[CTRL] The deep politics of regime removal in Iraq: Overt conquest, covert operations - Pt. 4

2002-11-24 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


I don't know about this CIA SR-71 stuff ... I don't think eight people plus aircrew 
can fit
on it (unless slung from a removable pod or one of the missile bays.  I hate it when 
write s*** and make these acronymical postulations that may turn out to be less than
accurate.  But, that's life: making sense of things that don't follow true form.

The deep politics of regime removal in Iraq: Overt conquest, covert operations
Part Four: The unfinished business between Saddam Hussein and George H.W.  Bush

By Larry Chin
Online Journal Contributing Editor

November 14, 2002—In a much-publicized CNN interview on September 18, 2002, former
President and CIA Director George H.W. Bush declared that he hates Saddam Hussein.
This canard-filled propaganda display was designed to cloak the historical fact that 
elder Bush loved Saddam Hussein—as a key Middle East ally, a CIA asset, and partner 
numerous illegal business partnerships. Indeed, the recalcitrant Saddam Hussein poses a
grave threat, i.e., to the secrecy that cloaks the Bush family's involvement in some 
of the
most unsavory episodes in American history.

Read My Lips, I'm Lying

 I hate Saddam Hussein, the trembling former president told interviewer Paula Zahn. 
don't hate a lot of people. I don't hate easily, but I think he's, as I say, his word 
is no good
and he's a brute. I have nothing but hatred in my heart for him. Bush added, 
He's got a lot of problems, but immortality isn't one of them.

Not satisfied with simply offering deceptive opinion, the elder Bush began reeling off
historical falsehoods, starting with the now-classic Saddam Hussein gassing legend. 
used poison gas on his own people! Bush declared, not mentioning, of course, that he 
other members of the Reagan-Bush administrations armed the Iraqi regime with this 
gas, and encouraged its use.

As documented by US Congressional records, the Reagan administration—with VP George
H.W. Bush spearheading top-level policy—furnished Iraq with the biological and chemical
materials, throughout the 1980s. This continued through Bush I's administration, right 
up to
the start of the Gulf War.

Poison gas used in the Iran-Iraq War was manufactured using ingredients reportedly
supplied by LaFarge Corporation, of which Bush was a substantial owner, and Hillary
Rodham Clinton was a director.

On July 3, 1991, the Financial Times reported that a Florida company run by an Iraqi
national had produced cyanide—some of which went to Iraq for use in chemical
weapons—and had shipped it via a CIA contractor.

According to investigative journalist Tom Flocco, Baker  Botts, the law firm of then-
Secretary of State James Baker, maintained numerous legal and financial ties with a 
Raton, Florida, chemical company headed by Iraqi terrorist Ihsan Barbouti. This 
continued, according to Flocco, during the period when illegal nerve gas precursors 
shipped by the Boca Raton company to Iraq just months prior to the outbreak of Gulf War
hostilities. With the help of then-Attorney General Richard Thornburgh, Bush 
a conflict of interest waiver that absolved his administration from criminal 
prosecution. Of
course, this waiver was kept secret from Congress.

Details of another direct Bush-Iraq tie emerged in September 1992, when a six-month
investigation by John Connolly in Spy Magazine exposed that Wackenhut Corporation (a 
front company) ferried equipment for the manufacture of chemical weapons to Iraq in
1990. George Wackenhut is a close friend of the Bush family, and has made enormous
contributions to the campaigns of all Bush family members who have run for office.

A recent New York Times page one story (8/18/02), Officers Say US Aided Iraq in War
Despite Use of Gas, revealed that the Reagan administration provided Iraq with battle
planning assistance despite knowledge that chemical weapons were being used against

Members of the current Bush administration, leftovers from the previous Bush reign, 
also heavily involved. Journalist Jeremy Scahill reported that in 1984, Donald 
Rumsfeld was
in a position to draw the world's attention to Saddam's chemical threat. He was in 
as the UN concluded that chemical weapons had been used against Iran. He was armed
with a fresh communication from the State Department that it had available evidence 
was using chemical weapons. But Rumsfeld said nothing.

Reagan-Bush also provided Saddam with dual-use technology— computers, armored
vehicles, helicopters, chemicals—through a vast network of companies, based in the U.S.
and abroad.

Apologists for Bush might insist that, regardless of US involvement, the Iraqis still 
the Kurds. Not entirely true.

According to UC Berkeley Professor Peter Dale Scott, Stephen Pelletiere, chief of the 


2002-11-24 Thread Bill Kalivas
-Caveat Lector-


  If history is to serve mankind in any positive way, we must 
  collectively endeavor to learn from it, especially from past mistakes in 
  socio-political behavior. There is a dangerous development within this 
  countries political landscape concerning the convergence of interests 
  between many in the Christian right and the Bush government, specifically 
  with Bush’s cabal of Israel first fanatics described as neocons or main 
  stream conservatives. This unholy alliance between Christian evangelical 
  dispensationalists, charismatics and the liberals in drag of the 
  Republican Party can be best described as an apostasy for the church and 
  the whoring of its fundamental principles. This vile degenerative union 
  can find in history a familiar parallel of what will be the inevitable 
  maturation and outcome when God’s Kingdom which at present is spiritual 
  and not of this world is converged with human government. We need not look 
  further then Germany in the 1920’s and early 1930’s to find a similar 
  dimensional parallel. 


First, we must look at the societal conditions of Germany 
and where German Christians were politically and socially. We also need to ask 
ourselves and look at what were the conditions which was post World War I 
Germany that allowed for the great deception which was National Socialism. What 
were the conditions in the German Christian community that gave birth to a 
yearning for a political and national savior that would reestablish the 
Christian conservative traditions and national greatness which was the old 
Reich? Most of us know that the majority of the leaders of the Nazis including 
Adolf Hitler were not Christians at all, but that does not really matter here 
because, then, like today, truth was something in an alternate reality. What was 
real to Germans at that time was the relative perception of a Christian 
political savior that promised them everything they wanted to here. The Nazis 
had an extraordinary religious component to them and that the Christian 
community was in such a state that they willfully accepted this hideous 
delusion. They wanted to believe and no amount of truth would alter their 
Ultra liberalism permeated German society on all levels; 
everything that conservatives and Christians regarded as perverse was glorified 
in post World War I Germany. Sexual promiscuity, sodomy and feminism were the 
order of the day. In the media, any deviancy was magnified and glorified and 
declared normal behavior. Sound familiar? Prostitutes and pornography was 
rampant and regarded as daring where violent rape of young girls and boys was 
exiting and an object of lusting. All of it was sensationalized by the German 
elites in the media, social and cultural circles. Of course all of this was 
anathema to the conservatives and Christians of Germany; they rightfully saw 
this as cancerous and detrimental to their country and society. They saw the 
political left of Germany as cultural murderer’s that needed to be stopped at 
any cost, even making alliances with the devil was deemed necessary in order to 
establish an opposition and deterrence to the liberal-socialist-communistic scum 
that was destroying the moral fabric of the nation. German Christians and 
conservatives rightfully concluded that it was a deliberate social and political 
policy by Germany’s liberal intelligentsia to destroy the vestiges of cultural 
identity and the national pride of the nation. Indeed, that is the essence of 
liberalism and all its variants today as it was then in Germany. 
There is nothing new in organized religion getting 
politically involved with the political and economic elites of a country. It 
happens over and over again through out history, and it always morphs, for any 
country in question, into a very aggressive and belligerent establishment and 
government. And whenever organized religion chose to get involved with the 
elites of the nation, it was always in the accepted premise that it was doing so 
to save the moral fabric of the society in question. German Christians and 
conservatives decided that they needed to save the nation and the only party 
that was singing their tune was the National Socialist German Workers Party. 
Never mind that the Nazis were really politically leftist, what mattered most 
was the Nazis were saying what they desperately needed to here, and that was 
enough to allow themselves to be deceived and manipulated by clever homicidal 
hypocrites. That is what is happening to a lesser extent today in this country 
to the religious right who are allowing themselves to be manipulated by so 
called mainstream conservatives (neoconservatives) who are nothing more than 

Re: [CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: In the Name of Security, Privacy for Me, Not ...

2002-11-24 Thread tenebroust1
-Caveat Lector-
It may be that we can resist. In fact I hope this is so. But the point is that all of the weapons and the ability to fend off resistance lies with the government and the militarized police. Just look at what happened with the WTO protests in Seattle and elsewhere. They declare "no protest" zones, they use riot control tactics to disperse. Most people are unaffected in the short term, they don't think that trade agreement or that security bill will affect them anytime soon so they don't care. By the time they do care it will be too late to protest.

Welcome to the desert of the real.
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[CTRL] Miss World chief blames press for Nigeria debacle

2002-11-24 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

Miss World chief bimbo fancies herself an expert on Nigerian
internal affairs.


Miss World chief blames press for Nigeria debacle
Agence France-Presse
Abuja, November 24

The president of the Miss World Organisation, Julia Morley, angrily
blamed the international media on Saturday for the collapse of plans
to host the pageant in Nigeria.

Quite honestly, you -- not individually -- but you as a group, you
pulled Nigeria down and you allowed Nigeria to be humiliated,
Morley told reporters at the pageant's Abuja hotel base.

The Miss World party was due to leave the hotel later in the night to
board a private charter plane to take it to London, the new venue of
the show's December 7 grand finale, a Miss World spokeswoman
Stella Din said.

Morley said that the show had been forced to pull out following a
barrage of negative publicity, first over northern Nigeria's use of the
Sharia Islamic law code then over a bloody series of anti-Miss World

In particular, Morley took exception to stories which appeared in the
international press about the use of amputation as a punishment by
Islamic courts in northern Nigeria.

At least three convicted thieves have had their hands cut off in
northern Nigeria since the region began reintroducing the Sharia in

Earlier this month rights lawyer Hauwa Ibrahim told reporters that 13
more people, including nine children under 18, were waiting in jails
in Sokoto and Katsina state to have the hands chopped.

Morley said this story had been created and demanded journalists

But the contest boss also attempted to see a silver lining in the
pageant's curtailed visit to Nigeria.

We've got massive and wonderful footage of Nigeria and we're
going to use it at the final in London, she said. The heart of the
show is here in Nigeria... because it's a Nigerian show.

Miss World announced early Saturday that it was quitting Nigeria
after two days of rioting triggered by an article on Miss World in the
Nigerian press which Muslims felt insulted the Prophet Mohammed.
According to a human rights agency based in the northern city of
Kaduna, scene of the worst rioting, more than 200 people have
been killed. The Nigerian Red Cross said Friday that 100 people
had already died.


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I'm all for a free press.  It's the newspapers I can't
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[CTRL] Link to Bin Laden Screed here

2002-11-24 Thread klewis
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Re: [CTRL] Dangerous future oppressors killed

2002-11-24 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

   the only way to end
  the violence is for Israel to permit a real state to exist with real
  contiguous borders.

 This will never happen.  Trust me!!!

Well that is the choice of the Israelis. Either they murder all
Palestinians, bulldoze them into the Sea, make a deal,
or continue to be murder and be murdered. The question is
what is the level of murder that is acceptable to the occupier?
How high is the threshold of pain?

Of course the Sharonites worse nightmare is that Israel annexes the
W Bank and Gaza with its Arab population and then ultimately Israel
actually becomes a 'democracy' and the Arabs vote Israel into a normal
secular state.

So called 'terrorism' (actually Guerrilla War) is the weapon of the weak
against the strong. Historically it succeeds by making the pain of
exceed the satisfaction of occupation. Just ask the French about Algeria or
the Boers about Apartheid South Africa. Even the English are getting the
message in North Ireland. BTW, what ever happened to South Vietnam?
I no longer find it in my Atlas.

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Re: [CTRL] Dangerous future oppressors killed

2002-11-24 Thread Minster Books
-Caveat Lector-

H interesting. where do you suggest the Jews go if they give up their
- Original Message -
Sent: 24 November 2002 19:55
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Dangerous future oppressors killed

 -Caveat Lector-

the only way to end
   the violence is for Israel to permit a real state to exist with real
   contiguous borders.

  This will never happen.  Trust me!!!

 Well that is the choice of the Israelis. Either they murder all
 Palestinians, bulldoze them into the Sea, make a deal,
 or continue to be murder and be murdered. The question is
 what is the level of murder that is acceptable to the occupier?
 How high is the threshold of pain?

 Of course the Sharonites worse nightmare is that Israel annexes the
 W Bank and Gaza with its Arab population and then ultimately Israel
 actually becomes a 'democracy' and the Arabs vote Israel into a normal
 secular state.

 So called 'terrorism' (actually Guerrilla War) is the weapon of the weak
 against the strong. Historically it succeeds by making the pain of
 exceed the satisfaction of occupation. Just ask the French about Algeria
 the Boers about Apartheid South Africa. Even the English are getting the
 message in North Ireland. BTW, what ever happened to South Vietnam?
 I no longer find it in my Atlas.

 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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[CTRL] Auto_ID, priest probe, Where's Iraq ?

2002-11-24 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors

Auto-ID: Tracking everything, everywhere Katherine Albrecht, CASPIAN [The following is an excerpt from the article, "Supermarket Cards: Tip of the Retail Surveillance Iceberg," accepted for Publication in the Denver University Law Review, June 2002]A new consumer goods tracking system called Auto-ID is poised to enter all of our lives, with profound implications for consumer privacy. Auto-ID couples radio frequency (RF) identification technology with highly miniaturized computers that enable products to be identified and tracked at any point along the supply chain. The system could be applied to almost any physical item, from ballpoint pens to toothpaste, which would carry their own unique information in the form of an embedded chip. The chip sends out an identification signal allowing it to communicate with reader devices and other products embedded with similar chips." http://www.nocards.org/AutoID/overview.shtml

Priest probe here hits 6 states Number of abuse claims stun Cuyahoga prosecutor "11/23/02 James F. McCarty Plain Dealer Reporter "...Prosecutor William Mason mailed out about two dozen packets of information his staff collected from diocesan files and interviews with nearly 800 self-described victims of sex abuse over the past 50 years. The files contain evidence of child sex abuse in six states and 17 Ohio counties that Mason investigated but that are outside his Cuyahoga County jurisdiction." http://www.cleveland.com/news/plaindealer/index.ssf?/base/cuyahoga/1038047496286560.xml

Survey Reveals Geographic Illiteracy Bijal P. Trivedi
November 20, 2002 In a nation called the world's superpower, only 17 percent of young adults in the United States could find Afghanistan on a map, according to a new worldwide survey released today. The young U.S. citizens received poor marks generally in geography. But then, as results showed, their counterparts in other countries were hardly star students. The National Geographic–Roper 2002 Global Geographic Literacy Survey polled more than 3,000 18- to 24-year-olds in Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Sweden and the United States. 
Sweden scored highest; Mexico, lowest. The U.S. was next to last. "The survey demonstrates the geographic illiteracy of the United States," said Robert Pastor, professor of International Relations at American University, in Washington, D.C. "The results are particularly appalling in light of September 11, which traumatized America and revealed that our destiny is connected to the rest of the world." About 11 percent of young citizens of the U.S. couldn't even locate the U.S. on a map. The Pacific Ocean's location was a mystery to 29 percent; Japan, to 58 percent; France, to 65 percent; and the United Kingdom, to 69 percent. Are Young U.S. Citizens Americentric? Despite the threat of war in Iraq and the daily reports of suicide bombers in Israel, less than 15 percent of the young U.S. citizens could locate either country. More young U.S. citizens in the study knew that the island featured in last season's TV show "Survivor" is in the South Pacific than could find Israel. 
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Re: [CTRL] Dangerous future oppressors killed

2002-11-24 Thread Zuukie
-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message- Behalf Of flw
Sent: Sunday, November 24, 2002 1:56 PM

Of course the Sharonites worse nightmare is that Israel annexes the
W Bank and Gaza with its Arab population and then ultimately Israel
actually becomes a 'democracy' and the Arabs vote Israel into a normal
secular state.
...Lord, you are a dreamer.  normal secular state.  Just like any
other Muslim normal secular state I presume.  The secular New World
Order crew have tiger by the tail.  They are using the Muslims to knock
out the Jews and Christians in the countries where they can.  (See what
is happening in Britain.)  It will be interesting to see the secular vs
Muslim confrontation in the future.  The long range goal of the NWO
seculars is to have a limited population, consumer society with the
consumer needed items being supplied by a small group, kind of like the
feudal societies.  I wonder how the untamed Muslims will like being told
they need to accommodate to a secular society.

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[CTRL] hauerTer

2002-11-24 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Emergency Management a Code Word for Growing Totalitarian Corporate State

While some may think the above headline unrealistic, recent documentation has been
published detailing years of experiments on the American population. Much of this is 
together in the newly published book Undue Risk (by Jonathan Moreno, Publ. W. H.
Freeman and Co., New York, 1999).

The author was a senior staff member of a special commission created by the Clinton
Administration under pressure of the Freedom of Information Act, to investigate years 
government experimentation on unknowing human subjects, including spreading bacteria in
the New York Subway system, spraying viruses over San Francisco, and nice things like
salting school children's cereals with radioactive substances. These are crimes to 
which the
government has confessed, the tip of the iceberg. How much more do we not know of?

When Giuliani's City Hall, in consultation with the secretive network of national 
started the Mayor's Office of Emergency Management, he turned to Jerome Hauer, who
was recommended already as a recognized expert on terrorism. (New York Times, Feb.
2, 1999). His exact career before being promoted to architect of Emergency Management 
NYC remains shrouded in mystery.

However, according to the New York Times, just before and during his four- year stint 
Hauer was part of a small team of experts who advised President Clinton and other 
federal officials about ways to combat chemical and biological terrorism aimed at the 
States. In 1998, he was one of a handful of physicians, scientists and officials who 
persuade Mr. Clinton to increase federal funds to deal with such a threat. The money 
go toward training state and local officials to respond to terrorists wielding 
biological and
other unconventional weapons; developing and stockpiling vaccines to deter such 
and work out agreements with drug companies to manufacture antibiotics in response to
such an attack.

'New York has been and will always be an attractive target for terrorists,' Mr. Hauer 
said in
an interview soon after the White House meeting. 'And as a city and a nation at risk, 
must do whatever we can sensibly do to be prepared to deal with such an event.'

Mr. Hauer has also taken pride in his relatively good relations with the press, which 
considers an important part of emergency response.

The very next year, Hauer returned to his assignment in NYC, and right away, a brand 
epidemic broke out, never before seen in the Western Hemisphere.

The local spread of West Nile fever, a relatively mild form of encephalitis with a 
damage potential similar to a typical flu, created the atmosphere where an apparatus 
be kicked into gear to deal with such an event. The curious fact that the virus was 
new to
this hemisphere meant that its spread could be monitored, as its presence could be
differentiated in blood samples from the many unreported asymptomatic cases of mosquito
borne diseases, such as St. Louis Encephalitis, which generally is present on a 
level. The relative mildness of the disease could make it a sensible thing to do, 
in some
psychotic modes of thinking, if it could provoke society into being prepared.

Public, open-ended discussion of creating such a mechanism might be too slow and
inefficient, from such a point of view, and anyway, the people cannot be trusted to 
on what Big Brother knows is best. Furthermore, democratic discussion sets the wrong
precedent, since it feeds on itself, and encourages people to think that political 
should derive from the willing and informed consent of the governed.

Former NYC Health Commissioner (1991-7) Dr. Margaret Hamburg, who has moved up to
the post of assistant secretary for planning and evaluation at the Federal Department 
Health and Human Services, praised Hauer's response to the epidemic, and in 
the decision to start a massive spraying campaign immediately. (New York Times, Nov.
25, 1999). The epidemic, in fact, tested many of the emergency management systems that
Mr. Hauer had put in place. The mayor almost immediately received reports of unusual
deaths, a reporting system that Mr. Hauer had emphasized as a first line of defense 
natural or terrorist-inspired epidemics.

Did the real terrorism, as usual, come out of the government? First there was the 
Nile provocation, which did sicken dozens and kill several, if we can believe the 
labs in which the diagnosis was refined and confirmed. Assuming so, that can be seen as
an effective biological warfare experiment. Then there was the massive spraying, and a
resultant test in chemical warfare (though counterproductive in combating 

[CTRL] Fwd: The Dallas Conspiracy Lives on:

2002-11-24 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

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-Caveat Lector-

The Dallas Conspiracy Lives on:

For about two years I have been selling 12 letters and documents on ebay
pertaining to George de Mohrenschildt and the CIA.  I have never had a
negative complaint until now.  By looking at the items purchased I found
that the person Everett Ledet of Dallas has been purchasing CIA training
certificates for $46.00 and $6.00 for the evidence that proves a conspiracy
from me.  What more can one ask for?  I took care of his negative comment by
pointing this out.  Many of you went to Dallas and if you know this person,
please feel free to share.


CLICK here for Adamson vs. Everett Ledet transaction:

Click on number after user I.D. to see comments for others to see.

Bruce C. Adamson

Please visit website at http://ciajfk.com


Name:   Everett Ledet (The sender of this payment is Verified)

Buyer's Auction ID: royal_riss
Email Address That Payment Was Sent to:

Gross Amount:   6.50
Fee Amount: -0.49
Net Amount: 6.01

Insurance:  0.00
Shipping:   1.50
Quantity:   1
Item/Product Name:  OSWALD CIA PAL wrote to LBJ  JFK-2-63/4-63
Item/Product Number:734983288
Date:   Nov 20, 2002
Time:   5:57:39
Status :Completed

Shipping Address
(Status: Confirmed) Everett Ledet
14655 Coit
Dallas, TX 75254

Tired of spam? Get advanced junk mail protection with MSN 8.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] 9/11 - Did Mossad Know?

2002-11-24 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Did Mossad Know? 
By David Graham Du Bois 

The reports emanating from the Middle East that some 1200 Israeli citizens working at the World Trade Center failed to show up for work on September 11 have been widely scoffed at. However, an early report that U.S. officials would investigate the allegation has been followed by stone silence. Any investigation should begin by checking the roster of occupants of the WTC for Israeli residents. And, remember, American Jews can become Israeli citizens and maintain their U.S. citizenship. 

Eighty-one countries are represented among the dead and missing in the September 11 disaster. So far, not one Israeli citizen has been listed among the victims. Is it possible that the complex of buildings housing the global center of international business, banking and commerce contained no Israeli citizens on September 11, on a working day morning? 

Those of us familiar with the Middle East know the Israeli Mossad intelligence organization is considered among the most efficient, the most dedicated and the most ruthless in the world. From the earliest days of the existence of the state of Israel Mossad was given state-sponsored freedom and encouragement to do whatever was necessary to guarantee Israeli security. And that is what Mossad has done all over the world. 

Today there is nothing, I repeat, nothing that transpires in the Palestinian Authority territories that sooner or later does not get into Mossad files. This explains why the Israeli army is so proficient in tracking down and targeting important Palestinian leaders, one after another, for assassination. Also, there is very little of Palestinian activity in the U.S., in Europe, in neighboring Arab countries and in Islamic majority states, that does not ultimately end up in Mossad files. 

No entity knows this better than the Palestinian Authority. Mossad is everywhere Palestinian activist or suspected Palestinian activists are. Its’ secret budget is believed to be many times larger than that of any comparable nation in size or population. Mossad field agents are indistinguishable in looks and appearance from Arabs and speak fluent Arabic, including the variety of Arabic dialects spoken from the Atlantic Ocean, across North Africa to the Red Sea. This makes them immune to racial profiling. Mossad infiltration into Palestinian formations and pro-Arab formations both inside Palestine and worldwide is rampant. And, we all should know that there are genuine Arabs that can be bought if the price is right. 

Under these circumstances the probability that the Israeli Mossad learned of the September 11 attack prior to September 11 looms large The fact that no Israeli citizen was a victim of the Towers’ disaster and the report that Israeli citizens were forewarned looms even larger. This probability diminishes the charge of direct Israeli responsibility for the attack and the racist assumption that Arabs are not intelligent enough or clever enough or technically equipped enough to have executed the very intricate plan with such accuracy. But this probability does raise the very serious question that if the Israeli Mossad knew of the plan and considered it serious enough to warn Israeli citizens to stay away from the Towers on September 11, why were U.S. officials not informed? 

Or, were they? 

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] It has happened here, the USA we knew is no more

2002-11-24 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

It has happened here, the USA we knew is no more 

By Bev Conover
Online Journal Editor  Publisher

November 21, 2002—The final nail has been driven into the coffin of that great experiment in government of, by and for the people. George W. Bush has gotten his wish: This is now a dictatorship and he is the dictator.

History will record that the death blows were delivered by the Democratic Party. An awful but inescapable truth.

The party turned a blind eye to the stolen 2000 presidential election. The Democratic congressional leadership shrugged at the 5–4 Supreme Court ruling declared Bush the winner, then decreed that not one of its US senators would back House Democrats in their challenge of Florida's electoral votes. Without an investigation, they accepted the administration's claims about Sept. 11, Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda, and bought into the phony "war on terrorism," allowing the US military to kill thousands of innocent Afghanis. For what? To "smoke out" Osama and make gone with al Qaeda, except when that didn't work out, it was to get rid of the Taliban and replace it with a government friendly to US oil interests—oops, the official line was "democracy." Whatever the goal du jour was, the Democrats marched behind it, even after they learned the administration had secretly set up a shadow government—one of those just in case things, you know, which included no members of Congress. 

Then there was the little matter of the anthrax which was only sent to two Democrats, Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle and Senator Patrick Leahy. That was enough to keep them and their Democratic colleagues in line. And those that stood up for us—Rep. Cynthia McKinney and Senator Paul Wellstone—were kicked out or, in the case of Wellstone, died in an auspicious plane crash.

While Bush's pronouncement of an "axis of evil" (which first encompassed North Korea, Iran and Iraq, but now has been expanded to include Cuba, Libya and Syria) and decree of endless wars sent chills through the Democrats, that didn't deter them from voting, nearly sight unseen, for the USA PATRIOT Act, which has nothing to do with patriots or patriotism but in an acronym for Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act. Oh well, giving up a few rights for security is a good thing, eh? 

Nor did the Democrats raise a howl when Bush released The National Security Strategy of the United States, or as Online Journal Contributing Writer Rose Ann Thomas called it, The National Security Strategy of the United States Empire, which serves notice on the world that "Our forces will be strong enough to dissuade potential adversaries from pursuing a military build-up in hopes of surpassing, or equaling, the power of the United States." 

In this dusted off and spruced up version of a document that has been kicking around since 1950 (the origins are in National Security Memorandum No 68, written under the supervision of State Department hawk Paul Nitze during the Truman administration) is the answer to "why do they hate us?" but the Democrats couldn't see that either. It has been easier to buy into victimhood than to acknowledge that the good old USA has been the global aggressor and, if the Bush administration wasn't behind or complicit in Sept. 11, we got back a bit of what we have dished out. 

And it has been Democrats, as well as Republicans, who have been sounding alarms about terrorist attacks. Former senators Gary Hart, a Democrat, and Warren Rudman, a Republican, were at the forefront, maintaining it was not a matter of "if" a terrorist attack would occur, but "when." In their infamous document, the Hart-Rudman Report, embraced by so many of the left as well as the right, they called for the establishment of an anti-terror cabinet level agency. Well, now the horror is upon us, isn't it?

On a recent Nightline, Hart, who is alleged to have presidential ambitions again, said, with a straight face, in regard to the Sept. 11 attacks that Washington "had no idea planes would be flown into buildings." 

Never mind that the French thwarted just such an attack on the Eiffel Tower in 1994 or that the US military had been playing "what if" games about hijacked airliners being flown into buildings, including the White House and the Pentagon.

The Senate Democrats could have denied Bush the power to wage war on Iraq if our former buddy, Saddam, didn't give up the "weapons of mass destruction" the Reagan-Bush administration supplied him or helped him build—i.e., if he has any left after the Gulf War Poppy Bush waged on him. Instead, the Democrats again chose to be rubber stamps for the junior Bush.

So many of you had hopes that the 2002 election would be the beginning of putting things right; that a majority of Democrats would be elected to both houses and the new year would bring 

[CTRL] AmeriTrust Corporation, Inc.

2002-11-24 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

from an email:
AmeriTrust Corporation, Inc.

  4000 Steeles Avenue, West # 221
Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada L4L 4V9
Telecopier : 905.851.5108


EMBARGO until December 04, 1998 ñ 12:01am
Dossier No. : JAN/48/95
Judicial Court Exhibit

United States of America Government Attn: The
U. S.  President William Jefferson Clinton
U. S.  Vice President Albert Gore, Jr.
U. S.  Attorney General Janet Reno  CANTON DE
United States Senate
 Juge DíInstruction
United States House of Representatives Du Canton
De Vaud
U. S.  Department of  State
Valentin  34
United States Department of the Treasury1014 Lausanne
Internal Revenue Service
Central Intelligence Agency
U. S. Federal Bureau of Investigation
New Republic/USA Financial Group, Ltd  Gesellschaft (Austria)
AmeriTrust Corporation, Inc. / AmeriTrust  (Suisse)  Societe
WhiteCloud Petroleum Corporation  (Delaware)

To:  Carrard, Paschoud, HeimAssocies
Avocats au Barreau
8,  rue de la Grotte
1003,  Lausanne,  Switzerland
Telefon : 41 21 341 90.40
Telefax : 41 21 341.90.50

Attention of :-Monsieur Felix Paschoud,   Avocat

In the matter of:   AmeriTrust Corporation account / Ambassador Leo
   Emil Wanta,  SDR Diplomatic Passport No. 04362 /
   Ambassador Giovanni Ferro,   dated November 23,
   1998,   received November 27, 1998  ñ  as to Suisse
   Court Examination,  scheduled for  04 December 1998
   with The Honorable,  J Antenen,  under the Dossier
   JAN/48/95,  Canton de Vaud,  Juge  DíInstruction,
   Valentin 34,  1014  Lausanne, Switzerland,
   the  following  pertinent  classified  and
   USGovernment  (USG)  information Ö..

Our corporate response,  however,  will be pursuant to the United States of
America,  U. S.  House of Representatives H. R. 3723 law as shown below:-

WHEREAS, The President of the United States of America,  having signed
H. R. 3723  on October 11, 1996,  has protected this transaction by allowing
Corporations the right to declare their Contracts, Clients, Internal
and Information, and the transactions they engage in as a Corporate or Trade
Secret fully protected  under the Economic and Industrial Espionage Laws of
the United States of America  and the International Economic Community.

INASMUCH,  the names,  identities,  bank coordinates and other identifying
information of persons or entities that are party to this transaction,
herein,  or learned hereafter,  shall be a Corporate Trade Secret that shall
be disseminated other than as provided for herein,  or as allowed under
applicable law.   Any unauthorized Disclosure of this Private Transaction,
parties  to,  or other material fact of,  shall subject the violator(s) to

HAVING SAID THAT,   I  have  obtained  a  limited release to protect the
AmeriTrust Corporation, Inc.  and its Corporate Officers named above,  as
this particular USA Corporation ñ  with  other  USG  corporations
 to  be
named  later  ñ  was duly organized under U.S.C.A. Title 18,
Section 6,
which  reads:-

USCA  Title 18 ~ Sec 6 ñ  Department and Agency defined

includes any department, independent establishment, commission,
administration,  authority,  board or bureau of the United States or
corporation in which United States has a proprietary interest, Ö..
25, 1948, c. 645, 62 Stat 685)

  11) [ the phrase  ì corporationî in which the United States has a
 proprietary interest is intended to include those governmental
 corporations in which stock is not actually issued,  as well as
 those in which stock is owned by the United States.]

   5.  Defenses
if a department or agency has colorable authority to
do what
  it is doing, constitutionality of statute or order requiring
keeping of
  records, furnishing of information -- (Humble Oil 
  Co. vs SCA NM 1952, 198F 2d 753,  certiorari denied 73 Sct 328,
  344 US 909,  97  Ed 701)

Per my original United States Government directives and Oath ÖÖ.

  We must learn to subvert,  sabotage,  and destroy our enemies
  by more sophisticated,  and more effective methods than those
  used against us ÖÖÖ.

  As we are facing an implacable enemy whose avowed objective
  is world domination by whatever means and at whatever 

[CTRL] Fwd: ZGram - 11/24/2002 - Senator Byrd: Homeland Security - An Irresponsibl...

2002-11-24 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny

November 24, 2002

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

More yet on Homeland Security:


'An Irresponsible Exercise in Political Chicanery'

Sen. Robert C. Byrd (D-WV)

November 22, 2002

On Tuesday, the Senate voted 90-9 to approve the landmark Homeland
Security bill. What follows is the full transcript of Sen. Byrd's
remarks during the conclusion of the Homeland Security debate.

We have come to the end of a long, long road. For nearly five months
this chamber has engaged in discussions about homeland security. But,
for nearly as long a time this Congress has not engaged in seeing to
it that there is actually funding to make our people any safer from
the threat of another horrific terrorist attack.

It has been over four months since the House of Representatives has
seen fit to pass a regular appropriations bill.

We have talked a lot about homeland security, but we have done very,
very little.

We have not given the cities and municipalities-the police, the
firemen, the hospital workers, the first responders, who are on the
front lines-we have not given these people one red cent to help them
keep us safer from the madmen within our midst in four months.

It has been a little over a year and two months since America was
jolted from its tranquility by the noise, smoke and flames of two
exploding commercial airlines as they smashed into the twin towers.

Yet, in these intervening months, except for the initial help we
provided to New York and to Washington to aid in closing the
hemorrhaging wounds of economic disruption and human devastation,
caused by the terrorist attacks, not enough has changed here at home.

True, we have chased bin Laden across the landscape of Afghanistan
and probably cleansed that nation of the training camps for
terrorists for now. We have made progress, I am sure, in some
disruption of the al-Qaida network worldwide.

But no one in this chamber, and no one in this city can look the
American people in the eye and say to them: Today you are much safer
here at home than you were 14 months ago.

Because of reckless disregard for the reality of the threat to our
domestic security, this administration and many in this Congress have
taken part in an irresponsible exercise in political chicanery.

The White House has pressured its Republican colleagues in the
Congress to reject billions of dollars in money which could have
added to the tangible safety of the American people.

This White House has stopped this year's normal funding process in
its tracks, and even turned back funds for homeland security in
emergency spending bills that could have shored up existing
mechanisms to prevent, or respond to, another devastating blow by
fanatics who hate us.

They have done this plain disservice to the people in order to gain
some perceived political advantage in a congressional election year,
and in order to be able to say that they were holding down spending.
Further, in order to avoid criticism of the too meager dollars for
homeland security, this White House suddenly did an about-face and
embraced the concept of a Department of Homeland Security.

The people are being offered a bureaucratic behemoth, complete with
fancy, top-heavy directorates, officious new titles and noble
sounding missions instead of real tools to help protect them from
death and destruction.

How utterly irresponsible. How callous. How cavalier. With this
debate about homeland security, politics in Washington has reached
the apogee of utter cynicism and the perigee of candor.

No one is telling our people the plain unvarnished truth. It is simply this.

This Department is a 

[CTRL] Top tips on how to spot a terrorist

2002-11-24 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-


Top tips on how to spot a terrorist
By Frank Walker
November 24 2002
The Federal Government is about to launch a major public
information campaign telling people how to spot terrorists and what
to do in an attack.

Prime Minister John Howard said the Government had been
working on the campaign for several weeks and it would be
launched as soon as possible.

Plans are being drawn up for television and print advertisements to
demonstrate terrorists' tacticsand advise people what they should do
to protect themselves.

Security agencies and anti-terrorist experts are being consulted for
the best way to inform the public of the dangers without causing

Mr Howard said people needed practical advice on what to watch
out for and do during the current  alert.

For instance, if you are in a bar and someone comes in and drops
a bag beside you and then leaves, then you should be concerned,
he said.

Or if a vehicle is parked in a suspicious manner. You need to know
what to look out for and what to do.

In an exclusive interview with The Sun-Herald, Mr Howard said
people should not change their lives and should continue as normal
during the current alert.

The Prime Minister said he would not be deterred from taking his
regular early morning walks.

I urge everyone to continue their lives as normal, he said as he set
out from his Kirribilli official residence with a beefed-up security

Flanked by Australian Federal Police in shorts and T-shirts with ear
pieces and weighty bumbags, Mr Howard set off for his brisk
morning exercise as normal after he had returned to Sydney from

Afterwards he acknowledged that terrorist warnings on a spring
morning in Sydney seemed totally out of place and unbelievable.
But we got information we felt we had to act on, Mr Howard said.
It was a credible warning. In a way we are damned if we do,
damned if we don't, on those sort of things.

If we keep it to ourselves and do not put out a warning and then
something happened, we would stand condemned.

The  information campaign has fresh urgency after revelations
yesterday that Australia was a key target in attacks being planned by

New intelligence suggests the worldwide terrorist network has drawn
up plans for a series of linked attacks in Australia, South-East Asia
and elsewhere.

The  organisation now has set Australia on the same level of
targeting as the US and Israel.

News that one of the bombs in Bali could have been set off by a
suicide bomber opens up the possibility that the same method could
be used for the first time in Australia.

Israeli police last month for the first time handed out pamphlets to
schoolchildren and commuters telling them how to spot a suicide

It had immediate success as commuters were able to spot a suicide
bomber trying to get on a bus. Two men held him down while
dozens scrambled away and ran to safety. Only the bomber was

A spokeswoman for Attorney-General Daryl Williams  confirmed that
officials had been asked to provide advice on the campaign.

Mr Williams is the senior minister responsible for the Australian
Federal Police, Australian Protective Service and ASIO. Other
government officials said the likely cost and start date for the
campaign had not been decided, although it was being put together
as a matter of urgency.

The Government is likely to budget at least $30 million and possibly
more for the campaign to ensure it reaches the entire  population.
Like the chilling anti-drug campaign launched by Mr Howard 18
months ago, the terrorist information campaign may include a
pamphlet deliverer to every household.

Prime time television and radio advertisements and print ads across
a wide spectrum of media, including the ABC and SBS, are also
likely to ensure maximum coverage of the campaign.

It will urge Australians to call Crime Stoppers if they observe
suspicious behaviour or objects that could be linked to terrorist
activity including:

 Bags or briefcases left unattended in public places;

 Cars, vans or other vehicles left parked in unusual places;

 Suspicious behaviour by a person or persons around crucial
infrastructure such as power stations, major dams, bridges, tunnels
or  public buildings;

 People taking video footage or photographs around this type of

 Unknown people buying large amounts of fertiliser or other
materials which could be used to make bombs.

But it will also reinforce the Government's message that the nation's
security authorities are in full swing and they should go about their
business as normal.

This story was found at:

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If in a fight, hit first and hit hard.
~~H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
  _Life's Little Instruction Book_ [1991], Maxim #26

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2002-11-24 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

By Jim Rarey

November 24, 2002


Some may consider this article a 
defense of President Bush and the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS). 
It is not. It is a defense of the U.S. Constitution, which appears to be on its 

In August of 2000, this writer 
opined on the Free Republic website that Gore would be the lesser of two evils 
in voting for president. The rationale for that statement was that we know where 
Gore wants to take the country (total control by the federal government) and 
although Bush has the same goal, he would encounter little opposition from 
Republicans because he was perceived as a “conservative.” 

The flaming was immediate and 
vicious. To this day, little criticism of Republicans is allowed on that website 
supposedly dedicated to the constitution and freedom.

For years the author has been 
railing against the concept of a “living constitution” which can be 
“reinterpreted” without amending it, in order to reach a “desirable” result. No 
such power has been granted to the courts (including the SCOTUS). It has been 
usurped. The implied power in the supremacy clause is for the court to APPLY the 
constitution to the laws (statutes) to determine if they comply with the 
original intent and meaning of the constitution as amended.

So brainwashed and dumbed down as 
to the meaning of the constitution is the public that the congress, executive 
and courts have been able to convince them that emergency powers are not subject 
to the original constraints of the constitution.

When the court, in one of its 
rare instances, follows the original meaning and intent, the decision is met 
with derision and contempt. Such was the case in the decision that decided the 
presidency in the year 2000.

In the Florida 2000 case the 
court held (correctly) that the provision in Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. 
Constitution (Each State shall appoint in such Manner as the Legislature 
thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of 
Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the 
Congress:) meant the legislature and not the state government which would have 
included the courts and executive. Theruling therefore said the attempt by 
the State Supreme Court to change the deadlines established by the legislature 
was unconstitutional. That, by the way, was by a 7-2 vote of the nine 

The 5-4 vote was on the question 
of which of two deadlines (established by the legislature) should be honored. 
The question was moot anyway since both deadlines had passed. 

The canard that Bush was 
"selected" by a 5-4 vote of "conservatives" is just that, a lie. It was the 7-2 
vote that gave Bush Florida’s electoral votes and the presidency.

However, when the exact same 
issue was presented to the U.S. Supreme Court in the New Jersey case this year, 
the court refused to hear an appeal, in effect upholding the ruling of the State 
Supreme Court that it had the authority to override the state law established by 
the legislature in the interest of "fairness."

Although a different section of 
the constitution was involved (senators not presidents), the issue was 
identical. Article I, Section 4 reads:
“The Times, Places and Manner of 
holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in 
each State by the Legislature thereof, but the Congress may at any time 
by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing 
Senators.” (The exception for senators was because at that time, before adoption 
of the seventeenth amendment, they were chosen by the state legislatures.)

What does all this prove about 
the SCOTUS? Only that it will use 
original intent when it suits its purpose and ignore or trash the constitution 
when it doesn’t.

The derisive use of such 
expressions as, “the selected president’ and “resident Bush” reflect only on 
those who use them and mock the constitution and the Office of the President, 
not the person himself.
(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this 
material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior 
interest in receiving the included information for research and educational 
Permission is granted to reproduce this article in its 
The author is a freelance writer based in Romulus, Michigan. He is a former 
newspaper editor and investigative reporter, a retired customs administrator and 
accountant, and a student of history and the U.S. Constitution.
If you would like to receive Medium Rare articles directly, please contact us 
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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[CTRL] [LIFE-LIBERTY-SECURITY] Culture of Life/Culture of Death...your choice (fwd)

2002-11-24 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2002 18:38:44 -0800 (PST)
From: Franklin Wayne Poley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [LIFE-LIBERTY-SECURITY] Culture of Life/Culture of Death...your

Saturday night's partying with the citizens gives rise to Sunday
night's analysis of hate as a path to salvation. How often does one hear a
tele-evangelist quote John 12:25? He that loveth his life shall lose it;
and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life
eternal. This enigmatic saying is explained by understanding why it is
acceptable to hate the way of life which is found in this world. As the
lyrics from Canadian balladeer, Leonard Cohen, remind us: Everybody knows
the dice were loaded; Everybody knows the game was rigged; Everybody knows
the good guys lost. Early Cohen music ca. 1970 dealt with the theme of
Christian martyrdom and contained lyrics like God is alive, magic is
afoot To further understand the Gospel picture on hate, we read
elewhere among the sayings of Jesus Christ that you will be hated more
than any other people and more than any other nation for adhering to a
lifestyle in service to God. Hating and persecuting those who advocate and
practice virtue as a complete way of life, a culture of life if you
will, is the norm and dominant ethos of this planet.

And there we have enough of a backgrounder to understand why a culture of
life has not been articulated in North America despite both pope and
president using that phrase in their speeches (after it was coined in Life
Gazette journalism); despite the US Congress shoring up the nation under
God pledge and the in God we trust slogan with legislation; despite
a Canada by Constitution which is founded upon principles that recognize
the supremacy of God. Even accepting that the word God has a number of
Webster's definitions and even atheists can relate to this word as meaning
One's highest ideals, one still does not find enthusiasm for spelling
out a Culture X according to those highest ideals. The protecting
creation campaign can issue a What would Jesus drive? slogan but dares
not go on with this exercise to articulate a complete way of life from
individual to the complete society, of which Jesus would approve.

There is something profoundly and fundamentally evil about the nature of
life on this planet which is analyzed correctly in the Gospels, and
given poetic expression in Milton's seventeenth century classic, Paradise
Lost. But a modernized version of Paradise Regained is needed to
provide a global cure to terrorism. As one Congressman has noted, what is
there to stop a determined terrorist from bringing an atom bomb up the
Potomac in the hold of a ship? The will finds the way. How many millions
and billions of people in this world feel utterly God-forsaken and would
certainly ignite the spark, given the powder to blow it to hell. An
occasional bout of feeling despair of the magnitude of God-forsaken is
probably the norm in North America. Personal traumas, loss of loved ones,
major illnesses etc. afflict most of us and I am no exception. But what of
those 32,000 children who die every day on Planet Hell according to the
repeated CTV ads? They die by being deprived of the necessities of life,
ie food, shelter, health care and clothing even while the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights says these amenities are their right. How much
God-forsaken despair is generated daily around those 32,000 lives?
There we have a source of terrorists by the millions for generations to
come; the will finds the way.

The remedy is straight forward and obvious. A culture of life, a city
of life by whatever name, can be designed and built here in North America
and tailored to suit the conditions of various countries in the world.
That has been my daily message online since 1995 and it has fallen on deaf
ears. A world which has chosen a culture of death for itself can only
reap what it has sown.

 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor -~--
·FREE Health Insurance Quotes-eHealthInsurance.com

Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person (Canadian 
Constitution, Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Part I:7). What does this 
Life-Liberty-Security Clause mean?

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major and minor 

[CTRL] Where is Israel's Daniel Ellsberg?

2002-11-24 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

Monday, November 25, 2002 Kislev 20, 5763
Israel Time:  05:04  (GMT+2)

Where is Israel's Daniel Ellsberg?

By Akiva Eldar

Daniel Ellsberg, the U.S. Department of Defense official who in 1971 leaked
classified documents subsequently known as the Pentagon Papers to The New
York Times, has recently published his memoirs. The book presents evidence
showing that for 23 years, five U.S. presidents waged a war (in Indochina)
they knew America could never win.

In a tape recording, Lyndon Johnson is heard saying to a friend that he
does not believe that the Vietnamese will ever surrender. At the same
time, he sent young men to their deaths, Ellsberg bemoans, reminding us
that 58,000 U.S. soldiers and more than 2 million Asian civilians lost
their lives in that very war.

Ellsberg was a passenger on Robert McNamara's plane when the former
secretary of defense was heard saying that the American army was taking a
beating in Vietnam. When the plane landed, however, Ellsberg was standing
alongside McNamara when the latter announced to the press: I am pleased to
announce significant advances on all fronts.

Ellsberg suggests that we learn from the documents he disclosed that when
it comes to war and peace, thinking people should not make do with
information offered by the administration, not even Congress. The documents
indicate that even the most classified of Congress's committees fell victim
to blatant lies.

In an interview with the online news Web site, www.salon.com, Ellsberg says
that the most intelligent of individuals, such as McNamara, can adopt
destructive policies if their wisdom is undermined by stronger forces -
political survival, fear of being labeled with a wimpish image, exhibiting
weakness in the face of Communism.

Ellsberg argues that these same forces are driving the Bush
administration - in the name of the war on terror - into a war steeped in
the blood of Iraqi citizens. He warns that this war is likely to drag the
Arab world into the hands of the Islamic fundamentalists and cost the lives
of countless Americans, Europeans and Israelis.

According to Ellsberg, Ariel Sharon's war-on-terror policy is costing the
lives of more Israelis than it is saving, and his opinion has significant
backing from among the upper echelons of the Israeli establishment. The
ongoing decline in moral standards is indeed eroding their strength, but in
backrooms, there are still experts who are saying things and even writing
papers indicating that top-level political and military officials are
knowingly feeding the public with falsehoods. In their assessments of the
current situation, no inkling of a basis can be found for the promise that
Palestinian terror can be stopped without Israel putting an end to the

In off-the-record talks, senior sources in the defense establishment say
that the chances of wiping out the terror infrastructure are tantamount
to those of drying out the Mediterranean Sea. Occupying ourselves with the
terrorists and those who send them out on their missions, explosives
laboratories and the deportation of Yasser Arafat is diverting attention
from the real danger: Hundreds of gangs of armed young men who answer to no
one are threatening to turn the territories into a second Vietnam. They do
not need an organization and it is almost impossible to garner intelligence
(warnings) about their plans.

Defense Ministry officials are whispering that the political echelon (with
the help of the media) is selling the public the delusion that the
separation fence is about to become a reality; these officials know that in
the coming years, the state coffers will be unable to bear the burden of
the ongoing war for the safety of the settlements together with the
investment of billions of shekels in the seam-line area.

Military Intelligence doesn't know whether to laugh or cry on hearing
Benjamin Netanyahu's argument against Sharon's intention to establish a
Palestinian state. Any junior intelligence officer knows that Sari
Nusseibeh has a hard time finding even a handful of supporters for Ami
Ayalon's generous offer of a state within the 1967 borders, and that by the
end of this decade, a Jewish minority will be ruling an Arab majority
between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River.

Ellsberg's message to the Bush administration can apply to Israel too: If
you are in possession of documents that show that the government is
misleading the public all the way into war, take them to Congress and the
media. Even if it could cost you your job or get you sent to prison, tell
the truth.

By the way, Ellsberg and The New York Times were completely acquitted by a
court of law for the publication of the documents.

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Re: [CTRL] Dangerous future oppressors killed

2002-11-24 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

 Of course the Sharonites worse nightmare is that Israel annexes the
 W Bank and Gaza with its Arab population and then ultimately Israel
 actually becomes a 'democracy' and the Arabs vote Israel into a normal
 secular state.
 ...Lord, you are a dreamer.  normal secular state.  Just like any
 other Muslim normal secular state I presume.  The secular New World
 Order crew have tiger by the tail.  They are using the Muslims to knock
 out the Jews and Christians in the countries where they can.  (See what
 is happening in Britain.)  It will be interesting to see the secular vs
 Muslim confrontation in the future.  The long range goal of the NWO
 seculars is to have a limited population, consumer society with the
 consumer needed items being supplied by a small group, kind of like the
 feudal societies.  I wonder how the untamed Muslims will like being told
 they need to accommodate to a secular society.

Guess you prefer the extermination solution, i.e. 'final solution.'

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Dangerous future oppressors killed

2002-11-24 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

 H interesting. where do you suggest the Jews go if they give
up their occupancy?

Back to Israel and leave the W. Bank and Gaza.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Dangerous future oppressors killed

2002-11-24 Thread Zuukie
-Caveat Lector-

Wrong, flw.  Like many others, I don't have a quickie answer.  How to
separate those who are manipulated from the manipulators.  The
manipulated are always the victims because of their innocence and their
lack of ability to hold to a moral code.

Guess you prefer the extenmination solution, i.e. 'final solution.'

-Original Message-
From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On
Behalf Of flw
Sent: Sunday, November 24, 2002 9:38 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Dangerous future oppressors killed

-Caveat Lector-

 Of course the Sharonites worse nightmare is that Israel annexes the
 W Bank and Gaza with its Arab population and then ultimately Israel
 actually becomes a 'democracy' and the Arabs vote Israel into a normal
 secular state.
 ...Lord, you are a dreamer.  normal secular state.  Just like any
 other Muslim normal secular state I presume.  The secular New World
 Order crew have tiger by the tail.  They are using the Muslims to
 out the Jews and Christians in the countries where they can.  (See
 is happening in Britain.)  It will be interesting to see the secular
 Muslim confrontation in the future.  The long range goal of the NWO
 seculars is to have a limited population, consumer society with the
 consumer needed items being supplied by a small group, kind of like
 feudal societies.  I wonder how the untamed Muslims will like being
 they need to accommodate to a secular society.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] All I Want for Christmas is a Bombed-Out Dollhouse

2002-11-24 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

And I thought I'd seen everything!


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Title: All I Want for Christmas is a Bombed-Out Dollhouse
-Caveat Lector-

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Featured Views

on Saturday, November 23, 2002 in the Globe 

All I Want for Christmas is a Bombed-Out Dollhouse 

Krista Foss

 It looks like Barbie went ballistic. The bombed-out dollhouse has a busted 
balustrade, crumbling bricks, bullet holes pockmarking its pretty pastel walls 
and, what's worse, it has been commandeered by fatigue-clad soldiers toting assault 


Forward Command Post
Take command of your soldiers from this fully outfitted battlezone. 75-piece set 
includes one 111/2H figurine in military combat gear, toy weapons, American 
flag, chairs and more. Assembled dimensions; 32x16x32H. Plastic. 10 lbs. 
Ages 5 and up.
(From page 486 of JC Penney's 
2002 Christmas catalog)

No, it's not a joke. It's a toy called Forward 
Command Post manufactured by the ironically named Ever Sparkle Industrial 
Co. Ltd. And for $45 (U.S.), it could be waiting for a flush-cheeked, pajama-clad 
child to unwrap this Christmas morning. 
Welcome to the new millennium of war toys. Gone are cartoonishly idealistic 
action figures, soft plastic guns and the model jet fighters of yore. They have 
been replaced by bazookas with explosive noises, exacting copies of long-range 
sniper rifles, a peacekeeper battle station complete with tripod-mounted 
cannon and counterterrorism advisers as action figures.
High-tech and perhaps a bit too highly realistic, this toy fare is creating 
ripples among concerned parents and peaceniks alike.
War toys have been around forever, but the problem here is the change 
in focus. Before such toys were more in line with the ideas of self-defence, 
said Eric Garris, who is webmaster of the California-based antiwar.com, which 
has started a campaign about against the Forward Command Post toy.
This is not just another war toy -- it's a total paradigm shift in the 
war toy industry. It's setting up the young people for this new kind of war, where 
soldiers come into your house and take it over when they need to.
Antiwar.com has been pushing the U.S. department store chain JC Penney to remove 
Forward Command Post from its on-line catalogue and stores. (Calls to the head 
office - 972-431-1000 - were not returned.)
Meanwhile, the same is toy is available on-line through eToys, which also offers 
a choice of Caucasian or a dark-skinned ethnic military action figures 
with weapon-stuffed footlockers. A similar toy, Elite Operations Forward Command 
Post, is sold on the Toys 'R' Us Web site (but not in Canadian stores).
Depending on which source is selling it, Forward Command Post is recommended 
for children five years and up, as is the G.I. Joe Long Range Army Sniper.
It is something to be concerned about, says Steven Feldgaier, a University 
of Manitoba child psychologist who specializes in anxiety and stress among children. 
These toys glorify violence and war . . . and send the confusing message 
that peace is linked with the need to arm yourself.
But while there is no doubt war toys are enjoying a rebirth, Leigh Poirier, 
executive director of the Canadian Toy Testing Council, which evaluates 400 to 
600 toys yearly, is not reading anything ominous into it.
We don't feel from our observations that war toys enhance or encourage 
aggression. We haven't seen that, she said. And these toys are definitely 
more popular in the U.S.
Certainly, some of the new action figures and toys this year are aimed squarely 

[CTRL] (no subject)

2002-11-24 Thread IGGY
-Caveat Lector-


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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-Caveat Lector-


End the billion-dollar gun registry boondoggle: The Liberals
have lost interest in this ineffective operation, but fear to close
it down.

Something appears to have gone drastically wrong at the national
gun registry in July, but it is difficult to find anyone who will
admit it.

No, let me rephrase that: Lots of people inside and outside the
registry will admit something went wrong. Rather, there are
conflicting reports over how drastic the foul-up was, and whether it
was out of the ordinary.

Several gun owners -- scores, if not hundreds or even thousands --
received letters this summer asking them to re-register firearms they
had already registered.

One source, a senior Liberal staffer on Parliament Hill, insists
this was made necessary by a "huge crash of the processing
computers," sometime in early July. He also insists the crash wiped
out "thousands" of firearms records entered into the computers around
or just after Christmas -- more like tens of thousands.

Another source, this one closer to the Department of Justice,
which runs the registry, says there were indeed "delay problems" in
July, but they were nothing unusual. The system is prone to "periodic
interruptions" during which no files are lost because all
registration records are kept in duplicate on separate computers

Frankly, I tend to believe this latter source when he claims
disasters are run-of-the-mill fare at the registry, and also when he
claims safeguards are built into the computers to ensure vital
information is never lost.

Still, it strikes me as funny that the government's explanation
for why no one should be concerned about the July crash is, in
essence, "Don't worry, that happens all the time."

Plenty of gun owners reported an inability to get through to the
firearms registry both on the phone and via the Internet at about the
same time -- early to mid-July. For days on end, callers received a
recorded message telling them telephone volume was so heavy no one
could speak with them nor even take a message. They were advised to
call back another time.

The registration of firearms slowed to a crawl, too. According to
the registry's own numbers, it processed only 10,000 registrations
per week in mid-July, but was back up nearly to normal (40,000) by

Turmoil Seems Normal

Whether this incident was uniquely bad, or merely
catastrophe-as-usual, three things are clear about the registry as it
approaches its fourth anniversary and as the deadline (Jan. 1) for
registering all firearms approaches: It is in turmoil.

The Liberals have, for all intents and purposes, abandoned it.
And, the processing of owner licenses and firearms registrations has
become so perfunctory the registry cannot possibly make Canadians
safer from gun crime.

On Sept. 9, the Yellowknifer newspaper reported that the federal
firearms officers in both Yellowknife and Hay River had quit their
jobs. No replacements were being sought. These resignations follow
hard on the heals of resignations by firearms officers in Saskatoon,
Regina and Winnipeg. Since spring, eight in all have left their

Between now and the end of the year, the government must register
another 3.5 million firearms (assuming its own ridiculously low
estimate of the number of guns in Canada is correct). It cannot
possibly meet that target, particularly if its staff keep quitting
and its computers keep crashing. It has taken nearly two years to
register the first 4.2 million.

The entire registry staff continues to shrink in number, though.
The Liberals claim this is because the peak of the registry's