[CTRL] US Scientist Brought Death To Amazononians

2000-10-05 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

(This is shocking and gives a new meaning to Global 2000 and the elite
Neonazis who inflict harm on their fellow humans, for the 'greater good.'
There is no greater good when people are killed for the sake of 'science'.
What arrogance! --SW)

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Date sent:  Wed, 04 Oct 2000 20:21:40 -0700
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Subject:SNET: US Scientist Brought Death To Amazononians
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US Scientist Brought Death To Amazononians
posted 30th September 2000
Paul Brown

Thousands of South American Indians were infected with measles, killing
hundreds, so that United States scientists could study the effects on
primitive societies of natural selection, according to a book due to be
published next week. The story of genetic research on humans, which took 10
years to uncover, is likely to shake the world of anthropology to its core,
according to Professor Terry Turner of Cornell University, who has read the
proofs. "In its scale, ramifications and sheer criminality and corruption it
is unparalleled in the history of anthropology," Prof Turner says in a
warning letter to Louise Lamphere, the president of the American
Anthropology Association (AAA). The book accuses James Neel, the geneticist
who headed a long-term project to study the Yanomami people of Venezuela in
the mid-60s, of using a virulent measles vaccine to spark an epidemic that
killed hundreds and probably thousands. Once the epidemic was under way,
says the book, the research team "refused to provide any medical assistance
to the sick and dying Yanomami, on explicit order from Neel. He insisted to
his colleagues that they were only there to observe and record the epidemic,
and that they must stick strictly to their roles as scientists, not provide
medical help". Darkness In El Dorado, by the investigative journalist
Patrick Tierney, is due to be published on October 1.

Prof Turner, whose letter was co-signed by fellow anthropologist Leslie
Sponsel of the University of Hawaii, was trying to warn the AAA of the
impending scandal so the profession could defend itself. Although Neel died
last February, many of his associates, including authors of classic
anthropology texts, are still alive. The accusations will be aired at the
AAA's annual meeting in November, when scientists have been invited to
defend their work. None has commented publicly, but they are asking
colleagues to come to their defence. One of the most controversial aspects
of the research that allegedly culminated in the epidemic is that it was
funded by the US atomic energy commission, which was anxious to discover
what might happen to communities when large numbers were wiped out by
nuclear war. While there are no texts or recorded speeches by Neel
explaining his conduct, Prof Turner believes the only explanation is that he
was trying to test controversial eugenic theories like the Nazi scientist
Josef Mengele. He quotes another anthropologist who read the manuscript as
saying: "Mr Tierney's analysis is a case study of the dangers in science of
the uncontrolled ego, of lack of respect for life, and of greed and
self-indulgence. It is a further extraordinary revelation of malicious and
perverted work conducted under the aegis of the atomic energy commission."
Prof Turner says Neel and his group used a virulent vaccine called Edmonson
B on the Yanomami. It was known to produce symptoms virtually
indistinguishable from cases of measles. "There is no record that Neel
sought any medical advice before applying the vaccine. He never informed the
appropriate organs of the Venezuelan government that his group was planning
to carry out a vaccination campaign, as he was legally required to do."

Prof Turner says that Neel thought that "natural" human society, before the
advent of large-scale agriculture, consists of small, isolated groups in
which dominant genes - specifically a gene he believed existed for
"leadership" or "innate ability" - have a selective advantage. Male carriers
of this gene would gain access to a disproportionate total of females,
reproducing their genes more frequently than less "innately able" males. The
result is continual upgrading of the human genetic stock. He says Neel
believed that in modern societies superior leadership genes would be swamped
by mass genetic mediocrity. "The political implication of this fascistic
eugenics is clearly that society should be reorganised into small breeding
isolates in which genetically superior males could emerge into dominance,
eliminating or subordinating the male losers in the competition for
leadership and women, and amassing harems of brood females," Prof Turner
adds. In the memo he 

[CTRL] Eastern Front

2000-10-05 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-


Russia's Closest Friends
Ready To Try Military Intervention

4 October 2000

  MOSCOW--Concerned about its rising crime rate, mounting debt, and out-of-
control alcoholism, Russia's closest allies are preparing to step in and stage
a military intervention on the troubled nation's behalf.

 Above: Military-intervention planners Jacques Chirac, Bill Clinton, and Tony
Blair prepare to confront Vladimir Putin and his troubled nation.   "Russia
is a very, very important country to all of us, and we can't just sit by and
watch it destroy itself like this," German chancellor Gerhard Schröder said.
"It's time we stepped in."
  "We've talked and talked to them for years now, desperately trying to get
them to change their self-destructive ways, but nothing we've said has gotten
through," British prime minister Tony Blair said. "At this point, I don't think
we have any choice but to brew up a pot of coffee, bring in some armored
divisions, and force Russia to deal with its problems."
  The intervention, which will be led by Germany and include the U.S.,
France, England, Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic, will most likely
occur next week, before the harsh Russian winter makes acts of caring difficult
for armored vehicles and infantrymen. The intervention's primary objective will
be to communicate to Russia, through kind but firm military means, how much it
means to the European community, how its problems have been affecting its
neighbors, and what its allies want their relationship to be like in the
  "I really don't think Russia understands how much it hurts my country
when it does some of the things it does," Polish president Aleksander
Kwasniewski said. "It withholds not only affection and attention, but vast oil
and mineral reserves. There was a time when Russia was there for us with
foreign aid. We could turn to them for emotional and military support. No
  "I'm not surprised, though," Kwasniewski continued. "I mean, these last
few years, Russia's been letting itself go to hell internally--roads, bridges,
the power grid, you name it. How can you take care of others when you can't
even take care of yourself?"
  Much of the frustration felt by Russia's allies stems from the nation's
inability to be self-reliant despite its age, its incredible potential, and the
tremendous amount of help it has received over the years.
  "I've given Russia something like $8.5 billion in foreign aid and
international-relief loans since 1995," President Clinton said. "And what do
they do when they get all that money? They devalue the ruble, close up the
banks, and then turn around and ask Germany for a few billion more. Where does
it all go?"
  "Let's just say I have my suspicions," added Clinton, making a drinking
motion with his hand.

Above: German troops ready themselves for the intervention.   "Funny how
Russia always manages to scrounge up a few bucks when they want to roll into
Chechnya and raise a little hell," French president Jacques Chirac said. "Well,
I'm not helping them pay for that stuff anymore. And if I have to get together
with the boys and go over there myself to put a stop to it, I will."
  Organizers of the military intervention say they expect Russia to put up
resistance when massed troops appear on its doorstep. They are confident,
however, that Russia will eventually come to realize that the intervention is
for its own good.
  "I can already hear what Russia's going to say," Schröder said. "It's
going to be like, 'Hey, I'm making strides. I'm doing better. I took down that
wall, I did the whole glasnost and perestroika thing, I even have my own space
station. What do you want from me?' It isn't going to be easy."
  "We'll just have to use tough love," Schröder added, "and a lot of the T-
72 tanks Russia left lying around when it moved out of our place."
  Russia's friends are aware that history is not on their side. In recent
centuries, numerous interventions have failed to work on the proud, stubborn
nation. But despite the poor track record, its friends are confident.
  "Yes, many people have gone in there without success," Blair said. "You
have to realize, though, that people like Napoleon and Hitler probably didn't
have Russia's best interests at heart when they went barging in. If we show
Russia that we're doing this because we care, and we can avoid getting bogged
down in a winter land campaign, I think we've got a really good shot at winning
the country over."
  "In this kind of intervention, you never know what's going to happen,"
Clinton said. "Believe it or not, sometimes when the subject recognizes that
you are doing it out of genuine concern and have all of NATO on your side, they
agree to change their ways instantly."
  "But if that doesn't happen--and we certainly have reason to believe that
a big, independent, 

[CTRL] Chicken Big?

2000-10-05 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-

From www.wsws.org

WSWS : News  Analysis : North America : US Economy
Debt-fueled US economy set up for a fall
By Nick Beams
5 October 2000
Back to screen version

While the headlines have focused on Europe, the real issue in the recent
currency market intervention by the Group of Seven (G7) nations to prop up the
value of the euro is the increasing dependence of the United States economy on
the inflow of foreign capital.

For the euro to begin to rise against the US dollar, the flood of capital
pouring out of Europe in search of higher returns in the American
market—currently running at about $3 billion a week—will need to be reduced

But the US has become so dependent on foreign capital inflow that were such a
reversal, or even a significant slowdown, to take place it could set off a
financial crisis leading to a US recession.

How such a slowdown might begin is canvassed in a new book, The Coming Internet
Depression by BusinessWeek economics editor Michael Mandel, an extract from
which was published in the October 9 edition of the magazine.

Mandel raises the question of how long the already record boom in the US,
resting on the technology-based “New Economy”, can last and what will follow
when it comes to an end.

He warns that “the New Economy is more than a technological revolution, it's a
financial revolution as well—and that makes today's economy far more volatile
than most realise. Just as forecasters seriously underestimated the growth
potential of the US economy in the 1990s, they are underestimating the
possibility of a steep decline in the near future.”

According to Mandel, the key financial factor in the technology boom has been
the growth of venture capital, used to launch new hi-tech and Internet
companies. Venture capital funding has risen from about $5 billion annually 10
years ago to an annual rate of around $100 billion today.

Venture capital in turn has depended on a rising stock market. Having provided
the capital for startup companies, venture capital has been able to secure high
returns when those companies are floated on the stock market, thereby providing
the funds for further investments.

However Mandel points out that when the next downturn begins, “the virtuous
circle of the 1990s could start going in reverse. Instead of a rising stock
market generating more funds for financing innovation, a falling market will
reduce the risk capital for new startups.” This would lead to slower innovation
and lower productivity growth depressing the stock market still further.

Unless corrective action were taken to counter falling asset prices and slowing
technology demand “then the downturn could morph into something deeper and more
sinister: an Internet Depression. Such a depression would start in tech and
devastate the entire economy.”

One of the consequences of such a downturn would be that foreign capital, which
has been pouring into the US in search of the higher returns made possible by
the technology boom, would begin to move elsewhere. The implications of such a
shift are made clear by the following figures.

In 1993 net foreign investment formed less than 5 percent of the gross
investment taking place in the US. By 1994 it had risen to just under 10
percent, where it remained for the next three years. But over the next three
years the proportion more than doubled, from under 10 percent to 23 percent.

With the US economy now dependent on foreign capital inflows, a tech slowdown,
Mandel points out, could have major consequences, sending “foreign investors
rushing for the door, especially since it would hit the tech-driven US economy
harder than others.” These problems would be compounded if the Federal Reserve
Board then intervened to lift interest rates in order to try and prevent a fall
in the value of the dollar.

Other economic analysts have pointed to the same underlying structural
imbalances in the US and global economy.

A comment-piece published by the London-based firm Lombard Street Research last
month noted that the US trade and current account deficits were continuing to
widen, even though they had already reached “historically unprecedented

The trade gap for July was $32 billion, or nearly $400 billion on an annual
basis, and could be expected to climb for the rest of the year and into 2001,
bringing a trade deficit of $450 billion by the middle of the year. On top of
the trade gap, there is the deficit on international investment income,
resulting from the increase in foreign ownership of US assets. This has been
averaging around $5 billion per quarter in the recent period but may even
increase. When foreign expenditure by the US government is added in, the
current account deficit may reach as high as $500 billion in 2001, equivalent
to 5 percent of gross domestic product.

The comment notes that the US has only been able to run an increasing deficit
and yet maintain a strong currency because of foreign capital inflows.

[CTRL] EthnoMatheMatix

2000-10-05 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-

From The Chronicle


From the issue dated October 6, 2000

 Good-Bye Pythagoras?
'Ethnomathematics' embraces non-European methods of math; critics fear a
decline in rigor


At California's Orange Coast College, students in mathematics classes learn
about the geometric designs in Navajo rugs when their professor, Eduardo Jesus
Arismendi-Pardi, teaches the concept of slope.

Students at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute use African fractals -- patterns
that repeat themselves at many different scales -- in their computer-graphics
simulations for Ron Eglash, an assistant professor of mathematics.
At the Newark campus of Rutgers University, students in teacher-education
courses led by Arthur B. Powell work out river-crossing problems based on
different cultures in their study of algebra.

And using a cultural analogy that's close to home, Jim Barta teaches his
elementary-education students at Utah State University a new way to think about
the Cartesian coordinate system: street mapping in towns settled by Mormons is
based on a system much like the one in which positive and negative numbers name
intersections of lines.

In college classes in algebra, calculus, geometry, statistics, calculus, and
the history of mathematics, among other subjects, and in degree programs for
future elementary- and secondary-school teachers, professors are defining a new
way of teaching math. They call it ethnomathematics -- math from a cultural

"Every day, more and more pieces of the puzzle are coming together," says Mr.
Barta, an assistant professor who is treasurer of the North American chapter of
the International Study Group on Ethnomathematics, a support group for people
in the field. "We're looking at multiple perspectives to help us better
understand human beings and relationships between being human and mathematics,"
he says.

Some professors strive to incorporate mathematical methods developed in non-
European countries to calculate, measure, reason, and infer, among other
things. Others take a broader view and include the practices of anyone -- be it
African or African-American, Filipino or female, one's neighbor or oneself --
under the "ethno" banner.

Good-bye Pythagoras? So long Euclid? That's what the critics fear. "I'm all for
uncovering mathematical contributions from China or India or Africa or anywhere
else, and I do some of that in my teaching," says David Klein, a professor of
mathematics at California State University at Northridge. "But when it comes to
actually teaching how to do mathematics itself, if the professors are so
politically correct that they are reluctant to use Arabic numbers and European
theorems and the powerful ideas of mathematics that were developed in the last
few centuries in Europe, then it handicaps the students."

Mr. Klein's view is typical of the skeptics: He objects more to professors who
take up students' time working out math problems with non-European methods --
even when they do problems the Greek way as well -- than to instructors who
incorporate the traditions of diverse cultures into their math-history lessons.

What worries critics the most is teacher education, where ethnomathematics is
most prevalent. Some people feel that learning the mathematical methods of
other cultures is not the best use of children's time, either. Kids must learn
a lot in elementary and secondary school to do the higher-level math of college
and beyond, they say, and math based on European thinking offers the most
efficient, powerful tools. Courses that devote a lot of time to
ethnomathematics, some critics believe, steer future teachers in the wrong
direction, in essence dumbing down the school curriculum.

But even the most ardent professors of ethnomathematics say they are not trying
to replace the great Greek and other European thinkers who have shaped modern
mathematics. Instead, they say, they are blending European ideas with African,
Asian, Native American, and other mathematical innovations, teaching both
European and non-European practices.

And in most cases, they say, they are teaching the same concepts as other math
professors, but also giving their students new reasoning skills -- and a
cultural education to help capture their interest and put the math in context.
Call it mathematics with an anthropological bent.

Or, in some cases, math with a social agenda: By showing that math is not just
the product of white-male thinking, a number of professors hope to make math
more agreeable to nonwhite students and to women.

Or math meets politics: In the words of Ubiratan D'Ambrosio, a Brazilian
mathematician who is a founder of ethnomathematics, the movement, which tries
to increase respect for other cultures, is nothing less than "a step toward

"Mathematics is absolutely integrated with Western civilization, which
conquered and dominated the entire world," Mr. D'Ambrosio wrote 

[CTRL] Burglar Heaven

2000-10-05 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-


Of course, this is monarchist BS, another example of keeping the serfs down.
The obvious problem (and danger) is taking one single datum and extrapolating a
position therefrom.  If mass shootings were epidemic, then this might have some
value.  But to use one random case to impose law and order on the people is a
loonngg stretch.  Like Columbine and the few other teenybopper pop-offs, these
represent only a bare handfull of incidents, many of which were probably copy-
catted (sensationalist media {five minutes of fame} and reportedly due to some
'responsible' psychotropic activities.  YET:  do we hear about banning chemical
additives to children's nervous systems?  No ... What else remains as
bizarre is no one seems to mind that cars are responsible for killing more
people each year than weapons of projectile destruction.  YET: do we hear any
outcries for banning the six-wheeled (count 'em) steel projectiles?  No.
Burglar heaven?  Ah, yes.  Due to the decreasing number of weapons of
projectile destruction (guns), the burglary rate seems to have gone up in jelly
ol' Britland.  The U.S., with its 300 million guns has a rate about one quarter
of the Britlanders'.  (Apparently, the American crooks don't like getting shot
at when attempting to relieve their fellow citizens of worldly possesions and
are therefore a little more choosier in their targets.)  But, that has nothing
to do with the public safety (read on).  AER 

Britain Tightens Gun Laws Further
NewsMax.com Wires
Thursday, Oct. 5, 2000
See Britain and Gun Control: Neither Liberty nor Safety

LONDON (UPI) – Britain is tightening its strict gun laws and putting even more
limits on the ownership of firearms, including imitation firearms for
youngsters, the Home Office said Wednesday.

"Our overriding concern is to ensure public safety, and we believe that strong
controls on firearms are absolutely essential to achieve this," Home Office
Minister Charles Clarke said.

"Our firearms controls are already among the strongest in the world, and these
new proposals will increase their effectiveness."

Britain was shocked into action against gun ownership after a 43-year-old man,
Thomas Hamilton, gunned down 16 children and a teacher at a Scottish primary
school on March 13, 1996. The shooting at Dunblane injured 12 other children
and two teachers and ended only when Hamilton killed himself.

A ban on handgun ownership followed and spurred Parliament to seek other ways
of controlling guns.

Clarke said the new package of measures would include better controls on
shotguns, tighter restrictions on the use of guns by young people, firm action
against the misuse of air guns and would work to tackle the use of illegal guns
in crime.

"We realize that this is an emotive subject, with strong feelings on either
side," he said.

"We have sought to strike a balance and to target our controls fairly and
proportionately." But he said some of the measures unveiled on Wednesday would
help curb the development of a "gun culture" in Britain.

The announcement of tougher gun control came despite British successes in the
recently ended Olympic shooting events in Sydney. Richard Faulds won a gold
medal in the men's shooting double trap, and Ian Peel won a silver in the men's
shooting trap.

The new rules are the government's response to a parliamentary committee report
on gun control, which recommended tough new measures, including a ban on the
sale of imitation firearms to those under 18 years old.

Clarke said new controls would require those wanting to own a shotgun to
demonstrate a good reason to have one.

But the government held back from introducing a total ban on people less than
16 years old using guns and rejected a licensing system for Britain's 4 million
airguns, arguing that it would be too cumbersome, costly and difficult to

Clarke said the government decided against a total ban on gun use by minors
because that would hurt Britain's ability to compete in future shooting events.

"If we simply banned young people under the age of 16 from handling guns then
we could end up in the position of simply not having sporting activity in this
area at all in a few years," he said.

The new controls were attacked as too harsh by the pro-shooting lobby.
British Shooting Sports Council Secretary Pat Johnson said the tougher laws
would "make it more difficult for us to produce another Richard Faulds by
making it harder for youngsters wanting to take up shooting."

Clay Pigeon Shooting Association said the regulations were a smokescreen for a
government that was not tackling the real problem: more criminals gaining
access to firearms. Executive Director Emilio Roduna called the tighter
controls "arbitrary and without justification that would penalize law-abiding

Police sources, however, said they were disappointed the controls did not go
far enough in banning airguns.

See more on gun control and gun rights 


2000-10-05 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-


Publications of the Center for Security Policy
No. 00-D 81


2 October 2000

What's Your Line?
(Washington, D.C.): Four years ago, the moderator of tonight's debate between
the presidential candidates, PBS' Jim Lehrer, found himself in the unhappy
position of purveying questions for the 1996 contenders from an audience
preoccupied with domestic affairs. At one point, he pleaded for a question
about foreign policy; all that was forthcoming was a bank-shot about the trade
deficit with Japan.

Tonight promises to be different. For one thing, Mr. Lehrer is asking the
questions and there are few in the business more skilled at the task. And
second, the evidence that foreign policy is going to become a principal
preoccupation for the next occupant of the White House makes vetting Vice
President Gore and Governor Bush on the emerging crises in the Middle East, the
Balkans, East Asia and our own hemisphere arguably the most important purpose
to which tonight's debate -- and those to come -- will be put.

Questions Worth Asking

Consider a few of the questions that demand answers from the men who would be

Do you believe that Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat is a reliable
partner for peace with Israel given: his continuing incitement of violence --
notably, the current mayhem in Israel and the disputed territories; his
repeated calls for jihad against the Jewish State; and his encouragement
through various means (including school textbooks) of his people's expectations
that the ultimate objective of liberating all of "Palestine" (that is,
including Israel proper) will be met?

This is a particularly important question for the Vice President since -- as
Robert Pollock pointed out last week in the Wall Street Journal, as a United
States Senator in 1986 -- Al Gore joined nearly half the Senate in writing then-
Attorney General Edwin Meese demanding that Yasser Arafat be indicted for the
murders of U.S. Ambassador Cleo Noel and Charge d'Affaires G. Curtis Moore in
Khartoum, Sudan. A follow up to the Veep might be: Since there is no statute of
limitations on murder, do you still believe that Arafat should be prosecuted
for this crime? What would you do if Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic
conjures up a crisis in Montenegro in order to justify a crack-down on his
domestic opposition? The prospects for this -- or some other -- scenario for
intensified repression by Belgrade are growing each day Milosevic refuses to
honor the obvious desire of the Serb people to end his misrule and the pariah
status to which it has condemned their nation.

In light of the murderous suffering and economic mayhem Milosevic has sown in
the wake of the Dayton accords, do you think the United States was right in
legitimating him as an indispensable part of the "peace process" in Bosnia and
Kosovo -- rather than dealing with him only as the indicted war criminal that
he is? How would you propose to deal with the unraveling of hemispheric
security as the cancer of Marxist, narco-guerrillas in Colombia begins to
metastasize and spread to neighboring countries? In an article on Sunday, the
Washington Post reported that, "As the Colombian government, backed by a $1.3
billion U.S. aid package, prepares an offensive against the traffickers and
their allies, Colombia's civil war is seeping into neighboring countries, and
things here have suddenly taken a violent turn." The most vulnerable of these
neighbors, Ecuador, is literally being overrun with Colombian rebels in its
border towns, but Brazil, Venezuela and Panama are also witnessing dramatic
increases in incursions across their porous borders by the rebels and their

Doesn't this situation demonstrate the folly of having U.S. forces removed from
their forward-deployed positions adjacent to the Panama Canal and will you take
steps to reverse that action? What message would you convey to the People's
Republic of China, which may have been emboldened by the Congress' recent
approval of Permanent Normal Trade Relations, to dissuade Beijing from further
threatening democratic Taiwan? This question is especially important as the
Communist Chinese may be particularly tempted to engage in aggression if they
believe a lame-duck President well-established as a "friend of China" would be
unwilling to act during the interlude between the election and inauguration

In recent days there has been much discussion about energy, with each of you
mapping out sharply contrasting positions concerning drawing down the Strategic
Petroleum Reserve and opening up part of the Alaska National Wildlife Arctic
Reserve to drilling for oil and gas. The renewed focus thus placed on the
importance of domestic sources of energy to our economic and national security,
calls attention to a new threat to those interests:

According to Massachusetts Institute of Technology economist Daniel Fine, the
mere threat of a ballistic missile attack against 

Re: [CTRL] US Scientist Brought Death To Amazononians

2000-10-05 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Careful here. I am working on info that may show this story is not what
it appears to be.

More later.

Steve Wingate wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 (This is shocking and gives a new meaning to Global 2000 and the elite
 Neonazis who inflict harm on their fellow humans, for the 'greater good.'
 There is no greater good when people are killed for the sake of 'science'.
 What arrogance! --SW)

 --- Forwarded message follows ---
 Date sent:  Wed, 04 Oct 2000 20:21:40 -0700
 From:   Nicky Molloy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject:SNET: US Scientist Brought Death To Amazononians
 To: The Eagle Net [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Surfing the Apocalypse [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Armageddon or New Age? [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 -  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

 US Scientist Brought Death To Amazononians
 posted 30th September 2000
 Paul Brown

 Thousands of South American Indians were infected with measles, killing
 hundreds, so that United States scientists could study the effects on
 primitive societies of natural selection, according to a book due to be
 published next week. The story of genetic research on humans, which took 10
 years to uncover, is likely to shake the world of anthropology to its core,
 according to Professor Terry Turner of Cornell University, who has read the
 proofs. "In its scale, ramifications and sheer criminality and corruption it
 is unparalleled in the history of anthropology," Prof Turner says in a
 warning letter to Louise Lamphere, the president of the American
 Anthropology Association (AAA). The book accuses James Neel, the geneticist
 who headed a long-term project to study the Yanomami people of Venezuela in
 the mid-60s, of using a virulent measles vaccine to spark an epidemic that
 killed hundreds and probably thousands. Once the epidemic was under way,
 says the book, the research team "refused to provide any medical assistance
 to the sick and dying Yanomami, on explicit order from Neel. He insisted to
 his colleagues that they were only there to observe and record the epidemic,
 and that they must stick strictly to their roles as scientists, not provide
 medical help". Darkness In El Dorado, by the investigative journalist
 Patrick Tierney, is due to be published on October 1.

 Prof Turner, whose letter was co-signed by fellow anthropologist Leslie
 Sponsel of the University of Hawaii, was trying to warn the AAA of the
 impending scandal so the profession could defend itself. Although Neel died
 last February, many of his associates, including authors of classic
 anthropology texts, are still alive. The accusations will be aired at the
 AAA's annual meeting in November, when scientists have been invited to
 defend their work. None has commented publicly, but they are asking
 colleagues to come to their defence. One of the most controversial aspects
 of the research that allegedly culminated in the epidemic is that it was
 funded by the US atomic energy commission, which was anxious to discover
 what might happen to communities when large numbers were wiped out by
 nuclear war. While there are no texts or recorded speeches by Neel
 explaining his conduct, Prof Turner believes the only explanation is that he
 was trying to test controversial eugenic theories like the Nazi scientist
 Josef Mengele. He quotes another anthropologist who read the manuscript as
 saying: "Mr Tierney's analysis is a case study of the dangers in science of
 the uncontrolled ego, of lack of respect for life, and of greed and
 self-indulgence. It is a further extraordinary revelation of malicious and
 perverted work conducted under the aegis of the atomic energy commission."
 Prof Turner says Neel and his group used a virulent vaccine called Edmonson
 B on the Yanomami. It was known to produce symptoms virtually
 indistinguishable from cases of measles. "There is no record that Neel
 sought any medical advice before applying the vaccine. He never informed the
 appropriate organs of the Venezuelan government that his group was planning
 to carry out a vaccination campaign, as he was legally required to do."

 Prof Turner says that Neel thought that "natural" human society, before the
 advent of large-scale agriculture, consists of small, isolated groups in
 which dominant genes - specifically a gene he believed existed for
 "leadership" or "innate ability" - have a selective advantage. Male carriers
 of this gene would gain access to a disproportionate total of females,
 reproducing their genes more frequently than less "innately able" males. The
 result is continual upgrading of the human genetic stock. He says Neel
 believed that in modern societies superior leadership genes would be swamped
 by mass genetic mediocrity. "The political implication of this fascistic
 eugenics is clearly that society should be reorganised into small 

[CTRL] [Fwd: [imra-l] Dan Margalit: Will Arab Israelis turn the Wadi Ara region into a Middle Eastern Sudetenland? Reaction to Sharon visit unjustified, Arab Israeli rioting can't be compared to Zu Artzeinu protests]

2000-10-05 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: [imra-l] Dan Margalit:  Will Arab Israelis turn the Wadi Ara region into
a Middle Eastern Sudetenland? Reaction to Sharon visit unjustified, Arab Israeli
rioting can't be compared to Zu Artzeinu protests
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2000 08:56:17 +0200

Dan Margalit:  Will Arab Israelis turn the Wadi Ara region into a Middle
Eastern Sudetenland? Reaction to Sharon visit unjustified, Arab Israeli
rioting can't be compared to Zu Artzeinu protests

By Dan Margalit - Ha'aretz 5 October 2000

[IMRA note:  For purposes of reference, and in order that readers appreciate
the significance of this column, Dan Margalit is a leading leftist in the
Israeli media]

Some serious, public soul-searching is required in the wake of the grim,
tragic casualty list produced by the recent riots: four Israeli soldiers and
police officers and dozens of Palestinians, including ten Israeli Arabs. The
Palestinian leaders should listen to this soul-searching in a level-headed
manner, despite the fact that Arab members of Knesset played a key role in
the escalation of the violence.Opposition leader and Likud chief Ariel
Sharon fanned the flames of hysteria by visiting the Temple Mount. However,
it is in the nature of Israeli democracy - under whose wing the Arab
citizens of Israel are so anxious to seek asylum - to allow activity the
sole purpose of which is to amass political capital.

For the time being, Prime Minister Ehud Barak is prepared to discuss
international sovereignty over the Temple Mount, while Palestinian Authority
Chairman Yasser Arafat is adamantly opposed to such an arrangement. It is
particularly important for the Palestinians to understand that we will never
permit any place in this land to be Judenrein - "clean of Jews" or
"Jew-free." Therefore, Sharon has the right to visit the Temple Mount.

The chain of events following the visit clearly indicates that the Arabs
wanted this ghastly confrontation. It is easy to secure the sympathy of the
world with the photograph of a dead child; however, the responsibility lies
squarely on the shoulders of the Palestinian leaders, who so cynically
dispatch children to the frontline. The only person deriving any political
gain from the pictures is Arafat, whose hands are stained with the blood of
the sons of the members of the Four Mothers movement, which pressed for a
withdrawal of Israeli troops from Lebanon.

The same can be said about the demonstrations by Israeli Arabs within the
pre-1967 borders. A stable state cannot allow demonstrators to hurl rocks
and fire weapons at police officers. The results, which have been expressed
in the loss of human lives, are painful, yet Barak and Public Security
Minister Shlomo Ben-Ami managed to maintain the delicate balance between
sensitivity to human lives and a steel determination to enforce the
principle of law and order. Their approach deserves praise, even though
there were some places in which this balance was tragically violated. It
should be noted that these violations will be investigated and will require
the assumption of personal responsibility.

The Arabs are right in saying that the Israel Police did not open fire on
demonstrators from the right-wing Zu Artzeinu movement who burned tires at
traffic intersections. However, it must be pointed out that these
demonstrators did not endanger the lives of police officers by throwing
rocks or using live ammunition. In contrast, the price tag of the sporadic
shots fired from the home of militant Uzi Meshulam ended in the death of one

Beyond the recent riots, Israeli Arabs would be wise to carefully consider
the serious question marks that have been produced by their overall
position. On the one hand, all Israeli Jews understand that their Arab
compatriots identify with the Palestinian demand for an independent state.
On the other hand, there is a serious question that must be asked: Why, in
every dispute with Arafat, do Israeli Arabs never find even one point in
favor of the government of Israel? This total identification and the absence
of any voices in the Israeli Arab community publicly calling for an end to
the violence gives rise to the suspicion that the members of this community
constitute a fifth column.

In the face of the continuation of the violence, hope is fading that once
their situation improves, Israeli Arabs will be satisfied. In fact, there is
a growing fear that the Israeli Arab minority will want more, that it aims
for autonomy within the context of the State of Israel, for a State of
Palestine beyond the pre-1967 borders and for a binational state within
these borders.

Many of us remember the achievements of the subversive minority in
Czechoslovakia of the 1930s. There is the fear that within a very short
period of time, there will be an attempt by the Arab Israelis to take
advantage of the split in Jewish 

[CTRL] It's only human!

2000-10-05 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Big business has us bang to rights
Corporations behave as if they are more human than we

George Monbiot
Thursday October 5, 2000
The Guardian

The location of the boundaries of our humanity is
perhaps the key moral question of our age. Whether a
test-tube baby should be selected so that his cells
can be used to save the life of his sister, whether
one conjoined twin should die so that another can
live, whether partial human embryos should be cloned
and reared for organ transplants confront us with
problems we have never faced before. Medical advances,
both wonderful and terrifying, are eroding the edges
of our identity.

The new Human Rights Act is intended to provide us
with some of the guidelines we need to help sort this
out. It insists that we have an inalienable right both
to life itself and to the freedoms without which that
life would be wretched. But while the rights it
guarantees have proved fairly easy to define, it is,
curiously, the concept of humanity which turns out to
be precarious.

Human beings, you might have thought, are animate,
bipedal creatures a bit like you and me. But the
lawyers would have it otherwise. Big companies might
not breathe or speak or eat (though they certainly
reproduce), but they are now using human rights laws
to claim legal protections and fundamental liberties.
As their humanity develops, so ours diminishes.

Last month, a quarrying company called Lafarge Redland
Aggregates took the Scottish environment minister to
court on the grounds that its human rights had been
breached. Article 6 of the European Convention
determines that human beings should be allowed a fair
hearing of cases in which they are involved "within a
reasonable time". Lafarge is insisting that the
results of the public inquiry into its plan to dig up
a mountain in South Harris have been unreasonably
delayed. The company, as the campaigning academic
Alastair McIntosh has argued, may have good reason to
complain, but to use human rights law to press its
case sets a frightening precedent.

It is a concept developed in the US. The 14th
amendment to the constitution was introduced in 1868
with the aim of extending to blacks the legal
protections enjoyed by whites: equality under the law,
the right to life, liberty and the enjoyment of
property. By 1896, a series of extraordinary rulings
by a corrupt, white and corporate-dominated judiciary
had succeeded in denying these rights to the black
people they were supposed to protect, while granting
them instead to corporations.

Though black people eventually reclaimed their legal
protections, corporate human rights were never
rescinded. Indeed, while they have progressively
extended the boundaries of their own humanity, the
companies have ensured that ours is ever more

Firms in the US have argued that regulating their
advertisements or restricting their political
donations infringes their "human right" to "free
speech". They have insisted that their right to the
"peaceful enjoyment of possessions" should oblige
local authorities to grant them planning permission,
and prevent peaceful protesters from gathering on
their land.

At the same time, however, they have helped to ensure
that the "social, economic and cultural" rights, which
might have allowed us to challenge their dominance,
remain merely "aspirational". As the solicitor Daniel
Bennett has pointed out, article 13 of the European
Convention, by which we could have contested the
corporations' absolute control of fundamental
resources, has been deliberately excluded from our own
Human Rights Act.

The rise of corporate human rights has been
accompanied by an erosion of responsibilities. Limited
liability allows firms to shed their obligations
towards their creditors. Establishing subsidiaries -
regarded in law as separate entities - allows them to
shed their obligations towards the rest of us. And
while they can use human rights laws against us, we
can't use human rights laws against them, as they were
developed to constrain only the activities of states.
As far as the law goes, corporations are now more
human than we are.

The potential consequences are momentous. Governments
could find themselves unable to prevent the
advertising of tobacco, the dumping of toxic waste or
the export of arms to dictatorships. Yet in Britain
the public discussion of this issue has so far been
confined to the pages of the Stornoway Gazette.

The creatures we invented to serve us are taking over.
While we have been fretting about the power of
nanotechnology and artificial intelligence, our
domination by bodies we created but have lost the
means to control has already arrived. It is surely
inconceivable that we should grant human rights to
computers. Why then should they be enjoyed by




[CTRL] Not exactly civilians. More like armed militia.

2000-10-05 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-


(Article by Ronni Shaked, Yediot Ahronot, 3.10.2000, p. B8)

"The main foci of violence over the weekend were along the separation
lines, mainly near IDF positions.  Most of the activity was led by the
men of the Tenzim, the Fatah organization's military wing."

The Tenzim ("organization" in Arabic) is Fatah's field activity wing.
It is a kind of quasi-military militia, whose members see themselves as
being in the vanguard, mainly in initiating and organizing
demonstrations and confrontations against Israel.  Additional goals are:
organizing young people in nationalistic frameworks and prime their
hearts for nationalist activities in the framework of the Fatah

The Tenzim have tens of thousands of members, most of them residents of
the [Palestinian Authority] territories, "graduates of the intifada".
Every Fatah member who was imprisoned in Israel belongs to the Tenzim.
The organization is led by former intifada commanders, who serve on the
Tenzim's supreme committee.  Marwan Bargouti from Ramallah, who is also
a member of the Legislative Council, is considered the Tenzim's

Members of the Tenzim are under the control of the organization's
commanders, from whom - and not from Arafat or Palestinian Authority
officials - they receive their orders.  Arafat maintains ongoing links
with the Tenzim's commanders, finances the organization and uses its
members as a militia in confrontations with Israel, including armed
confrontations.  This is why Arafat, to Israel's disdain, does not
disarm the Tenzim.  Many Tenzim members operate in the framework of
Jibril Rajoub's security apparatus, mainly as field commanders.

The Tenzim has tens of thousands of weapons of all kinds - from pistols

to machine guns.  Some of the weapons have been given to the Tenzim by
the Palestinian Authority, some has been gathered over the years and
some has been purchased from various sources, including from the Israeli
underworld.  "When the state is established, the Tenzim will become a
political party and it will hand over its weapons to the state's legal
authorities," Marwan Bargouti has said on numerous occasions.

The Tenzim has branches in every neighborhood, village, refugee camp and
high school.  Most of the Tenzim's force are adult Palestinian men, aged
20-35, in the [Palestinian Authority] territories.  The organization's
strongest branches operate within the universities.  Therefore,
Bethlehem, Bir Zeit and An-Najah (in Nablus) University students have
been at the forefront of the demonstrations and confrontations.  During
summer holidays, the organization operates summer camps, which include
weaponry instruction and military training.  The Tenzim also holds
self-defense, first aid and civil defense courses on a regular basis.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Wargames: Air Force Space Command's Battle Plans

2000-10-05 Thread Robert F. Tatman

-Caveat Lector-



Wargames: Air Force Space Command's Battle Plans

By Frank Sietzen, Jr.
Special to SPACE.com
posted: 07:02 am ET
03 October 2000

Part One: Playing Games in Space

WASHINGTON Sept. 29 – It all began January 21, the day after the Presidential
inauguration. The political pressures had been building for months, although few
knew about the crisis. Now around a table in a secured room sat the President of
the United States, the Vice-President, Secretary of Defense, and the Joint
Chiefs of Staff. Behind them in a row of seats sat their staffs and aides. The
crisis had quickly escalated.
The first attack had rendered silent America’s constellation of Global
Positioning System (GPS) satellites. The GPS control center in Colorado Springs
reported it had lost contact with the constellation; first in a degraded signal
and then completely.

Within hours of that crisis, The President received notice of another space
disaster. Several commercial communication satellites used by the military to
route communications and pagers to ships at sea had been disabled; how was not
yet clear. At Cape Canaveral, terrorists had contaminated the fuel storage
facility for the Space Shuttle fleet.

Without firing a shot the nation’s winged ships were grounded.

And now came the most threatening news of all: NASA Johnson Space Center was
reporting that the International Space Station had been damaged by a wave of
small objects let loose from a ballistic missile.

The President and his staff now faced the most serious decision ever made by a
U.S. chief of state: did the attack on U.S. space assets constitute a first
strike against the nation? High up in silent space, had World War Three begun?

If this sounds threatening and frightening, that is the whole idea. For these
scenarios will be facing not the real U.S. President and his cabinet but a
simulation. Stand-ins for the President, Vice-President, Secretary of Defense
and the whole U.S. military leadership will take their places around a table on
January 21, 2001-the day after the next real U.S. President takes office.

"We need to learn how to better protect our space assets. In this way will we be
better able to develop our future plans."
 Rob Hegstrom, Game Director for the Schriever 2001 space wargame

The simulation, the Air Force’s first all-space wargame, will test how well U.S.
space assets would withstand an attack. The answers might well shape how the
military-and civil –space program evolves in the years ahead.

"This will be the first Air Force level space wargame, " said Rob Hegstrom, Game
Director for the Schriever 2001 space wargame. The week-long simulation of an
air and space attack will be held at the Schriever Air Base in Colorado Springs
next winter, the first of annual series.

The goal? "We need to learn how to better protect our space assets," Hegstrom
said. "In this way will we be better able to develop our future plans," he

Space wargames are not a new exercise. The U.S. Army, as part of its "Army After
Next" effort has held three such simulations. Each produced surprising results
and, according to some, disturbing questions that have yet to be answered by
U.S. national policy.

Questions such as the depth and level of the responsibility of the U.S. military
to commercial space industry when its systems are used for national defensive
purposes. "We pose questions such as how will these results shape the baseline
(military) force in development," Hegstrom said.

For the week, two separate teams will portray U.S. leaders facing a gradually
escalating crisis. One new scenario will be added each day, and the President
and his staff must plan responses in real time just as if the simulated events
are happening.

Since the day-to-day game is classified, specific plans are not detailed. But
the scenarios all focus on a U.S. space capability as projected in 2015, with
the rise of a geopolitical 'peer competitor' to the U.S. that has developed a
major space program.

While Hegstrom said that no specific wargame plan can be discussed, it was
reasonable to assume that, with a permanent U.S. space station in orbit in 2015,
"terrorist threats to the space station could easily be assumed as a valid
possibility," he said.

Other assumptions about the state of the space program in 15 years include
advanced navigation satellites, military spaceplanes, advanced launch vehicles,
space stations, and a capability the Pentagon calls "Launch on Demand", being
the ability to rapidly launch boosters and piloted craft within hours of an
order. Today such a launch takes months and years to prepare.

"Once military leaders 'hot wash' the results from the week-long play," Hegstrom
said that 'gold nuggets'-major lessons learned from the exercise- will be 

Re: [CTRL] Media Strikes Post-Debate Spins for Algore

2000-10-05 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/4/00 11:06:05 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Does anyone honestly believe that if it were Bush saying all these

things the media wouldn't call him on it? Already, in today's post-

debate "analysis" the media is calling Gore the winner

Like  I've said I am voting for Browne. Gore lies and Bush lies, the media
doesn't talk about either much. The 'psy sets'  underlying the "news" are
most definitely for Bush.

The canard about the "liberal" media is being used to energize the Bush
voters. The election is a "rigged" horseshoe game. Close will "win."

The "real deal" ain't about left versus right but us hoi polloi versus the
elite deviants.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Crooked Court Cases rejecting excise argument

2000-10-05 Thread Kris Millegan

Dear Otto Skinner,
 In the freedom law movement, you are the main proponent of the
idea that the Income Tax is a tax on excises. The attached cases are about
unfortunate freedom lovers, who argued this argument and unfortunately the
courts shot them down and served prison time in Federal Camp. I happen to
like and agree with much of your conclusions, but the crooked, government
biased and government paid political lawyers (judges) have disagreed with
you and deliberately misstate U.S. Supreme Court decisions.
 Since you are apparently the authority on this subject and I can
personally vouche for your intelligence ( I used to sell a of your books,
remeber?), perhaps you could enlighten us as to how these people could have
argued their cases differently so that they could have been free. This
message is CCd to over 1000 people on our  private e-mail list and I am
confident that many of them are eagerly awaiting your response, as I am.
 Yours in freedom and Justice,
 Peymon, President
 Freedom Law School
 www.livefreenow.org (714)838-2896

Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2000 20:56:46 -0500
From: Larry Becraft [EMAIL PROTECTED]
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.61 [en] (Win95; I)
X-Accept-Language: en
Subject: Case rejecting excise argument

Hey Bill,

  Here is the Parker case where the excise tax argument was raised and
rejected. The file is in rich text.

 The truth of the matter is that the courts have utterly failed to
determine the constitutional classification of the income tax, variously
declaring that it is a direct tax as well as indirect tax. The cases
which show this split in authority are discussed in this file:


 Here is that Francisco case where the excise tax argument was raised
and rejected. Feel free to pass this case around. The file is in rich


 Francisco Excise.rtf

[CTRL] Narco News: The War on Drugs Meets its Waterloo

2000-10-05 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.narconews.com/pressbriefing.html"Narco News:
The War on Drugs Meets its Waterloo/A
-- Simón Bolívar

Today's Press Briefing

October 4, 2000

Generals Said Reluctant to Fight Bolivian People

"Coca or Death," the Battle Cry

US: Coca Farmers "Immoral"

From the daily Los Tiempos, Cochabamba, Bolivia
Wednesday, October 4, 2000

Coca Issue Unites the Resistance

The slogan "Coca or Death" yesterday became the glue of the alliance of
resistance that coca-growers, teachers, peasants and the Water Coordination
movement of Cochabamba. In spite of the desperate efforts by the government
to mine the solidarity of the bloc and the advances in negotiations with the
peasants, what clearly has surged in the third week of the crisis was that
President Banzer finds himself in a dead end with no visible exit.

Washington had to reiterate its support for the government (for the second
time in ten days) over one of its major challenges in the South American drug

The uncertainty rose to new levels still with the mysterious appearance of a
supposed communiqué of colonels and generals of the Armed Forces who demand a
"political solution" to the country's worst crisis. The communiqué was not
disowned by the military leadership.

The wave of violence could grow still more in the coming hours. Fifteen tanks
advance toward Chapare. The coca-growers await them with slingshots and and
have mined the bridges, as in a war.

* * *

War? Coca Growers Mine the Bridges

The peasants of the tropic rejected any government proposal that does not
permit them to grow at least a kato (a 40 by 40 meter parcel) of coca. In the
photo by the daily Los Tiempos a campfire along the blockade in the Tropic of

Villa Tunari y Shinahota | Los Tiempos.- As if preparing for a grand battle,
the coca growers of Chapare challenge the government, begin to arm themselves
with everything available and say that they are ready to resist any intent by
the Armed Forces to unblock the roads. Yesterday, police and soldiers,
according to the ANF news agency, discovered that below the bridges in
Chimoré and Ivirgarzama there are explosives.

The Congressman and coca grower Evo Morales admitted that the rank-and-file
is ahead of the leaders. "If this is true, we find ourselves in front of the
next civil war, for fault of the government that has not solved the crisis,"
he said, making it clear that he had not ordered this tactic.

Less than 24 hours after five coca grower leaders sustained a frustrating
meeting with three government ministers in Chimoré, the representatives of
the six coca growing federations of the the Tropic of Cochabamba shared the
results of these meetings with their rank-and-file bases. The response was
the same that Evo Morales had earlier said: "Coca or Death." The coca growers
began to entrench themselves with everything, the women wove slingshots for
their husbands and sons and informed that women and children will also join
the feared resistance.

Yesterday in Chapare a rumor said that the government would clean out the
blockades with small tanks (lightly armored vehicles similar to tanks).
However, nothing happened.

In all cases, the coca growers accept the possibility of a military invasion,
and predict that the confrontations wil be in El Castillo. In the morning two
helicopters flew over the area and placed the coca growers on guard. The
logic is to not show their faces, but to blockade.

There is No Rupture

Morales made clear that the dialogue with the government has not ruptured,
although its initial proposal of ceasing all the pressure tactics in exchange
for the government accepting a cato of coca per family is maintained. This
response was communicated to the Church, mediating the talks, and it is
anticipated that the government will respond negatively.

"If the government minister is not convinced, let him send his soldiers,"
said Morales.

It was also proposed that the dialogue commission defines the case of the
cato of coca not in 15 days, as was proposed on Tuesday, but in three. To
prolongue it for more time is to prolonge the conflict, he said.

Exodus from Chapare

Employees of Governmental and Non-Governmental organizations linked to
"alternative development" projects began a virtual exodus from Chapare in
fear of confrontations and assaults.

The employees of these institutions fear that the coca growers will occupy
their offices at any moment as a form of protest against the entire project
of alternative development, which the peasants consider a trick.

The fleeing functionaries are leaving their belongings and machines in the
office of the Rural Patrol Mobile Unit (UMOPAR) and took a helicopter to fly
over the blockades. The passage from Chimoré to Cochabamba costs $450 US
dollars and has room for four passengers.

* * *

US: "It is immoral to ask for 

[CTRL] OEN 10/5/00

2000-10-05 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin

Foreign Exchange Market

Aussie Dollar Headed Toward US 50 cents

Where is Andy Krieger when you need him?

Prime Minister John Howard today said Australia should hold its nerve on the
value of the Australian dollar.

The prime minister said it was important to take a long-term view of the
value of the dollar, and not to react to day to day movements.

And he said the current value of the Australian dollar was caused by the
strong US currency, rather than any weakness with in the Australian economy.

"The one thing you don't do is you don't react to the level of it from day to
day, you have to take a long view of the Australian dollar, you don't take a
short-term view," Mr Howard told Adelaide radio 5DN.

The local dollar recovered from yesterday's record low overnight, but was
still well below the 54 US cent mark in early trade today.

Mr Howard defended Australia's floating exchange rate.

"If you have a floating exchange rate you allow it to find the level on a day
to day basis that the markets suggest it ought to have," he said.

"You are living through an era where everything American is fashionable with
international investment, and that is resulting in our dollar falling against
the American dollar - not because our dollar is weak, but because the
American dollar is ultra-strong.

"These things come and go."

He said Australia's flexible exchange rate had helped the country sail
through the Asian economic downturn.

"You certainly have to hold your nerve, absolutely," he said.

Sydney Morning Herald, October 5, 2000
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] New Rodney Stitch RealAudio up at www.cia-drugs.com

2000-10-05 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

I finally figured out how come some of my recorded CD's weren't wroking -they
hadn't been finalized.(Duh. . .) So I can now put some more audio from
CIA-Drugs symposium I held in Eugene, OR on June 10, 2000.

As of today, you may find newly added Rodny Stitch's presentation at


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [1] The Conspiracy of Death

2000-10-05 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
The Conspiracy of Death
George Redston w/ Kendell F. Crossen
@1965 George Redston  Kendell F. Crossen ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
LCCCN 65:26505
The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc.
248 pps -- First Edition -- Out-of-print


We are especially grateful to Dean Jennings, who took time out from a busy
schedule to write us many letters about Mickey Cohen and even to provide some
original facts from his personal files. We are also indebted to the following
sources of many dates and details:

The Los Angeles Times.

The Los Angeles Herald-Examiner.

The New York Times.

Admiral William H. Standley, Chairman, and the Special Crime Study Commission
on Organized Crime for the State of California.

LeRoy P. Hunt, Chairman, and the Special Crime Study Commission on Organized
Crime for the State of California.

Bruce F. Allen, Chairman, and the Subcommittee on Rackets for the Assembly
Interim Committee on Judiciary for the State of California.

The late Senator Estes Kefauver, Chairman, and the United States Senate Crime
Investigating Committee.

Senator John L. McClellan, Chairman, and the Permanent Subcommittee on
Investigations for the Committee on Government Operations for the United
States Senate.

We would also like to express our appreciation to the following people merely
because they have long been aware of the Mafia-Syndicate menace:

In the field of public communications, Victor Riesel, Drew Pearson, Paul
Coates, George Putnam and Art Linklefter.


GEORGE REDSTON is many men. Some of them will seem like the man next door and
some will sound like a man you have encountered only on the front page of the
newspaper. During the two years I have known him I have come to know many of
the facets of this complex man. Many of these will not appear in this book,
for our chief intention here is to tell you the things that go on behind the
newspaper headlines-the things you have had no way of knowing until now. But
first let me tell you a little about the other sides of George Redston.

When America entered World War I in 1917, Redston was fifteen years old. He
was also five feet nine inches tall and weighed 140 pounds, so he lied about
his age and enlisted. His father found out about it and he was returned home.
This time he planned more carefully. He wrote a letter stating that he was
eighteen and forged his father's signature. He had a friend whose father was
a notary and the friend forged his father's signature and fixed the seal.
Redston then enlisted in the Navy. Three weeks later he shipped out for

He saw action in France and with antisub patrols in the North Sea. He was
gassed once and received a bad leg wound. The leg wound was slow in healing
and he was finally returned to the States in 1919 and hospitalized at Pelham
Bay, New York. After that he was on detached duty until he was discharged in
192 1. He was nineteen years old with a four-year service record.

Returning to Chicago, he became an investigator for the Secret Six, an
organization which supplied information  on white slavery and police
corruption to Congressional committees.

While there are many fine police departments in the country, very few police
officials have recognized the criminal importance of the Mafia. Among the few
who have are Police Chief Edward J. Allen, of Santa Ana, California, Captain
James E. Hamilton, of Los Angeles, California, and Sergeant Ralph Salerno, of
New York City.

Newspapers, magazines and books seem to disagree on the spelling of the name
of James Ragen. After careful checking we are convinced that it is Ragen, not
Ragan, and so it appears throughout the book.

George Redston

Kendell F. Crossen
He was a bodyguard for the late Mayor Anton Cermak of Chicago.

He was an investigator for the late Senator McCarran of Nevada.

He was an investigator for the late Senator McCarthy of Wisconsin.

He has spent many years in anti-Communist activities.

He is a devoted husband, father and grandfather.

Last, but not least, if he is your friend he is one in every sense of the
word and with no strings attached. He'll share his last dollar with a friend
and if that isn't enough he'll go out and borrow. He'll fight your battles
for you if you're not present, and watch your back when you are fighting your

Then there are the other George Redstons

K. F. C.



IT WAS thirty-five years ago in Chicago. The town was wide open to gambling,
bootleg beer and whisky, prostitution and narcotics. The money was rolling
in, most of it going to the Mafia-controlled Syndicate with dribbles spilling
over to small gangs which had the okay of Al Capone.

I was in the Pullman Inn having a drink. I had entered a few minutes earlier,
checked my gun with a bartender—a standing rule for everyone in that bar-then
walked to the other end of the bar where there was a stool away from the rest
of the customers. They were a bunch of young punks 

[CTRL] The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capital

2000-10-05 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capital
David Ovason
©1999, 2000
10 E. 53rd St. New York, NY 10022
ISBN 0-06-019537-1
516 pps  - First US Edition -- In-print


"As above, so below." These words, attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, lie at
the heart of the Western esoteric tradition. In brief, they mean that the
universe and all it contains is reflected in some manner not only on Earth,
but also in man and his works. The chief quest of all ages has been man's
attempt to understand the mystery of existence and to find his place in it.
He keenly observed the movement of the stars, as we read in Genesis 1: 14,
"for signs, and for seasons." Not only have the stars guided the traveler on
the earth and seas, but their constellations are archetypes that have been
viewed as guides for the lives of men and nations.

In this fascinating and well-researched book, David Ovason presents the
remarkable thesis that Washington, D.C., is a city of the stars. He
demonstrates that there are over 30 zodiacs in the city, and that the
majority of them are oriented in a meaningful way. Even more astonishing is
it to learn that these zodiacs were designed to point to the actual
heavens-thus marrying the Capital City with the stars. This discovery
parallels the recent finding in Egypt that the three Great Pyramids
correspond to the three stars in Orion's belt, while the Nile River occupies
the same relative position as the Milky Way. It is still debated whether this
was intentional, yet the correlation is undeniable. Similarly, the
assignment, position and meaning of Washington, D.C.'s zodiacs bespeak a
relationship between heaven and earth.

Recent scholarship, such as Steven C. Bullock's Revolutionary Brotherhood:
Freemasonry and the Transformation of the American Social Order, 1730-1840
(University of North Carolina Press, 1996), demonstrates the undeniable
influence Freemasonry exerted on the American system of government and
lifestyle. Aware of these influences, David Ovason discovered what may be
Masonic influences in the architecture and layout of the city. He does not
assert that all his correspondences or discovered secrets were laid down by
Masons, but there is some support for his argument in documents preserved in
the Archives and Library of the Supreme Council, 33', Southern jurisdiction.
As in other Scottish Rite Blue Lodge ("Symbolic" or "Craft") rituals, Albert
Pike's Book of the Lodge contains recommendations for decorating the lodge
ceiling with constellations and planets. The star map, which is to be painted
on the ceiling, is replete with Masonic symbolism that was influenced by
French designs in the early 19th century

The astonishing thing is that Pike's ceiling design reflects precisely the
same mysteries observed by David Ovason in this book. These mysteries relate
to the constellation Virgo. Pike's map is entirely schematic-which is to say
that it does not reflect the actual positions of the stars in the heavens
(Leo could in no way be represented as following Ursa Majoris, for example).
Even so, Pike is very clear in allocating his symbolic placing of planets and
stars. For example, he places the full Moon between the constellations
Scorpio and Virgo. This means that the full Moon is in the constellation
Libra, and the star Spica is just above the lunar crescent.

What does this mean to us? The star Spica happens to be the one that David
Ovason has shown to be symbolically linked with both Washington, D.C., and
the United States as a whole. As the reader will learn, Ovason also suggests
that this star may be the origin of the fivepointed star that adorns the
American flag. He also suggests that Spica may have been the origin of the
Blazing (or Flaming) Star of Freemasonry.

Certainly, it would be far-fetched to draw too many conclusions for a
schematic map, but it is evident that Pike visualized his star map as marking
the setting of Virgo, along with the constellation Bootes, to its north. This
is precisely the cosmic setting that David Ovason suggests represents the
secret star plan of Washington, D.C. While Pike engineered a schematic time
for his star map, Ovason shows that it relates to a number of days centering
upon August 10 of each year. The significance of this and other "mysteries"
is fully explored in this work. In view of the meanings that may be traced in
Albert Pike's map, we can only wonder if he observed the same correspondences
of the city, noted by Ovason, yet for reasons of his own never divulged them.

In any case, David Ovason presents us with a fascinating work that will be
sure to captivate and entertain readers interested in architecture,
esotericism, Freemasonry, and our nation's capital. His thesis may be
controversial, but it is well thought out and presented.

-C. Fred Kleinknecht, 33', Sovereign Grand Commander, The Supreme Council,
33' (Mother Council of the World), Southern jurisdiction, U.S.A., 

[CTRL] Fwd: Killing Me Sweetly

2000-10-05 Thread Kris Millegan

From: Betty Martini [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2000 00:02:15 -0400
To: Mark Graffis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Fwd: Metroactive Aspartame Story

User-Agent: Microsoft Outlook Express Macintosh Edition - 5.01 (1630)
Date: Wed, 04 Oct 2000 12:28:16 -0700
Subject: Metroactive Aspartame Story
From: Alex Constantine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by
smv696-leg.iname.net id PAA18364

  Don't know if you-all have seen this one, so I'm sending it along just
in case. ‹ Alex

MetroActive Central

Killing Me Sweetly

Is aspartame really a safe sugar substitute? If not, why is the FDA blocking
the release of a better alternative?

By Bill Strubbe

EVELYN BLAKE'S downhill spiral began in 1994 when she decided to lose
weight: she switched to diet sodas and began using Equal as a sugar
substitute. "After about four months I began feeling nervous and uneasy,"
Blake recalls. "My heart was beating so irregularly that I wondered if I was
having a heart attack! Then one night I woke with this very strange feeling,
like I was in a zombie state. I felt as if my tongue was swelling, my teeth
clenched tight."
Blake began to shiver, and by the time she reached her son's room her body
shook uncontrollably and she couldn't talk. The frightening incident
eventually subsided, and they decided against visiting the emergency room.
"Not making any connection, I continued to use Equal in everything--coffee,
bread, cereal, salad--and the seizures got worse."
Though millions of people sip diet sodas, ingest yogurt lite, and stir the
contents of those little blue packets into their coffee without noticeable
side effect, Blake's ordeal is only one of thousands of alleged
aspartame-poisoning complaints registered over the last two decades. By the
federal Food and Drug Administration's own admission, 73 percent of all food
complaints are aspartame-related--most commonly headaches, memory loss,
depression, heart palpitations, and vision problems. Some contend that
prolonged use of aspartame is the root cause of their permanent nerve
damage, their brain lesions and tumors, and even the untimely deaths of
family members.
"Since many consumers may never make the connection between their maladies
and aspartame intake, conceivably those complaints are only the tip of the
iceberg," says Betty Martini, who heads Mission Possible International,
which attempts to educate the public about the dangers of aspartame.
Industry and FDA spokespersons point out that these accounts are "merely
anecdotal" and "unscientific," but the sheer volume of accusations in itself
should raise questions about aspartame's approval process--the independence
of industry-funded research, the ethics of the revolving door relationships
between FDA officials and industry--and call for the re-examination of this
chemical that is now commonly found in grocery stores, on kitchen shelves,
and in children's lunchboxes.

Sweet Nothing: Proponants of stevia, a natural sweetener, do battle with

NUTRASWEET--along with Equal, Spoonful, Indulge, Equal-Measure, etc.--is a
brand name for aspartame, discovered by accident in 1965 when a chemist with
G. D. Searle pharmaceuticals was testing an anti-ulcer drug: he happened to
lick his hand, and the rest is history. Originally approved for use in dry
foods in July 1974, aspartame was put on hold several months later owing to
objections filed by neuroscience researchers and consumer attorneys.
When ingested, NutraSweet breaks down into aspartic acid, a chemical found
in the brain; phenylalanine, an amino acid; and methanol (wood alcohol),
which converts to formaldehyde, which at high levels can cause brain damage
and blindness. Monsanto--the former manufacturer of NutraSweet--and the FDA
argue that methanol is present in such a small amount that it poses no
health risks and is harmlessly passed from the body.
They also insist that except for people with the rare disease
phenylketonuria, aspartame is safe. (G. D. Searle, the original makers of
NutraSweet, was bought by Monsanto in the 1980s. This past year, Monsanto
sold NutraSweet to J. W. Childs and divested itself of Equal, which is now a
registered trademark of Merisant Co.)
Dr. Russell L. Blaylock, professor of neurosurgery at the University of
Mississippi's medical center, explains in his book Excitotoxins: The Taste
That Kills that though aspartate (and glutamate in the chemically related
substance MSG) is a neurotransmitter normally found in the brain and spinal
cord, when aspartate reaches certain levels it causes the death of brain
The risks to infants, children, and pregnant women are higher because the
blood/brain barrier, which normally protects the brain, is not fully
developed until adulthood. Dr. Blaylock and numerous other experts believe
that long-term exposure to excitotoxins may play a part in diseases such as

[CTRL] Arutz-7 News: Thursday, October 5, 2000

2000-10-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Arutz Sheva News Service


Thursday, Oct. 5, 2000 / Tishrei 6, 5761


During these critical days for the State of Israel, the picture
being painted by the world media - now, more than ever - is of a
"cruel and domineering Israel suppressing the civil rights of the
peace-loving Arab population."  Many of you have written to us
that Arutz-7 is serving a critical function in reporting vital
information needed to correctly understand the situation.  We
ask, therefore, that you disseminate our reports - even those of
the past days - to as many of your acquaintances as possible, in
order to neutralize just a bit more the one-sided version of the
events being presented to much of the world.  Thank you.


   8. IN BRIEF


The ceasefire promised by Arafat in the Rosh HaShanah Arab
Assault does not seem to be holding - and a Tanzim leader said
today that a decision has been made to "militarily clash" with
the IDF in a Palestinian city tomorrow.  Fatah leaders have
called on their members to arrive and demonstrate at the mosque
on the Temple Mount tomorrow.

An Israeli from Tiberias was moderately injured late this
afternoon when he was attacked by an Israeli-Arab mob near Beit
Rimon; the Arabs shot on his car and threw rocks at him.  Heavy
fire is being exchanged outside Netzarim, after Arabs resumed
their assault on Israeli troops there this afternoon.  Two Arabs
were shot and killed while climbing the roof of an Israeli
outpost at the Netzarim Junction.  The Arabs have stationed
ambulances - which they know will not be targeted by the Israelis
- at the site, but have been seen removing ready-made firebombs
from the ambulances and throwing them in the direction of the

Shots were also fired on IDF soldiers in Kalkilye, as well as on
Hevron's Beit HaShishah; one of the bullets penetrated a room in
a home there.  The wave of Arab-ignited blazes continued with new
cases of arson in the north this afternoon, and to date has
claimed some 9,000 dunams of Israeli landscape.

At least 23 rock-throwing incidents were registered in the towns
of Ramle and Lod in the past 30 hours.

Last night:

Shots were fired at the southern Jerusalem neighborhood
of Gilo; at least one bullet penetrated a home, but no one was
injured.  A resident there said this was not the first shooting
there, "but only the first one that actually hit..."

Heavy exchanges of fire were registered at Psagot and
Joseph's Tomb in Shechem...

Shots were fired at Kiryat Arba and Jewish homes in
Hevron, as well as at Dugit, N'vei Dekalim, and Morag in Gush

Travel to and from Netzarim is only via helicopter; the
commander of the IDF brigade in northern Gaza told Arutz-7's Kobi
Finkler that he hopes that within days, land transportation to
Netzarim will go back to normal; "if not, then sooner or later,
we will open the roads..."

Earlier today, the IDF took in-the-field measures for the
"cease-fire:"  It withdrew its forces from the Ayosh Junction -
within Israeli-controlled territory, immediately north of
Ramallah - which was the scene of several intense battles over
the past few days, and closed it to Israeli traffic.  Beit El
residents, who normally use the Israeli-controlled intersection
to drive to and from home, are being routed through a nearby army
camp instead.  After Israeli and Palestinian officers met today
to discuss ceasefire arrangements, IDF tanks were also withdrawn
from other recent battle zones, such as Psagot, Netzarim, the
Bethlehem region, and N'vei Dekalim.


A frustrated and somewhat humiliated Israeli delegation returned
home this morning from Paris, after Yasser Arafat did not show up
for the signing of the cease-fire agreement on which the
Americans, Israelis, and Palestinians worked all night.  Arafat
continues to demand the establishment of an international
commission of inquiry about the past week's violence.

Upon his return to Israel, Prime Minister Barak reported to his
Cabinet that despite the lack of an agreement, Arafat had
"unequivocally committed himself, to the U.S., to halt the
disturbances on the Palestinian side, including shooting by the
Tanzim and Palestinian policemen at IDF forces."  [The Tanzim is
a quasi-military Fatah militia whose members, all of whom were
imprisoned by Israel in the intifada, initiate and organize
confrontations against Israel, not solely controlled by Arafat.]

Barak also said, "We have witnessed during the past days hundreds
of [Palestinian] violations of all the agreements which have been
signed with them, starting with the existence of armed 

[CTRL] Fwd: [narconews] Bolivia Makes Secret Offer to Coca Growers

2000-10-05 Thread Kris Millegan

Today's Press Briefing
October 5, 2000

Bolivia Makes Secret Offer to Coca Growers:

400 Sqare Meters Per Family

Growers Demand Double, Blockades Rage On

State Makes New Ultimatum to Social Forces

A Narco News October 4 Commentary Predicted: "Read between the lines
of the US and Bolivian government statements. The only way they can
end the unrest is to allow peasant families to grow a small amount of
coca per family. As US officials micro-manage the situation from
afar.. they are finessing the bottom line: coca growing may be
decriminalized for small scale producers. In other words, harm
reduction in Bolivia. And yet the governments, rather than trumpet
such a move as progress, will instead go to all lengths to claim it
didn't happen. This, of course, is only one possible outcome of these
earthshaking events"

What we predicted on Tuesday became a governmental offer on
Wednesday. According to the daily La Razon in La Paz, State
negotiators contacted coca-grower leaders by telephone to make the
behind the scenes offer.

Here is the report from La Razon today, and other fast-breaking news
from Bolivia


History in the balance over 1,874 hectares of coca plants...


Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin

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Re: [CTRL] Imagine if 100,000+ Americans Were Shot! (fwd)

2000-10-05 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/04/2000 2:25:22 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Your friend's father who was received with kindnes in Palestine made me
 think of Madelline Albright whose family allegedly flew from the Nazis
 yet the had stolen property with them according to one source, but
 regardless the Serbs hid them from the Nazis. 

My friend's family (only the three of them) were awakened in the middle of
the night and allowed l5 minutes to pack personal items.  They were allowed
to take one oil painting (pulled out of the frame and rolled up), because it
was of my friend who was barely past toddler.  They couldn't take their own
property let alone someone elses.  Prudy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] OT: Scientists conclusively I.D. Christ'sfingerprint

2000-10-05 Thread Ole Gerstrøm

-Caveat Lector-

Dear Nessie,

When discussing that which goes beyond normality, conventional science is useless.

Conventional science is a mental prison. The whole educational system is based on this 
hoax, and thus the majority of the population in the western civilization knows 
nothing about the nature of the human spirit, reincarnation, life in this galaxy, etc.

Conventional science cannot explain what is gravity, time, space, etc. And the 
creation of the universe is believed to have happened through a big bang. How 
primitive can you be?

But, as documented by David Icke, our secret government knows the facts quite well. 
But only for internal use within the ruling circles. In the US, and probably also in 
the rest of the world, there are black scientific projects, run by the 
military/CIA/hidden rulers where scientist are held controlled, and killed if they 
start talking.

So the conventional sciences are as much a control mechanisme as is CNN, ABC, CBS, The 
New York Times, The London Times, Hollywood, your local preacher, etc. And what is 
written in the textbooks of conventional science, is no argument in this debate.

Love, Ole Gerstrom, Copenhagen, Denmark

- Original Message -
From: nessie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2000 5:52 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] OT: Scientists conclusively I.D. Christ'sfingerprint(fwd)

 -Caveat Lector-

 [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
 How do you know that? From a biology text book?

 Yup. Physics, too.
 What bogus has David Icke written?

 See above.

 A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Swiss prepare to decriminalize pot

2000-10-05 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

Sounds like the Swiss are being sensible.  I don't know why our country is
being sacrificed on the altar to enhance Barry McCaffrey (sp?) and his
Czarness.  Prudy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-10-05 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/04/2000 8:10:32 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Green Party candidate Ralph Nader was expelled Tuesday night from
 the grounds of the University of Massachusetts-Boston debate site
 prior to the event. Nader was approached by an official from the
 Commission on Presidential Debates, which is sponsoring the
 event, and told that he had to leave the grounds, regardless of
 whether he had a ticket, Nader campaign staffers said. 

Yes, wasn't this funny?  I guess they must really be afraid of him.  If you
can get your hands on the Nicholas von Hoffman column that ran in the New
York Observer, it says it all.  The title is "Look at the Record: Only Nader
Has One."  Then is smaller type, von Hoffman says, "I cannot recall a single
piece of important law to have passed Congress thanks to Dick Cheney, Joe
Lieberman or Al Gore."  That may be a bit much, but certainly there's a grain
of truth here.  Prudy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Wargames Part 2: Supporting rhe Warfighter from Above

2000-10-05 Thread Robert F. Tatman

-Caveat Lector-


Wargames Part 2: Supporting the Warfighter From Above

By Frank Sietzen, Jr.
Special to SPACE.com
posted: 07:02 am ET
04 October 2000

WASHINGTON, October 2 -- While leaders in the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Space
Command learn new lessons on the vulnerability of U.S. space assets, new space
battle laboratories, or "battlelabs," are working to help soldiers, sailors and
airmen on the ground.

"We're trying to measure the worth of new ideas and present the best to senior
Air Force leaders," said Lt. Col. Terry Sando, deputy commander of the Space
Battle Lab at Schriever Air Base in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Sando's group is
one of six Air Force battlelabs spread across the country looking at how space
assets can improve or enhance U.S. military operations.

The labs and other space warfare centers are each situated at military
installations. The researchers look into such areas as information superiority,
communications, reconnaissance, force protection, robot aircraft or other
aspects of the military's operational and technological needs. Some projects can
be discussed publicly, Sando said. And, of course, others are classified.

"There is no real limit as to what we can look into," said Sando. The labs have
about 24 staffers assigned to each with a budget of $4.5 million. They focus on
commercial space systems -- called 'commercial-off-the-shelf-technologies' or
COTS in defense-speak -- that can be readily adapted for the military's use.

Sando's space lab reports directly to Air Force Space Command, part of the
tri-service U.S. Space Command. Air and space superiority is the goal of the
21st-century Air Force.

What does that mean?

Controlling air and space -- who flies or orbits, what those craft do while
traversing the heavens.

During times of conflict it is "battlespace" that must be controlled -- the
ability of American forces to deny access to space by any enemy of the U.S. or
its allies.

That includes everyday communications moving through space: voice, e-mail,
paging signals, computer data and weather projections, as well as reconnaissance
images of enemy forces and basic military communications between forces, fleets
and command centers. Space is now a medium through which massive amounts of
ordinary data flows.

Even logistics and the planning of surface maneuvers requires "eyes" and "ears"
that overlook a future battlefield -- from high orbit. And that will someday
include the ability of the Air Force to attack rapidly anywhere in the world at
any time.

Such a projection of American power can be enhanced by space-based systems. The
battlelabs are culling the best of today's commercial products or new
inventions. "This is new technology that could change warfare, or have relevance
to the fighting force," said Sando.

But while the equipment might be available today, the applications have a
futuristic feel. One project, called SILC {Space Object identification in Living
Color) uses color optical lenses to identify different satellites in orbit.

"We know that different satellites give off different colors," Sando explained.
By aiming telescopes or optical lenses toward the path of the satellite,
military engineers can determine which they are -- and their purposes.

Another project is named STORC (Space Tracking of RV Convoys). Working with the
Department of Energy, military planners use the Global Positioning System (GPS)
to locate un-launched ballistic missiles.

As warheads for the U.S. missile fleet are moved from the field to storage
areas, GPS tracking receivers are mounted on the cases of the warhead, giving
the Air Force a digital "signature" of the warhead's precise location. "This is
near real-time," said Sando, meaning that the rocket stages and warheads can
always be monitored.

Project BRISC -- for Bomb Impact Assessment Reach-back Involving Space
Collectors -- doesn't use any new optics but instead sends back compressed
images and signals from missiles in flight in tiny micro-bursts to their
tracking and launch operators. The purpose? "It gives us a constant stream of
data on the missile's health, its location and I.D. as it heads into its
target," said Sando.

Other battlelab projects include space surveillance, environmental monitoring
and remote sensing. A major research effort involves the Air Force's desire for
what is termed "Space Control" -- literally determining who can access and use

What is the nature of that research effort? "Sorry, that area is classified,"
Sando said.

The results of all these studies are rushed to the field for testing before
ultimately finding their place in the military's operations budget.

The Air Force is not alone in studying space warfare. The Army also has its
space battlelab. And while the Navy doesn't have one as yet, its Project TENCAP
(Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities), 

[CTRL] CAFR - The foxes own (60 trillion+) hen house

2000-10-05 Thread pmeares

-Caveat Lector-

"The foxes have been writing the laws on how many chickens
they can eat from the hen house. At first, out of our 3000
chickens, we gave them 100 per year. They ate them and said
they need 200. So we gave them 200. They ate them and then
said they needed 400. So we gave them 400 but we started
complaining saying enough is enough. So the foxes said they
needed 440, justifying 440 with any logic available to them
but realizing we were complaining about giving them 100,
then 200, then 400, they, in their wisdom, started to put
150 aside each year in their own hen house held by them and
undisclosed to us. Well after many a year, in the foxes own
hen house they have collected 6500 chickens (total available
revenue not tied in directly with the publicly known
operating budget) as they continue to collect the now 510
(the disclosed operating Budget) as they cry to us saying
they are barely getting by on the 510, but since we are
complaining about the 510 they will cut back the annual
take to 490 at great sacrifice to themselves, the foxes..."

"Say it cost us $30,000 a year to maintain our house. Say
our salary or income was $100,000 a year and we had a
million dollars in investments, and say our total net worth
was $3 million. What if we talked about our $30,000 budget
as being our net worth? It would be ludicrous."

"If everyone working in this country, gave every cent they
made, for 10 years -- every cent, pre-tax dollars -- and put
it into an investment account, it would be equal to what
composite government *currently* has, liquid, in their
investment funds."

"The truth is that the government IS the stock market.
Approximately $32 trillion is invested by government
entities in the equities market. (65% of the market)"

"...these crooks, in a way, have given us the power to
eliminate ALL taxation..." -- Walter Burien



CAFRs - The Trillion Dollar Deception
2 hour interview (July 12, 2000)
[scroll past first hour; Burien is Rense's second guest]

CAFRs - Multi-Trillion Dollar Secret
3 hour interview (Dec. 27, 1998)
"most outrageous financial scam and deception in history"


"The Holy Grail of accounting..."

CAFR Reports (alphabetic listing by state)

For example, in the 1998 CAFRs, Burien found:
* $32 Trillion+ composite Stock ownership,
* $8 Trillion+ Insurance Company equity participation
* $5.5 Trillion+ Bond surety investment accounts
Combined, all liquid investment funds: $60 Trillion.


Biggest Financial Scandal In US History Revealed On TV
(1-6-00) http://rense.com/politics6/scandal.htm
State, County, And Local Governments Hide Trillions
(6-7-99) http://rense.com/politics2/hidetrill.htm
Latest On Those Trillions In Assets Hidden By Government
(1-8-99) http://rense.com/political/hidgov.htm
TRILLIONS Said Hidden By Cities, Counties, States, And Feds
(12-13-98) http://rense.com/ufo2/CAFR.htm

see also:


"Thus it is obvious the only visible, tangible government we
have is made up of these professed agents or representatives
of a secret band of robbers and murderers, who, to cover up,
or gloss over, their robberies and murders, have taken to
themselves the title of "the people of the United States";
and who, on the pretense of being "the people of the United
States," assert their right to subject to their dominion,
and to control and dispose of at their pleasure, all
property and persons found in the United States."
-- Lysander Spooner, 1870

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capital

2000-10-05 Thread Mark McHugh

-Caveat Lector-

Kris Millegan wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 an excerpt from:
 The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capital
 David Ovason
 ©1999, 2000
 10 E. 53rd St. New York, NY 10022
 ISBN 0-06-019537-1
 516 pps  - First US Edition -- In-print


 "As above, so below." These words, attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, lie at
 the heart of the Western esoteric tradition. In brief, they mean that the
 universe and all it contains is reflected in some manner not only on Earth,
 but also in man and his works. The chief quest of all ages has been man's
 attempt to understand the mystery of existence and to find his place in it.
 He keenly observed the movement of the stars, as we read in Genesis 1: 14,
 "for signs, and for seasons." Not only have the stars guided the traveler on
 the earth and seas, but their constellations are archetypes that have been
 viewed as guides for the lives of men and nations.

 In this fascinating and well-researched book, David Ovason presents the
 remarkable thesis that Washington, D.C., is a city of the stars. He
 demonstrates that there are over 30 zodiacs in the city, and that the
 majority of them are oriented in a meaningful way. Even more astonishing is
 it to learn that these zodiacs were designed to point to the actual
 heavens-thus marrying the Capital City with the stars. This discovery
 parallels the recent finding in Egypt that the three Great Pyramids
 correspond to the three stars in Orion's belt, while the Nile River occupies
 the same relative position as the Milky Way. It is still debated whether this
 was intentional, yet the correlation is undeniable. Similarly, the
 assignment, position and meaning of Washington, D.C.'s zodiacs bespeak a
 relationship between heaven and earth.

Here's an interesting page that mentions other "coincidences" in the
layout of the streets of WDC:


Mark McHugh

Sapere aude!

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] RadTimes # 60

2000-10-05 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

RadTimes # 60 - October, 2000

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
--Protests at 1st Presidential Debate
--Protesters Take Post-Debate Stage
--U.S. Troops in Colombia Threatened
--FBI Releases Carnivore Documents to EPIC
--COPA panel wants billions more for cops
--POOR journalists of color seize media access at NAB convention
Linked stories:
 *Gore and Bush Face Off in Exclusive Presidential Debate
 *Expert slams 'designer' babies
 *Designer baby' sparks ethics row
 *Test Tube Tech May Save Child
 *When cocaine walks Wall Street
Begin stories:
Protests at 1st Presidential Debate

Wed Oct 4 '00

BOSTON (AP) -- Thousands of protesters gathered at the presidential debate
Tuesday, championing issues from campaign finance reform to the right of
third-party candidates to be included in the matchup between Democrat Al
Gore and Republican George W. Bush.
Police said more than a dozen people were arrested and one person was taken
into custody for drunkenness. Dozens of protesters knocked over police
barricades and sat down, arms linked, in a road leading to the debate hall
at the University of Massachusetts. They chanted "Open the debate."
Officers dragged away some protesters while other officers on horseback
tried to dispel the crowd. Some protesters threw items left in the street
at the officers.
The incident followed a brief tug-of-war over the metal barriers between
police and protesters, who shouted to officers, "We are nonviolent, how
about you?"
Boston Globe photographer Dominic Chavez was injured when he was picked up
and thrown to the ground and his camera slammed into his back, said Catie
Aldrich, the newspaper's photography director. Chavez was taken to a
hospital, but did not appear to be seriously injured, Aldrich said.
Demonstrators from all points on the political spectrum were
represented.  Anti-death penalty advocates mingled with people protesting
China's treatment of the Falun Gong spiritual movement. People calling for
manned missions to Mars were near a group of Palestinians decrying Israeli
military action.
In Washington, dozens of people in wheelchairs blocked entrances to the
Republican Party's headquarters for five hours, demanding a meeting with
Bush.  The protest forced the cancellation of a fund-raiser and kept
employees from leaving the building, although some climbed out of
first-floor windows.
At the debate, witnesses said a man wearing a Gore T-shirt turned from an
argument between supporters of Gore and Green Party candidate Ralph Nader,
grabbed a 3-foot wooden cross from a man holding it and broke it over the
man's head. Witnesses screamed for police; the assailant fled into the crowd.
"He grabbed it right out of my hand and cracked it right over my head. I
was in shock," said Scott Langley, 23, of Cambridge, who said he was
holding the cross in memory of death row inmates executed in Texas under Bush.
A chain of Gore backers stopped Nader supporters as they tried to move
closer to the main building, and some talked of hostility between the two
"I got the feeling they were standing there strictly to pick a fight," said
Nader supporter Thomas Leaf.
Earlier, some protesters paraded through Boston Common in giant puppet
costumes depicting Bush and Gore. Others, dressed in fake pearls and top
hats dubbed themselves "Billionaires for Bush or Gore," and satirically
praised the corporations helping to underwrite the debate.
They stopped at local offices of Fleet Bank, Fidelity Investments and
Verizon Communications. As marchers beat drums and distributed flyers to
lunchtime crowds, the "Billionaires" tried to enter the companies to
deliver "thank you" cards.
Other protesters objected to Gore's relationship with Occidental Petroleum,
which plans exploratory drilling a few miles outside the boundaries of a
U'wa Indian tribe reserve in Colombia. The U'wa believe oil exploration
will destroy their culture.

Protesters Take Post-Debate Stage

At Least 16 Held as Tempers Flare

Boston Globe, October 4, 2000

Hundreds of protesters confronted State Police after last night's
presidential debate in Dorchester, bursting through barricades and
blocking roads as troopers in riot gear fought back with pepper spray and
billy clubs.

At least 16 of the estimated 4,000 to 5,000 demonstrators who converged
on the University of Massachusetts-Boston campus were arrested, State
Police said, although only about 1,200 

[CTRL] Fwd: Penn State GEOG121: Mapping Our Changing World

2000-10-05 Thread Aleisha Saba

Years ago when I got into the assassinations and masonry and whatever,
in old books I ran across the Mason Dixon line information for these men
were astronomers and of course, from the information provided by Kris,
etc., you see the connection re charting routes, etc.

So men who laid out Washington DC in such a manner had to be astronomers
for sure...like Mason and Dixon..and everything was done for a
reason.to leave a lasting imipression?

Like Chartres Cathedral - France, a certain day in July light flashes at
a certain point by design.

Anybody have any idea what happened to the lost gold of the Knights

Book I had as I recall was called Stellers Masonic Astrology - for I was
into murders being connected to astrology - the testaments and the stars
in late sixty period when I ran across Mason Dixon stuff.
Job's Coffin has always been a wonder to mefor all the sons of Job
were killed by spies? (Sabeans)


Mason-Dixon Line

Facsimile of Map of the United States in North America, 1783, published
by Thomas Kitchen, London. Used by permission

British astronomers Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon surveyed the
boundary separating Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Delaware from 1764 to

They defined the Delaware - Pennsylvania boundary as an arc of a 12-mile
circle centered upon Newcastle. The Maryland - Pennsylvania boundary
originates where Delaware's western border lies tangent to the arc.
Mason and Dixon proceeded west from the tangent point along a line
parallel to, but 15 miles south of, 40° North latitude, emplacing a
limestone monument every mile.

The location of the boundary was settled after a long dispute between
the patent holders of the territories later to become the State of
Maryland and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The original patents
established the boundary at the 40th parallel, but William Penn
contested the boundary when earlier surveyors discovered that the
boundary placed the city of Philadelphia in Maryland.

Boundary monument on the Mason-Dixon line. Source: United States
Geological Survey

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy


[CTRL] FWD: Release: Supreme Court Victimless Crimes

2000-10-05 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-

Should police have the power to handcuff and jail people who don't
wear seatbelts?

WASHINGTON, DC -- The Supreme Court is scheduled to
hear five cases this session that involve the power of police to stop,
search, and arrest you for drug and seatbelt violations -- proving
that such "victimless crimes" are now the driving force behind the
assault on our Constitutionally protected liberties, the Libertarian
Party said today.

"If police win the right to haul you off in handcuffs for not
wearing a seatbelt, scan your house at whim with a thermal imaging
gun, and set up random roadblocks so dogs can sniff your car for
drugs then victimless crimes will be to blame," said Steve
Dasbach, the party's national director.

"These are the issues the Supreme Court will decide this term
- - and every one of these frightening expansions of police power is
being justified by so-called crimes that have no victims. The War on
Victimless Crimes has turned into an all-out War on the Bill of

Starting this week, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear five
major cases to determine whether law enforcement has the
right to stop, search, test, restrain, and arrest people to enforce
drug and seatbelt laws. The cases include:

* Indianapolis vs. Edmond, which will decide whether police
can set up random roadblocks on public streets to question
motorists and use drug-sniffing dogs to inspect their vehicles.

* Ferguson vs. Charleston, which will decide whether hospitals
can secretly test pregnant women for cocaine, and turn the results
over to police.

* Illinois vs. McArthur, which will decide whether police can
restrain people from entering their homes while police are seeking a
warrant to search the premises for drugs.

* Atwater vs. Lago Vista, which will decide whether people can
 be handcuffed and hauled off to jail for not wearing a seatbelt.

* Kyllo vs. United States, which will determine whether police
can scan homes with a thermal imaging gun, searching for heat
patterns that may indicate a marijuana-growing operation.

What do all these cases have in common? They all seek a
dramatic expansion of police power and they all involves "crimes"
where there is no victim, noted Dasbach.

"The criminal justice debate is no longer about what is
permissible when catching violent criminals like murderers, rapists,
and robbers -- it's now about how far law enforcement can go in
violating the Fourth Amendment to catch people who harm no one
but themselves," he said.

The cases being heard by the Supreme Court are not an
unexpected side-effect of victimless crime laws, but a natural
consequence, said Dasbach.

"There's a reason why police aren't setting up random
roadblocks to find people who have been the victims of robbery or a
violent crime," he said."In those kinds of cases, people go to the
police to seek justice. But with drug and seatbelt laws, there is no
victim to complain -- just people engaging in consensual behavior
that harms no one but themselves.

"As a result, law enforcement must engage in police-state
behavior to catch the so-called criminals. To combat victimless
crimes, police use sting operations, paid informers, anonymous
tips, no-knock raids, warrantless searches, and high-tech
surveillance. Their impulse is to always push the boundaries of the
Fourth Amendment -- until they begin to routinely violate everyone's
privacy and rights."

It's that last aspect that should be most troubling to
Americans, said Dasbach, even to people who don't use drugs or
violate seatbelt laws.

"When police set up a random roadblock, a hundred innocent
people are inconvenienced and threatened for every one person
who is arrested," he said. "Your Constitutional rights are violated,
your freedom is limited, and your safety is diminished -- just so
police can catch a few individuals who engage in peaceful behavior
the government has criminalized."

These five cases give the Supreme Court an opportunity to
draw a "line in the sand" about how far law enforcement can go to
fight victimless crimes, said Dasbach.

"The Supreme Court has an opportunity to decide what kind of
country we will live in," he said. "Will it be an America where any
violation of the Bill of Rights is justified in the name of a War on
Victimless Crimes? Or will it be an America where ordinary people
can live in freedom, privacy, and safety, and where the Bill of
Rights is respected? That's the real issue on this year's Supreme
Court docket."

- The Libertarian Party
http://www.lp.org/ 2600 Virginia Ave. NW, Suite 100
voice: 202-333-0008 Washington DC 20037
   fax: 202-333-0072


A just government, one that is working for the

[CTRL] DMN: Worker in tape inquiry has bumpy job history

2000-10-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Worker in tape inquiry has bumpy job history


By Pete Slover and George Kuempel
The Dallas Morning News

AUSTIN – Juanita Yvette Lozano, the political office worker
questioned by the FBI about the leak of a George W.  Bush debate
tape, quit or was asked to leave a series of jobs for poor
performance, including some under suspicion that she lied or
covered up work she failed to do, according to records and

Ms.  Lozano's veracity has come under scrutiny by federal agents
looking into the mailing of classified debate materials and a
videotape from Mr.  Bush's presidential campaign to a confidant
of Democrat Al Gore's.

According to federal officials, a label on an Express Mail
package received by the Gore ally corresponds to the date and
time Ms.  Lozano was filmed by a security camera mailing a
package from an Austin post office.

Ms.  Lozano, 30, who works for Mark McKinnon, Mr.  Bush's chief
media consultant, has insisted to FBI agents that she was mailing
a pair of pants, not the debate package.

Ms.  Lozano, who goes by her middle name, could not be reached
Wednesday.  Her attorney did not return calls for comment.

Public records show that Ms.  Lozano – universally described as
"bright" by her former bosses–is a reliable Democratic voter.
She has rarely missed a chance to cast a ballot since registering
on the first day she was eligible – two months before her 18th

Ms.  Lozano has been an office administrator for Mr.  McKinnon
since June 1999, and he has supported her explanation that she
was returning a pair of pants to the Gap.

He said she has worked as a baby sitter for his family since they
met in1990, when she was a volunteer on the first campaign of
Democratic Gov.  Ann Richards.  Mr.  McKinnon did not return a
call for comment Wednesday.

Records show that Ms.  Lozano graduated from Travis High School
in Austin in 1988, then attended the University of Texas from
1988 until 1992, when she stopped taking classes as a junior
majoring in Latin American studies.

Federal records show that in April 1996 and for the first three
months of 1997, she worked as a temporary employee for the
Internal Revenue Service in Austin, where her mother worked for
years as a clerk.  Also:

•From January 1997 until June 1998, Ms.  Lozano worked for Rep.
Vilma Luna, D-Corpus Christi.  A series of memos in Ms.
Lozano's employment files at the Luna office documented disputes,
including an unpaid office bill that Ms.  Lozano said she had
taken care of, and an unauthorized taking of leave, for which her
pay was docked.

Ms.  Lozano was asked to resign after an incident in which she
told Ms. Luna that she had mailed certificates to graduating
seniors in Ms. Luna's district.  A memo in her file says she had

"Ms.  Lozano called me at approximately 2 p.m.  to 'come clean,'
and confirmed that she had not completed the task, and had in
fact made up the story she had told me and district office staff
regarding completion of the assignment," Ms.  Luna wrote in a
memo the day she asked Ms. Lozano to leave.

• From March 1994 to August 1995, Ms.  Lozano worked as an
administrative assistant in the border affairs division of the
Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission.  Agency documents
show that she was allowed to resign after supervisors discovered
that her files contained outstanding unpaid bills and six months
worth of unprocessed expense vouchers.

"Her explanations on the delays were not correct and at times
were elaborate fabrications," said a supervisor's memo explaining
her departure.

A letter to Ms.  Lozano confirming her resignation noted that she
intended to study to be an attorney.  A subsequent job
application listed her reason for leaving that job as "return to

•From August to December 1993, campaign expenditure records show,
Ms. Lozano worked as a paid staff member for Ms.  Richards'
re-election campaign.  In subsequent job applications, she wrote
that she left to care "take care of ill mother," and "to pursue a
career in environmental issues."

"She may say she left to care for her sick mother.  I recall we
asked her not to stay.  I believe her work performance wasn't ...
wasn't good," said her supervisor, Dr.  Ruth Potee, now a
physician in Boston.

In later job applications, Ms.  Lozano said she was a "field
coordinator," that she supervised two employees and that she
"planned strategy" for the campaign.

"In no way was she a coordinator or a strategist.  She answered
the phones, did clerical work for us," said Kirk Adams, Ms.
Richards' son-in-law and the person Ms.  Lozano later listed as
her boss at the campaign.

Dr.  Potee, also listed by Ms.  Lozano as her supervisor, said
that Ms. Lozano's job was to work with county organizers, and
that she displayed an expertise in the sometimes Byzantine
politics of South Texas.

She said it would be difficult to envision Ms.  Lozano taking the
initiative to swipe and mail the debate materials.

[CTRL] Boortz: Harmful tax competition

2000-10-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


don’t have time to write too much on this subject right now.
Here’s a quickie.

There’s an organization based in Paris called the Organization of
Economic Cooperation and Development.  OECD.

OECD released a report recently called “Towards Global Tax
Co-operation.” This report calls on member nations (The U.S. is a
member) to pressure nations with low taxes to dismantle their
“harmful tax regimes.” The concern is that when a nation lowers
its taxes that nation then finds itself in an improved
competitive position.  This is just not fair to nations with
higher taxes.  OCED is talking about financial sanctions against
nations who don’t tax their citizens at a high enough rate.

Is this part of our future?  Will some international organization
soon have the power to impose economic sanctions against the US
if we dare to lower our taxes?  You do know that many Democrats
complain that our taxes aren’t as high as those in some other

Perhaps a peek into our future?


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-10-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

October 5, 2000
Contact: Tom Fitton
(202) 646-5172


Clinton Appointee Rules Against Administration on Document
Request Related to Gore Scandal

Portals Real Estate Project Benefitted Gore Fundraisers, Hurt

(Washington, DC) The Honorable Ricardo M. Urbina, U.S. District
Court Judge, ruled last week that the Clinton-Gore Administration
must waive fees and turn over to Judicial Watch documents
relating to a controversial government leasing arrangement that
benefitted individuals close to Al Gore. In response to a
Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request on the
Portals leasing controversy, the General Services Administration
had sought to make Judicial Watch pay for thousands of documents
before turning them over and sought to summarily dismiss a FOIA
lawsuit Judicial Watch brought to obtain the documents. Judge
Urbina ruled in favor of Judicial Watch. Publically available
evidence suggests that Gore confidants benefitted, at the expense
of taxpayers, from million dollar contingency fees in a lease
deal between the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the
Portals Washington, DC office project, which is run by another
Gore supporter.

Without expressing any opinion on the underlying merits of the
allegations, Judge Urbina ruled on September 25, 2000, that,
among other things:

...the court agrees that the (Judicial Watch) FOIA request...
implicates important public interests. To begin with, federal
taxpayers paid for the FCC’s lease of the vacant Portals office
space, which gives the public a direct and tangible interest in
information bearing on the lease and the events surrounding it.
Specifically, the public has an interest in information which
could help them decide whether an agency’s expenditure of their
tax monies was based on sound financial or functional
considerations or on other, arguably less appropriate
considerations...Closely related is the fundamental public
interest in information bearing on the alleged possibility that
the Vice President and others violated legal or ethical standards
in connection with the FCC-Portals lease. Neither of these
interests is peculiar to the plaintiffs or their supporters.
(emphasis added)

“The decision by Judge Urbina is a significant victory for not
only Judicial Watch, but for the American taxpayer. We are
hopeful we can get to the heart of a scandal that some estimate
cost the U.S. taxpayer tens of millions of dollars in unneeded
costs – all, allegedly, to benefit a small group of Gore
cronies,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

Judicial Watch, Inc. is a public interest law firm that
investigates and prosecutes government corruption.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] On: On the STS-106 UFO

2000-10-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


In what can only be described as a beautifully coordinated effort
on the part of international UFO reporting agencies around the
world, a UFO that shadowed shuttle mission STS-106 has been
verified by three independant, verifiable sources!

Atlantis, which was launched on September 8, 2000 had first
spotted, then filmed a UFO. We have also received additional
information from our web site affiliate Cosmic Conspiracies in
the UK that they had received an audio record of this very same
transmission between Shuttle astronauts and mission control. We
have listened to this audio transmission (on-line) which did
indicate that the astronauts were seeking permission to film
"ET." This is the post, which we received from UFORCE-UK web site
Cosmic Conspiracies. Cosmic Conspiracies (has) been sent some
VERY interesting audio transmissions from the STS106 mission
which was launched on Sept 8th, 2000.  This audio features
Houston giving the Atlantis the go ahead to 'Photo ET'!!!

For the full audio go to:

IN THE FIRST TRANSMISSION, we hear Houston say "'Atlantis,
Houston, you're go for ET photo and plus x', then Atlantis
replies 'We got a second!'"

In the second audio sequence you hear "'Gus, sounds like your
picking up an echo!'"

There was some speculation as to what the astronauts were
referring to when they had asked NASA if they could film "ET."
UFORCE-UK affiliate Cosmic Conspiracies has made this
transmission available to the public, by way of a free
download...these tapes consist of (2) audio sound-bytes that are
short.  When this evidence is combined with other information
that we are presently receiving from our world-wide UFO reporting
network, it makes the potential of a NASA cover-up even more
likely. Therefore, UFORCE Directors have been instructed to move
these two rare and unusual audio files around.

IN THE EVENT that their web site should mysteriously go down, we
will give you the direct links. They are:





The credibility of this UFO incident report really gained
momentum when we received word that UFORCE-UK had received
additional information via email from Mr. Richard Boylan, who was
notified by a former NSA worker that he had seen a UFO on his
television monitor while previewing the astronauts
activity...then the camera mysteriously cut-out (NASA?) George
Filer's web-site goes into much greater detail about these
details, and the link to his web site is below. Hi Christopher,
The URL for the STS audio is:
http://www.ufos-aliens.co.uk/cosmicsts106.html the Video pages
start at:

I had an Email from Richard Boylan last night saying that an
ex-NSA agent contacted him to say that an object that was seen in
the corner of the screen in the STS106 mission had been deleted
from the screen!!! - interesting


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Debate Window Sizes (fwd)

2000-10-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2000 14:23:15 -0700
From: Ray Heizer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Debate Window Sizes

I've forgotten the thread name which raised this point, but I
_did_ record the debate (FoxNews channel) and finally got around
to looking at the question of the relative window sizes of Gore
and Bush when they were side-by-side.

I do not know if all channels got the same feed, but at least the
feed that came via FoxNews had a noticably larger window size for
Gore ... specifically about 11% wider (i.e. 88 vs 79 mm (+/- 1mm)
on my small screen TV here on my desk).

There is a single pixel dead center at the top of my screen. This
provides another way to look at it. The Gore window extends to
within about 3 pixels of the centerline and the Bush window
extends to within about 12 pixels of the centerline.

The veritcal heights of the two windows are identical.


-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2000 14:19:23 -0700
From: Scott Jordan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Debate Window Sizes


Thanks for the quantitation.

The original qualitative commentary was in the thread where we
aired our impression that Gore had consumed way more than his
fair share of airtime, what with all his interruptions and
gimme-another-turns.  Not to mention his sighs and groans and
other Goreasmic histrionics, which inserted his smarmy self into
Bush's timeslots.

It was my impression while watching that Gore's pane was about
10% or so wider.  A Freeper went and measured it and came up with
10%, jibing quite well with your 11%.  Might depend on the
network, but now there's no doubt: Gore was allowed to dominate
the *screen* too, and this is not due to his pushiness, this is
entirely the director's doing, real-time.

--Scott J.


On Thu, 5 Oct 2000, Scott Jordan wrote:

 Lookie here:

 http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a39dd0486638c.htm "Britt
 Hume, main news anchor for Fox News just stated that
 [paraphrased] 'an analysis of CNN news coverage of the
 debates reveals they showed Gore's image larger than Bush..'

 There's another FR thread referenced too.


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2000-10-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Wed Oct 05 2000 18:01:33 ET
Filed By Matt Drudge


A '20/20' investigation by ABC NEWS' Brian Ross found an
unprecedented number of Democratic contributors being invited to
what were once small, intimate affairs. A computer analysis of
the four state dinners hosted by President and Mrs. Clinton this
year revealed a total of 390 Democratic donors on the guest
lists, representing more than $10 million in contributions. Of
the non-governmental guests invited, nearly half -- 47 percent --
were contributors to the Democratic Party.

Ross also found that the list of state dinner guests has included
David Chang of New Jersey, a businessman who attended two state
dinners and has since pleaded guilty to felony charges of illegal
campaign contributions.

State dinners are organized by the Office of the First Lady.
Brian Ross speaks with Letitia Baldrige, who was Jackie Kennedy's
social secretary. The guest list for state dinners, she told
Ross, 'was supposed to represent people of quality, people of
excellence, people who'd contributed a lot to this country or to
the world.'

The White House denies the Clinton guest list is tied to
political contributions and earlier this week Hillary Clinton
told '20/20,' 'I think contributing to the Democratic Party is a
contribution to the country in my view.'

The report will air on '20/20,' Friday October 6 (10:00-11:00
p.m., ET), on ABC.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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2000-10-05 Thread Robert F. Tatman

-Caveat Lector-

Test test test

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Kronisch v United States

2000-10-05 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Below please find information on a court case that, IMO, proves the existence
of mk-ultra.

Sincerely,  Neil

This may be triggering for survivors of abuse. These are only quotes. To read
the full opinion, please go to

Kronisch v United States

1997 (Argued: January 30, 1998 Decided: July 09, 1998 ) Docket No. 97-6116
GLORIA KRONISCH, Executrix of the Estate of Stanley Milton Glickman,
individual and in his official capacities, RICHARD HELMS, in his individual
and in his official capacities, and JOHN DOES, unknown agents of the Central
Intelligence Agency, Defendants-Appellees. Before: CALABRESI, CABRANES, and
HEANEY,* Circuit Judges. Appeal from judgment of the United States District
Court for the Southern District of New York (Kimba M. Wood, Judge), granting
summary judgment for defendants. Plaintiff alleges that he is one of the
victims of tests conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency in the 1950s in
which lysergic acid diethylamide was administered to unsuspecting persons.
Affirmed in part, vacated in part, and remanded.
Gloria Kronisch, executrix of the estate of Stanley Milton Glickman
("Glickman" or "plaintiff") granted defendants' motion for summary
judgment on the bases that plaintiff had failed to establish a genuine issue
of material fact as to liability, that his claims were time-barred, and that
the court lacked personal jurisdiction over Gottlieb and Helms. We affirm in
part, vacate in part, and remand."
"As described by the Church Committee Report, In order to meet the perceived
threat to national security, substantial programs for the testing and use of
chemical and biological agents-including projects involving the surreptitious
administration of LSD to unwitting nonvolunteer subjects ...were conceived,
and implemented. These programs resulted in substantial violations of the
rights of individuals within the United States."
"The record shows that Bureau of Narcotics Agent George White, who was asked
by Gottlieb in 1952 to work on LSD research for the CIA, see Declaration of
Sidney Gottlieb ¶ 4 (April 23, 1996) ("Gottlieb Declaration"), conducted LSD
experiments on unsuspecting persons in New York City. White may have given
LSD to unwitting friends in his New York City apartment in November 1952, and
beginning in June 1953 he administered LSD to unsuspecting persons (typically
drug informants and prostitutes) with whom he came into contact in his work
as a narcotics agent. See Kronisch III, 1997 WL 907994, at *6 n.8. He may
also have administered LSD to one or more unsuspecting persons at a bar.
SeeHearings Before the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research of the
Senate Committee on Human Resources on S. 1893, 95th Cong., 1st Sess. 204
(Sept. 20 and 21, 1977) ("Kennedy Committee Hearings") (testimony of Sidney
"Church Committee Report at 391. MKULTRA records were destroyed in January
1973 by TSD personnel acting on the orders of Gottlieb, who in turn had
obtained approval from Helms." quotes from:

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] SNET: Friends Of Liberty Web Site................ (fwd)

2000-10-05 Thread William Bacon

-Caveat Lector-


visit my web site at  http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon
My ICQ# is 79071904

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 04 Oct 2000 08:42:22 -0700
Subject: SNET: Friends Of Liberty Web Site

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

Subj:   Freedom News Just Got Better!
Date:   10/4/00 7:31:54 AM CDT

FLI is Growing at Full Speed

Freedom News just got better!

Friends of Liberty, International
Shonda M. Ponder, editor
4318 Brookfield
Houston, Texas 77045
(Leave Message with Gene Ritter, FLI PR Director)

Friends of Liberty, International is announcing the successful launch of
their website www.friendsofliberty.com . Since the opening of the site on
Aug. 13, 2000 the site has already received over 100,000 hits. This is due
to FLI's great readership, and those who have contributed news, commentaries
and information that make the site worth reading every day.

The logo of FLI reads "Freedom News You Can USE", and they have tried very
hard to live up to that creed.  From news regarding privacy, heritage,
politics, guns, health, and other civil rights issues, FLI has found a niche
that many other news sites have not been able to provide.

FLI is growing rapidly, due to the amount of hits it is receiving, and for
that reason they are seeking help with the daily updates and the handling of
other FLI menial tasks that take care and time that could be spent doing
other projects that will benefit FLI and its readers in the long run.
However, FLI lacks the funding to pay for such help, and as such it has been
hard finding reliable and dependable Friends of Liberty with a dedication to
bringing you the news that you need to read each day.

If you are interested in helping FLI on a daily basis, you may contact
Shonda Ponder at [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

FLI hosts 2 separate email lists.  One is exclusively for daily update
alerts.  You can subscribe to these updates by sending an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (The list that was managed from the
website wigged out recently causing such a disruption, due to the large
number of people on the list, that FLI was forced to return to list
management at E-Groups until a better option comes available).   The other
list is a discussion list.  You can subscribe to the discussion list by
sending an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

FLI wants to make sure that we are doing the right thing by our readers.
They look forward to your imput, your advice, and your ideas on how they can
make the site a more successful site for the cause of freedom in an
alternative news outlet that wishes to grow, ultimately enabling it to
compete with the major networks someday.

FLI seeks to build the patriot moral and encourage the activism of citizens
across the country.

"We cannot do it without our reader's input." says Shonda Ponder, editor of
Friends of Liberty, International.  "Without them, we are just another
website that will ultimately fail."

Brandon Crier, FLI tech advisor had more to say: "I don't see FLI becoming
'just another website'.  The fast growth and the interest that is obviously
there makes the idea of FLI just 'fading away' inconceivable.  To have so
much support in so little time is amazing for a site like that.  I'm proud
to be a part of it."

FLI can be found on the world wide web at http://www.friendsofliberty.com

If you have a news story you wish for FLI to publish, you can send it to
All Action Alerts can be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If you have an event you can send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you wish to have your link placed at the FLI website, in exchange for a
link on your own website, (banners can be found at
http://www.friendsofliberty.com/logos.htm ) send your URL to FLI by emailing

If you are a small business owner and you wish to advertise with FLI to help
pay for some of the costs of keeping FLI operational, as well as promote
your business, you can send all enquiries to

FLI would like to thank all of our readers and contributors who have helped
make FLI a success!

- To unsubscribe send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and

[CTRL] Fwd: The Israeli Holocaust Against Palestinians

2000-10-05 Thread William Shannon

* T H E  H O F F M A N  W I R E
* Oct.4, 2000
* Independent History and Research
* Box 849, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83816 USA
* Website:
* http://www.hoffman-info.com
This e-mail is for those who have requested it.
We have a strict anti-spamming policy.
Subscribe/Unsubscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Israeli Holocaust Against the Palestinians: The Latest Chapter

Photo: Arab villagers carry away a Palestinian civilian killed by an Israeli
helicopter gunship rocket attack at Netzarim, Oct. 3, 2000

Photo: Moments before he was shot to death, 12 year old Mohammed Al-Doura
cowers in terror as Israeli troops shoot at him and his father

WE WATCHED in horror the killing, by the IDF (Israeli army), of a
12-year-old Palestinian boy, Mohammed Jamal Al-Dourra on Saturday, Sept. 30
and his falling lifeless into his wounded father's lap. According to
witnesses, the boy's father, Jamal, shouted above the gunfire, "My child is
dying", but there was no let-up in the firing.

The boy cried in terror while bullets ripped into the breeze block wall
beside him and his father waved wildly to attract attention. Then the
terrified boy slumped as he was hit. A Palestinian ambulanceman tried to
make his way across the road to the pair but was shot dead. It took a
further half an hour before another ambulance team could reach them and take
them away.

The father had four bullet wounds in his right side, from his shoulder to
his calf, but survived. Canadian TV felt compelled to warn their viewers of
the offensive and disturbing nature of some pictures showing the terrifying
killing of this boy.

The number of people killed by the Israeli army is rising almost by the
hour. Israel uses live ammunition, helicopters, rockets and heavy tanks.
Crimes against the Palestinians have been committed by the Israelis for the
past 52 years in plain sight of the entire world. We must not simply watch
in horror, we must act.

--Simon Ibrahim, Edmonton Sun, October 4, 2000 and The Daily Telegraph, Oct.
2, 2000

Hoffman's note: Unaware that a French TV crew had footage of the shooting
that would be made available to the public, the Zionists claimed that the
Israeli army (IDF) was not responsible for this boy's murder: "The IDF has
concluded that the shot which killed the boy came from the northwestern
corner of the junction, close to the IDF outpost. Thus IDF fire could not
have killed the boy because of the impossible angle of the shot."

However, once the TV footage was released, the deceivers were forced to tell
the truth: "After a closer examination of the (TV) footage...An
investigation by the IDF's southern command has revealed that the boy was
indeed killed by IDF fire."

Thirteen Palestinian children were shot to death by the Israelis between
Sept. 28 and Oct. 3, 2000 (Source: NY Times, Oct. 4, 2000). These shootings
of Palestinian kids are nothing new. It is the standard policy of the
Israeli army to murder Palestinian children.

Israeli atrocities are invariably described in the American media as
"Israeli-Arab clashes" thereby attempting to establish an equivalence
between the victimizers and the victims, between tanks and helicopter
gunships and stones and slingshots, between Goliath and David.

But note well this report from the London Daily Telegraph of Oct. 2, 2000:

" Before the boy's death (12 year old Mohammed Jamal Al-Dourra), the
shooting by armed Palestinians was sporadic and limited. After news of the
killing spread, it became a matter of honor for Palestinian men to go into
battle with the Israeli army. 'I saw how the Israelis shot dead our
children. They choose them because they are an easy target,' said Maysa
Abu-Zidan, 23, a medical volunteer working at Netzarim junction, where the
boy was killed on Saturday, Sept. 30. I shouted to our Palestinian police,
'Are we going to stand there and do nothing? Go and defend our people'."

The killings of Palestinian kids is business as usual. The operators of the
Anne Frank Museums, the professors of "Holocaust Studies," the pundits who
shake the heavens with editorial outrage when a skinhead daubs a synagogue
with paint, make no meaningful protest when Arab civilians under Israeli
military occupation are victims of Zionist war crimes.

If those were Jewish kids who were throwing stones and getting shot for it,
the slaughter would be stopped within 24 hours. Arab blood is mighty cheap.

What makes their blood so cheap? The ideology of the religion of Judaism,
which even Jewish atheists have imbibed through distillations such as

Judaism teaches contempt for  Gentiles, who are seen as a curse. Gentiles
are the people who the Talmudic texts describe as "not Adam," i.e. less than
human. Or, as one of Judaism's illustrious founding sages, Rabbi Shimon ben
Yohai wrote, "Even the best of the gentiles should all be killed" 

[CTRL] Fwd: Hoffman Challenges Lieberman Before National Audience

2000-10-05 Thread William Shannon

* T H E  H O F F M A N  W I R E
* Oct.3, 2000
* Independent History and Research
* Box 849, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83816 USA
* Website:
* http://www.hoffman-info.com
This e-mail is for those who have requested it.
We have a strict anti-spamming policy.
Subscribe/Unsubscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hoffman Challenges Lieberman Before a Huge Radio Audience

Yesterday your editor spoke by telephone on the Bob Grant Show, a radio
program syndicated in 100 markets, and one of metropolitan New York's most
popular talk-radio venues. The listening audience is estimated at one-half

Grant's producer discussed the program with me last week but e-mailed on
short notice late Monday morning to arrange the Monday afternoon broadcast.
One wonders if the brief notice was deliberate, to overcome possible
attempts at suppressing my invitation?

The producer originally offered a ten minute to one-half hour commitment,
but after just a few minutes on the air with Grant, the talk-show host
announced to his listeners that he was cancelling other guests and extending
me to one hour.

This was the first opportunity I have had to bring the "Lieberman's Strange
Gods" campaign to a mass audience, and while Grant kept part of the focus on
the Middle East, I shifted it whenever appropriate back to Lieberman and the
fact of his upcoming nullification of "all vows" (Kol Nidrei), which he will
be performing at a synagogue on Yom Kippur Eve, Oct. 8.

I challenged Sen Lieberman to come on the Grant show and face me and answer
the concerns about Kol Nidrei, the Talmud and his fitness for office. Though
Grant availed himself of some of the monopoly media's lexicon of put-down,
he also called my information "astounding."

When I termed Judaism a "crime syndicate masquerading as a religion" and
when I said that if those were Jewish kids throwing rocks in Palestine and
an Arab Army was gunning them down, the slaughter would be halted within 24
hours, you can be sure the American people sat up --at least for a moment--
and felt the shock of unfiltered facts wafting across their psyche.

It is my hope that the broadcast will make the kind of waves that will shake
the Gore/Lieberman boat and compel them or their mouthpiece media to give
some explanation of Kol Nidrei and Talmudic "ethics." From there all the
benefits accrue to us because once having opened the Pandora's Box that is
Judaism there is no putting the lid back on. The Talmud is such a cesspool
of racism and perversion it cannot withstand sustained scrutiny or informed

Despite the short notice, many HOFFMAN WIRE readers were able to tune in to
the broadcast and we received e-mail from them as well as from outraged
Judaic adherents. Below are two representative samples of the e-mail which
is still coming in:

Date: Monday, October 2, 2000 5:25 PM
Subject: bob grant show
Mr. Hoffman:
My father came home from work today and told me there was someone on the Bob
Grant show who knew more about Judaism than most Jews. Your name popped into
my head immediately, but I said there is no way that a person like Grant
would have a man like you on the show who feels an obligation to tell the
truth. I was shocked to hear your name when I tuned in! I was hoping that
you could tell me where to find a transcript of the your appearance.
Finally, I would like to tell you how terrific your web site is and how much
I have learned from you. Keep up the great work, you are reaching more
people than you can imagine! -- Sincerely, P.G.

(One HOFFMAN WIRE reader taped the program and promised us an audio cassette
copy. We hope to make the tape available in the near future).

Date: Monday, October 2, 2000 6:41 PM
Subject: Your  twisted philosophy!
You are an educated man that's very good at twisting words. You have no idea

what Judaism is about. It's people like you that made such hardships for us
Your Judgment Day will come. -- Sam

(And yours too, Sam).

I'm certainly not under the misapprehension that an hour on a national chat
show is the tremor that will usher in the deluge that will drown Lieberman
and Gore. At present the media are holding in their hands the press release
we sent about "Judaism's Strange Gods" and Lieberman and Kol Nidrei.

Those among them who really are journalists will want to contact and
interview me, in spite of the subtle dictates and unspoken assumptions of
the corporate world in which they dwell. Perhaps the Grant show will
stimulate them to do the right thing for their reading and listening public.
Here is news. What true newsman can resist it?

It is five days to Lieberman's Kol Nidrei on Yom Kippur Eve. The world
should know that Lieberman is one politician who is not ashamed to lie. He
will brazenly institutionalize his lying on the evening of Oct. 8 and the
repercussions for our Republic are grave.

[CTRL] Gasoline-Powered Cars On The Way Out Claims Ford Exec.

2000-10-05 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

End of the road for petrol cars says Ford
ENVIRONMENT EDITOR http://www.lineone.net/express/
THE world will soon be free from its dependence on petrol, a car firm boss
claimed yesterday.

Ford chairman Bill Ford predicted that his company would have prototype
vehicles driven by hydrogen and oxygen on the roads within 15 months. He
described the car engines, whose only emissions are water, as the car
industry's Holy Grail.

Mr Ford forecast the day when car ownership would be "antiquated" and
consumers would instead lease cars only when they needed them.

His comments, made in London at a Greenpeace business conference, are all the
more remarkable because he is a great-grandson of Henry Ford.

Mr Ford's comments have dramatic implications for the fight against global
warming, which is widely blamed on emissions of greenhouse gases such as
carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels.

Road traffic produces one third of all CO2 and is one of the fastest growing
types of emission.

But it would cause shockwaves in Treasuries around the world which have got
used to raising billions through fuel duty. Chancellor Gordon Brown alone
collects £22.3billion every year from fuel duties. The switch to hydrogen
could devastate the economies of the Middle East.

Oil firms said they were already working with car manufacturers such as
DaimlerChrysler and GM on the fuel cell technology. An alliance of
manufacturers, including Ford, Honda and DaimlerChrysler, is testing
fuel-cell cars.

The cells take in hydrogen from a tank and oxygen from the air. The gases are
passed over electrodes which generates electricity.

Mr Ford warned that there were "several significant hurdles" before the fuel
cells could be mass produced. These included their size - they currently fill
a car boot - and the combustible nature of hydrogen.

Critics argue that the fuel cell may solve conventional traffic pollution but
lead to the production of more greenhouse gases elsewhere.

This is because of the need to pump large amounts of energy into any process
that makes the hydrogen fuel.The energy could come from clean renewable
sources such as the wind or sun but is more likely to come from burning
fossil fuels.
© Express Newspapers, 2000

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Re: [CTRL] forced labor

2000-10-05 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Below please find an article about women and childrens forced labor.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

This may be triggering for survivors of abuse.

excerpt from :

CIA report: 50,000 women, children forced to labor ...

OTC 4-2-00 6:21 PM

WASHINGTON, April 2 (UPI) -- A CIA report says that the United States has
insufficient laws to address a situation where each year up to 50, 000
women and children are brought to the United States from Asia, Latin
America and Eastern Europe and forced to work as prostitutes or abused
laborers, The New York Times reported Sunday

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[CTRL] Soldier bragged about raping other young girls

2000-10-05 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Army report: Soldier bragged about raping other young girls

   FORT BRAGG, N.C. (AP) _ A U.S. soldier who raped and killed an
11-year-old girl in Albania repeatedly bragged to his comrades about
assaulting girls in other countries, but no one told a commanding officer,
an Army report said. The soldiers said they kept quiet in part because Staff
Sgt. Frank Ronghi threatened to kill them, The Fayetteville Observer
reported, quoting Army findings on abuses by peacekeeping forces in Kosovo.
Ronghi pleaded guilty to premeditated murder and forcible sodomy of Merita
Shabiu in January, while his unit was on a six-month peacekeeping duty in
Kosovo. Ronghi, a weapons squad leader for the 82nd Airborne Division, is
serving a life sentence without parole. A month before Merita was killed and
her body hidden in the woods, Ronghi took his squad to that spot and told
them it was a good place to dump a body, the Army report said. "Anybody
could scream at the top of their lungs without anybody hearing," a sergeant
said, recounting Ronghi"s words. Soldiers told investigators that Ronghi had
bragged about raping two sisters, making the older girl watch first and then
forcing them to trade places. Ronghi also told a soldier he raped a
9-year-old Haitian girl, saying "this was his greatest sexual accomplishment
because she was so young." Soldiers kept quiet about the boasts, saying
Ronghi liked to say, "What happens in the squad stays in the squad, or your
body will never be found." Leaders of the 82nd Airborne Division have
condemned Ronghi"s crimes, saying no one could have known what he was
capable of.

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[CTRL] Man killed by police serving warrant at wrong home

2000-10-05 Thread Richard Sampson

-Caveat Lector-


Man killed by police serving warrant at wrong home

October 5, 2000, In Wilson County, something went terribly wrong early
Thursday morning when Lebanon Police tried to serve a search warrant. It
appears the officers forced their way into the wrong house. Now an elderly
man is dead and five police officers are under criminal investigation.

The TBI and Lebanon Police Department are investigating the overnight fatal
shooting. Authorities say police shot John Adams about 10 o’clock Wednesday
night while attempting to serve an arrest warrant. Police say Adams filed a
sawed-off shotgun as they forced their way into his home.

According to a Lebanon City Councilman, police had the wrong house. The
house they were looking for was next door.

Adams and his wife are in their sixties and Adams used a walker and was
disabled. Neighbors tell Channel 4 that police officers knocked on Adams’
door, then kicked it in. And at some point, shot him and handcuffed his

 It took more than 12 hours for any authorities to comment on the shooting.
Police Chief Billy Weeks said, “The person that did the surveillance did go
on the raid. The surveillance was probably not as good as it should have
been. A mistake was made, a severe mistake, a very costly mistake.”

According to a local newspaper, he has placed two officers on administrative
leave. According to family members, the arrest stemmed from a drug charge.
John Adams’ house is clearly marked with a house number next to the front

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[CTRL] Fwd: Satanism/Arlis Perry Murder/Officer Niemeyer

2000-10-05 Thread Kris Millegan

SF Chronicle
January 7, 1999

On Retirement Eve, Stanford Cop Reflects on Career
Campus police have evolved to professional status during 25 years

Bill Workman   

STANFORD -- When Raoul Niemeyer took his job with Stanford University police
nearly 25 years ago, the campus cops were viewed as little more than night
watchmen who went on patrol in mud-brown former taxicabs.
At the time, Stanford was still recovering from the anti-Vietnam War turmoil
of student unrest that had overwhelmed the ill-trained and poorly equipped
campus police. 
Niemeyer, a veteran San Jose cop with an outstanding record for training
officers, was the first hire in newly appointed Stanford Police Chief Marv
Herrington's efforts to modernize and improve the public safety department.
One of the first things Neimeyer did after signing on as captain was to
order a white paint job, Stanford logo and red and blue emergency lights --
replacing the old taxi-yellow ones -- for the department's patrol cars.
His next move was to develop a recruiting and training program, still in
place today, that routinely brings to the campus bright, eager deputies. By
the time they have been assigned regular duties, they are well on their way
to commanding the respect of the university community.
``One of the challenges has always been to get quality candidates who are
able to communicate effectively with faculty, students and staff but also
able to handle a hardened criminal from outside the campus when things get
tough,'' recalls Niemeyer, 60, a wavy-haired man with the firm handshake of
someone who spends his spare time working on and racing stock cars.
Niemeyer, who retires this month, reminisced the other day about his career
and the changing demands of policing Stanford over the past quarter-century.
The 8,000- acre campus is a city in its own right with a police force of 35
sworn officers. 
Born in Berkeley and raised in Hawaii, Niemeyer said he had dealt with his
share of homicide cases as a San Jose cop. Yet he was unprepared for the
shock that awaited him and Stanford little more than a month after he went
to work there. 
Pulled out of bed by a dispatcher's predawn phone call the morning of Oct.
13, 1974, he went to Stanford Memorial Church where the half-nude body of
19-year-old Arlis Perry, recently married wife of a Stanford student, had
been violated by altar candles.
Perry had been stabbed in the head and strangled after she had gone alone to
the historic church to pray and meditate the night before. She had
apparently been accidentally locked inside with her killer.
``It was an awful thing. I was really upset and we became almost obsessed
with trying to solve the murder,'' said Niemeyer.
Unfortunately, the brutal and bizarre slaying remains unsolved.
Slayings are rare at Stanford, but as the university's chief investigator
most of his career, Niemeyer has played a key role in helping the campus
community cope with the shattering effects of more than a half-dozen.
Perhaps the most stressful for faculty, he said, was the case of Theodore
Streleski, a mathematics student for 19 years who in 1978 bludgeoned to
death Professor Karel deLeeuw in revenge for what he viewed as Stanford's
unfair treatment of graduate students.
When Streleski was released from prison in 1985, Niemeyer was kept busy for
months, he said, taking measures to ensure the safety of other math
professors in the event Streleski returned to campus with more mayhem in
On one wall of Niemeyer's office hangs a huge map of Stanford and
surrounding communities that was once used in the prosecution of Robert Lee
O`Connor, the so-called ``jogging bandit'' convicted in 1983 of 21 counts of
burglary and suspected of ripping off about 500 Peninsula homes. The map's
many dots represent burglary sites.
Niemeyer, who led the two-year Peninsula investigation of O'Connor, is
taking the map home as a memento when he retires.
Because of its tradition-steeped setting, an otherwise minor disturbance at
Stanford can often bring the media running, said Niemeyer, who has also been
the department's press officer for years.
For example, there was the ``kidnapping'' in early November of the Stanford
Tree's googly-eyed costume after a break-in at the Stanford Band's
since-demolished building. The mascot theft came shortly before the annual
Big Game with the University of California at Berkeley.
Bay Area media had a lot of fun with the story before the costume was
finally returned by its unidentified Cal student captors. However, Niemeyer
takes credit for bluffing the thieves into bringing it back by repeatedly
posing the threat of possible criminal prosecution, although authorities
apparently never intended to take the pranksters to court.
A more routine function for campus police has been providing security for
visiting dignitaries, said Niemeyer.
Of the many world figures he met as a cop, Niemeyer said, one of the most
interesting was the Dalai Lama. At the end of his 

[CTRL] Fwd: CIA/Drug Co. Plot in S. Africa

2000-10-05 Thread Kris Millegan

CIA/Drug Co. Plot in S. Africa
CIA and drug firms out to get me, Mbeki says
Chris McGreal in Johannesburg
Friday October 6, 2000
The Guardian
The South African president, Thabo Mbeki, claims that the CIA is working
covertly with American drug companies to discredit him because he is
challenging the world economic order and threatening profits by questioning
the link between HIV and Aids.
The Guardian's sister paper in Johannesburg, the Mail and Guardian, reports
that Mr Mbeki painted a picture of an international plot against him to a
meeting of 200 African National Congress cabinet ministers and MPs last
The president said that criticism of his Aids policy was a foretaste of
foreign attempts to undermine his government to protect the existing balance
of economic power. He called on MPs to resist the campaign.
Mr Mbeki said that his advisers were seeking to discover who was spreading
the idea that he was "deranged", itself a part of the conspiracy against
On Wednesday the ANC's national executive committee alleged that press
criticism of Mr Mbeki was part of "a massive propaganda onslaught against
the ANC, its president and its government".
The government has begun a public relations offensive to deflect criticism
of Mr Mbeki's Aids policy by focusing on his statement to parliament a
fortnight ago that government policy was "based on the the sis that HIV
causes Aids", and by admitting that he may have caused confusion.
But Mr Mbeki angered some of his own MPs by once again raising the issue in
private. He told them that because big western drug firms stood to benefit
from treating HIV infections it was in their interests to insist that the
virus was the cause of Aids.
He then said that the CIA was actively promoting the belief that there was a
link to protect the profits of companies making anti-retroviral drugs. But
he said the CIA's campaign went further because it was also aimed at
discrediting him as an effective voice for reform of a world economic order
working at Washington's whim.
Mr Mbeki told MPs that there was a link between the struggle for a better
economic deal for developing countries and the "propaganda" put out
"covertly" by the CIA and drug companies.
But the Mail and Guardian quoted one ANC MP as pouring scorn on Mr Mbeki's
address. "We have a president who is arguing against his own government's
policy," the MP said. "And he talks like this after telling us he knows
talking like this has caused confusion in the past and hurt the campaign
against HIV-Aids."
To back his claims, the president said that a large drug company, which he
did not name, had confessed to him that it had abandoned the search for an
anti-Aids vaccine but would not admit it, fearing a collapse in its share
Mr Mbeki spoke approvingly of a conference of about 60 dissident scientists
held in Uganda last month which said there was no scientific proof that HIV
caused Aids. He also said that reports that Uganda had had significant
success in the fight against Aids was untrue, despite its president, Yoweri
Museveni, being praised for bringing down HIV infection rates.
© Copyright Guardian Media Group plc. 2000 

[CTRL] Fwd: [corp-focus] Look Before You Leap

2000-10-05 Thread Kris Millegan

Look Before You Leap
By Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman

A friend of ours -- you might call him techno-challenged man -- recently
met the guy who invented the E-book. That's the little hand-held computer
that carries hundreds of books and that let's you read them on an easy
reading screen.

The inventor told our friend that in five years, his invention will carry
one million books -- all easily accessible, all searchable, all without

"Even I was sold," said challenged man.

"You won't even have to leave the house," we said.

"Reading has always been a solitary endeavor," he said.

"Yes, but at least you had to get out of the house, say hello to the
librarian, or the bookseller," we replied. "What happens to them?"

Now, don't get all excited, techies. Yes, we are writing this on a
computer. Yes, we are sending this over the Internet.

But beware! A backlash is brewing against computer mania. We have leaped
before we looked. And some are now predicting a crash landing.

Last month, the Alliance for Childhood (www.allianceforchildhood.net) a
group of more than 75 educators, child-development and health authorities
called for a time-out from the overwhelming pressure on educators and
parents to computerize childhood.

They released a report, "Fool's Gold: A Critical Look at Computers in
Childhood." The group, which includes Harvard professor of psychiatry
Alvin Poussaint, child and adolescent psychiatrist Marilyn Benoit, and
Mary Pipher, author of Reviving Ophelia, issued a statement calling for a
moratorium on the further introduction of computers in early childhood and
elementary education -- except for special cases of students with certain

We've always felt a little queasy when politicians like Al Gore and George
Bush promised to put a computer in every classroom. But we didn't know
why. Now we do.

The signers of the call for a moratorium said that a time-out is necessary
to "create a climate for a broad national discussion about the serious
developmental risks" posed by computers in childhood.

They noted that research does not support the current and proposed
expenditures of billions of dollars on technology in primary schools, as
the Clinton-Gore administration now advocates.

Research shows that far better than sticking kids in front of computers is
putting them with caring adults, engaging them in creative play, outdoor
experiences with nature, the arts, and hands-on learning of all kinds.

There they sit in front of their glaring screens, playing video games,
sipping on sugar and water (Coke or Pepsi?) and eating junk food. Is it
any wonder that this generation of children is the most sedentary in
U.S. history?

The Alliance is so concerned about the problem, that they called on the
Surgeon General of the United States to prepare a comprehensive report on
the physical, emotional, and other developmental hazards that computers
pose to children.

They warned of social isolation, obesity, eyestrain, and repetitive stress
injuries. Margit Bleeker, a neurologist, said that repetitive stress
injuries among the young "is probably a time bomb waiting to go off."

The Alliance estimates that public elementary schools would have to spend
about $8 billion per year to meet the technology goals promoted by
Clinton/Gore. Those schools spent more than $4 billion in the 1999-2000
school year on computers and all of the costs related to them.

"That money could be better spent on proven educational interventions for
children at risk of school failure, including smaller classes and smaller
schools, higher salaries to attract and retain good teachers, and early
attention to nutrition, high-quality child care and health care, and safe
housing," said Joan Almon, a former kindergarten teacher and the U.S.
coordinator of the Alliance for Childhood.

To make way in their budgets for the computer onslaught, many schools are
choosing to cut back on field trips in nature, music, the arts, library
books, and time for play or recess.

But it is exactly these programs that most benefit at-risk children.

"It is within the context of human relationships, play and interactions
with nature that we socialize our children," said Dr. Benoit of Howard
University Hospital in Washington, D.C. "Premature relegation of learning
to computer interaction will rob them of both that civilizing influence
and of their innate creativity."

Bailus Walker, Jr., a former president of the American Public Health
Association, said that the money spent on computers could be better spent
removing lead paint from housing in poor neighborhoods. When it comes to
our children's readiness to learn, "being unleaded is a lot more urgent
than being online," Walker said.

Edward Miller, a co-author of the report and former editor of the Harvard
Education Letter, said that children of wealth and privilege are enjoying
advantages of smaller class size, individual and personal attention from
caring adults and hands on experience 

[CTRL] Zeitung Links

2000-10-05 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-

From www.wsws.org

WSWS : News  Analysis : Europe : Germany
The nationalistic reflex—left-wing newspapers in Germany exhibit unrestrained
enthusiasm for Putin
By Peter Schwarz
6 October 2000
Back to screen version

In August the loss of the Russian nuclear submarine the Kursk stunned the
people of Russia and the whole world. The event struck a nerve even deeper than
sympathy for the tragic fate of the 118 crewmen and their mourning families
would have led one to expect. As the World Socialist Web site wrote at the
time, in a real sense, “The Russian people themselves are in a situation
similar to that of the submarine crew: they are suffering, they are desperately
searching for a means of escape and hoping for rescue.”

The catastrophe forced the world to confront the scale of the decline Russia
has been subjected to since the break-up of the Soviet Union. Suddenly, there
stood President Vladimir Putin stripped of all pretensions. The way the Kremlin
reacted to the debacle—its indifference, incompetence and arrogance—brought
back memories of the lamentable era of Soviet stagnation under Brezhnev and
Chernenko. The yawning gulf between the regime and its people became painfully
obvious and could not be ignored by the international press which, to some
extent, was critical of Putin's insensitivity.

In this predicament, the Russian president was to receive support from
apparently unexpected quarters. Two German newspapers, each claiming left-wing
allegiance, threw themselves into his defence.

The publication Junge Welt (Young World) regarded Western media reporting of
the ill-fated Kursk as an attempt to “revive contempt for old enemies”. On
August 23, Rainer Rupp wrote in his commentary that the new man in the Kremlin
had shown NATO his teeth: “Because Putin is not prepared to sell Russia to
aggressive neo-liberalism for a few Western trinkets, the free world press has
changed its tone recently.” The submarine disaster had become the perfect
occasion for “giving free rein to old-fashioned anti-Russian reflexes”.

Ralf Schröder expressed himself more openly in a recent commentary written in
the October edition of the monthly magazine konkret (concrete), some time after
the events surrounding the Kursk incident had taken place. Schröder sees in
Putin a “self-proclaimed Russian patriot” who has come on the scene “to restore
Russia's greatness and drive the criminal cartel—meaning Yeltsin and other
members of the oligarchy—out of the Kremlin”. This is supposed to have
“impressed simple Russians” and “filled them with a new sense of national
pride”. “Sceptics of Putin in and outside Russia, on the other hand, fear that
the Russian state (under Putin) will reflect on its ultimate and broadly held
basis for existence and (in contrast to the Yeltsin era) concentrate on
promoting Russian nationalism from now on.”

Schröder's article continues in this tone. He explains that Putin intends “to
free his country from the semi-colonial status resulting from Yeltsin's
politics,” and, “Because Putin, with the substantial approval of his followers,
energetically applied himself to revamping the state's sovereignty on both a
domestic and international level immediately after taking up office, and
moreover because he announced that he would forthwith disassociate Russia as
much as possible from reliance on loans from the International Monetary Fund
(IMF) and other Western financial institutions, an informal alliance between
the Russian mafia and the German press was forged almost inevitably.”

Objectively considered, this view is absurd. The claim that Putin is an
opponent of Western economic and Russian oligarchic interests lacks any basis
in reality and instead constitutes an instance of political wishful thinking.
It simply ignores the fact that the then utterly unknown secret serviceman rose
to the highest office of state as the handpicked candidate of his predecessor,
Boris Yeltsin, and that his election success was due to propaganda and
financial support from the oligarchy. In particular, Boris Berezovsky
(financial advisor to the Yeltsin family) had laid the full resources of his
media empire at Putin's disposal.

If Putin has fallen out with Berezovsky in the meantime, this in no way
indicates that he has become an opponent of the oligarchy. Anyone who believes
that confuses the power struggle within a clique with one against it. On
numerous occasions, Putin has guaranteed the oligarchs that the state would not
interfere with their property. Discord only occurs when he tries to buttress
his position against attempts of the oligarchy to exert excessive control over
matters of state—a stance also shared by international financial circles that
see a disincentive to investment in the web of corruption, struggle for
influence and mutual dependencies.

Regarding Putin's relationship to the IMF, the World Bank and international
finance in general, he has never left the slightest doubt that he is prepared

[CTRL] Al Most

2000-10-05 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-

I think Gore should change his last name to "Most".  I thunked this up at
work tonight.  Al Most:  VietNam Vet, Truthful Anecdote Teller, Personable,
Sincere Kisser, President.  Yeah, almost.  AER 


Ann Coulter (back to story)
October 5, 2000

Sigh of the crook

Apparently the key to being described as a masterful debater in modern America
is to repeatedly heave loud sighs into your microphone whenever your opponent
is speaking. It's getting increasingly embarrassing to keep hearing
testimonials from Vice President Al Gore's personal friends and family members
about how clever (and lifelike!) he is in private. We got another glimpse of
him in the first presidential debate this week, and it's hard to miss what a
creep he is.

Gore has so many odd tics and phony gestures that it's hard to pin down which
trope it is that makes him seem so bizarre. He has progressed from speaking to
us as if we're retarded, to speaking to us as if we're retarded and deaf. The
same way gay men exaggerate feminine gestures, Al Gore exaggerates human
gestures, wildly overarticulating his every syllable.

It's true you can't imagine Al Gore ever making a slip of the tongue, as George
Bush sometimes does. But only for the same reason that you can't imagine the
computer recording on a business answering machine making a slip of the tongue -
- the difference being that a computer voice doesn't have the capacity to
condescend to you like Al Gore does. Bush occasionally makes a slip of tongue
because he's human.

In addition to the thunderous sighs, Gore constantly interrupted Bush to make
"just one more point." Nut-mail always has this quality, with the "one more
point" typically being written around the margin of the paper. Even the
unflappable, phlegmatic Jim Lehrer started rolling his eyes at Gore's incessant

Another oddity is that Gore is forever smiling at inappropriate moments. In a
tedious monologue on campaign financing, he went from a deep, angry frown to a
maniacal grin in the course of this single sentence -- "our system of
government (frown, frown, frown) is being undermined by too much influence
coming from (huge beaming smile!) special interests money." Neither the frown
nor smile was consonant with his words. He's really strange.

I suppose it's possible for a peculiar freak of nature to make a good
president, but Al Gore wouldn't. Though he did make it through the first debate
without claiming to have invented anything or to have been the inspiration for
any major motion pictures, Gore repeatedly wheeled out his promise to put
Social Security in "an iron-clad lock box" where the politicians can't touch
it. If Gore can invent a lock box politicians can't pick, he won't be stuck
bragging about inventing that measly Internet anymore.

(Incidentally, I just found out what the plot of "Love Story" is, and I think
it should have come as a surprise to no one that Tipper is depressed, since her
husband's fantasy is that they are the couple who inspired a story in which the
romantic crescendo consists of the woman dying.)

Gore accused Bush of using "code words" on abortion, even as he assiduously
employed a code word for abortion. Gore has openly sworn to having his own
litmus test for Supreme Court justices, assuring baby-killing enthusiasts that
"the right to choose is fundamental. ... I vow to you that we will never let
anyone take that right away."

Indeed, Gore has a whole slew of litmus tests up his sleeve. Last January, the
vice president peremptorily announced his commitment to putting gays in the
military saying: "I would insist before appointing anybody to the Joint Chiefs
of Staff that the individual fully support my policy (on gays in the military),
and yes, I would make that a requirement." That would exclude a lot of people
from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, including Gulf War heroes Colin Powell and
Norman Schwarzkopf.

Gore denounced Bush's tax plan for giving a tax cut to the "very richest"
Americans, which is a little like opposing civil rights laws on the grounds
that they'll mainly benefit blacks. The rich are the ones who pay taxes, so of
course an across-the-board tax cut helps them the most. As soon as the poor
start paying their fair share of the tax burden, they'll get a tax cut too.

Across-the-board benefits for the "very richest" Americans turns out to be a
lot more appealing to Gore when it comes to his socialist "universal" plans for
this and that. Bill Gates shouldn't have his taxes cut, but he should get free
prescription drugs.

But as George Bush found out, if you quote the vice president back to himself
("no controlling legal authority"), or cite something he's done (the Buddhist
temple fund-raiser), he will lash out at you for making personal attacks.
Democrats think it's dirty politics to remember