Re: [CTRL] [[SC] Skeptic News - Wednesday #4]

1999-05-20 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Re Littleton and the Devil I saw it, when Clinton
addressed the kids at Littleton.I believe that school has some
pretty sick people not only in charge, but in their midst who seemed to
be less than traumatized or in deep grief.

First, when Clinton got up to speak, the crowd acted like teenagers with
a hero in their midst...let us say, no conservatives in that audience.

Second - a few hands shot up - and this really is horrific after what
happened at this school - giving Clinton the sign of the "devil", or in
Mafia talk ' the Mojo, which is a signal for a hit, or a devil; there is
one picture of Christ painted in Byzantine period, giving this mojo
signalbut Christ was holding a jeweled copy of a bookso it could
not possibly have been a replica of Him.

The Superintende delivered a speech; she was just a little too
professional; she had all the appearances of a candidate to public
office, and did Hilary Clinton - who dlivered a speech that could have
been prepared by Warthog James Shea.

But the one kid I have seen before; he was one who had talked too much,
with the pierced ears, at the scene on the date of this eventthere
he was, in front of the camera in a crowd of maybe hundreds of kids,
parading about.

Now this trenchcoat Mafia, was not kid stuff anymore; there is something
very sick in Littleton that has nothing to do with guns...they are
merely the instrument of their own personal version of God.or is it

One little girl killed studied her bible, which is the basis of
genocide, witchcraft which she studied, but had seen the litel.
Littleton was just one big game gone and it was well staged and planned.

Littleton was a sick community long before the masacre of the innocents.

One other intresting item re this Trenchcoat Mafia.drug pushers for
years have been using the kids to peddle drugs, because the jail
sentenced too, are not so heavy - and you cannot or could not prevously,
file adult chrges.juvenile justice then must be reformed...yet our
own CIA and Military deal in drugs on a daily drug in
particular, which might have been the cause of Button running a 20
million dollar plane into a mountain..they blame pilot error, which
this drugs causes aggressiveness, amnesia, a virtual time warp in
memory, where complete control and memory is lost of their actions.

Trenchcoat Mafiawell the Mafia does control the munitions, drugs,
and is the black operation of the CIA.which leads now to the killers
in the Balkansputting on a grand show for television.

Well the chickens came home to roost at Littleton today; what a
performance by ClintonI bet he washes is hands 30 times a day

Littleton is a very sick community; the last think they need in any
school is religion, the way they are teaching it in Littleton and
Atlantareligion can be used for good or for evil.after all
without God, there would have been no Satan - and this is why religious
ignorance is much more deadly than a loaded gun

So, if you take another look at Clinton and Hilliary at Littleton, be
sure to watch for the appearances of hands on many different occasions,
making the Mojo sign of kill, or the sign of the devil, for the
President of the United States, while e smiled back.

The President is as sick as some of those kidsbut how strange, they
arethe sign of the devil or Mojo, while their little friends just
buried, wasn't there for the inside joke?


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [[SC] Skeptic News - Wednesday #4]

1999-05-20 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Robert Tatman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> "ric carter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > # "I smell the presence of Satan". Is Littleton's evangelical subculture
> > a solution to the youth alienation that played a role in the Columbine
> > killings, or a reflection of it? Faith comforts but ignites simmering
> > tensions:
> > : Does Satanism ever appear anywhere but in fundamentalist communities?
> > Is Satanic awareness a necessary component of Xian/Moslem belief?
> The Quaker preacher Elias Hicks once said that we are tempted not by the
> Devil without, but by the Devil within. The people who are most afraid of
> the Devil are the ones most tempted... Fundamentalists always think that
> moral behavior can be legislated by society, but in fact what happens is
> just the reverse--laws almost always *follow* behavior change, codifying
> what is already the norm. If fundamentalists don't like what's happening
> today, they need look no further than their own churches, synagogues, or
> mosques for the reason. You can't mandate spirituality; if spirituality
> is lacking in society, then the fault lies with the churches, etc., which
> dropped the ball and let the secularists take the initiative. The theo-
> logical reasons for this are complex, and would quickly put everyone on
> several lists to sleep. Suffice it to say that if you withdraw from the
> world to keep your own purity, don't be surprised if you find the world
> going off in another direction...

Well, ritual practice *can* be legislated, but unless a society is quite
heavily policed and disconnected from the outside world, such mandates
are widely ignored.  Note that most Western European nations have state
churches... which most residents avoid.  In post-theocratic cultures,
the most effective way to destroy a religion is to establish it as a
gov't agency.  If folk have ANY options besides legally-mandated belief
systems, said agencies will be vastly unpopular.  IMHO the best way to
cripple fundys is to let them win once.  Prayer in public schools will
promote a Techno-Goth revival of unimaginable proportions.

Of course, maybe that's part of the conspiracy - Xian Jeezoid Fundys
are actually Satanists trying to provoke the abandonment of Xianity by
shoving it down our throats, knowing that our regurgitative reaction
will flush away the unpalatable biblical doctrines, right?  Yeah, I
can see it all clearly now...

  Ric "no heretics were burnt in the production of this message" Carter

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] OBE is invading South Africa, what have been the results in the U S

1999-05-20 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

(a correspondence with an interested party)


Look at a teacher who went from South Africa to US OBE:
--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date sent:  Tue, 18 May 1999 23:51:55
From:   Lynn M Stuter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:ED:  Testimony of a Teacher

The following was sent to me via my internet website.  This teacher speaks
to the very heart of the problem with education reform.  LynnS


I am returning to the USA after 10 years of teaching in an ESL, self
contained 7th grade classroom in a rural mission school in the homelands of
South Africa. The first year that I taught and lived amongst the Xhosa
I had to re evaluate my own westernized philosophy of education.  Each day I

faced children with dyslexia, ADD, and physical and  emotional traumas that
would have institutionalized them in the USA.  However, none of them wore
labels, only the desire to learn.  I found out that year that I didn't have
to lower any standards or create alternative tests for those less fortunate.

I set the benchmark for success for the highest learners and achievers and
watched in amazement as collectively the class helped each other to achieve
the best in each other. It was the most rewarding teaching experience anyone

could ever have imagined.  The cherry on the cake was when these children
from dirt poor, dysfunctional families, were accepted into previous all
schools.  While there, they astounded their teachers as they continued to
only keep up but surpass their privileged peers.  Today, in three of these
nationally prestigious schools,  our alumni hold the top positions in
academics, leadership and social service.  How did they get there? First,
they wanted to achieve.  Then they were shown how, by hard work and lots of
practice in the "core" areas. Then, they willingly helped with our optional
Saturday school classes as peer tutors, research leaders (hard copy and
computer) and detention momitors.  They had been given responsibility,
learned how to lead and share and therefore care for one another. With each
passing year I was astounded as the incoming classes themselves pushed the
level of excellence and expectancy even higher!  It certainly kept me on my
toes to keep up with them!

I am now back in the USA as my parents are getting on in years and want me
closer to them.  I want to carry on in the teaching profession while back in

the USA.  Therefore I went back to my state's dept. of Ed to get my
certification updated.  It was there to my shock, that my master's degree in

Ed and my fifteen years of continuous teaching as am elem. school teacher
meant nothing without the results of the newly legislated "Teacher
Proficiency Assessment Exams." ( This is not the general subject assessment
tests but a PROFESSIONAL ASSESSMENT.)  Only with passing results would I be
able to apply for state certification and therefore be able to apply for
state or private teaching assignments.

Now, I have no problems with the need to have teachers be proficient in
academic areas and be tested psychologically. However, I do have a problem
with a test that only lets the correct answer be one based on the modern
jargon, buzz words, or trendy philosophies being pushed about in the
educational field.  I had never heard the buzz words: "inventive spelling" ,

"backwards learning", "OBE" until I looked at the objectives for this
assessment test.

My sister, who is also a teacher, and I sat down to look the sample
over. When we got to the section on evaluating a child's writing, we both
independently noted the same three areas the child needed help in the
revision process.  However, when we looked at the sample answer, we were
totally wrong. Misspelled words were not to be looked up in a dictionary and

then corrected.  The punctuation errors were not to be pointed out, nor
altered.  Finally, the subject verb agreement were not to be addressed
either.  What was to be addressed was the objective.  Johnny must be able to

write a response, in the form of a paragraph relating to Halloween.  Hence,
when he chose to reveal his feelings about the activity and expressed them
his own style, he was given a commendation rather than remediation.

Now, Lynn, how am I supposed to pass a test like this? It seems that the
one who really can is the student who has been under the university's
institutional thought and philosophy!  Therefore, the universities are doing

what we in traditional schools were always told to avoidteaching for the

test!  This does upset me.  If I fail the test on this Saturday, my steps of

recourse are to enroll in the university to become "programmed and updated"
in the objectives I am  non-proficient.

At least I won't be ignorant of OBE because of the information you reported
on your web site.  Th

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Thursday #3

1999-05-20 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990520c - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No animal-rights activists were harmed during production of this bulletin.


@ Search for life on other planets:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

ologist and psychiatrist has given us a modern-day version of the Pinocchio
legend. He says, when someone is telling a lie, the erectile tissue in their
nose expands and the nose starts to itch. He says the could tell that Pres.
Clinton was lying during his taped deposition about Monica Lewinksy - he
touched his nose 20 times per minute. This doctor says he has identified 23
signs of lying. This ain't science folks - they may give hints, but these
signs don't definitely pinpoint a liar. Neither does voice stress analysis.

: Can nasal erectile activity be monitored? Do alien implants interfere with
nasal reactions? Should you be convicted because of your nose? Is it ugly?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# AMAZON DROPS CONTROVERSIAL BOOK. de-lists a book criticizing
the Church of Scientology and founder L. Ron Hubbard. Newsgroups cry foul.

# SEX SITES GETTING SCREWED. It's conventional wisdom that the online
porn biz sets trends for e-commerce. Given the rate of canceled credit-
card charges, online merchants hope that wisdom will falter.

: Online, would you rather be cleared or screwed or tattooed or sued? Why?
Is it dangerous to cancel Scientology credit-card orders? Would you rather
contend with the Church of Scientology or Mafia-linked online sex merchants?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

million unsafe abortions are performed each year, resulting in 70,000 deaths
annually. How to solve this serious health problem? Provide safe, reliable
contraception to women. It's nutz that people who are opposed to abortion,
are also opposed to making contraceptives available. These figures show that
when women want to get abortions, they will, legal or illegal, safe or not.

: Can you think of anyone who should have been aborted? Do alien implants
interfere with making good decisions? How is your reproduction controlled?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# PERFECT BIRTH CONTROL? COULD BE... A test of a new birth control injection
yielded perfect results: NO pregnancies in the more than 700 women who got
the shots. While it might be a downside that women have to go to a doctor's
office for the shots, it does release women from daily pill use, and fertil-
ity returns within a month of a skipped shot. It's currently awaiting FDA

: Does perfect birth control support or conflict with populace-control plots
by Reptilioids, Republicans, Bilderbergers, Beelzebub, Bill Gates, Toshiba?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# EUROPE HALTS GENETIC CORN TRADE. Amidst transatlantic trade woes, the
European Commission halts approval of a genetically engineered crop that
could prove lethal to Monarch butterflies. But it's OK to use on lawyers:

# GM food 'no risk' to health. (BBC) A UK Gov't report on genetically-
modified foods is expected to show they are safe for humans, as plans to
regulate the GM industry are outlined. Hazardous to butterflies however:

: Do you trust GM foods? Have you performed any GM experiments yourself? Do
you want your own genes modified? What's your favorite gene-splicing? Why?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


# PATIENTS, HEAL THYSELVES. New personal medical gadgets will let patients
monitor their own health and run simple tests at home. But will they make
your doctor hang up his stethoscope? Can you get dental surgery online?

# LOST IN SPACE. LONDON (Reuters) - British entrepreneur Richard Branson
is planning a hotel in space and has registered a company called "Virgin
Galactic Airways" to ferry guests into orbit. Beam me up, Richard:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


@ Spacecraft Status reports and other NASA publications are available at: .
@ Information about Space Shuttle countdowns and missions are at:

[CTRL] Army Invades Chester PA with surprise War Games

1999-05-20 Thread David Crockett Williams

 -Caveat Lector-

The Philadelphia Inquirer, May 18, 1999
Army uses Chester sites for training

Troops came in with explosives. The public-housing units are vacant.
Neighbors, officials were shocked.

By Dan Hardy


CHESTER -- Acting under the cloak of darkness, 100 Army Special Operations
troops descended on two vacant public-housing complexes in three training
exercises that terrified nearby residents and surprised even the housing

"It was just a special-operations training in an urban environment,
practicing how they would look at a target building and how they would
attack it," Army Special Operations spokesman Walter Sokalski said. He said
the troops, based at Fort Bragg, N.C., used special-training ammunition that
disintegrates on contact and small
explosives designed to blow in doors.

He said Chester residents "were at no time at risk" during the operations,
which were carried out on Wednesday night at McCaffery Village in the West
End and on Saturday and Sunday nights in Lamokin Village near the Commodore
Barry Bridge. Both complexes are slated to be demolished and rebuilt.

Residents of the areas around the two projects, some of whom were notified
hours beforehand of a "law-enforcement training exercise," said they found
the experience startling and intimidating.

"There was a whole lot of noise, like bombs exploding and people shooting
off automatic weapons," said Manuel Cooper, who lives across Highland Avenue
from the McCaffery training site. "I saw people running in and out of
buildings with pistols in their hands like they were really after somebody.
It really had the kids scared; I would have thought they could have picked a
better place."

Michael Lundy, executive director of the Chester Housing Authority, said he
was told a month ago that the military was considering a training operation.
He said he could not agree with it "right on the spot" because he was
concerned about the negative image of Army troops with weapons in a
public-housing area. He said the Army never called back, and "the first time
I heard about it after that was after it had already happened." Sokalski
said there was little advance notification because "we have to protect what
we call our tactics, techniques and procedures. If any future foreign enemy
knows what we do, how we do it and the way we go about doing it, the things
we have learned and trained upon are of no value. We have wasted our time."

The more than 20 other urban counterterrorism exercises by the Army across
the country since 1994 have provoked similar reactions. In March 1997, the
City of Charlotte, N.C., evicted the Army after the first night of a
would-be three-night stand after public outcry. Likewise, the Army cut short
its stays in Houston and Pittsburgh when its activities, which typically
involve fatigue-clad soldiers bearing arms and setting off minor charges,
prompted fears.

Most Special Operations training is conducted at military facilities,
Sokalski said. Exercises like the one in Chester are "a means for a
commander to test his [troops'] training in other environments. . . . If you
want the best soldiers on your side, then they have to be well-trained by
repetition and by doing it in different environments."

Residents a few blocks away from the McCaffery Village training site were
not told about the exercise.

"I heard a loud noise like an explosion," said Elmira Green, who lives about
two blocks from the staging area. "About three minutes later, there was
another one and the sound of shooting. I was terrified." Chester was picked
for the operation, Sokalski said, partly because there was a high degree of
cooperation from local officials.

"We contacted the mayor, the police, the fire department and the [ Chester
Housing Authority ] director of technical services," he said. "They said,
'We have the authority to sign the paper' [authorizing the training]. We
don't contradict these folks by going and checking with other people. We had
what we thought were all the correct blocks checked." But Lundy, who
oversees the Housing Authority, said he did not know about it. His
public-safety director, Joseph Anthony, had been called at the last minute
and told to help out. "He was given the impression that I knew about the
operation and had sanctioned it," Lundy said. "That was not the case."

Mayor Dominic F. Pileggi did not return repeated calls for comment

Police Commissioner Wendell N. Butler Jr. said: " [ Army Special Operations
Command officials] gave me their credentials and said they wanted to use a
federal housing site. I didn't get the impression that if I said no, they
couldn't do it."

Butler said he urged the Army representatives to get in touch with Lundy. "I
certainly gave them his name," he said. "I thought they were on the same

Yesterday, State Rep. Thaddeus Kirkland (D., Delaware), who represents
Chester, decried the operation: "I think it's totally wrong. You don't hold

[CTRL] Fw: AANEWS for Thursday, May 20, 1999

1999-05-20 Thread CobolMage

 -Caveat Lector-

subject: AANEWS for May 20, 1999

 A M E R I C A N   A T H E I S T S
  #574 ~~ 5/20/99

   "Leading The Way For Atheist Civil Rights
And The Separation Of State and Church"

   In This Issue...
   * Ten More Commandments for Tennessee -- Sims says she'll fight
   * "Tear Down The Cross" rally this Saturday in San Francisco!
   * Oregon abolishes some faith-based exemptions for child abuse
   * TheistWatch: Listen up, Reggie!
   * Resources
   * About this list...


Commissioners in Greene County, Tennessee unveiled a plaque of the Ten
Commandments on Monday which now graces the local courthouse.  The
move is the latest in an escalating war by religious groups to have
the Decalogue or other faith-based messages displayed in government
buildings.  Funds for the Green County plaque were raised by a group
known as United Prayer Fellowship; the chairperson of the organization
told WJHL-TV news that 467 individuals or families contributions
donations.  The display, measuring approximately 4' x 6' feet, is
prominently displayed above the main elevator in the Green County

Carletta Sims, Tennessee State Director for American Atheists says
that she is already beginning preparations for a legal challenge.  She
noted that County Attorney Roger Woolsey "stated that Green County's
actions on the Ten Commandments came out of several counties not
liking the opposition to the request to remove the Ten Commandments
from the Jonesborough Courthouse in Washington County, TN," and that
the proposal for a similar Decalogue display in Green County "brought
about a flurry of religious support."

Sims added that county officials expect their decision to approve the
Ten Commandments plaque will be challenged.

Tennessee has been the recent focus of numerous battles over the
display of the Ten Commandments on public property and other potential
violations of state-church separation.  Last year, Sims was involved
in efforts to have a Decalogue monument removed from the Washington
County Courthouse; the plaque had been erected in the 1920s to honor
the memory of a local Presbyterian ministers.  Civic and religious
groups supporting the public display of the Commandments then
announced efforts to encourage other counties to erect Decalogue
displays of their own.  In neighboring Sullivan County, commissioners
voted to support the Washington County effort to preserve the
religious monument; one officials said that the board's vote was "a
clear signal that Sullivan County doesn't lay down for atheists..."

Sullivan County officials say they will install their own Ten
Commandments plaque at a ceremony on July 4, 1999.  The display will
also include copies of the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of
Independence -- a ploy which Decalogue boosters sometimes use in hopes
of "secularizing" the Commandments and rendering them less violative
of state-church separation.

Sims reports that other plaques may be erected in other parts of the
state as well, including Blount and Knox Counties.  As for the new
display in Green County, Sims reports that supporters of the
Decalogue, including the Prayer Fellowship, are attempting to justify
the Commandments monument saying that it is "not connected to the
government in any way," although it sits as an attachment in a
government courthouse.

Ms.Sims notes that the Decalogue "has no place on government
property," and adds that attempts by religious groups or public
officials to display the Ten Commandments in government buildings
advances a sectarian faith-based agenda.  "How would they react if a
Buddhist or Muslim group wanted to put up its creed?"



American Atheists will host a "Tear Down The Cross" Rally this
Saturday, May 22 in San Francisco to support plaintiffs in a court
suit which calls for the removal of the Mt.  Davidson Cross.  Visit for background on this important
state-church separation case.

The rally begins at 12 noon at the foot of Mt.  Davidson, Lansdale and
Dalewood in San Francisco.  Appropriate signs and banners will be
provided; the march will proceed up to the cross in the middle of
historic Mt.  Davidson cross.  Ray Romano, First Amendment activist
and host of the "Religiously Incorrect" television program, will
address the rally.

For more information, visit or contact the
California American Atheists at [EMAIL PROTECTED], or 415-771-9872.


1999-05-20 Thread CobolMage

 -Caveat Lector-




Members of a House committee now believe that President Clinton's national
security adviser Sandy Berger was deliberately misleading during testimony
on just when the president was told of China spying and theft of U.S.
military technology.

"He was not completely forthcoming about what was known, and when the
president was told," a member of the COX committee told the DRUDGE REPORT
on Thursday night.

According to the soon-to-be-released Cox Report, Berger was briefed on the
China activity in 1996.

Berger testified that he did not brief President Clinton until early 1998,
more 18 months later.

But the committee has obtained evidence, via testimony and documents,
according to sources, that Berger's testimony had major timeline trouble.

"We have learned that Sandy Berger told the president in July 1997, not in
early 1998," one committee member said.

Vice President Al Gore was alerted to China's spying in March 1998 by his
national security adviser Leon Fuerth, according to testimony.

But Fuerth was fully briefed in April 1996, the Cox Report determined.

"Administration officials would have us believe that Mr. Fuerth waited to
tell the vice president about the China situation until after it appeared
in the NEW YORK TIMES?" a committee member questioned.

The Cox Report is set to be released in hard copy and online next week.

  X X X X X


Y2chaos on CBS-TV this weekend!   Despite the billions being spent to deal
with the Y2K computer bug, many cities in America are uncertain they'll be
able to continue to provide basic services like water and electricity on
Jan. 1, 2000, reports 60 MINUTES in a new shock story being readied for

CBS' Steve Kroft is putting the finishing touches on his controversial
report, according to network sources.

Mary Ellen Hanley, a computer systems specialist hired by the District of
Columbia, tells wide-eyed Kroft that she believes Washington will continue
to function on Jan. 1, 2000, but it must be prepared for what many cities
could face.

"We think there will be some disruptions... localized in many cases if the
supply chain works," Hanley tells the cameras.

"If power works, if gas works, if Bell Atlantic works... all of those are
big ifs."

Hanley explains to Kroft that contingency programs, such as centers where
city workers would manually verify taxes or write welfare checks, are being
planned by her office. And even though she believes the city's water system
can run without computers, rationing could be necessary if a power outage
for as long as a week or two -- slows down water distribution.

Sen. Robert Bennet, R-Utah, who chairs a special Y2K Technology, scares the
stopwatch and explains:  "If, for example, there is a municipality that is
unable to distribute welfare checks, there could be some civil unrest that
could come out of that.  If, if there was a disruption in the food supply,
and food didn't get in, in a distributive kind of way.  That it was
concentrated in one part of the city but not in another, that could be a
situation that could create some civil unrest."

Tick, Tick, T. . .

  X X X X X


MEET THE PRESS was again the No. 1 Sunday morning public affairs program
last weekend, placing first in total viewers, homes and among all key news
demos, according to NIELSEN.   Host with the most Tim Russert attracted
3.810 million total viewers, ABC's THIS WEEK trailed by over one million
with 2.866 million, CBS' FACE THE NATION had 2.083 million and FOX NEWS
SUNDAY had 1.311 million total viewers.

MTP placed first among women, men and adults 25-54 and has now been No. 1
among Sunday morning adults 25-54 for 45 consecutive weeks.

But then the NIELSEN machines go screwy.

'DRUDGE' on the FOX NEWS CHANNEL has double the number of viewers as TIM
RUSSERT's CNBC chat show?

In recent weeks Russert has been experiencing total humiliation for his
cable news effort -- losing out to an Internet reporter!

For the weekend of May 8-9, TIM RUSSERT pulled an average .19 rating -- and
DRUDGE scored a .51, according to NIELSEN.

In fact, the latest cable news ratings breakdown [Sunday, May 9] show
DRUDGE on FNC setting the pace, pulling in the highest audience rating of
any program all day on FOX NEWS, MSNBC, CNBC or CNN.

DRUDGE scores a .44 for its Sunday night reairing at 9 PM ET, more than
doubling MSNBC's EQUAL TIME [.22], topping BEST OF RIVERA LIVE [.39] and
smashing CNN's orginal special CELEBRATE THE CENTURY [.35].

But Russert isn't alone in the humiliation.  A recent DRUDGE 

[CTRL] Lott calls China report 'scary'

1999-05-20 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Lott calls China report 'scary'

Thursday, 20 May 1999 20:07 (GMT)

(UPI Spotlight)
Lott calls China report 'scary'
   WASHINGTON, May 20 (UPI) - Senate Republican Leader Trent Lott says
(Thursday) a House committee's report on possible spying by China on U.
S. government and industry details what could be "the biggest breach of
national security in our lifetimes." Lott and other senators were
briefed on the report in a bipartisan meeting Wednesday, and Lott said,
"The hair stood up on the back of my neck, because it's scary."

**COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and
educational purposes only.[Ref. ]

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] UK Ban Child Discipline

1999-05-20 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-


The NWO war on the British public took a turn for the worse yesterday
when a 48 year old teacher and father of three was convicted of
assaulting his hysterical eight year old daughter in a dentist
surgery on Xmas eve for not co-operating with the dentist to have
a painful tooth extracted when the next available appointment
was january the 5th.
Experts diagnosed a 'redness of the buttocks'
He now faces the sack and a lifetime ban from the classroom..
His lawyer said, after the conviction ' If it goes on like this
there will be no discipline at all because parents will be too
no more 'redness of the buttocks' the full might of UK Law is in swing
as the Government seeks to ban corporal punishment in schools.
Tony Blair, about to announce the New Deal of Citizenship for Children ??,
a combination of the Pied Piper and Willy Wonkas Chocolate factory,
Stitch your parents up for a Candy Bar 
as Hillary says 'it takes a village to raise a child' and I am immediately
reminded of Patrick McGoohans 'The Prisoner' a Tomlinson-like figure
trapped in a high security interrogation facility called 'the village'
after resigning from MI6.
This is another analogy for 'Fortress UK' a claustrophobic death star policed
by clowns that cannot supply the telephone number for the farcical
security watchdog Tribunal - which has never yet upheld ONE COMPLAINT.

The assassination of Mother and Father as role models, to be replaced
by Lara Croft Tombraider, also Recently proposed by the BBC - pornographic
films such as 'Office Tart' for general release, sick mind controlled
teletubbies, Genetically Modified TV Soaps and the de-emphasis of rational
thinking in schools - combined with a horrific diet of sugar, alcopops and
food additives will make for a generation of short lived Zombies who
hate their parents and the committment to love and nurture that created them.

Young Citizen Cains who slew their Able Gifts.

Andrew Hennessey
Transformation Studies Group

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Your Web Page Advisory/ Aquino

1999-05-20 Thread Kris Millegan

Dear Mr. Aquino,

I will, with your approval, include this letter on the site.  I will try to
further investigate your claims.  I must say, after reading your previous
letters, that the truth is I have not given you a fair shake, and that was
indeed wrong of me.  I am not trying to kiss up to you by saying this, but
merely stating the truth.  Every man deserves an assumption of innocence, and
I don't believe I have given you that, perhaps prejudiced by your religious

Having said that, I highly respect the work of Alex Constantine and Curio,
and know from my dealings with them that their opinions are based on their
honest analysis of the evidence.  Perhaps they are wrong (or perhaps they are
not), but I stand by their work and consider it very important.

In any case, I am glad we have been able to keep this amicable.  Though I
fight when I have to, I do not enjoy always being at war.  If you are indeed
innocent, the best way to settle this is to let people see both your case and
Curio's and Mr. Constantine's, and let them decide for themselves.  This is a
much more effective way to quiet critics than lawsuits, I think.  I will try
to keep my own biases and opinions out of the Aquino files as much as
possible: it may turn out that this page will be of great service to you in
the long run.

Enough said: thank you for your time.  If you feel you should contact me
further for any information or questions, you can always email me, or phone
me at (310) 737-1081.

Thank you again,

Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

<< Dear Mr. Sterling,

Thank you for including my statement concerning
the Presidio "SRA" scam and its bizarre aftermath(s)
on your web page.

I can understand how people like "Curio", who have
a pathological and/or financial interest in promoting
perverse "SRA" sexual fantasies, behave as they do.

I find it curious, however, that a person like yourself,
who claims to be opposed to governmental conspiracy,
and illegal activity, should allow himself to be so
easily used in the perpetuation and coverup of such
flagrant *actual* conspiracy and violation of law by
the Army CID - which, after all, is very much a
continuing bureaucracy with continuing power
over the lives of serving soldiers.

It was further a shock to me not only that a U.S.
district court would turn a blind eye to the CID's
numerous acts of obstruction of justice, but that
an appellate court would just as casually rubber-
stamp this coverup. The entire experience left me
with a profound sense of disillusionment concerning
the integrity of these institutions.

That, I think, is a very real and a very serious
government conduct problem which can unjustly
*continue* to harm the lives and reputations of many
innocent people. For you to actually participate in
its coverup, under the rationale of blessing an
idiotic, nonexistent "SRA" myth which brought
so much grief to so many scam-victims, including
the coldly-exploited children, during the 1980s,
strikes me as sadly naive at best and blatantly
hypocritical at worst.

Michael A. Aquino, Ph.D.
Lt.Colonel, Military Intelligence, USAR-Ret >>

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: The Michael Aquino Files

1999-05-20 Thread Kris Millegan

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

The Michael Aquino Files

The Konformist wishes to thank Curio Jones in assistance for presenting the
Since February 1997, Michael Aquino has been waging a legal campaign against
Curio Jones for putting up on the internet evidence that Mr. Aquino and his
wife are guilty of child molestation. Mr. Aquino vehemenly denies the charge,
and to stop Mrs. Jones' campagin, he has engaged in lawsuits against her
internet providers to force them to take her information down (since the
costs of defending the lawsuits is more than the amount they receive from Ms.

For those unaware of the story, Michael Aquino has developed a persona
comparable to Darth Maul over the years for his reputation as a biggie in
mind kontrol experiments. (In fact, he wrote a novel titled The Dark Side,
exploring the philosopy of the Sith Lords.) What is undeniable is this: Dr.
Aquino is a psychological warfare expert and a retired Lieutenant Colonel in
US Army Intelligence Intelligence. He is also the founder of The Temple of
Set, which he formed in 1975 after leaving Anton LaVey's Church of Satan. He
was also accused of being involved in child molestation at The Presidio in
San Francisco during the late 80's.

Because of this, to many, he is the smoking gun, the proof firmly connecting
the Pentagon and the CIA mind-kontrol experiments to Satanic Ritual Abuse,
using cults as a cover. Whether he is or not can certainly be debated:
certainly, the prevailing wisdom presented in The Konformist is that he is.
But rather than telling you what the reality is, The Konformist has decided
to present the information and let you decide for yourself. Included in the
following is many of the files provided by Curio Jones on the net. Not all
are about Michael Aquino himself, but all are included to give the viewer the
background information on the charges, and that SRA is no mere hysteria, as
groups such as the False Memory Syndrome Foundation would insist. Also
included are a letter from Dr. Aquino, and an article he wrote for Paranoia
Magazine. I encourage him to send more information, and I certainly will post
it. What I will not bend to is any attempt by him or others to suppress the
information provided by Curio Jones through lawsuits. Whether her opinions
are correct or not (opinions she does try to back up with information), she
certainly deserves to be heard. On the issue of Freedom of Speech alone, the
following must be presented, read and debated.

Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

If you are interested in a free subscription to The Konformist Newswire,
please visit and sign up. Or, e-mail
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject: "I NEED 2 KONFORM!!!"
(Okay, you can use something else, but it's a kool catch phrase.)

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limited time, you'll receive FREE SHIPPING on every toy,
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[CTRL] Fwd: S99-84, Day 58 (May 20 9:00PM EDT) - A Special TiM GW Bulletin on NATO's

1999-05-20 Thread Kris Millegan


The Special Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins on NATO's war on Serbia,
such as the one enclosed below, can also be accessed at our Web site: which is being updated throughout the day.

Issue S99-84, Day 58
May 20, 1999; 8:00PM EDT


Belgrade  1. Three People Killed, Many Injured, in NATO's
Attack on Belgrade Hospital

London2. NATO Commits Murder; Up to 38 Aircraft Lost

Brussels   3. NATO Rift Now Out in the Open As Germany
Publicly Breaks Ranks

Athens 4. Top Greek Judges Condemn NATO

Buenos Aires   5. Argentineans Oppose NATO's Bombing;
Rebuff Their President

Washington 6. Clinton Calls in PR Reinforcements Instead of
   Calling Off War

1. Three Dead, Many Injured, in NATO's Attack on Belgrade Hospital

PHOENIX, May 19 - Three people were killed and many more wounded in NATO's
overnight attack on a Belgrade hospital.  Two women giving birth and a new
born baby were among the injured.  The deaths occurred in the
cardiovascular section of the "Dragisa Misovic" hospital in the posh
Belgrade suburb of Dedinje.

Dedinje is the suburb where Slobodan Milosevic used to live before the war,
and where most of ambassadors to Yugoslavia have their official residences.
 One of them, the residence of the Swedish ambassador, was also reportedly
slightly damaged in a blast which blew out almost all of the hospital's

Swedish Foreign Minister, Anna Lindh, said today (May 20) that NATO
bombings in Belgrade were "unacceptable," and that she would seek an
explanation from the alliance.

"It is unacceptable that right in the center of a large city these kinds of
large explosives are used causing this kind of damages and injuries,''
Lindh told the Swedish news agency TT. "The strike on the hospital
underscores the need for a political solution."

The U.S. embassy telephoned the Swedish foreign ministry to apologize for
the damage to the ambassador's residence, a spokesperson for Lindh said today.
TiM Ed.: The U.S. government apologizes to Sweden for a few broken windows,
yet unapologetically continues to kill and maim scores of Serb civilians
every day, including babies.  What sort of monsters have taken over our

The supposedly errant strike, at least according to the NATO spokesperson,
was a part of the first aerial attack on central Belgrade since the May 7
bombing of the Chinese embassy.  The strikes against the Dedinje hospital
and other targets in and around Belgrade followed seven hours of talks
between Viktor Chernomyrdin and the Yugoslav president Milosevic.

As a Belgrade resident remarked indignantly after last night's bombing,
"every time a Russian comes calling, some NATO shit follows."
TiM Ed.: In other words, the NATO attack on Dedinje was most likely
intended to be the punch line to a "tough" message which the New World
Order lapdog, Chernomyrdin, was asked to deliver to Belgrade.  Instead, the
bombs merely punched a few more tickets for a war crimes trial of the NATO
murderers and baby killers.

See some photos of the strike against the hospital, and listen to the sound
of the bomb which hit it at our Web site:

2. NATO Commits Murder; Up to 38 Aircraft Lost

LONDON, May 18 -  Even before the latest NATO crime against humanity, some
voices were being heard in the western media which tried to call attention
to the murders being committed by the alliance.  One of them was the voice
of John Pilger, a London Guardian reporter.  Here are some excerpts from
his May 18 piece, "Acts of Murder," with a cynical sub-title: "Up to 38
aircraft have been shot down or crashed. This is suppressed, of course."

"The room is filled with the bodies of children killed by Nato in Surdulica
in Serbia. Several are recognisable only by their sneakers. A dead infant
is cradled in the arms of his father. These pictures and many others have
not been shown in Britain; it will be said they are too horrific. But
minimising the culpability of the British state when it is engaged in
criminal action is normal; censorship is by omission and misuse of
language. The media impression of a series of Nato 'blunders' is false.
Anyone scrutinising the unpublished list of targets hit by Nato is left in
little doubt that a deliberate terror campaign is being  waged against the
civilian population of Yugoslavia.

Eighteen hospitals and clinics and at least 200 nurseries, schools,
colleges and students' dormitories have been destroyed or damaged, together
with housing estates, hotels, libraries, youth centres, theatres, museums,
churches and 14th-century monasteries on the World Heritage l

[CTRL] The Great American Crossroads

1999-05-20 Thread Mike & Kathy Moxley

 -Caveat Lector-

"The Constitution shall never be construed . . . to prevent the people of
the United States, who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own
-Samuel Adams (Father of the American Revolution)

The Great American Crossroads
by J.J. Johnson

Dear American,

You are losing your right to keep and bear arms. Shortly after the Oklahoma
City Bombing on April 19, 1995, many of you learned about a network of
people you wrongly thought were responsible for the deaths of 168 Americans.
As you watched in horror, you became convinced – although you supported the
Second Amendment, that many of you had to distance yourself from such types.
It became un-poplar to be labels with the various negatives that were given
to people who called themselves "militias".

For the next few months after that bombing, you had the opportunity to hear
and read all their rhetoric. You heard all of it. Some of you have continued
read their opinions via the Internet, short-wave radio, and even in some
cases, AM talk radio. Still, you choose not believe them – to write them off
as mere "kooks", and a justification to expand the power of an already
all-powerful government – the one you fear and loathe toady.

Today, you, the Second Amendment activist - you the conservative - may be
throwing up your hands in defeat. The political inertia to legislate away
the right to keep and bear arms – and your Liberty, is now on auto-pilot.
Your executive branch of government has proven to you it cares nothing about
your nation’s security, your personal security, or the laws of the nation as
a whole. You attempted to elect a legislature to keep the power of the
regime in check. Now, you have even lost faith in them. You now look at
Washington, DC as the municipal model of hypocrisy for the world.

You are now at a crossroads. You, as well as the rest of us have lost more
rights and freedom in the last 7 years, than during the entire war of
1861-1865. You now fear that by the turn of this century, you – all of us
will find ourselves against a wall, with virtually everything you believe –
everything you were taught – your entire value system of life, will made
criminal behavior, and shunned by the social power of the day.

Yet, we are Americans. And being an American once stood for something –
something that is being stamped out of existence. Some of you may now be
contemplating your own personal future – and what your next generation faces
in their future. You dare not speak it, or even think it. To do so, will
bring a terrifying vision that would bring into question every moral fiber
in your soul. You are truly at an American Crossroads that has not been
approached on this soil since 1865.

It was made public on June 15, 1995 in Washington, D.C. at a Senate
Subcommittee hearing on Domestic Terrorism. It was the following statement
that troubled many then, as will trouble many today. As you watch your
legislators at work in Washington today, remember these words:

"…The only thing standing between this type of [legislation] and armed
conflict between the citizens and this government is Time…."

It is a frightening thought. I can say from personal knowledge, that the
person who made that statement was frightened by it also. It frightens him
today. It was spoken by a person who at the time, represented in part - the
militia movement in the United States of America.

Four years later, there are many who in their minds, know they owe the
militia movement – those so-called "patriots" - those right wing crazies -
an apology. Like it or not, virtually all of their fears and predictions
have become reality in four short years. What you are seeing in Washington,
D.C. , and what is going on in your soul today, is why they were arming
themselves; training themselves; and trying to warn you. Today, many of them
are rotting in jails for mere political reasons. Some have left the country
in disgust. Others have abandoned the battle, only to stand as a witness for
the ages, and to prove to themselves that their fears had merit. They were
not criminals. They were not terrorists. They were Americans, just like you.

I personally witnessed a tragedy last night. A had to visit a successful man
in a federal jail awaiting trial for a crime he did not commit – a crime
with no victim. It is a crime for speaking his mind against government
policy - and daring to hurt no one. He is not a "militiaman". He is not a
right-wing extremist. He has never committed a crime in his life. He is not
even an American. He is European.

The man was one who loved America and the Americans he knew. He loved to
visit the Home of the Free and the Land of the Brave. He would tell his
friends and family back home about it’s beauties and treasures. A man who
remembered when Americans of his generation liberated his continent from
oppression. He was there – under the dark boot of tyranny. While going over
the details of his plight, this gray hared businessman

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [InTheShadows] Activism needed: Dineh and Hopi are being forced off thei...

1999-05-20 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Prudence L. Kuhn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 1999 6:11 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: [InTheShadows] Activism needed: Dineh and Hopi are
being forced off their land

The Dineh [Navajo and Apache] arrived in the southwest just before the
Spaniards showed up, and have been forcing Hopi off their land ever
since; they are part of the problem, not of the solution.  Interested
folk would do well to study the history of the Dineh and Southwestern
peoples before jumping to conclusions.

  Ric "don't worry, be Hopi" Carter

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fwd: [InTheShadows] Activism needed: Dineh and Hopi are being forced off thei...

1999-05-20 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

From: Ernie Karhu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> The Dine'h people at Big Mountain, Arizona, desperately,
> urgently need your help to stop the human rights violations being committed
> against them by the United States government. They have been given the
> ultimatum that they are to be off their sacred land of Big Mountain by
> February, 2000. The media has been curiously silent about this entire issue.
> The Dine'h people need your help to force the national media to make public
> the atrocities that they are having to endure. They also need your help
> to continually remind Congress, the President and Vice President that the
> laws that were enacted to cause the mistreatment of the Dine'h people must be
> repealed.  Time is running out for the Dine'h people--and for us all.
> NOW.

December 31, 1999 is the Deadline, says the U.S. Government


Animals confiscated, elderly Dineh people denied the right to gather
firewood or get water, and other basic human rights violations.

Why have the national news media, usually so quick to jump on any story
of significance, who have seemed so sympathetic toward American Indian
rights in recent years, been so silent about this atrocity?

The "Pot Calling the Kettle Black?"
How can the leader of one nation accuse another of violating people's
human rights and launch armed attacks against that country when the
accuser is committing similar crimes against his own people?

What is the pattern here?

How does this fit into the larger picture?

"The tendency of power to increase itself, particularly when
exercised by a single individual... would terminate in virtual
monarchy The Executive department has become dangerous
As long as the love of power is a dominant passion of the human
bosom... so long will the liberties of a people depend on their
constant attention The danger to all well-established free
governments arises from the unwillingness of the people to believe in
the existence... of designing men History, ancient and modern, is
full of such examples. Caesar became the master of the Roman
people and the senate under the pretense of supporting the
democratic claims...; Cromwell, in the character of the protector of
the liberties of the people, became the dictator of England, and
Bolivar possessed himself of unlimited power with the title of his
country's liberator The tendencies of all such governments in their
decline is to monarchy... and, like the false Christs whose coming
was foretold by the Savior, seeks to, and were it possible would,
impose upon the true and most faithful disciples of liberty. It is in
periods like this that it behooves the people to be most watchful of
those to whom they have intrusted power."
President William Henry Harrison

George Washington referred to this [tendency] in his Farewell Address,
1796: "A small but artful and enterprising minority are likely, in
the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which
cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert
the power of the people and to usurp for the themselves the reins of
government;... This leads at length to a more formal and permanent
despotism. The disorders and miseries, which result, gradually
incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute
power of an Individual... [who] turns this disposition to the purposes
of his own elevation, on the ruins of public liberty Ill founded
jealousies and false alarms, kindles the animosity of one part against
another, foments occasionally riot and insurrection. - It opens the
doors to foreign influence and corruption."


"n. The theory and practice of power politics elaborated from
Machiavelli's The Prince: envisaging: (Machiavellianism), namely

( 1 ) seizure, maintenance, and extension of absolute power by the
nicely graduated use of guile, fraud, force, and terror;

( 2 ) control by the ruler of all avenues of communication, thus
facilitating the deliberate molding of public opinion;

( 3 ) the employment for surveillance and terrorist activities of
subordinates who can be disowned and liquidated by the ruler, who
thus escapes the blame for their atrocities."

It appears quite clear that we are seeing such a crisis on our own soil!
The "foreign influence" of which George Washington warned is already
taking place.

It has been almost 500 years since Machiavelli argued that any
action is permissible to gain and keep political power; that the
end-justifies-the-means; that creating crisis is necessary to
concentrate control.

Unfortunately, after reading Machiavelli, can we watch or otherwise view
the news on the net and here in this post without wondering if there is an
enemy behind the enemy? Is this just Clinton? Can one person be that
powerful? Or is this a gener

[CTRL] Fw: Columbine High School shootings explained

1999-05-20 Thread Lloyd Miller

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Harry Middigits <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy
Date: Thursday, May 20, 1999 8:58 PM
Subject: Columbine High School shootings explained

The "leader of the free world" waxing oh so eloquently:
"'We're not inflicting pain on these fuckers,' Clinton said, softly at
first. 'When people kill us, they should be killed in greater numbers.'
Then, with his face reddening, his voice rising, and his fist pounding his
thigh, he leaned into Tony [Lake], as if it was his fault. 'I believe in
killing people who try to hurt you. And I can't believe we're being pushed
around by these two-bit pricks.'"

-- George Stephanopoulos writing about the Somalia crisis in "All Too
Human," page 214

Perhaps we should ban 'President Clinton'...

--Clip from

H. Middigits

Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research (POB 20273,
Ferndale, MI 48220), a ruling class/conspiracy research resource for the
entire political-ideological spectrum.  Quarterly journal, book sales,
rare/out-of-print searches, New Paradigms Discussion List, Weekly Up-date
Lists & E-text Archive of research, intelligence, catalogs, & resources.
 To Discuss Ideas:
  For Ordering Info & Free Catalog:
  For Discussion List:
   text in body:  subscribe prj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Explore Our Archive:  
   Video Finder, Free Catalogs, Links, Sweepstakes, What-Not:

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Army Attacks Chester, PA

1999-05-20 Thread David Crockett Williams

 -Caveat Lector-

From: Andrew Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Army Attacks Chester, PA
Date: Thursday, May 20, 1999 1:23 PM

I can't believe our society has such total disregard for the citizens of
Chester.  How did this happen?  Are we asleep at the wheel?  We have had a
problem with good leadership(Republican)for over 100 years.  When will the
people rise up and elect their own representation (Democrats or
Independents) because obviously we don't have it with the current croonies
in office. Its frightening to think that the people in office could care
less about the welfare of the people.  They would sale each other out for a
few pieces of gold and silver.  How much did they get paid to approve this
most atrocious action?  What were the trade offs and promises?  Just like
they sold off the water authority, trash service, police services, and now
the housing authority has relenguished their federal duties to uphold the
safety of the people (mental and physical health as well).

At 08:15 PM 5/19/99 -0400, Mike Ewall wrote:
>>From: "Zulene Mayfield, Chester Residents Concerned for Quality Living"
>Dear friends,
>I am not sure how to put this.  This community has been through so many
>injustices, but recently we've had the final straw placed upon us.  We are
>experiencing a living hell.  We have had trash trucks run over us, have
>tons of sewage pumped into the community, have thousands of tons of trash
>burned here, have millions of pounds of pollutants dropped on us but the
>latest attack has taken this fight to a total low.  Beginning on May 13th
>at around 6:00 pm, a troop of the Army special forces division of Fort
>Bragg, NC disguised as police officers "took" over a public housing project
>and conducted what they are calling "urban warfare maneuvers."  Without any
>notice, they began playing wargames using plastic bullets (something they
>are calling breach bombs), helicopters, etc.  On May 14th, I went to our
>council meeting and questioned the mayor on who authorized this to occur.
>He said he needed to confer with our police chief (who incidently was
>sitting in the audience).  When pressed on the matter, he refused to
>comment and they promptly ended the meeting.  They have since then been
>taking messages from people who are calling the mayor's office, having the
>police commissioner call them back and tell them that if they have
>complaints to call our Congressman Brady's office.  We have contacted
>Brady's office and are awaiting a response.  But the ultimate responsiblity
>lies with the oppressive corrupt
>republican government here that has allowed the 4th largest incinerator,
>sewage, soil burners, tire burning, bioremediation of contaminated soil,
>etc.  In fact, it is believed that industry has a special line to call into
>the mayors office (who by the way is up for re-election and is being
>opposed by a financially struggling
>democratic party).  The Mayor's office is denying involvement.  The Chester
>Residents Concerned for Quality Living (CRCQL) is calling for massive
>marches!!!  We have called for a massive planning meeting.  We will post
>when the march will be.  Please send the butthole in the Mayor's office
>your letters, phone calls, etc.  We want them to feel the heat.  His number
>is 610-447-7723; fax 610-447-7706.  When we determine what military
>butthole is at fault we will also post the information.  Please call me to
>help publicize these activities 610-485-6683 or 610-485-7730.
>Here is an article from the incident.
>Zulene Mayfield
>Chester Residents Concerned for Quality Living
>Philadelphia Inquirer, May 18, 1999

Re: [CTRL] Ayn Rand quote re schools (Explains Colorado Before the Fact!)

1999-05-20 Thread philately

 -Caveat Lector-

In her book, "The New Left: The Anti-Industrial Revolution"
(in a chapter entitled, "The Comprachicos") Rand wrote:

Comprachico is a Spanish word meaning "child-buyer."
The comprachicos were a nomadic association, notorious
in the seventeenth century. They bought and sold
children - special children, children turned into
deformed freaks, used in freak shows to amuse the
public. At an early age they placed a young child
in a porcelain pot with a grotesque form. As the
child's body grew, it had to assume the shape of
the pot. The result was a deformed freak for people
to laugh at.

Rand uses the practice of the comprachicos as an analogy to
describe American "education." She refers to our "educators"
as "the comprachicos of the mind." Children's minds are forced
to assume the shape of a grotesque "intellectual pot."
Rand describes the result:

"The students' development is arrested, their minds
are set to respond to slogans, as animals respond
to to a trainer's whistle, their brains are embalmed
in the syrup of altruism as an automatic substitute
for self-esteem... They would obey anyone, they need
a master, they need to be told what to do. They are
ready now to be used as cannon fodder - to attack,
to bomb, to burn, to murder, to fight in the streets
and die in the gutters. They are a trained pack of
miserably impotent freaks, ready to be unleashed
against anyone."


John Taylor Gatto
*The Origins of Compulsory Education*
copyright 1994 by Jim Martin
Interview (April 1994)

*Introduction: After nearly 30 years in the public schools, John Taylor Gatto 
has quit his
job as a schoolteacher to become one of the country's most articulate critics of 
American education.
The author of Dumbing Us Down currently lives in New York City, where he is working on 
a book about
the history of compulsory education called The Empty Child.

During a telephone interview in 1994, I wanted to get John Gatto's opinions on 
President Clinton's
edu-du-jour, which is called "Goals 2000". Rather than address the specifics of Goals 
2000, or any
other educational "reform" efforts aimed at public schools, Gatto soon had me reeling 
back almost
two centuries to the origins of compulsory schools, when children were marched off at 
to attend the first universal state-run schools.

**Excerpts from John Taylor Gatto interview copyright (1994) by Jim Martin 
from an article
appearing in Flatland Magazine #11 published September 1994 full text available for 
$6.00 postpaid
from Flatland: POB 2420, Fort Bragg, CA 95437.

*** Prussia is the first state in human history to have a compulsory 
schooling law that
works. There were a handful of them that existed prior to the Prussian law of 1819 but 
they don't
work. Nobody is dumb enough to keep going to school after a few days. It collapses 
when the cops
don't come after you. That's what happened to the famous New England compulsory school 
law. It was
there as a piece of window dressing.

But not in Prussia. They really were marched to school at bayonet point. It was after 
defeat of Prussia at the battle of Jena at 1806. A famous Prussian philosopher named 
announced in an Address to the German People: that the party was over. Now the 
children would be
taken. Now they were going to be told what to think and how long to think it. They 
were going to
understand that the state is the primary parent and the blood family is secondary. 
Between 1806 and
1819, two brilliant brothers, the Humboldts, a guy named Stein, and a few others, 
divide the society
into children who will become policy makers; children who will become assistants to 
policy makers
(the engineers, architects, lawyers, and doctors); and the children who will be the 
vast, massed,
the used.

Prussia sets up a three-tier school system, in which one half of one percent of the 
population is
taught to think. They go to school called academie. Five and a half percent of the 
population go to
Realschulen, where they partially learn to think, but not completely, because Prussia 
believed their
defeat at the hands of Napoleon was caused by people thinking for themselves at times 
of stress on
the battlefield. They were going to see to it that scientifically this couldn't 
happen. The lowest
94%, (that's some pyramid, right?) went to volkschulen, where they were to learn 
harmony, obedience,
freedom from stressful thinking, how to follow orders. They worked out a system that 
would in fact
guarantee such results. In the volkschulen, it was to divide whole ideas (which really
simultaneously participate in math, science, social thinking, language, and art) into 
subjects which
hardly had existed before, to divide the subjects further into units

Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] klintoonalgoreWH:considering fee for searching government Web sites]

1999-05-20 Thread mrgrits

 -Caveat Lector-

I heard this proposal was dropped a few hours after it was

- Original Message -
From: Robert Tatman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 1999 4:33 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] klintoonalgoreWH:considering fee for searching government 

> -Caveat Lector-
> "Peter L. Sroufe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  -Caveat Lector-
> >
> > Government Debating whether to Charge for Internet Searches
> >
> >
> > AP
> > 19-MAY-99
> >
> >
> > Washington (AP) -- The Commerce Department is deciding whether to charge
> > Internet users a fee for searching government Web sites.
> >
> >
> > The department has partnered with a private company and has launched a Web
> > site that searches thousands of government and military Web sites and
> > documents for 15 dollars-per-day. However, the agency has put the fees on
> > hold until it decides whether the charges violate a federal policy on
> > unrestricted access to public papers.
> >
> >
> > The documents on the Web sites are already available for free by other
> > means.
> >
> >
> > (Note: The Web site is
> >
> >
> First it was Agriculture and Monsanto; now it's Commerce and
> What's next--Treasury and Citibank? Maybe the U.S. Mint could sell space on
> U.S. currency to major corporate donors--Mickey Mouse on the ten-dollar bill,
> Darth Vader on the fifty, anybody else got any ideas? ;^D
> Bob
> =
> Robert F. Tatman
> Remove "nospam" from the address to reply.
> NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
> distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in
> receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For
> more information go to:
> Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
> screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Dutch Gov't Faces "Threat of Democracy"

1999-05-20 Thread No Kidding

 -Caveat Lector-

>But it may easily become an absurd
>tyranny if we regard it worshipfully, as though it were more than a
>political device. We have lost all sense of its true meaning wheen
>we imagine that the opinion of fifty-one per cent is in some high
>fashion the true opinion of the whole hundred per cent, or indulge
>in the sophistry that the rule of a majority is based upon the ultimate
>equality of man. -- Walter Lippmann

In this case there had to be a two-third majority ...

No K.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substancenot soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Amazon Drops Controversial Book (fwd)

1999-05-20 Thread Yardbird

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 13:15:00 -800
From: Wired News Daily <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Wired News Daily <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Amazon Drops Controversial Book

 Wired News - a must-read for the latest information and commentary
 on our rapidly changing digital world.

   W I R E D   N E W S  Top Stories - 12:00pm 20.May.99.PDT
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

   AMAZON DROPS CONTROVERSIAL BOOK (BUS. 3:00 am) removes a book from its site that criticizes the
   Church of Scientology and founder L. Ron Hubbard. Newsgroups
   cry foul. By Polly Sprenger.
   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


   In the midst of transatlantic trade woes, the European
   Commission halts approval of a genetically engineered crop
   that could prove lethal to Monarch butterflies.
   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


   A 15-year-old sophomore, distraught over breaking up with his
   girlfriend three days earlier, is being identified as the
   gunman who opened fire at a high school in Conyer, Georgia
   early Thursday, wounding six students. The boy, whose name
   was not released because of his age, was identified by other
   students at Heritage High School as the shooter. One witness
   said that he dropped his rifle and fled after the shooting,
   then pulled out a pistol and put it in his mouth. He was
   prevented from shooting himself by an assistant principal,
   and reportedly surrendered in tears. The most seriously
   wounded student, a 15-year-old girl, was reported in stable
   condition at an Atlanta hospital. She was shot through
   the intestines.
   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


   It's conventional wisdom that the online porn biz sets trends
   for e-commerce. Given the rate of canceled credit-card
   charges, online merchants hope that wisdom will falter. By
   Craig Bicknell.
   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


   New personal medical gadgets will let patients monitor their
   own health and run simple tests at home. But will they make
   your doctor hang up his stethoscope? By Lindsey Arent.
   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


   Middle-Americans clamor for big houses in the suburbs, but
   Sarah Susanka says a small, well-designed home is more
   appealing than a huge house. Frank Jossi interviews the
   architect in Minneapolis.
   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


   At Microsoft's CEO Summit execs talk power and speed. Martha
   Stewart and Ford are just two companies eager to jump on the
   bandwith bandwagon. Chris Stamper reports from
   Redmond, Washington.
   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


   AOL gets a boost from the FCC in its quest to regulate what
   sorts of Internet access that cable companies will be
   allowed to provide. Declan McCullagh reports
   from Washington.
   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


   AOL's chief executive says he'll have nothing to bolster
   Microsoft's defense when he's deposed as a hostile witness
   in the antitrust case.
   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


   AOL, Walt Disney

Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] klintoonalgoreWH:considering fee for searching government Web sites]

1999-05-20 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

"Peter L. Sroufe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> Government Debating whether to Charge for Internet Searches
> AP
> 19-MAY-99
> Washington (AP) -- The Commerce Department is deciding whether to charge
> Internet users a fee for searching government Web sites.
> The department has partnered with a private company and has launched a Web
> site that searches thousands of government and military Web sites and
> documents for 15 dollars-per-day. However, the agency has put the fees on
> hold until it decides whether the charges violate a federal policy on
> unrestricted access to public papers.
> The documents on the Web sites are already available for free by other
> means.
> (Note: The Web site is
First it was Agriculture and Monsanto; now it's Commerce and
What's next--Treasury and Citibank? Maybe the U.S. Mint could sell space on
U.S. currency to major corporate donors--Mickey Mouse on the ten-dollar bill,
Darth Vader on the fifty, anybody else got any ideas? ;^D


Robert F. Tatman
Remove "nospam" from the address to reply.

NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in
receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For

more information go to:


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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Dutch Govt Faces Threat of Democracy]

1999-05-20 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

>  -Caveat Lector-

> But early Wednesday, Hans Wiegel, a senior member of the Liberal Party,
> against the measure. He argued the measure was flawed because it would give
> the public too much power over government policy, particularly in issues
> involving European and international affairs.

Well, we can't have the public exercise power over government policy, can we?
After all, the Government is there to govern...what do the *people* know about
it? I would have thought the Dutch, of all nations, would have had more sense,
except that, of course, it was Prince Bernhard who founded the Bilderbergers.
(Now, you can argue whether Bernhard is in fact Dutch, since he was born a
German and served in an S.S. Panzer division...but what do these details

Sometimes I think public policy would make more sense if all legislators were
required to debate weighty matters standing on their heads...


Robert F. Tatman
Remove "nospam" from the address to reply.

NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in
receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For

more information go to:


Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-05-20 Thread David Crockett Williams

 -Caveat Lector-

From: Mike Ruppert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Saturday, May 15, 1999 2:32 PM

From: "Mike Ruppert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Coming in the May Issue of from The Wilderness - Plus in-person appearance
in L.A. May 21, 1999 - Catherine Austin Fitts

EXCLUSIVE! Exclusive! EXLUSIVE! Exclusive!


Catherine Austin-Fitts, former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban
Development under George Bush, former Managing Partner of the Wall Street
investment bank Dillon-Read discloses how HUD may have been a central part
of Reagan-Bush era scandals which included Iran-Contra, Savings and Loan and
the massive corruption at HUD.

Fitts will disclose how she, after being fired by Jack Kemp in 1990 for
refusing to go along with rampant corruption, later became a hugely
successful consultant for Democratic HUD Secretary Henry Cisneros. She saved
the taxpayers billions of dollars and was "nuked" again in 1996 for
developing databases and software which showed real connections between
CIA's crack cocaine and the wholesale looting of South Central L.A. through
defaulted home loans.

Catherine Austin-Fitts, using her brilliance as an investment banker who
moved billions of dollars on Wall Street, will reveal the true power of drug
money and confirm, with data the Department of Justice and HUD have been
trying to suppress, what residents of the inner cities have long suspected -
that ethnic cleansing is an American tradition and it is probably the uglier
truth behind Gay Webb's book Dark Alliance. The CIA didn't just encourage
and protect the cocaine epidemic, it most likely had a much larger and
sinister purpose - which can be empirically demonstrated!

Also in the May issue:



AVAILABLE ONLY FOR SUBSCRIBERS TO From The Wilderness by U.S. Mail. This
issue will mail on Friday, May 21, 1999. Subscriptions are $35 annually,
Payable to from The Wilderness Publications at P.O. Box 6061-350, Sherman
Oaks, CA 91413. Or call 818-788-8791.

Catherine Austin Fitts will be making a Los Angeles appearance with Mike
Ruppert on Friday, May 21, 1999 at USC. Friday May 21, 1999 OPEN COMMUNITY
MEETING, University of Southern California, Mike Ruppert with former Bush
Assistant Secretary of Housing, Catherine Austin Fitts.

TOPIC: The other half of the Gary Webb stories - ethnic cleansing in

Von Kleischmidt Center (VKC), University of Southern California, 7 -9 PM.


Komisaruk and Bill Simpich lead attorneys for the class action suits.
Official enrollment forms and instructions on how to sign-up your community.
Updates on the progress of the suits and more.

Taper Hall, University of Southern California 6 - 8 P.M.

ONElist:  where the world talks!
Join a new list today.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [[SC] Skeptic News - Wednesday #4]

1999-05-20 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

"ric carter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> # "I smell the presence of Satan". Is Littleton's evangelical subculture
> a solution to the youth alienation that played a role in the Columbine
> killings, or a reflection of it? Faith comforts but ignites simmering
> tensions:
> : Does Satanism ever appear anywhere but in fundamentalist communities? Is
> Satanic awareness a necessary component of Xian/Moslem belief? Is hate hot?
> _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

The Quaker preacher Elias Hicks once said that we are tempted not by the Devil
without, but by the Devil within. The people who are most afraid of the Devil
are the ones most tempted... As Jesus said, "Don't try to take the splinter
out of your friend's eye until you've removed the log from your own eye."
Fundamentalists always think that moral behavior can be legislated by society,
but in fact what happens is just the reverse--laws almost always *follow*
behavior change, codifying what is already the norm. If fundamentalists don't
like what's happening today, they need look no further than their own
churches, synagogues, or mosques for the reason. You can't mandate
spirituality; if spirituality is lacking in society, then the fault lies with
the churches, etc., which dropped the ball and let the secularists take the
initiative. The theological reasons for this are complex, and would quickly
put everyone on several lists to sleep. Suffice it to say that if you withdraw
from the world to keep your own purity, don't be surprised if you find the
world going off in another direction...


Robert F. Tatman
Remove "nospam" from the address to reply.

NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in
receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For

more information go to:


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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Belgrade Maps may prove Chinese Embassy targeting not a mistake

1999-05-20 Thread David Crockett Williams

 -Caveat Lector-

Old Belgrade maps question NATO's excuse for targeting Chinese Embassy.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-05-20 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

 -Caveat Lector-

Disney Fact Sheet

Jodi and Paul Hoffman sent me this factsheet to share with you and I am very
happy to do so. The factsheet begins after the next gray divider. Text in
the factsheet is black and is verbatim from the factsheet from the Hoffmans.
Text in burgundy typewriter font is comments and supporting findings from
Thomas Carder, President of the ChildCare Action Project.


>From Jodi and Paul Hoffman

Do you remember the Colorado Boycott in which homosexual activists punished
an entire state for rejecting their agenda? NOW IT'S YOUR TURN!

Some Facts About Disney, which you should consider, before buying any Disney
products, or viewing any Disney movies:


FACT: Disney recently bought Capital Cities/ABC for $19 billion. On March
19, ABC aired a "Dana Carvey Show" program which featured jokes and laughter
about alcohol abuse and cocaine addiction. The same show had a skit called
"Under Five on Comedy Central" in which children made crude jokes and
resorted to name-calling. Also on the show, Carvey portrayed George
Washington using cocaine and Ben Franklin in bed with another man. The same
program had a cartoon skit entitled "The Ambiguously Gay Duo" in which two
Superman-style heroes are homosexual lovers and drive a super car shaped
like male genitalia. Finally, a "Celebrity Bloopers" spoof featured 17 uses
of the F-word (bleeped out, of course; but its intent was clear). What more
can our children and families expect from ABC?

Regarding blooper type programming, I don't know which of them are
Disney-produced or Disney-supported, but EVRY ONE I've seen has had some
sort of programming drawing undeniable attention to the human male posterior
and crotch and to underwear. In one of them, I believe it was bloopers of
newscasts, presented ostensibly a sporting official being impaled with a
javelin - and the sound associated with it was howling laughter. I'm sure it
was not funny to the official who was impaled. This type of programming (and
many others) takes its invisible toll on the character and values of your
children whether we want to believe it or not!

FACT: Disney dropped its 17 year-old "Glory and Pageantry of Christmas"
display (one of Disney's few concessions to the fact that Christmas is
Christian) near Disney World in Orlando, Florida, and replaced it with
"Tropical Santa." Elements of the new festival include, "Santa Claus, tree
lighting and caroling with tropical elements such as Caribbean and Jazz
renditions of Christmas music, a musical stage show with 'Tropical Santa",
street performers for kids, a lighted parade and a holiday sing-a-long and
fireworks finale."


FACT: In June, 1996, Disney helped promote the 6th annual "Gay and Lesbian
Day at Walt Disney World." Disney has allowed the homosexual organizers to
portray Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck as homosexual lovers; and Minnie Mouse
and Daisy Duck as lesbians.

By my resentment in this, I drew a image of Mickey Mouse with an earring in
his right ear (a homosexual "trademark") and was going to post it to the
intro of this page. But by the sage wisdom of a friend, I did not post it
for fear of copyright infringement. I wish you could see it - it 'tells it
like it is.'

FACT: Disney has extended company health benefits to live-in partners of
homosexual employees (the policy does not cover unmarried heterosexual
couples who live together). -The Orlando Sentinel, 10/7/95; USA Today,
10/19/95; Daily Variety, 10/9/95

This is not to say that we agree that a man and a woman should live together
out of wedlock.

FACT: Disney president Michael Eisner is quoted as saying he thinks 40% of
Disney's 63,000 employees are homosexual. -AFA Journal 6/97

FACT: Disney has the largest homosexual employee organization in the
entertainment industry.

The immediately previous two points represent the "extra pound that broke
the camel's back" and pushed me over the threshold into joining the Disney
boycott movement.

FACT: Disney helped underwrite the 1993 Hollywood benefit for the National
Gay and Lesbian Task Force. -The Press Enterprise, 12/28/93

FACT: Disney advertised in Out, a homosexual magazine. -Out, 2/94

FACT: Tom Shumacher, Disney VP of feature animation, is an open homosexual
who takes his "husband" to executive retreats. In an interview with the
homosexual publication The Advocate, Shumacher said: "There are a lot of gay
people (at Disney) at every level. It is a very supportive
environment." -Human Events, 8/12/94; The Advocate 6/25/94

I wonder whether Disney has or will take 'disciplinary action' against
employees or has or will refuse applicants based on their disagreement with
the homosexual and lesbian lifestyle and agenda.

FACT: According to 


1999-05-20 Thread David Crockett Williams

 -Caveat Lector-

Give 'em heck!  Fax and phone numbers for comments to Bush's attorney listed
below.  Bush refuses to acknowledge his cocaine use.  With proper promotion
this could have far reaching effects towards ending the drug war but I bet
wasn't crack.  I am forwarding this separately to my partial list of
national and Bay area media.  Please forward to relevant lists that you may
be on that are not shown above.

-Original Message-

Date: Thursday, May 20, 1999 8:06 AM

May 20, 1999

Bush learns about internet a moment too late

Contact: Ray Thomas (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
 Zack Exley (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
 Bush attorney Benjamin Ginsberg
   (202-457-6405, fax 202-457-6315)
 Bush letter to F.E.C., etc.:

Each week, thousands of people seeking information on probable Republican
presidential candidate George W. Bush, Jr. type "gwbush" into their web
and end up at

Bush has tried hard for weeks to shut down the rogue site, which parodies
official and discusses his past cocaine use, as
as parodying U.S. politics in general. Bush's legal efforts began April 14
a cease-and-desist letter claiming that violated copyright laws.
Shortly thereafter, on May 10, Time Magazine reported that the Bush campaign
just purchased sixty additional domain names, including and, in an apparent attempt at damage control. Bush's most recent
is a complaint filed with the Federal Election Commission that may have
widespread implications for free speech on the internet. is owned by Zack Exley, a Boston computer consultant. Most of the
content on the website was provided by RTMARK, a group that specializes in
calling attention to corporate subversion of the U.S. political and
process. is listed as an unofficial Bush campaign site in Yahoo!

Bush's latest legal effort against, a complaint filed May 3 with
Federal Elections Commission, asserts that Exley has violated election laws
not registering as a political committee, and urges that the site's "fair
value" puts the endeavor well over the $1000 threshold that defines a
committee under election law. (At one point, Bush's counsel had asked Exley
what price he would sell his domains, which also include and; Exley quoted $350,000.)

The F.E.C. case may set a legal precedent in the area of internet speech in
electoral campaigns. One F.E.C. employee, who preferred not to be
said the commission has recently established a "special inquiry committee"
discuss possible regulation of sites such as

"George W. Bush Jr. apparently thinks small-time folk should have to
with the government before exercising free speech on the internet," said
Mae Rakoczi, a lawyer and RTMARK representative. "The implications of such a
precedent could be quite serious."

RTMARK and Mr. Exley represent the unlikely kind of collaboration the
makes possible. Mr. Exley is a computer consultant to the Boston financial
sector, and describes himself as "a Christian who loathes hypocrisy." RTMARK
primarily devoted to anti-corporate activism, and counts the very companies
Mr. Exley works for as some of its targets.

By reserving the domain names, Exley initially hoped to sell them back to
Bush camp for a small profit. That changed, however, when he read news
that discussed Bush's refusal to deny past cocaine use. His interest in the
matter has since escalated into something of a crusade. "Bush won't deny he
cocaine, yet hundreds of thousands of people are serving very long sentences
equivalent or lesser crimes, including many in Texas [where Bush is
Clinton just got away with perjury while a hundred people are in jail for
crime. Do we want our children to learn that a crime is only a crime if you
don't have power?"

Exley first invited RTMARK to provide content for after hearing
their "franchise" program, in which the group provides a tailor-made
website to anyone with an appropriate domain. According to RTMARK
Ray Thomas, "Bush himself was originally a secondary issue for us.  We just
wanted to use as a platform to make various points about how
corporations have subverted and sabotaged the political and electoral
and hoped it could illustrate the low level to which campaigning has sunk.
more Bush has tried to get in our way, however, the more we've chosen to
the site a direct attack on his 'stealth' presidential campaign, and the

[CTRL] Caspian Oil

1999-05-20 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


>From Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty

Before the demise of the Soviet Union in 1991, only two independent
states -- the USSR and Iran -- bordered the Caspian Sea. Now, five
states -- Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Turkmenistan --
adjoin the sea, the repository of an estimated 200 billion barrels of
oil and comparable reserves of natural gas.

Over the past few years, major Western oil companies have concluded a
series of multi-billion dollar contracts with Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan,
and Russia to explore and develop Caspian oil and gas deposits. But
the implementation of these deals still depends to a large extent on
the construction of a network of pipelines to export these
hydrocarbon riches to Western markets.

At present, the only functioning pipelines run across Russia, giving
it leverage over its newly-independent neighbors. And at least one
such agreement is threatened by a dispute between Azerbaijan and
Turkmenistan over the ownership of specific deposits because the
international legal status of the Caspian Sea and the precise
delimitation between the national sectors of the states that border
it are unresolved.

Continuing RFE/RL coverage of energy-related developments in the
region will be posted to this page. Also see the RFE/RL Caucasus

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
   German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Everyone has the seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers."
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] From the Past, Building for the Future

1999-05-20 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

Via CentalEurope Online

Tools Of War Could Help Rebuild Kosovo

By Anton Ferreira

Advocates of an innovative building method say Kosovo's refugees,
when they eventually return home, can use it to transform the tools
of war -- sandbags and barbed wire -- into the foundations of peace.

The technique, known as "Superadobe," is the brainchild of Nader
Khalili, an Iranian-born architect working in the high desert of
southern California, who for eight years has been building
comfortable, durable homes from sandbags, barbed wire and earth.

Nassrine Azimi, head of the U.N. Institute for Training and Research
(UNITAR) in New York, has visited Khalili's research center in
Hesperia, east of Los Angeles, and believes Superadobe could be used
in post-war Kosovo in a new twist on the idea of beating swords into

"When it comes to rebuilding villages in Kosovo, it might apply," she
said in an interview, praising Superadobe for the lightness of the
materials used, its speed and ease of erection and relative low cost.

"It's one of those simple things that are slow to be adopted because
they don't make a lot of money for anyone ... The battle is to get
enough people to know about this kind of building," Azimi said. She
said the challenge for technologies like Superadobe was to get the
backing of political authorities and to overcome prejudices against
the unusual or innovative.

Wanted: a change of attitude

"A lot of people think, if it's not concrete, then there's something
wrong with it," Azimi said.

Khalili and his colleagues have built several demonstration
structures at their Cal-Earth Institute, hosting would-be Superadobe
builders from around the United States and abroad.

The basic structure is formed by filling bags with whatever soil is
found on the building site and laying them in a circle with a
diameter of 12 to 14 feet (four to five meters). The circles are
built up in layers with strands of barbed wire laid between each
layer like Velcro to give additional stability.

The circles grow gradually smaller as they get higher, closing at the
top, so the finished structure resembles a domed beehive. It requires
no structural timber or steel, although cement can be added to the
earth mix for greater strength. Holes are left for a door and

The buildings at Cal-Earth have passed with flying colors tests of
their ability to withstand earthquakes and Hesperia city building
authorities have approved a house design using sandbag construction.

Khalili, who used to design conventional concrete and steel
skyscrapers before deciding to pursue affordable earth-based building
methods, said Superadobe would be ideal for rebuilding homes and
infrastructure in both Kosovo and Serbia.

"It would be like the phoenix rising from the ashes," he said. "But
in this case it would be rising from sandbags."

No detailed assessment of the physical damage to Kosovo's cities and
villages is possible yet but NATO officers say "thousands" of homes
have been destroyed in 500 Kosovo villages.

"Rebuilding the conventional way will cost a fortune and take
forever," Khalili said. "Both NATO and the Kosovars should send
representatives to Hesperia to see what we have here."

The Superadobe technique resulted from Khalili's efforts to simplify
traditional earth architecture as much as possible. He started out
trying to make mud brick -- adobe -- buildings more resistant to
earthquakes and weathering, then hit on sandbags as a way of
eliminating the laborious block-making required in adobe building.

Method offers hope for the homeless

Superadobe houses are not only for the poor. They can be plastered,
enlarged and given whatever level of interior and exterior finishes
the owner can afford, including conventional plumbing and wiring.

Nassrine Azimi said the technique was well suited as emergency
shelter after natural disasters such as the hurricane that struck
Honduras last year, making tens of thousands of people homeless, and
as affordable housing to replace the shack cities in much of the
Third World.

"One you have the basic structure up, you can gradually add to it
until you have a proper home. It's real application is in slum areas -
- that's where the magic may lie," she said.

Superadobe has also won converts in an unlikely constituency:
"survivalists" who preach self-reliance. In a recent edition of one
of their favorite magazines, "American Survival Guide," an assessment
of the building method praises, among other things, its ability to
withstand attack.

"The walls should provide adequate protection, under certain
conditions, against 5.56 mm rifle fire, 7.62 mm rifle fire, and M433
40 mm High Explosive Grenade blast," the magazine said. "If your
particular survival scenario or location requires this type of
protection, then a Superadobe home may be a consideration for you."

Copyright (c) 1999. RFE/RL, Inc. Reprinted with the permission of
Radio FreeEurope/Radio

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Thursday #2

1999-05-20 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990520b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Psychic line named for Paula Jones. BOCA RATON, Fla. (AP) Paula Jones has
lent her name to a psychic hotline while she ponders a country singing car-
eer. She may want to stick to Patsy Cline. The gal whose lawsuit triggered
events that nearly toppled a president isn't enticing many to fork out money
to dial their destiny. "If this were a horse race, we'd be off to a slow
start." She contracted for a 90-day trial as a spokeswoman for the hot line.
If the calls start coming at $3.49 a minute Jones could extend her contract
for 5 years. See

: Does Paula Jones already know whether you'll call or not? Did her psychic
link inform her of the outcomes of her liasons and lawsuits? Was it right?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Mysterious circles keep cropping up. (BBC) 3 mysteries of the 80s remain:
Eddie The Eagle, Limahl's haircut, and crop circles. But the greatest of the
three is crop circles. Strange forces could be at play. Paranormal or fraud:

# Also: Are crop circles a hoax?
# US billionaire funds crop circle research:

@ Links: Circlemakers:
@ Lucy Pringle's page:
@ Crop Circle Connector:
@ Crop Circle Hoaxing:
@ Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal:
@ Heavenly Angelic Forms of Communication:
@ Disinformation Counter Culture:

: If you were a superior alien race, you'd communicate with inferior races
by sculpting their vegetation, wouldn't you? What better was is there? Why?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Valley Visions. When the going gets weird, the weird end up in Colorado's
San Luis Valley. Wondrously depicted by self-appointed paranormal investiga-
tor and Crestone resident Chris O'Brien, the San Luis Valley - a breathtak-
ing expanse straddling southern Colorado, northern New Mexico - is plagued
by flying saucers, cow vandals, space guns, serial killers, spook lights,
ghost trains, coma healers, prairie dragons and even something called a
"bi-locating nun."

: How many bi's can your nuns locate? Do you have UFOs, cow orkers, zapguns,
and other para/normal phenomena in your neighborhood? Want to tell us more?
Would we buy your story? Are the voices in your head good at narration? How?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


# Net will be death of MI6. Former spy Richard Tomlinson, accused of naming
MI6 agents online, says the Internet makes the security service irrelevant.
No big loss:

# No environment damage in Yugoslavia. Despite Yugoslav claims that NATO's
bombardment was causing ecological catastrophe, the UN and environmental
groups have concluded that no significant pollution has yet been detected.
Try to see

@ The Return of Inequality. The great bulk of Americans are losing economic
& political power; the affluent are gaining both. This is not a recipe for
social comity:

# New moon discovered around Uranus. Astronomers have discovered the 18th
moon of Uranus from a 13-year-old picture. Keep those old Polaroids, eh?

# GM pollen 'can kill butterflies'. Pollen from one of the most successful
gene-modified crops in the US harms the caterpillars of Monarch butterflies.

# Close shave with asteroid. A large asteroid could miss the Earth by only
38,000 kilometres in 2027, according to new astronomical observations. Whew.

# Cow cure for royal madness. Cattle have given researchers a clue as to how
to develop a treatment for the incurable disease that made King George III

# When is a school not a school? An online school in Australia is being
blocked by a local authority which says a school has to have classrooms.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



[CTRL] "Bar" 'd History

1999-05-20 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-




By Zoltan Grossman

Back in 1991, I was a witness during the Wisconsin Ojibwe
spearfishing conflict, monitoring harassment and violence by anti-
Indian groups. One night, after listening to too many chants of
"Indians Go Home" and "White Man's Land," I decided to warm up for a
minute in a car. The car radio had on graphic news reports on the war
in the disintegrating Yugoslavia. It struck me that the nationalists
calling for a Greater Serbia, a Greater Croatia, and a Greater
Albania were using the same rhetoric as the anti-treaty protesters on
that cold boat landing. Rather than blaming their own leaders for
their economic problems, they were manipulated to blame the ethnic
group living next door, and to clear them out of "their" territory.

Eight years later, we can see the United States at war in Yugoslavia,
supposedly to stop "ethnic cleansing"-- the genocidal forced removal
of a population. In this process, Americans want to see white hats
and black hats (like in a John Wayne Western), but in reality we can
only see "gray hats," with the forced removal of civilians of all
ethnic groups. Two wrongs are not making a right. The bombing and the
forced expulsions are mutually reinforcing forms of violence that
simply feed off of each other. In 1991, likewise, the aerial bombing
of northern Wisconsin towns would not have helped the Ojibwe, but
merely strengthened the ethnic violence against them.

NATO claims the bombing is a "humanitarian intervention" to prevent
the sort of ethnic cleansing that has escalated since the air strikes
began. This selective humanitarianism spotlights human rights abuses
by U.S. enemies like Yugoslavia and Iraq, but downplays the same
abuses being perpetrated by U.S. allies such as Turkey, Indonesia,
Colombia, and Croatia. Not only has Washington turned a blind eye to
their ethnic cleansing, but has actually helped to facilitate it--
including in former Yugoslavia only four years ago.

A 1995 offensive by the Croatian Army--with the help of U.S. air
strikes and military trainers--ethnically "cleansed" hundreds of
thousands of Serbs from the Krajina region, where they had lived for
centuries. The Serbs in Croatia had revolted against a government
that prevented their self-rule, much like the Kosovar Albanians later
did against Serbia. Many of the expelled Krajina Serbs were resettled
in Kosovo, exacerbating the ethnic tensions that have now erupted
into war.

In neighboring Bosnia later that year, the brutal Serbian and
Croatian "cleansing" of Muslim communities set the stage for the
Dayton Accords. The U.S. rubber- stamped the de facto ethnic
partition of the country between Serbia and Croatia, dooming any hope
for a multiethnic future that includes all three Bosnian ethnic
groups. The idea that NATO opposes Balkan "ethnic cleansing" flies in
the face of recent U.S. approval of "pure" ethnic boundaries that
were drawn by forced removals.

The NATO double-standard also overlooks the history of harsh and
methodical "ethnic cleansing" to build the land base of the United
States itself. This history not only includes the Trail of Tears from
the Southeast, but the forced removals of Navajo (Dine) and Apache
from Arizona, many Ho-Chunk, Potawatomi, and Ojibwe from Wisconsin,
and most Mdewakanton Dakota from Minnesota. It also includes modern
forced removals, including of the Big Mountain Dine. If we cannot
understand our own history, how can we dictate to other countries how
to solve their historic ethnic conflicts?

Given this history, perhaps the greatest irony is the U.S. Army's
recent deployment of helicopter gunships nicknamed "Apaches." When
the U.S. Army defeated the Apache Nation in Arizona, the troops
rounded up the survivors, locked them in cattle cars, and shipped
them to a Florida military fort. Most of the refugees died of malaria
or other tropical diseases. California State Representative Tom
Hayden observes, "...The much-touted Apache gunships with American
crews are preparing to escalate the conflict. The real Apaches...were
victims of a brutal, even genocidal, ethnic cleansing by the U.S.
armed forces in the last century. That our government can self-
righteously go to war to save Kosovo with helicopters named after the
victims of our own ethnic cleansing measures the state of denial we
are in."

Another victim of ethnic cleansing were the Sauk and Meskwaki of
Illinois. They became refugees who fled into Wisconsin, only to be
massacred on the banks of the Mississippi River. They were led by
Makatai Meshekiakiak (Black Hawk), whose English name now identifies
another Army attack helicopter.

No doubt the U.S. Army will justify the name of its attack
helicopters in the same way that schools justify their racist school
mascots--as historic symbols intended to "honor warriors." If that is
the case, then certainly other national minority groups can be
similarly honored by t

[CTRL] (More) Memories of Empire + Balkan Tour #2

1999-05-20 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


The Guardian
Original link: News Unlimited | Documentaries Story

The drive to intervene

Richard Gott thinks he sees just an old-fashioned British imperialist
behind the righteous Tony Blair

Thursday May 20, 1999

The historian A J P Taylor used to argue, wisely, that present events
help us to understand the past and not the other way round. So little
purpose is served by invoking the appeasement policy of the 30s or
the genocide of the 40s to explain what is happening in the Balkans
in the 90s. What we might now better comprehend, in the light of the
events of the past two months, is why people volunteered with such
enthusiasm 100 years ago to fight against the Boers in 1899, and why
so many went happily off to war in 1914, thinking it would all be
'over by Christmas'. It was 'over by Christmas' - in 1918, by which
time most of the early volunteers were dead, and the British empire
had received a blow from which it never recovered.

Both those wars, as is the case today, caused deep and agonising
rifts within the ranks of liberals and socialists. Some joined in the
war fever, others held aloof. During the Boer war, the small but
influential group of pro-war 'Liberal imperialists', operating in
parliament, and the press, were known by their opponents as the
'Limps', a suitably disparaging title which might usefully be
revived. It is a tradition to which today's phalanx of pro-war
columnists and leader-writers in the Guardian clearly belong. Among
their number then was Herbert Asquith, a pro-war politician whom Tony
Blair may well increasingly come to resemble. Asquith eventually got
his chance to be the Liberal party's war leader in 1914, and was
rudely removed from office two years later, never to enjoy high
office again.

Yet for most of this century the accepted historical wisdom concludes
that the opponents of war were proved right in the end, a fact that
may explain why almost every British historian today is in the anti-
war camp. The Boer war, with its concentration camps and its
slaughter of civilians, is now perceived to have been pointless and
barbaric, and newspapers such as the Manchester Guardian were bravely
right to oppose it.

The First World War, too, is rarely remembered today as an exemplary
war that was worth fighting. John Morley, the Liberal former viceroy
of India, who resigned from the cabinet on the first day, on the
grounds, as he put it, that he was 'a notorious peace-man and little
Englander', is thought to have made a wise and honourable decision,
as is Ramsay MacDonald, who came out in active opposition. The ardent
bombing supporters of today, suffering from the historical amnesia
typical of the age, do not care to invoke the memory of these
constant wars. Confounded by the unpredicted course of this new
conflict, which has unleashed an unimaginable disaster undreamt of at
the start, they hunger for battle on the ground, while remaining
curiously reluctant to abandon their almost religious enthusiasm for
aerial bombardment.

They seem to forget that even during the Second World War a powerful
movement of progressive opinion arose in Britain, led by the
churches, to oppose the saturation bombing of Hitler's cities, on
both moral and practical grounds. Yet the critics of the bombing
proved to be right; the bombing of the Germans merely reinforced
their will to continue the war. Today's bombing enthusiasts, unable
to find convincing arguments to support their case, have concentrated
their attacks on those who have long supported non-intervention in
Balkan affairs, accusing them of moral blindness or of not
understanding the bright new future of 'humanitarian interventionism'
that beckons.

Yet there is nothing new about this project. It is a throwback to the
colonialism of the last century, when the imperial powers intervened
at will in the affairs of independent states and peoples. Today's
British Limps threaten a return to those old imperialisms,
recommending intervention whenever they feel that an individual
sovereign state is not behaving according to their definition of how
states should behave.

At first they thought they had the United States with them, but now,
finding President Clinton reluctant to engage American ground troops
in a Balkan war, they pour scorn on his lack of leadership and his
failure to pick up the white man's burden. Clinton at least has some
sense of history. He had the decency to acknowledge, when flying in
to Europe for a couple of days, that he came from a country built up
on ethnic cleansing. Milosevic is but a neophyte, he implied, in a
very ancient cult.

Clinton spoke movingly of the Native Americans who had been driven
from their homes in the 19th century, and he suggested that America
was still living in the shadow of those appalling events. Yet Tony
Blair has never so much as hinted that Britain was responsible,
during more than 200 years, for some of the most dreadful,
institutional ethnic cleansing th

[CTRL] Spinning Thread

1999-05-20 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

>From OriginalSources.CoM

Christiane Amanpour’s CNN Report - A Massacre Right on Schedule?

Watching Amanpour in Albania is Like Watching a Who-dun-it You’ve
Already Heard

By: Mary Mostert, Analyst, Original Sources (

May 20, 1999

Watching CNN these days is like watching a who-dun-it when you’ve
already heard the ending. I’ve been receiving a flurry of e-mail from
Macedonian, Russian, Yugoslav and Greek sources telling me that the
public’s sagging interest in supporting the senseless bombing will
shortly be beefed up with some kind of "burning the Reichstag" sort
of propaganda ploy. Of course, NATO Bomb supporters were much
incensed that I printed those e-mail which warned that Christiane
Amanpour was already in place in Albania with three camera crews to
create the hoped for public outrage.

So, guess what? Right on schedule we have pictures, no less, taken by
an Albanian who says they prove a massacre in Izbica in the Drenica
Valley of Kosovo. Jamie Shea, NATO spokesman went to great lengths to
try to convince the media that pictures he had "proved" that there
had been a "massacre" at Izbica. What we TV viewers could see were
presumed bodies on the ground and an overvoice of Christiane Amanpour
pumping Albanian refugees to tell her about the atrocities they had

Back in 1991-92, when "massacres" were being reported from South
Africa, I happened to BE in South Africa. One picture which went
around the world was a photo of bodies lying on the grass in
Johannesburg of blacks who had been killed, it was reported, by the
evil white police of the F.W. DeKlerk government.

The picture showed bodies scattered all over a grassy open place. The
only problem was that the "bodies" were not dead bodies. They were
sleeping bodies. An enterprising cameraman had taken pictures at
midday on the Witwaterrand University Campus in Downtown Johannesburg
when, as usual, a large number of black students were taking their
mid-day nap.

On several occasions I was asked to go to squatter camps to see how
badly black South Africans were treated by the white regime. Each
time I visited a squatter camp - and you really had to search for
them in the black townships - I asked questions that I note
Christiane Amanpour NEVER asks in the Albanian Refugee camps. My
first question was: "Where did you come from?" and the second
question was, "How long have you lived in this area?" In all my
visits to squatter camps I never met a single South African citizen.
The supposedly mistreated South African blacks invariably came from
Mozambique, Zaire, one of the black homelands, Zimbabwe. They were
illegal aliens who had come to South Africa in hopes of finding a

The South African blacks I met in Soweto lived in 2-3 bedroom brick
homes (built by the government) on small lots. I was in and out of
Soweto almost daily for 18 months during a period of time when the US
press was saying that no white people were EVER allowed in Soweto.

Since the evil white government of South Africa was ousted, have you
read anything about South Africa? Unlikely. CNN doesn’t cover South
Africa any more. Of course, the value of the rand has dropped more
than 50% and unemployment and crime have skyrocketed - but you never
hear about the near anarchy going on there, or the numbers of white
farmers being killed almost daily. Why? Because the media can no
longer make the story a racial conflict story. The people being
killed are mostly blacks killed by blacks or whites killed by blacks -
 and regardless of how many get killed, that doesn’t constitute a
"massacre" for CNN purposes. So, they pretend nothing is happening.
Hundreds of thousands of blacks have died violent deaths and millions
are dying of AIDS, but the Clinton Administration has been totally

That all may explain why I am skeptical of CNN’s timely "massacre"
stories. We were told there was going to be an Albanian massacre,
reported by Christiane Amanpour for the express purpose of getting
the public worked up so they will support sending ground troops into
Yugoslavia. And, sure enough, right on schedule, we have massacres -
and we have camera crews claiming to have witnessed them. However,
Jamie Shea was having a hard time with the pictures he was showing
trying to prove any real trauma. What I saw was a man standing in the
middle of a field waving his arms. Shea said he was explaining that
was where the men of the village were killed. Were they KLA? They
said no, even though the men were not young men because all the young
men, Shea said, had "fled into the hills" leaving their wives and
children, apparently, to face the evil Serbs alone. The men killed
were older men - so we were told.

Now, doesn’t that sound like the Albanian men are just great heroes?
Christiane tells us the Serbs come in and rape all the women and
their husbands just flee to the hills and leave the

[CTRL] Serbian Cartoonist: Dreams, prisons and graveyards

1999-05-20 Thread Mack White

 -Caveat Lector-

>From: "Sasa Rakezic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Dreams, prisons and graveyards
>Date: Wed, 19 May 1999 23:22:33 +0200
>X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
>X-Priority: 3
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Sasa Rakezic
>P.F. 163
>26000 Pancevo
>Yugoslavia (Serbia)
>May 19 1999
>Hey, I'm glad that I keep on visiting my friends cartoonists in their
>dreams. Rick Veitch told me about his dream of me being happy because I got
>some grant, and it was true, in reality, to my own surprise, just a few
>days before Rick dreamt this, I was informed that my grant for a trip to
>Seattle was accepted, and I'll go there for 6 weeks if the war stops until
>October !...
>Today I received a letter from Mack White, here's an excerpt from it:
>"In your report this morning you described Bob's dream.  Considering your
>interest in dreams, I thought you'd be interested in one I had last night.
>You were in it:
>I dreamed I traveled to Serbia.  The reason was because the Internet had
>been shut down and I needed to contact you.  Someone was guiding me through
>a neighborhood to your home.  For some reason we had to wait on a street
>corner for you to meet us.  It was night and there was a weird red glow to
>While standing there, I took a walk down a river, or canal, which was full
>of refugees on rafts.  All the refugees were carrying large plastic bottles
>of Coca-Cola.  I remember thinking, "I should follow their example and
>stock up on Coke for Y2K."
>I had wandered a bit far.  So I headed back to the rendezvous point.
>While we were waiting, an old man on a bicycle stopped to talk to my guide.
>Then a car appeared, and both of them ran off and hid.  I was too slow, so
>didn't hide.  I thought, "I need to pay better attention to what's
>happening around me, or I'll get killed."
>The car passed.  Inside were some men who fixed me in a menacing stare.  I
>waited for them to start shooting, but they didn't.  They just drove on
>My guide reappeared from his hiding place.  The wait continued.  I went
>into a store and found copies of XL on sale.  Inside was your comic strip.
>I bought three, intending to give one to you.
>Then I went back to the street corner.  About that time you appeared.  You
>and I shook hands.  You said you had some changes in the intro I had
>written  (?!).  Then we headed back to your home, which was a big  building
>crowded with people.   Everyone was tense.
>You were busy doing something (setting up some musical instruments for a
>performance of some kind), but I insisted you stop for a moment so I could
>show you the newspaper which had your comic strip in it.  When I picked up
>the stack of newspapers, they turned into sleeping bags.  They were black.
>I woke up.  My girlfriend woke up at the same time, oddly.  I told her
>about the dream.  "I'm worried," I said.  "I think this is going to turn
>into a ground war."
>The reason I said that was because, thinking about the black sleeping bags
>in the dream, I remembered a  report that was circulating several weeks ago
>that NATO had ordered several thousand body bags sent to their base of
>operations.  Apparently, they have been anticipating a ground war from the
>start.  So, that was the immediate association I made when I remembered the
>sleeping bags in the dream.  A ground war".
>Mack's dream reminded me of many talks that I had with friends here, who
>were all concerned about the possibility of the ground war, despite the
>efforts past few days to end this crisis in diplomatic way (diplomacy
>mostly comes to late). Serbian soldiers in Kosovo were probably having the
>similar thoughts on their mind while reading the NATO leaflets - one of the
>pamphlets shows an Apache helicopter attacking a Serbian tank, with the
>warning: DON'T WAIT FOR ME!
>Today, a bizarre thing happened in a place called Istok, in Kosovo: NATO
>has bombed a local prison! Three projectiles hit prison cells and the
>central building, two prisoners were killed, one guard and some more
>prisoners were injured.
>But what is bizarre any more? In early April, NATO projectiles fell on  the
>Serbian Orthodox Christian graveyard in  Kosovo's capital. Reporters were
>astonished to see not only the tombstones demolished, but also coffins and
>human bones showing up from the 10 meters wide crater

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaus

[CTRL] [5] From Major Jordan's Diaries

1999-05-20 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
>From Major Jordan's Diaries
George Racey Jordan©1952 All rights reserved
Western Islands
395 Concord Avenue
Belmont. Massachusetts 02178
Harcourt, Brace edition published 1952
Free Enterprise edition published 1958
American Opinion edition published 1961
The Americanist Library edition published 1965

The Black Suitcases

After my return to Great Falls I began to realize an important fact: while we
were a pipeline to Russia, Russia was also a pipeline to us.

One really disturbing fact which brought this home to me was that the entry
of Soviet personnel into the United States was completely uncontrolled.
Planes were arriving regularly from Moscow with unidentified Russians aboard.
I would see them jump off planes, hop over fences, and run for taxicabs. They
seemed to know in advance exactly where they were headed, and how to get
there. It was an ideal set-up for planting spies in this country, with false
identities, for use during and after the war.[*] [* Major General Follette
Bradley, USAF (Ret.), winner of the Distinguished Service Medal for his
pioneering of the Alsib Pipeline,. wrote to the New York Times on Aug. 31,
1951: "Of my own personal knowledge I know that beginning early in 1942
Russian civilian and military agents were in our country in huge numbers.
They were free to move about without restraint or check and, in order to
visit our arsenals, depots, factories and proving grounds, they had only to
make known their desires. Their authorized visits to military establishments
numbered in the thousands.

"I also personally know that scores of Russians were permitted to enter
American territory in 1942 without visa. I believe that over the war years
this number was augmented at least by hundreds."}

It is hard to believe, but in 1943 there was no censorship set-up at Great
Falls. An inspector more than 70 years old, named Randolph K. Hardy, did
double work for the Treasury Department in customs and immigration. His
office, in the city, was four miles from the airfield. He played the organ in
a local church, and I was often told he was practicing and could not be
interrupted. I took it on myself to provide him with telephone, typewriter,
desk, file cabinet, stenographer, interpreter and staff car.

Finally I was driven to put up a large sign over my own office door, with the
legend in Russian and English: "Customs Office—Report Here." When Mr. Hardy
was not present I got into the habit of demanding passports myself and
jotting down names and particulars. It was not my job, but the list in my
diary of Russians operating in this country began to swell by leaps and
bounds. In the end I had the 418 names mentioned earlier in this book.

Despite my private worries, my relations with Colonel Kotikov were excellent.
I was doing all that I could do to expedite Russian shipments; my directives
were clear, and I was following them out to the best of my ability.

Colonel Kotikov was well aware that a Major could do more expediting than a
Captain. I was not too surprised, therefore; to learn that Kotikov had
painstakingly dictated in English the following letter to Colonel Gitzinger:

34th Sub-Depot
United Nations Unit

Great Falls, Montana March 8, 1943.
Lt. Col. C. H. Gitzinger,
Third National Building,
Dayton, Ohio.

Dear Colonel Gitzinger:

Capt. Jordan work any day here is always with thesame people, Sub-Depot
Engineering Officer, Major Boaz; 7th Ferrying Group Base Engineering Officer,
Major Lawrence; Alaskan Wing Control and Engineering Officer, Major Taylor;
Sub-Depot Executive Officer, Major O'Neill; and Base Supply Officer, Major

He is much hindered in his good work by under rank with these officers who he
asks for things all time.

I ask you to recommend him for equal rank to help Russian movement here.

Col., U.S.S.R. Representative

When my promotion finally came through, the gold oak leaves were pinned on my
shoulders by Colonel Kotikov. This occasion was photographed and the picture
is reproduced elsewhere in this book.

Now two other occurrences began troubling me. The first was the unusual
number of black patent-leather suitcases, bound with white window-sash cord
and sealed with red wax, which were coming through on the route to Moscow.
The second was the burglary of morphine ampuls from half of the 500 first-aid
kits in our Gore Field warehouse.

The first black suitcases, six in number, were in charge of a Russian officer
and I passed them without question upon his declaration that they were
"personal luggage." But the units mounted to ten, twenty and thirty and at
last to standard batches of fifty which weighed almost two tons and consumed
the cargo allotment of an entire plane. The officers were replaced by armed
couriers, traveling in pairs, and the excuse for avoiding inspection was
changed from "personal luggage" to "diplomatic immunity."

Here were tons of materials procee

[CTRL] The Return of Inequality

1999-05-20 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

June 1988
 The Return of Inequality
  The great bulk of Americans are losing economic and political power, while
the affluent are gaining both. This is not a recipe for social comity  by
Thomas Byrne Edsall
Social imagination often lags behind social fact. Long after farming had
ceased to be the premier American occupation, for example, we thought of
ourselves as a nation of farmers, and the small town still serves as a
touchstone of Americanness. This essay will explore a similar lag between a
picture in our minds and a quantifiable social reality--a phenomenon that
challenges an image of America which is about as true to our condition as
those Norman Rockwell Sunday Evening Post covers that move us to nostalgia.
The phenomenon is not poverty. Our mental picture already has a place for
that. Poverty has a claim on our moral sense; it stirs our beneficence and
concern. Liberals and conservatives may disagree about its scope, but they
acknowledge its existence and they join in deploring it. They don't enjoy
any such unanimity on the subject of this essay, however, for the social
phenomenon I mean to discuss is inequality, an old word for the dominant
social fact of our times.
 INEQUALITY: the very word invites polemic. Tocqueville found, if anything,
too much equality of condition in the early Republic. In the post-Civil War
era, to be sure, inequality had its innings: our school textbooks concede as
much. But within fifty to a hundred pages a deus ex machina known as the New
Deal comes along, just in time to humanize the sweatshop capitalism of the
high industrial era. Depending on their level of sophistication, the
textbooks leave us with a picture of America achieving greater and greater
equality in incomes and life chances since the Second World War. First
workingmen, through those still controversial institutions labor unions,
achieved a large measure of the promise of American life. They were soon
joined by blacks and women. Yes, black poverty remains a grim problem. Yes,
women still don't earn as much as men for performing the same jobs. But on
balance, in that mental picture of ours we are closer today to Tocqueville's
America than to Andrew Carnegie's. Asked if his age was a handicap,
twenty-six-year-old William Pitt, the great British Prime Minister, said
that if it was, it was one he was remedying every day. That, I think,
expresses our notion of inequality: it's a fault we have been remedying
every day.
 That notion is wrong. Not just the chasm between the rich (the top five
percent, defined by the Congressional Budget Office in 1986 as those
families making more than $124,651 a year before taxes) and the poor (in
1986 the Census Bureau considered poor any four-person family making $11,203
or less) but the gap between the rich and the great American middle class
has grown wider over the past decades. From 1977 to 1988 the majority of the
population has experienced a stagnating income or a net loss in after-tax
income, according to an October, 1987, report by the Congressional Budget
Office. Meanwhile, the top twentieth of the population has seen average
family income grow by $33,895 and the top hundredth (those now earning more
than $303,900) by $129,402. The important debate over whether the middle
class is expanding or contracting (see Robert Kuttner, "The Declining
Middle," July, 1983, Atlantic, and James Fallows, "America's Changing
Economic Landscape," March, 1985, Atlantic) obscures the meaning of those
sobering statistics: economic and political power are flowing from the
middle class to the affluent.
 That this growing inequality has scarcely surfaced as an issue in the
presidential campaign (though both Jesse Jackson and Richard Gephardt have
tried to speak to it) is not surprising when we consider the nature of
inequality. Poverty, Michael Harrington wrote twenty-five years ago in The
Other America, is "invisible." It is a tribute to the impact that
Harrington's book had on public discussion and policy alike that poverty has
since become, at least episodically, visible. The new inequality, however,
is intrinsically invisible. People may sense that they are losing power;
many know that they are losing money. But the extent of their loss becomes
apparent only in statistical comparisons. The three fifths of the population
experiencing little or no gain in after-tax income is not angry at the top
twentieth. Those on the losing end aren't demanding remedies, because they
aren't aware that there is a collective problem. Thus, silently, with no
public protest, inequality gets younger every day.  The cold language of
statistics is about numbers, not people. But keep the people in mind. Their
troubles are not the stuff of TV documentaries. Inequality won't make
today's headlines or lead to tomorrow's riots. Its manifestations are
subtle: marginally frustrated hopes, a mocking disparity between the good
life av

[CTRL] TV Illness [was: Skeptic News - Thursday #1]

1999-05-20 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Chuck Steel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > # Study Links Bulimia To Arrival Of TV In Fiji. BOSTON (Reuters)
> > and see:
> >
> >
> > : Does TV advertising promote self-loathing to promote product
> > purchases? Does your belief system exploit TV? Do you sicken
> > people for your benefit? IS TV an alien/Bilderberger/Satanic
> > plot to demoralize and control humans?
> Obviously, radiation from TV affects female implants somehow. We
> have to investigate the affects further. Maybe we can use this to
> our advantage somehow against the reptilliods. ...

If your thesis is correct, only female Reptilioids/Republicans would
be affected.  Yet we know that not only are female humans driven to
self-hatred by TV ads, but male humans suffer heightened aggressive-
ness, and humans of both sexes ingest increased quantities of alcohol,
fats [lipids] and carbon monoxide.  These are precisely the conditions
aliens wish to promote, to render Earth more similar to their home
planet[s].  Thus, any exposure to TV is beneficial to aliens and
detrimental to humans.  Note Oprah Winfrey's role in the plot.

  Ric "but shortwave radio is probably safe" Carter

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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1999-05-20 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

On Thu, 20 May 1999 14:35:10 +, in alt.paranet.ufo Simon Sellars


The UFO Phenomenon is one of the most enduring of media legends.
Although the human race has always made ‘contact’ with little people
throughout the ages (elves, faeries, pixies), the Phenomenon — in its
present incarnation — is squarely linked to our late-capitalist,
technological miasma. It is a product of our society and questions
the very nature of Reality itself.

You may be a believer, a skeptic or merely a seriously disillusioned
individual with schizophrenic tendencies... Whatever — everyone has
an opinion on this most perplexing of mysteries.  Remember: all view-
points are valid because there is no right or wrong. This is very much
uncharted territory.

Sub Dee seeks contributions covering ALL forms and angles of the
debate: essays, fiction, poetry, cartoons, graphic design, diatribes,
manifestos, SF, field studies, debunking theories, debriefings,
sightings, abductions, conspiracies, satire, comedy, erotica, alien
sex, socio-political enquiries, psychological querying. The Pros and
the Cons. Both sides of the coin. For and against.  And anything in

We believe that debate is healthy: it can be invigorating to
speculate; or vital to maintain the Status Quo. The choice, as always,
is yours.

Closing date:  August 6 1999.




** try SkeptiChat, a mail.list of irreverence & irrelevance, etc **
* with SkeptiNews: All The News That's Fit To Question (Pat.Pend) *

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] TIME Asia | Suharto Inc.: The Family Firm

1999-05-20 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

ME Asia | Suharto Inc.: The Family Firm--Page

Many links at site.

The Family Firm
A TIME investigation into the wealth of Indonesia's Suharto and his
children uncovers a $15 billion fortune in cash, property, art, jewelry
and jets
When the end came for Suharto, Indonesia's long-serving President
appeared oddly passive. As students and angry mobs took to the streets
and soldiers responded with gunfire and tear gas, the five-star general
hovered in the background, making few attempts to set things right. When
he finally quit a year ago this week, he stood meekly to the side as his
successor, B.J. Habibie, took the oath of office. Suharto has hardly
been heard from since.
But Indonesia's onetime autocrat has been far busier than most of his
countrymen realize. Just after his fall from power there began feverish
movements of his personal fortune. In July 1998, reports emerged that a
staggering sum of money linked to Indonesia had been shifted from a bank
in Switzerland to another in Austria, now considered a safer haven for
hush-hush deposits. The transfer caught the attention of the United
States Treasury, which tracks such movements, and set in motion
diplomatic inquiries in Vienna. Now, as part of a four-month
investigation that covered 11 countries, TIME has learned that $9
billion of Suharto money was transferred from Switzerland to a nominee
bank account in Austria. Not bad for a man whose presidential salary was
$1,764 a month when he left office. (Suharto, for his part, denies that
he has any bank deposits abroad and insists that his wealth amounts to a
mere 19 hectares of land in Indonesia, plus $2.4 million in savings.)
Those billions are just part of the Suharto wealth. Though the Asian
financial crisis has trimmed the family empire considerably, the former
President and his children retain a staggering fortune. It was built
over three decades from a skein of companies, monopolies and control
over vast sectors of economic activity in Indonesia--from oil exports to
humble pilgrims making the yearly visit to Mecca. (They flew on planes
leased from companies controlled by Suharto's children.) According to
data from the National Land Agency and Properti Indonesia magazine, the
Suharto family on its own or through corporate entities controls some
3.6 million hectares of real estate in Indonesia, an area larger than
Belgium. That includes 100,000 sq m of prime office space in Jakarta and
nearly 40% of the entire province of East Timor.
Within Indonesia, the six Suharto offspring have significant equity in
at least 564 companies, and their overseas interests include hundreds of
other firms, scattered from the U.S. to Uzbekistan, the Netherlands,
Nigeria and Vanuatu. The Suhartos also possess plenty of the trappings
of wealth. In addition to a $4 million hunting ranch in New Zealand and
a half-share in a $4 million yacht moored outside Darwin, Australia,
youngest son Hutomo Mandala Putra (nicknamed Tommy) owns a 75% stake in
an 18-hole golf course with 22 luxury apartments in Ascot, England.
Bambang Trihatmodjo, Suharto's second son, has an $8 million penthouse
in Singapore and a $12 million mansion in an exclusive neighborhood of
Los Angeles, two doors down from rock star Rod Stewart and just up the
street from his brother Sigit Harjoyudanto's $9 million home. Eldest
daughter Siti Hardiyanti Rukmana may have sold her Boeing 747-200 jumbo
jet, but the family's fleet of planes included, at least until recently,
a DC-10, a blue-and-red Boeing 737, a Canadian Challenger 601 and a
BAC-111. The latter once belonged to the Royal Squadron of Britain's
Queen Elizabeth II, according to Dudi Sudibyo, managing editor of
Indonesia's Angkasa aerospace magazine.
Neither Suharto nor his six children responded to requests for
interviews, though lawyers for the former President and son Bambang
asserted that their clients did nothing illegal. Indeed, no one has
proven that the Suhartos broke any laws. Their companies mostly consist
of operating entities that turn profits, create jobs and import Western
technology. Yet allegations that the former First Family benefited from
favoritism, commonly heard in Indonesia since the early 1980s, began to
grow louder when the former President resigned. His successor quickly
announced an official investigation into such charges. Tommy, the
youngest son whose corporate empire at one point included the
Lamborghini sports car company, is already in legal jeopardy, facing
charges of defrauding a state agency of $11 million in a real estate
deal. The South Jakarta district court recently rejected a plea from
Tommy's lawyers that he be tried in a civil court and is proceeding with
a criminal trial.
In an interview at the State Palace, Habibie told TIME he will not cove

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Thursday #1

1999-05-20 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990520a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Flock Of Mystery Balloons Puzzles Cops. TOKYO (Reuters) - The discovery of
more than 20 mysterious balloons across central Japan, some with boxes tied
to them containing batteries, had Japanese police baffled. About 28 of the
conoid balloons, made of vinyl and measuring 6 by 2 meters (18 by 6 feet),
were found across a wide range of coastal and inland central Japanese towns.
4 deflated balloons found caught in trees & telephone wires appeared to each
be attached to a small box containing 2 batteries and 2 empty white plastic
containers. There was a similar incident in 1997, with balloons thought to
be from North Korea.

: What would you like put into balloons to float over Japan? Do you think
these objects are of human, alien, divine or demonic origin? Are they kewl?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Study Links Bulimia To Arrival Of TV In Fiji. BOSTON (Reuters) - A sudden
increase in eating disorders such as bulimia, anorexia among teen-age girls
on Fiji is linked to the arrival of television in the Pacific island nation
in 1995. Harvard researchers said that since television's introduction into
the country, there had been a sharp rise in indicators of disordered eating,
such as induced vomiting. Some 74 percent of Fijian girls reported feeling
"too big or fat" in a survey conducted 3 years after the country's one TV
station began broadcasting:
and see:

: Does TV advertising promote self-loathing to promote product purchases?
Does your belief system exploit TV? Do you sicken people for your benefit?
IS TV an alien/Bilderberger/Satanic plot to demoralize and control humans?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Antibiotic resistance growing. (AP) Jet-setting Yanks who eat chicken and
meat overseas are bringing back resistance to certain drugs used to treat
stomach upset and other bacterial ills. A new study links Americans' growing
resistance to antibiotics mainly to foreign travel. Until now, scientists
thought resistance was growing largely because doctors were overprescribing

: Is this a form of biological warfare? Who's the aggressor? Is this a form
of evolution in action? Do you travel and eat? Are you evolving? Into what?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# HUBBLE VIEWS MASSIVE CYCLONE ON MARS. A cyclonic storm system 4 times the
size of Texas swirled across northern polar regions of Mars last month. The
spiral storm, spotted by the Hubble Space Telescope, was made of water ice
clouds like storm systems on Earth, rather than dust typically found in Mar-
tian storms. The system was about 1,100 miles across, nearly triple the size
of largest previously-seen Martian spiral storm systems. Cyclonic activity
rare on Mars:

: Is global warming, with its attendant increase in violent weather, limited
to Earth, or spreading to other planets? Are there links between big storms
on Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter? Are Reptilioids or Reticulans causing this?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

a tiny artery the size of a strand of spaghetti as the surgeon stitches up
the patient's heart. But wait, those aren't hands doing the work -- they're
gray metal pincers. A robot is performing heart surgery. "The accuracy is

: Would you rather be operated on by humans, robots, Reptilioids, Republi-
cans, demons, angels, me? Do you trust cyborgs? Would you prefer nanobots?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Companies asked to drop bomb Web sites. NEW YORK (AP) Victims of bombings
and an advocacy group called on leading US Internet firms to keep bombmaking
sites off the Web. "No one has a constitutional right to use an Internet
company's property to facilitate murder." Won't hamper offshore sites -

: Do you have the right to kill or be killed, the right to discuss weapons,
the right to read/write about making/using conventional and/or NBC [Nuclear/
Biological/Chemical] munitions? Have you a responsibility NOT to conspire?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


  bin Laden operatives:
  3 patients dead:

[CTRL] Top Secret Home Page . . .

1999-05-20 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from:">Top Secret Home Page

The facts that your government does not want you to see
Hello, my name is W. Hank-Knightley. I am an investigative journalist
based in England and have reported on numerous issues, such as the
criminal underworld and political intrigue. However, due to the
sensitive nature of some of my stories my bosses at the newspapers I
work for refused to print them: "Too risky!" they would say. At various
times a phone call from the Prime Minister or MI5 would stop one of my
exclusives from being printed in the paper.
Having become a born-again Christian, I decided I could hold my silence
no longer and thought I would produce this web page to enlighten people
on some facts I unearthed during my times as an undercover journalist. I
alone am the editor of this site and there will be NO CENSORSHIP. There
is a lot of evil in this world that I think you should be aware of.

These are the themes my site will cover:
The corrupting influence of rock music on young people.
The Western governments' anti-religious conspiracy.
Evil deviant conspiracies.

This site will be updated constantly. LAST UPDATED: 20 May 1999
(click on links below)
News and stories from around the world so far... A profile of the
sinister rock fiend with genuine photographic evidence that proves his
complicity in evil activities A disturbing report from Northern Ireland.
If you think the violence has ended then read this Religious outrages at
the 1999 World Championships 1...vile Nazi experiments in Australia
2...the TRUE story of the Manic Street Preachers and "missing" guitarist
3...the triumph of Christianity (the untold story)
Want to rate my site? Let me know what you think about what you have
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] School shootings -mind control tactics-gun control

1999-05-20 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
School shootings -mind control
tactics-gun control

Subject: School shootings -mind control tactics-gun control
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (AYu5565448)
Date: Thu, May 20, 1999 4:20 AM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Remote life manipulation in surveillance system-Information webpage:

School shootings have caused the new gun control law but the real problem of
gun owners is the gun's safety device which is powered with batteries or
eletric system

In my previous posts, I have pointed out that the Mississippi school
shooting was most likely an under mind controlled case to drive the
murder (Luke Woodham) to kill in school (see details on my web-page
Part XIII-Part B).  Furthermore, the Colorado school was also considered
as an under mind controlled case (please see detail on my web-page
Part XIII-Part A).

After the mass killing at a Littleton, Colo., school loomed large
over the proceedings as senators tried to deal with a host of gun-control
amendments in a seventh day of debate on the crime measure.

According to THE NEW YORK TIMES report on 5-19-1999, Senate passes Bill
Requiring Safety Devices for Handguns.

What are the current safety device in gun?

There is a new devise so-called smart gun (see details on
following attachment).  Most of these innovations include installing
devices in gun handles.  One system involves implanting both a tiny
fingerprint sensor and a digital video processor to record and check the
gun owner's fingerprints.

This sensor, coupled with Oxford's digital video signal processor and
software, would prevent unauthorized users from firing the weapon.
Oxford's president, Steven Morton, said the system is powered by batteries.

A system that stores user's fingerprints.  Robert Morgan, vice president
of marketing for Oxford, said gunmakers must develop a trigger that works
with the safety system. Morgan said Oxford expects to test its smart
gun technology by the end of 1998. The next step toward a working smart gun
will be for gunmakers to design a firing mechanism that works with the
system, he said. He expects a prototype to be ready by mid-1999.
The advantage of fingerprint technology is that it comes with the gun,"
said Morgan.

According to THE NEW YORK TIMES report on 5-19-1999, Senate passes Bill
Requiring Safety Devices for Handguns.  This action is obviously caused by
the Littleton, Colorado school shooting.

Based on the opinions of Robert Morgan, vice president of marketing
for Oxford, crime isn't the only reason weapons technology needs to be
"smarter." Morgan said that the recent spate of shootings in schools has
prompted more calls to childproof guns.

The above two information further proves that current school shootings are
the real reason to use the safety devices on guns (although I don't
oppose to use other safety device on handguns).

However, some murderers of school shootings (e.g. Colorado & Mississippi
school shooting, etc.) should be under mind controlled then driven them to
kill with mind control equipment (by some corrupted LEO & operatives from
surveillance stations/system).  Their goal is to create some school
shootings to increase people's fears on school shootings (from children)
then pursue gun control.

Therefore, the safety device which is powered with batteries or electric
system could be finally selected to install in guns if it is under the
influence of involved LEO to pursue absolute gun control

That's because there is a potential problem in such kind of guns with
safety device which are powered by batteries or electric system.

These guns with the safety device (which use batteries to power) will
easily become useless (out of order) when others use the EMP
(electromagnetic Pulse Weapon) to destroy the batteries or chips of
electric system.


The US Army like the Air Force is developing weapons that generate
electromagnetic pulse (EMP) to disable aircraft and vehicles.
One set of target is the "fly by wire" system of electronic sensors
and computers that keep aircraft stable.

The pulse from a radio-frequency EMP weapon could send false
voltage reading or destroy computer chips and send the aircraft
into uncontrolled flight, Army officers said.
An EMP weapon could disable aircraft on the ground before they go
into combat.
The Army also expects to use burst of EMP to jam airborne navigation
aids and "induce engine failure" in tanks and other enemy vehicles by
destroying or inactivating "electronics, including electronic
ignitions," according to an unpublished report by the Army's training
and doctrine Command.

Based on NIJ report, the information of 4/94 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN report,
MICROWAVE NEWS Nov/Dec 1993, and NEXUS magazine, it prove that state &
local law en

[CTRL] Christianne Amanpour Sets an Ambush . . .?

1999-05-20 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from:">Serbia Info
News / Christianne Amanpour Sets an

As always, Caveat Lector. Notice source.

Christianne Amanpour Sets an Ambush
May 14, 1999
Yugoslav Army fighting jet - "jastreb"
The NATO aggressors in cooperation with the Croatian Army, prepare the
new media manipulation and the crime for which they will accuse the

For days, the group of the American and the German pilots are performing
the training flights in the Croat Airforce aircraft, "Galeb" and
"Jastreb". This type of the aircraft are also in the hands of the
Yugoslav Airforce and according to the NATO Headquarters mean plan every
NATO's pilots new crime in the disquised aircraft will be attributed to
the Serbs.

The corespondents from the Croatia say that the "Super Galeb 4", "Orao"
and "Jastreb" aircraft and "Mig-21" and "Mig-29", as well, with the
Yugoslav Army stickers, have already been flying over Zagreb.

"G4 - super galeb"

- The confirmation of this is the information that Christianne Amanpour
with her numerous crew is already in Albania.

- The American soldiers took the command over the Airport "Djador" near
Skadar in Northwest Albania. The aircraft and "Apache" helicopters
landed there.

- Pavao Miljavac, the Croatian Minister of Defense is in the United

- For days, the NATO is moving out the refugees from the
Albanian-Macedonian border deeper into the territory.

Media manipulation victims - Sarajevo 1994

- The West European and the American media stopped broadcasting the
lending of the NATO aircraft in Macedonia and Albania but according to
the information from Skopje, the great number of the transport-aircraft
were landing every day.

The massacre in the Markale market in Sarajevo in 1994, was the deed of
the Bosnian Moslems and the lives of the tenth Moslems were taken
without the regret. As one of the biggest media manipulation, the news
about that crime changed the history.

Later revealing and denying of that cheat had little effect. The actual
media manipulations as the weapons of the NATO criminals are dangerous
almost as the 'Tomahawk" missiles.

It must be confessed that the new media manipulation if it will be
successful, is rather original in regard of the"director's" headquarters
old tries from Brussels and Washington. The invented "mass graves" as
their main specialty in accusing the Serbs were not been successful so
far. It turned out that in those mass graves in Bosnia and Herzegovina
and Croatia were only Serbian corpses.

The bestial stupidity was the information about the American cosmic
satellites shoots of the mass graves in the village Izbica in Kosovo and
Metohija with more than 2.500 Albanians in it. If anyone ever believed
in that infantile lie, the brave and risky action of the Radio
Television Serbia reporters changed their minds. The mass grave was the
field, ploughed one month before the broadcasting of the news. The
satellite which could count the corpses under the ground if it existed,
was the unbelievable achievement of the science.

The Croatian aircraft, the left overs in their army after the
disintegration of the former Yugoslavia, according to their technical
characteristics, can not be unnoticed by the superior American
satellites and radars on the boards of the NATO ships in the Adriatic
Sea. The incautious radars and the aircraft of the most powerful world
state would be deliberate and obvious.

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Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-05-20 Thread Para

 -Caveat Lector-

And the last reason:
8) "M" was not listed as the weapons quartermaster 

At 10:43 20/05/99 EDT, you wrote:
>JYA Op-Ed
>Since we posted the lists of MI6 agents last week, we have had many
>enquiries about whether we think the list (
>of MI6 agents is genuine and came from the ex-British spy Richard
>Tomlinson. We have learnt the opinions of some of the best British
>journalists covering the story. This is what they think.
>1. Was the list published by Executive Intelligence Review on its web
>site from Monday 10 May to Wednesday 12 May a list by Richard Tomlinson
>of SIS agents?
>Yes, this is what they believe.
>2. Why?
>Most of the list is accurate. Many of the names in the list are from the
>Balkans, where Richard Tomlinson worked. Some of the names were known
>only to Richard Tomlinson and a very small number of other people. Every
>name that Richard Tomlinson has privately revealed in the past is
>included in the list. In one case (only) in the list, the officer is
>called a "wanker". This is not a technical term of MI6 espionage. It is
>a term English men frequently use to abuse other men. It literally means
>"masturbator". The person described as a "wanker" in the list is Tomothy
>Clayden. This is the person who sacked Richard Tomlinson from MI6. Mr
>Tomlinson has previously said that he dislikes Mr Clayden.
>3. Could the list have been compiled from public sources, such as
>Lobster Magazine (UK), Covert Action Quarterly (US), Namebase (US) or
>from normal newspapers?
>No. Less than 20 out of 115 names have been published in these
>sources. Also, if the list had been compiled from public and not private
>sources, it would not have omitted the names of MI6 agents who have been
>publicly exposed as spies in the last few years. For example, Mr
>Christopher Hurran, the British chief of station in Prague is not
>listed. Nor is Richard Tomlinson himself, although he is the most famous
>British MI6 spy to "out" himself (as a spy) in the last ten years.
>4. Richard Tomlinson claims that since some of the names listed have
>jobs which started after he left MI6, he could not have prepared the
>list. Is this true?
>No. For more than 25 years, people studying the CIA and MI6 have noted
>that when one spy leaves a "cover" job, s/he is often replaced by
>another spy. So they assume that this pattern is automatic. While this
>method of spotting spies is often correct, it is not 100%
>fullproof. Like anyone else, Richard Tomlinson could have used this
>method to predict (not always accurately) the names of new MI6
>agents. This would also explain why the British government says that
>some of the list names are wrong.
>5. Richard Tomlinson claims that he did not publish the list and that
>his website list contained only a small number of names. Is this true?
>This could be true, event if the long list was Tomlinson's own database
>of SIS agent, and he had threatened to be about to publish it. Richard
>Tomlinson's website was different to EIR. It was at Geocities. After the
>row began, Tomlinson's lists (on Geocities) contained only 9 names. A
>zip of these files is available here ( But
>no-one has yet supplied a copy what these files looked like before
>Wednesday lunchtime, when Tomlinson was warned about government action
>in Britain. So it is not known whether Tomlinson ever did publish the
>"long" list of 115 names on his site.
>6. Over the weekend, the British press published claims that Mohamed Al
>Fayed might have published the list. Is this true?
>Mr Tomlinson denies giving the information to Mr Al Fayed or anyone
>else.  Mr Al Fayed denies publishing the list on EIR. EIR refuse to say
>where they got the information from. Mr Tomlinson and Mr Fayed had known
>each other since Mr Tomlinson came out of prison in 1998.
>Mr Al Fayed believes that MI6 had helped assassinate Princess Diana and
>his son Dodi Al Fayed. Mr All Fayed paid for Mr Tomlinson to visit him
>at St Tropez in France in 1998. After the visit, Mr Tomlinson told a
>French judge that he believed MI6 might have helped kill Princess Diana
>and Dodi Al Fayed.
>Mr Al Fayed also knows and co-operates with EIR and its staff. On two
>previous occasions since 1989, he had obtained EIR's assistance to
>attack people whom he was angry with. On 6 May, four days before the
>list of 115 names was published by EIR, Mr Fayed was extremely angry
>because the British government had refused him permission to become a
>British citizen.  Over the weekend, he was interviewed by British
>newspapers. He used a number of phrases about the British government
>such as referring to them as "Al Capone". On Monday 10 May, identical
>phrases were included in the EIR article which introduced and included
>the list of 115 names.
>On Tuesday 11 May, Mr Al Fayed asked Mr Tomlinson to make a new legal
>statement to his lawyers claiming that

[CTRL] US Billonare funds crop circle research

1999-05-20 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Dunn, Steven J. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: 'UFO Updates' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 'Skywatch'
Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 1999 7:00 AM
Subject: BBC: US Billonare funds crop circle research

Wednesday, May 19, 1999 Published at 11:11 GMT 12:11 UK


"US billionaire funds crop circle research"

US billionaire Laurance Rockefeller is to fund the UK's biggest survey of
crop circles.

Scientists will be carrying out aerial research over Wiltshire next month
the hope of finding out once and for all whether the mysterious patterns
genuine or the work of hoaxers.

Some believe they are created by UFOs during nocturnal visits. Others say
they are connected to ancient "ley lines", or put it down to natural
phenomena such as unusual forms of lightning.

The first few crop circles of the season have already appeared in several
West Country fields. The area has long been the focal point of those in
Britain who believe that the circles are the work of extra terrestrial

Last year a US Website advertised week-long tours of UK crop circles priced
at $2,199 per person.

Until now research has been carried out by amateurs and enthusiasts, known
as croppies. But there is a growing scientific discipline based around the
study, known as cereology.

Mr Rockefeller, a former US congressman,  has given his financial backing
the UK's largest and most scientific study.

Mr Rockefeller, scion of the famous dynasty, has a long standing interest
UFOs and other bizarre phenomena.

He has provided hundreds of thousands of dollars to UFO abduction
John Mack.

Mr Rockefeller also funds the Starlight Coalition, which wants to end what
it says is US Government secrecy on UFOs.

His organisation has already built up the biggest crop circle database, and
will be working with private detectives and the National Farmers Union.

Many farmers believe crop circles are the work of hoaxers, and say they
cause thousands of pounds of damage every year. Several people have come
forward to claim responsibility.

In 1991 two landscape painters, David Chorley and Douglas Bower, claimed
they started the hoax in 1978, after drinking in a pub.

They said for the past 13 years they had been sneaking around southern
England at night, fashioning as many as 25 to 30 new circles each growing

In a BBC CountryFile special in January, Mr Bower, 74, showed how his
patterns were made with planks of wood, lengths of rope and a ball of
string. He said he was amazed that many followers of crop circles still
refused to believe they were a hoax.

But it seems there remain unexplained factors, such as the lack or tracks

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-05-20 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from:">Continuity of Consciousness
Many links at site to stories.


5/20 Let the Book-Burning Begin

"If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without
bloodshed, if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not
so costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with
all the odds against you and only a precarious chance for survival.
There may be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no chance
of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves."

-Winston Churchill

What dangerous information will the good senators ban next? Anyone who
doesn't see where all of this is going should take a cursory glimpse at
the rise of Nazism in 1930s Germany. I find it curious that Diane
Feinstein, a Jew, is taking her cues from Adolf Hitler. And that crook
Hatch!? Who's greasing his rails? Indeed, fascism makes for curious

Have no doubt about it, fascists are waging a battle for your mind. They
are playing on your fear and emotions in order to control you. If they
came on television and said, "Our goal is to disarm and enslave you.
Resistance is futile," you might be moved to action immediately. About
one hundred years ago, however, some governments realized that
authoritarian rule was much easier to maintain if it was cloaked with a
thin vainer of democracy. They realized that the public at large is
ignorant and apathetic. They realized that the masses are moved easily
by simple presentations of events that take full advantage of collective
social amnesia.

Additionally, the Hegelian Dialectic was weaponized and deployed in the
battlefield of the mind. Its primacy in psychological warfare and
perception management cannot be understated. Here is how the Hegelian
Dialectic is applied to politics. First, an incident is concocted (or
taken advantage of) to engage the unthinking, irrational emotions of the
target population (thesis). Second, those in power capitalize on the
"please save us and our children" attitude of the public by imposing
draconian laws and measures (antithesis). The final result---less
freedom, increased state power---is then realized, if by a less direct
route than simple decree (synthesis). Needless to say, by the time the
bewildered masses realize what has happened, there is a new emergency or
situation that requires even "tougher measures."

The classic example of this technique in operation is Hitler's burning
of the Reichstag in order to justify imposing a state of emergency in
Germany. Closer to home, practically every major policy of the U.S.
government is an outcome of this technique. We had the Cold War, based
mostly on lies, false premises and propaganda. The Constitution was
basically destroyed in the name of the War on Drugs (Note: The CIA and
their associates are the largest traffickers of narcotics on the
planet). The 4th Amendment was effectively nullified. At present, the
2nd Amendment is under very heavy fire, no pun intended, in the War to
Save The Children. And it seems fitting that these assholes are now
stepping up the War on Freedom of Speech.

Here's the bottom line: Use information and ideas to make changes now,
peacefully, while you still can.

Research credit: MF.

5/19 Clinton Reportedly Bans Importation of All Foreign Made Guns, Ammo
and Parts!

"When governments fear the people there is liberty. When people fear the
government there is tyranny."

If you want to have some fun, ask a Political Science or Law professor
about the mechanics of the presidential executive order. You'll get
plenty of pink faces, "yes...well"s and "kinda sorta" explanations. The
fact is that presidents routinely write legislation that becomes law
simply by decree. This is extraconstitutional behavior, outside of the
established system of checks and balances. When you mention this to
people in polite circles, they may fire back, "Congress can veto it."
Yes, and how many presidential executive orders has the Congress vetoed?
Not many. None to be exact. [If that is incorrect, someone please give
me the citation and I will amend the latter statement.] The executive
order mechanism was designed for use during a state of emergency, not as
a means for the president to regularly bypass the established
legislative process. Unfortunately, fascists don't like to yield their
"emergency" powers easily. The real state of emergency is caused by
having a felon as President of the United States.

Research credit: BW.

5/19 Something to Be Aware of

Serb media describes a possible upcoming NATO propaganda stunt. Chances
are, this is nothing more than Serb propaganda. But keep it in mind just
in case...

Research credit: BW.


[CTRL] Net Bomb-Making Amendment Passes Senate 85-13

1999-05-20 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from:">Net Bomb-Making
Amendment Passes Senate 85-13

Net Bomb-Making Amendment Passes Senate 85-13
18 May 1999, 5:03 PM CST
By Robert MacMillan, Newsbytes.

(Note - Adds definitions of the amendment.) An amendment proposed by
Sens. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, and Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., that would,
among other things, outlaw the availability of bomb-making recipes on
the Internet, passed the Senate today in an 85-13 vote.
The amendment does not specifically ban only the online availability of
such material; specifically, it forbids the availability of the material
- and the selling or giving of that material, if the seller or giver
knows that the recipient "intends" to use the material in the commission
of a crime.

Newsbytes also notes that the amendment in theory would apply to any
printed publication.

Feinstein today on the Senate floor said that she was horrified to
discover that news she heard about the availability of such materials
online turned out to be true.

She said that she was shocked to discover that Eric Harris and Dylan
Klebold, the Apr. 20 Littleton High School murderers, most likely
figured out how to make pipe bomb equipment on the Internet.

She also pointed out that police recently arrested five students in
Brooklyn who were planning to develop bombs based on Internet recipes.

The Juvenile Justice bill, S. 254, has become a vehicle for several
amendments, while at the high watermark, about 80 amendments were
waiting in line for a chance to get onto the bill.

One amendment that was voted through in a party-line 48-47 vote was a
measure from Hatch and National Rifle Association member Sen. Larry
Craig, R-Idaho, that included a clause banning any type of online gun or
explosives sales that would violate existing laws.

Democrats in large part voted against the amendment because they say it
contains several gaping loopholes allowing unrestricted gun sales at gun
shows and in other circumstances.

An amendment proposed by Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., that would have
restricted several types of online gun sales, and made selling guns to
minors online more difficult, was defeated in a 50-43 vote.

Hatch and Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., last week managed to get an
amendment approved in a 100-0 vote that "encourages" Internet service
providers to offer filtering technology to their customers, either at no
charge or at a price that only covers the cost of paying for the

Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kansas, fronted an amendment that passed 98-0 that
encourages the entertainment industry across all media to develop
voluntary codes of conduct about the content they present to children.

Reported by Newsbytes News Network, .

17:03 CST
Reposted 17:20 CST


Copyright (c) Post-Newsweek Business Information, Inc. All rights

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Caveat Donor

1999-05-20 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEFor information, contact: Bennett Weiner


Charitable Requests to Assist those Displaced in the Balkans

Arlington, VA, April 6, 1999 -- In the wake of the ongoing events in
Yugoslavia and surrounding areas, many relief organizations are
launching campaigns to raise funds to help refugees and their
families. The Better Business Bureau warns potential donors against
fraudulent appeals by some who may see disasters as an opportunity to
take advantage of American generosity and concern. "Given the urgency
and overwhelming needs of the refugees," said Bennett M. Weiner, vice
president and director of the Philanthropic Advisory Service of the
Council of Better Business Bureaus, "this is all the more reason for
donors to check out soliciting groups to ensure their generosity is
used effectively and wisely."

Established relief organizations will be soliciting for contributions
to meet both immediate and long term needs of refugees. Appeals
should describe the specific services the charity intends to provide
to refugees and their families. If not, individuals should ask for
details from these organizations about how they intend to use
solicited funds.

In addition, newly organized charities may be soliciting for support.
Potential donors should ask about the special need or service being
provided that prompted the organization's creation and how they
intend to spend their funds and provide assistance. Even newly
established organizations should have written material available
describing their programs, anticipated expenditures, and how they
will carry out activities.

Some groups may be raising funds for distribution to existing relief
organizations as opposed to directly providing services. If so, you
may want to consider sending a donation directly to the benefiting
organization. Also, some charities may change their program focus
during a crisis to respond to the changing needs of refugees. Do not
assume the charity will carry out the same activities throughout the

Organizations conduct solicitations for relief in several ways:
through the mail, telephone, door-to-door appeals, the Internet, and
announcements in magazines, newspapers, radio, and television.
Although timing is critical in responding to the needs of the
refugees, potential donors should not succumb to pressure in making
an immediate donation without first checking out the charities.
Fraudulent solicitors often demand on-the-spot contributions and rely
on the fact that individuals will not question their efforts.

The Philanthropic Advisory Service (PAS) advises against giving out
credit card numbers to a phone solicitor. This can be a ruse to
obtain the card number for illegitimate purposes. Ask the caller to
send written information on the charity's programs and finances.

Check out relief charities by contacting the Better Business Bureau
or your local charity registration office (usually a division of the
state attorney general's office). Information on national charities
is also available from CBBB's Philanthropic Advisory Service. In
addition, PAS also offers the following tips for donors to consider:

1.Be wary of appeals that are long on emotion, but short on
describing what the charity will do to address the refugees in
Yugoslavia and the surrounding areas.

2.If you contribute, do not give cash. Make a check or money order
payable to the name of the charitable organization, not to the
individual collecting the donation.

3.Watch out for excessive pressure for on-the-spot donations. Be wary
of any request to send a "runner" to pick up your contribution.

4.Do not give out your credit card number or other personal
information to a telephone solicitor. Ask the caller to send you
written information on the charity's programs and finances.

5.Do not hesitate to ask for written information that describes the
charity's programs and finances. Even newly created organizations
should have basic written information available.

6.Be wary of charities that are reluctant to answer reasonable
questions about their operations, finances, and programs. Ask how
much of your gift will be used for the activity mentioned in the
appeal and how much will go toward other programs and administrative
and fund raising costs.

7.Find out what the charity intends to do with excess contributions
remaining after they have funded their Kosovo activity.

8.Check with organizations before donating goods. If the charity
accepts donated items, have they confirmed there is a need for these
materials? Ask about arrangements for shipping and distribution.

9.Remember, there will be opportunities to give in the future. The
problems will not disappear when the headlines do.

10.Check out charities with your Better Business Bureau and obtain

Re: [CTRL] Help please!

1999-05-20 Thread Gavin Phillips

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-05-16 20:18:02 EDT, you write:  Other excellent info as well. Devvy does her homework
and I have found her to be reliable. Gavin.

<< Could someone please post the URL of the site that has the list of all of
 Clinton's associates who have died under mysterious circumstances?

 Thanks in advance,
 Joe >>

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Government Debating whether to Charge for Internet Searches

1999-05-20 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

n_name=Sci-Tech">CNN Custom News  - Sci-Tech


Government Debating whether to Charge for Internet Searches


Washington (AP) -- The Commerce Department is deciding whether to charge
Internet users a fee for searching government Web sites.

The department has partnered with a private company and has launched a
Web site that searches thousands of government and military Web sites
and documents for 15 dollars-per-day. However, the agency has put the
fees on hold until it decides whether the charges violate a federal
policy on unrestricted access to public papers.

The documents on the Web sites are already available for free by other

(Note: The Web site is

Copyright 1999& The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material
may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

© 1999 Cable News Network, Inc. A Time Warner Company
All Rights Reserved. Terms under which this information is provided to
Read our privacy guidelines.
Custom News is built on  technology.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] GreeceÕs Supreme Judges' Find NATO Guilty

1999-05-20 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-



Twenty members of the Council of State (Greece’s supreme administrative
court) have issued a statement deploring the international crimes
against Yugoslavia, which inaugurate a «period of lawlessness» and bring
us back to the «eras of the Holy Alliance and the Axis»

NATO was found guilty of an unprecedented and barbaric attack against
Yugoslavia in a statement signed by 20 high-ranking judges of the Greek
Council of State, headed by its most senior vice-president Michalis
In this important statement, the judges condemn the NATO bombardments,
denounce the international crimes being committed by the NATO countries
through this armed attack, and warn that any law passed deciding to
involve Greece in this war will constitute a gross violation of the
For the first time since the bombing began, Greek judges have taken a
stand and, citing legal arguments, point out that the NATO offensive
against Yugoslavia has inaugurated a period of lawlessness in
international relations, bringing us back to the eras of the Holy
Alliance and the Axis. In fact, they pointed out that «this attack is
accompanied by the revival of black propaganda that attempts to exploit
the misfortunes of the refugees to draw public attention away from the
violation of international law.»

Following is the full text of the statement:

1. NATO’s offensive against a sovereign European state, unprecedented in
the post-war years, is an affront not only to the ethical principles of
Greek and European civilisation, but also to the fundamental precepts of
international law. This latter is a legal issue and should not be
overshadowed by the moral revulsion that is justly provoked by this
cowardly and barbaric attack. On the contrary, this issue is of primary
importance and must be clarified in particular by those who have a
competent opinion about the Law, since their duty is to serve it.
2. This inexcusable attack is taking place in flagrant violation of
articles 1 and 2 of the United Nations Charter, which expressly
prohibits the use of violence in international relations, and designates
the Security Council (article 41 ff.) exclusively competent in
international crises. According to these provisions, but also to the
generally recognised precepts of international law, there is no room for
self-appointed crisis managers, nor is it permitted, on any pretext
whatsoever, for third countries to intervene in the internal affairs of
a sovereign state.
3. But this attack even violates the NATO Charter, the exclusive purpose
of which is collective defence of the area defined therein that
coincides with the boundaries of its member states, and which has
expressly committed itself in its international relations to refrain
from the threat or use of violence in any way whatsoever that is
incompatible with the principles and purposes of the UN (article 1).
That is, by its own Charter, NATO has been placed under the rule of the
UN Charter. And it could not have been otherwise, since no international
organisation or alliance can be placed above the United Nations.
4. In addition, both the United Nations Charter and all generally
recognised precepts of international law safeguard the equality and
sovereignty of all peoples, irrespective of their numbers and power, and
do not recognise any jurisdiction on the part of powerful nations to
intervene in the internal affairs of weaker nations or to dictate
solutions to their own liking. Consequently, however serious the crisis
in Kosovo may be, it remains an internal Yugoslav affair and belongs to
the exclusive jurisdiction of the sovereign Yugoslav state. Any
humanitarian or other interest on the part of the UN, other
international organisations or third countries may be manifested only in
a peaceful way and by diplomatic means within the context of the UN
5. And, in this case, the United Nations, respecting these restrictions,
remained within its jurisdiction, recommending to the lawful government
of Yugoslavia that they fulfil their obligations (Security Council
resolutions No 1160/31.3.1998 and 1199/23.9.1998). But behind the
scenes, the NATO military alliance appeared in a self-appointed role,
and without having – nor could it have had – any competence to become
involved in this matter, having first dictated an insolent ultimatum
disputing the very sovereignty of Yugoslavia, then launched an
aggressive war against this state, demanding that it conform to NATO
demands. This attack is accompanied by the revival of dark propaganda
that attempts to exploit the misery of the refugees to draw public
attention away from the violation of international law.
6. The legal significance of these actions should not be concealed nor
underestimated. By their armed attack, the NATO countr


1999-05-20 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from:">Is the MI6 Spy List a True List?

19 May 1999. Link fixed to


Since we posted the lists of MI6 agents last week, we have had many
enquiries about whether we think the list (
of MI6 agents is genuine and came from the ex-British spy Richard
Tomlinson. We have learnt the opinions of some of the best British
journalists covering the story. This is what they think.

1. Was the list published by Executive Intelligence Review on its web
site from Monday 10 May to Wednesday 12 May a list by Richard Tomlinson
of SIS agents?

Yes, this is what they believe.

2. Why?

Most of the list is accurate. Many of the names in the list are from the
Balkans, where Richard Tomlinson worked. Some of the names were known
only to Richard Tomlinson and a very small number of other people. Every
name that Richard Tomlinson has privately revealed in the past is
included in the list. In one case (only) in the list, the officer is
called a "wanker". This is not a technical term of MI6 espionage. It is
a term English men frequently use to abuse other men. It literally means
"masturbator". The person described as a "wanker" in the list is Tomothy
Clayden. This is the person who sacked Richard Tomlinson from MI6. Mr
Tomlinson has previously said that he dislikes Mr Clayden.

3. Could the list have been compiled from public sources, such as
Lobster Magazine (UK), Covert Action Quarterly (US), Namebase (US) or
from normal newspapers?

No. Less than 20 out of 115 names have been published in these
sources. Also, if the list had been compiled from public and not private
sources, it would not have omitted the names of MI6 agents who have been
publicly exposed as spies in the last few years. For example, Mr
Christopher Hurran, the British chief of station in Prague is not
listed. Nor is Richard Tomlinson himself, although he is the most famous
British MI6 spy to "out" himself (as a spy) in the last ten years.

4. Richard Tomlinson claims that since some of the names listed have
jobs which started after he left MI6, he could not have prepared the
list. Is this true?

No. For more than 25 years, people studying the CIA and MI6 have noted
that when one spy leaves a "cover" job, s/he is often replaced by
another spy. So they assume that this pattern is automatic. While this
method of spotting spies is often correct, it is not 100%
fullproof. Like anyone else, Richard Tomlinson could have used this
method to predict (not always accurately) the names of new MI6
agents. This would also explain why the British government says that
some of the list names are wrong.

5. Richard Tomlinson claims that he did not publish the list and that
his website list contained only a small number of names. Is this true?

This could be true, event if the long list was Tomlinson's own database
of SIS agent, and he had threatened to be about to publish it. Richard
Tomlinson's website was different to EIR. It was at Geocities. After the
row began, Tomlinson's lists (on Geocities) contained only 9 names. A
zip of these files is available here ( But
no-one has yet supplied a copy what these files looked like before
Wednesday lunchtime, when Tomlinson was warned about government action
in Britain. So it is not known whether Tomlinson ever did publish the
"long" list of 115 names on his site.

6. Over the weekend, the British press published claims that Mohamed Al
Fayed might have published the list. Is this true?

Mr Tomlinson denies giving the information to Mr Al Fayed or anyone
else.  Mr Al Fayed denies publishing the list on EIR. EIR refuse to say
where they got the information from. Mr Tomlinson and Mr Fayed had known
each other since Mr Tomlinson came out of prison in 1998.

Mr Al Fayed believes that MI6 had helped assassinate Princess Diana and
his son Dodi Al Fayed. Mr All Fayed paid for Mr Tomlinson to visit him
at St Tropez in France in 1998. After the visit, Mr Tomlinson told a
French judge that he believed MI6 might have helped kill Princess Diana
and Dodi Al Fayed.

Mr Al Fayed also knows and co-operates with EIR and its staff. On two
previous occasions since 1989, he had obtained EIR's assistance to
attack people whom he was angry with. On 6 May, four days before the
list of 115 names was published by EIR, Mr Fayed was extremely angry
because the British government had refused him permission to become a
British citizen.  Over the weekend, he was interviewed by British
newspapers. He used a number of phrases about the British government
such as referring to them as "Al Capone". On Monday 10 May, identical
phrases were included in the EIR article which introduced and included
the list of 115 names.

On Tuesday 11 May, Mr Al Fayed asked Mr Tomlinson to make a new legal
statement t

[CTRL] OEN 5/20/99

1999-05-20 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from:">The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe

Der Fuhrer Invades Yugoslavia

More NATO, Clinton Lies About "Serbian Atrocities"

In One Village, Albanian Men Are Everywhere

VETLJE, Yugoslavia--Something strange is going on in this Kosovo
Albanian village in what was once a hard-line guerrilla stronghold,
where NATO accuses Serbs of committing genocide.
An estimated 15,000 displaced ethnic Albanians live in and around
Svetlje, in northern Kosovo, and hundreds of young men are everywhere,
strolling along the dirt roads or lying on the grass on a spring day.

So many fighting-age men in a region where the Kosovo Liberation Army
fought some of its fiercest battles against Serbian forces are a
challenge to the black-and-white versions of what is happening here.

By their own accounts, the men are not living in a concentration camp,
nor being forced to labor for the police or army, nor serving as human
shields for Serbs.

Instead, they are waiting with their families for permission to follow
thousands who have risked going back home to nearby villages because
they do not want to give up and leave Kosovo, a province of Serbia, the
main Yugoslav republic.

"We wanted to stay here where we were born," Skender Velia, 39, said
through a translator. "Those who wanted to go through Macedonia and on
to Europe have already left. We did not want to follow."

A foreign journalist spent two hours in Svetlje over the weekend, his
second visit in less than a week, without a police or military escort or
a Serbian official to monitor what was seen or said.

The closest Serbian security forces were two policemen sitting at a
checkpoint half a mile up the dirt road, who weren't pleased to see so
many refugees moving back into the Podujevo area.

Just as NATO accuses Yugoslav forces of using ethnic Albanian refugees
as "human shields," the Serbs say KLA fighters hide among ethnic
Albanian civilians to carry out "terrorist attacks."

But Velia and other ethnic Albanians interviewed in Svetlje said they
haven't had any problems with Serbian police since the police allowed
them to come back.

"For the month that we've been here, the police have come only to sell
cigarettes, but there hasn't been any harassment," Velia said.

That isn't what North Atlantic Treaty Organization Secretary-General
Javier Solana believes is happening in Kosovo.

Solana told BBC television Sunday that he expected much more evidence of
"ethnic cleansing" in the province to emerge once the war is over. "You
don't see males in their 30s to 60s," he said.

And on CBS-TV's "Face the Nation" on Sunday, Defense Secretary William
S. Cohen said that as many as 100,000 ethnic Albanian men of fighting
age have vanished in Kosovo and may have been killed by Serbian forces.

The claims and counterclaims are only part of the tangled web that
threatens to trap NATO after nearly two months of bombing intended to
make peace here.

Kosovo Albanians continue to flee Yugoslavia, often with detailed
accounts of atrocities by Serbian security forces or paramilitaries.

Yet thousands of other ethnic Albanians are coming out of hiding in
forests and in the mountains, hungry and frightened, and either going
back home or waiting for police permission to do so.

While Serbian police seize the identity documents of Kosovo Albanians
crossing the border into Albania or Macedonia, government officials in
Pristina, Kosovo's provincial capital, issue new identity cards to
ethnic Albanians still here.

The Kosovo Democratic Initiative, an ethnic Albanian political party
opposed to the KLA's fight for independence, is distributing relief aid,
offering membership cards and gathering the names of Serbs accused of
committing atrocities.

"As an Albanian, I am convinced that the Serbian government and security
forces are not committing any kind of genocide," Fatmir Seholi, the
party's spokesman, said in an interview Sunday.

"But in a war, even innocent people die," Seholi said. "In every war,
there are those who want to profit. Here there is a minority of people
who wanted to steal, but that's not genocide. These are only crimes."

As an Albanian, Seholi also knows the risks of questioning claims that
Yugoslavia's leaders, police and military are committing crimes against
humanity in Kosovo.

His father, Malic Seholi, was killed Jan. 9, 1997, apparently for being
too cooperative with Serbian authorities. The KLA later claimed
responsibility for the slaying in a statement published in Bujku, a
local Albanian-language newspaper, his son said.

There are pressures to toe the party line in villages like Svetlje too,
where a man who overheard Velia speaking with a Serbian correspondent
for Agence France-Presse told him to stop.

"Don't talk to the Serbs," the man said angrily in Albanian. "They are
to blame for everything that is happening."

Velia, his wife, Hajiri, their three children and his mother, Farita,
56, were a

[CTRL] Fwd: Who runs the world?

1999-05-20 Thread Kris Millegan

Post Number  113: Who Runs the World?
Quite a subject, and one which brings many different answers, most of
which involve political figures, and nothing could be farther from the
truth!  Several years ago, a message that came from a high placed
individual within the Chase Manhattan Bank in New York to the head of
the Mexican government at the time came to light.  In it, the suggestion
was made that “since you now have complete control over the election
process through the use of the new electronic voting machines, you
should permit an occasional victory in some outlying areas for the
opposition, in order to limit questions.”

Of course, what the message was referring to is the information
contained in the book VOTESCAM, where it is revealed that voting
“within” the United States is an exercise in futility.  There is so much
fraud and cheating going on, particularly now with the use of
preprogrammed “voting computers/machines” (ever wonder how the news
networks can do instant projections of winners in political races, and
never make a mistake?) that nothing can possible be changed through the
voting process.

And those who control the corporate United States are busy exporting
this wonderful technology to the rest of the world.  And you wonder why
the rest of the world hates America?

The first part of this Post is good, and reveals much, but the second
part, Sincere Regrets, makes the point of why the rest of the world
hates America so strongly, that nothing much can be added.  The filth,
corruption, drugs and criminal elements of the world are supported,
financed and run from New York and “the City” (London financial
district).  Only, most know nothing of London, and only see the dupes
from the United States, thus sparing the real criminals from exposure.
And you wonder why you do not know who really runs the world?  Start
paying more attention as to who is backing the KLA in Kosovo, and the
involvement of the KLA in drug running into Europe, and probably the
States, and you will begin to see a different picture.

Subject: Is world run by Syndicates, Cartels, Banks and Intelligence
It's a taboo subject. It's a subject that Big Media won't touch even
though the CIA itself *touched* on it in the Hitz Report several months
ago when the Inspector General Hitz admitted the CIA was dealing with
known cocaine traffickers during Iran-Contra.

It's a subject that politicians won't touch either because it reflects a
silent partnership of left and right and the employees of the Big Boys
who are presidents, prime ministers, senators, etc. don't want to touch
it. Alfred McCoy wrote about the Southeast Asia heroin
connection and Michel Chassoudovsky wrote about the Balkans/Kosovo
heroin  connection. Gary Webb wrote about the Contra cocaine connection.
There are other important materials, books by Terry Reed, Andrew
Cockburn, AE Pritchard and Roger Morris on the CIA cocaine connections
running from Oliver North's Iran-Contra operation right through to
Clinton's Mena, Arkansas, and even how they intersect with
other "intelligence agencies" like the anti-Jewish Israeli Mossad.  Then
there are the banking connections, and information discussion the Nuhand
Bank in Australia, BCCI and banking operations in places like Little
Rock, Arkansas.  (While you read this, remember; the British have
controlled the illegal drug trade for over 280 years; ever wonder why
the Queen of England is the richest woman in the world? – David)

There was Operation Watchtower, discussed on Mike Ruppert's website
( which involved beacons being set up in Colombia by the
CIA in the 1970s to allow planes carrying cocaine to land undetected in
Panama, and how some Americans who were involved in those operations
suffered, including Bill Tyree. Terry Reed wrote about it, and Barry
Seal (among others like Mossad agent Amiram Nir)
got killed for what he knew in Lousiana in 1986.

There was the fellows named David Kimche and Mike Harari (former CIA
asset Manuel Noriega's associate) and the late Amiram Nir who had
involvement in the arms and drug side of "business" for the Mossad.  And
Ari ben Menashe wrote about the arms trafficking.

So the question is really: Is the world run by syndicates, cartels,
banks and Intelligence services?? Are the media and politicians merely
employees of these folks who are the guys up at the Trilateral
Commission and Bilderberger Group?

Of course, this is exactly true, and anyone who doubts it, needs to
study and understand more.  It is all about money, and power.  But, how
do you obtain absolute power?  Through the gun is difficult, as history
proves, but… By building hatred, and convincing people that they must
murder each other, it is relatively simple to broker the power and make
the money from the central, nuetral position.  Hence, the neutrality of
Switzerland assured through treaties forced by the bankers onto all of
Europe in 1815, to ensure the bankers a safe bolt hole from which to

[CTRL] Fwd: Iran/Saudi Arabia/Iraq

1999-05-20 Thread Kris Millegan


Stratfor's FREE Kosovo Crisis Center -
The most comprehensive coverage of the
Kosovo Crisis anywhere on the Internet

Global Intelligence Update
May 20, 1999

Plans Debated for Future of Iraq


While the UN debates whether to extend Iraq's "oil for food"
program or to replace it with some other plan, Iraq's neighbors
are attempting to devise their own plan for containing Iraq
without Western interference.  The Arab League has called for the
U.S. and Britain to stop bombing Iraq, but have not suggested an
alternate containment strategy.  However, the recent visit of
Iranian President Mohammad Khatami to Saudi Arabia may have laid
the groundwork for an alternative plan.


The UN mandated "oil for food program," which allows Iraq to sell
$5.2 billion worth of crude oil every six months to pay for
humanitarian supplies, expires on May 24.  The UN Security
Council is scheduled to meet on May 21 to discuss extending the
program an additional six months, as well as two alternative
proposals that have been recently floated.  Russia has put
forward a plan, backed by China and France, that would suspend
sanctions on Iraq for a period of 100 days.  The suspension would
only be extended if Iraq verifiably cooperated in disarmament
efforts.  The Russian plan also calls for unfreezing Iraq's
overseas assets.  A competing proposal put forward by Britain and
the Netherlands would maintain the sanctions against Iraq, but
would lift the ceiling on Iraqi oil exports and allow foreign
companies to invest in Iraq's oil sector if Baghdad allowed UN
weapons inspectors to return to Iraq.

Russia has said that it will not support any new resolution that
does not involve at least a partial lifting of sanctions against
Iraq.  The U.S., in turn, rejects any plan involving suspension
or lifting of the sanctions.  Interestingly, however, an
anonymous U.S. official told the Associated Press that the U.S.
did not rule out the British-Dutch proposal, depending on how it
was implemented.  While the U.S. reportedly rejects a major
overhaul of Iraq's oil industry, U.S. officials are reportedly
receptive to a plan in which foreign investment would help Iraq
meet its "oil for food" sales quota.  U.S. Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright two weeks ago called on Security Council
members to consider and develop an earlier draft of the plan.

Iraq has reportedly rejected the British-Dutch plan as nothing
more than an excuse to maintain sanctions on Iraq, while
simultaneously reducing Iraq to "an entity under the trusteeship
of the United Nations."  Iraqi Foreign Minister Mohammad Said al-
Sahhaf sent a letter to UN Secretary General Kofi Annan on May
19, charging that the "oil for food" program had failed and that
the humanitarian crisis in Iraq had worsened.  Al-Sahhaf said
that Iraq was unable to sell enough oil even to reach the UN
mandated maximum, due to the deterioration of Iraq's oil
infrastructure and low international crude oil prices.  Moreover,
al-Sahhaf and Iraq's Oil Ministry on May 19 charged that the
United States and Britain had blocked 208 contracts Baghdad had
signed for repairs of Iraq's oil infrastructure.  Under the "oil
for food" program, Iraq is allowed to import $300 million worth
of spare parts and equipment to repair and maintain its oil

Al-Sahhaf concluded that, in the face of U.S. and British hostile
interference in the "oil for food" program, the only logical,
legal, and moral solution would be for the UN to lift the embargo
on Iraq.  Al-Sahhaf was echoed by the official Iraqi newspaper
Al-Iraq, which on May 19 wrote, "There is no point continuing
with this game of oil for food, which amounts to a hemorrhage of
Iraqi resources."  The newspaper claimed that the program "only
serves the imperialist interests of the criminals keeping in
place the embargo."

As the UN Security Council debates Iraqi sanctions and the
possible renewal of the "oil for food" program, Iraq's neighbors
may be stepping up efforts to take Iraqi containment into their
own hands.  On May 19, at the conclusion of a four day visit to
Saudi Arabia by Iranian President Mohammad Khatami that marked a
major milestone in the two countries' rapprochement, Saudi
Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal declared, "The results of
the visit... will have a positive impact on the whole region,
with the two countries able to play a key role in resolving
conflicts in the region."  During the visit, Iranian Foreign
Minister Kamal Kharrazi announced that he and his Saudi
counterpart had "formulated a long-term mechanism for resolving
problems in the Muslim world."

According to the Iranian news agency IRNA, during a meeting with
Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah bin Abd al-Aziz al-Saud, Khatami
noted it was "disturbing to imagine that the big regional states
and their nations may have to depend on others 

[CTRL] Georgia school shooting

1999-05-20 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

Four Students Wounded In Atlanta School Shooting

By June Preston
CONYERS, Ga. (Reuters) - A male student opened fire at a suburban Atlanta
high school Thursday, injuring four other students a month to the day of the
Colorado school massacre, police said.

Rockdale County Sheriff's deputies said none of the injuries were
life-threatening and the shooter had been taken into custody.

The shooting occurred at 8:03 a.m. EDT in the commons area at Heritage High
School in Conyers, 25 miles (40 km) east of Atlanta.

The gunman, identified only as a male student, was taken into custody within
10 minutes, deputies said. Witnesses said he carried at least two weapons, a
pump-style .22 shotgun and a revolver.

Kate Whiting, an 11th-grade student, said she heard "firecracker-like
noises" as she arrived for school.

"I saw some students run out of the building across the street to a nearby
neighborhood," Whiting told WSB-TV.

The injured students were taken by ambulances to the Rockdale County
Hospital. The remaining 1,400 students were led out of the school and stood
waiting on a football field while police searched the building.

The shooting comes just a month after the April 20 massacre at Columbine
High School in the Denver suburb of Littleton in which two high school
students murdered 13 people in a shooting rampage.

President Clinton was due to visit Littleton Thursday to console students
and families of victims.

© 1999 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] "No nation has succeeded in stealing so much." [senators frightened] Cox release imminent!

1999-05-20 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

If you can find the patent for the weather modification with the gist of
the thing, and the name of the patent holders, etc., and then realize it
is hooked up to our defense system.and it is all published in the
U.S. Patent Officewell  that is a road map for the spies of foreign
governmentsjust get a good man inside.

Anyway, what they did not stealClinton gave to them..

Now do you know why the War Department and certain Congressional leaders
declared that our enemies were stealing inside information of plans,
etc., right out of the Public Information files and U.S. Patent Office,
that is supposed to protect the plan and idea?

Nobody seems to remember how years ago Congress charged that this stuff
should not be put in patent book - as this is where a lot of thiefs and
paid agents do their "government search".

Isn't a patent to protect an idea?  What is the USA Patent Office doing
putting top secret patents (based some on work of Tesla which is highly
sophisticated...little maps showing transmitter/generator for weather
modificaion, etc)...and why did they not listen to the War
Department, who surely had more influence than the Patent Officeand
print certain top secret patents?

Who is on the take in the US Patent office; we already know who has
their big foot in the White house.


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1999-05-20 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

 The success of the campaign against racial preferences has forced the
civil-rights movement to change tactics: If they can't have double
standards, they'll have no standards at all. The Clinton administration is
beginning the assault by moving to restrict the use of standardized tests in
the admissions processes of colleges and universities. Under new guidelines
proposed by the Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights, "The use
of any educational test which has a significant disparate impact on members
of any particular race, national origin, or sex is discriminatory."
 Well, that's just about every one of them. Officials at higher-education
associations--not famous for their staunch defense of merit-based admissions
policies--"were reeling" when they heard the news about the "extraordinary
documents," according to a report in the Chronicle of Higher Education.
"Noting that more than 100 selective colleges emphasize SAT scores and that
minority students, on average, consistently score far lower than white
students, [they] were concerned that they would have to assemble evidence to
defend policies, or lose a key method of judging merit in admissions," said
the Chronicle.
 For years, conservatives have accused the Left of being for diversity of
race and sex but not of thought. Diversity of brainpower is no improvement.
Grades are probably on the hit list, too. Before long, admissions will be
based on a lottery system. And then the multiculturalists will have the
proportional representation they have wanted all along.

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Re: [CTRL] SNET: Who runs the world?

1999-05-20 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

 -Caveat Lector-

See the Membership Roster of the CFR.

CFR membership list data

Roster of CFR/Trilateral Commission Members

CFR and the New World Order

The core of POWER and DECEPTION

Was Berger a ChiCom Lobbyist?

Council on Foreign Relations
Trilateral Commission

Is there any hard evidence of an Insider plot for a "new world order"?

"A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained in
 is the best most natural defense of a free country..."
--- James Madison

"A militia, when properly formed, are in fact the people themselves...and
 include all men capable of bearing arms..."
--- Richard Henry Lee

"I ask sir, what of the militia? It is the whole people...
To disarm people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them."
--- George Mason

"There are a lot of very brilliant people who believe that the nation-state
 is fast becoming a relic of the past."
--- Bill Clinton, New York Times November 25, 1997

"No blood for blow jobs"
   --a placard

(^) Bard (^)
Passionate Charter Member
of the International Society
of Clinton-haters

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Re: [CTRL] Help please!

1999-05-20 Thread DIG Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

Here is one of the URL's for Klinton's Dead Body List:">SIGHTINGS

Re: [CTRL] Dutch Gov't Faces "Threat of Democracy"

1999-05-20 Thread M.A. Johnson

 -Caveat Lector-

Das GOAT wrote:
   "A senior member of the Liberal party objected strenuously
that this measure, if passed, would give Dutch citizens
too much power over their government."

Entire Dutch Cabinet Resigns
.c The Associated Press

THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) -- The entire Dutch Cabinet
resigned Wednesday after the ruling coalition split over
whether to give citizens the right to vote in referendums.

Except in the sacred texts of democracy and in the incantations of
orators, we hardly take the trouble to pretend that the rule of the
majority is not at bottom a rule of force. What other virtue can
there be in fifty-one percent except the brute fact that fifty-one
is more than forty-nine? The rule of fifty-one per cent is a
convenience, it is for certain matters a satisfactory political
device, it is for others the lesser of two evils, and for others it
is acceptable because we do not know any less troublesome method of
obtaining a political decision. But it may easily become an absurd
tyranny if we regard it worshipfully, as though it were more than a
political device. We have lost all sense of its true meaning wheen
we imagine that the opinion of fifty-one per cent is in some high
fashion the true opinion of the whole hundred per cent, or indulge
in the sophistry that the rule of a majority is based upon the ultimate
equality of man. -- Walter Lippmann

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[CTRL] Ayn Rand quote re schools (Explains Colorado Before the Fact!)

1999-05-20 Thread Lloyd Miller

 -Caveat Lector-

>> Ayn Rand once described public schools this way:
>> Your children are taken from you by force, sent to a school of which you
>> or may not approve, to study subjects you don't have to like, under
>> teachers that you didn't hire, and probably can't fire; and the whole
>> system is paid for by money extorted from you at the point of a gun.
>> Given that arrangement as the structural foundation of something as
>> important as education, we should be surprised by the kids that DO
>> survive public schooling, rather than the relatively few who don't.
>Marshall Fritz
>The Separation of School & State Alliance
>4578 N First #310, Fresno CA 93726
>(559)292-1776   292-7582fax
>"The Cement Canoe" by M Fritz, from first issue of Education Liberator,
>worth looking at again:
>Edu4um Atlanta...SaturdayMay 1, 1999.
>Mt Vernon Presbyterian Fellowship Hall,
>Mt. Vernon Road, Sandy Springs (a bit east of Roswell Rd.)
>See "Proclamation" at
>Pith: Increase your meekness in proportion to
>the bad faith of your adversary.
> >>Greetings! Please forgive me, SepSchool Forum Friend, but >>
I have been on a 20 day speaking and listening trip, and have >>
fallen behind in my attention to our forum. >>

So, this might have already been posted and and discussed, >>
and if so, please forgive the redundandandancy. >>

However, I think it is a GREAT quote and would love to >>
have the citation. Can you provide it, please? (Be sure to >>
send it to me directly as well as to the Forum to make sure >>
I see it. Thank you.) >>

Marshall >>

Ayn Rand once described public schools this way: >>
Your children are taken from you by force, sent to a school of which >>you
may >>
or may not approve, to study subjects you don't have to like, under >>
teachers that you didn't hire, and probably can't fire; and the whole >>
system is paid for by money extorted from you at the point of a gun. >>
Given that arrangement as the structural foundation of something as >>
important as education, we should be surprised by the kids that DO >>
survive public schooling, rather than the relatively few who >>don't.

> >>

-- >>
Marshall Fritz >>
The Separation of School & State Alliance >>
4578 N First #310, Fresno CA 93726 >>
(559)292-1776   292-7582fax >>

"The Cement Canoe" by M Fritz, from first issue of Education Liberator, >>
worth looking at again:
> >>

Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research (POB 20273,
Ferndale, MI 48220), a ruling class/conspiracy research resource for the
entire political-ideological spectrum.  Quarterly journal, book sales,
rare/out-of-print searches, New Paradigms Discussion List, Weekly Up-date
Lists & E-text Archive of research, intelligence, catalogs, & resources.
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[CTRL] Egypt's secret chambers...

1999-05-20 Thread Tsadowq

 -Caveat Lector-

Previous Thread: [EWAR] Orbit: Tomb of Osiris, awesome update

Fellow Lollards:

In a message dated 99-05-19 12:20:19 EDT, you write:
<< •THE LABYRINTH: Inside the Dark Under of the Duat. The Egyptian
Underworld is no longer a myth, an astonishing LABYRINTH, perhaps
even more miraculous than the Pyramids themselves lie under the
ground. But Unexpected dangers have confronted those who have

discoveries inside the Great Pyramid, and testimonies that
yield some astonishing thresholds >>


In a message dated approximately 33 A.D., Jesus said:

  26) Wherefore if they shall say unto you,
Behold, he (Messiah) is in the DESERT; go not forth:
behold, he is in the SECRET CHAMBERS; believe it not.

I am *sure* that this is *just* a coincidence


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] klintoonalgoreWH:considering "fee for searching government Web sites"

1999-05-20 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

 -Caveat Lector-

Government Debating whether to Charge for Internet Searches


Washington (AP) -- The Commerce Department is deciding whether to charge
Internet users a fee for searching government Web sites.

The department has partnered with a private company and has launched a Web
site that searches thousands of government and military Web sites and
documents for 15 dollars-per-day. However, the agency has put the fees on
hold until it decides whether the charges violate a federal policy on
unrestricted access to public papers.

The documents on the Web sites are already available for free by other

(Note: The Web site is


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[CTRL] "No nation has succeeded in stealing so much." [senators frightened] Cox release imminent!

1999-05-20 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

 -Caveat Lector-

 Cox panel findings frighten senators

By Nancy E. Roman

 House special committee and the Clinton administration have resolved most
of their differences over release of a long-awaited report on technology
transfers to China, clearing the way for it to be released to the public
within the next few days.
 "The report will be amply illuminating," said Rep. Christopher Cox,
California Republican, chairman of the U.S.-Chinese national security
committee that put together the report. "No nation has succeeded in stealing
so much."
 Mr. Cox said that disputes over what material to "redact," or censor,
have been winnowed from the hundreds to "just a handful," and that the
public will see only 70 percent of the committee's findings. The rest will
remain classified to avoid revealing damaging information about U.S.
intelligence methods. Some Republicans have said the White House also wants
to eliminate language that would be politically damaging as well.
 But 70 percent will be enough, Mr. Cox said. Sen. Conrad Burns, Montana
Republican and one of 15 senators who were briefed on the report by Mr. Cox,
emerged with a one-word description of it: "Scary."
 Mr. Cox said that news accounts of what is in the report -- based on
information "leaked by others" --have

-- Continued from Front Page --
made headlines that merely tease.
 "The report will explain the story behind the headlines," he said. The
document will be posted on the Internet at the address
 Most of the information that has leaked out has related to nuclear
warheads and China's nuclear capability. Mr. Cox said the report, which is
divided into 11 chapters, also includes sections on:
Supercomputer technology.
Stealth technology.
The manufacture of stealth airplanes.
China's acquisition of U.S. technology.

 Mr. Cox met last night with Rep. Norm Dicks, ranking Democrat on the
committee, to discuss the few remaining disputes over what sections of the
report to censor.
 The committee has wrangled with the White House since Jan. 1 over which
sections to release. The White House argued that most of the report was too
sensitive to make public. Members of the committee have said most of the
findings should be released to the public.
 Congress set up the special committee last fall after reports
circulated suggesting the Clinton administration was granting waivers for
the transfer of technology that could enhance China's nuclear capability.
 Loral Space & Communications Ltd. requested a waiver in February 1998
to transfer satellite technology to China. The Justice Department
recommended against it, saying Loral already had transferred technology to
improve the accuracy of intercontinental ballistic missiles that could be
targeting the United States.
 But the administration approved the waiver anyway.
 Mr. Cox said his committee will look at the Justice, State and Commerce
departments and the positions they took on the proposed transfer. He said
then that the committee would also examine reported political contributions
from Lt. Col. Liu Chaoying, vice president of the Beijing-backed China
Aerospace International Holdings Ltd.
 Democratic fund-raiser Johnny Chung has said he received $300,000 from
Col. Liu, a lieutenant colonel in the Chinese military and the daughter of a
member of the Politburo. She has denied making the contribution.
 Members of Congress who are eager to trade with China fear that Chinese
espionage and the findings of what China has managed to acquire through
legal technology transfers might dampen enthusiasm for trade with Beijing.
 A struggle erupts annually in Congress over whether to extend favorable
trading conditions. The United States is also negotiating with China over
its admission to the World Trade Organization (WTO).
 Mr. Cox does not expect negotiations over WTO membership to be affected
by the findings of the report -- at least "not directly."
 But he said the committee recommends that the bilateral relationship
"be made more sturdy."


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[CTRL] klintoonalgoreWH:"Rocket Failures Must Stop"[$3.5 billionTaxpayerFunds up in Smoke]

1999-05-20 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

 -Caveat Lector-

(These guys are costing us a Fortune!!)

Prez: Rocket Failures Must Stop

5:50 p.m.  19.May.99.PDT
President Clinton wants to get to the bottom of the recent rash of rocket
He directed Defense Secretary William Cohen Wednesday to provide a report on
why a string of six US space launches has failed.

"It is vitally important that we fully understand the root causes behind the
recent launch vehicle failures and take corrective action," Clinton said in
a memo to Cohen.

Over the past nine months, six US space launches using expendable rockets
have ended either in destruction or with satellites stranded in useless

Three of the incidents involved military payloads atop the heavy-lift Titan
4 rockets while the other three were commercial payloads on small Delta III
and Athena vehicles.

The losses generated by the failures have totaled about US$3.5 billion, $3
billion of which represents lost government flight hardware. More than $500
million was lost in commercial satellites and rockets.

Clinton asked Cohen to coordinate his investigation with CIA director George
Tenet and NASA administrator Dan Goldin.

He asked for an interim report in 90 days and a final report in six months
on the causes and "actions required to ensure our future access to space."

Titan 4 maker Lockheed Martin and the Air Force have already announced
investigations. Boeing is also convening a team of government and industry
experts headed by the former chief engineer of the Delta II program, Dr.
Russ Beck, to look into the problem with the Delta III stage.

On 30 April, a giant Titan 4 rocket put an $800 million military satellite
into the wrong orbit. That came three weeks after another Titan placed a
smaller missile-warning satellite into the wrong orbit.

On 12 August 1998, another Titan and its $1 billion, classified military
satellite blew up after launch due to a power supply malfunction caused by
an electrical short circuit.

In addition to those three military launch failures, contact was lost last
week with a remote-sensing Ikonos satellite shortly after it was launched on
a Lockheed Athena rocket for a private firm. That failure at least
temporarily delayed hopes by the private company to begin selling commercial
high-resolution satellite imagery previously available only to the military.


See also: Titan Misfire Caused by Software


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[CTRL] "Living the lie" [klintoonalgoreWH]

1999-05-20 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

 -Caveat Lector-

"Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is
finished, bringeth forth death" (James 1:15).

MAY 20

 Living the lie

We turn our eyes from the carnage on the evening news as NATO pipe bombs --
excuse me, cluster bombs -- another 100-or-so Albanian refugees, huddled in
the forests and fields to escape the terror. Limbs, lives, and dreams -- all
severed and strewn about the nearby farming landscape. The evening
talking-head quickly delves into the technical details of NATO's fancy
little gadget. The general who is his guest gratefully obliges with the
Clinton's Killing Machine drones on, devoid of purpose, launched with an
affront to the Law of the Land, fueled by the budgetary surplus,
sugar-coated with lies, spoon-fed nightly to mothers and fathers,
grandparents, and the generation that will inherit the burnt out case that
once was the most respected nation on earth. As it is with men and their
leaders, so it is with nations: "Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth
forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death" (James 1:15).

Historically, America has relied upon technology to protect us during armed
conflict. The smooth-bore muskets of the British were no match for the more
accurate, rifled barrels of the Kentucky longarms. Their modern
equivalent -- America's nuclear shield -- has been handed over by those
whose hatred for America is matched only by their greed and lust for power.

For a pittance in campaign contributions China bought our nuclear secrets
from the Democratic National Committee, acting as banker for the
Clinton-Gore White House. For its treason, Clinton-Gore gained four more
years to lie about the economy. Treat it like a poll: find out what the
nation's economists think is necessary, then deliver those numbers at the
end of the month. Why risk the unpleasant surprises that real numbers could

Men and women who supported a liar for president -- and begged their
senators for his reprieve -- have no claim to anything better. Let the good
times roll and pass the stock options!

If you're a Baby Boomer, your son or daughter doesn't know what a military
draft is. You can explain it, when our "volunteer" force collapses, its
technological advantage stripped away, because the proceeds paid for the
last election. Tell little Suzy that it's OK to be captured: Prisoner of War
camps have rules guaranteed by international treaties. And anyway rape,
torture, mutilation and murder are nothing more than different forms of free
expression. Judge not, that ye be not judged.

Tell young Johnny that driving an Abrams tank is a lot like driving the
family's Sport Utility Vehicle, except that the lifespan of the battlefield
operator is frequently measured in minutes or hours, not the decades of
suburbia. Comfort yourself with the thought that the end, when it comes,
will probably be quick.

Frame your stock brokerage statement with Johnny's death certificate and
your daughter's last letter from the POW camp -- a poignant reminder that
nothing is free. Even DOW 10,000 has its cost. Always remember: "It's the
economy, stupid." And when push came to shove, you did your part.

© 1999 Western Journalism Center


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[CTRL] "...the Pinocchio effect,"

1999-05-20 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

 -Caveat Lector-

Does the Nose Know?
Psychiatrist Says Clinton's Body
Language Shows Deception
5.35 p.m. ET (2135 GMT) May 19, 1999 By Renee Shilhab
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Does the nose know when its owner is lying?

Joe Marquette/AP

Alan Hirsch says that one can determine when the president told a whopper by
looking at when he touched his nose

It does, says a Chicago psychiatrist and expert on the sense of smell.

Alan R. Hirsch, who studied President Clinton's videotaped grand jury
testimony about his relationship with Monica Lewinsky, says that one can
determine when the president told a whopper by looking at when he touched
his nose.

By studying a 23-minute segment of Clinton's August 17 testimony in the
Paula Jones case, Hirsch said he determined that the president touched his
nose .26 times every minute, or roughly once every four minutes, when he
gave answers that later were shown to be false.

By contrast, the president did not touch his nose at all when he was asked
simple factual questions such as his name. Hirsch used the factual portion
of the president's testimony as an internal control and a videotape of a
fundraising speech by Clinton as an external control.

"This validates what I call the Pinocchio effect," Hirsch said. "When
someone lies, the erectile tissue inside his nose swells with blood and
causes his nose to itch."

The White House declined to comment on the study.

Hirsch and Charles Wolf, an Illinois psychiatry student, studied Clinton's
testimony for a study on lying. They presented their findings on Wednesday
at the American Psychiatric Association's annual meeting in Washington.

Hirsch and Wolf studied the president for 23 verbal and non-verbal signs of
lying they selected from 64 academic articles and 20 books on mendacity. The
cues include leaning forward, lip licking, face stroking, drinking or
swallowing, gaze aversion, handling of objects, stuttering and denials of
lying such as use of the words "frankly" and "obviously."

They found that the frequency of 20 out of the 23 indicators increased
compared to Clinton's truthful internal control.

Clinton's rate of speech errors — a category which includes changing
thoughts in mid-sentence, grammatical errors and Freudian slips — went up
1,700 percent when the president gave answers that were later shown to be
false compared to answers he gave in the internal control. His rate of
stuttering increased 1,400 percent when the two segments were compared.

The researchers determined that the president did a "liar's lean" — leaning
forward when talking — .87 times per minute compared to .18 times per minute
when he answered simple questions, an increase of nearly 400 percent.

The president handled objects more frequently when he answered falsely,
playing with objects such as eye glasses, a pen and papers roughly once
every two minutes compared to once every four minutes when he answered

"Manipulation of objects such as eye glasses may symbolize manipulation of
the person or persons being lied to," the researchers wrote.

Hirsch admitted that similar responses can occur during periods of high
stress. But if the president's body language was solely due to stress, he
said, Clinton would have exhibited more signs of stress during the simple,
or factual, portion of his testimony.

Hirsch has spent 15 years studying the human sexual response to scent. In
his book Scentsational Sex: The Secret to Using Aroma for Arousal, he wrote
that men are sexually aroused by the scent of pumpkin pie, lavender,
cinnamon buns, licorice and donuts.

With his latest study, "Practical Methods for Detecting Mendacity," Hirsch
went a step further, seeking to ferret out physical signs that would reveal
deception rather than simply trying to figure out whether patients were
lying about not being able to smell certain scents.

While refining his ideas about a link between physical body language and
truthfulness, Hirsch went to his health club. While riding a stationary
bicycle, he looked up at a television screen to see Clinton testifying
before the grand jury. The sound was turned down, so he couldn't hear. But
when he saw the president repeatedly touch his nose, Hirsch decided that he
was lying.

"I said to myself, 'I wonder if anyone else knows about the Pinocchio
effect,'" he said.

Hirsch said that his findings could be used by employers, spouses and
attorneys as a "human lie detector test" to determine whether someone is
being truthful.

The psychiatrist said that he has observed Clinton making physical gestures
indicative of deception when talking about Kosovo.

"He's doing some of these same things, such as touching his nose, on the
ground troops question," he said. "You begin to wonder."

Hirsch said he considered studying O.J. Simpson's responses to questions
posed in a BBC interview. Wolf said that Simpson did "extended eye blinks" —
blinks lasting more than one-twelfth of a second — when answering questions
about the killing of his wif

[CTRL] Dutch Gov't Faces "Threat of Democracy"

1999-05-20 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "A senior member of the Liberal party objected strenuously that this
measure, if passed, would give Dutch citizens too much power over their

Entire Dutch Cabinet Resigns

.c The Associated Press

THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) -- The entire Dutch Cabinet resigned Wednesday
after the ruling coalition split over whether to give citizens the right to
vote in referendums.

Prime Minister Wim Kok didn't say if he would form a new Cabinet, but he
hinted that new parliamentary elections probably would be necessary to
resolve the crisis, saying: ``The voters must have their say.''

Kok, Queen Beatrix and party leaders were expected to meet over the next few
days on what to do next.

``In view of the situation, the ministers ... decided to jointly resign,''
Kok said in a letter to the queen. Later, in a brief and somber nationally
televised address to Parliament, he called the collapse ``a bitter pill and a
terrible loss.''

The crisis comes at an awkward time for the Netherlands, which is a member of
NATO and has committed forces to the alliance's air campaign against

``The Netherlands is maybe not formally at war, but practically speaking is
at war, and many will ask: Is this the right moment for a Cabinet crisis? I
would answer no,'' said Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, leader of the Christian
Democratic Appeal, the leading opposition party.

The collapse of the government -- formed just last July after parliamentary
elections were held a year ago -- began before dawn, when Parliament's upper
chamber voted down a bill to let the Dutch public vote in ballot measures.
The bill was a longtime goal of the Democrats 66 party, the junior member of
the three-party ruling coalition, which also includes the larger and more
influential Labor and Liberal parties.

It would have permitted citizens to decide certain economic and social issues
through a referendum, such as whether to join the European Union's common
currency. Issues of taxation and the military would be exempt from public

Democrats 66 resigned its three Cabinet posts in protest after the bill
failed. The Cabinet met during the day in an effort to thwart a collapse, but
the talks were fruitless, and ministers of the right-leaning Liberal Party
and Kok's left-of-center Labor Party also quit.

The Liberal and Labor parties have a large-enough majority to continue ruling
as a two-party government. But the centrist Democrats 66 party has often
soothed tense relations between its two larger partners in parliament.

After debating all night and into the early morning, only 49 lawmakers in the
75-member upper chamber voted for the bill. It needed 50 votes -- a
two-thirds majority -- to pass.

The Liberal, Labor and Democrats 66 parties had agreed when the current
government was formed to take up the issue of referendum voting rights.

But early Wednesday, Hans Wiegel, a senior member of the Liberal Party, voted
against the measure. He argued the measure was flawed because it would give
the public too much power over government policy, particularly in issues
involving European and international affairs.

All other Liberal Party members of the upper chamber voted in favor of the
bill, despite earlier warnings that they would block it. Such a drama was
unusual in the largely figurehead upper chamber, where a vote hasn't caused a
government to fall since 1907.

Coalition governments have ruled for the past 80 years in the Netherlands,
where no single party has been able to get enough seats in Parliament to take
outright control.

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[CTRL] Clinton Orders Probe of Launch Failures

1999-05-20 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "``There's no suspicion of foreign sabotage,'' said a National Security
Council spokesman. ``[But] the Air Force does NOT believe there's any common
TECHNICAL problem that connects these various incidents.''
 "He said the CIA's involvement in the investigation was ][insert lame

Clinton Wants Failed Rockets Probed

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Clinton ordered an investigation Wednesday into
a troubling string of six U.S. rocket failures in less than nine months.
Losses have totaled $3.5 billion.

``It is vitally important that we fully understand the root causes behind the
recent launch vehicle failures and take corrective action,'' Clinton said in
a memo to Defense Secretary William Cohen.

Clinton instructed Cohen to coordinate his work with CIA Director George
Tenet and NASA Administrator Daniel Goldin and to report preliminary findings
within 90 days, with a final report due in six months. Neal Lane, the
president's assistant for science and technology, will assist in the

``There's no suspicion of foreign sabotage,'' said National Security Council
spokesman Mike Hammer. ``The Air Force does not believe there's a common
technical problem that connects these various incidents.'' He said the CIA
was involved because it had equipment on some of the launches.

The failed rockets were carrying three military satellites, two commercial
communication satellites, and a privately owned satellite capable of taking
detailed, military-quality photographs of Earth. Two of the rockets exploded
on launch, three satellites were stuck in useless orbits and another
satellite vaporized in the atmosphere.

With 52 U.S. launches since the beginning of 1998, the six failures represent
a failure rate of more than 10 percent -- twice the rate experienced in the
previous six years. Three of the rockets were launched by the Air Force and
three by aerospace companies.

``Our national space transportation capabilities are critical to the overall
strength and stability of our commercial, civil and national security space
sectors,'' Clinton said in a memo to Cohen. ``As we enter the 21st century,
reliable access to space will be more important than ever in accomplishing
our national goals.''

The failures also are being investigated by contractors Lockheed Martin Corp.
and Boeing Co.

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[CTRL] Pat Buchanan's Brother Avenges Kathleen Willey ...

1999-05-20 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 Something weird is going on here, Drudge ...

Buchanan's Brother Sought by Police

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A brother of presidential candidate Pat Buchanan is
arranging to surrender to police on charges he used a gun to threaten
occupants of a home owned by a relative of a top State Department official,
relatives said Wednesday.

The brother, Hank Buchanan, 61, has a history of mental illness and checked
into a hospital earlier this week for treatment, his family said. ``This is a
terrible setback for Hank and his family,'' said Bay Buchanan, his sister and
a former U.S. treasurer.

The charges stem from an episode last weekend at the home of Cody Shearer,
the brother-in-law of Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott.

Shearer reported that an intruder broke into his garage Sunday, slashed the
tires of his cars and then brandished a handgun at two guests in the home who
confronted him in the garage.

The intruder then fled the site, but one of the guests obtained the license
plate of the car he fled in, Shearer's lawyers said in a statement.

Shearer also reported he had received death threats from anonymous callers
earlier in the week after a television show aired unsubstantiated allegations
that Shearer may have been involved in threatening presidential accuser
Kathleen Willey in January 1998. Shearer denies the allegations.

``Mr. Shearer is concerned about the breakdown in journalistic standards that
has led to his personal safety being jeopardized,'' his lawyers said in a

Police traced the car and on Wednesday contacted Hank Buchanan's lawyer to
arrange for a surrender.

``Hank, through me, is fully cooperating with the authorities and hopes to
resolve this to everyone's satisfaction,'' said a brother, Tom Buchanan, who
is the lawyer representing him.

The family said Pat Buchanan, a former Nixon White House aide and television
commentator who is making his third bid for the GOP presidential nomination,
has visited his brother since he checked into the hospital.

Hank Buchanan ran his own accounting firm but has had a history of manic
depression, family members said.

``It has been years. He has had lots of problems. It is a tragic situation,''
Bay Buchanan said in an interview from her brother's campaign headquarters.
``He had been doing very well and this is a terrible setback.''

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[CTRL] Clinton Changes Mind, Scraps Apaches

1999-05-20 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "``The Apache was essentially designed to fight World War III in Europe
...' "

Officers: Apaches Not So Vulnerable

.c The Associated Press

TASK FORCE HAWK, Albania (AP) -- The Army's Apache attack helicopters were
designed specifically to defeat Soviet-made anti-aircraft weapons and are
capable of dealing with everything Serbia could throw at them, American
officers say.

That view was expressed here Wednesday after President Clinton told reporters
in Washington that the high-tech low-flying aircraft may never get a call to
action in Kosovo because of their vulnerability to portable shoulder-fired

With the weather improving, ``most of what the Apaches could do'' can be done
by Air Force A-10 Warthog tank killers that fly at higher altitudes, Clinton
said. His words were backed up by Pentagon Spokesman Ken Bacon who also said
the 24 apaches now based at Tirana's airport would remain there for possible
use ``at the appropriate time.''

Clinton's comments came even as 5,000 troops at Task Force Hawk were enduring
``sandbag day,'' filling and carrying thousands of sandbags to help protect
the ever-expanding base from possible attack. Colonels and privates alike
pitched in to help.

The Apache pilots came here in mid-April and have trained intensively for
possible attacks on Serbian forces accused of driving nearly hundreds of
thousands of ethnic Albanians from Kosovo.

The pilots were not accessible due to military security, but Capt. Mark
Arden, a spokesman for the 11th Regiment said it would be wrong to
underestimate the helicopters' ability to defend themselves.

``The Apache was designed to fight, essentially, World War III in Europe vs.
the finest anti-aircraft systems the Soviets can manufacture. At best, that's
what we face against the Serbs here,'' Arden said in an interview.

``To say the Apache is overly vulnerable to the threats presented by the
Serbs is to seriously discount all of the efforts put into developing the
Apache,'' he said. ``It is in fact designed to defeat everything they do have
out there.''

The Serbs are known to have a variety of Soviet-designed anti-aircraft
weapons, but the main threat to ``nap of the earth'' flying, as the Apache's
low-level, under-the-radar tactics are known, lies in the hand-held portable
missiles, especially the SA-7.

The SA-7 ``Strela,'' which means arrow in Russian, is a Vietnam era, Soviet
copy of the U.S.-made Redeye, a heat-seeking missile designed to hone in on
an aircraft's exhaust.

When first used by communist troops in Vietnam in 1971, Strelas took a sharp
toll of helicopters until U.S. pilots improvised ways to thwart them, such as
diverting hot exhaust into the main rotor's wash.

Most later military helicopters have been designed or built with
missile-defense countermeasures. The Apaches' include special armor, a
reduced infrared signature and dispensers that spit out hot flares and chaff
to confuse heat-seeking and radar-homing projectiles.

``The Apache is designed to overcome, defeat enemy surface to air missiles,
particularly the SA-7,'' Arden said. ``The Apache was built around defeating
that older technology. They have some newer stuff, but so do we.''

Arden said that he was ``certainly not denying that there is risk, but there
is risk to the A-10s and F-16s as well, and they're doing a great job
defeating those risks, just as we would expect to do a great job defeating
the enemy systems.''

The Apaches, armed with a rapid-firing 30 mm cannon, 2.75 inch rockets and
tank-busting Hellfire missiles train and perform alongside the Air Force's
A-10 attack jets in a Joint Air Attack Team (JAAT) concept.

``We hope to get the opportunity to work side by side'' with the A-10s, Arden
said. ``I think the most is brought out of both capabilities when they
compliment each other.''

He parried a question as to whether Clinton's remarks might be a reflection
of political pressure to keep the Apaches out of the fight, which Clinton
himself denied.

``I'm sure he's got excellent military advisers who, if they feel the A-10 is
the right weapon to use right now, I'd trust their judgment. We're just
soldiers here, ready to do our mission when called upon,'' he said.

``We just want to go out there and prove what we can do.''

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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] "Peacekeepers" Will Invade BEFORE Peace

1999-05-20 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

NATO Peacekeeping Mission Changing

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The military mission that the Clinton administration
originally envisioned for NATO in implementing a Kosovo peace accord is
taking on a new look. The ground force would be much larger, and some allies
think it ought to be prepared to move even before Belgrade signs on to a
peace deal.

If peacekeepers moved in early, they might face scattered resistance from
remnant Serb forces, the Pentagon says.

The intent is still to use this multinational force to implement a peace, not
launch a ground war. But as NATO's Operation Allied Force entered its ninth
week Wednesday, alliance and U.S. officials said questions remain on how soon
the peacekeeping force should be assembled and when it should enter Kosovo.

The timing is important because of the degree of risk and cost entailed in
various options, and because NATO wants to end the conflict and get the
hundreds of thousands of displaced ethnic Albanians in Macedonia and Albania
back into their villages in Kosovo under NATO protection before the onset of

``Obviously, there are going to be (NATO) ground troops of some type'' in
Kosovo, Pentagon spokesman Kenneth Bacon said. The issue is whether they
should be prepared to enter Kosovo without the consent of Yugoslav President
Slobodan Milosevic, once Serb forces are too battered to offer much

The U.S. position remains that ``we need an agreement or a U.N. Security
Council resolution'' first, Bacon said.

Earlier this week, however, Bacon said it was possible that an international
peacekeeping force could enter Kosovo without Milosevic's consent. ``You
don't have to have an agreement to do that,'' Bacon said on Monday, so long
as the Serb forces simply stopped the violence in Kosovo and withdrew from
the province.

Originally, NATO estimated it would need 28,000 peacekeepers, of which about
4,000 were to be American. Now it figures it might take 50,000, of which the
United States may contribute 7,000 to 8,000.

British officials have argued in recent days that NATO should be preparing
for an early entry into Kosovo, given the increasing damage NATO airstrikes
are inflicting on the hunkered down Serb army in the Serb province. British
Air Marshal Sir John Day told reporters in London on Wednesday that NATO has
seriously degraded Serb air defenses, fuel resources, lines of communication
and fielded forces.

``NATO's air campaign has already significantly eroded the military
capability of Milosevic's war machine, and it is being further reduced as
each day goes by,'' Day said.

British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook, due in Washington on Thursday for talks
with Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, said NATO should be ready to move
quickly with ground forces to protect refugees once Serb forces are
sufficiently devastated. ``The issue of judgment that needs to be made is at
what point in the end game would it be appropriate, would it be safe, would
it be right, for troops to enter,'' he said in London.

Bacon said Wednesday that the U.S. military could move its portion of a
peacekeeping force into the area ``in days.'' He noted that 6,000 U.S. troops
already are in Albania and NATO has about 13,000 troops in Macedonia.

President Clinton stirred speculation about U.S. policy when he said Tuesday
that no option should be ruled out on the use of ground troops, although he
also said NATO should continue on its present course of airstrikes.
Previously, Clinton had said he had no intention of introducing ground troops
into Kosovo.

Army Chief of Staff Gen. Dennis Reimer was asked about Clinton's remark at a
Senate hearing Wednesday.

``What he said is that ground forces are still an option on the table, under
the right set of conditions,'' Reimer said. Yet to be determined is what that
``right set of conditions'' will be.

At NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, spokesman Jamie Shea said
Wednesday the alliance is focusing on plans for a peacekeeping force in
Kosovo, to be dubbed Operation Joint Guardian, not a ground war.

``We are not going to send ground forces to fight in Kosovo, but as a peace
force,'' Shea said. He said NATO was ``pushing this as a matter of priority''
because it does not want to leave a security vacuum in Kosovo if Serb forces
suddenly give up and withdraw from the province.

``All of us in the alliance share a sense of urgency that when Milosevic
finally puts up his hand and says, 'I accept (NATO's) conditions,' we have to
be ready with a peace implementation force to enter Kosovo rapidly,'' Shea

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[CTRL] US Special Forces and Osama Bin Laden

1999-05-20 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "While in the U.S. military, [he] taught soldiers in the Special Forces
about Muslim culture. Prosecutors say he LATER lent his military expertise to
terrorists ..."

Ex-Sgt. Indicted in Terror Campaign

.c The Associated Press

NEW YORK (AP) -- A former Army sergeant was indicted Wednesday on federal
charges that he trained members of Osama bin Laden's terrorist organization
and Islamic militants who were implicated in the World Trade Center bombing.

Ali Mohamed, 46, a native of Egypt who left the Army in 1989, was added to a
broad conspiracy case that includes bin Laden, the suspected architect of
last summer's bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.

Mohamed has been jailed in New York since he was arrested Sept. 11 on a
sealed complaint in federal court in Manhattan. A message left Wednesday with
Mohamed's lawyer, James Roth, was not immediately returned.

Mohamed, a former Egyptian military officer, moved to the United States in
1985 and became a permanent resident. He was honorably discharged from the
Army in 1989 after serving three years at the Special Forces base in Fort
Bragg, N.C.

While in the U.S. military, Mohamed taught soldiers in the special forces
about Muslim culture. Prosecutors say he later lent his military expertise to
terrorists intent on destroying the United States to retaliate for its
support of Israel and involvement in the Middle East.

The indictment said Mohamed trained members of bin Laden's al Qaeda terrorist
organization and helped move bin Laden from Pakistan to Sudan in 1991. He
also allegedly discussed as early as 1993 with other members of al Qaeda how
to attack the U.S. embassy in Nairobi and other Israeli, British and French
targets in Kenya.

Mohamed also allegedly provided training to a group of Islamic militants who
were later implicated in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and in a plot to
blow up New York City landmarks.

Court records say that while Mohamed was in the Army, he gave tapes and books
on military techniques and weapons to a group of young men who wanted to help
Afghan rebels.

Some of the materials were later recovered from the apartment of El Sayyid
Nosair, the Egyptian immigrant convicted of conspiracy in the killing of
Jewish Defense League founder Rabbi Meir Kahane in 1990.

The Kahane killing was once believed to be an isolated attack, but
investigators now see it as the start of a U.S. terrorism campaign by Islamic

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[CTRL] China & Russia Defend Iraq

1999-05-20 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Russia Wants Iraq Sanctions Ended

.c The Associated Press

UNITED NATIONS (AP) -- Russia, China and France suggested Wednesday that the
Security Council suspend sanctions on Iraq once a new arms monitoring system
is in place, part of a new round of negotiations on drafting a new U.N.
policy for Baghdad.

The United States immediately rejected the proposal and said it would instead
consider an alternative draft resolution submitted Tuesday by Britain and the
Netherlands which calls for foreign investment in Iraq's oil sector after
U.N. arms inspections resume.

``We're looking favorably at that draft,'' Deputy U.S. Ambassador Peter
Burleigh said as he headed into a meeting of the permanent members of the
council to hear Russia detail its proposal.

Russia had initially suggested lifting sanctions on Iraq entirely, arguing
that the removal of the oil embargo was the only way to persuade Iraq to
allow the United Nations to resume overseeing the destruction of its weapons
of mass destruction.

China and France have signed on to the new Russian draft, which says
sanctions that have crippled the Iraqi economy for nearly nine years would be
suspended for 100 days after Secretary-General Kofi Annan reports that a
system of monitoring Iraq's banned weapons programs is operational.

The suspension would roll over every 100 days unless Annan reports that the
monitoring regime isn't working effectively. Iraq's foreign assets would
remain frozen.

On the weapons front, the Russian draft says that Iraq has been disarmed to
the extent that a system of monitoring can be established to prevent Iraq
from rebuilding its banned weapons programs.

``We don't accept it. We reject it,'' Burleigh said, stressing that the
United States doesn't agree that Iraq is fully disarmed.

The British-Dutch draft resolution calls for a similar system of monitoring,
but ties it more closely to the inspection system that was established in
1991 at the end of the Gulf War.

If Iraq submits to the new monitoring, the draft calls for the Security
Council to consider approving new ways to increase Baghdad's oil exports,
including foreign investment, so that more money can be funnelled into the
U.N. oil-for-food program.

The humanitarian program allows Iraq to sell $5.26 billion in oil over six
months provided the money be used to buy food and medicine for Iraqis.

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[CTRL] EM "Mind Control" at Yale

1999-05-20 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "In TMS, an electromagnetic coil is placed on the scalp and current is
turned on and off to create a pulsing magnetic field that reaches into a
small area of the brain. The goal is to make brain cells underneath the coil
fire messages to adjoining cells."

Pulses May Ease Schizophrenic Voices

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Schizophrenia patients whose medication couldn't stop the
imaginary voices in their heads gained some relief after researchers
repeatedly sent a magnetic field into a small area of their brains.

About half of 12 patients studied said their hallucinations became much less
severe after the treatment, which feels like ``having a woodpecker knock on
your head'' once a second for up to 16 minutes, said researcher Dr. Ralph
Hoffman. The voices stopped completely in three of these patients.

The effect lasted for up to a few days for most participants, and one man
reported that it lasted seven weeks after being treated daily for four days.

Hoffman stressed that the study is only preliminary and can't prove that the
treatment would be useful. ``We need to do much more research on this,'' he
said in an interview.

Hoffman, deputy medical director of the Yale Psychiatric Institute, is
scheduled to present the work Thursday at the annual meeting of the American
Psychiatric Association.

Not all people with schizophrenia hear voices, and of those who do, Hoffman
estimated that maybe 25 percent can't control them with medications even when
other disease symptoms abate. So the work could pay off for ``a small but
very ill group of patients,'' he said.

The treatment is called transcranial magnetic stimulation, or TMS. While past
research indicates it might be helpful in lifting depression, it hasn't been
studied much in schizophrenia.

In TMS, an electromagnetic coil is placed on the scalp and current is turned
on and off to create a pulsing magnetic field that reaches into a small area
of the brain. The goal is to make brain cells underneath the coil fire
messages to adjoining cells.

The procedure is much different from electroconvulsive therapy, called ECT,
which applies pulses of electricity rather than a magnetic field to the
brain. Unlike TMS, ECT creates a brief seizure and is performed under general
anesthesia. ECT is used most often for treating severe depression.

In TMS, the magnetic pulses are thought to calm the affected part of the
brain if they're given as slowly as once per second, Hoffman said. He and
colleagues targeted an area involved in understanding speech, above and
behind the left ear, on the theory that hallucinated voices come from
overactivity there.

The treatment can make scalp muscles muscle contract, leading to the
woodpecker feeling, he said, but patients could tolerate it. Headache was the
most common side effect, and there was no sign that the treatment affected
the ability to understand speech, he said.

To make sure the study results didn't reflect just the psychological boost of
getting a treatment, researchers gave sham and real treatments to each study
participant and studied the difference in how patients responded. They also
tested different durations for each treatment, starting with four minutes.

Patients rated the severity of the voices -- a term combining frequency,
loudness and the resulting distress -- on the day after each treatment. The
real treatment did far better than the sham one when both were given for 16
minutes, but not when they were administered for briefer periods.

On a scale of zero to 10, with 10 being the severity patients had before the
study began, the real 16-minute treatments led to an average drop of 3.8
points. Sham treatments made no significant difference.

Dr. Mark S. George, a TMS expert at the Medical University of South Carolina
in Charleston, agreed that the results are preliminary and must be confirmed
by further work. But he called them exciting, saying, ``You have to sit up
and take notice.''

Hoffman and colleagues have begun another study to see if giving more doses
of the 16-minute treatment will improve results.

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[CTRL] Is world run by Syndicates, Cartels, Banks and Intelligence

1999-05-20 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

Post Number  113: Who Runs the World?
Quite a subject, and one which brings many different answers, most of
which involve political figures, and nothing could be farther from the
truth!  Several years ago, a message that came from a high placed
individual within the Chase Manhattan Bank in New York to the head of
the Mexican government at the time came to light.  In it, the suggestion
was made that "since you now have complete control over the election
process through the use of the new electronic voting machines, you
should permit an occasional victory in some outlying areas for the
opposition, in order to limit questions."

Of course, what the message was referring to is the information
contained in the book VOTESCAM, where it is revealed that voting
"within" the United States is an exercise in futility.  There is so much
fraud and cheating going on, particularly now with the use of
preprogrammed "voting computers/machines" (ever wonder how the news
networks can do instant projections of winners in political races, and
never make a mistake?) that nothing can possible be changed through the
voting process.

And those who control the corporate United States are busy exporting
this wonderful technology to the rest of the world.  And you wonder why
the rest of the world hates America?

The first part of this Post is good, and reveals much, but the second
part, Sincere Regrets, makes the point of why the rest of the world
hates America so strongly, that nothing much can be added.  The filth,
corruption, drugs and criminal elements of the world are supported,
financed and run from New York and "the City" (London financial
district).  Only, most know nothing of London, and only see the dupes
from the United States, thus sparing the real criminals from exposure.
And you wonder why you do not know who really runs the world?  Start
paying more attention as to who is backing the KLA in Kosovo, and the
involvement of the KLA in drug running into Europe, and probably the
States, and you will begin to see a different picture.

Subject: Is world run by Syndicates, Cartels, Banks and Intelligence
It's a taboo subject. It's a subject that Big Media won't touch even
though the CIA itself *touched* on it in the Hitz Report several months
ago when the Inspector General Hitz admitted the CIA was dealing with
known cocaine traffickers during Iran-Contra.

It's a subject that politicians won't touch either because it reflects a
silent partnership of left and right and the employees of the Big Boys
who are presidents, prime ministers, senators, etc. don't want to touch
it. Alfred McCoy wrote about the Southeast Asia heroin
connection and Michel Chassoudovsky wrote about the Balkans/Kosovo
heroin  connection. Gary Webb wrote about the Contra cocaine connection.
There are other important materials, books by Terry Reed, Andrew
Cockburn, AE Pritchard and Roger Morris on the CIA cocaine connections
running from Oliver North's Iran-Contra operation right through to
Clinton's Mena, Arkansas, and even how they intersect with
other "intelligence agencies" like the anti-Jewish Israeli Mossad.  Then
there are the banking connections, and information discussion the Nuhand
Bank in Australia, BCCI and banking operations in places like Little
Rock, Arkansas.  (While you read this, remember; the British have
controlled the illegal drug trade for over 280 years; ever wonder why
the Queen of England is the richest woman in the world? - David)

There was Operation Watchtower, discussed on Mike Ruppert's website
( which involved beacons being set up in Colombia by the
CIA in the 1970s to allow planes carrying cocaine to land undetected in
Panama, and how some Americans who were involved in those operations
suffered, including Bill Tyree. Terry Reed wrote about it, and Barry
Seal (among others like Mossad agent Amiram Nir)
got killed for what he knew in Lousiana in 1986.

There was the fellows named David Kimche and Mike Harari (former CIA
asset Manuel Noriega's associate) and the late Amiram Nir who had
involvement in the arms and drug side of "business" for the Mossad.  And
Ari ben Menashe wrote about the arms trafficking.

So the question is really: Is the world run by syndicates, cartels,
banks and Intelligence services?? Are the media and politicians merely
employees of these folks who are the guys up at the Trilateral
Commission and Bilderberger Group?

Of course, this is exactly true, and anyone who doubts it, needs to
study and understand more.  It is all about money, and power.  But, how
do you obtain absolute power?  Through the gun is difficult, as history
proves, but... By building hatred, and convincing people that they must
murder each other, it is relatively simple to broker the power and make
the money from the central, nuetral position.  Hence, the neutrality of
Switzerland assured through treaties forced by the bankers onto all of
Europe in 1815, to ensure the bankers a safe bolt ho

[CTRL] Brittania:05-20-99

1999-05-20 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

>From Irish Times

Thursday, May 20, 1999

Straw ends legal 'manipulation'
by limiting jury trial

>From Rachel Donnelly, in London

Up to 22,000 people a year in England and Wales are to lose the right to a jury trial, 
the British Home Secretary, Mr Jack Straw, announced yesterday. The intention is to 
end "manipulation" of the legal system and save th
e taxpayer millions in court costs.

However, the Bar Council has criticised the proposal to limit the right to choose a 
jury trial in a crown court, rather than opt for a non-jury hearing in the lower 
magistrates' court.

Mr Courtenay Griffiths QC, of the Society of Black Lawyers, said he was disappointed 
with the proposal a few months after the publication of the report into the death of 
Stephen Lawrence. Black defendants, he said, did no
t have faith in the courts and often felt the magistrates' court was a "police court." 
Mr Griffiths said black defendants stood a better chance of getting a fair hearing 
from a randomly selected jury panel than from a mag
istrate. In opposition, Mr Straw had described the proposal as "wrong, short-sighted 
and likely to prove ineffective". Now, however, he endorses it. Addressing the Police 
Federation in Blackpool, the Home Secretary said i
t was a source of "irritation" that under the present system defendants charged with 
medium-ranking crimes - burglary or assault - can opt for a jury trial "for no good 
reason other than to delay proceedings".

After the conference, Mr Straw said no other country in Europe allowed defendants to 
choose where to be tried. He said in Scotland it was left to the prosecutor to decide 
where the trial took place "and there were no comp
laints about that system".

In the Commons MPs criticised Mr Straw's decision to announce the proposal at a police 
conference rather than to the House. The shadow home secretary, Sir Norman Fowler, 
said a statement from Mr Straw was particularly imp
ortant since he had performed a U-turn on his previous jury policy.

It was left to Mr Straw's junior Home Office Minister, Mr Mike
O'Brien, to answer the critics. He told MPs Mr Straw was "very
scrupulous" about protocol and had arranged for the announcement to
be made in a written reply published yesterday.

The right to choose a jury trial in "either-way" cases dates back to
an 1855 Act of Parliament, which allowed certain crimes tried
normally in higher courts to be tried by a magistrate if the
defendant consented. Indictable crimes such as murder and rape can be
tried only in crown courts, while a magistrate hears lesser offences.

>From TheTimes (UK)

May 20 1999 BRITAIN

Caterpillars are being poisoned by GM pollen, report Nigel Hawkes and
Nick Nuttall

Modified maize 'killing butterflies'

GENE-ALTERED crops designed to kill pests may also kill butterflies,
American research has shown.

In laboratory experiments at Cornell University, monarch butterflies
were damaged by pollen from a crop already widely planted in the
United States, a GM maize that produces its own insecticide.

The plant is designed to produce a toxin that kills the corn borer
pest. The experiments, led by John Losey, an entomologist, found that
when monarch caterpillars ate it they grew more slowly and more died.

"Monarchs are considered to be a flagship species for conservation,"
Linda Rayor, one of the research team, said. "This is a warning
bell." John Beringer, of Bristol University, who was chairman of the
committee responsible for monitoring the planting of GM crops in
Britain, said: "This is a very interesting finding. It suggests that
it would be remiss now to approve large-scale use of these crops in
the US, if they have a significant effect on these insects."

The maize variety used in the experiments is modified by inserting a
gene from a bacterium that produces a toxin lethal to the corn borer.
As the plant grows, it produces the toxin and protects itself against
attack. The Cornell team tested the modified maize (called corn in
the United States) because the pollen spreads widely and may fall on
neighbouring plants which are eaten by insects that do not attack
maize. Monarch caterpillars feed exclusively on the leaves of common
milkweed, which grows around the edges of cornfields in America.

The team dusted pollen from the modified maize on to milkweed leaves
and allowed the caterpillar larvae to feed on them. After four days,
44 per cent of the caterpillars had died, they report in Nature. When
leaves free of pollen, or dusted with unmodified pollen, were used
none of the caterpillars died.

They apparently disliked the taste of the toxin and ate less. After
four days, those that survived weighed less than half that of
caterpillars on leaves with no maize pollen.

The results, say the team, have "potentially profound implications
for the survival of monarch butterflies". Half the American monarch
population is in t