[CTRL] An Attack on Freedom Itself?

2002-05-26 Thread InfoWarz

-Caveat Lector-

(The Criminals Bush, Ashcroft, Ridge, and Rumsfeld, have made it clear who the enemies 
of the state are, and it not the spook Bin Laden. It's you, the American people.  The 
only ones that are attacking our freedoms, is this gang of criminals.  The gig is up.)

'An Attack on Freedom Itself?'
by Michael Peirce

When I first heard that phrase I wrote it off as merely an unusually silly
bit of verbiage from a man who was justifiably angered by the attack on the
World Trade Center. Wrong, Michael! These leaders of ours may be silly, but
our George was right on target. He has indeed begun an attack on freedom
unparalleled since Lincoln’s mercenaries drove old Dixie down.

Let’s take the pulse of this war, and determine just what is really
happening and to whom.

First off ­ who are the targets, who are the enemy? Have to have an enemy to
fight a war, right? Our troops have sent the Taliban back to the bushes in
an attack that predictably bogged down once those folks got a taste of First
World firepower and went back to their guerilla roots. Having scattered the
Taliban, a disagreeable bunch who happen to have NOT destroyed the World
Trade Center, it’s on to the war against that guy, what’s his name, and
sixty thousand Al Queda fighters. A sin really, to have to use so many
words in quotes but then in honesty we have simply no idea how many of those
dolts are running around nor are those bozos anything remotely near what I’d
call fighters.

Our troops are now arriving in all sorts of arcane little countries but
managing to stay far away from places where what’s his name might be. I call
him that since the War Leader has declared that the former Osama Bin Laden
no longer matters. But wait ­ if he is the guy who took down the towers, how
can it be that he no longer matters in a war on terror? We are not supposed
to think about that, in the Brave New World of Tom Ridge and Donald
Rumsfield. We fight because, well, because!

Our leadership has no coherent foreign policy that I can discern unless we
are simply playing good cop, bad cop with the whole world. We may or may
not attack Iraq, a country that had nothing to do with the Towers coming
down. We may or may not support Israel, a country with a military force
which ranks about fourth in the world and needs our help like a hole in the
head. We have not said so much as an unkind word to our wonderful Saudi
allies ­ even though most of the terrorists appear to have been Saudis and
what’s his name hails from that neck of the woods.

So where is this fabled attack on freedom itself unfolding? Why that at
least is an easy question to answer. It’s happening right here in the US of
A and the enemy consists of those pesky American citizens like you and me.
If you happen to live in the South you’ve had a taste of it long before the
Trade Towers were hit. But if not, Uncle is playing catch-up at the airports
so all you have to do is park your dignity at the door and get in line.

Unless of course, you are of Middle Eastern extraction… No body will pick on
you at the airport ­ after all, it was Granny who blasted those Towers,
right? No, get serious folks ­ you know who the enemy is: it’s those
rascally white European males that go around looking for minorities to pick
on ­ who else could have committed such a dastardly act?

For anyone still naïve enough to believe this is a real war, simply consider
what is going on. Airline pilots were disarmed just before the attack ­ that
disarmament of the pilots confirmed last week by that pathetic government
flunky Mark Steyn calls non performin’ Norman, Norm Minetta. Were this a
real war, the pilots would be armed and Minetta would be in jail for treason
­ it’s just that simple.

The various states including occupied Georgia, have given the governors
power to set up police roadblocks and confiscate guns from natural born
citizens. Could someone please tell me of a war were disarming friendlies
occurred? The Japanese, Germans and Soviets all rejected a land invasion of
the USA because we are so well armed. Are we making sense yet? Will we ever?

Mass inoculations are planned to protect us from the biological threat that
was traced back to whom? Why, our own government labs, where else? Funny how
the investigation stalled at that point. But the mass inoculation plan did
NOT stall so roll up your sleeves folks.

Since we are at war, one might assume the borders of the nation are well
protected. One who assumes that is awfully darn silly. Yes, Mexican troops
have violated our borders pretty routinely of late, but then, someone has to
protect the drug runners or the War on Drugs will get off track. Hold
please, I have to reboot again. My word processor only handles so many
contradictory statements and then overheats! The War on Drugs is about as
meaningful as the war on terror ­ both are being fought for the same
reason: to finish up the job of flushing our 

[CTRL] strike enemy with Valium

2002-05-26 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.observer.co.uk/international/story/0,6903,722395,00.html

US plan to strike enemy with Valium

Pentagon scientists aim for future battlefield victories with the aid of tranquillising
drugs and GM bugs

Antony Barnett, public affairs editor
Sunday May 26, 2002
The Observer

American military chiefs are developing plans to use Valium as a potential weapon
against enemy forces and to control hostile populations, according to official
documents seen by The Observer.

The Pentagon has also asked scientists to evaluate proposals to use genetically
modified bugs that 'eat' the enemy's fuel and ammunition supplies without harming

The development of these 'non-lethal' weapons angers campaigners who claim that
they would breach international treaties on biological and chemical weapons.

US documents reveal that two years ago the Pentagon commissioned scientists at
Pennsylvania State University to look at potential military uses for a range of
chemicals known as calmatives. The scientists concluded that several drugs would
be effective to control crowds or in military operations such as anti-terrorist
campaigns. The drugs they recommended for 'immediate consideration' included
diazepam, better known as the tranquilliser Valium, and dexmedetomidine, used to
sedate patients in intensive care. The scientists advised that these drugs can
'effectively act on central nervous system tissues and produces a less anxious, less
aggressive, more tranquil-like behaviour'.

Other official documents reveal how genetically engineered micro-organisms to
destroy equipment but not harm troops are also being considered by US military
scientists as 'non-lethal' weapons. One proposal from the Office of Naval Research
in Arlington, Virginia, proposes creating genetically modified bugs that would corrode
roads and runways and produce 'targeted deterioration of metal parts, coatings and
lubricants of weapons vehicles and support equipment as well as fuels'.

This group of scientists has already patented micro-organisms that would
decompose polyurethane, 'a common component of paint for ships and aircraft'.
Another proposal from a biotech laboratory at Brooks air force base in Texas was to
modify 'anti-material biocatalysts' already under development. One of these breaks
down fuels and plastics.

Most of the research was funded by Washington's joint non-lethal weapons
programme, in which Britain plays an active part. But further US documents, also
seen by The Observer, reveal how a split has developed between the two nations,
with British officials backing campaigners' claims that using drugs such as Valium or
other calmatives would be outlawed under the 1991 Chemical Weapons Convention.
This protocol prohibits 'any chemical which... can cause death, temporary
incapacitation or permanent harm'.

A report of a meeting in the Ministry of Defence's headquarters in London in
November 2000 states: 'The US and UK interpret the Chemical Weapons
Convention (CWC) differently regarding riot control agents (RCA). The UK
interpretation considers them to be chemical weapons under the CWC and thus
proscribed; the US view is that they are not banned under that agreement. This could
lead to difficulties in combined operations in certain circumstances, a situation
compounded by the fact that the UK is a signatory to the European Convention of
Human Rights, which further governs the use of NLW [non-lethal weapons].'

Some experts believe the use of genetically-modified microbes in military operations
would breach the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention.

Ed Hammond of the Sunshine Project - the US campaigners against biological and
chemical weapons that obtained the documents - said: 'What is absolutely shocking
about these disclosures is that it represents either a massive institutional failure to
implement US commitments under international treaties or it reflects an effort by
some people in the Pentagon to undermine those treaties.'

A US military spokesman has denied that the Pentagon is developing 'non-lethal'
biological or chemical weapons.

A spokesman from the Foreign Office said: 'There are discussions between Britain
and the US on all sorts of technical issues. But we both share a commitment to
comply with all the international conventions governing chemical and biological

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[CTRL] too big for British ports

2002-05-26 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.observer.co.uk/international/story/0,6903,722387,00.html

Navy's new carriers are too big for British ports

Antony Barnett, public affairs editor
Sunday May 26, 2002
The Observer

Britain's empire was built on the ability of its master shipbuilders to construct ships
capable of reaching any corner of the world.

Similar feats could soon be impossible thanks to an astonishing blunder by defence
chiefs: the next generation of aircraft carriers will be unable to dock at any British 
because they will be too big.

Royal Navy insiders have told The Observer the problem has forced the MoD to
conduct an urgent review of naval bases around Britain.

One option being considered is to reopen Portland base in Dorset, which the MoD
closed 10 years ago at a cost of £300 million.

Facilities were transferred to Portsmouth, yet it now appears Portsmouth harbour is
not deep enough to accommodate the two new aircraft carriers commissioned by the
MoD at a cost of £2.5 billion, which will be twice as large as existing vessels.

Devonport is also unable to take them, and Navy sources suggest nor could Rosyth.

Mike Hancock, Liberal Democrat MP for Portsmouth South and a member of the
House of Commons defence select committee, claimed that there would be a
political motive behind any move to reopen Portland in order to benefit local Labour

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Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut.
--- Ernest Hemingway

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Lobby

2002-05-26 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.thenation.com/doc.mhtml?i=20020610s=massing

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© 2002 The Nation Company, L.P.
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COMMENT | June 10, 2002

The Israel Lobby

On May 2 the Senate, in a vote of 94 to 2, and the House, 352 to 21, expressed
unqualified support for Israel in its recent military actions against the Palestinians.
The resolutions were so strong that the Bush Administration--hardly a slouch when it
comes to supporting Israel-- attempted to soften its language so as to have more
room in getting peace talks going. But its pleas were rejected, and members of
Congress from Joe Lieberman to Tom DeLay competed to heap praise on Ariel
Sharon and disdain on Yasir Arafat. Reporting on the vote, the New York Times
noted that one of the few dissenters, Senator Ernest Hollings of South Carolina,
suggested that many senators were after campaign contributions.

Aside from that brief reference, however, the Times made no mention of the role that
money, or lobbying in general, may have played in the lopsided vote. More
specifically, the Times made no mention of the American Israel Public Affairs
Committee. It's a remarkable oversight. AIPAC is widely regarded as the most
powerful foreign-policy lobby in Washington. Its 60,000 members shower millions of
dollars on hundreds of members of Congress on both sides of the aisle. It also
maintains a network of wealthy and influential citizens around the country, whom it
can regularly mobilize to support its main goal, which is making sure there is no
daylight between the policies of Israel and of the United States.

So, when Congress votes so decisively in support of Israel, it's no accident. Yet,
surveying US newspaper coverage of the Middle East in recent months, I found next
to nothing about AIPAC and its influence. The one account of any substance
appeared in the Washington Post, in late April. Reporting on AIPAC's annual
conference, correspondent Mike Allen noted that the attendees included half the
Senate, ninety members of the House and thirteen senior Administration officials,
including White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card, who drew a standing ovation
when he declared in Hebrew, The people of Israel live. Showing its clout, Allen
wrote, AIPAC held a lively roll call of the hundreds of dignitaries, with individual
cheers for each. Even this article, however, failed to probe beneath the surface and
examine the lobbying and fundraising techniques AIPAC uses to lock up support in

AIPAC is not the only pro-Israel organization to escape scrutiny. The Conference of
Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, though little known to the
general public, has tremendous influence in Washington, especially with the
executive branch. Based in New York, the conference is supposed to give voice to
the fifty-two Jewish organizations that sit on its board, but in reality it tends to 
the views of its executive vice chairman, Malcolm Hoenlein. Hoenlein has long had
close ties to Israel's Likud Party. In the 1990s he helped raise money for settlers'
groups on the West Bank, and today he regularly refers to that region as Judea and
Samaria, a biblically inspired catch phrase used by conservatives to justify the
presence of Jewish settlers there. A skilled and articulate operative, Hoenlein uses
his access to the State Department, Pentagon and National Security Council to push
for a strong Israel. He's so effective at it that the Jewish newspaper the Forward, in
its annual list of the fifty most important American Jews, has ranked Hoenlein first.

Hoenlein showed his organizing skills in April, when he helped convene the large
pro-Israel rally on Capitol Hill. While the event itself was widely covered, Hoenlein,
and the conference, remained invisible. An informal survey of recent coverage turned
up not a single in-depth piece about Hoenlein and how he has used the Presidents
Conference to keep the Bush Administration from putting too much pressure on the
Sharon government.

Why the blackout? For one thing, reporting on these groups is not easy. AIPAC's
power makes potential sources reluctant to discuss the organization on the record,
and employees who leave it usually sign pledges of silence. AIPAC officials
themselves rarely give interviews, and the organization even resists divulging its
board of directors. Journalists, meanwhile, are often loath to write about the 
of organized Jewry. Throughout the Arab world, the Jewish lobby is seen as the
root of all evil in the Middle East, and many reporters and editors--especially Jewish
ones--worry about feeding such stereotypes.

In the end, though, the main obstacle to covering these groups is fear. Jewish
organizations are quick to detect bias in the coverage of the Middle East, and quick
to complain about it. That's especially true of late. As the Forward observed in late
April, rooting out perceived anti-Israel bias in the media has 

[CTRL] Battlefield of the Future

2002-05-26 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.totse.com/en/bad_ideas/guns_and_weapons/index.html

Battlefield of the Future: Table of Contents

NOTICE: TO ALL CONCERNED Certain text files and messages contained on this
site deal with activities and devices which would be in violation of various Federal,
State, and local laws if actually carried out or constructed. The webmasters of this
site do not advocate the breaking of any law. Our text files and message bases are
for informational purposes only. We recommend that you contact your local law
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Battlefield of the Future

21st Century Warfare Issues

Table of Contents

Introduction to the Battlefield of the Future

1 Principles of War for the Battlefield of the Future

Barry R. Schneider

2 New-Era Warfare

Gen Charles A. Horner, USAF, (Ret.)

3 The Revolution in Military Affairs

Jeffrey McKitrick, James Blackwell, Fred Littlepage, George Kraus, Richard
Blanchfield and Dale Hill

4 Air Theory for the Twenty- First Century

Col John A. Warden III, USAF

5 Parallel War and Hyperwar: Is Every Want a Weakness?

Col Richard Szafranski, USAF

6 Information War - Cyberwar - Netwar

George Stein

7 Information Warfare: Impacts and Concerns

Col James W. McLendon, USAF

8 The Biological Weapon: A Poor Nation's Weapon of Mass Destruction

Lt Col Terry N. Mayer, USAF

9 Twenty-First Century Germ Warfare

Lt Col Robert P. Kadlec, MD, USAF

10 Biological Weapons for Waging Economic Warfare

Lt Col Robert P. Kadlec, MD, USAF

11 On Twenty-First Century Warfare

Lawrence E. Grinter and Barry R. Schneider

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Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut.
--- Ernest Hemingway

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] On that Fateful Morning

2002-05-26 Thread InfoWarz

-Caveat Lector-

On that Fateful Morning
By Clyde Lewis

Many Ground Zero listeners will remember the first radio broadcast after the 9/11 
tragedy. I was nowhere to be found. The reason was simple. I was told to deny 
everything that I stood for. I was told to not even bring up all of the information 
that I had reported before. I was threatened that if I did I would face serious 
consequences. Now that it has been delivered in the mainstream I can now say what I 
was forbidden to say before. Now things are a lot different and the people who always 
try to silence me are wrong once again.

Someone who read my articles with great interest once criticized me. He lamented at 
the fact that sometimes I say the same things over and over again and he could not 
handle the redundancy. Rather than write a scathing letter back to him I explained 
that at times I feel the need to look back at what I say for my own benefit.

I hate the idea of giving out erroneous information. I am not a very good swimmer and 
the backstroke is not one of my stronger suits. When you have been writing these 
things as long as I have you sometimes wonder if they carry the same impact as before.

So I thumb through the old articles and I see some of the nuggets that meant 
absolutely nothing at the time they were produced and then dig them out for the 
purpose of doing a sanity check.

Today it seems that I am constantly doing this.

When I woke up one day and heard the mainstream media acknowledging what was once some 
silly conspiracy theory, I was taken aback.

The reason was simple.

After the 9/11 attack I received a number of messages from sources that I have relied 
upon for many years. They told me that the Bush administration and the Clinton 
administration were well aware of the dangers that were ahead and that the country was 
destined to be attacked and that the attacks would continue.

I wanted to state for the record that the alphabet agencies were well aware of the 
threats and terror cells that existed in the United States. We were constantly warned 
and were told to be vigilant long before Bush took power in this country.

People want to point fingers at who is to blame and as I have said before everyone who 
did not take an active roll in speaking up are to blame for what we are living through 

I have said before that silence is acceptance.

If one person speaks loudly he is considered a lone nut.

Well now perhaps I may not be as alone as I thought I was.

It seems to me that attitudes have changed. Maybe it would be better to state that the 
attitudes are getting back to normal. Americans are beginning to be real Americans. As 
I said to Michael Rupppert when I interviewed him, The real America will prevail.

I am starting to have a positive attitude about the real America and it's ability to 
analyze and question its leaders.

It's our American right, it's our nature and it needs to continue if we are to live in 
a country free from corruption, and unhappiness.

The truth shall set you free and simply put; the truth has not been coming from 
Washington D.C.

Even though my attitude I becoming more positive there are still some things that I 
see that trouble me and I have to share them with you.

I would hope that you pay attention to the news and the body language that seems to be 
coming from such notables as Condoleezza Rice and Ari Fleischer. These talking heads 
have been able to buffalo and sling the horse hockey for too long and now when they 
are confronted with the hard questions they tend to avoid them with programmed answers 
and a tremendous amount of indignation in their voices.

While many networks continue to put out public service announcements hoping that 
undivided support will be rallied among the ignorant, it is hard to give that support 
when we begin to see that when confronted with less deference our government officials 
begin to get annoyed.

Especially after they have lied to us.

How can you support anyone that gets angry at the fact that the people that they serve 
want answers to their questions?

We put them there for our benefit and not their benefit. I think many people can no 
longer tolerate the kicking of the corpses left behind for any loose change that may 
benefit the powerful.

Forgive us for being so inquisitive Mr. Fleischer. But your soft spoken and arrogant 
spin has never impressed me and now the American people are slowly realizing that your 
smug replies to their questions are not working. They are not working because you are 
a liar too.

It was CBS news that broke the story that President Bush was briefed about the 
possibility of an attack on U.S. soil. It was then that the story had changed because 
the spin-doctors that wanted to protect the president came forward and stated that the 
president knew of possible hijackings and not about possible hijackings that included 
the use of planes as bombs.

The conversations in the newsroom were mixed that day. I 

[CTRL] John Ashcroft: American Fascist

2002-05-26 Thread InfoWarz

-Caveat Lector-

John Ashcroft: American Fascist

No one can terrorize a whole nation, unless we are all his accomplices.

- Edward R. Murrow

Attorney General John Ashcroft was called before Congress yesterday to give testimony 
regarding the unprecedented restrictions being placed upon the commonest of American 
liberties. With the passage of the PATRIOT Anti-Terror Bill, and through an Executive 
Order signed by Bush authorizing secret military tribunals for suspected terrorists, 
the latter of which was enacted with virtually no Congressional oversight despite the 
fact that it seems to violate the spirit, if not the letter of the Posse Comitatus 
Act, Ashcroft had some things to answer for.

 From the beginning of his testimony, Ashcroft was defiant in the face of some 
skeptical Democratic Senators. He waved a copy of an Al Qaeda terrorism handbook in 
their faces as proof positive that no restriction of freedom was too severe when 
considering the enemy he seeks.

In his opening remarks, Ashcroft made the following statement: To those who scare 
peace-loving people with phantoms of lost liberty; my message is this: Your tactics 
only aid terrorists - for they erode our national unity and diminish our resolve.

There is no plainer way to say it - this is rank demagoguery of a strain so pure that 
it has not been heard in the political dialogue of this nation since the dark days 
when Richard Nixon and Joseph McCarthy made careers out of shattering innocent lives 
during highly publicized anti-communist Congressional hearings in the 1950s.

In essence, John Ashcroft claims that if you question the unprecedented steps he and 
his Justice Department are taking, if you voice doubts about the concept of destroying 
freedom in order to save it, if you step out of the narrow line being drawn by he and 
Mr. Bush, you are a terrorist. If you dare to participate in that most fundamental 
American activity - dissent - you are aiding and abetting the murderous butchers who 
sent thousands of our citizens to death three months ago.

No more grave an accusation can be leveled in this time, and no more base and 
groundless a charge can be or has been spoken. It is one thing to sit for weeks and 
hold your tongue for fear of being called unpatriotic, as many patriotic Americans did 
in the aftermath of September 11th. It is another again to be called a terrorist for 
defending the sanctity of the United States Constitution from men who come for it with 
erasers and redacting tape.

Ashcroft claims that there are people who are scaring Americans with phantoms of lost 
liberty. Let us examine some of these phantoms, and see if there is any flesh on the 

The First Amendment of the Constitution reads as follows: Congress shall make no law 
respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or 
abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably 
to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The idea that it was unpatriotic to question Bush in the aftermath of September 11th 
received wide play and acclaim in the media, and still does in many circles. This 
skirted the edges of free speech restrictions forbidden by the First Amendment. 
Ashcrofts proclamation of December 6th, that anyone who speaks out against his and Mr. 
Bush's plans, fairly defines the reason this Amendment was created in the first place.

Patriotic Americans will now fear to speak out against the government, the first 
fundamental responsibility of any citizen, for fear of an accusation that will taint 
them forever. It is intimidation in the raw of the first principle - the right to 
speak your mind, and to defy authority when it has gone awry.

The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution reads as follows: The right of the people to 
be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches 
and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable 
cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be 
searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Section 213 of the PATRIOT Anti-Terrorism Bill is entitled 'Authority for Delaying 
Notice of the Execution of a Warrant.' Legal analysts have given this provision a 
snappier title: the sneak and peek section. Under 213, Federal officers can enter 
your home, search your belongings, and attach devices to your personal computer that 
record and broadcast back to them any and all keystrokes you make while online. They 
can do all of this without ever letting you know they were there.

Ostensibly, this provision is aimed at true-blue terrorists. We don't want them to 
know we're watching. After Ashcroft's performance of December 6th, however, any belief 
we may have that he or his department will restrain themselves from using this 
provision to police ordinary Americans must be shaken to the core. If you speak out 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] [Fwd: [crimgov] Elgindy Tries to Tie Khasshogi to Bin Laden and/or Taliban]

2002-05-26 Thread RoadsEnd


As the noose draws tighter!

The idea that cia-buddie Bin Ladin and CIA buddie Kasshogi have no ties
is pretty ludicrous, actually.
I think they have inlaws in common, even.

 Original Message 
Subject: [crimgov] Elgindy Tries to Tie Khasshogi to Bin Laden and/or

Iran-Contra's Adnan Khasshogi
Linked to Osama Bin Laden
S. Utah company may have indirect ties to terrorists
The Spectrum
Investigation links primary stockholder in parent company to bin Laden;
Nasdaq halts trading for GenesisIntermedia.com

 A St. George business?s parent company has had its stock sales halted
by NASDAQ, but company officials say they have no comment on how or if
the halted trading will affect the local company that employs 180
The company, GenesisIntermedia.com Inc., as it is licensed through state
and local business licenses, is listed as Genesis Media Group in the
telephone book. The parent company, GenesisIntermedia, based in Van Nuys
Calif., has two primary stockholders ? Ramy El-Batrawi and Saudi
financier Adnan Khashoggi, a financial middleman in the Iran-Contra
scandal of the 1980s.
Not only was Khashoggi connected with the Iran-Contra scandal, he
forfeited almost $7 million in insider-trading profits to
GenesisIntermedia at the beginning of September and more recently has
been linked to known terrorist Osama bin Laden by InsideTruth.com, a
company wholly owned by Pacific Equity Investigations, an equity
valuation research center.
Anthony Elgindy, investigative director of research at Pacific Equity
and editor in chief for Insidetruth.com, said many ties between
Khashoggi and bin Laden have been pinpointed but said details were
disclosed only to the FBI and the Federal Communications Commission to
protect the integrity of any investigations.
We are 1,000 percent sure we can directly or indirectly connect
Khashoggi to bin Laden or the Taliban, Elgindy said. We think we can
prove that.
A trading halt was placed on GenesisIntermedia Inc. on Tuesday at 4:55
p.m. EST. On the NASDAQ Web site, two reasons were next to the GENI
stock as to why trading was halted. One is the pending release of
material news and the other is the pending receipt of additional
information requested by NASDAQ.
Although the St. George company is directly linked to the Van Nuys
company, human resource director Shirise Falco said the company had no
comment regarding the company. Repeated calls to the Van Nuys company
were not returned.
With 180 employees, Genesis Intermedia.com Inc., or Genesis Media Group,
is one of the larger employers in the St. George area. Recently, the
company joined the St. George Chamber of Commerce.
According to the business license issued by the city of St. George, the
company operates from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., Monday through Saturday. On the
license, it lists the type of business to be conducted is sales, and the
date of commencing business in St. George is March 1999. But an
application for a business license was not issued until June 15 of this
Under the section listing officers, general partners or members if the
company is operated as a partnership is one name ? Doug Jacobson, who is
listed as the CFO. The business type is listed as a
Corporation-Foreign-Profit out of Van Nuys, Calif. Kory Thurston is
listed on the state registration, issued Nov. 5, 1999, by the Utah
Department of Commerce. Thurston is also the applicant on the St. George
business license. A search of the principals in the business turned up
not only Jacobson?s name but Batrawi?s, along with another principal.
All three have addresses in California. Batrawi and Jacobson?s names are
both under the same address in North Hollywood, Calif. The company is
listed as being in good standing by the Utah Department of Commerce.
According to the Utah Division of Consumer Protection, the company has
no legal action being taken against it.
The Better Business Bureau has Genesis Media Group listed as Business
Opp-Work-At-Home Offers. The bureau has sent two requests for basic
information to the company, but has not received any replies. The bureau
states that without this information, the bureau may not have current
information concerning such things as the company?s management or the
nature of business. Genesis Media has responded to the complaints
brought to its attention by the bureau, but one complaint remains
unresolved. Genesisintermedia.com, Inc. in California lists the nature
of business as a marketing technology company that combines innovative
marketing strategies with new interactive technologies.
The bureau?s experience with GenesisIntermedia in California states that
complaints allege a pattern of delivery and refund disputes which do not
appear unusual in number or in nature for this industry. Genesis
responds to complaints by shipping merchandise, sending advisories on
back-ordered items or by issuing 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] The Political Economy of the War on Drugs

2002-05-26 Thread RoadsEnd

Title: Message

The Political Economy of the War on Drugs
 An early
twentieth century writer by thename of Randolph Bourne remarked that "War is
thehealth of the state". The American founders recognizedthat government
has a tendency to grow and expand overtime. Nothing does as much to speed up
the growth rateof as war. Throughout American history the
greatestexpansions of government have occurred during wartimes. The
American Civil War of 1861-1865consolidated the power of the federal regime
over thepreviously sovereign states. The entry of the UnitedStates into
the First World War took place at the sametime as the enactment of the
federal income tax, theimplementation of alcohol prohibition, the creation
ofthe FBI and other drastic expansions of federal power.The advent of
the Second World War consolidated thewelfare state of the New Deal, the
cartelization ofindustry and labor under Roosevelt's National
RecoveryAdministration (modeled after Italian fascism), thesubordination
of the domestic economy under warproduction, the interment of
Japanese-Americans inconcentration camps and many other ills. The Cold
Warera brought about the permanent entrenchment of
themilitary-industrial complex, the creation of the CIAin 1947,
permanent peacetime conscription (not endeduntil 1971), the creation of the
United Nations and aforeign policy of world wide military
interventionism.The war in Vietnam took place along side the advent
ofthe Great Society expansion of the welfare state, theelimination of
the gold standard in monetary policyand the COINTELPRO program of repression
againstdomestic dissidents. The acceleration of the arms raceduring the
1980s coincided with the quadrupling of thenational debt. The evidence is
overwhelming that waris indeed a great boon to the state. War provides
thestate with opportunities to raise taxes, eradicatecivil liberties,
consolidate central power, subsidizeelite economic interests, acquire new
territory,expand the power of officials, rally the public behindthe
state and many other benefits.
states seeking to increasetheir power have frequently looked for excuses to
goto war or hold up the threat of war. The decayingRoman Empire sought
the support of its citizens byproclaiming its desire to save them from an
allegedthreat of invasion by the Germanic tribes of thenorth. "The
barbarians are at the gates" became theirrallying cry. States can also claim
to be savingsociety from some ominous threat by waging a war on
analleged "enemy within", that is, some group within thesociety that is
villified by officials and attacked asa grave danger to "ordinary" citizens.
This is whatthe Nazis did with the Jews, of course. The NaziGerman
regime denounced Jews as carriers of disease,criminals, purveyors of
perversions and decadence,unpatriotic, responsible for the spread of
communism,engaging in unscrupulous and ruinous banking andbusiness
practices and many other things. The Naziregime demanded and obtained
extraordinary powers inorder to combat the alleged Jewish menace.
TheAmerican regime of today is pursuing an pathidentitical to that
followed by Germany during the1930s. However, the "enemy within" that is
underattack is not the Jewish people but the users andsellers of those
particular psychoactive substancescommonly referred to as "drugs".
 What is a drug? What is
a "drug user"? Whatis a "drug dealer"? How are these
objects/personsportrayed in the rhetoric of government officials andin
the media? How consistent is this portrayal withactual fact? A "drug" is
simply a psychoactivesubstance legally prohibited by the state such
asheroin, cocaine, marijuana, MDMA ("ecstasy") or LSD.Using this
terminological criteria, other psycho-active, addictive and potentially
deadly substancessuch as alcohol, tobacco and valium are not
considered"drugs". However, medical research shows that
tobacco(nicotine) is at least as addictive as heroin andcocaine. Four
hundred thousand people die from tobaccouse annually in the United States.
The addictiveintoxicant alcohol is the strongest of anypsychoactive
substance and indeed is the only one fromwhich withdrawal is potentially
fatal. On the otherhand, there has never been a documented case of
deathfrom marijuana use alone. Also, numerous studies haveshown that
marijuana use does not severely impairdriving while alcohol abuse is
responsible for many,many traffic fatalities.
 Drug users are
typically depicted asthieves, criminals, negligent parents,
derilects,degenerates, disruptive neighbors and chronicallyunemployed
bums. Former "first lady" Nancy Reagan evenclaimed that drug users are
accomplices to murder.Former Los Angeles Police Chief Daryl Gates
onceremarked that casual marijuana smokers should beexecuted for treason
and stated later on that hewasn't being facetious. However, included in the
ranksof drug users are many high school and collegestudents, blue-collar
workers, businesspeople,housewives, lawyers, physicians,

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Pentagon to be Drug Pusher

2002-05-26 Thread RoadsEnd



Secret US Plan To Hit
Enemy With Valium
By Antony Barnett
Public Affairs Editor
The Observer - London

American military chiefs are developing plans to use Valium as a
potential weapon against enemy forces and to control hostile
populations, according to official documents seen by The Observer.

The Pentagon has also asked scientists to evaluate proposals to use
genetically modified bugs that 'eat' the enemy's fuel and ammunition
supplies without harming humans.

The development of these 'non-lethal' weapons angers campaigners who
claim that they would breach international treaties on biological and
chemical weapons.

US documents reveal that two years ago the Pentagon commissioned
scientists at Pennsylvania State University to look at potential
military uses for a range of chemicals known as calmatives. The
scientists concluded that several drugs would be effective to control
crowds or in military operations such as anti-terrorist campaigns.
The drugs they recommended for 'immediate consideration' included
diazepam, better known as the tranquilliser Valium, and
dexmedetomidine, used to sedate patients in intensive care. The
scientists advised that these drugs can 'effectively act on central
nervous system tissues and produces a less anxious, less aggressive,
more tranquil-like behaviour'.

Other official documents reveal how genetically engineered micro-
organisms to destroy equipment but not harm troops are also being
considered by US military scientists as 'non-lethal' weapons. One
proposal from the Office of Naval Research in Arlington, Virginia,
proposes creating genetically modified bugs that would corrode roads
and runways and produce 'targeted deterioration of metal parts,
coatings and lubricants of weapons vehicles and support equipment as
well as fuels'.

This group of scientists has already patented micro-organisms that
would decompose polyurethane, 'a common component of paint for ships
and aircraft'. Another proposal from a biotech laboratory at Brooks
air force base in Texas was to modify 'anti-material biocatalysts'
already under development. One of these breaks down fuels and

Most of the research was funded by Washington's joint non-lethal
weapons programme, in which Britain plays an active part. But further
US documents, also seen by The Observer, reveal how a split has
developed between the two nations, with British officials backing
campaigners' claims that using drugs such as Valium or other
calmatives would be outlawed under the 1991 Chemical Weapons
Convention. This protocol prohibits 'any chemical which... can cause
death, temporary incapacitation or permanent harm'.

A report of a meeting in the Ministry of Defence's headquarters in
London in November 2000 states: 'The US and UK interpret the Chemical
Weapons Convention (CWC) differently regarding riot control agents
(RCA). The UK interpretation considers them to be chemical weapons
under the CWC and thus proscribed; the US view is that they are not
banned under that agreement. This could lead to difficulties in
combined operations in certain circumstances, a situation compounded
by the fact that the UK is a signatory to the European Convention of
Human Rights, which further governs the use of NLW [non-lethal

Some experts believe the use of genetically-modified microbes in
military operations would breach the Biological and Toxin Weapons

Ed Hammond of the Sunshine Project - the US campaigners against
biological and chemical weapons that obtained the documents -
said: 'What is absolutely shocking about these disclosures is that it
represents either a massive institutional failure to implement US
commitments under international treaties or it reflects an effort by
some people in the Pentagon to undermine those treaties.'

A US military spokesman has denied that the Pentagon is
developing 'non-lethal' biological or chemical weapons.

A spokesman from the Foreign Office said: 'There are discussions
between Britain and the US on all sorts of technical issues. But we
both share a commitment to comply with all the international
conventions governing chemical and biological weapons.'

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Telrad + Nortel + Carlyle Group = CIA

2002-05-26 Thread RoadsEnd


Telrad + Nortel + Carlyle Group = CIA

Bushites Spy On the Clintons and Themselves---or Looking Yourself in 
the Mirro

Using my search engine, I discovered that the Israeli 
telecommunication firm Telrad, which is accused of spying on Bill and 
Hillary not doing it in their bedroom, is owned by Nortel, which is 
owned by the Carlyle Group, which is owned by… H…(stroking my non-
existent beard).

Note all the CIA-connected news outlets like Insight, Fox and NewsMax 
that continue to promote this X-Files of Zion conspiracy.



by Mark Dankof
GNN, May 25, 2002] The February 7 commentary by Douglas J. Brown for 
the Republican GOP USA website, entitled, The Israeli Spy Flap Will 
Fade Away, But at What Cost? reflects the continued reverberations 
within both the Bush administration and Republican Party hierarchy in 
Washington over what shoes may still drop in the unseemly revelations 
of Israeli spy operations within the United States. 
Mr. Brown notes the irony surrounding the U. S.- Israeli intelligence 
cooperation in assisting Israel to discover the 50-ton Karine-A 
weapons shipments in transit from Iran to the Palestinians -- at the 
same time that . . . Fox News and NewsMax were reporting allegations 
of Israeli intelligence possibly infiltrating U. S. law enforcement 
wire-tapping operations. 
Mr. Brown notes that the allegations are not the first credible ones 
involving Israeli tapping of U.S. phone lines. Citing the charges 
swirling around a subsidiary of the Israeli telecommunications 
company, Telrad, Brown references a Washington Post story of May 7, 
1997 and stories from May 2000 in Insight magazine and the Sunday 
Times, to suggest that a major political and security flap for the 
Bush administration is around the corner. 

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---End Message---

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Military Behind 911

2002-05-26 Thread RoadsEnd

Title: Message

-Original Message-From: mike wasdin
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2002
01:53To: mikeSubject: [unclesamsucks] Military Behind
2001Author: U.S. militarybehind 9-11Arab League think tank hosts man who blames Pentagon

Posted: May 24, 20025:00 p.m. Eastern
An Arab League think tank, the Zayed Center for
Coordination and Follow Up, has hosted a lecture by the aauthor of a book that
says the U.S. military was responsible for the attacks on Sept. 11.
Theirry Meyssan, author of "The Appalling Fraud," spoke at the event on April

A summary of the lecture and Arab media reports about the event were
translated by the Middle East Media Research
Institute, or MEMRI.
ZCCF material says the think tank was established by the Arab League in 1999
and that the list of speakers the group has hosted this year includes former
Vice President Al Gore, former Secretary of State James Baker and Neil Bush,
brother of President George W. Bush.
According to the MEMRI translation, Meyssan asserted the following in
presenting his argument:

  "Both Congress and the U.S. media covered up the truth by not
  investigating events;
  "It was not reported that the White House's Old Executive Building was
  bombed, as was a third building in Manhattan;
  "The 1,200 detainees held in the U.S. knew nothing of the attacks, and
  their names are kept secret so that they cannot be charged;
  "The American military  to further its interest and hegemony over the
  world  was responsible for the attacks;
  "It is a possibility that the planes of Sept. 11 were remote-controlled.
  For two hours before the attack, waves from a homing device were recorded
  transmitting from, and interfering with transmission from, the twin towers,
  and such a device could be used to direct airplanes. If the planes were
  controlled by remote, no hijackers were needed, thus the passenger lists were
  fake"; and
  "Bin Laden's involvement: 'This myth also does not stand analysis,' since
  he was a previous CIA agent who was visited by the head of the CIA in a Dubai
  hospital in July."
On April 10, says MEMRI, the Saudi government daily The Saudi Gazette ran a
story on the lecture titled "U.S. military officials behind 9/11 attacks 
French author." The article detailed Meyssan's proposal that a United Nations
panel be established to find those really behind Sept. 11 and that until this
happens, all American military operations, including any against Iran or Iraq,
should be considered illegal. The Saudi Gazette quoted Meyssan as stating, "
[T]hose who masterminded the operations and led them were American terrorists."
"The fact that [presidential] communication codes were decoded by the
attackers proves that at least one of the masterminds of the attack was an
American military official," the paper quotes Meyssan as saying.
Said the story, "Commenting on the assumption that American military
officials had planned the attacks, [Meyssan] said that such an assumption could
be true, as a similar thing happened in 1961 when the American command planned
internal attacks against American
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---End Message---

[CTRL] Fwd: Afghanistan, OIL -- and Hell to Pay

2002-05-26 Thread RoadsEnd

Turkmenistan Oil and Gas, and the Projected Pipeline


Karzai to hold talks with neighbors on proposed gas pipeline 

On May 13, the BBC announced that: 'Afghanistan hopes to strike a deal later this month to build a $2bn pipeline through the country to take gas from energy-rich Turkmenistan to Pakistan and India. Afghan interim ruler Hamid Karzai is to hold talks with his Pakistani and Turkmenistan counterparts later this month on Afghanistan's biggest foreign investment project, said Mohammad Alim Razim, minister for Mines and Industries told Reuters.' 

Mr Razim said US energy company Unocal was the "lead company" among those that would build the pipeline, which would bring 30bn cubic meters of Turkmen gas to market annually. Unocal - which led a consortium of companies from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Japan and South Korea - has maintained the project is both economically and technically feasible once Afghan stability was secured. 

"Unocal is not involved in any projects (including pipelines) in Afghanistan, nor do we have any plans to become involved, nor are we discussing any such projects," a spokesman told BBC News Online. 

This announcement comes at a time when the US, according to Stratfor on 5/15/02, is debating whether or not to help quell the dispute between the Karzai central government and the dissenting warlord Padsha Khan in Paktia Province. Obviously the prospects for the viability of a pipeline are intimately linked to the prospects for peace and security in Afghanistan, which are poor unless the US becomes more engaged. As Ahmed Rashid quotes in Taliban (169), "peace can bring a pipeline, but a pipeline cannot bring peace." 



Hell to Pay

By William Rivers Pitt
 t r u t h o u t | Tuesday 14 May, 2002

Some months ago, a book was published in France entitled 'Osama bin Laden: The Forbidden Truth.' The authors, Jean-Charles Brisard and Guillaume Dasique, described a connection between the September 11th terrorist attacks and a stalled plan to build a pipeline to exploit the vast natural gas fields along the Caspian Sea in Turkmenistan. Their story pointed damning fingers at American petroleum companies and the Bush administration, citing instances where U.S. anti-terrorism efforts were thwarted in order to smooth the way for the pipeline deal. 

Brisard and Dasique were paid little mind by the American news media. Many of their allegations were based upon conjecture, circumstantial evidence, and the words of a dead man named John O'Neill. Their argument seemed plausible enough – the interests of the Bush administration and the energy industry are, in essence, one and the same - but without proper corroboration, there was nowhere for the story to go. 

In the last 100 hours, however, the substance behind Brisard and Dasique's accusations has been amply validated. 

The story begins in 1998, with an American petroleum corporation called Unocal. Unocal was heavily invested in a planned pipeline that would run from Turkmenistan, through Afghanistan and Pakistan, and out to a warm water port. From there, natural gas piped down from the Caspian Sea would be made available for sale to American and Asian markets. The deal required approval from the governments of all three nations, including the Taliban. If terms could be met, Unocal and its investors stood to reap enormous profits. 

The deal was destroyed along with two American embassies in Africa, victims of terror attacks by Osama bin Laden. Because bin Laden was based in Afghanistan and supported by the Taliban, the Clinton administration forbade any American company from dealing with them. A blizzard of cruise missiles soon followed this order, and Unocal was forced to wait for calmer days before it could continue to pursue the pipeline deal. Without Afghanistan, the puzzle piece at the center of the arrangement, everything crashed to a halt. 

On a frigid, rainy January day in 2001, Unocal was given reason to rejoice. George W. Bush had just taken the oath of office, and was now President of the United States. 

The power of the American government was immediately brought to bear in the situation. Enter Afghan-American Zalmay Khalilzad, who in the early 1990s served Unocal as an advisor on the nascent pipeline project. In 1997, Khalilzad was present with Unocal representatives when they hosted a delegation of Taliban officials in Houston. Khalilzad was part of a full-court press by the Bush administration to see the pipeline deal through to completion. 

Their main objective was to bring the Taliban, who had become decidedly disinterested in then project, back on board. The American pitch to the Taliban, which was still hosting Osama bin Laden, became so intense that the Taliban hired an American public relations expert named Laila Helms to broker 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Why UK Has Drug Plague

2002-05-26 Thread RoadsEnd


Issue 130, May 09– 22, 2001 

Britain has 15,000 spies. What do they all do?

Anyone who still believes Britain is a democracy should be locked up 
in a rubber room. Every day, the hopes and dreams of millions of 
ordinary people in this country are trampled by a political super-
class and an establishment that cares nothing for freedom and human 

Tony Blair sees himself as President of Britain, riding roughshod 
over the wishes of ordinary working people, while sitting on top of 
the establishment heap is the Royal Household. 
Under the control of the Royal Household, the security services can 
commit any crime they like and the big, legal guns of the Official 
Secrets Act silence anyone who dares to expose it. The Royal 
Household acts as if we are still in the Middle Ages.

When the taxpayers of Britain hand over their hard-earned cash to the 
government, what do they expect in return? Better schools, maybe? 
Better hospitals? A transport system that works and a countryside 
that is safe and productive?

Then they will be disappointed. The amount of taxpayers' money that 
is wasted is staggering, and the biggest black hole is the security 
services, a spooky gang that sucks more cash from the public purse 
every year.

Big-time spying costs buckets of money. But there is never any 
shortage of cash for the spooks at MI5. Or for MI6 or those 
electronic eavesdroppers at GCHQ, who secretly listen to every word 
we utter into our telephones. Every year these shadowy people hoover 
billions of pounds from the Treasury, billions of taxpayers' money 
that should have been earmarked for improvements in the nation's 
quality of living. 

The influential and internationally respected magazine the Economist 
recently said that Britain's total expenditure on spying was well 
over £1 billion. This figure coaxed a smile from the former deputy 
head of MI6, who estimated that the real figure was £2.5 billion.

What do the spooks do with all that money? Now that the Cold War is 
supposed to be over, who are they spying on? They didn't do much of a 
job in catching whoever bugged the Ministry of Defence a couple of 
weeks ago. Nor did they nail the IRA activities in Britain. In fact, 
they cocked up the whole investigation. It looks like the only people 
they are spying on are the people of this country.

There are 15,000 spies working for the security services. What are 
these thousands of spooks doing? They seem to spend their lives 
getting drunk and leaving behind their laptops in the laps of lap 
dancers. So now the security services are spending £15 million on 
special thief-proof briefcases for them.

Meanwhile, mind-bending sums of money are being squandered on fancy 
office blocks, like the architectural nightmare that MI6 built at 
Vauxhall Cross, one of the finest riverside sites in London, at a 
cost of more than £600 million. And the new GCHQ centre in 
Cheltenham, which was originally supposed to cost just £20 million, 
now looks like wasting more than £1 billion of taxpayers' money. All 
this, as well as the more than £300 million that was spent on grand 
new offices for Members of Parliament at Portcullis House.

These are just the projects we can see. Imagine what wastage must be 
going on in the secret operations none of us are allowed to know 
about, for reasons of national security. Instead of wasting all 
those hundreds of millions of pounds on plush offices for spies to 
sit around in, the government could have used just some of the money 
to stop the Wembley stadium redevelopment from turning into a 
complete disaster.

The plan to demolish Wembley and build a state-of-the-art stadium was 
originally meant to cost £334 million. That price has now climbed to 
a staggering £660 million, though not even a brick has been removed 
from the old stadium and there isn't a bulldozer in sight. What can 
you expect from a government that had no problem squandering nearly a 
billion pounds on the ridiculous Millennium Dome? But, no matter how 
much money the government throws at the security services, there are 
some of us who will not be silenced by the spookmasters and the Royal 
Household. I have no doubt that the security services were behind the 
deaths of my son, Dodi, and Princess Diana in Paris in 1997. And they 
know it too, which is why they are using the KGB bullyboy tactic of 
the Official Secrets Act to prevent me from proving them to be liars 
and murderers.

No matter how hard these people try to stop me, and despite all the 
threats they have made against me, I will prove that they did it. I 
am afraid of no one but God. In Him I place my faith and my trust, 
and I know that truth and justice will, one day, prevail.

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[CTRL] Fwd: The BCCI-Bush-Mahfouz-bin Laden Financial Network

2002-05-26 Thread RoadsEnd

[  Home | 9/11 Webpage]
More on the BCCI-bin Mahfouz-bin Laden Intelligence Nexus
It is clearer than ever before that the nexus of connections made by BCCI in
Washington -- to US banks, law firms, politicians, and the CIA -- as well as
of connections to top Saudi intelligence officials and members of the Saudi
royal family, was preserved after the closure of BCCI in 1991, and was
utilized later to fund Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda.
A key figure in the survival was the Saudi banker Khalid bin Mahfouz, from a
prominent family with background and connections similar to the bin Ladens.
After indictment in the US, Khalid bin Mahfouz paid $225 million, including a
$37 million fine, to escape possible charges in connection with the
disappearance of BCCI's assets.
In 1999 the Saudi Government bought out his stake in the huge Saudi National
Commercial Bank, then forced his dismissal. After a financial audit of the
bank's $21-billion assets, bin Mahfouz was placed under house arrest in a
hospital. Some $2 billion of the bank's funds were suspected of being
French sources have located Khalid bin Mahfouz and his family at the center
of a nexus involving other firms owned by his family, the bin Laden family
and members of the Saudi royal family. Some of these were oil companies, like
the Saudi companies Delta Oil and Nimir Oil. Both are partners with UNOCAL in
Azerbaijan, and Delta was a partner in UNOCAL's efforts in 1996 to build a
pipeline through Afghanistan. Bin Mahfouz himself was named to the governing
council of the Saudi oil giant Aramco by King Fahd in 1989 (Brisard 187).
The bin Mahfouz family also emerged as major donors and/or trustees of
foundations, such as the Muwafaq or Blessed Relief Foundation and the
International Development Foundation, which the US now says were used to
transfer funds to Osama bin Laden.
Many details of this BCCI-bin Mahfouz-bin Laden nexus have since been
corroborated by the British, Canadian, and US press. Some of these articles
are reproduced here and are well worth reading. However I have as yet seen no
references in the US press to two aspects of the nexus that throw even more
light on its scope and power.
I. The personal indebtedness to Khalid bin Mahfouz's millions of the family
of James Baker, close personal confidant and Treasury Secretary to the first
President Bush, and later an officer with him of the Carlyle Group, in which
the bin Laden family also invested. In 1985 bin Mahfouz was one of the Saudi
financiers who purchased the Bank Tower in Houston of the Baker family Texas
Commerce Bank, for $200 million. This was $60 million more than it had cost
to build the Bank Tower four years earlier; and the sale was made in the
depth of Texas' real estate crash... at a time when it was difficult to give
away office space in Houston (Beaty and Gwynne, The Outlaw Bank, 355).
II. The involvement of both a bin Laden family affiliate, the Saudi
Investment Company (SICO), and of the bin Mahfouz family National Commercial
Bank, with the Bank of New York - Inter Maritime Bank of Geneva, owned and
managed by Bruce Rappaport. The Kerry-Brown Report gave details of the
involvement in the 1980s of Rappaport, and of his bank's Vice President,
Alfred Hartmann, with BCCI, with former CIA Director William Casey, and with
the National Bank of Oman which forwarded Arab money to the Afghan mujahedin
(Beaty and Gwynne, The Outlaw Bank, 311-12; Kerry-Brown Report, 318-20; cf.
The bin Laden family have tried to depict Osama as a renegade, and more
recently the bin Mahfouz family have tried to say the same of Khalid. The
details of this nexus make both claims highly unlikely. It would appear that
the main reason we do not get the whole truth about this nexus is the
involvement of Saudi, British, and US intelligence, not just before 1991, but
[ Previous section | Next Section ]

 Click here: More on the BCCI-bin Mahfouz-bin Laden Intelligence Nexus

---End Message---

[CTRL] Fwd: The Vreeland Case

2002-05-26 Thread RoadsEnd

from "Frank" magazine, Canada, 
Sunday, May 26, 2002

Did rogue US agent warn CSIS of Sept 11?

The admission that the death of a Canadian diplomat in Moscow was murder may lend credence to the fantastic story arising from an extradition case in Toronto, in which a man claiming to be a US Naval intelligence officer says he warned the RCMP and CSIS of the September 11 attacks months in advance.

Delmart Edward Vreeland claims he travelled to Moscow in the Fall of 2000 to obtain military documents regarding Russian counter-measures to US anti-missile defence. His purpose was to see they got into the hands of CSIS, and to fool Ottawa into believing it was a Canadian discovery, so Canada and other allies might be inclined to drop their objections to “Star Wars.”

His contact was a “systems analyst,” Marc Bastien, said to be a CSIS agent working out of the embassy. Vreeland says he sensed something fishy with a Russian go-between, and handed over a dummy bag before travelling to Toronto, where he was arrested on December 6 on an immigration warrant.

Only days after Vreeland’s arrest by Toronto police, Bastien was found dead in Moscow. Though he was only 35, the death was attributed to “natural causes.” The body was returned to Canada for autopsy. Sources with the Mounties have since confirmed that Bastien indeed was murdered.

Among the Russian documents Vreeland says he retrieved was one describing impending terrorist attacks in the United States, naming Osama bin Laden as an agent and the World Trade Center and the Pentagon as likely targets.

Vreeland, with his lawyer, Paul Slansky, took the information to both CSIS and the RCMP last summer, but he was blown off as a crank.

The US Navy claim that Vreeland was discharged in the mid-80s, having failed boot camp, but there is evidence to suggest the military is altering his service record. For example, in a phone conversation recorded from jail in August—before, Vreeland contends, his entire record could be wiped from the system — he is clearly told by a petty officer at a US naval base that computer files confirm his rank as Lieutenant. An impossibility if he’d dropped out of boot camp.

If his claim is true, then why is the US hounding this man, and why does he fear for his life if he is extradited? Perhaps because Russian foreknowledge of September 11th is a can of worms best left unopened.


What the CIA Doesn't Want You to Know

by Michael C. Ruppert

[Ed. Note: Just prior to the publication of this article the FTW web site was hacked for the second time in a month. This hacking -- accomplished via sophisticated methods -- has been apparently intended to prevent us from publishing the following interview. As a temporary emergency measure ONLY please direct emergency e-mail correspondence to [EMAIL PROTECTED] FTW will be back up and running in an even more secure manner in the near future.-- MCR]

April 4, 2002, 2:00 PM PST (FTW) -- If all of its dark alleys were explored, the case of Delmart Edward Joseph "Mike" Vreeland is one which is worthy of a book that would rival "War and Peace." It is a case that has sparked zealous attacks on FTW and me personally, and one which has seriously disturbed many officials in Washington. These attacks are an indication of the threat Vreeland poses to the credibility of the U.S. government. Only one question of any relevance exists. How was this man able to write details that described the events of Sept. 11 while locked in a jail cell, more than a month before the attacks occurred? It matters little to a housewife in Kansas if Mike Vreeland has a very confusing criminal arrest record -- some of it very contradictory and apparently fabricated -- for a variety of petty criminal offenses including fraud. But it may be a matter of the gravest importance for the same housewife if this man knew accurate information about the attacks, tried to warn both the U.S. and Canadian governments about them, and was ignored. If a crazy man runs up to you on the street and says that a house is on fire with children trapped inside, and you smell smoke, who is the crazy one if you decide not to investigate?

The U.S. Navy says that Vreeland, arrested in Canada on Dec. 6, 2000 and currently fighting a U.S. extradition warrant, was discharged for unsatisfactory performance after only four months of service in 1986. But a growing pile of evidence, much of it filed in court records and undisputed by Canadian or U.S. authorities, establishes clearly that Vreeland was exactly what he says he was -- a spy. 

In three previous stories, FTW has described how his military records, acknowledged to be in excess of 1,200 pages, have been tampered with. We have described how, in open court on a speakerphone, his lawyers obtained direct confirmation from the Pentagon that he was a Navy officer. We have also reported that, as 

[CTRL] Fwd: [the_octopus] Whitley Strieber Asks: Is the FBI Penetrated?

2002-05-26 Thread Sammark4


Here Whitley Strieber tries to make a case for a terrible few horrible people
in the FBI creating a situation where info flow is scrubbed.  I just love how
the middle guys are scapegoated here, as if the corruption doesn't work from
the top down - as if the whole system isn't corrupt.


Whitley Strieber Asks:
Is the FBI Penetrated?

Is the FBI Penetrated?
by Whitley Strieber


A terrifying and sobering group of news stories has appeared in recent days
that suggest that individuals within the FBI had prior knowledge of 9/11 and
suppressed it, both for personal gain and, in one case, possibly because of
connections to terrorist elements.

This is likely to be the worst single scandal in the history of the US
government. Hopefully, it will encourage Congress and the Administration to
carry out the radical reforms that we need to rehabilitate the dysfunctional
family that the FBI has become, and get rid of an apparently large number of
truly terrible human beings who have infested this essential element of US
government power. Some of these people are merely incompetent. But that
the case with all of them. Some of them are traitors.

I first became aware of the fact that something was wrong on September 13,
a friend who had been staying at the Copley Plaza Hotel in Boston on the
of September 10 and 11 told me that the FBI had cleared the hotel on the
morning of Monday, September 10, at about four AM, and had searched it.
the disaster, of course, they returned to Copley Plaza in search of bomb

The FBI's presence at the hotel on Monday was never reported, and apparently
known only to guests at the hotel. Nevertheless, it means that the FBI
certainly had, and was acting on, some sort of knowledge connected to the
September 11 attack on September 10. At the very least, the FBI agents who
at the Copley Plaza on Monday morning need to be found and called to testify
before the joint panel of Congress that is being convened to investigate

Now, a series of news stories, some of them reported in general news columns
and others in financial news, suggests that elements of the FBI not only
about 9/11 in advance, but that the institution as a whole was prevented
acting on what they knew by silence on the part of some agents and
of the proper flow of information to the organization's leadership by

There were two critical information flows that were interrupted, from
Minneapolis and Phoenix, and there is additional evidence that FBI agents
involved in stock profiteering off the disaster in the weeks before it

There has been a substantial amount of news coverage of the problems with
from Minneapolis and Phoenix, and I will discuss those shortly. Before I
to that issue, however, I would like to address some recent disclosures
stock market manipulations, and some that have gone unnoticed.

On Friday, May 24, a federal prosecutor alleged that a San Diego stock
who is accused of bribing an FBI agent to give him confidential government
information may have had prior knowledge of 9/11. According to assistant
States attorney Kenneth Breen, the adviser, Amr Ibrahim Elgindy, tried to
$300,000 worth of stock on September 10 and told his broker the market was
about to drop. Mr. Eglindy and four other people, including one current and
former FBI agent, were charged on Wednesday with using confidential
information to manipulate stock prices. Mr. Elgindy has recently moved
to a bank in Lebanon. So far, there is no hard evidence that Mr. Elgindy had
prior knowledge of the 9/11 attacks, and, while Mr. Eglindy is active in
causes, there is no evidence linking him to terrorism. However, according to
the Los Angeles Times, his father, Ibrahim Elgindy, led a 1998 protest on
behalf of Muhammed Salah, whose assets were seized after he was linked to
radical Palestinian group Hamas.

After 9/11, there was evidence of profiteering in airline puts and calls
(options to purchase or sell stocks at a fixed price on a later date), but
was eventually discovered to be apparent coincidence. It is not clear,
that evidence of similar activities involving insurance stocks was innocent,
and, if this is being investigated, there is no public knowledge of it.

What has gone little remarked in the press was a dramatic spike in trade
on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in the days prior to 9/11. (Futures
Magazine, Nov. 2001, Vol. 30, No. 14, p.12) This is where futures on the
and Standard and Poor's stock averages are traded, and would be a prime
of profiteers if anybody had extensive knowledge of 9/11. On September 7,
last trading day before 9/11, (Monday was a holiday) CME trading volume
to its highest point in months, ending a week of exceptionally 

[CTRL] Fwd: [NA] W. Bush Blocking 9-11 Commission – confirmed

2002-05-26 Thread RoadsEnd


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May 26, 2002 NA (Network America) e-wire

W. Bush Blocking 9-11 Commission – confirmed

This is a short e-wire. . . . On this day, Sunday May 26, 2002, I
arrived home after church to see David Broder of the Washington Post and
Establishment House Presidential “historian” Doris Kearns Goodwin on
NBC’s “Meet the Press” with Tim Russert.

I put “historian” in quotes regarding Doris Kearns Goodwin because she
has been nailed for plagiarism in her 1987 book, “The Fitzgeralds and
the Kennedys.”  Her “credibility” problem would be serious for normal
people, as her publisher, Simon  Shuster, paid out a money settlement
to one of the people she plagiarized from – in 1987. That means she knew
of the problem and covered it up for 15 years! Now that she’s been
caught red-handed in public, she is expressing official mea culpas. She
has pulled all the paperback copies of the book in existence so that all
such copies can be destroyed – while she re-makes those portions of the
book. Even so – she’s claiming it’s all a matter of “inadvertent
research procedures” – after covering it up for 15 years after knowing
her publishers paid a cash settlement to an aggrieved party! For a full
report on her many back ups since she’s been publicly exposed on this
plagiarism issue, see the Forbes Magazine article from 2-27-02 at


Doris Kearns Goodwin’s worst offense is her constantly appearing as an
Establishment mouthpiece to (objectively) falsify history through her
personality / hero worship of such low-life scoundreals, traitors, and
criminals – as her former boss, Lyndon Baines Johnson. But, as an
establishment asset, even plagiarism doesn’t ruin her reputation as an
“historian” – so she is constantly invited back to shows like “Meet the
Press” to tell us what to think about history. Thankfully, years of
selling her soul is catching up with her, and since the public exposure
of her plagiarism, she’s really beginning to show her age, which will
make her girlish cheerleading for sinister establishment figures – less

The above is just one of those delicious sidebars that you may find
tucked into any Network America e-wire --- but the real point of this
e-wire – is that today’s “Meet the Press” provided the first hard
evidence I’ve been able to latch onto from Establishment sources that W.
Bush is adamantly BLOCKING any commission or investigation into 9-11.

Surprisingly, Tim Russert asked a tremendous question. He said
(paraphrase): “There is still controversy over whether FDR knew about
Pearl Harbor in advance and let it happen to get us into World War II,
and whether Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone gunman in the assassination
of President Kennedy. Obviously, even the conclusions reached by those
commissions that were set up shortly after those events still haven’t
satisfied some Americans. And still, after 8 months, we don’t have any
investigative commission on the events of 9-11. There is momentum
building in the Republican Party to set up an investigative commission
on the 9-11 terror attacks – do you think we will eventually see a
Congressional investigation?” (Remember, that was a paraphrase.)

Then, David Broder said that he didn’t think there would be any
commission if President W. Bush continued to oppose it. Broder then
stated that he couldn’t understand why W. Bush has been so resistant to
any kind of an official inquiry or investigation. --- Today’s “Meet the
Press” transcript will give any interested party the exact wording and
the exact quotes.

This is the first time I have been able to grasp for sure such an
admission from Establishment sources. The reason these admissions are
valuable is because when even the establishment’s mouthpieces are
admitting something so damaging to one of their boys – then we know it
must be true.

All the other sources I had seen  (although undoubtedly correct) had
been from independent news sources like this e-wire (as opposed to
controlled news sources like David Broder and the Washington Post). All
the assertions about W. Bush 

[CTRL] Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [NA] W. Bush Blocking 9-11 Commission confirmed

2002-05-26 Thread Sammark4

-Caveat Lector-

  I think this is unfair and overblown.  I saw the segment on television
where she explained how she thought this had happened, and it was a very
credible explanation.  She has taken every step to correct this and has been
sincerely sorry about it all.  Ms. Goodwin must be a threat to someone for
this matter to be made into such a huge deal.  As always, good guys have to
walk the straight and narrow path in every aspect of their lives while bad
guys can get away with anything.  This is typical libel-ops IMO and I ain't
buying into it.

In a message dated 5/26/02 11:34:35 AM Central Daylight Time,

 May 26, 2002 NA (Network America) e-wire

  W. Bush Blocking 9-11 Commission – confirmed

  This is a short e-wire. . . . On this day, Sunday May 26, 2002, I
  arrived home after church to see David Broder of the Washington Post and
  Establishment House Presidential “historian” Doris Kearns Goodwin on
  NBC’s “Meet the Press” with Tim Russert.

  I put “historian” in quotes regarding Doris Kearns Goodwin because she
  has been nailed for plagiarism in her 1987 book, “The Fitzgeralds and
  the Kennedys.”  Her “credibility” problem would be serious for normal
  people, as her publisher, Simon  Shuster, paid out a money settlement
  to one of the people she plagiarized from – in 1987. That means she knew
  of the problem and covered it up for 15 years! Now that she’s been
  caught red-handed in public, she is expressing official mea culpas. She
  has pulled all the paperback copies of the book in existence so that all
  such copies can be destroyed – while she re-makes those portions of the
  book. Even so – she’s claiming it’s all a matter of “inadvertent
  research procedures” – after covering it up for 15 years after knowing
  her publishers paid a cash settlement to an aggrieved party! For a full
  report on her many back ups since she’s been publicly exposed on this
  plagiarism issue, see the Forbes Magazine article from 2-27-02 at


  Doris Kearns Goodwin’s worst offense is her constantly appearing as an
  Establishment mouthpiece to (objectively) falsify history through her
  personality / hero worship of such low-life scoundreals, traitors, and
  criminals – as her former boss, Lyndon Baines Johnson. But, as an
  establishment asset, even plagiarism doesn’t ruin her reputation as an
  “historian” – so she is constantly invited back to shows like “Meet the
  Press” to tell us what to think about history. Thankfully, years of
  selling her soul is catching up with her, and since the public exposure
  of her plagiarism, she’s really beginning to show her age, which will
  make her girlish cheerleading for sinister establishment figures – less

  The above is just one of those delicious sidebars that you may find
  tucked into any Network America e-wire --- but the real point of this
  e-wire – is that today’s “Meet the Press” provided the first hard
  evidence I’ve been able to latch onto from Establishment sources that W.
  Bush is adamantly BLOCKING any commission or investigation into 9-11.

  Surprisingly, Tim Russert asked a tremendous question. He said
  (paraphrase): “There is still controversy over whether FDR knew about
  Pearl Harbor in advance and let it happen to get us into World War II,
  and whether Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone gunman in the assassination
  of President Kennedy. Obviously, even the conclusions reached by those
  commissions that were set up shortly after those events still haven’t
  satisfied some Americans. And still, after 8 months, we don’t have any
  investigative commission on the events of 9-11. There is momentum
  building in the Republican Party to set up an investigative commission
  on the 9-11 terror attacks – do you think we will eventually see a
  Congressional investigation?” (Remember, that was a paraphrase.)

  Then, David Broder said that he didn’t think there would be any
  commission if President W. Bush continued to oppose it. Broder then
  stated that he couldn’t understand why W. Bush has been so resistant to
  any kind of an official inquiry or investigation. --- Today’s “Meet the
  Press” transcript will give any interested party the exact wording and
  the exact quotes.

  This is the first time I have been able to grasp for sure such an
  admission from Establishment sources. The reason these admissions are
  valuable is because when even the establishment’s mouthpieces are
  admitting something so damaging to one of their boys – then we know it
  must be true.

  All the other sources I had seen  (although undoubtedly correct) had
  been from independent news sources like this e-wire (as opposed to
  controlled news sources like David Broder and the Washington Post). All
  the assertions about W. Bush blocking investigations and commissions 


2002-05-26 Thread RoadsEnd



Lettre d'information du Secrétariat-général européen
Newsletter of the European General-Secretary of

N° 414 – 26 mai / may 2002

PCN-INFOS HEBDO, c’est aussi un bulletin d’information
téléphonique hebdomadaire, diffusé en langue française
depuis 1993 par le PCN. Retrouvez-nous en exclusivité
chaque semaine (nouveau message chaque mardi) sur le
01 48 20 39 30 (France) ou le + 33 1 48 20 39 30
PCN-INFOS HEBDO is also a weekly information phone
line in French, distributed by PCN-NCP from 1993.
Join us every week (new message every Tuesday) on 01
48 20 39 30 (France) or + 33 1 48 20 39 30



In this issue 414/ Dans ce muméro 414 :


– samedi 25 mai 2002 –

A l’occasion de la venue de George Bush à Caen le 27
mai 2002, le PCN appel à manifester contre la
stratégie de domination mondiale des Etats Unis.
La politique de Bush se traduit surtout par un
accroissement des inégalités et de la pauvreté dans le
monde, résultat d’une politique systématique de
pillage et de maintien dans la dépendance des pays et
des économies du tiers-monde, au mépris des droits, de
la dignité et des besoins de milliards d’individus de
la planète.
Nous ne pouvons accepter l’opération de manipulation
que George W. Bush vient organiser à Caen pour
justifier la construction de la nouvelle Carthage par
la guerre, par la contrainte économique, par la
restriction des libertés dans le monde et par le refus
des dirigeants des Etats-Unis de se plier au droit
international dès lors que leurs intérêts, leur
pouvoir et leur mode de vie sont en jeu.
Nous irons dire à George Bush que la frontière ne
passe pas entre le Bien et le Mal, mais entre le
droit et le non-droit, entre la justice et le déni de
justice, ici et partout dans le monde.
Nous en profiterons également pour dénoncer l’« ami »
de Bush, Jacques Chirac, ce général De Gaulle en
papier mâché.
Le PCN soutient donc les trois « Manifestations
nationales » unitaires organisées le dimanche 26 mai
2002 à Caen (Rendez-vous à 12h Place de la
Résistance), à Paris (à 15 h de la Place de la
République à la Madeleine) et le lundi 27 mai 2002 à
Marseille (devant le Consulat des Etats-Unis Boulevard
Peytal (6°) à côté de la Préfecture – Métro

PCN-INFOS HEBDO / 22 Mai 2002 :

A l’occasion de la venue de George Bush à Caen le 27
mai 2002, jour du « Mémorial Day » aux Etats-Unis,
pour se recueillir sur le tombe des soldats yankee
morts lors du Débarquement du 6 juin 1944(voir
annexe), un Appel à Manifester a été lancé.
Les signataires de l’Appel, dont le PCN, considèrent
que le président yankee vient en réalité utiliser, une
fois de plus, la mémoire de ces soldats morts non
seulement dans la lutte contre le Nazisme mais aussi
et surtout pour le contrôle impérialiste de l’Europe,
afin de promouvoir sa stratégie de domination du
monde. Il s’agit d’une action médiatique et
émotionnelle visant à renforcer la confusion entre un
passé de libération et un présent de préparation de la
guerre pour la défense d’intérêts bien moins glorieux.
George Bush mène en effet une stratégie de domination
qui se traduit à l'échelle du monde entier par une
logique de guerre qui, au nom de l’idéologie à
géométrie variable de la liberté contre le Mal, veut
cacher des intérêts économiques et politiques. Nous
assistons à une reprise du marché de l’armement, alors
que les Etats-Unis à eux seuls réalisent 40% des
dépenses militaires du monde. Nous assistons à une
relance de la menace atomique, et à la rupture
programmée et unilatérale par les Etats-Unis du traité
d’interdiction des essais nucléaires.
La politique de l’Administration Bush, c’est aussi un

[CTRL] http://www.satanservice.org/archive/propaganda/npgn.80sd.

2002-05-26 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-


49961022 AA1  Hail Satan!


it is important to me, when beginning the discussion of the WSOC:
booklet, that we include discussion about the historical background and
possible motivations for CAW's continuing publication of this booklet
over the years, inclusive of how much information has been available
to the Editor of the publication and those of the Church of All Worlds.

it does seem that the matter of 'Satanism and Neo-Paganism' came to a
flux-point at or near the Summer of 1988, with articles within 'Green
Egg' (GE) continuing a focus on this issue.  the appended letters which
were contained within GE describe more or less what FBI source Lanning
has confirmed and illustrate the feeling and attitude of the Editor,
even when provided with information which appears more clearly
substantiated than may be obtained from Christian Scare Scams.


the text below is excerpted from the Beltane, 1989, Vol. XXII,
issue (#85) of GE (the earliest issue I could find in my files --
far from complete -- that pertains to this debate in some way):

Dear GREEN EGG; [not dated]
 The origin of the modern Satanic Child Abuse hysteria appears
to be a book titled: _Michelle Remembers_, which purports to be the
reminiscences of a woman, under hypnosis, who was raised in Victoria,
BC, Canada.  This woman claims to have been raised by a Satanic Cult,
and to have suffered numerous atrocities at their hands.
 I have been unable to document any public appearance of Satanic
Child Abuse Survivors prior to the publication of this book.  The
supposed proof of the truth of this woman's claims is a statement by
Len Olsen, former Satanist and now a Fundamentalist Minister, that
he and his wife were saved from Satanic sacrifice by the intervention
of Christ, at a Coven meeting in Victoria.  He goes on to claim that
he therefore knows that there have been and continue to be Satanic
Cults practicing human sacrifice in Victoria.  The man named by Len
Olsen as being the head of this Satanic Cult, Lion Serpent Sun,
successfully sued Olsen for slander and libel in 1987-8.  Lion
Serpent Sun was awarded $10,000 damages, plus court costs.  Lion
Serpent Sun says that he has never been a Satanist, but is rather
a Wiccan.  The jury found that, as Sun admitted to being a Witch,
and since the general public sees Witches and Satanists as being
identical, that Sun was a Satanist.  However, they also found that
Olsen's claim that Sun and his covern attempted to sacrifice him
and his wife was a total fabrication.
 Since the supposed proof of this book has now been proven
in a court of law to be a total lie, the truth of any other aspect
of the book is beyond serious consideration.
 *Re: The Sandi Gallant Interview:* [I'd like to see a copy of this - tn]
 Ms Gallant states: ...the children were very, very specific in
alleging behaviour that to the investigators appeared to have Satanic
overtones.  The phrase appeared to have Satanic overtones is very
revealing.  Recently, an article appeared in my local paper saying:
Devil worship alleged in Medicine Hat, Alta.  The article stated
that local police were investigating two suicides that appeared to
have Satanic overtones.  When I called them to ask what these over-
tones were, I was told that -- in one case, a young man who
apparently drove his care deliberately into a pole had been telling
his friends that he was possessed by devils.  In the other case,
a young woman -- found dead of a drug overdose, was found to be in
possession of Dungeons and Dragons games and books on Witchcraft.
Does this sound Satanic to you?
 _Michelle Remembers_ has been on library shelves for almost
ten years.  Therefore any testimony during this time must be
considered possibly contaminated.  Further, I have discovered
some Fundamentalist propaganda dated 1922, which claims that various
groups are kidnapping children and sacrificing them to Satan.  As
this slander has been circulating amongst these groups for so long,
no person who is now a Fundamentalist and claims to have once been
a Satanist or Satanic victim can be considered a reliable witness.
As demonstrated by Len Olsen, Fundamentalists are prepared to lie
about this topic, if they think that such lies will increase
attendance at their church.
 Otter Zell asks if there have been substantiated convictions
for crimes of ritual abuse.  Ms Gallant assures him that there are,
but she does not give the specific charges resulting in conviction
in these cases.  Is Ms Gallant suggesti g that anyone in North
America has been convicted of murdering an infant as part of a
Satanic ceremony?  If so, I challenge her to publish specifics of
such a case in GE.  There has never been such a conviction!  Even
in the clebrated McMartin case, the convictions were for sexual

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] transactions that connect the Bush and bin Laden families

2002-05-26 Thread RoadsEnd


George W. Bush And Harken Oil - Recovered HistoryThursday, 7 March 2002, 1:54 pmArticle: Alastair Thompson 
RECOVERED HISTORY - From the overstocked archives of the Progressive Review a timeline of the Harken Energy Insider Trading play by U.S. President George W. Bush, a series of transactions that connects the bin Laden and Bush families, and a current link to the New York Times traversing some more of the old ground.
George W. Bush and partners receive more than $2 million of Harken Energy stock in exchange for a failing oil well operation, which had lost $400,000 in the prior six months. After Bush joined Harken, the largest stock position and a seat on its board were acquired by Harvard Management Company. The Harken board gave Bush $600,000 worth of the company's publicly traded stock, plus a seat on the board plus a consultancy that paid him up to $120,000 a year. When Harken runs short of cash it hooks up with investment banker Jackson Stephens of Little Rock, Arkansas, who arranges a $25 million stock purchase by Union Bank of Switzerland. Sheik Abdullah Bakhsh, who joins the board as a part of the deal, is connected to the infamous BCCI.
Harken Energy project gets rescued by aid from the BCCI-connected Union Bank of Switzerland in a deal brokered by Jackson Stephens, later to show up as a key supporter of Bill Clinton.
Bahrain officials suddenly break off offshore drilling negotiations with Amoco and decide to deal with Harken Energy, George Bush Jr.'s firm. Harken has had a series of failed ventures and no cash, so the Bass brothers are brought in to finance Harken's efforts at a cost of $50 million.
January: Bahrain awards exclusive offshore drilling rights to Harken Oil. This is a surprise as Harken is in very shaky financial condition, has never drilled outside of Texas, Louisiana and Oklahoma and had never drilled undersea at all. The Bass brothers are brought in by Harken for sufficient equity to proceed with the effort. Harken's stock price increases from $4.50 to $5.50.
George W. Bush sells two-thirds of his Harken Energy stock at the top of the market for $850,000, a 200% profit, but makes no report to the SEC until March 1991. Bush Jr. says later the SEC misplaced the report. An SEC representative responds: "nobody ever found the 'lost' filing." One week after Bush's sale, Harken reports an earnings plunge. Harken stock falls more than 60%. Bush uses most of the proceeds to pay off the bank loan he had taken a year earlier to finance his portion of the Texas Rangers deal.
August: Saddam Hussein invades Kuwait. Harken's stock price drops substantially. Two months after Bush sells his stock, Harken posts losses for the 2nd quarter of well over $20 million and is shares fall another 24 %, by year end Harken is trading at $1.25. Bush has insisted that he did not know about the firm's mounting losses and that his stock sell-off was approved by Harken's general counsel.
First of Harken Energy's wells off Bahrain comes up dry. George W. Bush takes a leave of absence from the firm to work in his father's campaign, saying "I don't want to involve this company in any kind of allegations of conflicts or whatever may arise."
The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network - known as FinCEN - and the FBI are reviewing accusations that entrepreneur James R. Bath guided money to Houston from Saudi investors who wanted to influence US policy under the Reagan and Bush administrations, sources close to the investigations say . . . The federal review stems in part from court documents obtained through litigation by Bill White, a former real estate business associate of Bath . . . White became entangled in a series of lawsuits and counter suits with Bath, who for some six years has prevailed in the courts. . . . In sworn depositions, Bath said he represented four prominent Saudis as a trustee and that he would use his name on their investments. In return, he said, he would receive a 5 percent interest in their deals. Tax documents and personal financial records show that Bath personally had a 5 percent interest in Arbusto '79 Ltd., and Arbusto '80 Ltd., limited partnerships controlled by George W. Bush, President Bush's eldest son. Arbusto means 'bush' in Spanish. Bath invested $ 50,000 in the limited partnerships, according to the documents. There is no available evidence to show whether the money came from Saudi interests. George W. Bush's company, Bush Exploration Co., general partner in the limited partnerships, went through several mergers, eventually evolving into Harken Energy Corp., a suburban Dallas-based company . . . Bush said that to his knowledge, Bath's investment was from personal funds, and no Saudi money was invested in Arbusto. Bath, 55, a former U.S. Air Force pilot, declined to comment for the record. Spokesmen for FinCEN and the FBI also 

[CTRL] priests, valium

2002-05-26 Thread SMARTNEWS

-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors

From Lynne Moss- Sharmann Church places pastor on leave - Allegation raised
of abuse of a child - By Sacha Pfeiffer, Globe Staff, Globe Correspondent,
5/25/02 The Rev. Edward C. McDonagh, 64, pastor of St. Ann's, becomes the
12th priest in the archdiocese to be ousted since January over accusations of
sexual molestation of minorsNationwide, the number of priests suspected
of molesting minors, and who have either resigned or been taken off duty this
year is more than 170.


Pedophile priests doing church work - Rory Callinan and Tanya Targett, of The
Courier-Mail's Insight team 5/25/02 Catholic priests found guilty of child
abuse have taken part in retreats for abuse victims, worked on church web
sites and ministered to hospital patientsInsight discovered three priests
who had been found guilty of child sex offences were still allowed to work in
sensitive posts in south-east Queensland.

US plan to strike enemy with Valium - Pentagon scientists aim for future
battlefield victories with the aid of tranquillising drugs and GM bugs -
Antony Barnett, public affairs editor - 5/26/02 - The Observer American
military chiefs are developing plans to use Valium as a potential weapon
against enemy forces and to control hostile populations, according to
official documents seen by The Observer.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [ctrl] Fwd: 9-11 Action! NEW 9-11 Book tears apart the official story!! Spread the Word

2002-05-26 Thread Btinternet

-Caveat Lector-

Now if you can put up with numbers, read on, if not I bid you well.

So they never knew about 11 Sept. 2001.

Maybe there is something amiss here with American thinking.

So to show how I see a conspiracy that has its own signature of Death.

Dr. Henry Kissinger was Assistant to the President for National Security
Affairs from January 1969 until the Vietnam War ended in January 1973.

In 1973 Dr. Kissinger was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

And in 1977 was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Richard Nixon's second Inaugural took place in January 1971 and three days
later Henry Kissinger, at 9:35am Tuesday January 23rd 1973 in Paris, France
and later that morning a Peace Agreement was made with Special Adviser Le
Duc Tho, a member of the North Vietnamese Politburo, and so America's
Vietnam War was over.

Dr. Kissinger closed the meeting with the statement:

Mr. Special Adviser, our two peoples have suffered a great deal. There have
been many painful moments and much destruction. You and I have had the great
honor of putting an end to this. It is something we can never forget. But
our work will not be complete unless we bring lasting peace to the people of
Indochina, and an atmosphere of reconciliation between the people of North
Vietnam and the people of the United States. I would also solemnly to
promise you that we will strictly implement the Agreement. Beyond that, we
shall dedicate ourselves to the improvement of the relationship between our
two countries. I think you and I have a special relationship and a special
obligation in this respect. So our work today completes our negotiations.
And I hope that we will be able to look back to this day as the point which
marked the beginning of friendship between the people of North Vietnam and
the United States.

President Nixon spoke to the nation at 10pm that day, the day of January
23rd 1973, saying, The War was over.

The cost was 58,178 dead.

The U.S. military dead may either be actual or based on a presumptive
finding of death (originally declared missing and later declared dead).

Recorded as of March 31st 1997

1957 = 1
1958 = 0
1959 = 2
1960 = 5
1961 = 16
1962 = 53
1963 = 118
1964 = 206
1965 = 1,863
1966 = 6,144
1967 = 11,153
1968 = 16,589
1969 = 11,614
1970 = 6,083
1971 = 2,357
1972 = 640
1973 = 168
1974 = 178
1975 = 160
1976 = 77
1977 = 96
1978 = 447
1979 =148
1980 = 66

Total deaths = 58,178

Vietnam Veterans Memorial

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial recognizes and honors the men and women who
served in one of America's most divisive wars. The memorial grew out of a
need to heal the nation's wounds as America struggled to reconcile different
moral and political points of view. In fact, the memorial was conceived and
designed to make no political statement whatsoever about the war.

Located between the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial on the Mall
in Washington, D.C., the Vietnam Veterans Memorial was dedicated in November
1982. The V-shaped memorial consists of two 250-ft walls of polished black
granite sloping to the ground from an apex of 10 feet. The walls are
inscribed with the names of the 58,178 U.S. men and women who were killed or
missing in the Vietnam War.

OK, so lunch time on Tuesday, January 23rd 1973 when Dr Henry Kissinger was
having lunch in Paris with Foreign Minister Lam of South Vietnam, before
flying off to Washington to celebrate the end of the Vietnam War.

Now counting from 2.30pm that Tuesday, until a moment past midnight on
September 11th 2001 is 28.630789 years.

And 28.630798 years x 365.2422 days x 86,400 seconds x 2/100 is 18,070,000.

And 18,070,000 cubic cubits at 20.61203 inches is equivalent to the volume
of the Great Pyramid (without capstone) at 91,575,000cu.ft.

So the Vietnam War, when locked into the September 11th 2001 horror, has the
very symbol of Death, that of the Great Pyramid.

OK, a 'contrived' coincidence some will say.

OK, so let me bring in the Maya Day of Chaos, that of December 22nd 2012.

And so from the early after noon as 3pm strikes a Parisian clock, that
Tuesday, the 23rd January 1973, it is 39.91 years to a moment after midnight
on that Day of Chaos.

And using 28.630912 years to September 11th 2001, this can happen. Namely
28.630912 x 28.630912 + 39.91 x 4 = 1008 or 8 lots of 126, the Eye of Horus,
the spirit person within all of us.

OK, OK, let me show you what can be 'extracted' from the American dead.

Take not 58,178 dead, but 58,178.0122 dead.

And cube the American dead 4 times and it is 8.8200e+385.

Or 7 times 1.26e+385.

So the Eye of Horus, or the shadows in Hades are seen.

But then I can put the American dead of the Vietnam War into the pit of the
Great Pyramid, if each corpse slides down the Serpent from the top of the
Great Pyramid at 481 feet above the platform level and down a further 97
feet into the Subterranean Chamber, a total depth of 578 feet.

And 578 feet is the Serpent Rouge at 17 x 17 is 289 x 2 is 578.


[CTRL] Did Bush have fair warning of attacks?

2002-05-26 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related New Paradigms Posts at:

Subject:  Did Bush have fair warning of attacks?

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit

Middle East Times

Did Bush have fair warning of attacks?

by Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed

This is the first part of Chapter 4 excerpted from the explosive
400-page exposé, The War on Freedom: How and Why America was
Attacked, September 11, 2001, by the leading British political
scientist and human rights activist Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed, the
director of the Institute for Policy Research  Development in

With recent revelations that U.S. authorities were indeed aware of at
least some of the dangers Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden presented to
the United States, and that the White House and Congress had been
briefed, at least in general, on these dangers, this book argues that
in fact there was a great deal of highly relevant information known
that simply was not fully analyzed and acted on in time to prevent
the attack.

Chapter 4. Warning Signs of 9/11 and Intelligence Failures


What is happening in the United States took me by surprise. I
anticipated that in the aftermath of Sept. 11, there would be an
enormous hue and cry to find out what went wrong. There has been no
hue and cry in the United States. No recriminations, nothing even
similar to what happened after Pearl Harbor in 1941 The United
States has drawn a veil of silence over the issue of intelligence
failure. --Wesley Wark, Canadian Intelligence Expert and Consultant
to the Privy Council Office of Canada on Intelligence Policy, [qoted
in the] Globe  Mail, December 18, 2001)

We've been focusing on this perpetrator Osama Bin Laden for 3 years,
and yet we didn't see this one coming, said Vincent Cannistraro,
former chief of CIA counter-terrorism operations.

A U.S. Air Force General described the attack as something we had
never seen before, something we had never even thought of.

FBI Director Robert Mueller further declared that, there were no
warning signs that I'm aware of.

Senior FBI officials insisted that in terms of intelligence warnings
received prior to September 11: The notion of flying a plane into a
building or using it as a bomb never came up. [1]

According to this official version of events, no one in the Bush
administration had the slightest idea of the identities of those who
orchestrated the September 11 attacks, the nature of their plans, or
their targets.

Contrary to these prolific claims, there is compelling evidence that
the U.S. intelligence community had extensive forewarning of the
September 11 attacks on New York and Washington.

Further evidence suggests that the attacks may, in fact, have been in
the interest of certain elements of the Bush administration (see
Chapter VII).


The Pentagon commissioned an expert panel in 1993 to investigate the
possibility of an airplane being used to bomb national landmarks.
Retired Air Force Col. Doug Menarchik, who organized the $150,000
study for the Defense Department's Office of Special Operations and
Low-Intensity Conflict, recalled: It was considered radical
thinking, a little too scary for the times. After I left, it met a
quiet death.

Other participants have noted that the decision not to publish
detailed scenarios issued to some extent from fear that this may give
terrorists ideas.

Nevertheless, a draft document detailing the results of the
investigation was circulated through the Pentagon, the Justice
Department and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Senior agency
officials decided against a public release. [2]

The veracity of the Pentagon's radical thinking was confirmed in
1994 when there occurred three attempted attacks on buildings using
airplanes. The first, in April of that year, involved a Federal
Express flight engineer facing dismissal.

Having boarded a DC-10 as a passenger, he invaded the cockpit,
planning to crash the plane into a company building in Memphis.
Fortunately, he was overpowered by the crew.

The second attempt occurred in September. A lone pilot crashed a
small plane into a tree on the White House grounds, just short of the
president's bedroom.

The third incident occurred in December. An Air France flight in
Algiers was hijacked by members of the Armed Islamic Group (GIA) -
who are linked to Al Qaeda - aiming to crash it into the Eiffel
Tower. French Special Forces stormed the plane on the ground. [3]


Western intelligence had been aware of plans for such terrorist
attacks on U.S. soil as early as 1995. Both the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) had
detailed information about the possible use of 

[CTRL] Please

2002-05-26 Thread Btinternet

Please tell me how to post.

John D. Miller
54 Leslie Road, East Finchley, London 

Re: [CTRL] Please

2002-05-26 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

It looks to me that you have just done that.

use this address to post: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


In a message dated 5/26/02 12:45:53 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Please tell me how to post.


John D. Miller

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Ice reservoirs found on Mars

2002-05-26 Thread Ahab42
Ice reservoirs found on Mars

By Dr David Whitehouse 
BBC News Online science editor  

Water-ice has been found in vast quantities just below the surface across great swathes of the planet Mars.  Ice shows up blue on the gamma-ray spectrometer

The finding by the American space agency (Nasa) is undoubtedly one of the most important made about the Red Planet. It solves one of its deepest mysteries, points the way for manned exploration and reignites the question of whether life may exist on the planet. Insiders suggest that, partly as a result of this finding, Nasa may now commit itself to a manned landing within 20 years. Where the water went The US space agency will make the dramatic announcement about the water-ice next Thursday. And full disclosure of the findings will come in the journal Science later that day. The discovery was made by the Mars Odyssey spacecraft, which has been gathering data since late last year. Mars water facts 

Ice crystals less than one metre (three feet) below Mars surface 
Located south of 60 degrees latitude 
Melted, would create planet-wide ocean 500 metres deep 
Nasa may commit to landing in less than 20 years 

It confirms early observations that also pointed to enormous reservoirs of ice just below the surface. This finding will answer a question that has puzzled Mars researchers for decades: many lines of evidence suggest that the Red Planet was water-rich in the past, so where did all that water go? The answer appears to be that it is in the regolith - the layer of loose rock and dust on the surface. Mars Odyssey has been returning high-quality data about Mars' surface composition. The spacecraft contains an instrument called a gamma-ray spectrometer that looks for gamma-rays (high-energy light) with a specific signature showing that they come from hydrogen less than one metre (three feet) beneath the Martian surface. Astronomers believe that the hydrogen is locked up in crystals of ice. Moon discovery The same design of instrument was used on the Lunar Prospector spacecraft that discovered ice in the shadowed regions of the Moon's poles in 1998. Also on board Mars Odyssey is a neutron spectrometer that registers evidence for underground ice in the same regions of the planet. Researchers were amazed at the strength of the signal of the ice. They had expected to take a year to gather enough evidence but managed to do so in just a few weeks. They announced preliminary findings in March but now have good data confirming large amounts of the water-ice just beneath the surface south of 60 degrees latitude. Researchers suspect the same to be true of the northern hemisphere, but cannot make the appropriate observations until later this year due to the Martian winter in the north. Nasa scientists were scheduled to hold a major news conference on Thursday when they would say that their earlier findings had been confirmed and extended. But this may be brought forward after a British newspaper leaked the news. Look for life The dramatic discovery may also guide the selection of future landing and exploration sites on Mars, and may suggest areas to look for evidence of past life. The presence of such a vast amount of ice - if it were to melt it could cover the planet in an ocean at least 500 metres deep (1,640 feet) - will change profoundly the direction of future exploration.  The discovery may indicate areas on Mars where scientists can search for life forms

Although landing probes are planned - the European Beagle 2 and Nasa's twin Mars rovers next year - neither are targeted at the region where the ice may exist. The Mars Polar Lander was to touch down in exactly the right spot in 1999 and would have undoubtedly detected the ice had it not malfunctioned on the way down. Having water just below the surface will be an enormous boon to astronauts on Mars. Water is essential for life, so the discovery enhances the belief that Mars could have had life in the past and perhaps in the present as well. Because of this, bringing a sample of the ice and rock back to Earth by an unmanned sample return probe will become a top priority. 


[CTRL] Oil Moves the War Machine

2002-05-26 Thread Wes676767

June 2002
Oil Moves the War Machine
by Michael T. Klare

Since its inception, the Bush Administration has launched two great foreign policy initiatives: a global war against terrorism, and a global campaign to expand American access to foreign oil. Originally, each possessed its own rationale and mode of operation. As time has passed, however, they have become increasingly intertwined, so that today the war on terrorism and the struggle for oil have become one vast enterprise.

The underpinnings of the Bush foreign policy can be found in the national energy policy paper of May 17, 2001, known as the Cheney report. This report became infamous for two reasons: Cheney wouldn't release the names of the people he consulted for it, and the report recommends drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. But these controversies distracted attention away from the gist of the report, which is spelled out in chapter eight, "Strengthening Global Alliances." There, the report "recommends that the President make energy security a priority of our trade and foreign policy."

The report says the United States will become increasingly reliant on foreign oil. At present, we obtain about half of our petroleum from foreign sources; by 2020, imports will account for two-thirds of U.S. consumption, the report predicts. From this, it draws two conclusions: The United States must maintain good relations with Saudi Arabia and other oil producers in the region, and the United States must diversify oil suppliers around the world. "Middle East oil producers will remain central to world oil security," it says, but "our engagement must be global." This means developing close ties with major suppliers in all oil-producing areas, including the Caspian region, Africa, and Latin America, which the report calls "high-priority areas."

The Administration was already poised to act on this policy when Arab hijackers struck New York and Washington on September 11. These plans were then put aside, as the White House concentrated its attention on efforts to immobilize Al Qaeda and to topple the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. By December, however, the Administration was ready to focus again on the security aspects of growing U.S. dependence on imported oil.

The primacy of oil is clear in several places, most obviously, Saudi Arabia. Though fifteen of the eighteen hijackers were Saudi, though Osama bin Laden himself is Saudi, though the Saudis practice Wahhabism and finance some of the most reactionary madrassas around the world, the Bush Administration is in no position to break relations with the kingdom. Saudi Arabia possesses 25 percent of the world's known oil reserves. And, as the Cheney report notes, "Saudi Arabia, the world's largest exporter, has been a linchpin of supply reliability to world oil markets." It seems Washington has embraced the current Middle East peace initiative by Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia as a way not only to break the Sharon-Arafat logjam but also to shore up the reputation of this crucial ally.

Or look at the U.S. military training operation in the Republic of Georgia, which is just getting under way. Ostensibly, the aim of the operation--which will involve the deployment of several hundred U.S. Special Forces advisers--is to enhance the capacity of Georgian forces to fight terrorists and other insurgents along its border. While this is certainly one of the operation's objectives, it is also evident that Washington seeks to reduce the threat to the vital pipelines that will carry oil from the Caspian Sea across Georgia to ports on the Black Sea and the Mediterranean. Although the main pipeline is still under construction, U.S. officials are clearly worried that it will become a major target for the various ethnic militias that operate in the area.

"The Caspian Sea can also be a rapidly growing new area of supply," the Cheney report notes. "Proven oil reserves in Azerbaijan and Kazakh-stan are about twenty billion barrels, a little more than the North Sea." One find in Kazakhstan, it adds, is "comparable to Prudhoe Bay," the giant oil field off the north coast of Alaska. Its recommendation to the President: "Ensure that rising Caspian oil production is effectively integrated into world oil trade." One way it is doing this, in the wake of September 11, is to establish permanent bases in Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan.

A similar situation is developing in Colombia. The United States has increasingly involved itself in Colombia's civil war, first on the pretext of fighting the war on drugs. (Both the leftwing guerrillas and the rightwing paramilitaries are involved in the drug trade, but the United States shows little interest in the paramilitaries.) Increasingly, the Bush Administration is seeking to aid the Colombian military directly in its war against the guerrilla groups--often described as terrorists by U.S. and Colombian officials. In the 

[CTRL] A Contract to Spend

2002-05-26 Thread Wes676767

A Contract to Spend 
A company with powerful Washington connections stands to earn millions supporting the Pentagon's War on Terror -- thanks to a contract critics call an invitation to overspend. 
by Kathleen Hennessey May 23, 2002

Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld may be playing the role of a budget hawk these days, advocating the Army abandon its highly-touted $11 billion Crusader artillery program. But that doesn't necessarily mean the Pentagon is being pushed to tighten its belt. 

Embracing a policy trend initiated during the Clinton administration, the Bush White House has advocated the use of civilian contractors to fill scores of government needs. "Only those functions that must be performed by the [Department of Defense] should be kept in the DoD," Rumsfeld wrote in a state-of-the-military review just seven months ago. "Any function that can be provided by the private sector is not a core government function." 

For one defense contractor in particular, that approach is proving staggeringly fruitful. Kellog Brown and Root Services, a division of Vice President Dick Cheney's former employer, Halliburton Companies, has provided the bulk of logistics services for the Army since 1992. Whenever US troops venture abroad, Brown and Root builds the barracks, cooks the food, mops the floors, transports the goods and maintains the water systems before and after the soldiers arrive. 

The support services Brown and Root delivers represent the kind of work the Pentagon has said does not require the attention of today's highly-trained GI's. Using a civilian contractor instead, Army officials insist, is simply less expensive. 

Brown and Root's most recent deal with Washington, however, is unlikely to be cheap. Awarded on Dec. 14, the deal with the Army's Logistics Augmentation Program -- the Pentagon division responsible for providing support services to Army bases around the world -- has a base period of one year. But the contract can -- and if history is any guide will -- be extended for an additional nine years. 

The total cost of the deal is almost impossible to estimate, as Brown and Root's fees will be limited only by the amount it spends to meet the Army's requests and the degree to which it pleases military brass. If the company's past performance is any guide, Brown and Root's bill could quickly climb into the billions. 

The contract places no limits on the quantity of services delivered -- an approach Army officials argue is designed to maximize flexibility. It enables the Army to send Brown and Root employees to Uzbekistan on 72 hours notice to build a base camp. It also allows the Army to comply with mandatory downsizing guidelines established as part of former Vice President Al Gore's campaign to streamline government. In essence, Brown and Root provides the Pentagon with a private battalion of engineers, janitors and other support staff. 

The unusual manner in which the contract was awarded is another cause for concern, budget watchdogs claim. The companies bidding for the contract were asked to submit support proposals for a theoretical scenario. When the proposals were reviewed, Army officials concede, cost was not the deciding factor. 

"Brown and Root offered the best value to government, considering price and non-price factors," says Army lawyer Dave Defrieze. "Cost was considered but because of the nebulous nature of cost in the contract, it wasn't the most significant." 

Under the new contract, Brown and Root will be reimbursed for every dollar it spends to support the troops, and will also receive a base fee of one percent, which will guarantee the company a profit. In addition, the contract provides that Brown and Root can earn another fee provided the military approves of the company's performance. That award will be calculated as a percentage of Brown and Root's costs, a fact which critics suggest will serve only to encourage the company to spend as much as possible. 

"The more money [Brown and Root] spend, the more profitable the contract is," says Professor Steve Schooner, a contract expert from George Washington University. "Nobody in their right mind would enter into a contract that basically says: 'Come up with creative ways to spend my money and the more you spend the happier I'll be.'" 

Operating under similar rules, Brown and Root consistently earned high points -- and high award fees -- from military officials for its support of US troops in the Balkans. 

"The government was very happy with all the things that Brown and Root did because they were building to maximum standards rather than minimum standards," says Mike Noll, the deputy program manager of the Army's logistics program. 

According to Joan Kibler, spokeswoman for the Army Corps of Engineers, over a five-year period Brown and Root received 96 percent of all available awards fees. 

"The military folks love them. They're ecstatic 

[CTRL] Why Dick Cheney's Secrecy Scheme For Pre-9/11 Information Makes No Sense

2002-05-26 Thread Wes676767

More Than Just His Location Remains Undisclosed: Why Dick Cheney's Secrecy Scheme For Pre-9/11 Information Makes No Sense 
 By John W. Dean 
 Friday, 24 May, 2002 
Vice President Dick Cheney is at it again: More secrecy. Now he wants to bury the intelligence information given to President Bush on August 6, 2001 - over a month before the terrorist attacks. Indeed, Cheney wants Congress, far more generally, to keep its investigative nose out of issue of what intelligence the Bush Administration did, or did not, have about terrorism prior to September 11. 
Nor does Cheney want Congress creating a high-level commission to look into this issue. In resisting any investigation, the Vice President advised Congress threateningly, "Be very cautious not to seek political advantage by making incendiary suggestions." Furthermore, Cheney has even gone so far as to warn the Democrats that they could be aiding the enemy by going where the Administration does not want them. The accusation takes aim not just at the wisdom, but at the purported lack of patriotism of such an investigation. 
According to The Washington Post, White House political types have been putting the word out to their network of conservative radio talk show hosts throughout the country to rally the troops, set the dogs loose, and shout the Democrats down. Secrecy, however, is a tough sell, so they're going to have to attack some of their own as well. 
Even Some Republicans Are Sharply Critical of the Secrecy Policy 
Increasingly, stalwart conservative supporters of Bush and Cheney have become critical of what columnist Robert Novak calls their "passion for secrecy," noting that they only have themselves to blame for the public and Congressional reaction. 
After all, Bush and Cheney could have revealed at the time, rather than keeping secret, that the White House had pre-9/11 intelligence warnings from the CIA and FBI about potential terrorist hijackings, and about the unexplained influx of middle-Eastern men in pilot training. Had they done so, the reaction would have been very different. No one expected the Administration to be psychic and the information, thus far, does not seem to rise to the level of a warning of the type of attacks that actually occurred, in which planes were used as missiles. 
Secrecy itself has risen to the level of a policy of the Bush administration - and threatens to achieve the status of an end in itself. National security is only one of the policy's rationalizations. 
Conservative columnist Phyllis Schlafly has been quite blunt about this secrecy business. In March, she blasted the White House for the Vice President's refusal to turn over the records of his energy task force. (I agree with her criticism, as I discussed in a recent column .) She finds Cheney's "pursuit of secrecy" comparable to "Clinton's refusal to disclose documents revealing who attended the meetings of Hillary's task force on health care." 
Ms. Schlafly declared correctly that: "The American people do not and should not tolerate government by secrecy." And she told the Bush White House that no one's "going to buy the sanctimonious argument that the Bush Administration has some sort of duty to protect the power of the presidency." 
Meanwhile, Bruce Fein, a former Justice Department official whose Republican credentials and constitutional scholarship are exemplary, has recently reacted to the claims of the Bush White House about the need for secrecy. The loss of secrecy, the Administration has contended, is eroding presidential power. Yet according to Fein, "What the president is claiming is legally and historically absurd and politically stupid." 
Fein added, "I've been around this town a long time, almost 30 years, and I've never encountered one individual who told me he's not going to the Oval Office unless he's promised confidentiality. It's the biggest hoax in the world. Why he's making up all this stuff is utterly and completely baffling." 
Why The Secrecy? Claims of Eroding Presidential Power Are Implausible. 
President Bush, Vice President Cheney, and all their aides claim that - contrary to any impression they might be giving - they seek to hide nothing. They are keeping secrets for either national security reasons, or to protect the functions of the presidency. 
This is only about fundamental principles, they say. It concerns nothing less than preserving and redeeming the power and authority of the presidency. In brief, just as Ms. Schlafly said, they are resting their claim on the "sanctimonious argument" that they are "protect[ing] the power of the presidency." 
For example, in January of this year, Dick Cheney told NBC's Campbell Brown during an interview: "For 35 years that I've been in town, there's been a constant, steady erosion of the prerogatives and the powers of the President of the United States. And I don't want to be a part of that." 

[CTRL] ''Bush's desire to attack Iraq''

2002-05-26 Thread Wes676767

''Bush's desire to attack Iraq'' 
Printed on Friday, May 24, 2002 @ 05:09:50 EDT 
By Keiler Hook
YellowTimes.org Guest Columnist (United States) 

(YellowTimes.org) – (YellowTimes.org) – What exactly is the legal basis for a war with Iraq? President Bush has tried to connect Iraq with the terrorists who attacked New York City and the Pentagon. The administration has admitted recently that there is no such connection. A massive investigation by the government failed to imply Saddam Hussein much to the dismay of the government.

The resolution that Congress passed on September 14, 2001 gave President Bush wide range to "use all necessary and appropriate force against the Nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed or aided the terrorist attacks." Further, the resolution allows Bush to use military action "to prevent any future acts of international terrorism against the United Stares: by those who perpetuated the September 11 attacks." Iraq doesn’t apply to either of these resolutions. 

Iraq has not seriously threatened the United States; we have been the ones who are bombing Iraq, not the other way around. After finishing off Iraq, we’re rumored also to go after Syria, Iran, Somalia and Sudan. These are other countries that are not tied to the terrorist attacks on the United States. There is an apparent double standard applied to the war on terrorism. We keep stretching across the globe glaring and threatening countries we suspect of, well, for want of a better word, terrorism. 

Why isn’t the government paying attention to Scott Ritter, an arms inspector that left the government because he thought President Clinton was too lenient on the Iraqi’s? He wrote in the Boston Globe on March 9, 2000, that, "from a qualitative standpoint, Iraq has in fact been disarmed. ... The chemical, biological, nuclear, and long-ranged missile programs that were a real threat in 1991, had by 1998 been destroyed or rendered harmless." 

Donald Rumsfeld, U.S. Secretary of Defense, said recently that Saddam Hussein is building up weapons of mass destruction but the U.S. government has no proof of that. The UN’s Robert Butler said in July 1998, "if Iraqi disarmament were a five-lap race, we would be three quarters of the way around the fifth and final lap." 

On the other hand, we do have proof of how China mistreats its citizens; arrests all political activists, bans public discourse; prohibits free press; threatens Taiwan; and terrorizes any dissident religious groups. The Chinese do have weapons of mass destruction. China is our ally because of the financial benefits we get from having China as a trading partner. Walmart, world dominating Walmart, would not be if not for the slave labor provided by the Chinese government to make products for Walmart that are sold to U.S. consumers at a huge discount. China, a huge trading partner, is also an ally in the war on terror. 

Pakistan is overrun with "terrorists"; everyone knows this, no one discusses it. Why is it not discussed? Simply because the war on terrorism is not as clear as the Bush administration has put it; Pakistan is an ally of ours in the war against certain terrorists, therefore Pakistan's terrorist activity will be overlooked. 

General Musharref is a dictator whose newly acquired faux title of president seems to cloud any real clear insight into this thug by either our administration or our press. President Bush has overlooked Musharref’s brutal prisons filled with political dissidents, now appropriately named terrorists. Is this the same President Bush who demanded that Fidel Castro of Cuba release all political dissidents? By this logic, President Bush is calling for President Castro to release Cuban terrorists from prison! 

Pakistani also has weapons of mass destruction. President Clinton’s sanctions against Pakistan for this exact reason was lifted by the Bush administration, because, yes, Musharref is a terrorist against the war on terror. 

The Bush administration props up a bully because of perceived economic and military advantages to us and, in doing so, we ignore Musharref’s ambitions for Kashmir, the territory in dispute between India and Pakistan. The general fights terrorism at home and encourages terrorist groups that launch attacks against India. Thirty people were killed, mostly women and children, in Jannu, a city in Kashmir, just this week. The terrorists wore army clothing; it was a slaughter. 

Saudi Arabia, our staunchest ally among the Arab nations, mainly because of our oil dependency, happened to be the spawning point of a majority of the Hijackers of 9/11; Osama bin Laden is also a Saudi. Saudis fought with the Taliban against Russia. 

Saudi Arabia is also the home of the Wahabbi sect of Islam that trains scores of would-be "terrorists." Doesn’t the Bush Doctrine state that "Nations that sponsor terrorism, or house terrorists operating freely within 

[CTRL] Patriot Act's supposed justification is gone

2002-05-26 Thread Wes676767

Peter Erlinder: Patriot Act's supposed justification is gone
Peter Erlinder
Published May 22, 2002

The storm of questions and criticism following revelations that the Bush administration had numerous warnings of an impending hijacking before the Sept. 11 tragedy have focused primarily on the Nixon-era mantra, "What did he know, and when did he know it?" But even if a congressional investigation agrees with Bush administration protestations that the warnings weren't specific enough to know what to do, administration policy after Sept. 11 is going to require some explaining, too.

The "lack of specific warnings" defense may justify a lack of action before the airliners hit the World Trade Center, but it can't explain away the lies that were told to Congress and the American people after Sept. 11 to justify the administration's war on civil liberties. The administration has been cynically using its own failure to act on intelligence developed under then-existing laws to justify vastly increasing its own power at the expense of civil freedoms.

Within a month of Sept. 11, Attorney General John Ashcroft packaged an old FBI wish list as the USA Patriot Act and demanded Congress pass it without discussion, because of the threat of yet another "Pearl Harbor-like attack." He told us the administration needed new "tools" to prevent unexpected terrorist attacks -- new wiretap authority; secret searches; the use of secret evidence; secret immigration hearings; taping lawyers' conversations; locking up "undesirables" on his command, and other measures.

No less an expert than Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor told us that concerns about civil liberties and abuse of power had to be shelved because of the "unexpected" new threat. Members of Congress have been accused of being the next thing to traitors for questioning administration policy and have even been forcibly expelled from Ashcroft's secret immigration hearings. Thousands have been locked up and deported, though no terrorists have been found, and our allies object to our holding of prisoners in violation of international law.

By presidential decree, the press has been cut off from normal access to government information. Local law enforcement is being deputized for federal immigration duty and Ashcroft is indicting lawyers who represent alleged terrorists a bit too independently. Even at the state level, in places like Minnesota, local law enforcement has gotten on the bandwagon with state "antiterrorism" bills that ape the Ashcroft proposals. 

All of this has been justified in the name of preventing another "surprise attack." The administration, however, had the right "tools" in place before Sept. 11. Those tools would have proved effective, if the administration had known how to use them.

Now we know that we were all deceived. Recent revelations about the Sept. 11 tragedy prove that existing investigative powers were effective. The Bush administration used its own failure to act on the warnings it had received to justify grabbing even more power, at the expense of our civil liberties, by deceiving Congress and the American people. 

The USA Patriot Act became law in less than a month, without any hearings. Now that we know it was passed under false pretenses, Congress should repeal it just as quickly. And the Bush administration should rescind the policies that diminish our civil liberties, until we can get an honest assessment of what went wrong in the months before Sept. 11.

-- Peter Erlinder, a professor at William Mitchell Law School, is a past president of the National Lawyers Guild.

[CTRL] More on the BCCI-bin Mahfouz-bin Laden Intelligence Nexus

2002-05-26 Thread Wes676767

More on the BCCI-bin Mahfouz-bin Laden Intelligence Nexus 

It is clearer than ever before that the nexus of connections made by BCCI in Washington -- to US banks, law firms, politicians, and the CIA -- as well as of connections to top Saudi intelligence officials and members of the Saudi royal family, was preserved after the closure of BCCI in 1991, and was utilized later to fund Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda. 

A key figure in the survival was the Saudi banker Khalid bin Mahfouz, from a prominent family with background and connections similar to the bin Ladens. After indictment in the US, Khalid bin Mahfouz paid $225 million, including a $37 million fine, to escape possible charges in connection with the disappearance of BCCI's assets. 

In 1999 the Saudi Government bought out his stake in the huge Saudi National Commercial Bank, then forced his dismissal. After a financial audit of the bank's $21-billion assets, bin Mahfouz was placed under house arrest in a hospital. Some $2 billion of the bank's funds were suspected of being missing. 

French sources have located Khalid bin Mahfouz and his family at the center of a nexus involving other firms owned by his family, the bin Laden family and members of the Saudi royal family. Some of these were oil companies, like the Saudi companies Delta Oil and Nimir Oil. Both are partners with UNOCAL in Azerbaijan, and Delta was a partner in UNOCAL's efforts in 1996 to build a pipeline through Afghanistan. Bin Mahfouz himself was named to the governing council of the Saudi oil giant Aramco by King Fahd in 1989 (Brisard 187). 

The bin Mahfouz family also emerged as major donors and/or trustees of foundations, such as the Muwafaq or Blessed Relief Foundation and the International Development Foundation, which the US now says were used to transfer funds to Osama bin Laden. 

Many details of this BCCI-bin Mahfouz-bin Laden nexus have since been corroborated by the British, Canadian, and US press. Some of these articles are reproduced here and are well worth reading. However I have as yet seen no references in the US press to two aspects of the nexus that throw even more light on its scope and power. 

I. The personal indebtedness to Khalid bin Mahfouz's millions of the family of James Baker, close personal confidant and Treasury Secretary to the first President Bush, and later an officer with him of the Carlyle Group, in which the bin Laden family also invested. In 1985 bin Mahfouz was one of the Saudi financiers who purchased the Bank Tower in Houston of the Baker family Texas Commerce Bank, for $200 million. This was $60 million more than it had cost to build the Bank Tower four years earlier; and the sale was made "in the depth of Texas' real estate crash... at a time when it was difficult to give away office space in Houston" (Beaty and Gwynne, The Outlaw Bank, 355). 

II. The involvement of both a bin Laden family affiliate, the Saudi Investment Company (SICO), and of the bin Mahfouz family National Commercial Bank, with the Bank of New York - Inter Maritime Bank of Geneva, owned and managed by Bruce Rappaport. The Kerry-Brown Report gave details of the involvement in the 1980s of Rappaport, and of his bank's Vice President, Alfred Hartmann, with BCCI, with former CIA Director William Casey, and with the National Bank of Oman which forwarded Arab money to the Afghan mujahedin (Beaty and Gwynne, The Outlaw Bank, 311-12; Kerry-Brown Report, 318-20; cf. 69). 

The bin Laden family have tried to depict Osama as a renegade, and more recently the bin Mahfouz family have tried to say the same of Khalid. The details of this nexus make both claims highly unlikely. It would appear that the main reason we do not get the whole truth about this nexus is the involvement of Saudi, British, and US intelligence, not just before 1991, but today. 

[CTRL] Prior Knowledge

2002-05-26 Thread Wes676767


Sunday, May 26, 2002

Prior Knowledge 
by James Ostrowski
[Posted May 22, 2002]

Concerning the foreknowledge of hijackings by bin Laden a month before September 11, the reaction is more interesting than the story itself. Democrats responded with feigned outrage masking restrained glee. Prior to this revelation, Bush had more of a lock on 2004 than George Washington in 1792.

If you think their real concern was stopping terrorism, please tell me why Democrats have done so much to provoke terrorism in the last 100 years. Their Wilsonian foreign policy and the long-range consequences of various "Democrat wars" helped get us into this mess in the first place. Democratic fingerprints are all over the disastrous U.S. foreign policy:

Wilson’s World War I allies carved up the Middle East for their own purposes after that war. Roosevelt agreed to be the Saudi commander in chief in exchange for oil. Truman prematurely recognized Israel and made generations of Arab enemies for Americans who have no dog in that fight. Carter had the bright idea of arming the Mujahideen in Afghanistan. Clinton bombed a pharmaceutical factory in the Sudan.

Yes, the Democratic Party has a lot of explaining to do. Are the Democrats playing politics with this revelation; that is, are they manipulating facts and emotions for their personal aggrandizement? Of course. That’s what Democrats do for a living. They are also covering their own backsides since, as Robert Novak pointed out, some congressmen got a similar briefing and did even less than Bush did.

Now let’s talk about the Republicans. Republicans style themselves as the smart and competent and tough and realist party in foreign affairs. They clean up the messes the Democrats get us into, they say. Incredibly, the Republicans boast that their Democratic friends secretly tell them they are glad the Republicans are in charge at times like these. Well, the Republicans were in charge and on guard on September 11 and we got the worst day in American history. But it wasn’t their fault, they say; it was Clinton’s.

This is the same phenomenon currently described by the wily Novak: when you screw up, quick, blame the other guy. Republicans also manipulate fact and emotion to preserve their own power and pelf. They do what all politicians do: prevaricate for power. I was so revolted by the blame game that I held my nose and defended Clinton (sort of).

Now, the Republicans say the exact opposite: There was no way we could have known; there wasn’t enough time to act; feasible targets had not yet been identified. But if they can condemn Clinton for not acting prior to January 20, 2001, how can they say they didn’t know enough on January 21?

The truth is, truth has nothing to do with it; they’re politicians; they manipulate "facts" and emotions to achieve and hold on to power. Let’s see how they dissemble. They tried the red-herring/straw-man shuffle. Bush PR man Fred Barnes conflated concern over Bush’s response to the August briefing with charges that he actually knew the specific attack was coming but let it happen anyway. This ploy distracts attention from the original question: What did Bush do in response to the briefing and all prior intelligence?

Condoleezza Rice chimes in: nobody said there would be a suicidal hijacking. Nonsuicidal hijackings are okay? Actually, armed with information that bin Laden might plan a hijacking, one could easily imagine it would involve suicide. He was suspected of engineering the prior suicide bombings of the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi in 1998 and the USS Cole in October 2000.

Just in case anyone could not connect these enormous dots, a 1999 government report explicitly identified suicide hijackings as a possible terrorist tactic. These pathetic responses by the administration, and their failure to disclose the August briefing earlier, suggest a guilty conscience and make you wonder what else they knew that we don’t.

The really interesting question for Ms. Rice and the entire U.S. foreign policy establishment is: If these attacks were not foreseeable and not preventable, why were you people out and about, before September 11, in a dangerous world, when our nation has not been invaded since Lincoln invaded Virginia in 1861, kicking sleeping dogs and using beehives as punching bags?

Now, let’s broaden the critique to the federal government generally. On August 15, 2001, I wrote for Mises.org: "The FBI is a case study in how government agencies, programs, and powers expand, regardless of poor performance." Twenty-seven days later, the worst single day in American history occurs, about which the FBI ignored specific warnings by its own staff.

Low-level FBI staffers suspected bin Laden had terrorists in American flight schools; the INS had Moussaoui in custody; and the CIA had reports about bin Laden using hijackers. "They didn’t connect the dots." Why? Simply because bureaucracies are 

[CTRL] There is a firestorm coming, and it is being provoked by Mr Bush

2002-05-26 Thread Wes676767

Robert Fisk: There is a firestorm coming, and it is being provoked by Mr Bush

More and more, President Bush's rhetoric sounds like the crazed videotapes of Osama bin Laden

25 May 2002

So now Osama bin Laden is Hitler. And Saddam Hussein is Hitler. And George Bush is fighting the Nazis. Not since Menachem Begin fantasised to President Reagan that he felt he was attacking Hitler in Berlin – his Israeli army was actually besieging Beirut, killing thousands of civilians, "Hitler" being the pathetic Arafat – have we had to listen to claptrap like this. But the fact that we Europeans had to do so in the Bundestag on Thursday – and, for the most part, in respectful silence – was extraordinary.

I'm reminded of the Israeli columnist who, tired of the wearying invocation of the Second World War to justify yet more Israeli brutality, began an article with the words: "Mr Prime Minister, Hitler is dead." Must we, forever, live under the shadow of a war that was fought and won before most of us were born? Do we have to live forever with living, diminutive politicians playing Churchill (Thatcher and, of course, Blair) or Roosevelt? "He's a dictator who gassed his own people," Mr Bush reminded us for the two thousandth time, omitting as always to mention that the Kurds whom Saddam viciously gassed were fighting for Iran and that the United States, at the time, was on Saddam's side.

But there is a much more serious side to this. Mr Bush is hoping to corner the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, into a new policy of threatening Iran. He wants the Russians to lean on the northern bit of the "axis of evil", the infantile phrase which he still trots out to the masses. More and more, indeed, Mr Bush's rhetoric sounds like the crazed videotapes of Mr bin Laden. And still he tries to lie about the motives for the crimes against humanity of 11 September. Yet again, in the Bundestag, he insisted that the West's enemies hated "justice and democracy", even though most of America's Muslim enemies wouldn't know what democracy was.

In the United States, the Bush administration is busy terrorising Americans. There will be nuclear attacks, bombs in high-rise apartment blocks, on the Brooklyn bridge, men with exploding belts – note how carefully the ruthless Palestinian war against Israeli colonisation of the West Bank is being strapped to America's ever weirder "war on terror" – and yet more aircraft suiciders. If you read the words of President Bush, Vice-President Dick Cheney and the ridiculous national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, over the past three days, you'll find they've issued more threats against Americans than Mr bin Laden.

But let's get back to the point. The growing evidence that Israel's policies are America's policies in the Middle East – or, more accurately, vice versa – is now being played out for real in statements from Congress and on American television. First, we have the chairman of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee announcing that Hizbollah – the Lebanese guerrilla force that drove Israel's demoralised army out of Lebanon in the year 2000 – is planning attacks in the US. After that, we had an American television network "revealing" that Hizbollah, Hamas and al- Qa'ida – Mr bin Laden's organisation – have held a secret meeting in Lebanon to plot attacks on the US.

American journalists insist on quoting "sources" but there was, of course, no sourcing for this balderdash, which is now repeated ad nauseam in the American media. Then take the "Syrian Accountability Act" that was introduced into the US Senate by Israel's friends on18 April. This includes the falsity uttered earlier by Israel's Foreign Minister, Shimon Peres, that Iranian Revolutionary Guards "operate freely" on the southern Lebanese border. Now there haven't been Iranian Revolutionary Guards in Lebanon – let alone the south of the country – for 18 years. So why is this lie repeated yet again?

Iran is under threat. Lebanon is under threat. Syria is under threat – its "terrorism" status has been heightened by the State Department – and so is Iraq. But Ariel Sharon, the Israeli Prime Minister held personally responsible by Israel's own enquiry for the Sabra and Shatila massacre of 1,700 Palestinians in Beirut in 1982, is – according to Mr Bush – "a man of peace". How much further can this go? A long way, I fear.

The anti-American feeling throughout the Middle East is palpable. Arab newspaper editorials don't come near to expressing public opinion. In Damascus, Majida Tabbaa has become famous as the lady who threw the US Consul Roberto Powers out of her husband's downtown restaurant on 7 April . "I went over to him," she said, "and told him, 'Mr Roberto, tell your George Bush that all of you are not welcome – please get out'." Across the Arab world, boycotts of American goods have begun in earnest.

How much longer can this go on? America praises Pakistani 

[CTRL] Link- Chickenhawk Database

2002-05-26 Thread Wes676767

Re: [CTRL] Moonies use Washington Times as Front Group to Gain Power and Legitimacy

2002-05-26 Thread Zuukie

-Caveat Lector-

This is a real problem, and I don't know any way around it.  Moon
saw a niche and filled it.  He was willing to lose money on a large
scale for a niche in the power structure.  Prior to the mass scale
involvement in internet sites, it was impossible to get a
conservative message out without it being distorted.  Somehow
from all of his front activities he pulled together enough money to
allow the conservative information to come out without his open
contamination.  To counteract the Washington Post and the New
York Times view on the state of the world was impossible.  So,
people who wanted an alternative view presented had no other
choice because no other funding for an alternative was available.  It
was either be silenced or go with the Moonies.

It is a bad situation all around.

On 25 May 2002 at 19:41, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Moonies use Washington Times as
 Front Group to Gain
 Power and Legitimacy

 On Tuesday, May 21st 2002, controversial religious figurehead, alleged
 cult leader and self- proclaimed Messiah Sun Myung Moon, is to
 sponsoring a banquet celebrating the newspaper's 20th anniversary. A
 substantial list of host Senators, Representatives and other
 politicians think they are supporting just a conservative newspaper,
 but are unwittingly endorsing the Moon agenda. Mr. Moon has used the
 newspaper along with U.P.I. to develop his power base for his
 ambitions­to establish and automatic theocracy in which he runs the
 world. Despite a politically conservative pro-family slant, the Times
 has also been the paper of choice for several Christian groups who are
 apparently unaware of Moon's true theology.

 The public thinks that the Moonies have gone away. They haven't. They
 have been quite busy in recent years, focusing their recruitment
 efforts to politicians, business people and even Christian clergy,
 says Steven Hassan, former Moonie, author, licensed counselor and mind
 control expert. They are still deceptive and quite dangerous, Hassan
 says, Back in 1974-1976, Moon talked about setting up a global
 infrastructure so that when the world economy faltered, we would be
 there to feed people and give them jobs.

 Moon's stated ambitions include the establishment of a one-world
 government run as an automatic theocracy by Moon and his leaders.
 Bush's faith-based initiative seems to be ideal to help them in their
 quest for a one world theocratic government, Hassan says, I am sure
 President Bush is not aware that Moon has repeatedly said that America
 (and democracy) is Satanic. Moon's vision of the Kingdom of Heaven on
 Earth includes the absorption of all the world religions into
 Unificationism as well as the abolishment of all languages except
 Korean. Core Moonie members do a ritual pledge service every Sunday
 morning, bowing before an altar with Moon's picture on it and
 promising to fight for the Fatherland (Korea).

 Moon is an 82-year old Korean billionaire and convicted felon who
 served 13 months in federal prison for income tax evasion and
 conspiracy in the mid-1980s. Moon owns the Washington Times newspaper,
 U.P.I., Insight magazine, The University of Bridgeport (CT) and The
 New Yorker Hotel. His empire was part of a 1977-78 congressional
 investigation which looked at Korean CIA activities in the United
 States (list of front groups and report is on Freedomofmind.com).

 Tens of thousands of families have suffered because of the deceptive,
 mind control practices of the Moon organization. Members are told
 their parents are Satanic and are kept, sometimes for years, from
 visiting their families. While the Moonies have only several thousand
 dedicated American members now, there are an estimated 70,000 former
 members in the United States alone. Many of these people are still
 suffering from their involvement with the cult. The Moonies are
 actively recruiting in Africa, South America, China and the former
 Communist countries and have an estimated 100,000 members worldwide.

 While Moon professes upholding high family values to others, he is a
 hypocrite with major family problems of his own. His blessed eldest
 son, Hyo Jin (by second wife) are long divorced. According to ex-wife
 Nansook Hong's book, In the Shadow of the Moons, Hyo Jin was
 physically violent, emotionally abusive, had a cocaine problem and has
 been arrested several times. In 1999, Moon's son, Youngjin P. Moon,
 then 21, committed suicide by jumping out of a Reno hotel window.

 Sun Myung Moon and his wife are considered to be sinless and are
 called the True Parents of humankind. He claims to be the new Christ
 and is fulfilling what Jesus failed to accomplish. In fact, Moon
 believes that until he married Jesus to a Korean church member, Jesus
 was unable to enter Heaven. I am certain that people are not aware
 of the real theology of Moon, says Hassan. What people have to
 understand is that destructive cults 

Re: [CTRL] Please

2002-05-26 Thread Tony Dickinson

-Caveat Lector-

Just do the same again ?!!


 Please tell me how to post.

 John D. Miller
 54 Leslie Road, East Finchley, London N28BJ   UK

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[CTRL] BC's Fascist Premier Challenged...let's take it to court!

2002-05-26 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 26 May 2002 17:02:17 -0700 (PDT)
From: Franklin Wayne Poley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: L D Misek-Falkoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [DisabilityParty] Re: Who is responsible for necessities of
life of the handicapped? [long]

Dear Dr. LDMF:

Thank you for your interest and the morale booster. I certainly need it as
this has become the biggest challenge in political psychology that I
have yet faced. Maintaining this interest in public forums may be all we
need, though, to take care of the matter. Evil grows in the dark is the
old saying which applies so well.

First, a little political background which may interest politics watchers
in general. A year ago a new Liberal government was elected to the
parliament of this province of 4,000,000. Liberal in quotes because we
have to look past the names these days. They won 77/79 seats after a
hold your nose and vote election.

What happens in BC is important to all of North America when you consider
the report of the US Consul in Vancouver who was on the Ingram TV Show
last year and said that if BC were a separate country it would be the
11th. largest trading partner of the US. The size of the province is
another consideration. BC is twice the area of Japan (with its 120,000,000
people) with vast untapped and even unknown natural resources. Thus I
doubt very much that Premier Campbell's controllers are local or even
Canadian. This province is far too important internationally to make its
policies in isolation. Also, reports from Oz indicate that the handicapped
are being subjected to a similar policy there. Just coincidence?

Let me take just put forward an over-riding thesis on the MENTALITY which
is behind this (leaving the straight politics to those more qualified).
This is a GLOBALIST AGENDA. Policies are being set internationally and in
particular they are being set by 500 or so billionaire families. If that
sounds like Marxist class war theory I don't apologize. Class war theory
is much older than Marx. I think there are around 30,000 people who perish
every day on the planet for lack of necessities of life. Some literally
live on garbage dumps which is close to the situation in Vancouver now.
A recycling depot in the downtown eastside which is literally the
poorest ghetto in Canada sees a steady stream of recyclers. They are
dumpster divers and scavengers of garbage dumps who need the extra cash
just to stay alive. Some are ex-mental patients. I expect most are law
breakers in that I doubt they report the earnings to their welfare
office, otherwise the earnings would be deducted from the next cheque and
they would still not have enough to stay alive and healthy. Campbell
policy has been deliberately set IMO to make sure everyone knows that
those living off garbage dumps here have no more rights than those living
off garbage dumps anywhere else in the world. The handicapped poor are
targeted because they are thought to be a soft target. Moral cowardice is
another characteristic of the fascist character disorder.

The steady policy of destroying the health-and-welfare system has been
going on for decades now. So here's my theory on what Campbell is doing.
He is taking a psychological sledge hammer to the health-and-welfare
system. After he has successfully started the genocide of the handicapped
poor in BC, what else can stand as far as health and welfare is concerned?
It becomes a VOLUNTARY system throughout, dependent on the largesse of
those in positions of political power and not any Constitutional right.
IMO (and I would very much like to be proven wrong) this man fits the
description of a FASCIST CHARACTER DISORDER. Is genocide too
far-fetched? Remember what I said earlier about existential defenses vs.
ego defenses. The minds of most people will shut off at this point.
A well known local journalist has already reported that handicapped people
are phoning in to the BC Coalition of People with Disabilities in a
suicidal state of mind. In a population this size I expect the genocide
has tragically already taken its first victims.

As a lawyer you know all about the difference between culpable and
nonculpable homicide. In layman's terms the latter is called getting away
with murder. So Premier Campbell has laid out a carefully premeditated
plan to GET AWAY WITH MURDER in layman's terms. If he gets away with it, I
expect there will be a domino effect across North America.

Another backgrounder. In just one year, all 146 BC judges have signed an
unprecedented letter of nonconfidence in this administration, claiming
among other things a denial of the constitutional right of access to
justice. Some 2/3 of the BC Law Society 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] [Fwd: [crimgov] Elgindy Tries to Tie Khasshogi to Bin Laden and/or Taliban]

2002-05-26 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

I'm surprised it's taken this long for Kashoggi's name to come up. I
recently read his biography The Richest Man in the World and,
although it is a very flattering portrayal, Brooke Shields and all,
reading between the lines he comes across as one of those who has his
finger in every pie.


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[CTRL] The Undead

2002-05-26 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.insightmag.com/news/253655.html

Insight on the News - Daily Insight
Issue: 06/10/02

Sneak Preview
Clinton Undead Haunting Pentagon
By J. Michael Waller

Clinton Undead Haunting Pentagon

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and his team are pulling their hair out trying to
bring the Pentagon's policy apparatus into line with the president's wishes. At every
turn, it seems, they run into entrenched bureaucrats, Clinton holdovers and others
who not only pursue their own agendas but actively fund outright opponents of the

The Pentagon's policy shop faces the tremendous challenge of serving as the brain
of an open-ended international war on terror while also providing guidance on
reshaping the nation's defenses to meet new threats and adopt new technologies.
The first of these tasks was thrust upon it Sept. 11, when the Department of Defense
(DoD) senior-management team was only a couple of months into the job; it since
has remained that team's primary focus.

Daily headlines ranging from the shooting wars in the Middle East to a possible war
between India and Pakistan to an escalation in narcoterrorist violence in Colombia
and a host of other crises continue to show that the Pentagon can't pick the time or
the place where its attention will be needed. Added to the mix are the quotidian tasks
of negotiating five-year budget plans through a difficult election-year Congress,
balancing the State Department's college of rationalizers on international arms and
defense agreements with existing allies, new friends and old enemies — and trying
to move ahead on presidential priorities such as defending the nation from missile

With a clear and urgent set of missions and an experienced leadership, several
observers ask why there isn't a clearer focus with a more purposeful movement on
key policy issues at a time of tremendous popular support for the war, for the
secretary of defense and for the president himself. Part of the answer lies in the
degree to which the message is muddled — not only in the media, in Congress and
within the DoD, but by the scores of Clinton holdovers and countless bureaucrats
whose opposition to presidential initiatives and policies is in fact funded by the
Pentagon itself through internal think tanks and external consultants.

This cognitive dissonance is to be found in three places: Pentagon and interagency-
loan billets, the defense university system and in grants to contractors, academics
and the 'CINC-tank' system of specialized regional policy shops — a series of self-
styled policy centers created during the Clinton administration to bring what
[conservative public intellectual] David Horowitz labeled 'tenured radicals' into the
DoD ranks, says a Rumsfeld operative who asked to remain anonymous.

CINC tanks is shorthand for the five policy groups under the direction of the
regional military commanders-in-chief (CINCs) that frustrated officials say have
become sponsors of sinecures for shelved Clinton/Gore policy operatives. While not
necessarily radicals in the political sense, such individuals have used their
Pentagon-funded platforms to attack President George W. Bush's policies. The
Honolulu- based Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies, the CINC-tank of the U.S.
Pacific Command, has come under fire during the last year for sponsoring outspoken
opponents of the president's initiatives. When Rumsfeld curtailed Chinese military
access to the United States following Beijing's forced downing of a U.S. Navy
intelligence aircraft last year, the center's director, retired Marine Lt. Gen. H.C.
Stackpole, openly criticized the secretary's move. Stackpole also drew ire for
allegedly undermining the president's missile-defense initiative by criticizing it 
during a visit to Australia — one of the few countries wholeheartedly behind Bush's
early national missile-defense plan.

The DoD's Africa Center for Strategic Studies is a virtual hive of left- wing 
activists at
a time when Africa is of increasing importance as a theater of fighting international
terrorism. One of the center's senior academic officials previously was with the
International Human Rights Law Group, and was a World Bank consultant and U.N.
diplomat. The center's academic chair of civil-military relations is listed as a
development and gender consultant. Its academic coordinator is noted for her
experience in policy analysis and community activism with the Washington Office
on Africa, which actively sympathized with Soviet-backed revolutionary movements
during the Cold War.

The runaway CINC tanks are polluting the military officers they share billets with,
they sow discord against the president's policies and legitimize criticism through 
supposed representation of the JCS [Joint Chiefs of Staff], and they spin our allies'
rising officers in the wrong direction, says a defense scholar currently trying to 
fix the
problem for the Pentagon. Some 

Re: [CTRL] Please

2002-05-26 Thread iggy

-Caveat Lector-

yes but with more feeling, and a little whipped chreme de minth


Tony Dickinson wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Just do the same again ?!!


  Please tell me how to post.
  John D. Miller
  54 Leslie Road, East Finchley, London N28BJ   UK

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