[CTRL] Fwd: Bin Laden's Whereabouts are Known

2001-10-04 Thread Kris Millegan


'We Know Where Bin Laden Is Hiding', Says Alliance

Wednesday October 3, 2001 7:07 PM

The anti-Taliban alliance in Afghanistan claims it knows where Osama bin
Laden is hiding.

The Northern Alliance also says it expects US attacks to start within days.

The comments came after US Defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld said US
Intelligence thinks it may know where bin Laden is hiding.

Northern alliance spokesman Dr Abdullah, who uses only one name, says
representatives of the US and the alliance have been having regular and
daily meetings outside Afghanistan.

They have discussed all aspects of co-operation in their latest meetings
and the results were good, Abdullah said.

Abdullah says the alliance knows exactly where bin Laden is hiding but he
refuses to say where. He also says he thinks a US-led attack will take place
in a matter of days.

In addition to refugees fleeing Taliban-controlled areas, Abdullah reports
large-scale defections from Taliban forces to the northern alliance.

With regard to the fate of the Afghan capital, Kabul, Abdullah reiterated
earlier opposition claims that taking the city is not their primary goal. He
says he believes a popular uprising in the city might take place against the
ruling Taliban.

However, he indicates he expects the Taliban to be overthrown and says when
the northern alliance takes control of Afghanistan it intends to try the
Taliban for war crimes.

---End Message---


2001-10-04 Thread tnohava



Oct 3 2001

By Oonagh Blackman

THE first proof of Osama bin Laden's involvement in the terror attacks on
America was revealed yesterday.

Investigators have discovered that three of the suicide hijackers returned a
$15,000 surplus from the estimated $500,000 attack fund to a bin Laden
contact's account in Dubai just 48 hours before the atrocities.

They were obeying the orders of bin Laden, who is said to be penny-pinching
despite his multi-million pound fortune.

Government officials in the United Arab Emirates in the Gulf have uncovered
bank accounts in Dubai linked to a man described as a key bin Laden money

The man arrived in the UAE at the end of June and left for Pakistan on
September 11, the day the terrorists struck New York and Washington.

On September 9 the man, who has not been named by the UAE authorities,
received three separate wire transfers from America totalling $15,000.

UAE officials said the cash was left over from planning the US atrocities
and was returned to finance new attacks.

Sources said one $5,000 payment was sent by Marwan al-Shehhi, one of the
hijackers on United Airlines Flight 175 that crashed into the World Trade
Center south tower.

The other two, both of $5,000 each, were sent by ringleader Mohamed Atta and
Waleed M Alshehri, who were on American Airlines Flight 11 that hit the WTC
north tower.

A senior source close to the investigation yesterday described it as
shocking...that at least three of the hijackers were tying up loose ends
like surplus cash only 48 hours before they went out to kill thousands of
innocent people.

But their actions have blown up in their faces because they have opened up
important new leads in the hunt to disrupt bin Laden's financial empire.

It has taken us closer to the money men who are bankrolling evil.

The payments to the bin Laden money man, believed to be a Saudi passport
holder, are another crucial piece of the jigsaw linking bin Laden to the US

And they have opened up new leads in the investigation into the complex
finances of the terrorist leader's Al Qaeda organisation.

Investigators believe a money trail linking bin Laden to the US attacks was
orchestrated by one his most trusted aides. Cash to fund the hijackings
flowed between banks in at least three countries in the run-up to the

Sheikh Saeed, also known as Mustafa Mohamed Ahmad, was identified as a key
financial manager for bin Laden, bankrolling terrorists preparing for the
September 11 suicide attacks on New York and Washington.

The base for a number of bank accounts controlled by Ahmad is thought to be

The United Arab Emirates central bank has now frozen all of Ahmad's accounts
and accounts linked to 25 other people and organisations identified by US
Treasury officials as al-Qaeda suspects.

Another 13 bank accounts, holding £900,000, have been frozen in the German
cities of Munich and Hamburg.

Investigators traced money transfers to Florida on September 8 and 9, from
an account under Ahmad's name in Dubai.

The funds were paid to Mohamed Atta, the ringleader of the 19 hijackers.
Investigators have also identified a further transfer of cash from a bank
account in Florida, where Atta stayed, to Dubai before September 11.

Ahmad did the financial fixing for several hijackers to live in Florida and
pay for flying lessons.

A UAE government minister disclosed that a man with a Saudi Arabian
passport - suspected to be Ahmad - left the UAE for Pakistan on the day of
the US attacks.

The FBI is chasing up to 100,000 leads as it tries to nail down the
international cash flow.

A Muslim terrorist said to have confessed to planning to blow up the US
Embassy in Paris on the orders of bin Laden has denied any involvement.
Lawyers for Franco-Algerian Djamel Beghal, who was extradited to France from
Dubai on Monday, said yesterday: He has contested being commissioned by
anybody to organise, prepare and carry out terrorist acts, notably against
US interests in Paris.

They added that earlier statements by Beghal linking him with bin Laden were
made in indeterminate circumstances in Dubai.

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[CTRL] Invisible Man

2001-10-04 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Commentaries  Interviews
TRENDS: Hunting The Faceless Man
Middle East News Online
By Hichem Karoui*
Posted Tuesday October 2, 2001 - 11:03:10 AM EDT
While Mr. William Burns, deputy Secretary of State is expected in
several Mideast capitals, in an effort to get support for a coalition
against terrorism, a rumor is running about a list of 27 Lebanese
wanted by the FBI that might have been sent lately to Beirut.
Among those persons suspected of having links to Al-Qaida, we find
Imad Mughniyah, Abu Mohjen (Ahmed Abd al-Karim al-Saadi), Bassam
Ahmad Kanj (alias Abu A'isha), Munir Maqdah...etc.
A few days after the September 11 attacks on America, an article of
Jane's Security, reported that Imad Mughniyah, head of the special
overseas operations for Hizbullah, could have been the brain behind
the attacks, along with the Egyptian Ayman Al Zawahiri, and possibly
the logistical and financial support of the Iraqi Intelligence
Service (SSO). The report did not hide that its main source of
information was Aman, Israeli military intelligence service.
However, different rumors run about Mughniyah on whose head the
Americans have put a $2million reward. First, he is said to have
undergone extensive plastic surgery that has altered his appearance.
If this rumor reveals to be true, he is not to be caught next week;
and if his identity remains hidden, he could be anywhere. So, why
look after him in Lebanon? According to the Jane's report, in March
1984 Mughniyah kidnapped the head of the CIA station in Beirut,
William Buckley, which triggered what later became known as
'Irangate', when the Americans tried to exchange Buckley (and others)
with arms for Iran.
A year later, a combined CIA/Mossad operation killed seventy-five
people, when a car bomb exploded at the entrance of the house of
Hizbullah spiritual leader, Sheik Mohammed Hussein Fathlallah. Among
the victims, was the brother of Mughniyah.
Other sources mention Mughniyah as operating on behalf of Iranian
intelligence, and as responsible of the suicide bombing attacks on
the US embassy and the Marine barracks in Beirut in 1983. In
addition, he is said to have masterminded the 1985 hijacking of a TWA
airliner to Beirut and the bombing of the Israeli embassy in
Argentina. Some reports say that Mughniyah continued to operate
several training camps in the Beqaa valley- controlled by the Syrians
- though he is believed to reside in Iran most of the time.
Last year, one of Bin Laden's top aides who was indicted for
involvement in the 1998 bombings of the American embassies in Kenya
and Tanzania, Ali A. Mohamed, testified before a Manhattan court that
he had been in charge of making security arrangements for a meeting
between Bin Laden and Mughniyah in Sudan during the early 1990s to
discuss ways of opposing American hegemony in the Middle East.
In June 1996, it is said also that Iran's Ministry of Information and
Security hosted a meeting in Teheran that included Mughniyah and a
senior aide to Bin Laden. Since then, operatives from both groups met
several times. However, so far these rumors have not been confirmed,
neither have been others about several secret trips to Germany in
recent years, allegedly made by Mughniyah, suggesting that he may
have met with perpetrators of the September 11 attacks.
It is not easy to make evidence about such information, because
much of it could be manipulated by the Israeli intelligence for which
the opportunity of hitting two birds with a single stone is too
attractive not to seize. An example is quite significant: it is
reported that prior to the establishment of Hizbullah in the early
1980s, Mughniyah served as one of Yasser Arafat's bodyguards.
Although only Arafat's services could deny or confirm this rumor, it
is not really of much importance for the current investigations.
However, it is obvious that the Israelis are interested in mixing up
the past and the present, the false and the truth, the dark and the
clear, in order to direct suspicion towards the Palestinians and thus
to discredit Arafat as a man of peace in the eyes of millions of
Thus, if some kind of link could be found between Mughniyah and
Arafat himself, - were it even a phantasm! - it is undoubtedly
helpful to Sharon.
Meanwhile, the hunt for Mughniyah sounds like the hunt for George
Orwell's Invisible Man! * Exclusive to PalestineChronicle.com, Middle
East News On line, and Al Arab newspaper (London)
© 2001 Middle East News Online. This news item is distributed via
Middle East News Online (MiddleEastWire.com)

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for non-profit research 

[CTRL] Larry Flynt and Irving Moskowitz Holy Land to be Temple of Gambling?

2001-10-04 Thread Saba

Hawaiian Gardens Casino in Hawaiian Gardens

Opened in 1997. A group of rabbis and Middle East peace activists charge
that money from the casino and a bingo parlor is used to by its owner,
Dr. Irving Moskowitz, to build new Jewish settlements in Arab
neighborhoods of East Jerusalem. 

To Those Researchers who want the truth of matter check out further
Larry Silverstein with the 99 year lease on World Trade Center...


See the connections between front man Larry Flynt who gives oh so much
of his smut money to the ADL - and the connection between Dr. Irving
Moskowitz.Lovely people - but who fronts for what?

Tell me will they soon be casting lots for Christ's robes once again -
symbolically, of course - and will Israel be a big tourist attraction -
awaiting the big Bang.

This is the year of the Millennium and every nut in the country is being
manipulated by a secret hand?

Words of Meyer Lansky - get John F. Kennedy and find some nut to do it?
For the game is afoot.


Stand Up For California!
Home Page  |   About Us  |   You Can Help  |   What's New
Raising the Ante
After a decade of scandals and closures, several area card clubs plan
expansions or renovations and two new ones will be built. But cities
aren't counting on revenue windfalls.
by Hugo Martin
Los Angeles Times
1999 June 11, Page B-2
After years of scandals and dwindling revenues, card club owners in Los
Angeles County are betting on better days ahead by building two casinos
and expanding and renovating several existing clubs.
Hustler magazine publisher Larry Flynt is taking the biggest gamble: He
is investing $30 million in a new casino in Gardena, where five casinos
have closed since the early 1980s because of financial problems.
In Cudahy, the owners of an Orange County bail bond business are
building what a representative calls the county's first Latino-themed
card club.
Meanwhile, club owners in Commerce, Hawaiian Gardens, Huntington Park
and Bell Gardens are planning expensive expansion and renovation
projects to revive flagging business.
The new clubs and expansions will add nearly 260 card tables, increase
the number of tables in the county by more than a third, to 980.
In previous years, municipal officials--who depend on casino revenues
for up to 50% of their city budgets--might have welcomed these
developments effusively and counted on extra revenues. But history has
taught them caution.
Because gambling revenues have become so unreliable, these officials
say, they are trying to diversify their cities' economies.
With the money we get from the card club, we are looking to try to
attract new businesses and retain the businesses we have in town, said
Hawaiian Gardens Mayor Pro Tem Leonard Chaidez.
The history of casinos in the county has been a sad, sordid tale. Half a
dozen clubs have closed in the last decade because of mismanagement,
corruption and what some experts say is over-saturation.
Tax revenues from the seven existing clubs have dropped by as much as a
third since 1992, according to a survey of city records. The Commerce
Club Casino, the largest card club in the county, with 220 tables, is
the only casino whose contributions to city coffers have not flagged.
The closures and dwindling revenues have created huge headaches for city
officials, who have relied on casino money to fatten meager budgets in
working-class communities with diminished tax bases.
Nevertheless, encouraged by the strong economy, club owners insist that
profitable days are ahead. They believe that the public is increasingly
tolerant of gambling, as demonstrated by overwhelming voter support in
November for Proposition 5 , the measure to expand casino gambling on
Indian reservations.
The market will be sufficient for all of us, said Ron Sarabi, general
manager of the Hawaiian Gardens Casino, who is planning to expand from
six card tables to 150 this summer.
The state has imposed a moratorium on new casino licenses until 2001,
but the moratorium does not prohibit expansion of existing casinos. (The
two new clubs will operate under the existing licenses of defunct
Although gambling experts say that the demand for casinos is limited,
club owners insist that they can expand the market by reaching out to
new gamblers through improved marketing and specialized services.
The Mehr family, which operates one of the largest bail bond companies
in Orange County, is building the Club Caribe Casino in the square-mile
city of Cudahy. The club is licensed for only eight tables, but the
family believes it can compete with the larger casinos by targeting the
region's huge Latino population.
Club Caribe will have bilingual dealers and a kitchen that serves Latin
American food. The club will be heavily advertised in Spanish-language
newspapers, television and radio, said Jerry Nicholson, an attorney for
the Mehr family.
We are going for a market that is untapped, he said.
Club Caribe will take over the gambling license of the Silver Saddle

[CTRL] Fwd: Re: !b_a_Act: Fwd: Israelis warned 2 hou...False

2001-10-04 Thread Agent Smiley

-Caveat Lector-

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2001 19:10:03 -
 Subject:  Re: !b_a_Act: Fwd: Israelis warned 2

 I am the Editor of TruthOut.com.  I just contacted
 Alex Diamandis of
 Odigo. Mr, Diamandis stated categorically that he
 had no information
 that any Odigo employee had any prior knowledge of
 the attacks.  He
 characterized the NewFactor article's interpretation
 of his remarks
 as inaccurate.  I contacted NewsFactor and they had
 no comment.

 The Los Angeles times did report that Israeli
 intelligence reported a
 significant threat to US intelligence :

 Marc Ash, Editor - t r u t h o u t

 --- Melli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2001 23:12:37 -0500 (CDT)
   From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Melli)
   Subject: Israelis warned 2 hours before WTC
   Organization: http://groups.google.com/
   To: undisclosed-recipients:;





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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Biometrics on the rise

2001-10-04 Thread Agent Smiley

-Caveat Lector-


Biometrics on the rise

posted Wednesday September 19, @04:30AM

 NYT, September 19, 2001

Exploring Technology to Protect Passengers With
Fingerprint or Retina Scans

Governments and airlines seeking to reduce the threat
of airplane hijackings by terrorists have a wide range
of security technologies to choose from.

Much of the spotlight will be on biometrics systems,
which identify travelers by fingerprints, the patterns
in their retinas, their voices or other individual
characteristics. Privacy concerns have slowed the
development of such technology, but investors
apparently expect that to change: the stocks of the
few publicly traded biometrics companies soared Monday
while most of the stock market declined.

Our phone systems have been jammed since last
Tuesday, said Joseph Atick, the chairman and chief
executive of Visionics, which markets FaceIt, a system
that profiles individuals based on 80 facial
structures like distance between the eyes, cheekbone
formation and the width of the nose bridge. In
addition to calls from investors, Visionics has been
receiving about 100 calls a day from potential
customers, some as far away as Thailand, Mr. Atick

Equipment suppliers and the consultants who meld
security devices into multimillion-dollar systems say
airports may also install improved versions of other
types of security products, including such widely used
equipment as closed circuit television systems and
X-ray machines.

There is no single perfect technology, said Ralph S.
Sheridan, the chief executive of American Science and
Engineering, a vendor of X-ray machines that
scrutinize luggage, trucks and other containers. We
have to throw up a gantlet.

Investors clearly expect just such a broad investment,
even though there is no information to suggest that
explosives in luggage played any role in last week's
disaster. American Science's shares closed yesterday
at $9, up 57 percent this week. InVision Technologies,
which has developed explosives detection equipment
with support from the Federal Aviation Administration,
was the leading gainer among all Nasdaq stocks on
Monday, rising $5.14 to $8.25, before retreating
yesterday to $7.35.

The equipment now used to scan carry-on luggage and
passengers in American airports costs roughly
one-third as much as the more sophisticated systems
that were developed for screening entry into high-
security buildings, monitoring prisons or searching
for drugs at immigration stations, Mr. Sheridan said.

The only airport in which American Science's top
systems are used to search luggage before it goes on
aircraft is in Cairo, Mr. Sheridan said. Such systems
not only detect plastic bombs but, when applied to
passengers or crew members, can locate hazards like a
plastic knife taped to a traveler's body.

The leading advanced bomb detection system in American
airports is InVision, a variation on the familiar CAT
scanner used in hospitals, which provides clear images
of a wide range of materials. InVision's system has
been bought by the Federal Aviation Agency to examine
selected checked baggage at more than 100 airports,
but it was not designed to look for weapons on humans.
Nor is the system fast enough to check carry-on bags
as passengers enter the departure area.

There may be less pressure to examine every bag,
though, if biometrics progress to the point where
security workers can be confident they know the
identity of every traveler. This would require both
equipment and a huge amount of data management.

The biometrics options favored by the International
Air Transport Association call for scanning a
traveler's eyes, said William Gaillard, a spokesman
for the trade group, which is based in Geneva. Eye
scans look at either the distinctive patterns in the
blood vessels of the retina at the back of the the eye
or the unique features of the colored part of the eye,
the iris.

The association thinks eye-scanning is the most
internationally acceptable form of biometrics, Mr.
Gaillard said. A Muslim woman can be identified, for
example, without touching her or asking her to drop
her facial veil.

Identix, which is based in Los Gatos, Calif., thinks
fingerprinting will be favored because it is already
integrated into a wide range of devices that control
access to computers and high-security rooms.

The facial structure approach used by Visionics may
have the advantage, though, of being more easily
linked to a database of potential terrorists. Video
footage from any source could provide the data needed
to create a profile that cameras at an airport could
check for matches. The company says just 20 of the 80
relationships measured are enough to identify an
individual with high probability, despite any effort
to disguise the identity through plastic surgery, wigs
or other methods.

Installing such equipment at major airports would cost
hundreds of thousands of dollars, 

Re: [CTRL] test only

2001-10-04 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

test only

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: The Jerusalem Post Newspaper : Online News From Israel - Features Article

2001-10-04 Thread Saba

At the feet of the Twin Towers, actually the World Trade Center, rests
the bodies of yet an undetermined number of people - and underneath
further down into the tunnels beneath is billions of dollars of pure
gold - the FBI used to brag about this field of gold some two football
fields long and wide?   So much for the Ever Vigilant Eye on the back of
the dollar bill 

This man Larry Silverstein - in this item leaves Israel in disgust - for
this man was working to get control of the World Trade Center and got
the 99 year lease while all the time he was reported to be in Israel, a
New Yorker - failed to mention his gambling temples about and his
locations in Florida and about ...and all that arab gold at the
bottom, of the world trade center?

Well Silverstein left Israel in disgustbut suddenly his old friend
Sharon manipulates a mini war - Ehud Barak is diposed and Sharon, the
fat slob as the Palestinians call him, is in place

End result of all this garbage and see the connections - someone did not
get what they wanted for Silverstein had big dreams and now will all be
at the expense of the American people?

Do you think these bastards give a good god damn about those bodies at
the bottom of the rubbish at this Center?

The next day Silverstein, the casino owner, the great humanitarian (???)
for believe me that guy has probably shelled a lot of big bucks to pull
this off - do you think this man cares - for the next day he had plans
on the drawing board to build a brand new World Trade Center only this
time, four buildings as he always wanted.

Not noticed by many, but by me in particular - noted those planes hit at
the Fitzgerald level and I thought of the Fitzgerald curse and John
Fitzgerald Kennedy for you know, Sirhan Sirhan, the little Jordanian who
was brought over here by Christian Zionists - a Church - well he kept
calling Robert Francis Kennedy, Robert Fitzgerald Kennedyshades of
King Og.

Note the Israelis wanted no part of this man - he left Israel in
disgust..Rabbis had protested this man's actions too.

But as Sharon said, he had the matches the Arabs had the Oil - but these
two bastards, Silverstein and Dr. Irvining Moskowitz did they set it off
for they are prepared now for American to lay themselves doon and dee
for whom and for what?

Remember little Sirhan on May 18 he had this one particular diary entry
- was not this the one that said RFK MUST DIE,  Robert Fitzgerald
Kennedy must die..
Maybe this name is a trigger to some for Remember John Fitzgerald
Kennedy Sr. and John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr., and the USS Liberty,

What was it John Edgar Hoover called the communists - Masters of Deceit?

Israel has big guns and a big mouth - but it was American which was hit
- for there is a Contract on America and if this chicken crap Congress
and Senate do not wake up to the truth - well money talks?  Right?
These bastards will destroy the State of Israel to take it over - but
that seems to be part of the Master Plan as the Doomsdayers go about
their merry way all under a CONTROL.i.e. Littleton?  And do not
forget the Fiery Flying Serpent flag, of one David
Kore(sh)...messengers from hell.




---End Message---

[CTRL] bin Laden family, Bush Sr. will profit Big $$$$ from attack Afghanis

2001-10-04 Thread Agent Smiley

Note: forwarded message attached.


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Bin Laden Family Could Profit From a Jump
In Defense Spending Due to Ties to U.S. Bank
September 27, 2001

If the U.S. boosts defense spending in its quest to stop Osama bin
alleged terrorist activities, there may be one unexpected
beneficiary: Mr.
bin Laden's family.

Among its far-flung business interests, the well-heeled Saudi Arabian
clan --
which says it is estranged from Osama -- is an investor in a fund
by Carlyle Group, a well-connected Washington merchant bank
specializing in
buyouts of defense and aerospace companies.

Through this investment and its ties to Saudi royalty, the bin Laden
has become acquainted with some of the biggest names in the
Republican Party.
In recent years, former President Bush, ex-Secretary of State James
Baker and
ex-Secretary of Defense Frank Carlucci have made the pilgrimage to
the bin
Laden family's headquarters in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Mr. Bush makes
on behalf of Carlyle Group and is senior adviser to its Asian
Partners fund,
while Mr. Baker is its senior counselor. Mr. Carlucci is the group's

Osama is one of more than 50 children of Mohammed bin Laden, who
built the
family's $5 billion business, Saudi Binladin Group, largely with
contracts from the Saudi government. Osama worked briefly in the
business and
is believed to have inherited as much as $50 million from his father
in cash
and stock, although he doesn't have access to the shares, a family
says. Because his Saudi citizenship was revoked in 1994, Mr. bin
Laden is
ineligible to own assets in the kingdom, the spokesman added.

The bin Laden family has long disavowed Osama, and has cooperated
fully with
several federal investigations into his activities. The family
headed by Osama's half-brother Bakr, epitomizes the U.S.-Saudi
alliance that
the suspected terrorist often rails against. After the 1996 truck
bombing in
Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, that killed 19 U.S. servicemen, Saudi Binladin
built military barracks and airfields for U.S. troops.

But the Federal Bureau of Investigation has issued subpoenas to banks
used by
the bin Laden family seeking records of family dealings, a person
with the matter said. This person said the subpoenas weren't an
the FBI had found any suspicious behavior by the family. A family
said he had no knowledge of the subpoenas but that the family
welcomes them
and has nothing to hide.

People familiar with the family's finances say the bin Ladens do much
their banking with National Commercial Bank in Saudi Arabia and with
London branch of Deutsche Bank AG. They also use Citigroup Inc. and
ABN Amro,
the people said.

If there were ever any company closely connected to the U.S. and its
presence in Saudi Arabia, it's the Saudi Binladin Group, says
Freeman, president of the Middle East Policy Council, a Washington
concern that receives tens of thousands of dollars a year from the
bin Laden
family. They're the establishment that Osama's trying to overthrow.

Mr. Freeman, who served as U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia during the
War, says he has spoken to two of Osama's brothers since hijacked
rammed the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on Sept. 11. They told
him, he
says, that the FBI has been remarkably sensitive, tactful and
protective of
the family during the current crisis, recognizing its longstanding
with the U.S.

A Carlyle executive said the bin Laden family committed $2 million
through a
London investment arm in 1995 in Carlyle Partners II Fund, which
raised $1.3
billion overall. The fund has purchased several aerospace companies
among 29
deals. So far, the family has received $1.3 million back in completed
investments and should ultimately realize a 40% annualized rate of
the Carlyle executive said.

But a foreign financier with ties to the bin Laden family says the
overall investment with Carlyle is considerably larger. He called the
million merely an initial contribution. It's like plowing a field,
person said. You seed it once. You plow it, and then you reseed it

The Carlyle executive added that he would think twice before
accepting any

[CTRL] Fwd: The War On Some Terrorists

2001-10-04 Thread Agent Smiley

Note: forwarded message attached.


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--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Clore Daniel C [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From Robert Anton Wilson's website
(http://www.rawilson.com/main.shtml ):

Thoughts for the Week


7 Ways of Looking at a Monkey-House
September 29, 2001 e.v.

Just as the War Against Drugs would make some kind of sense
if they honestly called it a War Against Some Drugs, I
regard Dubya's current Kampf as a War Against Some
Terrorists. I may remain wed to that horrid heresy until he
bombs CIA headquarters in Langtry.


I turned on CNN a few days ago and a White House robot
announced that the rebels in Chechnya were no longer
freedom fighters but are now terrorists with clear links
to Osama bin Laden.

CNN provided no details about whether the transformation
occured in a sudden miraculous flash like the
transubstantiation of the host in a Catholic mass, or
happened slowly and gradually like Darwinian evolution.

In a related bulletin, Russia pledged its support in the War
Against Some Terrorists, and will presumably start with
those bastards in Chechnya.




The plight of Bill Maher reminds me of something Ezra Pound
wrote about London in 1919: A single intelligent remark can
destroy a man's entire career.


A friend in Israel just sent me an email quoting George Bush
saying we should all go to Disneyland. It didn't surprise
me. I kind of suspect George lives in Disneyland all the
time, with Mickey and Goofy and Osama bin Laden and all the
faith-based organizations in the world.


As Voltaire said, The only way to comprehend what
mathematicians mean by Infinity is to contemplate the extent
of human stupidity.



Dan Clore

Lord Weÿrdgliffe:
Necronomicon Page:
News for Anarchists  Activists:

It's a political statement -- or, rather, an
*anti*-political statement. The symbol for *anarchy*!
-- Batman, explaining the circle-A graffiti, in
_Detective Comics_ #608
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[CTRL] Ha'aretz: Odigo says workers warned of WTC attack

2001-10-04 Thread Agent Smiley

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Odigo says workers were warned of attack

By Yuval Dror Ha'aretz Saturday, September 29, 2001 Tishrei 12,

Odigo, the instant messaging service, says that two of its workers
received messages two hours before the Twin Towers attack on
September 11 predicting the attack would happen, and the company
has been cooperating with Israeli and American law enforcement,
including the FBI, in trying to find the original sender of the
message predicting the attack.

Micha Macover, CEO of the company, said the two workers received
the messages and immediately after the terror attack informed the
company's management, which immediately contacted the Israeli
security services, which brought in the FBI.

I have no idea why the message was sent to these two workers, who
don't know the sender. It may just have been someone who was joking
and turned out they accidentally got it right. And I don't know if
our information was useful in any of the arrests the FBI has made,
said Macover. Odigo is a U.S.-based company whose headquarters are
in New York, with offices in Herzliya.

As an instant messaging service, Odigo users are not limited to
sending messages only to people on their buddy list, as is the
case with ICQ, the other well-known Israeli instant messaging

Odigo usually zealously protects the privacy of its registered
users, said Macover, but in this case the company took the initiative
to provide the law enforcement services with the originating Internet
Presence address of the message, so the FBI could track down the
Internet Service Provider, and the actual sender of the original


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Re: [CTRL] CT: Often abused, laws called `poisonous' [Secret evidence bill ra...

2001-10-04 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/01/2001 10:38:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 They say the bill would permit someone to be held indefinitely if the
 attorney general has reason to believe that the suspect poses a threat,
 and that determination would not be subject to judicial review. Such powers
 would be unprecedented in modern times, they say. 

Gee, just like under Joe Stalin.  Prudy

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[CTRL] Is this the Clinton/Bush legacy?

2001-10-04 Thread Agent Smiley


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[CTRL] The Seeds of Terror Thrive in Poor Ground

2001-10-04 Thread Agent Smiley

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Monday October 1 , 2001

Published on Sunday, September 30, 2001 in the Chicago Tribune

The Seeds of Terror Thrive in Poor Ground by RC Longworth

Somewhere between Casablanca and Rawalpindi, in the vast arc defined
by poverty and Islam, a young man will leave his village and family
today and go to the big city, propelled by despair and drawn by
the promise of the good life that he's seen in American videos on
the village television set. Semieducated and semiliterate, equipped
only to beg in four languages, he will join swarms of other young
men in unemployment, idleness and growing bitterness. Sooner or
later his wasted mind will make contact with the hateful sermons
of some extremist imam and he will end up in a remote, secret desert
camp, a terrorist in training.

This is the sea from which Osama bin Laden and other terrorist
leaders pull recruits like fish into their global campaigns. It is
a great swath of the world that has been passed over by the global
economy, which is no more than a rumor for most of the millions
who live there.

For these have-nots, the inequalities of the global economy have
not only fueled the rage that led to the attacks of this black
September, but also created the means and targets for future attacks,
and the tools to carry them out.

Nothing--no complaint against corporations or capitalism--justifies
the slaughter of innocent civilians at the World Trade Center and
the Pentagon.

But the West and especially the United States have to understand
the alienation that the American-led rush toward globalization has
caused in these left-behind regions of the world.

In a globalized world with instant communications, it is impossible
to have excessive opulence alongside grinding poverty without
something, sometime, somewhere, exploding, said William Van Dusen
Wishard, a former official in the Commerce Department and president
of WorldTrends Research. We Americans have flaunted our affluence
and power in the face of the world, and the world has reacted in
varying degrees, terrorism being only the most extreme form of

The myth of globalization

The globalization gospel insists that a rising tide lifts all boats
and that the global economy is increasing incomes and improving
lives everywhere it goes. This is not true even in more favored
areas, as farmers and factory workers from the Midwest to Southeast
Asia can attest.

In large areas of the world, global communications have excited
expectations and overturned centuries of traditions, but the global
economy has not arrived to fulfill those expectations or to replace
those traditions with something of value. Africa is an example, of
course, but the Middle East is Exhibit A.

The Middle East is really pathetic in its relative lack of
participation in the global economy, said Marvin Zonis, a professor
at the University of Chicago's Graduate School of Business and an
expert on the region.

The global economy is powered by trade and investment, but, apart
from the oil and gas industry, there is virtually no Western
investment in or trade with Middle Eastern economies, Zonis said.

Foreign investment in the region was about $6.5 billion in 1998,
according to UN statistics. Of this, $4.8 billion went to Saudi
Arabia alone; the other countries, with more than 400 million
people, got $1.7 billion.

This is less than the amount that went to Hungary, with 10 million
people, one-third as much as what went to Thailand (60 million
people), one-twelfth as much as what went to Sweden (8 million

If any region has got the worst of the global economy but none of
the best, it is the Middle East.  People see the disruption in
their own lives, said William Reno, a political science professor
at Northwestern University.

They recognize that markets can be a very destructive force. In
the United States, which is the center of this economy, jobs are
destroyed, businesses are destroyed, there is destruction. But our
economy offers opportunities, too, for new jobs and businesses and

In marginal parts of the world, all they get is the destruction.

The West's role

For all this, the global economy and the United States get the
blame: It is no accident that the first two terrorist attacks were
on the very symbols of that economy.

It's true that the West, in insisting that Third World governments
slash budgets 

[CTRL] Taliban Announces Capture of US Special Forces Team

2001-10-04 Thread Agent Smiley

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Taliban Announces Capture of US Special Forces Team

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit

BBC is reporting the Taliban say that an entire team of 5 (3
Americans) have been captured by the Taliban. They are being
interrogated and say that photographs of them will soon be released.
The Pentagon, thus far, will not comment.

US special forces 'held in Afghanistan'

A team of United States special forces is reported to have been
captured inside Afghanistan by Taleban forces.

Qatar's al-Jazeera television said it had been contacted by a source
from Osama Bin Laden's al-Qaeda organisation.

The source said Taleban forces had detained five people - three of
them Americans - on a reconnaisance mission near the border with

Our correspondent in Islamabad cited sources in Afghanistan as
saying that the Afghan security services have arrested five armed
persons in Helmand, adjacent to the border with Iran. They are
three Americans and two Afghans, al-Jazeera said.

The three Americans are from the US Special Forces, the correspondent
quoted the source as saying.

They had some modern weapons and some maps of al-Qaeda sites. They
were on a reconnassiance mission to know the territory of al Qaeda.

The source said they would release photographs of the captured men

Osama Bin Laden has in the past sent information about al-Qaeda's
activities and views to the al-Jazeera station.

A senior White House official confirmed on Friday that US and UK
special forces have been operating inside Afghanistan.

He said the commandos were carrying out scouting and reconnaissance
missions, but were not actively hunting for the prime suspect Osama
bin Laden, the unnamed official said.

NY Transfer News Collective   *   A Service of Blythe Systems Since
1985 - Information for the Rest of Us 339 Lafayette St., New York,
NY 10012 http://www.blythe.org  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[CTRL] The forgotten terrorists

2001-10-04 Thread Agent Smiley

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Subject: !*The Forgotten Terrorists by Mumia Abu-Jamal


[col. writ. 9/24/01] *01 Mumia Abu-Jamal

For far too many Americans, the word 'terrorism' has acquired a
whole new meaning in the dusty aftermath of 11 September 2001.

The word now instantly refers to the mental imagery of the shattered
twin towers of the World Trade Center in downtown Manhattan, or
the broken edifice of the Pentagon building in Washington, or even
the smouldering mound of earth in southwestern Pennsylvania.

They refer to the thousands of people, from dozens of countries,
who lost their lives when the buildings were shattered, broken and
leveled into dust.  But, if truth be told, they refer mostly to

When an airliner in the far-off South China Sea area develops engine
trouble, and plummets into the ocean depths, reporters always rush
to inform us, Flight 502 of a PanAm to Hong Kong went down over
the South China Sea today: 15 Americans were onboard.  In such a
common report, it is implicitly assumed that those of other
nationalities are of lesser importance.  They don't *really* matter.

It is indeed possible to look at the events of 11 September in a
somewhat similar light.  For, if it is indeed found that the acts
of that day may be traced to terrorists, working out of Middle
Eastern organizations, what most will ignore is another kind of
terrorism.  It is waged against the poor and powerless of many
nations. It kills, maims, tortures, and destroys many thousands of
people every year.

It is the spectre of State Terrorism.

Don't expect to find eye-catching exposes in the Daily Blah, or to
hear about it on your favorite network news program in the evening
on the tube.  You have to look hard for this stuff.  Consider the
views of John Stockwell, a former CIA station chief (Angola), who
considers the work that he was doing overseas, on behalf of the US
government, to be supporting terrorism.  He looks at the time when
a man named Bush headed the CIA:

CIA Director George Bush allegedly worked to convince the former
OPMONGOOSE operators to reorganize outside the United States.  In
June 1976, they went to the Dominican Republic and founded CORU,
a counter-revolutionary group.  On October 26, 1976, they blew up
an airplane that was taking off from Barbados, killing 73 passengers
on board in a raw act of terrorism.  Luis Posada Carrilles and
Orlando Bosch were jailed in Venezuela for that bombing.  There is
evidence that members of this same CIA/Cuban exile community
participated in the killing of President John F. Kennedy in 1963.

We also know that the CIA's 1980 contra program later managed to
get Luis Posada Carilles out of prison in Venezuela.  They put him
to work for Felix Rodriguez, who was reporting directly to then
Vice- President Bush's Office.  As Felix Rodriguez told the press,
We needed him.

He was referring to Carilles, the terrorist airplane bomber (See
The Praetorian Guard: The U.S. Role in the New World Order  (Boston:

South End Press, 1991).

These are the words of a man who spent over a decade in the CIA,
and even served briefly on a subcommittee of the National Security
Council, during the Kissinger era.  Even though his work had to be
cleared by CIA censors to be published, his view of how the United
States government has functioned, through its CIA, is telling:

To summarize, the CIA has overthrown functioning constitutional
democracies in over 20 countries.  It has manipulated elections in
dozens of countries.  It has created standing armies and directed
them to fight.  It has organized ethnic minorities and encouraged
them to revolt in numerous volatile areas. (p. 73)

Looking at CIA activities abroad, in Asia, Africa, and Latin America,
this former station chief offers a conservative estimate of how
many people, all over the world, ...would not have died if U.S.

tax dollars had not been spent by the CIA to inflame tensions,
finance covert political and military activity, and destabilize
societies, and comes up with a figure of:

6,000,000.  Six million people, he says, and this is a minimum
figure (p.


Are Afghan-trained rebels, from various Middle Eastern states,
responsible for the carnage of 11 September, 2001?  Who armed them?

Who trained them?  Who loosed them upon the world? Their very deadly
expertise are your tax dollars at work.

Americans mean one thing, when they 

Re: [CTRL] Ruddy: More CIA Revelations - Political Correctness Kills

2001-10-04 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/02/2001 8:39:35 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 It was neither.  It was Clinton's PERJURY and OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE
 which did it...not to mention Clinton's deriliction of duty, not doing
 the job he was elected to do and rather spending time having sex with
 anyone and everyone he could during working hours on the taxpayers'
 time and in the taxpayers-funded office provided to him... 

Oh June, give me a break.  If I had a dollar for every time someone had sex
in an office the taxpayers funded, I would be richer than Bill Gates.
Clinton was a really hard worker--something you can't say about our present
leader who is most notable for his many, many vacations (some as long as a
month).  Oh I forgot, he was reading to children occasionally during that
time.  So is almost every mother and father in the United States, and they
didn't get a month off from work to accomplish it.  Forget Clinton's sex
life, and concentrate on the horror in which we are now embroiled.  Prudy

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] USA kisses Turkeys terrorist ass

2001-10-04 Thread Agent Smiley

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US Team Hails Turkey as Special Friend in Mideast

By Claudia Parsons

ANKARA (Reuters) - The head of a senior delegation of U.S. congressmen
on Monday described Turkey as the ``shining crown jewel'' in a
tumultuous region and said Washington had not always done enough
to support such a close ally.

Republican congressman Curt Weldon led an 11-member U.S. team that
visited Ankara at the end of a trip that also took in Moscow and
Rome to discuss the U.S. response to the September 11 hijack suicide
attacks that left some 7,000 dead or missing.

``Turkey has been there for us very loyally and America has not
always responded at the level of friendship that we should,'' he
told reporters after meeting foreign ministry officials in Ankara.

He said Turkey had around $5 billion outstanding debt for military
supplies, but Washington should take into account that Turkey had
lost around $30 billion in exports because of sanctions on its
neighbor Iraq since the Gulf War.

``Perhaps it's time for us to review that debt,'' said Weldon, who
sits on the House Armed Services Committee. ``We're going to go
back and think about that.''

Turkey maintains the second-biggest standing army in NATO. It hosts
a large U.S. military presence on its soil and allows U.S. and
British jets to use its Incirlik airbase in southern Turkey to
patrol a no-fly zone over northern Iraq, to the consternation of


Turkey has pledged to cooperate with any U.S. retaliation for the
attacks on New York and Washington, and its strategic location in
the Middle East could mean it plays a key role.

Weldon, who met the former king of Afghanistan in Rome on Sunday
to discuss forging a broad alliance against the Taliban regime in
Kabul, said Turkey had shared information on Afghanistan and on
its own efforts to combat terrorism.

``Turkey is a very special nation in a very difficult part of the
world,'' Weldon said.

``Turkey gets along with everyone. It's an amazing accomplishment
that Turkey can be such a successful and thriving country in the
midst of turmoil,'' he said.

``It's like a shining crown jewel in the region.''

The words bode well for Turkey at a time of acute financial

It is struggling to overcome a devastating financial crisis in
February that forced Ankara to float the lira and seek rescue loans
from the International Monetary Fund and World Bank amounting to
$15.7 billion this year.

``We came to Turkey because we feel that Turkey has not been given
the pre-eminent role that it should be given in American foreign
policy,'' Weldon said.

``We're going to go back and change that,'' he said, adding that
Turkey could play a particularly important role in humanitarian
aid for Afghanistan.

``The whole process that the King outlined for us in Rome is a
process that we feel can work if America and the rest of the free
world takes account of the plight of the Afghan people... This is
not a war against the Afghan people.''

Turkey has already been active in sharing intelligence with the
United States.

Congressman Solomon Ortiz, the senior Democrat on the delegation,
also emphasized that Turkey was a ``special friend.'' He said the
delegation would report back to U.S. President George Bush on their



ISTANBUL, Turkey  -- Following Sunday's reports that the U.S. might
not be allowed to launch strikes from Saudi Arabia, Turkey will
likely be asked to become a more critical partner and a pivotal
player in the war on terrorism.

The only country with borders in Europe, Asia and the Middle East,
Turkey has long been a valuable ally. But diplomats and officials
say a variety of factors now make it the perfect foundation for
U.S. support in the Muslim world, and a potential base of military

To read more about Turkey's battle against terror, click here.

Less optimistic Turks note that several factors prevent them from
playing a prominent role in the coalition. The economy is in crisis,
Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit's government is judged by many to be
weak and passive, and powerful Islamic groups have warned against
becoming too involved.

Nonetheless, Turkey is the only Muslim member of NATO -- a source
of considerable pride here. Turkey also has the second-largest army
in NATO, runs an extensive intelligence operation in the region
and operates a wide 

[CTRL] mixed muck 10-02

2001-10-04 Thread Agent Smiley

-Caveat Lector-

Is Rational Discourse Another Casualty of Tuesday's

Suppressing Dissent At Home, Fighting for Freedom

US Special Forces Reported in Clash With Taliban

Justice, Not War

Progressive News and Views

Vietnam Veterans Against the War
Statement on September 11 Attacks


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Army Wants To Kill Arafat Says Peres!

2001-10-04 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well I wonder if they knocked off all the leaders over there would peace
be restored?

All that over Israel - they don't even have a river running through
it..but then this bunch over here would turn it into Las Vegas -
Like King Tuts out there - imagine if they  - strange they would call a
gambling house king Tuts (or do they see what I see - ante up)

So can't you see it the Holy Land Vegas Style...neo signs, and

So the mob does want to move in over there and the Israeli government to
date has kept them under control.

Somebody's revenge is burning brighter.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Carnivore Substitute Keeps Feds Honest

2001-10-04 Thread William Shannon

Carnivore substitute keeps Feds honest
By Thomas C Greene in Washington
Posted: 02/10/2001 at 20:32 GMT

The Forensics Explorers division of CTX is ready to go to market with a Carnivore-like suite called NetWitness which, the company says, can enable ISPs to surrender to the Feds only those specific bits of information about a suspect which a court has authorized for collection.

The NetWitness package can separate data to ensure strict, minimal compliance with a pen register or trap and trace order, and later associate the original content if a search warrant or a wiretap warrant is issued, Forensics Explorers General Manager Mark Longworth told The Register.

Because Carnivore is capable of capturing far more data than a pen register or trap and trace order is meant to make available, an ISP may well prefer to install its own kit rather than trust Carnivore operators to stick to the letter of the law.

There are two chief problems with Carnivore in terms of over-collection, as we reported in a previous article. First is the fact that packet traffic belonging to perfectly innocent subscribers passes through it along with the suspect's data. Basically, we have to trust the FBI not to abuse this incidental access. The motive for them not to do so is the looming possibility of screwing up a prosecution; but now, in the wake of the 11 September atrocities, it's a fair bet that the Feds are going to get a good deal more latitude from the courts in borderline cases.

The second problem is that we have no assurance that, when used in 'pen mode', Carnivore doesn't capture more of the packet than its origin, destination and time of transmission. It's quite possible that the subject line of an e-mail memo would be captured, for instance. This certainly goes beyond what's understood as a pen register or trap and trace, where only the origins and destinations of phone calls are to be recorded.

The FBI is exuberantly installing Carnivore on public networks now in pursuit of the Bearded Chupacabra. But it's reasonable that an ISP, however eager to cooperate in this venture, might well object to having a mysterious 'black box' installed on its lines. But the fact is, it doesn't have to, so long as it can provide the FBI with the data it's authorized to collect.

Doing in-house surveillance can become a feature with which an ISP might differentiate itself from its competitors. For example, you the innocent subscriber can be assured that if a pen register is executed against someone else on the network, your e-mail isn't going to end up in the hands of the FBI. And if you're ever unfortunate enough to come under federal scrutiny, you can be assured that the FBI won't be getting any data beyond what's been legally authorized.

There is no logical reason for the FBI to insist that an ISP use its black box. Phone companies don't let them install mysterious devices on their lines, and neither should ISPs. These collections are covered under the CALEA (Communications Assistance to Law Enforcement Act), which obligates communications providers to comply, all right; but that isn't the same as saying that only equipment cobbled together by the Feds can be used.

The FBI's irrational devotion to Carnivore is most likely the result of needing to justify the development costs, which we're told were in the neighborhood of $3 million. Pushing it aggressively is essentially a way of denying that it's a sub-standard tool.

The NetWitness kit is well within the reach of most ISPs; the collector sells for approximately $2,500 and the analysis station for between $35,00 and $45,000, Longworth told us. Network Ice offers a free do-it-yourself Carnivore kit, but this requires development effort. It may or may not end up cheaper than NetWitness, according to the efficiency of one's in-house geeks.

[CTRL] mixed muck 10-02 ~ 2nd sack

2001-10-04 Thread Agent Smiley

-Caveat Lector-

Michael Harari, the fixer

US State Dept. blocked FBI-Sudan cooperation on
embassy bombings

British Terrorism in Africa

Terrorist flaunts 'covenant' with British

The African parks were
created as a cover for destabilization

Media companies will cover the War on Terrorism even
as they're
lobbying the Bush FCC for rules that will allow them
to consolidate
more power and make more money

As the United States embarks on a war on terrorism,
both the
Pentagon and the press would do well to reflect on the
lessons of the Gulf War

John MacArthur, publisher of Harper's magazine and
author of
Second Front, a book about censorship during the
Gulf War,
answers questions about Bush's policies on war

Three Political Websites Downed After Government
Homeland Security Threat

Transcript of DOD meeting with media over war
censorship rules

Death on a Very Small Planet

National Imagery and Mapping Agency

Global Positioning Satellites

Empire or Not? A Quiet Debate Over U.S. Role

New Spy Satellite Arrives in Orbit Riding Atlas

Military Operations on Urbanized Terrain

Russian Military Topos of Afghanistan

FAA Manual: Emergency Procedures

WTC: Sample Debris


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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] NW: FBI agents weren't given approval by the Justice Department

2001-10-04 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

FBI agents in Minneapolis weren't given approval to search terrorist
suspect's hard drive by the Justice Department. If 'two and two' were put
together could hijackings have been stopped, asks one investigator.

By Michael Isikoff and Daniel Klaidman

Oct. 1 - Top Justice Department and FBI officials turned down a
request by Minneapolis FBI agents early last month for a special
counterintelligence surveillance warrant on a suspected Islamic
terrorist who officials now believe may have been part of the Sept.
11 plot to attack the World Trade Center and Pentagon, NEWSWEEK has

THE HANDLING OF the case of Zacarias Moussaoui-who is now
being held in detention in New York-has raised new questions about
how U.S. law enforcement officials handled critical intelligence
that, in retrospect, might have alerted them in advance to the
deadliest terrorist plot in U.S. history.

Sources familiar with the case tell NEWSWEEK that FBI
agents in Minneapolis seized Moussaoui's computer in mid-August
after officials at an Eagan, Minn., flight school tipped them off
that the 33-year-old French citizen was acting suspiciously.
Moussaoui had sought training only in making turns-not take-offs
and landings-and specifically asked about flying over New York air
space, officials said.

But, while Moussaoui himself was placed in detention on
minor immigration charges on August 17, agents in Minneapolis were
never given approval by Justice Department officials in Washington
to open up the hard drive on the suspect's computer. The
Minneapolis agents sought approval to do so-and to take other
investigative steps aimed at Moussaoui-in early September under the
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), officials said. This
came after a FBI trace-a request for information from friendly
foreign governments-yielded a report from French intelligence that
Moussaoui had been associated with members of an Algerian terrorist
group and may have traveled to Afghanistan.

When agents finally cracked into the computer hard drive
after the Sept. 11 attack, officials found new information that
only made them more suspicious about Moussaoui. Among the contents,
sources said, was data on wind patterns relating to crop-dusters
as well as a wealth of other information he had pulled down from
the Internet involving crop-dusting aircraft.

The information was considered sufficiently alarming that
FBI officials requested the immediate downing of all crop-dusting
aircraft, fearing that terrorists might be plotting to use them for
a chemical or biological attack. (The planes have since been
allowed to fly-but not over urban areas.)

From the moment he was detained more than six weeks ago,
Moussaoui has consistently refused to cooperate with U.S. law
enforcement and many officials are now highly suspicious of his
conduct. One widely held theory among the law enforcement community
is that Moussaoui-who entered the country only last February after
living in London-was supposed to have been the fifth hijacker on
the United Airlines flight that crashed in southwest Pennsylvania,
the only one of the four seized that day that had only four,
instead of five, hijackers aboard.

But there is still no consensus on the matter. The bottom
line is that nobody in the intelligence community has been able to
figure out what this guy was up to, said one official.

Nevertheless, in the wake of the Sept. 11 attack, the
rejection of the FISA warrant has produced tension between field
agents in Minneapolis and their Justice Department and FBI
superiors in Washington. Officials in Washington are adamant that
there was insufficient grounds to approve the warrant based on what
was produced by Minneapolis agents. There does not seem to be any
disagreement that the legal standards [for a FISA warrant] weren't
met, said one top U.S. law enforcement official. The law requires
the bureau to show evidence that the suspect is an agent of a
foreign power or terrorist group, something the Minneapolis field
agents never had, the officials said.

   But other law enforcement officials are equally insistent
that a more aggressive probe of Moussaoui-when combined with other
intelligence in the possession of U.S. agencies-might have yielded
sufficient clues about the impending plot. The question being
asked here is if they put two and two together, they could have
gotten a lot more information about the guy-if not stopped the
hijacking, said one investigator.

   © 2001 Newsweek, Inc.

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   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] EMP Threat?

2001-10-04 Thread William Shannon

Posted at 4:14 p.m. PDT Monday, Oct. 1, 2001 

Experts cite electromagnetic pulse as terrorist threat

LAS VEGAS (AP) -- With the nation guarding against atomic, biological, chemical and hijacked airliner attacks, exerts see little protection from a weapon that could cripple computers and key electronic systems.

The danger is from an electromagnetic pulse -- a powerful, split-second wave of energy from a nuclear bomb.

Some of the last full-scale nuclear weapons tests conducted in 1992 at the Nevada Test Site northwest of Las Vegas were designed to protect or ``harden'' military systems against electronic failure in a nuclear exchange.

However, little of that preventive technology has been applied to civilian equipment, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported.

``I don't think there has been any significant effort to harden the private sector against electromagnetic pulse,'' said John Pike, director of globalsecurity.org, a defense and intelligence policy organization based near Washington, D.C.

Twice in the past four years, and as recently as 1999, Congress was warned that detonating a relatively small, 10-kiloton nuclear bomb over the U.S. would produce a burst of energy equal to 10,000 tons of TNT.

Such a burst, sometimes referred to as an EMP, could yield tens of thousands of volts of energy and cause widespread damage to computer chips and electronic equipment.

The phenomenon could cripple an economy dependent on computer networks and electronic communication systems.

The damage from burnout or overloads on electrical circuits would extend far beyond the area directly affected by the blast and radiation, government scientists have told Congress.

Officials with Nevada Power Co. and the Southern Nevada Water Authority, two key Las Vegas Valley public utilities, said their electrical systems have no protections against EMP.

``We did not design our system with that in mind,'' Nevada Power spokeswoman Sonya Headen said. ``To our knowledge, there isn't any utility in the country that was designed to withstand EMP.''

Officials with the Federal Aviation Administration's Western Pacific Region Defense and the Threat Reduction Agency, which replaced some functions of the now-defunct Defense Nuclear Agency, did not immediately respond to Review-Journal inquiries about electromagnetic pulse protection.

Pike said the risk to FAA systems from electromagnetic pulse is probably classified.

However, government scientists have discussed the issue of potential EMP damage on military and civilian systems during congressional meetings.

Lowell Wood, a prominent physicist from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California, told a House Armed Services subcommittee in October 1999 that nuclear warheads on a kiloton scale can have a greater EMP threat than nuclear warheads on the megaton scale.

Two years earlier, Wood told the subcommittee that the threat to semiconductor-based U.S. power grids and communication systems have increased substantially since electromagnetic pulse was detected during nuclear testing four decades ago.

He told the subcommittee in 1997 that civilian passenger jets are also at risk -- particularly at night, when they could be lost without communications, landing beacons and runway lights.

[CTRL] DT: Dogs set ablaze as warning to Taleban's opposition

2001-10-04 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

October 1, 2001

Dogs set ablaze as warning to Taleban's opposition
Afghan refugees describe campaign of terror

Julius Strauss
The Daily Telegraph

DASHTI QALA, AFGHANISTAN - The Taleban herded the population of the
war-ravaged northern town of Taleqan into its main square. Then
they began parading three dogs.

Each had a shaved head stencilled with the names of the men the
movement most despised: Burhunnadin Rabbani, the ousted Afghan
president, Zahir Shah, the exiled king, and George W. Bush,
President of the United States.

Then they poured gasoline on the dogs and set fire to them.

Noor Muhammad, a proud 52-year-old farmer from a nearby village,
was among the witnesses. Muhammad Qul, 55, and Abdul Karim, 48,
were also there.

The three men sat in a refugee camp yesterday surrounded by a
sprawling dust plain in opposition-held territory a few kilometres
from the front line. They had arrived only hours before after an
overnight escape.

The three men and their families are the victims of the latest
Taleban terror campaign.

Facing the prospect of a pulverizing Western bombing campaign that
may oust them from power, the fundamentalist rulers of Afghanistan
are exacting a terrible revenge against those they suspect of

The burning of the dogs 10 days ago was only meant to serve as a

Last Friday, at midday prayers, the Taleban struck a second, more
telling blow against the local population.

First they surrounded the mosque with soldiers.

Then a Taleban agent was sent to accompany the mullah to say

The mullah told all the men to fight for Islam, Noor Muhammad
said. Then he asked for volunteers. We all put our hands up. We
were very scared and thought we would be taken to prison or shot

On Saturday night, a truck came into the village carrying a dozen
Taleban soldiers who began knocking on doors looking for young men.

Where they found no men, they started looting. The victims were
told they should already have sold their possessions and given the
money to Islam.

They said we should fight the Americans who want to take away
Islam, Noor Muhammad said. Then they began burning the houses
where they couldn't find young men. They must have burned down 10
or 20 of the 200 houses in the village.

For those who signed up, fate was little better. Each was given a
gun and assigned a commander. They were then driven or marched off
to collection points to prepare to fight the Americans.

When the first strikes come, the unwilling volunteers will be on
the front line.

Noor Muhammad decided to flee with his family. Late Saturday night,
his and two other families set off into the mountains.

We knew some sympathizers of the Northern Alliance, he said.
They guided us by moonlight between the Taleban and the

As he surveyed his new home yesterday, he looked harried. Some
refugees have been in the camp for a year.

Muhammad Nazar, an 80-year-old neighbour in the camp with a hoarse
voice and receding gums, came as close as an Afghan does to

When are you going to bomb the Taleban? We are waiting and

Five days ago, Taleban soldiers burst into Muhammad's house in
Taleqan. When he refused to say where his sons were, they took his
rugs and family valuables and then set fire to the building.

They wanted our sons to fight against the Americans, he said.
But when are the Americans going to strike back?

War against the Taleban is the last hope for the thousands of
refugees in Dashti Qala camp, surely one of the world's most bleak.
In summer, temperatures soar to nearly 50C. In winter, they hover
at around 10C.

Last winter, residents say 40 of their number died of cold.

Most of the aid agencies that feed them have now left.

It's more than three weeks since they last got food, said John
Weaver, a U.S. aid worker who decided to stay despite the risks.

In the baking dust yesterday, Qazi Gul, 70, showed her home for the
last year. It is a ragged khaki-coloured tent about one metre by
three. She shares it with five others.

The area is without road or rail and travellers must make tortuous
journeys on dangerous mountain roads. Most northern Afghans drive
battered Russian jeeps at breakneck speed. There are no traffic
lights, speed limits, drivers' licences or number plates.

Taleban-held territory by contrast has roads, infrastructure,
electricity and even internal scheduled flights, luxuries
unimaginable in the territory of the Northern Alliance.

National Post Online is a Hollinger / CanWest Publication.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] Get paid to forward under the radar articles

2001-10-04 Thread Paul Reilly

-Caveat Lector-

Calling all CTRL'ers

Let the battle commenceMeme warfare

If you experience any technical preoblems please email
me to let me know...

Other than that, fingers crossed for phase 1.

AOL and Web TV click a

Forgive the cheezy pic of me, but a marketing guy told
me that photos help develop trust... we shall see. :)


Paul Reilly

PS... Don't forget to copy and paste the sig file too

: )

Paul Reilly

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Harris to run for congress

2001-10-04 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

Katherine Harris to Run for Congress
By Vickie Chachere
Associated Press Writer
Tuesday, Oct. 2, 2001; 10:30 a.m. EDT
TAMPA, Fla. –– Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris, who hit the
national spotlight during last fall's presidential election recount,
announced Tuesday she is running for Congress.
In light of the recent tragedy, I am more committed than ever to serving the
president and our nation, the Republican said in a statement. As a nation
we have united to overcome this challenge, and the bonds of our courage and
strength to do what is right inspires us to succeed.
Harris, 44, wants to replace Republican Dan Miller, who represents the 13th
congressional district that encompasses her hometown of Sarasota. Miller said
he plans to retire when his fifth term ends next year.
Harris' only announced opponent is Republican Chester Flake, a 27-year-old
computer consultant making his first try for political office.
Flake had said earlier that he intended to ask Harris to step down as
secretary of state if she ran for Congress.
It's a tremendous conflict of interest, Flake said, noting that the
secretary of state's office oversees Florida elections.
Harris became well known during the five-week recount that sent George W.
Bush to the White House. She became a favorite target of Democrats and took a
drubbing in the media, but won praise from Republicans for her handling of
the recount. She also helped push through a $32 million election reform
package to quiet critics.
More recently, she has been under scrutiny for her office's international
Last week, Harris fired her inspector general and her office was criticized
in a state audit that said her employees sometimes flew business- or
first-class to foreign cities rather than the less expensive coach, violating
state travel regulations.
Sarasota County Republican Party Chairman Tramm Hudson said Harris should win
the heavily Republican district easily, even though she will be a political
She may be used as a poster child to raise money for other Democratic
congressional candidates, Hudson said. But in the 13th Congressional
district, the Democrats would be hard pressed to find a legitimate opponent
for her.
A former Democrat who became a Republican in 1986, Harris cannot seek
re-election as secretary of state because voters decided to make it an
appointed office when her current term ends in January 2003.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Teacher fighting to keep her job

2001-10-04 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

Looks like we will have one less liberal educator when this hearing is over.

Teacher fighting to keep her job

*   Cheryl Mulhearn, a teacher at Florosa, was reprimanded for allegedly
telling her class she wished that President Bush had been a victim of the
terrorist attacks.
By ANGIE TOOLE, Daily News Staff Writer
Florosa Elementary School teacher Cheryl Mulhearn plans to fight for her job,
denying charges that she said she wished the president had been killed in
terrorist attacks or that she visited pornographic sites with a school
I deal with school boards all around the state, and I can tell you there's a
real rush to judgement here, said Mulhearn's attorney, Tom Brooks. It's
disturbing. I think they are after her.
Mulhearn became the target of angry phone calls over the weekend, when news
of the charges was released, Brooks said.
School officials released information about a letter of reprimand against
Mulhearn Friday, after a 10-day waiting period allowing the cited teacher to
respond. In the letter, Florosa Principal Max Gertsman said the fifth-grade
teacher told her students something to the effect that she wished one of the
jets was running into the White House, and she hopes that George was in there
when it hit.
As reports of these comments were made public, Superintendent of Schools Don
Gaetz also detailed the reason for Mulhearn's suspension by the school board
that same week: charges that she had misused the district computer system to
visit pornographic Web sites.
Investigation documentation didn't release the names of those who had
complained about the remarks, one of the key issues on which union officials
and Mulhearn's attorney plan to base a grievance case.
The complaints are not anonymous, said Okaloosa County Superintendent of
Schools Don Gaetz. We have not released the names of students, but these are
real people with real complaints. I am disappointed with the union's decision
to defend the highly questionable behavior of this employee. This should be
an opportunity for the union and School Board to work together to improve the
teaching profession.
In looking at district printouts of computer activity, Brooks said his office
could only pinpoint one site that might be deemed inappropriate:
www.rotten.com. That Web site includes sexual content and graphic violent
images including autopsy photographs, but Mulhearn's attorney points out that
records show that site had been viewed for only seconds.
In May, along with six or seven other sites in the same minute, this site
was apparently clicked on and back off again, Brooks said.
This documentation was derived from Mulhearn's laptop computer, which was
provided through the district's Computers for Teachers program.
Gaetz said the evidence shows numerous incidents, more than just a brief,
one-time stop at a site of questionable taste.
The evidence will show a pattern, over months and months, of questionable
involvement on the Internet, the superintendent added.
Mulhearn's future with the district may be decided at the board's Oct. 8
School Board meeting in Fort Walton Beach.

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[CTRL] WP: Bin Laden Followers Reach Across Globe: Clinton's FBI Learned In 1995 Of Plot To Use Terror Jetliner

2001-10-04 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Borderless Network of Terror

Bin Laden Followers Reach Across Globe

By Doug Struck, Howard Schneider, Karl Vick and Peter Baker
Washington Post Foreign Service
Sunday, September 23, 2001; Page A01

MANILA -- Abdul Hakim Murad washed his hands, and broke a basic rule of

When the water mixed with chemical residue in the kitchen sink of unit 603
in the Dona Josefa Apartments here in 1995, it set off an eruption that
would reveal the inner workings of a clandestine terrorist cell allied with
Osama bin Laden.

It also revealed a plan that gave a chilling preview of the attack in New
York and Washington on Sept. 11.

Arrested and tortured by Philippine intelligence agents, Murad told the
story of Bojinka -- loud bang -- the code name bin Laden operatives had
given to an audacious plan to bomb 11 U.S. airliners simultaneously and fly
an airplane into the CIA headquarters in Langley, Va. -- all after
attempting to assassinate Pope John Paul II.

The plot in the Philippines, which was recounted to U.S. investigators at
the time, appears to be a model of the methods, aims and structure of the
network that bin Laden's followers have assembled in dozens of countries
around the world. Members of this diffuse confederation of radical
Islamists, drawing inspiration, funding and training from bin Laden's al
Qaeda group, have provided the foot soldiers -- and some commanders for his
core organization -- for attacks on U.S. citizens.

These cells, the groups that host them and any country that allows them to
operate within its borders are now the declared enemies in the U.S. war on
terrorism. An examination of operations linked to bin Laden's network in
five countries -- the Philippines, Jordan, Uzbekistan, Yemen and Egypt --
shows how difficult the fight will be.

Despite common organizational patterns and ideology, the terrorists
fighting for bin Laden's cause come from diverse locations and backgrounds.
Some have long ties to bin Laden and al Qaeda. Others have acted nearly
autonomously, undetected by authorities until the last moment before an
attack, or after one had occurred.

The Philippines plot of 1995 had many hallmarks of an operation mounted by
terrorists tied to al Qaeda, which means the base. According to
Philippine intelligence reports obtained by The Washington Post, the
attempt to bomb the airliners was meticulously planned and well financed,
and involved preparations in countries across the globe, including the
United States.

Intelligence records indicate the precise flights that were to be targeted:
United 808, Delta 59, Northwest 6, and others. The records included
calculations to determine when to set the bomb's timer on each flight. They
also included the names of dozens of associates, and photos of some; a
record of five-star hotels; and dealings with a trading corporation in
London, a meat market owner in Malaysia and an Islamic center in Tucson,

The intelligence records list flying schools in San Antonio, Schenectady,
N.Y., and New Bern, N.C., where Murad trained as a commercial pilot. They
describe how money moved through an Abu Dhabi banking firm. Bar hostesses
were bribed with gifts and holiday trips to open bank accounts in which to
stash associates' funds.

The plotters also included in their plans the motives for the mission, in a
manifesto recovered by investigators: The U.S. government gives military
aircraft to the Jewish state so the Jews can continue fighting and killing.
All of this is a result of the U.S. government's financial and military
support of the Jewish state. All people who support the U.S. government are
our target.

Bin Laden's links to the Philippines were established early in the 1990s.
In 1991, Abdurajak Janjalani, who had fought with bin Laden in Afghanistan,
returned to the Philippines and founded Abu Sayyaf -- father of the
sword -- which announced itself by killing two American evangelists in
1991 in a grenade blast. Officials believe Janjalani got money from an
Islamic foundation run by bin Laden's brother-in-law, Mohammad Jamal
Khalifa, who lived in the Philippines with a Filipino wife.

When Pope John Paul II announced he would visit the Philippines in 1995,
authorities worried about possible attacks by Abu Sayyaf. But the real
threat turned out to be even graver.

On Jan. 6, one week before the pope's visit, Police Station 9 in Manila
noticed a fire alarm was activated in an apartment building not far from
the pontiff's expected route. At first the cause appeared to be a simple
cooking fire. But Capt. Aida Fariscal, the night commander, went there to
see for herself. I had a sixth sense, she said.

As she was looking around, Murad, a 26-year-old Pakistani who called
himself Saeed Ahmed, returned. He panicked, and tried to run. His shoe
caught on the roots of a potted plant, and Fariscal commandeered a taxi and
two bystanders to haul him back to the 

[CTRL] LAT: FTC to back off of Privacy Issues

2001-10-04 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Los Angeles Times
October 2, 2001

FTC to Drop Push for More Privacy Laws

Legislation: Trade agency will abandon Clinton administration's call for
tougher measures and focus on enforcement and education.

By EDMUND SANDERS, Times Staff Writer

WASHINGTON -- Reversing a Clinton administration policy, the new head of
the Federal Trade Commission is withdrawing the agency's call for tougher
newprivacy laws and instead focusing on increasing the enforcement of
existing rules and boosting education efforts.

Under the initiative--to be formally announced Thursday by FTC Chairman
Timothy J. Muris--the agency plans to increase staffing for privacy-related
programs by nearly 50% and reallocate funding from other programs to combat
identity theft and educate consumers about how they can safeguard their
privacy, according to sources familiar with the plan.

The new policy will substantially darken the prospects for more than a
dozen online privacy bills currently pending on Capitol Hill, though the
Sept. 11 terrorist attacks already had put those bills on a back burner as
Congress focuses on more-pressing issues.

FTC officials declined to comment Monday, saying details about staffing and
funding levels under the new policy would be unveiled in a speech by Muris
to business and privacy leaders in Cleveland. The agency has about 1,049
employees and a 2001 budget of $147 million.

Muris, a Bush appointee and a frequent critic of government regulation,
spent nearly four months studying the privacy issue, meeting with consumer
groups, business leaders and academics.

The chairman concluded that new laws would provide little benefit to
consumers and would place costly burdens on businesses, according to
sources close to Muris.

Instead, Muris will emphasize industry self-regulation and stronger
enforcement of existing laws and regulations that protect consumer privacy
and prohibit unfair or deceptive practices. That will include an increase
in FTC enforcement actions taken against Web sites and other companies that
fail to live up to their privacy policies, according to a source at the

Though the commission has used the threat of lawsuits and regulatory action
to get the private sector to improve privacy protections, the agency's
enforcement record on privacy has been relatively thin. In the past, FTC
officials argued that they lacked the necessary legal authority to crack
down on abuses.

The FTC's best-known enforcement action came against the now-defunct Web
retailer Toysmart, which attempted to sell its customer information after
filing for bankruptcy, even though it had promised to keep the data
private. The company eventually agreed to destroy the database.

The stance against new privacy laws differs from that of Muris'
predecessor, Robert Pitofsky, who had concluded last year that current laws
were inadequate to protect consumers online.

Under Pitofsky, the agency called upon Congress to enact legislation that
would provide a minimum level of protection, including requirements that
Web sites disclose what sort of personal information they collect and give
consumers a chance to keep their data private.

That policy led the FTC's two Republican commissioners--then in the
minority--to dissent, arguing that the agency's stance went too far.

The arrival of Muris in June gave the FTC a Republican majority. In a
speech this summer, Orson Swindle, one of the Republican commissioners,
said that the new FTC majority is more concerned about the cost of

Privacy advocates welcomed increased FTC enforcement and funding for
privacy issues, but they reiterated the call for tougher federal laws.

The stance against new legislation is a big step backward, said Sarah
Andrews, research director for the Electronic Information Privacy Center,
an advocacy group in Washington. It really negates all the work that the
staff did last year. There's really no reason to think that the situation
has gotten any better.

Opponents of new privacy laws say the issue is too complicated to address
through legislation. They point to this summer's implementation of a
financial privacy law that required banks and insurers to mail disclosure
notices to their customers outlining what sort of information they collect
and how they use it. The law cost the industry several billion dollars and
left many consumers confused.

Even before the FTC's new stance, momentum in Congress for approving new
online privacy laws was slowing, particularly after Sept. 11.

The attacks took much of the wind out of the sails for privacy issues on
the Hill, said Jeffrey Eisenach, president of the Progress  Freedom
Foundation, a conservative research organization in Washington.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL 

[CTRL] AP: Computer Robots Gather Intelligence

2001-10-04 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

In other words, I guess they are saying that they have over invested in
technology and under invested in skilled technicians.



Computer Robots Gather Intelligence

By JIM KRANE, AP Technology Writer NEW YORK (AP)

For the U.S. military, bombing or rocketing mobile targets like tanks,
trucks - and suspected terrorists - has been a frustrating problem.

Often, a target captured by surveillance photos disappears before a
commander can give the order to fire. In 1998, U.S. authorities believe,
Osama bin Laden departed an encampment in Afghanistan just a few hours
before a barrage of U.S. cruise missiles demolished it.

Now, the military is testing software robots that can identify targets and
present them to commanders much more quickly than a human could.

The software, known as the Control of Agent-Based Systems or CoABS, uses
artificially intelligent agents to sift through troves of images and
intelligence data to find viable targets.

The intelligent agents, designed by teams of defense contractors and
university researchers, deal with one of the chief challenges military and
intelligence analysts face: information overload.

Humans simply can't cope with the avalanche of incoming communications
intercepts, satellite and spy plane images and other data quickly enough to
coordinate reliable targets.

Software agents can understand voice commands and screen, sort and deliver
incoming data, researchers say.

It takes us too long to get the intelligence to a weapons system, said
James Hendler, the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's
just-departed chief information systems scientist. These agents route the
right information to the right people at the right time.

The agents might transfer an image from, say, an Air Force spy plane
directly to a commander on a nearby Naval vessel, who could quickly order a
cruise missile strike - bypassing the usual route through Washington.

The Defense Department's robot-like agents handle far more complex tasks
than their better-known cousins, the software bots embedded in search
engines or the animated paperclip that offers help to users of some
Microsoft software.

The DOD's dogged software agents work in teams, plumbing the murkiest
depths of a computer network, communicating with each other and growing
smarter as they work, said Daniel Daskiewich, CoABS program manager at
the Air Force Research Lab's site in Rome, N.Y.

Army, Navy and Air Force researchers - along with defense contractor
Lockheed Martin Corp. - have recognized software agents as absolutely
critical in solving another long-standing frustration - the inability to
share data across the military's myriad computer systems, Daskiewich said.

If you go to an Army command center you'll see 200 people in front of 200
computer systems. They're not interoperating with each other, Hendler
said. We created a system that makes it easy for systems to talk to each

With the oceans of data being collected by U.S. military and intelligence
agencies, experts say cross-agency sharing is crucial to tracking future

This is among the most important challenges facing the intelligence
community, said Steven Aftergood, a Federation of American Scientists
analyst. The agencies are swamped with information that they are unable to
make heads or tails of. They can harness technology to do some of their
preliminary analysis for them.

Beyond the United States, software agents could be used in a coalition
military effort - such as a future war on terrorism - to link U.S. military
systems with those of allies, said researcher Niranjan Suri of the
University of West Florida in Pensacola, Fla.

DARPA has even developed a programming language for Web pages called DAML -
DARPA Agent Markup Language - that helps the software agents read and
understand the Defense Department's Internet files, said Katia Sycara, a
research scientist who heads Carnegie Mellon University's Advanced Agents
Technology Lab.

Intelligent software agents might also help with other military tasks, such
as crisis planning during an evacuation.

In a $50 million, five-year project Sycara's lab developed for DARPA, a
mock evacuation plan of the U.S. embassy in Kuwait shows four tiers of
software agents designing a route map to the airport - avoiding rebel
roadblocks - by monitoring intelligence reports related to the crisis.

All these agents coordinate depending on the particular task, said
Sycara. You can view them as teams of specialists that assemble to solve
your problem, whatever it happens to be at the time. The problem could be

Data-mining robots are already being used by U.S. intelligence agencies to
pluck information from the Internet and databases of intercepted

But the agencies' strict security policies have tempered enthusiasm for
sharing data across networks.

Many in the 

[CTRL] CARNIVORE: Every link you take, every click you make: The FBI could be watching you

2001-10-04 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Every link you take, every click you make:
The FBI could be watching you

Monday October 01 04:27 PM EDT
By Matt Bean
Court TV

Warning: The government could be watching your computer-right now.
Depending on your Internet service provider, a special piece of
technology called Carnivore could, in fact, be recording the URL of
each Web site you visit (including this one) and even the terms you
enter into popular search engines.

  The laws governing when the FBI can use their controversial Internet
monitoring system are designed to make sure that criminals, not
law-abiding citizens, are targeted. But with the fight against
terrorism moving into the digital realm, proposed legislation called
for by President Bush could make the technology even easier to use and,
say rights groups, even easier to abuse.

  Though the anti-terrorism proposals may be aimed at suspected
saboteurs now, they could act like a Trojan horse for rights abuses in
the future, says Jay Stanley, the ACLU's privacy public education

  Americans have to be careful here, said Stanley. That's the way
rights are lost. We have to be sure that it's not just a foot in the
door to a much broader expansion of powers.

  New laws passed the week of the attack and sponsored by Orrin
Hatch (R-Utah) and Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) have already expanded
Carnivore's reach, giving U.S. and state attorneys the power to order
installation of Carnivore on a temporary, limited basis.

  The current proposed legislation Congress is now considering would
give the FBI even more power to install and use the system.

How It Works

  The Carnivore system is part of a class of electronic surveillance
devices called packet sniffers. Packet sniffers, which are also used
by companies to monitor employee Internet use, filter all of the
internet traffic that passes through a network, looking for key phrases
in e-mails, for the visitation of earmarked URLs, and more.

  To monitor a user's traffic, agents must connect a box containing the
system to the network, or internet service provider, that individual
uses.  Say, for example, that a mob boss was suspected of making drug
deals through his Earthlink internet account. If the FBI did not
already have a Carnivore system installed there, the agency would
obtain a court order to install one, and then an agent would head out
to the Earthlink offices to install a box. The box would filter the
communications passing through Earthlink's network, paying special
attention to those coming from, and heading to, the mob boss's account.
Later, an agent would return to Earthlink to retrieve a hard drive from
the box, which could be scanned back at the FBI offices.

  The FBI has been careful not to explain everything about how
Carnivore works, but FOIA documents indicate that the system is capable
of doing a lot more than just sifting for highlighted key words and web
addresses -- it is capable of capturing and archiving not only the
specific communications it's targeted at, but all unfiltered traffic
on the network as well.

  This voracious appetite for data may be one reason the system, which
the FBI renamed last year as DCS1000, has never been able to shake its
prehistoric moniker.

Trap and Trace Gets an Update

  The loosening of restriction on Carnivore are only part of the
Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA), a set of proposals which would grant law
enforcement new powers in everything from immigration law to collecting
the DNA of suspected terrorists.

  And though a current version of the proposal does not specifically
mention the system (neither did the law passed the week of the attacks)
computer experts agree that it would grant the FBI more leeway to
perform surveillance activities that would require the use of

  The crucial part of the current anti-terrorism laws that has
electronic privacy groups worried is a clause that would allow FBI
agents to use Carnivore to expand something called the trap and trace
authority of the government.

  Trap and trace is a term that once referred to obtaining phone
records from an individual under surveillance, detailing who called
whom and when.  That information was considered less serious than
recording the content of a phone call, and therefore two levels of
warrants were established.

  To do a trap and trace, agents merely needed to assert to a judge
that the warrant would be relevant to an ongoing criminal
investigation. To do a wiretap, however, agents would have to get a
Title III wiretap warrant by convincing a judge that the surveillance
would be likely to turn up dirt from, say a suspected terrorist.

  The crucial difference, says Stanley, is that a trap and trace
warrant is much easier to obtain. You don't even need to be suspected
of a crime for that, he says.

  Fast forward to the digital age: The proposed 

[CTRL] JANES: Vital intelligence on the Taliban may rest with its prime sponsor - Pakistan's ISI

2001-10-04 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Vital intelligence on the Taliban may rest with its prime sponsor -
Pakistan's ISI

By Rahul Bedi
New Delhi

Pakistan's sinister Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) remains the key to
providing accurate information to the US-led alliance in its war against
Osama bin Laden and his Taliban hosts in Afghanistan. Known as Pakistan's
'secret army' and 'invisible government', its shadowy past is linked to
political assassinations and the smuggling of narcotics as well as nuclear
and missile components.

The ISI also openly backs the Taliban and fuels the 12-year-old insurgency
in northern India's disputed Kashmir province by 'sponsoring' Muslim
militant groups and ministering its policy of 'death by a thousand cuts'
that so effectively drove the Soviets out of Afghanistan and led to their
political demise.

The goings on behind the ISI's nondescript headquarters, located behind
high walls on Khayban-e-Suharwady avenue in the heart of the capital
Islamabad and its operational offices in the adjoining garrison town of
Rawalpindi, have dominated Pakistan's domestic, nuclear and foreign
policies - especially those relating to Afghanistan - for over two decades.

The ISI chief, Lt Gen Mahmood Ahmed, who was visiting Washington when New
York and the Pentagon were attacked, agreed to share desperately needed
information about the Taliban with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
and other US security officials. The CIA has well-established links with
the ISI, having trained it in the 1980s to 'run' Afghan mujahideen (holy
Muslim warriors), Islamic fundamentalists from Pakistan as well as Arab
volunteers by providing them with arms and logistic support to evict the
Soviet occupation of Kabul.

The ISI is presently the 'eyes and ears' of the US-led covert action to
seize Bin Laden from the Taliban, since hundreds of its agents and their
Pathan 'assets' continue to operate across Afghanistan. Its influence with
the Taliban can be gauged from the inclusion of Gen Ahmed in the Pakistani
military and diplomatic delegation to the militia's religious capital,
Kandhar, in southern Afghanistan in an attempt to defuse the looming
military crisis. The Pakistani delegation appealed to the Taliban, albeit
in vain, to hand over Bin Laden to the US, which holds him responsible for
the 11 September attacks on the World Trade Center and Washington in which
nearly 7000 people are feared to have died.

Founded soon after independence in 1948 to collect intelligence in
Pakistan-controlled Kashmir and in East Pakistan (later Bangladesh), the
ISI was modelled on Savak, the Iranian security agency, and like Savak was
trained by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the SDECE, France's
external intelligence service. The 1979 Soviet occupation of Afghanistan
led the CIA, smarting from its retreat from Vietnam, into enhancing the
ISI's covert action capabilities by running mujahideen resistance groups
against the Soviets in Afghanistan.

Former Pakistani president General Mohammad Zia-ul-Haq, who was ultimately
assassinated along with his ISI chief, expanded the agency's internal
charter by tasking it with collecting information on local religious and
political groups opposed to his military regime. Under Gen Zia the ISI's
Internal Political Division reportedly assassinated Shah Nawaz Bhutto, one
of the two brothers of former Pakistani prime minister Benazir Bhutto, by
poisoning him on the French Riviera in 1985. The aim was to intimidate Miss
Bhutto into not returning to Pakistan to direct the multi-party movement
for the restoration of democracy, but Miss Bhutto refused to be cowed down
and returned home, only to be toppled by the ISI soon after becoming prime
minister in 1988.

The ISI is believed to have recently formed a secret task force under Gen
Ahmed comprising Interior Minister Lt Gen (retd) Moinuddin Haider and
Deputy Chief of Army Staff Lt Gen Muzaffar Usmani to 'destroy' major
political parties and the separatist Mohajir Quami Movement (MQM) in
southern Sindh province.

This task force has reportedly encouraged not only religious Islamic
organisations such as the Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI) and Jamiat-ul-Ulema Islam
(JuI) but also sectarian organisations such as the fundamentalist Sipah
Sahaba and the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (which are closely linked to the Taliban
and Bin Laden) to extend their activities to Sindh. These organisations are
believed to have 'slipped the ISI collar' and begun recruiting unemployed
Sindhi rural youth for the Taliban, posing a threat to Gen Musharraf's
co-operation with Washington by formenting jihad against the West.

After the ignominious Soviet withdrawal from Kabul in 1989 the ISI,
determined to achieve its aim of extending Pakistan's 'strategic depth' and
creating an Islamic Caliphate by controlling Afghanistan and the Central
Asian Republics, began sponsoring a little-known Pathan student movement 

[CTRL] It's not a Zionist plot (fwd)

2001-10-04 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

It's not a Zionist plot

The Ottawa Citizen
Tuesday, October 02, 2001


Dr. Gamal Solaiman, the imam of the Ottawa central mosque, was blunt in
condemning the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon.
It's a horrific thing, he said last week. (It's) simply unacceptable to
go and kill innocent people. Bravo, sir.

Yet the imam has been distressingly obtuse about who carried out the
attacks. Asked whether he thought a Muslim group was involved, he said,
No, I don't. Queried as to whether he believed there was evidence
pointing to the Middle East, he added, All that the Americans are
producing so far does not convince me in the least.

This is navet or denial. Yet the imam is not alone among influential
Canadian Muslims. Ahmed Adam, the Ottawa-area director of the Canadian
Islamic Congress, suggests that people consider who benefits from the
attacks, and goes on to mention Israel. And the Saudi Ambassador to
Canada, Mohammed Raja Al-Hussaini Al Sharif, says mistakes in news reports
can be traced to the Zionist lobby. He then cautions against a rush to
judgment in determining who organized the terror.

To the ambassador, we say: Go home, sir. To Canadian Muslim leaders,
however, we plead for an honest look at the evidence:

a) Although the list of terrrorists who died on the hijacked planes has
been updated as more information surfaces, what has not changed is
evidence that all were Muslims.

b) A four-page letter found in the luggage of one suspect points directly
to fanatics claiming to act in the name of Islam. Remember the battle of
the prophet ... against the infidels as he went on building the Islamic
state, it says, asking its recipients to pray to god ... and recite the

c) The pattern of the attacks points to terrorist groups such as that of
Osama bin Laden. Suicide bombings in recent decades have been mostly the
work of Middle-East-based extremists. The World Trade Center attack in
1993 was traced to such militants, as were the bombings of U.S. embassies
in Africa.

d) There is no evidence at all of Israeli involvement or of shadowy U.S.
government plots. One may as well accuse feminists or Martians for all the
crediblity such assertions have.

Does the evidence so far pin down precisely who was involved? No. But it
points strongly toward a group or groups of fanatics, of Middle-East
origin and claiming to represents Islam. In judging who was responsible
for the attacks, rational people must act on the best evidence before
them. If the evidence changes, our judgment must also change. But facts
and wishes are not equal evidence.

Why are so many respected, educated people unable or unwilling to grasp
the distinction? Primarily, we suspect, out of a misguided sense that
Muslims will be seen as collectively guilty.

This isn't so: to posit that a horrific crime was carried out by sick
souls claiming to act in the name of Islam is neither a repudiation of the
religion nor an indictment of its peaceful adherents. Yet many Canadian
Muslims, apparently, believe they stand accused as a group. They do not,
and they should reinforce this by decrying those who use their fine
religion as an excuse for terror.

Canada's Muslim leaders, meanwhile, should show real leadership by
publicly insisting that stories about Zionist conspiracies and militia
plots be treated as the intellectual vapour they are.

That, not denial, will help everyone in the search for the truth behind
the evil.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] War on Terror Profitable (fwd)

2001-10-04 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


War on Terror Profitable


Same Old Names, Faces Primed to Make Big Bucks Off Tragedy

President Bush's crusade against the Taliban of Afghanistan has more to
do with control of the immense oil and gas resources of the Caspian Basin
than it does with rooting out terrorism.

Exclusive to American Free Press

By Christopher Bollyn

Once again an American president from the Bush family is leading Americans
down an oil-rich Mid dle Eastern warpath against enemies of freedom and

President George W. Bush, whose family is well connected to oil and energy
companies, has called for an international crusade against Islamic
terrorists, who he says hate Americans simply because they are the
brightest beacon of freedom and a democracy.

The focus on religion-based terrorism serves to conceal important aspects
of the Central Asian conflict. President Bush's noble rhetoric about
fighting for justice and democracy is masking a less noble struggle for
control of an estimated $5 trillion of oil and gas resources from the
Caspian Basin.

One of the material results of the elder Bush's Desert Storm campaign in
1991 was to secure access to the huge Rumaila oil field of southern Iraq,
which was accomplished by expanding the boundaries of Kuwait after the
war. This allowed Kuwait, a former British protectorate where American and
British oil companies are heavily invested, to double its prewar oil

The Trepca mine complex in Kosovo, one of the richest mines in Europe, was
seized last year by front companies for George Soros and Bernard Kouchner,
two members of the New World Order gang who devastated Serbia.

A similar geopolitical strategy, influenced by Zionist planners, to
control the valuable mineral resources of the Caspian Basin underlies the
planned aggression against Afghanistan, a Central Asian nation that
occupies a strategic position sandwiched between the Middle East, Central
Asia and the Indian subcontinent.

Central Asia has enormous quantities of undeveloped oil resources
including 6.6 trillion cubic meters of natural gas, waiting to be

The former Soviet republics of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan are the two
major gas producers in Central Asia.

Today, the only existing export routes from the area lead through Russia.
Investors in Caspian oil and gas are interested in building alternative
pipelines to Turkey and Europe, and especially to the rapidly growing
Asian markets.

India, Iran, Russia and Israel are working on a plan to supply oil and gas
to south and southeast Asia through India but instability in Afghanistan
is posing a great threat to this effort.

Afghanistan lies squarely between Turkmenistan, home to the world's
third-largest natural gas reserves, and the lucrative markets of the
Indian subcontinent, China and Japan. A memorandum of understanding has
been signed to build a 900-mile natural gas pipeline from Turkmenistan to
Pakistan via Afghanistan, but the ongoing civil war and absence of a
stable government in Afghanistan have delayed the project.

Afghanistan was at the center of the so-called Great Game in the 19th
century when Imperial Russia and the British Empire in India vied for
influence. Today, its geographical position as a potential route for oil
and natural gas pipelines makes Afghanistan extremely important to energy
magnates seeking control of these precious resources.

Enron, a Texas-based gas and energy company, together with Amoco, British
Petroleum, Chevron, Exxon, Mobil and Unocal are all engaged in a
multi-billion dollar frenzy to extract the reserves of Azerbaijan, Kazakh
stan, and Turkmenistan, the three newly independent Soviet republics that
border on the Caspian Sea.

On behalf of the oil companies, an array of former cabinet members from
the elder Bush administration have been actively involved in negotiations
with the former Soviet republics. The dealmakers include James Baker,
Brent Scowcroft, John Sununu and, notably, Dick Cheney, now vice

Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan are also closely allied with Israeli
commercial interests and Israeli military intelligence.

In Turkmenistan, a former Israeli intelligence agent, Yosef A. Maiman,
president of Merhav Group of Israel, is the official negotiator and policy
maker responsible for developing the energy resources of Turkmenistan.

This is the Great Game all over, Maiman told The Wall Street Journal
about his role in furthering the geopolitical goals of both the U.S. and
Israel in Central Asia.

We are doing what U.S. and Israeli policy could not achieve-controlling
the transport route is controlling the product, he said.

Those who control the oil routes out of Central Asia will impact all
future direction and quantities of flow and the distribution of revenues
from new production, said energy expert James Dorian in Oil  Gas Journal
on Sept.10.


[CTRL] Stop UN Prosecution of our troops

2001-10-04 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

Here is today's Sixty Second Activist ACTION ITEM:

ISSUE:  The Washington Times reported today (9/28) that
the Bush administration has endorsed legislation to
protect U.S. troops sent overseas from politically
motivated and frivolous prosecution by the new
International Criminal Court (ICC).

Minutes before midnight on December 31, 2000,
then-President Bill Clinton signed America onto a United
Nations treaty establishing the ICC.  This treaty could
obliterate our Bill of Rights.

The treaty must be ratified by the U.S. Senate before it
becomes binding.  When Republicans controlled the Senate,
we could count on Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Jesse
Helms to keep the treaty from even being voted on, much
less passed.

Not anymore, though.  Now the Democrats control the
process --  but what's worse, according to the ICC treaty,
*the court would have jurisdiction even over nations that
refused to join!*

If the U.S. is forced to abide by this treaty, it could:

**  Make all of us criminals -- the police arm of the ICC
would have the power to arrest (without warrant or due
process) any citizen for any violation they name.  Charges
of crimes against the environment could be levied against
land developers, or even just someone building their dream

**  Our military actions would have to be first approved by
the U.N., or our soldiers could be prosecuted for war crimes
and crimes of aggression. Our military actions in Granada
or Panama, for instance, could be deemed criminal.

**  Our Bill of Right protections, like the requirements for
a search warrant, trial by jury, and a speedy trial, would be
gone when charged by the ICC.

**  The protection against double jeopardy, being tried
for the same crime twice, would be gone.  The ICC can try
someone over and over until they get the result they want.
And there is no appeal.

ACTION ITEM:  The only good news is that new legislation --
the American Servicemembers Protection Act -- has been
introduced in the Senate, which would prohibit any U.S.
cooperation with the proposed International Criminal Court.

The legislation also blocks U.S. aid to allies unless they
agree to shield American troops on their soil from ICC
prosecution, and restricts U.S. troops from participating in
U.N. peacekeeping missions unless soldiers are explicitly
exempted from prosecution by the organization.

In addition, the bill authorizes any action necessary to
free U.S. troops improperly handed over to that court.

The Senate is likely to vote on the ASPA early next week. It
was introduced as an amendment to the Department of Defense
Authorization Bill.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] DEBKAfile: As US-Russian Force Prepares to Go into Afghanistan: Mid East is Temporarily Sidelined

2001-10-04 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


As US-Russian Force Prepares to Go into Afghanistan

Mid East is Temporarily Sidelined

2 October: The most significant feature of the imminent US assault against
Afghanistan is the major role to be played by Russian military might,
following the new and far-reaching understanding reached between President
George W. Bush and President Vladimir Putin.

DEBKAfile's military sources reveal that the Tadjikistan based Russian
201st Motorized Rifle Division was beefed up Tuesday with staff commando
units, Pashtun speakers and interpreters. Its members also received
American-made anti-terrorist equipment and weapons flown in especially.

DEBKAfile adds: The anti-terror alliance has split its task into two parts.
The Americans and Russians will go for Bin Laden and his Al Qaeda force in
the Pamir Mountains, while the UK and Western allies will take on the
Taliban in south Afghanistan.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is taking a back seat to events about to
explode in Afghanistan. But Israel could find itself in the diplomatic hot
seat again once the smoke clears from the initial stages of the U.S.
military campaign against terrorism.

A hint of what could be in store appeared on the front pages of the New
York Times and Washington Post on Tuesday. The newspapers reported, in very
careful language, that several days before the September 11 terror attacks
in New York and Washington, U.S. secretary of state Colin Powell planned to
announce in a speech to the U.N. General Assembly the Bush administration's
support for the establishment of a Palestinian state.

The speech, which was never delivered in the aftermath of the suicide
hijack-bombings that led to the cancellation of much of the General
Assembly session, was to have paved the way for a meeting in New York
between President George W. Bush and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.
Now, the reports said, State Department officials are again trying to find
the right time to revive the new U.S. peace initiative.

The officials argue that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is hampering U.S.
efforts to unite Arab states behind Washington's global coalition against

The Israeli media rushed to report - ad nauseum -- this new U.S. peace
initiative, even as several hundred U.S. and British bombers prepare to
blast Afghanistan. However, as both U.S. newspapers noted, U.S. policy is
set in the White House, not in the State Department.

The real decisions in Washington are made by five people: Bush, vice
president Dick Cheney, defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld -- whose position
has grown stronger since the attacks in New York in Washington -- deputy
defense secretary Paul Wolfowitz and national security adviser Condoleezza

The group of five, which is spearheading the U.S. war effort, has given
Powell and senior State Department officials a free hand in forging a
global anti-terror alliance. The coalition's sole importance, the
decision-makers believe, is to serve as a screen or window dressing for
military action in the war.

So for now, at least, the sound of the explosions will drown out talk of
the U.S. diplomatic move on the Israeli-Palestinian front, but they will
not be able to silence completely the murmurs of peace.

DEBKAfile' s American and Palestinian experts say the real test for Israel
will come after the first stages of the war in Afghanistan.

It is possible, our experts say, that State Department officials will
eventually try to turn the spotlight back on what they see as the strategic
importance of the Middle East and the Israeli-Palestinian dispute.
The first stage of this State Department campaign to portray Israel as the
sole obstacle to a world anti-terror coalition failed, primarily because of
a dramatic change in the global strategic picture.

The change was rooted in a new U.S. awareness of who its real friends are.
DEBKAfile's sources in Washington say that as late as the second week of
September, U.S. leaders still harbored the belief that a world coalition
could play an important role against terrorism. But a quarter-century of
State Department policy effectively collapsed after Saudi Arabia, and in
its wake the entire Arab world including Egypt, denied the United States
the use of military bases on their soil to strike at Muslim Afghanistan.
Adding insult to injury, the facilities were built with U.S. know-how,
technology and military expertise.

The Americans, a practical people, instead of complaining publicly about
the snub, acted swiftly, effectively and cleverly.

On Sunday, September 23, Bush telephoned Russian president Vladimir Putin
and spoke to him for 70 minutes.

The moment both men hung up, the world we live in had changed and the
strategic situation in all its regions, including the Middle East, had
shifted radically.

The United States and Russia, two old foes who faced off against each other
for half a century, became allies in a move that will influence history for

[CTRL] Why so many Muslims deeply resent the West, and why their bitterness , will not easily be mollified (fwd)

2001-10-04 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


S E P T E M B E R 1 9 9 0

The Atlantic Monthly Online

Why so many Muslims deeply resent the West, and why their bitterness will not easily 
be mollified

by Bernard Lewis

IN one of his letters Thomas Jefferson remarked that in matters of religion the maxim 
of civil government should be reversed and we should rather say, Divided we stand, 
united, we fall. In this remark Jefferson was setting forth with classic terseness an 
idea that has come to be regarded as essentially American: the separation of Church 
and State. This idea was not entirely new; it had some precedents in the writings of 
Spinoza, Locke, and the philosophers of the European Enlightenment. It was in the 
United States, however, that the principle was first given the force of law and 
gradually, in the course of two centuries, became a reality.

If the idea that religion and politics should be separated is relatively new, dating 
back a mere three hundred years, the idea that they are distinct dates back almost to 
the beginnings of Christianity. Christians are enjoined in their Scriptures to render 
... unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's and unto God the things which are 
God's. While opinions have differed as to the real meaning of this phrase, it has 
generally been interpreted as legitimizing a situation in which two institutions exist 
side by side, each with its own laws and chain of authority -- one concerned with 
religion, called the Church, the other concerned with politics, called the State. And 
since they are two, they may be joined or separated, subordinate or independent, and 
conflicts may arise between them over questions of demarcation and jurisdiction.

This formulation of the problems posed by the relations between religion and politics, 
and the possible solutions to those problems, arise from Christian, not universal, 
principles and experience. There are other religious traditions in which religion and 
politics are differently perceived, and in which, therefore, the problems and the 
possible solutions are radically different from those we know in the West. Most of 
these traditions, despite their often very high level of sophistication and 
achievement, remained or became local -- limited to one region or one culture or one 
people. There is one, however, that in its worldwide distribution, its continuing 
vitality, its universalist aspirations, can be compared to Christianity, and that is 

Islam is one of the world's great religions. Let me be explicit about what I, as a 
historian of Islam who is not a Muslim, mean by that. Islam has brought comfort and 
peace of mind to countless millions of men and women. It has given dignity and meaning 
to drab and impoverished lives. It has taught people of different races to live in 
brotherhood and people of different creeds to live side by side in reasonable 
tolerance. It inspired a great civilization in which others besides Muslims lived 
creative and useful lives and which, by its achievement, enriched the whole world. But 
Islam, like other religions, has also known periods when it inspired in some of its 
followers a mood of hatred and violence. It is our misfortune that part, though by no 
means all or even most, of the Muslim world is now going through such a period, and 
that much, though again not all, of that hatred is directed against us.

We should not exaggerate the dimensions of the problem. The Muslim world is far from 
unanimous in its rejection of the West, nor have the Muslim regions of the Third World 
been the most passionate and the most extreme in their hostility. There are still 
significant numbers, in some quarters perhaps a majority, of Muslims with whom we 
share certain basic cultural and moral, social and political, beliefs and aspirations; 
there is still an imposing Western presence -- cultural, economic, diplomatic -- in 
Muslim lands, some of which are Western allies. Certainly nowhere in the Muslim world, 
in the Middle East or elsewhere, has American policy suffered disasters or encountered 
problems comparable to those in Southeast Asia or Central America. There is no Cuba, 
no Vietnam, in the Muslim world, and no place where American forces are involved as 
combatants or even as advisers. But there is a Libya, an Iran, and a Lebanon, and a 
surge of hatred that distresses, alarms, and above all baffles Americans.

At times this hatred goes beyond hostility to specific interests or actions or 
policies or even countries and becomes a rejection of Western civilization as such, 
not only what it does but what it is, and the principles and values that it practices 
and professes. These are indeed seen as innately evil, and those who promote or accept 
them as the enemies of God.

This phrase, which recurs so frequently in the language of the Iranian leadership, in 
both their judicial proceedings and their political pronouncements, must seem very 

[CTRL] Islamic Terrorists are Afraid of Women (fwd)

2001-10-04 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --

Please copy and distribute to other interested individuals and groups


What Islamic Terrorists are Really Afraid of is Women
by Boris Johnson

The Daily Telegraph, London
27 Sept. 2001

So we're going in.  In the next few days, our boys will be taking on the
Taliban, and we must all pray they succeed.  Let them winkle him out of his
cave.  Let them blast Osama bin Laden's arms dumps and blitz his followers,
and carpet-bomb the Khyber with pineapple chunks, to appease the civilians,
and then, and then ... er: nobody seems sure what happens then, because
this is a war against terrorism unlike any other.

We have had our own such war for the past 30 years, and we know that it is
accompanied by a stately hypocrisy.  On the one hand, we do our best to
catch them, or sometimes just shoot them.  On the other hand, we secretly
talk to them and give them what they want.  We invite them first to Cheyne
Walk, in 1973, and eventually to Downing Street.  My dear Gerry, my dear
Martin, what would it take to get your lads to stop blowing us up?  A
ministerial Rover?  Done.  The end of the RUC?  Say no more.

The trouble with the war against Islamic fundamentalist terror is that the
terrorists themselves have no interest in talking.  Bin Ladin calls on his
followers to kill all infidels.  Then, he says, the killers will go to
heaven.  There is not much room for negotiation there, not even over tea at
Number 10.  We are not only horrified by the actions of the 19 suicide
killers; we are still baffled, two weeks on.

What is it really all about?  What is the true well-spring of this rage?
We have all read that these crazed young men resent America for supporting
Israel; that they believe the sufferings of the Iraqi people are excessive;
that they hate their own corrupt regimes, especially in Saudi Arabia, and
blame America for backing them.  None of these geopolitical reasons, I am
afraid, quite does the trick, for me.  There must be some deeper offence to
their pride.

I think it is to do with their sense that they are representatives of a
culture under siege.  They fear that American morals and values will take
them over, just as Coca-Cola and McDonald's have conquered the Earth.  And
what is the biggest single difference between their culture and Western
culture?  That's easy: it's the treatment of women.

Not all Islamic societies are equally sexist.  You may not believe it, but
the Turks gave women the vote before the British did.  But listen to the
casual bias of bin Laden's address to brother Muslims.  Look at the wacko
women's gear that the BBC's John Simpson wore when he smuggled himself into
Afghanistan, a sort of blue tent with a letterbox hole for the nose.

This is a world where women are lashed for adultery; where little girls are
denied education; where female teachers are sacked; and where women are
kept from elementary health care.  Mohammed Omar, the Taliban leader, says
that mingling men and women is Western and decadent, and leads to
licentiousness.  To call these views medieval is an insult to the Middle
Ages.  And yet, they are held, with varying intensity, across the Muslim

In Kuwait, the country for which we fought, they recently decided against
giving women the vote.  As one enlightened Kuwaiti MP, Ahmad al-Baqer, put
it: God said in the holy Koran that men are better than women.  Why can't
we settle for that?  The Kuwaiti tribunes later had a debate on the Sydney
Olympics, in which a fruitcake called Waleed al-Tabtabaie called for the
banning of women's beach volleyball, on the grounds that it was too sexy
and indecent.

In Kano, Nigeria, the Muslims banned female soccer.  In Dhaka, Bangladesh,
women have been banned from working for NGOs.  A Malaysian minister
recently announced that any kind of skirt is an invitation to rape.
Iranian magazines may not show unveiled pictures of Monica Lewinsky, or any
other woman who has had sexual relations with President Clinton.  The imam
of a mosque in Fuengirola, Spain, one Mohamed Kamal Mostafa, has just
published a handy guide to when you may beat your wife.  Only hit the
hands and feet, he says, using a rod that is thin and light.  Of course,
it's all grotesque.  It's nutty.  But these prejudices are so deeply held
by Islamic fundamentalists that they will die to preserve them.

They look at America, and they see a world full of spookily powerful women,
such as Hillary Clinton.  So terrifying have been the advances of Western
feminism that her ludicrous husband can almost be expelled from office for
having a sexual liaison with an intern.  The Muslim fanatics see denatured
men, and abortion, and family breakdown, and jezebels who order men around.
It tempts them and appals them and, finally, engrages them.  Mohammed Omar
says that  Only ugly and filthy Western cultures allow women to be
insulted and dishonoured as a toy.  What he means is that only the West
allows women to be 

[CTRL] is this thing on?

2001-10-04 Thread thew
Title: is this thing on?

-- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - - - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - --  -- - -- -

Never wear your best trousers when you go out to fight for freedom and truth.
 Henrik Ibsen

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew 

[CTRL] My life with the mujaheddin

2001-10-04 Thread radtimes

-Caveat Lector-

The Sunday Times (of London)

September 23 2001  TERRORISM

Tom Carew, an SAS soldier who helped turn Afghanistan's fighters into an
effective modern guerrilla force, on the daunting task facing allied
troops in the air or on the ground

My life with the mujaheddin

When you're wounded and left,
On Afghanistan's plains,
And the women come out,
To cut up your remains,
Just roll on your rifle,
And blow out your brains,
And go to your Gawd,
Like a soldier.
 Rudyard Kipling, *Gunga Din*

We were there to assess the Afghan fighting capability and to retrieve
Soviet equipment. It was 1980, the Russians had just invaded and the
Afghans were fighting a superpower with the same tactics they had used
against the British before the first world war. Watching them fight was
like watching an old western: the Russian cowboys would come into a valley
and down would stream the Afghan Indians. My task was to teach the Afghans
modern guerrilla tactics. Without them, they would be exterminated.

I tried to go without preconceptions, but it was hard. Before leaving
Britain, everyone told me to be careful. The Afghans are barbaric, they'll
chop you up, they said.

My boss at MI6 gave me a Flashman novel about a cowardly British officer
in the first British Afghan war of 1839-42. It was full of knife-wielding
maniacs who carved up British soldiers. After a few months adjusting,
however, I found the Afghans to be very pleasant. We got along. I
respected their bravery; they respected the way I instructed them.

I had much more difficulty coping with the terrain. When I arrived in
Peshawar, an Afghan military leader warned me: I hope you are fit, my men
march very quickly. No problem, I thought, I was used to marching. But my
God: up, up, up we went. We entered the Hindu Kush mountains and started
climbing. Above 10,000ft the oxygen started to thin and my concentration
to lapse. The Afghans were used to it. There was only one thing we had
over them: most of them couldn't swim, which made crossing lakes and
streams tricky.

As fighting terrain, Afghanistan is a nightmare. It's a natural fortress.
You can't get far with vehicles - you get bogged down, and the passes are
too steep. Laden infantry troops could take five days to reach a
beleaguered outpost, a journey that would take a helicopter 20 minutes.

The Russians, consequently, had an awful time. It's one thing to put in
your infantry, but you've got to keep them within range of your artillery.
With difficult mountain passes, this is almost impossible.

None of this matters to the Afghans: they have it all organised, moving
from one village to the next, where they have stocks of food. This is how
they have fought and won wars for 200 years, with little bases all over
the place and holes in the ground where everything is buried. This allows
them to carry as little as possible and to cover ground much faster than a
western force could.

We didn't use tents, we lived in caves or slept rough. Most of the army
carried just a weapon, three magazines of ammunition and some nan bread,
all wrapped in a shawl on their back. No western soldier could carry heavy
equipment and keep up with them.

For a foreign army, establishing a supply route would be very difficult.
To try to carry food and water up those mountains, some of which are
13,000ft high, would be madness. You have to carry bottled water and each
gallon weighs 10lb. On some days, we were going through two to three
gallons. A soldier in those hills is going to burn 4,000-5,000 calories a
day. You need high-calorie rations and the Afghans can live on a lot less.

And, of course, there is the weather. Towards the end of this month,
winter starts setting in. It begins with rain, then it freezes, then it
snows. By mid-October the snow will be up to neck height. A journey that
takes three days in summer will take 10 days in winter - and of course in
snow you leave tracks. The freezing conditions rule out helicopter
support, and the mist in the valleys invites crashes.

The Afghan fighters know the mountains as well as a Welsh farmer knows his
hills. I heard someone suggest last week that the ground could be covered
by putting in a series of four-man teams. That idea is ridiculous. The
Hindu Kush is a vast expanse. What can a four-man team do that you can't
do with a satellite? Never mind a needle in a haystack; it's like a needle
in Wembley stadium.

Besides, a western taskforce will stick out like a sore thumb. Most of the
Afghan fighters wear sandals soled with old car-tyre treads - the ones I
was given to wear were crippling. This means a western bootprint is
instantly trackable.

Once identified, the Russian soldiers were sitting targets. We trained the
Afghans in shoot and scoot; they would lay a little ambush, let rip and
disappear. They picked it up quickly. Before long, they had learnt to let
the Russian convoys get halfway up a pass and then blow a hole through


2001-10-04 Thread Kris Millegan


IMF Gave Up Ownership of the World
Trade Center Two Weeks Ago!!

Copyright 2001 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone

The owners of the demolished World Trade Center in lower Manhattan acquired
the buildings just two months ago under a 99-year lease allowing them to
walk away from their investment in the event of "an act of terrorism".
owners, Silverstein Properties and Westfield America - a shopping mall
specialist - purchased the buildings from the Port Authority of New
York and
New Jersey for Dollars 3.2bn in July and completed the financing just
weeks ago.

Neither of the buyers would comment on terms of the lease, but such
a clause
would be considered reasonable for the purchase of a building that
already seen a terrorist bombing and was considered a possible future

The lease document is understood to spell out certain conditions under
the lessees could walk away from their obligation to spend Dollars
200m in
capital improvements and pay annual rental charges.

It is understood that the buildings are insured for more than Dollars
enough to cover rebuilding costs. However, an executive connected to
buyers said: "Ultimately, the decision will be made by politicians.
It is a
state and federal government decision about whether or not to rebuild
on the
site." Larry Silverstein, chairman of Silverstein Properties,
yesterday that he was determined to rebuild on the site. "It
would be the tragedy of tragedies not to rebuild on this part of New York,"
Mr. Silverstein was
quoted as telling the Wall Street Journal.

"It would give the terrorists the victory they seek," he said, adding
that he felt a moral obligation to rebuild on the site. Although
there have been
some suggestions that the site should be left vacant as a memorial
park, its
location at the heart of America's financial capital means it is probably
far too valuable to lie undeveloped. Copyright: The Financial Times

IN other words, the real owners, the bank, Chase Manhattan, CITIBANK,
is really the IMF... are off the hook. They got their payoff
and are out of
it. These people don't LOSE money, they have 99 years to make
money. If
they'd told us earlier, we'd have gotten OUR kid out of the building!

THEY KNEW it was coming. Ben Chambers, of 47th floor said last
few weeks
they've been making them have ESCAPE DRILLS! SOMEBODY UPSTAIRS

In other words, nobody was left holding the bag, the lessors saved a
billion tearing the old ratty thing down for free and cheap.
It was a
firetrap and they knew it, shafts and stairwells carried heat.
what terrorists were going to DO to this bldg. It hadn't been
owned by IMF
Citibank and CHASE MANHATTAN for several WEEKS! The new lessors
can collect and rebuild.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Gold Depositories Buried Beneath Trade Center Rubble - Crosswalk.com News Channel

2001-10-04 Thread Saba

The better get an army down there - sounds more like a Brinks Job
connection everyday?




---End Message---

[CTRL] Cool New TV Show Coming Sunday, October 7, 2001 on The Learning Channel

2001-10-04 Thread Damaeus

-Caveat Lector-

This is a new mini-series I've never seen listed before. All three shows
air on the same night:

Sunday, October 7, 2001:


   The Learning Channel - Hyperspace: Life
   How the solar system was created, how the sun will expand with
   age and the successes planet hunters have had in finding new


   The Learning Channel - Hyperspace: Survival
   What could happen if a black hole, which has the potential to
   destroy everything in its path, sets a collision course with


   The Learning Channel - Hyperspace: Destiny
   A possible escape route that stretches into deep space which
   could be used if the Earth, the sun and the solar system

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|---'. http://www.web-recon.com/continuum/tv |
| YahooMessenger:Damaeus |  http://www.web-recon.com |

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[CTRL] Hello Anybody There?

2001-10-04 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

I have only gotten one letter all day yesterday and all night today -
just one letter?

Anybody else having a problem?   Did I tee anybody off?


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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2001-10-04 Thread Xxx Yyy

-Caveat Lector-

Terror on Bus (possible hijacking)  Developing

AP National Headlines and CNN Headline News at 4:44 am PTD reporting
Greyhound Bus crash with up to 6 dead and 33 injured. Driver is reported to
have had his throat slit by passenger. Both are dead.  Survivors have been
taken to Nashville, Tenn. hospitals. . Subsequent report also from CNN
Headline news, announced that Greyhound was immediately closing down all
service nationwide…. Other passengers indicate it was an attempted hijacking.
Reports are slow to come in on what are usually reliable sources.  Ronn
10/02/01 5:01 AM PDT

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] test

2001-10-04 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Did you pass or fail???  :-D


--- Samantha L. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-


Do You Yahoo!?
Listen to your Yahoo! Mail messages from any phone.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] (Fwd) LP RELEASE: Anti-terrorism legislation

2001-10-04 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Wed, 3 Oct 2001 09:47:59 -0400 (EDT)
Subject:LP RELEASE: Anti-terrorism legislation
From:   Libertarian Party Announcements owner-
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100
Washington DC 20037
World Wide Web: http://www.LP.org
For release: October 3, 2001
For additional information:
George Getz, Press Secretary
Phone: (202) 333-0008 Ext. 222

New compromise Patriot Act
is still a threat to civil liberties

WASHINGTON, DC -- Congress should reject the proposed anti-
terrorist Patriot Act -- which would greatly expand the federal
government's surveillance, wiretapping, and detention authority --
because no new police powers are needed to effectively fight
terrorism, the Libertarian Party said today.

There's no evidence that these new police powers will actually
stop terrorists -- but there is a clear and present danger that they
will curtail the fundamental civil liberties of Americans, said Steve
Dasbach, the party's national director.

That's why this bill should worry Americans more than it will worry
terrorists. And that's why Congress should reject it.

The Patriot Act -- which will be considered by the U.S. House
Judiciary Committee on Wednesday -- is the result of two weeks of
closed-door negotiations between Congress and the Bush

While the bipartisan compromise made some concessions to civil
libertarian concerns, the bill:

* Gives any U.S. Attorney or state attorney general the power to
install the Carnivore e-mail snooping system in emergency
situations without obtaining a court order.

* Allows telephone voice mail messages to be obtained by law
enforcement with a mere search warrant, which is issued with less
court scrutiny than the previously required wiretap warrant.

* Expands the definition of terrorist so broadly that it could
include non-violent protesters at an anti-war rally.

* Makes it easier for the government to tap multiple phones as part
of a roving wiretap warrant.

* Allows the government to detain legal immigrants for seven days
based on a mere accusation of terrorist activity.

On Saturday, President Bush urged Congress to approve the
provisions in the Patriot Act, saying it gives law enforcement every
necessary tool to fight terrorists.

But politicians made that promise before, noted Dasbach.

For example, in 1978, Congress passed the Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance Act (FISA), which created secret federal courts to
approve clandestine wiretaps of suspected spies and terrorists. In
1995, Congress expanded the FISA courts' authority to include
searches of homes and computers.

During its first 21 years in operation, FISA courts authorized 11,950
secret searches and wiretaps -- while rejecting only one search
warrant, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.

In 1996, Congress passed the Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death
Penalty Act in the wake of the Oklahoma City bombing, which
created courts with the power to deport foreigners based on secret
evidence; gave the Secretary of State the authority to arbitrarily
designate groups as terrorist; and allowed the government to
freeze the assets of suspected terrorist groups.

In 1998, after the bombings of American embassies in Africa,
Congress passed legislation that authorized roving wiretaps for
the first time and increased the maximum Counterterrorism
Rewards Program from $2 million to $5 million.

That same year, President Clinton also issued two Presidential
Decision Directives: PDD-62, which established the office of the
National Coordinator for Security, Infrastructure Protection and
Counter-Terrorism, and PDD-63, which created the National
Infrastructure Protection Center.

A senior FBI agent told Time magazine in 1998: Any one of these
extremely valuable tools could be the keystone to successful
operations against terrorists.

But none of those additional powers did a thing to stop terrorists
from killing 6,000 Americans on September 11, noted Dasbach.

That's why, instead of demanding ever-expanding powers, the FBI
and other federal law enforcement agencies should simply do their
jobs -- by acting on credible warnings of terrorist attacks, he said.
If they had done so, 6,000 Americans might still be alive today.

According to a September 27 column by Robert D. Novak,
Philippine police arrested several Islamic terrorists in 1995 and
discovered plans to use commercial airliners to attack targets in
America, including the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. That
information was passed on to the U.S. government.

In August 2001, a flight school in Minnesota contacted the 

[CTRL] National Review Cans Coulter (fwd)

2001-10-04 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

National Review Cans Columnist Ann Coulter

By Howard Kurtz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, October 2, 2001; Page C01

Even by her usual incendiary standards, Ann Coulter's response to the
terrorist attacks was something of a jaw-dropper.

We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to
Christianity, the conservative commentator declared in her column on
National Review Online.

Those words created an uproar at the Web site, which refused to run a
follow-up piece in which Coulter singled out what she called swarthy
males. She promptly began bad-mouthing National Review, which responded
by axing her as a contributing editor.

If National Review has no spine, they are not my allies, Coulter said
yesterday. I really don't need friends like that. Every once in awhile
they'll throw one of their people to the wolves to get good press in
left-wing publications.

Asked for comment, National Review Online Editor Jonah Goldberg said: We
didn't feel we wanted to be associated with the comments expressed in
those two columns. We got a lot of complaints from sponsors and a lot of
complaints from readers left, right and center. We've decided for
editorial reasons we think are sound that we're no longer going to run Ann
Coulter's syndicated column.

Coulter's column, distributed by Universal Press Syndicate, is carried by
several Web sites and 50 newspapers, including the Washington Times (which
did not run the columns on terrorism). A Universal spokeswoman said the
Denham Springs News in Louisiana has also canceled the column. But
National Review provided the most prominent perch.

A former Justice Department attorney and Senate aide, Coulter is the
latest opinion-monger to come under fire over the attacks on New York and
Washington. She grouped herself with the Rev. Jerry Falwell (who
apologized for blaming the attacks on gays, abortionists and civil
libertarians) and Politically Incorrect host Bill Maher (who apologized
for calling U.S. troops cowards for bombing from afar).

People are hysterical about speech right now, Coulter says. Everyone's
comments are being taken out of context and wildly misinterpreted.

On Maher's ABC show, Coulter accused National Review of having censored
her by refusing to run the follow-up column. She said yesterday that
National Review Editor Rich Lowry and his deputies are just girly-boys.

Lowry was traveling, but Goldberg said: For Ann to go around screaming
censorship is absurd. It's called editorial judgment, and there's a world
of difference. . . . She's a lawyer. She should know better.

Coulter, who also writes for Human Events, has taken her lumps. New York
Times columnist Frank Rich said she was fueling hysteria on the right.
Boston Globe columnist Alex Beam called her a right-wing telebimbo.
Cleveland Plain Dealer columnist Tom Brazaitis accused her of
bloodthirsty rhetoric.

With her trademark short skirts and long blond mane, Coulter became a
cable television fixture during the Monica Lewinsky saga, denouncing Bill
Clinton at every turn and producing a book called High Crimes and
Misdemeanors. She called Clinton crazy and like a serial killer --
and kept getting invited back by Rivera Live, Larry King Live and
Hannity  Colmes.

Coulter says her line about convert them to Christianity has been
misconstrued and was aimed at those celebrating the attacks. I wasn't
talking about Muslims generally, she says. I was talking about the
crazed homicidal maniacs dancing in the streets. Much of the criticism,
says Coulter, comes from anti-Christian bigots who will jump on you for
any mention of Christianity.

In the follow-up column, Coulter suggested ways to beef up security: We
should require passports to fly domestically. Passports can be forged, but
they can also be checked with the home country in case of any
suspicious-looking swarthy males.

Coulter brushed off National Review's decision, saying the Web site paid
only $5 a month for her column. Goldberg scoffed at that figure, saying
our records tell a very different story.

In any event, Coulter doesn't believe the controversy is hurting her.
Frankly, I'm getting a lot of great publicity, she says.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Re: [CTRL] declassif docs

2001-10-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Caveat Lector-

Hi all.

is this list working ok?  pretty much as soon as i sent off the email with
the declassified doc, i stopped receiving CTRL posts.  is it just me?, or
is everyone not getting any posts through?
from what i know of this list it is pretty high volume, and such low
traffic is not expected.  am i correct?


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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[CTRL] Fwd: [the_octopus] Greyhound Suspends Service Nationwide After Passengers Kil...

2001-10-04 Thread Samantha L.


[Some news services are reporting upward of ten dead.]


Greyhound Suspends Service Nationwide After Four Killed in Tennessee Crash
Wednesday, October 03, 2001

MANCHESTER, Tenn.  ‹ A Greyhound bus crashed Wednesday, killing four of the
37 people aboard and prompting Greyhound to halt all service nationwide as a
precaution, a company spokeswoman said.

The bus crashed after a passenger slit the driver's throat, another
passenger told a Nashville television station. Authorities could not
immediately be reached for confirmation.

The bus, No. 1115, was en route from Nashville to Atlanta when it crashed,
Greyhound spokeswoman Kristin Parsley said. WTVF-TV of Nashville reported
that the crash came near Manchester, 50 miles southeast of Nashville on
Interstate 24. 

Speaking by cellular phone from the crash site, passenger Carly Rinearson
told WTVF that a man who looked to be 30 to 35 years old kept approaching
her front seat in the bus and asking what time it was. The man then asked if
he could have her seat, Rinearson said. She refused.

Afterward, he just went up to the bus driver and, like, slit his throat and
the driver turned the wheel and the bus tipped over, Rinearson said.

Parsley, the Greyhound spokeswoman, said 37 people were on board.

The Dallas-based company stopped all service as a precautionary measure
after the crash, she said. About 1,900 of its 2,300 buses had been on the
road when the crash occurred, she said.

She said buses already en route were allowed to continue to their

She said she could not confirm anything about the reported slashing.

Greyhound has set up a toll-free phone number for relatives seeking
information about passengers: 800-884-2744. 

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---End Message---

[CTRL] test

2001-10-04 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-



A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
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[CTRL] Howdy liser@aol.com not working . . .

2001-10-04 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Well yesterday I was gone and [EMAIL PROTECTED] seems to be not working.

I have moved some and invited others to come to yahoo groups. I maynot add
more than 100 folks by myself and need to wait for yahoo admin to move

Time to keep on keeping on.



A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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[CTRL] Taliban commanders about to mutiny

2001-10-04 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

Taliban commanders 'about to mutiny'
By Alex Spillius in Peshawar
(Filed: 03/10/2001)

TALIBAN military commanders in key border provinces of Afghanistan are
plotting to mutiny against the regime, former allies from the guerrilla war
against the Soviet Union said yesterday.
Anti-Taliban leaders based in neighbouring Pakistan say they are in touch
with the commanders, who are their tribal cousins or former brothers-in-arms
in the struggle against the Soviet occupation. The commanders are reported to
be holding regular meetings in their villages and camps and are ready to move
against the Taliban at any time.
The threat of American military action and the Taliban's refusal to give up
Osama bin Laden means the commanders are no longer willing to operate under
Taliban command as they have for five years.
Former unit leaders based in Peshawar are also said to be preparing to come
out of retirement and cross the border to combat the Taliban in a belt of
eastern provinces bordering Pakistan.
These provinces are very vulnerable. They are in walking distance of the
border and we can easily get our weapons in. They are the gateway to Kabul,
and once we start, the Taliban will easily fall apart, said Qazi Amin Waqar,
a former mujahideen leader and minister in the government ousted by the
Taliban in 1996.
He and other exiled opposition leaders communicate regularly with associates
inside Afghanistan by satellite telephone or via messengers travelling up to
12 hours by foot across the mountainous frontier. It is just a matter of
timing; they are ready for the word to go, said Qazi Amin.
The uprising would probably begin in and around Jalalabad, his home city and
capital of Nangarhar province, and spread west into Kabul and south into
Paktia and Paktika provinces, where the Taliban has already agreed to devolve
authority to tribal elders to try to hold on to power.
The provinces are dominated by the same Pathan ethnic group as the
southern-based Taliban, but have an independent tribal tradition that has
never more than tolerated the militia's control.
The movement's leader, Mullah Mohammed Omar, recognises that his regime may
soon be ousted and forced into fighting a guerrilla war. The Taliban's
adversaries realise that fear of American military attacks has created an
unrepeatable opportunity to topple the puritanical regime.
Pakistani newspapers have reported efforts by Ismail Khan, another former
anti-Soviet leader now exiled in Iran, to attack Kandahar, the headquarters
of the Taliban in the south. Western powers are said to have encouraged him
to use old contacts to exploit divisions within the Taliban.
Afghans based in Peshawar have been told in telephone calls from friends in
Kandahar that most Taliban officials have fled to the hills and that Mullah
Omar has left the city in fear of his life and never spends two nights in one
The Americans have made it clear that they do not want to be seen as the
sponsor of any one particular force, especially the Northern Alliance. Though
it has provided the only active resistance to the Taliban for the past five
years, the alliance, thanks to its support from the hated Russians, has scant
credibility in areas beyond its control.
Qazi Amin said: Once we have got rid of the Taliban the other problem, Osama
bin Laden, will be taken care of. We will not tolerate foreign terrorists on
Afghan soil.
Sayed Ishaq Gilani, an Afghan patrician and major supporter of efforts to
bring back former King Zahir Shah to lead a government of national unity,
said: People are mobilising. The commanders are meeting day and night. They
are planning attacks on the Taliban.
They have the guns and ammunition. They have contacted me and asked for
political and financial support. I have passed this message on to
representatives of Western countries here.
We don't need much. For the price of two to three cruise missiles we could
take care of this. It would be so much cheaper for the US and better for our
country than if they invade. There is a danger that any new government would
be seen as a new puppet and we don't want any more puppets in Afghanistan.
Mohammed Nadir, 75, a village head from Paktia, arrived in Peshawar by road
at the weekend to consult Mr Sayed. He said: Everyone opposes the Taliban.
We never liked them but we accepted them for the sake of peace.
But now there are no schools, no hospitals, no order to life, and little
food. I have come here to discuss the crisis but the people are ready to rise

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, 

[CTRL] Fwd: US role in WTC attacks

2001-10-04 Thread Kris Millegan



On 28 Sep 2001 20:31:30 -0500, in misc.activism.progressive you


 US role in WTC attacks- Investigation called for by Infinite
Justice September 22 2001, Sat, 11:39am

Evidence is mounting that the Bush administration may have
provoked a terrorist attack on the U.S. as a means of justifying
its plans to replace the Taliban in Afghanistan with a puppet
government friendly to gas and oil development in the region.

Control of the area is considered crucial not only to
of oil and gas resources, but to a new Silk Road commercial
corridor long planned by corporate interests. Many of the
players in this initiative are top officials in the Bush
and include VP Cheney and the President himself.

Commercial success in the region could only occur through
domination, since the fractious political situation in these
countries has stymied all progress in this direction. However,
direct intervention by the U.S. military would have been
to justify since pursuing speculative development plans can
be classified as protecting U.S. interests.

In July of this year, the U.S. leaked word to the Taliban that
it planned to invade Afghanistan and replace the Taliban
This was either incredibly stupid foreign relations or a
and deliberate effort to provoke a preemptive attack on U.S.
and thereby justify the requisite use of force. In this
attacks such as those carried out at the WTC and Pentagon were

There should be an immediate call for a full and open inquiry
the Bush administration's role in provoking the WTC attacks -
the indications are there, and criminal indictments are
obtained on a lot less evidence than this.

Sources on US actions leading up to attacks:

US planned attack on Taleban - BBC News September 18, 2001

Secret memo reveals US plan to overthrow Taliban regime -
21, 2001

Threat of US strikes passed to Taliban weeks before US attack -
Guardian September 22, 2001

Sources on oil/gas interests:

Testimony by John J. Maresca VP, International Relations UNOCAL
CORP - February 12, 1998 (Mr. Maresca was George Bush Sr.'s
to Cyprus )

Afghanistan Fact Sheet (note section titled Regional Pipeline
Plans) - December, 2000

The New Great Game - Guardian, March 5, 2001

See also article titled Afghanistan and Enron

add your comments

= http://www.disinfo.com/pages/article/id1298/pg1/

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---End Message---

[CTRL] Fwd: Rushdie: US knew of 9/11 strike in advance

2001-10-04 Thread Kris Millegan


Date: Monday, October 1, 2001 1:02 PM
Subject: US knew of 9/11 strike in advance

JAMES DORAN, TIMES, LONDON: September 27, 2001

The author Salman Rushdie believes that US
authorities knew of an imminent terrorist strike when they banned him
taking internal flights in Canada and the US only a week before the
On September 3 the Federal Aviation Authority made an emergency ruling
prevent Mr. Rushdie from flying unless airlines complied with strict and

costly security measures. Mr. Rushdie told The Times that the airlines
not upgrade their security. The FAA told the author’s publisher that US
intelligence had given warning of “something out there” but failed to
any further details. The FAA confirmed that it stepped up security
concerning Mr. Rushdie but refused to give a reason.


---End Message---

[CTRL] Fwd: FC: Web hosting company pulls plug on pro-IRA radio station

2001-10-04 Thread Kris Millegan


[This seems like an overreaction. Apparently a web hosting company was
afraid that providing web space to an pro-IRA online radio station might
get said company in trouble. So it pulled the plug. In any case, it does
not appear that they were threatened by -- or even contacted by -- the
Feds. --DBM]


Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2001 22:23:38 -0400 (EDT)
From: Guilherme C Roschke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Fwd: Bush cracks down on antiwar movement (fwd)

FYI and for politech...




Three Political Websites Downed After Government Homeland Security

posted by Autonomedia on Sunday September 30, @01:52PM
from the is-this-the-last-message-we-will-be-posting-you? dept.

  raradio.com, the web site which archives all Radio
Free Eireann broadcasts, has been taken down because the web service
provider was threatened with seizure of their assets if they continued
to host terrorist radio programs. Travis E. Towle, the Founder and
CEO of Cosmic Entertainment Company, which put up IRARADIO.COM, was
told by their internet service provider, Hypervine, that they had been
strongly advised to take the web site down.

A Hypervine representative read Mr. Towle a statement that, under an
Executive Order recently signed by President Bush, the newly created
Office of Homeland Security can seize all assets without any notice
and/or any real un-reasonable evidence of any company or person that
helps, supports, or does anything that can be called or labeled
terrorism or is found to be connected to terrorism in any way or means
possible. Hypervine is a subsidiary of the New York based Skynet.
These threats have also caused Cosmic Entertainment to close the web
sites archiving two other WBAI radio programs, Our Americas and
Grandpa Al Lewis Live. Our Americas, hosted by Mario Murillo, is
an acclaimed news magazine covering Latin America. Grandpa Al Lewis
Live features commentary by the actor and political activist who
starred in The Munsters and Car 54 Where Are You.
Radio Free Eireann, which broadcasts Saturday afternoons at 1:30 p.m.
on WBAI 99.5 FM has covered the conflict in Northern Ireland for over
twenty years. Guests have included Bernadette Sands, the sister of IRA
hunger striker Bobby Sands; Rauri O'Bradaigh, the President of
Republican Sinn Fein; Sinn Fein chief negotiator Martin McGuinness and
Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern.

update: it seems that this (mostly) is not a hoax. www.iraradio.org
and www.allewislive.com have been taken down, although
www.ouramericas.org is still running with no notice of this event.



Attention IRAradio Listeners:
President Bush recently signed a new law that lets the FBI, CIA  OHS seize
assets without any notice and/or any real un-reasonable evidence of ANY
company or person that helps, supports, or does anything that can be called
or labeled terrorism or is found to be connected to terrorism in any way or
means possible.  Word has spread about several Internet companies that
have had their assets seized using this new law.
In light of the foregoing and the recent tragic events in the United
States, the Cosmic Entertainment Company board of advisors has deemed it
advisable and in the best interests of the Company to temporarily shut down
the IRAradio.com web site until the turbulence and uncertainty facing our
Questions regarding this web site should be directed to:
Travis E. Towle
Founder  CEO
The Cosmic Entertainment Company
Phone:  785.554.8238  E-Mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


POLITECH -- Declan McCullagh's politics and technology mailing list
You may redistribute this message freely if you include this notice.
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This message is archived at http://www.politechbot.com/

---End Message---

[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] Hearing in Howe case postponed a month; more jewellery promotion planned

2001-10-04 Thread Kris Millegan


9:36p ET Tuesday, October 2, 2001

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Reg Howe reports that the hearing on the dismissal
motions in his lawsuit against the Bank for
International Settlements and the other suppressors
of the gold price has been postponed a month by Judge
Reginald C. Lindsay in U.S. District Court in Boston.

The judge's order rescheduling the hearing may be
encouraging insofar as it suggests that he is taking
the case seriously:

The clerk has scheduled for hearing on Tuesday,
October 9, 2001, the several motions to dismiss this
action. Because of the number of such motions and the
myriad issues they raise, I will require more time to
study the parties' submissions. Accordingly, the
hearing in this matter is rescheduled to Monday,
November 5, 2001, at 2 p.m.

We'll keep you posted.

On another issue

While anything that increases demand for gold may be
welcomed, the gold industry plan announced today for
dramatically increasing the marketing of gold as
jewellery has to be a deep disappointment to those of
us who recognize gold primarily as money and who
realize that the gold price is being set not by supply
and jewellery demand but by central bank gold leasing
and derivative paper -- all aimed at gold's use as
money. If only the industry could put into a campaign
against the gold price suppression scheme even half a
percent of the expenditure contemplated here.

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

* * *

DENVER (BUSINESS WIRE) Oct. 2, 2001--The gold mining
industry unveiled plans today for a major gold
marketing initiative aimed at increasing demand for
gold jewellery. The proposed US$200 million annual
investment follows a rigorous and independent review of
the case for marketing gold by the management
consulting firm McKinsey  Co. as well as extensive
discussions within the global gold industry.

With the support of gold producers from across the
world, small and large, we intend to launch this
campaign in the spring of 2002, said Randall
Oliphant, chairman of the Gold Marketing Initiative
Steering Committee and president and chief executive
officer of Barrick Gold Corp. This sustained and
focused commitment would be beyond any marketing effort
that our industry has undertaken before.

A marketing campaign of this scale could grow demand
over baseline for gold jewellery by as much as 340 to
500 tonnes of gold annually by 2006. The plans call for
leveraging the current marketing efforts of the World
Gold Council by merging the new effort with the
existing advertising resources of the council.

The marketing initiative would include consumer
advertising, trade marketing initiatives, and public
relations. What we're really talking about is one
coherent marketing campaign with contributions from
gold producers -- World Gold Council members and non-
members alike, said Mr. Oliphant. It's time to take
this compelling single effort to the next stage and
compete for consumer dollars. It's time for gold to do
what Gucci does for luxury apparel, DeBeers does for
diamonds, and other industries do to promote their own

The Gold Marketing Initiative will be monitored for
success against measurable performance benchmarks,
including retail jewellery sales, and consumer and
retail behavior. It envisions pilot projects to be
launched in major markets throughout 2002, with a full
ramp-up by 2003. By 2004, the plan calls for individual
gold producers to contribute US$4 per ounce of gold
produced to sustain an annual US$200 million campaign.

The Steering Committee has built significant support
for the plan in the past year and now intends to secure
the financial commitments to launch the campaign.

The committee is comprised of representatives from the
following companies: AngloGold, Barrick Gold, Gympie
Gold, Kinross Gold, Randgold Resources, and Sons of
Gwalia, and is supported by the Australian Gold
Council, The Gold Institute, and Credit Suisse First

The independent study by McKinsey  Co. and the
Steering Committee's efforts have been supported by a
majority of gold producers in major gold-producing
regions such as North America, South Africa, and


If you benefit from GATA's dispatches, please consider
making a financial contribution. GATA welcomes
contributions as follows.

By check:

Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.
c/o Chris Powell, Secretary/Treasurer
7 Villa Louisa Road
Manchester, CT 06043-7541

By credit card (MasterCard, Visa, and
Discover) over the Internet:


By bank wire:

Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.
c/o Savings Bank of Manchester
923 Main St.
Manchester, CT 06040
Bank routing number 211-170-185
For account number 9500-574-053

By GoldMoney:

Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.
Holding number 50-08-58-L

By E-Gold:

Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee 

[CTRL] Fwd: WHY an oil war, why WW III?

2001-10-04 Thread Kris Millegan


Real reason THE PREXY's HANDLERS set this up, let Arabs seize planes,
attack WTC, and
why PREXY was off in Florida reading books to CHILDREN that day, safely
away from Washington, and why NYC/ IMF/ CITIBANK and the CHASE MANHATTAN

2 weeks earlier, Why also, a week earlier, three OIL companies merged,
MARINE OIL (Glomar Explorer? drillers undersea) and it IS CIA OWNED,  a
propriatary company and why all the Bush league pals in HOUSTON at Sta
Fe Petroleum,
joined with the Arab country of KUWAIT owning 17%, (as in Bush Senior's
'get the oil war?) and why these three merged as a new corp just a week
before WTC
disaster. AND REASON Why they could let the country take that horrific
hit as it filled
the FUNCTION OF BEING WTC (pearl) HARBOR  is: (drumroll please)

 The Phoney War In
Afghanistan - The Bottom Line
  By Marshall Smith
  Brother Johnathon Gazette

 The current war on Afghanistani terrorism is a misdirection and
 a hoax. As pointed out in the book Black Gold Hot Gold the oil
 expected to flow from the vast oilfields under the Russian Caspian
 Sea, discovered about 20 years ago remains undrilled and untapped.
 That field contains about 500 years worth of oil at present world
 consumption rates.

 The only possible oil pipeline routes at the present time to
 handle the massive flow of oil from the Caspian Sea region under
 Chenya is either through Kosovo to the Mediterranean Sea, or
 through Afghanistan and Pakistan to the Indian Ocean. Two years
 ago, the Clinton administration attempted to place Kosovo under
 international control and begin pipeline construction, but was
 unable to complete the process.

 The normal oil route would have been to move oil from Chenya,
 across the Black Sea and through the Bosporus to the
 Mediterranean. But the narrow Bosporus channel is already clogged
 with oil tankers from the existing Black Sea oilfields. The only
 alternate is to move the tankers from the Black Sea, bypassing the
 Bosporus, up the Danube River and then through a very short
 pipeline across Kosovo to the Mediterranean at Tirana, Albania.
 That process was stopped by the Chinese who have supplied and
 armed the Albanians, as a client state, since 1949.

 Following the Soviet discovery of the vast Chechen oilfields in
 the late 1970's, they attempted to take control of Afghanistan to
 provide a massive pipeline system to allow the Soviets to market
 their oil directly from the Afghan-Pakistan seaport. This resulted
 in the decades long Soviet-Afghan war. The Soviets were stopped by
 the U.S. supplied and armed insurgent groups, including Osama bin
 Laden, who defeated the Soviets in the late 1980's.

 The Soviets had massively built up their military in the 1980's,
 including the world's largest nuclear submarine fleet, gambling on
 the huge profits to be made by selling their Chechen oil on the
 open market. When the Afghans under bin Laden, backed by the U.S.
 CIA stopped the construction of the Soviet-Afghan pipeline, the
 Soviet Union went through an economic collapse and ceased to exist
 in 1991.

 The vast Chechen oilfield still remains fallow and untapped. As
 identified in Black Gold Hot Gold, the Empire of Energy is now
 making a new attempt to market the Chechen oil by carpet bombing
 Afghanistan and building the Afghan pipeline.

 George W. Bush's statement about declaring war on terrorism is
 obviously hollow and sallow. It strangely does not include the
 terrorists in Northern Ireland, nor even the terrorist suicide
 bombers among the Palestinians. Instead it makes an instant leap
 of logic to aim the U.S. military directly at Afghanistan.

 The terrain in northern Afghanistan is the arid rugged foothills
 of the Himalayas known as the Hindu Kush and is defended by the
 large fierce tribal armies of the Northern Alliance who are
 excellent guerilla fighters with years of experience fighting
 Soviets, now backed by the Chinese, and not connected with the
 main Taliban government in Kabul. The Soviets spent over 10 years
 at great expense to attack and carpet bomb Afghanistan, but they
 found fortress Himalaya is impenetrable. The result was tremendous
 loss of Soviet lives and the economic collapse of the Soviet

 George Bush is now leading the United States down that same road.
 The Empire of Energy has for almost 100 years had as its goal the
 dismantling of the United States of America and amalgamating it
 into one large global energy market. They have found in George
 Bush a willing partner. 

[CTRL] Konformist: Greyhound Suspends Service Nationwide After Passengers Killed in Tennessee Crash (fwd)

2001-10-04 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

The death toll is now up to 10 people.  According to reports, the driver
of the bus survived, and the attacker is Croatian.  Authorities are quick
to deny any terrorist connection, but one has to wonder...make note in
the article below that the attacker kept asking what time it was, almost
as if he felt he had to carry out a mission at a certain hour...

Also the report I heard on TV stated that Greyhound had just resumed
service after having been shut down after the 9/11 attacks; I hadn't
realized that, and I wonder why Greyhound service had been halted while
Amtrak continued to run...

My guess is that we will next hear of some 'incident' on an Amtrak


-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 03 Oct 2001 08:23:36 -0400
Subject: Konformist: Greyhound Suspends Service Nationwide After Passengers Killed in 
Tennessee Crash

[Some news services are reporting upward of ten dead.]


Greyhound Suspends Service Nationwide After Four Killed in Tennessee Crash
Wednesday, October 03, 2001

MANCHESTER, Tenn.  ‹ A Greyhound bus crashed Wednesday, killing four of the
37 people aboard and prompting Greyhound to halt all service nationwide as a
precaution, a company spokeswoman said.

The bus crashed after a passenger slit the driver's throat, another
passenger told a Nashville television station. Authorities could not
immediately be reached for confirmation.

The bus, No. 1115, was en route from Nashville to Atlanta when it crashed,
Greyhound spokeswoman Kristin Parsley said. WTVF-TV of Nashville reported
that the crash came near Manchester, 50 miles southeast of Nashville on
Interstate 24.

Speaking by cellular phone from the crash site, passenger Carly Rinearson
told WTVF that a man who looked to be 30 to 35 years old kept approaching
her front seat in the bus and asking what time it was. The man then asked if
he could have her seat, Rinearson said. She refused.

Afterward, he just went up to the bus driver and, like, slit his throat and
the driver turned the wheel and the bus tipped over, Rinearson said.

Parsley, the Greyhound spokeswoman, said 37 people were on board.

The Dallas-based company stopped all service as a precautionary measure
after the crash, she said. About 1,900 of its 2,300 buses had been on the
road when the crash occurred, she said.

She said buses already en route were allowed to continue to their

She said she could not confirm anything about the reported slashing.

Greyhound has set up a toll-free phone number for relatives seeking
information about passengers: 800-884-2744.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: NewsFlash: Last Moment Arab Cold Feet - Rumsfeld Rushes to the Region

2001-10-04 Thread Kris Millegan


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by Jeremy Campbell in Washington

[This is London - 3 October 2001]:
The United States and Britain yesterday called off military
strikes against terrorist targets in Afghanistan at the last

Washington officials say today
that a severe attack of
last-minute cold feet by some
key Arab members of the
coalition caused President Bush
to postpone the operation. 

The waverers are Saudi Arabia,
Uzbekistan and Oman, and US
Defence Secretary Donald
Rumsfeld is embarking on an
urgent mission today to
strengthen nerves in these

Prime Minister Tony Blair is
also about to undertake a hasty
visit to the region. Saudi
Arabia's support is especially vital, because Allied aircraft
and commanders need its base facilities. 

Two senior US officials have told reporters that until
yesterday the Saudis were firm in their offer to provide
assistance for strikes, including use of a state-of-the-art
command centre at the Prince Royal Sultan Air Force

Then the situation changed. One US official told Knight
Newspapers: That is no longer true. We fear there is
something deeper here. 

Mr Rumsfeld's trip to the Middle East is intended to mend
these unexpected ruptures. 

Downing Street, meanwhile, confirmed Mr Blair will be
departing on a mission tomorrow but refused, on security
grounds, to be drawn on any of the detail. Amid clear
unease over the advance leaks of the trip, a spokesman
dismissed all reports as speculationî maintaining that some
of the suggested calling points for the Prime Minister were
simply wrong. 

Mr Rumsfeld's tour, which includes Saudi Arabia, Oman,
Egypt and Uzbekistan, is being compared to the
stage-setting trip made by Dick Cheney, then Defence
Secretary, to the Gulf just before the start of Desert

This time there is more at stake. Near the top of Mr
Rumsfeld's list of priorities is to talk his way to an
agreement with Uzbekistan, on the northern border of
Afghanistan, to use the country as a staging area for the

Uzbekistan is now regarded as a potential key asset in the
coming showdown, but is rated the coalition's single most
fragile link. 

Highly attractive to the US are the number of abandoned
air bases there, once used by the Soviet Union. 

This will be Mr Rumsfeld's first face-to-face meeting with
the ruling regime there. It has demanded that the US
negotiate a complete Status of Forces Agreement before it
will permit the use of its military bases - an unrealistic
condition which could be tangled up in legal knots for

The trip, undertaken at the request of President Bush, is
expected to last three days. 

Oman, also skittish, is regarded as an important support
base for a ground incursion. US special operations forces
can be flown there and then put on amphibious invasion

US officials are not sure whether this is a case of
lastminute jitters, or  something more serious. 

One notable omission on Mr Rumsfeld's itinerary is
Pakistan. The last thing Pakistan needs is a high profile
visit by a US Secretary of Defence, said a Pentagon

The country is contending with ferocious anti-American
demonstrations, with Mr Bus burned in effigy and hordes
shouting: Death to America! Let Americans come here to
be buried! 

Washington officials advised reporters not to assume
military action was only hours away. They stressed that
Mr Bush will act only when he is convinced, by Mr
Rumsfeld and others, that all the pieces are in place.
Such action will come at various stages and times, they
said. The President himself told reporters there is no
calendar for the start of hostilities. 


  MANCHESTER, Tenn. (Reuters - 3 Oct, 11:46am) -
  Greyhound Lines suspended bus services

[CTRL] Scan Faces, Not E-Mail ???

2001-10-04 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

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Scan Faces, Not E-Mail
That's the message we got from readers in our online poll about freedom vs.
security, taken after the Sept. 11 attacks

 Printer-Friendly Version
E-Mail This Story
• Find More Stories Like This More extensive background checks when applying
for a job or renting a home aren't so troubling, but more surveillance by
law-enforcement agencies of e-mail and phone calls isn't such a good idea.
Those are just some of the results of BusinessWeek Online's recent
interactive poll, Personal Freedom vs. National Security. Over the course
of three weeks, 1,344 of our readers responded to this poll -- which, having
used a self-selected sample, isn't a scientific survey by any means.

Still, your responses are intriguing. While they failed to show strong
support for a wholesale rollback of personal freedoms, the results indicate
that a sizable portion of those who took the survey would be willing to agree
to significant changes to fight terrorism. For example, 45.6% of respondents
said they'd be very willing, and 22.5% said they'd be somewhat willing to
submit to more exhaustive vetting as part of a job-application process. An
additional 7.6% said the practice doesn't matter to them. In sum, 75.7% of
all respondents aren't concernced about more invasive background checks.

As for the controversial practice of installing facial-recognition scanners
in public places and transportation hubs, some 43.1% said they'd be very
willing to accept this step, and 17.4% said they were somewhat willing. An
additional 7.5% said it doesn't matter. So nearly 73% of respondents would
have no real problems with facial-recognition systems that could be used to
spot terrorists, among other things.

JIMMY, GERRY, AND RON.  While most respondents probably don't want Larry
Ellison running a national ID card system (the outspoken Oracle chief offered
his company's software for free to power such an effort), 47.3% said they'd
be very willing to submit to such a system, 16% said they'd be somewhat
willing, and 5.8% said it doesn't matter to them. In total, just over 69%
of respondents said they could accept national IDs, a concept that has been
rejected by such politically disparate Presidents as Jimmy Carter, Gerald
Ford, and Ronald Reagan.

We recorded far less support for more scanning of e-mail and more
listening-in on phone calls. Only 22% of respondents said they'd be very
willing to have more surveillance on these communications, while 21% said
they'd be somewhat willing, and 6% said it doesn't matter. In contrast,
33.4% said they'd be very unwilling to submit to these steps, and 16.2%
said they'd be somewhat unwilling.

So on the question of additional wiretapping and e-mail surveillance,
respondents were split nearly 50-50. Likewise, on the question of installing
government-mandated surveillance devices -- a.k.a. Carnivore boxes --
respondents were evenly split pro and con, with 10% saying they don't know
how to answer.

The upshot? To help thwart terrorism, our survey takers seem willing to
accede to some reductions in personal freedom or to some extensions of
existing surveillance systems. After all, national ID cards merely take
Social Security numbers and driver's license numbers one step further. And
facial recognition automates the type of surveillance that now takes place
with video cameras everywhere. But more access to private communications
systems, where we share our thoughts and feelings, remains a tough sell.

How willing would you be to see:

1) More extensive background checks when applying for a job or buying/renting
a home?

Option  Total   %
Very Willing612 45.6 %
Somewhat Willing302 22.5 %
Doesn't Matter to Me102 7.60 %
Somewhat Unwilling  114 8.49 %
Very Unwilling  206 15.35 %
Don't Know  6   0.45 %
2) Facial-recognition scans in public places and transit hubs?

Option  Total   %
Very Willing577 43.12 %
Somewhat Willing233 17.41 %
Doesn't Matter to Me101 7.55 %
Somewhat Unwilling  139 10.39 %
Very Unwilling  274 20.48 %
Don't Know  14  1.05 %
3) National identification cards?

Option  Total   %
Very Willing632 47.31 %
Somewhat Willing214 16.02 %
Doesn't Matter to Me78  5.84 %
Somewhat Unwilling  92  6.89 %
Very Unwilling  292 21.86 %
Don't Know  28  2.10 %
4) More surveillance by law-enforcement agencies of e-mail and phone calls?

Option  Total   %
Very Willing294 21.99 %
Somewhat Willing282 21.09 %
Doesn't Matter to Me81  6.06 %
Somewhat Unwilling  217 16.23 %

[CTRL] Picture of the Fiery Flying Serpent or rendition of the Phoenix Bird

2001-10-04 Thread Saba

Arising from the ashes - so found another item on the web re the
Timetable for NWO takeover linked to Bible Master Plan for the Bible
Calendar I have linked to sabotage, murder of JFK, RFK, MLK etc., and
sabotage of Apollo - this is it - this is the Communist Timetable - and
the bright burns brigter and brigher - sting of scorpions?




---End Message---

[CTRL] More on Mark of Beast........

2001-10-04 Thread Saba

Twinkle Twinkle Little StarRed Stars, Star of Solomon, Star of
David,  and the bright red star still burns on in the heart of the
Scorpion whom some say symbolizes the Serpent with burning sting.

Strange now we see this Star of David on Israeli Tanks; and Star of
Solomon on American Tanks, and Red Star of Solomon on Russian

The Hunt for Osama bin Laden?   Like the the stars in the sky it seems
the Scorpion and the Hunter never appear on the same stage - but the
Archer awaits to assassinate the sun god on November 22, of each
year...seems almost like the Scorpio leads the Hunter to his death
who is ambushed by the Archer in the heavens?

So much for Tiger Tiger Burning Biright.




---End Message---

Re: [CTRL] Islamic Terrorists are Afraid of Women

2001-10-04 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-


one of the great lure for martyrdom in Islam - where, in some places, young
men are not permitted to talk to women or look at women, is that upon
entering paradise they will have 7 houris - virgins - at their beck and
--  - --- -- ---
Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is a force. Like fire, it
is a dangerous servant and a fearful master; never for a moment should it be
left to irresponsible action.

George Washington

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2001 23:33:20 -0400
 Subject: [CTRL] Islamic Terrorists are Afraid of Women (fwd)

 -Caveat Lector-

 -- Forwarded message --

 Please copy and distribute to other interested individuals and groups


 What Islamic Terrorists are Really Afraid of is Women
 by Boris Johnson

 The Daily Telegraph, London
 27 Sept. 2001

 So we're going in.  In the next few days, our boys will be taking on the
 Taliban, and we must all pray they succeed.  Let them winkle him out of his
 cave.  Let them blast Osama bin Laden's arms dumps and blitz his followers,
 and carpet-bomb the Khyber with pineapple chunks, to appease the civilians,
 and then, and then ... er: nobody seems sure what happens then, because
 this is a war against terrorism unlike any other.

 We have had our own such war for the past 30 years, and we know that it is
 accompanied by a stately hypocrisy.  On the one hand, we do our best to
 catch them, or sometimes just shoot them.  On the other hand, we secretly
 talk to them and give them what they want.  We invite them first to Cheyne
 Walk, in 1973, and eventually to Downing Street.  My dear Gerry, my dear
 Martin, what would it take to get your lads to stop blowing us up?  A
 ministerial Rover?  Done.  The end of the RUC?  Say no more.

 The trouble with the war against Islamic fundamentalist terror is that the
 terrorists themselves have no interest in talking.  Bin Ladin calls on his
 followers to kill all infidels.  Then, he says, the killers will go to
 heaven.  There is not much room for negotiation there, not even over tea at
 Number 10.  We are not only horrified by the actions of the 19 suicide
 killers; we are still baffled, two weeks on.

 What is it really all about?  What is the true well-spring of this rage?
 We have all read that these crazed young men resent America for supporting
 Israel; that they believe the sufferings of the Iraqi people are excessive;
 that they hate their own corrupt regimes, especially in Saudi Arabia, and
 blame America for backing them.  None of these geopolitical reasons, I am
 afraid, quite does the trick, for me.  There must be some deeper offence to
 their pride.

 I think it is to do with their sense that they are representatives of a
 culture under siege.  They fear that American morals and values will take
 them over, just as Coca-Cola and McDonald's have conquered the Earth.  And
 what is the biggest single difference between their culture and Western
 culture?  That's easy: it's the treatment of women.

 Not all Islamic societies are equally sexist.  You may not believe it, but
 the Turks gave women the vote before the British did.  But listen to the
 casual bias of bin Laden's address to brother Muslims.  Look at the wacko
 women's gear that the BBC's John Simpson wore when he smuggled himself into
 Afghanistan, a sort of blue tent with a letterbox hole for the nose.

 This is a world where women are lashed for adultery; where little girls are
 denied education; where female teachers are sacked; and where women are
 kept from elementary health care.  Mohammed Omar, the Taliban leader, says
 that mingling men and women is Western and decadent, and leads to
 licentiousness.  To call these views medieval is an insult to the Middle
 Ages.  And yet, they are held, with varying intensity, across the Muslim

 In Kuwait, the country for which we fought, they recently decided against
 giving women the vote.  As one enlightened Kuwaiti MP, Ahmad al-Baqer, put
 it: God said in the holy Koran that men are better than women.  Why can't
 we settle for that?  The Kuwaiti tribunes later had a debate on the Sydney
 Olympics, in which a fruitcake called Waleed al-Tabtabaie called for the
 banning of women's beach volleyball, on the grounds that it was too sexy
 and indecent.

 In Kano, Nigeria, the Muslims banned female soccer.  In Dhaka, Bangladesh,
 women have been banned from working for NGOs.  A Malaysian minister
 recently announced that any kind of skirt is an invitation to rape.
 Iranian magazines may not show unveiled pictures of Monica Lewinsky, or any
 other woman who has had sexual relations with President Clinton.  The imam
 of a mosque in Fuengirola, Spain, one Mohamed Kamal Mostafa, has 

[CTRL] Fwd: Mind Control, the Illuminati the JFK Assassination

2001-10-04 Thread Saba

Here is interesting item by guess who?

Was directed there through a service called Jeremiah Project and believe
me we are going through the timetable of this bible calendar now.

All this occult stuff figures in for behind it all you have an unseen

Some do call it New World Order - but it is the Family, and their Mafia

They use religion and use anything to obtain their goal.

Ever notice William Jefferson Clinton runs like a Rockefeller - has
unlimited funds, and no doubt though this World Trade Center crashing
down hit him so hard, because it was maybe in his pocket book?

This Larry Silverman who had the 99 year lease on the World Trade Center
- what he wanted to do in Israel would have eventually led to it being a
key control and free zone and big rip off - who the hell do these people
think they are?

So who paid for the World Trade Center in the 1970 period?   And cui
bono from same?

This Giuliano is not to be trusted - for now it is suggested he take
over this Port Authority which would give him control over the World
Trade Center  -  where Globalists make the big bucks.

Billions of gold at foot of the temple and who turned loose the nuts?
Well who trained the god damned killers - it wasn't the American People.

The fine hand of British Tony Blair who stood tall next to USA - always
same old friends sending US to war.




---End Message---

[CTRL] Cracks appear in Al Aqsa Mosque

2001-10-04 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-


Cracks appear in Al Aqsa Mosque
Muslim construction project blamed for damage to shrine
Editor's note: DEBKAfile's electronic news publication is a news-
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© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com
A small protrusion forming ominously in the 2000-year-old
Southern Wall of the Temple Mount and spreading cracks in the
fabric of the Al Aqsa Mosque are the result of an extensive Islamic
construction project opposed but not stopped by the Israeli

The alarming damage to the ancient sites developed from five
years of unsupervised Islamic construction work aimed at turning
“Solomon’s Stables” and the adjoining chambers under Al Aqsa
into the biggest mosque in the Middle East.

Carried out by the Islamic religious authority, called the Waqf, and
the Israeli Islamic Movement under its leader, Sheik Raed Salah,
the project appears to have been overly ambitious. According to
DEBKA-Net-Weekly sources in Israel, it now proves to have been
marred by serious engineering mistakes.

No Israeli or international engineers, historians or scholars were
allowed to inspect the work on a site as required by Israel
municipal regulations and national laws governing the protection of
historical and religious monuments.

Successive Israeli governments, fearing an international Islamic
backlash, allowed the underground excavations and construction to
go forward, unchecked and unsupervised. Every demand by the
Israeli authorities and international archeologists to access the
project was met with angry refusals.

Two weeks ago, Sheikh Salah told his congregation in Umm al
Fahm about the cracks and crumbling patches in the Al Aqsa
Mosque wall. But, he added suggestively, the “neighbors” had
heard mysterious sounds of digging in the small hours. The
mosque has no neighbors.

Palestinian Authority spokesman Ahmed Abdul Rahman
announced gravely over Radio Palestine yesterday that Israel
planned to exploit a small stone that fell off the top of the Western
Wall of the Temple Mount, the Jewish prayer place, to move in and
take control of the entire Muslim site. He also mentioned the
cracks, but declared, without explaining how, that they were part of
an Israeli plot.

Al Aqsa, which like the rest of Jerusalem, is located in the
earthquake-prone African Rift Valley region, has been destroyed by
earthquake seven times since it was built by the city’s first Muslim
conquerors in the seventh century. The new construction has
weakened the structure, so that a tremor could well compound the

Some in Israel fear the right kind of propaganda, alleging Jewish
culpability, and the repeated call to “Defend Al Aqsa!” might rally
the Islamic world in a flash against Israel – which Yasser Arafat’s
intifada has so far failed to do.

The Palestinian leader has now begun to hope that a catastrophe
on the Haram might even be built up to outdo the impact of Osama
bin Laden’s assaults in the United States.

Meanwhile, the Muslim builders are not yet done. Using forbidden
heavy earth-moving equipment, they are now excavating a
northerly channel on the Temple Plaza heading in the direction of
the Dome of the Rock, whose gilt and blue faience façade
dominate the Jerusalem skyline. Breaking into the bedrock in this
area, archeologists warn, would also harm the gold-topped Dome,
which sits on that rock.

The damage to the Islamic sites comes on top of the destruction of
unique relics and artifacts from Jewish Temple, Byzantine,
Crusader and medieval times, that the Muslim builders smashed
and dumped, in defiance of protests from scholars around the world
and warnings from engineers.  The Palestinian mufti of Jerusalem
and Sheikh Salah simply echoed Arafat’s assertion that the Temple
Mount, including the Western Wall, is a Muslim site and no Jewish
temples ever existed.

Ergo – no relics.

To make sure this was true, Salah’s builders did what they could to
obliterate every trace of an historic Jewish presence above and
below the ground of Temple Mount, according to Israeli observers.

But they forgot to take this into account: The Islamic structures
were built on the early foundations of that presence and were
supported by them. Therefore, by their acts of vandalism, the new
Muslim builders have also wrought irreparable damage to sites holy
to Islam.


Best wishes

The purpose of Compulsory Education is to deprive the common
people of
their commonsense. -G. K. Chesterton

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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[CTRL] Japan bans cattle feed made of recycled cow parts to combat mad cow disease

2001-10-04 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-


Japan bans cattle feed made of recycled cow parts to combat mad cow

By KOZO MIZOGUCHI, Associated Press

TOKYO (October 3, 2001 9:54 a.m. EDT) - Responding to concern over the
nation's first case of mad cow disease, Japan banned the domestic
distribution Monday of cattle feed made of recycled cow parts and the use of
domestic and imported meat-and-bone meal in fertilizers.

Japan had already banned imported meat-and-bone meal.

The new move comes into effect Thursday, said Tadahiko Tashiro, an
Agriculture Ministry spokesman.

Tashiro said that under the measure, which he said is aimed at easing
worries among consumers, the government will incinerate all meal containing
recycled animal parts that is currently sitting unused.

With this measure, I am convinced that we have created a system that will
completely shut out any possible infection by BSE, Agriculture, Forestry and
Fisheries Minister Tsutomu Takebe told parliament Monday. BSE stands for
bovine spongiform encephalopathy, the formal name for mad cow disease.

Japanese authorities confirmed last month that a Holstein dairy cow in
central Japan was infected with the brain-wasting illness, making it Asia's
first known case. Mad cow disease has devastated Europe's cattle industry.

Investigators suspect that the cow contracted the disease by eating infected
animal feed. The cow was slaughtered in August.

To restore public confidence in Japanese meat and dairy products, the
government is checking all of the country's 4.5 million cows for the sickness,
which is thought to cause the fatal variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in

So far, 95 percent of the herd has been confirmed disease-free, said
Yasuaki Ogikubo, an official in the Agriculture Ministry. Ogikubo said the
nationwide check has revealed no new cases.

The ministry has been criticized for not preventing the disease from entering
Japan and for moving too slowly to ensure it doesn't spread.

Consumer groups have rapped the government for delaying the ban on
domestically produced feed, saying the ministry was more concerned about
protecting Japanese ranchers and related industries than safeguarding
public health.

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Law firms try to compel pharmaceutical firms to study mercury traces

2001-10-04 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

Law firms try to compel pharmaceutical firms to study mercury traces

By WILLIAM McCALL, Associated Press

PORTLAND, Ore. (October 2, 2001 10:54 p.m. EDT) - A coalition of law
firms went to court across the nation Tuesday, in a bid to force the
pharmaceutical industry to study whether vaccines containing a trace of
mercury cause autism and other brain damage in young children.

The lawsuits were filed as class actions and led by an Oregon woman who
says her 3-year-old son, William, became autistic after getting vaccinations
containing mercury in a preservative, thimerosal.

We had a happy, healthy little boy until that last set of shots, Tory Mead
said. It's been devastating. Our lives have been shattered.

Michael Williams, the lead attorney, said drug companies did not tell doctors
how much mercury was contained in the vaccines until Congress ordered the
Food and Drug Administration to find out in 1997.

When they added it up, they were shocked to find out it was way above the
safe level for an adult, let alone babies or very young children, Williams said.

He said thimerosal was used simply as a way to reduce the cost of the
vaccine. It was needed to preserve larger bottles that would be used
repeatedly. If the drug companies had offered the vaccine in small,
disposable vials for individual use, no preservative would have been needed,
Williams said.

Today, few vaccines given to children in the United States contain thimerosal.
The suit seeks to make sure any remaining stocks are removed.

The law firm representing Mead formed a coalition of more than 35 law firms
across the country representing families in at least 25 states. The suits'
immediate goal is getting the industry to study whether the mercury caused
the brain problems; damages could be sought if such a link is established.

Spokesmen for the firms said the lawsuits were being filed Tuesday in nine
states - California, Connecticut, Maine, Maryland, New Hampshire,
Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington and West Virginia. Suits already have
been filed in Oregon and Massachusetts.

The lawsuits were announced the day after the National Academy of
Sciences released a report saying researchers still are unable to determine
if there is a link between thimerosal and disorders in children.

But the report concluded that the effort to remove thimerosal from vaccines
was a prudent measure in support of the public health goal to reduce the
mercury exposure of infants and children as much as possible.

In July 1999, the American Academy of Pediatrics joined the U.S. Public
Health Service to warn that vaccines containing thimerosal should be
removed as soon as possible.

Experts differed over who should pay for the studies sought by the plaintiffs.

Lawrence Gostin, a law and public health professor at Georgetown
University, said the pharmaceutical industry should at least share the cost.

I wouldn't jump to any conclusion there is any causal relationship because
chances are, there isn't, Gostin said. But now that an important,
independent scientific body like the Institute of Medicine has called for
studies, it's time to pay attention. You don't take chances with children.

Princeton health economist Uwe Reinhardt said the federal government
should pay because drug companies relied on the Food and Drug
Administration's approval.

I think if there are 20 to 30 million kids at risk, the government should step up
to the plate, he said.

An FDA spokeswoman said the agency does not comment on pending

Defendants in the lawsuits are Aventis Pasteur Inc.; Pasteur Merieux
Connaught; Pfizer Inc., a subsidiary of Warner-Lambert; GlaxoSmithKline;
Merck  Co.; Abbott Laboratories; American Home Products; Wyeth-Ayerst
Laboratories; Lederle Laboratories; Baxter International Inc., Eli Lilly  Co.;
Integra Chemical Co.; Sigma Chemical Co.; and Aldrich Chemical Co. Three
doctors, including one who treated Mead's son, also were named as

A spokeswoman for Merck had no comment. Spokeswomen for Abbott and
for Baxter International said the companies acquired subsidiaries that made
vaccines, and had little involvement with its manufacture.

Calls to other defendants were not immediately returned.

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be 

[CTRL] Vaccine preservative removed from supplies as scientists study possible link with childhood disorders

2001-10-04 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

(Now about those mercury amalgum fillings...)

Vaccine preservative removed from supplies as scientists study possible link
with childhood disorders

The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (October 1, 2001 4:55 p.m. EDT) - Scientists are still unable
to determine if there is a link between a mercury-containing preservative
used in some vaccines and disorders such as autism in children, the National
Academy of Sciences said Monday.

The ingredient, thimerosal, has been removed from most vaccines and the
academy said that, despite the lack of proof that it is a hazard, prudence
dictates that steps be taken to further reduce its use.

Safe Minds, an advocacy group working to reduce children's exposure to
mercury, welcomed the report but contended it didn't go far enough.

Safe Minds president Sallie Bernard said the group is pleased the report
acknowledges the possibility of the preservative being linked to health
problems. But she said the group is renewing its call for removal of all
childhood vaccines containing thimerosal.

The connection between exposure to high levels of mercury and problems
with the nervous system has long been known.

While thimerosal contains a different form of mercury than the one that has
been implicated in nervous disorders, critics have complained that it also
may pose a hazard.

Thimerosal was used for many years to prevent bacterial contamination of
vaccines. Currently, however, few vaccines given to children in the United
States contain the product.

It was never used in vaccines against measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox
and polio. However, until recently, some other vaccines on the recommended
childhood immunization list used it.

They are now manufactured without thimerosal, but a small number of doses
for hepatitis B; diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis; and influenza type B with
thimerosal may still be on clinic shelves, according to the report by the
Academy's Institute of Medicine.

Most children in the United States being immunized today and in the future
are unlikely to receive a vaccine that contains thimerosal, said committee
chair Marie McCormick, professor of maternal and child health at Harvard
School of Public Health in Boston.

In those few cases where only supplies containing the preservative are
available, the vaccines should be administered rather than foregoing
immunization, she said. While the health effects of thimerosal are uncertain,
we know for sure that these vaccines protect against real, proven threats to
unvaccinated infants, children and pregnant women.

The institute said it conducted an extensive analysis of studies assessing
whether thimerosal was associated with disorders and found them to be

No evidence was found that would prove a link between thimerosal-
containing vaccines and autism, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder,
speech or language delays or other neurodevelopmental disorders, the
committee said.

However, it said that as a precaution, the government should consider
changing policies to reduce exposure to thimerosal as much as possible.

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Harris to run for congress

2001-10-04 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

She may be confused  - some elections, despite here experiences, are not
-- --- -- --  -- --

They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither
liberty nor safety,

Ben Franklin

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 From: Bill Howard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2001 19:49:33 EDT
 Subject: [CTRL] Harris to run for congress

 -Caveat Lector-

 Katherine Harris to Run for Congress
 By Vickie Chachere
 Associated Press Writer
 Tuesday, Oct. 2, 2001; 10:30 a.m. EDT
 TAMPA, Fla. ­­ Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris, who hit the
 national spotlight during last fall's presidential election recount,
 announced Tuesday she is running for Congress.
 In light of the recent tragedy, I am more committed than ever to serving the
 president and our nation, the Republican said in a statement. As a nation
 we have united to overcome this challenge, and the bonds of our courage and
 strength to do what is right inspires us to succeed.
 Harris, 44, wants to replace Republican Dan Miller, who represents the 13th
 congressional district that encompasses her hometown of Sarasota. Miller said
 he plans to retire when his fifth term ends next year.
 Harris' only announced opponent is Republican Chester Flake, a 27-year-old
 computer consultant making his first try for political office.
 Flake had said earlier that he intended to ask Harris to step down as
 secretary of state if she ran for Congress.
 It's a tremendous conflict of interest, Flake said, noting that the
 secretary of state's office oversees Florida elections.
 Harris became well known during the five-week recount that sent George W.
 Bush to the White House. She became a favorite target of Democrats and took a
 drubbing in the media, but won praise from Republicans for her handling of
 the recount. She also helped push through a $32 million election reform
 package to quiet critics.
 More recently, she has been under scrutiny for her office's international
 Last week, Harris fired her inspector general and her office was criticized
 in a state audit that said her employees sometimes flew business- or
 first-class to foreign cities rather than the less expensive coach, violating
 state travel regulations.
 Sarasota County Republican Party Chairman Tramm Hudson said Harris should win
 the heavily Republican district easily, even though she will be a political
 She may be used as a poster child to raise money for other Democratic
 congressional candidates, Hudson said. But in the 13th Congressional
 district, the Democrats would be hard pressed to find a legitimate opponent
 for her.
 A former Democrat who became a Republican in 1986, Harris cannot seek
 re-election as secretary of state because voters decided to make it an
 appointed office when her current term ends in January 2003.

 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance?not soap-boxing?please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'?with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds?is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be 

[CTRL] Fwd: Carnivore Substitute Keeps Feds Honest

2001-10-04 Thread William Shannon


Carnivore substitute keeps Feds honest
By Thomas C Greene in Washington
Posted: 02/10/2001 at 20:32 GMT

The Forensics Explorers division of CTX is ready to go to market with a Carnivore-like suite called NetWitness which, the company says, can enable ISPs to surrender to the Feds only those specific bits of information about a suspect which a court has authorized for collection.

The NetWitness package can separate data to ensure strict, minimal compliance with a pen register or trap and trace order, and later associate the original content if a search warrant or a wiretap warrant is issued, Forensics Explorers General Manager Mark Longworth told The Register.

Because Carnivore is capable of capturing far more data than a pen register or trap and trace order is meant to make available, an ISP may well prefer to install its own kit rather than trust Carnivore operators to stick to the letter of the law.

There are two chief problems with Carnivore in terms of over-collection, as we reported in a previous article. First is the fact that packet traffic belonging to perfectly innocent subscribers passes through it along with the suspect's data. Basically, we have to trust the FBI not to abuse this incidental access. The motive for them not to do so is the looming possibility of screwing up a prosecution; but now, in the wake of the 11 September atrocities, it's a fair bet that the Feds are going to get a good deal more latitude from the courts in borderline cases.

The second problem is that we have no assurance that, when used in 'pen mode', Carnivore doesn't capture more of the packet than its origin, destination and time of transmission. It's quite possible that the subject line of an e-mail memo would be captured, for instance. This certainly goes beyond what's understood as a pen register or trap and trace, where only the origins and destinations of phone calls are to be recorded.

The FBI is exuberantly installing Carnivore on public networks now in pursuit of the Bearded Chupacabra. But it's reasonable that an ISP, however eager to cooperate in this venture, might well object to having a mysterious 'black box' installed on its lines. But the fact is, it doesn't have to, so long as it can provide the FBI with the data it's authorized to collect.

Doing in-house surveillance can become a feature with which an ISP might differentiate itself from its competitors. For example, you the innocent subscriber can be assured that if a pen register is executed against someone else on the network, your e-mail isn't going to end up in the hands of the FBI. And if you're ever unfortunate enough to come under federal scrutiny, you can be assured that the FBI won't be getting any data beyond what's been legally authorized.

There is no logical reason for the FBI to insist that an ISP use its black box. Phone companies don't let them install mysterious devices on their lines, and neither should ISPs. These collections are covered under the CALEA (Communications Assistance to Law Enforcement Act), which obligates communications providers to comply, all right; but that isn't the same as saying that only equipment cobbled together by the Feds can be used.

The FBI's irrational devotion to Carnivore is most likely the result of needing to justify the development costs, which we're told were in the neighborhood of $3 million. Pushing it aggressively is essentially a way of denying that it's a sub-standard tool.

The NetWitness kit is well within the reach of most ISPs; the collector sells for approximately $2,500 and the analysis station for between $35,00 and $45,000, Longworth told us. Network Ice offers a free do-it-yourself Carnivore kit, but this requires development effort. It may or may not end up cheaper than NetWitness, according to the efficiency of one's in-house geeks.

---End Message---

[CTRL] Fwd: Sharon: We Control America : Don't worry about American pressure on ...

2001-10-04 Thread William Shannon


Sharon:  We Control America
Don't worry about American pressure on Israel, we, the Jewish people
control America, and the Americans know it.

10/3/01 10:32:31 AM
Islamic Association for Palestine

Jeruslam, Occupied Palestine -- Sharon to Peres: don't worry about
American pressure --  We Control America

Occupied Jerusalem:  3 October, 2001 (IAP News)

An acrimonious argument erupted during the Israeli cabinet weekly
session last week between Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his
Minister Shimon Peres during which Sharon reportedly yelled at Peres,
saying don't worry about American pressure, we  control America.

According the Israeli Hebrew radio, Col Yisrael Wednesday,  Peres warned
that refusing to heed incessant American requests for a cease-fire with
Palestinians would endanger Israeli interests and turn the US against us.

At this point, a furious Sharon reportedly turned toward Peres, saying
time we do something you  tell me American will do this and will do that…I
to tell you something very clear, don't worry about American pressure on
Israel, we, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it.

The radio said Peres  and other cabinet ministers warned Sharon against
what he said in public because it would cause us a public relations


Proudly Serving Palestine and AlQuds


Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP)

10661 South Roberts Rd, Suite 202 Palos Hills, IL 60465

Tel: 708 974 3380 / Fax: 708 974 3389 /Pager: 1 800 916 8286



Libertarian Socialist News
Post Office Box 12244
Silver Spring, MD 20908

(check out our messageboards -- discuss this story on-line!)

(Formerly http://www.libertariansocialist.com)

---End Message---

[CTRL] Fwd: Mass Trauma MK

2001-10-04 Thread William Shannon



Psychologically, we all died to lesser or greater extent 
when President Kennedy was killed openly infront of the 
whole world in 1963.  The real, vicious and calculating 
killers of Kennedy all got clean away. And innocent people, 
everywhere, were the victims. And the world changed. 
Therefore, we MUST change it back.  The following will 
give you clues to HOW we can change it back.
The first third isn't too important, but will give you clues 
how these daft people think.  The last third - showing the 
change the world went through AFTER Kennedy's death 
- is the important part. Obviously, the killing of Princess 
Diana was another key "mass-trauma, mind-control assault" 
against all the good people of the world.
Perhaps, we are just about to recover. Uncover the global 
cover-ups, and recover ourselves. For sure the soul of John 
F. Kennedy would be happy if we did fight back and change 
the world back to what it should have been. And Diana too.

"The assassination of JFK was a performance 
of the occult ritual called The Killing of the King, 
designed as a mass-trauma, mind-control assault 
against the national body-politic of the United 
"The more one studies mind control, secret societies and 
the occult, the more one understands the subtlety and 
hidden symbolism of the Kennedy assassination.

James Shelby Downard's underground classic, "Sorcery, 
Sex, Assassination and the Science of Symbolism," links 
American historical events with a grand occult plan to 
"turn us into cybernetic mystery zombies." 
The assassination of JFK was a performance of the occult 
ritual called The Killing of the King, designed as a mass-trauma, 
mind-control assault against the national body-politic of the 
United States.

Mr. Downard's co-researcher and author, Michael A. Hoffman II, 
wrote in "Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare" that "fabled 
alchemy had at least three goals to accomplish before the total 
decay of matter, the total breakdown we are witnessing all around 
us today, was fulfilled and these are:
"The Creation and Destruction of Primordial Matter.
"The Killing of the Divine King.
"The Bringing of Prima Materia to Prima Terra."



Since ancient times these were the goals of the Gnostic-Rosicrucian
-Masonic-Hermetic Academy, an elite as real and corporeal as President 
Bush's Skull and Bones society at Yale University; the Bohemian Grove 
in California; Dr. John Whiteside Parson's Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) 
also in California; General Albert Pike's Scottish and Palladian Rites 
of Freemasonry and a host of lesser imitators. All of these cults have 
or had the highest possible offices, connections and old boy networks.

The Creation and Destruction of Primordial Matter was accomplished 
at the White Head ("Ancient of Days"), at White Sands, New Mexico, at 
the Trinity Site. The Trinity Site itself is located at the beginning of an 
ancient Western road known in old Mexico as the Jornada del Muerto 
(the Journey of the Dead Man).

Early in this century a Freemason named Peter Kern was ordered to 
build a highly symbolic "Gate of Death" at a key point on this ancient 
trail. It was known as the Gate with a Thousand Doors.

At the front of this gate Kern was ceremonially murdered (decapitated) 
by a hooded executioner. Gary Trudeau satirized the Aztec-masonic 
Comazotz head-chopping cult of the American Southwest in a series 
of December, 1988 "Doonesbury" cartoons which depicted Skull and 
Bones initiates trying to dispose of a number of heads including that 
of Pancho Villa, a key political operative of the cryptocracy who was 
in fact also ritually decapitated.

Other occult rituals for the Creation and Destruction of Primordial 
Matter were played out in the general area of the 33rd degree of 
north parallel latitude in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. 
The Trinity Site is also at this latitude.

There are 33 segments in the human spinal column which according 
to occult lore is the vehicle of the fiery ascent of the Kundalini serpent 
force which resides in the human body. 33 is the highest degree of 
Scottish Rite Freemasonry. Near the Trinity Site a derelict shack was 
symbolically dubbed "MacDonald House." 
The Creation and Destruction of Primordial Matter occurred exactly 
on the Trinity Site, the "Place of Fire" with the explosion of the first 
atomic bomb, culminating untold thousands of years of alchemical 
speculation and practice.

The Killing of the King rite was accomplished at 

[CTRL] (no subject)

2001-10-04 Thread William Shannon


The time has come to stop using the flag as a blindfold, to stop waving our guns and our gods at each other, to take a close look at the facts which have emerged from the attacks on the World Trade Towers and to recognize the very real possibility, indeed probability, that We The People are the victims of a gigantic and deadly hoax.

In a normal terrorist event, the terrorists cannot wait to take credit, in order to link the violence to the socio-political intent of the terrorist organization. Yet the prime suspect in the New York Towers case, ex(?) CIA asset Osama Bin Laden (whose brother is one of George W. Bush's Texas business partners), has issued only two statements regarding the September 11th attacks, and both of those are denials of any involvement.

Huge problems are emerging in the official view of events. It's known that the United States was planning an invasion of Afghanistan long before the attacks on the World Trade Towers. Indeed the attacks on the World Trade Towers perfectly fit the timetable of an invasion by October stated by US officials just last summer.

The 19 names of suspected hijackers released by the FBI don't point to Afghanistan. They come from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, United Arab Emirates; all across the middle east without a focus in any one region. Indeed, even as the FBI was admitting that its list of 19 names was based solely on identifications thought to have been forged, Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister Prince Saud Al-Faisal insisted that an investigation in Saudi Arabia showed that the 5 Saudi men were not aboard the four jetliners that crashed in New York, Virginia and Pennsylvania on September 11. "It was proved that five of the names included in the FBI list had nothing to do with what happened," Al-Faisal told the Arabic Press in Washington after meeting with U.S. President George W. Bush at the White House. A sixth identified hijacker is also reported to still be alive in Tunisia, while a 7th named man died two years ago!

In a recent development, the BBC is reporting that the transcript of a phone call made by Stewerdess Madeline Amy Sweeney to Boston air traffic controls shows that the stewerdess gave the seat numbers occupied byu the hijackers, seat numbers which were NOT the seats of the men the FBI claimed were responsible for the hijacking!

FBI Chief Robert Mueller admitted on September 20 and on September 27 that at this time the FBI has no legal proof to prove the true identities of the suicidal hijackers. Yet in the haste to move forward on the already planned war in Afghanistan, our government and the FBI (which does not have the best record for honesty in investigations to begin with, having been caught rigging lab tests, manufacturing testimony in the Vincent Foster affair, and illegally withholding/destroying evidence in the Oklahoma Bombing case) are not taking too close a look at evidence that points away from the designated suspect, ex(?) CIA asset Osama Bin Laden.

In particular, the FBI, too busy harassing political dissenters to find spies in its midst, the long rumored mole inside the White House, or plug leaks in high-tech flowing to foreign nations, has willfully and criminally ignored the implications of some vital pieces of information the FBI is itself waving around at the public.

We are being told that this crack team of terrorists, able to breeze past airport security as if it wasn't there, wound up leaving so much evidence in its wake that the bumbling Inspector Clouseau (or the FBI) could not fail to stumble over it. The locations where the terrorists supposedly stayed are so overloaded with damning materials that they resemble less a crimes scene, and more a "B" detective movie set, with vital clues always on prominent display for the cameras.

Yet another problem lies with the described actions of the hijackers themselves. We are being told on the one hand that these men were such fanatical devotees of their faith that they willingly crashed the jets they were flying into buildings. Yet on the other hand, we are being told that these same men spent the night before their planned visit to Allah drinking in strip bars, committing not just one, but two mortal sins which would keep them out of Paradise no matter what else they did. Truly devout Muslims would spend the day before a suicide attack fasting and praying. Not only does the drinking in strip bars not fit the profile of a fanatically religeous Muslim willing to die for his cause, but the witness reports of the men in the bars are of men going out of their way to be noticed and remembered, while waving around phony identifications.

Because of the facts of the phony identifications, we don't really know who was on those planes. What we do know is that the men on those planes went to a great deal of trouble to steal the identities of Muslims, and to make sure those identities were seen and remembered, then 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Is Irving Moskowitz a hero or just a rogue? (9-26-1997)

2001-10-04 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

While I dont like Moskovitz and his ilk that much, I have to agree that's
its ok for Jews to live in Arab neighborhoods, and visa versa - they path to
peace (though I'm not sure that's Moskowitz's intent) is through
understanding and acceptance - not apartheid. In new york city the only race
riots i can recall happened where two homogeneous neighborhoods abutted one
another. In areas where people live together, they tend to LIVE TOGETHER, if
you know what I mean.

If Jews complained about an Arab businessman setting up housing for Muslim
families in a Jewish village, or a Jewish section of Jerusalem, we would be
hearing cries of the oppressiveness of Jews in Israel, and their policies of
apartheid from many on this list.

PS -
[Wonder if anyone has blown this up yet - Saba Note]

back to Jihad again saba?
-- -  --- - --- ---
Complete liberty of contradicting our opinion is the very condition which
justifies us in assuming its truth.

John Stuart Mill

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2001 14:05:54 -0400
 Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: Is Irving Moskowitz a hero or just a rogue? (9-26-1997)

 Now here is an item on a man - this guy is into gambling and from such a
 poor boy persecuted by the Nazis in America during WWII?   What a lot of
 crap but here is another tax free foundation and here is the man who
 builds gambling houses with Larry Flynt and Flynt pours money also into
 ADL and numerous other fronts?

 Barry Chamish being destroyed because of his work to get the guy behind
 the Rabin assassination - take another look at this man and I think of
 these jewish docors here hooked up to the hit man of Meyer Lansky who
 left body bag counts but only tried for one?   Murder of another doctor.

 So this is the man whom I believe caused the breakdown of a peace
 process in Israel and it is the land grab so if the Feds want to
 investigate someone - start with this man..he is the man who put
 Sharon in Office and cui bono?


 September 26, 1997
 Is Irving Moskowitz a hero or just a rogue?

 Jewish Telegraphic Agency

 WASHINGTON -- An Israeli doctor working in a Manhattan hospital asked
 his colleague last week, Who's the prime minister of Israel?

 This week, of course, it's Dr. Irving Moskowitz, Joseph Frager told
 his questioner.

 While they laughed, the real Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu,
 locked horns with Moskowitz, the Miami millionaire who at least for the
 moment is setting Israel's political agenda.

 Moskowitz threw Netanyahu's government into turmoil last week when he
 opened the doors of a house he had purchased in Ras al-Amud to three
 Jewish families.

 After heated negotiations, Netanyahu convinced Moskowitz to kick the
 families out of the Arab neighborhood in eastern Jerusalem, on the Mount
 of Olives. Instead 10 yeshiva students will guard and maintain the

 For years Netanyahu supported Moskowitz's Jerusalem land purchases.

 The two have been close ever since Moskowitz was instrumental in opening
 a research institute named after Netanyahu's brother, Yonatan, who died
 during the famous Entebbe rescue in 1976.

 Now, Netanyahu's longtime political supporter and friend has put the
 prime minister on the defensive and thrown yet another wrench into
 Israeli efforts to restart peace talks with the Palestinians.

 To Frager, the president of the American Friends of Ateret Cohanim,
 which supports a yeshiva and land purchases in eastern Jerusalem, this
 makes Moskowitz a champion, a hero in my eyes.
 But to many Israelis, the soft-spoken Orthodox American Jew is no hero.

 The Israeli press has vilified Moskowitz for using his money to pressure
 the government on Jerusalem.

 Editorial cartoons last week depicted Moskowitz as a Daddy Warbucks
 figure, tossing matches from afar into the tinderbox of
 Israeli-Palestinian relations. Israeli peace groups hoisted banners
 asking, How many wars have you fought in, Moskowitz?

 [Remember Sharon said he had the match  while Arabs had the oil - did
 Moskowitz  light it then and nowSaba note]

 It was Moskowitz, after all, who is credited with pressing Netanyahu
 into opening the tunnel alongside the Temple Mount in Jerusalem last
 year. The move led to days of Palestinian rioting and the deaths of more
 than 70 people, including 15 Israelis.

 A plaque with his name hangs in the tunnel.

 As Israelis examine how one man can so dramatically set their agenda,
 last week's incident has many wondering aloud, Who is Irving

 In short, he's a 69-year-old retired doctor of internal medicine who has
 lived in Miami Beach since 1980.

 But as Netanyahu and others can testify, there is nothing short or
 simple about Moskowitz.

 For years, he toiled in the background, 

[CTRL] FW: pass it on if you like

2001-10-04 Thread info


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follows is a petition that will be forwarded to President Bush, and other
world leaders, urging them to avoid war as a response to the terrorist
attacks against the World
 Trade Center
and the Pentagon this week. Please read it, sign below, and forward the
link to as many people as possible, as quickly as possible. We must
circulate this quickly if it is to have any effect at all, as the Congress
of The United States
has already passed a resolution supporting any military action President
Bush deems appropriate.

We, the undersigned, citizens and residents of the
United States of America and of countries around the world, appeal to the
President of The United States, George W. Bush; to the NATO Secretary
General, Lord Robertson; to the President of the European Commission,
Romano Prodi; and to all leaders internationally to use moderation and
restraint in responding to the recent terrorist attacks against the United
States. We implore the powers that be to use, wherever possible,
international judicial institutions and international human rights law to
bring to justice those responsible for the attacks, rather than the
instruments of war, violence or destruction. 
we assert that the government of a nation must be presumed separate and
distinct from any terrorist group that may operate within its borders, and
therefore cannot be held unduly accountable for the latter's crimes. It
follows that the government of a particular nation should not be condemned
for the recent attack without compelling evidence of its cooperation and
complicity with those individuals who actually committed the crimes in
civilians living within any nation that may be found responsible, in part
or in full, for the crimes recently perpetrated against the United
  States, must not bear any responsibility
for the actions of their government, and must therefore be guaranteed
safety and immunity from any military or judicial action taken against the
state in which they reside.
and most emphatically, we demand that there be no recourse to nuclear,
chemical or biological weapons, or any weapons of indiscriminate
destruction, and feel that it is our inalienable human right to live in a
world free of such arms.

  Please fill out the following information to sign the petition:
  Email Address:
  Location (City, State, Country):
  (you only need to click this button once)

Your name and email address will not be shared
with anyone except those to whom the petition is addressed, nor will it be
used for commercial purposes of any kind. Click here for a count of
signatures and other information. If you are a public figure, celebrity or
high profile academic, please let us know you've signed by emailing us. 


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This site designed
by Eli, because something needed to be done. Let me know if
you want to copy it.
Sincere thanks to our host, Capital
Internet for having the generosity to quickly take on this site.
The American Friends Service
Committee is a great American peace organization.

[CTRL] Boston Airport Security Still Iffy

2001-10-04 Thread Peat

Granted it is just one person that made it through unchecked 
but one is probably enough at this point.


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Re: [CTRL] Seeking Info :Tesla EM RD Weaponry

2001-10-04 Thread Fourier

-Caveat Lector-


-Original Message-
From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
Sent: Tuesday, 25 September 2001 9:08 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Seeking Info :Tesla EM RD Weaponry

-Caveat Lector-

I'm interested to hear from anyone / organization that have any information
on EM
(Tesla) weaponry, RD and or usage. I have had interesting conversations
people from the far reaches of South America and Australia regarding strange
fireballs and ionosphonic plasma phenomenon etc..



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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Fwd: US role in WTC attacks

2001-10-04 Thread Kris Millegan



On 28 Sep 2001 20:31:30 -0500, in misc.activism.progressive you


 US role in WTC attacks- Investigation called for by Infinite
Justice September 22 2001, Sat, 11:39am

Evidence is mounting that the Bush administration may have
provoked a terrorist attack on the U.S. as a means of justifying
its plans to replace the Taliban in Afghanistan with a puppet
government friendly to gas and oil development in the region.

Control of the area is considered crucial not only to
of oil and gas resources, but to a new Silk Road commercial
corridor long planned by corporate interests. Many of the
players in this initiative are top officials in the Bush
and include VP Cheney and the President himself.

Commercial success in the region could only occur through
domination, since the fractious political situation in these
countries has stymied all progress in this direction. However,
direct intervention by the U.S. military would have been
to justify since pursuing speculative development plans can
be classified as protecting U.S. interests.

In July of this year, the U.S. leaked word to the Taliban that
it planned to invade Afghanistan and replace the Taliban
This was either incredibly stupid foreign relations or a
and deliberate effort to provoke a preemptive attack on U.S.
and thereby justify the requisite use of force. In this
attacks such as those carried out at the WTC and Pentagon were

There should be an immediate call for a full and open inquiry
the Bush administration's role in provoking the WTC attacks -
the indications are there, and criminal indictments are
obtained on a lot less evidence than this.

Sources on US actions leading up to attacks:

US planned attack on Taleban - BBC News September 18, 2001

Secret memo reveals US plan to overthrow Taliban regime -
21, 2001

Threat of US strikes passed to Taliban weeks before US attack -
Guardian September 22, 2001

Sources on oil/gas interests:

Testimony by John J. Maresca VP, International Relations UNOCAL
CORP - February 12, 1998 (Mr. Maresca was George Bush Sr.'s
to Cyprus )

Afghanistan Fact Sheet (note section titled Regional Pipeline
Plans) - December, 2000

The New Great Game - Guardian, March 5, 2001

See also article titled Afghanistan and Enron

add your comments

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---End Message---

[CTRL] test

2001-10-04 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-



A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: US role in WTC attacks

2001-10-04 Thread Kris Millegan



On 28 Sep 2001 20:31:30 -0500, in misc.activism.progressive you


 US role in WTC attacks- Investigation called for by Infinite
Justice September 22 2001, Sat, 11:39am

Evidence is mounting that the Bush administration may have
provoked a terrorist attack on the U.S. as a means of justifying
its plans to replace the Taliban in Afghanistan with a puppet
government friendly to gas and oil development in the region.

Control of the area is considered crucial not only to
of oil and gas resources, but to a new Silk Road commercial
corridor long planned by corporate interests. Many of the
players in this initiative are top officials in the Bush
and include VP Cheney and the President himself.

Commercial success in the region could only occur through
domination, since the fractious political situation in these
countries has stymied all progress in this direction. However,
direct intervention by the U.S. military would have been
to justify since pursuing speculative development plans can
be classified as protecting U.S. interests.

In July of this year, the U.S. leaked word to the Taliban that
it planned to invade Afghanistan and replace the Taliban
This was either incredibly stupid foreign relations or a
and deliberate effort to provoke a preemptive attack on U.S.
and thereby justify the requisite use of force. In this
attacks such as those carried out at the WTC and Pentagon were

There should be an immediate call for a full and open inquiry
the Bush administration's role in provoking the WTC attacks -
the indications are there, and criminal indictments are
obtained on a lot less evidence than this.

Sources on US actions leading up to attacks:

US planned attack on Taleban - BBC News September 18, 2001

Secret memo reveals US plan to overthrow Taliban regime -
21, 2001

Threat of US strikes passed to Taliban weeks before US attack -
Guardian September 22, 2001

Sources on oil/gas interests:

Testimony by John J. Maresca VP, International Relations UNOCAL
CORP - February 12, 1998 (Mr. Maresca was George Bush Sr.'s
to Cyprus )

Afghanistan Fact Sheet (note section titled Regional Pipeline
Plans) - December, 2000

The New Great Game - Guardian, March 5, 2001

See also article titled Afghanistan and Enron

add your comments

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---End Message---


2001-10-04 Thread Ecotoday

-Caveat Lector-

From: surfingtheapocalypse.com

 The company owns nearly 1,200 radio stations.


 Clear Channels List of Songs with Questionable Lyrics
 Artist / Title
 Drowning Pool Bodies
 Mudvayne Death Blooms
 Megadeth Dread and the Fugitive
 Megadeth Sweating Bullets
 Saliva Click Click Boom
 P.O.D. Boom
 Metallica Seek and Destroy
 Metallica Harvester or Sorrow
 Metallica Enter Sandman
 Metallica Fade to Black
 All Rage Against The Machine songs
 Nine Inch Nails Head Like a Hole
 Godsmack Bad Religion
 Tool Intolerance
 Soundgarden Blow Up the Outside World
 AC/DC Shot Down in Flames
 AC/DC Shoot to Thrill
 AC/DC Dirty Deeds
 AC/DC Highway to Hell
 AC/DC Safe in New York City
 AC/DC Hell's Bells
 Black Sabbath War Pigs
 Black Sabbath Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
 Black Sabbath Suicide Solution
 Dio Holy Diver
 Steve Miller Jet Airliner
 Van Halen Jump
 Queen Another One Bites the Dust
 Queen Killer Queen
 Pat Benatar Hit Me with Your Best Shot
 Pat Benatar Love is a Battlefield
 Oingo Boingo Dead Man's Party
 REM It's the End of the World as We Know It
 Talking Heads Burning Down the House
 Judas Priest Some Heads Are Gonna Roll
 Pink Floyd Run Like Hell
 Pink Floyd Mother
 Savage Garden Crash and Burn
 Dave Matthews Band Crash Into Me
 Bangles Walk Like an Egyptian
 Pretenders My City Was Gone
 Alanis Morissette Ironic
 Barenaked Ladies Falling for the First Time
 Fuel Bad Day
 John Parr St. Elmo's Fire
 Peter Gabriel When You're Falling
 Kansas Dust in the Wind
 Led Zeppelin Stairway to Heaven
 The Beatles A Day in the Life
 The Beatles Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
 The Beatles Ticket To Ride
 The Beatles Obla Di, Obla Da
 Bob Dylan/Guns N Roses Knockin' on Heaven's Door
 Arthur Brown Fire
 Blue Oyster Cult Burnin' For You
 Paul McCartney and Wings Live and Let Die
 Jimmy Hendrix Hey Joe
 Jackson Brown Doctor My Eyes
 John Mellencamp Crumbling Down
 John Mellencamp I'm On Fire
 U2 Sunday Bloody Sunday
 Boston Smokin
 Billy Joel Only the Good Die Young
 Barry McGuire Eve of Destruction
 Steam Na Na Na Na Hey Hey
 Drifters On Broadway
 Shelly Fabares Johnny Angel
 Los Bravos Black is Black
 Peter and Gordon I Go To Pieces
 Peter and Gordon A World Without Love
 Elvis (You're the) Devil in Disguise
 Zombies She's Not There
 Elton John Benny  The Jets
 Elton John Daniel
 Elton John Rocket Man
 Jerry Lee Lewis Great Balls of Fire
 Santana Evil Ways
 Louis Armstrong What A Wonderful World
 Youngbloods Get Together
 Ad Libs The Boy from New York City
 Peter Paul and Mary Blowin' in the Wind
 Peter Paul and Mary Leavin' on a Jet Plane
 Rolling Stones Ruby Tuesday
 Simon And Garfunkel Bridge Over Troubled Water
 Happenings See You in Septemeber
 Carole King I Feel the Earth Move
 Yager and Evans In the Year 2525
 Norman Greenbaum Spirit in the Sky
 Brooklyn Bridge Worst That Could Happen
 Three Degrees When Will I See You Again
 Cat Stevens Peace Train
 Cat Stevens Morning Has Broken
 Jan and Dean Dead Man's Curve
 Martha  the Vandellas Nowhere to Run
 Martha and the Vandellas/Van Halen Dancing in the Streets
 Hollies He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother
 San Cooke Herman Hermits, Wonder World
 Petula Clark A Sign of the Times
 Don McLean American Pie
 J. Frank Wilson Last Kiss
 Buddy Holly and the Crickets That'll Be the Day
 John Lennon Imagine
 Bobby Darin Mack the Knife
 The Clash Rock the Casbah
 Surfaris Wipeout
 Blood Sweat and Tears And When I Die
 Dave Clark Five Bits and Pieces
 Tramps Disco Inferno
 Paper Lace The Night Chicago Died
 Frank Sinatra New York, New York
 Creedence Clearwater Revival Travelin' Band
 The Gap Band You Dropped a Bomb On Me
 Alien Ant Farm Smooth Criminal
 3 Doors Down Duck and Run
 The Doors The End
 Third Eye Blind Jumper
 Neil Diamond America
 Lenny Kravitz Fly Away
 Tom Petty Free Fallin'
 Bruce Springsteen I'm On Fire
 Bruce Springsteen Goin' Down
 Phil Collins In the Air Tonight
 Alice in Chains Rooster
 Alice in Chains Sea of Sorrow
 Alice in Chains Down in a Hole
 Alice in Chains Them Bone
 Beastie Boys Sure Shot
 Beastie Boys Sabotage
 The Cult Fire Woman
 Everclear Santa Monica
 Filter Hey Man, Nice Shot
 Foo Fighters Learn to Fly
 Korn Falling Away From Me
 Red Hot Chili Peppers Aeroplane
 Red Hot Chili Peppers Under the Bridge
 Smashing Pumpkins Bullet With Butterfly Wings
 System of a Down Chop Suey!
 Skeeter Davis End of the World
 Rickey Nelson Travelin' Man
 Chi-Lites Have You Seen Her
 Animals We Gotta Get Out of This Place
 Fontella Bass Rescue Me
 Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels Devil with the Blue Dress
 James Taylor Fire and Rain
 Edwin Starr/Bruce Springstein War
 Lynyrd Skynyrd Tuesday's Gone
 Limp Bizkit Break Stuff
 Green Day Brain Stew
 Temple of the Dog Say Hello to Heaven
 Sugar Ray Fly
 Local H Bound for the Floor
 Slipknot Left Behind, Wait and Bleed
 Bush Speed Kills
 311 Down
 Stone Temple Pilots Big Bang 

[CTRL] declass docs website urls

2001-10-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Caveat Lector-

Hi all.
if youre interested in checking out more declass docs and dont yet have
these urls, then:

many:  http://intellnet.org/mkultra/
small selection:   http://www2.dmci.net/users/casey


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Well ain't this fun . . . CTRL and ctrl

2001-10-04 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Yes, indeedy do, seems like aol's listserver is up. They sure didn't let me
no anything as usual.

My suggestion is that we keep both trains running. A person may go to
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ctrl and make it so one doesn't receive emails,
 and if  one includes the yahoo groups address in a group with aol listserv
it will also create another archive.



A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Myth of The Liberal Media

2001-10-04 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-


The Liberal Media and other right-wing myths · Christian Historical
Revisionism · Dr. Laura · Christian Coalition · Religious Freedom Amendment ·
Judicial Activism · Promise Keepers · Southern Baptist Convention · Family
Research Council · American Family Association · Concerned Women for America ·
 Eagle Forum · Operation Rescue · Christian Action Network · American Center
for Law and Justice · Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights ·
Citizens for Excellence in Education · Education · The Marriage Law Project ·
Ex-gay ministries · Jerry Falwell · Gary Bauer · Pat Robertson · Bob Barr ·
Tom Delay

Right-Wing Myths Exposed (a work in progress)

The Myth of The Liberal Media
Beyond the 2000 Election, this conservative media tilt has become a dominant
reality in modern U.S. politics.

The imbalance also was not an accident. It resulted from a conscious,
expensive and well-conceived plan by conservatives to build what amounts to a
rapid-response media machine. This machine closely coordinates with
Republican leaders and can strongly influence - if not dictate - what is
considered news.

The Media Is the Mess (July 17, 2001 article)

I admit it -- the liberal media were never that powerful, and the whole
thing was often used as an excuse by conservatives for conservative failures.
William Kristol, as reported by the New Yorker, 5/22/95

In the west, 10 or 20 years, there has been massive research documenting the
fact that the media are extraordinarily subordinated to external power. Now,
when you have that power, the best technique is to ignore all of that
discussion, ignore it totally, and to eliminate it, by the simple device of
asserting the opposite. If you assert the opposite, that eliminates mountains
of evidence demonstrating that what you are saying is false. That's what
power means. And the way we assert the opposite is by just saying that the
media are liberal.
Noan Chomsky, in FSTV's documentation The Myth Of The Liberal Media

Based on its recent direct-mail campaign, one of the [Leadership Institute's]
primary fund- raising strategies is to convince conservative donors that its
graduates can neutralize what it regards as left-leaning news media.

Liberal media bias is out of control, said the letter, which was mailed
over [Rep. J.C.] Watts's signature, but which [the institute's founder and
president] Mr. Blackwell said was written at the institute. It's indecent.
It's time you and I did something about it.

When asked for examples of how bias by news organizations was undermining the
presidency of George W. Bush, Mr. Blackwell complained about what he
described as excessive press attention paid to Mr. Bush's critics, like
Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona.

An alumna of the institute, who was recommended by Mr. Blackwell, found it
difficult to cite cases of out of control liberal bias in recent news

I have been in local TV newsrooms in Phoenix, Seattle and Pittsburgh, and I
don't think there is bias, either liberal or conservative, said the alumna,
Tallee Whitehorn, 27, an assistant news director at WTAE- TV, an ABC
affiliate in Pittsburgh. This is not really a place for it, unless I wanted
to get a lot of hate mail, which I don't.

The young people in Mr. Montini's class were also hard-pressed to come up
with examples of the news- media bias mentioned in Mr. Watts's fund-raising

Mr. Tietz said he had been sensitized to such matters in recent months by
reading conservative books, including Whitaker Chambers's Witness. That
book, Mr. Tietz said, explains the deep-down meanness of the left.

But as for seeing that meanness in coverage of President Bush, Mr. Tietz
said, Honestly, I haven't noticed it one way or another.

from a June 11, 2001 New York Times article on the Leadership Institute (a
training camp for conservative journalists) titled In Virginia, Young
Conservatives Learn How to Develop and Use Their Political Voices

For conservatives of every persuasion, it is a self-evident truth that the
mass media are liberally biased. As a proud liberal myself, I wish it was
true: where are those liberal TV channels? Could I please sign up for them?
All I get on my satelite system are center-right channels such as CNN, CNBC,
MSNBC, and far-right channels such as the we distort, you deride, Fox News,
owned by equally far-right media tycoon Rupert Murdoch, and assorted
christian nutball channels such as the Trinity Broadcasting Network or Pat
Robertson's The 700 Club, carried by Fox Family.

Believing in freedom of speech, I do not mind that far-right viewpoints are
presented on TV on a daily basis. What I strongly object to is that these
viewpoints are not balanced by equally far-left viewpoints. Most pundits who
are nominally liberal are in fact centrists. Fox News' Hannity  Colmes is a
good case in point: Sean Hannity is tagged as the conservative on the show,
while Alan Colmes is 

[CTRL] Fwd: The Rise of Osama bin Laden - U.S. Footprints Everywhere

2001-10-04 Thread Kris Millegan


   ___      __
  /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\©http://www.MiddleEast.Org 
   To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]



MID-EAST REALITIES © - MER - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 10/03:
A decade ago Osama bin Laden first took up his own crusade against the USA after 
the Americans set up permanent bases in Saudi Arabia, rather than leaving the 
Kingdom at the end of the Gulf War as the Saudis had initially been assured.  Half a 
decade ago it was also the Americans who were instrumental in forcing bin Laden out of 
Sudan and letting him go to Afghanistan, a place he knew well because of his role in 
the Afghan/U.S.war against the Soviet empire.  And a few years ago it was the 
Americans that lit the long fuse that was to explode on 11 September when they trained 
and hired hit teams to kill bin Laden after failing to do so with a volley of some 66 
cruise missiles.   On matters of this kind the investigative capabilities of The 
Washington Post are considerable, nearly always after some issue has captured the 
American agenda.  Important investigative reporting and insights from today's 
Washington Post:

 U.S. Was Foiled Multiple Times in Efforts To Capture Bin Laden or Have Him Killed 
 CIA Trained Pakistanis to Nab Terrorist but Military Coup Put an End to 1999 Plot 

 By Bob Woodward and Thomas E. Ricks
Washington Post Staff Writers

[The Washington Post - Wednesday, 3 October 3 2001; Page 1]:   In 1999, the CIA 
secretly trained and equipped approximately 60 commandos from the Pakistani 
intelligence agency to enter Afghanistan for the purpose of capturing or killing Osama 
bin Laden, according to people familiar with the operation.

The operation was arranged by then-Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and his chief 
of intelligence with the Clinton administration, which in turn promised to lift 
sanctions on Pakistan and provide an economic aid package. The plan was aborted later 
that year when Sharif was ousted in a military coup.

The plan was set in motion less than 12 months after U.S. cruise missile strikes 
against bin Laden's training camps in Afghanistan that Clinton administration 
officials believe narrowly missed hitting the exiled Saudi militant. The clandestine 
operation was part of a more robust effort by the United States to get bin Laden than 
has been previously reported, including consideration of broader military action, such 
as massive bombing raids and Special Forces assaults.

It is a record of missed opportunities that has provided President Bush and his 
administration with some valuable lessons as well as a framework for action as they 
draw up plans for their own war against bin Laden and his al Qaeda network in the 
aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks on New York and Washington.  The Pakistani commando 
team was up and running and ready to strike by October 1999, a former official said. 
It was an enterprise, the official said. It was proceeding. Still stung by their 
failure to get bin Laden the previous year, Clinton officials were delighted at the 
operation, which they believed provided a real opportunity to eliminate bin Laden. It 
was like Christmas, a source said.

The operation was aborted on Oct. 12, 1999, however, when Sharif was overthrown in a 
military coup led by Gen. Pervez Musharraf, who refused to continue the operation 
despite substantial efforts by the Clinton administration to revive it.

Musharraf, now Pakistan's president, has emerged as a key ally in the Bush 
administration's efforts to track down bin Laden and destroy his terrorist network. 
The record of the CIA's aborted relationship with Pakistan two years ago illustrates 
the value -- and the pitfalls -- of such an alliance in targeting bin Laden.

Pakistan and its intelligence service have valuable information about what is 
occurring inside Afghanistan, a country that remains closed to most of the world. But 
a former U.S. official said joint operations with the Pakistani service are always 
dicey, because the Taliban militia that rules most of Afghanistan has penetrated 
Pakistani intelligence.

You never know who you're dealing with, the former senior official said. You're 
always dealing with shadows.

'We Were at War'

In addition to the Pakistan operation, President Bill Clinton the year before had 
approved additional covert action for the CIA to work with groups inside Afghanistan 
and with other foreign intelligence services to capture or kill bin Laden.

The most dramatic attempt to kill bin Laden 


2001-10-04 Thread Kris Millegan



Silverstein had to make a 660 million dollar up front payment on the
deal, I used to work for Merrill Lynch Hubbard and Integrated
Resources. We would design these kinds of RE deals. Perhaps there was
a public limited partnership to raise funds, or perhaps there was
hypothecation of all of Silverstein's other holdings in order to
secure the loan, or maybe somebody has mighty deep pockets. From what
I know about Silverstein, it wasn't the latter. If he mortgaged the
cash flow on the WTC to come up with the 660 million down payment or
lined up some kind of syndicate of investors, highly unlikely in the
market of the last 12 months, I do not know. However, somewhere in
this process, a bank lent money. Do you really think that bank isn't
going to recover every penny from an insurer? Banks must manage risk
effectively just like any other business.

As far as trading on 9/11/01, the incident happened before the market
opened (9:30 am NY time), markets stayed closed for a week. The only
trading that could have taken place on 9/11 was the Instinet or
Island ECN pre-open trading (7:30 am). I don't think that is where
the stink comes from. The unusual trading that took place the prior
week or on 9/10/01 in stocks directly effected by the attack require
closer scrutiny. However, if I am looking to make some strategic
trades in specific stocks tied to some future event nobody but me
knows about, I sure as hell wouldn't make big trades near the date of
the event. I would have carefully covered my tracks so as to not draw
alot of attention. Surely an investigation into insider trading is
going to draw alot of attention because it leads directly to
culpability for the attack, or at least, blood on your hands for not
warning people of the attack. In either case, the party doing the
unusual trading loses. Cui bono?

For myself, the beneficiary in all of this is the government and the
individuals who control it. People now gladly submit to all kinds of
eavesdropping and monitoring, whereas they would have raised hell
before. Certainly construction companies, defense contractors and
security companies are going to have a banner year.

Brian, in all honesty, outside of closing down the federal reserve,
do you know of any event that would not in the long run result in
more profit for Citibank and Chase?

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Brian Downing Quig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How wonderful the internet is that writings that appear at first
glance to
 include all the bad guys but are really flimsy and wrong can be
debunked in
 mere hours!!

 In the search for the answer to that most important of all
questions after a
 crime --- WHO BENEFITED? --- your clarification serves many.

 I am never more grateful as when someone can show me where I have
 wrong.  I would like to hear from anyone who has better information
than I
 have.  I am constantly revising my working hypotheses because
others are
 constantly showing me where I am wrong.  They are what make my
 what it is.

 Someone some as sharp as you should as an exercse in analysis
should make one
 list of WINNERS and one list of LOSERS.  Then we should start
calling the top
 executives of each group to see what they know.

 I am told activity in the stock market in some areas was 100 times
a regular
 day on Sept 11.  Insurance Companies and Airlines on one list and
 Companies on the other list is a beginning.



  Whether it was Silverstein or The Port Authority, the building
  have been insured regardless. Do you really think it would have
  any difference who owned it.
  Silverstein does not own it; instead he had a 99 year lease to
  collect the rents and maintain the site. Silverstein paid 660
  up front and was bound to pay the balance to 3.2 billion over the
  next 99 years. The deal made sense because Silverstein is a savvy
  real estate player and his organization would have moved much
  in terms of maximizing the profits on the site.
  I can tell you that since the WTC was finished in the early 70's,
  always had leasing difficulties. The state of NY kept a lot of
  government offices in the towers. The offices were decorated in
  tasteless plain vanilla civil service decor that literally drained
  the desire to make progress from your mind; however, in recent
  with the roaring bull market and the addition of the World
  Center, the site had those three qualities that make real estate
  quite valuable - location, location, location.
  Silverstein would have never considered demolition of the site to
  erect a new structure. Chappy is so far off on this that I
  even dignify his assertion by talking further about it. Here is a
  structure that is 30 years old; it has 200+ 50,000 square foot
  in the very heart of the financial district of the most important
  business location on the planet. 


2001-10-04 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

I must put in here again, Silverstein essentially DID own it with a 99
year lease.

You see it was illegan for the Port Authority and Giuliano and the
Govenor in on this deal, to sell the World Trade centers..so they
circumvented the law.

But check further on this Silverstein in Israel for this board over
there virtually kicked him out.

The fact remains the next day after the demolition of this World Trade
Center, he had new plans on the drawing board.

He had had trouble making the money, he owed 25 million or so in taxes
not yet resolved and now poof - cui bono?

Also Wall Street  -  these idiots wanted to move Wall Street to this
World Trade Center.

Look at what could have happened.

Hey the bible it was about gold and monotheism in 2500 BC?   Right?

A time to live and a time to die, a time to ter down and a time to
rebuild at taxpayers expense?

Who really paid for the World Trade Center?   this building belonged to
the people, didn't it?

And who paid for it in blood.the people.
The Slaughter of the Innocents who like Waco didn't survive the sting of
the scorpions.

You know those missiles are called stingers.and one is
Hellsfire.lovely names - like this stupid Operation Habakkuk stuff?

How about Operation Expose and get the one's really behind this sting
operation on the World Trade Center?


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Well ain't this fun . . . CTRL and ctrl

2001-10-04 Thread Fernando Sobral

-Caveat Lector-

I think we should keep only one of them. It s better to have the list in a central way 
and not to sparse it. It will be easier for you as administrator and for us not to 
receive the mails twice 

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/10/01 12:53 
-Caveat Lector-

Yes, indeedy do, seems like aol's listserver is up. They sure didn't let me
no anything as usual.

My suggestion is that we keep both trains running. A person may go to
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ctrl and make it so one doesn't receive emails,
 and if  one includes the yahoo groups address in a group with aol listserv
it will also create another archive.



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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Well ain't this fun . . . CTRL and ctrl

2001-10-04 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Rich Slick has or had two such lists - one for those who liked to read a
lot and not write and one for those who want to write and to
read...it suited the overflow.

Only thing to worry about would be double entries..

Maybe Rich Slick would have a few pointers on this - but if one joins
both lists, you get double mail often.

I dropped off Rich Slick too much religious crap and no conspiracy to
amount to anything, though I always liked Rich Slick and his online

Anyway times are really serious now and all last year the FEDS let
people think this was millennium year?   This is year of Millennium and
the bible prophecies must be fulfilled and as Sharon said - hey he rules
the world, we have put Israel over the USA and this Zionist thing is
attempting to wag the dog?


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Is Irving Moskowitz a hero or just a rogue? (9-26-1997)

2001-10-04 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

well neuropsychotic you better look up the real meaning of Jihud.

And then look who the ADL and Bnai Brith is in bed with for it is the
Murder Inc. left over by Meyer Lansky - remember Meyer for Moskowitz
seems to have taken over where he left off.

Now consider his little playmate Silverstein.and I can see why
Zionists have made the Jews the most hated people and they want to
direct this hatred to the Arabs?

Sharon in trouble yesterday saying America under his control?   So today
Israelis all Israelis it is said went down in airplane.

More sympathy?   I remember the Thothmosis II the great Egypitian Plane
that suicided?   The hated enemies of the jews aboard, top
military and it was then the great celebration was cancelled.

Well listen neuropsychotic Jihud is forever because the Zionists want it
that way - play one against the other.

How many of those jews over there can prove their pedigreees?   They
aren't even semites?

As Prince Turki Faisal told me, and those seated at our table - the
DOMESTIC jews and arabs and christians, the real SEMITES wanted to live
in peace and this murdering sadistic pack of killers called Zionists
would not let them.

So much for Orde Wingate and his Gideon Forcesa man who tried to
suicide himself?

We knew 30 years ago that Zionists had control over the crazies and
came in many disguises and one of their first of great notoriety, was
the little Rosicrucian Sirhan Sirhanso much for black roses.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] CT: Often abused, laws called `poisonous' [Secret evidence bill ra...

2001-10-04 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/4/01 8:06:50 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 They say the bill would permit someone to be held indefinitely if the
 attorney general has reason to believe that the suspect poses a threat,
 and that determination would not be subject to judicial review. Such powers
 would be unprecedented in modern times, they say. 

Gee, just like under Joe Stalin.  Prudy 

Most dangerous idea. Bad, bad dog, bad!

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Stop UN Prosecution of our troops

2001-10-04 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well maybe it is about time we accidently dropped some bombs on some of
these bastards that would attempt to destroy this country and its

The UN is nothing but a Zulu Nation where we have one vote - cards
stacked against us, an we would be dealt Aces and Eights so long as we
continue membership.

UN used to be a good dream to many when it was Camelot, but today it is
nothing but Cess Pool and just plain trashy -

So now you know why we sent in Shirley Temple..

It would seem they like to wave red flag in front of the Damnyankees and
the Southern Cross - they better watch their step for America while slow
to anger, when it does anger - some of these assholes will go bury
themselves before we do


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: It's all about the O word!

2001-10-04 Thread Kris Millegan


It's all about the O word!

Caspian Oil and Gas: Challenges and Rewards

Compelling support to the frame-up theory

WTC - Japanese website with two new videos

George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography

Do not fear the enemy, for your enemy can only take your life. It is far
better that you fear the media, for they will steal your HONOR. That
awful power, the public opinion of a nation, is created in America by a
horde of ignorant, self-complacent simpletons who failed at ditching and
shoemaking and fetched up in journalism on their way to the poorhouse. -
Mark Twain

---End Message---

Re: [CTRL] CT: Often abused, laws called `poisonous' [Secret evidence bill ra...

2001-10-04 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Talk about omens - nice doggie.

Prudy I bougoht these two beautiful sheepskin rugs ..from New

So, a little while ago I looked in the dining room and there stood my
dog Maxwell and she had scooted under the rug and was standing there
with the sheepskin over her..she did not try to shake it off like a
smart dog would do - she trailed around with it until it fell off.

It was then that I saw a great truth - Pit Bulls or Wolves in sheep

Maybe my dog is psychic?   Was she trying to tell me something?

Anyway it was funny.Bad doggie.last night she was lying in the
center of one and I said that is a no no, bad doggie.

Speaking of wolves in sheepskins.wonder what Bill Clinton is doing
these days - he looked scared but Giuliano was succoring Hilliary and
she was laughing and smiling as the great pretender who cut the deal
with the World Trade Center, smilled, and smiled and smiles.

I hummed How Great Thou Art, all evening.

Who can tell the difference between the Sheep and the Pack.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] is this thing on?

2001-10-04 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

thew asked, isthis thing on?

Did you pull it in?

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] (Fwd) RE: [AlasBabylon] The End Game

2001-10-04 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
I found this article very interesting. Thanks for posting it.

From: alypius m. skinner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:Sunday, September 30, 2001 11:52
Subject:[AlasBabylon] The End Game


The End Game

September 14, 2001

That collector from Northern Virginia who introduced me to Sir
Arthur Keith has admonished me to outline for you the debate
going on in the halls of government between various factions of
the inner party.

Op Ed pieces are beginning to appear in our national newspapers
which reflect that debate. Numerous articles are floating the
trial balloon of ending stateswhich harbor terrorists. In
addition, several other press organs are breathing life back
into a notion born of our most excellent imperial adventure over
the skies of Serbia. In the words of an op-ed piece in the Wall
Street Journal of 9-14-01, any state that harbors or abets
terrorists - or abuses its own citizens - forfeits its sovereign

In order to examine exactly what such a statement might mean in
actual practice we must understand that the attack on the twin
towers in Manhattan occurs within the context of a clearly
defined imperial structure of rewards and punishments.

The multi-racial empire of the old Soviet Union fragmented into
its ethnic and racial components (collapsed to a lower order of
complexity) because its centrally planned economy could not
provide enough tangible benefits to all the constituent groups
within that empire to purchase their continued allegiance. The
young turks of the KGB decided that they would be better off and
have more power with a smaller, ethnically cohesive Russian
nation state.

See Pillar 7, The Collapse of Complex Societiesby Joseph

The same exact thing will happen to the United States if the
empire can no longer provide tangible benefits to its citizens
that justify the expense of the imperial adventure. And the
expense of maintaining that empire has just increased
dramatically - at least $20 billions in lost real estate, a $40
billion anti-terrorism appropriation, plus untold costs
associated with shutting down air travel and the financial
markets for a week.

Until now, the empire has been ruled by a financial system of
rewards and punishments.

The American consumer benefits from imports manufactured with
cheap foreign labor. In addition, American consumers benefit
from the availability of cheap credit to purchase those goods -
cheap credit made possible by the recycling of the dollars we
pay for those imported goods back into U.S. securities by the
importing countries. Because of this basic circular money flow,
Americans have been allowed to consume far beyond their means
for decades, and it feels good. It is one hell of a seductive

In addition, our intellectual property laws (patent and
copyright) guarantee a stream of payments from our trading
partners in perpetuity that resemble tribute, and guarantee that
our trading partners within the empire can never compete with
the U.S. on an equal economic footing. Indeed, we cripple their
ability to innovate and obtain patents of their own by hiring
away their best and brightest at our overseas subsidiaries
(thereby gaining ownership of their innovations) and by removing
talented innovators from their native lands through 16(b) visas
and immigration.

Our trading partners are, in effect, permanent vassal states.

Now you might reasonably ask, why do they put up with this
unbalanced system?

First, they are reasonably comfortable for the time being,
largely because the United States debt balloon provides them
with a large export market which allows them to provide
employment for their people.

Second, because the dollar is used to settle so many trade
transactions between nations other than the United States,
non-U.S. participants in the empire are forced to hold very
large dollar reserves - meaning that they have no choice but to
buy our debt - so that they can trade with other nations (buy

Third and last are the financial punishments.

A number of countries possess cheap labor and compete for the
U.S. export market. Thus, we have the power to reduce access or
close our markets to one country and open them to another and
invest in that other country simultaneously so as to shift
production from the country being punished.

Next, our Asian trading partners have much higher savings rates
than we do, meaning that the capital structures of their
companies must have much higher ratios of debt to equity than
ours in order to absorb and utilize that pool of savings. Thus,
they become vulnerable to sudden withdrawals of foreign capital
and attacks on their currencies despite their high domestic
savings rates because of the leverage that those high savings
rates create in their domestic financial structures. The inner
party has demonstrated on many occasions that they know how to
pull the 

Re: [CTRL] Hello Anybody There?

2001-10-04 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/4/01 8:18:28 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I have only gotten one letter all day yesterday and all night today -
just one letter?

Anybody else having a problem?   Did I tee anybody off?


Have you checked to see if you are pluged into the wall socket? Check your
antenna and clean all the birdie do-do off it.
Just some suggestions

I didn't fight my way to the top of the food chain to a vegetarian.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Play Sleuth with me!

2001-10-04 Thread Kris Millegan


Title: theykne

WEB SOURCE ARTICLES edited by Anita Sands Hernandez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If you were a mystery writer, say, an Agatha Christie chess brain, and
were confronted with a pair of corpses, two very tall, well loved, glamorous,
American TWINS) , you would review the clues with avidity wouldn't
If you read every article in cyberspace, you would see, as researchers
do, that U.S. spooks knew the two, beautiful twins were a.) scheduled to
be offed, and b.) their death by fire would get you so crazy-flag-waving
that they could put a long, long war before you and you'd bite down on
it, hook and all.
The USA, CIA, NSC, Joint Chiefs, George Senior, and Dick Cheney, KNEW
the WTC attack was FINALLY, about to happen. You'll see it if you hold
the following clues in mind all at once:
1) ECHELON spies gave U.S authorities a 3 month
warning of attacks. A German paper reported U.S. and Israeli
intelligence agencies received warning signals at least three months ago
that terrorists were planning to hijack commercial aircraft to use as weapons
to attack important symbols of American culture, according to a
story in Germany's daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung http://wwwnewsbytes.com
2) The U.S. already in JULY 2001, had planned
to attack the Taliban before the WTC/Pentagon attacks: a former
Pakistani diplomat has told the BBC that the U.S.A. was planning military
action against Osama and the Taliban even before last week’s attacks. Niaz
Naik, a former Pakistani foreign secretary, was told by senior American
officials in mid-July that military action against Afghanistan would go
ahead by the middle of October. (BBC news 9-18-01)
EVIDENCE THAT The USA already planned and attack on the Taliban.
This former Paki diplomat told the BBC that the U.S was planning military
action against Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban even before last week’s
attacks. Niaz Naik, a former Pakistani foreign secretary, was told by senior
American officials in mid-July that military action against Afghanistan
would go ahead by the middle of October.
Mr Naik said U.S. officials told him of the plan at a U.N. sponsored
international, contact group on Afghanistan which took place in Berlin.
He told the BBC that at the meeting the us representatives told him that
unless Bin Laden was handed over swiftly, America would take military action
to kill or capture both Bin Laden and the Taliban leader, Mullah Omar.
The wider objective, according to Mr Naik, who is MIND YOU RETIRED and
a PAKI, would be to topple the Taliban regime and install a transitional
government of moderate (read manageable by US Oil men) Afghans in its place
- possibly under the leadership of the former Afghan King Zahir Shah.
Mr Naik was told that Washington would launch its operation from bases
in Tajikistan, (implying full Ruski
cooperation) where American advisers were already in place. He was
told that Uzbekistanwould also participate
in the operation and that 17,000 Russian troops were on standby to AID
IN THIS SEIZURE. (!) (At this point your AGATHA CHRISTIE CUI BONUM machinery
starts clicking and you realize that RUSSIA and USA had imperialist aims
related to that sand pit, i.e. it was to be pipeline for OIL biz between
the new Capitalistniks in the Aparatchik
Formerly known as Russia and the combined Bush/Houston/Global
Marine, Sta Fe Internat'l cum Kuwait forces, i.e. their brand
new corporation, only weeks old, merged September 4th, 2001.)
Naik had been told by his contacts that if the military action went
ahead it would take place before the snows started falling in Afghanistan,
by the middle of October at the latest. He said that he was in no doubt
that after the world trade center bombings this pre-existing us plan had
been built upon and would be implemented within two or three weeks and
he said it was doubtful that Washington would drop its plan even if Bin
Laden were to be surrendered immediately by the Taliban.
3.) Russia knew in advance...(obviously,
see above) proven by fact IT encouraged citizens to cash out dollars: Russian
press accounts and other activities by the russian government this summer
indicate that the russians knew in advance that something would happen
to america, including a "financial attack" against the u.s. during the
past three months, russian media and officials have encouraged citizens
to cash out of u.s. dollars pending an economic collapse there after an
"attack." http://www/newsmax.com 9-17-01
4) The FBI tracked a PILOT TERRORIST (currently
in custody) 2 weeks before attacks: "two weeks before the terrorist attacks
in new york city and Washington, D.C., FBI agents were at a flight school
in Oklahoma asking questions about a man now suspected of having a link
to those attacks", according to CNN.
"The fact that FBI agents were at the airman flight school in Norman,
Oklahoma, two weeks before any 

  1   2   >