[CTRL] Bush's Fund-Raising Opens Huge Disparity

1999-07-01 Thread Nicky Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-


Bush's Fund-Raising Opens Huge Disparity
Unprecedented Edge May Limit Rivals
By Dan Balz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, July 1, 1999+ADs- Page A01

SACRAMENTO, June 30+IBQ-The record-shattering fund-raising performance of Texas
Gov. George W. Bush has created an unprecedented financial disparity with
all of his Republican rivals and likely will severely hamper their ability
to compete for the party's presidential nomination, party officials said

Bush's campaign announced that he has raised +ACQ-36.25 million so far this
year, an amount that far exceeded even the extraordinary expectations that
had been set for his campaign. No one in the history of presidential
campaigns has come close to raising that much money this quickly and no one
has ever raised more during the roughly 18-month nomination cycle than Bush
has raised in less than six months.

Only Steve Forbes, a multimillionaire who is mostly self-financing his
campaign, will have the money to compete with Bush.

Bush's fund-raising report provided more bad news for the campaign of Vice
President Gore. Although he has raised more than +ACQ-18 million so far this
year, Gore's only opponent, former New Jersey senator Bill Bradley, is
raising enough money (more than +ACQ-11 million) to mount a serious primary

But in addition, Gore now must worry about a potential GOP rival in Bush who
could start salting money away for the general election earlier than ever
and have more resources for the long war.

The Bush campaign's fund-raising pace makes it a virtual certainty that the
GOP front-runner will decide to forgo federal matching funds in the
primaries, his advisers said. Already, Bush has raised more money than the
estimated +ACQ-33.5 million he could legally spend if accepts matching funds,
and his advisers said he has no intention of returning any money. By
refusing to accept matching funds, Bush could exceed the spending limits in
such important early states as Iowa and New Hampshire, giving him an
additional strategic advantage over most of his rivals.

But Bush's fund-raising prowess also has implications for the general
election, should he become the nominee. Republican nominee Robert J. Dole
was nearly broke by the time he secured the nomination in the spring of 1996
and was significantly outspent by President Clinton's campaign until he
began to receive federal funds later in the summer.

Bush, by refusing matching funds, could continue to raise money after he has
the nomination and use it to start waging the general election campaign.
Gore has decided to accept matching funds, which means he cannot exceed the
overall spending limits. If he wins the nomination, but has spent heavily to
defeat Bradley, he could face the same problem Dole confronted four years

Gore deputy campaign chairman Marla Romash dismissed that concern, calling
Bush's contributions +ACI-blank checks for a blank slate.+ACI- She added, +ACI-We 
very confident we'll have the resources we need to win in the primary season
and win the general election.+ACI- Other Democrats, however, said Gore may need
to rethink whether to accept federal funds.

But it will be Bush's GOP rivals who feel the immediate impact of the
fund-raising disparity.

The Bush campaign for weeks would only hint at the record it was about to
set. On Tuesday, GOP officials who knew the figures told reporters that Bush
would raise +ACI-more than +ACQ-23 million.+ACI- By Wednesday, when they revealed the
record +ACQ-36.25 million, Bush fund-raisers insisted they had not been coyly
trying to lower expectations. +ACI-There's nothing Machiavellian here,+ACI- one

Even after expecting the worst, officials in other campaigns sounded
overwhelmed when they heard the news. +ACI-Oh my God, that's breathtaking,+ACI- said
Tom Rath, a top adviser to former Tennessee governor Lamar Alexander. +ACI-What
are you going to say? That's phenomenal.+ACI-

Whether Bush's huge financial support translates into the same level of
political support is the next challenge for his campaign. He has scores of
endorsements from elected officials, but the voters have yet to be heard
from. The first test will come Aug. 14 at a non-binding straw poll sponsored
by the Iowa Republican Party. The other campaigns will be feeling as much or
more pressure to demonstrate their viability at the Iowa straw poll. They
face major obstacles as they attempt to build support in the face of Bush's
vastly superior resources.

The only other Republican in the race with the money to match Bush is
magazine publisher Forbes. Bush campaign officials long have regarded Forbes
as a serious threat, primarily because they know he will have the resources
to run television ads aimed at the governor in the same way he attacked --
and permanently damaged -- Dole in the 1996 primaries.

+ACI-I think it clearly gets narrowed down more and

[CTRL] (Fwd) [BRIGADE] Foolish Abandonment of Pat Buchanan

1999-07-01 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
From:   "Linda Muller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date sent:  Thu, 1 Jul 1999 16:32:47 -0700
Subject:[BRIGADE] Foolish Abandonment of Pat Buchanan
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Brigade - GREAT column on our guy - Pat Buchanan!

PS - Thanks to ALL of you Brigade members who sent me a copy of

From:   Santelman Associates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
and Paul Ring <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ... and many others!
Subject:Article on Pat at Newsmax
Date sent:  Thu, 01 Jul 1999 13:22:27 EDT

There is a great article at newsmax.com called "The Foolish Abandonment of
Pat Buchanan" written by Steve Farrell, which documents how Pat, who was
one of the most popular Republicans in the late 80s, suddenly became a
"tenured fanatic, a divisive party figure, an oddity, a throwback, a
racist, an isolationist, a protectionist, a narrow minded, hot headed
street brawler." The article is at but I also pasted it
below. Paul Ring Milford, MA

The Foolish Abandonment of Pat Buchanan
Steve Farrell
June 30, 1999

Sometimes our memory plays tricks on us. Back in the 1980’s and right up
into the early 1990’s Pat Buchanan was widely acclaimed as the toast of
the Republican party.

Possessing a rare combination of hard hitting yet inspiring commentary;
extraordinary debating skills, yet an affable personality; a history of
brawling as a youth, yet heartfelt religious devotion as an adult; here
was a onetime Democrat turned Republican who by the time he had written
"Right from the Start,” had earned himself the title "the conscience of

Even in the Presidential primaries of 1992 and 1996, it was readily
admitted that it was the Buchanan campaign which shaped the debate. That’s
because, unlike the host of other candidates who opposed him, it was Pat
Buchanan who had an in-depth stance on most every issue; one which never
altered in casual or heated discussions, nor floated upon the winds of
opinion poll politics.

There was no posturing, no politicking. Just roll up your sleeves,
straight forward, in your face, for better or worse statesmanship, and
everybody knew it.

Of course, that disturbed some people. Democrats for years had loathed
him. And they had good reason, for Pat presented to the Democratic Party a
nightly national embarrassment on CNN, as he outwitted and outmatched
their best thinkers with common sense, get-to-the-meat-of-the-issues
insight, which left (no pun intended) opponents gasping from a lack of
emotion free, sensible comebacks. What Democratic Party faithful wouldn’t
hate him for that?

But as a Presidential candidate, and surprisingly, a serious contender,
Buchanan ran head on into a new set of enemies, this time within his own

Hypocritically, it was the same party hotshots who had long dubbed him as
hero who now caricatured him as villain, and who, just like their
Democratic Party counterparts who couldn’t defeat Buchanan on principle,
resorted to the mindless, bully-like, emotion filled tactic of name

Overnight, Pat became a tenured fanatic, a divisive party figure, an
oddity, a throwback, a racist, an isolationist, a protectionist, a narrow
minded, hot headed street brawler, and occasionally, in "kindness", a
candidate who "we like, but who can’t win.”

Leading the charge was the man who had written the most flowery
endorsement of all in the jacket of Buchanan’s best-selling book,
President George Bush, who suddenly changed praise into hostility, calling
Mr. Buchanan "a far right extremist". But the only thing extreme about Pat
is that he has forever stood firm by those principles that the
establishment Republican merely espouses during political campaigns.

The truth is, Pat Buchanan’s beliefs are mainstream and sensible. Here are
a few:

A belief that the US Constitution is the best political standard ever
devised by the wisdom of men.

A belief that the size and scope of the federal government should be
limited , and that the excessive burdens of taxation, regulation, and
government meddling in education would correct themselves if only we would
return to the superior standards delineated in that document .

A belief that free trade means elected representatives in Congress, as
specified by the Constitution (not some un-elected, superintending,
international regulatory body such as NAFTA or the WTO) should decide how
Americans direct their own commerce.

A belief that refusing most favored nation (MFN) trade privileges to a
country (China) which has for a long time manufactured goods by slave
labor, practiced patent theft, sold drugs on our streets to our youth,
stolen our most guar

[CTRL] The imbalance of power by J.R.Nyquist

1999-07-01 Thread Nicky Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

The imbalance of power by J.R.Nyquist

+AKk- 1999 WorldNetDaily.com

The United States has tremendous military power. But this power has been
compromised in recent years. In 1985, under President Reagan, the United
States Army had 27 divisions. Today, we have 10 divisions. In 1985, we had
37 Air Force wings. Today, we are down to 13 wings. In 1985, we had 546
ships in the United States Navy. Today, we have 339.
How does America's current strength match up with Russia's?

Despite its supposed dilapidation, Russia itself has large ground, air, and
naval forces. Since the crisis in the Balkans erupted on March 24, Russian
troop strength has increased significantly. Over 169,000 Russians were
recruited in a special call-up in April. In the last twelve weeks close to
100,000 Russians have volunteered for military service. Add this to the
normal Russian draft, which inducts half a million annually. We also know
that Russia called up marine and naval reservists, who engaged in huge naval
amphibious exercises in the Pacific and Black Seas. If this were not enough
for a dramatic reappraisal of Russia's existing strength, it should be noted
that Moscow often extends enlistments, retaining large numbers of soldiers
who would otherwise be demobilized. As everyone knows, the crisis in Kosovo
was the perfect pretext for such extensions.

What is most fascinating, in this context, is something Col. Stanislav Lunev
told me last August. Lunev is the highest-ranking defector from the Main
Intelligence Directorate of the Russian General Staff. Lunev told me that
Russia retains the same number of generals as during the Cold War, even
though the troop numbers are smaller. Lunev stated that it only takes eight
weeks to make a soldier, but two years to make a division commander. Even
more time was required to train corps commanders, army commanders, and
military district commanders.

Why did Russia retain so many generals? Lunev thought the Russian generals
were being kept so that Russia could put its Soviet-era armed forces back
together in a matter of weeks, while the United States would take years to
rebuild its divisions, air wings, and fleets. Thinking back on Lunev's
statements of last August, and now looking at the huge Russian recruitments
of 1999, Lunev's concerns have been justified. Russia may be on the way to
reestablishing its once formidable conventional military strength.

Given the fact that U.S. intelligence underestimated the size of Serb forces
in Kosovo, and U.S. forces mistook hundreds of dummy tanks for real tanks,
Russian strength is not going to be easy to estimate. In fact, Serb forces
escaped destruction during the recent NATO air campaign by using Russian
concealment techniques.

But more significant than the increased or hidden Russian conventional
strength is the unprecedented strength of the Chinese People's Liberation
Army, which gives every indication of being allied to the Russian military.

The Chinese armed forces have approximately 4.5 million men. This is the
world's largest military establishment. In recent days the Chinese held
remarkable war exercises in Tibet, involving large numbers of paratroops and
motorized hang glider units. These troops are said to have remarkable
qualities. They can cross impassable mountain terrain, making attacks far
behind enemy lines. They can strike at isolated mountain bases, or bypass
strong points.

In addition to the Chinese conventional threat, there is the North Korean
army. Approximately one million strong, the North Korean People's Army is
currently poised to attack American and South Korean units. Add to this the
armies of other rogue states and it quickly becomes evident that America's
10 divisions and 13 air wings are overextended.

Conventional forces, however, are only one measure of the balance of power.
Weapons of mass destruction are another measure. According to official
sources, the United States and the Russian Federation each have
approximately 7,000 strategic nuclear weapons. But this estimate of Russia's
nuclear strength assumes that American spy satellites can keep an accurate

Giving U.S. intelligence the benefit of the doubt, strategic nuclear weapons
may be too large to hide. But tactical nuclear weapons are another matter
altogether. According to intelligence sources, the United States cannot
track Russian tactical nuclear weapons. Various means exist for masking the
distinctive radioactive signature of these weapons. For example, tactical
nuclear weapons can be stored near nuclear waste disposal areas, nuclear
power plants, or near stockpiles of plutonium or uranium. This masks them
from detection. There are other, more sophisticated techniques for
concealing such weapons.

In this context, I had the opportunity to talk to an American strategic
missile expert. He told me that the Russians had developed the ability to
pack lar


1999-07-01 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Lloyd Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> The real reason for gun ownership is to protect the individual from
> the State, whether it is an invading State from across the seas or...

When states have overwhelming military forces, not to mention NBC
[nuclear, biological, chemical] arsenals, 'guns' are absurd tools
to attempt to oppose the power of such a state.  Tactical nukes &
anthrax are NOT countered by gangs of citizens with shotguns & AR-15s.
Personal firearms are useful in assault and terror, nothing else.
If you want to see what happens when organized groups of insurgents
holding firearms confront the power of a modern state, refer to
events in Uruguay, France and Egypt over the last few decades.
Hint: the patriots/revolutionaries are slaughtered.

The "REAL REASON FOR GUN OWNERSHIP" is to enrich the makers and
sellers of personal firearms.  It's no coincidence that many 2nd
Amendment proponents are also involved in pushing gold coins as
a hedge against instability.  Gold has dropped 500% in value in
recent decades; the only people profiting in gold, are the dealers
who find suckers they can scare into buying it.  Same thing with
guns - sharpies sell, suckers buy.  Yow.

* [EMAIL PROTECTED] * http://www.sonic.net/~ric * ICQ# 19633976 *
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] On Their Backs

1999-07-01 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

> WSWS : News & Analysis : Europe : Germany
> Social Democrats and Greens propose drastic cuts in welfare,
> health, pensions
> Germany's new budget: the beginning of the end of the welfare
> state
> By Stefan Steinberg
> 2 July 1999
> Back to screen version
> Details have emerged on the cuts proposed in the German welfare
> system by the Social Democratic (SPD)—Green Party coalition
> government and SPD Finance Minister Hans Eichel.
> Eichel is seeking to save a total of 30 billion marks over the
> next year, half of which will be deducted from the single largest
> government department, Employment and Social Services. The
> planned slashing of the department's budget will result in a cut
> of 12.8 billion marks and mean drastic reductions in all social
> security payments—from unemployment benefits to social
> assistance.
> Also in the past week the government has revealed its plans for a
> dramatic “reform” of the health and pension system. For decades
> the German welfare state had the reputation of being one of the
> most progressive in Europe, providing a broad range of services
> and a financial safety net to the unemployed, sick and elderly.
> Besides providing huge savings for the employers and imposing
> increasing costs on ordinary workers, the new budget
> fundamentally breaks with the principle upon which the German
> welfare state was built. Now the huge sums contributed over
> decades by workers to the pension and health funds are
> increasingly to be freed from state control and made available
> for speculation on the stock market and international exchanges.
> To appreciate the political significance of the new measures it
> is useful to briefly review the historical origins of the German
> welfare system.
> The very first measures providing insurance for workers in
> Germany date back to the rule of Chancellor Bismarck in the
> closing decades of the nineteenth century. Known as the “Iron
> Chancellor”, Bismarck was sufficiently astute to realise that it
> was necessary to offer certain concessions in order to make his
> government's dictatorial measures more palatable.
> Confronted with a powerful and rapidly growing industrial
> proletariat, Bismarck moved to block its political development by
> banning the Social Democratic Party in 1878. In order to head off
> opposition to this intensely unpopular law, Bismarck introduced a
> broad programme of social protection for workers.
> In 1883 a basic form of health insurance was introduced. A year
> later workers were provided protection for on-the-job accidents,
> and in 1889 an insurance system was introduced to provide
> long-term financial support for disabled workers. This latter law
> was to become the foundation for the pension funds established to
> provide workers with a comfortable income following retirement.
> For much of the 20th century such provisions were improved and
> expanded by the government whenever class divisions reached fever
> pitch, so as to forestall a radicalisation of the workers (e.g.,
> during the Weimar Republic and following the Second World War).
> The welfare system was based on the principle of “solidarity”,
> i.e., that the state would require equal contributions to the
> health and insurance schemes from both workers and employers.
> Close collaboration between the employers and workers in
> developing the welfare state was a key factor in Germany‘s
> political stability and the “economic miracle” which the country
> experienced in the second part of the century. With these new
> measures, however, the employers are broadly freed from their
> responsibilty to contribute to the schemes and provide guarantees
> for their workers. Health and pension programmes are to be
> removed from government jurisdiction and subordinated to the
> vagaries of the market.
> SPD and Green politicians alike argue that these fundamental
> changes are necessary to overcome huge deficits and a so-called
> “cost explosion” in pensions and health benefits. In fact, a
> number of experts have demonstrated that the “cost explosion” is
> fictitious. Over the last 20 years, for example, the cost of the
> German health insurance scheme as a percentage of gross national
> product has only risen from 5.87 percent to 5.95 percent.
> According to professor Heinz-J. Bontrup from the University of
> Gelsenkirchen: “Based on this growth there is no visible
> `dramatic` increase in health costs.” He continues, “...only
> after German reunification did financial problems arise in the
> state-regulated health insurance system. To a large extent the
> financial difficulties are not the result of a cost explosion but
> are, above all, due to a drop in contributions caused by high
> unemployment and low wage deals.”
> Not only does the Red-Green coalition government regard mass
> unemployment as inevitable—at the moment nearly four million are
> officially unemployed in Germany and many millions

[CTRL] (Fwd) July 1st FEC Data Update and more...

1999-07-01 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date sent:  01 Jul 99 2024 EST
From:   Public Disclosure, Inc - FECInfo 
Subject:July 1st FEC Data Update and more...
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

FECInfo - Public Disclosure, Inc.

The July 1 download of data from the FEC is now available.

The FEC announced yesterday that carpet maker Beaulieu of
America Inc paid
a $200,000 civil penalty for a "knowing and willful" violation
of the FECA
after providing bonuses and reimbursements to thirty-six
employee who had
given to Lamar Alexander's 1996 presidential campaign. CEO Carl Bouchaert
was fined $1 million in December 1998 for his role in the scheme. The case
was handled by the Department of Justice.

Mid-Year campaign finance reports are due from all candidates by July
 The June 30, 1999, cash on hand figures should identify those with
war chests for the 2000 elections.  Others may have totally wiped out any
debt from the 98 election.  If a potential House or Senate candidate (such
as in NY) has not started an official campaign committee by June 30, 1999,
you will not see a mid-year report and you will not see their first
finance report until January 31, 2000.

Presidential candidates will also be filing new reports on July 15th.
Bradley and Gore electronically filed their April report, and it was
instantly available to the public and media.  Several other candidates
stated they would file electronically next time.  It is now next time. If
you want to be able to quickly and easily analyze their campaign finance
data, now is the time to push them to file electronically.

Reporters may also be seeking early figures based on phone interviews with
campaigns. Make sure to get as many figures as possible. If you ask about
cash on hand, also ask about debts owed.  If you ask about receipts from
fund raising events, campaigns will probably give you gross receipts
figures, which are higher figures than net receipts.  Check to see if
receipts include any loans or transfers from existing committees. Make
sure to ask about disbursements.

Below is a list of the large soft money listed in paper reports filed June
20-25 by some of the national party committees, covering May 1999. These
reports will be keyed into the FEC data base next month. The DNC and the
NRCC do not report monthly. Their first report for 1999 will be filed in

Democrats picked up two big bundles - almost $750,000 from the Hollywood
entertainment and communications industry; and $380,000 from Texas
plaintiff trial lawyers. Democrats also picked up $250,000 from Mirage

Republicans picked up $230,000 from AT&T; $85,000 from Microsoft; $100,000
each from Anschutz Corp and Pepsico; $100,000 each from Lois Pope, Jim
Click, and Arnold Aronoff. Pope, Click and Arnoff are new $100,000 soft
money donors.

American Financial Corp, Cincinnati, OH $75,000 to NRSC 5/19
Citigroup Inc, New York, NY $35,000 to RNC 5/6; $10,000 to NRSC 5/6
John P Manning (Boston Capital Partners) $12,500 to DCCC 5/27; $25,000 to
DSCC 5/27 Victor Resnick (Resnick Capital Management) $12,500 to DCCC 5/27
Pacific Capital Group Inc $12,500 to DSCC 5/20; $12,500 to DCCC 5/27 A
Jerrold Perenchio, Los Angeles, CA (Chartwell Partners) $25,000 to RNC
5/11 Bond Market Assn $25,000 to NRSC 5/12; $2,000 to DCCC 5/28 Stephens
Group, Little Rock, ARK, $25,000 to NRSC  5/11 Kenneth L. Fisher,
Woodside, CA (Fisher Investments) $25,000 to RNC 5/11 Dirk Ziff (Ziff
Brothers Investments) $12,500 to DSCC 5/20; $12,500 to DCCC 5/27

American Specialty Health Plans $60,000 to RNC 5/5-6
AFLAC, $50,000 to DCCC 5/7
Schering Corp $25,000 to DCCC 5/28
Pfizer Inc, Jackson, CA $25,000 to RNC 5/26; $3,372 to RNC 5/5; $25,000 to
NRSC 5/28 Prudential Insurance, Washington, DC $25,250 to NRSC 5/28 AETNA
Services $25,000 to RNC 5/5 Merck & Co, Westpointe, PA $25,000 to RNC 5/18
Eli Lilly and Co, Washington, DC $25,000 to NRSC 5/28 NAII Political
Account , Des Plaines, IL $25,000 to NRSC 5/26

Provost & Umphrey Law Firm $100,000 to DCCC 5/28

Nix Patterson & Roach $100,000 to DCCC 5/17.  Memo entry indicated the
following breakdown: Harold W Nix $40,000; C. Carry Patterson $40,000;
Nelson Roach  $20,000.

John M O'Quinn (O'Quinn, Kerensky, McAninch & Laminack) $80,000 to DCCC

Williams Bailey Law Firm, $100,000 to DCCC 5/12. Memo entry indicated the
following breakdown: John E Williams $48,000; F Kenneth Bailey $32,000;
Denman H Heard $7500; Steven J Kherkher $7500; Jeff Thompson$5,000 to

Mirage Resort Inc $250,000 to DCCC 5/7
Arnold Aronoff (Landon Corp) $100,000 to RNC 4/22
Anschutz Corp, Denver, CO $100,

[CTRL] 'W' , S&BÑand the truth . . . shall set us free!

1999-07-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-


'W' , S&B—and the truth . . . shall set us free!

An interview with Antony C. Sutton, Researcher Emeritus

By Kris Millegan
©1999 Little Red Hen

Well, now, ain't life grand here in these United States. Now, I don't know
but I do believe I am being told, by our corporate media, that George 'W'
Bush is gonna be the next president and there ain't nothing us peons can do
about it.  'W'  has already got the cash and all the 'friends' a guy could
want. Billy-boy has shown that personal peccadilloes don't matter. And, gee
whiz, 'W's were just youthful indiscretions anyway.

The Mighty "Wurlitzer" is playing loud and strong; Project Mockingbird has
come home to roost and it looks as though a foreign secret society will for
the third time put their 'juvenile' in the White House. The latest 'spin' has
'W' just being a president of his ol' college frat house, DKE, who maybe did
some strange initiation rituals—yeah, right,—ya wanna buy a bridge . .?

George ' W' Bush is a member of a 167-year old secret society at Yale
University, Skull and Bones. Skull and Bones, has been shown to be founded as
a chapter of a secret society based in Germany.  Some say it is just a
college club; other say much more and point to 'W's grandfather's filching of
Geronimo's remains; of the financing of Nazis and Communism; of drug
smuggling; of eugenics; of manipulation of our social and political arenas
through the Hegelian method of thesis, antithesis—resulting towards the
desired synthesis—a "New World Order";—and more . . .

But then this is not just a story about ' W', or Skull and Bones, but also
the story of a courageous man, his dutiful journey and consequent battle with
the "powers-that-be".

Antony C. Sutton, 74, has been persecuted but never prosecuted for his
research and subsequent publishing of his findings. His mainstream career was
shattered by his devotion towards uncovering the truth. In 1968, his Western
Technology and Soviet Economic Development was published by The Hoover
Institute at Stanford University. Sutton showed how the Soviet state's
technological and manufacturing base, which was then engaged in supplying the
North Vietnamese the armaments and supplies to kill and wound American
soldiers, was built by US firms and mostly paid for by the US taxpayers. From
their largest steel and iron plant, to automobile manufacturing equipment, to
precision ball-bearings and computers, basically the majority of the Soviet's
large industrial enterprises had been built with the United States help or
technical assistance.

Professor Richard Pipes, of Harvard, said in his book, Survival Is Not
Enough: Soviet Realities and America's Future (Simon & Schuster;1984)

"In his three-volume detailed account of Soviet Purchases of Western
Equipment and Technology . . . [Antony] Sutton comes to conclusions that are
uncomfortable for many businessmen and economists. For this reason his work
tends to be either dismissed out of hand as 'extreme' or, more often, simply

The report was too much and Sutton's career as a well-paid member of the
academic establishment was under attack and he was told that he "would not

His work led him to more questions than answers. "Why had the US built-up
it's enemy? Why did the US build-up the Soviet Union, while we also
transferred technology to Hitler's Germany? Why does Washington want to
conceal these facts?"

Sutton, following his leads, proceeded to research and write his three
outstanding books on Wall Street: and FDR; and the Rise of Hitler; and The
Bolshevik Revolution.

Then, someone sent Antony a membership list of Skull and Bones and " a
picture jumped out". And what a picture! A multigenerational foreign-based
secret society with fingers in all kinds of pies and roots going back to
'Illuminati' influences in 1830's Germany.

And what a list of members, accomplishments and . . . skullduggery!

For the full story, check-out Sutton's book America's Secret Establishment,
in print for 14 years and available from Liberty House Press, 1-800-343-6180.
My short essay on
http://www.parascope.com/articles/0997/skullbones.htm">The Order of
Skull and Bones
 is available at: http://www.parascope.com/articles/0997/skullbones.htm

Here, in a rare, recent e-mail interview, are Antony Sutton's own reflections
and answers to questions from myself and other researchers

Pre-interview note from Antony Sutton:

Remember all my papers on this are in deep storage 1000 miles away and cannot
be accessed and I've not even thought about S&B for 15 years.  I had no idea
that any interest had been aroused out there.  I know the book is a steady
seller from the royalty reports; but that is all.

For the last 10 years I have been in complete seclusion working on future
technology...I'm more engineer than historian. The only visitors I've had or
meetings have been with three-letter agency people, who arrive on the
doorstep unannounced and complain I am hard to

Re: [CTRL] Transformation Studies Group Scotland

1999-07-01 Thread piper

 -Caveat Lector-

Here is some food for thought.

How long did it take the trees to get tired of dinosaurs
Why has China been able to have such a large population
Why do some countries go adventuring
Why do some countries apparently do suicidal
Is it survival of the fittest or survival of the species
What would we be replaced with?  Ants that grow fungus?
When the midnight soil becomes poisonous are we still wanted?
Some in power may have contacts but I suspect they are on
their way out is the human race is to survive.

Bacteria and their symbolic relationships with plants
Me thinks that they are unhappy with their symbolic relationship
with humans

So the ones in power, even if they have the connections -
filter it through their press - how would it be edited?
Will we live to see it?  It appears that their personal
bacteria is already made them suicidal - just hope they
do not take the world with them - like some modern day
Charles Madsons.

Any man can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a man power.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Transformation Studies Group Scotland

1999-07-01 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-

The Return of the Jedi !!

by co-founder  Andrew Hennessey  EDINBURGH SCOTLAND

The Transformation Studies group was born in edinburgh 1996 because I was a
bit of a misfit amongst fundamentalist theosophists - who had hoped that I
would go away, unfortunately I was like a bad penny - impervious to a bad
However, I had a lot of help from a very good friend , an internationally
respected templar and masonic expert - often consulted by tv and authors
such as baigent, lincoln, bauval, hancock, sinclair and lomas etc etc so
that he can verify their manuscripts for historic facts and detail.

without his initial support we would have floundered.
It caused considerable angst just getting a key to the building.
the very thought 
But the returns and patience payed off.

First the hippies and new age refugees - educated to superhumanity and past
caring about the system - just singing and chanelling 'love and peace for
the children of the world' ... thats Lilian, and Martin; his fledgling
computer business destroyed by industrial espionage - wears a bright red
hat amaongst other more colourful clothes :) Then came Margo Daru, a one
woman army and crusader against injustice - 50 something and still motoring
like a tank - currently fighting GM Monsanto and strange people from MI
something or other ... :) - and Don Fraser - supermystic and musician, our
man on the inside of the UKs Ministry of Defence :) astral walks and
prophesy his specialty, Then Vincent - Video cameraman - has videod more
shapechangers than David Ike !!! followed closely by Dangerous Dave -
implanted of course - intrepid investigator of the murderous security
underworld and a one man crusade against light sensitive alien starcruisers
with a 12volt torch :)  Then the first alan - alan C - musician,
philosopher, nutrition specialist and prophetic survivalist - the worms of
new zealand will never find his seed caches :)  then alan H - lawyer,
theres a magus hiding in there somewhere !!
David mac - Tai Chi and Reiki specialist - incredible graphic artist -
stephen mhutu edwards - academic philosopher going for phd - as is richard
H going for a phd in parapaychology - he says he will never be the same at
University now :), Then Brian - Neuro Linguistic Programmer and scientist,
web and internet skills and Mo - marketing, research and development of
programme and product
and now david B a former recluse from the monastic retreat of Iona.

By this time, the fundamentalists couldn't close us down - and we had won a
battle to change Theosophy in Scotland from a place for elitist nobodys to
a place full of vital activity and original input.

We had all gotten to the very core of the evil secret school and its racist
crap - and found out that they worship aliens at the earths centre and must
be totally obedient to their masters. We dug up all the old skeletons,
opened the locked and dusty doors - and had a good look at the dirty laundry.
Nazis, Golden Dawn, wierd elites -
then cofounder of the Group, Don, was given a strange and nasty biblical
sounding document with 'wheat from the chaff' and 'justice without mercy'
in it and reduce earths population to 1 million - these seeming to come
from lovely grandfatherly old men and somehow got into Dons documents :)

We get our fair share of kooks and spooks, but its all good clean fun - for
us anyway :) we've had MK Ultra people, CIA field, MI5, MI6, DI7 and mental
hospital outpatients with kitchen knives - they don't last the pace !!! :)

The fundamentalist were on the retreat, and resorted to stealing books and
documents, then finally, not with a bang, but with a whimper, we had
Transformed the Theosophical Society in Scotland into an organisation that
had its eyes on the future, the 21st century, and with due respect to the
19th century, put it in its place.
Now talks and events that I would have taken considerable flack and angst
for a few years ago, are now happening by popular demand all over scotland
and given by many people.
We are currently into GM issues, Roslin, Stargates, Reptiles :) and trying
to help community food centres, doing theatre shows, recordings - and our
Bodicea Warrior margot - the very reincarnation of Joan of Arc is starting
to slay the Giants of Evil as they congregate in the upper class jungles of
I just make the tea these days - :) with all these strong women around !!

Andrew  - as I said maggie - too many good people to lose :)

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to t


1999-07-01 Thread Lloyd Miller

 -Caveat Lector-


  The State Creates Its Own Enemies

Ghoulishly capitalizing on the tragedy of a mass murder, the anti-gun
forces are surging forward with their plans for total  gun
confiscation. If law-abiding private citizens were disarmed,  they
claim, criminals and crazies would be unable to kill and  maim.
That's an obvious lie -- criminals, by definition, disobey  laws, and
madmen can kill with knives, cars or champagne bottles  as easily and
as senselessly as they can with guns. The not-so- secret agenda of
the State and its apologists is clear: disarm  peaceful citizens to
render them powerless. Turn law-abiding  Americans into criminals
with the stroke of a legislative pen.  Anyone who refuses to
surrender his or her weapons would become  an Enemy Of The State,
much the same as any armed citizen is  right now in the Soviet Union,
or Communist China, or Socialist  Nicaragua, or Fascist El Salvador,
or Monarchist Great Britain.  Gun confiscation is non-partisan -- it
is always and forever  aimed at anyone disliked by the current gang
in power.

 Gun Seizure Sparked 1776 Revolution

The American Revolution began in a dispute over gun control when
British  Redcoats marched toward Lexington and Concord to disarm
farmers there. London claimed to be the "legitimate" government
ruling America, just as Washington or Sacramento or Albany claims to
be today. And their attempt to disarm us stems from the same power
lust that drove King George. We must, therefore, hold on to our guns
-- legally or illegally -- for the very same reason the colonists

The Truth About Gun Ownership

The anti-gunners, certain that the role of government is to grant
privileges and dictate behavior, shout that citizens have no reason
to be "allowed" to own assault rifles, which have "no legitimate
sporting use". The Constitution, though, says nothing about "a
well-regulated hunting club" being necessary. We do not own handguns,
assault rifles, shotguns, and other powerful weapons because we are
hunters or plinkers or collectors. We do not even own guns because
the Constitution "allows" us to. The Constitution does not "grant"
rights. It recognizes rights already and irrevocably held forever by
the people themselves (individuals), and forbids government from
trampling on them. We have a right to keep and bear arms regardless
of whether the Second Amendment exists or not! All Article Two
guarantees is that we shouldn't have to defend that right against
"our" federal government.

We've seen that simple guarantee erode, though, haven't we?

The real reason for gun ownership is to protect the individual from
the State, whether it is an invading State from across the seas or a
domestic State grown tyrannical and oppressive. The goal of total,
repressive confiscation is clear in the subtle, shifting arguments of
the anti-gun forces. When handguns were the target, they clamored for
prohibition because handguns were not militia-type weapons protected
by the Second Amendment. Now they cry for assault rifle bans because
"mere citizens" have no business possessing "military-style" weapons!

These eager confiscators rightly point out that assault rifles,
handguns, and indeed all "weapons" have only one purpose: to kill.
Again they speak a truth, but only partially. The unasked question
is, "To kill whom? And under what circumstances?" The answer is, "To
kill any who attempt to rob, maim, rape, or kill us." Even that
answer, though, does not fully express the most important reason for
gun ownership. Only a small number of people are actually touched by
criminal violence. The State, though, touches each and every one of
us every hour of every day. People in government seek to tax our
earnings to pay for their whims, to draft our children to fight in
wars they start, to regulate and interfere with our lives out of pure
love of power and their desire to wield it. They have become as
tyrannical as any Tory redcoat, Soviet Commissar, or Nazi Gestapo.
And they are coming to steal your last line of defense against them.
Will you meekly obey?

Gun Laws Enforced at Gunpoint

When any law against guns is passed, how is it backed up? How  will
the State remove banned weapons from private hands? How will  agents
of the State disarm the citizenry? Why, by the use of  guns, of
course! This contradiction has never bothered statists.  Why are
handguns and assault rifles evil and wicked in the hands  of private
citizens yet perfectly fine in the hands of employees  of the State?
If this is truly "government by the people" why do  we see the
servants disarming their masters by force? What do  they fear from
us, if theirs is a legitimate, benevolent  government? If the State
does not seek to control us, why does it  want us disarmed?

The usual answer -- stripped of equivocation -


1999-07-01 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Bruce H.G. Calder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Your History has Arrived <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Bruce H.G. Calder's THIS-DAY-IN-HISTORY: July 2, 1915

-United States-
Erich Muenter, a German language teacher at Cornell University
detonates a bomb in the US Senate's reception room, but he will
not be caught today. Tomorrow, he will shoot J.P. Morgan Jr. (who
survives the attack) for representing the British government in
war contract negotiations. Morgan's banking firm has been raising
huge amounts of money for the purchase of military supplies. Three
days after Muenter is finally apprehended, he will commit suicide
in his jail cell.

Timeline Of Violent Incidents At The Capitol
ABC News - Violence at the Capitol

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Thursday #4 - doom/gloom

1999-07-01 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990701d - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No preconceptions were obliterated during the production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Tick ... Tick ... Tick ... If Japan's many doomsayers are right, the world
  will come to an end within weeks, maybe days. Do they know something the
  rest of us don't? Do they know anything about Nostradamus? Do they care?

: If the world ends fast, will you notice? Will it interrupt some perfectly
good sex, a nice dinner, a pain spasm, a boring TV rerun, some web-surfing?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# RX FIRMS DUMPING IN ALBANIA. The WHO says pharmaceutical firms have been
  shipping tons of unwanted inventory to Kosovar refugees - tax writeoffs.

: Ain't capitalism wonderful? Are refugees expendable? Do you use outdated
drugs? Is this part of an alien plot to harvest superfluous people? Really?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# France OKs Scientology acquittals. PARIS (AP) - France's highest court has
  upheld the acquittal of nine members of the Church of Scientology accused
  of corruption and theft, ruling it lacks the authority to decide whether
  Scientology is a religion. Prosecutors had argued the church was a sect
  that defrauded people of their money. The defense said it was a legitimate
  religion with the right to ask members for money. Ruling will be appealed:

: Who has the authority to decide what is or isn't a religion? Do you read
this bulletin as a religious ritual? Am I a priest, prophet, god, demon???
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Japan cult cites persecution. TOKYO (AP)  The Japanese doomsday cult whose
  guru is charged with murder in a 1995 subway nerve-gas attack accused the
  gov't of unfairly cracking down on the group. Hiroshi Araki, spokesman for
  Aum Shinrikyo, said the cult's activities have been peaceful since its top
  leaders were arrested after the Tokyo gassing, which killed 12 people and
  sickened thousands. He said a flurry of arrests on trespassing charges of
  Aum members distributing recruitment brochures was unconstitutional and
  violated Japan's guaranteed freedom of speech. Then he made icky gagging
  sounds. http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2560141995-59a

: Should death cults be persecuted, executed, tolerated, ignored, flamed? Is
your death cult persecuted? Are there any cults you'd like to persecute
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# TECHNO BRA CALLS COPS. A security bra scans wearer's heart rate to sense
danger. If activated, it beams her location to cops, helps them make a bust.

# Bell Labs Geolocation Technology Pinpoints Wireless 911 Calls Within 15
  Feet. Researchers have developed the most sensitive technology yet for
  pinpointing the location of wireless 911 emergency calls. The approach is
  accurate within 15 feet when users are outdoors and 100 feet when they are
  indoors. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/1999/06/990630014801.htm

: If you use a cellphone for any sensitive communications, can They find you
wherever you are? Will the next generation of phones, bras, shoes, track you
at all times? Will gov't agencies monitor whatever you say, wherever you go?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# "Self-Healing" Discovered In A Solar Cell Material. Self-healing is
  normally the province of living creatures, but now a Weizmann Institute-
  led research team has discovered that it can occur in a semiconductor.

# Make Way For Faster, Cheaper Chips. Engineers have developed a method to
  make smaller, faster computer chips by stacking electronic devices - such
  as transistors 50 times smaller than a human blood cell - in a virtually
  unlimited number of layers, as opposed to conventional single-layer
  designs. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/1999/06/990630074217.htm

: Can we stack self-healing chips into living matrices denser than human
brains? How soon will these evolve intelligence that totally outstrips us?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


# STATES TO FACE EARLY Y2K TEST. The fiscal year 2000 -- will it spell doom
  for states' computer systems?  Several U.S. state technology officers say
  they've had no problems with the rollover from 1999 to 2000.  Auspicious:

# Tim Leary sang to FBI. WASHINGTON (AP) - Counterculture guru Timothy Leary
  cooperated with FBI agents investigating a radical leftist group in 1974
  and finked on group members who just 4 years before had helped him escape
  from pris

[CTRL] Fw: SNET: Global Positioning System Satellite Could Fail

1999-07-01 Thread Nicky Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: John Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, 2 July 1999 5:58
Subject: Re: SNET: Global Positioning System Satellite Could Fail

->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

Also, by his own admission, Gritz is an HONORARY MEMBER of the Jewish
Defense League. This should give pause to any thinking person about the
reliability of Gritz.
John Lee

- Original Message -
From: Bobby G. Christian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 1999 9:39 AM
Subject: SNET: Global Positioning System Satellite Could Fail

> ->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List
> This morning on the Bo Grietz show on short-wave frequency 12.160 MHz,
> it was disclosed that
> "The Global Positioning System Satellite" "turns over" on August 22 and
> no one know what
> will happen.  It is "possible" that it could  shut down and take the
> whole system with it.  It was also
> reported that the Coast Guard is posting warnings on this to its
> personnel.
> I personally have not researched this and do not know personally if it
> is factual or not, but if it is
> and you are  up in a private plane guided by Global Positioning
> equipment in the plane- you better
> have alternate plans for that day (August 22, 1999) , just in case.
> Bobby G. Christian
> Note:  The Bo Grietz show is on each week day morning from 9:00-11:00 AM
> on short-wave frequencies
> 12.160 MHz and 12.180MHz.  Bo was a green beret officer in Nam. and much
> more.
> -> Send "subscribe   snetnews " to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ->  Posted by: "Bobby G. Christian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

-> Send "subscribe   snetnews " to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
->  Posted by: "John Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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[CTRL] Tail Tales

1999-07-01 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

Via WorldTribune

> Wag the dog revisited
> -
> ---
> Maybe it seems like old news not worth revisiting. But the more I
> see Bill Clinton congratulating himself over his "military
> victory" in Kosovo, the more it reminds me that this entire
> operation began as little more than a diversion from his latest
> political scandal.
> This wasn't a humanitarian relief mission, folks. It was the
> latest in a series of wag-the-dog attacks directed by the war
> criminal in the White House.
> If you have any doubts, let's just review the facts:
> •On Aug. 17, 1998, Clinton went on national television to offer
> an explanation-cum-apology for his deposition that day in the
> Monica Lewinsky investigation. On Aug. 20, 1998, Clinton launched
> a cruise missile assault against Sudan and Afghanistan. The
> Afghan real estate was supposed to be the base of terrorist Osama
> bin Laden. But he was not present, though 24 others were
> reportedly killed. The Sudan site was an alleged chemical-weapons
> plant that turned out to be a perfectly legitimate pharmaceutical
> company. The night watchman was killed.
> •On Dec. 16, 1998, Operation Desert Fox began with air and cruise
> missile attacks on Iraq just hours before the House of
> Representatives was to commence its impeachment debate. The
> proceedings were delayed by a day because of the military action.
> The operation ended three days later, by some accounts, out of
> respect for the Islamic holiday of Ramadan. Nevertheless, some
> 2,000 Iraqis were killed in the series of bombing raids.
> •In February 1999, Clinton was faced with two scandals breaking
> at once -- the emerging evidence that he had raped Juanita
> Broaddrick and the details of security lapses that resulted in
> American nuclear secrets falling into the hands of the Chinese.
> Though many analysts were surprised at the precipitous manner in
> which negotiations were halted, Clinton chose this moment to
> launch what turned into an 11-week bombing campaign in Serbia,
> killing some 6,000 Yugoslavian troops, 2,000 civilians and
> sparking the revenge killings of some 11,000 ethnic Albanian
> Muslims.
> Where would Clinton get the inspiration for such brazen and risky
> political theatrics? Paul Burgess, a former congressional aide to
> U.S. Sen. Michael Enzi of Wyoming, thinks he has an answer. And
> so do I.
> Burgess cites a hard-to-find report released by Federal Reserve
> economists in late 1997 called "An Investigation into the
> Magnitude of Foreign Contacts." The document (No. RWP97-14) is
> essentially, Burgess explains, a scientific qualification of the
> "wag the dog" theory, with the researchers offering a lengthy and
> complex mathematical model to illustrate the advantages of
> small-scale, low-intensity wars to presidents in distress.
> The report concludes: "If the information content (about the
> leader, and for the consumption of the electorate) of small
> conflicts is substantial and their costs sufficiently small, our
> model points to the possibility of diversionary actions being
> welfare-enhancing (for the leader); only when (a diversionary
> war) can provide information favorable to the incumbent leader
> can the action be successful in its purpose; even though a
> diversionary war may have been avoidable and may force an
> unwarranted cost upon the electorate, it also reveals new
> information about the leader's abilities which the electorate may
> find beneficial."
> I sit here in amazement that Clinton is permitted by my
> colleagues in the press and the Republican majority in Congress
> to gloat about his military prowess in defeating the Serbian
> army. He should be prosecuted for this savagery and this blatant
> violation of the Constitution.
> Worse yet, Clinton is now suggesting that his antics in the
> Balkans should serve as a model for future engagements throughout
> the world. He says this at the very moment the bloody tables in
> Kosovo have been turned -- as ethnic Albanian Muslims take their
> revenge on innocent Serb civilians.
> We're a long way from peace in the Balkans. Intelligence analyst
> Richard Maybury points out that, in World War II, the real
> fighting in the Balkans did not begin until after the Serb
> government surrendered. Then the Serbs turned to guerrilla war
> and eventually ran the Nazis out, killing some 70,000 in the
> process.
> Is it too much to believe that a president of the United States
> would stoop to warfare as political cover for himself? Remember,
> this is not just any president of the United States. This is Bill
> Clinton we're talking about -- a politician who lives by the
> polls. It's just possible that, in the last two years, more than
> a few people have died for those polls, too.
> -
> ---
> A daily radio broadcast adaptation of 

[CTRL] (Fwd) Release: flag burning

1999-07-01 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date sent:  Wed, 30 Jun 1999 23:30:17 -0700
Subject:Release: flag burning
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Libertarian Party
announcements list)
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100
Washington DC 20037
World Wide Web: http://www.lp.org/
For release: June 28, 1999
For additional information:
George Getz, Press Secretary
Phone: (202) 333-0008 Ext. 222

Why Cuba, Iran, & communist China
would support the Flag Amendment

WASHINGTON, DC -- Want to make America more like Cuba,
and China? Then encourage the U.S. Senate to pass an anti-flag
amendment, the Libertarian Party recommended today.

That's because Cuba, Iran, and China -- totalitarian
where civil liberties are nonexistent -- already make
their flag a crime.

And, unfortunately, that's the course of action the Senate may
follow, in the wake of a House vote on Thursday to amend the Constitution
to make flag-burning a crime, said Steve Dasbach, the party's national

"Any U.S. Senator who votes to make flag-burning a crime will be
following in the shameful footsteps of Fidel Castro, Saddam Hussein, and
Mao Tse-tung -- and will strike a blow against the liberty that makes
America unique," he charged.

"The Senate has a simple choice: Do we want to live in a nation
where political dissent -- no matter how obnoxious and offensive it may be
-- is protected by the Constitution? Or do we want to live in a nation
where patriotism is enforced by legislation, just like in Cuba, Iran, and

Sometime this summer, the U.S. Senate will vote on a proposed
Constitutional amendment to give Congress the power to prohibit the
"physical desecration" of the U.S. flag. A similar bill was approved
overwhelmingly by the House, 305-124.

If passed by the Senate, the amendment would go to the states for
ratification. Already, 49 states have passed resolutions in favor of
overturning a pair of Supreme Court decisions which ruled that burning an
American flag is political "expression" protected by the First Amendment.

The punishment for "desecration" has yet to be decided, but
could range from one year of imprisonment (as mandated in Cuba), to 10
years in jail (as in Iran), to a life sentence at hard labor (as in Haiti,
another country that punishes political dissent).

As the U.S. Senate prepares to ponder the issue, said Dasbach, the
real question it will face is whether to endorse "flagism" or

"The real debate is whether to modify the Constitution to
enforce flagism -- which is simply the secular worship of a colored
piece of cloth -- or to defend the Constitution, so it can continue to
protect our individual freedoms," he said.

Libertarians have enormous respect for the values the U.S. flag
represents, said Dasbach, but understand the way to honor those values is
by preserving liberty, not limiting it.

"To Libertarians, a flag is more than a colored cloth design; it's
an idea and a vision of the principles we believe in," he said. "You can't
destroy an idea by burning a piece of cloth. Flags can always be replaced;
principles can't."

And that's why the Senate should stand up for the principles of
the U.S. Constitution when the anti-flag burning amendment comes up for a
vote, and protect free expression, said Dasbach.

"It is our liberty which makes America the best nation on
earth; not the flapping colored cloth adorning our flagpoles," he said.
"We urge the U.S. Senate to protect the liberty that made America great --
and not follow in the footsteps of Cuba, Iran, and China."

Version: 2.6.2


The Libertarian Party
http://www.lp.org/ 2600 Virginia Ave. NW, Suite 100
  voice: 202-333-0008 Washington DC 20037
   fax: 202-333-0072

For subscription changes, please mail to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> with
the word "subscribe" or "unsubscribe" in the subject line -- or use the
WWW form.

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,

[CTRL] Ventura Watch

1999-07-01 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

:--> http://news.excite.com/news/uw/990630/odd-44 <--:

Ventura attacks 'fat' foe, reveals underwear tendencies

By Erin Ghere
Minnesota Daily
U. Minnesota

(U-WIRE) MINNEAPOLIS -- Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura has been making
headlines lately in all sorts of ways, from his Friday lunchtime talk radio
stint to his feelings on the freedom of speech.


Ventura has angered some radio listeners by using his Friday lunchtime talk
radio show, "Lunch with the Governor," to mar his political opponents.

On Friday, Ventura called Darrell McKigney, president of the Taxpayers
League of Minnesota, a "bozo ... that fat load looks like Lumpy Rutherford
... this guy who ain't never run around the block before in his whole life,
doesn't have a real job."

In response, McKigney challenged "The Body" to a debate. Even so, Ventura
said he will not be inviting him to show anytime soon.

Seems as if our governor can dish it out, but can't take it.


Ventura clarified something that all Minnesotans are probably sick of by
now: When does the governor actually wear underwear? Or does he at all?

On Monday night on CNBC's "Rivera Live," the governor told Geraldo Rivera he
does not wear underwear when he is wearing jeans, but does when he is
wearing suits and the like.

Now we can all sleep at night.


Ventura spent Friday in Washington, D.C., and stole the show at a House
dairy subcommittee meeting when he gulped down a glass of milk in support of
Minnesota dairy farmers.

Farmers have been protesting a system which give farmers higher milk prices
the farther they are from Eau Claire, Wis.

Ventura jokingly suggested Congress move the milk price base to Beaumont,
Texas, which just happens to be 1,100 miles from St. Paul.


Burning the American flag is a part of the freedom of speech and expression,
argued Ventura Sunday on ABC's "This Week with Sam Donaldson and Cokie

Ventura argued that the great thing about our country is our freedoms,
including the freedom to burn the American flag.

His comments were in response to the U.S. House of Representatives' vote
last week to amend the Constitution to allow legislation that would ban the
desecration of the flag.

(C) 1999 Minnesota Daily via U-WIRE

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Rx Firms Dumping in Albania (fwd)

1999-07-01 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 07/01/1999 5:00:47 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

<< Welcome to Clintonia, the land of opportunism! >>

Sorry Love, it doesn't have anything to do with Clinton.  I remember hearing
a conversation between a group from Croatia after that debacle, and they
spoke of all the supplies they had received. "It was all outdated," spoke one
gentleman.  "They cleaned the warehouses of Europe."   You all are too young
to remember, but during the great depression, the welfare gave out cloth.  It
was absolutely the ugliest blue and white striped stuff you ever saw.  It was
just plain cotton, but it looked like cheap mattress ticking as far as color
was concerned.  I remember asking why they gave such ugly cloth.  The reply
went, "Well, it's for the poor, and the poor don't get anything, anyone else
would want."  That was in the l930's, and I guess not much has changed.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fishworkers Block Orissa Assembly on July 2nd

1999-07-01 Thread U.P. Secr

 -Caveat Lector-

 "World Forum of Fish-harvesters and Fishworkers [WFF]"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (by way of Yadfon Association/Jim Enright



The fisherpeople in and around Chilika Lake of Orissa are blocking the
Orissa assembly in Bhubaneswar on 2nd July in protest against the
stand supporting shrimp farms of the rich supported by goondas.  In fact
the political parties are supporting the shrimp farms of the rich and
These political parties have no consideration for the poor fisherpeople.

They have no respect for supreme court verdict of demolishing all the
farms in India.  All the political parties supported the AQUACULTURE
AUTHORITY BILL to bypass the supreme court Judgement.

The National Fishworkers Forum (NFF)  and the World Forum of Fish
and Fishworkers(WFF) fully support the struggles of fisherpeople in
against the shrimp farms.  We support the Assembly blockade of 2nd July
Bhubaneshwar.  We request all the fisherpeople in India to come out in
support of this struggle to survive.

Even after the killing of five fishermen the Government of Orissa is
on with a game.  On the one hand they say they are going ahead with the
demolition of the shrimp farms and on the otherhand they are playing a
in the Orissa High Court.  They are getting Sidhartha Shankar Roy to get
stay.  We must teach a lesson to the party of Sidhartha Shankar Roy in
coming election.  They want to come to power by hook or crook, but we
not allow this to happen.  We must teach a good lesson to all those
who support shrimp farms and aquaculture  authority bill to bypass
Court Judgement.

We request all people of good will to support this just struggle of poor

fisherpeople for their survival.  Chilika lake belong to us, only we
fisherpeople can protect the lake and the resource.  The lake is ours,
will not allow goondas the rich and the MNC's to take our life.  It is
struggle for THE RIGHT TO LIFE.  Harekrishna Debnath, Chairperson of the

National fishworkers forum will be present at the assembly blockade.

Please send your response immediately to the Chief Minister of Orissa,
Fax : +91 674 401 007


Thomas Xavier Kocherry
Co-ordinator,  World Forum of Fish-harvesters and Fishworkers  [WFF]
Co-ordinator, National Alliance of Peoples Movements (India), [NAPM]
Velankanny, Junction, Valiathura,  Thiruvananthapuram 695 008,  INDIA
Phone & Fax: +91 - 471 - 50 1376;
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Website:

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Chemistry Set

1999-07-01 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

>From NewsMax.CoM

> Are Psychiatric Drugs Driving Our Kids to Kill? Ken HamblinJuly
> 1, 1999
> Like most other Americans, I've spent the last couple of months
> trying to make sense of all the howling about the dire influence
> of violence on television, savagery in movies and mayhem in video
> games on our children today.
> Recently, however, I've come to wonder why the same crisismongers
> kicking up the fuss over these topics aren't asking hard
> questions about the so-called mental-health medication
> increasingly being dispensed to our kids.
> T.J. Solomon, the high-school shooter in Conyers, Ga., was
> reportedly taking the drug Ritalin. Eric Harris, the ringleader
> of the massacre at Columbine High School in Littleton, Col., had
> been prescribed the drug Luvox. And Kip Kinkel, the student in
> Springfield, Ore., who killed his parents and then went on a
> shooting rampage at his high school, was taking the psychiatric
> drugs Prozac and Ritalin.
> There were many other possible factors in their cases, of course,
> but I couldn't help wondering if these drugs might have had some
> influence on their actions.
> In an effort to educate myself, I invited Ann B. Tracy, author of
> Prozac: Panacea or Pandora? (Cassia Publications, 1999), to
> appear on my syndicated talk-radio show. Her book is the result
> of five years of research into the booming
> mental-health-medication industry and the pharmaceutical
> companies whose coffers it so plentifully fills.
> My conversation with Tracy was indeed an eye opener. She directed
> me to a 1997 letter written to Time magazine by Candace B. Pert,
> a research professor at Washington's Georgetown University
> Medical Center.
> "I am alarmed at the monster that Johns Hopkins neuroscientist
> Solomon Snyder and I created when we discovered the simple
> binding assay for drug receptors 25 years ago," Pert wrote.
> "Prozac and other antidepressant serotonin-receptor-active
> compounds may also cause cardiovascular problems in some
> susceptible people after long-term use, which has become common
> practice despite the lack of safety studies.
> "The public is being misinformed about the precision of these
> selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors when the medical
> profession oversimplifies their action in the brain ..."
> Intrigued, I decided to investigate further. A week later I
> talked with Dr. Peter R. Breggin, a psychiatrist who is the
> author of Talking Back to Ritalin (Common Courage Press, 1998)
> and the president of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights
> International. He shared his concern about the number of children
> on psychiatric drugs.
> "Several million children are being treated with Ritalin and
> other stimulants on the grounds that they have attention
> deficit-hyperactivity disorder and suffer from inattention,
> hyperactivity or impulsivity," Breggin says in his book. "The
> stimulants include: Ritalin (methylphenidate), Dexedrine and
> DextroStat (dextroamphetamine or d-amphetamine), Adderall
> (d-amphetamine and amphetamine mixture), Desoxyn and Gradumet
> (methamphetamine), and Cylert (pemoline)."
> "Except for Cylert," Breggin notes, "all of these drugs have
> nearly identical effects and side effects ... Ritalin and
> amphetamine frequently cause the very same problems they are
> supposed to treat _ inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. A
> large percentage of children become robotic, lethargic, depressed
> or withdrawn on stimulants.
> "Withdrawal from Ritalin can cause emotional suffering, including
> depression, exhaustion and suicide," he adds. "This can make
> children seem psychiatrically disturbed and lead mistakenly to
> increased doses of medication."
> Breggin points out that today there are more than 909,000
> children and adolescents between the ages of 6 and 18 receiving
> psychiatric antidepressant drugs in the United States alone.
> As for Luvox, the antidepressant Eric Harris was taking,
> Breggin's report is intriguing _ and frightening.
> "According to the manufacturer, Solvay, four percent of children
> and youth taking Luvox developed mania during short-term clinical
> trials," he says. "Mania is a psychosis which can produce
> bizarre, grandiose, highly elaborated destructive plans,
> including mass murder ..."
> It seems hardly irrational to wonder if there was a link between
> these designer drugs and the violent, antisocial actions of the
> children taking them.
> Did Luvox play a substantial role in the massacre at Columbine
> High School? Was Kinkel at least in part motivated to kill his
> parents and shoot up his school because he was on Prozac? Could
> his Ritalin prescription have been a significant factor in T.J.
> Solomon's rampage at his high school?
> I'm no doctor, but these coincidences strike me as too glaring
> for the medical community to ignore.
> It's no endorsement to say that we can understand the antisocial
> rationale that d

[CTRL] Environs of War

1999-07-01 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

>From Environmental News

> Damage to Yugoslav Environment "Immense" UN Team Reports
> NEW YORK, New York, June 29, 1999 (ENS) - Throughout the Federal
> Republic of Yugoslavia, the 11 weeks of NATO air strikes that
> ended June 10 have had "a devastating impact" on the environment,
> industry, employment, essential services and agriculture, a newly
> released United Nations report says. Land, air, rivers, lakes and
> underground waters as well as the food chain and public health
> are affected.
> The report of the Inter-Agency Needs Assessment Mission that UN
> Secretary-General Kofi Annan sent to Kosovo and other areas of
> the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia between May 16 and 27 was
> released publicly today. It was transmitted to the UN Security
> Council June 9.
> Map of Balkans with Kosovo circled in red. (Map courtesy NATO)
> The Mission was led by Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian
> Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Sergio Vieira de Mello.
> The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) was represented
> by Bakary Kante of Senegal, until recently, chair of an
> implementing panel for the UN climate change treaty.
> The primary objective of the Mission was to provide an initial
> assessment of the emergency needs of civilian populations and of
> the medium-term rehabilitation requirements in the country in
> light of the approaching winter.
> The environmental, socio-economic, and physical toll of the
> conflict throughout the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and beyond
> is "immense" and "has created a new type of complex humanitarian
> emergency," the report says.
> The Mission team's report repeatedly calls for "urgent"
> specialized environmental assessment and remedial action focused
> on the environment.
> The UN team reported that the destruction of public water supply
> systems in major urban areas has increased the risk of waterborne
> diseases. It also has had an impact on the overall hygiene
> conditions in health institutions, particularly in maternity
> departments.
> "A comprehensive technical assessment should be carried out to
> assess the impact of environmental hazards on public health," the
> report recommended.
> A large number of industrial facilities - allegedly more than 80
> at the time the Mission took place - have been attacked and
> destroyed in the NATO air campaign.
> "Damage to oil refineries, fuel dumps and chemical and fertilizer
> factories, as well as the toxic smoke from huge fires and the
> leakage of harmful chemicals into the soil and the water table
> have contributed to as yet unassessed levels of environmental
> pollution in some urban areas, which may in turn have a negative
> impact on health and ecological systems," the Mission team
> reported.
> Pancevo was struck by NATO bombs April 15. (Photo courtesy
> Pancevo HIP)
> The Mission visited Pancevo, 15 kilometres (9.3 miles) northeast
> of Belgrade, where the destruction of a petrochemical plant has
> resulted in the release of various chemical fluids - such as
> vinyl-chloride, chlorine, ethylene-dichloride, propylene - into
> the atmosphere, water and soil.
> "This may pose a serious threat to health in the region, as well
> as to ecological systems in the broader Balkans and European
> region," the team said. "Many of the compounds released in these
> chemical accidents can cause cancer, miscarriages and birth
> defects. Others are associated with fatal nerve and liver
> diseases. A proper scientific and technical fact-finding mission
> under UNEP's lead is urgently called for."
> The pollutants which have been released could also have a
> negative effect in the short and long term on the nutrition
> chain. The lack of protective substances, as well as fertilizer,
> could also endanger the survival of certain plants. Land, rivers,
> lakes and underground waters may be polluted due to the spillage
> of petrochemicals, oil spills and other chemicals, the Mission
> team said.
> "The ability of the local authorities to undertake
> decontamination and recovery in an environmentally sound manner
> is hampered by shortages of material and equipment," the team
> reported.
> B52H Stratofortress bomber (Photo courtesy stratfor.com)
> Given the gravity of potential environmental consequences of the
> conflict, a more detailed assessment of the full extent of the
> environmental impact is urgently required. A fact-finding mission
> should be undertaken involving the UN Development Programme, the
> UN Economic Commission for Europe, UNEP and Habitat.
> The United Nations and its specialized agencies should seek
> strategic partnerships with the European Union, the Bretton Woods
> institutions, and other major actors, including non-governmental
> organizations and bilateral donors, to prepare reconstruction
> plans for Kosovo, as soon as possible, the Mission team
> recommended. "Reconstruction should ultimately extend to the
> Fe

Re: [CTRL] Tick ... Tick ... Tick ...

1999-07-01 Thread Tenorlove

 -Caveat Lector-

As long as it doesn't come to an end before September, when I have
tickets to a concert

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Rx Firms Dumping in Albania (fwd)

1999-07-01 Thread Yardbird

 -Caveat Lector-

Welcome to Clintonia, the land of opportunism!

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 01 Jul 1999 13:15:00 -800
From: Wired News Daily <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Wired News Daily <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Rx Firms Dumping in Albania

 Wired News - a must-read for the latest information and commentary
 on our rapidly changing digital world.

   W I R E D   N E W S  Top Stories - 1:00pm 1.Jul.99.PDT
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   The World Health Organization says pharmaceutical firms have
   been shipping tons of unwanted inventory to Kosovar
   refugees, apparently for the tax writeoff. By Lindsey Arent.
   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


   Microsoft says it removed offensive material from its
   publishing software months before a San Diego man charged
   the firm with racism. By Katie Dean.
   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


   Washington is trumpeting a device that aims to protect kids
   from objectionable TV shows. But consumers don't understand
   it and don't want it, critics said. Declan McCullagh reports
   from Washington.
   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


   Yahoo and Procter & Gamble are teaming up to pitch Pringles
   and other P&G goodies online. Who cares, you say? Web
   companies that hope to tap P&G's US$3.5 billion ad budget.
   By Craig Bicknell.
   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


   Commerce One posts one of the most impressive IPOs of the
   year with a 353 percent gain. All the buzz words surrounding
   it sure helped, particularly "e-commerce"
   and "business-to-business."
   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


   California's standardized school testing results, a
   qualitative measurement of the state's educational system,
   are delayed when the data-collecting computers screw up the
   math. By Polly Sprenger.
   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

   IT'S THE PITS (WRLD 12:10 pm)

   Next time you're feeling kind of blue, go stick your nose in
   the armpit of an old lady. According to researchers at the
   Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia, the armpit
   odor given off by elderly women can have a "mood enhancing"
   effect on those fortunate enough to be within sniffing
   distance. The researchers somehow recruited 300 university
   students to sample the armpit bouquet of six different age
   and sex categories: young girls and boys, young men and
   women, and men and women in their 70s. Sniffers were given
   gauze pads that the subjects had worn under their arms for
   six days and told to breathe deeply. The point, apparently,
   is to establish whether or not hormones can change body
   odor, which in turn might indicate an individual's
   aggressiveness or approachability. Young men, incidentally,
   exude the most unpleasant odor. But we already knew that.
   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


   Paul Allen takes another step towards becoming master of his
   own "wired world" with the US$3.1 billion acquisition of
   Bresnan Communications, a Midwest cable operator.
   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .

Re: [CTRL] [SC] UFO Broadcast on TV

1999-07-01 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Hilary A. Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 1999 1:05 PM
Subject: [SC] UFO Broadcast on TV

> - Original Message -
> To: Skywatch International list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 1999 12:56 PM
> Subject: UFO over Bucarest
> International french TV channel TV5, gave the news on Tuesday of a UFO
> sighting over Bucarest, Rumania. A clear footage has been aired and I
> could record some of it. The coments were that the local authorities
> confirmed that it was a flying object of unknown origin, and that a
> similar object has been observed two years ago at the same spot. TV5 own
> news service didn't mention it anymore, other news programmes from TV5
> (belgian TV, swiss TV, french A2, french FR3, french-canadian TV) didn't
> mention it at all, CNN didn't mention it, australian TV didn't mention
> it, Hong Kong TV didn't mention it, portuguese RTPi didn't mention it,
> nothing on it from the APTN and Reuters feeds (I work on TV),... Why?
> Where TV5 got the story and the footage from? Why the other media didn't
> get it OR didn't want it? This kind of story atract people, for sure!...
> I work on TV with pressures and censures almost every day, but I still
> can't catch that. Don't tell me there is a MIB in every TV news room of
> the World, and that the TV5 team got lucky to have its own traped into
> the bathroom for one minute!
> So WHY!
> Jean-Michel Mariojouls
> China Director

There doesn't need to be an MIB in every newsroom, just as there needn't
be a corporate censor at every newsdesk - only one is needed, the boss.

Consider why commercial media don't cover progressive issues: It's not
that management explicitly tells editors and producers and reporters,
"These subjects are forbidden."  Rather, people who cover political and
economic subjects from viewpoints not favored by the owners, don't get
hired or promoted.  Out-of-the-closet Marxists don't get an editor's
desk at TIME or the WSJ, don't make it to executive producer at MSNBC
or KCBS.  Those who go along, get along.

Similarly, people reporting on UFOs will find themselves less than
welcome on news teams.  If they stay in the business, they may end up
doing features for A&E or TLC.  UFOs are suitable for tabloid trash
shows, not for 'serious' news, and nobody needs explicit orders to
that effect - it's just known.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fw: AANEWS for Thursday, July 1, 1999

1999-07-01 Thread CobolMage

 -Caveat Lector-

subject: AANEWS for July 1, 1999

 A M E R I C A N   A T H E I S T S
   #602 ~~ 7/1/99

   "Leading The Way For Atheist Civil Rights
And The Separation Of State and Church"

   In This Issue...
   * "The Senator From LDS"
   * Help us stop the Religious Liberty Protection Act!
   * TheistWatch: Apocalypse, live from Jerusalem
   * Resources
   * About this list...


He is entering a political race already crowded with ten other
candidates.  He is far behind in polls, has little money, and is only
now establishing a campaign organization.  Yet, Utah Republican
Senator Orrin Hatch says he is a man who believes in miracles and,
addressing what he sees as division within his party, "Can bring both
sides together"."

Hatch is overshadowed in media coverage and resources by a host of
other candidates now chasing the GOP nomination.  Front runner Texas
Gov.  George W.  Bush has "sucked up the oxygen," raising record
amounts of cash in his quest for the presidency.  Others like
publisher Steve Forbes and former Tennessee Gov.  Lamar Alexander have
had their campaigns in place for years.  Hatch enters this contest on
the ground floor with other struggling hopefuls like Sens.  John
McCain of Arizona and Robert Smith of New Hampshire.  The first three
or four primaries could well prune this field down to two or three,
with Bush a likely first place runner.

But who knows?  Hatch is already positioning himself not so much as a
"dark horse" who comes out of obscurity when the party is deadlocked,
but a "clutch candidate" Republicans can turn to when and if Bush
stumbles.  Like Bill Clinton, the Texas governor has a thick Teflon
coating -- whether it can last into primary season remains to be seen.
Right now the pundits are writing off the 65-year old Utah Senate
veteran, but a lot can happen between now and the Philly GOP
convention next year.  Over the weekend, Hatch told some of the
talking head programs including "Fox News Sunday" that while Bush
presently enjoys a commanding lead in the polls, he faces a "high
learning curve" on national issues.  Questions posed by reporters
about international issues like the Balkans suggest that Bush lacks
expertise in foreign affairs as well.  "He believes -- and certainly
this is a possibility -- that George W.  Bush may stumble, and if he
does stumble (Hatch) has the credentials just as valuable as anyone
else in the field," observed Sen.  Robert F.  Bennett (R-Utah), who
has been helping Elizabeth Dole's campaign effort.  Others like
political analyst Stu Rothenberg say that it is "impossible" for Hatch
to capture the GOP nomination.  Or is it?  Echoes of Gary Hart can be
heard, the man who had the nomination and the presidency locked up,
until a photographer snapped a revealing shot of a curvaceous Donna
Rice on board a party boat with the White House hopeful.

Scanning the list of Republican contenders is like looking at an
invite list to a Christian Coalition awards banquet.  Lamar Alexander
and Steve Forbes have both been courting the religious right, even
revising and strengthening their positions on culture war issues like
abortion.  Gary Bauer of the Family Research Council has an impressive
grassroots organization, and some surprising financial backing that
has yet to be tested.  Rep.  John Kasich of Ohio and Sen.  Bob Smith
of New Hampshire are both favorites of religious conservatives.  Pat
Buchanan is so far to the right he dovetails with the left on issues
like international trade.  Elizabeth Dole fools no one, and former
Vice President Dan Quayle is one of the early articulators of the
culture war slogan.  John McCain of Arizona is a respectable
conservative.  And so is Orrin Hatch.

But though he starting late in the game, Hatch already has a
potentially strong base in Utah, thanks to the powerful Mormon Church.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) is one of the
fastest growing denominations in the country, and Hatch -- sometimes
referred to as "The Senator From LDS" -- is plugged in to the sect's
sprawling network of voters and potential financial backers.

On most issues, Hatch passes the religious right litmus test of
political reliability.  He told the New York Times that he begins each
day reading passages from the Bible; he is spearheading the
controversial Religious Liberty Protection Act, and Hatch endeared
himself to many conservatives on the national scene when he defended a
chastised Clarence Thomas against the sex-charged accusations of Anita
Hill in 1991.  But his lifelong involvement with the Mormon Church
could be a problem down the lin

[CTRL] Tick ... Tick ... Tick ...

1999-07-01 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

Tick ... Tick ... Tick ...

If Japan's many doomsayers are right, the world will come to an end within
weeks, maybe days. Do they know something the rest of us don't?

Ah, summer in Japan. folks drenched by the June rains look forward to a
brief respite before the monsoons. In a few days it will be time for the
Tanabata festival, when children tie colorful origami to bamboo branches
and float them down rivers and streams. Later this summer the most popular
sporting event of the year, the national high school baseball tournament,
gets under way with the first crack of the bat.

Or will it? Put those dreamy thoughts on hold. Pack away the bats and
balls. Crumple the origami. This is 1999. Anybody in Japan who hasn't been
sleepwalking for the past five years is well aware that Nostradamus, the
long-dead French astrologer, predicted that the world would end in 1999's
seventh month. Wake up, people, it's Apocalypse Next Week!

Yes, this sounds far-fetched. But a surprising number of Japanese are
taking the warning seriously. Depending on which Nostradamian faction you
believe, in just a matter of days Japan--and, in some scenarios, other
parts of the world--will be bombarded by a giant asteroid, destroyed by
errant nuclear missiles, used as an impact zone for the creaky Russian
space station Mir, blown to bits by crashing satellites armed with nuclear
devices, washed away by the mother of all tsunamis, whipsawed by a
devastating typhoon, submerged by monsoon rains that will make Noah's flood
look like a drizzle, leveled by an earthquake, smothered by lava from a
volcanic eruption at Mount Fuji, invaded by aliens in spaceships,
suffocated by a giant toxic cloud or targeted by North Korean rockets. The
list includes pretty much everything but killer bees and Godzilla.

Akiko Arakawa, for one, is plenty worried. The 41-year-old typist and
Website designer is planning for the worst, packing away a tent, a water
purifier and a survival guide at her hideaway in Hirosaki at the northern
tip of Japan. She is convinced that Nostradamus' 16th century prophecy
means the earth's pole will shift and cause several, simultaneous
cataclysmic events. She warns anyone who will listen to prepare for the
chaos by building boats and buying camping equipment. On one of the many
Nostradamus Websites proliferating in Japan, she wrote that she cannot
imagine how his prophecy could not come true. "That," she opined, "would be
the mystery."

There's never been a better time to worry about the end of world. The
coming conclusion to the millennium is inspiring apocalyptic visions
everywhere. Some concerned Americans, for example, are already hunkering
down in remote sites, stocking up with canned goods and plenty of
ammunition, just in case. Even many solidly rational folks are fearful that
the Y2K computer bug could wreck much of modern civilization. But few
places are as jittery as Japan. Fears about the end of the world aren't
fringe; they're mainstream. And, oddly, they center on the visions of
Nostradamus, who based his cryptic warnings on the Bible. No matter that
Japan, a relatively non-religious nation, doesn't even follow the calendar,
based on Jesus' birth, that informed Nostradamus. In official Japan, this
isn't 1999; it's year 11.

But this is a freaky year, and apparently anything goes. Of Nostradamus'
writings, 16 words in one of the oblique four-line verses he published in
1555 have resonated throughout Japan. "The year 1999, seven months, from
the sky there will come a great king of terror," he wrote. No one really
knows what he meant, which only adds to the intrigue. But for believers,
the reference to the seventh month is disturbingly clear. In other words,
this may be the last magazine you ever read.

First, let's back up a bit. For four centuries, few Japanese were even
aware of Nostradamus. True, his predictions occasionally surfaced in the
West: adherents have credited him with forecasting, albeit indirectly,
everything from the bombing of Hiroshima to the Mount Pinatubo eruption to
the Pentium-chip flaw. But Japan got into the act only in the late 1960s,
when a relatively unknown journalist named Ben Goto took up the cause.
Goto, who covered Japan's royal family, became intrigued with Nostradamus
while studying French. Watching the Apollo moon landing in 1969, he was
struck with an epiphany: Didn't he read that Nostradamus had predicted man
would walk on the moon? Goto decided to do more research into this 16th
century visionary. Four years later, he published the first book about
Nostradamus that anyone in Japan ever paid attention to.

The book was well-timed. Japan was in the throes of an economic downturn,
similar to today's, after a decade of dizzying growth. The global oil
crisis threatened energy supplies in Japan, which relies on petroleum from
the Middle East. The cold war exacerbated a general sense of edginess in
Japan about real-life cataclysmic events like earthqua

Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Anglican Bishop spearheads United Religions Project]

1999-07-01 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

Kris Millegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> from:
> http://www.ustimesdaily.com/
> http://www.ustimesdaily.com/">U.S. Times Daily News
> -
> Anglican Bishop spearheads United Religions Project
> JERUSALEM, Israel (ENI) -- Leaders of an initiative to set up a united
> body of the world's religions, paralleling the United Nations, claim
> that their campaign is gaining momentum.
I suspect that what will actually happen when they get representatives of all
the religions together in one place will be something like the story of the
Three Christs of Ypsilanti: psychiatrists at a Michigan mental hospital put
three schizophrenics who each claimed to be Jesus Christ together in one room.
They had no idea what would happen, but kind of thought that two of them might
decide to worship the third. What actually happened was that the "Christs"
ignored each other: each one's personal reality had no place for another
deity, so that "deity" simply did not exist. By definition, you can't have two
or more Supreme Truths in one time/space location at the same moment. I don't
know if they would destroy each other, like matter and antimatter (Truth and
Anti-Truth? hmmm...), but it wouldn't entirely surprise me...


Robert F. Tatman
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] U.S. Intercepts Two Russian Bombers Over Iceland

1999-07-01 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

U.S. Intercepts Two Russian Bombers Over Iceland
Moscow Denies Planes Violated Airspace

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (July 1) - The Clinton administration today played down the
significance of reports that two Russian bombers violated the airspace of
NATO member Iceland last week during a military exercise.

''This was a military exercise that - as far as it goes - it was not a
militarily significant event,'' White House press secretary Joe Lockhart

''I don't think there's anyone who believes that these two propeller
posed a significant military threat,'' he added. ''I don't think there's a
high level of concern here about that incident. If they fly over
ask me about it and I'll find out if we're concerned about that.''

Air Force officials at the Pentagon had no immediate comment on a
Post report today that two long-range Tu-95 Bear bombers entered Iceland's
air space last Friday and were intercepted by U.S. Air Force fighters.

In Moscow, the Interfax news agency quoted a Russian Air Force spokesman
today as saying the bombers ''did not cross Iceland's air border'' during a

15-hour training flight.

Russian officials said Monday that four bombers - the Tu-95s and two Tu-160

Blackjack bombers - flew over the North Pole and test-fired strategic
missiles as part of military exercises code named ''West 99.''

The Tu-160s flew directly north from Moscow, while the two Tu-95s flew over

the Atlantic Ocean before heading to the Arctic and crossing the North
Long-range missiles were test-fired and hit targets in southern Russia,
officials said.

The training was ''conducted in the airspace above neutral waters,'' the
Force spokesman said. Interfax did not identify him.

The spokesman also played down the Post report that U.S. fighter jets
escorted the two Tu-95's around Iceland.

''Such trailing of an aircraft in the vicinity of the air border of another

country is usual and no excesses occurred in this instance,'' he said.

The Post quoted U.S. defense officials as saying the military exercise was
the largest by Russia in a decade and the first time since the end of the
Cold War that Russian planes had probed Western air defenses.

More than 30 ships, several nuclear powered submarines, 10,000 troops and a

number of aircraft from Russia's Baltic Fleet also took part in the

Russia insisted that the maneuvers were not connected to NATO's bombing
in Yugoslavia, which officially ended June 16. But Moscow sees NATO as a
threat, and the alliance's campaign raised calls in Russia to boost

Moscow vehemently opposed NATO's air war against Yugoslavia and played a
prominent role in mediating a peace plan for Kosovo.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Senator Inhofe Blasts Clinton's 'Betrayal Of National Security' With China

1999-07-01 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

Senator Inhofe Blasts Clinton's 'Betrayal Of National Security' With China
   The Clinton National Security Scandal and Coverup

Senator James Inhofe (R-OK), Senate, June 23, 1999

"I fully realize that the majority of Americans will not
believe me. They have continued to believe our President even after he has
demonstrated over and over that he has no regard for the truth."

"The Cox Report has shed light on the fact that the Clinton
administration has actually helped China in its technology acquisition
efforts or made it easier for them to commit thefts and espionage."

 Mr. President, I ask that you listen again. I am going to
pick up on the incredible but true story of the Clinton administration's
betrayal of national security and the scandalous coverup that continues as
we speak. In doing so, I fully realize that the majority of Americans will
not believe me. They have continued to believe our
President even after he has demonstrated over and over that he has no
regard for the truth.

 Though you would never realize it by listening to the
national media or the Clinton spin doctors, the recently released Cox
Report has revealed a wealth of information on how the Clinton
administration has undermined national security to simultaneously pursue
its misguided foreign policies and self-serving domestic
political agendas.

 On the one hand, there is the mind-boggling story of how
the Clinton administration deliberately changed almost 50 years of
bipartisan security policies--relaxing export restrictions, signing waivers
to allow technology transfers, ignoring China's violation of arms control
agreements, and its theft of our nuclear secrets,  opening
up even more nuclear and high technology floodgates to China and
others--thus harming U.S. national security.

 On the other hand, there is the continuing coverup--the
effort to hide from Congress and the American people the true damage that
has been done to national security and the Clinton administration's central
role in allowing so much of it to happen on their watch.

 Over three months ago--on March 15--I spoke on this floor
about China's theft of the W-88 nuclear warhead. To remind you, this is the
crown jewel of our nuclear arsenal. It is the warhead that has 10 times the
explosive power of the bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima and yet just a
fraction its size. I spoke about how serious this was to our national
security--how it was a story with life and death implications for millions
of Americans.

 I told how President Clinton was directly responsible for
downplaying the significance of and covering up this story. While the
information on the W-88 design--the crown jewel of our nuclear arsenal--was
stolen in the late 1980's, the theft was
first discovered in 1995 by this administration. So people remember, it was
the Chinese walk-in informant to the CIA that gave us all this information.
I told how it was this administration and this President who deliberately
covered up this vital information from
Congress and the American people and, at the same time, lulled our people
into a false sense of security by repeating the lie that there were no
nuclear missiles targeted at America's children.

 At that time, I spoke of six proven incontrovertible
facts, and let me repeat them now:

 1. President Clinton hosted over 100 campaign fundraisers
in the White House, many with Chinese connections.

 2. President Clinton used John Huang, Charlie Trie, Johnny
Chung, James Riady, and others with strong Chinese ties to raise campaign

 3. President Clinton signed waivers to allow his top
campaign fundraiser's aerospace company to transfer U.S. missile guidance
technology to China.

 4. President Clinton covered up the theft of our most
valuable nuclear weapons technology.

 5. President Clinton lied to the American people over 130
times about our nation's security while he knew Chinese missiles were aimed
at American children.

 6. President Clinton single-handedly stopped the
deployment of a national missile defense system, exposing every American
life to a missile attack, leaving America with no defense whatsoever
against an intercontinental ballistic missile.

 On March 15, I began my speech by asking the American
people to listen as I told them 'a story of espionage, conspiracy,
deception, and cover-up--a story with life and death implications for
millions of Americans--a story about national security and a
President and an administration that deliberately chose to put national
security at risk, while telling the people everything was fine.'

 In the three months since I made these statements, none
has been refuted.



1999-07-01 Thread Stopforth, Jamie

 -Caveat Lector-

NASA is preparing its own special fireworks display for Independence Day
and much of July with a series of nighttime
rocket launches. The launches, which will run from the 2nd of July to
the 20th, are designed to study space weather. More
specifically they will focus on improving our understanding of the
interaction of solar winds with the Earth's magnetic field and
atmosphere. During the 19-day period, two suborbital rockets will be
launched on each of two nights between 9:30 p.m. and
4 a.m. EDT from the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center's Wallops Flight
Facility, Wallops Island, VA.
The rockets will release a chemical that will form large glowing clouds
in space and should be visible to the naked eye for
several hundred miles from the launch site. That area should include the
mid-Atlantic region and portions of the northeastern
and southeastern United States. The environmentally safe chemicals will
be released in the ionosphere between 43 and 96
miles altitude. The harmless byproducts will disperse across thousands
of miles as they diffuse into the upper atmosphere.
This is the area where the Sun's magnetic field (in the form of solar
winds) and the Earth's magnetic field and atmosphere
come together. Their interactions can create disturbances just above
Earth's lower atmosphere.
These disturbances can affect radio, television and satellite
communications. By better understanding these interactions in the
ionosphere, scientists hope to gain information that will ultimately
help improve the reliability of radio and satellite

(o o)

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: From the Frivolous Lawsuit Department: MS as racist

1999-07-01 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Tenorlove <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> <<(Hint -- what is 26*26*26?)>>
> My measurements before I had kids. %^D

AKA Twiggy?

BTW whatever happened to the conspiracy to promote anorexia?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: From the Frivolous Lawsuit Department: MS as racist

1999-07-01 Thread Tenorlove

 -Caveat Lector-

<<(Hint -- what is 26*26*26?)>>

My measurements before I had kids. %^D
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Thursday #3 - space/alien

1999-07-01 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990701c - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No rogue planets were obliterated during the production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Earth may have 'twin' somewhere.(AP) The Earth may have had a twin or even
  more planetary siblings when the solar system was born, only to lose them
  in the vast darkness of deep space. These Earth-like planets are still out
  there somewhere, and despite their wanderings through the cold, dark void,
  they may be capable of supporting life. According to this theory, these
  extra Earth-like planets were jettisoned into deep space by gravity when
  they got too close to Jupiter or other large planets. Home away from home;
  see http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2560130142-997
  and http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_382000/382319.stm

# Also: Out of this world discovery:
# New planets discovered:

: How big a truck would we need to haul an Earth-twin planet into our orbit?
Would it be easier to push a Jovian moon into our vicinity? Is it dangerous?
If we shove a planet(oid) into a life-sustaining orbit, will it hit Earth or
make us pop off into space? Would we REALLY become "Spaceship Earth"? Huh??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Do you believe in UFOs? A Silicon Alley entrepreneur gave up his job to
  search for aliens.(MSNBC) You hear a lot of stories about UFOs, sightings,
  close encounters, even alien abductions. Are you skeptical? One man not
  only believes the stories could be true, he's spent millions of dollars on
  an extra-terrestrial crusade to convince the rest of us that we are not
  alone. Joe Firmage again: http://www.msnbc.com/news/283948.asp

: How much money would you spend to find aliens? Would it be easier/cheaper
to just let them find you instead? If we bother aliens, how will they react?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# ROCKET PLANE TEST FLIGHT A-OK. Strapped beneath a jetliner, the X-34 reus-
  able rocket plane soars over the South California desert. It's a glimpse
  of cheap space launches to come. Live, from Edwards Air Force Base:
  See also: http://cnn.com/TECH/space/9906/29/x.34.test/index.html

@ Space Transport: X-34: http://stp.msfc.nasa.gov/stpweb/x34/x34home.html
# A Weekend On Luna: http://wired.com/news/news/politics/story/20386.html

: When will orbital flights go commercial? When will Avis or Hertz rent out
spaceplanes? What cartels will control off-planet transportation? D'ya care?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# China aims for 'prestige' of human spaceflight. (CNN) China's plan to put
  two men in space by the end of 2000 is part of a larger program to launch
  an independent space station and achieve a lunar landing early in the next
  millennium, making China the world's 3rd nation with a far-reaching human
  spaceflight capability. http://cnn.com/TECH/space/9906/30/china.space/

# And: 'Back to the Moon' http://cnn.com/books/reviews/9906/23/back.to.moon/
@ Encyclopedia Astronautica - Chinese Manned Space Program: Behind Closed
  Doors: http://solar.rtd.utk.edu/~mwade/articles/chidoors.htm
@ Project 921: http://solar.rtd.utk.edu/~mwade/craft/proct921.htm
@ Go Taikonauts! - An Unofficial Chinese Space Website:

: Will space be dominated by the US, EC, China, Russia, Japan, Brazil, Ford,
MicroSoft, Bilderbergers, Scientology, LDS, evolved cyber-AI entities, me?
 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Catching a comet. The European Space Agency is unveiling details of
  Rosetta, which will be the first space probe ever to land on a comet.

@ Links: European Space Agency - Rosetta page: http://sci.esa.int/rosetta/
@ Rosetta Plasma Consortium: http://sapin.irfu.se/Rosetta/rosetta.html
@ Images: http://www.estec.esa.nl/spdwww/rosetta/html/gallery.html#images

: Would you like to probe a comet? Would you like to capture a comet, change
its orbit, bombard Earth into submission? Are evil forces planning to do it?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Science study will create fireworks. WASHINGTON (AP) - Two NASA science
  rockets next month will create a celestial fireworks show that may be seen
  up to 400 miles away from the Wallops Island, Va., launch site. A powdered
  chemical that burns brightly as it comes into contact with oxygen will be
  released into space and will become a spreading, corkscrew-shaped cloud of
  light that is expected to shine for up to 20 minutes and then slowly fade.
  See http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2560123548-62d

: Is this a cover for a HAARP test, or a nascent Big Bang, o

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Thursday #2 - poli/faith

1999-07-01 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990701b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No Scientologists were deprogrammed during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Religion trumps porn in Web popularity. (IDG) Overcome by its fascination
  with pornography's presence of the Web, the press has overlooked the skin
  trade's leading contender: online religion. On AltaVista, a search on the
  word "porn" produced 4,794,806 Web page hits, while a search on the word
  "God" produced 6,396,150 hits. Could it be that the scales have tipped to
  the bright side? http://cnn.com/TECH/computing/9906/30/religion.idg/

# Pat Robertson's Net Adventure derailed: http://idg.net/go.cgi?id=137773
# Jesse slams Valley discrimination: http://www.idg.net/go.cgi?id=137774
# HateFilter blocks racist Websites: http://www.idg.net/go.cgi?id=137776
# Porn cases spark surveillance debate: http://www.idg.net/go.cgi?id=13

: Do you prefer religion, sex, drugs, rock'n'roll, implant stimulation, the
torture of small fuzzy animals, daytime television, hamburgers, vacuum, me?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Scientology loses Swiss appeal. LAUSANNE (AP) Switzerland's supreme court
  threw out an appeal by the Church of Scientology, upholding a law aimed at
  keeping people from being "dishonestly" accosted on the street. The court
  ruled that the Basel law involved an intervention in religious freedom but
  did not infringe it. But the judges questioned whether the law, which was
  prompted by efforts to curb Scientology, could be enforced and said a
  blanket ban on recruitment in public places would be inadmissible. See

: Is any group that claims to be a religion REALLY a religion? How to tell?
Should religions be regulated by gov't? Should govt's be run by religions?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Japanese call on Govt to get tough on cult.  Hundreds of representatives
  of local communities across Japan have held a rally in Tokyo calling on
  the national government to get tough with the Aum Supreme Truth religious
  sect. There are increasing concerns the cult, linked to the 1995 nerve gas
  attack on Tokyo's subways, may be regrouping. The national police agency
  estimates Aum  has about 500 priests and 1,000 followers still living.

: What's your favorite death cult? Do you prefer murder or suicide cults? Do
you have/plan a death cult? What are the criteria for membership? Is it fun?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Bangladesh sculptor threatened. DHAKA (AP) A well-known sculptor in Bang-
  ladesh has sought police protection after Islamic extremists denounced her
  work and threatened to torture her to death. The threat to Shamim Sikdar
  came from the Taliban Bahini, an obscure militant Islamic group. Sikdar's
  latest sculpture at Dhaka U., where she teaches art, features Bangladeshi
  women who fought for the country's independence against Pakistan in 1971.
  See http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2560128521-632

: Does your belief system promote torture/murder? Are artistic/cultural/pol-
itical/religious/economic leaders fair game for assassination? Are there any
writers/artists/musicians you want to kill for ideological reasons? Who???
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# COMING SOON: BACK ORIFICE 2000. The Cult of the Dead Cow preps a new, more
  powerful mix of its notorious hacking program - just in time for DefCon7.

# Microsoft charged with racist link. SAN DIEGO (AP) - A lawsuit accuses Mi-
  crosoft of including a "racially-charged" message linking black people to
  monkeys in its Publisher 1998 software. MS has agreed to alter the pro-
  gram. http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2560126075-164
  and see: http://www.zdnet.com/zdnn/stories/news/0,4586,2286412,00.html

# 'July Killer' virus may hit Thursday. A computer virus dubbed July Killer
  is expected to strike July 1. Active only during July, it will infect
  Microsoft's Word 97 documents via a Visual Basic macro, say antivirus
  specialists. http://cnn.com/TECH/computing/9907/01/killer.idg/index.html

: Do you prefer to hack military/gov't sites, racist corporate warez, banks?
Will you write a virus that targets Bill Gates' financial holdings? Why not?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# AUSTRALIAN NET CENSOR LAW PASSES. In passing a sweeping law that seeks to
  bar offensive content from the Internet, Australia joins nations such as
  China and Iran with strict rules about what can be seen online. Shudder:

: What do the voices in your head tell you should be censored from the Net?
Does your belief system promote suppression of off

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Thursday #1 - bio/med

1999-07-01 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990701a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No medical devices were tampered with during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# AVERTING DIGITAL DEATH SIGNALS. Heart and brain monitors may get their own
  broadcast freqs - for good reason - if a Washington politico has his way.

: Does your implant or pacemaker interfere with your garage-door opener or
cellphone? Should all these devices to networked together on the same freq?

@ Brain Implants: A Lousy Idea. We may undergo plastic surgery for silly
  reasons, but anyone who has a brain would think twice before tampering
  with the body's physical core. Why would anyone implant a chip into his
  brain for less than life-and-death reasons - like just downloading
  information? http://www.techreview.com:80/articles/july99/dertouzos.htm

: Do you want a brain implant? Is data life-or-death for you? Do you want to
be wired directly into a galactic network? Is that how to become a deity???
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  Macedonia (MPA) A drug discovered by Armenian scientists managed to cure
  48 AIDS patients and its use has already been approved by the Armenian
  state pharmacology committee. Russian press reports confirm that a number
  of AIDS patients, who have received the medicine, have been cured from
  the deadly virus. http://www.mpa.gr/latest/MPA.19990630.61798.html

: So why isn't this front page news here in the states? - Hilary A. Thomas
: Has the drug been tested anywhere else? Why doesn't the MPA story point
anywhere or cite sources? Is news being suppressed? By who, and why? -Ric
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# P&G to end product tests on animals. CINCINNATI (AP)  Procter & Gamble Co.
  will immediately end animal tests for its current beauty, fabric, home
  care and paper products except where required by law. Animal-rights acti-
  vists have targeted P&G for years. P&G's announcement made exceptions for
  food and pharmaceutical products and new product technologies and ingre-
  dients. http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2560128057-839
# Small hop forward: http://cnnfn.com/1999/06/30/companies/wires/procter_wg/

: Do you prefer to test chemicals/drugs/stuff on humans, animals, computer
simulations, aliens, attorneys, in-laws, animal-rights activists, yourself?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# New trial ordered in radiation lawsuit.PITTSBURGH (AP) When cancer victims
  and their families won $36.5 million in a trial against uranium plant ope-
  rators last year, their lawyers called it the biggest verdict on radiation
  exposure in the country. Now they have to try it all over again. A US dis-
  trict judge ordered a new trial, citing testimony and evidence problems.
  Residents of Apollo PA inhaled radioactive dust from the plant for three
  decades. The dust contained uranium that caused an unusually high cancer
  rate. http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2560124434-0be

: On whom would you like to test radioactive dust: humans, animals, computer
simulations, aliens, attorneys, in-laws, animal-rights activists, yourself?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  techniques have enabled men with low sperm counts to father children, and
  sons born to some of these men may also be infertile. Daughters are not
  affected: http://cnn.com/HEALTH/men/9906/30/inherited.infertility.ap/
  and http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2560131455-880

: Should your genetic defects be fixed before you're allowed to reproduce?
Do fertility clinics breed a strain of humans dependent on fertility clinics
for their continued existence? Is this an alien plot to control humanity???

# UN population conference opens. UNITED NATIONS (AP) Still at odds over sex
  ed and abortion, delegates from 180 countries opened a 3-day special U.N.
  session to find ways to cope with the world's population as it nears 6
  billion. http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2560133319-696

: How many people is enough? Will you devour your young? Will you let others
devour them instead? Will your devour them or will they devour you? Really?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Elderly 'restrained with drugs'. (BBC) Many elderly people with dementia
  may be being chemically restrained by potent drugs that could be doing
  more harm than good. The prolonged use of anti-psychotic drugs - see

: Do you prefer to use mind-control drugs on young, medium or old people?
Which are more fun to watch? What's your favorite mind-control drug? Why?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Environmentalists attack cancer apathy.

[CTRL] A&E's "Investigative" Reporting...

1999-07-01 Thread Stopforth, Jamie

 -Caveat Lector-

  Has anyone been watching this propaganda series on Gun Control this past
week?  It's insane... I'm wondering who A & E is run by maybe if any of you
know if they have ties to any NWO elitists...  I'm wondering if they're
simply bringing up the subject the week before July 4th because they know
something we don't.  If something happens they can do the "See we told you
so" dance. And I'm sure people will be more passionate about getting rid of
guns if something happens to foil their July 4th weekend.

(o o)

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] How to Reconcile Bank Privacy

1999-07-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

News from Wired News

How to Reconcile Bank Privacy
by Declan McCullagh
3:00 a.m.  30.Jun.99.PDT
WASHINGTON -- The US House of Representatives is set to debate as early
as Thursday sweeping privacy legislation that would sharply curtail what
customer information banks will share with law enforcement authorities
and business partners.
Federal laws requiring banks to report any "suspicious transactions" to
a massive IRS computer would become more precise, and the rules
 requiring that banks report deposits or withdrawals of more than
US$10,000 would in the future apply to amounts greater than $25,000.

A separate proposal, backed largely by Democrats, would increase federal
regulation of the financial industry by requiring that banks let
customers choose whether their data may be shared with affiliated
brokerage and insurance firms.

See also: Know Your (Customer) Rights

Both are amendments that proponents finalized Tuesday and hope to attach
to a mammoth banking modernization plan called the Financial Services
Act of 1999.

One obstacle looms: The House Rules Committee. The panel is scheduled to
meet Wednesday to decide what amendments may be offered to the bill
before the vote by the full House.

Representative Ron Paul (R-Texas), who has long tried to reduce the flow
of customer information to the government, predicts he will prevail in a
floor vote. That is, as long as the powerful Rules Committee lets him
attempt one.

"I know what would happen if Congress had to vote on this," said Paul,
who led the fight against the "Know Your Customer" bill. "This is one
issue that has been thoroughly explained to the American people and
every Congressman is aware of it. We'd win overwhelmingly."

Joining Paul are Representatives Bob Barr (R-Georgia) and Tom Campbell
(R-California). Their amendment requires banks to forward reports to the
Feds only when employees believe that there is a "transaction relevant
to a possible violation of a law or regulation."

It would also make their victory against the Know Your Customer plan
permanent by barring the Feds from making banks "determine the sources
of funds" deposited by customers or requiring similar forms of

When a bank detects suspicious activity, current regulations require it
to complete a five-page report that includes the customer's name,
address, Social Security number, drivers license or passport number,
date of birth, and information about the transaction.

The bank then sends the information to a computing center in Detroit,
where it becomes part of the Suspicious Activity Reporting System, a
mammoth database jointly administered by the IRS and FinCEN, which went
online in 1996.

Paul proposed an even more extensive reform package when the bill was in
committee, but it was rejected in favor of the one backed by Barr. Paul
and Barr have since reconciled their differences.

"I thought maybe he didn't like my stronger approach, but now he does
and he supports going all the way," Paul said.

Law enforcement agencies and their supporters in Congress -- who have
previously said bank surveillance was a key weapon in the war on illegal
drugs -- are expected to oppose the measure.

The other amendment, championed by Representative Ed Markey
(D-Massachusetts), would increase the role of the federal government in
regulating companies' data-sharing practices.

The two approaches to protecting privacy -- increasing versus reducing
government regulation -- stem from markedly different views about the
role of government. Markey is a liberal Democrat, while Barr is a
conservative Republican and Paul is an ardent free-market proponent.

Paul said he would oppose Markey's plan, but civil libertarians endorse

"Congress has a golden opportunity to either protect financial privacy
rights or threaten financial privacy," said Greg Nojeim, legislative
counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union. "Customers have a right
to control information about their most personal financial transactions
from disclosure to both the government and affiliates of their bank."

On Tuesday, Markey received unexpected support from a Republican,
Representative Joe Barton of Texas. One source on the Hill said late
Tuesday that prominent Democrat John Conyers of Michigan would support
the Paul-Barr-Campbell proposal.

But trade associations representing the banking industry have strongly
opposed Markey's proposal and many observers predict the Rules Committee
is not likely to let him offer it.

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[CTRL] The Information Society: Anonymous Communication on the Internet

1999-07-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Information Society, An International Journ

Vol. 15, No. 2
Special Issue: Anonymous Communication on the Internet

Letter from the Editor-in-Chief

Guest editors:  Mark S. Frankel and Al Teich

Anonymous Communication Policies for the Internet: Results and
Recommendations of the AAAS Conference. [Abstract and Full Text]
Al Teich, Mark S. Frankel, Rob Kling and Ya-Ching Lee

Assessing Anonymous Communication on the Internet: Policy Deliberations.

[Abstract and Full Text]
Rob Kling, Ya-Ching Lee, Al Teich and Mark S. Frankel

Technology for Anonymity: Names by other Nyms. [Abstract]
Peter Wayner

What's in a Name? Some Reflections on the Sociology of Anonymity. [
Gary T. Marx

Legal Issues in Anonymity and Pseudonymity. [Abstract]
A. Michael Froomkin

Information Privacy in the Marketspace: Implications for the Commercial
Uses of Anonymity on the Web. [Abstract]
Donna L. Hoffman, Thomas P. Novak, and Marcos A. Peralta


The Meaning of Anonymity in an Information Age [Abstract]
Helen Nissenbaum

Internet Anonymity in Contexts [Full text]
Christina Allen
Abstract - TIS 15(2) Marx, Gary T.What's in a Name? Some Reflections on
the Sociology of Anonymity. The Information Society 15(2).
To paraphrase Mark Twain reports of either the recent death, or coming
dominance of anonymity have been greatly exaggerated. This paper is a
beginning effort to lay out some of the conceptual landscape needed to
better understand anonymity and identifiability in contemporary life. I
suggest 7 types of identity knowledge involving legal name, location,
symbols linked and not linked back to these through intermediaries,
distinctive appearance and behavior patterns, social categorization and
certification via knowledge or artifacts. I identify a number of major
rationales and contexts for anonymity (free flow of communication,
protection, experimentation) and identifiability (e.g., accountability,
reciprocity, eligibility) and suggest a principle of truth in the nature
of naming which holds that those who use pseudonyms on the Internet in
personal communications have an obligation to indicate they are doing
so. I also suggest 13 procedural questions to guide the development and
assessment of any internet policy regarding anonymity.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] OEN 7/1/99

1999-07-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

http://www.aci.net/kalliste/">The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe
Today's Lesson From An Essay on the Principle of Population (1798)

by T. R. Malthus

The poor laws of England tend to depress the general condition of the
poor in these two ways. Their first obvious tendency is to increase the
population without increasing the food for its support. A poor man may
marry with little or no prospect of being able to support a family in
independence. They may be said therefore in some measure to create the
poor which they maintain; and as the provisions of the country must, in
consequence of the increased population, be distributed to every man in
smaller proportions, it is evident that the labour of those who are not
supported by parish assistance will purchase a smaller quantity of
provisions than before, and consequently, more of them must be driven to
ask for support. . . .

It is a general complaint among master manufacturers that high wages
ruin all their workmen; but it is difficult to conceive that these men
would not save a part of their higher wages for the future support of
their families, instead of spending it in drunkenness and dissipation,
if they did not rely on parish assistance for support in case of
accidents. And that the poor employed in manufactures consider this
assistance as a reason why they may spend all the wages they earn, and
enjoy themselves while they can, appears to be evident from the number
of families that, upon the failure of any great manufactory, immediately
fell upon the parish; when perhaps the wages earned in this manufactory,
while it flourished, were sufficiently above the price of common country
labour to have allowed them to save enough for their support, till they
could find some other channel for their industry.

Don't gimme no Lippo

Two Men, Walking

by William Safire

Two men who admitted corrupting our politics during the Clinton years
have copped their guilty pleas and are cheerfully walking free --
without having to implicate any higher-ups.
In Webster Hubbell's case, the crony and serial felon the Clintons
appointed to run their Justice Department in 1993 triumphed over the
Independent Counsel because Ken Starr was sure he could not get a jury
to convict Hubbell, and he wants to close up shop as fast as he can.

So we will never know if the $100,000 that the Riady family paid Hubbell
was, in Thomas Jefferson's phrase, "hush money" -- to keep him from
telling prosecutors about the part played by his Rose Law Firm "billing
partner," Hillary Clinton, in his sham deal.

Ironically, Starr threw in the towel just as Jane Sherburne, former
Deputy White House Counsel in charge of delaying investigations,
apparently unburdened herself about her Hubbell worries to Bob Woodward
in his new book, "Shadow."

"If Clinton had . . . said something to encourage paying Hubbell,"
writes Woodward, "he could be personally involved in some kind of
obstruction of justice. . . . Sherburne called [the President's personal
attorney, David] Kendall. Could he ask the President whether he knew
about any payment to Hubbell from Riady's Lippo Group? Did Clinton
instruct anybody to help Hubbell?

"Kendall said he would ask. . . . He got back in touch with Sherburne
later. 'I've checked it out,' he said convincingly. 'It's not a
problem.' "

But then Clinton told a news conference, "I didn't personally know
anything about it until I read about it in the press."

"She called Kendall to remind him," writes Woodward, ". . . she had
asked Kendall to check it out. Kendall said he recalled." She asks: "
'but how could that be true given the conversation we had?' Kendall
reacted angrily, suggesting that there was some disconnect. . . .
Sherburne thought that Kendall was one more person who didn't tell her
the full story."

And so, with no White House tapes and with Hubbell's zipped lip, Starr
was unable to unearth the full story. But what could John Huang, the
Riady employee placed in the Commerce Department and later as D.N.C.
fund-raiser, tell us about the Clinton-Hubbell-Riady hush-money

That's where the second walk comes in. Despite the strong protests of
F.B.I. Director Louis Freeh and prosecutor Charles La Bella, Attorney
General Janet Reno has kept tight political control over the carefully
botched Chinagate investigation.

This month, Reno Justice announced that John Huang, who raised millions
in Asian money for Clinton that had to be returned, will plead guilty to
raising just $7,500 illegally. His recommended sentence: a year's
probation and a small fine.

In return for this slap on the wrist, will he reveal what he knows about
the Hubbell money; or what transpired in the Sept. 13, 1995, Oval Office
meeting with Clinton and Riady, or why he got regular C.I.A. briefings
and called former Lippo associates? Don't hold your breath.

Justice's walk-don't-talk prosecutors have interviewed him extensively,
they tell the 

[CTRL] Fw: From the Frivolous Lawsuit Department: MS as racist

1999-07-01 Thread CobolMage

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Declan McCullagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 1999 7:14 AM
Subject: FC: From the Frivolous Lawsuit Department: MS as racist

For another example, let's go back to Day One of the Microsoft antitrust


  On the sidewalk in front of the building, a handful of
  protesters held up a sign saying "Microsoft is racist."
  The group attacked the company for not donating money to
  Howard University, which is predominately black.


From: "Paul Spirito" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Frivilous Lawsuit
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 1999 20:28:07 -0400


| A lawsuit filed Tuesday accuses Microsoft Corp. of including
| a "racially charged" message in its Publisher 98 software
| linking an image of black people to the word "monkey."

[Even if this were intentional, I'd support Microsoft's right to
label anyone it wants a monkey, but...]

| The image of a black couple posing near a set of monkey
| bars in a park is one of several images of the same couple
| in various park activities. Images in the gallery are
| identified by keywords to allow users to search for them;
| the keywords for the image in question include "man,"
| "woman," "person" and "equipment" as well as "monkey bars,"
| Microsoft said.


| Microsoft noted that the same image of the couple with the
| monkey bars would have appeared if users searched for the
| word "bar."

Next Week: NOW sues AltaVista over the results to "pussy".



Date: Wed, 30 Jun 1999 20:13:42 -0700
From: Lizard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: Re: [p] Frivilous Lawsuit Dept.

At 08:28 PM 6/30/99 -0400, Paul Spirito wrote:
>| A lawsuit filed Tuesday accuses Microsoft Corp. of including
>| a "racially charged" message in its Publisher 98 software
>| linking an image of black people to the word "monkey."
>[Even if this were intentional, I'd support Microsoft's right to
>label anyone it wants a monkey, but...]
>| The image of a black couple posing near a set of monkey
>| bars in a park is one of several images of the same couple
>| in various park activities. Images in the gallery are
>| identified by keywords to allow users to search for them;
>| the keywords for the image in question include "man,"
>| "woman," "person" and "equipment" as well as "monkey bars,"
>| Microsoft said.
>| Microsoft noted that the same image of the couple with the
>| monkey bars would have appeared if users searched for the
>| word "bar."
>Next Week: NOW sues AltaVista over the results to "pussy".
This whole thing reeks of a scam. I remember a few years ago, someone tried
to sue over the inclusion of the 'n-word' in a Microsoft dictionary
(pre-Encarta, I think);he claimed his son had been 'assaulted' by the word
when he mistyped 'Niger' as part of a school report on the river of that
name. Turns out the parent in question had filed about a half-dozen
similairly baseless suits.

The thing is, companies are so terrified of being labelled racist --
however baseless the accusation -- that they refuse to fight. Microsoft, in
particular, is especially hesitant to add any more lawsuits to its plate.

The question is, on what basis can you sue? There is no law against
publishing a racist text -- which Microsoft didn't do, anyway. Remember the
recent fuss over the use of the word 'nigardly'? If someone is too
uneducated to understand the origins of a word, the fault is now placed
with the speaker, not the ignoramus. We live in a sick world.

About late 1992, early 1993, the ever-reputable NY Post published a full
front-page headline declaring there was a 'message of hate' urging the
'murder of New York Jews' embedded in a FONT PACKAGE of all things. The
font in question was a 'dingbats' font, in other words, a collection of
symbols. Three of the symbols happened to be a skull, a Star of David, and
a 'thumbs up' -- all obviously very useful symbols for page layouts. They
were attached to the 'N', 'Y', and 'C' keys. From this, the NY Post
concluded someone was plotting genocide.

(I'm not sure how this was to have worked...presumably, New York neo-nazis
install endless font packages and type 'NYC', waiting until they see the
coded message telling them it's time to attack.

"Well, Hans? What is it?"
"Hmmm...a fish, a stop sign, and an arrow."
"OK, try THIS font.")

I kid you not. Anyone wish access to microfiche archives can check this
out. Front page story, occupying the same lofty space once reserved for
headlines such as 'Headless Body In Topless Bar' Readers were assured this
couldn't be a coincidence, since the odds of those three symbols being on
those three keys was a staggering 1 in 17,000!

(Hint -- what is 26*26*26?)


Date: Thu, 1 Jul 1999 08:40:17 +0200 (METDST)

Re: [CTRL] [Reality_Pump] Re: Clinton Lays Out His Agenda, ImpressesEventheNay

1999-07-01 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

> Roosevelt and Churchill were demigogues!  Listen to their speeches!

>Well, of course, manipulation of public opinion is not the only factor
indicating fascism.  But, certainly the man on horseback manipulating
public adoration is a major factor.

True, classical fascism often featured a charismatic leader, but:

(1.) He was never the main ingredient. Fascism is first and foremost an
economic system. "Fascism," said Mussolini, "is corporatism."

(2.) fascism is a dynamic, evolving, adaptive philosophy. Therein lies it
greatest  threat. We must never assume that because these days they wear
white shirts that they aren't fascists. Fascism is not a style of dress,
it is a style of political economics. In a fascist state, the corporation
run the government. This is what we have today.

BTW, next time you tune in C-Span, check out the two big embosed logos on
either side of the Speaker' dias.

>That Roosevelt and Churchill fought other fascist namely the ones in
Germany, Japan, and Italy, does not mean that they weren't fascists as

WWII was in no way, shape or form a war against fascism. Fascists fought
on both sides. Other fascists were neutral. Some fascists were neutral AND
fought on both sides. That is the fascist way.

WWII was a war against communists. They won.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] The Americas: News

1999-07-01 Thread CobolMage

 -Caveat Lector-

 The Americas

*** U.S. opens Pinochet documents

WASHINGTON (AP) - The CIA knew almost immediately after Augusto
Pinochet seized power in Chile that his military regime engaged in
indiscriminate killings and other abuses to wipe out opposition,
according to documents declassified and made public Wednesday. "The
regime shows no sign of relenting in its determination to deal
swiftly and decisively with dissidents," CIA field officers reported
to headquarters Oct. 12, 1973, a month after the coup that ousted
Salvador Allende, a Marxist who had been elected president. "The
bloodshed goes on." The only question, the agency reported to
Washington, was how many Chileans were killed, a figure Pinochet's
lieutenants kept as a carefully guarded secret. See

*** U.S. hands over Panama base

PANAMA CITY, Panama (AP) - The U.S. army handed over Fort Sherman
Wednesday, its last base on Panama's Caribbean coast, as part of the
U.S. withdraw from the former canal zone. Fort Sherman has been in
operation since shortly after the canal opened in 1914. The U.S.
intends to turn over canal property to Panama by the end of the year.
Large amounts of unexploded munitions are still buried at the firing
range, and Panama wants the U.S. to take responsibility for the
cleanup there even after the transfer. U.S. officials say current
cleanup technology would affect the jungle. The U.S. has already
handed over control of former Caribbean bases Fort Davis and Fort
Gulick. See

*** Puerto Rico gov. wants Navy out

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) - Citing a history of stray bombs and
environmental damage, Puerto Rican Gov. Pedro Rossello says he'll try
to expel the U.S. Navy from an outlying island. "It's going to be a
fight - we're all agreed on that, but we are committed," Rossello
said Wednesday in adopting a government commission's report calling
for the Navy to leave Vieques island. Rossello said he considered a
1983 agreement between the Navy and the Puerto Rican government void
because the Navy had not lived up to its promises to protect the
environment and the safety of the island's 9,300 residents. See

*** Guyana hits snag on launch pad

GEORGETOWN, Guyana (AP) - A U.S. firm looking to set up a satellite
launching site in Guyana has run into a snag, with Venezuelan
officials claiming the land belongs to them. Beal Aerospace
Technologies of Frisco, Texas, is considering locating the pad in
Guyana because of delays in winning permits to build on Anguilla's
Sombrero Island in the Caribbean. Guyanese officials said Tuesday
they are concerned by reports in the Venezuelan newspaper El Nacional
quoting Foreign Minister Jose Vincente Rangel as saying his
government objects to the project because it is in Essequibo County,
claimed by Venezuela since the 1940s. See

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] [Reality_Pump] Re: Clinton Lays Out His Agenda, ImpressesEventheNaysayers

1999-07-01 Thread Lloyd Miller

 -Caveat Lector-

>Tonight, however,  I'd like to know why you consider
>Roosevelt and Clinton facistst. Niether were demigogues.   Both
>administrations have been the antithesis of fascism.

>Should you base your judgement upon manipulative oratory  alone,  surely
>you'll have to include  Churchill,  Kennedy,  Reagan,  Lincoln,   -
>particularly the great communicator Reagan - in your list of fascists as
>as Roosevelt and Clinton.   Since facism is generally understood as
>ultraconserative and reactionary,  similar to libertarian extremism,  you
>might reconsider your definition of the term.

Considering Fascism "ultra-Conservative" is just socialist propaganda.
Reactionary is a meaningless Communist smear word.  Roosevelt and Churchill
were demigogues!  Listen to their speeches!

Well, of course, manipulation of public opinion is not the only factor
indicating fascism.  But, certainly the man on horseback manipulating public
adoration is a major factor.

And like most things it is not yes or no, but more or less!  That Roosevelt
and Churchill fought other fascist namely the ones in Germany, Japan, and
Italy, does not mean that they weren't fascists as well!
Fortunately, American and British traditions prevented Fascism from
proceeding quite as far in America and Britain than it did in Germany and
Italy.  The Oligarchic Supreme Court saved America from the worst of what
Roosevelt would have done.

Fascism involves the consolidation of the State and integration into itself
under a popular dictator all or most aspects of society including
economicsCorporations, Unions, and many other previously independent
social and economic entities.  Unlike Communism, the external forms of the
previous entities and private property are preserved but ultimately in an
illusory way as the State can intervene at will with no Constitutional

In essence, Roosevelt provided the same Fascist answer for Depression to the
ruling class behind the major Corporations as did Hitler!  The New Deal
especially as originally conceived was Fascist through and through!

Given Clinton's ultra-Statist penchant for centralizing and nationalizing
Medical Care, his unlimited support for the National Security State,
disregard of Civil Liberties, etc. [The ACLU and Dershowitz agree with me],
business-government partnership, etc. combined with his incredibly crass
manipulation of simple-minded public opinion a strong case can be made that
he is Fascist.  The American Presidency (Imperial Presidency) is well
designed as a launching pad for Fascism and all the Presidents you mentioned
have at least some Fascist tendencies.  Reagan confined his tendency to the
Military-Industrial complex, fortunately.

Scaife [MELLON] and Starr, on the other hand, want to return to the normal
Anglo-American Oligarchical system in which the State is controlled by a
cabal of big bankers for the special benefit of their coterie and the rest
of society remains relatively laissez-faire.  I don't like this either, but
it is not fascism and it is not as bad as Fascism.  The Oligarchists (like
Brutus) in Caesar's time, want to preserve their rule of law, skewed though
it may be, to protect their independent fortunes rather than live at the
whim of the Fascist leader.

To fight Fascism you must destroy the leader with overwhelming popular
supprt whether it be Clinton, Roosevelt, Hitler, Kennedy {Fascist New
Frontier}, etc.  The "people" are always whining for Caesar and must be
defeated if any scrap of liberty is to be preserved!

Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research (POB 20273,
Ferndale, MI 48220), a ruling class/conspiracy research resource for the
entire political-ideological spectrum.  Quarterly journal, book sales,
rare/out-of-print searches, New Paradigms Discussion List, Weekly Up-date
Lists & E-text Archive of research, intelligence, catalogs, & resources.
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-Original Message-
Date: Thursday, July 01, 1999 5:32 AM
Subject: [Reality_Pump] Re: Clinton Lays Out His Agenda,


I inadvertently deleted your last response to one of my posts,  but had
intended to answer you.  Tonight, however,  I'd like to know why you
Roosevelt and Clinton facistst. Niether were demigogues.   Both
administrations have been the 

[CTRL] Project Censored

1999-07-01 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

For other stories year by year omitted in the excerpts I've posted, see:


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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[CTRL] Fw: Greece/Iran/Armenia

1999-07-01 Thread day

 -Caveat Lector-

> http://www.stratfor.com/
> __
> Global Intelligence Update
> July 1, 1999
> Greece Announces Pending Defense Pact with Iran and Armenia
> Summary:
> Greece and Iran have announced that they intend to sign a
> tripartite military cooperation agreement, along with Armenia, as
> early as July 12.  Such an agreement would seriously undermine
> NATO unity and strategy in the Balkans and the Caucasus,
> exacerbate tensions between Greece and Turkey, isolate Azerbaijan
> and Georgia and, by extension, Central Asia, and provide Russia
> with a tremendous lever against NATO.  As all involved intended,
> it is not something NATO can ignore.
> Analysis:
> Addressing reporters in Tehran on June 28, Greek Defense Minister
> Apostolos-Athanasios Tsokhatzopoulos announced that Greece, Iran,
> and Armenia would soon sign a defense cooperation agreement, with
> the goal of creating peace and stability in the region. The deal
> will reportedly be signed at the three countries' first
> trilateral defense meeting in Athens on July 12.  Tsokhatzopoulos
> emphasized that military cooperation with Iran was based on the
> fundamental principles of international law and a shared interest
> in regional peace and security, and was not directed at any other
> country.  He also added that his visit, the first to Iran by an
> EU or NATO defense minister since 1979, was not as a
> representative of NATO. Tsokhatzopoulos, who is in Iran on a four
> day visit at the invitation of his Iranian counterpart Vice
> Admiral Ali Shamkhani, has reportedly met with Iranian President
> Mohammad Khatami and Majlis Speaker Ali Akhbar Nateq Nuri.
> While Tsokhatzopoulos' statement has been widely reported in the
> Iranian and Greek press, the Greek defense attache's office and
> the political section at the Greek embassy in Washington declined
> to comment on the report.  Eventually, a press officer at the
> embassy insisted that the July 12 meeting should involve only
> discussions of general issues concerning cooperation and claimed
> that he had no further information on the reported defense pact.
> An official at the Armenian embassy claimed no knowledge of the
> reported defense pact plans.  He insisted that, while Armenia,
> Greece, Georgia, and Iran had met to promote regional economic
> cooperation, and while Armenia had a defense agreement with
> Greece, he knew of no plans for such an agreement with Iran.  A
> press officer at the U.S. State Department said the department
> had issued no official statement on the reported Greek-Armenian-
> Iranian military pact.
> Greece has a long history of relations with Iran and has
> accelerated development of ties with both Iran and Armenia in the
> last few years.  Greece was one of the first countries to send a
> defense attache to post-Soviet Armenia, and Greek officers have
> assisted in the development of the Armenian military since 1992.
> In June 1996, Greece signed a defense cooperation agreement with
> Armenia, a move condemned by Ankara as pointedly anti-Turkey.
> The first meeting of experts on trilateral cooperation between
> Greece, Armenia, and Iran occurred in August of 1995.  A second
> meeting occurred in December of 1996, at which time deputy
> foreign ministers from the three countries and Georgia signed a
> memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the economic,
> industrial, scientific, and technical arenas.  At that time, the
> deputy foreign ministers rejected any notion of military security
> cooperation between their countries.
> A series of committee and ministerial level meetings between
> Greece, Iran, and Armenia continued through 1997 and 1998,
> promoting cooperation in economic and commercial fields, and
> establishing joint commissions on transport, postal service,
> telecommunications, tourism, industry, technology, economics, and
> energy.  Officials from the three countries continued to insist
> that the goal of their ties was to promote regional peace and
> cooperation, and that their tripartite cooperation was neither
> targeted at a particular country, nor exclusive of relations with
> other countries.  Meetings on economic cooperation continued into
> 1999, with Greek Deputy Foreign Minister Grigoris Niotis calling
> in May for Georgia to join in Greek-Iranian-Armenian trilateral
> cooperation.
> Tsokhatzopoulos' announcement that the trilateral cooperation
> between Greece, Iran, and Armenia would be expanded from the
> economic arena to include security and defense cooperation is a
> political bombshell, setting the stage for dramatic shifts in a
> number of regional alignments.  First and foremost, the claim
> that this defense pact is not directed at any country is patent
> nonsense.  Explicitly intended as such or not, Ankara can only
> view a new military alignment of its traditional foes Greece,
> Armenia, and Iran -- with Russia

[CTRL] (2/2) Censored Headline Stories 1989-90

1999-07-01 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-



 According to a variety of non-mainstream but authoritative
sources, the U.S. invasion of Panama on December 20, 1989,
received inadequate and erroneous news coverage. It now appears
that the legal implications of the invasion, the Bush-Noriega
relationship and the actual post-invasion conditions in Panama
have all been misrepresented to the American people. But perhaps
the most fraudulent news coverage dealt with the true numbers of
civilian and combat fatalities.
 Official accounts spoke of 202 dead Panamanian civilians,
314 dead Panamanian soliders, and 23 dead Americans.
 The press was oddly silent two months after the invasion
when a Southern Command official acknowledged to the L.A. Times
that only 50 Panamanian soldiers died. And, American soldiers
reported that at least 60 to 70 Americans were killed, possibly
many more. Apparently some combat deaths were disguised as
accidental deaths unreleated to the invasion.
 The new findings indicate that the U.S. lost more soldiers
than Panama.
 Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) has challenged the
government figure of 202 dead civilians and former U.S. Attorney
General Ramsey Clark has put the figure at 3,000, using the
phrase "conspiracy of silence" to describe efforts to bury the
true civilian death toll. The official U.S. report was based on
unconfirmed battlefield observations and mortuary and hopital
statistics. PHR's investigation tallied burial sites, mortuaries,
hospital records, and interview with officials.
 In addition to Stealth Bombers dropping 2000-pound bombs,
U.S. soldiers are reported to have directly fired upon civilian
homes with machine guns, rockets, and tanks in the barrio of El
Chorillo surrounding Noriega's headquarters. U.S. soldiers
evacuated apartments and summarily burned them to the ground.
Witnesses reported U.S. troops killing wounded civilians with
either gunshots or rifle-butts to the head.
 CBS's 60 Minutes, in a September 1990 expose, reported the
existence of at least six yet-to-be-exhumed mass graves to
conclude that Panamanian civilian deaths could run as high as
4,000. The findings of many watch groups support the 60 Minutes
casualty report.
 Peace and Justice in Panama, The Central American Human
Rights Commission, Panamanian National Human Rights Commission,
Panamanian Episcopal Commission and the National Lawyers Guild
all calculate the death toll to range from two to four thousand.
   The actual death toll has been obscured through U.S. military
practices of incineration of corpses prior to identification,
burial of remains in common graves prior to indentification, and
U.S. military control of administrative offices of hospitals and
morgues, as well as the removal of hospital and morgue registries
from their original sites.
 The U.S. retained direct and full control of Panamanian
media until mid-February. And U.S. journalists were sequestered
in military barracks for the first 36 hours of the invasion and
then saw only official authorized sites.

 SOURCES: Panama Delegation Report, 3/1/90, Authored by the
Central American Human Rights Commission; SAN FRANCISCO BAY
GUARDIAN, 9/26/90, "The hidden body count" by Jonathan Franklin;
60 Minutes, 9/30/90, "Victims of Just Cause" by Mike Wallace;
WASHINGTON POST, 6/30/90, "How Many Died in Panama, letter
con't.," by Joanne Heisel; THE NATION, 6/18/90, "The Press and
the Panama Invasion" by Marc Cooper.


 SOURCE: THE WASHINGTON POST, Outlook, 7/10/90, "Where George
Was" by Tom Blanton.

 Although the events of the Iran-contra scandal have faded
from the minds of the American press, the unanswered and perhaps
the most intriguing question continues to be: "Where was George?"
Despite the vast experience that Bush acquired while serving
as U.S. ambassador to China, director of the CIA, and head of the
Reagan administration's task force on combating terrorism, his
assertion that he was "out of the loop" has yet to be challenged
or explored by the mainstream press.
 But new material from North's diaries, which has yet to be
widely examined or disseminated by the mainstream media, combines
with previous evidence to paint a different picture of Bush's
role. The new evidence was obtained through a Freedom of
Information Act lawsuit filed by the National Security Archive
and Public Citizen.
 The diaries provide additional evidence that Bush played a
major role in Iran-contra from the beginning. He passed up
repeated opportunities to cut the transactions short or at least
make President Reagan think twice. While the secretaries of state
and defense were both cut out of the arms-for-hostages deals
after objecting to it, Bush attended almost every key meeting.
   While publicly stating that, "It never became clear to me, the
arms for hostages thing, until it was fully debriefed,
investigated a

[CTRL] (1/2) Censored Headline Stories 1989-90

1999-07-01 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Top Ten Censored Stories of 1990


 An anti-crime bill was introduced in both the U.S. Senate
and House in 1990 which, had it been enacted and signed into law,
would have essentially nullified the Bill of Rights.
 Neither the Senate version, S. 2245, introduced by Senator
Phil Gramm (R-Texas), nor the House version, H.R. 4079,
introduced by Representative Newt Gingrich, (R-Georgia), the
minority whip, passed either chamber.
 The Gramm-Gingrich bills both start out stating that the
U.S. criminal justice system is failing to achieve the "basic
objective of protecting the innocent and punishing the guilty."
Both bills call for "A Declaration of National Drug and Crime
 The legislation stated: "Guided by the principles that
energized and sustained the mobilization of World War II, and in
order to remove violent criminals from the streets and meet the
extraordinary threat that is posed to the nation by the
trafficking of illegal drugs, the Congress declares the existence
of a National Drug and Crime Emergency beginning on the date of
enactment of the act and ending on the date that is 5 years after
the day of enactment of this act."
 Both bills have provisions for utilizing tents and various
others shelters, including unused military facilities, for the
confinement of state and federal "violent criminals."
 The bill prescribes mandatory incarceration, for at least
five years, of "every person who is convicted in a federal court
of a crime of violence against a person or a drug trafficking
felony, other than simple possession." A crime of violence "has
as an element the use, attempted use, or threatened use of
physical force against the person or property of another; or by
its nature, involves a substantial risk that physical force
against the person or property of another may be used in the
course of committing the offense."
 The bills also would suspend protection from unreasonable
search and seizure, excessive fines, bail, or punishment and the
right to be brought to trial.
 Civil libertarians claim that a number of Executive Orders,
issued by presidents since World War II, which would suspend
civil rights and liberties, could take effect in the event of
"any national security emergency situation that might confront
the nation." It also appears that the president's signature would
declare the state "national security emergency" necessary to
empower the Federal Emergency Management Agency "to take over
government, suspend the Constitution and do what it wants."
Oliver North, former National Security Council aide, revealed
during the Iran-contra hearings, that plans had been formulated
to suspend the constitution.
  While the legislation was not enacted during the 1990
session, obervers fear that oppressive parts of the
Gramm-Gingrich bills may be added to the omnibus anti-crime bill
which is slowly working its way through Congress. Nonethless,
despite the extraordinary attack on the Bill of Rights, and
despite the support of a number of Representatives and Senators
(including California's newly elected governor, Pete Wilson), the
oppressive legislation was not put on the national agenda by the
mass media for discussion by the public. In fact, the widest,
ongoing coverage of the progress of the two bills in 1990 was
found in a controversial weekly publication called The Spotlight.

 SOURCES: THE SPOTLIGHT, 8/6/90, "Repressive Gingrich Bill:
Dangerous Attack On Rights"; 10/15/90, "Danger To Bill Of Rights"
by Mike Blair.


Lemon Socialism," Aug 1990, by Sam Smith; WALL STREET JOURNAL
8/9/90, "Viewpoint: Biggest Robbery in History--You're the
Victim" by Michael Gartner.

 An early estimate of the cost to taxpayers to bail out the
savings and loan industry was $155 billion. More recently, a Wall
Street Journal correspondent suggested a $1.4 trillion figure.
But the most "acceptable" figure for the bailout appears to be
$500 billion.
 To put that $500 billion in perspective, it helps to realize
that the entire cost of World War II, in current dollars and
including service-connected veterans' benefits, is about $460
billion--or $40 billion less than the S&L bailout. The cost of
the Vietnam war, including benefits, was $172 billion; Korea was
$70 billion; World War I was $63 billion. The Civil War was $7
billion. The combined assets of Prudential, Metropolitan Life,
Equitable Life, Aetna, Teachers Insurance, New York Life,
Connecticut General, Travelers, John Hancock and Northwestern
Mutual don't add up to $500 billion.
 The combined 1988 profits of all the companies on the
Fortune 500 list added up to just $115 billion. And the combined
1987 budgets of all 50 states didn't add up to $500 billion.
 In fact, the total federal expenditures on one of the

[CTRL] Censored Headline Stories 1993 and 1991

1999-07-01 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Top Ten Censored Stories of 1993


 Sources: Los Angeles Times, 1/18/93, "The Oil Factor In Somalia" by Mark
Fineman; Propaganda Review, Nov. 10, 1993, "Somoilia?" by Rory Cox; EXTRA!,
March 1993, "The Somalia Intervention: Tragedy Made Simple" by Jim Naureckas.

 While the media touted "humanitarian" reasons for our intervention in
Somalia, one investigative journalist reported that "four major U.S. oil
companies are quietly sitting on a prospective fortune in exclusive
concessions to explore and exploit tens of millions
of acres of the Somali countryside."


 Sources: Dallas Morning News, 9/25/93, "U.N. Says U.S. Dangerous for
Children" by Gayle Reaves

 An alarming report by the United Nations, revealing that the United
States has become one of the most dangerous places in the world for young
people -- a situation which continues to worsen -- was ignored by the
nation's major news media.


 Source: Multinational Monitor, Jan/Feb 1993, "Public Assets, Private
Profits: The U.S. Corporate Welfare Rolls" by Chris Lewis, Laurence H.
Kallen, Jonathan
Dushoff, David Lapp, and Randal O'Toole.

 While all administrations call for welfare reform, the jailing of
welfare cheats, and the need for workfare, they rarely mention the largest
recipients of taxpayer largesse: major U.S. corporations.


 Sources: Salt Lake Tribune, 1/27/93 & 7/28/93, "Army Resumes
Biological-Agent Tests At Dugway After 10-Year Cessation"; "Dugway to test
disease-causing agents at
remote lab" by Jim Woolf,  9/21/93; "Dugway Base Cited for 22 Waste
Violations" by
Laurie Sullivan; High Country News,  8/9/93, "Biowarfare is back" by Jon
High Desert Advocate,  9/15/93, "Utah biowarfare oversight group wants to do
its work behind closed doors."

 Although few people outside of Dugway, Utah, are aware of it, the U.S.
Army has brought biological warfare testing back -- to a site declared unsafe
a decade earlier.


Top Ten Censored Stories of 1991


 Sources: SAN FRANCISCO BAY GUARDIAN, 3/20/91, "Sights unseen" by Dennis
Bernstein and Sasha Futran.

 CBS and NBC rejected professional videotape footage taken at the height
of the air war in Iraq by two Emmy-award-winning documentary producers.
The footage substantially contradicted U.S. administration claims
that civilian damage from the American-led bombing campaign was light.


 Sources: EDITOR & PUBLISHER,  7/13/91, "Military Obstacles Detailed";
San Francisco Bay Guardian, 3/6/91, "Inside the Desert Storm Mortuary" by
Jonathan Franklin; THE PROGRESSIVE REVIEW, Mar 1991, "Collateral Damage, What
We've Lost Already" by Sam Smith.

 The Gulf War set new, questionable standards for wartime secrecy.
 Many important stories, which the public had a right to know, are still
not being reported by the major media. It took a freelance journalist, posing
as a mortician, to get a more accurate estimate of battlefield casualties
from the Dover AFB mortuary, the only one handling Desert Storm casualties.


 Sources: KNIGHT-RIDDER NEWSPAPERS, 11/3/91-11/8/91, "Caught In The
Middle" by Donald L. Barlett and James B. Steele of the Philadelphia
Inquirer; USA TODAY, 10/1/91, "Interest to take largest slice of budget pie"
by Mark Memmott.

 The media failed to explain how bad the national deficit was and why the
economy went into a tailspin in 1991. The interest alone on the federal debt
will be the nation's single largest expenditure this year, exceeding even the
military budget.


10/22/91, "The Great American Bailout," Glenn Silber, producer/director;
George Clyde, coordinating producer; Robert Krulwich, correspondent; Wendy
Wank, editor; associate producers were Diana Hembree (Texas), Juan A. Avila
(Texas), and William Kistner (Washington, DC); Dan Noyes, project director;
Sharon Tiller, executive producer for CIR; David Fanning, executive producer
 An hour-long television documentary, produced by PBS Frontline and the
San Francisco- based Center for Investigative Reporting, revealed the truth
about the extent of the savings and loan scandal and how it was covered-up so
that it would not threaten
George Bush's candidacy in 1988.


 Sources: SAN FRANCISCO EXAMINER, 7/28/91, "Crime-linked firms hired
Prescott Bush"; SANTA ROSA PRESS DEMOCRAT,  7/19/91, "Neil Bush's new boss
...",  8/6/91, "Son's S&L not closed ..."; SPIN, 12/3/91, "See No Evil" by
Jefferson Morley;
THE TEXAS OBSERVER, 7/12/91, "Oil in the Family"; 9/20/91, "Global

[CTRL] (1/2) Censored Headline Stories 1996-97

1999-07-01 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

   More from the "Project Censored" yearbooks:

Among the Top Ten Censored Stories of 1996:


 Source: THE NEW REPUBLIC, 10/28/96, "Bare minimum: Goodies
for the rich hidden in wage bill," by John Judis (Reprinted in
Santa Rosa Press Democrat, 10/13/96).

 On August 20, 1996, President Clinton signed into law the
Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996, ostensibly geared to
aid small business owners and their employees. The publicized
intent of the bill was to raise the minimum wage from $4.25 to
$5.15 an hour.
 However, according to John Judis, senior editor of the New
Republic, the minimum wage bill included at least ten other
significant provisions aimed at neither small business owners nor
their employees. Indeed, Judis charges, these unpublicized
provisions may negate whatever good the bill may do.

 Among the lowlights:

 *The bill reinstates tax incentives which encourage
leveraged buyouts (LBOs):

 In a moment of temporary sanity, Congress put into the 1986
tax reform bill a measure preventing firms that
engage in LBOs from claiming a tax deduction for the exorbitant
fees they pay investment banks and advisors. However, this year's

minimum wage bill once again makes these fees deductible and does
so retroactively, creating a billion-dollar-boon for companies
that contested the 1986 ruling.
 And in the case of employee LBOs, generally thought to be
favorable, Congress slipped into the minimum wage bill a
provision that would eliminate a special incentive that allowed
banks to exclude half of the interest payments they received on
loans for employee buyouts; discouraging employee LBOs of
otherwise doomed companies.

 *Incentives for multinational corporations:

 The new minimum wage bill has successfully protected
American multinationals from paying taxes on unrepatriated
foreign income, a long-standing tax loophole for overseas
corporations. In Clinton's 1992 Presidential campaign, he vowed
to do away with these tax incentives; however, in 1993 his
administration backed down, merely requiring overseas firms to
reinvest their unrepatriated profits in foreign plants and
equipment rather than banking them. Under the new minimum wage
bill, however, this year's Congress rescinded even that.

 *Weakened retirement and pension protection:

 The bill does away with a requirement that companies must
offer the same benefits to lower-wage employees as they do to
higher-wage employees, and effectively reverses the Employee
Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), which states that
if an insurance company takes too much in fees or invests in
risky ventures they can be sued.
 Additionally, the bill does away with a surtax on luxury car
purchases and diesel fuel for yachts, ends a surtax on one-year
pension withdrawals over $150,000 (a boon for the ultra-rich),
and allows newspaper publishers to treat their distributors and
carriers as independent contractors rather than employees in
order to avoid paying their Social Security and unemployment

Among the Top Ten Censored Stories of 1997:


Giveaways," Oct 1996, by Lora Lumpe, and IN THESE TIMES, "Guns
'R' Us," Aug 11, 1997, by Martha Honey

 The United States is now the principal arms merchant for the
world.  U.S. weapons are evident in almost every conflict
worldwide and reap a devastating toll on civilians, U.S. military
personnel, and the socio-economic priorities of many Third World
 On June 7, 1997, the House of Representatives unanimously
approved the Arms Transfer Code of Conduct. This Code would
prohibit U.S. commercial arms sales or military aid and training
to foreign governments that are undemocratic, abuse human rights,
or engage in aggression against neighboring states; yet the
Clinton administration, along with the Defense, Commerce, and
State Departments, has continued to aggressively promote the arms
industry at every opportunity. With Washington's share of the
arms business jumping from 16 percent worldwide in 1988 to 63
percent today, U.S. arms dealers currently sell $10 billion in
weapons to non-democratic governments each year.
 During Clinton's first year in office, U.S. foreign military
aid soared to $36 billion, more than double what Bush had
approved in 1992.
 Most U.S. weaponry is sold to strife-torn regions such as
the Middle East. These weapons sales fan the flames of war
instead of promoting stability, and put U.S. troops based around
the world at growing risk.
 The last five times the U.S. troops were sent into conflict,
they found themselves facing adversaries that had previously
received U.S. weapons, military technology, or training.
 Meanwhile, the Pentagon uses the presence of advanced U.S.
weapons i

[CTRL] Censored Headline Stories 1995

1999-07-01 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

   From the "Project Censored" yearbooks:

 Among the Top Ten Censored Stories of 1995:


Telecommunications Legislation: Impact on Media Concentration" by
Ralph Nader, James Love, and Andrew Saindon.

 America's "marketplace of ideas," upon which our democracy
rests, began shutting its doors in the summer of 1995. The
harbinger of the bad news for the public was aptly titled the
Telecommunications Deregulation Bill, which moved through both
houses of Congress. As the name implies, the bill eliminates
virtually all regulation of the United States communication
 As tends to be the case with most anti-consumer legislation,
the bill stealthily moved under the guise of "encouraging
competition" --but will, in reality, have the opposite effect of
creating huge new concentrations of media power.
 The most troubling aspect of the bill allows easing --and
outright elimination -- of current anti-trust regulations.
 In what the NY Times described as "a dazzling display of
political influence," broadcast networks scored big in the House
version of the bill by successfully getting the limits on
ownership eased so that any individual company can control
television stations serving up to 50 percent of the country.
 The Senate version of the bill provides for a more modest 35
percent coverage.
 The legislation also dismantles current regulations which
limit the number of radio stations that can be owned by a single
company. Currently no one single company can own more than 40
stations. The new legislation would remove the limits completely
-- allowing one company to own every AM and FM radio station in
the United States!  It also would lift the current FCC ban on
joint ownership of a broadcast radio or TV license and a
newspaper in the same market-allowing a single company to have
100 percent control over the three primary sources of news in a
 Consumer advocate Ralph Nader warned, "Congress is moving
the law in the wrong direction, toward greater concentration [of
power] and fewer choices for consumers, all under the guise of
'greater competition.' Laws and rules that limit cross-ownership
and concentration not only enhance competition, a putative goal
of the new legislation, but they also serve important
non-economic goals, by promoting a greater diversity of
programming, and enhancing opportunities for local ownership."
 Nader also said the predictable result of placing even
greater power in the hands of fewer giant media moguls will be
less diversity, more pre-packaged programming, and fewer checks
on political power. "That these provisions are being included in
legislation that is being sold as pro-competitive is particularly
 Also galling was the major media's almost complete and utter
avoidance of the "monopoly ownership" factor in their reporting
of the bill's progress in Congress. The threat to the nation's
"marketplace of ideas" from mega-media monopolies has been a
nomination to Project Censored several times in the past.


 SOURCE: PUBLIC CITIZEN, Jul/Aug 1995, "Cut Corporate
Welfare: Not Medicare" by John Canham-Clyne.

 Congress could go a long way toward balancing the budget by
2002 without slashing Medicare, Medicaid, education, and social
welfare. In fact, the Washington-based Center for the Study of
Responsive Law has identified 153 federal programs that benefit
wealthy corporations but cost taxpayers $167.2 billion annually.
For comparative purposes, federal support for food stamps,
housing aid, and child nutrition costs $50 billion a year.
 An analysis by "Public Citizen" reveals how Congress could
balance the budget by cutting "aid to dependent corporations."
The federal budget and tax codes are rife with huge subsidies to
business -- the sums involved make traditional "pork barrel"
spending look like chicken feed.
  "Public Citizen" President Joan Claybrook said the budget
axe always misses subsidies for the wealthiest and most powerful
U.S. corporations.
 "The proposed $250 billion, or 15 percent cut in Medicare,
demands serious sacrifice from the more than 80 percent of
seniors with incomes below $25,000 -- yet big corporations on the
public dole are not asked to sacrifice at all."
 Following are some examples of corporate welfare that miss
the Congressional budget axe:

 Under the Market Promotion Program, the U.S. Department of
Agriculture in 1993 gave $75 million for overseas product
advertising, including $500,000 to advertise Campbell's soup and
$10 million to promote beer, wine, and liquor.

 The Forest Service, for example, spends $100 million
annually building more than 340,000 miles of access roads through
national forests to assi

[CTRL] (2/2) Censored Headline Stories 1996-97

1999-07-01 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 Among the Top Ten Censored Stories of 1996:


 In the wake of Nigeria's execution of nine environmental
activists, including Nobel Prize winner and leader of the
Movement for the Survival of Ogoni People (MOSOP), Ken Saro-Wiwa,
evidence has indicated that Shell has fomented civil unrest in
Nigeria, contributed to unfair trials and failed to use its
leverage to prevent the unjustified executions.
 The executed activists were involved in massive protests
against Royal Dutch/Shell Group because of the environmental
devastation it has caused--particularly in Southern Nigeria's
 Since the executions, Shell has also managed to keep the
United States media from informing the public of its actions.
 Nigeria's government, under the dictatorship of General Sani
Abacha, derives 90 percent of its foreign revenue from oil
exports. The United States, home of Royal Dutch's subsidiary
Shell Oil Company, located in Houston, Texas, imports almost 50
percent of Nigeria's annual oil production.
 In October 1990, Nigerian villagers occupied part of a Shell
facility demanding compensation for the farm lands which had been
destroyed by Shell. A division manager at Shell Petroleum
Development Company called the Nigerian military for help. The
military forces then fired on the villagers killing some 80
people and destroying or badly damaging 495 homes. A Nigerian
judicial inquiry later concluded that the protest had been
peaceful. The MOSOP was formed after the massacre to continue
protests against Shell. And while Shell has denied having
anything to do with the recent executions, Dr. Owens Wiwa, Ken
Saro-Wiwa's brother, reported that on three occasions Brian
Anderson, the managing director of Shell Petroleum Development
Co. in Nigeria, offered to make a deal with Wiwa: Shell would try
to prevent the executions if the activists would call off their
protests. Wiwa refused, and Shell did not intervene.
 After international pleas for Shell's intervention, Shell
claimed that it was not--and would not--become involved in
Nigeria's political affairs. Internal documents uncovered by
journalists and human rights groups contradict this claim.
 According to a report by Andy Rowell in the Village Voice
(11/21/95), there is evidence that Shell has been bankrolling
Nigerian military action against protesters and that two key
prosecution witnesses admitted in sworn affidavits that they were
offered bribes by Shell to unjustly incriminate Saro-Wiwa in his
 In response to these allegations, Shell has mounted an
international media campaign to combat negative publicity.
Amnesty International USA said the Houston Chronicle refused to
run an ad which questioned Shell's stance on human rights
violations in Nigeria and that three billboard companies,
including Gannett Outdoor Co. Inc., also declined to sell space
to the human rights organization.

 Sources: SAN FRANCISCO BAY GUARDIAN, 2/7/96, "Shell Game,"
by Vince Bielski; TEXAS OBSERVER, 1/12/96, "Shell's Oil, Africa's
Blood," by Ron Nixon and Michael King; EDITOR & PUBLISHER,  Date:
3/23/96, "Rejected Ad Flap," by M.L. Stein; WORLD WATCH, May/June
1996, "Dying for Oil," by Aaron Sachs; Jul/Aug 1996, "Eco-Justice
in Nigeria," by Chris Bright; BANK CHECK, Feb 1996, "IFC Pulls
Out of Shell Deal," by Andrea Durbin.


 Sources: COVERT ACTION QUARTERLY, Winter 1995/96, "The
Public Relations Industry's Secret War on Activists, " by John
Stauber and Sheldon Rampton, and EARTH ISLAND JOURNAL, Winter
1995-1996, "Public Relations, Private Interests," by John Stauber
and Sheldon Rampton.

 This article exposes the multi-million dollar clients of
major public relations firms that are behind the creation of
false non-profit organizations, which target activists and
proposed legislation that threaten big business. Most of these
organizations focus on environmental, consumer and labor issues.
The strategies of these powerful media manipulators include the
defamation of activists, their ideas, and the deception of
American citizens.
 Through the PR industry and the enormous financial resources
of their corporate clients, these organizations mobilize private
detectives, lawyers and undercover spies; influence editorial and
news decisions, launch phony "grassroots" campaigns and use
high-tech information systems to influence and manipulate public
opinion and policy. With its array of sophisticated persuasive
weaponry, the PR industry can out-maneuver, overpower and outlast
citizen reformers.
 In one recent--and high-profile--example, the Health
Insurance Association of America (HIAA) not only supported but
created the Coalition for Health Insurance Choices (CHIC) to
defeat the Clinton administration's attempt at health care
reform.  They utilized public opinion polling and lobbying
strength to pinpoint its campaign against mandatory he

[CTRL] Fwd: (en) Strikers & Police Wounded in Protest in Israel [and later won their dem

1999-07-01 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

  A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E

Author: Miri Reily, Ha'aretz Correspondentt
Reference: Labour Start: www.labourstart.org/

TEL AVIV, Israel/Palestine -- The seven-day strike at Caniel Israel Can
Company, which has plants in Petah Tikvah and Kfar Sava, turned stormy
the strikers obstructed a main traffic artery.

Seven workers and six police officers were hurt and several were
hospitalized at Beilinson Hospital after clashes arose following the
strikers' blocking of traffic on a central highway as a protest move.
day began with the workers igniting tires at the company's Petah Tikvah

The striking group of Caniel workers started blocking traffic on Petah
Tikvah Highway. When police arrived, scuffles broke out, resulting in
injuries on both sides. Three of the six injured police officers were
hospitalized. The commander of the Petah Tikvah police station stated
night that he viewed very seriously the injury to his policemen, and the
fact that the strikers tried to cut off a main highway

{Editor note: few days more, and they won their demands - mainly as lot of
were inflicted on industries using the product of the plant)

The A-Infos News Service

WWW: http://www.ainfos.ca/
INFO: http://www.ainfos.ca/org

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