[CTRL] FC: IRS undercover agents can break laws, pose as priests, reporters (fwd)

2001-08-08 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Rules for undercover IRS agents pretending to be reporters:

"Group I approval is required for any operation which involves a
reasonable expectation of one or more of the following factors... The
undercover operation will involve an investigation of possible corrupt
action by a public official, a political candidate, the activities of
a foreign government, the activities of a religious or political
organization, or the activities of the news media... An undercover
employee or cooperating private individual may pose as an attorney,
physician, clergyman, or member of the news media. For example, an
agent may pose as an attorney in a setting where he or she purports to
represent some other identified par perform professional services
associated with these cover occupations or assume such a cover
occupation for developing a privileged relationship... A request for
information will be made by an undercover employee or cooperating
private individual to a member of the news media concerning any
individual with whom the newsperson is known to have a professional or
confidential relationship... Trained undercover and contact agents
should be provided sufficient time and funds to acquire cover
documentation in anticipation of specific assignments
Violations of criminal statutes by Service personnel are
prohibited. However, under certain circumstances, investigative
techniques used by special agents in the performance of their official
duties which would appear to violate a state or local statute or the
Code of Conduct, do not actually constitute a violation..."

In the trial of cypherpunk Jim Bell, we learned a Treasury Department
undercover agent infiltrated a political party (the Libertarian Party
of Washington state) and took place in other political activities:


- Forwarded message from John Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: John Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: IRS Criminal Investigation Handbook
Date: Tue, 07 Aug 2001 19:56:40 -0700

The IRS Criminal Investigation Handbook describes in 95
chapters the procedures for investigation of crime, preparing
for trial and a host of other activities including undercover
operations and surveillance:


The handbook aptly describes the variety of methodologies
used in the Bell and Parker cases, in particular covert methods
used to induce criminal actions for entrapment, as well as
massaging trial testimony of witnesses and agents.

The chapter on Undercover Operations provides for covertly
attending client-attorney sessions; posing as an attorney,
physician, clergyman, or member of the news media;
obtaining through false pretense privileged information from
attorneys, physicians, clergy and news media; giving false
testimony; putting innocent parties at risk of physical
violence; carrying out criminal actions; and earn income
to offset cost of the operations ("churning"):


The chapter on Surveillance and Non-consensual Monitoring

"It is important to distinguish between investigative techniques
used in surveillance activities and certain undercover operations.

The following characteristics apply to surveillance:

  The purpose is to observe ongoing activities and individuals.

  Interaction with subjects and third parties is usually not initiated.

  Conversations are incidental to the surveillance.

  Conversations are not monitored or recorded, except as set forth in

  The special agent has limited cover, used to protect the integrity of
  the surveillance.

  Local special agents are used.

  Special agents need not be trained in undercover techniques.

Initiated surveillance activity bears little resemblance to an undercover
operation. The following situations indicate the surveillance activity
evolved into an undercover operation:

  The activity continues for an extended period, and begins to focus
  on certain individuals.

  Reliance on cover identities increase.

  Contacts with targets and other individuals are more in-depth.

  Agents become participants rather than observers of the activities
  of interest.

The following characteristics apply to undercover operations:

  The purpose is to initiate or participate in activities with identified

  Interaction with subjects and third parties is sought.

  Undercover agents or other authorized individuals initiate and
  direct conversations to further the objectives of the operation.

  Conversations may be monitored and recorded.

  The undercover agent has a documented cover. This cover is
  used as a basis for contacts with targets or witnesses."


- End forwarded message -

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Re: [CTRL] Feds- Spy Tool Is A Secret

2001-08-08 Thread Theodor Parada, MD

-Caveat Lector-

It's all available, check out this sight:

On 8 Aug 2001, at 19:27, tenebroust wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-
> I heard of something like this before, maybe the same thing, it was called an 
>infinity transmitter which would send information out even if the phone was off or no 
>line was being used.

Theodor S. Parada, MD
PGP Key ID 0x537C4815

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot
survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for
he is known and carries his banner openly, but the traitor moves amongst
those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the
alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor
appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he
wears their face and their garments, he appeals to the baseness that lies
deep in the heart's of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works
secretly and unknownest in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he
infects the body politic, so that, it can no longer resist. A murderer is
less to fear. The traitor is the plague."
Marcus Tullius Cicero 48 BC

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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2001-08-08 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

This is a very grapgic post from RuMills.  I have no way of
verifying it and I neither endorse nor reject its content. If true,
Africa is sinking into deeper and deeper chaos.
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I am forwarding herewith an email from ZIMBABWEAN FARMER CATHY
(author of book "African Tears" ) (see:
http://www.censorbugbear.com ,
who writes the following in her weekly update about the situation

click below for the Zimbabwe page)


a) She reports contents of a torture report released by the
Human Rights Forum;

b) and about the desperate condition in which Zimbabwe now finds
as she describes it: "The 'war veterans. who are still beating,
raping and torturing Zimbabweans have led us to the edge of

Torture by fire:

This week's diary, which Cathy Buckle (who with her entire family
had been an ardent supporter of Mugabe's freedom struggle, but now
is in
hiding in Harare after publishing her book), distributes to friends
well as to the Censorbugbear web publication each week, and is
headlined: "Burning plastic" .

"Burning plastic" is one of the torture practices described by the
Zimbabwe Human Rights Forum as being carried out by the Mugabe
stooges -- namely to wrap their victims in plastic and torturing
by setting fire to the plastic, or dripping burning plastic on

Coincidentally, this "burning plastic torture" just happens to also
one of the most prevalent torture practices most frequently seen
the more than 6,000 attacks against commercial farmers in
South Africa during the ANC regime's rule.

Many of the victims of these South African attacks had also been
tortured by fire: by burning them with electric appliance, by a
iron or with hot ashes, but most especially by wrapping them in
bags and setting fire to these.

The latest South African victim of such a "burning torture" had
recorded by the police only last weekend during the attack on the
Grange farm in South Africa, where one of the three female victims
other had been a four-year-old girl) had been tortured with a
iron. In fact the victim, who survived her ordeal, even displayed
torture marks in the news photograph taken with her little
granddaughter on the http://www.censorbugbear.com/ site. (Click on
front page
link to "pictures of farm murders") to see the picture, published
"Beeld" newspaper, of Mrs Le Grange and her grandchild.).

Of course the South African office of the UN Human Rights
when confronted with the torture of this little four-year-old farm
this week in an email from Gerhard Erasmus, a South African living
Bern, Switserland (who can confirm this: tel (41) 1865-4523),
replied in
their email to him that he should:

(a) learn how to spell
(b) stop whining and

The breathtaking callousness of such a reply, -- especially coming
by email sent by the UN's Human Rights Commission in Pretoria --
brings home the reality that no Afrikaners can expect any mercy in
either South Africa nor Zimbabwe. May I point out that close to
4-million Afrikaners still live in three Southern African
namely Zimbabwe, Namibia and South Africa -- and that they as an
minority are clearly greatly endangered by the possibility of an
cleansing campaign. In fact one of their own parliamentary leaders,
Pieter Mulder of the Freedom Party, sounded this warning two weeks
when he handed a petition to the UN's Human Rights Commissioner in
Pretoria. The same office which a week later sent that email to Mr.
Erasmus, that's right, the one which said that he should stop
and that concluded with: "You people have had it good for too

The fact that Afrikaners' human rights are being constantly
upon throughout the Southern African region, is is fact is being
underlined by the unfortunate Zimbabwean farmer Philip
Bezuidenhout --
who was accused by the Mugabe regime of murdering a farm invader on
farm, whose entire family was targeted by Mugabe's thugs, and who
protested in the news media that the killed man -- (a 31-year-old
accountant with a home in Harare who had nevertheless staked out a
as a "poor landless war veteran"on Bezuidenhout's farm Tara) -- had
been the victim of a highly unfortunate traffic accident, that he
never intended to run him down, but had simply not seen him because
vision had been blocked by a large fuel truck.

Bezuidenhout --

[CTRL] NM: Lawyer: Secret Evidence Will Tie Condit to Chandra's Disappearance

2001-08-08 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

I wonder if the watch box was the only thing Condit threw away
before being observed.  He could have been stuffing things in trash
cans all over Virginia.  I know AheadNews is a tabloid of sorts but
they have an article that it was not just a watch from yet another
former girlfriend but one that he passed on as a gift to Chandra.
Is there no limit to the depths of lack of class of this man?
Well, maybe that is not true but it also said Chandra was seen
wearing proudly the men's Tag Hauer watch to work and all around.

I guess that would explain why he wanted to get rid of the box.
Any wherever she is, maybe he was concerned because it is still on
her wrist.

So beware of men bearing strange and inappropriate gifts???  That
is spooky.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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[CTRL] Vatican speaks out against Holocaust

2001-08-08 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Well, J2, if the complaint is the beatification of Pius, then they
should say so instead of claiming that this Pope is hiding things.
Please keep in mind that JPII IS POLISH himself and see the link
below about how EVERY Polish Catholic Priest along with 3 million
other Poles were sent to Death Camps.  See link below for info on
Poles sent to death camps.

And yes, you do so know one Catholic that knows this. And I know
many others. We are talking about millions of people here and there
are some Jewish people also implicated in various things, too.  It
is all very complex.

 And a Catholic is automatically excommunicated if they do certain
things.  No one has to tell them and no formal declaration is
required unless they protest it.  I have never checked specifically
but believe mass murder of millions might be listed above something
like, say, divorce.  I do not, nor do you, know the details of who
did what and why and so do not care to speculate on who gave what
and did what.  I find a Polish Pope highly unlikely to be hiding
things to protect the Nazis.  Maybe he has access to things that
exonerate Pius or explain some of his actions.  But I think it is a
dreadful thing to accuse a Polish Pope of somehow being implicated
in or condoning the Holocaust.

But by your own rules of Jews only caring about other Jews, ditto
Gypsies, etc. then Catholics should not be helping the Jews at all
in any way.  That, fortunately, is not how most people feel.  I am
as outraged about the death of Jewish people and Gypsies as I am
about Catholics.

So by your standards, if they wanna see the papers, they oughta be
nice to the Pope for why should he even care about the Jewish
people who died.  I think he does, however, did not expect to be

Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 9:22 PM
Subject: BURNING QUESTIONS, a documentary about an American woman
retracingher Polish Catholic father's s

Amelia wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> No, J2, they were NOT all Poles and Slavs.  But then no one
> except the Jews who were killed, at least not for much to some.
> And that may be YOUR 'real' question but it does not address what
> is being done right NOW concerning this DEMAND for records and
> CURRENT smear campaign.  Are you stating that this is justified
> some sort of vengeance?  Then why was this undertaken with the
> Vatican in the first place?
> I have read everything that you have stated many times before but
> not even YOUR stating it makes me 'know' it.


I can prove everything I stated. But I don't want to deal with this
right now
because there are more important things happening.

> I do think there is
> some truth in what you say happened but as for your wild
> accusations that Hitler was a Catholic, etc. that is your opinion
> only and really not possible.  He may have been reared a Catholic
> but that does not mean me was one until his death for there are
> conditions involved which you choose to ignore.

He often bragged about his Catholic upbringing and how much it
his greatness.

> I believe mass
> killings would be sufficient to get one excommunicated.

But he WASN'T excommunicated was he? Ever. How come?

> That means
> one is no longer a Catholic, doesn't it? I also do not think
> was under the control of the Pope at the time, either.

Hitler was never under the control of the Pope. No one said he was.

> Are you
> suggesting that he was? Or that the Pope had powers grater than
> the Allied forces?

The Pope contributed Vatican moneys to Hitler and the Nazi Party.
are the records the Vatican doesn't want anyone to see. Among

> That he could have some how stopped it all but
> refused because he was 'in on it' and approved?   As for your
> 'revenge' philosophy, remember not all religions are centered
> around that principle. It is well known that the Vatican was
> involved in various people escaping Germany after WWII.  What is
> hide?

It is NOT well known. I don't know any Catholics who are aware of

> Is this information the REAL reason for the Jewish
> participation in this project?  To find out any details on what
> have been done to any Jews and Jews only?

I don't know. But even if that's true, so what?

> Your comments demonstrate perfectly the one-sided perception of
> problem.  It was to have been a JOINT effort directed at the
> committed against BOTH Catholics and Jews and others.  Nothing
> being 'hidden' and I think, unlike you, that the deaths of
> Catholics and many others were just as much a crime as the deaths
> of Jews.

Of course it is. No one says differently. Jews are interested in
Jewish part of this history. Gypsies are interested in the Gypsy
of this history. Serbs are interested in the Serbian parts of this
This doesn't mean that the rest don't count.

> The Vatican does not have to share anythi

[CTRL] God Forsaken in U.S. Senate

2001-08-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Free Congress Foundation's
Notable News Now
August 8, 2001

The Free Congress Commentary
God Forsaken in U.S. Senate
by Paul M. Weyrich

Senator Jeff Sessions, Republican of Alabama, discovered that after
Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont took over the Chairmanship of
the Senate Judiciary Committee from Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah, he had
dropped the phrase "so help me God" from the oath taken when swearing in
witnesses.  Sessions made an issue of this at a meeting of the Judiciary
Committee last week and Leahy said he would return the phrase "so help me
God" to oaths, a phrase which was added to the government oath by President
George Washington.

Leahy dismissed the controversy as a mistake, due to his short tenure as
Chairman of the Committee, but Sessions doubts that. At the beginning of
this year, before Dick Cheney was sworn in as Vice-President, the Democrats
controlled the Senate, and conducted hearings.  For example, it was the
Democrats who held hearings on the nomination of John Ashcroft to be
Attorney General.  Sessions went back and examined the records of that brief
period, and sure enough, there was no "so help me God" when the Democrats
were in charge.  Obviously, the dropping of the phrase was no accident, but
quite intentional.

This is not a surprise if you are familiar with the results of some survey
research that the Democrats had done for them for the 1996 presidential
election.  That research indicated that there is 19% of the electorate who
are either non-believers, atheists, or against the profession of religion in
the political process. Those voters, although liberal, were not necessarily
wedded to the Democratic Party in 1996. That was because Bill Clinton, the
Democratic standard bearer that year, invoked the name of God at least as
often as the Republicans.

Thereafter, some Democratic campaign staffers crafted a strategy aimed at
getting that vote squarely in the Democratic camp. One of the ideas
suggested was an attack on all uses of God in the governing process. This
group wanted to go after the "In God We Trust" on the currency, abolish the
office of Chaplain for the House and Senate, and get rid of references to
God in various public buildings. Most Democratic Party operatives rejected
an overt assault on God, fearing that would alienate Middle American voters
who had returned to the Democrats under Clinton.  Whatever the reality,
Clinton was regarded by most of the country as a middle-of-the-road

But these operatives reasoned that a quiet abolition of references to God
could be done without calling attention to the initiative. The Judiciary
Committee's move on the oath fits nicely into that strategy. Unfortunately
for Leahy and the agnostic faction of the Democratic Party, Senator Sessions
blew the whistle. And Leahy, a nominal Catholic, caved without a fight.
Perhaps he told those Democratic strategists that he would go along with
their idea unless it became an issue in which case, he didn't want to be
caught defending the dismissal of God from his Committee.

Watch for other indications of this strategy being implemented. Some public
buildings are being renovated under contracts that were implemented during
the Clinton era. Some religious historians have already charged that overt
references to God and Christianity and religion in general are being

Ronald Reagan used to remind us that we shouldn't ever presume that God is
on our side on various issues but we should rather worry whether we are on
God's side as we go forth in battle. That is something the Democrats might
want to keep in mind as they try to implement this highly questionable

Paul M. Weyrich is president of the Free Congress Foundation.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

Want to be on our lists?  Write at [EMAIL PROTECTED] for a menu of our lists!

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] AF News 9 Aug 01

2001-08-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

1081.  DOD balancing risks, missions

by Jim Garamone
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON (AFPN) -- The size of the U.S. military might not change much,
but the way it is configured and the missions it addresses will change,
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said Aug. 6.

Force sizing would be one aspect of the Quadrennial Defense Review that will
be released in September, he said. The military "may not be different in
numbers, but in how they are organized."

The threat-based strategy of the past is over, he said. For years the United
States organized forces to combat the Soviet Union.  Now Rumsfeld envisions
a force that is threat-based for the near term -- to address risks in
Southwest Asia and North Korea, for example -- and a combination of
threat-based and capabilities-based in the medium- and long-term.

Driving this effort is the current state of the Defense Department, he said.
The United States fields the best military in the world, but there are

"If I can come in here and look under every rock and find a
multibillion-dollar problem that has not been tended to, something is
wrong," Rumsfeld said.  "We've got to get it fixed.  It didn't get that
wrong in one year, and we're not going to get it fixed in one year, but
we've got to get it on the right path.

"We have to begin with the reality that we have had a strategy-resource
mismatch for the better part of a decade," he said.

When Rumsfeld arrived six months ago, he said, "I was told we do not have
forces, or the airlift or the various other assets to meet what we currently
say is our strategy and force-sizing construct."

The "construct" since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 has been for the
U.S. military to be able to fight and win two near-simultaneous major
regional contingencies.

Given this picture, Rumsfeld outlined some of the risks.

"We knew we had an operational risk because of our strategy-resource
shortfall," he said.  "We also see we have a risk to our force from decay
and from shrinkage and from age."

Infrastructure had not been repaired, aircraft were aging at unacceptable
rates, maintenance backlogs were soaring, and "the shipbuilding budget had
been put on a trajectory so that it was diving down to 230 ships," he said.

The situation risks people's lives and safety, and also their morale, he

"They're told they need to fly old airplanes, and they are not going to have
the maintenance parts to keep them in the air, and they are told they are
going to be working and living in infrastructure that's old and decrepit,"
Rumsfeld said.

The last risk is the future risk.  "The president says the 21st century is
different (from) the 20th century, and we ought to begin thinking about
transforming that force at a bit better rate," he said.  The military needs
information dominance and information interoperability and the means to
address the asymmetrical threats potential foes would most probably use.

The effects of all these risks on force structure are unclear, he said.  In
the QDR, civilian and military officials are assessing those risks and
looking for balance.

"We face risks we can't identify by country," Rumsfeld said.  "That's why we
need this capability-based strategy."  U.S. military planners can envision
the types of threats the United States may face.  The military must be
arranged to deal with and deter those threats "regardless of where they come
from," he said.

1078.  Thule begins cleanup after flood

by Staff Sgt. Gino Mattorano
21st Space Wing Public Affairs

THULE AIR BASE, Greenland (AFPN) -- Extensive cleanup operations began here,
following flooding Aug. 1 to 3 that disrupted the base water supply and
threatened operations here.

Heavy rains combined with melting polar ice wiped out roads and bridges and
threatened to overwhelm the base's utility services.

"The significant efforts of our military members and civilian contractors
have enabled us to restore all utilities and services to the base," said
Col. Craig Whitehead, 12th Space Warning Squadron commander.  "In addition,
we've maintained 100 percent of operational mission capability throughout
and we've had no report of injuries or accidents."

As a result of the flooding, any fuel lines that might have been affected
were drained and the fuel rerouted to prevent the possibility of an
environmental incident in the event they were damaged.

"Rerouting the fuel enabled us to support re-supply missions to Thule as
well as other Greenland and Canadian bases that use our airfield," Whitehead
said. "It's critical to bring in supplies at this time of the year to enable
us to maintain operations throughout the winter months."

While road and bridge repair have started, some of the work required
assistance from outside sources.  The 62nd Engineering Battalion, from Fort
Hood, Texas, and members of the 21st Civil Engineer Squadron, Peterson 

[CTRL] The Militarization of the Police Part 2

2001-08-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


One of the most interesting illustrations of the evolution of local police
forces toward "paramilitarization" is the success of Firearms Training
Systems, Inc. (FATS), which, since 1984, has specialized in customized
firearms training and psychological conditioning of police forces in the U.S.
and foreign military organizations, including the armies of Singapore and
Italy, the U.S. Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps, and the BATF, FBI, and

The military’s involvement in domestic law enforcement is subsumed under
doctrines entitled Operations Other Than War (OOTW) and Military Operations
in Urban Terrain (MOUT), along with divisions known as Military Support to
Law Enforcement Agencies (MSLEA) and Military Support to Civil Authorities
(MSCA) divisions. In addition, there is much overlap within current U.S.
military doctrine and planning for domestic "civil disturbance." For example,
a 1994 DoD directive states that "military resources may be employed in
support of civilian law enforcement operations in the 50 States, the District
of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the U.S. territories and
possessions only in the parameters of the Constitution and laws of the United
States and the authority of the President and the Secretary of Defense,
including delegations of that authority through this Directive or other

A recent scholarly journal notes:

The military and the police comprise the state’s primary use-of-force
entities, the foundation of its coercive power. A close ideological and
operational alliance between these two entities in handling domestic social
problems usually is associated with repressive governments. Although such an
alliance is not normally associated with countries like the United States,
reacting to certain social problems by blurring the distinction between the
military and the police may be a key feature of the post-cold war United
States. With the threat of communism no longer a national preoccupation,
crime has become a more inviting target for state activity, both
internationally and in the United States.(27)

Nearly half of the hundreds of para-military police units in the U.S. have
"trained with active duty military experts in special operations,"(28) while
another 30 percent trained with "police officers with special operations
experience in the military."(29) A "special operations" trainer had this to
say: "We’ve had special forces folks who have come right out of the jungles
of Central America. These guys get into the real shit. All branches of
military service are involved in providing training to law enforcement."(30)
In New York City, ground zero for the "quality of life" police crackdown,
these units target "disorderly" areas, in other words, poor communities of
color involved in a war for survival.

Simulated Paramilitary Policing

"You’ve got him in your sights. Drawing a gun, he turns, you fire. A life and
death situation? Not if it’s a simulation system from Firearms Training
Systems (FATS) FATS is the leading worldwide producer of interactive
simulation systems designed to provide training in the handling and use of
small and supporting arms."(31)

In 1985 FATS developed its first video simulation system for police and
military application. Since that time they have sold more than 2,200 systems
in over 30 countries. FATS simulation systems, according to its manufacturer,
"enable users in law enforcement agencies and the military the ability to
train in highly realistic scenarios through the integration of video and
digitalized projected imagery and modified, laser emitting firearms that
retain the fit, function and feel of the original weapon The FATS
simulator evaluates each officer on a series of judgment, accuracy and
reaction time exercises Using video or computer images projected onto a
screen, the simulator’s easy to use menu guides the user through a series of
training exercises, which include appropriate use of deadly force."(32)

The company believes that it "has been an integral training tool for federal,
state and local enforcement agencies honing their judgment skill in
shoot/don’t shoot situations." And should these "shoot situations" generate
public controversy, "FATS systems used by law enforcement agencies are a
viable defense tool against liability lawsuits relating to alleged uses of
excessive force. The reason: officers training on FATS systems receive the
most realistic training available to law enforcement personnel."(33)

The President and CEO of FATS is Peter A. Marino, who was formerly the
Director of the Office of Technical Services of the Central Intelligence

Military Counterparts

In order to improve the realism and increase the effectiveness of Special
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[CTRL] The Militarization of the Police Part 1

2001-08-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The Militarization of the Police
By Frank Morales Spring-Summer 1999 # 67

In the early morning of February 5, 1999, Amadou Diallo, 22, was killed in a
hail of bullets in the vestibule of his apartment in the Bronx. He was shot
by four white officers of the New York City Police Department’s plainclothes
Street Crime Unit, who later claimed they were searching for a suspect in the
vicinity, and they feared Diallo had a weapon. He did not. Diallo, who had
come to New York from Guinea two years before, was struck by 19 of the 41
shots fired at him and died on the way to the hospital.

Within two days of the shooting, a thousand people gathered in front of his
apartment house, the first of a stream of protest gatherings. After nearly
two months of demonstrations, including the arrest of 1,166 people in nearly
daily incidents of civil disobedience in front of police headquarters at One
Police Plaza, the officers were all indicted by a Bronx Grand Jury on charges
including a count of second degree murder, which alleges that the officers
intended to kill Mr. Diallo. If convicted, they could face 25 years to life.

Other investigations of the shooting have begun, including a federal Justice
Department civil rights inquiry involving the Street Crime Unit. In the
aftermath of Diallo killing, the Unit has come under vigorous media scrutiny.
Reports have documented the Street Crime Unit’s violations of the rights of
innocent, mostly non-white, people, particularly by unjustified searches.
While the press covered the protests,(1) most media voices, generally
friendly to the administration, have supported the Mayor’s "right or wrong"
defense of the police, stressing the overall drop in crime along with a
purported decrease in police shootings. These reports concede merely an
over-reaction, and justify the shooting, despite the 41 shots. The
implication is that "aggressive policing" is a price worth paying for a
better "quality of life." But is it? A number of reports confirm that across
America police killings are up. In 1990, 62 people died at the hands of the
police, while in the first nine months of 1998 the number had grown to 205,
an annual increase of more than 230 percent.(2)

Police Killings on the Rise

There is little record-keeping of police homicides, like the nameless graves
at Potters Field. According to Amnesty International, "since 1994, the
federal government has been legally required to collect national data on
police use of excessive force, but Congress has failed to provide the funding
necessary for it to do so Disturbingly, there are no accurate, national
data on the number of people fatally shot or injured by police officers."(3)
Those who insist that police killings have decreased over the last twenty
years rely upon Deadly Force: What We Know, a 1992 publication of the Police
Executive Research Foundation, which is not only biased, but sorely out of
date. In fact, Amnesty International reports that after a low of 14 police
killings in 1987, "the number of police shootings in NYC started to rise
again from the late 1980s onward, a trend seen also in some other major
cities. In 1990, 41 civilians were shot dead by NYC police officers, the
highest number since the mid-1970s." There has been no letup since then.
Amnesty also noted that "a disproportionate number of people shot in
apparently non-threatening or questionable circumstances in New York City are
racial minorities."(4) Concurrently, since 1980, there has been a 500 percent
growth in the activities of police paramilitary SWAT-type units across the

The Commandos of the NYPD

What some laud as aggressive police work, and others call police brutality,
has become a major political issue, not only in New York City, where it is
threatening to undo Mayor Giuliani’s bid for higher office. What both critics
and defenders of the police fail to probe is the background of the Street
Crime Unit. Is it a peculiarly New York City phenomenon, or is it typical of
urban policing nationwide? The Street Crime Unit has operational, political,
and ideological roots that need to be understood if all the pious talk about
better police-community relations is to have any meaning. The concepts of
"aggressive policing" and "quality of life," and the relationship between
them, must be subjected to a more probing analysis than it has received.

Members of the NYPD’s Street Crime Unit are known as "the commandos of the
NYPD."(6) In existence since 1971, the unit has undergone a 300 percent
build-up since 1997. Former NYC Police Commissioner William Bratton
encouraged the men to "become far more aggressive."(7) Currently made up of
roughly 400 mostly white officers, this unit, along with the 7,000 strong
Narcotics Unit, represent the front line in Mayor Giuliani’s "quality of
life" c

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Vatican Offiial Accuse Jews Of Slander : SayGroups Likethe ADL Are Eng...

2001-08-08 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

"Damian B. Cooper" wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> At 06:39 PM 8/8/01 -0400, William Shannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  wrote:
> - - - snip - - -
> >
> >Libertarian Socialist News
> >Post Office Box 12244
> >Silver Spring, MD 20908
> >
> Hello?  What?  Libertarian Socialist?
> What on earth is a Libertarian Socialist?
> I've always thought that a Libertarian was the diametric opposite
> of a Socialist.   Would someone please straighten these people out.

You appear to know about as much of politics as you do the New Testament.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Australia & Irangate

2001-08-08 Thread tenebroust

-Caveat Lector-

Australia has been a key player in the Iran, Iraq (gate) business that has taken place 
in this country, as well as BCCI, just look at the Nugan Hand bank and tell me people 
in Australia weren't involved in the whole deal.

On Wed, 08 August 2001, William Shannon wrote:

> HREF="http://www.thewest.com.au/20010808/news/state/tw-news-state-home-sto19238.html";>http://www.thewest.com.au/20010808/news/state/tw-news-state-home-sto19238.html
> Cash for guns - Beazley denies spy's claims
> By Anne Burns
> A SECRET agent's claims that Labor got an $8.5 million pay-off for the Hawke
> government's role in illegal arms dealing with Iran is set to be probed by a
> parliamentary inquiry.
> The claims are a potential time bomb for Labor leader Kim Beazley in the
> lead-up to the Federal election.
> Australian Democrats Senator Andrew Murray, a member of the joint standing
> committee inquiry into electoral funding, said the committee had to look into
> the allegation. The committee is chaired by Liberal Senator Chris Pyne and
> dominated by Liberals and Australian Democrats.
> If it agrees to a probe, allegations which implicate former prime minister
> Bob Hawke, failed tycoons Alan Bond and Yosse Goldberg and WA Labor's 1980s
> fundraising record will come under the spotlight.
> Senator Murray has called for political donations from foreigners to be
> banned because they cannot be monitored.
> Mr Beazley was the Hawke government defence minister when US-backed arms for
> Iran were allegedly shipped through Fremantle and stored at WA defence
> facilities.
> Brisbane-based investigative journalist Marshall Wilson's submission to the
> committee, which was tabled in Federal Parliament yesterday, said the
> allegation that the Labor Party accepted a big donation, either in return for
> or in appreciation of participation by the Australian government in illegal
> arms trading, had never been thoroughly investigated.
> The claims were made by ex-Israeli Mossad agent Ari Ben-Menashe, whose
> application for political asylum in Australia was rejected by the Labor
> government in 1992.
> Mr Ben-Menashe, an Israeli military intelligence agent for 10 years until
> 1989, gave evidence about illegal arms dealing with Iran and Iraq to the US
> Congressional inquiry into the Iran-Contra affair.
> He has alleged that the WA Labor Party's discredited fundraising arm, the
> Curtin Foundation, got $8.5 million from a CIA-linked company in 1987 as a
> reward for Labor government complicity in Iran arms shipments.
> He claims Mr Hawke was aware of the arms shipments and the payment - a claim
> Mr Hawke denies - but then treasurer Paul Keating did not know. Mr
> Ben-Menashe says he is not aware if Mr Beazley knew. Mr Wilson said the
> allegations should be investigated by a royal commission if the committee did
> not take up the case.
> He said Prime Minister John Howard knew of the allegations because he had
> interviewed Mr Ben-Menashe when in opposition. Mr Howard was told that arms
> had been shipped through Fremantle for four months in 1987, including 4000
> American missiles and Vietnamese and North Korean artillery.
> Senator Chris Evans, WA ALP secretary at the time, and former premier Brian
> Burke dismissed the claims yesterday.
> A spokesman for Mr Beazley said the allegations were as bizarre as they were
> untrue: "It's the sort of thing Jeffrey Archer might make up - and he's in
> jail." Mr Bond has described the allegation that he was the link man in a CIA
> pay-off to the John Curtin Foundation as absolute rubbish.

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.


Re: [CTRL] FBI Must Reveal Computer Snooping Technique

2001-08-08 Thread tenebroust

-Caveat Lector-

One hope the evidence collected will be thrown out since the search was indiscriminate 
and barred under the constitution, God forbid though it should go to the Supreme Court 
Lord only knows what they would rule on the subject considering their willy nilly al 
over the field rulings.

On Wed, 08 August 2001, radtimes wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-
> FBI Must Reveal Computer Snooping Technique -Judge
> Updated: Tue, Aug 07, 2001
> http://news.excite.com/news/r/010807/18/news-crime-surveillance-dc
> NEWARK, N.J. (Reuters) - A federal judge on Tuesday ordered the
> government to reveal the high-tech computer snooping technique used
> by the FBI to gather evidence against an alleged mobster.
> In a case that privacy advocates say smacks of Big Brother, U.S.
> District Judge Nicholas Politan ruled that the government must reveal
> the details of the computer monitoring system it used to gather
> evidence against Nicodemo Scarfo Jr., who is charged with running
> illegal gambling and loan-sharking operations for the Gambino crime
> family.
> Scarfo is the son of imprisoned mobster Nicodemo "Little Nicky"
> Scarfo.
> The case is believed to be the first in the nation in which federal
> agents installed a secret surveillance system in a personal computer
> system under search warrant, and the first to be tested in U.S.
> courts.
> The FBI recorded virtually every keystroke made on Scarfo's computer
> at his Belleville, New Jersey, business, including passwords, using a
> "key logger" device.
> Whether the system is hardware or software is unknown, prompting a
> motion by Scarfo's attorneys to reveal its makeup so they could have
> it analyzed and make a case to suppress the evidence it gathered.
> Politan ruled that in order to decide the lawfulness of the
> government surveillance, he must see a full report on how the device
> works, imposing an Aug. 31 deadline.
> "In this new age of rapidly evolving technology, the court cannot
> make a determination as to the lawfulness of the government's search
> ... without knowing specifically how the search was effectuated," he
> wrote.
> "This requires an understanding of how the key logger device
> functions. In most, if not all search and seizure cases, the court
> ... understands the particular method by which the search is
> executed. ... Because of the advanced technology used the court does
> not have the benefit of such an understanding."
> The government argued that revealing the workings of the system might
> jeopardize national security and endanger FBI personnel and those
> working with them.
> Politan gave the government 10 days to provide additional evidence as
> to why revealing the technology would endanger ongoing investigations
> and later national security operations.
> http://www.ctrl.org/";>www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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> directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Vidal casts McVeigh as a hero

2001-08-08 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

McVeigh used perfect grammar?   He ended a sentence with a preposition -
when we were little anyone who ended a sentence with a preposition was
an outcase for 30 minutes in a corner.

He ended a sentence with "with".
Such a crime - in my family it would have been worse than the fertilizer

No wonder I detest stuffed shirts like William Buckley who has mastered
the art of the Kings English and should receive Stuff Shirt of Year

Now Gore Videl and Buckley got into it one night and it was something to
behold for Buckley called Gore a "queer son-of-bitch" and  Gore you
could not anger, but he made some remarks about Buckley's kinky sex
habits but the next day it was reported this meeting between two
literary figures of considerable talent - well it was wasted talent,

Actually Gore Videl did not get anything we did not already know; it is,
however, going to be interesting when you consider this one reporter
saying "he was still breathing after he was pronounced dead".

Were there two McVeighs?  I am inclined to think, there very well could
have been, for look at McVeigh's chin which compares to Jay Leno.

And Waco - well what happened to McVeigh?   I really believe he thought
he was on a mission for an intelligence agency - but whose?

Sometimes I think it was a hit by John Gotti and remember, Lucky Luciana
had a US Destroyer sunk, laying on its side in a New Jersey Harbor, for
he wanted out..taught the navy a good lesson in the powers that be.


There were federal offices located in the World Trade Center..in the
basement on this bulding once was found the body of a dead contractor,
and the FBI believe John Gotti got him.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Feds- Spy Tool Is A Secret

2001-08-08 Thread tenebroust

-Caveat Lector-

That goes without saying, but it is not an excuse to be less than diligent in the 
rooting out of what we can.  Stating that it is so and then doing nothing and saying 
nothing is not the answer.  Sure it goes on that is why we must expose it and tlak 
about it in forums like this!!

On Wed, 08 August 2001, Jeanne S wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-
> They are already using it.  There is no privacy on the web.  They watch
> anyone they see as a threat.
> Jeanne
> - Original Message -
> From: "tenebroust" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 8:54 PM
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] Feds- Spy Tool Is A Secret
> > -Caveat Lector-
> >
> > This sounds like a very interesting case that is well worth keeping an eye
> on, since a keystroke interceptor would enable the Feds to bypass any type
> of firewall or encryption and if they can do it willy nilly then no one's
> data is secure.  Scary.
> >
> >
> >
> > On Tue, 07 August 2001, William Shannon wrote:
> >
> > >
> > >  FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0"> HREF="http://www.wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,45851,00.html";>http://www.wi
> red.com/news/politics/0,1283,45851,00.html
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Feds: Spy Tool Is a Secret
> > >  FACE="Verdana" LANG="0">By  HREF="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]%3Fsubject=Feds:%20Spy%20Tool%20Is%20a%20Secret
> ">Declan McCullagh  FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Verdana" LANG="0">
> > > 
> > >  LANG="0">2:00 a.m. Aug. 7, 2001 PDT
> > >  FACE="Verdana" LANG="0"> SRC="http://a1112.g.akamai.net/7/1112/492/03312000/static.wired.com/news/ima
> ges/spacer.gif" WIDTH="89" HEIGHT="21" BORDER="0"> COLOR="#00" SIZE=2 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Verdana" LANG="0">
> > >  LANG="0">The U.S. government has invoked national security to argue that
> details of a
> > > new electronic surveillance technique must remain secret.
> > > Justice Department attorneys told a federal judge overseeing the
> prosecution
> > > of an alleged mobster that public disclosure of a classified
> keystroke logger
> > > would imperil ongoing investigations of "foreign intelligence
> agents" and
> > > endanger the lives of U.S. agents.
> > > 
> > > In court documents  HREF="http://www2.epic.org/crypto/scarfo/gov_supp_brief.pdf";>(PDF) filed
> Friday, the Justice Department claims that
> > > such stringent secrecy is necessary to prevent "hostile intelligence
> > > officers" from employing "counter-surveillance tactics to thwart law
> > > enforcement."
> > > 
> > > U.S. District Judge Nicholas Politan  HREF="http://www.wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,45730,00.html";>heard
> arguments last Monday in the
> > > prosecution of Nicodemo S. Scarfo, the alleged mastermind of a loan
> shark
> > > operation in New Jersey. Politan asked both sides to submit
> additional briefs
> > > before he decided whether or not to order the feds to disclose
> details about
> > > their keystroke logging device, which captured Scarfo's PGP
> passphrase.
> > > 
> > > Politan has barred attorneys in the case from talking to reporters.
> > > 
> > > Donald Kerr, the director of the FBI's lab, said in an affidavit
> filed Friday
> > > that "there are only a limited number of effective techniques
> available to
> > > the FBI to cope with encrypted data, one of which is the 'key logger
> > > system.'" He said that if criminals find out how the logger works,
> they can
> > > readily circumvent it.
> > > 
> > > The feds believe so strongly in keeping this information secret that
> they've
> > > said they may invoke the  HREF="http://www.fas.org/irp/offdocs/laws/pl096456.htm";>Classified
> Information Procedures Act if necessary.
> > > The 1980 law says that the government may say that evidence requires
> > > "protection against unauthorized disclosure for reasons of national
> > > security."
> > > 
> > > If that happens, not only are observers barred from the courtroom,
> but the
> > > trial could move to a classified location. Federal regulations say
> that if a
> > > courtroom is not sufficiently secure, "the court shall designate the
> > > facilities of another United States Government agency" as the
> location for
> > > the trial.
> > > 
> > > But the FBI's Kerr said that CIPA's extreme procedures aren't good
> enough.
> > > Says Kerr: "Even disclosure under the protection of the court ...
> cannot
> > > guarantee that the technique will not be compromised To assume
> otherwise
> > > may well lead to the compromise of criminal and national security
> > > investigations, and, in some cases, threaten the lives of FBI or
> other
> > > government agency personnel."
> > > 
> > > Scarfo allegedly used PGP to encode his confidential and
> incriminating
> > > business data. With a judge's approval, FBI agents repeatedly
> sneaked into
> > > Scarfo's business to plant a keystroke sniffer -- it could be either
> software
> > > or hardware -- and monitor its output.
> > > 
> > > During last Monday's hearing, Judge Politan wondered aloud how the
> law s

Re: [CTRL] Feds- Spy Tool Is A Secret

2001-08-08 Thread tenebroust

-Caveat Lector-

I heard of something like this before, maybe the same thing, it was called an infinity 
transmitter which would send information out even if the phone was off or no line was 
being used.

On Tue, 07 August 2001, MIKE SPITZER wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-
> - Original Message -
> From: "tenebroust" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 8:54 PM
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] Feds- Spy Tool Is A Secret
> -Caveat Lector-
> "This sounds like a very interesting case that is well worth keeping an eye
> on, since a keystroke interceptor would enable the Feds to bypass any type
> of firewall or encryption and if they can do it willy nilly then no one's
> data is secure.  Scary."
> I'll say!
> Any one ever hear about that film chip
> (about the size and look of a single hit of
> window pane LCD, circa 1975) that would
> statically attach to the mouth mic of any
> phone, and would then allow normal
> functioning of the phone, while ALWAYS
> bugging the room/rooms adjacent to the room
> with the bug?
> This technology, allegedly developed at
> Cambridge, was said to be THE ABSOLUTE
> single most secret device to have ever been
> classified by an alphabet agency.  I mean,
> just think for a few MINUTES.  How'bout paying
> a janitor to put one on the conference room
> phone, the one that rings into the secret
> board room meeting once a year, the one on the
> gazilianth floor of IBM Towers, Rockefller Center,
> NYC, upon which the meeting deciding how
> much of their profits were to go into R&D for
> the next year, and in what new technologies!
> With just this, one with the funds (albeit few)
> could cause a major "fluctuation" on the exchange.
>  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT
>*Michael Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
> http://www.ctrl.org/";>www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html
>  http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Vatican speaks out against Holocaust panel's'slanderouscampaign'

2001-08-08 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Amelia wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> No, J2, they were NOT all Poles and Slavs.  But then no one counts
> except the Jews who were killed, at least not for much to some.
> And that may be YOUR 'real' question but it does not address what
> is being done right NOW concerning this DEMAND for records and the
> CURRENT smear campaign.  Are you stating that this is justified as
> some sort of vengeance?  Then why was this undertaken with the EVIL
> Vatican in the first place?
> I have read everything that you have stated many times before but
> not even YOUR stating it makes me 'know' it.


I can prove everything I stated. But I don't want to deal with this right now
because there are more important things happening.

> I do think there is
> some truth in what you say happened but as for your wild
> accusations that Hitler was a Catholic, etc. that is your opinion
> only and really not possible.  He may have been reared a Catholic
> but that does not mean me was one until his death for there are
> conditions involved which you choose to ignore.

He often bragged about his Catholic upbringing and how much it influenced
his greatness.

> I believe mass
> killings would be sufficient to get one excommunicated.

But he WASN'T excommunicated was he? Ever. How come?

> That means
> one is no longer a Catholic, doesn't it? I also do not think Hitler
> was under the control of the Pope at the time, either.

Hitler was never under the control of the Pope. No one said he was.

> Are you
> suggesting that he was? Or that the Pope had powers grater than all
> the Allied forces?

The Pope contributed Vatican moneys to Hitler and the Nazi Party. These
are the records the Vatican doesn't want anyone to see. Among others.

> That he could have some how stopped it all but
> refused because he was 'in on it' and approved?   As for your
> 'revenge' philosophy, remember not all religions are centered
> around that principle. It is well known that the Vatican was
> involved in various people escaping Germany after WWII.  What is to
> hide?

It is NOT well known. I don't know any Catholics who are aware of it.

> Is this information the REAL reason for the Jewish
> participation in this project?  To find out any details on what may
> have been done to any Jews and Jews only?

I don't know. But even if that's true, so what?

> Your comments demonstrate perfectly the one-sided perception of the
> problem.  It was to have been a JOINT effort directed at the crimes
> committed against BOTH Catholics and Jews and others.  Nothing was
> being 'hidden' and I think, unlike you, that the deaths of
> Catholics and many others were just as much a crime as the deaths
> of Jews.

Of course it is. No one says differently. Jews are interested in the
Jewish part of this history. Gypsies are interested in the Gypsy part
of this history. Serbs are interested in the Serbian parts of this history.
This doesn't mean that the rest don't count.

> The Vatican does not have to share anything and I
> certainly hope that they will not until all life lost in the
> Holocaust is shown equal respect.

It doesn't matter what excuse you make for them not releasing the letters.
They'll never do it. They can't.

> It is the current Pope and not
> Pius under attack.  One Pope is as good as another to blame, eh?
> ~Amelia~

Do you think that anyone who suffered at the hands of the Nazis is going
to let the Vatican get away with beatifying Pius12?

What a stupid thing to do. His actions are still in the living memory of
millions of people. There are documentary records all over the place. There
are living witnesses who worked in the Vatican at the time and have gone

This wouldn't be so important if the Vatican was just trying to cover up

This is one of the dumbest moves they ever made. They should have waited for
a few more hundred years like they did for Joan of Arc.

> - Original Message -
> From: "Nurev Ind." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 10:13 PM
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] Vatican speaks out against Holocaust panel's
> 'slanderouscampaign'
> -Caveat Lector-
> No they didn't count because they were slavs and Poles. But Germany
> was at least half Catholic, and Austria was all Catholic. And
> Hitler
> was also Catholic.
> Is the Pope Catholic???
> >  Those demanding so much respect for their own
> > religion might start by showing some for the religion of others.
> Pius was a Nazi and an admirer of Hitler. He helped finance the
> party
> early on. He also helped set up the Ustasha regime in Catholic
> Croatia
> where a high ranking Bishop ran the death camps and murdered a
> million
> Serbs, tens of thousands of Jews, mand thousands of Gypsies.
> The ' polite ' question is whether Pius 12 " did enough " to save
> the
> Jews in Christi

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Vatican Offiial Accuse Jews Of Slander : Say Groups Like the ADL Are Eng...

2001-08-08 Thread Damian B. Cooper

-Caveat Lector-

At 06:39 PM 8/8/01 -0400, William Shannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

- - - snip - - -
>Libertarian Socialist News
>Post Office Box 12244
>Silver Spring, MD 20908

Hello?  What?  Libertarian Socialist?

What on earth is a Libertarian Socialist?

I've always thought that a Libertarian was the diametric opposite
of a Socialist.   Would someone please straighten these people out.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Rush Limbaugh takes aim at UFO politics

2001-08-08 Thread Damian B. Cooper

-Caveat Lector-

At 06:41 PM 8/8/01 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>-Caveat Lector-
>Aug. 8, 2001
>Rush takes aim at UFO politics
>By Billy Cox

I'm all for declassifying and disclosing the government's UFO information.  And
I believe that there is a lot to disclose.

Notwithstanding that, I think that Billy Cox's attack on Rush is off the mark.

The issue, in my mind, is not Rush, or UFO data, it is Steven Greer, and
specifically his agenda.

Greer's "Disclosure Project" looks to me like a new initiative on the part
of the left to make UFO's into a leftist cause.

Greer claims that HE KNOWS that the space aliens are visiting us because
they are
opposed to militarizing space.  That is to say, the space aliens are against
Reagan and Bush's space based Strategic Defense Initiative.

Greer also claims that HE KNOWS that "the authorities" have space alien
technology from
crashed UFO's that will solve the "energy crisis" an put "Big Oil" out of

All of this sounds like calculated political posturing to gain some
political traction
among a large (greater than fifty percent of the population) interest group
that is
interested in UFO's and plant the idea that UFO's and UFO secrecy are really
leftist issues.

Steven Greer seems very fishy to me.  I don't trust him.


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Re: [CTRL] Something Rotten In The State Of Israel

2001-08-08 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

thew wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> dual citizenship is common in many many countries
> -- -- --  -- --
> Planet spins - so do I
>neo-sufi wisdom
> NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew
> > From: "Prudence L. Kuhn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 09:45:46 EDT
> > Subject: Re: [CTRL] Something Rotten In The State Of Israel
> >
> > -Caveat Lector-
> >
> > In a message dated 08/06/2001 6:20:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >
> > << > (Israelis are citizens of the nation state of Israel - "Jews" are
> > followers
> >> of the Jewish religion. Practitioners of the Jewish religion can be found
> >> in almost every country of the world and are citizens of most countries of
> >> the world.)
> >> flw >>
> >
> > This should be so true.  Perhaps once it was, for just a little time.  I was
> > truly startled when Israel became a place where non-Jews became welcome only
> > as tourists.  And it is true that practitioners of the Jewish faith are found
> > in almost every country of the world and are citizens  of those countries.
> > Even more startling to me was the change in my country's laws that allowed
> > American Jews to have dual citizenship and vote in Israeli elections.  I had
> > never thought of "patria" as a plural word.  I do not know if all those Jews
> > who live in countries other than the United States have dual citizenship, but
> > I certainly hope not.   Prudy

What's wrong with dual citizenship? I believe that every European country
allows dual citizenship as well as many others. I know quite a few Brits
who are dual citizens. I worry about their loyalty to the good ol' USA.
You know we had a war against them. AND, we got into both world wars to save

I don't know. I just don't trust THOSE people.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] David Icke: Right? Left?? Or Just Correct???

2001-08-08 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

William Shannon wrote:
> http://www.davidicke.com/icke/index1c.html
> By David Icke
> I have been forwarded the following e-mail which appears to be circulating
> to supporters of the British National Party, a political grouping of the "Far
> Right" which I personally find appalling and a pawn in a game these guys
> simply do not understand. They are being played like a violin while believing
> they are involved in some kind of British nationalistic revolution and the
> anger and fury which drives them continues to blind them to this fact.
> However, I found it so typical that while those claiming to be of the "Left"
> try to brand me "Far Right", here are the "Far Right" claiming I am a "New
> Age Lefty" and a "liberal maniac".

Right on Dave !!! How can you be in two places at once when your really not
anywhere at all?

> You've got to laugh really.

Really. I do.


> These are the
> very people the "Left" say support me!!! Richard Warman of the Canadian Green
> Party and puppets like Bernie Farber of the Canadian Jewish Congress have
> urged venues to ban my events because of my association with these people -
> the very people who here dub me a "Lefty" and a "Liberal maniac".
> Unbelievable.
> What both "sides" have missed is that I am neither one nor the other because
> I reject the ludicrous, juvenile, Left-Right prision of the mind, which the
> Illuminati have manipulated to create polarisation, division, and conflict. I
> also reject such labels because at their extremes those of the Left and Right
> are the very same mentality and attitudes with a different name on the lapel
> badge. They are mirrors of each other, both using the same methods and
> "justifying" the same suppression of free speech for those who have a
> different view. Hitler and Stalin, for example, were said to have been
> opposites when they used precisely the same methods to impose their will on
> the people. They just gave their viscious dictatorships a different name,
> that's all, and the same continues today.
> Anyway, here's the e-mail:
> David
> Final Proof that John Bull is now bound and gagged...
> Date: 04/08/01 05:31:40 GMT Daylight Time
> From: (Patriot Fourteen) To: bnp
> Friday, August 3, 2001
> Greetings Patriot 14 List Recipients,
> If there was any remaining doubt in your minds that freedom of speech has now
> been officially abolished in "Great" Britain, then read the following
> article, which appeared on July 29, 2001 on the English news web site below.
> The author, David Icke, is normally kind of a wacko, who is known to make his
> own ritual attacks on "racists," "Fascists," and "reptiles." (Everyone Icke
> does not like he usually calls a "Fascist," whether it be George Bush, Tony
> Blair, the Bilderbergers, Henry Kissinger, N.A.T.O., or the Queen...no
> kidding, folks).
> Still, it is noteworthy that even New Age Lefty, ex-Green Party Deputy David
> Icke has finally found the wit to draw the line somewheredenouncing the
> "anti-racism" virus now sweeping Britain.
> Thus, belatedly, it now seems that even some Green-type goofballs dislike the
> imported Maoist Cultural Revolution now raging in Albion. If the Puritans
> were alive today, one can imagine they would again flee and come here.
> Perhaps there is still hope. After all, if liberal maniacs like Icke can
> start to wake up, why not "John Bull" too?
> One must nevertheless ask, "Where will all this madness end?" (Perhaps Combat
> 18 has some views on the matter.)
> Regards,
> Patriot 14
> Attached to the email:
> By David Icke
> A UK baker has been ordered by police to remove a window poster which claims
> his bread sticks are better than "that French rubbish". Police took the
> action after a complaint that it is racially offensive!!
> On that basis the football chants by the crowds at England v France games, or
> indeed between any countries, are against the law. Where will this lunacy
> end??
> Barke's Craft Bakery in Wickford, Essex, has been displaying the sign for two
> years for the amusement of customers and have received not a single
> complaint. Then three officers arrived at the shop to order its removal on
> racial grounds, said 25-year-old Darell Barke.
> On the A3 hand-written sign the word French has been replaced with English
> Sticks, with the words: "None of that French rubbish here."
> Mr Barke said: "It all started two years ago when we went on a day trip to
> Calais and bought some bread back and it wasn't that good.
> "Our bread was a lot better so we changed the sign. It was all
> tongue-in-cheek and we never had any complaints until Wednesday. "You don't
> see it half the time as the queue covers it up."
> Mr Barke ad

Re: [CTRL] The Godfather

2001-08-08 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 8/6/01 7:25:41 PM Central Daylight Time,

   When the weather's hot and sticky,
 That's no time for David Icke.

   Thank you, thank you ver' much.

That doesn't rhyme though...it's pronounced IKE as in I like Ike.


You say tomato.
I say tomato.
You say potato
I say potato.

Lets call the whole thing off.


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Re: [CTRL] Something Rotten In The State Of Israel

2001-08-08 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

"Prudence L. Kuhn" wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 08/07/2001 6:30:58 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> << Well, that's pretty good. But you did leave out one or two key points.
> Firstly,
>  the house does not belong to you. The house belongs to an absentee landlord
> in
>  Turkey. After he lost the house in a poker game with the town officials, THEY
>  decided to split the house in two. It was a big house. THEN Prudy, your
>  story starts. After feeling guilty about the fires they helped start and not
>  put out, THEN they declared that half of the half of the house will be made
>  available to the burned out family. >>
> Wouldn't it be wonderful if the burned out family "took" just half the house.
>  Prudy

Yes it would. From the Jordan to Mediteranian, and the Palestinian half from
the Jordan to Arabia. As was the original partition before Trans- Jordan annexed
the West Bank and then lost it to Israel. Leaving a hostile enemy in the Jew's
half of the house.

But I'm glad you agree that Israel should take full posession of their half.


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Re: [CTRL] Something Rotten In The State Of Israel j2

2001-08-08 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

"Prudence L. Kuhn" wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> I'm serious too.  I don't know what you consider "ARAB."  Prudy

Don't play this. Your too smart. Just open a dictionary or encyclopedia.

The question still stands.


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[CTRL] NM: Lawyer: Secret Evidence Will Tie Condit to Chandra's Disappearance

2001-08-08 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

With Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff

For the story behind the story...

Tuesday, Aug. 7, 2001 11:42 p.m. EDT

Lawyer: Secret Evidence Will Tie Condit to Chandra's Disappearance

A lawyer for flight attendant Anne Marie Smith, who blew the lid off the
Chandra Levy case in July when she alleged that California congressman Gary
Condit tried to silence her regarding their relationship, said Tuesday
night that still secret evidence will tie Condit to Levy's disappearance.

Smith's attorney Jim Robinson hinted at the bombshell insider information
when pressed on his previous comments by Fox News Channel's "Hannity &

HANNITY: You said the last time you were on the program that if the
American people knew all that you knew about Gary Condit, they'd be
"shocked and outraged." ... Will you be coming forward with more
information? Will Anne Marie Smith be coming forward with any more?

ROBINSON: It depends on the way things break.

HANNITY: Based on this knowledge, I've got to ask you a very serious
question. I can tell as you're speaking that you have a lot of a passion
about this. And I know you're defending your client, who I found to be very
credible in her interview with Rita Cosby. Do you think he's involved,
based on this information that you're not sharing with the public, in the
disappearance of Chandra Levy?


HANNITY: You do.

ROBINSON: Absolutely.

Casting further suspicion on the California congressman was CNBC's Geraldo
Rivera, who quoted a source close to Levy's parents Tuesday night who said
they now believe Condit was involved in a plot to have the 24-year-old
missing intern "killed."

"The fact of the matter is that the family has a bundle of information,"
Rivera told his audience. "They have the conversations - they're the ones
who spoke directly to Condit on the phone. They're the ones who spoke to
Chandra as the relationship was evolving. They, along with the aunt, Linda
Zamsky, are the ones to whom she confided more or less what was going on.

"And they come to this conclusion. That he killed her. [Or] he was part of
a conspiracy that killed her. Or unintentionally, he said, 'You know
something, that b---h is gonna screw my whole career. Oh my God, I wish
this thing never happened.' And then someone listening to that, some Condit
crazy, goes out and does the dirty deed."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] Tampa's Cams Screw the Pooch BIG TIME!!

2001-08-08 Thread Edward Britton

-Caveat Lector-

Here's hoping this guy breaks it off in the city of Tampa's ass!!!


'They made me feel like a criminal'

He was just having lunch in Ybor City when a surveillance camera captured
his image. Weeks later, the police show up.

[Times photo: Thomas M. Goethe]
An image from Ybor City's cameras was reprinted in a national magazine. An
Oklahoma woman phoned Tampa police and said the man was wanted. They sought
out Rob Milliron. Yes, that's him in the image. But no, he's never been to
Oklahoma. And no, he's not wanted.


© St. Petersburg Times,
published August 8, 2001

TAMPA -- Rob Milliron has never married. He has never had kids, never been
to Oklahoma.

Yet three Tampa police officers went to Milliron's construction job site
Monday and asked him whether he was wanted in Oklahoma for child neglect.

It seems that his face wound up on a surveillance camera in Ybor City. News
cameras captured that image. A woman in Tulsa saw his picture in U.S. News
and World Report and called Tampa police.

She said the man in the photo was her ex-husband and was wanted on felony
child neglect charges.

Turns out they had the wrong man. But the experience has turned Milliron
into a vocal critic of the controversial surveillance system.

"From that picture, I was identified as a wanted person," said Milliron,
32, whose only previous brush with the law involved a marijuana possession
charge when he was 19.

The surveillance system uses software called Face-It and is linked to 36
cameras throughout the Centro Ybor entertainment complex and along E
Seventh Avenue. Images taken from the cameras are compared with a data base
that includes wanted felons and sexual offenders.

If the image is a match, officers are dispatched to question the person.
But in this case it wasn't the system that flagged Milliron, but simply a
woman who saw his picture with a news story.

The plainclothes detective, accompanied by two uniformed officers, had a
copy of the magazine, folded open to the page with Milliron's photo.

After producing identification, answering the detective's questions and
enduring curious stares and inquiries from his construction co-workers, a
mortified Milliron went home.

"He was absolutely horrified," said Cheryl Toole, 32, Milliron's girlfriend
of nine years.

"He said, "I was surrounded by the police today,' " Toole recalled. "We
were worried they'd come to our home in the middle of the night."

Equally upsetting, Milliron said, was the fact that beneath his photo in
the magazine, a headline read, "You Can't Hide Those Lying Eyes in Tampa."

"It made me out to be a criminal," he said.

Tampa police Detective Bill Todd, who took the call from the Tulsa woman
and interviewed Milliron, said Milliron did not seem upset.

"He was laughing about it," said Todd, who spearheaded the software project
that captured Milliron's image.

Milliron's photograph was captured in June while he was on a lunch break in
Ybor City.

He didn't know it at the time, but the Police Department used his photo to
demonstrate the system to local news media.

The software costs $30,000, but is on loan for a year by its owner,
Visionics Corp. of New Jersey, while the department decides whether to
purchase it.

Milliron's photo ran in the St. Petersburg Times June 30. A caption under
the photo read, "The man in this image was not identified as wanted."

The Times later sold the photo to U.S. News and World Report.

The software system has sparked controversy nationwide. Protesters say the
"spy cameras" intrude on citizens' privacy. Mayor Dick Greco, however, has
said the system is no more intrusive than the cameras found in banks and
shopping malls.

Milliron, who says he plans to retain an attorney, hopes the software
system will be removed.

"I don't think it's right," he said. "They made me feel like a criminal."

- Times researcher John Martin contributed to this report. Amy Herdy can be
reached at (813) 226-3386 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Edward   ><+>

"The desire to rule is the mother of heresies." ~ St. John Chrysostom

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2001-08-08 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

See the URL for pictures and diagrams.  --MS





DR ELTJO HASELHOFF is one of the few people on planet
Earth to have had a paper published on crop circles in
a peer-reviewed scientific journal ('Physiologa
Plantarum'). His paper asserts that the
long-recognised connection of crop circles to balls of
light may be even stronger than many think. Here, in
layman's terms, Dr Haselhoff outlines the important
findings of his paper.

Over the years, numerous people have claimed that they
have seen how a crop circle was created by one or more
"balls of light".

Recent scientific studies have confirmed these
statements: Circumstantial evidence has shown that
crop circles may very well be made by 'balls of light'
indeed! This article explains the essential elements
of these studies in simple terms.


The stems of corn-type plants are characterised by
little 'knuckles', at several positions along the
stems (see Figure 1). These nodes act as a kind of
ligament. They allow the plants to bend towards the
light, even after they have grown to their full

In the early 1990s, the American biophysicist William
Levengood discovered that plants inside crop circles
often had much longer nodes than those in the
undisturbed, surrounding crop. This effect is
illustrated in Figure 2.

Although there are known biological effects that can
create node lengthening, these could be easily ruled
out. It was clear that something else had happened.
The effect could be simulated by placing normal,
healthy stems inside a microwave oven. The heat
induced by the microwaves made the liquids inside the
nodes expand, just like the mercury inside a
thermometer. This caused the nodes to increase in
length, while the amount of lengthening increased
proportionally to the amount of microwave energy that
was generated.

This finding led to the conclusion that the node
lengthening effect may be caused by the involvement of
heat, possibly caused by microwave radiation. In fact,
traces of heat have been found innumerable times in
crop circles all over the world, such as dehydrated
plants, burn marks, and molten snow.


The number of 'balls of light' that have been seen by
eyewitnesses has increased considerably over the last
couple of years. Sized somewhere between an egg and a
football, these bright, fluorescent, flying light
objects seem to be somehow related to the crop circle
phenomenon. They often appear in the fields during the
night a crop circle forms, and have been seen (and
filmed!) many times in and around crop circles.
Several persons have even claimed that they witnessed
how these balls of light actually created a crop


In the year 1999, William Levengood and Nancy Talbott
published a scientific paper [1] that contained a
study to the node lengthening effect in three
different crop circles, two in England and one in the
USA. The authors presented a 'quantitative analysis';
in other words, the article tried to explain the
AMOUNT of node lengthening throughout the crop circle,
by means of physical models. The authors concluded
that the heat (that had made the nodes swell) was
electromagnetic in origin.

One year later, I contributed a paper reacting to the
one by Levengood and Talbott. This article appeared
early 2001 [2]. The paper reinterpreted the data
published by Levengood and Talbott and showed that the
node lengthening as measured in all three crop circles
could be perfectly explained by assuming that a 'ball
of light' had caused the node swelling effect. An
identical analysis performed on a famous man-made
formation (Dreischor, Holland, 1997) did not show
these characteristics at all.

My statements can be interpreted as follows: Imagine a
dark room with one single light bulb hanging on the
ceiling. If you switch on the light, you will notice
that right below the light bulb the light intensity on
the floor will be brightest. Towards the edges of the
room, the floor will gradually become darker. This
light distribution on the floor is well understood,
and can be described with high accuracy.

The exact light distribution on the floor depends on
the HEIGHT of the light bulb. When the light bulb is
hanging very low, almost touching the floor, the floor
underneath the light bulb will be very bright, but the
intensity will rapidly become less as you move away
from it (see Figure 3, left). When the light is
hanging high on the ceiling, however, the light
intensity underneath the light will be much less and
be more evenly distributed over the floor (see Figure
3, right). Because this mechanism is so well known,
one can actually derive the height of the light bulb
after measuring the light distribution on the floor.

This is what I suggested. As explained above, the
swollen nodes inside the crop circles ma

[CTRL] Florida Votescam Update

2001-08-08 Thread William Shannon

Files: Harris' office set for Bush win before recount  

By S.V. Dáte, Jim Ash and Mary Ellen Klas 
Palm Beach Post Staff Writers 

TALLAHASSEE -- Hours before Palm Beach County's final presidential election 
recount totals were due last November, staffers for Secretary of State 
Katherine Harris and GOP political operatives were preparing speech drafts 
calling them "unlawful" and declaring George W. Bush the winner in Florida, 
according to documents from her computers recovered by The Palm Beach Post. 

When she later appeared on national television on Nov. 26, Harris disregarded 
Palm Beach County's manual recount because it was completed two hours after a 
5 p.m. deadline when she certified Bush the winner. 

But according to drafts of that document made legible by a data recovery 
company from Harris' office computers, Harris' advisers -- which at that 
point included two top Republican campaign operatives with access to her 
computers -- had drafted a document by 1:30 p.m. that named Bush the winner. 

While the majority of the tens of thousands of files released Tuesday 
contained drafts of speeches, news releases, some e-mail messages, phone 
lists and other office material, some showed that state computers in Harris' 
Capitol suite were used for political work on behalf of then-candidate Bush. 

"After seven years of Democrat rule in the White House -- we need to send the 
loudest possible message that we are READY TO LEAD!" read one speech prepared 
in January 2000 on the office computer of then-communications Director Donald 

Tighe, who now works for a Washington nonprofit group, Tuesday acknowledged 
doing political work in Harris' office, but said the time spent on politics 
was dwarfed by the time he spent doing state business. "There was never a 
week when I was on staff when there wasn't 50 to 60 hours put into 
nonpolitical work," he said. 

Harris spokesman David Host said initially that the speeches and "talking" 
points on behalf of George W. Bush had not been written in Harris' office, 
but, rather, that they had merely been sent to her office. After learning 
that Tighe had conceded that the material had, in fact, been written in 
Harris' office, Host said Tighe had made a mistake. 

"That's something that would have been wrong for him to have done," Host 

Harris released a statement taking credit for "the greatest effort any public 
office has ever made to honor Florida's proud heritage of government in the 
sunshine" and saying the restored files "prove that despite the innuendo and 
misinformation reported in the media, no partisan political activity 
transpired in my office during the recount period." '

Talking points' 

Tighe, who earned $71,960 a year until he left the office in April 2000, had 
on his computer in March "talking points" for Harris from the Bush campaign, 
calling him a "reformer with results" leading up to Florida's March 14 
presidential primary. 

Also on that same computer was a set of talking points for Harris in which 
she urged Floridians to vote in the primary. 

Those two duties were merged in a single document -- a speech delivered to 
the Republican Party of Florida's Jan. 29 winter meeting in Orlando -- in 
which she first urged listeners to vote, and then urged them to vote for 

"I am a bit biased -- after all -- I co-chair the campaign effort of George 
W. Bush -- and I have to tell you how great it was to campaign with Jeb in 
the snows of New Hampshire last weekend, delivering Florida oranges door to 
door," according to the recovered document. 

Tighe said Tuesday that Harris devoted only a small percentage of her time to 
partisan politics while in office, but that was a fact of life in Florida's 
unique elected Cabinet system where every member must run for statewide 

"That's part of the challenge created by the constitutional structure of the 
state," he said. 

State Democratic Party Chairman Bob Poe was not impressed with the 
explanation. "We knew all along she was only moonlighting as secretary of 
state and working full time for the George W. Bush campaign," he said. "She 
ought to reimburse the taxpayers for the time she spent working on the 

GOP consultants in her suite 

The interest in Harris' computers began a month ago, when a New York Times 
article revealed that she had allowed two top Republican political 
consultants full access to her office and two conference room computers 
during the monthlong recount controversy. 

The Times reported that attempts to view those two computers were 
unsuccessful. In fact, Harris informed them in writing in March that both 
computers had been "re-formatted" -- essentially erased. 

Host repeated this claim to The Post the day after The Times article 
appeared. The office changed its story in the coming week, however, after The 
Post and other newspapers ran articles questioning whether su

[CTRL] BBC: Japanese World War II officer says germ tests carried out on live Chinese

2001-08-08 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Japanese World War II officer says germ tests carried out on live Chinese

Source: BBC Monitoring Asia Pacific - Political
Publication date: 2001-08-08

Text of report in English by official Chinese news agency Xinhua (New China
News Agency)

Beijing, 8 August: A former Japanese officer has admitted that he and his
unit dissected live Chinese people and produced deadly bacteria to harm
enemies during the World War II.

Yoshio Shinozuka, 78, admitted that he raised fleas intended to spread
deadly diseases and participated in the production of bacteria such as
cholera, typhoid, dysentery and anthrax as well as dissecting dying Chinese
people, whom they called "logs". Wednesday's [8 August] China Daily

He took part in five live human anatomies within two months during the war.

The veteran said Tuesday that he is anguished over the cruelty his
division, Unit 731, perpetrated on Chinese victims in Pingfang, a city in
northeast China's Heilongjiang Province during the period.

"It is our responsibility to make this hidden history known to the whole
world", Shinozuka said, according to the newspaper.

Shinozuka is now a standing member of the Association of Japanese Veteran
Returnees From China, which was founded by veterans in 1957. It has 270
members at present, whose average age is over 80.

The veteran regrets that the Japanese government now still wants to cover
up the brutality, and he strongly opposes Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro
Koizumi's plan to visit the Yasukuni Shrine next week, according to the
China Daily.

Publication date: 2001-08-08
© 2001, YellowBrix, Inc.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Dowbenko- The Stealth Genocide Program

2001-08-08 Thread William Shannon

The Stealth Genocide Program
By Uri Dowbenko 

Book Review:
Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare
By Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz
(2001, Tetrahedron Publishing Group, PO Box 2033, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864, 
www.tetrahedron.org, 525p., Order Line 800-336-9266, $29.95)

      You can call it "genocide." You can call it "crimes against humanity." 
Or you can call it "population control." Whatever you want to call it, the 
target is the same - people.

      In other words, if you regard humanity as a race of "useless eaters" 
(that's Power Elite-Ruling Class jargon), you would employ your extensive 
resources for population reduction.

      In fact, believing in Malthusian and Darwinian ideology would require 
you to cull the masses - and not just by the usual means of wars and 
"low-level conflicts."

      A strategic propaganda campaign through Government-Media would be 
enacted to promote "public health" practices, which are actually hazardous to 
the well-being of the population.

      This genocide by stealth -- using "public health" to promote slow death 
-- is the subject of Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare 
by Dr. Leonard Horowitz.

      A health science investigator and author of many ground-breaking books, 
Dr. Horowitz was one of the first to discover and publicize the "smoking gun" 
documents, which showed that US Government defense contractors like Litton 
Bionetics were responsible for the production of the AIDS virus, a man-made 
disease used for bio-warfare and "population control."

      "Acceptance is not easy in this regard," writes Horowitz in the book's 
preface. "Coming to terms with such facts leads by necessity, through 
Elizabeth Kubler Ross's 'death and dying' process. In her model, denial is 
always the first step in integrating a horrifying painful reality. It is not 
pleasant to consider the possibility that many of our public servants cannot 
be trusted, but even worse, that friends and family members may have been 
injured by such biochemical attacks."

      The biochemical attacks to which he refers include a panoply of 
population reduction techniques - 
Man-made bio-warfare agents like AIDS and Gulf War Syndrome. 
Toxic pharmaceuticals made by multi-national chemical companies with ties to 
the genocidal Rockefeller-I.G. Farben Syndicate. 
So-called "chemtrails," which rain death and sickness from the skies on an 
unsuspecting populace. 
"Mandatory" vaccinations for polio, hepatitis B et al 
Air-borne pesticides like Malathion and Anvil, used by public health 
officials to supposedly control diseases like the West Nile Virus.       Dr. 
Horowitz writes that "the alleged outbreak of a type of arbovirus… provided 
an excuse to spray 'mosquitoes' as well as millions of predominantly Jewish, 
Black and Hispanic residents in the tri-state metropolitan region" during the 
so-called "outbreak" of West Nile Virus in New York City.

      The decidedly racist subtext of this genocide by stealth is one of the 
predominant themes of the book. The expendables, those whom the deranged 
Malthusians have decided are to be eliminated, are targeted again and again 
in illegal government "experiments" or "public health programs." Using humans 
as guinea pigs has certainly not ended, and because of its promotion through 
government agencies like CDC, it has become defacto state-sanctioned genocide.

      "By 1930, John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil company had 'married' the 
I.G. Farben chemical pharmaceutical cartel," writes Dr. Horowitz in the book. 
"Farben's directors - the cream of the SS and Third Reich -decided that 
Jewish people would best serve as slave labor in their corporate 
'concentration camps.' Hitler's 'racial hygiene' program, historic documents 
showed, evolved from the 'public health' and 'scientific eugenics' effort of 
the Rockefeller Family, the British Royal Family and other powerful notables 
including Prescott Bush - George W. Bush's grandfather. It was Rockefeller 
money that primarily built the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Eugenics, 
Anthropology and Human Heredity in pre-Nazi Germany, forerunner to today's 
Cold Spring Harbor Labs' operation. Then, the Rockefellers installed Ernst 
Rudin as the Institute's director. He later became Hitler's chief racial 
hygienist. Margaret Sanger, the grand matriarch of 'family planning' and 
world 'population control' worked vigorously at that time to herald the 
necessary elimination of 'dysgenic' people - mainly Blacks and the mentally 

      " The "population control" movement and its twisted history based in 
eugenics is also responsible for the multi-billion dollar abortion industry 
and its promotion as "birth control" - but that's another story…

      With strong financial ties to the multi-billion dollar scam called "The 
Cancer Industry," which promotes a phony "War on Cancer" as well as useless 
albeit expe

[CTRL] DN:Report: Lee not targeted by FBI because of race

2001-08-08 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Report: Lee not targeted by FBI because of race


Washington Post

WASHINGTON - Federal investigators did not target former Los Alamos nuclear
scientist Wen Ho Lee based on his ethnicity, according to a classified
report that is otherwise highly critical of the conduct of the FBI and
Energy Department during the investigation.

A version of the internal report by federal prosecutor Randy Bellows is
scheduled to be released publicly next week. It says that while the
government's espionage investigation of Dr. Lee, a native of Taiwan, had
many shortcomings, "racism was not one of them," said several people who
have reviewed its findings.

The report's findings on racism, which had not previously been revealed,
appear to contradict the accounts of at least two former Energy Department
officials. They include the former chief of counterintelligence, Robert
Vrooman, who has said in sworn statements that Dr. Lee was targeted for
investigation of whether he leaked nuclear secrets to China based largely
on his race.

Dr. Lee, who was jailed on 59 felony counts of mishandling classified
information and violating the Atomic Energy Act, pleaded guilty last
September to a single felony charge of mishandling classified information
after the government's case largely fell apart in court. He had spent nine
months in solitary confinement.

Dr. Lee, who is a naturalized U.S. citizen, has indicated in press reports
and court filings that he believes he was singled out because he is a
native of Taiwan.

The case prompted condemnations from Asian-American leaders, who accused
the government of engaging in racial profiling and stereotyping in the Lee

But Mr. Bellows' review is certain to figure prominently in a defamation
lawsuit by another energy official who contends that he was wrongly accused
of racism in the case.

Notra Trulock III, a former energy official who has filed a defamation
lawsuit against Dr. Lee, said Mr. Bellows' findings on race bolster his
suit, which alleges that Dr. Lee authorized supporters to accuse Mr.
Trulock of racism on the scientist's Web site.

A federal magistrate hearing the case has demanded portions of Mr. Bellows'
report from the Justice Department, which has tentatively scheduled its
release for Monday.

"I feel that I am exonerated," said Mr. Trulock, 53, who left the Energy
Department in August 1999. "I knew that racial profiling had not been
employed and that certainly I'm not a racist."

Dr. Lee's lead attorney, Mark Holscher, said he had not seen Mr. Bellows'
report and could not comment.

The 800-page report stems from an internal probe into the Chinese espionage
investigation ordered by former Attorney General Janet Reno in May 1999,
shortly after Dr. Lee was fired from the Los Alamos National Laboratory in
New Mexico.

Dr. Lee and his wife, Sylvia, have filed a suit against the FBI, Justice
Department and Energy Department alleging that Dr. Lee's privacy was
violated by government leaks of his name to the press during the
investigation. Dr. Lee is also locked in a dispute with federal government
censors over whether his forthcoming autobiography violates security rules.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] USS Liberty- The Cover-Up

2001-08-08 Thread William Shannon

The cover-up 

At the height of the six-day war in 1967, Israel attacked a US spy ship,
killing 34 men and injuring many more. The Israelis claimed it was an
accident, the Americans backed them up. But, as James Bamford reveals in his
new book, both governments concealed the horrific truth

Wednesday August 8, 2001
The Guardian

Early in the morning of Thursday June 8 1967 and the first rays of sun
spilled softly over the Sinai's blond waves of sand. A little more than a
dozen miles north, in the choppy eastern Mediterranean, the USS Liberty
headed eastward. But the calmness was like quicksand - deceptive, inviting
and friendly - until it was too late.

As the Liberty passed the desert town of El Arish, it was being closely
watched. About 4,000ft above was an Israeli reconnaissance aircraft. At
6.05am, the observer on the plane reported back to Israeli naval
headquarters: "What we could see were the letters written on that ship and we
gave these letters to ground control," he said. The letters were "GTR-5" -
the Liberty's identification. "GTR" stood for "General Technical Research" -
a cover designation for the National Security Agency (NSA)'s fleet of spy

The Liberty was in dangerous waters at a dangerous time. The six-day war, in
which Israeli air and ground forces launched a massive attack on Egypt, Syria
and Jordan, was raging. Fearing involvement in a Middle East war, the US
joint chiefs of staff needed rapid intelligence on the ground situation in
Egypt. Ships were considered the best option for the job. They could sail
relatively close and pick up the most important signals. Also, unlike
aircraft, they could remain on station for weeks at a time, eavesdropping,
locating transmitters, and analysing the intelligence. And so the Liberty,
which was large, fast and had been stationed relatively close on the Ivory
Coast, had been ordered in.

Throughout the morning, the ship sailed on, with reconnaissance repeated at
approximately 30-minute intervals. At one point, an Israeli air force
Noratlas Nord 2501 circled the ship and headed back towards the Sinai. "It
had a big Star of David on it and it was flying just a little bit above our
mast," recalled crew member Larry Weaver. "I was actually able to wave to the
co-pilot. He waved back and actually smiled at me - I could see him that
well. There's no question about it. They had seen the ship's markings and the
American flag. They could damn near see my rank. The underway flag was
definitely flying, especially when you're that close to a war zone."

By 9.50am, the minaret at El Arish could be seen with the naked eye like a
solitary mast in a sea of sand. Although no one on the ship knew it at the
time, the Liberty had suddenly trespassed into a private horror. At that very
moment, near the minaret, Israeli forces were engaged in a criminal

Three days after Israel had launched the six- day war, Egyptian prisoners in
the Sinai had become a nuisance. There was no place to house them, not enough
Israelis to watch them, and few vehicles to transport them to prison camps.
But there was another way to deal with them.

As the Liberty sat within eyeshot of El Arish, eavesdropping on surrounding
communications, Israeli soldiers turned the town into a slaughterhouse,
systematically butchering their prisoners. An eyewitness recounted how in the
shadow of the El Arish mosque, they lined up about 60 unarmed Egyptian
prisoners, hands tied behind their backs, and then opened fire with machine
guns until the pale desert sand turned red.

This and other war crimes were just some of the secrets Israel had sought to
conceal since the start of the conflict. An essential element in the Israeli
battle plan seemed to have been to hide much of the war behind a carefully
constructed curtain of lies: lies about the Egyptian threat, lies about who
started the war, lies to the US president, lies to the UN Security Council,
lies to the press, lies to the public. Thus, as the American naval historian
Dr Richard K Smith noted, "any instrument which sought to penetrate this
smoke screen so carefully thrown around the normal 'fog of war' would have to
be frustrated".

Into this sea of deception and slaughter sailed the USS Liberty, an enormous
spy factory loaded with the latest eavesdropping gear.

About noon, as the Liberty was again in sight of El Arish, and while the
massacres were taking place, an army commander there reported that a ship was
shelling them from the sea. But that was impossible. The only ship in the
vicinity was the Liberty, and she was eavesdropping, not shooting. As any
observer would have recognised, the ship was a tired old second world war
vessel crawling with antennae, and unthreatening to anyone - unless it was
their secrets, not their lives, they wanted to protect.

By then the Israeli navy and air force had conducted more than six hours of
close surveillance of the Liberty off th

[CTRL] Australia & Irangate

2001-08-08 Thread William Shannon

Cash for guns - Beazley denies spy's claims 
By Anne Burns   

A SECRET agent's claims that Labor got an $8.5 million pay-off for the Hawke 
government's role in illegal arms dealing with Iran is set to be probed by a 
parliamentary inquiry.

The claims are a potential time bomb for Labor leader Kim Beazley in the 
lead-up to the Federal election.

Australian Democrats Senator Andrew Murray, a member of the joint standing 
committee inquiry into electoral funding, said the committee had to look into 
the allegation. The committee is chaired by Liberal Senator Chris Pyne and 
dominated by Liberals and Australian Democrats.

If it agrees to a probe, allegations which implicate former prime minister 
Bob Hawke, failed tycoons Alan Bond and Yosse Goldberg and WA Labor's 1980s 
fundraising record will come under the spotlight.

Senator Murray has called for political donations from foreigners to be 
banned because they cannot be monitored.

Mr Beazley was the Hawke government defence minister when US-backed arms for 
Iran were allegedly shipped through Fremantle and stored at WA defence 

Brisbane-based investigative journalist Marshall Wilson's submission to the 
committee, which was tabled in Federal Parliament yesterday, said the 
allegation that the Labor Party accepted a big donation, either in return for 
or in appreciation of participation by the Australian government in illegal 
arms trading, had never been thoroughly investigated.

The claims were made by ex-Israeli Mossad agent Ari Ben-Menashe, whose 
application for political asylum in Australia was rejected by the Labor 
government in 1992.

Mr Ben-Menashe, an Israeli military intelligence agent for 10 years until 
1989, gave evidence about illegal arms dealing with Iran and Iraq to the US 
Congressional inquiry into the Iran-Contra affair.

He has alleged that the WA Labor Party's discredited fundraising arm, the 
Curtin Foundation, got $8.5 million from a CIA-linked company in 1987 as a 
reward for Labor government complicity in Iran arms shipments.

He claims Mr Hawke was aware of the arms shipments and the payment - a claim 
Mr Hawke denies - but then treasurer Paul Keating did not know. Mr 
Ben-Menashe says he is not aware if Mr Beazley knew. Mr Wilson said the 
allegations should be investigated by a royal commission if the committee did 
not take up the case.

He said Prime Minister John Howard knew of the allegations because he had 
interviewed Mr Ben-Menashe when in opposition. Mr Howard was told that arms 
had been shipped through Fremantle for four months in 1987, including 4000 
American missiles and Vietnamese and North Korean artillery.

Senator Chris Evans, WA ALP secretary at the time, and former premier Brian 
Burke dismissed the claims yesterday.

A spokesman for Mr Beazley said the allegations were as bizarre as they were 
untrue: "It's the sort of thing Jeffrey Archer might make up - and he's in 
jail." Mr Bond has described the allegation that he was the link man in a CIA 
pay-off to the John Curtin Foundation as absolute rubbish.  

[CTRL] Rush Limbaugh takes aim at UFO politics

2001-08-08 Thread Ecotoday

-Caveat Lector-

Aug. 8, 2001
Rush takes aim at UFO politics
By Billy Cox
Judging from the brevity of the exchange, which was recorded by CNN on
July 28, 2000, you can almost hear George W. Bush's eyeballs clicking
against the socket ceilings. Addressing the media horde as the
Republican Convention in Philadelphia winds down, this one guy,
Charles Huffer, manages to squeeze a response from the Texas governor.
What the guv doesn't know is, Huffer's a state regional director for
the Mutual UFO Network in Arkansas.

Huffer: "Half the public believes that (unidentified flying objects)
are real. Would you finally tell us what the hell is going on (if
elected president)?"

W.: "Sure I will."

Huffer (gesturing to running mate Dick Cheney): "This man knows. He
was secretary of defense."

W.: "And a good one."

A few minutes later, off camera, Huffer catches one more Bush blurb on
his audiocassette: "It'll be the first thing he (Cheney) will do.
He'll get right on it."

Yeah, sure, whatever. The only reason for presenting this otherwise
inconsequential snippet from the margins is that recently, $120
million gasbag Rush Limbaugh decided that no attack on the Bush clan -
not even those related to UFOs - should get a free pass. Limbaugh drew
a bead on Daniel Sheehan, chief counsel for the Disclosure Project, a
group of former government, military and corporate types who gathered
in Washington, D.C., on May 9 to lobby Congress for open hearings on
the UFO phenomenon.

Sheehan and Disclosure Project director Steven Greer argued that the
recovery and exploitation of crashed UFOs has led to the development
of technologies that can harness free energy, enough to end
petroleum's hammerlock on the world economy.

But they also contended the innovations were buried deep inside black
budget operations to keep from destabilizing financial institutions.

Media coverage of the witness testimony was scant and yawning. Three
months after the press conference, letter-writing campaigns haven't
generated many blips on political radar screens. Senate heavies like
Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) brush off constituents with form-letter replies
referring all queries to the long-dead Project Blue Book archives.
Lesser-known rubber stamps like Sen. James Imhofe (R-Okla.), who
support pouring billions of dollars into National Missile Defense,
write that "it would be irresponsible to spend taxpayer money on
hearings and legislation related to such phenomena."

So, obviously, if you're just another brick in the wall, the smart
thing to do is let this Disclosure Project thing die a slow, natural
death. But then, along comes Limbaugh - you know, the guy with talent
on loan from God? With half his brain tied behind his back? On the
cutting edge of societal revolution? Limbaugh makes an issue of
Sheehan's charge that President-elect Carter's attempts to honor a
campaign pledge to declassify UFOs were stymied by then-CIA director
George Bush in 1976.

"So let me get this straight," Limbaugh says. "The Bushes are at the
heart of the vast right-wing conspiracy to keep the oil companies rich
by hiding extraterrestrial solar panels or super-warm sweaters or
whatever it is they showed Jimmy Carter."

Limbaugh's bottom line: UFOs are just another "liberals from Planet X"
Bush-bashing platform. "You may be surprised to hear me say that Mr.
Sheehan is half right," Limbaugh says. "There is alien life - but we
are not hiding it. We see Dick Gephart plain as day!"

That's a real seam-splitter, dude.

Too bad the godfather of Republican conservatism, Barry Goldwater -
Mr. Extremism In Defense of Liberty Is No Vice - isn't around to untie
the other half of Limbaugh's brain. Goldwater aired his frustrations
to no less than Larry King regarding his inability to access
top-secret UFO data when he was chairman of the Senate Intelligence

"This thing has gotten so highly classified . . . that it is just
impossible to get anything on it," Goldwater wrote to one constituent.
To another, he added: "I have no idea of who controls the flow of
'need to know,' because frankly, I was told in such an emphatic way
that it was none of my business that I've never tried to make it my
business since."

Glib campaign sound bites to the contrary, the status quo is safely
entrenched. Limbaugh attacking UFO declassification as a "liberal
agenda" is like a hippo break-dancing in Spandex. He draws
major-league attention to what his fellow ideologues would just as
soon leave under a rock, and the guy winds up looking like a dork.

Billy Cox's column runs every Wednesday. He can be reached at
242-3774, or Florida Today, P.O. Box 419000, Melbourne, FL 32941-9000.
EcoNews Service: Always online for Ecology, Consciousness, and Universal
EcoNews: http://www.ecologynews.com
Vancouver, BC V6M1V8

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. 

[CTRL] Fwd: Vatican Offiial Accuse Jews Of Slander : Say Groups Like the ADL Are Eng...

2001-08-08 Thread William Shannon

Vatican Offiial Accuse Jews Of Slander
Say Groups Like the ADL Are Engaged in Immoral Behavior Towards Catholic

8/8/01 1:50:24 PM
LSN Staff

Vatican, Vatican City -- Father Peter Gumpel, a Vatican official in charge
of the Catholic Church's
archives, has publically attacked the work of a group of American Jewish
scholars which he says are attempting to "slander" the Catholic Church by
misrepresenting information in the archives to create a false link between
Vatican and the Holocaust, which the groups then intend to use in a
campaign to win "reparations" from the Catholic faith.

The ADL and other radically anti-Catholic, Masonic-inspired "Jewish"
groups have been demanding that the Vatican continue to release to them
regarding the role of the Catholic Church in the deaths of Jews during
War II.  The Vatican cut off such research after American Jewish writers
unearthed material in a slander campaign against the Pope, accusing his
War II counterpart of assisting the Nazis, and demanding that the Catholic
Church give Jewish organizations free money as "reparations" for whatever
insults these organization imagine that Jews collectively suffered.

The ADL was founded as an arm of B'nai B'rith, a Masonic organization that
coordinated its early activities with a number of European lodges and
personalities that were known for being both radically anti-Catholic and
worshippers of Satan.  The ADL now makes pretense to representing all
people in the world, and assists other, similar Jewish organizations in
the body of mythology and faith the group has promulgated around
the "Holocaust" -- the death of Jewish civilians during the Second World
War --
to pressure various businesses, governments, and individuals with money to
that money to Jewish groups for free.  The Jewish groups then, instead of
distributing the money to Jews who may actually have been wronged at some
in time, take most of the money for themselves, and use it to fund
programs" and "monuments" which reinforce their mythological position, and
allow them to extort more money.

Libertarian Socialist News
Post Office Box 12244
Silver Spring, MD 20908

(check out our messageboards -- discuss this story on-line!)

(Formerly http://www.libertariansocialist.com)

[CTRL] Hiroshima Mon Amour

2001-08-08 Thread William Shannon

By: Justin Raimondo

The idea that America is, in any sense, a civilized country is easily 
dispelled by the orgy of self-congratulation and rationalization that 
accompanies the dual anniversaries of Harry Truman's decision to atom bomb 
the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Want your gorge to rise? Check 
out the New York Post editorial "The Bomb That Saved Millions," (August 6) 
which justifies the bombings as a "military necessity." The editorial opines 
that "few at the time questioned President Harry S. Truman's wisdom in using 
the devastating new weapon, but revisionist historians and political 
activists maintain now – more than a half-century later – that the atomic 
bombing of Japan was militarily unnecessary and morally unacceptable." The 
Post is New York City's most popular newspaper – a place where the official 
standard of morality is closer to the Code of Lek than the Ten Commandants. 
So why are we not surprised that the Post finds all this appalling?

The incineration of hundreds of thousands, and the slow death by radiation 
sickness of tens of thousands more, morally unacceptable? The nerve of these 
"revisionists"! Why, they must be Commies or unrepentant hippies to believe 
such a thing, and sure enough, as it turns out:
"Indeed, these historians – many of whom came of age during the Vietnam era, 
when trashing America was all the rage in academia – consider Truman and 
others who approved the bomb's use to be nothing less than war criminals."

This, we are told, is "nonsense." All those deaths, and possibly more, were 
justified by "military necessity": to hear them tell it, without the bombing 
of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, World War II might well be going on to this day.

One of the job qualifications for being a New York Post editorial writer is a 
complete ignorance of history, as well as an amorality that might be called 
Murdochian, as this little screed makes all too clear. For the myth of 
"military necessity" as a justification for the incineration of two cities 
has been convincingly debunked by the so-called revisionists, who have shown 
that the decision to drop the bomb was opposed by an impressive list of 
Truman's top commanders, General Douglas MacArthur among them. In The 
Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb, historian Gar Alperovitz reveals that 
Truman's chief of staff, Admiral William Leahy, chief of Naval Operations 
Admiral Ernest J. King, Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, Admiral William 
"Bull" Halsey, Rear Admiral Lewis L. Strauss, commanding general of the U.S. 
Army Air Forces Henry H. "Hap" Arnold, General Claire Chennault of the Flying 
Tigers, Army Strategic Air Forces Commander Carl Spatz, and Army Air Force 
General Curtis "Bombs Away" Lemay, all challenged the military necessity 
argument. Among Truman's top advisors, Secretary of State Stimson, Assistant 
Secretary of War John McCloy, former Ambassador to Japan Joseph Grew, Navy 
Under Secretary Ralph Bard, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, all took issue 
with the decision in one way or another. In 1963, Dwight Eisenhower told 
Newsweek that "it wasn't necessary to hit them with that awful thing."


There were a lot of alternatives: Truman could have demonstrated the power of 
the bomb without wiping out several hundred thousand civilians. He could have 
altered the Rooseveltian insistence on unconditional surrender. At the time, 
the US was intercepting all Japanese coded messages, and deciphering them, 
and Truman knew that this was the main obstacle to Japan's peace party. 
British Prime Minister Winston Churchill urged Truman to relent and allow the 
Japanese to surrender, keeping their Emperor system and their honor intact. 
But it was no go. When Truman stook the reins, US pronouncements on the 
subject did not significantly deviate from the unconditional surrender 
formula, and were purposefully vague.


Another argument against the "military necessity" rationale is that even 
after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki the Japanese refused to 
surrender. Nagasaki was still burning as the Japanese Cabinet met to consider 
the question: the vote was 12 in favor of surrender, with 3 against and 1 
undecided. Since unanimity was required, the war was not stopped until 
Emperor Hirohito personally intervened. He was persuaded to do so by the 
proponents of peace within the Japanese government, who were given the upper 
hand not by the dropping of the bomb but by the understanding that the 
Emperor system would be preserved by the Allied victors.


This is underscored by General MacArthur's belief that a full-scale invasion 
of Japan would be necessary even after the atom bombs were dropped. For, as 
many of Truman's political and military advisors informed him, the Japanese 
considered their Emperor to be 

[CTRL] EPA Seen Easing Coal Plant Emission Standards

2001-08-08 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

Wednesday August 8 3:51 PM ET

EPA Seen Easing Coal Plant Emission Standards

By Chris Baltimore

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Bush administration, under pressure from
utilities, is expected to soon roll back Clinton-era rules requiring utilities and
refiners to install costly pollution curbs on coal-fired power plants, an
environmental group said on Wednesday.

The Environmental Protection Agency (news - web sites) faces a deadline
next Friday to issue its assessment of the Clinton administration's strict rules
requiring reduced emissions from power plants that are upgraded or

John Walke, an attorney for the Natural Resources Defense Council and a
former EPA lawyer, told Reuters the agency will propose to substantially
weaken the Clean Air Act.

``We will see the administration announce an initiative that will relax and
weaken this important Clean Air Act program,'' Walke said. Walke worked in
the EPA general counsel's office until last August, and was involved with the
Clinton administration's push to tighter Clean Air Act standards.

An EPA spokesman said it was ``too early'' to know what would be in the
report and would not confirm Walke's statements.

But Walke said it would contain ``a series of derogatory statements on the
Clean Air Act,'' which would be the basis for rulemaking and policies to relax
emission standards.

The Washington Post reported on Wednesday that the pollution requirements
would be scaled back.

``We have known for a number of years the program could be improved,'' a
senior EPA official told the Post. ``That's coming to a real clear head here.
There needs to be things done that would still protect the environment and
provide industry with certainty and flexibility.''


The Bush administration would suggest replacing strict limits on air
emissions with a market-based emission credit regime allowing dirty power
plants to buy emission rights from cleaner ones, Walke said.

The EPA report would be followed by a legislative package in September
from the White House to amend the Clean Air Act to rein back controls on
power plant emissions and enact emissions trading, Walke said.

The report was ordered in mid-May by Vice President Dick Cheney (news -
web sites)'s energy task force as part of a broad set of recommendations.
The task force gave the EPA 90 days to review the Clinton era policy.

``When the president gives a deadline you don't miss it,'' Walke said. ``But
that doesn't give (EPA) time to do the analysis they need.''

Under the Clean Air Act, older power plants must add modern anti-pollution
devices when the facilities expand. But that has led to court battles over what
kinds of plant upgrades warrant the expensive equipment.

The report will center on three pollutants -- sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and
mercury -- but will not address carbon dioxide, pegged by some scientists as
a primary cause of global warming. Industry officials do not want carbon
dioxide emission standards to be regulated by the EPA.

The EPA initiative is part of the administration's energy plan, which pegs the
Clean Air Act as an impediment to growth in electricity generation.

Last month, EPA Administrator Christine Todd Whitman (news - web sites)
said the administration planned to replace many of the federal clean air rules
for power plants with simpler emission targets. Whitman, after testifying
before a Senate committee hearing, declined to identify what targets were
being considered.


New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer called any move by the EPA to
weaken the pollution rules a ``grave mistake'' that would jeopardize the
nation's air quality.

New York is among more than a half-dozen eastern states that have sued
several utilities for allegedly failing to install pollution controls on plants that
underwent renovations or expansion. FirstEnergy Corp., Cinergy Corp and
Dominion Resources Inc. face separate lawsuits.

The Edison Electric Institute, an industry group that lobbied hard for easing
the costly rules, said it was not yet clear what the EPA planned to do.

``There are no commitments from the administration or EPA one way or the
other. We do not have an ultimate indication of what they're planning to do,''
said Dan Riedinger, an institute spokesman.

The institute contends that Clean Air Act standards get in the way of power
plant operators' ability to perform routine maintenance and upgrades on their
plants and have been applied inconsistently by regulators.

Because of the EPA review, the Justice Department (news - web sites) has
put on hold dozens of cases against utilities, oil companies and other firms
accused or suspected of violating the Clean Air Act. During the Clinton
administration, the Justice Department and states took action against 13
power companies for violations at 51 plants in 12 states.

Steve Wingate, Webmaster


Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Lawyers May Reveal Secrets of Clients, Bar Group Rules

2001-08-08 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: Aleisha Saba
>'When I read this I thought of Gary Condit stopping a story re
>"intellectual property rights"

Actually, it wasn't a story but an item of what can be loosely defined as
art'...it was on sale on Ebay, and consisted of what looked to be pictures
and words cut out of various tabloids (the pictures consisted of Levy,
Condit, and an ax placed prominently next to Condit), pasted onto some sort
of background and some very bright red paint or ink splashed between the
pasted on cutouts...

Condit's people succeeded in getting Ebay to pull the item from auction,
claiming that the item violated Condit's "intellectual property rights"...

A claim that has to be based solely on the sole image of Condit included in
the piece of 'art' (unless Condit is claiming either the ax, or the red
paint/ink, are somehow his "intellectual property rights")...if so, then
every tabloid in the nation that has his picture in it, and every news show
that runs a clip of him, must also be violating his 'intellectual property

>so he must be going to write a book, and Chandra if she is
>still alive, is out there writing a book

No, Condit must be considering moonlighting as an 'artiste', and perhaps
wishes to market his own line of axes and/or red paint/ink...

Perhaps he's copyrighted that particular shade of red   ;-)


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com for:
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* Alternative Kite Radio (high-bandwidth)
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somewhere on the globe)
* Alternative Kite Holiday Radio (because everyday is a holiday somewhere)

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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[CTRL] Infamous Nixon tape gap to receive further analysis

2001-08-08 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

Infamous Nixon tape gap to receive further analysis

By DEB RIECHMANN, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (August 8, 2001 12:17 p.m. EDT) - The National Archives
moved another step forward Wednesday toward uncovering what was said
during the infamous 18 1/2-minute gap on one of President Nixon's tapes
recorded three days after the Watergate break-in.

Before they get a chance to decipher the series of clicks, hisses and buzzes
heard on the gap, audio experts interested in the challenge will have to pass
tests to prove they can really retrieve voices from the tape. And, according to
ground rules the archives announced on Wednesday, they have to prove they
won't mangle the fragile original tape in the process.

"The tests will determine whether they have the technology of retrieving
voices - or whatever was on the original tape - and that the tape will come
back to us in its original condition," said Susan Cooper, a spokeswoman for
the archives.

The gap is part of a recording made June 20, 1972, in the old Executive
Office Building as Nixon chatted with his chief of staff, H.R. Haldeman. Public
disclosure of the erasure, late the following year, eroded Nixon's credibility at
a time when his presidency was unraveling over the June 17, 1972, break-in
at the Democratic National Committee headquarters in the Watergate.

This isn't the first time experts have tried to figure out what was on the tape.

A panel of experts set up in the 1970s by federal judge John Sirica, who
presided over the Watergate criminal trials, concluded that the erasures were
done in at least five - and perhaps as many as nine - separate and
contiguous segments. The panel never figured out what was erased.

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl

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2001-08-08 Thread Kris Millegan

I am preparing a reference that shows where this tactic was used
extensively even by the templars and early church as far back as the
11th century...they create their own enemies and its the perfect
controlits why I say the adl and the nazi's are in the same
camp...and even if they aren't it sure looks that way, they have both
ridden to great power and wealth on the backs of ignorant people

it is the old divide and distract scenario

playing both ends against the middle

most people fall for it

just like the good cop/bad cop show that was played by clinton and bush

the blacks fell for it in a big way, and most of america falls for it
every day

if you can set up a conflict it is the ultimate profit in a place where
money has been made into god

the dramatic artifice that permeates all media was truly born in this
society during the "Crucifixion" of yeshua ben miriam, the rabbi who
romans call jesus christread holy blood holy grail...the engineered
"Second Coming" of a "Christ" or "Blood of Christ" the masses have been
conditioned to accept is the nexus of this NWO plan...the editor of omni
magazine kathy keeton saw it and started raising hell about it

right before she DIED...heh heh heh

read on, this is good:

closed circle for the elite to feed upon
On Mon, 6 Aug 2001 20:04:25 -0400
 "Taoss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hiya Bill, thought you might find this interesting...not that you
> don't already know, but that it is being sent around the web -- hope
> everyone takes the time to read it.
> S
> -Original Message-
> From: Brenda Pitts Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sunday, August 05, 2001 6:24 PM
> Subject: NEW WORLD ORDER COPS... Black Masked Agent Provocateurs at
> the Genoa G-8 Summit: Firsthand reports suggest global rioting and
> police responses-are ORCHESTRATED [NWO Machiavellian Manipulation?]
> Please pass around?
> Some Thoughts On The News behind The News: Paying Attention
> Skousen is a really sharp guy, and his insights are usually right on
> the
> money. This report verifies my own observations, and expands upon my
> information considerably. Watching the manipulation of governments
> into
> pro-Globalists, watching young people and the masses in general, most
> of them
> well meaning enough, but being carefully manipulated into serving as
> precedent setters. And all this activity is, coincidentally, is being
> recorded by the heartless gaze of global television's news cameras.
> If we
> watch closely, as Skousen and others are doing, we can gain a
> real-world
> education in globalist Machiavellianism. The NWO is certainly the
> master of
> such tactics, and have turned it into an art form. It is almost
> enviable...almost.
> Yet, the long-term results a global leadership under such tyrants and
> bloodthirsty hedonists is truly a frightening thought! Yet how can
> any
> thinking person, who avails himself of more news and insights than
> available
> on the major network  television news (wake up you couch potatoes out
> there),
> conclude otherwise? for those of us with "eyes to see," it is VERY
> clear that
> the manipulation of global events shows every sign of being carefully
> orchestrated by brilliant minds...minds set upon installing, and
> permanently
> empowering, a global ruling class.
> History will record their design and intent. Yet, for now, many of
> those of
> us who can see the patterns in the apparent flow of global events are
> carefully and systematically labeled "paranoid," or "conspiracists."
> Clever
> labels, but only a predictable ruse. It has been VERY effective,
> though. Yet,
> for any skeptics out there, here's the REAL STORY. There is, in
> reality, A
> NEW WORLD ORDER. It is relentless. It is driven by the power elite.
> It is fed
> by mankind's greed, and by the vision of brilliant evil men and
> women. And it
> is—lest we become contented in our materialism—a juggernaut, with
> no
> intention of sharing the spoils with anyone except club members!
> Joel Skousen is one of many journalists and chroniclers who feels the
> call to
> serve his fellow men through journalism. He does a god job of pulling
> together the puzzle pieces of current events, such that those events
> which
> fit into the patterns woven by the NWO's web of deceit is revealed.
> Had the
> insect known he was flying into a web, he'd not fly where the spider
> wanted
> him to, would he?
> Yet, it is difficult to paint "the big picture" for a blind man.
> Those who
> wish to understand the New World Order, and through this the ebb and
> flow of
> events related to their plans as they unfurl, need to be
> self-educating. It
> goes without saying that one cannot think for himself, without the
> possession
> of REAL facts. Another fact is that the gathering of FACTS takes
> time. And
> today time is a commodity that is truly scarce in a society that
> fills up
> it's schedule doing "stuff!

[CTRL] U.S. Air Force Linked to Electronic Warfare Attack in Tennessee

2001-08-08 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://www.ecologynews.com/cuenews31.html";>U.S. Air
Force Linked to Electronic Warfare Att…

U.S. Air Force Linked to Electronic Warfare Attack in Tennessee
By Alfred Webre, EcoNews Service (Vancouver, BC)
HARTSVILLE, TENN - Newly released documentary and eyewitness evidence now
links an apparent July 6, 2001 electronic warfare attack on a radio station
and weekly newspaper in Hartsville, Tennessee to a nearby unacknowledged
secret access project (USAP).  This secret project, eyewitnesses say,
includes the U.S. Air Force as paymaster, U.S. government aircraft as
transportation and security craft; military troops in black uniforms; and
black unmarked triangular aircraft.  The project may also include a secret
electronic warfare unit capable of disabling nearby media outlets with
destructive electromagnetic energy.

It has now known that an official U.S. Air Force cheque was used to pay for
the clandestine installation of massive telephone switching equipment at a
defunct Tennessee Valley Authority nuclear power plant about five miles from
the target media outlets.  The private contractor who installed the unusually
large switching system at a former nuclear power plant that is still
officially defunct reported this to the WJKM investigators on condition of

Historically, the U.S Air Force has pioneered in the development and use of
electronic warfare against civilian targets and populations, notably in the
NATO war in Yugoslavia.

Speaking to a live radio audience on July 21, WJKM general manager Ted
Randall for the first time publicly released the results on his station's
official on-going investigation of the attack.  Dan Fluehe and Matt Aaron of
WJKM, host Clyde Lewis along with this reporter, Alfred Webre, participated
in the radio program.

WJKM's investigation has eliminated other possible causes of the
electromagnetic blast, such as power transformer malfunction caused by birds
or internal mechanical problems. Centrexnews reporter Joel Skousen, who
initially reported that birds caused the electronic attack, declined to
participate in the radio program.

Although the nuclear facility has been officially closed for some time,
eyewitnesses now testify to clandestine activities going on at the site.
These include sightings of tractor-trailer trucks entering and leaving the
former nuclear power plant at 2 or 3 AM; sightings of C-130 military aircraft
flying over the facility as if to land; sightings of unmarked black
helicopters monitoring the area; sightings of military troops in unmarked
black uniforms; and - yes - multiple witness reports of black triangular
craft hovering over the former power plant.  Civilians venturing near the
site have also reported being aggressively ejected by a private police force
of about 30 plain-clothes men.

Randall presented live and audiotaped eyewitness testimony of the destructive
effects of the electronic attack, including a tell-tale flashing blue pulse
that accompanied the destruction, and usually accompanies the discharge of
electromagnetic pulse weapons.  He also presented audio recordings of the
audible electronic hum that accompanied the alleged attack, a clear
electronic signature of an electromagnetic weapon attack.

The accompanying surges during the event fit the pattern of an electronic
attack.  According to WJKM, " These surges are not just coming into the power
lines. They are also entering the radio station through phone lines and the
antenna system. This is evident in blown telephone equipment. Sometimes the
equipment is not

destroyed but the program settings are scrambled or wiped out."

On the air, Randall described photographs of dead, electronically-fried birds
that littered a mile-square area around the radio station, now posted on the
station's Internet website at http://www.1090wjkm.com/

Randall stated that local residents are experiencing adverse health
effects.   Randall said, "It is also interesting that according listeners
have called in, there has apparently been an increase in what they are
calling fibromyalgia. This is a disease name appointed to the unexplainable
severe and disabling pain throughout the entire body over recent years, as
well as, an increase in headaches mimicking migraines that are not actual

Randall documented the 2.4 Richter underground seismic earthquake that struck
the area on July 7, the day after the electronic attack, from 10-10:30 PM.

Randall also posted the HAARP magnetometer readings on the WJKM website for
the two days - July 6 and July 7.  Both the electronic attack and the unusual
earthquake were accompanied by massive, anomalous bursts of electromagnetic
pulse energy from HAARP, the U.S. Navy's electromagnetic pulse military
facility and possible environmental weapons system in Gakona, Alaska.
Coincidentally (and perhaps causally) HAARP's magnetometer show

[CTRL] Brazil's Army Defends Spying Activities

2001-08-08 Thread radtimes

-Caveat Lector-

Tuesday, 07-Aug-01

Brazil's Army Defends Spying Activities


BRASILIA, Brazil (Reuters) - Brazil's army defended its spying activities on
Tuesday in response to a newspaper report on how it gathered information on
radical social movements, but said it would investigate alleged

In a three-page statement, the army said a report alleging that it spied on
social movements it labeled ``adversaries'' included references to spying
practices no longer used by the army, which ruled Brazil from 1964 to 1985.

The report, published last week by daily Folha de Sao Paulo based on a set
of army documents it had obtained, included a document in which the army
allegedly said, ``often it is even necessary to scratch out citizens'
rights'' in order to maintain public order.

Human rights groups were outraged by the report, saying it showed the army
still used practices of the dictatorship.

The army said statements like ``'scratching out citizens rights' and
'eliminate opponents''' were no longer included in any of its documents on
intelligence gathering.

But it added, ``Like any armed force committed to the efficient fulfillment
of its mission, the Brazilian army has an intelligence system to provide the
command with the necessary information to take decisions to fulfill its
constitutional mission.''

The statement said, however, that the army would investigate the documents
to verify whether they include ''transgressions from the norms that govern
army intelligence, allowing for the necessary corrections.''

It said a reported description of the radical Landless Movement (MST), which
groups poor rural workers who illegally occupy unused farmland to make a
living, as an adversary ``may be improper.'' MST leaders were angered by the
report alleging that the army spied on their group.

The army said the description of the MST as an ``adversary'' was improper.
Rather, that applied to those within the MST ''that act on the margin of the

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl

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[CTRL] Fwd: FW: ESF Manipulations, 1941-48/Excerpt from Blowback, by Christopher Simpson, Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1988

2001-08-08 Thread Kris Millegan

-Original Message-
From: Catherine Austin Fitts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 12:14 AM
To: Bill Murphy
Subject: ESF Manipulations, 1941-48/Excerpt from Blowback, by
Christopher Simpson, Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1988


I have been going back and reviewing Reg Howe's lawsuit and the documents on
the GATA trying to figure out how to connect the dots between Treasury's
gold transactions and material omissions and misleading disclosure with what
I believe are Treasury/FED manipulation of government slush funds for black
budget/covert operations at HUD, Social Security and other federal
agencies---and a pattern of material omissions and misleading disclosure at
those agencies.

With that in mind, I was re-reading Christopher Simpson's description of
Dulles and Sullivan & Cromwell's role in working with the Vatican to
influence post WW-II elections in Italy, using the slush funds financed with
Nazi Gold. I first started looking at this in response to trying to
understand the game that Rubin was playing with reparations for Nazi gold
during 1995-97.
(For more information on the reparations "war" during the Clinton
Administration, see
http://www.newsmakingnews.com/catharvarddatadumpnazigold.htm)  It helps as
your read the excerpt below to remember that the US intelligence agencies
(including ONI) worked very closely with the Italian mafia for their help in
the Italian landing and WWII.

Oddly enough it was the Administration's efforts on Nazi gold that enabled
researchers to access the archives for OSS and WWII intelligence operations
that illuminate the extraordinary interconnections between AIG and the CIA
and US intelligence operations. I can forward some of that material if you
are interested.

I believe that much of US history in the last fifty years can be explained
by the process required to replenish these slush funds, as the black budgets
and covert operations grew steadily and hence the hunger for off balance
sheet money grew with it. The Sullivan & Cromwell-Goldman
Sachs-AIG-Treasury-State-Fed dance is not something that sprung up lately.

Here are some excerpts. As roads grew up along cow paths, so perhaps what we
are seeing in terms
of false accounting and missing assets--whether at HUD or Treasury---is
something for which history can provide some clues.

Our thanks to Simpson whose book is truly remarkable. I recommend it highly
for those
who want to understand how the money really works.

Catherine Austin Fitts


Pages 87-92:

Not all the clandestine containment programs were aimed at the USSR and its
Some of the early applications of these tactics began in Western Europe. The
Italian elections of early 1948 marked another important milestone in the
development of US covert operations and in high-level US support for use of
former Nazi collaborators

The Italian Communist party was favored to score heavily in the 1948
elections, and many
analysts said that the party might democratically win control of the
country's' government.
This prospect created such alarm in Washington that George Kennan--by then
the foremost
long range strategist for the US government--went so far as to advocate
direct US military
occupation of the Foggia oil fields if the voting results went wrong from
the point of view
of the United States.

Washington's apprehension was shared-indeed, was enthusiastically fueled--by
the Holy See.
The church's hierarchy, which was already under severe economic and
political pressure in Eastern Europe, feared a Community takeover of the
very heart of its institution, or at least of
its worldly resources..

The election campaign became a major test of containment and of its
accompanying clandestine political warfare strategy. Allen Dulles, Frank
Wisner, James Angleton, William Colby, and a team
of other top-ranked US intelligence officials put together a crash program
of propaganda, sabotage, and secret funding of Christian Democratic
candidates designed to frustrate the
Italian Communist Party's ambitions. The CIA was a young organization in
those days and was
primarily limited (until June 1948) to simple information gathering and
analysis. Therefore, much
of this campaign was handled on an ad hoc basis out of the offices of Allen
and John Foster Dulles at the Sullivan & Cromwell law firm in New York.
Kennan watched events unfold from
his vantage point at State Department headquarters in Washington, while
Thayer kept up a steady
cannonade of pro-West and anti-Communist broadcasts over the Voice of

Working in close coordination with the Vatican and with prominent Americans
of Italian or Catholic heritage, the CIA found that its effort in Italy
succeeded well beyond expectations. On a public level the United States
dumped $350 million in announced civil and military aid into the country
during this campaign alone. Bing Cr

[CTRL] Fwd: Vidal casts McVeigh as a hero

2001-08-08 Thread Kris Millegan


Vidal casts McVeigh as a hero

GORE VIDAL, publishing the first extracts of his death row correspondence
with Timothy McVeigh, has described the executed Oklahoma City bomber as a
hero and cast doubt on whether he acted alone.
The American man of letters became an unlikely soulmate for McVeigh, a
self-styled anti-government warrior, when he published a 1998 essay in
Vanity Fair magazine lamenting the Government's assault on Americans'
liberties and the "shredding of our Bill of Rights". McVeigh, already in
prison for the worst terrorist attack on US soil, wrote to Vidal to commend
the piece, initiating what would become an off-and-on three-year
correspondence that culminated in an invitation to witness his execution.

Vidal has now published parts of his pen pal's letters along with his own
often polemical analysis of the case in Vanity Fair, hinting that government
infiltrators may have had a hand in the 1995 bombing that killed 168 people.

The kinship between the two men is apparent from the start. Writing with
perfect grammar and spelling in a slanting hand, McVeigh tells Vidal in his
second letter that he had read his "political musings" and "I think you'd be
surprised at how much of that material I agree with".

"As to your letter, I fully recognise that 'the general rebellion against
what our government has become is the most interesting (and I think
important) story in our history this century'," he wrote. "In the four years
since the bombing, your work is the first to really explore the underlying
motivations for such a strike against the US Government and for that, I
thank you.

"Although I have many observations that I'd like to throw at you, I must
keep this letter to a practical length - so I will mention just one: if
federal agents are like 'so many Jacobins at war' with the citizens of this
country, and if federal agencies 'daily wage war' against those citizens,
then should not the OKC bombing be considered a 'counterattack' rather than
a self-declared war? Would it not be more akin to Hiroshima than Pearl
Harbor?" Vidal, whose historical fiction displays a penchant for conspiracy
theories, seems won over by McVeigh's logic. Noting that McVeigh made no
final statement before his execution other than copying out the poem
Invictus by W.E. Henley, he points out that Henley's other works included an
anthology entitled Lyra Heroica, (1892) about those who performed selfless
heroic deeds.

"The stoic serenity of McVeigh's last days certainly qualified him as a
Henley-style hero," Vidal writes. "He did not complain about his fate; took
responsibility for what he was thought to have done; did not beg for mercy
as our always sadistic media require. He seems more and more to have
stumbled into the wrong American era. Plainly, he needed a self-consuming
cause to define him.

"The abolition of slavery or the preservation of the Union would have been
more worthy of his life than anger at the excesses of our corrupt secret

Vidal missed McVeigh's execution when it was rescheduled because the FBI
found new documents that it had not provided to his defence lawyers. But his
subsequent investigations have left him deeply suspicious of the FBI's case
and convinced that, despite his own confession, McVeigh was part of a wider

"Evidence . . . is overwhelming that there was a plot involving militia
types and government infiltrators - who knows? - as prime movers to create
panic to get Clinton to sign that infamous Anti-Terrorism Act," Vidal

[CTRL] Fwd: [American_Liberty] GoreCam Shelved

2001-08-08 Thread Kris Millegan

On Wed, 08 Aug 2001 02:22:22 -0400, "Alexandra H. Mulkern"

"We'll store Triana in here. In a shipping container, a metal box,"
Watzin said, looking through a window at the storage room. "We'll find
a corner out of the way."

For Gore Spacecraft, All Systems Aren't Go
Earth Observation Satellite Shelved

By Joel Achenbach
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, August 8, 2001; Page A01

A $100 million Earth-observing spacecraft conceived in the middle of the
night by then-Vice President Al Gore will soon be entombed in an
aluminum box in the corner of Building 7 at NASA's Goddard Space Flight
Center in Greenbelt. No one knows if it will ever fly.

Triana, sometimes known as the "GoreCam" or "GoreSat," was designed to
study the Earth's climate and monitor global warming from a vantage
point a million miles from the planet. NASA originally planned to
launch it aboard the space shuttle later this year. Political
opposition by Republicans in Congress delayed the project, however, and
Triana lost its slot in the shuttle schedule.

Budgetary pressures then forced NASA to cut back on the frequency of
shuttle missions, and the agency has decided that, for the moment, the
shuttle has no room for Triana. Like the political career of the man
who envisioned it, the satellite may face a prolonged period in cold

Construction is complete. Calibration of the instruments is in the
final stages. The spacecraft has been variously baked and chilled
inside a steel vacuum chamber. Engineers have vibrated the satellite on
a "shaker table." They have placed it in an acoustic test cell and
blasted it with the sound of a shuttle rocketing into space. Triana has
passed every test so far and within a matter of weeks will be officially
declared space-worthy. All it lacks is a ride into space.

The scientists and engineers who labored on the project are dismayed.

"We have spent $120 million, we have a spacecraft that is ready to fly,
we have developed the instruments, we have calibrated and tested it, and
we have developed all the scientific algorithms to retrieve the climate
data we want to study. Imagine what a tremendous waste it would be.
This should not be thrown away into the garbage can," said Francisco
P.J. Valero, an atmospheric physicist at the Scripps Institution of the
University of California at San Diego and the lead scientist on the

"It's very frustrating," Triana scientist Steve Geary said. "This is
not a paycheck. This is a mission we believe in."

NASA spokesman Dave Steitz said the agency still expects to launch
Triana "sometime within the next several years."
The decision to shelve the spacecraft for now is purely a matter of
budgets and scientific priorities, he said. "We would like to see
Triana complete a successful science mission. But that being said, we
have to live within our budget," Steitz said.

Triana has been derided by Republican critics, and its political
pedigree is unusual for a scientific instrument. But Valero and Geary
have not alleged that NASA's decision is politically motivated. Asked
whether politics played a role in the decision, Valero said, "That is a
very difficult question. I am not a politician, and I don't know. We
scientists do not like to talk about things we don't understand."

Steitz said, "I think the politics left a long time ago, if there were

If nothing else, Triana reveals the vulnerability of scientific missions
at a time when NASA is constructing the budget-devouring International
Space Station. Most space shuttle flights are dedicated to that
multiyear project. Triana was always considered a "secondary" payload
on the shuttle. Other scientific missions, such as the servicing of the
Hubble Space Telescope, were higher priorities.

Triana has been an atypical mission since it sprang from the brain of
the vice president in March 1998, reportedly at 3 o'clock in the
morning. Gore, who for years kept an Apollo-era photograph of the
"whole Earth" on his office wall, envisioned a camera in deep space,
permanently pointed at the Earth and sending real-time imagery to be
seen on cable TV and the Internet 24 hours a day.

Gore felt the mission would have both scientific and spiritual
dimensions. "I believe it will have inspirational value that's hard to
describe," Gore said at the time. He wanted it named Triana, after
Rodrigo de Triana, the sailor on Columbus's ship who first sighted land.

Weather satellites can observe continent-sized swaths of the surface,
but not an entire hemisphere. Satellites in low-earth orbit glimpse
only fragments of the planet. But a million miles from Earth, directly
toward the sun, is an orbital position known as L1 that is a handy place
to station a satellite. At L1, the gravity of the Earth partly
neutralizes the gravity of the sun. A satellite at L1 would
continuously orbit the sun on a line between the sun and the Earth.
There are satellites at L1 that study the sun, 

[CTRL] Genoa police unit trained by [LAPD]

2001-08-08 Thread radtimes

-Caveat Lector-

Genoa police unit trained by [LAPD]

Tue, 7 Aug 2001

ROME (Reuters) - An elite Italian police unit which carried out a bloody
raid against protesters at a Group of Eight summit in Genoa was trained by
U.S. police chiefs, an Italian newspaper reported Tuesday.

For four months, 70 specially selected officers were trained by two Los
Angeles police sheriffs. A larger number of police also received a
week-long training course from the Americans, according to the Communist
daily Liberazione.

"The prime responsibility of the two Los Angeles sheriffs was to train the
men from the special unit in the use of American aluminum batons," an
unidentified policeman who took part in the one-week course was quoted as

"From the start, they openly criticized the way in which Italian police
carry out public order," he said.

Not only is the use of foreign expertise likely to cause consternation,
but the fact the officers came from Los Angeles, a city scarred by mass
riots in 1992 following the police beating of black motorist Rodney King,
also raises serious questions.

In a midnight assault on a school which was acting as a headquarters for
protest groups during the July 20-22 summit, 62 people were injured and 93
arrested. Many were laid out on stretchers with blood-stained faces.

Reporters who entered the school soon afterwards saw blood stains on the
walls and broken teeth scattered on the floor. At least one protester has
since undergone brain surgery.

Allegations of police brutality have flooded in and three top police
officials have been transferred by the interior minister, who has faced
calls for his own resignation.

The Interior Ministry declined to make a comment at this time on the
involvement of the American sheriffs.

As well as brutality, there were also allegations that police sexually
assaulted female protesters. Two weeks after the summit, nearly 50
demonstrators are still in prison. Many say their human and civil rights
have been violated.

The police source told the paper the American sheriffs had said repeatedly
that "in Los Angeles all we need is a nucleus of 20 cops to disperse
hundreds of demonstrators because we can fire rubber bullets which wound,
but don't kill."

On the first day of the Genoa summit, a 23-year-old protester who was
attacking a police vehicle was shot and killed by an Italian paramilitary

The source also said that the week-long course he had been assigned to was
more like a military boot camp.

"We marched, learned how to form shield defenses and how to jump through
fire or out of a moving vehicle," he said.

"It was more like a medieval tournament. In the end we were doing purely
military training. There seemed no difference between police officers and

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] FBI Must Reveal Computer Snooping Technique

2001-08-08 Thread radtimes

-Caveat Lector-

FBI Must Reveal Computer Snooping Technique -Judge

Updated: Tue, Aug 07, 2001


NEWARK, N.J. (Reuters) - A federal judge on Tuesday ordered the
government to reveal the high-tech computer snooping technique used
by the FBI to gather evidence against an alleged mobster.

In a case that privacy advocates say smacks of Big Brother, U.S.
District Judge Nicholas Politan ruled that the government must reveal
the details of the computer monitoring system it used to gather
evidence against Nicodemo Scarfo Jr., who is charged with running
illegal gambling and loan-sharking operations for the Gambino crime

Scarfo is the son of imprisoned mobster Nicodemo "Little Nicky"

The case is believed to be the first in the nation in which federal
agents installed a secret surveillance system in a personal computer
system under search warrant, and the first to be tested in U.S.

The FBI recorded virtually every keystroke made on Scarfo's computer
at his Belleville, New Jersey, business, including passwords, using a
"key logger" device.

Whether the system is hardware or software is unknown, prompting a
motion by Scarfo's attorneys to reveal its makeup so they could have
it analyzed and make a case to suppress the evidence it gathered.

Politan ruled that in order to decide the lawfulness of the
government surveillance, he must see a full report on how the device
works, imposing an Aug. 31 deadline.

"In this new age of rapidly evolving technology, the court cannot
make a determination as to the lawfulness of the government's search
... without knowing specifically how the search was effectuated," he

"This requires an understanding of how the key logger device
functions. In most, if not all search and seizure cases, the court
... understands the particular method by which the search is
executed. ... Because of the advanced technology used the court does
not have the benefit of such an understanding."

The government argued that revealing the workings of the system might
jeopardize national security and endanger FBI personnel and those
working with them.

Politan gave the government 10 days to provide additional evidence as
to why revealing the technology would endanger ongoing investigations
and later national security operations.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Feds Arrest 100 for Child Porn

2001-08-08 Thread radtimes

-Caveat Lector-


   AUG 08, 2001



  WASHINGTON (AP) -- One hundred people have been arrested as part of an
  undercover sting investigation into the largest known commercial child
  pornography business ever uncovered, federal officials said Wednesday.

  The two-year investigation began with Landslide Productions Inc., a Fort
  Worth, Texas, company owned by Thomas and Janice Reedy. Authorities said
  the company was at the center of an international child pornography
  business that distributed lewd pictures of children having sex to
  subscribers over the Internet.

  The Reedys were charged in an 89-count federal indictment with conspiracy
  to distribute and possession of child pornography.

  Landslide grossed as much as $1.4 million in one month alone, the profits
  coming from monthly fees viewers paid to access child pornography Web
  sites, authorities said. Called Operation Avalanche, the undercover
  operation was based on intelligence developed from the Landslide
  investigation and encompassed 30 federally funded task forces formed to
  combat Internet crimes against children.

  ``During an Operation Avalanche search, we found a collection of
  videotapes produced by a suspect depicting the sexual abuse of several
  young girls. One of the girls was only 4 years old,'' said Chief Postal
  Inspector Kenneth C. Weaver.

  He said the suspect had worked as a computer consultant.

  Pornography also was distributed through the mail, Weaver said.

  The Reedys were convicted last year on charges that included sexual
  exploitation of minors and distribution of child pornography. A federal
  judge on Monday sentenced Thomas Reedy, 37, to life in prison and his
  32-year-old wife, Janice, to 14 years in prison.

  Landslide provided a credit card verification service that admitted
  customers into Web sites containing graphic pictures and videos of
  children engaging in sex acts with adults and with each other, the
  government charged.

  Landslide charged customers $29.95 per month for access and netted more
  than $1 million between 1997 and 1999, the government said.

  The Web site had about 250,000 subscribers. Holmes said authorities
  tracked down some of them using electronic and credit card information
  gathered in an investigation conducted by the postal inspection service,
  U.S. Customs Service, the FBI and the Dallas Police Department. It is
  illegal to possess child pornography.

  The porn sites were run by operators in Russia and Indonesia. Warrants
  have been issued for their arrest.

  Authorities said the Reedys kept 40 percent of the profits and gave the
  operators 60 percent.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Radio journalist assassinated in Costa Rica

2001-08-08 Thread radtimes

-Caveat Lector-

Spanish message follows.


Source: FIRE, Costa Rica

Radio journalist assassinated in Costa Rica

(July 2001) For the first time in its longtime democratic history, a
journalist was assassinated recently in Costa Rica, most likely in response
to his controversial work as an investigative journalist. On July 7, bullets
silenced forever the voice of journalist Parmenio Medina, also silencing
his right to freedom of expression and the press.

Producer of the 28 year old radio program "La Patada," (The Kick in
English) Parmenio used humor and investigative journalism to present
controversial stories on the public life of religious, political and
business leaders in Costa Rica.

He was taken to court four times by some of these leaders, and four times
he won by presenting evidence that affirmed his credibility and right to
free expression. As a matter of fact, he had recently won a fifth case
before his assassination after Radio Monumental where he broadcast his
program had closed it down. He took the case to the constitutional Supreme
Court of Costa Rica and won against one of the biggest commercial radio
stations in the country. His program was reinstalled on Monumental and he
then continued broadcasting his weekly program.

His search for truths that were hardly ever reported by mainstream media
led him to work on the latest case he had uncovered at the time of his
death. The exposure of the problems of Radio María, a two-year old Catholic
radio station headed by the renowned fundamentalist priest, Father Minor
Calvo, who´s radio station had amassed large sums of money, supposedly
donated by believers and followers.

Parmenio further exposed the hypocrisy of the priest who persecuted gays
when the priest himself was found in a park of San José, late at night,
with a young boy. The priest alleged that he was teaching the young man to
drive. It was later proven by Parmenio that the adolescent had a
two-year-old driving license. The scandal was so big that the head of the
Catholic Church in the country had to close down the radio station and send
Minor away "in meditation."

Parmenio had already announced that much more was to come, especially
regarding questions of the origins of the millions made by Radio María. But
the journalist was killed five days after this announcement was published
in the weekly university newspaper Periódico Universidad.

Evidence from the scene of the crime which occurred in Parmenio's car right
near his home, the method of his assassination, and the fact that it took
place just a few hours after he had finished producing his program, all
point to the high likelihood that it was carried out by professional
assassins hired by someone else.

He was killed with three gunshots fired at close range: one in the mouth,
to let everyone know that he talked too much; one in the back, to say he
was being watched, and one in the aorta, to say that he had to die for what
he said. Nothing was stolen from his person or the car. A police
investigation is underway to find those responsible for the crime.

Parmenio Medina was born in Colombia in 1939. In 1968 he came to live in
Costa Rica and became a citizen of the country where he raised a family.

Minor of Jesús Calvo.

According to many sources, among them the former dean of the University of
Costa Rica and Coordinator of the Peace and Human Development Program of
the Arias Foundation, Dr. Fernando Durán Allanegui, the Archbishop of the
Catholic Church was slow in removing Minor and closing down the radio in
response to the scandal.

Furthermore, the former university dean stated in a television program in
Channel 15 that as a Catholic, he believes that the Archbishop should resign.

The quest for the truth about Parmenio's assassination led popular
organizations to request that the Ombusdman´s office in the country
organize a protest march which took place on Tuesday, July 17. More than
3,000 people congregated in the Parque Nacional (National Park) in the
center of San José to express their demand for an end to impunity.

Among the posters that marchers carried during the activity, one stated:
"Ask Minor, he knows who did it." Another stated that "it is time to
separate Church and State" while another asked: "The Church, the government
and business have freedom of expression because they have media...where are
the public frequencies for the people?"

Hear voices about the issue in Spanish at www.fire.or.cr




Source: FIRE, Costa Rica

Duelo Nacional por asesinato de periodista

(Julio 2001) Duro golpe para Democracia y Libertad de Expresión
Costarricense FIRE, San José. El sábado 7 de Julio del 2001 pasará a la
historia como el día en que en Costa Rica, por primera vez, fue

[CTRL] Jam in the Echelon works

2001-08-08 Thread radtimes

-Caveat Lector-

Jam in the Echelon works


by Sandra Van Dijk and Wendy Brewer
Friday, August 03 2001

Internet activists have planned a day of chaos set for 21 October in a bid
to block the infamous computer surveillance network Echelon.

'Jam Echelon Day', a protest against government eves dropping, has been
organised by several groups of internet hackers including Cipherwar.com and
the Hacktivists.

"We are encouraging all persons who utilise any form of global
communications to inform their circle of friends [about] Echelon. Along with
this we are urging the inclusion of as many 'trigger words' within those
communications as possible," says the Cipherwar website.

"This is not an attack," said a member of Cipherwar, who prefers to be known
as 'Scully'. "This is an educational campaign designed to raise awareness of

The Echelon system is said to monitor emails, telephone calls and other
forms of electronic communication for so-called trigger words such as
'bomb', 'hacker' and 'terrorism'. By encouraging people to send out messages
containing as many of these words as possible, there are over 1,500 listed
on Cipherwar website, the activists hope to overload the surveillance

But even the projects organisers doubt its success.

"While the goal of jamming up Echelon is an unattainable one, is it not
better to signal displeasure at being monitored than passively allow it to
happen?" asked Scully.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Israel's rule of lawlessness

2001-08-08 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


Israel's rule of lawlessness

By Ali Abunimah

The Jordan Times

August 9, 2001

ON MARCH 6, 1988, Mairead Farrell, Sean Savage and Daniel McCann, all
members of the Irish Republican Army (IRA), were gunned down by a British
Army undercover squad on a street in Gibraltar, the British colony at the
southern tip of Spain. The two men and a woman were felled with a hail of
29 bullets, 16 pumped into Savage alone.

The British government, then led by Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher,
maintained that the three had been en route to plant a massive car bomb
targeting a changing of the guard ceremony. Thatcher herself had narrowly
escaped death in an IRA bombing of her hotel in Brighton in 1984, an
attack that struck at the heart of her government, killing five people and
injuring many more.

Yet even with the background of IRA violence, the Gibraltar killings set
off a debate that raged for years in the UK, as to whether the Thatcher
government operated an illegal "shoot to kill" policy -- a policy of
extrajudicial killings -- against IRA activists. The families of the
Gibraltar Three took their case to the European Court of Human Rights,
which ruled in September 1995 that although there was no evidence that the
UK had operated such a policy, the killings in Gibraltar were unnecessary,
even though the British soldiers honestly believed they had to act to
prevent a bombing. The court found that the lethal shooting violated
Article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which guarantees the
right to life and outlaws extrajudicial executions. The court ruled that
the IRA members could and should have been arrested rather than gunned
down in cold blood.

Spanish Magistrate Baltasar Garzon, who gained international fame for his
pursuit of former Chilean dictator General Augusto Pinochet, is also
engaged in investigations much less well-known and much closer to home.

Throughout the 1980s, the Spanish government, led by former Prime Minister
Felipe Gonzalez conducted a "dirty war" against the Basque separatist
group ETA, which had itself carried out many indiscriminate killings and
bombings targeting Spanish civilians, police and politicians. Gonzalez,
who led Spain for most of the period following the post-Franco restoration
of democracy, has seen his reputation badly damaged by allegations and
speculation about how much he knew or was involved in the Spanish
government's own campaign of kidnappings, bombings and extrajudicial

In April 2000, General Enrique Rodriguez Galindo, Spain's most
highly-decorated police officer, was sentenced to 71 years in prison by a
Madrid court for ordering the kidnapping, torture and killing of two ETA
members in 1983. The civil governor of the province of Guipuzcoa, who
merely visited the kidnapped men while General Galindo was personally
interrogating them, received an identical sentence. If Judge Garzon has
his way, these convictions will not be the last.

What these examples demonstrate is that in a real democracy, the methods
employed by gangsters and criminals, such as murder, are impermissible for
the state, even against its worst enemies. Few are the leaders in a
democracy who even if they were involved in such horrors would boast about
them. And the mere suspicion that a democratically-elected leader might
have behaved in such a way is enough to set off a public outcry.

Then there is Israel. At a recent meeting of the central committee of the
Likud Party, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, addressing hundreds of
delegates, boasted about the extrajudicial killings his government has
ordered. He read off a list of names of Palestinians assassinated by
Israeli army death squads, or helicopter gunships, and after each name
shouted "he's gone!" ("Bibi's back in town," Peretz Kidron, Middle East
International, July 27, 2001) Sharon's boasting was supposed to mollify
the delegates who were accusing him of being too soft and demanding even
more brutality.

Such a bloodcurdling spectacle is difficult to imagine even in the worst
dictatorship, let alone in a country calling itself a democracy, as Israel
does. What also distinguishes Israel from countries like the UK and Spain
is the near total absence of any dissent or outrage among politicians and
journalists, almost all of whom justify Israel's assassination policy on
the grounds of "self defence."

Of course it escapes their notice, when making such arguments, that a
country with an invasion army tens of thousands strong, belligerently
occupying millions of people and their land in violation of international
law and forcibly settling that land, is in an inherently aggressive
posture and cannot claim to be defending itself.

Yet the Israeli death campaign continues unabated. Global outrage and
strong condemnation from the United States followed the July 31 missile
attack on Nablus which killed eight Palestinians, including Ashraf and
Bilal Khader, aged five and eight. Despite these pro

[CTRL] God Forsaken in US Senate

2001-08-08 Thread Yardbird

Free Congress Foundation's
Notable News Now
August 8, 2001

The Free Congress Commentary
God Forsaken in U.S. Senate
by Paul M. Weyrich

Senator Jeff Sessions, Republican of Alabama, discovered that after
Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont took over the Chairmanship of
the Senate Judiciary Committee from Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah, he had
dropped the phrase "so help me God" from the oath taken when swearing in
witnesses.  Sessions made an issue of this at a meeting of the Judiciary
Committee last week and Leahy said he would return the phrase "so help me
God" to oaths, a phrase which was added to the government oath by President
George Washington.

Leahy dismissed the controversy as a mistake, due to his short tenure as
Chairman of the Committee, but Sessions doubts that. At the beginning of
this year, before Dick Cheney was sworn in as Vice-President, the Democrats
controlled the Senate, and conducted hearings.  For example, it was the
Democrats who held hearings on the nomination of John Ashcroft to be
Attorney General.  Sessions went back and examined the records of that brief
period, and sure enough, there was no "so help me God" when the Democrats
were in charge.  Obviously, the dropping of the phrase was no accident, but
quite intentional.

This is not a surprise if you are familiar with the results of some survey
research that the Democrats had done for them for the 1996 presidential
election.  That research indicated that there is 19% of the electorate who
are either non-believers, atheists, or against the profession of religion in
the political process. Those voters, although liberal, were not necessarily
wedded to the Democratic Party in 1996. That was because Bill Clinton, the
Democratic standard bearer that year, invoked the name of God at least as
often as the Republicans.

Thereafter, some Democratic campaign staffers crafted a strategy aimed at
getting that vote squarely in the Democratic camp. One of the ideas
suggested was an attack on all uses of God in the governing process. This
group wanted to go after the "In God We Trust" on the currency, abolish the
office of Chaplain for the House and Senate, and get rid of references to
God in various public buildings. Most Democratic Party operatives rejected
an overt assault on God, fearing that would alienate Middle American voters
who had returned to the Democrats under Clinton.  Whatever the reality,
Clinton was regarded by most of the country as a middle-of-the-road

But these operatives reasoned that a quiet abolition of references to God
could be done without calling attention to the initiative. The Judiciary
Committee's move on the oath fits nicely into that strategy. Unfortunately
for Leahy and the agnostic faction of the Democratic Party, Senator Sessions
blew the whistle. And Leahy, a nominal Catholic, caved without a fight.
Perhaps he told those Democratic strategists that he would go along with
their idea unless it became an issue in which case, he didn't want to be
caught defending the dismissal of God from his Committee.

Watch for other indications of this strategy being implemented. Some public
buildings are being renovated under contracts that were implemented during
the Clinton era. Some religious historians have already charged that overt
references to God and Christianity and religion in general are being

Ronald Reagan used to remind us that we shouldn't ever presume that God is
on our side on various issues but we should rather worry whether we are on
God's side as we go forth in battle. That is something the Democrats might
want to keep in mind as they try to implement this highly questionable

Paul M. Weyrich is president of the Free Congress Foundation.

For media inquiries, call Steve Lilienthal 202.204-5304
For other questions or comments, contact Angie Wheeler

Visit our website at http://www.freecongress.org

This publication is a service of the Free Congress Research and Education
Foundation, Inc. (FCF) and does not necessarily reflect the views of the
Free Congress Foundation nor is it an attempt to aid or hinder the passage
of any bill.
Free Congress Foundation * 717 Second Street, NE * Washington, DC  20002 *
202.546.3000 * Fax: 202.544.2819
Project Manager: Angela Wheeler * Copyright * 2001  Free Congress Foundation
- All Rights Reserved.

[CTRL] TV Guide Deems Attack On USS Liberty "Accidental" (Note History Channel To Show Doc On USS Lierty on August 9, 2001 (fwd)

2001-08-08 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

TV Guide Deems Attack On USS Liberty "Accidental"

As most of you know (and for the benefit of new subscribers) the History
Channel is broadcasting a program on the June 8, 1967 Israeli attack on
the USS Liberty on Thursday, August 9, 2001, at 8PM Eastern Daylight Time.

Among those interviewed and appearing in the program is Lloyd Painter who
witnessed the machine gunning of the Liberty's life rafts in the water by
Israeli torpedo boat personnel and who testified about that during his
appearance before the USNavy Court of Inquiry only to find that his
testimony has been removed from the official Report of the Court of
Inquiry prior to its release to the public.

To hear an advertisement the History Channel has been running about the
program, click on

A visit to the TV Guide website at http://www.tvguide.com and looking at
the History Channel schedule regarding the program reveals the unsettling
fact that TV Guide has deemed the attack to be an "accident" -- this
despite the fact that (according to reviewers who have seen the program)
the program host, Arthur Kent, concludes that attack was deliberate

Their listing describes the program, "An examination of the controversy
surrounding the 1967 accidental destruction of the USS Liberty by Israeli
air and naval forces during the Six-Day War."

This is the same description they used when the program was initially
scheduled for last February.

We tried then -- unsuccessfully -- to find out who at TV Guide wrote the
description and how to get it changed.

If any subscribers to this list have any contacts at TV Guide we'd
appreciate their contacting them to find out who wrote the description and

Warmest regards,

Joe Meadors
Vice President
USS Liberty Veterans Association
efax: (425)675-5646

The story of the USS Liberty will be told in a
one hour documentary on The History Channel
August 9, 2001, at 8:00PM most time zones, 7:00PM Central.

More details can be found online at

Visit our web site at http://www.ussliberty.com

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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[CTRL] Substance Abuse

2001-08-08 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/features/2000/0006.robbins.html";>
"Substance Abuse" by Alexandra Robbins
Substance Abuse

Faking, flubbing, and cramming with the media's talking heads

By Alexandra Robbins

It's a drill that veterans of the Washington press corps know all too well.
The booker from a highly-regarded talk show calls you four hours before air
time. They're doing a story on the turmoil in Zimbabwe. Could you help them
out? You're not 100 percent sure where Zimbabwe is but, what the hell, it's a
chance to be on TV. You tell her you'll do it, grab the Times, reach for the
Atlas, and start to cram.
And what if you don't get it all sorted out before your views are broadcast
into 20 million homes? You won't be the first. "I don't want to embarrass
anybody, but sometimes people come in here and they're not quite ready,"
talk-show host Diane Rehm says carefully. Walk into the "communication room"
minutes before Rehm goes on the air with her Friday "News Round Up" and you
will see some of Washington's top journalists poring over the day's papers,
speaking urgently into their cell phones, and doing whatever else they can to
get the latest word on Rehm's discussion topics. But sometimes Rehm
introduces late breaking topics, and sometimes her guests just can't get up
to speed in time. In those cases, Rehm says that "Reporters will wing it with
the Times or the Post or the Wall Street Journal sitting in front of them."
When one of Rehm's guests recently blanked on a question, a co-panelist gave
an assist by handing over a newspaper article on the subject.
If we've gotten to the stage where talk show guests are pretty much reading
the newspaper into the mic, it seems fair enough to ask---what's the point of
these programs? Amazingly enough, a big part of the answer is "public
service." The talk show formula has been developed in part to satisfy the
Federal Communications Commission's requirement that all TV- and
radio-broadcast networks air a certain quota of programming that offers
"significant treatment of community issues." But the pace, format, and
substance of these shows don't allow for a significant treatment of anything.
That's fine with the networks; they're happy enough to have a cheap and easy
vehicle for parading celebrity journalists. And judging by the level of
participation, it's fine with the journalists as well, who are happy to have
a vehicle for enhancing their fame and padding their bank accounts. As
Washington Post media watchdog Howard Kurtz points out in his book Hot Air,
journalists who join the punditocracy generally see their lecture fees spike
up by thousands of dollars. Moreover, some of the shows pay their guests and
many reporters even receive bonuses from their publicity-happy employers for
each time they make a talk show appearance---regardless of whether they say
anything worth hearing.
Of course, given a choice, most journalists would rather be able to get
through a show without having to resort to the sort of on-air tactics that
Rehm has observed. So after they've been called by enough bookers, talk show
regulars tend to develop preparation strategies that can be applied to a wide
range of topics, and that can be successfully employed in less than
twenty-four hours---which is the maximum amount of notice that most shows
give of their discussion topics.
There are a couple of sources that talk show regulars cite as absolutely
indispensable. When the Weekly Standard's Tucker Carlson gets called for a TV
appearance, he jokes that he briefly consults his own "vast realm of
knowledge" and then, like everybody else, he reads the Hotline. The National
Journal's Hotline, a conglomeration of capital commentary, is daily required
reading for journalists who want to stay on top of the latest government
gossip or collect clever catch phrases they can pass off as relatively new.
But what passes for new to the outside-the-Beltway public can tend to sound
somewhat warmed over to the home crowd. "The echo is deafening," Carlson
says. Hotline's widely-used digest feature, which groups together pithy
journalistic remarks on hot topics, reinforces the echo effect. Carlson says,
"People look at the digest of cable comments to come up with comments to say
on cable. It's like plagiarizing yourself."
Although newspaper and magazine clippings supply pundits with most of their
cramming material, those who want their views to sound particularly fresh,
original, or well-informed, may go one step further and seek counsel from
experts in government, academics, and the press. While this sounds
refreshingly like old-fashioned journalism, it isn't necessarily. Big name
pundits may come to rely so extensively on one or two experts that the latter
can build a second career on the relationship.
So after looking over t

Re: [CTRL] Is This Why Bill Clinton May Have Been Asked to Leave Oxford

2001-08-08 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: Prudence L. Kuhn
>Well Saba, I keep wondering if there are any laws in any states (as there
>in military law) that are flat against adultery.

I believe the District of Columbia still has anti-adultery laws on the
statutes, as do many states.

But both Monica Lewinsky and Chandra Levy did not commit adultery, as they
are not married; they committed fornication, if we are to get Biblical about
things.  Only their married partners committed adultery, and would be liable
under any anti-adultery law.


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com for:
* Alternative Kite Radio (low-bandwidth)
* Alternative Kite Radio (high-bandwidth)
* Alternative Kite Summer Beachparty Radio (because it's always summer
somewhere on the globe)
* Alternative Kite Holiday Radio (because everyday is a holiday somewhere)

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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[CTRL] Fwd: Lawyers May Reveal Secrets of Clients, Bar Group Rules

2001-08-08 Thread Aleisha Saba

'When I read this I thought of Gary Condit stopping a story re
"intellectual property rights"so he must be going to write a
book, and Chandra if she is still alive, is out there writing a book
and if she is, she will have a best seller.intellectual property

So all these lawyers on TV giving opinions when they are not asked?
Judges are supposed to render opinions and decisions.but all these
stories, "sources said" and then look at NBC and remember a smug DiGenoa
smoking a cigar on TV smirking and smiling aimed for Clinton for this
man had some information that at the time, was supposed to be held in

Well if I have an attorney the contract is betwee me and my lawyer and
it works two wayswho the hell is the American Bar Association - they
are a Labor Union for Lawyers where they price fix which is contrary to
law, anti trust laws would it be, where they set rates and not all
lawyers belong to the Bar Association for in fact, they are held in
contempt by many.

Read between the lines on this one - for these lawyers now when they get
a good case, can get big bucks selling out their clients secrets to the
press and news TV media in more "sources said" stories.

First, let me say maybe Shakespeare was right when he wrote "First we
will kill all the lawyers", but then who would defend the assassins, in
a court of law?

Is the lawyer contracting with the American Bar Association or does he
contract with a client?

Treason and Murder - only exceptions to the rules...anything else, is
sub rosa.


August 8, 2001

  Lawyers May Reveal Secrets of Clients, Bar  Group Rules

Backers of an initiative to overhaul legal ethics rules, allowing
lawyers more leeway to disclose client confidences to prevent fraud,
injury or death, won a partial victory at the annual meeting of the
American Bar Association in Chicago this week.

The House of Delegates, the body that sets policy for the organization,
voted 243 to 184 on Monday to approve a proposal allowing lawyers to
disclose confidences when doing so prevents "reasonably certain death or
substantial bodily harm."

But a proposal allowing lawyers to disclose financial fraud by a client
if that client was using the lawyer's services to commit the fraud was
defeated 255 to 151 yesterday. And its supporters, recognizing they did
not have the votes, withdrew a similar proposal that also would have
allowed disclosure of confidences under the same circumstances in order
to mitigate a financial loss.

Monday's change, the first update of the Model Rules of Professional
Conduct in nearly 20 years, is significant because it means that lawyers
who may know of a defective product may now warn potential victims,
lawyers said.

The current rule allows disclosure only "to prevent the client from
committing a criminal act that the lawyer believes is likely to result
in imminent death or substantial bodily harm" — a more stringent
requirement because it is limited to disclosure related to criminal
actions by the client.

"This is a great expansion in the freedom of lawyers to warn victims and
persons in danger of substantial bodily harm or death, regardless of
who's causing it," or whether it is imminent, said Stephen Gillers, a
professor of legal ethics at New York University School of Law. "That's
important in a world of dangerous products, where you have exploding
tires and cars that overturn."

At the heart of the debate over the new rules is the balancing of
lawyers' obligations to represent the interests of clients against a
larger, societal good. Both sides agree that the privilege to protect
client confidences is not absolute, but disagree about when it should be

"I'm satisfied that this is an appropriate balance," said Nancy J.
Moore, a professor of legal ethics at Boston University Law School and a
member of the commission that recommended the changes in disclosure

"You have situations in which a client leaves the lawyer's office
brandishing a gun on his way to an ex-spouse," she said. "It's simply
too harmful to refuse to permit lawyers to disclose in these

The delegates also backed a new rule that would prohibit a lawyer from
having sex with a client unless a consensual sexual relationship
predated the professional contact.

The Model Rules are not binding on lawyers, whose conduct is regulated
by the states, and the entire amended code is subject to approval by the
House of Delegates, possibly at its next meeting in six months. State
courts, which draft the rules of conduct, normally give great deference
to the association, lawyers say.

But on this issue, many states have already acted independently to
broaden lawyers' discretion. In New York, for example, lawyers could
reveal a client's intention to commit a crime, Professor Gillers said.
"The New York rule is in some ways broader and in some ways narrower
than what the A.B.A. is proposing," he said, because while it is not

[CTRL] Fwd: Scandal of HIV blood sold as safe by South Africans [Free Republic]

2001-08-08 Thread Aleisha Saba

Somehow I missed this story when it came out, but then this land of
Rhodes Round Table - wonder if the advent of AIDS was discussed at some
of the oh so secret meetings?   How to control population, or how to
genocide people around the world.

Remember this so called "Rhodes Scholar" Clinton first distributed blood
polluted with HIV/AIDS and Hepatitus and one can only imagine what else
- to Canada and all the immigrants now being imported to USA by virtue
of Clintonites and UN - spread the death evenly - 18,000 African
immigrants wanted in USA to be exported, only on condition they have

One must presume the bad blood Clinton helped to spread about the world,
which came from prisons, was a plan and part of a plot - massive
population control plan.for India  China do have their problems and
the USA did not until the UN pushed for this massive immigration and
disease from leprosy to AIDS and TV, increasesome would call this
"germ warfare" but this, is turned now to the American people.


FreeRepublic.com "A Conservative News Forum"

Scandal of HIV blood sold as safe by South Africans

Crime/Corruption Breaking News News Keywords: HAEMOPHILIA, TAINTED

Source: The Sunday Times England
Published: August 27 2000 Author: Karen MacGregor and Fiona Fleck
Posted on 08/27/2000 11:04:11 PDT by Acorn
August 27 2000 BRITAIN

Scandal of HIV blood sold as safe by South Africans

Karen MacGregor and Fiona Fleck

BLOOD contaminated with the HIV virus and hepatitis has been shipped
into Britain from South Africa for 20 years, an investigation has

The multi-million-dollar racket has been exposed in a World Health
Organisation (WHO) report. The blood, coming from one of the nations
most seriously affected by Aids, was often labelled as "animal plasma"
to avoid the strict checks designed to ensure that only healthy blood
gets through.

Investigations so far show that the blood has mainly been moved on to
China and India, where thousands faced contamination from it. There is
no evidence that any of it found its way into British hospitals.

A spokesman for the Department of Health said last night: "All our blood
is tested and double tested. There's an enormous amount of checks made
to make sure blood used in our hospitals is safe. We're not aware of any
investigation into South African blood at the moment."
However, British police are now "consulting" other European forces over
the investigation.

At least two British companies, one based in Guernsey and the other in
Berkshire, have been investigated by Austrian detectives. They say
unscrupulous processing companies in several countries relabelled the
contaminated blood as fit for therapeutic use, then sold it on to India
and China.

Several blood brokers are due to appear in court in Austria, facing
charges of fraudulent trading and endangering public health. A British
Aids expert, Professor Alan Smith, initiated the investigation when he
alerted police after he uncovered what he described as the "highly
unethical" trafficking while he worked in the virology department of
Natal University.

His complaints led the South African Department of Health to commission
a WHO blood expert, Dr Wilbert Bannenberg, to investigate. His report
estimates that in the past decade the brokers made more than £7m
from processing and relabelling blood that is given free in South Africa
as "a gift of life".
Bannenburg's report called for an urgent toughening of South Africa's
blood export controls.

He found that permits for the import and export of blood products
between 1997 and 1999 had been inexplicably lost, while current
information on permits was "so vague that authorities were unable to
determine the source or final destination of the products".

Large amounts of human plasma were classified and exported as "animal
plasma" to avoid fears over the scale of South Africa's Aids problem -
3.5 million people are infected.

Documents dated 1995 and now with Canadian police showed 15 shipments of
"animal plasma" were flown to Belgium, where they were relabelled as
human blood from Canada and sold on to a North American company's German
plant for processing.

Thousands of people are thought to have been in danger of contracting
Aids and hepatitis from plasma made there.

In 1998, Austrian authorities seized 4,000 litres of blood from a
Linz-based company, Albovina AG, after a tip-off. The blood was infected
with hepatitis B and HIV. The Austrian investigation found that the
blood had been shipped to Austria through Guernsey by a South African

The manager of one of the British companies involved said it had stopped
buying blood from South Africa two years ago as rumours spread within
the industry. He insisted that all the blood used in Britain had been
sold on as "control" blood for laboratory testing.


[CTRL] Turks demonstrate against Sharon (fwd)

2001-08-08 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


Turks demonstrate against Sharon

Ankara (Turkey): 8 August, 2001 (IAP News)

Thousands of Turks today took to the streets to protest a visit to Turkey
by Israeli prime Minister Ariel Sharon who, for many Turks and Muslims
around the world,  is a war criminal not unlike Adolph Hitler .

Anti-Sharon demonstrations were reported in several Turkish cities
including  Ankara, Istanbul,  Izmir and Adana  where protesters shouted
anti-Zionist slogans and called on their government to sever ties with the
Jewish state.

"It is a big disgrace to Turkey that this war criminal Ariel Sharon can set
foot on our soil," said Ahmet Ja'afar, of the Turkish Jurist association.

Ja'afar castigated the Zionist regime for "behaving toward the Palestinian
people like Nazi Germany behaved toward Jews."

"We see today that the Zionists are behaving toward the Palestinian people
very much like the Nazi had behaved toward Jews…. the  Zionists  even use
the same terminology  to vilify and demonize the Palestinians that the
Nazis once used to vilify and demonize Jews."

Another protester, a student at the University of Istanbul, blamed Israel
for "killing democracy in our country."

"The criminal Jews are pressurizing  the military to tighten their grip on
civilian life, the Jews are the main obstacle to genuine democracy in Turkey."

Sharon, a war criminal, held talks with Turkish officials on Wednesday
which diplomatic sources said were aimed at convincing Turks to purchase
more Israeli-made weapons.

Turkey reportedly had cancelled several arms deals with Israel due to what
was called "obscene prices."

Moreover, the Turkish generals also reportedly cracked down on the
so-called "Jewish lobby" in Turkey, which had been pressing officials to
purchase more Israeli-made weapons.

Turkey hopes her strong relations with Israel will earn her a certificate
of good  conduct in Washington where the Zionist-controlled Congress has a
decisive say in American foreign policy.

Proudly Serving Palestine and AlQuds
Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP)
10661 South Roberts Rd, Suite 202 Palos Hills, IL 60465
Tel: 708 974 3380 / Fax: 708 974 3389 /Pager: 1 800 916 8286
http://www.iap.org E-mails:[EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To subscribe to IAP NEWS, send a blank message to:

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl

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[CTRL] Fwd: Anti-U.N. Petitions Flood Capitol

2001-08-08 Thread Aleisha Saba

Well the times they are a changing...

Always wondered by nobody has parked a fertilizer truck in front of the
UN?   They are conspicuous by their mere presense?

Note JFK, RFK, JFK, Jr,  and Reagan and Wallace and others all were
either assassinated or nearly assassinated...conspicious by their
absense as compared to presense of others?

UN is comprised of a lot of Bensons - servants who would ride while
freedom walked.

Never see any of these UN figures knocked off and yet.maybe it is
because their backers are buying the bullets.and their messengers
deliver same?


Wednesday, August 08, 2001
 Anti-U.N. Petitions Flood Capitol
  More than 70,000 petitions urging the rejection of "all global
governance schemes of the United Nations" were presented to Speaker of the
House, Dennis Hastert, today (July 19, 2001) by the American Policy Center.

The petitions continue the Center's effort, begun in September 2000, when the
American Policy Center (APC) presented Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) with more
than one ton of petitions in support of his "American Sovereignty Restoration
Act" (H.R. 1146). The Center, headquartered in Herndon, Virginia, is an
activist think tank.

A review of the voting records of the 435 members of the House of
Representatives conducted by the Center revealed that 44% have failed to
support legislation to protect America's national sovereignty. The subsequent
petitions presented to Rep. Paul demonstrated the growing fear of Americans
that the nation's sovereignty is in peril.

The new, additional petitions, said Tom DeWeese, the Center's president, call
on the United States to withdraw the United States from the United Nations.
"There is a growing consensus in our country that the United Nations is less
concerned with world peace and more concerned with penetrating the
sovereignty of the U.S. and other nations," said DeWeese in a letter to the

"In light of our expulsion from the U.N. Human Rights Commission and
International Narcotics Control Board, clearly the UN sees the U.S. as the
biggest obstacle to its goals."

DeWeese noted that, at the same time of the APC September news conference,
broadcast by C-Span, the U.N. was convening its Millennium Assembly. The U.N.
Millennium Declaration, a product of the assembly, was put forth as a working
blueprint for future United Nations' objectives. Among the Declaration's
provisions were those that would:

Expand U.N. influence and power over the land of the United States, most
notably through the use of environmental laws, World Heritage Site
designations and biosphere reserves.

Register and track all small arms (rifles, handguns, etc.) produced
worldwide, in an effort to implement a "global gun control" scheme, which
would undoubtedly lead to gun confiscation from sovereign citizens.

Tax individual citizens of the U.S., directly, in the form of a "Tobin" tax,
thus creating a global IRS.

Ratify the International Criminal Court (ICC) Treaty, creating a world court
in which U.S. citizens and soldiers abroad could be tried unjustly in the
name of political retribution. The ICC would even supersede the jurisdiction
of the United States Supreme Court.
In his letter to the Speaker of the House, DeWeese said "it is your unique
obligation to make certain that the Constitution of the United States is
upheld, not only by yourself, but by your colleagues as well.

"The objectives of the United Nations fly directly in the face of the
principles on which our nation was founded, most notably, sovereignty and the
inherent right to govern ourselves. We ask that you demonstrate courage and
leadership in your responsibilities as Speaker and join us in working to
protect our liberty and sovereignty."

[CTRL] The covenant of thugs

2001-08-08 Thread Yardbird

Haaretz, Wednesday, August 08, 2001

The covenant of thugs
By Gideon Samet

Conventional wisdom has it that Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser
Arafat can't stop being the "thug" that former prime minister Ehud
Barak described this week in the New York Times. Nor can Prime
Minister Ariel Sharon stop being a thug in the eyes of the leaders on
the other side. Even if both men were to make the move that now seems
further away than ever and were to coordinate a cease-fire, dialogue
between them would lead nowhere. Conclusion: We are doomed to a very
long period, perhaps years, of living by the sword.

Is this heaven-decreed? It wasn't for worthy leaders like Begin,
Rabin (with Peres), Sadat, Hussein. All the defeatist theories are
worthless when remembering the depths of mutual revulsion from which
these leaders climbed to take themselves and their public's opinion
to the first agreements between their peoples. Those who accompanied
Begin on his first visit to Cairo at the end of 1979 will never
forget how, with a nod from Sadat, the Egyptian street changed. From
the porches around the plaza, where the previously defamed Israeli
leader's convoy arrived, thousands rose to applaud and chant "Begin
Begin," as if it were Zion Square in Jerusalem.

One can only imagine the applause Sharon would hear, even in today's
atmosphere, if he were to declare there had been progress in the
negotiations with the Palestinians. Even Barak, who now curses
Arafat, had the majority behind him when he conducted detailed talks
toward the end of his pitiful administration. There are a variety of
versions about what happened during those final few months. Some of
them, coming from within a sympathetic American administration (and
from the pro-Israel New York Times), blame our side for a large
portion of the failure.

But Israeli patriots would be making a big mistake if they were to
adopt the conclusion that is currently sweeping large swaths of
public opinion - that there's no chance to revive the negotiations.
The first movements toward important changes in relations between
nations have always been the decisions of their leaders. Such
decisions facilitated an escape from desperate situations that
appeared everlasting.

Arafat is no easy customer. Nonetheless, many Israelis who are
hardening their positions are invited to consider the question of
what would the Sharon government offer the Palestinians if - miracle
of miracles - the negotiations were to resume. It sometimes appears
as if the continuing violence serves the strategy of the Israeli
leader. Every political novice knows that Sharon can't give up
anything close to the necessary minimum. But - and this is being said
with caution - there's room for a lot of skepticism about his desire
to do so.

The manner in which Sharon presents the obstacle on the way to
renewed dialogue is, therefore, a huge deception. Shimon Peres
believes that it's possible to break the deadlock with immediate
political contacts, even under fire. He's right. Sharon's opposed.
The Israeli leader is demanding an absolute cease-fire. But, in fact,
he doesn't want one. He's not interested in negotiations because he
knows well that the moment talks begin, his stubborn rejectionism
will be exposed.

Is there really nothing to discuss with Arafat? Perhaps there isn't,
yet it's worth checking. But what about Sharon? What outline of a
general agreement will the Palestinians be able to talk with him
about for more than one serious session?

Dragging a suffering people into a long-lasting military
confrontation based on a myth that there's no one to talk to is
terrible make-believe. This is why you won't hear such a claim from
the crafty Sharon. He'd rather declare his willingness to talk, but
not before his impossible condition of absolute quiet is met. Only
when Sharon stops using this diplomatic ploy will it be possible to
find out whether there really isn't any choice but to forever live by
the sword. It's too bad Arafat doesn't put the prime minister to such
a test by dramatically reducing the level of violence. It's a
covenant between thugs.

Tragically, only when more blood has flowed and outside pressure has
forced the two to sit down together, will it become clear who has
done more to deceive his enemy - and his own people.

[CTRL] The cover up (6 day war) & USS Liberty

2001-08-08 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

The cover-up

At the height of the six-day war in 1967, Israel attacked a US spy ship,
killing 34 men and injuring many more. The Israelis claimed it was an
accident, the Americans backed them up. But, as James Bamford reveals in his
new book, both governments concealed
the horrific truth

Special report: Israel and the Middle East

Wednesday August 8, 2001
The Guardian

Early in the morning of Thursday June 8 1967 and the first rays of sun
spilled softly over the Sinai's blond waves of sand. A little more than a
dozen miles north, in the choppy eastern Mediterranean, the USS Liberty
headed eastward. But the calmness was like quicksand - deceptive, inviting
and friendly - until it was too late.

As the Liberty passed the desert town of El Arish, it was being closely
watched. About 4,000ft above was an Israeli reconnaissance aircraft. At
6.05am, the observer on the plane reported back to Israeli naval
headquarters: "What we could see were the letters
written on that ship and we gave these letters to ground control," he said.
The letters were "GTR-5" - the Liberty's identification. "GTR" stood for
"General Technical Research" - a cover designation for the National Security
Agency (NSA)'s fleet of spy ships.

The Liberty was in dangerous waters at a dangerous time. The six-day war, in
which Israeli air and ground forces launched a massive attack on Egypt,
Syria and Jordan, was raging. Fearing involvement in a Middle East war, the
US joint chiefs of staff needed rapid
intelligence on the ground situation in Egypt. Ships were considered the
best option for the job. They could sail relatively close and pick up the
most important signals. Also, unlike aircraft, they could remain on station
for weeks at a time, eavesdropping, locating transmitters, and analysing the

And so the Liberty, which was large, fast and had been stationed relatively
close on the Ivory Coast, had been ordered in. Throughout the morning, the
ship sailed on, with reconnaissance repeated at approximately 30-minute
intervals. At one point, an Israeli air force Noratlas Nord 2501 circled the
ship and headed back towards the Sinai. "It had a big Star of David on it
and it was flying just a little bit  above our mast," recalled crew member
Larry Weaver. "I was actually able to wave to the co-pilot. He waved back
and actually smiled  at m e - I could see him that well. There's no question
about it. They had seen the ship's markings and the American flag. They
could damn near see my rank. The underway flag was definitely flying,
especially when you're that close to a war zone."

By 9.50am, the minaret at El Arish could be seen with the naked eye like a
solitary mast in a sea of sand. Although no one on the ship knew it at the
time, the Liberty had suddenly trespassed into a private horror. At that
very moment, near the minaret, Israeli forces
were engaged in a criminal slaughter.

Three days after Israel had launched the six- day war, Egyptian prisoners in
the Sinai had become a nuisance. There was no place to house them, not
enough Israelis to watch them, and few vehicles to transport them to prison
camps. But there was another way to deal with them.

As the Liberty sat within eyeshot of El Arish, eavesdropping on surrounding
communications, Israeli soldiers turned the town into a slaughterhouse,
systematically butchering their prisoners. An eyewitness recounted how in
the shadow of the El Arish mosque, they lined up about 60 unarmed Egyptian
prisoners, hands tied behind their backs, and then opened fire with machine
guns until the pale desert sand turned red.

This and other war crimes were just some of the secrets Israel had sought to
conceal since the start of the conflict. An essential  element in the
Israeli battle plan seemed to have been to hide much of the war behind a
carefully constructed curtain of lies:
lies about the Egyptian threat, lies about who started the war, lies to the
US president, lies to the UN Security Council, lies to the press, lies to
the public. Thus, as the American naval historian Dr Richard K Smith noted,
"any instrument which sought to
penetrate this smoke screen so carefully thrown around the normal 'fog of
war' would have to be frustrated".

Into this sea of deception and slaughter sailed the USS Liberty, an enormous
spy factory loaded with the latest eavesdropping gear.

About noon, as the Liberty was again in sight of El Arish, and while the
massacres were taking place, an army commander there reported that a ship
was shelling them from the sea. But that was impossible. The only ship in
the vicinity was the Liberty, and she was eavesdropping, not shooting. As
any observer would have recognised, the ship was a tired old second world
war vessel crawling with antennae, and unthreatening to anyone - unless it
was their secrets, not their lives, they wanted to protect.

By then the Israeli navy and air force had conducted more than six hours of
close surveillance of the Liberty off th

[CTRL] Turks angry at Sharon visit and ties with Zionists

2001-08-08 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Tuesday, August 7 7:55 PM SGT

Sentiments chilly in Turkey ahead of Sharon visit

ANKARA, Aug 7 (AFP) -

A chilly climate awaits Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon when he
arrives in Turkey
Wednesday for a one-day visit amid protests and media highlights of his
hardline policies
against the Palestinians and controversial past.

The reactions are unusual for this mainly Muslim country, whose ties
with Israel have been
flourishing since 1996 when the two sides signed a military cooperation
accord at the
expense of criticism from most of the Arab world and Iran.

Riot police in Istanbul detained about 15 people Tuesday, mostly women
in black
chadors, who were protesting at deadly Israeli crackdowns on the
Palestinians, Anatolia
news agency reported.

The detainees were among protestors who were gathering for a planned
demonstration in the area amid heavy police presence.

Also in Istanbul, police took into custody three journalists from two
publications on the grounds that they had last week called for an
"illegal action" by
encouraging anti-Sharon protests, Anatolia said.

Both pro-Islamic and mainstream newspapers echoed the anti-Sharon
sentiment and
criticized the Turkish government for hosting the controversial leader
at a time when Israel
is under harsh international criticism for using excessive force
against the Palestinians.

"He is a war criminal," the pro-Islamic Yeni Safak said of Sharon in a
front-page headline,
charging him with holding "primary responsibility" for the recent
bloodshed in the Middle

In a piece in Yeni Safak, leading columnist Cengiz Candar dubbed
Sharon's visit an "ugly
development" and blasted Ankara for "embracing Israel, which is
governed by a prime
minister who is under accusations of human rights breaches and even

Despite its close ties with Israel, Turkey has full-fledged diplomatic
relations with the
Palestinians and backs their demands for statehood.

Ankara has harshly criticized Israel recently for using excessive force
against the

But Turgut Tarhanli, from Radikal newspaper, warned that deepening ties
with the
incumbent Israeli government would erode the credibility of Turkey's
stance against Israeli

Ahead of Sharon's visit, Turkish activists have also formed a so-called
Initiative Group with the sole aim of drawing public attention to
Sharon's controversial

"We want Turkey to back an international trial for Sharon for his
murderous acts," group
spokesman Hilmi Ozturk told AFP.

Inspired by a Belgian probe into Sharon's role in the 1982 massacres of
refugees in Lebanon, the group filed two symbolic complaints with
courts in Ankara and
Istanbul last week, accusing the Israeli leader of crimes against

The group also opened in Istanbul an exhibition of photographs
depicting Palestinian
victims of the conflict.

"Stop killing Palestinian children," read a banner at the exhibition,
which was meant to
coincide with Sharon's visit.

And a parliamentary deputy has submitted a formal question to Prime
Minister Bulent
Ecevit, asking him what gains Ankara expected from Sharon's visit at a
time when Israel
was under strong international fire, parliamentary sources told AFP.

Sharon, due to arrive on Wednesday morning, will meet with Ecevit,
President Ahmet
Necdet Sezer and Economy Minister Kemal Dervis before leaving Turkey in

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Re: [CTRL] Something Rotten In The State Of Israel

2001-08-08 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 08/07/2001 6:30:58 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

<< Well, that's pretty good. But you did leave out one or two key points.
 the house does not belong to you. The house belongs to an absentee landlord
 Turkey. After he lost the house in a poker game with the town officials, THEY
 decided to split the house in two. It was a big house. THEN Prudy, your
 story starts. After feeling guilty about the fires they helped start and not
 put out, THEN they declared that half of the half of the house will be made
 available to the burned out family. >>

Wouldn't it be wonderful if the burned out family "took" just half the house.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Green Beret

2001-08-08 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 8/7/01 10:53:06 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< "thew"
You seem to miss the point entirely for it was not whether or not
Clinton made the rent rise but that SOME thought Harlem should be
for the Blacks who developed it and it should not be taken over by
the more affluent of other ethnic groups.  And this is NOT my
personal thoughts on the matter for I have not given it that much
thought.  I was merely repeating what BLACKS from Harlem stated.
~Amelia~ >>

What happened to the thought that Clinton was our first black president? As
such, shouldn't he be allowed to have an office in Haarlem?

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] American Values & Israeli Values Are Not Equal

2001-08-08 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 08/07/2001 6:32:14 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

<< -Caveat Lector-

 William Shannon wrote:
 > http://www.mediamonitors.net/index.html
 > American Values and Israeli Values Are Not Equal

 Hm? Could that be because this is America, and that over there is A
 > by Sherri Muzher >>

The author of this article is absolutely right.  Israel is not America.  It
is a very different country.  AND I WANT AMERICA TO STOP SENDING THEM
MONEY!!!  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Something Rotten In The State Of Israel j2

2001-08-08 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

Main Entry:Ar·ab
Pronunciation:'ar-&b, 'er-; dial also 'A-"rab
Etymology:Middle English, from Latin Arabus, Arabs, from Greek Arab-,
Date:14th century
1 a : a member of the Semitic people of the Arabian peninsula b : a member
of an Arabic-speaking people

Free your mind and your ass will follow.
   St George

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

> From: "Prudence L. Kuhn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 10:43:05 EDT
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] Something Rotten In The State Of Israelj2
> -Caveat Lector-
> I'm serious too.  I don't know what you consider "ARAB."  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Revolving door poses danger to defense

2001-08-08 Thread Alamaine Euphorix

-Caveat Lector-

From: Alamaine

Revolving door poses danger to defense

By James J. Zogby

August 7, 2001

WASHINGTON - The Senate's confirmation of Douglas J. Feith as undersecretary of 
defense for policy is a classic illustration of the dangerous abuses inherent in the 
revolving door that operates between government and private industry.

Mr. Feith is a political appointee who has used his time in government to build 
relations that can be used for business purposes, and then returns to government.

As the Pentagon's policy chief, his responsibilities include:

- Developing policy on the conduct of alliances and defense relationships with foreign 
governments and their military establishments.

- Coordinating and overseeing the implementation of international security strategy 
and policy on issues that relate to foreign governments and their defense 

- Providing oversight of all Pentagon efforts related to international technology 

This is a powerful position and holds great potential for conflicts of interest. With 
previous Pentagon experience under President Ronald Reagan and as special counsel to 
Richard Perle, who was an assistant secretary of defense in the Reagan administration, 
Mr. Feith accumulated friends in and out of government who have U.S. defense contracts 
and relationships.

Most recently, Mr. Feith was an attorney with the Washington firm of Feith and Zell.

His biography says that he specializes in "technology transfer, joint ventures and 
foreign investment in the defense and aerospace industries."

His firm has one international affiliate, in Israel. More than two-thirds of all of 
its reported casework involves representing Israeli or other foreign interests.

In light of Mr. Feith's new appointment, one of these cases deserves some attention. 
As described on the firm's Web site, Mr. Feith "represented a leading Israeli 
armaments manufacturer in establishing joint ventures with leading U.S. aerospace 
manufacturers for manufacture and sale of missile systems, to the U.S. Department of 
Defense and worldwide."

Mr. Feith has also been a registered foreign agent for Turkey, seeking to "promote the 
objective of U.S.-Turkish defense industrial cooperation" through a company called IAI.

At the time, Mr. Perle, Mr. Feith's former boss, disavowed IAI's efforts, claiming 
that "I find very distasteful this business where people leave the government and, the 
next thing you know, they're on the other side of the table negotiating with the U.S." 
This did not stop Mr. Perle from being IAI's highest-paid consultant.

More recently, Mr. Feith and Mr. Perle teamed to represent the Bosnian government. 
According to Richard Holbrooke, the principal U.S. negotiator at the 1995 Dayton peace 
talks, Mr. Perle and Mr. Feith worked for and advised the Bosnians during the talks. 
This time, however, they did not register with the Justice Department, as foreign 
agents are required to do.

Mr. Feith also represented the Loral Corp., which the Pentagon accused of selling 
sensitive technology to China. Mr. Feith argued Loral's case before the Senate.

On the political front, Mr. Feith sees the world in ideological dualistic terms - the 
forces of absolute good confronting the forces of absolute evil. He is especially 
adept at fitting the Middle East into this paradigm.

A prolific writer, Mr. Feith has left a long paper trail of vehemently anti-Arab 
tracts and diatribes against those who challenge or seek to question Israeli policy or 
as he says, Israel's "moral superiority" over the Arabs.

At his initial Senate hearing, several senators raised their concerns with Mr. Feith's 
previous statements about the Middle East, his support for scrapping existing arms 
control agreements and his support for unilateral development of a missile defense 

Now that the Senate has confirmed Mr. Feith's nomination, his work and the policies he 
creates must be closely scrutinized. His pattern of behavior and obvious conflicts of 
interest should have disqualified him from such a sensitive post; the issues raised at 
his confirmation hearing demonstrated that.

He is now shaping policy at the Pentagon.

Unfortunately, he is the wrong person to do so.

James J. Zogby is president of the Arab American Institute.

Copyright (c) 2001, The Baltimore Sun

Link to the article: http://www.sunspot.net/bal-op.feith07aug07.story

Visit http://www.sunspot.net

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endo

Re: [CTRL] Something Rotten In The State Of Israel j2

2001-08-08 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

I'm serious too.  I don't know what you consider "ARAB."  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Feds- Spy Tool Is A Secret

2001-08-08 Thread Jeanne S

-Caveat Lector-

They are already using it.  There is no privacy on the web.  They watch
anyone they see as a threat.
- Original Message -
From: "tenebroust" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 8:54 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Feds- Spy Tool Is A Secret

> -Caveat Lector-
> This sounds like a very interesting case that is well worth keeping an eye
on, since a keystroke interceptor would enable the Feds to bypass any type
of firewall or encryption and if they can do it willy nilly then no one's
data is secure.  Scary.
> On Tue, 07 August 2001, William Shannon wrote:
> >
> > http://www.wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,45851,00.html";>http://www.wi
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Feds: Spy Tool Is a Secret
> > By mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]%3Fsubject=Feds:%20Spy%20Tool%20Is%20a%20Secret
">Declan McCullagh 
> > 
> > 2:00 a.m. Aug. 7, 2001 PDT
> > http://a1112.g.akamai.net/7/1112/492/03312000/static.wired.com/news/ima
ges/spacer.gif" WIDTH="89" HEIGHT="21" BORDER="0">
> > The U.S. government has invoked national security to argue that
details of a
> > new electronic surveillance technique must remain secret.
> > Justice Department attorneys told a federal judge overseeing the
> > of an alleged mobster that public disclosure of a classified
keystroke logger
> > would imperil ongoing investigations of "foreign intelligence
agents" and
> > endanger the lives of U.S. agents.
> > 
> > In court documents http://www2.epic.org/crypto/scarfo/gov_supp_brief.pdf";>(PDF) filed
Friday, the Justice Department claims that
> > such stringent secrecy is necessary to prevent "hostile intelligence
> > officers" from employing "counter-surveillance tactics to thwart law
> > enforcement."
> > 
> > U.S. District Judge Nicholas Politan http://www.wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,45730,00.html";>heard
arguments last Monday in the
> > prosecution of Nicodemo S. Scarfo, the alleged mastermind of a loan
> > operation in New Jersey. Politan asked both sides to submit
additional briefs
> > before he decided whether or not to order the feds to disclose
details about
> > their keystroke logging device, which captured Scarfo's PGP
> > 
> > Politan has barred attorneys in the case from talking to reporters.
> > 
> > Donald Kerr, the director of the FBI's lab, said in an affidavit
filed Friday
> > that "there are only a limited number of effective techniques
available to
> > the FBI to cope with encrypted data, one of which is the 'key logger
> > system.'" He said that if criminals find out how the logger works,
they can
> > readily circumvent it.
> > 
> > The feds believe so strongly in keeping this information secret that
> > said they may invoke the http://www.fas.org/irp/offdocs/laws/pl096456.htm";>Classified
Information Procedures Act if necessary.
> > The 1980 law says that the government may say that evidence requires
> > "protection against unauthorized disclosure for reasons of national
> > security."
> > 
> > If that happens, not only are observers barred from the courtroom,
but the
> > trial could move to a classified location. Federal regulations say
that if a
> > courtroom is not sufficiently secure, "the court shall designate the
> > facilities of another United States Government agency" as the
location for
> > the trial.
> > 
> > But the FBI's Kerr said that CIPA's extreme procedures aren't good
> > Says Kerr: "Even disclosure under the protection of the court ...
> > guarantee that the technique will not be compromised To assume
> > may well lead to the compromise of criminal and national security
> > investigations, and, in some cases, threaten the lives of FBI or
> > government agency personnel."
> > 
> > Scarfo allegedly used PGP to encode his confidential and
> > business data. With a judge's approval, FBI agents repeatedly
sneaked into
> > Scarfo's business to plant a keystroke sniffer -- it could be either
> > or hardware -- and monitor its output.
> > 
> > During last Monday's hearing, Judge Politan wondered aloud how the
law should
> > treat the keyboard tap.
> > 
> > Was it akin, Politan wondered, to a telephone wiretap, regulated by
> > federal law known as Title III? Perhaps it was a general search of
the sort
> > loathed by the colonists at the time of the American Revolution and
> > thereafter outlawed by the Fourth Amendment? Or was it, as the
> > argued, just like cops rummaging around someone's home or office
with a
> > search warrant in hand?
> > 
> > The difference is crucial: If Politan rules that the FBI's keystroke
> > is a wiretap, the evidence may have to be discarded and Scarfo would
be more
> > likely to walk free. That's because wiretaps must follow strict
rules -- such
> > as minimizing information that's recorded -- that the FBI's
technique didn't.
> > 
> > "If no court has yet assessed the legality of

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Green Beret

2001-08-08 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 08/08/2001 1:53:06 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

<< "thew"
 You seem to miss the point entirely for it was not whether or not
 Clinton made the rent rise but that SOME thought Harlem should be
 for the Blacks who developed it and it should not be taken over by
 the more affluent of other ethnic groups.  And this is NOT my
 personal thoughts on the matter for I have not given it that much
 thought.  I was merely repeating what BLACKS from Harlem stated.
 ~Amelia~ >>

Yes, there are places where integration is definitely not desired by the
black community.  Harlem must be one of them.  On Okinawa, there was the
"Bush."  Whites were definitely not wanted there, and the warning was to stay
away.   To ignore the warning was very dangerous.  I wonder if they've
changed the name of that district.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl

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Re: [CTRL] A California Congressman Speaks Out......Did News Media Report on it

2001-08-08 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

vietnam was an evil war, and we shouldnt have been there.

more to the point, what does this have to do with bill being a rhodes
scholar or not?
   Doubt thyself.
   Doubt even if thou doubtest thyself.
   Doubt all.
   Doubt even if thou doubtest all.
   It seems sometimes as if beneath all conscious doubt
 there lay some deepest certainty.  O kill it!  Slay the
   The horn of the Doubt-Goat be exalted
   Dive deeper, ever deeper, into the Abyss of Mind,
 until thou unearth the fox THAT.  On, hounds!
 Yoicks!  Tally-ho!  Bring THAT to bay!
   Then, wind the Mort!

   Uncle Al. the kiddies pal

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

> From: Aleisha Saba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 10:06:34 -0400
> Subject: [CTRL] A California Congressman Speaks Out..Did News Media Report
> on it
> For the individual who wanted to know why Clinton is not a true Rhodes
> Scholar the following shoud provide some enlightenment.
> This Congressman had Clinton's number long ago, and this was read into
> the record.
> How to take over a country?   First you set aside certain individuals as
> the "chosen ones" to assist in the take over for the goal first, is get
> the money from the Treasury and to date, see how same was managed and it
> started in 1913.today congress protects their pensions, but these
> pigs behind the scenario leave nothing for Social Security do
> they.no they want this money for "investment" purposes.
> Keep in mind Clinton's offer of a job which would pay him $8,000,000,000
> a year as "investment counselor" but of course, in what the natural
> reserves in this country - will he be on Soros and Rich who is just a
> front man for the mob, on his payroll for this is Rich's specialty from
> attempting to destroy labor unions to well, the charge against him was
> engaging in organized crime an racketeering, and aiding and abetting the
> enemy was it?  And what about that "burlap" bag business his father got
> his start and made big bucks in Korea.
> Strange this pilot I knew fighting in the Viet Nam War - this man in
> Columbus, oh so rich with connections - wanted him to do a big of
> smuggling and the source why it was KOREA.  Well this bastard, Macy
> Bloch, who still thrives never touched by the law like his little front
> man who had such respectable background - this creep found that one
> honest man for whih Diogenese looked at high noon in bright sonbut
> the police never touched, old Macy.
> So lots of body bags lying around and this story where Clinton seems to
> have had the immunity to get away with murder - and sodomy and rape
> which evidently is of little consequence that such a man should be in
> our Oval Office with a prostitute -  someday they might give Monica a
> medal for letting this man expose himself for what he was from the
> beginninga liar,  rapist, sodomist, with long body bag count.
> Saba
> Congressman Robert K. Dornan (R-CA)
> U.S. House of Representatives  July 10, 1995
> Mr. DORNAN. Mr. Speaker, tomorrow may be a truly  tragic  day  in
> American  history,  because  a  person  who  avoided  serving his
> country three times during the bloodiest subaction of  the  whole cold
> war, the conflict that raged on for a decade in Indochina, a person who
> avoided the draft when he graduated  from  Georgetown, speaking about
> Mr. Clinton, who avoided service in his first year as a graduate student
> at Oxford,  when  all  graduate  deferments were  taken  away  and  then
> who, after he actually had a call-up notice, a report date to join the
> U.S. Army  as  a  buck  private soldier  and  an  induction  date of 29,
> excuse me, 28 July 1969, used political pressure, the liberal Republican
> Governor's office in Arkansas, Winthrop Rockefeller, with the draft
> board, the head of the draft board, and two or three members of the
> draft  board, personal meetings, 2 hours each, to beg them to allow him
> to join after the fact the ROTC at the University of  Arkansas;  then
> he had  a  U.S.  Senator, Senator Fulbright of Arkansas, phone in to the
> head of the ROTC.
> And then I learned at a dinner with the  distinguished  American,
> Distinguished  Service Cross holder of the second medal down from the
> Medal of Honor, who had commanded ROTC units, whole  sections of  the
> country,  commanded  ROTC for many colleges, Col. Eugene Holmes, a
> Bataan death march survivor, he  told  me  when  I  had dinner  with
> him  and his wife, Irene, down in Fayetteville, AR, last February, that
> Clinton was the only student in more  than  a decade,  as  a  commander
> and professor of military science, the only student who ever showed up
> at his house.
> He said he did  not let him in, but

Re: [CTRL] A California Congressman Speaks Out......Did News Medi a Report on it

2001-08-08 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-

> -Original Message-
> From: Aleisha Saba [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 9:07 AM
> Subject: [CTRL] A California Congressman Speaks Out..Did
> News Media
> Report on it
> This Congressman had Clinton's number long ago, and this was read into
> the record.
> Congressman Robert K. Dornan (R-CA)
>U.S. House of Representatives  July 10, 1995
Mr. Dornan is a very interesting speaker, despite his nasty voice as the
result of a lifetime of smoking, and I wish every Congressman, Senator and
Presidential candidate had his military experience for it gives leadership
ability civilians rarely possess.

But his ability to think clearly is crippled by his blind allegiance to his
religion. As the Bible teaches, Christian white male landowners are superior
to all other forms of life and Dornan is faithful to this teaching. If you
wanted a candidate who was true to his principles and still unacceptable to
a large majority of the American populace for one reason or another, it
would be Dornan.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Green Beret

2001-08-08 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

it doesn't matter who said it. the statement ignores the facts of the
matter. Harlem is economically improved. This does help the blacks who live
in Harlem, as well as everyone else who lives in Harlem. Caucasians,
Hispanics, Jews, Asians, etcetc. They all already exist in Harlem. If you
make a place more conducive to business, then business will move in. Just
because there are racist blacks, as well as racist whites, doesn't make
either of them correct.

Not all blacks share one mind. there is diversity of opinion in every

bill clntons arrival in Harlem does not take anything away from anyone of
any race or creed. What it does do is bring more money, and thus more
improvement into the community.

"It is not the function of our government to keep the
citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen
to keep the government from falling into error." Justice
Robert H. Jackson--

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

> From: Amelia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 01:04:03 -0500
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Green Beret
> -Caveat Lector-
> "thew"
> You seem to miss the point entirely for it was not whether or not
> Clinton made the rent rise but that SOME thought Harlem should be
> for the Blacks who developed it and it should not be taken over by
> the more affluent of other ethnic groups.  And this is NOT my
> personal thoughts on the matter for I have not given it that much
> thought.  I was merely repeating what BLACKS from Harlem stated.
> ~Amelia~
> - Original Message -
> From: "thew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 12:17 AM
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Green Beret
> -Caveat Lector-
> it's not bill clinton that makes rent rise. It is new affluence.
> Harlem has
> gone through a real renaissance in the last 10 years. It has
> upscale
> restaurants, and new shops, and theaters, and the apartment
> buildings are
> not empty. this is what the community has been working towards for
> years.
> Safer more vital neighborhoods cost more. This is a basic fact in
> the world
> as it exists today. I cant imagine that anyone actually believes
> they could
> make the improvements they have made to harlem, and not have it
> cause
> changes to the neighborhood.  Bill Clinton and higher rents are
> both
> symptoms of the same cause.
> ...and if you don't think clinton's presence benefits the
> community, you
> dont understand what makes communities thrive,
> ...
> .
> http://www.ctrl.org/";>www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html
> http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of
> http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl
> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

Re: [CTRL] Is This Why Bill Clinton May Have Been Asked to Leave Oxford

2001-08-08 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

aleisha, can you not distinguish between violent rape, and consensual sex?

mike tyson raped a woman, granted, a woman stupid enough not to understand
what going to a motel at 2 o'clock in the morning means, but if she said no
it's no ( a fact clinton understood with paula jones, but for some reason he
still had to pay 80 dollars for understanding no means no).

clinton didn't rape anybody, he was involved in consensual sex between
adults. same for marv albert. and everyone else on your list. condit no on
knows yet, they jury isn't in, much less out on it.

-- --- -
"Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, doctor, and I'm happy to
state I finally won out over it"

Elwood P Dowd

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

> From: Aleisha Saba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 09:26:29 -0400
> Subject: [CTRL] Is This Why Bill Clinton May Have Been Asked to Leave Oxford
> For Clinton is not considered a Rhodes Scholar as he did not even finish
> his term.
> So little Chandra is being forgotten - but it would seem Condit and
> Clinton love to portray the role of a Don Juan when in essense, it would
> seem they were just sexual predators who seem to have more in common
> with Mike Tyson just charged with another rape.
> Tell me - how is it Condit and Clinton have gotten away with this stuff
> and Mike Tyson is the rapist while Condit and Clinton get away with well
> face it - maybe murder?
> What is this influence and power behind both of these men that has kept
> them out of prison - why was Tyson in prison and why aren't Condit and
> Clinton at least brought up on charges of habitual sex offenders?
> Part of it is this - Remember this Marv Albert the NBC Sports reporter -
> how gentle the press was with him and John Belushi with Dan Akleroyd
> with prostitues in motel on drugs - Saturday Night Live where Clinton
> made an appearance where drugs are made to be a joke and oh so funny
> Charlie Sheen and this Robert Downey - Cosby had a son murdered by
> Russian Mafia and oh so quiet.for he had other problems like Jesse
> Jackson and Sharpton -  See IRS going after Jackson or Sharpton?
> The press is highly suspect in taking payolla for all is orchestrated
> and Larry King and Geraldo ever check into their hidden lives?  Mob
> connections and all.
> They are mutual admiration society and I am so sick of still hearing how
> handsome and young this Condit is when he is a predator among predators
> who for some reason has never been put on "endangered species"
> list...he association with Hells Angels speaks for itself and
> Chandra Levy to him is just another part of his secret life he wants
> buried along with many others found in the Clinton Body count of rape
> and death.
> Saba
> Get Headlines:
> Juanita isn't the only one: Bill Clinton's long history of sexual
> violence against women dates back some 30 years
> (Editor's Note: The following story is an update of previously-published
> information and contains some new material.)
> By Daniel J. Harris
> & Teresa Hampton
> Capitol Hill Blue
> Women have been charging Bill Clinton with sexual assault since his days
> as a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford 30 years ago.
> A continuing investigation into the President's questionable sexual
> history reveal incidents that go back as far as Clinton's college days,
> with more than a dozen women claiming his sexual appetites leave little
> room for the word ''no.''
> Juanita Broaddrick, an Arkansas nursing home operator, told NBC's Lisa
> Myers five weeks ago she was raped by Clinton. NBC shelved the
> interview, saying they were confirming all parts of the story, but
> finally aired it Wednesday night.
> Broaddrick finally took her story to The Wall Street Journal, which
> published her account of the brutal rape at the hands of the future
> President, followed by The Washington Post and some other publications.
> But Capitol Hill Blue has confirmed that Broaddrick's story is only one
> account of many attempted and actual sexual assaults by Clinton that go
> back 30 years. Among the other incidents:
> Eileen Wellstone, 19-year-old English woman who said Clinton sexually
> assaulted her after she met him at a pub near the Oxford where the
> future President was a student in 1969. A retired State Department
> employee, who asked not to be identified, confirmed that he spoke with
> the family of the girl and filed a report with his superiors.
> Clinton admitted having sex with the girl, but claimed it was
> consensual. The victim's family declined to pursue the case;
> In 1972, a 22-year-old woman told campus police at Yale University that
> she was sexually assaulted by Clinton, a law student at the college.
> No charges were filed, but retired campus policemen contacted b

[CTRL] A California Congressman Speaks Out......Did News Media Report on it

2001-08-08 Thread Aleisha Saba

For the individual who wanted to know why Clinton is not a true Rhodes
Scholar the following shoud provide some enlightenment.

This Congressman had Clinton's number long ago, and this was read into
the record.

How to take over a country?   First you set aside certain individuals as
the "chosen ones" to assist in the take over for the goal first, is get
the money from the Treasury and to date, see how same was managed and it
started in 1913.today congress protects their pensions, but these
pigs behind the scenario leave nothing for Social Security do
they.no they want this money for "investment" purposes.

Keep in mind Clinton's offer of a job which would pay him $8,000,000,000
a year as "investment counselor" but of course, in what the natural
reserves in this country - will he be on Soros and Rich who is just a
front man for the mob, on his payroll for this is Rich's specialty from
attempting to destroy labor unions to well, the charge against him was
engaging in organized crime an racketeering, and aiding and abetting the
enemy was it?  And what about that "burlap" bag business his father got
his start and made big bucks in Korea.

Strange this pilot I knew fighting in the Viet Nam War - this man in
Columbus, oh so rich with connections - wanted him to do a big of
smuggling and the source why it was KOREA.  Well this bastard, Macy
Bloch, who still thrives never touched by the law like his little front
man who had such respectable background - this creep found that one
honest man for whih Diogenese looked at high noon in bright sonbut
the police never touched, old Macy.

So lots of body bags lying around and this story where Clinton seems to
have had the immunity to get away with murder - and sodomy and rape
which evidently is of little consequence that such a man should be in
our Oval Office with a prostitute -  someday they might give Monica a
medal for letting this man expose himself for what he was from the
beginninga liar,  rapist, sodomist, with long body bag count.


Congressman Robert K. Dornan (R-CA)
   U.S. House of Representatives  July 10, 1995

Mr. DORNAN. Mr. Speaker, tomorrow may be a truly  tragic  day  in
American  history,  because  a  person  who  avoided  serving his
country three times during the bloodiest subaction of  the  whole cold
war, the conflict that raged on for a decade in Indochina, a person who
avoided the draft when he graduated  from  Georgetown, speaking about
Mr. Clinton, who avoided service in his first year as a graduate student
at Oxford,  when  all  graduate  deferments were  taken  away  and  then
who, after he actually had a call-up notice, a report date to join the
U.S. Army  as  a  buck  private soldier  and  an  induction  date of 29,
excuse me, 28 July 1969, used political pressure, the liberal Republican
Governor's office in Arkansas, Winthrop Rockefeller, with the draft
board, the head of the draft board, and two or three members of the
draft  board, personal meetings, 2 hours each, to beg them to allow him
to join after the fact the ROTC at the University of  Arkansas;  then
he had  a  U.S.  Senator, Senator Fulbright of Arkansas, phone in to the
head of the ROTC.

And then I learned at a dinner with the  distinguished  American,
Distinguished  Service Cross holder of the second medal down from the
Medal of Honor, who had commanded ROTC units, whole  sections of  the
country,  commanded  ROTC for many colleges, Col. Eugene Holmes, a
Bataan death march survivor, he  told  me  when  I  had dinner  with
him  and his wife, Irene, down in Fayetteville, AR, last February, that
Clinton was the only student in more  than  a decade,  as  a  commander
and professor of military science, the only student who ever showed up
at his house.

He said he did  not let him in, but for 2 hours in the front yard,
backyard, back and fourth 23-year-old Bill Clinton begged Colonel Holmes
to let  him into  the ROTC as a 2-year postgraduate student if he
entered law school to go back on a  special  2-year  crash  course  with
the undergraduates  at the University of Arkansas and get in the ROTC so
he could avoid the draft, and Colonel Holmes told me,  against his
better  judgment,  with  more political pressure than he had ever
thought possible, Senators, Governors, draft board  members, Buick
dealerships, all putting the pressure on him, he signed up a man who
graduated from college over 1 year and 2 months  before into  the
special  program and, of course, Clinton never spent a day in the ROTC
at Arkansas.

But now here he is, the  Commander  in  Chief,  and  if  all  the
stories  are  true,  tomorrow  at  noon  he is going to normalize
relations, give diplomatic recognition honors and recognition  to the
war  criminals,  the  Communist leaders, in Hanoi who killed better men
than he, probably three high school students from  the Hot  Springs area
of Arkansas went into the servi

Re: [CTRL] Something Rotten In The State Of Israel

2001-08-08 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

dual citizenship is common in many many countries
-- -- --  -- --
Planet spins - so do I
   neo-sufi wisdom

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

> From: "Prudence L. Kuhn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 09:45:46 EDT
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] Something Rotten In The State Of Israel
> -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 08/06/2001 6:20:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> << > (Israelis are citizens of the nation state of Israel - "Jews" are
> followers
>> of the Jewish religion. Practitioners of the Jewish religion can be found
>> in almost every country of the world and are citizens of most countries of
>> the world.)
>> flw >>
> This should be so true.  Perhaps once it was, for just a little time.  I was
> truly startled when Israel became a place where non-Jews became welcome only
> as tourists.  And it is true that practitioners of the Jewish faith are found
> in almost every country of the world and are citizens  of those countries.
> Even more startling to me was the change in my country's laws that allowed
> American Jews to have dual citizenship and vote in Israeli elections.  I had
> never thought of "patria" as a plural word.  I do not know if all those Jews
> who live in countries other than the United States have dual citizenship, but
> I certainly hope not.   Prudy
> http://www.ctrl.org/";>www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance?not soap-boxing?please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'?with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds?is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html
> http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of
> http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl
> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl

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Re: [CTRL] Is This Why Bill Clinton May Have Been Asked to Leave Oxford

2001-08-08 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

Well Saba, I keep wondering if there are any laws in any states (as there are
in military law) that are flat against adultery.  I'd like to see Monica and
Chandra questioned about their willingness to indulge in sexual activity with
men they knew were married.  My mother warned me about men in general and
married men in particular when I was a lot younger than either of these
women.  Of course Monica at least comes from a different kind of home.  I can
just hear Monica's mom now saying, "Of course, dear, anything you want to do
is fine.  Oh, let me hold your clothes."  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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Re: [CTRL] Something Rotten In The State Of Israel

2001-08-08 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 08/06/2001 6:20:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

<< > (Israelis are citizens of the nation state of Israel - "Jews" are
 > of the Jewish religion. Practitioners of the Jewish religion can be found
 > in almost every country of the world and are citizens of most countries of
 > the world.)
 > flw >>

This should be so true.  Perhaps once it was, for just a little time.  I was
truly startled when Israel became a place where non-Jews became welcome only
as tourists.  And it is true that practitioners of the Jewish faith are found
in almost every country of the world and are citizens  of those countries.
Even more startling to me was the change in my country's laws that allowed
American Jews to have dual citizenship and vote in Israeli elections.  I had
never thought of "patria" as a plural word.  I do not know if all those Jews
who live in countries other than the United States have dual citizenship, but
I certainly hope not.   Prudy

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Is This Why Bill Clinton May Have Been Asked to Leave Oxford

2001-08-08 Thread Aleisha Saba

For Clinton is not considered a Rhodes Scholar as he did not even finish
his term.

So little Chandra is being forgotten - but it would seem Condit and
Clinton love to portray the role of a Don Juan when in essense, it would
seem they were just sexual predators who seem to have more in common
with Mike Tyson just charged with another rape.

Tell me - how is it Condit and Clinton have gotten away with this stuff
and Mike Tyson is the rapist while Condit and Clinton get away with well
face it - maybe murder?

What is this influence and power behind both of these men that has kept
them out of prison - why was Tyson in prison and why aren't Condit and
Clinton at least brought up on charges of habitual sex offenders?

Part of it is this - Remember this Marv Albert the NBC Sports reporter -
how gentle the press was with him and John Belushi with Dan Akleroyd
with prostitues in motel on drugs - Saturday Night Live where Clinton
made an appearance where drugs are made to be a joke and oh so funny
Charlie Sheen and this Robert Downey - Cosby had a son murdered by
Russian Mafia and oh so quiet.for he had other problems like Jesse
Jackson and Sharpton -  See IRS going after Jackson or Sharpton?

The press is highly suspect in taking payolla for all is orchestrated
and Larry King and Geraldo ever check into their hidden lives?  Mob
connections and all.

They are mutual admiration society and I am so sick of still hearing how
handsome and young this Condit is when he is a predator among predators
who for some reason has never been put on "endangered species"
list...he association with Hells Angels speaks for itself and
Chandra Levy to him is just another part of his secret life he wants
buried along with many others found in the Clinton Body count of rape
and death.


 Get Headlines:

Juanita isn't the only one: Bill Clinton's long history of sexual
violence against women dates back some 30 years

(Editor's Note: The following story is an update of previously-published
information and contains some new material.)

By Daniel J. Harris
& Teresa Hampton
Capitol Hill Blue

Women have been charging Bill Clinton with sexual assault since his days
as a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford 30 years ago.

A continuing investigation into the President's questionable sexual
history reveal incidents that go back as far as Clinton's college days,
with more than a dozen women claiming his sexual appetites leave little
room for the word ''no.''

Juanita Broaddrick, an Arkansas nursing home operator, told NBC's Lisa
Myers five weeks ago she was raped by Clinton. NBC shelved the
interview, saying they were confirming all parts of the story, but
finally aired it Wednesday night.

Broaddrick finally took her story to The Wall Street Journal, which
published her account of the brutal rape at the hands of the future
President, followed by The Washington Post and some other publications.

But Capitol Hill Blue has confirmed that Broaddrick's story is only one
account of many attempted and actual sexual assaults by Clinton that go
back 30 years. Among the other incidents:

Eileen Wellstone, 19-year-old English woman who said Clinton sexually
assaulted her after she met him at a pub near the Oxford where the
future President was a student in 1969. A retired State Department
employee, who asked not to be identified, confirmed that he spoke with
the family of the girl and filed a report with his superiors.

Clinton admitted having sex with the girl, but claimed it was
consensual. The victim's family declined to pursue the case;

In 1972, a 22-year-old woman told campus police at Yale University that
she was sexually assaulted by Clinton, a law student at the college.

No charges were filed, but retired campus policemen contacted by Capitol
Hill Blue confirmed the incident. The woman, tracked down by Capitol
Hill Blue last week, confirmed the incident, but declined to discuss it
further and would not give permission to use her name;

In 1974, a female student at the University of Arkansas complained that
then-law school instructor Bill Clinton tried to prevent her from
leaving his office during a conference. She said he groped her and
forced his hand inside her blouse. She complained to her faculty advisor
who confronted Clinton, but Clinton claimed the student ''came on'' to
him. The student left the school shortly after the incident. Reached at
her home in Texas, the former student confirmed the incident, but
declined to go on the record with her account. Several former students
at the University have confirmed the incident in confidential interviews
and said there were other reports of Clinton attempting to force himself
on female students;
Broaddrick, a volunteer in Clinton's gubernatorial campaign, said he
raped her in 1978. Mrs. Broaddrick suffered a bruised and torn lip,
which she said she suffered when Clinton bit her during the rape;

>From 1978-1980, during Clinton's first term as governor of Arkansas,
state troopers assigned to p

Re: [CTRL] amirault accusers

2001-08-08 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

This may be heavy for survivors of abuse.

Amirault's accusers reveal their faces, and their pain - by Peter Gelzinis
8/7/01 - Almost a year before the world ever heard of the Fells Acres Day
School, Barbara Standke sought out psychiatric help for her 4-year-old son,
Brian. During that lonely summer, no one was speaking of group hysteria, or
interview techniques that amounted to "brainwashing.'' All this nurse knew
was that the little boy she dropped off at day care was acting very
strangely. ``He'd begun to touch me in ways that were inappropriate,''
Standke recalled, ``or he'd try to kiss me with his tongue.'' When
Barbara confided her concern about the scratches on her son's groin to Violet
Amirault, proprietor of Fells Acres, she was told such things happen to kids.
Both Vi and her daughter, Cheryl, she said, ``laughed and told me not to

excerpt from :

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-08-08 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-




August 8, 2001 -- WASHINGTON - Hillary Rodham Clinton wanted a convicted
cocaine dealer sprung from prison, and it was "very important" to her, the
former first lady's brother told the White House, according to a bombshell
memo obtained by The Post.

The handwritten note, on White House stationery, appears to contradict
Clinton's repeated claims that she knew nothing about brother Hugh Rodham's
pardon-for-pay work to get her husband to free drug trafficker Carlos

"Hugh says this is very important to him and the first lady as well as
others," says the note, which investigators said is from a file on the
Vignali matter kept by Bruce Lindsey, who was former President Bill
Clinton's closest White House aide.

Bill Clinton freed Vignali on Jan. 20, over angry objections from the U.S.
attorney's office, after Vignali had served only six years of a 15-year
prison term for conspiring to sell more than 800 pounds of coke.

The note, from last December or January, is in the National Archives files
for the Clinton White House and bears the stamp "Clinton library

The memo is unsigned, but appears to be addressed to Lindsey and written by
someone who knows the Clintons and their family, since it refers to Sen.
Clinton's brother by his first name.

It suggests either Rodham lied to the Clinton White House, or Hillary
Clinton lied when she later denied knowing anything about the pardon, for
which her brother was paid $204,000 by Vignali's family.

Rodham was living with the Clintons on the third floor of the White House
when Bill Clinton issued his controversial slew of 11th-hour pardons and
sentence commutations, including Vignali's.

Sen. Clinton insisted at a news conference last February: "I did not know
my brother was involved in any way in any of this."

Her spokeswoman, Karen Dunn, last night, said only: "We have nothing to add
to what's already been said."

Rodham's lawyer, Nancy Luque, said he didn't speak to Sen. Clinton about

"I seriously doubt whether he ever said that it was important to her,"
Luque said.

The House Government Reform Committee, which is probing the pardons, has
written Rodham, asking him to explain "why you informed anyone on the White
House staff that the Vignali matter was 'very important' to you and the
first lady."

The committee notes in its letter that Luque had told the House panel that
Rodham "had no contact with President Clinton or Sen. Clinton" regarding

Both Clintons have denied knowing Rodham was being paid by Vignali's
family, but Bill Clinton has never explained why he pardoned Vignali.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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