[CTRL] The "Hillary Mystery" The Media Is Too Terrified to Solve

2000-06-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER



Toogood Reports for Thursday, June 17, 1999

The "Hillary Mystery" The Media Is Too Terrified to Solve

By A.J. Toogood

It's a mystery that goes back some 20 years. It's about
SuperWoman aka Hillary Rodham-Clinton, and how she is able to
perform a feat that no other living person had ever done before
-- and no one else, including her, has ever been able to
duplicate again.

It's a mystery that demands an accounting by anyone seeking to
hold elective office. It demands a trade-by-trade accounting,
real or simulated, for the benefit of anyone who pretends to
understand the trading of cattle futures.

Inquiring minds want to know how anyone, including SuperWoman,
could turn $1,000 into $100,000 in such a short time, an
especially mammoth profit considering her net worth, her and her
husband's combined income of about $60,000, and the futures
margin and trading rules in effect at the time.

To date, SuperWoman claims to have read The Wall Street Journal
for investment tips which is a real hoot for any futures trader
familiar with the Journal of the 70's.

She has acknowledged the "aid" of attorney (and commodities guru)
James Blair in most of her deals. Blair was the chief attorney
for Tyson Foods, one of Arkansas's most powerful and highly
regulated companies.

With Blair's expert "free" guidance, SuperWoman began her
commodities trading just weeks before her husband won election as
governor of Arkansas in November 1978.

When details of her trading emerged in 1994, expert traders
contended that the odds of reaping such a profit in the volatile
commodities market were astronomical. Even more incredible is
that no one can duplicate the transactions within the trading
rules in effect in 1978.

SuperWoman's futures trading success story sure does reek of a
distinctly cattle like odor to any objective reporter. And, so
far, it's the $100,000 mystery that no one in the corporate media
has had the nerve to solve.

Like so many other mysteries about the Clinton's, the truth might
interfere with the end-justifies-the-means mentality of the left.
To that crowd, nothing can interfere with their complete
dedication to fully implement their cherished "Third Way" dream.
What they believe to be a mix of "the best parts" of socialism
and communism.

But, for some of us, it's time to go back to the future -- the
$100,000 Cattle Futures windfall profit amassed by Hillary

We will cheerfully re-print any list of transactions that anyone
on the left can dream-up, within the 1978 trading rules, to
duplicate the riddle of SuperWoman's massive profit.

Don't hold your breath waiting for an explanation from the
radicals in mainstream media. They're all busy at the moment
swooning about SuperWoman's run for the New York Senate and
dreaming of her election in 2008 presidential race.

- A.J.

U.S. News Wires - Columnists - Websites - Foreign Wires TOO GOOD
REPORTS http://toogoodreports.com/links.htm

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Journalism and Truth

John Swinton, the former chief of staff of the "New York Times,"
called by his peers, "the dean of his profession", was asked in
1953 to give a toast before the New York Press Club. He responded
with the following statement:

"There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, in
America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it.
There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions,
and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in

"I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinions out of the paper
I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for
similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to
write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for
another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one
issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would
be gone.

"The business of the Journalist is to destroy truth; To lie
outright; To pervert; To vilify; To fawn at the feet of mammon,
and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You
know it and I know it and what folly is this toasting an
independent press? We are the tools and vassals for rich men
behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the
strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and or lives
are all the property of other men.  We are intellectual


Retrieval Results White House Publications


2000-06-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER


>From the Washington Times, May 27, 2000

Clinton Accused in `Smear'--Tripp Lawyers Blame White House for

By Jerry Seper

Attorneys for Linda R. Tripp yesterday said the release of
information from her confidential personnel file was `wrong and
illegal,' and part of a `smear campaign' by the White House to
damage her reputation.

The attorneys said the campaign was engineered by President
Clinton and his senior advisers, who `turned their public
relations machine against Mrs. Tripp' to divert attention from
the president's conduct with former White House intern Monica

`The campaign worked, and Mrs. Tripp was publicly humiliated on
numerous occasions,' attorneys Stephen M. Kohn, David K.
Colapinto and Michael D. Kohn said in a statement. `Her
reputation was poisoned, her motives questioned and even her
personal appearance became fair game for ridicule.'

They said the leak of the Tripp file by Pentagon spokesman
Kenneth Bacon to a reporter looking to write a critical story of
Mrs. Tripp was part of that scheme, and that the file's
disclosure was prohibited under the federal Privacy Act.

The Defense Department's Office of Inspector General concluded
that Mr. Bacon and his former top deputy, Clifford H. Bernath,
violated Mrs. Tripp's privacy rights by providing information
from her confidential personnel file to a reporter for the New
Yorker magazine. But the two men received only mild reprimands
Thursday from Defense Secretary William S. Cohen.

Mr. Cohen criticized Mr. Bacon and Mr. Bernath in letters for
what he called a `serious lapse of judgment,' although neither
letter was made part of the men's personnel files and no further
disciplinary action was recommended. The case is closed.

Mr. Clinton, through a spokesman, yesterday said he had `full
confidence' in the Cohen decision. `The president has full
confidence in the secretary of defense's management of his staff
and the Pentagon and supports the judgment of the secretary of
defense to take the actions appropriate,' said P.J. Crowley,
chief spokesman for the White House National Security Council,
Mr. Crowley formerly worked for Mr. Bacon.

Mrs. Tripp is the Pentagon official who blew the whistle on Mr.
Clinton's affair with Miss Lewinsky. Both Mrs. Tripp and Miss
Lewinsky worked for Mr.Bacon. Mrs. Tripp has since field a
lawsuit accusing the White House and the Defense Department of
using her confidential file to smear her reputation.

In a five-page statement, her attorneys noted that the leak to
Jane Mayer, a reporter for the New Yorker, came after Mr. Bacon
met privately over dinner with former White House Deputy Chief of
Staff Harold Ickes--who `volunteered' to help Mr. Clinton in
damage control after the Lewinsky accusations surfaced. They said
Mr. Ickes also had met with Miss Mayer before the information was

`This was simply not an innocent release of information in
response to an inquiry by a reporter,' they said. `It is
well-established that Mr. Baconand his associate who was involved
in the illegal leak knew that the information requested from Mrs.
Tripp's security file would be used in a derogatory manner to
smear Mrs. Tripp and question her credibility.'

They also said Mr. Bacon and Mr. Bernath had been told the
information from the file was covered by the Privacy Act and
could not be released without Mrs. Tripp's consent. Mr. Ickes,
now coordinating first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton's run for a
U.S. Senate seat in New York, did not return calls to his office
for comment. He previously denied any wrongdoing, saying that
while he met with Mr. Bacon and Miss Mayer before the file was
leaked, he denied the discussions were part of a conspiracy.

The White House also has denied any involvement in the leak, and
Mr. Bacon, in a statement on Thursday, said he did not believe he
violated Mrs. Tripp's privacy rights and that `ultimately my
conduct will be found lawful.'

Sen. James M. Inhofe, Oklahoma Republican who denounced a Justice
Department decision last month not to seek an indictment of Mr.
Bacon or Mr. Bernath, despite concerns outlined in a July 1998
report by the inspector general, called the Cohen reprimand `a

`At a minimum, Bacon and Bernath should have been fired,' said
Mr. Inhofe. `This is what happened to the Bush administration
official who misused candidate Bill Clinton's passport file in
1992. It is what Bill Clinton said would happen to anyone in his
administration found guilty of a similar invasion of privacy.'

Mr. Cohen yesterday denied that he whitewashed the release of
information from Mrs. Tripp's confidential file, saying there was
`no attempt to injure Miss Tripp's credibility or her

He told reporters at Morristown Airport after touring nearby
Picatinny Arsenal that Mr. Bacon and Mr. Bernath were seeking to
respond to pressure from the media and that there was no attempt
to orchestrate any campaign to discredit Mrs. Tripp.

`I don't intend to fire him,'


2000-06-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

In previous talks on the floor, I have had occasion to compare
this crime with a crime that was committed 20 years before. I
have done so because when you talk about what President Clinton
and Vice President Gore have allegedly done in terms of getting
foreign contributions, which are a violation of law, there is
really no precedent that we can go back to and compare with
someone else who was prosecuted.

In this case, the crime that was committed by Kenneth Bacon, and
perhaps more people with him, is a crime exactly like the crime
that was committed 20 years before by Chuck Colson.

Let's go back and see just what Chuck Colson did. This is what he
said and did, in his own words. This is going back to 1971:

 “. . . I got hold of derogatory FBI reports about Ellsberg
and leaked them to the press.”

He said further, in 1976:

 “I happily gave an inquiring reporter damaging information
compiled from secret personnel files.”

This is exactly the same thing that we now have a confession by
Kenneth Bacon that he did. He got hold of derogatory reports
about Linda Tripp. And then he happily gave them to an inquiring
reporter--the same thing.

So what happened to Colson? Colson was sentenced by U.S. District
Court Judge Gerhard Gesell to a prison term.

On April 7, 2000, in a deposition, Bacon said he provided the New
Yorker writer Jane Mayer with the Tripp information. In other
words, he admitted it. He admitted that. There is no question
about whether or not he committed this crime. There is no doubt
about it, no dispute about it.

Bacon said: “I am sorry that I did not check with our lawyers or
check with Linda Tripp's attorneys about this.”

Sorry? Sorry really didn't cut it for Chuck Colson. Chuck Colson
ended up in a Federal penitentiary. Colson committed the crime in
July 1971. He admitted his guilt and pleaded on June 3, 1974, and
was sentenced to the Federal penitentiary on June 21, 1974.

Bacon committed his crime in March of 1998. He admitted what he
had done in June of 1998. The Pentagon inspector general referred
the matter for criminal prosecution in July of 1998. So now 2
years later, in April, May, and June of 2000, the Clinton Justice
Department says it is going to take a pass, hoping nobody will
see or hear about this at this late date. After all, 2 full years
had transpired since the report was concluded.

So Colson went to jail and served time in prison. If there were
justice and equal application of the law, Bacon would go to jail
and serve time in prison.

Is this the first time the Clinton administration has been
involved in lawbreaking and corruption? Not hardly. It has almost
become a way of life--Travelgate, Filegate, Buddhist Temple
fundraisers, illegal foreign campaign contributions, the
compromise of high-technology nuclear secrets to the Chinese, not
to mention perjury and obstruction of justice. The list goes on
and on.

Why is this important? It is all about a concept. It is as basic
to America as the concept of going to church on Sunday. That
concept is: Equal application of the law.

Chuck Colson realized he did the wrong thing. Chuck Colson, in a
book that he wrote in 1976, called `Born Again,' stated:

 “I happily gave an inquiring reporter damaging information
about Ellsberg's attorney, compiled from secret FBI dossiers.”

He said:

 “. . . I pleaded guilty after being told by Watergate
prosecutor Leon Jaworski that my conviction would deter such a
thing from [ever] happening again.”

I suggest that it has happened again, and they are hoping no one
will notice.

I refer to an article that was written on June 12--a current
article--in the Weekly Standard by Jay Nordlinger. The question
is: `Why Didn't Bacon Get Fired?' That is the name of the
article. I will quote a few things from it. Jay Nordlinger wrote:

“It's just a small matter, in all the Clinton grossness, but it
counts. Linda Tripp was the victim of a dirty, and illegal,
trick. It was played on her by her own bosses at the Pentagon.
And now those men--Kenneth Bacon and Clifford Bernath--have
escaped with the wispiest slaps on the wrist. This is ho-hum for
the Clinton administration; but it is a reminder of how unlawful
and indecent this administration has been.”

Further in the article he talks about Joseph diGenova, who is a
former U.S. attorney with long experience in this area.

Quoting from the same article, diGenova is quoted as saying:

 “The treatment of Bacon and Bernath suggests that the
Privacy Act will be enforceable only in civil lawsuits filed by
the victims. If there's no adverse action--not even a letter that
goes into somebody's file--there's no deterrence here. None

The article by Jay Nordlinger further states:

 “The president and his men have a bit of history with the
Privacy Act. You perhaps remember Passportgate. Toward the end of
the 1992 presidential campaign, it was learned that political
appointees in the Bush State Department had rifled through
candidate C


2000-06-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER


Senator Inhofe's Website
Published: June 12, 2000

Senate Floor Statement

Mr. President, I have not a speech, but a story to tell. The name
of that story could very well be `What Would Have Happened To
Frankie Vee?'

Now, they say confession is good for the soul. I confess that
during the Memorial Day recess a couple weeks ago I did not work
during the whole recess. I spent some time with my family, with
my wife, with my daughter Katie, her husband Brad, their baby,
and some of the other kids, and we went to south Texas where we
own some property. There is a little town down there called Port
Isabel. There is a restaurant there that none of the tourists go
to. It is just the local people who go there. It is right there
on the channel that goes out ultimately to the Gulf.

There is a guy down there who sings. You sit down and you have
dinner. He has these machines he turns on; they make music. He
has a microphone, and he sings. He has a beautiful voice. The
reason I like it is he sings the kind of songs I know such as
`Your Cheatin’ Heart' and `Lord, Help Me, Jesus,' and songs like
that. While he is singing, his wife sways to the music with her
eyes closed. It is just a beautiful setting there.

This was going on when all of a sudden a light went on, and I do
not knowhow this happened, but I was looking at this guy, who is
just an ordinaryperson--he is about my age. He has gone through
tough times in his lifelike I have. He has made money; he has
lost money; but he is just a very typical American. He is someone
who has to obey the laws, has to work hard, and has to pay taxes.
His name is Frankie Vee.

What occurred to me was that if Frankie Vee had blatantly and
knowingly and wrongfully committed a crime like Kenneth Bacon,
blatantly and knowingly and willingly committed a crime, he would
not be singing there and spreading joy in the hearts of many
while his wife is swaying. He would be serving time in a Federal

People often ask if am outraged by the continuing trail of
lawbreaking and abuses committed under the Clinton
administration. They assume, since I speak out about these things
from time to time, that I am mad.

But I am not outraged; I am not mad; and I am not feeling any
anxiety about this. I guess the best way to characterize my
feelings after the last 7 ½ years of this administration using
the Justice Department to protect its friends and to punish its
enemies is that it is just something that I feel numb about.

I am proud of two of the mainstream media--only two--that have
been willing to write about these things. And that is Fox News
and the Washington Times.

So in this case, we have talked about comparing the crime that
was committed by Kenneth Bacon with other crimes that were
committed--and I am going to talk about that in just a minute--by
other people in other administrations. But what occurred to me
was that every citizen out here, whether in Wyoming or Oklahoma,
has to obey the law, and has to be punished under the law if that
person disobeys the law, would be prosecuted if there was
justification for prosecution and then would be punished
accordingly--except in this administration.

On Thursday, May 25, on the eve of the Memorial Day weekend and
Congress’ week-long recess, the Clinton administration
perpetrated another outrage to add to its long trail of outrages.

In the face of the Pentagon Inspector General’s firm conclusion
that Kenneth Bacon and Clifford Bernath violated the Privacy Act
and broke the law and committed a crime, the Secretary of Defense
announced that he would do nothing meaningful to hold these men
accountable for their actions. This neatly follows the earlier
decision of the Justice Department not to prosecute, after
engaging in a two year cover-up.

As I have said before, this case has broad implications for what
has been done to the rule of law and to the concept of honesty
and integrity in government over the past seven and a half years.
Above everything else, the systematic undermining of these
time-honored principles constitutes the true and lasting legacy
of the Clinton-Gore Administration.

Time after time, again and again, Attorney General Janet Reno and
the Justice Department have used that department to protect the
President’s political friends and to punish the President’s
political enemies.

Today, as a result of this case, millions of federal employees
are on notice that the information contained in their
confidential government personnel records cannot be protected
from politically motivated disclosures. They are on notice that
the Privacy Act can be violated with impunity-- even when the
perpetrators are caught red-handed.

And in an additional outrage, we find out that the administration
has sought to have taxpayers pay the legal bills of these two
individuals who broke the law. We know this because one of the
documents released--perhaps inadvertently--by the Pentagon two
weeks ago w

Re: [CTRL] CIA-Drugs Symposium Report

2000-06-15 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>We recorded in Digital audio, so hopefull within a few days, (less than a
>week) we shall have the whole conference audio able to stream or download.


Thanks a million.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Underground tunnels gif

2000-06-15 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:

This map has been bouncing around the net for years. Even Sauder has been
unable to substantiate a single one of these purported sites.
>>ps Nessie did I read right that you are a man?
>Does it make a difference?
 If so, why?

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-06-15 Thread DIG alfred webre

Vladimir F.Levchenko

The Ecological North West Line (ENWL) on INTERNET was established
in September 1997, St. Petersburg on the meeting of Russian NGO,
journalist organizations and representatives of Norway
Naturvernforbundet. 16 October 1997 is the official data for the opening
when the ENWL statute was confirmed. The TEIA server (Transboundary
Environmental Informational Agency, St. Petersburg) supports the
technical functioning of ENWL-service. The ENWL-server has several mail
lists. One of them - ENWL - is just for discussions, another - ENWL-inf -
is destined for informational messages or short ecological issues.
The server has also ENWL-talk list as well as ENWL-eng list which is only
for information in English. The official languages of ENWL, ENWL-inf and
ENWL-talk is Russian and English. As moderator for ENWL-service was
elected Dr.Sci. Vladimir Levchenko, the first editor of Russian
Ecological Net Magazine EcoNews
(see http://www.friends-partners.org/~valery/econews/).
The ENWL home page http://spb.org.ru/enwl/ or http://enwl.net.ru was
developed  by the TEIA web-masters Sergey Stafeev since 1998 and
Natalia Rybalka since 2000.

The ENWL-service realizes the following  goals: 1) to provide a forum in
which to disseminate current  information  concerning  environmental
news,  events,   and conferences; 2) to highlight the issue of sustainable
development and the advances made in this field; 3) to include writings
applicable to environmental  issues  world  wide,  such as articles on
environmental politics and evolutionary philosophy; 4) to provide the
support of environmental campaigns (letter of support etc). One example:
the ENWL subscribers participated in the singing of collective letters to
preserve the coastal nature of Finnish gulf and Russian forests. ENWL
participated actively in dessimination of information during all period
of so called "Nikitin's case" events.

At present, the discussion list of ENWL includes more them 180
participants, the informational list ENWL-inf includes more then 220
participants, ENWL-eng - more 250 subscribers, EcoNews - about 250
subscribers, all our lists include in total more 1100 subscribers. There
are NGO, journalists and individuals from Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Finland,
Sweden, Ukraine, USA and other. The informational flow through the ENWL is
quite big: for instance, it was more then 1.5 Mb of messages for the
list and about 1 Mb for the informational list during only January, 2000.
To send message to moderator use his private address [EMAIL PROTECTED] ,
to get either help of server send the message with the word HELP in the
first line on the address [EMAIL PROTECTED], to subscribe send
message subscribe enwl (or subscribe enwl-eng etc) on [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dr.Sci.Vladimir F.Levchenko
Institute of Evolutinary Physiology and Biochemistry
of Russian Acad.Sci., Thoreza av. 44, St.Petersburg,
194223, Russia

Phone/Fax: +7 812 5523219

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P.O.Box 26, 434/3-SriJayawardenapura, Sri Lanka.


To Post a Email message-send it to;

Telephone: (+94-1)829519 (4 lines)   Fax:(+94-1) 826607

   - *  ENWL (English) * 
  Ecological  North West Line * St. Petersburg, Russia

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

Re: [CTRL] The Revolution Has Started: Here Are Your First Orders (fwd)

2000-06-15 Thread James Hayman

nessie wrote:
> >
> >I defy you to stand up to a column of M-1 Abrams tanks and Bradley Fighting 
>Vehicles supported by Cobra and Apache helicopter gunships, armed with your trusty 
> I find it extremely difficult to imagine United States armed forces
> slaughtering their brothers, sisters, parents, children and neighbors,
> simply at some bureaucrat's whim. Even law enforcement, especially local law 
>enforcement, would baulk at such orders.

   Every studied what happens to occupying forces? Even the native ones
get decimated over time. Lincoln said a few true things. One of them is
that no occupying force could take one drink from the Ohio River. That
if this country falls it will have to be from within. Another thing to
remember especially if you plan to be on the "government" side in this
business is that "The People" will have lots of chances to redeem
both themselves and their country even if things go the tyrants way
at first. Little Afghanistan and Somalia fought well armed and trained
armies to a stand still and they will look like a walk in a safe park
compared to what will happen to occupiers here after Americans wake
up and decide enough is enough. There won't be a hole deep enough
to save the enemies of American liberties when their time comes.
Planes tanks and big guns do not an army make. They are all vulnerable
to determined individuals. One .30-06 rifle can bring down any
helicopter made in the hands of someone who knows where to shoot. So
don't panic. Buy lots of guns and await events. I bet you won't have
to use them.

   Jim Hayman

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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[CTRL] Bush Sees Dead People: Lethal Travesties

2000-06-15 Thread DIG alfred webre

  He Sees Dead People: Bush’s Lethal

  by Joe Conason

  Grim new evidence of the death penalty’s unjust application
  has emerged in an exhaustively reported two-part series
 published June 11 and 12 in the Chicago
 Tribune, which concluded that since 1995,
 Texas authorities have "executed dozens of
 Death Row inmates whose cases were
 compromised by unreliable evidence,
 disbarred or suspended defense attorneys,
  meager defense efforts during sentencing and dubious
  psychiatric testimony."

  Yet this fresh proof that many defendants who end up on the
  Lone Star State’s crowded death row are either not guilty of a
  capital crime or didn’t receive a fair trial isn’t quite as shocking
  as it once might have been. By now, anyone paying attention
  knows that law enforcement officials have executed numerous
  citizens—mostly black and Hispanic men—whose trials and sentencing
were so
  flawed that their guilt remains in doubt.

  While Texas has executed more people than any other state, George
W. Bush’s
  domain isn’t alone in its enthusiasm for barbarous human sacrifice.
A new study
  prepared for the Senate Judiciary Committee and released the other
day showed
  that across the country, seven out of every 100 condemned inmates
  successfully appeal their sentences are found not guilty on retrial.

  What did still seem shocking, however, was the callously nonchalant
attitude of Mr.
  Bush, the man responsible for overseeing the death penalty as
governor of Texas
  during the past five-and-a-half years. The Republican presidential
nominee declined
  to be interviewed by the team of Tribune reporters who prepared the
series on
  judicial murder in Texas, but he responded later with the same
bland reassurances
  he has offered so many times before on this morbid subject.

  "I know there are some in the country who don’t care for the death
penalty, but
  I’ve said once and I’ve said a lot, that in every case, we’ve
adequately answered
  innocence or guilt," the pious governor told the Associated Press
after attending
  church on June 11. "If you’re asking me whether or not as to the
innocence or guilt
  or if people have had adequate access to the courts in Texas, I
believe they have.
  They’ve had full access to the courts. They’ve had full access to a
fair trial."

  The Tribune series is long, detailed and mildly complex, so it was
  unreasonable to expect an intelligent response from Mr. Bush, who
is notorious for
  his reluctance to read anything longer than a comic book. (At least
he didn’t repeat
  the disgusting imitation of Karla Faye Tucker’s plea for clemency
that he performed
  last year for a Talk magazine reporter.) Still, it is hard not to
wonder what Mr. Bush
  means when he talks about "a fair trial." Were the Texas courts
fair to the 43
  defendants whose lawyers were disbarred either before or after
their trials, or
  otherwise sanctioned for misconduct? Were those courts fair to the
40 defendants
  whose lawyers presented no evidence (or only one witness) during
sentencing? That
  isn’t what happens, of course, on the rare occasions when someone
of Mr. Bush’s
  wealth and social standing is facing trial for a capital crime.

  A spokesman for Mr. Bush observed sagely in an interview with The
New York
  Times that whether to put someone to death is "just a question of
the appropriate
  punishment." Appropriate punishment is indeed the question Mr. Bush
  with such apparent indifference in more than 130 cases until June
1. That was the
  day when, under the spotlight of the national media, he exercised
for the first time
  his power to grant a temporary reprieve, to an inmate named Ricky
McGinn, so that
  new evidence can be examined.

  Aside from his direct culpability in numerous cases of gross
injustice, the problem
  for Mr. Bush is that this issue again draws attention to his
deficiency in what pundits
  like to call "gravitas." He appears oddly uncomprehending of this
awesome aspect
  of his otherwise undemanding job, and remarkably ignorant of the
American ideal of
  equality under law. His breezy acceptance of a racially
discriminatory system
  threatens to blot out all those cute pictures of Mr. Bush posing
with black and
  Hispanic children.

  And as more voters learn about the lethal travesties carried out
under his regime, 

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Thursday #3

2000-06-15 Thread Ric Carter

SkeptiNews 000615c - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Yesterday's bulletins: http://web.pitas.com/skeptinews/14_06_2000.html
* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* Site of latest notices, praises, discoveries: http://skeptilog.pitas.com
* No prophets were resurrected to produce this bulletin. We left'em there.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ World's Worst Convenience Foods: http://www.bertc.com/worlds_8_worst.htm
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# ET-SEx (Not what you might think). Forget the New York Stock Exchange, the
  NASDAQ hi-tech index, & other mundane benchmarks of stock market activity.
  Alien Zoo's Jim Dilettoso (www.alienzoo.com) has come up with what might
  just be "the" definitive strategy for multiplying your equity capital. He
  calls it the "Extra Terrestrial Stock Exchange" (or ETSEx for short.) And
  although he calls this fruit of his research "just for fun... for now,"
  Dilettoso's newly developed index may be just as accurate as, say, Louis
  Rukeyser's. Gimmee: http://www.cosmiverse.com/paranormal061402.html

# Shadow Worlds. It may be all around us, a parallel universe of mirror gal-
  axies,mirror plants...even mirror life. THE WORLD on the other side of the
  mirror is a favorite of fantasists: everything is subtly twisted; things
  impossible in our world can happen. Scores of fictional adventurers, from
  Alice onwards,have stepped through into that reflected realm. But it could
  be that the world on the other side of the mirror is more than a fantasy.
  Reality check: http://newscientist.com/features/features.jsp?id=ns224324

: Do your thoughts/deities/finances exist in paranormal realms? Do you track
the mirror stock market? Do financial markets operate by different economic
rules in mirror/parallel/alternate universes? Are y'r finances just fantasy?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Addict deaths pinpointed in Britain. LONDON (AP) Scientists blame a highly
  toxic bacteria as the cause of a mysterious illness that's killed at least
  35 heroin addicts. Clostridium bacterium - not the next AIDS, just contam-
  ination: http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2567362886-ad3

# A Possible Solution to Cell Phones Causing Hypothyroidism? From: X
  I'm using a device on my cellular phone which alters the radiation pattern
  on the phone and renders it harmless. I know it sounds strange, but I got
  it from my Dr. Marshall and I trust him. I also have devices on my regular
  phones, tv's, and computer monitors to do much the same thing with them.
  You can get information on it from his office if you call for it. The
  number is: 310-320-1132.  [ via www.topica.com/lists/ewar ]

# MAGNETS ATTRACT LEGAL JUDGMENT. Prosecutors in Napa and Sonoma Counties in
  No.California seem to be the only ones going after bogus health products.
  This time, it's magnet makers who're caught making unsubstantiated claims.

: Do magnets/bacteria/cellphones/reptoids/narcotics affect your health? Are
you searching for relief? Is death the greatest relief of all? Should we all
die so we won't hurt anymore? Is your conspiracy working to achieve that???
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# The Code Cracks. "God does not play dice with the universe," Einstein fam-
  ously remarked. But he didn't rule out numerical puzzles. (WSJ) The Bible
  Code, a 1997 bestseller by Michael Drosnin,argued that hidden messages are
  embedded in bible texts. Similar books followed; a movie was even made on
  this theme ("The Omega Code"). The popular press, no doubt intimidated by
  the code's statistical complexity, wrote of it with cautious respect. To
  this day, there is the lingering impression that,no matter how far-fetched
  it seems, a code may be buried in the Bible for a computer to discover.
  This impression is badly misguided. Recent analysis has done a great deal
  to refute the whole idea. http://www.stats.org/statswork/biblecode.htm

  against Vatican: http://www.ewtn.com/vnews/getstory.asp?number=4001
# Rwandan Court Acquits Roman Catholic Bishop Of Genocide - persecuted by
  politicos: http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2567366174-e56

: Do your deities play games, create numerical/cryptological puzzles, enjoy
watching you dangle? Do your politicos play games with your deities? Do your
legal/religious/scientific/mystical codes decode into anything recognizable?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Re: [CTRL] "...and Sir Francis Bacon As William Shakespere"

2000-06-15 Thread Tenorlove

--- William Shannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Now THIS one is (almost) open and shut...I've long maintained that
> t'was
> Bacon who wrote that which is attributed to Shakespere...this is
> simply the
> latest reevaluation of this hypothesis...

I remember this discussion in high school drama class. Another
candidate that had been put forth was Sir Philip Sidney, famous for the
poem "Arcadia." I don't remember details (I still only admit to being
over 21, though!), but my teacher also seemed to think that Shakespeare
was murdered for political reasons. I guess this was my introduction to
conspiracy theory. Should have spent more time in class & less time at
the beach... NAH!

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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Re: [CTRL] 527

2000-06-15 Thread Tenorlove

--- William Shannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
<< Candidates in New Jersey have long looked for ways to circumvent the

strict fund-raising caps. >>

You don't mean to tell me... we have corrupt politicians in New
what a redundant phrase, corrupt politician 

Do You Yahoo!?
Send instant messages with Yahoo! Messenger.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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Re: [CTRL] Vatican priest said: extraterrestrial beings exist and are our friends! (fwd)

2000-06-15 Thread David Sutherland


In case it hadn't occurred to you Mike, or others, but the "Jesuits" have
been 'seeing' aliens for centuries, as they supposedly also have had 'close
encounters' with E.D.'s (Extra Dimensionals)!!!

Some of these ED type manifestations they most generously contributed by
their own 'the end justifies the means' hand vis-a-vis phoney "miracle's"
and "visions", bleeding saints, teary-eyed icons and Virgin's, and such of
which we could enunciate ad infinitum and with much nausea.

It's also somewhat curious that the Vatican now controls, or is involved
with, some of the most powerful telescopes in the world.

It appears the Vatican and Jesuits are so vigorously flagellating themselves
for their past crimes and 'sins' against Science and Humanity that they now
jump on board every faddish flotilla that comes cruising along.

One of my US correspondents said that the Jesuits all have the "shakes" and
are contributing by numbers most generously to A.A.!!!

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, June 16, 2000 8:21 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Vatican priest said: extraterrestrial beings exist and are
our friends! (fwd)

> [Interesting stuff from another list...  --MS]
> Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 10:59:41 -0700
> From: Alfredo Lissoni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Vatican priest said: extraterrestrial beings exist and are
>  friends!
> From Alfredo Lissoni - Italy
> Vatican priest:
> Thanks to Scott Corrales:
> Jesuit Astrophysicist Claims:
> "They Exist and are Our Brothers - Rome, June13 --(EFE)--
> Argentinean Jesuit Jose Funes, an astrophysicist and theologian
> participating in an international congress on "galactic spheres"
> being held in Rome, believes that "extraterrestrials exist and
> are our brothers."
> "In a typical galaxy there can exist a multiplicity of planets
> similar to our Earth, and with living beings like ourselves. If
> it is as I beleive, they must be considered our brothers in
> creation," explains Funes, 36, and one of the youngest
> participants in the conference held by the Vatican Observatory.
> The conference gathers over 250 specialists who are debating the
> galaxies populating the universe at the Pontificial Gregorian
> University in the Italian capital, and cover everything from the
> Big Bang and the eventual existence of extraterrestrial cultures.
> "I believe that there are only primitive life forms in the other
> planets of our solar system, such as bacteria and viruses,"
> explains Funes in the Italian newspaper "Corriere della Sera". To
> the Argentinean Jesuit "evolved civilizations are more remote and
> invisible and unattainable for now, such as angels, who are also
> our brothers," he adds.
> -
> Here a brief translation; I shall do another more extensive:
> To Fred Dennis, ufonet. I'm not a priest; I'm an UFO researcher, one of
> the most ruthless Vs cover up (f.e. Roswell); you can visit my personal
> Home Page http://members.tripod.com/~ufocun/lissoni.html about the
> Russian-American-Italian Cover up, about the Stasi UFO files etc... I'm
> not fanatic or paranoic and my studies are always pondered and
> documented (for example, the Fascist UFO files, about a secret Italian
> commission to study the UFO phenomenon in Italy in 1933; it proves that
> Unofficial Ufology was borned in Italy, not in U.S.A... I've showed it
> at recent International Ufological Simposyum in S.Marino.).
>  I was the general secretary of Italy's National UFO Center
> (http://www.cun-italia.net), the most serious ufological research
> group in Italy, since 1965. I was a librarian and now I work as
> journalist - editor in chief of the misteries magazine 'Oltre la
> conoscenza' - Beyond the knowledge -, the Italian version of
> spanish 'Mas Alla'; http://members.xoom.com/cunufo/OLTRE.HTM);
> I'm also editor of the most widespread Italian ufological E-zine,
> 'La Rete', http://web.tiscalinet.it/lareteufo/index.htm. I'm not
> a priest, but I've - as teacher - permission to the teach
> Catholic Religion; and I study all the connections between UFOs
> and Religions.
> Best wishes
> Alfredo Lissoni [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> =
>  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT
>   *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
>Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.
> =
> http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These 

[CTRL] The OTO and the CIA: A Response to Jerry Cornelius' Scribe Article

2000-06-15 Thread lloyd


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

From: Alex Constantine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: The OTO and the CIA: A Response to Jerry Cornelius' Scribe Article
Date: Sunday, June 04, 2000 5:00 AM

THE OTO & THE CIA: A Response to Jerry Cornelius' Scribe Article

 While skimming the Internet recently, I found myself the subject of
scorn for my reports on the history of the OTO and its relations with the
CIA (see Virtual Government, 1997). Jerry Cornelius, the critique's author,
did not send me a copy for a response, and I had no idea in 1997 that this
essay had appeared in Scribe, so my response is belated, regrettably.
 To be fair, Cornelius did catch me with a typo in the spelling of a
name ‹Marcello Motta, not "Matta"‹that crept into the book (Cornelius
misspells the name himself once or twice with "Motto"). But the remainder of
his "criticism" is strictly false.
 Be advised that the OTO began as a fascist front in proto-Nazi Germany,
and its defenders continue, by and large, to have absolutely no credibility
when discussing the organization's history. Lying is an OTO trademark.
 I'll take his deliberately misleading statements concerning my account
of the Solar Lodge and the early history of the OTO one at a time.

 Cornelius writes in Scribe (vol.1, no, 7, 1997):

 1) "The main tragedy of [Karl] Germer's death was that although he
dictated where the O.T.O. property should go, he never officially named a
successor. This is contrary to what some individuals, like Alex Constantine,
would have us believe by claiming that 'Germer, on his death bed, had
insisted that Matta (sic) succeed him as the Outer Head of the occult

Crowley (a fascist propagandist before the war) himself believed that
German-born Karl Germer was a Nazi agent, but had no qualms about handing
the mantle of OTO high priest to him. These are the caliber of men we are
discussing here. In Virtual Government, I note that Germer's wife wrote a
letter to Marcelo Motta, "an OTO official in Brazil. She informed him that
Germer, on his death bed, had insisted that Motta succeed him as the Outer
Head of the occult order." This was Motta's statement, repeated in many a
personal correspondence at the time. Cornelius attributes it to me. I make
no "claims," The statement concerning a successor to Germer came from a
published history, "The OTO Since Crowley's Death." Crowley left it to
Germer to choose a successor, and he selected Motta as "Outer Head,"
according to letters from Germer's wife. Grady McMurty DID allege falsely
after the fact that SHE was "lying"‹ not Motta‹ about Germer's true
successor, but he was mounting a coup at the time and this entailed the
discreditation of his rival for the throne. Even McMurtty did not say that
Motta had fabricated these details. Cornelius does, without basis.

 2)  "... This false claim of succeeding Germer was fostered by Motto
[sic] himself, a man who lived in a paranoid delusional world believing
himself a Napoleon when in fact he was little more than a school teacher
baked too long in the Brazilian sun."

Amusing? To judge by his writings, Motta was as lucid and intelligent as a
follower of Crowley can be, not at all "delusional." It is a tried-and-true
cult tactic to dump on whistle-blowers with ridicule and claims of mental
Motta knew he'd been squeezed out of the OTO, and that the CIA had taken an
interest in co-opting the organization. This was not "paranoia."  Cornelius
carefully avoids mentioning that Grady McMurty, who assumed the mantle of
leadership via dirty tricks, hailed from the State Department. He was an
"intalligence agent," according to "The OTO Since Crowley's Death." McMurty
had been admitted to the OTO by Jack Parsons, who worked with principals of
the Nazi "Paperclip" program after the war, and believed in demons (what was
that about delusions?). How does staking a claim as head of the OTO suggest
that Motta believed himself "Napolean?" What is funny about fascism and
covert ops?

 3) "The most common misconception about the Solar Lodge that authors
love to foster is the connection with Charlie Manson. Contrary to what some
would like readers to believe, this is a misconception. He was not a member,
nor is there any strong evidence that he ever visited the group. The sole
source of these stories is found in Ed Sanders' book The Family published in
1971. Here Sanders wrote that at "least five separate individuals have
claimed that they were told by a member of Brayton's rebel O.T.O. Lodge that
Manson was involved with the Lodge." (1) These allegations have never been
substantiated and appear to be only second hand gossip told to a third party
who then talked to Sanders, hardly the type of evidence which would stand up
in a Court of Law"

It sounds to me as though Sanders had it right, if h

[CTRL] "...and Sir Francis Bacon As William Shakespere"

2000-06-15 Thread William Shannon

Now THIS one is (almost) open and shut...I've long maintained that t'was
Bacon who wrote that which is attributed to Shakespere...this is simply the
latest reevaluation of this hypothesis...


Reassessing William - the great Shakespeare mystery

Are the words of Shakespeare really from Shakespeare?

by Jim Marrs - 06/15/2000

Recent film releases dealing with both the person William Shakespeare and his
famous works, such as Shakespeare in Love and A Midsummer Night’s Dream,
clearly show that interest in the Bard has not slackened since his reported
death in 1616.
Nearly every person in America has been exposed to Shakespeare’s works,
whether in school or in a production. We all at one time or another have used
a Shakespeare quote - or misquote, such as "Lead on, MacDuff" for the true
line heralding MacBeth’s sword fight with MacDuff, "Lay on, MacDuff, and
damn’d be him that first cries, ‘Hold, Enough!’"

Yet one of the most enduring mysteries in English literature concerns the
person who penned the world-renowned sonnets and plays of Shakespeare,
sometimes spelled Shakspere. Despite the longevity and contentiousness of
this debate, most modern Americans are blissfully unaware of this controversy.

The argument began in 1852 when a prim New England spinster named Delia Bacon
shocked literary circles with her contention that Shakespeare’s works were
actually produced by a secret Elizabethan club which included Sir Walter
Raleigh, Edmund Spenser, and the noted Sir Francis Bacon, no relation to

She claimed that William Shakespeare was no more than a vulgar, illiterate
stable hand and deer poacher whose name was used to shield the real authors
from official reprisals. Bacon, Raleigh, and Spenser all were members of an
underground company of Freemasons and Rosecrusians known as the "Baconian
Circle" which quietly promoted Knights Templar philosophies that were both
anti-royalty and anti-Church.

Eventually, this secret society coalesced into the famous Invisible College,
which, in turn, became the still-existent scientific organization, the Royal

Delia Bacon offered a compelling argument that Sir Francis Bacon was the
principal author of the writings of William Shakespeare, an allegation not as
ludicrous as it sounds. Ample evidence supports this contention and believers
included Mark Twain, Walt Whitman, Henry James, Sigmund Freud, and poet Ralph
Waldo Emerson.

It was even rumored that Bacon was actually the illegitimate child of Queen
Elizabeth. Whether true or not, it is clear that some Elizabethans possessed
secrets which had to be kept from the reigning authorities.

The evidence that Miss Bacon may have been correct is both considerable and
largely uncontested.

Every official biography acknowledges that very little to nothing is known
about the Bard’s personal life and associations. Only official records
mention Shakespeare, who apparently was baptized in Stratford-upon-Avon on
April 26, 1564. Without any evidence, The New Encyclopedia Britannica states
Shakespeare "enjoyed a grammar school of good quality" even though no list of
students has ever been found. His father was listed as a bailiff of the town
and the encyclopedia writers rationalized, ". . .it would be absurd to
suppose the bailiff of the town did not send his son there."

No biography of Shakespeare was written for more than 100 years after his
death. Additionally, not one remnant of an original Shakespeare script has
ever been found, not even correspondence with producers, patrons or fellow
actors and there is really no proof of his official biography as an actor and
playwright other than that a certain Shakespeare did exist.

"When serious scholarship [concerning Shakespeare] began in the 18th century,
it was too late to gain anything from traditions," noted authors of The New
Encyclopedia Britannica. "Modern scholarship is more concerned to study
Shakespeare in relation to his social environment, both in Stratford and in
London. This is not easy, because the author and actor lived a somewhat
detached life: a respected tithe-owning country gentleman in Stratford,
perhaps, but a rather rootless artist in London."

Another document showed that in 1582, this Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway
and later produced two daughters and a son, Hamnet, who died prematurely.

With little or no demonstrable schooling, one story was that Shakespeare
entered the world of performing arts by tending the horses of theater
patrons. What is demonstrable is that highly-placed persons provided well for
the young Shakespeare and his family, which was granted a coat of arms in
1596 and purchased a large Stratford home in 1597. Was this attention merely
a payoff for Shakespeare’s silence regarding the true authors of the plays
and sonnets?

Except for once participating in a parade for King James I, Shakespeare had
no known contact with officialdom or 

[CTRL] B.I.S. Warns Of Market Collapse

2000-06-15 Thread William Shannon

BIS Warns of U.S. Stock Market/Dollar Collapse!
Help Lyndon LaRouche Dump Al Gore Before It's Too Late!

On June 5, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the central bank of
world central banks, warned in its annual report, that the U.S. financial
bubble is “unsustainable'' and that “a soft landing is by no means

  In Europe, all of the leading press, from the {Financial Times} of
London, to Germany's {Handelsblatt}, to France's {Le Monde}, prominently
covered the report. “Warning of Global Hardlanding,'' “Dangerous Dynamic on
Financial Markets'' and “The World Economy Is Threatened with Shock'' were
the headlines of articles in these newspapers.

  But in the major U.S. media, the report has been totally blacked out,
with the exception of the press associated with Democratic Presidential
pre-candidate Lyndon LaRouche. Ask yourself why this report, which confirms
the forecasts of Lyndon LaRouche, has been met with total silence? Also ask
yourself at the same time, why is the Democratic Party, under Al Gore's
misleadership, refusing to recognize delegates committed to Lyndon LaRouche,
as in Arkansas, where he received 22% of the vote in the Democratic
Presidential primary?

  Wall Street is terrified! U.S Treasury Secretary Larry Summers is
soft-headed enough to think, that he can still engineer a soft landing and
thus guarantee the Democratic nomination of Al Gore in August. Summers'
policy is Al Gore's policy. But the reality is that if Gore wins the
nomination, he is not electable, and will lead the Democratic Party to
defeat. Gore is good for only one thing--to elect George W. Bush.

  Now the reality is, that as ominous as the BIS report is, it does not
go far enough, nor does it present a solution.

  As Lyndon LaRouche has warned, the efforts on the part of Summers and
Greenspan to prevent a deflationary collapse, have now created a
hyperinflationary spiral comparable only to Weimar Germany from
March-November 1923, except now on a world scale. We have reached the point
where the rate of monetary expansion now exceeds the rate of expansion of the
financial bubble itself. Just look at the explosion in the prices of oil,
food, and housing, which will give you an inkling of the hyperinflationary
shock-wave now in the process of exploding.

  People ask, when is the crash coming? What should we do in the
meantime? The reality is that the collapse of the entire system is occurring
{now}, and that there are no “in the meantime'' solutions.

  There is only one exit strategy. Stop being fooled. Wake up before it
is too late. If you wait until the August Democratic Convention, it may be
too late.

  The issue is: Who will lead the Democratic Party and the nation? Who
can bring the nations of the world together to create a new financial
architecture that puts people first? If Al Gore is the Democratic nominee,
then George W. Bush will be the President of the U.S. and you can virtually
forget civilization on this planet for years to come.

  The only solution is that you help Lyndon LaRouche make sure that Al
Gore is dumped as the Democratic nominee, and that George W. Bush is defeated
in the general election. If you do that, then under Lyndon LaRouche's
leadership, we can create an alliance of sovereign nation-states committed to
creating a New Bretton Woods financial system, that will put an end to “free
trade'' and “globalization,'' and instead will rebuild the world economy.

There are no limited solutions. So don't try to get a better seat
in hell! What you do or don't do today will shape history for decades to

Toll-free 1-800-929-7566

Regional campaign offices:

Northern Virginia 703-779-2150
Washington, D.C. 202-544-7087
Philadelphia, PA 610-734-7080
Pittsburgh, PA  412-884-3590

 Baltimore, MD 410-247-4200
Norfolk, VA 757-531-2295
Houston, TX 713-541-2907
Chicago, IL 312-335-6100
Flint, MI 810-232-2449
Minneapolis, MN 612-591-9329
Lincoln, NE 402-946-3981
Mt. Vernon, SD 605-996-7022

 Phoenix, AZ 602-992-3276
Los Angeles, CA 323-259-1860
San Leandro, CA 510-352-3970
Seattle, WA 206-362-9091
Ridgefield Park, NJ 201-641-8858
Boston, MA 781-380-4000
Buffalo, NY 716-873-0651
Montreal, Canada 514-855-1699

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] 527

2000-06-15 Thread William Shannon

N.J. Candidates
Discover '527' Cash Cow
By Marianne Holt and Kathryn Wallace
The Center for Public Integrity

(Washington, June 2) Two Republican candidates for the 2001 New Jersey
gubernatorial race have set up "527 groups" a full year before the party

The 527 groups are so named because they take advantage of Section 527 of the
Internal Revenue Code, which allows for so-called “issue ads” by groups that
are free to receive contributions from any source and invest unlimited
resources into campaigns, skirting all donation limits and disclosures.

This is apparently the first instance at the state or federal level where
candidates are taking advantage of the IRS loophole. Others, such as members
of Congress, have established 527s, but not for their personal benefit.

The loophole has been exploited by interest groups, corporations, labor
unions and business associations, but is now broadening to include candidates
for an elected state position, conducting campaign activity with dollars that
will be raised secretly and are not required to be disclosed to the public.

State Senate President Donald DiFrancesco, a 21-year state senator from
Scotch Plains, in central New Jersey, and Assembly Speaker Jack Collins, of
Woodstown, in south Jersey, can skirt the state’s tight fund-raising caps
through the newly established groups; the ceiling for the governor’s race is
$6 million.

DiFrancesco’s group, Solutions for a New Century, was created to promote
“education reform, job creation, affordable health care and other key New
Jersey issues,” according to the Web site. But another objective of the group
is to raise $1 million, the fund-raising goal for the year. That money will
most likely be used to pay for pricey television advertising during the long
campaign for the June 2001 Republican primary, and then for the
general-election governor’s race that November.

Collins’ group, “Leadership for New Jersey’s Future,” has announced plans
to raise $750,000 for Collins before the end of the summer.

Candidates in New Jersey have long looked for ways to circumvent the strict
fund-raising caps. Gov. Christine Todd Whitman, a Republican, formed a
different type of fund-raising tool in her last campaign --a non-profit,
non-advocacy group that, unlike the new 527 groups set up by DiFrancesco and
Collins, was required to file a tax return that was publicly available. Other
state officials followed Whitman's lead. The Democratic candidate in the
upcoming gubernatorial race, Jim McGrevey, is reportedly considering forming
an issue advocacy group to help him with fund raising.

Marianne Holt is a senior associate and Kathryn Wallace is a writer at the
Center for Public Integrity.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Navy Sonar May Have Killed Whales

2000-06-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

05:47 PM ET 06/14/00

Navy Sonar May Have Killed Whales

Associated Press Writer

   SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) _ Autopsies of whales that
beached in the Bahamas suggest a possible link between Navy sonar
tests and ear hemorrhages that disoriented the animals, a
biologist hired by the National Marine Fisheries Service said

   Darlene Ketten, an expert on whale acoustics, said ``the
coincidence of the timing and the pattern of the stranding with
the presence of Navy sonars ... raises a red flag and I think
that there's reason for concern.''

   But she warned: ``I'm still not ready to say the Navy did

   Ketten, a marine biologist at Harvard Medical School and
the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts, spoke
in a telephone news conference in which the Fisheries Service
released initial findings.

   Having previously questioned alleged links between whale
deaths and anti-submarine sonar tests, the Navy said Wednesday
there was ``a priority need'' to examine the issue. It said it
had created a group of experts to help.

   At least 16 whales of four different species beached
themselves on the islands of Abaco, Grand Bahamas and North
Eleuthera on March 15 and 16. Seven died, including four Cuvier
beaked whales and a Blainville's dense beaked whale. The others
were pushed back into the sea.

   ``We hope to build upon what we will learn ... to ensure
that it does not happen again anywhere in the world,'' Cmdr. Greg
Smith, a Navy spokesman from the Pentagon, told The Associated

   Scientists' efforts to link whale beachings to sonar have
been frustrated because corpses were too decomposed to provide
conclusive evidence. They included the 1996 beachings of 12
Cuvier beaked whales in the Ionian Sea during NATO anti-submarine

   But in March, some of the 16 whales beached in front of
the Abaco home of marine biologist Ken Balcomb, research director
of the Washington-based Center for Whale Research. Balcomb's
swift action preserved the corpses.

   The whales suffered minor to severe hemorrhages in or
around the ears, possibly caused by ``a distant explosion or an
intense acoustic event,'' said the Fisheries Service, a Commerce
Department agency concerned with the conservation and management
of living marine resources.

   Roger Gentry, coordinator of the service's acoustics team,
said investigators hadn't ruled out underwater landslides that
could emit up to 230 decibels of sound.

   Ketten said she might have more conclusive evidence once
the Navy provides a detailed map of its activities, expected in
July, and she completes the autopsy studies, which could take 10

   Smith said the U.S. ships were transmitting signals from
hull-mounted sonars that reached around 235 decibels.

   ``This is the same sonar we have used for decades, on some
U.S. Navy ships and many navies' warships are transmitting
somewhere in the world every day,'' he said.

   The Navy promised to devote more money to researching
beaked whales, mysterious mammals that dwell in deep waters. The
Cuvier species is believed to be the deepest-diving mammal,
reaching depths of 6,000 feet.

   Critics want to stop Navy development of a new sonar,
called Low Frequency Active sonar, that transmits pulses so loud
they can match the roar of a rocket launch.

   The Navy says it needs the system to detect ``quiet,
diesel-electric submarines operated by unfriendly nations and

On the Net:
Fisheries service: http://www.nmfs.gov/
U.S. Navy:http://www.navy.mil
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: http://www.whoi.edu/home/
Environmental article:

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Re: [CTRL] "Dreamland" on EM dangers/ was Navy Sonar May Have Killed Whales

2000-06-15 Thread Samantha L.

In a message dated 6/15/00 6:32:38 PM Central Daylight Time,

> 05:47 PM ET 06/14/00
>  Navy Sonar May Have Killed Whales
>  Associated Press Writer=

  On 5/14/00, Whitley Strieber's "Dreamland" was all about the effects of
electro-magnetic pollution, especially from cell phones and cell phone
towers.  Our technology puts us all at grave risk, since we are electrical
organisms.  If you listen to the show, you need to skip the first half hour
or so to get to the heart of the program.   He and Linda Moulton Howe
interview B. Blake Levitt.  It was the most intelligent media program I'd
heard in a long while.  (The show will only be in the archives for a few more



CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] ANNOUNCING: Arkansans Against Hillary! (AAGH!)

2000-06-15 Thread Bill Richer

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Arkansans Against Hillary!)

June 12, 2000

Dear Friend,

It is my pleasure to announce to you the formation of Arkansans Against
Hillary! (or "AAGH!" for short), and pass along to you our first news
coverage, hot off the press from U.S. News and World Report (see below).

While we intend to run a tasteful, even humorous, campaign against Mrs.
Clinton, there is an overwhelming need to run that campaign.  Were Hillary
Clinton in the Senate, she would quickly replace even Teddy Kennedy as the
leading light of the American Left.  Her agenda of socialized medicine,
federally-controlled schools, ever-growing taxes and regulation and an
ever-weakening defense would be immeasurably strengthened.  It is this we
aim to nip in the bud.

Moreover, Arkansans Against Hillary! is vital for these reasons:

=80 Our mere existence is an embarrassing reminder that Hillary is a
carpetbagger, simply using New York to advance her career and causes.

=80 Our uniqueness -- both in geography and in a number of our planned
projects -- guarantees us a level of earned media that no ad budget could

=80 Our timing, just after Mayor Giuliani's exit from the race, gives a
crucial added boost to the cause.  However strong Congressman Lazio looks i=
the polls, Hillary has a year on him in both organization and fundraising.
He needs our help.

Shortly, we will be launching a large-scale internet campaign, and later on=
we intend to run ads in New York.  We also plan to conduct a number of
grass-roots projects you're going to love.  We can make an enormous

We've already been in U.S. News and we just started this week!  Our
potential is obvious.  But it takes money to beat a well-oiled machine like
Hillary's.  Not just anybody's money, either:  your money and mine.  And I
promise to do my part if you'll do yours.

We can take contributions of up to $1,000.  Make out your checks to AAGH!,
or email, fax or mail us your credit card number (Visa, MasterCard and
Discover; contact information below).  We have less than five months:  don'=
take your time.

And if you happen to live out of state, don't worry about it:  if Hillary
Clinton can be a New Yorker, you can darn sure be from Arkansas.

For the Cause,

Rod D. Martin
National Chairman



Arkansans Against Hillary!
2511 North University
Little Rock, Arkansas 72207-3609


Rod Martin, (501) 603-9200

June 12, 2000
LITTLE ROCK =AD Rod D. Martin, National Chairman of VanguardPAC, today
announced the formation of "Arkansans Against Hillary!" (AAGH!).

The group was featured today in the June 19, 2000 issue of "U.S. News and
World Report."

According to Martin, "Arkansans have a unique duty and opportunity to point
out the obvious:  that Hillary Clinton, however personable she may be, is a=
extremist, is hopelessly out of touch, and isn't even from New York.

"However appealing it might be to have an Arkansan representing a bunch of
Yankees, we'd just as soon pass on this one," Martin grinned.

The group intends to run ads in New York, as well as campaign over the
internet.  AAGH! is an independent expenditure project of VanguardPAC, whic=
promotes conservative proposals such as Medical Savings Accounts, school
choice, Social Security privatization and a strong defense.

Martin said the campaign isn't personal.  "Mrs. Clinton stands against
everything we believe in, and for some really terrible ideas like socialize=
medicine.  Many of us have known her for twenty years or more, and like her
personally.  But we simply can't abide her views at all."

When asked whether AAGH! would take out-of-state contributions, Executive
Director Hank Jones responded, "Why not?  If Hillary can be a New Yorker, I
reckon anybody can be from Arkansas."


U.S. News & World Report
June 19, 2000
Washington Whispers


It might be time to dust off our "Don't Pillory Hillary" buttons. Another
group of Hillary haters, Arkansans Against Hillary, or AAGH, is forming to
try to ruin the first lady's chances of being the next senator from New
York. Their plan: raise money and run negative TV ads in N.Y. "We are going
to be a one-stop-shopping source on Hillary," says AAGH Chairman Rod Martin=
a Little Rock attorney and former aide to Republican Arkansas Gov. Mike
Huckabee. Martin says his group will go outside Arkansas to raise money. "I=
Hillary can be a New Yorker, anyone can be an Arkansan."

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. 

[CTRL] What They Didn't Tell Us Before The China Vote

2000-06-15 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

  What They Didn't Tell Us Before The China Vote

June 14, 2000  by:  Phyllis Schlafly

Only after the House voted 237-197 to pass Permanent Normal Trade
Relations (PNTR) with Communist China did the major news media
tell their readers the real purpose behind the bill. The multinationals,
who spent tens of millions of dollars lobbying for PNTR, gloated in
their victory.

Remember how we were told that PNTR would be such a good deal
for America because it would "open up China's vast billion-person
market to U.S. exports"? Well, cry your heart out, exporters and
farmers; it turns out that all those promises were just soft-soap for
the gullible.

The morning after the vote, the pro-PNTR newspapers and the
spokesmen for the multinationals couldn't resist admitting what the
game plan really was. "This deal is about investment, not exports"
and "investment in China is the prize," proclaimed a front-page news
story in the Wall Street Journal.

Investment is the very opposite of exports. Investment means U.S.
multinationals build plants in China, hire cheap labor and then import
the products back into the United States to undersell goods
manufactured in America.

Exports, on the other hand, mean that U.S. companies and farmers
produce products to sell abroad. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to
figure out that investment = jobs in China, and exports = jobs in

Joseph Quinlan, an economist with Morgan Stanley Dean Witter &
Co. said after the vote, "U.S. foreign investment is about to overtake
U.S. exports as the primary means by which U.S. companies deliver
goods to China." The "goods" he is talking about are NOT
made-in-U.S.A. goods, but U.S. capital investments (probably
subsidized by the International Monetary Fund and guaranteed by the
Overseas Private Investment Corporation).

Michael T. Byrnes, chief representative of Rockwell International
Corp.'s China division, seconded Quinlan's admission: "In China,
that's the direction we're going."

The multinationals played a crafty game when they lobbied Congress
this spring. As the Wall Street Journal revealed afterwards,
"Business lobbyists emphasized the beneficial effect the agreement
would have on U.S. exports to China. They played down its likely
impact on investment."

Greg Mastel, director of global economic policy at the New America
Foundation, explained, "U.S. exports will increase over time, but not
at the rate of investment, and the corporate community has been
quiet about that. They've been able to avoid telling that story." The
Wall Street Journal added, "U.S. exports aren't the big trade story

On the day after the vote, the Washington Post likewise revealed
much that it didn't tell us beforehand. "China experts warn that
[PNTR] does not guarantee U.S. companies immediate access to
China's market, or even ensure that China will comply fully with the
spirit of the deal it struck with the Clinton administration last

The Post admitted that "U.S. goods and services will face resistance
from regulators within China's central government, who have broad
discretionary authority."

Farmers, who were among the biggest supporters of PNTR, should
not be "under the illusion that now they can pop the champagne
corks and watch the money roll in," admitted Richard Margolis,
senior economist with Merrill Lynch in Hong Kong. Dong Tao, senior
Asia economist at Credit Suisse First Boston, warned, "American
companies have to be realistic. Genuine market access in China will
take years probably decades."

All those pre-vote predictions from pompous economists suddenly
evaporated. The Post reported: "Even if China adheres strictly to
provisions of the November agreement, few economists expect a
significant reduction in China's trade deficit with the United States
which last year reached $70 billion."

What about the lobbyists' promises that the World Trade
Organization will force China to live by the rules? Another Wall Street
Journal news story on the International page after the vote cautioned
that "few expect [China to implement the agreement to the letter]
without vigilant monitoring, and more than a little hectoring."

Newsweek joined the cascade of post-vote revelations saying that,
after Clinton leaves office, "the really hard part begins:

Newsweek revealed some of the ways that China avoids buying U.S.
goods. U.S. firms must sell to Chinese government agencies or
companies, which take their cut before permitting goods to be sold
retail. Communist China also restricts the Chinese market for U.S.
goods by producing illegal knockoffs.

What about all those promises that giving China PNTR will encourage
China to reduce its abuses of human rights? After the vote, that
oracle of internationalism, former Ambassador to China Winston
Lord, admitted, "It's going to set people up for disappointment down
the road. Beijing is ga

[CTRL] GOP News & Views - June 15, 2000

2000-06-15 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

TEDS 2000:  Stay On Message

*  Taxes - Lower & Simpler
*  Education - It’s Broken; Let’s Fix It
*  Defense - An Ounce of Prevention...
*  Social Security - Your Money, Your Choice

*  George W. Bush’s web site:  http://www.georgewbush.com

Stepping on the AG’s Turf

“The fallout from last month’s fire in New Mexico, which destroyed hundreds
of homes, continues.  Especially angry at the National Park Service for
starting the fire is Attorney General Janet Reno, who says burning private
citizens’ houses down is HER job.”

- Cartoon reporter Mallard Fillmore, by Bruce Tinsley, 6/13/00

Good Riddance

“Official confirmation of Syrian President Hafez Assad's death on Saturday
came to Bill Clinton while he was sitting on a stage at Carleton College in
Minnesota. The President seemed shaken. ‘I always respected him,’ he said a
short while later. ‘I felt he meant it when he said he had made a strategic
choice for peace.’ ... Let us offer a dissenting opinion. This is one of the
rare cases where it can unequivocally be said of the dead that we are better
off without him. And there is no better evidence that Assad never did make
the ‘strategic decision for peace’ than the unprecedented rain of Katyushas
that Assad's Hezbollah proxies unleashed on northern Israel in the weeks
leading up to Israel's hasty pullout from Southern Lebanon last month.”

- Wall Street Journal editorial, 6/13/00

Clinton Clone Running the Kremlin?

“Media tycoon Vladimir Gusinsky, whose holdings include a TV station and
newspapers that regularly criticize the Kremlin over the Chechen war, civil
rights and other issues, was arrested Tuesday on charges of swindling and
theft.  Gusinsky, locked in a feud with President Vladimir Putin’s
administration in recent months, has alleged the Kremlin is persecuting him
because it wants to crack down on independent news media.  His Media-Most
holding company is one of Russia’s largest media groups and is considered the
most outspoken. Gusinsky was taken into custody a month after investigators
backed by masked, gun-toting police raided Media-Most’s offices.  A court
later ruled the raid, which received attention in the West, was illegal.”

- Associated Press, 6/14/00

Depends on What Your Definition of “Cuts” Is

“Once again, the U.S. House of Representatives echoes with rhetoric as
members grind out a budget.  Once again, Democrats decry the massive cuts
Republicans propose in education, social and welfare programs.  Once again,
the cuts they decry do not exist.  In fact, the GOP House budget increases
funding for virtually all such programs, even after taking inflation into
account.  It increases funding less than Democrats would if they were in
charge, however, less than they believe is enough, so they call it a ‘cut.’
If Republicans were to use the same type of argument, they would say
Democrats who oppose the GOP tax cut proposal want to raise taxes $700
billion.  It wouldn't be true, but neither is the line about budget cuts.
The two sides have legitimate difference of opinion about how much money
should be spent on specific programs.  They should debate those differences
on the merits and take them to the voters in November.  Unfortunately,
Democrats seem more concerned with scaring people than with accuracy.  Their
tactic may be good politics, but it does not reflect well on the House or the
party, and it ill serves the American people.”

- Cedar Rapids Gazette editorial, 6/13/00

Are Days Numbered for Mainstream Media?

“Key segments of the nation’s news audience, particularly younger and
better-educated Americans, and those seeking financial information, are
turning increasingly to the Internet, says a new poll on media trends. ... A
third of the public now goes online for news at least once a week, compared
to a fifth two years ago, according to the Pew poll.”

- Associated Press, 6/12/00

Missing:  Have You Seen These Military Secrets?

*  MISSING:  Two Energy Department computer hard drives with nuclear secrets
from the “X Division” of Los Alamos Nuclear Laboratory - the most secret
in the compound.

*  MISSING:  Sixteen State Department laptop computers - of which at least
one contained classified information.

*  MISSING:  A wide range of nuclear secrets taken by a Russian spy who for
months loitered around the State Department wearing headphones and listening
to a bug placed in a conference room just a few doors away from the Secretary
of State’s office.

*  MISSING:  Classified information on all of the United States’ most
advanced thermonuclear warheads - stolen by the Communist Chinese.  Access
was gained through national security policy changes implemented by the
Clinton-Gore Administration.

- Source

[CTRL] AF News 16 Jun 00

2000-06-15 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

000908.  The lesson of Korea:  air dominance critical for victory

by Whit Peters
Secretary of the Air Force

WASHINGTON (AFPN) -- On the 50th anniversary of the Korean War, all
Americans can take pride in their Air Force, which celebrated its own golden
anniversary in 1997.  Just last year, as part of America's joint force team,
Air Force men and women executed Operation Allied Force, bringing a regional
dictator to heel.  Through their actions, NATO was able to restore peace to
Kosovo without losing the life of a single soldier, sailor, or airman to
enemy action.

It has taken over five decades to build an Air Force capable of that degree
of air dominance.  Along the way many brave airmen paid the ultimate price
for combat against worse odds.  A half-century ago in Korea, before the era
of precision and stand-off weapons, more than eleven hundred of our airmen
lost their lives.  We turn our thoughts to them with profound gratitude and
with renewed determination to keep our Air Force so strong that we never
again have to lose so many precious lives.

Emblematic of our Air Force heroes in Korea were four little-known men who
received the Medal of Honor after dying in battle.

Fighter squadron commander Maj. Louis Joseph Sebille was one of the many
World War II veterans the Air Force sent to South Korea in the summer of
1950.  On Aug. 5, flying a World War II-era F-51 Mustang, Sebille attacked
North Korean troops, artillery, and armored vehicles hidden along a river
bank near Hamchang, South Korea.  Badly hit during one attack run, Sebille
chose to attack again, this time deliberately crashing into the enemy

Less than four months after Sebille's death, an American counteroffensive
had driven North Korean forces out of South Korea and nearly taken all of
North Korea as well.  Then a Communist Chinese offensive sent our forces
reeling south again.  Once more air power played a crucial role in halting
this invasion and then helping our ground forces reestablish a front line
near the thirty-eighth parallel, the boundary between North and South Korea.

For more than two years, Air Force airmen flew dangerous attack missions in
support of our forces.  On the night of Sept. 14, 1951, flying a
propeller-driven B-26 bomber, Capt. John Springer Walmsley, Jr., attacked a
supply train near Yangdok, North Korea.  Despite withering anti-aircraft
fire, he heroically persisted until shot down while trying to guide another
airplane against the same target.

As deadly as ground fire proved to be, the situation of our ground and air
forces would have been much worse had communist forces been able to exert
their own air power along the front lines.  But Air Force bombers kept
Chinese airfields in North Korea out of action, while F-86 Sabres succeeded
in downing so many MiG-15 jet fighters in "MiG Alley" along the Chinese
border that American forces further south were free of enemy air attack.

This victory did not come without a price.  On Feb. 10, 1952, F-86 squadron
commander Maj. George Andrew Davis, Jr., saw a dozen MiG-15s threatening
other planes.  Despite overwhelming odds, Davis unhesitatingly attacked.
After downing two MiGs (raising his total of Korean War victories to
fourteen and his lifetime total to twenty-one), Davis was shot down -- but
the MiG threat was broken up, and the endangered American planes got away.

By the end of 1952, jet fighters had largely replaced the vulnerable F-51s
for air-to-ground support.  Even the older F-80 jet fighters sometimes
proved too vulnerable.  Maj. Charles Joseph Loring, Jr., was an F-80
squadron operations officer who had been a prisoner of war in Germany during
World War II.  On Nov. 22, 1952, he attacked Chinese artillery firing on
American troops.  Hit repeatedly during his dive-bombing run, Loring guided
his stricken fighter into the enemy gun emplacement.

Today a lot has changed.  We no longer depend on strafing and dive-bombing;
we drop laser and satellite guided weapons -- precisely -- from altitudes
above the anti-aircraft threat.  We attack armor with smart weapons that
guide themselves to the targets.  We can attack with standoff weapons when
the air defense threat is too great for manned attack.  We have sensor
systems to find and fix targets, and Airborne Warning and Control Systems to
control the air war.  And we have developed the radars and air-to-air
missiles that make the F-15 superior to other current-day fighters.

Because of the evolution of air power, from Korea to Kosovo, no American
soldier has been attacked from the air for more than 50 years, since the
mid-point of the Korean War.  Today's Air Force truly provides freedom from
attack, freedom to maneuver, and freedom to attack for the whole joint team.

But one key ingredient has remained the same:  The men and women of the Air
Force, who continue to show courage, dedication, and skill as they fly in

[CTRL] [BRIGADE] Republicans for Buchanan!

2000-06-15 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Dear Brigade,

"The reaction (to Bush choosing Ridge) on the part of pro-lifers would be
stunned disbelief and then anger," said Colleen Parro of Dallas,
executive director of the Republican National Coalition for Life ...Parro
said some are talking about forming "Republicans for Buchanan,"
referring to conservative commentator Pat Buchanan. Buchanan, an
abortion opponent, left the Republican Party last year and likely will be
the Reform Party's presidential nominee..."



From:   "Tlasek, Sally" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:FW: Republicans for Buchanan if Dubya
picks pro-abort Ridge
Date sent:  Thu, 15 Jun 2000 16:57:00 -0400

This could be really good news!!!  See paragraph 5.


Bush may find middle with Ridge GOP split on usefulness of pro-abortion
rights running mate
Copyright 2000 Houston Chronicle

The state Republican convention begins in Houston today with its
socially conservative delegates wondering whether presidential candidate
George W. Bush will pick a pro-abortion rights running mate.

As several potential running mates have withdrawn their names from
consideration, the speculation about the Texas governor's choice keeps
swirling around Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge.

Bush is opposed to abortion in most cases, but earlier this year Ridge
advocated removing the anti-abortion plank from the Republican national

"The reaction (to Bush choosing Ridge) on the part of pro-lifers would be
stunned disbelief and then anger," said Colleen Parro of Dallas,
executive director of the Republican National Coalition for Life. "He
(Bush) would lose a substantial amount of his base vote and the

Parro said some are talking about forming "Republicans for Buchanan,"
referring to conservative commentator Pat Buchanan. Buchanan, an
abortion opponent, left the Republican Party last year and likely will be
the Reform Party's presidential nominee.

"A pro-abort vice president would really be a huge turnoff for pro-lifers
generally," said Texas Right to Life President Joseph Graham of
Houston. "And I don't think it would give him (Bush) any great advantage
that would offset the likelihood of causing a great number of pro-life
voters to sit on the bench in November."

Ridge appeals to the Bush campaign because he and the governor are
friends and because it is believed Ridge would make the ticket look more
moderate, especially to women voters.

But Republican National Committeeman Tim Lambert of Lubbock said he
does not believe Bush will pick Ridge. Lambert said Bush campaign
strategist Karl Rove told the RNC last month that the election will hinge
on whether the Republicans or the Democrats get out their base vote.

"Governor Bush understands the base includes pro-life supporters,"
Lambert said. "I just think the ultimate choice is going to be somebody
who will energize the base and agree with him on abortion."

Bush is not attending the Republican Party of Texas State Convention
today through Saturday at the George R. Brown Convention Center. First
lady Laura Bush is scheduled to speak to delegates Friday.

Oklahoma Gov. Frank Keating, a Catholic opposed to abortion, got a
boost in the running mate rumor mill this week when he acknowledged
that the Bush campaign had asked him to fill out a background
questionnaire. Even Keating, from a neighboring state already believed to
be solidly in Bush's corner, considered himself to be a distant prospect.

"I will be ... a great coat-holder," Keating said on CNN. "Whatever I can
do to help him become our president, I'll do it, but I don't really expect to
be chosen."

University of Virginia political scientist Larry Sabato said Bush needs a
moderating influence on the ticket. Sabato said Ridge would not cause
social conservative angst as would the selection of New Jersey Gov.
Christine Whitman, also an abortion-rights advocate.

"He could get away with picking Ridge," Sabato said, though a few
delegates might stage protest walkouts at the Republican National
Convention in Philadelphia, which is expected to nominate Bush and his
running mate.

"The pluses outweigh the minuses of a walkout," Sabato said. "It
positions Bush in the middle where he wants to be, and additionally he
wins Pennsylvania."

Pennsylvania, with 23 of the 270 electoral college votes needed for
victory, is considered to be a tossup state right now in Bush's contest
with Vice President Al Gore, the likely Democratic presidential nominee.
Charles Black, a Washington consultant who is advising Bush, said he
does not believe the selection of an abortion-rights running mate would
hurt Bush among Republicans as long as it was done in advance of next
month's national convention.

"That would give us a few days to organize and reas

[CTRL] Navy Sonar May Have Killed Whales

2000-06-15 Thread William Shannon

05:47 PM ET 06/14/00

Navy Sonar May Have Killed Whales

Associated Press Writer=
   SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) _ Autopsies of whales that beached in
the Bahamas suggest a possible link between Navy sonar tests and
ear hemorrhages that disoriented the animals, a biologist hired by
the National Marine Fisheries Service said Wednesday.
   Darlene Ketten, an expert on whale acoustics, said ``the
coincidence of the timing and the pattern of the stranding with the
presence of Navy sonars ... raises a red flag and I think that
there's reason for concern.''
   But she warned: ``I'm still not ready to say the Navy did
   Ketten, a marine biologist at Harvard Medical School and the
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts, spoke in a
telephone news conference in which the Fisheries Service released
initial findings.
   Having previously questioned alleged links between whale deaths
and anti-submarine sonar tests, the Navy said Wednesday there was
``a priority need'' to examine the issue. It said it had created a
group of experts to help.
   At least 16 whales of four different species beached themselves
on the islands of Abaco, Grand Bahamas and North Eleuthera on March
15 and 16. Seven died, including four Cuvier beaked whales and a
Blainville's dense beaked whale. The others were pushed back into
the sea.
   ``We hope to build upon what we will learn ... to ensure that it
does not happen again anywhere in the world,'' Cmdr. Greg Smith, a
Navy spokesman from the Pentagon, told The Associated Press.
   Scientists' efforts to link whale beachings to sonar have been
frustrated because corpses were too decomposed to provide
conclusive evidence. They included the 1996 beachings of 12 Cuvier
beaked whales in the Ionian Sea during NATO anti-submarine
   But in March, some of the 16 whales beached in front of the
Abaco home of marine biologist Ken Balcomb, research director of
the Washington-based Center for Whale Research. Balcomb's swift
action preserved the corpses.
   The whales suffered minor to severe hemorrhages in or around the
ears, possibly caused by ``a distant explosion or an intense
acoustic event,'' said the Fisheries Service, a Commerce Department
agency concerned with the conservation and management of living
marine resources.
   Roger Gentry, coordinator of the service's acoustics team, said
investigators hadn't ruled out underwater landslides that could
emit up to 230 decibels of sound.
   Ketten said she might have more conclusive evidence once the
Navy provides a detailed map of its activities, expected in July,
and she completes the autopsy studies, which could take 10 months.
   Smith said the U.S. ships were transmitting signals from
hull-mounted sonars that reached around 235 decibels.
   ``This is the same sonar we have used for decades, on some U.S.
Navy ships and many navies' warships are transmitting somewhere in
the world every day,'' he said.
   The Navy promised to devote more money to researching beaked
whales, mysterious mammals that dwell in deep waters. The Cuvier
species is believed to be the deepest-diving mammal, reaching
depths of 6,000 feet.
   Critics want to stop Navy development of a new sonar, called Low
Frequency Active sonar, that transmits pulses so loud they can
match the roar of a rocket launch.
   The Navy says it needs the system to detect ``quiet,
diesel-electric submarines operated by unfriendly nations and
   On the Net:
   Fisheries service: http://www.nmfs.gov/
   U.S. Navy:http://www.navy.mil
   Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: http://www.whoi.edu/home/
   Environmental article:

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[CTRL] Ted Turner - Russian Oligarch?

2000-06-15 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Wednesday June 14, 2000 3:19 PM

Ted Turner - Russian Oligarch?

Citing a senior official in President Vladimir Putin’s
administration, Russia’s Political News Agency reported
Wednesday that CNN founder Ted Turner will lead an international
consortium in the external management of the media empire run by
Vladimir Gusinsky - the oligarch arrested in Moscow on Tuesday.

Russian bankruptcy law allows for a company to be placed under
external management if it has three-month-old debts to its
creditors in excess of 500 minimum wages - a sum roughly equal
to $20,000. Gusinsky’s creditors include the
government-controlled gas monopoly and the government-controlled
state bank.

Russia’s Prosecutor General’s Office said Wednesday that
Gusinsky was arrested on charges of embezzling the ruble
equivalent of $10 million from the government. But advocates of
press freedom in Russia and abroad are outraged by Gusinsky’s
arrest and say it is part of an orchestrated attempt to silence
open debate on the policies being pursued by the government.

The jewel in Gusinsky’s empire is NTV - the only Russian
television station with national pretensions that isn’t
controlled by the Kremlin.

NTV and other media sources controlled by Media-Most have been
the most vocal critics of Putin and his war on Chechnya.

The idea that Russia would allow an American to control one of
its most powerful media companies may seem outlandish until you
consider the following:

* On May 11 Ted Turner became the first Western businessman to
have an audience with President Putin - the very day dozens of
armed tax police in masks stormed the headquarters of NTV.

* Putin and Turner have known each other since 1994, when Putin,
as deputy mayor of St. Petersburg, oversaw preparations for the
Goodwill Games, which was organized by Turner.

* Rumors of financial improprieties by Putin’s team during the
Goodwill Games - which Putin now calls "a great feat" - were

* Allowing a prominent American media mogul to have external
control of Media-MOST’s news outlets would effectively silence
press-freedom critics. After all, CNN is free to criticize the
U.S. government, right?

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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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2000-06-15 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Tennesseans stage tax revolt Massive revolt at state
Capitol stops new income-tax plan

By Patrick Poole
© 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- Police cars blockaded Tennessee state Capitol
entrances and troopers patrolled legislative hallways this week as the
state legislature found itself under siege by thousands of angry
taxpayers upset at a plan to implement a state income tax.
   Tennessee is currently one of only nine states without a state income

tax. Opponents of the measure, which would assess a 5 percent tax on any

income above $100,000, are skeptical that legislators would maintain
that high an exemption threshold for very long.
   As protestors began to gather outside the legislative chambers Monday

evening, several legislators were taken away by ambulance and
hospitalized for blood pressure and heart problems as tensions rose and
tempers flared.
  By Tuesday morning, tax protestors were brandishing signs reading,
"Let's send them all to the ER!"
Trouble began brewing Friday evening as the state income tax
proposal emerged from a legislative conference committee considering the

state budget after local news shows had already aired.
   Legislators supporting the income tax had hoped that a vote would be
taken on the proposal Saturday morning to avoid giving anti-tax groups
time to mount a repeat of the tax revolt that occurred last November,
when an earlier income-tax measure died as taxpayers besieged
offices with tens of thousands of calls and e-mails every hour.
   But the hopes of income-tax supporters were dashed when two of
Nashville's competing talk radio stations, WLAC and WTN, joined forces
and served as the catalyst for opposition to the legislative proposal.
   Speaking to WorldNetDaily and barely audible above the virtually
non-stop horn honking, WLAC's morning show host Steve Gill gestured to
the standstill traffic encircling the state Capitol and said, "Do you
hear that? That's the sound of freedom."
Phil Valentine, Gill's afternoon show counterpart, chided
legislators on-air for conducting most of the legislative discussion
regarding the state budget behind closed doors.
"If this is such good public policy, why are they afraid to do it in

public?" Valentine said.
 While it appeared Monday that income-tax supporters had enough
votes to push the measure through both houses, support crumbled as the
tax protests grew.
"These legislators have received a rude awakening in the past few
days," said Darryl Ankarlo, morning drive time host for WTN. "They're
realizing that taxpayers are tired of politicians picking their pockets
at every turn."
Ankarlo and his WTN colleague, Dave Ramsey began broadcasting their
respective programs from a remote radio site located at the entrance of
the legislative plaza, where they could wave to supporters driving by.
They would regularly announce on-air the position of state legislators
on the income-tax proposal and provide telephone and e-mail information
for constituents to contact their representatives.
 The effort to pass a state income tax is being led by Republican
Gov. Don Sundquist, who won two gubernatorial races handily in 1994 and
1998 after promising to prevent an income tax from ever being passed.
But less than three months after his 1998 re-election, Sundquist found
that a runaway budget, driven by the largest state Medicaid program in
the country, threatened to bankrupt the state. TennCare, the state's
Medicaid program, now covers one out of every four citizens in the state

and consumes one-quarter of the state's annual budget.
 Rejecting calls to cut his proposed $18.1 billion budget, Sundquist

has threatened to withhold public works projects in legislators'
districts if they failed to go along with his plan. Sundquist is backed
by a coalition of liberal special interest groups, state contractors,
road builders and state
employee unions, who are pushing for the income tax to finance a 6
percent pay raise for the coming fiscal year.
One group, Tennesseans for Fair Taxation, is praising the current
tax proposal as the first step toward imposing a state income tax on the

whole population, not just those earning more than $100,000.
   "We will continue to push forward until we achieve comprehensive tax
reform," said Nan Lloyd, a
Tennesseans for Fair Taxation spokesperson. The organization has even
posted an online tax calculator to tell families how much more they
would end up paying under various state income-tax schemes.
   One national taxpayer group has jumped into the Tennessee tax fight.
Chad Cowan, director of
communications for the Washington, D.C.-based Americans for Tax Reform
told WorldNetDaily that election promises made by Tennessee legislators
who vowed at election time that they would oppose the state incom

[CTRL] Fwd: Feds smash big Mexican heroin ring

2000-06-15 Thread Aleisha Saba

Maybe this explains a few more murders in Columbus and Steubenville
Area.   Note the elderly and kids with boom boxes - now who deals the
cards and works for the House of Cards at the top?

What abuot the 100 dead bodies; and why did they call National Guard
away from watching California border?   These are known drug routes and
you will find this Sollog Line is part of it - rather like tthe old Nazi
Odessa Route - there is an Odessa in Texas, is there not?

So Clinton made grand stand heregolly gee they got a few kids.   Now
what about this Russia Mafia and the big time boys - you know the ones
who invest in Wall Street and launder their dirty money in Columbus,
Ohio primarily?

Was the Klebold kid part of this in Colorado?>  Well Colorado burns now,
like Las Alamosand meanwhile Clinton will be diverting our water to
Mexicowatch him try it, and if Gore by some miracle would get in -
well see.

White Ranchers by Mexican Border are being treater like White Farmers in
South Africa.   See how newspapers down play this.

We are told that Mexicans will think nothing of borrowing your bicycle
or car without permission;  have you ever seen them urinating in streets
in Mexico?   And we are told to laugh this off as we are told to hug a 6
year old who murdered his little classmate, who went without punishment
- crack house involved here.   That kid was taught how to ditch a gun.

This stuff makes me sick.  The real snow birds sit are perched in our
Oval Office sharing the booty.Larry Flynt and his pornography, makes
a nice front - he too, has a route.

Kids with boom boxes - ever search some of those fancy private plates
used by our low life movie stars and these rock stars who come well
protected by body guards - ever check them out and always remember Bob
Crane, and the old Country Dinner Playhouse routes...

So 100 dead men buried on border and Clinton has lost interest here -

A Saba

Feds smash big Mexican heroin ring  Coast-to-coast operation cut into
Colombian drug markets  Surveillance videos showed couriers, many of
them elderly or juvenile, delivering the unusually pure black-tar heroin
to dealers on the street.
WASHINGTON, June 15 —  Federal agents made dozens of arrests
Thursday as they broke up a multimillion-dollar Mexican heroin ring
alleged to have smuggled unusually pure and cheap black tar heroin into
new markets from one U.S. coast to the other.
  'A juvenile carrying 1 pound of heroin in a boom box is a lot harder
to detect than the Colombians who move cocaine in tractor trailer
DEA chief of special operations         THE GANG, based in the
Nayarit state of Mexico, was distributing 80 pounds of heroin each
month, worth more than $7 million, in 22 U.S. cities, said Joe Keefe,
chief of special operations for the Drug Enforcement Administration.
       The ring was marketing the heroin at such a high level of
purity and such a low price that the Mexicans pushed into eastern U.S.
markets formerly served by Colombian drug traffickers, Keefe said in an
       Since Operation Tar Pit began in October in San Diego,
DEA and FBI agents had arrested 70 people through Wednesday. On
Thursday, they were arresting between 170 and 200 more people and
searching 60 locations.
       The ring used juvenile girls and men in their 60s
traveling alone from its U.S. command center in Los Angeles to carry
drugs to distribution cells from Hawaii to Georgia, Keefe's deputy, Rod
Benson, said in an interview. They each would carry 1 pound or 2 pounds
of heroin, either wrapped around them in a concealed waistband or hidden
in the back of a boom box radio.
   Narco-neighborhood MSNBC Interactive•Colombia's narco-terrorism
has the U.S. and the region on edge. Click here for an interactive look.
       "This is the first time either DEA or the FBI has ever
done a major operation against black tar heroin in the United States. We
learned a lot," Keefe said.
       "It will take a lot of law enforcement cooperation to
deal with this, because a juvenile carrying 1 pound of heroin in a boom
box is a lot harder to detect than the Colombians who move cocaine in
tractor trailer loads," he said.
       Benson said DEA was alarmed to find that the ring was
selling $10 street doses of heroin, weighing half a gram, that were 60
percent to 85 percent pure heroin.
       At a news conference, Attorney General Janet Reno said,
"This organization operated in a dangerously efficient manner. Not only
did this group exhibit disregard for the law, but their peddling of this
powerful and addictive drug showed an even greater disregard for human
       Donnie Marshall, the DEA administrator, said he believes
"this operation has some significant implications, not just for law
enforcement but for the country as a whole."
       "This operation, I think, shows that heroin has
re-emerged in our society with a vengeance, and it is more pot

[CTRL] FW: [ChristianPatriot] Fw: Shoemaker: Breaking Story...

2000-06-15 Thread Bard

Maybe his organization has been infiltrated??

-Original Message-
From: Spiritual Piglet [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 1:24 PM
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:@mailcore0.oh.voyager.net;
Subject: [ChristianPatriot] Fw: Shoemaker: Breaking Story...

guess he failed his own test.  this should be a warning to the rest of
the Pro-Rights members.


Reality is the illusion we create from the lack of truth.

- Original Message -
From: "SierraTimes.com" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 2:49 PM
Subject: Shoemaker: Breaking Story...

SierraTimes.com Update
Direct E-mail Update 06.15.00 11:45 PT

News Ranch Special Report
As predicted by Sierra Times:

Galesburg, Illinois: Dan Shoemaker was arrested outside  the Abingdon
School in Abingdon, IL, at 6:00am Central Time. Shoemaker was  charged
Aggravated Intimidation and Threatening a Public Official.  Dan is
was) the head of the Western Illinois Militia. On Saturday, June 17,
was to walk
fully armed around the Public Safety Building in Galesburg testing his
rights under the 2nd Amendment. According to earlier news reports, Dan
threatened to shoot it out with public authorities if  he was denied
rights. Dan was arrested at the Middle School, his place of workfor
close to
20 years.

He won't be doing that now...

There was no standoff. Also, police found on Dan's vehicle three
semi-automatic rifles - yes, gun free school zone.

Brilliant, Dan.

His bail has been set at $1 Million.

Okay people, it's over. Have a nice weekend at the gun range.

This has been a Special Report from Sierra Times

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Failed tests, classes skipped, forgotten locker combinations.
Remember the good 'ol days

The government only has as much power as it's citizens give it.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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2000-06-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

New York Post-June 15, 2000



WHEN the Clintons moved to Chappaqua, I listed some local country
clubs where Bill might play. But a follow-up survey in the August
issue of Golf & Travel magazine says, "Clinton, like O.J., may
find his golf options limited."

It seems none of the leading Westchester clubs is willing to make
any kind of exception for the lame-duck president. Most of those
surveyed said he would have to join their waiting lists, if
indeed he was judged to be a suitable member.

Reed Miller, president of Westchester Country Club in Rye,
responded: "I'm thinking of [Clinton] as just another candidate.
You have to say, is this a good person, a good member for the

Brett Morris, a manager of Wykagyl Country Club in New Rochelle,
said: "If [Clinton] did apply for membership, he would be put on
our waiting list. Right now, it's four years."

John Assumma, manager of Waccabuc Country Club, said Bill would
need sponsorship by amember and letters of support: "I don't
think any exception would be made for him."

Most of those approached said Clinton's scandals had nothing to
do with the situation. Instead, they thought the security
surrounding him, even after he leaves office, would inconvenience

One place taking new members is the Manhattan Woods Golf Club in
West Nyack, half an hour from Chappaqua. "Last September, a
member acting as an intermediary for Vernon Jordan contacted club
owner Ken K. Lee regarding membership for the president," the
magazine reports. "Several weeks later, at Jordan's request, Lee
mailed the president two packets describing the club's membership
plan ... According to club general manager J. Phillip Hughes, the
club has yet to receive a response."

Could it be that Bill is thinking along Groucho Marx lines: not
wanting to join the one club that would accept him?

Ignorance is diss?

SEEMS I was right in saying yesterday that no one in Hillary
Rodham Clinton's camp knew that Carll Tucker, who introduced her
at a Northern Westchester Hospital Center affair Tuesday, is
related by marriage to Monica Lewinsky and has savagely attacked
President Clinton in his Patent Trader column.

After Hillary's speech, I hear, a Patent Trader reporter asked
Hillary's flack, Howard Wolfson, if the candidate knew of
Tucker's position on her husband. Wolfson looked a bit confused.
"You know, I don't think she was aware of that," he replied. See
what a lack of local knowledge can do to you?

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
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gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Hillary Fund-Raising Shocker! Starr's Old Law Firm Donated Thousands

2000-06-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Newsmax-Inside Cover

Thursday June 15, 2000; 1:30 PM EDT

Hillary Fund-Raising Shocker! Starr's Old Law Firm Donated

Former Independent Counsel Ken Starr's old law firm has
contributed thousands of dollars to the U.S. Senate campaign of
first lady Hillary Clinton, Federal Election Commission records

 The Chicago-based legal powerhouse Kirkland & Ellis, where Starr
retained his position throughout his investigation into the
president and his wife, donated a total of $8,500 to Mrs. Clinton
through June 1, 2000, according to the latest FEC reports.

 The startling contributions are listed as Kirkland & Ellis PAC
(FKA WSS PAC) under the heading "Detailed PAC Contributions,"
which can be found in the FEC's full compilation of Mrs.
Clinton's PAC donations under "Legal Services."

 Kirkland & Ellis' $8,500 donation to the first lady is second
only to the amount given by the PAC for the Association of Trial
Lawyers of America, a group notoriously supportive of the Clinton

 News that Starr's old law firm is among Mrs. Clinton's most
generous legal backers flies in the face of media reports
painting the former independent counsel as the leader of what she
once described as "a vast right-wing conspiracy that's been out
to get my husband."

In fact, as NewsMax.com executive editor Christopher Ruddy
reported in 1996, Kirkland & Ellis has long been known for its
association with the Democratic Party.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Vatican priest said: extraterrestrial beings exist and are our friends! (fwd)

2000-06-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

[Interesting stuff from another list...  --MS]

Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 10:59:41 -0700
From: Alfredo Lissoni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Vatican priest said: extraterrestrial beings exist and are our


>From Alfredo Lissoni - Italy

Vatican priest:

Thanks to Scott Corrales:

Jesuit Astrophysicist Claims:

"They Exist and are Our Brothers - Rome, June13 --(EFE)--
Argentinean Jesuit Jose Funes, an astrophysicist and theologian
participating in an international congress on "galactic spheres"
being held in Rome, believes that "extraterrestrials exist and
are our brothers."

"In a typical galaxy there can exist a multiplicity of planets
similar to our Earth, and with living beings like ourselves. If
it is as I beleive, they must be considered our brothers in
creation," explains Funes, 36, and one of the youngest
participants in the conference held by the Vatican Observatory.
The conference gathers over 250 specialists who are debating the
galaxies populating the universe at the Pontificial Gregorian
University in the Italian capital, and cover everything from the
Big Bang and the eventual existence of extraterrestrial cultures.

"I believe that there are only primitive life forms in the other
planets of our solar system, such as bacteria and viruses,"
explains Funes in the Italian newspaper "Corriere della Sera". To
the Argentinean Jesuit "evolved civilizations are more remote and
invisible and unattainable for now, such as angels, who are also
our brothers," he adds.


Here a brief translation; I shall do another more extensive:

To Fred Dennis, ufonet. I’m not a priest; I’m an UFO researcher, one of
the most ruthless Vs cover up (f.e. Roswell); you can visit my personal
Home Page http://members.tripod.com/~ufocun/lissoni.html about the
Russian-American-Italian Cover up, about the Stasi UFO files etc... I’m
not fanatic or paranoic and my studies are always pondered and
documented (for example, the Fascist UFO files, about a secret Italian
commission to study the UFO phenomenon in Italy in 1933; it proves that
Unofficial Ufology was borned in Italy, not in U.S.A... I’ve showed it
at recent International Ufological Simposyum in S.Marino.).

 I was the general secretary of Italy’s National UFO Center
(http://www.cun-italia.net), the most serious ufological research
group in Italy, since 1965. I was a librarian and now I work as
journalist - editor in chief of the misteries magazine ‘Oltre la
conoscenza’ - Beyond the knowledge -, the Italian version of
spanish ‘Mas Alla’; http://members.xoom.com/cunufo/OLTRE.HTM);
I’m also editor of the most widespread Italian ufological E-zine,
‘La Rete’, http://web.tiscalinet.it/lareteufo/index.htm. I’m not
a priest, but I’ve - as teacher - permission to the teach
Catholic Religion; and I study all the connections between UFOs
and Religions.

Best wishes
Alfredo Lissoni [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Namibian President blames biological warfare for AIDS epidemic

2000-06-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER




President blames biological warfare for AIDS epidemic
June 9, 2000

^AP Photo GEV107<

GENEVA (AP) _ Namibian President Sam Nujoma told a U.N.
conference Thursday that the AIDS epidemic was caused by nations
trying to create biological weapons.

``HIV/AIDS kills the cream of any nation,'' the southwest African
leader told the annual conference of the International Labor
Organization. ``It is a man-made disease. It isn't a natural

Most scientists believe there is overwhelming evidence that AIDS
originated in chimpanzees in Africa and then spread to humans,
but some people, mainly Africans, have always denied that AIDS
originated in that continent.

In a news conference after his speech Nujoma repeatedly declined
to say which countries were responsible, but that ``the reality
is that it is known that HIV started not in Africa.''

``It started by those states that produced biological warfare,''
Nujoma said. ``We have become victims like everybody else.''

``We blame nobody except ourselves _ humankind _ because we are
selfish,'' he said.

Many Africans see the scientific community's assertion that AIDS
originated in Africa as a Western plot against the continent.
Infections there have grown rapidly. The virus was identified
first in the United States in 1980s, but now an estimated 23
million Africans are HIV positive, the majority of the people in
the world infected with the virus.

South African President Thabo Mbeki has also come under fire in
recent months after speaking with a scientist who believes that
the HIV virus does not cause AIDS.

An ILO report released Tuesday said the spread of the AIDS virus
is likely to curb the size and quality of the labor force,
especially in sub-Saharan Africa, increasing employers' costs and
reversing economic progress.

``In the worst affected countries, AIDS is single-handedly wiping
out decades of investment in education and human resource
development,'' Peter Piot, head of the U.N. AIDS program, told
the conference.

In some countries, more teachers were dying than were graduating
from training colleges, he added.

Mercy Elizabeth Makhalemele, an HIV-positive mother from South
Africa and founder of the National Women's Alive AIDS network,
told the meeting that people living with the disease had many
skills to offer their communities if given the chance.

``Working isn't about what we have. Working is about knowledge
and working is about ability, and if a person has these two
things I don't know why they should be deprived of that,'' she


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Court Decision On UFO-Invasion

2000-06-15 Thread Samantha L.

In a message dated 6/15/00 3:37:17 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>  "We petitioners hope that the case will entice numerous
>   UFO-coverup whistleblowers to come forward with evidence useful in
>   combatting the invasion's harm and threat to public safety."

  I had never known that CAUS wanted an end to secrecy because they feared
the UFOs!


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-06-15 Thread UP.secr. (MG!)

( 2. edition, after clarification and amendment on basis of
  netters' comments )


The next necessary step to maintain the momentum of,
expand and carry through to their conclusion the historic
victories in Seattle, Washington D.C., Havana, etc.,
is an ever more intense involvement and coordination
of ALL progressives of the planet.

These include the thousands of progressive NGOs
worldwide, progressive trade unions, farmers' movements,
peoples movements, minorities, research institutions,
governments, etc., as well as individuals.

At the same time as this global movement must maintain
the flat, decentralized and democratic grassroot structure
but with greater opportunity for everybody to initiate
and organize local and global common projects,
it also must have one common name and one ultimate goal.

The umbrella name appropriately could be

Obviously, no member should give up its  own name.
In each and every name a unique and inventive initiative
appropriate for the specific purpose and situation is laid

In principle, each one of the recognized members will
become a member of ALL of the other organisations, and
in the future carry on its activities on behalf of ALL of
the global movement.

Support of this worldwide movement should be
demonstrated by adding the bracket (MG!) after the name
of the individual or organisation. In e-mails it might be
inserted permanently after the sender name in the heading.

As CIA will do everything to infiltrate, proof of active
fighting in agreement with the common goal and thus
being a safe partner in the movement, may be obtained
upon recommandation by already recognized members
in the state in question.

The proof will be the inclusion in a world covering list of
names of individuals and organisations on a website,
from where everybody can download the names.

A committee composed of well known organisations
points out trustworthy civil society organisations in
each state to be responsible for approval of future
applications for such confirmed MG! membership.

For each state an e-mail address is published whereto
applications may be sent.

Only NGOs that are not funded directly or indirectly in
any way by the corporations or their supranational
organisations or governments may apply.

In countries with very oppressive regimes, the Internet
correspondance will be encrypted, and the lists will only
be published when sufficiently large numbers of MG! s
have been approved.

The common ultimate goal at the same time must be
broad and concrete enough, clearly define the enemy
and thus be phrased as follows:

Transfer of the economic and political power from the
transnational corporations, their mass media monopoly
and their governments, to the peoples.

The worldwide Mobilize Globally! movement will

-  empower the total movement and its individual
   members in their various activities and struggles
-  focus on the superior common goal
-  enhance all kinds of cooperation nationally and
-  demonstrate our overwhelming strength when the
   MG! symbol everywhere will catch the eye, and thus
-  attract ever broader circles of people.

Everybody interested, not least well-known organisations
interested in forming part of the initial state committees,
please contact us ASAP.

Ecoterra Intl. (MG!)

Indian Confederation of Indigenous and
Tribal People, ICITP (MG!)

Indigenous Movement (MG!)

Insaaf International (MG!)

Jubilee 2000 NY (MG!)

Project Censored (MG!)

Quantum Leap 2000 (MG!)

The Foundation for Ethics and Meaning (MG!)

The United Peoples (MG!)


You are receiving this email because you are subscribed to
United Peoples' email list or to some shared mailing list(s).
To unsubscribe from the UP list, hit 'Reply', type
'Unsubscribe' in the subject line and hit 'Send'.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

Re: [CTRL] BIS warns US Bubble will Pop

2000-06-15 Thread Ronald L. Wilson

The bubble has been busting since 1975Look at these apalling numbers!
Ron Wilson
Note 1:
1880 836,000,000  668,000,000  +168,000,000
1885 742,000,000  578,000,000  +165,000,000
1890 858,000,000  789,000,000  +69,000,000
1895 808,000,000  732,000,000  +76,000,000
1900 1,364,000,000  850,000,000  +545,000,000
1905 1,519,000,000  1,118,000,000  +401,000,000
1910 1,745,000,000  1,557,000,000  +1,88,000,000
1915 2,769,000,000  1,674,000,000  +1,094,000,000
1920 8,228,000,000  5,2950,000,000 +2,950,000,000
1925 4,910,000,000  4,227,000,000  +683,000,000
1930 3,843,000,000  3,061,000,000  +782,000,000
1935 2,283,000,000  2,047,000,000  +235,000,000
1940 4,021,000,000  2,625,000,000  +1,396,000,000
1945 9,806,000,000  4,169,000,000  +5,646,000,000
1950 9,997,000,000  8,954,000,000  +1,043,000,000
1955 14,298,000,00011,586,000,000  +2,732,000,000
1960 19,659,000,00015,053,000,000  +4,585,000,000
1965 26,472,000,00021,520,000,000  +5,222,000,000
1970 42,681,000,00040,356,000,000  +2,325,000,000
1975 107,652,000,000  98,503,000,000  +9,149,000,000
1980 220,626,000,000 244,871,000,000 -24,245,000,000 -024,245,000,000
1985 213,133,000,000 345,276,000,000 -132,143,000,000 -132,143,000,000
1990 394,030,000,000 495,042,000,000 -101,012,000,000 -101,012,000,000
1995 548,742,000,000 743,445,000,000 -158,703,000,000 -158,703,000,000
1996 625,075,000,000 795,289,000,000 -170,214,000,000 -170,214,000,000
1997 679,325,000,000 877,279,000,000 -197,955,000,000 -197,955,000,000
1998 670,641,000,000 918,800,000,000 -248,159,000,000 -248,159,000,000
1999estimates -475,000,000,000   -475,000,000,000

 Total accumulated negative American trade balance since 1975  =

- Original Message -
From: "Bill Kingsbury" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 11:01 AM
Subject: [CTRL] BIS warns US Bubble will Pop

>  http://www.sightings.com/general2/bub.htm
> -
>  Rense.com
> -
>Bankers' Central Bank
>  Warns US Bubble Will Pop
>- US Blackout Of Story
>By John Hoefle
> From Mark Sonnenblick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Executive Intelligence Review
>   6-13-00
> Jeff:
> This warning in the attachment was the biggest
> story in Europe over the past 3 days, even in the
> international editions of the Wall Street Journal,
> NY Times and Washington Post (IHT) and was on all
> the wires.  But there was a total blackout in their
> US editions and in all but a few media here.  In
> Lyndon LaRouche's view, everybody should know about
> this.  And, Rense.com is the key source of news for
> many people here and abroad.
> A complimentary copy of the June 16 EIR (which
> includes graphics and several other articles on and
> quotes from the BIS report) will be sent to any of
> your reader who calls 1-888-347-3258 and mentions
> you.
> -
>  Mark Sonnenblick
>Executive Intelligence Review
>   Bankers' Central Bank Warns US Bubble
>   Will Pop - US Blackout Of Story
>   By John Hoefle
>   6-13-00
> The Bank for International Settlements (BIS), in
> a report issued on June 5, and in a major
> international press conference accompanying the
> release of the report at its headquarters in Basel,
> Switzerland the same day, confirmed what Democratic
> Presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche has been
> warning about for years: that a global financial
> crash is right around the corner. While that
> assessment has been given banner headlines
> throughout Europe, the warning has been blacked out
> of the U.S. press. "One point on which virtually
> everyone would agree is that the current rate of
> expansion of domestic demand in the United States
> is unsustainable and potentially inflationary," the
> BIS stated in its 70th Annual Report. The report
> goes on to say that "it could be argued that the
> sooner the bubble deflates, the better."
> In remarks at the BIS Annual Meeting the same day,
> BIS President Urban Baeckstroam threw cold water on
> the assertions by the U.S. President's Working
> Group on Financial Markets (a.k.a. the Plunge
> Protection Group) that the U.S. economy was headed
> for a "soft landing."
> "We have witnessed too many crises in the last
> decade not to know that market confidence can shift
> suddenly," Baeckstrom said. "A soft landing is by
> no means assure

[CTRL] Fox Breaks Media Embargo on Gore Toxic Dump Video

2000-06-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

With Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff For the story behind
the story...

Wednesday June 14, 2000; 7:07 PM EDT

Fox Breaks Media Embargo on Gore Toxic Dump Video

Fox News Channel broke the media embargo Tuesday night on a
smoking gun videotape revealing Vice President Al Gore as a
world-class environmental hypocrite.

Recorded in 1992, the video features aerial shots of a large
garbage dump on the Gore family farm in Carthage, Tenn., as well
as close-ups of dripping oil filters, toxic aerosol spray cans,
unrecycled aluminum pesticide containers, used tires and all
manner of other environmentally unfriendly refuse.

The film was broadcast locally by Nashville's CBS network
affiliate WTVF just days before the 1992 election - after
then-vice presidential candidate Gore denied print reports of the

Still, though CBS had the network exclusive editors decided not
to air the film to a national audience, despite Gore's highly
touted role as a leading environmentalist.

Tuesday night FNC's "Hannity & Colmes" showed no such reluctance:

"How environmentally conscious is Al Gore?  'Hannity & Colmes'
has obtained a videotape of a vast dump on the property of the
vice president's father, former Senator Al Gore Sr.," reported
co-host Alan Colmes, who added, "This is just ludicrous."

Both the vice president and his parents have maintained private
residences on the property for years.  Al Gore Sr.  died in 1998.

"If Al Gore wants to be a great environmentalist, let him go
clean up that pig-pen, that toxic waste dump in his own back
yard," railed Colmes' partner Hannity.

The Gore farm borders the Caney Fork River, where some of the
property's run-off may have ended up.  The Caney Fork, a favorite
of trout fisherman, runs into the Cumberland River, the source
for much of Nashville's drinking water supply.

Only when the politically toxic video was aired locally in 1992
did the vice president have the dump cleaned up - an embarrassing
bit of back-peddling for a campaign that had spotlighted Gore's
authorship of the environmental manifesto "Earth in the Balance."

There was more bad news from the Gore farm on Tuesday.  Tracey
Mayberry, the Gore tenant who called the Veep a "slumlord" last
week after her repeated requests for residential repairs were
ignored, told WTVF that Gore had welshed on his promise to fix
the place up.

Repairmen had indeed done some work but Mayberry's new toilet was
still backed up, the walls were cracked and the floor buckled.

"It was shabby the way it was done," Mayberry told WTVF,
complaining that Gore's workers patched over her worn linoleum
floor without repairing the holes underneath.

"I think it was done just to get me to quiet down, just long
enough for everything to die down here and it'd be all over
with," Mayberry said.

Like the Gore toxic dump story, the national press has mostly
ignored Mayberry's charge that the Veep is a slumlord, with
reporters apparently accepting explanations that he had little to
do with the day-to-day management of his property.

That excuse became more suspect over the weekend, when the Weekly
Standard revealed Mayberry made out her monthly rent checks
directly to the vice president.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Ken Starr's Old Law Firm Joins Elian Case

2000-06-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

[I believe this is good news for Elian. Maybe I mean, I hope this
is good news for Elian???   --MS]

Ken Starr's Old Law Firm Joins Elian Case

NewsMax.com Thursday June 15, 2000

NewsMax.com has learned that Kirkland & Ellis, the former law
firm of Ken Starr, has joined the legal team around Elian
Gonzalez's Miami family.

Kirkland & Ellis reportedly helped the existing legal team headed
by Miami attorney Kendall Coffey prepare the appeal that is being
filed today with the 11th Circuit in Atlanta.

The new appeal will argue that the ruling by the 11th Circuit
three judge panel should be overruled.  The appeal argues that a
May Supreme Court decision involving a Texas case demonstrated
the INS did not have the right to deny Elian an asylum hearing.

The addition of Kirkland & Ellis, while bringing some higher
caliber legal minds to the Miami family's legal team, also
strengthens the legal team's ties to establishment Democratic
party circles.

Kirkland & Ellis, a Chicago-based firm with offices in
Washington, has had strong ties to the Democratic party and the
firm's political action committee was one of the largest legal
donors to Democratic Congressional candidates in the 1996
election cycle.

The Miami family's legal circle has also come under fire for its
failure to handle the case properly, as well as its ties to the
Democratic Party in South Florida.

The Miami family's lead attorney, Kendall Coffey, is a long time
associate of Janet Reno and had been appointed by Bill Clinton as
the U.S.  attorney in Miami.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Media Mr. Magoos blind to Clinton pattern

2000-06-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Media Mr. Magoos blind to Clinton pattern Paul Sperry

© 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

WASHINGTON -- "The incident at Los Alamos is just the latest in a
series of security problems that have plagued the government
recently," the New York Times reported.

The government? Please, Americans aren't blind. Unlike the Mr.
Magoos in the mainstream media, they can see a pattern has
developed over the past seven-and-a-half years of the Clinton

Security breaches have spread to every federal agency dealing
with national security secrets, from Commerce to Energy's nuclear
weapons labs to the Pentagon to State and to even the CIA.

Yet they are all brushed off by Clinton officials as isolated
incidents. And the trumpeting strumpets in the prestige press go
right along with the melody, suspending their trademark

But make no mistake: These aren't accidents. Career officials in
the U.S. intelligence community say privately that the Clinton
administration came in and ordered a wholesale stand-down of
national security safeguards in every agency that counts.

The Clinton administration, not "the government," has turned our
national security complex into a sieve. And the holes just keep
getting bigger -- and the espionage apparently bolder.

Witness the latest "embarrassment" at Los Alamos.

Somehow, two shirt-pocket-sized hard-drive tapes loaded with
top-secret nuclear bomb data just magically and innocently
vanished from locked compartments inside a locked bag in a vault
with motion and infrared sensors in the supposedly super-secret X
Division where physicists with the highest security clearance
design nuclear weapons.

But it wasn't an inside job, administration officials say; no
spies here! Must have been "misplaced" or "destroyed."

Yeah, an absent-minded scientist left them on his dashboard along
with his Blockbuster rentals and wants to avoid the lab fine of
returning melted tapes. Give me a break.

Such mind-numbing excuses are typical of an administration that
thinks we're all a bunch of Hottentots ready to be colonized.
What's shocking is that the establishment East Coast media keep
chugging the swill.

How much more vital U.S. military intelligence must the media see
take wing? How many more laptops, hard drives, CIA briefing
books, nuclear-bomb legacy codes and other classified information
must they see lost?

How many more "accidents" before the dialogue and tone of
reporting changes?

Some more-curious media types are starting to wonder, finally,
who's minding the store. But they're still pulling up short. They
should be asking if the store isn't being minded on purpose.

Then, they might find that explanations quickly shift from
"bureaucratic snafus" to "willful disregard." Blame shifts from
the generic -- "government" -- to the specific -- "White House."
And adjectives shift from "embarrassing" to even "treasonous."

If the old media gatekeepers ever regained the jaundiced eye they
had under Republican administrations, they might ask why the lab
took so long to report the heist, er, disappearance of the nuke
data. Was it to put distance in the public's mind between the
fed-set fire and the theft, er, loss?

And then they might pin the Energy secretary and the Los Alamos
lab director down on exactly how they've "tightened security."

"To have this happen after all that we have done to improve
security," lamented Los Alamos director John Browne.

Boy, I feel safe. All that you've done? Like what? Los Alamos
contractors tell me that Energy still hasn't replaced controls on
foreign visitors.

In 1998 alone, the labs hosted more than 1,100 foreign visitors
from Russia and 918 from China, the only country with long-range
nuclear-tipped missiles pointed at U.S. cities (13 under target,
to be exact).

Who rolled out the Red carpet? Browne.

That's right, as I first reported in a June 28, 1999, Investor's
Business Daily editorial, Browne refuses to turn away such
visitors, even though he acknowledges they "represent a challenge
in protecting classified and sensitive information."

"At first glance, the exclusion of foreign nationals may look
like an attractively simple solution," he reasoned in a May 18,
1999, internal lab paper. "But it would not solve the broader
security problems that the world faces."

The world? Huh? Time to start worrying about the security
problems in your own country, Mr. Director.

But don't bet on the media asking such questions. They can't even
report why security had to be tightened in the first place.

Few, if any, mainstream stories on the latest Los Alamos leak so
far have mentioned the findings of the bipartisan Cox Commission
report. Just a year ago, it documented how China's People's
Liberation Army stole from Los Alamos and other labs secrets to
every warhead deployed in the U.S. arsenal.

And the massive Chinese espionage has bunched up hard on
Clinton's watch. Eight of the 11 cases cited in the Cox report
took place during the Clinton years, as I first re

[CTRL] Gore Conceded He's No Computer Expert; NYPD Can't Win; "Prosperity Tour"

2000-06-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER



Media Research Center CyberAlert
Thursday June 15, 2000 (Vol. Five; No. 102)

Gore Conceded He's No Computer Expert; FNC: Baptists Blast
Clinton; NYPD Can't Win; "Prosperity Tour"

1) Al Gore, who last year boasted how he "took the initiative in
creating the Internet," denied any knowledge of how many of his
subpoenaed e-mails were lost, conceding, during a Fox News
Channel interview, "I'm not an expert on computers."

2) Al Gore's tenants complained the repairs haven't been made and
that he reneged on the promise of other housing, FNC's Brit Hume
relayed. Time, Newsweek and U.S. News all refused to inform their
readers about the condition of Gore's rental property.

3) CBS focused on how the Southern Baptist Convention passed
resolutions "critics say" show them "bent on exclusion." But FNC
noticed the keynote sermon: "We have a Southern Baptist in the
White House with the morals of an alley cat."

4) Wednesday night ABC featured Texas death row poster boy Gary
Graham; CBS's Jim Axelrod acknowledged the belief that police
"were too lax" at the Puerto Rican Day parade because they did
not want "to appear heavy-handed" with an ethnic crowd; and NBC
noted how Gore wants to shake up the race with early debates.

5) CBS and NBC on Tuesday night spotlighted Gore's "progress and
prosperity" tour, though CBS's John Roberts noted how Gov. Pataki
"claims Al Gore had little to do with the economic turnaround;
it was old-fashioned American hard work, fueled by tax cuts."

6) NBC's Tom Brokaw described a court decision to not create a
new right as a ruling which "further restricts" rights.

> 1) As Sergeant Schultz always deflected on Hogan's Heroes,
"I know nothing!" On Wednesday Al Gore, who last year boasted
about how he "took the initiative in creating the Internet,"
denied any knowledge of how his subpoenaed e-mails were lost by
conceding, during a Fox News Channel interview, "I'm not an
expert on computers."

The background: Late last week, in a disclosure bannered
across the front page of the June 9 Washington Times, but which
was nearly completely ignored by the television media, the White
House claimed that a problem with its computer back-up system
meant e-mail sent to Gore's office between March 1998 and April
1999 could not be retrieved. No network show touched the
revelation on Thursday or Friday. On Sunday, Tony Snow raised the
development with Dan Burton on Fox News Sunday and Burton
mentioned it on Meet the Press, but Tim Russert did not pursue
the comment.

Now back to Wednesday, June 14: On FNC's Special Report with
Brit Hume reporter Wendell Goler narrated a piece which provided
excerpts from his interview earlier in the day with Gore.
Following a report on nuclear data missing from Los Alamos, Hume
segued to Goler's re-cap of an earlier interview:

"Vice President Gore meanwhile has had some missing data of
his own to deal with, that year's worth of e-mails that were
somehow not preserved and that investigators would like to see.
Fox News White House correspondent Wendell Goler asked him about
that and other things in an interview from Scranton, Pennsylvania
where Gore was campaigning. Well Wendell, what did you get?"

Goler relayed live from Washington, DC: "Brit, the guy who
says he helped invent the Internet says he's not a computer whiz,
at least not enough to have picked up on the fact that e-mails to
his office weren't being saved in 1998 and 1999. Congressional
investigators say those e-mails might have shed light on Gore's
involvement a number of their investigations, but in his first
broadcast comments on the subject Gore told Fox News that all he
knew was that the system briefly broke down."

Gore, hemmed and hawed on tape via satellite: "The problem I
asked about was three days of e-mails that disappeared [nervous
chuckle] and computers crash and that's what happened and I asked
them to make sure it didn't happen again. [pauses and shrugs] And
I don't know about the back-up tapes. I read about that in the
papers recently. I don't know anything about why that happened
or, [hesitating and shaking his head] or how it happened. I'm not
an expert on computers."

Goler moved on to other subjects Gore is more used to talking
about, such bashing Bush's tax cuts and the Los Alamos mess, but
Gore was clearly uncomfortable in responding to the question
about e-mail -- probably because no other reporter has queried
him about the matter.

CNN, for instance, avoided the topic in its interview with
Gore replayed on Wednesday's Inside Politics. Early in the show
CNN showed Gore responding to a couple of questions from Jeanne
Meserve about his campaign having to move a Pennsylvania event
out of a Catholic hospital because a local Catholic leader
objected to Gore's abortion stand. Later, viewers saw a nearly
six-minute long excerpt of the interview, but not a word from
Meserve about e-mail or his rental house. Instead, she asked
about h

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Thursday #2

2000-06-15 Thread Ric Carter

SkeptiNews 000615b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Yesterday's bulletins: http://web.pitas.com/skeptinews/14_06_2000.html
* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* Site of latest notices, praises, discoveries: http://skeptilog.pitas.com
* No cetaceans were emotionally abused during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Watch the corn grow: http://www.iowafarmer.com/corncam/corn.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Report Of Chupacabra 'Eggs' Now Part Of The Mystery. The strange creature
  took prodigious leaps and bounds and at one point gave the impression of
  floating in the air(might it have something similar to wings?). The patrol
  returned with several "eggs" found at the location where the creatures
  were taken by surprise. http://www.sightings.com/general2/chupss.htm

# FIELDS OF DREAMS - The Crop Circle Phenomenon in Canada. The UFO 2000
  Conference, a leading Canadian research forum, will be held July 7-9 in
  St. Paul, Alberta (near Edmonton), featuring presentations by researchers
  in ufology, cerealogy and other fields of unexplained phenomena. Be there
  or be circular: http://www.ufomind.com/ufo/updates/2000/jun/m15-005.shtml

# Videos: Daylight UFOs Over London. A London resident filmed 4 separate UFO
  incidents in the space of 90 minutes. The UFOs are of the 'sphere' type
  reported & recorded so often in Mexico. http://www.ufomag.co.uk/he501.htm
# UFOs over New York: http://www.westchesterweekly.com/articles/ufos.html

: Have Chupacabras chewed circles in your crops lately? Have you thrown any
Chupacabra eggs in the air, videotaped them,and called them UFOs? Would you
rather study cerealogy, videography,chupacagraphy, iridiology, sexology, me?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Mars & July 2000: Are We Lambs to the Slaughter, Mr.President? So could it
  be that Comet 76P passed Mars, caused Phobos to become even more unstable,

  to a point where, in the course of the next ten days or so, it finally
  breaks free of its Mars orbit? If that is the case, does anyone out there
  have a clue how long it would take Phobos & Earth to reach the same point
  in space? http://www.millenngroup.com/repository/cometary/marshit3.html

# Atomic Ruins 8 Millennia Ago. A construction team discovered the site in
  Rajasthan, India while preparing to build a housing development. The heavy
  layer of radioactive ash in a 3-mile-square area concealed "an ancient
  city where evidence shows an atomic blast dating back thousands of years,
  from 8,000 to 12,000 years, destroyed most of the buildings and probably
  a half-million people." http://www.cosmiverse.com/paranormal061302.html

: Have you blasted any cities/planets/galaxies lately? D'ya use planetoids,
bombs, black holes, divine wrath, antimatter, propaganda? D'ya give adequate
warning? Is it fun to watch the doomed populace squirm,panic, self-destruct?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  Army Reserve colonel is under arrest & accused of passing military secrets
  to the KGB -- the secret police of the former Soviet Union -- during the
  height of the Cold War. Arrested -- and released -- by Germans years six
  ago: http://www.CNN.com/2000/US/06/14/military.espionage.03/index.html

@ Liberals & conservatives agree that "Third Way" is an empty,abused phrase.
  But discussion is still alive & well, provided you don't call it by name:
# Germans Dumping Nuclear Power. The German govt and the electric industry
  agree to gradually phase-out nuclear power plants throughout the country.

@ While the slashdot crowd orders  Bulk
  M&M's and  Bulk Legos, I will be
  ordering  Bulk Ammo so I can defend my terri-
  tory. Let's do business at http://www.memepool.com/Subject/Commerce/

: Have you succumbed to any old paradigms lately? Is polarization obsolete?
Are you sorry for the ways you've behaved under old/new/any paradigms? Will
capitalism replace all other paradigms? Will orgone replace other energies?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  medical resident wearing black-rimmed goggles stands before a projection
  screen and uses a computer to navigate through an oversized 3-D image of
  the human pelvis -- a notoriously difficult part of the body to learn.

@ Neurology and neuroscience have taken over the world of novels, shaping
  literary form and content in the way that Freud's ideas once did. Just
  what the world needs: http://prospect.org/archives/V11-13/blume-h.html


[CTRL] No Starlight

2000-06-15 Thread Alamaine

>From Slate.MSN.Com

The Unluckiest Man in Movie History
By Timothy Noah
Posted Tuesday, June 13, 2000, at 7:13 a.m. PT

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The forthcoming release of Mel Gibson's Revolutionary War movie The Patriot
occasioned an essay by Bill Kauffman in the June 9 Wall Street Journal arguing
that no one has ever made a decent movie about the American Revolution. What
most interested Chatterbox about Kauffman's piece was its lengthy aside about
one Robert Goldstein, a filmmaker whose silent 1917 epic about the American
Revolution, The Spirit of '76, got him thrown in jail for undermining the war
effort against Germany because it portrayed Britain, a U.S. ally in the Great
War, in an unfavorable light. Chatterbox had not previously heard of Goldstein,
or his troubles, and felt sure that Kauffman was exaggerating. But a trip to
the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences' Margaret Herrick Library
confirmed what Kauffman wrote.

The library, housed inside a peach-colored Spanish building on the outskirts of
Beverly Hills, is a poignant setting to read up on Goldstein, because Goldstein
spent the last years of his life sending a stream of letters to the newly
founded Academy begging it to help rehabilitate him. Here is a sample from

I am merely a lone man suffering a great wrong for no reason whatever, can you
refuse to help me obtain justice? I have never done the slightest thing to
warrant this persecution and prejudice against me, which denies the very right
to exist. What, in the name of common sense, can be the reason for such wanton

Goldstein's story, as best as Chatterbox was able to glean sifting through
various documents collected by film historian Anthony Slide in a 1993 volume
called Robert Goldstein and the Spirit of '76, is as follows. Robert Goldstein
ran a costume shop in Los Angeles that supplied the nascent Hollywood movie
industry. Among his clients was D.W. Griffith, who invited Goldstein to invest
in The Birth of a Nation. After that film turned out to be an enormous success
on its release in 1915, Goldstein decided to make a movie that would do for the
Revolutionary War what Griffith had done for the Civil War. Griffith, by then
busy at work on Intolerance, considered taking some supervisory role in
Goldstein's project, and apparently visited the set a few times. Eventually,
though, he backed out, apparently because he wanted to make a Revolutionary War
epic himself. (In 1924, Griffith did so; the film, America, is reputed not to
be very good.)

Goldstein spent $200,000 making his movie, which he titled The Spirit of '76.
We can't know for sure what it was like, because the film has been lost for
many years. (Robertson Davies's 1991 novel Murther & Walking Spirits includes a
scene in which the rediscovered film is shown to piano accompaniment at a
contemporary Toronto film festival, but it's doubtful Davies ever saw it.)
Probably it was a dog--"based on extant still photographs, it would appear an
overly melodramatic production," is how Slide puts it in an introductory essay
to Robert Goldstein and the Spirit of '76--though apparently it was well-
reviewed in the Los Angeles Times. (Some things never change!)
According to Slide,

The story concerned George II's mistress Catherine Montour and her efforts to
become "Queen of America." The character ... was presumably based on the
historical figure Hannah Lightfoot. Various historical tableaux depicted Paul
Revere's Ride, the signing of the Declaration of Independence, Valley Forge,
and, most conspicuously as far as later events were concerned, the British
atrocities committed against the American settlers during the 1778 Cherry
Valley Massacre.

These atrocity scenes showed Redcoats bayoneting a Yankee baby and carrying an
unwilling Yankee maiden into a bedchamber. (Ironically, one also showed a
Hessian, i.e., German mercenary, stabbing a saintly Quaker.)

The Spirit of '76 premiered in Chicago in May 1917, just one month after the
United States declared war on Germany. The head of Chicago's police censorship
board, a man with the unforgettable name of Metallus Lucullus Cicero
Funkhouser, immediately confiscated the film--apparently at the urging of
Woodrow Wilson's Justice department--on the grounds that it would create
hostility toward Britain, America's new ally against the Kaiser. Goldstein
trimmed the offending scenes, got federal approval for the censored version,
and resumed the Chicago run. But when the film premiered in Los Angeles a few
months later, Goldstein snuck the British atrocities back in. The film was
seized once more, and, this time, Goldstein himself was charged in federal
court with violating the Espionage Act, a wartime law that gave U.S. officials
ridiculously broad discretion to jail troublemakers. Goldstein was 

[CTRL] No Balkin' the Balkans with Turkey

2000-06-15 Thread Alamaine


Turkey has say in Balkans again
By Wes Jonasson
ATHENS: Turkish-Greek relations have come a long over the last year. When some
150 Turkish marines stormed ashore at Kyparissa beach in the western
Peloponnese recently they had Greek soldiers storming right alongside them. And
Turkish F-16 jet fighters and transport aircraft were deployed to Nea Anchialos
airbase near Volos for the first time in 28 years. Immediately after the first
Turkish aircraft landed after flying in from Diyarbakir and Badima, the same
pilots who had engaged in mock dogfights with fully armed fighters over the
Aegean Sea were seen shaking hands and taking snapshots of each other.
What a difference a few decades and NATO make.

NATO's largest joint exercise this year - "Dynamic Mix" - brought 10,500
military personnel from 12 countries including Greece and Turkey together for
mock battles. Besides demonstrating NATO's shift in focus to southeast Europe,
Dynamic Mix tested the operation of a new regional command centre at Larissa in
Greece which had been a point of conflict between Ankara and Athens for over a

But the 18-day exercise which ended on June 10, went off without any problems
between the old antagonists. Defence Minister Akis Tsochadzopoulos stated that
Greek-Turkish co- operation had been, in his words, "excellent".

Turkish group leader Colonel Akin Ozturk described the exercise as a "very
serious matter for peace in the region".

Leaders in both countries were reticent about what this co-operation meant for
bilateral relations. Greek Prime Minister Costas Simitis would only say that
Turkey must take the first step. While Turkish State Minister Sukru Gurel
replied that Greece must first drop its claim to have the right to expand its
territorial waters to 12 miles from its shore and end its military presence on
its eastern islands. Both Turkey and Greece are part of peace-keeping forces
SFOR in Bosnia and KFOR in Kosovo. In those territories, this sometimes has a
way of being translated into Turkish support for the Muslim inhabitants and
Greek support for the Orthodox Serbians.

Nevertheless, Turkey's presence in these military forces means that country is
back in the Balkans for the first time since the fall of the Ottoman Empire
after World War I. This time it is there by invitation issued to it by the
West. Having established a new base in the Albanian port of Vlore, Turkey now
has an opening on the Adriatic. Set up to help train and re-equip the Albanian
armed forces, Turkey will have 250 men at Pasa Port - a 10 million US dollar

All this underlines the fact that Ankara again has a voice in the Balkans and
is using it. It registered its keen displeasure several months ago when
Sarajevo and Skopje both took steps to establish diplomatic relations with the
Greek-Cypriot government in Nicosia.
The US administration tends to downplay Ankara's assertiveness - preferring to
stage manage events such as the awards that the East- West Institute gave
Turkish and Greek foreign ministers Ismael Cem and George Papandreou in early
May. It is incorrect to think that Turkey's new role is without controversy.
But with the United States speaking out at every opportunity that Turkey ought
to become a full member of the European Union, Ankara is certainly displaying
renewed confidence as a regional power. -Dawn/InterPress Service.

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Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said
it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your
own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Everyone has the right...to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers." Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut." Ernest Hemingway
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.


[CTRL] BBC: Big Brother Coming

2000-06-15 Thread Alamaine

>From http://www.guardian.co.uk/freespeech/article/0,2763,331533,00.html

>>Ah, cummon, how else can they properly assess the I-Net tax?  A<>E<>R <<


Internet monitoring 'time bomb' for e-commerce
Allowing MI5 to monitor people's internet habits goes further than George
Orwell's worst nightmare argues Online editor Victor Keegan
Lords to fight email tap bill
Tuesday June 13, 2000

Anyone who has been following it has long known that the government's RIP
(Regulation of Investigatory Powers) bill is a time bomb waiting to explode.
The government has casually brushed aside strong objections of civil liberty
lobbies on the grounds they don't have many votes. It is only - at the eleventh
hour - when business has suddenly woken up to the dangers it presents to e-
commerce that the government is being forced to take serious notice.
It reads like a script that would have been deemed unrealistic for an update of
the film 1984. Under the terms of the bill - which is going through its
committee stage in the Lords this week - every internet service provider will
have to install a black box with a direct line to MI5.
This would enable the intelligence authorities to monitor the pattern (though
not the content) of all our emails and internet habits and chat room visits -
who we send emails to and which web sites we visit.
Further powers enable the authorities on production of a warrant to demand our
passwords or encryption keys under pain of two years in jail. If you have
forgotten your password (a daily occurrence for many net users) then you will
be presumed guilty until proved innocent by the courts.

Bang goes another principle of British justice - that a person is innocent
until proved guilty.

If MI5 demand that you hand over your personal or corporate encryption key then
you could be liable for five years imprisonment if you tell your boss or your

Last week the government started to wake up when the Institute of Directors
published a critical report. But that was mild beer compared with a devastating
report over the weekend by the British Chambers of Commerce drawn up by an
expert panel including professor Ian Angell of the London School of Economics.
It dismisses the bill as "entirely inadequate" in its primary aim of achieving
reasonable surveillance and its effect "is likely to be loss of confidence in e-
commerce, unacceptable costs to business and to the UK economy, confusion and
uncertainty at numerous levels of business activity, and an onerous imposition
on the rights of individuals".

The penny may at last be starting to drop in Whitehall.

If this bill goes through in its present form, far from making Britain the best
place to do e-commerce in (as is Tony Blair's stated aim) it will produce one
of the most draconian regimes in the world driving e-commerce to safer havens
like Ireland and most countries in Europe.

Unless Tony Blair wants to create a furore that will make this encounter with
the Women's Institute seem like a picnic, he should rewrite this appalling
bill. Now.


Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said
it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your
own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Everyone has the right...to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers." Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut." Ernest Hemingway
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to t

[CTRL] Horiuchi Immune

2000-06-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Appeals court rules FBI agent
immune in Ruby Ridge

The Associated Press
6/14/00 10:26 PM

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- The FBI agent who killed the
wife of white separatist Randy Weaver during the Ruby
Ridge standoff is immune from state prosecution in Idaho,
a federal appeals court ruled Wednesday.

Sharpshooter Lon Horiuchi shot Vicki Weaver in 1992 while
she held her baby. At the time, federal agents had
converged on the family's cabin to arrest Randy Weaver on
a weapons trafficking charge. Horiuchi said he did not see
Vicki Weaver when he fired at an armed associate of
Randy Weaver.

Idaho prosecutors pursued a manslaughter charge against
Horiuchi, but the charge was dismissed by a federal judge.

A three-member panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of
Appeals upheld the dismissal, ruling that Horiuchi was
acting in his official duty as a federal law enforcement

FBI Director Louis Freeh praised the ruling, saying it
"supports what I have always believed."

"No one in the FBI ever wants any situation to end
tragically," Freeh said in a statement. "The reality is that
with alarming frequency, agents must put all their training,
experience and judgment to the test and make
split-second life-and-death decisions."

The Weavers' 14-year-old son and a U.S. marshal were
also killed during the standoff.

Copyright 2000 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may
not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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[CTRL] Russian Visa Denied to Human Rights Activist

2000-06-15 Thread DIG alfred webre

Òåìà: Russian Visa Denied to Human Rights Activist
| Dear friends,
| I enclose information about the refusal by the Russian Foreign Ministry to
| issue a visa for Reverend Terasawa, a buddhist monk who has worked
| for many years to promote human rights in Russia and a peaceful settlement
| to the ongoing conflict in Chechnya. Monks from his order, Nipponzan
| Myohoji, in Moscow asked me to distribute the enclosed message with
| details. Protest letters to the Russian government, President and  Foreign
| Ministry are welcome - please see addresses below.
| Best wishes,
| Chris Hunter
| -Foreign Minister Igor Ivanova, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
| Smolenskaya-Sennaya Square 32/34, Moscow, Russian Federation
| -Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov, Government of the Russian Federation,
| Krasnopresnenskaya Naberezhnaya 2, Moscow, Russian Federation
| -President Vladimir Putin, the Kremlin, 103132 Moscow, Russian Federation
| For the attention of:
| -all Russian and international NGOs,
| -intergovernmental organisations,
| -Russian and international mass media.
| Dangerous precedent in Russia- Reverend Junsei Terasawa, a Japanese
| monk, was recently officially denied a Russian visa by the Russian
| of Foreign Affairs. This was because of his speech against the ongoing war
| in Chechnya at the UN Commission for Human Rights in Geneva April 2000.
| Reverend Junsei Terasawa, a Japanese citizen, born in 1950, is a Buddhist
| monk and Teacher of several small communities in Moscow and other parts of
| Russia, Ukraine, Central Asia and the Caucasus. He has been periodically
| staying in Russia for almost ten years, and has received Russian visas
| dozens of times, upon the invitation of various Russian Buddhist
| organisations. Rev. Terasawa is quite well-known among the various circles
| of  society; orientalists, human rights activists, politicians, writers,
| cultural and social activists; as a distinguished Buddhist teacher,
| peacemaker and human rights advocate. He is also known for promoting
| inter-cultural & inter-religious links, and as a deeply spiritual person,
| eager and open for communication. In the 70-s and 80-s, before he came to
| Russia, he lived in Western Europe for a significant period, and became
| known there as a Buddhist activist and participant in the peace movement.
| When staying in Russia, Reverend Terasawa protested  against violence
| the very start of the first Chechen military campaign, regularly taking
| in meetings and pickets against the war, along with his disciples. He was
| also active in organising inter-religious joint prayers for peace and was
| one of the chief initiators of The March of Mothers' Compassion "For Life"
| from Moscow to Grozniy in 1995. He frequently visited the conflict zone.
| On 27 April, 2000, the Buddhist order of Nipponzan Myohoji applied for the
| invitation for further issue of the three-months' multiple Russian visa
| Mr. Junsei Terasawa. The order was registered on 02/04/1997 at the Dept.
| Justice, Moscow, ¹ 613; and at the Dept. of Consular Service, The Ministry
| of Foreign Affairs, RF, ¹ 25020. The term of the issue of the invitation
| expected expired on 18 May, 2000, but it was prolonged twice.
| Finally, on 6 June 2000, Mr. D.Zakharov, Attache at the Dept. of Consular
| Service,  Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, informed of an "official
| denial" in issuing a visa for Japanese citizen Mr.Terasawa Junsei. The
| official also explained that Mr. Terasawa was not marked in any of the
| penalty lists of the MFA, thus being "clean" as far as the visa regime is
| concerned. Furthermore, the invitation had already been issued on 16 May
| 2000.  Nevertheless, the invitation was retained upon the instruction of
| Federal Security Service of Russia, as the aforementioned person was on a
| certain so-called "closed list of the FSB" (FSB is the new name for the
| KGB). Thus, no official or other reasons for the denial were disclosed.
| The reasons are evident, however. The fact is that being a representative
| the NGO 'International Peace Bureau', Rev. Terasawa participated  in the
| 56-th Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights, held from 20 March to
| April, 2000, in Geneva. This Commission is the supreme international board
| for human rights in all countries of the world. Junsei Terasawa took
| advantage of his right to speak out, which every NGO representative
| accredited has, and made an oral statement at this Commission against the
| war in Chechnya. In that statement, as well as during talks with members
| various delegations, he spoke the truth about the facts of war crimes
| committed against the peaceful population and about clear violations of
| human rights in Chechnya since the beginning of the present-day war there.
| As a religious and spiritual person and simply a man and citizen, and for
| reasons of conscience an

[CTRL] Russian Environmental Digest [REDFiles] II of II

2000-06-15 Thread DIG alfred webre

7 Ecologists Protest after Reactor Plans Confirmed British
Broadcasting Corporation, June 09, 2000

[Presenter] The conflict in Voronezh Region between the management of
the Novovoronezh atomic power station [AES] and local
environmentalists is growing. The environmentalists are protesting
against the construction of two new reactors. All this is happening as
the AES celebrates its 20th anniversary.

[Correspondent] On the basis of the experimental 5th reactor at the
Novovoronezh AES, a whole series of similar reactors were run in and
then put into operation at other power stations in Russia and Europe.
The Voronezh station's chief engineer, Vladimir Zarubayev, used the
occasion of its 20th anniversary to confirm rumours that two more
reactors will be built there in the next few years under the plans of
the Ministry of Atomic Energy. This has led to fresh protests by
Voronezh environmentalists.

[Unidentified environmentalist] There are two reasons behind our
protest: the project will mostly be financed by importing,
reprocessing and storing foreign radioactive waste; and there are
plans to use plutonium most actively.

[Correspondent] The decision to use weapons plutonium, which is more
dangerous than uranium, has long provoked disputes between
environmentalists and atomic scientists. On this occasion, too,
Zurabayev was categorical - when describing the plans to develop the
two new reactors - in his denial that weapons-grade plutonium will be

[Vladimir Zarubayev, Novovoronezh AES chief engineer] There are no
plans to use it at the Novovoronezh AES. We are talking of using the
traditional fuel, just as we do in the fifth reactor.

[Correspondent] As for the financing of the construction work by
importing into Russia radioactive waste, the management of the
Novovoronezh AES sees only commercial benefits in this activity.

[Zarubayev] We are talking here of normal technological processes.
They are all tried and tested. So I can see no harm happening to
Russia or the region because we agree to take 1,000 t or 2,000 t for
the corresponding fee.

[Correspondent] Ecological organizations are preparing various
protests. The environmentalists are determined to stop all atomic
construction projects in Voronezh Region.

(back to top)

8 Nuclear Waste Storage Project in Jeopardy Interfax News Agency, June
07, 2000

The project of utilizing the Lepse floating ship-factory for storage
of radioactive waste is in jeopardy, Russian Deputy Atomic Energy
Minister Valery Lebedev told a news conference on Wednesday.

Lepse is Europe's sole floating storage facility for radioactive waste
from the engines of Russian Northern Fleet submarines.

The project is one of the 10 implemented in the framework of
Russian-Norwegian cooperation in handling radioactive waste and used
fuel of nuclear-powered submarines being decommissioned and also in
cleaning installations in Northwestern Russia, Lebedev said.

The EU, Britain and France are also involved in the project. The
United States and the Netherlands are contributing to the construction
of an 80-tonne storage container.

The project costs are estimated at 73 million Norwegian kroner, of
which Norway will contribute 23 million.

The project is very important because the fuel contained in Lepse
poses a certain danger, Lebedev said.

The project has not taken off because numerous donor countries have
not signed agreements on their involvement in it. For this reason, the
Norwegian Foreign Ministry has refused to fund the development of the
work statement for the project.

For its part, Russia will not regard itself responsible for the
failure of the project. The Atomic Energy Ministry, Transport Ministry
and the Murmansk regional administration may reconsider transferring
Lepse to SevRAO.

(back to top)

9 Norway Worried over Nuclear Safety Situation in Kola Peninsula
Interfax News Agency, June 07, 2000

Norway is concerned about the nuclear safety situation in Russia's
Kola peninsula, said Espen Barth Eide, Norwegian Foreign Ministry
State Secretary and co- chairman of the Russian-Norwegian commission
on cooperation in handling radioactive waste and used nuclear fuel.

Norway is worried, above all, by the high concentration of nuclear
waste in Russian submarines that have not been decommissioned and by
the shortage of interim and provisional warehouses for used fuel and
hard radioactive waste, he said at a news conference in St. Petersburg
on Wednesday.

Norway is prepared to appropriate 105 million kroner during this
fiscal year for improvement of the nuclear safety situation, Eide
said. Most of that amount will be used to finance joint Russian-
Norwegian programs, he said.

Nearly 70 tonnes of used nuclear submarine fuel is now being stored in
Russia's Northwest and Pacific areas, Valery Lebedev, Russian deputy
atomic energy minister who attended the news conference, said in
response to an Interfax question.

The Atomic Energy Ministry is not planning to construct any storag

[CTRL] Fw: Court Decision On UFO-Invasion

2000-06-15 Thread DIG alfred webre

 UFOTruth - http://UFOTruth.listbot.com

 This is rather worrying;  I don't feel these guys speak for me.
 Someone sent it to one of Paul's lists.

   P3N Special Report: Virginia Governor Sued by UFO Researchers
  > Date:
   Tue, 6 Jun 2000 15:53:11 EDT



 Citing Virginia Gov. James S. Gilmore's constitutional and statutory
 duty to "protect the general welfare" of the state's citizenry, a trio
 of Virginians have marched into Alexandria, Va.'s circuit court,
 demanding that Gilmore stop shirking that duty.

 "Our demand comes in the form of an 'extraordinary legal remedy' that
 may or may not succeed in giving victims of the so-called
 UFO/E.T.-abduction phenomenon their day in court," explained Larry W.
 Bryant, who has chosen to serve as the lead litigant in this remedy
 called "Petition for a Writ of Mandamus (and for Concomitant Injunctive
 and Declaratory Relief)."  For the past 22 years he's been directing,
 from his home in Alexandria, the Washington, D.C., office of the
 public-interest group Citizens Against UFO Secrecy.

 No novice in applying litigation toward exposing what government
 officials know (and when they knew it) about UFO reality -- including
 several freedom-of-information and First Amendment lawsuits at the
 federal level -- Bryant hopes that the current effort will bring at
 least seven measures of relief.  The first of these calls for the
 governor to convene "a Virginia state special grand jury, within this
 court's jurisdiction, to investigate, identify, and report upon the
 scope, impact, perpetrators, and methodology of this clandestine

 The petition relies upon several appended exhibits to document the
 nature of the current "UFO invasion," which consists of two elements:
 (1)  the invasive presence of huge, mysterious, threatening, and
 technologically alien "flying triangles"; (2)  the abduction of (with
 forced experimentation upon, and recurrent exploitation of) citizens
 from their neighborhoods, homes, and vehicles -- by perpetrators yet to
 be fully identified, apprehended, and brought to justice.  Both elements
 are explained and discussed in detail within the Internet websites of
 http://www.caus.org and http://www.ufocity.com.

 Filed on June  5, 2000, in the circuit court clerk's office as Chancery
 Case No.  000691, the petition now awaits a formal answer from the
 governor's office.  Bryant plans to submit the answer for posting upon
 the above websites.

 "Whatever the court decides in this case may affect how all Earth
 governments (and society) treat the UFO problem from here on out,"
 Bryant added.  "We petitioners hope that the case will entice numerous
 UFO-coverup whistleblowers to come forward with evidence useful in
 combatting the invasion's harm and threat to public safety."

 Contact:  Larry W. Bryant; 3518 Martha Custis Drive; Alexandria, VA  22302
 703-931-3341; E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 P3N is a registered trademark of the ParaNorml News Network
 Copyright 2000 © ParaNorml News Network
earthradioTV.com - Alternative News Portal for ecology, politics &
consciousness.   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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USA http://www.earthradioTV.com/
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Canada http://www.ecologynews.com

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effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Russian Environmental Digest (REDfiles) I of II

2000-06-15 Thread DIG alfred webre

Russian Environmental Digest (REDfiles) is a compilation of the
week's major English-language press on environmental issues in Russia.
5 - 11 June 2000, Vol. 2, No. 23

1. Last Rites for Chernobyl
2. US, Russia in Accord on Disposal of Plutonium
3. Canada to Help Russia Remove Nuclear Waste
4. Nuclear Dump Plan for Russia
5. US, Russia to Ban Use of Nuclear Waste for Arms Plutonium
6. Pipeline Threatens Neva, Say Officials
7. Ecologists Protest after Reactor Plans Confirmed
8. Nuclear Waste Storage Project in Jeopardy
9. Norway Worried over Nuclear Safety Situation in Kola Peninsula
10. Deadly Germs From Cold War
11. Krasnoyarsk Complex Ready To Implement Plutonium Programme
12. Forest Fire Specialists Express Concern
13. Russian Caviar Threatened by Caspian Oil Find
14. Hundreds of Seals Die Off Dagestani Caspian Sea Coast

Last Rites for Chernobyl
Calgary Herald, June 6, 2000

Fourteen years after the world's worst nuclear accident, Ukraine's
President Leonid Kuchma ordered the Chernobyl nuclear power plant
closed, drawing praise from U.S. President Bill Clinton, who dispensed
$80 million US in aid to entomb the plant forever.

''This is a hopeful moment, ''Clinton said in this former Soviet
republic, the last stop in a week-long European tour. ''It is also a
moment when we remember those who suffered as a result of the accident

The April 26, 1986, accident spread radioactive material over much of
Europe. The Ukrainian government has blamed the disaster for at least
8,000 deaths, including 31 killed immediately, many more killed in the
massive cleanup operation and others who later died of cancer and
other radiation-related illnesses.

The plant will close on Dec. 15, Kuchma said. The U.S. Energy
Department said it will help find replacement sources of electricity.

Ukraine had earlier promised the G-7 group of leading industrialized
countries that it would shut the plant's sole remaining working
reactor by the end of the year if they provided financial help. But
Ukraine's government had until now delayed setting a firm date.

Still, the environmental group Greenpeace warned in a statement that
the closure target could come too late, so pressing are the safety
problems at the plant.

Earlier, in Moscow, Clinton used an address to the Duma, the lower
house of the Russian parliament, to criticize the Kremlin's crackdown
in Chechnya. And he paid a nostalgic visit to former Russian President
Boris Yeltsin at his dacha on the outskirts of Moscow.

''Yeltsin looked good,'' Clinton told reporters on his plane Air Force
One on the way to Kyiv.

''He's in good spirits, happy. He and his wife and daughter were
there. We all just had a nice visit. It was like old times.''

The money Clinton pledged will help contain radiation from the
destroyed reactor, with $2 million earmarked for improving safety at
Ukraine's other nuclear power plants. It comes atop about $200 million
the United States has already spent to improve nuclear safety in

The new money will go toward repairing a cover, or sarcophagus, which
was built not long after the disaster but now is considered unstable.
During his half-day visit, Clinton announced steps to open the door to
expanded U.S. co-operation with Ukraine's struggling space program and
a $25-million program for small and medium- sized Ukrainian

''America will stand by you as you fight for a free and prosperous
future,'' Clinton told tens of thousands of people, many waving
Ukrainian and American flags.

In Moscow, Clinton became the first U. S. president to address the
Russian parliament.

''We are not destined to be adversaries but it is not guaranteed that
we will be allies,''

Clinton told Russian legislators. His 50-minute speech drew mostly
polite applause, although several dozen sat impassively.

Ultranationalist leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky shouted before and after
Clinton's speech and muttered audibly several times during it.
''Shame! Whom are you applauding?'' Zhirinovsky asked.

Clinton said he hoped Russia would take advantage of recent economic
growth, due largely to higher oil prices, to create a more diversified
economy. He offered U.S. support should Russia seek to join the World
Trade Organization.

Turning to the Russian crackdown in Chechnya, he said: ''I know you
disagreed with what I did in Kosovo, and you know that I disagreed
with what you did in Chechnya.''

Clinton also made yet another pitch for modifying the 1972
Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty to open the way for the U.S. to build a
national missile defence, something Russia continues to oppose.


Key facts about Ukraine's Chernobyl nuclear plant

April 26, 1986: Reactor No. 4 at the Soviet-designed plant explodes
following an experiment when staff temporarily cut off the reactor's
safety system, aiming to test the unit's capacity. A series of
powerful blasts caused by overheated steam inside the reactor
completely ruins the unit, sending a huge cloud of radiation across

Re: [CTRL] Underground tunnels gif

2000-06-15 Thread Samantha L.

In a message dated 6/15/00 7:02:14 AM Central Daylight Time,

> http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Cavern/5268/tunnelmap.gif
>  Samantha, here is the url for the underground tunnels. I had a big list of
>  urls for these tunnels, if I can locate it again will post it.

  Thanks so much, Nicky.


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Re: [CTRL] Integrated Circuits the Size of Molecules

2000-06-15 Thread Samantha L.

  This article was mentioned twice on the list several months ago, once by
title only and once in  Skeptic News.

Integrated Circuits the Size of Molecules

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe

"August 18, 1999 Palo Alto, California - In mid-July 1999, Hewlett-Packard
Labs and the University of California at Los Angeles made headlines with a
breakthrough that seems like science fiction - making integrated circuits for
computers no bigger than molecules. Currently, the on-off switches for
computing are made by etching pathways with beams of light on silicon wafer
chips. But light has a wavelength and cannot make anything smaller than that

see full story:  http://www.earthfiles.com/earth061.htm


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] The Revolution Has Started: Here Are Your First Orders (fwd)

2000-06-15 Thread Bard

Nessie, Nessie!
Am alarmed.  Have you not read of the lowering of recruitment standards
by the United States armed forces?
By the time they finish, our military will be composed of pinkos,
feminists, and homosexuals who not hesitate a moment to exercise their
hate for the law-abiding traditional family-oriented heterosexual.  Mark my
Word on this.

> -Original Message-
> From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
> Behalf Of nessie
> Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 9:53 AM
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] The Revolution Has Started: Here Are Your First
> Orders (fwd)
> >
> >I defy you to stand up to a column of M-1 Abrams tanks
> >and Bradley Fighting Vehicles supported by Cobra and Apache helicopter
> >gunships, armed with your trusty .30-06.
> I find it extremely difficult to imagine United States armed forces
> slaughtering their brothers, sisters, parents, children and neighbors,
> simply at some bureaucrat's whim. Even law enforcement, especially local
> law enforcement, would balk at such orders.
> >
> >The Revolution, brothers and
> >sisters, will take place in the streets and in the courts and in the
> >voting
> >booths, and its most powerful weapon will be the rights embedded in the
> >First Amendment.
> We don't elect our leaders. We elect a few of their henchmen. Big deal.
> The real power is not held through the government, but though the
> corporations. Even within government, the bulk of the decisions which
> impact our every day life are not laws made by elected officials but
> regulations made by unelected bureaucrats.
> The only real democracy is direct democracy. Anything else is a fraud and
> a sham.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [ChristianPatriot] Re: [repeal19th] RE: US Senate renames Fathers Day!

2000-06-15 Thread Bard

response is targeted at John Knight!
Who wrote:  
Why is our own government at war with 
John Knight
John, I'm 
surprised at your ignorance.  Don't you know that 'Fatherhood' is essential 
to rearing a disciplined, noble Family?
The Father 
contains all the factors of goodness inherent in our Creator and instills into 
the Soul of his offspring the ability
to know right 
from wrong.  If the Mother is also of noble character, then the 
chances are very good that their offspring will be able to live a Life 
unfettered by the stench of our Society.
Fatherhood is 
the last barrier to the pinkos, feminists, homosexual takeover of our 
One CANNOT be 
FREE while being governed by the likes of those  godless 
John, You 
must give what I say some serious thought so you don't succumb to the leftist 
I have good 
vibes that your upper organ will let in the Light of Truth.
PS:  It 
is NOT possible for two practicing homosexuals or two practicing lesbians to 
rear a child maturing into an entity containing a noble character;  the 
Light of Truth will have been extinguished and its search for redemption and 
Love will be unfulfilled.  I am so grateful that I have the means in which 
to convey to others the hopelessness of pursing Life without a rekindled faith 
in our Creator.
 -Original Message-From: Fathers Manifesto 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 11:53 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Religionornotnow; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Holy War; 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; ChristianPatriot; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Christian 
NationalistSubject: [ChristianPatriot] Re: [repeal19th] RE: US Senate 
renames Fathers Day!

  Agreed, Stu,
  It almost appears that they read one of NOW's 
  screeds word for word.
  So why shouldn't we do the same?  NOW should 
  agree, right?  After all, they want "equality", don't they?
  Why is our own government at war with 
  John Knight
- Original Message - 
Stuart Miller 
To: Fathers 
Manifesto ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; The Grip (E) 
; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Religionornotnow ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Holy War ; 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ; ChristianPatriot ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Christian Nationalist 
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 9:59 
Subject: [repeal19th] RE: US Senate 
renames Fathers Day!

I am livid about this! 

I propose a Mother's Day resolution that praises single fathers and 
bashes mothers for aborting children, divorcing their husbands to go "find 
themselves" or because they are "unfulfilled," and because 55% of the time a 
child is murdered it is by the mother and because almost all the time a 
child is abused or neglected it is by the 
-Original Message-From: Fathers Manifesto 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 
12:59 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; The Grip (E); 
Religionornotnow; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Holy War; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; ChristianPatriot; 
Christian NationalistSubject: US Senate renames Fathers 
Dear Brad,
I sure wish Stu had commented on this, because 
this is an ambiguous message.  It is good news that the Senate is 
finally recognizing the statistics which we have been expounding for 5 
years.  But it's sure a slap across the face to call single-mother 
sluts "heroes".  Do to that at the same time that they infer 
that the men from whom this Senate robs $1.8 trillion per year through 
federal taxation are responsible for "between 20 percent and 30 percent of families in poverty are headed 
by women who have suffered domestic violence during the past year and 
between 40 percent and 60 percent of women with children who receive welfare 
were abused at some time in their life" in 
This, of course, is a big fat LIE, and we know 
that they know it is a LIE, and they know that we know that they know it is 
a LIE.
The only reason we know it is a LIE is because 
of studies which they used our tax dollars to conduct.  
If we know it is a LIE, then they know it's a LIE.
These folks are dead meat.  They are more 
worthless than tits on a boar.  These perverts have conducted this 
anti-fatherhood campaign for so long that they don't even know how to speak 
simple English.  They of course are not stupid--they are "merely" 
John Knight

  - Original Message - 
  Brad Ingram 
  Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 6:19 
  Subject: Re: [repeal19th] US Senate 
  renames Fathers Day!
  I say this deserves a concerted MARCH on 
  Washington, an

Re: [CTRL] FW: [waco-group] Horiuchi-Appeals court b

2000-06-15 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 06/15/2000 2:38:45 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

<<  ``Therefore it is immensely troubling that the majority today holds -- for
  the first time anywhere -- that law enforcement agents may kill someone
  simply to keep him from taking up a defensive position,'' Kozinski said.

  U.S. Marshal William Degan and Weaver's 14-year-old son, Sammy, were killed
  in a gunbattle near the cabin, and the FBI was called in later that day.

  The next day, Horiuchi wounded Weaver and his friend Kevin Harris and
  Vicki Weaver. Weaver and Harris surrendered 10 days later, and in a 1993
  federal trial, they were acquitted of murder charges in the killing of
 Degan. >>

Don't worry; be happy.  The FBI will always be at your side.  What is even
worse than this decision is the fact that in many accounts, Horiuchi, the FBI
"sharpshooter" says he was aiming at someone else when he killed Vicki
Weaver.  This leaves us with the fact that the FBI is not only hiring people
who make really bad decisions, but they are hiring unskilled people into
positions that require immense skill.  Horiuchi must be a mafia reject.  I
think he claims to be firing at someone behind Vicki Weaver.  The man
obviously can't hit a target he is aiming for unless, of course, he was
aiming for the baby, in which case he came reasonably close.  Prudy

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effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Forwarded Post

2000-06-15 Thread lloyd


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:


Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
not necessarily endorsed by:

Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research a ruling
class/conspiracy research resource for the entire political-ideological
   Explore Our Archive:  

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] US National Debt from Global News Net

2000-06-15 Thread Samantha L.

  The US National Debt in a nutshell.  Click on the US National Debt link and
then on "some answers" and "FAQ's".  Pretty interesting stuff.



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and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Inside the Los Alamos lab scandal

2000-06-15 Thread Aleisha Saba

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy


[CTRL] FW: [AboutFreedom] [on 6/17 focus on Dan Shoemaker of OQUAWKA, Ill]

2000-06-15 Thread Bard

Folks, Looks like Mr. Shoemaker is about to challenge
the pinkos, feminists, homosexuals in our Judicial system.
However, I wouldn't expect to find the story of Dan's confrontation in
the established media.  Would you?


You are the Militia if you are an American Citizen -- we are everywhere!
I say we hang 'em, hang 'em high 'til their toes are dangling.  Yeah!!

-Original Message-
From: DjL [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 6:07 AM
To: Senator Lott
Subject: [AboutFreedom] "I will live free or die" Shoemaker ready to
risk it all for militia movement

[For Information Purposes] - David Lewellyn

"In the beginning of a change, The Patriot is a scarce man,
brave, hated and  scorned. When his cause succeeds, however,
the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
 -- Mark Twain

Shoemaker ready to risk it all for militia movement

 By Stephen A. Martin
 The Hawk Eye

 .  Arms: 'Burned out' leader says he will resist arrest
'violently and immediately.'

 OQUAWKA, Ill. -- Calling on his followers to kill the "enemies of freedom,"
Western Illinois Militia leader Dan Shoemaker said he's prepared for a
fight June 17.

 Shoemaker has scheduled an armed one-man demonstration for that day on the
public squares in Galesburg, Ill., and Monmouth, Ill., to protest laws that
limit where firearms can be carried -- a demonstration law enforcement
officials say they're prepared to stop.

 "I'm stating for the record that all members of the Western Illinois
now have the uninfringed right to keep and bear arms," Shoemaker told those
gathered at a rural Oquawka farm Saturday. "I will risk all that I have to
publicly demonstrate that freedom."

 Shoemaker said that right is derived from the U.S. Constitution and its
Second Amendment guarantee of a right to bear arms. Gun control advocates
that right only refers to the ability of states to arm their National
Opponents of gun control say it was intended to apply to all citizens.

 Illinois law prohibits carrying a weapon within a city unless it is
and disassembled or put in a case.

 After five years of leading the group, estimated at between 50 and 200
Shoemaker said he is "burned out" and tired of what he called a "hot,
psychological war" between police and his self-styled group.

 "On June 17, perhaps I will again be renewed," he said.

 But he said it's equally likely he'll be killed -- and that's something
ready for, if necessary.

 "I will live free or die," he said.

 If his protest results in the latter, he said, the authorities should be
warned about what could happen next.

 "For five years I have held good soldiers back," he said. "On June 17, I
will be the point man. If the enemies of freedom attack, there will be no
one to hold them back."

 Shoemaker spoke to a half dozen uniformed members of his group, who
carried various assault-style weapons from variations of the AK-47 to
semi-automatic versions of the U.S. Army's M-1 and M-16. Others were
ressed in jeans and T-shirts, and supporters said there were other
 militia members who either were hiding in the surrounding woods
keeping a lookout against authorities or had deliberately decided
not to be present.

 Most said they intended to be "in the area" during the June 17
protest, but declined to say exactly where.

 Shoemaker said he's seen other groups in the self-described patriot
movement dispersed or otherwise rendered ineffective.

 In one case, he said, a militia leader and his family were found dead
at the bottom of a lake after being handcuffed and having plastic bags
fastened over their heads with duct tape.

 Shoemaker blamed the deaths on government agents threatened by the
man's teachings, and asked how such a man -- a former special forces
commando in the U.S. Army -- could have been overpowered by his assailants.

 "They probably knocked on the door ... and showed their badges," he said.

 He said that's why he'll refuse to give up his gun if police attempt to
arrest him Saturday, and why he'll resist "violently and immediately."

 "They have pushed us far enough," he said. "It is time for us to draw
the line."

 Shoemaker said none of those who formed the militia group with him in
1995 are still active members. Most left after three years -- the length of
time he said it takes for most people to give up after what he described
as systematic harassment by authorities.

 Every day, he said, he wakes up and wonders if those authorities will
be coming to his house to harass or imprison him.

 "I think, damn, they're not coming today," he said.

 The demonstration, set to take place at 9 a.m. in Galesburg and later
that morning in Monmouth, will bring th

Re: [CTRL] [apfn] FW: [waco-group] Horiuchi-Appeals court backs FBIkiller at Ruby Ridge

2000-06-15 Thread Bard

You gotta it right, Dan.
> FBI Director Louis Freeh sent a letter to all FBI employees late on
> lauding the federal appeals court decision.
My anxiety worsens daily at the mere thought the treasoneous globalists
will be returned in November to carry out their instructions from the
to smash, once and for, our Sovereignty.
If this happens I predict a consolidation of the Constitutionalists to FIGHT
the intrusion of their power into our privacy.  It's not going to pretty.
If I had school-aged children, I would immediately dis-enroll them from the
corrupt pinko government schools.

...keep the peace by keeping your piece.

> -Original Message-
> From: Charles Rice [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 8:15 AM
> To: Bard
> Subject: Re: [apfn] FW: [waco-group] Horiuchi-Appeals court backs
> FBIkiller at Ruby Ridge
>  You mean to tell me government people can not be held accountable
> for "MURDER"??
> Daniel c. Harraden  (Irish/American)

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [CTRL] FYI was Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Amazon

2000-06-15 Thread nessie

nessie writes:
>Without researching the factual claims made in a forwarded email

>there's no 100% sure way to tell it if it's a hoax, but here you'll

>find common signs to watch for...

I have a better idea.  Surely Brazil's legislature has an equivelent ot
Thomas. Would one of the Portugese speakers on this list please check to
see if this story is true. Thanks in advance.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Revolution Has Started: Here Are Your First Orders (fwd)

2000-06-15 Thread nessie

>I defy you to stand up to a column of M-1 Abrams tanks

>and Bradley Fighting Vehicles supported by Cobra and Apache helicopter

>gunships, armed with your trusty .30-06.

I find it extremely difficult to imagine United States armed forces
slaughtering their brothers, sisters, parents, children and neighbors,
simply at some bureaucrat's whim. Even law enforcement, especially local
law enforcement, would baulk at such orders.

>The Revolution, brothers and

>sisters, will take place in the streets and in the courts and in the

>booths, and its most powerful weapon will be the rights embedded in the

>First Amendment.

We don't elect our leaders. We elect a few of their henchmen. Big deal.
The real power is not held through the government, but though the
corporations. Even within government, the bulk of the decisions which
impact our every day life are not laws made by elected officials but
regulations made by unelected bureaucrats.

The only real democracy is direct democracy. Anything else is a fraud and
a sham.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] BIS warns US Bubble will Pop

2000-06-15 Thread Bill Kingsbury


   Bankers' Central Bank
 Warns US Bubble Will Pop
   - US Blackout Of Story
   By John Hoefle
From Mark Sonnenblick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Executive Intelligence Review


This warning in the attachment was the biggest
story in Europe over the past 3 days, even in the
international editions of the Wall Street Journal,
NY Times and Washington Post (IHT) and was on all
the wires.  But there was a total blackout in their
US editions and in all but a few media here.  In
Lyndon LaRouche's view, everybody should know about
this.  And, Rense.com is the key source of news for
many people here and abroad.

A complimentary copy of the June 16 EIR (which
includes graphics and several other articles on and
quotes from the BIS report) will be sent to any of
your reader who calls 1-888-347-3258 and mentions


 Mark Sonnenblick
   Executive Intelligence Review

  Bankers' Central Bank Warns US Bubble
  Will Pop - US Blackout Of Story
  By John Hoefle

The Bank for International Settlements (BIS), in
a report issued on June 5, and in a major
international press conference accompanying the
release of the report at its headquarters in Basel,
Switzerland the same day, confirmed what Democratic
Presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche has been
warning about for years: that a global financial
crash is right around the corner. While that
assessment has been given banner headlines
throughout Europe, the warning has been blacked out
of the U.S. press. "One point on which virtually
everyone would agree is that the current rate of
expansion of domestic demand in the United States
is unsustainable and potentially inflationary," the
BIS stated in its 70th Annual Report. The report
goes on to say that "it could be argued that the
sooner the bubble deflates, the better."

In remarks at the BIS Annual Meeting the same day,
BIS President Urban Baeckstroam threw cold water on
the assertions by the U.S. President's Working
Group on Financial Markets (a.k.a. the Plunge
Protection Group) that the U.S. economy was headed
for a "soft landing."

"We have witnessed too many crises in the last
decade not to know that market confidence can shift
suddenly," Baeckstrom said. "A soft landing is by
no means assured."

He also warned of the rising levels of household
and corporate debt in the United States, and the
growing dependence of the United States upon
foreign goods and money-flows. "Household and
corporate balance sheets may look healthy when
asset prices are stable or increasing, but what
will they look like if prices fall?" he asked.

To underscore the BIS's warnings, the German
economic daily Handelsblatt, in a commentary by
Klaus Engelen on June 6 entitled "Dangerous Dynamic
on Financial Markets," noted that while the
International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and
the Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development had proven records of not seeing
financial crises in advance, the BIS had warned of
instability in the emerging markets before the
Mexican and Asian crises erupted. However, Engelen
said, "all such earlier warnings from Basel had
been ignored by euphoric markets." Market
participants are still not paying sufficient
attention to the "emphatic warnings of the BIS
concerning ever higher financial asset prices and
the unsustainable foreign trade imbalances, in
particular the U.S. current account deficit which
is running out of control." Engelen said that the
issue was not one of how big the chances were of a
soft landing, but rather whether there is any
chance at all to prevent a hard landing.

The blunt warnings reflect the realization by the
BIS that the current global financial and monetary
system is unsustainable, and that major changes are
required to keep the system together. Such
warnings, as far as they go, are valid, and
represent a better understanding of the state of
the world than anything flowing out of official
Washington, but they still fall far short of

- Hard Landing, or Mid-Air Explosion? -

The whole debate about "soft landing" versus "hard
landing" is a fraud. The idea behind the soft
landing is that the U.S. economy is growing so
fast, that the pace of growth is unsustainable

[CTRL] Spy satellites on demand

2000-06-15 Thread Bill Kingsbury


 Spy satellites on demand

 Strategic information available
 to enemies with click of mouse

 By Anthony LoBaido
 Thursday, June 15, 2000
 © 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

 Thanks to a group of transnational amateur astronomers --
 particularly heavens-above.com, a private satellite-
 tracking program on the World Wide Web -- any person on
 earth can type the name of a city or town, come up with an
 exact latitude and longitude, and learn exactly when
 Western satellites will be overhead ready to snap pictures.

 Pictures of license plates. Pictures that show how a North
 Korean intelligence agent parts his hair. Azimuth, star
 charts, satellite apogees -- it's all there waiting at

 An experiment with Libya

 WorldNetDaily recently played some secret war games with
 heavens-above.com. Clicking on the website for The Center
 for Non-Proliferation Studies, WND found that Libya has a
 chemical weapons plant at Tarhunah.


 So WorldNetDaily went to the geographical page of
 heavens-above.com, which reads:

"Welcome to our new location database! We have
drastically increased the number of places and include
almost every town and village for each country listed
(approximately 1 million worldwide). Please select your
country from the list, then click the button to go onto
the next page where you can select your town. We will be
adding new countries regularly, so please be patient if
you don't see yours listed here. The data in this
database was put together (and enhanced by us) from the
following two sources: the U.S. Geological Survey for
the U.S.A. (and dependencies) and The National Imaging
and Mapping Agency for all other countries."

 WND clicked on Libya, then simply typed in Tarhunah. The
 latitude and longitude immediately appeared. Tarhunah is at
 32.433 degrees latitude and 13.633 longitude.

 It is even possible to double-check a location, since
 heavens-above.com gives the exact distance between Tarhunah
 and seven surrounding towns and cities and their exact
 latitude and longitude. Mazraat Squil (1.6 km), Ash
 Sharsharah (4.0 km), Mazraat Saquil (7.3 km), Muhayyah (8.0
 km), Mazraat Kataraylla (8.7 km), Mazraat Titanu (8.7  km)
 and Al Khadra' (12.7 km) are all listed.

 After zeroing in on Tarhunah, a comprehensive list of 29
 satellites appears on the screen. U.S, Western and Russian
 satellites are all neatly listed. One can learn when each
 satellite was launched, what its capabilities are, and,
 most important -- when it will be flying overhead.

 An example:

 Aureoloe 3 Rocket. Identification USSPACECOM Catalog Number
 12849. International designation Code 1981-094-B. Orbit 400
 x 1.845 km, 82.5  degrees. Intrinsic brightness, maximum
 brightness and launch date are also listed.

 Still not sure of how to locate the satellite? There are
 labeled charts displayed on-screen showing where the path
 of the satellite will run across the heavens :


 WorldNetDaily performed the same exercise from the Rajistan
 desert in western India (home of India's nuclear tests),
 Baghdad, North Korea and many other hostile nations.

 As one might expect, the publication of this information,
 which can be accessed by dictators like Iraq's Saddam
 Hussein or North Korea's Kim Jong-il, has many in the U.S.
 intelligence community in an uproar.

 "The fact that you can know readily where U.S. satellites
 are at any time means that if you're India or North Korea,
 it's that much easier to hide what you're doing. What these
 people fail to realize is that there are bad guys out
 there," said one senior intelligence official who wants to
 see some of the satellite trackers prosecuted.

 "Why give more help to our enemies overseas through these
 satellite-tracking websites?" said one congressional
 staffer who asked that her name not be used in this report.
 "But the anger of the U.S. intelligence community is a good

 Adds the congressional staffer: "The New York Post ran a
 story about how Saddam has moved his weapons of mass
 destruction out of Iraq into the Sudan. So, the ongoing
 inspections of Iraq by the U.N. are really a dog and pony
 show. And with these websites available to Saddam and his
 allies, we may never track down his weapons of mass

 In an exclusive interview with this reporter in 1998,
 Arizona Sen. John McCain said, "We know the Russians are
 selling sensitive satellite images of U.S. military
 installations in South Korea to the North Koreans.
 Everything is for sale over in Russia."


 Another website providing a virtual window into the heavens
 is SatSpy.com (http://www.satspy.com/howto.htm).

 According to the website, "SatSpy is a computer progra


2000-06-15 Thread Bill Kingsbury

  maybe he's on vacation ?


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Mom sues school principal over bite

2000-06-15 Thread Carl Amedio

Mom sues school principal over bite
United Press International - June 15, 2000 08:40

BOSTON, June 15 (UPI) -- A Boston woman is suing a school principal who
allegedly urged other students to bite her 4-year-old son.

Laura Watkins alleges in her suit that principal Esther Adames-Jiminez
brought three preschoolers into her office in November 1998 and ordered them
to bite Watkins's son, James, in retaliation for his biting them earlier.

The Boston Globe reported Thursday that at least one of the other
preschoolers bit the boy while he was being restrained by the principal at
the East Boston Early Education Center. Watkins also named the Boston School
Department in her suit because it decided later not to discipline the
principal even though it found her actions to be wrong.

Adames-Jiminez denied that the incident took place.

There was no immediate response from the school department or Adames-Jiminez.
Copyright 2000 by United Press International.
All rights reserved.

Message: WWN-UPI-1-20000615-08434900-bc-us-bite
Content: 0200 0500 1400

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Locusts Plauge China

2000-06-15 Thread Carl Amedio

By Rupert Wingfield-Hayes in Beijing
Huge swarms of locusts have been destroying crops in northern China - a
region which is already suffering from its worst drought in more than a

Two areas have been struck by the locust plague at once.

In north-central China, at least six provinces have been hit by massive
infestations, and in the far north-western province of Xinjiang, another huge
swarm of insects is rapidly chewing its way through the summer crop.

The finger of blame is being pointed at Kazakhstan

 In the worst affected areas of Xinjiang, local farmers are reporting
infestation levels of 4,000 locusts per square metre.

According to one local paper, this is the biggest outbreak of locusts in a
quarter of a century.

Two years of extremely dry weather, which is already wreaking havoc on
northern China's farm land, is also being blamed for this latest problem.


Locusts apparently thrive during droughts.

Meanwhile, neighbouring Kazakhstan is being blamed for the problem in far
west Xinjiang.

The central Asian republic was hit by its own plague of locusts last year.

Strapped for cash, Kazakhstan was unable to pay for the aerial spraying
needed to destroy the insects.

The Chinese claim that eggs laid there last year have now hatched, and the
insects moved into China.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
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[CTRL] Jim Zogby - Chief Arab-American Whore in Washington (fwd)

2000-06-15 Thread Yardbird

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 10:39:23 +
Subject: Jim Zogby - Chief Arab-American Whore in Washington

   ___      __
  /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\  JIM ZOGBY - CHIEF ARAB-AMERICAN WHORE

  News, Information, & Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
  - - - - - - - - - -
 To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Washington Scene (a regular MER feature):

 Jim Zogby - Chief Arab-American Whore in Washington

MID-EAST REALITIES - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington, DC - 6/15:

Never has an American Government been more in sync and more dominated by the 
lobby than during recent years.  Never has an American President been more in bed
with and beholden to the Israeli-Jewish lobby than has Bill Clinton.  Never has
a former official of the Israeli-Jewish lobby (incidentally not even an American
citizen at the time Clinton was elected President) been appointed Assistant Secretary
of State for the Near East!  And never has a "negotiating team" representing the
U.S. been nearly completely made up of Jewish American Zionists with long and close
connections to the Israeli-Jewish lobby.

Thus the opportunity to appear otherwise, to confuse the unknowing, to give the
impression of "even-handedness", is one the Clinton Administration seeks.  And with
all efforts at the moment being extended to trap Yasser Arafat into a "final status"
Camp-David-type "agreement" before his term is over, Clinton is clearly looking
for opportunities to get applauded by Americans of Arab background.

Step forward the man who surely must be Washington's biggest Arab-American political
whore, James Zogby and his Saudi-sponsored "Arab-American Institute" (AAI)

The stories about Zogby are legend, including a long family legacy of clandestine
involvement with the American government and CIA.  Indeed, MER was the first to
publish a few years ago that a Zogby was the first CIA Station Chief in Lebanon
in the 1950s.

Two years ago Zogby arranged a forum of on-the-make Arab American business types
so that Bill Clinton could become the first American President to appear before
a convention of Arab Americans.  Clinton knew very well what a political gift was
being handed to him; a chance to counter the image and the reality that he was simply
Israel's man in the White House.

So last evening, unannounced in advance, Clinton decided it would be a good idea
for him to do it again.  He gave Zogby a call and two hours later rewarded Zogby
(but actually of course used him) by letting JZ announce to the unknowing audience
at the "Khalil Gibran Spirit of Humanity Awards Dinner" (another of the many Zogby
scams) that the next speaker was going to be the President of the United States.

For more about Zogby and what he is all about use the new MER search capability
at: http://www.MiddleEast.Org/search.htm

One of Zogby's latest and biggest scams, by the way, was something called BUILDERS
FOR PEACE.  Millions were allocated by Congress and foundations to help build up
the Palestinian economy after Arafat came to Washington and signed up with the 
at Israeli urgings.  Zogby and friends were paid large amounts of money to help
bring about "Builders For Peace."  Vice-President Gore was a big promoter and very
much involved...until...

But then, somewhat mysteriously, the whole "Builders For Peace" collapsed in economic
disaster and now the American government is stuck with the loan guarantees.  Nothing
was built for the Palestinian people.  Many millions of dollars were stolen by persons
associated with Arafat and the "Palestinian Authority", including Nabil Shaath,
Arafat's de facto Prime Minister, himself with close connections to the Americans
and many shady business dealings.  Zogby personally and others associated with him
received hundreds of thousands of dollars that they kept even when everything they
said they were doing turned out to be deceptive and dishonest.  The Cairo-Amman
Bank -- used by the "Builders For Peace" has been sued for helping Arafat's people
steal millions; and now the PLO is being sued for running away with more money (some
think with Zogby's knowledge and help incidentally).

And by the way, that Assistant Secretary of State who use to be an Israeli-Jewish
lobby official and whom none other than Zogby publicly and loudly endorsed for the
job.  Well, in another of those quiet pay-offs, Zogby then arranged for his son
to become the man's assistant at the Department of State.


[CTRL] Skeptic News - Thursday #1

2000-06-15 Thread Ric Carter

SkeptiNews 000615a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Yesterday's bulletins: http://web.pitas.com/skeptinews/14_06_2000.html
* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* Site of latest notices, praises, discoveries: http://skeptilog.pitas.com
* No tarantulas were sexually abused during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Tarantulas'R'Us: http://hem.spray.se/minax/index/welcome_e.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Sitchin Certification Seminar. Zecharia Sitchin, whose work challenges
  everything we thought we knew about human civilization, is presenting the
  Zecharia Sitchin Certification Seminar, produced by The Prophets Conferen-
  ces, in Santa Fe, New Mexico during the weekend of September 15-17, 2000.
  Those completing the Seminar will be granted a certificate by Mr. Sitchin
  enabling them to teach and lead study and discussion groups, and conduct
  workshops regarding his teaching. http://www.greatmystery.org/sitchin.html

# REPTILIAN HUMANOIDS 7. Research into ritual abuse at U.Colorado at Boulder
  found that all of those questioned had been subjected to intercourse or
  molestation; 97% saw or took part in animal sacrifice; 97%, forced to take
  part in sex with adults ; 97% experienced torture; 94% were sodomised; 88%
  were forced to watch or take part in human sacrifice; 88% in cannibalism.
  Not nice at all: http://www.angelfire.com/ut/branton/reptilians7.html

: Has your civilization been created/manipulated/distorted/destroyed by ETs?
Would you rather be manipulated by superhumans, Reptilioids, deities, Space
Brothers/Sisters, govt/biz/church agents, robots, me? Are you certified??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Well Dressed - The Suit That Makes You Feel as Good As Prozac. In UK labs,
  surrounded by perfume vials & surgical microtubes, researchers are design-
  ing the must-have outfit of the fashion future: the aroma shirt. Once it's
  equipped with electronic sensors that react to changes in the body's vital
  signs,the garment will know when to deliver scents to the cuffs & neckline
  from a perfume reservoir hidden in its lining. Aromatherapy buffs are sure
  to embrace a shirt that reacts to stress signs by puffing calming vanilla
  scents or emit energy-boosting geranium spritzes during interminable meet-
  ings. http://www10.nytimes.com/library/magazine/home/2611mag-suit.html

# WHO ISSUES ANTIBIOTIC ALERT. The World Health Organization warned that
  increasingly drug-resistant infections in rich and developing nations
  alike are threatening to make once-treatable diseases incurable. Yow.

: What biochemical agents do you most want to apply to your food/body/mind?
Are you developing smart robots to send pheromones/vaccines/purifiers into
organisms? Will such robots be as gods, controlling all our (re)actions??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  bishop on trial for genocide and crimes against humanity faces a possible
  death sentence when a Rwandan criminal court pronounces its verdict.
  Framed? http://www.CNN.com/2000/ASIANOW/east/06/15/korea.summit.03/

# Southern Baptist say 'no' to women. ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) - The Southern
  Baptist Convention approved a revised statement of faith that said women
  should not serve as pastors. They might as well be Roman Catholics,
  eh? http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2567338767-7c8

# Holy MP3: A Downloadable Bible. If you don't have enough time to sit down
  and read the Good Book, now you can download it for free. A Virginia oil
  refinery worker is creating the first public domain, downloadable audio
  Bible. http://wired.com/news/culture/0,1284,36936,00.html?tw=wn2613

: Is your belief system well-grounded? Does the Divine Word guide all your
(re)actions? Have your deities told you to kill, rape, discriminate, down-
load? Do you always follow the orders of the voices in your head? Why not?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Greek Church Escalates ID Battle. THESSALONIKI - The leader of the Greek
  Orthodox Church told followers to unite against the govt in an identity
  card dispute that has set Greece's most powerful institutions against each
  other. The showdown began with govt plans to strip a religious affiliation
  entry from state ID cards. Be marked by OUR Beast, let US know who you are
  - see http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2567342176-169

# VIRGINIA SCHOOLS WON'T SAY "PRAY" THIS FALL - succumbing to secular
  power-plays: http://www.ewtn.com/vnews/getstory.asp?number=4002
# Judge voids state school prayer law. MONROE, La.  A federal judge struck
  down a Louisiana law that allows public schools to set aside time for
  prayer. http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2567348078-9a9

# Bishop bars Gore at church hospital - "campa

[CTRL] McNulty on Waco FLIR Reflections (1)

2000-06-15 Thread lloyd


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

From: Ian Goddard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Mike McNulty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: McNulty on Waco FLIR Reflections (1)
Date: Monday, June 05, 2000 6:43 PM

My response to an email from Mike McNulty (producer of Waco: The Rules of
Engagement and Waco: A New Revelation) he sent to Waco watcher and friend
Paul M. Watson regarding: http://users.erols.com/igoddard/flirloc6.htm :

>-- Forwarded message --
>Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2000 11:47:47 EDT
>Subject: Re: Waco FLIR Reflections (1) (fwd)
>Dear Paul and all other interested parties,,
>The issue of where bodies were when shot, re Mr. Goddards' remarks,
>assumes we said certain things in the film that we did not say.  We did not
>say the bodies were found "in the dinning room" or 'at the back door.'  Some
>folks watching the film may have drawn that conclusion, but, in fact, the
>narrator notes that, "There are at least two men firing into the back of the
>dinning room..." and then notes later that "at least 15 people were found
>shot to death at this location."  In hindsight, it might have been more
>prudent to say , "at or near the dinning room," but we didn't. [...]

   IAN: When the narrator of Waco: A New Revelation (WANR) says
   "this location" he can be referring to no other location than
   the only location he stated prior to that, which was the dinning
   room, where the only rear exit was. To imply that WANR does not
   say people trying to escape through the dinning-room exit were
   gunned down defies what everyone understands and isn't true.

   To get a broader sense for the intended message, let's
   look to see what McNulty's first video, Waco: The Rules
   of Engagement (WROE), states about this matter. It says:

"Most of the remaining Davidians were concentrated
 here in the kitchen dinning room area, it was
 their only way out except for one thing: two
 men outside were firing machineguns at them."

   WROE superimposes an arrow over the FLIR pointing
   at the location that "here" is, and this is it:
   The arrow points exactly at the dinning room:

   The Justice Department report does not list at least 15 bodies
   in the dinning room, as WANR claims. In reality the DoJ report
   lists zero bodies found in the dinning room. The Treasury Dept
   report's body-location map shows one body in the dinning room:


   The largest concentration of bodies was in the concrete room
   and in front of the concrete room, and both locations would
   be protected by that room from any shots fired from Location
   6. Completely contradicting the story so many of us have been
   led to believe: there was no concentration of bodies where an
   alleged "gun" was allegedly "shooting," not according to the
   official story that was the very cited source for that claim.

   BTW, flashes from the second "gunman" at that time referred
   to above by WROE & WANR are flashes at Location 5, which
   are the flashes most obviously not gunshots. Stay tuned...
   What I think should be explored is the high concentration of
   bodies found forward of the bunker, in the exact location that
   the tank entered many times. See this graphic (flags mark bodies):
   And then look at these: http://www.erols.com/igoddard/wacoroom.htm

   A Challenge To Mike McNulty:

   Mike continues in his response to my report (his full reply
   below) by claiming that sophisticated expert analysis proves
   that the flashes, or "gunshots," as the fire breaks out are
   retreating away from the burning building. As stills I grabbed
   from WANR taken from better part of that sequence show, there
   is NO motion of the flashes away from the building, and this
   is absolutely true up to the last shot, as anyone with good
   eyes and a good copy of WANR can see for themselves (the same
   flash sequence is too distorted in WROE to properly analyze).

   So here's my challenge to Mike: If the flashes in question
   do retreat from the building, take some of your sophisticated
   technology and prove it by posting a frame-by-frame analysis
   to your website that shows where all the things are in each
   frame. You've got better equipment that I do for that task
   and thus you should be able to blow the doors off my claim.

   Prove me wrong, show us the alleged retreating "gunshots,"
   and don't ask us to shell out another $25 dollars to see it.

>-- Forwarded message --
>Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2000 11:47:

[CTRL] [1] The Government-Criminal Connection

2000-06-15 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: http://www.skolnicksreport.com/g-cconn1.html">Sherman
Skolnick's Report
Home Page
 Sherman H. Skolnick

The Government-Criminal
Connection - Part 1
by Sherman H. Skolnick

Those who understand the area call it by various names. The Hub. "The Boys".
Sizeable corporate interests prefer to have their litigation in the Federal
Courts not just in any place, but in Chicago. Why? "The Judges here are
whores and they are the cheapest in the country", is the way one law expert
put it who refuses to be quoted by name.

By the 1970s, Chicago's notoriety as a money laundry center was getting
entirely too well known. The criminal interests centered in the Windy City
began moving west of town. A small, out of the way place, about a hundred
miles west of Chicago was Oregon, Illinois. Many never heard of the spot
before it became known in the 1980s, exposed as part of "The Pizza
Connection". A pizzeria started there. The owner mixed well with the locals.
He became a glad-hander. His pizzas were some of the finest that some have
eaten. And they were low-priced. The FBI later contended it was a transit
point, along with other pizza parlors and such, for a worldwide dope cartel,
linked to New York, Turkey, Sicily, Italy, and a number of other criminal
hotspots never reformed by the Powers That Be.

Those who really understood things, just laughed to their confidants and to
themselves. Why? Because of all of the offices of the FBI, the most corrupt
always has been the Chicago office.
Residents of New York, Miami, and Los Angeles---I can hear them screaming
already that THEIR town as to FBI corruption should be on the top of the
list. For a long time, under Director J. Edgar Hoover, the Federal Bureau of
Investigation alleged there was NO MAFIA. Yet, Hoover himself, after his
death, was exposed as the recipient of personal and financial benefits from a
foundation reportedly set up by criminal interests in the booze industry.
[See, Anthony Summers book, "Official and Confidential: The Secret Life of J.
Edgar Hoover".] Then, the FBI admitted, reluctantly, that there was a
criminal cartel BUT kept insisting it was made up primarily if not only of
Italians and Sicilians.

In the popular press, what some call the monopoly press, WHO did they leave
out of the finger-pointing picture? Here is a short list:

[1] The transit points are through the markets in Chicago: THE CHICAGO BOARD
OF TRADE, run by the Irish Catholic aristocracy, not the common people of
that ethnic and religious group. THE CHICAGO MERCANTILE EXCHANGE, run by the
Jewish aristocracy, not the common people of that ethnic and religious group.
AND, an overlapped group of both, called THE CHICAGO BOARD OPTIONS EXCHANGE,
which some simply call the gambling hell basement.

[2] Foreign intelligence operatives who find Chicago a convenient location.
Some you might call renegades of their spy shop: operatives of Israeli
intelligence, The Mossad [The Institute].
 Operatives of the French CIA and British Counter-Intelligence, MI-6, just to
name a few. Some offer an excuse for Israel that comes entirely too close to
aiding bigots who envision a so-called worldwide "Jewish Conspiracy". [The
White Anglo-Saxon Protestant establishment has promoted this idea by
surrounding Clinton as President with swarms of apparent criminal types who
had Jewish surnames but did not necessarily practice Judaism. If scandals
develop, those with such surnames become convenient scapegoats.] The excuse:
"Israel is a small-endangered nation, surrounded by enemies, and Israel has
to raise funds for their existence as best they can."

At the time of Hitler, Jews in Europe were prevented from sending their
funds, if they had any, to safety in foreign money centers. Hence, since the
foundation of Israel in 1948, the nation has NO laws against money laundries,
residents there being ever mindful of how the Nazis sought to trace down any
valuables of Jews. So Israel inevitably has become a money laundry center for
criminal-minded sorts.

[In 1993, six weeks before we cablecast our TV Show about money laundries, I
personally confronted the top bosses in Chicago of Bank Leumi, owned 80 per
cent at the time by the State of Israel. I had some of their own secret
records showing they apparently were sheltering a major criminal using their
Chicago facilities as a money laundry. I warned them if they do not mend
their ways, "There will be a furniture store on this corner instead of Bank
Leumi." They arranged the arrest of the culprit, Clifford Sugarman, in one of
the strangest events I have come across. A swindled victim threatened to
murder Sugarman with an umbrella. The wife of the assailant called the police
hoping to deter her husband. Guess who was arrested? Not the umbrella man,
BUT SUGARMAN. He was kept in jail with apparently no charges. The judge was
informed that it was a "national security" matter because Su

[CTRL] Fwd: The Hawk Eye Special: IAAP

2000-06-15 Thread Aleisha Saba

last item

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy


[CTRL] Fwd: BERYL (Beryllium Aluminum Silicate)

2000-06-15 Thread Aleisha Saba

So last one and I do not darken your door today; but this is item worth
looking at and then if anyone remembers the Lithuanian who went berserk
who was into expot import business and then one of 5 victims - all
multi-cultural backgrounds - one was in Karate School which means a
front for Russian Mafia or Holy Tongs of Terror.

Some great brain out there - a man of course with knowledge - might
understand me, because I do not have expertise in chemistry, but I say
this - out there in Los Alamos fire to destroy evidence of wrong

That Energy Chief and Babbit under orders from Clintonthey destroy
us from within.   People are being burnt out of their homestrees are
being burned down instead of lumber yards doing the jobso Amazon SA
trees to be destroyed and sold for profit?   Why they should live in
USAburn, baby burn...wasn't
that the trade mark of Hiliary's and Bill's
 friendsburn baby burn?

They are stealing our national treasures but worst of all they are
destroying our real treasures, our sweet innocent children are human
sacriices to these vicious perverted killers..

A Saba

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy


[CTRL] So here it is - God was into nuclear stuff and all naturally....

2000-06-15 Thread Aleisha Saba

So God knew what was good - god, bdyillium is berydillium.that stuff
that missiles and nuclear stuff is made.so my bible code/calendar is
always pretty accurate - though as some have told me only 10 pepole know
how really operates.

So the man from Lithuania who committed all those murders may have had a
secret - like the man ordered to set fire to Los Alamos..this stuff,
this berydillium is one of the most dangerous of all products to handle.

What have these bastards done to the people of this country.and
Richardson plays Mr. nice guy and destroys all the evidence with fire?
Ordred by Clinton?

They destroy homes and break hears of decent law abiding citizens - and
yet protect those who murder our children.

So two items - one I reproduce, the other is attached
herewith..explains God knew what he was doing and was very
particular in what he chose to call Eden and East of Eden, and the land
of Havilah and the 4 headed Pison (Python) Rivers.two of which are
today, the River Tigres and Euphrates.Iraq.for that is where it
is alleged, the Garden of Eden was planted.Not in Israel, but from
where Sadaam Hussein now sits an endangered species because maybe he
does not know all the secrets we know?

Murder in the Garden of Eden?

A Saba

Russian Mafia  uses bible calendar/code from days of Spandau..for
Albert Speer's Diary proves Gideon and the 300 aren't what they seem to
be are they.the secet is the Phineas Brotherhood - the Spear of
Destiny which over the ages from the piercing of the side of Christ now
in form of missiles and neutrom bombs - the great powr now in hands of
the evil ones but I imagine they will soon self destruct, for this Spear
brings ony a curse, to those who use without caution..

Minerals | By_Name | By_Class | By_Groupings | Search | Properties |

Chemistry: Be3Al2(SiO3)6, Beryllium Aluminum Silicate
Class: Silicates
Subclass: Cyclosilicates
Uses: Gemstone, mineral specimens and source of beryllium
Also see variety specimens:
Aquamarine Specimens
Emerald Specimens
Goshenite Specimens
Heliodor Specimens
Morganite Specimens
Beryl is often unknown to the general public, even the gemstone-buying
public. However, it is one of the most important gem minerals. Beryl is
colorless in pure form; it is the many different impurities that give
beryl its varied coloration. Without these splendid color varieties,
beryl would be a rather ordinary gemstone with only average fire and
brilliance. Emerald is the green variety and Aquamarine is the blue
variety of beryl.
Other colors of beryl are also used as gemstones but are not as well
The greenish-yellow variety is called Heliodor.
The pink variety is called Morganite.
The colorless variety is called Goshenite.
The name beryl is used for the red and golden varieties, which are
simply called red beryl and golden beryl, respectively.
Emerald is highly prized and is one of the most valued gemstones. Its
green color is peerless and all other green gemstones are compared to
its intensity. Emerald specimens are often "flawed" with mineral
inclusions and fractures; unlike other gems, these are considered part
of the stones' "character." These flaws actually help determine natural
from synthetically-produced stones. Uncut emerald specimens are rare on
the mineral markets, probably because even low grade emeralds can carry
a high price when cut as gems. Especially hard to find are true
"in-matrix" specimens. Fakes are often produced with natural crystals
glued into a "host" rock and then sold as an in-matrix specimen with a
highly inflated price.
Aquamarine is also a popular gem although it does not command nearly as
high a price as its green cousin. Uncut aquamarines are plentiful but
relatively expensive, as would be expected of crystalline gemstone
specimens. Large crystals of aquamarine are available on the open market
and represent perhaps the largest raw gemstone specimens.
Color is varied and includes emerald green, blue to blue-green, yellow,
greenish-gold, red, colorless and pink.
Luster is vitreous.
Transparency: Crystals are transparent to translucent.
Crystal System is hexagonal; 6/m 2/m 2/m
Crystal Habits typically include the hexagonal prism with pincoid
terminations. The terminations are often modified by many different
pyramidal faces which can sometimes produce a rounded termination in the
rough shape of a used pencil eraser.
Cleavage is imperfect in one direction (basal).
Fracture is conchoidal.
Hardness is 7.5 - 8.
Specific Gravity is approximately 2.6 - 2.9 (average)
Streak is white.
Other Characteristics: Faces on large crystals are often pitted,
striated lengthwise and rough.
Associated Minerals include micas, quartz, euclase, calcite, tourmalines
and some feldspars.
Notable Occurances include Colombia and some African localities for
emerald; Brazil, Russia and Pakistan for aquamarine; California, Brazil,
Africa, and many ot

[CTRL] Fwd: Beryllium Deal, Russian Mafia

2000-06-15 Thread Aleisha Saba

Okay so read this..Beryillium and remember KGB uses bible calendar
code ..so here is a point I am making and not as young as I used to
be..wish I could download my brain of trivia to get at the best

So REMEMBER - who was the guy who murdered all these people of different
ethnic backgrounds.Now he was a Lithuanian with Lithuanian
connections..his parents were dentists and he had web site..

One man he murdered was in a Karate School as I recall - strange, that
is until you read this article - Beryllium shipsments from
LithuaniaRussian Mafia involved and if that isn't a laff becaue
Russian Mafia is KGB..

So tatoos.mode of identification.   I knew this one Special OPs guy
with a horrible tatoo and he said on 7 or so were ever done of his
special troupTattos, Karate School and Beryllium and burning of Los
Alamos to destroy records - Russian records destroyed they say now or
stolen or "lost".

This Russian Mafia and this deal in Lithuania somehow connects to this
Lithuanian who murdered all those peopleLithuaian pride - but read
this story and see connection to Karate and Chop Chop schools?   Like
Ninjh , chop chop - I liked Indy Jones who was about to be attached by a
500 pound Japanese wrestler - he shook his head, and pulled his gun - or
he would have been gumby doll.

The bible is a big geography book - all is charted, it is keyed to
missing nazi gold, stolen art, (golden apples in silver frame).it is
Mafia stuff for they have built their entire operation about the
bible..this is Master Plan for Death from Genesis Genocide to Alpha
and Omega Man in Revelations 22.they say 22 is a very unluckey

Does anybody if you read this far, remember the name of that guy, the
Lithuanian, who went beserk like Manchurian Candidate.and murdered
all those people - but this karate stuff conection might be linked not
only to the theft and illegal transfer of Beryllium but big time drug
money involved.Russian Mafia now in Ecstasy business...looks
like that is how they downed Clinton, the big pervert with feet of clay,
his achilles heel of which all were aware.

Now what I am getting at is this - this links, this beryllium to
missiles, nuclear weapons, Los Alamos, Russian and Chinese sabotage and
espionageand Lithuania, a little country most forget exists suddenly
in new when this guy goes ballistic and murders of all people a man in a
Karate Schoolall picked in advanceis this another Sollog

The Enemy Within sits in our White House Oval Office with his
stooges..he has put people in charge who are traitors to our country
and destroy us from within.They steal our secrets and burn and
destroy witnesses against them.another CIA agent marked for death
probably, is alleged to have committed suicide.

Remember Bill Colby too.and John Paisley who lived next door to Bud
Fensterwald who was CIA who was also found in river..

Remember for where there is a testimony there is usually the murder of
the testators..now this, is from Hebrews and is part of Bill
Clinton's and Al Gores New Covenant that those bastards made for
us...dead rainbows.  Dark clouds, murder and slaughter of the
innocents and our children, Littletons - drugs and poppy fields.but
Beryllium.here is one cause and you find it not far from Garden of
Eden at this point in time.evil is as evil does.

A Saba

Beryllium Deal, Russian Mafia
U.S. News & World Report
October 23, 1995
The Russian connection
BYLINE: By Tim Zimmermann; Alan Cooperman

Its regional mafias are strong, its nuclear wealth vast. In Russia, the
former are vigorously pursuing the latter, and that means trouble;
The end was breathtaking. For four decades, the world lived under the
threat of nuclear holocaust. Then the Berlin Wall fell. The Soviet Union
came next. Suddenly, superpower missiles were no longer targeted at
cities. The prospect of Armageddon dimmed.
Nuclear nightmares do not die, however; they change. From the chilling
cold war doctrine f mutually assured destruction comes a new nuclear
paradox. Instead of a hostile Soviet superpower, with nuclear weapons
under tight totalitarian control, the world now confronts a new, more
benign Russia. Yet the new Russia is, in some ways, more dangerous than
the old. It is a place where chaos is a constant, where old safeguards
are eroding or already have fallen away, where nuclear know-how and
materials are suddenly for sale.
If there is an abiding irony in Russia today, it is this: that the new
order impoverishes the old nuclear gatekeepers while offering quick
riches to those who can pass them by. It is capitalism, Wild East style.
The desperate physicist, the scheming janitor, the corrupt security
guard -- these are worrisome enough. But the real nightmare scenario
involves Russia's ruthless organized-crime syndicates and corrupt
government officials working in league to create new markets for nucle

[CTRL] Fwd: Lab snafus cloud Richardson’s future

2000-06-15 Thread Aleisha Saba

So its back to Mr. and Mrs. God - and I repeat:

And God said, Let US make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness..

And lo and behold if Darwin is right, we are the Planet of the Apes.
God had to be a pure energy maker, master of molecules and all that
stuff I do not understandhe moved mountains, created rivers, the sun
to rule by day and the moon by the night and the stars, just for fun and
pleasure at which to look?

But God I think was a real Yankee Doodle Dandy, for further on in
Genesis I we also read:

And then, Eve stole them apples and all hel broke loose - that Satan,
that snake in the grass - well they all had to get out and work for a

Now what still strikes me is this -  Genesis 2, Vs. 11 through 15.   God
essentially made Adam and Even servants to take care of his garden -
landlord-tenant agreement let us say but for that tree with the tainted
fruit - dare not touch that.

Now vs 11 and 12 reads "And the name of the first (river) is Pison, that
is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is GOLD;
there is bdellium and the onyx stone...and there is the river
Hiddekel - now drop that K and that was Lee Harvey Oswald's code name
"Alex Hiddell: ancient cyphers had no K.   But in Daniel you find Daniel
by the River Hiddekel but that is another story - 3 Presidents within 10
years end result meaning one will be knocked off - like Lincoln,
Kennedy, almost got Reagan, but he broke the Astrologers Mark of Doom
(as preached by that psuedo religious propagandist engaged in
psychological warfare, Jean Dixon, the Tokyo Rose of Washington Square).

Now back to energy - sheer energy.   As of late this good man Richardson
who was raised in Mexico and now runs our Atomic Secrets stuff, which he
caused to be lost in Los Alamos (that would be a good movie - Lost in
Los Alamos).so 3000 people at least this good man admits will die of
cancer etc., from working in this stuff that glows in the dark and that
stuff like neutron bomb stuff that Clinton gave away.

So what is "Bdellium"lots of gold, rubies, and where you find
gold, you find uranium, etc.  But what is Bdellium?

Two stories here for those with enquiring minds and a tendency to see
conspiracy and use of a bible code, which one takes literally and
figurativelyas Jimmy Hoffa Sr. used to say, but he always said when
JFK was murdered - hey, I was not the Architect of that plan - wonder if
that guy was a mason, but as a Union man one of the few who did not sell
out and was not admitted to the CFR like Wurf and Woodcock..well he
knew where all the bodies were buried didn't he?Last words of Hoffa
family were "at least Bobby Kennedy was honest with us", for he did what
he felt he had to do.too bad he took on Hoffa, for he picked the
wrong man - should have nailed Meyer Lansky for he was headbut he
never wagged Hoffa as he did other Union men.

Now bible calendar/code used by Oswald and assassins planning murder of
the next President of USA.is this Beryllium the same thing as
Bdellium?  Lots of other precious stones here, and now why would God be
interested in stuff like that un he had some good things

Must be, Mr. and Mrs. God were English and Irish.but these two
in Genesis had to answer to higher authority.GOD I.

A Saba

September 13, 1999

Missing IAAP files are found
By Dennis J. Carroll
Spurred by an angry, frustrated Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, U.S. Energy
Department officials now say they have found much of the lost written
history of the Iowa Army Ammunition Plant in Middletown.
Earl Whiteman, a technology and sites program official in the DOE's
Albuquerque office, said documents related to the plant's years as a
nuclear weapons production facility have been found in a warehouse at
the Pantex plant near Amarillo, Texas.
"We think that's what they are," Whiteman said of several boxes marked
"Burlington," a reference to the Middletown plant.
Harkin has criticized the Energy Department for losing track of IAAP
records, especially those relating to worker health and possible
environmental contamination.
Whiteman said it appears the newly discovered files deal with the
cleanup of IAAP's Production Line 1 after the DOE moved its Middletown
operation to the Pantex plant in 1974.
Whiteman also said the files, which have not yet been fully examined,
also relate to the exposure levels of workers to radioactivity,
hazardous chemicals and beryllium, a metal used in nuclear weapons
because of its nuclear, though not radioactive, nature.
"There is no indication that people were exposed to harmful levels of
anything," Whiteman said.
The Army, which now operates IAAP with contractor American Ordnance, has
said the line was cleaned up after AEC and DOE shut down their
operations there in 1974, but said it had no substantiating documents.
"My sense is that all radioactive contamination was cleaned up back in
the 1970s," Whiteman said.
He said the files appear to confirm that t

[CTRL] Fw: Are the Missing Hard Drives Political Foul Play?

2000-06-15 Thread rtatman

- Original Message -
From: "brew meister" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "July 30 in Philly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 1:14 AM
Subject: [July30] Are the Missing Hard Drives Political Foul Play?

> July 30 in Philly - www.unity2000.com
> Are the Missing Hard Drives Political Foul Play?
> Two computer hard drives containing highly sensitive information on
> weapons designs were found to be missing from Los Alamos National
> May 7 when staffers, concerned about a wildfire approaching the
> went in to remove sensitive items from the vault for safekeeping.  The lab
> was shut down because of the fire from May 8 to May 22.
> On May 22, the very same day the Laboratory reopened, GOP presidential
> candidate George W. Bush addressed the National Press Club in Washington
> and launched into a blistering attack of the Clinton Administration's
> National Security Policy.  In the week that followed, while officials at
> Laboratory conducted a futile search for the drives which went unreported
> the national media, Bush continued his attack of the Clinton
> Administration's National Security Policy.
> As Laboratory officials continued their search for the drives, on Tuesday,
> May 30, Bush promised to hang an ``under new management'' sign on the
> Pentagon, and vowed to lift morale in the military and restore readiness
> U.S. forces.  Lashing out at Vice President Al Gore, Bush accused Gore of
> helping to preside over a significant decline in preparedness by asking
> military ``to do too much with too little,'' and called for ``a clear
> mission statement'' and a long-term strategic plan.  While laboratory
> officials searched in vein for the drives, Bush dismissed as "unnecessary"
> an offer of a briefing with top military brass on U.S. nuclear security
> Defense Secretary William Cohen, a fellow Republican who serves in the
> Democratic administration of Clinton and Gore.
> There are three possible scenarios which might explain the missing drives.
> First, it is possible that the drives were simply misplaced.  Second, it
> possible that a traitor existed within the Los Alamos National Laboratory
> who had access to the drives and stole them for delivery to enemies of the
> United States.
> As ominous as the implications of espionage by foreign agents are for the
> security of the United States, a third possibility raises equally ominous
> implications for the democracy of the United States.
> It is possible that that the drives were stolen not by agents working for
> foreign enemies of the United States, but rather by a domestic agent
> on behalf of the Bush presidential campaign.
> Certainly the timing of the security breach could not have been more
> convenient for Bush.  Nor could the security breach have been more
> politically damaging to Presidential Candidate Albert Gore, or his
> presumptive running mate, Energy Secretary Bill Richardson.  Nor is it
> beyond the imagination that the Bush family would have the means and the
> motive to engage in such chicanery.
> In recent years, historians and scholars have gathered damning evidence of
> Bush's father's complicity in prolonging the kidnapping of the 52 American
> hostages in 1980, as part of a scheme to ensure Ronald Reagan's election;
> the so-called  "October Surprise."
> On at least two occasions after Clinton's victory in 1992, Iranian
> emissaries told Clinton insiders that Iran was willing to turn over
> about secret Republican contacts with Islamic radicals close to the late
> Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, according to sources involved in those
> overtures.
> But on both occasions -- once as early as the Clinton transition period in
> late 1992 and again in 1994 -- Clinton spurned the offers, the sources
> He apparently feared the contacts could open him to charges of playing
> politics.
> The Iranian overtures in 1992 and 1994, however, did not stand alone.
> 1980, other well-placed Iranian officials have indicated publicly that the
> Reagan-Bush campaign made clandestine contacts with Iran during the
> Reagan-vs.-Carter election campaign.
> Iranian leaders alleging GOP contacts have included the late Foreign
> Minister Sadegh Ghotbzadeh, Defense Minister Ahmad Madani and President
> Abolhassan Bani-Sadr.
> The 1994 approach represented another high-level contact, reportedly
> from Kamal Kharrazi, who was then Iranian representative to the United
> Nations and who is now foreign minister in the Khatemi administration.
> Though Clinton let those opportunities slip away, a mass of new October
> Surprise evidence has grown since Clinton's election in 1992. This
> includes:
> --Testimony from French intelligence chief Alexandre deMarenches's
> biographer that deMarenches admitted setting up meetings between Reagan's
> campaign chief William Casey and Iranian radicals in Paris in October
> I

[CTRL] Is the Palace stamping out Diana?

2000-06-15 Thread rtatman

Are the Royals (or Lizards, or whatever they are) setting themselves in
opposition to the New World Order's Diana cult?


Is the Palace stamping out Diana?


  June 14 -  Buckingham Palace is trying to erase the memory of Princess
Diana, critics are charging. Friends and family of the late Princess Diana
are steaming that a set of stamps commemorating Prince William's turning 18
show him at various ages with assorted loved ones, including his father, but
not with Diana.

  "IT IS A shame that these stamps do not include everyone who was
concerned with the prince's early life," an unidentified aide to Earl
Spencer, Diana's brother, was quoted as saying in news reports this week.

   Sources believe that Prince Charles would like to make the public
forget the widely adored Diana while he tries to get approval for long-time
love Camilla Parker Bowles.

  According to one royal watching source, Charles even told the
stamp designer that he really didn't want Diana in anything commemorating
William's coming of age celebration.

   One country, however, is not buying it. Gibraltar, Britain's largest
remaining colony, has ordered up a stamp that shows Diana cradling William
as a baby.

Robert F. Tatman
Jenkintown, PA, USA
"Y Gwir Yn Erbyn y Byd"--Y Bardd Cymraeg
"The Truth Against the World"--motto of the Welsh bards

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effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
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Re: [CTRL] The Revolution Has Started: Here Are Your First Orders (fwd)

2000-06-15 Thread rtatman

I have all the love in the world for the Declaration of Independence.  It is
the finest revolutionary manifesto ever written, and I once nearly started a
riot by reciting the first part of the Declaration at a Resistance rally in
Philadelphia in 1968.  But, brothers and sisters, it ain't a legally binding
document!  The corpus of Federal law *starts* with the Constitution, not
with the Declaration.  There's no point to saying that the Declaration was
never repealed.  Of course it was never repealed; it became moot at the
signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1782, in which Great Britain recognized
the sovereignty of the United States of America!  The Declaration is a
*revolutionary* document; it addresses the rights of the individual first
and foremost.  The Constitution--and by extension all of American law--while
institutionalizing a form of revolution (Jefferson's idea of a revolution
every twenty-five years), emphasizes the *community* of citizens, the Nation
as a whole.  This is why Federal officeholders "swear to protect and defend
the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and
domestic."  This country is unique in that a *document*, a legal document,
stands at the head of the government and embodies the sovereignty of the
Nation.  The Revolution, when it comes, as it inevitably must, will be
fought not with guns--I defy you to stand up to a column of M-1 Abrams tanks
and Bradley Fighting Vehicles supported by Cobra and Apache helicopter
gunships, armed with your trusty .30-06.  The Revolution, brothers and
sisters, will take place in the streets and in the courts and in the voting
booths, and its most powerful weapon will be the rights embedded in the
First Amendment.  Remember the old German song, "Die Gedanken Sind
Frei"--"My thoughts they are free, no one can e'er know them.  They flitter
away, like shades in the night.  No one can e'er know them, no hunter can
shoot them.  This ever shall be, my thoughts they are free."  And the second
stanza: "And should I be thrown in the darkest of dungeons, all that is
totally irrelevant: for my thoughts will shatter the walls asunder.  This
ever shall be, my thoughts they are free."  It was the power of thought, the
power of ideas, that fueled the American Revolution; and that same power
will fuel the next revolution...and the next, and the next, and the next.
For revolution is, in the last analysis, a never-ending process.  This was
never more true than it is today.

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 8:24 PM
Subject: [CTRL] The Revolution Has Started: Here Are Your First Orders (fwd)

> -- Forwarded message --
> From: LizMichael.com
> Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2000 10:18 PM
> Subject: The Revolution Has Started: Here Are Your First Orders

> The Declaration of Independence has never been repealed. It
> plainly states that it is "the right of people to alter or to
> abolish" the government. This is something you will see within
> the next 10 to 20 years. It will not happen in a far off land,
> but among your very homes. Your children will learn of it with
> their own eyes. And in today's electronic world, the whole world
> will be watching. This revolution SHALL be televised.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Underground tunnels gif

2000-06-15 Thread Nicky Molloy


Samantha, here is the url for the underground tunnels. I had a big list of
urls for these tunnels, if I can locate it again will post it.

Kind regards, Nicky

ps Nessie did I read right that you are a man?

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [newsucanuse] Interrogating 6 year olds

2000-06-15 Thread lloyd


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

Subject: [newsucanuse] Interrogating 6 year olds
Date: Saturday, June 03, 2000 3:10 PM

 Dan Walters: Interrogating 6-year-olds
 (Published June 2, 2000)

 Suppose a state law required that when a 6-year-old child was entering
 the first grade of school, the youngster and/or his parents had to answer
 a series of questions delving into:

  Whether the child's family had a history of mental illness, domestic
 violence or drug use.

  Whether there were "family stresses that could lead to violence," such
 as unemployment or divorce.

  Whether the family had adequate child care.

  Whether parents used spanking in discipline.

  Whether the child had been exposed to violence, either actual in the
 family or neighborhood or fictional via movies and television.

  Whether the family or neighbors owned any guns.

  Whether anyone in the family, the school or the neighborhood was
 involved with gangs.

  Whether the child had experienced physical assault or "sexual
 victimization from anyone."

  Whether the child had signs of poor self-esteem or depression.

 Sounds rather intrusive, doesn't it, as if a 6-year-old child or parents
 would be required, as a condition of entering school, to spill family

 There isn't any such law now, but Sacramento Assemblyman Darrell
 Steinberg wants one, contending that early screening is needed to find
 "red flags" to children's emotional problems that could later emerge as
 violence or crime. However, rather than simply write the legislation and
 take his chances on its passage, Steinberg is taking a circuitous path to
 his goal.

 State law already requires children to undergo, as a condition of
 entering the first grade, complete medical examinations. An earlier
 version of Steinberg's bill would have extended this to include a "social
 history" of each child, but didn't spell out what it would have included.
 Rather, the bill said that it was to reflect a 1999 policy statement by
 the American Academy of Pediatrics -- the items in previously cited list.

 Steinberg's back-door approach didn't survive the Assembly committee
 process, in part because the state would have to pay for the
 examinations. After several rewrites, an even more indirect version of
 the bill reached the Assembly floor, one requiring the American Academy
 of Pediatrics recommendations to be incorporated into children's health
 screening programs operated by county governments -- the programs that
 poor parents lacking health insurance are most likely to use to comply
 with the medical exam requirements for their first-grade children.

 No matter how you slice it, however, the essential thrust remains intact:
 6-year-olds would be undergoing exams that would probe private aspects of
 their family lives.

 Anyone who has reared a child knows that the world of 6-year-olds is a
 delightful mixture of fact and fantasy in which "monsters" can be just as
 real as parents, in which water guns and bazookas are equally menacing,
 in which the line between gangs and pals is indistinguishable -- and in
 which questions from adults can often be regurgitated as fact.
 Interrogating them about family problems is pointless, intrusive and
 potentially damaging as official busybodies act on the "information" the
 kids impart.

 The Assembly may not have known what it was doing when it approved
 Steinberg's measure recently, but it certainly couldn't claim ignorance
 on Wednesday when Assemblyman Tom McClintock, R-Simi Valley, tried to
 persuade his colleagues to rethink what they were doing, quoting
 extensively from the American Academy of Pediatrics policy statement and
 terming it "some of the most frightening invasions of family privacy I
 have ever read." Nevertheless, the Assembly left its original approval
 intact, thus contributing to a triumph of good intentions over good
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