[CTRL] Hacking , gene bank

1999-09-16 Thread Nicky Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-


To the virtual barricades

Duncan Graham-Rowe

ON 16 AUGUST, two weeks before East Timor's referendum on independence, the
East Timorese human rights campaigner José Ramos-Horta delivered an
ultimatum to the Indonesian government. If the outcome of the referendum was
not upheld, he threatened in the pages of the Thai newspaper The Nation, he
would mobilise an army of a hundred teenagers around the world to wreak
havoc in Indonesia. By hacking into government computers, they would disrupt
vital communications, drain bank accounts, alter flight bookings and
redirect military strikes.
rest on url

POOLED GENES | Britain should soon have a centralised database containing
samples of DNA donated by its citizens. The database, being planned by the
Medical Research Council and the Wellcome Trust, will help researchers
discover important disease-causing genes. The scheme will be different from
the one that has caused controversy in Iceland. There, DNA and medical
records of the entire population have been included in a database held by a
single company, DeCode Genetics of Reykjavik. In Britain, samples will only
be included if their donors consent, and the database will be open to all

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] (Fwd) Release: gun buyback

1999-09-16 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date sent:  Thu, 16 Sep 1999 14:20:17 -0700


2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100
Washington DC 20037
World Wide Web: www.LP.org
For release: September 15, 1999
For additional information:
George Getz, Press Secretary
Phone: (202) 333-0008 Ext. 222

Why criminals will love Clinton's
$15 million gun buyback program

WASHINGTON, DC -- A plan by President Clinton to spend $15
million to launch a nationwide gun "buyback" program is not only a
waste of money -- it's a cheap public relations stunt that will have
zero impact on gun crime, the Libertarian Party predicted today.

"The only people who will benefit from this buyback program are
politicians and criminals," said the party's national director, Steve
Dasbach. "Criminals like it because it will take only a minuscule
percentage of guns out of circulation -- almost all of them from
law-abiding people who will become disarmed. And politicians like it
because they get to spend our money while pretending to solve a problem."

Last week, Clinton proposed to hand out $15 million in federal
grants to police departments to buy guns from public housing residents as
part of "the largest gun buyback project in American history."

But before that $15 million is squandered, politicians should
study the evidence against government buyback programs, said Dasbach. The
fact is:

* The people LEAST likely to turn in guns are criminals.

"Expecting a criminal to turn in a gun is like expecting a
carpenter to turn in his favorite hammer -- or expecting a politician to
surrender his power to write more gun laws," said Dasbach. "They're simply
tools of the trade. Even dumb criminals are too smart to give up their

* The people MOST likely to turn in guns are law-abiding

"In recent local gun buybacks, a majority of sellers were women
and senior citizens who explained that they're afraid of guns and wanted
to get them out of the house. In other words, these are the people least
likely to use them for criminal purposes," said Dasbach.

* Buybacks disarm future crime victims.

"Americans who turn in their guns can no longer use them to
defend themselves against murderers, rapists, and thieves," said
Dasbach. "It may be a voluntary disarmament program, but it's a
disarmament program nonetheless that leaves people defenseless against

* Buybacks encourage criminals to steal guns.

"No-questions-asked buyback programs actually give street thugs an
incentive to steal firearms and sell them to police departments," noted
Dasbach. "So, this buyback program will help criminals profit, while
turning local police departments into fencing operations."

Besides the Libertarians, does anyone else question the
usefulness of gun buyback programs?

Yes, said Dasbach: The federal government. Out of the $15
million earmarked for this project, $1 million will go to study the
effectiveness of gun buyback programs.

"It's typical of the politicians: They decide to spend $14
million on a program, and then spend $1 million to see if they wasted that
$14 million," he said. "If it was their own money, it would be funny.
Since it's the taxpayers' money, it's an outrage."

The government could save that $1 million, he said, by simply
reviewing the research done by Florida State University criminologist Gary
Kleck, who found that buyback programs "have no demonstrable impact on
crime" -- but do yield "real political benefits."

And then the government could save the $14 million by simply
canceling the buyback program, said Dasbach.

"This program won't reduce crime, and it's foolish to pretend
otherwise," he said. "It's time to tell politicians that Americans aren't
buying the gun buyback program."

Version: 2.6.2


The Libertarian Party
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  voice: 202-333-0008 Washington DC 20037
   fax: 202-333-0072

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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said
it, no 

[CTRL] Russia's X mysteries

1999-09-16 Thread Nicky Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-


 Russia's X mysteries

By Anne Williamson
© 1999 WorldNetDaily.com

With each passing day of the Bank of New York-Russian money scandal, the
family of suspect Russian companies whose names end in "-ex" expands:
Mabetex, Benex, Forex, Ostex, Torfinex and Dimalex. Once again, Papa Bear
"-Ex," Nordex, and its founder Grigori Loutchansky are in the news.
Fingered in the spring of 1997 as one more dubious foreign contributor to
Clinton's re-election campaign, Loutchansky -- sounding like the frustrated
Rodney Dangerfield of alleged Russian nuke smugglers -- had a scatological
mouthful to say. "A big American game of big bulls---!" he bellowed over the
telephone line from corporate headquarters in Vienna, "It's those bloody
gangsters in the CIA!"

Look, from Loutchansky's point of view, aspiring to Friend-of-Bill status
turned into a real nightmare. Think about it. One day you're having your mug
snapped alongside Bill Clinton's in the White House and you're carrying
messages from POTUS to POU (President of Ukraine) and the next your good
name is being drug through the mud and your once-proud firm's reputation is
besmirched. Other campaign donors got OPIC and Ex-Im Bank support, a night
in the Lincoln bedroom, or a ride on Air Force One.

But you? All you got were your hot deals in Kazakhstan with Canada's Placer
Dome, U.S. Steel and Mobil Oil trashed, visa refusals from the U.S., Canada,
Great Britain, and Hong Kong, your phone calls monitored by NSA, a clutch of
unflattering newspaper stories and a letter of inquiry from a congressional
investigatory committee. Talk about slings and arrows.

"Americans consider us to be second rate people!" Loutchansky fumed.

I first stumbled on Nordex years ago in Baku when it was still a provincial
Soviet capital, utterly bereft of Texas oilmen. It was there that I
confronted a man whom I was sure was my KGB tail, but who protested, saying
he was a simple biznesman who'd "left the service." But why?

The question got me a shot of vodka and the guy's story at a corner table in
a tiny bar in a dreary hotel next to the Caspian Sea. His last assignment
while "in the service," he said, was accompanying shipments of Soviet gold
bars to Austria and something in the course of those operations that I
couldn't quite grasp had led to the career change, but he did say I ought to
remember the name "Nordex."

Naturally, I forgot all about Nordex until years later in Moscow when I read
in a William Safire column that "it's remarkable how the name Nordex causes
intelligence faces to turn to stone." For laughs, I looked Nordex up in the
Moscow Business Telephone Guide, an entrepreneurial asset of the new age
regnant in the capital, and to my surprise found the listing with seven
telephone numbers. This was serious blat ("pull"), very serious blat, since
nobody, but nobody, had seven published telephone numbers in Moscow in 1995.

After a day's long marathon of dialing, a cheerful voice answered,
"Ministerstvo Innostrannykh Del." This was unbelievable! The Foreign
Ministry? I stated my business.

"Oh, how lucky you are! I was just passing and almost didn't pick up the
phone and not only that, but I know everything about Nordex. You say you're
American?" a certain Aleksandr Konstantinovich queried.

I was stunned. It's a journalist's dream to hear anything so normal, so
friendly from Russian officialdom; it was impossible not to be suspicious.
Konstantinovich suggested that I call two days hence mid-morning, saying
we'd schedule a meeting for that day. And then with the breezy suddenness of
an Englishman's "Cheerio," he was gone.

Naturally, Konstantinovich blew me off, and days more of dialing only got me
frazzled. Then, by chance, I stumbled on paydirt again while leafing through
a 1993 issue of VIP, the vanity organ of the commercialized nomenklatura.
Reading a boastful interview with Vladimir Shcherbakov, the last first
deputy prime minister of the Soviet Union and today president of the
International Foundation for Privatization and Private Investment (FPI), I
learned that FPI's charter was legitimized by Gorbachev's signature and
approved by 13 heads of what were still constituent republics on Sept. 14,
1991 -- a time when the ink on Boris Yeltsin's decree banning the Communist
Party was barely dry -- and that the foreign partner amongst the three
founders was an Austrian firm, Nordex GmbH.

In the interview, the nimble-footed Shcherbakov reported excellent relations
with the new regime of "eager young reformers" -- Yeltsin, Gaidar and
Chubais, all hail-fellows-well-met -- along with similarly sympathetic
connections to the EBRD, the IMF and the U.N. Industrial Development
Organization. Shcherbakov even bragged about FPI's "new approach to the
problem of the property of the Western

[CTRL] Russia laundering scheme "enormous"

1999-09-16 Thread Nicky Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

I wonder if they are for or against big bro.

Interpol chief: Russia laundering scheme "enormous"
Updated 1:57 PM ET September 16, 1999

GENEVA (Reuters) - The head of Interpol said Thursday that the alleged
Russian money-laundering scheme involving a New York bank was the biggest
such affair the global crime-fighting agency had come across so far.
Interpol's British Secretary General Raymond Kendall told Reuters during a
visit to Geneva that his agency was cooperating with U.S. investigators in
the probe but that no arrests had been made so far.

"We are involved," Kendall said. "In dimension terms, it is the biggest
affair we have seen up to now," he added.

"What is complex in the Russian situation is that you seem to be dealing
with corruption taking place at such high levels that the normal ways of
cooperation you'd use are not necessarily the valid ones," said Kendall.

"You want to be sure that the information that you are dealing with doesn't
get to the wrong people...I could not send a message to anyone in Russia, I
have to be sure that it's not going to get into wrong hands."

U.S. and British prosecutors are investigating whether Russian mobsters,
businessmen or officials siphoned more than $15 billion of dollars out of
the country and laundered them through accounts at the Bank of New York.

Separately, prosecutors are also probing reports that a Swiss firm may have
bribed Kremlin officials to win hundreds of millions of dollars in contracts
to renovate public buildings.

So far, prosecutors have not publicly linked the Swiss and U.S. probes. The
Swiss Federal Prosecutor's office has said it is ready to assist the U.S.
investigators if there is a request.

Their outcome is certain to have an impact in Russia, Switzerland as well as
in the United States where Vice President Al Gore's Republican opponents
have seized on his close ties with Russian leaders as ammunition against his
presidential bid.

Kendall said investigators had failed so far to find evidence of any illegal
activity in the affair.

"It (the Russian affair) is of such enormous dimensions...for laundering
money that in some cases, it didn't even get into Russia," he said. "It is
interesting that we haven't yet seen the proof of illegal activity."

Asked about reports that mobsters laundered the cash through the same
channels used for tax evasion out of Russia, Kendall said: "Tax evasion is a
fiscal offense. But the way you move money -- whether you do it for
money-laundering purposes, whether you do it for tax evasion purposes or
whether you do it for legal purposes, the same channels are going to be

No one has been charged in the widening affair.

Kendall said Russian organized crime groups were much more violent than the
traditionally Mafia-type groups.

"Russian organized crime groups are essentially still based in Russia but
they do have more and more connections with people in other countries. The
menace they represent is increasing every day," he said.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The American police state

1999-09-16 Thread Nicky Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

The American police state by Joseph Farah

People who lived in police states used to fear the "knock on the door."
In the American police state today, the cops sometimes don't bother to
knock -- they just shoot the locks off the door.

Such was the case in Compton, Calif., last month. At 11 p.m. Aug. 9, a
Special Weapons and Tactics Team, supposedly serving a search warrant in a
broad-ranging narcotics investigation, performed a "high-risk entry" on a
private home. There was no knock. The cops blew off the locks on the front
and back doors simultaneously.

When they went in, their guns were still blazing.

A retired grandfather was shot twice in the back and killed. His widow was
hustled out of the house in nothing but panties, a towel and plastic
handcuffs. She and six other "suspects" were taken into custody and
interrogated. But no charges were filed.

Investigators seized $10,000 in cash, a .22-caliber rifle and three
handguns, but the drugs the cops were looking for were nowhere to be found.
The family said the money was the life savings of Mario Paz, the 65-year-old
killed in the storming of the house. He had taken the money out of a Mexican
bank in anticipation of Y2K problems. Police claim they thought Paz was
reaching for a gun. His widow, Maria Luisa, says that notion is crazy.

But here's the most interesting twist on one more "dynamic entry" gone awry.
The 20 cops who broke into the Paz home last month were not L.A.P.D.
officers. They were not L.A. County sheriff's deputies. They were members of
the El Monte police force -- operating way outside their jurisdiction.

Why? Because the "war on drugs" allows them to do so.

"We go all over," explains El Monte Police Sgt. Steve Krigbaum, the head of
the narcotics policing division. "If we can show it directly impacts narco
activity here, we'll go after it."

And go after it they did. An investigation of the raid shows that after the
police shot the locks off the doors, they fired a "diversionary device" into
a back bedroom window and threw a flash grenade on the ground behind the
house. The lawyer for the Pazes says the cops fired indiscriminately into
doors while the family slept.

"It was like war," said Luz Escamilla, who lives next door.

You know, it is like war -- this situation in which we find ourselves in
America today. There's an us-against-them attitude from police agencies that
I have never seen before. Worse yet, there's no such thing as a local cop
any more. It seems that local police have all been deputized as FBI agents
in training, nationalized and militarized beyond necessity, beyond reason
and beyond hope.

I'm worried about our country. Six years later, the truth about a nationally
televised and highly publicized siege and massacre in Waco, Texas, is just
beginning to filter out. How do the Paz families of the world expect to get
justice and be treated fairly when there is no accountability at the highest
levels of government and law enforcement for tragedies of the magnitude of

Think of how our civil liberties are being eroded: Possession of firearms, a
constitutionally guaranteed right, is enough to make you a suspect and,
perhaps, justify your untimely death at the hands of the police state;
possession of cash, once considered a basic necessity, is treated with
suspicion and your loot is subject to confiscation; and God forbid you
should be a dissenter, a critic, someone who makes waves. The fact of the
matter is no one is safe from the lawless American police state today.

You can be sleeping soundly in your bed one night. It's not the knock on the
door you have to fear. It's the sound of your locks being shot off -- along
with your constitutional rights.

A daily radio broadcast adaptation of Joseph Farah's commentaries can be
heard at http://www.ktkz.com/

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


[CTRL] Irish "Waco" ?; Back to the Present?

1999-09-16 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

>From The Irish Times

> Friday, September 17, 1999
> Central plank of
> Widgery knocked away
> The forensic evidence in the Widgery inquiry was "worthless", according to new
> independent forensic information. There is also a suspicion that British
> soldiers deliberately used dumdum bullets on Bloody Sunday. Gerry Moriarty
> reports
> Last year, on the anniversary of Bloody Sunday, the Government published an
> analysis of the Widgery Report in which it stated that one of its key findings
> was "grotesque and unjust and contrary to the "credible evidence" available at
> the time.
> Yesterday, new forensic material assembled at the behest of Lord Saville, the
> successor to Lord Widgery, attested to the strength of the Government's
> assertion.
> Lord Widgery's suggestion that some of the 14 people killed and the 13 wounded
> in Derry 27 years ago might have handled or been in the vicinity of guns or
> bombs was effectively repudiated by forensic experts appointed by Lord Saville's
> team.
> Conclusion 10 of the Widgery Report of 1972 states: "None of the deceased or
> wounded is proved to have been shot whilst handling a firearm or bomb. Some are
> wholly acquitted of complicity in such action; but there is a strong suspicion
> that some others had been firing weapons or handling bombs in the course of the
> afternoon and that yet others had been closely supporting them."
> It was this paragraph that allowed elements of the British establishment to
> persist with its claim, expressed directly or through a telling nod and wink,
> that what happened on Bloody Sunday was justified. It was also the paragraph
> that caused most offence to the wounded and the families of the dead.
> The element of suspicion against the victims is pervasive throughout the Widgery
> report. In his carefully crafted document, he created an impression of guilt
> while speaking of the absence of proof of guilt.
> Lord Widgery chose to believe the evidence of the soldiers responsible for the
> killings. This may be understandable. Before beginning his inquiry he was
> reminded by the then Tory prime minister, Ted Heath, that the British army was
> "in Northern Ireland fighting not only a military war but a propaganda war".
> But what was an exercise in damage limitation has for the past 27 years been
> gradually and incrementally discredited. There was a radical acceleration of
> that process yesterday when solicitors for the families released the new
> material given to them by the Saville inquiry.
> Crucial to the Widgery Report, effectively exonerating the British army, was
> evidence given by former Northern Ireland Office forensic expert Dr John Martin
> of lead traces on the bodies.
> But three British scientists who re-examined Dr Martin's evidence - Dr John
> Lloyd, Dr R.T. Shepherd and Mr Kevin O'Callaghan - judged his findings to be
> suspect. Dr Martin had found that many of the victims were exposed to lead
> particles discharged by firearms.
> Dr Lloyd, in his report, found that Dr Martin's evidence was "worthless". Dr
> Martin himself, in a statement to the Saville inquiry, questioned some of his
> own findings of 27 years ago.
> Dr Lloyd was critical of the forensic methodology of 1972, and suggested that
> what he and his two scientific colleagues had discovered should have been found
> at the time of the Widgery inquiry.
> Dr Lloyd said it was "profoundly disturbing" that a single particle of lead on a
> hand swab should have been considered as significant evidence that a person had
> been handling a firearm or been in the vicinity of a discharging firearm.
> The scientists complained that the possibility of cross-contamination was not
> taken into account. For example, some of the victims were taken away in an army
> personnel carrier which was almost certain to contain lead traces that could
> have been transferred to them.
> Moreover, the lead traces found on the victims could have come, according to the
> experts, from a multitude of sources such as the victims' workplaces, from
> petrol emissions, lead in plumbing, metal sheeting, paintwork, bottle tops,
> fishing tackle, etc.
> Eyewitness accounts of Bloody Sunday spoke of some of the victims being shot
> while they lay on the ground, while pleading for mercy, or while running away.
> They told of James Wray being shot dead almost casually as he lay wounded in the
> Glenfada Park area.
> Lord Widgery came to no such conclusion, although he went as far as to say that
> the firing of the soldiers in Glenfada, where four people were killed, "bordered
> on the reckless".
> The new forensic evidence points to something worse than reckless. It states
> that it was "most likely" that Mr Wray was shot as he lay on the ground. There
> is also evidence to suggest that some soldiers may have doctored their bullets
> so that they woul

[CTRL] [Fwd: Precursor to Project Blue Beam technology (holographic projections)]

1999-09-16 Thread Nicola Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Precursor to Project Blue Beam technology (holographic
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 02:01:35 EDT

Use of Electrochromatic Panels

ELECTROCHROMATIC PANELS being tested at Groom Lake/AREA 51?


There are quite a number of new technologies being researched, developed
tested at various leading-edge defense contractor facilities, for
example, at
Groom Lake/AREA 51's highly compartmentalized, multi-faceted

Besides a new generation of VTOL-based UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles -
remotely-controlled surveillance platforms, some of which may be
disk-shaped), there are ongoing development and testing of
panels as part of innovations relevant to "daytime-stealth"

The electrochromatic panels are comprised of thousands of tiny sensors
function as video-cameras that take images of background scenaries,
transferring them to the other panels on the other side of the
This gives the illusion that the aircraft is almost transparent.  What
ground observer sees is whatever background images behind (or above) the
of the aircraft that are transposed to the "observer's" side of the body
the aircraft.

For example, in an artist's rendition of a proposed "Stealth Blimp"
SCIENCE), one can see the stars from above (and behind) the blimp,
giving it
an illusion of being transparent, and making detection somewhat

That an ongoing research, development and testing of such
panels at locations such as at Groom Lake/AREA 51 may be taking place
first suggested in an article written by aviation writer, Bill Sweetman
(POPULAR SCIENCE - May of 1996).

Coincidentally, after that article (suggesting that Groom Lake/AREA 51
still abuzz with various projects) appeared on POPULAR SCIENCE of May,
the June, 1996 issue of POPULAR MECHANICS, in turn, strangely came out
an article by Jim Wilson suggesting that Groom Lake/AREA 51's operations
transferred to Green River missile launch complex in Utah.  This was the
beginning of the false rumor that AREA 51 had moved to a new location in


Research, development and testing is also taking place in another
aspect of electrochromatic panels, namely, the attachment of holographic
projection devices capable of causing image size distortions, such as
distorting the "size" of the aircraft "observed" by ground observers.
example, with this technology a black traingular aircraft, for example,
be seen to be three or four times its actual size to the ground

This type of technology is part of the Department of Defense (DOD)'s
on Psychological Operations (PSYOPS) or Psychological Warfare.

Recent's years' sightings of huge black triangular aircraft (such as at
Phoenix, Arizona in 1997) could possibly be related to testing of such
devices to observe the reactions of the observers.
 http://www.artbell.com/images/artsufo.jpg">Black Triangular
(artist's image)


information War + PsyOps' Holographic Technology

Please share this with everyone.

-from Norio

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FW: Report: U.S. Uses Key Escrow To Steal Secrets

1999-09-16 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley

Technology News


Report: U.S. Uses Key Escrow To Steal Secrets (05/18/99, 9:27 a.m. ET)

By Madeleine Acey, TechWeb

European plans for controlling encryption software are nothing to do with
law enforcement and everything to do with U.S. industrial espionage,
according to a report released by the European Parliament on Friday.

The working document for the Scientific and Technological Options
Assessment panel said the United States has tried to persuade European
Union countries to adopt its key escrow or key recovery policies --
allowing backdoor access to encryption programs -- saying this was
necessary to read messages exchanged by criminals.

But the report details how the UKUSA alliance -- made up of the United
Kingdom, United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand -- has used its
secret Echelon global spying network to intercept confidential company
communications and give them to favored competitors. Thomson S.A., located
in Paris, and Airbus Industrie, based in Blagnac Cedex, France, are said
to have lost contracts as a result of information passed to rivals.

"The U.S. government misled states in the EU and [Organization for
Economic Cooperation and Development] about the true intention of its
policy," the report adds.

"Between 1993 and 1997 police representatives were not involved in the NSA
[National Security Agency]-led policy-making process for key recovery.
Despite this, during the same period the U.S. government repeatedly
presented its policy as being motivated by the stated needs of
law-enforcement agencies."

The document went on to detail how the agencies specifically studied
Internet data. Apart from scanning all international communications lines
-- using 120 satellites, microwave listening stations, and an adapted
submarine -- it said they stored and analyzed Usenet discussions. "In the
U.K., the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency maintains a 1-terabyte
database containing the previous 90 days of Usenet messages."

The "NSA employs computer 'bots' (robots) to collect data of interest,"
the report adds. "For example, a New York website known as JYA.COM offers
extensive information on cryptography and government communications
interception activities. Records of access to the site show that every
morning it is visited by a bot from NSA's National Computer Security
Center, which looks for new files and makes copies of any that it finds."

According to a former employee, NSA had by 1995 installed "sniffer"
software to collect traffic at nine major Internet exchange points.

The report offered evidence that a leading U.S. Internet and
telecommunications company had contracted with the NSA to develop software
to capture Internet data of interest, and that deals had been struck with
Microsoft, Lotus, and Netscape to alter their products for foreign use.

"There can't be any doubt any longer that there's an economic imperative
to these policies," said Simon Davies, director of Privacy International.
"We have been lied to for years. But it will be up to companies like
Airbus to take legal action to force a definition of national security in
the context of the European Union. Then we can establish a legal framework
and appeals process."

Meanwhile, the Financial Times reported on Monday that the U.K. government
had agreed to take key escrow "off the agenda" and had accepted industry
proposals for a "largely voluntary program of co-operation with the
security services".

Government officials could not confirm the report.

But Caspar Bowden, director of the Foundation for Information Policy
Research, questioned how far any compromise would go. "Will they persist
with statutory licensing [of trusted third parties] and criminal
legislation on decryption warrants?" he asked.

Andrew Dornan of Data Communications International contributed to this


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nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Another Tragic Air Force Anthrax Story

1999-09-16 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley

Another Tragic Air Force Anthrax Story

SUMMARY: A pilot relates a story that could be happening all over the
country with our remaining pilots. This stuff is just wonderful isn't it?

By An Air Warrior

It's important to keep the real life experiences in this discussion about
the anthrax vaccine. It keeps things in the proper perspective. First, let
me say that what I am writing is of my own accord and does not represent the
views of the Air Force. Also, it must be made clear that the following is
simply an observation of my experiences over the last two weeks and is not
intended to persuade any member of the armed forces to disobey any lawful
orders. I am an active duty Air Force pilot stationed at an Eastern AFB. I
arrived on station just a little over two weeks ago.

On my first day I met a reserve pilot at lunch and ask how things were in
his unit. He then went on to explain how a large amount of pilots had
resigned due to the fear of the anthrax vaccine. I asked him if their fears
were backed by fact. He used himself for an example. Since he's received the
vaccine, he has experienced headaches, dizzy spells, short term memory loss,
to name a few symptoms. I assumed he was grounded and then he said that the
medical group had given him a waiver to keep flying. He was scheduled for an
MRI to rule out a brain tumor. "How could this be?", I thought. "How can he
be fit to fly?"

The next day I ran into an old friend of mine who was leaving the base. He
was a reserve pilot who had resigned. He acknowledged the moral problem and
stated that there was a real threat of an adverse reaction to the vaccine
and he just couldn't risk it. The following day I checked into the squadron
and spoke with the first active duty pilot I ran into about the anthrax
vaccine. That pilot was grounded, and still is to this day. That pilot has
sustained some serious internal damage with an unknown prognosis. The
overall diagnosis is an autoimmune disorder.

A couple of days later I met another pilot and asked him if he had received
the vaccine. He acknowledged that he had. He described becoming very ill
afterwards and to this day had problems with short-term memory loss. He also
said that his wife had recently became extremely ill. They both went off
base to get a blood analysis. He said that his test showed heavy traces of
anthrax and some traces of Ebola. His wife's blood showed traces of anthrax.
How could this be? He has never been to an area where Ebola is prevalent.
And his wife has never received the anthrax vaccine.

The next day I recorded the names of the crewmembers in my squadron who were
grounded according to our scheduling board. I called five of them that
night. The first guy was a pilot. He had just been released from the
hospital. He told me that shortly after he had received the vaccine he
developed cysts on numerous places on the inside and outside of his body, to
include his heart. He had undergone surgery to remove some of the cysts and
had been hooked up to an IV for six weeks. To his knowledge no VAERS report
had been filed on his case.

The next guy I spoke with had received the vaccine and was being treated for
an autoimmune disorder, but believed it was from job related stress and not
the vaccine. Fair enough, I thought, but how coincidental. The next fellow I
spoke with was grounded also. After the fourth vaccine he began to
experience diverse symptoms which included chronic bone/joint pain, chronic
fatigue, and a loss of ability to concentrate. He is being cross-trained
into another, less demanding career field.

Another pilot I spoke with has experienced severe chronic bone/joint pain
and he was also grounded. The pain is so bad he can't climb the steps to get
into the airplane. Although this disability surfaced after he received the
vaccine, at this time he doesn't attribute it as being the cause. However,
as a precaution, he has had his blood tested for the autoimmune disorder. It
came back negative. Again, I have only been on base a short time and with a
little bit of effort I have uncovered what I consider a nightmare. I have
yet to talk to the other 17 crewmembers in my squadron that are on the
"grounded" list.

My guess is that the anthrax vaccine will be considered a causal factor for
a significant portion of these people. I was told that one of these men had
a seizure last week. Another fact worth mentioning is that the chief of our
immunization clinic took the vaccine and went into anaphylactic shock. We
need to ensure that safety is appropriately addressed and NOW. This is the
sermon that every commander I have served under has preached. Something is
wrong. Way wrong. However, I cannot speak out in a way that civilians can
without facing a court martial.


[CTRL] (OT) Publick House Etiquette

1999-09-16 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

Here, at this site, is a table of contents (TOC) from Britland's

Social Issues Research Council

on how to get about in a 'pub'.  Emphasis may be on getting tourists to act
like locals(and therefore allowing the tourists to avoid embarrassing
themselves).  Conspiratorially, this might be a device for conditioning the
tourists by making them *think* Brit.  I would hope this would work in Ireland
as well ... the Guinness must be fresher there and domestic.  As they say,


> Passport to the Pub
> A guide to British pub etiquette
> Contents
> Introduction
> 1 The Basics
> 2 Choosing Your Pub
> 3 Making Contact
> 4 Pub-talk
> 5 It’s Your Round
> 6 What’s Yours?
> 7 The Opposite Sex
> 8 Games Pubgoers Play
> 9 Going Native
> This book was written by SIRC Director Kate Fox and originally published in
> 1996. All rights are the Brewers and Licensed Retailers Association.

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said
it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your
own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
   German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Everyone has the right...to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers."
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut."
--- Ernest Hemingway
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] klintoon eats too much Oriental food!

1999-09-16 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-

Clinton Could Ease Sanctions On N. Korea This Week

Updated 6:05 PM ET September 15, 1999

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Clinton is expected to move as early as
this week to ease sanctions that have barred trade with North Korea for
nearly half a century, an administration official said Wednesday.
"The president may well announce something this week," the official told

He said the action would allow bank transfers between the two countries,
open up commerce and allow port calls by ships but the United States would
not support international loans to the Stalinist regime, permit technology
transfers or foreign assistance.

Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and National Security Adviser Samuel
Berger recommended the sanctions easing after North Korea told the United
States it would refrain from testing long-range ballistic missiles while the
two countries negotiate other issues marring their relationship.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Hold your nose [if you] .. vote Bush

1999-09-16 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-


 Hold your nose and vote Bush

  I too agree about denying another Democrat the White House! I am firmly
convinced that G.W. Bush is just like former President George Bush -- tap
dancing to the same internationalist mindset. I will, nonetheless, support
G.W. for the presidency over any Democrat. The Democratic Party has
degenerated into the party of the liberal, socialist, and whining
gimme-something party; the party that holds strong beliefs that government
is the answer for individual problems -- "Better living through more
government." The Republican Party is the last-chance party to reclaim our
government back to the individual and to reduce the burden of rules,
regulations, and taxes upon us the "wagon pulling" individuals -- the ones
that pay the bills.

Everyone keep in mind that the president is elected by electoral votes and
not by popular votes. A major three (or more) party election would badly
divide the electoral votes by failing to garner the minimum 277, or so,
electoral votes; thereby forcing the U.S. House of Representatives to elect
the president by default -- a real mess!

Hold your nose and pull for G.W. anyway!


 It's Bush or no one

  I was very disappointed by your anti-Bush column.

Your position shows a profound lack of understanding of American history and
politics. Your ridiculous assertion that this is some special time for
America is wonderfully romantic. I think it more accurately indicates your
own ego-centric philosophy than describes our era. Yes, we have some special
problems and great damage may be done to our nation as at many points in the
past 225 years. Still, we face no hazard that is not of our own making. No
choice is before us that can't be turned back at many opportunities --
assuming you believe in representative government.

Reading your piece I couldn't help but think of my own father. He took a
very dire stand in the '50s and '60s. In some ways he was right, but
all-in-all America has come through it. Still, while fearing the worst he
stayed with the GOP and worked for the growing conservative movement. I'm
sorry he couldn't have been here for Reagan's election.

Your decision is not anywhere near as constructive. The Joe Farah,
All-Seeing Vizier -- Do it my way or the Highway? Yeah, right. With that
kind of attitude why the hell should I care what you say?

You're totally out of touch if you can't see that the GOP's LACK of a
defense against the demonizing of the conservative agenda has TOTALLY
destroyed our ability to use the same points. It's not George's fault that
the bastards running the GOP let their best ideas be dumped on for four
years with barely a whimper in reply. Every poll shows education as a
top-three concern. The scrapping of the Department of Education would play
like c--- to nearly every undecided voter. I respect many of the GWB team
members. I think I see real thought and structure to their campaign so far.
Unlike you romantics I DON'T LIKE LOSING. ...

America is a TWO PARTY system. All third parties will be assimilated. Crack
a history book this weekend and check it out.


 Bush, for a better future?

  For the first time, I am completely in disagreement with you about your
refusal to vote for Bush for president. Yes there may be a better man for
the Republicans to run for the office, but any vote by any Republican for
any other party will put Gore or Bradley in office.

Can you suffer through another eight years with a liberal who will nominate
the most liberal Supreme Court Justices in history? The Congress and Senate
will be Democratic and there will never be a chance to change the wrongs
that were made by the last Democratic Congress and this corrupt and immoral

Bush will do a good job, I am sure. If you and others vote for Buchanan or
anyone else you will be to blame for anything that goes wrong in the future.
Don't be selfish and self-serving and think that you must vote for a
conservative candidate in the next election to prove your stand. The country
is more important than your private stands on many issues.

The whole country needs a Republican president and Congress to survive and
for your children to grow up safe.


 Vote with your brains,
not your glands

  One of

[CTRL] evil nwoelite "Bush Condemns 'Evil,' Not Gun Laws" ["a wave of evil']'

1999-09-16 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-

Bush Condemns 'Evil,' Not Gun Laws
By Ron Fournier
AP Political Writer
Thursday, September 16, 1999; 6:14 p.m. EDT

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (AP) -- Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush
said Thursday that ``a wave of evil'' -- not a lack of gun control laws --
is the cause of rampant gun violence in America.

Scrapping two fund-raisers to rush home to Texas and the scene of a deadly
shooting spree, the GOP front-runner said the tragedy had not softened his
pro-gun views.

``I don't know of a law -- a governmental law -- that will put love in
people's hearts,'' the Texas governor told reporters at a news conference.
He toured a local elementary school and met privately with former President
Gerald Ford before leaving for Texas.

His eyes red and moist, Bush said: ``It's hard to explain how hatred lurks
in somebody's heart to the point where he walks into a church where children
and adults were seeking God's guidance and shoots them.''

Seven people were fatally shot Wednesday night at a Fort Worth, Texas,
Baptist church before the gunman killed himself in a pew. Authorities did
not know the man's motive.

The shooting posed a potential political problem for the two-term governor
who signed a 1995 law allowing Texans to carry concealed weapons with a
permit. Democrats have questioned his commitment to federal and state
efforts to require background checks at gun shows.

Bush, who spoke to police in Texas shortly before the news conference, said
he was told the suspect did not have a concealed-weapons permit. ``I don't
know his background, but it sounds to me like he's mentally deranged,'' Bush
said. ``You bet, I'd like to make sure people like him don't have guns.''

Yet he didn't budge from his belief that new anti-gun laws are not the

``There seems to be a wave of evil passing through America now and we as a
society can pass laws and hold people accountable for the decisions they
make, but our hopes and prayers have got to be that there is more love in
society,'' he said.

``This man obviously was acting as a result of evil in his heart,'' Bush
said. ``I would hope that Americans would collectively pray for love in
people's heart.''

Like most Republicans generally in line with the National Rifle Association,
Bush said current laws need to be enforced. Punish people who illegally sell
guns or who commit crimes with a gun; keep weapons out of the hands of
felons and mentally ill people; ban certain assault weapons and require
background checks at gun shows, he said.

However, he embraced a GOP-backed bill in the House this year which the
White House and gun-control advocates said would weaken existing laws
governing gun shows. Democrats in Texas criticize Bush for failing to back a
state gun show bill, though the governor said federal law made the measure

Bush said that ``most Americans want somebody reasonable who has a rational
view'' of the topic.

He canceled the remainder of his Michigan trip, including a gathering of
state Republicans on Mackinaw Island, a weekend trip to Kennebunkport, Maine
and a Sunday event in New Hampshire so he could attend memorials for the

In Texas, Bush met privately with some hospitalized survivors at John Peter
Smith Hospital and later called for a higher authority to heal the hatred.

``This is now a time in our state and this great city to remember that Fort
Worth is full of decent and caring people,'' Bush said outside the hospital.
``I wish I knew the law to make people love one another. We'd pass it in


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FW: [RuMills] Digest Number 64

1999-09-16 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

I forwarded Elizabeth's GREAT "What Can A WOMAN Can Do to Delete the Shadow
Government?" post to every woman in my email address book.

Looks like  RuMills liked it too ..

Live long and prosper, Elizabeth   ;-)

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 1999 6:14 AM
Subject: [RuMills] Digest Number 64

RMNews, The Uncensored National Rumor

There are 5 messages in this issue.

Topics in today's digest:

  1. (genetically manipulated food) THE MUTANTS ARE COMING!!! ARTICLE
  2. The Unknown $19 Trillion Depository Trust Company
  3. Letter From Congressman Ron Paul  - - You MUST read this!
  4. What Can A WOMAN Can Do to Delete the Shadow Government?
  5. The Controlled Media Finally Catches Up With Rumor Mill News



Message: 1
   Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 11:26:22 EDT

Date:   9/15/1999 7:03:28 AM Pacific Daylight Time

PLANETNEWS broadcast...part 1 of 2...



The development of the technology of Genetic Modification (G.M.) stretches
back decades but most people have started to become aware of its
implications during the 90's.First in the mid 90's Monsanto introduced
rB.S.T. a G.M. growth hormone designed to increase milk yields in the U.S.
After some controversy the E.U. decided to ban its import into Europe, a
decision which is likely to be overturned by the World Trade Organisation
(W.T.O.) soon. Then in 1996 shipments of soyabeans genetically modified to
be resistant to Monsanto's herbicide Roundup started to arrive in this
country prompting the first major signs of public disquiet. More recently
the sacking of Dr Puzstai from the Rowett Institute for claiming that
consuming G.M. potatoes harmed rats provoked quite a food scare frenzy in
the capitalist media. Pictures of a green faced Tony Blair with bolts
through his neck under the headline "The Prime Monster" probably made all
but the hardest of us chuckle but the whole "Frankenstein Foods" paranoia
tended to obscure the environmental and social disasters which will follow
if the corporations carry out their plans to introduce G.M. on a large


G.M. is only the latest stage in the the industrialisation of food
production which has been going on throughout the whole post war period
under the control of the petro-chemical-pharmaceutical multinationals that
have come to dominate the global economy. More powerful than many nation
states (in 1995 of the 100 most powerful `economies' in the world 48 were
multinational corporations) they, along with the international financial
institutions (IMF, World Bank, W.T.O. etc) constitute the economic side of
the New World Order with N.A.T.O. taking on the role of political

The process of industrialising food production which they have been imposing
on us over the last few decades consists of destroying subsistence and
organic farming and replacing it with a system based on

*Massive inputs of petro-chemicals in the form of fuel for machinery,
artificial fertilisers and biocides (herbicides and pesticides).

*Production for a global market rather than for direct consumption
(subsistence) or local markets.

*More dependence on animal products and the intensification of animal
exploitation (factory farming).

*The concentration of land ownership into fewer hands.

*Dependence on multinational corporations for seed. Major chemical,
pharmaceutical and oil multinationals have taken over more than 120 seed
companies since the 60,s. The top 5 seed producers now control 75% of the
world market. Hybrid, so-called `High Yielding Varieties', have yields
20-40% lower in the second generation if replanted and are hence
economically sterile'.

*The replacement of mixed cropping systems suitable to local conditions with

The results of this process (sometimes known as the `Green Revolution') have
been landlessness, poverty & starvation for many in the so-called `Third
World' as well as massive degradation of the natural world through c

[CTRL] FW: Shooting in Texas Tonight

1999-09-16 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-


Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From: Landes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 1999 12:23 PM
Subject: Re:  Shooting in Texas Tonight

He flew back for Hurrican Floyd's arrival in North Carolina,
and made a speech with his airplane in the background.

Bob, I saw that speech yesterday.  The point I was trying to make was that
IT is happening again.  If the hurricane hadn't happened, Clinton's trip
would not have been cut short and he would still be out of the country.
To be honest with you, when I read the post to the list that linked the mass
shootings going on in the US these past few years with Clinton's trips
abroad, I had to laugh.  But then I started doing some digging, and more
reading, and I wasn't laughing anymore.  I was beginning to think the poster
was right on, and why wasn't this anomaly being talked about on the nightly
news instead of only on this email list.
While waiting for the Clinton bodyguard interview to air last night, I found
myself instead watching another news flash about more children, in a Church
of God, no less, killed in a "mad killer with bombs, shooting
indiscriminately" murder spree.  People being interviewd last night were
saying that the shooter appreared calm, perfectly normal, and was even
smoking a cigarette as he was shooting.  One little girl made the remark
that he "was like a robot.  He just kept shooting"  The shooter was
evidently so cool and collected that a lot of the kids thought it was a
game, or a skit that they should play along with.  Only today are the media
reports saying that the shooter was ranting and raving, screaming
obscenities about religion, etc., etc., as he was shooting.
When I wrote the note to the list last night, the hair was standing up on my
arms and my head, my fingers so cold they almost wouldn't work the keys.
The survivors had been on tv, saying that they were gathered last night
because of this reason:  "See You At The Pole"
Yesterday morning, I dropped my daughter and a van load of her good friends
off at the front doors of their junior high school.  They were gathering,
along with a few hundred other kids, for "See You At The Pole".  Those kids
gathered in a large circle, holding hands, and as they went around the
circle each one of them prayed out loud.  They could pray for whatever they
wanted to, but every one of those kids prayed aloud that they be safe and
not be shot or killed while attending school.  They prayed that angels be
sent to help anyone so lost that they thought they had to strike back by
bringing a gun into the school and killing friends they loved.  Last night
IT happened in a Fort Worth Baptist Church, but IT could just have easily
happened yesterday at 7 a.m. at my daughter's school.
What is wrong with this country?  Why do over 250 13 and 14 year olds have
to pray to God that they do not get shot and killed while attending school?
Why is my 10 year old terrified of going to church again?  What is wrong
with this country, and why is no one doing anything to stop it?  Good Lord,
if we had 50 Senators get sick and die within a year, and the only thing
they had in common was that they were Senators, the CDC and every other
government agency would pull out all stops to find out what the virus/cause
was, and millions would be spent to eradicate it.
They are killing our kids.  No one is doing anything about it.  Something is
very, very wrong here in these United States.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] the 2 evils divert attention from House races!

1999-09-16 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-

Folks, Let's not spend all our energy on the campaigns of the two evils.  We
need a Congress which will, for a change, legislate in accordance with the
For Christ's sake, you all better not send anymore of those scandal-ridden
trashy thugs to the Congress of Criminals.
We can restore to Congress those powers usurped by the Rapist and his
predecessors only by NOT voting for any DemocRat or Repub.
If your wondering what kind of person I should voting for, I suggest you go
to the Website of
Rep. Ron Paul and learn of the principles of government he supports and
stands for:

Also, pay a Visit to:

You understand that Folks??


Alex Jones Presents..

If "pro" is the opposite of "con," what's the opposite of "progress"?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FWD: BR archives

1999-09-16 Thread Andy Szul

 -Caveat Lector-

FYI --some good articles online. See below.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Lyndon LaRouche speech, Sept. 4, 1999

1999-09-16 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-


Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Bob
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 1999 3:38 AM

A new strategy for the United States

by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

{The following keynote presentation was given by Lyndon LaRouche to the
ICLC/Schiller Institute Labor Day Conference on Sept. 4, 1999.}

The subject of this conference is strategy. And I would like to make
a brief aside to mention Col. Molloy Vaughn, who just recently deceased,
an old friend whom many of you may recall from previous conferences; an
old soldier who was always ready to do what was useful for the cause of

I would also like to welcome General Bedoya of Colombia, another builder
of nations and defender of those nations. And that is essentially the
theme of this conference, and the theme of what I have to say to you
today in opening this conference.

The world is presently in the final phase of disintegration of a global
financial system which was set into motion in the middle of August 1971.
 From that point on, from the decision made by President Nixon in 1971,
to the present time, the U.S. economy has undergone a series of
degenerative phase-shifts in policy-making and in practice.

This degeneration of the U.S. economy also reflects a broader
degeneration, led by the British Commonwealth--the British monarchy--and
other nations which have joined with the so-called Anglo-Americans in
imposing upon the world the so-called floating exchange-rate monetary
system over the period to the present time, since 1971.

That system is presently hopelessly bankrupt. It will not last. It will
disintegrate, or it will be shut down. {My alternative, rather than
letting it disintegrate, is to shut it down.} That means that someone
with authority must step in, put the old system into bankruptcy
reorganization, in the same way you would put a bank in the local
community into bankruptcy reorganization--more or less the same--and set
in a new system to continue the essential operations, the economic
operations performed by the old system, but under new rules, and under
new management.

It is my view, which I've expressed on many occasions, that the only
agency which can accomplish this, is the Presidency of the United
States. Not that the President of the United States can {dictate} such a
system to the world at large, but rather, without a leading role by the
President of the United States, it is most unlikely, perhaps impossible
in practice, that other nations would be able to get together with the
United States to shut the old system down, put it into bankruptcy, and
keep the world economy going, preferably without missing a step, under
new management, new rules, and new policies.

I've proposed that for some time as a New Bretton Woods system. And let
me explain again, which I've done in various articles and so forth,
which some of you are familiar with. But let me put it again in this

We had a workable system from the time that Roosevelt was leading the
United States during World War II, until approximately 1964; until after
the assassination of President John Kennedy. There were many mistakes in
the system, but it worked. The system underwent a degenerative
transformation from 1964 to 1971, when the old Bretton Woods system was
cancelled, and the new Bretton Woods system, the present one, the
so-called floating exchange-rate system, was put into effect on the
initiative of President Nixon.

That former system, the Roosevelt-led system, worked in general. It gave
us a world economic recovery, at least in Western Europe, and in most of
the Americas. It also was beneficial for Japan, and beneficial for other
parts of the world. This system continued in the form it had operated
after Roosevelt's death, until about 1958. Then, the rules began to
change. The mud began to slide.

There was an attempt to go back to the Roosevelt policies under
President Kennedy. Kennedy's assassination was the end of the effort to
revive Roosevelt's economic policies.

We're now in a situation where the old system has failed, and we
desperately need an immediate change to build a new system. In the
reality of politics, to make such changes under emergency conditions,
and to make them suddenly, we must rely, at least to a very large
degree, on choosing precedents from past history, preferably periods of
history as close to our own as possible, and use those precedents as
guides to design the policy changes we must put into effect, to replace
the present bankrupt international monetary system with a new one, which
we urgently need to keep the world economy going.

It is my view that throughout the world, only the President of the
United States, in his position as President, under our Constitution, has
the influence, or the potential influence, and the legal position to be
the rallying point for

[CTRL] Need Website 4 DanforthWaco probe of RapistShakyBatfbi

1999-09-16 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-

I think "big jack" should request funds to establish a Website detailing the
progress of the "probe".
Problem is who could we trust in the district of criminals to maintain it.
Any ideas??


If "pro" is the opposite of "con," what's the opposite of "progress"?

Alex Jones Presents..

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Waco and the Press

1999-09-16 Thread Tenorlove

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Sno0wl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Perhaps if more of us WERE "conspiracy nuts" we could expose and stop
the conspiracy!
Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at http://auctions.yahoo.com

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The glorious capitalist free market economic system.

1999-09-16 Thread Tenorlove

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Sno0wl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

< Are you
suggesting armed revolt? mass suicide?>>

Become an Amway distributor? 
Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at http://auctions.yahoo.com

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Blue beam holographic images

1999-09-16 Thread Steve Wilson

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/16/99 1:35:09 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi Nicky:

 I just got this from Ron.  Sounds like a good offer;  go for it.


 -Original Message-
 Sent:   Wednesday, September 15, 1999 11:18 PM
 Subject:Re: FW: [Fwd: Re Bl. Be.]

 Hey Watchman!
 I have rec'd a 90 min audio tape the Serge made about Blue Beam. I will
 and send it to any corner of the earth, no charge. It has the 4 points
 Blue Beam.
 What I will need,is the address of who wishes it. This is my way of
 my friend Serge
 (Canadian Journalist who was investigating)
 for giving his life for us. He states on the tape he will be
 You have my permission to give out the below my friend...
 Ron W. Wheeler
 875 NW 55 th St.
 Redmond, Oregon 97756
 Ph. Voice/fax 1-541-923-4192
 Take care friend,
 Ron >>
can you send me a tape?
Steve Wilson
1710 W.Greenleaf
Chicago Il.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Nortel's "power line internet" Back Door

1999-09-16 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-

 Nortel's (or any similar) "power line internet" is a potential
 back door into every non-battery powered (or non-isolated)
 computer -- all via the power cord.  Required: certain hardware
 and/or software installed, infected, and/or embedded in the
 targeted computer -- or other intelligent, networked appliance
 (garage door opener, security system, HVAC controls, etc.).

 (Hackers soon may be able to open American garage doors,
 turn off burglar alarms, shut off air conditioners, etc..)

 The required operability may (per Clinton Executive Order?)
 be covertly built into modems, DSP chips, computer boards,
 operating systems, trojan files, etc. -- by manufacturers
 who would likely receive remuneration from "the authorities"
 -- or it could be installed by "unauthorized tampering" or
 network infection, etc.

 "Progress" has been announced:

 FBI, Cos. Strike Software Agreement
 September 14, 1999
 (c) By The Associated Press

 WASHINGTON (AP) -- The FBI reached a first-of-its-kind
 agreement enabling telecommunications companies to use
 computer software made by Nortel Networks to assist law
 enforcement agencies in conducting lawfully authorized

 The agreement calls for Nortel, a major supplier of
 telecommunications equipment, to provide certain software to
 its carrier customers.  Nortel will waive the license fees.

 The 1994 Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act
 authorized $500 million for the purpose of reimbursing the
 telecommunications industry for its costs in cooperating with
 law enforcement agencies in wiretapping.

 "Carriers can now begin taking steps to correct technological
 impediments within their networks that currently prevent law
 enforcement from being able to carry out court-ordered
 electronic surveillance directed at suspected criminals and
 terrorists," Attorney General Janet Reno said in a statement.

 The telecommunication carrier Ameritech also is a party to
 the agreement.  FBI Director Louis Freeh said the bureau is
 working toward finalizing similar reimbursement agreements
 with other carriers and manufacturers.

  Original Message ---
 From: Caigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999
 Subj: [EWAR] Re: [MC] Evidence for microwave-induced
cerebral speech perception

 Wes Thomas wrote:
 > Electrical power 60 Hz (or 50 Hz in the U.K. and elsewhere)
 > can be modulated, but given the massive amount of power
 > required to impose a grid-wide signal, such modulation
 > would appear to be easier to do on a local level (within a
 > neighborhood, for example.) (I'm extrapolating here from my
 > knowledge of high frequency RF modulation; this should be
 > checked by someone knowledgeable in electrical power
 > engineering.)

 The way it's done in Europe won't work here - can't run the
 NorTel signal through a transformer, and over here about 5-10
 homes are served by one transformer. But see below - Enikia,
 in Piscataway, New Jersey, seems to have come up with a
 solution to that.

 There are more than a few articles that touch on the
 technology involved in 'mirroring' the 'Net on the Grid by
 way of RF modulation; here are a few Links:


 Power Lines To Carry Data

 By Carol Wilson

 A new technology that delivers data over electrical utility
 lines will be implemented this summer in the U.K. and, soon
 after, is scheduled to pop up on electrical lines in Germany,
 the Netherlands, Singapore and Sweden. The technology is
 expected to hit the North American market next year.

 Developed by Northern Telecom Inc. and United Utilities
 PLC, a U.K. utility company, Digital PowerLine offers data
 transport at speeds of up to 1 megabit per second in both
 directions, but "it is much more than just a modem," said
 Wayne Fothergill, vice president of marketing and business
 development at Nortel (http://www.nortel.com).

 Already, Fothergill said, 10 utility companies have signed on
 as customers, and the company is working actively with 30

 Originally announced in October 1997, the second generation
 of Digital PowerLine technology was demonstrated at the Cebit
 exhibition in Hanover, Germany, last week. It will be
 deployed by Norweb Communications, the telecommunications
 unit of United Utilities, in the northwest portion of the
 U.K. this summer. The product will be marketed worldwide by
 NOR.WEB DPL, a joint venture company of Nortel and United

 Norweb is setting up an intranet and will have locally cached
 content for its customers, said Mark Ballett, the company's
 managing director. "We can also give our customers a home LAN
 [local area network] and become a true information utility."



 Nortel (Northern

[CTRL] Fw: SNET: Deceptions of the End times. 2nd attempt

1999-09-16 Thread Nicky Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

Sorry about the last. It looked OK at the time.I wish they wouldn't put the
list on the right of the page.
---Subject: Deceptions of the End times.

->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

This is a great overview of secret goings on.

Cosmic Conflict and the Da''ath wars
The grand deception
The cult of the serpent
And there was a war in heaven
A convenant with death
Crash go the chariots
Caverns dungeons & labyrinths
The underground empire
Invasion of the mind wreckers
Out of the dragons lair of a Cosmic War
Battles beneath the earth
The Omega Files\
 Nazi Moon Bases???
Project Bluebeam
 Black helicopters over Pittsburgh
Constitution suspended since 1933??
Unauthorized biography of George Bush
Transcript of Texe Marrs Death by Design
Read the book of Enoch online
A Plea to the people of Preston
County WV & surrounding areas
Read the book of Jubilees

-> Send "subscribe   snetnews " to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
->  Posted by: "Nicky Molloy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: The Showdown on Hwy. 78

1999-09-16 Thread day

 -Caveat Lector-

> The Showdown on Hwy. 78
> July 1, 1999  was a typical day for most Southern Californians. In San
> Diego’s
> North county, 58 year-old Janet Lucero was on the road like thousands of
> others. She never had a thought how she could affect the lives of
> thousands
> in just one day.
> Road rage is a typical phenomenon ­ especially on the Golden State’s
> crowded
> thoroughfares. Highway 78 (a major connector freeway between Interstates
> 5
> and 15) was no exception. Janet was in route to a fair when another
> woman
> wanted to go elsewhere. Two drivers wanting to be in the same spot at
> the
> same time. No collision, just frayed nerves. But this would be
> different.
> Whoever Janet Lucero angered decided to follow her into the parking lot
> of a
> Burger King restaurant. This is where the chaos began.
> According to both parties, the woman approached Janet’s light blue Honda
> Civic once it was parked. Apparently, she had a few harsh words for
> Janet. A
> possible threat? Could she be hostile? Who knows? But in what is known
> as
> “the land of fruits and nuts,” Janet suspected by the woman’s attitude
> that
> this may have been the latter.
> Words were exchanged. Then, the woman opened Janet’s door and saw
> something
> on Janet’s lap ­ and then abruptly closed the door in fear ­ the same
> fear
> most criminals have when they notice their potential victim is armed.
> In most states, that would have been the end of the story. Janet Lucero
> thought so. But while she went on to order a burger at the restaurant,
> she
> forgot she was in California. The woman who approached her car didn’t.
> She decided to do her “civic” duty and make a call ­ the three digit
> kind.
> Shortly after leaving the restaurant, Janet found flashing lights in her
> rear view mirror.
> Let’s stop right here for a moment…
> Janet Lucero has had problems with police in the past ­ yet, no criminal
> record.  The worst transgression she ever committed was not having her
> dogs’
> vaccinations up to date. She also couldn’t forget more recent stories
> that
> are all too familiar to Californians ­ stories about what happens to
> people
> who are found with guns in the car by police. Since many California
> politicians and police feel the constitutional right to keep and bear
> arms
> is the greatest threat to a free state, many of their victims (some
> unarmed)
> are not alive to give their own side of the story. The fact that they
> had a
> gun (or suspected to) is enough reason to be killed without prejudice.
> Janet
> Lucero remembered this as she pulled over (and she did pull over).
> Back to the scene…
> Janet found herself looking down the barrel of the patrolman’s service
> revolver.  Due to the well-publicized, recent behavior of some of
> California’s
> Finest, Janet decided she would not be the next victim. She left the
> scene for good reason, and the chase was on. Another one of those
> infamous
> Golden State chase scenes most Americans find entertaining. But this
> wasn’t
> O.J. This was different. The case of July 1, 1999 captured the attention
> of
> the California Highway Patrol, then the San Diego County sheriff’s
> office,
> then the Escondito Police Department, then all of San Diego County, and
> then
> the nation.
> Janet never broke any speed limit laws. But the long chase led to the
> infamous “Standoff on Highway 78” where police finally cornered her.
> There
> were two factors that drew the media attention to this particular
> standoff:
> 1) Thousands of motorists found themselves in stopped on Freeways all
> over
> the North County of San Diego and 2) the lawful defiance of one Janet
> Lucero ­ a woman who refused to be killed. Once stopped, all of San
> Diego
> awaited a violent conclusion to the Standoff.
> Four hours in the California heat. Volunteers had to bring water to the
> stranded motorists on Hwy. 78. An infant had to be rushed to the
> hospital.
> The area was in chaos while the SD sheriff’s department had “all hands
> on
> deck” (with live media cameras in tow) as Janet sat peacefully ­
> refusing to
> get out of her car in fear.
> There are those who will say Janet had nothing to fear. But the several
> guns
> trained on her were later joined by SWAT teams dressed like active duty
> Marines returning from Kosovo ­ with weapons to match, ready to blow her
> head off even if she had just sneezed. No, nothing to fear. Then, add
> the
> armored vehicle, the low-flying helicopter, then “Lonny, the mechanized
> RoboCop”. Lonny’s task was to peak into Janet’s vehicle to make sure she
> wasn’t a threat to the 70 heavily armed, armor plated, helmet wearing
> camouflaged, para-military storm troopers holding weapons that most
> other
> Californians would be jailed or shot for owning.
> All this for one 58-year old woman who simply didn’t want to die that
> day.
> Janet’s reward for her defiance was to be psychologically

[CTRL] Fw: Linda Tripp - Key to Waco?

1999-09-16 Thread day

 -Caveat Lector-

> MEDIUM RARE - By Jim Rarey - September 15, 1999
> What in the world, you might say, could Linda Tripp have to do with the
> Waco disaster? Please bear with me. Review the facts
> presented here and reach your own conclusions.
> That Linda Tripp was more than just a secretary who happened to be in
> the right place (or the wrong place, depending on your
> point of view) at critical times is indisputable. Consider the following
> chronology of positions she held.
> Tripp married a career army officer, Bruce Tripp, who probably was in
> military intelligence. According to an article in the
> March 23, 1998 issue of Newsweek, "She was introduced to covert
> operations through a secretarial job at U.S. Army
> Intelligence Command at Fort Meade, Maryland." The article continues,
> "Following her husband to Fort Bragg, N.C., she got a
> job with the top-secret commando unit, Delta Force, so secret she
> couldn’t describe it on paper. "The nature of this position is
> classified," she explains on her resume."
> >From Delta Force, Tripp was transferred to the Bush White House working
> in the press office. When George Bush lost the
> election to Bill Clinton she was placed on the transition team to work
> with the incoming administration.
> With her top-secret clearance, she was assigned by the Clinton White
> House to one of the most sensitive positions available
> under civil service as secretary to the new Chief Legal Counsel, Bernard
> Nussbaum. Nussbaum was Hillary Rodham’s law
> professor at Yale Law School and worked on the Nixon impeachment House
> Committee where he brought Hillary on as a
> staffer. It is generally thought that Hillary was responsible for
> Nussbaum’s appointment as White House Legal Counsel. In her
> job, Tripp undoubtedly was privy to information on the scandals that
> started almost at the very beginning of the Clinton
> administration (Travelgate and the FBI files to mention a couple). Waco
> also happened during her stint with Nussbaum (more
> on that later).
> When Nussbaum was replaced as White House Counsel (for reasons which are
> not clear) Tripp was transferred to an even
> more sensitive position as secretary to Vince Foster! Foster, a partner
> with Hillary Clinton at the Rose law firm, was a senior
> attorney in the White House Counsel Office, but more than that was
> handling the personal legal affairs of the Clintons. Tripp
> was the last person to see Foster in the White House on the day of his
> death.
> The other imbroglios in which she was involved are pretty much public
> knowledge (the Kathleen Willey and Monica Lewinsky
> affairs).
> How did it come about that Linda Tripp was assigned to two such
> sensitive positions? Neither of the Clintons knew her before
> they encountered her on the Bush transition team. Why would they assign
> her to such sensitive jobs? Obviously, she was
> recommended by someone the Clintons trusted (or to whom they couldn’t
> say no).
> Even more curious is Tripp’s relationship with Lucianne Goldberg and
> Goldberg’s background. According to an article by Elise
> Ackerman in the Feb. 23, 1998 issue of U.S. News and World Report,
> Goldberg is married to an editor at the North
> American Newspaper Alliance (NANA), "with ties to U.S. intelligence
> agencies," Ackerman relates. Ackerman also goes out
> of her way to tell us that, "It (NANA) was founded by Ernest Cuneo, a
> veteran of the OSS, the precursor to the CIA)."
> (The role of reporters and journalists is a classic cover for covert
> intelligence agents.)
> The Ackerman article also relates the story of Lucianne Goldberg’s
> experience in "dirty tricks" for the Nixon campaign.
> Goldberg, evidently with genuine press credentials from Women’s News
> Service (an affiliate of NANA) traveled on the
> McGovern press plane during McGovern’s campaign against Richard Nixon in
> 1972. According to the article, Goldberg later
> said she was collecting information on reporters and Secret Service
> agents as to "Who was sleeping with who, what the Secret
> Service men were doing with the stewardesses, who was smoking pot on the
> plane - that sort of thing." That information
> certainly had nothing to do with the McGovern campaign strategy but
> might have been useful in blackmailing reporters,
> journalists and Secret Service agents.
> How does all of this relate to Waco?
> Michael McNulty, the producer of two film documentaries on Waco ("Rules
> of Engagement" and the soon to be released "A
> New Revelation"), has claimed on cable television shows to have
> documentation that indicates decisions on FBI activities at
> Waco were made in the White House involving; Webster Hubbell, Vincent
> Foster, Hillary Clinton and Bernard Nussbaum.
> The advance issue of the Sept. 27, 1999 issue of the New American
> Magazine reports on a meeting held on April 14, 1993
> (just five days b

[CTRL] We are being listened to

1999-09-16 Thread Nicky Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-


Anyone starting to get a persecution complex?

The journalist Nicky Hager discovered thanks to several interviews with more
than 50 people concerned with New Zealand’s Signal Intelligence Agency, that
there is a network of spy stations around the globe. Inside it, "the
thousands of simultaneous messages are read in real time as they pour into
each station, hour after hour, day after day, as the computers find
intelligence needles in telecommunications haystacks".

Similarly, British researcher Duncan Campbell has described how the US
Menwith Hill station, near Harrogate, in North Yorkshire (Great Britain)
taps directly into the British Telecom microwave network, which has actually
been designed with several major microwave links converging on an isolated
tower connected underground into the station.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Dorthy Kilgallen's Sucide Information Wanted

1999-09-16 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

   >> Forum: alt.conspiracy.jfk

  >> Thread: Dorothy Kilgallen and JFK
>> Message 5 of 521

Subject: Dorothy Kilgallen and JFK
Date: 1999/08/25
Author: David Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Posting History

The point to be remembered in any assessment of her evolving skepticism is
that Dorothy [Kilgallen] was open-minded, accessible, and fearless.  In this
regard, she was almost unique among heavyweight, establishment journalists
in the United States.  What she was publishing has been made tepid by time,
but doubting the official version then verged on apostasy.

The mindset of her colleague and friend Bob Considine was far more typical.
By March 6, only four months after the assassination and a half-year before
the release of the Warren Report, he denigrated the European press for
"still clutching to the long discredited notion that there was a dark
conspiracy involving JFK's death."  He had apparently learned at some point
that Jack Ruby had had the opportunity to shoot Oswald on the day before he
actually did the crime.  Using that datum as a kind of sealing wax, he
closed himself hermetically to any and all evidence that challenged the
lone-assassin theory.

Of the handful of reporters who had the commitment, the clout, the
predisposition, and the intrepidity to go after what the government wanted
withheld, some were frightened.  Thayer Waldo of the Fort Worth
Star-Telegram originally furnished to Mark Lane information that Officer
Tippitt, Jack Ruby, and Bernard Weissman (one of the signers of the
notorious black-bordered advertisement that ran in a Dallas newspaper on the
day of Kennedy's fateful visit, charging that the President had abrogated
the Monroe Doctrine and "sold out to Moscow") had met in Ruby's Carousel
Club eight days before the assassination.  Waldo would not use the story
himself.  Waldo also discovered that the Dallas chief of police had been
surprised by the course finally chosen for the President's motorcade and was
unable to fathom why the procession was instructed to take this more
vulnerable route.  Nor did he use this story, though once again he made the
information available to Mark Lane.  Thayer Waldo was not minimizing the
significance of his information.  On the contrary, he told Lane that if he
published what he knew, "there would be real danger to him [Waldo]."
Dorothy eventually published what Waldo had uncovered but was afraid to run.
Delacorte Press, 1979) pp. 372-373

Three days after her death, Bob and Jean Bach invited [Dorothy's dissolute
husband] Richard Kollmar to their home for dinner.  Bob asked the widower,
"Dick, what was all that stuff in the folder Dorothy carried around with her
about the assassination.?"

Richard replied, "Robert, I'm afraid that will have to go to the grave with

Mark Lane also pursued.  Dorothy was dead on his return to New York.  They
had never had the opportunity to discuss the last Dallas trip, before which
she had told him that she expected "to learn something important" on her
visit to New Orleans.

Mark waited a respectable month before he queried Kollmar, though she was on
his mind every day.  When he finally telephoned Richard, he asked if he
might see the folder.  "I suspect she might have really found out
something," he said, "something which could affect all of us in the future."
Richard equivocated.  Mark insisted that he was talking about "the soul of
our country."

Richard said, "I'm going to destroy all that.  It's done enough damage

Richard's post mortems were so riddled with lies, it is impossible to know
whether he ever really possessed the material or what he decided to do with

The FBI evinced interest as late as 1975, four years after his death.  The
G-men sought out [Richard and Dorothy's son] Dickie, who told them that he
knew nothing about the disposition of his mother's papers.  He suggested
that his grandfather might have them.

Nothing of what Dorothy gathered, surmised, or wrote during her private
interview with Jack Ruby or on her Texas or New Orleans sojourns has ever
come to light.

A book called "Murder One" was published in 1967.  Her name was affixed to
the title.  The writer assigned to the book, Allan Ullman, worked from the
old newspaper clips that she had assembled, and merely edited her reportage.
He was under the impression that Dorothy had not put pen to paper (This was
a book she had long had in the works. ed.).  Her editor would not comment.
No one approached at Random House was aware that she intended a chapter
about Jack Ruby.

She was silent now.



All we need to know about the "soul of our country" is that none of her
fellow journalists rallied behind her when she began to exhibit the sort of
reporter's curiosity about our President's assassination that ought to be
second nature 

Re: [CTRL] Murdered white Christian kids not newsworthy

1999-09-16 Thread Harvey Wilmore

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/16/99 11:43:13 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

<< Please realize that the whole "christian" thing is being used to divide the
 population.  The media is not news it is a psychological attack upon our
 family  and cultural structures designed to land control in a few elite
 hands, through any and every means posiible.
I realy don't think I could have said it better.  There are those, who refuse
to use their minds.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-09-16 Thread Dan S

 -Caveat Lector-

>From the Drudge Report, http://www.drudgereport.com


According to publishing sources, Larry Gene Ashbrook, the madman who
slaughtered seven parishioners at the Wedgwood Baptist Church Wednesday
evening, sent two letters to the FORT-WORTH STAR-TELEGRAM over the summer --
letters the paper plans to reprint in Friday editions!

The STAR-TELEGRAM'S Karen Rouse reports that the letters describe "bizarre
tales of encounters with the Central Intelligence Agency, psychological
warfare, assaults by co-workers and druggings by police."

Stephen Kaye, a city editor and one who received the letters, said on
Thursday that they contained "outlandish things", and described the letters
as "hard to follow."

"My immediate reaction was that there was not much we could do for him."

Ashbrook even came by the STAR-TELEGRAM's offices and visited Kaye -- who
described the killer as "the opposite of someone you'd be concerned about...
He couldn't have been any nicer."

The eerie letters, which are dated July 31 and August 10, were handed over
to the Ft. Worth police on Thursday.


City editor Stephen Kaye
Fort Worth Star-Telegram
400 W. Seventh St.
Fort Worth, Texas, 76102
July 31, 1999


I am interested in relating to you some events I have experienced. If these
events are true, then they would indicate a serious injustice against me.
Specifically: the denial of due process for me in the investigation of me as
a suspected serial murderer. I use the term -investigation- loosely. It was
not so much an investigation as it was a continuous intereference in my life
and employment for a period of possibly twenty years.

Three operative terms apply to this situation: First; rumor control, this
was one method by which those investigating me used to create problems for
me: Second: Psychological warfare, this was the general mode of of
operation: Third: Plausible deniability, the ideas those involved would
proffer in order to divert blame from themselves.

The first experience I had which became a clue to my future problems occured
in July of -79.- Soon after reporting to a deployment site with the U.S.
Navy squadron, I attended a social event. While there I was pulled aside by
a young man who was in that squadron and he asked me some odd questions. The
questions involved the murder of someone I had no knowledge of. The tone of
his questions became almost accusatory. This was the first of three similar
events which occured during my active duty with the Navy from -79- to -83.-
What I eventually began to wonder was if there were any reason for me to be
a suspect in any murder. As I now know, there were several abductions or
murders of young women in Fort Worth and Arlington during the -70s- when I
lived in the area.

After I moved back to Fort Worth in -84- the odd events became a major
problem in my life and occurred both on and off the job. The seriousness of
the events and the humiliation I sufered made it impossible for me to keep a

The most pronounced situation began soon after I began work at the
Photo-Etch Company in 1986. Shortly after I was hired as a machinist I was
put on the evening shift with another employee who was hired about a week
after me. We were the only workers at the company during that shift. At some
point around September of that year in the evening I was taking a break when
the other employee walked up to me and made a somewhat veiled indirect
threat. It went like this: -I have a lot of friends on the police force, in
fact I know a woman police officer who can kick your (deleted) all over the
place.- This was the beginning of continuous troubles on the job at that
company. When I attempted to remedy the problems through the proper channels
I got no where. The troubles included minor physical abuse and general
disrespect by another employee.

Eventually after about six months of the situation I was visited by the
owners son. He identified himself as the one who oversees the machine shop
(even though I had never met him) and he called me a liar concerning what
was happening on the job. It was obvious then that there was nothing I could
do to remedy the situation and I quit to look for another job.

During the period of unemployment that ensued the most blatant event
occurred. At that time in my life I was not dating, socializing or spending
much time with others. One evening I decided to go out for a beer and I
ended up at a nightclub on East Lancaster. After I had been there for a few
minutes a man came and sat next to me at the bar. All that I recall of him
is that he talked about he had been in the U.S. Army special forces. During
the time we talked I began to feel slightly sick so I went to the restroom.
After a short time I felt better; however as I returned to my seat I became
very dizzy and passed out. Never before 

Re: [CTRL] Murdered white Christian kids not newsworthy

1999-09-16 Thread Harvey Wilmore

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/16/99 10:50:18 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<< Turned on television this morning.heard the following
 in this order:

 Update on Hurricane Floyd
 Ralph David Abernathy trial
 More nonsense from the King family

 Oh, and 7 people murdered in a shooting
 at a Baptist Church in Texas.

 This is bullshit.If this had been a Jewish Synagogue
 or Black Church,  President Squirt would be all over
 the news talking about hate crimes.

 It's a sad day in this country when the murder of
 white Christian's isn't newsworthy.
But, You still found a way to get the information.  I found it on MSNBC. What
more do you want.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Hate & the I-Net

1999-09-16 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

personalUpdate from Free-Market.Net

> => Senate Judiciary Committee holds hearing on Internet hate
> Country: United States
>U.S. Senators are once again looking for an escape clause in the
>First Amendment that would allow them to restrict online speech
>that they don't like. (9/16/99)
> URL: http://www.freedomforum.org/speech/1999/9/15hate.asp

> Senate Judiciary Committee holds hearing on Internet hate
> By David Hudson
> First Amendment Center
> 9.15.99
> • What do you think? Have your say in The Forum.
> "We need to examine what can be done about hate on the Internet, within the
> constraints imposed by the First Amendment," Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., said at
> a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing yesterday on hate and the Internet.
> Several of the panelists told the committee that the Internet poses special
> problems for those committed to combating hate speech and hate crimes. Michael
> Gennaco, an assistant U.S. attorney in California, told the committee that "the
> Internet has created a whole new class of criminals."
> "The Internet offers a medium of communication where a skilled user can spew out
> hate-laced threats to countless victims throughout the country with little
> effort," said Gennaco.
> Other panelists echoed those sentiments. "In 1999, the Internet can serve as a
> terrorism tutor," said Rabbi Abraham Cooper, associate dean of the Simon
> Wiesenthal Center, a Jewish anti-hate group.
> Joseph T. Roy Sr. of the Southern Poverty Law Center, an anti-hate, watchdog
> group, testified to the extraordinary growth of Web sites on the Internet that
> spew hate. Roy also said that the Internet allows white supremacists and other
> hate groups the opportunity to present their messages in an alluring fashion and
> with "unprecedented access."
> Gennaco, who represented the government in the first prosecution ever under a
> federal hate-crime law involving threats transmitted over the Internet,
> acknowledged that the First Amendment protects much "despicable" speech.
> Other panelists emphasized that the push to combat hate on the Internet must be
> tempered by our nation's tolerance of all kinds of speech and by the First
> Amendment.
> "First, we want the Internet to thrive; and we believe that the Internet, by its
> nature, cannot thrive in a climate of censorship or heavy-handed government
> regulation," said Wade Henderson, executive director of the Leadership
> Conference on Civil Rights.
> Henderson noted that the First Amendment was crucial to the success of the civil
> rights movement, a time "when the message of the civil rights movement was seen
> as subversive or offensive."
> "There was a time when our leaders invoked the constitutional principle of free
> speech to confront threats of censorship and repression," he said. "Now that we
> are in the mainstream, and the bigots are on the fringes, we will not abandon
> the principles and protections that brought us to where we are today."
> Several panelists testified that hate-crimes legislation must distinguish
> between hate speech and hate crimes based on harmful conduct. "Until a
> hate-monger crosses the line from speech to action, he is cloaked in the
> protection of the federal Constitution," Henderson said.
> Leahy said he recognized this distinction in his support of the Hate Crimes
> Prevention Act, a bill that would increase penalties for those who commit crimes
> and for those who recruit juveniles to commit such crimes. "The Hate Crimes
> Prevention Act is a tool for combating acts of violence and threats of violence
> motivated by hatred and bigotry," he said. "The Constitution does not permit
> Congress to prohibit the expression of an idea because it is harmful."
> Sen. Orrin Hatch, chairman of the committee, agreed that First Amendment
> considerations play a significant role when determining the constitutionality of
> anti-hate regulations. "And with the First Amendment as our country's first
> premise, we know that any solutions we endorse must recognize that the surest
> way to defeat the message of hate is to hold it under the harsh light of public
> scrutiny."
> Leahy added that "when it comes to hate on the Internet, the problem is the
> message, not the medium."

<< Of course, we could just go back to the 'good ol' days' and avoid being able
to identify any groups that are condiered the 'offenders'.  Turn on the light
and risk having it be too bright (at any intensity) or leave it off and
complain about being in the dark.  Go Orrin!  A<>E<>R >>

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said
it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your
own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 

[CTRL] The glorious capitalist free market economic system.

1999-09-16 Thread ASu2431426

 -Caveat Lector-

You say "supporting causes or individuals" does not seems to be...working.

Believe me it IS WORKING.

I can remember the 1960's when a mere handful of writers, and organi
zations., were at work., and 99% of citizens laughed at conspiracy.  Its a
different world today...one poll I read listed 70% of Americans believe there
is some kind of conspiracy. The debate to day is more like is it
stupidity, greed or conspiracy?.  It got to this point only  because
anonymous citizens out there did their part.t.

We may not see any dramatic effect but believe me the change is there.  The
only way  I can measure it quantitatively is the number of letters, E mails I
receive and books sold. But there are now scores of writers, maybe hundreds,
over seas as well.

The revolution is a creeping revolution, quiet and slow.  Thats the best way.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Seti clone bank

1999-09-16 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

Yes true too, maybe a frequency being sent with a program and/or a bug to
analyse and compromise  your pc and/or a camera to watch and monitor.
The clone thing is dis info to ridicule the conspiracy
Me I ain't got it.


We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard
- Original Message -
From: Ric Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 17, 1999 2:06 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Seti clone bank

> -Caveat Lector-
> - Original Message -
> From: Eric Lash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >> looking for information that would tell what is the real purpose
> > >> of SETI. Enjoy. David
> > >
> > >Seems pretty obvious that the only valid possibility/real reason
> > >for SETI is intra-solar system communications.  All other
> > >explanations are ludicrous.
> > >
> > How about the possibility that its purpose could be to distract us
> > from the fact that contact has already been made by our "authorities"
> > and the real power-brokers of the world?
> Are you distracted? Is anyone?  IIRC polls show that most Murkans
> think we've already made contact with ETs, so any distractive
> effort has already failed.  Naw, it must be for mind-control.
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
> screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid
> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/CTRL.html
> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Seti clone bank

1999-09-16 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

Yes, to  keep our eyes wide shut


We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard
- Original Message -
From: Eric Lash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 17, 1999 1:59 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Seti clone bank

> -Caveat Lector-
> How about the possibility that its purpose could be to distract us from
> fact that contact has already been made by our "authorities" and the real
> power-brokers of the world?
> At 09:47 PM 9/15/99 -0700, you wrote:
> > -Caveat Lector-
> >
> >On Thu, 16 Sep 1999, earthman wrote:
> >
> >> looking for information that would tell what is the real purpose of
> >> SETI. Enjoy. David
> >
> >
> >Seems pretty obvious that the only valid possibility/real reason
> >for SETI is intra-solar system communications.  All other
> >explanations are ludicrous.
> >
> >
> >=
> > Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT
> >
> >  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
> >   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.
> >=
> >
> >==
> >CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
> propagandic
> >screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid
> >and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
> outright
> >frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
> >spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> >gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
> readers;
> >be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> >nazi's need not apply.
> >
> >Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> >
> >Archives Available at:
> >http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/CTRL.html
> >
> >
> >To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> >
> >To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> >
> >Om
> >
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
> screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid
> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/CTRL.html
> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Murdered white Christian kids not newsworthy

1999-09-16 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/16/99 7:50:18 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<< It's a sad day in this country when the murder of
 white Christian's isn't newsworthy. >>

Oh relax there day...since this country, for better or worse, is majority
X-tian and white the news can't carry on about every incident involving Joe
and Jane Whitebread Christworshipperwho cares anyway?


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Project Blue Beam - details

1999-09-16 Thread Nicky Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

I'd be grateful if reply all wasn't used to reply to this thanks,  Nicky

Subject: Project Blue Beam Date: Tue, 06 Oct 1998 22:51:54 -0400
- [Image] Black & White Project Blue
Beam ---
- Excerpts of World Freedom Information Network, Evolve 2 Magazin,

>From the Anticivilization The Adversary's plan continues to unfold in the
third dimensional anticivilization. The Unabomber and the Oklahoma City
bombing fall guys are in jail awaiting punishment for crimes which they did
not commit. The Freeman are under siege for having done nothing wrong. The
message from the criminal Federal agents is twofold: 1. The
pro-constitutional approach to life in America is OVER and, 2. Stop
distribution of those good and valid documents. The Freeman have NOT issued
bogus checks or bank drafts. On the health front, the World Health
Organization has declared tuberculoses a world wide epidemic, Ebola has
arrived in the U.S., Gulf War Illness is still spreading, Mad Cow Disease
can show up anywhere. We need to stay aware of what's happening in the

 Act with wisdom and be prepared for whatever may come. But don't focus on
that as the sole (soul) reality. The anticivilization is going to crash and
burn. Even the parasitic elite know that planetary evolution is taking place
that will ultimately make their Global domination plan impossible to
achieve. But they will continue to play it out to the end. The happenings of
anticivilization cannot affect you if you are not there. Higher
consciousness brings a synchronicity of events, a harmonization of conscious
thought, which will always guide us to do the right thing in the right place
at the right time. This is really true.

Project Blue Beam (from Contact, April, 1996) Set to take place this year is
the worldwide, simultaneous, Christian Crusade, Billy Graham, all languages
audio and video revealing of our "God" in the clouds. This is also known as
Operation Blue Beam. It got shut down last year but, to fulfill the
expectations of the "people" for a Rapture and Second Coming, etc., there
MUST be a visualization in every part of the world - to allow for the ONE
WORLD RELIGION. The "revelation" herein is to stop, look and listen before
you jump off the cliff into the arms of an illusion. The "operation" is easy
to EXPLAIN and REVEAL technologically.

Holography, a technique for obtaining 3-dimensional images, involves an
interference pattern between 2 sets of single-wavelength light waves. A
single laser beam is split into two parts, one to illuminate the object, the
second part (called the reference beam) is reflected by a mirror. The two
beams meet forming an interference pattern, which is developed to form a
hologram. This hologram can be used to re-create a 3-dimensional image of
the original object. According to a comprehensive report by Canadian
investigative journalist, Serge Monast, entitled Project Blue Beam, this
holographic technology used in conjunction with hi-tech, mind-control
weapons utilizing the effects of radio-frequency waves upon the brain, is
capable of projecting an image in the sky and causing collective thought to
convince people they are seeing an alien invasion or the second coming of

The Blue Beam Project will pretend to be the universal fulfillment of the
prophecies of old. In principle, it will make use of the sky as a movie
screen space-based, laser-generating satellites project simultaneous images
to every part of the planet, in every language, in every dialect according
to region. Specifically, the show will consist of laser projections of
multiple holographic images to different parts of the world, each receiving
different images according to predominating regional/national religious
faiths. No area will be excluded. With computer animation and sound effects
appearing to come from the depths of space, astonished followers of the
various creeds will witness their own returned Messiah in spectacularly
convincing lifelike realness. The various saviors will then merge into one
after "correct" explanations of the mysteries, prophecies, and revelations
will have been disclosed.

This event will occur at a time of great political and general tumult.
[Seems like surely this is a good time to meet those requirements.] The Blue
Beam Project, developed by NASA scientists, consists of 4 parts, 4 steps
toward the implementation of the NWO religion with the Antichrist at its
head. First, earthquakes at certain precise locations of the planet will
result in new archaeological discoveries, revealing that all religions'
basic doctrines have been misunderstood and misinterpreted. Second, a
gigantic Space Show with laser projections of multiple 3-dimensional
holographic images worldwide, will appear to be the i

[CTRL] Deceptions of the End times.

1999-09-16 Thread Nicky Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

This is a great overview of secret goings on.

Conflict and the Da''ath
   The grand
  The cult
of the serpent
   And there was
a war in heaven
 A convenant
with death
  Crash go
the chariots
dungeons & labyrinths
underground empire
Invasion of
the mind wreckers
  Out of the
dragons lair
of a Cosmic War
beneath the earth
Omega Files
   Nazi Moon
Helicopters over

suspended since


Unauthorized biography of
   transcript of
Texe Marrs Death
   Read the book
of Enoch online
   A Plea to the
people of Preston
 County WV &

 Read the
book of Jubilees

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fw: [synchronistic] Fw: NSA's Jesse Reveals

1999-09-16 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard
- Original Message -
From: Alec Newald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 1999 9:46 AM
Subject: [synchronistic] Fw: NSA's Jesse Reveals

> From: "Alec Newald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Believe it or not, interesting stuff, that I have also heard from other
> contacts so perhaps there is truth here!
> Make money and save what's left of the world at the same time, how? Visit
> web site  http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Mound/6101/
> -Original Message-
> From: Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Friday, 17 September 1999 03:54
> Subject: NSA's Jesse Reveals
> >UFOTruth - http://UFOTruth.listbot.com
> >
> >Apollo X Gets Glimpse Of An Extraterrestrial Monolith In Space;
> >Later A Secret Military Space Shuttle Retrieves the Space Beacon
> >  by Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
> >
> > The following information was disclosed to me by a reliable
> confidential informant, who
> >previously worked on contract for the National Security Agency, and
> maintains connections
> >within the Intelligence community. This informant, whom I shall call
> "Jesse", has over 40 years of
> >notes from a very close relative, who served as CIA liaison to the
> Security Council on
> >UFO/ET matters. This information has been confirmed by a second source,
> Michael Wolf of
> >the National Security Council's unacknowledged subcommittee, the MJ-12
> Special Studies
> >Group. I have talked with Dr. Wolf about the notes' author, Jesse's
> relative. Dr. Wolf said
> >that that CIA official "was like an uncle to me."
> > The reports which follow are thus not "leaks", but rather based on
> planned releases of
> >information. These releases are part of a public Acclimation Program, an
> official though
> >unacknowledged U.S. Government policy of "processed release of
> information", as Dr. Wolf
> >described it.
> > According to "Jesse", in 1969 the Apollo 10 astronauts Stafford,
> Cernan and Young were the
> >first to film an extraterrestrial space beacon, dubbed The Monolith,
> somewhat like, but smaller
> >than, the one in Arthur C. Clarke's book/movie "2001". They were not,
> however, the first
> >astronauts to spot this ET beacon. The Monolith was first sighted by
> Russian cosmonaut Yuri
> >Gagarin, the first man in space, in 1961. He was followed into space that
> same year by American
> >astronaut Alan Shephard, who also sighted the beacon. Apollo 10 went to
> and filmed it from
> >every angle. The Monolith acted like a communication beacon. Jesse said,
> "It sort of acts like the
> >message received in the movie "Contact". It had a message on it, in
> addition to a map of the
> >extraterrestrial civilization which placed it there], and how to get to
> them."
> > The Apollo 10 astronauts brought back the message captured on film.
> The Monolith's energy
> >affected Apollo 10's instrumentation, so that its crew almost didn't get
> back. As soon as the film
> >Apollo 10 took came back to Earth, those Intelligence compartments which
> deal with UFOs were
> >busy poring over information from the Monolith.
> > The government then used an early secret military space shuttle to
> get the Monolith itself.
> >This covert military spacecraft flew years before the first "official"
> Shuttle's public flights
> >in 1981. The spaceplane is operated by a secret military astronaut
> out of Vandenburg Air
> >Force Base, California, among other locations. The second flight mission
> this unacknowledged
> >military shuttle retrieved the Monolith, and brought it back to Earth in
> 1972 for study. [1]
> > After being retrieved, the Monolith was then transferred to a secret
> research facility.
> >Scientific analysis of the Monolith was conducted at this domed
> facility located north
> >of Abaco, the northernmost of the Bahamas Islands. RCA Corporation is in
> charge of that
> >experimentation research, Jesse says. Jesse stated, "They did it
> underwater, after they saw people
> >dropping like flies. They figured that there would be better containment
> [of the Monolith's
> >suspected cosmic energy emanations] underwater." He noted that the space
> beacon "has a sound
> >to it, like it talks. It also gives off a light show." Dr. Michael Wolf
> shed additional light on the
> >beacons. "They are 'postcards from the rim'. They emit both light and
> signals, sending a
> >mathematical language. There may be five or more ET civilizations
> in setting up these
> >beacons."
> > Among the scientists who worked on it were famed astronomer Dr. Carl
> Sagan, U.S.
> >Army Intelligence and Security Command General William Stubblebine,
> National Security
> >Council consultant Dr. Michael Wolf, and a former division head of CIA.
> Everyone who had
> >prolonged c

Re: [CTRL] Waco and the Press

1999-09-16 Thread Sno0wl

 -Caveat Lector-

On 16 Sep 99, , Sean wrote:

> Here's Ted Koppel, the
> night of September l, discussing the siezure by federal marshals of tapes
> of FBI hostage "negotiators", discussing the use of pyrotechnic grenades
> the morning of the Waco raid: "... the credibility of the FBI, which
> probably did tell the truth about most of what happened, that credibility
> is badly damaged, while the credibility of conspiracy theorists, who tend
> to be wrong about most of what they've spun together about Waco, their
> credibility is newly enhanced. It is on these two fronts that the greatest
> damage has been done."

It's so absolutely creepy--this business you pinpoint here. There's a part of me that
wants to believe that our media and journalists are good guys, out there going after 
truthnot merely government stooges corrupted by the bucks. Which they clearly are.

Also, of course, if you do watch the news, you are made aware that you live in a 
schizophrenic reality--split between what the media tells you and what is really going
on...even if the "truth" may sometimes be somewhere inbetween.

The scariest thing about Hurricane Floyd is the massive evacuation. And the way it
was going, it looked like the mass of those folks in cars could get caught on the road
by the stormnot exactly a very safe place to be. I mean, all those folks from 
headed North toward the Carolinas where the brunt of the storm was going to hit?

This newest mad shooter in a Baptist church--if it is not a "lone nut gunman"--seems
calculated to make people fearful of any type of congregationin school, in church, 
day camp, at the mall, at the supermarket, on the freeway--you name it. Going out of
your house can get you killed...Being with other people in any sort of group situation
will more and more be experienced as a threat. And many will become more and more
isolated thanks to fear. A nation of agoraphobics?

I wonder what the majority of the US population thinks about the news media? After
all, the GOP and moneyed elite who is paying for and  creating this dog and pony
show is a very small percent of the total population. It would be interesting to think 
we are a nation of "conspiracy nuts."


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The glorious capitalist free market economic system.

1999-09-16 Thread Sno0wl

 -Caveat Lector-

On 16 Sep 99, , Das wrote:

> Meanwhile, spare the "unjustly" privileged rich and powerful all your
> insignificant and irrelevant criticism -- your whining, complaining, and
> other vocalized "mental" noises echoing in your effectless unreality,
> defined only by an ABSENCE of human BE-ING.
> "Shit or get off the pot."  Flatulence alone CANNOT move mountains.  Find
> yourself a shovel.  That's a START, at least.  The world won't budge until
> you finally get off your ass and sweat real sweat ...  And if even THAT is
> still "too much" for you --excuses, excuses!-- DON'T complain if the
> shovel in SOMEONE ELSE's hand is used AGAINST you, as a WEAPON, whacking
> you on your damned fool head.  You're just in the way.

Could you give us some specific examples of what you suggest folks can do against
global corporationalists besides whine. Perhaps some examples of what you,
specifically, are doing would be helpful.

Supporting causes or individuals who espouse causes that might stem the tide does
not seem to be having a lot of impact.

Are you suggesting armed revolt? mass suicide?

Frankly, I'm a little surprised at this coming from you. In part, it sounds a bit like
Adolph's view of  Germany's Jews.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Murdered white Christian kids not newsworthy

1999-09-16 Thread Sno0wl

 -Caveat Lector-

On 16 Sep 99, , day wrote:

> It's a sad day in this country when the murder of
> white Christian's isn't newsworthy.

Who said it isn't newsworthy. You heard it on the news, didn't you?
Are you complaining because it should have come before the hurricane?

Actually, the majority of Americans are probably members of some Xtian group or
sect, so you could say that Hurrican Floyd threatened the lives of millions of Xtians,
making it, at the moment, a little more "newsworthy."

The idea that Christians are threatened in America seems a little silly and hysterical 
me. If Christians choose to go out into hostile territories --like China or Papua New
Guinea --determined to convert the natives, then they shouldn't be very surprised if
they meet with hostility.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Internment camps

1999-09-16 Thread Nicola Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-


Pow camp built in Kingwood WV!

 The first picture is of a pow camp set up in Fort Dix New
Jersey(courtesy of Newswatch Magazine) It is here for
 reference only. The rest are original Kingwood WV pictures. It
is not finished as of yet. The barbwire is not up.
 Compare to the one in Fort Dix. This camp is part of a
$6.8million expansion project at Camp Dawson Army Base
near Kingwood WV. These will be used to hold the people deemed
dangerous to the coming global government.If
the photos do not fully load either reload until they do or
right click on an individual photo and choose view photo
 to view it individually. Feel free to redistribut these photos.
The more hands they are in the better. That way it's
 harder to cover up. Maranatha stargazr

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [RuMills] Exchange Between RMNews and an Informed Reader

1999-09-16 Thread Kris Millegan

do-dah doo-dah


>From RMNews to Informed Reader:

My sources tell me that the NWO is dead... they are
> just waiting for the body
> to fall. Have you heard anything like that?
> Sources say their bank accoutns have been drained
> dry.
> R

Reply from RMNews Reader:

The only real "insider" info I have on the loosening
of the NWO's grasp on the world (aside from informed
speculation) regards the apparent split
in the U.S. intel superstructure over the
declassification of the "alien" projects and agenda.
There appears to be a stalemate between the NWO
controllers, in the form of Project: AQUARIUS (under
the MAJI agency of the NSA) and an axis of two Navy
intel groups--one started by Colm McGrath, fmr.
u.sct'y of Navy (CABAL)and another Navy intel group,

The NSA puppets want further negotiations with the
"greys" (who break the treaties we supposedly have
with them left & right) while continuing to gradually
acclimate the public--with NWO spin, of course--to the
alien presence.

The Navy group(s) want no further contact with these
creatures, and want to tell the public the whole
but wish to halt all acclimation and disclosure until
they can figure out how to do so without violating the
complex system of security oaths and Cold War red tape
they have mummified themselves in---not to mention
avoiding ticking off the banksters who fund the black
projects, until they can expose and negate them.

Now that Faction 3 has control of the black ops
funding, the anti-NWO groups may finally prevail in
this sphere of influence, at least.

As for the informed speculation: anybody connected
with conspiratorial study is of course familiar with
the infamous "protocols of Zion (Sion)".
Because they are a vicious forgery used to spread
Semitic hatred, it is often overlooked that they are
based on earlier documents detailing, not some "elite
Jew conspiracy", but the esoteric-political aims of
the guardians of the Grail or Merovingian Bloodline
(Sang Raal, or blood royal descended fromm Christ and
David)--at least those with a
Masonic/Luciferian/Cabalist connection.
Merovingian descent is of course a factor in the
heritage of the royalty/nobility of Faction 2.

What has troubled me ever since I learned of Faction 2
is whether they (or all of them, any way) are truly
the mystical Christians they seem to be.

At any rate, one of the "protocols" (#13, I believe)
states openly that one of the last steps before the
installation of the world king/benevolent dictator
of "the blood of Sion" would be the exposure and
"fall" of the elite string pullers; thus fomenting
total disenchantment with all established authority;
finally and irrevocably stained as a covertly
controlled promulagation, the world power structure
would be overthrown and replaced by an all-powerful

Then the elites will quietly slip back behind the

This seems to ring as true to current events as
warnings to the Supreme Soviet that one day, the west
would be duped into disarming by a great false
democratization of the Soviet Union. It may be that
some form of the plan outlined (though obscured by
forgery and alterations of the original source
material)is still on the table. It may be that, at
least originally, the factionalization of the intel
communities was a Soviet-style scheme.

But more probably the same thing happened in this case
as with Russia; the best laid plans went awry, and
the split was more real than intended, and F. 2 was
born as a genuine enemy of the NWO.

If the NWO groups can in any way go with the flow,
however, they may end up getting just what they want,
with a delay of a century or so.

But I am as convinced as you that in all likelihood,
if we can make it through 2000, we may be able to
break their backs permanently.

Hoping & praying,

RMNews reply to Informed Reader:
> You certainly have done your homework. There is
> very little I disagree with,
> except that some of Faction 2 ARE as spiritual as
> they claim to be. Most are
> just the spoiled Hapsburgs yearning for the way it
> used to be.
> My source told me that all of the alien groups have
> signed onto the agreement
> FAction 3 proposed to everyone. clinton is theONLY
> holdout on earth or
> elsewhere.
> I haven't felt I should put out this information.
> What do you think? It was
> given to me as part of a conversation. when things
> are given to me in that
> manner I have a choice as to whether to put them out
> or not.
> Who is colm McGrath? when was he secnav?  I don't
> know the name. Of course,
> most of the guys I dealt with came from the com 12
> side of things.

Reply from RMNews Reader:

Thanks for replying. If Clinton is nuts enough to hold
out against the other signatories of the "blue book",
then he's certainly nuts enough to attempt a
presidency-for-life if doesn't get a big enough slice
of the action. This intent may o

[CTRL] White House reverses course; allows overseas encryption sales

1999-09-16 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

White House reverses course; allows overseas encryption sales

Copyright © 1999 Nando Media
Copyright © 1999 Associated Press


WASHINGTON (September 16, 1999 4:15 p.m. EDT
http://www.nandotimes.com) - The White House agreed Thursday to allow
U.S. companies to sell the most powerful data-scrambling technology
overseas with virtually no restrictions, a concession to America's high-tech
industry over law-enforcement and national-security objections.

The policy reversal was a defeat for the Justice Department, which had
forcefully argued that criminals and terrorists might use the technology to
scramble messages about crimes or deadly plots. On the other hand, the
decision should help U.S. companies in overseas competition - and help
consumers worldwide guarantee the privacy of their e-mail and online
credit-card purchases.

Critics of restrictions on export sales said criminals and terrorists already
could buy or download powerful encryption technology made in other

"Those who are going to misuse encryption for criminal purchases aren't
going to limit themselves to U.S.-made encryption products," said Ed
Gillespie, executive director of Americans for Computer Privacy.

The administration will allow high-tech companies to sell even the most
powerful encryption technology overseas to private and commercial
customers after a one-time technical review of their products. Companies
will still be required to seek permission to sell the scrambling technology to
a foreign government or military, and bans will remain on selling to seven
terrorist nations: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Sudan, North Korea and Cuba.

Previously, the administration allowed companies to sell the most powerful
scrambling technology only to specific industries overseas; other foreign
customers were generally limited to so-called 56-bit encryption products,
meaning those with 72-quadrillion unlocking combinations.

"This is a sweeping reform," said Dan Scheinman, senior vice president of
legal and government affairs at Cisco Systems Inc. "Imagine you're
banking online - you want to make sure those things are safe from a
hacker. You buy things, you want to make sure your credit card is secure."

The export limits never directly affected Americans, who are legally free to
use encryption technology of any strength. But U.S. companies have been
reluctant to develop one version of their technology for domestic use and a
weaker overseas version, so they typically sell only the most powerful type
that's legal for export, even to Americans.

"Forcing U.S. companies to do business under tight export controls was
like asking them to use a black rotary telephone in a cellular, call-waiting
world," said Harris Miller, president of the Information Technology
Association of America, a trade group.

Critics cited more than 800 products available worldwide with stronger
scrambling technology than the United States allowed its companies to sell

"You can pull it down over the Internet in less than 20 minutes," said
Gillespie. "Having Japanese and German and Irish companies be at the
forefront of this technology is not in our best interests."

A nonprofit group of researchers demonstrated last summer it can
unscramble a 56-bit coded message in just days using a custom-built
computer worth less than $250,000.

The White House announcement follows its decision exactly one year ago
to relax export restrictions. At the time, Vice President Al Gore promised
the administration would reconsider its limits within the year.

Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-09-16 Thread Kris Millegan


==  http://www.rumormillnews.com   
Dateline: September 17, 1999

The following information is being presented as it was received.
RMNews will make no editorial comments.

Shortly before President Clinton left for New Zealand, one of the civilian
representatives from Faction Three called RMNews.

She said:

1. The leaders of the world are going  to New Zealand so they can  protect
themselves in the underground bunkers, from the biologicals they were
spreading in the world.

2. Bill Clinton took Chelsea and his mother-in-law so he could save them.
He left Hillary in New York City to die.

The civilian representative of Faction Three stated  that all of the NWO's
plans, including the plan to crash all the banks on September 9th, would
not be allowed to happen.

Rumors had reached RMNews that Bill Clinton took Chelsea and his
mother in law along on the trip so that Hillary and her faction within the
New World Order would not target Air Force One with a shoulder held
missile and blow it out of the air. The Faction Three Representative set
the record straight:

 "Hillary doesn't give a damn about Bill. She has already made her
settlement with him. She knows what she is getting ready to do... she is
strollin' on. If she can get into the Senate, she will be the first woman
president in 2018. The women's groups in the United Nations have
already voted her in. Hillary is not the person the media portrays her to be.
Bill didn't take Chelsea and his mother-in-law to New Zealand as his
insurance policy. He took them because he loves Chelsea, and Chelsea
loves her grandmother. He left Hillary  to die."

The Faction Three Representative further stated:

"88 countries are totally bankrupt. The World Bank has confirmed they
are bankrupt. There is not any food, shelter or medicine. Even the Red
Cross is bankrupt. They deliver only five cents for every dollar received.
So the Illuminati is trying to make a deal.

"The Bilderbergers fell yesterday at 4:15. They fell... we got their assets.
They don't have any lines of credit anymore.  The World Bank enforced
the law. The accounts were confiscated. The illusion is coming down. The
stock market is coming down. Watch the market.

"Indonesia is going under, no one has any money. Who is paying for that
war? Do they have an unlimited line of credit to wage war? And don't
forget about Liberia. They have been fighting for 15 years and now
suddenly they want democracy. Who is paying for this? The American
taxpayer? Do they have an unlimited line a credit?

"There are 42 separate countries that the United State government is
backing their cause. The United States government DOESN'T have the

"The Illuminati is falling, the Rothschilds are in severe trouble. You've
got the Bank of London in trouble and the Bank of New York, the Bank of
Japan... they're all sucking wind...

"The Bank of France did their acquisition merger with Portugal, then with
Spain and now here we are... it accomplished nothing.

"The illusion is down. They have no money, they have no lines of credit.
There is nothing left for them to do except sign on to our proposal and
bring equity to everyone on the planet."
* * * * * *

This morning, a fax appeared in the Rumor Mill News office. RMNews
Sources from the military side of Faction Three sent it. It said:

"The biologicals were dissipated by the Hurricane. Those people who are
presently infected, will die,  but the main wave of biologicals will be
swept out to sea, and the virus will die before it has  a chance to infect any
other humans.

"The hurricanes were created and are controlled. The New World Order
now knows what we can do.

"Bill Clinton was forced to return to the United States to face the music
for what he set in motion to distract the American public from all the
crimes he has committed.

"Waco: The murder of civilians by United States officials and military
"Ron Brown's planeload of businessmen and government workers
"His Executive Orders and Presidential Directives
"His "Wag the Dog" bombings of aspirin factories and foreign nations.
"The Chinese Espionage and Money scandal
"The mass murders  orchestrated to disarm America
"The freeing of terrorists who will create more terrorism

"Look for surprising events such as mass resignations over 'insignificant

"Remember all the Congressman and Senators who resigned in the last
few elections so they could spend more time with their families? Expect
more of the same.

"A deal will be made not to prosecute Clinton for anything. He will
magnanimously resign and remove the his stain  from the Democratic

"His resignation speech:

'I don't matter. What people think of me isn't important.  What ma

[CTRL] Fw: Media Advisory: Is East Timor Really Out of Control? (fwd)

1999-09-16 Thread William Hugh Tunstall

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --

-Original Message-
Date: Thursday, September 16, 1999 5:02 AM
Subject: [FAIR-L] Media Advisory: Is East Timor Really Out of Control

>Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting
>   Media analysis, critiques and news reports
>Media Advisory:
>September 15, 1999
>A front-page New York Times article about the precarious situation in East
>Timor (9/12/99) began by reporting that Indonesian "Gen. Wiranto, conceded
>Saturday that he had lost control of elements of his military" that were
>operating on the island. The article's headline, "Jakarta Concedes a Loss of
>Control," echoed this view.
>The assertion that Wiranto-Indonesia's top commander-was unable to control
>the violence in East Timor went unquestioned in the first two-thirds of the
>article. Then, in the article's twenty-ninth paragraph, an unnamed official
>travelling with the visiting U.N. delegation in East Timor flatly contested
>this account:
>"I don't see any reason to think they are having difficulties controlling
>the situation. Look at today and look at election day when everything was
>brought under control with the snap of a finger. This is such a coordinated
>and planned campaign-evacuating towns, assassinating moderate leaders,
>moving huge numbers of people into forced exile-that it could only have come
>from the top."
>This approach is typical of the mainstream media's recent coverage of the
>East Timor crisis. NBC News introduced its September 14 coverage of East
>Timor with a large logo reading "Out of Control"-even as anchor Tom Brokaw
>told viewers that "government-backed militias are reportedly carrying out
>systematic assassinations of those who support independence for that
>A September 14 article in the Washington Post reported that an American
>general recently told Wiranto that the "United States expected Indonesian
>forces to reestablish control in East Timor." The Post presented without
>challenging the view that the Indonesian command was unable to stop the
>But who has ultimate control in East Timor is very much a contested
>question. The Indonesian military-and its supporters in Washington-claim the
>violence is being directed by armed militias working together with rogue
>elements of the Indonesian military over whom the top commanders have no
>Critics, however, suggest that the violence in East Timor is not the result
>of "chaos" or the occupied nation being "out of control," but rather the
>intended consequence of a plan from Jakarta to punish the East Timorese for
>asserting their independence. Nobel laureate Bishop Carlos Belo, a Timorese
>leader, has said he believes the killings are being "orchestrated by the
>Indonesian top general in Jakarta in order to stop this historical event."
>(Agence France Presse, 9/10/99)
>An investigation by the London Observer (9/12/99) reported that the campaign
>in East Timor was planned months in advance, citing "satellite telephone
>conversations between senior officers in Dili and Jakarta" intercepted by
>Australian intelligence agencies in March. In these conversations,
>Indonesian military officials planned a "scorched earth policy" if East
>Timor were to vote for independence.
>An Australian opposition spokesperson has said that Australian authorities
>"had an intelligence assesment that showed that ABRI [i.e., the Indonesian
>army] could easily control and apprehend that process but was not doing so."
>(AFP, 9/15/99)  Australian intelligence sources told the Melbourne Age
>(9/11/99) that "the lack of any vigorous action by the commander of the
>Indonesian armed forces, General Wiranto, to rein in his forces implied he
>was at least turning a blind eye."
>Journalist Allan Nairn, who was recently arrested in East Timor by
>Indonesian military authorities, has written not only that "the militias are
>a wing of the TNI/ABRI, the Indonesian armed forces," but that last April a
>high-ranking U.S. military official gave Gen. Wiranto, the Indonesian
>commander, what Indonesian officers interpreted as a "green light to proceed
>with the militia operation." (The Nation, 9/27/99)
>During the Kosovo conflict, reporters did not take at face value Yugoslav
>government assertions that atrocities were being committed only by
>"out-of-control" paramilitary forces. Likewise, reporters need to remember
>that U.S. and Indonesian officials have their own interests in shaping how
>the East Timorese crisis is portrayed, and that their views should not be
>relayed without questioning. The facts uncovered by investigative reporters
>need to be incorporated into the ongoing coverage of the crisis.
>NetZero - W

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Thursday #5

1999-09-16 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990916e - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No subliminal messages were implanted into this bulletin. None. Trust me.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ The Shroud of Bozo: http://www.waylay.com/Checkered_Past/cp3.html
@ Awesome eclipse corona pic: http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap990915.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  a real effect on women math majors who watched a series of TV
  commercials. Those who saw the sexist commercials got lower test
  scores than those who didn't. The men in the group were unaffected.

: Are you targeted, reprogrammed by sexual stereotyping? Do you exploit sex-
ual stereotypes? Who do you target? Are you alien masters pleased with you?

@ Love-O-Meter: http://www.excite.com/horoscopes/fun/love_o_meter
@ Love Calculator: http://www.lovecalculator.com/
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ A gentleman in West Virginia called the foundation today looking for some-
  one to help him investigate the manifestation of gold on person's bodies
  at a church in West Virginia.  The town is called Short Gap.  He would
  like some assistance from somebody who has some experience with magic.
  If you live in the area and think you can help, send Don a message at:
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  I have a similar incident in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
  Contact Greg Camp at [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you think you can help.
  Thank you - Andrew Harter, Researcher, James Randi Educational Foundation.

: Does gold manifest on your body? Does this only happen in church, or while
gambling or having sex, or during intense prayer, or if your implant fails?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Archdiocese sues former monsignor. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - A former monsignor
  relieved of his duties amid sexual abuse & fraud allegations has been sued
  by the San Francisco Archdiocese, which claims he embezzled $252,000 from
  the church. http://infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2561183762-5a4

: Have you ever stolen from your church? Will your deities punish you hotly?

# Church won't apologize to orphans. CAP-DE-LA-MADELEINE, Quebec (AP) - The
  Roman Catholic Church won't apologize to Quebec orphans who say they were
  beaten and sexually abused in church-run psychiatric institutions decades
  ago. http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2561183764-e95

: Does your belief system promote sexual abuse? Is y'r belief system fucked?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# THE RSI GENERATION. Youngsters could face a future fraught with
  debilitating injuries as computers become central to their lives.

# HELPING KIDS AVOID RSI. Parents and teachers can help children and
  teens avoid developing repetitive strain injury. Experts share tips:

: Was Carpal-Tunnel Syndrome invented in a CIA lab at the behest of Bilder-
bergers intent on crippling potential competitors? Are you a threat? How?

@ The benefits of video games:
@ Playing Mortal Kombat in an NYC arcade:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Some spent 2 weeks at http://www.aec.at/lifescience/indexv4.html Ars
  Electronica in Linz, Austria. The loosely-adhered-to theme this year was
  "LifeScience"; basically an excuse for artists to publically worry about
  http://www.biotechknowledge.com/index_us.php3 biotechnology and to display
  http://www.koerperwelten.com plasticized human bodies in the Brucknerhaus.

: Are you biotechnical, plasticized, arty, electronic? Is your brain eaten
out with radioactive bugs? Do you perform in public & have other bad habits?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


# Police search home of Texas gunman, see
# Also: Prayers turn to screams in Texas, see
# Reno laments hate crimes, mental illness, guns:
# Bush: 'Wave of evil' sweeping U.S., see

: Are you part of the wave of evil that's sweeping Texas, the US, the world?
Are you having fun? Do voices in your head tell you who/when/where to kill?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


@ STRANGE HAZE - Chemtrails Over America: http://strangehaze.freeservers.com
# Are US planes spraying chemicals? Illnesses reported in wake of contrails:
@ Chemtrail Crimes Documented: http://www.car

[CTRL] Wace, Vince Foster, and the Secret War (Revised/Updated)

1999-09-16 Thread Mack White

 -Caveat Lector-

Waco, Vince Foster, and the Secret War
(Revised & Updated 9/16/99)

by Mack White

In the year after the famous fire at Waco, I met the surviving Branch
Davidians. It was through a friend of mine, Richard Mosley, who produced
the documentary Day 51: The True Story of Waco.

I had done some research on Jonestown, the CIA mind control facility in
Guyana which had come to a spectular end in 1977. Officially, Jonestown was
a mass suicide, and when the Mt. Carmel complex in Waco caught on the fire,
the FBI immediately labeled it "another Jonestown." In reality, however,
Jonestown itself was not "another Jonestown." It has been established long
ago that most of the Jonestown dead did not voluntarily drink the Evil
Kool-Aid, but showed signs of having been either forcibly injected with
cyanide or killed by machine gun.

So in the summer I was interviewed in the documentary stating something to
that effect. Then the following April, one year after the fire, the
documentary was finished and Richard invited me to attend a screening in
Waco with the surviving Branch Davidians. This came at an opportune time,
for I had just taken on assignment from The Nose magazine to do a
three-page piece of comics journalism, "Waco: One Year Later" (later
reprinted in my book Villa of the Mysteries #2). I was eager to meet the
surviving Davidians and hear firsthand what had happened.

So I drove to Waco on a Wednesday night--the first anniversary date, April
19, was exactly one week away--and met them. There were about a dozen
Davidians in attendance, including Clive Doyle, Sheila Martin, and Wally

I found these people to be--well, just that--people, not the fiendish
"cultists" described by the mainstream media. They were a quiet lot, not at
all pushy with their religion, and seemed, more than anything else, sad and
puzzled by the way they had been demonized by the government and the
mainstream media.

They told me how, during the previous year, they had all been interviewed
by a woman reporter from ABC's 20/20. They had told her many things, such
as how the Davidians who had run out the back of the flaming building--the
side not covered by television cameras--had been killed by FBI sniper fire.
The reporter had been excited by these revelations, and told them it was
going to be a powerful segment. "Be sure to watch," she told them. They
did, and were dismayed to find their interviews liberally edited. The
business about the snipers, among other things, had been left out. The
reporter called them the next day to apologize. It was not her fault, she
told them. It had been her producer in New York who had censored the story.

Fortunately, Day 51 was not subject to censorship. Among the things dealt
with in that documentary was the FBI sniper fire. Yet, at that early date,
there was no hard physical evidence for these shootings--only the testimony
of the surviving Davidians. Since then, however, another documentary has
appeared--Waco: The Rules of Engagement--in which infrared video taken by a
surveillance helicopter clearly shows sniper fire, as well as tanks firing
incendiary devices into the building.

This infrared video footage, incidentally, is said to have been leaked by
William Colby, former director of the CIA. Shortly after this leak
occurred, Colby died in a rather odd boating accident. He had, during the
last few years of his life, been involved with the Strategic Investments
newsletter, which has been a source for information on various scandals
regarding President Bill Clinton.

One thing not dealt with in Rules of Engagement, however, is the cause of
the Waco massacre. Yes, we get an explanation, but it is the standard one:
It was funding time in Congress, the ATF wanted to put on a big show,
things got out of hand, mistakes were made, etc. etc. But is that really
all there is to say about the matter?

Day 51 interviewed Davidian Wally Kennett, who stated the ATF was in
actuality not looking for an illegal
arsenal when they raided Mt. Carmel on February 28, 1993, but rather for
information stored on a computer. This information, he alleged, had been
compiled by two Davidians--Jeff Little and Wayne Martin--both of whom were
killed in the final assault on April 19. Furthermore, Kennett states that
it was this computer, not guns or anything else, that was kept in the room
which the ATF attempted to enter the morning of the raid.

If this is so, then it explains why the ATF went ahead with the raid on
February 28, when they knew the bulk of the arsenal had been taken to
Austin for a gun show that morning.

Jeff Little was known by the Davidians to have been a "computer expert" who
had previously worked for the Yamaha Corporation, and had been involved in
a shady project to modify a law enforcement software to contain a "trap

The Octopus: Secret Government and the Death of Danny Casolaro, by Kenn
Thomas and the late Jim Keith, details how the Reagan Justice Department
stole PROMIS, a law 

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Thursday #4

1999-09-16 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990916d - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: Several subliminal messages were implanted into this bulletin. Good luck.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Forget Puppies -- Cuddle A Reptile In Japan. TOKYO (Reuters) It was love
  at first slither for Akiko Ohtake when she walked into a pet store six
  months ago. http://news.excite.com/news/r/990916/10/odd-reptiles

: Are the Reptilioids successfully programming human youths to accept their
inevitable takeover of Earth? Do you love any reptiles? Was that your idea?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  that lesbian couples with children have trouble dividing up the childcare
  chores. Both want to be the primary caregiver, but the child often chooses
  one for that function - and treats the other as a playmate.

: Are you a caregiver or a playmate? Would you rather play with or care for
men, women, boys, girls, reptiles, robots, money, food, me? Are you nice??

@ Leopold Von Sacher-Masoch:
@ Masochism: homepage.newschool.edu/~schlemoj/imptopia/krafft-ebing.html
@ Venus In Furs: http://freeweb.digiweb.com/arts/vuems/venustxt.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# KGB transmitters found in Brussels. BRUSSELS (AP) - Belgian authorities,
  tipped off by the UK secret service, have discovered three caches with KGB
  radio transmitter equipment buried in the woods outside the capital.

# Black Diamonds May Be Radioactive. BRUSSELS (Reuters) Russian traders may
  have sold radioactive gemstones on the black market in Europe's diamond
  capital, Antwerp. http://news.excite.com/news/r/990916/10/odd-diamonds

: Are you Belgian? Are you nervous? Are Russians out to get you? Do you have
any secret transmitters? What do you transmit? Who receives? Who intercepts?
What's your favorite radioactive jewelry? Do you wear it much? Do you glow?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# IRRADIATING FOOD WITHOUT RADIATION. There is a new technology available to
  make our food supply safer - it's called Electron Beam technology. Because
  it is electrically produced, consumers who are afraid of "irradiated" food
  might find this process easier to accept. Kills pathogens dead, dead, dead

: Do you like food that's full of microbes? Can you use the extra protein??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# CLINTON RELAXES CRYPTO EXPORTS. It's a major victory for US tech industry,
  which says it can now compete internationally. Privacy ain't dead yet:

# FEDS OK CELL PHONE TRACKING. Got a roadside emergency? Just pull out
  your cell phone and help will find you. US regulators approve use of
  GPS-equipped mobile phones for finding people in distress. Watching:

: Would you rather be decrypted or tracked? Can govt already tell exactly
what you say & think & do, where you go, what you want? Do you despair??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


# Y2K FIX IN YEAR 5760. New software can fix the millennium bug in no time,
  says an Israeli programmer. And no time is just what he's got to market
  it. http://wired.com/news/news/explode-infobeat/business/story/21764.html

: Are you fixed for Y2K? Will you just set your system clock back to 1975??

# A WHOLE NEW MEANING TO 'POP' PSYCHOLOGY. There's a group in Northern
  California that is putting the stress relieving qualities of bubble
  wrap on the market - telling people to "pop" their Y2K worries away.

: Do you fret over Y2K? How do you relieve stress? Would you rather stomp on
plastic, take drugs, lick an electric plug, eat the rich, make crop circles?

# US TAKES HEAT FOR Y2K WARNINGS. The United States has begun telling
  Americans that Y2K can cause travel problems abroad. Other countries
  say that Uncle Sam ought to mind his own problems. Bugger off, dewd:

: Will you travel on 1/1/00? Will you survive? Will you be devoured by lice?

# Activists Push Y2K Nuclear Pause. WASHINGTON (Reuters) Environmentalists
  and arms control activists call it a modest proposal a kind of Year 2000
  insurance policy for the world. Visualize whirled peas too.

: Will all the bombs go off at 00:00 1/1/00 ?? Will you notice? Do you care?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

HateWatch News for September 15, 1999

# Senate Judiciary Committee - "Hate Cr

Re: [CTRL] Smyrna

1999-09-16 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 09/16/1999 2:54:24 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 please take all my comments on food really seriusly as I am very sensitive
 to what I eat. >>

I do.  I'm particularly concerned about the vicious haggis.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


Re: [CTRL] The glorious capitalist free market economic system.

1999-09-16 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-09-16 12:25:11 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>BTW, not being among those that brazenly exploit and subjugate does not make
>me one of the "readily identifiable criminal class."

  You totally missed the point of my "devil's advocate" upbraiding.

>Are you forgetting who the true criminals are?

No -- I made it very plain who they are -- and, more importantly, WHY they
are ...
The main point (implied) was: "SO?  Now, what are you going to DO about it?"

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] Fw: Quickening News for Wednesday, September 15, 1999

1999-09-16 Thread CobolMage

 -Caveat Lector-

Quickening News for Wednesday, September 15, 1999

EARTHQUAKE:  List / Deadly Aftershock in Turkey / Major quake rocks southern
Bolivia, no injuries reported / Iran Shaken by Quake / Tremor Hits Southwest
China /

WORLD WEATHER: Thousands homeless after Ghana hit by torrential rains /
Tropical Storms York and Zia - Heat Deaths in Hong Kong / Floods make 50,000
homeless in north Sudan / Hurricane Floyd inflicts its fury on the Bahamas -
In the Bahamas, Floyd sweeps away entire village / Spanish Rains Kill 3 /
Typhoon York slams into Hong Kong /

U.S. WEATHER: Floyd strikes land near Cape Fear, North Carolina /


HEALTH: E coli apparently sickens 313 in Illinois / AIDS epidemic replaces
war as Africa's 'killing field' /

ENVIRONMENT: First California Killer Bee Death / Midwest Mercury Levels
Unsafe /


WORLD STRESS: Apparent truck bomb kills 13 in southern Russia /

SOCIAL UNREST: Church gunman kills 7, self, in Texas /

FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK: Just a short note...



[EDITOR'S NOTE: The monthly statistics will be more accurate as to number of
quakes, mag. and time.]

There were (preliminary)  17 quakes since the last login of 3.0 mag. or
higher. The highest being 6.4
0 = 7. , 1 = 6. ,  3  = 5. , 8  = 4. , 2 of the quakes in the U.S. The
highest being 3.9

99/09/15  20:39:09.7  095.8--4.0--FOX ISLS, ALEUTIAN ISLS

99/09/15  19:38:58.2  029.4--4.7--KURIL ISLS

99/09/15  09:58:36.0  183.4--4.1--CENTRAL PERU

99/09/15  08:10:01.0  000.0--4.6--COAST OF CENTRAL AMERICA

99/09/15  03:01:07.4  215.2--6.4--S  BOLIVIA

99/09/14  22:17:34.2  173.8--5.3--MARIANA ISLS

99/09/14  15:47:26.2  304.3--4.7--S  ITALY

99/09/14  12:54:46.2  154.1--4.2--SICHUAN, CHINA

99/09/14  12:23:44.0  033.0--5.2--VOLCANO ISLS RGN

99/09/14  11:57:14.0  004.8--3.2--CALIF-NEVADA BDR RGN

99/09/14  09:01:58.0  068.7--3.9--CENTRAL ALASKA

99/09/14  05:44:30.4  037.8--4.3--FOX ISLS, ALEUTIAN ISLS

99/09/14  04:01:22.0  033.0--5.7--S  SANDWICH ISLS RGN

99/09/14  02:03:41.3  049.4--4.2--COAST OF GUATEMALA



Earth Alert  http://www.discovery.com/news/earthalert/earthalert.html

Sept. 14, 1999 - At least seven people were killed and 420 others injured
when a powerful aftershock rumbled through earthquake-devastated western
Turkey on Monday.

The magnitude 5.8 quake, centered in the city of Izmit, struck at 2:55 p.m.,
spreading panic throughout the region.

Three of the victims were killed in the city of Golcuk when the vehicle in
which they were traveling was crushed by falling masonry. One other woman
died of a heart attack brought on by the shaking. Many people suffered
broken bones while trying to flee from buildings as they jumped from
balconies or out of windows. Others were buried in fallen debris. Rescue
squads were rushed to the area by helicopter to help to save those trapped.

Disaster officials said that at least 29 buildings, which were weakened by
the magnitude 7.4 temblor on Aug. 17, were leveled during Monday's quake. At
least 20 people in Golcuk were trapped under rubble.

Many residents went to local hospitals to try to get news of family members
who were missing. Frightened parents rushed to schools, which were opened
again on Monday after summer vacation, to retrieve their children.

Seismologists said the aftershocks could continue for anywhere from one to
three years after the powerful quake, but that they would diminish with



September 15, 1999 Web posted at: 7:37 AM EDT (1137 GMT)

LA PAZ, Bolivia (Reuters) -- A major earthquake rocked the south of Bolivia
near the border with Argentina but no injuries were reported, a Bolivian
seismologist said on Wednesday.

The earthquake registered six on the Richter scale but its focus, or
hypocenter, was 185 miles (300 km) below the earth's surface. The quake hit
at 11:01 p.m. local time on Tuesday (0301 GMT on Wednesday) near the border
town of Villazon, some 680 miles (1,100 km) south of the capital La Paz, San
Calixto Seismology Observatory Director Lawrence Drake told Reuters.

"It was felt, but there were no reports of injuries," Drake said.

A quake with a force of six on the Richter scale can cause widespread damage
in a populated area but this quake was centered in a relatively uninhabited,
mountainous area.

"Everything was shaking, furniture moved around and the lights went out but
we haven't heard of any injuries," one witness in Tarija told Reuters.

Tarija is about 120 miles (200 km) northwest of the epicenter, or the point
on the earth's surface directly above the earthquake's focus.

Another witness said residents of Tarija ran out into the streets when they
felt the earthquake.

The last quake to strike Bolivia was on May 22, 1998, in the rural region of
Aiquile, in the c

Re: [CTRL] Dorthy Kilgallen's Sucide Information Wanted

1999-09-16 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 09/15/1999 9:44:18 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 I would appreciate any information that any one can forward me on Dorthy
 Kilgallen's alleged suicide, and any other information on her alleged
 involvement with Marlyn Monroe, Jack Ruby, etc. It is also alleged that she
 was going to break some real news the next day after she committed suicide,
 does anyone know what the news way. >>

I don't recall that anyone thought Dorothy Kilgallen committed suicide.  She
died from the interaction of sleeping pills and alcohol.  Dorothy was too
bright to mix the two, so guess what happened to Dorothy Kilgallen.  And yes,
she was going to break some real news regarding the JFK assassination the
next day.  God knows why she wasn't a bit sneakier about it.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] Fw: AANEWS for Thursday, September 16, 1999

1999-09-16 Thread CobolMage

 -Caveat Lector-

subject: AANEWS for September 16, 1999

   A M E R I C A N   A T H E I S T S
#639 ~~~ 9/16/99

"Leading The Way For Atheist Civil Rights
 And The Separation Of State and Church"

   In This Issue...
   * Istook brings back Religious Freedom Amendment
   * Update: shootings in Texas
   * Related: See You At The Pole -- Gov. endorses prayer activity
   * Michigan Atheists to party on Sunday!
   * Union County, N.J. Atheists organizing
   * Resources
   * About this list...


A constitutional amendment which would permit religious activities in
public school classroom and other government venues has been
reintroduced by Rep.  Ernest Istook (R-Okla.).  The Religious Freedom
Amendment (H.J.  Res.  66) is identical to earlier proposals promoted
by Istook.  It reads:

"To secure the people's right to acknowledge God according to the
dictates of conscience: Neither the United States nor any State shall
establish any official religion, but the people's right to pray and to
recognize their religious beliefs, heritage, or traditions on public
property, including schools, shall not be infringed.  Neither the
United States nor any State shall require any person to join in prayer
or other religious activity, prescribe school prayers, discriminate
against religion, or deny equal access to a benefit on account of

"Here we go again!"  said Ellen Johnson, President of American
Atheists.  "Istook and friends go to considerable length in the
wording of this bill to pay lip service to the separation of church
and state, then demolish the protections of the establishment clause."

Istook's proposal appears today as an untitled amendment on the Thomas
website which tracks legislative proposals.  As a constitutional
amendment, the measure would require approval by a two-thirds vote in
the U.S.  House of Representatives and the Senate, followed by
ratification of three-fourths of state legislatures within a seven
year period.

An identical version of Istook's legislation under the title of the
Religious Freedom Amendment was turned down by the House on June 4,
1998.  There were 203 NO votes, with 224 representatives voting YES.
While short of the two-thirds margin required for passage, the vote
was nevertheless a victory for school prayer boosters; no similar
measure had made it that far through the legislative process since the
early 1960s.

Istook's amendment was formally unveiled yesterday at a prayer rally
at the U.S.  capitol which included religious leaders, political aides
and evangelist William J.  Murray, the son of missing Atheist Madalyn
Murray O'Hair.  O'Hair and her son were plaintiffs in the historic
U.S.  Supreme Court case MURRAY v.  CURLETT which challenged
orchestrated prayer and Bible verse recitation in the public schools.
Along with a series of other case such as ENGEL v.  VITALE and
ABINGTON TOWNSHIP v.  SCHEMPP, it helped to remove coercive religious
ritual from the public classroom environment.

None of these cases, though, denied youngsters or anyone else the
right to pray in schools, as long as they did so on their own time and
in a non-coercive way.  The Clinton administration issued guidelines
on religious activity in public schools in 1995, noting: "The
Establishment Clause of the First Amendment does not prohibit purely
private religious speech by students."

The Religious Freedom Amendment goes beyond the notion of "private"
religious speech and contemplation.  The measure could allow
orchestrated prayer in classrooms, and at athletic events or other
official school activities when ostensibly led or initiated by
students.  Critics warn that it would also permit the display of
sectarian religious symbols such as the Ten Commandments in schools,
courtrooms, lobbies and offices of government buildings and other
public venues.  The "benefits" section of RFA is seen by some as a
possible justification for public funding of faith-based outreaches
and social programs.

   Why This?  Why Now?

Istook's move to reintroduce the RFA comes at a peculiar time; the
political complexion of the House of Representatives has not changed
since June, 1998, and there is little evidence that the measure, as
written, would succeed in Congress.  Behind the scenes, though, the
RFA remains a hot-button issue with many fundamentalists and
evangelicals in the Republican party's right wing.  Lately, there have
been fears within this group that GOP leadership is putting the
culture war agenda on the back burner.

Indeed, Republica

Re: [CTRL] Church Not Apologetic to Quebec Orphans

1999-09-16 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 09/15/1999 4:00:03 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

<< The orphans, numbering more than 3,000, have said many of them were abused,
 sodomized and forced to provide sexual favors as children.
 Pierre Morissette, president of the Quebec Assembly of Archbishops, said
 Wednesday the matter was delicate because of legal considerations. But he
 acknowledged the Church recognized some orphans went through "difficult
 But a full apology would not be forthcoming.
 "Such excuses would betray the works of those who dedicated all their lives
 to the service of the most destitute," Morissette told a packed news
 conference in Cap de la Madeleine, west of Quebec City.
 The Orphans were outraged by the announcement.
 "This is total hypocrisy. This is a campaign of disinformation. It is
 horrible and contemptuous," said Bruno Roy, spokesman of the so-called
 association of "Duplessis Orphans". >>

Just a reminder that no one really gives a damn what happens to children as
soon as they are actually born.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] September Massacre--Dallas/Fort Worth Location No Surprise

1999-09-16 Thread Dan S

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Mack White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> It may also be significant that the shootings precisely coincided with
> night's ceremony celebrating the reopening of the UT Tower here in Austin.
> The Tower, of course, was the site of the nation's first massacre of this
> type.

Now THATS more like it!


Dan S

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] America As It Is (fwd)

1999-09-16 Thread William Hugh Tunstall

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message ---

 > > Dear readers,
 > >
 > > The book I would like to bring to your attention is DISCOVERING AMERICA
 > > AS IT IS by Valdas Anelauskas, a monumental study of the devastating
 > > effect American-style ultra-capitalism is having on the American people
 > > -- something that people in other countries, and Europeans in
 > > particular, need to know, as the American Way is going global. This book
 > > raises serious questions concerning America's role as a leading model
 > > for development, and even as to its future capacity to compete due to
 > > the deterioration of its "human capital" -- the American people --
 > > resulting from its anti-social domestic policies.
 > >
 > > Valdas Anelauskas is a Lithuanian journalist and former anti-Soviet
 > > dissident who was expelled from the USSR for his human rights
 > > activities. He was received in the U.S. as a high profile political
 > > dissident, and initially even addressed American audiences alongside
 > > powerful right-wing American politicians like Newt Gingrich. While many
 > > anti-Soviet human rights activists turned to the United States to
 > > champion their cause, and many even emigrated to the USA, few have
 > > publicly exposed their view of human rights as practiced in the United
 > > States. That fact, in itself, would make DISCOVERING AMERICA AS IT IS an
 > > important book, coming as it does from someone of this background.
 > >
 > > Ten years of observation of American reality has led Anelauskas to
 > > conclude that the U.S. extreme capitalist system represents an even
 > > greater threat than Soviet mock-communism to the well-being of the
 > > world. He paints an extraordinary portrait of the America he discovered
 > > -- the true America, as it exists in actuality, for most Americans. His
 > > book explores with shock and indignation the lot of vast millions of
 > > ordinary people in the richest country in the world, which surely could
 > > treat its citizens at least as well as other industrialized nations do,
 > > but refuses to. Thirteen highly documented chapters -- on poverty,
 > > crime, health, education, homelessness, income inequities and the
 > > replacement of welfare by "workfare" (which appears to be reintroducing
 > > slavery to America) -- detail the public disarray which results from an
 > > unfettered system of great wealth where the rich determine the social
 > > priorities. This is hardly the America of the movies and the slick
 > > magazines which bedazzle the world with images of American prosperity.
 > >
 > > This blistering reality is not "one man's opinion," but rather has been
 > > scrupulously culled -- in nearly 600 pages with literally thousands of
 > > citations -- from the very latest researches by international
 > > organizations, domestic and international NGOs,  independent U.S. think
 > > tanks and experts, and even from American government and business
 > > sources. While most critiques focus on one social sector or another,
 > > Anelauskas' multidimensional study brings them all together, and the
 > > impact is staggering. What this book enables us to grasp -- both
 > > intellectually and emotionally -- is the predatory and wasteful
 > > operation of unbridled capitalism as practiced in America, and the
 > > needless, preventable injury it is wreaking upon millions.
 > >
 > > Anelauskas' study makes detailed comparisons between the U.S. and the
 > > former Soviet Union, and also, even more tellingly, with the capitalist
 > > countries of Western Europe.  What people need to consider is: Does
 > > capitalism have to weigh upon people so mercilessly -- or is the
 > > American version more extreme, more pitiless than that of other
 > > industrialized nations? Anelauskas found the U.S. shockingly deficient
 > > in the areas of economic and social human rights, and extensively
 > > documented the extent to which citizens of all other industrialized
 > > countries generally fare far better than, actually, most Americans.
 > >
 > > So... how long will the relative prosperity of the citizens of other
 > > industrial nations be able to continue, in face of the extension of the
 > > American model?  Truly, should the countries of the world be rushing to
 > > follow the American example -- or rather, moving strenuously to protect
 > > their social structures from the future that America seeks to impose, as
 > > forewarned in Anelauskas' final chapter, "The New World Order Takes
 > > Shape."  This culminating chapter  provides a clearer understanding of
 > > the true source of America's "know-how" as it relates to accumulating
 > > wealth and to maintaining it.  From the expropriation of Indian lands,
 > > and the exploitation of African slave labor, to a taste for empire which
 > > spread to the continental rim, then jumped across many waters in a
 > > hundred-year history of invasions all around the globe, culminating at
 > > last in the hegemonic military-


1999-09-16 Thread Kris Millegan


==  http://www.rumormillnews.com   
Dateline: September 17, 1999


Dear Rumor Mill News Readers,

The following has just been  forwarded to me by one of our Rumor Mill
News Agents. While you are reading this, please keep in mind that
information can  be planted with reporters and staffers for the purpose of:

1. Muddying the waters

2. Scaring the opposition

3. Painting the heros as the villains

4. Rallying the troops against the enemy

5. Making a candidate look more/less viable

6. Attempting to create coalitions based on common enemies

RMNews is sure there are more reasons than the ones listed above. But
these are enough to make our point:

Rumor Mill News Readers are  savvy enough to always question the
information contained in any news story, especially one like this, where
there is no "hard" evidence. The questions you need to ask yourself, when
you are trying to figure out what is really going on are:

1. Who benefits from this story?

2. Who wrote this story?

3. Is there an agenda behind this story?

The answer to one of the above questions is:

The first item in the following information was written by someone who is
associated with the Buchanan For President Campaign. The second piece of
information is written by Robert Novak. Robert Novak is an old friend of
Pat's and on most things he is a carbon copy.

For the record, Rumor Mill News states,  on all political issues we agree
with Pat Buchanan. Years ago when he was assaulting the gates of the New
World Order's castle with pitchforks and peasants, Rumor Mill News was
squarely in his camp, passing out the pitchforks.

See additional comments from Rumor Mill News at end of article.

* * * * * *


Here's something I found in my in-box this morning. It concerns
the Reform Party and Ventura v. Buchanan. Apparently the NWO people
want Ventura to run, wresting any potential for Reform candidacy from
Buchanan. Who will arise to split the Democratic Party? Cybil Shepard?
Warren Beatty? Hillary Clinton? As you have said before, a four or five
way race could be good for the country.


 [BRIGADE] Bush: Stop Buchanan ...Novak - Buchanan Strikes Fear into
 Date:  Thu, 16 Sep1999 09:54:24 -0400
 From:  "Linda Muller"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear Brigade,
"...A Bush operative indirectly contacted Ventura...to see whether he might
contest Buchanan for the fledgling party's nomination The word back to
Austin was that Ventura would seek another candidate but might
"consider" running himself, if nobody else is availableWith Republican
assumptions that pro-choice Perot never could embrace pro-life Buchanan
now shattered, Republicans count on Ventura to save them...That leaves
Ventura agents talking to real estate-casino tycoon Donald Trump...The
Manhattan dealmaker seems a bad match with Perot's party, but he may be
the GOP's last hope to stop Buchanan."

From:"Jackson, Glenn R" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: 'Linda Muller' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Bob Novak column
Date sent: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 09:33:02 -0400
Linda, Another good column. I'm fired up!
Buchanan strikes fear into GOP
September 16, 1999
Even before Pat Buchanan burned his bridges on NBC's Meet the Press
Sunday, front-runner George W. Bush's strategists had given up on talking
him out of bolting the GOP. They now concentrate on keeping the Reform
Party presidential nomination from Buchanan, and that leads them to St.
Paul, Minn., and Gov. Jesse Ventura. A Bush operative indirectly contacted
Ventura, the nation's only major office holder elected under the Reform
banner, to see whether he might contest Buchanan for the fledgling party's
nomination. The word back to Austin was that Ventura would seek another
candidate but might "consider" running himself, if nobody else is available.
If Buchanan is nominated, he also has indicated privately, he might leave
the Reform Party and take his followers with him. Bush's presidential
express, encountering a Buchanan bump in the road, has to rely on the
gravel-voiced wrestler. Bush strategists believe no Reform candidate will
drain away more GOP voters than Buchanan--not even Ventura, though he
might collect a higher overall percentage.
Complacent Republicans had told themselves that good old Pat never
would leave the party of his mentors, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan,
despite years of contemptuous treatment from the party's hierarchy.
Hopelessly behind the curve, they were stunned by his description of the
GOP asa "Xerox copy" of the Democrats. Republican National Chairman
Jim Nicholson's long-sought talk with Buchanan will take

[CTRL] East Timor in-depth / Lockheed's own arms race / more ... (fwd)

1999-09-16 Thread William Hugh Tunstall

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 18:24:04 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: East Timor in-depth / Lockheed's own arms race / more ...

 M O J O U R N A L
 A week's worth from the MoJo Wire
and Mother Jones magazine
Sept. 15, 1999

E A S T  T I M O R  C O V E R A G E 

*Rebuilding East Timor's Economy* - If East Timor ever does become an
independent country, becoming self-sufficient will be its first priority,
and perhaps its biggest challenge.


*alt.news* - Our updates from around the web are posted throughout the
day, every weekday. New this week:

 East Timorese thrown to sharks; UN peacekeepers authorized;
Australian peacekeepers to be targeted; more ...


*Moving Gently on East Timor* - In the second MoJo Wire installment of
their column "Focus on the Corporation," Russell Mokhiber and Robert
Weissman explain why the Clinton administration has been so slow to take
action in East Timor.


R E A L I T Y  C H E C K  

Lockheed Martin's Own Private Arms Race * - If maintaining air
superiority in the world is a priority for the US, then selling our most
capable fighter planes abroad is not. Congress should stop allowing
defense contractors to arm our enemies,and force us to spend billions of
tax dollars to catch up.


M O T H E R  J O N E S  __

We are now posting articles from the September/October issue.


M U S T  R E A D S  

MoJo Wire editors' picks from around the Web, uncovering the stories and
viewpoints you haven't heard.  Updated daily.


Kids buy slaves, fuel demand * Report: Free trade threatens forests *
Judge says GM hid evidence


Last week's Must Reads:


S N A P  P O L L  ___


NATO and the UN have agreed to allow a core group of 3,000 Kosovo
Liberation Army (KLA) fighters to hold on to their weapons and form a
civilian force, supposedly similar to the US National Guard.

Do you think this is a good idea?

1) Yes
2) No




Do you think the US should commit troops to an international peacekeeping
force for East Timor?

64.84% said Yes
35.16% said No

J O B S  A T  M O T H E R  J O N E S  

Current Mother Jones job openings: Got a nose for news, Web wisdom, or an
eye for political art? There might be a place for you.


G E T  M E  O F F  T H I S  L I S T !  

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [newshawk] FInal Section/PHOENIX UNDEAD

1999-09-16 Thread Kris Millegan


Copyright © 1998
John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc
All rights reserved

All text within this document not quoted from other sources
is the sole property of John A. Quinn/Newshawk Inc.
No reproduction without permission.

Part 5



For a number of years I've resided principally in the Pacific Northwest.
I know for a fact that on overnight field trips to the San Francisco
area schoolkids from all over Northern California and beyond use the
"old" military facilities north of the Golden Gate (within the Golden
Gate National Recreation Area) for bivouacking overnight, as the federal
government (still the owners of the property--though the military
facilities are supposedly "closed" or "decommissioned") offers the
"accommodations" to school districts all over Northern California, to
use for sleepovers during their field trips, etc. Uh-huh...

We got the following information from a schoolgirl who was there in that
context recently. Although the area where they were spending the night
was supposedly not militarily active, a missile mounted on a flatbed
trailer, visible behind a chain link fence in the evening, was gone the
next morning! One might well wonder what else might have happened during
the night at this location where those kids were, given the documented
tunnels, etc. in this region.

The region in and around the Golden Gate National Recreation Area on
both the San Francisco and Marin sides, as well as areas of nearby
Sonoma, Napa and Lake counties, are reported to have a number of
extensive underground areas--some engineered and constructed since the
arrival of white people and some far more ancient. As at Montauk and
elsewhere, the covert government has created numerous underground
installations at the many military and ex-military sites (and other
locations) throughout the general area.

Peter Moon has made allusions to the fact that the San Francisco
peninsula and the Golden Gate region as a whole is a substantial earth
grid power point itself and this factor has been known and utilized by
cultic, secret "brotherhoods" directly linked to the worldwide shadow
government. There is a SAGE radar site in the Golden Gate area as well.
One of the covert government's more "well known" facilities in the
general area is Bohemian Grove in Sonoma County's Russian River region.
I can attest from personal recollection during the time I resided in
nearby Santa Rosa in the 1980s, that over the years a number of local
residents have reported on some decidedly peculiar and even vile and
very ugly events occurring at this heavily guarded, completely isolated,
remote, exclusive "campground" in the woods where many of the "shadow"
government's most powerful figures come to "unwind" and "party". These
incidents were reported to local law enforcement agencies and made
public through the regional news media.

Certain of these incidents, regarding the physical/sexual abuse of women
by groups of men have been reported on by the local Sonoma County press
and substantiated by testimony such as that emailed to me by "Sue Ellen"
and reprinted in the section of this report immediately following . She
describes her sister's forced involvement in very unpleasant episodes at
Bohemian Grove during the time she was employed at the Pentagon. I have
recently read other testimony describing truly horrendous incidents at
Bohemian Grove and the proclivities of some of it's more "illustrious"
members; people like George Bush.

Further substantiation of the conditions at Bohemian Grove comes from
Cathy O'Brien. While I cannot personally vouch for the accuracy of the
following material and though some reasonable doubts and suspicions
about both Cathy O'Brien's and husband Mark Philips' credibility have
been raised, I am nonetheless including here an excerpt from Ms.
O'Brien's The Trance Formation Of America, which describes her own
experience at Bohemian Grove. I am doing so because it does jibe
substantially with my own personal knowledge of numerous allegations and
charges made about Bohemian Grove on the local level, involving the same
kinds of unpleasantries and atrocities related by Ms. O'Brien.
"I was programmed and equipped to function in all rooms at Bohemian
Grove in order to compromise specific government targets according to
their personal perversions. "Anything, anytime, anywhere with anyone"
was my mode of operation at the Grove. I do not purport to understand
the full function of this political cesspool playground as my perception
was limited to my own realm of experience.

"My perception is that Bohemian Grove serves those ushering in the New
World Order through mind control, and consists primarily of the highest
Mafia and U.S. Government officials. I do not use the term "highest"
loosely, as copious quantities of drugs were consumed there. Project
Monarch Mind-Control slaves were routinely abused there to fulfill the

[CTRL] HateWatch News and Updates (fwd)

1999-09-16 Thread William Hugh Tunstall

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: 16 Sep 1999 00:40:59 -
From: HateWatch Updates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: List Member <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: HateWatch News and Updates

HateWatch Updates - http://hatewatch.org

HateWatch is a nonprofit, educational and activist resource combating the
growing threat of online bigotry. After four years, HateWatch has become a
leader in the fight for online civil rights. If you would like to stay up
to date on HateWatch's activities and to learn how you can help, sign up
for HateWatch's mailing list by sending the following information to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] It is by our education and participation which will
make the web a more tolerant community.

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HateWatch News for September 16, 1999

**Move Thill murder trial, judge says **
A judge decided Tuesday that Nathan Thill can't get a fair trial in Denver
and ordered the murder case moved to another city. Thill, 21, is accused
of murdering African immigrant Oumar Dia and gunning down witness Jeannie
VanVelkinburgh at a downtown bus stop Nov. 18, 1997. Prosecutors are
seeking the death penalty. Thill, a self-proclaimed racist skinhead,
confessed to police and a TV reporter that he killed Dia because he was

**Suit: Racist needed protection in jail**
The local head of the Aryan Nation charges he was severely beaten in 1997
at the Montgomery County, Ohio Jail because he was not properly segregated
from black inmates.In a lawsuit filed late Friday in U.S. District Court
in Dayton, Morris Lynn Gulett also charges that his
jailers waited four to five weeks after the assault to get
him medical attention, further aggravating his injuries.

**Not all hate crimes are work of misfits**
Some 500 law enforcement personnel from around the region continued their
crash course in how to better identify and respond to hate crimes Tuesday
during the second day of a national conference on the topic being held in
Sacramento. In the process, participants heard two bits of conventional
wisdom shattered: They learned that the vast majority of hate crimes are
committed by independent operators -- not
members of established groups -- and that such groups don't attract only
misfits and losers.

**FAMU bomb now called act of hate**
Two weeks after the president of Florida A&M University described a small
on-campus explosion as a "poof" lacking the punch of even a firecracker,
state and national authorities are offering a $10,000 reward for
information about the incident they now are calling a
potentially deadly act of hate.

**Killer of gay sentenced**
Jonathan Schmitz was sentenced to 25 to 50 years in prison today for
killing a gay acquaintance who revealed a crush on him during a
taping of "The Jenny Jones Show." Schmitz trembled as Oakland County
Circuit Court Judge Wendy Potts sentenced him for the 1995 shotgun slaying
of Scott Amedure.

**Dragging Victim's Belongings Seen by Texas Jury**
Dentures, clothing and other personal items belonging to a black man who
was dragged to death were shown Tuesday to jurors who must decide if a
second white supremacist should be convicted of the slaying.
Shoes, a wallet, a watch and shirts that belonged to James Byrd Jr. and
were found along the road where he was killed were entered into evidence
in the second day of testimony in the capital murder trial of Lawrence
Russell Brewer, 32.

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


[CTRL] HateWatch News and Updates (fwd)

1999-09-16 Thread William Hugh Tunstall

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: 15 Sep 1999 03:38:12 -
From: HateWatch Updates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: List Member <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: HateWatch News and Updates

HateWatch Updates - http://hatewatch.org

HateWatch News for September 15, 1999

**Senate Committee on the Judiciary“Hate Crime on the Internet”**
 Good morning and welcome to today’s hearing on hate crime on the
Internet. We are pleased to have five impressive witnesses whom I shall
introduce in short order. The Internet is a technology that heralds a
breadth of understanding and education never before imagined. It holds a
promise for disseminating knowledge and breaking down barriers to learning
and understanding that is unrivaled, and I have accordingly been a staunch
proponent of efforts to keep the Internet unregulated and competitive.
However, today’s hearing will focus on ramifications of Internet
technology that can only be described as troubling

**Hate.com (letter to the editor to Village Voice)**
David Goldman of HateWatch.org accurately notes that it is
un-civil-rights-like of these creatures to try to silence our words. He
pretends not to recognize that these militant homosexuals are utterly
unable to resist their base impulses, that they would bankrupt this
nation-its treasury, its laws, and its morals-in pursuit of their burning

**Race murder defendant's tattoos show racist views**
Lawrence Russell Brewer, on trial for allegedly dragging a black man to
death behind a pickup truck, was a deeply committed white supremacist who
tattooed his body with burning crosses, Confederate flags and other
symbols of racial hatred, prosecutors said Tuesday. They said the tattoos
covering Brewer's arms and upper torso reflected the mentality that led
him and two other white supremacists to murder James Byrd on June 7, 1998,
near the east Texas town of Jasper.

**Matthew Shepard's Mother Aims to Speak With His Voice**
She is fine-featured and wary. Mostly wary. Judy Shepard, the reluctant
activist, is still coming to terms with this business of public
revelation, public grief and public debate, a role thrust upon her after
the brutal murder of her son last October.

**EBay under fire for black memorabilia**
First it was live body parts listed for sale, then babies. Now, the latest
category of items to spur controversy on the online auction service eBay
is black memorabilia seen by some buyers as collectibles, by others as
simply racist.

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your family & friends - Visit http://messenger.msn.com

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] UnFree Willy (fwd)

1999-09-16 Thread William Hugh Tunstall

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message 
BBC, September 13, 1999

Willy shuns freedom

The killer whale "who is incapable of attacking a baby herring"

The bid to release the Free Willy star Keiko the killer whale into the
wild has been a failure, admits the project's spokesman.
Keiko was airlifted to Iceland more than a year ago amid great
expectations that the mammal could be returned to his native waters.

The star of the 1993 film Free Willy - in which a young boy attempts to
release a mournful captive whale - has not yet left his special floating
enclosure in Klettsvik fjord, south of Reykjavik.

The 22-year-old animal is still unable to fend for himself and has not
learned to catch fish.

An adult killer whale requires 100kg of fish a day. Keiko still refuses
to even eat live fish.

"His re-adaptation to natural, or wild sea life is a total failure," said
Hallur Hallson, a spokesman for the Free Willy support group, who funded
the rehabilitation.

Killer whales can only survive in groups, but the former film star has
never shown any interest in playing with his counterparts in the wild.

When his underwater cage was damage in a recent storm, the whale made no
attempt to swim to freedom.

It had been hoped he could be reunited with his mother - as the female
whales can live for more than 90 years.

Keiko, which means 'Happy Boy' in Icelandic, was captured off the coast
in 1979. After a spell in a local zoo, he travelled to Canada and Mexico
before appearing in the hit film.

A Life magazine article highlighted the "unacceptable" conditions he was
being subjected to.

A $4m donation from Free Willy's makers, Warner Bros, boosted the effort
to release the whale.

With that hope now dead, Keiko's keepers have asked the local authorities
to allow the whale's enclosure to be enlarged - so he can be taken for
"accompanied walks".

The team who care for Keiko reckon the effort has not been wasted. They
claim that experts have learned much about whales by observing the famous

They say it is well worth the $1.7m spent every year to feed and care for
the 6.3m mammal.

Jon Gunnarson, the man who first caught Keiko, is more cynical about the

"I think it's repugnant to think that American children are breaking open
their piggy-banks to finance the captivity of this warted and ailing
animal, who is incapable of attacking a baby herring, and who will never
ever make it to the deep sea again."

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Hate Crimes Petition (fwd)

1999-09-16 Thread William Hugh Tunstall

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 02:12:11 EDT
Subject: Re: Hate Crimes Petition
Resent-Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 01:13:30 -0500


On October 6, outside Laramie, Wyoming, Matthew Shepard, a 21-year-old
University of Wyoming student, was tortured, beaten, and left tied to a pole
in the freezing cold. Six days later, he died of his wounds in Poudre Valley
Hospital, Fort Collins, Colorado. Matthew was murdered because he was gay
and because he was a prominent and charismatic member of the gay and lesbian
student group on campus. Right now Wyoming and Colorado have no anti-hate
crime laws; the state legislature in Wyoming has voted down anti-bias bills
for each of the past three years. There is an effort in Wyoming and Colorado
to enact Matthew Shepard Laws, which would strongly punish the perpetrators
of hate crimes. This petition demands the broadening of federal anti-hate
crime law.

Opening Statement:
"We state strongly that violence on the basis of sexual orientation,
race or gender is wrong, is evil, is reprehensible." John Buehren,
Presidentof The Unitarian Universalist speaks for Unitarian Universalists,
but his words are reflected in the hearts of people everywhere who believe
we must speak out, take action against, and condemn hate crimes in all their
ugly forms.

A resolution follows:
WHEREAS: We affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every
person.  WHEREAS: We commend the efforts of those individuals who dedicate
their lives to causes of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.  THEREFORE
BE IT RESOLVED: That we hereby urge the passage of The Hate Crimes
Prevention Act (HCPA), H.R.3081 and S.1529. The Hate Crimes Prevention Act
(HCPA), H.R.3081 and S.1529, would amend current federal law (which permits
federal prosecution of a hate crime only if the crime was motivated by bias
based on religion, national origin, or color) to include real or perceived
sexual orientation, gender, and disability so the FBI would be able to
investigate and prosecute violent hate crimes against gays, lesbians, and
bisexuals. Under this bill, hate crimes that cause death or bodily injury
because of prejudice can be investigated federally, regardless of whether
the victim was exercising a federally protected right. The only way that our
representatives can be aware of the base of support for this change to the
current law is by making our voices heard.  Please add your name to this
petition and forward it, to then be forwarded to the President of The United
States; the Vice President of the United States; and our United States
Senators and House Members.

Petition Management:
1. This petition is being passed around the Internet. Please add your
name to it so that we can have tougher laws against all hate crimes. Please
keep the petition rolling. Do not reply to me. Please sign and forward to
others to sign. This is being forwarded to several people at once to add
their names. It will not matter if many people receive the same list as the
names are being managed.
2. If you print out this petition for circulation and signing, please
email the listing of names with locations to the email address:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (an email address created to receive this petition).
Include a note to indicate you have a hand-signed petition and include the
number of names listed.
3. If you happen to be the 50th, 100th, 150th, 200th, 250th, (...) name
on this petition, please forward a copy to the above address.
4. If you sign, please pass it on to others. If not, please do not kill
it. Send it on to the email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank You,
Leslie Palmer

I cannot stay silent, my outrage and compassion will not allow. Add a number
and sign at the bottom of this list.

   1) Leslie Palmer, Jacksonville, FL
   2) Stephen Silverman, South Burlington, VT
   3) Wayne Arnason
   4) Theo Diamond, Charlottesville, Va
   5) Sasha Kopf, Northampton, MA / Princeton, NJ
   6) Geoffrey B. Metz, Tufts Univ., Medford, MA
   7) Emily Sporl, Tufts University, Medford, MA
   8) Tai Collins, Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH
   9) Danielle Lazarin, Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH
   10) Priscilla Morales, Yale University, New Haven, CT
   11) Lydia Pace, Yale University, New Haven, CT
   12) Julia Goren, Williams College, Williamstown, MA
   13) Jamie Waxman, Columbia University
   14) Rebecca Zimmerman, Columbia University, NY
   15) Ariel Meyerstein, Columbia University, NY
   16) Naomi Richman, Goucher College, MD
   17) Aaron Finkel, University of Missouri-Columbia, MO
   18) Sally Noedel, Truman State Univ., Kirksville, MO
   19) Kim Cook, Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH
   20) Molly

Re: [CTRL] Smyrna

1999-09-16 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

I hold to the firm scientifically provable that you can judge all nations by
the food.
Americans you can write off because all they ever produced are hamburgers.
And the brazilians love black beans that show their sub conscious racism
and the japanese eat whales- so you cant trust them
and the yorkshire people are so stingy that they give you their puddings
before the meal so that you you think they are finished so that you leave
the table.
and the turks are terrible because they put to much salt on their food.
the only nation you can trust is the english,because their food is so
terrible they must have somethig good about them(and please remember to
shoot the next haggis you see as they are really viscious.

please take all my comments on food really seriusly as I am very sensitive
to what I eat.


 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 09/13/1999 3:15:17 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

<< Re Ari Onasis- rather he fled the genocide(1922) that the Turks
 so after killing the armenians, the finished off the greeks for dessert.
 Smyrna was a totally Greek city until that time.

 PS I love chinese,& japanese food but the food in Izmir is among the worst
 have evert tasted,
 but I was only there as a tourist
 The turks are now enjoying their cheese Kurds now. >>

Ari Onassis was an interesting person.  If you remember he saved his father
by bargaining with one of the Turkish commanders.  I never thought much of
people who just made a lot of money, because if you are ruthless and lucky,
it's pretty much possible, but Onassis should be respected for the way he
saved his father.

To understand about the Greeks in Istanbul and Izmir, you must read a little
history.  Greeks and Orthodox they were, but they were considered citizens
Turkey.  There is only one crime that the Turks truly cannot forgive.  That
is treason.  The British were advancing, and the Greeks were more than
pleased and were flying the British flag.  We all know the results.  As for
the Kurds.  They are a wonderful people (or at least the ones I knew were).
They want their own country.  Everyone understands that, and they will
struggle forever to get it.  But just for now they are Turks, and if you
to see how Turkish they can become, scratch them with a Greek.

As for the food, those who do not like Greek/Turkish food are welcome to
their opinion.  I happen to like it very much.  I also like Chinese,
and Korean food.  In fact I can't think right off of a country that doesn't
have some food, I would love to have for dinner.  I also can't think right
off of a country that doesn't have some food I never want to eat again.  We
all have our prejudices.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] September Massacre--Dallas/Fort Worth Location No Surprise

1999-09-16 Thread Mack White

 -Caveat Lector-

> -Caveat Lector-
>- Original Message -
>From: NewsHawk Inc. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Some "oddities"--
>> There are reports of another gunman or participant being involved.
>Where are these reports? Please cite references for the rest of us. It's
>useless without it.

I just spoke by phone with a friend in Fort Worth.  He confirmed that the
earliest Dallas-Fort Worth area tv reports spoke of a possible second
gunman.  He also confirmed that a Fort Worth city official stated in a
press conference that the ATF was on the scene almost immediately.

It may also be significant that the shootings precisely coincided with last
night's ceremony celebrating the reopening of the UT Tower here in Austin.
The Tower, of course, was the site of the nation's first massacre of this

The Fort Worth massacre sends a message to Gov. George W. Bush, who has
been behind the revelations on Waco.  Jim Frantz (sp?), head of DPS, is a
long-time crony of Bush.

There are two factions at war.  Fort Worth is just the latest event in that

Mack White

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Thursday #3

1999-09-16 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990916c - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: Several Reptilioids were flash-frozen during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# UN warns of global disaster if demands are not met. - UN, in a crackling,
  muffled, sinister voice, threatens environmental doomsday unless the world
  community limits consumption. This blatant coercion can't go unchallenged.

: Have you devastated any environments lately? Is ecocide a good inducement
for humanity to get off-planet as soon as possible? Wanna muckup Mars next?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Security flaw left WebTV users vulnerable to e-mail bombing. Microsoft sez
  problem is solved. (ZDNN) - The account info of some WebTV customers could
  have ended up in the wrong hands, as a result of a security flaw in the
  set top box's software. Oops. http://www.msnbc.com/news/311928.asp

: Do WebTV users deserve to be hacked/cracked/bombed/infected? Should they
buy real systems? Have you email-bombed anyone lately? Are you fixed? How??

# LATEST CRACKER CAPER: NASDAQ. The same group that cracked Drudge, C-SPAN,
  and ABC-TV sites claims responsibility for attacking the Nasdaq-AMEX site.

: Have you cracked any sites lately? Has your site been cracked? Is it war?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


# US SUNNY ON Y2K; OTHERS MOPE. "All is well," the White House Y2K liaison
  tells programmers. "Not so fast," a doomsayer retorts. And so it goes in
  Washington: http://www.wired.com/news/news/tip/politics/story/21765.html

  on potential Year2000 risks for travelers abroad; critics say the reports
  lack detail. http://cnn.com/TECH/computing/9909/15/critics.y2k.idg/

# BYE BYE BRAZIL. Thinking of ringing in the new millennium in Brazil? Think
  again. The US State Department issues travel advisories for Y2K buglands:

# U.S. Banks In Great Shape For Y2K, Regulators Say. Warding off panic:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# 8 dead in Texas church shootings. FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) - A man spouting
  obscenities & mocking religion walked into a church service for teenagers,
  pulled a gun and opened fire, fatally shooting 7 before he shot & killed
  himself in a church pew. Police feared the gunman may have wired himself
  with explosives, so BATF sent in a robot to search his body. No boom.
# Also: Prayers turn to screams in Texas, see
# And: List of multiple shootings this year, see
# CHURCH GUNMAN KILLS 7, SELF, IN TEXAS - another mind-control victim?

: Have you gone off the deep end lately? Were/are you mind-controlled? D'ya
like to shout obscenities & mock religion? Are you wired for explosives??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Violence site at U. of Texas reopened. AUSTIN, Texas (AP)  The observation
  deck at the University of Texas Tower reopened, 25 years after officials
  closed it because of the 1966 sniper attack that killed 16 people and a
  series of suicide jumps. The tower was forever linked with Charles Whitman
  on Aug.1, 1966, when he lugged a rifle and a footlocker full of ammunition
  to the observation deck & started shooting. And then Lenny Bruce died. See

: Who's your favorite mass-murderer? Do you prefer the pioneers or the come-
latelys? Are you a mass-murderer? Do mind-control rays influence you?
Where?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Malaysian students to see canings. KUALA LUMPUR (AP) Video clips of crimi-
  nals being strapped & caned in prison will be shown to Malaysian students
  to stem growing delinquency. "Drastic and shocking though it may seem, the
  emphasis for such a move is necessary to overcome indiscipline among stud-
  ents." Malaysia prescribes flogging with a rattan cane as punishment for
  various crimes, including drug trafficking, sodomy and spitting on the
  sidewalk. http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2561169657-0ff

: Have you been caned lately? Have you caned anyone or seen a caning lately?
What was the offense? Is it fun? Should kids be programmed with S&M? Really?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


@ Ain't nothin' a smooth pimp daddy needs more than a slick computer:

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Thursday #2

1999-09-16 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990916b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No UFOlogists were abducted to produce this bulletin. Maybe next time...
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# PARANORML NEWS NETWORK (P3N). 1. Anomalies were seen near the sun during
  the eclipse: "bogies on the approach." 2. Astronomers baffled by dark
  streaks across sky. 3. Survivor of Turkish quake describes a fireball.
  4. Recent anomaly near Venus on recent SOHO C3. 5. Reports of lunar flash
  or object passing in front of moon: http://www.caus.org/pn082599b.htm

: What's your favorite anomaly? Are you anomalous, baffled, paranormal? Have
you seen fireballs? Do you have fireballs? Have you seen Lunar flashes? How?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# ABDUCTION? I don't know if I was abducted or what happened you be the
  judge. One night about 3 years ago I was on my way back to the East coast
  from the San Francisco area. When I woke up the speedometer hadn't moved
  nor do I remember the drive. The only thing that was out of the ordinary
  was the fact that I was 370 miles father than I should have been and I had
  a killer headache. http://www.homestead.com/ufo3/abduction.html

# Man "Teleported" 20 Miles. (P3N) What I'm about to tell you is the honest
  to God's truth. I can't explain it but I was physically relocated about 30
  kilometers (20 miles) without the aid of man! http://caus.org/pn082899.htm

: Have you been abducted lately? Did they bring you back? Did they lose you?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# CROP CIRCLE REPORTs: Montebello, Quebec Formation; Circle Near Dease Lake,
  B.C.; New Formation: Edmonton, Alberta. http://caus.org/ccr082699.htm
# Large Etching in Neilburg, Saskatchewan: http://caus.org/ccr090899.htm
# Update on Neilburg, Sask. Crop Formation: http://caus.org/ccr091199.htm

@ Newest Crop Circles: http://www.homestead.com/ufo3/newcrop.html
@ Crop Formations: http://geocities.com/Eureka/Gold/9912/cropcircle.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Oxygen Bar offers breath of fresh air.  LOS ANGELES (U-WIRE) If you have
  been looking for a breath of fresh air, your search is over. Oxygen Bar
  (O2), a new hot spot on the Sunset Strip, allows visitors to breathe fresh
  oxygen while eating, drinking and listening to music. A calm, relaxing
  hangout: http://news.excite.com/news/uw/990915/odd-150

: Do you inhale enough oxygen? Do you need supplements? Should everyone in
and around Los Angeles receive supplemental oxygen? Do ETs siphon it off??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ The Visions of Robert Monroe. Monroe describes a peculiar type of clair-
  voyant out-of-body experience (OBE) he experienced involuntarily, wherein
  he hears a hiss, a door opens, & he views an event, as if he were watching
  television. He relates several of these experiences, and describes how
  they each came true in real life.  http://caus.org/mc090899.htm

: Do you have visions? Do they come true? Do you forget or ignore those that
don't come true? Do you leave you body often? Do you always return? Why not?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Brain buildup causes addiction. (AP) - Cocaine may be one of the toughest
  addictions to cure because it triggers buildups of a protein that persists
  in the brain and stimulates genes that intensify the craving for the drug.
  Once the buildup begins, the need for the drug becomes overpowering and
  the user's behavior becomes increasingly compulsive. And they smell bad -
  see http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2561172723-f30

: Do proteins accumulate in your head? Have you flushed them out lately? Can
you recommend a good brainwashing service? Did your head shrink lately? How?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# PERSONAL CONTACT EXPERIENCES (PCEs): Dreams of Nordic ETs. After our enc-
  ounter with the UFO in '82, nothing much else happened EXCEPT that I had a
  few dreams over the years related to these tall, blonde, fair people...
  in particular, flying with them. http://www.caus.org/pc081799.htm
# A Sky Within the Sky - another PCE from Posey, one of our more prolific
  experiencers: http://caus.org/pc091699.htm

: Do you dream of flying/falling/fucking with Nordics, Grays, Reptoids, me?
Are these persistent dreams? Are you sure they're but dreams? How d'ya know?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


# Near Collision With UFO Baffles Aviation Experts. (BBC) A UFO that
  narrowly avoided colliding with a passenger jet flying from London's
  Heathrow Airport has baffled av-experts. The metallic grey-coloured
  object was spotted by pilots of an Oslo-bound McDonnell Douglas MD81:

# UFO GEOMETRY 101: 1) Iowa Pilot Sees Triangle Seeding Clouds. 2) Texas
  Flying Triangle. 3) Calif. Flying Triangle. http://caus.org/ft091699.htm

# 1500 Men On Deck See Three UFOs Confront Carrier USS Essex In 1967.
  Was it a hoax? 

Re: [CTRL] September Massacre--Dallas/Fort Worth Location No Surprise

1999-09-16 Thread Dan S

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: NewsHawk Inc. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Some "oddities"--
> There are reports of another gunman or participant being involved.

Where are these reports? Please cite references for the rest of us. It's
useless without it.

> And a BIGGIE: according to some reports ATF agents were on the scene at
> Wedgewood Baptist within a few MINUTES of the outbreak of the shooting
> (shades of Columbine!). NO WORD of pipe bombs having apparently been
> utilized had yet been made public. WHAT WAS ATF DOING THERE?!

Maybe the pipe bombs had not been made public, but this story broke on
television a while after the incident occurred. I (and others) received an
early report from someone in that area and sat there a good 10-25 minutes
before it first popped up on national television. In addition, the ATF was
reported as being on the scene only after the initial 2-3 news reports. The
ATF had more than enough time to have been alerted that the guy had blown up
a pipe bomb inside (since everyone inside knew that) and then drive there
from the time that the event occurred and later wound up on television. I
don't think this was a "Bufford Furrow."

This isn't to say that I do not have suspicions regarding these events, but
I fear that current speculation is only briefly hitting the mark. Please
consider giving references, links to these reports, where exactly and/or at
what time on what television station you or someone else saw it, etc.

Dan S

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] Skeptic News - Thursday #1

1999-09-16 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990916a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No Y2K bugs manifested during production of this bulletin. @)*Y^)(*G&H5p!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Antarctica Gives Clues To 'Lost' Supernova. LONDON (Reuters) Evidence of
  a "lost" supernova that exploded some 700 years ago has turned up in the
  snows of Antarctica. Dated concentrations of nitrates coincide with super-
 novae: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/19990915/sc/science_supernova_1.html

: Have you lost a supernova lately? Where could it have gone? Did you look
everywhere? Do mind-control rays or alien implants impede your searching?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Want to help kids learn to fear those awful Jews? It's time for White
  Pride for Kids: http://kids.stormfront.org/ (from the people that brought
  you The History of the White Race). http://stormfront.org/whitehistory/
  (Warning: contains particularly insipid racist drivel.)

# Croatia urged to ban Nazi book - "Mein Kampf" incites hate, genocide:
# US Men View Women As The Enemy: http://sightings.com/politics4/women.htm
$ Ritual Abuse Bookstore online: http://www.ra-info.com/

: Do you have enemies? Are you the enemy? Are you abused? Do you abuse? Was
Hitler right? About what? Are you proud? Are you awful? Should you go away?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Grey/human hybrid breeding program. When I was 12 years old, I dreamed I
  was pregnant, and it actually felt that way for a while afterwards. Then
  after a month or 2 the feeling went away. I didn't think much of it since
  I was still a virgin. I started having very heavy periods. And since then,
  occasionally I'd dream of being pregnant and having babies, but I always
  thought it was symbolic. Apparently not!  http://caus.org/pc082799.htm

: Have you been raped by aliens/angels/demons/deities lately? Do they take
the offspring away? Are you one of their favorite breeders? Are they nice??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  all scientists believe that AIDS is caused by the human immunodeficiency
  virus (HIV), a small but vocal minority insists that there is no proof of
  this. Others say they are indeed linked, but were deliberately created as
  a genocidal or biological warfare experiment. Duesberg has published in
  numerous journals: http://cnn.com/HEALTH/AIDS/9909/15/aids.heresies3/

: Have you created any pandemics or conspiracy theories lately? Is a panic
as effective as a pandemic? Do you panic? Are you a small, vocal minority?

# Also - Vaccinations May Be Rx For Disaster:
# Vitamin C May Interfere With Chemotherapy Of Cancer Tumors:
# Mercury 65 Times Over Safe Limits Now In Midwest Rain And Snow:

: What's your favorite health catastrophe? Do you promote illness? Are your
alien masters pleased? Will they harvest us soon? Will you be evacuated???
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Technology aims to locate 911 calls. WASHINGTON (AP) Feds move to ensure
  that cell phone users dialing 911 automatically give emergency dispatchers
  a key piece of information: their location. FCC sets tech standards - see

# Report urges tough Web stalking laws. SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP)  Federal and
  state laws should be strengthened to help curb the growing problem of on-
  line stalking, a U.S. Justice Department report recommends. See

: Have you been stalked lately? Was it cops? Do they track your cellphone,
your implant, your brainwaves? Do they know where you are at all times??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  Copyright 1999 by Chris White, www.topfive.com

12> The period of rotation of Pulsar JC9270 totally synchs up with
the drum solo in "In A Gadda Da Vida," man!
11> "Twinkies, Twinkies, little stars; seem so close, yet are so far."
10> The Theory of Munchitivity:  At times, peanut butter is more
valuable than gold.
 9> The sensor casing from a mass spectrometer makes a handy roach clip.
 8> "Some day, with all of our advances in science and technology,
we'll be able to land a man on the sun."
 7> The Big Bong Theory
 6> If you took a hit while travelling at the speed of light, you'd
get one major rush, dude.
 5> Betty Crocker brownies > Duncan Hines brownies
 4> "Theory of Joint Relativity": A complex quantum physics equation that
proves that the more pot you smoke, the slower your automobile travels
with you at the wheel.
 3> Floyd rocks!
 2> A single "You Are Here" sign wi

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: FC: Sen. Hatch wants to ban online speech endorsingcrimes

1999-09-16 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

Does anyone know if there are plans for guillotines online

> Subject: FC: Sen. Hatch wants to ban online speech endorsing crimes
> Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 11:15:33 -0400
> From: Declan McCullagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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Re: [CTRL] ANDREW OF AMERICA: Knock Knock! Who's There?

1999-09-16 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

Naziism is alive and well here in the home of the slaves and
land of the pee...

> ANDREW OF AMERICA: Knock Knock!  Who's There? Facis... uh Pat!
> Facism is at the door.  As the Presidential election heats up, candidates
> of BOTH parties tilt so far to the right, their words are *italicized.*

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: THE SCOOP: This Week In Stupidity

1999-09-16 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

They worship conflict.  Only Conflict.  Its their religion.
American Law serves them only to incite conflict.

John Szocik wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> G.W.Bush sending all those people to prison for cocaine possession is
> comparable to J.Edgar Hoover condemning all homosexuals. By doing so, it
> gives the "impression" that they would never stand for, nevermind partake in
> such activity.
> It's just a smokescreen for them to hide behind from the public's view. While
> all along they are as "guilty" as the ones they persecute/prosecute. They
> were and are the biggest of hypocrites; and neither deserved to be in any
> elected or assigned office-ever!
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
> screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/CTRL.html
> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: Michael Pollan editorial in NY Times Magazine re "Good and Bad Drugs"]

1999-09-16 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

Ethan Nadelmann wrote:
> > I found this a very thoughtful piece:
> >
> > Pubdate: Sun, 12 Sep 1999
> > Source: New York Sunday Times Magazine (NY)
> > Website: http://www.nytimes.com/library/magazine/home/index.html
> > Author: Michael Pollan
> >
> >
> >
> > The boundary between good and bad drugs is harder than ever to draw.
> >
> > The same week that a Republican candidate for President spent struggling to
> > compose ever more tortuous nondenials of his drug use as a young man, a
> > former Republican Presidential candidate could be seen in full-page
> > advertisements forthrightly acknowledging his own use of another drug.
> > Oh, I
> > know: two completely different and incomparable situations; how unfair to
> > Robert Dole and the Pfizer pharmaceutical company even to mention them in
> > the same paragraph as George W. Bush and cocaine. One concerns an illegal
> > drug that people take strictly for pleasure. The other concerns a legal drug
> > that people take . . . well, also strictly for pleasure, but (almost) always
> > with a prescription.
> >
> > The ability to draw and patrol distinctions of this kind becomes
> > critical in
> > a society like ours, with its two thriving multi-billion-dollar drug
> > cultures. Everyone understands that licit and illicit drugs are not the
> > same. How much easier things would be if, instead of having to lump them all
> > under the rubric of "drugs," we had one word for the beneficent class of
> > molecules to which Viagra and Prozac belong, and another for the pernicious
> > class that contains cocaine and cannabis.
> >
> > The problem is that there is a long history of molecules getting switched
> > out of one drug culture and into the other. Alcohol, for instance, has spent
> > time in both cultures in this century. For part of the time that alcohol
> > resided in the bad drug culture, opium, now evil, occupied a prominent place
> > in the good drug culture, where it was dispensed by reputable pharmaceutical
> > firms. More recently LSD and MDMA (a k a ecstasy), both born in the good
> > drug culture, have found themselves exiled to the bad. Occasionally the drug
> > traffic flows in the opposite direction. After spending the last few years
> > firmly ensconced on the demon side of the drug divide, cannabis has lately
> > got a toehold on the therapeutic side, at least in the half-dozen states
> > that have legalized medical marijuana. Earlier this year the Institute of
> > Medicine announced that for a small class of patients, cannabis did indeed
> > have therapeutic value.
> >
> > What we have here, then, is a drug war being fought on behalf of a set of
> > distinctions - a taxonomy of chemicals that, far from being eternal or
> > absolute, has actually been shaped by historical accident, cultural
> > prejudice and institutional imperative. You can imagine an alternative
> > history in which Viagra wound up on the other side of the line -- had it,
> > say, been cooked up in an uptown drug lab and sold first on the street under
> > the name Hardy Boy.
> >
> > You would be hard-pressed to explain the taxonomy of chemicals underpinning
> > the drug war to an extraterrestrial. Is it, for example, addictiveness that
> > causes this society to condemn a drug? (No; nicotine is legal, and millions
> > of Americans have battled addictions to prescription drugs.) So then, our
> > inquisitive alien might ask, is safety the decisive factor? (Not really;
> > over-the-counter and prescription drugs kill more than 45,000 Americans
> > every year while, according to The New England Journal of Medicine, "There
> > is no risk of death from smoking marijuana.") Is it drugs associated with
> > violent behavior that your society condemns? (If so, alcohol would still be
> > illegal.) Perhaps, then, it is the promise of pleasure that puts a drug
> > beyond the pale? (That would once again rule out alcohol, as well as
> > Viagra.) Then maybe the molecules you despise are the ones that alter the
> > texture of consciousness, or even a human's personality? (Tell that to
> > someone who has been saved from depression by Prozac.)
> >
> > At this point our extraterrestrial would probably throw up his appendages
> > and ask, Can we at least say that the drugs you approve of all have a
> > capital letter at the beginning of their names and a TM at the end?
> >
> > Historians of the future will wonder how a people possessed of such a deep
> > faith in the power of drugs also found themselves fighting a war against
> > certain other drugs with not-dissimilar powers. The media are filled with
> > gauzy pharmaceutical ads promising not just relief from pain but also
> > pleasure and even fulfillment; at the same time, Madison Avenue is working
> > equally hard to demonize other substances on behalf of a "drug-free
> > America." The more we spend on our worship of the good drugs ($20
> > billion on

[CTRL] [Fwd: Sept. 16, 1999 - NLECTC News Summary]

1999-09-16 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

"Engler, Donna" wrote:
> NLECTC Law Enforcement & Corrections Technology News Summary
> Thursday, September 16, 1999
> The National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center
> (NLECTC) provides the following information as a service to
> law enforcement, corrections, and forensic science
> practitioners.  The summary includes abstracts of articles
> from major national newspapers, business magazines, Web sites,
> national and international wire services, and periodicals
> focusing on law enforcement and corrections technology.
> Please note that providing synopses of articles on law
> enforcement and corrections technology or the mention of
> specific manufacturers or products does not constitute the
> endorsement of the U.S. Department of Justice or NLECTC.
> For more information on NLECTC and the web version of this
> news summary, please visit JUSTNET at http://www.nlectc.org.
> NLECTC may also be reached at 1-800-248-2742.
> Reproduction of this text is encouraged; however copies may
> not be sold, and the NLECTC Law Enforcement & Corrections
> Technology News Summary should be cited as the source of the
> information. Copyright 1999, Information Inc., Bethesda, MD.
> "Camera Speeds Booking"
> "Seattle Firm Developing High-Tech Training Simulation to
> Prepare Law Enforcement Officers for Deadly School
> Confrontations"
> "Paradigm4 to Integrate Wireless Data Capabilities into Puerto
> Rico's Police Department"
> "Learn2.com Signs National Contract with Law Enforcement
> Online (LEO) to Provide Law Enforcement Professionals with
> Web-based Training"
> "Police Cars to Get Recording Equipment"
> "DCI Agent Hired by Feds to Investigate Computer Child Porn"
> "Electronic Crime 'Beating Law Agencies'"
> "Officer Saved by Vest"
> "Coast Guard Uses Helicopters, Firepower to Halt Drug Runners"
> "Technology Key to Tracking Down Internet Crime"
> "Pawn Shop Network Helps Cops Collar Criminals"
> "DuPont Helps Departments Nab Bullet-Resistant Vest Funds"
> "Why and How Sheriffs Must Lead Corrections Into the 21st
> Century"
> "Unattended, Tranquilized Inmate Dies in Jail"
> "E-Gels Allow DNA Results in 35 Minutes"
> "Photo Mugshot System"
> ***ARTICLES***
> "Camera Speeds Booking"
> Washington Times (09/14/99) P. C1; Sorokin, Ellen
> The Fairfax County, Va., Police Department is one of the first
> counties in the nation to combine a new fingerprint scanner
> and a digital camera to more efficiently identify and book
> suspects. It usually takes on average 45 days to check a
> suspect's criminal history in Virginia, but the new system
> will have the capacity to check criminal histories in 20
> minutes. Also, the new technology will check a suspect's
> fingerprints against the FBI database in about two hours, a
> process that normally takes up to 30 days. The fingerprint
> scanner and digital camera will save the officer time in
> booking and make the process more efficient with less
> ink-related mistakes. The county currently spends $90,000 on
> Polaroid paper and 35mm camera systems; the new technology
> will allow the county to spend less than $10,000 on digitized
> photograph paper for the new mug shots. The country used
> $750,000 in state grants to get the scanners and digital
> cameras. By the end of the year, Maryland's Prince George's
> and Montgomery Counties plan to join the Northern Virginia
> Regional Identification System to help officers identify
> suspects wanted in other regions. By January 2000, the
> county's goal is to link with the Washington, D.C. police's
> Automated Fingerprint Identification System. The fingerprint
> and photographic information will remain in the database
> indefinitely, or transferred to archives once the system is
> full.
> --
> "Seattle Firm Developing High-Tech Training Simulation to
> Prepare Law Enforcement Officers for Deadly School
> Confrontations"
> Business Wire (09/08/99)
> A team of veteran tactical law enforcement officers and
> technology experts working at Advanced Interactive Systems'
> (AIS) AIS PRISim, the world's most advanced use-of-force
> judgment and firearms training system for law enforcement, has
> created "School Situations," a program that will prepare
> officers for violent and volatile confrontations in schools.
> The program was created with advice from law enforcement
> departments in Washington state, Oregon, Los Angeles, and
> Colorado, where recent school incidents have occurred.
> Dangerous situations at schools could include hidden bombs,
> unknown suspects, fired shots, and large numbers of injured
> people, says Greg Hoover, a former LAPD SWAT training officer
> and Director of Law Enforcement Training at AIS. These
> situations make it difficult and dangerous for officers to do
> their jobs, so training is cr

[CTRL] [Fwd: FC: FBI, teleco strike surveillance agreement]

1999-09-16 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

Declan McCullagh wrote:
> >Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 13:40:31 EDT
> >
> >http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/w/AP-FBI-Wiretap.html
> >
> >September 14, 1999
> >
> >  Filed at 7:49 p.m. EDT
> >
> >  By The Associated Press
> >
> >  WASHINGTON (AP) -- The FBI reached a first-of-its-kind agreement
> >  enabling telecommunications companies to use computer software made
> >  by Nortel Networks to assist law enforcement agencies in conducting
> >  lawfully authorized wiretapping.
> >
> >  The agreement calls for Nortel, a major supplier of
> >telecommunications
> >  equipment, to provide certain software to its carrier customers.
> >Nortel
> >  will waive the license fees.
> >
> >  The 1994 Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act
> >  authorized $500 million for the purpose of reimbursing the
> >  telecommunications industry for its costs in cooperating with law
> >  enforcement agencies in wiretapping.
> >
> >  ``Carriers can now begin taking steps to correct technological
> >  impediments within their networks that currently prevent law
> >enforcement
> >  from being able to carry out court-ordered electronic surveillance
> >  directed at suspected criminals and terrorists,'' Attorney General
> >Janet
> >  Reno said in a statement.
> --
> POLITECH -- the moderated mailing list of politics and technology
> To subscribe: send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with this text:
> subscribe politech
> More information is at http://www.well.com/~declan/politech/
> --

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Waco and the Press

1999-09-16 Thread Sean McDougal

 -Caveat Lector-


September 8, 1999

Waco and the Press

The ashes of the murdered Branch Davidians and their children -- all 74 of
them -- were still glowing as the nation's major news institutions rousingly
endorsed the decision of Janet Reno and her boss, Bill Clinton, to give the
FBI (and, as it turned out, the Delta Force) the go-ahead for an operation
that ensured massacre. Newsweek, we particularly remember, rushed out its
cover of Koresh swathed in flames like one of the damned in a medieval
painting. It was one of the great failures of American journalism, one of
the most sickening, one of the most predictable and one of the most
revealing. To this day one can meet progressive types who devote many of
their waking hours to activities designed to save Mumia abu Jamal who didn't
give a toss about the Branch Davidians and their terrible slaughter by the
federal government, and who still don't. Use the word "cult" and both reason
and moral judgement enter recess.

So now comes further proof of the lies, deceptions and cover-ups of the FBI,
and how do the big press poobahs react? Do they make confession that they
bought a cover-up and tried to sell it to the American people, the vast
majority of whom steadfastly continued to believe that the government was
lying and that an infamy had been perpetrated? Here's Ted Koppel, the night
of September l, discussing the siezure by federal marshals of tapes of FBI
hostage "negotiators", discussing the use of pyrotechnic grenades the
of the Waco raid:
"... the credibility of the FBI, which probably did tell the truth about
most of what happened, that credibility is badly damaged, while the
credibility of conspiracy theorists, who tend to be wrong about most of what
they've spun together about Waco, their credibility is newly enhanced. It is
on these two fronts that the greatest damage has been done."

In this disgusting paragraph Koppel defines his career role as flack for
state power. For him the issue is not that an agency of government planned
mass murder, just as the so-called conspiracy nuts first surmised, then
proved. For him the issue is the credibility of the state. For the liberal
elite -- in whose ranks most so-called conservatives can be numbered -- this
is always the issue.

In the Koppel program that night was Henry Ruth, a former Watergate
prosecutor who was appointed in the aftermath of Waco to investigate the
federal raid. "The real issue,"Ruth said, "was whether any military force
was actually used in the raid, separate and apart from just military
advisors, and my guess is that such force is so dangerous, so controversial,
that it probably did not happen, but it's certainly worth looking at in this
environment where the whole credibility of the investigation is now at
stake." Note here Ruth's desperate eagerness to let the government off the
hook, and preserve the cover-up (code-named "credibility") intact.

Koppel was scarcely alone. Here's a CBS broadcast of September 2:
"For years now the disaster near Waco has been exhibit number one for many
who have deep distrust of the American government. From conspiracy sites on
the Internet to documentary films, Waco has provided a focus for those who
see the government as the enemy. And now they say there is proof the
government has been lying, reports CBS News Correspondent John Blackstone.

'This is just fodder for the conspiracy theorists,' says psychologist
Margaret Singer. She says this is just what the militia movement needs to
say we told you soMany are certain to see this as government out of
control. 'The anti-government movement, the militia, hate groups are
absolutely going to get a boost out of this and I think it's really a
tragedy for that reason,' said Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law
Center. At one time conspiracy theorists may have been viewed as eccentrics
far out on the fringe, but then Timothy McVeigh drove a truck full of
explosives to Oklahoma City and we all discovered just how dangerous it can
be when people stop
trusting the government."

As with Koppel, the problem for these CBS broadcasters , and for the shrink,
Singer, and for Potok, from that fraudulent Dees outfit, is not one of
overweening and murderous government, but of potential sedition. Anything
that disturbs popular torpor is tactically inept. Accomplices in the great
and ongoing Cover-up of Everything that Really Matters -- the central
mission of the Fourth Estate, they tremble for Power, whenever Power is
displayed in an undignified or unappetising light. The film Waco, A New
Revelation, whose
disclosures about the pyrotechnic devices CounterPunch reported many weeks
ago, has had the benign effect of discrediting the FBI and the Department of
Justice and its chieftain, but in the end it may permit the FBI to recoup,
by saying that the target of the pyrotechnic devices was just an outhouse
and that these same projectiles never struck the main building in which the

Re: [CTRL] The glorious capitalist free market economic system.

1999-09-16 Thread Sean McDougal

 -Caveat Lector-

History bears out that the time will come for people deciding to take charge
of their own destinies.  In the next century, the behemoth will over extend
and such will be easy.

In the meantime, Das GOAT, we need not attack ANYONE for merely stating a
fact.  That only contributes to further hesitation to state facts in the
future and only serves ignorance, as a result.

BTW, not being among those that brazenly exploit and subjugate does not make
me one of the "readily identifiable criminal class."

Are you forgetting who the true criminals are?

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: [philipkdick] Why Harman-E Might Be PKD's Most Perplexing Drug]

1999-09-16 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

Andre Welling wrote:
> From: Andre Welling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> An experiment (and spin-off of another project).
> --
> Humpty Dmpty In Oakland is one of PKD's finest novels. It is
> one of the finest American novels of the fifties too. It deals
> with "what is real(ity)?" in the most cunning way. We will
> never know *for sure* if Al Miller went psychotic in the course
> of this novel (under our eyes! sheesh - where did he snap?) or
> if he is indeed being crushed by that awful and uncanningly
> powerful Org, the "Harman organization," which he came too
> close. So close as to even working for "them." And he *is*
> being crushed.
> By Harman or rather by his attitude, faulty reasoning and
> erratic behavior? Kafka *and* Shakespeare come to mind when I
> think about the tone and machinery of this dark story. In the
> end, Al Miller is a dead man walking (and knowing it), having
> the stigmata 'all over him' but no UBIK at hand.
> Al Miller is Joe Chip's older brother and Chris Harman is the
> Palmer Eldritch of Al's universe.
> " And they know I'm hooked, he thought. They know it's too late
> for me to back out; I'll take the job, whatever it is. They're
> masters of manipulation, of using psychology.
>  I'm their white rat, he thought. And I'm deep in the maze by
> now. Far too deep to get out. And the cleverer I am, the smarter
> I act, the deeper I go. It's fixed that way; that's part of the
> system by which it works. " (124)
> " 'You look really tired,' Mary Allen said, with sympathy.
> 'I think I never seen you so tired looking, Al.'
> Tootie said: 'They still after you?'
> 'No,' Al said.
> 'They give up?'
> 'No,' he said. 'They got me.'
> Tootie's eyes widened and then narrowed. 'Then you not here.
> You dead.'
> []
> 'I see it, what Tootie said, and I saw it when you came in. All
> over him,' she said to her husband. 'In him and around him.'
> 'See what?' Al said.
> 'That you going to die soon,' Mary Ellen said.
> 'Oh,' Al said.
> 'It don't even bother you,' Mary Ellen said softly.
> 'No,' he agreed. " (194/5)
> Chris Harman, Al's menace and short-time employer is owner and
> manager of a record company, Teach Records (named after the
> pirate Edward Teach aka Blackbeard..). The Teach Catalog features
> "mostly trash...Rock-and-roll, Negro jazz combinations, what
> they call race. Country, that is Okie, steel guitar" but there
> a other labels (or even non-labeled, "dirty" editions) the Harman
> organization runs under Teach cover; there is Spree Records &
> Glee Records on one hand and the oh-so-serious Antiqua label
> featuring "early-Renaissance masses and choral works" on the
> other. And - as a project in the making - Harman-E, a label
> featuring an entirely new sound which will "sweep the nation":
> Electronic Barbershop, "with plenty of presence": "Modern
> science will supply what barbershop has always lacked, a modern
> quality to which modern people, like teenagers, could relate."
> And Al? Al is great. He says 'I'm familar' when he hasn't got a
> clue and 'I see' when he does not see a thing. But see what, know
> what? Props and cover stories? He's not quite interested. Al is
> on a quest. Al is losing it rapidly. Poor Al. Crazy Al. I would
> give him my vote among the top three when listing the ten most
> remarkable PKD characters..
> ~ Andre
> --
> "But there was also the problem that, when he had taken a Dexy,
> he tended to talk too fast and too much. So to balance the little
> flat green candy-heart shaped pill, he now swallowed down a round
> red shiny-coated pill, a Sparine, which looked like nothing so
> much as a ladybug with its feet drawn in. [...] For good measure
> he also took two Anacin tablets." --- HDiO, page 112
> --- ONElist Sponsor 
> Tired of filling out forms and remembering passwords? Gator fills in
> forms and passwords with just one click! Comes with $50 in free coupons!
>  http://www.onelist.com/ad/gator1

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


Re: [CTRL] Godless Commie Rat!!!

1999-09-16 Thread Sean McDougal

 -Caveat Lector-

Original Message Follows
From: "M.A. Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Capitalism has NEVER existed.
Please explain how forcibly taking from SOME and giving
this to others is moral.
CAPITALISM has existed for centuries and leaves no room for truly
representative government, be it socialism or any kind of truly free market.
  When manipulators have amassed much of what they cannot use, usually by
force, forcibly redistributing wealth is MORAL.

It is precisely because of attitudes like the one you put forth that a truly
free market has never existed.

Capitalism does not equal free market.

>From the fact that people are very different it follows that, if
we treat them equally, the result must be inequality in their actual
position, and that the only way to place them in an equal position
would be to treat them differently.
More doublespeak.  You would have us believe that inequality is equality.  I
suppose war is also peace.

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fwd: FC: More on "Food for thought" -- an editorial in Wednesday's WSJ

1999-09-16 Thread Kris Millegan

Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 11:01:56 -0700
From: Lizard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: FC: Food for thought or something to gag on? (antitrust suit)

Of course, if the suit is succesful, this will mean an *increase* in
GM foods, since small companies which couldn't do the research will
now be able to sponge off the work done by the giants. Mr. Rifkins
insatiable lust for publicity might just bring about the geneered
world he fears...and sane men lust for.


From: "Riley, Jason" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Declan McCullagh'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Food for thought or something to gag on? (antitrust suit)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 14:09:11 -0400

(WSJ editorial, 9/15/99)

Seeds of Trouble

We guess the guy who came up with the name "terminator" gene won't be
getting his bonus this year. It's one of the reasons that a plague of
plaintiffs lawyers is now descending on the agricultural biotech industry.

The unfortunately ominous sounding term is in fact used to describe a method
by which biotech companies produce seeds that are infertile after the first
generation, thereby helping them recoup development costs through ongoing
sales to their farming customers. By allowing companies to protect their
intellectual property, such a technology should prove an enormous spur to
agricultural innovation, which has already done so much to increase crop
production around the world.

But an incoming litigants' plague is painting a very different picture: One
of a world in which the rights to all important crops are held by a handful
of large multinational corporations, such as DuPont, Monsanto and Novartis.
On Monday it was announced that a coalition of biotech adversaries would
file multibillion-dollar antitrust lawsuits in as many as 30 countries later
this year. Twenty different American law firms will reportedly be arguing on
their behalf.

And the publicity will be handled by none other than-Jeremy Rifkin.

Longtime readers of this page will recognize Mr. Rifkin. If memory serves,
the indefatigable promoter first opened his biotech tent by filing a lawsuit
in 1984 against a University of California experiment to fight frost damage
in a field of potatoes using genetically altered bacteria. Years of similar
Rifkin-driven court cases against biotech ensued, until the issue burned
itself out, with biotechnology going on to become one of the showcase
industries of late-20th-century America.

The plague of lawyers, meanwhile, is led by corporate shakedown artist
Michael Hausfeld. He has sued Exxon for the Valdez oil spill, Texaco for
alleged racial discrimination, Swiss banks over Nazi-era Jewish claims, and
the makers of infamous "Fen-Phen" diet pill. The German conglomerate BASF
has fallen victim to Mr. Hausfeld on two entirely different counts: alleged
vitamin price fixing and the use of slave labor during the Nazi era.

The plaintiffs in these cases are something called the National Family Farm
Coalition, plus individual farmers from around the world.

Of course bigness is not badness in legal terms, so the plaintiffs and
lawyers know they have to point to some practices as "abuse" of a dominant
position. But the best they seem to be able to come up with is a specious
semantic distinction regarding the nature of the agreements between biotech
companies and farmers.

Seeds are not really "sold" anymore, Messrs. Rifkin and Hausfeld both told
us; they are effectively "leased." But a lease is after all a form of
purchase: of a service, not a piece of property. And we don't see how it
would be any harder for dissatisfied customers to stop "leasing" than stop

Nor, apparently, do most knowledgeable observers. Shares of most of the
companies that are potential targets in this lawsuit don't seem to have been
affected by the announcement, with analysts describing the action as both
"ludicrous" and a "publicity stunt." The global seed market, they observed,
is not very concentrated.

It's early in the development of this industry, which may make them
vulnerable to spooky lawyers' tales, but that also suggests a normal course
for their social maturation. Obviously, the seed companies want to protect
their youthful intellectual property. But like the software and
entertainment people before them, they're going to find there are limits to
what you can do. Push too hard and you end up swamped by bootlegs. We
suspect the high-tech seed people will eventually learn from Microsoft: Give
farmers a broad, open-ended license to use a particular seed variety, then
try to keep them coming back with upgrades.

Of course, any such lawsuit is a try-the-lock operation, and it's
conceivable that a court or jury will tumble in one of the international
venues. If that suppresses the development of this business, the losers will
be the billions of people around the world for whom biotechnology promises a
better life. Even in the developed world, after all, it wasn't 

[CTRL] FBI and Nortel Strike Software Agreement

1999-09-16 Thread Sean McDougal

 -Caveat Lector-

September 14, 1999
FBI, Cos. Strike Software Agreement

Filed at 7:49 p.m. EDT

By The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The FBI reached a first-of-its-kind agreement enabling
telecommunications companies to use computer software made by Nortel
Networks to assist law enforcement agencies in conducting lawfully
authorized wiretapping.

The agreement calls for Nortel, a major supplier of telecommunications
equipment, to provide certain software to its carrier customers. Nortel will
waive the license fees.

The 1994 Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act authorized $500
million for the purpose of reimbursing the telecommunications industry for
its costs in cooperating with law enforcement agencies in wiretapping.

``Carriers can now begin taking steps to correct technological impediments
within their networks that currently prevent law enforcement from being able
to carry out court-ordered electronic surveillance directed at suspected
criminals and terrorists,'' Attorney General Janet Reno said in a statement.

The telecommunication carrier Ameritech also is a party to the agreement.
FBI Director Louis Freeh said the bureau is working toward finalizing
similar reimbursement agreements with other carriers and manufacturers.

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[CTRL] The Back Orifice "Backdoor" Program [the hole in windows]

1999-09-16 Thread Sean McDougal

 -Caveat Lector-


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] New Hotmail hole discovered

1999-09-16 Thread Sean McDougal

 -Caveat Lector-

from http://www.zdnet.com

New Hotmail hole discovered

Javascript can be used to jimmy open Hotmail accounts, bugfinder says. 'This
is not a security issue,' Microsoft says.

By Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols, Sm@rt Reseller September 13, 1999 3:50 PM PT

Just what the world didn't need: Another way to crack open Microsoft's
beleaguered free, Web-based e-mail system, Hotmail. But, that's exactly what
noted Bulgarian bugfinder Georgi Guninski claims to have found.

Guninski, who has made a name for himself by finding security violations in
browsers, has found that Hotmail enables Web-paged embedded Javascript code
to run automatically

This makes it possible for someone to write Web programs that could do
anything from steal passwords to read others' mail. While it's long been
known that active Web applets, whether written in ActiveX or Java, have the
potential to pry open systems from the inside, this is the first case in
which someone has shown that Hotmail is vulnerable to such attacks.

Not just a theoretical hole:
Is this a purely theoretical hole or one that can only be used by crackers
to attack users? The answer, unfortunately, is the latter: Correctly written
JavaScript programs can, at the least, raid users' inboxes.

Microsoft (Nasdaq:MSFT) is not claiming ownership of this latest problem.
"This is not a Hotmail security issue. We see it as an example of people
encouraging users to run malicious code on the Web," a Microsoft
spokesperson said.

"To protect yourself now, you can disable JavaScript, just disable it before
using Hotmail, or do not open mail from unknown people when you think it
might contain JavaScript," the spokesperson added. "Microsoft is
investigating ways for Hotmail users to have greater security against
threats posed by malicious use of JavaScript in e-mail."

The latest Hotmail hole opens up because Hotmail doesn't handle the new HTML
tag "STYLE." Java programmers and Webweavers use STYLE to insert JavaScript
into HTML pages. The solution is to force Hotmail to handle STYLE in the
same way it does ordinary JavaScript -- disabling it on arrival.

Timing couldn't be worse:
The fix may be simple, but the timing for Microsoft could not be worse. The
latest Hotmail security breach follows by weeks a major Hotmail security
meltdown. It took Microsoft hours to fix the problem, but millions of user
accounts were left unprotected in the interim. Since that initial breach,
the company has brought in TrustE and another auditing firm to help it head
off future Hotmail security breaches.

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[CTRL] Live WebCast: 'The Frontier of Internet Politics'

1999-09-16 Thread Sean McDougal

 -Caveat Lector-

Original Message Follows
From: "ListenToTheNews.com" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Live WebCast: 'The Frontier of Internet Politics'
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 22:33:37 -0500 (CDT)

Coming Thursday 9/16
Live Webcast

'The Frontier of Internet Politics'
A Conference on E-Politics in 2000 and Beyond


Members of Congress, Leaders in Internet and Politics, Technology
Leaders, Hill Staff, Media, Political Consultants, and others will
attend this invitation-only event.

Date and Time: September 16, 1999 2 pm - 6 pm EDT

Place: Live over the D.C. Orbit Network

A RealPlayer is needed to view these events.

Don't Miss the Webcast ‹ Sign Up for a Reminder!
Enter your name and email address below, and we'll send you an reminder
email the day of the event.


Remarks by:

Sen. Robert Bennett (R-UT)
Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT)

Panel 1: The 2000 Campaign and the Future of E-politics

Topics include the Jesse Ventura campaign; political mobilization; and
the Presidential candidates' use of the Internet.

Jim Adler, Soundcode.com
Phil Bond, Information Technology Industry Council
Andy Brack, NetPulse
Jim Dempsey, Center for Democracy and Technology
Al Gidari, G-Savvy.com
Phil Madsen, Jesse Ventura Campaign
Phil Noble, Phil Noble & Associates
John Scheibel, Yahoo!
Dan Solomon, Publisher, National Journal's Cloakroom
Howard Mortman, Executive Editor, The Hotline

Panel 2: The Internet and the Future of Grassroots Democracy

Topics include campaign finance reform; internet voting; and issue

Rep. Tom Davis
Doug Bailey, The Hotline
Dan Carol, The Carol Trevelyan Strategy Group
Curtis Gans, Committee for the Study of the American Electorate
Peter Harter, Emusic.com
Tony Raymond, FEC Info
Marc Strassman, Votation.com
Fred Wertheimer, President, Democracy 21

Panel 3: The Internet and Free Speech

Topics include 'assassination politics', domain name plundering, site
vandalism, and opposition research.

Rep. Billy Tauzin (R-LA)
Dave Burman, Perkins Coie LLP
Michael Isikoff, Newsweek
Jack Krumholtz, Microsoft
Tara Lemmey (leh-MAY), Executive Director/President, Electronic
Frontier Foundation
Glenn Simpson, Wall Street Journal
Barry Steinhardt, Associate Director, ACLU

Washington's Issues Web Network

D.C. Orbit is the exclusive Internet Network for this broadcast.

The D.C. Orbit Web Network, based in Washington, D.C., is the network
comprised of 16 non-partisan political and public affairs websites. D.C.
Orbit delivers almost 3 million page views per month and growing.

D.C. Orbit Network Sites:

 Electronic Embassy
 VoxPop Washington
 Congressional Observer Publications

 For more information:

 Lynne Filderman
 Tel: 703.404.1906

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material is distributed without charge or profit to those
who have expressed a prior interest in receiving this type
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: September Massacre--Dallas/Fort Worth Location No Surprise

1999-09-16 Thread Kris Millegan

September Massacre--
Dallas/Fort Worth Location No Surprise

NewsHawk made public last month information given to us by a
professional, well-respected and highly-credible resident of Denver, Colo.

This information indicated that rumors were rampant within the goth
underworld of both Denver and Dallas/Forth Worth that a shooting
massacre was going to occur at a school in one of these locations
sometime in early September.

Our source in fact indicated that the Dallas/Forth Worth area, according
to his knowledge, was MOST likely to be the target location for yet
another  horrifying episode of mass murder and mayhem, enacted by
mind-controlled "Manchurian Candidate" killers subjected to extensive
'MK-Ultra"-type mind-manipulation techniques by rogue government
intelligence agencies who are  beholden to globalist, New World Order
power brokers.

On Wednesday, September 15, just before 7 p.m. (Central Time) one of
POSSIBLY TWO gunmen stormed into the Wedgwood Baptist Church in a quiet
middle-class neighborhood on the southwestern edge of Forth Worth. He
shouted anti-religious curses, tossed at least one pipe bomb up the isle
of the church and ordering his victims to "stay still" while he pumped a
hail of bullets into hymn-singing teenage worshipers in the crowded
church, killing seven people and himself, officials said.

So, it DIDN'T happen at a school; but it DID take place in a school-like
setting in which hundreds of teenagers were present; and once again, as
at Columbine, severe anti-religious/anti-Christian sentiments were
expressed by the shooter(s?).

Again the objective is to terrorize and stampede American society--in
PARTICULAR Christians, who have as a group so far been strongly AGAINST
gun control--into supporting more stringent gun control/registration
laws in the U.S.

No doubt this incident of mass murder was ALSO designed to both turn the
nation's attention away from the constantly unraveling Waco monstrosity
AND send a message to Texas officials that perhaps they can find
something else to do but force the Pandora's Box of Waco wide open.

No doubt this is a message to "Dubya" as well, who has been rather slow
to completely endorse severe, extensive gun control in either Texas or
in the nation, of which he hopes to soon be President.

We're sure Dubya got the message this time. Watch for him to show some
sudden support for restrictive gun control legislation in the VERY near future.

Some "oddities"--
There are reports of another gunman or participant being involved.

An unidentified firearm NOT belonging to the known shooter was found
near his body.

Thursday morning Forth Worth city official Pat Svacina made a peculiar
and rather troubling statement about the mass murder Wednesday night;
saying, "there are some indications that something may not be right."

And a BIGGIE: according to some reports ATF agents were on the scene at
Wedgewood Baptist within a few MINUTES of the outbreak of the shooting
(shades of Columbine!). NO WORD of pipe bombs having apparently been
utilized had yet been made public. WHAT WAS ATF DOING THERE?!

More inconsistencies, contradictions and irregularities will doubtless
arise in the hours and days to follow regarding this latest scripted,
planned staged and implemented covert government massacre.

More as the story develops.

John Quinn/NewsHawk Inc.

[CTRL] Fwd: FC: Sen. Hatch wants to ban online speech endorsing crimes

1999-09-16 Thread Kris Millegan

Sen. Hatch is not an idiot, but when it comes to free speech, the bills he
proposes are relentlessly idiotic. Sure, he may intend to target hate crimes,
but depending on how his legislation is drafted -- if it applies to
intellectual property, for instance -- I can see one of these kids going to

JON1: "anyone got the new version of BORGSLAYER for windoze?"
WAREZD00D: "check out -- dl it quick before it goes down"
JON1: "thx"

Other felons would include one teenager suggesting to another in email that
they drive by Harry's house and smash his mailbox with a baseball bat. That
not be what Hatch intends, but you wouldn't know it from his speech below, and
the law of unintended consequences is not to be denied. Not only would such a
law be unconstitutional, but it would be pretty damn stupid too.

PS: Why should this apply just to the Internet? Why not newsletters too?


From: "Volokh, Eugene" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Sen. Hatch suggests ban on Internet speech advocating the commiss
ion of violent crime
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 20:18:25 -0700
Mime-Version: 1.0

I'm by no means a reflexive Hatch-basher, but here he seems to be way
out of line:  "I am also contemplating a measure to make it a crime to
knowingly or intentionally advocate on the Internet the commission of a crime
of physical violence against a person or the property of any individual or
group or class of individuals" -- seems pretty clearly unconstitutional.


September 14,
Jeanne Lopatto, 202/224-5225

   Statement of Sen. Orrin Hatch

Before the Committee on the Judiciary

Hearing on Hate Crime on the Internet

 Good morning and welcome to today's hearing on hate crime on the
Internet. We are pleased to have five impressive witnesses whom I shall
introduce in short order.

 The Internet is a technology that heralds a breadth of understanding
and education never before imagined. It holds a promise for disseminating
knowledge and breaking down barriers to learning and understanding that is
unrivaled, and I have accordingly been a staunch proponent of efforts to keep
the Internet unregulated and competitive.

 However, today's hearing will focus on ramifications of Internet
technology that can only be described as troubling.

 Unfortunately, for many parents, one of the timeless truths of good
parenting - to teach children not to speak with strangers - has passed from
realm of the possible into a relic of a bygone day. We live in a time,
according to a recent poll, when a full 60% of parents disagree with the
proposition that the Internet is a safe place for kids.

 And no wonder. In a technology seldom understood as well by
parents as
by their children, the universal
information-sharing neighborhood established by the Internet has also come to
shelter a league of misfits intent on marketing their brand of hate to
America's future.

 The knowledge of our children's lives - without which we cannot hope
to fulfill our responsibilities as parents - seems increasingly out of our
grasp. And the imagination and introspection that are so essential to a
development are threatened by a technology where the power for advancement of
knowledge exists alongside the possibility of contamination through hate.

 The strangers we warned our children not to speak to are, I fear, the
very ones using the anonymity promised in cyberspace to prowl for children to
whom they could never hope to endear themselves on a street corner. This is a
serious situation indeed.

 The facts set out in newspaper accounts and reports by interested
parties are simply staggering. One of our witnesses today hails from an
organization - the Southern Poverty Law Center - which individually tracked
sites for 254 hate groups in January of this year - up 50% from one year ago.
And another group represented here - the Anti-Defamation League - estimated
presence of some 500-600 hate groups on the web this June.

 But numbers hardly tell the story; the websites themselves do. They
are not simply crude websites with blatantly racist or anti-Semitic messages.
These groups are involved in a concerted effort to recruit college-bound,
middle and upper-middle-class kids ... kids who are educated, energetic and
articulate ... in other words, precisely the type of kid you wouldn't
expect to
see marching in a neo-Nazi parade.

 And these wolves come in sheep's clothing. To fulfill their
recruitment objectives, these hate groups can be
remarkably sophisticated, carefully avoiding obvious and explicit appeals to
racism and anti-Semitism.

 Sometimes, the sites are disguised as personal home pages, with
displays about innocent e

[CTRL] It happened again (Fort Worth Massacre)--Right on ...

1999-09-16 Thread ASu2431426

 -Caveat Lector-

Has anyone looked at use of prescription drugs (prozac, ritilin, hydrazine,
librium etc) by these individuals...

I mean actually looked at the autopsy and police reports in a statistical
way, not just annecdotal reports.

would appreciate any literature references.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Murdered white Christian kids not newsworthy

1999-09-16 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Please realize that the whole "christian" thing is being used to divide the
population.  The media is not news it is a psychological attack upon our
family  and cultural structures designed to land control in a few elite
hands, through any and every means posiible.

Be prepared to be whipped around.

A hardening of sides is being brought about and religion is always used. Look
at the rhetoric from the shills, Its the old divide and conquer. And history
shows us what religious "fanatics' can be moved to do.

Religion is a personal matter. Don't be a hypocrite in the street, be the
good samaratian. MHO

Chill and understand we are all brothers and sisters and GOD is one.


In a message dated 9/16/99 7:50:18 AM, you wrote:

>Turned on television this morning.heard the following
>in this order:
>Update on Hurricane Floyd
>Ralph David Abernathy trial
>More nonsense from the King family
>Oh, and 7 people murdered in a shooting
>at a Baptist Church in Texas.
>This is bullshit.If this had been a Jewish Synagogue
>or Black Church,  President Squirt would be all over
>the news talking about hate crimes.
>It's a sad day in this country when the murder of
>white Christian's isn't newsworthy.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: It happened again (Fort Worth Massacre)--Right on the line !

1999-09-16 Thread Kris Millegan

It happened again (Fort Worth Massacre) -- right on the line !

Received from a NewsHawk respondent--

- - - - - - - - -
 Original Message 
Subject: alert!  it happened again -- right on the line 
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 09:55:09 -0400

several weeks I alerted you to a pair of lines along which many
deaths have occurred.

My original:

The first line goes from Bethel, Alaska through Jackson, Mississippi and
the Atlantic Ocean

Along that line will be the destruction and high school shootings in:
1.  Bethel, Alaska (high school)
2.  Springfield, OR (high school)
3.  Littleton, CO (high school)
4.  Oklahoma City (Murrah Bldg)
5.  Jackson (Pearl), MS (high school)

(The 420 Poem from Eric Harris (Columbine) specifically refers to a line
along which his deeds will be performed.)

The next line goes from Edinboro, Pennsylvania through Jonesboro,
and down through to the Gulf of Mexico

Along that line will be:
1.  Edinboro, PA (high school)
2.  Paducah, KY (high school)
3.  Jonesboro, AR (high school)

The two lines intersect in Hope, AR (home of Bill Clinton)?

The next major cities along the Bethel-Jackson line are Tampa and Orlando

The next major city along the Edinboro-Jonesboro line is the Dallas -
Worth area


Updated: Wednesday, Sep. 15, 1999 at 22:11 CDT

Several dead, several wounded in Fort Worth church sanctuary shooting
By Ernie Makovy
FORT WORTH -- A long- haired, mustachioed man dressed in black, who
witnesses said was spouting obscenities and demeaning Baptists for their
religious beliefs, invaded a church service last night and opened fire
randomly, killing at least seven people, wounding 12 and then killing

Click here to send your comments on the shooting to the Star-Telegram.
Many of the victims were teen-agers attending a concert by Forty Days
Days, a Christian rock group from Dallas, as part of the annual See You
the Pole event.

Some of the victims were pronounced dead at the scene.

The man, whose identity was not known, also detonated an explosive
in Wedgwood Baptist Church, 5522 Whitman Ave., before killing himself in
front of more than 100 worshippers.
Agents with the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms joined
Worth police in the investigation last night.

Authorities were questioning a second man last night, but it was not
immediately known if he was an accomplice in the blood bath, which
on what was intended to be a night for young Christians to express their
religious convictions.

The wounded were taken to John Peter Smith Hospital, Harris Methodist
Worth and Cook Children's Medical Center.

Witnesses described the shooting.

"He was very calm and looked normal and was smoking a cigarette,"
Martin, 17, told TV station KDFW/ Channel 4.

Churchgoers dived for cover beneath pews as the shooter filled the
sanctuary with bullets, stopping several times to reload.

"He just kept telling us to stay still," said Chris Applegate, a
seventh-grader who was attending choir practice in another part of the

"We were singing a song and then in the middle of the song this guy
the door and fired one shot," Applegate told TV channel KXAShannel 5.
all just jumped under the benches and he fired about 10 more shots. ...
Somebody said, `Run, run,' and we all started running."

Lauren Tabor, 8, said she was in a class called Girls in Action when she
heard gunshots and screams.

She said she and her classmates ran to another room, where they pushed a
table against the door "so nobody could get in. We were all down in a
little corner.

"The teacher said, `Let's pray.' "

Another student, Samantha Tabor, 9, quoted the teacher as saying, "Dear
Lord, help us. Don't let anybody get hurt."

As news of the shooting spread, worried parents rushed to the southwest
Fort Worth church, many then speeding off to area hospitals.

There was no known motive for the man's rampage, police said.

Dax Hughes, the church's college minister, said at least 150 young
were in the sanctuary.

"He hits the door real hard to make his presence known and he just
immediately started firing," Hughes said.

When the gunfire was over, Hughes said, the man "sat in the back pew and
put a gun [to his head] and shot himself and fell over."

Witnesses quoted the man as saying he didn't agree with what the young
people were doing at the church.

One witness, identified only as Rachel, said the teens at the church
conducted many skits, one of which involved the meaning of life and what
means to face death.

"I thought it was blanks," she said of the gunfire. "A lot of them were
saying that this was some kind of drama presentation. They thought it
was a

Hospitals involved include:

John Peter Smith Hospital
(817) 921-3431

Harris Methodist Hospital
(817) 882-

Cook Children's Hospital
(817) 885-40

Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: I too sent my Son]

1999-09-16 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Nurev Ind Research <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Wishful thinking boys:
> 1) I know lots of people who have sent their kids to Israel,
>and not one has come back a Christian.
> 2) I know two Christians, one a German, and one an Argentine
>who went for a summer and converted to Hasidic Judaism of
>all things.
> 3) Jesus was NEVER a Christian ( since it didn't exist in his
>lifetime), and was always a practicing Jew, as was his brother
>James the Just.
> But hey guys, it's a helluva funny joke.

Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, the singing Hasid from whom I heard this joke,
had the fathers & god send their sons "out into the world, to learn
the ways of the world, to become men", not to Israel.  And instead
of, "It is amazing that you should come to me," Shlomo's punchline
was, "Funny you should mention that..."  It works much better IMHO.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [9] Viet Nam - Epilogue--Beyond Incompetence

1999-09-16 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.36/pageone.html">Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 36
Laissez Faire City  Times
September 13, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 36
Editor & Chief: Emile Zola

Viet Nam

Part 9: Epilogue--Beyond Incompetence

by Robert L. Kocher

Dialogues on the internet produce confrontations and hatreds as strong
as anywhere in the world. Occasional loss of temper and desire to gloat
or antagonize reveal historically illuminating information. What follows
is part of a site posting from a political adversary who, as a member of
the U. S. Navy, worked in the Defense Intelligence Agency, Southeast
Asia Contingency Unit in the late 60s and early 70s:

...I worked in a Top Secret job during the day and three of us - myself,
one LTJG and an Air Force Captain - organized activities protesting
against the war at night. When we had to, we would call in sick or take
leave to protest the war during the day... My friends and I protested -
took the tear gas - got beaten - and called every authority figure we
could find every name under the sun. We spit in their faces and pissed
on their boots...Some of us even waved Viet Cong flags...Our tactics
finally worked.

Protest is a euphemism for what they were doing. He bragged that as part
of their tactics they secretly turned over Top Secret aerial photographs
to the New York Post and the New York Times. Thirty years later he's
aligned with the environmental movement and declares man to be an
infection of the earth. He also believes communism was, and is, the best
system for development of China.

A focused anger brings tunnel-visioned blindness that excludes all else.
He and his accomplices knowingly did everything possible to promote a
communist victory in the Viet Nam war. He is completely unconcerned, in
fact takes satisfaction, that millions of Vietnamese and Cambodians were
killed by the communists and the combined actions of people like him.
They were responsible for the deaths and maiming of thousands of
American service men.

He and those like him were far from rarities in the military or
government. There developed a distinct widespread sociopolitical
subculture, that was on the verge of becoming chic, and that seriously
affected the security, performance, and reliability of the military. If
you were a service man on the front line, your own people thousands of
miles away were trying to get you killed. Many, if not most, of the
people involved in those attempts have not changed to this day.

The 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago was marked by a series of
well-planned large-scale riots that those of us who were alive at that
time will never forget. This marked the beginning of large scale
demonstrations, rioting, and bombings throughout the country for
succeeding years.

The Descent Into Madness Under Nixon

America was teetering on the verge of violent revolution in a carnival
of hatred that would undermine or prevent prosecution of the war and, if
possible, insure a communist victory in an atmosphere of celebration.
Into this inherited condition, and what would be the perhaps the most
difficult presidency in the history of the country, came a somewhat
fatigued President Richard Nixon who had an uncharismatic, unimaginative
defensive withdrawn personality that left him a defenseless pleading
target for the sadistic pathological hatred of the time.

The allotted time for military success had been used up by the bungling
during the previous eight years. The American domestic radical left had
come out of the closet and was a powerful open oppositional force. It
would be an uphill, eventually a nearly impossible, domestic battle to
employ the type of effort in Viet Nam that should have been employed
five or seven years earlier. Furthermore, the communists had been
allowed, if not encouraged, to take command over people and territory in
Viet Nam to the point of procuring an advantageous military position
requiring that any successful American military effort would need to be
increased substantially over what would have been required earlier. That
would necessitate understanding and cooperation that Nixon would not be

For practical purposes Nixon, to salvage Viet Nam, would be required to
start from the beginning, to forge a new basis of confrontation and a
new war, but with an entrapped, demoralized, worn-down 500,000 man
American military against a confident enemy now well emplaced in an
advanced position, with open rebellion, subversion, or support of the
enemy at home, and or cooperation. There would be constant domestic
attempts from all sides to prevent him from doing it. It was a hole
10-feet deep to climb out of.

Nixon was elected president, but the political left had become so
powerful that he, and the people who elected him, had a progressively
diminishing voice in the direction of the countr

[CTRL] Foster death report sees professional 'hit'

1999-09-16 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

tml">Foster death report sees professional 'hit'  


Foster death report
sees professional 'hit'
Court unseals 511-page document
charging obstruction of justice

By Sarah Foster
© 1999 WorldNetDaily.com
A three-judge federal panel yesterday unsealed a 511-page report,
submitted by Kenneth Starr grand jury witness Patrick Knowlton in June,
which -- in the view of its authors -- presents incontrovertible
evidence of conspiracy and cover-up by the Justice Department and the
Office of the Independent Counsel in connection with their
investigations into Vincent Foster's death and counters the official
conclusion that the top White House official "committed suicide by
gunshot in Fort Marcy Park on July 20, 1993."
At the same time, the panel -- headed by David B. Sentelle, with Richard
D. Cudahy and Peter T. Fay -- denied Knowlton's request that this report
be attached as an amendment to the Interim Report (the "Starr Report")
on the investigation of Foster's death, which was released Oct. 10,
1997. There has been no final report.

The just-released document is certain to fuel the ongoing controversy
surrounding the administration's scenario of Foster's death. It is a
point-by-point analysis and refutation of the 114-page, double-spaced,
Starr Report, overpowering it in both size and substance.

Knowlton's report is, in fact, an expansion of an earlier 20-page
filing, also by Knowlton -- comprised of a nine-page letter and 11 pages
of exhibits -- which had been accepted by the same panel as an
attachment to the Starr Report.

Knowlton filed that report in September 1997, a month before Starr's
Report was released. The statute authorizing creation of the Office of
Independent Counsel allows persons "named in the report" to request
permission to attach comments to reports. Over strenuous objections by
the independent counsel, the Special Division of the U.S. Court of
Appeals -- the same panel of judges which authored yesterday's ruling --
granted that permission and ordered the Office of the Independent
Counsel (OIC) to include Knowlton's 20 pages in the appendix to the
Starr Report.

John Clarke, Knowlton's attorney -- who has worked tirelessly on the
case -- discussed the significance of today's ruling and the report with
WorldNetDaily, portions of which were provided by fax.

"The report has been under seal," he said. "That means it had to be kept
secret until a decision was made by the court. Even the fact that we
filed it was kept secret.

"We asked them (the court) for a couple of things," Clarke continued.
"We asked them to lift the seal as soon as they made their decision,
which they did. And we also asked them to substitute it (the report) for
our 20-page filing. They didn't do that; they did not order it attached
to Ken Starr's report."

But not because they rejected the evidence, Clarke is quick to note.

"What they said was they didn't have jurisdiction to grant relief," he
explained. "They didn't rule against us on the merits of what we were
asking; they just said that they didn't have jurisdiction under the law
to give this relief."

Knowlton charges Starr's investigation simply added "another layer to
the 6-year-old ongoing Justice Department cover-up" -- a cover-up that
began the night of the death and continued through subsequent
investigations including an initial 16-day examination by the FBI and
two probes by the two independent counsels -- a reference not only to
Starr's work, but to that of Special Counsel Robert Fiske, whose report
was issued June 30, 1994.

Knowlton's two reports are built on charges developed in a civil suit he
filed Oct. 25, 1996, charging FBI agents, U.S. Park Police employees and
others with obstruction of justice, witness intimidation, and personal
harassment. An amended complaint was filed last October adding
defendants and additional information.

The civil rights suit was dismissed Sept. 9. Today Knowlton was expected
to file a motion to reconsider that ruling while he prepares to appeal
the ruling of John Garrett Penn to the United States Court of Appeals
for the District of Columbia.

"We're attempting -- in both these actions -- to prove that there was a
cover-up surrounding events in the death of Vince Foster, and, I think,
we've pretty clearly done that," Knowlton's attorney John Clarke told
WorldNetDaily. "It's a cover-up from one end to another."

"The current report is more complete than the earlier one," said Clarke.

"The other had five points demonstrating a cover-up, but this really
nails it down. The Starr Report makes about 80 p

[CTRL] United States Patent 5,878,155 - Method for verifying human identity during electronic sale transactions

1999-09-16 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

07+OF+1+1+1+PN%2f5%2c878%2c155">United States Patent 5,878,155
  (1 of 1)

United States Patent 5,878,155HeeterMar. 2, 1999

Method for verifying human identity during electronic sale transactions

A method is presented for facilitating sales transactions by electronic
media. A bar code or a design is tattooed on an individual. Before the
sales transaction can be consummated, the tattoo is scanned with a
scanner. Characteristics about the scanned tattoo are compared to
characteristics about other tattoos stored on a computer database in
order to verify the identity of the buyer. Once verified, the seller may
be authorized to debit the buyer's electronic bank account in order to
consummate the transaction. The seller's electronic bank account may be
similarly updated.

Inventors: Heeter; Thomas W. (55 Lyerly, Houston, TX 77022). Appl. No.:
709,471Filed: Sept. 5, 1996
Intl. Cl. : G06K 9/00Current U.S. Cl.: 382/115Field of Search: 382/115,
116, 124-127, 100, 128, 133; 348/77, 15, 161; 209/3.3, 555; 356/71; 340
/825.34; 235/379, 380, 382

References Cited | [Referenced By]

U.S. Patent Documents
3,584,958Jun., 1971Miller et al.382/1264,597,495Jul., 1986Knosby209/3.3
4,805,223Feb., 1989Denyer382/1274,995,086Feb., 1991Lilley et al.382/124
5,633,947May, 1997Sibbald382/124

Primary Examiner: Kelley; Christopher S.
Attorney, Agent or Firm: Casperson; John R.
10 Claims, 4 Drawing Figures
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] OEN 9/16/99

1999-09-16 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

http://www.aci.net/kalliste/">The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe
Today's Lesson from The 1998-9 Report on Money Laundering Typologies

by The Financial Action Task Force

(iv) Potential use of the gold market in money laundering operations

a. General

35. Following last year's introduction to the issue of money laundering
through the gold market, the FATF experts were asked to provide specific
examples of such cases from their national experience. A number of
members did provide example of cases in which gold transactions were an
integral aspect of the investigated money laundering scheme. These cases
involved the purchase of gold with illegally obtained funds. The gold
was then exported to other locations where it was sold, these funds thus
being legitimised as the proceeds of gold sales. Existing reporting
requirements for gold purchases were circumvented by structuring the
purchases to amounts below the reporting threshold.

36. Several members reported that the vulnerability to money laundering
within their countries has increasingly centred on specialised gold
bullion sellers. This is due in part to the fact that anti-money
laundering legislation targeting traditional financial institutions has
generally caused those customers desiring to purchase bullion
anonymously to turn to other sources. In many FATF member countries,
there is no suspicious transaction reporting requirement directed toward
bullion dealers or other non-financial banking institutions dealing in
gold. Additionally, even though the import or export of gold bullion
seems to be a key part of money laundering schemes involving the
material, members reported that the lack of import / export reporting
requirements appears to hamper detection of illegal operations.

37. Members were in some cases able to identify cities or regions within
their jurisdictions that specialise in legitimate gold business (for
example, Cordob in Spain and Arezzo and Vicenza in Italy) or in which
significant business takes place (Paris region and Marseilles in
France). Gold purchases in these areas are often conducted in cash and
frequently in non-indigenous currency (especially US dollars). Gold
serves as both a commodity and, to a lesser extent, a medium of exchange
in money laundering conducted between Latin America, the United States
and Europe. In this cycle, gold bullion makes its way to Italy via Swiss
brokers. There, it is made into jewellery, much of which is then shipped
to Latin America. In Latin America, this jewellery (or the raw gold from
which it was made) then becomes one of, if not the most important
commodities (others include various consumer goods and electronic
equipment) in the black market peso exchange money laundering scheme.

38. Several FATF members also mentioned having received suspicious
transaction reports involving gold transactions. In some instances,
these transactions appeared to reflect attempts to avoid high VAT rates
by making large purchases of gold in countries with low VAT rates and
then exporting the bullion back to the country of origin where it could
then be resold at a profit.

b. Hawala / Hundi alternative remittance system and gold

39. The question of laundering through the use of gold as a commodity
and as a medium of exchange was discussed by the experts in the context
of the hawala / hundi alternative remittance system. The word `hawala'
means `trust' or `exchange'; `hundi' means `bill of exchange'. It is an
alternative remittance system that enables the transfer of funds without
their actual physical movement (often without the use of a traditional
financial institution). Very often, using hawala is more cost effective
and less bureaucratic than moving funds through officially recognised
banking systems. Built on a system of trust and close business contacts,
hawala originated in South Asia; however, it is now used as an alternate
remittance system throughout the world.

40. In the laundering associated with this system, gold often plays the
role of the primary medium of exchange in certain transactions. Although
many hawala transactions may take place without gold, many of these
transactions involving the movement of money to South Asia often do
involve the metal. There are two reasons for this: the first is the
combined historical, religious and cultural importance that gold enjoys
in the region, and the second is the increasing distrust in the value of
local currencies (many South Asian nations prohibit speculation on their
currencies, and exchange rates are fixed by the central banks).
World-wide, gold is often used as a hedge against inflation; in South
Asia, gold is often the primary means of preserving and protecting wea

41. In one scenario, a gold dealer operating in one country also
operates as the `banker' for various jewellery shops in his region.
These jewellery shops give him the cheques and cash they receive for
purchases; he proces

Re: [CTRL] Murdered white Christian kids not newsworthy

1999-09-16 Thread Dan S

 -Caveat Lector-

It's been on CNN and Fox News along with Floyd all day, and was on CBS
Morning News when I woke up. Reno just gave a press conference not too long
ago and mentioned it, and the only other thing that came up besides what
happened was gun control.

Dan S

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 1999 10:47 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Murdered white Christian kids not newsworthy

> -Caveat Lector-
> Turned on television this morning.heard the following
> in this order:
> Update on Hurricane Floyd
> Ralph David Abernathy trial
> More nonsense from the King family
> Oh, and 7 people murdered in a shooting
> at a Baptist Church in Texas.
> This is bullshit.If this had been a Jewish Synagogue
> or Black Church,  President Squirt would be all over
> the news talking about hate crimes.
> It's a sad day in this country when the murder of
> white Christian's isn't newsworthy.
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
> screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid
> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/CTRL.html
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> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Murdered white Christian kids not newsworthy

1999-09-16 Thread day

 -Caveat Lector-

Turned on television this morning.heard the following
in this order:

Update on Hurricane Floyd
Ralph David Abernathy trial
More nonsense from the King family

Oh, and 7 people murdered in a shooting
at a Baptist Church in Texas.

This is bullshit.If this had been a Jewish Synagogue
or Black Church,  President Squirt would be all over
the news talking about hate crimes.

It's a sad day in this country when the murder of
white Christian's isn't newsworthy.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Seti clone bank

1999-09-16 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Eric Lash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> >> looking for information that would tell what is the real purpose
> >> of SETI. Enjoy. David
> >
> >Seems pretty obvious that the only valid possibility/real reason
> >for SETI is intra-solar system communications.  All other
> >explanations are ludicrous.
> >
> How about the possibility that its purpose could be to distract us
> from the fact that contact has already been made by our "authorities"
> and the real power-brokers of the world?

Are you distracted? Is anyone?  IIRC polls show that most Murkans
think we've already made contact with ETs, so any distractive
effort has already failed.  Naw, it must be for mind-control.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Seti clone bank

1999-09-16 Thread Eric Lash

 -Caveat Lector-

How about the possibility that its purpose could be to distract us from the
fact that contact has already been made by our "authorities" and the real
power-brokers of the world?

At 09:47 PM 9/15/99 -0700, you wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
>On Thu, 16 Sep 1999, earthman wrote:
>> looking for information that would tell what is the real purpose of
>> SETI. Enjoy. David
>Seems pretty obvious that the only valid possibility/real reason
>for SETI is intra-solar system communications.  All other
>explanations are ludicrous.
> Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT
>  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
>   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.
>CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
>screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
>and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
>frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
>spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
>gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
>be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
>nazi's need not apply.
>Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
>Archives Available at:
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>To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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