[CTRL] Proof of Coverup!-JFK Jr. (fwd)

1999-07-19 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-


For those who still don't want to think the unthinkable about the
disappearance of JFK Jr., I show here proof POSITIVE that the
news NOW being disseminated about what happened to Kennedy has

In proof of such, I quote here from a news item typical of those
from within the first 12 hours after the plane's disappearance.
Note that this article like many others specifically states that
at 9:39 PM Kennedy RADIOED the Martha's Vineyard airport, gave
not the slightest indication of trouble, and said he was making
his final approach, no more than TEN MILES from the shore and 13
miles from the airport.

ALL such reports of the VERIFIED fact that Kennedy was in radio
contact with the destination airport and within TEN MILES of
shore have vanished from the "official" accounts now being
propounded by the mass media outlets, in a blatant example of
spin-doctoring and disinformation/manipulation.

Additionally, ALL early accounts noted that within seconds of
this radio contact by Kennedy, a plane which COULD have been
Kennedy's was observed on radar descending 1200 feet in 12
SECONDS--a full-on, headlong dive in other words.

NOW, the "official" line has it that these SAME radar returns in
fact show the plane--now described as "definitely" Kennedy's--to
have descended 700 feet in 29 seconds--a fairly steep descent but
not out of the question.

More importantly, this later damage-controlled, spin-doctored
version is A LIE. The earlier news stories carried the truth
about these points, which prove that the plane was in a crash
which time ALL WAS WELL! These facts, now neatly edited out of
the sanitized, New World Order "news"/fiction literally prove
that either mechanical failure or pilot error was almost
certainly NOT the cause of the plane's apparent disintegration
and disappearance, along with all on board.

John Quinn/NewsHawk Inc.
From --

World News © 1999 World News All rights reserved 7/17/99

...Kennedy, a licensed private pilot, was expected to arrive at
Marthaís Vineyard Airport in Massachusetts in his Piper Saratoga
II TC sometime before 10 p.m. Friday.

At 9:39 p.m. Friday, Kennedy radioed the airport and said he was 13
miles from the airport and 10 miles from the coast, according to WCVB-TV
news in Boston. He reportedly said he was making his Þnal approach.
Moments later, radar operated by the Federal Aviation Administration
showed the plane went into a dive and dropped 1,200 feet in just 12
seconds, according to ABC News.

In his Þnal approach message, WCVB-TV said Kennedy told controllers at
the airport that he planned to drop off his wifeís sister and then take
off again between 11 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. for Hyannis Airport

Suddenly by Sunday the story went like this. Notice ALL mention of
Kennedy's radio contact with Martha's Vineyard airport is now GONE.

From --
CNN News
What was known is that he left FairÞeld, N.J., at 8:38 p.m. Friday with
visibility reported at 4 to 5 miles. His œight path took him over the
Connecticut shore, and after passing over the southwestern tip of Rhode
Island at 9:26 p.m., the plane headed toward Marthaís Vineyard, said
Robert Pearce, chief investigator for the National Transportation Safety Board.

The plane was at 5,600 feet when it headed out over the ocean. At 9:40
p.m., about 17 to 18 miles west of Marthaís Vineyard, it was at 2,500
feet. When it was last detected, 29 seconds later, it was at 1,800 feet,
about 16 miles west of the Vineyard.

And this:
ABC News
...The National Transportation Safety Board's chief investigator for the
accident, Robert Pearce, said experts had discovered that the plane
piloted by Kennedy made a sudden drop of 700 feet to 1,800 feet in 29
seconds just after 9:40 p.m. EDT Friday, below the level than can be
tracked by radar.

He refused to say whether this sudden drop was abnormal and added,
"Seven hundred feet in 29 seconds would relate to about 1,400 feet per
minute, which was within the airplane's capabilities."...

And here below is an article in which JFK Jr.'s flight instructor
describes Kennedy as an "excellent pilot". This seems especially
significant in view of the fact that some media outlets--in particular
British tabloids--are now savaging Kennedy as a reckless, careless,
thrill-seeking spoiled brat who, with at most 35 hours flying time, had
no business flying in the dark. According to my own personal knowledge
of this region and considering the reported weather conditions I can say
it all adds up to pretty safe flying conditions--and a plane piloted by
someone described here as first-rate.
John Quinn/NewsHawk 

Re: [CTRL] Boot Camp for Inner City Youth (fwd)

1999-07-19 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-07-18 14:55:16 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Like the Hitler Youth in Nazi Germany, it suggests a conscious effort
 by the government to pre-determine the values and behavior of working
 class youth at an early age so they will grow up to be the gung ho
 "loyal party members", police and military troops of the future.
 Like the Hitler Youth, it is the government's preferred alternative to
 funding adequate public education and giving people the chance to
 have a job which pays a living wage when they grow up.

But this program is only a stop-gap measure until a universal
draft.(mandatory military service for all young people) is re-instituted,
justified by the inevitable next "world war."

Since the Powers That Be have already learned from the past, the NEXT time a
Great Depression occurs --with its general strikes, food and housing riots,
and anti-capitalist revolutionary activity, necessitating bloody suppression
by police and national guard--
such conditions will not be allowed to progress for a whole DECADE before the
masses have their frustrations redirected toward "patriotic" foreign
aggression in a World War. (WWII achieved a militarized restructuring of the
state, which ENDED the Depression.)

The NWO "economists" can't permit a SECOND public demonstration of the cause
and effect relationship between those two phases of the capitalist economic
cycle -- clearest seen abroad, in Germany between the wars, but just as much
in evidence here, IF one looks behind the curtain of the theatre that
presents American politics as independent, taken out of the larger context of
international cooperation between plutocratic elites.
A second such debacle risks letting the cat out of the bag for all to see --
plus it would damage the credibility of NWO apologists who insist that our
economy is under control, no longer subject to the old cyclic extremes, safe
in their hands from global surprises.

No, THIS time, I predict, at the first signs of a REAL Depression, full
mobilization for a state of war will already have begun, and by this means
any potential revolution will be averted, in a much more controllable fashion
than by a messy declaration of martial law.
(De facto "martial law" ALWAYS accompanies a state of war, and no one
contests it.)
Unhappy slaves, in a mood to revolt, will overnight become happy soldiers,
and those elements in society (e.g., teenagers) who'd be most inclined to
rebel against authority will discover that authority FAVORS them -- within
the ranks of the military.

So, the Powers That Be will succeed again in getting the used-up,
dispossessed, and oppressed masses of the US to "patriotically" suppress
and/or murder the used-up, dispossessed, and oppressed masses of OTHER
countries -- not noticing that they're their own image in the mirror, and not
caring that those against whom "the enemy" is fighting are the SAME people
who caused their OWN economic suffering -- a suffering they've been spared
ONLY by donning a uniform and a gun, to KILL for their Masters ...
The same people, deliberately granted invisibility on the international stage
while the spotlight stays focussed on "national" interests, and "Good" Guys
versus "Bad" Guys.  What the left hand does, to CAUSE wars, is never seen
connected to what the right hand does, allegedly to "defend" national
interests, FIGHTING a "war to END all wars."

The Powers That Be use BOTH hands.  They profit no matter WHO "wins" or
The only real losers in war are, again, the common people -- the poor slaves
who, in killing or dying for their masters, unwittingly serve the MASTERS of
their "masters."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The real jfk jr. problem

1999-07-19 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-07-18 16:24:35 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

we have overlooked the fact that a human being is dead!
Whether you liked him or not, republican or democrat, illuminati or
a human has died, we should at least show some sympathy to the families.

I have sympathy for his family, yes, but no more sympathy than for the family
of any ORDINARY human being who has died a tragic death.  What I strongly
object to, and what subtracts from such sympathy, is this current trend in
America toward granting "supernatural" status to the media-celebrity class,
which includes political celebrities.

Already, as earlier seen in the response to the death of Princess Diana, the
media are granting  JFK Jr some kind of imaginary divinity through class
attribution of "royalty," calling him "the American Prince."  (A male
counterpart of the "Martyred Princess.")

Apparently the mass-media now have a monopoly on conditions in the afterlife
and, as the Church once did, has arrogated to itself the power to create
saints and deities at whim, subject to its OWN criteria -- which, in America,
are usually beauty, wealth, or power -- superficial qualities and qualities
which undermine any true sense of values.

To base a "morality" on such things, and manipulate our sympathies
(admiration or sense of loss, by which our attachment to what is VALUED is
measured) in a patently "religious" way, is appalling.  All our real WORSHIP
is in the TV Church of the Image.
Whether or not one is visible in the media is now the only standard of
personal worth.

Alive, JFK Jr was a real human being, with good and bad qualities, like
everyone else.
Dead now, his image has been co-opted by the media manufacturers of MYTH --
he is no longer REAL.  Our (bogus) feelings now toward him --a STRANGER to us
even now, a human being most of us have never met or known-- are therefore
equally UNREAL.
Save your feelings for persons you have contact with and have interacted
with, face to face -- otherwise those so-called "feelings" are no more
genuine than those of a pimply youth masturbating to a foldout in Playboy.
Harsh?  Necessarily so, in the US, where we treat REAL human beings as
useless "things," while responding to mere IMAGES as if more "real," more
emotionally moving, more evocative of admiration or contempt.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: (en) An Anarchist FAQ Update

1999-07-19 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

  A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E

Hello everyone
An Anarchist FAQ at http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/1931/
has just been updated. An anarchist FAQ is an indepth
introduction to anarchist ideas, ideals, history and theory.
It explains why anarchism is against the state, capitalism
and hierarchy. Plus it has over 600 links to anarchist and
anarchist related webpages. The best one stop place to
discover anarchy on the web!

So whats new in the FAQ?

Section J.4
New section on What trends in society aid
anarchist activity? This section includes
discussion of the importance of social struggle and
the myth that its counter-production. In addition,
it discusses anarchist use of the Internet, popular
discontent with the state and big business as well
as economic crisis.

Appendix - Anarchism and "anarcho"-capitalism
Revision and expansion on our reply and critique to
Bryan Caplan's "Anarchist Theory FAQ." Explains why
"anarcho"-capitalism is not anarchist and not part
of the anarchist tradition.

An Anarchist FAQ Bibilography
Incomplete bibliography for the books we reference in
the FAQ. It will be added to as time permits.

Section A.1.1
 Slight revision to the section on What does "anarchy" mean?
to stress that anarchy means far more than just "no government."

Section A.3.1
Section A.3.2
Expansion to the discussion on the differences between
social and individualist anarchists, as well as between
different kinds of social anarchist.

Section A.5.5
Expansion of the section on Anarchists in the Italian Factory
Occupations. Includes more details of the Anarchist
struggle against fascism and refutes claims that Italian Fascism
was somehow related to anarcho-syndicalism.

Section A.2.18
Expansion and revision of the infamous "propaganda by the deed"
period of anarchist history.

Section F.8
Slight changes to the section on the role of the
state in creating capitalism in the first place.

Section A
Minor changes in section A.

Section B
Minor changes in section B.

The A-Infos News Service

WWW: http://www.ainfos.ca/
INFO: http://www.ainfos.ca/org

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] JFK Jr. Disappearance/More Additions (fwd)

1999-07-19 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

 -Caveat Lector-

An earlier report from about 3 PM on Saturday by Shephard Smith
of FOX-TV named one of these witnesses--in fact a guest at the
scheduled wedding JFK. Jr. was due to attend AND a friend of
Smith's producer at Fox.

In later reports Smith no longer named this witness and referred
to such accounts as "unconfirmed", which is how the rest of the
media is referring to them. Don't expect these reports of an
explosion over the ocean to ever be confirmed either, by the
Clinton/NWO bunch. No doubt JFK Jr. was taken out.

Perhaps, if there even WAS an explosion...MSNBC reported Saturday
MORNING that a fisherman out on the water in the proximity of the
Martha's Vineyard airport reported seeing a private plane circling and
approaching the airport from a direction the fisherman described as that
used by pilots who missed the first approach to the runway...this at
about 9:45 Friday night, just about the time Kennedy should have been

According to the MSNBC report -- and they made it a point to stress this
part -- the fisherman claimed the aircraft was only about 40 feet above
the water, and then 'disappeared without a sound'...they stressed the
fact that the fisherman stated there was NO explosion, no sound of the
aircraft hitting the water, just that suddenly it disappeared from this
guy's view, without a sound...

(perhaps the lights and engine were cut?)

The reports regarding an 'explosion' didn't start to surface until late
Saturday afternoon...which is somewhat suspicious, considering all the
prior hours spent speculating about not only WHAT had happened, but
WHERE...one would think these 'explosion' ear-witnesses would have been
flooding forward on Saturday morning, if only to allow the searchers to
narrow the area they were searching...especially if an ear-witness was
such a good friend of the Kennedys as to have been an invited guest to
the wedding scheduled on Saturday...

I find it highly suspicious that it seems the earliest confirmed
ear-witness to the supposed explosion just happened to be a good friend
of the FOX news producer...

And yet, no one can explain why, if this 'explosion' happened so close to
shore that all these people supposedly heard it, why then can't searchers
find any EVIDENCE in the area?  Not even an oil slick...

I think this explosion story is disinformation...



So many things you want to see
And as you ask I'll set you free
But as you fly
You'll touch the sky
And touch the heart
Within me

  Fly away.

-- Bob Childs
revcoal AT connix DOT com
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Proof of Coverup!-JFK Jr. (fwd)

1999-07-19 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

 -Caveat Lector-

In proof of such, I quote here from a news item typical of those
from within the first 12 hours after the plane's disappearance.
Note that this article like many others specifically states that
at 9:39 PM Kennedy RADIOED the Martha's Vineyard airport, gave
not the slightest indication of trouble, and said he was making
his final approach, no more than TEN MILES from the shore and 13
miles from the airport.

Well, this is the first I've heard that he radio'd the tower to request
clearance to land...

Remember, all Saturday morning, and most of the afternoon, we were being
told that searchers had no idea WHERE the plane went down, and in fact
one of the early reports stated a beacon had been picked up offshore
north of Mattituck, LI, which is roughly the midpoint of LI, and
searchers were responding THERE to check to see if that was Kennedy's

So the fact that we're now being told that Kennedy radio'd the tower
regarding his planned landing seems to be planted disinformation.

Just like all the ear-witnesses to a supposed explosion, witnesses who
didn't come forward until late Saturday afternoon, after hours had been
spent by searchers scouring all of LI Sound and a good portion of the
Atlantic off of LI's south shore...

ALL such reports of the VERIFIED fact that Kennedy was in radio
contact with the destination airport and within TEN MILES of
shore have vanished from the "official" accounts now being
propounded by the mass media outlets, in a blatant example of
spin-doctoring and disinformation/manipulation.

Perhaps.  Perhaps the account that he radio'd the tower regarding his
approach is the disinformation...

The FACT is, for a good 12 hours after he was reported missing, searchers
hadn't a clue as to where to begin or focus their search for the plane...

If indeed the airport tower had gotten a radio message from Kennedy when
he was only 10 miles out, it would have been a no-brainer to focus the
search in the area immediately surrounding Martha's Vineyard...

And if indeed so many people supposedly heard an explosion, some claiming
to have seen a 'fireball', why didn't they call the authorities right
there and then?  Why didn't they go to the authorities on Saturday
morning, when it was being reported that searchers had no idea where to
concentrate their search?  Why did these witnesses wait until Saturday
afternoon, 12 hours after Kennedy was reported missing, 18 hours after
they had witnessed this supposed explosion, to report what they'd heard
and/or seen?

Additionally, ALL early accounts noted that within seconds of
this radio contact by Kennedy, a plane which COULD have been
Kennedy's was observed on radar descending 1200 feet in 12
SECONDS--a full-on, headlong dive in other words.

The EARLIEST accounts I heard, all thru Saturday, had it that the LAST
confirmed radio contact with Kennedy was a good 20 minutes or so before
he was due at the airport...making contact at around 9:25 or 9:30, when
he wasn't due at the airport until 9:45 or 9:50...this contact was made
apparantly when he veered south from the RI shore out over the water, to
confirm his expected arrival at Martha's Vineyard in 15 to 20 minutes...

None of the reports I've heard have mentioned that he then radio'd the
airport when he was only 10 or so miles away...

More importantly, this later damage-controlled, spin-doctored
version is A LIE.

Yes, but probably not in the way you are viewing them...

Again, the FACT is that for at least 12 hours after he was reported
missing, the searchers didn't KNOW (or claimed they didn't know) WHERE to
focus the search...

If the Martha's Vineyard airport HAD spoken to Kennedy when he was only
10 miles out, and IF they had his plane on radar -- it doesn't MATTER how
quickly his plane descended, the FACT would be that they KNEW where he
went down, and claimed not to.

So...there IS no tape...no REAL tape...perhaps a manufactured tape to fit
the now seemingly 'official' version of what happened...

If the airport HAD been in contact with him when he was 10 miles out, and
if they DID have him on radar...then why didn't they mount a search and
rescue IMMEDIATELY when he failed to arrive?  Why did it have to wait for
Kennedy's family to call authorities after midnite, to say he'd failed to
arrive, causing the search and rescue mission to be delayed until 3am?

The earlier news stories carried the truth
about these points, which prove that the plane was in a crash
which time ALL WAS WELL!

No, we don't know that the earlier version are 'the truth', only that
they were the earlier versions...and the EARLIEST versions had the
airport claiming they hadn't heard from Kennedy after the one time he

All reports regarding later communication with the tower came after THAT
version...and, as I think I have pointed out, the FACTS seem to point to

[CTRL] Big Bang machine could destroy Earth

1999-07-19 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-

 Big Bang machine could destroy Earth

 Source: The Times
 Published: 7-18-99
 Author: Jonathan Leake
 not for commercial use

 A NUCLEAR accelerator designed to replicate the Big Bang is under
 investigation by international physicists because of fears that it
 might cause "perturbations of the universe" that could destroy the
 Earth. One theory even suggests that it could create a black hole.

 Brookhaven National Laboratories (BNL), one of the American
 government's foremost research bodies, has spent eight years
 building its Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) on Long Island
 in New York state. A successful test-firing was held on Friday and
 the first nuclear collisions will take place in the autumn,
 building up to full power around the time of the millennium.

 Last week, however, John Marburger, Brookhaven's director, set up
 a committee of physicists to investigate whether the project could
 go disastrously wrong. It followed warnings by other physicists
 that there was a tiny but real risk that the machine, the most
 powerful of its kind in the world, had the power to create
 "strangelets" - a new type of matter made up of sub-atomic
 particles called "strange quarks".

 The committee is to examine the possibility that, once formed,
 strangelets might start an uncontrollable chain reaction that could
 convert anything they touched into more strange matter. The
 committee will also consider an alternative, although less likely,
 possibility that the colliding particles could achieve such a high
 density that they would form a mini black hole. In space, black
 holes are believed to generate intense gravitational fields that
 suck in all surrounding matter. The creation of one on Earth could
 be disastrous.

 Professor Bob Jaffe, director of the Centre for Theoretical Physics
 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who is on the
 committee, said he believed the risk was tiny but could not be
 ruled out. "There have been fears that strange matter could alter
 the structure of anything nearby. The risk is exceedingly small but
 the probability of something unusual happening is not zero."

 Construction of the £350m RHIC machine started eight years ago and
 is almost complete. On Friday scientists sent the first beam of
 particles around the machine - but without attempting any

 Inside the collider, atoms of gold will be stripped of their outer
 electrons and pumped into one of two 2.4-mile circular tubes where
 powerful magnets will accelerate them to 99.9% of the speed of

 The ions in the two tubes will travel in opposite directions to
 increase the power of the collisions. When they smash into each
 other, at one of several intersections between the tubes, they will
 generate minuscule fireballs of superdense matter with temperatures
 of about a trillion degrees - 10,000 times hotter than the sun.
 Such conditions are thought not to have existed - except possibly
 in the heart of some dense stars - since the Big Bang that formed
 the universe between 12 billion and 15 billion years ago.

 Under such conditions atomic nuclei "evaporate" into a plasma of
 even smaller particles called quarks and gluons. Theoretical and
 experimental evidence predicts that such a plasma would then emit
 a shower of other, different particles as it cooled down.

 Among the particles predicted to appear during this cooling are
 strange quarks. These have been detected in other accelerators but
 always attached to other particles. RHIC, the most powerful such
 machine yet built, has the ability to create solitary strange
 quarks for the first time since the universe began.

 BNL confirmed that there had been discussion over the possibility
 of "perturbations in the universe". Thomas Ludlam, associate
 project director of RHIC, said that the committee would hold its
 first meeting shortly.

 John Nelson, professor of nuclear physics at Birmingham University
 who is leading the British scientific team at RHIC, said the
 chances of an accident were infinitesimally small - but Brookhaven
 had a duty to assess them. "The big question is whether the planet
 will disappear in the twinkling of an eye. It is astonishingly
 unlikely that there is any risk - but I could not prove it,"
 he said.


 How about the really important question. Is this gizmo at
 Brookhaven Y2K compliant?  --Ditto

 Was this project funded by the same people who banned
 firecrackers for our safety?  --enough is enough


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always 

[CTRL] Fw:rmind control operation BLUE MOON

1999-07-19 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

Hey folks:  If anybody here has information about BLUE MOON, maybe
you could help Luca, eh?  If anyone here subscribes to mind-control
lists/forums, maybe you could pass-on the request there, eh? --Ric

- Original Message -
To: ric carter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 19, 1999 2:27 AM

I need informations about a mind control operation named "Blue Moon"
conducted in Europe, in 1960-1970, by  the U.S. intelligence service.
This operation concernes the diffusion of psichedelic drug in college and
We have find sign in the following declassified documents:

Document C.I.A.  del 08-06-1954;  Document C.I.A.  "ARTICHOKE-SPECIAL
COMMENTS"  del 26-11-1952;   Document  C.I.A."ARTICHOKE  TECHNIQUES"
del 21-06-1952;   Document  C.I.A."SUBCONSCIOUS  ISOLATION"  del July
'51;   Memorandum  C.I.A."NOTESONMEETING   HELD;   23-07-1951
"REPORT OF THE AD HOC MEDICAL STUDY GROUP" del 15-01-1953;  Document C.I.A.
dell'11-06-1951;  Document C.I.A. "EXPLORATION  OF  POTENTIAL  PLANT
RESOURCES  IN  THE  CARIBBEAN REGION"  del  07-02-1956;  Memorandum for
assistant  Director  of scientific  intelligence from R.J.  WILLIAMS,
Project Coordinator ARTICHOKE del 26-04-1952.  Document  C.I.A.
29  AUGUST 1952" del 04-09-1952;  Document C.I.A.  "AN O.S.I.  STUDY ON THE
del 30-08-1955;   Memorandum C.I.A.   for  Liaison   Security
NIH" del 24-07-1953; Memorandum  C.I.A.   for Director  of  Central
Intelligence on C.I.A. R D  Testing  of Behavioral  Drugs, from Inspector
General Donald F.  Chamberlain, del 05-02-1975;  Report by Dr.  HARRIS
ISBELL,  C.I.A.  del 14-07-1954;  Document C.I.A.  "Comparisons of the
Reactions  Induced  by  Psilocybin and LSD-25  in  Man"  del 05-05-1959;
Memorandum  C.I.A.  to Chief of  Security  Research
Staff,  from  Chief  of Technical Branch  "ARTICHOKE  Conference,
22-10-1953"  del  16.11.53;  Memorandum C.I.A.  to Director  of Central
Intelligence  via  Deputy Director of  Plans   "POTENTIAL  LARGE - SCALE

Thank for the reply.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Art Bell Intimidates Montana Service Provider?

1999-07-19 Thread El Snatcher

 -Caveat Lector-

Art Bell Intimidates Montana Service Provider?

Pigdog Journal (http://www.pigdog.org/)

Art Bell Intimidates Montana Service Provider?



 .^^.  "I don't like the feel of
 ! .\/. !  [the sun] on my skin."
 (. oo .)--Christopher Walken

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Monday #1

1999-07-19 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990719a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Hey, SkeptiChat subscribers: let's see some responses, some discussion!!
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: Some infinitives were badly split during the production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Preacher Can Clean Toilets To Avoid Trial. BUENOS AIRES (Reuters)  A judge
  told Argentina's best-known television preacher to chose between cleaning
  public bathrooms for 2 years or standing trial for alleged criminal fraud.
  Televangelist Hector Gimenez faces charges that he defrauded a worshiper
  at his "Good Waves" shrine, illegally selling the worshiper a house using
  a bogus contract. Gimenez's shrine also includes a shopping mall, beauty
  salon, car rental firm and game room. Giminez's deity was unavailable for
  comment. http://news.excite.com/news/r/990719/08/odd-argentina-preacher

: Do you buy real estate from televangelists? Do you trust televangelists?
Do you trust their deities? Would you buy real estate from a deity? Where?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Pope insists on Iraq visit. AMMAN, Jordan (UPI) Pope John Paul II insists
  on visiting Iraq next year as part of his religious pilgrimage to mark the
  third millennium. The Pope will include Iraq in his tour of the region de-
  spite US/Israeli pressure not to do so. "The pontiff has informed everyone
  that his visit is a religious pilgrimage and not a political one, and no
  party, no matter how strong, has the right to interfere in the Vatican's
  affairs." http://news.excite.com/news/u/990718/10/international-pope

: Do you have a right to interfere in Vatican affairs? Does the Vatican have
a right to interfere in your affairs? What Vatican plot do you want to foil?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

$ HQ2O: WATER FROM CYBERSPACE. HQ2O is natural spring water from the fount-
  ains of cyberspace. Q2O is tap, filtered or spring water taken from the
  corporate headquarters of such high-tech firms as "Yahoo!", "Wired" or
  "Tripod". Each bottle of HQ2O contains water from a corporate water cooler
  which can then be diluted with natural spring water or any other beverage
  of your choice for a unique drink experience. http://www.hq2o.com

: Is this the holy water of the 21st century? Are you more blessed with H2O
from Yahoo!, Wired, MicroSoft, Toshiba, Genentech, IBM, VaticanOnline, me??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Scientist Stirs Dispute On Stuff Of Life. (Reuters) ZURICH (Reuters) Craig
  Venter, the US scientist accused by critics of trying to license the stuff
  of which life is made, sees nothing wrong with using business sense along-
  side science to crack the genetic code. Your DNA could be a corporate
  asset: http://news.excite.com/news/r/990719/00/science-health-celera

# Viagra Gives Plants A Boost. JERUSALEM (Reuters) The lifespan of plants,
  fruits  vegetables could be doubled with doses of the impotence treatment
  drug Viagra, but the cost would be punitive. But they would die happy.

: Who owns the stuff of life? Who owns the life of plants? Do plants have a
right to be happy? Does your DNA have a right to be happy? Do you? Why not?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# World's biggest X-ray telescope rivals Superman's vision. CAPE CANAVERAL,
  Fla. (AP)  The biggest, mightiest, most expensive X-ray telescope is about
  to embark on a five-year voyage to gaze deep into the hearts of galaxies
  and search for signs of black holes. Chandra X-ray Observatory, a 4 1/2-
  story colossus due to launch with shuttle Columbia, is 10-100 times more
  powerful than any of the dozen or so X-ray telescopes previously placed in
  orbit. If words glimmered in X-rays, Chandra could read a newspaper from a
  half-mile away or make out the letters of a stop sign from 12 miles away.
  "We can make Superman jealous, I guess, with our X-ray vision" - NASA.

: Who is your favorite superhero? Does s/he have psychosexual problems? Is
s/he human, alien, divine? Have you built any instruments that match/exceed
his/her/its powers? What superpower(s) would you like to have? At what cost?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Shoot the Moon. 30 years after the first lunar landing showed us a boring,
  lifeless world, scientists are revising their notions of our moon-and of
  the 65 others in the solar system. Some of these satellites may harbor the
  conditions for life, and promise to hint how life begins - or fails. In
  short, moons rock. http://newsweek.com/nw-srv/printed/us/st/sc0104_1.htm

# Finally, a travel guide to the moon - Book for 'first-time visitors' is
  one giant leap for publishing. (MSNBC) On July 20, 1969, humans walked on
  the moon for the first time. 30 years later, Frommer's travel publications
  has launched a guidebook 

[CTRL] Kennedy Down

1999-07-19 Thread Sno0wl

 -Caveat Lector-

I've been off the list for a time so someone else may already have noted this but:

Last night, around 8 o'clock. I went to my home page which contains top news stories
from Reuters.There was an article stating that the Coast Guard had found something
and would soon make an announcement. The spokesman stated that what they had
found could spark a serious "investigation" that might last some time.

I went back to the some place an hour later and that story had been replaced by
another. All the previous stories were listed below it--but the above story about the
Coast Guard being about to make an "announcement" was not among them. It had
just vanished.

Not again  Did anyone else see the story about the impending Coast Guard


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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1999-07-19 Thread Kris Millegan




Investigative reporter Sherman Skolnick lays out a convincing case in the
following article:

 by Sherman H. Skolnick
 Date:7/18/1999 7:52:40 PM Pacific Daylight Time

On his third birthday, he stood and saluted. Do three year olds understand
great turning points in history? He stood there as the flag-draped coffin of
father was slowly drawn past. His only son watching the funeral of John F.
Kennedy, assassinated 35th president of the United States. He knew as he
grew up that it was his mother's wish that for their safety, no statements be
made by them contradicting the big lie of the government, that a "lone
assassin" blew out the brains of his father, right in front of numerous

Thereafter, dozens, if not hundreds of material witnesses were themselves
murdered, such as the CIA patsy, Lee Harvey Oswald, and Oswald's
murderer, Jack Ruby, and a long list.

John F. Kennedy, Jr. knew that dark forces opposed the terrible truth. His
father was outraged on going along with a disaster shortly after taking
The Bay of Pigs fiasco, April,1961. President Kennedy fired Director of
Central Intelligence Allen Dulles who reportedly muttered under his breath
to JFK, "Traitor". Was there justification for political murder and if so,
if ever, will the high-level forces go "public"? The President vowed to
splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter them to the wind.

Too many assassination researchers are busy writing and selling books with
conspiracy theories, and videos of the same, or setting up paid lectures and
seminars, to go beyond describing what took place in Dealey Plaza. As a
non-commercial assassination  researcher, when I come to some political
assassination seminars I am appalled how I am treated by supposed friends
and acquaintances. They hoot and heckle me when I try to ask a question
beyond which way the bullets went in Dealey Plaza. When I discuss the
rationale of the ultra-rich for this bloody deed:

1. John Kennedy and his friend, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., were closet
communists, at least the FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover and various Directors
of CIA believed that.

2. Although Kennedy once explained he was only nominally a Catholic, there
were the controllers of America, if not the world, who believed the U.S.
should not have a Catholic President. That has been the prevailing view from
the downfall of Al Smith as presidential candidate in the 1920s to this very
day. And the same forces opposed Jews on the U.S. Supreme Court and the
two that did somehow get on the high court after World War Two who were
removed. Justice Abe Fortas was removed by a trumped up scandal. Justice
Arthur Goldberg was arm-twisted into resigning from the high court and
serving instead on the United Nations.  They were perceived as making too
"liberal" decisions for the common man.

3. Those who call the shots, who govern us NOT by the consent of the
governed, were and are afraid of the Vatican connection. Such thinking was
involved in blaming certain factions centuries ago for the Gunpowder Plot
in England and the period of great bloodshed with Oliver Cromwell.

4. The strongest justification for blowing out Kennedy's brains in an open car
was that his his  charm and language, he was causing a bad psychological
view to sweep the great unwashed of America: that the era of the common
man has arrived, a dangerous and seditious idea to those who rule by deceit
and trickery while promising ordinary people a so-called "Bill of Rights".
Some loudmouths proclaim a new "Bill of Rights" is needed to smash the
"Bill of Wrongs". In federal courts, long-dominated from the early years of
this nation by multi-millionaire banker-judges, the U.S. Constitution too
often is a mirage and a dead letter. Americans of European lineage say, it is
dangerous to bother the people from the high windows.

5. And there are and were some with Jewish surnames, not necessarily
followers of Judaism, who believed and still believe. that no Kennedy should
occupy the White House. They have put a "blood libel" on the entire
Kennedy family: that "Founding Father" Joseph P. Kennedy was pro-Hitler
as U.S. Ambassador to London up to 1940,and was viciously anti-Jewish.
Using his London office, Ambassador Kennedy brokered a deal between
Nazi chemical monopoly I.G. Farben and Rockefeller's Standard Oil of New
Jersey. To share the profits of business and this deal was made actually
September, 1939.

This unholy arrangement, which went on while ordinary people of U.S. and
Germany killed each other, shared the profits by two supposed enemy

[CTRL] Fwd: Weekly Analysis July 19, 1999

1999-07-19 Thread Kris Millegan


Visit Stratfor's NEW Middle East  Africa
Intelligence Center


One China, Two States: Taiwan's Evaluation of Geopolitics and Clinton

Are Russian Security Forces Again Acting Without Presidential Approval?

Global Intelligence Update
Weekly Analysis July 19, 1999

Barak Tries to Redefine the Peace Process in Washington


The Middle East peace process has obsessed and collapsed over the
Palestinian question for decades.  Ehud Barak wants to redefine the
issue; instead of focusing on the Palestinian question, he wants to
focus on a peace treaty with Syria.  He has good reason to believe
that Syria is ready for a peace settlement. The problem, in our
eyes, is not Syria but Turkey.  Israel and Turkey are allied
against Syria.  The United States is highly dependent on Turkey for
its regional strategy and is not eager to see the boat rocked.  The
U.S. must be convinced that accords with Syria can be the
foundation for Syria's general integration into America's regional
system and not the preface for a geopolitical upheaval.  On the
whole, from the American point of view, sticking with the
Palestinians is the safer course.


Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak has taken office and arrived in
Washington for meetings with President Bill Clinton and his
national security staff.  The Clinton administration, as always, is
eager to restart the peace negotiations between Israel and the
Arabs. Given the rhetoric of the campaign and the early actions of
Ehud Barak, the administration has reason to believe that there is
now some real possibility of a peace accord with Syria if not the
Palestinians.  This shift to a focus on Syria by Barak must be
examined carefully, because it has broad geopolitical implications.

To begin with, it is important to understand that, rhetoric aside,
there has been a general Arab-Israeli peace in place for nearly a
quarter of a century.  The last general war occurred in 1973.  That
war set the stage for a general peace treaty between Egypt and
Israel.  Israel and Jordan have been in close alignment for many
years.  With two of the three frontline states neutralized, the
only military threat to Israel came from Syria and Syria alone did
not constitute a credible threat.

Neither the Lebanese situation nor the Palestinian situation
constituted a life- threatening situation for Israel.  From a
purely military standpoint, they were fairly trivial and manageable
problems.  At the same time, they drained military resources and
had a dramatic effect on morale, both military and civilian.  Most
important, unlike the direct military threats faced in the past,
neither the Lebanese nor Palestinian issues could be settled with a
definitive, military solution.  This was a reality difficult for
Israel's political culture to absorb, and Israel kept searching for
a military solution where there was none.  The Israeli invasion of
Lebanon in 1982 was emblematic of the problem.  The direct
occupation of Lebanon protected northern Israel from the occasional
rocket attack.  The cost was a prolonged occupation by Israeli
forces, exposure to casualties, substantial financial expense all
without solving the problem.  Indeed, Israeli exertions were
consistently out of proportion to the problems.

Because neither issue was life threatening, Israeli interest in
solving the problems was driven as much by domestic political
consideration as by strategic analysis. As a result, the peace
process in Israel was always hostage to the national mood. That
mood was always deeply divided and changeable.  This meant that the
peace process was highly manipulable, not only by political
figures, but also by elements that wanted to see the peace process
fail.  Terrorist actions on both sides could rapidly redefine the
dynamics of negotiations.  Every peace talk was hostage to the next
terrorist act.

Barak is extremely sensitive to this reality.  His own government
can be easily fragmented.  Barak has therefore chosen to shift his
focus from the Palestinian question or even the Lebanese question.
Instead, he has chosen to focus his attention on an agreement with
Syria.  Barak has, we think, grasped something critical about
Israel's position.  Israel cannot create a stable situation in
Lebanon or even among the Palestinians without first reaching an
agreement with Damascus. Israel will not be able to withdraw from
Lebanon until there is an entity prepared to control Hezbollah and
other anti-Israeli groups operating in the south.  By itself, the
Lebanese Army is incapable of bringing the south under control.
Syria can bring order to the south, but Israel cannot permit Syrian
troops or even Syrian-controlled 

[CTRL] Fwd: Re: JFK Jr. /More CRAPUS!!

1999-07-19 Thread Kris Millegan

Newsgawk responds ..

Subj:More Amomalies/JFK Jr. Disappearance
Date:   7/19/99 2:17:08 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (NewsHawk)

For those who still don't want to think the unthinkable about the
disappearance of JFK Jr., I show here proof POSITIVE that the news NOW
being disseminated about what happened to Kennedy has been DOCTORED and

In proof of such, I quote here from a news item typical of those from
within the first 12 hours after the plane's disappearance. Note that
this article like many others specifically states that at 9:39 PM
Kennedy RADIOED the Martha's Vineyard airport, gave not the slightest
indication of trouble, and said he was making his final approach, no
more than TEN MILES from the shore and 13 miles from the airport.

ALL such reports of the VERIFIED fact that Kennedy was in radio contact
with the destination airport and within TEN MILES of shore have vanished
from the "official" accounts now being propounded by the mass media
outlets, in a blatant example of spin-doctoring and 

Additionally, ALL early accounts noted that within seconds of this radio
contact by Kennedy, a plane which COULD have been Kennedy's was observed
on radar descending 1200 feet in 12 SECONDS--a full-on, headlong dive in
other words. 

NOW, the "official" line has it that these SAME radar returns in fact
show the plane--now described as "definitely" Kennedy's--to have
descended 700 feet in 29 seconds--a fairly steep descent but not out of
the question. 

More importantly, this later damage-controlled, spin-doctored version is
A LIE. The earlier news stories carried the truth about these points,
which prove that the plane was in a crash SECONDS AFTER KENNEDY RADIOED
THE MARTHA'S VINEYARD TOWER, at which time ALL WAS WELL! These facts,
now neatly edited out of the sanitized, New World Order "news"/fiction
literally prove that either mechanical failure or pilot error was almost
certainly NOT the cause of the plane's apparent disintegration and
disappearance, along with all on board.

John Quinn/NewsHawk Inc.
From --  
World News
© 1999 World News
All rights reserved
...Kennedy, a licensed private pilot, was expected to arrive at Martha’s
Vineyard Airport in Massachusetts in his Piper Saratoga II TC sometime
before 10 p.m. Friday.

At 9:39 p.m. Friday, Kennedy radioed the airport and said he was 13
miles from the airport and 10 miles from the coast, according to WCVB-TV
news in Boston. He reportedly said he was making his Þnal approach.
Moments later, radar operated by the Federal Aviation Administration
showed the plane went into a dive and dropped 1,200 feet in just 12
seconds, according to ABC News.
In his Þnal approach message, WCVB-TV said Kennedy told controllers at
the airport that he planned to drop off his wife’s sister and then take
off again between 11 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. for Hyannis Airport

Suddenly by Sunday the story went like this. Notice ALL mention of
Kennedy's radio contact with Martha's Vineyard airport is now GONE.

From --
CNN News
What was known is that he left FairÞeld, N.J., at 8:38 p.m. Friday with
visibility reported at 4 to 5 miles. His þight path took him over the
Connecticut shore, and after passing over the southwestern tip of Rhode
Island at 9:26 p.m., the plane headed toward Martha’s Vineyard, said
Robert Pearce, chief investigator for the National Transportation Safety 

The plane was at 5,600 feet when it headed out over the ocean. At 9:40
p.m., about 17 to 18 miles west of Martha’s Vineyard, it was at 2,500
feet. When it was last detected, 29 seconds later, it was at 1,800 feet,
about 16 miles west of the Vineyard.

And this:
ABC News
...The National Transportation Safety Board's chief investigator for the
accident, Robert Pearce, said experts had discovered that the plane
piloted by Kennedy made a sudden drop of 700 feet to 1,800 feet in 29
seconds just after 9:40 p.m. EDT Friday, below the level than can be
tracked by radar.

He refused to say whether this sudden drop was abnormal and added,
"Seven hundred feet in 29 seconds would relate to about 1,400 feet per
minute, which was within the airplane's capabilities."...

And here below is an article in which JFK Jr.'s flight instructor
describes Kennedy as an "excellent pilot". This seems especially
significant in view of the fact that some media outlets--in particular
British tabloids--are now savaging Kennedy as a reckless, careless,
thrill-seeking spoiled brat who, with at most 35 hours flying time, had
no business flying in the dark. According to my own personal knowledge
of this region and considering the reported weather conditions I can say
it all 

[CTRL] Fwd: Doug 'Wrongway' Corrigan

1999-07-19 Thread Kris Millegan

Today, 61 years ago the NYT frontpage headline was about another
person of Irish descent flying a single-engined plane from the NYC
area.  Due to mechanical failure, his compass broke and his backup
compass froze 180 degrees off, he wound up in Dublin rather than
California.  The feds suspended his license blaming the problem on
operator error not unlike blaming TWA 800 on mechanical failure rather
than a missile which any number of people saw.  This changed his name
from Doug to Wrongway.  It is time the feds came clean and gave back
Doug his good name - even though he died 12/95 at 88.  His $300 Curtis
Robin plane should be displayed in the Smithsonian alongside
Lindbergh's Spirit of St. Louis, which Doug help build. A statue is in

And the feds should also come clean and restore the good name of James
Sanders and find out what happened to TWA 800.

The JFK, Jr. crash is also being mishandled by many of you, in my
opinion.  Everyone is too quick to jump on blaming the crash on
operator error rather than mechanical failure. Again! Unlike TWA 800,
are no eyewitnesses so an answer can only be determined from failure
analysis of the wreck, when found.  The NTSB is imminently qualified
for this task.  The only apparent political problem appears to be
between the Kennedy family and Piper.  Unlike the Ted incident long
ago, the investigation must be open and honest.  As must the TWA 800
investigation be.

It is wrong to accuse one of manslaughter with no evidence - even a
dead one.  And that's all I know about that.  Stan


1999-07-19 Thread Kris Millegan

Date: Sun, 18 Jul 1999 23:37:07 +1200


Howling At The Moon's new book, The God Factor, by Ian Wishart, is being
launched today, alleging the New Zealand Prime Minister has been meeting with
a man at the centre of a major U.S. corruption scandal, and that U.S.
President Bill Clinton has a background in drug trafficking and money

The God Factor also examines the violent deaths and/or unsolved murders of 70
people either directly associated with Bill Clinton or investigating him -
often in unexplained plane crashes.

The evidence has been meticulously researched and can be accessed via our
A HREF="http://www.howlingatthemoon.com"http://www.howlingatthemoon.com/A

Although Britain's Sunday Telegraph has covered it, The Washington Post was
too scared to run it, and so are the timid New Zealand media.

Help us beat the media blackout. Please forward this email to the people on
your mailing list, so that New Zealanders and Americans discover the truth
that their own "journalists" don't have the courage to tell them.

If you are a newsgroup member, let your colleagues know.

The reality is that news is being censored. New Zealanders are not being told
about their Prime Minister's involvement with a man who the CIA alleges is a
Chinese spy, and who it the headlines for making illegal campaign donations
to Bill Clinton.

Why aren't they telling you this story on the news this morning: because it
is explosive.

Ian  Heidi Wishart
Howling At The Moon Publishing

[CTRL] OEN 7/19/99

1999-07-19 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe/A

Today's Lesson From The Sins of the Father

by Ronald Kessler

As Black Tuesday [October 29, 1929] approached, Joe [Kennedy] liquidated
his longer-term investments, but continued to make money on the
declining market by selling short. . . .

Joe later said he had figured out that the market was overheated because
Pat Bologna, who had a shoeshine stand at 60 Wall Street and later 70
Pine Street, was in the market with relatively large sums and had lots
of inside tips.

"When the time comes that a shoeshine boy knows as much as I do about
what is going on in the stock market . . . it's time for me to get out,"
he said later. "Only fools hold out for top dollar."

But the story of the shoeshine boy was baloney. Joe told the story to
show how astute he was. In fact, it was Currier--the same man Joe would
soon double-cross--who had saved him from disaster by warning him to get
out of the market. Nor was Joe the only investor to avoid the crash.
Lots of people got out: David Sarnoff, Bernard Baruch, Paul M. Warburg,
and the partners of Kuhn, Loeb and Company all sold before the crash.
Gold Market

Placer Dome Halts Development of Venezuelan Mine

I wonder how they'll be doing when gold hits $200/oz?

Falling gold prices have claimed another casualty with Placer Dome, the
Canadian mining group, announcing it will halt development of its $575m
mine in Venezuela.

Placer, North America's third-largest gold producer, said it would defer
capital expenditures of about $500m for its Las Cristinas mine because
of "changed gold market conditions and lower prices, which have created
greater uncertainty about the future".

The mine, which had been the focus of a protracted legal dispute, was to
begin producing 530,000 ounces a year from 2001. The company, which has
already spent $70m in feasibility studies, said it would resume
development at the site when the metal price outlook indicated an
appropriate return on the project.

News of Placer Dome's decision has already helped to stabilise the price
of gold, which hit 20-year lows last week. It was "fixed" at $255.65 in
London on Friday, up from $253.30 on Thursday.

The decision to halt development at Las Cristinas follows the company's
announcement last month that it would retreat from its aggressive
acquisition strategy in order to reduce costs. The company said last
month it would cut exploration and overhead costs by $43m in response to
the slide in gold prices since the Bank of England announced in May a
plan to sell more than half its reserves.

Company officials have said the Bank of England's announcement made them
much more pessimistic about the metal's future. They expect prices to
remain below $290 for the next two or three years.

Las Cristinas, with estimated reserves of 11.7m ounces, has been a
frustrating project for Placer Dome. The company only recently gave the
go-ahead for the project, which had been delayed for more than a year by
a small Canadian exploration group's rival ownership claim.

The dispute was resolved last year when Venezuela's Supreme Court
refused to hear the case. Placer Dome holds a 70 per cent stake in the
mine, with state-owned Corporacion Venezolana de Guayana controlling the

The Financial Times, July 19, 1999

Middle East

Turkey Bombs Iran

Iran threatens reprisals

IRAN gave warning of reprisals yesterday after several people were
killed or wounded in a Turkish bombing raid on an Iranian army border
The official IRNA news agency reported: "Turkish warplanes on Sunday
dropped rockets and bombs on Iranian border outposts in Piranshahr and
villages around the city." An Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman,
Hamid-Reza Asefi, said several civilians were killed and some others
injured, IRNA said.

Mr Asefi described the attack as "unjustifiable" and warned Turkey it
would have to bear the "consequences of violating Iran's air space".
State television said one of the victims was a member of Iran's
Revolutionary Guards, adding that the target was an army base at
Piranshahr, near the border with Iraq.

The armed forces chief, General Mohammad Firouzabadi, condemned the
attack and warned Turkey that Iran had "the right of reprisal", it
reported. Teheran was angered last week when Bulent Ecevit, the Turkish
Prime Minister, described student protests in Iran as a natural reaction
to an "oppressive regime".

Iran's Foreign Ministry on Wednesday summoned the Turkish chargé
d'affaires to explain Mr Ecevit's "irresponsible" remarks about the
clashes last week.

* Britain's ambassador to Iran, Nick Browne, yesterday presented his
credentials to President Mohammad Khatami. The ceremony marked the
resumption of diplomatic relations after a 10-year breach.

The London Telegraph, July 19, 1999
Aloha, He'Ping,

[CTRL] Spy vs. Spies

1999-07-19 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://jya.com/cia-v-snepp.htm"CIA vs. Snepp: Irreparable Harm/A

18 July 1999
Source: Hardcopy The New York Times Book Review, July 18, 1999. p. 12.

Spy vs. Spies

The C.I.A. was unforgiving in its treatment of Frank Snepp, who dared to
write a book.

A Firsthand Account of How One Agent
Took On the CIA in an Epic Battle
Over Secrecy and Free Speech.
By Frank Snepp.
391 pp. New York:
Random House. $26.95.

By James Bamford

James Bamford, the author of "The Puzzle Palace," about the National
Security Agency, is completing a second book about the N.S.A.

IN the fall of 1977 two former officials of the Central Intelligence
Agency stood accused of violating their oaths, one for saying too little
and the other for saying too much. Like opposite poles of a magnet, they
came to symbolize the battle between the right and the left for control
of America's espionage empire. Richard Helms, a former Director of
Central Intelligence, was charged by the Justice Department with
deceiving Congress about the agency's role in the 1973 coup in Chile. To
the far left, he became the C.I.A.'s Darth Vader, personally responsible
for every evil deed since the agency's founding.

Frank Snepp, on the other hand, was sued by the Justice Department, on
behalf of the C.I.A., for writing a book about the fall of Saigon,
"Decent Interval," without the agency's permission. Although he included
no classified or sensitive information, the far right accused him of
exposing untold secrets and selling out the agency for money. The myths
surrounding Helms and Snepp continue down to today. But after more than
two decades of silence, both men are at last attempting to give their
own versions of events. Helms is currently working on his memoirs;
"Irreparable Harm" is Snepp's well-written, candid, modern version of
Kafka's "Trial."

As he explains in this memoir, Snepp believed that as long as he left
the C.I.A. and told the story of Saigon's final days based entirely on
unclassified materials, he would have no legal problems. After all,
other former operatives had done the same without facing any adverse
reaction. Joseph Burkholder Smith had recently completed "Portrait of a
Cold Warrior," and Miles Copeland had written "Without Cloak or Dagger"
without getting clearance. The former agent William F. Buckley Jr. (that
 William F. Buckley Jr.) has written for years without submitting his
writings to the C.I.A. But the timing was all wrong, and Snepp
compounded his problem by poking his thumb in the C.I.A.'s eye.

At the time, the agency was reeling from multiple blows. Congressional
investigations had hung out some of the C.I.A.'s dirtiest laundry for
everyone to see. Philip Agee, a former agent turned author turned
Marxist, exposed the names of scores of fellow agents in a book. Another
former agent, Victor Marchetti, unburdened himself of scores of secrets
in his own book.

Standing near such leaking gas pipes, Snepp lighted his match. "Decent
Interval" didn't just appear, it exploded onto the scene. The New York
Times gave the book page 1 coverage, and Snepp says that his appearance
on "60 Minutes" was the longest interview it had ever broadcast. The
indelible impression left in the public's mind was that Snepp had
torpedoed the agency with its own secrets. In fact, as the C.I.A. would
later admit in court, the book contained no secrets at all.

Unable to go after Snepp for unauthorized release of classified
information, the C.I.A. and the Justice Department instead sued him for
violating a clause in his original agency contract demanding
prepublication review. The goal, Snepp says, was to reduce him to penury
and seal his lips and fingers with legal superglue. In court, the
Government argued that Snepp should be stripped of all earnings from the
book -- virtually every penny he had made in the nearly two years it
took to write it -- as well as all future profits. At the same time, the
C.I.A. asked the court to impose a lifetime gag order on him, demanding
that he submit all writings -- articles, scripts, novels, speeches,
everything, true or fictional -- for prior censorship. The only
exceptions were cookbooks and treatises on gardening. The case went all
the way to the Supreme Court, but Snepp ultimately lost, sending him
into a financial and emotional tailspin from which he is only now
recovering. (Even this memoir had to be vetted before he could give it
to his editor.)

SADLY, while the C.I.A.'s attention was diverted to punishing a former
agent for an unclassified history of an old war, it was allowing real
secrets to disappear under its very nose. In other parts of the agency,
Larry Wu-Tai Chin was busy selling documents to China and William P.
Kampiles was handing over the operations manual for the 

[CTRL] Bad Cop No Donut

1999-07-19 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.29/pageone.html"Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 29
Laissez Faire City Times
July 19, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 29
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola

Bad Cop No Donut

Or, Why Libertarianism Has Croaked

by Wolf DeVoon

I am going to convince you that the Libertarian Party is terminally ill
and we should give it a decent memorial somewhere, maybe a Disney-ABC-Go
Network link to a Stossel chat icon on AltaVista. It won't get many
hits, but who cares? The LP is ancient history, and so is the Left-Coast
monthly that functioned as its ecclesiastical journal.

Don't blame me. Liberty editor R.W. Bradford signed his own political
death certificate in March, when he announced that "Moralistic
libertarianism has gradually but substantially declined, while
consequentialist libertarianism has seen a corresponding increase." For
those unfamiliar with free-market theology or coded encyclicals, I'll
put it in plain language: The rabbis are running scared.

No wonder. Bradford opted for the focus-group standard of party
leadership invented by Bill and Hillary Clinton, thinking it would be
easy ink to poll his readers and attendees at an LP ice cream social.
What the lumpen libertariat told him, surprisingly, was that Hospers and
Bradford are boring old farts and their "non-initiation of force"
premise is hooey.

Why the rebellion? Because decades of libertarian soul-searching created
the impression that freedom fighting is the world's dullest indoor
sport. Hospers might feel warm and fuzzy about the coercion of children,
but his student body just voted thumbs down on more sermons sprinkled
with question marks, like this one:

Let's concede that one needs to use some coercion with children. How
does the non-initiation principle stand in relation to other adults?
Consider again our 65-year-old imbecile; he might as well be a child,
for all he understands. It's very difficult to know where to draw the
line in such cases. Even with adults of normal intelligence, presumably
it's all right to reason with them, or to use the force of one's
personality to "work on them" to get them to make the "right" decision.
But what about conning them with statements which one knows to be false?
Or what about using your mellifluous voice to hypnotize someone, so that
he will unresistingly agree to any suggestion you implant in him?...
What if the patient is prone to violence, a walking time bomb who wants
to stalk and attack every girl who attracts him? This patient poses an
imminent danger to others even before he has been convicted of any act
of violence. What if the slightest uncomplimentary remark sets him off
into a spate of aggression? Are we justified in locking him up to
protect the public safety? And if locking him up is justified, what
about psychological treatment or counseling, at least those forms of it
that have a good track record? Can we afford to neglect this important
factor in public safety? And if treatment is out, should we let him rot
in jail untreated? What if the patient is underage and can't legally
give consent? Is consent required for administering an anti-psychotic
drug if the patient is a minor? What if the patient is under ten? Under
five? Shall we say to the therapist, "If he's underage, you can give him
pills that will calm him down, never mind about his consent; but of
course if he's of age, he'll have to get along without your help until
he consents"? (John Hospers, Liberty, June 1999)

Not only is this crap desperately dull, it sounds exactly like a law
school lecture on police power. If I ever write a paragraph in which 14
out of 19 sentences end in a question mark, someone shoot me, please.
Hospers might be a role-model for sophomore forensics on the Hazlitt
forum, but he's not in the same league as Ayn Rand, who faced and fought
the big questions. When Hospers points at five-cent courtroom
conundrums, the distinguished party fixer and former LP candidate
deliberately sidesteps the question of "obligation," which is the only
political debate that matters.

The Problem

Here's the problem in a nutshell. X claims that your freedom is limited
by a moral obligation to Y, and that's why we have to hire Z to eat
donuts (or teach philosophy, or organize a political party, or reinforce
party doctrine with a tax-exempt hammer).

During the past twenty years, libertarians and anarchists matched wits
exactly once on this question -- and then Bradford ascended to
intellectual papacy, insisting that "voting is no sin" and libertarians
are morally obligated to sing the catechism. Like Galileo before her,
Wendy McElroy was offered exile incommunicado.

By design and by "weight of money," Liberty became a bully pulpit to
promote pals for public office. Electoral tea leaf reading with
surprisingly upbeat conclusions comprise Bradford's 

[CTRL] Yugoslavia, mon amour

1999-07-19 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.29/pageone.html"Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 29
Laissez Faire City Times
July 19, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 29
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola

Yugoslavia, mon amour

by Craig Goodrich

The pundits and talking heads have moved on to other subjects; the
Current Hot Topics seem to be how Washington can further increase the
cost of health care in America, and how the Vice President is basing his
campaign on a radical new repackaging of the totally counterproductive
policies of the last half-century. But all through most of June—and of
course on the 4th of July—we were treated to endless tributes on TV and
in print to the administration's great victory and the "moral vision"
underlying US intervention in Yugoslavia.

Some people, of course, don't have the privilege of simply changing the
subject when it becomes "old news." And most adults have come to realize
that what happened yesterday has a fairly strong influence on what's
happening today – though this basic concept seems to escape our
politicians. So before "Operation Allied Force" becomes just another
footnote in the depressing history of the 20th century, it might not be
a bad idea to take another look at America's Great Moral Triumph.

The Great Moral Triumph

Leaving aside the fact that any reference to the Clinton administration
and morality in the same sentence will provoke derisive laughter
everywhere outside the Washington Beltway, one does not even have to
take a particularly long view of the situation in Yugoslavia to see
through the pretense; just the immediate history of the operation
refutes any claim to moral justification.

At Rambouillet the US presented the Yugoslav delegation with a set of
demands, intimating that if they did not sign, they would be bombed.
When the Yugoslav parliament passed a resolution accepting autonomy for
Kosovo and UN troops to enforce a cease-fire in the province, the US,
without consulting or even advising its NATO allies, added an Appendix B
to its list of demands, which specified that NATO troops were to have
free rein everywhere in Yugoslavia, to be immune from prosecution for
crimes, and to have control of Yugoslav broadcast facilities. No country
in the world would allow its head of state to sign such a document.

Under the Vienna Convention on Treaties of 1963, agreements negotiated
under threat of force are null and void. And of course, threatening to
bomb a country which is not attacking its neighbors (or anyone else) is
ipso facto an act of aggressive war under the UN Charter. The NATO
treaty itself permits going to war only to defend a NATO member from
attack. Thus the US officials at Rambouillet were already in violation
of fundamental international laws even before "Operation Allied Force"
actually began.

Toxic Chemicals and Dust

Once the bombing started, there was no serious effort to avoid civilian
casualties, either in Kosovo or elsewhere in Yugoslavia. By the time the
campaign ended, NATO had killed more than 2,000 civilians -- Serbs,
Gypsies, Albanians, Hungarians, you name it -- compared to fewer than
600 Yugoslav soldiers.

Within the first month, when NATO had already managed to turn a dirty
little civil war into a major humanitarian disaster, US bombs destroyed
a cigarette factory and damaged a 300-year-old former Austrian fortress
full of museums and cafes, on the grounds that they were military
targets. More than 200 schools have been hit; one bitter Yugoslav joke
is that they were military targets because some of the kids might grow
up to be soldiers.

The chemical plant at Pancevo was repeatedly attacked, starting April
18, apparently in the belief that it provided nylon stockings and bug
spray for the army. This and similar attacks have caused an ecological
nightmare in all of southeastern Europe, contaminating groundwater and
polluting the Danube—which flows through Romania and Bulgaria to the
Black Sea—with hundreds of tons of toxic chemicals. In May, the Romanian
Environment Ministry reported that acid rains along the Yugoslav border
had been caused by the bombing, and that several localities had found
greatly increased levels of heavy metals in the Danube.

Contributing to the ecological damage were bombs sheathed with depleted
uranium, which emits dangerous radiation and has a half-life in the
thousands of years. When the bombs explode, a toxic dust is widely
dispersed, to be breathed by humans and animals, to settle on crops, and
-- again -- to contaminate groundwater.

Fun with Cluster Bombs

Then of course there were the cluster bombs. These are anti-personnel
weapons which consist basically of a huge box of hand grenade-like
canisters about the size and shape of a soda can or a baseball. Several
hundred feet above the ground, the mother bomb explodes, spreading the
canisters over an area 

[CTRL] [3] Viet Nam - The Rise and Power of the Left in America

1999-07-19 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.29/pageone.html"Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 29
Laissez Faire City Times
July 19, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 29
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola

Viet Nam

Part 3: The Rise and Power of the Left in America

by Robert L. Kocher

I had almost forgotten about it before I started writing Part 3. In the
middle to late 40's a friend of my parents was a communist party member
and recruiter/organizer. In those days it was known as "The Party."
There were a lot of party members floating around in America during that
period. Regardless of what we are told, they were real, not imagined. I
was to have brushes with them periodically for the next 25 years. My
father attended party meetings for a short period of time, but drifted
away in cynicism.

My mother was friendly with the organizer's wife, which was one of the
reason's for the family association. My mother was the last of a tough
breed of pioneer women. She was one of the best freestyle pistol shots I
have seen, and could consistently hit within three inches of a matchbook
at 150 feet with a single-action even when she was 70 years old. She was
a highly intelligent and fiercely independent woman who found communism
and socialism intrinsically incompatible with her temperament. As a
consequence, her blood would boil during the adult political discussions
which inevitably came to pass with this man. I would receive critiques
and accounts of the adult discussions as she let off steam days or weeks

One of the things I remember was that the communist organizer boasted
the United States would never go to war with Russia because the
communist party in America was then strong enough to prevent it, or
sabotage it. At the time I was a little kid and the comment had very
little interest or importance for me. In retrospect his assertion can be
amended to apply not only to war with Russia, but to confrontation with
any leftist political or military expansion anywhere.

The forties and early fifties saw development of the atomic bomb and
other nuclear weapons in this country. As the highly secret weapons were
developed over here, a system of spy rings built by communists in
America funneled the scientific information necessary to duplicate
nuclear capability to the Soviet Union as fast as the development in
America progressed. America had been infiltrated, and people who had
risen to critical positions were doing everything possible to build the
military and ideological power of the Soviet Union and communism

It was into this political world that a young New Deal Democrat by the
name of Ronald Reagan, who was president of his union, began to notice
there was heavy organized infiltration of his, and other, unions by the
communist party.

Indiana Communists Investigate the Worker's Paradise

In Indiana during the late teens and early nineteen twenties there was
the beginnings of a flourishing communist party. What was taking place
in Russia had been romanticized. The people involved in the Indiana
communist movement decided to send leaders to Russia to see what was
happening so they could do it correctly over here. When the leaders
returned, they reported in some detail that Russia was little more than
a madhouse. That was the end of the communist party in that area of

The Indiana case was unusual. For most such people communism and
socialism continued to exist as a romanticized idealization that
attracted adherents without reference to reality.

Reality could be lethal. Sitting in front of me is an Associated Press
report [1] entitled, "Records show Americans died in Stalin's purges.
Newly opened files detail arrests and executions of U. S. citizens in
'20s, '30s." It begins with the case of 24-year-old Alexander Gelver who
was executed on New Years Day, 1938, in the Soviet Union as recorded by
now-opened KGB files.

"Gelver was one of hundreds of Americans who had moved here (to the
Soviet Union) in the 1920s and 1930s to help build the new worker's
paradise, and who then vanished, one by one."

Reasons for vanishing were interesting. Wearing of American-made
clothing was interpreted as indication the person thought American
clothing was superior to socialist-produced clothing, or by the display
of its superior quality exposed the deficiencies of socialism. This was
viewed as fomenting dissatisfaction with socialism and was considered
subversion. Nobody told you that when you arrived with your packed
suitcase. You found out the hard way. Without warning, American
communist immigrants who wore their American-made clothes they had
brought with them were arrested for subversion. If they refused to admit
their crimes, they were executed for obstinacy. If they admitted their
crimes, they were shot for having committed the crime. The Soviet legal
system could thus 

[CTRL] Tibet Castle, Chinese Propaganda

1999-07-19 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.29/pageone.html"Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 29
Laissez Faire City Times
July 19, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 29
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola

Tibet Castle, Chinese Propaganda

by Richard S. Ehrlich

GYANTSE, China -- To checkmate Russia's influence in Tibet, British
troops invaded, bombed and killed 1,000 or more Tibetans here, an event
China likes to emphasize as proof of foreign interference and treachery.

The Chinese are now also using Gyantse Castle to showcase their claim
that China later rescued Tibet from vicious local Tibetan leaders who
were torturing and enslaving the masses.

Up here on the castle's whitewashed ramparts, no mention is made of the
past 40 years when Chinese allegedly killed more than one million
Tibetans while clamping them under communism.

This prized castle, in central Tibet's tiny Gyantse ("ghee-YAHN-tsee")
town, crowns a giant horizontal-flipped-vertical stack of rock strata.

High-walled towers jut from the top of the twisted peak, which is
surrounded by Gyantse flat on the ground far below.

The castle is a series of thick-walled, stone rectangles, spiraling up
to a tapering, square tower, and dates back to the mid-1400s.

Its overwhelming height atop this lone, skyscraping rock formation was
supposed to ensure it could never be conquered.

The British Invasion

But in July, 95 years ago, champagne-drinking British military officers
turned Gyantse's billiard-green plain into a horrific battlefield.

"So began the last forward move in the Great Game," between London and
its rival Moscow, wrote British historian Peter Hopkirk in his book
titled, The Great Game, On Secret Service in High Asia.

In 1904, the British invaded from their colonial territory on the Indian
subcontinent, marched north past Bhutan into Tibet at Yatung, and then
to Gyantse, which rests at an oxygen-thin altitude of 3,950 meters
(13,035 feet)—about 2.5 miles high.

The British stayed two months in Gyantse, negotiating for a while, and
then attacked the Tibetans with vastly superior weapons.

One of the explosions caused by an incoming British cannonball during
that assault apparently remains unrepaired, displaying a big half-circle
gap punched through the castle's southern wall.

Next to the blast site is a new, Chinese-installed, polished tombstone,
which laments that after British cannons breached the walls, Tibetan
defenders fled to this dizzyingly high corner and threw themselves off
in panicky, never-surrender suicides.

Hopkirk makes no mention of such suicides and instead stressed, "The
(Tibetan) defenders, who had fought with great courage, now fled,
slipping away through secret underground tunnels known only to
themselves, or over the walls using ropes.

"They left behind more than 300 (Tibetans) dead and wounded, while the
British casualties totaled just four killed and 30 wounded."

An additional 700 Tibetans also perished, cut down by machine guns, 50
miles from Gyantse, according to Hopkirk.

About 400 more Tibetan corpses lay in nearby Karo Pass. And 200 other
Tibetans were killed at Red Idol Gorge, all on the British invasion
route leading to Gyantse.

Tibetan troops were armed with old "matchlock" rifles, rocks, and
Buddhist religious charms said to make bullets miss the body.

The British were led by Colonel Francis Younghusband, a fabled Central
Asia expert.

Describing his invasion of Tibet, Younghusband wrote, "It was a terrible
and ghastly business."

Eventually British troops captured Gyantse, which was a key town on the
wool trade route to and from Tibet's capital, Lhasa, 265 kilometers (160
miles) further northeast.

Mass Suicide?

The British invasion's toll of 1,000 to 1,600 dead Tibetans appears to
be accurate.

But there is continuing controversy over China's claim that other
"heroic" Tibetans committed suicide by jumping off the castle's tower,
rather than surrender.

Patrick French, author of a biography titled, Younghusband: the Last
Great Imperial Adventurer, told The City Times, "I consulted Tibetan as
well as British source material when I was writing the book, and found
no evidence to suggest that there was any mass suicide when Gyantse
Dzong (castle) was stormed.

"I do know that some Tibetans who cooperated with the British at Gyantse
were murdered and their bodies mutilated, as traitors, while the seige
was still in place.

"But I think the story of the suicides is certainly wrong, although it's
perfectly possible that individual Tibetans jumped off the walls of the
dzong rather than risk capture or death at the hands of the British
Indian forces -- Gurkhas, Sikhs and Pathan who were known for their
ferocity in battle," French added.

The Dalai Lama's self-declared, "Tibetan Government-in-Exile,"
meanwhile, condemned China's current use of the castle as yet another

[CTRL] Contracting with Vampires

1999-07-19 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.29/pageone.html"Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 29
Laissez Faire City Times
July 19, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 29
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola

Contracting with Vampires

from the King County: Shove It Or Heave It Journals

by Lauren Bain

Vampires do not occur in nature, but they abound in government.
Bureaucrats are a common form of vampire: viewing their own lives as
having been stolen, they linger, semi-vital, stealing time and life
energy from the living.

Fundamental property rights, on the other hand, do occur in nature, or
Nature, as the Founders attested. But to retain even a shell of our
rights, we are forced to engage in unilateral contracts drafted by
vampires. Case in point: the securing of a King County, Washington
building permit.

Stage Notes: I am not a developer, and the project at hand was not a
mall, or a subdivision, or a hotel, or a stadium (which in King County
is a shoo-in, being other people's money and all). This is about a tiny
(just over 300 square feet) "pop-out" addition on a small home. Let the
drama begin.

Act I. Scene I. Tuesday. Our house. Two months have gone by. The
environmental health engineer and the drainage study people have cleared
us for take-off on our modest remodeling project. Today my husband calls
the building permit technician, as he has called him twice a week for
several weeks. Normally he leaves messages on answering machines, a few
of which get answered. Today we receive news. The technician has
approved our permit application. There are a few things to record,
according to a "site development specialist," and we can pick those up,
record them, and return for our long-awaited permit. We cheer, celebrate
with chips and iced tea, and give free legal advice to a neighbor being
sued by a deadbeat tenant who works for another lawyer.

Act II. Scene I. Friday, 9:30 a.m. We travel for an hour and a half to
Renton (my Spell-Check asks whether I mean "rundown") to pick up our
Notice on Title Requirements from the Department of Development and
Environmental Services Land Use Services Division. The only portions of
that title containing any clue to what this particular coven of vampires
does are "Department" and "Division."

The documents are waiting for us at the front desk. The
receptionist—call her Angelique—makes an extensive point of the proper
pronunciation of the first name of the carefully guarded Site
Development Specialist ("specialist" is code for a liberal arts major
for whom the government must create a job to avoid embarrassing
repercussions to the state university system). Angelique instructs us to
have the Notice recorded in Seattle and to return to her crypt for The
Issuance of our permit.

Act II. Scene II. DDES Parking Lot. We tear open the sacred documents. I
scream. The evil bastards drank our blood while our vigil was down. We
must record a Sensitive Area Notice on our very deed, and guarantee the
rights of pernicious blackberries to prosper undisturbed along a 50-foot
buffer of our property. My husband is quick, and immediately points out
the loopholes. I stop screaming, but I know the devil has won. We are
forced to record a restrictive notice on the deed to our property in
consideration for receiving a permit to build a tiny addition. I sulk in
silence all the way to the King County Courthouse, wondering whether we
can write "recorded under protest" on the hateful documents.

Act III. Scene I. King County Courthouse. We have driven through
bumper-to-bumper traffic all the way from Renton. The traffic is dense
because Al Gore, my five-billionth-favorite person on earth, is in town
today. It is noon. My husband has a stainless steel shoulder assembly,
the result of an ancient conflict between the rules of football and
physics. He also has approximately two pounds of change and a Swiss army
knife in his pocket. It takes us a while to clear the courthouse metal
detector. But no one asks me to turn on my cell phone to make sure it
isn't a bomb, or to sip my Coke to make sure it isn't nitroglycerine.
Distracted earlier, we now realize we must have the documents notarized
before recording them. The courthouse notary is closed until 1:00. We
leave the courthouse and walk to a bank to find a notary, and discover
that we must fill in our property's legal description before we can have
the documents notarized. We return to the courthouse.

The guard at the metal detector welcomes us back. My husband empties his
pockets and submits to the scan again. I begin to wonder whether it
would be that much more trouble just to get a divorce, change my
identity, and buy a condo in Belltown instead of getting this building
permit. But we won't let them do that to us. I will not be this County's
Winston. I determine that we will survive the Mr. Charringtons of the

[CTRL] Canada Wins at the UN Numbers Game

1999-07-19 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.29/pageone.html"Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 29
Laissez Faire City Times
July 19, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 29
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola

Canada Wins at the UN Numbers Game

by Peter Topolewski

On Monday, July 13th Canadians celebrated because, for the sixth
consecutive year, the UN named Canada the best country in the world in
which to live. At least that’s how most Canadian media outlets reported
the UN’s most recent Human Development Report.

While placing first in the UN survey of 174 countries could never be a
bad thing, Canada cannot lay claim to the title "Best Country" without a
fighting word from, most likely, half the world. At the very least, the
UN report and the Canadian response deserve a closer look.

There are many problems involved when comparing the "livability" of
countries. How do we quantify the range of values that to different
people make a place livable? And why should countries be compared in the
first place? We will overlook these aspects, however, and simply note
that the UN compiled its list based on the Human Development Index

Where the UN once measured a country’s well being by its GDP, today the
UN measures it by the HDI. According to the UN the goal of development
is to create a society in which people can live long, healthy and
creative lives. The UN purports to measure this development with the HDI
– an index that combines GDP, life expectancy, and education.

HDI: an Amalgam of Bad Statistics

UN statisticians felt the GDP focused too much on material and financial
wealth, and the presumption that a high GDP translates into a safe,
well-educated, and humane society did not, for them, hold water. But
despite their best efforts, the HDI is plagued with its own problems.
The education factor, for instance, is based on a literacy rate supplied
by each country; nearly all the countries that finished in the top 10
reported a 99.1 percent rate that most educators would dismiss as a
patent fantasy.

GDP is a factor in the HDI calculations, but many critics contend not a
large enough one, particularly in light of an HDI formula that gives
less weight to per capita income among high-income countries than
low-income ones. (This is based on the assumption that, for example, a
$100 increase in annual income makes more of a difference to a Filipino
making $1000 a year than to a Saudi making $30,000.) As a result, when
the time for tallying comes, Canada’s slightly higher longevity and rate
of literacy more than compensate for a GDP that is US$5,000 smaller than

All the UN’s subjective number crunching leaves one wondering what the
HDI measures after all. Syndicated columnist Andrew Coyne wrote, more or
less eloquently, in the July 14 National Post that the HDI measures how
well a country meets the UN’s HDI criteria.

But, according to the UN, the HDI measures how well or poorly a country
translates its income into the well being of its citizens. Taken this
way—that is, without second-guessing the point or the process of
measuring it—Canada’s place atop the list is something for Canadians to
cheer about. With a refrain that almost sounded like "See what Canadian
socialism gets you", the cheerleaders pointed out that the stagnant GDP,
the high taxes, and top-heavy government are worth it because (when
money isn’t everything) they deliver the goods. The problem is that
while the cheerleaders are cheering, many Canadians are looking at
droves of homeless people, a child poverty crisis, a collapsing health
care system, and long unemployment lines, and wondering: Can this really
be the best place in the world to live?

That depends on your tastes, but consider this. IMD International, a
Swiss executive management school, ranked Canada 10th in competitiveness
out of 47 countries. Among the factors most adversely affecting Canada’s
•a declining productivity growth
•3 times more work days lost per person than the 47 country average
•an average corporate tax rate 10 percentage points higher than the 47
country average
•a total direct and indirect tax bill that is 36.5 percent of GDP,
compared with the 47 country average of 31 percent
•government expenditures of 57 percent of GDP

The proper response to these disappointing numbers is, of course, "See
what Canadian socialism gets you!"

Keeping Canada No. 1 on the List

At the head of this mixed bag of cheer and fear is the hopelessly
pragmatic Jean Chretien. He’s been at the helm since 1993, the first
year Canada topped the UN’s Human Development Report, and, whatever
value the HDI has, it is tempting to say that Chretien’s government is
responsible for keeping Canada number one on the HDI list. More
importantly, he’s done it while beginning to address Canada’s tax and
competitiveness problems.

Sure, Chretien is 

Re: [CTRL] Forbes (Ralph) on Clinton WWIII

1999-07-19 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

This assumes there are some genuinely honest and caring
people in the upper echelons of power.  This is just not
so...self interest rules all amongst all.Any attempt to
blame one person for the problems or possibilities of ww3
are ludicrous...ALL those men are nothing but puppets in the
hands of the monkeys who have ALWAYS profited from war, whom
America has ALWAYS been COERCED into following.  I think
this is more smoke and mirrorsthey are getting
desperategood...they should...and they should FEAR.

Amelia Edgeman wrote:

 I wish I could say that I thought this was nonsense, but I do not.  Let's
 hope and pray there is nothing to it!

  Name: Forbes.url
Forbes.urlType: Internet Shortcut 
  Encoding: 7bit

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] House Passes Religious Rights Bill

1999-07-19 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 07/19/1999 2:21:46 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Yesterday's vote was the ultimate triumph of that strategy, wrapping
 evangelical Christians with the Amish, the Buddhists, the Scientologists and
 other minority faiths. Even Barry Lynn of Americans United for the
 Separation of Church and State supported the bill, because he appreciated
 its protections for groups that he believes are truly endangered. But to
 Lynn, the Christians-as-martyrs line rings a bit tinny. 

This could get really interesting.   I recall a bit on some television talk
show a few years back, where a girl about twelve, said she would feel no
compunction at all about killing a member of the audience who was a Jew.  She
said her religion said she should do that.  SO, if there's no amendment
regarding civil rights, perhaps she can kill Jews any time she sees one.  She
is only expressing her religious faith.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [5] Chaos and Fractals in Financial Markets

1999-07-19 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.29/pageone.html"Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 29
Laissez Faire City Times
July 19, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 29
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola

Chaos and Fractals in Financial Markets

Part 5

by J. Orlin Grabbe

Louis Bachelier Visits the New York Stock Exchange

Louis Bachelier, resurrected for the moment, recently visited the New
York Stock Exchange at the end of May 1999. He was somewhat puzzled by
all the hideous concrete barriers around the building at the corner of
Broad and Wall Streets. For a moment he thought he was in Washington,
D.C., on Pennsylvania Avenue.

Bachelier was accompanied by an angelic guide named Pete. "The concrete
blocks are there because of Osama bin Ladin," Pete explained. "He’s a
terrorist." Pete didn’t bother to mention the blocks had been there for
years. He knew Bachelier wouldn’t know the difference.


"You know, a ruffian, a scoundrel."

"Oh," Bachelier mused. "Bin Ladin. The son of Ladin."

"Yes, and before that, there was Abu Nidal."

"Abu Nidal. The father of Nidal. Hey! Ladin is just Nidal spelled
backwards. So we’ve gone from the father of Nidal to the son of

"Yes," Pete said cryptically. "The spooks are never too creative when
they are manufacturing the boogeyman of the moment. If you want to
understand all this, read about ‘Goldstein’ and the daily scheduled ‘Two
Minutes Hate’ in George Orwell’s book 1984."

"1984? Let’s see, that was fifteen years ago," Bachelier said. "A
historical work?"

"Actually, it’s futuristic. But he who controls the present controls the
past, and he who controls the past controls the future."

Bachelier was mystified by the entire conversation, but once they got
inside and he saw the trading floor, he felt right at home. Buying,
selling, changing prices. The chalk boards were now electric, he saw,
and that made the air much fresher.

"Look," Bachelier said, "the Dow Jones average is still around!"

"Yes," nodded Pete, "but there are a lot of others also. Like the SP500
and the New York Stock Exchange Composite Index."

"I want some numbers!" Bachelier exclaimed enthusiastically. Before they
left, they managed to con someone into giving them the closing prices
for the NYSE index for the past 11 days.

"You can write a book," Pete said. "Call it Eleven Days in May.
Apocalyptic titles are all the rage these days—except in the stock

Bachelier didn’t pay him any mind. He had taken out a pencil and paper
and was attempting to calculate logarithms through a series expansion.
Pete watched in silence for a while, before he took pity and pulled out
a pocket calculator.

"Let me show you a really neat invention," the angel said.

Bachelier’s Scale for Stock Prices

Here is Bachelier’s data for eleven days in May. We have the calendar
date in the first column of the table; the NYSE Composite Average, S(t),
in the second column; the log of S(t) in the third column; the change in
log prices, x(t) = log S(t) – log S(t-1) in the fourth column; and x(t)2
 in the last column. The sum of the variables in the last column is
given at the bottom of the table.



log S(t)



May 14



May 17





May 18





May 19





May 20





May 21





May 24





May 25





May 26





May 27





May 28





sum of all x(t)2 = .001229332

What is the meaning of all this?

The variables x(t), which are the one-trading-day changes in log prices,
are the variables in which Bachelier is interested for his theory of
Brownian motion as applied to the stock market:

x(t) = log S(t) – log S(t-1).

Bachelier thinks these should have a normal distribution. Recall from
Part 4 that a normal distribution has a location parameter m and a scale
parameter c. So what Bachelier is trying to do is to figure out what m
 and c are, assuming that each day’s m and c are the same as any other

The location parameter m is easy. It is zero, or pretty close to zero.

In fact, it is not quite zero. Essentially there is a drift in the
movement of the stock index S(t), given by the difference between the
interest rate (such as the broker-dealer loan rate) and the dividend
yield on stocks in the average.[1] But this is tiny over our eleven
trading days (which gives us ten values for x(t)). So Bachelier just
assumes m is zero.

So what Bachelier is doing with the data is trying to estimate c.

Recall from Part 2 

Re: [CTRL] Happy Coincidence--Let's Change the Subject!

1999-07-19 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

The universe lives while we play games.

Tenorlove wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 Don Larson, who threw the only perfect game ever in the World Series,
 in 1956, threw out the ceremonial first pitch at Yankee Stadium today.
 The pitcher for the Yankees, David Cone, proceeded to throw a perfect

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
 screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Monday #2

1999-07-19 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990719b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Hey, SkeptiChat subscribers: let's see some responses, some discussion!!
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: Some initiatives were inhibited during the production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Wind, rain form those crop circles (SAGINAW NEWS) No one knows why circles
  often linked to UFOs are more frequent in Saginaw County wheat fields this
  year, but farmers say Mother Nature is just fooling around. They report
  large numbers of crop circles, geometric patterns that form when wheat
  stalks break and grain falls to the ground. While farmers aren't sure what
  is causing the trend, they reject speculation that aliens are at work.
  "Farmers aren't scared - wheat falls over more this year because the heads
  (on the stalk) are heavier. We had a good yield this year." Domino effect:

# Holland Crop Circle Orbs. New crop circles are being reported almost every
  day in Europe. England as usual lead with 50, Czech Republic, Germany, and
  Holland follow. "We may be dealing with energies completely misunderstood"

: Are crop circles in your locale caused by nature, aliens, tricksters, you?
What messages do crop circles convey? What messages do you perceive? Why??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# 2000 looms with prophecies of doom. (AP) - The early forecast for the year
  2000 calls for colliding comets, sinking continents, mass conflagrations,
  assorted reigns of terror and widespread gnashing of teeth. As one millen-
  nium fades and another looms, prophets of doom and gloom are going into
  overdrive. Would-be oracles claim harbingers of The End are everywhere for
  the looking - monstrous floods, deadly earthquakes, wars, bombs, the AIDS
  virus and computer viruses. Religious fervor is ratcheting up among those
  who believe 2000 marks the beginning of the end. Israeli officials are al-
  ready on alert for extremists seeking front-row seats for Christ's second
  coming. The World Wide Web is peppered with sites predicting all manner of
  Earthly ends, ranging from simple planetary destruction to space warps.
  See http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2560328886-ef8

: Will the end come with a bang, a whimper, a fanfare of trumpets, a flash
of light, a glob of dripping mucus, a disco duck, a flood, a war, a plague,
an instantaneous dissolution, a sound bite, an orgasm, excitement, boredom?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ The NWO And The Return Of The Gods. After the Voyager sent back signals
  that alerted NASA of a larger planet out beyond Pluto in the area of the
  sky where the ancient text said Nibiru would be found at, at this time as
  it started its return to the inner solar system. Zacheria Sitchin was then
  called to speak to the heads of NASA about Nibiru and their ancient text.
  In addition let us not forget pictures sent back from Mars by the Russian
  probe Phobos of a 15 mile long object that rose from the surface of Mars
  and came between it "the probe Phobos" and the Martian moon Phobos just
  before the probe as the Russians put it "disappeared." This 15 mile long
  theme was repeated in the movie Independence Day, that was no coincidence
  by the way we are slowly being readied for such an encounter. They're back

: Are you prepared for such an encounter? Has one of your probes disappeared
lately? Any others? Are you working to return ancient gods to Earth? Why??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Mini circuits may speed computers. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Researchers have
  created computer circuitry in a single molecule, a breakthrough that could
  open a brave new world of tiny computers billions of times more powerful
  than current PCs and sensors that could be injected into the bloodstream
  to diagnose disease. "We are... essentially building a computer in a test
  tube. Eventually computers are going to be so small you won't be aware of
  them. The computer won't just be in your wristwatch - it will be in the
  fibers of your clothes." Combining computer technology with chemistry -
  see http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2560319439-ce2

# Website names could get naughty. WASHINGTON (AP) Some new addresses on the
  Internet may soon be along the lines of wash-your-mouth-out-dot-com. Due
  to recent changes in how addresses are assigned, people are permitted to
  register dozens of Web sites this week with names previously deemed too
  objectionable by the government's exclusive contractor. Bite-me-dot-org -
  see http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2560324107-c60

: Would you like to be filled with submicroscopic computers whispering 

[CTRL] Tormenting Master Masons for fun and profit

1999-07-19 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.hourofthetime.com/wwwboard/messages/945.htm"Tormenting
Master Masons for fun and profit
Tormenting Master Masons for fun and profit

Posted by Duke on July 16, 1999 at 18:22:08:

Yes, it's fun. I admit it. I met this guy at work- I got to know him
around the office, and I found out that he was a Mason-(he had one of
those stickers on his car) and one day I kind of point-blank asked him
what he knew about Jahbulon. He got that shocked look- (like a deer
caught in someone's headlights) for a second then looked at me slyly and
said "What do you know about it?" I asked,"Well, isn't that Jah, the
poetic name of Jehovah, Bul for Baal, and On for Osiris all mashed up
together?" He said, "If you say so", but he was starting to freak. I
said, "You know, if I were Jehovah, I wouldn't enjoy being mixed in with
Baal and Osiris, would you?" He said, "Dunno." and was getting red in
the face. Then I said, "Come on over here, and I got a piece of paper
 out and wrote my name on it. Marshall Rand Ellington. I then split out
the first syllables of each name, giving Mar Ra El. (he was freaking) I
said, "According to the Illuminati, Mar means "sea of people, or
humanity"- Ra is a Solar deity, and El is another divine name for God,
as in Elohim. If you put them together, they make the name of an angel-
Marrael." The dude was getting scared. I said, "Does that make me
divine?" He said,"I guess not". I said, "Good, because I'm not and
neither are you. Are you aware that the only unforgivable sin is
claiming that Christ's power came from the devil as the Pharisees did?
He didn't know that. I said, "Isn't that what Jahbulon does? He was
speechless. I told him to go look up the unforgivable sin in the Bible
and reflect upon what he had been doing in the Lodge. He walked away
stunned and said that he would. We'll see what he says Monday...if he
comes back at me with some more Masonic stuff I'll ask him, "Are you a
student of the Mysteries?" Really, well those are my initials, you
know...MRE, as in MR. E or "Mystery"I bet I can get him to quit the
lodge completely by the end of the week. What a hoot!
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Part 1, COLUMBINE Other Gov't Massacres

1999-07-19 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:538069"Part 1, COLUMBINE  Other
Gov't Massacres
Subject: Part 1, COLUMBINE  Other Gov't Massacres
From: John DiNardo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 19 July 1999 11:21 AM EDT

Part 1, COLUMBINE  More Gov't Engineered Massacres

Folks, there is an abundance of circumstantial evidence in the United States
and in Europe indicating that the Columbine Massacre was engineered by black
operations specialists within the national intelligence apparatus

 It has become apparent that the New World Order has adopted the same
tactics and techniques that were used by the Nazi Party to seize power in
 Weimar Germany of the 1930's.  This earlier historical strategy of state
 terror was termed "the Politics of Tension" by the surviving heirs of
Hitler's and Mussolini's intelligence corps in Europe following the surrender
of Germany at the end of the Second World War.  The story of how and why
American intelligence rescued and promoted, instead of destroying, Hitler's
Gehlen-led spy network, is one that has been largely ignored by the
complicitous mass media for the past half-century. Little wonder that the
mass media chooses to withhold this profoundly crucial story from the people,
considering that the CIA has maintained supervision and direction of
mainstream newspapers, magazines and television networks for decades.

 These episodic reports are done with a sense of urgency, rather than with
prime regard for meticulous organization. So, when you see story lines
branching out in diverse directions, and with organization neither by
paragraph nor by thought, please understand the urgent need to give you the
essence of this tangled and sordid web of evil, because that evil is sweeping
over your life and mine. And time becomes more precious as it runs out. How
soon and how close to your daughter and my son will come the next Columbine
massacre?  You can see that I'm going to need your help on this, since this
story is much too big for one man to cover alone. So please stay close;
research the names, titles, events, places and dates that I'll be throwing
out, and then compose your own reports for broadcast to the Internet and
whatever other communications media to which we can gain access.

Our children are under assault by zombified shooters in their school
corridors, and this assault is only the beginning stage of a nationwide
assault on Americans' freedom to live, to earn a decent living, and to enjoy
a lifetime of contentment.  So, work with me, folks. I need your help in
order to search out this vital evidence and present it to the media-deluged
people, media-deluded people, while they still have the time and openness of
mind to recognize that termites have deeply infested the structural members
of our beloved home, America, and that our house is about to collapse upon
all our heads.  

Intelligence researcher Dave Emory has earned the credit for much of this
 vital information. The first thing you should do is go to
www.spitfirelist.com, peruse the myriad of descriptions of archived radio
broadcast tapes that Dave Emory has done over the years as a broadcaster on
KFJC-FM radio, out of Foothills College in Los Altos Hills, California.
Order some of Dave's extremely valuable and esoteric broadcast tapes, and
then do your own research from there.     The story begins with ODESSA.

ODESSA is an acronym for veterans of the Nazi military apparatus.  ... When
it became apparent that Germany was going to lose the war, many of Hitler's
highest officers made a deal with the OSS, the United States Office of
Strategic Services, our spy agency, soon to become the Central Intelligence
Agency.  Nazi General Reinhard Gehlen, in particular, was(is) a man whom the
OSS felt it needed as desperately as Gehlen needed to save his neck
 from the Nuremburg executioner, for Gehlen alone had developed an
intelligence network capable of dealing with the emerging Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics (USSR), the mortal enemy of the American capitalist system

 OSS chief Wild Bill Donovan and future Director of Central Intelligence
Allen Dulles ushered nazi Gehlen and his intelligence staff into the warm,
protective wings of America's ultra-secret"Puzzle Palace" (the title of a
worthwhile book on the CIA which you might ask your librarian to search out
and lend to you).  . . . In moving more directly toward the
 Columbine Massacre through this vast field of intelligence information
encompassing acres of data and decades of time, let us examine the Stockton
Schoolyard Massacre, an event having a body of related facts which cast deep
suspicion upon black operations specialists within the national intelligence
apparatus.  . . . In 1989, Patrick Edward Purdy opened fire with an automatic
rifle on Asian-American schoolchildren in the 

[CTRL] CIA Operations in China

1999-07-19 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:538034"CIA Operations in China/A
Subject: CIA Operations in China
From: Ralph McGehee [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 19 July 1999 08:24 AM EDT

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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   A Paramilitary Operation in China


   From the late 1940s until about ??, the CIA has run paramilitary
operations in China. Ken Knaus, a former CIA officer in his book,
Orphans of the Cold War, details the CIA's Tibetan operation. Other
CIA operations supported the Chinese Nationalist invasion of China
from Burma in the late 1940s early 1950s -- which failed but created
a drug smuggling force existing to this day. The CIA conducted
operations from the offshore islands of Kimoy and Matsu, air-dropped to
"dissidents" in the interior, operated from Taiwan and Hong Kong and ran
worldwide operations trying to recruit Chinese officials.

   Beginning in 1983, Congress created and funded the National Endowment
for Democracy an off-shoot of the CIA. Since then NED has directed numerous
operations to change the government in China. It is curious that many
in Congress damn the Chinese for espionage operations in the U.S. while
Congress goes about trying to overthrow their government. Also DCI George
Tenet recently stated he wanted more operations aimed at China. Political
efforts to demonize the Chinese surely are being bolstered by CIA domestic
disinformation operations.

   I have posted a number of items re CIA/China. I must note that
this effort is aimed at defending U.S. interests. I foresee another
period of demonization and operations against China -- possibly
resulting in another Vietnam -- this time the results could be even
more disastrous. (I should note the personal harassment that increases
with my efforts to inform -- this in spite of the fact that CIA has
written me numerous letters stating I may use any information in
the public domain.)

Ralph McGehee  http://come.to/CIABASE

   A Review of "Orphans of the Cold War":

   The U.S. for years, during the 1950s and 1960s, backed the Tibetans
with arms, military training, money, air support and etc. The operation
failed. Tibetans were killed, but China's hold over Tibet was never
shaken. By the end of the 1960s, the effort ended, leaving the
Tibetans embittered and abandoned. CIA provided an annual subsidy of
$180,000 to the Dalai Lama from late 1950s through the 1960s. A
new book "Orphans of the Cold War" by John Kenneth Knaus, a former
CIA operative, says in 1951 the Truman administration tried to
persuade the Dalai Lama to leave Tibet for exile. Later his flight into
exile wasn't voluntary. Knaus found that the CIA's subsidies to the Dalai
Lama lasted, from about 1951 until 1974. By 1969, "the decision had
already been made to abandon Mustang [the headquarters in Nepal for
the Tibetan guerrillas] for operational and not geopolitical reasons."
CIA misled the Tibetans into thinking they had American support
for an independent Tibet. Los Angeles Times 6/16/99

Edited extracts from Orphans of the Cold War:

   1951-79 Once under way an operation like this (support of
Tibetan resistance) acquires a psychological and bureaucratic
momentum that is difficult to stop. Preserving the operation
becomes an objective in itself. 324-5 (Comment: ala Vietnam).

   1951-60 the primary objective of Tibetan operations per Sam Halperin,
of CIA had little to do with helping the Tibetans. It was to impede
and harass the Chinese Communists. The same policy motivated the CIA
program to help the Indonesian rebel colonels overthrow Sukarno in
1958. Pressure for both programs came from the State Department.
The decision to support the Tibetan resistance was made in the
summer of 56.  140.

   1942-1945 -- OSS project re Tibet was codenamed FE-2,
and was approved May 42 was defined as a "reconnaissance mission
via India to Tibet, whose purpose was to move across Tibet to Chungking,
China while making [military-like] surveys. [Blissful ignorance
about Tibetan politics still prevailed when the US launched
its covert action program several years later.  5,6.

   1947-49.  Dr. Soong (a Chinese Nationalist leader) stated Tibet was
not a separate nation - it was part of China. The State Department held
fast to its support for China's sovereignty over Tibet. 12,13.

   Gyalo Thondup, the Dalai Lama's elder brother in 49 began his
life's work as both a political adviser and his government's
emissary in negotiating with foreign governments. 48-9.

   1950 - The plan was for Topgay to take over the Kham area, while
the Amdo was took 

[CTRL] ::: Revised Boy Scout Manual :::

1999-07-19 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:538012"::: Revised Boy Scout Manual
(1/2) :::
Subject: ::: Revised Boy Scout Manual (1/2) :::
Date: Mon, 19 July 1999 05:26 AM EDT


by William Burroughs


Since World War I, revolutionary weapons and tactics
have undergone a biologic mutation to survive the
invention of heavy weapons. Anyone can make a sword,
a spear, a bow and arrow in his basement or spare room
workshop. He can make the approximation of a small arm.
He cannot make automatic weapons, tanks, bombers,
fighter planes, destroyers, artillery. These heavy
weapons are in the hands of reactionary forces, which
give them an overwhelming advantage in direct combat.
With heavy weapons five percent of the population can
hold down ninety-five percent by sheer force. This
advantage, which did not exist before heavy weapons,
must now be taken into account.

A belated development to be sure. the stupidity of the
military mind is unbelievable. Toward the end of the
Civil War in the United States, a crude machine gun and
a crude tank were rejected by President Lincoln's military
advisors as impractical. Now these weapons were primitive
to be sure, but quite usable, and all the elements were
there. In World War II, General Gamelin thought that tanks
were unimportant until they poured around the end of his
Maginot Line. General Gamelin did not like tanks.

So, plinking around the streets with a Barretta .25 is
little to the purpose. And still less a Colt Army .45, a
handgun so inaccurate it is more dangerous to friend than
enemy - your friends being closer to it. It is a very
myopic handgun. Bombs, in the post office and the police
stations - what is this, the IRA in 1916? Blow up the
Statue of Liberty would you? Have you any idea how much
good gelginite it would take to explode that old beast?
The same explosive material, discreetly placed, could bring
down the economic system of the West. The Boy Scout Manual
will show you how...

The extent to which revolutionary theory and tactics is
disadvantageously shaped by opposition is something few
revolutionaries like to think about, being for the most
part as bigoted and impervious to facts as those whom
they think they oppose. In 1848, a worldwide liberal
movement was ruthlessly crushed in Europe and vitiated in
South America. Consider how present day revolutionaries
are being Che Guevara'd back into the nineteenth
century to repeat the mistakes of Garibaldi and Bolivar.
Bolivar liberated a large section of South America from
Spain. He left intact the Christian calendar, the Spanish
language, the Catholic church, the Spanish bureaucracy.
He left Spanish families holding the wealth and the land.

He must have loved the conquistadores in some corner of his
being to treat them with such exemplary consideration. It
is a familiar pattern: the oppressed love the oppressors
and cannot wait to follow their example. Morocco,
independent from France, takes over the inefficient French
bureaucracy. Arab countries liberated from England retain
the barbarous English method of execution. Cannot a
revolution make a clean sweep of all this old garbage.

To achieve independence from alien domination and to
consolidate revolutionary gains, five steps are necessary:






Suppose that Bolivar had followed this program:

1) He sets up a new calendar with no reference to A.D./B.C..
No saints days, no Christian holidays, no more Semana Santa.

2) There are thirty-five mutually incomprehensible Indian
dialects in Peru alone. South America constitutes a Tower of
Babel. Unifying language is essential but not the colonial
languages Spanish and Portuguese. Bolivar decides that the
language of South America will be Chinese. Several
considerations dictate this choice. He has been impressed
by the equanimity of the Chinese, their quiet self-possession
in the dreariest and most forbidding places.

There is a town in the high Andes, a gloomy windy pass. Thin
air like death in the throat. From the low sod huts with no
chimneys the sullen bestial inhabitants peer out, eyes red
with smoke. No trees, windswept grass, little terraced fields
above which the mountains tower to stone and snow. The
proprietor of the one general store, an old Chinese. He has
been there many years you can tell. Unmarried and old, he
fills the order for provisions. All places are alike to him.
This quiet possession of his own space can only be attributed
to the structure of the Chinese language.

There are also aesthetic considerations. A river town in
coastal Ecuador malarial faces like dirty gray 

[CTRL] Unbelievable - NASA = OTO = Illuminati

1999-07-19 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:538009"Unbelievable/A
Subject: Unbelievable
From: "Rygel Sioski" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 19 July 1999 05:06 AM EDT
Message-id: nUBk3.370$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

I can't believe all you theorists haven't
tried this one yet so I'll offer it up for you:

NASA - OTO - Illuminati
Find out who was the main guy involved with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
 Early NASA Days ) and Apollo mission landing sites!
Find his OTO - Illuminati (Student of Aleister Crowley's Order) link
(Hint: Vancouver Canada)

Then Look below:

Senator Kennedy - Auto Crash before Apollo 11 mission
Location: Near Martha's Vineyard

John F. Kennedy Jr - Plane Crash before Shuttle Launch
Location: Near Martha's Vineyard

Sacrifices for NASA / Illuminati missions ??
You Decide.

The truth lies at the bottom of the bottomless pit...

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] IMF Gold Sale - from oneworld

1999-07-19 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:537705"IMF Gold Sale - from oneworld
Subject: IMF Gold Sale - from oneworld
Date: Sun, 18 July 1999 12:05 PM EDT

ER. The idea to sell gold and let the third worlders off the hook has been
around for a while... this debt relief is from w ww.oneworld.org... can't
we all just get along and not pay our debts?

How to Finance Multilateral Debt  Reduction

   EURODAD Information Sheet
   April 1996 this is old - we are doing it now!

Rue Dejoncker 46, B-1060 Brussels, Belgium Tel 32-2 543
 9060 / Fax 32-2 544 0559 / Email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Multilateral debt reduction should be financed primarily from
additional multilateral resources. The World Bank and the IMF
dispose of a large amount of resources that could be used for
debt relief, without endangering their financial standing.

How much money is needed?

A rough estimate of the amount of money that will be needed to
finance multilateral debt reduction is US$11bn - the amount
mentioned in the July 1995 World Bank proposal to create a
multilateral debt facility. This amount does not have to be paid
up front. If there is a commitment to reduce the debt burden to
sustainable levels, the debt overhang can be reduced by
financing the debt repayments as they fall due. Annual costs
would be around US$400-500m in the first three years,
increasing to US$850m in 2001-02 and up to US$1.4bn in
2002-06, after which the costs decline to US$200m a year in

The World Bank

Using some of the World Bank resources to finance multilateral
debt reduction will not endanger the financial standing of the
Bank. It is financially very strong, and the amount of 'bad debts'
is a relatively small part of the total amount of debt
outstanding. Moreover, the financial standing of the Bank is
based on the financial and political guarantees of the member
states rather than on the financial performance. In 1986, when
the World Bank made loan loss provisions for the first time,
thereby recognising the possibility of a loss, its standing
actually increased. Its rating was neither affected by the
Mexican crisis of 1994 - while Mexico was the largest recipient
of loans in 1994. Acknowledging 'bad debts' and acting
accordingly is sound financial policy. It will improve the
portfolio and enhance rather than endanger the market
perception of the World Bank. The Bank's contributions to a
multilateral debt Trust Fund could come from part of its
reserves, loan loss provisions, future net income and the 1995
windfall, and the Interest Subsidy Account.

 The reserves of the World Bank amounted to US$14.7bn in
 1994, or 13.8% of total outstanding loans. The reserves to
 loan ratio, which was 10% in 1986, has now been set at
 14.25%. A reduction of three percent, yielding an amount of
 about US$3bn, will not endanger the rating of the Bank.
 The loan loss provisions (US$3.3bn in 1994) are earmarked
 for potential losses, mainly the risk of default by countries
 in non-accrual status. Such provisions would not be needed
 if the debt is written off. About US$500m might become
 Net income, currently running at about US$1bn a year, is
 mainly used to strengthen the reserves and to finance IDA.
 If future net income is used, this should not lead to a
 reduction of flows to IDA. During 2000-10, IDA reflows will
 increase substantially, thereby freeing some of the Bank1s
 income for debt relief. Annually, about US$100m could be
 used for debt relief, adding up to a total of US$1bn over a
 period of ten years. In addition, the windfall of US$850m of
 1995 (minus the US$350m used for Rwanda and Bosnia)
 could be used.
 The US$154m in the Interest Subsidy Account, created in
 1975 to finance interest rates on IBRD loans for the
 poorest IBRD borrowers, will be available in 2001.


Selling part of the over 100m ounces of gold of the IMF could be
the major contribution of the IMF to multilateral debt relief. The
IMF fears that the sale of gold will depress the world price of
gold, and that it will affect its financial base. However:

 If selling gold would depress prices, this means that gold is
 of little value as a financial base. In that case, it would be
 wiser to exchange the gold for usable assets.
 The rationale for holding a large part of reserves in gold,
 which is based in the Bretton Woods system of fixed
 exchange rates, does no longer count.
 The gold price is a financial bubble. Since exchange rates
 are no longer linked to gold, the value of gold is its
 perceived value. If people do no longer see gold as a save
 investment, massive sales will be the result, leading to
 sharp price falls.

[CTRL] JFK, Jr -- past news articles

1999-07-19 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:537704"JFK, Jr  -- past news articles
X-No-Archive: yes
Subject: JFK, Jr  -- past news articles
  X-No-Archive: yes
Date: Sun, 18 July 1999 11:57 AM EDT

X-No-Archive: yes

anything about Kennedy's latest financial and
political activities?

On doing a www search:

March 10, 1999
D'Amato Pushing Hunk for Mayor

"John F. Kennedy Jr. appears to have a new political patron — Alfonse

"D'Amato said he was looking forward to making "mischief" with his

"The unlikely duo came together yesterday to announce that D'Amato is
joining Kennedy's George magazine as a political advice columnist in May
Asked to offer some advice to potential New York senatorial candidate
Hillary Rodham Clinton, he said, "Dear Hillary . . . Running for the Senate
shouldn't be about advancing your name for history. It should be to advance
the interest of the people of our state and our nation."

"He warned she would face a "mighty fight" from the Republicans. "This
contest will be the Super Bowl of all Senate races," he said."

March 10, 1999
Former Sen. D'Amato to pen advice column

"D'Amato, who spent 18 years in Washington before he was defeated by
Democrat Chuck Schumer last year, has not exactly been a friend of the

"In his autobiography, ``Power Pasta and Politics,'' D'Amato said
``Kennedy's dual standards never ceased to amaze me.''


Also, found this info on Kennedy cousin-in-law:

January 1999
Banking On Andy Cuomo

 "HUD Secretary and rising Democratic star Andrew Cuomo wants to go
places--assuming he can leave some baggage behind...  "


"Young Cuomo is considered one of the Democratic Party's fastest-rising
stars. He has indicated he'd like to play a major role in Al Gore's New York
campaign machine in 2000, and Washington rumor holds that he's a strong
contender for the second spot on a Gore ticket. More recent speculation
predicts a possible run for retiring Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan's seat
in 2000. The GOP opponent in that race could turn out to be none other than
Alfonse D'Amato. If that's the case, you can bet the bank on one mud ball
that neither candidate will be throwing."

Also, misc. info:

JFK Jr. Tries Not to Cross the Jordan

John F. Kennedy Jr. has done the unthinkable: apologize to the subject of an
article in his George magazine. Kennedy wrote a contrite letter to Vernon
Jordan, Washington lawyer and presidential pal, telling him that two unnamed
sources in the profile were completely fabricated, reports The Washington

Kennedy involved in lawsuit with his sister against Barbara Streisand's

Mum's Word On Jackie O Property Ad

This all the info I could find.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] .. illusion of the vote .. our continued bondage.

1999-07-19 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

 The "Colorable" money of the Federal Reserve banking system
was made "Colorable" with the intent of drawing the populace
under one vast umbrella of "Benefit".   The "Benefit" of
course is that the currency of the United States is
spendable throughout the fifty states,  and in many places
throughout the world.  "Colorable" money is currency without
hard assets to back it,  just "Benefits", which of course
are Defined, colored, by the printers, read Banks, for we
the users.   Here it has become coldly calculated
maneuverings and machinations with pennies as the goal.
Just as many pennies as you can get.   And when you get all
the pennies, go for souls.
  This system of currency could not exist under the
strictures of the Constitution of the United States, as it
WAS written.  The total usurpation of that document had to
take place before any "Colorable" money could be used
against Americas population.  The law as it was written here
in these United States of America was once called Public
Law.  After 1938 Public Law became "Public Policy", and as
far as legalese is concerned, the difference is vast.
Because as it WAS written, there are stark laws concerning
contracts, and the effort to coerce someone into an
unrevealed contract is considered fraud, and a violation of
law.  The whole point is that the bankers and lawyers have
gotten together so well in the last 100 years or so that by
just spending a dollar bill, a currency furnished by the
Federal Reserve Banking System, by partaking of that
BENEFIT, you are, by law,  implying consent to unrevealed
contracts which you are not rightfully or legally bound to
be knowledgeable about.  Law and equity have been
affectively blended.
 The fight to survive today has been created by animals
who run the currency by which the fight is
accomplished...and its all done like this just to keep The
People from paying attention to the things that actually
concern them most.  Which should be their livelihoods, and
the future lives of their offspring.  Once the invention of
television came into the picture, especially from the
forties through the sixties, where alternative programming
was nil, the lock snicked shut loudly and clearly.  All
television programming of that time period was aimed at
inducing fear, which became much more possible after America
absconded with the lions share of the records from the
prison camps of Nazi Germany.  Mob control and
manipulation.  Thats how the CIA was born too.  Everything
became spun to create a particular group mind set.  Through
this puppeteering we as a financially coherent group were
led past bankruptcy, into utter and inextricable
insolvency.  No honor in that, nothing but spite and
malice.  The Federal Reserve Banking System has become an
instrument of Destruction so gargantuan and powerful that it
is a parasite whose removal will result in both its death,
and the death of its host.  One must ask oneself if this is
just the way humans get?  Does complete debauchery result
from excess?  That is a really negative outlook, and not one
I adhere to.  Many many hours of soul searching and Earth
searching brought about the outlook I do adhere to, and I
will try to share it.  It may seem convoluted in places, and
maybe incomplete.  That appears to be a byproduct  of
investigation.  There are not enough hours in a LIFETIME to
study even one facet of any given branch of a science, and
trying to makes heads or tails of known and archaeological
history means having an almost supernatural grasp of your
Milieu.  I can tell you that I know beyond a shadow of a
doubt that this milieu is nothing like it seems, and that
there is Much Much more to it than can be experienced with
senses developed strictly for this Earthly environment.

From Kris Millegans Scull and Bones Document:
...control over the electoral process as
told by Mae Brussell and the suppressed book "VoteScam," written by Jim and
Ken Collier:

"...Your vote and mine may now be a meaningless bit of energy directed by
preprogrammed computers-which can be fixed to select certain pre-ordained
candidates and leave no footprints or paper trail.

"In short, computers are covertly stealing your vote.

"--For almost three decades the American vote has been subject to
sponsored electronic theft.

"--The vote has been stolen from you by a cartel of federal "national
security" bureaucrats, who include higher-ups in the Central Intelligence
Agency, political party leaders, Congressmen, co-opted journalists -- and the
owners and managers -- of the major Establishment news media, who have
in concert that how America's votes are counted, by whom they are counted
how the results are verified and delivered to the public is, as one of them
put it, 'Not a proper area of inquiry.'

"--By means of an unofficial private corporation named News Election Service
(NES), the Establishment press has actual physical control of the counting and
dissemination of the 

[CTRL] More on JFK, Jr., and April 19, June 7, July 16

1999-07-19 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:537670"More on JFK, Jr., and "April
19, June 7, July 16"
Subject: More on JFK, Jr., and "April 19, June 7, July 16"
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kansan1225)
Date: Sun, 18 July 1999 10:05 AM EDT

  Last Friday's accident involving JFK, Jr., may be seen by many as just a
"coincidence".  However, this auspicious date, July 16, is tightly
linked to the Kennedy name.

  President Kennedy was associated with the goal of landing men on the
moon by the end of the 1960s.  Such a great undertaking required many
sacrifices.  Kennedy himself was sacrificed under a Blue Moon in 1963.  The
next Blue Moon marked the birth of the Antichrist on June 6, 1966.  The
next Blue Moon after that marked the Apollo 11 mission that brought men
to the moon in 1969.

  Apollo 11 was launched on July 16, 1969.  It was launched from the
Kennedy Space Center in Florida.  An additional sacrifice was required:
Ted Kennedy drove his car into the waters of the Atlantic on July 18, 1969.
The accident on Chappaquiddick, a small island right next to Martha's
Vineyard, killed a low-class woman.

  The killing of a low-class woman as a sacrifice for a greater cause, as
part of a clandestine Luciferian Masonic (CLuM) initiation, is depicted in
the movie "Eyes Wide Shut", released last Friday, July 16.

  On the same day, July 16, the plane of JFK, Jr., met with an accident
the coast of Martha's Vineyard.  The victims wound up in the waters of the
Atlantic, the burial grounds of the legendary "utopia" of Atlantis.

  President Kennedy's original casket was also deep-sixed in the waters of
the Atlantic.  The New Atlantis Conspiracy is proceeding on schedule.

  Following is the text of the message "April 19, June 7, July 16" that I
originally posted on June 5, 1999:

  "April 19, June 7, July 16"

  Many evil acts have been perpetrated by clandestine Luciferian Masons
(CLuMs) on or around these three dates, April 19, June 7, and July 16.
What is the special meaning of these dates that makes the Harodim
perpetrate their evil at a greater than usual rate?

  April 19 is the last day that Passover can be celebrated, depending on
the peregrinations of the moon's phases within the solar year.  It is the last
day that innocent lambs can be slaughtered by the Harodim as counterfeit
Paschal Lamb sacrifices.  April 19 is also the last day of the zodiac sign of
Aries, the Ram.

  June 7 comes 7 weeks, or 49 days, after April 19.  It is the
or fiftieth day, of the CLuM Passover.  The number 49 is very intriguing
for CLuMs:  4 + 9 = 13.  Also 7 x 7 = 49;  this is an instance of "77", the
mark of the vengeance of Lamech.

  July 16 comes 39 days after June 7.  The number 39 is also important
to CLuMs:  3 x 13 = 39;  thus, 39 combines the number 3, a reminder of
the CLuM Unholy Trinity, and the number 13, the most Masonically
correct number.  On the fortieth day after a birth, the mother is considered
ritually purified and may enter a church again, according to Christian
traditions.  For example, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was presented
to the Temple in Jerusalem by His Mother and Joseph on the fortieth day
after His birth.  This is celebrated on the feast of the Presentation of Our
Lord on February 2, the fortieth day of Christmas, 39 days after December

  Let me recapitulate some CLuM rituals and human sacrifices on these
three dates:

  ***  April 19, 1775:  Battle of Lexington, MA.

  ***  April 19, 1993:  The Waco Holocaust, perpetrated by CLuM
Brother Billy Blythe Clinton and Sister Janet "Nero" Reno.

  ***  April 19, 1995:  The OKC bombing, perpetrated by CLuM
Brothers Timothy "Macbeth" McVeigh, Terry "McDuff" Nichols and their

  ***  June 7, 1776:  In Continental Congress Richard Henry Lee of
Virginia moves to declare independence for the Thirteen Colonies.  This is
the real, but occult (hidden), Independence Day for New Atlantis, a.k.a. the
U.S.A.  The "cowans and profane" have been deluded into celebrating the
Fourth of July as Independence Day.  New Atlantis is really a Gemini, a
lying, two-faced scoundrel, just like the Antichrist, who was born on June
6, 1966.  The name "Richard Henry Lee" is also significant:  "Henry" is a
CLuM version of "Aaron", the first High Priest of the Sacrificial
Tabernacle.  Other CLuM versions of "Aaron" are:  Harry, Hendrick,
Heinrich, Eric, Harvey, Irving, and the Arabic Haroun ( = Aaron).  The
name "Lee" is a CLuM version of "Levi", the Hebrew priestly tribe to
which Aaron and Moses belonged.  Richard Henry Lee of Virginia
belonged to the same family that later gave birth to Confederate General
Robert E. Lee.

  ***  June 7, 1998:  The dragging death of a black man by three whites
in Jasper, TX.  Masonic assassins, or sacrificers, come in threes.  The ring-


1999-07-19 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:537594"PIPER JFK JR.  TWA /A
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (transmit)
Date: Sun, 18 July 1999 12:01 AM EDT

The third anniversary of the TWA Flight 800 explosion, which occurred
off of the coast of Long Island after taking off from John F. Kennedy
Airport, was Saturday, July 17th, 1999. It is also on this day that
many woke up to the news that a small plane carrying John F. Kennedy,
Jr. had dissapeared, and that a search was under way off of the coast
of Long Island.

JFK Jr.'s plane was called the Piper Saratoga and was manufactured by
The New Piper Aircraft, Inc., in Vero Beach, FL. The plane was piloted

by JFK Jr., and was carrying his wife and wife's sister to a wedding
for cousin Rory Kennedy. According to legend, each time a Kennedy is
married, a ghostly apparition of a piper is seen haunting near an oval

staircase in Culzean Castle, Ayrshire, Scotland, a former Kennedy

'Vero' Beach, Florida, takes it's name from the Latin 'Veritas,' and
is the plural form of the Latin word 'Verus.' The adverb for Verus is
Vero which means, in truth, or in fact. Therefore, the fact that piper
JFK was heading toward a wedding could have been discerned with no
knowledge of it at all.

In order to understand the mixing of places and things it is necessary
to understand the explosion of TWA Flight 800. In the year 1996, the
times of Ancient Greece were invoked as Atlanta was chosen to be the
site of the '96 Olympic Games. 4 weeks prior to the event, Olympian
officials met in Athens to perform a ritual within which the rays of
the sun was focused upon a mirror, which in turn was directed onto an
olive branch. The olive branch became alit, and the high priestess
used it to light the infamous Olympic Torch of Athens. Present was one
Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Elementalism, in alchemy, refers to the manipulation of matter. It
consists of spells by which the "sorceror" reshapes and/or bends
reality to concentrate existing physical phenomena in order to achieve
desired effects. The result is said to be a spell effect, which pro-
duces a (sometimes) uncontrollable trigger-effect. "Symbolic Archi-
tecture of the mind" concerns the mind when it is viewed as a process
within which symbols are manipulated. The symbols are transferred be-
twixt memory stores such as long and short term memory, and are acted
upon by specific sets of rules.

The first two sites of the first modern Olympic Games were Athens,
Greece, and Paris, France. In Greek Mythology, a tournament took place

wherein Zeus appointed a man named Paris to select among three
battling candidates, the winner of which would become the goddess. The
goddess was then delivered a torch and instructed to hold it at 45
degrees, as opposed to directly upward. She was then the goddess over
the "Apple of Discord."

TWA Flight 800 came from Athens, Greece, and was enroute to Paris,
France. It was downed minutes upon departure from New York City, where

at 40.5 degrees the Statue of Liberty holds an enflamed torch. Athens,

Greece and Atlanta were all "candidates" in competition to become the
lofty site of the 1996 Olympic Games. Atlanta won, and the explosion
of TWA Flight 800 became a symbolic delivery of a burning torch to the

winning candidate, Atlanta, which resides 45 degrees below the "Big
Apple," New York.

Walt Disney was a 33rd degree Freemason and lived at 1313 Anaheim
Boulevard in recognition of the year 1313.  Jim Garrison, when
investigating the assassination of John F. Kennedy, arrested
individuals operating out of a New Orleans apartment bearing the
number 1313. "New Orleans Square" in Disneyworld is the location of
the super-secret "Club 33" of which membership is only granted by
payment of a very high price and initiation.

The "TWA Moonliner" attraction stood in "Tomorrowland" within Disney-
world as a "land - mark" on its Opening Day, July 17th, 1955. Exactly
41 years later, July 17th, 1996, "Tomorrowland" became "Todayland" as
TWA Flight 800 was blown out of the sky amidst the silver lining of
the moon.

"TWA Moonliner" at Disneyworld was renamed in 1975 to "Mission to
Mars" and is now located next to "Triton's Gardens," an attraction
which  commemorates the Greek Mythological son of Poseidon and
Amphitrite. One year after the TWA Flight 800 Disaster, present in the
newspapers were stories of N.A.S.A.'s spacecraft beaming back images
from mars for the first time since 1976 and of a man cleaning
"Memorial Gardens" for the one year anniversary of the TWA
Subject: Re: PIPER JFK JR.  TWA
Date: Sun, 18 July 1999 08:23 AM EDT

In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Transmit wrote:

 According to legend, each time a Kennedy is married, a ghostly
 apparition of a piper is seen haunting near an oval staircase

[CTRL] Godless - Gunless - and Goldless - in the New World Order

1999-07-19 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:537451"Godless - Gunless - and
Goldless - in the New World Order
Subject: Godless - Gunless - and Goldless - in the New World Order
Date: Sat, 17 July 1999 12:31 PM EDT

Godless - Gunless - and Goldless - in the New World Order

Part 1 - Why is Europe sabotaging the gold market?

ER There seems to be a rather concerted effort to disconnect the world
economies from a gold standard, or even using gold as a "reserve."

ER This New American article suggests that the gold sell-off is to
establish an international banking order based not on gold but MANAGED
currency. There are many who promote a New Financial Order (to replace the
IMF/BIS and use the European Federal Reserve as the prototype WORLD
FEDERAL RESERVE?). I have read that the "Bretton Woods" accords have
failed and need to be replaced. The paper "Rethinking Bretton Woods" is
at the end.

ER What's next? Whatever is next, it will not happen by accident!
Its pretty clear we are headed toward a world currency, first traded
between banks perhaps, like the Euro model, and then exchanged between
individuals universally.

re: Goodbye Sovereign Switzerland -- by Jane H. Ingraham

With scarcely a murmur of dissent, the seemingly impossible was
accomplished. Lacking understanding, the Swiss people voted this spring to
end the unique soundness of their currency as well as their country's
financial power and independence. Oblivious to the consequences of
abandoning the Swiss franc's tie to gold, the people of Switzerland - the
world's only direct democracy - approved a new constitution that abolishes
the traditional gold convertibility that for generations made the Swiss
franc literally "as good as gold."

This historic decision is the culmination of an orchestrated international
assault to wipe out the last remaining obstacle to an inflatable global
paper currency
Jean-Marc Berthoud of Lausanne, Switzerland, one of the few who tried to
warn the Swiss people before it was too late, wrote in his prescient work,
The Swiss Gold Standard and the New World Order of the Ages: "In
liberating the fourteen billion francs drawn from the gold reserves of the
Swiss National Bank and in deciding to sell the gold reserve upon which
the relation of our money to reality is founded, the Federal Council has
taken the first step on the road to the liberation of the Swiss franc from
its tie to the gold standard."

The second step was not long in coming. The Federal Council soon proposed
a revision of the Swiss constitution which would permanently sever the tie
between gold and the franc. It is this revision (actually a new
constitution) that the Swiss people have just approved. The Insiders'
blackmail has paid off 100 percent.

More Than Money

But the new Swiss constitution is about more than gold. Given the
opportunity, the Insiders made a clean sweep of it. Since we do not have a
mole in the Swiss Federal Council, it is impossible to tell what bribes or
threats or treason forced the Swiss to produce this frightening document,
which amounts to an agenda for the dissolution of Switzerland and its
merger into the new world order under the precepts of the United Nations.
The Swiss Federal Council, which traditionally was limited to executing
the popular will as expressed in the cantons, has been transformed into a
centralized bureaucracy with dictatorial authority and supreme executive
power over the entire Swiss Confederation. Interventionism is now the
order of the day; speech, writing, and attitudes must now be "politically
correct" according to the dictates of the Council. The word "citizen" has
been replaced by the word "population," including all foreigners living
legally or illegally in the country. "Cultural diversity" must be favored
in order to engage Switzerland in an "international order of peace and

EU Absorption

The term "Swiss Nation" has been replaced by "people," amounting to an
abandonment of national identity. "People of the 23 cantons of
Switzerland" has become "people and the Swiss cantons." The "population"
will have nothing to say about the application of international laws,
which will be irreversible. Not even a member of the UN, Switzerland now
finds itself a prisoner of international arbitrary power, not much
different from Bosnia.

The nature of Switzerland's citizen-soldier army, unique in the world,
will be wiped out. In spite of popular refusal and opposition in the past,
Switzerland's soldiers will now serve with UN troops, abandoning the
traditional armed neutrality. The famous universal militia will now become
a professional army under central control. But the Swiss have been told
they must "contribute equally to maintain peace." Lost in the propaganda
is the fact that Switzerland - thanks to the "isolationism" liberals love

[CTRL] The Magic Circle

1999-07-19 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:537408"The Magic Circle/A
Subject: The Magic Circle
Date: Sat, 17 July 1999 06:27 AM EDT

"In the broadest sense, magic is 'the art of making things happen'.

"In the broadest sense, therefore, magic can be defined as a metaphor
for the dynamic relationship between human consciousness or will and
everything that lies beyond it - events, circumstances, objects, other
people.  Magic implies at least some measure of control, either through
guidance or manipulation.  It implies, that is, a technique whereby
reality is encouraged, persuaded, induced or coerced to conform to
certain specific objectives.  Magic, in short, is the process of
exploiting the malleability of reality, and of shaping it - or
alchemically transmuting it - in accordance with given puposes or
goals."  (Elixir  Stone)

This was Nostradamus' method.  His was the grandest conspiracy of all.
Michel's secrets are now revealed at



Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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1999-07-19 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:537375"[spynews] SIGINT IN EUROPE
From: Mario Profaca [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 16 July 1999 05:31 PM EDT

To receive more messages like this one and to send your messages
to Mario Profaca's SPY NEWS one should subscribe to it.

There are two ways to supscribe to SPYNEWS
To subscribe via e-mail: send an e-mail to:

To subscribe via the group's home page:
1. Go to the Mario's Cyberspace Station at
2. Click on the "Join" button, and then follow the instructions to
complete subscription. You can choose to receive messages via e-mail (in
individual or daily digest format) or only by accesing them via the web on
the group's home page.

 Mario Profaca,
 freelance journalist
 Zagreb, Croatia

 * * * Mario's Cyberspace Station
"Yes, the world is a sick place, and
Mario Profaca is its webmaster."
  The New York Times, Cybertimes,

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 1999 16:02:12 +0200
Subject: [spynews] No Subject


More and more students of the Cold War begin to realize that the
intelligence communities played an important role during the Cold War. In
recent years in particular the importance of Signals Intelligence (SIGINT)
has been stressed and especially the capabilities and possibilities of
reading and deciphering diplomatic, military, commercial and other
Communications of other nations.

This growing awareness of the importance of intelligence applies not only
to the activities of the big services but also to those of the smaller
nations like for example the Netherlands. For this exact reason a couple of
years ago the Netherlands Intelligence Studies Association (NISA) was
established in which academics and (former and still active) members of the
Netherlands intelligence community work together in order to promote
research into the history of Dutch intelligence communities. This growing
interest had led in Holland to publications dealing with the history of the
Dutch internal security service (1995), the Dutch Navy Intelligence (1997)
and the Netherlands foreign intelligence service (November 1998).

As honorary secretary of the NISA it is my pleasure to announce that the
NISA will host an international conference dealing with


This conference with a particular emphasis on Sigint and the Northwestern
European nations will take place on Saturday November 27 in Amsterdam.

The line up of the program is as follows:


09.45:  Opening of the Conference and Welcome to the
speakers and participants

10.00:  Matthew Aid (United States, ex-NSA)
Introduction on the importance of SIGINT in the Cold War

10.45:  coffee

11.00:  Richard Aldrich (United Kingdom, University of Nottingham)
GCHQ and Sigint in the Cold War

11.45:  Erich Schmidt-Eenboom (Germany, Forschungsinstitut f=FCr
The BND, German Military Forces and Sigint in the Cold War

12.30:  lunch

13.30:  Alf Jacobsen (Norway, NRK)
Scandinavia, Sigint and the Cold War

14.15:  Cees Wiebes (Netherlands, NISA)
The history of the WKC (Dutch NSA/GCHQ)

15.00:  Tea

15.30:  Wies Platje (Netherlands, NISA)
Dutch Sigint and the conflict with Indonesia, 1950 - 62

16.15:  Round Table discussion
The importance of Sigint during the Cold War

17.00:  Closing Remarks + Reception

Since the number of seats is strictly limited to 100, you are reque=
sted to
submit your registration as soon as possible. Places will be attributed on
a first registered-first served basis. The conference rate is US $ 80
including lunch and drinks at the reception. Please register as quickly as
possible by sending an E-mail or letter to the honorary secretary of the
NISA, Dr. Cees Wiebes, at the following address:

Dr. Cees Wiebes
Honorary secretary NISA
P.O. Box 18 210
1001 ZC Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Visit Mario's Cyberspace Station: http://mprofaca.cro.net/mainmenu.html

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not 

[CTRL] Chip Tatum: Gov't. Drug Smuggling

1999-07-19 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:537861"Chip Tatum: Gov't. Drug
Subject: Chip Tatum: Gov't. Drug Smuggling
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Abemarf)
Date: Sun, 18 July 1999 08:38 PM EDT

Posted here March 4, 1998
Web Page: http://www.aci.net/kalliste/

Interview with Chip Tatum, Regarding Terry Nelson  Montana Drugs, Chuck
Hayes, etc.

QUESTION: I want to talk to you about what you know about the drug
smuggling operation into Montana. Can you go on the record?

TATUM: I can go on the record with one statement. I met with Terry
Nelson in south Florida, and he boasted to me that he had been
approached and had been recruited to see to it that the northern routes
were open. And he explained to me the northern routes: bringing drugs
from Colombia, going to the Caribbean islands, waiting for a weather
window, going up to Nova Scotia, waiting for a weather window, going
across to Weyburn, and then going down into Montana. He named for me
three cities that I recall the names of. He said the man who put this
together was in contact with the cartels, a man named Huxtable.

QUESTION: Mike Huxtable?

TATUM: Right. That's all I know about it.

QUESTION: Can you tell me what Nelson's position is?

TATUM: He's a senior FBI agent out of Miami.

QUESTION: Can you tell me what Huxtable's position is?

TATUM: Huxtable, from what I understand, was undercover for the U.S.
Government. He also worked undercover in sting operations for the
Canadian Government. He also worked for the mobs, and he worked for the

QUESTION: Is he FBI too?



TATUM: He's the equivalent of a Barry Seal. He works for the highest

QUESTION: So he's a free agent then?

TATUM: Right.

QUESTION: What year was it when Nelson told you that?

TATUM: I believe it was 1989.

QUESTION: So the drugs are flown out into the Atlantic then?

TATUM: Yes, but they can also come the other way, because of times since
then that I've heard of drugs going into British Columbia.

QUESTION: I understand you called a radio station in Florida a couple of
weeks ago and gave an interview and someone appeared at the station

TATUM: I think it was on Wednesday of last week that I gave the
interview. They played it on Friday, while the host was at a meeting in
Orlando. The technician who was on duty answered the knock on the door.
He saw a Cadillac outside, and a well-dressed man was standing outside
who threatened the young boy. He said "if Jim Alssis, the host, doesn't
quit, he's going to die." That was pretty pointed. It has shaken them
all up.

QUESTION: I talked to XX the other day. Evidently he has a large
stack of documents on Nelson. Do you know about these documents?

TATUM: I know he told me he has the documents.

QUESTION: I understand there's some pretty dynamite information in
there. I don't know what it is specifically. Do you think his life is in

TATUM: I believe so.

QUESTION: Do you think your life is in danger?

TATUM: No. I have good insurance. It's information on the big boys, the

QUESTION: Would this have gone up to very high reaches of the
government? Not for attribution.

TATUM: I don't mind naming names. It went to the President's office.

QUESTION: You don't mind this being for attribution?


QUESTION: This would have been, say, in the late 80's, early '90's?


QUESTION: You don't mind if I write that?

TATUM: Not at all. That house I met Terry Nelson at in southeast Florida
was Bush's mother's house.

QUESTION: Is that right?

TATUM: Yes. Nelson sits right on top. He carries the badge of any agency
he wants. He'll never come down over this.

QUESTION: He will never come down?

TATUM: Never.

QUESTION: There must be people fairly high up that want this drug
running to stop?

TATUM: Yes. It will be stopped right at the Department of Justice.

QUESTION: It will be stopped there?

TATUM: It will be stopped there.

QUESTION: Are you saying that IF it's stopped, that's where it will be;
or are you saying it is going to be stopped?

TATUM: It will be stopped. How they will stop it is the only question.
It won't be prosecuted. What happens in the meantime to those in the
periphery is a completely different story.

QUESTION: So, this guy can do hits and get away with it?

TATUM: Absolutely. He can not only do hits, he has had one of his
pilots,  put in federal prison. XXX used to fly drugs
from Haiti to Nelson here in southeastern Florida, and load the cocaine
right into the trunk of Nelson's FBI car. He's bulletproof. XXX
is now in prison, and no one will listen to him.

QUESTION: Do you think if enough journalists get hold of this, they
can't do anything to them?

TATUM: Well, he's been investigated in the past, and the investigation

Re: [CTRL] ::: Revised Boy Scout Manual :::

1999-07-19 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

Stay tuned for step 5

Kris Millegan wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 from alt.conspiracy
 As always, Caveat Lector.
 A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:538012"::: Revised Boy Scout Manual
 (1/2) :::
 Subject: ::: Revised Boy Scout Manual (1/2) :::
 From: Dan Clore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, 19 July 1999 05:26 AM EDT
 Message-id: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 by William Burroughs


 Since World War I, revolutionary weapons and tactics
 have undergone a biologic mutation to survive the
 invention of heavy weapons. Anyone can make a sword,
 a spear, a bow and arrow in his basement or spare room
 workshop. He can make the approximation of a small arm.
 He cannot make automatic weapons, tanks, bombers,
 fighter planes, destroyers, artillery. These heavy
 weapons are in the hands of reactionary forces, which
 give them an overwhelming advantage in direct combat.
 With heavy weapons five percent of the population can
 hold down ninety-five percent by sheer force. This
 advantage, which did not exist before heavy weapons,
 must now be taken into account.

 A belated development to be sure. the stupidity of the
 military mind is unbelievable. Toward the end of the
 Civil War in the United States, a crude machine gun and
 a crude tank were rejected by President Lincoln's military
 advisors as impractical. Now these weapons were primitive
 to be sure, but quite usable, and all the elements were
 there. In World War II, General Gamelin thought that tanks
 were unimportant until they poured around the end of his
 Maginot Line. General Gamelin did not like tanks.

 So, plinking around the streets with a Barretta .25 is
 little to the purpose. And still less a Colt Army .45, a
 handgun so inaccurate it is more dangerous to friend than
 enemy - your friends being closer to it. It is a very
 myopic handgun. Bombs, in the post office and the police
 stations - what is this, the IRA in 1916? Blow up the
 Statue of Liberty would you? Have you any idea how much
 good gelginite it would take to explode that old beast?
 The same explosive material, discreetly placed, could bring
 down the economic system of the West. The Boy Scout Manual
 will show you how...

 The extent to which revolutionary theory and tactics is
 disadvantageously shaped by opposition is something few
 revolutionaries like to think about, being for the most
 part as bigoted and impervious to facts as those whom
 they think they oppose. In 1848, a worldwide liberal
 movement was ruthlessly crushed in Europe and vitiated in
 South America. Consider how present day revolutionaries
 are being Che Guevara'd back into the nineteenth
 century to repeat the mistakes of Garibaldi and Bolivar.
 Bolivar liberated a large section of South America from
 Spain. He left intact the Christian calendar, the Spanish
 language, the Catholic church, the Spanish bureaucracy.
 He left Spanish families holding the wealth and the land.

 He must have loved the conquistadores in some corner of his
 being to treat them with such exemplary consideration. It
 is a familiar pattern: the oppressed love the oppressors
 and cannot wait to follow their example. Morocco,
 independent from France, takes over the inefficient French
 bureaucracy. Arab countries liberated from England retain
 the barbarous English method of execution. Cannot a
 revolution make a clean sweep of all this old garbage.

 To achieve independence from alien domination and to
 consolidate revolutionary gains, five steps are necessary:






 Suppose that Bolivar had followed this program:

 1) He sets up a new calendar with no reference to A.D./B.C..
 No saints days, no Christian holidays, no more Semana Santa.

 2) There are thirty-five mutually incomprehensible Indian
 dialects in Peru alone. South America constitutes a Tower of
 Babel. Unifying language is essential but not the colonial
 languages Spanish and Portuguese. Bolivar decides that the
 language of South America will be Chinese. Several
 considerations dictate this choice. He has been impressed
 by the equanimity of the Chinese, their quiet self-possession
 in the dreariest and most forbidding places.

 There is a town in the high Andes, a gloomy windy pass. Thin
 air like death in the throat. From the low sod huts with no
 chimneys the sullen bestial inhabitants peer out, eyes red
 with smoke. No trees, windswept grass, little terraced fields
 above which the mountains tower to stone and snow. The
 proprietor of the one general store, an old Chinese. He has
 been there many years you can tell. Unmarried and old, he
 fills the order for provisions. All places are alike to him.
 This quiet possession of his own space can only be 

[CTRL] FC: More on UK snooping of Ireland (and Austin Powers)

1999-07-19 Thread CobolMage

[At the end of this msg are two responses from readers in France re: the
translation of the shagged vs. shot Austin Powers movie title. --Declan]

Date: Fri, 16 Jul 1999 23:13:40 +0100

Here is a fuller account of the British bugging tower that listened in
on Ireland.
Best, Duncan Campbell

INDEPENDENT, Friday 16 July 1999

by Duncan Campbell and Paul Lashmar

THE MINISTRY of Defence "Electronic Test Facility", a rather mysterious 150-ft
high tower stands isolated in a British Nuclear Fuels Limited site at
Capenhurst, Cheshire.

Locals knew that the tower housed a dark secret but did not know what it was.
That secret is now out.

The tower was craftily erected between two BT microwave radio towers carrying
telephone traffic. The ETF was the ideal place to discreetly intercept
international telephone calls of the Irish government, businessmen and
those of
suspected of involvement with IRA terrorism.

Channel 4 filmed extensive BT equipment inside the building, including optical
fibre cables linking the tower to the MoD's communication system.

The hi-tech white ETF tower included eight floors of advanced electronic
equipment and three floors of aerial galleries.

These were used to extract and sort the thousands of communications passing
through every hour. Fax messages, e-mails, telexes and data communications
automatically sorted by computers scanning their contents for key words and
subjects of interest. Telephone calls could be targeted according to the
numbers dialled or by identifying the voice of the speaker.

At the time the tower first came into operation the IRA campaigns were

Relations between the British and Irish government's were not always smooth,
with the British suspecting their Irish counterparts of being sympathetic to
the IRA.

Since the early 1990s, the British electronic spy agency GCHQ and its American
counterpart NSA have developed sophisticated libraries of voice profiles to
in scanning international telephone messages.

The ETF tower was operated by personnel from an RAF unit based in Malvern,
Worcestershire. The "special signals" section of the RAF "Radio Introduction
Unit" install and run projects for GCHQ.

According to local residents, the site was manned 24 hours a day by a team of
two to three people, until the start of 1998.

Besides the Capenhurst tower, communications to and from the Irish Republic
were also intercepted at a similar but smaller GCHQ station in County Armagh.
This intercepts microwave radio and other links between Dublin and Belfast.

A third GCHQ station at Bude, Cornwall, intercepts western satellite
communications, including to and from Ireland.

From 1990 until 1998 the Capenhurst ETF tower intercepted the international
communications of the Irish Republic crossing from Dublin to Anglesey on a
newly installed optical fibre submarine cable, called UK-Ireland 1.

From Anglesey, the signals were carried across Britain on British Telecom's
network of microwave radio relay towers, centred on the BT Tower in London.

The key link, from Holyhead in Anglesey to Manchester, passes directly over
Wirral peninsula to the south of Birkenhead. The ETF tower was built to pop up
into this beam.

When the new cable was planned in the mid 1980s, intelligence specialists at
the Defence Ministry and GCHQ Cheltenham, the electronic spying headquarters,
realised that the radio beams passed directly over the nuclear processing
at Capenhurst.

During 1988, a temporary interception system was built on the roof of the BNFL
factory. When tests of the Irish interception system proved successful,
intelligence chiefs decided to go ahead with a full-scale system.

Within the Defence Ministry, the project was classified "Top Secret Umbra".
codeword Umbra is used to designate sensitive signals intelligence

Not even BNFL, on whose land the ETF tower was built, was let into the

The Ministry of Defence held a meeting with residents early in 1989 and urged
them not to talk about the site. In return, they were given free fencing and
double glazing.

The architects were told that the tower had to contain three floors of aerial
galleries, each with four special "dielectric" windows. These are opaque to
visible light, but allow radio beams to enter.

By building the tower in this way, no-one could see what aerials were inside,
or where they were pointing.

But the architects' plans, lodged at the local authority offices, revealed the
true purpose of the tower.

The plans revealed that the radio transparent windows had to be aligned on an
extremely precise compass bearing of 201.12 degrees to magnetic north.

Aerials pointing through these windows would point precisely at the British
Telecom towers at Gwaenysgor, Clwyd, and Pale Heights, near Chester. These are
the towers carrying the Ireland's international communications links 

Re: [CTRL] Godless - Gunless - and Goldless - in the New World Order

1999-07-19 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

The Gods Of Numismatia were put on notice by me nearly ten
years ago, in a speech I gave at a West State Archaeological
Clubs monthly meeting.  The speech was put in print form and
disseminated widely.  There were air force officers there at
that meeting, and it created quite a stir.  All the gold in
this world is WORTHLESS as concerns the local riches
available off planet...ten years ago I said it was in reach
within ten yearsI am still saying the same
thingrobotic long term retrieval of asteroid detritus,
one particular chunk of junk being comprised of platinum,
estimated weight 90 million tons, can be broken with
explosives and sent slowly to near earth vicinity, and
cheaply, just takes time.  To get it to earth use manned
missions and ocean drops with subsequent rov retrieval.  If
the space program were to be used for the people who paid
for it, us, we would all be wealthy, but there is the nut,
and the elite are by and large only concerned with one
thing, and that is how to maintain their elite statusI
am firmly convinced of this...they have shown themselves for
the beasts they are, from city council members, mayors, on
up. The only way they can enforce their elite status, in an
infinitely wealthy universe, is to control everything,
especially all forms of currency.  They shackled our minds
with the Man on the Cross, when ignorance reigns life is

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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Re: [CTRL] The Magic Circle

1999-07-19 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

Reality is Plastic.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Monday #3

1999-07-19 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990719c - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Hey, SkeptiChat subscribers: let's see some responses, some discussion!!
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: Some expletives were deleted during production of this bulletin. No sh!t.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ THE GOD FACTOR. HowlingAtTheMoon's new book THE GOD FACTOR by Ian Wishart
  is being launched today, alleging the New Zealand Prime Minister has been
  meeting with a man at the centre of a major U.S. corruption scandal, and
  that U.S. President Bill Clinton has a background in drug trafficking and
  money laundering. The God Factor also examines the violent deaths and/or
  unsolved murders of 70 people either directly associated with Bill Clinton
  or investigating him - often in unexplained plane crashes. The evidence
  has been meticulously researched: http://www.howlingatthemoon.com

: What's your favorite Klinton Konspiracy? Since reality can be evaluated as
maybe (true and/or false and/or unknowable and/or trivial and/or irrelevant)
which conspiracy theories do you value? Can reality match a good theory? Eh?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Brazil in drought emergency. RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) - A severe drought has
  prompted officials in a poor northeast Brazilian state to declare a state
  of emergency. The drought has destroyed more than half the area's crops,
  affecting many in the southern part of Piaui state, 1,500 miles north of
  Rio de Janeiro. Many cities haven't seen rain for a year. Local officials
  predict widespread starvation if state  federal authorities don't react
  soon. http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2560344909-f9c

# Overpumping risks food supply. WASHINGTON (AP)  Overpumping is sucking out
  too much of the world's underground fresh water, with a stable world food
  supply now risked by a rising global water deficit. The use of giant pumps
  to extract ever-deeper water was once viewed as a boon for farmers world-
  wide. Now massive pumping intensifies water shortages that threaten to
  reduce global food supplies, spread hunger and increase social conflict.
  Water wars: http://infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2560332151-8cf

: Should we melt-down ice asteroids for Earthly consumption? Should we let a
few billion people starve and dehydrate? Should we migrate to water worlds??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# The Opposite of Attraction. Researchers discover evidence of materials
  with opposite charges that repel each other instead of attract. They can
  build themselves into nifty contraptions, too. Doing sneaky things - see

# Scientists pick up after Einstein. CAPUTH, Germany (AP) Physicists at an
  international conference will focus on proving string theory, which would
  allow scientists to unite the two primary theories in physics: Einstein's
  theory of general relativity and quantum theory. Grand Unification next?
  See http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2560342283-87f

: Do you prefer attractive or repellent materials, theories, theorists? What
sneaky things to physicists do? Can attraction/repulsion be unified? In who?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ MAGIC CIRCLE. In the broadest sense, magic is 'the art of making things
  happen', a metaphor for a dynamic relationship between human consciousness
  or will, and all that lies beyond it: events, circumstances, objects, peo-
  ple. Magic implies some measure of control, thru guidance or manipulation.
  Thus it implies a technique whereby reality is induced or coerced to con-
  form to certain specific objectives. Magic, in short, is the process of
  exploiting the malleability of reality, and of shaping it, or alchemically
  transmuting it, in accordance with given purposes or goals. This was Nost-
  radamus' method. His was the grandest conspiracy of all. Michel's secrets
  are now revealed at: http://www.execulink.com/~idris/select.html

: Do you induce or coerce reality to change? Are you better at metaphysical
magic, political magic, sex magick, software magic? Do you steal magic? Has
your magic been stolen? Are you bored by magic? Are videogames better? Why?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


# Mysterious virus hits Russia - Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever epidemic:
# Progress cargo ship docks at Mir:
# Also: China nears manned space flight:

@ What is a Dream? http://www.geocities.com/Athens/5692/dreams.htm
@ Cayce on Atlantis: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/5692/atlantis.htm
@ Paranormal Research Primer - quotes: http://www.tje.net/para/quotes/

# Federal Ruling Allows Late-Term Abortions in Virginia:

Re: [CTRL] House Passes Religious Rights Bill

1999-07-19 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Prudence L. Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Yesterday's vote was the ultimate triumph of that strategy, wrapping
 evangelical Christians with the Amish, the Buddhists, the Scientologists
 and other minority faiths. Even Barry Lynn of Americans United for the
 Separation of Church and State supported the bill, because he appreciated
 its protections for groups that he believes are truly endangered. But to
 Lynn, the Christians-as-martyrs line rings a bit tinny. 

 This could get really interesting.   I recall a bit on some television
 talk show a few years back, where a girl about twelve, said she would
 feel no compunction at all about killing a member of the audience who
 was a Jew.  She said her religion said she should do that.  SO, if
 there's no amendment regarding civil rights, perhaps she can kill Jews
 any time she sees one.  She is only expressing her religious faith.

The loophole is "compelling interest".  The gov't can probably show a
compelling interest in restricting religious murders.  But can they
show a compelling interest why members of The Church Of The Totally
Naked Christ shouldn't walk around nude; or why ET cultists shouldn't
paint UFO attraction symbols on public roadways; or why evangelical
firms shouldn't spam all Net.users with religious product ads; or why
the US flag shouldn't be burnt in holy rituals?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Magic Circle

1999-07-19 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -

 Reality is Plastic.

Plastic is real.
Reality is whatever bites your ass.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-07-19 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

 -Caveat Lector-

Considering the amount of airtraffic in the area, one would expect that more
than Kennedy's Piper would have been affected.

June  ;-)

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Magic Circle

1999-07-19 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

Plastic Reality allows biting back.

Ric Carter wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 - Original Message -

  Reality is Plastic.

 Plastic is real.
 Reality is whatever bites your ass.

 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
 screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Ten commandments Survey [WND Survey]

1999-07-19 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Tenorlove [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Regardless of whether you're looking in Catholic or Protestant Bible
 translations, they can be found in the Book of Exodus, chapter 20,
 verses 1-17.

Pay attention Jewish, Jehovah's Witness and Orthodox translations too.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [10] The Marcos Dynasty

1999-07-19 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Excerpts from:
The Marcos Dynasty
Sterling Seagrave©1988
Harper  Row, Inc
ISBN 0-06-015815-8

From 1984 on, the search for the remainder of Yamashita's Gold was overseen
by a Manila company called Nippon Star, virtually the same group of men who
had run the Leber Group ten years earlier. Nippon Star was set up originally
by ordinary gold seekers who failed to find anything significant. Their
company was taken over by the CIA, in keeping with the Agency's practice of
turning existing companies into fronts and inserting their own people.

After that, the Manila end of Nippon Star was run by Cesar Lehran of the old
Leber Group, a Filipino whose allegiance was owed to Fabian Ver. The company
was listed as wholly owned by Phoenix Exploration Services, Ltd., 90 Chancery
Lane, London. That company, in turn, was wholly owned by Helmut Trading
(apparently a play on words), registered in Liberia under a bearer stock, so
its true ownership could never be traced. Associated with Nippon Star,
though, was a group calling itself the Phoenix Overseas Project, understood
to be one of the fronts of General Singlaub, whose American base was in
Phoenix, Arizona. Whatever the case, Singlaub made use of the Nippon Star
offices whenever he was in Manila. Another affiliate of Nippon Star was the
Delta International Group, headed by Vernon R. Twyman of Tulsa, Oklahoma, a
leader of the Praise The Lord Church and its PTL religious broadcasting
network. Twyman once told Nippon Star stockholders that they had a "joint
venture" arrangement with Sultan Omar DinaIan's Sod Research  Recovery of
the Philippines, a friend of President Marcos and one of those involved in
excavating for Yamashita's Gold since 1975 or earlier. Thus both Singlaub and
Twyman were involved as private citizens with Ferdinand's gold recovery
effort at least as early as 1984.

The fact that big guns of the PTL were busy in the same areas as General
Singlaub and his military-intelligence associates is hardly surprising. Many
American conservative activists were quite naturally also members of PTL and
other fundamentalist crusades such as Moral Majority, the Reverend Moon's
CAUSA, and so forth. So it is hardly surprising that activists in some of
these religious groups were drawn into the search for Yamashita's Gold.

Jerry Falwell, Jimmy Swaggart, and Pat Robertson were becoming well known to
Filipinos, along with the Campus Crusade for Christ, the Church of the Four
Square Gospel, and others that evangelized aggressively with the direct
encouragement of President Marcos. These individuals turned a blind eye to
the brutality of the regime. During the Reagan administration, right-wing
religious leaders were sometimes approached directly by Colonel North to
participate in CIA covert operations, including funding the Contras. It was
perhaps fitting that conservative religious groups were involved in the great
Christian crusade for Yamashita's Gold.

 Over the years, the CIA and the National Security Agency had established in
the Philippines America's largest telecommunications and technical
intelligence base in the Far East, capable of monitoring radio and microwave
phone transmissions all over Asia, linked to surveillance satellites that
could discern something as small as the numbers on an automobile license
plate. Although these were generally directed outward, to cover the Pacific
and the Asian mainland, they were also capable of keeping close watch within
the Philippines. They could easily monitor all of Fabian Ver's secret
communications throughout the archipelago. The Pentagon and the CIA had
helped Ver acquire the telecommunications net used by NISA and the
Presidential Security Command. In the early 1980s, more than $10 million had
been spent to upgrade Ver's telecom system with new computerized electronics
from Stromberg-Carlson. Not only could the CIA and NSA monitor the entire
system, but they could patch into it at will to interrupt messages, or to
substitute false messages. When Ver's transmissions were scrambled, they
could be instantly unscrambled.




THE REGIME LASTED for twenty years only because Filipinos allowed themselves
to be convinced that the dictator was in firm control, that his secret police
Were everywhere, that his army was overwhelmingly powerful, and that
Ferdinand Marcos himself was supernaturally endowed. These things were true
up to a point. Beyond that, the impression of power and omniscience was
exaggerated by showmanship and grotesque extremes of cruelty. Ordinary people
were psyched out. It was the logical outcome of Edward Lansdale's shallow
insight into human nature, which failed in Vietnam but worked in the
Philippines. Inexperienced at resistance, and unaccustomed to armed struggle,
when they finally took to the streets of Manila in exasperation and the
Marcoses fled without a struggle, nobody was more astounded than Filipinos
themselves, who 

Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: JFK Jr. Disappearance/More Inconsistencies and Loose Ends]

1999-07-19 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -

 Furthermore, this tragedy occurred but one day from
 the 30th anniversary of the Chappaquidick incident involving Ted

Nope, it's a two-day difference.  I've post that a couple times
here already.  Not paying attention, eh?

16 July 1999: JFK Jr. augers in
17 July 1996: TWA 800 explodes
18 July 1969: Chappaquiddick

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] The Magic Circle

1999-07-19 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

Plastic teeth may break when biting reality.

- Original Message -

 Plastic Reality allows biting back.

 Ric Carter wrote:
   -Caveat Lector-
  - Original Message -
   Reality is Plastic.
  Plastic is real.
  Reality is whatever bites your ass.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] [0] The Gold of the Sun

1999-07-19 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.lvcybermall.com/book/"The Gold of the Sun/A
The Gold of the Sun
(Based Upon an Incredible Story)
By Mark O'Brien
Copyright 1996 by Mark O'Brien

On April 4, 1978, Jack Anderson of the Washington Post, a renowned
syndicated columnist, and Hank Greenspun, the publisher of the Las Vegas
Sun newspapers, simultaneously wrote a lengthy series of articles. It
immediately became national and international news. This author was
responsible for supplying the U.S. State Department with the documents
and tapes and for coordinating the release of those articles in 1978.
The events in this story are real, and are supported by over 60,000
documents and countless hours of audio and video tape. It is the result
of 21 years of research and the writer's personal involvement during
those years. Many of the historical characters are real people who were
themselves involved in many of the events. It was necessary to change
the names of some of the players since they are still living and to
protect their privacy.

There are no adjectives in the dictionary which adequately describe the
story that is going to follow. To say it is incredible is a gross
understatement. It is the ultimate story of the greed of mankind. It is
the story of unheard of wealth gathered at the expense of the blood and
suffering of hundreds of millions of people, and the death of no less
than ten million of them. The story includes most of the historical
figures of recent history. It is wrought with intrigue, murders,
conspiracies, covert activities of the CIA and the former OSS. There are
no real heroes in this story and as it unfolds the readers will find
themselves re-evaluating their opinions of the war with Japan and of
many of the players. The final chapter of this story cannot be written.
It is still ongoing.

A lot has been written about the atrocities and the motives of Germany
before and during the Second World War. To a much lesser degree there
have been some excellent books written about the Japanese war but none
have addressed the real reasons behind why Japan was so suicidal. Until
Now! It is all about treasure, treasure that still exists. We all know
about the German extermination camps and the wholesale slaughter of the
Jews Gypsies and other ethnic groups. More than half a century after the
war our collective memories of the Japanese atrocities is limited to the
Rape of Nanking in China and the infamous Death March from Bataan in the

A simulated silhouette of the MIDNIGHT LADY in front of stacks of gold
bars in the basement of the Malacanang Palace. This reality based
fiction is not about the atrocities during the war. In fact it is not
about the war itself. It is set against the background of the war so the
events that are depicted are historically accurate. What this story will
reveal is the secondary motive of the Japanese in launching their war.
More importantly it will reveal a secret plan to finance the war. It
will reveal much more.

Emperor Hirohito and other top Japanese military and civilians knew that
a protracted war with America could not be won. Knowing this and after
launching their sneak attack on Pearl Harbor they found themselves in a
Catch-22 situation; to surrender was not an option. By the end of 1942
the Japanese hierarchy were faced with the reality of defeat. They had
two options: 1) Cause the Americans so many casualties that they would
lose heart and agree to a peace treaty which would allow Japan to retain
most of the countries that they had overrun; and 2) hide the treasures
that they had amassed from those countries to pay for rebuilding Japan
after the war.

The story starts in late November 1936 in Manchuria where the plans were
implemented. Under the Emperor's direction a special team was developed
to pillage the countries they invaded or annexed of all of their
treasures. When Japan openly declared war on China in 1937 this team was
put to work. What followed was eight years of theft and the destruction
of national treasures that made the Germans look like petty thieves.

The story spans a period of sixty years and is broken down into four
books: 1) The war years, 1936-1945. 2) The aftermath of the war years
now centering on the Philippine Islands where this treasure was
ultimately hidden, 1946-1960. 3) The Ferdinand Marcos years, 1960-1986.
4) The recovery years and the coverup, 1986 to the present.

This is a tale of treasure. It is a story of the secret wealth of a
continent; solid-gold Buddhas and jewel-encrusted heirlooms, diamonds,
rubies and emeralds, silver and platinum. But above all gold--huge
hoards of gold--plundered from dozens of conquered lands and buried
beneath the steamy jungles of a Pacific island nation.

It is the story of the people who hid it: the Emperor, the princes and
generals, the collaborators and crime lords, and the thousands of
prisoners of war who were forced to dig cavernous 

[CTRL] [1] The Franklin Cover-up - Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska -repost

1999-07-19 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
The Franklin Cover-up - Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska
John W. DeCamp(C) 1992/1996 2nd Edition
AWT Inc.
PO Box 85461
Lincoln, Nebraska 68501
If you haven't seen/read the second edition. There are over 100 new pages of
Here tis a sample. Om
Part II

It is a little over four years since I, John DeCamp, wrote the words you have
just read. My closest friend and mentor, Bill Colby, like so many others in
the Franklin case, is dead; he was fished out of a river in front of his
home, under the most questionable of circumstances, in April 1996.
Was he killed because of his involvement in Franklin? I don't know. What I do
know, is that Bill Colby was the heart and soul of the Franklin
investigation. Although at a certain point he warned me against investigating
the case further, it was he who relentlessly pushed to publicly expose what
had already been discovered, when everyone else, including, at times, myself,
wanted to call it quits. Without him, this book would never have been
written. In the new, final chapter of this second edition, I tell much more
about my relationship to Bill Colby, who was, in my estimation, one of the
greatest patriots this country has seen, from the time that he served as our
country's Deputy Ambassador to South Vietnam (but, in reality, as CIA Station
Chief), and recruited a young combat infantry captain named John DeCamp to be
one of his chief assistants in Operation Phoenix, right through to his role
in trying to blow open the Franklin cover-up.

I published The Franklin Cover-Up, as much as an insurance policy for myself
and my family, as for any other purpose. Colby had pointed to the extreme
danger for a person to have secret knowledge about a situation, that others
who are affected want to keep out of the public's view.
"Some people will go to any lengths to make sure things stay secret," Colby
had often repeated to me, "which is why the CIA and the KGB sometimes find
their agents dead. Your best interest," he argued, "may well be in publishing
what you know and are able to prove, rather than keeping those facts secret.
Whether you ever sell a single book or not does not really matter. Putting
your information on the public record is what is important. That way, there
is no logical reason to harm you or your family, to suppress some truth you
have already documented. That is probably your real life insurance policy in
something like this Franklin situation," Colby had advised me.
Now, four years later, without a single dollar spent in advertising or
promotion, over 50,000 copies of this book have been sold nationwide. I am
convinced that this is why I am alive today, although I did receive a warning
in September 1996, through reliable sources, that I am targeted—"just like
they got Colby." There have also been innumerable attempts to disbar me.
Although I have thus far been able to defeat every one of these attempts,
they keep coming; to silence me through disbarment is, for those trying to
hide the truth on Franklin, the equivalent of assassinating me. So, the
battle continues, both in the Franklin case per se—about which I include
stunning new material which proves the truth of Part I of this book— and in
the new cases in which I have become involved. As a result of the first
publication of The Franklin Cover-Up, as an attorney, I have become involved
in some of the most famous legal cases now occurring in these United States,
from cases involving the militia movement, to the Oklahoma City bombing, to
the notorious Gordon Kahl shootout with U.S. Marshals, about which
documentaries and movies have been made, to appearances before the U.S.
Senate on all of these matters, including Ruby Ridge and Waco. I have
appeared on all of the national TV networks, and on many national shows, such
as Nightline with Ted Koppel, Good Morning America, CNN's Burden of Proof,
America's Most Wanted, and others.
So, I say, as I dedicate this second edition of The Franklin Cover-Up to my
friend and mentor, William Colby: "Thanks, Bill. You were right, so right it
terrifies me. I told the truth, just as you instructed. Now, as a result of
the publication of the original Franklin Cover-Up, I have ended up in
situations, where, once again, the truth must be told on some explosive new
issues, whose consequences rival those of Franklin, for the future of this

Thus, this new edition contains eight dramatic new chapters (and an
epilogue): The Franklin Investigation, and Cover-up, Continue; Four Years
Later—Where Are They Now?; Troy Boner Steps Forward; Drugs and the Monarch
Project; From Montana to Oklahoma City; The Oklahoma Bombing; The U.S.
Justice Department Murder of Gordon Kahl; and In Memoriam: Bill Colby. This
concluding chapter will reveal more about Colby's role in Franklin, and his
very last instructions to me, two weeks before his death.
Finally, the last word on the Franklin cover-up is delivered in 

Re: [CTRL] Kennedy Down

1999-07-19 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

 -Caveat Lector-

Not again  Did anyone else see the story about the impending Coast
Guard announcement?

Just before I went to bed last night, CNN had a 'crawl' on the bottom of
their screen that the Coast Guard was set to make an announcement at 9:30 pm
EDT...this morning they said the announcement was that they've called off
the 'search and rescue', and instead are conducting a 'search and
recoverty', implying they think that whatever there is to find won't include
living beings...

Now, if this was what was ORIGINALLY intended to be announced last night, or
what was decided was politically prudent to announce, who knows?

But at the risk of sounding like a broken record, I'd like to keep reminding
readers of this list that no matter WHAT version of 'the truth' one is now
drawn to, the fact of the matter is that for the first 12 hours or so of the
search, the search parties didn't have a clue on what area to focus on (or
were deliberately not given one)...it wasn't until late Saturday afternoon
that reports regarding a supposed explosion, and reports regarding the radio
tower at the Martha's Vineyard airport being in contact with Kennedy when he
was only 10 miles from the coast, began to be reported.

If these reports reflect 'the truth', then one must ask WHY the witnesses to
the supposed explosion didn't report it the night before; why the airport
authorities didn't report Kennedy's plane missing when it didn't show up
shortly after their supposed conversation with him; why these same airport
officials supposedly witnessed a somewhat (at the very least) rapid descent
of the plane which then never showed up...seems to me that if these reports
are indeed 'the truth', then the search party would have been concentrating
on a 20 mile perimeter around Martha's Vineyard, instead combing most of
Long Island Sound and a goodly portion of the Atlantic south of Long Island,
in the first 12 hours of the search...

IF the witnesses to the supposed explosion, and the airport officials aren't
lying, then the question must be asked "Why was the search seemingly
deliberately set far afield in the first 12 hours?"

We must also keep in mind that the reports we're now getting regarding an
explosion, and the airport talking to Kennedy when he was only a few miles
away, are recent media stories, and as such may themselves be
disinformation.  The first reports I heard on Saturday morning only
mentioned one fisherman who may have seen Kennedy's plane -- and according
to this fisherman, not only was there no explosion, the plane 'disappeared
without a sound' -- whatever THAT may mean...

And the Saturday morning reports had the Martha's Vineyard airport tower
last talking to Kennedy some 20 minutes before he was due to land, not a
minute or two...

And if they DID last talk to him 20 minutes before, it then raises the
question as to why Kennedy didn't radio for landing clearance as he neared
the airport...and especially if he couldn't SEE the landing strip, as some
reports claim would have been the case on a dark and hazy night...

If he DID talk to the airport as he was coming in for a landing, it would
seem he didn't indicate any trouble, like not being able to see the
airport...and again, if THIS version is true, why then didn't the airport go
on alert when Kennedy didn't show up?

June   :-7

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1999-07-19 Thread Yardbird

 -Caveat Lector-

Maybe not, experimental physics is often unpredictable and can cause
highly specific effects as opposed to generalized ones.


On Mon, 19 Jul 1999, Ynr Chyldz Wyld wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 Considering the amount of airtraffic in the area, one would expect that more
 than Kennedy's Piper would have been affected.

 June  ;-)

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 screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Fwd: UNDERNEWS Jul 16]

1999-07-19 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Riskometer ratings

[The Guardian reports that Frank Duckworth, in a presentation to the Royal
Statistical Society annual conference at Warwick University, unveiled his
paper, A Simple Scale of Risk to the Public. Duckworth is already famous in
the stat frat for having invented an International Nuclear Event Scale in
which every nuclear site incident is given a rating. His riskometer works on
the same logarithmic basis as the Richter scale. All numbers are relative to
the risk of simply living on planet earth for a year, which is set at zero.]

0.3 100-mile train journey
2.0 100 fairground rides
4.6 Murder (for a new born male)
5.5 Death by vacuum cleaning or washing up
6.4 Deep sea fishing
8.0 Imminence of death by suicide

Re "death by vacuum cleaner or washing up": "The decedent's corpse was found
with the head immersed in the now cold kitchen sink full of soapy water and
dirty dishes, with a vacuum cleaner hose wrapped tightly around his neck. A
hand-written note secured to the victim's Oxford cloth shirt with a safety pin
read, 'This is ABSOLUTELY THE LAST TIME I clean up after you, Buster!'"

[Not to detract from the seriousness of the other items in this post,
especially the Pacifica reports...I am following that scandal with great
interest and concern. But there are times when the absurd intrudes itself into
the affairs of the world, and this is one of those times...]


Robert F. Tatman
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[CTRL] June was Homo Month-When is Hetero Month?

1999-07-19 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-

Title 3--
The President

[[Page 32379]]

Proclamation 7203 of June 11, 1999

Gay and Lesbian Pride Month, 1999

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Thirty years ago this month, at the Stonewall Inn in
New York City, a courageous group of citizens resisted
harassment and mistreatment, setting in motion a chain
of events that would become known as the Stonewall
Uprising and the birth of the modern gay and lesbian
civil rights movement. Gays and lesbians, their
families and friends, celebrate the anniversary of
Stonewall every June in America as Gay and Lesbian
Pride Month; and, earlier this month, the National Park
Service added the Stonewall Inn, as well as the nearby
park and neighborhood streets surrounding it, to the
National Register of Historic Places.

I am proud of the measures my Administration has taken
to end discrimination against gays and lesbians and
ensure that they have the same rights guaranteed to
their fellow Americans. Last year, I signed an
Executive order that amends Federal equal employment
opportunity policy to prohibit discrimination in the
Federal civilian work force based on sexual
orientation. We have also banned discrimination based
on sexual orientation in the granting of security
clearances. As a result of these and other policies,
gay and lesbian Americans serve openly and proudly
throughout the Federal Government. My Administration is
also working with congressional leaders to pass the
Employment Non-Discrimination Act, which would prohibit
most private employers from firing workers solely
because of their sexual orientation.

America's diversity is our greatest strength. But,
while we have come a long way on our journey toward
tolerance, understanding, and mutual respect, we still
have a long way to go in our efforts to end
discrimination. During the past year, people across our
country have been shaken by violent acts that struck at
the heart of what it means to be an American and at the
values that have always defined us as a Nation. In
1997, the most recent year for which we have
statistics, there were more than 8,000 reported hate
crimes in our country--almost one an hour. Now is the
time for us to take strong and decisive action to end
all hate crimes, and I reaffirm my pledge to work with
the Congress to pass the Hate Crimes Prevention Act.

But we cannot achieve true tolerance merely through
legislation; we must change hearts and minds as well.
Our greatest hope for a just society is to teach our
children to respect one another, to appreciate our
differences, and to recognize the fundamental values
that we hold in common. As part of our efforts to
achieve this goal, earlier this spring, I announced
that the Departments of Justice and Education will work
in partnership with educational and other private
sector organizations to reach out to students and teach
them that our diversity is a gift. In addition, the
Department of Education has issued landmark guidance
that explains Federal standards against sexual
harassment and prohibits sexual harassment of all
students regardless of their sexual orientation; and I
have ordered the Education Department's civil rights
office to step up its enforcement of anti-
discrimination and harassment rules. That effort has
resulted in a groundbreaking guide that provides
practical guidance to school administrators and

[[Page 32380]]

for developing a comprehensive approach to protecting
all students, including gays and lesbians, from
harassment and violence.

Since our earliest days as a Nation, Americans have
strived to make real the ideals of equality and freedom
so eloquently expressed in our Declaration of
Independence and Constitution. We now have a rare
opportunity to enter a new century and a 

Re: [CTRL] House Passes Religious Rights Bill

1999-07-19 Thread Shane A. Saylor, Eccentric Bard

 -Caveat Lector-

 She said her religion said she should do that.  SO, if there's no
amendment regarding civil
 rights, perhaps she can kill Jews any time she sees one. She is only
expressing her
 religious faith.

Now THIS is interesting.

Look, Ma! Its the Crusades all over again!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Best Enemy Money Can Buy

1999-07-19 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
The Best Enemy Money Can Buy
Antony Sutton
Liberty House Press©1986
1517 14th St. West
Box 216C
Billings, MT 59102
ISBN 0-937765-01-5
261 pps - in print
An amazing, book. Shows with much clarity and documentation, the fact of the
arming of Soviet Russia by the West, mainly the US. An excellent book by a
courageous scholar. A taste. Highly recommended
Appendix B:

Testimony of the Author Before
Subcommittee VII of the Platform
Committee of the Republican Party
at Miami Beach, Florida,
August 15, 1972, at 2:30 P.M.

This appendix contains the testimony presented by the author before the
Republican Party National Security Subcommittee at the 1972 Miami Beach
convention. The author's appearance was made under the auspices of the
American Conservative Union; the chairman of the subcommittee was Senator
John Tower of Texas.

Edith Kermit Roosevelt subsequently used this testimony for her syndicated
column in such newspapers as the Union Leader (Manchester, N.H.). Both major
wire services received copies from the American Conservative Union; they were
not distributed. Congressman John G. Schmitz then arranged for duplicate
copies to be hand-delivered to both UPI and AP. The wire services would not
carry the testimony although the author is an internationally known academic
researcher with three books published at Stanford University, and a
forthcoming book from the U.S. Naval Institute.

The testimony was later reprinted in full in Human Events (under the title of
"The Soviet Military-Industrial Complex") and Review of the News (under the
title of "Suppressed Testimony of Antony C. Sutton"). It was also reprinted
and extensively distributed throughout the United States by both the American
party and the Libertarian party during the 1972 election campaign.

The following is the text of this testimony as it was originally presented in
Miami Beach and made available to UPI and AP:

The Soviet Military-Industrial Complex

The information that I am going to present to you this afternoon i's known to
the Administration.

The information is probably not known to the Senator from South Dakota or his
advisers. And in this instance ignorance may be a blessing in disguise.

I am not a politician. I am not going to tell you what you want to hear. My
job is to give you facts. Whether you like or dislike what I say doesn't
concern me.

I am here because I believe-and Congressman Ashbrook believes—that the
American public should have these facts.

I have spent ten years in research on Soviet technology. What it is-what it
can do-and particularly where it came from. I have published three books and
several articles summarizing the work.

It was privately financed. But the results have been available to the
Government. On the other hand I have had major difficulties with U.S.
Government censorship.

I have 15 minutes to tell you about this work.

In a few words: there is no such thing as Soviet technology.

Almost all—perhaps 90-95 percent—came directly or indirectly from the United
States and its allies. In effect the United. States and the NATO countries
have built the Soviet

Union. Its industrial and its military capabilities. This massive
construction job has taken 50 years. Since the Revolution in 1917. It has
been carried out through trade and the sale of plants, equipment and
technical assistance.

Listening to Administration spokesmen—or some newspaper pundits—you get the
impression that trade with the Soviet Union is some new miracle cure for the
world's problems.

That's not quite accurate.

The idea that trade with the Soviets might bring peace goes back to 1917. The
earliest proposal is dated December 1917—just a few weeks after the start of
the Bolshevik Revolution. It was implemented in 1920 while the Bolsheviks
were still trying to consolidate their hold on Russia. The result was to
guarantee that the Bolsheviks held power: they needed foreign supplies to

The history of our construction of the Soviet Union has been blacked out—much
of the key information is still classified—along with the other mistakes of
the Washington bureaucracy.

Why has the history been blacked out?

Because 50 years of dealings with the Soviets has been an economic success
for the USSR and a political failure for the United States. It has not
stopped war, it has not given us peace.

The United States is spending $80 billion a year on defense against an enemy
built by the United States and West Europe.

Even stranger, the U.S. apparently wants to make sure this enemy remains in
the business of being an enemy.

Now at this point I've probably lost some of you. What I have said is
contrary to everything you've heard from the intellectual elite, the
Administration, and the business world, and numerous well-regarded
Senators-just about everyone.

Let me bring you back to earth.

First an authentic statement. It's authentic because it was part of a
conversation between 

[CTRL] [17] Other Altars

1999-07-19 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Other Altars - Roots and Realities of Cultic and Satanic Ritual Abuse and
Multiple Personality Disorder
Craig Lockwood©1993
CompCare Publishers
3850 Annapolis Lane, Suite 100
Minneapolis, MN 55441
ISBN 0-89638-363-6
255+pps — out-of-print/one edition.
A very interesting and excellent book.

Chapter 17

Alternative Altars:
Conspiracies, Mind Control, And Cultures Of Cruelty

"The illuminated movements can be detected in the first great agitation for
the reform of society ... [their] ambassadors of the heavenly kingdoms bore
credentials from precisely those realms from which help was most expected.
 -James Webb, 1976

Without exhaustive investigation and analysis, estimating how many groups
practicing ritualized abuses categorized as "satanic" or otherwise is

Survivors today are disclosing that abuse occurs in groups that claim to be
Christian, Catholic, Moslem, Jewish, Masonic, Celtic, Druidic, Nordic occult,
Nazi, African- and Afro-Caribbean-based religions.

Since most of these claims are made to health-care professionals,
comprehensive documentation about these groups has not been undertaken in any
systematic way by the agencies assigned to act against crime.

History teaches a valuable lesson with the Chambre Ardente case mentioned
earlier. By creating a successful investigative task force, King Louis XIV
uncovered a conspiracy involving a cult with a recognized leader and hundreds
of followers, a profitmaking criminal enterprise, and a body count that
proved they were serious about their endeavors.

But Chambre Ardente teaches another lesson: governmental cover-up.

Collusion and Cover-up

Though tales of collusion and conspiracy permeate the verbal accounts of
survivors, documentation has been scanty.

Survivor scenarios invariably include accounts of doctors,  psychotherapists,
lawyers, police, politicians, and members of the business community as cult
participants. Incredulity would be a polite way of describing most people's

Recently, however, former Nebraska State Senator John W. DeCamp, a highly
decorated Vietnam veteran, detailed one alleged case at length in his book
The Franklin Cover-up. In this case, the Senator was a player—but on the good
guys' team.

DeCamp's book, which includes trial records, depositions, affidavits, and a
complex criminal investigation, is well-documented. Research aside, the
dramatic elements of the story are worthy of a Raymond Chandler novel or a
Hollywood film noir.

DeCamp's interest in the case started in 1988 when federal officers raided
the Franklin Community Federal Credit Union of Omaha, Nebraska. Forty million
dollars were unaccounted for. Lawrence "Larry" E. King, the credit union's
chief financial officer, a former Democrat turned Republican-party faithful,
was indicted.

DeCamp was skeptical at first. He couldn't believe that King, a
well-connected, popular, black community leader, who had powerful friends in
Nebraska's business, financial, and political worlds, and in Washington,
D.C., could be involved in such a large financial crime.

From the beginning it was obvious that witnesses in the King case were being
protected by elements within the Omaha Police Department, as well as by the
local FBI.

Nebraska's most influential newspaper, the Omaha WorldHerald, consistently
underplayed the seriousness of Franklin's financial loss. In the face of this
kind of concerted obstruction, and increasingly incriminating allegations,
the Nebraska State Legislature launched its own investigation.

Special Investigator Gary Caradori soon began uncovering links between King,
the Omaha police chief, the Fort Calhoun superintendent of schools, judges,
members of the Omaha Establishment, and known homosexuals and pedophiles.
Caradori's probe began filling file boxes with damaging information—including
subpoenaed telephone records and other corroborative documentation.

Caradori's home was broken into. He and his employees were followed. He
memoed the Nebraska Secretary of State: "Am I too close to something they do
not want to become public?"

Perhaps. Caradori phoned Senator Loran Schmit early in July 1990 and said,
"We've got them! There's no way they can get out of it now!" On July 11,
1990, Caradori's plane exploded in a mid-air fireball, according to an
eyewitness. Both Caradori and his young son were killed.

The FBI descended on his office and confiscated all his records. On July 12,
Senator Schmit confirmed the following to Nebraska's Lincoln Journal:

Gary Caradori had been trying to obtain pictures that some alleged victims
said were taken of them during the period when they were being abused. He
[Schmit] also confirmed that Caradori had been told that some of those
allegedly involved in child sexual abuse "had exposed some of the victims to
satanic cultism. He was working on places and times."

Six months later the National Transportation Safety Board 

[CTRL] Fw: Interesing subject

1999-07-19 Thread Nicky Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Gabriel Liberoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tuesday, 20 July 1999 0:28
Subject: Interesing subject


This is from my other mailing list. I think it is worth to have a look at.



Subject: Fwd: Gov.Lab. test-fired RHIC on Long Island on 7/16/99
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 1999 18:33:12 EDT
MIME-Version: 1.0
From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sun Jul 18 15:34:26 1999
Received: from [] by hotmail.com (2.1) with ESMTP id
MHotMailB95BA15E0089D82197BDC65111060EA620; Sun Jul 18 15:34:26 1999
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iJUBa11749 (533) for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Sun, 18 Jul 1999 18:33:38
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X-Mailer: AOL 4.0 for Windows 95 sub 9

Hello, Tom
Check this out.
-from Norio

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Subject: Gov.Lab. test-fired RHIC on Long Island on 7/16/99
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 1999 18:09:46 EDT

A NUCLEAR accelerator designed to replicate the Big Bang is
investigation by international physicists because of fears that
it might
cause "perturbations of the universe" that could destroy the
Earth. One
theory even suggests that it could create a black hole.
Brookhaven National Laboratories (BNL), one of the American
foremost research bodies, has spent eight years building its
Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) on  LONG ISLAND  in New York state. A
test-firing was held on FRIDAY (July 16, 1999) and the first
collisions will take place in the autumn, building up to full
power around
the time of the millennium.

Last week, however, John Marburger, Brookhaven's director, set
up a committee
of physicists to investigate whether the project could go
disastrously wrong.
It followed warnings by other physicists that there was a tiny
but real risk
that the machine, the most powerful of its kind in the world,
had the power
to create "STRANGLETS" - a new type of matter made up of
sub-atomic particles

The committee is to examine the possibility that, once formed,
might start an uncontrollable chain reaction that could convert
anything they
touched into more strange matter. The committee will also
consider an
alternative, although less likely, possibility that the
colliding particles
could achieve such a high density that they would form a MINI
space, black holes are believed to generate intense
gravitational fields that
suck in all surrounding matter. The creation of one on Earth
could be

Professor Bob Jaffe, director of the Centre for Theoretical
Physics at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who is on the committee,
said he
believed the risk was tiny but could not be ruled out. "THERE
NEARBY. The risk
is exceedingly small but the probability of something unusual
happening is
not zero."

..the above article appeared on SUNDAY TIMES (BRITAIN) on
July 18, 1999,
under the title:  "Big Bang machine could destroy earth" and was
written by
Jonathan Leake, Science Editor:


from Norio Hayakawa

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: Air Launched Gerbil Halts Cruise Missile Shortage

1999-07-19 Thread Amelia Edgeman

 -Caveat Lector-

   Hello, Group,
Wel, this relates back to a long, long thread of discussions concerning what
I cannot remember.  I think my contribution to the discussion was that I
thought it was impossible because of the rodent's teeth, etc.  Perhaps I was

PS I know I should not post this and open up this old subject, already
eshausted, but I cannot help myself.

   Actual article from the LA Times:
   "In retrospect, lighting the match was my big mistake. But I was only
   trying to retrieve the gerbil," Eric Tomazewski told bemused doctors in
   the Severe Burn Unit of Salt Lake City Hospital. Tomaszewski and his
   homosexual partner Andrew "Kiki" Farnum, had been admitted for
   treatment after a felching session had gone seriously wrong.
   "I pushed a cardboard tube up his rectum and slipped Raggot, our
   in." he explained. "As usual, Kiki shouted out "Armageddon", my cue
   he'd had enough.
   I tried to retrieve Raggot but he wouldn't come out again, so I peered
  into the tube
   and struck a match, thinking the light might attract him."
   At a hushed press conference, a hospital spokesman described what
  next.  "The match ignited a pocket of intestinal gas and a flame shot
  of the
  tubing, igniting Mr. Tomaszewski's hair and severely burning his face.
  also set fire to the gerbil's fur and whiskers which in turn ignited a
  larger pocket of gas further up the intestine, propelling the rodent out
  like a cannonball." Tomaszewski suffered second degree burns and a
  nose from the impact of the gerbil, while Farnum suffered first and
  degree burns to his anus and lower intestinal tract.
  EDITOR'S NOTES: Top Nine Scariest Things About This Story
   9: " I pushed a cardboard tube up his rectum...Say what???
   8: "So I peered in to the tube..." (I'm sorry, but that's like looking
   through a telescope into hell. I'd rather use binoculars to stare at
  7: That poor gerbil (who obviously suffers from low self esteem) being
  shot out of a guy's ass like Rocky the Flying Squirrel on Rocky 
   6: Suffering a broken nose from a gerbil being launched out of
  anus. I'm guessing, but I seriously doubt said gerbil was springtime
  after his journey into Kiki's "tunnel of love."
   5: People walking around with these volcanic-like pockets of gas in
   4: People who do this kind of thing and then admit what they were doing
  when taken to the emergency room. Sorry, but I think I would have
  a story about a gang of roving, pyromaniacal, anal sex fiends
  into my house and sodomizing me with charcoal lighter fluid before
  admitting the truth.  Call me old fashioned, but I just can't imagine
  looking at a doctor and saying: "Well Doc, it's like this. You see,
  have this gerbil named Raggot and we took a cardboard tube ..."
   3: "First and Second degree burns to the anus." Wouldn't this make the
   burning itch and discomfort of hemorrhoids a welcome relief? How
   ever take a healthy dump after something like this? And the smell of
   burning anus must be in the top five most horrible scents on the
   God's green earth.
   2: People named "Kiki" which is obviously a Polynesian word for:
  white men who insert rodents up their butts."
   1: What kind of hospital would hold a press conference on this?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Bow-Wake?

1999-07-19 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

 Publications of the Center for Security Policy
 No. 99-D 81


   19 July 1999

 Don't Let the F-22 Fall Victim to a Defense 'Train Wreck'

 (Washington, D.C.): When the House Appropriations Committee voted
 last week to defer production of the Air Force's next generation
 fighter plane, the F-22, the image that came to mind was that of
 the cartoon character Pogo who once famously declared, "We have
 met the enemy and it is us." Unless the Republican-led Congress
 comes to grips with the central reality of the defense budget --
 namely, that its present and projected funding levels are
 woefully inadequate to meet America's future security needs --
 the GOP will become fully implicated in the Clinton
 Administration's hollowing-out of the U.S. military.

 The F-22: America's Qualitative Edge

 To be sure, critics of the F-22 cast this fight in narrower
 terms. They claim that an aircraft with its characteristics --
 low-observability ("stealth"), supersonic cruise capability (that
 is, the ability to fly at supersonic speeds without having to
 utilize afterburners that consume huge quantities of fuel) and
 sophisticated avionics and weapon systems -- is no longer needed
 to dominate the skies. They contend that, with the decline in the
 technical skills and productivity of the former Soviet
 military-industrial complex, the United States can safely make do
 with far less sophisticated and expensive warplanes.

 Unfortunately, as the war in Kosovo reminds us, threats to U.S.
 pilots can come from the ground as well as the air. We owe it to
 those asked to fight the Nation's future wars to ensure that they
 are given platforms for doing so that are as immune as possible
 to the continuing improvements being made by potential
 adversaries in both air-to-air and terrestrial anti-aircraft
 weapons. As one retired Air Force general recently put it, "We
 don't want a fair fight. We want to win decisively."

 Bait and Switch

 Another source of the flak the F-22 is taking arises from the
 perennial temptation to forego a near-term defense expenditure in
 favor of an outlay that is farther off. In recent years,
 Democratic critics of the Pentagon have made an art form of this
 gambit, promising to support the next program as long as the
 present one is terminated, only to oppose its successor when its
 turn comes. Even normally responsible Republicans are susceptible
 to this siren's song when, as has been the case with the F-22,
 the estimated production costs have inexorably grown as the
 various technical challenges associated with this extraordinary
 plane's development have been overcome.

 The alternative some prefer is to skip the F-22 and procure
 instead another promising aircraft called the Joint Strike
 Fighter (JSF), now in the early stages of development. Estimates
 of the multi-service, multi-mission, multi-mode JSF's ultimate
 price tag and performance characteristics, however, are currently
 as soft as the F-22's used to be. If anything, the JSF may cost
 more than the F-22 when the former reaches the latter's level of
 programmatic maturity.

 Others favor a two-step procurement strategy, involving the
 purchase first of up-to-date versions of the F-15 and F-16 as a
 stop-gap awaiting the maturing of the JSF, which would then be
 purchased in quantity when it becomes available. Producing
 modernized F-15s and -16s is probably a good idea under all
 circumstances, but it would be a mistake to kill the F-22 (which
 would be the practical effect of the proposed delay in
 production) to pay for it.

 The Coming 'DoD Train Wreck'

 The painful truth is that the problem is far larger than the fate
 of the F-22, or even that of the Pentagon's aviation account more
 generally. This reality is evident in the fact that House
 appropriators found lots of areas into which to reallocate the
 roughly $1.5 billion sought by the Clinton Administration for the
 purpose of producing the first six F-22s.

 An impressive analysis conducted by Dr. Dan Goure of the Center
 for Strategic and International Studies and Jeffrey Ranney, a
 strategic planner at the defense consulting firm MSTI, quantifies
 this problem. According to these highly respected experts, there
 is a $376 billion deficit in the funding needed over the next
 five years to meet the Clinton Pentagon's own modernization goals
 as defined in its latest blueprint, the 1997 Quadrennial Defense
 Review (QDR). In fact, the Goure-Ranney study, entitled "Averting
 the Coming Department of Defense Train Wreck," suggests that the
 procurement shortfall in Fiscal Year 2000 alone is $71 billion.
 If the QDR projections prove unduly optimistic, moreover, even
 that staggering amount would actually be understated.

 What's to be Done?

 The good news is that the procurement "gap" -- and similar,
 although less acute, shortfalls in the research and 

Re: [CTRL] House Passes Religious Rights Bill

1999-07-19 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 07/19/1999 3:52:45 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Now THIS is interesting.

 Look, Ma! Its the Crusades all over again! 

I wish you could have seen the dead, cold way she looked at the Jewish guy
who had asked the question.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] AlbanAm PAC Information

1999-07-19 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


Just the beginning ... extensive list at site

 SIRIUS: The Strategic Issues Research Institute

 Benjamin C. Works, Director

 718 937-2092; www.siri-us.com;


 --Speak the Truth and Shame the Devil--

 June 14, 1999

 ARCHIVE: Albanian American PAC Contributions to Candidates,

 Note: The information in this archive is drawn from Public
 Records and internet websites.


 The following information is drawn from website files of Federal
 Election Commission ("FEC") political campaign contribution
 records. It shows, in summary, the candidates who have received
 money from Albanian American Political Action Committees

 The Public Disclosure, Inc. Website where original records may be
 found is:


 Other information is available at the FEC site: www.fec.gov;

 and at The Center For Responsive Politics: www.opensecrets.org

 The current file contains information dating from 1988-2000, but
 as archivists explore, more information will be added, going
 further back in time, as it is necessary to test campaign records
 back to 1976, while website archives date back to 1980.

 The file also contains the names and addresses of 24 Congressmen
 who formed the Albanian Issues Caucus in the 1997-1999 Session.
 Caucus member Charles Schumer has since been elected to the US
 Senate. This file is posted by an Albanian American website
 "frosina" in Boston. See:


 Readers are encouraged to contribute to this and other archives.

 Benjamin Works

 * * * *

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said
it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your
own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
   German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Everyone has the right...to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers."
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut."
--- Ernest Hemingway
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] *FLASH*DCthugsOKu.S.textileJobsToSubSaharaAfrica[more jobs move offshore]

1999-07-19 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-

June 17, 1999

Africa Trade Bill Headed for Senate

By TOM RAUM Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Supporters of legislation that would grant trade benefits
to Africa are optimistic for its chances this year after it gained broad
bipartisan support in the House.

The measure, designed to spur economic growth and private investment in 48
sub-Saharan countries, now goes to the Senate after Friday's 234-163 House

The House passed almost identical legislation last year, but it died in the
Senate. Some senators based opposition partly on fears that the legislation
could hurt American textile workers. Others opposed it over an unrelated
trade dispute.

Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., the measure's Senate sponsor, said the
legislation ``encourages a transition from aid to trade.''

``We have a historic opportunity to help integrate African countries into
the global economy,'' he said. The region, with 700 million people, now
accounts for only 2 percent of U.S. trade.

The measure would grant duty-free and quota-free treatment to many products,
particularly textiles and apparel, and promote private investment in Africa.

To qualify for the trade preferences, the countries would have to establish
and maintain market-driven economies and refrain from violating their
citizens' human rights.

U.S. Trade Representative Charlene Barshefsky called the House vote ``a
vital step toward promoting further economic growth and reform in Africa.
... It is the best opportunity in decades to create the right relationship
with the Africa of the future.''

Opposition to the bill came from lawmakers from Southeastern textile states
and from those who suggested it would benefit large multinational
corporations at the expense of African sovereignty.

Some opponents said they worried that China and other low-wage Asian
countries would send products to Africa to be relabeled and shipped to the
United States to avoid duties and tariffs.

``There will be a national holiday in China when this bill passes,'' said
Rep. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C. ``There's going to be a stamp that says `Made in
Africa,' but the slave labor will come from China.''

However, Rep. Ed Royce, R-Calif., chairman of the International Relations
subcommittee on Africa, said any country found to be engaging in such
so-called transshipment could be removed from the program of trade

Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., said the House vote ``sends a strong message to
the Senate that the emerging democracies of Africa must be included when it
comes to U.S. trade policy.''


The bill is H.R. 434.



Visit me at:
The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: World Of The Strange 7/19/99 Part 1 of 2

1999-07-19 Thread Nicky Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
Date: Tuesday, 20 July 1999 1:00
Subject: World Of The Strange 7/19/99 Part 1 of 2


*  World Of The Strange  *
Weekly Newsletter of the Paranormal
By: Louise A. Lowry

Enter to win a palm top computer or even a home from You Win it !

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED:  (permission is granted to reproduce or
redistribute this edition provided that attribution is made to the
Author or Authors noted)

Visit our WEB Site: http://www.jb-graphics.com/thestrange/

To Subscribe or Unsubscribe please follow directions at the end of this

Distributed  Edited by; Louise A. Lowry [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you are missing any parts of (WOTS) please let me know which part by
contacting me at [EMAIL PROTECTED], and I will make sure you get the
part that is missing.

The newsletter...

Part 1 of 2

#1. Tavistock - The Best Kept Secret In America
http://www.tavinstitute.org/   See also:
http://www.nidlink.com/~bobhard/tavistok.html  Forwarded
#2. What is a Dream? http://www.geocities.com/Athens/5692/dreams.htm
#3. The NWO And The Return Of The Gods[EMAIL PROTECTED]
#4. Cayce on Atlantis  http://www.geocities.com/Athens/5692/atlantis.htm

#1. Tavistock - The Best Kept Secret In America
http://www.tavinstitute.org/   See also:

The Institute Secretary
30 Tabernacle Street
London EC2A 4DD

TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE .. 30 Tabernacle Street, London EC2A 4DD. --

Formed in 1947, the Tavistock Institute is an independent not-for-profit
organisation which seeks to combine research in the social sciences with
professional practice. Problems of institution-building and organisational
design and change are being tackled in all sectors - government, industry
commerce, health and welfare, education, etc. - nationally and
internationally, and clients range from multinationals to small community
groups. A growth area has been the use of a developmental approach to
evaluation of new and experimental programmes, particularly in health,
education and community development. This has also produced new training
events alongside the regular programme of group relations conferences. The
Institute owns and edits
the monthly journal Human Relations (published by Plenum Press) which is now
in its 48th year, and has recently launched (in conjunction with Sage
Publications) a new journal Evaluation.

Three elements combine to make the Institute unusual, if not unique: it has
the independence of being entirely self-financing, with no subsidies from
government or other sources; the action research orientation places it
between, but not in, the worlds of academia and consultancy; and its range
disciplines include anthropology, economics, organisational behaviour,
political science, psychoanalysis, psychology and sociology.

So reads the opening paragraphs of the Tavistock Institute home page at

The ideology of American foundations was created by the Tavistock Institute
of Human Relations in London. In 1921, the Duke of Bedford, Marquess of
Tavistock, the 11th Duke, gave a building to the Institute to study the
effect of shellshock on British soldiers who survived World War I. Its
purpose was to establish the "breaking point" of men under stress, under the
direction of the
British Army Bureau of Psychological Warfare, commanded by Sir John

Tavistock Institute is headquartered in London. Its prophet, Sigmond Freud,
settled in Maresfield Gardens when he moved to England. He was given a
mansion by Princess Bonaparte. Tavistock's pioneer work in behavioral
along Freudian lines of "controlling" humans established it as the world
center of foundation ideology. Its network now extends from the University
Sussex to the U.S. through the Stanford Research Institute, Esalen, MIT,
Hudson Institute, Heritage Foundation, Center of Strategic and International
Studies at Georgetown, where State Dept. personal are trained, US Air Force
Intelligence, and the Rand and Mitre corporations. The personnel of the
corporations are required to undergo indoctrination at one or more of these
Tavistock controlled institutions. A network of secret groups, the Mont
Pelerin Society, Trilateral Commission, Ditchley Foundation, and the Club of
Rome is conduit for instructions to the Tavistock network.

Tavistock Institute developed the mass brain-washing techniques which were
first used experimentally on American prisoners of war in Korea. Its
experiments in crowd control methods have been widely used on the American
public, a 


1999-07-19 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Colleen Jones)

This is called a masonic leveling process; the degrading of a society
once known for its values, and not necessarily just Christian values.

Everybody is having a coming out party it seems but the
Taxpayers..come election day, however, let us hope for a good
throwing out party.

Remember NATO Clarkdegrading the enemy.we are the enemy and this
sadistic, perverted, depraved lot sitting in our White House sends out
these elements to attach our children.

And do not think they have already quietly so done.ever consider who
prints all those books, and who approves them?

These are school text books where the seeds are planted into young
minds;  you cannot put new wine, in old bottles.

Freedom is never Free


Visit me at:
The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fw: World Of The Strange 7/19/99 Part 2 of 2

1999-07-19 Thread Nicky Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
Date: Tuesday, 20 July 1999 1:01
Subject: World Of The Strange 7/19/99 Part 2 of 2


*  World Of The Strange  *
Weekly Newsletter of the Paranormal
By: Louise A. Lowry

Enter to win a palm top computer or even a home from You Win it !

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED:  (permission is granted to reproduce or
redistribute this edition provided that attribution is made to the
Author or Authors noted)

Visit our WEB Site: http://www.jb-graphics.com/thestrange/

To Subscribe or Unsubscribe please follow directions at the end of this

Distributed  Edited by; Louise A. Lowry [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you are missing any parts of (WOTS) please let me know which part by
contacting me at [EMAIL PROTECTED], and I will make sure you get the
part that is missing.

The newsletter...

Part 2 of 2

#1. Tavistock - The Best Kept Secret In America  (CONTINUATION)
http://www.tavinstitute.org/   See also:
http://www.nidlink.com/~bobhard/tavistok.html  Forwarded
#2. What is a Dream? http://www.geocities.com/Athens/5692/dreams.htm
#3. The NWO And The Return Of The Gods[EMAIL PROTECTED]
#4. Cayce on Atlantis  http://www.geocities.com/Athens/5692/atlantis.htm

#1. Tavistock - The Best Kept Secret In America  (CONTINUATION)

Among corporations seeking Stanford's services were Wells Fargo Bank,
Bechtel Corporation, Hewlett Packard, Bank of America, McDonnell Douglas
Corporation, Blyth, Eastman Dillon and TRW Company. One of Stanford's more
secret projects was extensive work on chemical and bacteriological warfare
(CAB) weapons.

Stanford Research is plugged into at least 200 smaller "think tanks" doing
research into every facet of life in America. This is ARPA networking and
represents the emergence of probably the most far reaching effort to control
the environment of every individual in the country. At present Stanford's
computers are linked with 2500 "sister" research consoles which include the
CIA, Bell
Telephone Laboratories, U.S. Army Intelligence, The Office of Naval
Intelligence (ONI), Rand, MIT, Harvard and UCLA. Stanford plays a key role
that it is the "library", cataloging all ARPA documentation.

"Other agencies".one can use one's imagination here, are allowed to
search through SRI's "library" for key words, phrases, look through sources
and update their own master files with those of Stanford Research Center.
Pentagon uses SRI's master files extensively, and there is little doubt that
other U.S. Government agencies do the same. Pentagon "command and control"
problems are worked out by Stanford.

While ostensibly these apply only to weapons and soldiers, there is
absolutely no guarantee that the same research could not , and will not be
turned to civilian applications. Stanford is known to be willing to do
anything for anyone.

This major institute is not generally recognized as being a part of
U.S.A. Most people look upon it as being a purely American institution, but
that is far from the truth. MIT- Alfred Sloan can be roughly divided into
following groups:
Contemporary Technology
Industrial Relations
NASA-ERC Computer Research Laboratories
Office of Naval Research Group, Psychology
Systems Dynamics

Some of MIT's clients are:

American Management Association
•Committee for Economic Development
Institute for Defense Analysis (IDA)
National Academy of Sciences
National Council of Churches
U.S. Army
U.S. Department of State
U.S. Navy
U.S. Treasury
Volkswagen Company

Without a doubt, RAND is THE think tank most beholden to Tavistock Institute
and certainly the RIIA's most prestigious vehicle for control of United
States policies at every level. Specific RAND policies that became operative
include our ICBM program, prime analyses for U.S. foreign policy making,
instigator of space programs, U.S. nuclear policies, corporate analyses,
hundreds of projects for the military, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
in relation to the use of mind altering drugs like peyote, LSD (the covert
MK-ULTRA operation which lasted for 20 years).

Some of RAND's clients include:

American Telephone and Telegraph Company (ATT)
Chase Manhattan Bank
International Business Machines (IBM)
National Science Foundation
Republican Party
U.S. Air Force
U.S. Department of Health
U.S. Department of Energy

There are literally THOUSANDS of highly important companies, government
institutions and organizations that make use of RANDS's services. To 

Re: [CTRL] House Passes Religious Rights Bill

1999-07-19 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

 why the US flag shouldn't be burnt in holy rituals?

I think you might be on to something here. Remember the old Star Trek
episode where Spock crashed the giant computer that was holding them
captive by talking it into contradicting itself?  If somebody started a
church that burnt flags instead of drinking wine or killing goats for it's
main ritual it would set nationalism and religion against each other. Do
the math! They'd cancel each other out! The equation would balance! That's
not just serious algebra, that's serious magic. Let's do it! Our wizards
are better than their wizards, anyway. On the firt anniversary of Three
Mile Island we had a big march here in SF. We had banners and giant
puppets and costumes and float. At the end we held aloft the flags of all
the countries that use nuclear power, each on it's own pole, and close
enough to touch, and burned them all at once. It was glorious!

So what shall we call our church? Should we incorporate? Be a non-profit?
Accept donations? Televise our store front revival meetings? Hole up in a
compound somewhere armed to the teeth?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Russia could receive as much as $3.8 billion in foreign loans

1999-07-19 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-


MOSCOW (July 19, 1999 3:32 p.m. EDT http://www.nandotimes.com) - Russia could
receive as much as $3.8 billion in foreign loans this year, allowing the
government to stop using borrowed money to meet foreign debt payments, a top
financial official said Monday.

The International Monetary Fund is expected to decide soon on releasing the
first installment of an 18-month, $4.45 billion loan program to Russia.

If the approval goes through, Russia could receive up to $1.9 billion from
the IMF this year, said Mikhail Zadornov, the country's top envoy to
international financial institutions.

The IMF loan, in turn, will trigger more lending - $1.85 billion - from the
World Bank and Japan, Zadornov told journalists.

A large share of the World Bank money will go to finance reform of Russia's
moribund coal industry and to prop up social programs. But the rest would
still be enough to enable the government to stop borrowing from the Central
Bank - and depleting Russia's scarce hard-currency reserves - to meet its
foreign debt payments this year.

"We will cease using Central Bank reserves to finance our external debt
(repayments)" Zadornov said.

The IMF is to consider new lending to Russia during a board meeting set for
July 28, and the World Bank is to complete its loan review process on July 29
or Aug. 3.

If the IMF loan is approved, Moscow will begin talks the next day on
restructuring other debts to the London and Paris Clubs of commercial
creditors, Zadornov said.

The IMF froze a loan package worth $22.5 billion after Russia's financial
collapse last August. The new loan under consideration was made contingent on
Russian parliamentary approval of a package of laws intended to increase
government revenue, combat corruption and restructure the commercial banking

Russia has defaulted on its Soviet-era debt but remains committed to meeting
payment schedules on most debt incurred since the Soviet collapse in 1991.

Zadornov said that this year, Russia would pay $4.2 billion it owes the IMF,
the Interfax news agency reported. In the second half of this year, Russia is
due to pay around $3.5 billion to service its Eurobonds and debts to the IMF.



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Do you have some feedback for the Nando Times staff?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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1999-07-19 Thread William Shannon

Sam Smith
July 19, 1999
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Because of its quantity, TPR's mail is not always answered, but it is always
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the more interesting messages at http://prorev.com/letters.htm



The grotesque over-coverage of the Kennedy-Bissett deaths is further
evidence of the degree to which the media has replaced the church in
America. It picks our gods, tells us for whom and how to mourn, defines our
rites of passage, hears confessions, grants absolution, prescribes our
creed, and asks for money before the sermon.

Unfortunately, it is ill-fitted for any of these tasks. A few minutes of the
bland grieving for the bland on MSNBC or Fox News is enough to start one
yearning for the Council of Trent. The media at such times becomes an
intrusive, leering, necrophiliac at the wake.

Since the contemporary media believes that history extends no further back
than the last ratings sweep, such hyperbolic assessments serve mainly as a
form of self-justification for shocked commentators who have shared the
elite lifestyle of the diseased and who, for one brief moment, realize that
they too might die

We learn nothing at such moments about Joe Kennedy Sr.'s connections to the
mob, nor that if Jack Kennedy had lived to complete his term he might, at
best, matched the record of a Carter or a Ford, or that John Kennedy Jr. was
putting out a magazine of minimal import and maximum deficit, whose owner
was thinking of closing it down.

None of this would have been necessary to mention had the media handled the
story with integrity -- as a simple tragedy involving some well-known and
attractive people. But it chose instead to instruct us once more as to who
our heroes are and what our values should be -- something that even at a
more appropriate moments it is woefully unqualified to do.

The Kennedy family spent the weekend in silence and solitude -- attending
two private masses. It is becoming harder to remember but this is what real
people used to do at a time like this.


BUMPER STICKER: Save America. Close Yale Law School


Add George Carlin to the list of Americans upon whom the FBI spied. Carlin
made it into the files, according to government documents obtained by APB
News, because of a 1969 spoof on the agency and J. Edgar Hoover. Included in
the file are several letters to Jackie Gleason complaining about Carlin's
appearance on his show and calling him "an alleged comedian" and "a
third-rate hanger-on."

In other rooting about, APB News finds that the National Enquirer, a tabloid
that prides itself on printing what others will not, in 1976 withheld
publication of a photograph -- subject unknown -- at the behest of the CIA.
The memo from Thuermer to then-CIA Director William Colby was primarily
about the agency's relationship with Generoso Pope Jr., the former publisher
of the Enquirer who died in 1989. It confirmed that Pope was a former CIA
employee but not a "distinguished" one. It says he served with the agency in
1951 but left "for personal reasons."

APB NEWS http://www.apbonline.com


[Even before Talk Magazine could hit the streets, a web site is up
lampooning Tina Brown's new toy.]

"Talk is a small child staring out a big window, looking at a dog, or a
plane, or a poster supporting the campaign of Hillary Clinton for U.S.
Senate. Talk is F. Scott Fitzgerald, Bjork, funny black people, stoic
Filipinos and daring Asians. Talk is astronauts and Kremlinologists, people
who read the New York Times Book Review but don't actually read books, and
Helena Bonham Carter. Talk is a foreigner, often a mysterious foreigner, who
kills for pleasure. Talk is gay people, and lesbians. Talk is civilians
who've slept with celebrities. Talk is celebrities who have died. Talk is
celebrities who are more interesting than other celebrities who have died.
Talk is celebrities who have died but still sleep with other celebrities,
some of whom of have died, others of whom have yet to die, and still others
of whom will never, ever die...ever."

TALK ABOUT TALK http://www.talkmagazine.net


ENVIRONMENT NEWS SERVICE: Construction of a completely 


1999-07-19 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-


 1. Thou shalt have no other gods which you obey before the state.
 2, Thou shalt not attempt to recover your lost rights, or dignities, through
political views based upon religious principals.
 3. Thou shalt not object to tyranny for it is established for your own good.
 4. Thou shalt not advocate biblical morality or absolutes for that is
forcing your morality upon others.
 5. Thou shalt not oppose abortion
 6. Thou  shalt not  oppose homosexuality
 7.  Thou shalt not oppose pornography
 8.  Thou shalt not be tolerant of all false religions
 9.  Thow shalt be silent
 10.Thou shalt be slaves.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Boot Camp for Inner City Youth (fwd)

1999-07-19 Thread William Hugh Tunstall

 -Caveat Lector-

Right on, G.

It reminds me of my interview with the dean of students at a university in
southern California during the sixties.  He was complaining about the fact
that so many of my generation were resisting the war...he boasted that

"we---I was always interested in what he meant by "we"--- are not going to
make a mistake with the future generations.  They will learn to love war,
and they will love to do our bidding.  We failed with YOUR
generation, but we won't make the same mistake twice."

Witless me (all of eighteen years old) didn't understand what the hell he
was talking about  but I've lived to see his little prediction become
a reality.  wowjust look at all of the gung ho market animals and
budding fascists that we've produced in the interim. SDS, where are you
now that we need you?

  "I have seen the best minds of my generation destroyed by
   madness, starving hysterical naked,
   dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn
   looking for an angry fix,
   angelheaded hipsters, burning for the ancient heavenly
   connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery
   of night..."
   "Howl"  Allen Ginsberg

On Mon, 19 Jul 1999, Das GOAT wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 99-07-18 14:55:16 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Like the Hitler Youth in Nazi Germany, it suggests a conscious effort
  by the government to pre-determine the values and behavior of working
  class youth at an early age so they will grow up to be the gung ho
  "loyal party members", police and military troops of the future.
  Like the Hitler Youth, it is the government's preferred alternative to
  funding adequate public education and giving people the chance to
  have a job which pays a living wage when they grow up.

 But this program is only a stop-gap measure until a universal
 draft.(mandatory military service for all young people) is re-instituted,
 justified by the inevitable next "world war."

 Since the Powers That Be have already learned from the past, the NEXT time a
 Great Depression occurs --with its general strikes, food and housing riots,
 and anti-capitalist revolutionary activity, necessitating bloody suppression
 by police and national guard--
 such conditions will not be allowed to progress for a whole DECADE before the
 masses have their frustrations redirected toward "patriotic" foreign
 aggression in a World War. (WWII achieved a militarized restructuring of the
 state, which ENDED the Depression.)

 The NWO "economists" can't permit a SECOND public demonstration of the cause
 and effect relationship between those two phases of the capitalist economic
 cycle -- clearest seen abroad, in Germany between the wars, but just as much
 in evidence here, IF one looks behind the curtain of the theatre that
 presents American politics as independent, taken out of the larger context of
 international cooperation between plutocratic elites.
 A second such debacle risks letting the cat out of the bag for all to see --
 plus it would damage the credibility of NWO apologists who insist that our
 economy is under control, no longer subject to the old cyclic extremes, safe
 in their hands from global surprises.

 No, THIS time, I predict, at the first signs of a REAL Depression, full
 mobilization for a state of war will already have begun, and by this means
 any potential revolution will be averted, in a much more controllable fashion
 than by a messy declaration of martial law.
 (De facto "martial law" ALWAYS accompanies a state of war, and no one
 contests it.)
 Unhappy slaves, in a mood to revolt, will overnight become happy soldiers,
 and those elements in society (e.g., teenagers) who'd be most inclined to
 rebel against authority will discover that authority FAVORS them -- within
 the ranks of the military.

 So, the Powers That Be will succeed again in getting the used-up,
 dispossessed, and oppressed masses of the US to "patriotically" suppress
 and/or murder the used-up, dispossessed, and oppressed masses of OTHER
 countries -- not noticing that they're their own image in the mirror, and not
 caring that those against whom "the enemy" is fighting are the SAME people
 who caused their OWN economic suffering -- a suffering they've been spared
 ONLY by donning a uniform and a gun, to KILL for their Masters ...
 The same people, deliberately granted invisibility on the international stage
 while the spotlight stays focussed on "national" interests, and "Good" Guys
 versus "Bad" Guys.  What the left hand does, to CAUSE wars, is never seen
 connected to what the right hand does, allegedly to "defend" national
 interests, FIGHTING a "war to END all wars."

 The Powers That Be use BOTH hands.  They profit no matter WHO "wins" or
 The only real losers in war are, again, the common people -- the poor slaves
 who, in killing or dying for their masters, unwittingly serve the MASTERS of
 their "masters."


Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [RuMills] From the Newshawk: JFK, JR. Disappearance and Missing Radar Images

1999-07-19 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

For a discussion of the Camerons, see the Peter Moon books about Duncan
Cameron (Montauk)
as well as psychiatrist Ewen Cameron of MKUltra fame.

Linda Minor

There is also an angle here of power struggles between varying families,
bloodlines and factions thereof. Of course JFK Jr.'s bloodline is
well-known. Indications are the Kennedys are in fact related to the
Camerons--a family which has shown up repeatedly in secret society/
brotherhood circles tied to world power elements.

-Original Message-
From: Kris Millegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, July 19, 1999 9:58 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: [RuMills] From the Newshawk: JFK, JR. Disappearance and
Missing Radar Images

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Japan's executive suicides rise by a third (fwd)

1999-07-19 Thread William Hugh Tunstall

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 14:39:02 EDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:  ;
Subject: [Hot-News-Alerts] Japan's executive suicides rise by a third


Japan's executive suicides rise by a third


JAPAN'S suicide rate is soaring in a grim reflection of the country's
economic woes. Last year suicides totalled 32,863, an increase of 35 per
cent on 1997, according to police figures. It was the first time they had
topped 30,000.
Particularly striking was the sharp increase in the number of suicides by
men in their forties and fifties, the age groups hardest hit by the current
wave of "restructuring". The figures show that 713 corporate managers killed
themselves, a 38 per cent increase on the previous year. Suicides linked to
economic problems surged by 70 per cent to 6,058.

The Japanese, convinced the country is going to the dogs, are flocking to
the "failures and crisis" sections of bookshops to snap up gloom and doom
books that indulge their darkest fears. Works such as Japan's Failures,
Japan's Crisis and The Essence of Our Country's Failure attempt to explain
why Japan is in the throes of the severest economic recession since the
Second World War.

The recent spectacle of Nissan, once a symbol of Japan's unbeatable
industrial might, going cap in hand to Renault for financial help was the
last straw for the depressed national psyche. Many Japanese people saw it as
a humiliation that confirmed the nation is falling into ruin.

Others see the soul-searching as a positive sign that the Japanese are eager
to identify past mistakes and to learn from them. "People are humble enough
to admit they've failed and now they want to know how they can improve
themselves," said the political commentator Hideaki Kase. "And don't forget,
self-flagellation is a very Japanese pastime."

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Scallops Poisoned in Scotland (fwd)

1999-07-19 Thread William Hugh Tunstall

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message -

THE SCOTSMAN, 19th July 1999
Shock Ban on Shellfish Farming.
Industry at risk after government scientists find lethal toxins in
scallops off west coast.
Katrina Tweedie

The Scottish shellfish farming industry is in jeopardy after
potentially lethal toxins were found in scallops for the first time,
prompting  the World’s closure of a fishing area.

Now the multi-million pound industry and hundreds of jobs are under
threatwith more than 8,000 square miles of Scotland's western seaboard
barred to scallop fishermen.

Large amounts of amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP) toxins
have been found in scallops. In the worst case, the condition
can cause irreversible brain damage.

The discovery by government scientists last week has forced
the Scottish executive to close fishing waters from the Western
Isles to Cape Wrath down to Jura and across to Lewis, Barra
and the islands of Coll, Tiree and Mull.

Environmentalists have described it as a "toxic time bomb"
which is threatening the livelihood of hundreds of fishermen.
There are more than 300 registered shellfish farmers in Scotland and
more than two thirds are said to be affected and unable to collect the
much prized queen and king scallops, a delicacy sent all over Europe.

Allan Berry, a former chairman of theShellfish Growers Association,
described the ban as "devastatlng” and added; “This could put hundreds
of fisherman out of jobs.

The fishing industry has already suffered, from several scares
and this is not only severely inconveniencing for them but the financial
losses could be huge."

A recognised expert n toxic and harmful algae, Mr Berry blames
over-productive salmon farming for introducing the toxin ASP into the
once pristine Scottish water.

His claims have been backed by the environmental campaign
group Friends of the Earth. "ASP is caused by high levels of ammonia and
salmon farmers discharge tonnes of untreated waste, which includes
ammonia, into the ocean,” said Don Staniford, a FoE marine
research officer. The Scottish salmon industry produced 120,000 tonnes
of salmon last year and about 50,000 tonnes of by-products, which
contain ammonia.

Mr Staniford said; “This outbreak points increasingly to the damage done
by intensive salmon farming. The coincidence between the areas
affected by ASP and high densities of salmon farms is remarkable.”

Environmental campaigners have accused the Government of trying to cover
up the crisis after the Scottish executive released a brief and low key
statement about the ban.
Now they are calling forr a full. and open investigation to establish
how large quantities of the toxin, which naturally is only found small
amounts, came to be found.

Scientists in Aberdeen studying the more common Paralytlc Shellfish
Poisoning (PSP) and Diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP) first found
the toxin three years ago in mussels. The toxin builds up in algae
which lies at the bottom on the seabed where feeding scallops are found.

If the shellfish containing the toxin are eaten, victimss can experience
severe sickness and headaches, vomiting, limb numbness and memory loss.
In a recent outbreak in Canada 150 people were affected and
four died

In 1997 there were 46 tonnes of queen scallops harvested and
27 tonnes of king scallops and production and sales of the
shellfish are worth more than £2 million annually.

Hans Unkles, a scallop fisherman from Tayvallich, Argyll, said:
“The day the ban was introduced I came in with a full load of scallops
on my boat and realised Iwas not allowed to sell them, I have had no
income since then and while I can cope without fishing for a few
weeks, I would rather not.”

Experts hope the toxin will break down naturally within a few weeks
allowing the fishermen, who dredge the sea bed or dive for scallops, to
go back to work. So far, only scallops appear to have been infected, but
experts fear it could move up the food chain,

A Scottish executive spokeswoman said the ban was a precautionary
measure. A statement said; “The action is based on scientific advice
following test results from the Government’s sampling programme. These
tests showed that the ASP toxin has reached a level at which there is a
risk to consumers. No other commercially marketed shellfish are affected
by the action.”

No one was available to comment from the Scottish Salmon
Growers’ Association.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and

[CTRL] [1] Bush~Windsor~Piso Bloodline

1999-07-19 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

-Original Message-
From: David Icke E-Magazine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: David Icke E-Magazine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tuesday, 20 July 1999 11:18
Subject: Special article by David Icke

Hello subscribers:

David has just posted a new article. He felt this article was too
important to wait till the next issue of the magazine...

You will find the article - "The Windsor - Bush Bloodline" by David
Icke on the regular website under Articles.

Click on the 'articles by david' button...The Articles Menu has
it listed first and is marked 'NEW'


The following link is a quick jump link to a genealogy of the Piso
Family Line which includes Windsor and Bush.


L. Savage

Hidden Mysteries of the Pyramid

The secrets of the room UNDER the pyramid that few men have entered.
Adam, UFO's, early civilizations, cities under the earth, it's all
here. http://www.immunotex.com/pyramid/

For other fascinating books: http://www.immunotex.com/books/

Message Sent Using Aureate Group Mail Free Edition
A HREF="http://www.davidicke.com/icke/articles/bush.html"Articles by David
Bush~Windsor~Piso Bloodline
   |  N. MARK AN
CLOVIS 1 (d. 511 C.E.)
M. ( 3 WIVES )
M. ( 5 WIVES )
M. ( 5 WIVES )

[CTRL] [2] Bush~Windsor~Piso Bloodline

1999-07-19 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.davidicke.com/icke/articles/bush3.html"Articles by David
Bush~Windsor~Piso Bloodline
CLOVIS 1 (d. 511 C.E.)
M. ( 3 WIVES )
M. ( 5 WIVES )
M. ( 5 WIVES )

[CTRL] Fw: AANEWS for Monday, July 19, 1999

1999-07-19 Thread CobolMage

 -Caveat Lector-

subject: AANEWS for July 19, 1999

 A M E R I C A N   A T H E I S T S
   #613 ~~ 7/19/99

   "Leading The Way For Atheist Civil Rights
And The Separation Of State and Church"

   In This Issue...
   * Religious group loses public funding -- for now
   * Team discriminates, but wants taxpayers to build stadium
   * TheistWatch: eating utensil is tool of the devil
   * Resources
   * About this list...


The "blessings" are not free, nor do they seem to be for everyone.  If
you happen to be homeless and head to the local shelter operated by
Operation Blessing, there's a price to be paid in order receive social

The Fayetteville, North Carolina religious group linked to
televangelist Pat Robertson has lost a $50,000 federal grant following
word that it grilled clients on their religious beliefs.  According to
the News  Observer paper and other sources, the charity which assists
residents in finding housing or paying utility bills, asked those
filling out applications forms a battery of intimate questions.  These
included: What is your religious background?  If you were to die
tonight, are you absolutely certain that you would go to heaven?  Do
you consider yourself to be saved?

According to Thanena Wilson, director of Cumberland County (NC)
Community Development, those questions are prohibited by legal
guidelines meant to protect the separation of church and state."The
mere presence of religious question," she told Fayetteville media,
"whether written or verbal, would be considered a violation of federal
regulations."  As a result, Operation Blessing has lost its $50,000
grant; several people depending the funding for rent and other
expenses are now without that assistance.

Other faith-based groups in the region, though, operate similar social
services and do appear to obey the explicit regulations.  They include
the Salvation Army, New Beginnings and the Cumberland Interfaith
Hospitality Network.  Client forms from these groups do not ask
applicants about their religious beliefs, and there are no direct
religious references of any kind.

The director of the Operation Blessing program was advised in May that
funding would be terminated unless the group stopped listing the
questions on its aid application forms.  Director Charles Ritchie then
reportedly offered to strike the religious queries from the
questionnaire, but insisted that Operation Blessing workers would
continue to grill clients orally.  "It is my understanding that we
could not promote any religious beliefs at all," he told the News.
"We could not speak to anyone when they asked.  We had to absolutely
refrain from any religious activity..."  Ritchie expressed
frustration, asking why the government was "so strident on keeping the
homeless free from religious intrusion..."

  Oversight Problems?

The Operation Blessing controversy raises serious questions about the
government's oversight of faith-based groups, and whether or not
certain sectarian organizations abuse their public funding by
promoting religious beliefs and activities.  Some critics charge that
even with guidelines, there is an inherent "excessive entanglement"
when tax monies are used by churches or other religious groups for any
purpose, including the operation of "secular" social programs.  There
are also concerns about how effective any regulations are.  The News
noted that Operation Blessing used the same application form with the
questions when it first received its $50,000 grant, and that an
unidentified officer from the federal agency "gave the group a clean
report only last March."

   Jesse Helms To The Rescue?

Already, the case has attracted the interest of Sen.  Jesse Helms of
North Carolina.  Helms has written to Andrew Cuomo, secretary of the
federal Departing of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), defending
the faith-based program.  "I am convinced," Helms argued, "that the
decision affecting Operation Blessing is based on an overreaching
interpretation of federal regulations and, in all candor, an attempt
to exclude this group because of its religious ties."

   Those "ties," though are substantial.

* The Fayetteville group received donations from private individuals
and groups, as well as underwriting from Pat Robertson's Christian
Broadcasting Network, which in turn operates an international charity
under the name of Operation Blessing.  Whether or not the Fayetteville
operation is a corporate subsidiary of Robertson's high-profile
organization, though, remains unclear.

* A "huge cross" and painted sign reading "There is hope in Jesus"
decorate the offices of 

Re: [CTRL] Skeptic News - Thursday #4

1999-07-19 Thread lfaith

 -Caveat Lector-

crop circles? the aliens are decidely jewish- they have done a menorrah-
check out July 1999 of the Jerusalem Post. (not sure if it is a weekly thing
or monthly, but it is there last I checked.) it is sooo mysterious, do you
think the chosen in outerspace too??!

-Original Message-
From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
Behalf Of Tenorlove
Sent: Saturday, July 17, 1999 8:23 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Skeptic News - Thursday #4

 -Caveat Lector-

Hmph! That's nuthin! You shoulda seen the crop circle I had in my
yard a couple a years ago. We emptied out and picked up my daughter's
wading pool, and underneath was the smoothest, most perfect, swirled
circle I ever saw! Geometric perfection.


Ours was shaped like the underbelly of a dinosaur!
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Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] House Passes Religious Rights Bill

1999-07-19 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

I believe it was Herbert who stipulated that any form of
governance that works too well requires meaningful
injections of chaos to keep it less than leviathan...several
of his storys had agents of chaos who were actually
government workers...hare we them?

nessie wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

  why the US flag shouldn't be burnt in holy rituals?

 I think you might be on to something here. Remember the old Star Trek
 episode where Spock crashed the giant computer that was holding them
 captive by talking it into contradicting itself?  If somebody started a
 church that burnt flags instead of drinking wine or killing goats for it's
 main ritual it would set nationalism and religion against each other. Do
 the math! They'd cancel each other out! The equation would balance! That's
 not just serious algebra, that's serious magic. Let's do it! Our wizards
 are better than their wizards, anyway. On the firt anniversary of Three
 Mile Island we had a big march here in SF. We had banners and giant
 puppets and costumes and float. At the end we held aloft the flags of all
 the countries that use nuclear power, each on it's own pole, and close
 enough to touch, and burned them all at once. It was glorious!

 So what shall we call our church? Should we incorporate? Be a non-profit?
 Accept donations? Televise our store front revival meetings? Hole up in a
 compound somewhere armed to the teeth?

 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
 screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [2] Bush~Windsor~Piso Bloodline

1999-07-19 Thread piper

 -Caveat Lector-

Which potential King of England was
kicked out of the country for
ties to Hitler?

The person is not the office
with the Royal houses the title
does not necessarily stay with
the first born.  Lineage only gets you
a chance for recognition and
is he trying to get people to forget
that his immediate ancestors
(Bush Sr. ect) have made their
money with drugs and from the
blood of the American People?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Art Bell Intimidates Montana Service Provider? (fwd)

1999-07-19 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-


Pigdog Journal (http://www.pigdog.org/)


Art Bell Intimidates Montana Service Provider?
1999-07-18 20:34:27

By El Snatcher

Jabber Streams

Earth Changes TV is accusing talk show host Art Bell of
intimidating Montana service provider Big Sky Network
Technologies (bigsky.net) into canceling the account of one of
his most vocal critics. This has allegedly been going on during
Art's sympathetic coverage of the protest of the management
takeover of free speech radio station KPFA in Berkeley. Is Art a
big hypocrite?

The account that was canceled belonged to one of Art's most
acerbic critics, Robert A. M. Stephens, who is famous for
quipping at Art, and calling him names in posts to underground
Web bulletin boards. Stephens is also the subject of a
multi-million dollar defamation of character lawsuit filed by

According to Mitch Battros, Producer of Earth Changes TV, a major
reason that Big Sky deleted Stephens' account was the fear that
Art would order his webmaster, Keith Rowland, to "mail bomb"
them. As another form of pressure, Art's webmaster allegedly
blocked Big Sky customers from accessing Art's popular Web site.

Art's Web site (www.artbell.com) is one of the top 100 visited
sites on the Internet, and many of Big Sky's customers would
surely have phoned customer service to complain about not having
access to it. That could have been a major headache for Big Sky's
support staff.

If Art is attacking his critics in this way, it seems
hypocritical in light of his heavy coverage of the the recent
protests against radio station KPFA's management, Pacifica.

Founded by pacifists after WWII, KPFA has been a sanctuary for
alternative viewpoints, and a stronghold of free speech.
Recently, KPFA's management has taken to firing members of the
KPFA staff who criticize upper management on the air, prompting
the protests.

In a show last week, Art compared himself to KPFA, saying that he
and KPFA are "beacons of freedom."

Although Art denies pressuring service providers into dropping
accounts, there have been many claims that Art has done so. The
author of "The Mighty Tasty Art Bell Parody Pages" claims he was
forced to move his Web site several times because Art kept having
his accounts terminated. He even says that the ACLU has pledged
to represent him in court if Art forces him to move again.

Stephens also claims that Art ran him off of other local Montana
service providers.

   Kaddish, Kaddish, Kaddish, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] marangik:the good man fills his own stomach

1999-07-19 Thread William Hugh Tunstall

 -Caveat Lector-

from Money, Murder, and the American Dream
Winchester: Faber and Faber, 1992.

The Mountain People: A Wilding Culture

Between 1964 and 1967, anthropologist Colin Turnbull lived among the
people of Uganda known as the Ik, an unfortunate people expelled by an
uncaring government from their traditional hunting lands to extremely
barren mountainous areas.  In 1972, Turnbull published a book about his
experiences which left no doubt that a whole society can embrace "wilding"
as a way of life.

When Turnbull first came to the Ik, he met Atum, a sprightly, little old
barefoot man with a sweet smile, who helped guide him Turnbull to remote
Ik villages.  Atum warned Turnbull right away that everyone would ask for
food.  WHile many would indeed be hungry, he said, most could fend for
themselves, and their pleas should not be trusted.  Atum mentioned that
his own wife was severely ill and desperately needed food and medicine.
On reaching his village, Atum told Turnbull his wife was too sick to come
Later, TUrnbull heard exchanges between Atum and his sick wife, and moans
of her suffering.  The moans were wrenching, and when he pleaded for help,
Turnbull gave him food and aspirin.

Some weeks later, he stepped up his requests for food and medicine, saying
his wife was getting sicker.  Now seriously concerned, Turnbull urged Atum
to get her to a hospital. He refused, saying 'she wasn't that sick.'
Shortly thereafter, Atum's brother in law came to Turnbull and told him
that Atum was selling the medicine that Turnbull had been giving him for
his wife.  Turnbull, not terribly surprised, said that 'that was too bad
for his wife.' Wherepon the brother in law enjoying the joke enormously,
told him that Atum's wife had been dead for weeks, and that Atum had
buried her inside the compound so that you wouldn't know.

Startling to Turnbull was not only the immense glee the brother in law
seemed to take in the 'joke' inflicted on his dying sister, but the utter
lack of embarrassment shown by Atum when confronted with his life.  He
shrugged it off, showingno remorse whatsoever, saying he had simply
forgotten to tell Turnbull.  That his little business enterprise may have
led to his wife's death was the last thing on Atum's mind.  This was one
of the first of many events that made TUrnbull wonder whether there was
any limit to what an Ik would do to get food and money.

Some time later, TUrnbull came across Lomeja, an Ik man he had met much
earlier.  He had been shot during an attack by neighboring tribesemen and
was lying in apool of his own blood, apparently dying from two bullet
wounds in the stomach..  Still alive and conscious, he asked for some tea.
Shaken, Turnbull returned to his Land Rover and filled a big, new yuellow
enamel mug.  When he returned, Lomeja's wife was bending over her husband.
She was trying to 'fold him up' in the dead position although he was not
yet dead, and started shrieking at Turnbull to leave Lomeja alone because
he was already dead.  Lomeja found the strength to resist his wife's
premature efforts to bury him and was trying to push her aside.  TUrnbull
managed to get the cup of tea to Lomeja, who was still strong enough to
reach out for it and sip it.  Suddenly Turnbull heard a loud giggle and
saw Lomeja's sister, Kiamat.  Attracted by all the yelling, she had 'seen
that lovely new, bright yellow enamel mug of hot, sweet tea, had snatched
it from her brother's face and made off with it, proud and joyful.  She
not only had the tea, she also had the mug.  She drank as she ran,
laughing and delighted at herself.'

Turnbull came to describe the Ik as 'the loveless people.' Each Ik valued
only his or her own survival--and regarded everyone else as a competitor
for food.  Ik life had become a grim process of trying to find enough food
to stay alive each day.  The hunt consumed all of their resources, leaving
virtually no reserve for feelings of any kind, nor for any moral scruples
that might interfere with filling their stomachs.  As Margaret Mead wrote,
the Ik had become a 'people who have become monstrous beyond belief.'  The
scientist Ashley Montagu wrote that the Ik are 'a people who are dying
because they have abandoned their own humanity.'

Ik families elevated wilding to a high art.  Turnbull met Adupa, a young
girl of perhaps six, who was so malnourished that her stomach was grossly
distended and her legs and arms spindly.  Her parents had decided she had
become a liability and threw her out of their hut.  Since she was too weak
now to go out on long scavenging ventures,s as did the other children, she
would wander as far as her strength would allow, pick up scraps of bone or
half-eaten berries, and then come back to her parents' place, waiting to
be brought back in.  Days later, her parents, tired of hearing her crying,
finally brought her in and promised to feed her.  She was happy and
stopped crying.  The parents went out and closed the 'asak behind them, so

Re: [CTRL] Fw: Profiling FBI's Unabom Charade

1999-07-19 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

 You can find out a lot by researching Hugh Hefners illegal
 involvement with the unabomber case.  He is a pig.

 Lloyd Miller wrote:
   -Caveat Lector-
  Original Message-
  From: Independent History  Research [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy
  Date: Saturday, July 17, 1999 2:30 PM
  Subject: Profiling FBI's Unabom Charade
  Profiling the FBI's Unabom Charade
  Ted Kaczynski, Ritual Murder and the Invocation of Catastrophe
  Copyright ©1999 by Michael A. Hoffman II. All Rights Reserved
  This text shall not be published, broadcast, rewritten for
  broadcast or publication or redistributed directly or indirectly
  in any medium. Neither these copyrighted materials of Michael A.
  Hoffman II nor any portion thereof may be stored in a computer
  except for personal and non-commercial use.
  This intellectual property was originally scheduled for inclusion
  in an anthology to be published by St. Martin's Press, which was
  subsequently suppressed. The editor who contracted for the work
  was allegedly dismissed by St. Martin's Press.
  Version 1.1 issued electronically March 18, 1999 by special
  arrangement with Feral House, which will publish this work in the
  autumn as part of a hardcopy anthology.
  Introduction and Part I: The Set Up, are reproduced below.
  For the complete report go to:
  Ted Kaczynski is yet another "lone nut" who pleaded guilty to
  spectacular crimes without a trial and had his case closed on the
  day the investigation should have begun in earnest.
  On the day of his arraignment the Boston Globe newspaper
  published a nationally syndicated story conditioning the public
  to view the suspect as a "paranoid ... loser" who had no
  accomplices and was undoubtedly guilty as charged. A similar
  profile was exhibited in the cases of James Earl Ray, "Son of
  Sam" David Berkowitz and many other patsies.
  Like John Gotti, Kaczynski was denied his choice of attorney. As
  in Waco and Oklahoma City, a key building, in this case
  Kaczynski's cabin, was tampered with to such an extent as to make
  independent investigation of it impossible.
  Like Timothy McVeigh, Kaczynski's statement at his
  sentencing--when the world's media spotlight was fixed upon
  him--was laconic and had little impact upon the public. In
  Kaczynski's case this was striking, since according to the FBIs
  'Unabom' scenario, the "University and Airline bomber" was a
  publicity-obsessed serial killer. Yet with the world's media at
  his feet and a chance to hold forth for an hour or more on his
  motivation and authentic ideological views, Kaczynski merely
  announced that his opinions had been distorted and that he would
  reply and set the record straight later.
  But Kaczynski will never again have the kind of opportunity for
  world attention that he had on May 4, 1998 in Sacramento.
  Of course, the FBI mouthpiece-media has not noticed this or
  numerous other anomalies in the Kaczynski case. From the
  beginning of the mathematician's capture, they have reported the
  'Unabom' matter from the perspective of the FBI and confirmed all
  of the government's official explanations and accounts.
  Not even the local media in Helena and Great Falls, Montana
  launched any investigation independent of the Federal government.
  From the outset this case has been rubber-stamped in news rooms
  with the logo of the FBI.
  Why was the FBI allowed to "search" Kaczynski's cabin for weeks,
  without local witnesses present? The opportunities for
  evidence-planting and tampering were myriad.
  Sheriff Chuck O'Reilly protested to the local press that the FBI
  did not inform him of their search; that they executed a warrant
  without his knowledge or consent and apprehended Kaczynski
  without informing him first. [1]
  No one except Federal officials had access to Kaczynski's cabin
  while a supposed "mountain of evidence" was extracted from the
  tiny building. From a structure of less than two hundred square
  feet, the Associated Press, repeating FBI pronouncements, said
  "truckloads of evidence" were extracted. "The evidence is all
  being shipped back to the FBI lab in Quantico, Virginia." [2]
  This is the same FBI lab where the bureau's preeminent forensic
  chemist and Supervisory Special Agent, Dr. Frederic W.
  Whitehurst, has said evidence was "fabricated" and otherwise
  "tainted" in a process he labeled "perjury." [3]
  In Kaczynski's case we have "evidence" obtained in hermetic
  isolation, with only Federal agents allowed to observe its
  collection. It is upon their word alone that claims of finding
  bombs, bomb parts, three typewriters, a chemical lab, numerous
  tools and the "original copy" of the "Unabom" manifesto, rest.
  There was never independent corroboration of these claims.
  How it it that just two days after 


1999-07-19 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

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Strictly embargoed to 1:00am, Monday July 19 1999

Questions Over Shipley’s Meeting with BCCI figure

 A new book out today raises questions about Prime Minister Jenny
Shipley’s links to a man at the centre of a major US corruption scandal.

The God Factor, Ian Wishart’s latest book, details how last month Mrs
Shipley held a business meeting with wealthy Indonesian businessman
James Riady, who heads the Lippo Group.

Click here Latest Info for the full story




US President Bill Clinton knew of, and helped facilitate, massive drug
shipments into the United States while he was the Governor of Arkansas,
in a cocaine smuggling operation that was turning over a billion dollars
a year.

That’s one of the stunning claims in The God Factor, a new book by
investigative journalist Ian Wishart, released today.

It’s a story the Washington Post newspaper found too hot to handle, and
investigative journalists in the US have been trying for four years to
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(cont'd from home page) A New Zealand Herald business article reported
Riady would receive a "red carpet" welcome, and that his visit had been
organised by a Government agency.

Wishart says the visit raises some intriguing questions, given Riady’s
courtesy CNN

"A US Senate investigation recently found that James Riady and the Lippo
Group ‘have had a long-term relationship with a Chinese intelligence
agency’, and that Riady and Lippo have been making illegal donations to
US President Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign fund.

"In addition, Riady’s assistant in the US, John Huang was appointed to a
top job in the US Commerce Department at the insistence of the Clintons,
but was then arrested in regard to these matters and identified as a
Chinese spy. Riady and Lippo group were also involved with drug-bank
courtesy CNN

"When US Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown was killed in a mysterious
plane crash, he was replaced as Secretary of Commerce by Mickey Kantor –
Lippo Group’s US lawyer. Kantor then appointed another Lippo executive
to the Commerce Department.

"The first question I think New Zealanders need an answer to is this:
did New Zealand’s foreign affairs or intelligence officials know about
James Riady’s background before the Government invited him to visit New
Zealand, and if not why not? If this was a bureaucratic gaffe the
potential for political embarrassment must be severe.

"Secondly, if they did know, and briefed the Prime Minister accordingly,
why would Jenny Shipley choose to meet such a character and what could
the Prime Minister or the National Government possibly wish to talk to
him about?"

Much of the money donated by Riady to Clinton had to be returned after
investigators uncovered the donations, because of what authorities
called the suspicious origins of the money.

THE GOD FACTOR by Ian Wishart
Internet special price just NZ$27, save 10% on this hot new 

[CTRL] MRC: Chappaquiddick a Kennedy Tragedy; Rather Fooled Broke Gun Vow (fwd)

1999-07-19 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 08:08:31 -0500
From: Bill Nalty [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Media Research Center CyberAlert
Monday July 19, 1999 (Vol. Four; No. 125)

Chappaquiddick a Kennedy "Tragedy"; Rather Fooled  Broke Gun Vow

1) JFK Jr's death generated massive coverage over the weekend,
allowing NBC to showcase liberal historian Doris Kearns Goodwin.
Plus, Mike Barnicle rehabilitated as an expert by the networks
and ABC and CBS listed Chappaquiddick as a Kennedy family

2) Even after a "Coast Guard Lieutenant" referred to Bababooey
and Howard Stern, Dan Rather believed his report: "This just in,
the Coast Guard Lieutenant says they have found debris." ABC also
gullibly put on a Stern fan, but Peter Jennings realized it.

3) Previewing a series on guns, Dan Rather promised: "We're
trying to be both accurate and fair, which is why there will be a
different perspective each night." On Friday Rather broke his

4) ABC's World News Tonight picked up on the controversy about
PBS stations sharing fundraising lists with the DNC.

5) Katie Couric insisted Al Gore is "squeaky clean," Brian
Williams tagged Gore and Bill Bradley as "centrists" while CNN
labeled Senator Bob Smith an "arch-conservative."

 Hear Carl Cameron from Last Week and More Tonight. On
Monday night, July 19, MRC Chairman L. Brent Bozell will again
host the national Mike Reagan radio talk show. The guests planned
before John Kennedy Jr's death: Laurence Jarvik on PBS
fundraising, Congressman Dan Burton, National Review Editor Rich
Lowry, Grover Norquist on the Reagan Legacy Project and the
Parents Television Council's Mark Honig on the group's Top Ten
Best  Worst TV Shows.

The Reagan show is distributed live from 6 to 10pm ET, 5 to
9pm CT, 4 to 8pm MT and 3 to 7pm PT, but many stations carry it
on a delayed basis. To see a list of the cities, dial positions
and times 180 stations carry the Mike Reagan Show, listed by
state, go to:

For a list of major stations, go to the July 15 CyberAlert:

To listen live during the above listed hours via either
RealAudio or Windows Media Player, go to Broadcast.com's site:

At this address you can also play back Bozell's show from
last Thursday with Carl Cameron, Steve Allen, Paul Weyrich and
Tony Snow. Just scroll down to the archive and click on July 15.
To hear FNC's Carl Cameron's explanation for the lack of interest
by his television colleagues in Chinagate, advance the play back
to 2:15 into the four-hour show and listen through 2:32. On
RealPlayer a counter in the bottom left will tell you where you
are as you advance the play back bar at the top. 

Correction. Inside Politics did briefly mention Hillary's gaffe.
The July 16 CyberAlert detailed a July 14 gaffe by Hillary
Clinton and stated that only ABC's Good Morning America mentioned
it. MRC analyst Paul Smith since alerted me that it also got a
few seconds on the July 14 Inside Politics, but without video.
CNN's Bernard Shaw announced: "Mrs. Clinton made a blunder while
continuing her emphasis on gun control. She said to a woman whose
son was wounded in a 1994 school shooting quote, ‘You've really
spent a lot of time in the years since your son's murder,' but
then the woman cut Mrs. Clinton off and said quote, ‘He wasn't
murdered. My son is alive.' The only thing Mrs. Clinton could say
was, ‘Thank God.'"

 1) The worst thing about the death of John F. Kennedy Jr.:
Another excuse for NBC and MSNBC to feature the pedantic and
always annoying liberal historian, Doris Kearns Goodwin.

Four other less opinionated observations plucked from the
massive all-day broadcast network coverage on Saturday, which
also dominated the networks on Sunday:

-- Mike Barnicle is good enough for TV. The Boston Globe
canned the columnist for making up facts in his columns, but that
didn't deter several networks from using him as a "Kennedy family
expert," though he was more of a Kennedy family defender. He was
interviewed on Saturday on CNN and MSNBC, appeared as part of a
panel on Sunday's Meet the Press and showed up again on CBS's 60
Minutes. (Since his departure from the Globe, Mort Zuckerman's
New York Daily News has picked him up as an occasional

-- John F. Kennedy Jr. may have been more conservative than
many Republicans, at least in not shying away from tax cuts.
Several times ABC played back an excerpt of a 1995 interview with
Barbara Walters in which she asked: "If you were President, what
would you do?" He replied: "I think I would have to call my uncle
Teddy and gloat for a moment. And then I would offer a big tax
cut before the next election and hopefully in between try to do
some good."

-- More coverage than anything in CyberAlert memory. The
search for 

[CTRL] GM Food and Sactions 19 July 99

1999-07-19 Thread piper

 -Caveat Lector-

this is not done but I have homework and
a test to prep for, will be posting it
"probably" next week on my web site
under the title in the subject line.

GM Food and Sanctions 19 July 99

What I wonder is since it takes 3 years to become organic
where will most American farmers be if it is not just GM foods
that go down the drain but the use of chemicals for plants.
Also what if -say- a certain chemical gets highlighted as
being detrimental, and all crops that have been grown with
this are blacklisted.  Then say the crop is grapes, that
could be a lot of bottles of wine - in the future.  What would
this do to France or to the Napa Valley in Calf.?
Consider things that are processed to concentrate as
certain traits or items that are cultured

Olive Oil (Olives)
perfumes (flowers - were the animals fed chemicals?)
Jack Daniels (grain)
Chivas Regal (grain)
Wine (grapes - fruit)
Cheese (milk)
Beer (grain)

Some of these items have a long shelf life
and would have to be recalled if that were
to happen.  Organics, support of the family farm
and Non Corporation farms
are the way things are going.  Yet with some farmers
already past the start up three year long certification where
will that leave the other farmers?  Out in the cold, would
they be able to keep their farms?

With the Dioxin (poisoning) scare in Europe and the
fact that Europe is beginning to test for Dioxins - what
will this do to the farmers that are "organic" but have
used and excess amount of chemicals and this shows
up in their produce?

Who will keep their farms in the future?

Below are some current articles that I am using.
There are more citations on

1)a href="#1"1/a
Monday, July 19, 1999 Published at 21:33 GMT 22:33 UK
US hits EU, spares UK in
 beef war
 Where's the beef? If it's hormone-treated, not on EU dinner tables
2)  a href="#2"2/a
Sunday, July 18, 1999 Published at 08:12 GMT 09:12 UK
UK Politics
 Organic funding under
 Concern about GM crops has caused an increase in demand for
 organic food
3) a href="#3"3/a
Wednesday, July 14, 1999 Published at 13:28 GMT 14:28 UK
 US farmers fear GM crop
 US farmers are worried about consumer opposition to GM crops
4)   a href="#4"4/a
Wednesday, July 14, 1999 Published at 12:25 GMT 13:25 UK
 US to label GM foods
 US farmers have taken to GM crops in a big way

1) a name="1"/a
Monday, July 19, 1999 Published at 21:33 GMT 22:33 UK

 Business: The Economy

 US hits EU, spares UK in
 beef war

 Where's the beef? If it's hormone-treated, not on EU dinner tables

 The United States has published a list of EU products
 that will be hit by 100% punitive tariffs to retaliate for the
 European import ban on its hormone-treated beef.

Chocolate, pork, onions and truffles
are among the goods on the
$116.8m blacklist, but UK exporters
escape the wrath from Washington.
They are specifically excluded from
the list because the London
government consistently argued
 against the beef ban.

 All the 14 other EU members will see some of their
 exporters hit, with France, Germany, Denmark and Italy
 singled out for particularly painful import duties.

   The sanctions will come into effect on
   29 July.

   The European Union has banned the
   beef, because its scientists are
   worried that hormone-treated meat
   carries health risks, possibly causing
 cancer and triggering reproductive disorders in men.

 US scientists and the World Trade Organisation (WTO)
 dispute this.

 The United States has already imposed 100% tariffs on
 European imports worth $194.2m in a dispute involving
 trade barriers imposed on US banana companies
 producing in South and Central America.

 Legal sanctions

 The trade sanctions had been approved by the WTO,


1999-07-19 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-


 WASHINGTON - John Kennedy Jr.
 was considering running for Senate,
 but dropped the idea when Hillary
 Rodham Clinton jumped in, it was
 reported yesterday.

 Kennedy was "very quietly exploring"
 a campaign for retiring Sen. Daniel P.
 Moynihan's New York seat before the
 First Lady voiced her interest,
 Newsweek magazine reported.

 The magazine, citing an unnamed
 close pal, said it was only a matter of
 time before the young Kennedy ran for

 Ex-Clinton adviser Paul Begala said
 people also urged John Jr. to run
 earlier when New Jersey Sen. Bill
 Bradley quit his seat.

 "He was talked to about the Moynihan
 race, he said, the governor's race and
 the mayor's race. I think one day,
 that's something that was in him,"
 Begala told NBC's "Meet The Press."

 Kennedy, while eagerly eyed by New
 York Democrats, was publicly coy
 about his ambitions, saying only,
 when pressed about a future in
 politics: "I don't rule out anything."

 He once joked, when asked about
 what he'd do if elected president, that
 "I think I would have to call my uncle,
 Teddy, and gloat for a moment" - a
 dig at Massachusetts Sen. Ted
 Kennedy's failed White House

 Some pundits believe Kennedy's
 creation of George magazine, which
 tried to get Generation Xers interested
 in politics and gave a forum to both
 Democrats and conservatives, was his
 steppingstone to public office.

 Family adviser Bob Shrum predicted
 the Kennedy political legacy would
 live on - noting how Kennedy's
 cousins have also taken up the
 public-office gauntlet.

 "Look, this family has been through so
 much so many times ... The amazing
 thing is they never give up, they never
 give in," Shrum told CBS's "Face the

 "I have no doubt, despite the tragedy,
 the pain, going through this again,
 they'll continue to make a
 contribution, continue to try to make
 the country better."

This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If
you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  In the message body put: unsubscribe cas

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Monday #4

1999-07-19 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990719d - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Hey, SkeptiChat subscribers: let's see some responses, some discussion!!
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: Some adverbial phrases were misplaced during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# MAGNET FOR MADNESS? London 'Dome opening will spark Millennium madness'.
  The approaching Millennium is already triggering psychotic behaviour, and
  the opening of the Millennium Dome is likely to make it worse, say psycho
  experts. The agency dealing with mental health problems in the Greenwich
  area is preparing for a great rise in psychosis cases. Staff are already
  reporting an upturn in the numbers of incidents connected with the Millen-
  nium: http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/health/newsid_398000/398222.stm

@ Links: Royal College of Psychiatrists: http://www.ex.ac.uk/dmh/rcp.htm
@ BBC Millennium Bug information: http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/cdb/bug/
@ BBC Online DomeCam: http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/static/domecam/

: Are you psychotic yet? Will you be by the millennium? Do you have a few
psychotic episodes already planned out? Do this take careful preparation??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  patients receiving atypical antipsychotics are less likely to be
  rehospitalized than those who are given depot forms of conventional
  neuroleptics. http://psychiatry.medscape.com/5440.rhtml

  decanoate regimen with lithium does not reliably relieve psychosis in
  patients with schizophrenia. http://psychiatry.medscape.com/5538.rhtml

: What's your favorite treatment for schizophrenia? Does your belief system
allow the administration of medications? Would you rather pray, cut, leave?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  maltreatment and neglect may be important factors in the development of
  adult personality disorders. http://psychiatry.medscape.com/5543.rhtml

  that there may be a common genetic basis for dual nicotine and alcohol
  dependence in men. http://psychiatry.medscape.com/5544.rhtml

: Are you a dually-dependent man? Did abuse contribute to your personality
disorders? Are you perpetuating abuse, disorders, dependence, in your kids?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ The Top 12 Signs You've Been Misled by a Health Myth (c) Chris White

  12 The "Caveman Diet" is good in theory, but YOU try to find lean
  11 You've eaten so much spinach your teeth are green, but you still
  have trouble lifting anything heavier than a remote.
  10 It turns out you were supposed to be drinking your *own* urine.
  9 Colonic irrigation *has* reduced my stress and increased my wealth
 -- thanks to all those fools who keep coming to my clinic.
  8 You lost fifteen pounds on your all-protein, no-sugar diet, but
 gained it back in the form of a massive goiter.
  7 You've really begun to despise that dork loser who does positive
 affirmations in your mirror each morning.
  6 You learn too late that sanding of the cornea should *only* be
 done by a trained professional.
  5 Eating 50,000 calories of fat-free food each day has not made you
 at all slimmer.
  4 The ER doctor had to explain that you can't cure hemorrhoids by
 inserting magnets *there*.
  3 Hey, you're paying $29.99 for Ginkgo -- *someone* sure is getting
  2 You should have known that "Doin' Shots to the Oldies with Jose
 Cuervo" weight loss plan sounded WAY too good to be true.

and the Number 1 Sign You've Been Misled by a Health Myth...

  1 You take a job washing dishes at Denny's so you can score all that
 free parsley.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


1. Thou shalt have no other gods which you obey before the state.
2. Thou shalt not attempt to recover your lost rights, or dignities,
   through political views based upon religious principals.
3. Thou shalt not object to tyranny for it is established for your own good.
4. Thou shalt not advocate biblical morality or absolutes for that is
   forcing your morality upon others.
5. Thou shalt not oppose abortion
6. Thou shalt not oppose homosexuality
7. Thou shalt not oppose pornography
8. Thou shalt not be tolerant of all false religions
9. Thou shalt be silent
10. Thou shalt be slaves.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



# Shedding Light in the Dark:
# Will Robots 

[CTRL] FBI document release (fwd)

1999-07-19 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation

For Immediate Release
July 9, 1999

The Federal Bureau of Investigation announced today that it has
added the following new subject matters to the Espionage, Famous
Persons, and Historical Interest categories of its Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA) Internet website:


Rudolph Nureyev -- 160 pages

Rudolph Nureyev, the famous Russian ballet dancer who defected to
the West from the Soviet Union in 1961, was the subject of an FBI
Espionage investigation in 1964 following the discovery of a
cryptic note behind a wall plaque in a California hotel. The note
read as follows: "Nureyev - I made contact with the agent at
M.L.S. and he agreed that we should wait before we attempt to
3689001427. I hope you find the note as you requested I put it
here on 7-19. I really don't approve of your hiding place, it is
rather conspicuous."

The FBI interviewed Nureyev and several other individuals in an
attempt to discover the writer and true meaning of the note and
whether it was actually meant for Rudolph Nureyev or some other
individual. The investigation was closed when no significant
information was developed. Nureyev's name also came to the
attention of the FBI during the 1970's in a national security
context with the details remaining classified. In addition,
unsubstantiated comments regarding Nureyev's personal lifestyle
are noted occasionally in the file.

Burgess, MacLean and Philby -- 3219 pages

Guy Burgess and Donald MacLean were British diplomats who
disappeared in 1951 and surfaced in Moscow in 1956. There was
speculation that Harold "Kim" Philby, head of the Soviet section
of the British Secret Intelligence Service, was the "third man"
who alerted them before they could be arrested for espionage.
Philby defected to the Soviet Union in 1963.


Wernher Von Braun -- 532 pages

In 1948 Wernher Von Braun was described as the most important of
the German scientists employed by the Department of the Army at
Fort Bliss. He was the subject of generally favorable background
investigations in 1948 and 1961 in connection with his work in
the rocket science field for the United States Government.

Cesar Chavez and United Farm Workers -- 2021 pages

Cesar Chavez was the founder and director of the National Farm
Workers Association, later known as the United Farm Workers
Organizing Committee. The FBI investigated Chavez and his
organization based on allegations in 1965 that he and others
within the organization had communist affiliations.


Jonestown Summary -- 365 pages

On November 18, 1978, Congressman Leo J. Ryan was shot and killed
in Guyana, along with four other individuals. Congressman Ryan
was visiting Jonestown, Guyana, for the purpose of conducting a
Congressional inquiry into the activities of the People's Temple
and Reverend Jim Jones. The FBI investigated his murder under the
code name "RYMUR" and in 1986, Lawrence John Layton was found
guilty in U.S. District Court, Northern District of California,
of several federal violations, including Conspiracy to Murder a

There are now a total of 46 of the FBI's most frequently
requested and released records available to the public on this
website. These documents are a representative sampling of those
in the FOIA Reading Room located at FBI Headquarters. Portions
have been blacked out to protect personal privacy, confidential
sources, national security, etc., in accordance with the
exemption provisions of the FOIA.

Viewers may select records from the categories of historical
interest, famous persons, espionage, violent crime, gangster era,
or unusual phenomena on the FOIA website.

   Kaddish, Kaddish, Kaddish, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

[CTRL] OT: People Asking Questions (fwd)

1999-07-19 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 09:58:31 -0400
From: Bonnie Granat [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From another list I'm on:

Question: I am not a pilot, or an airplane mechanic, so I ask
this from a position of ignorance and seek responses from those
more expert.

I was reading the accounts of the plane accident, and from what I
could make of it, the plane was on its final descent to land.
Approximate speed was something under 100 mph, given the top
speed of the plane was about 150 mph.  The pieces being found are
things like pieces of seats, one wheel, a wing strut, a piece of
landing gear, etc.  In other words, small pieces of a very badly
broken apart plane, a plane whose fuselage was ripped apart badly
enough to tear the very seats apart.  Does this seem logical to
you?  The pieces descriptions sound to me like what would happen
if the plane exploded, not something that would happen if it
ditched in the water on final approach. Am I just ignorant here?

   Kaddish, Kaddish, Kaddish, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] Predictions: Pope John XXIII (fwd)

1999-07-19 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-



I have not been able to confirm whether this is true or false.
What I have here is an article from a publication called Insight.
The name of the article is "A pope's predictions to the year
2000". I warn you, some of this may be disconcerting to many of
you. I also want to preface it with what they have prefaced the
article with:


The following is from the diary of Pope John the 23rd who reigned
from 1958 to 1963. This copy that appears in total was
distributed by certain groups in several Catholic churches in
metro Manila.

The world will suffer through a painful period of violent wars,
deadly famine, and destructive natural disasters over the next
eight years. But that nightmare will be followed by a lengthily
stretch of love and harmony, a beautiful serene heaven on earth.
Those startling predictions come from the sensational lost diary
of Pope John the 23rd, the beloved Pontiff who died June 23,1963.
The dusty, leather bound diary containing hand written
predictions was found by a Vatican cleaning woman who was sorting
through boxes stacked in a little used storage room.

The entries clearly spell out the assassination of John F.
Kennedy, the Vietnam war, the unrest in the Middle East, and the
fall of communism years before they took place. Later entries
call for even more troubled times. Pope John had periodic visits
from both Jesus end the Virgin Mary says a reverend who has
poured over the wondrous tales. These sessions in the Pope's
chambers resulted in fantastic glimpses into the future of
mankind. The Pope was saddened to learn that conditions will get
much worse before they take a sudden sensational turn in the year
2000 that will return the world to the pristine beauty that was
here for Adam and Eve. Pope John writes of *heavenly visitors
arriving by June of 1995 in flaming chariots of steel*. These
special visitors will arrive at the height of despair and help
man heal his wounds and work together to right all the horrible
wrongs. *(SPACE SHIPS)...

Father DeAngelo, now 73 years old has agreed to release some of
the diary entries made between February of 1959 and April of
1963. The scrawled messages reveal a frightened and excited
Pontiff who decided to keep his meetings with Christ and the
Madonna a secret. The first appearance of Christ took place
February l2th,1959. Pope John notes quote "Dear God, I have been
blessed like no man before me. The Savior has granted me a
special audience here in my chambers. He tells me that I've been
chosen to hear the truth no matter how awful it may be. It scares
me a bit to be so entrusted, but I am honored all the same. Jesus
tells me the Virgin Mary will come soon to deliver the first news
of what will be. Now the diary entries:


April 7,1959  She is more beautiful than I had ever imagined. The
Madonna is a joy to behold. I just wish her message was a more
positive one. She says in four years time the world will loose a
great leader and a powerful nation will find itself involved in a
conflict it can not win. The fighting will take its toll on the
battlefield and from within as the population despises the loss
of its young men. The Holy Mother sheds tears as she describes
the heart-breaking vision.  August 17,1959  The Madonna's second
visit is much like the first. She speaks sadly of unrest in her
home land, a change in the balance of power, and much blood being
spilled in the sand. She says several madmen will send their
people into battles in the name of God, but the Creator has
nothing to do with these senseless struggles among brothers.
January 30,1960  Christ comes to me again. I yearn to tell my
fellow Christians of these miraculous appearances, but I am
advised to keep quiet until the time is right. I can not help but
think I could perhaps head off some of the trouble that looms for
us all. But Christ tells me that misery must take place for the
master plan to succeed. June 13,1960  The Virgin Mary says the
world will get a false sense of hope 30 years from now when the
chains of repression are shattered throughout Eastern Europe. The
joy however, will be short lived as the freed people fight among
themselves on how to run their countries. Thousands of poor
innocent children will perish due to the foolishness of their
fathers.  March 6,1961  Just when I thought my heavenly visits
were over, the Madonna comes to me once again. She seems tired of
the heartache she must share with me.  My heart aches to see Her
hurting so. The news again foreboding. The early 1990's will be a
period of deadly natural disasters. She says paradise will be
struck by powerful winds and waves while killer floods and
earthquakes will shatter man's dwellings. By the middle of the
decade, regional skirmishes will develop into full fledged
conflicts. As the casualties mount worldwide famine will strike.

[CTRL] Disorientation Misc. Notes (fwd)

1999-07-19 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 10:33:24 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Disorientation...

In a message dated 99-07-19 00:40:50 EDT, you write:

 I do not believe that the airplane was intact when it hit the
water.  It is very likely that spatial disorientation led to some
kind of dive with severe overspeeding of the airplane.
Exceeding the VNE (Do Not Exceed Speed) will cause most airplanes
to come to pieces.  

I would agree in general, but not if the departure from
controlled flight took place at about 2500 feet MSL or lower as
seems to be the case.  I doubt that the aircraft (gear up or gear
down would make a difference) would have gotten anywhere near
break-up speed prior to impact.  Maybe impact at 250-300 knots at
most (even if dive near vertical, especially if gear down -- was
gear down?  If not impact apaprently was able to tear one wheel
and strut from a closed landing gear compartment).

I think it likely that at least one wing separated from the
aircraft, but not until water impact.  The passenger compartment
was clearly breached if not borken opne entirely if hte info
about the recovered debris is corrrect.

See my prior post this morning re the wreckage.

Just speculation (you know, not all the facts are in!) at this
point, but these would be my best guesses.

In a message dated 99-07-18 19:17:49 EDT, you write:

 Not many bits floating around out there, though.  How hard
could this AC have hit the water? 

If he stalled the A/C and spun in or got into some other typical
"went out of control" situation, even if this happened as low as
2500 feet MSL, the airplane (if in a vertical or near vertical
dive, perhaps inverted -- due to a slow roll) would likely have
hit at 250 knots or so, maybe somewhat more.

It appears (as I said on Fox TV this morning in Dallas) from the
debris that has been recovered that the passenger compartment has
been significantly breached if not full torn open.

The bodies might be outside the aircraft still belted into seats
that separated from the cabin floor and left the passenger

They might all still be within the fuselage strapped in and
compressed forward (or egnine compressed backward) -- that would
be my best estimate, but one or more bodies could be still
strapped into seats within yards of the main wreckage.

One or more may have totally separated from the seat (and belts)
and be on the bottom relatively unemcumbered.  If so, the body
might move along the bottom (with bare negative buoyancy. moving
north and then south with the tidal cycle.  I don't know much
about local current, but the prevailing winds would be from the
westerly direction.

In a message dated 99-07-18 19:17:49 EDT, you write:

 I wonder if his flight traning included spins and how he did
with them. 

Spin recovery was part of the private pilot's ground and flight
school for me back in 1965.  Ditto several hours under the hood
-- and not just recoveries from modestly unusual attitudes

I have heard that spin control training has either been cut back
or eliminated in some private pilot training courses over the
last three decades.

I have also been told that a student still spends something like
three hours" under the hood" but that practivce recovery from
even modestly "unusual attitudes" while under the hood is not a
big part of the under the hood training these days.

I scrounged for all the spin recoery training I could while I was
being trained and after I got my initial license.  You need to
practie the "strange" stuff since you will get decent practice
doing the normal stuff of everyday flight merely by being in the

Anyone who would like the noted I wrote up for the three TV live
segments to date (will be on again -- noon news today) can email
me for a copy.

Warm regards,
Hugh S.

   Kaddish, Kaddish, Kaddish, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat 

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