[CTRL] Bush to Back Out of '72 Nuclear Pact

2001-12-12 Thread Bill Richer

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Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Bush to Back Out of '72 Nuclear Pact

By RON FOURNIER, AP White House Correspondent

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush (news - web sites), eager to deploy a
missile shield long sought by Republicans, soon will give Russia notice that
the United States is withdrawing from a landmark 1972 arms-control treaty,
U.S. government officials said Tuesday. The pact bans missile defense

Bush will invoke a clause in the Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty that requires
the United States and Russia to give six months' notice before abandoning the
pact, the sources said.

Initial White House plans were to announce the decision Thursday, but
officials cautioned the date could change. One source said formal notice
would be issued in January. The four government officials spoke on condition
of anonymity.

``The time is coming when we will need to move beyond the ABM treaty,'' said
Sean McCormack, a White House spokesman. Last Thursday, a group of Russian
military officials on a visit to Washington told private American
arms-control experts they expected the Bush administration to give notice of
withdrawal over the year-end holidays.

Bush told Putin during their autumn talks in China that he would withdraw
from the ABM in January even if Russia had not agreed to a deal by then.

With the decision, Bush takes a huge step toward fulfilling a campaign pledge
to develop and deploy an anti-missile system that he says will protect the
United States and its allies, including Russia, from missiles fired by rogue

Bush has said the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks heightened the need for such a

Russia and many U.S. allies have warned Bush that withdrawing from the pact
might trigger a nuclear arms race. Critics of the plan also question whether
an effective system can be developed without enormous expense.

Conservative Republicans have urged Bush to scuttle the ABM, rejecting
proposals to amend the pact or find loopholes allowing for tests.

The chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, Bob Stump, R-Ariz., said
he has received no advance tip from the administration, but he backs the

``There's all these questions about Russia upholding their end of the treaty
anyway, and I just don't think we should penalize ourselves,'' Stump said.
``We shouldn't delay our ballistic missile defense. If it takes withdrawing
from the ABM treaty, that's fine.''

Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, D-S.D., told CNN he was opposed to
pulling out of the pact. ``It is not a good idea. It would be a real setback
for defense and foreign policy to violate the ABM treaty.'' He added: ``It's
a slap in the face for many people who have committed years if not decades''
to arms control.

The president defended his push for a missile shield during a national
security speech Tuesday at the Citadel in South Carolina.

``For the good of peace, we're moving forward with an active program to
determine what works and what does not work,'' Bush said. ``In order to do
so, we must move beyond the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, a treaty that
was written in a different era, for a different enemy.''

``America and our allies must not be bound to the past. We must be able to
build the defenses we need against the enemies of the 21st century,'' he

According to Bush administration officials, Russian President Vladimir Putin
(news - web sites) had assured Bush during their October talks in Washington
and Crawford, Texas, that U.S.-Russian relations would not suffer even if
Bush pulled out of the treaty.

They said Bush's decision reflects a desire by the Pentagon (news - web
sites) to conduct tests in the next six months or so that would violate the

Tests may be conducted on sea-based radars and missile interceptors, which
could be fielded in combination with the land-based systems that the Pentagon
has been testing for years and which are permitted under the treaty.

The Pentagon later might test space-based missile defense technologies.

Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld has said that even after the
administration gave notice of its intent to withdraw, the administration
would be interested in continuing discussions with the Russians on an
arrangement to replace the ABM treaty. If that produced agreement within six
months, there would be no need for a formal withdrawal.

The decision came as Secretary of State Colin Powell (news - web sites), in
Moscow, said Russia and the United States are near agreement on drastic cuts
in long-range nuclear arsenals.

But the U.S.-Russian disagreement over missile defense is so deep that Russia
is bracing for the possibility of a U.S. withdrawal from the landmark ABM
treaty, Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov told a joint news conference
with Powell on Monday.

Another major nuclear treaty, the 1993 START II treaty to 

[CTRL] Requiem for a terrorist

2001-12-12 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Requiem for a terrorist



© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

After decades in power, it would appear that the rule of Mohammed Yasser
Arafat may well be coming to an end. The regime of the old terrorist is being
consumed by the new terrorists created by Arafat himself in the school
classrooms of the new Palestinian Authority.

Arafat has worked against Israel since the days before it was born. As an
18-year-old fighter, Arafat organized a gun-smuggling ring that was tasked
with smuggling weapons into Israel for use by the Arabs who fought against
the establishment of the Jewish state. When Israel was attacked by the
combined might of the Arab world in an effort to annihilate the Jewish state
at birth, Arafat was there, fighting the Jews from within their new borders.

When the Arabs were defeated, Arafat fled to Egypt where he enrolled in Cairo
University. In 1956, he formed al Fatah as an underground terror
organization. Fatah competed with the Palestine Liberation Organization that
was backed by Syria, Egypt and Jordan. In 1967, the Arabs attacked Israel
again in the third effort to annihilate the Jewish state in 19 years. When
Egypt lost the Gaza Strip, Syria the Golan Heights and Jordan the West Bank,
the Arabs living there ceased to be Jordanians, or Syrians, or Egyptians, and
they all became Palestinians. Arafat combined al-Fatah with the PLO in 1968
and declared himself chairman.

Arafat has been called the father of modern terrorism. It was Arafat who
discovered the value in hijacking American and Israeli airplanes. Between
1968 and 1973, Yasser Arafat oversaw at least nine international aircraft
hijackings. Arafat outlined the goal of his organization and his view of a
peace process with Israel in an interview with the El Mundo newspaper in
Caracas, Venezuela, on Feb. 18, 1980. Peace for us means the destruction of
Israel. We are preparing for an all out war which will last for generations.
We shall not rest until the day we return to our home and until we destroy
Israel. Note that Arafat's vow is in two parts. He vows not to rest until,
first, he returns to his home – presumably fulfilled when he returned to
Israel following the signing of the Oslo Agreement. And from that moment
forward, he has devoted his attention to the second part of his vow – the
destruction of Israel.

To that end, Arafat has spared no effort. The Oslo Agreement in 1993 gave the
Palestinian Authority autonomy over the Palestinian educational system.
Arafat promptly ordered a curriculum for young Palestinians that taught
hatred of all things Jewish, taught that all of Israel was really the
Palestinian homeland, that martyrdom was good and that the peace process was
really just a delaying tactic. Arafat's indoctrination of a people, complete
with the textbooks (financed by U.S. dollars) used to brainwash every
Palestinian now under the age of 25, has been carefully documented.

Through his control of state-owned radio, television and newspapers, Arafat
was able to incite and brainwash the rest of his people that were old enough
not to have received a proper Palestinian education. Again, this is all
carefully documented.

By early 2000, the Palestinian population was so completely convinced of the
necessity to destroy Israel before a peace deal could be concluded, that
Arafat needed to find an excuse for an uprising to vent popular anger before
it turned on him. Peace was within his grasp, but Arafat was a wartime ruler.
In peacetime, he would be quickly replaced, and he knew that.

In July 2000, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak offered him everything he had
been asking for. If he accepted the Camp David offer, there would be nothing
left to fight over. Planning the new uprising went into high gear. According
to PA Communications Minister Imad Faluji: It [the intifada] had been
planned since PA Chairman Arafat's return from Camp David, when he turned the
tables on the former U.S. president [Clinton] and rejected the American

All that remained to find was an excuse. Ariel Sharon's visit to the Temple
Mount provided the excuse he needed in October, and the spontaneous Al Aqsa
intifada began. But Arafat can no longer control it.

As Sheik Abdul Majid Atta told the Washington Times this week, Hamas owns
the streets, not Arafat. The EU has demanded Arafat dismantle Hamas and
Hezbollah. The U.S. has demanded he arrest 33 wanted terrorists. Even the
U.N. demanded he do something about the continued suicide attacks against
Israeli civilian targets.

But he can't. He created an atmosphere in which 4 out of 5 Palestinians
support continued violence. Less than 20 percent support a ceasefire. His own
lieutenants are breaking up into factions. If he meets the demands of the

[CTRL] U.S. Strikes Resume as Deadline Passes

2001-12-12 Thread Bill Richer

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Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

No Surrender
U.S. Strikes Resume as Deadline Passes

Dec. 12 — U.S. bombers resumed airstrikes on al Qaeda targets in the Tora
Bora mountains after a deadline for surrender came and went.

Meanwhile, U.S. intelligence received the clearest indication yet that Osama
bin Laden leader was still in the area.
Al Qaeda forces had been told to surrender by 8 a.m. (10:30 p.m. ET Tuesday)
after losing their positions in the mountains around the Tora Bora complex
and indicating they were ready to discuss surrender terms, said Haji Mohammed
Zaman, one of the three commanders leading the assault.

But bin Laden's forces apparently ignored that deadline. According to some
accounts, they said they would surrender only to U.N. diplomats, and/or
representatives of their own nations. Many al Qaeda fighters are non-Afghan

The initial offer to surrender followed the drop of a 15,000-pound daisy
cutter bomb on suspected al Qaeda positions on Sunday.

Sources told ABCNEWS the bomb had a massive impact in terms of its outright
destruction, and also set off a series of panicked radio and satellite-phone
calls immediately after, and creating a flood of new hard evidence on the
whereabouts of bin Laden.

The communications told intelligence sources that bin Laden was near the
blast and is now on the run — and that many other al Qaeda leaders were
killed. According to sources, bin Laden and his inner circle are still in the
Tora Bora mountains

A Complicated Surrender

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld warned that even if the remaining al Qaeda
fighters in the mountains surrender, the conflict is far from over.

There's no question but that some of the terrorists are on the run, and
there also are pockets of terrorists and Taliban that are being attacked as
we speak, Rumsfeld said Tuesday. But we all know that a wounded animal can
be dangerous, and so, too, the Taliban and al Qaeda can hide in the
mountains, they can hide in caves and, indeed, they can hide in cities.

The cease-fire was ordered after Zaman held a radio conversation with al
Qaeda leaders followed by a meeting between commanders from the two sides. An
interpreter working for The Associated Press listened in on some of the radio
negotiations between Zaman and the al Qaeda commanders.

The al Qaeda fighters called me, they said, 'Please don't fight us, we want
to surrender,'  Zaman said, adding that the surrender would occur in small
groups, not all at once.

It was not clear, though, how many of the al Qaeda soldiers might actually be
involved in any surrender, if it occurred, or what would happen to the mostly
non-Afghan fighters.

We'll give them to the United Nations. I asked them whether there were any
women and children. They said they were only young men, Zaman said. Tonight
we will make a plan to get them out.

The news was greeted with skepticism by a spokesman for the U.S.-led
coalition forces in Afghanistan, and at the Pentagon, the chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Richard Myers, said even the term cease-fire
was a misnomer.

I don't think I would characterize it as a cease-fire, Myers said. There
are some valid military reasons to stop fighting for a while before you
resume and that is probably what you're seeing.

Rumsfeld said the American position on al Qaeda was unchanged — if they want
to surrender, they are welcome to, but there will be no deals.

Our interest remains exactly the same: It is to capture or kill all the al
Qaeda and prevent them from escaping into other countries or other locations
in Afghanistan where they can continue their terrorist activities, Rumsfeld

Calls by some al Qaeda members for negotiations could be just a stalling
tactic, to give the mostly Arab, Pakistani and Chechen mercenaries who fought
for bin Laden's terror network a chance to escape, Pentagon officials said.

U.N. Special Envoy in Kabul

In other developments:

   The White House is expected to release today a 40-minute  videotape found
last month in Afghanistan that offers another connection between bin Laden
and the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States.

  Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Yemen all said they want their citizens extradited
back to them. ?These are our sons … Those who are criminally involved will be
punished. But they are our responsibility,? the Saudi foreign minister said.

   The Marines have expanded their operations around Kandahar. U.S. troops
are stopping everyone, searching for weapons and destroying any that they
find. Afghans who surrender their weapons are allowed to leave. Those who
resist are killed.

  U.N. special envoy Lakhdar Brahimi arrived in Kabul Tuesday to begin talks
with rival leaders to try to smooth the way for the interim government, which
is due to be sworn in on Dec. 22.

  The toll of dead and missing at the World Trade Center 

[CTRL] China demands return of its terror fighters

2001-12-12 Thread Bill Richer

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Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

China demands return of its terror fighters
By David Rennie in Beijing
(Filed: 12/12/2001)

BEIJING yesterday demanded that Chinese citizens found fighting for the
Taliban in Afghanistan should be handed over to face justice - a demand that
will alarm human rights groups and test China's fledgling anti-terror
alliance with the United States.

Zhang Qiyue, a foreign ministry spokesman, said China had been informed that
ethnic Uighurs from the far western province of Xinjiang had been caught in

She said: Once they are determined to be Chinese citizens, the relevant side
should hand them over to the Chinese side so as to handle them according to

She repeated claims that hundreds of Uighur separatists had been trained in
Afghan terrorist camps, and said the detainees had close association with
international terrorist forces.

A senior American anti-terrorist envoy, Gen Francis Taylor, confirmed last
week that anti-Taliban forces had captured people from western China in

Uighur militants have carried out bombings and assassinations in Xinjiang,
which was overrun by Communist forces in 1949, ending a brief period of
independence as East Turkestan.

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[CTRL] B52s break bin Laden's men

2001-12-12 Thread Bill Richer

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Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

B52s break bin Laden's men


THE aftermath of the battle for Tora Bora was apocalyptic: a blasted scene of
shredded clothes, bloodied shoes and scraps of abandoned food.
Yesterday, as we walked past caves and defensive positions that al-Qaeda
fighters had abandoned only hours before, Mujahidin fighters marched forward,
their Kalashnikovs and rocket-propelled grenades hanging off their shoulders,
calling out excitedly.

“They’re gone,” said one. “The Arabs have run away.”

On this battlefield the awesome power of the bomber to destroy men and morale
was in no doubt.

The 15,000lb daisy-cutter bomb leaves little in its path, creating a 600-yard
radius of destruction. Everything was blackened and broken.

Everywhere we saw bloody shoes, tins of tomatoes, packets of biscuits, pieces
of food the enemy had eaten before their last stand against the anti-Taleban
forces were scattered in front of their abandoned positions.

The eight days of bombing finally shattered the morale of the al-Qaeda
fighters and yesterday forced them to turn and run.

Wave after wave of B52s delivered the explosive force equivalent to the
bombing of Dresden. The bombing was continuing last night with AC130 gunships
being deployed again above al-Qaeda positions.

For a week the Arabs had fought fiercely with mortars, tanks and long-range
missiles. But yesterday, as 800 Mujahidin fighters were deployed against
them, they were flushed from their caves and forced to climb to the higher
ridges where escape will be difficult, if not impossible. A senior commander,
Hazret Ali, said he was “one hundred per cent sure” that bin Laden, who was
believed to be leading the men, was still with them. “He was spotted
yesterday by our intelligence,” he said.

Last night the Afghan Eastern Alliance commanders were claiming a decisive
victory, with a possible Taleban surrender expected early this morning. But
more than 1,000 al-Qaeda fighters were thought to be streaming towards the
Pakistan border as they attempt to flee.

According to local commanders dozens of heavily armed American soldiers made
lightning raids against al-Qaeda command centres overnight and returned to
the nearby village of Pacir before sunrise.

In one place, fires still smoked where the Arab fighters had made their
morning tea before being overrun by the Mujahidin.The trees were burnt and
shrivelled, their branches, like arms, reaching towards the sky. On remnants
of a CBU87 cluster bomb, an American soldier had written before dropping his
weapon: “For those whose dreams were taken, Here are a few nightmares. This
is gonna shine like a diamond in a goat’s ass.”

There was the stink of death, too, with pieces of uniform hanging from the
trees, where someone had been blown apart by a bomb.

Three al-Qaeda fighters in a snipers’ nest were shredded by gunfire.

Down the mountain gorge into the Milewa Valley, the air was still except for
the sporadic sound of machinegun fire and the occasional shell, the silence
frightening after a week of heavy fighting. I climbed down the mountain, past
a pile of stones that were used as gun positions and shelter from sniper and
mortar fire, and into the caves and forward positions of the al-Qaeda

I did not feel brave. I could not forget the words of the fighters who vowed
they would fight to the death. The same ones who told villagers that they
would come and kill any Westerners who ventured here. “They might still be
somewhere, hiding,” said one mujahidin soldier who had been fighting since
early morning and whose shoes had fallen apart from marching up and down the
ridges. He was leading me towards the caves, helping me up the dusty

“This could be a trap.” He still could not believe that the battle was
nearly over. He pointed to the darkness of the cave that he was guarding, the
stacks of ammunition boxes, the empty shells and cartridges, remnants of

Down the valley, between the ridges where the plumes of smoke from bombs
dropped by B52s rose, were further reminders of how these fighters had lived
for the past few weeks. They left behind pieces of gym equipment — green
plastic barbells, boxing gloves, weights —- and in the middle of the field
they had constructed a primitive chin-up bar.

Inside the dankness of the caves, there were scattered documents in Arabic,
tattered notebooks, Kevlar helmets. Pillows and mattresses remained where
they had slept.

A soldier pointed out a ruined position. He said bin Laden had lived here.
“This was his house, his place.”

As the sun went down, the soldiers gathered their blankets around their
uniforms and prepared to break their fast for Ramadan. In one valley that had
been gutted by bombs, a wrecked tank was left abandoned in the middle of 

[CTRL] American in Taliban: Biological strike on U.S. near

2001-12-12 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

American in Taliban: Biological strike on U.S. near
By Bill Gertz

 An American Taliban fighter held captive by Marines in Afghanistan has
told American officials that al Qaeda's next attack on the United States will
take place in days and involve biological weapons, U.S. intelligence
officials told The Washington Times. Top Stories
• 1st terror indictment issued
• Tribal forces trap bin Laden's foreign troops
• Afghan wants to try Omar in home court
• U.S. says tribunals just for terror leaders
• U.S. to pull out of Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty
• DeLay eyes majority leader post
• Father files grievance over pledge

 John Walker Lindh, the Taliban guerrilla captured near Mazar-e-Sharif,
said in intelligence debriefings at the U.S. Marine Corps base near Kandahar
that Phase II of al Qaeda's war against the United States will occur at the
end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which ends Sunday.
 Mr. Lindh told U.S. intelligence officials that the Ramadan attack will
involve the use of biological weapons.
 A third phase of al Qaeda's war on the United States will result in the
destruction of the entire country, the Islamic convert stated.
 The officials said they have questioned the credibility of Mr. Lindh's
claim because of his relatively low-level position.
 Still, the information was among other intelligence reports that led the
Bush administration to issue a public warning last week about a possible
terrorist attack, the officials said.
 No other details were available about Mr. Lindh's debriefing. However,
the intelligence about the impending attack is an indication Mr. Lindh may
have been part of the al Qaeda network in addition to fighting on behalf of
the Taliban militia.
 A CIA spokesman declined to comment.
 Gen. Richard B. Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said on
Sunday that Mr. Lindh was providing information.
 He's been pretty close to the action, and he has provided from the
Afghan perspective some useful information, Gen. Myers said on Fox News
 I think the evidence is pretty strong that he was right in the middle
of it.
 Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz told reporters the American had
provided information that has been very helpful to the United States,
including information on the prisoner uprising at Mazar-e-Sharif that led to
the death of CIA officer Johnny Mike Spann.
 Obviously the people who really have the information that we really
want to get are those top al Qaeda leaders and maybe some of the Taliban
leaders and maybe we'll find it in documents in places we are now able to get
into, Mr. Wolfowitz said Sunday.
 But I think anyone who knows anything about that organization is a
potentially valuable source of information.
 The Pentagon has not decided how to handle Mr. Lindh and whether he will
be charged with treason.
 The U.S. Central Command in Tampa, Fla., said in a statement that Mr.
Lindh was being treated as an enemy prisoner of war.
 Mr. Lindh, 20, was videotaped as he was interrogated by the CIA officer
hours before his death at the hands of rebelling Taliban and al Qaeda
prisoners at a fortress near Mazar-e-Sharif. He initially gave his name as
Abdul Hamid.
 The Marines are using a large green metal shipping container to hold Mr.
Lindh at their base in southern Afghanistan, according to pool reports from
the base.
 Marine Corps spokesman Capt. Stewart Upton said he had no information
about Mr. Lindh being held in the container, which is surrounded by barbed
wire and Marine guards.
 A second Marine spokesman, Capt. David Romley, said later that the only
detainee at the camp was Mr. Lindh.
 At the Pentagon, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld told reporters
that valuable intelligence is being collected as U.S. and Afghan opposition
forces take over areas once ruled by the Taliban.
 There's documentation being found and discovered and analyzed and
translated, so that each day we learn more and know more, Mr. Rumsfeld said.
As more address books are found and phone books are found and computer hard
drives are found as people have left areas, clearly our knowledge base is
going up.

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[CTRL] Is the Cold War 'Over'?

2001-12-12 Thread Bill Richer

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Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Is the Cold War 'Over'?
Center for Security Policy
Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2001
Decision Brief
No. 01-D 79
(WASHINGTON) – In his syndicated column in Monday's New York Times, William
Safire offers an ominous assessment of Russian President Vladimir Putin and
the signal successes he has achieved since President Bush started looking
into his soul and declared that he trusts his Kremlin counterpart.

Unfortunately for Mr. Bush, as alarming as the Safire critique is today –
concerning, for example, Russia's machinations, at U.S. and Western expense,
on NATO, Chechnya, oil prices, weapons sales to Iraq and other state sponsors
of terrorism, etc. – the record could become even more damning if Secretary
of State Powell has his way.

'Reading Putin's Mind'

Bill Safire rightly worries that the new relationship being forged at
President Bush's behest between Russia and the Atlantic Alliance will
translate into Moscow having access to NATO's military secrets and an
effective veto over its conduct of operations. He notes that Putin's ruthless
repression of the Chechens has now been legitimated as just another front in
the global war on Islamist terrorism.

Safire wonders about Russian double-dealing on oil prices, too. He notes that
Moscow at first declined to go along with production cutbacks sought by OPEC,
but has recently signaled a willingness to make more-than-token reductions in
supply so as to jack up the price per barrel.

And he observes that, while the Kremlin was only too happy to have us attack
its enemies in Afghanistan, Moscow will want no part of our doing the same in
Iraq or other Russian client-states.

The Powell Gambit

These concerns are hardly unjustified. If press reports are correct, however,
the gravity of their implications may be greatly compounded by Secretary of
State Powell during his personal diplomatic mission to Moscow this week.

According to the Washington Post, Mr. Powell told reporters en route to
Russia that a deal between the United States and Russia to sharply reduce
nuclear weapons is 'just about done,' and the two countries are now looking
for ways to verify that they abide by the proposed limits.

Specifically, they are focusing on how to apply verification measures
included in the earlier START I and START II arms control treaties to the new
limits proposed for offensive weapons.

In other words, President Bush risks having a unilateral decision to reduce
American strategic nuclear forces by two-thirds over the next decade morphed
by his Secretary of State into a binding bilateral agreement, replete with
verification mechanisms carried forward from earlier arms control treaties.

This would be a very bad idea on several grounds. First of all, the number of
strategic arms President Bush has decided to retain a decade from now –
1,700-2,200 weapons – may prove inadequate to future targeting requirements.

One of the distinct advantages of making that decision as a matter of
unilateral U.S. discretion is that it could relatively easily be revised down
the road. That is not the case with understandings formalized by accords
(treaties, executive agreements, etc.) between countries.

Second, the START I and II verification measures are predicated on elaborate
and artificial counting rules. For instance, a given long-range missile may
have fewer warheads aboard it than the number it can carry but, in the
interest of arms control monitoring, a larger number is automatically
assigned to each missile of that type.

Should such rules now be applied to the president's projected force levels –
something explicitly rejected in their formulation and adoption – the
practical effect would be that the United States could field still fewer
weapons than even he thought necessary.

Finally, and most troubling, Secretary Powell's efforts to get a deal on
strategic arms violates a fundamental principle of the president's approach
to Russia: The Cold War is over.

The State Department's preference for arms control agreements with the
Kremlin – replete with arrangements for verifying each other's compliance
with such accords – amounts to a direct repudiation of Mr. Bush's concept of
a new post-Cold War era. The affront would only be compounded were Mr. Powell
to sign onto another deal that would perpetuate the 1972 Anti-Ballistic
Missile (ABM) Treaty but somehow allow the U.S. greater latitude to conduct
missile defense tests it prohibits.

The Bottom Line

In the world President Bush has envisioned, massive American nuclear
reductions are possible. U.S.-Russian cooperation on intelligence,
counterterrorism, drug enforcement and maybe even missile defense are
imaginable (if debatable). Who knows, in such an environment, it might
actually be possible to trust Russia with access to NATO's innermost
councils, to maintain stable 

[CTRL] Surrender in doubt; troops slip away

2001-12-12 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Surrender in doubt; troops slip away

Dec. 11 — U.S. Marines are patrolling outside Kandahar to head off any
Taliban or al-Qaida trying to escape. Jim Miklaszewski reports.


  Dec. 12 —   U.S. warplanes resumed bombing Wednesday morning around
Tora Bora as U.S.-allied rebel forces prepared to enter caves in search of
cornered al-Qaida forces. The foreign fighters allied with Osama bin Laden,
who have been holed up inside the caves, turned their backs on a surrender
agreement, insisting that they would only turn themselves in to the United
Nations, according to Afghan reports.

“AN INTENSE AND SEVERE fight” is now likely, an Afghan commander
identified as Yunas told The Washington Post. “The Arabs want to surrender,”
said the commander, but “the Americans wouldn’t let them.”
   The al-Qaida fighters had been expected to lay down their weapons by 8
a.m. Wednesday local time (10:30 p.m. ET Tuesday) and then walk a short
distance to an alliance position where they were to have been searched.
Trucks then were to have taken them to the alliance’s local command post at
Agom village, about 3 miles to the southeast, where they were to be detained.
   Mohammed Zaman, defense chief of the U.S.-allied “eastern tribal
alliance,” told NBC News’ Bob Campi after the deadline that the surrender
had not taken place and that alliance troops would begin entering local caves
in search of the al-Qaida forces.
   The Pakistan-based Afghan Islamic Press, which has close ties to the
al-Qaida-supporting Taliban militia, reported that at the last minute, the
fighters imposed a new condition: that they would surrender only to U.N.
officials — and only in the presence of representatives of their own
 ‘The military mission remains to destroy al-Qaida.’
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff  A group of al-Qaida fighters
made radio contact on Tuesday to discuss surrender terms, but it was unclear
how many al-Qaida fighters had been talking of surrender. In the past, forces
loyal to bin Laden have vowed to fight to the death.
   There was no immediate reaction from U.S. officials, but Air Force
Gen. Richard Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, earlier had
stressed that there was “no confirmation” of surrender talks. “The military
mission remains to destroy al-Qaida,” he told reporters.
   Angry anti-Taliban fighters blocked reporters from moving to the
intended surrender area, but Western journalists reported hearing gunfire.

   A U.S. B-52 bomber began making new bombing runs about an hour after
Wednesday’s deadline passed, the Arabic-language news agency al-Jazeera and
the British Broadcasting Corp. reported from the front lines Wednesday
morning. U.S. forces had continued bombing through the night in the general
area to try to block escape routes for Taliban and al-Qaida troops. U.S.
defense sources told NBC News on Tuesday that hundreds of such fighters, were
believed to have slipped out of Afghanistan into neighboring Iran and
Pakistan, alarming military officials.

   The Taliban’s supreme leader, Mullah Mohammed Omar, remains missing
and was believed to have been holed up outside Kandahar, but U.S. officials
told NBC News that almost all of the remaining top 22 Taliban leaders have
escaped into Pakistan. Pakistani authorities, meanwhile, said they had
arrested 20 foreigners trying to slip across the border from Afghanistan, the
Pakistan News Service reported Tuesday.
   No further details were available.
   U.S. sources also told NBC News that as many as 500 troops of the
Taliban and of al-Qaida, the terrorist network run by bin Laden, had bought
safe passage into Iran after they were captured at Mazar-e-Sharif and Kunduz
in the north. Most escaped on foot or horseback over remote mountain trails,
while one top leader was wounded and still escaped, sources said.

   Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld told reporters Tuesday that “they
can escape across the borders and regroup and then plot to strike again as
they have promised to do.”
   U.S. troops from the 10th Mountain Division are patrolling the
mountainous areas along the Pakistani border. And Pakistan, a key U.S. ally,
said it had sent 4,000 troops to the area.
   In southern Afghanistan, U.S. Marine “hunter-killer” teams with armed
vehicles set up a staging ground about 12 miles from Kandahar to cut off
escape routes, and UH-1 Huey command-and-control and AH-1 Cobra attack
helicopters were patrolling the air.
   “We continue to conduct interdiction efforts to halt their fleeing and
try to seal off as much as possible and as many as possible potential avenues
for their 

[CTRL] The end of sovereignty?

2001-12-12 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Paul Craig Roberts

December 12, 2001

The end of sovereignty?

Tyranny is coming to Europe in the form of a new multicultural empire.
Ancient sovereign states, such as England and France, and newer ones, such as
Germany and Italy, are to cease to exist, and to be folded into a European
superstate. National existence is targeted for extinction by about 2006,
followed by national consciousness. Preparing the British for their demise as
a people, Foreign Secretary Jack Straw wrote in The Independent on Nov. 22
that in a world where states and the interests of their citizens are so
obviously interdependent, we need to rethink our attitudes to concepts like
'independence' and 'sovereignty'.

Prime Minister Tony Blair agrees. The war against terrorism, he says, has
made national sovereignty out-of-date.

If you think these are weak arguments for giving up the nation-state, you
have a point. The basis for successful political life is a common language,
history and culture, which create a people sufficiently cohesive for
democracy or self-rule to arrive at compromises that reconcile conflicts.

When multicultural diversity replaces a people, cohesion must be provided
by coercion.

Coercion is the response to the massive Third World immigration into European
nation-states. The erosion of a people by diversity has evoked tyrannical
laws in an effort to coerce an artificial commonality.

Great Britain, for example, no longer consists of its indigenous peoples:
English, Scots and Welsh. Britons are having to make room for large numbers
of Africans, Indians, Arabs and Pakistanis. Shear numbers and victim-group
status impede assimilation, which, in turn, both impedes the immigrants'
progress and fosters resentment by diluting British culture.

The consequence of non-assimilation is racial inequality. The Labor Party has
responded by blaming racism. On Dec. 6, the government implemented
draconian race equality laws. Public, private and voluntary organizations
are under statutory obligation, policed by the Commission for Racial
Equality, to produce racial equality in employment, college admissions,
school performance, disciplinary proceedings, pay, benefits, facilities -- in
short, a thoroughgoing quota system.

Gurbux Singh, chairman of the Commission for Racial Equality, called the
legislation a powerful lever for change. In effect, British culture has
been declared unfair, because immigrants who do not assimilate are

Europe is as overrun with Third World immigrants as Britain. Some German
Social Democrats favor immigration as a way of diluting the German
population, thereby diminishing the worst characteristics of the nation --
in other words, as a way of de-Germanizing Germany. Proposals are afoot to
give the same state subsidies to Islamic cultural organizations as German
ones receive.

Dilution of national cultures by immigration is the basis for the European
Union. A weakened sense of nationhood in Britain, France and Germany means no
effective opposition to bureaucratic rule by the European Commission in

In order to criminalize national patriotism and opposition to immigration,
the European Union is pushing forward legislation that makes xenophobia and
racism crimes. Once this legislation passes, a European who, for example,
criticizes immigration as an anti-diversity measure that is wiping European
civilization off the face of the earth, can be found guilty of racism and
sentenced to two years in prison.

Similarly, persons who oppose EU measures as contrary to British values or
French culture can be imprisoned for xenophobia.

Hand-in-hand with the criminalization of national identity goes the European
arrest warrant. Once in effect, an Englishman could be extradited to Greece
and put on trial for offenses that are not crimes in England.

No finer recipe for oppression could be devised. The oppression will be felt
most keenly by the British, for it is the liberties protected by their unique
legal system that will be lost. Oppression leads to civil war, not European

The United States, of course, is on the same path. In fact, it began here
with coerced racial integration by judicial decree, a civil rights act that
destroyed freedom of conscience and substituted coercion for persuasion, and
unconstitutional racial quotas that destroyed equality in law.

In the United States, Europe, Canada and Australia, white governments are
responding to the postwar propaganda about racist white hegemonic culture
by disadvantaging the white populations and diluting the hegemonic culture.
In the United States, the melting pot has been evicted by the slogan,
Assimilation is racism.

If the melting pot is dismissed as racist, it must also be racist to question
immigration. In the United States, only one side of the immigration 

[CTRL] A Warmer World Awaits: Fact or Fiction?

2001-12-12 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

A Warmer World Awaits: Fact or Fiction?


Paris (ESA) Dec 10, 2001 Record global temperatures, melting polar ice
caps and glaciers, shorter winters, reduced snow cover, rising sea level,
increased coastal flooding, more frequent hurricanes, dramatic shifts in the
distribution of wildlife, vegetation and diseases, and changes in ocean

These are just some of the consequences that have been associated with
changes in global climate caused by human activity - particularly the pumping
of so-called greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

Noone disputes that, with a population exceeding 6 billion today and likely to
become 9 billion in 50 years, the potential of humanity to alter our planet is
now far greater than at any time during the previous 3,000 years of human
history. However, the key questions remain. Is human interference with
Nature really causing long-term changes to our climate? Just how realistic
are the apocalyptic predictions?

Greenhouse Earth

Our Earth is a fertile oasis in space. The blue planet so admired by
astronauts lies approximately 150 million km from the Sun. At this distance,
our water-covered world should be frozen, a globe covered in a sheet of ice.
On an airless Earth, the average surface temperature would be 33 degrees
lower: -18°C instead of the present average temperature of +15°C. Only the
atmosphere prevents Earth from freezing. In particular, the presence of
certain heat-trapping gases - the greenhouse gases - provides our Earth
with the mild, stable temperature that makes it so hospitable for life.

The greenhouse gases, primarily water vapour and carbon dioxide, play a
crucial role in regulating the temperature of the Earth since they are
transparent to incoming solar radiation but they absorb some of the infra-red
(heat) radiation emitted by the warm surface. The result is an increase in the
temperature of the lower atmosphere.

Other trace gases such as methane, nitrous oxide, ozone and
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) also contribute to this global warming. Most of
these occur naturally, but they may also be generated by human activity. The
fear is that enhanced emissions of greenhouse gases from industry and
agriculture will also enhance the natural greenhouse effect.

There can be no disputing that concentrations of most greenhouse gases
have increased significantly in recent years. The atmospheric concentration
of carbon dioxide has risen by almost one third since 1750, largely as a
result of fossil fuel burning and land use changes such as deforestation.
Studies of air trapped in Antarctic ice cores indicate that the current level is
the highest for at least 420,000 years, and possibly unprecedented for 20
million years.

It is a similar story for many of the other greenhouse gases. Methane levels
have trebled since 1750, nitrous oxide has risen by 17% and ozone in the
lower atmosphere (the troposphere) has increased by more than one third.
The situation is further complicated by the ability of certain man-made
pollutants, particularly oxides of nitrogen and organic hydrocarbons, to have
an indirect influence by generating ozone in the lower atmosphere.

A Warmer World

Scientists agree that global mean temperatures are half a degree Celsius
warmer than they were a century ago, that the amount of carbon dioxide in
the atmosphere has been increasing for two centuries, and that carbon
dioxide is the greenhouse gas that is most influential in warming the Earth. It
is also generally accepted that the 1990s were the warmest decade and
1999 was the warmest year since records began in 1861.

However, despite this apparent link, the scientific community is unable to
agree on whether the warming is caused primarily by CO2 emissions,
whether it will continue, or whether it would be harmful if it did.

One reason for this uncertainty is that the climate is always changing, said
Richard Lindzen, professor of meteorology at Massachusetts Institute of
Technology. Two centuries ago, much of the northern hemisphere was
emerging from a little ice age. During the Middle Ages, the same region was
in a warm period. Thirty years ago, we were concerned with global cooling.

Apart from the natural climatic variations, scientists are also struggling to
take into account the complex interactions that take place between the
atmosphere, oceans, land and biosphere. Only now, with the advent of
supercomputers and streams of data from Earth-orbiting satellites, are global
climate models becoming sufficiently realistic to make reasonably accurate

However, even the most advanced computer models cannot forecast the
future with any precision, partly because of the complex interactions between
the Earth's natural systems, and partly because they are often based on data
sets covering no more than a few decades.

This uncertainty is reflected in the latest Assessment Report issued by the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate 

[CTRL] Fast-Track Authority Would Boost U.S. Security Agenda

2001-12-12 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Fast-Track Authority Would Boost U.S. Security Agenda
December 11, 2001


The U.S. House approved fast-track trade promotion authority Dec. 6 by a
single vote. The measure now goes to the Senate, where approval is nearly
assured. Fast-track authority will change the calculus for many nations
seeking expanded trade with the United States and will empower Washington to
reward allies with bilateral trade deals.


An eleventh-hour lobbying blitz by the Bush administration succeeded in
convincing the U.S. House of Representatives to pass fast-track trade
promotion authority (TPA) in a contentious 215-214 vote Dec. 6. If it becomes
law, the measure will require Congress to approve or nix entire trade
agreements without amendments -- greatly speeding the trade negotiation

The legislation now goes to the Senate, which is traditionally friendlier to
free trade initiatives than the House. Full adoption of the bill will greatly
enhance President George W. Bush's ability to achieve security goals, as well
as economic and political goals, through trade negotiations.

That could affect the United States' relationships in many parts of the
world. Moderate Muslim states such as Egypt and Turkey are the most likely
candidates for such bilateral trade deals -- partly because they play an
influential role in the U.S.-led anti-terrorism coalition. India, Tanzania
and Russia are also possibilities, though to a lesser extent.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
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in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] A True Story...by a A TRUE Hero

2001-12-12 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Subject: A True Story...by a A TRUE Hero

This is for all the
kids born in the 70's that do not remember this, and didn't have to bear

burden, that our fathers, mothers, and older brothers and sisters had to
bear.Jane Fonda is being honored as one of the 100 Women of the Century.
Unfortunately, many have forgotten and still countless others have never
known how Ms.  Fonda betrayed not only the idea of our country but
men who served and sacrificed during Vietnam.

The first part of this is from an F-4E pilot.  The pilot's name is Jerry
Driscoll, a River Rat. In 1978, the former Commandant of the USAF Survival
School was a POW in Ho Lo Prison-the Hanoi Hilton. Dragged from a

cesspit of a cell, cleaned, fed, and dressed in clean PJs, he was ordered

describe for a visiting American Peace Activist the lenient and humane
treatment he'd received.  He spat at Ms.  Fonda, was clubbed, and dragged

During the subsequent beating, he fell forward upon the camp Commandant's
feet, which sent that officer berserk. In '78, the AF Col.  still suffered
from double vision (which permanently ended his flying days) from the
Vietnamese Col.'s frenzied application of a wooden baton.From 1963-65,

Larry Carrigan was in the 47FW/DO (F-4Es).  He spent 6 -years in the
Hilton- the first three of which he was missing in action.  His wife
lived on faith that he was still alive.  His group, too, got the cleaned,
fed, clothed routine in preparation for a peace delegation visit.

They, however, had time and devised a plan to get word to the world that
still survived.  Each man secreted a tiny piece of paper, with his SSN on
in the palm of his hand.  When paraded before Ms. Fonda and a cameraman,

walked the line, shaking each man's hand and asking little encouraging
snippets like: Aren't you sorry you bombed babies? and Are you grateful
for the humane treatment from your benevolent captors? Believing this HAD
be an act, they each palmed her their sliver of paper.

She took them all without missing a beat.  At the end of the line and once
the camera stopped rolling, to the shocked disbelief of the POWs, she

to the officer in charge and handed him the little pile of papers. Three

died from the subsequent beatings.  Col.  Carrigan was almost number four
he survived, which is the only reason we know about her actions that day.

I was a civilian economic development advisor in Vietnam, and was captured
the North Vietnamese communists in South Vietnam in 1968, and held for
years.  I spent 27 months in solitary confinement, one year in a cage in
Cambodia, and one year in a black box in Hanoi.  My North Vietnamese
captors deliberately poisoned and murdered a female missionary, a nurse
in a

leprosarium in Ban me Thuot, South Vietnam, whom I buried in the jungle

the Cambodian border.

At one time, I was weighing approximately 90 lbs.  (My normal weight is
lbs.) We were Jane Fonda's war criminals.

When Jane Fonda was in Hanoi, I was asked by the camp communist political
officer if I would be willing to meet with Jane Fonda.  I said yes, for I
would like to tell her about the real treatment we POWs received different
from the treatment purported by the North Vietnamese, and parroted by Jane
Fonda, as humane and lenient. Because of this, I spent three days on a
rocky floor on my knees with outstretched arms with a large amount of
placed on my hands, and beaten with a bamboo cane till my arms dipped.

I had the opportunity to meet with Jane Fonda for a couple of hours after
was released.  I asked her if she would be willing to debate me on TV. She
did not answer me.

This does not exemplify someone who should be honored as part of 100
of Great Women. Lest we forget...100 years of great women should never
include a traitor whose hands are covered with the blood of so many
There are few things I have strong visceral reactions to, but Hanoi Jane's
participation in blatant treason, is one of them.

Please take the time to forward to as many people as you possibly can. It
will eventually end up on her computer and she needs to know that we will
never forget.
Jan Howman

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational

[CTRL] Not All Heroes Are Honored

2001-12-12 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Not All Heroes Are Honored
By Chuck Baldwin
December 11, 2001

The horrific events of September 11 gave rise to many acts of heroism by
numerous brave Americans. Many of these stouthearted souls have been duly
honored. However, not all heroes are so honored. Some are left to suffer the
devastating consequences of their courage alone and are totally forgotten.
One such American hero is Linda Tripp.

Does anyone remember Linda Tripp? Linda is the Pentagon employee whose
honesty and courage led to Bill Clinton's impeachment. During a time when
Democrats were 800-pound gorillas, Republicans were 90-pound weaklings, and
the media were nothing more than Clinton lap dogs, Linda Tripp stood up to
the awesome power of the establishment in a fashion not heard of since
little David faced off against Goliath of Gath. Unfortunately for Linda (and
for the rest of us, too), she has not been rewarded for her sacrifice.

Instead, news reports recently revealed that Tripp is virtually penniless.
She has not been able to find work since being fired by Clinton's war
machine. As a result, she has lost her home to foreclosure, and any
prospects for gainful employment appear minimal. Linda went from a job
paying more than $100,000 per year to joblessness and penury almost
overnight. For what reason? you ask. She heroically stood up for truth,
justice, and constitutional government.

President Bush's compassionate conservatism has not helped, either. One
would think that one of Bush's first priorities would be to reward those
great Americans who suffered so intensely under Clinton. It did not happen.
Linda's phone never rang; her job was given to someone else. Linda Tripp has
been treated as so much debris. She has received no kind words, no
congratulations, no accolades, no rewards, nothing. However, Linda Tripp is
an American hero! She represents justice and courage in a way that most
people could only dream about.

It appears that heroes are not created equal. It is not enough that one is
heroic; he or she must be heroic in a matter deemed politically correct.
Therefore, Linda Tripp is left to live out her days in obscurity, without
appreciation or honor. Instead, Linda has seen herself become the butt end
of every late night comedian's act. She has been denigrated by the press,
hounded by the Democratic Party, and abandoned by the Republican Party.

No, not all heroes are honored. Some, like Linda Tripp, must wait for a
higher power to reward them. In the end, I suppose it is always that way.
Real heroes do not seek the applause of others; their reward was found in
what they did. They make most of us seem small - especially that crowd in
Washington, D.C.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] 10 December 2001 Federalist Edition #01-50

2001-12-12 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The Conservative e-Journal of Record
* Veritas Vos Liberabit *

10 December 2001
Federalist Edition #01-50
Monday Brief

*To retrieve today's Brief as HTML printer-friendly text or PDF
Link to -- http://www.Federalist.com/current2001.asp
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I recently told a friend about The Federalist, and thought you might
share my comments: The Federalist is a more than excellent
conservative newsletter that tells it like it is. The editors draw on
The Federalist Papers to defend the unadulterated meaning of our
Constitution.  They call a spade a spade without worrying about being
called racist for doing so.  They call this country what it is, a
republic, and not what it ain't, a democracy.  They are real
flag-wavers and proud of it.  The Federalist is an excellent resource,
whether you are just browsing for conservative talk or a public
advocate of freedom and liberty.  To read The Federalist is to be
driven to tears by the plight of the oppressed and deceived, to be
driven to anger by the hypocrisy of the Left, and to be encouraged by
the words AND actions of the real heroes of America's past as well as
her true present.  Don't just read The Federalist, be a Federalist,
and, by all means, support The Federalist!

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The Foundation
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Reader Comments
The Last Word


Though written constitutions may be violated in moments of passion or
delusion, they furnish a text to which those who are watchful may
again rally and recall the people; they fix too for the people the
principles of their political creed. --Thomas Jefferson


Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else
expects of you.  Never excuse yourself.  Never pity yourself.  Be a
hard master to yourself -- and be lenient to everybody else. --Henry
Ward Beecher


For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world
does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On
the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We
demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against
the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it
obedient to Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:3-5)


The Bible was as much America's founding document as the Declaration
of Independence or Constitution. The Founding Fathers' beliefs in
liberty, equality before the law and representative government came
from Sinai. The Constitution is a covenant reflecting a much older
covenant. --Don Feder


The best news is that even the dimmest children now know they live in
an actual country. For the first time in 50 years, kids have been
exposed to emotional patriotism and have been confronted with the fact
that there are other things of importance besides the mall, the latest
rap CD and 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer.' Will American history actually
make a comeback in school? Could happen. The not so good news is the
fact that children have learned that their country cannot protect
them. Anthrax letters, suicide terrorists and fanatical foreign
governments pose a threat that can never be entirely snuffed out. Some
adults have learned this lesson too but apparently those adults do not
inhabit Congress. --Bill O'Reilly


Crass elites who might not be able to earn a thin dime in another
society refer to flag waving as jingoism and compete with each other
to see who can show more smug contempt for our society and the 'sheep'
who support it unfailingly. We are constantly reminded 

[CTRL] Week Ending: 8 December 2001/23 Kislev 5762

2001-12-12 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

A weekly update of news and events regarding the nation and the people of

Week Ending: 8 December 2001/23 Kislev 5762

Hear the word of the L-rd, O nations, and declare in the coastlands afar
off, and say, 'He who scattered Israel will gather him, and keep him as a
shepherd keeps his flock.' For the L-rd has ransomed Jacob, and redeemed
him from the hand of him who was stronger than he. Jeremiah 31.10-11

This Week's Headlines:


:: TERRORISTS STRIKE AGAIN IN HAIFA! A terrorist bomb attack occurred
Sunday morning [9 December 2001] at a bus stop used by soldiers returning
to their base on Bar-Yehuda Street in Haifa, near the Checkpost Junction.
Northern District Police Chief Borovski reports the number of injured in
the suicide bombing attack appears relatively low. Borovski added that the
preliminary information reveals one of the security personnel assigned to
the busy bus stop spotted the suicide terrorists, making eye contact,
prompting him to detonate the bomb early, explaining the small number of

Meanwhile, Idan Cohen, 17, has died of injuries sustained in the Jerusalem
Ben-Yehuda suicide bombings last Saturday. The death toll is now 11.
Twenty-six victims remain in Hadassah Hospitals in Jerusalem. Nine victims
of last Sunday's suicide bus bombing in Haifa remain admitted to the Rambam
Medical Center in Haifa.

:: MUFTI: SUICIDE BOMBINGS ARE JUSTIFIED: The mufti of Jerusalem, Sheikh
Akrameh Sabri, says that suicide bombings are justified and should be
encouraged, according to a report published on Friday in the international
Arabic newspaper Al-Hayat. Sabri was appointed by PLO leader Yasir Arafat.
During a visit to Abu Dhabi, Sabri criticized the Muslim religious leaders
in Egypt and Saudi Arabia who issued an Islamic ruling (fatwa) against
suicide attacks. According to Sabri, We must not stand in the way of the
intifada and jihad [holy war]. Rather, we must stand at their side and
encourage them.

:: IT'S OFFICIAL: PA/PLO SUPPORTS TERRORISM: Following a marathon five-hour
meeting Monday night, the Israeli government declared the Palestinian
Authority a terrorist supporting entity. The security cabinet - Prime
Minister Sharon, Foreign Minister Peres, and Defense Minister Ben-Eliezer -
will decide on the specific steps to take in light of this decision. The
government also declared the Tanzim, Arafat's personal Force 17, and Fatah
[which is headed by Arafat] as terrorist entities, and will take action
against them and their leaders accordingly. It was further decided to
prevent Arafat from leaving the autonomous areas. [Editor's note: How long
till the PA/PLO is itself declared a terrorist entity?] Tourism Minister
Benny Elon said that calling the PA/PLO a terrorist-supporting entity has
practical ramifications:  It means, for instance, that the PA television
and radio stations can be bombed  I think that Peres, by walking out
last night and fighting this decision, understood correctly that there is
no more Tenet, Mitchell, or Oslo.

:: ISRAEL RETAILIATES FOR ATTACKS: Israel effectively grounded Arafat when
it launched an evening air-strike destroying his three helicopters at his
headquarters in the Gaza Strip Monday. Israel also struck at Palestinian
bases inside Jenin whose suicide bombers have murdered more than a score of
Israelis in recent weeks. The IDF offensive continued Tuesday with
helicopter attacks on PA/PLO police buildings in Ram'Allah, Gaza, and
Salfit (south of Ariel). Four missiles were fired in Ram'Allah at a
building practically next door to Arafat's office. The IDF entered
PA/PLO-controlled areas around Ram'Allah, Shechem, and Tul Karem Monday
night. The army also destroyed the Gaza airport runway used by Arafat.
Israel Air Force jets strafed a mortar-shell manufacturing factory in
central Gaza early Friday morning. The factory is located in a neighborhood
called Arafat City, next to many buildings of the PA/PLO para-military
force. The Israeli bombing followed the firing of 12 mortar shells by the
Arabs Thursday at Jewish communities in Gush Katif. Palestinians fired at
an IDF outpost near N'vei Dekalim Friday morning; no one was hurt.

:: PA/PLO ARRESTS MINOR PLAYERS: Defense Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer said
Thursday that the PA/PLO has arrested no more than 2-3 significant
terrorists -- and even they are being held in hotel-like conditions. Arafat
says his forces have 

[CTRL] [Spy News] US cable channel whitewashes the CIA (fwd)

2001-12-12 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 09:27:30 +0100
From: Mario Profaca [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Spy News] US cable channel whitewashes the CIA

US cable channel whitewashes the CIA

Into the Shadows: The CIA in Hollywood,
written, produced and directed by Charles C. Stuart

By Joanne Laurier
12 December 2001

The US cable television channel American Movie Classics (AMC), devoted to
broadcasting Hollywood films of the past, aired its own special on December
4. Into the Shadows: The CIA in Hollywood is as revealing for what it omits
as what it presents. From its title and the breathless quality of the
narration, the viewer might have reasonably expected an exposé of the filthy
deeds of the spy outfit and its connections to the American film industry.
Instead, however, the show, with its pseudo- film noir veneer, essentially
depicts the CIA as a life-saving, humanitarian entity. The program amounts
to little more than a propaganda piece to improve the agency’s image at a
time when it is playing a central role in the US war drive. Indeed the show
might rightfully be considered an element in one of the agency’s own
“disinformation” campaigns.

Against a background of “suspenseful” music, the narration, read by
prominent liberal Democrat actor Alec Baldwin, initially tantalizes by
suggesting that the CIA has involved the entertainment industry in
clandestine and sometimes “sordid” operations. The tone then quickly shifts
and becomes sycophantic toward one of the world’s most hated and discredited

The program is more or less given over to Tony Mendez, introduced as the
former CIA chief of disguise. Needing some Mission Impossible -style help in
the 1960s, Mendez approached Disney Studios, founded by right-winger Walt
Disney, and enlisted the help of an award-winning makeup specialist, John
Chambers. Chambers’ skills were used to put together “disguise kits” with
which CIA operatives went into the field. A company that Chambers later
formed with fellow makeup expert Tom Burman was called upon to design masks,
concoct fake personas and phony companies for CIA missions in Laos, Poland,
the USSR and Iran.

The show provides only two or three examples of these missions. In one case
Hollywood talent was used to effect the 1979 escape from Iran of six
American diplomats. The latter had taken refuge in the Canadian embassy
during the student takeover of the US embassy following the overthrow of the
shah. Every detail of this rather trivial enterprise is discussed. No
mention is made, of course, of the bloody repression carried out by the
secret police, the notorious SAVAK, which the CIA helped set up and train,
under the shah’s regime.

In order to appease the angry Iranian populace and perhaps win the release
of the American hostages held by the students, thought was also given at the
time to a scheme to fake the death of the shah, who was in the US undergoing
cancer treatment. An individual was hired and work was done to prepare him
to impersonate the shah. The “fake shah caper” came to naught, but the tale
was told to highlight the “extraordinary work” of the CIA. The other story
concerns the production of masks for a black CIA operative in Laos during
the Vietnam War so that he could pass through checkpoints undetected.

This is all very sanitized and unreal. The program fails to answer the
obvious question: how often were Hollywood talents put to use in the course
of assassination plots, the overthrowing of governments and mass killings?

In fact, Mendez explains that his hope is that the program will counteract
Hollywood’s too-often portrayal of “the CIA as the bad guy, and give a more
balanced view of what spies do; that they are not the dregs of humanity.” In
the not-so-distant past, it would have been unthinkable for film industry
technicians and artists to openly acknowledge collaboration with these
“dregs of humanity.” The agency’s crimes in Iran, Chile, Central America,
Vietnam and elsewhere were too well known. It is not the CIA and its assets
who have changed, but the liberal and media establishment, which now chooses
to portray Mendez and the others as “unsung heroes.”

In the second portion of Into the Shadows, entitled Hollywood Goes to
War—referring to the present conflict in Afghanistan —the program’s makers
interview figures such as Michael Bay, director of Pearl Harbor, and Steven
E. de Souza, scriptwriter for Die Hard. In the light of current efforts to
enlist Hollywood’s support for the new war drive, the show’s producers
apparently want to make clear that there is a precedent for such government
use of the entertainment industry.

In a cursory review of the postwar period, the program notes that President
Eisenhower set up a department of “psychological warfare” which availed
itself of the talents of screenwriter 

[CTRL] Condit's Condems

2001-12-12 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

Shaped like little coffins, and guaranteed not to float, even in salt water.
Don't leave home without 'em, or else!

If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so
long as I'm the dictator.
 -GW Bush during a photo-op with Congressional leaders on 12/18/2000.
As broadcast on CNN and available in transcript on their website

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] The end of sovereignty?

2001-12-12 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

the nation state was no great deal in the 1st place
We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant
facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies and competitive values. For
a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and
falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its
   President John F. Kennedy

 From: Bill Richer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 03:38:45 EST
 Subject: [CTRL] The end of sovereignty?

 -Caveat Lector-


 Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

 Paul Craig Roberts

 December 12, 2001

 The end of sovereignty?

 Tyranny is coming to Europe in the form of a new multicultural empire.
 Ancient sovereign states, such as England and France, and newer ones, such as
 Germany and Italy, are to cease to exist, and to be folded into a European
 superstate. National existence is targeted for extinction by about 2006,
 followed by national consciousness. Preparing the British for their demise as
 a people, Foreign Secretary Jack Straw wrote in The Independent on Nov. 22
 that in a world where states and the interests of their citizens are so
 obviously interdependent, we need to rethink our attitudes to concepts like
 'independence' and 'sovereignty'.

 Prime Minister Tony Blair agrees. The war against terrorism, he says, has
 made national sovereignty out-of-date.

 If you think these are weak arguments for giving up the nation-state, you
 have a point. The basis for successful political life is a common language,
 history and culture, which create a people sufficiently cohesive for
 democracy or self-rule to arrive at compromises that reconcile conflicts.

 When multicultural diversity replaces a people, cohesion must be provided
 by coercion.

 Coercion is the response to the massive Third World immigration into European
 nation-states. The erosion of a people by diversity has evoked tyrannical
 laws in an effort to coerce an artificial commonality.

 Great Britain, for example, no longer consists of its indigenous peoples:
 English, Scots and Welsh. Britons are having to make room for large numbers
 of Africans, Indians, Arabs and Pakistanis. Shear numbers and victim-group
 status impede assimilation, which, in turn, both impedes the immigrants'
 progress and fosters resentment by diluting British culture.

 The consequence of non-assimilation is racial inequality. The Labor Party has
 responded by blaming racism. On Dec. 6, the government implemented
 draconian race equality laws. Public, private and voluntary organizations
 are under statutory obligation, policed by the Commission for Racial
 Equality, to produce racial equality in employment, college admissions,
 school performance, disciplinary proceedings, pay, benefits, facilities -- in
 short, a thoroughgoing quota system.

 Gurbux Singh, chairman of the Commission for Racial Equality, called the
 legislation a powerful lever for change. In effect, British culture has
 been declared unfair, because immigrants who do not assimilate are

 Europe is as overrun with Third World immigrants as Britain. Some German
 Social Democrats favor immigration as a way of diluting the German
 population, thereby diminishing the worst characteristics of the nation --
 in other words, as a way of de-Germanizing Germany. Proposals are afoot to
 give the same state subsidies to Islamic cultural organizations as German
 ones receive.

 Dilution of national cultures by immigration is the basis for the European
 Union. A weakened sense of nationhood in Britain, France and Germany means no
 effective opposition to bureaucratic rule by the European Commission in

 In order to criminalize national patriotism and opposition to immigration,
 the European Union is pushing forward legislation that makes xenophobia and
 racism crimes. Once this legislation passes, a European who, for example,
 criticizes immigration as an anti-diversity measure that is wiping European
 civilization off the face of the earth, can be found guilty of racism and
 sentenced to two years in prison.

 Similarly, persons who oppose EU measures as contrary to British values or
 French culture can be imprisoned for xenophobia.

 Hand-in-hand with the criminalization of national identity goes the European
 arrest warrant. Once in effect, an Englishman could be extradited to Greece
 and put on trial for offenses that are not crimes in England.

 No finer recipe for oppression could be devised. The oppression will be felt
 most keenly by the British, for it is the liberties protected by their unique
 legal system that will be lost. Oppression leads to civil war, not European

 The United States, of course, is on the same path. In fact, it began here
 with coerced racial integration by 

[CTRL] happy anniversary

2001-12-12 Thread thew
Title: happy anniversary

one year ago today
America officially abandoned democracy

hail to the chief

long live the new world order
-- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - - - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - --  -- - -- -

Experience should teach us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the Government's purposes are beneficent. Men born to freedom are naturally alert to repel invasion of their liberty by evil-minded rulers. The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding.
  Justice Louis D. Brandeis

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew 

[CTRL] The Futue Arab Israel

2001-12-12 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

Population new Arab weapon
By Paul Martin

 LONDON - Amid American mediation efforts, a new battleground has
opened up between Israel and its Arab antagonists. The issue: Whether
Israel can be conquered by making Palestinians the majority of the
 After failing to extinguish Israel in three conventional wars and a
war of attrition since its foundation in 1948, many Arab strategists are
convinced that this is now the key to destroying the Jewish state without
needing an all-out military conquest.
 The underlying thinking behind this concept is not entirely novel. In
the past some planners considered that Israel could be killed with
kindness. Their belief was that, after Egypt signed a peace treaty in
1979, Israel could be made so dependent on Arab trade and on water supplies
piped across the Sinai from the Nile - an offer made by the late President
Anwar Sadat - that it would eventually be unable to withstand Arab demands
for a bi-national rather than a Jewish state, and then become progressively
 Another popular Arab theory was that if Israel no longer felt it faced
an imminent danger of destruction from the outside, its unity in the face
of the enemy would evaporate, and supposed internal tensions between
Ashkenazi masters and Sephardic minions would lead to the state
 Now, as the intifada sputters on, leading Arab strategists say they
are fine-tuning plans to destroy Israel by using the population bomb.
 The prime proponent of this conquest by demography is Wahid Abdel
Maguid, chief editor of the Arab Strategic Report, an annual publication of
the Al Ahram Institute, Egypt's premier think tank. It's part of the group
that publishes Al-Ahram, the semiofficial newspaper.
 We are capable of increasing the demographic threat against Israel if
we demonstrate the necessary determination, Mr. Maguid said in a recent
interview with the London-based Arabic newspaper Al-Hayat.
 Currently, there are around 1.2 million Arab Israelis and some 5
million Israeli Jews, but the Arab birthrate is far higher than that of the
Jews, and Mr. Maguid estimates that simply by natural increase the Arab
population will equal the Jewish population in 34 years.
 However, Mr. Maguid outlines a five-point strategy for making sure
this population bomb can be accelerated, hence defeating Israel without
an all-out war:
 .Limit and even reverse immigration of Jews from the former Soviet
Union countries.
 .Bring Arabs living inside the pre-1967 borders into close alignment
with their fellow Palestinians, encourage them to spurn their identities as
Israeli citizens and give them decision-making roles in the anti-Israel
 .Maintain an ongoing intifada to discourage Jewish immigration and
encourage Israeli emigration.
 .Continually build worldwide condemnation of Israel as a racist state
to prevent Israeli pressure against Arabs to leave Israel or to reduce
their birthrates.
 .Promote an influx of Arabs into pre-1967 Israel through infiltration
and marriage.
 The population battle has been joined already. Not only has the
intifada damaged Israel's economic output, living conditions and tourism,
it has led to far fewer immigrants coming into the Jewish state.
 Apparently in response, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon last month
announced his government's plan to bring 1 million Jews to Israel by
2020. He identified as potential immigrants hundreds of thousands [more
Jews] in the former Soviet Union, about 230,000 Jews in Argentina in dire
material straits, as well as more than 100,000 in Brazil, 150,000 in
Mexico, 600,000 in France, 80,000 in South Africa and thousands in
 Mr. Sharon added: Israel is the only place in the world where Jews
can continue to live as Jews and withstand the danger of assimilation. ...
By 2020 we should gather most of the Jewish nation in the State of Israel.
 Dore Gold, former Israeli ambassador to the United Nations, added:
The country is strong today, but with a million more Jews it will become
even stronger. When Israel overcomes its current difficulties, we can also
expect it to attract Western Jews thanks to its thriving high-tech and
biotech industries. The quality of life is rising all the time.
 Already the Palestinian Authority has recognized the dangers of any
new wave of Jewish immigration. Its spokesman has condemned Mr. Sharon's
proposal as a powder keg likely to set off a new explosion. His statement
expressed fear the new immigrants could be settled in the West Bank and
 Mr. Maguid's fear would be that these new immigrants settle within
Israel's pre-1967 borders, as the vast majority of immigrants have, and
make Israel more Jewish. Mr. Maguid said success for the Arabs can only
come about if their leaders heal themselves from the disease of suspecting
and fearing the Palestinians living within Israel's pre-1967 

Re: [CTRL] A True Story...by a A TRUE Hero

2001-12-12 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

that was an evil war
we had no business being there in the 1st place
-- --- -
Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, doctor, and I'm happy to
state I finally won out over it

Elwood P Dowd

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 From: Bill Richer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 03:44:59 EST
 Subject: [CTRL] A True Story...by a A TRUE Hero

 -Caveat Lector-

 Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

 Subject: A True Story...by a A TRUE Hero

 This is for all the
 kids born in the 70's that do not remember this, and didn't have to bear

 burden, that our fathers, mothers, and older brothers and sisters had to
 bear.Jane Fonda is being honored as one of the 100 Women of the Century.
 Unfortunately, many have forgotten and still countless others have never
 known how Ms.  Fonda betrayed not only the idea of our country but
 men who served and sacrificed during Vietnam.

 The first part of this is from an F-4E pilot.  The pilot's name is Jerry
 Driscoll, a River Rat. In 1978, the former Commandant of the USAF Survival
 School was a POW in Ho Lo Prison-the Hanoi Hilton. Dragged from a

 cesspit of a cell, cleaned, fed, and dressed in clean PJs, he was ordered

 describe for a visiting American Peace Activist the lenient and humane
 treatment he'd received.  He spat at Ms.  Fonda, was clubbed, and dragged

 During the subsequent beating, he fell forward upon the camp Commandant's
 feet, which sent that officer berserk. In '78, the AF Col.  still suffered
 from double vision (which permanently ended his flying days) from the
 Vietnamese Col.'s frenzied application of a wooden baton.From 1963-65,

 Larry Carrigan was in the 47FW/DO (F-4Es).  He spent 6 -years in the
 Hilton- the first three of which he was missing in action.  His wife
 lived on faith that he was still alive.  His group, too, got the cleaned,
 fed, clothed routine in preparation for a peace delegation visit.

 They, however, had time and devised a plan to get word to the world that
 still survived.  Each man secreted a tiny piece of paper, with his SSN on
 in the palm of his hand.  When paraded before Ms. Fonda and a cameraman,

 walked the line, shaking each man's hand and asking little encouraging
 snippets like: Aren't you sorry you bombed babies? and Are you grateful
 for the humane treatment from your benevolent captors? Believing this HAD
 be an act, they each palmed her their sliver of paper.

 She took them all without missing a beat.  At the end of the line and once
 the camera stopped rolling, to the shocked disbelief of the POWs, she

 to the officer in charge and handed him the little pile of papers. Three

 died from the subsequent beatings.  Col.  Carrigan was almost number four
 he survived, which is the only reason we know about her actions that day.

 I was a civilian economic development advisor in Vietnam, and was captured
 the North Vietnamese communists in South Vietnam in 1968, and held for
 years.  I spent 27 months in solitary confinement, one year in a cage in
 Cambodia, and one year in a black box in Hanoi.  My North Vietnamese
 captors deliberately poisoned and murdered a female missionary, a nurse
 in a

 leprosarium in Ban me Thuot, South Vietnam, whom I buried in the jungle

 the Cambodian border.

 At one time, I was weighing approximately 90 lbs.  (My normal weight is
 lbs.) We were Jane Fonda's war criminals.

 When Jane Fonda was in Hanoi, I was asked by the camp communist political
 officer if I would be willing to meet with Jane Fonda.  I said yes, for I
 would like to tell her about the real treatment we POWs received different
 from the treatment purported by the North Vietnamese, and parroted by Jane
 Fonda, as humane and lenient. Because of this, I spent three days on a
 rocky floor on my knees with outstretched arms with a large amount of
 placed on my hands, and beaten with a bamboo cane till my arms dipped.

 I had the opportunity to meet with Jane Fonda for a couple of hours after
 was released.  I asked her if she would be willing to debate me on TV. She
 did not answer me.

 This does not exemplify someone who should be honored as part of 100
 of Great Women. Lest we forget...100 years of great women should never
 include a traitor whose hands are covered with the blood of so many
 There are few things I have strong visceral reactions to, but Hanoi Jane's
 participation in blatant treason, is one of them.

 Please take the time to forward to as many people as you possibly can. It
 will eventually end up on her computer and she needs to know that we will
 never forget.

[CTRL] Fwd: Doctor Heeds Dees' Deeds

2001-12-12 Thread Saba

Am sending this to CTRL at Listserve to see if mail running through

Here is a man, known as Morrise the Sleaze Dees,  who deserves a little
investigation - the Southern Poverty Stricken Law Center and for those
interested pull up the item and see the pictures this man sends out who
is also known as Sleaze Dees, whose own wife charged him with child
molestation according to court records made available on the net,
amongst other charges.

This letter is written by one of his own; further some of these TV
movies showing Dees as a such a moral man - have been sponsored
financially by Deeswonder if this guy is involved in a certain
amount of money laundering?

Would make a nice front - right?   Accountable to nobody?

For the full effect of this sleaze Dee's tactics pull up under subject
matter in particular about the BOMBINGS .


May 8, 1996
Mr. Morris Dees
Chair, Executive Committee
The Southern Poverty Law Center
400 Washington Avenue
P.O. Box 548
Montgomery, AL 36101-0548
Dear Mr. Dees:
I have, until recently, been a contributing member to SPLC for several
years, and until recently, I have been proud of that association. Even
when the center received adverse publicity due to the overwhelming
success of its financial strategy, I continued to support it. The
Center's programs for Teaching Tolerance and pursuing justice for those
whose civil rights were violated have made a lasting and positive
impression on American society. Unfortunately, the SPLC's new focus is
detracting from our solid reputation, and if it does not change soon, I
fear that the damage to an excellent organization will be permanent.
As the impact of the SPLC lawsuits against bigotry and
racially-motivated violations of constitutional protections were felt,
their efficacy was proven by the waning severity of the violations that
were pursued in the courts. As this occurred, the Southern Poverty Law
Center was faced with a choice: it had to widen or shift its focus. The
question was, how?
In the past, the Lawsuits by SPLC have been taken up on behalf of the
weak in order to secure compensation and/ or some measure of justice
against a somewhat stronger entity, whether that entity was a
well-financed racist fringe group, or a local government. With the
overwhelming success of this strategy, new frontiers had to be opened.
There are many out there whose civil rights are being ravaged by the
strongest entity of all - the United States Government - not for racial
reasons, but for political reasons. I personally have three friends* who
are currently fighting for their lives, and who have been through
horrors inflicted on them by their own government, our government, the
likes of which most people don't even believe can happen in this
country. There are literally thousands like them, and these people are
in severe need of assistance.
But rather than seek justice for those so abused, the Center has chosen
to exploit sensationalist journalism, to which the SPLC itself has
contributed heavily, inducing largely irrational fears to fight against
the so-called Patriot Movement and its related Militias. In the SPLC
campaign, this heterogeneous group is painted with broad strokes in
threatening ways which are very unfair to the great majority of those in
the movement.
Abuses of power by the federal government like those mentioned above
have given rise to the Patriot Movement and the Militias. These are
understandable reactions from a very concerned population. If we in the
SPLC are truly concerned with the threat presented by these groups, we
should be looking for ways to constructively address their legitimate
concerns, rather that seek to blindly discredit and destroy the entire
There is no room for violence in the Patriot Movement. Violence always
results in more power being granted to the federal government in the
interest of security and at the expense of constitutional law - the
exact opposite of what the Patriots seek. But any counter-establishment
movement which addresses problems the magnitude of which are addressed
by the Patriots is bound to attract some fringe elements, whose motives
and means are dangerous and counter-productive. (In fact, the deliberate
infiltration of such agent provocateurs by the federal government has
been a common occurrence in its dealings with rebellious organizations
for many years.) But instead of throwing out the baby with the bath
water, the decent and truly patriotic core of the Patriot Movement
should be integrated into the Center's constituency, rather than
marginalized and alienated from it.
In the SPLC's latest mailing, there is a picture of some militia men in
fatigues, taking target practice with rifles in the desert. Their eyes
are blacked out, and on the other side, we are informed that this is for
security reasons. I would submit that the real reason for this move is
because the defamatory nature of the Center's accompanying description

[CTRL] Fwd: FC: More on Symantec, McAfee, loopholes, and espionage-enabled 'ware

2001-12-12 Thread Kris Millegan


Previous message:

Symantec, McAfee backpedal furiously on espionage enabled-software


Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 12:21:49 -0800 (PST)
From: Annalee Newitz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: symantec's new position

(you can post this if you like)

--- Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  We've now heard contradictory reports from both
  Symantec and McAfee, though
  I'm inclined to believe McAfee's public,
  on-the-record statements.

Declan, I've been interviewing spokespeople from
Symantec (they don't like to give out their real
names) about this issue for the past couple of weeks.
I finally got one to go on record saying very
specifically that if a Symantec customer located a
copy of the Magic Lantern trojan horse virus and gave
us a copy, we would be obliged to filter for it with
our anti-virus software. In other words, their new
public position is that they will actively block
FBI-authored viruses. Interesting, no?


Annalee Newitz
tech * pop * sex
415.487.2559 - cell: 415.378.4498


From: Adrian Alcock [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Symantec, McAfee backpedal furiously on espionage enabled-sof
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 10:30:21 +1100

Hi Declan.

Despite subsequent reports to the contrary, officials at
Symantec Corp. (Nasdaq:SYMC - news) and Network Associates
Inc. (Nasdaq:NETA - news) said they had no intention of
voluntarily modifying their products to satisfy the
FBI. Spokesmen at two other computer security companies,
Japan-based Trend Micro Inc.

They probably wouldn't have to modify their product to suit the FBI.  I
don't use either Symantec's or NA's software, but I know that a Sophos
installation requires extra files (called virus identity files) for each
new virus to be protected against.  Assuming that the same applies to McAfee
and Norton, then we would be concerned if they didn't alter their product to
identify the FBI's snoopware as it means they are doing nothing to identify,
let alone act on the threat.



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Subject: Re: FC: Symantec, McAfee backpedal furiously on
espionage   enabled-software

You may be interested in the statement on Magic Lantern issued by
Moscow-based anti-virus maker Kaspersky:

Betreff: [Kaspersky Labs Press Release] The FBI's Magic Lantern Shines
Datum: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 15:53:09 +0300
Von: Denis Zenkin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

December 11, 2001

The FBI's Magic Lantern Shines Bright

The FBI's latest cloak-and-dagger tool has attracted the attention of virus

The rumors surrounding the US Federal Bureau of Investigation's developing
of its own Trojan program, Magic Lantern, has drawn interest from the
computer underground.  On December 10, it was discovered that a
seventeen-year-old Argentinean hacker, going by the pseudonym of
Agentlinux, has developed a Trojan that poses as the widely advertised
Magic Lantern.

We remind readers that in mid-November, MSNBC reported that the FBI has
begun developing its latest spy program that will allow the Bureau to
discover and crack PGP encoded messages sent by suspects under
investigation. Magic Lantern is a classic keystroke-tracking bug that FBI
authorities, by logging a suspect's keystrokes and transmitting them to a
secret file, could use to decipher encoded files and messages containing
supposed evidence.

The FBI has yet to comment about the Magic Lantern program, but, according
to ZDNet (http://www.zdnet.com/zdnn/stories/comment/0,5859,2829781,00.html),
two US-based anti-virus developers, McAfee and Symantec, have already
decided not to include detection procedures for Magic Lantern in their
databases, causing varying reactions amongst users.

As previously mentioned, December 10 witnessed the appearance of a Trojan
program that masks itself as Magic Lantern.  Malantern (the Trojan's given
name) is a very simplistic malicious program written in Visual Basic.  Upon
start up, Malantern deletes files in the Windows temporary directory
(C:\WINDOWS\TEMP) and all .SYS files in the Windows system drivers directory
So far, we haven't registered any reports of incidents caused by Malantern.
However, it isn't important that the program isn't spreading.  What is
necessary to realize is that with the appearance of the official 'Lantern,'
virus writers won't wait long to release numerous clones, commented Eugene
Kaspersky, Head of Anti-Virus Research at Kaspersky Labs.  In addition, the
possibility that the original Trojan version could end up in the hands of
hackers cannot be excluded.  In 

[CTRL] Some Further News of Laissez Faire City

2001-12-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Many links in article at site.

Some Further News of Laissez Faire City

by J. Orlin Grabbe

On a Lufthansa flight from Caracas, Venezuela to Frankfurt, Germany, I
discovered there was still some sanity left in the world. I unrolled the
cutlery wrapped in the dinner service napkin and found two forks and two
knives. Real stainless steel forks, and real stainless steel knives. Everyone
else had them also.

If anyone tries to rush the cockpit, I thought to myself, he'll end up with
at least two eating utensils embedded in softer portions of his anatomy. I
was thinking of the forks, not the knives. Forks make better weapons. When I
was growing up in Texas, it was a rule of thumb that a sharp fork was a
standoff against a pocket knife—much like the equivalent point value of a
knight and a bishop in chess.

But life was different elsewhere, further north, in the land of
norteamericanos locos, as they might say in Costa Rica, or—since I am writing
this while overlooking the Persian Gulf—back in that great Fount of
Terrorism, the U.S. There in the land of the locos they believe the way to
stop hijackers is to disarm all the passengers. And they believe the way to
drum up more air travel business is to make the lines longer, and to turn up
the metal detectors to gonad-frying levels, and to execute security romps
through each woman's underwear—rather than just the usual invasions they
undertake with relish whenever a boarding passenger looks sexy—and to do
their best to tangle up computer cables before cramming them back into the
carry-on case.

And the loco way of stopping terrorism is to bomb innocent farmers and
shepherds and hungry people, so they and their children and their children's
children will just love you and will never have a reason to plant an
explosive in your territorial space or send one of your children a letter
filled with anthrax, or something unappreciative like that.

And the loco way of making the country safe from what are alleged to be
foreign goofs flying airplanes into buildings is to trash the U.S.
Constitution and turn the country into a fascist police state with increased
surveillance of banking transactions and email and political activity, and to
have more warrantless arrests and searches and seizures, and to give the
odious, criminal FBI more police powers, and the CIA more military and
assassination powers, and to create a new domestic Gestapo called the Office
of Homeland Security. All to the apparent cheers of the American people,
according to the polls. (Just who are they polling these days?) And when the
news media doesn't go along—well, they are next on the list to receive one of
those little letters filled with anthrax, now, aren't they? That'll
straighten them out while the locos censor web sites and news reports and set
out to bomb a half dozen countries, and thus clean out military inventories
and get the factories back into war production and make some money again,

And the loco way of creating airline security is to put the Federal
Government in charge, so it can do for airports what it did for the U.S.
border—namely let through the drugs and illegal immigrants, while harassing
ordinary, law-abiding citizen travelers. The first thing that came into my
mind when I heard of the proposal to nationalize airport security was, Oh, a
return to the good ol' days, when officially-approved drugs and arms were
transported via ordinary commercial airline passenger flights.

I was sitting at an outside table at a restaurant in San Jose (Costa Rica,
not California) when the waiter said to me, Big trouble in the U.S., no? It
was shortly after noon on September 11. I had worked late, to about 7 a.m.,
and had gone to bed, and had just gotten up to have breakfast/lunch and to do
some work I had brought along with me. After listening to him for a few
minutes, I decided I hadn't the faintest idea what he was talking about. Then
someone I knew came out of the door, and he explained about the four planes.

I sat there stunned for a while, refusing to go inside the restaurant and
watch TV. I tried to go back to my work. Then I sat there and cried for about
thirty minutes. It is not my style to cry in public. I used to work a
half-block from the World Trade Center, seeing it whenever I looked out of
the window of 220 Broadway (or 222 Broadway—the same building has both
addresses) and down the street past the Millennium Hotel, whose upstairs bar
we sometimes frequented after work. I had been there at my desk at the
investment bank Barclays de Zoete Wedd when the previous World Trade Center
bombing had taken place. So now, in San Jose, I thought of the people I knew
who might be dead; I thought nostalgically of an area that carried too many
old memories, beginning in the days I was trying to start a financial
software company; and I had a feeling the world had suddenly shifted out of
kilter; and I cried.

[CTRL] Understanding the Terrorist War

2001-12-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-


Understanding the Terrorist War

Some Reflections on Strategy

by B. Gold

There comes a time when we must put aside our moral sentiments and consider
matters with the cold calculus of war. Let us consider the realities.

It is immediately obvious that there is a vast disparity of strength between
the US and the terrorists. This is the first and singular fact to consider.
If this wasn't the case, there would be no need for terrorism. The enemy
would simply negotiate what it wanted from a position of strength or they
would pursue open warfare. The fact that they do not and can not is an
indication of their weakness. Accordingly, their war from the shadows is in
itself an admission of weakness. They are seeking the classic advantages of
stealth and cunning while they minimize the US's military, political and
economic advantages.

This disparity of strength is even more glaring when we consider the issue of
Jihad. Much talked about and threatened, its actual history is one of utter
failure. This history clashes with the common perception of Jihad as a new
and unprecedented threat. In actuality, the clerical faction that is
promoting Holy War has been actively engaged in this practice for close to a
century. Militants have been calling for Jihad ever since the Jewish colony
was established in Palestine after the First World War. A call that
intensified after the foundation of Israel and its successful war of national
survival in 1947 and 48. The plain truth is that these calls for Jihad have
failed and are continuing to fail. They have generated extremist groups,
terrorism, mobs and political agitation. Nevertheless, in no case and at no
time has there been anything resembling a mobilization for general warfare
much less full blown religious warfare.

These facts are the key to understanding the terrorist strategy. The hard
bottom line is that they can not win this war in any meaningful sense and
they know they can't win. They know that winning is beyond their
capabilities. However, the possibility exists that the US will win the war
for them. That if the US is manipulated cunningly enough, if its weaknesses
are exploited shrewdly enough, it just might deliver the victory that is
beyond their own strength. This article examines this possibility and that
strategies that flow from it.

Psychological Warfare

Their basic strategy is to use psychological warfare to gain the victories
they can not accomplish in the field. The raid on the World Trade Towers and
the Pentagon are examples of this strategy in action. These raids were
calculated to gain the maximum amount of attention and generate the maximum
amount of emotional response. They achieved this goal. However, if one puts
aside one's understandable moral outrage to consider these raids militarily
they are far less impressive. First, they have had very little impact on
America's actual military, economic or political strength. True, they killed
a serious number of people, even a shocking number by current peacetime
standards, but the casualty figures are not particularly impressive compared
to bombing casualties in Britain or Germany during the Second World War. They
also destroyed a number of large buildings — but the US is not short of large
buildings and can demonstrably build more. The raid, despite its human and
material damage, was aimed at America's emotions. The very symbolic nature of
the targets and the symbolic nature of the date (911) underlie this basic
intent. Further, we must note that these were merely raids not invasions or
campaigns. As such, they maximized the raider's advantages of surprise,
preparation and planning. Much has been said of their success. However, when
one has unlimited time to prepare, can pick when, were and how and it is an
initial strike against an enemy at peace success is not so impressive. Given
so many advantages success — at least in the tactical sense — is not
particularly difficult.

The same can be said of the Anthrax attack. Mailing a few letters with poison
is not difficult. We can also note that the targets, politicians and media
types, are justly famous for over-reaction and moral panics. Clearly, this
attack's main aim was not to produce casualties—so far 4-5 dead in a nation
of 300 million. Its aim was psychological, to destroy our sense of
proportion, to inflate our assessment of risk and to push us into reaction.
Its aim is clearly to influence public policy and its targets in politics and
the media were selected for that purpose.

The terrorists are clearly trying to generate a political response by the
much larger and stronger US. Their hope is that the US will respond with
ham-handed stupidity and create the victory that is beyond their own
strength. They operate in the hope that the US will adopt practices so in
tune with a moral panic and so out of tune with the realities that the
policies will be self-defeating. In short, 

[CTRL] Fwd: New Laissez Faire City Times Now Online V5.50 - 12/10/01

2001-12-12 Thread Kris Millegan


See the Galt's Gulch - On the electronic frontier it is called DODGE CITY

Freedom and privacy is a reality.   SEE IT NOW:  hundreds of sovereign
individuals building a world class digital community. This unique borderless
community offers business opportunities, private banking, worldwide stock
market access, anonymous and secured communications and more in an
environment free of nation-state interference.


Quality is Hard to Find - Bookmark Home page now:

The Laissez Faire City Times

The Front Page:

Some Further News of Laissez Faire City
by J. Orlin Grabbe

On a Lufthansa flight from Caracas, Venezuela to Frankfurt, Germany, I
there was still some sanity left in the world. I unrolled the cutlery
wrapped in the
dinner service napkin and found two forks and two knives. Real stainless
steel forks,
and real stainless steel knives. Everyone else had them also.

Black Man with a Gun
by Carlo Stagnaro

Calling Out the Posse
by Russell Madden

Understanding the Terrorist War
by B. Gold

The Con of Conscription
by George F. Smith

With U.S. Forces at Bagram Air Base
by Richard S. Ehrlich

Book Libraries at the Laissez Faire City Times Bookshop
Freedom Engineer, Andrew J. Galambos
Doomslayer, Julian L. Simon

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and 3rd Wave.http://www.LFCjfax.com

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---End Message---

Re: [CTRL] The Futue Arab Israel

2001-12-12 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

This story does not ring true - but then look at America and see rather,
is this not what is happening here?   Over and over we read the face of
America darkens.well okay, but if it is part of a plan then whose
plan is it?

Of what importance is Israel to anybody, other than the
Israels.Sharon threatens to bring in all these jew when they do
not have enough water now, to serve their own for after all, good
government is about services to the people, not fighting about religion
and how can they call this mess even religion.

What does anybody want from Israel other than the Palestinians who seem
to have been hurt the mostwho is this Hamas and this other group.

Are we missing a third party involvement here for the plan is - the
Master Plan - calls for the viritual aniliation of Israel by five Arab

Will say this for Larry Silverstein - he wanted Israel off the welfare
list - to stand on its own..you had jews murdering jews when it came
to Rabin?

Of what importance is Israel, so isolated and just a fly speck on the
map, of what importance are they to anybody other than the true

Was item on the list about Ramadan and a dated re their calendara of the
27th as being possible bad day for USA or maybe Israel.well I got
new, they do not use a Koran, the killers use a King James Bible.

If these Phineas Priests are involved in murder - get them and round
them up.but they why all the missing pages from Numbers in this
particular bible - this strange bible published in a manner where
missing pages done deliberately, timed up date wise to major murder.

And, in Numbers 25 you find the story of the sons of Eli - one of which
was Phineas and those guys were bad news.yet it ws Phineas who
murdered using the spear later to be held by Charlemagne and then by
Longinus when he pierced the side of Christ and on to be held by
HitlerGeorge Patton realized the significance of this spear, and it
was returned to a museum - the spear that pierced the side of Christ was
of little consequence to the barbarians who stole billions in gold (and
this includes the Japanese in the game of gold dealing) and other
treasures - it took a man like Patton to return same to the museum?

Hitler recognized the importance..for it symbolized the coming of
the atomic age and the man who would harness this power which could be
used for good or evil - this man now is the President of the United

NATO - well when one wards off demons, you have to use the right words -
problem seems to be,  power is now held by those who are just plain

How do we get rid of these bums?

Just a thought.The Phineas Brotherhood of which I had heard
mentioned in hushed voices - were the men in on the Manhattan project.

Hey where did the build those twin towers..are the doomsdayers
getting revenge but who really is behind it all.

So do not blame the celebration of Ramadan for anything that might
happen.  For the use of Gideon Forces - got the wrong bible

Try King James Bible and December 28 is the date to watch and hopefully
all will be peaceful - at last they are beginning to admit to a
calendar of events.

Imagine George Bush is onto them but I do not believe Osama bin Laden
pulled off the Twin Towers job for 7 billon dollars, is a lot of money
tax clear TAX CLEAR.

The King James Bible is the Master Plan..Jesus Christ closed the
book in Isaiah and without words said hey now way, we got a new book the
New Covenant or New Testament but then where there is a testament there
must by necessity be the death of the testator.

What did David Koresh know that we do not know?   This man who flew the
flag of the Fiery Flying Serpents?  What did McVeigh know when he
circled the passages in the bible Wrath of God..

Could the Palestians and the Israelis both be victims of this third
party who pushes them further and further towards their Armageddo?

Well read Daniel and Ezekial and when you read of the bough in one hand
and the arrows in the other, think Presidential Seal in Ezekial 38
and 39 you find the clues for over this we already buried one president
in 1963the Valley of Hamon Gog.

And you know it had to be that John F. Kennedy had to fall in the open
field - for Jean Dixon and the astrologers (Chaldeans) were working
overtime creating the vision and the scenario, of same.


At least this is what I think and  know to be true.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and

Re: [CTRL] happy anniversary

2001-12-12 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/12/01 7:30:43 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 one year ago today
America officially abandoned democracy 

We never have been a democracy, we were founded as a representative republic.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] CLARIFYING THE VISION - welcome to medialens

2001-12-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

welcome to medialens

Search  for Search Wed Dec 12 07:33:19 2001

Media Lens is a response based on our conviction that mainstream newspapers
and broadcasters provide a profoundly distorted picture of our world. We are
convinced that the increasingly centralised, corporate nature of the media
means that it acts as a de facto propaganda system for corporate and other
establishment interests. The costs incurred as a result of this propaganda,
in terms of human suffering and environmental degradation, are incalculable.

In seeking to understand the basis and operation of this systematic
distortion, we flatly reject all conspiracy theories and point instead to the
inevitably corrupting effects of free market forces operating on and through
media corporations seeking profit in a society dominated by corporate power.
We reject the idea that journalists are generally guilty of self-censorship
and conscious lying; we believe that the all-too-human tendency to
self-deception accounts for their conviction that they are honest purveyors
of uncompromised truth. We all have a tendency to believe what best suits our
purpose - highly paid, highly privileged editors and journalists are no

Media Lens has grown out of our frustration with the unwillingness, or
inability, of the mainstream media to tell the truth about the real causes
and extent of many of the problems facing us, such as human rights abuses,
poverty, pollution and climate change. Because much modern suffering is
rooted in the unlimited greed of corporate profit-maximising - in the
subordination of people and planet to profit - it seems to us to be a genuine
tragedy that society has for so long been forced to rely on the corporate
media for 'accurate' information. It seems clear to us that quite obvious
conflicts of interest mean it is all but impossible for the media to provide
this information. We did not expect the Soviet Communist Party's newspaper
Pravda to tell the truth about the Communist Party, why should we expect the
corporate press to tell the truth about corporate power?

We believe that media 'neutrality' is a deception that often serves to hide
systematic pro-corporate bias. 'Neutrality' most often involves 'impartially'
reporting dominant establishment views, while ignoring all non-establishment
views. In reality it is not possible for journalists to be neutral -
regardless of whether we do or do not overtly give our personal opinion, that
opinion is always reflected in the facts we choose to highlight or ignore.
While we seek to correct corporate distortions as honestly as possible, our
concern is not to affect some spurious 'objectivity' but to engage with the
world to do whatever we can to reduce suffering and to resist the forces that
seek to subordinate human well-being to profit. We do not believe that
passively observing human misery without attempting to intervene constitutes
'neutrality'. We do not believe that 'neutrality' can ever be deemed more
important than doing all in our power to help others.

We accept the Buddhist assertion that while greed and hatred distort reason,
compassion empowers it. Our aim is to increase rational awareness, critical
thought and compassion, and to decrease greed, hatred and ignorance. Our goal
is not at all to attack, insult or anger individual editors or journalists
but to highlight significant examples of the systemic distortion that is
facilitating appalling crimes against humanity: the failure to communicate
the truth of exactly who is responsible for the slaughter of 500,000 Iraqi
children under five; the silence surrounding the motives and devastating
consequences of corporate obstruction of action on climate change; the true
nature, motives and consequences of 'globalisation'; the corporate
degradation and distortion of democratic society and culture. Our hope is
that by so doing we can help all of us to free ourselves from delusions. In
the age of global warming and globalised exploitation these delusions
threaten an extraordinary, and perhaps terminal, disaster - they should not
be allowed to go unchallenged.

We have to acknowledge the debt we owe to Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky, and
in particular to their brilliant (and largely ignored) text, 'Manufacturing
Consent - The Political Economy of the Mass Media'. (Pantheon, 1988) We
recommend Herman and Chomsky's propaganda model of media control as a basis
for understanding the manner in which truth is filtered from, rather than
consciously obstructed by, the modern media system.

We hope that this website will help to turn bystanders into compassionate
actors. As historian Howard Zinn has written:

Society has varying and conflicting interests; what is called objectivity is
the disguise of one of these interests - that of neutrality. But neutrality
is a fiction in an unneutral world. There are victims, there are
executioners, and 

[CTRL] Tell people the truth, Mr. President

2001-12-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Tell people the truth, Mr. President

By Dr. Robert M. Bowman, Lt. Col. USAF, ret.


A few years ago, terrorists destroyed two U.S. embassies. President Clinton
retaliated against suspected facilities of Osama bin Laden. In his television
address, the President told the American people that we were the targets of
terrorism because we stood for democracy, freedom, and human rights in the
world. On that occasion, I wrote: Tell people the truth, Mr. President ...
about terrorism, not about poor Monica. If your Lies about terrorism go
unchallenged, then the terror war you have unleashed will likely continue
until it destroys us.

The threat of nuclear terrorism is closing in upon us. Chemical terrorism is
at hand, and biological terrorism is a future danger. None of our thousands
of nuclear weapons can protect us from these threats. These idols of
plutonium, titanium, and steel are impotent. Our worship of them for over
five decades has not brought us security, only greater danger. No 'Star Wars'
system ... no matter how technically advanced, no matter how many trillions
of dollars was poured into it ... can protect us from even a single terrorist
bomb. Not one weapon in our vast arsenal can shield us from a nuclear weapon
delivered in a sailboat or a Piper Cub or a suitcase or a Ryder rental truck.
Not a penny of the 273 billion dollars a year we spend on so-called defense
can actually defend us against a terrorist bomb. Nothing in our enormous
military establishment can actually give us one whit of security. That is a
military fact.

Mr. President, you did not tell the American people the truth about why we
are the targets of terrorism. You said that we are the target because we
stand for democracy, freedom, and human rights in the world.


We are the target of terrorists because we stand for dictatorship, bondage,
and human exploitation in the world. We are the target of terrorists because
we are hated. And we are hated because our government has done hateful

In how many countries have we deposed popularly elected leaders and replaced
them with puppet military dictators who were willing to sell out their own
people to American multinational corporations?

We did it in Iran when we deposed Mossadegh because he wanted to nationalize
the oil industry. We replaced him with the Shah, and trained, armed, and paid
his hated Savak national guard, which enslaved and brutalized the people of
Iran. All to protect the financial interests of our oil companies. Is it any
wonder there are people in Iran who hate us?

We did it in Chile when we deposed Allende, democratically elected by the
people to introduce socialism. We replaced him with the brutal right-wing
military dictator, General Pinochet. Chile has still not recovered.

We did it in Vietnam when we thwarted democratic elections in the South
which would have united the country under Ho Chi Minh. We replaced him with a
series of ineffectual puppet crooks who invited us to come in and slaughter
their people_ and we did. (I flew 101 combat missions in that war which you
properly opposed.)

We did it in Iraq, where we killed a quarter of a million civilians in a
failed attempt to topple Saddam Hussein, and where we have killed a million
since then with our sanctions. About half of these innocent victims have been
children under the age of five.

And, of course, how many times have we done it in Nicaragua and all the
other banana republics of Latin America? Time after time we have ousted
popular leaders who wanted the riches of the land to be shared by the people
who worked it. We replaced them with murderous tyrants who would sell out and
control their own people so that the wealth of the land could be taken out by
Domino Sugar, the United Fruit Company, Folgers, and Chiquita Banana.

In country after country, our government has thwarted democracy, stifled
freedom, and trampled human rights. That's why we are hated around the world.
And that's why we are the target of terrorists.

People in Canada enjoy better democracy, more freedom, and greater human
rights than we do. So do the people of Norway and Sweden. Have you heard of
Canadian embassies being bombed? Or Norwegian embassies? Or Swedish
embassies. No.

We are not hated because we practice democracy, freedom, and human rights.
We are hated because our government denies these things to people in third
world countries whose resources are coveted by our multinational
corporations. And that hatred we have sown has come back to haunt us in the
form of terrorism _ and in the future, nuclear terrorism.

Once the truth about why the threat exists is understood, the solution
becomes obvious. We must change our government's ways.

Instead of sending our sons and daughters around the world to kill Arabs so
the oil companies can sell the oil under their sand, we must send them to
rebuild their infrastructure, 

[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] Access to information is declining after Sept. 11

2001-12-12 Thread Kris Millegan


Access to information is declining after Sept. 11

By Eric Lichtblau | National Correspondent
Posted December 9, 2001

WASHINGTON -- The document seemed innocuous enough: a survey of government
data on reservoirs and
 dams on CD-ROM. But then came this past month's federal directive to U.S.
libraries: Destroy the report.

So a Syracuse University library clerk broke the disc into pieces, saving a
single shard to prove that the deed was done.

The unusual order from the Government Printing Office reflects one of the
hidden casualties of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks: the public's shrinking
access to information that many once took for granted.

Want to find out whether there are any hazardous waste sites near the local
day-care center? What safety controls are in place at nuclear power plants?
Or how many people are incarcerated in terrorist-related probes?

Since Sept. 11, it has become much harder to get such information from the
federal government, a growing number of states and public libraries as
heightened concern about national security has often trumped the public's
right to know:


The trend reverses a decades-long shift toward greater public access to
information, even highly sensitive documents such as the Pentagon
Papers or unconventional manifestos such as the Anarchist's Cookbook, a
compilation of recipes for making bombs. The popularity of the Internet has
sensitive information even easier to come by in recent years, but the events
of Sept. 11 are
now fueling a new debate in Washington: How much do Americans need to know?

The swinging of the pendulum away from open records, supporters of the trend
say, is a necessary safeguard against terrorists who could use sensitive
public information to attack airports, water treatment plants, nuclear
reactors and more.

In an Oct. 12 memo announcing the new FOIA policies, Attorney General John
Ashcroft said that, while a well-informed citizenry is essential to
government accountability, national security should be a priority.

But academicians, public-interest groups, media representatives and others
warn of an overreaction.


Officials acknowledge there are few examples of terrorists using public
records to glean sensitive information, but they say the terrorist attacks
prove the need for extraordinary caution.

The first directive by the Government Printing Office, made last month at
the request of the U.S. Geological Survey, ordered libraries to destroy the
water resources guide.

While the depository program has pulled documents before because they
contained mistakes or were outdated, this was the first time in memory that
documents were destroyed because of security concerns, said Francis Buckley,
superintendent of documents for the printing office.

Because the water survey was published and owned by the U.S. Geological
Survey, the libraries that participate in the depository program said they
had little choice but to comply. Some librarians asked if they could pull
the CD from shelves and put it in a secure place, but federal officials told
them that it had to be destroyed.

I hate to do it, said Christine Gladish, government information librarian
at Cal State Los Angeles, which has pulled the water survey from its
collection and is preparing todestroy it. Libraries don't like to censor
information. Freedom of information is a professional

Peter Graham, university librarian at Syracuse University, said:
Destruction seems to be the least desirable option to me. . . . We're all
waiting for the other shoe to drop. Are we going to see a lot more
withdrawals (of documents)? That's my fear.

Some have resisted the push to limit access, even on such nerve-rattling
subjects as anthrax.

The American Society for Microbiology, for one, has on its Web site certain
details on how to produce an antibiotic-resistant strain of anthrax.

After the anthrax attacks, we had an internal discussion and decided not to
remove it,
said Dr. Ronald Atlas, president-elect of the prestigious scientific


Chemical- and water-industry groups are lobbying the Bush administration to
curtail regulations providing public access to the operations of public
facilities, data that environmentalists say are critical to ensuring safety.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is reviewing publications that it has made
available to the public, and it is almost certain to ask for the destruction
of some of its titles.


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December 10, 2001

Contacts : Boyd E. Graves, J.D. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Congressman James A. Trafficant [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Comptroller Walker, General Accounting Office www.gao.gov
 N.O.A.H. Zygote Media 1-800-257-9387
 B.A.H.C. www.ericturemuhammad.com



(Washington, DC) U.S. Congressman Trafficant's offices confirmed Monday
continuing activities inside the U.S. General Accounting Office to openly
investigate the missing appropriations which spent over $550 million tax
payer dollars to secretly develop HIV/AIDS.

Comptroller General David M. Walker, head of the U.S. General Accounting
Office responsible for the investigation. The G.A.O. is the investigative
arm of Congress. The G.A.O. exists to support the Congress in meeting its
Constitutional responsibilities to improve the performance and
accountability of the federal government for the American people.

The investigation is in response to Dr. Boyd E. Graves' years of AIDS
activism and Ohio Congressman Trafficant's answer to the peoples' demands
for the immediate review and deactivation of the AIDS virus.

Dr. Graves states any review of the secret U.S. Virus Program (1962-1978)
and experimental phases of the AIDS Flow Chart will yield immediate better
treatments for people dying from AIDS, Gulf War Illness, and other
mysterious diseases.

Dr. Graves has collected thousands of petition signatures from concerned
citizens around the world demanding review of the secret AIDS Flow Chart. He
has provided almost 20,000 Flow Chart documents freely to doctors,
activists, the United Nations, and other world leaders educating and
preparing for global review.

Dr. Graves is considered both the discoverer and leading investigator of the
secret AIDS Flow Chart. The thirty six inch black and white blue-print reads
virus recipes and as been called the greatest document find in history.

Dr. Graves' will present the 1971 Special AIDS Virus Flow Chart during the
11th Annual Black African Holocaust Conference at the National Black Theatre
in Harlem, NY Saturday December 15th 2001. For more information visit
www.boydgraves.com and www.ericturemuhammad.com

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[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] FW: Just a co-incidence... this was recently overlooked by major media

2001-12-12 Thread Kris Millegan


-Original Message-
From: Odell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 3:50 AM
To: Harwell, Odell
Subject: JUST A CO-INCIDENCE.. this was recently overlooked by major media

 Original Message 
Subject:  JUST A CO-INCIDENCE.. this was recently overlooked by major
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 14:46:15 -0800 (PST)
From: Mike Keller [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear friends:

I guess this is all just a co-incidence.

of Atlanta (ALG), today attended a meeting of local
leaders pertaining to Homeland Security.

Interesting information obtained by Bill was that the
WTC was inspected by two Israeli security experts
approximately 30 days before September 11, 2001.

In attendance was an Israeli General, whose name I
do not presntly have available. Read this article.
Am I really just paranoid or what ??

I will have an addendum to this by tomorrow. Bill is
speaking this evening in Atlanta regarding this.

But this is quite interesting. MK


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  In Attempt To Bomb Mexican Congress

   From---  http://www.kosmos.uni.cc


Interview with Journalist Hector Carreon on 11-30:


 From the PGR (Mexican Department Of Justice)
 official web site comes an interesting story.

   As reported in La Vox De Aztlan, two men, one of
them a former Israeli Colonel and Mossad agent, were
arrested INSIDE the Mexican congress carrying 9mm
pistols and dynamite. They were released shortly
following intense pressure from the Israeli Embassy.

and somehow this minor co-incidence was overlooked!

Army General and Head of the PGR Releases Two Israelis

Arrested With Guns and Explosives Inside the Mexican

By Ernesto Cienfuegos La Voz de Aztlan
October 15, 2001

LOS ANGELES (ACN) - In a mind-blowing development, La
Voz de Aztlan has learned that Mexican Army General
Rafael Marcial Macedo de la Concha who heads the
Procuraduría General de la República (Mexican
Department of Justice) has released the retired
Israeli Defense Forces colonel and presumed MOSSAD
agent Salvador Guersson Smecke and Israeli illegal
immigrant Saur Ben Zvi after both had penetrated the
security of the Mexican Congress and where in
possession of guns, hand grenades and explosives.

This morning La Voz de Aztlan had a personal telephone
interview with the Mexican Congressional Press
Secretary, Lic. Adriana Lopez, and verified the arrest
of the two Israelis after they had entered through the
highly secured front entrance of the Palacio
Legislativo de San Lázaro. She stated to La Voz de
Aztlan that the two terrorists had taken advantage of
a situation that occurred around 1700 hours of
Wednesday October 10 when a large contingent of Sugar
Industry Unionists were entering through the metal

The two Israelis followed about 50 of the unionists
to the office of the President of the Mexican Congress
Beatriz Paredes. The two Israelis were first
pretending to be press photographers but called the
attention of the sugar unionists because of their
nervous and out of the ordinary behavior. About ten of
the unionists confronted them and observed that they
were carrying guns and and what looked to them to be

They held the Israelis until Official Congressional
Security personnel took them into custody. The head
of Congressional Security Salvador Alarcón verified
that the Israelis had in their possession nine hand
grenades, sticks of dynamite, detonators, wiring and
two 9mm Glock automatics.

Mexican Congressional Press Secretary Lic. Adriana
Lopez informed La Voz de Aztlan in the telephone
interview that Congressional Security then turned the
terrorists Salvador Guersson Smecke, age 34, and Saur
Ben Zvi, age 27, to the Procuraduría General de la
República (Mexican Department of Justice) which is
headed by Mexican Army General Rafael Marcial Macedo
de la Concha.

Initial reports by the Procuraduría General de la
epública (PGR) were that both Israelis worked for
a private security agency and that they both had gun

It turned out that there is no connection of either
suspect to any private security agency. The PGR has
released the retired Israeli I.D.F. colonel with the
official explanation that he had a legal permit to
carry a gun.

They also released the illegal Israeli immigrant on
about $4000 bail and the case turned over to 

[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News]The U.S. Department of Defense has launched five new weapon

2001-12-12 Thread Kris Millegan


U.S. steps up purchase of Global Hawk spy planes

EE Times
December 11, 2001 (1:49 p.m.)

WASHINGTON  The U.S. Department of Defense has launched five new weapon
acquisition programs since the Sept. 11 terror attacks, including a $5.5
billion program to speed up purchases of Global Hawk unmanned spy planes.

According to a quarterly Pentagon summary of new and current acquisition
programs called the selected acquisition report, the DOD launched plans
prior to the end of the Sept. 30 reporting period to buy an unspecified
number of the spy planes. The Pentagon announced in November that Global
Hawk had been deployed to southern Asia to help provide new reconnaissance
and surveillance capabilities over Afghanistan.

Global Hawk is a high-altitude unmanned reconnaissance aircraft capable of
flying 13,500 nautical miles and initially carrying a 2,000-pound payload.
It is designed to loiter over targets for extended periods, providing field
commanders with high-resolution, near-real-time imagery of large areas.

The spy plane was initially designed to carry synthetic aperture radar and
electro-optical/infrared sensor payloads. The Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency has awarded a research contract to Lockheed Martin Corp. to
develop a foliage-penetrating radar that could be applied to the aircraft.
Global Hawk is being built by Northrop Grumman Corp.'s Ryan Aeronautical
Center (San Diego).

Other new acquisition programs listed in the Pentagon report include a radar
upgrade for Navy F/A-18 E/F fighter planes. Called the active
electronically scanned array, the DOD estimated the initial cost of the
upgrade program to be nearly $2.4 billion.

A communications program launched during the period is intended to meet the
military's growing need for bandwidth as it attempts to transmit sensor and
targeting data in near real-time. Hence, the military has launched a
wideband communications satellite system called Wideband Gapfiller at an
initial cost of $894 million.

Together, DOD estimates that new acquisition programs will initially cost
$15 billion.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Cannabis legalized in Switzerland

2001-12-12 Thread Kris Millegan


The Swiss Government voted to completely legalize
cannabis for personal use. It was in the fifties when
Switzerland first imposed laws making it a crime to
possess or grow marijuana, thanks to some pressuring
from the United States and their drug laws. There are
no details yet on sales or limits on how much you may
have, since the law was just passed today.
   Currently there are over 650 shops that sell
cannabis over the counter. This comes as a great
relief for the citizens of Switzerland, knowing their
humanitarian freedoms are in good hands.

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[CTRL] Gee, who put that thought in his head? After Mossad/CIA interrogation John Walker Lindh suddenly talking about upcoming bio attacks.

2001-12-12 Thread eric stewart

Note: forwarded message attached.

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John Walker Lindh, the American who fought for Afgan Indepenence
with the al Qa-eda is suddenly claiming that he knows that al Qa-eda 
is about to use bilogical weapons on the U.S.










Cornered rats, you know.

Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington



---End Message---

[CTRL] An Unholy Trinity: Truth, Market Forces and the Media

2001-12-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-


An Unholy Trinity:
Truth, Market Forces and the Media
By David Cromwell
Are you a regular newspaper reader? If so, you'll have noticed that many
journalists and columnists include an email address at the bottom of their
articles. They surely crave your feedback! So here's a fun experiment. Fire
off an email to the commentator of your choice asking: 'To what extent can we
learn the truth about the world from the mainstream media, your own newspaper

OK - let's flesh out the challenge a bit. Draw attention to the media's
concentrated ownership, its need to attract advertising, the use of corporate
'flak' to maintain a business-friendly media, the sourcing of media 'news'
from centres of political and corporate power, and the demonisation of the
'enemy' (Communists, Galtieri, Gaddafi, Milosevic, Saddam,...).

Point to abysmal media performance on any number of issues: western
intervention in Indochina; the sanctions against Iraq which kill up to 200
children under the age of five every day; the machinations of business lobby
groups in Brussels, Washington, London to further a 'deregulated'
corporate-shaped global economy; the obstructionism of even mainstream
business - such as the US Chamber of Commerce and National Association of
Manufacturers - in the face of global warming; and the attempt of the
'greener' oil companies like Shell and BP to keep the emerging technologies
of clean and renewable energy out of community hands.

In other words, mass media performance - its omissions, biases, distortions,
deceptions - reflects the fact that the mass media is itself part of the same
power structure that plunders the planet and inflicts human rights abuses on
a massive scale.

Armed with such arguments, courtesy of Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky's 1988
landmark book 'Manufacturing Consent' (and other sources), email some
mainstream journalists - keep the tone polite, of course - and see what
response you get. Prepare for silence, curt dismissal, mild interest --
perhaps even complete agreement.

We could do worse than start with the British newspaper columnist of the
year, Deborah Orr of The Independent. 'Yes, the media is awful', she replied
to my email. 'Narrow, self-serving, lazy, manipulative, cynical, and
terribly, terribly set in its ways'. Well, it would be difficult to argue
with any of that. But consider further that 'self-serving' tag. Is that as
far as her criticism goes? What about the bigger truth that the media serves
powerful elite interests - governments, transnational corporations,
international investors?

Orr continues: 'The organisations with the best PR (like Nato) are the ones
who get their facts across most effectively'. But how exactly +do+
organisations like Nato manage to convey 'their facts'? By relying on largely
compliant journalists, as The Independent's Robert Fisk pointed out recently.
Fisk, who had been critical of Nato throughout the Kosovo bombing, expressed
scorn last year at the almost universal acceptance by his fellow reporters of
the Nato line spun to them: 'Most of the journalists at Nato headquarters
were so supine, so utterly taken in by Nato's generals and air commodores
that their questions might have been printed out for them by Nato in advance.'

Returning to Orr: 'If you get papers coming out on the same day going back
years and look at the content, you'll find that it's amazingly similar'. In
other words, the big news story of the day is the same across virtually all
the newspapers, and the additional stories to boot. Of course, it's not a
conspiracy, just a reflection of the editorial need to follow state-corporate
power or the fear of looking stupid by going out on a limb chasing the 'wrong
story'. Moreover, each big story is approached from the same 'hard-hitting'
journalistic angle which is marked by asking tough questions about peripheral
issues, but leaving the structure of society unprobed.
Orr's apparently scathing criticisms of the press actually avoid the
fundamental reality - that elite interests shape the mass media agenda and
that the media is complicit in global human rights and environmental abuses.
She focuses instead on symptoms of the underlying malaise. In one phrase, Orr
unwittingly sums up the relationship between the media and the vested
interests which shape it, and of which it is a crucial component: 'no one
wants to bite too hard at the hand that feeds it.' And so the real world of
western state intervention, propping up of terror regimes, and environmental
abuses goes unreported. 'It's not that The Independent is so different to the
rest, but at least it is the best of a bad bunch in these respects.' Is it?

As a self-avowed 'liberal' free-thinking newspaper, is The Independent - or
The Guardian, for that matter - really better than blatantly reactionary
papers like The Times and The Telegraph? Ostensibly centre-left newspapers
mark the limits of 

Re: [CTRL] Gee, who put that thought in his head? After Mossad/CIA interrogation John Walker Lindh suddenly talking about upcoming bio attacks.

2001-12-12 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Further, of all the people who were captured, it was Walker all alone in
a scene on TV being interrogated by Mike and Dave - having his arms tied
behind his backwhile vile laguage and threats were levied at him by

All so posed.suddenly someone said you are our enemy - and David got
away, and Mike was killed.

The scene was a set up  and who was taking the pictures and for what

So one dead CIA agent.   And then this kid turns out to be of all
things, an American who will now be charged with treason and or murder,
etc., and no doubt will be tried if all all, in a Military court?

Well these videos taking pcitures of just this one man?   And then came
the slaughter?

So David got away with his little Uzi or AK and he left his friend to

What a set up - but why?   Wel now they have a young kid who at this
point will say anything..if you look at this kid he looks more
arabic or jewish than aryan?

He sure fit in with his accomplices.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] happy anniversary

2001-12-12 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

we ain't that either anymore
-- -- --  -- --
Planet spins - so do I
   neo-sufi wisdom

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 From: Bill Howard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 11:31:55 EST
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] happy anniversary

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 12/12/01 7:30:43 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  one year ago today
 America officially abandoned democracy 

 We never have been a democracy, we were founded as a representative republic.

 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance?not soap-boxing?please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'?with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds?is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Whistleblower on CIA brainwashing in Canada

2001-12-12 Thread Kris Millegan


(forwarded from Alex Constantine)
[At war with the CIA: U.S. whistleblower wants asylum in Canada, large
photo of Alexander Legault with caption: RETALIATION?...Montrealer
Alexander Legault, who says he'll be persecuted by the CIA if he returns
the United States, is seeking refugee status in Canada. The Toronto Sun,
Feb. 1, 1998, by Tom Godfrey]

A U.S. man who claims he'll be persecuted by the CIA for blowing the
on a Montreal brainwashing experiment is fighting to become one of the few
Americans to be granted refugee status here. Alexander Henri Legault, 49,
Wisconsin native who has lived in Canada for 17 years, will find out in
if he'll be granted asylum by an Immigration and Refugee Board. About 40
Americans yearly claim status here, but very rarely are they accepted,
immigration files show.

Legault, a Montreal food exporter who's married to a Canadian and is the
father of four children, filed his claim in 1993 after immigration
refused to extend his visa. Legault and his lawyers claim he'll be
persecuted by the CIA for obtaining documents that led to nine Canadians
being compensated $100,000 each in 1988. They were guinea pigs in
brainwashing experiments, code named MK Ultra, at Montreal's Allan
Institute in the '50s and '60s.

Legault's mother-in-law was one of the survivors of the experiment which
made into a CBC mini-series, The Sleep Room, that aired three weeks ago.

The experiments, headed by the late Dr. Ewen Cameron and funded by the
subjected unwitting patients to hallucinogenic drugs, weeks of forced
and massive doses of shock therapy. I can't sleep living in limbo,
told The Sunday Sun. The CIA is upset because I provided a list of their

His lawyer, Richard Kurland, said MK-Ultra was one of 100 brainwashing
programs the CIA funded. He said the CIA is outraged that Legault's tip
to the compensation of victims. The Sun has obtained transcripts of
Legault's top-secret refugee claim, which began in July 1996 in Montreal
wrapped up in June 1997. Testifying under oath was former CIA
agent-turned-author Philip Agee, who's written several books about the
agency, and Ari Ben Menashe,
a former intelligence adviser to former Israeli prime minister Yitzhak

Agee, who recruited and ran CIA spies for 11 years in South
America,testified that he has been hounded by the agency since he began
writing books about them. The CIA will retaliate if someone does them
harm, Agee testified.

Menashe, 45, now a Canadian citizen, testified in June last year that he
flew twice to Virginia, to meet retired U.S. admiral Stansfield Turner,who
was the
CIA director under former president Jimmy Carter. He said Turner, now a
consultant, agreed to help with the case for $50,000, but Legault refused

William Schaap, 57, an expert witness on the CIA, testified that the
MK-Ultra experiment was one of the most frightening ever conducted by the
CIA. The agency had a fundamental disregard for the value of human
life, a
U.S. Senate committee said of the experiment.Schaap testified that the CIA
had infiltrated the U.S. and Canadian communist parties, and owned 100
organizations worldwide. It also experimented with hundreds of chemical
and biological testing programs, which saw a cold virus spread over San
Francisco in the '50s, exposed whooping cough in Tampa, Fla, in 1955 and a
cold bacteria in the New York subway system in 1966, Schaap testified.

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---End Message---

[CTRL] Assault on Grammar

2001-12-12 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-



Why grammar is the first casualty of war
By Terry Jones, Monty Python member, writer and performer
(Filed: 01/12/2001)

WHAT really alarms me about President Bush's war on terrorism is
the grammar. How do you wage war on an abstract noun? It's rather
like bombing murder.

Imagine if Bush had said: We're going to bomb murder wherever it
lurks. We are going to seek out the murderers and the would-be
murderers, and bomb any government that harbours murderers.

The other thing that worries me about Bush and Blair's war on
terrorism is: how will they know when they've won it? With most
wars, you can say you've won when the other side is either all dead
or surrenders. But how is terrorism going to surrender?

It's hard for abstract nouns to surrender. In fact it's very hard for
abstract nouns to do anything at all of their own volition - even
trained philologists can't negotiate with them. It's difficult to
find their hide- outs, useless to try to cut off their supplies.

The bitter semantic truth is that you can't win against these sort of
words - unless, I suppose, you get them thrown out of the Oxford
English Dictionary. That would show 'em. Admittedly, the Second World
War was fought against fascism.

But that particular abstract noun was cunningly hiding behind the
very real Nazi government. We simply had to defeat Germany to win. In
President Bush's war, there is no such solution. Saying We will
destroy terrorism is about as meaningful as saying: We shall
annihilate mockery.

Moreover, in its current usage, terrorism cannot be committed by a
country. When America bombed a Sudanese pharmaceutical factory under
the impression that it was a chemical weapons establishment, that was
stupid. But it was not an act of terrorism because the US Government
did it officially. And it apologised for it.

That's very important: no self-respecting terrorist ever apologises. It's one of the 
few things that distinguishes legitimate governments from terrorists. So, it was 
difficult for President Bush to know whom to bomb after
 the World Trade Centre outrage.

If Bermuda had done it, then it would have been simple: he could have bombed the 
Bahamas. It must have been really irritating that the people who perpetrated such a 
horrendous catastrophe were not a nation.

What's more, terrorists - unlike a country - won't keep still in one place so you can 
bomb them. They have this annoying habit of moving around, sometimes even going 
abroad. It's all very un- American (apart from the trai
ning, that is).

On top of all this, you have no idea who the terrorists are. It's in their nature not 
to be known until they've committed their particular act of terrorism. Otherwise, 
they're just plain old Tim McVeigh who lives next doo
r, or that nice Mr Atta who's taking flying lessons.

So, let's forget the abstract noun. Let's rename this conflict the war on 
terrorists; that sounds a bit more concrete. But, actually, the semantics get even 
more obscure. What exactly does President Bush mean by terrori
sts? He hasn't defined the term, so we'll have to try to work out what he means from 
his actions.

Judging by those actions, the terrorists all live together in camps in Afghanistan. 
Presumably, they spend the evenings playing the guitar and eating chow around the 
campfire. In these camps, the terrorists also engag
e in training and stockpiling weapons, which we can obliterate with our cluster 
bombs and missiles.

Nobody seems to have told the President that the horrors of September were perpetrated 
with little more than a couple of dozen box-cutters. I suppose the US could bomb all 
the stockpiles of box-cutters in the world, but I
 have a sneaking feeling that it's still not going to eradicate terrorists.

Besides, I thought the terrorists who crashed those planes into the World Trade Centre 
were living in Florida and New Jersey. I thought the al-Qa'eda network was operating 
in 64 countries, including America and many Europ
ean states - which even President Bush might prefer not to bomb.

But no: the President, Congress, Tony Blair and pretty well the entire House of 
Commons are convinced that terrorists live in Afghanistan. And what is meant by: We 
mustn't give in to the terrorists? We gave in to them t
he moment the first bombs fell on Afghanistan.

The instigators of September 11 must have been popping the corks on their 
non-alcoholic champagne. They had successfully provoked America into attacking yet 
another poor country it didn't previously know much about, there
by creating revulsion throughout the Arab world and ensuring support for the Islamic 

Words have become devalued, some have changed their meaning, and the philologists can 
only shake their heads. The first casualty of war is grammar.

This is an edited version of an essay by Terry 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] FW: Just a co-incidence... this was recently overlooked by major media

2001-12-12 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Just read where these guys were (the ones in Mexico connected to Mossad)
were there to set up a security system it ws said?

Then why all the hardware?

So Silverstein - (Larrry Silvestein wih the 99 year LEASE he does own
anything but his 7 million dollar insurance policy) - this Silverstein
pushed out the security when they had longer contracts and put in his
own man, the FBI Agent who had lost the briefcase witth locations of
tunnels, etc. in NYC, and terrorist attack plans, etc.so were these
two Israelis goint to set up more security or did they have hand in
maybe setting up bombs that day in the Twin Towers...this one gold
truck was it leaving the gold center - the one that was crushed in he

Note how they are all going after the gold?   Everywhere.Kissinger
got into Indonesia set up...

So is my understanding these former Mossad men or whatever - Israel
government got them released and said they were there to look ove the
place to set up security?

7 billion dollars tax free insurance, and these old buildings needed at
least 100 millon for asbestos renovation and nearly billion in major

Cheap demolition - served dual purpose?

But the Mexican connection is something else  and remember in the Lavon
Affair they could note tell the differnc between an arab jew or arab
muslimand the Mossad used Egptian JEWS to blow up AMERICANS and
American movie houses.

They operate in and like the old Russian comunist cells in the 50

Leaving false trails like little red arrows to a Koran -this thing is
almost ludicrous.

For it was Netanyahu who said in a moment of anger he would set
Washington afire - and Sharon who said the arabs had the oil but he had
the fuse.

This is all about - like Morrs Dees and ADL operate - to turn Moslems
and Chistian int objects of hatredand Dees and Foxman  - well the
latter is front for organied crime mne and the former - this child
molester - serves many purposes.

But American is experiencing an awakening now...and the face of Israel
is a face of ugliness - they want the Arab gold and the Arab
oil...only they will all end up in potters field if they do not
watch it.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] The Last Dayze of Yasser ?

2001-12-12 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From The National Post (CA)

Page URL:

December 10, 2001

Iran plotting with Hamas to replace Arafat regime
Assassination discussed: Hardliners hope to set up Palestinian
Islamic republic

Con Coughlin
The Sunday Telegraph

LONDON - Iran has substantially increased its financial support for
Hamas, the Palestinian terrorist group, in the hope it will succeed
in establishing an Islamic regime in the West Bank and Gaza.

The desperate position in which Yasser Arafat, chairman of the
Palestinian Authority, finds himself after a series of suicide
bombings in Jerusalem and Haifa has led Iran's hardline ayatollahs to
conclude there is a realistic possibility Mr. Arafat's regime could
be replaced by a Tehran-style theocracy.

Iranian hardliners are so confident of the West Bank and Gaza falling
under Hamas control they have even broached the notion of
assassinating Mr. Arafat as a means of expediting the Islamic

Western diplomats based in Syria have been closely monitoring a
series of meetings Hamas leaders have attended in recent weeks at the
Iranian embassy in Damascus.

The latest took place last Wednesday, when Khaled Mashal, head of
Hamas's political bureau, met Hussein Sheikh el-Islam, the Iranian
ambassador. According to intelligence reports of the meeting, the
outcome was a commitment by the Iranians to increase Tehran's
financial support from its current level of $3-million to $18-million
a year. The money will be paid to Hamas through front companies in
South America.

The Iranian officials also are said to have suggested Hamas should
assassinate Mr. Arafat to facilitate the establishment of an Islamic
regime to govern the Palestinian-controlled areas.

The Iranians firmly believe there is now a golden opportunity for
Hamas to take control of the West Bank and Gaza,'' a Western diplomat
commented last week. They believe that last weekend's suicide
bombings have illustrated that Mr. Arafat can no longer control the

The Hamas leadership, however, is said to have declined the Iranians'
invitation to murder Mr. Arafat, arguing it would be
counterproductive to its goals because Mr. Arafat is regarded as an
important symbol of the Palestinian cause.

The revelation that the Iranian embassy in Damascus is plotting to
influence events in the occupied territories will cause concern in
Washington, where George W. Bush, the U.S. President, last month
warned Syria it could find itself targeted in the war on terrorism if
it did not take effective action to prevent Damascus being used as a
base for terrorist operations.

The Iranian embassy in Syria has a long history of involvement in
acts of terrorism. In the 1980s, it was used to orchestrate attacks
on U.S. targets in Beirut and to control the hostage crisis during
which a number of U.S. and British citizens were kidnapped. More
recently, it has been used to direct Hezbollah attacks on Israel from
southern Lebanon.

Although relations between Hamas and Iran have been strained in the
past, security experts believe they have improved during the past
year as Hamas has sought support from hardline Islamic states for its
attacks on Israel.

Teams of Iran's Revolutionary Guards are reported to have been active
in the Palestinian territories for several months. In particular,
they are said to be concentrating their energies on collecting
information on Mr. Arafat's health, his political position, the scope
of funds he holds in banks around the world and his relations with
senior members of the Palestinian Authority.

The Iranians are working directly on the orders of Ayatollah
Khamanei, Iran's spiritual leader, who has personally approved the
increase in funding for Hamas. Two months ago, Ayatollah Khamanei
condemned Jack Straw, the British Foreign Secretary, for visiting
Tehran in an attempt to win Iran's backing for the war on terrorism.


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Re: [CTRL] US cable channel whitewashes the CIA (fwd)

2001-12-12 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

The US cable television channel American Movie Classics (AMC), devoted to
broadcasting Hollywood films of the past, aired its own special on December
4. Into the Shadows: The CIA in Hollywood is as revealing for what it omits
as what it presents. From its title and the breathless quality of the
narration, the viewer might have reasonably expected an exposé of the
deeds of the spy outfit and its connections to the American film industry.

Maybe I'm more jaded, but I didn't approach viewing this show with those
expectations; indeed I figured that it would only show what the CIA wanted
it to show...

And maybe because I had lower expectations than the author of this article,
I wasn't as disappointed in it as the author...

Indeed, I found it interesting for what it DID reveal, things which the
author of this article seems to have missed, or perhaps chooses to ignore...

Instead, however, the show, with its pseudo- film noir veneer, essentially
depicts the CIA as a life-saving, humanitarian entity.

I didn't get that impression...at least, not for the totality of the

The program amounts
to little more than a propaganda piece to improve the agency’s image at a
time when it is playing a central role in the US war drive. Indeed the show
might rightfully be considered an element in one of the agency’s own
“disinformation” campaigns.

Interesting...what *I* took away from the documentary is just how much they
admitted that the CIA controls Hollywood, down to choosing the storylines
that will get financial backing from the major studios...

Against a background of “suspenseful” music, the narration, read by
prominent liberal Democrat actor Alec Baldwin,

Yes, I thought it strange that Baldwin was not only chosen, but agreed to
do the project; so what can we conjecture regarding THAT?  ;-)

The program is more or less given over to Tony Mendez, introduced as the
former CIA chief of disguise. Needing some Mission Impossible -style help
the 1960s, Mendez approached Disney Studios, founded by right-winger Walt
Disney, and enlisted the help of an award-winning makeup specialist, John

Okay, here the author is combining 2 separate things...and also forgets (or
ignores) something else...

First off, the documentary made it a point to show that the CIA has a
long-standing relationship with the Disney Studios, going back to the CIA's
precursor, the OSS, and their relationship with Disney in WWII; apparently
that relationship has NEVER been broken since...

John Chambers did NOT work for Disney; he was the freelance (not attached
to any one studio) designer of the prosthetic devices of the original
Planet of the Apes movies, and indeed he won an Oscar for his work.  He
helped design prosethetic disguises for the CIA, but as Mendez pointed out
in the documentary, this had limited success, because it is one thing to
design a device that will only be seen from one camera angle under strictly
controlled lighting and which will take hours to apply to an actor
beforehand, and to design a device which by necessity (to save an agent's
life) will need to be put on in only minutes or even seconds by someone
untrained in makeup techniques, and to be seen from all angles and in a
variety of light

The show provides only two or three examples of these missions. In one case
Hollywood talent was used to effect the 1979 escape from Iran of six
American diplomats. The latter had taken refuge in the Canadian embassy
during the student takeover of the US embassy following the overthrow of
shah. Every detail of this rather trivial enterprise is discussed.

Which did NOT involve prosthetic makeup, indeed any makeup at all; it was
all accomplished via setting up a fake production company which supposedly
was scouting out locations for a new movie to be filmed in Iran...the 6
diplomats were provided with papers which established them as members of
the team doing the scouting for the film.

The author ignores what I found most intriguing -- that the time from the
initial idea of establishing a fake movie production company, to actually
having it physically in place ONLY TOOK 3 DAYS!  The office space was
available, phones in place, electricity and water turned on in the office,
ads already showing up in Variety, letterheads and business cards with the
fake company's name and logo already printed, all in only 3 days time; also
other paperwork put in place that would show that this fake company had
'actually' been in existence for a longer period of time, at least a couple
of months.  In other words, they were able to create the ILLUSION that
there not only was an actual movie production company, but that it had been
in existence for at least a couple of months, and were able to get it all
together in only 3 days time...

That was back in 1979...how much easier do you think it is TODAY, with
modern technology (including the Internet), for the CIA to pull off a
similar illusion?   

[CTRL] Nude Nukes

2001-12-12 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From WND

This is a WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which
To view this item online, visit http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/

Wednesday, December 12, 2001

U.N. sponsors Arab tours
of U.S. nuclear reactors
'Field trips' part of training course
taught by Energy Department lab

By Paul Sperry

© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

WASHINGTON -- To help fight nuclear terrorism, Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham last 
month pledged $1.2 million in additional funds to a United Nations agency that 
sponsors foreign nationals -- including some from Arab te
rrorist states -- to tour U.S. nuclear reactors.

The tours are part of a little-known federal course that trains foreign nationals in 
security techniques used at U.S. nuclear sites.

Security experts from Sandia National Laboratory, one of the Energy Department's three 
nuclear-weapons research labs, teach the two-week course every other spring.

Despite the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the course will be offered again this spring, 
a lab spokesman told WorldNetDaily.

Plans remain in place for the International Training Course to be offered April 28 
through May 16, said Rod Geer of Sandia.

Under a nuclear nonproliferation law signed by President Carter, Energy is obligated 
to share physical-protection technology with the 133 member states of the U.N.'s 
International Atomic Energy Agency, which is headed by
Mohamed el-Baradei and based in Vienna, Austria.

Six of IAEA's members -- Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Cuba and Sudan -- show up on the 
State Department's terrorist blacklist. Afghanistan also is a member.

Since 1978, Albuquerque, N.M.-based Sandia has presented the course 14 times to more 
than 400 participants from 57 countries, Geer says.

Islamic countries represented include Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Indonesia, says 
Sandia's Basil Steele, a course instructor.

We have everybody coming here, he said, with the last group passing through in May 

The international security classes, which used to run three weeks, are held at the 
Marriott Hotel in Albuquerque. They cover sensors, cameras, entry and access controls, 
response-force communications and other methods to
protect nuclear facilities and materials from sabotage or theft.

After classes, participants are taken on field trips to some of the Nuclear 
Regulatory Commission's facilities, Steele says.

They go out to an NRC site to tour it, to see security there, and understand how they 
practice security, he said.

Steele would not name the nuclear-reactor sites they visit, other than to say they're 
west of New Mexico.

Palo Verde nuclear-power plant in Arizona is the closest to New Mexico. It's one of 86 
nuclear sites protected by a no-fly zone recently ordered by the Federal Aviation 
Administration in the wake of the hijackings.

A spokeswoman in IAEA's New York office acknowledges the risk of sharing security 
techniques with potential Arab terrorists, who may be using the U.N. invitation only 
to scout U.S. nuclear facilities for weak areas to pen

But she says the agency weighs that against the benefit of helping foreign nationals 
safeguard nuclear materials in their countries from terrorists (even though some of 
the countries themselves sponsor and harbor terroris

She says IAEA does not blackball any member from participating, and provides rosters 
of participants to Energy.

We encourage our member states who host such meetings to allow entry for all 
nationalities, she asserted.

Steele says Energy does not vet the rosters for suspected terrorists.

It's up to IAEA to screen their participants, he said.

The IAEA spokeswoman demurred that the State Department is the final check, since it 
grants visas to those on its roster.

Steele says that, to the best of his knowledge, federal authorities haven't scrubbed 
the roster of 400-plus foreign nationals who have participated in the course over the 
past 23 years, for matches to terrorist watch list
s. Authorities recently audited another Energy training program, started by the 
Clinton administration, that teaches Yemenites, among other Arabs, security techniques 
at Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque.

Former Energy security officials say they repeatedly expressed their reservations 
about letting rogue-state types, as one put it, inspect security systems at U.S. 
nuclear sites under the IAEA program.

We objected on a number of occasions to the kinds of things they were training these 
guys, said a former senior Energy official, who says his warnings fell on deaf ears 
at Energy's headquarters during the Clinton admini

He says the course materials overlap with a lot of the security procedures in place at 
Sandia and other nuclear labs.

The labs pulled heavily from the procedures in the books that they prepared for the 
course. So when you went through that course, you pretty well knew what 

[CTRL] Conspiratoriality

2001-12-12 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


From the December 2001 Idaho Observer:

Conspirators' Theories: In their own words

Compiled by Hari Heath

Conspiracy theories abound in our modern society. That's easy to
understand. There are many organized efforts to deprive us,
individually and collectively, of our lives, liberties and property.
Those who “believe” in conspiracy theories often find themselves
socially demonized as whackos on the lunatic fringe. This is natural.
Most people prefer not to think, and avoid anyone who makes their
little world uncomfortable with thoughts about conspiracies. And
those who are actually engaged in such conspiracies often demonize
the messenger in an effort to avoid being exposed.

Conspiracy is an often misused word. We tend to view “conspiracy” as a major organized 
effort for control on a global scale. But conspiracy can also be simply defined as two 
or more persons planning or committing an illeg
al act or unlawfully depriving another of their rights or liberties. It need not be as 
sophisticated as the mental image conjured up by the phrase “conspiracy theory.”

But let's face the facts. There are major “conpiracies” engaged in the business of 
world domination and subjugation. The Bilderbergers, Council on Foreign Relations, 
Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome and many others, do
 exist. It's not just a “theory.” What are the “theories” promoted by the people who 
are conspiring to to accumulate the power, wealth and resources of the world? How do 
they view humanity and what do they have in store f
or us? Lets find out “in their own words” and the words of those who study them.

The following was compiled with the help of of  www.whatreallyhappened.com:

The politics of power

“Power is the great aphrodisiac.” -- Henry Kissenger, New York Times, January 19, 1971.

“We must find new lands from which we can easily obtain raw materials and at the same 
time exploit the cheap slave labor that is available from the natives of the colonies. 
The colonies would also provide a dumping ground
 for the surplus goods produced in our factories.” -- Cecil Rhodes, “founder” of 

“... somehow, we find it hard to sell our values, namely that the rich should plunder 
the poor.” -- former Secretary of State John Foster Dulles

“It is money, money, money! Not ideas, not principles, but money that reigns supreme 
in American politics.” -- Senator Robert Byrd, West Virginia

“I want to scare the hell out of the rest of the world.” -- U.S. General Colin Powell 
talking about U.S. military power prior to the Gulf War in 1991

“Short, successful military adventures are as effective as the Super Bowl in diverting 
people's attention from unpleasant truths.” -- John Stockwell, former CIA official

“We need a common enemy to unite us.” -- Condoleeza Rice, National Security Advisor, 
March 2000

“ The people of the world genuinely want peace. Some day the leaders of the world are 
going to have to give in and give it to them.” -- Dwight Eisenhower, U.S. president 

“When we got organized as a country and we wrote a fairly radical constitution with a 
radical bill of rights, giving a radical amount of individual freedom to Americans, it 
was assumed that the Americans who had that free
dom would use it responsibly What's happened in America today is too many people 
live in areas where there's no family structure, no community structure and no work 
structure. And so there's a lot of irresponsibility.
 And so a lot of people say there's too much personal freedom. When personal freedom's 
being abused, you have to move to limit it” -- President Bill Clinton

“Freedom is about authority. Freedom is about the willingness of every single human 
being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do.” -- 
NYC Mayor Rudolph Giuliani

“We are potentially the most dangerous agency in the country.” -- FBI Director Louis 
Freeh, to the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, 1997

“The major function of secrecy in Washington is to keep the U.S. people ... from 
knowing what the nation's leaders are doing.” -- John Stockwell, former CIA official 
and author

“How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think.” -- Adolph 

“You know the one thing that is wrong in this country? Everyone gets a chance to have 
their fair say.” -- President Bill Clinton

“Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the 
climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic 
waves... So there are plenty of ingenious minds out ther
e that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other 
nations...It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our 
[counterterrorism] efforts.” -- Secretary of Defense William Cohen at an Ap
ril, 1997, counterterrorism conference sponsored by former Senator Sam Nunn

“If they do 

[CTRL] Arms Hugging the World

2001-12-12 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Arms Around the World

It was the early 1990s and then-presidential candidate Bill Clinton
was on the campaign trail making promises: I expect to review our
arms sales policy and to take it up with the other major arms sellers
of the world as a part of a long-term effort to reduce the
proliferation of weapons.

Ah, campaign promises. But the economy was in the doldrums, and the
prospect of cutting arms sales -- sugar daddy to one of the nation's
largest industries -- didn't thrill either labor or corporate
America. What's more, the Gulf War had just ended the previous year,
and it was the best extended commercial an arms salesman could ask
for. (Indeed, some arms manufacturers incorporated bombing videos
into their promotional materials.) Countries were clamoring for the
high-tech weapons that made for such good TV.

So, once elected, Bill Clinton did what he does best: He took
advantage of the opportunity. Rather than insert human-rights
concerns into the arms-sales equation, as did his Democratic
predecessor President Carter, Clinto
n decided to aggressively continue the sales policies of President Bush, himself no 
slouch when it came to selling U.S. arms.

Early on, Clinton required our diplomats to shill for arms merchants to their host 
countries. The results were immediate: During Clinton's first year in office, U.S. 
arms sales more than doubled. From 1993 to 1997, the U.
S. government sold, approved, or gave away $190 billion in weapons to virtually every 
nation on earth.

The arms industry, meanwhile, has greased the wheels. It filled the Democratic Party 
coffers to the tune of nearly $2 million in the 1998 election cycle.

To examine the Clinton administration's eagerness to arm the world, the MoJo Wire has 
compiled a detailed look at America's top weapons customers during the Clinton years, 
tallying their total 1993-97 purchases through bo
th the Pentagon (so-called Foreign Military Sales, or FMS) and U.S. manufacturers 
(Direct Commercial Sales, or DCS).

What we found is that while the U.S. obviously sells weapons to NATO countries and 
relatively democratic allies like Japan and South Korea, it also has a nasty habit of 
arming both sides in a conflict, as well as countrie
s with blighted democracy or human-rights records, like Indonesia, Colombia, and Saudi 

All of this might be justified as a way to maintain a strong manufacturing job-base in 
the U.S., but some of these sales actually result in jobs being shipped abroad -- 
while arms manufacturers get tax breaks for merging,
 resulting in further layoffs here at home.

We examined the top dozen of these arms-exporting corporations, showing which does 
business where and how each has taken advantage of myriad federal tax breaks, 
reimbursements, and golden parachutes -- as well as the eage
rness of Congress to keep one of the economy's largest employing segments happy.

In a separate story, we detail the arms industry's lobbying strategies in Washington: 
how it keeps the export pipeline wide open, and easily outmaneuvers Congress' 
occasional attempt to tie arms sales to human-rights reco

Lastly, we list organizations that you can join or support to help influence U.S. and 
corporate policies toward arms sales around the world.

U.S. market share of worldwide arms sales


Below is a sample of some of our most interesting findings:

Shipping Jobs Overseas
According to the Pentagon, the defense industry laid off 795,000 American workers 
between 1992 and 1997. At the same time, many of these corporations were sweetening 
their arms deals to other countries by offering offset
s -- incentives provided to foreign countries in exchange for the purchase of 
military goods and services. The programs often include agreements to manufacture some 
or all of the products in the purchasing country.

Turkey, for example, agreed to buy 160 F-16s from General Dynamics in 1987 (for 
delivery through 1994) for an estimated $4 billion -- on the condition that most of 
the planes be built in Turkey. The offset resulted in 1,5
00 jobs going to Turkey. In 1992, General Dynamics entered into a similar F-16 offset 
deal with South Korea and brought 400 Koreans to its Fort Worth, Texas, plant for 
training, after having laid off 10,000 workers in the
 previous two years.

Lockheed Martin has continued the trend since it bought General Dynamics' F-16 program 
in 1993: In vying for a contract to supply fighters to Poland, it is offering to build 
an assembly plant there for all future F-16 sal
es to Central Europe -- so the planes won't be made in the U.S. at all. Makes you feel 
patriotic, doesn't it?

Corporate Pork
Under a Defense Department policy initiated in 1993, U.S. taxpayers wind up covering a 
big chunk of the cost of defense-corporation mergers. The tally so far has reached 
$856.2 million in perfectly legal write-offs, inclu
ding $405 million for the 

[CTRL] For the Sheiks' Sake

2001-12-12 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From Boston Herald


U.S. ties to Saudi elite may be hurting war on terrorism
by Jonathan Wells, Jack Meyers and Maggie Mulvihill

Monday, December 10, 2001

First of two parts.

A steady stream of billion-dollar oil and arms deals between American
corporate leaders and the elite of Saudi Arabia may be hindering
efforts by the West to defeat international Islamic terrorism.

U.S. business and political leaders are so wedded to preserving the
gilded American-Saudi marriage that officials in Washington D.C.
continue to give the oil-rich Gulf monarchy a wide berth, despite
mounting evidence of support in Saudi Arabia for Osama bin Laden's
terrorist network, some experts say.

Since the Sept. 11 attacks, Saudi Arabia has been a reluctant ally,
refusing to let the U.S. use Saudi bases as staging areas for
military operations in Afghanistan.

The Saudis have also balked at freezing the assets of organizations
linked to bin Laden and international terrorism, some of which are
Saudi-run. Just last week, Bush administration officials embarked on
their second trip this month to the kingdom to try to convince the
Saudi government to cooperate.

``If there weren't all these other arrangements - arms deals and oil
deals and consultancies - I don't think the U.S. would stand for this
lack of cooperation,'' said William Hartung, a foreign policy and
arms industry expert at the World Policy Institute. ``Because of
those relationships, they have to tread lightly.''

The Saudi government's refusal to publicly join the war against
terrorism is rooted in its own fragile internal politics, experts
say. Inside the gulf monarchy there is a deepening schism between the
authoritarian ruling elite and a politically powerless populace
burdened by a rapidly declining standard of living. The Saudi royal
family, headed by the ailing King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud, is
seen by many in the country as bloated and corrupt.

On top of that, the Saudi people, most of whom adhere to a
particularly harsh brand of conservative Islam called Wahabbism, have
become increasingly anti-American, alienated by their leaders'
extensive dealings with the non-Islamic West. This anger was revealed
starkly in the days following Sept. 11, when it was learned that 15
of the 19 suicide hijackers were Saudis.

Nevertheless, the Saudi elite and corporate America continue to do
big business and reap the rich rewards of their close and
longstanding associations.

Jean Charles Brisard, a French security expert and co-author of the
recently released book, ``Bin Laden: The Forbidden Truth,'' said the
American addiction to Saudi oil and arms money threatens to undermine
national security in the West.

``We have to have a critical look at 50 years of foreign policy,''
Brisard said. ``We've had to close our eyes to the support (from
Saudi Arabia) of the radical fundamentalists.''

Brisard and other analysts say the extensive U.S.-Saudi collaboration
is increasingly risky because to Bin Laden, a Saudi exile, and other
Islamic terrorists, it is an unforgivable betrayal of Islam.

Bin Laden has already declared his aim of overthrowing the Saudi
royal family and expelling all Americans and other Westerners from
the kingdom's soil.

A Herald examination of corporate records, intelligence reports and
published accounts - as well as interviews with terrorism and foreign
policy experts - reveals an extraordinary array of U.S.-Saudi
business ventures which, taken together, are worth tens of billions
of dollars.

They range from deals to pipe oil and natural gas out of former
Soviet republics and develop Saudi Arabia's own vast natural gas
reserves, to lucrative but rarely talked about arrangements pairing
private U.S. military contractors with virtually every branch of the
Saudi armed forces.

In the oil industry, U.S.-Saudi ventures include:

Two consortiums involving U.S. oil giant Unocal and a pair of private
Saudi oil firms - Delta Oil and Nimir Petroleum - which won rights in
the mid-1990s to develop Azerbaijan's vast oil reserves. Both are
multi-billion- dollar deals.
Another American-Saudi venture between U.S.-based Amerada Hess and
Delta Oil - called Delta-Hess - has won the rights to drill in two
other oil fields in Azerbaijan. Delta-Hess is also part of a group in
line to build a $2.4 billion oil pipeline from Azerbaijan to Turkey.
A 1998 joint venture between Texaco and Nimir Petroleum has already
begun drilling in a 1.5 billion barrel oil field in Kazakhstan.
For the last 13 years, half of Texaco's refining and marketing
operations in the U.S. have been owned by Saudi Aramco, the
government-owned company that controls all of Saudi Arabia's vasts
oil reserves.
This year, some of the biggest U.S. oil firms were tapped by the
Saudi government to undertake a $25 billion project to extract and
sell 220 trillion cubic feet of the kingdom's natural gas.

One of the most 

[CTRL] The Grim Reaper

2001-12-12 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


The American Empire On Its Deathbed
by Liz Michael Copyright, 2001 11.05.01

...and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the
beast? who is able to make war with him?  Revelation 13:4

There is a conspiracy theory, which has made the rounds in many
circles for many years, that there are forces within the US
government that are engineering events such as the 9-11 incident, the
Oklahoma City bombing, and so forth, to implement this great Master
Plan to implement a totalitarian government. This government is part
and parcel of a much larger effort by the New World Order, the United
Nations, the Illuminati, the Queen of England in league with the
Vatican, the multinational corporations, or whomever the scapegoat of
the day or the movement, is. Most of the conspiracy theorists present
this as if it is a fait accompli which cannot be undone. For all
intents and purposes, these people WORSHIP this coming leviathan
which they see as unconquerable.

The truth may actually prove a lot more discomfiting for a lot more
people when it materializes.

The truth is that the American government is in near collapse. The truth is that the 
recent attacks on the United States are NOT the result of the Bush family conspiring 
with the Clintons and other state liberals to coale
sce power. The truth is likely that outside powers, far from trying to CREATE a 
totalitarian USA, are trying to remove the USA from its current position as world 
military and economic superpower, and would attempt to DEST
ROY any totalitarian USA, just like the Soviet Union collapsed and Nazi Germany was 

The powers that be have lost control

All the various moves you are seeing now are not the moves of someone in control. 
They are the moves of a group of people that have suddenly discovered they have lost 
control. And are desperately trying to get it back.

Totalitarians in control wouldn't be intimidated by a little anthrax spread around 
Washington DC. Totalitarians would stand and fight. The Congress did not stand and 
fight. They RAN, and they ran like scalded dogs. The re
st of the government also ran. These are the actions, not of people in control of a 
master plan, but of people in panic: people who have suddenly discovered they DON'T 
control what's going on.

Is the CIA having been hit with anthrax a sign of control? Let me repeat this: the 
terrorizers of the U.S. government HIT the Central Intelligence Agency. This is the 
agency that is supposed to know about these things bef
ore they happen. This is also the agency that was told by several sources that the 
9-11 event was imminent, but either ignored the threat, or could not react to it in 
time. Do you REALLY THINK they LET themselves be hit?

Gray Davis, in an incredible moment of grandstanding, demonstrated more of this lack 
of control, by announcing a terrorist threatbut not quite a verified one. Just a 
rumor. Something even the FBI is now disavowing. So
 now we have all the king's men scrambling around trying to catch...they have no idea 
what...trying to stop.they have no idea who. In other words, they are stumped. 
They're snookered. They're outsmarted.

A Sacramento journalist was taken into custody by police at Los Angeles International 
Airport and was forced to destroy photos he had been taking by an over-zealous 
National Guardsman. Totalitarians are not usually afraid
 to have their pictures taken. Recently, a key member of the Green Party was denied 
entry onto an aircraft, because she was a member of the Green Party attending a peace 
conference. They have tried to blame the anthrax in
cidents on everyone from Al-Queda, to Iraq, to racist domestic militias, to 
libertarian militias, to pagans: and its only a matter of time before they try and 
blame it on leftist activists, unions, and the religious right
, or as Clinton did with the Murrah Building bombing, right wing radical talk show 

These people are not only afraid of foreign terrorists. These people are afraid of you 
and me. They are afraid of the press. They are afraid of the political activists. They 
are afraid of the pacifists. They are afraid of
 their own shadows. They are not in control of anything.

When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping?

Now, this War On Terror could have gone a different way. After September 11th, there 
could have been a call for the militia, which is the whole people, and not a handful 
of backwoods rednecks as is the romantic ideal (n
ot that there's anything WRONG with being a backwoods redneck), a call for the whole 
people to be on alert, to become armed, to learn self-defense and battle techniques, 
and to train to do things like protect the bridges,
 the nuclear plants, the borders, the planes. That did not happen. We could have been 
told to prepare shelters against nuclear or biological attack. We could have been told 
to stock up on 

[CTRL] The Issue Is Bigotry

2001-12-12 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

And they start 'em young in LA

From NewsDay


Court Rules on La. School Prayer

Associated Press Writer

December 11, 2001, 4:09 PM EST

NEW ORLEANS -- A federal appeals court Tuesday declared
unconstitutional Louisiana's school prayer law, which evolved from
allowing a moment of silent meditation in 1976 to permitting spoken
prayer in public classrooms.

A panel of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals voted 3-0 to uphold a judge's 1999 
ruling striking the law down. The state had asked the appeals court to reinstate the 

A 1976 Louisiana law initially allowed for silent meditation. It was amended in 1992 
to include the word prayer and again in 1999 to remove the word silent.

The mother of a ninth-grader sued the Ouachita Parish School Board because students 
had made fun of her son and another boy who did not participate in prayer, calling 
them atheist and devil worshipper.

In striking down the Louisiana law, U.S. District Judge Robert James rejected the 
state's contention that the statute is neutral toward religion. The appeals court 

A week after James' ruling, the school board voted to stop student-led prayers over 
the intercom at West Monroe High School in a settlement reached with the American 
Civil Liberties Union.

In a historic 1961 ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court said that organized school prayer 
violates the separation of church and state.

Once again, the Louisiana Legislature has passed an unconstitutional law, resulting 
in local governments, in this case a school board, spending money that could have been 
better used to educate our children, said Joe Co
ok, executive director of the Louisiana ACLU. The purpose of the Legislature was to 
defy Supreme Court rulings of long standing.

The state attorney general's office said it has not decided how to
proceed. It could appeal to the full 5th Circuit or the Supreme

On Monday, the high court rejected an appeal from a Florida high
school student who objected to his school's policy of letting the
senior class pick a classmate to deliver a religious message at

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Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
 German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
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Everyone has the right...to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] JDL in Cuffs

2001-12-12 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From Sierra Times (URL @ bottom)

FBI Arrests JDL Chairman, Follower
Associated Press 12.12.01

LOS ANGELES -- The chairman of the Jewish Defense League was arrested
in connection with a failed bombing plot, federal authorities said.

Irv Rubin, 56, and a member of the militant group, Earl Krugel, 59,
were booked early Wednesday at the federal Metropolitan Detention
Center in Los Angeles, detention center spokeswoman Donna Davis said.

The arrests late Tuesday were in connection with a bombing plot, said
Thom Mrozek, a spokesman for the U.S. Attorney's Office. He would not
describe the alleged scheme except to say, The bombing was not
carried out.

Criminal charges should be filed later Wednesday, Mrozek said.

Law enforcement agencies raided a home identified by television
stations as Krugel's late Tuesday night. Footage showed officers
carrying out weapons and cardboard boxes.

Calls to the FBI, U.S. Customs and the JDL were not immediately

The Jewish Defense League was originally formed by Meir Kahane to
mount armed response to anti-Semitic acts in New York City. It gained
notoriety when its members were linked to bombings, most of them
aimed at Soviet targets in retaliation for the way that country
treated its Jewish population.

Kahane left the JDL and moved to Israel. A power struggle ensued,
with Rubin among the contenders for its leadership.

Kahane was assassinated in New York in 1990. El Sayyid Nosair, 36, an
Egyptian-born Muslim, was convicted in connection with the shooting.

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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
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Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
 German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Everyone has the right...to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut.
--- Ernest Hemingway

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] A Compilation of Evidence and Comments on the Source of the Mailed Anthrax - Barbara Hatch Rosenberg, Federation of American Sc

2001-12-12 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Wed, 12 Dec 2001 11:55:22 -0800
Subject:IUFO NEWS:  A Compilation of Evidence and Comments on the 
Source of
the Mailed Anthrax - Barbara Hatch Rosenberg, Federation of American Scientists
Copies to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A Compilation of Evidence and Comments on the Source of the Mailed Anthrax
Barbara Hatch Rosenberg, Federation of American Scientists
revised December 10, 2001

All the available evidence indicates that the source of the mailed anthrax,
or the information and materials to make it, is a US government program.

All letter samples contain the same strain of anthrax, corresponding to the
AMES strain in the N. Arizona State University database (which has been used
for identification). The Ames substrain possessed by N. Arizona State is
referred to herein as the reference strain. That strain was obtained from
Porton Down (UK) in the mid-90's (the sample was marked October 1932);
Porton had gotten it from Fort Detrick.

A 2000 paper by M. Hugh-Jones, PJ Jackson, P. Keim et al says that the Ames
strain played a central role in the US BW program [i.e., before 1969].
Hugh-Jones says he learned that from David Huxsoll, Former Commander,
USAMRIID. However, he says Vollum 1B was the strain stockpiled (at least in
the early days of the US biological weapons program). The search for better
strains undoubtedly continued, leading the US program to prefer the Ames
strain because of its high virulence.

The Ames strain is used now in the US biodefense program for testing
vaccines etc.

The Ames reference strain in the N. Arizona collection is probably the
earliest Ames substrain (isolated in 1925 and sealed in 1928, perhaps
subcultured in 1932).

There are at least four Ames substrains, all under the control of Fort
Detrick. They were isolated by laboratories in Ames, Iowa but were not
subsequently studied or distributed by them.

Undoubtedly the confusion about Ames substrains could be cleared up by
USAMRIID, but they have been evasive.


Weaponization is used here to mean preparation of the form of anthrax
found in the Daschle letter: fine particles, very narrow size range, treated
to eliminate static charge so it won't clump and will float in the air. The
weaponization process used was extraordinarily effective. The particles have
a narrow size range (1.5-3 microns diameter), typical of the US process.

The extraordinary concentration (one trillion spores per gram) and purity of
the letter anthrax is believed to be characteristic of material made by the
US process.

A reporter who writes on anthrax vaccine has privately stated that four labs
have told him that under the electron microscope the appearance of the
sample is like that of unmilled anthrax spores. Milled samples are
identifiable because they contain debris. The optimal US process did not use

The US weaponization process is secret-Bill Patrick, its inventor, says it
involves a COMBINATION of chemicals.

The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (Washington DC) is studying the
anthrax using an energy dispersive X-ray spectroscope, which can detect the
presence of extremely tiny quantities of chemicals; traces of several
chemicals have been found.

The Senate sample contains a special form of silica used in the US process.
It does not contain bentonite (used by the Iraqis).

All the letters probably contained the same material. The clumping of the
anthrax in the two letters mailed on Sept 18 (to NBC and the NY Post)
probably resulted from the letters getting wet in the course of mail
processing or delivery, according to Army scientists. This conclusion is
strengthened by the similarity of the Florida anthrax (the first to be
observed, probably also mailed on Sept 18) to that in the Daschle letter,
mailed Oct 9.


A study of genetic drift at certain locations in anthrax is underway at
Northern Arizona State University. The results are expected to give an idea
of how many times the letter anthrax had replicated, in comparison to the
reference strain-ie, whether it was grown on a very large scale (as in a
State program) or on a very small scale, as would be likely if recently made
by a terrorist.

Analysis of trace contaminants could also indicate the scale/method of
production (ie, liquid medium, in a fermenter, or solid medium, on petri
dishes, a likely method for small-scale preparation).


It has just been reported that the complete sequence has been determined for
the genomes of both the anthrax used in the Florida attack and the Ames
reference strain to which it 

Re: [CTRL] A Warmer World Awaits: Fact or Fiction?

2001-12-12 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

--- Steve [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Just how realistic
 are the apocalyptic predictions?

this is a spin: apocalypse is a will-of-god

environmental degradation can be stopped...

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] China demands return of its terror fighters

2001-12-12 Thread Joe Gillaspie

-Caveat Lector-




 Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

 China demands return of its terror fighters
 By David Rennie in Beijing
 (Filed: 12/12/2001)

 BEIJING yesterday demanded that Chinese citizens found fighting for the
 Taliban in Afghanistan should be handed over to face justice - a demand that
 will alarm human rights groups and test China's fledgling anti-terror
 alliance with the United States.

 Zhang Qiyue, a foreign ministry spokesman, said China had been informed that
 ethnic Uighurs from the far western province of Xinjiang had been caught in

 She said: Once they are determined to be Chinese citizens, the relevant side
 should hand them over to the Chinese side so as to handle them according to

 She repeated claims that hundreds of Uighur separatists had been trained in
 Afghan terrorist camps, and said the detainees had close association with
 international terrorist forces.

 A senior American anti-terrorist envoy, Gen Francis Taylor, confirmed last
 week that anti-Taliban forces had captured people from western China in

 Uighur militants have carried out bombings and assassinations in Xinjiang,
 which was overrun by Communist forces in 1949, ending a brief period of
 independence as East Turkestan.

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 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] (Fwd) Feds Arrest Sixty Israeli Spies : Suspected Israeli Spi

2001-12-12 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

Feds Arrest Sixty Israeli Spies
Suspected Israeli Spies Held by U.S.

12/12/2001 2:11:37 PM
Fox News

Washington, DC -- http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,40679,00.html

Suspected Israeli Spies Held by U.S.

Wednesday, December 12, 2001

By Carl Cameron

WASHINGTON — Some 60 Israelis, who federal investigators have said
part of a long-running effort to spy on American government
are among the hundreds of foreigners detained since the Sept. 11
terror attacks, Fox News has learned.

The Israelis, a handful of whom are described as active Israeli
military or intelligence operatives, have been detained on immigration
charges or under the new Patriot Anti-Terrorism Law. Federal
investigators said some of them failed polygraph questions inquiring
about alleged surveillance activities against and in the United

There is no indication the Israelis were involved in the Sept. 11
attacks, but investigators suspect that they may have gathered
intelligence about the attacks in advance and not shared it.

A highly placed investigator told Fox News there are tie-ins, but
when asked for details flatly refused to describe them. Evidence
linking these Israelis to 9-11 is classified, I cannot tell you about
evidence that has been gathered. It is classified information, the
source said.

An Israeli Embassy spokesman offered categorical denials, and said any
suggestion of Israelis spying on or in the United States is simply not

But Fox News has learned that one group of Israelis spotted in North
Carolina recently is suspected of keeping an apartment in California
to spy on a group of Arabs who the U.S. authorities are investigating
for links to terrorism.

Numerous classified documents obtained by Fox News indicate that even
prior to Sept. 11, as many as 140 other Israelis had been detained or
arrested in a secretive and sprawling investigation into suspected
espionage by Israelis in the United States.

Investigators from numerous government agencies are part of a working
group that has been compiling evidence in the case since the
mid-1990s. These documents detail hundreds of incidents in cities and
towns across the country that investigators say quote may well be an
organized intelligence-gathering activity.

Investigators are focusing part of their efforts on Israelis who said
they are art students from the University of Jerusalem or Bezalel
Academy and repeatedly made contact with U.S. government personnel by
saying they wanted to sell cheap art or handiwork.

Documents say they targeted and penetrated military bases, the Drug
Enforcement Administration, the Federal Bureau of Investigations,
dozens of government facilities and even secret offices and unlisted
private homes of law enforcement and intelligence personnel.

Another part of the investigation has resulted in the detention and
arrest of dozens of Israelis working at kiosks in American malls,
where they had been selling toys called Puzzlecar and Zoomcopter.

Investigators suspected a front. Shortly after the New York Times and
Washington Post reported the detentions of Israelis on immigration
charges last month, the carts began vanishing.

Why would Israelis spy in and on the United States?

A General Accounting Office investigation referred to Israel as
Country A and said, According to a U.S. intelligence agency, the
government of country A conducts the most aggressive espionage
operation against the U.S. of any U.S. ally.

A Defense Intelligence report said Israel has a voracious appetite
for information.

The Israelis are motivated by strong survival instincts which dictate
every facet of their political and economic policies, the DIA report
said. It aggressively collects military and industrial technology and
the U.S. is a high priority target.

Israel possesses the resources and technical capability to achieve
its collection objectives, the document concludes.

Libertarian Socialist News
Post Office Box 12244
Silver Spring, MD 20908

(check out our messageboards -- discuss this story on-line!)

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Suspected Israeli Spies Held by U.S.

2001-12-12 Thread eric stewart

Note: forwarded message attached.

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Suspected Israeli Spies Held by U.S.

Wednesday, December 12, 2001
By Carl Cameron

WASHINGTON — Some 60 Israelis, who federal investigators have said are part
of a long-running effort to spy on American government officials, are among
the hundreds of foreigners detained since the Sept. 11 terror attacks, Fox
News has learned.

The Israelis, a handful of whom are described as active Israeli military or
intelligence operatives, have been detained on immigration charges or under
the new Patriot Anti-Terrorism Law. Federal investigators said some of them
failed polygraph questions inquiring about alleged surveillance activities
against and in the United States.

There is no indication the Israelis were involved in the Sept. 11 attacks,
but investigators suspect that they may have gathered intelligence about the
attacks in advance and not shared it.

A highly placed investigator told Fox News there are tie-ins, but when
asked for details flatly refused to describe them. Evidence linking these
Israelis to 9-11 is classified, I cannot tell you about evidence that has
been gathered. It is classified information, the source said.

An Israeli Embassy spokesman offered categorical denials, and said any
suggestion of Israelis spying on or in the United States is simply not true.

But Fox News has learned that one group of Israelis spotted in North
Carolina recently is suspected of keeping an apartment in California to spy
on a group of Arabs who the U.S. authorities are investigating for links to

Numerous classified documents obtained by Fox News indicate that even prior
to Sept. 11, as many as 140 other Israelis had been detained or arrested in
a secretive and sprawling investigation into suspected espionage by Israelis
in the United States.

Investigators from numerous government agencies are part of a working group
that has been compiling evidence in the case since the mid-1990s. These
documents detail hundreds of incidents in cities and towns across the
country that investigators say quote may well be an organized
intelligence-gathering activity.

Investigators are focusing part of their efforts on Israelis who said they
are art students from the University of Jerusalem or Bezalel Academy and
repeatedly made contact with U.S. government personnel by saying they wanted
to sell cheap art or handiwork.

Documents say they targeted and penetrated military bases, the Drug
Enforcement Administration, the Federal Bureau of Investigations, dozens of
government facilities and even secret offices and unlisted private homes of
law enforcement and intelligence personnel.

Another part of the investigation has resulted in the detention and arrest
of dozens of Israelis working at kiosks in American malls, where they had
been selling toys called Puzzlecar and Zoomcopter.

Investigators suspected a front. Shortly after the New York Times and
Washington Post reported the detentions of Israelis on immigration charges
last month, the carts began vanishing.

Why would Israelis spy in and on the United States?

A General Accounting Office investigation referred to Israel as Country A
and said, According to a U.S. intelligence agency, the government of
country A conducts the most aggressive espionage operation against the U.S.
of any U.S. ally.

A Defense Intelligence report said Israel has a voracious appetite for

The Israelis are motivated by strong survival instincts which dictate every
facet of their political and economic policies, the DIA report said. It
aggressively collects military and industrial technology and the U.S. is a
high priority target.

Israel possesses the resources and technical capability to achieve its
collection objectives, the document concludes

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Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition, is the largest network of grassroots activists dedicated to Palestinian human rights. To subscribe to Al-Awda-News, send a blank message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] To unsubscribe, send a blank message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] To find out how to join an Al-Awda action committee in your area, please visit our website at http://al-awda.org
Sign the petition letter online at:
Unless indicated otherwise, all statements posted represent the views of their authors and not necessarily those of Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition

Re: [CTRL] American in Taliban: Biological strike on U.S. near

2001-12-12 Thread Joe Gillaspie

-Caveat Lector-


 Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

 American in Taliban: Biological strike on U.S. near
 By Bill Gertz

  An American Taliban fighter held captive by Marines in Afghanistan has
 told American officials that al Qaeda's next attack on the United States will
 take place in days and involve biological weapons, U.S. intelligence
 officials told The Washington Times. Top Stories
 • 1st terror indictment issued
 • Tribal forces trap bin Laden's foreign troops
 • Afghan wants to try Omar in home court
 • U.S. says tribunals just for terror leaders
 • U.S. to pull out of Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty
 • DeLay eyes majority leader post
 • Father files grievance over pledge

  John Walker Lindh, the Taliban guerrilla captured near Mazar-e-Sharif,
 said in intelligence debriefings at the U.S. Marine Corps base near Kandahar
 that Phase II of al Qaeda's war against the United States will occur at the
 end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which ends Sunday.
  Mr. Lindh told U.S. intelligence officials that the Ramadan attack will
 involve the use of biological weapons.
  A third phase of al Qaeda's war on the United States will result in the
 destruction of the entire country, the Islamic convert stated.
  The officials said they have questioned the credibility of Mr. Lindh's
 claim because of his relatively low-level position.
  Still, the information was among other intelligence reports that led the
 Bush administration to issue a public warning last week about a possible
 terrorist attack, the officials said.
  No other details were available about Mr. Lindh's debriefing. However,
 the intelligence about the impending attack is an indication Mr. Lindh may
 have been part of the al Qaeda network in addition to fighting on behalf of
 the Taliban militia.
  A CIA spokesman declined to comment.
  Gen. Richard B. Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said on
 Sunday that Mr. Lindh was providing information.
  He's been pretty close to the action, and he has provided from the
 Afghan perspective some useful information, Gen. Myers said on Fox News
  I think the evidence is pretty strong that he was right in the middle
 of it.
  Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz told reporters the American had
 provided information that has been very helpful to the United States,
 including information on the prisoner uprising at Mazar-e-Sharif that led to
 the death of CIA officer Johnny Mike Spann.
  Obviously the people who really have the information that we really
 want to get are those top al Qaeda leaders and maybe some of the Taliban
 leaders and maybe we'll find it in documents in places we are now able to get
 into, Mr. Wolfowitz said Sunday.
  But I think anyone who knows anything about that organization is a
 potentially valuable source of information.
  The Pentagon has not decided how to handle Mr. Lindh and whether he will
 be charged with treason.
  The U.S. Central Command in Tampa, Fla., said in a statement that Mr.
 Lindh was being treated as an enemy prisoner of war.
  Mr. Lindh, 20, was videotaped as he was interrogated by the CIA officer
 hours before his death at the hands of rebelling Taliban and al Qaeda
 prisoners at a fortress near Mazar-e-Sharif. He initially gave his name as
 Abdul Hamid.
  The Marines are using a large green metal shipping container to hold Mr.
 Lindh at their base in southern Afghanistan, according to pool reports from
 the base.
  Marine Corps spokesman Capt. Stewart Upton said he had no information
 about Mr. Lindh being held in the container, which is surrounded by barbed
 wire and Marine guards.
  A second Marine spokesman, Capt. David Romley, said later that the only
 detainee at the camp was Mr. Lindh.
  At the Pentagon, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld told reporters
 that valuable intelligence is being collected as U.S. and Afghan opposition
 forces take over areas once ruled by the Taliban.
  There's documentation being found and discovered and analyzed and
 translated, so that each day we learn more and know more, Mr. Rumsfeld said.
 As more address books are found and phone books are found and computer hard
 drives are found as people have left areas, clearly our knowledge base is
 going up.

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[CTRL] JDL Chairman Arrested in Bomb Plot LOS ANGELES

2001-12-12 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

--- Ken Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 From: Ken Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 15:44:59 -0500
 Subject: [AS] JDL Chairman Arrested in Bomb Plot LOS


 From: joe_liberty
 Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 3:22 PM
 Subject:  JDL Chairman Arrested in Bomb Plot LOS

 The chairman of the Jewish Defense League was
 arrested in connection with a
 failed bombing plot, federal authorities said.

 Irv Rubin, 56, and a member of the militant group,
 Earl Krugel, 59, both of
 Los Angeles, were booked early Wednesday at the
 downtown federal
 Metropolitan Detention Center, detention center
 spokeswoman Donna Davis

 The arrests late Tuesday were in connection with a
 bombing plot, said Thom
 Mrozek, a spokesman for the U.S.  Attorney's Office.
  He would not describe
 the alleged scheme except to say, ``The bombing was
 not carried out.''
 Criminal charges were expected to be filed later

 ``Irv Rubin never had anything to do with
 explosives,'' said Rubin's
 attorney, Peter Morris.

 ``It seems to us that, given the timing ...  the
 government's action is part
 of an overreaction to the Sept.  11 events.'' Law
 enforcement agencies
 raided a Reseda home Tuesday night.  Footage showed
 officers carrying out
 weapons and cardboard boxes.

 A neighbor, Rod Colson, said Krugel had lived there
 more than 20 years.  He
 said he heard Krugel's dog barking at about 10 p.m.
 and went outside, where
 he saw people carrying out boxes.

 ``I saw a lot of agents in the back yard taking
 photos,'' he said.

 The screen door of the red brick home was broken and
 part of the fence had
 been knocked down.  A menorah, the Jewish candelabra
 used for Hanukkah, was
 visible through a window and there was an American
 flag on the mailbox.

 Matthew McLaughlin, an FBI (news - web sites)
 spokesman in Los Angeles,
 declined to discuss the alleged target but said
 physical evidence was found.

 ``The tools might have been in place to do this
 thing,'' he said.  ``We
 don't put people in (custody) just for superficial
 impressions.  We put
 people in place for their physical actions.''
 Rubin's wife, Shelley, said in
 a telephone interview that her husband and Earl
 ``are completely innocent of
 anything.  They are law-abiding, good people.''
 Originally formed by Meir
 Kahane to mount armed response to anti-Semitic acts
 in New York City, the
 JDL gained notoriety when its members were linked to
 bombings, most of them
 aimed at Soviet targets in retaliation for the way
 that country treated its
 Jewish population.

 Kahane left the JDL in the 1980s.  A power struggle
 ensued, with Rubin among
 the contenders for its leadership.

 Kahane was assassinated in New York in 1990.  El
 Sayyid Nosair, 36, an
 Egyptian-born Muslim, was convicted in connection
 with the shooting.

 Rubin has made a career out of confrontation,
 challenging white supremacists
 to fistfights, or burning a Confederate flag outside
 a courthouse.  By his
 own count he has been arrested more than 40 times.
 In 1980, he was tried
 and found innocent of soliciting the murders of
 Nazis in the United States.

 A suit filed by Rubin resulted in a court decision
 last year banning prayer
 during Burbank City Council meetings.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Scores of Israeli settlers, soldiers, killed in guerilla attack near Nablus

2001-12-12 Thread eric stewart

Note: forwarded message attached.

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Scores of Israeli settlers, soldiers, killed in guerilla attack near Nablus

Occupied Jerusalem: 12 December, 2001 (IAP News)

As many as 10 Israeli soldiers and settlers were killed and over thirty
others injured, some badly, when Palestinian guerillas attacked a bus
carrying soldiers and settlers near the northern West Bank town of Nablus.

Eyewitnesses said a powerful road-side charge was detonated, apparently by
Palestinian guerillas, as an armored army bus was passing near the
settlement of Emanuel near Nablus.

Early reports spoke of at least 8 soldiers and settlers killed and as many
as thirty others wounded.

The Israeli state-run radio said Palestinian guerillas opened fire on
Israeli troops which arrived at the scene, causing more casualties among
the Zionists.

A Palestinian guerilla was either killed or injured in the attack which
comes as a retaliation for the killing of three at least 10 Palestinian
civilians, including a baby and three children, by the Israeli army.

The Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the military wing of Fatah, claimed
responsibility for the operation.

In the Gaza Strip two Palestinian guerillas blew themselves up outside a
motel frequented by soldiers at the Jewish settlement of Gush Katif.

Israeli sources said five Israelis were wounded.

The report has not been confirmed by independent sources.

The extremist government of Ariel Sharon has utterly rejected a truce offer
by the major Palestinian resistance groups, including Hamas, whereby
Israeli would stop bombarding Palestinian population centers in return for
a moratorium on Palestinian bombings inside the Jewish state.

Since the beginning of the Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation
and apartheid, the Israeli army and paramilitary Jewish terrorists killed
over 850 Palestinians, a third of them children and minors.

Nearly 210 Israelis, many of them soldiers and settlers, died in the same
period in Palestinian resistance attacks.

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Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition, is the largest network of grassroots activists dedicated to Palestinian human rights. To subscribe to Al-Awda-News, send a blank message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] To unsubscribe, send a blank message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] To find out how to join an Al-Awda action committee in your area, please visit our website at http://al-awda.org
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---End Message---

[CTRL] 12 December 2001 Federalist Edition #01-50

2001-12-12 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The Conservative e-Journal of Record
* Veritas Vos Liberabit *

12 December 2001
Federalist Edition #01-50
Wednesday Chronicle

*To support The Federalist,
Link to -- http://www.Federalist.com/support.asp
*To retrieve today's Chronicle as HTML printer-friendly text or PDF
Link to -- http://www.Federalist.com/current2001.asp
*To change your e-mail address or format, see instructions in footer.

The Foundation
Editorial Exegesis
Village Idiots
Short Cuts


Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality
can prevail in exclusion of religious principles.  --George


Wisdom and goodness to the vile seem vile --William Shakespeare
{}  The best things and best people rise out of their separateness.
I'm against a homogenized society because I want the cream to rise.
--Robert Frost  {}  God will not be absent when His people are on
trial; he will stand in court as their advocate, to plead on their
behalf. --Charles H. Spurgeon  {}  The smallest good deed is better
than the grandest good intention. --Duguet  {}  The man for whom law
exists -- the man of forms, the conservative -- is a tame man.
--Henry David Thoreau  {}  Common sense is the knack of seeing things
as they are, and doing things as they ought to be done.  --Harriet
Beecher Stowe  {}  Lust is the craving for salt of a man who is dying
of thirst. --Frederick Buechner  {}  God doesn't call people who are
qualified. He calls people who are willing, and then He qualifies
them. --Richard Parker  {}  The Kingdom of Heaven is not for the
well-meaning: it is for the desperate. --James Denney  {}  We
believe the best way to assure prosperity is to generate more jobs.
The Democrats believe in more welfare. --Ronald Reagan (1972)


If you harbor a terrorist, you're a terrorist. If you feed a
terrorist, you're a terrorist. --George W. Bush  ++  ...[I]f ...
[the 9-11 dead] could see how our country is united to preserve
freedom from terror, they'd be proud. Proud of our unity, proud of our
strength, and proud of the determination to find, root out and deal
with the evil of terrorism and those who seek to terrorize. And we
will. We will remember their lives, and retell their stories, again
and again, so that neither the nation nor the world will ever forget.
--Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld  ++  Nobody wants to capture
Osama bin Laden and have him tried by Judge Ito for two years.
--Justice Antonin Scalia  {}  Real heroes do not seek the applause of
others; their reward was found in what they did. They make most of us
seem small -- especially that crowd in Washington, D.C. --Chuck
Baldwin  ++  The average American is always more courageous than the
average lawyer, politician or government official. --Wesley Pruden
{}  We are all Americans. And as Americans, we have a duty to protect
the freedoms that make our union the example and the envy of the
world. --Charlton Heston  {}  Like our families, our nation gives us
an identity and nurtures us. In the case of America, it also offers
unparalleled personal freedom and prosperity. To turn against such a
nation is an act of ingratitude that must make the angels sigh. --Don
Feder  {}  Compassion comes after victory, not before it, not
alongside it. First victory, then greatness of spirit. --Michael
Ledeen  {}  Limited-government types worry that wars lead to
permanent expansion of government budgets and programs. Civil
libertarians fear the fight against terrorism will do irreparable
damage to basic freedoms. --Steve Chapman  {}  A gun-free world
would be much more dangerous for women, and much safer for brutes and
tyrants. --Dave Kopel, Paul Gallant  Joanne Eisen  {}  The truth is
that the UN cannot create peace or end terrorism, but it can vastly
expand its power over the lives of U.S. citizens. We must resist any
attempt by the UN to advance its agenda in the wake of the September
11th tragedy. --Rep. Ron Paul


New York City officials have been revising their estimates of how
many thousands died in and around the World Trade Center on September
11; counting has been slow because the murderers left few bodies. The
total death toll, including those killed at the Pentagon and in
Pennsylvania, now looks as though it could reach 3,245. To put that in
perspective: It is more than all the deaths at Pearl Harbor; more than
all the deaths at Saratoga, or the Battle of New Orleans; more than
all who perished in the New York draft riots, or the Chicago Fire, or
the San Francisco earthquake, or on the Titanic. Because of the
courage of the rescue workers, the gallantry of the passengers of
Flight 93, and the strength 

Re: [CTRL] (Fwd) Feds Arrest Sixty Israeli Spies : Suspected Israeli Spi

2001-12-12 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

I am interested in the ones with the box cutters who worked for the
Moving Company that turned out to be front for Israeli Mossad it appears
for it was a front.

Further this company sold boxes...and box cutters and boxes kind
of go together for they moved people all over - sounds like drug front
maybe, or could it be some of these trucks have been used for smuggling
in aliens and even loading gold.

What is this Twin Towers was also a gold heist.the FBI agent gave
Silverstein no doubt copies of all the tunnels and Silverstein kicked
out the security much sooner than anticipated and could not get them out
fast enough?

So what about that truck loaded with gold that when found, took TWO
trucks to move.who owned the truck and where was it headed - it was
in the tunnel under the Twin Towers..

One report I had showed over billion dollars in gold down there and the
FBI PRIOR TO THE 911 ATTACK this agent had bragged about a vault of gold
the size of two football fields under and beside the Twin Towers?

The CIA in Silverstein's building (this man only LEASED the Twin Towers
and acts as though he owns it)but CIA, Silverstein, and Giuliani in
building 7 ..

After all do you think the Zionists would not want to get that gold?
Tlhis is what it is all about, gold, oil and drugs.

Silverstein is a front man in with this Bronfman for buzzards of same
feather stick together.

But the moment they got the one truck loaded with gold.then came the
bug bulldozers and scoopers bulldozing bodies in to dumpsters and this
is when Giuliani showed such deep compassion for the men his police and
firemen, who remained aat the bottom of the hell hole.

So Israelis with boxcutters - you cannot tell an arab jew from an arab
but there is nothing that looks more like our Black House of Israel Jews
who migrated to Israel where Silverstein tried to put the tax free mind
you, Free Trade Zone - at Negiv where these blacks livedcheap labor,
and no taxesand then came the money laundering charges and
Silverstein left in rage.

So tell me why is the news media so very quiet about all this?   And
this trip of Giliani with Bloomberg to Israel..when the Twin Towers
still smouldering from 911.

Check them out..and toss in Moskowitz for laughs.

In Israel looks like some counterterrorism here --- for they want us
to destroy the Arab Nations but first, if we go to war, those 5 big Arab
Nations will blow Israel off the face of the earthfor you see, this
is part of the Master Plan and they do not use a Koran - they use a King
James Bible for easier communication.

The one book that goes into every country in the world nearly and
printed in nearly every major language in the world INCLUDING ARABIC -
for after all we have Iranian Jews, Iraqi Jews, Egyptian Jews, Israeli
Jews, Syrian Jews and you name it - a horse of many colors.

But behind it all the Ashkenazi jew.the European Jews whoe would
love to see America fall flat on its face for this EU - well Hitler
could not have done a better job in organizing Europe and not a shot so
far is fired...

But then why does the EU want its own Army and well the Irish were the
only ones not fooled by this bunch of assassins and thieves.

This is the Demolition of America for there is a Contract on America.

And no camel driver has that much going for him...these Israelies
are placed in ey locations and even in Mexico.

Remember Castro's Cuba - Oswald also traveled to Cuba and that guy -
they were also running guns and drugs maybe?


Osama bin Laden was and still is CIA connected but to black ops - for he
is a contract man Code Name The Contractor.

And this is Contract of America.

George Bush better watch his back..

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] (Fwd) Feds Arrest Sixty Israeli Spies : Suspected Israeli Spi

2001-12-12 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

you are fascinating

one has to watch you over time  - its like a symphony
watching themes develop across time

when did the moving company become known as a front? slowly across 3 months,
without a new fact coming in


most moving companies sell boxes - all of them use boxcutters

as to why the media didn't report this -
you must be watching the news
this kind of stuff gets reported on fantasy island

-- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - -  - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - --
 -- - -- -
Truth is more of a stranger than fiction. -- Mark Twain

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 16:49:14 -0500
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] (Fwd) Feds Arrest Sixty Israeli Spies : Suspected Israeli

 -Caveat Lector-

 I am interested in the ones with the box cutters who worked for the
 Moving Company that turned out to be front for Israeli Mossad it appears
 for it was a front.

 Further this company sold boxes...and box cutters and boxes kind
 of go together for they moved people all over - sounds like drug front
 maybe, or could it be some of these trucks have been used for smuggling
 in aliens and even loading gold.

 What is this Twin Towers was also a gold heist.the FBI agent gave
 Silverstein no doubt copies of all the tunnels and Silverstein kicked
 out the security much sooner than anticipated and could not get them out
 fast enough?

 So what about that truck loaded with gold that when found, took TWO
 trucks to move.who owned the truck and where was it headed - it was
 in the tunnel under the Twin Towers..

 One report I had showed over billion dollars in gold down there and the
 FBI PRIOR TO THE 911 ATTACK this agent had bragged about a vault of gold
 the size of two football fields under and beside the Twin Towers?

 The CIA in Silverstein's building (this man only LEASED the Twin Towers
 and acts as though he owns it)but CIA, Silverstein, and Giuliani in
 building 7 ..

 After all do you think the Zionists would not want to get that gold?
 Tlhis is what it is all about, gold, oil and drugs.

 Silverstein is a front man in with this Bronfman for buzzards of same
 feather stick together.

 But the moment they got the one truck loaded with gold.then came the
 bug bulldozers and scoopers bulldozing bodies in to dumpsters and this
 is when Giuliani showed such deep compassion for the men his police and
 firemen, who remained aat the bottom of the hell hole.

 So Israelis with boxcutters - you cannot tell an arab jew from an arab
 but there is nothing that looks more like our Black House of Israel Jews
 who migrated to Israel where Silverstein tried to put the tax free mind
 you, Free Trade Zone - at Negiv where these blacks livedcheap labor,
 and no taxesand then came the money laundering charges and
 Silverstein left in rage.

 So tell me why is the news media so very quiet about all this?   And
 this trip of Giliani with Bloomberg to Israel..when the Twin Towers
 still smouldering from 911.

 Check them out..and toss in Moskowitz for laughs.

 In Israel looks like some counterterrorism here --- for they want us
 to destroy the Arab Nations but first, if we go to war, those 5 big Arab
 Nations will blow Israel off the face of the earthfor you see, this
 is part of the Master Plan and they do not use a Koran - they use a King
 James Bible for easier communication.

 The one book that goes into every country in the world nearly and
 printed in nearly every major language in the world INCLUDING ARABIC -
 for after all we have Iranian Jews, Iraqi Jews, Egyptian Jews, Israeli
 Jews, Syrian Jews and you name it - a horse of many colors.

 But behind it all the Ashkenazi jew.the European Jews whoe would
 love to see America fall flat on its face for this EU - well Hitler
 could not have done a better job in organizing Europe and not a shot so
 far is fired...

 But then why does the EU want its own Army and well the Irish were the
 only ones not fooled by this bunch of assassins and thieves.

 This is the Demolition of America for there is a Contract on America.

 And no camel driver has that much going for him...these Israelies
 are placed in ey locations and even in Mexico.

 Remember Castro's Cuba - Oswald also traveled to Cuba and that guy -
 they were also running guns and drugs maybe?


 Osama bin Laden was and still is CIA connected but to black ops - for he
 is a contract man Code Name The Contractor.

 And this is Contract of America.

 George Bush better watch his back..

 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance?not soap-boxing?please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy 

[CTRL] 15 Yr Old Suspended for Anti-War T-Shirt

2001-12-12 Thread Gavin Phillips

-Caveat Lector-

Katie Sierra was suspended for wearing anti-war
T-shirts in high school and trying to organize an
anarchist club to protest the war. We are free to
express any and all opinions as long as they support
the government's agenda.  Parts of a local newspaper
article are below followed by an interview with Katie
by www.infoshop.org. Gavin

Student can't wear anti-war clothing to Sissonville
By Eric Eyre

Students at Sissonville High School no longer feel
safe, said school system attorney Jim Withrow.
Without question, it has disrupted the educational

(Gavin.Contrary opinions are a threat to other

Sierra's attorney blamed Mann for the turmoil at
Sissonville, saying he overreacted and took those
bellows and flamed the fires.

He wanted her shirts out of there, Forman said. He
wants her opinions out of there. If truth be known, he
probably wants her out of there.
End article quote.

First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.
Pastor Martin Niemöller

Please visit my nonprofit website.
Exposing the Cancer Indu$try.
Thank you. Gavin.

 Katie Sierra is a 15-year-old anarchist who lives
 in Sissonville, West Virginia. She recently made
 international news after her high school
 suspended her for wearing a t-shirt critical of the
 war in Afghanistan, as well as for her efforts in
 organizing a student anarchy club at the school.
 Her legal protest of the school's decision was
 turned down by the courts. There is an
 international effort to support her and her fight
 against the school.

 Infoshop.org: Can you tell
 us a little bit about

 Katie Sierra: Let's see..my name is Katie. I
 am a former student from Sissonville High
 School. I'm a 15-year-old 10th grader. In my
 spare time I go to shows, read, and write

 Infoshop: Why did you get
 suspended from your high

 KS: I was suspended for wearing a t-shirt that
 spoke of political views. Also, for having
 possession of the flyers in my purse.

 Infoshop: What did your T-shirt

 KS: Well, there's more than one. The one I got
 suspended for said Racism, Sexism,
 Homophobia..I'm so proud of the people in the
 land of the so called Free. Then the next week
 after my principal allowed me to wear them
 again...and then made me take it off again said
 When I saw the dead and dying Afghani
 children on TV, I felt a newly recovered sense of
 national security. God Bless America.

 Infoshop: What happened in court?

 KS: Besides staring at Mr. Mann's strange
 comb-over and missing thumb lol. I didn't win. I
 don't really know why. At least everything I said
 was factual, but everything Mann said was
 opinion or hearsay.

 Infoshop: Are you appealing the
 judge's decision?

 KS: Yes, we'll be going to court uhhh...Jan. 25.
 State Supreme turned it down...but I'm not
 giving up!

 How do you feel about the
 authorities telling you that you
 have no rights?

 KS: It makes me feel like total crap. I mean I
 think it's crazy. Everyone else in that school can
 say how they feel towards certain things, unless
 you have something no one agrees with. I just
 don't think that is fair. If I could go back to
 school for a day. I think I'd probably. wear duck
 tape over my mouth with I have no rights
 printed on the front. lol I think that might be
 quite humorous.

 Why did you decide to start an
 anarchy club? Are other students
 interested in joining it?

 KS: I think we were pretty much a group
 already. I mean I know we were a group. At the
 time we didn't have a name. And there isn't
 anything for us to join at SHS. So I was thinking
 since we are all interesting in Anarchy and
 whatnot things it would be a good idea. I read
 about it on Infoshop...that's how the idea popped
 into my head. Yeah, there was about 15-20
 people who wanted to join.

 If your club existed, what kind of
 projects would the club be working

 KS: It was mostly for us to learn and discuss
 things. We had somewhat started a zine--it isn't
 really finished. We were going to work in some
 soup kitchens on the weekend. Just a lot of
 different things. Have people come speak.
 Possibly a Food not Bombs group.

 Tell us about the zine you were
 working on?

 KS: It was going to be called the Anny. There
 was four of us working on it. We were only
 going to print no more than 30 copies of it.
 Honestly, we didn't want anyone besides people
 in our uhh freak/punk to know about it. It was
 going to be about things that happen in our
 school, city, state, country, world...blah blah
 blah and how we 

Re: [CTRL] (Fwd) Feds Arrest Sixty Israeli Spies : SuspectedIsraeli Spi --j2

2001-12-12 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Saba wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 I am interested in the ones with the box cutters who worked for the
 Moving Company that turned out to be front for Israeli Mossad it appears
 for it was a front.

Shh. Whiz wh. Colleen's brain is spinning up.

 Further this company sold boxes...and box cutters and boxes kind
 of go together for they moved people all over - sounds like drug front
 maybe, or could it be some of these trucks have been used for smuggling
 in aliens and even loading gold.

Sherlock Holmes has nothing on this broad.

 What is this Twin Towers was also a gold heist.the FBI agent gave
 Silverstein no doubt copies of all the tunnels and Silverstein kicked
 out the security much sooner than anticipated and could not get them out
 fast enough?

 So what about that truck loaded with gold that when found, took TWO
 trucks to move.who owned the truck and where was it headed - it was
 in the tunnel under the Twin Towers..

 One report I had showed over billion dollars in gold down there and the
 FBI PRIOR TO THE 911 ATTACK this agent had bragged about a vault of gold
 the size of two football fields under and beside the Twin Towers?

 The CIA in Silverstein's building (this man only LEASED the Twin Towers
 and acts as though he owns it)but CIA, Silverstein, and Giuliani in
 building 7 ..

 After all do you think the Zionists would not want to get that gold?
 Tlhis is what it is all about, gold, oil and drugs.

Ahh. So THAT's what it's all about.

 Silverstein is a front man in with this Bronfman for buzzards of same
 feather stick together.

 But the moment they got the one truck loaded with gold.then came the
 bug bulldozers and scoopers bulldozing bodies in to dumpsters and this
 is when Giuliani showed such deep compassion for the men his police and
 firemen, who remained aat the bottom of the hell hole.

 So Israelis with boxcutters - you cannot tell an arab jew from an arab

I can.

 but there is nothing that looks more like our Black House of Israel Jews
 who migrated to Israel where Silverstein tried to put the tax free mind
 you, Free Trade Zone - at Negiv where these blacks livedcheap labor,
 and no taxesand then came the money laundering charges and
 Silverstein left in rage.

 So tell me why is the news media so very quiet about all this?

Obvious! No one besides you is smart enough.

 this trip of Giliani with Bloomberg to Israel..when the Twin Towers
 still smouldering from 911.

 Check them out..and toss in Moskowitz for laughs.

 In Israel looks like some counterterrorism here --- for they want us
 to destroy the Arab Nations but first, if we go to war, those 5 big Arab
 Nations will blow Israel off the face of the earthfor you see, this
 is part of the Master Plan and they do not use a Koran - they use a King
 James Bible for easier communication.


 The one book that goes into every country in the world nearly and
 printed in nearly every major language in the world INCLUDING ARABIC -
 for after all we have Iranian Jews, Iraqi Jews, Egyptian Jews, Israeli
 Jews, Syrian Jews and you name it - a horse of many colors.

I thought it was a COAT of many colors.

 But behind it all the Ashkenazi jew.the European Jews whoe would
 love to see America fall flat on its face for this EU - well Hitler
 could not have done a better job in organizing Europe and not a shot so
 far is fired...

 But then why does the EU want its own Army and well the Irish were the
 only ones not fooled by this bunch of assassins and thieves.

Can't fool the Irish. Too sharp. Like Colleen Jones Esq.

 This is the Demolition of America for there is a Contract on America.

 And no camel driver has that much going for him...these Israelies
 are placed in ey locations and even in Mexico.

 Remember Castro's Cuba - Oswald also traveled to Cuba and that guy -
 they were also running guns and drugs maybe?



 Osama bin Laden was and still is CIA connected but to black ops - for he
 is a contract man Code Name The Contractor.

And how do you know this my lovely Irish genius?

 And this is Contract of America.

 George Bush better watch his back..

This is really hard to do unless you have a mirror.

Thanks for letting me join you on a trip through your brain. It was very
illuminating as usual.

Good thing you're on our side, even if you do support Bin Laden. I guess
your  prophesy  about him might still come true.


 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.

[CTRL] Fwd: Irv Rubin and the Libertarian Party : And How He Tried To Recuit AntiWar...

2001-12-12 Thread William Shannon


Irv Rubin and the Libertarian Party
And How He Tried To Recuit AntiWar.com'

12/12/2001 11:30:20 AM

 -- Irv Rubin and the Libertarian Party


by Eric Garris

I was recently taken aback when I read this item in the national
Party News: Jewish Defense League leader signs up with LP.

I was shocked. They couldn't be talking about Irv Rubin, could they?
Unfortunately, that is exactly who they were talking about.

Irv Rubin is the International Chairman of the Jewish Defense League
(JDL). I
met Rubin in 1972. A political activist friend introduced us with the hope
Rubin could recruit me into the JDL. I am Jewish, and did not know much
the JDL, and I was genuinely interested.

I am not going to pretend to remember the exact words Rubin and I
exchanged 28
years ago. But I do recall his emphasis on offensive violence as an
part of the JDL's activities. I am not a pacifist, and I have never been
opposed to using force to defend oneself. However, it was clear to me that
Rubin was talking about going beyond defense. He explained that the
of our enemies justify the use of preemptive violence. And he explained
the hate speech of anti-Semites and racists justified the use of force,
their very speech was in fact an aggression against Jews. When he sensed
resistance to this kind of talk, he assured me that the JDL had many other
activities which were completely legal and political in nature. I declined
offer to join the JDL.

In 1973 I joined the Libertarian Party. I served as a National Committee
member, California State Director, and candidate and campaign manager
times. I am still a life member of the LP, but I am no longer registered
still consider myself to be a libertarian with strongly held beliefs and,
Webmaster of Antiwar.com and LewRockwell.com, consider myself an activist
the libertarian movement. I still read much of the LP's literature, have
friends and associates in the LP, often even vote Libertarian. I also
to the LP's internal email discussion list.

Earlier this month Justin Raimondo wrote a column explaining why he was
voting for the LP this year. In the column he talked about the LP's
of Rubin's entrance into the LP.

The key issue that brought Rubin to the LP was opposition to gun control.
the LP News article, Rubin stated that he agreed with most of the party's
positions, except non-interventionism. Not surprisingly, he stressed the
importance of continued military aid to Israel. I don't think this is a
point. Noninterventionism is a key aspect to libertarianism. To ignore it
is to
ignore the international application of libertarian principles.

It took a few days, but when news of Raimondo's article filtered onto the
email discussion list, what followed was an avalanche of several hundred
posts, hotly discussing the issue. Unfortunately, Rubin's support of
intervention was not one of the main discussion points. But that aside,
many of
the points brought up need addressing.

The most substantive point of contention on the email list was the nature
the Jewish Defense League. Many insisted that the JDL is a strictly

The JDL was founded by Rabbi Meir Kahane, an advocate of violence against
both in the US and Israel. In later years he was expelled from Israel for
advocating the ethnic cleansing of all Arabs from greater Israel.

Throughout the 80s, the JDL was implicated in many bombings and attacks,
including the 1985 bombing of the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination
which resulted in the death of their director, Alex Odeh.

At the time, Rubin publicly stated that Odeh got what he deserved,
adding I'm not crying over the death of Alex Odeh. Rabbi Kahane,
disavowed the group and moved to Israel. Rubin took over as Chairman.

According to the Historical Dictionary of Terrorism, law enforcement
have ascribed at least 37 terrorist acts to JDL members:

While the International Terrorism: Attributes of Terrorist Events
database developed on behalf of the United States Central Intelligence
by Edward F. Mickolus recorded 50 such incidents from 1968-1987, making
the JDL
second only to the Puerto Rican FALN as the major domestic terrorist
Nonetheless the JDL is a legally incorporated political action group and
officially disavowed responsibility for any violent actions carried out by
members. Bombings accounted for 78 percent of all JDL terrorist
shootings accounted for 16 percent; while arson attacks, vandalism,
threats, and verbal harassment accounted for the rest.

In addition to alleged terrorist activities, the JDL has been involved in
intimidation and mob violence countless times. In 1987, several members of
JDL were convicted of violent assaults. Their targets often go beyond
nazis and

[CTRL] Thursday 9 pm EST: Promises will air on PBS

2001-12-12 Thread eric stewart

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From: Wael Masri [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Tomorrow evening (Thursday the 13th) at 9 pm EST, many PBS stations around
the country, including UNC-TV here in North Carolina, will air

This one-hour long program is a documentary about the conflict between
Palestinians and Israelis and seven children who have grown up in its
whirlwind. With the candor of youth, the children share their
perceptions of themselves, their presumed enemies, and their views of
the future. 

Please watch it while taking notes, and then share your comments with
PBS and the program's producer, Working Films (Molly Ramey:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]). If you would like to receive an electronic copy of
the program's Facilitator Guide (a 1MB Word document), just e-mail me
directly ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and I'll send it to you.

Thank you,
Wael Masri

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[CTRL] B-1 Bomber Crashes Into Sea

2001-12-12 Thread eric stewart

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The Pentagon says a US Air Force B-1 bomber has gone down in the Indian
 Ocean. The US plane went down about 50 kilometers north of Diego Garcia
- a British base being used by the US military in the war in


Crashed US bomber crew rescued

BBC News Online: World: Americas
Wednesday, 12 December, 2001, 20:23 GMT 

The four crew of a US B-1 bomber which crashed in the Indian Ocean 100 km
(60 miles) north of the British base of Diego Garcia have been rescued.

The bomber crashed at 1630 GMT in what is thought to be the first accident
involving a manned fixed-wing aircraft in the war in Afghanistan, although
helicopters have crashed before.

There was no evidence the aircraft crashed as a result of hostile action,
officials said.

This underscores what we try to remember all the time - that the men and
women in the US military put their lives at risk every single day, said
Pentagon spokeswoman Victoria Clarke.

The four crew members were in good condition after being taken aboard the
American naval destroyer USS Russell, another Pentagon official said.

Navy Lieutenant Commander Jeff Davis said the bomber had been on an
outbound mission when it crashed.

They were first spotted by an Air Force KC-10 refuelling plane which
established voice contact after noticing a strobe light blinking at the

The official did not know if the plane had been carrying bombs.

Marine General Peter Pace, vice-chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, said
B-1s had been taking part in the same missions in Afghanistan as B-52 and
B-2 bombers.

All these airframes are doing the same type of mission. They are providing
support to our teams that are with the opposition force that are on the
ground, he said.

Bombers have been flying missions from Diego Garcia in the air strikes that
began on 7 October.

There are 51 B-1 bombers in active military service; each plane costs more
than $200m to build.

They are described as long-range, heavy bombers, built for low-level,
high-speed missions.

The crew of four comprises a commander and co-pilot, and offensive and
defensive systems officers.

The aircraft has terrain-following radar and GPS satellite navigation. The
two specialists have at hand a range of electronic equipment to protect the
aircraft and attack ground targets.


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[CTRL] Link-Moussaoui Indictment

2001-12-12 Thread William Shannon

[CTRL] mixed muck 12-12

2001-12-12 Thread eric stewart
 of Abraham's
decisions, or because they were locked in a struggle
for control over the Mediterranean maritime trade?

John Bin Ashcroft is wanted in connection with the
post-September 11, 2001 attacks on the U.S.
Constitution and the Bill of Rights. He is believed to
be in the terrorist stronghold of Washington, D.C.

Now, three decades after the sabotaged publication of
the book, Guerrilla News Network presents a
beat-driven, design-enhanced video of The War
Conspiracy. In addition, we are featuring an in-depth
interview with Professor Scott regarding the new War
on Terrorism and how it parallels his research in the
Vietnam era. We are also honored to present an
exclusive publication of the Introduction to The War
Conspiracy, revised and re-edited on the thirtieth
anniversary of the book's conception.

Today Colin Powell, the US secretary of state widely
seen as the White House 's leading dove, is to visit
Tony Blair in London to discuss a multi-national
stabilisation force for Afghanistan. It became
increasingly clear last night that Britain will lead a
UN-sponsored stabilisation force of thousands of
troops to be deployed in Kabul next week.

From December 15, 2001 through January 1, 2002, the
International Solidarity Movement will be welcoming
dozens of international civilians who will be coming
to the Occupied Palestinian Territories to show their
solidarity with the Palestinian people in their
struggle for freedom and an end to Israeli military

Meanwhile, the rate of evidence manufacture was
astounding. The FBI, who didn't have a clue that
anything was going to happen prior to September
11#151;and therefore needed a bigger budget, and more
police powers, and more days of paid
vacation#151;suddenly traced many of the alleged
hijackers to two flight schools in Venice, Florida
(two flight schools which had all the curious
trappings of a U.S. intelligence operation). All the
flight school records were confiscated and placed on a
government plane, which flew out of Florida with Jeb
Bush aboard.

Media Lens is a response based on our conviction that
mainstream newspapers and broadcasters provide a
profoundly distorted picture of our world. We are
convinced that the increasingly centralised, corporate
nature of the media means that it acts as a de facto
propaganda system for corporate and other
establishment interests. The costs incurred as a
result of this propaganda, in terms of human suffering
and environmental degradation, are incalculable.

The U.S. Department of Defense has launched five new
weapon acquisition programs since the Sept. 11 terror
attacks, including a $5.5 billion program to speed up
purchases of Global Hawk unmanned spy planes.

Iran has substantially increased its financial support
for Hamas, the Palestinian terrorist group, in the
hope it will succeed in establishing an Islamic regime
in the West Bank and Gaza.

There are major #147;conpiracies#148; engaged in the
business of world domination and subjugation. The
Bilderbergers, Council on Foreign Relations,
Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome and many others,
do exist. It's not just a #147;theory.#148; What are
the #147;theories#148; promoted by the people who
are conspiring to to accumulate the power, wealth and
resources of the world? How do they view humanity and
what do they have in store for us? Lets find out
#147;in their own words#148; and the words of those
who study them.

Some 60 Israelis, who federal investigators have said
are part of a long-running effort to spy on American
government officials, are among the hundreds of
foreigners detained since the Sept. 11 terror attacks,
Fox News has learned.

To examine the Clinton administration's eagerness to
arm the world, the MoJo Wire has compiled a detailed
look at America's top weapons customers during the
Clinton years, tallying their total 1993-97 purchases
through both the Pentagon (so-called Foreign Military
Sales, or FMS) and U.S. manufacturers (Direct
Commercial Sales, or DCS).

The chairman of the Jewish Defense League was arrested
in connection with a failed bombing plot, federal
authorities said.

U.S. business and political leaders are so wedded to
preserving the gilded American-Saudi marriage that
officials in Washington D.C. continue to give the
oil-rich Gulf

[CTRL] We'd Better Try The JDL Thugs As Terrorists!!

2001-12-12 Thread William Shannon

Jewish Defense League chairman, follower arrested by FBI

Published 9:27 a.m. PST Wednesday, Dec. 12, 2001

LOS ANGELES (AP) - The chairman of the Jewish Defense League was arrested in connection with a failed bombing plot, federal authorities said.

Irv Rubin, 56, and a member of the militant group, Earl Krugel, 59, were booked early Wednesday at the federal Metropolitan Detention Center in Los Angeles, detention center spokeswoman Donna Davis said.

The arrests late Tuesday were in connection with a bombing plot, said Thom Mrozek, a spokesman for the U.S. Attorney's Office. He would not describe the alleged scheme except to say, "The bombing was not carried out."

Criminal charges should be filed later Wednesday, Mrozek said.

Law enforcement agencies raided a home identified by television stations as Krugel's late Tuesday night. Footage showed officers carrying out weapons and cardboard boxes.

Calls to the FBI, U.S. Customs and the JDL were not immediately returned. The Jewish Defense League was originally formed by Meir Kahane to mount armed response to anti-Semitic acts in New York City. It gained notoriety when its members were linked to bombings, most of them aimed at Soviet targets in retaliation for the way that country treated its Jewish population.

Kahane left the JDL and moved to Israel. A power struggle ensued, with Rubin among the contenders for its leadership.

Kahane was assassinated in New York in 1990. El Sayyid Nosair, 36, an Egyptian-born Muslim, was convicted in connection with the shooting.

[CTRL] Mossad´s Record

2001-12-12 Thread William Shannon

Mossad´s Record 

In Victor Ostrovsky's book, "By Way of Deception: A Devastating Insider's Portrait of the Mossad" (Toronto: Stoddart, 1990) we discover many remarkable things about this "extreme right" organization.  
•Who is Victor Ostrovsky?
"Ostrovsky, a Canadian born of an Israeli mother and Canadian Jewishfather, spent most of his formative years in Holon, Israel. He was, at age 18, the youngest officer in the Israeli military. A weapons-testing expert, he was recruited by the Mossad and completed their extensive training program, becoming a katsa, or case officer, only to grow disillusioned with the organization's aims and operations and return to Canada."
In his own words:
"I was elated when I was chosen and granted the privilege to join what I considered to be the elite team of the Mossad.
But it was the twisted ideals and self-centered pragmatism that I encountered inside the Mossad, coupled with this so-called team's greed, lust, and total lack of respect for human life, that motivated me to tell this story.
It is out of love for Israel as a free and just country that I am laying my life on the line by so doing, facing up to those who took it upon themselves to turn the Zionist dream into the present-day nightmare."
•Spying on American Citizens
First off, we learn that the Mossad often receives information from the CIA, while it has a policy of never giving such information out - even if the lives of Americans are in danger. Also, we discover that a super-secret division of the Mossad (called Al) is active in New York and Washington - engaged in spying on American citizens, recruiting Jewish "helpers", and carrying out covert activities. It employs between 24 and 27 field personnel, and most of their activity is with U.S. borders (primarily New York and Washington).

•Systemic Utilization of Jewish Abuse of Position
We discover also that, thanks to the threat of anti-Semitism, the Mossad can tap the "significant and loyal cadre of the worldwide Jewish community outside Israel." These volunteer Jewish helpers, placed in convenient positions, can, say, help agents secure documents from their employer's office, or money if needed, or keys to a person's room in the hotel where they work (for assassination).
Apparently the threat of anti-Semitism, which is exaggerated by orthodox groups to enforce cohesivity, results in a reflexive betrayal of social positions and trusts whenever the specter of anti-Semitism is manifested by Mossad agents.
•The Bombing of an Innocent Libya
We are informed, in Victor Ostrovsky's next book "The Other Side of Deception", that the Mossad was the controlling force responsible for the American action against both Libya and Iraq. It is a remarkable story of how American sentiment was manipulated by the subterfuges of a foreign country, the outcome of which could only entail the risking of American lives (Iraq: at least 600 dead) and the enmity of the Arab world.
The Mossad placed a transmitter on Libyan soil which made it appear that Libya was sending terrorist orders to its various embassies, which the gullible Americans decoded and considered to be real, even though they failed to predict the attack on Le Discotheque in West Germany which - ironically - was the very "provocation" which was used to justify the strike.
Only the French, whose secret service is more astute at recognizing the hand of Mossad, were not fooled. And this was the reason why the French did not allow the United States to use their airspace for what was, in essence, an aggressive act against an innocent party - An act which resulted in the death of three Americans and forty Libyan civilians, including Qadhafi's adopted daughter.
•The Persian Gulf War
"Even as early as May 1, 1986 was the Mossad working on building up Saddam Hussein as a great threat to the world. The main reason for this was the threat his giant armies posed to Israel after the Iran-Iraq war which had previously occupied him. This is the REAL reason we bombed Iraq. The story of this Jewish action is of greater complexity, since it spanned a greater length of time - in which the American public was successively propagandized through a wide variety of sources.
"The Mossad's psychological warfare machine activated every agent it had, including volunteer agents in Amnesty international and fully bought members of the U.S. congress to portray Saddam Hussein as a great threat to the world. Grisly footage of the Mossad-financed Kurds who were killed, casualties of the ongoing guerrilla war with Bagdad, were shown on Jewish run U.S. television.
"An Iraqi explosives factory was blown up by Mossad operatives to generate publicity about the gigantic and powerful military arsenal that Saddam was bulding. And after the explosion, when the Iraqis invited journalists to see how their rebuilding efforts were going, a Mossad agent approached a former agent, who had been caught prying into 


2001-12-12 Thread William Shannon

December 10, 2001

Lyndon LaRouche, the Democratic Party pre-Presidential candidate, issued a blunt warning on Dec. 9, 2001, that the policies being pursued by Ariel Sharon and top officials of the Israeli Defense Force will surely lead to the self-destruction of Israel, and its future vilification as a Nazi-like state, guilty of hideous crimes against the Palestinian and Arab people.

LaRouche wrote, “Israel under the current Sharon dictatorship, is a Nazi-like, fascist regime in the footsteps of Napoleon I, Napoleon III, the Carlists of Spain, Benito Mussolini, and Adolf Hitler. In the pre- history of modern Israel, the most notable roots of fascism are traced from the Odessa of the days of the Okhrana's Col. Zubatov, the Odessa of the common associates of Alexander Helphand ("Parvus") and Vladimir Jabotinsky. The principle immediate antecedent of political fascism in Israel is the influence of Jabotinsky. Jabotinsky's organization of his fascist movement is situated principally in the Italy of Jabotinsky's Venice associate, Volpe di Misurata, Benito Mussolini, Ezra Pound, and Jay Lovestone's crony, James Jesus Angleton, et al.”

LaRouche continued, “Fascism, as fascists such as Napoleon Bonparte defined his fascism, and Mussolini and Hitler theirs, is a form of murderous tyranny created in explicit imitation of the Romantic tradition of the ancient Caesars. It was created out of the rubble of Immanuel Kant's empiricist `Enlightenment,' as a counterforce to the impact of the American Revolution of 1776-1789, first in France. It was launched under the conditions that the world of the Habsburg tyranny was crumbling. The intent was always a rebirth of Roman Caesarism. 

“Within Judaism's ranks, fascism found its most immediate enemy in the Judaism of Moses Mendelssohn and the Yiddish Renaisance. In Israel today, a Nazi-like form of fascist tyranny is centered in the currently ruling, bonapartist consulate of the ruling circles of the IDF (Israeli Defense Force). In the background, we find that the corrupting influence of existentialism, as spread back into Israel by the arguments of Martin Buber, has been the corrosive, anti-Mendelssohn sickness, which made possible a widespread abandonment of everything precious which the Mendelssohn-led reform and the Yiddish Renaissance had contributed to European civilization at large. Today, any American Jew who wishes to know what Nazism was, and who supports the present rampage of Sharon and the IDF directorate, need but stand before the mirror, and look into his own hate-filled, enraged eyes. Take the case of wild- eyed Congressman Tom Lantos, for example."

- Sharon's suicidal march -

LaRouche concluded with a warning that Israel faces doom, if the policies of Sharon are not abandoned.

“All among those of us who understand the strategic implications of the role currently assigned to those Israeli Ceasars, know with certainty, as martyred Prime Minister Rabin knew, that the end result of what Sharon and his IDF masters are doing, will be the obliteration of Israel, with the construction of the Third Temple on the site of al Haram al Sharif as its crematorium, its `Massada.' Is the Washington Post, for example, supporting Israel; does one describe a man who throws a hand grenade as a supporter of that hand grenade. If Israel's Nazis did not exist, the haters of Judaism would have probably had to have created them.”

[CTRL] David Rosenberg On Bush's Israeli Flag Photo

2001-12-12 Thread William Shannon

American Foreign Policy?


From David Rosenberg 
12-12-1   Dear Mr. Rense,   
I saw today the speech by our President.   

See photo http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/p/nm/20011211/ts/mdf99013.html   

As a Jew, I am absolutely outraged that the President chose to be photographed with the Israeli flag during ALL the ceremony.   

1. Normally, you cannot see the Star of David because it is hidden inside the folds of the flag. This is the FIRST TIME in my entire life that I could see full the Star of David in a flag on a post or poll unless there was a strong breeze blowing. Somebody had to work very hard on this flag to display it in this fashion with the President. I will not be surprised if they put a piece of cardboard behind it.   

2. As you can see in the photo, this is his initial position, only him swearing to the Israeli flag. After the initial ceremony, he had a 4 minute speech in which his body turned to the right and, once again, they positioned him in front of the Israeli flag...and again 'miraculously' you could see only him and the Israeli flagFOR 4 LONG MINUTES!   

3. I compared his head size next to the flag. From the angle from the front of the camera, the size of the star was greater than twice the size of the President's head.   

4. During ALL of his speech you could see ONLY his head and the Star of David. Our American flag was nowhere to be seen. That was the most embarrassing moment in my life as an American, since I got my American citizenship.   

5. This was a clear message from the shadow elite and zionists to all of us that they are in total control of America.   

I took the time to write you all of this for the very simple reason that Israel is now becoming a very serious liability to all of us American Jews, and for the whole world. Make NO mistake, this dominance of the Star of David during the President's speech was done intentionally by the White House and the Jewish lobby in order to accelerate hatred by Moslems around the world against America.   

This is clearly promoting the Elders Of Zion agenda (whether or not they be a hoax) to stimulate a Third World War - a religious war between us Jews and Christians, against the Moslems. See this story: http://www.rense.com/general17/prot.htm   

To all our American brothers and sisters of ALL religions: Please do not let this vulgar display of the Israeli flag promote anti-Semite feelings against us American Jews. The 'Jewish lobby' which totally controls our Congress and Senate and manipulates America, has NOTHING to do with American Jews. This "lobby" is the brilliant invention of elements within Israel and has been controlled by Israel since 1948.   

Thank you, sir, for reading my email,   David Rosenberg 
New York

[CTRL] Fwd: RIGHT POINT: Whose War

2001-12-12 Thread William Shannon


Whose War
By Marge O'Brien

One of the most important articles to make the rounds last week was entitled Who 
Wants This War and Why.  It was written by a Washington area journalist who sometimes 
uses the pen name Gilbert Blythe.  Here's what he wrote: (1)

In the October 29 issue of The Weekly Standard, a leading neoconservative magazine, 
William Kristol and Robert Kagan write that 'when all is said and done, the conflict 
in Afghanistan will be to the war on terrorism what the North Africa campaign was to 
World War II--an essential beginning on the path to victory. ... a war that will 
'spread and engulf a number of countries' and that 'could well require the use of 
American military power in multiple places simultaneously.'

In the turmoil that would follow, Kristol and Kagan think it likely that Israel could 
reoccupy the West Bank and depose Yasser Arafat; that several moderate Arab 
governments could be overthrown; and that America's war against terrorism could 
resemble the clash of civilizations that everyone has hoped to avoid. They add that 
in a conflict of such scale, some countries might use biological or chemical weapons. 
Though they do not say so explicitly, they are telling us to prepare for World War 

According to Mr. Blythe, Kristol and Kagan are not alone in urging us toward what they 
call The Right War (2), but are joined by Charles Krauthammer, Norman Podhoretz, 
William Safire, Morton Kondracke, Don Feder, Ben Wattenberg, and Mona Charen. He adds 
that In the Bush administration, Paul Wolfowitz is the most prominent advocate of a 
multi-front war.

And he points out that all of these people are Jewish.

Just as Kristol and Kagan are not alone in pushing for a war of catastrophic 
dimensions, Gilbert Blythe is not alone in noting that the leaders of this effort are 
predominantly Israeli-firsters.  Georgie Anne Geyer writes that a smaller war of 
interests, beliefs and realities is going on beneath the surface, consisting of a 
Get Iraq campaign that originated with Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz and 
adviser Richard Perle, and includes those neoconservatives, journalists and 
congressmen who are known to always put Israeli policy, or even their perception of 
it, above anything else. She states that an important goal of this campaign is to 
diminish, or ruin, the United States' relations with any Arab states, and that 
without proof of Iraqi involvement, ...it would be the worst kind of madness to 
isolate America in this difficult, poisonous struggle. (3)

In other words, the people who are pressuring our government into entering a 
large-scale war against Iraq and other Arab countries--a war that will certainly 
result in a high number of American casualties--are not looking out for the interests 
of America or the American people, but for the interests of Israel and the Jews.

In a September 18 memo to Henry Kissinger entitled The Prince of Darkness, Jude 
Wanniski, a former Washington journalist and present president of Polyconomics, wrote 
this:  There is no single American more responsible for inciting outrage among 
Muslims globally than Richard [Perle], whose maniacal prescriptions led inexorably to 
last week's cataclysm. It was no surprise to me to see Richard on CNN... on Sunday, 
calling for all-out war against the Arab world with a coalition entirely composed of 
western Europeans. If he were just an ordinary maniac, we could live with him, Henry, 
but he is chairman of the Defense Policy Board, which advises the Pentagon, and which 
gives him total access to all military secrets. Do you have any doubt that he is now 
in constant communication with Ariel Sharon and Binjamin Netanyahu, the leaders of the 
coo-coo wing of the Likud Party in Israel? Now I see you practically in lockstep with 
Perle, whom we have always known as the Prince of Darkness, !
a master of disinformation ... who now wants to bring the Muslim world to its knees... 
In case you did not know it, Secretary of State Colin Powell refers to Perle and his 
network as the bombers. They include the WSJournal editorial page, which Perle has 
in his back pocket, The Weekly Standard, which he has in his front pocket, and Bill 
Safire, his mouthpiece at the NYTimes. (4)

In a memo to Donald Rumsfeld, Wanniski writes, Do you realize that Wolfowitz, and his 
pal Richard Perle who chairs your Defense Policy Board, have been calling all their 
friends in the press corps, urging them to beat the drums for war with Iraq? in order 
to finish the war against Saddam Hussein.  He reminds Rumsfeld that Iraq was the 
least radical of all the Islamic states, the most civilized and modern and hospitable 
to Jews and multiculturalismwhich is why the Iran/Iraq war was fought, with Saddam 
doing our killing for us, at times with the chemical weapons the CIA supplied him 
with Bin Laden DOES speak for the entire Islamic world in noting that at least a 
million Iraqi civilians 

[CTRL] coping w/ traumas, nazi allies, defense cos, somalia next?, online surveillance

2001-12-12 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

also article excerpts on Sudan, Iraq and oil and the Taliban

excerpts from the articles are below

Second Opinion: Coping With Traumas, Public and Private - By Abigail Trafford
- Washington Post Staff Writer - 12/11/01, But there is a difference between
public and personal trauma. One is acute and visible – repeated daily on
television. The other is chronic and hidden – largely ignored by the press.
One elicits sympathy. The other provokes revulsion. Yet both kinds of trauma
share a common dynamic: fear. As the woman at the House of Ruth described it:
I was afraid to breathe. This kind of fear leads to permanent anxiety and
in many victims of domestic violence, the development of mental illness such
as PTSD, depression and addiction. This may be heavy for survivors of abuse.

Our Nazi allies - A German amateur investigator finds information on the U.S.
government's friendly dealings with war criminals. Meanwhile, the FBI and CIA
guard their records. By Ken Silverstein - 5/3/00 - Washington December 12,
2001 That U.S. officials collaborated with Nazis after World War II is, of
course, well known. Just one day after Germany's surrender, on May 10, 1945,
the Joint Chiefs of Staff ordered Gen. Dwight Eisenhower to arrest all
suspected war criminals, though advising him to make such exceptions as you
deem advisable for intelligence and other military reasons. In other words,
cut deals with war criminals who could be usefully employed by U.S.
intelligence. Over the years, the United States found a spot on the payroll
for thousands of former Nazis, especially as part of intelligence gathering
operations aimed at the Soviet Union, our wartime ally but soon-to-be mortal
foe. http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2000/05/03/nazi/

Wednesday December 5, 2:07 pm Eastern Time

United Defense to break 5-year drought for defense IPOs By Elena Molinari

NEW YORK, Dec 5 (Reuters) - Defense companies are back after a five-year
absence from the market for new equity issues. And they could not have picked
a better time

United Defense will sell 21.1 million shares, but the company's main
stockholder, private equity firm Carlyle Group, will get more than half of
the money raised.



US mounts spy mission in Somalia
By Adrian Blomfield and Michael Smith
(Filed: 11/12/2001)

AMERICAN officers have secretly entered Somalia in the first indication of
President Bush's determination to extend the war against terrorism.

Five military personnel reached the heart of the country and met a rebel
movement in Baidoa, 150 miles west of the capital Mogadishu, in a search for
terrorist camps.

In another move indicating wider military action, the United States 3rd Army
began deploying several hundred headquarters staff to Kuwait

America is determined to widen the war to include countries such as Iraq,
Somalia and Yemen. But British politicians have repeatedly said that they
have seen no evidence linking Iraq to the September 11 attacks.


Feds boost online surveillance activity
Efforts to ferret out sleeper cells raise civil liberties concerns, say

By DAN VERTON  (December 10, 2001)
Significant changes are under way in the federal government's war on
terrorism, including unprecedented electronic surveillance measures designed
to uncover terrorist cells in the U.S.   ADVERTISEMENT  FBI officials have
acknowledged that the agency is developing a combination computer worm/Trojan
horse called Magic Lantern that's designed to capture keystrokes on a target
computer and encryption keys used to conceal data.



Pentagon switch in Gulf heralds wider war By Ben Fenton in Washington
(Filed: 11/12/2001)

THE Pentagon has moved the headquarters of its 3rd Army from America to
Kuwait, apparently in preparation for expanding the war on terrorism to
Somalia and elsewhere.

Military analysts said the transfer of several hundred headquarters staff
from Fort MacPherson, Georgia, to an undisclosed location in Kuwait was

They said it would give Gen Tommy Franks, commander-in-chief of the coalition
forces, a base from which to expand his campaign.

Gen Franks said last week that he was considering sending more troops to
Afghanistan. When asked which other areas his planners had been looking into,
he mentioned Somalia, Sudan and Iraq.


Al-Ahram Weekly Online 18 - 24 October 2001
Issue No.556  Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875

Fuel for the war machine
Big Oil, defence, and policy-making: Pascale Ghazaleh discovers some curious


2001-12-12 Thread Kris Millegan


Dan Russell wrote:

Would the lack of a transponder
beacon mark Flight 77 for AWACS over Kentucky, without external
identifying communication, or just mark it for a Radar Approach Control
system? What was tracking that plane when it turned the transponder
I had occasion to fly into the Washington-Virginia airport more years ago
than I wish to remember (about 1968). I was flying a cherokee six
that was not fully IFR rated. The only piece of equipment missing
was the transponder. I was warned before we departed Brunswick, Georgia,
that my intended destination had a restricted air space surrounding the
whole area around Washington, D.C. I was informed that I would be
required to check in with air traffic control before penetrating the restricted
air space. "Failure to check in could result in your being shot down",
the air park operator warned.
As an aside, I received the same warning about penetrating the ADIZ
without checking with ATC and on one occasion, leaving the US airspace
to fly to key West, we miscalculated. We were not shot down, but
we did have have a pair of F8U's escort us to the Key West Airport.
Those planes were scrambled from Key West and intercepted us within 10
miles of the ADIZ.
Back to the story. When we got to within 5 miles of the Restricted
air space in Washington, we reported in to ATC our intentions of landing
at the Washington-Virginia Airport. The ATC controller instructed
us to "squawk" a code on the transponder so he could identify us.
When informed that we did not have a transponder, he required us to make
a series of turns and to descend to a particular altitude for identification
purposes. Once the required turns were made and we were at the assigned
altitude, he said he had us identified and asked us of our destination.
We told him where we wanted to land and he assigned the heading and altitude
for us. The point is we were not allowed to fly in this controlled
airspace without ATC having control of heading and altitude. If we
had failed to check in prior to penetrating that restricted air space,
we would have had an escort within minutes.
To finish the story, he vectored us to the airport. I don't mean
he got us to the airport. When he said the airport was 8 miles straight
ahead to call the tower for landing instructions, we were lined up on final.
We called the tower requesting a straight in approach and permission was
granted instantly with a "...we were expecting you."
Jim Norman

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[CTRL] A Good Quote for our Police Military!

2001-12-12 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Dear Friends:
   I was doing research on the Plot to kill Hitler and found the
following quote:

It is a lack of greatness if a soldier in the highest position regards his
duties and tasks only within the limited framework of his military
instructions without being aware of his highest responsibilities to the
nation as a whole.
- Ludwig Beck

This lesson should be well heeded by our own military today!

God Bless;

PS  He was Army Chief of Staff in Germany from 1935 to August 1938.
Hitler said of him: The only man I fear is Beck. He would be capable of
acting against me.

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[CTRL] The Empire Strikes Out

2001-12-12 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From www.wsws.org

WSWS : News  Analysis : Europe : Britain

Britain: 30,000 job losses at Consignia

By Richard Tyler
13 December 2001

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December has seen over 40,000 job cuts announced in the UK.

On December 11, the Post Office—now renamed Consignia Plc—revealed it
plans to shed 30,000 staff over the next 18 months, amounting to some
15 percent of its 200,000-strong workforce.

According to the Financial Times, Consignia has acknowledged the cuts
would involve frontline sorting and delivery jobs, and would not
exclude compulsory redundancies.

These latest losses come on top of the 10,000 jobs cut by Consignia over the last 
year, and form part of a restructuring plan to reduce costs by up to £1.2 billion by 
April 2003. The company is desperate to trim its £8 bi
llion cost base in preparation for further privatisation.

Despite enjoying a monopoly in many areas of its operations, Consignia reported a 500 
percent increase in operating losses at the end of November—amounting to £100 million. 
The company has been unable to reach delivery ta
rgets for first and second-class mail, partly due to delays caused by the poor state 
of Britain’s rail system. The biggest losses have been caused by Consignia’s 
Parcelforce Worldwide parcel delivery arm, as well as a dro
p in business due to increased use of email and text messaging.

Like many other essential services that have been privatised, the Post Office has been 
starved of investment, as successive governments took profits from the business to 
boost Treasury funds. With many areas of its operat
ions now open to competition, such as parcels, the lack of investment and relatively 
low productivity has turned what was an average £350 million annual profit into 
mounting losses.

Roger Lyons, leader of the MSF union, said, “We know Consignia needs to make savings. 
Everyone agrees with that. It’s no secret that that’s been the subject of detailed 
discussions. But the threat of 30,000 redundancies i
s so horrendous on the eve of Christmas that I have appealed to Consignia: ‘Come back 
to the table. Let’s get through Christmas without this cruel cut’.”

Communication Workers’ Union (CWU) deputy general secretary, John Keggie, representing 
the majority of Britain’s postal workers, said, “Any suggestion of compulsory 
redundancies will lead to appropriate industrial action,
” but added that there would be no strikes in the run up to the Christmas holiday 

The CWU, which claimed the announcement came as a “shock”, had drawn up a voluntary 
agreement with Consignia to limit compulsory redundancies in face of expected job 
losses of up to 15,000 over the next five years.

In September, the unions signed a no-strike deal with Consignia, that has served to 
curb the plethora of unofficial and wildcat stoppages.

The numbers out of work in the UK rose in November for the second consecutive month, 
for the first time in almost nine years. The National Statistics Office reported that 
the number claiming unemployment benefit rose by 4
,800 in November, on top of a 7,500 rise in October, taking the official jobless level 
to 3.2 percent. However, the International Labour Organisation’s measure of 
unemployment put the UK rate at 5.1 percent in October, or
 1.52 million people.

The Consignia announcement brings job losses so far this month to 40,000. Just some of 
the companies who have also announced UK lay-offs this month include:

NTL The cable television and phone operator brought forward plans to cut 2,000 staff 
next year, taking its total lay-offs this year to 4,000. The financially troubled 
company is saddled with £12 billion in debt, accrued t
hrough a series of buyouts and an extensive cable-laying programme.

BT The leading British telecommunications company has confirmed it will shed another 
4,000 employees from the company’s 115,000-strong workforce by 2003. Some 9,000 staff 
have already lost their jobs in the last two years
. A spokesman said the jobs would be divested through “natural wastage,” saving BT 
£850 million.

Manchester Airport is set to lose around 800 jobs. 600 workers employed by aircraft 
maintenance company FLS Aerospace will go, as part of the company’s worldwide cutback. 
The Irish company plans to cut 25 percent of its e
ntire workforce, largely as a result of the decline in air travel following the 
September 11 attacks in the US.

In a move that has sparked widespread criticism, the airport has said it will shed up 
to 200 staff employed on security duties, in order to cut costs. An airport spokesman 
said that between 100 and 140 permanent employees
 could be made redundant, with further cuts in temporary and part-time staff usually 
taken on in the busier summer period.

Devonport Naval Dockyard The Ministry of Defence (MoD) is reviewing it warship 
maintenance and support programme, threatening up to 600 jobs at its Plymouth 

[CTRL] Resolution on Iraq

2001-12-12 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From WND

This is a WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which
To view this item online, visit http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/

Thursday, December 13, 2001

Committee softens
language on Iraq
Rep. Paul concerned that bill would justify attack on nation

By Jon Dougherty

© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

Members of the House International Relations Committee have revised a
joint resolution demanding that Iraq allow international weapons
inspectors back in after some lawmakers found the original language
too threatening.

On Tuesday, WorldNetDaily reported that the measure – HJR 75 – was
scheduled for consideration by the committee yesterday after being
introduced Dec. 4 – a timetable some staffers believed was unusually

Initially, HJR 75 stated:

(1) the president and the United Nations should insist on monitoring
weapons development in Iraq, as required by United Nations Security
Council Resolution 687 (April 3, 1991);

(2) Iraq should allow United Nations weapons inspectors into Iraq, as required by 
Security Council Resolution 687;

(3) Iraq remains in material and unacceptable breach of its international obligations; 

(4) the refusal by Iraq to admit United Nations weapons inspectors into any facility 
covered by the provisions of Security Council Resolution 687 should be considered an 
act of aggression against the United States and its

Kent Snyder, executive director of The Liberty Committee, a group co- founded by Rep. 
Ron Paul, R-Texas, said Monday, It's No. 4 we have a problem with.

But Jeff Deist, a spokesman for Paul, said yesterday that because of objections raised 
by his boss and others about the initial threatening version of the resolution, it 
appears the committee decided to soften the langua
ge somewhat.

The new version, he said, which the committee approved yesterday, contains two new 

The fourth item was changed to read: Iraq, as a result of its refusal to comply with 
the terms of United Nations Security Council Resolution 687 and subsequent relevant 
resolutions, remains in material and unacceptable b
reach of its international obligations. ...

A fifth item was then added, which says: Iraq's refusal to allow United Nations 
weapons inspectors immediate, unconditional and unrestricted access to facilities and 
documents covered by United Nations Security Council R
esolution 687 and 707 and other relevant resolutions presents a mounting threat to the 
United States, its allies, and international peace and security.

I can't guarantee that there will not be some last-minute refinements to this text, 
but if it is not the final product, it is extremely close, Deist said.

Other minor changes include a passage that calls for the U.S. to ensure that the U.N. 
accept no monitoring regime that fails to guarantee weapons inspectors immediate and 
unrestricted access to any and all areas, facil
ities, equipment, records and means of transportation which they wish to inspect. ...

At the end of the day, the measure passed out of committee on a vote of 32-1, Snyder 
said. Paul was the only member to dissent. Now the bill heads to the full House, 
officials there said.

The Texas lawmaker outlined his concerns about the measure in a letter to President 
Bush last week. He said the resolution sounded as though Congress and the 
administration were set to expand the war against terrorism to
Iraq. In Paul's view, Congress, in a Sept. 14 mandate, did not authorize the 
administration to attack Iraq without proof that Baghdad played a role in the Sept. 11 

Paul noted the congressional resolution said: The president is authorized to use all 
necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations or persons he 
determines planned, authorized, committed or aided t
he terrorist attacks that occurred on Sept. 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations 
or persons. ...

An attack on Iraq, or any other nation not involved in the 9-11 attacks, would 
therefore exceed the authority given by Congress in the joint resolution of Sept. 14, 
Paul wrote, urging the president to stay the course
by responding only to those who attacked the United States.

Other lawmakers believe Iraq is well on its way to producing weapons of mass 
destruction and therefore must be dealt with quickly, even if there is no direct proof 
that Baghdad was involved in any way with the Sept. 11 te
rrorist attacks.

There is overwhelming evidence that Saddam Hussein continues full speed ahead in his 
quest to obtain weapons of mass destruction, said Rep. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., when 
HJR 75 was introduced. Without inspections and ov
ersight from the United States and international community, I think he will eventually 
acquire the capability. For the security of the United States and our allies, we must 
not allow that to happen.

Kevin Bishop, a spokesman for Graham, told WND that 

[CTRL] Ruskies Want Your Gun Rusty

2001-12-12 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From WND

This is a WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which
To view this item online, visit http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/

Thursday, December 13, 2001

Russia backs U.S. gun-control advocates
Claims firearm manufacturers profit from Americans' fears

By Toby Westerman

© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

Making a link between U.S. gun sales and global instability, Moscow
has lent its support to American gun-control advocates.

Russia supports restrictions on U.S. gun ownership, according to
official sources, pointing out that after the events of Sept. 11 gun
sales in the United States increased.

The blame for increased gun sales, according to Moscow and anti-gun
activists, lies with gun manufacturers.

American firearms manufacturers saw their chance at profiting from
the tragedy of people scared of threats from international
terrorists, Moscow declared. Asserting that a nationwide campaign
has been launched to advertise pistols and guns, Moscow referred to
a recent press conference held to draw attention to gun makers'
marketing efforts. The event included participation by Rep. Henry
Waxman, D-Calif., Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, D-N.Y., and Nan Aron,
president of the Alliance for Justice.

The statements were reported by the Voice of Russia World Service, the official 
broadcasting service of the Russian government.

The broadcast referred to two instances of the criminal use of firearms in the U.S. – 
a shooting in Indiana and the arrest of an individual for illegal possession of 
weapons near the White House – and declared that the cr
imes were facts testifying to the spread of small arms in the country.

Moscow also constructed a strained connection between terrorists and gun- sales 
campaigns following 9-11. After noting that the U.S. State Department has threatened 
to deport aliens connected with some 39 organizations su
spected of assisting terrorist groups, the link was made to gun sales.

There are still a large number of people in the United States who could use the 
gun-sales campaign for criminal purposes, Moscow reasoned, and then called for 
certain measures inside the United States, which would obst
ruct the terrorist activity.

Observers note that, since using weapons for criminal purposes is – by definition – 
illegal, Moscow's reference to certain measures inside the United States translates 
into restrictions on gun ownership for U.S. citizen

The sale of a United We Stand 9-millimeter pistol – patterned after those used by 
U.S. military personnel – by the U.S. division of the Italian arms maker Beretta irked 
both Moscow and participants in the anti-gun news

Beretta's promise to pay a portion of the sale of each pistol to survivors and 
relatives of the Sept. 11 attacks was particularly irritating to the gun-control 

Moscow cited remarks from firearms opponent Aron who condemned Beretta's contribution 
offer, stating that we shouldn't seek to help the victims of one senseless tragedy by 
increasing the likelihood of more senseless trag

Moscow added that the spread of small arms causes concern in many countries, and 
referred to a recent conference in the Russian capital linking global instability 
with the spread of small arms.

The anti-gun activists with whom Moscow found close agreement are strengthening their 
efforts and are attempting to make the anti-gun movement into a youth crusade.

Aron's group, the Alliance for Justice, has opened a new website, Gun Industry Watch, 
dedicated to monitoring the gun industry and the National Rifle Association.

The new anti-gun group proclaims itself to be a new student watchdog network that 
will examine the manufacturing, marketing and sale of guns. The group promises to 
take direct action aimed at gun makers and the gun l
obby, including exposing and boycotting corporate partners and sponsors of the gun 

Gun Industry Watch claims that it is the fastest growing student network in the 

Moscow's connection of U.S. gun sales to problems of global stability are not new. 
In late July, the U.N. Conference on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons 
concluded its deliberations.

Due to substantial U.S. pressure, the conference refrained from issuing a global call 
for regulation on the ownership of small arms.

Observers note that many of the nations at the conference have placed severe small 
arms restrictions on their populations, and many of these same governments – as well 
as the leaders of these governments themselves – are
regularly accused of murder, fraud and intimidation of their defenseless citizens.

Related story:

Global gun controllers target U.S.

I.J. Toby Westerman, is a contributing reporter for WorldNetDaily who
focuses on current events in the Commonwealth of Independent States
and the Balkans.
Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to 

[CTRL] Clinton opened nuclear labs to terrorist-state visitors

2001-12-12 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Clinton opened nuclear labs to terrorist-state visitors
'We raised hell about it all the time,'
says ex-Energy Dept. security director



By Paul Sperry
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

WASHINGTON -- The number of foreign visitors and workers at the nation's
defense labs from sensitive countries, including ones sponsoring terrorism,
exploded under the Clinton administration, says a former Energy Department
security official who warned against the visits, citing the risk of nuclear
theft and sabotage.

Although Energy's nuclear-weapons labs have cut back sharply on visitors from
such countries, many of the foreign workers are still assigned there.

It's well known that former Energy Secretary Hazel O'Leary rolled out the
welcome mat for Chinese nationals.

But in keeping with her openness policy -- which was an outgrowth of
President Clinton's denuclearization policy, which called for a global ban
on nuclear tests, wholesale declassification of early nuclear-program secrets
and lab-to-lab foreign collaborations -- O'Leary also extended the invitation
to terrorist-sponsoring Middle Eastern countries.

Every terrorist country was represented at the labs, either as post-doctoral
workers and students assigned there, or as visitors, said ret. Col. Edward
McCallum, former head of Energy's Office of Safeguards and Security. Iran,
Iraq, Syria ... you name it, we had them from all of those places.

In an exclusive interview with WorldNetDaily, McCallum revealed that, over
the last decade, hundreds of students from sensitive Middle Eastern
countries worked at Energy's labs, including Los Alamos, Lawrence Livermore
and Sandia labs, where America's nuclear weapons are designed and maintained.

And we got hundreds of visits from their intelligence agencies -- that we
knew about, he added.

At Los Alamos, which designed most of the warheads in the U.S. arsenal and
stores nuclear materials at its New Mexico facilities, the number of foreign
nationals from sensitive countries working at the lab soared to 182 in 1999
from 31 in 1992, internal lab records show.

Countries the lab classifies as sensitive are: Iran, Iraq, India, China,
North Korea, Russia, Israel, Taiwan, Pakistan and Syria.

In 1998 alone, the three major labs, plus Oak Ridge in Tennessee, hosted more
than 10,700 foreign visitors and academic assignees, some of whom stayed on
site for as long as two years, according to the House Science Committee,
which oversees the labs. Those from sensitive countries totaled more than

They kicked the doors wide open, McCallum said, despite his protests. They
were encouraging visitation.

'Flying carpet trips'

He says that in her trade trips to Pakistan, India and Africa, O'Leary
invited scientists to tour the labs.

When Hazel O'Leary was on her flying carpet trips in the mid-'90s, one of
the pitches she made was, 'Send your scientists. We have technology to
share,' McCallum said.

And she made sure they got into the labs.

Under the Reagan and Bush administrations, Energy required background checks
on foreign visitors.

But in 1994, O'Leary granted Los Alamos and Sandia exemptions from the rule.
As a result, few background checks were conducted at those labs, and the
number of foreign visits exploded.

Los Alamos, for example, had 2,714 visitors in two years from sensitive
countries, but only 139 were checked, according to a 1997 congressional

The new policy did not sit well with McCallum, a former green beret.

We raised hell about it all the time, he said.

He and other security officials worried that the uncontrolled access to the
labs invited not only espionage, but terrorism.

But O'Leary and her aides dismissed their warnings. In one meeting, McCallum
recalls, the former Energy secretary pooh-poohed the idea of threats from
other countries.

Hazel said to me, and this is a quote, 'Boy, don't you understand that the
Cold War is over, and all these people are our friends now?' McCallum said.
And we were talking about security against terrorists and espionage in the
same conversation.

Phone calls seeking comment from O'Leary were not returned.

After McCallum told Congress about Energy's security problems, he was
punished by former Energy Secretary Bill Richardson. He left the department
in 1999.

'Detonate it right there'

With Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaida terrorists actively seeking nuclear
materials for weapons, the threat of theft or sabotage at the labs is now
very real, officials note. And that makes the presence there of individuals
from sensitive Middle-Eastern countries more worrisome.

I've always felt that if there were an insider at one of the labs who had
access to nuclear materials, it would be tough to stop them, said Troy Wade,
former assistant 

[CTRL] Eye Ess Eye

2001-12-12 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

Another good linque

From http://fas.org/irp/world/pakistan/isi/

FAS | Intelligence | World Agencies | Pakistan | Index | Search |
Join FAS

Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence [ISI]

The Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence [ISI] was founded in
1948 by a British army officer, Maj Gen R Cawthome, then Deputy Chief
of Staff in Pakistan Army. Field Marshal Ayub Khan, the president of
Pakistan in the 1950s, expanded the role of ISI in safeguarding
Pakistan's interests, monitoring opposition politicians, and
sustaining military rule in Pakistan.

The ISI is tasked with collection of of foreing and domestic
intelligence; co-ordination of intelligence functions of the three
military services; surveillance over its cadre, foreigners, the
media, politically active segments of Pakistani society, diplomats of
other countries accredited to Pakistan and Pakistani diplomats
serving outside the country; the interception and monitoring of
communications; and the conduct of covert offensive operations.

The ISI has become a state within a state, answerable neither to the
leadership of the army, nor to the President or the Prime Minister.
The result is there has been no real supervision of the ISI, and
corruption, narcotics, and big money have all come into play, further
complicating the political scenario. Drug money is used by ISI to
finance not only the Afghanistan war, but also the proxy war against
India in Punjab and Kashmir.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee deals with all problems bearing
on the military aspects of state security and is charged with
integrating and coordinating the three services. Affiliated with the
committee are the offices of the engineer in chief, the director
general of medical service, the Director of Inter-Services Public
Relations, and the Director of Inter- Services Intelligence.  Staffed
by hundreds of civilian and military officers, and thousands of other
workers, the agency's headquarters is located in Islamabad. The ISI
reportedly has a total of about 10,000 officers and staff members, a
number which does not include informants and assets. It is reportedly
organized into between six and eight divisions:

Joint Intelligence X (JIX) serves as the secretariat which co-
ordinates and provides administrative support to the other ISI wings
and field organisations. It also prepares intelligence estimates and
threat assessments.
The Joint Intelligence Bureau (JIB), responsible for political
intelligence, was the most powerful component of the organisation
during the late 1980s. The JIB consists of three subsections, with
one subsection devoted to operations against India.
The Joint Counter Intelligence Bureau (JCIB) is responsible for field
surveillance of Pakistani diplomats stationed abroad, as well as for
conducting intelligence operations in the Middle East, South Asia,
China, Afghanistan and the Muslim republics of the former Soviet
Joint Intelligence / North (JIN) is responsible for Jammu and Kashmir
operations, including infiltration, exfilteration, propaganda and
other clandestine operations.
Joint Intelligence Miscellaneous (JIM) conducts espionage in foreign countries, 
including offensive intelligence operations.
The Joint Signal Intelligence Bureau (JSIB), which includes Deputy Directors for 
Wireless, Monitoring and Photos, operates a chain of signals intelligence collection 
stations along the border with India, and provide commu
nication support to militants operating in Kashmir.
Joint Intelligence Technical

In addition to these main elements, ISI also includes a separate explosives section 
and a chemical warfare section. Published reports provide contradictory indications as 
to the relative size of these organizational eleme
nts, suggesting that either JIX is the largest, or that the Joint Intelligence Bureau 
is the lrgest with some sixty percent of the total staff. The Bank of Credit and 
Commerce International (BCCI) is the ISI's main intern
ational financial vehicle.  The Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence is of 
particular importance at the joint services level. The directorate's importance 
derives from the fact that the agency is charged with manag
ing covert operations outside of Pakistan -- whether in Afghanistan, Kashmir, or 
farther afield. The ISI supplies weapons, training, advice and planning assistance to 
terrorists in Punjab and Kashmir, as well as the separ
atist movements in the Northeast frontier areas of India.

The 1965 war in Kashmir provoked a major crisis in intelligence. When the war started 
there was a complete collapse of the operations of all the intellience agencies, which 
had been largely devoted to domestic investigati
ve work such as tapping telephone conversations and chasing political suspects. The 
ISI after the commencement of the 1965 Indo-Pakistan war was apparently unable to 
locate an Indian armoured division due to its 

[CTRL] Israel cuts ties with Arafat

2001-12-12 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Thursday, 13 December, 2001, 03:27 GMT
Israel cuts ties with Arafat

Several people were injured in the latest air strikes

Israel has decided to break off all contact with Palestinian leader Yasser
Arafat, accusing him of doing too little to stop terrorism.
The decision was announced as Israeli F-16 warplanes and helicopters carried
out raids on Gaza and the West Bank in retaliation for a Palestinian attack
on an bus at a Jewish settlement in which at least 10 people died.

Yasser Arafat is no longer relevant to the state of Israel and there will be
no more contact with him

Israeli statement

The fresh upsurge in violence threw into doubt a US peace initiative being
led by special envoy Anthony Zinni.

The Israeli Justice Minister, Meir Sheetrit, said Israeli meetings with
Palestinian security commanders, arranged by Mr Zinni, would now cease.

A statement from Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's office issued after a special
meeting of the security cabinet said Israel had decided to hold Mr Arafat
directly responsible for terrorist attacks.

Yasser Arafat is no longer relevant to the state of Israel and there will be
no more contact with him, the statement said.

Israel is upping the pressure on Arafat

It added that Israeli troops would be rapidly deployed into Gaza and the West
Bank to make arrests and confiscate weapons. Plans were also being drawn up
on combating militant Islamic groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

Shortly after the announcement, witnesses reported that Israeli tanks had
fired shells at a Palestinian police checkpoint in the West Bank town of
Ramallah and launched an incursion into the refugee camp of Rafah in the
southern Gaza Strip.

Night of raids

Earlier, Israeli warplanes attacked the Palestinian Authority police
headquarters in Gaza and the radar tower at Gaza's international airport.

Helicopter gunships fired on a radio mast near Mr Arafat's West Bank
headquarters in Ramallah. Mr Arafat was evacuated from the building shortly
before the attack, though Israeli spokesmen said he was not a target.

Planes also struck a helicopter pad belonging to Mr Arafat in the West Bank
city of Nablus.

One woman died of a heart attack and up to 40 people were reported to have
been injured in the raids.

Gunmen opened fire from the surrounding hills

The violence started on Wednesday afternoon with the attack on the bus, which
took place at the Emmanuel settlement in the West Bank as the bus was driving
up a winding hilly road towards the settlement.

An Israeli army spokesman said that an explosion caused by a bomb on the
road, or a suicide bomber, caused the bus to stop.

Gunmen then opened fire from the surrounding hills on both sides of the road.

They not only fired on a bus but shot at ambulances trying to rescue
victims, said an Israeli army spokesman.

The al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, a group linked to Mr Arafat's Fatah faction,
said it carried out the attack, which also left about 30 people injured.

This is in response to the recent killings by the Israelis in the West Bank
and Gaza Strip, an anonymous telephone caller told Reuters news agency.


The Palestinian Authority condemned the attack and said it had ordered the
immediate closure of Hamas and Islamic Jihad institutions including
education, health and political offices.

The leadership reiterates that it is working continuously to reinforce calm
and security despite continued Israeli escalation, bombardments and
assassinations, the Authority said a statement.

But the move failed to satisfy Israel, which wants the Palestinian Authority
to declare the groups illegal and crack down on their military wings.

Israeli Government spokesman Avi Pazner said Israel held Mr Arafat's
Palestinian Authority responsible for the bus attack.

It is obvious here that their activity has not been curtailed at all by the
Palestinian Authority and that the talk of arrests and action against
terrorists were just a show for television, Mr Pazner said.

In another incident on Wednesday, two suicide bombers blew themselves up near
the Neveh Dekalim Jewish settlement in the Gaza Strip, wounding four people.

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[CTRL] Syria developing VX gas missile warhead with N. Korean help

2001-12-12 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Syria developing VX gas missile warhead with N. Korean help

Special to World Tribune.com
Wednesday, December 12, 2001
Syria is developing a warhead that could deliver VX gas on a Scud-class

U.S. defense sources said Syria is advancing in the research and development
of a VX warhead on the Scud C missile. The sources said the project could be
concluded over the next year.

There are many ways to interpret how far advanced the Syrian VX program is,
a defense source said. What is clear is that this is a priority for Damascus
and a breakthrough is expected shortly.

VX is a nerve gas that has long been produced by Syria. Damascus is already
believed to have produced a Scud warhead that can deliver Sarin gas. The VX
warhead has been tested on a Scud B missile, the sources said.

The first test was detected as early as 1998. The test was to ensure that VX
gas would disperse upon impact of the missile.

The latest Syrian efforts, the source said, is on the longer-range Scud C
program. The Scud B has a range of about 300 kilometers. The Scud C has a
range of 500 kilometers.

North Korea is said to have supplied Syria with both technology and equipment
for the VX program. But the sources said Syria is believed to have shut out
all foreigners from its Scud VX weaponization project.

Syria is also developing a chemical warhead for the Scud D program. That
missile is said to have a range of up to 700 kilometers. In September 2000,
Syria flight-tested the Scud D, which is said to have achieved a range of 600

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Iraqi Defector Warns Congress of Saddam's Weapons

2001-12-12 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Iraqi Defector Warns Congress of Saddam's Weapons

Wednesday, December 12, 2001
By Kelley Beaucar Vlahos

WASHINGTON — A former director of Iraq's nuclear weapons program warned
lawmakers Wednesday that if the United States does not topple Saddam Hussein
immediately, the Iraqi dictator will possess three nuclear missiles by 2005.

American-educated Dr. Khidir Hamza, who defected from Iraq in 1995 after
serving as the Iraqi dictator's top official for nuclear weapons development,
told a bipartisan task force that his estimation was a conservative one.

When I left, we designed one missile, and were acquiring the materials from
foreign stockpiles to build it, Hamza said, adding that the U.N. weapons
inspections that ended in 1998 were the only measures that ever put a dent in
Saddam's plans.

While Saddam's nuclear program was still in the development stages at the
time weapons inspectors arrived on the scene, Saddam had already used
biological and chemical weapons against Iranian soldiers in the 1980s and
Iraq's own Kurdish civilians, Hamza told the bicameral Bipartisan Task Force
on Nonproliferation.

As Hamza described a violent and paranoid leader who would set off on drunken
binges and hysterical rages, lawmakers in the House Foreign Relations
Committee Wednesday passed a resolution — now headed to a full House vote —
that demands that Iraq allow immediate, unconditional and unrestricted
access to its weapons programs.

Any refusal, according to the measure, presents a mounting threat to the
United States, its allies and international peace and security.

The resolution followed President Bush's recent threat warning Saddam to open
his country to weapons inspectors or find out the hard way the consequences
of refusal.

The focus on Iraq picked up clarity in recent weeks as congressional leaders
urged President Bush to make the despotic nation the next target in the war
on terror. Several lawmakers have also asked Bush to release $10 million in
appropriated funds to Iraq's parliament-in-exile, the Iraqi National Congress.

The Bush administration is moving cautiously, however, saying that only loose
connections have been made tying Saddam's regime to the Sept. 11 attacks, and
allies are uneasy about taking him down.

Hamza said the longer the United States plays softball with Saddam, the more
time he has to work on his nuclear weapons program.

Hamza suggested that a small U.S. force similar to that in Afghanistan today
could encourage anti-regime factions, as well as disloyal Iraqi soldiers, to
defect and bring down the dictator. He said dropping bombs strategically on
Baghdad would help smoke Saddam out.

Asked if Hamza's story compelled him to push for the topple of the regime,
task force co-chair Rep. Ed Markey, D-Mass., said he wanted to be sure that
if the United States were to move into Iraq, its mission would be
strategically sound.

I don't think there's a debate about whether or not to take out Saddam
Hussein — I think if any member of Congress had a magic wand they would
eliminate him immediately, he said. The question is whether we have the
military capacity to undertake that and to manage it if a civil war were to
break out. We're trying to determine that by listening to the experts.

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[CTRL] (Fwd) Starving for Intelligence

2001-12-12 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Starving for Intelligence

by James Ostrowski

[Posted December 11, 2001]

Bruce Lee--the author, not the karate guy--says that September 11
happened because we starved our intelligence agencies. We have been
hearing this ever since. Get ready for a huge increase in
intelligence spending, as well as taking the handcuffs off.

But let’s see if we can kill this handsome theory with some ugly

Here is a list of the our intelligence agencies we know about:

  Central Intelligence Agency

*The Directorate of Operations
*The Directorate of Intelligence
*The Directorate of Science and Technology (DSamp;T)
*The National Intelligence Council (NIC)

  Department of Defense

*National Security Agency (NSA)
*Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
*Central Measurements and Signature Intelligence Office (CMO) *

Tactical Intelligence And Related Activities (TIARA) *The
Reconnaissance Office (NRO) *The Defense Airborne Reconnaissance
Office (DARO) *Central Imagery Office (CIO) *Army--National
Ground Intelligence Center *Navy--National Maritime Intelligence
Center *Air Force--National Air Intelligence Center *Marine
Corps Intelligence Activity *Joint Intelligence Centers

*  United States Atlantic Command (ACOM)
*  United States Central Command (CENTCOM)
*  United States European Command (EUCOM)
*  United States Pacific Command (PACOM)
*  United States Southern Command (SOUTHCOM);
*  United States Space Command (SPACECOM)
*  United States Special Operations Command (SOCOM)
*  United States Strategic Command (STRATCOM)
*  United States Transportation Command (TRANSCOM)

  The Department of State's Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR)
  The Department of Energy: DOE's Office of Intelligence The
  Department of Treasury: Treasury's Office of Intelligence Support
  Federal Bureau of Investigation--National Security Division The
  National Foreign Intelligence Board (NFIB) The Intelligence
  Community Executive Committee (IC/EXCOM) National HUMINT
  Requirements Tasking Center Central Imagery Office (CIO)
  Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB) President's
  Oversight Board (IOB) Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
  House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI)
The Christian Science Monitor reports that the combined budget of
these agencies is at least $30 billion annually. Officially and
unofficially, the U.S. and its allies probably have\xa0more than
75,000 intelligence personnel. This army, larger than the Army of
Northern Virginia, and spending twice as much as the entire Chinese
defense budget, was unable to foresee or prevent the attacks. Does
anyone think we got our money’s worth from these bureaucrats prior to
September 11?

The problem with bureaucracies can be seen in their genesis. They
exist, we are told, because private society and the market are
deficient and need to be regulated by bureaucracies with the power to
control us. They control us; we do not control them, and this is
necessarily so because, we are told, private individuals are bad or
stupid or irresponsible and the market is defective. Because
bureaucracies have power over us, they are neither responsive nor
responsible to us. Therefore, they tend to act in their own
not ours. They tend to grow in staff, budget, and power, regardless
their poor performance.

It does not take $30 billion to determine that one hundred years of
trying to rule the world was bound to result in retaliation at some
point, or that $300 billion will not stop determined fanatics. All
CIA had to do to find out that a major terrorist attack was coming
to have had one clerk read  http://www.lewrockwell.com/
LewRockwell.com,  http://www.mises.org/ Mises.org, and
http://www.antiwar.com/ AntiWar.com for the last few years. Cost:
$30,000 per year. We have not starved our intelligence agencies; our
agencies are starved of intelligence.


James Ostrowski practices law in Buffalo, N.Y. See his Mises.org
Articles Achive and send him  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] MAIL.
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[CTRL] U.S. Officials: Shows Bin Laden Planned and Executed Attacks

2001-12-12 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

U.S. Officials: Shows Bin Laden Planned and Executed Attacks

W A S H I N G T O N , Dec. 12 — Osama bin Laden acknowledges direct
responsibility for the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States, ABCNEWS has
learned from a transcript of a videotape obtained by the U.S. government.

The videotape — along with the U.S. government's Arabic and English
transcripts and English subtitles — is likely to be released by the
Department of Defense, pending approval from the president and his security
advisers, according to White House officials.
Clearly the president hopes that information can be shared with the public,
White House spokesman Ari Fleischer said early this afternoon. The only
thing that would stand in the way is if there is anything from intelligence
or security that can be compromised. That is not looking like it is likely.

White House officials said the videotape will not be released today, as
nongovernment translators continue to review exactly what is said on the
Arabic-language tape.

The audio quality and the video quality are not good, Fleischer said.
We're very comfortable with the translation which we already do have. …
Review is under way. Literally, four interpreters are listening to it.

Evidently, even if you are a fluent Arabic speaker, it is very hard to hear
some of the things, said Tori Clarke, a Pentagon spokeswoman, at a separate
news conference. So we want to be very careful that we have an accurate

Bin Laden Describes Sept. 11

According to the initial transcript, bin Laden says he and his friends turned
on the radio on Sept. 11 at 5:30 p.m. local time — about 9 a.m. in New York
City. Soon, they were listening to the coverage of the attacks on the World
Trade Center.

Bin Laden says they were surprised by the total collapse of the twin towers.
He says al Qaeda calculations indicated the heat created by the burning
planes full of fuel would melt the steel in the towers, but that only the
floors above the point of impact would be destroyed.

The body language that I saw really was just disgusting, Deputy Secretary
of Defense Paul Wolfowitz said Sunday on ABCNEWS' This Week after viewing the
tape. I mean, that people would take delight in having killed innocent
civilians is horrible.

Hopefully, maybe we'll stop hearing any more of these insane conspiracy
theories that somehow the U.S. has made this up or somebody else did it,
Wolfowitz added.

The conversation takes place between bin Laden and an unidentified P.
Sheik, which ABCNEWS has learned stands for paralyzed sheik. The sheik,
who is otherwise unidentified, assures bin Laden that imams in the mosques of
Saudi Arabia are praising his actions.

Sources tell ABCNEWS the tape was shot Nov. 9 in Kandahar, the city in
southern Afghanistan that was the Taliban's spiritual capital.

Sources say whoever made the recording evidently started at the middle of a
used videotape, then rewound, and picked up the conclusion of the meeting at
the beginning of the tape. As a result, the tape starts with part two of the
meeting, then shows home movies and ends with the beginning of the meeting.

Tape Shows Direct Control Over Operatives

U.S. officials say the tape proves conclusively that bin Laden is responsible
for the planning and execution of the attacks. They also believe the tape
eliminates the notion that he was above the details of choosing targets, and
that al Qaeda is composed entirely of autonomous cells.

Rather, officials say the tape shows clear evidence of bin Laden's command
and direct control of al Qaeda operatives.

For those who see this tape, they realize that not only is he guilty of
incredible murder, he has no conscience and no soul, President Bush said
earlier this week. He represents the worst of civilization.

ABCNEWS' Chris Isham, Rebecca Cooper and Terry Moran contributed to this

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That being said, CTRLgives 

[CTRL] Wolfowitz: Don't Wait to Confront Terrorists in Indonesia

2001-12-12 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Wolfowitz: Don't Wait to Confront Terrorists in Indonesia
Dave Eberhart, NewsMax.com
Thursday, Dec. 13, 2001
Editor’s note: This is the third in a series of articles that examines the
potential targets of America’s continuing War on Terror. Also see: Target
Somalia? Expert Tells NewsMax, ‘No One To Fight’ and Iraq’s Money Pipeline
Wins Allies.
Going after al-Qaeda in Indonesia is not something that should wait until
after al-Qaeda has been uprooted from Afghanistan,” Deputy Secretary of
Defense Paul Wolfowitz stated recently. There are activities that we don’t
like that are going on there.”

A former ambassador to Indonesia, Wolfowitz echoed concerns voiced by Robert
S. Gelbard, then U.S. ambassador to the world’s largest Islamic country, who
predicted Sept. 16 that the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta would be the next target
of terrorists led by Osama bin Laden.

The alarmed ambassador further cautioned that bin Laden’s network had joined
forces with extremist groups within Indonesia led by Laskar Jihad (Jihad

Gelhard has since been followed by Bush appointee Ralph Boyce, confirmed by
the U.S. Senate on Sept. 26, and sworn in as the U.S. ambassador to Indonesia
on Oct. 9.

Rohan Gunaratna from St. Andrew’s University Center for the Study of
Terrorism and Political Violence agrees with them, opining recently that the
al-Qaeda network has a number of cells active in Indonesia.

Extremist Islamist organizations in Indonesia include: Darul Islam, Islamic
Defenders Front, and Laskar Jihad. According to a Darul Islam leader, the
organization is largely made up of about 15,000 Indonesians who returned from
Afghanistan after fighting alongside the mujahadeen against the Soviet Union.

Bin Laden also fought alongside the mujahadeen in the 1980s, as did the
leader of the Laskar Jihad, who admits to meeting Osama bin Laden there.

'Holy' War

Shortly after Bush’s meeting with the Indonesian president Sept. 19,
Indonesia’s top Islamic authority, the Council of Indonesian Ulemas, called
for Muslims to unite and join a jihad (holy war) against the United States in
the event of U.S. bombing attacks against Afghanistan.

Since then, however, the Council has qualified that jihad” has peaceful as
well as warlike forms.

Similar threats of jihad in whatever form against the U.S. have also been
made by Laskar Jihad and Islamic Defenders Front.

Those predicate bombing attacks, of course, are now under way.

As a caution to the threats, the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta withdrew
non-essential staff in late September. Furthermore, families of the staff of
some American companies, such as Nike, have been evacuated.

Even before Sept. 11, intelligence from Europe indicated bomb threats and a
worrisome surveillance of the U.S. ambassador to Indonesia by Sudanese
nationals linked to the al-Qaeda network.

So far, the promised jihad seems to be limited to demonstrations against the
U.S. On Oct. 8, for instance, more than a thousand members of a number of
organizations including Islamic Defenders Front picketed the American Embassy.

Even Indonesian President Megawati Yudhoyono recently chided, It is
unacceptable that someone, a group or even a government, with the reason of
searching for terrorists, attack a people or another country for whatever

Remarks such as this have been interpreted as backsliding from Yudhoyono’s
earlier pledge to Bush committing her country to the war on terrorism.

Jaffar Umar Thalib, the leader of Laskar Jihad, minces his words even less:
We will continue with this anti-American movement, regardless of the brutal
attempts by police to shut us down. This movement will continue until Bush
decides to stop sending missiles into Afghanistan.”

In the meantime, other links to militants in Afghanistan and Pakistan have

The Indonesian director of immigration, Muhammad Indra, has conceded that
members of Afghan militias regularly enter Indonesia illegally.

A Muslim activist and writer claimed that an envoy of Osama bin Laden had
visited Indonesia at least four times, and that Darul Islam and al-Qaeda
enjoy a special relationship.

Perhaps even more troubling over the long run, Indonesian students typically
study in the Islamic religious schools of Pakistan and elsewhere, being
exposed to the same radical teachings as the Taliban.

So far, Indonesia’s biggest contribution to the war on terror has been an
investigation of several bank accounts with suspected links to international

But the country’s laws have stymied action. Communication Minister Syamsul
Mu’arif said a new decree was needed to allow authorities to block terrorist
funds without violating Indonesian banking laws, the newspaper reported.

But perhaps the greatest dilemma of Indonesia is that the country’s military

[CTRL] Communism Thrives, Freedom Fighters Warn

2001-12-12 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Communism Thrives, Freedom Fighters Warn
Wes Vernon, NewsMax.com
Thursday, Dec. 13, 2001
WASHINGTON – There are those who talk on and on about the fall of communism.
Don’t you believe it!”
Those words from Sen. Jesse Helms, R-N.C., set the tone Tuesday night at the
Victims of Communism Foundation’s Freedom Awards Dinner.

The senator was among those honored by the foundation. The award was
presented to the longtime conservative lawmaker for his role in the
decades-long fight against communism. He has announced his retirement at the
end of his fifth term next year.

Noting, for example, that in China, the policy of one child a family has
resulted in scenes of drowning little newborn baby girls – Bless their
hearts” – Helms told the gathering, Someone forgot to tell them that the
Cold War is over.”

He followed it up with stories of atrocities in such communist dictatorships
as Cuba and North Korea.

A similar warning was sounded by Vladimir Bukovsky, the other awardee at the
dinner. The Soviet dissident and human rights activist said the death of
communism, to paraphrase Mark Twain, seems to have been greatly exaggerated.

If you are talking merely in a military sense, NATO vs. the Soviet-controlled
empire, then, yes, we won.”

But Bukovsky reminded his audience that the Cold War was never solely about
military might. It was also a war of ideas. And on that front, he said, the
war is not over.

Would we have accepted a milder version of Nazism in Germany following World
War II?” he asked. Then why do we accept a milder form of communism
throughout the former Soviet Union and in Eastern Europe?

If this is victory, then I must have been on the wrong side,” added the man
who was arrested by the KGB for supposedly slandering the government.”

The featured speaker of the evening, Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, onetime
national security adviser in the Carter administration, added his own take to
the warnings to those who think we can all live happily ever after.

The Soviets [promulgated] the conditions that led to the rise of terrorism,”
he declared.

In the heat of the aftermath of World War II, he said, would the free world
have tolerated a mausoleum honoring the Gestapo? No? Then why are we so
passive when in Russia there is a mausoleum to those who created the dreaded
predecessors to the KGB?

Even President Bush was the object of some criticism by Brzezinski. He noted
that in his World Freedom Day proclamation read to the dinner that same
night, the president had talked of fascists and totalitarians” of the 20th

Two Sides of the Same Coin

Actually, Nazi Germany and Soviet communism were the two great evils that
made the 20th century the worst, most lethal century in history,” said one of
the Carter administration's few officials to gain the respect of President
Ronald Reagan.

Why is President Bush hesitant to spell out communism as the other evil, in
addition to Nazism or fascism? Brzezinski wanted to know. To him, that
reflects an inhibition that permeated the entire Cold War: i.e., naming the
enemy. Some psychological warfare specialists at the time attributed that to
a deliberate plan by the enemy to install reluctance in the Western World to
attack communism by its name.

However, Brzezinski, counselor at the Center for Strategic and International
Studies, did caution his audience not to get too carried away with pessimism
about the future of post-Soviet Russia.

Russian will ultimately have no choice but to move to the West, he said.
After all, that nation has among its neighbors millions of Moslems.

It is a different Russia,” Brzezinski added, not a perfect Russia,” but
one whose experiment with democracy is not doomed to failure. We should not
succumb to historical pessimism.”

That advice seemed to contradict the comments of Soviet dissident Bukovsky,
who derided President Bush for saying he had looked into Russian President
Vladimir Putin’s soul.

What we have is the full power of the KGB,” Bukovsky warned.

He also cautioned the West against trusting such Judas friends” as China and
Russia to help in the war on terrorism.

To say, as [British Prime Minister] Tony Blair did, that Russia and China
have experience in dealing with terrorists is like saying Germany had
experience in dealing with Jews, he went on.

Russia’s policy, he insisted, is one of back to the U.S.S.R.”

White House aide Tim Goeglein read the proclamation that had been issued on
World Freedom Day, 2001.

While cheering the move to free republics in many former Iron Curtain
countries, the president’s statement said, we also recognize that more than
two billion people still live under authoritarian regimes. From Burma to
Cuba, Belarus to Zimbabwe, citizens of many countries suffer under repressive
governments. Our 

[CTRL] Annie Found Another Man

2001-12-12 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From WND

This is a WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which
To view this item online, visit http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/

Wednesday, December 12, 2001

When Johnny comes slinking home

By Ann Coulter

© 2001 Universal Press Syndicate

We can only hope the government will deal with California Talibanist
John Walker as harshly as it did with Elian Gonzalez.

Encouraged by his indulgent liberal boomer parents to find his own
spiritual path, Walker responded predictably – and quickly became a
walking left- wing cliché. The one spiritual path it is absolutely
positively certain Walker could never have chosen is one founded in

In his hometown of Fairfax, Calif., the conventional spiritual paths
include Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Sufism, Rastafarianism,
Native American spirituality and voodoo. But according to the Boston
Globe, only 12 percent of residents attend traditional churches or

Walker's mother left Christianity to become a Buddhist. At his alternative school, 
Walker was steeped in Native American spirituality. He was named after John Lennon. If 
there were a goofy cult that deified cheese doodl
es, liberals would ponder its deeper meaning and treat it with respect. The only thing 
John Walker could have done to shock the neighbors would have been to take off and 
follow Bob Jones.

Alas, Walker was no nonconformist. It was The Autobiography of Malcolm X that shook 
him to the core at age 16, persuading him to become a Muslim.

Has anyone read The Autobiography of Malcolm X? Here's a passage in which Mr. X 
describes his own education in Islam, as taught by his brother Reginald, whose 
approach was so effective:

The white man is the devil.

He told me that all whites knew they were devils -- especially Masons.

I said, Without any exception?

Without any exception.

What about Hymie?

What is it if I let you make 500 dollars to let me make 10,000?

After Reginald left, I thought. I thought. Thought.

Yes, that is something to think about. (I always knew there was something funny about 
those Masons.) This was the turning point in Walker's spiritual journey.

He became a Muslim and ended up fighting with the Taliban against America. (Maybe this 
conflict does have something to do with Islam.) While studying at an Islamic school in 
Pakistan, he said he met many people connected
 with the Taliban and his heart became attached to that. The Taliban may execute 
people for sport, blow up thousand-year-old Buddhist statues, treat women like goats 
(and vice versa) -- but at least they aren't sneaky
Luciferian Masons!

With the deep grounding he found in Islam, Walker couldn't even settle on a name for 
himself. He called himself variously Sulayman Al-Lindh, Sulayman Faris and – his 
nom de jihad – Abdul Hamid. (So it's not quite ac
curate to say – as various news outlets do – that he goes by his mother's last name. 
He goes by a lot of names, none of them Walker.)

Now there's the question of what to do with this perfect fruition of phony left-wing 

Since the government that stole Abdul's heart is not a signatory to the Geneva 
Convention, he could be shot. But the government he was fighting against is too nice 
to do that. America abides by the Geneva Convention even
in conflicts with belligerents who do not. (It comes with the territory of being the 
Great Satan.) Consequently, if Abdul is treated simply as a POW, he is entitled to be 
repatriated when the war is over.

He could also be tried for treason. As defined in the Constitution, treason consists 
of levying war against the United States, adhering to America's enemies or giving 
them aid and comfort. Taking up arms against the
 United States on the side of the Taliban is, as the movie title says, as good as it 

Though the Constitution requires only two witnesses to the same overt act for a 
treason conviction, thanks to the miracle of television, there are millions of 
witnesses to Abdul's treason.

Indeed, it appears that Abdul's only defense to treason – apart from the Ezra Pound 
insanity defense – is to claim that he has already renounced his U.S. citizenship. He 
has certainly committed one of the predicate acts f
or a loss of citizenship under federal law by entering, or serving in, the armed 
forces of a foreign state ... engaged in hostilities against the United States. The 
law also requires him to prove, however, that he did s
o with the intention of relinquishing United States nationality. There is scant 
evidence for that.

The only downside to a trial in the United States is that it would be a trial in the 
United States. It's interesting that wide swaths of the public instantly warm to the 
idea of any proceeding for suspected terrorists and
 traitors – other than a criminal trial. All you have to do is invoke the name O.J.

A win-win solution might be to turn Abdul over to the justice 

[CTRL] Crew Rescued from Downed U.S. Bomber

2001-12-12 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Crew Rescued from Downed U.S. Bomber

AP Military Writer
December 12, 2001

WASHINGTON (AP) – An Air Force B-1B bomber involved in the war in Afghanistan
went down in the Indian Ocean Wednesday and all four crew members were
rescued, Pentagon officials said.

The crew members were taken aboard a U.S. Navy destroyer that was sent to the
crash site, according to Lt. Cmdr. Jeff Davis, a Pentagon spokesman. There
was no immediate word on their condition.

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[CTRL] Anthrax matches Army spores

2001-12-12 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-



Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

 Anthrax matches Army spores
Bioterror: Organisms made at a military laboratory in Utah are genetically
identical to those mailed to members of Congress.

By Scott Shane
Sun Staff
Originally published December 12, 2001

For nearly a decade, U.S. Army scientists at Dugway Proving Ground in Utah
have made small quantities of weapons-grade anthrax that is virtually
identical to the powdery spores used in the mail attacks that have killed
five people, government sources say.

Until the anthrax attacks led to tighter security measures, anthrax grown at
Dugway was regularly sent by Federal Express to the Army's biodefense center
at Fort Detrick, in Frederick, where the bacteria were killed using gamma
radiation before being returned to Dugway for experiments.

The anthrax was shipped in the form of a coarse paste, not in the far more
dangerous finely milled form, according to one government official.

Most anthrax testing at Dugway, in a barren Utah desert 87 miles southwest of
Salt Lake City, is done using the killed spores to reduce the chance of
accidental exposure of workers there.

But some experiments require live anthrax, milled to the tiny particle size
expected on a battlefield, to test both decontamination techniques and
biological agent detection systems, the sources say.

Anthrax is also grown at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of
Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick, where it is used chiefly to test the
effectiveness of vaccines in animals.

But that medical program uses a wet aerosol fog of anthrax rather than the
dry powder used in the attacks and at Dugway, according to interviews and
medical journal articles based on the research.

The wet anthrax, while still capable of killing people, is safer for
laboratory workers to handle, scientists say.

Dugway's production of weapons-grade anthrax, which has never before been
publicly revealed, is apparently the first by the U.S. government since
President Richard M. Nixon ordered the U.S. offensive biowarfare program
closed in 1969.

Scientists familiar with the anthrax program at Dugway described it to The
Sun on the condition that they not be named.

The offensive program made hundreds of kilograms of anthrax for bombs
designed to kill enemy troops over hundreds of square miles.

Dugway's Life Sciences Division makes the deadly spores in far, far smaller
quantities, rarely accumulating more than 10 grams at a time, according to
one Army official.

Scientists estimate that the letter sent to Senate Majority Leader Tom
Daschle originally contained about 2 grams of anthrax, about one-sixteenth of
an ounce, or the weight of a dime.

But its extraordinary concentration - in the range of 1 trillion spores per
gram - meant that the letter could have contained 200 million times the
average dose necessary to kill a person.

Dugway's weapons-grade anthrax has been milled to achieve a similar
concentration, according to one person familiar with the program.

The concentration exceeds that of weapons anthrax produced by the old U.S.
offensive program or the Soviet biowarfare program, according to Dr. Richard
O. Spertzel, who worked at Detrick for 18 years and later served as a United
Nations bioweapons inspector in Iraq.

Lab security measures

No evidence linking the Dugway anthrax to the attacks has been made public,
and there might well be none. Army officials say the anthrax there and at
Fort Detrick has long been protected by multiple security measures.

The FBI has extensively questioned Dugway employees who have had access to
anthrax, according to people familiar with the investigation.

Agents also have questioned people at Fort Detrick and other government and
university laboratories that have used the Ames strain of anthrax found in
the letters.

Still, the analysis of the genetic and physical properties of the anthrax
mailed to Daschle and Sen. Patrick J. Leahy has caused investigators to take
a hard look at Dugway's anthrax program.

First, the genetic fingerprint of the mailed anthrax is indistinguishable
from that of the Ames reference strain, which is the strain used most often
at Fort Detrick and Dugway, according to a scientist familiar with the
genetic work.

Researchers led by Paul Keim at Northern Arizona University have compared the
two samples and found them identical at 50 genetic markers - the most
sensitive genetic identification method available.

That does not mean the mailed anthrax necessarily originated from an Army
program, because Ames anthrax has been widely used at government and
university laboratories in the United States and overseas.

Shipped without records

While some sources have estimated Ames might have been used in as few as 20
labs, one