santa Cruz. One Beijing resident said police have
already started doing so in a village on the city's outskirts.

State media are likely to begin publicizing stories to show the dangers of
the Wheel of Law. According to the source, one says that a female devotee in
northeastern Chaoyang city jumped to her death from a building, shouting Li
Hongzhi's name.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright

[CTRL] Int'l Criminal Tribunal

1999-05-08 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


begin excerpt

Submission to the International Criminal Tribunal for the
former Yugoslavia, requesting the investigation and
indictment of Prime Minister Tony Blair, Foreign Secretary
Robin Cook and Defence Secretary George Robertson of the
United Kindgom for serious violations of international
humanitarian law committed in the territory of the former

Back to the Introduction
Requests for information


1. On 24 March 1999, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
(NATO) commenced military operations against the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia, with the stated aim of deterring
human rights violations in the Kosova region of Yugoslavia.
Operations began at 8p.m. Manned aircraft were used from
the start of the military mission, initially in concert
with ship-launched cruise missiles. During the first few
days of military operations, attacks were directed largely
against the air-defence systems of the Federal Republic,
including anti-aircraft missile batteries, radar and
command-and-control facilities. By the end of March, NATO
aircraft were mostly attacking wider military targets,
including army headquarters, ammunition dumps, and
airfields. However, as the Yugoslav government continued to
refuse to accede to NATO’s demands, the list of targets was
enlarged to include fuel depots, oil refineries
(specifically those in Novi Sad and Pancevo) and government
offices; and by 4 April 1999, power stations and
communications links, including roads, tunnels, bridges and
railway links were openly targeted, including those not
inside the region of, or in the vicinity of, Kosova. By 23
April, attacks were being launched against television
studios and transmitters.

This shift from attacking military targets to attacking
civilian infrastructure and objects is apparent in both
announcements of the NATO spokesman and NATO Heads of
Government on the one hand, and also in the nature of the
sites in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia attacked on the
other. On 20 April 1999, Mr Tony Blair, Prime Minister of
the United Kingdom, said in the Press Conference at NATO HQ
in Brussels:
"I think it is extremely important that all of us do
everything in our power to make sure that the economic
measures that we are taking against Serbia are effective
and our attacks of course have done immense damage to the
lines of communication, the lines of supply, the oil
refineries and the oil supplies of the Milosevic regime."
(emphasis added)

Mr George Robertson, UK Secretary of State for Defence,
"At the outset of the air campaign, NATO Ministers
collectively agreed to certain categories of targets--the
first of which was, self-evidently, the Yugoslav air
defences. We subsequently agreed to widen the range of
targets to include strategic assets such as bridges,
barracks and headquarters." (House of Commons, 19 April,
Hansard, col.667, p.830).

Dr James Shea, Spokesman of NATO and Deputy Director of
Information and Press, made similar statements on attacking
economic and telecommunications targets shortly afterwards.
On 21 April 1999, also at NATO HQ in Brussels, Dr Shea
"[A]ny aspect of the power structure is considered as a
legitimate target by NATO, the power structure, and of
course in dictatorial societies it becomes progressively
impossible to distinguish between the party and the state,
as we all know, they become conflated with each other, and
this is also the party headquarters which contains the
propaganda too of the ruling socialist party and that is
enough for us to consider that to be a wholly legitimate

More clearly, the increased volume of attacks on civilian
infrastructure can be detected in the chronology of NATO
attacks, which forms Annex I to this submission. The first
attacks on bridges occurred on 1 April 1999, with the
strikes on the Varadin Bridge over the Danube. On 3 April,
the Republican and Federal Ministry of the Interior in
Belgrade was severely damaged by NATO attacks, and damage
was done to the building of the Institute for Security of
the Ministry of the Interior in Banjica. On 4th and 5th
April, numerous road and railway bridges throughout the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia were directly targeted.
Electric power stations, oil refineries and fuel storage
sites were also targeted. Industrial sites and factories
were primary targets on 15 April, and have continued to be
so. TV transmitters and the Radio Televizija Srbija (RTS)
Studio were targeted later in April. Such instances will be
described in greater detail below (see paragraph 7), and a
case will be made that many such attacks constitute serious
violations of international humanitarian law, amounting to
a breach of a rule protecting important values, and with
grave consequences for persons with interests in the
infrastructure so destroyed.

A further stage in NATO's campaign can be seen on the night
of 2 May 1999, when five major electricity 

[CTRL] American Foreign Policy

1999-05-08 Thread Alamaine

 -Caveat Lector-


May, 1999:

American Foreign Policy At The Crossroads

Reaffirmation of Kosovo article; point by point refutation of Clinton/Blair/NATO 
rationalizations; motivations for NATO aggression; Serbian references to "Adolph" 
Clinton; the Tyrants' Four Step; traditional Washington/Je
fferson foreign policy based upon mutual respect and unentangled freedom not 
isolationism; applicability of same to Twenty-First Century; American Sovereignty, the 
real issue.

Usually, when a writer publishes an initial assessment of a fast breaking world 
development involving multiple players within three or four days of its outset, he has 
many reasons to wish that he could recall and revise l
ong before five weeks have passed. But with regard to the Clinton-Blair-NATO 
aggression in the Balkans, the subject of our April essay posted March 28th, we find 
no need for revision. It remains on our current page. This
update but builds on what we say there.

The most common rationalization for the five plus weeks of horror, which the 
Clinton-Blair-NATO axis have been able to perpetrate in Serbia--however stretched by 
the reality--has remained that of saving the Albanian eleme
nt in Kosovo from Serbian atrocities. The problem, as pointed out earlier, is that the 
Serbian reaction to the NATO bombing was literally programed by the self-anointed 
"altruists." Being pounded from the skies by nations
 with populations outnumbering them 70 or more times over--nations armed with 
technically superior weapons;--it was totally predictable that the Serbs would lash 
out in a frenzy at those with whom their attackers publicly
 identified. Thus where hundreds might have been the victims of cruelty before; within 
days of the assault, hundreds of thousands became victims. It is asinine for those who 
planned this war to deny culpability in what ha
s happened.

Bear in mind that those planners are well educated men, who knew the Serbian tradition 
for defying ultimatums; knew that until we started this aggression, we--even as the 
Serbs--had classified the K.L.A. as a terrorist bo
dy; knew that the ultimate ultimatum being defied (allowing an army of occupation on 
their soil), was one that no freedom loving person in the world could find acceptable. 
It is not the claimed despotism of the socialists
 in Belgrade, but the intemperance of the socialists in Washington and London, which 
keeps this War going.

The secondary argument was that the Serbs, unrestrained by an army of occupation, were 
going to "destabalize" the Balkans. We leave it to any fair minded person, whether the 
Balkans seem more stable today than before the
bombs began to fall!

When assailed at home by Conservative forces within their several populations, for the 
poor planning as well as the despicable nature of this War, the perpetrators of 
deliberate internationalized aggression--including the
 draft evader in the White House--fell back upon appeals to the National pride of the 
respective NATO members. We are "in this now," we were told; we have to "see it 
through to a successful conclusion." But nothing could
be more fatuous! That such an argument could even be used by men who had insisted on 
our humiliating retreat from Viet Nam--a just war, fought to stem the tide of 
international Communism in Asia--has more than a few outra
geous aspects.

Yet the most outrageous aspect lies in the fact that there is no possible honor to be 
had in subduing a nation more than 70 times out-numbered by nations with superior 
weaponry and no legitimate interest in the nation bei
ng subdued! The NATO attack on Yugoslavia, thus far, demonstrates the same type of 
heroism as the Italian air attacks on the primatively armed warriors of Emperor Haile 
Silassie in Ethiopia in 1935. (Mussolini, like Clint
on and Blair was interested in a new World Order! He sought his in an alliance with 
another European Socialist, Adolph Hitler.)

One of the most far fetched arguments to justify NATO aggression in the Balkans was 
offered by French President Chirac (whom one would have thought would know better than 
to get in bed with the Social Democrats on this on
e), when he sought to justify the aggression as France's way to avoid another Munich! 
Of course, he has it backwards. It was the German--not the Allied position--at Munich, 
that German intervention in Czechoslovakia was r
equired to protect an ethnic minority!

The Internationalists  The NATO Bureaucracy

Since the beginning of this century, British intellectuals, of one stripe or another, 
have been trying to entangle America in their interests-- to ensnare us in some form 
of new world order. For example, in the first deca
de of the century, the Will of the famous empire builder Cecil Rhodes established a 
program of scholarships for bright young British, American, German  South Africans to 
study at Oxford--the avowed intention to provide a
n intellectual 

[CTRL] Early Returns

1999-05-08 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


 Jordan to slam dunk boring Gore

Basketball stars shoot for presidential nomination

By Ed Vulliamy in New York
Sunday May 9, 1999

Already they're calling it the 'basketball election'.
Michael Jordan, wizard of the slam dunk, is considering a
role as front man in a campaign to dislodge Vice-President
Al Gore from the Democratic presidential nomination he
regards as his right.

There are reports that Jordan has already given $1,000 to
the war chest of former basketball pro Bill Bradley. If so
he would join a host of other basketball stars who have
piled in behind him.

Bradley played for the New York Knicks team in the 1970s.
Now the team mates who helped him win two NBA championship
medals are falling in line to speak at fundraisers, among
them Phil Jackson.

Jackson was Bradley's room mate on tour with the Knicks and became the most celebrated 
and successful coach in the game - the man who took the Chicago Bulls to six NBA 
championships, the unchallenged zenith of basketball,
 before retiring last year.

Jackson is the only man in the world with any sway over Michael Jordan - when Jackson 
quit after winning the Bulls their third consecutive championship, Jordan caused a 
stir by following suit - saying that he would only r
eturn to the Bulls if his coach came back, too. There was an almighty row that went 
something like this: does a manager choose a team or vice versa?

On his way into politics, Bradley kept his basketball career in the background, 
preferring to emphasise his Rhodes scholarship. But now that Bill Clinton has turned 
the US presidency into a pop celebrity cult, Bradley has
, as he puts it, 'loosened up'. He is using the Clintonian postures of pop politics to 
challenge Clinton's man.

The reason for the Bradley challenge - and for many Democrats supporting him with 
millions of dollars - is that the polls suggest the unthinkable: Al Gore could lose to 
the Republicans.

For weeks the polls have shown Gore trailing Texas Governor George Bush Jr, and even 
sometimes Bush's challenger, Elizabeth Dole. Women - Clinton's bedrock of support - 
are the problem: they don't like Gore. It is as thou
gh Gore, the Washington insider, was stuck with the job of treating the sewage of the 
Clinton Administration without the charm, charisma or luck to overcome the stench.

By playing it safe, Gore has managed to make few enemies, and few friends. He was 
loyal to the President, but without too much conviction in case things went horribly 
wrong. He was not right-wing enough for the Right, but
 in courting them he lost his environmentalist support on the left.

Enter Bradley, a flash-in-the-pan. There are no other contenders. For 11 months it 
will be one-on-one, as they say in basketball. As a player, Bradley was well known for 
his positioning, his quick-footedness off the ball.
 And he seems to have maintained this skill. Bradley is thus able to wander the farms 
of Iowa and the flats of Florida sounding rather like Bill Clinton did in 1991 - 
assailing poverty and low standards in schools. He cou
nters questions about his limited political experience with answers about 'my life 

There is the added advantage of Mrs Bradley - or Professor Ernestine Misslebeck 
Schlant - a woman of high calibre who provides a startling contrast to her opposite 
number, Tipper Gore. Professor Schlant is a sharply dress
ed don of literature who has survived breast cancer and speaks five languages.

On Bradley's other arm is Bulls coach Jackson, who called Bradley 'something real 
special' while smooching with the AFL-CIO union conglomerates in Florida. Jackson 
stumped for him at a college in Crete, Nebraska, explaini
ng 'I'm recognisable to young people who may not know who Bill Bradley is', before 
quoting Harry Truman in one breath, then telling the kids how he dealt with wild man 
Dennis Rodman in the next.

On the other side of the court, defending his political hoop, is George W. Bush - or 
just plain 'W'. Although he has yet to declare his candidacy, Bush is a clear 
front-runner. A 'conservative with a conscience', 'W' can
stand for wishy-washy or wise, depending on who you are. He insists that he is cast in 
a different mould from Dad, but has signed up many of his father's staff.

Navigating a centre line, 'W' has the advantage of being a Republican who is for 
things rather than just against whatever President Clinton does; he has a way of being 
an avid free-marketeer who is also preoccupied with '
social promotion' for the working class.

Bush's opposition is slight: Liddy Dole draws big crowds but would find it harder to 
raise big money than her husband's Viagra-enhanced assets. The billionaire-nerd Steve 
Forbes has the funds, but is too extra-terrestrial
 for mainstream voters.

Dan Quayle put his foot in it as usual the other day, saying he hoped Clinton would 
not use the Littleton disaster