2003-02-20 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

by Jim Rarey

February 20, 2003


If the conclusion in the Columbia 
tragedy is not controversial, the investigators themselves will more than make 
up for it. What with NASA spokespersons contradicting each other, theories being 
put forth, then dismissed only to be postulated again and finally admitting to 
the obvious, if the public isn’t confused, they aren’t paying attention. And 
this doesn’t even involve the so-called “independent “ panel appointed by NASA 
Administrator Sean O’Keefe.

Early on the first hypothesis was 
that tiles had come off that were damaged on takeoff. Then, that was dismissed 
since that had been investigated a day or two after liftoff, using projections 
and simulations. A few days later that theory was put back on the table since no 
better theory arose. That is, no theory they were willing to consider.

Two photographs, one taken in 
California and the other in Nevada, showed the shuttle being hit by significant 
electrical discharges of some kind. NASA’s first reaction to the California 
picture was that something may have been wrong with the camera or it was jiggled 
(although on a tripod) when the photo was snapped accounting for the 
lightning-like streak that appeared to hit the Columbia. 

However that theory died when the 
camera manufacturer tested 1.000 identical cameras (which were digital contrary 
to initial reports, thus not requiring film to be developed) and could not 
duplicate the phenomenon.

That was before the Nevada 
photograph surfaced. Then the theory was advanced that the bolt of electricity 
could have been a “Pixie” a fairly common phenomenon where, in certain weather 
conditions, electrical discharges jump from clouds to the Ionosphere and vice 

That was immediately discounted 
by outside scientists and meteorologists (who are also scientists, before I get 
any hate mail) pointing out that there were no clouds or adverse weather 
conditions at that time. NASA has on several occasions delayed shuttle re-entry 
to avoid storm conditions. Since then, NASA and the media have been doing their 
best to ignore both images. 

Then NASA officials pointed to 
the fact that, up until then, no debris had been found west of Texas, which 
didn’t support the eyewitness who said he saw pieces breaking off the shuttle 
over California.

However, yesterday (Wednesday) 
NASA finally admitted the obvious. The shuttle started to break up over 
California. Of course any first year physics student, or even common sense, 
would tell one that pieces coming off an object traveling at 21 time the speed 
of sound at an altitude of more than 43 miles, would not touch down anywhere 
near where they came off. NASA also pledged that any further information would 
be released through the “independent” panel.

The NASA charter for the panel 
has already been revised three times in incremental efforts to give the 
perception of independence from NASA. NASA Administrator Sean O’Keefe has made 
all the appointments. In this writer’s article of Feb. 8, it was pretty much 
established that the panel, as it was constituted then, was loaded with military 
brass with connections to the Air Force directed energy weapons programs.

It has been acknowledged that one 
of the experiments carried out on the Columbia was the release of two miniature 
satellites into space from the shuttle. Called “picosatellites” developed by 
defense contractor The Aerospace Corporation and funded by DARPA, they are the 
precursors of inspector satellites to spy on other full-size satellites.

A local sheriff in Texas has 
reported some of the shuttle debris recovered is radioactive. So far there has 
been no confirmation or denial from NASA. One science writer claims an 
experimental night vision multi-spectral telescope that was powered by a new 
isotope used in nuclear power named Americium –242 was used in the Columbia’s 
orbiting around the earth to evaluate vapors in Iraq evidencing night-time 
disposal of chemical weapons material.

The panel has a momentous task to 
sort everything out and didn’t really need the unnecessary controversies it has 
brought on itself (or been visited on it by O’Keefe’s appointments).

For starters, a NASA spokesperson 
said O’Keefe appointed the panel the day after the Columbia crash. However, 
O’Keefe later told the press that the panel was in place before the Columbia 
tragedy as part of a contingency plan following the Challenger disaster.

Two appointments made over the 
weekend have stirred the pot. The first, Sheila E. Widnall, a MIT professor 
seemed innocuous enough although she is also a former Air Force Secretary in the 
Clinton administration. We now find that she also was a paid consultant to the 
Boeing Corporation. Boeing and its joint venture partner Lockheed Martin in 
United Space Alliance manage both the space station and shuttle programs. The 
joint venture is shielded from 

[CTRL] New SEC chairman: Skull and Bones Member

2003-02-20 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

New SEC chairman is member of occult Skull  Bones secret society
By Rick Wiles
Copyright American Freedom News February 18, 2003

President Bush’s choice to lead the Securities and Exchange Commission was sworn into 
office Tuesday during a ceremony at the White House.

William Donaldson, a multimillionaire investment banker, was nominated by President 
Bush late last year to replace Harvey Pitt as chairman of the SEC.  Pitt was force to 
resign after a stormy 18-month reign during a rash of corporate scandals starting with 
the collapse of Enron.  The US Senate confirmed Donaldson last Thursday.

During the White House ceremony, President Bush said Donaldson was well prepared for 
the challenge of running the SEC.  “Bill Donaldson spent a career preparing for this 
challenge,” said President Bush.  “He has served as a found of a leading investment 
firm, the Chairman of the New York Stock Exchange, the founding den of the Yale School 
of Management. He has set high standards throughout his entire career.”

What President Bush failed to mention is William Donaldson’s membership in The Order ­ 
an occult secret society with Nazi connections composed of members of the Eastern 
Establishment aristocracy.   Known to outsiders as Skull  Bones, The Order is 
controlled by about 20 wealthy East Coast families.  The Bush family has been a 
dominant player in The Order for decades.  President George W. Bush and his father, 
former President Bush, are members of The Order.  Prescott Bush, the current 
president’s grandfather, was also a member of The Order.

Based at Yale University, The Order is the American branch of the German Brotherhood 
of Death.  Adolph Hitler was a member of the German secret society.  The Order 
operates from a windowless three-story mausoleum on the Yale campus, Bush’s ala mater, 
known as the Tomb.  The Tomb supposedly contains artifacts that belonged to Hitler, 
human skeletons and skulls, stolen gravestones, a mummy, an mementos from numerous 
wars. The Tomb allegedly also contains the skull of Geronimo ­ the Apache war chief.  
Prescott Bush, President Bush’s grandfather, stole the Indian chief’s skull.  The 
skull is used in various occult rituals.

Donaldson, the new SEC chairman, was a Yale classmate with Jonathan Bush, the 
President’s uncle.  Donaldson was a member of The Order’s “D-121” ­ the class of 1953. 
Delegations are named for the number of years between when the members joined and 
1832, The Order’s inception.

Upon graduation from Yale, Donaldson worked at the Wall Street firm of G.H. Walker, 
former President Bush’s grandfather.  The former president was an upperclassman at 
Yale’s Skull  Bones secret society when Donaldson was “tapped” to become one of the 
15 new members chosen each year.

Six years after leaving Yale, Donaldson and Dan Lufkin, another member of The Order, 
the two Bonesmen teamed up with Dick Jenrette, a graduate of Harvard Business School, 
to launch the Wall Street investment firm Donaldson, Lufkin  Jenrette.

In 1973, Donaldson was appointed undersecretary of state under Henry Kissinger in the 
administration of Gerald Ford.  Ford, who was appointed as Vice President when Spiro 
Agnew resigned, became president when Richard Nixon resigned during the Watergate 
scandal.  Nelson Rockefeller was appointed as the new vice president.  William 
Donaldson was assigned to help Rockefeller’s transition into the vice presidency.

Donaldson is just the latest Bonesman to join the Bush White House team.  Immediately 
after his inauguration in January 2001, President Bush’s first social gathering in the 
White House was his 1968 class of Bonesmen.  Edward McNally, general counsel of the 
Office of Homeland Security and senior associate counsel on national security, is a 
member of The Order.  Roy Austin, Bush’s ambassador to Trinidad, is a member of the 
occult organization.  Evan Galbraith, the Pentagon’s representative in Europe, is also 
a member of The Order.
GWBush:  Member of Yale's Occultic Skull and Bones, and the pagan Bohemian Grove Club 
and blasphemously calls Allah the Almighty God and says that Muslims and Christians 
worship the same God.
But, But, Bush is a good Christian.  Yeah, right.  Ye Shall know them by their fruits.
If you attend a church were the pastor supports Bush, get out of there, run like hell, 
you are in grave danger. Come out of Babylon.

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[CTRL] Nixon was a terrorist

2003-02-20 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

Nixon aide tells of talk about bombing Brookings think tank
Los Angeles Times Service


After a century of corrupt government emanating from that cesspool called Washington, 
DC. you think that America would be up in arms instead of worshipping government.  The 
founding fathers would be ashamed of their posterity for being such brainwashed and 
braindead cattle.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Victim sues terrorist government

2003-02-20 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

Victim sues terrorist government that made the biological warfare agent Anthrax.

Anthrax victim's widow seeks $50 million

Q: Why was Bush and the White House staff on Cipro, the medication for Anthrax, TWO 
weeks BEFORE the first Anthrax attack?

A: Duh

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Majority of Physicians Oppose Smallpox Vaccinations

2003-02-20 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

Majority of doctors are against Bush's smallpox vaccine plans.
Majority of Physicians Oppose Smallpox Vaccinations

Bush wants to stick it to you.
It's up to you, America, to tell Bush where he can stick his smallpox vaccinations.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Lesbian Sues Christian Doctor Over Refusal to Inseminate

2003-02-20 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

Lesbians nazis seek to deny doctor his God given rights by using government coercion 
to force doctor to do something that is against his conscience.
Lesbian Sues Christian Doctor Over Refusal to Inseminate

Take a hike Dike.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] (Fwd) [American_Liberty] The Curtain Will Come Down on the Peaceniks

2003-02-20 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

The Curtain Will Come Down on the Peaceniks
By Mark Steyn
The National Post | February 19, 2003

The peace marches? Oh, I've nothing to say. Can't improve on Tony Blair,
looking out of his window and observing:

If there are 500,000 on that march, that is still less than the number of
people whose deaths Saddam has been responsible for.

If there are one million, that is still less than the number of people who
died in the wars he started.

In other words, if it's a numbers game, those are the ones that matter. I'm
tempted to leave it there and go skiing, but let me come back to it in a
roundabout sort of way. The other day I got a copy of Andrew Roberts' new
book, Hitler And Churchill: Secrets Of Leadership, which sounds like some
lame-o management techniques cash-in, but is, in fact, a very useful take on
very familiar material. Most of us have read a gazillion books about the
Second World War (when I say most of us, I exclude the fellow in Hyde Park
on Saturday holding a placard with the words PEACE IN OUR TIME, and even
then I kind of hope he was some waggish saboteur, since the notion that the
peaceniks, though deluded, are that ignorant is a little mind-boggling).
But, comparing Britain's and Germany's wartime leaders directly, you can't
help feeling that victory and defeat were predetermined: As Philip Hensher
neatly put it in his review of Roberts' essay, Churchill knew very well
what Hitler was like, but Hitler had no idea what sort of man Churchill

Just so. When you read Hitler's private assessments of the man who stood
between him and world domination, they're just silly: Churchill was that
puppet of Jewry. OK, that's fine as a bit of red meat tossed to the crowd
when you're foaming at Nuremberg, but as a serious evaluation of your
opponent made in the quiet of your study it's simply ... inadequate. This
failure to engage with reality is particularly telling when you look at how
each leader dealt with setbacks: During the Blitz, Churchill would stand on
the roof and watch the Luftwaffe bombing London; in the morning, he would
walk through the ruins. Hitler, by contrast, never visited bombed-out areas
and, just in case the driver should take a wrong turn, he drove the streets
with his car windows curtained. His final days were spent in a bunker -- the
perfect ending for a man whose worldview depended on keeping reality at bay
no matter how relentlessly it closed in on him.

Hitler's problem was that he was over-invested in ideology. He'd invented a
universal theory -- the wickedness of the international Jewish conspiracy --
and he persisted in fitting every square peg of cold hard reality into that
theory's round hole. Thus, Churchill must be a puppet of Jewry. As a
general rule, when it's reality versus delusion, bet on reality. That held
true in the Cold War. Moral equivalists like Harold Pinter insisted that
America and the Soviet Union were both equally bad. But the traffic across
the Berlin Wall was all one way. East German guards were not unduly
overworked trying to keep people from getting in. The Eastern bloc collapsed
because it was a lie, and the alternative wasn't.

Well, the Soviet Union's gone now so Pinter no longer has to observe the
pox-on-both-their-houses niceties. Addressing the demonstrators on Saturday,
he declared that the U.S. is a country run by a bunch of criminals ... with
Tony Blair as a hired Christian thug.

Got that? It's not Saddam who's the thug, it's Tony. It's not the Baathist
killers from Tikrit who are the bunch of criminals, it's the Republican
Party. It's not the million-man murderer of Baghdad who's the new Hitler,
it's George W. Bush. It's not the Iraqi one-party state with its government-
controlled media that crushes dissent, it's the White House. It's not the
Wahhabis who are the fundamentalists, it's Bush, Blair and the other
Christians. It's not Osama bin Laden who's the terrorist, it's American
foreign policy. Supporting the continued enslavement of the Iraqi people is
pacifist, but it's racist for America to disagree with the UN, even
though it's Colin Powell and Condi Rice doing the disagreeing and the
fellows they're disagreeing with are a bunch of white guys from Europe.

The new Universal Theory, to which 99% of Saturday's speakers and placards
enthusiastically subscribed, is that, whatever the problem, American
imperialist cowboy aggression is to blame. In fact, it's not so different
from the old Universal Theory, in that the international Zionist conspiracy
is assumed to be behind the scenes controlling the cowboys: Bush is a
puppet of Jewry, just like Churchill was -- notwithstanding the fact that
America's Jews voted overwhelmingly for Gore. But, if you believe that the
first non-imperialist great power in modern history is the source of all the
world's woes, then logic is irrelevant. It's all about oil? Yes, for the
French, whose stake in Iraqi oil is far more of a 

Re: [CTRL] Victim sues terrorist government

2003-02-20 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

On 20 Feb 2003 at 5:13, iNFoWaRZ wrote:

 Q: Why was Bush and the White House staff on Cipro, the medication for Anthrax, TWO
 weeks BEFORE the first Anthrax attack?

 A: Duh

Show us his medical records, please.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] How To Beat France - A Madman Scheming for War

2003-02-20 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

In the article below is a shrewd person plotting in a major media
publication how to start a war that nobody wants and justify it. - Wasn't
the whole purpose to disarm Iraq? It appears that this person is somehow
seeing the point as being to bomb down Iraq. What the hell for? Why would
anyone want that? Least of all Americans? - This mystery is explained when
you learn that the writer is Jewish and the history of MSNBC being a forum
and a voice for Israel's extremist foreign policy advocates craving for
genocidal destruction and war.

Disarming Iraq doesn't need a war or the unnecessary deaths of millions.
Oil barons and madmen, such as one writing below, need the war for their
own personal economic benefits.

Plotting U.N. to somehow approve of aggression is still against the
founding UN charter and the International Law.

Only criminally insane madmen want war. Lock them up, I say!


How To Beat France
There are a few simple tricks the Bush White House could use to defang
French opposition to military action in Iraq


  Feb. 18 .  This weekend, NATO.s great crisis was averted with a
cunning old trick: keep your opponents out of the room. In a deal struck
in Brussels, the Americans won NATO support for beefing up Turkey.s
defenses.including providing NATO surveillance planes, Patriot missiles
and chemical and biological units. So the transatlantic alliance
survives-and Turkey can plan its defenses before war begins in neighboring
Iraq-thanks to a simple sidestep around the French. Of course, there was
also snowstorm of political pressure dumped on the heads of the last
holdouts.mighty Belgium, notably.and some finessing of the final public
statements. Yet the real genius behind the weekend.s talks was to move the
debate to a venue where France has no seat.the arcanely-titled Defense
Planning Committee.

FRANCE HAS EXCLUDED itself from the main task of NATO.military
defense.since 1966. It.s useful to recall those heady days to understand a
little better just what.s going on with France right now. (It.s also
useful to remember that period to debunk all the breathless talk about how
unprecedented the current transatlantic crisis is.)
   President Charles de Gaulle mistrusted NATO from the outset because
it left France in a relatively weak position.effectively under the
American defense umbrella. So when he returned to power in 1958, he made
it clear he was reclaiming French independence with its own nuclear bomb
and its withdrawal of French forces from NATO.s American-led command. The
Soviets were delighted, while the Americans and British were predictably
furious (there were even anti-French demonstrations at the time). France
never abandoned the alliance, but de Gaulle famously pointed his missiles
to all points of the compass, or .tous azimuts..
From NEWSWEEK's Feb. 24 issue: A Great Divide

   Around the same time as de Gaulle was encouraging French-speaking
Quebec to separate from Canada, Jacques Chirac was starting his political
career. It was inside the cabinet of prime minister Georges Pompidou, who
was once de Gaulle.s chief of staff, that Chirac earned himself the
nickname .le bulldozer. for his gentle political touch. Of course since
then.and the end of the cold war.France has edged away from pure Gaullism
and a little closer towards NATO. Yet Chirac remains the forceful.if
unsubtle.leader of a neo-Gaullist party, and those Gaullist traditions are
part of his political DNA.
   That forcefully independent streak has been center-stage since
President George W. Bush took his case against Iraq to the United Nations
last September. Blocking, denying and refusing American policies come
naturally to any self-respecting Gaullist. Offering alternatives is a
little more difficult.especially serious alternatives that might work in
practice in Iraq. Yet those tactics have proved hugely successful for the
French over the last five months.until now.
   What the great NATO compromise shows are three easy steps to
halting the French bulldozer in its tracks:
 Split apart the French from their main allies, the Germans. (Sorry
Belgium, but you.re not yet part of the major league.) With the French out
of the room, the Germans could not bear to deny a country such as Turkey
(and the rest of its allies). For months the Bush administration has been
working on the premise that the Germans were the tough opponents of
war.ever since Gerhard Schroder annoyed the White House and won
re-election by opposing war in Iraq. Yet it turns out that the French.not
the Germans.have dug themselves in deeper against war. Memo to the White
House: keep working on the Germans.
 Take the dispute behind closed doors. Without the public gallery, it.s a
lot easier to get things done. Even at the United Nations, the Americans
won strong support at a private session of the Security Council that
followed France.s on-camera applause. 

[CTRL] Scott Nearing on American Imperialism

2003-02-20 Thread Dale Stonehouse
-Caveat Lector-

The Beginnings of World Dominion
By Scott Nearing
Chapter 6 of The American Empire (New York: Rand School of Social Science,

1. The Shifting of Control
During the half century that intervened between the War of 1812 and the
Civil War of 1861 the policy of the United States government was  decided
largely by men who came from south of the Mason and Dixon line. The Southern
whites, -- class-conscious rulers with an institution  (slavery) to defend,
-- acted like any other ruling class under similar circumstances. They
favored Southward expansion which meant more  territory in which slavery
might be established.

The Southerners were looking for a place in the sun where slavery, as an
institution, might flourish for the profit and power of the slave-holding
class. Their most effective move in this direction was the annexation of
Texas and the acquisition of territory following the Mexican War. An
insistent drive for the annexation of Cuba was cut short by the Civil War.

Southern sentiment had supported the Louisiana Purchase of 1803 and the
Florida Purchase of 1819. From Jefferson's time Southern  statesmen had been
advocating the purchase of Cuba. Filibustering expeditions were fitted out
in Southern ports with Cuba as an objective;  agitation was carried on,
inside and outside of Congress; between 1850 and 1861 the acquisition of
Cuba was the question of the day. It was  an issue in the Campaign of 1853.
In 1854 the American ministers to London, France and Madrid met at the
direction of the State Department  and drew up a document (the Ostend
Manifesto) dealing with the future of Cuba. McMaster summarizes the
Manifesto in these words: The  United States ought to buy Cuba because of
its nearness to our coast; because it belonged naturally to that great group
of states of which the  Union was the providential nursery; because it
commanded the mouth of the Mississippi whose immense and annually growing
trade must  seek that way to the ocean, and because the Union could never
enjoy repose, could never be secure, till Cuba was within its boundaries.
(Vol.  viii, pp. 185-6.) If Spain refused to sell Cuba it was suggested that
the United States should take it.

The Ostend Manifesto was rejected by the State Department, but it was a good
picture of the imperialistic sentiment at that time abroad  among certain
elements in the United States.

The Cuban issue featured in the Lincoln-Douglas Debates in 1858. It was
hotly discussed by Congress in 1859. Only twenty years had passed  since the
United States, by force of arms, had taken from Mexico territory that she
coveted. Now it was proposed to appropriate territory  belonging to Spain.

The outbreak of hostilities deferred the project, and when the Civil War was
over, the slave power was shattered. From that time forward  national policy
was guided by the leaders of the new industrial North.

The process of this change was fearfully wasteful. The shifting of power
from the old regime to the new cost more lives and a greater  expenditure of
wealth than all of the wars of conquest that had been fought during the
preceding half century.

The change was complete. The slaves were liberated by Presidential
Proclamation. The Southern form of civilization -- patriarchal and feudal --
disappeared, and upon its ruins -- rapidly in the West; slowly in the South
-- there arose the new structure of an industrial civilization.

The new civilization had no need to look outward for economic advantage.
Forest tracts, mineral deposits and fertile land afforded ample  opportunity
at home. It was three thousand miles to the Pacific and at the end of the
journey there was gold! The new civilization therefore  turned its energies
to the problem of subduing the continent and of establishing the machinery
necessary to provide for its vastly increasing  needs. A small part of the
capital required for this purpose came from abroad. Most of it was supplied
at home. But the events involved in  opening up the territory west of the
Rockies, of spanning the country with steel, and providing outlets for the
products of the developing  industries were so momentous that even the most
ambitious might fulfill his dreams of conquest without setting foot on
foreign soil. Territorial  aggrandizement was forgotten, and men turned with
a will to the organization of the East and the exploration and development
of the West.

The leaders of the new order found time to take over Alaska (1868) with its
590,884 square miles. The move was diplomatic rather than  economic,
however, and it was many years before the huge wealth of Alaska was even

2. Hawaii
The new capitalist interests began to feel the need of additional territory
toward the end of the nineteenth century. The desirable resources of  the
United States were largely in private hands and most of the available free
land had been 

Re: [CTRL] Condaleezza Rice, A Nice Girl

2003-02-20 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

Dear Condi:

 RICE: ... on December 7th. Instead, they filed a declaration that
 everybody knows was a joke -- 12,200 pages of nothing.

Of which U.S. agents stole 8000 pages and censored them from everyone.
Whatever did you do to them and why? Put blank pages in stead?

 RICE: 1441 is actually a very simple resolution. It says if Iraq fails
 to comply, fails to take advantage of this final opportunity to
 discharge its security obligations, then it will face serious
 consequences. Iraq was supposed to file a full and complete declaration
 about its weapons of mass destruction and their programs...

Let's hope we get to enforce all those resolutions about Israel and
destroy it's weapons of mass destruction as well. Last time they were
pointing their nukes at U.S.'s European allies' capitols and bragging how
they can nuke every city in Europe. Is this proper behaviour towards
US allies from America's best friend??

Israel's one bad-ass rogue nation and much more a threat than Iraq
and just as brutal to it's minorities. A society based on racism and
apartheid, daily torture and killing of minorities, crushing of homes,
collective punishments, no voting rights, anything and everything from
assassinations to public humiliation and denial of hospital treatment
to mothers giving birth.

This is the nation you Americans hold as your dearest ally. -
May God help  save us all from Satan's minions like you, Condi!!!

On Wed, 19 Feb 2003, William Shannon wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-


 Condaleezza Rice, A Nice Girl
 Memo To: Website Fans, Browsers, Clients
 From: Jude Wanniski
 Re: The President’s National Security Advisor

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Settle down and listen up

2003-02-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Settle down and listen up
Molly Ivins - Creators Syndicate

02.18.03 - AUSTIN, Texas -- As our coaches used to say, OK, people, settle
down and listen up. We have been enjoying a lovely little spate of French-
bashing here lately. Jonah Goldberg of The National Review, who admits
that French-bashing is shtick -- as it is to many American comedians -- has
popularized the phrase cheese-eating surrender monkeys to describe the
French. It gets a lot less attractive than that.

George Will saw fit to include in his latest Newsweek column this joke:
How many Frenchmen does it take to defend Paris? No one knows, it's
never been tried. That was certainly amusing. One million, four hundred
thousand French soldiers were killed during World War I. As a result, there
weren't many Frenchmen left to fight in World War II. Nevertheless, 100,000
French soldiers lost their lives trying to stop Hitler.

On behalf of every one of those 100,000 men, I would like to thank Mr. Will
for his clever joke. They were out-manned, out-gunned, out-generaled
and, above all, out-tanked. They got slaughtered, but they stood and they
fought. Ha-ha, how funny. In the few places where they had tanks, they
held splendidly.

Relying on the Maginot Line was one of the great military follies of modern
history, but it does not reflect on the courage of those who died for
France in 1940. For eighteen months after that execrable defeat, the
United States of America continued to have cordial diplomatic relations
with Nazi Germany.

One of the great what-ifs of history is: What would have happened if
Franklin Roosevelt had lived to the end of his last term? How many wars
have been lost in the peace? For those of you who have not read Paris
1919, I recommend it highly. Roosevelt was anti-colonialist. That system
was a great evil, a greater horror even than Nazism or Stalinism.

If you have read Leopold's Ghost by Adam Hochschild, you have some
idea. The French were in it up to their necks. Instead of insisting on
freedom for the colonies of Europe, we let our allies carry on with the
system, leaving the British in India and Africa, and the French in Vietnam
and Algeria, to everyone's eventual regret.

Surrender monkeys? Try Dien Bien Phu. Yes, the French did surrender,
didn't they? After 6,000 French dead in a no-hope position. Ever heard of
the Foreign Legion? Of the paratroopers, called paras? God, the trouble
we could have saved ourselves if we had only paid attention to Dien Bien

Then came Algeria for the French. As nasty a war as has ever been fought.
If you have seen the film Battle of Algiers, you have some idea. Five
generations of pieds noirs, French colonialists, thought it was their
country. Charles de Gaulle came back into power in 1958, specifically
elected to keep Algeria French. I consider de Gaulle's long, slow, delicate,
elephantine withdrawal (de Gaulle even looked like an elephant) one of
the single greatest acts of statesmanship in history. Only de Gaulle could
have done that.

Those were the years when France learned about terrorism. The
plastiquers were all over Paris. The plastic bombs, the ones you can stick
like Play-Do underneath the ledge of some building, were the popular
weapon du jour. It made Israel today look tame. For France, terrorism is,
Been there, done that.

The other night on 60 Minutes, Andy Rooney, who fought in France and
certainly has a right to be critical, chided the French for forgetting all
that sacrifice (100,000 Frenchmen died trying to stop Hitler in 1940, and
150,000 Allied troops died to liberate that nation in 1944.) But I think he
got it backward: The French remember too well.

I was in Paris on Sept. 11, 2001. The reaction was so immediate, so
generous, so overwhelming. Not just the government, but the people kept
bringing flowers to the American embassy. They covered the American
Cathedral, the American Church, anything they could find that was
American. They didn't just leave flowers, they wrote notes with them. I
read over 100 of them. Not only did they refer, again and again, to
Normandy, to never forgetting, there were even some in ancient, spidery
handwriting referring to WW I: Lafayette is still with you.

Look, the French are not a touchy-feely people. They're more, like,
logical. For them to approach total strangers in the streets who look
American and hug them is seriously extraordinary. I got patted so much I
felt like a Labrador retriever. I wish Andy Rooney had been there.

This is where I think the real difference is. We Americans are famously
ahistorical. We can barely be bothered to remember what happened last
week, or last month, much less last year. The French are really stuck on
history. (Some might claim this is because the French are better educated
than we are. I won't go there.) Does it not occur to anyone that these are
very old friends of ours, trying to tell us 

[CTRL] Security beefed up at public housing

2003-02-20 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

  Security beefed up at public 
  housingTerror alert leads to more police and staffBy 
  John Tuohy[EMAIL PROTECTED]February 20, 2003Security has been stepped 
  up at public housing complexes in Indianapolis in response to government 
  warnings that they could be targeted by terrorists.The FBI has 
  said terrorists have been heard planning to rent an apartment somewhere in 
  the United States, then blow up the entire building. But when that 
  forewarning was reiterated this month when the national terror alert level 
  was raised to orange, local housing agency officials responded with a 
  number of actions, including:• Increasing police patrols at all 
  public housing complexes. Shifts of housing police have been changed to 
  match those of the Indianapolis Police Department for better 
  coordination.• Hiring tenants of each building to staff the front 
  desks from 4 p.m. to 8 a.m. daily and screen visitors.• Upgrading 
  sprinkler systems and alarms, plus installing a new computerized 
  switchboard at Lugar Tower Apartments.Concerns about an attack are 
  especially acute at the two Downtown public-housing high rises, where 
  terrorists are discussed at resident meetings.Lugar Tower, 901 
  Fort Wayne Ave., is yards from Central Indiana Red Cross, which 
  coordinates statewide disaster assistance. If the 18-story apartment 
  building were destroyed and the Red Cross building damaged, relief efforts 
  statewide could be crippled, Housing Agency Executive Director Rufus "Bud" 
  Myers said.Lugar Tower could be inviting to terrorists because it 
  is named for U.S. Sen. Richard G. Lugar, R-Ind., who heads the Senate 
  Foreign Relations Committee, Myers said.
  Lugar Tower residents now study new faces, 
  mark strange behavior, note odd comments."We never know when the 
  biggie is going to hit," said Joy J. Moore, president of the tenants 
  association.Many of the residents are disabled. Officials said 40 
  escape chairs that can help the disabled get down stairs have been 
  purchased for about $38,000.
  Sprinkler systems have replaced fire hoses 
  in hallways, and back-up generators have been installed in case of power 
  failure.Smoke alarms, sprinklers and emergency pull cords that 
  connect to the new computerized switchboard in the Lugar Tower lobby have 
  been installed in each apartment.Total costs were not 
  The housing agency also is scrutinizing 
  visitors to all its buildings more closely, having banned 30 guests since 
  Jan. 1 for violations of public housing rules.One result has been 
  a 9.5 percent drop in crime, agency officials said."We keep an eye 
  out for each other a lot more than we used to," said resident Tom Ross, 
  54.More than 600 people live in the housing agency's Downtown 
  buildings, including the eight-story John J. Barton Annex and the nearby 
  21-story John J. Barton Apartments, 555 Massachusetts Ave.More 
  than 5,000 people live in the city's 11 public housing complexes, Myers 
  People who work in other tall buildings 
  Downtown also have expressed concern about terrorist attacks, prompting 
  the Indianapolis Fire Department to review and fine-tune emergency and 
  evacuation plans in the city's tall buildings -- especially the roughly 
  200 structures within a mile of Monument Circle that are four stories or 
  higher.Housing agency officials said public and private apartment 
  managers were among those notified when the terror threat level was raised 
  to code orange, where it's been for two weeks.The Apartment 
  Association of Indiana distributed fliers to private apartment managers, 
  advising residents to be watchful.For public housing residents, 
  living with the threat of an attack is now part of their daily 
  lives."I am very curious about strange faces now," Lugar Tower 
  resident Moore said.
  If someone told her before the terror 
  attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon that Lugar Tower would 
  be a target, "I would have thought it was absurd," Moore said. "I could 
  have never entertained such an idea.""It is hard to think that 
  people would think of buildings full of seniors and disabled people as 
  some kind of target," Ross said.
  "It saddens me. You just don't know what 
  people are going to do anymore, and it makes me nervous," Lucille Perry, 
  75, said. "When I hear an airplane go by, it makes me 
  wonder."Frank Stewart, 50, said he doesn't fret at 
  all.Even if terrorists did attack, "how can you stop it?" he 
  asked."They have ways of getting in."
  Barton Apartments resident Joyce Maul said 
  security was still lacking there."It would be relatively 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] The Bush Cabal Gives the World the Finger

2003-02-20 Thread RoadsEnd
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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The Bush Cabal Gives
the World the Finger

By Al Martin


Deputy Reichsfuehrer Ashcroft has dictated that
everybody must go out and buy three days' worth of
food and water to have on hand in the event the
terrorists attack. You would think that World War
III was around the corner and the sky was ready to
fall the way this Ashcroft talks. Now under Orange
Alert status, doctors are allowed to give emergency
prescriptions so you can double up on your medication
in the event there is a disruption in the supply. Then
you have to make sure you have plenty of petrol and
plenty of batteries and a radio in your home with
short wave capabilities. They even announced the new
emergency short wave frequencies for the Office of
State Security (this is what we will be calling the
Office of Homeland Security from now on) in the event
terrorists knocked out US communications.

The threat level is such that you would think that
these terrorists are actually organized into vast
armies with tanks, warplanes and missiles. They don't
say they're just a bunch of rag-tag towel heads. After
hearing this statement, you would think that these
terrorists have the same capability as the Soviet
Army of old.

Deputy Reichsfuehrer Ashcroft is definitely cranking
up the fear factor. Now he's claiming that the
terrorists have the capability to completely disrupt
the US economy, to cause the banking system to fail,
to disrupt the distribution of food and water, and to
destroy power plants.

Meanwhile Iraq has knuckled under to the United
Nations. One of the key sticking points that UN
Weapons Inspector Hans Blix had pointed out was their
refusal to allow U2 spy planes to fly over Iraq and
now they are allowing that to happen. Furthermore Iraq
has agreed to immediately sign on to the international
treaty ban on weapons of mass destruction which would
force them to be obligated to everything that goes
along with it, like inspections from the International
Atomic Energy Commission and so on. And all this has
stolen Bush's thunder, stung the Bush Administration
and caught them off guard.

About an hour later, Bush was addressing the Praise
the Lord and Send Me a Check Crowd in Nashville. You
could tell that the entire tenor of his reasoning for
the war has changed. They have essentially resorted to
an entirely different political game plan. They are no
longer harping about the threat that Iraq represents
with its weapons of mass destruction. Now they/re
saying that it's America's moral duty to invade
Iraq, kill Saddam Hussein and liberate the Iraqi
people from oppression.

Bush is now taking the infamous American moral high
ground that we are the torchbearers of freedom across
the world. It was so syrupy it nearly made me gag.
Bush said he's already embracing the widows and
orphans of American servicemen who have died in the
fight to free other people from tyranny.

Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell were there, and that's
the new tone since Iraq has knuckled under and stolen
Bush's thunder about the Iraqi regime refusing to meet
the mandates under UN Resolution 1441.

Putin and Chirac made a joint press release in Paris
stating that they have backed away from their previous
approval of the War on Iraq. Then Germany, France and
Belgium blocked the NATO emergency meeting to send a
military shield to Turkey, which further stung the
Bush Administration. The markets then immediately
turned higher.

The Bushonian effort to topple the Saddam Regime (and
to isolate that regime as a precursor) has completely
backfired. Now it is the United States that is being

Saddam Hussein has played Bush like a fiddle. He
allowed Bush to stick out his political neck with all
this war mongering and he forced Bush to call in a 

[CTRL] The Origins of the War Plan

2003-02-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

February 19, 2003

The Origins of the  Bush Iraq War Plan
The 1998 Rumsfeld  Wolfowitz Memo to Clinton


Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Deputy Secretary Paul Wolfowitz
undertook a full-fledged lobbying campaign in 1998 to get former President
Bill Clinton to start a war with Iraq and topple Saddam Hussein's regime
claiming that the country posed a threat to the United States, according
to documents obtained from a former Clinton aide.

This new information begs the question: what is really driving the Bush
Administration's desire to start a war with Iraq if two of Bush's future top
defense officials were already planting the seeds for an attack five years

In 1998, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz were working in the private sector. Both
were involved with the right-wing think tank Project for a New American
Century, which was established in 1997 by William Kristol, editor of the
Weekly Standard, to promote global leadership and dictate American
foreign policy.

While Clinton was dealing with the worldwide threat from Al-Qaeda and
Osama Bin Laden, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz wrote to Clinton urging him to
use military force against Iraq and remove Hussein from power because the
country posed a threat to the United States due to its alleged ability to
develop weapons of mass destruction. The Jan 26, 1998 letter sent to
Clinton from the Project for the New American Century said a war with
Iraq should be initiated even if the United States could not muster support
from its allies in the United Nations. Kristol also signed the letter.

We are writing you because we are convinced that current American
policy toward Iraq is not succeeding, and that we may soon face a threat
in the Middle East more serious than any we have known since the end of
the Cold War, says the letter. In your upcoming State of the Union
Address, you have an opportunity to chart a clear and determined course
for meeting this threat. We urge you to seize that opportunity, and to
enunciate a new strategy that would secure the interests of the U.S. and
our friends and allies around the world. That strategy should aim, above
all, at the removal of Saddam Hussein's regime from power.

We urge you to turn your Administration's attention to implementing a
strategy for removing Saddam's regime from power. This will require a full
complement of diplomatic, political and military efforts. Although we are
fully aware of the dangers and difficulties in implementing this policy, we
believe the dangers of failing to do so are far greater. We believe the U.S.
has the authority under existing UN resolutions to take the necessary
steps, including military steps, to protect our vital interests in the Gulf. In
any case, American policy cannot continue to be crippled by a misguided
insistence on unanimity in the UN Security Council, says the letter.

The full contents of the Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz letter can be viewed at
http://www.newamericancentury.org/ iraqclintonletter.htm.

Clinton rebuffed the advice from the future Bush Administration officials
saying he was focusing his attention on dismantling Al-Qaeda cells,
according to a copy of the response Clinton sent to Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz
and Kristol.

Unsatisfied with Clinton's response, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Kristol and others
from the Project for the New American Century wrote another letter on
May 29, 1998 to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Senate
Republican Majority Leader Trent Lott saying that the United States
should establish and maintain a strong U.S. military presence in the
region, and be prepared to use that force to protect our vital interests in
the Gulf - and, if necessary, to help remove Saddam from power.

We should take whatever steps are necessary to challenge Saddam
Hussein's claim to be Iraq's legitimate ruler, including indicting him as a war
criminal, says the letter to Gingrich and Lott. U.S. policy should have as
its explicit goal removing Saddam Hussein's regime from power and
establishing a peaceful and democratic Iraq in its place. We recognize that
this goal will not be achieved easily. But the alternative is to leave the
initiative to Saddam, who will continue to strengthen his position at home
and in the region. Only the U.S. can lead the way in demonstrating that his
rule is not legitimate and that time is not on the side of his regime.

The letter to Gingrich and Lott can be viewed at http://

The White House would not comment on the letters or whether Rumsfeld
and Wolfowitz possessed any intelligence information that suggested Iraq
posed an imminent threat to the United States at the time. The letters
offered no hard evidence that Iraq was in possession of weapons of mass

The Clinton aide said the former President believed that the policy of
containing Saddam Hussein in a box was successful and that the Iraqi
regime did not pose 

[CTRL] Russia and the war against Iraq

2003-02-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

World Socialist Web Site www.wsws.org


WSWS : News  Analysis : Europe : Russia

Russia and the war against Iraq

By Vladimir Volkov
20 February 2003

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The war against Iraq, whose prime mover is the American Bush
administration, assisted by Tony Blair’s British government, might start any
time in the next few weeks, perhaps even in a few days. Having begun as
an act of naked neocolonial aggression against a weak and almost
defenseless country, it will inevitably set off a chain of events producing
deep changes in political and social relations throughout the world.

Aggression against Iraq will open a period of sharply escalated militarism,
the essential content of which will be a global re-division of spheres of
influence and control. This eruption of imperialist violence will threaten
the world with a conflagration whose extent could exceed the
catastrophes of the twentieth century.

Russia, by virtue of its territorial location and its enormous natural
resources, will not remain isolated from these events. They will exert an
immediate influence on the moods and attitudes of the current Russian
ruling elite. What is even more important, they will provoke a rethinking
about many important political and historical questions among wide layers
of Russian society.

In order to evaluate more concretely the depth and character of these
changes, it is necessary once again to ponder the general nature of the
coming war, its social roots, and its place in modern world history.

War to re-divide the world

The American mass media portrays the war against Iraq as an act of
preventive self-defense against an enemy who threatens the foundations of
world civilization, and an effort to remove the dictatorship of Saddam
Hussein and set up a democratic regime in Iraq. Nevertheless, an ever-
growing number of people around the world understand that this war will
be carried out primarily to conquer the oil resources of the Middle East.

Oil, however, is only one factor in the coming aggression. The strategic
calculations of the American ruling elite go beyond oil and assume that the
subjugation of Iraq will be a step on the road to establishing world
hegemony. In other words, the Bush government is seeking to carry
through a political and economic reorganization of the world in the
interests of American capital.

Not only weak and relatively backward states, like Iraq, but even the most
important competitors of the US in Europe and Asia (such as Japan and
China) are to be subjected to the will of the American corporate and
political elite. Russia, which combines the second largest store of nuclear
weapons, enormous natural resources and an economy in acute distress, is
also on the short list of potential victims of this global imperialist “will to

It is important to understand that the eruption of American imperialism is
not a product of someone’s mania for greatness, or the sick imagination of
the people in charge in Washington. The causes are rooted in the
fundamental contradictions of the world capitalist system and the inability
of capitalism to overcome its contradictions in a peaceful and conflict-free
manner. Contemporary world productive forces can no longer be
contained within the framework of a system of nation states and within
the economic relations of private property, which constitute, in Marx’s
words, the “anatomy” of capitalist society.

The extreme sharpening of these contradictions is not of recent origin,
but revealed itself at least one hundred years ago. The insoluble conflict
between the essentially social character of production and the private
form of appropriation under capitalism had already twice in the twentieth
century resulted in terrible world wars, the first beginning in 1914 and the
second in 1939.

Both of these slaughters ushered in a reorganization of the entire complex
of world economic and political relations, and the United States played a
leading role on both occasions. History decreed that the United States
would act as a stabilizing force within capitalism, and, although it pursued
primarily its own predatory interests, it was able to assist its defeated
former enemies in Europe and Asia in restoring their socioeconomic and
political position within the world balance of power.[1]

Today the United States aims at another such reorganization. But its role
has changed. Today, America is neither a guarantor, nor the ultimate
anchor, of world capitalism, but, just the opposite, lies at the center of
the international crisis. Today it is a power that actively destroys the past
equilibrium. A new reorganization in the spirit of Pax Americana
presupposes not the “peaceful coexistence” of a few imperialist rivals, but
the complete subjugation of them all to the will and interests of one.
Clearly, this goal must produce terrific resistance 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] mr. blair is under investigation

2003-02-20 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Bush and Blair have been generous enough to provide us with the means 
to stop their planned E.L.E. from ever happening. But we MUST ACT 
NOW!!! The window of opportunity is VERY small!!!

We have laws that apply to ALL. 

Prime Minister Tony Blair is under investigation leading to possible 
charges for criminal bribery with George W. Bush(43) as a co-

Cloak and Dagger has been contacted by reliable bank investigators 
who have uncovered evidence that British PM Blair was involved in 
criminal bribery. Blair is now under investigation for accepting 
large bribes from the Bush oil interests. 

The evidence consists of bank transfers from George Bush financial 
interests to PM Blair´s personal accounts via the United Arab 
Emirates where the investigations into criminal bribery against Blair 

The bribery purpose is so that the United Kingdom´s PM would be sure 
to go along with Bush´s plan to forcibly seize the Iraqi oil fields 
while also unseating strongman Saddam Hussein. Part of the bribery 
plan was to use the Oil fields for collateral to support an out of 
control US deficit. 

It is no surprise that the U.S. treasury is alarmed by the declining 
proceeds of tax receipts. The White House is pushing for massive tax 
cuts for wealthy Americans at the time of a growing deficit.

In recent months the Cloak and Dagger program has exclusively 
presented on air, details from the moderator and producer Sherman 
Skolnick, of a Chicago Public Access Cable TV program. 

Cloak and Dagger has spoken directly with the Investigators who 
presented the evidence to senior French diplomatic officials today. 
Bank investigators have shown senior French diplomats documents that 
corroborate the following.

1-That the scheme to grab Iraqi oil fields was in the works over a 
year and a half ago when several billion dollars was transferred to 
bank accounts set up for the private benefit of Blair. 

2- Another document shows that Blair and his wife privately profited 
for arranging for North Korea to have nuclear capability. Skolnick 
also has stated on his TV show including broadcasting documents 
showing Hilary Clinton, now U.S. Senator Democrat New York, likewise 
privately profited from the treasonous North Korean deal. 

3- The officials said that this will put Blair to the wall and remove 
his furniture from 10 Downing Street. 

Stay tuned for more Cloak and Dagger exclusive news of this story as 
it develops.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Terrorism Card

2003-02-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Arab News
Playing the ‘Terrorism’ Card
Norman Solomon • Creators Syndicate
Published on 20 February 2003

These days, it’s a crucial ace up Uncle Sam’s sleeve. “Terrorism” is George
W. Bush’s magic
card. For 17 months now, the word has worked like a political charm for
the Bush administration. Ever since the terrible crime against humanity
known as 9/11, the White House has exploited the specter of terrorism to
move the GOP’s doctrinaire agenda. Boosting the military budget, cutting
social programs and shredding civil liberties are well underway.

Like the overwhelming majority of politicians on Capitol Hill, most
journalists in Washington are too timid to do anything other than quibble
about fine-tuning and get out of the way of rampaging elephants.

The word “terror” has become a linguistic staple in news media. For
keeping the fearful pot stirred, it’s better than the longer word
“terrorism,” which refers to an occasional event. The shortened word has
an ongoing ring to it. At the end of February’s first week, when Attorney
General John Ashcroft announced an official hike in the warning code, the
cable networks lost no time plastering “Terror Alert: High” signs on TV

Days later, the administration literally couldn’t wait to tell the world about
a new audiotape from Osama bin Laden. The eagerness of Colin Powell
knew no bounds. He was spinning about the tape at a congressional
appearance even before a single moment of the audio had premiered on
the Arabic-language Al Jazeera network.

The next day, a White House spokesman did what he could to bolster the
thin wisps of supposed links between Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein. “If
that is not an unholy partnership, I have not heard of one,” said Ari
Fleischer, who trumpeted “the linking up of Iraq with Al Qaeda.” It was, he
said, “the nightmare that people have warned about.”

Actually, it was a dream that the Bush team has been yearning for — some
semblance of a public embrace involving Osama bin Laden and Saddam

You wouldn’t know it from the dominant media coverage, but the embrace
was not only distinctly one-sided — it was also riddled with caveats and
barbs. In his statement, Bin Laden made clear that he has never stopped
viewing Hussein as an infidel. And the Iraqi dictator has continued to keep
his distance from longtime foe Bin Laden.

In the propaganda end game prior to an all-out attack on Iraq, the Bush
crew is playing a favorite card; as a word, terrorism can easily frighten the
public and keep competing politicians at bay. And now, Washington’s
policymakers are on the verge of implementing a military attack that will, in
effect, terrorize large numbers of Iraqi people.

Pentagon war plans, dubbed “Shock and Awe,” call for sending many
hundreds of missiles into Baghdad during the first day. Numerous articles in
the daily British press have been decrying these plans. In contrast, with
few exceptions, mainstream U.S. journalists have been shamefully

The people in control of U.S. foreign policy are now determined to treat
9/11 as a license — their license — to kill. Although even the most fanciful
statements from the Bush administration have not claimed that the Iraqi
regime had anything to do with the events of Sept. 11, the murderous
actions on that day are being cited to justify a military attack on Iraq sure
to take thousands of civilian lives.

When the sludge of propaganda is afflicting the body politic of our
country, news outlets have a crucial role to perform. Media can function
as a circulatory system for the nation; the free flow of information and
debate is the lifeblood of a democracy. But right now, the USA’s media
arteries are clogged.

If seeing a “Terror Alert: High” sign on your TV screen makes you feel
edgy, imagine what it’s like to be living in Baghdad or Basra. For people in
the United States, the odds that terrorism will strike close to home are
very small compared to the chances that any particular Iraqi family will be
decimated before summer.

We desperately need a full national debate on whether we as a society
ought to condemn terrorism — across the board — no matter who is doing
the terrorizing. Clearly, politicians will be the last to initiate such a
nationwide discussion.

And, sad to say, few journalists show much inclination to ruffle the
feathers of the hawkish gang that rules the roost in Washington. So, let’s
stop waiting for others to rise to the occasion. If we want to get an
authentic debate going, we’ll need to do it ourselves.

Arab News Opinion 20 February 2003

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[CTRL] Dossier Was Cooked

2003-02-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Powell-Blair Iraq Dossier Was Cooked In Israel

By Jeffrey Steinberg
Executive Intelligence Review

According to media accounts, the 10 Downing Street dossier, cited

favorably by U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell in his disastrous Feb. 5
report to the United Nations Security Council, was plagiarized from an
American graduate school paper, based on information more than a
decade old. The scandal that erupted when the Blair dossier hoax hit the
press, seriously undermined the credibility of those war party advocates of
an immediate Anglo-American invasion of Iraq. As Lyndon LaRouche wrote,
Powell was set up by a gang of public relations flacks who can't think

So far, so good. But a deeper probe into the scandal reveals that there
was good reason that the spin-meisters at the Coalition Information
Center--the Washington-London civilian government propaganda unit that
crafted both the Blair dossier and major portions of Secretary Powell's
own lighter-than-air book of evidence-- did not reveal the sources of their
information. The entire cooked intelligence picture was Made in Israel. It
was cooked up at a right- wing think-tank complex notorious as a hotbed
of radical Likudnik propaganda, and with links to the Office of Vice
President Dick Cheney, via his Chief of Staff Lewis Libby and his former
client, Marc Rich.

The essential facts are as follows: Two days before Powell's UN
appearance, 10 Downing Street issued a 16-page paper, Iraq: Its
Infrastructure of Concealment, Deception, and Intimidation, purportedly
based on high-level British intelligence data. In fact, at least 11 of the 16
pages were lifted, verbatim, from an Israeli journal, {Middle East Review of
International Affairs}, whose sole proprieter is Dr. Barry Rubin, an
American-born Israeli citizen. The 11 pages were drawn from two articles,
by Ibrahim al-Marashi and Robert Rabil, that appeared in the September
2002 edition of that journal.

Al-Marashi's article, a profile of Iraqi intelligence, was drawn, largely, from
Iraqi government documents confiscated during the 1991 Persian Gulf War.
Al-Marashi, in turn, heavily footnoted his article to other, earlier stories
published in Rubin's obscure online journal, by Amazia Baram, the journal's
deputy editor.

This was no bit of grammar school plagiarism. The public relations team
that put together the Blair and Powell propaganda drivel were themselves
linked to Rubin and his fellow Israeli pranksters, through Ahmed Chalabi's
discredited and corrupt Iraqi National Congress (INC).

Chalabi, University of Chicago protege of the late utopian Albert
Wohlstetter, then fugitive swindler, was adopted as the Iraqi oppositionist-
of-choice by Israeli X Committee agent and chairman of the Defense
Policy Board Richard Perle and his British Arab Bureau handler, Dr. Bernard
Lewis, in the 1980s.


Rubin issued a statement following the Downing Street dossier flap, taking
full credit for the cooked intelligence report. His only complaint was that,
while the Blair government apologized to Al-Marashi, they did not issue a
similar public statement of regret to him and his journal.

To have done so would have been suicidal, as a quick review of Rubin's
pedigree makes clear.

According to three current biographies, Prof. Barry Rubin is the deputy
director of the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies in Israel, and a
senior fellow at Hebrew University's Harry Truman Center and Haifa
University's Jewish-Arab Center. He is the director of the Global Research
in International Affairs Center, research director of the Lauder School of
Government Policy and Diplomacy, and a senior fellow at the International
Center for Counterterrorist Policy (ICT)--all of which are part of the
Interdisciplinary Center, Israel's first private university, in Herzliya.

The Lauder School was named after Ronald Lauder, the former Reagan
Ambassador to Austria, former president of the Conference of Presidents
of Major American Jewish Organizations, soon-to-be- successor of Edgar
Bronfman Sr. as head of the World Jewish Congress, and a notorious
financier of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and former Israeli Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The ICT, which co-sponsored a May 26, 2002 Herzliya center conference
on suicide terrorism with the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai Brith, is
financed by the Marc Rich Foundation, the tax shelter of fugitive Russian
Mafiya don Marc Rich. Avner Azulay, a former Mossad officer and director
of the Rich Foundation, is an ICT director. Another publicly listed
associate of the ICT is Maj. Gen. Meir Dagan, one of Ariel Sharon's most
notorious thugs, and the current head of the Mossad.

Rubin, a transplanted Israeli citizen, still spends a good deal of time in the
United States. On Feb. 4, he was one of the speakers at a Willard Hotel
luncheon in 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Fwd: X: Le Cercle

2003-02-20 Thread RoadsEnd
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[CTRL] Turkey: Ottoman claims to Mosul Oil

2003-02-20 Thread Euphorian
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Exclusive: Risking a Civil War
By Owen Matthews, Sami Kohen and John Barry

Issue of February 24 2003

Turkey is demanding that it send 60,000 to 80,000 of its own troops into
northern Iraq

Turkey is raising its price for allowing U.S. forces to invade Iraq from its
territory. In early negotiations with the United States, Ankara spoke of
sending in Turkish troops to set up a buffer zone'' perhaps 15 miles deep
along the Iraqi border. This would prevent a flood of Kurdish refugees from
northern Iraq, the Turks said.

BUT NOW, NEWSWEEK has learned, Turkey is demanding that it send 60,000
to 80,000 of its own troops into northern Iraq to establish strategic
positions'' across a security arc'' as much as 140 to 170 miles deep in Iraq.
That would take Turkish troops almost halfway to Baghdad. These troops
would not be under U.S. command, according to Turkish sources, who say
Turkey has agreed only to coordination'' between U.S. and Turkish forces.
Ankara fears the Iraqi Kurds might use Saddam's fall to declare
independence. Kurdish leaders have not yet been told of this new plan,
according to Kurdish spokesmen in Washington, who say the Kurds
rejected even the earlier notion of a narrow buffer zone. Farhad Barzani,
the U.S. representative of the main Kurdish party in Iraq, the KDP, says,
We have told them: American troops will come as liberators. But Turkish
troops will be seen as invaders.''

The White House did not respond to requests for comment; officials
elsewhere in the administration played down the Turkish demands as
bargaining tactics: We told them flat out, no.'' But independent diplomatic
sources in Ankara and Washington with knowledge of the U.S.-Turkey talks
say that while the precise depth of the security zone'' has still to be
agreed, the concept is pretty much a done deal,'' as one observer put it.
These sources add that the main U.S. concern has been that U.S., not
Turkish, troops occupy the northern Iraqi cities of Mosul and Kirkuk, and
that Turkish troops merely surround but not enter the heavily Kurdish
cities of Erbil and Sulemaniye. To get Turkey's assent to this, these sources
say, the United States had to cave'' on its demand that Turkish troops be
under U.S. control.

Two days of tough negotiations in Washington last week failed to settle the
other part of Turkey's price: a multibillion-dollar economic package.
Turkish P.M. Abdullah Gul is now threatening to delay the all-important
vote in the Turkish Parliament to allow U.S. deployments in Turkey.
Pentagon officials acknowledge frustration at the problems Turkey's
bargaining poses for the U.S. military buildup. Turkish sources say that
when Turkey's Foreign Minister Yasar Yakis met with President Bush on
Friday, the president warned that the United States might open a
northern front against Iraq without Turkish participation. But military
sources say that would be close to impossible.

Turkey is playing hardball,'' said Michael Amitay of the Washington Kurdish
Institute. But if the U.S. agrees to these Turkish deployments, there is a
real risk that the Kurds will start a guerrilla war against the Turkish

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[CTRL] US, Britain delay

2003-02-20 Thread Euphorian
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US, Britain delay war request to UN
By Caroline Overington, Herald Correspondent in New York
February 21 2003

The march to war with Iraq has been slowed, after the United States and
Britain decided yesterday to delay presenting a second resolution
authorising the use of force.

The two nations, which have been working together on the text of a
second UN resolution, are apparently unable to agree on what the
resolution will say.

A draft of the second resolution was completed this week, and the UN
Security Council had expected to see it on Wednesday, but, as a second
day of debate on Iraq wound down, there was no sign that it would be

Britain soon announced that the resolution had been delayed, for as long
as a week.

UN officials say the US and Britain are still agonising over the text, and
decided to spend at least a few more days lobbying members of the
Security Council to vote for the second resolution, before it is presented.
Permanent members France and Russia have maintained strong opposition
to the use of force.

The White House spokesman, Ari Fleischer, said the presentation could be
this week. It could be next week.
They both are active options. We are still talking to allies about the exact
timing, the exact wording.

Adding to the confusion, Britain's ambassador to the UN, Jeremy
Greenstock, said the resolution would include a deadline by which Iraq
had to show complete willingness to disarm.

Britain said the UN might not have to decide on war before March, but Mr
Fleischer said President George Bush would not expect a lengthy debate
at all.

However, Mr Bush has already made it clear that he considers UN backing
no more than useful and certainly not necessary for launching an attack
on Iraq.

The chief UN weapons inspector, Hans Blix, will ask Iraq to destroy its al-
Samoud 2 missiles but has not yet determined whether the rocket engines
that drive them should be demolished too, diplomats and US sources have

The US has signalled that an Iraqi refusal to give them up would violate
Security Council orders that it surrender its ballistic missiles and other
weapons of mass destruction.

Dr Blix is expected to write a letter to Iraqi officials shortly after weapons
inspectors complete their inventory of sites assembling missiles, launchers
and other components. Dr Blix has said that the al-Samoud 2 missile
appears to be illegal because it exceeds the 150-kilometre range set by
the UN. Iraq denies the missiles are illegal.

President Saddam Hussein said on Wednesday that Iraq wanted to avoid
war with the US, but not at the price of its independence. He told the
visiting leader of the Russian Communist Party, Gennady Zyuganov, that
Iraq was ready to fight if the US was driven by the devil and launched an

The Iraqi Trade Minister, Mohammed Mehdi Saleh, said his country was
preparing as if war were imminent.

In Washington, the Secretary of State, Colin Powell, asked by teenagers
assembled in a television studio if the US planned to invade Iraq to take
control of Iraqi oil, said: The oil will belong to the people of Iraq. The
United States will not take it.

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[CTRL] Coming Out Chelsea-style

2003-02-20 Thread Euphorian
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Chelsea: from teen to corporate dream
By George Trefgarne and David Rennie in London and Washington
February 21 2003

The remarkable transformation of Chelsea Clinton from a shy, gawky
adolescent into a poised woman of the world seems about to be
completed with a job offer from one of the world's most elite companies.

The daughter of the former United States president Bill Clinton has
attended interviews at the London offices of McKinsey, the management
consultancy firm, before a likely posting to New York on a salary of

Ms Clinton, who turns 23 next week, is studying a master's degree in
international relations at University College, Oxford, which she began after
taking a first in history at Stanford in California.

Recently the gossip columns have barely been able to keep up with her
social appearances, mixing high culture and charity fundraising with an
unabashed fondness for a good night out.

An only child, Ms Clinton was 12 when she moved to the White House,
leaving the sleepy atmosphere of Little Rock, Arkansas, for the constant
scrutiny and oppressive security of Washington.

For all their desire to maintain her privacy, her parents took every
opportunity to expose their daughter to
new cultures and experiences and she was her father's official escort on
presidential trips to Africa and India.

If she accepts McKinsey's offer she will join a company that ranks the
former conservative leader William Hague and many other pillars of the
British and American establishment among its former employees.

She would also benefit from one of the best graduate recruitment
packages around, with bonuses that could double her annual earnings.
However, the firm is legendary for the demands it makes of its employees
and she would be expected to work long hours and travel extensively.

Hiring her would be a coup for McKinsey, which has suffered heavily from
the fallout that followed the end of the internet bubble and its
relationship with Enron, the bankrupt US energy company.

However, it still prides itself on being able to open the doors of the most
powerful people in the world. One source close to the company said:
McKinsey is more like a club than a company. Even the language they use
is deliberately collegiate.
A project is called a study and an outside meeting a retreat.

Ms Clinton has yet to sign up, but those who work there believe it is a
near certainty. One said: McKinsey is regarded by a lot of people as a
good place to start wherever you end up in your career, whether it be
chief executive or leader of the Tory party.

A McKinsey spokesman said: All applications are treated with complete

A spokesman at Mr Clinton's New York office would only remark: She is a
private citizen.

The Telegraph, London

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[CTRL] Leonardo De Blairio on his own 'Titanic' ?

2003-02-20 Thread Euphorian
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'I've got secrets to sink the Blairs'
February 21 2003

The truth about Cherie Blair's relationship with lifestyle guru Carole Caplin
has yet to be revealed, the man at the centre of the Cheriegate scandal
will claim in a BBC documentary to be screened Thursday night in London.

Convicted conman Peter Foster, whose assistance in the purchase of two
flats led to weeks of damaging headlines for the Blairs last year, claimed
that the fitness adviser had secrets which could sink the Prime Minister
and his wife.

And he hinted that he would use an autobiography which he is currently
writing to reveal his own secrets about Caplin and the Blairs.

The fly-on-the-wall documentary, which will reopen an embarrassing
episode for the Prime Minister, follows Caplin and Foster at the height of
the scandal.

Film-maker Lynne Alleway, a personal friend of Caplin's, was invited to film
them as they dodged the press and lay low in Carole's luxurious all-white
London apartment, decorated with several pictures of the Blairs.

The cameras catch Tony Blair apparently leaving a late-night message on
Miss Caplin's answerphone, and
Carole taking several calls which she says are from Cherie.

Foster claimed that Mr Blair rang three or four times a week during the
scandal, and alleged that forces within Downing Street were trying to
break the couple up.

And he suggested that concern over what Ms Caplin might reveal about
them lay behind the Blairs' decision to maintain their friendship with her
despite the bad press she attracted.

Carole's secrets could sink them, he said. They are worried that she will
sell her story one day, so I think that is why they really want to embrace
her. I think they like her, but I think the machinery is saying, 'You must
embrace this woman'.

My understanding is that the six-month plan for them is get rid of me and
then in six months' time they will ease Carole out.

Miss Caplin said that Mr Blair's director of communications Alastair
Campbell had had a bee in his bonnet since she met Cherie about the
dangers of her talking to the press.

The documentary - entitled the Conman, His Lover and the Prime Minister's
wife - chronicles the final days of the Cheriegate affair and the run-up to a
public statement by Mr Foster in which he backed up Downing Street's
version of events.

But immediately after making the statement, which effectively drew a halt
to the media frenzy over the scandal, he told the cameras he had
concealed rather than revealed the truth.

Asked if he will ever open up on what had really happened, he replied:
Maybe in the book.

As he gave the statement, Mr Foster was wearing a T-shirt with a picture
of the Blair family on it under his shirt - for luck, as he said.

The documentary reveals the couple's relationship becoming increasingly
tense under the pressure of media attention.

And it shows Mr Foster's growing resentment at his treatment by the Blairs
and their spokesmen.

He accused Mrs Blair of lying about her knowledge of his criminal
convictions and of handling the whole affair atrociously.

This whole involvement with me and Cherie and the flats could have been
put to bed in one day, he said. I think she's handled a bad situation
atrociously, and let it get out of hand.

Miss Caplin claims that Ms Alleway has betrayed her by editing the
footage to portray Foster in a negative light.

Yesterday, Foster tried to block broadcast of the documentary, claiming
the producers reneged on an agreement to let him view and approve the
film before it is shown.

His lawyers sent a letter to the BBC objecting to its transmission but the
matter now appears to have been dropped.

The Conman, His Lover and the Prime Minister's Wife will be screened at
9pm (0800 Friday AEDT) on BBC1.


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[CTRL] Pope was deaf

2003-02-20 Thread Euphorian
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Pope was deaf to scholar's plea on Nazis
By Desmond O'Grady in Rome
February 21 2003

A letter by the scholar and philosopher Edith Stein to Pope Pius XII
imploring him to speak out against the Nazis has been published following
the opening of a new section of the Vatican archives.

The Milan daily Corriere Della Sera published the letter, which will feed
controversy over the Vatican's failure to oppose the Nazis.

The Vatican's decision to open its prewar archives to scholars years ahead
of schedule is a move to deflect critics of its silence over the Holocaust.

The documents cover the Vatican's relations with Germany from 1922 to
1939. During those years Pope Pius XII was the Vatican nuncio in Germany
and later its secretary of state.

Ms Stein, a Jew who had converted to Catholicism, wrote to Pius XII on
April 12, 1933, shortly after the Nazis came to power.

For years, Nazi leaders have preached hatred of Jews. Now they are
gathering the fruits of
that hatred, she wrote. She added that the anti-Semitism had induced
some Jews to commit suicide, and those who maintained silence were
partly responsible. Jews and Catholics, she wrote, were waiting to hear
the Church condemn the Nazis.

We faithful children of the Church fear the worst for its worldwide image
if the silence continues. And are convinced that it will not eventually lead
to a change of government policy. The war against Catholics is less obvious
and brutal than that against the Jews, but just as systematic.

In response, Ms Stein received only a papal blessing. At the time she
wrote, she was teaching in Germany. She became a nun and died at
Auschwitz in 1942.

The present Pope, John Paul II, canonised her as a martyr of the faith,
which upset some Jews who said she had been killed because she was

with Agencies

This story was found at: http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/02/20/
Forwarded for your information.  The text and intent of the article
have to stand on their own merits.

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it. The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama Sut

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2003-02-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Section-by-Section Analysis of Justice Department draft “Domestic Security
Enhancement Act of 2003,” also known as “PATRIOT Act II”

February 14, 2003

To:Interested Persons
From:Timothy H. Edgar, Legislative Counsel
Date: February 14, 2003
Re:Section-by-Section Analysis of Justice Department draft
“Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003,” also known as “Patriot Act

The Department of Justice (DOJ) has been drafting comprehensive anti-
terrorism legislation for the past several months.  The draft legislation,
dated January 9, 2003, grants sweeping powers to the government,
eliminating or weakening many of the checks and balances that remained
on government surveillance, wiretapping, detention and criminal
prosecution even after passage of the USA PATRIOT Act, Pub. L. No. 107-
56, in 2001.

Among its most severe problems, the bill

Diminishes personal privacy by removing checks on government power,
specifically by

Making it easier for the government to initiate surveillance and wiretapping
of U.S. citizens under the authority of the shadowy, top-secret Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Court.  (Sections 101, 102 and 107)
Permitting the government, under certain circumstances, to bypass the
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court altogether and conduct warrantless
wiretaps and searches.  (Sections 103 and 104)
Sheltering federal agents engaged in illegal surveillance without a court
order from criminal prosecution if they are following orders of high
Executive Branch officials.  (Section 106)
Creating a new category of “domestic security surveillance” that permits
electronic eavesdropping of entirely domestic activity under looser
standards than are provided for ordinary criminal surveillance under Title
III.  (Section 122)
Using an overbroad definition of terrorism that could cover some protest
tactics such as those used by Operation Rescue or protesters at Vieques
Island, Puerto Rico as a new predicate for criminal wiretapping and other
electronic surveillance.  (Sections 120 and 121)
Providing for general surveillance orders covering multiple functions of
high tech devices, and by further expanding pen register and trap and
trace authority for intelligence surveillance of United States citizens and
lawful permanent residents.  (Sections 107 and 124)
Creating a new, separate crime of using encryption technology that could
add five years to any sentence for crimes committed with a computer.
(Section 404)
Expanding nationwide search warrants so they do not have to meet even
the broad definition of terrorism in the USA PATRIOT Act. (Section 125)
Giving the government secret access to credit reports without consent
and without judicial process.  (Section 126)
Enhancing the government’s ability to obtain sensitive information without
prior judicial approval by creating administrative subpoenas and providing
new penalties for failure to comply with written demands for records.
(Sections 128 and 129)
Allowing for the sampling and cataloguing of innocent Americans’ genetic
information without court order and without consent.  (Sections 301-306)
Permitting, without any connection to anti-terrorism efforts, sensitive
personal information about U.S. citizens to be shared with local and state
law enforcement. (Section 311)
Terminating court-approved limits on police spying, which were initially put
in place to prevent McCarthy-style law enforcement persecution based on
political or religious affiliation.  (Section 312)
Permitting searches, wiretaps and surveillance of United States citizens on
behalf of foreign governments – including dictatorships and human rights
abusers – in the absence of Senate-approved treaties.  (Sections 321-22)

Diminishes public accountability by increasing government secrecy;
specifically, by

Authorizing secret arrests in immigration and other cases, such as material
witness warrants, where the detained person is not criminally charged.
(Section 201)
Threatening public health by severely restricting access to crucial
information about environmental health risks posed by facilities that use
dangerous chemicals.  (Section 202)
Harming fair trial rights for American citizens and other defendants by
limiting defense attorneys from challenging the use of secret evidence in
criminal cases.  (Section 204)
Gagging grand jury witnesses in terrorism cases to bar them from
discussing their testimony with the media or the general public, thus
preventing them from defending themselves against rumor-mongering and
denying the public information it has a right to receive under the First
Amendment.  (Section 206)

Diminishes corporate accountability under the pretext of fighting
terrorism; specifically, by

Granting immunity to businesses that provide information to the
government in terrorism investigations, even if their actions are taken with
disregard for their customers’ privacy or other rights and 

[CTRL] Tens of Bush Supporters

2003-02-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Tens of Bush Supporters Take To the Streets In Support of the President

Four loyal Americans from Freerepublic.com break the will of 850,000
peacenik protesters with their spirited invective.




While this nation's pansy assed, love bead wearing liberal media delighted
in reporting this weekend's sad spectacle of millions of hippie communists
loitering on streets throughout the world to show their support for
America-hating terrorists, there is another, more important story that was
not reported to the American people. To rectify this intentional oversight,
the White House Press office has prepared this information release to
give heart to all those who love President Bush enough to go along with
killing any man, woman and little baby for whom he has a smart-bomb
surprise up his sleeve.

[NOTE TO FOX NEWS: Start TelePrompTer here]

Over the weekend, throngs in numbers approaching almost 80 people

worldwide took to the streets to provide a poignant counterpoint to the
fringe-position presented by over 6,000,000 anti-war protesters. Enjoying a
courteous distance from one another that was eschewed by the dense
crowd of America-hating cowards that filled the streets, sometimes almost
a baker's dozen of counter-protesters gathered on street corners and
otherwise desolate gas stations in some of America's larger medium-size
towns and villages. They came to taunt the Saddam-loving anti-war vermin
with placards that tended to dispense with all the geo-political mumbo-
jumbo and cut to the heart of the matter by lobbing personal attacks on
the traitors who are rude enough to disagree with our blameless

As counter-protester Wanda Jenkins pointed out: Our boys in the armed
services didn't give up their lives so these parasites of freedom could go
around openly questioning our godly President. They'd all be speaking
German right now it wasn't for us and then almost nobody on CNN could
even read their silly signs in English. There were about 150,000 America-
haters that walked by me with their stupid Osama- loving signs about peace
and stuff. I yelled back at them 'Ya pack of light-in-the-loafers socialists!'
You should have seen the look on their faces. I mean to say, that really
showed them! I couldn't wait to get back to my computer to tell the gang
at Free Republic about my victory over the dirty Libs!

The national counter-protest was organized by FreeRepublic.Com, a
gathering place for people unwavering in their starry-eyed devotion to the
infallibility of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Bush. Called Operation Infinite
Freep, the effort was a glorious success, surprising even the most staunch
Freepers (a clever nickname adopted by the even more clever inhabitants
of the implacably loyal, not-afriad-to-gush GOP fan website).


You know, when you are sitting in your BVDs and holster before breakfast,
reading hundreds of posts that say exactly what you had typed late last
night, it is a real affirmation knowing that there are so many people who
don't question the same things you don't, said Felix Willinghouse. But to
see almost five of my fellow Freepers care enough about what they are
typing to actually show up to shout down the peacenik jerks was a real
rush. I haven't been this choked up since my seven-year-old bludgeoned an
effigy of Janet Reno with his scooter on our front lawn during all that mess
over that little commie Cuban boy.

Billy Bronco Johnson cries tears of pride when he realizes that he is the
only Freeper in Witchita Falls who loves George W. Bush enough to show
up for the counter- protest.

It is clear to me that all of those peaceniks are just damned communists,
observed Rhonda Jones on a chilly Columbia, Missouri street corner.
Because that's what communists are always doing – protesting. Just look at
those folks in Russia and Chinaland. Protesting their governments all the
time. Not a bit of gratitude in any of them. You sort of expect that from
filthy foreigners, but here in America, we are a democracy and we don't
go in for that type of trouble making and back talk. If you've got a problem
with our country's government, then you can exercise your freedom as a
American and buy an ticket on Delta and get your ass the Hell out of


I've been posting on Free Republic for about three years now, so I'm not
real used to hearing opinions I don't already agree with, said counter-
protester and patriot Daryl Hoshnicker. If a fellow Freeper posts
something that don't toe the line then they are thougthful enough to add
a BARF ALERT warning so the rest of us know not to like it. So it 

[CTRL] Mrs. Dick Biography Information - WHITEHOUSE.ORG

2003-02-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] VP vs WH [.org]

2003-02-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Embedded linques [including image of lettre to website] @ site.

Statement by the Vice President

THE VICE PRESIDENT: Please be seated. As some of you more interweb-
savvy, less-deodorized nerds with jobs way down the federal pay scale may
already know, late 2001 saw a detestable rogue web site surface from the
fecal slime of uncontrolled speech. At that time, we briefly took pains to
alert the population to be wary of this sickening charade –
WHITEHOUSE.ORG – which masquerades as the official White House digital
propaganda organ. We know only too well how easily duped the American
public can be and were, frankly, concerned that one of them might follow
the siren call of this insubordinate web-thingy and wind up being cheated
out of a joyous afternoon playing the taxpayer-financed game Barney's
Historical White House ABC's.

But for 16 long, painful months, we steadfastly ignored WHITEHOUSE.ORG
and busied ourselves with stuff like bombing Iraq and giving the finger to
the rest of the world. Well, all that deliberate and statesmanlike
forbearance came to a quick halt last December when one evening I heard
my dear, demure wife Lynne scream like a deranged Negress in the next
room. At first, I thought our ruggedly masculine daughter Mary had
escaped from the attic and given another interview to the homosexual
press. But it turned out that while performing her nightly ritual of Googling
herself over a tumbler of Riunite on ice, Lynne caught wind of one
particularly egregious and America-hating page. With my wife barking at my
backside and throwing ice- cubes across the room, there was no way my
administration could ignore this depraved website any longer. And so we
sprung into action – employing the full power of America's unrivalled
intelligence-gathering apparatus to deliver our sorta-kinda-but-not-really
Writ of Oh, Cut It Out letter to an old and invalid address. Only several
days ago, after Lynne, equipped with a New York City street map and a
case of Riunite, had her limo driver traverse a three country area, were
we successfully able to deliver our communication.
Today, though we have yet to receive a formal response, I wanted to
publicly reiterate the thrust of my letter to the WHITEHOUSE.ORG terror

Either you take down that snotty biography of my wife, or I'll have my
Bahamas-educated legal staff take another break from shredding Energy
Task Force documents to use taxpayer- owned stationery and office
equipment to fire off another toothless intimidation missive – in which a big
spooky bundle of mis-cited, irrelevant legal precedents and half-truths are
sandwiched between two pansy requests to let yours truly wipe my ass
with the First Amendment!

Hell, it's not like my wife is a public figure or anything – just because she's
been a CNN Crossfire pundit, a leading right-wing strategist for the
American Enterprise Institute, and a prolific author of sociocultural
propaganda, vacuously jingoistic children's books, academic blacklists, and
turbo-juicy lesbian erotica, which she assures me – repeatedly – springs
only from her moist and fertile imagination. Sure, she still does most of
that stuff – we just make sure she keeps a lower profile these days – mainly
so she stops setting the kind of bad example that makes little girls walk
away from their God-intended life of bare-footed pregnancy to become
uppity smarty- pants Hillary Clinton feminazis or our daughter without
children. As such, again, she is most certainly NOT a public figure. She's
just my sweet apolitical snookums who just happens to find her pretty
little mug on television and national newspapers all the time and is being
outright smeared by a pack of cretins who could really stand to take a few
lessons in whipping up the so- called political ha-ha from my pals knee-
slapping funny Jay Leno and our dear friends and supporters at Saturday
Night Live.

In closing, please keep in mind that I'm speaking as the mastermind of a
legislative agenda predicated almost exclusively on Social Darwinism when I
confess that I experience a slight, non-pacemaker-induced pang of chestal
discomfort each time so-called American citizens – like these
WHITEHOUSE.ORG terrorists – err on the side of publishing ideologies that
doom them to lifetimes of FBI monitoring, politically-motivated income tax
audits, and – in special circumstances – mysterious newfound predilections
to bathing fully clothed with a whole Radio Shack's worth of plugged-in
appliances. Do I have to remind anyone what happened to that Enron
would-be snitch? No, I didn't think so.

Thank you. No questions, please.




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[CTRL] Fwd: Cui Bono?

2003-02-20 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-
A HREF=""www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

Newtown - Feb 06, 2003"The US 
Defense electronics market is in for stellar growth throughout the next 
ten years," said Richard Sterk, a Senior Defense Analyst with Forecast 
International, in citing the company's annual "Overview of the US Defense 
Electronics Market." 
The Overview, available March 1, 2003, examines market trends and conditions 
for the years 2003 through 2012. According to the Forecast International 
Overview, the total US Defense Electronics Market will be worth more than 
$181 billion over the next decade.(*) 
"Much of this is related to the cost of conducting the War on 
Terrorism," Sterk said, adding, "Two other contributing factors include the 
ongoing operations in Afghanistan and preparations for a possible military 
conflict with Iraq. The creation of a Homeland Defense department will also 
drive up the value of the defense electronics market through its massive need 
for immediate information technology." 
In terms of projected sales and market share, Raytheon, BAE Systems, Lockheed 
Martin, Northrop Grumman, and Boeing will lead all US companies doing business 
in the US defense electronics market over the next decade. 
Raytheon Company, forecast to generate some $23 billion in sales over the 
next ten years (12.68 percent of the projected market), will be the leading US 
defense electronics firm. 
Through its BAE Systems North America subsidiary, BAE Systems places second 
with projected sales totaling $15.94 billion (8.8 percent of the projected 
Lockheed Martin Corporation finishes third with ten-year sales expected to 
exceed $12.42 billion (6.86 percent of the projected market). 
Coming in fourth is Northrop Grumman Corporation, which will collect some 
$8.96 billion in sales over the next decade (4.95 percent of the projected 
The Boeing Company rounds out Forecast International's top five with sales 
projected to tally $7.41 billion (4.09 percent of the projected market). 
"How quickly current RD programs go from development to production to 
field use will be the determining factor in the overall growth of the US defense 
electronics market," said Sterk. 
"Much of the money will begin to show up in the next few years with increased 
procurement of night vision, IR, and thermal imagery equipment. Additionally, 
the development of many reconnaissance and surveillance systems will likely be 
According to the Forecast International study, during the 


2003-02-20 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-


More than 30 per cent of people are more depressed during the winter, according to research into the impact of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) on mental health. After suffering through some of the most adverse weather in decades, no doubt that many are downhearted. But most of us will bounce back, it is only a temporary feeling. Surely, this despair is not the sign of a permanent disorder! Only those who profess crazed political thought need to fear. This is a case study in one such individual, who dared to expound such ideas and became a perennial patient in the process...

Most of this account is taken directly from the source, a political prisoner Stephen Ames, locked up in a Pennsylvania Mental Hospital, an enemy of the state, for steadfastly proclaiming these heretical ideas. You be the judge as to his sanity . . . dissecting the NWO would be a good start: 

To make matters even worse, when you don't pay the Internal Revenue Service or a bank, people consider you a criminal or a dead beat. You are then prosecuted by someone who is a subordinate (Pretended U.S. Attorney paid by the IMF in electrons) of the Alien Property Custodian (Pretended Attorney General of the United States, INTERPOL agent, paid in electrons by IMF). I almost forgot: You are the Alien. Read the list below:

1. The IRS is not a U.S. Government Agency. It is an Agency of the IMF.

2. The IMF is an Agency of the UN.

3. The U.S. Has not had a Treasury since 1921.

4. The U.S. Treasury is now the IMF.

5. The Attorney General of the U.S. is not employed by the U.S. But is an Agent of INTERPOL which is head quartered in Lyons, France.

6. The United States does not have any employees.

7. Social Security Numbers are issued by the UN through the IMF.

8. There are no Judicial courts in America and there has not been since 1789. Judges do not enforce Statutes and Codes. Executive Administrators enforce Statutes and Codes.

9. There have not been any Judges in America since 1789. There have just been Administrators.

10. According to the GATT you must have a Social Security number.

11. You are an "Institutional Unit" in which your body and labor are pledged to the UN through the IMF.

12. We have One World Government, One World Law and a One World Monetary System.

13. Your Social Security number is your slave number. Just about everyone in the World has a Social Security number from the UN through the IMF.

14. The UN is a One World Super Government.

15. No one on this planet has ever been free. This planet is a Slave Colony. There has always been a One World Government. It is just that now it is much better organized and has changed its name as of 1945 to the United Nations.

16. New York City is defined in the Federal Regulations as the United Nations. Rudolph Gulliani stated on C-Span that "New York City was the capital of the World" and he was correct.

17. Social Security is not insurance or a contract, nor is there a Trust Fund.

18. Your Social Security check comes directly from the IMF which is an Agency of the UN.

19. You own no property, slaves can't own property. Read the Deed to the property that you think is yours. You are listed as a Tenant.

20. The most powerful court in America is not the United States Supreme Court but, the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.


As a matter of fact the imagined President, imagined Representatives, imagined Senators, imagined Supreme Court Justices and imagined Federal Judges are not paid by the United States Government. Actually the United States Government does not have any employees They are paid by the International Monetary Fund in electrons. You see there is no such thing as the United States Government. In reality there are no Governments. There are Corporations (Fictions) such as the Federal Reserve Inc., and the United States Inc., which in fact are private corporations. The United States Inc., is just a slave management company. Guess what that makes you? If you said property, you are correct! You are Human Capital. The shares that were issued for the Federal Reserve when it was created back in 1913 only cost $100.00. That was quite the bargain.

To verify the facts in the preceding paragraphs see (5 U.S.C. 903, 12 U.S.C. 95, 18 U.S.C.A. 914, 22 U.S.C. 263, 285, 286, 287, 288. Public Law 89-719, Public Law 94-564, Public Law 101-167, Public Law 91-151 Public Law 103-465, House Report 103-826 T.D.O 150-10, T.D.O. 92, 41 Stat. Chap 214 pg. 654, Emergency Banking Act 48 Stat. 1, Articles of Agreement 60 Stat. 1440, 20 CFR chapter 111, subpart B 422.103 (b) (2) (2), United Nations Secretariat Revised System of National Accounting, Diversified Metal Products v. IRS et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I., Cromelin v. United States, 177 F.2d 275, 277 Tomalewski v. United States, 493 F.Supp 673, 675 

[CTRL] Tom Friedmans Column on Iraq

2003-02-20 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Tom Friedman’s Column on Iraq
Memo To: Fans of Thomas L. Friedman, NYTimes columnist
From: Jude Wanniski
Re: Feb. 19 "Tell the Truth" column

Over the years I have written a great many items praising the considerable journalistic skills of Tom Friedman. He has been in the top tier of the print media for decades, with several prizes under his belt for his work on foreign policy. Alas, in the last few years in doping out the Middle East, his speciality, Tom has wandered all over the lot, to the point where I’ve only been reading his columns when someone recommends one. The problem, I think, is that Tom has come to believe that his pre-eminent position as the top foreign-policy columnist for the most important newspaper in the world has given him the responsibility to “make things happen,” as opposed to advising his readers on what’s really going on. His "Tell the Truth" column Wednesday was a perfect example, with Tom scattering a few diamonds of analysis while he pontificated on how the political class should be acting. To a degree, this kind of huffing and puffing is to be expected from a journalist of his rank, a rank which has its privileges. But Tom has been getting sloppier and sloppier, to the point where I think he may have become part of the problem. Here is a comment I sent to one of his fans who e-mailed me his column, telling me he thought I would be thrilled to pieces with it because it suggests we might not really have to go to war with Iraq.

* * * * *

Tom Friedman is all over the lot. His columns recently have been mish-mash as he tries to be all things to all people. His column starts with a cheap shot at France for having built Iraq's nuclear reactor, which Israel blew up in 1981. He fails to mention that Iraq had signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and Israel did not. France built one for Israel and, in accordance with the provisions of the NPT, then built an identical one for Iraq. For this blatant act of aggression, Israel was condemned by almost every nation on earth in a UN Resolution, but as the Reagan administration and the Pentagon's Richard Perle had helped in the bombing, Israel thumbed its nose at everyone and the UN Resolution that condemned it. A billion dollar power plant went up in smoke and when asked if they would pay for the destruction, the Israeli foreign minister said, "Not one brass farthing." So now Friedman takes a cheap shot at France. 

Under the terms of the NPT, Iraq would have had to allow IAEA inspectors in a number of times a year to make sure no fissile material was being diverted. Israel did not have such restrictions, defying the Kennedy and Johnson administrations which were demanding that it permit inspections of its nuclear power plant to make sure it was not diverting fissile material. When Nixon arrived in 1969, he dropped demands for Israeli inspections, as by then it was known Israel had in fact been producing nuclear bombs. It was then Saddam decided to have a clandestine nuke program, which never got anywhere as his scientists could not produce more than a few grams of fissile material.

* * * * *

Okay. Tom does get our attention in saying he is “troubled by the way Bush officials have tried to justify this war on the grounds that Saddam is allied with Osama bin Laden or will be soon. There is simply no proof of that, and every time I hear them repeat it I think of the Gulf of Tonkin resolution. You don’t take the country to war on the wings of a lie.”

What is Bush doing wrong in terms of holding together the international community? Friedman opines that it is not traveling enough.

The Bush folks are big on attitude, weak on strategy and terrible at diplomacy. I covered the first gulf war in 1990-91. What I remember most are the seven trips I took with Secretary of State James Baker III around the world to watch him build – face-to-face – the coalition and public support for that war, before a shot was fired. Going to someone else’s country is a sign you respect his opinion. The Bush administration has done no such hands-on spade work. Its members think diplomacy is a phone call. They don’t like to travel. Seeing Bush officials abroad for any length of time has become like rare-bird sightings.

Now this is palpable nonsense. The senior Bushies have run up tens of thousands of frequent-flier miles trying to persuade heads of state all over the world that we should bomb the bejeesus out of Baghdad to save its citizens from Saddam’s shortcomings on human rights. In 1990-91, Tom flew around with JBIII who had a hard enough time trying to persuade Saddam’s neighbors that he was the bad guy and the emir of Kuwait the good guy. His “diplomacy” finally consisted in bribing Hosni Mubarak with several billions of forgiveness in IMF loans and promises of big bags of money to Turkey, which we never delivered. (Which is why Turkey 

[CTRL] Costs of war already coming in

2003-02-20 Thread William Shannon

Costs of war already coming in
Posted: February 19, 2003
1:00 a.m. Eastern
Patrick J. Buchanan
© 2003 WorldNetDaily.com 

Had President Bush never used all that barstool bellicosity about an Axis of Evil, "pre-emptive strike," "regime change" and "weeks, not months," he could now claim victory in his showdown with Saddam. 

For it is only through Bush's resolute leadership that U.N. arms inspectors are back in Iraq. With steady pressure, Bush could have hundreds more swarming all over that country, to where it would be inconceivable that Saddam could mount an assault on his neighbors. 

Without war, Saddam could be back in his box. But Bush set the bar for himself too high. Now, though war is not necessary to contain Iraq, Bush cannot pull back from it. To send 200,000 troops to the Gulf, then bring them home with Saddam still in power, would cripple U.S. credibility. 

One wonders if the president ever asks himself: Who got me into this? Who persuaded me to surrender my freedom of action? 

While the war has not yet begun, the costs are already coming in. Europe is bitterly divided and increasingly anti-American. NATO is split. Tony Blair, a loyal ally, is in a hellish spot. 

Polls show only one-in-10 Britons favor war without a new U.N. resolution, and France will veto any new resolution. And as the winter window for war closes, France's position is unlikely to change. For the anti-Bush posture of Jacques Chirac and his foreign minister, Dominique de Villepin, is wildly popular on the continent. 

Belgium, France and Germany may be isolated inside NATO, but most Europeans back Paris, Berlin and Brussels in the clash with Washington. And with animosity toward Bush soaring on the continent and across the Arab and Islamic world, the U.S. ability to lead through suasion is being lost. The drive for hegemony is isolating America. 

How can a new world order rooted in American values be erected now, with George W. Bush as architect? Not in recent memory has an American president been so reviled abroad. 

While this caricature is grossly unjust and in large measure the work of anti-Americans abroad, the president, his War Cabinet and the War Party have contributed to America's isolation. For this year-long campaign to paint Saddam Hussein as the new Hitler – a mortal peril to the Middle East, America, the world, even civilization itself, according to John McCain – with George W. Bush cast in the role of Churchill, is just not believable. Sustaining this fiction is taking a heavy toll on our credibility. 

First, there remains not a fiber of evidence Saddam was involved in 9/11. Despite the Stakhanovite efforts of our war propagandists, the "Prague connection" between Mohammad Atta and Iraqi intelligence proved nonexistent. Colin Powell's indictment of Saddam's arms violations now appears to have been overdrawn. The British paper he cited was hyped and plagiarized from academic scribblings. The al-Qaida cell in Iraq seems to be in territory controlled by our Kurdish allies, not Saddam. 

As for the tape in which bin Laden calls on Iraqis to launch suicide attacks on invading Americans, the White House claims this conclusively ties Saddam to Osama. It does no such thing. On the tape, bin Laden uses terms such as infidel, apostate and socialist to describe Saddam, for whom his affection is comparable to that of the late Ayatollah Khomeini for the novelist Salman Rushdie. 

When it comes to aiding terrorists, Saddam is not even in a league with Iran or Syria. His missile capacity is inconsequential alongside that of Iran or North Korea. His nuclear program has been moribund for years, while Iran is mining uranium and building reactors, and North Korea is producing fissile material. North Korea is the rogue state proliferator of missiles, Pakistan the proliferator of nuclear technology. Nor is Iraq the reason F-16s over-fly our homes each night here in Washington and we drive by Stinger missile batteries on the way to work. 

Nevertheless, it is Iraq against whom we are going to war, and few in this city think the president – having sent all those troops to the Gulf – can now simply declare victory and get out. No way. Delenda est Iraq. Iraq has to be destroyed. 

Yet, there is a sense here that this invasion of a country that never sought war with us will bring an end to the post-Cold world we knew and vault us into a new era, the outlines of which we cannot see. 

Most of us, however, look to it with greater foreboding than those neoconservatives who now anticipate with wild surmise the war for empire they have finally got. 


2003-02-20 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-


The Pentagon expects a large number of Americans to be killed in the upcoming invasion of Iraq—and what it plans to do with those soldiers who make the ultimate sacrifice for their country will shock everyone.


By Mike Blair

A military expert reports that the Pentagon has a gruesome plan to bury the large numbers of dead GIs expected from the planned invasion ofIraq in mass graves with bulldozers. This would cover up more than “those resting in honored glory.”

In a recent column, military analyst and war hero Col.David H. Hackworth (U.S. Army, ret.) revealed that at the Pentagon there is “already a buzz of putting plans in place for bulldozers to mass-bury our sons and daughters who fall from germs. Not that this scenario would trouble the dedicated folks in Veterans Affairs. You know, no messy claims or protesters to worry about down the track.”

Hackworth was referring to the “army of scarred and ornery warriors” who invaded Washington on Feb. 12 to protest “the raw deal they’ve gotten from dishonest politicians with short and shifty memories.”

The thousands of veterans, most more than 70 years of age, gathered in front of the Supreme Court to protest, as Hackworth put it, “how the capital gang has hung them out to die on promised lifetime health benefits for vets.”

“Bush clearly stated,” Hackworth said, “during his campaign for the presidency and again and again after his boots hit the Oval Office that the nation must keep faith with our vets and that vows made by our government must be honored. But despite all the polished words, the promised medical support is still AWOL.”

When recruited, one of the inducements was lifetime medical care. This was an oral commitment by recruiting officers backed up by government brochures. Now, the government has broken this promise, and courts have sustained this betrayal.

Hackworth quotes America’s first commander in chief, George Washington: The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive the veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by their nation. Hackworth notes how some 10,000 have died and many more have been disabled from engaging the Iraqis in the first President Bush’s Operation Desert Storm from something known as Gulf War Syndrome. This has become a catch phrase for a series of illnesses caused by a mixture of chemical and biological warfare substances, much of which was released on U.S. troops by the military’s own presumed destruction of the deadly materials in Iraqi arsenals.

He again mentioned how the Pentagon is sending soldiers off to war against potential Iraqi chemicals and biological weapons with faulty protective suits, a shocking story broken nationally for the first time by American Free Press, Nov. 11, 2002. Hackworth told of plans to bulldoze dead American patriots into mass graves in the Iraqi desert, but it is even worse than that, as revealed by a recent article in The Los Angeles Times.

The Pentagon is considering cremating the remains of American war dead in the coming gulf war. Plans to cremate American battle casualties are a matter of the Pentagon covering them up. This writer has spent 30 years dealing with the issue of POWs and MIAs—the story of how this nation abandoned tens of thousands of American prisoners of war and missing in action on foreign battlefields.

Successive administrations have gone through a charade of looking for “bone shards” at crash sites of U.S. aircraft during the Vietnam War to identify America’s missing in action—2,300 from Vietnam alone. There were more than 8,000 from the Korean War and untold tens of thousands from World War II who simply disappeared from POW camps into the hands of “liberating” Soviets, never to be seen again.

During World War II, the Japanese cremated the remains of American POWs, including about a dozen killed when the U.S. bombed Hiroshima. There have never been recovered the identifiable ashes of a single one. In most cases, empty boxes were sent home to be buried. This is what will ultimately happen if America cremates its war dead in the Middle East.

A search for “bone shards” to identify the MIAs of the coming war? Hardly. And just how does anyone sort and identify the ashes of those who are mass cremated? It is a problem that the Japanese know only too well after Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The Pentagon is using the excuse for the proposed cremations that it will protect people “back home” from bodies contaminated with chemical and biological weapons. But it will also protect the Pentagon from having to carefully count its dead, or account for soldiers who become missing in action or are captured by the enemy. 
“It seems,” Hackworth 

[CTRL] Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz lobbied Clinton in '98 to start Iraq war...

2003-02-20 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz lobbied Clinton in '98 to start Iraq war and topple Saddam

By Jason Leopold
Online Journal Contributing Writer

February 20, 2003—Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfield and Deputy Secretary Paul Wolfowitz undertook a full-fledged lobbying campaign in 1998 to get former President Bill Clinton to start a war with Iraq and topple Saddam Hussein's regime, claiming that the country posed a threat to the United States, according to documents obtained from a former Clinton aide.

This new information begs the question: what is really driving the Bush administration's desire to start a war with Iraq if two of Bush's future top defense officials were already planting the seeds for an attack five years ago?

In 1998, Rumsfield and Wolfowitz were working in the private sector. Both were involved with the right-wing think tank Project for a New American Century, which was established in 1997 by William Kristol, editor of the Weekly Standard, to promote global leadership and dictate American foreign policy.

While Clinton was dealing with the worldwide threat from al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden, Rumsfield and Wolfowitz wrote to Clinton urging him to use military force against Iraq and remove Hussein from power, because the country posed a threat to the United States due to its alleged ability to develop weapons of mass destruction. The Jan 26, 1998, letter sent to Clinton from the Project for the New American Century said a war with Iraq should be initiated even if the United States could not muster support from its allies in the United Nations. Kristol also signed the letter.

"We are writing you because we are convinced that current American policy toward Iraq is not succeeding, and that we may soon face a threat in the Middle East more serious than any we have known since the end of the Cold War," says the letter. "In your upcoming State of the Union Address, you have an opportunity to chart a clear and determined course for meeting this threat. We urge you to seize that opportunity, and to enunciate a new strategy that would secure the interests of the U.S. and our friends and allies around the world. That strategy should aim, above all, at the removal of Saddam Hussein's regime from power."

"We urge you to turn your Administration's attention to implementing a strategy for removing Saddam's regime from power. This will require a full complement of diplomatic, political and military efforts. Although we are fully aware of the dangers and difficulties in implementing this policy, we believe the dangers of failing to do so are far greater. We believe the U.S. has the authority under existing UN resolutions to take the necessary steps, including military steps, to protect our vital interests in the Gulf. In any case, American policy cannot continue to be crippled by a misguided insistence on unanimity in the UN Security Council," says the letter.

The full contents of the Rumsfield and Wolfowitz letter can be viewed at the Project for the New American Century.

Clinton rebuffed the advice from the future Bush administration officials saying he was focusing his attention on dismantling al Qaeda cells, according to a copy of the response Clinton sent to Rumsfield, Wolfowitz and Kristol.

Unsatisfied with Clinton's response, Rumsfield, Wolfowitz, Kristol and others from the Project for the New American Century wrote another letter on May 29, 1998, to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Senate Republican Majority Leader Trent Lott, saying that the United States should "establish and maintain a strong U.S. military presence in the region and be prepared to use that force to protect our vital interests in the Gulf—and, if necessary, to help remove Saddam from power." 

"We should take whatever steps are necessary to challenge Saddam Hussein's claim to be Iraq's legitimate ruler, including indicting him as a war criminal," says the letter to Gingrich and Lott. "U.S. policy should have as its explicit goal removing Saddam Hussein's regime from power and establishing a peaceful and democratic Iraq in its place. We recognize that this goal will not be achieved easily. But the alternative is to leave the initiative to Saddam, who will continue to strengthen his position at home and in the region. Only the U.S. can lead the way in demonstrating that his rule is not legitimate and that time is not on the side of his regime."

The White House would not comment on the letters or whether Rumsfield and Wolfowitz possessed any intelligence information that suggested Iraq posed an imminent threat to the United States at the time. The letters offered no hard evidence that Iraq was in possession of weapons of mass destruction.

The Clinton aide said the former president believed that the policy of "containing Saddam Hussein in a box" was successful and that the Iraqi regime did not pose any threat to U.S. 

[CTRL] Israel's Proxy War?

2003-02-20 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

February 20, 2003

The Motives for a Flawed War
Israel's Proxy War?

It has been apparent to all but the purblind--a defect in understanding assiduously cultivated by America's mass media--that the war United States is ready to wage against Iraq has almost nothing to do with its security.

In an age when the people believe that their voices must be heard, the United States must sell its wars the way corporations sell their products. In the past, the people were asked to lay down their lives for visions of glory; now, governments appeal to their self-interest. The first Gulf War had to be fought to protect American jobs. If Saddam Hussain stayed in Kuwait, he would raise the price of oil, and Americans would lose their jobs.

The argument this time is different. It had to be weightier than any fear of losing jobs. This new war seeks regime-change; it involves greater risks. American forces must invade Iraq, defeat the Iraqi army, occupy Baghdad, and stay around, even indefinitely. Americans understand that "regime-change" is serious business. They would not back this war unless Iraq threatened American lives. That explains why the war against Iraq had to supersede the war against terrorism, and why Saddam replaced Osama as the new icon of America's loathing.

This substitution was quite easily executed. Most Americans take the President at his word when he talks about foreign enemies; this trust comes more easily when a Republican occupies the White House. George Bush told Americans that Saddam Hussein possesses weapons of mass destruction, and he had to be stopped before he could transfer them to Al-Qaida. (Why hadn't he done this already?) For many Americans, it was an open and shut case. Saddam had to be removed.

The flaws in this argument did not matter. If Saddam hadn't used WMDs during the first Gulf War--when his army was being pummeled--why would he use them now? The CIA warned that a war, or the threat of it, would increase the risk of Iraq using WMDs. Others, like Scott Ritter, a former chief weapons inspector for the UN, pointed out that Iraq did not have any WMDs that mattered. More than 90 percent had been destroyed by inspectors; if any escaped, they would be past their shelf life. At least initially, few Americans gave any credence to these doubts, though that has been slowly changing.

Why then is United States straining to go to war against Iraq?

The most popular theory on the left is that this war is about oil. According to one version of this theory, the White House, a captive of oil interests, wants to corner Iraq's oil for American oil corporations. I do not find this credible. The power brokers in United States would not allow a single industry lobby, even a powerful one, to drag the country into a war which could hurt all of them, and perhaps badly, if the war plans went awry and produced a spike in oil prices. At the least, it is doubtful if oil interests, on their own, can account for the unobstructed rush to a mad war.

There is another oil theory. It argues that the American economy needs cheaper oil; this will save tens of billion dollars. Once Saddam has been removed, and Iraq's oil supply restored to levels that existed before the first Gulf War, the oil prices will come down substantially. It is hard to reconcile this theory with a US-imposed sanctions regime that has drastically curtailed Iraq's oil output for the past twelve years. If there were concerns that Saddam might use the oil revenues for a military build-up, that could be addressed by an inspections regime and selective economic sanctions.

There is also a third oil theory, one offered recently.[1] It maintains that this war preempts the Euro threat to the hegemony of the dollar. By pegging oil to the dollar, OPEC has been a key player in the arrangements that have maintained the dollar as the currency of international reserve. In October 2000, Saddam Hussein offered the first challenge to this system by switching Iraq's dollar reserves to Euro. If OPEC follows Iraq's lead it could spell trouble for the dollar. This can only be stopped by dismantling the OPEC, and this demands war against Iraq.

An OPEC challenge to the dollar sounds naïve at best. This is hardly the kind of revolutionary action we can expect from an OPEC packed with client states like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, and UAE; the oil price hike of 1974 could only occur in the backdrop of the Cold War. A precipitate dethronement of the dollar could produce consequences for United States and the world economy which would make the East Asian financial crisis of 1997 look like a storm in a teacup. Not even the EU would push for such results. On the other hand, there is a small chance that the war itself might validate this theory--if it convinced OPEC that the war aims to dismantle the oil cartel.

If it isn't oil, then, is this civilizational war, a war of the Christian West 

[CTRL] children's homes, air force, Boston clergy motion rejected

2003-02-20 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors

Police cut back on sex abuse inquiry By Mark Hookham Daily Post Staff 2/19/03 "Two of the region's major police investigations into sex abuse in North West children's homes are being phased out. Merseyside Police's Operation Care is coming to a close five months after MPs called for a radical shake up in the way police handle abuse allegations...During the often controversial inquiry detectives investigated complaints against 510 former care workers, 67 people were charged and 36 were convicted." http://icliverpool.icnetwork.co.uk/0100news/0100regionalnews/page.cfm?objectid=12654765method=fullsiteid=50061  

two from L Moss Sharman Pentagon investigates rape reports - Air cadets say complaints not acted on Academy unsympathetic, women allege - Michael Janofsky, New York Times, Colorado Springs, Colo."A team of senior Air Force officers from the Pentagon began an investigation here yesterday after a number of women who had attended the U.S. Air Force Academy said they had been raped or sexually assaulted, only to face indifference, inaction or retaliation by academy officials"I probably knew 100 women when I was at the Air Force Academy," said Ruth, a cadet from Minnesota who said she left early in her sophomore year after she could no longer cope with the trauma of a rape the year before. "I would say 80 experienced a sexual assault, and probably 40 of them were rape.""

Judge Rejects Boston Archdiocese's Motion to Dismiss 500 Suits in Abuse By Pam Belluck Boston, 2/19/03 — "A judge today rejected a motion filed by the Archdiocese of Boston that sought to dismiss nearly 500 civil lawsuits filed in the scandal of sexual abuse by members of the clergy. The judge, Constance M. Sweeney of Superior Court, dismissed the archdiocese's argument that the First Amendment's separation between church and state prevents courts from getting involved in how the church supervises priests." http://www.nytimes.com/2003/02/20/national/20ARCH.html
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[CTRL] Bizarre stuff happening with our Sun and the Comet! MUST READ!

2003-02-20 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

I wonder how much of our suddenly warm weather can be attributed to the
intense solar activity of the past few days, as the comet was passing
by?  After several weeks of below-freezing weather, we suddenly shot up
to 50 today, same being predicted for tomorrow, and then back to the
basement, temperature-wise on Saturday.  Standing outside both yesterday
and today, I could feel a lot of HEAT coming from the sun, unusual at
this time of year for this lattitude.  This is one to keep an eye on,

Go here for the story and the latest news:

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[CTRL] Anthrax victim's widow seeks $50 million

2003-02-20 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


Anthrax victim's widow seeks $50 million

By Kathy Bushouse
Staff Writer
Posted February 15 2003

A lawyer for the widow of the nation's first bioterrorism attack victim
says he has filed a $50 million wrongful-death claim with the federal
government, alleging that lax security at the U.S. Army's Fort Detrick may
have allowed the theft of a deadly strain of anthrax that was used to kill
her husband.

Tabloid photo editor Bob Stevens, who worked for American Media Inc. in
Boca Raton, died of inhalation anthrax on Oct. 5, 2001, after he handled
an anthrax-tainted letter at his desk.

Frustrated by the government's silence on almost every detail surrounding
her husband's death, Maureen Stevens is pursuing a financial settlement,
her lawyer said. In the process, she would like more information about
what led to her husband's death, possibly to reinvigorate the
investigation, said Richard Schuler, a West Palm Beach lawyer.

There have been no arrests. There's been no information given to her, no
indication that the investigation is progressing, Schuler said. Stevens
was particularly upset that she could not get copy of her husband's
autopsy report, he said.

Schuler said he sent the claim to the Defense Department and the Army.

In it, he outlines his theory that the anthrax that killed Stevens came
from a security breech at Fort Detrick in Maryland, home of the Army's
Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases.

Much of the information supporting the widow's claim came from a
whistle-blower's lawsuit filed by two scientists against the government,
Schuler said.

They claim they were fired because they asserted security at Fort Detrick
was just completely non-existent, and they were trying to improve
matters, he said.

The scientists' lawsuit included a1992 internal Army memo with the subject
line, missing anthrax blocks, etc., Schuler said.

A copy of this memo is included in Stevens' claim.

If the government denies the claim, Schuler would have six months to file
a lawsuit.

Chuck Dasey, an Army spokesman at Fort Detrick, had no comment on Stevens'
claim or security problems at Fort Detrick.

Stevens' claim would not be the first against the federal government in
the wake of the anthrax attacks.

In January, a postal worker who survived inhalation anthrax filed a
lawsuit against the U.S. Postal Service, claiming his life was endangered
because the Postal Service did not immediately close the Brentwood postal
facility, where he worked.

The postal center in Washington, D.C., was contaminated with anthrax and
the government has spent up to $100 million to decontaminate it.

The building where Stevens worked remains under quarantine by the Palm
Beach County Health Department.

On Thursday, Congress approved a measure that will allow the federal
government to buy the AMI building for $1, then assume the cleanup cost.

Collecting information about the anthrax attacks from the federal
government or proving government negligence contributed to Stevens' death
could be difficult, said William Banks, a professor at Syracuse
University's College of Law.

A settlement might be the most likely scenario, Banks said.

Schuler did not rule out a settlement, saying Stevens wants information
about her husband's death.

This family and this country deserve some answers, the lawyer said.

Staff researcher Bill Lucey contributed to this report.

Kathy Bushouse can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

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