2001-10-22 Thread Carl Amedio


Senator Hillary Clinton's inner circle is furious at MIRAMAX king Harvey Weinstein after the former first lady suffered through a public relations nightmare during Saturday's AMERICA: A TRIBUTE TO HEROES concert in New York City.

Hillary Clinton was jeered and booed by thousands gathered at Madison Square Garden as she took to the stage -- unannounced -- to introduce a movie clip.

VH1 cameras captured firemen and police heroes wildly booing Clinton, who attempted to raise her voice above the shouting crowd.

"Get off the stage! We don't want you here!" yelled one New York City police officer just feet from the senator.

Anti-Clinton slurs spread and intensified throughout the Garden, with many standing near the stage lobbing profanities.

Event-planner and close Clinton friend Harvey Weinstein was visibly shaken as he heard the crowd erupt with boos and jeers, according to an eyewitness.

The junior senator from New York ending up giving the shortest presentation of the evening, clocking in at under 20 seconds.

"How could we not know this would be the wrong forum for Hillary?!" shouted one confidante. "These are cops and firemen who listen to right-wing talkradio. They still think she killed Vince Foster, for Christ sake!"

Other New York politicians received warmer welcomes during the 5-hour concert which featured Paul McCartney, Mick Jagger, Elton John and others.

Former President Bill Clinton, who took the stage minutes after his wife, worked over scattered boos with talk of the rescuers' heroism.

Following the Clintons, James Taylor soothed the heroes with an acoustic FIRE AND RAIN.

The concert raised millions of dollars for September 11 relief efforts.


[CTRL] Louis Farrakhan condemned the U.S.-led bombing of Afghanistan

2001-10-22 Thread Carl Amedio

By Betsy Pisik

 NEW YORK — Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan yesterday condemned the U.S.-led bombing of Afghanistan, saying Washington had not proven its case against terrorist mastermind 

 Speaking to a gathering of religious leaders, Mr. Farrakhan said the U.S. government hadn't revealed the evidence to the Taliban, sharing it only with allies.
 "You show your friend [British Prime Minister Tony Blair] the evidence, but not the people you're about to bomb?" he said.
 U.S. and British officials have said that revealing the details of the evidence would compromise allied war aims.
 Mr. Farrakhan keynoted a conference organized by the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace, a group organized by Rev. Sun Myung Moon, founder of the Unification Church. The conference included a hundred ministers from several religious denominations, and political figures, including former Vice President Dan Quayle, former Indonesian President Abudurrahman Wahid and the former presidents and prime ministers of Guyana, Guatemala, Barbados, Seychelles, Nepal and St. Kitts and Nevis.
 Most of them applauded often during Mr. Farrakhan's 100-minute speech and gave him a standing ovation afterward. The theme of the conference was an examination of the roots of global violence and how to deal with it.
 Mr. Quayle, who had left the gathering by the time Mr. Farrakhan spoke, had earlier angrily rejected suggestions that U.S. foreign policy in Iraq and the Middle East had provoked terrorist attacks. 
 "This is the time to be morally clear," Mr. Quayle said. "Nothing justifies terrorism."
 Mr. Farrakhan, the leader of the nation's largest Muslim group, said the pursuit of bin Laden and his terrorist group was a campaign against Islam. He said he also condemns the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks against the United States, which killed 5,000 Americans.
 "It was so horrific to me that for the first 48 hours I could not speak," he said.
 Mr. Farrakhan said, without citing his evidence, that 1.5 million Iraqis had died under sanctions imposed by the United Nations after the 1991 Persian Gulf war "while we are crying over 5,000."
 In his remarks, Rev. Moon, who spoke before Mr. Farrakhan's denunciation of U.S. war aims, called on world leaders to repudiate national self-interests and hatreds, and urged religious leaders to cooperate and seek reconciliation. "If religions demonstrate love for each other, cooperate with each other, and serve each other, putting the higher ideal of peace ahead of particular doctrines, rituals and cultural backgrounds, the world will change dramatically." 
 Mr. Quayle, who served as vice president under President George H.W. Bush, said that fear, unlike anthrax, is contagious. He urged the religious figures to preach messages of tolerance. Mr. Quayle also blamed Hollywood for giving foreigners a distorted picture of the United States. 
 "Have you ever seen a movie that made the military look good? That looked favorably upon religion? That showed the cohesiveness of the family? No — and why not?" he asked. "If you were a person who had never been to America, you'd see a different country than it actually is."
 Mr. Wahid, a Muslim cleric who served as president of Indonesia from Oct. 1999 until July 2001, said he supported the American military attacks, which are unpopular with Indonesians, but warned against "hegemony". 
 "What the United States is doing is honorable, but it is important to remember the multilateral framework," Mr. Wahid said. In an interview, he said that Washington "needs to listen to other people, and they need to listen to the United States."
 The former presidents and prime ministers of several Latin and Caribbean nations said that it was important to look at what they call the root causes of terrorism — poverty, poor education and an absence of hope. 
 "We all hoped that the end of the Cold War, peace would have had a chance to break out," said Lloyd E. Sandiford, former prime minister of Barbados. "But efforts to increase development, and relieve poverty and other social blights are again delayed."

 Back to World


[CTRL] The USA and International Terrorism

2001-10-22 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

source - CounterPunch http://www.counterpunch.org/agee1.html

The USA and International Terrorism

The Cold War never really ended. It did so along the east-west

But the Cold War always had a north-south dimension-- the war
against forces of liberation in Third World countries. That never
ended, and it continues today. [Through my studies] I gradually
came to the conclusion that what my CIA colleagues and I had been
doing during the 1950s and '60s was nothing more than a continuation
of nearly five hundred years of exploitation and political repression.

by Philip Agee

I would like to begin by citing a well-known observation of A. J.

Liebling, a U.S. journalist and media critic who was active during
the mid-1900s: Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those
who own one, he said.

In a sense, this has always been true. News media in general, except
for state-funded organizations, are part of the private sector. I
know that, here in Sweden as in Britain, you have state television
and state radio. But generally speaking, and certainly in the United
States, the press has always been in the private sector.

The Power of the Word

The United States - that is, the political class of the United
States - has known about the power of the word for a very, very
long time. A personal experience may serve to illustrate how powerful
the written word can be.

For legal reasons, I stayed away from the United States for about
seventeen years-- from the time I started work on my first book,
in the early 1970s, until my autobiography was ready for publication
in 1987. The publisher of the latter was very eager for me to return
to the States for the promotion of the book, but my lawyers all
warned me not to take a chance. They suspected that there could be
secret criminal indictment, as there could have been all those
years, and argued that the risk was not worth it.

My wife and I decided that we would take that risk. We went back,
and they didn't touch me. I did the promotion of the book, and that
began ten years of frequent travel to the U.S. for lectures at
universities and speeches at political rallies, civic centres,
churches, even out in the street. Altogether, and must have spoken
at more than 500 events in the United States.

One of my trips, around 1989 or 1990, was to the University of
California at Santa Cruz. When the organizers told me that the
event was scheduled to take place at a civic centre with room for
about 3000 people, my reaction was: Oh,my god! We are going to
look like we're all alone in there. We will never attract more than
a couple of hundred people. But they said, Don't worry. You'll

Sure enough, on the night of the meeting the arena was packed.
During the discussion period after my talk, which was about the
war in Central America still going on at the time, a man stood up
way in the back. He was a very large person, with a lot of long
hair, a bushy beard, and a plaid lumberjack shirt. He paused for
a moment, and then said my name in an enormous, booming voice:
Philip Agee! He said, Philip Agee, I want to thank you for saving
my life!

With that, the place became as quiet as you could imagine. You
could have heard the proverbial pin drop. He went on to tell the
story of how he was seriously wounded in Vietnam, and had to spend
several years in a veterans' hospital in the United States. While
in hospital, he became despondent: He thought there was no hope,
and decided to commit suicide. But then someone gave him a copy of
my first book.

He said: When I read that book, it changed my life. He said that
he decided then not to end his life, but to spend the rest of it
helping Vietnam War veterans who had problems like his own. From
that point in the mid-1970s until the time of this meeting some
fifteen years later, he had made a career of social work among
Vietnam War veterans suffering from mental problems because of the
things that they had done and seen in Vietnam.

This is merely one personal story, but it indicates the strength
of the written word. Possibly, one life was saved-- possibly.

Covert Action

The CIA, as you probably know, was founded in the years following
World War II-- supposedly, to prevent another Pearl Harbor, the
Japanese surprise attack which brought the United States into that
war. In that sense, the events of September 11th represent a terrible
failure on the part of the CIA and the rest of the U.S. intelligence

There are at least twelve or thirteen different intelligence agencies
in the United States, and they are spending on the order of thirty
billion dollars per year-- the CIA being simply the foremost among
them. Of course, the CIA was not only established to collect
information and to anticipate attacks.

From the beginning of the CIA's existence, it was also used to
intervene secretly in the internal affairs of other countries.

Virtually no country on earth was exempt.

This secret intervention-- as opposed to 


2001-10-22 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/21/01 11:41:15 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 How could we not know this would be the wrong forum for Hillary?! shouted
one confidante. These are cops and firemen who listen to right-wing
talkradio. They still think she killed Vince Foster, for Christ sake! 

She didn't? And she didn't hide the billing records for over a year?

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Rifle and the Veil

2001-10-22 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/19/01 11:56:25 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 and you read that the only thing
 the boys are taught are passages from the Koran...probably selective
 passages, and considering that they are taught these passages in Arabic,
 which is not their native tongue, it is doubtful that they are taught how
 to critically read and THINK about the Koran, only to blindly obey the
 passages they are taught like parrots to repeat, taken out of context 

You've hit the nail on the head.  Many Moslems can recite the Koran from
beginning to end.  They do not know one word of Arabic, and do not understand
one word of what they read.  What everyone is calling fundamentalism has
nothing to do with the Koran.  They are simply following the sometimes really
far out interpretations they are given by the various religious leaders (who
like our religious leaders, simply extract and put out whatever they want to
have believed or done).  The Koran requires that children (boys and girls) be
educated.  It is specific as to the rights of women (and they do have
rights).  It is specific about where and before whom a woman must cover.  If
Muhammad were to visit the Taliban, he would probably wonder what religion
was practiced by these strange people.  He might get just a bit confused
visiting any of the countries we know as Islamic.  Picture Jesus visiting the
Vatican, and you will know what I mean.  He might feel a bit of a stranger at
Oral Roberts University as well.  My, my, how things do change.  Prudy Kuhn

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-10-22 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


No matter that patriotism is too often the refuge of scoundrels.
Dissent, rebellion, and all-around hell-raising remain the true duty
of patriots.
Barbara Ehrenreich

The 'Loyalist Tale' - American Tories

Benedict Arnold
I voluntarily take this OATH to bear Faith and true Allegiance to
His MAJESTY KING George the Third; - and defend to the utmost of my
Power, His sacred Person, Crown and Government, against all Persons
Words like these may seem strange to inhabitants of the twenty first
century, but to citizenry of the revolutionary period, this was the
making of serious discourse. Just hollow rhetoric, or was this
sentiment of the day, a fair reflection by a significant portion of
the population?
James Chalmers wrote a pamphlet under the pen name of Candidus, called Plain Truth, as 
a response to Thomas Paine's Common Sense. His view represented the consensus of the 
colonies for scores of years prior to the rebel
Plain Truth - by James Chalmers (Candidus) 1727-1806
Candidus replies to Paine's warning of abuse by the Sovereign, by invoking 
Montesquieu's description of the British government as being: This beautiful system 
our constitution is a compound of Monarchy, Aristocracy, and
Democracy. And follows with the view of Hume towards the King: we are in part 
indebted for our supreme felicity; since without such control in the Crown, our 
Constitution would immediately degenerate into Democracy.
It is not surprising that those in positions of comfort and authority wish to maintain 
that condition. A natural aspect of human endeavors is to seek security and rely upon 
the familiar institutions and structures to orga
nize their communities. Concepts of Liberty vary among those in society based upon 
their respected place in the hierarchy of status. Let no one be misled, all societies 
are composed of unequal rank among their populace. T
he notion of equality under the rule of law is a result of a recognition that each 
individual is endowed with natural rights that no State can legitimately abridge. But 
to extrapolate that their standing should be equal i
s pure nonsense.
The struggle that ensues from this intrinsic reality defines the interaction that all 
cultures have between their citizens and the State. The structure of government that 
the inhabitants choose to form or are compelled to
 live under, is based upon what particular faction dominates the intellectual apology 
for rule or commands the power to impose their will upon others. This is an axiom of 
all history. Only those who practice the rationale
 of denial will dispute this assertion.
In the aftermath of the WTC massacre, we have been exposed to a diatribe of patriotic 
fidelity that approaches psychopathic proportions, when examined within the context of 
the tragic record of how ALL governments act, to
wards their own citizens, when granted excessive powers to police their own people. 
Liberty is never a result of a bill proposed by a legislature or granted in a 
proclamation of a sovereign. It is always the embodiment of
 individual behavior. No one or no body can bequest rights upon you, since you are 
already endowed with fundamental principles of willful consent. Legitimacy for the 
State is founded upon the agreement that citizens have
with the society that forms a government.
Today we have the 'Tory Complex' sweeping the Nation. The standard for the masses is 
to demonstrate their loyalty to the country, by allowing the government to institute 
anti-liberty measures that are justified because we
 are at War. The confusion to mix proper demands and proportioned steps to ensure 
justice for criminal actions, with the forfeiture of inalienable rights; is demented. 
But that is exactly what the 'so called' American Loy
alists are demanding. Their impulsive bellicose clamor, based upon the willful 
surrender of individual protections, is a result of a false allegiance. The nature of 
America, is embodied in her principles of individual pri
macy. All authority stems from the citizen and is lent out to the State as a trusted 
The biggest abusers of this misguided nationalism are the very people who share many 
of the same conservative values that are consistently argued and defended in these 
essays. The neo conservative has mutated into the Tor
y champion. Imputing voices of guarded prudence with routine condemnation of their 
message and accusing them of being disloyal to America, follows the pattern of 
Candidus. He sums up the current temperament of today quite
 nicely:  This writer, and all others of his stamp, should remember that the colonies 
are now in a state of revolt and rebellion against their rightful sovereign. The 
British legislature is unalterably determined to brin
g them back to their allegiance.
When governments secedes your rights, they are passing the new Stamp Act. When your 
state abdicates 

[CTRL] Winning An Argment With A Liberal

2001-10-22 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


The true believer is in a high degree protected against the danger of
certain neurotic afflictions; by accepting the universal neurosis he
is spared the task of forming a personal neurosis. - Sigmund Freud

Zionism, Racism and anti-Semitism
The modern definition of 'racist' is someone who is winning an
argument with a liberal. - Peter Brimelow

A tragic mistake that is common to any discussion on politics is that
racism is bad. The dictionary clearly states that racism is: the
notion that one's own ethnic stock is superior, and discrimination
or prejudice based on racism. Now consider for a moment the merits
or the flaws in this definition. Ethnic groups regularly take pride
in their heritage and traditions. Many view their culture to be
preferred to others. Most classify others as different to them and
seek to bond with their own kind. And when conflict develops between
their own people and another ethnic crowd, ranks close within your
own. This is a natural outcome of the human condition that has
existed from the beginning of civilized community.
Zionism is a political movement. To equate motives of politics with a
religious belief is specious. Judaism is NOT equivalent to Zionism.
The distinction is imperative if a correct understanding of
relationships and actions, in the Middle East, are to be appreciated.
A Zionist often professes their acceptance of the tenants of the
Jewish faith, but a 'true believer' in the supremacy and
survivability of a political state, can and frequently are non-
believers to Judaism and the Torah. This is crucial, because it is
not a condition of political allegiance to share faith in Yahweh.
So far, there should be little argument with these distinctions. But Jews are a race, 
with very similar characteristic, genetic traits, social and cultural heritage, and a 
homogeneous ethnic similitude. This is a historic
 fact that should not be denied. No inference, good or bad, is being made as some may 
conclude. Surely, one can convert to the Jewish religion from a non Semitic lineage, 
but that begs the real issue. Racism as practiced
by Zionist towards their Arab Semitic half brothers is undeniable. But is such 
behavior unnatural or even wrong? Of course the answer lies within which group one 
identifies with and has sympathy for their cause.
It should be indisputable that the political interests for the Zionist are 
diametrically opposite to that of the Palestine. So why should anyone be surprised 
when ruthless and savage animosity continues to play out with e
ach successive generation? This is the natural order at work, and is inevitable as 
long as the fallen nature of man awaits for the return of the Messiah.
At this point, having been tutored and educated as a Catholic, who now freely accepts 
the fundamental tenets of St. Paul, I must part company with my Jewish friends on 
matters of faith. Should the Hebrew faithful view me
as one among their ranks? Of course not. Nor should I consider them one within my 
circle of believers. Since it is a fact that the Jews could have prevented the 
crucifixion of Christ when Pilot appealed to the crowd, some
 will insist that statement may be anti-Semitic. Quite to the contrary! And more to 
the point, that remonstrance attitude is a political denunciation more than a 
religious condemnation.
My many Jewish friends have every right to identify with those that profess their 
beliefs. Likewise, so do people of the Christian faith have that same right. But when 
we transverse into the political arena, away from dif
ferences in faith, we enter into the realm of interests. Zionist have interests that 
are quite different from mine. Certainly my advocacy of  'America First' policies 
don't support theirs. Interests could coincide at time
s, but more likely have different paths.
When people foster the theme of continuous Jewish suffering and persecution, they 
abandon their own interests for one of false guilt, which most have never earned. This 
emotional appeal benefits the Zionist and their poli
tical objectives. Conversely, those who reject the manipulations of Zionist 
propaganda, all too often resent those of Jewish faith. Such mistakes from all sides 
breeds only negative indignation.
Compounding this confusion with label of left or right just deepens the errors. What 
matters is your interest. What possible benefit has America received from the 
perpetual three billion dollar yearly tribute paid to Isra
el? Add a like amount to Egypt and you come away with a feeling of being robbed. Again 
where is our interest being served?
Ill will for any or all the participants within the cauldron of continuous turmoil in 
the Middle East is not our wish. But political support that runs against our benefit 
is insane. Pragmatic economics would seek to make
friends with those who control the oil. But we all know that domestic realities shape 

[CTRL] A Voice for Colonialism

2001-10-22 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-



The snakes or Araby
Bring back colonialism, says Mark Steyn. The hands-off approach never

New Hampshire

Before the White House decided to lean on the networks and get him
off air, Osama bin Laden popped up on the TV in my general store in
another rerun of his caveman special. Off he went with his usual
shtick about ‘the tragedy of Andalusia’.
‘What’s he on about?’ asked my friend, Judy.
‘It’s a reference to the end of Moorish rule in Spain in 1492,’ I
‘That’s our fault?’ she said. I started to say something about how,
as Osama saw it, the roots of Islam’s downfall in Andalusia lay in
its accommodation with the Christian world and the move towards a
pluralistic society, but Judy wasn’t in the mood. ‘You know why this
is a great country?’ she said. ‘Because none of us have a clue what
he’s on about.’

This is a common theory. There’s a wonderful screed floating around
the Internet called ‘We’re more nuts than you and it should scare you
shitless’, which works up to a grand assurance to al-Qa’eda that,
even after we’ve killed them, our schoolchildren still won’t have a
clue who they are, where they’re from or what was bugging them in the
first place. The clichémongers of the global media like to talk about
‘America’s loss of innocence’, but that innocence is more properly
understood as ‘ignorance is bliss’ — America is where you go to get
away from guys hung up on whatever it was that happened in Andalusia
in 1492. Pat Buchanan, in his book A Republic Not an Empire, argues
that the US has drifted away from its original vision by getting
mixed up in all kinds of imperial adventures that are more suited to
old-school European powers than to the aloof yeoman republic its
founders foresaw.
On the other hand, there are those who think the events of 11
September prove that you can’t buck millennia of tradition: a non-
imperial superpower is a contradiction in terms, and it’s time for
America to embrace its fat
e and start colouring the map red, white and blue. My neighbour Tom, who’s painting my 
house at present and who always carries a copy of the Constitution with him, thinks 
this is a filthy unAmerican idea. ‘You Commonwealt
h guys,’ he says. ‘You can’t let go of the whole colony thing.’ He’s right, of course: 
the founders would be horrified at the idea of the White House appointing chaps in 
sola topis with ostrich feathers. But, simmering un
der the talk of immediate war aims in Afghanistan, a republic-versus-empire debate is 
already under way.
Let’s start with Osama bin Loser’s main beef, about the US military presence near 
Islam’s holiest sites in Saudi Arabia. He’s right; it is a humiliation that one of the 
richest regimes on earth is too incompetent, greedy
and decadent to provide its own defence. But it’s not America’s fault that those 
layabout Saudi princes, faced with Saddam’s troops massing on the border, could think 
of nothing better to do than turn as white as their ro
bes and frantically dial Washington.
In fact, in so far as the Middle East is the victim of anything other than its own 
failures, it’s not Western imperialism but Western post-imperialism. Unlike Africa, 
Asia, Australasia and the Americas, Araby has never co
me under direct European colonial rule. (The Ottoman empire was famously characterised 
by Tsar Nicholas I as ‘the sick man of Europe’, which would seem to concede admission 
to the club, but also suggests that its sickness
 was at least partly due to its lack of Europeanness.) After the first world war the 
Ottoman vacuum was filled not with colonies proper but with League of Nations mandates 
and then ‘spheres of influence’. Rather than maki
ng Arabia a Crown colony within the empire, sending out Lord Whatnot as governor, 
issuing banknotes bearing the likeness of George V, setting up courts presided over by 
judges in full-bottomed wigs, and introducing a prof
essional civil service and a free press, the British instead mulled over which sheikh 
was likely to prove more pliable, installed him in the capital and invited his sons to 
Eton and Sandhurst. The French did the same, and
 so, later, did the Americans.
This was cheaper than colonialism and less politically prickly, but it did a great 
disservice to the populations of those countries. The alleged mountain of evidence of 
Yankee culpability is, in fact, evidence only of the
 Great Satan’s deplorable faintheartedness: yes, Washington dealt with Saddam, and 
helped train the precursors of the Taleban, and fancied Colonel Gaddafi as a better 
bet than King Idris, just as in the Fifties they bolst
ered the Shah and then in the Seventies took against him, when Jimmy Carter decided 
that the Peacock Throne wasn’t progressive enough and wound up with the ayatollahs 
instead. This system of cherrypicking from a barrel-lo
ad of unsavoury potential clients was summed up in the old CIA 

Re: [CTRL] Pat Robertson Goes Digging for Gold with an Evildoer

2001-10-22 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/20/01 2:29:19 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 No matter. Pat Robertson's still gold-digging in Liberia.

 And what, pray tell, must God think about that? 

Maybe he would think what I did some years ago.  We had just returned from a
number of years spent in East Turkey.  What television was available did not
mention Pat Robertson.  I had never seen the man.  We had just purchased a
largish television for the living room, and I was sitting on the couch
happily surfing along.  Suddenly I was looking at the 700 Club.  This guy
was talking, and I had never seen him before in my life.  'What an absolutely
demonic looking guy' I thought.
First impressions should usually be discounted, but maybe not, huh?  Prudy

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Journalist's Jihad

2001-10-22 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-



Andrew Sullivan's jihad
Since Sept. 11, the British journalist has declared himself the
mullah of the media world, sitting in judgment of American writers'
- - - - - - - - - - - -
By David Talbot
Oct. 20, 2001 | I like and respect journalist Andrew Sullivan, though
I often disagree with his opinions. I find much of what he has to say
about soggy thinking on the left to be a bracing tonic -- which is
why Salon has published his views, along with those of David
Horowitz, Norah Vincent, Camille Paglia and other conservative or
independent critics of lockstep, left-wing thought. On the few
occasions I've had the pleasure of his company, I've enjoyed his wit
and charm. Since the horrors of Sept. 11, however, Sullivan's voice
has become a shriek, hitting an ear-piercing decibel that, whether
intended or not, drives out the possibility of rational discussion.
In recent weeks, Sullivan has taken it upon himself to evaluate whether his fellow 
writers and commentators are sufficiently patriotic. He broods darkly -- in the pages 
of his native British press, on his Web site and on
the Op-Ed pages of the Wall Street Journal -- that America harbors nests of traitors, 
or in his words decadent left enclaves on the coasts [that] may well mount a fifth 
column. And like all Manichaean guardians of natio
nal security, from the days of the Alien and Sedition Acts to those of Joseph 
McCarthy, Sullivan has turned his pumped-up and disproportionate rhetoric toward 
rooting out these disloyal Americans in his midst.
On his Web site, he does not just engage antiwar writer Katha Pollitt, whose tortured 
ruminations in the Nation on whether to fly a flag from her New York apartment window 
were admittedly neurotic and absurd. He seeks to
obliterate her, gloating after a lopsided debate with her on public radio that I took 
no prisoners. In the church of Sullivan, those who criticize or express ambivalence 
about the bombing of Afghanistan are not just wro
ng -- they are corrupt souls who must be excommunicated from the American congregation.
Turning his gaze of moral reproach on Salon, Sullivan has branded Gary Kamiya an 
appeaser for proposing that it's time for Washington to put pressure on the Israelis 
and the Palestinians to reach a peace settlement -- eve
n though the tough and worldly men Sullivan so ardently admires in the Bush 
administration began taking this very line days later. And Friday, Sullivan lashed 
into me for conducting an interview on [my] knees with Susan
 Sontag, in which she characterized the bin Laden terror network as implacable and 
deadly foes while criticizing the bombing campaign's impact on civilians. Sullivan was 
as incensed by Sontag's remarks as he was by my int
roductory comments about the efforts of Sullivan's conservative colleagues to banish 
her from the world of acceptable intellectual discourse. These pampered journalists, 
he fumed, who have never seen a moment of real c
ensorship in their lives, and who have marginalized conservative voices for their 
entire careers in their own organs and field of influence, take the occasion of the 
massacre of thousands of their fellow citizens to worry
 about themselves -- and preen self-righteously at the same time.
Since Sullivan has unleashed the hounds of patriotic fury, I'll respond with some 
nationalistic zeal of my own. It's repellent to be lectured about my commitment to 
America, which is deep and true, by an arrogant and self
-important Brit. And it's equally galling to be scolded about my supposed intolerance 
of conservative dissent in Salon when I have made a consistent effort to include 
Sullivan's own voice and that of many of his fellow co
nservatives in our pages. Sullivan has often fallen to his own knees before President 
Bush in Salon. In fact there is no political journal in the country -- on the left or 
right -- that publishes as eclectic a mix of opin
ions as we do. The same week we published the interview with Sontag, Salon ran a cover 
essay by her son, David Rieff, blasting the Berkeley City Council's anti-bombing 
resolution and the depraved rationalizations of the
American left. When Sullivan seeks ideological variety, does he eagerly reach for the 
latest National Review or Weekly Standard? His own site is rigorously monochromatic -- 
one-note blasts from the increasingly narrow co
nfines of his own head.
Earlier this year, Sullivan was exposed by the gay press for advertising for 
bareback sex (unprotected by condoms) in an AOL chat room and denounced as a 
hypocrite by his liberal gay critics for engaging in risky sexual
 practices after attacking President Clinton for his own incautious behavior. Salon 
was among Sullivan's most vocal defenders, running two pieces that condemned the 
invasion of his sexual privacy and the political motivat
ions behind his outing. It wasn't FreeRepublic.com that rallied 

[CTRL] Fwd: U.S. bombing disrupting planting which provides 80 percent of Afghanistan's harvest

2001-10-22 Thread Kris Millegan

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This article comes courtesy of the Boston Globe. The original
is at: http://www.boston.com/dailynews/291/world/U_S_bombing_disrupting_plantin:.shtml

U.S. bombing disrupting planting which provides
80 percent of Afghanistan's harvest
By Edith M. Lederer, Associated
Press, 10/18/2001 22:55
bombing of Afghanistan is disrupting the planting of crops which normally
provide 80 percent of Afghanistan's annual grain harvest, the head of the
U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization said Thursday.
As a result, Afghanistan's
already grave food supply situation will be further aggravated next year,
FAO Director-General Jacques Diouf told reporters.
He said reliable estimates
of wheat and barley planting were impossible because U.N. international
staff were ordered to leave Afghanistan last month, and there is very little
contact with local staff.
''Certainly, where the bombing
is going on or where war preparation is going on, there would not be very
many (farmers) planting not to talk of those who normally would plant and
are rushing to the borders as refugees,'' Diouf said.
The FAO had forecast the
country would produce 2 million tons of cereals.
Based on that expected harvest,
the two agencies had estimated that Afghanistan would need 2.2 million
tons of imported food for the 12 month period ending in June. The forecast
noted mounting evidence of emerging widespread famine conditions.
But with the U.S.-led military
campaign coming on top of three consecutive years of drought and severe
economic disruptions caused by more than a decade of war, the FAO says
the food and crop problems are being exacerbated, and the need for foreign
food aid will be greater.
Earlier this month, the two
Rome-based U.N. agencies agreed to provide 494,000 tons of food to 6 million
vulnerable people inside Afghanistan and 1.5 million refugees over the
next six months at a cost of $230 million.
Diouf said FAO has also appealed
for $3 million to provide emergency seeds and fertilizer to farmers for
the current winter planting.
The agency had been working
in seven provinces including Kabul. It is still working in northern areas
controlled by the opposition, but is not currently operating in 90 percent
of the country controlled by the Taliban religious militia, he said.
In the short term, Diouf
said, ''it is estimated that we will need $80 million to assist 2 million
farm families to continue to produce food for their needs'' immediately
after military action ends.
For long-term rehabilitation
of Afghanistan's devastated agriculture and livestock sector, the FAO is
seeking an additional $122 million.

[CTRL] Fwd: UN set to appeal for halt in the bombing

2001-10-22 Thread Kris Millegan

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This article comes courtesy of The Guardian. The
original is at: http://www.observer.co.uk/afghanistan/story/0,1501,578103,00.html

UN set to appeal
for halt in the bombing
on Terrorism: Observer special
in Afghanistan: Observer special Islam
and the West: Observer special
Jason Burke, Peshawar
Sunday October
21, 2001
The United Nations
is set to issue an unprecedented appeal to the United States and its coalition
allies to halt the war on Afghanistan and allow time for a huge relief
UN sources in Pakistan
said growing concern over the deteriorating humanitarian situation in the
country - in part, they say, caused by the relentless bombing campaign
- has forced them to take the radical step. Aid officials estimate that
up to 7.5 million Afghans might be threatened with starvation.
'The situation is
completely untenable inside Afghanistan. We really need to get our point
across here and have to be very bold in doing it. Unless the [US air] strikes
stop, there will be a huge number of deaths,' one UN source said.
The move will embarrass
Clare Short, the International Development Secretary, who said last week
that there was no 'cause and effect' between the bombing and the ability
of aid agencies to deliver much-needed food and shelter.
Aid workers yesterday
strongly rejected Short's statements. 'Basically the bombing makes it difficult
to get enough supplies in. It is as simple as that,' an Islamabad-based
aid official told The Observer .
Dominic Nutt, a spokesman
for the British charity Christian Aid, called Short's remarks sickening.
'Needy people are being put at risk by government spin-doctors who are
showing a callous disregard for life,' he said. 'To say that there is no
link is not just misleading but profoundly dangerous.' Christian Aid report
600 people have already died in the Dar-e-Suf region of northern Afghanistan
due to starvation, malnutrition and related diseases.
Other agencies confirmed
that the sick, the young and the old are already dying in refugee camps
around the northern city of Mazar-e-Sharif.
The World Food Programme
has calculated that 52,000 tonnes of wheat must be distributed in Afghanistan
each month to stave off mass starvation. Since the aid programme was restarted
- on 25 September - only 20,000 tonnes have been supplied and 15,000 distributed.
The concern is that the coming winter will make relief efforts more difficult.
The first snows have already fallen on the Hindu Kush mountains and the
isolated highlands of Hazarajat.
But though the WFP
is accelerating the supply of food, it says it is unlikely to be able to
bring in more than two-thirds of what is required. And it is clear that
little aid is reaching the most remote areas where the need is greatest.
A new assessment
by aid workers on the ground in Afghanistan will be presented to UN co-ordinators
in Islamabad this week. It shows that the effects of the three-year drought
that has hit Afghanistan are far worse than previously thought. Areas in
the north-east are of particular concern.
In the western city
of Herat food deliveries are barely keeping up with demand from the 1,000
people a day who are arriving at refugee camps.
'We are getting a
significant amount of food into the country and we are desperately trying
to get it to more remote areas. The usual distribution networks are hugely
disrupted. At the moment a trickle is getting through,' said Michael Huggins,
a spokesman for the WFP.
He said the WFP operation
was hampered by a lack of truck drivers willing to carry food through Afghanistan
because of the bombing raids, high fuel prices and communication difficulties.
The Taliban have
also caused problems for aid agencies. A series of offices have been looted
in major cities, prompting French agency Mdecins Sans Frontires
to shut down its entire Afghan operation. There have been a number of attempts
to steal vehicles from aid agencies. The Taliban have also delayed relief
convoys by demanding high taxes on their passage.
Although the expected
influx of refugees to Pakistan has yet to occur, there are signs of larger
shifts of population than before. The last three days have seen more than
10,000 people cross the border from Afghanistan around the Taliban stronghold
of Kandahar.
Refugees report a
breakdown in law and order in Kandahar. 'It is impossible to live there
now,' one said.

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: WSWS on Shrub Media

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World Socialist Web Site www.wsws.org
WSWS : News  Analysis : The US War Drive

Why is Bush refusing to negotiate with the Taliban?
By Jerry White
16 October 2001

President Bush is flatly rejecting offers from the Taliban government 
to hand Osama bin Laden over for trial if the United States stops 
bombing Afghanistan and provides proof that the Saudi exile was 
involved in the September 11 terror attacks on New York and 

On Sunday, Afghan Deputy Prime Minister Maulvi Abdul Kabir told a 
group of international journalists in Jalalabad that if the US 
stopped bombing Afghanistan, We would be ready to hand him over. 
Kabir called for negotiations, saying, If proof is provided, a third 
country could be chosen which is under the influence of neither the 
United States nor the Taliban.

Bush rejected the offer out of hand. Speaking to reporters on Sunday, 
just minutes after returning with top national security advisers from 
his Camp David retreat, Bush declared, They must not have heard. 
There are no negotiations. This is non-negotiable.

This is not the first offer the Taliban leadership has made to 
negotiate the possible transfer of bin Laden. On the eve of the war, 
the Taliban's ambassador to Pakistan, Mullah Abdul Salam Zaeef, said 
bin Laden would be handed over if proof of his involvement in the 
terror attacks were presented. Bush rejected that offer and proceeded 
to launch the bombing campaign.

On Tuesday, the New York Times reported that a faction of the Taliban 
leadership had met secretly with Pakistani officials the day before 
and said they would try to negotiate the handover of bin Laden if the 
US stopped bombing for two or three days. The Times reported, 
however, that Pakistani and US officials were doubtful the overture 
would resolve the crisis because Bush has said repeatedly that he 
will not negotiate, or even discuss, terms for the handover of Mr. 
bin Laden.

At the onset of the crisis, the US government said it was preparing 
to launch a war against Afghanistan because the Taliban refused to 
surrender bin Laden. Yet when the Afghan regime makes reasonable 
offers to do precisely that, the US response is to dismiss the offers 
and reject any form of negotiation.

From a purely practical standpoint, the issuing of demands combined 
with a posture of no negotiations is absurd. Even if the Taliban 
wanted to meet the US demands, how could they do so without entering 
into discussions with Washington? The US modus operandi of presenting 
ultimatums while refusing to negotiate can only mean that the Bush 
administration is not seriously interested in obtaining compliance. 
It is acting in bad faith.

The Taliban has asked for proof of bin Laden's involvement in the 
September 11 attacks. What is unreasonable about insisting that the 
US back up its claims by presenting solid evidence? Some two weeks 
prior to launching the war, Secretary of State Colin Powell promised 
to make public an evidentiary case against the man whom the US 
accuses of masterminding last month's attacks. But the Bush 
administration reneged on this pledge.

One can only imagine the response of the American government if 
another country demanded that it hand over a US resident on murder 
charges, while refusing to disclose its evidence against the person 
in question.

Speaking on the White House lawn Sunday, Bush reiterated his position 
that the US is not obliged to provide any proof of bin Laden's 
involvement. There is no need to discuss innocence or guilt, he 
said. We know he's guilty. Turn him over. If they want us to stop 
our military operations, they've just got to meet my conditions, 
Bush said.

In other words, not only the Taliban, but the entire world must 
accept on faith Washington's accusations against bin Laden. But the 
world has every right to ask: if you have the evidence, why don't you 
show it?

There is no question that bin Laden welcomed the September 11 
attacks. This in itself establishes the deeply reactionary and anti-
working class character of his ultra-nationalist politics. It does 
not, however, prove that he is responsible for the hijack-bombings 
that killed more than 5,000 people.

The Bush administration has not explained on what grounds of 
international law it is demanding that a government hand over an 
individual to the US without any form of due process. In crimes far 
less significant than the September 11 attacks, the police are 
required to 

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Pakistan News 10-20

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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Pakistan Accuses India Of Major Bombing Campaign
By Jack Redden

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistani Interior Minister Moinuddin Haider 
accused India on Tuesday of being behind many of the 100 unexplained 
bombs that explode across his country each year. 
Haider rejected Indian charges that Pakistan was 
exporting terrorism across their frontier by backing militants 
fighting Indian control of its part of the disputed Himalayan region 
of Kashmir. 
In the last two years this present government has been following a 
policy to control extremists, to control terrorism because we are 
also victims of terrorism -- there are 100 bomb blasts in Pakistan 
every year, Haider said in an interview with Reuters Television. 
Our information -- and we have evidence in some cases, not all -- is 
that these explosions take place sponsored from outside and you know 
which country I am meaning, he said, referring to neighbouring 
There are frequent bomb attacks inside Pakistan, most of them 
apparently targeting the poorest, most crowded areas of cities. No 
one ever claims responsibility and no arrests are announced. 
Haider spoke after a meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Colin 
Powell, who urged both sides in the 54-year-old Kashmir dispute -- 
the focus of their hostility -- to show restraint. 
The United States is anxious not to have that intractable conflict 
reappear while it is focused on bombing Afghanistan's Taliban rulers 
for sheltering Osama bin Laden, the key suspect behind the September 
11 attacks on New York and Washington. 
Already one war is going on and I think both sides are being asked 
for restraint, Haider said of his meeting with Powell. He said both 
sides have to restrain. 

New Delhi appeared to adopt a tougher line on Kashmir at the start of 
Powell's visit to the region. On Monday night, just after Powell 
landed in Islamabad, Indian troops in Kashmir shelled Pakistani 
positions for the first time in about a year. 
Exchanges of fire continued on Tuesday, and Defence Minister George 
Fernandes said India would act ruthlessly against militants 
infiltrating from Pakistan's section of Kashmir. 
Haider repeated the Pakistani position that it is the local Muslim 
population that is waging the war of resistance to Indian rule that 
has taken more than 30,000 lives -- by the lowest estimate -- since 
He accused India of trying to stoke sectarian violence in Pakistan 
that has alarmed the government in recent months. 
At least five people were killed and nine wounded last Thursday in an 
attack on a Shi'ite Muslim mosque in Pakistan's port city of Karachi, 
police and witnesses said. 
I'm sure some of these killings, especially what happened in Karachi 
in the last week ... we also know that there are agents of foreign 
powers who are fomenting trouble at this time, Haider said. 
Hundreds of people have been killed in recent years in tit-for-tat 
sectarian violence between armed militants from Pakistan's minority 
Shi'ite and majority Sunni branches of Islam. In August Musharraf 
banned two rival Islamic militant groups. 
Copyright © 2001 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved.  


India Says It Will Be Ruthless With Kashmir Intruders

NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India vowed on Tuesday to act ruthlessly 
against infiltrators into Kashmir from Pakistan. 
Defence Minister George Fernandes said Indian firing across the 
military Line of Control, which divides the two countries in the 
Himalayan region, on Monday was ordered in response to intrusions and 
would continue. 
It is punitive action and will continue, Fernandes told a news 
conference, his first since being reinstated as defence minister 
after more than six months out of the cabinet. 
India will be ruthless in dealing with infiltration and against the 
kind of methods used by them, including laying mines, killing 
civilians with IEDs (improvised explosive devices) or suicide 
exercises like the one we experienced at the Jammu and Kashmir 
assembly, he said. 
He was referring to the October 1 suicide bomb attack on the 
legislature in Srinagar, summer capital of the insurgency-torn state 
of Jammu and Kashmir, in which 38 people were killed. India accused a 
Pakistan-based militant group of carrying out the attack. 
Copyright © 2001 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved. 


Jihad Against US Recruitment 
Drives Sweeps Pakistan Area
By Tom Heneghan

PESHAWAR (Reuters) - Historic clan ties and 

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Mid-century deaths all linked to CIA?

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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Tuesday, September 4, 2001
Mid-century deaths all linked to CIA?
New evidence in Olson case suggests similarities with other incidents


Editor's note: In 1998, WorldNetDaily first reported on the CIA's 
secret behavior-modification program MK-ULTRA, which included 
experimentation with LSD on unsuspecting subjects. Authors H.P. 
Albarelli Jr. and John Kelly's new book deals with the mysterious 
death of one alleged subject, Dr. Frank Olson. In this installment, 
the authors' third for WorldNetDaily, Albarelli and Kelly reveal new 
evidence that suggests a possible link between Olson's death and 
several other similar deaths in the same time period. 

by H.P. Albarelli Jr. and John Kelly
© 2001 H.P. Albarelli Jr. and John F. Kelly 
New evidence emerging from the five-year grand jury investigation 
into the 1953 death of CIA biochemist Frank Olson reveals concerns 
about several additional puzzling deaths. At least one of those 
deaths is noted in the CIA's record of its own internal investigation 
into Olson's fatal plunge from a Manhattan hotel window. That death, 
detailed in a top-secret CIA report dated December 3, 1953, was 
Laurence Duggan's. 

A former high-ranking State Department employee, Duggan fell 
screaming from a 16th-floor window of his Manhattan office on Dec. 
20, 1948. Duggan's lifeless body was found moments later on a Fifth 
Avenue parapet. He was dressed in a business suit, overcoat, scarf 
and only one overshoe. Police found the missing overshoe on the floor 
of his office. 

As with the Olson case, New York City police deemed Duggan's death 
an accident or suicide, and the Manhattan Medical Examiner's Office 
ruled that he had jumped or fallen. Friends and family of Duggan 
disputed these findings and claimed that he had been a victim 
of foul play. 

Ten days before his death, the FBI questioned Duggan about communist 
espionage in the State Department. From 1935 to 1944, Duggan served 
as U.S. State Department chief of the Division of American Republics 
where he oversaw diplomatic relations with Central and South America. 

According to FBI documents, Duggan admitted during questioning that 
he had had contacts with Soviet intelligence agents but denied being 
a spy and failed to explain why he didn't report the contacts. When 
pressed for further details Duggan walked out of the interview. 

Prominent journalists Drew Pearson and Edward R. Murrow vigorously 
defended Duggan's reputation after his death and maintained that 
espionage suspicions about him were totally groundless. Indeed, well 
into the 1990s, many respected historians defended the Harvard-
educated Duggan as a loyal public servant driven to suicide by false 

Then several copiously researched books, including Venona: Decoding 
Soviet Espionage in America by John Earl Haynes and Harvey Klehr, 
were published that amply documented that Duggan was an active Soviet 
spy for many years. Duggan handed over highly classified information 
to the Soviets during World War II, including U.S. plans for the 
invasion of Italy and a possible invasion of Nazi-occupied Norway. 
Ironically, Duggan's secret code-name given him by his Russian 
handlers was Frank. 

Duggan's death is noted in the CIA's investigation into Frank Olson's 
death conducted in late-November and December 1953. CIA security 
official James McCord wrote on Dec. 3 that the two New York City 
detectives investigating Olson's fatal fall, James Ward and David 
Mullee, were considering the possibility that [Olson] and [CIA 
official Robert V.] Lashbrook were involved in some committee hearing 
for they were aware that Sen. McCarthy's Committee was in town around 
the time [of Olson's death]. 

Wrote McCord, [Detective Mullee] stated that the case of DUGGAN of 
the State Department came to mind, and as a result [the detectives] 
called the FBI to see whether or not they knew anything about either 
Lashbrook or [Olson]. 

According to FBI documents concerning the Olson case, detective 
Mullee spoke with Special Agent Edward A. McShane Jr. about his 
concerns. McShane, a 38-year veteran with the bureau who died last 
year, told Mullee that Olson's death was not only similar to Duggan's 
but also brought 

[CTRL] Fwd: Millions Likely To Die in Afghanistan U.N. Warns

2001-10-22 Thread Kris Millegan

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  Most of them applauded often during Mr. Farrakhan's
  100-minute speech and gave him a standing ovation
  afterward. The theme of the conference was an examination
  of the roots of global violence and how to deal with it.

   Aid officials estimate that up to 7.5 million Afghans might 
   be threatened with starvation.

MID-EAST REALITIES © - MER - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 10/21:
 Six thousand Americans died tragically and horrendously on 11 September.  But 
that's not when this war, now more fully erupted, really started.  
 An estimated 1.5-million Iraqis are dead since the Gulf War just 10 years ago 
now.  Hundreds of thousands of Iranians and many more Iraqis died during the Iran-Iraq 
war in the 1980s -- a war at that time instigated and financed primarily by the U.S. 
and Saudi Arabia with Iraq the recipient of billions, including Anthrax from Bethesda, 
Maryland paid for by a grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.  Tens of 
thousands of Lebanese were killed during the 1982 war, far more throughout the civil 
war.  More than a hundred thousand Algerians have been massacred since the military 
coup nullified the elections.  Adjusted to be comparable to the size of the American  
population nearly a hundred thousand Palestinians have been killed just in the past 
few years alone without even going back to 1948 or 1967.  Thousands of Egyptians have 
been brutally tortured in what amounts to a kind of Egyptian gulag, many more linger 
in the dungeons of Jordan, Saudi Arabia and other smaller U.S. allies in the region.  
 Add it all up and this war that primarily pits the U.S., Israel, and Arab client 
regimes on one rather convoluted side, against indigenous groups largely associated 
with Islamic and nationalist movements on the other, and some 3 million+ people have 
already been killed, millions more injured and lives ruined, in a war that goes back 
at least a few decades now.
  As for Afghanistan, the American CIA worked behind the scenes to bring on the 
Soviet invasion of 1979, then engaged the Soviet Empire in a way that brought about 
the near-total devastation of Afghanistan and a huge uncounted death toll.  Then it 
was the U.S. and its key allies Saudi Arabia and Pakistan that brought on the Taliban 
hoping to end the anarchy left by the earlier war and to set-up another regional 
client regime...this one to be a kind of derivative client regime of our bigger 
and more important client regimes in Riyadh and Islamabad.  And now, if U.S. and 
British policies prevail, millions of Afghanis will be dead by this time next year, 
mostly of starvation and disease, reminiscent of the unconscionable policies the U.S. 
pursued in Southeast Asia where many millions of Cambodians, Laostians and Vietnamese 
(plus 50,000+ Americans) paid the horrible price for what wiz-kid and Pentagon chief 
of that day Robert McNamara recently admitted was a terrible mistake.

  By Jason Burke, Peshawar

[The Observer - Sunday October 21, 2001]:
The United Nations is set to issue an unprecedented appeal to the
United States and its coalition allies to halt the war on Afghanistan
and allow time for a huge relief operation. 

UN sources in Pakistan said growing concern over the deteriorating
humanitarian situation in the country - in part, they say, caused by
the relentless bombing campaign - has forced them to take the radical
step. Aid officials estimate that up to 7.5 million Afghans might be
threatened with starvation. 

'The situation is completely untenable inside Afghanistan. We really
need to get our point across here and have to be very bold in doing it.
Unless the [US air] strikes stop, there will be a huge number of
deaths,' one UN source said. 

The move will embarrass Clare Short, the International Development
Secretary, who said last week that there was no 'cause and effect'
between the bombing and the ability of aid agencies to deliver
much-needed food and shelter. 

Aid workers yesterday strongly rejected 

[CTRL] Fwd: Pakistan holds back refugee tide

2001-10-22 Thread Kris Millegan

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This article comes courtesy of BBC News. The original
is at: http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/south_asia/newsid_1611000/1611941.stm

Sunday, 21 October, 2001, 12:17 GMT 13:17 UK
Pakistan holds back refugee tide

Tension is
growing on the Afghan-Pakistan border as Pakistan border guards refuse
entry to thousands of refugees fleeing US air raids and deteriorating conditions.
Pakistan officials say that 10-15,000
Afghan refugees are massing at the Chaman crossing, 100km [62 miles] north
of Quetta.
Only the injured, those with identity
papers or able to pay bribes are being allowed to pass.
Pakistani social workers have
set up a tent to give first aid to people with injuries, but there have
been reports of scuffles between refugees and border guards.
Stones have been thrown from the
other side of the Afghan border.
Trying to go the other way was
a group of Pakistani men from Kashmir seeking to fight for jihad against
the Americans, the BBC's Rachel Wright reports from the border.
But the Pakistani border guards
refused to let them through and chased them away with sticks.
The significant rise in the numbers
of refugees is being fuelled by increasingly intense US air strikes, food
shortages and growing anarchy inside Afghanistan.
The United Nations has urged Pakistan
to allow aid workers to set up temporary reception camps.
Ten trucks loaded with tents,
blankets and supplies for the proposed camp left Quetta on Sunday, the
AFP news agency reported.
Looming crisis
"They are not allowing refugees
in and they do not want refugees. That is the reality," UN spokeswoman
Fatoumata Kaba told AFP. "But we will continue to press the government."
The UN has warned that as many
as 1.5 million people may be displaced if the US military action in Afghanistan
continues, with as many as 300,000 Afghans seeking refuge in Pakistan this
year alone.
"We are concerned that thousands
of people are approaching the border," said UNHCR spokesman Peter Kessler.
"We haven't seen a refugee flood yet but all the ingredients are there."
Even before the American strikes,
Pakistan was sheltering some 2.5 million Afghans who had fled years of
civil war and drought. It says it cannot cope with any more.
Grim future
Pakistani officials say 50,000
Afghans have crossed into Pakistan since the crisis began. But even inside
Pakistan, the refugees face a grim future.
The Pakistani Government only
allows new refugee camps to be built in the border area, a remote and inhospitable
Aid agencies say their work is
often hampered by attacks on their staff in an area that is notoriously
The area also lacks much basic
infrastructure making it harder to supply essentials such as water, a situation
exacerbated by the region-wide drought.

[CTRL] Fwd: [BIOWAR] Taliban say U.S.-led forces using chemical weapons

2001-10-22 Thread Kris Millegan

From Alertnet,
22 Oct 2001 05:58
Taliban say U.S.-led forces using chemical weapons

KABUL, Oct 22 (Reuters) - U.S.-led forces, now in their third week of
attacks against Afghanistan, have been using chemical and biological
weapons, a spokesman for the hardline ruling Taliban said on Monday.

Today in my contact with doctors in Herat and Kandahar, they told me
that they have found signs that Americans are using biological and
chemical weapons in their attacks, Taliban information ministry
spokesman Abdul Hanan Himat told Reuters.

The affects are transparent on the wounded; a state of poisonousness
is one of them, he said. The accusation could not be independently

Himat added that overnight attacks on Tarin Kot, capital of Uruzgan
province, located north of Kandahar, killed 18 civilians and wounded a
further 25 to 35.

Dan S

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Re: [CTRL] The USA and International Terrorism

2001-10-22 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Today over Columbus I sat outside in this beautiful wooded area, and
watched overhead as - well I counted six planes so high you could not
hear them - making crosses in the sky.

It is a beautifuly sunny day, maybe 73 or s0 and the sun warm - but it
seems when they make the X - the center of the X soon becomes light
clouds.   Were going from East to Westerly directions and on either side
of me  and one big one right above me.

Noted only one unusual thing and wondered the one plain, left two trails
very close together of course - and it occured to me anthrax germs come
in two containers and must be mixed before effective and I always
thought there were dumping toxic waste from above as are having problem
in the toxic dumps in ocean.

So beautiful day and I imagine now tomorrow it will rain..when I
first sat down the sky was bright and blue and these contrails dissapate
into frail clouds.

I think they serve as markers for satellite purposes and weather
modification but I bet it rains.

So has anybody seen any in their area  -  I noted one plain going from
west to east NO CONTRAIL.so them must have emptied and are coming
back for more, but they did seen to return to the east -


So one thing NOW ALL THESE PLANES LEFT CONTRAILS.and they were
shiney little dots in the sky up so high.
think this proves they are unloading something for sure in my mind.

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[CTRL] *From Hell*

2001-10-22 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

Go to this site to find lots of stuff about Jack the Ripper:



The Royal Conspiracy

Unfortunately, it isn't. -- Donald Rumbelow
One of the most controversial Ripper theories was made in Stephen
Knight's 1978 book, JACK THE RIPPER: THE FINAL SOLUTION. In it,
Knight weaves a fascinating tapestry of conspiracy involving
virtually every person who has ever been a Ripper suspect plus a few
new ones. Knight's conspiracy has become the most popular Ripper
theory ever despite strong objections raised by Ripperologists such
as Donald Rumbelow and the recanting of pertinent testimony from
Knight's key informant. Still, it has received the most exposure and
support of any Ripper theory and continues to appear in other areas
of popular culture. Clearly, it manages to appeal to a great number
of people and we shall examine that reason shortly.
First, however, it is important to discuss the actual theory as
Knight presents it in his book. The basic genesis of Knight's theory
actually began in 1973 and had nothing to do with Knight at all! The
Ripper murders had recently increased in popularity to the point
where the BBC decided to produce a television program on the murders.
In an unprecedented move, they combined their theatrical and
documentary departments to produce a strange hybrid of a show that
purported to solve the mystery once and for all using documented
evidence, but by including fictional television detectives. It was
decided that research would be extremely important to the shows
success so several assistants were assigned to obtain all possible
information on the murders. In speaking with a Scotland Yard
detective, they were advised to speak to a man named Sickert who knew
about a secret marriage between Eddy and a poor Catholic girl named
Alice Mary Crook.
The researchers could not find evidence of the marriage or the man
Sickert. Puzzled, they went back to their Scotland Yard contact who
revealed that the details were slightly off (apparently to test their
intentions) he then gave them Sickert's address and phone number. The
researchers tracked down Sickert and were told an amazing story.
Joseph Sickert's father had been the famous painter, Walter Sickert,
who had lived in the East End during the time of the murders and
reportedly knew the truth behind them. Joseph briefly outlined a tale
in which Eddy, while slumming as a commoner under Sickert's guidance,
met a girl named Annie Elizabeth Crook in a tobacconist's shop in
Cleveland Street. Eddy soon got the girl pregnant and they were
living quite happily until the Queen discovered her grandson's
indiscretion and became furious. She demanded that the situation be
handled as Annie was not only a commoner, but a Catholic. Joseph
explained that the government had been very vulnerable at that time
and the news of a Catholic heir to the throne was likely to cause a
revolution. Queen Victoria supposedly gave the matter to Lord
Salisbury, her Prime Minister, for resolution. Salisbury ordered a
raid on the Cleveland Street apartment and Eddy and Annie were taken
away in separate cabs. Her child, a girl by the name of Alice
Margaret, had somehow escaped.
Salisbury then enlisted the aid of Sir William Gull who was the
Queen's personal physician. According to Walter Sickert, Gull had
Annie put away in the hospital and performed experiments on her which
made her lose her memory, become epileptic, and slowly go insane. The
story would have ended there if it had not been for Mary Kelly.
Kelly was found by Walter Sickert in one of the poor houses and he
brought her to the tobacconist's shop to help Annie. She soon became
Alice's nanny and it was supposed that Alice was with her when the
raid took place. Desperate, Mary placed the child with nuns and fled
back into the East End, falling into a life of drink and
prostitution. But she knew the entire story of Eddy's indiscretion
and began spreading it around. Soon, several of her cronies pressured
her into blackmailing the government for hush money. These cronies
were Polly Nichols, Liz Stride, and Annie Chapman. When Salisbury
learned of the threat, he called on Gull once again.
Gull brought along John Netley, a coachman who had often ferried Eddy
in his forays into the East End, for help and soon devised a plan
that would rid them of the bothersome women and teach them a lesson
about trying to topple a government. Together with John Netley, he
created Jack the Ripper as a symbol of Freemasonry. To that end, the
aid of Sir Robert Anderson was also enlisted to help cover up the
crimes and act as lookout during the murders.
Eddowes, Sickert said, had been a mistake. She often went by the name
of Mary Kelly and the conspirators thought that she was the one they
were looking for. When the mistake became known, they found the real
Mary and viciously silenced her.
The murders were 

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Media suppress the news that Bush lost election to Gore

2001-10-22 Thread Kris Millegan

Media suppress the news that Bush lost election to Gore


By Charles Laurence in Washington
The Telegraph, London

The most detailed analysis yet of the contested Florida votes from last 
year's presidential election - with the potential to question President 
George Bush's legitimacy - is being withheld by the news organisations that 
commissioned it.
Results of the inspection of more than 170,000 votes rejected as unreadable 
in the hanging chad chaos of last November's vote count were ready at the 
end of August.
The study was commissioned early this year by a consortium including The 
Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and The New York Times and the 
broadcaster CNN. The cost was more than $A2million.
Now, however, spokesmen for the consortium say that they decided to 
postpone the story of the analysis by the National Opinion Research Centre 
at the University of Chicago for lack of resources and lack of interest in 
the face of the enormous story after the September11 attacks.
Newspapers were saying last week that the final phase of the analysis, 
counting the 170,000 votes, had been postponed.
Our belief is that the priorities of the country have changed, and our 
priorities have changed, said Steven Goldstein, vice-president of 
corporate communications at Dow Jones, owner of The Wall Street Journal.
Catherine Mathis, a spokeswoman for The New York Times, said: The 
consortium agreed that because of the war, because of our lack of 
resources, we were postponing the vote-count investigation. But this is not 
final. The intention is to go forward.
However David Podvin, an investigative journalist who runs an independent 
Web page, Make Them Accountable, said he had been tipped off that the 
consortium was covering up the results.
He refused to disclose his source other than to describe him as a former 
media executive whom he knew as an accurate conduit of information and 
who claimed that the consortium is deliberately hiding the results of its 
recount because [former Democrat vice-president Al] Gore was the 
indisputable winner.
He also claims that a New York Times journalist involved in the recount 
project had told a former companion that the Gore victory margin was big 
enough to create major trouble for the Bush presidency if this ever gets out.
The goosiness, the sensitivity, that the press which organised this 
analysis is now showing to publishing the results and the persistence of 
questions about the Florida ballots raise questions, said Dr John Mason, a 
professor of political science at William Paterson University, in New Jersey.
There is a sensitivity over the legitimacy of this president.
National Opinion Research Centre staff have been puzzled by the idea that 
the media would lack the resources because, they said, they had computer 
programs already designed and fitted for the final count.

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2001-10-22 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/22/01 2:41:15 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 How could we not know this would be the wrong forum for Hillary?! shouted
 one confidante. These are cops and firemen who listen to right-wing
 talkradio. They still think she killed Vince Foster, for Christ sake! 

I'd feel better if our heroes were a little better informed or maybe just
polite.  Prudy

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] [InTheShadows] Fw: [ctrl] Media suppress the news that Bush lost election to Gore (fwd)

2001-10-22 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2001 12:13:28 -0700
From: Ric Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [InTheShadows] Fw: [ctrl] Media suppress the news that Bush lost
election to Gore

Media suppress the news that Bush lost election to Gore


By Charles Laurence in Washington
The Telegraph, London.

The most detailed analysis yet of the contested Florida votes from last
year's presidential election - with the potential to question President
George Bush's legitimacy - is being withheld by the news organisations that
commissioned it.

Results of the inspection of more than 170,000 votes rejected as unreadable
in the hanging chad chaos of last November's vote count were ready at the
end of August.

The study was commissioned early this year by a consortium including The
Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and The New York Times and the
broadcaster CNN. The cost was more than $A2million.

Now, however, spokesmen for the consortium say that they decided to postpone
the story of the analysis by the National Opinion Research Centre at the
University of Chicago for lack of resources and lack of interest in the face
of the enormous story after the September 11 attacks.

Newspapers were saying last week that the final phase of the analysis,
counting the 170,000 votes, had been postponed.

Our belief is that the priorities of the country have changed, and our
priorities have changed, said Steven Goldstein, vice-president of corporate
communications at Dow Jones, owner of The Wall Street Journal.

Catherine Mathis, a spokeswoman for The New York Times, said: The
consortium agreed that because of the war, because of our lack of resources,
we were postponing the vote-count investigation. But this is not final. The
intention is to go forward.

However David Podvin, an investigative journalist who runs an independent
Web page, Make Them Accountable, said he had been tipped off that the
consortium was covering up the results.

He refused to disclose his source other than to describe him as a former
media executive whom he knew as an accurate conduit of information and who
claimed that the consortium is deliberately hiding the results of its
recount because [former Democrat vice-president Al] Gore was the
indisputable winner.

He also claims that a New York Times journalist involved in the recount
project had told a former companion that the Gore victory margin was big
enough to create major trouble for the Bush presidency if this ever gets

The goosiness, the sensitivity, that the press which organised this
analysis is now showing to publishing the results and the persistence of
questions about the Florida ballots raise questions, said Dr John Mason, a
professor of political science at William Paterson University, in New

There is a sensitivity over the legitimacy of this president.

National Opinion Research Centre staff have been puzzled by the idea that
the media would lack the resources because, they said, they had computer
programs already designed and fitted for the final count.


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2001-10-22 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/22/01 12:32:12 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'd feel better if our heroes were a little better informed or maybe just
polite.  Prudy 

Prudy-They knew what they were doing. They are well informed thanks to the
print media. They knew she called them murders during her campain. As for
being polite, they are being polite by NYC standards. They didn't throw
things at her.

We're more nuts than you are and it should scare you shirtless.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Chinese Fighters Killed in US Strikes against Kahandar

2001-10-22 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

Chinese Fighters Killed in US Strikes against Kahandar


20 October: DEBKAfile has learned from military sources in Dushanbe and
Bishbek, capitals of Tajikistan and the Kyrgizstan respectively, that at least
15 Chinese fighting men on the side of the Taliban, were killed in last
week’s US bombing over Kahandar and in a separate incident on the
ground. This report as confirmed by Pakistani sources in Peshawar, who
discovered the Chinese presence alongside the Taliban from their own
intelligence reports on the death of the commander of Arab Afghan troops in
Jalalabad, Basir al Masri, who was a senior aide to Osama Bin Laden and
the Egyptian Islamic Jihad chief, Ayman al Zuweiri. Al Masri appears to have
been caught by an American bombardment, just as he was leaving Kahandar
for Jalalabad after meeting Taliban leaders. They warned him as he left that
US Special Force units were operating in the southern and western outskirts
of the town. Because they thought the size of his bodyguard insufficient, they
offered to a detail of their own men to see him safely past the danger zone.
Among that armed escort were five Chinese fighters.  A Special Forces unit
waylaid the group and detonated explosive charges, one of which hit Abu
Basir’s vehicle and a second the escort vehicles. Most of the escort was
killed, including three of the Chinese guards. The next day, their bodies were
carried into Kandahar. Another 10 Chinese fighters died in US
bombardments. DEBKAfile’s sources have no doubt that the Chinese
combatants fought in a Taliban unit – and were not part of Osama bin
Laden’s Al Qaeda or its associated Egyptian Jihad forces in
Afghanistan. Neither organization admits non-Arab adherents – certainly
not as guards for its senior officers. According to DEBKAfile’s
intelligence sources the mutually beneficial Chinese-bin Laden relationship
goes back some years. The British daily, Guardian, carries a report Saturday
by John Hooper in Milan, claiming that three years ago, China paid bin
Laden several million dollars for unexploded American cruise missiles left
over from the US attack on his bases. Hooper quotes an alleged senior Al
Qaida agent in Europe, whose account is contained in the transcript of a
secretly taped conversation between two bin Laden adherents. The
Americans fired 75 missiles in the raid on bin Laden’s bases in
Afghanistan, carried out on August 20, 1988, in reprisal for the terrorist
strikes against US embassies in East Africa. Forty were found unexploded.
The conversation taped took place in Milan between a Libyan called Ben
Heni -  who was arrested in Munich last week and accused by the Italian
prosecution of being the liaison officer between two Al Qaida cells in
Frankfurt and Milan – and a leader of the Italian cells, Sami Ben Khemmais
Essid. The Italian police had bugged the flat. According to the Guardian
report, the two men confirmed bin Laden’s close ties with China and
described how the huge sums the Chinese paid for the unexploded US
missiles helped him finance his next three years of Al Qaida operations.

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Vaccine Vectors

2001-10-22 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Spring 2000 -- NCX


When Congress asked that anthrax vaccine shots for soldiers be
discontinued until more research is done, the Pentagon said no.
Soldiers can still be court-martialed for refusing the vaccine. The
following articles are reprinted from 1998 and 1999.
by Hank Roth
ADMIRAL WILLIAM J. CROWE, JR., former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, is making a lot of money selling anthrax vaccine. If it smells
fishy, it isn't because the Admiral spent so much time at sea. He
mostly steered his career from desk to desk, as an aide to admirals,
a White House assistant, staff officer, Ambassador, graduate student,
Pentagon planner, and top dog at JCS.
Intervac L.L.C., of which Retired Adm. William J. Crowe, Jr. is
director--a pharmaceutical investment firm in Maryland--under the
newly formed BioPort Inc., bid $25 million to buy the Michigan
Biologic Products Institute. The offer included $3.25 million in cash
at closing, $12.1 million in secured notes, $4.6 million in rabies
vaccine and immune globulin donations to the state, and $5 million in
royalties over five years. Adm. William J. Crowe, Jr. was the former
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the Reagan administration.
BioPort has negotiated with the DoD to make enough anthrax vaccine to
inoculate everyone in the military. You figure it out. There are 2.4
million US military personnel. That translates into millions of
dollars (about $130 mil.), and they have to be revaccinated on an
annual basis. Nice job if you can get it.
The lab he bought, opened in 1926, is the ONLY SOURCE OF ANTHRAX
VACCINE IN THE NATION. By the way, it was a state-owned lab, which
the Admiral acquired. A real sweet deal.
How does one get to do that? Well, for one thing, you have to be nice
to the President. Adm. William Crowe, a Republican, endorsed Gov.
Bill Clinton when he ran for president. He gave Clinton the boost he
needed when other Republicans were attacking his draft record. Crowe
said this about his pal: I served in uniform for 47 years . . . I
know and have worked with many others who didn't serve in uniform,
including a number of key national security figures in the Bush
administration. That fact never affected my ability to work with them
or my high regard for them.
Crowe was appointed by Ronnie Reagan to the nation's top military job
in 1985 and served during the first part of Georgie Bush's term. His
endorsement of Clinton paid off in spades. Or, I should say in
How safe is anthrax vaccine? DoD claims it is very safe and
necessary, but the Department of Health in Britain said it was a
problem in the Gulf War because of its simultaneous use with
pertussis vaccine. Combining the vaccines, according to the Brits,
caused severe medical conditions. There are a lot of sick veterans
from the Gulf with Gulf War illnesses, and the causes are still not
In the Gulf, American soldiers were used as guinea pigs for
combinations of drug vaccines, including the anthrax vaccine, with
reckless disregard to 400,000 U.S. troops, charged Senator John D.
Rockefeller. 150,000 were given an anthrax vaccine. So, since when
has the DoD been fair with veterans? Remember Agent Orange, Radiation
Veterans, and all those other cover-ups?
Over the next few years the military will vaccinate every soldier
against anthrax. Is this a good thing? The army considers anthrax to
be the major biological warfare threat to the military.
The vaccination program consists of a series of six shots
administered over an 18-month period. Annual boosters of the vaccine
are needed to maintain immunity.
Because it takes 18 months to administer the full round of shots, and
because of personnel turnover and mobility, the Army estimates a 7-8-
year period to vaccinate all personnel. The immunizations are
--reprinted from the Spring 1999 NCX
by Gary Novak
THE INVESTIGATIVE UNDERWORLD of the government has been waging a
disinformation campaign for several years. For example, a news weekly
listed each of the supposed terrorist weapons and the cost of
producing them. For ten or twenty thousand dollars, terrorists could
supposedly kill hundreds of thousands of persons with botulism toxin,
anthrax, nerve gas, etc. Sixty Minutes said the weapons could be
produced in someone's backyard in a five-gallon bucket. They said
anthrax spores released from a boat on the Hudson River could kill
four hundred thousand persons in New York City. Here's the truth of
the matter.
Anthrax is nothing but propaganda. It will never be used successfully
as a terrorist weapon, and probably never as a military weapon.
Anthrax is a livestock pathogen. There are anthrax spores in the
ground in rural areas, because they survive for about twenty years.
They have no effect upon humans, because a few anthrax spores cannot
create an infection.

Re: [CTRL] Curious re CNN Streaming Blurb

2001-10-22 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

During Tom Ridge's speech, at about 2:45PM EST, CNN streamed a blurb on the
bottom of the screen:

With many federal workers nearing retirement age, some experts fear war on
terrorism could be hindered by lack of personnel.

  Do they mean federal workers in the usual sense?  Could they also be
referring to military personnel?


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2001-10-22 Thread Nakano Nakamura

-Caveat Lector-


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Nightly Knights

2001-10-22 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

Hot linques @ sites

From http://baron91.tripod.com/index.html

U.S. Knights in the News
© 1997, 1998, 2000 by Lloyd Worley. All rights reserved. No portion
of this article may be reproduced or distributed in any form without
prior written permission of the copyright holder. The reader may
download and print one copy for archival purposes.
It is commonly believed that United States citizens cannot receive
from a foreign government noble honors such as a Knighthood. To show
that this belief has no basis in law or practice, this is a listing
of United States citizens (whether famous or not) who have appeared
in the news because they have received Knighthoods. Our sources are
newspapers, magazines, and journals.
The list is chronological. We welcome updates, corrections, and
additions to this list.
To submit information, click HERE. In submitting, please follow the
format, being certain to include the source of your information.
Wesley Clark, U.S. General and NATO Supreme Allied Commander in Europe made Knight 
Cokmmander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire March 28, 2000.
Lynn Sandstedt, University Professor at the University of Northern
Colorado, appointed Knight of the Order of Alphonso the Wise by King
Juan Carlos, for educational work in Madrid, October 1998.Jerry
Lewis, comedian, actor, director, producer, humanitarian, appointed
as Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1966.
Bob Hope, actor, comedian, humanitarian, appointed by H.M. Queen
Elizabeth, 1976, as Commander of the British Empire.
Norman Schwarzkopf and Colin Powell, U.S. Military Generals,
appointed in 1993 as Knights Commander of the Most Honourable Order
of the Bath (Honorary) by H.M. Queen Elizabeth.
George Bush, former U.S. President, appointed Knight Grand Cross of
the Most Honourable Order of the Bath by H.M. Queen Elizabeth.
Ronald Reagan, former U.S. President, appointed Knight Grand Cross of
the Most Honourable Order of the Bath by H.M. Queen Elizabeth.
Caspar Weinberger, former U.S. Secretary of Defense, appointed Knight
Grand Cross of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire by H.M.
Queen Elizabeth.
John Paul Getty II, U.S. billionaire businessman, appointed Knight
Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire by H.M.
Queen Elizabeth.
Andre Previn, U.S. music composer and orchestral maestro, appointed
Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire.
Welsh, Alfred J.: Attorney (Louisville, Kentucky). no date. Knight,
Order of the Crown of the Kingdom of Belgium. No restriction on use
of prenominal Sir or on postnominals. Sir Alfred has served as
Honorary Consul of Belgium in Louisville since 1983. Source: The
Magazine of Sigma Chi, Fall 1994, page 16.
Foley, Tom: Former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives.
March 19, 1995. Member, Order of the British Empire. Foly also holds
the French Legion of Honor and the German Order of Merit. Source: AP
news release. The OBE was given by Sir Robin Renwick, the British
Ambassador to the United States with these words: I am ordered by
Her Majesty the Queen to invest you with the Order of Knight of the
British Empire. Without further ceremony, Sir Robin then placed the
neck decoration upon Foley. According to the AP news release, Foley
cannot use the chivalric prenominal, but can use the OBE postnominal.
Falk, Peter: Television and motion picture actor. Chevalier of Arts
and Letters, France's highest arts honor in the French Legion of
Honor; on Thursday, February 29, 1996 in Paris. French film star
Gerard Depardie, himself a Chevalier, bestowed the honor in a
ceremony held by the French Ministry of Culture. Falk is one of many
Americans who regularly receive Knighthood in various Orders of
Heston, Charleton: Actor. Monday, March 16, 1997. Commander, Order of
Arts and Letters (France). The French Order of Arts and Letters is
France's highest civilian honor for those in the performing arts.
Source: AP news release. No restriction on the use of prenominal
Chev. or on postnominals. Chevalier Heston commented that while he
had played knights in the movies, this was the first time he actually
was made one.
Admiral Leighton W Smith Jr., who recently retired from the United
States Navy, has been appointed by Queen Elizabeth II as an Honorary
Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire
(Military Division) (KBE). The award, which will be made during an
audience with The Queen at Buckingham Palace on 5 March, 1997 is in
recognition of Admiral Leighton Smith's key role, whilst Commander-in
Chief of NATO's Southern Command based in Naples.
Hope, Bob and Delores Hope: Actor/Comedian/Humanitarian. January 4,
1998. Knight, Pontifical Order of St. Gregory the Great. The
Pontifical Order of St. Gregory the Great (Ordo Sancti Gregorii
Magni) was founded by Pope Gregory XVI (1831-1846). The Order's
original purpose was to honor loyal and meritorious gentlemen of the

[CTRL] Chronology of the Northern Pacific Related Land Grant Railroads

2001-10-22 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Chronology of the Northern Pacific
 Related Land Grant Railroads

compiled by George Draffan
Public Information Network
PO Box 95316, Seattle WA 98145-2316

History isn't dead; it's not even past. -- William Faulkner

References cited correspond to the author's
Bibliography on Railroad Land Grants, the Northern
Pacific Railroad,  Its Corporate Descendants.

1830 There were 23 miles of railroad in the U.S.

1850 Stephen Douglas arranges checkerboard compromise to create the first
federal land grant railroad, the Illinois Central. Illinois Central Railroad
attorney Abraham Lincoln will soon challenge Stephen Douglas for political
office, and, with the Illinois Central's help, will eventually be elected
president of the United States, from which office he will sign the largest of
the railroad land grants into law.

1850 Chicago, Burlington  Quincy, the Granger Road, was formed with a 2.8
million acre grant. Between 1870 and 1880, Burlington sold two million acres
to 20,000 people in Missouri, Iowa, and Nebraska.

1854 Minnesota  Northwest Railroad charter and grant. Fraud and bribery
caused the grant to be cancelled; the railroad was renamed Minnesota 
Pacific, then the St Paul  Pacific, and eventually the Great Northern. See
this chronology's 1857, 1862, 1879, and 1885 entries.

1857 Minnesota  Northwest rechartered Minnesota  Pacific. Granted five
million acres and several million dollars in Minnesota state bonds. Built
only 10 miles of railroad. Insolvency led to foreclosure in 1860. Reorganized
into the St. Paul  Pacific and the First Division, escaping debts but not
relinquishing grants or franchise rights. Increased grant to ten sections per
mile. Mortgaged railroad and grants to Dutch capitalists for $13 million.
Some $8 million was siphoned to phony construction. Renamed the Great
Northern in 1885-1889.

For a history of stock manipulation and bribery of the Minnesota legislature
by Russell Sage and James Hill, see Gustavus Myers, 1936. For grants, See Rae
(1952) and Gates (1968, p. 362). For grants and construction, see Yenne
(1991, p.56). See also this chronology's 1862 and 1879, and 1889 entries.

1860There are 30,000 miles of railroad in the U.S.

1860 Presidential candidate Abraham Lincoln spent $100,000, twice as much as
opponent Stephen Douglas (Charles Lewis and the Center for Public Integrity,
The Buying of the President, Avon Books, 1996, p. 17, citing Louise
Overacker, Money in Elections, Macmillan, 1932, p. 71n). Lincoln had been a
lawyer for railroads, including the Illinois Central, which had received a
land grant with Douglas' support. In 1860, Lincoln and his friend Norman B.
Judd, attorney for the Rock Island Railroad, arranged to give discount rates
to anyone who woul d come to Chicago for the Republican national convention
(Lewis, p. 17, citing Carl Sandburg, Abraham Lincoln: The Prairire Years, p.
244). Railroad officials joined Lincoln's administration, and Lincoln granted
more land to railroads than any other president (Lewis, p. 17, citing Philip
H. Burch, Jr., Elites in American History, Holmes  Meier, 1980, p. 6-7).

1862 Lincoln signed the first Pacific Railway bill. The Union Pacific-Central
Pacific land grant (12 Stat. 489, Ch. 120, July 1, 1862), amended in 1864 (13
Stat. 356, Ch. 216, July 2, 1864), resulted in the Credit Mobilier scandal.
The Union Pacific got more than eleven million acres and $27 million in
bonds; the Central Pacific got eight million acres and $24 million in bonds.

1862 St. Paul  Pacific incorporated (Minnesota state grants in 1857 and 1862
gave ten sections per mile of track, for a total of 3,256,790 acres).

1864 Lincoln signs Northern Pacific land grant (July 2, 1864, Ch. 217, 13
Stat. 365).

1866 NP construction deadline extended (May 7, 1866 time extension to July 4,

1867 December. The Union Pacific's Credit Mobilier construction company, the
stock of which had been distributed among Congressmen (where it would do us
the most good, according to U.S. Rep. Oakes Ames), paid its first dividend
-- of one hundred percent. In the ensuing scandal, many politicans were
implicated -- including James Garfield, Schuyler Colfax, and others who were
also involved in the Northern Pacific Railroad (Stewart Holbrook, The Story
of the American Railroads, p. 171).

1868. NP franchise given to eastern financiers.

1868 NP construction deadline extended (July 1, 1868 time extension to July
4, 1879).

1869Central Pacific and Union Pacific railroads - the first
transcontinental - competed with the golden spike in Utah.

1869. Summer. Survey party returns preliminary report which estimates
construction will cost $85 million, while value of land grants will be four
times greater.

1870s In 1870, George Armstrong Custer fought Southern Plains Indians for
resisting railroads; in 1873 the War Dept., at NP's request, served as
protection for railroad survey party in Yellowstone (Brown, 

Re: [CTRL] Curious re CNN Streaming Blurb

2001-10-22 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -

 With many federal workers nearing retirement age, some experts
 fear war on terrorism could be hindered by lack of personnel.

 Do they mean federal workers in the usual sense?  Could they
 also be referring to military personnel?

Retired military can always be recalled to active duty as needed.
Retired civilians have to be coaxed.  But the laws may change to
handle that problem, eh?  Expect to see a Critical Personnel
Retention Act working its way thru Congress soon.  None dare
call it involuntary servitude...

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Chronology of the Northern Pacific [2] Related Land Grant Railroads

2001-10-22 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

1916 There were 254,000 miles railroad in the U.S., the all-time high.
Railroads carry three quarters of all intercity freight and 98 percent of all
intercity passengers.

1916 Federal grants for highway construction begin.

1916 JJ Hill dies; he was replaced on the Great Northern board of directors
by F.E. Weyerhaeuser, who served until 1932.

1917 JJ Hill Reference Library established in St. Paul; its first head was
Joseph Pyle, Hill biographer.

1917 December 28. The federal government takes over railroad operations. CBQ
President Hale Holden and NP Chairman Howard Elliott sit on the Railroads War
Board Executive Committee.

1920s NP's coal mines around Red Lodge began to be open pit (Malone, Roeder,
and Lang, 1991, p.337-338).

1920 Mineral Leasing Act (41 Stat. 437) said railroads can't lease federal
coal except for railroad purposes (railroads tried to repeal this with HR
6721 in 1975). Railroads got around it by restructuring, having joint
ventures lease the coal. BN got its Dreyer Brothers ranch subsidiary to apply
for Montana coal lease.

1920 Esch-Cummins Act (Transportation Act of 1920) helps return railroads to
private management; railroad profits are maintained with guaranteed loans,
and the ICC's power is broadened.

1921 Supreme Court ruled NP was entitled to select lands within national
forests if none other was available; (U.S. v NP (256 U.S. 51).

1921 NP sells Anaconda 717 acres (Cotroneo, 1967, Arno press edition 1979,
p.285, ignoring the 1907 sale of a million acres).

1922, 1935, 1937 Washington Forest Reserve, Snoqualmie, and Rainier
checkerboard exchange legislation.

1924 President Coolidge asks Rep. Sinnott (House Committee on Public Lands)
for comprehensive review of the NP grant, citing letter from USDA Secretary

Their letters, published in the New York Times (Feb. 26, 1924; reprinted in
Transitions, March 1992, p.5-7), charged that the NP's sale of lands had more
than paid for the cost of constructing the railroad; that over a thousand
miles of the railroad had not been completed within the time required by law;
that NP had failed to sell certain lands to settlers for no more than $2.50;
that hundreds of thousands of acres were not sold to the public at all; that
hundreds of thousands of acres of land were obtained through erroneous
mineral classification; that NP traded good land for worthless land under the
Mount Rainier Park Act of 1899; that NP was given a million and a half acres
too many in Washington State; that 500,000 acres too many were granted due to
erroneous border lines; that 640,000 acres too many were granted at the
Tacoma overlap; that 600,000 acres too many were granted at the Wallula
overlap; that 1.3 million acres too many were granted in its second indemnity

1924 Congress told the Dept. of Interior to withhold approval of NP land
grant adjustments and patents until Congressional inquiry.

1924-1928 Northern Pacific Land Grant Hearings before the House Committee on
Public Lands (1924); the Senate Committee on Public Lands and Surveys (1924);
and the Joint Committee on Investigation of Northern Pacific Railroad Land
Grants (1925-1928). Five thousand of pages of testimony was submitted by
officials of the Forest Service, the General Land Office, the Office of
Indian Affairs, mining engineers and executives, the ICC Bureau of Accounts,
the Idaho state surveyor, and the Northern Pacific itself. NP denied the many
charges of error and fraud. The Attorney General said Congress could declare
the land grant forfeited, and should have it submitted for judicial
resolution (Hearing, Part 13). In 1929, Congress directed the Attorney
General to sue NP; see the 1940 U.S. Supreme Court decision for a description
of and judgement on the government's charges (U.S. v. NP, 311 U.S. 317, 1940).

1927 NP hits the $100 million mark in net grant land sales revenues (Mercer,
1986, p.200).

1929 Railroads carried 75 percent of intercity freight traffic.

1929 Greyhound bus begins.

1929 Railroads begin to lose money on passenger service (except for the years

1929 June 5 Congressional resolution suspends issuance of further patents. In
June 25 legislation (46 Stat. 41), NP forfeits part of the 3.9 million acres
in the Gallatin; the U.S. retains the land and directs the Attorney General
to file a lawsuit that would adjust the grant and decide whether NP was
entitled to cash compensation. The courts were also to make a complete
determination... [of] all other questions of law and fact regarding the land
grant. The railroad describes the impending suit in its 1929 Annual Report
(p. 14) by saying an Act of Congress provides for the submission of the
controversy concerning the erroneous inclusion of Northern Pacific indemnity
lands in the National Forest Reserves was approved June 25, 1929. The suit in
equity which this Act provides for will doubtless be commenced in the near


[CTRL] Fwd: FTW Subscriber Bulletin 01-21 Web Site Blockage Resolved - Updates

2001-10-22 Thread Kris Millegan

From approximately 2100 PDT Friday, through 1700 
Saturday October 20, the FTW web site was removed from the worldwide web. The 
error message received by thousands of people around the world was that the site 
was "Forbidden."

Our investigation has determined that there was no 
government involvement in this. It was, however, a result of a human decision. 
An unknown adminsitrator at our now FORMER hosting service made an arbitrary 
decision that we were spamming email users based upon our issuance of subscriber 
bulletins to you, our subscribers. Without notice and in violation of our 
contract he removed us from the web.

We have since changed web hosting 

We are also recovering from a nearly crippling 
attack of the Nimbda virsu on our adminstrative computerwhich has prevented us 
from making changes to the web site or sending out new bulletins and passwords. 
We expect to have this problem fully corrected shortly. 

In addition, we are experiencing explosive growth 
which has had our three employees working almost around the clock for 

We appreciate your patience.

Mike Ruppert


If you have your email set to block messages 
addressed to more than a few parties you will be unable to receive our 
bulletins. We have many new subscribers who have such settings and these setting 
effectively block our issuance of bulletins to our subscribers. Hence, we have 
had to remove those addresses which block transmission to the entire 
group.If you are a subscriber please check your settings. Otherwise we 
will be unable to reach you.


2001-10-22 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Prudence L. Kuhn wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 10/22/01 2:41:15 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  How could we not know this would be the wrong forum for Hillary?! shouted
  one confidante. These are cops and firemen who listen to right-wing
  talkradio. They still think she killed Vince Foster, for Christ sake! 

 I'd feel better if our heroes were a little better informed or maybe just
 polite.  Prudy

That would be nice. But the bitch deserves it anyway.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2001-10-22 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/22/01 2:48:03 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 That would be nice. But the bitch deserves it anyway. 

Amen. Amen. Amen.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] US public believes Israeli concessions will encourage terror

2001-10-22 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

US public believes Israeli concessions will encourage terror

Herb Keinon
The Jerusalem Post 21 October 2001

JERUSALEM (October 21) - Most Americans believe that US pressure on Israel
to make concessions to the Palestinians would only encourage more terrorism,
according to a new survey conducted by the New American Initiative and The
Chicago Sun Times.

In the national poll, carried out between October 12-14 by Mclaughlin 
Associates, 62 percent said that after the World Trade Center attack,
forcing Israel to give up territory - including dividing Jerusalem - to
Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat for a Palestinian state, would
encourage terrorism. Twenty-eight percent had no opinion, and 9.7% thought
that pressuring Israel would end terrorism.

The poll, which has a 3.1% margin of error, also indicated continued strong
support for Israel.

Asked if the US should continue support of Israel, some 80% said yes, and
14.6% said no.

Some 56% of the respondents said they have a favorable opinion of Israel,
while 19.5% said they have an unfavorable opinion. By contrast, 12.6% of the
respondents said they have a favorable opinion of Arafat, and 60.4% said
they have an unfavorable opinion of him.

Asked whether they think that US support was a major factor in the
terrorist attacks against the United States, or whether the attacks would
have happened regardless of the US support of Israel, some 63% said the
attacks would have happened regardless, and 30% said it was a major factor.

Regarding whether the Arab world seeks the eventual destruction of Israel,
62% said they believe the Arab world does seek to destroy Israel, while
14.6% said they believe the Arab world sincerely accepts Israel's right to

The New Atlantic Initiative defines itself as an international nonpartisan
organization dedicated to revitalizing and expanding the Atlantic community
of democracies.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Curious re CNN Streaming Blurb

2001-10-22 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/22/01 2:37:23 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  None dare
call it involuntary servitude... 

Aah, Yes! The sheeple syndrome,

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-10-22 Thread William Shannon

For Immediate Release
October 22, 2001

Americans United for Separation of Church and State
Contact: Joseph Conn or Steve Benen
202-466-2334 telephone
202-466-2587 fax


TV Preacher's Ministry Sends Out Fund-Raising Appeal Exploiting His
Controversial Tirade Over Terrorist Attacks

Although TV preacher Jerry Falwell claims to have apologized for his
infamous remarks about the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, his ministry has sent
a fund-raising letter to donors recasting his statements in a positive light
and depicting him as a victim of the news media wolf pack and liberal

In an Oct. 4 appeal for funds, Jerry Falwell Ministries accuses liberals,
and especially gay activists of launching a vicious smear campaign to
discredit him. It says Falwell is being roundly vilified by the news media
for remarks he made in a TV interview while calling for spiritual revival in

The letter, signed by Falwell's son Jonathan, compares Falwell to biblical
heroes such as the Prophet Jeremiah and Queen Esther and says, Liberals of
all stripes, especially in the media, have seized on this opportunity to
trash dad's deeply held Christian beliefs and to literally attack him day
and night.

It seems that Satan has launched a hail of fiery darts at dad recently,
writes Jonathan Falwell. He needs to know you still support him. Please
return the enclosed Vote of Confidence Reply Card right away in the envelope
I have provided within the next 5 days…. And with your card, please remember
to include a special Vote of Confidence gift for Jerry Falwell of at least
$50 or even $100 along with your signed card.

Falwell's critics say the fund-raising letter is a new low.

This is truly outrageous, said the Rev. Barry W. Lynn, executive director
of Americans United for Separation of Church and State. Falwell has gone
from apologizing for his hateful remarks to trying to cash in on them.

I thought Falwell couldn't sink much lower than he did in his vicious
remarks after the Sept. 11 tragedy, continued Lynn. But this fund-raising
letter is indeed a new low.

On Sept. 13, Falwell went on TV preacher Pat Robertson's 700 Club program
to discuss the terrorist attacks. With Robertson's concurrence, Falwell
blamed the events on judges who uphold church-state separation, abortion
rights activists, gay people, civil liberties activists and others who are
trying to secularize America.

Said Falwell, I point the finger in their face and say, ‘You helped this
[the terrorist attack] happen.’

When a wave of intense national criticism erupted, Robertson blamed the
episode on Falwell. Falwell initially tried to explain away the remarks,
saying they were taken out of context. Finally, however, he issued a full
apology, going on ABC's Good Morning America Sept. 20 to admit the tirade
was stupid and indefensible.

The Falwell fund-raising letter says donations to his ministry have
plummeted in recent days and claims we have lost more than $500,000 in
income since the terrorist attacks.

It complains that even some Christian friends have remained silent while
dad has faced the media wolf pack alone.  In a P.S., it concludes,
[P]lease let Jerry Falwell know you don't believe the media distortions
being spread about him.

Americans United is a religious liberty watchdog group based in Washington,
D.C. Founded in 1947, the organization educates Americans about the
importance of church-state separation in safeguarding religious freedom.


2001-10-22 Thread William Shannon
Pravda.RU:Main:More in detail

 20:49 2001-10-22


FOR the thinking student of history, in all its ugly ramifications, the forty days since the tragedy of September 11 have provided much food for thought, and worse: sustenance for old and unfashionable theories.

Not for the first time, the Americans have become the victims of their own cruel complacency, and they are now a deeply disturbed -- and, beneath the surface, divided -- nation.

Ordinary Americans are quietly uneasy about what their hillbilly President is letting them in for. Is it going to be Vietnam or Mogadishu all over again? The U.S. forces, which on a conventional battlefield are among the finest in the world, face an unequal enemy, one who unaccountably refuses to follow the game-rules that the Americans have ordained. The Americans wanted to play Monopoly, and their unknown and faceless enemy is playing gangland chess.

This has led to the spectacle of a President, who certainly never expected to be confronting a challenge of this intellectual magnitude when he finagled his way into the White House last November, thoughtlessly committing a series of normally unthinkable but historic solecisms:

he has declared a war without obtaining the formal consent of the Congress, itself an impeachable offence in U.S. law;
he has attacked a foreign country singled out seemingly at random -- because to have a real war you have to have a tangible enemy, and the killers of the Twin Towers never left their calling card;
he has put a price on the head of a leading foreigner, although the assassination of foreigners is an action already framed as illegal by the fiat of one of his most recent predecessors, and violates every one of the tenets which great American jurists like Robert H Jackson fought to establish in the courts at Nuremberg;
he has ignored, too, that if ever there was a task for the United Nations to tackle, rather than for the aggrieved party that the United States now is, it is this war on global terrorism.
While President George W Bush's air forces are expensively bombing yet another primitive country back into the Stone Age, he himself is pegging back the cause of international law to an epoch before the birth of Nazi Germany.

WE have been keeping our own website's unremitting glare turned on the events in the skies above Shanksville on September 11, as being symptomatic of this administration's honesty with its own people, and its steadfastness of purpose.

On this and other issues, we must ask however, where are the Pulitzer-prize-winning journalists of the North American press? Why are they not asking these and other awkward questions? Not for the first time, they have snuggled up to a president's feet and morphed into his poodles.

In one toe-curling moment, TV "anchorman" Tom Brokaw even enthused about the presidential oratory before Congress, and predicted that the speech would be seen as one of the greatest of the century.

I saw one British journalist ask Defence Minister Geoff Hoon the uncomfortable question: "What was the cost of yesterday's operations to the British economy?" (Hoon shifted uncomfortably, and easily glided on to something else). None of these journalists dares to ask an impertinent question -- let alone The Real History Question: "Why?" -- or to step out of their own self-imposed line.

We appreciate that in a real war, all the forces and estates of government must unite behind their country's leadership; but this is not a real war, it is a phony war declared on a fraudulent pretext against an impoverished country against whom President Bush has not volunteered even the most the flimsiest of proofs.

President Bush has accused the Muslim cleric, Osama bin Laden, of masterminding the entire campaign which has humiliated the great United States. It is on the face of it unlikely that this is one man's war. That fanatical gentleman has however, while not coming anywhere near to confessing to his part in the bombings, suggested three reasons why those nineteen men did what they did: all of them were evidently Muslims, and most of them Saudis (and none of them Afghanis).

Afghanistan, quite rightly in our view, declared its readiness to hand over, i.e. to extradite, Bin Laden to an international court of justice, but only if presented with prima facie proof of his guilt. It is what any magistrate's court in pre-Blairite Britain would also demand.

It should not have been so difficult: Bush has ostensibly entrusted such proof to his blandest ally, Tony Blair in London (but not to his own U.S. population, which is what entitles us, and Kabul for that matter, to harbour suspicions).

Osama bin Laden spiked that soup for the White House. He arranged for a video pi?ce justificative to be broadcast on CNN a few hours after the U.S. attack began. It was ironic that no sooner had CNN broadcast this and allowed Bin Laden his propaganda coup, than the 


2001-10-22 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 10/22/01 2:32:12 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I'd feel better if our heroes were a little better informed or maybe just

Well that would certainly be nice!
It's a boorish world we live in...


[CTRL] Fwd: Zuckerman, President's Council Order Attack On Saudi Arabia : So You Won...

2001-10-22 Thread William Shannon

Zuckerman, President's Council Order Attack On Saudi Arabia
So You Wondered Why All The Papers Released The Same Article Today, Huh?

10/22/01 4:16:54 PM
LSN Staff

New York, New York -- Mortimer Zuckerman and his Council of President's of
Jewish Organizations have
ordered a full-bore attack in the newspapers against the nation of Saudi
as part of a move to assist the American public in believing the
Israeli lie that it is US policy towards Saudi Arabia and not Israel that
caused the September 11 attack.

The Council of President's of Jewish Organizations, known as the
Council, is the major foreign-policy making body for American Jewry.  All
major American congregations, the major Jewish defense organizations,
and the
major Jewish lobbyist organizations, as well as several other Jewish
groups, meet at the Council regularly to determine what foreign policy
line all
of the major Jewish community organizations will endorse.  Domestic policy
Jewish organizations is determined by a similar meeting held under the
of a group known as NCRAC (pronounced nac-rac).

Zuckerman, owner of the New York Daily News, US News and World Report, and
Atlantic Monthly, among other publications, led the charge today in his
column (http://www.jewishworldreview.com/mort/zuckerman.html), where he
Saudi Arabia the central disseminator of the poisonous spores of
The battle was joined by Charles Krauthammer
(http://www.jewishworldreview.com/cols/krauthammer.html) and Norman
(don't know what we did with the URL), who both published columns today or
Friday attacking the Saudi royal family.

The attack had been prepped by a series of minor articles that appeared in
variety of commentary sites over the past few days.  The Jewish
Council decided that the articles that they had floated appeared effective
intellectually more sound than their previous attempts to sway the
public, and decided to make the attack on the Saudi family the center of
propaganda, replacing demands for an attack on Iraq (something they still
like, but are de-emphasizing as a lost battle -- for now.)

Two weeks ago, the government of Israel ordered that US journalists loyal
Israel emphasize that bin Laden is angry at Saudi Arabia rather than
and to attack US aid and support to Saudi Arabia as the cause of the
rather than US aid to Israel.  They hoped to re-direct the root causes of
anger -- including general US opposition to foreign aid -- and give it a
target, thus warding off the blows Israel was suffering.

The flaw in their reasoning, of course, is that the reason the US is
aid to Saudi Arabia is in a large part to keep in power an Arab government
is unlikely to attack Israel.  The US buys the relative safety of Israel
providing similar aid packages to nations such as Egypt.

Official Jewry in the United States does meet and coordinate acts and
propaganda centrally and with the government of Israel, and issues
orders down the line to the Grass-roots activists.  Members and leaders
the Jewish community who disagree with the official line are brutally
attacked in the press, as when Jewish World Review led Friday with an
attacking a Reform rabbi who claimed that militany Jewish Orthodoxy has
responsible for the second intifada,
(http://www.jewishworldreview.com/jonathan/rosenblum.html), and as today
David Horowitz, a leader in the Jewish neo-Conservative movements, founded
in a
New York coffee house seventy years ago, led with an attack on Jewish
Noam Chomsky

Libertarian Socialist News
Post Office Box 12244
Silver Spring, MD 20908

(check out our messageboards -- discuss this story on-line!)

(Formerly http://www.libertariansocialist.com)

Re: [CTRL] Vaccine Vectors

2001-10-22 Thread Mike Switzer

-Caveat Lector-

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[CTRL] Chamish On Rabbi Marvin Antleman-Father Of Jewish NWO Study

2001-10-22 Thread William Shannon

Rabbi Marvin Antleman--Father of Jewish NWO Study
by Barry Chamish

My recent article on CFR control of American Jewish organizations led to requests for more information. I recalled that Rabbi Marvin Antleman had researched the subject and I quickly reread his 1974 book To Eliminate The Opiate (Zahavia Ltd. New York, Tel Aviv), which has since become a bona fide classic of contemporary conspiracy literature, endlessly quoted by authors of the field from both the Left and the Right.

Upon perusing the work again, I was amazed how advanced was Rabbi Antleman's perspective. No other Jew that I'm aware of was writing exposes of the New World Order back in 1974. The title of the book sums up the thesis that an organized assault on the Jewish religion was mounted by Illuminati forces in the eighteenth century and the plan is capably enforced today by the court Jews of the NWO.

Rabbi Antleman begins his book with a look at the Bund, the first organization dedicated to the assimilation of Judaism into nothing.

He writes:"The Bund which existed as a secret society was later to become known as the International Communist Party. The actual origin of the Bund seems lost in obscurity but it is believed by many political scientists to have been influenced largely by another secret organization, the Illuminati, the brainchild of a Bavarian intellectual named Adam Weishaupt...

Their lust for power was of such great dimensions that it could cause any loyalties that they may have harbored for their own religious orders to become ancillary to the objectives of the Bund. It suited these people both socially and by temperament to retain a facade of religious formalism which did not prevent them from going about their demonic business of destroying religion methodically...

It was Jacob Schiff and his family who played a prominent role in developing the Reform and Conservative apostate Jewish movements and who aided them at critical stages of their development in putting into action the demonic masterplan to undermine all world religions. Fragmentation and divide and conquer tactics were the order of the day. If Jews could be fragmentized and irreversibly split, success in implementing the religious revolution would be achieved."

A hundred and six pages later, Rabbi Antleman brings us up to date and claims the same forces are at work in America today:

"The Frankists today no longer call themselves by that name. The Organization has grown into an international group labelled by outsiders as The Cult of The All-Seeing Eye...

In the United States they are most active in Boston, New York, Washington and San Francisco. Their ranks and sponsors include some very famous people, numbering diplomats, senators, governors and clergymen...In Jewish circles they dominate the Reform movement at many levels and the Conservative movement at the highest level...

The other Jewish circles that they dominate are the Anti-Defamation League, the American Jewish Congress and Federations of Jewish Charities in many American cities."

These days, I meet with Rabbi Antleman often at his home in Rehovot. He now acknowledges that the headquarters of the forces he wrote about a generation ago are in the Manhattan offices of the Council on Foreign Relations.end

[CTRL] 10 Billion (Per annum) MORE Reasons THEY Hate Us

2001-10-22 Thread William Shannon

$10 Billion Yearly to Israel

You read about Israel receiving $3.5 billion in foreign aid each year from the United States but there is much more-hidden in the budget.
Exclusive to American Free Press

By James P. Tucker Jr.
American taxpayers give Israel at least $10 billion each year, nearly three times the publicly acknowledged $3.5 billion.

The precise amount cannot be determined; the funds are hidden in different programs in different federal agencies.

Hidden subsidies "are frequently listed under innocuous budget titles" in a "budgetary sleight of hand," said a report by William D. Hartung of the World Policy Institute.

Congress routinely approves about $3 billion in foreign aid to Israel.

Next year's Foreign Operations FY 2002 Appropriations legislation (H.R. 2506), which passed the House, 381-46, on July 24 and the Senate, 50 to 46, on Oct. 15, publicly details a portion of the economic and military assistance-called "grants"-slated to be given Israel.
In the section of the appropriations bill, titled "Foreign Military Financing," Congress provides:
. . . Not less than $2,040,000,000 shall be available for grants only for Israel, and not less than $1,300,000,000 shall be made available for grants only for Egypt: Provided further, That the funds appropriated by this paragraph for Israel shall be disbursed within 30 days of the enactment of this Act or by October 31, 2001, whichever is later: Provided further, That to the extent that the Government of Israel requests that funds be used for such purposes, grants made available for Israel by this paragraph shall, as agreed by Israel and the United States, be available for advanced weapons systems, of which not less than $535,000,000 shall be available for the procurement in Israel of defense articles and defense services, including research and development . . .
The money is placed into bank accounts, which Israel can draw upon to purchase equipment. Meanwhile, bankers garner huge profits from interest on the "grant money" at the expense of U.S. taxpayers.

However, another $2.5 billion "loan" is often made so Israel can purchase additional arms from American companies. This "loan" is quietly forgiven in an amendment to an obscure piece of legislation each year.

"Forgiveness" legislation is a popular foreign policy weapon.

The other giveaways are carefully hidden from the public and many of the legislators who vote for the $15.6 billion foreign aid package and other legislation that transfers tax dollars to Israel.

Many more billions are given away by selling "surplus" modern military technology at steep discounts. Some such "surpluses" are discounted by 85 percent of market value. 
A 1996 report by the Arms Sales Monitoring Project of the Federation of American Scientists found that the United States gave away or sold at a steep discount weaponry that cost taxpayers $8.7 billion.

So taxpayers paid twice: once for the forgone proceeds from the sale of still-useful weaponry to foreign nations and again for the cost of replacement items.

Another conduit of American tax dollars to Israel is the "economic support funds" administered by the Agency for International Development. It is funded by the "international affairs" budget. In fiscal year 1999, Israel received $1 billion from this source, which is typical. Next year Israel will receive $750 million. 


Another means of secret funds for Israel was reported by David P. Yohanna of Chicago in March, 1993. He wrote in the Chicago Tribune:

"The true total aid to Israel in 1993 is as follows: on budget, $3 billion; off-budget, $1.2 billion; interest paid by U.S. on above, $50 million; U.S. loan guarantees to Israel, $2 billion; compound interest on previous grants (1951-1992), $5 billion.

"Total 1993 grants, interest, loan guarantees and compound interest: $11.3 billion," Yohanna wrote.

This accounting does not take into consideration Israeli bonds that are widely sold, not only to supporters but to unsuspecting taxpayers in every state.

American Free Press has no detailed studies but it appears that 40 years ago most states outlawed state purchases of securities from outside the country. But apparently such laws were repealed or are being ignored in all 50 states, benefiting Israel by even more billions. 
But much of the disguised funds for Israel come from "petty cash" operations that go undetected. For example, during fiscal year 1997, the Pentagon gave Israel $68 million worth of weaponry under something it calls the "excess defense articles program."

Obviously, $10 billion a year, if spent at home instead of going to fuel Israel's war machine, could benefit Americans handsomely. Two examples:

o Only a fraction of the $10 billion could offset the $300 million in annual "savings" the administration wants to accomplish by reducing much-needed benefits given 

[CTRL] Don't Be A Jihad Joe

2001-10-22 Thread William Shannon

October 20, 2001 

Don't be a Jihad Joe

It's a safe bet that most of the people reading this alert aren't high government officials or corporate mega-barons. 

Unlike Attorney General John Ashcroft, Senate Majority Leader Tom Dashle or Larry Ellison ("Mr. National ID"), CEO of the giant database company Oracle, you won't be responsible for creating the laws, regulations, and technologies that are rapidly being used to turn the U.S. into a police state under the false claim that mass surveillance of citizens and uncontrolled searches are the best means to "combat terrorism." 
But you may be responsible for implementing these police-state policies. 

-If you're a software engineer, you may be asked to write or configure citizen-tracking databases or national ID systems. 

-If you're police officer or National Guardsman, you may be expected to conduct unconstitutional searches or make mass arrests of innocent people. 

-If you're a technician, it may be your job to install facial- recognition cameras in public places. 

-If you're a bank employee, you may be expected to help the government extend its routine probes into the accounts of millions of innocent people. 

-If you're an employee in the federal or state bureaucracy, you may be expected to demand national ID cards and/or biometric ID from members of the public. 

-If you're a taxpayer, you'll be expected to empty your pockets to pay for false security and very real tyranny. 

The possibilities are plentiful and frightening -- all the more frightening because these things may soon become the stuff of everyday life and work. Just the ordinary routine of police- state America. The Bush administration has declared a War on Terrorism. And to whatever extent that means hunting down and punishing genuine terrorists, we support the effort. But just as the War on Drugs became a 20-year war on the American people and an excuse to tear away the protections of the Bill of Rights -- eroding property rights, privacy, due process, and dozens of other liberties -- the War on Terrorism may be used to strip away the last remaining American freedoms. 

Millions of you will be asked to be the foot soldiers in that Jihad against American Liberties -- the dutiful, loyal "Jihad Joes" (and "Jihad Janes") obeying the commands of higher ups. If you go along with abusing the rights of your countrymen -- in major ways or insignificant ones -- you'll only be "following orders." You'll just be "doing a job." 

"Don't blame me," thousands of cops and clerks and technicians and programmers and internment camp guards will shrug. "I'm only a little guy trying to protect my pension." 

It's true that the obedient Jihad Joes don't have the power of their masters. But without their obedience, the masters wouldn't have the power to surveil and control the citizens of America. They would not have the power to steal our freedom. They need US to help them do that. 

The U.S. government has the authority to track down and deal with terrorists without gutting one more article of the Bill of Rights. All the new demands -- for expanded searches, new crimes and increased sentences, wiretaps on the innocent, indefinite detentions, more databases, more cameras, more record keeping, more biometric ID, more submission -- are just an excuse for implementing a long-held agenda of control. 

When CCOPS and its sister organization Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership have sent out alerts describing the problem of growing tyranny, many readers have responded, logically enough, "Yes, but what do we do about it?" 

No one has THE answer to ending tyranny. But there is AN answer -- a big, important one that you can immediately practice in your own life, without having to wait for your congressman or anybody else to act. 

Problem is, it's an answer almost no one wants to hear: RESIST. 

The ultimate responsibility of everyone who truly loves freedom is to LIVE freedom. That means to resist bad laws. That means to refuse to enforce or in any other way help implement police-state policies. 

We must refuse to obey, refuse to submit to the searches or to conduct them, refuse to take a national ID card or to program the database for it or install the scanners used to track cardholders. We must refuse to be disarmed or to disarm innocent others. 

It is our responsibility. It is the ultimate test of whether we sincerely value freedom or we just want to sit and whine as powerful people and their Jihad Joe minions seize it from us. 

"But," the potential enforcers object, "If I refuse to obey or if I quit my job, they'll just replace me with somebody more brutal and more willing to follow bad orders." 

We hate to say it, but maybe seeing the true ruthless face of the police state is exactly what it's going to take to wake Americans up. Maybe the polite cop or the courteous clerk enforcing the police state only helps prolong the agony of tyranny by making 


2001-10-22 Thread Carl Amedio
In a message dated 10/22/01 5:41:04 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Well that would certainly be nice!
It's a boorish world we live in...


yes it is bill. good thing the rescue workers showed good taste to one very boorish Senator.


[CTRL] Idiot Wind

2001-10-22 Thread William Shannon

Friday, Oct. 19, 2001. Page VIII

Global Eye -- Idiot Wind
By Chris Floyd 

Anthrax is riding the autumn winds in America. Where does it come from?

Some say from bin Laden's terrorists -- although for people who can murder 7,000 victims in a matter of minutes, this parceling out of spores seems a bit on the retail side. Then again, why expect consistency from such disordered minds? Others say it's those right-wing "Heartland" militants who dabble in toxins and have been celebrating Sept. 11 as a blow against the cities they hate most, or the "Army of God" anti-abortion terrorists who have used similar tactics to spread the Lord's word in the form of deadly chemicals.

But savvy White House hard-liners increasingly point the finger at Saddam Hussein. "There's no question that the leader of Iraq is an evil man," one hard-liner said last week. "After all, he gassed his own people. We know he's been developing weapons of mass destruction."

Thus U.S. President George W. Bush fires his first shot across Baghdad's bow, warming up the homefolks for the big grudge match ahead -- "Gulf War II: The Empire Strikes Back." Bush's words are accurate -- but even here, right-wing white man speak with forked tongue.

For it's true that the Iraqi despot gassed his own people, and that for 20 years he's been developing weapons of mass destruction. But what Bush's statement elides is that Saddam's development and use of these weapons was enthusiastically abetted and countenanced by a previous occupant of the Oval Office named George Bush.

For years, Pa Bush and Ronald Reagan shoveled money, weapons and "dual-use" technology at Saddam -- ignoring warnings from the CIA, the Pentagon, the State Department and others that the dictator was using this technology to develop ballistic missiles and augment his arsenal of unconventional weapons. Some of the materials sent to Iraq with the OK of the Reagan and Bush administrations included the chemical agents for botulism, tetanus, West Nile Fever and anthrax.

The atrocity that Bush Jr. mentioned last week occurred in 1988, when Saddam murdered some 4,000 Iraqi Kurds with poison gas. This was carried out with helicopters purchased from the United States. The next year, with Pa firmly in the Oval cockpit, the CIA informed the White House that Iraq was greatly accelerating its secret nuclear program -- and had become the world's leading producer of chemical weapons.

So what did Pa do? Why, he signed a National Security Directive ordering even closer ties to the poisoner. He also overrode his own Cabinet to force through $1 billion in agricultural credits to Saddam, after international banks had stopped giving him loans. Once again, Bush was shown evidence that the aid was being diverted to military uses -- but Pa had faith in his old ally. There was too much oil and backdoor money binding the two leaders: an alliance sealed with the blood of Saddam's many victims. No need to worry.

By the summer of 1990, Saddam was clearly gunning for Kuwait and openly threatening to "burn half of Israel" with his biochemical weapons. But Pa was indulgent with his frisky prot?g?: In the two weeks before the invasion of Kuwait, Bush approved the sale of an additional $4.8 million in "dual-use" technology to factories identified by the CIA as linchpins of Saddam's illicit nuclear and biochemical programs. Shortly before Saddam sent his tanks across the border, Pa obligingly sold him more than $600 million worth of advanced communication technology.

Then came the war -- and the messy divorce of the Bush-Saddam union.

Nowadays, apologists for Bush's prolonged appeasement of the bloodthirsty megalomaniac like to say that he was simply practicing realpolitik: supporting Saddam in order to thwart Iran -- who was America's designated "Great Satan" at the time. Saddam, say the apologists, was a bulwark against the spread of Islamic fundamentalism; by wooing him, Bush could prevent Islamic extremists from becoming powerful enough to attack the United States.

That was an effective strategy, wasn't it?

Now another George Bush has launched another war against former allies in the volatile region, with the same kind of secret deals and wink-wink mollycoddling of despots and kleptocracies from Central Asia to the Persian Gulf. Is he, like his father before him, also sending dangerous chemicals and missile components to budding maniacs he finds useful? What form will the inevitable blowback take next time? How many more rough beasts are even now slouching toward Bethlehem to be born?

The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind -- along with all those anthrax spores.


2001-10-22 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 10/22/01 6:31:01 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

yes it is bill. good thing the rescue workers showed good taste to one very boorish Senator.

Hillary isn't a very warm or cuddly personality and I for one don't care for her, however it really was rather crass and childish to treat her in the manner she was treated...hardly a respectful crowd. It's tough to consider as heros' people who have so little couth.


[CTRL] Hegelian Dialectic Current Events

2001-10-22 Thread William Shannon

La Jornada Discerns Hegelian Dialectic

(Conspiracy Nation, 10/22/01) -- The Mexico City daily newspaper, La Jornada, published an editorial on Oct. 21, 2001, suggesting the so- called "Hegelian dialectic." According to German philosopher Georg Hegel (1770-1831), "the world [is] a single organism developing by its own inner logic through trios of stages called 'thesis, antithesis, and synthesis.'" (New York Public Library Desk Reference)

The Thesis: Terror Attacks on Sept. 11 as well as ongoing bio-terror.

The Antithesis: USA responds in kind, terrorizing the terrorists.

The Synthesis: Increased repression, here and abroad.

"La distincion imposible en la logica del Imperio"("Impossible distinctions in the logic of Empire")by Angel Luis LaraTranslation by Conspiracy Nation follows below.-

Bush is categorically shown in the menacing axiom one sees on the global screen: either you are with us, or you are against us. The doctrine of rational choice which pervades economic manuals, translating from the logic of the market to all spheres of life, reappears moralized in a twisted flight of spectacular construction and reinforcement of the grand imperial simulacrum: in the war of good against evil, only one of the two extremes can be chosen.

The *Libertad Duradera* (Lasting Liberty) which significantly embraces the criminal attacks on Afghanistan is a liberty of limited reach which reduces the possibility of movement to only two paths: prescribed roads and forbidden roads. In war, as in shopping, we can choose between two possibilities: good or bad, whole milk or skim milk, Coca-Cola or Pepsi-Cola, Bush or bin Laden. It is the same field of reduced choice offered by the electoral machinery: the illusion of binomial left/right hides the basic consensus between families. Restricted liberty in consumption and in war... also in politics as consumption and in the consumption of war.

The powerful ones of both sides sow forgetfulness and they easily forget. In life, each act of decision ought to be preceded by an act of distinction between all the alternatives determining that act of decision. Forgotten are the distinctions and their basic premises. In this televised war, cynically polarized between Bush and bin Laden, we simply cannot choose because it has become impossible to recognize the distinctions. In the narrow logical limits of this apparently new warlike chapter of a war that is in reality permanent, there are no alternatives among which to distinguish: although the coin has two sides, it keeps being the same coin.

In that sense it is worthwhile not to forget, among other things, that war is a form of understanding, perhaps the most perfect form of communication: in its exercise its agents fully share the same code. To kill according to the circumscription of its rules, one has to first understand it. Manhattan has lost the shadow of her two most significant skyscrapers so that now the whole planet suffers: Bin Laden and Bush are the two new Twin Towers of Empire.

The political and media interpretation of this conflict tries to hysterically hide the identical character of the two so-called bands. So, they speak cynically and dangerously about a "Clash of Civilizations," a fight against terrorism, the defense of democracy. Lies and more lies. We serve a confrontation of elites defending their particular interests. The formal center of their discussions is the same: "In God we trust" or "Allah is great." Synonymous propositions, identical alibis. The diverse overseers of money bathe their strategies in the purifying waters of religion and morality. Like the politics of politicians, they offer pleasure in the State of Tomorrow. But tomorrow our pleasure will be in body bags.

The bad guys of the beard and turban value their pocketbooks, arm themselves for fiscal paradise, and have a multi-millionaire for their accountant. The occidental good guys of the suit and tie have petroleum instead of blood: the blood will come from the people of Afghanistan. The *messieurs* of Washington are literally functionaries of the large oil companies; they are faithful servants of a suicidal and predatory mode of living: the American way of life, circumscribed by an energy limit. For them, Central Asia is only an oil well, a sea of black gold.

In this context, U.S. military forces directly defend the interests of Empire and Capital. Neither national pride nor Yankee imperialism fully explains the complex situation. The Fatherland is the Money. In the so-called globalization, it is transnational enterprises which govern, not an autonomous United States government: the USA is only the *gendarme* of the Empire.

In the march to World War III, the powerful subsume and redirect all processes. Terrorism is no different. Putting aside who actually was responsible for the Sept. 11 terror attacks, the dominant elites have converted it into their own instrument: war for the control of 


2001-10-22 Thread Carl Amedio
In a message dated 10/22/01 6:41:12 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hillary isn't a very warm or cuddly personality and I for one don't care for her, however it really was rather crass and childish to treat her in the manner she was treated...hardly a respectful crowd. It's tough to consider as heros' people who have so little couth.


Actually I applaud there common sense. People of such selflessness and courage don't care about offending that carpetbagger. After all she's the one who kissed Arafat.



2001-10-22 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 10/22/01 6:56:02 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

After all she's the one who kissed Arafat.

Oh gawd forbid!
She has done nothing but pander to the Israel Lobby since she started running for her office...she is a wholly owned subsidary of Tel Aviv and her show of affection to Arafat was meaningless as evidenced by her positions on Middle East affairs.


[CTRL] Did Israeli Military Kill 'General Gandhi'?

2001-10-22 Thread William Shannon

Did Israeli Military Kill 'General Gandhi'?

by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

This release was issued Sunday, October 21, 2001, by the LaRouche-in-2004 political committee.

I have two important, closely related statements to make on the matter of the assassination, this past week, of retired Israel General Rehavam Ze'evi, a.k.a. the "General Gandhi" of Central American drug-trafficking and other notorieties.

First, I reference facts which expose the appalling credulity of those, who exclude the strong evidence suggesting that the list of suspects in seeking out the authorship of the assassination, could be the Israeli military itself.

Second, I emphasize that those silly people who insist, fanatically, "I don't believe in conspiracy theories," usually turn out to be the same fools who shriek, "Don't mention the word truth in my presence! There is no truth! There is only the set of facts which happen to fit with my opinion." Thus, people either select some facts, while denying others, or even invent their so-called "facts," to fit their degraded desires. This second problem is, from experience with governments and others over decades, the most common cause of what events have proven to have been the probably unintended failures of law-enforcement and intelligence investigations.

I present this twofold warning from the standpoint of being the only major U.S. Presidential candidate for the 2000 election, who documented the truth about the onrushing collapse of the world's present monetary-financial system. Often, we are confronted with something like the case, of the virtual insanity of those who placed their religious faith in the now collapsed "new economy" swindle. Obviously, those who said that I was wrong in warning against buying into that swindle, are much sadder, and definitely not richer, as a result of their own foolishness. If you supported any of my rivals in the 2000 election campaign, you are one of those foolish fellows who must remember the issue of the economy during that 1999-2000 period. While some of our airlines are still flying, although most of our railroads are now shut down, you still owe it to yourself to stop, look, listen—and think.

In my long experience with our own and other governments, the most frequent source of needless suffering of our own citizens and other nations, is, similarly, not consciously malicious intent; but, often, the result of what is simply a kind of stubborn incompetence in official circles. Often it is just one more example of the degree of increasing ignorance among recent generations of university graduates and others. Often, it is the kind of negligent morality which argues, "let us hope that this guy turns out to be guilty." Those kinds of problems have become—not steadily, but—unsteadily worse since President John F. Kennedy was assassinated.

The all-too-typical Presidential candidate, or even ordinary U.S. citizen today, reacts to even crucially important events with words to the effect, "Don't tell me to think! I don't wish to think; I have already made up my mind!" Those words deserve to be written on that poor fellow's tombstone, if he can still afford one.

Look at the case of the Ze'evi assassination. Listen, once again, to my worry that the present U.S. government is shooting itself on the foot on the matter of its response to the recent Sept. 11 attacks. Someone must tell the U.S. citizens what is actually happening to their future; that job of getting you to recognize the truth, falls to me, largely by the failures of others who have left this burden on my shoulders. Probably, in my present role as a candidate for the 2004 election, I am now your future. If you reject my leadership now, as you did during 1999-2000, you probably have no future. What it will be, is now up to you.

'Who Killed Cock Robin?'

Since the 1970s, the principal method of blackmail used by Israeli fanatics in controlling the behavior of the U.S. government, has been the threat of what was known since then under such "Get Smart"-style rubrics, as "the breakaway-ally syndrome," or the "chicken-game syndrome." Israel would threaten to go to the threshold of a nuclear Middle East war, threatening the U.S., that if Washington did not fight Israel's war, Israel would start a war which couldn't be stopped.

Typical is the way in which the terrorist attack on the Marine barracks in Lebanon brought President Reagan's Middle East peace initiative to an end.

Thus, the peculiar character of Israel's bloodiest roles in world affairs, has been its emphasis on privately financed special killing and related operations in the Americas, Africa, and elsewhere. In the case of the two relevant Palestinian combat associations, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and Hamas, the role of the Israeli and certain other governments in building these up as rivals to the Arafat-led Fatah organization, is typical of 


2001-10-22 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/22/01 3:47:46 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Prudy-They knew what they were doing. They are well informed thanks to the
 print media. They knew she called them murders during her campain. As for
 being polite, they are being polite by NYC standards. They didn't throw
 things at her. 

I don't think she meant the firemen.  As for the police, they were murderers,
and as our current president says, those who harbor a criminal are as guilty
as those who actually commit the crime.  The behavior of a goodly number of
the New York police force is horrifying.  I guess you're right though.  New
York polite is different.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] FBI considers torture as suspects stay silent

2001-10-22 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

Another source for FBI Considers Torture info:


FBI considers torture as suspects stay silent


However, a warning that torture should be avoided came from Robert Blitzer, a
former head of the FBI’s counter-terrorism section. He said that the practice
“goes against every grain in my body. Chances are you are going to get the
wrong person and risk damage or killing them.”

In all, about 800 people have been rounded up since the attacks, most of whom
are expected to be found to be innocent. Investigators believe there could be
hundreds of people linked to al-Qaeda living in the US, and the Bush
Administration has issued a warning that more attacks are probably being

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2001-10-22 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/22/01 5:48:03 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 That would be nice. But the bitch deserves it anyway. 

I know Hillary is well hated, and Chelsea too, although I guess nobody
decided to heed that guy's request to kill her.  I'm darned if I can figure
out what a 19 year old college girl can do to make a guy in another country
call for her assassination, but I guess it fits right in with your
philosophy.  Maybe you know the rationale?  Prudy

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2001-10-22 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/22/01 4:41:12 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  however it really was rather crass and childish to treat her in the
manner she was treated...hardly a respectful crowd. 

Hil is not known for being respectful to people, in fact, she is usually down
right rude.

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[CTRL] Fwd: PANUPS: U.S. EPA Approves Bt Corn Despite Lack of Testing

2001-10-22 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

 P A N U P S
 Pesticide Action Network Updates Service

 U.S. EPA Approves Bt Corn Despite Lack of Testing

 October 22, 2001

 On October 15, 2001, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
 announced approval of genetically engineered Bt corn for an
 seven years, despite serious questions about the dangers crops pose
 human health or the environment. Genetically Engineered Food Alert
 Food Alert) criticized the EPA for rushing to approve Bt corn without

 conducting necessary tests on human health effects and failing to
 investigate new concerns about environmental impacts.

 Bt plants produce a type of insecticidal or Bt toxin, one of a family
 related molecules produced by a soil bacterium, Bacillus
 (Bt). To develop these Bt crops, a company clones the insecticidal
 from the bacterium and inserts it into a crop plant. The plant then
 produces the toxin in most, if not all, parts of the plant through
 or most of a growing season. There five varieties of Bt corn still on

 the market are made by Monsanto, Pioneer/DuPont, Dow and Syngenta. At

 least three types of Bt corn were previously taken off the market.
 Bt corn varieties were approved by EPA in 1995 with a federal
 registration that expired on September 30, 2001.

 As we learned with the StarLink debacle, human allergenicity is a key

 issue related to Bt crops; however, during the re-registration
 EPA failed to take into account several recent studies showing that
 toxins could act as possible human allergens. In July, EPA's own
 scientific advisory panel, which included leading U.S. allergists,
 called for more tests to determine the potential allergenicity of Bt
 crops, yet the Agency approved the corn for planting before such
 were carried out.

 The allergenicity studies that serve as the basis for EPA's approval
 Bt corn have several serious flaws. For example, the Agency has not
 required that biotechnology companies conduct toxicity and
 tests on the pesticidal proteins actually produced in Bt crops and
 by consumers. Instead, EPA accepts substandard tests conducted on
 surrogate proteins from bacteria, which can differ substantially from

 their plant-produced counterparts. (For more information visit the
 Friends of the Earth Web site at http://www.foe.org/safefood.)

 In addition to human health research, studies on potential
 impacts of Bt corn were inadequate. EPA ignored the concerns of
 researchers at Cornell University, Iowa State University and the
 University of Minnesota about impacts of Bt corn on monarch
 Recently released studies leave open the possibility that exposure to
 corn may have long-term, harmful effects on the butterflies.
 from the three schools, all of whom have been involved in related
 research, urged EPA to delay a decision, or grant a one-year
 renewal, until more data were available on the risk for monarch
 caterpillars exposed to Bt corn. (For more information see Ag Biotech

 Infonet at http://www.biotech-info.net/butterflies_btcorn.html.)

 Organic farmers were also disappointed with EPA's decision. Bt sprays

 are an important pest management tool for many organic and some
 conventional farmers, but continued use of Bt crops may reduce their
 effectiveness. Toxins in Bt sprays break down rapidly in the
 as opposed to the Bt in genetically engineered crops, which breaks
 very slowly. With widespread use of Bt crops, there is increased
 exposure to the toxin, and insect resistance is much more likely to
 develop resulting in the loss of Bt sprays as a valuable tool.

 EPA announced that to ensure that Bt continues to be a safe and
 effective form of pest management for farmers, the Agency has
 several provisions to strengthen insect resistance management, to
 increase research data on potential environmental effects and to
 grower education and stewardship. Whether these mandates will be
 successfully implemented is doubtful when one examines implementation
 such requirements in the past. A biotechnology industry survey
 in January 2001 showed that nearly 30% of farmers who grew Bt corn in

 2000 did not follow the resistance management guidelines.

 Lack of implementation and enforcement of Bt corn guidelines was also

 clearly evident during the StarLink corn disaster. In 2000, GE Food
 Alert found that StarLink corn, a type of Bt corn approved only for
 animal feed, had contaminated the human food supply. In the resulting

 investigation, it was found that many farmers had not followed the
 guidelines for growing StarLink, and had not segregated the corn
 harvest. Regulations and guidelines agreed to by Aventis, the
 corporation that produced the StarLink seed, were not passed on to
 farmers, and little if 


2001-10-22 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

On 22 Oct 01, at 21:30, Bill Howard wrote:

 Hil is not known for being respectful to people, in fact, she is usually down
 right rude.

And ... if you watched her performance while being boo'd, she
insisted on delivering her 20 second prepared remarks in spite of the
reception she received.  I thought this was very sensitive of her.
Like when she ran the security check at the aeroport last week or the
week before.

All in all, if she ever did decide to run for anything again, the
support of the MSG crowd would make a wonderful backdrop to one of
her opponents' ads.


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2001-10-22 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Prudence L. Kuhn wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 10/22/01 5:48:03 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

  That would be nice. But the bitch deserves it anyway. 

 I know Hillary is well hated, and Chelsea too, although I guess nobody
 decided to heed that guy's request to kill her.  I'm darned if I can figure
 out what a 19 year old college girl can do to make a guy in another country
 call for her assassination, but I guess it fits right in with your
 philosophy.  Maybe you know the rationale?  Prudy

I don't know what you are talking about.
I was talking about Hillary Clinton.


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[CTRL] Arms Bizarre

2001-10-22 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


The only thing Arbusto has to worry about is when they start
falling like Talibaniac / Irani dominoes.  AER 


LONDON [MENL] -- The Middle East continues to lead the world in arms
procurement. A new report by the London-based International Institute
for Strategic Studies said the Middle East accounts for at least 40
percent of the world arms market. This means that the region
outspends any other area in the world. The Middle East will probably
remain the main destination for global
arms exports for the
foreseeable future, the report said. In its annual military balance,
the institute said the largest weapons purchaser in the Middle East
remains Saudi Arabia. Riyad took delivery of $7.3 billion last year.
This marked an increase over 1999. Among the other leading weapons
clients were the United Arab Emirates, which signed a $6.4 billion
agreement to buy 80 F-16 fighters. Egypt purchased $1.3 billion worth
of weapons over the last year. Once again, the report said, the
United States was the leading arms supplier to the Middle East.
Washington was a leading arms supplier to such
countries as Egypt,
Israel, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab
Emirates. The
military balance said the Middle East spending was at odds with a
global decrease in weapons purchases. During 2000, the institute
said, deliveries fell sharply -- from $37.2 billion in 1999 to
US$29.3 billion
last year. Overall, Washington accounted for nearly
half of all weapons deliveries. Britain was the second largest
exporter, capturing 17.4 percent of the global arms market.

This service contains only a small portion of the information
produced daily by Middle East Newsline. For a subscription to the
full service, please contact Middle East Newsline at:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] for further details.

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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
 German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
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Everyone has the right...to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut.
--- Ernest Hemingway

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[CTRL] Rumors of Theological War . . .

2001-10-22 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-


Rumors of Theological War

For two decades, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., had employed denominationalist
Speer and ecumenist John R. Mott.(29) Mott had headed numerous
Rockefeller-funded religious organizations: the International Missionary
Council, the International Missionary Agricultural Council, the Panama
Conference on Christian Work in Latin America, the Committee on Cooperation
in Latin America (along with Speer), the Committee on Benevolence, and the
Committee on Social and Religious Surveys.(30) This final organization later
became the Institute for Social and Religious Research (ISRR). As one
historian has put it, Standard Oil was Mott's organizational model. He
incorporated the culture and methods of corporations into the missionary
movement. Over the years, millions of Rockefeller dollars poured into Mott's
pursuit of streamlined, efficient evangelism.(31) As early as 1910,
Rockefeller sent Mott to China to help establish Peking Union Medical College.

...much more at site . . .


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[CTRL] . . . his agreement with Southern Pacific president E. H. Harriman to front the building of a line to Yuma so that the hated Southern Pacific -- the Octopus -- would not earn additional public disfavor in California.

2001-10-22 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

The Journal of San Diego History
Summer 2000, Volume 46, Number 2
Contents of This Issue

Video Review

The Impossible Railroad. Video.
Marianne Gerdes, Producer. San Diego: KPBS Television, 1999. 56:46 min.

Reviewed by Theodore Kornweibel, Jr, who teaches African American history at
San Diego State University and is writing a book on African Americans and

The most important chapter in San Diego's railroad history -- the story of
the ill-fated San Diego  Arizona desert line to El Centro -- receives fine
visual treatment in The Impossible Railroad, a production of KPBS Television.
Alternating historic black-and-white photographs and movie footage with
scenes from the line today, it reveals John D. Spreckels dogged
determination to complete a 140 mile railroad through terrain often totally
unsuited for that mode of transportation. It proved to be his one significant
business failure.

The Impossible Railroad was made by a talented wife-husband team,
producer/writer Marianne Gerdes and director of photography Michael Gerdes,
with invaluable cooperation from the San Diego Railroad Museum, which
operates excursion trains over portions of the SDA. Michael Gerdes' splendid
shots of the museum's vintage steam locomotive and passenger train in a
variety of locales west and east of Campo show how scenic San Diego's back
country really is, and the footage of the 1,000-foot-deep Carriso Gorge only
makes one want to experience it first hand. Mary Ann Gerdes has researched
the railroad, Spreckels, and early San Diego history well to piece together
the story of civic longing for a rail link to the east and the man who would
make that dream a reality. Her narrative is enhanced by the insights of
several experts, especially retired San Diego State University history
professor Raymond Starr, author of San Diego: A Pictorial History (1986), and
Bruce Semelsberger, a member of the San Diego Railroad Museum's library staff
and a fine amateur historian.

The San Diego  Arizona was America's last transcontinental railroad link,
finally completed in 1919. It was half a century too late. As Semelsberger
comments, San Diego, with its natural harbor, could have been the West
Coast's second premier seaport were it not for the mountain barriers to its
east. Unfortunately, when the Southern Pacific completed the first southern
transcontinental line in 1883, its terminus was Los Angeles. Competitor Santa
Fe then built a line that terminated in National City, but when a flood
devastated the line through Temecula Canyon, it re-routed to Los Angeles,
leaving San Diego dangling at the end of a branch line from that city.

Enter John D. Spreckels, a classic capitalist entrepreneur who had already
created local monopolies in San Diego street railways, water, and electric
power. What was good for Spreckels, he believed, was good for San Diego.
Where his business acumen ultimately faltered, however, was in his agreement
with Southern Pacific president E. H. Harriman to front the building of a
line to Yuma so that the hated Southern Pacific -- the Octopus -- would not
earn additional public disfavor in California. But on Harriman's death in
1909, SP directors got cold feet and demanded the return of Harriman's $3
million investment. By now Spreckels was doggedly determined to continue, and
financed further construction himself.

Even though the San Diego  Arizona followed surveyor's recommendations for
the easiest route possible, the route presented formidable natural obstacles,
first as it dipped into Mexico. The steepest part of the entire line was at
Redondo, where a double horseshoe curve was constructed. But this was nothing
compared to the Carriso Gorge portion of the line, eleven grueling miles
requiring thirteen trestles and seventeen tunnels, some of which were blasted
out of rock so hard that daily progress was measured in inches. Remarkably,
only two men died of construction accidents, but many more perished during
the influenza epidemic in 1919. The SDA, which had already been christened
The Impossible Railroad and was soon dubbed Slow, Dirty  Aggravated by
its crews, took 13 years to build, at the enormous cost of $18 million. It
proved as expensive to operate and maintain.

Hollywood discovered the Gorge's spectacular scenery, but movie revenues
could not stop the flow of red ink. Spreckels' heirs (he died in 1926) sold
the line to the Southern Pacific in 1933, at nine cents on the dollar.
Renamed the San Diego  Arizona Eastern, it enjoyed prosperity only during
the World War II transportation boom. Even when diesels supplanted the
expensive-to-operate steam locomotives in the 1950s, profits were scarce. The
completion of highway Interstate 8 in 1970 gave truck competition an
insurmountable advantage, and the line was finally sold to the Metropolitan
Transit Development Board in 1977, which used its urban trackage for 

[CTRL] Edward H. Harriman

2001-10-22 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-


Edward H. Harriman

Edward Henry Harriman was born in New Jersey in 1848. His father was an
ordained deacon in the Presbyterian Church, his mother a well-connected
socialite from New Jersey. Young Edward attended school in New Jersey and New
York, but dropped out at age 14 to take a job as a Wall Street message boy.
He moved up quickly, becoming a managing clerk and then, in 1870, a stock
broker with a seat on the New York stock exchange

He began investing his own money in railway stocks, and even married into a
railroad family. He had other interests, of course; as an adult he took
boxing lessons, bought horses, and served as a private of the 7th Regiment of
the National Guard. But in 1881, he bought his first rail company outright,
thirty-four miles of track in upstate New York, and his name soon became
synonymous with railroad.

During the financial panic of the 1890s, Harriman was able to seize control
of the Union Pacific railroad. In 1898 he made a tedious,
day-light-hours-only trip from the Missouri River to the Pacific on that
line, inspecting every mile, every station, every flatcar and engine. One
superintendent said that he saw every poor tie, blistered rail, and loose
bolt. He fixed every problem, and within months had the ailing railroad in
excellent health. But he himself was exhausted, and his doctor ordered him to
take a little vacation.

There are many theories at to why Harriman chose an Alaskan cruise. Some
claim he planned to build a railway across the territory, or perhaps that he
originally just wanted to hunt the great grizzly. Others say it was because
the cruise-turned-expedition would make Harriman appear better educated and
more refined. (He was, after all, a grade school dropout.) Whatever the
reason, he worked with lightning speed to make the trip happen. In a few
short months, he enlisted C. Hart Merriam to choose the scientists for the
trip. He refitted the steamer, the George W. Elder, plotted the itinerary,
and arranged for travel to the port city of Seattle. The expedition that
carried his name set sail on May 31, 1899.

Once underway, Harriman let it be known he intended, himself, to collect at
least one major specimen of a large Alaskan mammal: he was obsessed with
hunting bear, specifically the grizzly bear, the largest carnivore in the
world. He even changed the itinerary when a local Indian guide reported that
bears had been seen recently on the Kodiak Island in the Aleutians.

Once ashore on Kodiak, several guides and assistants flushed a sow and cub
down a valley. The entire party took great care to ensure their patron's
safety. Trevor Kincaid, the zoologist, recalled that, lest the bear behave
in an unpleasant manner a group of hunters were grouped about [Harriman] with
enough firepower to tear the bear to pieces. But it was Harriman who shot
and killed his prey.

Nothing in his way could daunt him or abate one jot the vigor of his
progress toward his aims, no matter what -- going ashore through heavy
breakers, sailing uncharted fiords, pursuing bears, etc, wrote John Muir.

So it was when the watch espied a thin inlet of water behind the Barry
Glacier. Harriman -- against warning of imminent grounding from both the
captain and the pilot -- ordered the Elder to proceed into the passage at
full speed, rocks or no rocks. Harriman's determination paid off. The inlet
opened up into a long fjord, revealing a shimmering glacial wonderland.
Later, maps would call the waterway Harriman Fjord and the largest glacier
along it, the Harriman Glacier.

After the trip, Harriman paid for Merriam and a team of researchers to
analyze and publish the data gathered on the voyage. He himself was plagued
by ill health, business problems, even a serious charge of anti-trust
violation; but he continued to support the work of the expedition well after
the journey's end. John Muir said Harriman never stopped. He kept his
lieutenants about him, and through them and a telegraph wire kept in touch
with all his work and world affair in general. Edward Harriman died at the
family home, Arden, in New York's Ramapo Highlands, on September 9, 1909, at
the age of 62.


For information on the Harriman Retraced Expedition e-mail:
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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2001-10-22 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-


In a previous chapter there has been related the early history of the great
line that first joined the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans—the Union Pacific.
But the history of this property in recent years is almost as startling and
romantic as its story in the sixties and seventies. It was not until recent
days that the golden dreams entertained by these early builders came true.
The man who really reaped the harvest and who at the same time gave the Union
Pacific that position among American railroads which its founders foresaw was
the last, and some writers think, the greatest of all American railroad

The Union Pacific, a bankrupt railroad in 1893, lay quiescent under the
stress of the hard times that lasted until 1898. The long story of its
tribulations hardly made it a tempting morsel for the men who were then most
active in the railroad field. In 1895 or 1896 the several protective
committees which had been appointed to look after the interests of
stockholders and defaulted bondholders had tried to induce J. P. Morgan to
undertake the reorganization, but he had refused. To reorganize the Union
Pacific meant that not far from one hundred millions of new capital would
sooner or later have to be supplied, and there was no other banking-house in
America at that time which seemed strong enough for the task. Smaller
concerns were all involved in the Morgan syndicates or in other undertakings,
and a combination of these at the moment seemed out of the question.

About this time the German-Jewish bankinghouse of Kuhn, Loeb and Company
began looking into the situation. Kuhn, Loeb and Company were known as a very
conservative but very rich concern with close connections in Frankfort and
Berlin. Though it had been long established in New York it had not been
identified with the railroad reorganization movement nor had it been
prominent as an investing or underwriting institution. But now the active
partner of the business, Jacob H. Schiff, set out seriously to persuade the
various committees to adopt a plan of reorganization which he had devised.
Though he made some progress, he soon found much secret opposition and
thought that Morgan might be quietly attempting to secure the property.
Morgan, however, was not interested. The mystery was still unsolved.

The fact was that Edward H. Harriman, who for some years past had been a
powerful influence in the affairs of the Illinois Central Railroad but who
was unknown to the average Wall Street promoter and totally unheard of
throughout the country, had made up his mind to reorganize the Union Pacific
Railroad. He therefore began to work quietly with various interests in an
attempt to tie up the property. But soon he, like Schiff, encountered serious
opposition. He also immediately jumped to the conclusion that Morgan was
secretly at work, and he called on Morgan for the facts. Morgan replied, as
he had replied to Schiff, that he was not interested, but that he wished
Harriman success.

As Schiff continued to meet with difficulty, he soon called on Morgan again.
Again Morgan replied that he was not interested. But, he said, I think if
you will go and see a chap named E. H. Harriman you may find out something.

Who was Harriman? Schiff had hardly heard of him and had never met him. How
could a small man like Harriman, with no money, no powerful friends, no big
financial backing, reorganize a great system like the Union Pacific Railroad?
The idea seemed ridiculous. Nevertheless, as the opposition continued, Schiff
soon got in touch with Harriman. In the course of a conference, he warned
this daring interloper to keep his hands off the Union Pacific. But Harriman
was not moved by threats. On the contrary, he insisted that Schiff should
leave the Union Pacific alone; that he himself had already worked out his
plans to reorganize it. Schiff laughed at this idea, termed it chimerical,
and asserted that Kuhn, Loeb and Company were easily able to obtain the
needed one hundred millions or more through their foreign connections on a
basis of from four to five per cent, and that in America no such sum of new
capital could at that time be raised through banking activities at better
than six or seven per cent.

Harriman then sprang his surprise on Schiff. For some years he had been
financially interested in the affairs of the Illinois Central. This property
had at that time higher credit than any other American railroad; it had
raised large sums of capital in Europe on as low a basis as three per cent,
and on most of its bonds paid only three and one-half per cent interest. For
nearly fifty years the property had been paying dividends with hardly an
interruption, and altogether it had an enviable reputation as one of the
soundest investments. Harriman's influence in the affairs of the company had
been increasing quietly for 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CogLib] 1.6 Million Drug Arrests in 2000

2001-10-22 Thread Kris Millegan

1.6 Million Drug Arrests Made in 2000

According to a report released Monday by the FBI, 1.6 million arrests
were made for drug offense violations in the year 2000, a slight
increase (0.5 percent) over 1999 figures.
   For the sixth straight year, more people were arrested for drug
offenses than for any other offense category. In fact, in the year 2000
more people were arrested for drug offenses than for murder, rape,
arson, aggravate assault, robbery, burglary, and auto theft combined.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Pakistani Teen Forwarned of WTC Disaster, Says English Teacher

2001-10-22 Thread Kris Millegan


BREAKING: Pakistani Teen Forwarned of WTC Disaster, Says English Teacher

by Todd Brendan Fahey

Sources close to the World Trade Center investigation report today that on September 
6, five days before the attack, a Pakistani immigrant at New Utrecht High School, 
Bensonhurst, Brooklyn warned--or slipped verbally--of an impending attack on the World 
Trade Center, to his English teacher, Antoinette DiLorenzo, who conducts a course for 
Pakistani immigrants.

While teaching a class in world events, Ms. DiLorenzo noticed her freshman student 
gazing out a classroom window. She asked the young man, whose name is being withheld 
by authorities, “What are you looking at?”

Ms. DiLorenzo reportedly told FBI investigators that the youth replied, to the effect 
that the World Trade Center might not be there next week. She did not report the 
comment until after the September 11 attack.

Immediately upon her report, FBI and 12 NYPD officers stormed the school and 
DiLorenzo’s classroom, reportedly locking the students and faculty inside. Two 
students, interviewed by FBI, said that the study body was calm, being dismissed for 
lunch and shown a movie. FBI are not commenting on the nature of the lock-down of the 
school or its results.

Police sources report that a background check of Ms. DiLorenzo proves her to be a 
credible witness.

It is also believed by Intelligence officials that the father returned soonafter, to 
Pakistan, and remains at-large.

Filed by AheadNews.com
http://AheadNews.com for updates
(c)AheadNews.com 2001

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[CTRL] Fwd: Afghanistan's pipeline dreams resurface

2001-10-22 Thread Kris Millegan

Afghanistan's pipeline dreams resurface - Feb. 8, 2001
By Sarah Horner for eCountries

The ongoing civil war in Afghanistan has long stalled any ambitious plans to
build a potentially lucrative oil pipeline. In the last year, however, talk
of a new pipeline ha begun to resurface. But the old problems remain.

Building a oil and gas pipeline across the shattered country of Afghanistan
has long been the dream of many oil companies. But the ongoing civil war
always gets in the way.

In the 1980s, the country was officially estimated to be capable of
producing 100m barrels of oil. Untapped oil reserves are believed to
be considerably higher - especially given the Soviet interest in oil
extraction during its occupation of Afghanistan from 1979-89. Likewise,
proven coal reserves have been put at 100m tonnes but are reckoned to
be around four times that figure.

The biggest potential money-spinner, however, is a pipeline that would link
the huge untapped oil and gas reserves of the former Soviet state of
Turkmenistan with the energy-needy countries of South Asia, particularly
India. The most direct route is across western Afghanistan - which has
Turkmenistan on its northern border and Pakistan to the south.

A $6bn trans-Afghan pipeline was once the ambition of the US-based UNOCAL,
a energy company that often works in difficult countries. Representatives
from UNOCAL and from their Saudi partners, Delta Oil, frequently did the
rounds of Afghanistan's warring factions in 1996 and 1997. In particular,
relations with the Taliban movement, which was on the rise during this
time, were cultivated by UNOCAL.

The Afghan capital, Kabul, fell to Taliban forces in September 1996.

UNOCAL and Delta spent the next year trying to get a deal with the Taliban
and with the opposition Northern Alliance, which then controlled the
northern one-third of Afghanistan.

The two companies formed the Centgas consortium in October 1997 with
the Turkmen government, Itochu of Japan, Hyundai of South Korea and
Pakistan's Crescent Group. The Russian firm, Gazprom, was due to
sign on at a later date. UNOCAL began to offer donations to aid
agencies in Afghanistan, although most turned down the funds.
The company also tried to get a training project of the ground that
would train Afghans to work on the pipeline.

It all came to nothing. As the hard-line policies of the Taliban gained
international notoriety - particularly the movement's harsh treatment
of women - UNOCAL was forced to distance itself from the extreme Sunni
Muslim group. In early 1998 UNOCAL finally announced that it was putting
the pipeline plan on hold, owing to financing problems. As long as
Afghanistan remained unstable, the company said, it could not proceed.

Vying with UNOCAL to build a pipeline was the Argentinean firm, Bridas,
which also managed to build close relations with the Taliban. The firm had
previously signed an agreement with the government of Burhanuddin Rabbani,
which was ousted by the Taliban in 1996 but is still recognized by the UN
as the government of the Afghanistan. But, Bridas fell out of favour with
the Turkmen government - each party took out lawsuits against the other -
and then faded from the scene.

But the pipeline dreams have surfaced again. In May 2000 there were
reports of discussions of the issue involving Afghanistan, India, Pakistan,
Iran and Turkmenistan. And the Taliban newspaper, the Kabul Times, recently
reported that the mine and industries minister, Mullah Mohammed Isa
Akhond, met representatives of the Central Asia-based US company, Central
Asia Oil and Gas Industry. The newspaper quoted company representative,
Rafiq Yadgar as saying: Central Asia Oil and Gas Industry is ready to
invest in Afghanistan in the field of oil and gas extraction and meanwhile
is willing to build an gas and oil refinery in Afghanistan. He added
that Turkmen authorities are ready to co-operate with his company.

No doubt they are. The country's dictatorial president, Saparmurad Niyazov,
has long engaged the Taliban, in a bid to stem off cross-border instability.
Niyazov has squashed any squeaks of opposition but manages to appease his
poor population with promises of future oil riches.

With the establishing of this project the mutual interest of both sides
will be secured, the Taliban's mine and industries minister told the
Kabul Times. But even the shared goals may not ensure that this plan,
or any other, will get off the ground. Afghanistan has been at war for
more than 20 years. Its infrastructure is shattered, its economy in
tatters and the worst drought in three decades is compounding the misery
of its long-suffering population. The sole remaining opposition to the
Taliban, the United Front, is trying to hang on to the 5-10% of the
country that it still controls. Should any pipeline actually get off
the ground it will be a prime target for sabotage the United Front whose
leader, Ahmad 

[CTRL] Fwd: Democrats.com Daily News for October 22, 2001

2001-10-22 Thread Samantha L.

forwarded news summaries:

Top 10 Reasons Why Al Gore Would Be a Better Wartime President Than George W. 

Tell Gail Norton To Resign! Sign The Petition!

How About Displaying The Bill Of Rights In Car Windows?

How to Be Patriotic Without Worshiping Bush

The Media Cover-Up Of The Gore Victory Part Three: Hitting The Jackpot 

London Telegraph: Gore Won Florida, But Definitive Florida Recount Results 
Being Suppressed

Coming To A Theater Near You: 'The Hunting Of The President' -- The Story Of 
Richard Mellon Scaife, Ken Starr And The Arkansas Project

Finally, The Backlash Begins Against The Right-Wing Nuts Who Claim Clinton Is 
To Blame For The 9/11 attacks

Bush v. Children: Bush's Fund For Afghan Children Raises Serious Questions 
About Accountability And Feasibility…And Safety

Bush v. UN: UN Begs US to Stop Bombing to Permit Food Delivery

Pentagon Hires PR Firm To Sell Message To World

Bush v. Pentagon: Bureaucracy Stops Pilots from Hitting Targets

Bush v. Pakistan: US Worries About Pakistan's Nukes Falling Into Bin Laden's 

Bush v. Reagan-Bush: U.S. Soldiers Face Missiles the Reagan-Bush CIA Sent To 

Bush Signs Executive Order For The CIA To Do 'Whatever It Takes'

Will The War On Terrorism Serve As A Cover For The Directorate of Operations 
To Return To It's Own Terrorizing Activities?

If The CIA Had Butted Out...

Bush v. Saudi Arabia: Bush Refuses to Press Saudis on their Support for Al 

Who needs ANWR and MidEast Oil When We Have Vast Offshore Wind Energy?

___DEMOCRATS.COMThe Aggressive Progressives__

Democrats.com is the largest independent community of Democrats.
We publish the only Democratic daily news service - and it's free!
Our members make it possible through generous contributions.
Please help by clicking below!

___.COMPOSITION__In This Issue___

Top 10 Reasons Why Al Gore Would Be a Better Wartime President Than George W. Bush

Tell Gail Norton To Resign! Sign The Petition!

How About Displaying The Bill Of Rights In Car Windows?

How to Be Patriotic Without Worshiping Bush

The Media Cover-Up Of The Gore Victory Part Three: Hitting The Jackpot

London Telegraph: Gore Won Florida, But Definitive Florida Recount Results Being 

Coming To A Theater Near You: 'The Hunting Of The President' -- The Story Of Richard 
Mellon Scaife, Ken Starr And The Arkansas Project

Finally, The Backlash Begins Against The Right-Wing Nuts Who Claim Clinton Is To Blame 
For The 9/11 attacks

Bush v. Children: Bush's Fund For Afghan Children Raises Serious Questions About 
Accountability And Feasibility…And Safety

Bush v. UN: UN Begs US to Stop Bombing to Permit Food Delivery

Pentagon Hires PR Firm To Sell Message To World

Bush v. Pentagon: Bureaucracy Stops Pilots from Hitting Targets

Bush v. Pakistan: US Worries About Pakistan's Nukes Falling Into Bin Laden's Hands

Bush v. Reagan-Bush: U.S. Soldiers Face Missiles the Reagan-Bush CIA Sent To Mujahadeen

Bush Signs Executive Order For The CIA To Do 'Whatever It Takes'

Will The War On Terrorism Serve As A Cover For The Directorate of Operations To Return 
To It's Own Terrorizing Activities?

If The CIA Had Butted Out...

Bush v. Saudi Arabia: Bush Refuses to Press Saudis on their Support for Al Qaeda

Who needs ANWR and MidEast Oil When We Have Vast Offshore Wind Energy?

__Top 10 Reasons Why Al Gore Would Be a Better Wartime President Than George W. Bush

On Saturday, the NY Times declared that Congressional Democrats were thrilled to have 
George W. Bush leading America's War Against Terrorism. Bush Winning Gore Backers' 
High Praises, announced the story by Richard Berke. He writes, Many Democrats who 
once dismissed Mr. Bush as too naïve and too dependent on advisers to steer the United 
States through an international crisis are now praising his and his advisers' 
performance. Some are even privately expressing satisfaction that Mr. Gore, who tried 
to make his foreign affairs expertise an issue in the campaign, did not win. My 
response can be summarized in one simple expletive: bull. 

__Tell Gail Norton To Resign! Sign The Petition!

At best, information you have provided to Congress about the effects of drilling on 
the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge was riddled with careless errors. At worst, the 
data you presented has, as some Fish and Wildlife officials have charged, been 
cherry-picked and distorted to support a pro-drilling stance. You have either 
irreparably erred, which shows a failure on your part to place enough importance on 
this matter to get the facts right, or you deliberately distorted the facts to 
egregiously cater to pro-drilling interests. In either case, you have failed to 
provide a balanced view on this issue and have seriously reneged upon your repeated 
promises during Senate confirmation to 'provide [Congress] the best scientific 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] FW: [Lis-LEAF] TAGGED AND BAGGED: Citizen, Can I See Your ID.

2001-10-22 Thread Kris Millegan

-Original Message-
From: Tee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 23:58
Subject: [Lis-LEAF] TAGGED AND BAGGED: Citizen, Can I See Your ID.


Citizen, Can I See Your ID.
by Al Martin

What has not been explained to the American people is the reason why 35,000
Army Reservists and 65,000 National Guard have been called up. It is to
maintain internal checkpoints. It has nothing to do with the external War
on Terrorism. All of these people are being trained at the US Army School
of Urban Control at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. CNN actually showed an urban
training mock-up, what they're training on, and what the new Internal
Security checkpoint is going to look like. It was mighty sinister looking.

   There was a barrier that went across the road. To the right was an
elevated shed like structure, elevated perhaps fifteen feet in the air. It
had a small second story that was open. On it was a sign that read Homeland
Security Internal Checkpoint. There were sandbags and the wooden arm that
crossed the road read 100% ID Checked. Then there was a small shed to the
right with a small barbed wire area behind that. On this structure was a
sign, which read, All citizens not having proper identification will be
detained. All foreign nationals will be detained. All citizens who are
deemed to be acting in a suspicious manner will be detained. At each of
these posts there will be six armed Army or National Guard reservists with
M-16's with full field kit. On top of the structure to the rear, the open
structure on top, there's a man with a machine gun emplacement.

   They showed the actual mockup used for training purposes. They had
uniforms. They weren't in their regular uniforms. It's a new gray uniform
with a gray helmet and a visor so you can't see their eyes. The only thing
you can see is from their lips down because they said that's to prevent any
retribution from people who don't like this new idea.

   This uniform looked exactly like the Imperial Storm Troopers from
Star Wars except instead of white, it was gray. All the helmets have
little transceivers so they can communicate with each other. There will be
six guards at each internal security checkpoint. And there's another warning
on the inside of the barbed wire enclosure, Any detainees attempting to
escape will be shot. It was a yellow and red sign inside the detainment

   The only person who actually spoke on camera during this story was a
sergeant, an Army Reservist sergeant. You could tell that he completely
disagreed with what was going on. You couldn't hear the question being
asked, but he was looking at the camera and he said, We're here to protect
the people. Then he put his head down and shook his head, and you could
tell he didn't believe a word of what he was saying -- like it was some big
frigging joke.

   Then they showed the procedure they were using to train these guys.
average American car, like a Ford or a Chevy, drives up and there's supposed
to be a husband and wife in the front seat and a couple of kiddies in the
back. So they drive up to the checkpoint, and the corporal comes up to the
car and says, May I see your identification, citizen.

   They call everyone citizen. I swear to God, I'm not making this up.
Then the guy asks for his driver's license, then something else and
something else. Then he says, Very good, citizen.

   There's a spot on the gate that goes across the road that they had
x-ed out. But you could tell what it said because the sergeant alluded to
it. It said, All citizens are required to present their National
Identification Cards. But they left it blank as a black spray-painted out
spot because the legislation for that hasn't happened yet.

   The big sign on the side of the one and half story shed with the
machine gun nest on top said Homeland Security Internal Checkpoint. And
now we're all supposed to say, Hail the Republic. That's the new mantra.
They showed a bunch of guys being trained at Fort Campbell, Kentucky,
probably enlisted and reservists and such. And they kept raising up their
right arm saying, Hail the Republic.

   The sergeant even said that they are duplicating the ancient Roman
Legions salute to Caesar, using the right arm upraised with the fist.
Instead of Hail Caesar, though they say, Hail the Republic.

   This is what's coming. People don't believe it or people don't
understand it but when 80% of the people support whatever security
measures are necessary.

   What does it all mean? We all better start worrying when George Bush
starts to play the fiddle.

   Congress is supposed to be recessed for the rest of the year, but
will be giving the Administration extraordinary wartime authority --
pursuant to all remaining legislation. In other words, they will simply
allow the Administration to act under pending statutes. They are simply