[CTRL] "Is Iraq the opening salvo in a war to remake the world?"

2003-03-16 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---


The American Prospect,
Volume 14, Issue 4. Â
April 1, 2003.

Just the Beginning
Is Iraq the opening salvo in a war to remake the world?
Robert Dreyfuss

For months Americans have been told that the United States is going to war
against Iraq in order to disarm Saddam Hussein, remove him from power,
eliminate Iraq's alleged stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction, and
prevent Baghdad from blackmailing its neighbors or aiding terrorist groups.
But the Bush administration's hawks, especially the neoconservatives who
provide the driving force for war, see the conflict with Iraq as much more
than that. It is a signal event, designed to create cataclysmic shock waves
throughout the region and around the world, ushering in a new era of American
imperial power. It is also likely to bring the United States into conflict
with several states in the Middle East. Those who think that U.S. armed
forces can complete a tidy war in Iraq, without the battle spreading beyond
Iraq's borders, are likely to be mistaken.

"I think we're going to be obliged to fight a regional war, whether we want
to or not," says Michael Ledeen, a former U.S. national-security official and
a key strategist among the ascendant flock of neoconservative hawks, many of
whom have taken up perches inside the U.S. government. Asserting that the war
against Iraq can't be contained, Ledeen says that the very logic of the
global war on terrorism will drive the United States to confront an expanding
network of enemies in the region. "As soon as we land in Iraq, we're going to
face the whole terrorist network," he says, including the Palestine
Liberation Organization (PLO), Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and a
collection of militant splinter groups backed by nations -- Iran, Syria and
Saudi Arabia -- that he calls "the terror masters."

"It may turn out to be a war to remake the world," says Ledeen.

In the Middle East, impending "regime change" in Iraq is just the first step
in a wholesale reordering of the entire region, according to neoconservatives
-- who've begun almost gleefully referring to themselves as a "cabal." Like
dominoes, the regimes in the region -- first Iran, Syria and Saudi Arabia,
then Lebanon and the PLO, and finally Sudan, Libya, Yemen and Somalia -- are
slated to capitulate, collapse or face U.S. military action. To those states,
says cabal ringleader Richard Perle, a resident fellow at the American
Enterprise Institute (AEI) and chairman of the Defense Policy Board, an
influential Pentagon advisory committee, "We could deliver a short message, a
two-word message: 'You're next.'" In the aftermath, several of those states,
including Iraq, Syria and Saudi Arabia, may end up as dismantled, unstable
shards in the form of mini-states that resemble Yugoslavia's piecemeal
wreckage. And despite the Wilsonian rhetoric from the president and his
advisers about bringing democracy to the Middle East, at bottom it's clear
that their version of democracy might have to be imposed by force of arms.

And not just in the Middle East. Three-thousand U.S. soldiers are slated to
arrive in the Philippines, opening yet another new front in the war on
terrorism, and North Korea is finally in the administration's sights. On the
horizon could be Latin America, where the Bush administration endorsed a
failed regime change in Venezuela last year, and where new left-leaning
challenges are emerging in Brazil, Ecuador and elsewhere. Like the bombing of
Hiroshima, which stunned the Japanese into surrender in 1945 and served
notice to the rest of the world that the United States possessed unparalleled
power it would not hesitate to use, the war against Iraq has a similar
purpose. "It's like the bully in a playground," says Ian Lustick, a
University of Pennsylvania professor of political science and author of
Unsettled States, Disputed Lands. "You beat up somebody, and everybody else

Over and over again, in speeches, articles and white papers, the
neoconservatives have made it plain that the war against Iraq is intended to
demonstrate Washington's resolve to implement President Bush's new
national-security strategy, announced last fall -- even if doing so means
overthrowing the entire post-World War II structure of treaties and
alliances, including NATO and the United Nations. In their book, The War Over
Iraq, William Kristol of The Weekly Standard and Lawrence F. Kaplan of The
New Republic write, "The mission begins in Baghdad, but it does not end
there. … We stand at the cusp of a new historical era. … This is a decisive
moment. … It is so clearly about more than Iraq. It is about more even than
the future of the Middle East and the war on terror. It is about what sort of
role the United States intends to play in the twenty-first century."

Invading Iraq, occupying its capital and its oil fields, and seizing control
of i

[CTRL] an interseting email from another list

2003-03-16 Thread magnetic_field
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2003 4:42 PM
Subject: [CPOP] TURMEL: Piss on Cameroon's Kidney Milk Ban

> JCT: Okay, I've never pointed out in court that I believe
> I'm healthy for two reasons:
> 1) consuming cannabis; 2) drinking my urine.
> Of the two medical marvels, I rate urine therapy superior.
> And just as the slavemasters have banned cannabis so the
> debt slaves don't have any cheap herbal medicine and so
> continue to be beset with their drunken poverty-stricken
> woes, and just as the slavemasters have dissed Vitamin B17
> so the debt slaves don't have any cheap cancer cures, so
> too, you would expect them to ban urine therapy it it's any
> good so the debt slaves don't have any free medicine and
> cancer cure!
> Ottawa Citizen
> March 16 2003
> Cameroon bans urine drinking after best-seller touts
> benefits
> JCT: Ever since Conrad Black took over the Citizen years
> back, they dropped the attribution of the source of the
> article. So in the Citizen, you can rarely know where the
> information is coming from. Reuters? AP? CNN? What? I guess
> they like taking credit for having a Citizen reporter in
> Cameroon. But the story in the Citizen was so short, I did a
> search on the net for it and found the whole thing and found
> it:
> From: Habshi ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Subject: Naturopathy
> Newsgroups: sci.med,soc.culture.indian, soc.culture.pakistan,
> soc.culture.usa,
> Date: 2003-03-16 03:50:12 PST
> The sensible thing to do is to find out the trace elements
> which might be beneficial. Maybe the Prophet was right about
> the camel stuff and Muslims need to change their diet.
> The Telegraph http://www.telegraph.co.uk
> Cameroon threatens to jail urine drinkers
> By Jane Flanagan
> JCT: Nice to know who wrote the article. It wasn't a Citizen
> writer. It was a Telegraph writer. I think lack of such
> attribution is bad journalism. Anyone disagree?
> JF: Johannesburg - A dramatic surge in the popularity of
> "urine therapy" in Cameroon has prompted the government to
> ban its consumption and threaten persistent offenders with
> jail. The health minister acted last week after a book about
> "urinotherapy", published in Switzerland, entered the best-
> seller list in Cameroon, prompting enthusiastic
> experimentation by readers. One newspaper hailed
> urinotherapy as a universal cure-all which could tackle
> scores of afflictions, including cancer, snakebites and
> infertility. Testimonials to the benefits of urine
> consumption dominated radio phone-ins and the letters pages
> of newspapers.
> "I had haemorrhoids for five years and nothing gave me
> relief. But six months ago, I started drinking half a glass
> of my urine every morning and I am practically healed," a
> shopkeeper from the capital Yaounde wrote to Le Messager
> newspaper. A magistrate claimed: "For several years I
> haven't had a hair on my head, but since I started drinking
> my urine it's started growing again - it's extraordinary."
> JCT: I've been drinking my urine for 5 years and it was only
> when I started massaging urine directly into my scalp that I
> started regrowing new hairs from the rejuvenated follicles.
> What's interesting is that all the new hairs are in the
> color of my youth, brown-blond, instead of the completely
> white I've been for the last 10 years.
> JF: Omer Otabela telephoned a radio station with the story
> of his 80-year-old grandmother. "When she was bitten by a
> snake in the fields, she drank her own urine. This slowed
> down the progress of the venom to her heart until she got to
> hospital," he declared.
> JCT: When my best girl-friend Pauline Morrissette got food
> poisoning after dining out with co-workers, she went home,
> drank two glasses of urine and was up and about later that
> evening. When she got to work the next day, the other two
> co-workers were still ailing.
> JF: Urinotherapy is practically as old as man himself. About
> 95 per cent of urine is water, 2.5 per cent is urea and 2.5
> per cent is a mix of minerals, salt, hormones and enzymes.
> Some practitioners believe that when rubbed on the skin or
> drunk, it can purify blood and tissues, and provide
> nutrients.
> JCT: I wish she'd explained where where the mix of minerals,
> salts, hormones, enzymes comes from! People have been
> conditioned to get puked out at the thought of urine but
> just like milk is a mix of minerals, salts, hormones,
> enzymes, taken by the mammaries
> from the blood, so too, urine is a mix of minerals, salts,
> hormones, enzymes, antibiotics, disinfectants, taken by the
> kidneys from the blood. The amneotic fluid we're all created
> in is basically the same wonderful stuff.
> What's incredible and makes one believe in wise God is that
> this is Kidney milk, taken directly from the bloodstream!
> And the kidneys don't grab the shit going by the recycle out
> the front end, they o

[CTRL] JOKE Bush visits a school.

2003-03-16 Thread Mike Smith
-Caveat Lector-

President Bush was visiting an elementary school
one dayand before he left he declared he would have a brief question and
answer period with the children in the classroom.
Billy, a determined looking young boy piped up and
said "Mr President,I have three questions for you: 1. What is the necessity
of going to war with Iraq? 2. Why didn't your dad do it right the first time? 3
What are you going to do with the oil in Iraq?
Just then the recess bell rang and all the children
went out to play.
Twenty minutes later when the children had returned
and the classroom settleddown again Tommy addressed the president and said:
"Mr President,I have five questions for you: 1. What is the necessity of
going to war with Iraq? 2. Why didn't your dad do it right the first time? 3
What are you going to do with the oil in Iraq? 4. Why was the recess bell
fifteen minutes early and 5. Where's Billy?

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] The Rot at the Center of the Empire

2003-03-16 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

>The only thing that does solve the problem is overwhelming and decisive
>military action.

I assume you have your M-16 cleaned and polished and are on
your way to Iraq to finish off Saddam or are you just another
chickenhawk blowhard?

I thought after I survived Viet Nam the back row warriors were
finally shamed into their ratholes but apparently I am wrong.

Unfortunately we probably won't rid ourselves of these parasites
until we take "overwhelming and decisive military action" and
march on Washington to clean out that nest of blood sucking
parasites once and for all.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2003-03-16 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

X DRUDGE REPORT X SUN MARCH 16, 2003 20:12:37 ET X 



American marines camped in Kuwait are furious they have been put under British command, the DRUDGE REPORT can reveal.

"I want to serve under my own country!," one angry marine communicated to the DRUDGE REPORT this weekend. 


In several desert camps, American troops have been placed under the command of British officers, it has been revealed.

With brutal weather conditions and the lack of familiar modern conveniences taking a toll, the issue has become a hot flash point -- even before the first bombs are dropped!

"This is bogus, if I die, it's for the United States... not the freakin' world," said the marine, whose identity, location and mode of communication was assured anonymity. "I did not come here to take orders from the British. [We] already feel a big let down by this."

A top Pentagon source would neither confirm nor deny that some American troops have been placed under British command.

One well-placed White House source said late Sunday, "Rest assured, when it comes time for battle, every American man and woman in uniform will be under the direction of U.S. Central Command and General Franks." 


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] {attack} The U.N. is a bad idea (fwd)

2003-03-16 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

"I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all."

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2003 18:15:22 EST
To: undisclosed-recipients:  ;
Subject: {attack} The U.N. is a bad idea



This message and all others, just in case your get too happy with your delete key, are 
archived at http://www.topica.com/lists/USAttacked/read

Rich Martin

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The Bald Eagle, The Bird of Freedom
Glides , gazing, calm and sure!

George Will
March 13, 2003

The U.N. is a bad idea

WASHINGTON--War precipitates clarity as well as confusion, and the war
against Iraq already has clarified this: The United Nations is not a good
idea badly implemented, it is a bad idea.For France, and for the U.N. through
which France magnifies its own significance, the objective of disarming Iraq,
if ever seriously held, has been superseded by the objective of frustrating
America. And for America, the imperative of disarming Iraq will soon be
supplanted by the imperative of insulating U.S. sovereignty from U.N.
hubris.Certain political phrases become, through mindless repetition, cant
that bewitches the intelligence. One such phrase is ``the international
community,'' which is oxymoronic because ``community'' denotes unity based on
shared political interests and cultural values. And beware of political
entities absurdly named. Just as the Holy Roman Empire was neither holy nor
Roman nor an empire, the U.N. is a disunited collection of regimes, many of
which do not represent the nations they govern.The U.N. is premodern because
it is unaccountable and irresponsible: It claims power not legitimized by the
recurring consent of periodically consulted constituencies of the governed.
Inebriated by self-approval, the U.N. is grounded in neither democratic
consent nor territorial responsibilities, nor independent fiscal means, nor
the material means of enforcing its judgments.The U.N. should contemplate the
prudence required of the U.S. Supreme Court. The court's power flows from the
public's deference, which depends on the court accepting a limited role amid
powerful political forces. The court has occasionally imperiled its authority
by overreaching, as when it tried to settle the slavery controversy with the
Dred Scott decision, and when it tried to stem powerful political tides by
finding constitutional infirmities in major New Deal measures. France, by
attempting to lasso the American locomotive with the cobwebs of U.N.
procedures, has emboldened Iraq and made war inevitable, much as the Dred
Scott decision lit the fuse of war.France wants to use the U.N. to acquire
derivative dignity in a ``multipolar'' world with blocs of nations comparable
to America in economic vigor, military power and political will. France
evidently believes such blocs can be summoned into existence because their
existence would be convenient. Remember the joke about the economist trapped
at the bottom of a well. ``No problem,'' he thinks. ``I'll assume a
ladder.''France would be well-advised to avoid the subject of other potential
powers. With India already the most populous democracy and soon to be the
most populous nation, with its population growing more in a week than the
entire European Union's grows in a year, why exactly is France (population 60
million) a permanent member of the Security Council? What of the largest
Latin American nation (Brazil, 176 million), or the largest East Asian
democracy (Japan, 127 million), or the largest Islamic nation (Indonesia, 231
million)?Reverence for the U.N. translates into resistance to change.
Liberals eager to be the definers of true conservatism say that once liberal
institutions have been put in place it is unconservative not to conserve the
institutions.But it is reactionary, not conservative, to preserve the status
quo of NATO 15 years after the end of the Cold War. Or of the U.N. Security
Council, which is a snapshot of 1945 delusions and compromises. Both,
liberals seem to believe, are of undiminished utility and authority.
Actually, both call to mind Churchill's story of the man who received a
telegram saying his mother-in-law had died and asking for instructions. The
man wired back: ``Embalm, cremate, bury at sea. Take no chances.''Liberals,
who call conservative hostility to the U.N. ``radical,'' disregard the
recklessness, and the incoherence, of the U.N.'s new presumption. T

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] GET SMART: Decoding the Abduction of Elizabeth Smart and of America

2003-03-16 Thread danny murphy
-Caveat Lector-
This article has been posted before. I can't see anything 'smart' in it. It rambles on and on without giving any real information at all. It’s all sheer fantasy. The language is so garbled like the kind you'd find in crazed religious groups. I went to this guy’s web site. I see he is an extremist and racist. He hates Jews. I don't see anything 'smart' in posting stuff written by racist neurotics. Hate is dumb. It only breeds more hate. The mind of these haters becomes totally warped. Critical thought is destroyed.  
This Hoffman guy looks like a hick who shovels pig manure all day. At night he retires to the typewriter and shovels the same in print. Don’t mean to sound negative. But everything this neurotic Hoffman guy writes centres around his racist hate for Jews. Promotion of racists in my view harms the cause of real conspiracy investigation.
DannyDo you Yahoo!?
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Lyndon's FDR vs. Joe's Hitler

2003-03-16 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Lyndon's FDR vs. Joe's Hitler
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
March 14, 2003

The decisive issue of U.S. policy in the Democratic Party today, is the fight between those who back the strategic posture recently stated by Senator McCain's warmongering crony, Senator Joseph Lieberman, and those who are committed, as I am, to applying the lessons  of President Franklin Roosevelt's successful leadership over the 1933-1945 interval, to the present global depression.  I point to the ugly fact of Lieberman's recent policy declaration, in which he demanded that discussion of the U.S. economic crisis be banned, in favor of focussing popular  attention totally on rallying support for the war-policy of Dick Cheney's Chickenhawks. Lieberman also demanded, explicitly, that the legacy of President Franklin Roosevelt be rejected.There are two leading points to be emphasized in this, the third of my series of short AM Briefing reports on the nature and origins of the present imperial war-drive by Cheney's and Rumsfeld's Chickenhawks (see "How Liberalism Created Fascism" and "The Truth About US Imperialism").  First: consider those fundamental differences on economic policy between FDR and Hitler, which are now, once again, the crucial issues inside U.S. domestic and foreign policy.  Second, focus upon the significance of the backing of the  2004 "Bull Moose" candidacies of "Tweedledum" McCain and "Tweedledee" Lieberman by press-imperialist Conrad Black's nuclear Chickenhawks' roost, the Hudson Institute.

As documented in the complementary studies by Michael Liebig and Helga Zepp-LaRouche, and others, the 1931-33 alternative to bringing Hitler to power in Germany, was posed by Dr. Wilhelm Lautenbach's presentation to a 1931, secret, high-level Berlin meeting of the Friedrich List Society.  Had Lautenbach's proposal been implemented, rather than the fiscal austerity follies of ministerial Chancellor Bruening, Hitler could never have come to power in 1933. Through the implementation of policies akin to those of Lautenbach, President Franklin Roosevelt averted an intended fascist takeover of the U.S.A.  Had a coup orchestrated by New York-financed London banker Montagu Norman not pushed President Paul von Hindenburg into dumping Chancellor von Schleicher, on January 28th, to install the choice of Germany's liberal party leader Hjalmar Schacht, Adolf Hitler, on January 30th, it would have been Kurt von Schleicher, not Hitler, heading the government of Germany at the time Franklin Roosevelt was inaugurated as the new U.S. President. Germany's and U.S.A. policies would have been complementary.

The imposition of  spiraling fiscal-austerity programs, such as those being accelerated within the U.S.A. today, creates the condition under which a monster like Hitler, or an ugly McCain-Lieberman "Bull Moose" third-party combination, may become able to grab power. The Lautenbach proposal of 1931 typifies the alternative to such ugly scenarios, still today.  That policy, when studied in the light of the successes of FDR's recovery programs, would have worked to prevent that  economic-cultural breakdown then;  the same principle could work in the U.S.A. and elsewhere today.

Against that ominous historical background, contrast President George W. Bush's pathetic version of "a fiscal stimulus package" to the genuine alternative posed by the Lautenbach and FDR precedents.  The President's - - and present Democratic Party leadership's refusal to launch, or even tolerate discussion of an FDR-style, infrastructure-based type of stimulus program, is already tending to create the preconditions for the kind of U.S. fascist dictatorship which the Hudson Institute's McCain- Lieberman "Bull Moose" project threatens to bring into being by January 2005, or even earlier.

President Bush is right in thinking that the collapsing U.S. economy desperately needs a Federal stimulus package.  His mistake is attempting to breed by stimulating the sexual passions of the wrong choice of species.

The President had the misfortune to enter adulthood at a time that the official Indo-China war was already under way, and the perversion of the "rock-drug-sex youth-counterculture" was rampant on the university campuses. including his own.  Then, or in his business experience, or experience in government, later, he never had adult experience of the way a real economy works; he belongs, in fact, to a generation of university-trained strata which is predominantly ignorant of the way in which real wealth is reproduced.

He belongs to a generation which, in large, has become obsessed with immediate pleasure-seeking, and with the usurer's delusion, that it is money breeding money, which is the principle of wealth.  So, we should not be surprised to see, that neither he, nor any visible figure of his government, appears to know what a healthy economy is. Therefore, his financial schemes

Re: [CTRL] Hawks circling for new targets

2003-03-16 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 3/16/2003 3:54:28 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Some hawks outside the government are beginning to turn up the rhetorical heat against Iran and Syria, 

Just like Mr. Sharon wants.  Prudy
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Fw: URGENT UPDATE - Israeli soldiers kill American peace activist ...

2003-03-16 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 3/16/2003 4:37:30 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>The girl, Rachel Corey, 23 years old from the state of Washington, was
>killed while she was trying to prevent Israeli army bulldozers from
>destroying a Palestinian home. Other foreigners who were with her said the
>driver of the bulldozer was aware that Rachel was there, and continued to
>destroy the house. Initially he dropped sand and other heavy debris on
>then the bulldozer pushed her to the ground where it proceeded to drive
>her, fracturing both of her arms, legs and skull. She was transferred to
>hospital, where she later died. Another foreigner was also injured in the
>attack and has been hospitalized - at this stage his nationality is

Anyone thinking that Israeli bulldozer operators care who they shove hasn't been paying attention.  Israeli soldiers would rather see a dead peace activist than anything else they can imagine.  Prudy
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Rot at the Center of the Empire

2003-03-16 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 3/16/2003 5:36:48 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

It's too bad we had to wade through eight politically-correct oral-sex
in the Oval Office, rape-a
-couple-of-women-for-good-measure-while-I'm-at-it years of the Clinton
administration before someone understood the only effective remedy.


You're absolutely right.   No sense wasting time on sex when you can see to it that countless numbers of children are wiped out in shock and awe.  I used to wonder what Georgie Boy meant by "no child left behind."  I guess we know now, don't we?  Prudy
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Why we're going to liberate Iraq

2003-03-16 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 3/16/2003 5:28:01 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Yes, but it will make Israel safer and what could be better for America than that?  Prudy 

Silly me Prudy!
I KEEP FORGETTING that Israel is our 51st state!
What would I do without you to remind me of this when I go astray???


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Why we're going to liberate Iraq

2003-03-16 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 3/16/2003 5:51:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Attacking Iraq and then Iran, Syria, Lebanon and god knows who else is NOT in any way, shape or form going to "protect us" and will in fact put us all at greater risk then ever. Any 3rd-grader can see that.

Yes, but it will make Israel safer and what could be better for America than that?  Prudy
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[CTRL] Shock and Awe (Chapter 2)

2003-03-16 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Shock and Awe 

The basis for Rapid Dominance rests in the ability to affect the will, perception, and understanding of the adversary through imposing sufficient Shock and Awe to achieve the necessary political, strategic, and operational goals of the conflict or crisis that led to the use of force. War, of course, in the broadest sense has been characterized by Clausewitz to include substantial elements of "fog, friction, and fear." In the Clausewitzian view, "shock and awe" were necessary effects arising from application of military power and were aimed at destroying the will of an adversary to resist. Earlier and similar observations had been made by the great Chinese military writer Sun Tzu around 500 B.C. Sun Tzu observed that disarming an adversary before battle was joined was the most effective outcome a commander could achieve. Sun Tzu was well aware of the crucial importance of achieving Shock and Awe prior to, during, and in ending battle. He also observed that "war is deception," implying that Shock and Awe were greatly leveraged through clever, if not brilliant, employment of force. 

In Rapid Dominance, the aim of affecting the adversary's will, understanding, and perception through achieving Shock and Awe is multifaceted. To identify and present these facets, we need first to examine the different aspects of and mechanisms by which Shock and Awe affect an adversary. One recalls from old photographs and movie or television screens, the comatose and glazed expressions of survivors of the great bombardments of World War I and the attendant horrors and death of trench warfare. These images and expressions of shock transcend race, culture, and history. Indeed, TV coverage of Desert Storm vividly portrayed Iraqi soldiers registering these effects of battlefield Shock and Awe. 

In our excursion, we seek to determine whether and how Shock and Awe can become sufficiently intimidating and compelling factors to force or otherwise convince an adversary to accept our will in the Clausewitzian sense, such that the strategic aims and military objectives of the campaign will achieve a political end. Then, Shock and Awe are linked to the four core characteristics that define Rapid Dominance: knowledge, rapidity, brilliance, and control. 

The first step in this process is to establish a hierarchy of different types, models, and examples of Shock and Awe in order to identify the principal mechanisms, aims, and aspects that differentiate each model as unique or important. At this stage, historical examples are offered. However, in subsequent stages, a task will be to identify current and future examples to show the effects of Shock and Awe. From this identification, the next step in this methodology is to develop alternative mission capability packages consisting of a concept of operations doctrine, tactics, force structure, organizations, and systems to analyze and determine how best each form or variant of Shock and Awe might be achieved. To repeat, intimidation and compliance are the outputs we seek to obtain by the threat of use or by the actual application of our alternative force package. Then the mission capability package is examined in conditions of both MRCs and OOTW. 

For discussion purposes, nine examples representing differing historical types, variants, and characteristics of Shock and Awe have been derived. These examples are not exclusive categories and overlap exists between and among them. The first example is "Overwhelming Force," the doctrine and concept shaping today's American force structure. The aims of this doctrine are to apply massive or overwhelming force as quickly as possible on an adversary in order to disarm, incapacitate, or render the enemy militarily impotent with as few casualties and losses to ourselves and to non-combatants as possible. The superiority of American forces, technically and operationally, is crucial to successful application. 

There are several major criticisms and potential weaknesses of this approach. The first is its obvious reliance on large numbers of highly capable (and expensive) platforms such as the M-1 tank, F-14,15, and 18 aircraft and CVN/DDG-51/SSN-688 ships designed principally to be used jointly or individually to destroy and attrite other forces and supporting capability. In other words, this example has principally been derived from force-on-forces attrition relationships even though command and control, logistical, and supporting forces cannot be disaggregated from this doctrine. 

The other major shortcoming of a force-on-force or a platform-on-platform attrition basis is that with declining numbers of worthy and well enough equipped adversaries against whom to apply this doctrine, justifying it to a questioning Congress and public will prove more difficult. While it is clear that "system of systems" and other alternative military concepts are under consideration, for the time being,

Re: [CTRL] The Rot at the Center of the Empire

2003-03-16 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 3/16/2003 4:51:18 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

As Robert Heinlein said, "An armed society is a polite society. Manners
are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life."

Iraq is an armed society you know.
Quite the oddity for a dictatorship...

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Re: [CTRL] Why we're going to liberate Iraq

2003-03-16 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 3/16/2003 4:44:32 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

My concern is that we protect ourselves, and our way of life from the
radical Islamists and the gutless pacifistic socialists who want to
destroy us because we've actually established a prosperous society
through hard work, and those who work harder can get more.

Attacking Iraq and then Iran, Syria, Lebanon and god knows who else is NOT in any way, shape or form going to "protect us" and will in fact put us all at greater risk then ever. Any 3rd-grader can see that.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] The Rot at the Center of the Empire

2003-03-16 Thread Ray Boeche
-Caveat Lector-

On Sunday, March 16, 2003, at 09:02  AM, Jei wrote:

Are you a total dork? Disarm yourself to be free!?
I said Saddam Hussein had the opportunity to disarm himself of weapons
of mass destruction in order for his people to be free of sanctions.
In my opinion, every law-abiding citizen in the United States should be
required to own a gun and receive firearms training.
As Robert Heinlein said, "An armed society is a polite society. Manners
are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life."

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Why we're going to liberate Iraq

2003-03-16 Thread Ray Boeche
-Caveat Lector-

On Sunday, March 16, 2003, at 07:22  AM, flw wrote:

AND in the process we will make the US even MORE HATED
in the Arab world thereby making Bin Laden even more popular
throughout the world and encouraging more volunteer terrorists
and money men to flock to Bin Laden's cause.
I'm not particularly concerned what the Arab world, or the French or
the Germans, or any of the other socialist quagmires which now
constitute Europe think about the United States.
My concern is that we protect ourselves, and our way of life from the
radical Islamists and the gutless pacifistic socialists who want to
destroy us because we've actually established a prosperous society
through hard work, and those who work harder can get more.
You realize, don't you, that the average middle class family in Sweden
has a lower standard of living than a similarly sized welfare family in
America? And they're such a socialist Utopia.
And I can think of a pretty good 50¢ solution for any terrorist.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
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Re: [CTRL] The Rot at the Center of the Empire

2003-03-16 Thread Ray Boeche
-Caveat Lector-

On Sunday, March 16, 2003, at 07:17  AM, flw wrote:

Not only do sanctions not work - they cause the dictator to blame
all problems on the sanctions. Dictators like Saddam and Castro
love sanctions because it makes the US the enemy and the cause
of all domestic problems.
Agreed. Sanctions don't work.

The only thing that does solve the problem is overwhelming and decisive
military action.
It's too bad we had to wade through eight politically-correct oral-sex
in the Oval Office, rape-a
-couple-of-women-for-good-measure-while-I'm-at-it years of the Clinton
administration before someone understood the only effective remedy.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
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[CTRL] ((by Wednesday))

2003-03-16 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

>>>There comes a time when things start to go wrong and there's nothing
a person can do about them.  One of these is the weather.  Dust, heat,
and more dust make for very uncomforatable if not unsuitable conditions
for fighting wars.  I am reminded of a scene in "Cannonball Run" in which a
fellow who's agreed to drive a Rolls to CA from NY (or somewhere on the
East Coast) drives through a sand storm in the Mojave Desert and the storm
blasts all the paint off of the car.  One thing that can be managed is the
boredom and sense of purposelessness.  Three hundred thousand military
members sitting around becoming bored and beginning to ask questions
(like, "Who am I gonna vote for in 2004?") is not a thing to leave alone.

Monday's Child is fair of face
Tuesday Child is full of grace
Wednesday's Child is full of woe
Thursday's Child has far to go
Friday's Child is loving and giving
Saturday's Child works hard for a living
But Sunday's Child is fair and wise
and good and gay
(author unknown)

A<:>E<:>R <<<

Sun 16 Mar 2003

Mobile support group of the First Batallion. The Parachute Regiment on
weapons drill exercises in Kuwaiti desert with 50 calibre machine gun.
Blair: War by Wednesday


TONY Blair has told his Cabinet to brace itself for war on Iraq as early as

Wednesday, in the clearest signal yet that hopes of a diplomatic solution
have disappeared.

Speaking just hours before setting off for today’s ‘war summit’ with the
American President George Bush, a grim-faced Prime Minister warned
military action without the backing of United Nations was only days away.

Downing Street last night admitted that the prospects of a diplomatic end
to the stand-off with Saddam Hussein were receding rapidly in the face of
continuing French opposition to any compromise resolution that could
trigger military action.

Yesterday the Prime Minister embarked on a last-minute round of
telephone diplomacy in a desperate bid to rescue the proposed second
resolution which, if passed, could legitimise a military campaign to remove
Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction.

But he will today join Bush and Spanish prime minister Jose-Maria Aznar in
the Azores for a meeting in which they are expected to abandon attempts
to win UN approval and thrash out final plans for an invasion of Iraq next

While Blair met with his Cabinet, the armed forces minister Adam Ingram,
meeting with European defence ministers in Greece, agreed that war was
now only "a matter of days" away.

The East Kilbride MP said: "I think the language which has been used over
recent days in London would lead us to that conclusion."

Last night senior Ministry of Defence sources confirmed they were ready
for the order to send the 30,000-plus British force massed on Iraq’s
borders into action as early as Wednesday.

The expectation of an imminent attack was heightened by yesterday’s
arrival of hundreds of tonnes of heavy munitions at the front in northern

British soldiers readying themselves for war in the Gulf were advised "now
might be a good time" to make compassionate telephone calls home. They
were also told to prepare to destroy documents, photographs and other
items that might link them to family and friends in the event of capture.

Yesterday, Iraq submitted new documentation to the chief weapons
inspector Hans Blix which it claims proves that its VX chemical agents were
destroyed 12 years ago. The move was dismissed as "more game playing" by
the British government.

Blair’s decision to go to war even if he fails to secure UN backing is
expected to lead to the loss of two Cabinet ministers: Clare Short and
Robin Cook. He will also have to face a growing rebellion among Labour

Rebels within his own party are planning to force a House of Commons
debate on the crisis on Tuesday, and predict the vote against the
government’s policy will dwarf the 121 recorded in a similar motion last

Yesterday, in Scotland, the health minister Malcolm Chisholm also broke
ranks and voiced his opposition to the war.

Foreign secretary Jack Straw also admitted that the impasse in the UN now
made war "more probable".

Privately he conceded that British efforts at the UN to agree a resolution
setting disarmament benchmarks for Saddam, with which he would quickly
have to comply or face an invasion, have effectively failed. Britain has so
far failed to secure the support of the six wavering members of the
security council need for a majority.

The pessimistic prediction of imminent war came hours after Bush made a
landmark announcement committing his government to kick-start the
Middle East peace process by rushing forward a ‘route map’ laying down
proposals to create a Palestinian state within two years. The initiative was
partly intended to win over support from the undecided nations that
could provide the US and UK

Re: [CTRL] New evidence links Saddam, bin Laden

2003-03-16 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

3/16/2003 3:19:13 PM, William Shannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Still trying to connect the two huh?
>  It's not working. In fact, these attempts are laughable.

This has little or nothing to do with the original article but it was
interesting to see the "Agency" docudrama episode last night on CBS.

The terrorists were going after the wives of soldiers at Ft Campbell, KY,
who were to be on a special task force based in and commanded by Spain.
The "Agency" had to find out who was informing the terrorists of the
whereabouts and specific identities of the task force residences.  One of
the terrorists gets caught when he stabs one of the wives in a hit-and-run
action and she, in her writhing pain, gets her shootin' iron out of her
handbag and pumps a few rounds into him.  This may seem like a pro-gun
action but if on the military reservation, she might have been unauthorised
to carry a weapon.

Turns out the wife of the Spanish Min of Defense was involved.

So now we really have Spain as one of the Imperial Triumvirate coming out
with information linking their country to the terrorists and to the United

Interesting coincidence.


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[CTRL] Fw: URGENT UPDATE - Israeli soldiers kill American peace activist in Rafah

2003-03-16 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Palestine Monitor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2003 6:46 PM
Subject: URGENT UPDATE - Israeli soldiers kill American peace activist in

> The Palestine Monitor,
> A PNGO Information Clearinghouse
> Israeli soldiers kill American peace activist in Rafah
> 16 March 2003
> Israeli soldiers this evening killed an American peace activist from the
> Grassroots International Protection for Palestinians (GIPP)/ISM in the
> Al-Salam neighbourhood of Rafah city, in the south of the Gaza Strip.
> The girl, Rachel Corey, 23 years old from the state of Washington, was
> killed while she was trying to prevent Israeli army bulldozers from
> destroying a Palestinian home. Other foreigners who were with her said the
> driver of the bulldozer was aware that Rachel was there, and continued to
> destroy the house. Initially he dropped sand and other heavy debris on
> then the bulldozer pushed her to the ground where it proceeded to drive
> her, fracturing both of her arms, legs and skull. She was transferred to
> hospital, where she later died. Another foreigner was also injured in the
> attack and has been hospitalized - at this stage his nationality is
> Dr. Mustafa Barghouthi, from the Palestinian non-governmental network
> which spearheaded the GIPP campaign said, "The killing of Rachel is a
> tragedy. We express our sorrow, anger and disgust at this cold blooded
> murder and we call for international condemnation of this event, and the
> ongoing Israeli policy of indiscriminate killings of Palestinians and
> internationals.
> Furthermore it is an extremely dangerous precedent as it means the Israeli
> army is ready to kill international peace activists in order to frighten
> them away, so that the army can carry out its crimes against Palestinians
> without witnesses and with impunity. This is especially dangerous with the
> impending gulf war. We call for more internationals to come at this
> time, and not let the Isralei military isolate Palestinians."
> For more information contact: Dr. Mustafa Barghouthi
> +972 (0)2 298 5372 or +972 (0)59 254218
> or in Rafah, Christina 059 357526 or 067 341268
> http://www.palestinemonitor.org

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Re: [CTRL] New evidence links Saddam, bin Laden

2003-03-16 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 3/16/2003 3:14:31 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

According to Israeli sources, the Iraqis permitted the terrorist
trainees to test chemical weapons in southern Kurdistan.
Purchase Yossef Bodansky's "The High Cost of Peace."

Still trying to connect the two huh? 
It's not working. In fact, these attempts are laughable. 


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] New evidence links Saddam, bin Laden

2003-03-16 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

Monday, December 9, 2002

New evidence links
Saddam, bin Laden
Iraqi intelligence agent liaison between Baghdad, al-Qaida?

Posted: December 9, 2002
12:54 p.m. Eastern

© 2002 WorldNetDaily.com
Shortly before the Sept. 11 attacks, a group of al-Qaida fighters left
Afghanistan and set up shop in Iraq as a backup base, according to
a report in today's Los Angeles Times.
Osama bin Laden's jihadists established such a base in town of Al
Biyara and nearby mountain villages where Kurdish militants had
begun imposing the strict Islamic rule much like Afghanistan's
ousted Taliban regime, according to the Times report.
While this base is further evidence of Saddam Hussein's recent
support of al-Qaida, documented by many intelligence sources over
the last 10 years, Iraq is attempting to maintain plausible deniability
with regard to the bases – suggesting they are outside the control of
the government in Baghdad.
While some intelligence sources believe Baghdad maintains liaison
with al-Qaida through a senior intelligence officer by the name of
Abu Wael, others insist Wael heads Ansar, an al-Qaida affiliate, and
actually opposes Hussein.
Within two weeks of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in the United
States, Ansar terrorists attacked security forces of the pro-U.S.
Kurdish government. More than 20 Kurds were killed, their throats
slit and bodies mutilated, according to the Times report. Sporadic
and deadly clashes have ensued.
In April, Ansar tried to assassinate Barham Salih, the prime minister
of the eastern sector of Iraqi Kurdistan, reports the Times. Five
bodyguards were slain. Ansar, the report says, also tested primitive
chemical weapons, including a cyanide gas, on farm animals this
"For the Kurds, the 600 to 700 Ansar fighters and the 35 to 100 al-
Qaida members are now the most serious threat in Kurdistan, the
only Iraqi region not under Hussein's control – and the only region
that would welcome U.S. troops to oust him," reported the Times.
"Fighting broke out again Wednesday when Ansar guerrillas
launched a surprise attack on Kurdish security forces, reportedly
killing dozens."
According to Qassem Hussein Mohammed, 36, an Iraqi intelligence
agent captured by the Kurds in January, Wael was a major in the
Iraqi army who joined Hussein's top intelligence unit after finishing
law school. He eventually became the clandestine link between
Hussein's regime and al-Qaida, he said.
"In 1995, Abu Wael was instructed by Baghdad to go to Afghanistan
to be the connection between al-Qaida and Baghdad," Mohammed
told the Times. "He did this five years, until he came back to
Kurdistan in 2000."
Mohammed says he knows the details because he was the courier
between Abu Wael and Baghdad – traveling to both Afghanistan
and Kurdistan.
Assertions that Iraq is cooperating and supporting al-Qaida are
supported by the findings of a new book by a top terrorism expert.
Yossef Bodansky, author of "The High Cost of Peace," says joint
preparations by Hussein, Yasser Arafat and al-Qaida for a new
wave of anti-U.S. terror began last spring. The model for the
terrorism campaign is Arafat's Black September Organization of the
The initiative for the alliance came from Palestinian Islamists based
in Lebanon and Syria, according to Bodansky, the U.S. Congress'
top terrorism adviser. The response from al-Qaida came April 2,
says Bodansky.
"A group calling itself the bin Laden Brigades-Palestine issued a
statement formally integrating the Islamist and Fatah wave of anti-
Israel terrorism into bin Laden's global jihad," he writes in his new
book. "The bin Laden Brigades announced that their forces were
now at the disposal of 'Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades and fighter
commander Marwan al-Barghouti' to fight 'alongside the Brigades'
fighters and the Islamic factions.' The statement emphasized that
numerous Palestinian factions, specifically including al-Aqsa Martyrs
Brigades, '[had] become part of the International Front for Fighting
Jews and Christians, led by Osama bin Laden.' They now '[had]
found the path of Islam and adopted the line of genuine resistance
of the jihad movement and Islamic resistance, that is the path of
jihad and martyrdom for the sake of God, and discarded forever the
lies of the alleged peace and the myths of negotiations.'"
The anti-U.S. coalition also includes Hamas and Islamic Jihad.
A communique issued on April 2 from the Unified Leadership of the
Intifadah – an umbrella organization representing Arafat's Fatah
groups, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other members of the Palestine
Liberation Organization – called for attacks on U.S. interests.
"The United States is backing the Israeli assault on the
Palestinians," it said. "Therefore, U.S. facilities, targets and interests
throughout the world should be harmed."
Unit 999 of Iraqi intelligence has helped train both Arafat's shock
troops and bin Laden's Islamists for suicide o

[CTRL] Spain links Iraq to 9-11 attacks

2003-03-16 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

Sunday, March 16, 2003

Spain links Iraq
to 9-11 attacks
Madrid turns over documents
to U.S., holds terrorist for trial

Posted: March 16, 2003
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2003 WorldNetDaily.com
An alleged terrorist accused of helping the Sept. 11 conspirators
was invited to a party by the Iraqi ambassador to Spain under his al-
Qaida pseudonym, according to documents seized by Spanish
investigators and turned over to U.S. authorities, the London
Observer reports.

Yusuf Galan, who was photographed being trained at a camp run by
Osama bin Laden, is now in jail, awaiting trial in Madrid. The
indictment against him, drawn up by investigating judge Baltasar
Garzon, claims he was "directly involved with the preparation and
carrying out of the attacks ... by the suicide pilots on 11 September."

Evidence of Galan's links with Iraqi government officials came to
light only recently, as investigators pored through more than 40,000
pages of documents seized in raids at the homes of Galan and
seven alleged co-conspirators. The Spanish authorities have
supplied copies to lawyers in America, and this week the documents
will form part of a dossier to be filed in a federal court in
Washington, claiming damages of approximately $100 billion on
behalf of more than 2,500 Sept. 11 victims, according to the
Observer report.

The lawsuit lists Saddam's government in Iraq as one of its principal
defendants, claiming it provided 'material support' to the al-Qaida

While many opposing the invasion of Iraq have been skeptical of the
al-Qaida-Iraq link, in recent months George Tenet, director of the
CIA, has made increasingly strong statements alleging such a
connection. In congressional testimony, he said that Iraq had co-
operated with al-Qaida for 10 years, and that it had trained al-Qaida
members in bomb-making and the use of chemical and biological

WorldNetDaily has reported Iraq's sponsorship of al-Qaida dating
back more than a decade since Dec. 2002.

The evidence in support of the Sept. 11 damages claim cites
several examples of this alleged co-operation. They include the
terrorist training camp at Salman Pak near Baghdad, where former
Iraqi intelligence brigadier Jamal al-Qurairy has said that non-Iraqi
Islamic radicals were trained to hijack aircraft using knives.

It also includes a new affirmation by the Czech government that
Mohamed Atta, the leader of the Sept. 11 plotters, met an Iraqi
intelligence officer, Ibrahim al-Ani, in Prague in April 2001. Some US
officials have suggested this meeting did not happen. But in a
signed statement dated 24 February, 2003, Hynek Kmonicek, the
Czech ambassador to the UN, says his government 'can confirm
that during the stay of Mohamed Atta ... there was contact with Mr
al-Ani, who was on 22 April, 2001 expelled from the Czech Republic
on the basis of activities not compatible with his diplomatic status
[the usual euphemism for spying]'. Garzon's indictment says Galan
was part of a cell which organized bank robberies on behalf of al-
Qaida, and which had supported the group around Atta financially
and logistically.

Outgoing mail is certified virus free
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Grand Deception: The Theft of America and the World, Part III

2003-03-16 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The Grand Deception: The Theft of America and the World, Part III

By Christopher Mark

In Parts I and II of this series, the background of the money changers who have sought to control America from the very beginning of our Republic to the beginning of the 20th Century was summarized. We learned of the first two efforts to create private, central banks in America and a little of the key players involved.   

Now that we have established the historical facts concerning the importance of controlling the money of a nation, in this case, America, the purpose of this week’s column is to briefly highlight the establishment of the Federal Reserve System and to tie in the “Fed” (no more federal than Federal Express) with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, Bank of International Settlements, and the relationship of these organizations to the plan for the future of the world. 

Said Senator Charles Lindberg Sr. just before passage of the Federal Reserve Act “The money trust deliberately caused the 1907 money panic and thereby forced Congress to create a National Monetary Commission which led to the ultimate creation of the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank. The Federal Reserve Act establishes the most gigantic monetary trust on earth. When the President signs the bill, the invisible government of the Monetary Powers will be legalized. The people must make a declaration of independence to relieve themselves from the Monetary Powers, by taking control of Congress!...The worst legislative crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking bill. The caucus and the party bosses have again operated and prevented the people from getting the benefit of their own government!”

Is it not nice to know that your future and that of your children has already been planned? The future of America has long been planned. The future of the entire world has long been planned. Once again, welcome to the world of the International Banker, who like the famous film, The Wizard of Oz, stands behind the curtain of orchestrated national and international policymakers and so-called elected leaders. Through the powerful organizations these megalomaniacs have conceived and birthed into reality, organizations designed to accomplish their ends, namely the Federal Reserve System (and a system of privately owned national banks throughout the world), the IMF, World Bank, and Bank of International Settlements, there is no doubt as to what the future holds. Profit for the Rich Men of the Earth. Comfort and protection for their minions (national leaders and other useful lackeys). Death, disease, and destruction on an apocalyptic scale for the rest of us.

We have been warned, repeatedly. Thomas Jefferson said he feared the international bankers more than any standing armies. Abraham Lincoln make similar statements. James Madison, John Jay and countless other Founding Fathers of this Republic have forewarned us. Yet, we have chosen to ignore the warnings of these wise men and the unfolding of their prophetic words before our very eyes today. How will you look your child or grandchild in the eye and tell them you did nothing, as America is utterly destroyed by design? The men and women who settled this nation, our ancestors, would not take any of the mind-deadening, media-driven, brainwashing pap being shoved down our throats each and every second of every day. If someone smeared feces onto your face each and every day of the year or like a schoolyard bully beat you up on the way home from school each day, would this be OK with you? Why does today’s average American take it?  

The answer is simple. We are corrupt and Godless. Like Rome before us, our pride, luxuries, and power will crumble in the face of our total decadence and our outright decision to embrace humanism versus the love of our Creator. In the end days of Rome, money was made to be scarce, and was privately controlled. Years before the fall of Rome, did you know that Caesar was likely assassinated for the same reasons many feel Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, and John Kennedy were? That is correct, he had the nerve to oppose private control of the Empire’s money—and he actually did it, issuing debt-free government money, ushering in one of the greatest eras of prosperity ever recorded in the history of the world. He was loved by the people. 

Yet, doubt not that Rome was an Empire and doubt not that America is now an Empire, with troops positioned around the world to protect our interests. But “our” interests are no longer America’s interests, merely those of the International Banker and their front organizations. Unfortunately, this has been the case for a very long time now.

The time of reckoning fast approaches, and in America, the most formidable step towards the ultimate destruction of our society and sovereignty took place on December 23, 1913. In the absence of a quorum, the United S

[CTRL] Notes of how to celebrate our freedom (fwd)

2003-03-16 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

"I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all."

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2003 13:43:12 -0500
From: John Perna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: John Birch Discuss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Notes of how to celebrate our freedom

As we go out to celebrate our freedom this, let's go over a few things to make your 
celebration a success.

Don't use any illegal fireworks.
It is for your own safety.

Make sure you are buckled up in your seat belts, there will be roadblocks and 
checkpoints to make sure you comply. It is for the children.

If you are a Worldcom or Enron former employee, lighten up for the holiday, you can 
always look for a job tomorrow.

Don't mention God or Jesus if celebrating on any public property.
Government is God there. You will be aprehended.

Have your papers ready as you approach the police checkpoints.

Don't criticize the President or other government officials, you might be in violation 
of the Patriot Act and considered a possible terrorist.

Don't mention the Constitution in any district court or you could be held in contempt.

If your children get out of line, do not discipline them, or they may be kidnapped by 
the Dept. of Social Services and held hostage until you receive approved psychological 
therapy and are deemed acceptable.

Show compassion by bringing an illegal immigrant or by hugging a tree.

If an election is occurring in your locality within the next 90 days, do not talk 
about or publicly support any candidate, as that is no longer lawful. Keep your mouth 

If an officer asks to search your vehicle at the "seat belt" checks, do not be 
belligerent and demand a search warrant.  Standing up for your fourth amendment rights 
is anti-social and not in tune with the new American way.  Are you with Al Quada or 

Do not get upset when the searching officer will not help you pick up your belongings 
that he has strewn all over the highway as he searched your vehicle.  It is not in his 
job description and complaining will get you charged with obstructing justice.

Keep your guns at home.  You are not going hunting and besides, What on earth do guns 
have to do with freedom?  Better yet, turn your guns into the authorities to let them 
know that you are a true patriotic American.

If celebrating at the mall in Washington DC. you are probably safe as the mall is now 
monitored by hundreds of surveillance cameras, watched by federal security forces.  
Don't do anything that you wouldn't want them to see.

Bring lots of cash with you, there will be many taxes, fines, and fees to pay as you 
celebrate your freedoms this day.

Do not leave home without your driver's license, social security card, birth 
certificate, welfare card, medicare card, medical records, W-2 Form, and two others 
forms of ID.  You may be asked for them at the police checkpoints.
Better yet, get micro-chipped, and avoid the hassle of carrying around your papers.

Bring your library card, the FBI may ask you for it.

Do not put any "anti-government" bumper stickers on your car. Especially not anything 
about the right to keep and bear arms. Police have been trained by the FBI in "bumper 
sticker profiling".
This attracts their attention at the check points, and makes you look like a terrorist.

If traveling by air, do not give the airport screeners a hard time.  They are feeling 
you up and molesting your daughter and wife for the security of America.  If you 
complain you could be arrested.  You don't support Bin Laden do you?

Keep an eye on your fellow Americans.  If you see anything supicious, take notes so 
that when you get home you can call and report them to the Homeland Security Office.  
And remember you are not a nosey snitch, you are a great American Patriot.

Do not mention the signers of the Declaration of Independence.  Mentioning these white 
subversive terrorists is not popular and could get you in big trouble.  Besides what 
do these guys have to do with living in a free country anyway?

Do not leave home without one or more little plastic American flags made by political 
slaves in Communist China.  Make sure you have one flying from the antennae of your 
vehicle.  You don't want to seem un-American do you?

Do not take a copy of the Declaration of Independence with you as it advocates the 
overthrow of tyrannical government.  It is a terrorist document and will be 
confiscated at the holiday police checkpoints.  Same advice for the Constitution.

And remember, as you leave home, that the second you stepped out of your door that you 
probably broke hundreds of federal, state, and local laws that you are probably 

[CTRL] Ashcroft gains power through security shift

2003-03-16 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Posted on Sat, Mar. 15, 2003

Ashcroft gains power through security shift
Even conservatives say attorney general may hold too much strength
New York Times

WASHINGTON - In the bureaucratic reshuffling over homeland security, Attorney General John Ashcroft came out a winner.

Ashcroft took control of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and with it an issue close to his conservative agenda -- guns. And he gave up responsibility for two areas of law enforcement that had brought ridicule to the Justice Department: the color-coded threat alert system and immigration.

In recent months, Ashcroft, once regarded as a peripheral, even clumsy player in the Bush administration, has not only honed his skills as a bureaucratic infighter, he has also patched his tenuous relations with President Bush, who told Ashcroft last month that he was doing "a fabulous job."

With the addition of nearly 5,000 law enforcement officials from the firearms bureau, Ashcroft has again expanded the policing authority of the Justice Department, a hallmark of his tenure as attorney general.

With the fight against terrorism as his bully pulpit, Ashcroft has pushed the powers of federal law enforcement in directions few thought possible before the Sept. 11 attacks. His reach extends not only to counterterrorism, but also to issues like the death penalty and gun policy, which he attacks with equal aggressiveness.

Despite a years-long effort to shrink government as a senator from Missouri, Ashcroft has significantly broadened the reach of the attorney general, legal scholars and law enforcement officials agree.

All of which has left many of his critics increasingly worried.

Even some of his conservative peers complain that Ashcroft may have grown too powerful.

To his critics, Ashcroft is a Big Brother figure: an attorney general whose expanding scope has allowed the Justice Department to use wiretaps, backroom decisions and an expanded street presence to spy on ordinary Americans, read their e-mail messages or monitor their library checkouts, all in the name of fighting terrorism. And the department's consideration of proposals that could give it still greater counterterrorism authority has provoked fresh concerns.

The former Republican congressman Dick Armey, on his way out the door last year as House majority leader, said he thought Ashcroft and the Justice Department were "out of control."

Talking in his office, Ashcroft scoffs at the accusation that the department has become too expansive or that he has secretly tried to usurp authority from Congress. He says he is happy to defer to Congress.

"I don't want to be in control," he said in an interview on Friday. "I had a chance to be a part of that, and enjoyed it while I was there, but I don't aspire to be legislative."

Ashcroft has managed to blunt Congressional criticism through the carefully timed announcements of one major terrorist arrest after another. And he has also emerged as a useful political foil for President Bush.

While the president has visited mosques to deliver a message of respect for Muslims, for instance, it was left to Ashcroft to orchestrate an unpopular program to register Middle Eastern immigrants. And after Bush last year announced that he wanted to enlist workers for a terrorist "tips" program, Ashcroft was dispatched to Capitol Hill to defend the unpopular idea.

"I think Ashcroft understands that he's a lightning rod for this administration," said a Justice Department official close to the attorney general who spoke on the condition of anonymity. "He's at the center of so many different policies -- terrorism, affirmative action, the death penalty -- and he's no stranger to controversy. He's been living it all his life."

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Creepy “FReepers” Target Activists

2003-03-16 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Creepy “FReepers” Target Activists [ Post 499098 ] 

    Category: News & Opinion  Topic: Miscellaneous  
    Source: PoliticsWNY.com 
    Published: March 13, 2003  Author: Michael I. Niman 
    For Education and Discussion Only.  Not for Commercial Use. 

Disturbing the Peace 
Creepy “FReepers” Target Activists 

The Cayuga Coalition for Peace meeting had just gotten under way at an Auburn, New York church earlier this month when a tall stocky smile-less middle-aged man quietly entered the building. Refusing to join the meeting at a large table in the center of the room, he instead settled into a chair off to the side, took out a pad, and began scribbling notes. Coalition members would later learn he was labeling them as “commy#1” [sic.], “commy#2” [sic.] and so on, recording everything they said and did. They found his notes on the web. 


And it should also come as no surprise that this peace movement would wind up in the crosshairs of a new pro-war movement intent on frightening, harassing and disrupting grassroots anti-war activism. 

The stalker eavesdropping on the Cayuga Coalition for Peace turned out to be a postal worker from nearby Port Byron. Within moments he managed to adequately disrupt the coalition’s meeting, making himself the center of attention as a mix of angry and frightened attendees debated about how to handle the interloper. Lost was any discussion of the impending war and the upcoming votes on the pending anti-war resolutions. 

With the minister asking him to leave the church, the mailman opted to use an old anti-war protest tactic, committing civil disobedience by refusing to move. He later described the coalition members and minister as “godless heathens,” who by opposing the war had declared “treason,” thus forfeiting all of their property rights. The minister called the police and the meeting ended in chaos – reconvening later in a private home. 

The mailman turned out to be part of a national movement associated with the Fresno, California based “Free Republic” organization. Free Republic, with chapters scattered around the United States, operates primarily as a clearinghouse for individuals involved in protests and direct action against the anti-war, feminist, gay rights, pro-choice and environmental movements. They call these actions, “FReeps,” and their targets, “America-hating leftist weasels.” 

The vast majority of actions in their current campaign, “Operation Infinite FReep,” are peaceful protests by citizens exercising their constitutional rights – usually in the form of small counter-demonstrations at peace rallies. In this sense, the organization and its FReepers represent a rather benign part of this nation’s political tapestry. Americans have a right to protest, no matter how repugnant their particular cause. 

The Port Byron mailman, however, represents the dark dirty underbelly of the FReeping movement – a movement dedicated not to the free expression of ideas, but to harassing others who are trying to exercise their constitutional rights. These are the creepy FReepers, and they might be coming to a church basement near you. 

After leaving the Auburn meeting, the FReeper rushed home to post a report of his escapades on the Free Republic site. His post was detailed, with various quotes attributed to characters such as “Mr. Peace Minister,” “commy [sic.] woman #5,” and a police officer he identified as his “1st cousin,” who thought he was “acting strange.” 

The post kicked off a lively on-line discussion, with FReepers from around the US chiming in to congratulate their new comrade on a successful FReep, and to offer ideas for future actions against the Auburn activists, such as using a hidden tape recorder instead of a note pad, and bringing reinforcements before encountering the “godless [church] commies” again. 

The obsessive use of the term, “commie,” and various related misspellings, is about as accurate as the term “godless,” which FReepers repeatedly use to describe clergy and church-based activists who disagree with their views. To the FReepers, anyone opposed to George W. Bush’s policies, whether they are Democrats, Conservatives, Greens or Republicans, is a “commie.” Hence,the word takes on a new meaning – having nothing to do with Karl Marx or any related economic theory. It represents, instead, a rather Neanderthal political theory, probably inspired by Bush’s “you are either with us or with the terrorists” line. In this case, the Auburn FReeper writes, “Let everyone in our nation stand and be counted. American or communists. No gray areas, no compromise.” Such is the depth of political discourse in the “Free Republic.” 

The blanket use of labels and identifiers such as “commy # 3” to identify human beings serves another purpose – one more ominous than the simple debasing of political discourse. It strips peo

[CTRL] CounterPunch Diary

2003-03-16 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

March 15, 2003
CounterPunch Diary

Jim Moran and the Dixie Chicks: Never Say "Sorry," It Only Makes Things
Worse; Gridiron Hacks Laud "Unrivaled Might;" Hitchens and Horowitz Tie
the Knot


At last the leaders of the Democratic Party have moved decisively, hauling
out their ripest comminations and hurling them at-no, not at George Bush.
The man at whom they've been leveling their fire this past week is 7-term
US Rep James Moran of Virginia. Moran, a former mayor of Alexandria, Va.,
is in hot water over his head for having remarked in a March 3 town hall
session with his constituents that, as quoted in the Virginia-area
Connection newspapers, "if it were not for the strong support of the
Jewish community for this war with Iraq, we would not be doing this The
leaders of the Jewish community are influential enough that they could
change the direction of where this is going, and I think they should."

The House and Senate Democratic leaders, Nancy Pelosi and Tom Daschle,
promptly denounced Moran's remarks, and six Jewish House Democrats
have taken it upon themselves to advise Moran that he not seek re-
election in 2004. Should he do so, "we cannot and will not support his
candidacy." Moran has been forced to give up on his positions as
Democratic Party leader in the mid-Atlantic region, though not as yet his
committee posts on the Hill. The game plan is clearly what it was with
Hilliard of Alabama and McKinney of Georgia, both evicted from Congress
last year as conspicuous acts of retribution against critics of Israel:
Breathe a word about justice for Palestinians, and you'll lose your seat.
Moran says he'll certainly run again, and the decision will belong to the
voters of his district.

One reason Moran is getting whacked so hysterically is that Jewish nerves
are raw on precisely the point he raised, the role of Jewish opinion here
in pressing for the attack on Iraq. It's one thing for Pat Buchanan to raise
the issue of dual loyalty in the American Conservative (as he has just
done), but when Tim Russert starts pressing Richard Perle to assure us
that he's advocating an attack on Iraq in the interests of the United
States, not some other power, we know it's perched squarely on the front
burner. Suddenly researchers from Nightline (one called me on the matter)
and other mainstream outfits are rushing for copies of "A Clean Break: A
New Strategy for Securing the Realm," the 1996 briefing plan for Benjamin
Netanyahu prepared by such pro-Israel hawks as Perle, Douglas Feith and
others now high in the Bush Administration, advocating attack on Iraq.

It's now OK for reporters (Robert Kaiser in the Washington Post, for
example) to describe the Jewish neocon lobby for war, starting with Perle,
Wolfowitz and Feith, and heading on down the list to Elliott Abrams, now
running the Israel- Palestine portfolio at the National Security Council. The
op-ed pages are beginning to vibrate with predictable charges from people
like Lawrence Kaplan of The New Republic that all this talk of dual loyalty
and Israel's agenda is nothing but rank anti- Semitism. To his credit,
Michael Kinsley, editor of Slate, ran a piece (subtitle: "If You're Going To
Be Jewish And Powerful, You Can't Whine When Someone Notices It")
saying that uproar raised by American Jews was probably evidence that
Moran was on the money, and that when it came to testimonies to the
power of the Jewish lobby, none was more publicly boastful on the matter
than AIPAC.

Moran is plummeting, whirling in the familiar downward spiral of contrition
and self-abasement. But does his remark about "strong support" for attack
on Iraq in the Jewish community have any basis in reality? What about
American Jewish organizations?

Last fall the Forward reported that some Jewish groups, such as the
Workmen's Circle, were angry at the way the Conference of Presidents of
Major American Jewish Organizations had been hijacked by the prowar
faction and by its mad-dog president, Mort Zuckerman, who was openly
howling for war in his own publication, U.S. News & World Report, as "the
only appropriate and acceptable course." In mid-September Michelle
Goldberg began a piece on this topic in Salon with "Once a pillar of the
American peace movement, mainstream Jewish groups and leaders are now
among the strongest supporters of an American invasion of Baghdad."

On October 11 the Forward reported that a draft resolution of the fifty-
two-member Conference supported "measures necessary to ensure Iraqi
disarmament." Jack Rosen, president of the American Jewish Congress, was
quoted by the Forward as saying "the final statement ought to be crystal
clear in backing the President having to take unilateral action if necessary
against Iraq to eliminate weapons of mass destruction." Abe Foxman of the
ADL called the resolution "a consensus document," and the Forward cited
him as saying he would support a 

[CTRL] The Boy King and His War

2003-03-16 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The Boy King and His War 

James Madison wrote in 1793: "In no part of the Constitution is more wisdom to be found than in the clause which confides the question of war or peace to the legislature, and not the executive department." If the President had that power, said Madison, "the temptation would be too great for any one man."

The Progressive: Commentary 

By the time you read these words, George W. Bush may already have launched his war against Iraq. Since August, he has acted like a boy king, stomping his feet and demanding, "I want my war. Give me my war." He told all of his vassals to make sure it happened, and at press time, it sure looked likely.

The whole issue of getting inspectors into Iraq, even the goal of disarmament, was a ruse. What Bush has wanted all along is to overthrow Saddam Hussein. He was honest about that originally, though he used the hideous neologism "regime change." But when that wouldn't fly diplomatically, he reverted to disarmament. Then, when it became obvious that Saddam was cooperating, at least to some extent, with the inspectors, Bush pulled the "regime change" card out of his sleeve once again.

At almost every opportunity, Bush claimed that Saddam was not only a threat but a "growing" or "mounting" or "gathering" threat.

But how could Iraq be such a threat when U.N. inspectors were going anywhere they wanted, anytime they wanted, to search for these weapons?

How could Iraq be such a threat when Saddam was destroying many of his Al Samoud missiles? Hans Blix, chief U.N. weapons inspector, said this action constitutes "a substantial measure of disarmament. . . . We're not watching the breaking of toothpicks here. Lethal weapons are being destroyed."

How could it be such a threat when Mohamed ElBaradei, head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, said that there is "no evidence of the revival of a nuclear weapons program"?

How could it be such a threat when U.S., French, German, and Russian spy planes were free to survey every inch of Iraqi territory and then pass their intelligence on to the inspectors?

Before Secretary of State Colin Powell received other instructions from his boss, he used to say that Saddam was in a box. Because of inspections, the walls of the box were closing in on Saddam.

But that didn't satisfy Bush.

The boy king wanted Saddam's head.

This is not how democracy is supposed to work. Congress itself committed a horrendous blunder when, last October, it abdicated its responsibility under the Constitution. By handing Bush a bill that essentially said he could go to war against Iraq any damn time he pleased, Congress ceded its power to declare war and thus did away with a fundamental check and balance.

James Madison wrote in 1793: "In no part of the Constitution is more wisdom to be found than in the clause which confides the question of war or peace to the legislature, and not the executive department." If the President had that power, said Madison, "the temptation would be too great for any one man."

Bush has shown how easily he is tempted.

He also has shown utter contempt for the views of the vast majority of people in nation after nation who have opposed this war. Dismissing worldwide protests as the equivalent of a focus group, Bush has failed to come to grips with the overwhelming unpopularity of his position. When 95 percent of the people in Turkey opposed the war, when 83 percent of the people in England opposed the war, when record numbers of protesters appeared in one capital after another to show their disgust with the Bush Administration's policy, a wiser, more prudent man might have reconsidered his plans. But not Bush. He pushed right ahead.

So enthralled is Bush with the might of the Pentagon, so enraptured is he with his self-assigned role of liberator, so sure is he of doing God's will that he has become an enormously frightening figure. He seems to believe he can rule the world alone--or at most as part of a triumvirate with Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld.

The costs of the policy are already mounting. Bush has done grievous damage to Washington's relationship with its traditional European allies. Tony Blair might lose his job. The governments of Spain and Italy could also tumble because of their toadying. France or Germany could exercise a veto over the expansion of the European Union or NATO. Such expansion can occur only by unanimous consent, and if "Old Europe" sees the Eastern European countries as Trojan horses of Washington, it may decide to scuttle the whole deal.

U.S. relations with Russia also have suffered. Vladimir Lukin, deputy speaker of the house of Russia's parliament, condemned Bush's cowboy approach. "Do you know the difference between a policeman and a gangster? A policeman complies with rules which are elaborated not by the policeman but by a certain democratic community accepted by everyone," he told The New York Time

[CTRL] Declaration Against Iraq War, No Justification Exists

2003-03-16 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


 Paris, Moscow and Berlin Issue Declaration Against Iraq War,
 Call for Ministers' Gathering

  By Kim Housego
  Associated Press

  Saturday 15 March 2003

  France, Russia and Germany called for the Security Council to
 set a timetable for Saddam Hussein to disarm but issued a strong
 statement Saturday rejecting a war on Iraq, a day before President
 Bush and his top allies backing military action were to meet.

  France's foreign minister, Dominique de Villepin, said his
 country would accept "a very tight timetable" for Iraqi disarmament
 - but not an ultimatum that would automatically trigger war, as
 Washington wants. Still, he said, war appears increasingly

  "It is difficult to imagine what could stop this machine," he
 told France 2 television, before adding "one does not have the
 right to be discouraged."

  France, Russia and Germany have led opposition to military
 action against Iraq and blocked a U.S. attempt to set a deadline
 for Saddam to disarm or face war.

  With some 250,000 U.S. and British troops in the Persian Gulf
 ready to attack Iraq, President Bush meets with prime ministers
 Tony Blair of Britain and Jose Maria Aznar of Spain - his top
 proponents of military action against Saddam - on Sunday in the
 Azores islands to plan their next step in the standoff.

  The joint declaration was issued by France and its allies in a
 clear move to present their case against war before the Azores

  "We reaffirm that nothing justifies in the present
 circumstances putting a stop to the inspection process and
 resorting to the use of force," said the declaration, issued by the
 Foreign Ministry in Paris. "The use of force can only be a last

  The three nations called for Security Council foreign
 ministers to meet on Tuesday to focus on "disarmament priorities
 and draw up a strict and realistic timetable" to certify Iraq free
 of alleged weapons of mass destruction.

  Chief U.N. weapons inspector Hans Blix is to present his
 latest report on Iraqi disarmament on Monday and lay out his plans
 for upcoming inspections. He is expected to present the U.N.
 Security Council with his list of top priority questions that Iraq
 must answer about its chemical, biological and missile programs as
 early as Tuesday.

  The three nations said previous reports by Blix and the chief
 nuclear inspector, Mohamed El Baradei, indicated that inspections
 were producing results. "The disarmament of Iraq has started," the
 declaration said. "Everything indicates that it can be completed

  The declaration was agreed upon Saturday by the foreign
 ministers of France, Germany and Russia, a German foreign ministry
 spokeswoman said. The three were in telephone contact with one
 another, she said.

  In Moscow, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Yuri Fedotov told
 the Interfax news agency that Blix's report should outline "the key
 remaining tasks in the area of disarmament," criteria that could be
 used to assess Iraq's cooperation with inspectors in the future.

  He said the inspections "should not have a limitless
 character" and pointed to a 120-day period outlined in a joint
 Russian-French-German memorandum submitted earlier to the Security

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Hawks circling for new targets

2003-03-16 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Hawks circling for new targets

Iran, Syria and North Korea are on list of potential marks.

By David Westphal -- Bee Washington Bureau Chief
Published 2:15 a.m. PST Sunday, March 16, 2003

WASHINGTON -- Even as President Bush struggles against robust international opposition to launch a regime-toppling invasion of Iraq, some of the strongest and earliest supporters of military action against Saddam Hussein are already looking ahead to the next target.Some hawks outside the government are beginning to turn up the rhetorical heat against Iran and Syria, both of whom are Iraq's neighbors, and both known to be funneling aid to Middle East terrorist groups. Others are focusing on North Korea and its rapidly mobilized nuclear weapons program, or the North African country of Libya.

"Even after Mr. Hussein is gone, other tyrannies, such as North Korea and Iran, will continue to threaten world peace," said Max Boot, a scholar at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York.

Such tough talk reflects the fact that, despite Bush's rocky road toward his goal of regime change in Iraq, and despite the many questions about how it will proceed, some in Washington believe the Iraq conflict will mark only the beginning of U.S. resolve to exercise its military muscle.

"It takes little imagination to dream up other scenarios that might call for pre-emptive military action," said Thomas Donnelly, a military analyst at the American Enterprise Institute, a Washington think tank that has led the charge for war against Iraq.

Donnelly said one such example might be the imminent overthrow of the Musharraf government in Pakistan, given that country's possession of nuclear weapons.

Few are suggesting that the Pentagon begin preparing a new set of Iraq-like invasion plans. In fact, some foreign policy experts contend that a successful campaign in Iraq might serve as an effective shot across the bow at other would-be targets.

Richard Perle, who heads a Pentagon advisory group and has long been a leading advocate of an Iraq invasion, was making this argument just one month after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

If the United States should topple Saddam, he said in a PBS interview, "I think several of these governments will simply get out of the support-of-terrorism business. It will be too costly; the risks will be too great."

That some are looking beyond Iraq, despite the massive effort and uncertainties that surround the looming conflict, should not be surprising. The administration's new National Security Strategy suggests an activist American military, one more inclined to act pre-emptively if the president concludes U.S. security is threatened.

In the updated strategy, Bush said the United States might unleash its military might even if unprovoked.

"As a matter of common sense and self-defense, America will act against ... emerging threats before they are fully formed," the president wrote.

Among admirers of the new strategy is John Lewis Gaddis, a professor of military and naval history at Yale University, who says it has the potential to become the most sweeping overhaul of military strategy in half a century.

Yet Gaddis says a successful application in Iraq depends on meeting two critical tests: that the Iraqis greet American troops as liberators, and that the United States retains the high moral ground and international support. On that latter point, Gaddis says, the Bush administration is foundering.

"A nation that sets itself up as an example to the world in most things," Gaddis wrote in Policy Review magazine, "will not achieve that purpose by telling the rest of the world, in some things, to shove it."

One of the champions of the activist-military doctrines is Thomas Barnett, a Naval War College professor who has briefed dozens of groups inside the Pentagon on his theory that the United States must "export security" to parts of the world that have failed to develop modern societies.

Barnett has identified a large swath of countries stretching from Central America across the Atlantic Ocean to Africa, the Middle East and parts of southern Asia, which he said have become disconnected from the developing world, and thus are ripe for sowing unrest.

"There is a good reason why al-Qaida was based first in Sudan and then later in Afghanistan," Barnett wrote in the March issue of Esquire. "These are two of the most disconnected countries in the world."

Military involvement by the United States in parts of these regions, which make up one-third of the world's population, will be necessary until they catch up with the developed countries, he contends.

Some military analysts say the Pentagon can adapt to a new, more activist posture by undergoing a transformation process championed by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. By shedding strategies designed for a war among superpowers and moving to lighter, more mobile forces, the military 

[CTRL] Why not a Queen or a PM ?

2003-03-16 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Truth behind conspiracy theories
By David Derbyshire
(Filed: 14/03/2003)

Wild conspiracy theories are becoming more
widespread because people are increasingly distant from government and
corporations, an expert said yesterday.

Dr Patrick Leman, a psychologist at Royal Holloway, University of London,
said feelings of powerlessness boosted the desire to search for
complicated answers.

If the events were dramatic enough, such as the sudden death of Diana,
Princess of Wales, people were more likely to look for hidden explanations,
he told the conference in Bournemouth.

"In America there is evidence that people are becoming more likely to
believe in conspiracy theories," he said.

The internet might be one of the driving forces behind the trend because
it allowed conspiracy theorists to share their beliefs, he said.

In an experiment, Dr Leman tested how people grasp for conspiracies
when presented with different scenarios. He asked 64 volunteers to read
one of four fake newspaper reports about an attempt on the life of a

In one scenario, a gunman shot and killed the president, in another he
shot but missed. In a third he injured the president but did not kill him,
while in a fourth he missed but the president died of a heart attack.

In the accounts where the president died, the volunteers were more likely
to suspect a conspiracy than in those where he survived.

Related reports

Lonely heart ladies WLTM rich gents

External links

Patrick Leman - Royal Holloway, University of London

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"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it." The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama Sutra

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Poor Barney's Brother

2003-03-16 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Observer Comment Extra

Poor Tony Blair wakes up

The prime minister thought he could sagely steer his impetuous American
friends away from actions they would later regret. It turns out they were
just playing him for a patsy

Terry Jones
Sunday March 16, 2003
The Observer

It's not easy when you find out that your friends have been using you as a

Tony Blair must have been really sick this week when Donald Rumsfeld
casually let drop that Mr.Bush and his team couldn't give a toss about
Britain sending soldiers to Iraq. Truth is, they'd probably prefer it if we
didn't, but our participation at least means they can pretend it's an
international force.

But I bet Tony feels terribly slighted - after all he's gone through to prove
his devotion to the ideals of extremist Republican militarism. He's
practically split his party, put his own leadership in jeopardy and made
himself look thoroughly ill in the process. And what has he got out of it? A
few pats on the back and nice Christmas card from the White House, I

I mean it's simply not fair. Here he is - Prime Minister of Great Britain (just)
- and he's doing everything he possibly can including leaning over
backwards and licking his own bottom. He's spending vast amounts of
money he hasn't got on sending men to the Gulf. He's put his entire nation
in the front line for terrorist reprisals. He's upset his other admirers in
Europe, and - to cap it all - he's put his name to a plan that is not just
plain stupid but is actually wicked, and in return? Zilch.

All the contracts for reconstructing Iraq are to go to American companies
- preferably ones like Haliburton, which remain such good friends with
their old boss vice-president Dick Cheney. But not a single British company
is to benefit from all the mayhem and destruction that the bombing is
going to cause.

Poor old Tony doesn't even get a bone.

I suppose he should have been more careful about who he was playing
with in the first place.

But they took him for a sucker.

He thought he'd be able to cut a decent figure as the elder statesman,
sagely steering his impetuous American friends away from actions they
would later regret. And for that he was prepared to subscribe to the most
hawkish, aggressive regime that has ever held power in the good ole US of
A. A regime whose planners spelled out their schemes for American military
world domination in a report for the Project for the New American
Century published in September 2000, before the George Bush seized
power. (You can look it up on www.newamericancentury.org).

Their aim, they say in their report, is "to shape a new century favourable
to American principles and interests". And they make it quite clear that
they envisage achieving those aims not by diplomacy but through military
might. For which reason they need "increase defense spending gradually to
a minimum level of 3.5 to 3.8 percent of gross national product, adding $15
billion to $20 billion to total defense spending annually."

At the time they knew there was little hope of the American public buying
into such imperialistic dreams. What was needed they said in their pre
Sept 11th report was: "some catastrophic and catalyzing event like a new
Pearl Harbour." Well the dreams came true.

And now it's quite obvious that instead of Mr Rumsfeld and Mr. Cheney
listening attentively to Mr Blair's sage advice, they've simply been using him
as a patsy - a convenient fig-leaf.

Tony Blair has merely been helping to give Mr. Bush's barbaric planners for
World domination credibility amongst the American public.

The only conceivable hope of stopping their militaristic global ambitions is
for the rest of the world to oppose them. There might then be some hope
that the American public would wake up to what sort of a government
they currently have. The reawakening of American democracy is the only
hope for a future world that is not ridden by terrorism and global warfare.

· Terry Jones writes regularly for The Observer. To all those readers who
have written in to ask if this Terry Jones had anything to do with Monty
Python, the answer is yes.

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[EMAIL PROTECTED] with comments on articles or ideas for
future pieces.

About Observer Comment Extra

The Observer website carries additional online commentary each week,
responding to recent pieces to continue the debate and offering
additional coverage of the major issues. See Observer Comment and
Observer Worldview for this week's pieces. The Observer's online
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Forwarded for your information.  The text and intent of the article
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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
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[CTRL] Barney's Brother: Crazy or Stupid?

2003-03-16 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

March 16, 2003

Is Tony Blair crazy, or just plain stupid?

By ERIC MARGOLIS -- Contributing Foreign Editor

Tony Blair, Britain's prime minister, proposed a "compromise" last week to
the deadlocked UN Security Council: President Saddam Hussein of Iraq
should go on TV and admit he had weapons of mass destruction and had
committed other transgressions.

Blair's offer, reeking of mock sincerity, was clearly crafted to dampen
down a storm of Labour party criticism over his sycophantic support of
President George Bush's impending crusade against the Saracens of Iraq.
But it was an offer Iraq was certain to reject, thus ending diplomacy and
opening the way to war.

Small wonder the French call Britain "perfidious Albion." Blair's demarche
was high hypocrisy, even by Downing Street's usual standard. Why doesn't
the insufferably sanctimonious Blair go on TV and explain why Britain still
retains nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons in sizable quantities? Are
they to stop a cross-channel invasion by France or the Vikings?

Perhaps Blair could discuss Winston Churchill's plan to use poison gas
against any German landing in World War II. More to the point, Blair should
explain why Britain and the U.S. supplied Iraq with germ warfare agents
and many of its chemical arms during the 1980s (confirmed in U.S. Senate
hearings). Or why British government technicians, discovered by this
writer in Baghdad in 1990, were producing anthrax and Q-fever germ
weapons for Iraq?

Instead of harping on Iraq's brutality, Blair might discuss Britain's savaging of
Ireland, brutal colonial conquest of almost half the known world, the
addiction of millions of Chinese to British-grown opium, and crimes in India,
Africa and Burma. And admit that some of today's worst political problems -
Iraq, Palestine, Kashmir, India vs. Pakistan - are due to British imperialism.

Blair may well owe a political debt to the financiers and press barons who
launched his meteoric political career and badly want this war.

But plunging Britons into an unjust, unnecessary war to please these neo-
imperialists is intolerable.

The only other explanation - that Blair is doing all this out of conviction - is
even more frightening.

Bad enough born-again George Bush apparently believes he is commanded
by God to go to war.

That his chief advisers on the Mideast seem to want to recreate biblical

That many of Bush's core fundamentalist supporters believe this war will
hasten the conversion of Jews to Christianity and bring the world's end
through Armageddon.

Blair is too intelligent to swallow such claptrap.

Every Iraqi "weapons of mass destruction site" claimed by British and U.S.
intelligence has thus far turned out, when inspected by the UN, to be

If Blair still believes these clearly debunked claims, he needs help. The CIA
and MI-6 still claim they know Iraq is still hiding stores of nerve gas. So
then, why not give the locations to UN inspectors?

Iraq's feeble, 150-km range al-Samoud missiles might have exceeded their
permitted range by an inconsequential 10-15 km. Big deal. They are being
destroyed. Worry instead about North Korea's new Taepodong-II missile,
which the CIA says can deliver a nuclear warhead to the United States.

Unbelievably, Iraq-obsessed Bush dismisses menacing North Korea as only a
"regional problem."

Saddam's notorious "Winnebagos of death" - germ-making trucks - turned
out, on inspection, to be mobile food testing labs. Last week's U.S. and
British-promoted canard, Iraq's "drones of death," were three rickety
model airplanes unworthy of World War I, rather than dispensers of germs,
as the Pentagon claimed. Only one had managed to fly - all of two miles.

Iraq's only true potential weapon of mass destruction, VX nerve gas,
remains an open question. But Iraq lacks any offensive capability to deliver

Its sole use is as a defensive battlefield weapon, CIA Director George Tenet

Iraq's most important defector, Gen Hussein Kamel, who headed its
biowarfare projects, stated he personally supervised destruction of all of
Iraq's nerve gas in 1991, a fact not mentioned by the White House.

Other experts say any germ or gas weapons held by Iraq have by now
deteriorated through age into inertness. As for Bush's charge Saddam
might give such weapons to anti-American groups, why didn't he do so from
1990 to 2003, when the U.S. was daily bombing Iraq and trying to overthrow
his regime? Because he's not suicidal.

Unable to locate Iraq's U.S./British-supplied weapons, unable to link Iraq to
Osama bin Laden, Bush and Blair shifted gears. They now claim Iraq's
suffering people must be "liberated." But why weren't they liberated when
Saddam committed his worst rights violations during the 1980s, when Iraq
was a U.S./British ally? And what about the startling revelation by the
former CIA Iraq desk chief that the gassing death of 5,000 Kurds at Halabja;
an e

[CTRL] Walk Among the Dead

2003-03-16 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

They Don’t Know What it Is Like to Walk Among the Dead

Fergal Keane, The Independent

thought it would have been well started by now. But we slip toward
another weekend of peace. There was a flap about an hour ago. Somebody
from Fox TV rushed up the corridor saying the attack would come in
exactly 48 hours’ time (This was written on Friday). Fox is known to be well
connected. Murdoch’s channel is a cheerleader for the war and is well
liked by the White House. But then someone from another American
network said they’d been told that George W. would wait until next week.
By then the Turkish northern front would be open, the support of a
previously truculent Turkish Parliament now apparently assured. Not many
will have noticed, but America obliged the Turks this week by remaining
silent over the clampdown on the country’s main pro-Kurdish party.

The political mud-wrestling in New York continues, no longer (if it ever
really was) a search for peace but a frantic attempt to work out who takes
the blame for sidelining the UN. We are past the stage of politics. The
logic of war, the timetable of men and machines, rules the hour. My
colleagues with the British and American forces are enduring dust storms
and rising heat. Here in Jordan we endure the strangeness of being next
door to the biggest story in the world, knowing it is all but inaccessible to
us. So there has been time, plenty of it, to think about war and to read.

I packed Evelyn Waugh’s “Sword of Honor” trilogy to read again after a
distance of 18 years, and some poetry, including the works of the great
poet of the Samurai era, Basho. His words are more than usually apposite
today. Basho was traveling in the Japanese interior when he came across
an old battlefield and paused to contemplate the rusting debris before
him. There were helmets, shields and swords; the bones of the dead had
long gone into the earth. Wild grasses now covered the remnants of the
struggle. Looking on, Basho wrote the following haiku: “Summer grasses/all
that is left of the dreams of soldiers.”

As a fragment of verse it is melancholy and sobering. Long before Flaubert,
the Japanese poet understood the literary imperative that “less is more.”
In his haiku, a few words tell us a great deal about the sorrow of war.

I thought of Basho in Kuwait this week, and now in Jordan. The Friday
prayers are under way now and I hear the voice of the imam resonating
across the rooftops of Amman. Everybody here is weary from the tension
of waiting. As a Jordanian friend of a friend said over lunch the day I
arrived: “Let it just happen. Let it be done with.”

But what about the dreams of soldiers? Let us go back to Kuwait for a few
moments. In Kuwait city, at the Hilton Hotel, the American military has set
up the most efficient accreditation system for journalists this
correspondent has ever seen. There in the glistening hotel mall, where
Filipina shop assistants staff the boutiques and jewelry stores, where they
serve excellent capuccino and sushi, you will find excited young men and
women in combat fatigues mingling with excited journalists, all preparing
to head for the front lines. I met old friends from other wars. Some were
going off with the US Marines. “We’re told we’ll be first to Baghdad,” one
said. Another was linking up with the US third infantry. Those who had
seen war before were more sombre. They understood how strange and
terrible could be the road from this moment in Kuwait to a place of
explosions and burning and death.

I was greeted by Treacy Golden of the US Army, a cheerful young African-
American woman who promised to process my accreditation quickly. She
was as good as her word. I had my photograph taken and looked, as I
always do in these photographs, like a fugitive from international justice,
or an East German newsreader from the 1950s. “Don’t worry sir,” said the
young soldier on the camera “nobody will be worried about your
appearance in the desert.” Of course he is right. It is the last thing
anybody will be thinking about.

Many of these soldiers, if not most, have not yet experienced the
indescribable sensation of realizing that another human being is trying to
kill them. Nor will they know what it is like to take life, or to walk among
the dead. Most of the ones I met seemed very young, very hopeful. They
were educated and articulate and friendly. A lot of them too seemed
innocent about what might lie ahead. I doubt that I have ever
encountered a more confident army.

The press pass declares that I am a “unilateral” — in other words I won’t
be traveling with the American or British forces. “Does that make the Iraqis
collateral?” a colleague joked. The Marine who overheard this did not
smile. Like the rest of the estimated 4,000 journalists in the region, I live in
a world of whispers. We are tormented by rumor, alternatively transfixed
and bored by the diplomatic wrangling in New York, everybody 

Re: [CTRL] The Rot at the Center of the Empire

2003-03-16 Thread Ray Boeche
-Caveat Lector-

On Sunday, March 16, 2003, at 02:34  AM, Steve Wingate wrote:

On 15 Mar 2003 at 22:39, BillK wrote:

All he had to do was disarm to allow his people to live like free
humans rather than the slaves and pawns he desires them to be.
Exactly how do you know Sadam did not do so? Because Bush says so. Do
you trust Bush?
I do not trust Bush/Cheney anymore than Sadam Hussain. Do you trust
Bush? Why?

If Hussein did disarm, then why has he repeatedly threatened American
troops with the use of weapons of mass destruction? If he's disarmed,
how can he have them to use?
If he has disarmed, how can he give orders to shell the northern Kurds
with chemical agents as soon as an American attack starts? How can he
continue to threaten Israel with chemical and biological weapons if he
has disarmed?

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Saddam Hussein Did Not Commit Genocide

2003-03-16 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Saddam Hussein Did Not Commit Genocide
Memo To: Website Fans, Browsers, Clients
From: Jude Wanniski
Re: The Errors at Human Rights Watch

Exactly a year ago, as I saw the Bush administration pick up the pace for war on Iraq, I sensed President Bush was being pulled along by the Pentagon civilians with their insistence that he was a truly evil man because he had committed genocide. At the end of the Iran/Iraq war in 1988, it was said the Iraqi air force dropped poison gas on its own citizens in the Kurdish town of Halabja and killed at least 5,000 in the course of recapturing the town from the Iranians. That was in March of ‘88. In the days after Iran sued for peace in August, it was reported the Iraqi army had systematically rounded up another 100,000 Kurds – and on the grounds they had fought with the Iranians – slaughtered them with poison gas. Secretary of State George P. Shultz reported this latter assertion without checking and the U.S. Senate unanimously passed a resolution condemning Saddam, relying upon a report from Kurdistan by a staff member of its Foreign Relations Committee, Peter Galbraith, son of the famous economist, John Kenneth Galbraith. The story faded but resurfaced when Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990. In the years since, it has been amplified again and again by the Washington organization, Human Rights Watch. Its resident expert, Joost Hiltermann, an Arabic-speaking law professor at Johns Hopkins School for International Studies, was chiefly responsible for this amplification. 

In 1997, I had come upon a 1991 report of the Army War College at Carlyle, Pa., that had come to completely different conclusions. Its author, Dr. Stephen Pelletiere, had headed a team that pulled together all the specialists of the US intelligence agencies to study the Iran/Iraq war, to study how Iraq had defeated a country three times its size. The report touched on the Halabja deaths, saying that “hundreds” of civilians had died, with indications they were killed by a cyanide gas known to be used by the Iranian army, not possessed by Iraq. It said nothing about the “disappearance” of 10,000 Iraqi Kurds. Pelletiere had been the CIA’s senior analyst in covering the eight-year Iran/Iraq war. When I tracked him down a year ago, living in retirement near the War College, he insisted nothing had happened in the dozen years since to change his mind. There was no genocide, he told me, and said the story about the 100,000 deaths was a hoax, a non-event, propagated by Human Rights Watch. He said he had discussed his differences with Joost Hilterman, arguing the “victims” had never been found, nor had any mass graves been located. 

I called Hiltermann at HRW for a discussion of his differences with Pelletiere, which led to an exchange of e-mails over a period of weeks. Here is the last contact I had with him, a long e-mail from me asking questions, and his lengthy response. I’ve merged the two letters so they can be read seamlessly. There are of course no follow-up questions in this exchange, but I think the exchange speaks for itself, and why I could easily conclude that Human Rights Watch had made an enormous blunder in propagating the genocide story and now will say anything to insist it was right all along. Unfortunately, President Bush has not yet been advised by his team that the U.S. intelligence agencies had the story correctly in the first place, as it suits the interest of the warhawks at the Pentagon to have the President believe Saddam is not just a dictator, but a Hitler.

Late May, 2002

Dear Prof. Hiltermann:

A friend has sent me a Christian Science Monitor story of May 13, by Scott Peterson, which mentions the gassing of the Kurds. He says Human Rights Watch concluded Iraq committed "genocide" after it conducted "forensic examination of several mass graves."

This is something new to me. If there were mass graves found, Dr. Pelletiere errs in saying this was a "hoax," a "non-event." There are several clear errors in the story, one saying that 100,000 perished at Halabja, so maybe the mass graves item is incorrect.

Also, since I was last in contact with you, an Iraqi expatriate who is a physiologist living and teaching in Liverpool contacted me and said his brother was a colonel in the Iraqi army and was at Halabja. A point he made was that there were Kurds in almost every unit of the Iraqi army, officers and conscripts. They would have participated in the gassing of the Kurdish civilians or would have been among those who slaughtered the tens of thousands you say were killed by automatic weapons. Do you know if any have since defected and have told of their being forced to do these killings? 

A reporter for Barron's also sent me a clipping from the Washington Post of September 1988 by Milton Viorst, a respected correspondent, who went to Kurdistan after the reports from Shultz and Galbraith and said he found the Kur

Re: [CTRL] Washington or Wilson?

2003-03-16 Thread Ray Boeche
-Caveat Lector-

On Sunday, March 16, 2003, at 01:37  AM, Paul Meares wrote:

What the Bush regime has planned for the people of 'Iraq' is nothing
then the unlawful use of force and violence against persons and
property to
intimidate and coerce the 'Iraqi government', the 'Iraqi' civilian
or any segment thereof, in furtherance of the Bush regime's political
objectives. In other words: terrorism. Or does one have to be "deeply
mired in the nonsensical fiction of deconstructionism" to get it?
Since the "Bush regime's" political objectives consist of an Iraq which
can exercise self-rule and democratic determinism, and which will stop
the current mad man in charge from continuing to aid and abet
terrorists while killing and torturing his own citizens by the
thousands, to what do you object?
Or perhaps you'd rather let the Iraqui people continue to suffer?


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[CTRL] Queeg

2003-03-16 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

March 14, 2003

George W. Queeg


Aboard the U.S.S. Caine, it was the business with the strawberries that
finally convinced the doubters that something was amiss with the captain.
Is foreign policy George W. Bush's quart of strawberries?

Over the past few weeks there has been an epidemic of epiphanies.
There's a long list of pundits who previously supported Bush's policy on
Iraq but have publicly changed their minds. None of them quarrel with the
goal; who wouldn't want to see Saddam Hussein overthrown? But they are
finally realizing that Mr. Bush is the wrong man to do the job. And more
people than you would think — including a fair number of people in the
Treasury Department, the State Department and, yes, the Pentagon —
don't just question the competence of Mr. Bush and his inner circle; they
believe that America's leadership has lost touch with reality.

If that sounds harsh, consider the debacle of recent diplomacy — a
debacle brought on by awesome arrogance and a vastly inflated sense of

Mr. Bush's inner circle seems amazed that the tactics that work so well on
journalists and Democrats don't work on the rest of the world. They've
made promises, oblivious to the fact that most countries don't trust their
word. They've made threats. They've done the aura-of- inevitability thing —
how many times now have administration officials claimed to have lined up
the necessary votes in the Security Council? They've warned other
countries that if they oppose America's will they are objectively pro-
terrorist. Yet still the world balks.

Wasn't someone at the State Department allowed to point out that in
matters nonmilitary, the U.S. isn't all that dominant — that Russia and
Turkey need the European market more than they need ours, that Europe
gives more than twice as much foreign aid as we do and that in much of
the world public opinion matters? Apparently not.

And to what end has Mr. Bush alienated all our most valuable allies? (And I
mean all: Tony Blair may be with us, but British public opinion is now
virulently anti-Bush.) The original reasons given for making Iraq an
immediate priority have collapsed. No evidence has ever surfaced of the
supposed link with Al Qaeda, or of an active nuclear program. And the
administration's eagerness to believe that an Iraqi nuclear program does
exist has led to a series of embarrassing debacles, capped by the case of
the forged Niger papers, which supposedly supported that claim. At this
point it is clear that deposing Saddam has become an obsession, detached
from any real rationale.

What really has the insiders panicked, however, is the irresponsibility of
Mr. Bush and his team, their almost childish unwillingness to face up to
problems that they don't feel like dealing with right now.

I've talked in this column about the administration's eerie passivity in the
face of a stalling economy and an exploding budget deficit: reality isn't
allowed to intrude on the obsession with long-run tax cuts. That same
"don't bother me, I'm busy" attitude is driving foreign policy experts, inside
and outside the government, to despair.

Need I point out that North Korea, not Iraq, is the clear and present
danger? Kim Jong Il's nuclear program isn't a rumor or a forgery; it's an
incipient bomb assembly line. Yet the administration insists that it's a mere
"regional" crisis, and refuses even to talk to Mr. Kim.

The Nelson Report, an influential foreign policy newsletter, says: "It would
be difficult to exaggerate the growing mixture of anger, despair, disgust
and fear actuating the foreign policy community in Washington as the
attack on Iraq moves closer, and the North Korea crisis festers with no
coherent U.S. policy. . . . We are at the point now where foreign policy
generally, and Korea policy specifically, may become George Bush's
`Waco.' . . . This time, it's Kim Jong Il (and Saddam) playing David Koresh. . .
. Sober minds wrestle with how to break into the mind of George Bush."

We all hope that the war with Iraq is a swift victory, with a minimum of
civilian casualties. But more and more people now realize that even if all
goes well at first, it will have been the wrong war, fought for the wrong
reasons — and there will be a heavy price to pay.

Alas, the epiphanies of the pundits have almost surely come too late. The
odds are that by the time you read my next column, the war will already
have started.

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[CTRL] Richard Perle's Lunch With the Saudis

2003-03-16 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Richard Perle's Lunch With the Saudis
Posted by Lakshmi on March 14, 2003 @ 4:14PM

A New Yorker article on Defense Policy Board chairman and unofficial godfather of the neocon hawks Richard Perle is creating waves inside the beltway. Titled "Lunch With the Chairman," Seymour Hersh's article provides stunning details of a private lunch between Saudi industrialist Harb Saleh al-Zuhair and Perle which took place in France earlier this year. The meeting was brokered by none other than Adnan Khashoggi, the Saudi playboy and arms dealer extraordinaire, best known for his starring role in the Iran-Contra scandal. 

While Perle claims the meeting was set up on Zuhair's behest to discuss the future of Iraq, there was a second more important item on the agenda: "to pave the way for Zuhair to put together a group of ten Saudi businessmen who would invest ten million dollars each in Trireme." Perle is a managing partner in Trireme Partners L.P., a venture-capital company whose main business is to invest in companies dealing with homeland security and defense. 

What's wrong with this picture? First, there is the serious conflict of interest between Perle's position in Trireme and his affiliation with the DPB, which advises the Pentagon on policy matters. An unnamed DPB member said he was unaware of the Trireme connection: "Seems to me this is at the edge of or off the ethical charts." And at least Kashoggi seems to think there is a direct connection between Perle's financial interests and his hawkish position on Iraq: 

As Khashoggi saw it, Trireme's business potential depended on a war in Iraq taking place. "If there is no war," he told me, "why is there a need for security? If there is a war, of course, billions of dollars will have to be spent." He commented, "You Americans blind yourself with your high integrity and your democratic morality against peddling influence, but they were peddling influence."

Then there is the matter of Perle using his influence over the Bush foreign policy (which has mirrored his agenda since 9/11) to secure investment from the Saudis -- whom Perle has vigorously attacked in his public comments, calling for regime change in the country. Prince Bandar bin Sultan, Saudi Ambassador to the United States, told Hersh, "There is a split personality to Perle. Here he is, on the one hand, trying to make a hundred-million-dollar deal, and, on the other hand, there were elements of the appearance of blackmail -- 'If we get in business, he'll back off on Saudi Arabia' -- as I have been informed by participants in the meeting." 

So how has Perle responded to Hersh's article? He called him -- you guessed it! -- "a terrorist."   

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[CTRL] Skolnick: France's Plan To Stop America's Hitler

2003-03-16 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The Overthrow Of The 
American Republic -Part 29
France's Plan To Stop America's Hitler
by Sherman H. Skolnick

Some in Europe are determined to stop any further Bush White House plan to attack in the Mid-East and elsewhere. Such as a long-planned bombardment and invasion of places like Iraq.   

How many Americans realize the attitudes of France in current events? The monopoly press, dealing with us like eight-year old children, would have us forget how France was instrumental in helping America against the British dictators in the American colonial period. And, that the British Aristocracy vows to divide this continent into Balkan-like warring regions, subjects of the British Monarch, and that we Americans should be puppets of colonies rather than citizens of the American Republic.   

Short of targetting the Brits with French missiles---and some believe the Paris government harbors that thought if not already in effect---how would the French stop the British/American aristocracy and their war-mongering as to Iraq, in the Mid-East, and elsewhere?   

If the U.S., under the Bush Administration, starts a war in the Mid-East, such as currently planned against Iraq, here is what France plans:   

[1] France would freeze all U.S. assets in any way within their custody, control, or jurisdiction.   

[2] Inevitably this freeze would include freezing the assets and funds of Canada as well, since the U.S.'s northern neighbor has mostly just a few large banks with numerous U.S. dollar accounts transacting, among other places, through French financial intermediaries, entities, agents, brokerages, and similar.   

[3] Well-informed Americans, not sharing their knowledge with routine journalists, have been quietly repatriating their assets and funds parked, pledged, held, brokered, or otherwise with the custody, control, and jurisdiction of France, and within the control and custody of French financial intermediaries as branches in the U.S. and elsewhere.   

[4] Yes, such activities not shared with naive, know-nothing Americans addicted to the U.S. monopoly press as if it were a narcotic, tend to make the U.S. isolationist, a bad word to New World Order types but possibly acceptable to common Americans. But, it is a forced reality update that the U.S. is a FORMER world super-power, now in the midst of financial collapse. Our attention has been diverted from this fact by a prior-arranged series of violences, called 9-11, and then later, playing up Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein as the two demons of the planet.   

Who all has studied the documents of Operation Northwoods, in James Bamford's opus, "Body of Secrets", published just before Black Tuesday? How madmen in the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, in 1962, wanted to instigate an invasion of Cuba, by orchestrating bloody killings of Americans, disguised as if having been done by Cuba instead of actually by monsters part of covert U.S. teams. It should be studied carefully by those persisting in falsely blaming Black Tuesday on "the Moslems".   

The U.S./British aristocracies, Establishment, powers-that-be, Ruling Classes---whatever you call THEM---is step by step overthrowing the American Republic and making us the DISUNITED States of America. Our good-paying jobs are ending, our industries exported to cheap-wage overseas regions, our porous borders mere unenforced jokes.   

Here is some background to understand this; that there is a need to change the regime IN WASHINGTON, not Baghdad. AND some in France and elsewhere believe this is necessary.   

Old-time Frenchmen recall, with great regrets, that France in the mid-1930s, had an opportunity to stop Hitler. How? By moving French military forces into a key region of Germany as the French were authorized to do so, under various treaties and provisions that were enacted in the wake of World War One.   

The French move, however, in the midst of the worldwide Great Depression, was tabled, some say, by French leader Leon Blum. He was blamed, some say falsely, because he was a peace-seeking socialist. At the time, France had a virulent, Fascist element---the French word describing this, gagliards, translates as "the hooded ones", sort of like the American KKK, the Ku Klux Klan.   

Some later blamed this ultra right-wing element for the perceived weak opposition in France to the German invasion of 1940, peaking with the surrender of Paris in World War Two. It led to the division of France into what was called the Vichy Government, pro-Hitler collaborators.   

The pro-British American monopoly press overlooks the now known treason, before and during World War Two, of the British Monarchy. After all, the Brits changed their name to the House of Windsor, to disguise their German origin. They should rightfully be called the House of Hanover. A sizeable portion of the British royals plotted to surrender to 


2003-03-16 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Rumor Mill News Reading Room Forum 
Posted By: Rosalinda
Date: Saturday, 15 March 2003, 10:45 p.m. 

As reported in Seymour Hersh's {New Yorker} article March 17, 
Saudi Ambassador to the U.S. Prince Bandar 
(who has been the Ambassador for the last two decades) 
said that Perle's approach was an attempt of "blackmail" 
to end the attacks (fueled by Perle's cronies and think tanks) on the Saudis. 


Richard Perle has become a Chickenhawk liability 
with the expose of Trireme’s dealings in Paris 
and Marseilles to get $100 million in Saudi money. 

There are some who want to bring down Perle 
as the way to bring down the Iraq war policy, 
which has been Perle's obsession since Desert Storm, and 
his 1996 authorship of the "Clean Break" paper for Netanyahu. 

Perle was working the Saudi operation on Cheney's behalf, 
but now Perle has become a liability. 

Perle's questionable business operations have a parallel in 
Cheney's connection to Halliburton, which presents an even 
greater show of conflict of interest. 

According to Pacifica Radio's report in January 2003, Halliburton 
the company which was headed by Cheney until the Presidential election in 2000 – 
gave him a $20 million golden parachute, and is making {billions} 
of dollars from the war on terrorism and the drive for war on Iraq. 

Halliburton is one of the major American companies 
Bidding on contracts for "post-war" reconstruction of Iraq. 

So far, $900 million in contracts are on the line, 
and the figures are expected to soar into the billions 
if Iraq is attacked by American military "shock and awe" methods. 

There's an additional detail: 

Halliburton is currently paying Cheney $1 million a year 
in deferred fees (part of his $20 million). 

According to news accounts in the London {Guardian} and 
elsewhere, a division of Halliburton called KBR, also known by 
the name Kellogg Brown & Root, is doing U.S. defense and 
anti-terror government work "building cells for detainees at 
Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. It feeds American troops in Uzbekistan. 

And near the Turkish/Iraqi border, Halliburton helps run three 
military bases." In July, reported Pacifica, the {New York Times} 
wrote "that Halliburton is the only company that has a contract 
with the Army that has an unlimited budget." 

The {Times} said 
that "KBR is the exclusive logistics supplier for both the Navy 
and the Army, providing services like cooking, construction, 
power generation, and fuel transportation. 

The contract recently 
won from the Army is for 10 years 
and has no lid on costs." 

But Halliburton is also up to its ears in shady dealings 
with Enron, and with charges that it overbilled the U.S. 
government. It has already paid $2 million in fines. 
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[CTRL] President John Quincy Adams on Independence Day in 1821

2003-03-16 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

President John Quincy Adams on Independence Day in 1821: 

"[America] has abstained from interference in the concerns of others, even
when conflict has been for principles to which she clings, as to the last
vital drop that visits the heart. 

She goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own. 

She will commend the general cause by the countenance of her voice, and the benignant sympathy of her example. She well knows that by once enlisting under other banners than her own, were they even the banners of foreign independence, she would involve herself beyond the power of extrication, in all the wars of interest and intrigue, of individual avarice, envy and ambition, which assume the colors and usurp the standard of freedom.  The fundamental maxims of her policy would insensibly change from liberty to force. 

She might become the dictatress of the world. She would be no longer the ruler of her own spirit. Her glory is not dominion, but liberty." --

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Re: [CTRL] The Rot at the Center of the Empire

2003-03-16 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

At 03:34 AM 3/16/03 , you wrote:
>On 15 Mar 2003 at 22:39, BillK wrote:
> > All he had to do was disarm to allow his people to live like free
> > humans rather than the slaves and pawns he desires them to be.
>Exactly how do you know Sadam did not do so? Because Bush says so. Do you trust Bush?
>I do not trust Bush/Cheney anymore than Sadam Hussain. Do you trust Bush? Why?

The real question is why are we disarming Iraq?
We are running around the world disarming nations and guess what nation will be next 
on the listAmerica.

Disarmed people are slaves.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] The Rot at the Center of the Empire

2003-03-16 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

On Sat, 15 Mar 2003, Ray Boeche wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-
> On Saturday, March 15, 2003, at 03:43  PM, BillK wrote:
> > But if it?s the U.S. government contributing to the deaths of hundreds
> > of thousands of Iraqi children through the most brutal set of economic
> > sanctions in history,
> Why does it always fail to dawn on people like Hornberger, that Saddam
> Hussein is the one who could have, at any time in the last 11 years,
> lifted the sanctions imposed on his country by the multi-lateral
> conglomeration of the United Nations.
> All he had to do was disarm to allow his people to live like free
> humans rather than the slaves and pawns he desires them to be.

Are you a total dork? Disarm yourself to be free!?

The same principle of power applies equally
well to humans as well as to governments.

When one of the parties has a gun and the other is disarmed,
which one do you think is free and which one is the slave?

The world respects only those who have power, guns or
nuclear weapons to defend themselves. This is a fact and
Bush himself has shown us the proof of this, observing
how he treats Iraq and North Korea differently. -

The "wife" with a gun is getting the silk gloved sugartalk
treatment, while the other is getting continuous beating
and raping, never satisfying her husband. - How did she
ever dare to pick up and point a knife at him!?! Beat her
till she subjugates!

In this world only those who have "weapons of terror"
seem to have any sort of power at all. Be it husbands
with muscles or wives with guns/knives, or governments
with terror weapons.

We are about to witness Bush proving us this very
principle of power in action, and it also explains
why US Government is so keen to disarm it's own
citizens when their power threatens officials in power.

If you still think there's nothing like disarming yourself
for freedom, I can provide you with a nice cage together
with my dogs in my back yard.

However, "What you sow is what you reap". I am sure we
will all come to thank American politicians for authorizing
the sales of their bioweapons around the world, just like
a bad husband may come to thank his wife for the rat poison
in his food.

God Bless America.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] (Fwd) [American_Liberty] Iraqis launch campaign of sabotage an

2003-03-16 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---


The London Sunday Telegraph
Iraqis launch campaign of sabotage and defiance to undermine Saddam
By Con Coughlin

Open acts of defiance by opponents of Saddam Hussein's regime have
intensified in the past week, with saboteurs carrying out attacks
against Iraq's railway system and protesters openly calling for the
overthrow of the Iraqi dictator.

The most blatant act of sabotage took place 20 miles south of the north
Iraqi city of Mosul when members of the Iraqi opposition blew up a
stretch of track on the Mosul-Baghdad railway, causing the derailment of
a train.

Before fleeing back to their base in Kurdistan, they left piles of
leaflets by the side of the track urging the Iraqi soldiers who were
sent to investigate the explosion to join the "international alliance to
liberate Iraq" from "Saddam the criminal".  In a separate incident, a
rocket-propelled grenade was fired at a train illegally transporting
fuel from Baghdad to Syria.

Demonstrations were also reported to have taken place in Kirkuk, where
an estimated crowd of 20,000 marched on the Ba'ath party's main
administrative headquarters demanding Saddam's overthrow.  Three posters
of the Iraqi leader were torn down and a grenade was thrown at the
government building.  One senior Ba'ath official was reported killed in
the attack.

There were also unconfirmed reports that another demonstration by Iraqi
Shi'ites in the holy city of Kerbala last weekend was violently
suppressed after the intervention of militiamen loyal to Saddam.

The escalation in attacks by Iraqi opposition groups has also been
accompanied by widespread acts of anti-Saddam vandalism.  Posters of the
Iraqi president, which adorn every public building, are being openly
defaced and vandalised throughout the country.

Until recently anyone caught carrying out such acts would have received
the death sentence.  But the mounting acts of open defiance against
Saddam's regime is indicative of the growing confidence being displayed
by the main Iraqi opposition groups.

"Until recently such acts of open defiance were very rare, and were
dealt with harshly," a Foreign Office official commented yesterday.
"But as Saddam concentrates his energies on trying to protect his regime
from attack, Iraqi opposition groups are becoming more audacious in
their attacks."

The only area where Saddam can rely with confidence on the loyalty of
his security forces is in the Ba'ath party's heartland around Baghdad.
In an attempt to reassert his authority Saddam last week issued a
directive ordering Iraqi officials not to give up their positions and
flee the country.

To set an example, members of Saddam's security forces arrested a civil
servant in the al-Hurriyya suburb of Baghdad on suspicion of preparing
to leave the country.  The unfortunate official was then tied to a pole
in the street and passers-by were ordered to watch as his tongue was cut
out and he was left to bleed to death.

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[CTRL] Clinton Lost Nuke Launch Codes, Blew Bin Laden Attack

2003-03-16 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-



Saturday March 15, 2003; 3:08 p.m. EST
Clinton Lost Nuke Launch Codes, Blew Bin Laden Attack

Bill Clinton spent the better part of last week criticizing President Bush's
prosecution of the war on terror.

But the ex-president himself was accused on Saturday of losing U.S. nuclear
launch codes necessary to defend America from a potential weapons of mass
destruction attack - and even blowing an opportunity to kill Osama bin Laden.

Citing a bombshell new book by White House whistleblower Lt. Col. Robert
Patterson, who served as the president's military aide from 1996 to 1998, U.S.
News & World Report reveals: "The day the Lewinsky scandal broke, Clinton
was to trade in his 'biscuit' with the nuclear launch codes. But they were

"We never did get them back," says Patterson, author of "Dereliction of Duty:
The Eyewitness Account of How Bill Clinton Compromised America's National

(Comment:  I sure hope the codes were changed ASAP)

Patterson's recollection of the national security bungle isn't the first report
suggesting that Clinton had a casual attitude about the nuclear codes. In 1994,
the American Spectator magazine revealed that he wanted to reward an
Arkansas State trooper for not corroborating accounts from other troopers who
said he'd used them to pick up women.

The loyal trooper was offered the job of carrying the nuclear football, even
though, according to colleagues, he had the tendency to break down and cry in
stressful situations.

According to Lt. Col. Patterson, Clinton was also unavailable to make a key
decision to kill Osama bin Laden, a move that, if successful, could have
prevented the 9/11 attacks. Incredibly, he claims, the ex-president ducked calls
from the Situation Room to approve a 1998 Tomahawk cruise missile attack on
bin Laden's lair, then waffled until it was too late.

In 1996, Patterson claims, Clinton was "too busy watching a golf match" to sign
off on a bombing mission in Iraq.

In two speeches this week, the ex-president complained that the Bush White
House hadn't been flexible enough in dealing with Saddam Hussein.

"[Bush] sent 150,000 troops to the gulf, which convinced everybody we weren't
serious about UN inspections," he told a Manhattan audience. "That's how we
got into this political mess."

At one point in his speech the ex-president even seemed to scorn his longtime
friend and key U.S. ally, Prime Minister Tony Blair.

"Some of the people in the Bush administration - they get buyers remorse over
here," Clinton claimed. "They say, 'Oh my God. We just agreed to let that rascal
[Saddam Hussein] stay there if he disarms and we want to get him out of there.'
"We need to go to war here, right?," he continued. "So the only person who's
really for the thing anymore is Tony Blair."

Click here to listen to Bill Clinton's bombshell admission - embargoed by the
mainstream press - that he turned down a deal to extradite bin Laden to the

Read more on this subject in related Hot Topics:

Clinton Scandals
Saddam Hussein/Iraq

Editor's note:
"CATASTROPHE" Reveals Bill Clinton’s Role in 9/11 - Click Here to find out
Trooper Patterson’s tapes: "More Than Sex: Secrets of Bill & Hillary Revealed!"
Click Here Now!


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[CTRL] Setting the Record Straight

2003-03-16 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-


Setting the Record Straight

By Christopher Westland

It’s not an exaggeration to say that anti-Americanism has been the main
marching tune of the post-modern left for decades. Almost uniformly, they
insist that America and her semi-competitive private corporations are evil.
On the other hand, and all the monopoly corporations of the socialist states
and petty third world dictators with obscene, secret bank accounts, are
unquestionably good, no matter how many hundreds of millions they’ve
murdered in the name of the ‘progressive’ cause. If some mass-murderer
pretends to care about the plight of the impoverished ‘workers of the world’
trapped under the lion’s paw of private corporations, he’s automatically
elevated to the status of socialist deity. You know, “the only good monopoly
is a state monopoly”. The left insists it has the A.N.S.W.E.R. for all of us.
But the veneer of their thought process has worn extremely thin, along with
the patience of most rational minds.

And in the wake of a waning 911 memory, the anti-American mania has
reached a new high. The egalitarian fantasies of the communo-cultists on
the far left have soared beyond the realm of mild neurosis, to sheer,
irrational psychosis. Their attachment to their Stalinist utopian pipedream
has become the political equivalent of the garage physicist’s obsession with
a perpetual motion machine. How else can anyone explain the non-logic of
the pop rhetoric? And at the forefront, for the entire world to view, are the
Hollywood media stars. These people have convinced themselves that if
they can play a Ph.D., they can think like a Ph.D. And these movie mavens
of intellectual acuity have finally even outdone themselves.

Notables like Harry Belafonte – whose main claim to fame was being one of
the first black persons to sing on white radio – thinks that makes him
superior to not only the rest of us, but the highly educated Dr. Condoleza
Rice and Colin Powel, two individuals who have achieved some of the
highest and most demanding positions in black history. Then there’s the
spelling-challenged, Jewish Barbara Striesand, would have us believe that,
like Neville Chamberlain before us, we can appease the neo-Nazi Islamo-
Fascists who swear they’ll kill every Jew on the planet, and somehow she
and Israel will go unscathed. And George Clooney claims “we can’t beat
anybody anymore”. Should we suggest he just speak for himself on that
one? Especially the next time he visits a public bar without bodyguards. Fat
chance, of course. Which brings us to our point.

Martin Sheen himself, the icon of liberal activism, the ‘real’ American
President of the American West Wing Left -- since George W. Bush is
considered an illegitimate child -- has become the self-appointed
spokesperson for the anti-American peace movement of the 21st Century.
>From the Mid East to Europe, from South America to Singapore, the world
is choosing up sides against American Liberty in a way not seen since the
late 1930’s, and Sheen wants us to become pacifists. May we be forgiven if
this seems as astonishingly irrational as a woman offering to “turn the other
cheek” to a violent rapist [SIC].

Now Sheen’s activism is clearly genuine, if not perhaps misguided, so we
can charitably assume he sincerely means well. And he did have the
chutzpah to publicly call George W. Bush “a moron”. But by his own
admission Sheen allowed that he doesn’t “have the kind of intelligence or
the makeup to be a president”. And incredibly, in a 2001 BBC interview, he
insisted that the only original things of importance that the U.S. has ever
exported to the rest of the world were “Alcoholics Anonymous and Jazz

Oh, really.

Well, just to set the record straight, let’s examine that last anti-American
statement in at least a little depth before we follow this guy and his fellow
glitterati all the way to the “Virtual White House”, and possibly into a
complete new global dark age of neo-feudal totalitarianism. Let’s just take a
look at just a few of the things officially recognized as America invention
exported to the rest of mankind. Other than the twelve-step program and
reefer madness music, of course.

Besides the modern constitutional representative form of government given
to the world by the Founding Fathers, the one we now call ‘democracy’,
here’s a selected few of the ‘Oscar’ quality achievements bequeathed to the
world by “stupid white American men”.

In the category of Health and Medicine:
1842 Crawford Long: ether anesthetized surgery
1880 Dr. C. D. Fleet: “chapstick”
1905 Albert Einhorn: Novocain
1913 William D. Coolidge (for General Electric): the X-ray tube
1933 John Lundy: intravenous anesthesia, using sodium pentathol
1935 Robert R. Williams: isolated and synthesized vitamins
1940 Vladimir Zworykin & James Hillier: the electron microscope
1943 Selmen A. Waksman: streptomycin (curing tuberculosis)
1945 (circa) Alfred Free: gluc

Re: [CTRL] Why we're going to liberate Iraq

2003-03-16 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

> Why we're going to liberate Iraq
> by David Kupelian

Lets see

We are going to invade Iraq and turn it into a bleeding wound
on the American economy for the next 10 years in order to
remove the guy the CIA originally helped install in the 1960's
in order to take away chemical and germ weapons sold to him by
American companies.

AND in the process we will make the US even MORE HATED
in the Arab world thereby making Bin Laden even more popular
throughout the world and encouraging more volunteer terrorists
and money men to flock to Bin Laden's cause.

Yup, sure makes a lot of sense to me!

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] The Rot at the Center of the Empire

2003-03-16 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

> Why does it always fail to dawn on people like Hornberger, that Saddam
> Hussein is the one who could have, at any time in the last 11 years,
> lifted the sanctions imposed on his country by the multi-lateral
> conglomeration of the United Nations.
> All he had to do was disarm to allow his people to live like free
> humans rather than the slaves and pawns he desires them to be.
> Ray

The point of sanctions is to cause death and suffering to mostly
women and children in order to put 'pressure' on Saddam.
Of course Saddam has no 'pressure' since he lives like a

The sanctions are nothing more then US fostered State Terrorism.
This is 'collective punishment' that is a form terrorism defined
as a war crime by the Nuremburg Tribunal.

Not only do sanctions not work - they cause the dictator to blame
all problems on the sanctions. Dictators like Saddam and Castro
love sanctions because it makes the US the enemy and the cause
of all domestic problems.

Bin Ladin loves sanctions - they are a big part of his anti US strategy
in the Middle East - just as Bin Laden is rubbing his hands in glee
over the imminent US invasion of Iraq.

The current gang of NeoCons who run DC must be taking lessons
in stupidity.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Deadly Pneumonia Spreads to Canada

2003-03-16 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


   WHO officials warn of deadly pneumonia

By CP and AP

   TORONTO -- Health officials have confirmed a ninth Canadian case of
   atypical pneumonia and are preparing to test hundreds of potential
   patients as worries grow around the world about the highly contagious
   and potentially deadly disease.

   Doctors don't know what causes the illness, which is believed to
   spread through close contact with an infected person.
   Yesterday, Toronto officials confirmed a seventh local case, a day
   after announcing that six family members had been infected, including
   a mother and son who died.

   The seventh patient had come in close contact with the family, but
   officials wouldn't say what the connection was.
   There have also been two cases in British Columbia -- unrelated to the
   Ontario infections -- where one person remained in hospital yesterday
   and the other has recovered.

   No cases of the disease have been reported in Manitoba, the province's
   chief medical officer confirmed last night.


   Dr. Joel Kettner said the provinces and Health Canada are developing a
   plan to combat the disease. It is expected to be made public in the
   next day or two.

   In the meantime, Kettner said physicians have been made aware of the
   disease and are watching for it.

   The World Health Organization made the rare decision yesterday of
   declaring a worldwide travel advisory, based on reports of the
   disease's spread around the globe.

   The organization said that in the past week it has received more than
   150 reports of atypical pneumonia, which it is calling severe acute
   respiratory syndrome (SARS).

   "SARS is now a worldwide health threat," said Dr. Gro Harlem
   Brundtland, WHO director general. "The world needs to work together to
   find its cause, cure the sick and stop its spread."

   The growing list of countries reporting cases of the illness include
   China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and
   Vietnam. Most cases involve medical workers.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] The Rot at the Center of the Empire

2003-03-16 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 3/15/2003 11:39:53 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

All he had to do was disarm to allow his people to live like free
humans rather than the slaves and pawns he desires them to be.


His people may have more freedom than you do.  Prudy
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Carlos the Jackal

2003-03-16 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Arab News

In Prison With Carlos the Jackal
Othman Tezghart, Al-Majalla
Published on 16 March 2003

PARIS, 16 March 2003 — International terrorist Ilyich Ramirez Sanchez is
better known as
Carlos the Jackal. He has been in a French prison since 1994, and spoke to
Al-Majalla magazine, a sister publication of Arab News, in an exclusive

In the wide-ranging interview spanning two weeks, the world’s most
wanted terrorist of the turbulent 70s — who executed many a PLO
operation — spoke of his childhood, love won and lost, his family, his
Moscow education, his support for the Palestinian cause and his
conviction that he will be killed on his release from incarceration.

Carlos grew up in a socialist environment. His family had moved from the
suburb to Caracas, Venezuela after the country became rich in oil.

“My mother was a very loving, intelligent housewife,” he said. “My father
was an educated political activist who specialized in international law. He
was a supporter of revolutions.”

His most memorable childhood moments were his first trip on an airplane,
the birth of his sister and her death after just three months, the
nationalization of the Suez Canal and the subsequent attack on Egypt.

His childhood dream was revolution, and his role models included Stalin,
Che Guevara, Gamal Abdul Nasser, Fidel Castro, Mao Tse-tung and “my
father” — all men who struggled for their countries and had visions that
traversed beyond their national frontiers.

Carlos’ most important memory of his life in Moscow was “my love story
with the mother of my son, my expulsion from the Venezuelan Communist
Youth Movement, my expulsion with my brother and 15 other Venezuelan
students from the university in Moscow and the attempt to recruit me by
the Russian KGB.”

He was ousted from the Venezuelan Communist movement because he
supported the idea of military struggle against Commander Douglas Bravo.

When in Moscow, he knew students from all over the world. “I also knew
some Soviet citizens from different backgrounds.”

Carlos said he knew Refat Aboown, who was his classmate in Moscow. He
was a secret fighter and he always wanted to remain that way.

“But most Palestinian students were from the Fatah movement.”

When and how did he become a Muslim?

“In October 1975 I was training and supervising a group of commandos who
were all Muslims. We were launching an operation against the Zionists in
South Africa. It was a difficult operation and we all expected to die. They
told me to become a Muslim so I would join them in paradise if I died. I was
very touched, and later I did convert.”

Carlos first visited France in August 1967.

“It was empty of local people because of summer holidays. Most stores
were closed but it was beautiful and I loved it.

“I have a great ability to adapt and it is my nature to love people. That’s
why I feel comfortable wherever I go. Cities I liked the most, other than my
hometown Caracas, are London, Moscow, Budapest, Amman, Damascus,
Paris and Beirut.”

Carlos said he had “only four major” love affairs.

“Whenever I remember those women, I fall in love with them again.”

If Carlos has a life after his imprisonment, he will spend it in Caracas. But
he says his chances of release are slim. “Barring a direct intervention by
my government to release me and respect for my civil rights, I do not see
any possibility of freedom — except through military action. Since the
enemy does not respect his own rules, then there is no way that I will be
released by a court of law. I’m fighting a legal battle just because I like to
defend my principles.”

In any case, Carlos is certain that he will be freed only to be killed by his

According to him, the French authorities made repeated attempts to
encourage him to jump jail after they arrested him but he was too smart
not to fall into their trap.

Given another chance, would he try to escape from prison? “I will never
participate in any such attempt even if political prisoners planned it. I’m
not going to put my life in danger with an attempt that could lead to my
capture by my enemies. I’m sure that I’ll leave this prison one day after I
get compensation for my suffering. This will not happen until there is a
military operation planned from outside the prison, not inside.”

How was he drawn to the Palestinian issue? Was he influenced by the
Palestinians who studied with him in Moscow?

“I first knew about the Palestinian issue in 1965. I was in Caracas at the
time. My father worked as a legal consultant to a Palestinian businessman
named Bashar. He told us lots of stories about events in Jerusalem in 1948
when the United Nations divided Palestine. I was 15 years old at the time
and very sympathetic to the Palestinian cause because I hated the fate
that befell them. My first contact with the PLO was in November 1966 in
London. I had limited contacts with Palestinians when I was in Moscow. I
was on

[CTRL] Fwd: The Bush/Religious Right plans for America

2003-03-16 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

--- Start of forwarded message ---
From: "carol wolman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;, >
Subject: Fwd: The Bush/Religious Right plans for America
Date: 3/16/2003 1:01:11 AM

  From:   "carol wolman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  Subject:The Bush/Religious Right plans for America
  Date:   Sat, 15 Mar 2003 23:01:11 -0800

  Dear Friends,  The following article explains how Bush got into power and

  stays there, who in America supports him, and what they have in mind.  I

  strongly believe that these people are terribly misguided, and must be
  the error of their ways.  The new peace movement has the true spirit of

  Christ, while Bush et al are clearly greedy, power-hungry monsters, who

  practice stealing, killing, lying, and many other sins, all the while
  professing to be carrying out the will of God.

  The battle of Armageddon is happening right now, between the
warmongers and
  the peacemakers.

  "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they are the children of God."
Matthew 5:


   Carol S. Wolman, MD


  This Web Page is produced by

   Democracy and the Religious Right,

   a project of the Center for Religion, Ethics, and Social Policy at Cornell

   By Joan Bokaer - Executive Director

  Last Update February 24, 2003

"We are talking about Christianizing America. We are talking about simply

  spreading the gospel in a political context."
Republican Strategist Paul Weyrich, 1980

 Winning the War

   "We need to find ways to win the war" Karl Rove, President Bush's
  political director told a gathering of the Family Research Council in
  2002. Family Research Council is one of the most powerful lobbying
  organizations of the Religious Right today. Rove wasn't talking about the
  war on terrorism. He was talking about the war on secular society.

   This web site features links to articles, particularly from the New
  York Times, that document a systematic effort on the part of the Bush
  administration and Republican-controlled Congress to overturn the
  of church and state and bring the government under religious control.
  the United States public is focused on Iraq, our government is
undergoing a
  conversion unlike any in its history.

   In the short time since Republicans won majorities in both houses of
  Congress, the federal government has issued an executive order allowing
  discrimanation in hiring, then another allowing government funds to be
  to build churches, both orders in clear defiance of a separation of
  and state.

   The Justice Department, under John Ashcroft's guidance, is supposed
  be focused on the war on terror. At a time of huge and ever-increasing
  budget deficits, the Justice Department has been spending its funds to
  challenge Oregon's assisted suicide law and California's medicinal
  law. It is insisting that Attorney Generals from New York and Conneticut
  the death penalty more frequently. It is interferring with academic
  by investigating the choice of a university biology professor to refuse to
  recommend students who don't believe in evolution.

   You will find in this website links to newspaper and magazine articles
  documenting the federal government's actions. Ironically, Ashcroft and
  almost his entire staff belong to the Federalist Society (Topic 3b) which
  advocates a weaker federal government and stronger states' rights (Topic

   To understand the war on secular society, we should go to the man
  has been perhaps the most influential in taking control of the Republican
  Party and giving the Republicans a majority in both houses of Congress:
  Robertson, founder of Christian Coalition. Robertson told the Denver Post
  1992 that his goal was to "take working control of the Republican Party."
  defined the war on secularism in 1991 at a Christian Coalition rally. "It's
  going to be a spiritual battle," Robertson declared. "There will be Satanic
  forces We are not going to be coming up just against human beings, to
  beat them in elections. We're going to be coming up against spiritual

   Robertson named his enemies in a 1992 newsletter, Pat Robertson
  Perspective. The list includes, among others, the National Organization
  Women, the National Education Association, the National Council of
  the Gay-Lesbian Caucus, as well as People for the American Way, and
  Americans United for a Separation of Church and State. They are lumped
  together as the "radical left."

   "The strategy against the American radical left should be the same as

[CTRL] Weapons to U.S. and France

2003-03-16 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

March 16, 2003

Iraq Links Germs for Weapons to U.S. and France


WASHINGTON, March 15 — Iraq has identified a Virginia-based biological
supply house and a French scientific institute as the sources of all the
foreign germ samples that it used to create the biological weapons that
are still believed to be in Iraq's arsenal, according to American officials and
foreign diplomats who have reviewed Iraq's latest weapons declaration to
the United Nations.

The American supply house, the American Type Culture Collection of
Manassas, Va., had previously been identified as an important supplier of
anthrax and other germ samples to Iraq.

But the full extent of the sales by the Virginia supply house and the
Pasteur Institute in Paris has never been made public by the United
Nations, which received the latest weapons declaration from Iraq in

Nor was there any public suggestion before now that Iraq had — apart
from a small amount of home-grown germ samples — depended exclusively
on supplies from the United States and France in the 1980's in developing
the biological weapons that American officials say are now believed to
threaten troops massing around Iraq. The shipments were approved by the
United States government in the 1980's, when the transfer of such
pathogens for research was legal and easily arranged.

A copy of the pages of the Iraqi declaration dealing with biological
weapons was provided to The New York Times, and it reveals the full
variety of germs that Iraq says it obtained from abroad for its biological
weapons program.

The document shows that the American and French supply houses shipped
17 types of biological agents to Iraq in the 1980's that were used in the
weapons programs. Those included anthrax and the bacteria needed to
make botulinum toxin, among the most deadly poisons known. It also
discloses that Iraq had tried unsuccessfully to obtain biological agents in
the late 1980's from other biological supply houses around the world.

The quantities of the agents were described in terms of ampuls, which are
sealed glass or plastic containers about the size of test tubes.

Iraq has acknowledged that it used the American and French germ samples
to produce tons of biological weapons in the 1980's. It has repeatedly
insisted in recent years that the program was shut down, and all of the
biological material destroyed, in the 1990's, an assertion that the United
States and many other nations have said is demonstrably untrue.

The United States, France and other Western countries placed severe
restrictions on the shipment of biological materials in the early 1990's,
after the extent of Iraq's biological weapons program became clear in the
aftermath of the 1991 Persian Gulf war.

Spokesmen for the American Type Culture Collection and the Pasteur
Institute said that they were not surprised that Iraq had identified them as
the exclusive foreign suppliers of germ samples to its weapons programs.
They said that all of their shipments had been legal and that they were
made with the understanding that the agents would be used for research
and medical purposes.

"A.T.C.C. could never have shipped these samples to Iraq without the
Department of Commerce's approval for all requests," said Nancy J.
Wysocki, vice president for human resources and public relations at the
American Type Culture Collection, a nonprofit organization that is one of
the world's leading biological supply houses. "They were sent for legitimate
research purposes."

Michele Mock, a microbiologist at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, said in a
telephone interview: "In the 1980's, the rules were entirely different. If
there was an official letter, there was no reason to avoid providing this
material. One good thing now is that the rules have changed."

The Iraqi statement on its bioweapons was prepared by the Iraqis in 1997
and was incorporated in its entirety into the full weapons declaration
provided to the United Nations last year, officials said.

The bioweapons declaration was obtained by Gary B. Pitts, a Houston
lawyer who is representing ailing gulf war veterans in a lawsuit claiming
that their illnesses were explained by exposure to chemical or biological
weapons that were known to be in Iraq's arsenal in the war. United
Nations officials confirmed the authenticity of the document.

Mr. Pitts said that American Type Culture Collection, which is a defendant
in the lawsuit, and the Pasteur Institute should have known in the 1980's
that "it was unreasonable to turn over something like this to Saddam,
especially after he had used weapons of mass destruction in the past."

"It's ironic that we're now talking about going into Iraq to clean up these
weapons," Mr. Pitts added.

He had previously made public a copy of Iraq's chemical weapons
declaration. In it, the Baghdad government identified several major
suppliers for its production of nerve gas an

[CTRL] Shiite opposition

2003-03-16 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

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Iraq's Shiite opposition in show of force

March 16 2003

Hundreds of fighters from Iraq's main Shiite Muslim opposition faction put
on a rare show of military force at their northern Iraqi base yesterday,
with their leadership vowing they would act independently of the United
States in the battle against Saddam Hussein.

During a rare public parade by the Al-Badr Brigade, the armed wing of the
Iran-based Supreme Assembly of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SAIRI), the
group's number two said his well-disciplined army would quickly move to
secure areas captured from the Iraqi regime in the hours following a US

"We will do it our way. We have our own plans," Abdul Aziz al-Hakim told
reporters at the Al-Badr Brigade's recently installed base in a lush green
valley near Darbandikhan, in the southeast of the Kurdish autonomous zone
close to the Iranian border.

"The message is that it is Iraqis who should oust Saddam Hussein. Our role
will be real participation, and we do not need outside help," al-Hakim said.
"We are not going to sit here and wait, we will be providing on the ground

When asked if his group was in any way coordinating its armed operations
with Washington, he boasted that "on the level of field actions, there is no
specific agreement with any country because we don't need it".

The Al-Badr Brigade, which has up to now been largely kept out of the
public eye, is believed to number
between 10,000 and 15,000 fighters. Many of the fighters based here
crossed from Iran in recent months in the countdown to an anticipated
US-led war aimed at toppling the Iraqi president.

SAIRI is also engaged in talks with Iran on allowing more of its fighters to
cross into either northern or southern Iraq, officials here said.

The parade outside Darbandikhan, 45km south of Sulaymaniya, included
some 800 fighters from the militia's Imam Ali unit.

They were carrying Kalashnikov assault rifles, rocket-propelled grenades,
heavy machine guns and communications equipment. Most of the fighters,
who appeared to have been recently equipped with new uniforms and
weapons, were in their 30s or early 40s.

Dozens of new Japanese-made pick-ups, mounted with recoilless rifles,
mortars and rocket launchers also rolled past a podium of SAIRI leaders to
the beat of a small military band.

Darbandikhan is situated in the southeast of the Kurdish autonomous
enclave in an area controlled by the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) of
Jalal Talabani.

The PUK and the rival Kurdistan Democratic Party of Masoud Barzani have
divided control of much of northern Iraq since the aftermath of the 1991
Gulf war.


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"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it." The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama Sutra

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2003-03-16 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

March 13, 2003

by Thomas Fleming

Neoconservative hatemongers are stirring up the Francophobic bigotry
that lies just beneath the surface of the American mind. Not content with
hurling the charge of anti-Semitism against anyone who wins an argument
with Bill Kristol (the line would extend around the world) or happens to
have something (a foundation, a magazine, a job) they want,
neoconservatives who have never fired a pellet gun or put on a pair of
boxing gloves are deriding the French for cowardice and calling for
boycotts against French wine. The assembled patriots and heroes of the
House of Representatives, not wanting to be outdone, have even renamed
the French fries and French toast served in their sumptuous, tax-
subsidized restaurant. I hope they also rename French doughnuts, which
used to be known as German doughnuts, before an earlier set of chauvinist
cretins changed the name.

What a country.

Picking on the French is a natural reflex for Americans. Our British
ancestors, after conquering France in the entirely futile and unjust
Hundred Years War, demonized their victims and burned Joan of Arc, one
of the greatest women in our history, at the stake as witch. The French
have been fair game ever since. Although France was the boldest military
nation in Europe of the past 500 years, English novelists consistently
represented French characters as mincing aesthetes tradition brilliantly
satirized by W.S. Gilbert in Ruddigore, in which a hearty British sailor
represents a British privateer’s decision to flee a French frigate as a
gallant action:

For to fight a French fal lal,
It’s like hitting of a gal.
It’s a lubberly thing for to do.
And we with all our faults,
We were sturdy British salts,
Who took pity on the poor polly-vous,
Do you see
We took pity on the poor polly-vous.

Ruddigore was written over a hundred years before Rupert Murdoch
created the Weekly Standard as one of his weapons in his campaign to
undermine the United States.

Anti-French hysteria reached its peak in Mark Twain’s worst book,
Innocents Abroad, and old Mark —Confederate deserter turned court
jester to the plutocrats—could always get a laugh by playing to the lowest
qualities of the American character—our hatred of every excellence we
are incapable of. If the French are the most civilized nation on earth, so
much the worse for civilization. “Mankind,” he used to say, “is somewhere
between the angels and the French.”

In Twain’s case, the humor is both faux-naif and two-edged, aimed as much
at himself and his countrymen as at the sophisticated foreigners, and his
Joan of Arc is a remarkably sympathetic depiction of the French saint. On
the other hand, the neoconservatives and their pseudo- conservative
allies—Messers Limbaugh and O’Reilly—are no laughing matter. They could
not tell a joke to save their lives; their knowledge of the world outside the
petty urban hells in which they are confined approaches zero; and their
patriotism is on par with their moral conscience.

Why do I say they are not patriotic? A patriot loves his nation and his
people. Neoconservatives hate the real America. At best, we represent a
four-hour delay between appointments in New York and Los Angeles; at
worst, we are pitchfork-wielding rednecks, fundamentalists, kukluxers,
wobblies, and Coughlinites who prefer reruns of The A-Team to reruns of
Friends. We buy our clothes at Marshall’s instead of Saks or Brooks
Brothers. We still eat fried chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy for
Sunday dinner, and we drink tap water, for goodness sake, not Evian (made
in France!).

They want our boys and girls to die for their political schemes, but you will
never find a neoconservative in combat. Norman Podhoretz was in the
army, but to fathom the depth of neoconservative contempt for America,
you have only to read the account of his days in the army in Making It
(what, I wonder, is the “it” in question? I have never heard that Norman
ever made anything—not a poem, not a house, not a model
airplane—except a fool of himself.)

I succeeded in staying out of the military during the Vietnam War, and I
would never assume the right to tell others to do a “duty” that I shirked.
So much for patriotism—and moral conscience. Even in little matters the
neoconservatives display their immorality. They are always in favor of
bombing, embargoing, and boycotting anyone they disagree with. The fact
that the US bombing of Yugoslavia killed as many people as Serbs and
Albanians were killed in the preceding year of ethnic strife in Kosovo
means nothing to them. The fact that as many as half a million Iraqi
children have died as a direct result of the embargo on Iraq that they
support is all the fault of Saddam Hussein. The fact that French farmers,
businessmen, and workers, whose political views we know nothing of, will
be hurt by any boycott of French products will not 

Re: [CTRL] The Rot at the Center of the Empire

2003-03-16 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

On 15 Mar 2003 at 22:39, BillK wrote:

> All he had to do was disarm to allow his people to live like free
> humans rather than the slaves and pawns he desires them to be.

Exactly how do you know Sadam did not do so? Because Bush says so. Do you trust Bush?

I do not trust Bush/Cheney anymore than Sadam Hussain. Do you trust Bush? Why?


"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so
long as I'm the dictator."

 -GW Bush during a photo-op with Congressional leaders on
12/18/2000. As broadcast on CNN and available in transcript on
their website http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0012/18/nd.01.html

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Rep. Kucinich: Obviously Oil

2003-03-16 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

From: http://www.alternet.org/print.html?StoryID=15359

Obviously Oil

Rep. Dennis Kucinich

March 11, 2003

Editor's Note: Although Dennis Kucinich was aggressively attacked by Washington Post
columnist Richard Cohen for suggesting that the preemptive strike on Iraq was based on
oil, the Post refused to print the presidential candidate and Ohio Democrat's response.

Is President Bush's war in Iraq about oil? Of course it is. Sometimes, the obvious 
is the right one: Oil is a major factor in the President's march to war, just as oil 
is a
major factor in every aspect of U.S. policy in the Persian Gulf.

Ask yourself:

What commodity accounts for 83 percent of total exports from the Persian Gulf? What is
the U.S. protecting with our permanent deployment of about 25,000 military personnel, 6
fighter squadrons, 6 bomber squadrons, 13 air control and reconnaissance squadrons, one
aircraft carrier battle group, and one amphibious ready group based at 11 military
installations in the countries of the Persian Gulf? (Note, the disproportionate troop
deployments in the Middle East aren't there to protect the people, who constitute only 
percent of the world population.)

What was Iraq's number one export when the U.S. made an alliance with Saddam Hussein,
sold him biological and chemical weapons agents, and then did not object when he gassed
his own people?

For what major Iraqi resource has Saddam Hussein denied contracts with the largest U.S.
and U.K. multinational companies? (Note, those companies are the #2 (ExxonMobil), #4 
Amoco), #8 (Shell) and #14 (ChevronTexaco) largest companies in the world, and the Bush
Administration has been known to listen when large energy corporations speak.)

For what Iraqi resource did French and Russian multinational companies receive 
contracts from Saddam Hussein? What valuable commodity does one reprehensible,
megalomaniacal tyrant (Saddam Hussein) control that another reprehensible, 
tyrant (Kim Chong-il) does not?

How do the White House and State Department plan to pay for a post-Saddam occupation 

The answer to all of these questions is oil, of course. Oil obviously drives U.S. 
in the Middle East. So who can doubt that this war in Iraq concerns oil?

Meanwhile, the justifications the Administration has made for this war can be rather
easily dismissed. Contrary to Administration assertions, a war against Iraq will not be
in self-defense: Iraq does not pose an imminent threat to the United States. It doesn't
have the ability, nor has it ever had the ability, to shoot a missile or send a bomber 
harm America. Iraq does not possess nuclear weapons. Furthermore, there is no credible
evidence that Iraq had anything to do with the terrorist attacks of 9/11.

No credible link between Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda has been made. Iraq did not have
anything to do with the anthrax-containing letters that killed several Americans.

Contrary to the Administration's portrayal of an Iraqi threat, Iraq is hardly uniquely
threatening. Sixteen other countries in the world have or might have nuclear weapons, 
countries have or might have chemical weapons, 19 other countries have or might have
biological weapons, and 16 other countries have or might have missile systems. Yet the
Bush Administration is not on the verge of invading them.

Contrary to their denials that this war has anything to do with oil, Donald Rumsfeld,
Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle wanted to go to war in Iraq long before they became
Secretary of Defense, Deputy Secretary of Defense and Chairman of the Defense Policy
Board. In a 1998 letter they sent to then-President Clinton, they stated "it hardly 
to be added that if Saddam does acquire the capability to deliver weapons of mass
destruction ... a significant portion of the world's supply of oil will all be put at
hazard... The only acceptable strategy is ... to undertake military action as diplomacy
is clearly failing. In the long term, it means removing Saddam Hussein and his regime
from power. That now needs to become the aim of American foreign policy."

Does President Bush's war in Iraq concern Iraq's oil? Obviously.


Presidential candidate and Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) is the ranking Democrat 
the House Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats, and International
Relations. Visit http://www.kucinich.us

--- End of forwarded message ---

"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so
long as I'm the dictator."

 -GW Bush during a photo-op with Congressional leaders on
12/18/2000. As broadcast on CNN and available in transcript on
their website http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0012/18/nd.01.html

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

CTRL is a discuss