[CTRL] Neoconservatism: a CIA Front

2000-11-01 Thread J Taylor

-Caveat Lector-

Neoconservatism: a CIA Front
by Gregory Pavlik

Not long after the Central Intelligence Agency was founded in 1947, the
American public and the world were subjected to an unprecedented level of
propaganda in the service of U.S. foreign policy objectives in the Cold War.
The propaganda offensive of the government centered around its obsession
with securing the emerging U.S.-dominated world order in the wake of the
Second World War. It was a time when Europe lay in ruins and when
subservience to U.S. planners, in government and business, was the order of
the day.

Although it is now widely conceded that there was never any serious threat
of a Soviet invasion of Western Europe, let alone of the United States, the
menace of the Soviet Union was the pretext underlying discussion of foreign
policy. To pay for the Cold War, Harry Truman set out, as Arthur Vandenberg
advised, to "Scare the Hell out of the American people." A daunting task,
considering the years of pro-Soviet accolades that had previously flowing
from the executive branch.

Nonetheless, the Soviet threat served as a useful chimera to keep the masses
in line. What were the targets singled out for demonization in the Cold War
propaganda campaign? One of the chief aims of the government was to
discredit dangerously parochial attitudes about the desirability of peace.
It was also thought necessary to inoculate the public, particularly in
Europe, against the virus of "neutralism."

Further, since the American government had successfully entrenched the
military industrial complex as a permanent feature of American life, U.S.
planners were eager to discredit the idea of "disarmament," which meant not
only a rejection of the techniques of mass murder developed and perfected by
the Allied powers in the Second World War, but also a return to the pre-war
days when the union of government and business was more tenuous,
government-connected profits were fleeting, and market discipline provided a
check on consolidation.

The degree to which the press participated as a partner in the rhetoric of
the Cold War was no accident. Media penetration was a major facet of CIA
activities in both the foreign and domestic context. At its peak, the CIA
allocated 29 percent of its budget to "media and propaganda." The extent of
its efforts are difficult to measure, but some information has slipped
through the shroud of secrecy.

One report notes that the media organizations funded by the CIA in Europe
included: the West German News agency DENA (later the DPA), the writers
association PEN in Paris, a number of French newspapers, the International
Forum of Journalists, and Forum World Features. The London-based Forum World
Features provided stories to "140 newspapers around the world, including
about 30 in the United States, amongst which were the Washington Post and
four other major dailies."

The U.S. Senate’s Church committee reported that the Post was aware that the
service was "CIA-controlled." German media tycoon Axel Springer had received
the then-substantial sum of more than $7 million from the Agency to build
his press empire. His relationship with the CIA was reported to have
extended through the 1970s. The New York Times reported that the CIA owned
or subsidized more than 50 newspapers, news services, radio stations, and
periodicals. The paper reported that at least another dozen were infiltrated
by the CIA; more than 1,000 books either written directly or subsidized by
the Agency were published during this period.

The penetration of CIA propaganda into the American press was far more
extensive than an occasional distorted report from Europe. By the early 70s,
it had been revealed that the head of the Hearst bureau in London was a CIA
agent. Some suspicion was aroused among those editors not on the Company
payroll, and inquiring minds among them wanted to know if CIA men were
currently in their employ. Soon thereafter the Washington Star-News
published a report claiming that some three dozen journalists were on the
payroll of the Agency. One agent was identified in the story as a member of
the Star-News’ own staff. When the paper went belly up in 1981, the
"journalist" in question went directly to work for the Reagan
administration. Later, Jeremiah O’Leary joined the staff of the Washington

Though pressured, the CIA refused for some time to release information on
its tentacles in the "free press." There’s little wonder why. When George
Bush assumed the role of CIA director, he agreed to a single paragraph
summary of each of its journalists for the Church committee. When it
submitted the last of its data, the CIA had provided information on more
than 400 journalists. The final Church report was a disappointment having
been audited by the CIA. A subsequent House investigation was suppressed,
though a leak it was published in the Village Voice. The House report
indicated that Reuters news service was frequently used for CIA
disinformation, and 

[CTRL] KR: Advance information on Cole's Yemen stop under scrutiny

2000-11-01 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Wednesday, November 1, 2000

Advance information on Cole's Yemen stop under scrutiny

By Sudarsan Raghavan and Jonathan S. Landay
Knight Ridder Newspapers via The Stars and Stripes

ADEN, Yemen — Three days before suicide bombers attacked the USS
Cole, American authorities told Aden harbor officials precisely
when the ship would arrive and leave the port, where it would
berth and what services it needed — information that could have
helped the suicide bombers plan their strike.

Advance notification of U.S.  Navy port calls is standard
practice, but it also permitted a large number of people in the
harbor to know about the Cole’s arrival well in advance.

According to documents filed with Yemeni port officials, the U.S.
Embassy in the Yemeni capital of Sanaa sent a fax at 10:24 a.m.
Oct.  9 that said the USS Cole would arrive in Aden at 8 a.m.
Oct.  12, would be "refueling at bunker seven at the inner
harbor" and would require several services.

On Oct.  10, Gulf Aden Shipping Co.  — a port contracting company
hired by the U.S.  Navy to assist the Cole and which has since
come under scrutiny — sent a letter to Yemeni port officials
saying the Cole would refuel for "around five to six hours" and
depart the same day.

The letter also said another Navy destroyer, the USS Donald Cook,
would arrive at 9 p.m.  Oct.14.  Copies of the letter were sent
to the Yemeni Navy, port security and the private firm that owns
the bunkers and port terminals.

Such prior notice of the arrival of a billion-dollar American
military ship raises questions about the Cole’s security before
the attack. Interviews with port workers, Yemeni Navy officers
and eyewitnesses suggest the ship was vulnerable from the moment
it entered Aden harbor — a situation U.S.  Navy officials say is
hard to avoid.

"We can’t just show up in a foreign port," said Lt.  Bill Speaks,
a Navy spokesman.  "We have to have diplomatic clearance."

Since the Cole’s bombing, Americans have been warned to defer
travel to such places as Israel and even Indonesia, and to
exercise caution throughout the Middle East.  Tuesday, the
Pentagon announced that about 10,000 U.S. military personnel in
Kuwait and Saudi Arabia were placed on the highest level of alert
due to "credible" threats of terrorist attacks.

U.S.  forces in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are involved in enforcing
a "no-fly" zone over southern Iraq and in a joint exercise with
Kuwaiti troops.

About 1,050 American troops in the Persian Gulf countries of
Bahrain and Qatar were placed on highest alert last week in
response to terrorist threats.

U.S.  officials said the Cole attack required months of planning,
and it’s unclear whether the three days’ advance knowledge helped
the bombers ram their small, explosives-laden boat into the ship,
killing 17 sailors and wounding 39.

But American officials said there were other ways people might
have learned about the Cole’s arrival.  They could have observed
previous visits by U.S.  ships in the port or gotten information
from companies known as husbanding agents, which provide fuel,
food and garbage removal services to visiting ships.

Two men believed to have been connected to the Cole’s bombing
rented an apartment with a clear view of the harbor, and could
easily have seen the ship approach.

"You could deduce that these people might not have needed any
notice" of the Cole’s arrival, said Pentagon spokesman Kenneth

"They could see the ship come into port." Bacon said an
independent commission investigating the Cole’s bombing will be
looking for ways to improve security.  The commission, headed by
retired Army Gen.  William Crouch and former Navy Adm.  Harold
Gehman, has wrapped up a four-day visit to Aden and is scheduled
to brief Defense Secretary William Cohen on Thursday.  It is
expected to look into whether the procedures for contracting
husbanding agents should be changed.

A U.S.  Embassy official in Sanaa said not all American ships
require significant notice before docking at a foreign port.

"We normally send out a notice letting the ship handlers and the
Yemeni port authority know when a ship is coming," said Maj.
James Finn, a U.S.  military attache in Yemen.  "But that depends
on what (the ship’s) requirements are.

Some do not require any support.  It’s ship-dependent.  There is
no standard operating procedure."

Yemeni port officials said notice is routine on every ship
arriving at the harbor.  There are no special precautions for
military vessels.

"This is the normal procedure for all ships," said Capt.  Ali
Ahmed Ali, Aden port’s harbor master.  "We need to secure the
berth well ahead of the ship’s arrival."

The investigation into the Cole’s bombing is focusing on Islamic
militants, particularly an Egyptian extremist group allied with
fugitive Saudi financier Osama bin Laden, although American
officials have said they have no hard evidence that bin Laden
directed the attack.

Before the attack, the Cole was operating under 


2000-11-01 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

October 31, 2000


(Cleveland, OH) It's Halloween 2000. In less than seven days Americans
choose which presidential candidate will answer lead plaintiff for world
wide AIDS apology lawsuit charging the United States government for its
participation in the "creation", "production", and "proliferation" of an
ethnic "super germ" known as AIDS. The case, originally  filed by Boyd Ed
Graves J.D. September 1998, concludes the AIDS pandemic is the result of a
secret federal virus development program called the "Special" Virus. Naval
Academy graduate Graves' eight years of research into the origin of the AIDS
resulted in the rediscovery of the research logic flow chart of the program.
The top secret program began officially as early as 1961 to aggressively
hunt for a contagious cancer that selectively kills. The flowchart and
fifteen progress reports of the program prove conclusively a laboratory
wellspring for the genesis of AIDS.

 The secret virus program was initiated in conjunction with U.S. and
international policy decisions as best evidenced by Public Law 91-213 signed
by President Richard M. Nixon on March 16, 1970. The progress reports
continue to provide medical breakthroughs consistent with our efforts to
deactivate AIDS.

The discovery of the research logic flowchart coordinates over 20,000 of the
program's scientific papers, and led Graves to file his historic lawsuit
against Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen September 1998 for the
laboratory birth of AIDS in Cleveland, OH. After one full year of silence
from the federal court, Judge Leslie Brook Wells threw the case out of
court, citing the origin of AIDS as "frivolous." While major African
newspapers devoted four page feature stories to the issue, the major
American media remains completely silent.

Since March 3, 2000 the class has been waiting for a decision from the sixth
circuit court of appeals in Cincinnati. The court has failed to explain the
eight-month delay in determining if the issue of AIDS bioengineering is

"Every day a decision is delayed furthers the global AIDS holocaust." said
Graves. " The class and the people of the United States require better from
the sixth circuit."

With Graves' appeal the people's case took on greater historical
significance as the office of The President of the United States was named
as the lead defendant on March 3, 2000. Graves flew to Washington D.C hand
delivering over 3000 signature petitions to members of Congress and each of
the 2000 presidential candidates demanding bipartisan review of the
evidence.  Less than sixty days later on April 30, 2000, President Clinton
formally declared AIDS a Threat to National Security and in an unprecedented
move, placed the National Security Council in charge of AIDS health policy.
Neither candidate has mentioned this issue.

Now only seven days before the 2000 presidential election, some voters
indicate they will write Graves' name in on election day; sending a direct
message to the president elect - "Graves vs. The President of the United
States and the evidence of the laboratory birth of AIDS will not go away."

This week Graves released his highly anticipated book "State Origin: The
Evidence of the Laboratory Birth of AIDS", including the research logic flow
chart of the government's secret "Special Virus" program and other shocking
documents as evidenced in this landmark case.

Today, as the nation celebrates the annual festival of the dead, America is
given the unique opportunity to vote for life by never again allowing the
greatest democracy in the world to masquerade behind public policies founded
in the economics of eugenics.

Deatiled information on Graves' first book "State Origin: The Evidence of
the Laboratory Birth of AIDS" is available from the publisher on-line at
http://stateorigin.sun-city.net.  The bound book is scheduled to reach
shelves worldwide by inauguration day 2001.

Copyright 2000 ZMN: Reprints are encouraged and available without permission
providing content is reprinted in entirety including this copyright notice.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!


2000-11-01 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

FREEDOM NOW NETWORK  - November 1, 2000

This afternoon I attended a BUSH Rally - with Charlton Heston, Wayne
LaPierre, and others.  There was easily over 3,000 people (maybe more).  It
was held at a Sports Center on the outskirts of town (1/2 way to Oak Ridge)
and the parking was mostly in the pastures surrounding the building.  It was
an ANTI-GORE RALLY instead of a PRO-BUSH Rally, but the Bush people were
there handing out Vote for Freedom signs to be held up during the Rally - and
giving out Bush bumper stickers, buttons, etc.  During ALL the speeches,
including Heston's, it was ALL about how bad GORE is and not on BUSH's
attributes.  I was able to hand out about 20 BUCHANAN bumper stickers, but
mostly people just smiled and walked on.

As I was going out the door, Wayne LaPierre (?? sp) was there signing
autographs.  There I was eye to eye -- and I just remarked to him -- "I still
remember George Bush, Sr. saying to the people - READ MY LIPS, NO NEW TAXES".
 He just gave me a blank lookand I just walked on.  He didn't make the
connection or didn't like it because I did.  See NOTES below on WHY the NRA
is supporting George W. Bush.  

On the way home, Rush Limbaugh was on the radio (I most certainly do not
normally listen to him), but he was also talking ANTI-GORE instead of
PRO-BUSH - and a man called in to tell him just that.  Rush also remarked
that he liked Pat Buchanan and that he seemed to have just "disappeared".  He
don't know his eMail address - but SURELY someone from the Buchanan campaign
must have enough SMARTS to send eMail to ALL the media people.

HESTON will be in Nashville at 6:00 P.M. TODAY at the Grand Old Opry Hotel
Grand Ballroom.   I hope that someone in the Buchanan Brigade will show up
there - and TONE DOWN the PRO-BUSH crowd.

NOW, you may ask, WHY is NRA supporting George W. Bush.   Go to the NRA web
page -  www.nra.org -  and you will find that George W. Bush is supporting
PROJECT EXILE in Texas.  What is Project Exile?   It is H.R. 4051 which has
already passed the house  358-60.   It is now in the hands of the Senate -
and unless they lump it with one of the appropriations bills - it will not
pass this year.

H.R.4051  Sponsor: Rep McCullum, Bill (introduced 3/22/2000)Latest Major
Action: 5/25/2000 Read the second time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar
under General Orders. Calendar No. 579.

Title: To establish a grant program that provides incentives for States to
enact mandatory minimum sentences for certain firearms offenses, and for
other purposes.

SUMMARY AS OF:  3/22/2000--Introduced. Project Exile: The Safe Streets and
Neighborhoods Act of 2000 - Amends the Violent Crime Control and Law
Enforcement Act of 1994 to direct the Attorney General to provide firearms
sentencing incentive grants to eligible States that: (1) demonstrate that
they have implemented firearms sentencing laws requiring that any person who
uses or carries a firearm during and in relation to any violent crime or
serious drug trafficking crime be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of not
less than five years (without the possibility of parole) in addition to the
punishment provided for such crime, or requiring that any person who
possesses a firearm, having at least one prior conviction for a violent
crime, shall be sentenced to five years' imprisonment (without the
possibility of parole); or (2) can demonstrate that they have in effect an
equivalent Federal prosecution agreement; and (3) demonstrate that they have
or will implement a public awareness and community support program that seeks
to build support for, and warns potential violators of, such firearms
sentencing laws; and (4) provide assurances that they will coordinate with
Federal prosecutors and Federal law enforcement agencies to promote Federal
involvement and cooperation in the enforcement of laws within that State and
will allocate resources in a manner calculated to reduce crime in the
high-crime areas of the State.

Sets forth allowable uses for such grants, including to: (1) support law
enforcement agencies, prosecutors, courts, probation officers, correctional
officers, the juvenile justice system, the improvement of criminal history
records, or case management programs involving the sharing of information
about serious offenders; (2) carry out such a public awareness and community
support program; and (3) build or expand correctional facilities.

This bill is a MONEY-GRABBING bill which will be implemented by the STATES
for more GRANT money.  It is an Anti-Gun bill.  It is sponsored by Bill
McCullum of Florida who has been the author of MANY anti-gun bills in the
past including HR-666 for search and seizure without a warrant - also passed
by the House in 1994.  GOA and a lot of PRO-Gun people wrote about this for
several months 


2000-11-01 Thread NSA

NATIONHOOD AND JERUSALEMIsrael became a nation in 1312 B.C.E., two 
thousand years before the rise ofIslam. Arab refugees in Israel began 
identifying themselves as part of aPalestinian people in 1967, two decades 
after the establishment of themodern State of Israel.- Since the 
Jewish conquest in 1272 B.C.E. the Jews have had dominion overthe land for 
one thousand years with a continuous presence in the land forthe past 3,300 
years.- The only Arab dominion since the conquest in 635 C.E. lasted no 
more than22 years. For over 3,300 years, Jerusalem has been the Jewish 
capital.Jerusalem has never been the capital of any Arab or Muslim 
entity. Evenwhen the Jordanians occupied Jerusalem, they never sought 
to make it theircapital, and Arab leaders did not come to visit.- 
King David founded the city of Jerusalem and Jerusalem is mentioned over700 
times in Tanach, the Jewish Holy Scriptures.- Jerusalem is not mentioned 
once in the Koran and Mohammed never came toJerusalem.- Jews pray 
facing Jerusalem.- Muslims pray facing Mecca with their backs toward 
Jerusalem.ARAB AND JEWISH REFUGEES- In 1948 the Arab refugees 
were encouraged to leave Israel by Arab leaderspromising to purge the land 
of Jews. Sixty-eight percent left without everseeing an Israeli 
soldier.- The Jewish refugees were forced to flee from Arab lands due to 
Arabbrutality, persecution and pogroms.- The number of Arab refugees 
who left Israel in 1948 is estimated to bearound 630,000.- The 
number of Jewish refugees from Arab lands is estimated to be the 
same.-Arab refugees were intentionally not absorbed or integrated into 
the Arablands to which they fled, despite the vast Arab territory. Out 
of the100,000,000 refugees since World War II, theirs is the only refugee 
group inthe world that has never been absorbed or integrated into their own 
peoples'lands.- Jewish refugees were completely absorbed into 
Israel, a country no largerthan the state of New Jersey.THE 
ARAB-ISRAELI CONFLICT- The Arabs are represented by eight separate 
nations, not including thePalestinians. For the most part, their 
territory prior to 1967 was in thearea of JORDAN that is currently the west 
bank of Israel.- There is only one Jewish nation.- Israel has 
given the Palestinians most of the West Bank land, autonomyunder the 
Palestinian Authority, and has supplied them with weapons.- The Arab 
nations initiated all five wars and lost. Israel defended itselfeach time 
and won and the P.L.O.'s Charter still calls for the destructionof the State 
of Israel.- Under Jordanian rule, Jewish holy sites were desecrated and 
the Jews weredenied access to places of worship.- Under 
Israeli rule, all Muslim and Christian sites have been preservedand made 
accessible to people of all faiths.THE UN RECORD ON ISRAEL AND THE 
ARABS- Of the 175 Security Council resolutions passed before 1990, 97 
weredirected against Israel.- Of the 690 General Assembly 
resolutions voted on before 1990, 429 weredirected against Israel.- 
The U.N was silent while 58 Jerusalem synagogues were destroyed by 
theJordanians.- The U.N. was silent while the Jordanians 
systematically desecrated theancient Jewish cemetery on the Mount of 
Olives.- The U.N. was silent while the Jordanians enforced an 
apartheid-like policyof preventing Jews from visiting the Temple Mount and 
the Western Wall.

[CTRL] RadTimes # 88

2000-11-01 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

RadTimes # 88 October, 2000

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
--From Seattle to Seoul
--A worldwide web of discontent
--Living Justice Non-Violence Forum
--Munitions used against us on October 22
--Interpol targets cybercrime at world conference
--Uganda Ebola Death Toll Rises To 73
--Spy Base named in Euro probe
--Packaging Sales Surpass Album Sales, Sony Reports [humor?]
Linked stories:
*The war against marijuana intensifies
*Internet devices coming that reveal your location
*Vote Trade: The Democratic Way?
*Human Rights 2.0
*Bill Joy Hopes Reason Prevails
*Usenet Sale: Sounds to Silence?
*The Military Industry's 'Leveraged Buyout' of Gore and Bush
*A Tale of Three Arms Trades
*Outcomes of Cardiac Arrest in Casinos
*50 Years Of Political Ads
*The New Global Oppression
*How That Deleted Email Can Come Back To Haunt You
Begin stories:
 From Seattle to Seoul


By Faiza Rady
Al-Ahram Weekly (Cairo)
26 Oct. - 1 Nov. 2000

Play it again, Sam? Trailing Seattle, Davos,
Washington DC, Melbourne and Prague, the stage was set
last Friday in Seoul for yet another round of
confrontation between a high-powered international
trade organisation meeting and the anti-globalisation
movement. Since last December's successful disruption
of the Seattle World Trade Organisation (WTO) meeting,
the scene has by now acquired an aura of deja-vu. All
major international trade summits are met with

On 20 October, selected areas of the South Korean
capital resembled a battle front in the making. A
30,000-man-strong police contingent equipped with
water cannons was mobilised to use force against
"trouble makers" among the 20,000 protesters and
secure a demonstration-free zone to the Asia-Europe
(ASEM) heads of state attending the summit.

Established in 1994 to counter growing US market
hegemony in both Asia and Europe, ASEM has been
criticised for being nothing more than a prestigious
"talking shop" in an already overly congested summit

But the Seoul summit had real ambitions. The idea was
to create a potent Euro-Asian free market bloc, geared
to effectively compete with the North American giant.
"The destiny of the world is largely controlled by the
Asia-Europe-United States triangle," explained French
President Jacques Chirac. "The weak link was
Europe-Asia, and that's exactly what we want to

Accounting for half of the world's production, ASEM
has indeed the potential to join the major league.
Hence the Europeans' emphasis on the need to
restructure the Asian economies.

Given the high stakes, it was crucial that South
Korean President Kim Dae -jung use an iron fist to
secure the summit's success from interference by
vociferous labour unions and the Seattle-style
anti-globalisation movement.

Nevertheless, the movement would not be quelled --
despite the state of siege. An estimated 4,000 members
of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU),
supported by student activists, scuffled with 3,000
baton-wielding policemen as they tried to break the
security barriers protecting the summit's no-man's
land. "ASEM, which was established to overcome
American supremacy, has been following in US footsteps
only for the sake of capitalist gains, and has
destroyed the lives of labourers and people in Third
World countries," said the protesters in a statement.

At another site, 20 prominent labour leaders,
including Dan Byung-ho, president of the Korea Metal
Workers Federation (KMWF), also clashed with the
police when they tried to deliver a letter to the
foreign leaders. But to no avail. Tucked away behind
their cordoned safe haven at the summit venue, the
leaders of 25 Asian and European nations could
conveniently ignore the activists' message .

Meanwhile the conference hall was reverberating with
rhetoric about human rights and democracy, as foreign
heads of state hailed President Kim Dae-jung for his
distinguished record on these issues.

However, over and beyond the talk about democracy
lurks another reality. The International Confederation
of Free Trade Unions' annual report denounces Kim
Dae-jung's administration for its violation of the
Korean workers' right to organise, and the consistent
arrest of trade unionists.

After the gregarious back-slapping subsided, ASEM
participants turned to serious business. ASEM lauded
South Korea for having achieved a brilliant economic
recovery after the 1997 stock market crash, which left


2000-11-01 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

From: Middle East Newsline

U.S. warplanes are believed to have flown over a base operated by
Saudi billionaire fugitive Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan.

The London-based Al Hayat daily reported on Wednesday that two
unidentified jets were spotted hovering over a base in which Bin
Laden was believed to have taken shelter. The newspaper said the
latest plane, a reconnaissance jet, was spotted over Kondhar this

U.S. officials in Washington have refused to confirm the report,
attributed to Arab diplomatic sources in Cairo. But they said the
Pentagon is planning an attack on Bin Laden, sheltered by
Afghan's ruling Taliban movement and suspected of masterminding
the Oct. 12 bombing of the USS Cole. The officials said they did
not expect an attack until after the Nov. 7 presidential

The sighting of planes believed to be that of the United States
in Afghanistan marks the latest report that U.S. forces are
searching for Bin Laden. Over the weekend, Arab diplomatic
sources in Cairo said U.S. forces have slipped into Afghanistan
and attacked Bin Laden bases.

In Washington, U.S. officials have refused to blame Bin Laden for
the attack on the USS Cole. But they said their investigation is
being hampered by obstacles posed by the Yemeni government. They
said Yemen has refused to allow U.S. investigators to interrogate

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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2000-11-01 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

November 1, 2000
Contact: Press Office
(202) 646-5172


DATE: Thursday, November 2, 2000
TIME: 2:00 p.m.
PLACE: U.S. Federal Courthouse
Third and Constitution Avenue, NW

COURTROOM: 21, Fourth Floor

(Washington, DC) This morning, the Honorable Royce C. Lamberth
ordered White House Counsel Beth Nolan to testify about new
revelations that the e-mail scandal is much larger than
originally thought. Previously, it was believed, that the scandal
was limited only to incoming e-mail to the Clinton-Gore White
House. It has now been revealed that internal e-mail has been
affected as well. This new discovery obviously means that
documents likely exist, in much larger quantities, detailing all
of the Clinton-Gore scandals from 1993 forward. Judicial Watch is
pursuing this issue in the context of its $90-million dollar
Filegate class action lawsuit.

Miss Nolan is scheduled to testify at 2:00 p.m. tomorrow,
November 2, 2000, and will follow testimony of Michelle Peterson,
former Associate White House Counsel. Testimony by White House
whistleblower Sheryl Hall establishes that Ms. Peterson had told
Ms. Hall that the White House strategy was to delay producing
documents to the Court until after Bill and Hillary Clinton left
office. Ms. Peterson is also subject to referral to the Court by
the Independent Counsel over false testimony.

A press conference will be held on the Courthouse steps following
the hearing. All members of the media and public are invited to

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The end of terrestrial politics

2000-11-01 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-


 The end of terrestrial politics?
 Author calls for "Decade of Contact"
 by Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd - 11/01/2000

 Editor's note: Alfred Webre is an environmental and exopolitical activist,
based in Vancouver, British Columbia. This essay is adapted from his
presentation at the UFO/Disclosure Town Hall Meeting in Santa Clara,
California, on Oct. 13. His message seems particularly poignant just prior to
the U.S. Presidential election. See Webre's website at Ecologynews.com for
more information about his work. His new book, Exopolitics: A Decade of
Contact, will soon be available as an AlienZoo eBook.

 We should remember there are many cycles to what we are doing tonight. We
are building on the spiral of a long planetary history. We are winning back
our Universe citizenship, lost aeons ago and intentionally kept hidden from
us over the years by terrestrial governments and power-greedy groups. Now,
all that is about to be transformed.

 Nearly a quarter century ago, in 1977, a U.S. White House administration was
open enough to acknowledge its ignorance about a wider Universe reality in
our  midst. The highest democratically elected authority in this land sought
the most creative of our sciences to understand the open approaches of
Universe society. An anti-Universe information war scuttled that Carter White
House study of extraterrestrial communication,

 We are also here because of other, longer cycles. Historically, the
fundamental rights of humankind, hard-won in political struggle and
revolutions against old repressive orders of reality, are here tonight as
well. Some say that in ages past Earth was once a member of an interplanetary
society. I will leave it to each one of you to decide whether this
possibility is worthy of your consideration.

 What matters now is that we are here tonight in our bodies politic.
Politics is a process of mediating among our various interests within a
larger framework. Politics is more than an academic, analytic exercise. It is
about the freedoms of our bodies from want, and the freedom of our minds from
fear. Politics is about mutual empowerment. And our Universal heritage is the
ultimate empowerment in our known reality.

 Yet a narrow military-intelligence-plutocratic clique - hosted in the United
States of America - has attempted to lead our entire generation of Earthlings
into believing a planetary lie, that we are alone in the Universe.

 The political process and governmental structures we have on Earth do not
stop at Earth's geo-stationary orbit. Politics, government, and individual
freedom extend throughout the interstellar and interdimensional Universe we
inhabit. Government on Earth is derived from exo-government in the Universe,
and we all have inalienable rights in the Universe.

 Tonight we know that the era of terrestrial politics is over. The age of
Universe politics has now landed. How this new exopolitical age will unfold -
whether violently and repressively, or expansively in freedom - is in some
sense up to us.

 We are a nucleus of politically sensitive terrestrials who are aware that
the playing field is vast. We are a new dimension of Universe government as
it dawns on Earth.

 We should not be surprised that secret networks in some terrestrial
governments continue to keep the people in darkness and ignorance of Universe
government and Universe politics.

 Who are those governments? Just look to your own government here in the U.S.
for the answer. The Anglo-bloc - the governments of the U.S., the UK,
Australia, New Zealand, and Canada - carries on a secret information war
against our right to Universe participation. How do we know this? These are
same governments that manage Echelon, a global surveillance network. The
Echelon governments seem to have the largest participation in waging the
anti-Universe information war. France,
 on the other hand, is suing the Echelon countries for espionage. French
officials have also created COMETA, a study that validates an
extraterrestrial presence around Earth.

 Why do the Echelon countries, including the U.S., continue this
anti-Universe war? It is for global power and global wealth. These government
networks exist to protect a petroleum-nuclear civilization, a
military-industrial complex. The military-intelligence networks are a private
army; the anti-Universe war is a private war, committed to preventthe era of
free energy and expansive Universe citizenship from dawning on Earth. Not
being content to merely participate in a future, they are attempting to own
the future and keep us in an oppressive past.

 Every citizen of Earth is a victim of the information war against Universe
integration. This planetary war exists in order to perpetuate the
concentration of wealth and justify the mind control technology of a narrow,
brutal, retrogressive elite. Some of us have suffered more 

[CTRL] Cops Against CCOPS

2000-11-01 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Cops Against CCOPS


October 31, 2000

The Dark Secret Underlying CCOPS

Do you want to know why we founded CCOPS? It's not just a vague fear about
something that "might happen someday." Not just an overdose of George
Orwell's 1984.

The answer lies in this remarkable letter from Attorney Peter Mancus. Mr.
Mancus had a conversation with a law officer not long ago, and wrote it all
down afterward. He has shared the conversation with us.

You have to read what the officer said -- and then you'll understand. You'll
see how the police state mentality has begun to infect even the otherwise
solid, decent law officers.

What if the officer gets the order to disarm innocent civilians? You'll hear
the officer explain how he hopes that would never happen. Then, how he would
hesitate to carry out the order. And finally, why he would in the end just
follow orders and disarm his fellow Americans -- and that he would kill to
do it.

What's the difference between a peace officer and a law enforcement officer?
A peace officer serves the citizens by keeping the peace. A law enforcement
officer serves the government by enforcing the law upon the citizens.

Excellent peace officers have told us that they would never carry out
unlawful or unconstitutional orders. We believe them, but there are some
officers who make no such promise. Some officers have probably never even
considered the possibility. Americans need to know whom to trust.

Dr. Thompson's article about the anti-gun mentality shows how so many "gun
control" advocates are suffering from a mental problem. Imagine what happens
when these victim disarmament folks get political power, and have law
enforcement officers at their disposal ... fellows who just follow orders.

Do most law officers know our Bill of Rights? Many of the older officers do.
Yet, because of the sorry state of public education, many or most of the
younger officers do not. Factor that into the equation, and you have to
wonder: "what will restrain officers from engaging in police state tactics?"

Read this conversation between Mr. Mancus and the police officer. Then
contact us. If you haven't joined CCOPS yet, then please do so today, so
that we can keep you informed about police state trends in America. With
your membership and support, CCOPS can be the national clearing house for
this kind of information. Act now

This is Al Gore's kind of "Law Enforcement Officer"!

Peter J. Mancus
 Attorney at Law
Victorian Square
876 Gravenstein Ave. So., Suite 3
   Sebastopol, CA 95472
Tel.: (707) 829-9050

October 22, 2000

Aaron Zelman
Founder, CCOPS [Concerned Citizens Opposed to Police States]
Hartford, WI 53027



I live in Sebastopol, California, which is approximately 60 miles north of
San Francisco and approximately 8 miles east of the Pacific coast line.
Sebastopol is a bedroom community of approximately 8,000 people. It is in
Sonoma County. Sebastopol and Sonoma County have repeatedly voted for
Clinton, Gore, Feinstein- -champions of more victim disarmament laws. Sonoma
County has one major daily newspaper, The Press-Democrat, which strongly
supports more victim disarmament laws.

What follows is true. The date was late 1999. The scene was a beautiful,
sunny day, in a neighborhood at Dowd Drive, in Sebastopol, California.

I was walking my dog when I saw a man, in civilian clothes, walking his dog,
coming toward me. When this man and I crossed each other's path, I started a
conversation with this man. The following is a faithful, paraphrased,
recreation of this conversation, not an exact quote.

In the dialogue that follows, PM stands for me, Peter Mancus, and RS stands
for Robert Smith, who was the other man walking his dog.

This Robert Smith is a white male; approximately 5'9"; approximately 145-150
pounds; approximately 50-55 years old. He is wiry; athletic, trim looking;
he has a flat abdomen; medium brown hair; bushy mustache; a gaunt look; and
tight facial skin with deep smile lines [diagonal lines along nose, above

PM: Excuse me. May I please talk to you briefly?

RS: Yes. PM: Are you a Sebastopol Police Officer?

RS: Yes.

PM: I thought so. I normally see you from the chest up, in blue uniform,
behind the steering wheel of a patrol car.

RS: [No comment.]

PM: What's your name?

RS: Bob Smith.

PM: Have a question for you. How do you feel about gun control?

RS: I don't have any problem with most people having guns. It is a mistake
to over rely on the police. We cannot be every where. You have a right to
guns. You should get proper training. I own guns. I like to shoot. I can
understand how others would like to keep their guns. I think some people in
Sebastopol might be unsafe with guns, but it is their right. They make me
nervous about how they handle 


2000-11-01 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

This is fiction at best, disinformation at worst. Operation Clydesdale if I remember 
correctly is the assassination tecnique used on Princess Diana, and proposed for (ex) 
President Milosovitch of Serbia, where a car is chased then has a super-bright light 
flashed in the driver's eyes while on a dangerous stretch of road.

Try reading this drivel, it is clearly someone's work of fiction. Apart from being the 
sort of thing a lot of people want there to be (i.e. the popular misconception of 
Karma), it is clearly illogical. Paedophile activity is investigated quite thoroughly 
by police agencies. Secondly I find it unlikely that a covert US agency would risk an 
international incident by trying to assassinate foreign paedophiles.

On Mon, 30 Oct 2000 11:43:36 EST Kris Millegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
-Caveat Lector-

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Rumor Mill News Read Only Forum


Posted By: Rayelan

Date: Saturday, 11 December 1999, 2:45 a.m.

?Message from Rayelan Allan:

My husband, Gunther Russbacher wrote the following dedication to the men who
accompanied him on the covert mission Operation Clydesdale and who never

This story describes a covert mission, in which Americans died in service of
their country. The men named in this story are some of the nameless stars
that are on the marble wall at CIA headquarters at Langley , Virginia.

I would like to dedicate this story to all the men, living, wounded and dead,
who have risked their lives in defense of American ideas, on missions so
secret that they can never be revealed to anyone.

Many of these men... (and women too), are your fathers, your brothers, your
husbands, your neighbors. They live double and triple lives. They live on the
edge, always ready to spring into action in the need arises. They have no
real lives of their own. They live in a constant “on call” state. When the
call comes, they never know if they will come home dead or alive. They never
know if they will see their wives and children again.

These men (and women) are the unsung heros of America’s secret wars. When
Gunther wrote this, he took the time to add the family side of his life. The
way in which he wrote this article allows people to finally get a glimpse of
the lives covert operatives lead. With this understanding, I rededicate this
article to all the men and women who have led or still lead the life of a
covert operative.

Operation Clydesdale
















APRIL 19, 1993


By: Gunther Karl Russbacher

It was a cold and wet Thanksgiving Day. The overnight temperatures had dipped
to near record levels, as we gathered in the formal dining room to begin the
special meal. I didn't think that there would be quite so many of us, as we
began the process of finding our seats. As always, I sat at the head of the
table, in one of the uncomfortable captains' chairs, all the while hoping
that the somber meal would pass without incident from the children. I glanced
in the direction of my eldest son, who at the time was age eight, but like
many of the children his age, going on sixteen. He was an innocent, living in
a world that didn't necessarily consider children to be innocent. Quickly, I
stole a hurried glance to the man seated to my right. An expression of
extreme pain crossed his brow, as he sank his eyes towards his dinner plate.
None of the men in the room were able to meet each others eyes. It was a time
of grief, abject sadness; a time for the tears we couldn't cry. The cold
anger of the men was evident throughout the strained meal. Everyone was
merely going through the motions, picking at the food, which was 

[CTRL] [Fwd: SNET: It's Your Government and Your Grandkids DEBT........]

2000-11-01 Thread BB

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List


This article illustrates the danger the US faces by being in the UN.
If the UN can take away our vote for this reason, it can prohibit our
vote for any reason. And, even with a vote, America's voice in the
UN is no louder than some two-bit country that you've never
heard of, yet we are expected to pay most of the cost. In addition
to being opposed to American freedoms and our Bill of Rights, the
interests of the UN are not the same as the citizens of the US.

So, I have to question the intelligence, or lack thereof, of our
Senate for their continued support of the UN. As you will see in
my next article, the Senate continues to ratify treaties without
a roll call vote. You can thank the GOP for these shameless

Jim Hardin

October 27, 1999
UN debt 'threatens' US security

The United States could lose its vote at the UN General Assembly


The United States' failure to pay money it owes to the United Nations is
threatening the country's security, its own ambassador to the organization
has said.
US ambassador Richard Holbrooke said that members of the US Congress who
oppose paying the funding arrears would also be doing "immeasurable damage"
to the UN.

Holbrooke warned of a threat to national security
President Bill Clinton has vetoed a $39bn finance bill which did not provide
funds to pay some of Washington's $1bn-plus debt.

And Mr Holbrooke said: "If we were to accept the bill in its present form we
would certainly lose our vote in the General Assembly.

"The president stands for strong national security. This administration does
and the overwhelming majority of the people of both parties in both houses of
congress want a strong national security.

"We need to band together now to push back the forces of that small group of
people who want to destroy US's national security interests and
simultaneously do immeasurable damage to the UN."

BBC Washington correspondent Nick Bryants says some US politicians believe
the UN is too bureaucratic and that some Republicans are ideologically
opposed to funding through the UN, what they say are pro-abortion groups.

Vote at risk
Article 19 of the UN Charter says that a member state will lose its vote in
the General Assembly if it is two or more years in arrears on its

A spokesman for Secretary General Kofi Annan said on Tuesday that the loss of
voting rights was "automatic".

But the loss of its vote in the General Assembly would not affect the right
of the United States to continue as one of the five permanent members of the
Security Council.

The finance bill which President Clinton vetoed would have pushed "a key
funding portion" of its UN arrears into a later year, Mr Holbrooke said.

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[CTRL] MDs - chempharm conflict of interest/ CNN

2000-11-01 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-


Doctor-drug conflicts of interests splashed across JAMA pages

November 1, 2000
Web posted at: 9:03 a.m. EST
(1403 GMT)

ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) --  A public dispute has erupted between the manufacturer
of an HIV medication and researchers who say the anti-HIV drug doesn't work.

The fight, between The Immune Response Corp. (IRC) and doctors at the University
of California at San Francisco, puts millions of dollars at stake.

"The sponsor, by filing an arbitration action against me and the university, is
trying to intimidate us from publishing our results, and that won't work," said
Dr. James Kahn.

Kahn is the lead author of a study of 2,527 HIV-positive patients nationwide,
which found the drug in question -- when added to drug regimen for those
patients -- failed to decrease the number of deaths and illnesses due to HIV.
The drug carries the brand name Remune and is made by IRC.

Kahn's findings appeared in Wednesday's editions of the Journal of the American
Medical Association. The study was funded, in part, by Carlsbad,
California-based IRC.

The company, however, contends Kahn and others omitted favorable data and skewed
the results. IRC had entered into an arbitration process during which it pushed
for changes in the manuscript to make it "more balanced," said Dr. Ronald Moss,
the company's vice president of medical and scientific affairs.

IRC President Dennis Carlo did not dispute that Remune failed to reduce the
number of deaths or illness due to HIV.  However, he said the researchers
omitted data showing that patients on Remune had lower levels of virus in their
blood than patients on a placebo.

The study was performed at 77 medical centers. Some of the doctors involved with
the study agree with the drug company that pertinent information was not
included in the published report. They say Remune has helped their patients.

But other doctors involved in the study, including Dr. Kahn, contend the Remune
users did not have lower levels of the virus in their blood. Kahn also said IRC
tried to suppress publication of his findings, which the company denies.

In an arbitration complaint filed last month, IRC demanded $7 million to $10
million from Kahn and the university, claiming dissemination of the negative
findings caused it financial harm.

The arbitration action shocked the editors at JAMA and others, and sparked an
ethical debate about private companies funding medical research.

"It makes me very angry that ethical investigators are now faced with a
multi-million dollar lawsuit," said Dr. Jerome Kassirer, a former editor of the
New England Journal of Medicine who called IRC actions "outrageous."

Besides Kahn's study, other findings, articles and editorials published in
Wednesday's JAMA take issue with the growing trend of academic research being
funded by private industry.  Many experts worry that science is being
compromised by money and, if the trend continues, more disputes will arise.

CNN correspondent Elizabeth Cohen and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

© 2000 Cable News Network. All Rights Reserved.


Policies on Faculty Conflicts of Interest at US Universities

Mildred K. Cho, PhD; Ryo Shohara; Anna Schissel,
MBioethics; Drummond Rennie, MD

Context  Despite federal regulations on faculty conflicts of interest
in federally funded research, academic-industry ties are common,
and evidence exists that financial considerations bias the research
record. Public scrutiny of these ties is increasing, especially in cases
where researchers have financial interests in the corporate sponsors
of their clinical research.

Objective  To review policies on conflict of interest at major
biomedical research institutions in the United States.

Design  Cross-sectional survey and content analysis study
conducted from August 1998 to February 2000.

Setting and Participants  The 100 US institutions with the most
funding from the National Institutes of Health in 1998 were initially
sampled; policies from 89 institutions were available and included in
the analysis.

Main Outcome Measures  Process for disclosure, review, and
management of conflicts of interest and specified management
strategies or limitations, according to the institutions' faculty/staff
conflict of interest policies.

Results  Content of the conflict of interest policies varied widely
across institutions. Fifty-five percent of policies (n = 49) required
disclosures from all faculty while 45% (n = 40) required them only
from principal investigators or those conducting research. Nineteen
percent of policies (n = 17) specified limits on faculty financial
interests in corporate sponsors of research, 12% (n = 11) specified
limits on permissible delays in publication, and 4% (n = 4) prohibited
student involvement in work sponsored by a company in which the

[CTRL] Wargames: Air Force Space Command's Battle Plans

2000-11-01 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Paranoia Ho!  And the consequent militarization of space.  Looks like lotsa more
mega$$$s for the I/M complex.— Mirage

Wargames: Air Force Space Command's Battle Plans

By Frank Sietzen, Jr.
Special to SPACE.com
posted: 07:02 am ET
03 October 2000

Playing Games in Space

WASHINGTON Sept. 29  —  It all began January 21, the day after the presidential
inauguration.  The political pressures had been building for months, although
few knew about the crisis.  Now, around a table in a secured room, sat the
president of the United States, the vice president, secretary of defense and the
Joint Chiefs of Staff.  Behind them sat their staffs and aides.  The crisis had
quickly escalated.

The first attack had rendered silent America’s constellation of Global
Positioning System (GPS) satellites.  The GPS control center in Colorado Springs
reported it had lost contact with the constellation, first by signal degradation
— then completely.

Within hours of that crisis, the president received notice of another space
disaster.  Several commercial communication satellites used by the military to
route communications and pagers to ships at sea had been disabled;  how was not
yet clear.  At Cape Canaveral, terrorists had contaminated the fuel storage
facility for the space shuttle fleet.

Without firing a shot, the nation’s winged ships were grounded.

And now came the most threatening news of all:  NASA Johnson Space Center was
reporting that the International Space Station had been damaged by a wave of
small objects let loose from a ballistic missile.

The president and his staff now faced the most serious decision ever made by a
U.S. chief of state:  Did the attack on U.S. space assets constitute a first
strike against the nation?  High up in silent space, had World War 3 begun?

If this sounds threatening and frightening, that is the whole idea.  For these
scenarios will be facing not the real U.S. president and his Cabinet but a
simulation.  Stand-ins for the president, vice president, secretary of defense
and the whole U.S. military leadership will take their places around a table on
January 21, 2001 — the day after the next real U.S. president takes office.

"We need to learn how to better protect our space assets. In this way will we be
better able to develop our future plans."
 —  Rob Hegstrom, Game Director for the Schriever 2001 space wargame

The simulation, the Air Force’s first all-space war game, will test how well
U.S. space assets would withstand an attack.  The answers might well shape how
the military and civil space programs evolve in the years ahead.

"This will be the first Air Force level space war game, " said Rob Hegstrom,
game director for the Schriever 2001 space war game.  The weeklong simulation of
an air and space attack will be held at the Schriever Air Base in Colorado
Springs next winter, the first of an annual series.

The goal?  "We need to learn how to better protect our space assets," Hegstrom
said. "In this way will we be better able to develop our future plans," he

Space war games are not a new exercise.  The U.S. Army, as part of its "Army
After Next" effort has held three such simulations.  Each produced surprising
results and, according
to some, disturbing questions that have yet to be answered by U.S. national

Questions such as the depth and level of the responsibility of the U.S. military
to commercial space industry when its systems are used for national defensive
purposes.  "We pose questions such as how will these results shape the baseline
[military] force in development," Hegstrom said.

For the week, two separate teams will portray U.S. leaders facing a gradually
escalating crisis.  One new scenario will be added each day, and the president
and his staff must plan responses in real-time just as if the simulated events
are happening.

Since the day-to-day game is classified, specific plans are not detailed.  But
the scenarios all focus on a U.S. space capability as projected in 2015, with
the rise of a geopolitical 'peer competitor' to the U.S. that has developed a
major space program.

While Hegstrom said that no specific war game plan can be discussed, it was
reasonable to assume that, with a permanent U.S. orbital outpost in 2015,
"terrorist threats to the space station could easily be assumed as a valid
possibility," he said.

Other assumptions about the state of the space program in 15 years include
advanced navigation satellites, military spaceplanes, advanced launch vehicles,
space stations and a capability the Pentagon calls "Launch on Demand" — the
ability to rapidly launch boosters and piloted craft within hours of an order.
Today such a launch takes months and years to prepare.

"Once military leaders 'hot wash' the results from the weeklong play," Hegstrom
said that 'gold nuggets' — major lessons learned from the 

[CTRL] Unconstitutional Secrecy Bill

2000-11-01 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Further legitimization of guvmint dysfunctionality...

Anti-leak bill awaits president's action

Major news organizations oppose measure

October 31, 2000
Web posted at: 8:59 p.m. EST
(0159 GMT)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A controversial piece of legislation sitting on President
Clinton's desk would turn the willful disclosure of classified information into
a felony.

Opponents say the measure would violate the First Amendment guarantee of free
speech, while supporters say the proposed law is aimed at protecting American

The anti-leak provision is part of the spending bill for intelligence agencies.
The president has until Friday to sign or veto it.

Penalties in the bill include up to three years in prison and a $10,000 fine.

Several news agencies are opposed to the legislation, which they consider too

'People have been killed'

The CIA sought the provision after losing agents and sophisticated surveillance
methods because of newspaper articles based on leaks of classified information.

When describing why they favor the bill, some U.S. officials cite the example of
a leak involving accused terrorist Osama bin Laden.

  The officials say a news report that
  U.S. intelligence was monitoring
  bin Laden's satellite telephone calls
  caused him to switch to other
  channels of communication, cutting
  off that method of U.S.
  surveillance of his activities.

That reaction to the leak may have cost American lives, perhaps even in the
bombing of the USS Cole, the officials said. Bin Laden's organization is on the
list of possible suspects behind the terrorist attack.

"People have been killed," said Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Alabama, who is chairman
of the House Select Intelligence Committee. "Men and women that have operated
with our agency and with other countries dealing with national security issues,
when they are compromised, generally their lives are compromised."

Measure is 'overkill'

But news organizations such as the Washington Post, the New York Times, and CNN
sent a letter to the White House urging the president to veto the measure.

"For the first time in our
nation's history, a law would
criminalize all unauthorized
disclosures of classified
information -- in effect creating
an "official secrets act" of the
sort that exists elsewhere but
that has always been rejected
in this country," the letter said.

The letter also noted that it took leaks of classified information to unravel
the Iran-Contra affair and to reveal how the U.S. deliberately misled the U.S.
public during the Vietnam War.

"We are taking a hard look at it. We have certainly heard from a number of news
organizations around the country about their concerns about the bill and we will
take those seriously," White House spokesman Jake Siewert told reporters.

A prominent Republican also opposes the bill.

"To put a three year  --  up to a three year  --  felony sentence for leaking
information that doesn't affect our national defense, our national security is
overkill," said Rep. Henry Hyde

Hyde also noted that the leaker of the bin Laden satellite phone information
could have been prosecuted under existing law.

Under current U.S. law, it is a crime to release classified information if it
helps a foreign power, exposes intelligence agents or relates to national
defense. The new bill appears to go beyond this, extending to virtually all
classified information.

Republican supporters of the legislation warned that if the president does veto
the anti-leak bill, then Democrats can expect to be called weak on national
security in the last days before next week's election.

Defense Department appears divided

In a recent appearance before the private Center for Strategic and International
Studies in Washington, Defense Secretary William Cohen said the biggest
disappointment in his four years at the Pentagon was the constant leaks of top
secret government information to Washington newspapers.

The secretary lamented that he even read personal memos to him in the newspaper
before they reached his desk.

Cohen has warned in recent speeches that militant anti-Western guerrilla groups
could begin striking targets in the United States and that Americans could be
pressured to give up some cherished personal freedoms as the intelligence
community probes for advance warning of such attacks.

But in an interview with the New York Times, Pentagon spokesman Kenneth Bacon
strongly criticized the bill and said that by answering a simple question, a
government spokesman ran the risk of violating the law.

"It's disastrous for journalists.  It's disastrous for any official who deals
with the press in national security, whether at State, the NSC (National
Security Council) or the Pentagon," 

[CTRL] NASA funds divert to Biopreparat

2000-11-01 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-


Report Hits NASA on Work with Russian Germ Warfare Centers

By Craig Linder
Special to SPACE.com
posted: 05:25 pm ET
26 October 2000

WASHINGTON (States News Service)  --  NASA made an "extremely serious" mistake
in not following State Department guidelines when working with Russian
biotechnology institutes that had once been a part of the Soviet germ-warfare
program, an internal space agency report released earlier this month said.

The report, conducted by NASA's inspector general, was spurred by a January
article in The New York Times claiming that NASA funding intended for Russian
space research was instead diverted to Biopreparat, a Russian organization that
once led the Soviet Union's biological weapons research program.

Biopreparat is now a state-owned drug company, but the NASA report says that its
"continued role in biological warfare research is also unclear."

Sensenbrenner sharply criticized NASA's "lack of vigilance" after a damning
report revealed the space agency worked with Russian biotechnology institutes
that had once been part of the Soviet germ-warfare program.

NASA first began to fund Biopreparat and five institutes affiliated with it in
1994 as part of a $20 million program to maintain Russian space research after
the fall of the Soviet Union.

According to the inspector general's report, roughly $1.24 million of the NASA
funds made its way to Biopreparat and the five former germ-warfare centers.

NASA became suspicious of the connection between its dollars and
chemical-weapons research in 1995, when Russian scientists told a visiting
delegation of space agency officials that the Biopreparat-affiliated centers
were involved in producing biologically based drugs, the report says.

After that tour, NASA received confirmation from the State Department that the
institutes receiving space agency money were connected with the biological
warfare program, but the department did not ask NASA to stop working with the
centers, according to the report.

That fall, however, a division of the State Department told NASA that it should
have a representative in Russia to oversee key experiments funded by the space
agency and to ensure that results reported by the Russian scientists were accurate.

The State Department also asked NASA to carefully scrutinize Russian proposals
for funding before approving the projects.

According to the inspector general's report, NASA failed to adhere to the State
Department's guidelines, an oversight that the report labeled an "extremely
serious misstep."

The report points to three projects at former Soviet biological warfare centers
that NASA funded without reviewing the proposals. "NASA exercised very little
influence over which research projects in the space biotechnology discipline
were selected," the report's authors wrote.

NASA also failed to follow the State Department's calls for a Russia-based
observer and site visits. The space agency did not have American scientists for
any of the Russian institutes' key experiments and only scheduled two brief
visits to the former Soviet germ-warfare centers, the report said.

"This report by the NASA inspector general confirms that taxpayer funds
entrusted to NASA ended up in the hands of Russian scientists engaged in
researching the development of biological weapons. NASA's lack of vigilance is
 -- Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner, House Science Committee Chair

During the inspector general's investigation, NASA officials said that they did
not send observers to the Russian centers because it was not cost-efficient and
because the space agency hoped to spur the Russian space effort to independence.

The inspector general's report called on NASA to closely coordinate with the
State Department all future space agency programs that fund foreign scientists
and to require on-site inspections of foreign centers that are believed to work
on biological weapons.

In a memorandum to the inspector general's office, two top NASA officials
largely accepted the report's findings and recommendation.

"NASA practices due diligence with respect to the proper execution of
international activities and works closely with the Department of State and
other executive branch agencies to ensure appropriate consultation [and]
compliance," NASA Chief Scientist Kathie L. Olsen and Associate Administrator
for External Affairs John D. Schumacher wrote.

NASA spokesman Dwayne Brown said that NASA's office of external relations was
updating the space agency's procedures for working with the State Department and
American intelligence groups.

Those procedures could include regular meetings among the agencies or some other
form of direct link, he said.

He said that NASA is no longer involved with the Russian biotechnology
institutes because the program ended in the late 1990s.

The inspector general's report sparked the outrage of Rep. F. James

[CTRL] Democrat Mayor Slams Clinton the Abuser

2000-11-01 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

 A HREF="http://www.newsmax.com/showinsidecover.shtml?a=2000/10/31/201332"
NewsMax.com: Inside Cover Story/A

Posted Tuesday, Oct. 31, 2000 9:10 p.m. EST

Democrat Mayor Slams Clinton the Abuser

Pistol-packing Democrat Mayor Jim Naugle has liberals in Fort Lauderdale,
Fla., pitching a hissy fit because he praises the death penalty, condemns
homosexuality, supports the Boy Scouts, defends gun rights, despises Bill
Clinton, admires George W. Bush - and is popular.

Naugle gives an astonishingly frank interview in the current issue of the
liberal weekly New Times Broward Palm Beach. Among the fascinating tidbits:

Bill Clinton. "Is there a statute of limitations on rape?" Asked if he thinks
the president is guilty of rape: "I think it should be investigated. He
abuses women."

Hillary Clinton. "I thank God she didn't move to Florida. Really, I feel
sorry for her. I think a lot of people don't leave abusive situations."

The Democrat Party. "On national issues, I'm someone who is very
conservative, and I believe in limiting government. I do believe in some
forms of gun control, though: Use two hands."

Homosexuality. He says "homosexuality is a sin," a criminal act that should
be prosecuted. "But I'm tolerant of all people."

The death penalty. "In Florida, it's an environmental issue. I think a strong
rope and a stiff tree would be better than wasting all that electricity."
Asked if he thinks there should be public executions: "No, I think people
would figure out ways to commercialize it and make money from it. 'This
execution is brought to you by Raid insect and roach killer.'"
If more so-called Republicans acted like this Democrat, they wouldn't have to
worry about third-party challenges from the right.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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2000-11-01 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


* Confiscates 274 guns and 3,000 Form 4473's
* No official arrest, no charges filed

by Angel Shamaya
Director, KeepAndBearArms.com
November 1, 2000



"They were throwing vintage collector's items in
mint condition through the air and into a trashcan
10 feet away," said Jerry Michel, licensed gun dealer,
after being assaulted and pillaged by the ATF. "I felt
like I was going to throw up."

And so might you before you're done reading this

On October 25, 2000, The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco
and Firearms sent approximately 30 federal and local
agents in stormtrooper attire to confiscate firearms
from a dealer who, according to what they told him,
"did not have his papers in order."  Jerry's Guns 
Ammo d.b.a. Specialty Firearms of Mesa, Arizona was
the latest in a long list of gun dealers who've been
paid a visit by people who, when rightly told, "You're
not supposed to do that" respond by saying things like:

"We're the ATF. We can do whatever we want."

According to Jerry Michel, that's what they said to
him when he confronted them as they threw a 1960's
Winchester Model 94 Antique into a trashcan that
already contained a few dozen of his guns. Though the
classic, mint condition gun was still in its original
box, they removed it from the box and tossed it into
the growing pile of firearms ranging in value from a
few hundred to several thousand dollars -- metal
slamming against metal, metal gouging wood, etc.
-- like one might toss so much kindling onto a campfire.

These government operatives also confiscated guns Jerry
held on consignment for several customers, and they also
took his personally-owned firearms along with guns he'd
been storing for an ailing friend.

When I called ATF today to find out if it is standard
operating procedure to wantonly damage collector's
items when they are stealing them, Larry X said,

"They didn't do that. They don't do things like that."

"Were you there, Larry?"

"No, I wasn't."

"Then how do you know they didn't do that, Larry?"

His response made me laugh:
 "Who am I speaking with again?"

You should be able to see the above actions on color
video. Jerry installed video surveillance equipment
at Specialty Firearms some time ago and uses it
consistently during hours of operation, too. He'd only
been open for three minutes when he was lured out the
front door under false pretenses and surrounded by
heavily armed and body-armored gun confiscators, so
there was a new tape in the player and the tape was
rolling. But ATF confiscated the tape that shows them
unnecessarily and irreparably damaging Jerry's property
 -- and broke his VCR in the process.

I am sitting here reading -- for the third time -- the
search warrant, given to me by Jerry himself, and I
can't seem to locate the words "video tape" anywhere
on the warrant.

The video tape will be subpoenaed to prove damages,
we pray, in a class action lawsuit against ATF. Will
it mysteriously disappear?

(Was ATF afraid to let people see what abusive and
disrespectful people they are? Why else would they
cover their tracks like common hoodlums? Maybe
Special Agent in Charge and Group Supervisor Marvin
G. Richardson or Assistant SAIC, Joe M. Gordon
- overseers in this outrageous act of violence - can
answer those questions. Or perhaps Robert C. Gantt,
the agent who secured the search warrant from U.S.
Magistrate Judge Lawrence O. Anderson -- the judge
who presided over Bob Stewart's preposterous hearings
 -- can help shed some light on how a tape can be
stolen when it's not on the search warrant.)

The Mesa police assisted in this raid, as well,
earning themselves a demotion in the eyes of every
gun owner in Arizona. Congratulations, officers.
You helped assault a Good Guy and alienated a whole
segment of the society you are supposed to protect
and serve. Nice goin'.

Jerry's crime? Apparently, in Mesa, the city has an
ordinance requiring gun dealers to have a "pawn
permit" if they sell used firearms -- or so he was
told while a team of armed and consistently
disrespectful "men" busied themselves stealing 274
guns with an estimated value of approximately

"How much is the pawn permit," you ask?


Jerry Michel's Federal Firearms License (FFL) is
current by way of a 6 month extension, so he is in
fact a legal gun dealer. In fact, he's had his FFL
since 1986, continuously.  He does business with
approximately 285 other gun dealers around the
nation, and his reputation is one of integrity
and lawfulness. No arrests or prior convictions,
at all. Not even a speeding ticket to his name.
Jerry is a "by the book" kinda guy.

Except for that little permit said to be required
in Mesa. And that is only if the ATF 

[CTRL] Alquds Intefada UPDATE 11/1/00

2000-11-01 Thread William Shannon

Alquds Intefada UPDATE every 30 min.

Time: 21: 00
Israeli occupation forces using military helicopters and artillery bombarded Al-Madena Al-Munawara market located at the center of Hebron City, details of the bombing are not known yet.
Israeli occupation forces have arrested around 100 Palestinian citizens from Al-Khadir village.
Armed clashes reported at the northern entrance of Qalqilia and Israeli forces and Israeli forces are using heavy machine guns.
Israeli forces have arrested two Palestinian youths after beaten them up severely.
Israeli artillery has fired flare bombs at Al-Berih area in preparation to bombard the area.
Israeli occupation forces have bombarded the northern entrance of Jericho.
Israeli occupation forces have bombarded the Muntar crossing at Al-Shejaiah area, Gaza Strip.
Reports of on going violent clashes in Qalindia refugee camp and Al-Ram town, details are not available so far.
Israeli occupation forces have bombarded Betonia town, detailed information is not available.
The Israeli government press office decided not to renew the Israeli press cards held by Palestinian journalists who are working for local and international agencies.
Time: 20: 00
Israeli occupation forces extended the closure of Gaza International Airport till Thursday morning.
Sielat Al-Daher town district of Jenin is still under curfew orders. The town has been attacked several times by Israeli occupation forces and 60 Palestinians have been arrested so far.
Time: 19: 00
At this time, Aerial bombing of Bethlehem Governorate is going on. The bombing is centered at Al-Khadir village, Bilal Ben Rabah mosque, Biet Jala City, Ayda camp and Biet Sahour City. The number of casualties has reached 30 cases.
Violent confrontations are going on at Al-Tufah checkpoint resulted in 25 casualties so far.
Time: 18: 00
Martyrdom of the youth Mohammed Mahmoud Harub age 27, from Dier Samet district of Bethlehem as a result of bombardment of Al-Khader village by Israeli occupation forces who used heavy gunfire in the bombardment.
Martyrdom of the youth Wael Shuaib Ghunaim, age 28 from Al-Khadir village district of Bethlehem, as a result of Israeli barbaric bombardment of the village.
Martyrdom of the youth Ibrahaim Reziq Omer age 15 from Al-Shate' camp. He was shot in the chest at Al-Muntar confrontations. Casualties have resin to 24.
Israeli occupation forces are bombarding at this time Al-Khadoury area, Al-Fadilia school and residential places in Tulkarim Governorate, reports of casualties have not bee received yet.
Time: 14:00PM
The child Abdelaziz Ali Shahin, 13 years old, was injured during confrontations today in Rafah, Gaza Strip. The Israeli occupation forces under the protection of heavy shooting kidnapped the child.
The western entrance of Tulkarem district, West Bank witnesses armed clashes. No details were reported.
Time: 13:30PM
Mr. President Yasser Arafat, president of The Palestinian National Authority, receives today the German Counselor, Gerhard Shruder. The two sides hold important discussions.
A large mass demonstration takes place at Almahd (Cradle) square in Bethlehem. The demonstration heads towards the northern entrance of the city. Violent confrontations break out in the area. Three youth were injured
Time: 13:00AM
The child Ahmad Salman Taieh, 15 years old, from Alshati camp, Gaza falls martyr after being shot by a live bullet in the head. Some parts of the martyr's brain popped out of the head.
The number of injuries during confrontations at Almontar crossing, Gaza reached 5 so far.
Time: 11:30AM
Confrontations at Almontar crossing are renewed resulting in the martyrdom of the youth Mohammed Ibrahim Hajaj, 17 years old. He fell martyr after being shot by a heavy bullet in the head. His skull is completely destroyed
The Israeli occupation army bulldozes roads at the northern entrance of Salfiet, West Bank. The way the Israeli army bulldozes the roads could be a sign of Israel's intention to set up a military outpost in the area.
Time: 11:00AM
The Israeli occupation forces closed yesterday four schools at Alkhedr village, Bethlehem. They prevented Palestinian pupils from reaching and farmers from reaching their olive farms. In addition to that, the Israeli occupation forces tightened the siege imposed on both Beit Jala and Beit Sahour towns.
Huge masses in Gaza City are about to take part in the funeral processions of four Palestinian martyrs who fell yesterday in Gaza Strip.
Time: 10: 00Am
The Israeli occupation forces broke into Sailat Aldaher village, West Bank, at 3:00AM. The forces included about 100 soldiers, 20 military Jeeps, two tanks, two bulldozers. They broke into tens of houses and arrested tens of youths. Sailat Aldaher as well as both Jaba' and Sanour villages witnesses at the moment violent clashes. One Palestinian youth was shot by a live bullet in the head.
Time: 9:30AM
A number of Arab Americans organize a hunger strike in front of the White House in Washington. This comes as 


2000-11-01 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


01 November 2000 - "America's Future and the Beret"

"When we assumed the Soldier, we did not lay aside the Citizen."
General George Washington, New York Legislature, 1775

"Our militia will be heroes, if we have heroes to lead them."
Thomas Jefferson

Soldiers For The Truth Foundation, PO Box 63840, Colorado Springs, CO

SITREP from the President

Hack's Column:
Wanted: A SecDef Who Can Cut It

"Through the Primary Gun Sight"
Article 1 -- America's Future Is Not Asleep

The Big Picture:
Article 2 -- Containing Iraq: A Forgotten War
Article 3 -- How The Hi-Tech Army Fell Back On Law Of The Jungle And Won
Article 4 -- U.S. Intelligence Analyst Quits Over Cole Attack

Voice of the Grunt:
Article 5 -- The BERET -- Reader Reactions
Article 6 -- Gilligan's Island in Ft. Sill
Article 7 -- Army: Save Small Group Instructions
Article 8 --"Educrats" are Watering Military Education Down
Article 9 -- Neglecting our Schools will hurt Readiness
Article 10 -- Fewer Lieutenants

Article 11 -- Voices from the Frontlines
Article 12 -- Quality of Life Update

G.I Humor:
Article 13 -- GI HUMOR - Fitness Answers that make Sense

Medal of Honor:
Article 14 -- DONLON, ROGER HUGH C.


1. Main topics: 1) America's future 2) The Beret 3) Military education/
teaching future leaders 4) Quality of Life/Healthcare

2. Hot Buttons:

Last week's feedback was overwhelming. Keep it coming.

A. I am interested in the following feedback:

* List the 3 TOP items that need to be fixed in your unit or service
* Junior officers: Do you think it is worthwhile to strive for
battalion-level command (includes command of ships etc.)?

Feel free to send me hot topics directly if you can't get through the
admin/log net -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

B. The WEBPAGE. Webmaster, John Cloven is continually working on improving
the site. Thanks for your feedback.

Thank you for your continuing support. Your donations are helping us to get
the word out. Thanks for supporting an organization that stands for the
Truth, even if it questions every rule of political correctness.

D. Keep the mail coming!!! We won't reveal your true identity unless you give
us your approval. We know how vindictive the "system" is.

3. How You can help:

!!! Credit Card donation via our WEBSITE at www.sftt.org.

!!! If you think we HIT a target, forward the newsletter to TV, radio and
your local papers. YOU are the frontline recruiters and intel gatherers for

Check or Money order: Send to and make payable to: Soldiers For The Truth
Foundation, PO Box 63840, Colorado Springs, CO 80962-3840.

Important: Your donation is tax deductible! SFTT is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit
educational foundation, IRS # 31-1592564.

If you send us an E-MAIL address with your donation we can immediately mail
you a RECEIPT.
Multiple contributions: Please remind us when you submit your donation. We
will send you a cumulative statement.

Prepare for Action -- "Crew Ready! -- LOAD SABOT - DRIVER MOVE OUT!"

R.W. Zimmermann
President SFTT

Hack's Column
Wanted: A SecDef Who Can Cut It

Next week, We the People will hire a new president. In January, the
president-elect will take command of a military force that's on its knees in
the center of the world ring, bloodied and dispirited.

For the past eight years, our military has been under siege. Our $300
billion-a-year force that's filled with fine, patriotic men and women has
been abused, ridden hard and put away wet. It has lost its direction and
desperately needs a game plan for 2001 and beyond. Its structure and gear --
Cold War obsolete -- must be reorganized, modernized, revitalized and
otherwise made good-to-go to win 21st-century contests ranging from terrorist
hits to standing toe-to-toe with whatever new superpower rumbles down the

But all this is old news, a message I've been hammering the readers of this
column over the head with for years. And most, regrettably, haven't gotten
the word. Perhaps because it's hard to get serious when the market's higher
than the space station and they're not your kids being hung out there to die.
Just like the generation -- high on the good times flowing after the Big War
-- that allowed Korea 1950, when our forces were squashed and almost pushed
into the sea.

Dubya -- with Dick Cheney, Colin Powell and Norm Schwarzkopf whispering in
his ear -- claims he's gotten the message and promises to turn things around.

Al Gore simply continues to chant the mantra that our military is the
"strongest in the world," ready for all comers. 

[CTRL] Israel Threatens-Conflict May Spread

2000-11-01 Thread William Shannon
Conflict may spread, Israel warns Europe 


ISRAEL issued a warning yesterday that the daily running street battles between Israelis and Palestinians could erupt into a regional conflict that would engulf the Middle East and stretch across the Mediterranean to Europe. During a visit to London, Shlomo Ben-Ami, the Israeli Foreign Minister, painted a far bleaker picture of the implications of the month-long crisis gripping the Middle East than have previously been set out by Israeli leaders. Mr Ben-Ami was a leading figure for almost a decade in the negotiations with the Palestinians, which collapsed last month. Yesterday he appealed to Tony Blair for help in persuading Yassir Arafat, the Palestinian leader, to enforce a ceasefire and resume talks before it was too late. He made similar calls to European leaders in Paris earlier in the day and today is due in Washington for talks with President Clinton, who has only weeks left in office to broker a peace agreement. Mr Ben-Ami said that the longer the present “low intensity” conflict with the Palestinians continued the bigger the risk that it would lead to a regional escalation. There are already fears of fresh fighting on the northern border with Lebanon, which could drag in Syrian forces as well. Also, the militant mood on the street across the Arab world could force moderate leaders into direct confrontation with Israel. Mr Ben-Ami said: “This is why we say to the Europeans: ‘You have high stakes here.’ It is the stability of the Mediterranean — maybe even of Europe — that is at risk.” One flashpoint that would push the street battles in the West Bank and Gaza into a virtual state of war could happen on November 15, when the Palestinian leader has threatened unilaterally to declare an independent state. If that happened, Mr Ben-Ami said, Israel would reluctantly respond in kind with a “defensive disengagement” from the Palestinian areas. The move would effectively mean that the main areas of disputed land, such as East Jerusalem and the Jewish settlements in the West Bank and Gaza, would be incorporated into the Jewish state and the main Palestinian population areas sealed off by the Israeli military. “We will be obliged to take measures of defensive disengagment in case the Palestinians declare unilaterally,” Mr Ben-Ami told +The Times. “A unilateral declaration means you signal the end of the peace process — nothing binds us any more.” While insisting that he remains an optimistic and committed to a negotiated settlement, he said the peace movement in Israel was in danger of collapse unless a breakthrough was achieved soon. The centre-left coalition of Ehud Barak, the Prime Minister, is holding on to power by a thread, and the right-wing opposition would return to power if elections were held today. “The Palestinians’ response to this wave of violence is threatening to shatter the peace camp in Israel,” he said. “We spent a lifetime trying to build a modus vivendi with the Palestinians. We see the work of our lives collapsing before our eyes. The threat is that this will be the day of the hawks — the Palestinian hawks and the Israeli hawks.” Although all sides to the conflict agreed on the provisions of a ceasefire last month at the Sharm el-Sheikh summit in Egypt, the deal failed to halt the violence. The search for a solution has been complicated by next week’s American presidential elections, which will seriously weaken President Clinton’s influence in the region. In part that is why Mr Ben-Ami made his appeal for help yesterday to Britain and other European leaders.

Copyright 2000 Times Newspapers Ltd. This service is provided on Times Newspapers' standard terms and conditions. To inquire about a licence to reproduce material from The Times, visit the Syndication website.   


[CTRL] ABCNews: Holes in the Probe (USS COLE)

2000-11-01 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Holes in the Probe

Yemenis May Have Erased Critical Tape, U.S. Officials Say

photo The U.S. Navy destroyer USS Cole is towed from the port
city of Aden, Yemen, into open sea by the Military Sealift
Command ocean-going tug USNS Catawba, Oct. 29. (U.S.M.C., Sgt.
Don L. Maes/AP Photo)

Oct. 31  American officials suspect Yemeni authorities erased
critical parts of a videotape recorded by a harbor surveillance
camera the day the Cole was hit, ABCNEWS has learned  The USS
Cole is painstakingly loaded on to the deck of a cargo ship and
welded to its deck. RealVideo
(download RealPlayer)

 The video could have contained crucial clues to what
happened when the Cole was attacked on Oct. 12, killing 17
sailors and injuring 39.

 Earlier, Yemeni officials handed over a surveillance camera
videotape of the harbor sought by the FBI, but it turned out to
be useless. The camera was pointing in the wrong direction.

 American officials now wonder if Yemens government might
have something to hide.

 Cooperation between Yemeni and U.S. authorities seemed to
break down completely today. Yemens government said to be
apparently reacting to what its officials perceive as American
arrogance refused to allow any U.S. Navy helicopters to land on
its soil today. That left American investigators stranded on
warships where they now live.

 Last week, FBI investigators moved to a Navy ship offshore
and are visiting Aden only as needed.

 Following President Ali Abdullah Salehs election in October
1999, the government has taken a number of measures to fight the
widely held perception of the country as a haven for
international terrorist groups Hitching a Ride The Cole was
loaded today onto the Blue Marlin, a 700-foot-long Norwegian
salvage ship.

 The 500-foot-long warship was placed at an angle so its
propeller in the rear and its underwater sonar dome in the front
would hang over the side.

 Using steel braces, the Cole is being welded to the deck of
the Blue Marlin.

 The Navy estimates it will cost at least $150 million to
repair the ship. But Pentagon sources say damage especially to
the keel may be greater than first believed. This $1 billion
warship, officials warn, may have to be scrapped.

 The Navy today also decided to bring the Cole home via the
southern tip of Africa, instead of via the Suez Canal.

 They made the decision after U.S. officials conferred with
Egyptian officials over security concerns. The canal, which
connects the Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea, is owned by Egypt.

 The canal hasnt been used by American ships since the Cole
was attacked.

 U.S. military forces have been on heightened alert
throughout the Middle East and other regions after the surprise
attack. U.S. ships have also been banned from putting into any
port in the Gulf (see related story on warnings to U.S. forces).

 The decision to go around Africa rather than through the
canal stretches the Coles journey home from two weeks to three,
and could cost the Egyptian government thousands of dollars. When
an entire battle group goes through the canal, Egypt can earn as
much as $1 million.

Another Appeal for Cooperation Meanwhile, the U.S. presence in
Yemen continued to shrink, as many U.S. military and State
Department personnel departed Aden on Monday. U.S. Ambassador
Barbara Bodine was expected to return to Yemens capital of Sana.

 Bodine has said that the Coles departure did not mean the
probe into the bombing has ended.

 This will be the second phase.  It will not be short. It
will not be easy, she said.

 President Clinton on Monday also appealed to Saleh for
direct access to witnesses, suspects and evidence, saying the two
countries should have a genuine, joint investigation.

 Yemeni officials confirmed the questioning of sources and
detainees was being conducted by Yemenis with no FBI agents

 Transcripts of the interrogations are sent to U.S.
investigators who pose follow-up questions for Yemenis, the
officials said.

 Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said Monday that Yemen
had to cooperate more.

 U.S. investigators said last week that they were frustrated
by Yemeni investigators not giving them access to witnesses and

ABCNEWS John McWethy and Barbara Starr at the Pentagon, John
Miller, and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

 Cole Piggybacks on Marlin Oct. 30 The USS Cole is in the process
of being loaded onto the back of the Blue Marlin, a Norwegian
transport ship. The process of loading the Cole on board will
take about 24 hours.

 While the Blue Marlin was at its previous port in Dubai,
wooden keel blocks were affixed to its deck.

 Now, the Cole is being towed out into deep water. The Blue
Marlin will fill up with ballast until its cargo deck is 33 feet
below the water line, and only the forward house the crew 

[CTRL] CFR: CFR supports Bush over Gore

2000-11-01 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Discrimination disguised as free trade

A democratic victory in the general election would bring disturbing
consequences for liberalisation, argues Jagdish Bhagwati

By Andre Meyer, Senior Fellow in International Economics at the
Council on Foreign Relations, New York.

Published: October 31 2000 20:15GMT

Many card-carrying Democrats among America's trade experts are
unable to make up their minds as the day approaches when they
must cast their vote for George W Bush or Al Gore.

When they think of social issues, the Supreme Court vacancies to
be filled and spending on liberal programmes, they turn to Mr
Gore. But when they think of the Clinton-Gore administration's
record on trade policy and of what Mr Gore promises to do, they
sit up and shudder.

The unpleasant reality is that the outcome of the election has
huge implications - disturbing under Mr Gore and comforting under
Mr Bush - for trade liberalisation and the trading system.

Start with the current administration's record. True, the White
House saw through both the Uruguay round of trade talks and the
North American Free Trade Agreement. But while the administration
fought hard and well - as indeed a Republican administration
would have done - both were Republican initiatives that the
present administration inherited when they were already at an
advanced stage. Furthermore, the real heroes who delivered the
majority votes were Republicans.

The Democratic administration's only home-grown success has been
with Permanent Normal Trade Relations for China. But the deal was
entirely one-sided, with China giving the US everything on market
access and the US giving China nothing but entry into the World
Trade Organisation.

The Democratic team passed off these deals as a great victory for
the US and for free trade. But no amount of spin can hide the
ineptitude that led to the first ever failure in 1997 by a US
administration to get fast-track authority renewed by Congress:
Bill Clinton managed to bring only a fifth of House Democrats on
board to vote for renewal.

Nor can one forget or forgive the debacle in Seattle last year
when a deadly mix of mismanagement and calculated cynicism -
pandering to the labour unions with an eye to the elections -
dashed hopes of launching a new round of multilateral trade
negotiations and brought the WTO into unmerited disrepute.

Underlying these failures, and prospective problems under a Gore
presidency, are two legacies of this administration: surrender to
the notion that free trade requires "fair trade"; and a
capitulation to labour unions that fair trade requires market
access to be conditional on a social clause at the WTO on
fulfilment of labour standards, now tactically defined as
"workers' rights".

The rise of fair trade owes much to the first Clinton-Gore
administration's fixation with Japan. Bent on branding Japan as
an "unfair trader" and going for high-profile but fruitless
confrontations such as the car dispute, the administration made
"unfair trade" a favoured tactic in the political domain.

The labour lobbies have been smart enough to adapt their demands
accordingly. For decades they have worried about foreign
competition and outflow of investment, especially in
labour-intensive goods such as apparel and shoes. Now, they have
a great new argument: unless labour standards elsewhere are
similar to those in the US, trade is unfair and must be stopped.
This way, you get on to higher moral ground. You also do so in
the battle over markets. If poor countries accept the demands,
their costs should rise and the competition will be reduced. By
contrast, if they do not their exports will be cut off. This is a
cynical game where governments that badly need support from the
labour unions even as they turn to the "third way" see domestic
political gain in caving in to these demands. The Clinton-Gore
team - unlike Tony Blair's British government - is no stranger to
this tactic. Last week's announcement of a free trade agreement
with Jordan - with labour and environmental standards stipulated
in the text - left John Sweeney of the AFL-CIO trade union
jubilant and fired up for the election. Charlene Barshefsky, the
US trade representative, has called it a "template" for all trade
treaties by the US.

Only a significant power would have the hubris or the chutzpah to
present a trade agreement with a monarchy, essentially dependent
on the US, with a minuscule trade volume, as a model for the rest
of the world to emulate.

But that Al Gore thinks so is certain. Indeed, his policy
statements and the Democratic platform are unambiguous: no trade
liberalisation without such preconditions. If so, we can forget
the WTO where nothing but a big north-south divide will follow,
as it did in Seattle largely as a result of this issue.

And so, under Mr Gore, Washington will contemplate more templates
with inconsequential performers, multilateral trade
liberalisation will languish, and the WTO will atrophy as the


2000-11-01 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

X DRUDGE REPORT X WED NOV 01, 2000 17:01:39 ET X



Campaign 2000 took an aggressive turn this week after Gore
campaign operatives began questioning Green Party presidential
candidate Ralph Nader’ s sex life, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

"Look, he’s never been married." one Gore operative whispered to
stunned reporters earlier this week. "Who is going to be sleeping
in his bed at the White House if he’s elected president? I‘m
interested. Aren‘t you?"

The whispering campaign comes as Nader, 66, appears to be taking
support away from Democratic hopeful Al Gore in key states.

"This is the last act of a desperate campaign!" a Nader insider
said late Wednesday. "If this does not open the eyes of the
American people, nothing will. These people will do anything to
keep power."

A senior Gore official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity,
blasted the whispering campaign. "If anyone is caught doing this,
they will be fired immediately!" the official told the DRUDGE
REPORT from Tennessee. "Who’s ever doing this should knock it off
-- and knock it off now!"

The SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE advanced questions about Nader’s
private life after California state Assemblywoman Carole Migden
raised the issue in an interview.

"Of course, I don't necessarily have that information, and I
certainly don't want to say anything libelous or unreasonable,"
Migden said in an interview with CALIFORNIA TRIANGLE magazine.
"All I'm saying is that we believe he has strong ties to the
community -- and has for years -- and hasn't been forthright
about it."

Nader told the CHRONICLE that he was appalled that an elected
official like Migden would even bring up the subject.

"I've spoken out on gay and lesbian issues way in advance of Al
Gore," he said, adding that -- unlike his Democratic opponent --
he supports both civil marriages and eliminating the "don't ask,
don't tell" policy for gays in the military. "But the answer to
her inference is no."


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-11-01 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

U.S. Intelligence Analyst Quits Over Cole Attack
Ed.: There is a bit of good news in this story. The analyst showed a trait
that isn't very common among many government employees: CHARACTER. What
should concern all of us is that the senior guys aren't listening to the
little man or that they just don't have the ability to sort through the
amount of information they demand.

By Tabassum Zakaria

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. Defense intelligence analyst resigned the day
after a bomb ripped into a U.S. warship in Yemen because he believed
higher-ups had not given enough weight to analysis that could have warned of
a potential attack, a U.S. senator said on Wednesday.

``His resignation was due to significant analytical differences with his
management,'' Sen. Pat Roberts, a Republican from Kansas, said quoting from a
letter the analyst sent to Vice Adm. Thomas Wilson, director of the Defense
Intelligence Agency (DIA).

DIA officials at the Pentagon privately confirmed a mid-level analyst quit
after the attack in Aden, which killed 17 sailors and left a gaping hole in
the USS Cole. But the agency denied it suppressed any intelligence before the

The analyst, who was not publicly identified, worked in the DIA's
counter-terrorism analysis office and was an expert in Middle East and Gulf
issues, Roberts told a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing.

The referred to a defense intelligence assessment dated in June, Roberts
said. ``He indicates his analysis could have played a critical role in DIA's
ability to predict and warn of a potential terrorist attack against U.S.
interests,'' he said.

``He is very troubled by the many indicators contained in the analysis that
suggests two or three other major acts of terrorism could potentially occur
in the coming weeks or months,'' Roberts said.

U.S. officials have said the United States received no specific threat of an
imminent attack in Aden against a U.S. warship before the guided missile
destroyer USS Cole was crippled on Oct. 12 in an apparent suicide bombing.

The Defense intelligence analyst resigned on Oct. 13 and sent his letter of
resignation on Oct. 14, Roberts said

The revelation of the analyst's resignation added to questions raised over
whether the United States should have had an inkling about the attack in a
region known for being inhabited by anti-Western militant groups.

The BERET - Reader Reactions
Ed.: Whoooaaah!!! You would have thought that the Cole incident and
international terrorism would have dominated our communications last week -
wrong! It was the beret that had everyone hot -- about 300 responses. Now
LISTEN General Shinseki: Most of our grunts believe that the idea of a beret
for everyone is plain STUPID. Here is how the spectrum of responses breaks
down -- it clearly shows a generational gap. Most of our WWII, Korea and
Vietnam veterans want to keep things the way they are: Only Special Forces,
Rangers, and Airborne troops would wear berets (30%). Our readers from the
end of the Vietnam era to those currently serving prefer a beret, but in
specific branch identifying colors, similar to what our NATO allies are doing
(65%). Only 5% like the idea for a black beret for everyone.

A. An Open Letter to General Shinseki

By Tig Dupre

Dear General Shinseki,

I read with interest about your decision to change the Army headgear to

While I am certain your advisors have told you this is a "good thing to do,"
I question the reasoning behind the action. For many years, a beret, either
in black, maroon, or Rifle Green, was the coveted headgear for soldiers who
wanted to be more than they thought they could be. Now, everyone is going to
be "special."

When everyone is special, no one is.

Sure, the British Army wears berets and distinctive unit insignia in all
their units. They have been doing this for many years. Other nations' forces
have berets for special units only, or berets for all in uniform. Their
military services pretty much started and have continued that way.

Sir, it's not the headgear. It's not the pay (although that could always
stand some adjustment). It's not the style of uniform (or lack of style).

It's not even the really long hours with very little thanks or other reward.

It's the leadership. From the top down, it's the leadership.

Better to do away with the "zero-defects" mentality and "Death by PowerPoint"
than to change the headgear in an effort to raise morale. Soldiers want
tough, realistic training, doing what they came into the Army to 

[CTRL] WNV Emergency In Jersey

2000-11-01 Thread William Shannon
West Nile virus officially an emergency in New Jersey  The Associated Press http://interestalert.com/brand/siteia.shtml?Story=storage/remote_n/11010002aaa07354.nandSys=v2oFilter=Late%20BreakingFid=LATEBRKN

 WASHINGTON (November 1, 2000 8:45 p.m. EST ) - President Clinton declared Wednesday that an emergency exists in New Jersey and ordered federal aid for the area affected since Aug. 5 by the West Nile virus. The president's action authorizes the Federal Emergency Management Agency to provide up to $5 million to local governments to help protect life, property and public health and safety in 21 counties. The counties covered by the declaration are: Atlantic, Bergen, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Essex, Gloucester, Hudson, Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Monmouth, Morris, Ocean, Passaic, Salem, Somerset, Sussex, Union and Warren. The virus, transmitted to humans by mosquitoes, has been detected in birds in several states, including Maryland, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Pennsylvania. It can cause encephalitis, or swelling of the brain, as well as meningitis, the swelling of the lining of t!
he brain and spinal cord. Last year, seven people died and 55 others were infected in the New York metropolitan area during the first known appearance of the virus in the Western Hemisphere. Its first victim this year was an 82-year-old from New Jersey.


Re: [CTRL] CFR: CFR supports Bush over Gore

2000-11-01 Thread William Shannon
It's a done deal then...Bush will reign...and that sucks!


[CTRL] Gore Is Disgusting and No Teen Idol

2000-11-01 Thread Aleisha Saba

So it is alleged George is "stuffing" his trousers, and I wonder with
what.it is all too obvious this man is sick.this article is
disigusting and Clinton's picture on Esquire is disgustingthey act
like a couple of degenerates - come to think of itwell forget that
one.   This item is revolting but then I did not rite it, however the
subject line will pull up a lot of good stuff on conditions in Israel
and Sharon wanting to bounce Barak - wonder who will get whom?


So here we go - the man Tipper Gore said was "sexy" to which I thought,
about as sexy as Quasimoto the Bell Ringer and a Vampire Bat.

Happy All Souls Day, You all  and Nessie Get Well Quick.you were

PS"  Gore was on TV stupid talk show with this black woman who asked him
if he ever wore leather pants..that guy is uncouth.

 Front Page
 Election 2000

November 1, 2000
Liar, liar
Tony Blankley
 Visit our Election 2000 page
for daily election news and analysis
 Steak or lasagna; red wine or white; paper or plastic;
George W. Bush or Al Gore?
 With a week to go, some voters — about one in six —
are still struggling with what they apparently believe is one of life's
annoying little decisions — who they want as president. As I chatted
with various strangers last weekend who told me they were still
undecided, I was struck by how many of them had fallen victim to the
confusions inflicted on the public by the media.
 Perhaps the most persistent and outrageous media conceit
that has increased the indecision of the public is that Mr. Bush is not
smart enough to be president, while Mr. Gore is one of the nation's
better minds. Reporters who are graduates of Palooka College make fun of
Mr. Bush, who not only graduated from Yale, but gained a masters from
Harvard Business School, while Mr. Gore flunked out of divinity school
and dropped out of law school. These media types, perhaps
understandably, confuse loquacity with intelligence.
 More to the point, it has apparently missed these wise
guys' attention that Mr. Bush has crafted one of the most brilliantly
successful careers in recent American political history. It is not by
chance that he is only the second son of a president in American history
to gain the nomination of a major party for president (the other one,
John Quincy Adams, won his election.)
 As to the second part of the equation — what is the
evidence that Mr. Gore is particularly smart? I've been in a few
meetings with him, and my assessment is that he was spotting both Bill
Clinton and my old boss Newt Gingrich about 25 IQ points. He struck me
as a pretentious, intellectual poseur of the second rank. I'll give him
only this: His successes have been a tribute to good work habits. He
memorizes a myriad of details, but he lacks the intelligence to
synthesis diverse data or to risk spontaneity in an intellectual give
and take. Where Mr. Clinton would respond to Mr. Gingrich's arguments
with adroit and responsive rebuttal, Mr. Gore invariably fell back on
canned talking points, which he would regurgitate on command.
 The most compelling evidence of Mr. Gore's lack of
useable political intelligence is, of course, his election campaign. He
has masterminded (and micro-managed, if one can believe the reports in
The Washington Post and New York Times) what should have been an easy
double-digit victory into what looks like a probable loss. He has
consistently shown bad judgment.
 Worst of all, whatever knowledge Mr. Gore has acquired in
his life, he has utterly failed to acquire the self-knowledge and
self-confidence that is the prime requisite for the presidency. The last
thing this country needs is another president whose self-doubt and
psychological confusion may lead him and the country down dangerous
paths. This psychological confusion has most recently manifested itself
in Mr. Gore's appalling cover photograph on Rolling Stone magazine. What
inner demon or sense of sexual inadequacy could have driven Mr. Gore to
pose for that photograph in a pair of pants so tight that his
masculinity (or a surreptitiously placed substitute) caused an
unbecoming bulge? Is this part of some competitive psychodrama Mr. Gore
and his boss are engaged in?
 Which brings me to the ultimate reason to defeat Mr.
Gore: We must put an end to Clintonism before it sends down its tainted
roots any deeper into the soil of our republic. By Clintonism I mean the
use of the lie, not as an occasional defense mechanism, but as the prime
agent of its statecraft. Both Mr. Clinton and Mr. Gore not only lie
about their opponents, they lie about their own programs and intentions.
 The most recent example is Mr. Gore's mendacious claim
last week that he is the candidate of smaller, more limited government.
When I was Newt Gingrich's press secretary I experienced firsthand how
the calculated lie makes honest debate impossible. If a president is
willing to lie about the most basic 

[CTRL] Fwd: Gore Is Disgusting and No Teen Idol

2000-11-01 Thread Aleisha Saba

Correction:  First line of my letter re the above, I said "George" was
stuffing his trousers and it was not George, but GORE.then it is
getting close to Thanksgiving, however..maybe that is what they
meant.He is overplaying the sex angle because he thinks it worked
for Clinton?

That might be true if you want support of the prostitutes and floosies.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

So it is alleged George is "stuffing" his trousers, and I wonder with
what.it is all too obvious this man is sick.this article is
disigusting and Clinton's picture on Esquire is disgustingthey act
like a couple of degenerates - come to think of itwell forget that
one.   This item is revolting but then I did not rite it, however the
subject line will pull up a lot of good stuff on conditions in Israel
and Sharon wanting to bounce Barak - wonder who will get whom?


So here we go - the man Tipper Gore said was "sexy" to which I thought,
about as sexy as Quasimoto the Bell Ringer and a Vampire Bat.

Happy All Souls Day, You all  and Nessie Get Well Quick.you were

PS"  Gore was on TV stupid talk show with this black woman who asked him
if he ever wore leather pants..that guy is uncouth.

 Front Page
 Election 2000

November 1, 2000
Liar, liar
Tony Blankley
 Visit our Election 2000 page
for daily election news and analysis
 Steak or lasagna; red wine or white; paper or plastic;
George W. Bush or Al Gore?
 With a week to go, some voters — about one in six —
are still struggling with what they apparently believe is one of life's
annoying little decisions — who they want as president. As I chatted
with various strangers last weekend who told me they were still
undecided, I was struck by how many of them had fallen victim to the
confusions inflicted on the public by the media.
 Perhaps the most persistent and outrageous media conceit
that has increased the indecision of the public is that Mr. Bush is not
smart enough to be president, while Mr. Gore is one of the nation's
better minds. Reporters who are graduates of Palooka College make fun of
Mr. Bush, who not only graduated from Yale, but gained a masters from
Harvard Business School, while Mr. Gore flunked out of divinity school
and dropped out of law school. These media types, perhaps
understandably, confuse loquacity with intelligence.
 More to the point, it has apparently missed these wise
guys' attention that Mr. Bush has crafted one of the most brilliantly
successful careers in recent American political history. It is not by
chance that he is only the second son of a president in American history
to gain the nomination of a major party for president (the other one,
John Quincy Adams, won his election.)
 As to the second part of the equation — what is the
evidence that Mr. Gore is particularly smart? I've been in a few
meetings with him, and my assessment is that he was spotting both Bill
Clinton and my old boss Newt Gingrich about 25 IQ points. He struck me
as a pretentious, intellectual poseur of the second rank. I'll give him
only this: His successes have been a tribute to good work habits. He
memorizes a myriad of details, but he lacks the intelligence to
synthesis diverse data or to risk spontaneity in an intellectual give
and take. Where Mr. Clinton would respond to Mr. Gingrich's arguments
with adroit and responsive rebuttal, Mr. Gore invariably fell back on
canned talking points, which he would regurgitate on command.
 The most compelling evidence of Mr. Gore's lack of
useable political intelligence is, of course, his election campaign. He
has masterminded (and micro-managed, if one can believe the reports in
The Washington Post and New York Times) what should have been an easy
double-digit victory into what looks like a probable loss. He has
consistently shown bad judgment.
 Worst of all, whatever knowledge Mr. Gore has acquired in
his life, he has utterly failed to acquire the self-knowledge and
self-confidence that is the prime requisite for the presidency. The last
thing this country needs is another president whose self-doubt and
psychological confusion may lead him and the country down dangerous
paths. This psychological confusion has most recently manifested itself
in Mr. Gore's appalling cover photograph on Rolling Stone magazine. What
inner demon or sense of sexual inadequacy could have driven Mr. Gore to
pose for that photograph in a pair of pants so tight that his
masculinity (or a surreptitiously placed substitute) caused an
unbecoming bulge? Is this part of some competitive psychodrama Mr. Gore
and his boss are engaged in?
 Which brings me to the ultimate reason to defeat Mr.
Gore: We must put an end to Clintonism before it sends down its tainted
roots any deeper into the soil of our republic. By Clintonism I mean the
use of the lie, not as an occasional defense mechanism, but as the prime
agent of its statecraft. Both Mr. Clinton and 

[CTRL] [Fwd: [news] German Green Objects to Nader]

2000-11-01 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: [news] German Green Objects to Nader
Date: 2 Nov 2000 03:31:56 -
From: consortiumnews.com [EMAIL PROTECTED]

consortiumnews.com - http://www.consortiumnews.com

A founder of the Green Party in southern Germany is warning Americans
about the danger of applying the Green political experience in Germany to
the United States.

Martin Kilian, a founder of the Green Party in Konstanz, Germany, notes
the German parliamentary system allows parties with 5 percent or more of
the vote to get seats in parliament. The German Greens have even joined
the current coalition government of the Social Democrats.

But America's winner-take-all system has made Ralph Nader's Green
candidacy -- and its potential contribution to the election of Republican
George W. Bush -- an "alarming" threat to the principles of Greens in
Europe and the United States, Kilian said.

For the full story, go to Consortiumnews.com at

To unsubscribe, write to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] Vote-Swap Web Sites Shut Down

2000-11-01 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-


Vote-Swap Web Sites
Daily News Express
The plug is being pulled on the Great Presidential Swap of 2000. At
least three Internet sites that arranged vote trading between
backers of Al Gore and Green Party presidential candidate Ralph
Nader have closed following complaints.
The sites sought to have Nader supporters in the battleground
states vote for the vice president. In exchange, Democrats would
agree to cast a ballot for Nader in states considered a cakewalk for
Texas Gov. George W. Bush.
The Green Party needs 5% of the popular vote to qualify for federal
funding in 2004.
California elections officials contacted Jim Cody, the Los Angeles
Web site operator who set up www.voteswap2000.com, and
informed him he was violating state law by brokering the exchange
of votes.
"As soon as we were informed we shut the thing down," Cody said.
In the site's short life, more than 5,000 matches were arranged, he
added. After Cody closed his site, two other trading sites shut
down on their own.
Meanwhile, officials in at least four states are investigating vote-
auction.com, a controversial European Web site claiming to be
buying and selling votes in the U.S. presidential election, but proof
that the organization is doing anything — legal or not — has yet to
Regardless, officials in at least four states are investigating vote-
Hans Bernhard of Vienna, Austria, runs the Web site which
purports to "satire" a c..o.u...rrupt political system driven by soft
Bernhard bought the site from James Baumgartner, a student at
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, N.Y., who established it
as a master's thesis.
"Our candidates are for sale, and by selling themselves they are
treating the election as a commodity," Baumgartner said. "The
next step is to treat votes like commodities."
Buying and selling votes is forbidden by federal and state laws.
Original Publication Date: 11/1/00


The right to buy weapons is the right to be free.
-- A.E. Van Vogt, "The Weapon Shops Of Isher",
ASF December 1942

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fox News-We Distort, We Decide!

2000-11-01 Thread William Shannon
WE DISTORT, WE DECIDE: Doing Fox a Favor
Authentic Journalists Lend Credibility to GOP-TV

John Moyers is the publisher of TomPaine.com and the executive director of the Florence Fund. 

WARNING: The author insists the following report is fair and balanced, without any taint of opinion. Any suspicion that the author holds an opinion is completely off base, as proven by the author's repetition of the following declaration: Fair and balanced ... fair and balanced ... fair and balanced ... fair and balanced. Convincing, isn't it? 

Roll Call editor Mort Kondracke and NPR reporter Mara Liasson, first-rate professionals, are doing the Fox News Channel a big favor -- lending their valuable credibility to a network that cannot earn its own. 

Kondracke and Liasson appear regularly in Fox's evening lineup, part of anchorman Brit Hume's "Special Report." Along with Weekly Standard editor Fred Barnes, each is identified as a "Fox News Contributor" -- a formal title and position that elevates them from mere guest status, making them part of the Fox team. 

But despite the regular on-air gig and the title, it seems like Fox News Channel is getting the better end of this association. 

You see, the twenty-four hour news channel is eager to have credibility as an honest-to-goodness journalistic outfit. But its bias is so overtly conservative, so obviously manipulative of the news, that Fox News Channel (FNC) doesn't stand a chance of earning such a reputation on its own. Hence the presence of real-life and credible journalists like Kondracke and Liasson. You might call it "credibility by association." But "wishful thinking" might be more accurate. 


Fox hosts like Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Tony Snow and Brit Hume dominate Fox's evening lineup and help give its "news" a firm rightward twist. 

We here at TomPaine.com respect strong opinions -- we have plenty of them ourselves. So we don't begrudge Fox hosts having a point of view. We say, bring on the debate! It's just that these guys don't have the courage to own up to it. 

Instead, they hide behind Fox's twin mantras, "Fair and Balanced" and "We report. You decide." These are repeated so frequently and with such earnestness that they take on the feel of propaganda. Truth by confident assertion. Believe us because we say it is so. 

"Fair and balanced" if you see things through the eyes of Newt Gingrich, whose title of FNC "analyst" gives him more status than mere "contributor" Kondracke or Liasson. As for "we report," FNC doesn't do much original reporting. It favors cost-effective punditry instead. And "you decide" is disingenuous since every news organization naturally exercises its discretion in the practical matter of selecting stories and topics to feature. 

"We distort. We decide" would be more like it. Or maybe just plain "GOP-TV." After all, FNC Chairman and CEO Roger Ailes is a long-time Republican loyalist and consultant, going all the way back to the low-flying Nixon days. If FNC hosts and reporters got any easier on GOP positions I might think their scripts were cribbed right out of party talking points. There really isn't a need for conservative guests or GOP spokesmen since FNC's hosts and reporters do such a good job representing those points of view themselves. Nonetheless, conservative guests predominate. When there is a liberal guest (and on Fox that typically means a centrist), they're almost always paired with a conservative one. Add the conservative FNC host and it's two on one. 

An extensive report on FNC by Neil Hickey in the March/April 1998 Columbia Journalism Review included this passage: 

Some of FNC's severest critics are former employees. ... Several complained of "management sticking their fingers" in the writing and editing of stories and of attempting to cook the facts to make a story more palatable to right-of-center tastes. ("I've worked at a lot of news organizations and never found that kind of manipulation.")

The bias at Fox News Channel is so obvious that it seems a waste of time to offer evidence of its existence, which is readily available to anyone willing to tune in. But just to model some behavior for Fox, here are a few examples:

On August 16, during coverage of the Democratic convention, Bill O'Reilly confessed to his guest, "I'm so glad you're here because I'm so tired of defending George W. Bush." Curiously, this remark was excised from a transcript found on the Nexis database. In fairness, O'Reilly twice said in the same broadcast that he's "not rooting for anyone," though it was hard to miss his aggressive assertion and defense of conservative positions throughout the evening. 

Brit Hume recently interviewed Jeff Birnbaum, Fortune magazine's Washington bureau chief, about political contributions. Birnbaum started out fairly noting that the GOP beats the Democrats in the overall money chase, but who focused on the GOP's lead in small contributions, and incorrectly stated that the Dems 

[CTRL] How it's done: Elites ubber alles. PBS

2000-11-01 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: [FAIR-L] ACTIVISM UPDATE: PBS Defends Its Free Airtime Policy
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 22:56:00 -0600 (CST)
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Fairness  Accuracy in Reporting
   Media analysis, critiques and news reports

PBS Defends Its Free Airtime Policy

October 31, 2000

PBS has responded to hundreds of letters from activists around the country
criticizing its policy regarding free airtime for presidential candidates.

PBS has made two and half minutes available at the end of its NewsHour
newscast for eight nights, reserving four nights for Al Gore and four nights
for George W. Bush. FAIR pointed out in a October 25 Action Alert that this
policy duplicated the exclusionary nature of the presidential debates
moderated by NewsHour anchor Jim Lehrer.

The full text of the PBS response appears below. PBS explains that it had
two criteria for determining which presidential candidates would be granted
free airtime: "(1) that on October 10, 2000, they be on the ballot in states
with enough electoral votes to have a mathematical chance of winning, and
(2) that on that date they reach an average of at least five percent public
support in five different nationally recognized polls."

PBS notes that only Gore and Bush met these requirements. But PBS does not
explain why they chose October 10 as an arbitrary cut-off date. If rising
media attention to a candidate resulted in increased poll numbers after
October 10, as has happened with Green Party candidate Ralph Nader in some
polls, PBS's rules would still exclude the candidate.

If PBS did not use the October 10 cut-off date, Nader would have met the
guidelines. Around the time of the PBS announcement, Nader was polling 5
percent in an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll (10/13-15), 5 percent in a
Newsweek poll (10/18-20), 5 percent in a Gallup/CNN/USA Today
poll(10/16-18), 8 percent in an International Communications Research poll
(10/18-22), 5 percent in a Christian Science Monitor poll (10/19-22), 5
percent in a Harris poll (10/19-26), and 5 percent in a Zogby International
poll conducted for Reuters/MSNBC (10/24/-10/27).

On an August 18 NewsHour broadcast, Gore campaign adviser Tad Devine said of
Nader: "I don't think he'll be a significant factor in determining the
outcome of this election in any single state." The Nader campaign seems to
be proving that statement false-- but PBS's free-airtime proposal has not
reflected recent developments in the presidential campaign.

The full response from PBS is as follows:

Thank you for writing to PBS regarding presidential candidate free airtime.
We value your suggestions and comments.

In September, PBS contacted presidential candidates Harry Browne, Pat
Buchanan, George W. Bush, Albert Gore, John Hagelin and Ralph Nader,
offering them air time under two conditions: (1) that on October 10, 2000,
they be on the ballot in states with enough electoral votes to have a
mathematical chance of winning, and (2) that on that date they reach an
average of at least five percent public support in five different nationally

recognized polls. Only Vice President Gore and Governor Bush met both of
these criteria.

The 5 percent public support threshold is significantly below the 15 percent
level set by the Commission on Presidential Debates for inclusion in the
nationally televised presidential debates. The 5 percent threshold conforms
to the percentage of votes necessary in a presidential election to receive
federal funding in a subsequent election.

Third party candidates and their issues have been and will continue to be
covered by The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer in its regular election reporting.
PBS's final Democracy Project Election 2000 program, "Time to Choose--A
PBS/NPR Voter's Guide," airing November 1, will cover the issues that have
been raised by third party candidates. "A Third Choice," Ben Wattenberg's
history of third party efforts, and "I'm on the Ballot," Award Productions'
look at the significance of third party campaigns and this year's major
third party candidates, were also featured as part of the PBS Democracy
Project lineup this election season.

Thank you once again for writing to PBS. We hope you will continue to enjoy
and support the wide variety of programming available on your PBS member

PBS Viewer Services

PBS Viewer Services can be contacted at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Feel free to respond to FAIR ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] ). We can't reply to
everything, but we will look at each message. We especially appreciate
documented example of media bias or censorship. And please send copies of
your email correspondence with media outlets, including any responses, to us

FAIR ON THE AIR: FAIR's founder Jeff Cohen is a regular panelist on 


2000-11-01 Thread Ole Gerstrøm

by David Icke Or why 
George W. Bush is the favourite to 
be President of the United 
States in the year 2000! I have recently been sent a series of 
genealogical charts which detail a bloodline and its off shoots that will be 
highly relevantto the readers of The Biggest Secret. I had no 
idea of their existence when I wrote The Biggest Secret. Yet it reads like an 
index of the book and most, if not all,of the major players in the 
advancing agenda of global control over thousands of years. These charts are 
stunning confirmationthat the same bloodlines have expanded their power 
out of the Near and Middle East of the ancient world to control 
theplanet today, precisely as detailed in The Biggest Secret. For 
readers of The Biggest Secret the following will proveextremely 
interesting: This bloodline and its offshoots includes a long line of 
pharaohs in ancient Egypt, including Rameses II (1295-1228 BC), whois 
considered to be the greatest pharaoh of all. He was his country's master 
architect (sacred geometry) and his name can befound on almost every 
ancient shrine. The gold mines of Nubia made him rich beyond the imagination. 
This bloodline alsoincludes the extraterrestrial-human hybrids who ruled 
Sumer, Babylon, Greece, and Troy, and which, today, rule the world. One 
common link in this bloodline is Philip of Macedonia (382-336BC),who married 
Olympias, and their son was Alexanderthe Great (356-323BC), a tyrant who 
plundered that key region of Greece, Persia, Syria, Phoenicia, Egypt, Babylon, 
theformer lands of Sumer, and across into India before dying in Babylon 
at the age of 33. During his rule of Egypt he founded thecity of 
Alexandria, one the greatest centers for esoteric knowledge in the ancient 
world. Alexander was taught by the Greekphilosopher, Aristotle, who in 
turn was taught by Plato and he by Socrates. The bloodline and the hidden 
advancedknowledge have always gone together. This key bloodline 
comes down through the most famous Egyptian queen, Cleopatra (60-30BC), who 
married the mostfamous Roman Emperor, Julius Caesar, and bore him a son, 
who became Ptolemy XIV. She also bore twins with MarkAnthony, who has 
his own connections to this line and its many offshoots; this bloodline also 
connects to Herod the Great, the"Herod" of the Jesus stories, and 
continues to the Roman Piso family who, as I explain in The Biggest Secret, 
wrote theGospel stories and invented the mythical figure called Jesus!!; 
the same bloodline includes Constantine the Great, the RomanEmperor who, 
in 325AD, turned Christianity, based on his ancestors' stories, into the 
religion we know today, and KingFerdinand of Spain and Queen Isabella of 
Castile, the sponsors of Christopher Columbus, who instigated the horrific 
SpanishInquisition (1478-1834) in which people were tortured and burned 
at the stake for in any way questioning the basis of thereligion their 
various ancestors had created. More than that, the most used version of 
the Bible was commissioned and sponsored by another strand in the same 
bloodline,King James 1st of England. Just a coincidence, nothing to 
worry about! The line of James, according to genealogy sourceslisted 
below, can be traced back to 1550 BC and beyond and includes many Egyptian 
pharaohs, including Rameses II. The bloodline moved into France and 
northern Europe through the Franks and Meroveus or Merovee, who gave his name 
tothe Merovingian bloodline, and it continues with the rest of the 
Merovingian clan like Clovis and the Dagoberts who connectinto the elite 
secret society, the Priory of Sion and the Rennes-le-Chateau "mystery" in 
Languedoc [Provence], SouthernFrance. Many books have been written 
recently which claim that the Merovingians are the bloodline of "Jesus". 
Some of these authors have just been mistaken, others have blatantly 
sought to confuse and mislead. The Merovingians are akey bloodline, yes, 
but it has nothing to do with Jesus, who was invented by an earlier family in 
the same line, the Pisos.Authors like Sir Laurence Gardner (Bloodline of 
the Holy Grail and a favorite of Nexus Magazine and its owner, 
DuncanRoads) MUST know this and yet they still connect the Merovingians 
to "Jesus". Why?? The Merovingians were Goddess Diana worshippers, as 
are so many in this line to the present day. They founded the city 
wecall Paris and on one of their former sites of Diana ritual, Princess 
Diana was murdered in the Pont d'Alma tunnel (meaning"bridge or passage 
of the Moon Goddess") on August 31st, 1997. As The Biggest Secret points out, 
the Windsors, anotherMerovingian bloodline, were very much involved in 
this ritual murder. From the Merovingians, this bloodline's connections 
to the present day include: Charlemagne (742-814), who ruled asEmperor 
of the West in the Holy Roman Empire; a stream of French kings, including Robert 
II, Philip Ist, II and III, andLouis Ist, II, VI, VII, VIII, V, 


2000-11-01 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


US air strike feared: Afghanistan seeks neighbours' help

ISLAMABAD, Oct 31: The Taliban have appealed to the neighbouring
countries not to provide the airspace facility to the United
States and Russia for air strike against Afghanistan, reports

Foreign Minister Maulvi Wakil Ahmad Mutawakel accused the UN of
prolonging the civil war in Afghanistan by supporting the
government of deposed president Rabbani.

He said the UN recognition of the previous Afghan government
encouraged the Northern Alliance to prolong the war.

He condemned Mr Rabbani, saying he had collaborated with Russians
and sought military aid from Moscow. "Rabbani has provided Moscow
an opportunity to interfere in Afghanistan's internal



Pak Warns US Against Any Strike Against Bin Laden Islamabad, Nov.
1 (NNN) : Pakistan has warned the United States against launching
a fresh military strike against Saudi rebel, Osama bin Laden,
believed to be currently staying in Afghanistan, saying any
attack would only aggravate the situation. A foreign office
spokesman here said "any initiation of violence would only
complicate the matter and aggravate the situation." Laden is
living in Afghanistan as a "guest" of the ruling Islamic Taliban
militia. He is suspected by the Americans of masterminding the
bombing of a US destroyer in Yemen earlier this month. Seventeen
American soldiers were killed in that attack. Speculation has
been rife, ever since, of US plans for military strikes on
suspected hideouts of Laden. "We think such violence must not
take place," Pakistan's foreign office spokesman Riaz Mohammad
Khan told newsmen. "If any government has any problem relating to
Afghanistan, then that problem should be discussed with the
government of that country," he said, adding Islamabad had lodged
a protest when US missiles violated Pakistan's airspace on their
way to Afghanistan in 1998. The missiles, launched by US warships
in the Arabian Sea, were aimed at suspected militant training
camps run by Laden. Nov 1, 2000

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Study: AIDS devastating Africa; 24 million may die

2000-11-01 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Study: AIDS devastating Africa; 24 million may die

By HARRY DUNPHY, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (October 31, 2000 7:53 p.m. EST
http://www.nandotimes.com) - An analysis by an environmental research
group shows that the African AIDS epidemic is reducing life expectancy,
raising mortality, lowering fertility, leaving more men alive than women, and
producing millions of orphans.

Worldwatch Institute chairman Lester Brown said that unless a medical
miracle occurs, almost all the 24 million Africans infected with the virus at
the beginning of 2000 will die. Each day 6,000 Africans die from AIDS, and
an additional 11,000 are infected.

Brown said the epidemic is not being given the priority it deserves, either
within countries most affected or in the rich nations and other countries
outside Africa.

Some hope is offered in Uganda, one of the earliest-hit countries, which
has managed to give AIDS a high priority, and Zambia may be turning the
tide in lowering infection rates as well, Brown said in his report, based on
research by Worldwatch and other private and government agencies.

Brown noted that life expectancy, a key indicator of economic growth, is
falling fast in Africa.

In Zimbabwe, without AIDS, life expectancy in 2010 would be 70. With
AIDS, it is expected to fall below 35 years. For South Africa it will fall from
68 to 48, and for Zambia from 60 to 30.

"These life expectancies are more akin to those of the Middle Ages than
the modern age," Brown said.

New research also indicates the virus reduces fertility, Brown said. The
research is limited but indicates that from the time of HIV infection onward
fertility among infected women slowly declines.

The report said that by the time symptoms appear, women are 70 percent
less likely to be pregnant than those who were not infected.

Because African women most often have sexual relations with older men
who are more likely to be infected, the females get the disease earlier and
die before completing their reproductive years, which further reduces

Worldwatch said Africa faces a shortage of women that is unique in the

After wars, countries often face shortages of males, as France did after
World War I and Russia after World War II.

"This epidemic, however, is claiming more females than males in Africa,
promising a future where men will outnumber women 11 to 9. This will leave
many men bachelors or forced to migrate to other countries in search of a
wife," the report said.

The death of many young parents in Africa from AIDS is creating millions of
orphans as well, with 40 million expected by 2010, it said.

"Although Africa's extended family system is highly resilient and capable of
caring for" these children, "it will be staggered by this challenge," the report
said. "There is a real possibility that millions of orphans will become street

Worldwatch is a nonprofit, independently funded environmental and social
research group.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Newsmax: Houri of Terrorism

2000-11-01 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Houri of Terrorism
Hugh Sprunt

Wednesday, Nov. 1, 2000

"According to the landlord of the apartment, who gave his name as
Yahya, both men spoke a heavily accented Arabic suggesting that
they came from Hadhramaut, a remote province of eastern Yemen
whose arid deserts and rocky mountains are a known haven for
Islamic terrorist groups, and which is famous for its small
fiberglass boats called houris that are used for fishing in the
Arabian Sea."

The word "houri" as used above in John Burns' New York Times
article ["Ship Attack Suspects Seemed Out of Place," Aden, Yemen,
Oct. 30] to refer to a type of fishing boat used in Yemen's
Hadhramaut Province is a slang term, though an eminently
appropriate one for the type of craft selected by the two
terrorists who attacked the USS Cole on Oct. 12.

The word houri has Persian origins ("huri") and originally
referred to a white-skinned black-eyed woman (recall that the
terrorists' small fiberglass attack boat has been officially
described as white in color). The equivalent word in Arabic is

The black eyes of houri are often compared to those of a gazelle
(indeed, the word was originally derived from "hawira," meaning
"black-eyed like a gazelle"). However, in Muslim religious terms,
an houri is a nymph of the Mohammedan paradise, supposedly
created from musk oil and certain spices, and endowed with
perpetually virgin and perfect youthful beauty.

Thus, an "houri" (the attackers' white fishing boat) bore the two
terrorists to "Mohammedan paradise." Indeed, one of the rewards
of paradise for devout (presumably male) Muslims is to be greeted
by houris upon arrival in Paradise.

It is no conflict that the physical form of the houri was itself
destroyed in the attack on the U.S. "destroyer" Cole, for true
houris remain young and pure forever, ministering to Muslims who
have earned the right to enter paradise.

The reporter for the NYT and his editor were possibly ignorant of
the metaphoric aspects of the use of a white "houri" fishing boat
by the terrorists in their attack on the Cole or, conceivably,
chose not to share this information with readers of the Times in
a straight news piece.

The terrorists could, of course, have used a metaphorically less
appropriate craft, one that could have carried an even larger
explosive charge sufficient to easily have sunk the Cole (a small
garbage scow, for example), but may have chosen the "houri"
fishing craft as symbolic both of their ancestral province of
Hadhramaut (I daresay, there were wooden houri fishing boats long
before fiberglass became available) and as a craft particularly
suitable for bearing them to paradise.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] MG: SAfrica may produce squashed-air car

2000-11-01 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

The MailGuardian, October 30, 2000.

For more, go to:


South Africa may produce squashed-air car

An extraordinary new vehicle with a unique power source is lined
up for production in South Africa, offering hope for those
incensed by the cost of hydrocarbons.

The car, called the Taxi ZerO Pollution (TOP), runs off motive
energy stored as compressed air in tanks resembling those of
scuba divers. The compressed air impels a piston engine. In
effect, it's a serious version of toys whose power source is
emptying balloons.

The TOP is the brainchild of a former French Formula One racing
engineer, Guy Negre. It looks similar to the micro-minibuses
recently introduced by the likes of Renault to the South African

The compressed air is stored in tanks holding 300 litres and
attached to the underside of the car. The body of the vehicle
weighs only 700kg; the engine itself is a mere 35kg. This means
that the vehicle can theoretically be driven for up to 10 hours
in an urban environment at an average speed of 80km/h.

Plugged into a electrical power source, it can take as much as
four hours for the car to "re-fuel" as air is compressed and
forced into the storage tanks by a small compressor. But
large-scale "air stations" could manage the task in just three
minutes for companies running fleets of air-powered commercial

The projected cost in South Africa is around R74 000, near the
bottom end of the market. The vehicle's range is 200km, at a
phenomenal projected cost of just R2. If this scenario proves
workable, the savings may well seduce many who might otherwise be
put off by the range limitation.

Details on the technology have yet to be revealed, but the
concept is significantly simpler than others being pursued by
developers of environmentally friendly transport, such as fuel
cells and internal combustion-electric hybrids.

Road tests of the prototypes have been done since 1998 in
Brignoles, France. A hybrid version of the engine runs on normal
fuel at speeds higher than 60km/h, still with extremely low
energy consumption.

But the car itself is not the only innovative part of the
concept. The production has been designed to be extremely simple,
allowing factories to be constructed for a minimal $8-million.
Such a factory would produce 2 000 to 4 000 vehicles a year with
a staff of 130. The factory concept is designed to be franchised,
and easily transported to developing countries.

The local branch of Zero Pollution Motors hopes to establish a
production line in Gauteng next year, being in production by

Zero Pollution Motors was not answering calls.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] WSJ: A Stonewall of His Own

2000-11-01 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


A Stonewall of His Own

Does Gore feel accountable to anyone?

Thursday, November 2, 2000 12:01 a.m.  EST

Days away from the Presidential election, the Clinton State
Department has fallen into a dispute with Congress over the text
of a 1995 arms-related agreement between Vice President Gore and
former Russian Premier Viktor Chernomyrdin.  State is refusing to
turn over the documents to Congress, which wants to determine if
the deal breached a 1992 law, co-sponsored by Senator Gore,
banning weapons sales to Iran.

Meanwhile, a federal judge will hold a hearing in Washington
today at which Administration lawyers will try to explain again
why they haven't disclosed the full operational details about the
White House's controversial e-mail system.  At issue here for Mr.
Gore is whether an enormous volume of missing e-mails,
acknowledged by the White House in late 1998, include evidence
that is material to the campaign fund-raising investigations at
Justice and the Independent Counsel's office.

Needless to say, it would be unhelpful and conceivably disastrous
for the Gore campaign if something awful existed in those
Chernomyrdin weapons papers or if something incriminatory exists
in the e-mails, and it became public now.

So what?  Laying aside the many denizens of the just-win school
of politics, serious people should be able to agree that
accountability matters, that high public officials don't own the
government but must answer to some counterbalancing authority.

Al Gore is the one who is running on his vaunted high-level
experience as Bill Clinton's Vice President.  What Congress wants
to know about the Chernomyrdin agreements is whether Mr.  Gore,
representing the United States, gave Russia permission to sell a
significant amount of weaponry to Iran, and if in so doing he
broke a U.S.  law.  It would be ludicrous to argue that this is
not a legitimate basis for inquiry by the second branch of
government (though in the past eight years, Congressional
Democrats have come close to holding the view that the oversight
function is null and void).

The State Department says "sensitive diplomatic negotiations" are
at issue, and Mr.  Gore's office suggests the deal was never
secret and the agreements were announced at the time.  And we're
supposed to believe this and move on.

So, five days before the vote, we would like to ask: Will the
Clinton Presidency's record and habit of large-scale stonewalling
carry over to a Gore Presidency?

And will a President Gore regard the principle of accountability
for his office with the same contempt that Bill Clinton did?

As an issue of dispute, the Chernomyrdin deal is at least small
enough to get your arms around.  The e-mail controversy, as the
determined coverage of the Associated Press described it Tuesday,
sprawls across "a federal judge, four congressional committees
and five sets of investigators." The undisclosed e-mails are
potentially relevant to investigations and outstanding subpoenas
into matters involving Monica Lewinsky, Waco, the Puerto Rican
terrorist pardons, Whitewater, the Travel Office and campaign
fund-raising, specifically the Buddhist temple event.

A month ago, for instance, reconstructed computer tapes turned
over to Congress revealed that an April 1996 e-mail from a Gore
staffer clearly described the temple event as a fund-raiser, not
an outreach event.

Well, we all experience IT problems, some might argue.  It
doesn't look like it.  Back in March, when the Administration
testified on the e-mail problem before Congress, the White
House's third most important person, counsel Bruce Lindsey, sat
in the front row, actively engaged.

Today in Judge Royce Lamberth's courtroom, White House counsel
Beth Nolan will describe how it has now been discovered that
internally circulated e-mails are also missing; until now, the
lawyers had said that only e-mails sent from outside the White
House weren't archived. Commenting in court Tuesday, Judge
Lamberth denounced the White House's admission that all its
previous testimony on this matter was wrong.

Mr.  Gore, asked in June on Fox News about the problem of his
office's missing e-mails, replied: "I don't know about the backup
tapes.  I read about that in the papers recently.  I don't know
anything about why that happened or how it happened.  I'm not an
expert on computers."

By way of separating himself from the part of the Clinton legacy
that most offended the public, his uncertain character, Mr.
Gore has asserted repeatedly that he is own man.  Other than the
kiss, where's the evidence of that?

Bill Clinton, with his famous "permanent campaign," ran a
Presidency that clearly felt itself accountable only to the
people who had cast votes for him, rather than to the whole
nation.  Mr.  Clinton never, or rarely, seemed able to rise above
his campaign.

The stonewall now building around Al Gore on Iran and the
e-mails, suggesting that Mr.  Gore is accountable to nothing

[CTRL] ABCNews: FBI Says Military Plastic Explosive Used Against USS Cole

2000-11-01 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

FBI Says Military Plastic Explosive Used Against USS Cole

By Michael J. Sniffen
The Associated Press

W A S H I N G T O N, Nov.  1 — FBI laboratory tests have
concluded that C-4, a military-style plastic explosive, was used
in the attack on the USS Cole in Yemen, a federal law enforcement
official said today.

And in another development in the investigation, U.S.  and Yemeni
negotiators were near an agreement that would let FBI agents in
Yemen observe interviews with suspects and witnesses and submit
questions, but they could not participate directly in
questioning, said the official, who requested anonymity.

President Clinton, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and FBI
Director Louis Freeh had appealed to Yemen’s leaders to allow
joint questioning.

Two former counterterrorism officials said the use of C-4 in the
attack that killed 17 U.S.  sailors suggested at least that an
organized group was behind the attack.  One of them said it
raised the possibility of state support but fell short of
conclusively indicating some government sponsored the attack.

C-4 is a plastic explosive developed for the U.S.  military in
the Vietnam era.  “It lasts forever.  It doesn’t deteriorate,”
said Vince Cannistraro, a former CIA counterterrorism expert.

Used During Persian Gulf War The explosive is made for military
use in the United States and in at least several NATO nations.
It is not available on the open market, like the fuel oil and
fertilizer used to make the bomb that destroyed a federal
building in Oklahoma City.

Although the C-4 formula is not a secret, one former U.S.
military counterterrorism expert said, “C-4 is not used in
industrial blasting. It usually comes from a military source.”

“Organized criminal groups have stolen C-4,” this former military
official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.  “It requires
some amount of organization to do that.  But it doesn’t require
government-level support to get it.”

Cannistraro said C-4 has been included in U.S.  military sales to
Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and even to Iran while the shah was still in
power.  The U.S.  military used it during the Persian Gulf war.

Renegade ex-CIA agent Edwin Wilson was convicted of shipping 21
tons of it about two decades ago to Libya for use in what the
U.S.  government said was a school for terrorists he set up

“C-4 can be stolen, but it’s not easily obtainable by small
groups,” Cannistraro said.  He said he had been told that between
400 and 700 pounds of the C-4 was used to blast a 40-by-40-foot
hole in the Cole’s armored hull.

Not Tied to Specific Groups

“That possibly points in the direction of some state support,
because that’s a lot to steal,” Cannistraro said.  But he said
further evidence of that would depend in part on whether the FBI
lab could use the residues left by the blast to determine the
exact chemical formulation of the C-4 used in the blast and thus
trace its manufacture to one particular country.

Cannistraro said the use of C-4 did not point to any particular
terrorist group.  Osama bin Laden, the millionaire Saudi exile
who has been charged by U.S.  prosecutors with masterminding the
bombing of U.S.  embassies in Tanzania and Kenya, did not use C-4
there, Cannistraro said.  “They used RDX detonators there, but
not RDX explosives.” RDX is a component of C-4 and other

Nevertheless, Secretary of Defense William Cohen said Monday, “We
are looking very closely at Osama bin Laden to see whether or not
he in fact, or organizations he supports, are in some way
connected” to the Cole attack.

Meantime, the crippled Cole has been lifted onto the deck of a
specialized transport ship, the Blue Marlin, which has begun
carrying the destroyer back to the United States, the Navy said

The Navy also said the remaining 217 members of the crew of the
Cole will return by plane to Norfolk Naval Station in Virginia on
Friday. Most of them will go on leave and later return to their
Cole detachment in Norfolk.

Some sailors from Norfolk volunteered to fly out to stay on board
the Cole as it journeys back to the United States, enabling the
entire Cole crew to come home, Pentagon officials said Wednesday.
Some U.S. engineers and other technical experts also were on
board to assess the damage.

For two weeks after the bombing, the Cole crew remained aboard,
keeping the crippled ship stable in Aden harbor, recovering
bodies and preparing it for the journey back to the United

The Cole is not expected back until early December.  It most
likely will return to Norfolk, but the Navy said no final
decision had been made.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

[CTRL] NT: Were anti-terrorist guidelines followed?

2000-11-01 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Navy Times
Published: 11/06/2000
Category: Newslines Page: 8

Were anti-terrorist guidelines followed?

Congress raises questions about Cole, port security

By David Brown |and Vince Crawley

With investigators and the media daily turning up new details of
the attack on the destroyer Cole, Congress is bearing down on
military leadership for answers about whether ship and harbor
officials followed official anti-terrorism guidelines.

Since terrorists steered a bomb-laden boat into the warship on
Oct. 12, killing 17 sailors, Navy leaders have insisted little
could have been done to prevent the tragedy in the Port of Aden,

Leaders initially said the attack boat blended in with official
harbor craft helping tie the Cole to buoys as the ship prepared
to refuel at a mid-harbor platform at 12:15 p.m.

But eight days following the explosion, the Navy revised its
attack time line after Navy Times quoted a source associated with
the port who said the ship was fully moored for nearly an hour
and was taking on fuel when the attack occurred at 11:18 a.m.

Navy officials confirmed the inaccuracies of their initial
reports, saying the discrepancies resulted from confusion and
miscommunication in the minutes and hours following the attack.

That still leaves much to be explained, the chairman of the
Senate Armed Services Committee said during daylong Capitol Hill
hearings Oct.  25.

“This revised time line raises a series of further questions
about the force-protection procedures in place that day, both by
the USS Cole and the host country,” said Sen.  John Warner, R-Va.

Walter Slocombe, undersecretary of defense for policy, told
Warner that officials did not clear up details of the attack
after initial reports because they didn’t want to question crew
members while they were fighting to save the ship.

Army Gen.  Tommy Franks, commander of military forces in the
Middle East, was aboard the Cole 72 hours after the attack and
took part of the blame for allowing the erroneous attack time
line information to persist.

“I’ll just be very honest with you,” Franks told lawmakers.
“Given the efforts that were ongoing by the skipper and that crew
to save that ship, I didn’t ask.”

Warner and other senators said the credibility of top military
officials had been called into question by allowing the time line
mistake to go unnoticed for more than a week.

“Quite frankly, the terrorists knew, but we didn’t,” Sen.  Pat
Roberts, R-Kan., said.

Warner noted that one of the crewmen phoned home and told his
parents that the time line reported on television was in error.
The parents then informed a former secretary of defense, who
informed Warner.

Warner also noted that the Navy’s Fifth Fleet headquarters in
Bahrain issued a message within a couple hours after the attack
saying the explosion took place while the Cole was refueling.

The discrepancy — an attack while mooring vs.  an attack when
already moored — is significant.  Odds are greater that the
attack boat would have stood out after mooring, when other small
boats had left the area, and raised the suspicions of Cole crew
members and harbor authorities.

Scenarios covered under anti-terrorist tactics published by the
Pentagon specifically warn ship crews about the kind of
small-boat attack that occurred.

“Water taxis, ferries, bum boats and other harbor craft require
special concern because they can serve as an ideal platform for
terrorists,” warns a Pentagon document called “Joint Tactics,
Techniques and Procedures for Antiterrorism.” The document was
published in March 1998 by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in part as
a response to the 1996 truck-bomb attack in Saudi Arabia that
killed 19 airmen at Khobar Towers.

“Unauthorized craft should be kept away from the ship; authorized
craft should be carefully controlled, surveilled and covered,”
the document warns.

The publication lists more than 100 measures that U.S.  forces
must take at various levels of alert, known as threat conditions,
or ThreatCons. The guidance about small craft was listed as
Measure 16, to be taken under ThreatCon Alpha.  The Cole entered
the port at ThreatCon Bravo, one level higher than Alpha.

Navy and Defense officials have refused to discuss specific
security measures the Cole undertook before the attack.

Under ThreatCon Bravo, the ship was directed to follow 35
measures in addition to ThreatCon Alpha measures.  Bravo measures
included outfitting some topside sailors with weapons, manning
fire hoses, watching for approaching boats and preparing a team
to go on picket-boat patrol.

Some Cole sailors reportedly exchanged friendly waves with two
men in a small boat moving along the port side that then veered
in close to the ship and set off the explosion.  One sailor said
he believed the men were there to pick up the ship’s garbage.

A retired senior military officer familiar with port operations
in Aden said boats with Yemeni sailors armed with AK-47 assault
rifles patrolled 

[CTRL] Passion for Dragons Fires Baby Boom

2000-11-01 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Passion for Dragons Fires Baby Boom

Updated 8:26 AM ET November 1, 2000

HANOI (Reuters) - A rush to reproduce in the auspicious Year of the
Dragon has caused a sharp increase in the number of babies born in
Vietnam this year.

The National Committee for Population and Family Planning said 583,622
babies were born in the first seven months and Wednesday's Saigon
Times Daily said this was a 12.1 percent increase over the same period
last year.

A committee official attributed the surge in births to a desire to have
children born in the Year of the Dragon and in what Vietnam considers last
year of the 20th century.

"This is certainly affecting our family planning work," he added.

Vietnam has a population of around 79 million people which the United
Nations estimates is growing at about 1.7 percent a year.

Vietnam's growing population has long been a source of concern and since
1993 the government has attempted to limit families to a maximum of two

In Vietnam's Chinese-based 12-year-cycle lunar calendar, birth years are
named after animals ranging from rats to tigers.

The dragon, the only mythical creature in the collection, is a royal symbol
and considered especially auspicious. People born in this year are
expected to have better leadership qualities and luck in business and
family life.

To qualify as little dragons, babies must be born between February 5, 2000
and January 24, 2001.

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[CTRL] NY Times on the Race

2000-11-01 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-

From www.wsws.org
WSWS : News  Analysis : North America : US Elections
The New York Times and the 2000 elections: a contorted attempt to legitimize the two-
party monopoly
By David Walsh
1 November 2000
Back to screen version
On October 29 the New York Times endorsed Democratic candidate Al Gore for
president. This comes as no great surprise. The Times editors had made it clear in
recent weeks that they favored the vice president. Their editorial attack on Green
Party candidate Ralph Nader on October 26 [ see “What accounts for the anti-Nader
hysteria of the New York Times?” http://www.wsws.org/articles/2000/oct2000/nyt-
o27.shtml] amounted to a Gore endorsement.

In their editorial supporting Gore, the Times editors write that the Democratic and
Republican candidates “have delivered a clean, well-argued campaign that offers a
choice between two sharply contrasting visions of the future.” This has been the
line of the newspaper throughout the election campaign: that there are stark
differences between Gore and Bush, both of whom are conducting a substantive
contest. As soon as the primary results were known in March, the Times went into
print asserting that the voters could expect a fierce and captivating race.

The Times' glowing portrait of the 2000 campaign reeks with cynicism. It speaks to
the dishonesty of the editors, their insularity and their contempt for the American
people. Many indicators points to widespread apathy, disgust and alienation within
the electorate. The Times' own reporters have noted these trends on occasion.
The newspaper's consistent effort to sanitize George W. Bush is especially
significant. Even as the editors endorse his opponent, they praise the Texas
governor as “the most moderate Republican nominee in a generation.” They
congratulate him for “running a largely positive, inclusive campaign” and not
playing “on divisive themes as his father did in 1992.”

The Times chooses not to mention that Bush is the leader of a party that was engaged
for an entire year in an attempt, via the impeachment effort spearheaded by
Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr, to remove a twice-elected president by means of
conspiracy, frame-up and media witch-hunting. The Times played a critical role in
legitimizing this deeply reactionary campaign.

Even from the standpoint of American bourgeois politics, Bush is an individual
entirely lacking in the political qualifications traditionally deemed necessary for
the presidency. Behind him, although they have been kept out of the limelight for
the entire election year, stand the Congressional Republicans and the rest of the
crowd that organized the impeachment drive. With Bush in power, they will be back in
business, along with the Christian fundamentalists, the National Rifle Association
and other sinister political forces. The New York Times knows all this, but the
editors choose not to explain it to the American people.

They cannot find it within themselves to use the phrase “right-wing” in their
October 29 editorial; the best they can come up with to characterize the Bush
campaign is “conservative” and “ideologically driven.”

In legitimizing Bush, the Times is legitimizing the ultra-right, fascistic elements
in his camp who would exert enormous influence over a Republican administration. The
newspaper played the same role during the impeachment crisis, concealing the anti-
democratic character of the forces mobilized behind what was in essence an attempted
coup d'état. The newspaper's politically sordid role in the impeachment plot is
mirrored in its coverage of the 2000 election campaign.

In its attitude toward Bush, the Times echoes that of the Democrats themselves, who
treat the Texas governor in the most respectful and conciliatory manner and refuse
to expose his real agenda. There is no mention by the Gore camp of impeachment, no
mention of the hated former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich, no mention of
the “Republican Revolution.” A public airing of such matters would arouse social
issues and social passions that Gore is as anxious to suppress as Bush.

Significantly, the Times gives as one of its first reasons for backing the vice
president the fact that he “has struggled impressively and successfully to escape
the shadow of the Clinton administration's ethical lapses...” In other words, Gore
has given his blessing retroactively to the Starr investigation, through his choice
of Senator Joseph Lieberman as his running mate, his repudiation of Clinton
throughout the campaign and his overall attitude to the Monica Lewinsky scandal. It
is telling that the editors first find cause to endorse the Democratic candidate
over an issue on which he has solidarized himself with the Republican right.
A point-by-point examination of the Times' rationale for giving the nod to Gore
underscores the generally reactionary character of the vice president's campaign.
The Times praises Gore for having “helped stiffen Mr. Clinton's resolve 

[CTRL] (Fwd) Release: Marijuana Arrests

2000-11-01 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Wed, 1 Nov 2000 13:09:28 -0500 (EST)
Subject:Release: Marijuana Arrests
From:   Libertarian Party Announcements [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100
Washington DC 20037
World Wide Web: http://www.LP.org
For release: October 31, 2000
For additional information:
George Getz, Press Secretary
Phone: (202) 333-0008 Ext. 222

Police arrest more people for marijuana
than murder, rape, and robbery combined

WASHINGTON, DC -- Police arrested more people last year on
marijuana charges than for all violent crimes combined, according to
new FBI figures -- a policy that endangers public safety by diverting
police resources, Libertarians charge.

"The War on Marijuana Smokers is good news for brutal street
thugs, but it's bad news for ordinary Americans," said Harry Browne,
the Libertarian Party's presidential candidate. "Why? Because police
are kept busy arresting non-violent pot smokers -- while our families,
friends, and neighbors fall prey to murderers, rapists, and robbers."

According to the new FBI Uniform Crime Report, police arrested
more people for non-violent marijuana offenses in 1999 than for murder,
rape, robbery, and aggravated assault -- combined.

In all, 704,812 Americans were arrested last year on marijuana-
related charges, while only 635,990 people were arrested for the crimes
of murder, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault.

"That means that in 704,812 instances last year, police spent
their time and your money arresting and booking marijuana smokers
instead of apprehending violent criminals," said Browne.

"So the next time you hear about a vicious murder in your
community, ask yourself: Could the police have prevented this crime if
they hadn't devoted uncounted millions of dollars and man-hours
arresting those 704,812 people on marijuana charges over the past

Of those arrested for marijuana offenses, 88% were charged with
mere possession, noted Browne, and approximately 60,000 Americans are
languishing in prison today on marijuana charges, according to the
Marijuana Policy Project.

"Make no mistake: People do get sent to jail in America for
simple marijuana possession," he said. "This is more proof that the War
on Drugs has created a revolving door prison system. In goes the pot
smoker; out comes the psychopathic killer, the kidnapper, or the child
molester released on early parole."

Federal figures also show that a total of 4,175,357 people have
been arrested on marijuana charges during the Clinton-Gore
administration, even though President Clinton admitted he smoked
marijuana "but didn't inhale" and Vice President Gore admits he smoked
marijuana in his twenties.

"Mr. Clinton and Mr. Gore, would you be better men today if you
had been thrown in jail for your youthful indiscretions?" asked Browne.
"If not, how can you possibly justify throwing your fellow Americans in
jail today for the same youthful indiscretions?"

Interestingly, the number of marijuana arrests is rising at the
same time public support for the Drug War is falling, said Browne.

"FBI statistics show that 22,000 more people were arrested on
marijuana charges in 1999 than in 1998," he said. "Yet marijuana-
related initiatives are approved nearly every time they're put to a
popular vote, and California's Proposition 36 -- which would eliminate
prison terms for all non-violent drug offenses -- appears headed to
victory as well.

"So while ordinary Americans see the futility of our current
drug policies, politicians remain addicted to the War on Drugs and
determined to arrest non-violent pot-smokers. That's why people who are
victimized by murderers, rapists, and robbers are actually victimized
twice: Once by street thugs, and once by the politicians who force
police to waste their time arresting harmless pot-smokers as real
criminals go free."

Version: 2.6.2


The Libertarian Partyhttp://www.lp.org/
2600 Virginia Ave. NW, Suite 100voice: 202-333-0008
Washington DC 20037   fax: 202-333-0072

[CTRL] Minus Ten for Al

2000-11-01 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-


Top Ten List from the Presidential Campaign Trail
Thomas L. Jipping
Nov. 1, 2000
Sometimes the real story of a campaign is in the small items, the things the
candidates don't mention, the details that almost get skipped.
Here's my top-10 list from the presidential campaign trail.

Number 10.  Al Gore questions whether George W. Bush is up to the job of
president because he has only been a governor.  Rewind the tape to 1976,
when the Democrats offered former Georgia governor Jimmy Carter to the
nation.  He even failed the "What's My Line" test.  And then there's former
Arkansas governor Bill Clinton...we won't go there.

Number 9.  The St. Louis Post-Dispatch says that Al Gore has a "smarmy
streak" and there are "lingering doubts about his ethics" the Washington
Post questioned Gore's "ability to inspire the country" and the Detroit
Free Press said that Gore has "exaggerated too much."  These papers endorsed

Number 8.  The Cleveland Plain Dealer, Seattle Times, Portland Oregonian,
St. Paul Pioneer Press, and Las Vegas Review-Journal have all endorsed
George W. Bush.  They all had previously endorsed Bill Clinton.

Number 7.  Clinton recently told the leftist group People for the American
Way that Americans should vote for Gore because of the judges he would
appoint.  Clinton-Gore judges have struck down teen curfews, ruled that
prisons must allow inmates to have porn but that drunks cannot be required
to attend AA, prohibited prayers before school board meetings, said the Boy
Scouts should be forced to have homosexual leaders, and struck down school
vouchers.  Does he mean those judges?

Number 6.  The Clinton-Gore Department of Education was so badly managed
that it was not even auditable in 1998.  Last year it was at least auditable
but failed the audit and is about to fail again. I guess that's what Gore
means by "reinventing" government.

Number 5.  Gore said he would not have a "litmus test" for judicial appointments.
But he also said that the "main issue is whether or not the
Roe v. Wade decision [legalizing abortion] is going to be overturned."
Maybe Clinton could help Gore define "litmus test" a little better.

Number 4.  Gore says that the federal government is smaller than when he
became vice president and that the military is the strongest it has ever
been.  Yet most of the reduction in government has come from the military,
Clinton-Gore's Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman has warned of readiness
problems, and even Democratic Senate incumbents like Virginia's Chuck Robb say the
military is "stretched too thin."  Maybe Clinton can help Gore
define "strongest" a little better.

Number 3.  The "Political Odds Maker" at Campaigns  Elections magazine says
Bush's odds of winning Texas are 50-to-1 while Gore's odds of winning
Tennessee are 20-to-19.

Number 2.  Gore says he will appoint judges who will breathe "deeper
meaning" into the law.  Clinton-Gore judges have ruled that students
expelled under a school's zero-tolerance weapons policy can sue the school,
side with criminal defendants more than twice as often as other judges, and
said a state law prohibiting state employees from accessing porn on state computers
is unconstitutional.  That's a lot of heavy breathing.

Number 1.  Joe Lieberman is troubled by toxic entertainment entering the
minds of children, "the most precious of God's creations," yet has no
problem with scissors and suction tubes entering the skulls of those
children during partial-birth abortions.

Thomas L. Jipping, J.D., is Director of the Free Congress Foundation's
Center for Law  Democracy.
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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily