[CTRL] A washingtonpost.com article from: alamaine@uffdaonline.net

2002-09-04 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

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 Good explanation *why* GHWB didn't attempt a Japanisation of Iraq

 To view the entire article, go to 

 Heading for Trouble

 By James Webb  Country music's most popular song this summer is a defiantly 
nationalistic tune by Toby Keith, in which he warns potential adversaries that if they 
mess with us, we'll put a boot in your ass, it's the American way. Last week the 
Chinese government showed us its way. Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage had 
brought a conciliatory gesture from the Bush administration, agreeing to recognize a 
separatist group in China's Xinjiang province as a terrorist entity. This diplomatic 
contortion was so appeasing that the Economist magazine labeled its logic 
astonishing. And yet the day after Armitage left, the Chinese government sent its 
own political signal by test-firing a DF-4 missile, which has a range of more than 
4,000 miles and was designed to attack U.S. military bases on Guam.

  The implied disrespect of this incident did not occur in a vacuum, either militarily 
or diplomatically. As our country remains obsessed with Saddam Hussein, other nations 
have begun positioning themselves for an American war with Iraq and, most important, 
for its aftermath. China, which has pursued a strategic axis with key Islamic nations 
for nearly 20 years, received the Iraqi foreign minister just after Armitage's 
departure, condemning in advance an American attack on that country. Russia has been 
assiduously courting -- both diplomatically and economically -- all three nations 
identified by President Bush as the axis of evil. Iran -- the number one state 
sponsor of international terrorism, according to our own State Department -- has 
conducted at least four flight tests of the nuclear-capable Shahab-3 missile, whose 
range of 800 miles is enough to hit U.S. forces in the Persian Gulf, Turkey and 
Central Asia.

  Meanwhile, American military leaders have been trying to bring a wider focus to the 
band of neoconservatives that began beating the war drums on Iraq before the dust had 
even settled on the World Trade Center. Despite the efforts of the neocons to shut 
them up or to dismiss them as unqualified to deal in policy issues, these leaders, 
both active-duty and retired, have been nearly unanimous in their concerns. Is there 
an absolutely vital national interest that should lead us from containment to 
unilateral war and a long-term occupation of Iraq? And would such a war and its 
aftermath actually increase our ability to win the war against international 
terrorism? On this second point, Marine Gen. Peter Pace, the Joint Chiefs vice 
chairman, mentioned in a news conference last week that the scope for potential 
anti-terrorist action included -- at a minimum -- Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, 
Lebanon, Syria, Libya, Georgia, Colombia, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines and 
North Korea.

 America's best military leaders know that they are accountable to history not only 
for how they fight wars, but also for how they prevent them. The greatest military 
victory of our time -- bringing an expansionist Soviet Union in from the cold while 
averting a nuclear holocaust -- was accomplished not by an invasion but through 
decades of intense maneuvering and continuous operations. With respect to the 
situation in Iraq, they are conscious of two realities that seem to have been lost in 
the narrow debate about Saddam Hussein himself. The first reality is that wars often 
have unintended consequences -- ask the Germans, who in World War I were convinced 
that they would defeat the French in exactly 42 days. The second is that a long-term 
occupation of Iraq would beyond doubt require an adjustment of force levels elsewhere, 
and could eventually diminish American influence in other parts of the world.

 Other than the flippant criticisms of our failure to take Baghdad during the 
Persian Gulf War, one sees little discussion of an occupation of Iraq, but it is the 
key element of the current debate. The issue before us is not simply whether the 
United States should end the regime of Saddam Hussein, but whether we as a nation are 
prepared to physically occupy territory in the Middle East for the next 30 to 50 
years. Those who are pushing for a unilateral war in Iraq know full well that there is 
no exit strategy if we invade and stay. This reality was the genesis of a rift that 
goes back to the Gulf War itself, when neoconservatives were vocal in their calls for 
a MacArthurian regency in Baghdad. Their expectation is that the United States would 
not only change Iraq's regime but also remain as a long-term occupation force in an 
attempt to reconstruct Iraqi society itself.

 The connotations of a MacArthurian regency in Baghdad show how inapt the 

[CTRL] Your Papa

2002-09-04 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.nytimes.com/2002/09/04/opinion/04DOWD.html

September 4, 2002

Who's Your Daddy?


ASHINGTON — In the Bush family, the gravest insult is to be called a wimp.

When Newsweek published its Fighting the `Wimp Factor'  cover about Bush senior when
he was running for president in 1987, he was so angry he refused to talk to the 
again until he had a meeting with the editors and the publisher, Katharine Graham. Mr.
Bush even knew the precise number of times the word wimp appeared in the article.

In his memoir, Bush Junior wrote: My blood pressure still goes up when I remember the

The Bushes arranged their whole lives to put a veneer of Texas lock-'n'-load over
Greenwich lockjaw.

After he buried Iraq as commander in chief, Bush Senior assumed he'd buried the W-word.
And yet here it is again, the nightmare from which it is impossible for a Bush to 
hurled at him by his own son's supporters.

As crazy Al Haig said Sunday on Fox, Bush 43 has to be careful of the old gang. These 
the people that created the problems in the first place by not handling Saddam Hussein
correctly. . . . I'm talking about the previous administration and their spokesmen, 
Jim Baker,
Scowcroft, and a very wise daddy who's not talking at all and he shouldn't.

The pathologically blunt General Haig simply spit out what other conservatives imply: 
wimped out in Iraq and Junior has to fix it.

You might think the United States would have an elevated debate before deciding to 
a major war against another country. But we've simply had a childish game of Chicken, 
different factions sneering at one another: You're a wimp! No, you're a wimp!

The clique of conservative intellectuals pushing the war has labeled Colin Powell and 
Bush I crowd wimpy appeasers.

Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz and Bill Kristol echo the message of Eliot Cohen, author 
Supreme Command: As Lord Salisbury said, `If you ask the soldiers, nothing is 
safe.' To
which the politicians must respond, `Neither is inaction.' 

They paint the military brass as wimpy. Powell did not want to do Bosnia, said a 
Iraq'er. The Pentagon was reluctant on Kosovo. On Iraq, Powell and Schwarzkopf dragged
their feet on the first war. And the civilians are right this time, too. Iraq has had 
11 years to
comply with cease-fire arrangements on weapons of mass destruction.

The military types snipe back that the loudly squawking hawks — Cheney, Wolfowitz, 
— are war wimps. All the generals see it the same way, said the retired Marine Corps
general Anthony Zinni, a Powell adviser, and all the others who have never fired a 
and are hot to go to war see it another way.

And Senator Chuck Hagel, a hero in Vietnam, chimed in: Maybe Mr. Perle would like to 
in the first wave of those who go into Baghdad. (Maybe he would.)

Giving a new definition of chutzpah, the conservatives pushing for war began taunting 
saying he had gone too far on Iraq to turn back now without being a wimp.

The failure to take on Saddam after what the president said, Mr. Perle said, would
produce such a collapse of confidence in the president that it would set back the war 
terrorism. Or: Nice little administration you have here; pity if something should 
happen to

The Bushies figured if they went after Saddam, whom they could find, as opposed to the
vanished Osama, they would not seem wimpy.

But the more the president let Dick Cheney make the case for him, the more he risked
being seen as wimpy. He was saved only by the Democrats, silent all summer, too wimpy 
take on the White House and carve out their own case on Iraq.

It seems that Mr. Cheney now regards the end of the gulf war as a great historic gaffe 
wants to earn his immortality correcting it.

But the more Junior goes along with his vice president and surrogate Daddy and stakes 
entire presidency on trying to finish the job, the more he underscores the contention 
his real Daddy went wobbly.

Last night conservatives were muttering that the inscrutable president was losing 
control of
the debate. He could not simply persuade the Congressional leaders gathering at the 
House today, they argued. He had to do something really forceful, like asking for a
resolution authorizing the use of force against Saddam.

Otherwise, they warned, W. might inherit the W-word.

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[CTRL] Arab News - Forces of war and peace

2002-09-04 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
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Euphorian ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent you an Arab News pagePersonal Message:Note the writer's perspective at the bottom of the article__http://www.arabnews.com/Article.asp?ID=18335Forces of war and peaceBy Israel ShamirThe two-party system of the US is dead. It lost trust of people, less and less voters care to go to the elections’ booth, as the choice they offer is always a wrong choice. The last bell of the two-party system sounded with the defeat of the Congresswoman Cynthia [as I had written in Ode to Cynthia] McKinney, a member for Georgia, in the Democratic primaries.She was ambushed in the Democratic Party primaries, when her enemies brought in thousands of Republican voters to vote against Cynthia. Have the Republicans seen the light? Alexander Cockburn of the Counterpoint had another explanation, “Torrents of American Jewish money showered her opponent. Buckets of sewage were poured over McKinney’s head in the [Jewish-owned and edited] Washington Post and the Atlanta Constitution”.“Cynthia was not the first Afro-American victim of the Jewish Lobby”: Earl Hilliard, first elected black congressperson in Alabama since Reconstruction, was defeated by “a torrent of money from out-of-state American Jewish organizations”, writes Cockburn, for “calling for some even-handedness in the Middle East”.Cockburn’s conclusion was denied by Stephen Zunes [“Don’t Blame the Jews for Cynthia McKinney’s defeat”], who stressed that it is the pro-war forces that defeated Cynthia. “Thousands of conservative Republicans voted in the Democratic primary for the sole purpose of defeating one of Congress’ most outspoken defenders of civil rights, labor and the environment and one of its most vocal critics of President George W. Bush. These Republicans were particularly incensed at McKinney’s criticism of President Bush’s “war on terrorism”. “Majette’s top contributors include a sizable number of major Republican donors and very few names commonly associated with a Jewish ethnicity,” wrote Zunes in the adequately named article, “Don’t Blame the Jews for Cynthia McKinney’s Defeat”.Brilliant Edward Herman [Published on Tuesday, Aug. 27, 2002 by CommonDreams.org] rejected conclusion of Zunes, by connecting Cynthia’s defeat with that of Hilliard, another Black congressman who dared to oppose the Jewish lobby. “The unique factor in both elections was the [Jewish] anger at these blacks for daring to oppose [their] policy. [Jewish lobby’s] intrusions into the Alabama and Georgia elections and successful removal of Hilliard and McKinney are arguably a form of disenfranchisement of black voters, by money power rather than legal tricks or coercion, and should be strenuously opposed.”In this political whodunit we have a luxury of choice between two potential culprits, the Jewish lobby and the War Party. Let us look at the names. The crossover was organized by John Podhoretz, David Horowitz, Jonah Goldberg of William F. Buckley’s National Review Magazine. They inspired Newt Gingrich, and the Ex-House Speaker, the right hand of Richard Perle of the ‘National Defense Advisory Council’, aka Wolfowitz cabal. Gingrich, a Georgia man, did the hatchet job. They got away with it due to the Democratic Party’s connivance. The Governor Roy Barnes, a Democrat, was closely connected with Gingrich.Our choice was that of a drunken driver, who sees everything double. The Jewish lobby is the War Party, the closely-knit gang of Jewish supremacists and their Gentile neo-con allies. In 1990, Joe Sobran listed the commentators who constantly defend Israel: Podhoretz, Rosenthal, Dershowitz, Martin Peretz, George Will, Mortimer Zuckerman, Morton Kondracke, Jeane Kirkpatrick, Kenneth Adelman, Amos Perlmutter, Eric Breindal, Cal Thomas, Max Lerner, Ben Wattenberg, Charles Krauthammer, William Safire, Fred Barnes .” Now all of them emerged as advocates of the War Party.Bill White [The Purge of Joe Sobran And The Axis Of Evil: How Letting The Neo-Cons Gain Control Has Brought The Nation to The Brink of War, By Bill White, on www.overthrow.com] followed the fates of people of Sobran’s list: “Not only are those names still with us, but they are in power, having snuck in under the curtain of the Bush administration. America is no longer concerned about Israeli infiltration of the government — instead, the American government has become a colonial outpost of the Zionist terror-state. Norman Podhoretz, of course, is still the war-mongering imperialist swine he always was. David Frum is now writing the speeches that George the Second is using to take us into war. [He penned the Axis of Evil speech]. Alan Dershowitz is now, in the words of CBS, “tell[ing] correspondent Mike Wallace that torture is inevitable” [and promoting racism].Thus, both Republicans and Democrats appear to be infiltrated, as with Gore as the president, the war on Iraq would start even sooner. The place of the two old parties is taken 

[CTRL] Scarce water

2002-09-04 Thread Euphorian

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From http://c.moreover.com/click/here.pl?j46464590w=1

Scarce water at core of Middle East issues
By Paul Simon   September 02, 2002

Paul Simon was a U.S. senator from Illinois from 1985 to 1997.

The Middle East is slowly moving towards a more and more

serious water crisis.

The world water situation is serious, but nowhere more critical than in the Middle 
East. The
World Bank says that 300 million people - some say 500 million - today live in areas of
serious to severe water shortage and in slightly more than two decades that number will
grow to three billion. The smaller figure is not necessarily explosive; the larger 
figure is.

The United States is fortunate in having 4 percent of the world's population and 8 
of its fresh water, but the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, which 
16 million people, says that by the year 2010, it will be able to meet only 43 percent 
of the
water needs of the population it serves from current supplies. So, even in water-rich
nations, distribution causes a problem.

There is more complete data on Israel's water situation than on Jordan, Syria and the
Palestinian territory - all of which face even more severe difficulties - but in 
Israel the status
is deteriorating with problems of distribution, water quality and water quantity. All 
three are
interrelated, but the most pressing of the three is quantity. In 1973, when the water
situation was not as critical as it is today, current Israeli Prime Minister Ariel 
referred to the Six-Day War as the Water War, because a water dispute between Syria and
Israel was the immediate cause.

The three main sources of water for Israel are the Sea of Galilee (Lake Kinneret), the
coastal aquifer and the mountain aquifer. Anyone who has been to Israel recently can
testify to the highly visible reduction in water of the Sea of Galilee (as well as the 
Sea). Unfortunately, not visible is the gradual decline of water in the two large 
which not only threatens the supply in Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian territory, 
because of the reduction in the quantity of water, there is saline and other chemical
penetration that's causing a decline in water quality.

Israeli citizens use less than 40 percent as much water per capita in urban areas as do
people in Southern California. Israel's neighbors use much less. Former Israeli Water
Commissioners Manahem Kantor and Dan Zaslavsky have warned that Israel's water
situation will become much worse unless carefully planned steps are taken immediately.
What is grim for Israel is even more severe for her neighbors.

Agriculture in all four lands is already largely dependent on recycled low-grade 
water. And
the simple solution of diverting more of this to urban needs is technically difficult 
opposed by the area governments that do not want to become totally dependent on foreign
sources for food.

An adequate, quality supply of water for citizens of all four countries is absolutely 
to maintaining the quality of life for their people. The last thing Israel needs is an 
exodus of
citizens because the problems of water are piled on top of other difficulties, 
lowering their
standard of living.

The Jordanians, Palestinians, and Syrians will face the same problems, but their 
are somewhat less mobile than Israel's.

Complicating this precarious situation is that if the hoped- for agreement with Israel 
and the
Palestinians on land is achieved - not an immediate prospect - inevitably that means
granting a sizable portion of Israel's water sources to her neighbors.

Is the situation hopeless? No. But three things have to happen:

1. Some type of regional agreement on water must accompany the uneasy peace that I
believe will eventually be reached. No nation in that region can solve the water 
problems by
itself, with the possible exception of Lebanon. Last year I went to Jordan and Syria 
at the
request of the State Department to meet with leaders in those two nations to try to get
them to move toward a regional agreement on water with Israel and the Palestinians. My
trip caused at least serious reflection on the need for regional cooperation. The 
problem is
becoming grim. Amman, the capital of Jordan, with one million people, permits its 
to turn on their taps one day a week - and Jordan's population will grow by about one 
over the next decade. However, regional cooperation on water will have to wait until
hostilities diminish.

2. Immediate, short-term answers must be found. That will include purchasing large 
bags of water (each 5.6 million gallons) from Turkey. It must include more reservoirs,
which the Jewish National Fund is helping to provide for Israel that will also assist 
in the
long term.

3. Desalination from seawater is recognized by almost everyone as the big long-term 
Two large plants are in the offing for Israel. Jordan is moving in this direction. 

[CTRL] Mandela Warns Bush Over Iraq

2002-09-04 Thread Jei

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Mandela Warns Bush Over Iraq
By John Pienaar

Sunday, 1 September, 2002

BBC political correspondent Nelson Mandela has warned President Bush that
his administration risks destroying the United Nations if it attacks Iraq
without international support.

BBC News has learned that Mr Mandela spoke directly to the US president to
urge him to show restraint, saying a military strike would undermine the
trust between America and a spectrum of international opinion.

Mr Mandela is also said to be seeking a meeting with UK Prime Minister Tony
Blair to express his concerns.

Nelson Mandela is a natural ally of those who want to see the UN play a
pivotal and decisive role, but he is also an iconic figure and a voice that
both Mr Bush and Mr Blair will find hard to ignore.

Mounting pressure

Mr Blair's staff say there has been no request to talk to the prime minister
so far, but as one official put it, he is always ready to talk to Nelson.

Mr Blair is already under heavy pressure from his colleagues in the Labour
party to hold the American president in check - if he can.

According to opinion polls, a majority of British public opinion is opposed
to a war against Iraq.

The direct intervention of a figure such as Nelson Mandela can only add
significantly to the impression of mounting pressure.

Mr Blair arrived in the central Mozambique town of Dondo on Sunday to show
support for the economic and political reforms he sees as the key to
tackling the problems of the developing world.

He will take that message to the World Summit in Johannesburg, all the time
hoping to regain control of his own political session.

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[CTRL] Iraq: Hype, Hysteria, Hypocrisy

2002-09-04 Thread Jei

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Rumsfelds hysterical discourse echoed by Cheney

Richard (Dick) Cheney, the Vice President of the United States of America,
has taken up the gauntlet left by Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld as the
Bush administration schemes for the overthrow of Saddam Hussein.

That a man in the position of Richard Cheney can justify the notion of a
unilateral military campaign against a sovereign state outside the auspices
of the UNO and without a consensus of favourable opinion from the
international community, based purely upon conjecture, is as shocking as it
is ludicrous.

The Vice President claims that Baghdad is pursuing an aggressive programme
to develop a nuclear weapons capacity, that His Excellency President Saddam
Hussein aims to dominate the Middle East and submit the world to nuclear
blackmail and his trump card, accompanied by the Churchillian tones of an
increasingly incoherent Rumsfeld, who evokes the appeasement of Hitler in
the 1930s, is that time is against us and It is better to act than to do

Act, the United States has already done, with Depleted Uranium weaponry in
1991, which has been responsible for 200% increases in malignant diseases in
southern Iraq, mainly in children. Act, the United States has already done,
in burning crops in Iraqi agricultural fields, to deprive an already hungry
civilian population of nourishment.

However, there is not one shred of evidence which links Saddam Husseins
Ba'ath regime to a global terrorism campaign and there is not a grain of
truth in Cheney's accusations. The USA is the only country in the
international community which chooses to use blackmail and bullying instead
of diplomacy, as it revises trading treaties with states which do not jump
as high as they are told, this after any threads of economic independence
have been assimilated.

Planning a military intervention based on pure conjecture and haphazard
guessing is an amateurish and extremely dangerous method of conducting
crisis management, amateurish to the degree exposed in the last US
Presidential election. Cheney, Rumsfeld and Bush cannot count on the support
of one single neighbour of Iraq nor on any single political heavyweight in
the international community, for a unilateral military strike.

The German Defence Minister, Peter Struck, has even considered pulling out
his nuclear/biological contamination detection unit from Kuwait so as not to
involve German soldiers in a war against Iraq, while Chancellor Gerhard
Schroeder has repeatedly made it clear that he is against any attack, as has
French President Jacques Chirac, who claims that only the UN Security
Council has the competence to order military intervention against Baghdad.
The only potential ally, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, wrestles with
the knowledge that 52% of his own party is decidedly against a strike
against Iraq.

The ridiculous stance of the USA is blatantly exposed in the field. Iran,
Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Qatar
and Kuwait have all attacked a military solution and called on a diplomatic
resolution to the tension.

The old adage Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are,
applied to the current situation, presents a telling and chilling
spectacle  that of an iceberg floating alone in ever warmer waters, with a
walrus, a polar bear and a penguin stranded on top, looking more and more
isolated and more and more out of their element. Applied to Cheney, Rumsfeld
and Bush, the adage shows that there are no friends. The rules of
international diplomacy have already taught the lesson that the isolated
must sink. Whether or not they can swim remains to be seen.


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fisk: It is not my job to provide the evidence for a war crimes trial

2002-09-04 Thread Jei

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The Independent (London)
August 24, 2002, Saturday

- Comment -

A reporter's job does not include joining the prosecution. We are
witnesses and we name, if we can, the bad guys.

Robert Fisk

   Three Western war crimes investigators turned up to see me in Beirut
last week.  No, they didn't come to talk about the Bosnian war.  They
wanted to know about torture at Israel's notorious Khiam jail in southern
Lebanon, about beatings and imprisonment in cupboard-size cells and
electrodes applied to the toes and penises of inmates under interrogation.
Most of the torturers were Lebanese members of Israel's proxy South
Lebanon Army militia, and they performed their vile work for the Israelis
- on women as well as men - from the late Seventies until Israel's
withdrawal in 2000: almost a quarter of a century of torture. Khiam prison
is still there, open to the public, a living testament to brutality and
Israeli shame.

   The problem is that Israel is now trying to dump its Lebanese torturers
on Western countries.  Sweden, Canada, Norway, France, Germany and other
nations are being asked to give citizenship to these repulsive men in
the interests of peace - and also because the Israeli government would
prefer they left Israel. The three investigators - two cops and a justice
ministry official - had come to Beirut to make sure that their government
wasn't about to give citizenship to Israel's war criminals.  And they
knew what they were talking about. We both knew that one former torturer
was living in Sweden with his two sons, and that another had opened two
restaurants in America. And I was happy to chat to them.  But chatting is
one thing. Testifying is quite another. I make this point because the BBC
told me last week that their Belgrade correspondent, Jacky Rowland, was
planning to testify against Slobodan Milosevic at The Hague war crimes
tribunal. I was invited this week to participate in a BBC radio interview
with yet another BBC man who had given evidence at The Hague, Dan Damon.

   And, in fact, I received a phone call from one of The Hague
investigators a few weeks ago, wanting to know if I had accompanied
a European Union delegation to a Bosnian concentration camp in 1982.
I had travelled with the EU men to two camps - not the one that The Hague
investigator was interested in. But this was not the first call I've had
from The Hague and I pointed out this time - as I had before - that I
didn't believe journalists should be policemen. My articles could be used
by anyone at The Hague and I was more than ready to sign a letter to the
effect that they were accurate.  But that was all.

   So when Dan Damon of the BBC argued on air this week that the written
or spoken report might not be believed if a reporter wasn't ready to
testify in a court, I was a bit taken aback.  In many cases, The Hague
has commenced proceedings against war criminals on the basis of newspaper
articles and television programmes.  No one, so far as I know, has ever
questioned our reports on Serbian, Croatian - and, yes, Muslim Bosnian -
war crimes. In fact, I suspect Dan's argument was a bit of a smokescreen
to cover his own concern about the boundaries of journalism.

   I know, of course, how the arguments go. I may be a journalist, says
the reporter as he or she turns up to the court, but I am also a human
being. A time must come when a journalist's rules are outweighed by moral
conscience. I don't like this argument.  Firstly, because the implication
is that journalists who don't intend to testify are not human beings; and
secondly, because it suggests that reporters in general don't normally
work with a moral conscience.  Jonathan Randal, who worked for The
Washington Post in Bosnia and has told The Hague tribunal that he will not
testify against a Serb defendant, understands this all too well.

   What worries me, though, is that journalism includes an element of
masquerade if we cover wars as reporters and then participate in the
prosecution of the bad guys at the request of a court whose writ extends
only to those war crimes which it sees fit - or which the West sees fit -
to investigate. Jacky Rowland of the BBC, for example, did not - while
reporting the Balkan atrocities - turn up on Serbian assignments with
the words: I'm from the BBC and - if your lot lose - I'm ready to help in
your prosecution. Indeed, if she had said that, she wouldn't have had the
chance to undertake many more reporting assignments. Nor would any of us.
But - if it's now going to be the habit for BBC reporters to turn up as
prosecution witnesses at The Hague - heaven spare any of us in the future.

  Now I have nothing against Jacky Rowland's reports. And if she feels her
testimony is vital to convicting Mr Milosevic, that's up to her. But this
story has another side. For Ms Rowland is not planning to attend The Hague
court because she has chosen to give evidence against 

[CTRL] FBI will tap into personal profiles

2002-09-04 Thread Jei

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FBI will tap into personal profiles

No legal basis for suspicion needed

By Bruce V. Bigelow

September 3, 2002

When direct marketing consultant Mike DeCastro gets hired to plan a
campaign pitching vacations in Mazatlan or cell phone service in San
Diego, one of his first moves is to consult an online catalog of
customer lists.

Such lists are the lubricant that keep the wheels of our consumer
society spinning. If you applied for a loan or used a credit card,
your name is on a list. They identify almost everyone who has
attended school, subscribed to anything, or bought anything from a
catalog, direct mail or online merchant.

Ultimately, such lists also provide the raw material used to build
sophisticated computerized databases that have become a multibillion-
dollar industry.

Just about anything that you want to know about anybody is available
in a commercial database, said DeCastro of San Francisco.

Most people don't have a clue that such databases compile information
from a variety of sources, linking their names to their Social
Security numbers, credit profiles, employment histories, travel
records, court records, personal interests and chronic health

And now, under changes ordered by Attorney General John Ashcroft, the
FBI is moving to use commercial databases in its efforts to prevent
acts of terrorism in the United States.

The change was part of a broader decision, announced by the Justice
Department May 30, to loosen the internal policies that guide federal
terrorist investigations.

Now, even if they don't have a specific suspect or legal basis for
suspicion, FBI agents under the new guidelines are empowered to
scour public sources for information on future terrorist threats,
Ashcroft said.

The attorney general did not specify how the FBI would use commercial
databases, and a Justice Department spokesman did not return calls
seeking elaboration.

Experts say the FBI would likely use special software and advanced
data-mining techniques that can sift through enormous fields of
data to identify patterns and characteristics of potential terrorists.

Given the potential threats to American security, some say the
changes were long overdue.

The computer systems that were available to the general public were
not available to agents like me, said Darwin Wisdom, a former FBI
agent who runs the Baker Street Group, a San Diego investigative
firm. I was always dismayed by our inability to access information
that was available on computer just about everywhere else.

Before Ashcroft changed the guidelines, the FBI could not even use
standard Internet search engines such as Google to look for
information concerning terrorist activity, said Mitch Dembin, who
resigned two years ago as a federal prosecutor specializing in
computer crimes. Investigators first had to have suspicion.
The guidelines cannot be so strict that they shut out from law
enforcement the very tools that are available to you and me, Wisdom
said. That's preposterous.

Ashcroft's changes have stirred some opposition. The American Civil
Liberties Union says the new FBI guidelines reversed many self-
imposed restraints the Justice Department adopted in the 1970s after
revelations of FBI illegal spying.

For over a decade, the commercial data collectors have promised
Americans they would not turn this data over to law enforcement,
said Chris Hoofnagle, a lawyer with the Electronic Privacy
Information Center in Washington, D.C. This was a guarantee that has
staved off legislation and allowed this data collection to continue.

The new capabilities of these technologies now allows suspicionless,
dragnet-style investigations of all Americans, Hoofnagle said.

FBI agents could use commercial databases before Ashcroft changed the
guidelines, but only after indications of criminal activity were
established, Hoofnagle said. A prosecutor would then obtain a warrant
that allowed a search, as well as electronic eavesdropping.

Under the old guidelines, they were not allowed to engage in
prospective searches – meaning they could not sit down and say all
Protestant men between 20 and 24 are likely terrorists and print out
a suspect list, Hoofnagle said.

By using commercial databases, DeCastro said, the FBI could generate
lists of potential suspects based on a profile using such criteria as
race, religion, travel, bank accounts and even grocery-store

It's a disaster, said John Perry Barlow, a fellow at Harvard Law
School's Berkman Center and a co-founder of the Electronic Frontier
Foundation. This information has been gathered with an assurance to
the consumer that his privacy was being protected, except when
warrants were issued for a specific release.

Said Barlow: We have increasingly what strikes me as the foundation
for a police state in the United States.

But Wisdom, who spent 27 years as an FBI 

[CTRL] Uncle Sam's a Bigger Bully Than Saddam

2002-09-04 Thread M.A. Johnson

-Caveat Lector-

~~for educational purposes only~~
[Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]

Uncle Sam's a Bigger Bully Than Saddam
by James Ridgeway

Spun through the gears of Bush's PR juggernaut,
Saddam Hussein becomes the subhuman demon
incarnate. Saddam will terrorize usand not
just our troops, but our civilians. He, or the
terrorists he shelters in Iraq, will wipe out
our cities with nuclear bombs, poison our
schools and subways with bioweapons, cut off
our water supplies, threaten our hospitals,
strangle our economy. We'd better get him before
he gets us. Let's use any means short of
nuclear attack, or maybe we'll resort to that,

But by Bush's own standards, America is the
true global bully, with a record not just
of perceived threats but of action. During
the Gulf War, we bombed Iraq's cities. We
took out transportation, communication, and
power facilities. Our push for long-term
sanctions rendered a generation unable to
obtain basic vaccines and left a nation
thirsting for clean water, a situation the
UN says has resulted in the deaths of well
over 500,000 small children. And a decade
earlier, in the 1980s, the U.S. government
fully supported Iraq's use of chemical warfare
against Muslim fundamentalists in Iran.

In the end, we haven't so much miscast
Saddam as the bad guy as covered over our
own heinous acts against innocent men, women,
and children.

Now a Bush-led White House is again preparing
to use every effort against Saddam's militaryand
more generally against the civilian population.
The average citizen of Iraq remains vulnerable,
having never recovered from the Gulf War. The
infrastructure is still in ruins. There are no
seeds to grow crops, no fertilizer, no
pesticides. This year's drought has made
everything worse.

But all of this suits Vice President Dick Cheney
real fine. He's stumping again for blowing away
Saddam, showing the same bluster as when he
trumpeted the American victory in 1991. Speaking
to reporters in July of that year, then secretary
of defense Cheney addressed the issue of our
bombing Iraq's civilian infrastructure. Every
Iraqi target was perfectly legitimate, he
said, adding, If I had to do it over
again, I would do exactly the same thing.

The only real question for the U.S. military this
time is what's left to hit in the upcoming turkey
shoot. Much of the firing may end up taking place
in the cities, putting Yankee soldiers in the
position of carrying out their own urban jihad.
But with production lines working overtime to
convert old bombs into high-tech smart ones,
America could always just flatten the entire

Among the heavy weapons to consider:

Fuel air explosives: Big, horrific bombs, these
send out a volatile mist that spreads through
any openinga doorway into a building or
underground bunker or, as at Tora Bora, a
cave. The bomb then detonates, its explosion
rocketing through underground passages.

Daisy cutters: Used in Afghanistan last winter,
these 15,000-pound monsters wipe out everything
in a 300-feet radius. You're not literally so
close that the bomb is breaking you apart or
you catch on fire or anything, explains Carl
Conetta of the Project on Defense Alternatives,
but the shock wave is so powerful that it crushes
internal organs.

Microwave weapons: Supposedly nonlethal crowd
controllers, these beam-blasting transmitters
can cause third-degree burns. In combat, the
weapons might be used to clear urban riots. But
their power source is cumbersome, which might
prohibit using them.

Cluster bombs: Tossing these sweethearts around has
been likened to laying a minefield from 15,000
feet. We used these as many as 1500 times in
Afghanistan. To prevent infantry from walking
in front of the tanks and picking them up,
anti-personnel explosives are mixed in. The
cluster bombs wait on the ground to go off in
predetermined sequences.

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Re: [CTRL] Armenians Fight Plan for Israel Wall

2002-09-04 Thread Prudy L

-Caveat Lector-

Looks like the Armenians will have to learn what everybody else has already
learned--that the Israeli do whatever they want to do to whomever they wish
to do it.  Their apologies are meaningless, and the words of their diplomats
even less so.  They hold all the weapons, and the well disciplined protector
they keep at their beck and call will act in their behalf instantly if
necessary.  Not a bad position.  Prudy

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[CTRL] Fwd: Mandela to Bush: When Silence Isn't Golden

2002-09-04 Thread RoadsEnd

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-Caveat Lector-

Nobel Peace Prize winner Nelson Mandela says he couldn't get a call through to the 
vacationing George W. Bush, who increasingly shies away from these discussions. So 
Mandela called Bush's father to warn him that his son is bringing chaos to the world.

In blowing off Mandela, one of the world's preeminent leaders, the younger Bush is 
keeping with his new trend of avoiding critical debate about his unilateralist foreign 
policy. After more than 18 months in the White House, Bush seems to be retreating into 
a mix of shopworn applause lines and silence.

For the full story, go to Consortiumnews.com at http://www.consortiumnews.com  

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Posted By: Rayelan
Date: Tuesday, 3 September 2002, 3:37 p.m.



  From: Aftermath News [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Mon Sep 2, 2002 2:07 pm


  UQ Wire: The Complete 9/11 Timeline
  Monday, 2 September 2002, 1:19 pm
  Article: www.UnansweredQuestions.org

  Unanswered Questions: Thinking For Ourselves
  Presented by... http://www.unansweredquestions.org


  Version 1.1, August 27, 2002
  By Paul Thompson
  Online At: http://www.unansweredquestions.net/timeline/

  What Really Happened On September 11th?
  PLEASE NOTE: The following is just the introduction to a reference work of
  HUGE significance on the events leading up to, the events of, and the
  revelations that have emerged subsequent to the tragic events of September
  11th 2001. As an authoritative reference work this timeline dispels the
  notion that theorists on 9/11 are working on the basis of supposition and
  prejudice, but rather shows clearly that unanswered questions relating to
  September 11th are probably the most vital issue currently facing the people
  of this planet. Online readers and email recipients of this posting are
  therefore encouraged to post links to this page, and to forward the email
  version of this as widely as possible.

  - The UQ Wire Editor

  Other Sections of the Complete 9/11 Timeline:

  The Complete Timeline

  Introduction, credits and links

  Part 1: 1979 - 2000

  Part 2: Jan. 2001 - 9/11

  Part 3: Day of 9/11

  Part 4: 9/11 - Dec. 2001

  Part 5: Jan. 2002 - present


  I'm beginning to write articles to help clarify some aspects of 9/11. I make
  no claim to have an overall theory of what happened on 9/11, but I do have
  some ideas on certain things. Also, hopefully these essays can help make
  some complicated aspects of the timeline easier to understand. These are
  very in-depth essays, with lots of pictures.

  The Two Ziad Jarrahs

  Ziad Jarrah was in the two different places at the same time on more than
  one occasion (August 24, 2002)


  This story is so complicated and long, I've tried to break it into threads
  of different colors to make it easier to digest. I've made separate pages
  for each thread, in addition to webpages with all the threads together.

  Central Asian oil, Enron and the 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Russian Mogul's Planes Took al-Qaida, Taliban Gold To Sudan

2002-09-04 Thread RoadsEnd

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-Caveat Lector-

Russian Mogul's Planes Took 
al-Qaida, Taliban Gold To Sudan
The Moscow Times 

Planes owned by Russian businessman Viktor Bout have been used to fly
al-Qaida and Taliban gold to Sudan in recent weeks, The Washington Post
reported Tuesday. 
Several shipments of gold were delivered by boat from Karachi, Pakistan,
to either Iran or the United Arab Emirates, the newspaper said, citing
unidentified European intelligence officials. From there, the gold was
flown on charted planes to the Sudanese capital of Khartoum, where
al-Qaida has broad business contacts, the paper said. 
European officials believe the gold was transported by Air Bas, an
airline set up recently by Bout and managed by his brother Sergei, said
Douglas Farah, the author of The Washington Post report, in a telephone
Further details of Bout's possible involvement in the shipments were not
immediately clear Tuesday. 
Bout is wanted by Belgium police on charges of laundering money from
illegal arms trading in Africa. The police, who issued an international
arrest warrant for Bout in February, said Tuesday that they had no
information about the gold shipments. 
European and U.S. officials consider Bout to be a major arms dealer,
trading mostly with Third World countries. They have said he also
ferried shipments of weapons and medicine for the Taliban. 

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Re: [CTRL] Arab News - US Jews launch pro-Israel TV ads

2002-09-04 Thread Prudy L

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 8/29/02 5:09:23 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 WASHINGTON, 29 August — Concerned by polls showing increasing American
 neutrality regarding the Israeli-Palestinian war, US Jewish
 organizations are launching a television advertising campaign designed
 to improve Israel’s image in the United States. 

So what's new?  We've been bombarded with pro-Israel material for years now.
It's not always clever--finding someone who can call Sharon a man of peace
and still keep a straight face must be difficult too.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] Conservatives Thirst for Federal Power

2002-09-04 Thread Prudy L

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 8/29/02 5:29:24 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Earlier this month, Attorney General John Ashcroft announced the
administration's desire to build internment camps for U.S. citizens that the
government would declare to be 'enemy combatants.' According to the plan,
U.S. citizens could be held indefinitely without any constitutional
protections or rights.

 Jonathan Turley, a professor of constitutional law at George Washington
University said, Whereas Al Qaeda is a threat to the lives of our citizens,
Ashcroft has become a clear and present threat to our liberties. 

Oh come on.  Let's hear it for Uncle John and the Gulag.  Prudy

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2002-09-04 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Wed, 04 Sep 2002 07:59:29 +0100
From:   World-Action [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: [A]   World-ACTION-Group World-ACTION-

PLEASE FORWARD to those concerned with the
rapidly deteriorating health of almost all life on Earth.

HOW is this article linked to '9-11' and the 'War On
Terror' and Bush's threatened 21st U.S. war since WWII,
against Iraq?  I'll place a bet to the tune of $10,000 when
the full truth is in, that very similar people are involved in
'9-11'; the business of war (latest product: the 'War On
Terror'); Chemtrails, HAARP, microwaves, ELF, etc.; and
other things which are making people, animals, birds,
sea-life and vegetation very, very sick.  Read on.
Michael / World-action / http://www.world-action.co.uk




[If you go to the above webpage you will find
many references and links from this article.]


UK, Friday 30 August 2002

Whilst the Chemtrails issue remains unresolved one
necessarily looks askance at events that otherwise
would probably attract little thought or attention,
unless one were personally involved. Similarly, and
for the same reason, one is tempted to see connections
between events where, in other circumstances, such
connections might not suggest themselves.

One such event, or rather, series of events, is the
veritable plague of mysterious diseases that has
swept across the UK in recent months.

We have an outbreak of Legionnaires Disease
(that rather curious illness about which insufficient
is known, and the genesis of which still remains
clouded in uncertainty) in Cumbria, followed just a
couple of weeks afterward by another outbreak in
Bedfordshire, then, within days, yet another outbreak
in Birmingham. All, according to at least one public
health official, supposedly unconnected.

Of the little that is known about Legionnaires Disease,
some things remain constant. Allegedly non-communicable
person-to-person, the victim generally becomes infected
through inhalation of contaminated water-vapour droplets
generated (so current thinking has it) by such things as
poorly-maintained evaporative air-conditioning units, etc.

Previous by just a couple of weeks to this series of
Legionnaires' outbreaks there was a spate of mysterious
infections and illnesses in Scotland, with contaminated
water appearing to be the common denominator.

Then there is the, albeit undocumented, proliferation
of strange cold- and flu-like ailments that seem to
develop into some sort of chronic bronchial and throat
-related conditions, becoming widespread since about
the late 90s.

Nor has wildlife escaped unscathed.

Just a month or so ago we were hearing reports of
masses of seals being washed up on the coastline,
having expired from the mystery PDV (phocine distemper
virus) illness that was first identified in 1998 (the most
common cause of death after infection being pneumonia!).
Little is heard of this outbreak now, but presumably it is
still occurring, for the magnitude of the infection was such
as to cause alarm with concerns being raised about the
possible decimation of the species.

And just within the past few days cases were being
reported of the sparrow population falling victim to yet
another mystery illness.

(A propos of this let's not forget that even now the
US is experiencing an outbreak of West Nile Fever.
Whilst mosquitoes are normally regarded as a principal
carrier of this disease, recent speculation has focussed
upon sparrows also! And what of the outbreak of Dengue
Fever that afflicted Brazil just a few months back?)

It seems to go on and on and, human nature being what
it is, we cannot help but ask what the hell's happening?

That water appears to be some sort of vector in so many
of these cases is, to say the least, suggestive.

Moreover, because in none of these cases has a
satisfactory explanation been forthcoming it is all too
easy to begin to see a single thread underlying them all.

Trying desperately hard not to fall into the trap of
jumping too hastily to unwarranted conclusions, and
thus blinding ourselves to other possibilities, nevertheless
the temptation to read all of these events as discrete
symptoms of a common underlying cause is almost too
great to resist and, given the nature of Chemtrails activities,
it doesn't require an overly-active imagination to begin to
see one possible contender for this common cause.

Chemtrails is of course not the only contender.
Just last year the UK was witness to a massive outbreak
of foot and mouth disease, that triggered the insane (and
politically dominated) wholesale slaughter of our livestock,
such that this country saw billowing clouds of 

[CTRL] [4] The Unconventional Warrior: Smoking Gun — The Pitzer File

2002-09-04 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-


The Unconventional Warrior
by LTC ‘Dangerous’ Dan Marvin

© 2002 Daniel Marvin

Part Four: Smoking Gun — The Pitzer File

 August 30, 2002

A dynamite book is in the works that will, if taken seriously by citizens and
elected officials alike, be an inspiration for those who possess the
integrity, courage and will to demand a renewed investigation into the deaths
of President John F. Kennedy, Jr., and those whose deaths were attributed to
strange causes. Those same people were involved in one way or another in an
attempt to foil our government’s cover up of the JFK assassination itself.

Explosive in its many revelations, it is tentatively titled, SMOKING GUN -
The Conspiracy to Kill LCDR William Bruce Pitzer. Kent Heiner and I will
co-author this work. I have found Kent to be a man of integrity anxious to
portray the truth in such a way as to elicit a crusade-like fervor among his
readers. He is unafraid, once personally satisfied it is fact, to point the
finger of suspicion at those persons or entities that are guilty of
wrongdoing or its cover up. There is no substitute for truth and justice and
it is that fact that dictates what is written and referenced in the factual
accounts filling this book of truth, telling the reader of murder, intrigue,
intimidation and subterfuge. Those are the hard and fast elements that
surround the October 1966 termination of a US Naval Officer. They also relate
to the probable destruction of irreplaceable evidence that could, if
available, contribute immeasurably to an eruption of truth by virtual reality
to encompass, capture and judge those persons and forces that engineered,
perpetrated and covered up the assassination of a President who was getting
in the way of a blossoming hierarchy of an evil-permeated government.

It is my personal judgment, shared by members of the deceased’s family and a
Navy associate in whom he had confided, that his having sole possession of
irrefutable photographic evidence of the actual autopsy of JFK, evidence that
would prove it to have been multiple bullet wounds that caused JFK’s death,
thereby destroying the myth of a lone gunman our government had perpetuated,
is what gained him a place on our government’s “hit list.”

Not wanting to take away from Heiner’s book, but wanting to provide the
expectant reader an inkling of why the book SMOKING GUN should be on his or
her “must read” list, I offer the following questions that attack government
denial of a conspiracy and their mythical insistence on the suicide theory:

*   Why else, during the first week of August in 1965, would I have been
asked by an agent of the Central Intelligence Agency to kill William Bruce
Pitzer, telling me that he was a “traitor” about to sell State’s secrets to
the enemy?
*   Why, if he were going to use a pistol he allegedly had in his possession
to commit suicide, would he write and place a note in his office that read,
“Remind me to return gun to Sec Off [security office]?”
*   Is it proper to conjecture that whoever killed Pitzer waited patiently
until the 29th day of October in 1966 when Pitzer, close to retirement, would
retrieve the highly sensitive evidence from its hiding place (perhaps in the
false ceiling of his office?), murder Pitzer and retrieve (perhaps destroy?)
that incriminating and indeed irreplaceable photographic evidence?
*   Why was the weapon that killed Pitzer assumed to have been in his
possession when there was no proof that he had, in fact, ever signed for the
weapon on that day? The FBI investigation states that “an undated notation
that a .38 caliber revolver, serial number 311546 had been checked out for
Lieutenant Commander William Bruce Pitzer. The signature under this notation
was illegible,” (emphasis mine). I don’t know about others who read this who
had experience in the military - but during my 21 years in Uncle Sam’s Army I
never knew nor heard of a weapon, particularly a sidearm, being taken from an
arms room (or security office) without the individual himself signing for
that weapon on a specific dated entry.
*   Why are there two death certificates for one death?
*   Why did the FBI investigation tell of one being prepared by Deputy
Medical Examiner John G. Ball of the State of Maryland, who, according to the
FBI report, told the Navy’s Investigative Service that he (John G. Ball) had
“observed muzzle marks around the wound and powder burns” when Pitzer’s
autopsy findings showed no powder burns or muzzle marks?
*   Why was the US Navy’s Death Certificate on Pitzer dated 1 Feb 67 when he
was killed on 29 Oct 66?
*   Why, when the 143 page documentation (including undated cover letter of
three pages) of the FBI investigation into the death of William Bruce Pitzer
provided by the FBI and received by me on 2 August 1997, included multiple
examples of US Navy requests made to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover for
examination of certain items forwarded by 

[CTRL] Virus Alert

2002-09-04 Thread Mermaid
-Caveat Lector-

Subject: VIRUS ALERT: 
URGENT!!!  Very 
Urgent!!!   PASS THIS ON TO 
 If you receive an email titled: "It Takes Guts to 
 Say Jesus"  DO NOT OPEN IT. It will erase 
everything on your  hard drive.  
This information was announced yesterday morning  from 
 IBM; AOL states that this is a very dangerous 
 virus, much worse than  "Melissa," and that 
there is NO Remedy for it at  this time. Some very sick 
 individual has succeeded in using the reformat 
 function from Norton  Utilities 
 causing it to completely erase all documents on 
 the hard drive. It has been  designed to 
work with Netscape Navigator and  Microsoft Internet Explorer. 
It  destroys Macintosh and IBM compatible 
computers.   This is a new, very 
malicious virus and not many  people know about it. Pass 
 this warning along to EVERYONE in your address 
 book and please share it with  all your 
online friends ASAP so that this threat  maybe stopped. 
Please  practice cautionary measures and tell anyone 
that  may have access to your  
computer. Forward this warning to everyone that  you know that 
might access  the 
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Virus Alert

2002-09-04 Thread Bettina Jodda (Twister)

-Caveat Lector-

Hash: SHA1

And so Mermaid sez on Wednesday 04 September 2002 23:34:
 -Caveat Lector-


 Very Urgent!!!

If someone really gets this virus  pleeease send it to me.
I am so sad that I never really encountered a virus ready to destroy my
hard-disc though it was said to be.

Why is it that people are so easy to believe that there are these kind of
viruses? Why do they believe a virus warning and send it out to mailing
lists, to all friends, relatives etc etc etc etc etc...so that my mailboy is
full of warnings, standing right next to people from Nigeria wanting to
give me a fortune and gorgeous business opportunities?

I think what it needs is more people to read, to do some research then and to
think about hoaxes.

This is not meant as an insult, I myself sent out virus warnings like these
before I was asked to do some research etc before forwarding those mails.
It worked for me.

Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (FreeBSD)


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] us cancel search for OBL

2002-09-04 Thread Mermaid
-Caveat Lector-

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on terrorism









US call to relax hunt for 
'dead' bin LadenBy Toby Harnden in 
Washington(Filed: 04/09/2002) 
American special forces commanders are calling for 
their men to be pulled out of Afghanistan after concluding that Osama bin Laden was killed in military strikes on caves 
at Tora Bora last year.
Frustrated by the seemingly fruitless search for a body or other hard evidence, senior 
officers from the US Joint Special Operations Command argue that 
troops should instead be sent on other missions as part of the war 
on terrorism.
Bin Laden's whereabouts were last known in December 
when US forces intercepted a radio transmission of him giving 
orders to operatives from the Tora Bora cave complex in eastern 
Since then, there have been no confirmed sightings of 
al-Qa'eda's leader or radio intercepts to indicate that he is alive. 
An enthusiastic self-publicist, he has issued no statements or broadcasts to his 
"There are a lot of people - though it's not an 
official position - who think he's gone, way gone," a senior officer 
told the New York Times.
Donald Rumsfeld, the US defence secretary, has advocated greater use of special forces troops to 
hunt down and kill terrorists in theatres beyond Afghanistan.
The US special forces have up to 8,000 combat troops, 
including Delta Force, Seals and Army Rangers. They could play a key 
role - along with Britain's SAS - in any invasion of Iraq. Scaling 
down the hunt for bin Laden would release these highly specialised 
soldiers for other tasks.
In July, Dale Watson, the FBI's outgoing 
anti-terrorism chief, became the first senior official to say 
publicly he believed that bin Laden was dead, while adding: "I 
have no evidence to support that."
President George W Bush vowed after September 11 to capture bin Laden "dead or alive", but now says 
the terrorist leader is largely irrelevant because his network has 
been disabled.
But proof of bin Laden's death would be a huge 
political boost to Mr Bush and Washington is reluctant to abandon 
the search until it is certain he is dead.
Some officials contend that he could still be alive. 
They cite unconfirmed reports from Afghans that he escaped from Tora 
Bora to Pakistan, and the attitude of his deputies and his own family. "If he is dead, very few in al-Qa'eda 
know it," said one US official.

Seven men are being 

[CTRL] school abuse suits, microchip children, Iraq/US weapons

2002-09-04 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors

from L Moss-Sharman School abuse suits may cost $1 billion FSIN is outraged government is adding more lawyers to handle influx of lawsuits James Parker  The StarPhoenix 9/4/02 "The federal government and the churches that ran the residential schools on behalf of Ottawa are facing more than 4,500 cases involving about 11,000 individuals. About 540 cases have been settled since 1996. So far, the government has paid out $37 million to compensate plaintiffs for physical and sexual abuse and expects to spend more than a $1 billion dealing with the cases. Some suits also claim the schools perpetrated cultural genocide." http://www.canada.com/saskatoon/story.asp?id={8E084502-450A-4FD0-AA1B-D637FBA3FA85}

Parents look to microchip children - London, England - "Worried UK parents are asking to have tracking microchips implanted into their children following the murders of two 10-year-old girls, a cybernetics expert says. Scientist Kevin Warwick from Reading University, west of London, says parents can keep track of their children with a tiny microchip implant in the arm or stomach." http://www.cnn.com/2002/WORLD/europe/09/03/uk.implant/index.html


Cheney's brief for war: a mass of lies and historical falsifications By David Walsh and Barry 
"On a Public Broadcasting System television news program two days later, former chief UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter refuted Cheney's version of events, accusing him of "rewriting history." Ritter told a PBS interviewer, "What Vice President Cheney said to the American people is tantamount to a lie. The CIA knows that Hussein Kamal, the son-in-law of Saddam Hussein, when he defected clearly stated that under his instructions all weapons programs were eliminated. This is fact. He didn't lead us to a document. The Iraqi government did."

"Cheney attempted in his speech to portray Saddam Hussein as a demon, while ignoring the fact that the Iraqi leader was an ally of the US throughout much of the 1980s, and that Washington supported Iraq in its war with Iran (1981-88). Hussein is one in long line of former allies or CIA stooges who have run afoul of US interests and have been transformed into international pariahs. This list includes Panama's Manuel Noriega, Serbia's Slobodan Milosevic, Somalia's Mohammed Farah Aidid and Osama bin Laden, one of the Islamic fundamentalists who were armed and financed by the US during the mujahedin war against Soviet troops in Afghanistan in the 1980s. When Saddam Hussein was using chemical weapons against Iranian forces and Iraqi Kurds in the late 1980s, he was acting with the knowledge and tacit blessing of the US." 
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Daniel Hopsicker on Rense tonight 9/4/02 7-10pm PDT

2002-09-04 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Daniel Hopsicker on Rense tonight 9/4/02

Sightings radio show -  www.rense.com

Wednesday, September 4, 2002
Giorgio Tsoukalos
Opening Gantenbrink's Door

Daniel Hopsicker
Digging Into Atta's FL Days

Monday-Friday 7-10pm

Pacific Time


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fw: Defense of True Israel Survey

2002-09-04 Thread Bill Kalivas
-Caveat Lector-

Christian Action NetworkE-AlertA 
ministry of Union Christian Church http://ican11.tripod.comUnion 
Christian Church 5355 
Paragon RoadMartinsville, 
(812) 597-5450

Pastor Ted Weiland is conducting an on-line survey. Your 
participation is very important. First of all, it gives a depiction of people's 
knowledge of the 
question. This is very helpful in determining future ways to bring the truth of 
this issue to the forefront. Secondly, those who want to read more about it can 
get a free copy of Pastor Weiland's book, Israel's Identity: It Matters, just by 
participating in the survey. Also, you can help by passing this e-mail along to 
your e-mail lists, relatives, friends, etc. It is a great way to introduce 
people to the Christian Israel truth without giving the impression of shoving it 
down their throat. If they have any interest it could also get them a free copy 
of this important book in their hands. Please help by spreading the 
word!Please be sure to follow the blue highlighted links in the survey 
to get more information and facts on the question raised in the 
survey.Mission To Israel's homepage:http://www.missiontoisrael.org/Defense of True 
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Russia threatens to veto any UN move to attack Iraq

2002-09-04 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


Russia threatens to veto any UN move to attack Iraq

Moscow says it has not seen a 'single well-founded argument'
that Saddam's regime represents a threat to America

MOSCOW - Russia said it had seen no 'single well-founded argument' that Iraq
represents a threat to the United States and warned it would veto any
measure for military action against Baghdad that comes before the United
Nations Security Council.

'We hope... that this question will not be placed before the Security
Council, thereby necessitating the veto,' Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov said
in a blunt message to the US after meeting his Iraqi counterpart, Mr Naji
Sabri, here.

Russia, Iraq's biggest trade partner, has come out strongly against US
military action to overthrow Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein and has echoed
Baghdad's calls for a diplomatic settlement.
But in his talks on Monday, he also pressed Baghdad to allow the return of
United Nations weapons inspectors.

He stressed that the resumption of inspections was necessary 'for the
regularisation of the situation and for the lifting of sanctions... I don't
see any alternative'.

Mr Ivanov's statements appeared to indicate that the Kremlin is putting
heavy pressure on Iraq, with whom it has cultivated close ties.

Russia fears a war would complicate the tense Middle East situation and
jeopardise its economic interests in Iraq, which owes it US$7 billion
(S$12.3 billion).

At the Earth Summit in Johannesburg, Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz
said Baghdad was ready to discuss a return of UN inspectors but only with
other issues, such as ending sanctions and restoring Iraqi sovereignty over
its territory.

It has been a stance UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan has previously
rejected. His spokesman said he urged Mr Tariq to comply with Security
Council resolutions calling for the unconditional return of inspectors.

Mr Tariq said earlier: 'You have to find a solution for all these matters,
not only pick up one certain aspect of it.'

He also accused the US of being uninterested in talks.

US Secretary of State Colin Powell was en route to Johannesburg for the
Earth Summit, where he was expected to face criticism over threats by
President George W. Bush to attack Iraq.
Washington has said that it aims to overthrow the Iraqi leader.

Mr Powell, seen as a Bush Cabinet moderate, has said Iraq allowing UN
inspectors back would be a 'first step'.

He made the comment shortly after US Vice-President Dick Cheney said there
was no point in sending inspectors back into Iraq and pushed for military

British Prime Minister Tony Blair said yesterday that Britain will publish
evidence of Iraq's development of weapons of mass destruction in 'the next
few weeks'.
'A lot of the work has already been done,' he said.

'There needs to be some more work... but I think probably the best thing to
do is to publish that within the next few weeks... We will produce whatever
we have.' -- AP, AFP

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] CRG: On Target

2002-09-04 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


On Target
by Scott Taylor

The Halifax Herald, 2 September/ septembre 2002.

Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG),
Centre de recherche sur la mondialisation (CRM),
globalresearch.ca ,
3 September/ septembre 2002

Order by phone from publisher.
Call (toll free) 1-888-713-8500.

AS PRESIDENT George W. Bush and his hawkish advisers continue to argue their
case for a war with Iraq, they appear to have found many willing allies in
the North American media.

Journalistic values, such as printing only provable facts, have been all too
frequently replaced with dangerously irresponsible jingoism. The intent of
this inflammatory rhetoric appears designed to whip up an anti-Iraq war
fever among an increasingly sceptical public.
Referring to Saddam Hussein as the Butcher of Baghdad and revisiting his
notorious resume, the 1990 invasion of Kuwait and the use of poison gas
against Kurdish rebels, can be viewed as fair comment in such pro-war
However, the only real issues that President Bush can use to justify
launching a military strike to change the regime in Iraq are the linking
of Saddam to a terrorist plot and allegations that Iraq continues to possess
weapons of mass destruction. Until now, the U.S. has had great difficulty in
producing proof of such activities.
Bush's longstanding European and Arab allies have publicly denounced the
idea of war against Iraq while in Britain, the only country openly
supporting military action, Prime Minister Tony Blair runs the risk of
splitting his Labour party vote and bringing down the government should
hostilities escalate.
It was therefore very surprising to read Finance Minister John Manley's
recent proclamations that Saddam has a chemical arsenal and that he poses
a real threat to Western civilization.
There was no ambivalence in Manley's quote; it was simply stated as a fact.
By contrast, that same day, Condoleezza Rice, the U.S. security adviser, was
addressing British parliamentarians and trying her best to bring them on
board the American war wagon. Rice's statements differed significantly from
Mr. Manley's in that she couched her comments with such words as if Saddam
possesses chemical weapons and should Iraq acquire weapons of mass
destruction, then all of us will be in danger.
Given that Canada does not operate an extensive intelligence network in the
Middle East, that we do not have the benefit of independent spy satellite
observations, that there has been no Canadian diplomatic mission in Baghdad
for 12 years, and that Canada definitely has no unilateral weapon inspection
teams operating in Iraq, how could John Manley possibly have acquired the
damning categorical proof that the U.S. is so desperately seeking?
Mr. Manley obviously had his reasons for making such a statement; however,
journalists must ask for their own proof before simply parroting a
politician's comments to the public. If Manley cannot or will not reveal the
source of such significant findings, then his allegations are merely hearsay
and as such do not merit publication.
Likewise, any official statements from the Pentagon or U.S. State Department
must be taken with a liberal grain of salt. During the 1999 NATO air strikes
against Kosovo, the media gleefully reported the mounting tally of destroyed
Yugoslavian military hardware. Pentagon officials and their NATO
counterparts released hundreds of video clips that showed laser-guided bombs
striking Serbian tanks and artillery pieces.
But when the horde of NATO-accredited journalists rolled into the embattled
province, they were shocked to find only 13 hulks of shattered Yugoslav
armoured vehicle littering the battlefields. Of this meagre tally, five had
been disabled by Albanian KLA guerrillas, not destroyed by NATO airstrikes.
For 78 days, the NATO press pool had been duped into reporting fictitious
success claims substantiated by phony video clips.
Likewise, during the Kosovo campaign, the U.S. State Department had sent up
cries of Serbian genocide, with allegations that up to 100,000 Albanians
had been systematically slaughtered. Despite an exhaustive search to unearth
the evidence to substantiate the claims, fewer than 2,000 bodies have been
located. This includes 700 Serbs, as well as other combatants from both
Based on these statistics, it was recently concluded by none other than the
Albanian Kosovar Supreme Court that Serbian authorities had not perpetrated
acts of genocide against their people.
Another recent example of media manipulation was the speculation on Osama
bin Laden's cave complexes in Afghanistan. A widely reproduced artist's
impression of the Tora Bora secret hideout resembled something out of a
James Bond movie: The entire inside of a mountain was hollowed out and
equipped with all manner of modern conveniences, including generators,
elevators and even hot tubs!
But when the coalition forces, including the Canadian contingent, probed the