[CTRL] Nat'l Sanctity of Life

2003-01-21 Thread Euphorian
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Remarks by the President

THE PRESIDENT: Today is National Sanctity of Human Life Day, as
decreed by me early last week in a breathlessly dramatic proclamation
that Karl Rove threw together to assure the Christian right wing I'm still
the man to overthrow Roe vs. Wade – no matter if I did pay to illegally
vacuum a big ole womb booger out of this sweet underaged slice of tang
I was plugging back in the late 60's.

Of course, today is also noteworthy for another reason - that being the
fact that you people here - all 250,000 of you - have conspired to
stage the largest organized anti-war protest since the Vietnam War.
Now I've never pretended to understand hippies, what with your ugly
clothes and greasy hair and stupid little Volkswagen Hitler vans you
people caravan around in, but I have to say that today, you freakazoids
have me even more stumped than usual. I mean, why would anyone
want to ruin a perfectly good day celebrating the sanctity of human life
by bellyaching over my plans to go waste a few hundred thousand
good-for-nothing camel jockeys?


Yeah, "boo" is right. "Boo-hoo-hoo!" While you deadbeat America-haters
are parading around crying like a bunch of women and dancing the
funky chicken to moldy cassettes of some dead junkie fatso jamming out
on LSP, I'm busy doing everything in my power to launch a completely
necessary and totally non-personal war against Saddam Hussein. You
see, this indescribably dangerous tin pot dictator, whose army we
crushed within hours back in 1991, and who has been crippled and
impoverished by U.N. sanctions ever since, is nevertheless somehow
poised to miraculously dispatch vast omnipotent hordes of Godless
Arabiac monsters halfway around the planet to invade America and
devour our blue-eyed babies whole! And that, my worthless long-
haired friends, is something my approval ratings cannot allow. Never
mind all this pansy Hans Blix nonsense about "evidence" and
"inspections." This White House respects the sanctity of American life -
even at the cost of killing every last crybaby non-American on the face
of the earth.

But no, you people wouldn't understand that. And you say I'm the dumb
one? Well here's some more top-secret intelligence for you: when you've
got B.O., and you smear patchouli oil all over yourself, it doesn't mean
the B.O. goes away - it just means that instead of just stinking like ass,
now you stink like Joan Baez's ass instead. Oh, and while I'm at it -
Tom's of Maine doesn't work either. All you holier-than-thou Tom's of
Maine eco-consumers out there, every last one of you has furry teeth
and reeks like a Pakistani cab driver. Truth is, how you can come out
here and say you love America, yet can't even be bothered to pick up a
real goddamned stick of soap or deodorant simply boggles my mind.

In closing, both Karl and Ari wanted me to thank so many of you for
infusing this protest with all the laughably dismissible trappings of
clichéd 60's counter-culture. By transforming a potentially persuasive
act of mass civil disobedience into a dumb geriatric flower-power circus,
you folks made 21st century pacifism look about as appealing to today's
kids as a PBS marathon of Lawrence Welk reruns.


Yeah, well the truth hurts. At least that's what I'm told. The truth and I
have never come into contact directly.

Thank you, and God Bless America.



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[CTRL] George of Mesopotamia

2003-01-21 Thread Euphorian
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Lawrence of Arabia Redux

by Matthew Rarey

"I deem him one of the greatest beings alive in our time. We shall never
see his like again. His name will live in history. It will live in the annals of
war. It will live in the legends of Arabia!"

~ Winston Churchill

Like a mirage, the best film of the season appeared suddenly, without
fanfare, out of a desert of ephemeral flicks destined for the cinematic
cemetery. Just as suddenly it vanished. It won't be winning any Academy
Awards next spring, either. No sore bones about it, though: "Lawrence
of Arabia" swept the Awards in 1962, winning Oscars for Best Picture,
Director, Score, Cinematography and then some. No mere nod to
nostalgia, the fortieth-anniversary re-release of David Lean's haunting
masterpiece about the Englishman who fought for Arab freedom in
World War I could not have re-appeared on the big screen at a more
apt time.

"Lawrence" is an artistic tour de force, affirming great cinema's
pedagogical role of teaching through images and words that linger in the
mind. Since the images and lessons of "Lawrence" are nothing but
subtle, they might make the less-than-subtle minds of the men and
boys in the War Party reconsider making the Middle East safe for
democracy through military conquest.

Of course, this presupposes that the historically innocent, younger hawks
could skip "Friends" for an evening and watch "Lawrence." Second, it
presupposes the sincerity of the older hawks' public commitment to
democracy and such enigmatic concepts as "peaceful Islam." Two big
presuppositions, surely. But first, on to the feature presentation.

I saw "Lawrence" twice during its week-long run in Washington, D.C.,
before it exited for "Harry Potter." The theater was packed each time,
mostly with older movie buffs. Where were the children, I wondered,
who were being denied something exponentially greater than the boy
wizard of banality? Then the lights dimmed, the velvet curtains swept
back, and "Lawrence" opened to a staccato outburst of kettle drums as
memorable as the opening notes of Beethoven's Fifth.

How to describe the movie before exploring its salient lessons? Imagine
sensuous excitement and heraldry on par with a Nuremberg rally
orchestrated by Elgar to depict the beauty of British martial discipline on
one hand, and on the other, the romance, brutality and savage honor of
Arab tribesmen and their desert, "an ocean in which no oar is dipped."
Flesh this out with a poignant script enlivened with performances by
some of the era's finest actors – from old-timers Alec Guinness, Claude
Rains and Jack Hawkins, to ascending stars Anthony Quinn, Omar Sharif
and Peter O'Toole as Lawrence – and you have a movie grander than
anything imaginable today. (True to its masculine subject, there is not
one female speaking role. Surely there would be a love interest inserted
nowadays, as improbable as that would be: Lawrence, a strange bird,
did not even like being touched – except in flagellation, but that's
another story.)

The movie's correlation to historical truth is neither clear nor simple.
This being the general state of truth in the Middle East, it seems fitting.
For Thomas Edward ("T.E.") Lawrence (1889–1935) was a complex and
peculiar man, perhaps best described in the opening scene at his
funeral: "He was a poet, a scholar, and a mighty warrior. He was also
the most shameless exhibitionist since Barnum and Bailey." Though
Lawrence's feats were legendary, he did not bother to separate the
myths that inevitably shrouded them. Indeed, he even invented some –
quite a few, actually – himself, out of an overgrown schoolboy's sense of
mischievous, but basically harmless, fun. "History isn't made up of truth,
anyway, so why worry?" he confessed.

While scholars debate the particulars, a few things are certain. An
Oxford-trained scholar who was at an archaeological dig in modern-day
Iraq when war broke out, Lawrence accompanied an expedition to
assess the situation among the Bedouin Arabs, who had revolted against
the Ottoman Empire and become, ipso facto, British allies. He became
enthralled with the Arab cause and set to win them independence from
the Turks and prevent their subjugation by the British. Donning Arab
robes and accused by some of "going native," he gave them victory in
conducting a guerrilla warfare that exploited their natural fighting ability.
(Like al-Qaeda, they would strike unexpectedly then disappear into the
desert, leaving the modern Turkish army bogged down and
bewildered.) When his idealistic crusade collapsed amid Arab in-fighting
and the British took control as colonial overlords, he despaired.

By then he was famous thanks to a press that had grown disillusioned
with the Western Front and found in Lawrence a romantic hero
inconceivable in the trenches. Like the American hero Sergeant Alvin
York, Lawrence refused to profit from celebrity hood. In the early
Twenties he enlisted as a private in 

[CTRL] Rummy's Dummy Flummummery

2003-01-21 Thread Euphorian
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Rumsfeld Smears Veterans, Extends Marines' Enlistments
Mark Shields CNN

January 20, 2003

... US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld alleged that Vietnam War
draftees "added no value, no advantage, really, to the United States
armed services " In addition, Rumsfeld ordered all Marines to remain
on active duty 12 more months past their discharge date ...

Washington - Known primarily through his combative, and self-
confident, press conferences on C-SPAN, Defense Secretary Donald
Rumsfeld has won boffo reviews from critics who rarely agree.

Rumsfeld's "wit and charismatic candor" were praised on the liberal New
York Times op-ed page, while the editorial page chief of the
conservative Washington Times, proclaimed as "most charismatic" of the
year the defense secretary "who's the heartthrob of neo-cons and
mature women around the country, and Republicans everywhere."

Well, this is a different year, and in his first 2003 press conference,
Rumsfeld shamefully smeared American veterans and then deliberately
fibbed about how there is absolutely "no need " to consider reinstating
the draft because the nation's all-volunteer military was, he assured us,
working perfectly.

First, the smear of veterans. Speaking of the 11 million Americans who,
during the Vietnam years, answered their country's draft call and the 2
million who served in Vietnam, Rumsfeld alleged that these draftees
"added no value, no advantage, really, to the United States armed
services over any sustained period of time, because the churning that
took place, it took enormous amount of effort in terms of training, and
then they were gone."

I'll say "then, they were gone!" Of the 58,152 Americans who gave their
lives in Vietnam 20,352 of them were draftees. How dare the secretary
of defense say these good and brave Americans "added no value, no
advantage, to the United States armed services?"

Why would he slander the sacrifice of these brave men, dishonor their
memory and rub salt in their families' wounds?

Certainly a man as smart as Rumsfeld knows that the draft was
specifically intended to trigger volunteers. Faced with the certainty of a
future draft call, many young men chose to "volunteer" because then
they could select which branch of the service they preferred and, if
qualified, the specialized training they desired.

So, the overwhelming majority of the American veterans -- from 1940
to 1973 -- had entered the service directly -- or indirectly -- because
of the draft law.

Rumsfeld, himself, was "drafted." He chose, after graduating from
Princeton in 1954, to serve three years on active duty as a Navy aviator.
More than two out of three of his Princeton classmates, also motivated
by the reality of the draft, served on active duty. Two years ago -- with
no draft -- exactly two members of the Princeton graduating class chose
to become officers in the United States military.

Now to Rumsfeld's fiction about the all-volunteer service. Asked about
legislation introduced to re- institute the draft on the eve of war,
Rumsfeld was emphatic: "We're not going to re-implement the draft.
There is no need for it at all. ... We have people serving today -- God
bless 'em -- because they volunteered. They want to be doing what it is
they're doing."

Sounds good, except that it is not true. Two days after these
unequivocal words, the United States Marine Corps -- which reports to
the secretary of defense -- froze for the next 12 months every one of
its 174,312 members currently on active duty. Marines who had
completed their voluntary enlistments or their 20 years and had chosen
to return to civilian life or retirement will instead remain, involuntarily, in
the service.

Marines being Marines, they will answer their country's call. But let us be
clear: This action, along with other more limited freezes affecting other
thousands in uniform imposed by the other services, means the
volunteer U.S. military is no longer all-volunteer.

The unavoidable question that now must be answered by Rumsfeld and
the president is not whether Americans ought to be "drafted" to defend
the country, because we are already doing that, but exactly which
Americans will be drafted.

Maybe the war-hawk Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill can
now explain why it is more just to retain on active duty involuntarily an
American who has fulfilled his voluntary obligation to his country than it
would be to bring to active duty involuntarily those Americans --
including the sons of senators and CEOs -- who have yet to serve.

Now before the bullets fly and before the bombs drop and before the
brave young widows again climb the hill at Arlington Cemetery, we must
face that test of whether we have the will to stand together on individual
sacrifice for the common good and determine whose brothers, whose
sons and whose 

[CTRL] 0.16K From GW1

2003-01-21 Thread Euphorian
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 Most Media Ignore 160,000 U.S. Casualties from Gulf War I
Robert L. McMahon Soldiers for the Truth

January 17, 2003

... In one of the strongest editorials yet about the Gulf War, Soldiers for
the Truth demands a better account from our government explaining
why nearly 160,000 U.S. soldiers from Desert Storm have a service-
related medical problem. Yes, some medical problems are related to
the Gulf War, and some aren't, but the sheer number of disabiled
veterans is very troubling ...

With war clouds gathering over Iraq, it is amazing to see the mainstream
U.S. news media continuing to ignore a vital and controversial issue of
direct consequence to the troops who are now being rushed to the
Persian Gulf region: The incredibly large number of troops who after
service in Gulf War I became stricken with serious health disabilities.

With the exception of The Washington Post and reporter Richard Leiby's
timely piece on Dec. 30, 2002 ("The Fallout of War"), there has been a
very loud silence throughout the American media regarding the issue of
troops who became disabled by their service 11 years ago.

One would think that for those in the news media or politics who might
want to challenge the Bush administration over its Iraqi policies, this
would be a timely and relevant issue with which to debate the onrushing
conflict. It would be an absolute showstopper for the Sunday news talk

I confess to being totally baffled over this. The only explanation that
makes sense comes from a Japanese custom that I learned about years
ago: killing it with silence.

But the moral implications of this issue cannot be ignored. The federal
government's own statistics confirm that 159,238 Gulf War veterans
have been determined eligible for receiving medical disability payments
from the Department of Veterans Affairs.

For those members of the news media who have difficulty with basic
mathematics, let me spell this out: If the names of all 159,000 disabled
Gulf War I veterans were inscribed on a black wall similar in design to
the Vietnam Memorial, it would be three times as big as the original

For reporters and editors who have even a minimal knowledge of
military history, the facts are more troubling yet: That number
(159,000) is only 13,000 less than the 172,000 Korean War veterans
receiving disability benefits. The Korean War, remember, lasted three
hard years and killed 54,246 Americans, in stark contrast to Gulf War I,
which lasted less than seven weeks and ended with a total of only 269
combat and non-combat fatalities and 458 wounded in action.

(There were over 33,742 American killed in action in Korea and an
additional 2,835 who died of exposure, disease, accidents and other
non-combat deaths. There also were an additional 17,669 American
servicemen who died "out of theater" - perishing as a result of combat
wounds, infections and training mishaps).

An unanswered question from Gulf War I is, just how, in God's name, did
458 troops wounded in Gulf War one subsequently balloon to 159,238?

That number is equal to roughly one-half of the 259,000 American
fatalities suffered in the entire 44-month duration of World War II - a
conflict that saw Americans in battle from the western Pacific to central

Should any editor or reporter with basic math skills sit down with a hand
calculator, this is what he or she could determine in only a few minutes
of effort: The U.S. government itself has determined that 28 percent of
American troops sent to the Persian Gulf region during 1990-91 later
suffered medical disabilities.

Let's look at it this way for perspective: The United States sent over 6
million troops to Vietnam over the eight-year period of our ground war.
What is 28 percent of 6 million? Had the same thing happened to the
Vietnam troops that happened in Gulf War I, we would have over 1.6
million Vietnam-era veterans getting medical disability payments. During
the height of the Vietnam War, in 1968, America endured 87,388
combat wounded in Southeast Asia. It's a paradox. The bloodiest year in
Vietnam wounded over 87,000 Americans and a four-day land war in
Iraq produced 159,000 "disabled." Is it me? Or doesn't anybody find
this odd?

It is my fervent hope that the American news media will start to pay
attention to this subject. There are emerging signs of interest, such as
the The Wall Street Journal article by reporter John J. Fialka on Jan. 2,
2003 that addressed the health implications of exposure to depleted
uranium (DU) munitions ("U.S. Debates Dangers of Depleted Uranium,"
available to subscribers only).

And on Jan. 13, 2003, The Baltimore Sun published an excellent article
by reporter Erika Niedowski ("Veterans Ask If Gulf Illnesses Could

[CTRL] Hurry Up & Wait (Some More)

2003-01-21 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Bush Scolds U.N. Member Nations on Iraq

By Ron Fournier
AP White House Correspondent
Tuesday, January 21, 2003; 6:50 PM

WASHINGTON –– President Bush on Tuesday scolded world leaders who
are demanding more time to search Iraq for illegal arms, and a top U.S.
diplomat warned that war is fast approaching as America's only option.

"This business about more time – how much time do we need to see
clearly that he's not disarming?" Bush said, acknowledging frustration
with both Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and reluctant U.S. allies like
France and Germany.

"Surely our friends have learned lessons from the past. Surely, we have
learned how this man deceives and delays," Bush said. "This looks like a
rerun of a bad movie, and I'm not interested in watching it."

The chiding was part of an administration-wide effort to counter rising
opposition to war that could jeopardize Bush's fragile anti-Saddam
coalition. With tens of thousands of U.S. troops massed near Iraq, the
president is expected to decide in a matter of weeks whether to end
diplomatic efforts and wage war.

"Our other options are just about exhausted at this point," said Deputy
Secretary of State Richard Armitage in a Washington speech cleared by
the White House. "This regime has very little time left to undo the legacy
of 12 years. There is no sign, there is not one sign that the regime has
any intent to comply fully" with the United Nations.

France complicated Bush's task by telling the United Nations Security
Council there is no reason yet for military action, hinting it may veto any
resolution authorizing an attack. Other nations – including Russia,
Germany, China and Chile – have backed the French contention that U.N.
inspections are starting to work and Iraq can be disarmed peacefully.

"I think the sense of the council is that the majority is against military
action," Russia's deputy U.N. ambassador, Gennady Gatilov, told The
Associated Press.

Britain, America's closest ally, is the only major military power
committed to joining the United States. Other countries with smaller
armies, such as Australia, Canada and Bulgaria, could play supporting
roles in a "coalition of the willing" that Bush has pledged to lead if the
United Nations won't join him.

Turning up the heat on allies, White House spokesman Ari Fleischer
warned anew that the United Nations' very relevancy is dependent on its
ability to disarm Iraq.

The Bush administration says Iraq is hiding weapons of mass destruction
beneath the desert and in mobile facilities. Though no proof has been
made public, Armitage said the 16 empty chemical warheads
discovered recently in Iraq are the tip of the iceberg.

"Where are the other 29,984? Because that's how many empty chemical
warheads the U.N. Special Commission estimated he had, and he's
never accounted for," Armitage said.

"And where are the 550 artillery shells that are filled with mustard gas,
and the 400 biological weapons ... and the 26,000 liters of anthrax, the
botulism, the VX (nerve agent), the sarin gas that the U.N. says he has?"
Armitage said.

"Some people may say there is no smoking gun, but there's nothing but
smoke," the diplomat said. "To put this fire out, Saddam is going to have
to work."

White House officials said Armitage's argument previewed the case Bush
will make against Saddam in next week's State of the Union address.
They said Bush won't declare war or impose a deadline next Tuesday
night, and they played down the prospects of new evidence being

In addition to Armitage's speech, the White House released a 29-page
report entitled "Apparatus of Lies" that purports to document Iraq's
"brutal record of deceit." It accuses Saddam of enriching himself at the
expense of his people, using the bodies of dead babies for staging
funeral processions and exploiting Islam.

Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz plans to discuss models for
disarmament in a Thursday speech designed to further build the case
against Saddam.

While the president said Saddam has "been given ample time to
disarm," he gave no hint of how soon he would decide whether
diplomacy has run its course. "Time is running out," Bush said.

The Bush administration said world leaders don't need to await evidence
that Saddam is hiding weapons of mass destruction.

"The world came together, including the French, to say he must disarm.
He is not disarming," Bush said. "He is delaying. He's deceiving. He's
asking for time. He's playing hide-and-seek with inspectors."

Secretary of State Colin Powell, meeting with his Italian counterpart at the
State Department, said Iraq must "stop playing games" and get rid of its
weapons of mass destruction.

Iraq must be disarmed "if not peacefully then by force," Powell said.

Powell also conferred by telephone on Tuesday with French Foreign
Minister Dominique de Villepin, who on Monday raised the prospect 

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[CTRL] Why Do They hate Us So? The $50 question ...

2003-01-21 Thread Euphorian
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Silly burgers

Last week a burger war broke out in New York, with two restaurants
battling it out to make the most expensive. Oliver Burkeman samples the
winner - a $50 hunk of beef with a nugget of foie gras embedded within
- and wonders if this craze for overpriced food will last

Oliver Burkeman
Wednesday January 22, 2003
The Guardian

If there was ever a time when it would not have been preposterous and
even vaguely obscene for a New York restaurant to introduce the world's
most expensive hamburger, priced at $50 (£32), now is not that time.
Stocks are down; the internet boom is a memory; the city is in debt; war
is on the horizon. This is not the era of Gordon Gekko and Wall Street. It
is the era of the dollar menu at McDonald's.

But New York food fads obey no known economic laws, and DB Bistro
Moderne, the restaurant owned by French-American chef Daniel Boulud
on West 44th Street in midtown Manhattan, exists in a parallel universe
where the Dow is always high. The four jowly businessmen at the table
next to ours spoke of strip clubs, high-end restaurants, and the new
Lexus SUV.

The waiter took us through the specials, lingering on a mouthwatering
dish involving merguez sausages, but pretty much everyone eating was
there for the same reason. "I think we've already decided," I said, a bit
apologetically. "Two burgers," he said. It wasn't a question.

The Manhattan burger frenzy began last week, when the Old
Homestead, a renowned steakhouse in the Meatpacking District, broke
with decades of tradition and put its first hamburger on the menu. It
costs $41 and is made from Japanese Kobe beef. Kobe cows are
massaged daily, causing the fat to mingle with the meat, and resulting in
a burger of unsurpassed tenderness. They also drink beer. Beer and
massages: it is not clear that any philosopher ever defined the good life
more accurately than this. Apart from the getting killed part, obviously.

But the Old Homestead's moment came to an end when news of
Boulud's rival started to circulate. The DB Burger Royale is
heartstopping, in both the literal and figurative sense of the word: a
fresh-baked, toasted Parmesan-and-poppy-seed bun encasing three
inches of beef and short ribs braised in red wine, with a nugget of foie
gras embedded within. Either side, along with the tomato confit, chicory
and fresh horseradish, is a sliver of black Périgord truffle - which, at
$350 per pound, accounts for much of the price.

The resident chef at DB Bistro Moderne, Jean-François Bruel, is putting a
brave face on the burger explosion, said Georgette Farkas, Boulud's
marketing director. "He's an award-winning chef in his own right, so I
think he was just a very little bit frustrated - he would love people to try
the other things he does. But the Frenchmen who are successful in
America are the ones who embrace the best of what is American and
what is French and combine it."

Ironically, Farkas said, it was Jose Bove, sworn enemy of the fast-food
burger, who inspired Boulud's first adventure into the archetypal
American meal. His original $29 burger happened, she said, "because
Daniel was asked in an interview what he made of the unfortunate
attacks against McDonald's in France. He said, 'The French are just
jealous that they didn't invent the hamburger themselves.' " That gave
him an idea. "He decided he would make his own version. It's not a
typical American burger, not at all - it's equal parts French and

Indeed, there are those who have argued that Boulud's creation is not
really a hamburger at all - though it has been spared a judgment such
as the one that Ed Levine, author of the city food shopping bible New
York Eats, delivered on the Old Homestead burger in the New York
Times. "It is genuinely lousy," he wrote, "a mushy, gray thing of loose
consistency and little flavour."

But Manhattan's passing culinary frenzies have rarely been about strict
definitions, or even the quality of the food. The compact geography of
the place, its residents' relative wealth, and its diners' reliance on a tiny
handful of opinion-forming publications, combine to create fads that
electrify the city for a day, or a week, and then vanish as fast as they
arrived. Just last year, gastronomes scoured Chinatown for tubs
containing illegal snakehead fish, the terrifying but allegedly tasty
monsters capable of crawling out of rivers and slithering over land,
surviving outside the water for up to three days. Vendors started
charging even to photograph them.

And price is just another selling-point. You can't buy publicity like that
received by the French chef Alain Ducasse when he opened his
restaurant of the same name in New York in 1999. Rumours of dinners
for two costing $600 attracted the city's newspapers, and with a prix-
fixe menu costing upwards of $160, plus wines weighing in at $100 and
more, with after-dinner coffee at $8, the rumours turned out to be

[CTRL] Costliness of War

2003-01-21 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-



The myth of the war economy

Markets loathe uncertainty and volatility. Conflict brings both

Joseph Stiglitz
Wednesday January 22, 2003
The Guardian

War is widely thought to be linked to economic good times. The second
world war is often said to have brought the world out of depression, and
war has since enhanced its reputation as a spur to economic growth.
Some even suggest that capitalism needs wars, that without them,
recession would always lurk on the horizon.

Today, we know that this is nonsense. The 1990s boom showed that
peace is economically far better than war. The Gulf war of 1991
demonstrated that wars can actually be bad for an economy. That
conflict contributed mightily to the onset of the recession of 1991 (which
was probably the key factor in denying the first President Bush re-
election in 1992).

The current situation is far more akin to the Gulf war than to wars that
may have contributed to economic growth. Indeed, the economic effects
of a second war against Iraq would probably be far more adverse. The
second world war called for total mobilisation, requiring a country's total
resources, and that is what wiped out unemployment. Total war means
total employment.

By contrast, the direct costs of a military attack on Saddam Hussein's
regime will be minuscule in terms of total US spending. Most analysts put
the total costs of the war at less than 0.1% of GDP, the highest at 0.2%
of GDP. Much of that, moreover, includes the usage of munitions that
already exist, implying that little or no stimulus will be provided to
today's economy.

Bush's (admittedly wavering) commitment to fiscal prudence means that
much, perhaps most, of the war costs will be offset by cuts elsewhere.
Investments in education, health, research, and the environment will
almost inevitably be crowded out. Accordingly, war will be
unambiguously bad in terms of what really counts: ordinary people's
standard of living.

America will thus be poorer, both now and in the future. Obviously, if
this military adventure were necessary to maintain security as its
advocates claim - and if it were to prove as successful as its boosters
hope - then the cost might be worth it. But that is another matter. I want
to debunk the idea that it is possible both to achieve the war's ends and
benefit the economy.

There is also the uncertainty factor. Of course, this is no reason to
invade Iraq prematurely, for the costs of any war are high, and are not
to be measured primarily in economic terms. Lives will be lost - possibly
far more than were lost on September 11. But the wait for war adds to
uncertainties that already weigh on the US, and the global, economy:
uncertainties arising from America's looming fiscal deficit and a tax cut
that the country cannot afford; uncertainties arising from the unfinished
"war on terrorism"; uncertainties associated with the corporate
accounting and banking scandals, and the Bush administration's half-
hearted efforts at reform, as a result of which no one knows what
America's corporations are worth; uncertainties connected to America's
massive trade deficit, which has reached all-time highs - will foreigners
be willing to continue to lend to the US at a rate in excess of a billion
dollars a day? Uncertainties associated with Europe's stability pact. Will it
survive, and will it be good for Europe if it does? Finally, uncertainties
associated with Japan: will it at long last fix its banking system,

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not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it." The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama Sut

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That being sai

[CTRL] America's God

2003-01-21 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


God bless America

In a poem written for the Guardian, the distinguished playwright Harold
Pinter takes the US to task for its seemingly inexorable march towards
war on Iraq

Harold Pinter
Wednesday January 22, 2003
The Guardian

Here they go again,
The Yanks in their armoured parade
Chanting their ballads of joy
As they gallop across the big world
Praising America's God.

The gutters are clogged with the dead
The ones who couldn't join in
The others refusing to sing
The ones who are losing their voice
The ones who've forgotten the tune.

The riders have whips which cut.
Your head rolls onto the sand
Your head is a pool in the dirt
Your head is a stain in the dust
Your eyes have gone out and your nose
Sniffs only the pong of the dead
And all the dead air is alive
With the smell of America's God.

© Harold Pinter, January 2003

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2003
Forwarded for your information.  The text and intent of the article
have to stand on their own merits.

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
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for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it." The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama Sut

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[CTRL] Hurry Up & Wait

2003-01-21 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

>>>The subject is the motto of most if not all great militarians.  The
problem that Shrub and Blairberry are running into is having all those
people prepared for battle but the tide is not going the warpimps' way.
To have everyone sitting around and waiting for the word to go creates a
strain on morale and resolve.  This is the probelm that Ikenhower had
before D-Day back in '44 when the invasion forces were kept on alert
for an almost too long time.  Talk about waiting time in an airport?!?  Try
existing on adrenalin for a few weeks into months and then having to
ramp it up a bit more when the call comes.  This makes for sloppiness
and recklessness and wreckfulness.  A<:>E<:>R <<<

Blair stand puts strain on coalition

France leads threat to veto move to war

Patrick Wintour, Julian Borger in Washington and John Henley in Paris
Wednesday January 22, 2003
The Guardian

George Bush and Tony Blair were yesterday in danger of fracturing the
international coalition on Iraq when they declared that Saddam Hussein
was not cooperating with the UN weapons inspectors, and time was
running out for him.

In a significant hardening of the US and UK position, both Mr Blair and
Mr Bush claimed that a pattern of non-cooperation will represent a
breach of the UN resolutions and justification for military action.

With Mr Blair admitting that his task of holding the coalition together was
becoming tougher, the French, Russians and Chinese all insisted the UN
weapons inspectors needed more time to do their job. All three security
council members said that next Monday's report to the UN by the
weapons inspectors chief, Hans Blix, must not be taken as a trigger
point for war.

For the first time the French foreign minister, Dominique de Villepin,
talked openly of wielding the French veto if necessary. "We believe that
nothing today justifies envisaging military action," he said.

Revealing the behind-the-scenes diplomatic battle over the timing of
any war, Mr Bush said: "Surely our friends have learned lessons about
the past. Surely we have learned how this man [Saddam Hussein]
deceives and delays. He's given people the runaround and time is
running out.

"He's been told to disarm for 11 long years. He is not disarming. This
business about more time. How much more time do we need to see
clearly he's not disarming? This looks like a rerun of a bad movie and
I'm not interested in watching."

The US deputy secretary of state, Richard Armitage, was equally
decisive. "There is not one sign that the regime has any intent to comply
fully with the terms of resolution 1441," he said. The options for Iraq
"are just about exhausted at this point. This regime has very little time
left to undo the legacy of 12 years".

The British are privately confident the harsher Washington rhetoric does
not imply that the US will demand the UN backs war next Monday. The
foreign secretary, Jack Straw, will today meet Colin Powell, the US
secretary of state and leading dove, to urge the US to show restraint and
instead amass further damaging evidence that will make a war more
acceptable to a sceptical world.

Mr Blair, quizzed on Iraq by the Commons liaison committee for two and
a half hours, also insisted that Saddam was not cooperating with the
weapons inspectors, saying that no one seriously believed the 12,000-
page dossier submitted by the Iraqis on its weapons. He said bluntly: "I
simply point out that at the moment the inspectors are saying that the
Iraqis have not been cooperating properly."

He stressed that at some point the security council might have to accept
that the Iraqi non-cooperation in itself represented a material breach.

There were two different sets of circumstances which could amount to a
material breach of resolution 1441, Mr Blair said. "There is a set of
circumstances in which you find the conclusive proof, and there is a set
of circumstances in which a pattern of behaviour develops of non-

"The first is easy to describe as a category. The second requires a more
considered judgment ... It isn't a game of hide and seek. It is not a
game where the inspectors are supposed to go in and if they find the
stuff they win, and if Saddam conceals the stuff he wins. They are not a
detective agency.

"The judgment that you need to make, and it is a matter of judgment
itself as to the time at which you need to make this, is: is he co-

He repeatedly insisted that Britain will be willing to go to war without UN
support, but added it was highly desirable to have that backing. He also
expressed confidence that the UN would back a war if clear evidence of
a breach was put in front of it.

Throughout, he gave the impression of a man completing the final
details of preparing for war, including preparations for possible
chemical attacks on British troops.

In the only glimmer of hope for peace, he suggested that President
Saddam's regime was und

[CTRL] Fw: [InTheShadows] WORLD WAR III

2003-01-21 Thread Ric Carter
-Caveat Lector-

President Bush and Colin Powell are sitting in a bar. A guy walks in
and asks the barman, "Isn't that Bush and Powell sitting over there?"

The barman says, "Yep, that's them."

So the guy walks over and says, "Wow, this is a real honor. What are
you guys doing in here?"

Bush says, "We're planning WW III ."

And the guy says, "Really? What's going to happen?"

Bush says, "Well, we're going to kill 40 million Iraqis this time
and one blonde with big tits"

The guy exclaimed, "A blonde with big tits? Why kill a blonde with
big tits?"

Bush turns to Powell, punches him on the shoulder and says, "See,
smart ass, I told you no one would worry about the 40 million

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2003-01-21 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

Is lying to the American people to take them into war an impeachable act?

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 20:15:18 -0800 (PST)
From: Party of Citizens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Bush is a filthy, lying, murderous criminal psychopath who is almost rapid
at the prospect of plunging the world into war at the behest of his puppet

Where is the evidence that Iraq is not disarming? Show the world!


U-S-A = Usurers, Sodomites, Abortionists.
The U-S-A Cult is the ruling power over America-the-Good and now seeks to a establish 
One World Government of Evil-Doers via the Afghanistan-Iraq domino effect.

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[CTRL] 9-11: Guess Where Bin Laden Was?

2003-01-21 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

9-11: Guess Where Bin Laden Was?
by Michael Gilson De Lemos

Being half-Latin from a family that has played a central role in dissolving the intrigues of power for many centuries, I have no trouble looking at the US as a distressed Latin Republic. Its only weakness is when the real Latins get organized and figure they don’t want this corrupt nation as the only bulwark against China, and march North, it will be eaten alive. 

A lot of Latin leaders feel the US is world HQ for a new and perverse form of communistic fascism. And as JFK said, having been the point men in stopping Communism, they are in no mood to find it in new clothes as Big Sister from El Norte. 

Latin problems are more visible, but thus discussed more openly, than US ones. Unlike the US, it did not exterminate the Indian population and many of its difficulties are due to the slow process of acculturation; the machinations of the Church in concert with various interests more obvious. But all democracies suffer from these ills, the Latins more clearly so. It is a mistake to not learn from their slow march to greater freedom and think that the dynamic they have in the streets does not happen elsewhere in the US. There are reasons why Jefferson recommended that all who would vote study the trials of the Republics of the Ancient World as a doctor gets familiar with the typical maladies of patients. 

Was JFK assassinated by his own government? No doubt in my mind. Do US Generals connive phony wars? Some do, you bet. Is the US government the fount of laughable propaganda? Yup, just not very visible to the propagandized. Will elements of the US Government create incidents for their own ends? Remember the Maine, Pearl Harbor and the Gulf of Tonkin, all phony as three dollar bills—and the scholars who revealed the lie hounded from academia. 

Indeed, some scholars close to the Government boast of the analogy, saying 9-11 was a “new Pearl Harbor” and saying it was needed [1]. 

When Reagan was shot, he apparently assumed that his Vice President did it. How do I know this? From the fascinating information that my mother, who volunteered at the hospital where he was taken and was a friend of his from the old Hollywood days, shared with me. It seems that shortly after he woke up, he asked for a DC patrol officer, had this person find a US ship that had just reached the area, and soon sailors with sidearms guarded his bedside while he placed the whole hospital under his direct command and swore all to secrecy. They buffered him from the Secret Service and anyone else. He trusted no one—and perhaps, by protecting himself with unentangled sailors and officers fresh from sea, saved his own life, and the country from one more black mark of shame. 

I thought this was all rather fun gossip until I heard on TV that the assassin's father had dinner with the Bush family the night before…and the story simply vanished from sight. No one denied it, it was just not spoken of. But everything good Reagan did do, Bush when he came to power tried to reverse. 

Now perhaps there is more to it or my mother misunderstood something, but my mother didn’t think it remarkable except that for a US President, he showed some common sense, especially with Haig and his men boasting they were in control of the government. Indeed, I cannot offhand think of one Latin, no, any assassinated leader in the last century who was not done in by the malfeasance or with the non-feasence of their own guards as higher-ups were involved. That fact is invisible to us in the US, where we are always told it was a lone conspirator so secretive that even his landlord knew nothing except he paid the rent on time. 

A Phone Call

The whole 9-11 business has had an added air of unreality in that Bin-Laden’s family were bigwig partners of, of all things, Bush family interests, while simultaneously the press seems quite uninterested in the whole history of US Support for Bin-Laden practically up to the day the horror occurred, his espionage involvements, and the fact that he was a has-been on death‘s door from a disease when suddenly he became the Most Wanted Man on Earth. 

Indeed, people seem to forget that a year and more after he was fingered as the culprit—we still have not seen the evidence that Bin Laden did anything. The films of him confessing were immediately discredited, yet keep resurfacing like Dracula in growing tones that they are somehow self-evident proof and the matter is closed. On 9-11, my wife wisely kept printouts of e-news lines no longer obtainable. They show the surprising fact that barely 50 minutes after disaster was reported and well before a general alert was called, Bin-Laden was identified as the culprit. On that day I wondered if we were seeing a new Lee Harvey Oswald being created before our eyes while the real truth was being concealed, and I still wonder. 

Many people 


2003-01-21 Thread RoadsEnd
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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
From: Barry Chamish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: owens

   by Barry Chamish

  Of my previous bulletin, a reader notes:

  "Nothing new in what you wrote: it is public knowledge that Duby
Weisglass was Rashid's lawyer - so all you need to do is put 2 and 2 together."

  My reaction: if it is public knowledge that Sharon's Office Manager
Dov Weinglass is attorney for Muhamed Rashid, who ran the $300 million plus
bank account opened by Yossi Ginosar to hide money Yasir Arafat stole from
his people's Treasury, then why hasn't the public put two and two together?
That little Sharon connection to the Ginosar scandal has remained buried
deep. So let's exhume it for our masochistic pleasure.

  We begin with the great idea of opening a casino in Jericho to
launder Arafat's pilfered treasure. The best plot of land in town was
already owned, so Yasir decided to expropriate it by force:

10 May 2000
The Scotsman
Mr Hamdouni had bought 40 acres of land in the desert outside Jericho. He
had built a petrol station and planned a housing development.
Then the reality of Yasser Arafat's rule hit Mr Hamdouni. Accused of the
capital crime of treason 18 months ago, he was freed from jail only after
he signed over his land to the Palestinian Authority.

Within months, a front company for Mr Arafat had taken a secret 28 per cent
sta ke in a casino built on what had been Mr Hamdouni's land. The casino
now makes $9 million in monthly profits, but Mr Hamdouni sits at home,
chain-smoking and lamenting the destruction of all the hopes he had for his
people once the long Israeli occupation had ended.

"Who can help me when my land is taken by the 40 thieves? I mean, Arafat is
Al i Baba," says Mr Hamdouni, who lost #3 million on the petrol station and
land. "We are under Palestinian economic occupation."

The dream of a Palestinian state, which sustained the people here through
occupation and intifada, has become a nightmare. The state which Mr Arafat
promises to declare in September has all the trappings of independence,
from uniformed police to postage stamps, but it is run as a fiefdom by a
mafia of corrupt officials.

** The dream of Jewish/Arab cooperation in money-laundering for Arafat
was almost derailed by attorney-general Rubinstein and Weisglass was
hopping mad.   **

Israelis may be barred from casino in Jericho
Jewish Telegraphic Agency

JERUSALEM - The recently opened gambling casino in
Jericho could face a major shortage of customers if
Israel's attorney general has his way. Elyakim
Rubinstein determined this week that Israelis, the
casino's prime source of customers, should be barred
from gambling there.

In his decision, he cited a regulation that authorizes
local courts to try Israeli citizens for offenses
committed in the Palestinian self-rule areas. Gambling
is illegal in Israel.

Dov Weisglass, the lawyer representing the Austrian
state-run firm that built and operates the casino,
said Israelis already gamble in Turkey, the Red Sea
resort of Taba as well as at illegal gambling houses
within Israel. Weisglass said he hoped the attorney
general would reverse his decision in light of what he
called the oasis of "peace and friendship" operating
in the West Bank town.

"The attorney general has the authority not to enforce
the letter of the law" when it is considered in the
public interest to do so, Weisglass told Israel Radio.
"I hope he will use his judgment to let this (remain)
a place of peace, cooperation and friendliness."

**  Criminal cooperation with Arafat or n

[CTRL] Fwd: An Invitation to Bob Herbert & Felix Rohatyn to debate Chris Sanders & Catherine Austin Fitts Live

2003-01-21 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

Dean Becker & Members of the NY Times Drug Policy Forum:

I hereby propose that you and the NY Times Drug Policy Forum
deliver to Bob Herbert of the NY Times and Felix Rohatyn my invitation
to discuss and debate on line, on radio or TV live (their choice) the merits
more federal subsidy for states vs the Solari model (including a cessation
of the War on Drugs)
with Chris Sanders of Sanders Research and myself.

The debate goes to the heart of the economic issues that must
be illuminated and resolved if we are to stop the War on Drugs
(see the Red Button story in Narco Dollars for Dummies)

Here is my response to Herbert's editorial regarding
Rohatyn's latest economic proposals:

Catherine Austin Fitts The Real Deal
Felix Rohatyn's Financial Holocaust
A Response to the NY Times Bob Herbert's " An Appeal to Uncle Sam"January
16, 2003


Catherine Austin Fitts


On Tour With Caroline W. Casey in the SF-Bay Area

Narco Dollars (English)

Narco Dollars (Spanish)

Picture -- Richard Grasso, Chairman of the NYSE, Hugging a FARC Commander in

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--- End Message ---

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Re: Flight 93

2003-01-21 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

> --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Jim Rarey
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> While NetJets does not disclose it clients, its
> website does list
> its "business partners." See list below.
> The Boeing Company

the significance of this one ought to be obvious

> CIT Group

as in citigroup? as in saudi-laundered bundesbank
insider money trail?

as in gave up ownership of WTC two months prior?

as in the imaging satellite business?

> Cessna Aircraft Company

how many of THOSE went down last year?

was wellstone in a cessna?

> Citibank

see above on CIT group

> Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation

a denver area UAV co.

the link between buffet and the navy

> Honeywell, Inc.

supplied iraq - of course all of those companies that
were on the list of those that supplied iraq are
companies heavily into the space race

> Raytheon Company


Spies hide as Bank faces BCCI charges

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--- End Message ---

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] BCCI comes up again

2003-01-21 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

This is a snip from Libertythink's daily feed:
From PBS Frontline: 
Calls for justice and reform came from a growing number of independent mosques and sheiks, who railed against the government and its Western allies, and advocated the formation of an Islamic state that returned to the ethical principles of Sharia law. Among them was the so-called "blind sheik," Omar Abdel Rahman, who preached jihad.. Then-Egyptian President Sadat clamped down on the militants and in return was assassinated by members of Egyptian Islamic Jihad in October 1981. The repression of Muslim activists that followed Sadat's killing precipitated two decades of violence in Egypt. The attacks culminated in November 1997, when militants massacred 58 tourists at the ancient site of Luxor. But Egypt's Islamic militants became headlines again in 2001, when it was revealed that some of the Sept. 11 suicide hijackers were Egyptian -- including the plot's leader, Mohammed Atta. In addition, Osama bin Laden's second-in-command in the Al Qaeda terror network was Ayman al-Zawahiri, an Egyptian medical doctor. The CIA's "plausible deniability" on foreknowledge of 9-11 becomes less plausible with the Egyptian Islamic Jihad connections to 9-11. The CIA has a long history of using EIJ for covert operations. Omar Abdel Rahman, a CIA "valuable asset," was granted a visa and a green card to come to the US to recruit "Mujahideen" for the CIA's covert wars in Afghanistan in the 1980's and in Bosnia in the 1990's. Rahman was convicted in the 1993 WTC bombing. http://www.constitution.org/ocbpt/ocbpt_11.htm ARAB VETERANS OF AFGHANISTAN WAR LEAD NEW ISLAMIC HOLY WAR In October 1994, The Al-Kifah, or Struggle, Refugee Center in New York, which used to recruit and raise funds for Mujahedeen headed for Afghanistan, last year announced it was switching its operations to Bosnia" EIJ leader Ayman al Zawahiri has been very useful to the CIA in the Balkans. His brother just happens to be a key KLA commander! Bin Laden Puppetmasters Smoked Out In Balkans (1/18/2003 6:04:00 AM)
When the Riadys came to Arkansas, they became friends with some of the state's biggest-name families,including the Clintons and the Stephenses. But they had their sights on another name: Walton. For more than a decade, the family tried to do business with Bentonville-based Wal-Mart Stores Inc., the Walton family's retail empire. Last year, it finally got its chance. In the deal it struck with the nation's largest retailer, Wal-Mart agreed to provide merchandise and expertise and, in a rare concession, turn over use of its name in Indonesia. The deal allowed Wal-Mart to expand into a huge new market. It gave the Lippo Group ownership of the Wal-Mart supercenter that is now one of the centerpieces of Lippo Village on the edge of Jakarta, Indonesia's capital.. During some of the time that the Riadys sought to link up with Wal-Mart, first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton served on Wal-Mart's board... James Riady became co-president of Worthen Bank, and soon drew up plans for expansion into the international marketplace. He opened a new division, Worthen International Bank, with offices in Los Angeles, New York and Nassau, in 1985. Subsequently, BCCI agents, such as Abdullah Taha Bakhish invested in Worthen. And in 1985, "Mochtar and James Riady engineer[ed] the takeover of the First National Bank of Mena in a town of 5,400 with few major assets beyond a Contra supply base, drug running and money-laundering operations." http://www.etherzone.com/1998/reich4.html Jackson Stephens also brokered a BCCI consortium "bailout" of Harken for George W. Bush. http://www.thedubyareport.com/bushbi

[CTRL] FBI May Have Aided Pentagon Data Project

2003-01-21 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

FBI May Have Aided Pentagon Data Project
Associated Press Writer

January 21, 2003, 6:29 PM EST

WASHINGTON -- Possible FBI involvement in a high-tech Pentagon project that sifts through Americans' personal information raises new concerns about privacy and civil liberties, Sen. Charles Grassley said Tuesday. 

The Defense Department's inspector general, Joseph Schmitz, told Grassley, R-Iowa, in a letter that the FBI was working on a memorandum of understanding with the Pentagon "for possible experimentation" with the data-mining project. 

Disclosure of FBI contacts regarding the Total Information Awareness project "only heightens my concern about the blurring of lines between domestic law enforcement and military security efforts," said Grassley, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee and a frequent critic of the FBI. 

Schmitz also told Grassley he will order an audit to help the Pentagon develop sufficient privacy safeguards that do not exist now to ensure the project has adequate protections for computer security and people's privacy. 

The project, being developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, would collect and mine huge amounts of data, including telephone records, credit card transactions, travel information and medical records. The goal of the effort, headed by retired Rear Adm. John Poindexter, is to spot clues and patterns that possibly could identify would-be terrorists. 

Grassley asked Attorney General John Ashcroft for detailed information about the possible involvement of the FBI and Justice Department and those agencies' potential uses of the information. 

A Justice Department official said agency sharing of intelligence, including any produced under the Pentagon project, is essential to fight the war on terror. 

"We will shield Americans from violations of their civil liberties ... while we work across the government to stop terrorists from killing more innocent Americans," said Justice spokesman Mark Corallo. 

The proposal has drawn sharp criticism from government watchdog groups and from some Democrats in Congress, who have proposed legislation to shut it down as a threat to Americans' privacy and civil liberties. In the aftermath of the 2001 terror attacks, the government already is using powerful new domestic wiretap and surveillance abilities. 

"At a time when Americans are calling for more privacy of personal information, this program would provide a backdoor to databases of private information," said the American Civil Liberties Union, the conservative Eagle Forum and seven other watchdog groups last week in a letter to Congress. 

In his letter to Ashcroft, Grassley said the FBI and Justice Department "may have been less than forthright" to the press and public about potential law enforcement uses of data collected and analyzed under the Pentagon project. 

"We need to strike a balance between targeting terrorists with everything we've got and also protecting the rights and freedoms cherished by Americans," Grassley said. "Military dollars shouldn't be spent on domestic law enforcement." 

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Russian leases

2003-01-21 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Russia leases nuclear bombers to India
£1.9bn arms deal to give India power of mass destruction across
Pakistan and China

Luke Harding in New Delhi
Monday January 20, 2003
The Guardian

India last night signed a £1.9bn deal with Russia to lease four long-
range nuclear bombers and two nuclear-capable submarines, in a move
which campaigners say will dramatically escalate the arms race on the

On a visit to Moscow, India's defence minister, George Fernandes, said
the agreement - which will also see Russia throw in an ageing aircraft
carrier, the Admiral Gorshkov, for free - will be finalised by the end of

"We have agreed that all efforts will be made to complete the three
contracts," Mr Fernandes said. India and Russia will also pump more
money into a joint programme to develop a new long-range nuclear-
capable cruise missile, the BrahMos, he revealed.

The massive deal will dramatically improve New Delhi's ability to deliver
its nuclear warheads. It follows months of simmering tension between
India and its arch-rival Pakistan, the world's newest declared nuclear

The two countries almost went to war in June last year, and for 10
months deployed a million troops along their shared border.

India is believed to have more nuclear bombs - between 60 and 150,
compared with Pakistan's 20-60. It also has a much larger conventional
army. But defence experts believe that Pakistan, which secretly acquired
much of its missile technology from China and North Korea in the 1990s,
has better means of getting them to their targets, and this is an edge
which New Delhi wants to eliminate.

Last night anti-nuclear campaigners in India said they were dismayed by
the nuclear deal with Russia.

"I think it is terrible," said Praful Bidwai, of the Coalition for Nuclear
Disarmament and Peace (CNDP).

"We are just going into a vortex that steps up the nuclear and missile
arms race. They are actually moving towards a high level of readiness to
use nuclear weapons. You are not talking about deterrence."

Under the package, India will lease four Tu22 M3 long-range aircraft -
capable of dropping nuclear bombs on China - as well as two Akula
class submarines, which are nuclear-propelled and can deliver nuclear

India's existing submarine fleet is not nuclear capable. Indian officials
say that in the event of a nuclear attack by Pakistan, the new Russian
subs, which can hide underwater for months at a time, would be able to
launch a devastating response.

India has also agreed to pay about £370m to refit the Admiral
Gorshkov, a decrepit aircraft carrier which was completely gutted by fire
in the early 90s.

The purchase has caused much raising of eyebrows in the Indian press,
and follows an exposé two years ago of massive official corruption in
India's defence industry.

Mr Fernandes was forced to resign in the wake of the scandal. He later
got his job back.

The defence minister put the finishing touches to his procurement spree
after spending six days in Russia, where he met his counterpart Sergei

The comparative speed with which India and Russia have wrapped up
their agreement is in stark contrast to Britain's attempts to sell 66 Hawk
jet trainer aircraft to the Indian air force.

Tony Blair and other ministers have so far failed to convince the Indians
to sign the billion-pound deal, despite more than 15 years of

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2003
Forwarded for your information.  The text and intent of the article
have to stand on their own merits.

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it." The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama SutRussia leases nuclear bombers to India

£1.9bn arms deal to give India power of mass destruction across
Pakistan and China

Luke Harding in New Delhi
Monday January 20, 2003
The Guardian

India last night signed a £1.9bn deal with Russia to lease four long-
range nuclear bombers and two nuclear-capable submarines, in a move
which campaigners say will dramatically escalate the arms race on the

On a visit to Moscow, India's defence minister, Geo

[CTRL] A friend recommends a page from The Onion

2003-01-21 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian at [EMAIL PROTECTED] recommends a page from The Onion.

The recommended page is:The Onion | Kim Jong Il Unfolds Into Giant Robothttp://www.theonion.com/onion3902/kim_jong_ii.html

You are receiving this email because your friend Euphorian at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] sent it to you. If you do not wish to receive
emails like this, please contact your friend.
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] War On Hummers

2003-01-21 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

The Top Ten Conservative Idiots (No. 96)
January 21, 2002
War on Hummers Edition
Welcome once again to the Top Ten Conservative Idiots! Democratic
Underground is two years old this week, and to celebrate we've got
some first-class idiots lined up for you. George W. Bush holds on to the
number one slot this week for flip-flopping like a freshly-landed
haddock over North Korea. CNN (2) are beating the drums of war and
Donald Rumsfeld (3) says that we will attack Iraq if they a) tell us that
they have WMD or b) don't tell us that they have WMD. Their choice.
Elsewhere Minneapolis City Workers (4) demonstrate what it means to
be a true patriot, Bill Frist (5) is getting off to a poor start, and - no sex
please! - Robert McDonnell (6) is an idiot. Meanwhile Poppy Bush gets a
free ride from ABC (9) and Matt Drudge reminds everybody who he is.
Enjoy! And don't forget the key.

George W. Bush
Three cheers for Dubya's fantastic foreign policy! From breaking off
diplomatic relations with North Korea when his administration began, to
ignoring and/or insulting them for two years (Bush has said publicly that
he "loathes" Kim Jong Il) the Bush administration's foreign policy seemed
to revolve around one simple plan: do the complete opposite of
whatever Bill Clinton did. And Since Bill Clinton's foreign policy attempted
to keep the peace around the world, it's now no surprise that we're on
the brink of Dubya-Dubya-Three. Unfortunately George and The Gang's
plans fell apart at the seams last week when it was decided that they
might in fact help North Korea with its energy and food problems after
all, providing that they stop developing nuclear weapons. Which was, of
course, Bill Clinton's plan in the first place. But wait, there's a big
difference! See, according to George, inviting North Korea to blackmail
the U.S. and then giving in to them in no way means that we're
rewarding "bad behavior." And just because we're "talking" with North
Korea doesn't mean we're "negotiating." Yeah, way to show that evil
dictator who's boss, George.

It seems that the administration will go to any lengths to make sure they
get their oil war with Iraq, and CNN are more than willing to help them if
it means more ratings for the desperate cable news organization.
Several alert viewers informed us that CNN's Judy Woodruff announced
on CNN last week that the Bush administration was "encouraged" by the
UN inspectors' recent discovery of 12 empty rockets, which begs the
question, "encouraged whaa?!?" And also last week CNN were banging
Donald Rumsfeld's war drum for him, insisting that "Lack of evidence
could mean Iraq's hiding something." Yes folks, that was the actual
headline on CNN's website. According to CNN, "The failure of U.N. arms
inspectors to find weapons of mass destruction 'could be evidence, in
and of itself, of Iraq's noncooperation' with U.N. disarmament
resolution." Why don't they just put up a headline which says "Come ON!
WAR already! Crispy-fried Iraqis are our top ratings-getter!"

Donald Rumsfeld
On a related note, from the same CNN story referenced above, Donald
Rumsfeld has decided that "the United States and the United Nations
have no obligation to prove that Iraq has continued efforts to develop
nuclear, chemical or biological weapons. Instead, he said, Iraq must
prove that it has abandoned them." Which obviously makes perfect
sense, if you're a semi-lobotomized Ignoramosaurus from Planet

Minneapolis City Workers
But it's not just CNN who are doing their best to ratchet up support for
the war and downplay the concerns of the average American. It was
revealed last week that city workers in Minneapolis have been going
around neighborhoods and removing antiwar signs from people's front
yards. Damn, if that's not the kind of activity that makes America great, I
don't know what is. Nancy Berneking, a Wayzata resident whose signs
were knocked down and damaged twice in one week, said, "It's like
seeing the Constitution being kicked down in your front yard... Why do
these people want to silence all dissent?" Come on, Nancy - it's because
they're true patriots, you god-forsaken Communist.

Bill Frist
Poor Bill Frist. It seems that the new Senate Majority Leader may not
quite have what it takes to run the Senate after all. According to a news
story last week, "US Republican Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist debuted
in his new role by beating a retreat as he accepted a Democratic
proposal on committee seat distribution, rather than face a politically
costly standoff." Ha ha! Run, Bill, run! That's what we like to see.
Perhaps you can ask Chicken Dick Cheney if he's got any spare room in
his undisclosed hidey-hole. On second thoughts better not - I'm sure as
a doctor you find it really irritating when people start pestering you for
free medical advice.

Robert F. McDonnell
You might want to cover the childrens' eyes for this one! Ahem... thinking

[CTRL] David Horowitz Rewrites the Past

2003-01-21 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

January 23, 2002
David Horowitz Rewrites the Past

An American Jew, David Horowitz, wrote a 5,000-word article "proving" that "...Israel Is The Victim And The Arabs Are The Indefensible Aggressors In the Middle East." I always enjoy reading the work of an American Jew who defines himself as non-Zionist, but who is nevertheless ready to sacrifice my life in his hatred towards Arabs. I sometimes have the feeling that some American Jews see Israel as their colonial army: they provide us with weapons and money, and we in return should gratefully kill and die, giving our sponsors both entertainment and something to be proud of. And just like the West was more interested in good fiction (books, films) on the colonies than in their actual situation, so these American Jews seem to be more interested in their own imagined Israel and its fictitious history than in the actual Mid-Eastern realities. It's a safe game they are playing. And a nasty one.    

The general scheme of Horowitz's argument is too trivial to analyze: the Jews are always good; the Arabs are always bad. Racism is inherent: "the Palestinians are a community of suicide bombers," he writes shamelessly. Some of his arguments are simply repulsive, like the manipulative use of Israel's peace camp: "There is no Arab 'Peace Now' movement, not even a small one, whereas in Israel the movement demanding concessions to Arabs in the name of peace is a formidable political force." The Israeli peace camp would be very grateful to Mr. Horowitz for using its very existence as an argument against peace.

Like official Israel, Horowitz offers no explicit solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but he hints again and again at Jordan being the Palestinian state. And like official Israel, Horowitz does have an implicit solution, clearly legible between the lines, as well as between Sharon's battle-lines: ethnic cleansing, either by deporting the Palestinians to Jordan, or by direct genocide, or by a combination of both. Israel is waiting for the right moment to do that, and is meanwhile preparing the ground in terms of international public opinion; Horowitz's article is part of this campaign to prepare the hearts for genocide – not "the Palestinians' genocidal agenda for the Jews," as Horowitz demagogically writes, but an Israeli genocidal agenda for the Palestinians, materializing day after day in front of our blindfolded eyes. Israeli generals hint at it when they repeatedly talk of the present period as "the second part of 1948" – the year he first ethnic cleansing of Palestinians was launched. But above all, it is Horowitz's use of history that deserves attention. Several readers rejected my earlier claim, that distracting the discussion from the present to the past is an ideological strategy. Horowitz's article is an excellent demonstration of what I meant. 

As Antiwar.com columnist Scott McConnell observes in his "open letter," Horowitz does not use the word "settlements" even once in his entire article. This is symptomatic: the present situation, in which three million Palestinians live under a most murderous Israeli occupation, with no political and human rights, their homes bulldozed at Israel's will, the women giving birth in Israeli checkpoints, scores and dozens of them killed every month, even the wretched infrastructure left by decades of occupation systematically destroyed, an entire people pushed into starving reservations, cut off and surrounded by tanks and barbed-wire, and hundreds of Jewish settlements that control and dispossess – all these are simply swept away under the heavy carpet of a fairy-tale about "3,700 years" (sic!) of Jewish history.

"History contains a myriad of details," I wrote in an earlier article; "you can always find some detail that will embarrass your opponent. If not, invent one – who can check?" Well Horowitz is a master in inventing such details, too many for me to check. I hope the following few will suffice to make the point.

Just A Few "Mistakes":

 =Horowitz counts "more than 1,000 Israelis killed as a result of Palestinian attacks" between 1993 and 1999. Numbers of victims are always an effective argument, but they should be handled with care: by miscounting the dead the writer may undermine his own rhetoric, as he himself may look more interested at making a point than in human lives. The true number of victims, as counted by an Israeli right-wing site not suspected of a bias downwards, is 395. 
=Horowitz claims that, "During the same period 1993-1999 Israelis were so desperate for peace that they reciprocated these acts of murder by giving the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza [...] 95 percent of the territory their negotiators demanded." In fact, the Palestinian negotiators consistently demanded what all UN resolutions did: the territories occupied in 1967. Horowitz surely knows that they have been given a Bantustan


2003-01-21 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Tuesday, January 21, 2003

On this gigantic military base in Texas, something is boiling under the surface. 

Soldiers are refusing their vaccines. They are not being jailed ot forcibly inoculated. 

Some soldiers who did take their vaccines are sick. 

Two weeks before 9/11, all 60 gates at the facility were blocked with concrete barriers and barbed wire. Guard patrols were stepped up. 

At least a few soldiers there believe that 9/11 was a military OP carried out by the US government. They also believe that the imminent war on Iraq has the clandestine purpose of enlarging the borders of Israel. 

One could dismiss these latter allegations as random chatter, but the fact that soldiers at Ft. Hood (and other bases?)are volunteering these opinions shows that monolithic and unthinking loyalty is not engraved in stone. 

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2003-01-21 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

By: Joe Sansone

A recent UPI report outlined Israel’s new policy of assassinating suspected terrorists on American soil. In other words, Israel is now going to officially carryout terrorism on U.S. soil. 

Isn’t that what murder is? As an American citizen you cannot murder, why should agents of a foreign government have any such right in your country?

The UPI report read, “Israel is embarking upon a more aggressive approach to the war on terror that will include staging targeted killings in the United States and other friendly countries, former Israeli intelligence officials told United Press International.” UPI claims to have verified this information with a dozen informants. The report goes on to say that Israel will go forward with this policy, “even if it risks complications to Israel's bilateral relations." 

Such a policy by Israel that has no regard for the national sovereignty of the United States requires a reevaluation of an existing allied relationship. It is a callous disregard for not only the laws of the United States, but also the security, safety, and rights of its citizens. 

What Israel terms as targeted assassinations is really the commencement of a low-grade war against its enemies. By carrying out acts of war on American soil, Israel will be committing acts of war against the United States. 

Bringing its war to America, Israel is endangering the lives of Americans, including American Jews. Surely, as Israel’s campaign of terror is carried out against its enemies, there will be retaliatory action in the United States by Islamic militants. Are synagogues and Jewish schools immune from such horror? They will likely be the first targets. While less than three percent of Americans are Jews, and respectively three percent are Muslims, do we want them battling it out in our streets? 

By proclaiming its license to kill on American soil, Israel places itself on the list of rogue nations diametrically opposed to the United States. Terrorism may be acceptable in the third world. It is not acceptable in the United States. This policy by definition is state sponsored terrorism. Maybe there should be weapons inspectors taking a look at Israel’s nuclear program next?

How exactly do we determine the innocence of the murdered victims? Since Israel now has no regard for the nation where it murders perceived terrorists, it is safe to say that they would also have no regard for the nationality of the alleged terrorist. What if some of them are American citizens? Are we going to allow a foreign nation to murder U.S. citizens too? 

The UPI report also says, “Israeli hit teams, which consist of units or squadrons of the Kidon, a sub-unit for Mossad's highly secret Metsada department, would stage the operations”. If Israeli hit teams are in place in the United States, what will prevent them from targeting U.S. officials that aren’t willing to send billions of dollars in foreign aid to Israel? Far fetched, not really when we’re talking about a nation that is openly planning terrorism in the United States. 

Yes, openly, because a story this sensitive would have never leaked unless it was meant to be leaked.

If Israel is going to have a policy of terrorism on U.S. soil then it is not only plausible that it will kill American citizens that it considers to be enemies, but it is also likely that they will attack American targets and try to blame it on the enemies of Israel.     

It’s bad enough that according to a PBS Transcript Senator Graham of the Select Committee On Intelligence said that classified evidence reveals that foreign governments were involved in the September 11th attacks. Now another nation is threatening to expand its terrorism to America.  

No ally of the United States can commit act on war on its soil. Theoretically Israeli hit teams could already be here. Remember the DEA report last year about hundreds of Israeli spies posing as art students and stalking federal agents that were deported by the U.S. government. If Islamic terrorist cells may already be here it is entirely possible that Israeli hit squads are in place. 

The U.S. should immediately pull all foreign aid, both monetary and military assistance from Israel. Immigration should be halted across the board, but especially from Middle Eastern countries, including Israel. Israeli citizens must be deported immediately.

If the United States does not have the political will to protect and defend its sovereign territory, then it does not have a right to exist, and probably won’t.

Either UPI fabricated the report and manufactured the Israeli government informants quoted in it or Israel is an enemy of the United States.

The Bush administration should send a clear signal that if Israel carries out acts of terrorism in the United States then war will follow. 


[CTRL] Rummy in NoKor

2003-01-21 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

email this story | download as PDF | print article

Donald Rumsfeld was director of company making nuke reactors for N.
Korea! (english)
xx 12:07pm Sat Jan 18 '03 (Modified on 1:22pm Tue Jan 21 '03)


Making money from Arming North Korea

Orginal story here! http://www.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=

ABB was a major partner in the consortium that sold N. Korea those
nuclear reactors. http://www.abb.com/global/abbzh/abbzh251.nsf!
OpenDatabase&db=/global/ABBZH/ abbzh250.nsf&v=c&e=us&c=
"ABB to deliver systems, equipment to North Korean nuclear plants --US
$ 200 million in orders awarded under multi-government framework

Who was on the ABB Board of Directors before becoming Secretary of
Defense? Donald Rumsfeld!
OpenDatabase&db=/global/abbzh/ abbzh250.nsf&v=

Just a few links :-
http://www.abb.com/";>The website of ABB, an
engineering firm. The
website includes a search facility. 
d.htm"> According
to this page, Donald Rumsfeld was a director of ABB from 2000-
2001. Also mentioned
http://www.nato.int/usa/cv/rumsfeld.html";>here (on
NATO's website)
and http://www.ustdrc.gov/members/rumsfeld.html";> here
 (US Trade
Deficit Review Commission).
http://www.power-technology.com/projects/shinpo/";> A
page about Shinpo
nuclear power plant, North Korea. The plant was based on a
design by ABB.
http://www.fas.org/news/dprk/1996/pr96070.html";> DOE
approves US involvement
in the construction of reactors in North Korea. ABB is mentioned as
two nuclear power plants in North Korea, third paragraph down.
http://www.atimes.com/koreas/BL13Dg02.html";> Investing in
North Korea:
as easy as ABB? From the Asia Times.

add your own comments

Links for above corrected. (english)
xx 12:19pm Sat Jan 18 '03


Just a few links :-
http://www.abb.com/";>The website of ABB, an
engineering firm. The
website includes a search facility. 
d.htm"> According
to this page, Donald Rumsfeld was a director of ABB from 2000-
2001. Also mentioned
http://www.nato.int/usa/cv/rumsfeld.html here (on NATO's website)
and http://www.ustdrc.gov/members/rumsfeld.html here (US Trade
Deficit Review Commission).
http://www.power-technology.com/projects/shinpo/ A page about
nuclear power plant, North Korea. The plant was based on a design by
http://www.fas.org/news/dprk/1996/pr96070.html DOE approves US
in the construction of reactors in North Korea. ABB is mentioned as
two nuclear power plants in North Korea, third paragraph down.
http://www.atimes.com/koreas/BL13Dg02.html Investing in North
as easy as ABB? From the Asia Times.

Bush Seeks $3.5 Million for Group Building N. (english)
xx 12:29pm Sat Jan 18 '03


Arming the Axis of Evil

http://quote.bloomberg.com/ fgcgi.cgi?ptitle=Top%20World%

01/17 17:52
Bush Seeks $3.5 Million for Group Building N. Korean Reactors
By Todd Zeranski

Washington, Jan. 17 (Bloomberg) -- President George W. Bush is
seeking $3.5 million for the international consortium that continues to
build two nuclear reactors for North Korea, even as the U.S. confronts
the communist regime over nuclear arms.

The funding, which must be approved by Congress, would go toward
the New York-based Korean Peninsula Energy Development
Organization's administrative funding, State Department spokesman
Richard Boucher said. The money wouldn't fund reactor construction, he

``We're not prejudging the decisions on the organization's future,''
Boucher told reporters. ``Proposals for funds are intended to maintain
the flexibility we need to achieve our global nonproliferation goals.''

The sum is the U.S. share of KEDO's $17 million operating budget,
including its 40 workers in New York and eight in North Korea, KEDO
spokesman Brian Kremer said. As many as 1,500 construction workers
remain in Kumho, in northeastern North Korea, pouring the concrete
foundations for the reactors, which won't be completed for several
years, he said.

The 1994 Agreed Framework created the organization, committing the
U.S., Japan and South Korea to build the reactors and deliver enough
fuel oil for North Korea's energy needs until the facilities were ready.
South Korea is paying for most of the reactor project.

In exchange, North Korea would scrap reactors tied to a nuclear arms
effort and allow international inspectors to verify compliance. Two new
1,000-megawatt, light-water reactors, valued at $4.6 billion, would
provide enough power to light 2 millio

[CTRL] Illegal U.S. Funding of Sharon's Likud

2003-01-21 Thread William Shannon

This article appears in the January 24, 2002 issue of Executive Intelligence Review. A Bigger Scandal:
Illegal U.S. Funding of Sharon's Likud
by Anton Chaitkin 

EIR's recent series of exposés tracing the dirty money behind Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and the Likud party, have helped fuel the roaring political scandal threatening to wreck what was once thought to be a certain Sharon win in the upcoming Jan. 28 election. Since the series began, Israeli and American journalists and researchers have provided revealing information concerning the Likud's most important foreign funders, which, upon investigation, has proven to be accurate.

Israeli law has, since 1994, prohibited foreign donations to Israeli election campaigns. Yet tens of millions of dollars have continued to pour in from abroad, financing the radical-right Likud political apparatus which is driving the mideast and the world into religious-ethnic warfare. One prominent Israeli jurist told EIR, "Talking about illegal foreign money flows into Israeli elections is like talking about illegal booze in Chicago during Prohibition. Everybody does it, or you just don't survive."

But in the case of the money propping up the Sharon regime, its legal prohibition is made more sinister by its sources, primarily in the United States. They include heirs of the Meyer Lansky/ Moe Dalitz mafia syndicate; Michael Milken's junk-bond "monsters," corporate predators, and looters; and the sponsors of terrorists such as Meyer Kahane and the Armageddon-theme racial and religious provocateurs.

According to knowledgeable Israeli sources, the following names are at or near the top of the list of perpetrators, whose covert funding of the Likud has brought the Mideast to the brink of disaster.

The Lansky-Dalitz LegacyThe most important Likud sources are associates of Michael Milken's multi-billion dollar scams of the 1980s and early 1990s, and of mob bosses Meyer Lansky's and Moe Dalitz's Las Vegas:

Jay Zises: (pronounced "zee-sees"), a Likud funder with his wife Nancy. As of 2000, Jay was President of "Friends of the Israeli Defense Forces in the United States."

Jay Zises and his brother Selig founded Integrated Resources, a hyper-leveraged tax shelter. The Zises debt pyramid blew out in 1989, defaulting on $955 million. The scheme was financed by Drexel Burnham Lambert's junk-bond kingpin Michael Milken and his family, and by those backing Milken, including Zises' former boss Saul Steinberg, and executives of Carl Lindner's dope-running United Fruit/Chiquita Banana. A Federal judge ruling on a lawsuit against Integrated said, "This case arises from the ashes of what is regarded by some as the most spectacular scam of the 1980s."

Milken and others were jailed, but the Zises brothers escaped with a fortune, bought out by Milken's cousin Stanley Zax shortly before Milken was indicted and Integrated collapsed.

Jay Zises created the Roundtable Political Action Committee, a U.S. election campaign-financing arm of the Milken clique, operating from Integrated's New York office. His brother Seymour Zises was president of the coordinating "National PAC," which operated from Washington. Run in tandem with AIPAC (American-Israel Public Affairs Committee), these are the PACs which established, in America, the pattern of dirty-money election financing which rules Israel today.

Contributors to Jay Zises' Roundtable included members of the Meshulam Riklis family. Riklis, a mobster go-between for dope-runner Robert Vesco, Vesco's lawyer Kenneth Bialkin, and the Milken group, was Ariel Sharon's personal financial angel. Riklis donated the ranch where Sharon lives today, and where Sharon, Henry Kissinger, Riklis, Bialkin and others planned the West Bank settlement land-scam and rightist offensive.

Other Roundtable contributors included convicted Wall Street swindler Ivan Boesky; Saul Steinberg's family; the Milstein family, partners in United Fruit; and the family of Laurence Tisch (of Loews Corp. and Lindner's United Fruit apparatus).

Marc Belzberg: Canadian funder of the Likud/West Bank settlers covert nexus. Marc's father and partner, the notorious predator Sam Belzberg, was part of the inner core of the Drexel/Michael Milken junk bond operation, and a sponsor of corporate raider T. Boone Pickens. The Belzbergs bought up large blocks of stocks, and took "greenmail" from companies wanting to avoid their hostile takeovers. Marc Belzberg and his family holding company First City Financial were sued by the SEC in 1986 and forced to disgorge $2.7 million in profits, for "stock parking" with banker Bear Stearns in a takeover-scam against Ashland Oil.

The Belzbergs were partners in Zises' Integrated Resources, and arbitrage partners of Roundtable PAC co-founder James Tisch, son of Lawrence Tisch.

Marc Belzberg is a director of the Jerusalem Post, the right-wing daily controlled by the Anglo-Canadian rightist Hollinge

[CTRL] legal system, Diocese Quietly Paid Man, Church hasn't unfrocked jailed priest

2003-01-21 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-
also has half million protesters, car wars (Iraq)

this may be heavy for survivors

The Experiences of Child Complainants of Sexual Abuse in the Criminal Justice System Dr Christine Eastwood Prof Wendy Patton - Queensland University of Technology "From a theoretical perspective, the report examines why decades of reform have achieved limited gains for Australian children, and why the criminal justice system remains the legally sanctioned context for the abuse of childrenThere is widespread agreement in the literature that child sexual abuse spans all races, economic classes and ethnic groups (Finkelhor, 1993, 1994; Goldman & Padayachi 1997; Oates, 1990; O'Donnell & Craney, 1982; Peters, Wyatt & Finkelhor, 1986). The prevalence of sexual abuse is so extensive that in "no sub-group is it clearly absent or rare" (Finkelhor, 1993, p 67). Internationally, epidemiological studies estimate prevalence rates of 7 to 36 per cent for females and 3 to 29 per cent for males (Finkelhor, 1994) and confirm that sexual abuse of children is an international problem. It is estimated that females are abused at one and half times to three times the rate for males (Finkelhor, 1994). According to Bagley (1995), three aspects are clear. The majority of perpetrators are male (in excess of 95 per cent) against male and female children. Around 80 per cent of the time, the offender is known to the child, and a third of sexual offenders are themselves adolescents. Across all studies it is clear that only about half of the young victims disclosed the abuse to anyone (Finkelhor, 1994; Fleming, 1997). Further compounding the ability of the justice system to prosecute these cases is evidence that for every child who does report, three to five cases are not being reported (Finkelhor, 1991)." http://www.aic.gov.au/crc/reports/eastwood.pdf

three from L Moss Sharman Child-sex law in rare test 01/21/03 By Tony Stickley "The man, who has name suppression, is facing around 36 sex charges for acts allegedly committed in this country and on one of the Pacific Islands. Eight young complainants are involved, six of them boys. Some of the counts are laid under a section of the Crimes Amendment Act that was introduced in 1995 to stamp out sex tours by New Zealanders to places such as Thailand and the Philippines. It means the same penalties can be imposed as if the offences were committed in this country. Under the legislation, people who organise sex tours to exploit overseas youngsters can also be jailed for up to seven years." http://www.nzherald.co.nz/storydisplay.cfm?storyID=3097102&thesection=news&thesubsection=general

Albany Diocese Quietly Paid Man Who Pressed Abuse Claim by Daniel J. Wakin "Bishop Howard J. Hubbard of Albany quietly paid more than $225,000 last year to a sexual abuse victim who was pressing further allegations that priests from the diocese had molested him when he was a boy.  The man and the diocese disagree on whether the money was intended to end his claims and keep him quiet, or was the charitable work of a church assisting a member in need."  http://www.nytimes.com/2003/01/19/nyregion/19BISH.html

Church has yet to unfrock jailed paedophile priests by Ruth Gledhill and Dominic Kennedy 1/20/03 "The convicted serial paedophile Michael Hill is still a priest and moves to unfrock him began only a year ago...Hill was first jailed in 1997 for sexually abusing nine boys, but the papers to strip him of the priesthood were not sent to the Vatican until last January."  http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2-548509,00.html

WORLDWIDE PROTESTS SEND STRONG MESSAGE TO BUSH: "NOT IN OUR NAME" by William Thomas 1/19/03 Braving bitter cold, as many as a half-million Americans rallied outside their nation's Capitol yesterday to tell an unelected President that he did not have the permission of Americans to wage war in their name. Their ranks swollen by anti-war veterans and many more formerly quiet Americans who never before participated in a public protest, as many as one million people voted with their feet in cities around the world to say "No" to imminent war by the United States government against Iraq.

Car wars  The US economy needs oil like a junkie needs heroin - and Iraq will supply its next fix  Ian Roberts Saturday January 18, 2003
War in Iraq is inevitable. That there would be war was decided by North American planners in the mid-1920s. That it would be in Iraq was decided much more recently. The architects of this war were not military planners but town planners. War is inevitable not because of weapons of mass destruction, as claimed by the political right, nor because of western imperialism, as claimed by the left. The cause of this war, and probably the one that will follow, is car dependence. The US has paved itself into a corner. Its physical and economic infrastructu

Re: [CTRL] Virus Alert: [CTRL] For your attention Alamaine Ratliff

2003-01-21 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

It's not a virus, it's a legitimate file that is a part of the windows operating 
java debugger manager.

At 02:56 PM 1/21/03 , you wrote:
>-Caveat Lector-
>1/21/2003 8:35:42 AM, "Ozzy bin Oswald
> >This virus-ridden post was sent to me:
>This was sent directly from the site, using their -- as in THEIR -- email
>forwarding applet.  Notice the "For your attention" heading.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Smells like ...

2003-01-21 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Let me be the first to apologise for any inconveniences that may have
been caused by a "For your attention" post ... this post was initiated at
the site using the site's auto emailer applet convenience window.

Since early this morning, I've gotten notification of someone receiving the
virus via the method I described AND I got it back via the notification.
Between the time I ended my computer session early this AM and
started a new one this PM, I ran a full virus check (so it's working when I
catch 'em coming back) ... none detected.

What's more, I've received email replies from people I don't even know,
asking me *why* they received something I initiated.  One indicated s/he
hadn't been on CTRL for a while.  Now, again, all I did was to indicate to
the site (as I have many several times in the past) that I wanted the
Guardian article forwarded FROM them TO CTRL by entering the latter's
address.  My email client was not involved therefore -- until I got the
message that the virus sent via the list was sent on to me ...

Now, obviously (to me), if I am receiving emails from people who are
tied into the sent message only by virtue of the list address -- and who I
would otherwise NOT know, there's something wrong.  Since my virus
checker detected a query from "Ozzy",  and my definitions are up to
date, what's at the Guardian or on AOL?

Smells like somethings's fishy ... A<:>E<:>R

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Virus Alert: [CTRL] For your attention Alamaine Ratliff

2003-01-21 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

1/21/2003 8:35:42 AM, "Ozzy bin Oswald

>This virus-ridden post was sent to me:

This was sent directly from the site, using their -- as in THEIR -- email
forwarding applet.  Notice the "For your attention" heading.

But -- guess what -- there's something between the source (site) and
the destination (list) that is obviously the problem.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Front-line troops disproportionately white, not black

2003-01-21 Thread Bill Howard
-Caveat Lector-

Cite references, please.
On Tuesday, Jan 21, 2003, at 10:16 US/Pacific, thew wrote:

The jobs that have high prestige - pilots, green berets, etc - are not
to blacks, nor are blacks encouraged to try for prestigious jobs.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] MRC Alert: Worries About 'Hot Breath of Patriotism Police' (fwd)

2003-01-21 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

"I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all."

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 08:14:56 -0700
From: Media Research Center <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MRC Alert: Worries About 'Hot Breath of Patriotism Police'

  ***Media Research Center CyberAlert***
12:15pm EST, Tuesday January 21, 2003 (Vol. Eight; No. 12)
  The 1,419th CyberAlert. Tracking Liberal Media Bias Since 1996

CBS Showcases Diversity & Strength of "Peace" Marchers; Williams
Worries About "Hot Breath of Patriotism Police"; Malpractice
Victim Uses Morning Shows to Blast Bush; CBS Uses Victim's
Emotional Tale to Counter Bush; Cal Thomas Stumps Stahl Who Can't
Name a Conservative at CBS; Liberal Bias Not a Concern to New CNN
Chief; LA Times Reporter Admits Every Media Bias But a Liberal
One; "Top Ten Saddam Hussein Weekend Plans"

 Distributed to more than 11,600 recipients by the Media
Research Center, bringing political balance to the news media
since 1987. The MRC is the leader in documenting, exposing and
neutralizing liberal media bias. Visit the MRC on the Web:
http://www.mediaresearch.org. CyberAlerts from this year are at:
http://www.mediaresearch.org/archive/cyber/welcome.asp For 2002:
Subscribe/unsubscribe information, as well as a link to the
MRC donations page, are at the end of this message.
When posted, this CyberAlert will be readable at:

1) Add CBS to the list of networks whitewashing Saturday's "peace"
marches by ignoring the far-left agenda of those behind the
protests and focusing on how marchers represented a cross-section
of America. "Young, old, veterans and veteran activists united in
the effort to stop the war before it starts," trumpeted CBS's Joie
Chen. From San Francisco, John Blackstone highlighted a young boy
who came with his father as Blackstone admired how "the crowd
seemed to span the generations, a multitude that reminded" one
protester "of the anti-war movement's glory days." Blackstone,
however, did allow one woman to blast the "naiveté" of protesters.

2) Late last week CNBC anchor Brian Williams chafed at how the
anti-war protesters "will feel the hot breath of the patriotism

3) Linda McDougal, the Minnesota woman who had a double mastectomy
after her biopsy was mistakenly confused with another woman's,
used appearances on all three broadcast network morning shows on
Monday to denounce President Bush's proposal to impose a $250,000
cap on pain and suffering awards. No morning show hosts challenged
her. On CBS's The Early Show she claimed that Bush wishes to
"harm" her as she falsely stated that the Bush plan would "impose
a $250,000 cap on medical malpractice." On NBC's Today she charged
that "Bush intends to harm me more."

4) Last Thursday the CBS Evening News found a victim of medical
malpractice to denounce President Bush's proposal to set a
$250,000 pain and suffering limit in malpractice cases. Though
Elizabeth Kaledin allowed an advocate of Bush's position to make
dry arguments, she offered a more powerful case for opponents by
calling up emotion as she focused on a victim in a wheelchair and
the views of "consumer groups." She didn't mention how liberal
Democrats are compromised on the issue because of their dependence
on trial lawyer money.

5) Liberal Media Bias Denial, example one: Stahl stumped. On FNC's
After Hours with Cal Thomas, CBS News veteran Lesley Stahl denied
the very concept of any liberal bias and claimed that "today you
have broadcast journalists who are avowedly conservative" and that
the voices being heard on the networks "are far more likely to be
on the right." Thomas wondered if she could "name a conservative
journalist at CBS News?" Stahl could not and insisted that CBS
reporters steadfastly "cleanse our stories" of any opinion.

6) Liberal Media Bias Denial, example two. CNN's new chief, Jim
Walton, isn't concerned about liberal media bias at his network.
The Boston Globe's Mark Jurkowitz revealed last week that of the
sentiment that "CNN was a bastion of liberal media tilt," Walton
"said flatly that the bias charge was not an issue with him."

7) Liberal Media Bias Denial, example three. Los Angeles Times
media reporter David Shaw argued the media are biased in many
ways, but just not in a liberal way. Shaw could see bias in favor
of "change," "bad news," "conflict rather than harmony" and
"sensationalism, scandal, celebrities and violence," But, he
insisted, "we don't, consciously or subconsciously, sla

Re: [CTRL] Front-line troops disproportionately white, not black

2003-01-21 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector-

Actually what Rangel said was that too few in congress and positions of
wealth and power were risking their own children, regardless of race, and
thus were far to cavalier about going to a war that would not cause them any

As to the numbers -

The jobs that have high prestige - pilots, green berets, etc - are not given
to blacks, nor are blacks encouraged to try for prestigious jobs.

on 01/21/03 12:47 PM, klewis at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Though Rangel is right that blacks and lower-income
> Americans still serve in disproportionate numbers, that fact
> misses another significant trend. While blacks are 20% of the
> military -- compared with 12% of the U.S. population -- they
> make up a far smaller percentage of troops in combat jobs on
> the front line.
> In a host of high-risk slots -- from Army commandos to Navy
> and Air Force fighter pilots -- blacks constitute less than 5% of the
> force, statistics show.
> Blacks, especially in the enlisted ranks, tend to be
> disproportionately drawn to non-combat fields such as unit
> administration and communications. They are
> underrepresented in jobs shooting rifles or dropping bombs.
> Examples:
> * Of the Army's 45,586 enlisted combat infantryman, 10.6%
> are black.
> * Of the Air Force's 12,000 pilots, 245, or about 2%, are
> black.
> * In the Navy, 2.5% of the pilots are black.  Senior Air Force
> officials say they are troubled by the number of black pilots and plan
> to do better.
> * The Army's enlisted Green Berets are among the least
> diverse groups in the military. Only 196 of the Army's 4,278
> enlisted Green Berets -- fewer than 5% -- are black.
> The reasons for the racial divide are unclear, but several
> theories have emerged, including lingering racism in some
> quarters of the military and a tendency among black recruits to
> choose jobs that help them find work in the civilian sector.


To be nobody but yourself, in a world which is doing its best, night and
day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle that any
human being can fight--and never stop fighting.

-  e.e. cummings

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Front-line troops disproportionately white, not black

2003-01-21 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-


  Page 1A

Front-line troops disproportionately
white, not black
Numbers refute long-held belief

By Dave Moniz  and Tom Squitieri

WASHINGTON -- The American troops likeliest to fight and
die in a war against Iraq are disproportionately white, not
black, military statistics show -- contradicting a belief widely held
since the early days of the Vietnam War.

In a little-publicized trend, black recruits have gravitated
toward non-combat jobs that provide marketable skills for
post-military careers, while white soldiers are over-represented in
front-line combat forces.

The tilt toward white combat troops is recognized by many
senior commanders and a small group of scholars who study
the military.

''If anybody should be complaining about battlefield deaths, it is
poor, rural whites,'' says Charles Moskos, a military sociologist at
Northwestern University in Illinois.

When Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., called recently for the
return of a military draft, he evoked images of inequality raised
during the early years of the Vietnam War, when black soldiers died at
rates much greater than their share of the U.S. population.

Though Rangel is right that blacks and lower-income
Americans still serve in disproportionate numbers, that fact
misses another significant trend. While blacks are 20% of the
military -- compared with 12% of the U.S. population -- they
make up a far smaller percentage of troops in combat jobs on
the front line.

In a host of high-risk slots -- from Army commandos to Navy
and Air Force fighter pilots -- blacks constitute less than 5% of the
force, statistics show.

Blacks, especially in the enlisted ranks, tend to be
disproportionately drawn to non-combat fields such as unit
administration and communications. They are
underrepresented in jobs shooting rifles or dropping bombs.


* Of the Army's 45,586 enlisted combat infantryman, 10.6%
are black.

* Of the Air Force's 12,000 pilots, 245, or about 2%, are

* In the Navy, 2.5% of the pilots are black.  Senior Air Force
officials say they are troubled by the number of black pilots and plan
to do better.

* The Army's enlisted Green Berets are among the least
diverse groups in the military. Only 196 of the Army's 4,278
enlisted Green Berets -- fewer than 5% -- are black.

The reasons for the racial divide are unclear, but several
theories have emerged, including lingering racism in some
quarters of the military and a tendency among black recruits to
choose jobs that help them find work in the civilian sector.

 Copyright 2002 USA TODAY, a division of Gannett Co.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] More Details in Former Weapons Inspector's Arrest

2003-01-21 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-


More Details in Former Weapons Inspector's Arrest
Channel Six News has learned former UN Weapons Inspector and
Delmar resident Scott Ritter was arrested during an Internet sex
sting operation. But it turns out police caught Ritter months before,
but declined to press charges. Sources tell us Ritter tried to meet a
14 year-old girl he chatted with online. He was instead met by
police officers, who let him go. Ritter was arrested in June of 2001
for allegedly trying to lure a 16 year-old girl he met online to a
Burger King. But that girl was really an undercover cop- surfing the
web as part of a police sting operation. Ritter was charged with
attempted endangerment of a child. But the charge was dismissed
and the case sealed. That means, essentially, that it never
happened. Ritter searched Iraq for weapons in the years following
the Gulf War. More recently, he's been speaking out against
President Bush's policies on Iraq and is frequently seen on local
and national television.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] A technical overview of mind control tactics

2003-01-21 Thread eric stewart
-Caveat Lector-
Mind: How does mind control work?: A technical overview of mind control tacticsPosted by: souljah on Jan 20, 2003 - 01:07 AM
Coercion is defined as, "to restrain or constrain by force..." Legally it often implies the use of PHYSICAL FORCE or physical or legal threat. This traditional concept of coercion is far better understood than the technological concepts of "coercive persuasion" which are effective restraining, impairing, or compelling through the gradual application of PSYCHOLOGICAL FORCES.
More at http://memes.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=1675&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0
 Did one of Buffet's Jets shoot down Flight 93?http://makeashorterlink.com/?K2C024623Do you Yahoo!?
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[CTRL] Did The Mossad Assassinate Martin Luther King?

2003-01-21 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
Did The Mossad Assassinate Martin Luther King?
New Book Says Revelations Indicate King Had Planned Anti-Zionist Turn

1/20/03 11:20:13 PM
American Free Press

Washington, DC -- Mossad Linked to Martin Luther King Assassination

Celebrations of the life of the late Martin Luther King, Jr. are not
to commemorate the remarkable revelations outlined in this AFP exclusive.

Exclusive to American Free Press

By Richard V. London

A key player in the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. has been
linked to a key figure in the JFK assassination conspiracy.

Both, in turn, have been firmly connected to joint involvement in a U.S.-
based arms smuggling operation intimately tied to Israel’s intelligence
service, the Mossad.

This revelation appears in a new book, An Act of State, by Dr. William F.
Pepper, which—unless something more explosive comes along—will probably be
last word on the subject of who killed King and why.

Based on Pepper’s investigations in his longtime role as the attorney for
King’s accused killer, James Earl Ray, An Act of State does not trumpet
Mossad connection by any means.

However, Pepper’s circumspect reference to the Mossad is a lightning bolt
of recall to anyone who has already read longtime AFP correspondent
Collins Piper’s best-seller, Final Judgment, the first book ever not only
document a Mossad role in the JFK affair but to also raise the likelihood
possible Israeli involvement in the King assassination.

Pepper’s assertion involving the Mossad is based on statements made to one
of Pepper’s investigators by former Colonel John Downie of the 902nd
Intelligence Group, a unit based inside the Department of Defense.

According to Downie, the mysterious figure “Raul”—whom King’s accused
assassin, James Earl Ray, claimed had helped frame him (Ray) for King’s
was part of a U.S.-based international arms smuggling operation
(operating, in
part, in Texas) that Pepper had already determined—through other sources—
involved Jack Ruby, the Dallas nightclub keeper who killed JFK’s accused
assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald.

The link between “Raul” and Ruby was by no means tenuous: “Raul” and Ruby
were placed together by Pepper’s sources on numerous occasions prior to
JFK assassination—five years before King’s murder.

The smuggling operation utilized weapons stolen from U.S. Army bases and
armories which were delivered to the New Orleans-based Carlos Marcello
organized crime organization which, in turn, delivered those arms for sale
Latin and South America and elsewhere. The proceeds from the arms deals
reportedly split equally with the U.S. 902nd Military Intelligence Group
its cut for financing covert, off-budget, operations.

Here’s the Mossad connection: Downie said that one of the individuals who
was a key player in this operation was “a senior Mossad agent working in
America who acted as a senior liaison to the U.S. military and CIA.”

It appears Final Judgment has almost certainly pinpointed the identity of
the individual described by Pepper’s source

In Final Judgment, Piper pointed out that the famous “umbrella man” who
photographed in Dealey Plaza in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963 bore a remarkable
resemblance to no less than the now-infamous (but then shadowy) longtime
Mossad figure, Michael Harari.

In 1963, Harari was in the field as a top Mossad’s assassinations
specialist and would have assuredly been in Dallas if, as Piper contends,
Mossad was a prime player in the JFK conspiracy. In addition, the
record documents that—throughout his career—Harari was heavily involved in
Israeli intelligence operations in Mexico, South America and the
culminating in his later more widely-publicized role as the top advisor to
then-Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega who was ultimately topped in a

Was Harari, then, the “senior Mossad agent working in South America”
referenced by Pepper’s U.S. military source? If not, it was certainly
Harari worked with.

That Jack Ruby—who was part of the Mossad-connected smuggling operation
uncovered by Pepper—had multiple Mossad and Israeli connections is no
to those who have read Final Judgment, which pointed out:

• That contrary to myth, Ruby was not a henchman for the Italian-
American “Mafia,” but was, instead, a long-time key narcotics smuggling
functionary in the crime syndicate of mob chieftain and Israeli loyalist

• That Ruby bragged as far back as 1955—according to FBI files—that he had
been smuggling arms to Israel;

• That Luis Kutner, Ruby’s longtime attorney—dating back to Ruby’s earlier
years in Chicago—had deep-rooted intelligence connections and was a major
player in the pro-Israel lobby;

• That Al Lizanetz, a top henchman of Arizona crime boss Kemper Marley (a
well-paid front man for the Bronfman 

[CTRL] Fwd: I L L U M I N A T I News - Project GREEN BIRD - Revealed

2003-01-21 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-
Don't let the NWO lie to your face! The Illuminati is alive and well - FOR REAL. The Illuminati lives. And this is undoubtedly their most wicked design EVER. There is no conspiracy theory of Triple 6's and Marks of the Beast - Who and/ or what is the Destroyer? Apollyon? Project GREEN BIRD is absolutely UNHOLY - Behold: 
http://www.disinfo.com/forums/read.php?f=3&i=24576&t=24568 Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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2003-01-21 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

I can't verify anything in a legal sense. The Lt. told me that 'X'
told him..so it is all hearsay. The Washington Post article is
January 20, 2002, and probably easily verifiable.

Lt. Vreeland gave clues that his main
contact/control was Jack Punches. From the memorial pages:
   U.S. Navy Capt. (Ret.) Jack Punches worked in the Pentagon as
deputy head, Navy Interagency Support Branch.
   He earned a B.S. degree from Missouri University, an M.S. from the
Naval War College and an M.S. from Salve Regina in International
Relations. Designated a Naval aviator in 1975, he was assigned to NAS
Jacksonville, Fl. After three deployments he served as an instructor
pilot. In 1982, he reported to VPU-1 (Special Projects) in Brunswick,
Me. After two years of intelligence duties, he reported to the Navy
War College. After graduation, he served as a maintenance officer. He
joined the Fleet Logistics Support Squadron in Sicily as the
executive officer in 1989. He assumed command of VR-24 in 1991 and
deployed to Saudi Arabia in support of Operations Desert Storm/
Desert Shield. In 1992, he reported to United Command as chief,
airborne operations. In 1995, he became head of Navy Counterdrug in
the office of Chief of Naval Operations and special assistant to the
Under Secretary of the Navy. In 1996, he served as deputy director,
Operations and Interagency Support division. He retired in 2000 and
worked for Blue Stone Consulting of Alexandria, Va. Later that year
he returned to the Navy as a senior civilian employee at the Navy
Interagency Support Branch...

Note, 1995, "head of Navy Counterdrug in the office of Chief of Naval
Operations." The CNO then would have been Adm. Boorda (and Lt.
Vreeland supposedly an operative.) According to the Lt., Jeremy
Boorda was extremely displeased with the CIA using his naval ships
and submarines to smuggle drugs. Beyond that President Clinton had
some very shady dealings with the Chinese that may have qualified as
treason. If so the investigation would be the CNO's responsibility.
Vreeland, who considered both Clinton and Bush Sr. to be criminals,
described Boorda as "not a bad guy".

My *guess* for the other contact was:
CDR William H. Donovan, Jr., USN
CDR Donovan was assigned as the OPNAV N-513 Strategy & Concepts
Action Officer. His prior assignments include VP-11, VP-31, Naval
Post Graduate School, CVN-73, VP-1, and OPNAV N-512 (Policy and
Another possibility is:
Otis V. Tolbert
   U.S. Navy Lt. Cmdr. Otis V. Tolbert, 38, wrote intelligence
briefings for the chief of naval operations in the Pentagon...
or, another intelligence briefer but lower ranked:
LT Jonas P. Panik, USN
LT Jonas was assigned as the Flag Intelligence Briefer, Chief of
Naval Operations Intelligence Plot (CNO-IP).  His prior assignments
include Office of Naval Intelligence and VP-46.

The most mysterious death in the Naval Command Center on 9/11 was Lt.
Darin Pontell, but at 26, he only graduated as an Intel officer in
1998. From Carol Valentine:
Post, January 20, 2002, "The Last Watch," (front page, Style
section), the entire chain of command of the super secret Chief of
Naval Operations Intelligence Plot (CNO-IP) were killed in the
September 11 attack on the Pentagon. One of the victims was Darin
Pontell, who worked in CNO-IP. The Post reported that two days after
the attack, Darin's parents were still hoping Darin was alive. Here
is an excerpt from "The Last Watch," Washington Post, January 20,
2001, pg.F1. "'Where'd I put my cell phone? Where is it?' Marilyn
Pontell, Darrin's mother, gre

Re: [CTRL] Images of the Sporting Crowd

2003-01-21 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector-

See how simple every policy decision can be, as long as the oil companies
run the country. Every issue comes down to just one question - does it make
Bush and Cheney richer or poorer. Refreshingly simple.

on 01/21/03 4:46 AM, Euphorian at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-
> http://graphics7.nytimes.com/images/2003/01/20/21AUTO.chart.jpg
> http://graphics7.nytimes.com/images/2003/01/20/business/21AUTO.
> chart2.jpg
> http://www.nytimes.com/2003/01/21/business/21AUTO.html
> January 21, 2003
> Bush Proposal May Cut Tax on S.U.V.'s for Business
> DETROIT, Jan. 20 ‹ The Bush administration's economic plan would
> increase by 50 percent or more the deductions that small-business
> owners can take right away on the biggest sport utility vehicles and
> pickups.
> The plan would mean small businesses could immediately deduct the
> entire price of S.U.V.'s like the Hummer H2, the Lincoln Navigator and
> the Toyota Land Cruiser, even if the vehicles were loaded with every
> available option. Or a business owner, taking full advantage, could buy a
> BMW X5 sport utility vehicle for a few hundred dollars more than a
> Pontiac Bonneville sedan, after the immediate tax deductions were
> factored in.
> Tax experts and environmentalists say the plan would provide incentives
> for businesses to choose the biggest gas-guzzling trucks because it
> takes several years to depreciate the cost of passenger cars and smaller
> sport utility vehicles. The ramifications of the Bush plan on S.U.V. buyers
> were reported today in The Detroit News.
> The potential lift for sales of big S.U.V.'s comes amid rising tension in
> the Middle East and increasing criticism of S.U.V.'s from
> environmentalists and regulators.
> But a top budget official said today that the administration might be
> open to changes in the tax code that would bring cars more in line with
> big trucks.
> "We have an open mind about whether the deduction for cars needs to
> be refined," said Dr. John Graham, the administrator of the Office of
> Information and Regulatory Affairs in the Office of Management and
> Budget.
> The tax code now caps deductions for most automobiles. But the largest
> vehicles ‹ those that weigh more than 6,000 pounds fully loaded ‹ are
> exempt because the relevant portion of the code was written in the
> 1980's, before the rise of the sport utility vehicle, and was intended to
> exempt big pickups needed on work sites. Now the tax incentives also
> give business owners not involved in hauling ‹ doctors, real estate
> agents, accountants ‹ more incentive to buy the biggest S.U.V.'s instead
> of smaller ones, or cars.
> The proposal "makes a glitch in the tax code much worse and it benefits
> rich businessmen who want to buy massive S.U.V.'s," said Aileen Roder,
> program director for Taxpayers for Common Sense. "In essence we're
> buying these vehicles for these businesses."
> But the administration says that greater business deductions will be a
> potent economic stimulant.
> "Many small businesses have genuine needs for large vans, pickups and
> S.U.V.'s, whether it be for a farm, sales or industrial application," Dr.
> Graham said. "An updated tax deduction for small businesses is
> certainly needed."
> Consider the Hummer H1 as an example of the new deduction. It is one
> of the largest and most expensive S.U.V.'s, with a base sticker price of
> $102,581, including destination charge. Under the Bush plan, small-
> business owners could use all of an annual $75,000 capital equipment
> deduction toward the purchase; the current equipment deduction
> allowance is just $25,000.
> That is in addition to thousands of dollars in other deductions. Under
> existing rules, a business could deduct 30 percent from the base price
> left after the capital equipment deduction, a benefit put in place as part
> of a post-Sept. 11 stimulus package. In the case of the H1, that would
> be a further deduction of $8,274.
> Finally, 20 percent could be deducted from what is left, part of the
> business deductions available for automobiles. For the H1, that would
> be $3,861 more in deductions.
> The total would be more than $87,000 in deductions, or about
> $33,500 in savings in federal taxes alone for buyers in the highest
> bracket. Under current rules, just less than $60,000 could be
> deducted.
> Deals for cars and small sport utility vehicles are much less appealing.
> Currently, a business can deduct no more than $7,660 for a car in its
> first year of service, $4,900 in the second year and less in the
> succeeding years. The Toyota Prius, which uses a fuel-efficient blend of
> gasoline and electric power, is eligible for an additional $2,000 clean
> vehicle deduction. That means a business owner could deduct under
> half of the $20,500 sticker price of the Prius in the first year of
> purchase, for about $3,700 worth of federal tax savings for those in the
> highest

[CTRL] (Fwd) ADL Loses $10.5 Million Defamation Suit

2003-01-21 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
From:   "hengist" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date sent:  Tue, 21 Jan 2003 03:36:05 -0800

 Begin forwarded message ---

Oh the shame of it. Defamation comes home to roost.

ADL Loses $10.5 Million Defamation Suit

Denver -- A federal jury has awarded a Colorado couple $10.5 million in their
defamation lawsuit against the Colorado chapter of the Anti-Defamation League.

The 12-member jury in US District Court sided with plaintiffs William and Dorothy
Quigley of Evergreen, in their defamation lawsuit against the Denver-based Mountain
States chapter and its area director, Saul Rosenthal.

The jury on April 28 awarded the Quigleys damages, mostly punitive, of $10.5 million,
a figure that astonished defendants and plaintiffs alike . .

Full story:   http://www.jewishaz.com/jewishnews/000519/row.shtml

--- End of forwarded message ---

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Scanned by Norton AntiVirus

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[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: Georgia Gov. in a Pickle Over Flag Pledge

2003-01-21 Thread Tenor Love
-Caveat Lector-

This article from NYTimes.com
has been sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Georgia Gov. in a Pickle Over Flag Pledge

January 21, 2003

ATLANTA, Jan. 20 - Sonny Perdue is in a pickle.

The new governor of Georgia has all these big ideas: a
fully wired state with high-speed Internet access for all;
mentors for students taking the SAT; a saber-toothed ethics
commission; more money for legal defense of the indigent.

But all the attention keeps coming back to same, single,
stubborn issue: the state flag.

Since this is partly a pickle of his own making, Governor
Perdue has been uncomfortable talking about it.

During his underdog campaign, he energized rural white
voters by promising a referendum on the state flag, which
the Legislature stripped of its large Confederate battle
cross two years ago.

After he was elected, Mr. Perdue, the state's first
Republican governor in 130 years, went silent on the issue.

But last week, the day after he was inaugurated, he
broached the referendum idea again. And now, in a recent
interview, Mr. Perdue said a flag vote "is the only way
Georgia can move on," though he would not discuss

"It's like a family secret," Mr. Perdue said. "The only way
to heal this is with the sunshine of coming together and
dealing with it in a very forthright approach. That's why I
committed to a referendum."

Many analysts say that if the question is put to voters,
the Confederate cross will probably return - and so will
the boycotts, the tension and the backwater image Georgia
has tried so hard to bury.

"If there had been a referendum in Georgia in 1860 on
slavery, I'd still be picking cotton," said State Senator
Vincent D. Fort, a leader of the black caucus. "The idea
that a referendum will heal the divide is ludicrous."

If the Confederate battle flag rises again above Georgia,
it would be the first time since the civil rights movement
that a Southern state has resurrected a symbol so painful
to many. Some here say it could also crush the
already-wobbly economy of Atlanta, the South's most
prosperous city.

"We can't afford any more economic losses," said Denise
Majette, a newly elected Democratic congresswoman from
Atlanta, who is staunchly against a referendum. "We can't
have this fester."

Southern heritage groups say the flag represents valor.
Most blacks say it stands for slavery.

Mr. Perdue, who grew up on a farm in central Georgia, will
not say what he thinks. "I'm not going there," he said. "I
don't want to impugn the referendum process."

Yet he is well aware of the emotional impact. At his
inauguration ceremony last week, he banned Confederate

But he could not block the airspace. All morning and
afternoon, three biplanes circled the sparkling golden dome
of the Georgia Capitol, towing banners in favor if the
Confederate flag. "Let us vote," read one. "You promised!"

Who sponsored the banners is a mystery. Two leading groups
seeking a referendum, the Sons of Confederate Veterans and
the Heritage Preservation Association, said they did not
have the money to pay for flyovers, which can cost $100 a
pass. The planes flew for hours that day and returned the

Charles Lunceford of the Heritage Preservation Association
said his group was fully behind Mr. Perdue - and mobilizing
against potential enemies.

"Any politician who decides to go against Southern heritage
is a target," Mr. Lunceford said. "People chose to move to
this area. When they move to the South, they abandon where
they came from. Would it be right for me to move to
California and demand that they take the bear off their

The flag emerged as a key issue in Mr. Perdue's upset of
the incumbent governor, Roy Barnes, a Democrat.

Two years ago, when Mr. Barnes sought a new flag design,
Georgia was one of the last states displaying a large
Confederate cross as part of its flag. Mr. Barnes proposed
shrinking the symbol to a small box at the bottom. The
Legislature agreed, with Mr. Barnes hailed as a skillful
politician, a leading light in the Democratic Party and a
possible vice-presidential candidate.

Meanwhile, Georgia's rural white voters seethed. "You can't
imagine the anger," said Dan Coleman, spokesman for the
Georgia chapter of the Sons of Confederate Veterans.

In the campaign, Mr. Perdue, 56, a veterinarian and former
state senator, promised to allow voters the choice of which
flag they wanted. Rural voters turned out in record numbers
and sent Mr. Barnes away.

But then Mr. Perdue seemed to cool to the idea. "The flag,"
Mr. Perdue said, a few weeks after victory, "is not really
the issue of the day."

Last week, though, while posing for pictures, he abruptly
shared his plans for a referendum.

"I think the people of Georgia need to heal this," he said.
"The best venue to do that is in a referendum."

Will the old state flag be an option? Who will come up with
the designs? When will it go to a vote? The governor would
not say.

"The importance i

Re: [CTRL] A washingtonpost.com article from: alamaine@uffdaonline.net

2003-01-21 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 1/21/2003 2:20:38 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 France would never "associate ourselves with military intervention that is not supported by the international community," de Villepin added. "We think that military intervention would be the worst possible solution."

Well, at least someone is making sense.  The chicken-hawks in DC can only see all those oil wells.  Prudy
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Republicans Astroturf Spam Scandal

2003-01-21 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 1/21/2003 7:12:21 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Newspapers alleged to have fallen for the spamsters include the Boston
Globe, USA Today, the Dallas Morning News, the Albany Pilot, the Green Bay
Press Gazette and several dozen others.

One can't blame the editors.  They are so overwhelmed by the presence of a president so honest and moral, that they don't for a moment doubt that he is a brilliant economist as well.  Prudy
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: Clash on Medical Marijuana Puts a Grower in U.S. Court

2003-01-21 Thread Tenor Love
-Caveat Lector-

This article from NYTimes.com
has been sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Clash on Medical Marijuana Puts a Grower in U.S. Court

January 21, 2003

OAKLAND, Calif., Jan. 20 - As a marijuana celebrity, Ed
Rosenthal has been on a career roll. The author of a dozen
cannabis self-help books and a magazine advice column, "Ask
Ed," Mr. Rosenthal is the pothead's answer to Ann Landers,
Judge Judy, Martha Stewart and the Burpee Garden Wizard all
in one.

Can't get rid of the powdery mildew on your cannabis
seedling? Try a 20 percent skim-milk solution. The feds got
you in court on charges of cultivation? Challenge their
crop yield estimates. Want a high without the harmful tar?
Use a pipe that vaporizes it.

Mr. Rosenthal's renown has taken him to the Senate, where
he testified about marijuana sentencing laws, and to a
dozen foreign countries, where he worked as a consultant to
hemp and marijuana growers. Throughout it all, he has
carried on with impunity.

Until now.

On Tuesday, Mr. Rosenthal goes on trial in federal court in
San Francisco on charges of marijuana cultivation and
conspiracy. The charges stem from a business he ran growing
marijuana to be sold for medicinal uses under the auspices
of the City of Oakland's medical marijuana ordinance, one
of many such municipal statutes in California.

If convicted on all counts, Mr. Rosenthal, who is 58, faces
a minimum sentence of 10 years in prison; the conspiracy
charge carries a possible life sentence.

The trial has riled his many fans in the marijuana
community, but its implications are far broader. At its
core, Mr. Rosenthal's prosecution exposes a deepening rift
between the State of California and the Bush administration
over the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes, with no
middle ground for compromise in sight.

On one side, federal law enforcement officials view Mr.
Rosenthal's arrest and possible conviction as a trophy in
the stepped-up war on drugs.

"There shouldn't be any doubt about our determination to
enforce the laws of the United States," said Special Agent
Richard Meyer, a spokesman for the federal Drug Enforcement
Administration in San Francisco. "Marijuana is illegal
regardless of the intended use, regardless of the person
cultivating it and regardless of where it originated."

On the other side, some state and local officials regard
Mr. Rosenthal's prosecution as an effort by the federal
government to subvert the 1996 statewide voters'
initiative, known as Proposition 215, that made marijuana
legal for medicinal purposes. Since that initiative passed
in California, eight other states have approved similar

"I am just speechless," said Nathan A. Miley, an Alameda
County supervisor who helped write the ordinance in Oakland
when he was a councilman. "What we were attempting to do
through the city was put together as tight a medical
practice as possible. Ed was just part of that whole

A handful of court cases have failed to defuse the
federal-state tensions. In the most significant ruling, the
United States Supreme Court decided in 2001 that under
federal law "medical necessity is not a defense to
manufacturing and distributing marijuana."

But the ruling did not address Proposition 215 and whether
it violated federal law. Moreover, it involved an
organization, not an individual, and it arose from civil
litigation, not a criminal case. And rulings by other
courts since then have offered some protections.

Last July, the California Supreme Court ruled that
Proposition 215 granted medical users of marijuana "limited
immunity from prosecution" under state law. In October, a
federal appeals court in San Francisco decided that the
federal government may not revoke the licenses of doctors
who recommend marijuana to their patients.

"This is a huge conflict," said Hallye Jordan, a
spokeswoman for Attorney General Bill Lockyer, California's
top prosecutor and a supporter of the state statute. "State
law legalizes medical marijuana and federal law makes
marijuana illegal. Period."

In a letter to Asa Hutchinson, the administrator of the
federal drug agency, Mr. Lockyer characterized a flurry of
federal raids on medicinal marijuana providers last fall as
"wasteful, unwise and surprisingly insensitive." In
pointing a finger directly at the Bush administration, Mr.
Lockyer's office reported that federal efforts against
"authorized California cooperatives" began only in 2001.

"While I am acutely aware that federal law conflicts with
California's on this subject and needs to be reconciled,
surely an administration with a proper sense of balance,
proportion and respect for states' rights could and should
reconsider the D.E.A.'s policy and redirect its resources,"
Mr. Lockyer wrote.

In a reply, Mr. Hutchinson rejected the notion of medicinal
marijuana as unsound, legally and scientifically. He also
mocked the suggestion that a voters' initiative might
change that. The Food and Drug Administration, h

[CTRL] Republicans Astroturf Spam Scandal

2003-01-21 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


Political parties blanket email newspaper editors

And newspaper editors publish the astroturf spam

By Mike Magee: tiistai 21 tammikuu 2003, 08:17

IT SEEMS WE'VE OPENED something of a can of worms with our story
yesterday, which suggested the US Republican Party blanket emailed
different newspaper editors with the same letter praising George Bush.
Dozens of editors of newspapers published the letter. On the face of it,
the letters were signed by different individuals.

See Google hunts down 'President Bush is demonstrating genuine leadership'

The whole letter reads as follows:

"When it comes to the economy, President Bush is demonstrating genuine
leadership. The economic growth package he recently proposed takes us in
the right direction by accelerating the successful tax cuts of 2001,
providing marriage penalty relief, and providing incentives for
individuals and small businesses to save and invest.

"Contrary to the class warfare rhetoric attacking the President's plan,
the proposal helps everyone who pays taxes, and especially the middle
class. This year alone, 92 million taxpayers will receive an immediate tax
cut averaging $1,083 - and 46 million married couples will get back an
average of $1,714.

"That's not pocket change for a family struggling through uncertain
economic times. Combined with the President's new initiatives to help the
unemployed, this plan gets people back to work and helps every sector of
our economy."

Now we learn the practice has already some history, although the US news
media -. perhaps out of embarrassment .- does not yet seem to have picked
it up.

At this web site, there is a fight against "killer astroturf" which
relates to the 2002 Republican campaign.

That site says the letters are part of an orchestrated campaign and are
word for word identical.

Worse -. a whole heap of newspapers took the letter as genuine and
published it.

Newspapers alleged to have fallen for the spamsters include the Boston
Globe, USA Today, the Dallas Morning News, the Albany Pilot, the Green Bay
Press Gazette and several dozen others.

Yesterday it was suggested that our own august Financial Times had
published the latest example of the "astroturf".

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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Re: [CTRL] "Replicant" theory emerges in US Astroturf scandal

2003-01-21 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

What this really shows is the LEVEL of DECEPTION
being practiced by US Government in controlling
the American public via media.

The US media is under total orchestrated control
as this CLEARLY shows, and it is being only more
concentrated to bigger corporations.

the internet, and even that is being now eroded with TIA.

Anyone who truly loves America should be aghast at this.

> http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/28/28945.html
> "Replicant" theory emerges in US Astroturf scandal
> By Andrew Orlowski in San Francisco
> Posted: 21/01/2003 at 11:17 GMT
> A new theory emerged today to rebuff the "Astroturf" scandal that's the
> talk of the web. A week ago a weblogger who calls himself Atrios
> discovered that identical letters praising "the leadership of President
> Bush" had appeared in dozens of local American newspapers.
> Before Christmas, Mr.Atrios - whoever he is - had done much enterprising
> research to discomfort, and eventually help depose the Republican Senate
> Leader Trent Lott, after Lott's wistful, pro-segregation remarks at a
> birthday dinner for centurion racist Strom Thurmond went unnoticed by the
> poodle mainstream press, here.
> The identical letters appeared in 29 publications - including, oops - The
> Financial Times of London, England - and clearly suggested that a
> co-ordinated but entirely phony "grassroots" expression of support was
> swelling behind the President.
> However Declan McCullagh has a brillant alternative, and surely satirical
> explanation.
> Notified of these occurrences, McClunker very wisely warned us not to jump
> to conclusions. Rather than it being an organized campaign, he wrote on
> his Politech mailing list, the possibility remained that the phrases could
> have emanated from Republican mailing literature.
> "I don't think we have nearly enough facts here to make a reasoned
> conclusion," he noted.
> Upon receiving these mailings, he posits, dozens of Republicans could have
> individually made the decision at that very moment, to all walk over to
> their computers and write a letter to their local newspaper praising "the
> leadership of President Bush:.
> Or as he put it:-
> "An explanation could be as simple as Republican direct mail efforts using
> this phrase, which the recipients echo in letters to the editor."
> McClunker's right: this isn't impossible. However it is exceedingly
> unusual, and it is a form of behavior - this synchronized groupthink -
> that is usually attributed to Zombies, or replicant armies in sci-fi
> movies.
> Older readers may remember how in The Manchurian Candidate the Frank
> Sinatra assassin was "woken" to his mission by the use of subliminal
> code-words. So in McClunker's witty satire (we charitably assume he's
> being satirical), the direct mail recipients simply parroted what they'd
> read in that morning's instructional campaign mail, and responded to the
> subliminal signal.
> Now, who's foolin' who here here isn't clear.
> One important contextual point to note about American politics (for you
> overseas readers) is that back in 1995 when Gingrich routed the Congress,
> the libertarian talk-radio right thought of itself as "guerillas", and
> using imaginative tactics, and wit, to scored easy points against a
> complacent and inert centre-right exemplified by the venal President
> Pantsdown. Only now, the "guerillas" have their very own man in charge. So
> instead of choosing to remain witty or anarchic, they've dropped the
> guerilla chic, and now rally around in patterns of extreme predictability,
> making it easy for wittier and much more playful and anarchic writers such
> as Atrios (or Bob Somerby) to run rings around them.
> You don't really have to be clever to shoot down groupthink, but you have
> to have balls to call it when you see it, and Sommersby and Atrios are
> more than up to task. There's nothing easier than herding sheep.
> Not all former guerillas have turned into blogsphere mutton, though.
> There's a libertarian writer I respect very much, a contrarian called Gene
> Callahan, who's allied with the far-right Mises Institute but who's stayed
> consistently funny and fair. (And his social satire is hilarious). But
> Callahan's an exception to the groupthink rule.
> So you see, you can span alliances of left and right if only you have
> right minded, and sufficiently smart and skeptical people. For reasons of
> ambition or sheer laziness, many aspire to "conform". For now, though, we
> can enjoy such fish out of water flounders that that the tide has left
> behind, and McCullagh's powerful testimony to the power of groupthink
> ought to leave the rest of us somewhat disturbed. It's too scary to think
> about. ®

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Subst

[CTRL] [Politics] Mind Control (Propaganda) (fwd)

2003-01-21 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

"I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all."

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2003 16:47:27 -0800 (PST)
From: Mason Watch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Politics] Mind Control (Propaganda)

Do you watch television?  How many hours a day do you
spend watching T.V.?
Have you ever stopped to wonder why is it that ALL OF

Have you ever wonderd why they call it "Programming",
and just who are they trying to program?  Who is
behind this "Programming"?

Authority is never questioned on Television.  Why?
Because It Might Cause Us To Think That Maybe The
State Has No Authority Over Us.

The ideas of the rulers are the ruling ideas

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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[CTRL] "Replicant" theory emerges in US Astroturf scandal

2003-01-21 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


"Replicant" theory emerges in US Astroturf scandal
By Andrew Orlowski in San Francisco
Posted: 21/01/2003 at 11:17 GMT

A new theory emerged today to rebuff the "Astroturf" scandal that's the
talk of the web. A week ago a weblogger who calls himself Atrios
discovered that identical letters praising "the leadership of President
Bush" had appeared in dozens of local American newspapers.

Before Christmas, Mr.Atrios - whoever he is - had done much enterprising
research to discomfort, and eventually help depose the Republican Senate
Leader Trent Lott, after Lott's wistful, pro-segregation remarks at a
birthday dinner for centurion racist Strom Thurmond went unnoticed by the
poodle mainstream press, here.

The identical letters appeared in 29 publications - including, oops - The
Financial Times of London, England - and clearly suggested that a
co-ordinated but entirely phony "grassroots" expression of support was
swelling behind the President.

However Declan McCullagh has a brillant alternative, and surely satirical

Notified of these occurrences, McClunker very wisely warned us not to jump
to conclusions. Rather than it being an organized campaign, he wrote on
his Politech mailing list, the possibility remained that the phrases could
have emanated from Republican mailing literature.

"I don't think we have nearly enough facts here to make a reasoned
conclusion," he noted.

Upon receiving these mailings, he posits, dozens of Republicans could have
individually made the decision at that very moment, to all walk over to
their computers and write a letter to their local newspaper praising "the
leadership of President Bush:.

Or as he put it:-

"An explanation could be as simple as Republican direct mail efforts using
this phrase, which the recipients echo in letters to the editor."

McClunker's right: this isn't impossible. However it is exceedingly
unusual, and it is a form of behavior - this synchronized groupthink -
that is usually attributed to Zombies, or replicant armies in sci-fi

Older readers may remember how in The Manchurian Candidate the Frank
Sinatra assassin was "woken" to his mission by the use of subliminal
code-words. So in McClunker's witty satire (we charitably assume he's
being satirical), the direct mail recipients simply parroted what they'd
read in that morning's instructional campaign mail, and responded to the
subliminal signal.

Now, who's foolin' who here here isn't clear.

One important contextual point to note about American politics (for you
overseas readers) is that back in 1995 when Gingrich routed the Congress,
the libertarian talk-radio right thought of itself as "guerillas", and
using imaginative tactics, and wit, to scored easy points against a
complacent and inert centre-right exemplified by the venal President
Pantsdown. Only now, the "guerillas" have their very own man in charge. So
instead of choosing to remain witty or anarchic, they've dropped the
guerilla chic, and now rally around in patterns of extreme predictability,
making it easy for wittier and much more playful and anarchic writers such
as Atrios (or Bob Somerby) to run rings around them.

You don't really have to be clever to shoot down groupthink, but you have
to have balls to call it when you see it, and Sommersby and Atrios are
more than up to task. There's nothing easier than herding sheep.

Not all former guerillas have turned into blogsphere mutton, though.
There's a libertarian writer I respect very much, a contrarian called Gene
Callahan, who's allied with the far-right Mises Institute but who's stayed
consistently funny and fair. (And his social satire is hilarious). But
Callahan's an exception to the groupthink rule.

So you see, you can span alliances of left and right if only you have
right minded, and sufficiently smart and skeptical people. For reasons of
ambition or sheer laziness, many aspire to "conform". For now, though, we
can enjoy such fish out of water flounders that that the tide has left
behind, and McCullagh's powerful testimony to the power of groupthink
ought to leave the rest of us somewhat disturbed. It's too scary to think
about. ®

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Av

[CTRL] Fake Support for US President - Campaign Revealed

2003-01-21 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

Someone seems to be engaged in faking support for Bush
in letters to online editors, with identical wording. :-)

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2003 18:26:29 -0500
From: Declan McCullagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FC: Confirmed: Google reveals Bush's faux astroturf campaign

[Clearly I should have followed the links more carefully last night before
sending out the earlier message. Mea culpa. The GOP appears to have been
caught. Also, Jack King did a Westnews search and found the identical
letter in the Deseret News, The Gazette, The Press Democrat (Santa Rosa,
CA), and The Press-Enterprise (Riverside, CA). Previous Politech message:
http://www.politechbot.com/p-04332.html --Declan]


Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2003 17:27:29 -0500 (EST)
From: Jonathan Weinberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Declan McCullagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: FC: Google reveals Bush administration's astroturf campaign?

 No, the point is that the *entire letters* are verbatim,
word-for-word, identical; searching for the catchphrase is just how you
find them on google.  Read the links.  No matter how big the country is,
it doesn't contain a large number of people who independently come up with
the exact same 130-word letter.



Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2003 15:52:15 -0600 (CST)
From: Alif The Terrible <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Declan McCullagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: FC: Google reveals Bush administration's astroturf campaign?

On Mon, 20 Jan 2003, Declan McCullagh wrote:

 > [I don't think we have nearly enough facts here to make a reasoned
 > conclusion. An explanation could be as simple as Republican direct mail
 > efforts using this phrase, which the recipients echo in letters to the
 > editor. It's a big country; there's bound to be some repetition. --Declan]


 If you examine the links, these aren't mere phrases being echoed,
they are word for word copies of entire "letters".  No question these are not
the "spontaneous" utterances of those who are purported to have written them.


J.A. Terranson


From: "Werberg, Sam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Google reveals Bush administration's astroturf campaign?
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2003 17:11:45 -0500


More than a coincidence here.  These identical letters were all sent
through the Republican National Committee's letter-to-the-editor service,
as pointed out by the Eatthestate.org folks in the first letter
below.  Nothing particularly sinister I suppose, if it represents
actual individual citizens voicing their opinions.  What is bothersome
though it that it's just another sign of people being unable to express and
articulate their own opinion.  And that is certainly not limited to any one
political party.

-Sam Werberg


RNC Zombies
Dear Eat the State!,
President Bush should be applauded for taking a courageous stand against
Saddam Hussein's outlaw regime and its reckless pursuit of weapons of mass
destruction. As the President noted in his recent address to the nation,
the riskiest option for dealing with Iraq is to do nothing. Inaction would
only give Saddam Hussein time to complete his malicious pursuit of nuclear
weapons and would embolden tyrants and terrorists everywhere.

Acting now to disarm Saddam Hussein, using military force if necessary, is
the only way we will keep America safe from weapons of mass destruction
that fall into the hands of freedom's enemies. President Bush is right--our
nation cannot let world events be dictated by brutal and lawless dictators.

--Melissa Whitis, via e-mail
G.P. comments: This was one of a number of letters we get regularly through
a letter-to-the-editor distribution service run by the Republican National
Committee. I couldn't resist printing this one, not just because of the
boilerplate nonsense, but because I totally agree with Melissa. I don't
want weapons of mass destruction in the hands of freedom's enemies. I
certainly don't want world events to be dictated by brutal and lawless
politicians. That's why I support regime change in Washington DC.



Applause for Bush
 PRESIDENT BUSH should be applauded for taking a courageous stand
against Saddam Hussein's outlaw regime and its reckless pursuit of weapons
of mass destruction.

 As the president noted in his recent address to the nation, the
riskiest option for dealing with Iraq is to do nothing.

 Inaction would only give Saddam time to complete his malicious pursuit
of nuclear weapons and would embolden tyrants and terrorists everywhere.

 Acting now to disarm Saddam, using military force if necessary, is the
only way we will keep America safe from weapons of mass destruction that
fall into the hands of freedom's enemies. Bush 

[CTRL] War Facts that are NEVER REFERRED TO

2003-01-21 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

  Excerpt from Harold Pinter's remarks on the occasion of his
  receiving an honorary degree at the University of Turin:

Earlier this year, I had a major operation for cancer. The  operation and
its after effects were something of a  nightmare. I felt I was a man
unable to swim bobbing about  under water in a deep dark endless ocean.
But I did not drown and I am very glad to be alive.

However, I found that to emerge from a personal nightmare was to enter an
infinitely more pervasive public nightmare - the nightmare  of American
hysteria, ignorance, arrogance, stupidity and  belligerence; the most
powerful nation the world has ever known effectively waging war against
the rest of the world.

"If you are not with us, you are against us,"  President George  W. Bush
has said. He has also said: "We will not allow the world's worst weapons
to remain in the hands of the world's worst leaders."  Quite right. Look
in the mirror, chum. That's you. America is at this moment developing
advanced systems of "weapons of massdestruction" and is prepared to use
them where it sees fit. It has more of them than the rest of the world
put together. It has walked away from international agreements on
biological and chemical weapons, refusing to allow inspection of its own

The hypocrisy behind its public declarations and its own actions is
almost a joke.

America believes that the 3,000 deaths in New York are the  only deaths
that count, the only deaths that matter. They are American  deaths. Other
deaths are unreal, abstract, of no consequence.

 *  The 3,000 deaths in Afghanistan are never referred to.

 *  The  hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children dead through American
and British  sanctions which have deprived them of essential
medicines are never referred to.

 *  The effect of depleted uranium, used by America in the Gulf  war, is
never referred to. Radiation levels in Iraq are appallingly  high.
Babies are born with no brain, no eyes, no genitals. Where they do
have ears, mouths or rectums, all that issues from these orifices is

 *  The 200,000 deaths in East Timor in 1975 brought about by the
Indonesian government but inspired and supported by America are never
referred to.

 *  The 500,000 deaths in Guatemala, Chile, El Salvador,  Nicaragua,
Uruguay, Argentina and Haiti, in actions supported and subsidised by
America, are never referred to.

 *  The millions of deaths in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia are no longer
referred to.

 *  The desperate plight of the Palestinian people, the central factor in
world unrest, is hardly referred to.

But what a misjudgment of the present and what a misreading of history
this is. People do not forget. They do not forget the death of  their
fellows, they do not forget torture and mutilation, they do not forget
injustice, they do not forget oppression, they do not forget the
terrorism of mighty powers. They not only don't forget: they also strike

The atrocity in New York was predictable and inevitable. It was an act of
retaliation against constant and systematic manifestations of state
terrorism on the part of America over many years, in all parts of the

In Britain, the public is now being warned to be "vigilant" in
preparation for potential terrorist acts. The language is in  itself
preposterous. How will - or can - public vigilance be  embodied?  Wearing
a scarf over your mouth to keep out poison gas?

However, terrorist attacks are quite likely, the inevitable  result of
our Prime Minister's contemptible and shameful subservience to  America.
apparently a terrorist poison gas attack on the London Underground system
was recently prevented. But such an act may indeed take place. Thousands
of  schoolchildren travel on the Underground every day. If there is a
poison gas  attack from which they die, the responsibility will rest
entirely on the shoulders of our Prime Minister. Needless to say, the
Prime  Minister does not travel on the Underground himself. The planned
war against Iraq is in fact a plan for premeditated murder of thousands
of civilians in order, apparently, to rescue them from their dictator.
America and Britain are pursuing a course that can lead only to an
escalation of violence throughout the world and finally to catastrophe.

It is obvious, however, that America is bursting at the seams to attack
Iraq. I believe that it will do this not only to take control of Iraqi
oil, but also because the American administration is now a bloodthirsty
wild animal. Bombs are its only vocabulary. Many Americans, we know, are
horrified by the posture of their government, but seem to be helpless.
Unless Europe finds the solidarity, intelligence, courage and will to
challenge and resist American power, Europe itself will deserve Alexander
Herzen's declaration - "We are not the doctors. We are the disease".

By Harold Pinter


[CTRL] Images of the Sporting Crowd

2003-01-21 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-




January 21, 2003

Bush Proposal May Cut Tax on S.U.V.'s for Business


DETROIT, Jan. 20 — The Bush administration's economic plan would
increase by 50 percent or more the deductions that small-business
owners can take right away on the biggest sport utility vehicles and

The plan would mean small businesses could immediately deduct the
entire price of S.U.V.'s like the Hummer H2, the Lincoln Navigator and
the Toyota Land Cruiser, even if the vehicles were loaded with every
available option. Or a business owner, taking full advantage, could buy a
BMW X5 sport utility vehicle for a few hundred dollars more than a
Pontiac Bonneville sedan, after the immediate tax deductions were
factored in.

Tax experts and environmentalists say the plan would provide incentives
for businesses to choose the biggest gas-guzzling trucks because it
takes several years to depreciate the cost of passenger cars and smaller
sport utility vehicles. The ramifications of the Bush plan on S.U.V. buyers
were reported today in The Detroit News.

The potential lift for sales of big S.U.V.'s comes amid rising tension in
the Middle East and increasing criticism of S.U.V.'s from
environmentalists and regulators.

But a top budget official said today that the administration might be
open to changes in the tax code that would bring cars more in line with
big trucks.

"We have an open mind about whether the deduction for cars needs to
be refined," said Dr. John Graham, the administrator of the Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs in the Office of Management and

The tax code now caps deductions for most automobiles. But the largest
vehicles — those that weigh more than 6,000 pounds fully loaded — are
exempt because the relevant portion of the code was written in the
1980's, before the rise of the sport utility vehicle, and was intended to
exempt big pickups needed on work sites. Now the tax incentives also
give business owners not involved in hauling — doctors, real estate
agents, accountants — more incentive to buy the biggest S.U.V.'s instead
of smaller ones, or cars.

The proposal "makes a glitch in the tax code much worse and it benefits
rich businessmen who want to buy massive S.U.V.'s," said Aileen Roder,
program director for Taxpayers for Common Sense. "In essence we're
buying these vehicles for these businesses."

But the administration says that greater business deductions will be a
potent economic stimulant.

"Many small businesses have genuine needs for large vans, pickups and
S.U.V.'s, whether it be for a farm, sales or industrial application," Dr.
Graham said. "An updated tax deduction for small businesses is
certainly needed."

Consider the Hummer H1 as an example of the new deduction. It is one
of the largest and most expensive S.U.V.'s, with a base sticker price of
$102,581, including destination charge. Under the Bush plan, small-
business owners could use all of an annual $75,000 capital equipment
deduction toward the purchase; the current equipment deduction
allowance is just $25,000.

That is in addition to thousands of dollars in other deductions. Under
existing rules, a business could deduct 30 percent from the base price
left after the capital equipment deduction, a benefit put in place as part
of a post-Sept. 11 stimulus package. In the case of the H1, that would
be a further deduction of $8,274.

Finally, 20 percent could be deducted from what is left, part of the
business deductions available for automobiles. For the H1, that would
be $3,861 more in deductions.

The total would be more than $87,000 in deductions, or about
$33,500 in savings in federal taxes alone for buyers in the highest
bracket. Under current rules, just less than $60,000 could be

Deals for cars and small sport utility vehicles are much less appealing.
Currently, a business can deduct no more than $7,660 for a car in its
first year of service, $4,900 in the second year and less in the
succeeding years. The Toyota Prius, which uses a fuel-efficient blend of
gasoline and electric power, is eligible for an additional $2,000 clean
vehicle deduction. That means a business owner could deduct under
half of the $20,500 sticker price of the Prius in the first year of
purchase, for about $3,700 worth of federal tax savings for those in the
highest tax bracket.

David Friedman, an engineer and analyst at the Union of Concerned
Scientists, an environmental group, said the increased deduction for big
vehicles was "yet another loophole that the government is keeping open
that is increasing our oil dependence."

"Before, it was large enough to drive a small S.U.V. through," he added.
"Now it's large enough to drive a Hummer through."

Without altering the treatment of cars in the tax code, the Bush plan

[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: Mexico's Corrupt Oil Lifeline

2003-01-21 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

This article from NYTimes.com
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Mexico's Corrupt Oil Lifeline

January 21, 2003

CADEREYTA, Mexico - Tony Cantu grew up with the giant oil
refinery that Pemex, Mexico's state-owned oil company, runs
here in his hometown. He helped build it and operate it,
rising from construction worker to computer programmer to
chemical engineer.

Mr. Cantu gave Pemex a decade of his working life. But he
will never work there again. He can explain why in one

"Corruption," he said, gazing at the refinery, 20 miles
outside Monterrey in northern Mexico. "People being stepped
on, forced to be corrupt - I hated that. There were a lot
of things you had to shut up about. The bosses would kill
to protect themselves. People were subjugated by fear."

For more than 60 years, Pemex, the world's fifth-largest
oil company, has been Mexico's economic lifeblood. A $50
billion-a-year enterprise, it controls every gas pump in
Mexico, and it sells nearly as much oil to the United
States as Saudi Arabia does.

Today, with some oil producers like Iraq and Venezuela
facing nation-shaking crises, Mexico looks like a sure and
steady source of oil. The United States may be tempted to
rely on it even more.

But Pemex is in danger of breaking down. "Financially, we
are falling," its director, Raúl Muñoz Leos, said in an
interview. Nearly every peso of Pemex's profits goes to run
the government of Mexico. The company, after paying taxes
and royalties, actually lost $3.5 billion in in 2001.
Without major restructuring or tens of billions of dollars
in foreign investment, Mr. Muñoz Leos warned recently, "We
would face, in the short term, a collapse."

One reason is a rottenness at Pemex's core. The company
loses at least $1 billion a year to corruption, its
executives say, in a continuous corrosion of the machine
that keeps Mexico solvent.

Fixing Pemex is as crucial to Mexico's future as it is to
American oil supplies. When Vicente Fox became president
two years ago after defeating the political machine that
ran Mexico for 71 years - the Institutional Revolutionary
Party, or PRI - he vowed to make his country more open and
democratic and to make Pemex run like a 21st-century

To change Mexico, Mr. Fox must first change Pemex. It has
been a cash machine for the government, a slush fund for
politicians and a patronage mill for party loyalists since
the party created Petróleos Mexicanos, or Pemex, in 1938.

After nationalizing American and British oil interests, the
party promptly changed the Constitution to bar foreign
investment in underground oil and gas. It was a declaration
of independence: "Expropriation Day" is still celebrated
each year.

Even today, the PRI, which still holds a plurality in
Congress, is fighting changes to the Constitution and at
the oil giant it created, in part on grounds of patriotism.
President Fox's attempts at reform have been hamstrung by
PRI resistance - and Pemex's history of corruption.

Pemex's last director, Rogelio Montemayor, a former PRI
governor, and its union boss, Carlos Romero Deschamps, a
PRI senator, each stand accused of stealing tens of
millions of dollars from Pemex for the PRI's 2000
presidential campaign against Mr. Fox.

Both men deny the charges. Mr. Romero Deschamps is battling
an attempt in Congress to strip him of the legal immunity
he enjoys as a sitting senator. Mr. Montemayor fled Mexico
last year and is fighting extradition from Houston. The
PRI, struggling to defend them - and itself, is also
resisting every effort to transform Pemex.

"The political will needed to reform Pemex has just not
coalesced," said Eduardo Cepeda, the head of J. P. Morgan
Chase's Mexico office.

Edward L. Morse, executive adviser at Hess Energy Trading
Co. and former publisher of Petroleum Intelligence Weekly,
said by telephone from New York that "the effort to reform
the beast" had failed. President Fox, he said, does not
"understand how thoroughly ingrained in the national
political culture the monopoly of Pemex is."

Pemex remains one of the world's few national oil companies
with no competition from within or without. Its resulting
inefficiencies are stark.

Othón Canales Treviño is Pemex's director for
competitiveness and innovation - the man in charge of
creating the "new" Pemex. He once ran a company that
supplied Pemex with chemicals, and he was often solicited
for bribes, he said. Today he sits on a commission on
corruption at Pemex, composed of 14 directors.

"There is corruption," he said. "But I think the
inefficiency is worse. There is brutal inefficiency."

For example, Mr. Canales said, he recently asked how much
Pemex paid each year for goods and services - everything
for ice packs to helicopters rented to fly engineers to
offshore rigs.

No one knew. It took four months to come up with the answer
- $7 billion.

"We want to act like a company," he said. "Pemex isn't a
company. It isn't Pemex Inc. We're 

[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: Slain Jewish Settler Is Finally Buried After Riot, Car Race and a Rabbinical Ruling

2003-01-21 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

This article from NYTimes.com
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Slain Jewish Settler Is Finally Buried After Riot, Car Race and a Rabbinical Ruling

January 21, 2003

JERUSALEM, Jan. 20 - Nathaniel Ozeri, a Jewish settler
slain by Palestinian gunmen on Friday night, was finally
buried early this morning, 15 hours after his followers on
the far edge of the religious right turned his funeral into
a riot that stunned even this normally contentious country.

There were a series of struggles over where the body would
be buried - including an aborted race with the body in a
car toward Jerusalem. His wife and supporters hoped to
display the body in front of the prime minister's office
there as a protest over the killing of settlers by

Mr. Ozeri was finally laid to rest in darkness about 3 a.m.
today in Hebron's old city cemetery alongside victims of a
1929 massacre of Jews in that city.

The funeral, at noon on Sunday, was preceded by attacks on
Palestinian homes by settlers. The attackers broke windows
with iron bars, and at one point a young mother with a baby
strapped to her chest pounded a Palestinian house with a
big rock. There were wild scuffles as the army and the
police tried to intervene, and the crowd taunted the
police, shouting insults.

The eulogies at the funeral were bitter, condemning Yitzhak
Rabin, the prime minister who was slain in 1995 by a
religious extremist who was opposed to his efforts to make
peace with Palestinians.

Mr. Ozeri's father-in-law, Shaul Nir, demanded revenge and
called the police "scum." He is a former member of the
Jewish underground who was sentenced to life in prison in
1985 for killing Palestinians in Hebron. He was later
pardoned along with other members of the group by President
Chaim Herzog.

Then Mr. Ozeri's elderly father took the microphone and
asked that his son be buried in Jerusalem so his mother
could easily visit the grave.

Wrangling ensued. A rabbi, Dov Lior, was brought in to
mediate and ruled that the burial should be in Hebron. But
then, urged on by Mr. Ozeri's widow, Livnat, young settlers
snatched the body from the bed of a pickup truck intending
to take it to the hilltop grave they had secretly dug. Some
family members were knocked over in the struggle, and the
rabbi was carried to safety on the back of a bodyguard.

Soldiers finally managed to block the group, and for a
moment it appeared that an agreement had been reached to
bury Mr. Ozeri in Hebron. But the car carrying the body
suddenly veered off, speeding away.

When Israeli soldiers and the police tried to restore
order, the settlers left behind continued to battle them
and to attack Palestinian homes and set cars on fire.

After they snatched his body, Mr. Ozeri's followers raced
over hills, fences and vineyards trying to bury it on the
isolated hilltop where he had been killed. They struck out
for Jerusalem after they were turned away from the site by

Mrs. Ozeri said later that she had wanted to put the body
on display "so the whole country can see the results of the
terror and what happened when the Jews gave rifles to the

As Mr. Ozeri's followers in Hebron hoisted his body, on a
stretcher wrapped in a blue and white prayer shawl, they
pulled back the covering so his face was visible, in the
style of Palestinian funerals for what they call their
martyrs. It was a clear violation of Jewish religious law
and tradition, and the spectacle drew criticism today from
leading rabbis.

"A disgrace," said the chief Ashkenazi rabbi, Yisrael Meir
Law, "another bitter cup of sorrow." The chief Sephardic
rabbi, Eliyahu Bakshi-Doran, called the supporters' action
"very serious," adding, "If we leave the most extreme
person to decide what is a good deed, what is religious
law, all sorts of injustices will be done in God's name."

Hebron, home to a group of militant settlers who believe
that they have a mandate from God to reclaim the land they
call Judea and Samaria, is always a volatile place. In the
old city, an enclave of 450 religious Jews is guarded by
soldiers and surrounded by 150,000 Palestinians, confined
to their homes much of the time by army curfews. Nearby,
7,000 more Jewish settlers live in the sprawling settlement
of Qiryat Arba.

Tensions were running high even before Mr. Ozeri was killed
by two Palestinian gunmen on Friday night, after he
answered the door during his family's Sabbath dinner. There
have been four Palestinian attacks in Hebron and nearby
areas in the last two months in which 22 Israelis have been
killed. On Friday, the two attackers, armed with an M-16
rifle, a revolver, grenades, a knife and an ax, were also

Mr. Ozeri was a well-known figure on the far right, a
leader of the "hilltop youth," who have been trying to
expand the settlers' presence by building outposts on
isolated hills. His family of seven was the only one living
on the illegal settlement known as Lot 26. He had r

[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: Schools Resegregate, Study Finds

2003-01-21 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

This article from NYTimes.com
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Schools Resegregate, Study Finds

January 21, 2003

CHARLOTTE, N.C., Jan. 20 - Sanetra Jant still wonders where
all the white kids went. Only last spring, they made up a
quarter of her class, not to mention her friends. And then,
poof, they were gone.

"I don't know why they left," said Sanetra, a fourth grader
at Reid Park Elementary School.

Last year, before a federal appeals court ended three
decades of judicial-supervised desegregation by the
district, Sanetra's school was 68 percent black. Now it is
almost entirely black, and the many white pupils who once
rode in on yellow buses number one in a hundred.

"Maybe they didn't like it here," Sanetra said, knitting
her brow in thought.

If there is any one place to witness the changing racial
composition of the nation's public schools, perhaps it is
here, in the city for which the Supreme Court first
endorsed the use of busing to desegregate.

Dozens of Charlotte schools have basically changed color in
the months since the appeals court lifted the desegregation
order, and though few other places have seen swings so
rapid, the city offers a time-lapse view of the steady
transformation of the nation's schools.

According to a new study by the Civil Rights Project at
Harvard University, black and Latino students are now more
isolated from their white counterparts than they were three
decades ago, before many of the overhauls from the civil
rights movement had even begun to take hold.

Nationally, the shift is a result of several factors: big
increases in enrollment by black, Latino and Asian
students; continuing white flight from the nation's urban
centers; and the persistence of housing patterns that
isolate racial and ethnic groups. But another big factor,
the Harvard study found, has been the termination of dozens
of court-ordered desegregation plans.

Spurred by Supreme Court decisions at the start of the
1990's, lower courts have lifted desegregation orders in at
least three dozen school districts in the last 10 years.
Little Rock, San Diego, Denver and Miami have all come out
from under court supervision, and next month a federal
judge will reconsider the integration plan in Chicago, the
nation's third-largest school district.

A chief principle in the voiding of these orders is one
established by the Supreme Court a decade ago: that school
districts can be considered successfully desegregated even
if student racial imbalances due entirely to demographic
factors, like where children live, continue to exist.

Largely as a result, black students now typically go to
schools where fewer than 31 percent of their classmates are
white, the new Harvard study found. That is less contact
than in 1970, a year before the Supreme Court authorized
the busing that became a primary way of integrating

Latino students, who have rarely been a focus of
desegregation efforts, now attend schools where whites
account for only 29 percent of all students, compared with
45 percent three decades ago, according to the study, which
draws on Education Department data through the 2000-1
school year.

And while white children increasingly come into contact
with minority students, mainly because of the tremendous
population growth among races that had only marginal
representation decades ago, they are still America's most
segregated group, the study found. On average, white
students, who make up about 61 percent of the nation's
public-school population, go to schools where 80 percent of
their classmates are white.

The consequence is a nation in which every racial group
that is big enough to be described as segregated generally
is: Blacks, though only 17 percent of public-school
children, typically attend schools where they are in a
majority. The same is true of Latinos, who are about 16
percent of the student population. Even American Indians, a
mere 1 percent of public-school children, go to schools
where nearly a third of all students are Native American.

Asians, the study says, are the most integrated group,
attending schools where the races are somewhat more
commensurate with their national representation. But they,
too, are disproportionately grouped together, for though
they are only about 4 percent of public-school children,
they typically go to schools that are 22 percent Asian.

"We call our schools racially isolated, but it's really
just a euphemism for being segregated," said Mary Frances
Berry, chairwoman of the United States Commission on Civil
Rights. "It has to be regarded as unhealthy. At a time when
the society is becoming increasingly diverse, it bodes ill
to have increasingly segregated schools."

Many researchers cite sweeping demographic changes, not
public policy, as the leading force behind racial
separation in the schools. The percentage of students who
are members of minority groups has almost doubled in the
last 30 years, and, whether a

[CTRL] Fwd: FC: Canada's largest bank chooses to Know Its Customer Very Well

2003-01-21 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

--- Start of forwarded message ---
From: Declan McCullagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fwd: FC: Canada's largest bank chooses to Know Its Customer
Very Well
Date: 1/21/2003 12:03:53 AM

[It's not new technologies that we have to worry about -- it's
that are willing to use them. --Declan]


From: "Alexander" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Royal Bank shares with U.S. database firm
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2003 20:12:56 -0500
Organization: futurePARADIGM.com - Where Visitors Meet Visionaries

Not sure about you Declan, but this bothers me immensely.  I am
this with Canada s Privacy Commissioner.  Sure, it s public information,
but when compiled, does it infringe on Canada s new law of January 1,

I tell you as a technologist, I love advancements.  As a privacy advocate,
I hate the advancements.



Weblog Publisher
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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[CTRL] Lincoln's Gettysburg Address

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[CTRL] Machiavelli: Art of War

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